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J-84-666 RESOLUTION NO. A RES01.,11TTON AUTHORTZING THE, CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A 'CONTRACT, IN A FORM ACCEPTAT311: TO T11F? r;T.V ATTORNEY, WITH MIAMTAi:. �_ T FaF,. i)F''I i.r��;;�.3sT 1:1C CDT) WHICH nF3`)tr 1)1 1 ,r�0 r}t?r} Tti i 11NP5 TO .F. INCRF:1-- ,14, 1 ` 000 REVOI-VIf1(; �,.)�p1 I1N1, (Ft;,FTC11 r11_.30 - P R 0 U`,.i)F:. i.'(? nolr) Txi F Ii'11 ,"_ r rl1� THE ADrII!J i R 'F s.()i? II ZTHER AUTHC)F,T (-'.1`I `r' 19r,;,Ac;1,F i() {;C?FIUEX, IN ACCORDS=tkJ,' 1,1TT11 THF, CIOHTR! CT. FUNDS AS ALLOCATED C' ROM T11t; 10TH Y1,:AR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, on March 8, 1984, the City Commission passed Resolution No. 84-2�11, approving a contract with Miami Capital Development, Inc. (MCDI) for $120,000 in administrative funds and $1,300,000 for the establishment of a Revolving Loan Fund; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City that the Contractor's Revolving Loan Fund activities should continue and be expanded for the purpose of economic development; and WHEREAS, on April 5, 1984, the City Commission approved Resolution No. 84-384 and Appropriation Ordinance 98-34 which included an allocation to MCDI of $500,000 in funds to increase the existing $1,300,000 Revolving Loan Fund and $120,000 in funds for the administration of MICDI from the 10th year Community Development Block Grant Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Miami Capital Development, Inc. (MCDI) which provides $500,000 in funds to increase the $1,300,000 Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) and which also provides $120,000 in funds for the administration of MCDI for the period of July 1, 1984 to June 30, 1985. CITjy`i��gg CssUspNII,�ISS 1�' EErd11'1c iDy JUL 31 1984 Y Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to convey, in accordance with the contract, funds as allocated by Resolution No. 84-384 and Appropriation Ordinance No. 98-34 from the 10th year Community Development Block Grant Program. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 31st day of Julv 1984. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE Mayor ATTEST: "WAW041" . . APPPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 8-G W CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA 124 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Howard V. Gary City Manager DATE: July 6, 1984 rtLE, SUBJECT: Agreement with Miami '. Capital Development, Inc. for . 120, 000 in Admini_strctive Funds FROM: Charlotte Gallogly f?EFEP.FNCE:.' and for y500,G00 in Director ���✓✓✓ Revolving Loan Funds Department of Economic Dotielopment ......... July 30th Commission Agenda "It is recommended that the City Commission <.pprove t1e attached resolution a.t)thor�i:�:i.n�; t;he City Manngcr to r>nt. r i.n,:o contract agreerle-r1t the form increase: th c.x i :iri i ,000 Revol.vinl, i-.oan i itiGr1d which a so prov i. a1 0 , � 0C) in funds f or t )l e t ci ir, i ri of MCDI ; f u r t h e r- :.1-) 1)o1 z : i_�nr, the City t'1a11ail"car to c:r,�,�;<<����, in accordance 41,th i l;c Contract, funds allocated i ror11 tile, loth year Community Development Block Grant Frogram." On March 8, 1984, the City Commission approved Resolution No. 84-291 establishing a. "1.3 million Revolving Loan Fund supported by $120,000 for administration, with Miami Capital Development, Inc. (MCDI) for the period of July 1, 1983 to June 30, 1984. Accordingly, a contract between the City of Miami and MCDI was executed on April 25, 1984. On April 5 .i1, 1:)f5 t:hcs City UoTrimis:ion Cpprov--d Resolution ,,(D 8�--384 a l;propria .1o11 ()I - dire .nCe ido. 963 -311 : h41ch, i.;,c1udc-d an a110C,t i o n far MCDI of 1,�500,000 Jn funds to incr"ca e the existing w1,300,000 Revo1vinL=, Leon hunt end :120,000 for tic -----d inistration of 4MCDI for the period of July 1, 1984 to Jurle 0, 1985 from the loth year Community Development Block Grant Program. Howard V. Gary Page #2 This resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute the attached contract with MCDI from July 1, 1984 to June 30, 1985; provides an additional. $500,000 to be added to the existing •$1.3 million Revolving Loan fund; provides for the disbursement of the $500,000 in Revolving Loan 'rand` In Munn 30, 1985; and provides $120,000 for the admi.rai•:0I,rat.ion of the Revolving Loan Fund. CG/SP/ju Attachment TABLE OF CONTENTS Ent ARTICLE I 1.1 Contract Provisions ARTICLE 11 2.1 City Authorization 2 2.2 Obligation of Contractor 2 2.3 Ob 3, i ga, k-ion of City 3 2.4 Contract -modification 3 2.5 4 2.6 13o;-3rd of Directors 4 2.7iaf3_.c_. tai.vr Committee 4 2.8 Coi-nrili,�,.Iicc-ral, State and Local 4 T'aw's 2.9 and Assigns 5 ARTICLE III' 3,1 Work Program Specifications 3.2 Loan Program Specifications 5 3.3 Marketing of Work Program 6 ARTICLE IV 4.1 Budget Summary 6 4.2 method of Y'undi.ng 6 4.3 Financial. Accountability 8 4.4 p,e tell t.ic,n of 1(,-!,cords 8 4.5 Submission 8 4.6 Yienefits, Job Descriptions 9 4.7 T.n:-��urance 9 4.8 r Evaluations 10 ARTICLE V 5.1 Project Publicity 11 5.2 Equal Opportunity 11 5.3 C5nflict of Interest 12 5.4 i n 0, c n,,,n i f _4 C a t i o n 12 5.5 Leveil of Service 12 5.6 DiscloLure of Funds 13 5.7 Purch -ia-ing and inventory 14 5.8 Y'ina'd. Kxr-,endx Report 15 5.9 C1 is 5.10 0;,,,ner,,riP of DOcu'llents 16 5.11 r',A,.,ard of ;�qreement 16 5.12 Leveraging 17 ARTICLE V1 6.1 Gene 7r-1 Assurances and Certifications 17 6.2 Opportunities for Small & Minority Busi- is 6.3 Citizen Participation 19 6.4 Anti -Y �ickback Provision 19 ARTICLE VII 19 7. 1 Total Funding 7.2 Aut omnti.c Renewal Provisions 14 7.3 Ti.mc of Performance 20 20 7.4 of Funds 20 7.5 T _tn.l.o o sets 21 7.6 ran ��1_t-. p3-oz�i 9ions AR` TCLE VI T T g l Tei-;nination Clause 22 22 _ 8.2 Availability of Federal Funds ARTICLE IX 9,1 General Provisions 22 ARTICLE _ X 23 10.1 Signatories � S ti` 3 CITY OF MIX?11, FLORIDA MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. (MCDI) THIS AGREEM-NT, entered into by and between the City of Miami, -1 J, N. -1 Of tbr� ;trite of Florida, hereinafter a political silb( referrPd 1.-.o 1^ Ttic. here j na f t, i� r, Tf, lc_� n Con r --i (-,- I I'� f �c r n 7 1 hcndy r.)r organi7ecl �n n c-Jr-,f--5,11f7 ;i-10 b�,- --ri fl)�� -0 ""i-1- corp-or;e) icn-1 of F 10 T i (I C-1 Office 0 0 W, 9"111-1 I'loar? Tllami, Florida, 33132, this day c)f .1.984, for the period beginning July 1,1984 and ending June 30, 1985 Vendor No. Funding Source: U.S. Depart- ment of Housing & Urban Development fCo-,ununity Develop- ment Block Grant) % A In consideration of the covenants and agreements. hereinafter set forth, —the parties hereto agree: ARTICLE I As a necessary part of this Agreement, the Contractor agrees to provide the City with the following standard requirements.. 1.1 CONTRACT 13KOVIS10114 1. 2. Contractor's Corporate Seal (to be affixed to Si.cmat:.©V f Page) Copy cf Contractor's Charter, Articles af and Dy-laws. 3. List of pre2sent principal governino membc4r,t; of tl,.(.- hozird (names, .4. List oi:' fey -,A-fif With the-ir Who will Carry Out_ 5. Job for all positions involved With 6. COPY «f L JUr'-01 _ �- '� J�QliCieS. 7. Copy of Contractur'_, current fidelity bond (applicabjL_ for all p=jcan who are authorized to receive and disburse funds under this contract). E 17J B. Proof of wo,:ker's Compensation Insurance. 9. Completion of Authorized Representative Statement (on -form, -^uppl-ied by the City) 10. Completion of Stat�,-.mcrit olt Accol-intilIg System (on form slIIPPJJ-sad by 1-111,; CJ-Ay). I. CPA lei-- 1:rr V03-i. fy.i.-'(J I-13n Co. ritractor ' s Accounting Svsto.m ar ccan, a ning inl,crnal cont-rols which are adeq,ua-"--(-,- to � ;7) fC-rj11<1r(! 01--c-�,Rni.7--ation's, assets. 12. Compl(,,�'C.ion of si.--aff Salaries slch,�-du,)-c (on form supplied by the City). 9 - 13. Loan -Product-i-on Sclvdulc (on for-111 supplied by th-a City) . (C'e.c mpos Jtt,)rJJC,(-J) 14. Final E,-Ip(nditui7cs Repor-t (to be ubriitted to the City on an approved form no later: than 30 days after t13.(3 of this Agrcement). o bc si-ft-,iii-ted to 15. Certifica In6epericlent, Ai-.idit (t�- t. - ;-cr vlia-.1 120 days of ter th cxpiration the City �4io I.a. of this 1.6. Work (including Guidelines for the Revolving Loan Y'und). --17. Corporate Resolution authorizing execution of this • contract. All of these items are subject to the approval of the Department of Economic Development. ARTICLE II GENERAL OBLIGATIONS 2.1 CITY AUTHORIZATION For the purpose of this contract the City of Miami ' Departm,ent. of Economic Development (DED) will act on behalf of the City in tl,)e fiscal, programmatic monitor- ing and control of thiE contract. 2.2 OBLIGAT10N OF' CCJNT!'\AC'-VOR The Cont --actut- and- 'Lindarstands that this Agree,,-,ent: should b-, of Y-&-ilure to col",ipl, I c i t�"e right to withdraw and re-appropr-E.ItL- fundis. The Cont-,,a - 2 agrees to carry out the project as prescribed in its. (including Guidelines for the attached Wor'K Program, Revolving 1,0,-In -he writtc-n pf-"1Jcj_(7'.s and manner, in -Ind m f� n I'- s procedurc�;, Agreemen-Z.- �;ct f()7c1-_I1 J-_)Y U-10 Uni-1-1cd state ,_s Secret-ary of Ile C_i_t, (.)f mi Tic paj:Lmn'-, of C.- nity p -n c,vclopmc-nit and d, Economic Develops Cn and. al state I e -na. local. laws-. The Contractor ha-31-1 not `0 3-1, in a way j.1,-).conF ,ist-ent xvitl-j -Ile c _crT 11-s of Lhe woj:`- P Ia n ving Loan Fun. (including Gui6clincS, :cor ncvol by the City�*s 1.0. ;,1rtment except as author -_L7-cd in P of Economic Develop-mient, and approved by the City, manager. 2.3OBLIGATION OF CITY 2.4 a - TO provide $5M,000 in funds for the expansion of a Revolvin(; Loan Fund (RLF) ci,,il)ject to the attacb-ad work prb- gram, and to provi.Ce fundo-1 not To c;,:cced ',,120,000 for the administration o-If" said fund as ti,,ell as, any and all funds previously or subsequently received by MICDI from the $1-,800,000 RLF.and $960,000 HUD RLF. ,CONTRACT MODIFICATION The City or Cont.ractor may, from time to time, request changes in the of Services to he perfornedhey t>uc:cl� Such `ricluuinT -, c-I increas- or antount o-f Cuntrl'.ct()r cui,!�); n in, which arL. U! un hY and thu- :C-.c pt),_ C.4 o II I r u e, m,:_ I I L 0 1-:1 0 Id L� ;j 2 SO 2.6 NON-DELEGABILITY It is understood and agreed that the obligations under- taken by the Contractor p-_)rsijant to this Agreement shall not h_h 6c1eqateO to any oth�r 1)^rson or City shall first consent iii w-rit-11.ng to pc_rformance of suclh services or any part thereof by another person or f -irm. BOARD OF-PIRECTORS The Contractor's Board of Directors, in accordance with its reco.niC. ly )-(,jy 4 Articles of incorporation, shall contain a mc-mbership who represents the civic and of Metro-Miaimi private sector. in accordance with. the Bylaw's of the Contractor, the Board of Directors and Executive Committee shall each meet 'dn a bi-monthly basis, to set policy and -renew the I implementation of policy. 2.7 THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Board of: D-irectors shall establish an Executive Committee to carry on the affairs of the Corporation on a dav-to-day lba,,is. 2.8 COMPLIA.`'C!_ WITH Y'EDERAL, S11ATE AND LOCAL LAWS Both partlit.c.,, -,A-)(-_I! cons nly with all applicable laws, ordinanc(_:.;, an1 f of �.in,] local go vernme rl t., t I I u C-onL:x,actor yree�s, to comply 1a 111 c) I ft C-1 t I" of 1974 Zin ....... . . .. --------- 11246 anci 110(,,'�; and UrbG n DL- ve !LjiLm4�1,t Pt t3Y 19 6 f6l- ct 3 - 4- This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties herein, its legal representatives, successors, and assigns. ARTICLE III WORK PROGRAM 3.1 WORK PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS A description of the Contractor's Work Program -Attachment II (including tsar Guidelines for the Revolving Loan Fund) is attached an6r) herrb-�y S-ncopoated and made part of this 3* rr Agreement. The T-Jork Progriam. may be modified at any time by an affirmative vote of the City Commission. 3.2 LOAN PROGRIU-1 SPECIFICATIONS In administering the Loan Program that is contained in and con:7titutcs a part of the Contractor's Work Program Specifications, the Contractor agrees to the following covenants and conditions: (1) To implement the Guidelines for the Revolving - Loan Fund that are attached and hereby incorporated p and made art of this Agreement. In implementing these guidelines, it is -understood that only businesses withir.,the pre. a _,U vent target areas of the City of Iliaind llil,,dt.,_, ,ill eligible to receive- loan.,3 under this c-ontrac�f., Revolving -.1,C)LD F'U11U. 1:-1 a,(36ition, tht--, sure th L, t �_,pprove-. (3 to -ins- kvi 11, Co 3 1 e, c4L- AV Q 1" Y_ 1C. job for (.-vt_,r% to �1.5,oco. To di tl:irty 3 t C-x (2) or z,,., 'D 10 tee (3) To I o'n S by ( ' t 1.) li 11.1- n g L -C, a I -p C, for Yclht tha I or eaual _mail" lu'oal_t� a r t I I e I x . -11 C>,I I I t 1 0 f 0 100 4 0 loarls are_ I 5 0 0 0 0 (4) To t, cIJIJ I J! it(1-, J,. kJ u Co i,Uut forraulate Po I i Y c r. 5__ec3 This poiiC-Y / would th 00, o c 0 ec t on 000� ex tLryla ol 10:-:ucluure pi:.oceduret; Ifor To establish a Loan Production Schedule of the number of loans that the Contractor plans to issue to thr* h1jr . .nr-"54S f _'n_ -min 1111 n m i a m i Such scbediiip. uIrm),('14 increase emph a s i.s nn r - -Z (SBA) The Ci-,--v -nmlt: ;-ppiove- this production sche(lulf7 to j,ts implementation. 3.3 MARKETING OF T'31OPY PTIOGRM In the mar. keti.ng of the Work Program Specifications, the Contractor r;hall 'have a program targeted at key business individi-ials in the oconomic development pro ccss of Mirimi in such in(lust--c-4es, as )Danking, finance, rcal estate, retailing, and non-profit neighborhood developers. ARTICLE IV 4.1 BUDGET SUMMARY The total Contractor 1984/1985, budget summary attached hereto, as Attachment III, I . - - made part of this Agreement. is hereby incorporated and 4.2 METHOD OF FIRMING (1) Revolving Loan Fund: The Contractor agrees to drawdown loan funds when there is a scheduled loan closinc,,. Requests for drawdown-s shc)uld he _�,ubmitted. withi.n ten working day:; before the schc-duled date of lea try closings, in rfiler tn assure tha-tC. t-he funds are Z-.Vailable. If for all the loan doe!� not C)C-,-Ur, "Che Cantxt.C�k..-or i�" provide t1h(- City with z, ch(_,C!': for thu-'- the advdrtce(�, 12 huur1-e---s c u pocket cot-'t,, fv_,,: 'no t)ie ues proce—s. credit invetiqations. coiitractor agrees that no 21_0aF closings will occur unless the City is present.. A L71 11 Administrative Expense: The City agrees to reimburse Contractor for specific line -item administrative costs, incurred in its 39.84/ 1985 budget froi-ii July 1, 1084 to June 30, 19P53 v;hich will not exccea S1_20,000,00. cont racl-Or City with invni.ces' cancrll(-d (-I)ec'k5 (-,)r 'Iny othcr proof r"_ administrative cxj_cnse. Si3ich j.-, c i mb u r S e M (I n t Contain a stat-cmcnt occlaring and, af �`J_rmiinq thad-. 7111 A - in ;iccorJanct- with th(7� ap disburscm,"� proved J.n support (_'-f -e budget- 7',11 03 0 C I IM C' 1-1 x, quest is made and all invoices should have been paid by the Contractor prior to submission. All reimbursements must be in line item form and be in accord with the Agreement. All expenditures must be verified by original, invoice with a copy of the cancelled check which was used to pay the sspccific invoic.c. In case that an invoic,. is paid by various funding -sources, a copy of the �7 invoice mjjL-j- 'jj.4 ay be ilted but must indicate the exact amount paid by various funding :sources equaling the total of the -invoice. ize-que-,ft for budo,-1- lino -item 171,10 approval changes;.re %,�74 th prior revi by they City. )%uou(:'3ts fol- idvanlic& 1:aylrent s cSh,F�111 be submitted, including thu amount and is justi- fication in writing to QED for revic�.w and approval. 4 -867 4.3 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY The City reserves the right to audit the records of the Contra(�Jnr if- irr,,, tine during the performance of this agreeme7nit ;-)T')Cl foie ;i period of three (3) years after final pay; clif-. --his, Ag7r-r-enc.,nt u.pon �,-ritte"n notice to the COT)tr,-ACI-_or by cii:y ManagQr_ Flch pnvTient there tof o, 710c-- shn',j to ro-f-Inction for a- mounts incliiCl,-(I in the r(7- 1 � 1 11 A- J_atc(7i i--Iiicli a.rc found by -he City, on t)"(' of -,tic h no-L: -I..-,o consti- tute Ainy p,,.yiPcn'I_- ra.y I-)c rcd-,i(_-cd ior payments, or incrcased for unOci-paymcni--s on pre47eding invoices, or Nouchers or to repay any amounts. The City will monitor the financial and programmatic records of the Contractor on a semi-annual basis, 4.4 RETENTION OF RECORDS • 4.5 The Contractor agrees to retain all financial records, —supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records, pertinent to this Agreement, for a period of three (3) years. The retention period Starts from the date of the sub -mission of. the final expenditure report. Records fox property acquired with funds under the Agreement, L-hall be retairic-;d for a period of three (3) years after it-, final d'iSP0S!iL_;On. Said records shall be retainu-,d beyo:,id the three (3) years period if the audit findings have not been resolved. REIMBWSEMIENT - TIRELY SUBMISSION Requests for )ayiztent -hall bc:. made an a monthly basis. c.) t I k- _- t for incurred during the lift-_ cl A not be honored unless received ti)iyty (30) days following the e x1)iT E t iC) 11 u,_tc In 'L-icn, the Clity thall make LI ) reinib,ur, �;unl.,v.nt to 0%,z_ Cont:cactor withiri tc-n o working days after rect::ipt of reii!,.!I_-,,ursement pact. -age. IME MHOM 4.6 SALARIES, FRINGE BENEFITS, JOB DESCRIPTIONS To be foy_- r-iml-wirsemcnt for personnel costs, the Cori tl-. 71-a c-,"r.c) r . 11;7 1 J-, rni 1-- to the City -or approval, in acco1.-Oanc(71 477,i.iZ Drpjrl-Me-jit quJAclines, a detailed stat, mC-1111' of the T_,,crsonnel pQl i.ca.cs of the Contractor_ . e, but not be 1,,-f,T'a_iJ'-_c-d to, fringe balic'U'l-S, resumes -C�ions for contract 5taff., inci-bod us(la to COMPul-Ic' Wca pro I (.-,. cedurc_-;, paid and sick ti,mc , v7orl�j-719 I)MUcS, Office holidays, colliputation of i-:agcs, job (le-3criptions to include job, zin a t action plan, In CqUZ31 C'TT1Q?10_1'_!11r-j-jj- Oy---)ortujji1-y statement, disci- proccj"rcr, incl k- format for and frequency of employee evaluations. The personnel policies to be followed under this Agreement f.;Iiall be those used by the Contractor in the ordinary course of its business, pr oviding, however, such conform to the pro- visions of the I Ll -al hct of 1970 (Public Law 91-648 5, 1971). 4.7 B6NDING AND 111SURLNCE The Contractor shall maintain during the term of this Agreement, the insurance and bonds specified below: a) Insurance cove -rages Should reflect sound business praCtj.Cef- I . by t,e -i 12iskl Ilan clement Division of thu- Ci,L-.y of miiaitii. 'I'lle City be named as an &dditicnaA Ins-ured. b) Prior to the. of fuii(:'is to tf,-('� ContraclEor, the City 11: .1 C:v1Uc--1C(:-- t!17-4: 1, Pel-O handAl -L n y f"un d 1: e- i , J C- c! (Dr 6 12 b U 1,c d U 1', C-1 C- 1: C Agreem(-lit « _re- co-'Iered 1"y Fidel ity in an amount: wil-h -,"ouiid C) Thc- I a I I fO L '' C z-- r t i .1- i C Z-1 1: ie '_ 0 insurance _-iid to thccit-_,,' I to conuiien- I cing any activity ur'cIer the J11'.ore,::ii'iun11*., ::aid certificates shall clearly indicate the Contractor is in strict compliance with provision of this Article. -9- d) Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the Contractor of its liability and obliga- tions lend-r this Section or under any portion of this Agr-pern--it 4.8 REPORT: ATID t":UtAMIATIONS i The Cz E,y -h ,1 _IJ cn0 pr rya i_e with the Contractor in the conduct. of .ci i_L"i_t i.r r- delegated tincler this Agreement as reason,,lbl.y rcgne::3freci . The- Contr ict.ozr agrecs to submit to the CJA.y such -rc poa_ts as m,--.y be ,:.cgua_recl bNr 1-be Secre- tary of i_he ` ;-e-asury and./or of Labor anti/or Departmcnts of Co7�,mu.n:i,ty Ike re1-opment and Economic Development. <- fang �•= _ _h r(-}p arts tci ;:lie City on the Work Program and rcport s compor_i_ng loans approved, closed and disburser) to the planned Loan Production schedule. The reports that the Contractor will transmit to the City, in writing, shall include a Monthly Loan Portfolio Status Report,'' a Monthly Past Due Loan Report{ and a Quarterly Status .Report Management By Objectives (MBOs), all due within 30 days follrf - -the appropriate period. The Contractor, further agrees to de and transmit to the City comprehensive manuals outlining all the Contractor's operating procedures. The Contractor also agrees to prepare, retain and permit the City, in conjunction with Federal and State officials, to .inspect as It deems necessary f7or grant purr_ OsC?S, rc-- t way be relevani to Fed.er�a�. and. atat-e grants o.r cords . that directives (i.e,., E??i%< IZi�i , BUD anc. CD PULP). At the request of the City, C or7t.7`ac.t_ol- di11. to the City statemf:nnts of Contractor's official policy on specified issues relating to Contractor's activities. The Contractor further agrees that the City may carry out semi-annual programmatic and fiscal monitoring activiti. by the City staff and will effectively ensure the cooperz7z- tion of the Contractor's ednployee!�, and board members in such efforts. A11 reports and evaluations either submitted to the City, or acquired through on -going 7 monitoring and evaluation will. be thoroughly revieve-I \T r -I by the City. i ),v7 M'I t S c r P, !.es, 3nco 1 mplete i or cJIJ-Aier rociv-d on -.i monthly basis or an(-V,1111atton, will give the City just the legal catisr., to terminato this Acireoment at any time thereafter, as hereinafter provided in Section 7.6. ARTICLE V GENERAL CONDITIONS 5.1 PROJECT PUBLICITY % The Contxa(.tL,_-or must abide by affirmative action regulations`'` in informing residents of the geographical area to be served hereunder, of the services to be offered by uti- 1:1zing any available means for advertisement, as neces- ---sary for recruitment and outreach. Nt" I The City shall receive copies of all literature, adverti- sing, publicity and promotional material that is by the Contractor. the City will be given prior I -notice of all press conferences held by the Contractor. Ir" 5.2 EQUAL OPPOI'MMNITY The Co-viti.-_lctor agrees that there will be no against .-..jjy einploycl-e or served on account of color, reliq_icu or national origin i,i t and it -is thE: rt: celpt of evidence oe . L nation, 41-,he City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. • CONFLICT OF INTEREST No official or employee of the Contractor may be admitted -- I directly ex in(lixecIC-ly to any or 1. _pirt o"17, this contracIr 0--- '41--n any 11)(-n�f its 11--n are s� thc Same nor ov7n ox: an-,-7 perzon,0- i7i property, contra(--t or prnposccl, c(--nitract 1--hich wo,111fl or relat(-�� 1--o t-.he perrfor-mance , -I'Aicir (Iuf-ir�s n.-,- rc.�-,ponsi- bilitics ni-),der tlij-s cont-ract., Tf any _^Zlicli 71t ly or in th-c- or controlf; any, 2111M). share, bencflit, or, per.-onal intc7-c-t, lic- shall disclose sti.ch to the City and of l-lcr approp.---iat-(,-� 1, V agencies, upon -�uch pc-rsoll not continue 1.) i-: c'i- patj.o,zi unlcaz-:7, 3-t is dctcn-inaine-d b y the City )).J1.-),aiticipation is not coj-itr-ary to pub).5— interest. The Ccnitractor will comply with all Federal, State and local conflict of interest laws and requirement,-,.-` 5.4 INDEMIFICATION The Contractor shall indemnify and save the City harmle-Sn from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losseti, and causes of action which may arise out of Contractor's activitie2 under this 71,circ;ement, includiiig all other acts or omissions to act- on the of the Contxactor.-; or any of them, including ;any per"son acting for- or on psis or their behalf:, 1-in(a, fro,,,, aj�(j acains-t any Q C. merits or decrec,� whic', -,,Zly Id all costs oitLorney's nd )ial i in the defEnse of any such claims, or in the investiqatic,., thereof. In addition, the Contractor will hold the City barmlet�:; and will indemnify the City for funds which the city to refux,ld tile Ft7d - ra I (-)Ut CLAIdUCt- Of aCtiVitieS and z1d111ir1iStrat10J-1 of the - C-- i--11 I i e- ri t . *�T -12- 84-861 f 5.5 LEVEL OF SERVICE It is expected that funds are provided to insure quality service Ci-ty residents. should start-up tine- for a ")(:! J-1-1 serv'icn Occur, the program Department 0"" in writing givin(j all pertincr)'4. 03(-Lai-Ts and indicating wb(,n -service will beqin- and/or coxltiillle� It is ujjd(-?rsjk-oad and agrecd that the TeVel Of services' activiti.es an e,xpondil--urcs by the Contractor, in cxis- I- - tense prior to 11:1-ic ini"Ci,11-5-on Of SC-rViCeS shall be continued and not be rc(3,13ccd in any -'aay aS 1 ot for rcduction�; iinc rl-a - a result of this j4grecmont eNcc- 0 ted to the provisions or puc riposes berein 2 further understood and _agreed, that t1w, prograun funded through this Agreement will nbt result in the displa- cement of employed workers, impair existing contracts for services, or result in the substitution of funds allocated under this Agreement for other funds in connection ;,,-eith work which would have been performed even in the absence of this Agreement. 5.6 DISCLOSURIE Or FUNDS The Con'Lrl-ictor shall disclose all sources (Public and privatc-) cind. zmarju,,-.,ts of funds reflecting the total budgell- whether tl.hcey buy real or ill-11-ind Lt thc- of the coat_ x.-,*aCt 1)u-)- 2- OCI 411 C 1. 3llc! C ct c' V i�� of funds thrc!uc-h 211CC)111�-` Car :Ourc�� 1" during the- -k of , %"Tithi- 41--hirt-y (31(j) &:"Y'�' of such of to include free rent, labor, office equipment, etc. I 84-86 7 11 5.7 PURCHASING AND -INVENTORY The Con tn Y.- rijrees to use its best of forts to obtain all suppli-er, )i)(I r�qiiipment for use uDder this Agreer-ment at the COSE- 7,T)d tbrrr- (3) bij.0-CIZ for the purch,I.�(- of capi,tal i-"<,) accomparly n-j"T and, --3grcef; to pursue t-lin �' 011rcc�s to it t-o It.-lic extent t-o n)-.1 Fcdor,-)I, and local. laws. A.U. prop�rl,-y zacguil_cd . for the ProgrOl-m wit b cit-Y flinds, --Til.l to tlrze cit,y at the end of LA).(, C_J_4Ly'5 funding o" -Z-_h(a prourian, , non- expendal-A(--i j))-.c)pert_y being properties which will not be consumed or lose identity. The Contractor_ shall establizAl.-, and maintain a property control system and shall be, responsible for maintaining. a' current inventory on all capital items purchased with City funds. It should be - —clearly understood that all Capital Expenditures over $300.00 must be approved by the City prior to purchase. It should also be noted that all items purchased remain the property of the City and should be inventoried as such. This will include listing on a property record by description, model ,-,erial number, date of icqu4s`tion and cost. Such j?roperty shall be invento-i-ed annuaily and an iyorentory rej)ort, ubYi6Lt4L-,_c,O-1 to t-he, CJtN. 'The Contractor- City ft,:,ff access to the of perform,'!])C, _J. I,,,entur�y 01I r:;,n `XI-_- (_unt�r�--ctor "bass. 1, c r TDt- so rl, property \41th City i'und.s thiciu(il). us-e, loan or relocation without the written permission of the City. M ^14- H The Contractor shall be subject to and comply with the City's current Mincrit-y Procurement Program. TheContractor, i.n 'Lbc PI�,ocure.1-1i(n)t o", equipment, cons truct.-J. on or `�c-Lv-ice to f-*,-,IA _m4ke a po_sitivo cl-_-ro-vt to utili7-e snnall bu-7inr_-szs ;incl 4p_E:!; 1:-ol or-, m1ppli-c-s anlfl minority own�,d bu�J� , _ -11 -s k I- J I eC 0 and proN71.e�j( 11 -rc-, I- - 7zi "casibIr-- OPP03-I,In_-*I_..�r , -2 k, , I- - � f -h(- M, , _MIIJTI J_ t I to competc for con't-ra.cts -,--n be peri.or-medl this Agrcc.mc,,.nL-.-. To 1C.he maximum extent these small. bu,7;111C�ISS E-211d. Minori-ILY Owned, business sources shall be located in or owned by residents of the Community Development Target Area(s) designated by----.- - the City of Jliami in the Conununity Development Grant application approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. FINAL EXPENDITIME REPORT A final budgetary report shall be submitted to the City within thirty (30) days after the axpiration of the contract period- This report should reflect actual expenditL3rcI2, b-V lilic—itOINIS, versus PrOpQscd expenditures submitted at the bc-,inning of: the Contract year. All persons employcd and -pa-id pur-u-n- to thi 1(jr-ee.- should be listt,-d by nar,-iu, tItIC--, SOCi 1 ,Lu tY TIIiiII`_IjC_:]C date hired or te,rrcdnLted, Ethnic 1)_�ck(jround, and total salary both City and other funding sources. 5.9 AME N D 11-U _N li'S The City and the Contractor may, in their discretion, amend this; �-.qreei-zient, to conform with any contingencies Which way requre ��uch amend.ment. if reaui- /00, red, she be ill ILO this 1-.9reement upon app-1-oval and C`Lh-e City and the Cunt_,iactor. -I IN 4 — % i Gk , i I 5.10 OINMERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All writings, diagrams, tracing, chart-s-, and schedules developecl 'A-)y Contractor under this Agreement, shall be delivered to the 117ity by -said upon. tion of the work and. shall become the prop�rt_y of City, witholit re's-tric-1--ion or U-mitaL5-on on. their i.isc. Contractor aqrces all Jo-cuments, record s and rc-ports- maintaine-d -ind qcncralk-ec-1 to thii-s 170,n't-ractil-al relationship h�otwecn the City and Contractor shall be subject to all- Provi-ions of the Public Records Laws, Chapter 119, E-Jorida Statutt�s. It is further understood by and between the parties that any information, writing!;,. maps, contract documents, reports or any other matter whatsoever which is given ,y c ,b. the City to the Contrator pua r5unt, to this Agreement shall at all prancrty of the City and shall not Inc. uscdl by the Ccn'Lzractor for any other purposes wha.tsocver without the written consent of the City. 5.11 AWARD OF AGREEMENT The Contractors warrant that they have not employed or retained any company o_ persons to solicit or secure this and that havC7 not offere-d to P'! Y paid or _-(-Trce�ca to 1?ay any per'_`011 01' C(111*:tr)Lny 'any fee, or qif't; of any kind of The Contractu'r..- trt aware of the conflict of interest laws of the City of Miami-. (Miami City Code Chapter 2. ... - 16 - Article V), Dade County, Florida (Dade County Code, Section 2-11.1) r-:,ind the Florida Statutes, and agree that they will fail_-omply in all respects with the terms of said 1. a w 5; . 5.17 - LEVFRAGTNG The Contractor agrees to seek additional supportive or replacement funding from at least three other funding sources. TUs vi]J. al! � 4- - W� - ow , to the greatrst extent pos- sible, the. lctee. agin�4 Cc)-, m�jjij_�-k.y T C. In Block Grant funds. Propo�7-als to othe-r agencies will be made in writing and a copy of such provided to DED. The Contractor further agrees to the provision that cash loan dollars under this contract must be matched on a one to one basis with a private, public (non -City of Miami)eor equity source. ARTICLE VI 6.1 GENERAL ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS THE CONTRACTOR MSURES AND CERTIFIES THAT: 1) It possesses legal zauthority ,L-.o cnriter into this Agreement; a resolut--ion, -,i.iotion or similar action has been duly k-_6opt-(_-d Or PC-1-I'Sed as i;in official act of the Contractor'.,:, qcv(=rjiina body, authorizing the of the. iiicluding all under- standin3.s --Ind coot aiined herein, and directii,.g idc�i-ltified as the off ic-ial of -Chc- Cont.-actor to act ccnniaction and to providu ,uch adidit]'..on;._T t-:Is lrazay be required . -2r It will cc,,wply' wl�_'Ltli V-1 of thk-' I Rights Act of 1941' 6 �1 'O'V-3,52 -1(U 2 can(l a_n z;ccordance W i t 1 1 f t I 11 o L 1 0 I'l 1. Y j tilk:' Urlited erjtilu. (,You'fl(�'L' Oi or e's (Sect ol:-i V 0 31 2) patio$1 il�" oth'er- c r "Yc"Orzau or Fedel:al c _- L 11, f d I id, the con'tractor L11 1 '� aL C to Will Lliy :Y effL _Ctui�� t 3) It will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which limits the political activity o1jr employees. 4) it will comply v7i.t1i thrrf�-rpi 110 program under this vitir,-r, (;-0,c1j'_011 7-10), 5) It V75"IJ 7,s'feg-urlrclr, f-lo P31(-)T)1_T-),i_t rmrlfoyfas from 11!7ij)q lille7>j_7 110-'r 'a for prj.vat(-! (-,ain themselvCS or ot'Oerr, particu- larly thosc whom they have f a Mi, i, 1, or othr:,r (Scctilon 702(a]). 6) Participant-r, or employees in the,progr,-,n `Fovind pur- suant to this Agreement, i-;ill not be einPloyed on the operation or of that part of any facility which is vscd fmr rcligious ins t 3r.-uct i.on or worship (Sect.ion 703(31). 7) Appropriat-o, standards for healt-11 and, :;�q-(,ty in work and tradning situations wil-1 be (Sc-ction 703 [ 5] 8) Perscr):.; emiployed in jnb�-, 1.7.njer this not be lowcr than of (.�i) 1: h c Ic v,-1ii-ch i of 1938,- if t.o the pari:1j.(-J,-P,, 1 3 e c i o n .13 1."age for - the Vi.'iill)0(': 0 lit-, or (C) 1) c, o I cmployed in cm1--A. y r (SCC t 9) It Wil-I A re<-_ juirr--ments Of the (a� g enile- n t and BledetC i rcul ar A- 10 2 i E_n i-m, dzii.i. n 4,; trt ii. on ):�cqui rciTie'n t-s for Grants -in -I-,-id to State and Local amd ]Federal 1-lanag(.1ment Circular 71-4, "Principl.es for Determining Costs Applicable to Grants and Contracts with State and Local Govorrj.:iicnts.' 6.2 OPPORTU-NIU.'IES FOR SMALL' AND MINORITY BUSINESSES The Cont -raci-or sliall _mjk(2 z: pos;tivc, effort to utilize Small busines-f and !-riinority owned LuailiE as sources Of - -Supplies and -2,ervices, and pro-,.rHeic sourcctl,-Ie maximurrt orjpo--viyjty to C ut, r tEt for c),t ni- ties to 13(- ViLM'4U.,11t tO th' To the riiax�intwt � %-- e,tc-.jjt ft-, a Ila minority in or oviiud Ta rc2 e 'L llwd , 1'. Y " - - _� V* , �� 1:� t�_ U ;j 2 the Ccilut!"'Illity C I-- L -1 0 L, a jjj� ro V 4 ed by thtt. U.S. Department of 110u:�ir;q and Urban Development. -18- 8 4,NA-', , J e� 6.3 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The Contractor shall cooperate with the Office Of Commu- nity j,n informing the appropri-ateCo-mmunity Develo- pm n I: c I r 11 C 10eli n j_ng the app):op J-7u,,, 1.rarg(-'t 1 b!7_ �Ir: 4-i-vi ties of the Conf:rartor in carrying out the provisions of this Agreemont. 6.4 ANTI-NICKBACK PROVISION The Con -tractor will. comply with the Anti -Kickback Act, Title 12, usC _sect-ian 374, and provisions of the Federal Labor Stan (lards, Title 29. ARTICLE V11 FUNDING METHOD - 7.1 TOTAL FUNDING (1) Revolving Loan Fund: The total aggregate funding for the Revolving Loan Fund shall not exceed the maximum sum of $1,800,000., This sum includes $500,000 in new funds allocated under this contract. The contractor further agrees that it shall not expend these funds as administrative expenses. (2) Administrative Expense: The total compensation for this contract shall not exceed $120,000.00 for Contractor's 1984-85 budget. 7.2 AUTOVJATIC 1-11-K)VISIONS If the Contxctar -i-, --i.n good standing, riot in default under the ter. .Ls o_f tli_ii>c: r-E. t i i it., and the Con"Cractor and the City have titans fear th(e CQF1t17LCt.()j,-'_ end of the first term and each consecutive term thereafter, sel,—Suv e ........ . . . . . . . . . then the Agreement shall be automatically renewable for consecutive I year periods up to a maximum of 2 years, unless the City gives notice to the Contractor that it will not seek renewal. 30 days, prior to the expiration date of the then e_-j,�;tinc 7.3 TIME OF This be effective July 1, 1984 and shall be under tal-I., n a d co-mpleted in light of purpose of this .Agreement, all servicr�s required hereunder shall be completed by June 30, 3-984. 7.4 RECAPTURE OF FUNDS The City shall reserve the right to recapture all funds - and assets when the ContractQr, fails to comply with the terms of this Agreement or refuses to accept conditions imposed by the City or by the U.S. Department of mousing and Urban Development, as provided in Section 7.6. 7.5 TITLE TO ASSETS Funds paid under this Agreement are paid to the Contrac- tor for the purpose:, set forth in this Agreement and shall be used 2oiely therefore. The following convenants and conditions appl-V thereto: Mienever moony drz-,%,.,r.down and intendled to be 1caned or dis)--tir,sc-d pursu,,-Int- to a lo_nn/grant procz-an,1 approved under this, IS lot so banned or dis-bursed, it MU.S,, �,k' - j-, n C) r I)y the- horrower, fund_ -11,ay be 2) Wlic--n used i(_)r nul_ icztn un' pproved for othc.:r the ('ity of Collullu- nity 3) t N t h i 0 -C 'I tll'(L �960'000 LAUD G"'Fallt-, and any C' a-111. o -her 1 G'� I 110111_t-�L prova-ded or ss,ued to MCD1 an the City, t 1 v 1,11 PosL-es-'. ion of tha".. con- tractur or to lju- P�-Gvl('L-d ir, the future by the City, can be used for admini6trative purposes. -20- '34,N'0 i-t? CS � 7-7 Upon termination and/or final disposition of assets, interest on loans made by the Contractor and accru- ing to the Contractor shall be decmc?d to bp pirl'. of the funds alleci te�d to t-he', Contractor by thon C-it-T. pnrl sh,311 belong 1-o th_ 5) The Cornt--," (.71_-(Y): ie-_- Only to request funds lx-) pay a loan closinq a scheduled firm date for a �i-i d on-ly ten _j(.m,i _Tiq 7 1 days prior to the date of tip loqn Closing. 7.6 DEFAULT YJZ0VTr'J0NS 1) Funds may be withheld by' the City for any of the fol- JOW a) Tf t-liconti:act o Y- rial e s ar ty substantial misre presentat-ion of any mat!e-vial, fact in any of its periodic ecrorts b) If there -5-s lil'-liga-IL-ion pending with rcs-pcct to the the ConCractor which aC1vrSely affects I.Anc operat-ion of the Contractor. c) if the in --substantial. breach Of any of the prov_Lsions of its Agreement 'wit-h the City. d) If reports as required by the City have not been submitted within the time required or reasonable cause shown for such delay. a e Failure, for any rea,-;,on, of xdie Cont-ractor to fua-ill Jn it-J-P,21Y 011d prop�-,,r manner its obli- gation.� un(3cr sub-, IC-aritt.ial co.-�Pliance wi'Ll', the 1,-7ork Prograi-ni z-.nd 1-A,,- huag,:"t and such diructives ,-,uch L)rc-D'Yi-iQ gcncrally applicablc at any iCimle; t-hr, Coritrac- tor to the City of tball- arc cuhz;tantially incorrect- any in ainateria.1; zind� inQlf-fecjLive or impropc,,r use of fund's provided xan(lcar tliifAgreament. 2) Upon dissolull_-.ion of th',_ Cont,.:rzictor, Uc.riiil lon of this Aare ei-nent by inabiIiiLy to materi-ally Comply all Of itS, r1i,ght-s, t'�itic; i.nd _i1nLx-_--(.,S�L* -in il i t h e i r p r u, to e is n d HUD oz� issued to PICI)l by 'Llhe C. ty, of th(" colltri-�.Cto cir L(__ pru,c,.C; the fut-i)rc, 1,n,, thc_- city, a the Citv C, five (5) da;ys lj\, tht- 1AL", C_-A[ lr*,.I- i'A 1'k� I Th w (-) u I d I n u. d? f 11 l'ol" wl also Lu 3) 1: G11 _10i-!,�; 16&-dt� bY the Contra*c"t-- on this �CC.ru.111c;,, to t-he rontractor shall be deemed to be DC-2rt of the fun,d:�-, allocated to the Contract by the City. -21- 84—s(;e ARTICLE VIII 861 TERMINATION CLAUSE party by giving written notice specifying the effectli-�To, 0,-itc! (which shall not be leq--- than thirty days of i-jin aat-^ of i:ccej.pt of !--vch t'7ritte'n notice) may -I-,- in x -ol, or in part tjii , ;7IqT,.,7cmrn -4h e - �7 t_ for czi.usc x.Jiich shall inclnd�7! fail-11re for any reason, of the non -ter -min -,lt4riq party to fulfill. in a ti-mely and proper manner its obligation under this agree- ment. 1 Further, it is mutually agreed that the Contractor shall immediately, upon demand by the City, cease and termina.te any and activities including -but ty sub sidiary snot ji.pli4-cr1 oC it:7c)fand. an opeci.i. ic ;-indlar Proiects and. thalk-_ upon f s" c -7 accumulations thereon, e ma n cl o'j" 1])(, CJJ.y al -I'll 7111 shall jhe ('34 4 tlic City -and become the sole= I Ly. property o" ('-iJ 8.2 AVAILABIT,ITY OF FEDERAL FUNDS 9.1 All the obligations under this Agreement shall be contin- gent upon the availability of Federal funds and in the event that those funds are withdrawn or redu-ced, this Agreement shall be modified So as to reflect tlic changes in the availability of the funds. In the event that the Agreement roust *be terminatcell due to the unavailzibility of Federal. fund_,:-;, the Contract -or whall be entitled only to recaver the actuLll amou,Tit of admini-s1trativc, costs incurred un to the date ol' -Lei:itdna.tion, which in no event .:- cxcced the ar,.ount allocated for administrative costs under the Agreement. ARTICLE IX GENERAL PROVISIONS 1) The parties hereto agree that this Agreement shall be construed and enforced according to the laws, statutes and case laws of the State of Florida. -22- a& 2) That the Contractor and its employees and agents shall be deemed to be an independent cont-Tactor, and not an agent or employee of the CITY, and shall not atta.-in any r i 9 b t.-!rz o T- 11q n f it_.; i i. n c1c In r� C 3- v i. -1 e r 5- c o r s i o n 0 r 0, i ii � n (-- q of jh Ca, 7,; T- fn i-, y 41 , , , 1) r c r I! ly afforded vi T_ t 17, r he/she s )a i 711,o--J13,1 Itl k c-' r s Compensrl'";_J_(�Tl bczir�f-j't-s - in (-rt"Ployr-c of thr, CJT)�. No U7,15,17C,17 ,-,f (1�--r-med. to have b(-crmane e unle-,r, siicil lop- 3'n wr_-Itj.ng signed by the City k'-1,-inag,r. 0" " 11CJt1v� of Miami to i7is-i-si.- u-pon the 1trict performance of any of the j3rovi-sions or condl,tionS of. this Con- tract, F-h6l]. not he conrtr,),��j a -- ( s wai�.Ting or re- linquisbing in 'he fi.iturc avy s u c I C. A covenants or conditions ):)ut t I i r-, 7,amr shall cant t i.nu 0 and nd re- main in fu-111, force a, i i d e f f c- 4) All notic(.� or other commilnico-tinns -which shall or may be given to 'Ehis f7hall be in writing and scy -icc or by re - gister(-6 m-i-i of J-)\ r, Cc I I n W -s e 1: th c ther party iii. the !-zlme may bc ' "11c, SU'Ch DC. tJ CC Shall be decTw:("I c-i-co7" en c 1) y served; or, '11'1).-*__1.' cn the f 1 C-11 cla\' a Ler ):)e_i..11c 1-anted or the date of z- c. -L vi is C -jr. I ier. 5) Titles and paragraph headinQ2 are for convenient re- ference and are, not a part of this Agreement. 6) In the event of conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any terms or conditions contained in documents, the terms in this Agreement shall rule. ARTICLE X 10.1 SIGNATORIES The legal representative(s) of this Agreement, for the Contractor, should be the President and Secretary of the Board of L,;ir(_:ctors or ai'iy other per:,c)n the Board designates by i:e,.olution of ai-"Fidavit< This laff-idavit will be attache "i and mCide a part of this Agre-em€=nt. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their names by their duly �y= - authorized officers and the corporate seals to be affixed � - "hereto, all as of the day and year first; above written. µ' y CITY OF MIAMI , a municipal cor- poration of the! Sate of Florida - ATTEST: = By: V RALPH G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK HOWARD V . GA.RY, CITY 4IANAG i� = CONTRACTOR:.= MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. ATTEST: SECRETAR PRESIt�ENT -__ -- APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: DOSE GARCIA-PEDROSA, CITY ATTORNEY (SEAL) -24- 8 —W7 z 3_ r - �� z `€r'� kv'< r�