HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0858J--84-707 Ll 10 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE FINDING OF THE CITY MANAGER, 9Y AN AFFIRMATIVE ).=nTV 01 NOT I.I:S; THAN )1/5THP, OF THE ME"9BER; 01; 'tall,: CITY Cr)MMI.,;SIt>N, T 1A T THE REtJtIIIiY'P1I;II`' i'(;i; I (?I''1Ai. ::I A.I.T;i) RTIV) RE 1,gATVED AND T(!?.`i' "i_IIF, I;I�I1 i (:I�:3�IC`�` ►(7 IIRid'i ()F MAINITIFINANC,1% :;V1iITTC F, Oi; {;(}?i1>11TFJR 1)T111. JT MICROF'TI.- >TI�:P'I •:r)�iT1'IaT i.iT. "�!d A C.i11J.i tit+t;T BASIS FOR ( 1) YF:AF i•'TTil PRMV; `;1_C)N T � 1 I:PyrE:4� ANNUAI. U ,DUI JFC'1; TO AND TO THE: AVATl,AI3Il,J.Ty OF F (IND,' , IR0 'i 3111 (0;;1'Ql1l TTi)Id AT A :iOTAJ., PROPO ,l?i) I'RS'I' `''t fA11i COST OF $22,690.00 FOR Till,1)F'PAR'I'MFNT OF CO1tfl'UTERS BE APPROVED; AI,J,OCAY IG FIIl1D' TNi.REhOR. FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING }BUD(,ET OF THAT 1)I PAIITMENT. WHEREAS, the Department of Computers is responsible for processing and distributing microfilm and microfiche records of Police criminal histories, payroll history files, and F.A.M.I.S. reports; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 81-969 awarded Bid No. 80-81- 109 to 3M Corporation for furnishing C.O.M. Equipment, but neglected to authorize the renewable maintenance contract that was included in the bid; and WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received May 29, 10,84 for the furnishing of complete Maintenance and Repair Services for (_o.t;. S vsterrr I:crail>mer,t, on a contract basis for one (1) year, rent way ble annual.lv subject to adjustments for inflation changes, additior:s, and deletions to equipment, to the Departtr;ent of Computer-,; and E.A � invitat,iollt r..erc. rn<i:1t>d to 62 potential suppliers and only Grit. (1? �t,� u �,�<:,.., rc:cr-ivEd, that of Enfield's Inc., a 31; di sty, ibutor, V.,I ic1 <ift=rt_cl scrv:i.ce for but three {3) pieces of stand ,,lur,e accc:3:;ur�y etiui f)rii< tit ; �rrd W11LRF:A:;, DM Corporation submitted a late bid to the City on June 5, 1984, for the Service of the C.O.M. System's major components, including the minicomputer, tape and floppy drives, film processor and camera package; and Cris° cUmilI 14CE; t'lly c op JUL VI 1961 , e�n�hr,r:s. U U WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available in the 1983-84 Operating Budget; and WHEREAS, this Maintenance Service was needed immediately to r_-,l.iminate any interruption of user services and processing, for the :safety and wolfare of the citizens of Miami, and for tho- ccoeav;-�ni.cnec of the City; and t,?; 11 t„,;A;7, , t.;he ni.rncf;or of the Department of Computers has deternli-ned kIlle v.-r�l_i.rlity of this herein emergency procurement and ha.,, r�-(-,,c,rnr�ieildcd ti1c w"-')i_ V c r of formal. sealed bids and author znt i o=i of r), 'p, frorn Ii Corp(-at7_on; an t „i;Ilk i. detlermi.n.lt.i_on has t:>eerr approved and adopted as the findi.rigs of the Chief Procurement Officer and of the City Manager; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. By an affirmative vote of four -fifths (4/5ths) of. the Members of the City Commission, the City Manager's written finding, that the procurement of Maintenance Services for Computer Output Microfilm System Equipment constitutes an emergency, is hereby ratified. Section 2. The requirement for formal sealed bids for the procurement of this herein service is hereby waived, and the purchase of complete Maintenance and Repair Services for C.O.M. System Equipment, on a contract basis for oiie (1) year, renewable annually .catp je:.t to = c ju: tr:,cnt > sr?ci to the availability of funds, from 31' C'()r ,>c.xr­,rticirr, z'or, rtm(,tit of Computers at a total propo-,ed FJA,,:t yei,.r ro„ of` 22,6c,-10.00 is hereby approved with funds h(r(_-by «J21ocated from the 1983-84 Operating Budget of that Department, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 31 day of July , 1984. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR EST: Z z-z RAI, N G. ONGIEi CITY CL K PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: 70-13ER'l DEPUTY Cly AT0 R M E y, D CORRECTNESS: 1) To F" Fl" 4 A P P R 0 SE R 0 A ITY ATTORNEY re MW CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANOLIM TO Howard V. Gary City Manager FROM: Samit Roy, Dire-,, 01 Department of C.._ 41Ve tr s DATE: July 9, 1984 SUBJECT: Recommendation and Emergency Corp. for COM REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: It is recommended that a resolution be passed, by a 4/5 affirmative vote of the members of th,:, City Commission, waiving '611c 1, c- (11; ir em c- 11t, for c 0 m p e t i t i V '-, C , 11 c (i 1) J, - , 1 7 , ! - a 1. 1 i f yinand c o n f i r uii t),-- 1i of city A - Manager ).1-1 r�iicrr-oncy P r o c u, f—n A., 11 r- 11 "'r ,, ive C 1) IF 1; C, fo I, Lq"J' lflC1t ol it-ct1 lBasis r c 1 1) 1 C, a n n u a 1 11,0111 -z M Corporation in the propo4ed amount of F1, 'vljfltp� FILE: for Resolution Award to 3M Maintenance Pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received May 29, 1984 for the furnishing of Complete Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services for Computer Output Microfilm (C.O.1-11.) System Equipment, on a contract basis, for the Department of Computers. The existing System consist, of thirteen (1', —) major components and three (3) peripherril items, as detailed be -low. Invitations were mailed to 62 potential supp"Liers, but only one (1) bid was received on the opening date, t1hat of Inc. 1 offering service for just the minor cotrripone-it:' of tile system. (These items are stand-alone accessories: a ir-icrof-iche cutter, a duplicator, L",I)Q ;_" readier -printer.) On J , i r i -5i-x d'-:ys Ia the bid opening an.i a e 1 t to recc I v c-, c, o n i ci e r a, t i o n u n d (2 r n c rm (A 1 p r o c (2 c u r e Cc, r' G I- L! 7, 10 n submit'-(-d a bid to the City for t c- o" Sy 5 t eirl I s o r c 0 1 14 in o A -J e i) t s I I C; 1 u e 3 [.!11 n G i;A- t t- �-' L: L and floppy diifie,.' d r i -,., e s fi I'mi p r o c e ss o r p r i 1-1 t �:- " 11----T --63 z 1nes and a camer<-- pz.ick�-'ge with lenses and adapters,. The f i rrn gave mail -processing errors and vacationing 5 e- ry i c e managers as reasons for the delay. it Howard V. Gary City Manager July 9, 1984 PAGE 2 The C.O.M. System is used regularly by the Department of Computers to produce microfiche/microfilm records of police criminal histories, payroll history file, F.A.M.I.S. reports for distrii;ut:ion to ot.hcr City departments. Efficient functioning of this C.'qr. iP1'„Cnt. ill; yr :Z The oon r,< ct for thes(c Service is effective, f(�r pc-riod of one:: (1) ycar �ri.th the provision to renew nnt� i_1 ; . uo jr(tI to thc v:,:i.' a1)i1. J tj- of funds, continued satisfactor°fir perfor,rrance., n:a cr.i1_rst:rient,5 for, infIati.on and char.6es or deletions %Q cc.uiPlrrCrt. It has been determined thp-t the mmcdi.r-;te and continued operation of this System is essential to the ,3a f'ety and �. clfa rse of the Citizens of Miami and to the convenionc;e of the City. Therefore, the Procurement of Maintenance Sorvire:7, for C.O.I.I. r:,quij)ment from. 3M Corporation and the elimination of servicf, i.nt.c:rr•t pz.i.ons have been found to constitute an Emergency a5 per Cit.,Y Co is Section 18-52.6. Commission ratification of this findinf;g nd waiver of the requirement to obtain additional sealed bide, ore, Hereby requested. Funds for this purchase are available in the FY '83-84 Operating Budget of this Department. J-84-715 Alk RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND cnNFIRMING THE FINDING OF THF CITY MANAGER BY AN AFFIRMATTVF VOTE OF NnT LESIS T. HA*1 11/5THS OF TH(E��tgt'lEMPEAR:7 OF THE CITY t:Ic�ir4T yiog�, T [THAT f j'TiHE REQUIRJ J�:t�.N t� FOR I nrUI (J rrt"1t.i.� J'. D l' AT J'D AND T11A' yTII E"°Ft1�.FNCY F R 0 C 1RFI'll 4T OF MAINTENAIIK . Si RV 1 C >f II FOJ i,011Tj'!' �nER �OUTPUTT 1 ij '7 f', F. 0 l f i. P t 1 r. � � C, �� Al f 4 C / J� t RAC 6 MICROFTJ_.�9 __ _ _ti BASIS FOR ( 1) Y'E.AR.. T i i 11 R0VJ'.,101 T- RENEW ANNUAI.LY 1JF;'rE(:T TO AD. IJ Tri :iJT iWID TO THE AVAIL RTJ.:Td' Of` J: UNDS. E= RO0'l =;M COEPORATION AT A TOT14L PROPO.;E1) FTR S T YfEAR COST OF $22,690�00 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COt-)PUTERS BE APPROVED; ALLOCATING FUND,5 THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT. WHEREAS, the Department of Computers is responsible for processing and distributing microfilm and microfiche records of Police criminal. histories, payroll history files, and F.A.M.I.S. reports; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 81-969 awarded Bid No. 80-81- 109 to 311 Corporation for furnishing C.O.M. Equipment, but neglected to authorize the renewable maintenance contract that was included in the bid; and WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received May 29, 1984 for the furnishing of complete Maintenance and Repair Services for C.O.M. System Equipment, on a contract basis for one (1) year, renewable annually subject to adjustments for inflation and ch,3nEez, additions, and deletions to equipment, to the Department of Cotputers; and WHEREW :S, in,Vitatict1S were mailed to 62 potential suppliers and only on,- (1) bid was received, that of Enfield's Inc., a 3M d<stri b'utO!-, ;,hich offered service for but three (3) pieces of stcand—u .onv accie scry equipment; Lind WHEREri , "M Ccrpor3tiorr submitted a late bid to the City on June 5, 1984, for the Service of the C.O.M. System's major components, including the minicomputer, tape and floppy drives, film processor and camera package; and LZIT"IMPwa WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available in the 1983-84 Operating Budget; and WHEREA0, thJ.:3 Maintenance Service was needed immediate-ly to --,�Iiminnte any Interruption of user services and processing, for 'k"hn nafety wind 1-4(*.'1fnre of the citizens of Miami, and for the convrnirnrn of Ih(- City; and WHFREAS, the Dirnel-,or of the Department of Computers has determined thn vnlldit,,, of herein emergenoy procurement and has r c c o mun c n d e- (I tho w,) i -v c r of f or, rm a I se "? 1. e d bids and authorization of this purchn.7(_, fron, 311 Corpor-,),tion; and 14 1 -1 E R E Al " I t hi n d (i I; (-., r-m i n a IC. i o n h a .7 been a p p r ov, e d and adopted as 'Ghc findingof, the Chief Procurcmont Officer and of the City Man,'36,cr; 111014, TIHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF. THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. By an affirmative vote of four -fifths (4/5ths) of the Members of the City Commission, the City. Manager's written finding, that the procurement of Maintenance Services for Computer Output Microfilm System Equipment constitutes an emergency, is hereby ratified. Section 2. The requirement for formal sealed bids for the procurement of this herein service is hereby waived, and the purchase of complete Maintenance and Repair Services for, C.O.M. System Equipment, on a contract basis for one (1) year, renewable annually subject to adjustments and to the ava4lability of funds, Al from 3M 'Corporation, for the De-parti-en, of Computers at a total proposed First ycar cost;. of $22,690.00 is hereby approved with funds there fcr her(_by allocated from the 1983-84 Operating Budget of that Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 1984. MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR ATTEST: Y K pREPARED AND AppROVED BY: -,X saw R 0 B E R D E P U PLC CSTY ATA TO R M U APPROVED AS To FoRtl AND CORRECTNESS'. Z-A R C, -IA F i TOO 3 --At SE R ITY ATTORNEY 84-851n'