HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-08-16 MinutesCITY OF MIAMI INDEX MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CITY COKNISSTOR OF tlTAMI, FLORIDA AUGUST 16), .1.994 ITEM SUBJECT LEGISLATION PAGE NO. NO. 1 DISCUS"330rl OF PROVIO-SED FUTURE 11135 UTIIVERSEr MISS JIT'S, TF I TO BF ELD IN USA, PAGEW17�5 B MIAHI; REQUEST FOSS'1131,E FRANCHISE TO KISS FREE CUBA T" MIT -LE; REQUEST CONSIDERATION OF REQUIREMENTS OF PARTICIPANTS; ETC. NZ-84-940. 1-46 M-44 '841 M'84*942 M-44'943 2 GRANT TWO MONTHS CONPENSATION TO AIDA BAREA, ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE TO COHNISSIOPER JOE CAROLLO® H'84'945 26-28 3 DISCUSSION' XTEF%. HOUSIT'Gr Ar-P ISSUE. DISCUSSION 28�37 --4 ACCEPT REC01--lHE HDATI OHS 1`3"ADE' BY THE C01-11-1117TEE FOR AESPOE SIDLE BONDS REGAVIDIRG DISTRIBUTION OF THE FORTUC011ING HOUSIKG A-KD REDEVELOPHENT BOND ISSUE. K-44'946 W-84-947 37-50 5 A DrSCUSSIGN' ITEM: PPLIVATELY FINANCED HOUSIEG FOR LOW ARD 1,10DERT-TE IFCOHE. DISCUSSION 50-5-?- 6 AUTHORIZE ClTr llahl-'�AGERZ TO ARRANGE FOR 11OVING OF PALM TEEFES IN BLYPEOUT PARK Ig ORDER TO PERMIT A JOINT V`ENTUPIE BETWEEN THE ORAEaGE BOUL COHNITTEE AND THE FR01-10YEES OF TUE RIAMI GRAND PRIX. H'84-948 51-52 7 REFER PROPOSLL F011 CITY PAIRZI Cl PhTl Oil IN THE HIAKI GEL KD PRIX TO TRE CITY KhRAGER FOR RENEGOTILLTIONS LIED FUL`YRER LEPOrll. M-84,949 52-'53 8 PORT ACC ES`13' E 4I t >Er LGIlL"EHEUT R'84 950 53 9 ACCEPT 111 F I II LE: 11C C0101, ER DA-71 OHS NO. 1 THRODUCIR'll 4, FlAt THE FL01. OF TRAFFIC IN THE DWPOL','T 141.i.-ZL P-11"EL. M.84. 951 53-60 10 CONTILUED D I-". C U 1. C." L I cs 3 URIVERSE PAGEALIT. (Al Lr'l:0llFlZ`- -5-0,0GO. i'llLY RANA-GER IS FEEKITIIJ) TO TO SIGE"I'Ll) C011"TUACT FOR T11 E M'84;-952 60-'65 11 REQUE-Slt"- CITY -1-0 CUL'V"EY TO HEYLU THE CITYI!s W Pl-ll-hl�lll'L UITll Vi'Y THEY 1-11hUDLE L I IN Du lliT "I, i Ll- E il---v` I" L u b", 0 b" Vo EL C G 0 ttl c L L L LG- C. A T I ON OF CITY 011, L L TO utc- 0 I"01" ATE D DAD. M 84-953 65 12 AVG DIRE cin- kli Nll�iE I 'ro L'i U U I 4� L--Ll-.-_' VI1J)h E L" I L (: T I ':' V .l T L I.-.' f 1( 1--'- 1 1 L G G i , C 0 'Irk 'l i 10 k R S OFFICE �-AILCL Lk";' I G L U 1'1L' 1_' U, 1 L ri WITH CO h b 1 1 1 (111v- M-84 954 65-70 13 G- u u -to FOR 44'. i B-84-955 $00s oph Aii� 4 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION: ALLOCATE $4011000*- TO INTERNATIORAL HEALTH COUNCIL EVENT TO BE HELD IN MIAMI SEPTEMBER 21 THROUGH 23RDr WITH R-44-956 7142 APPROVE IF PRY"CIPLE A TlEQIIEST FOR USE OF PEACOCK rART, PST TABE PATAXONAl. F0411RDATJON FOR CHILDREN J-fl COPIPIEC7107 A FUPP RAISING EVENT. M-84 L-957 72-45 FOR"ALIZIXPG RESOTAITKOTI: ALLOCATE A50,OOO. FROM C.D. BLOCS GnAMT FUND5 TO THE UNITED WAY OF DADE COUNTY TO PROVIDE TO DELAF09TE 7tACOLCY9 INC. WITH FIIMDSP R_­84­959 75-76 REQUEST FAVORABLE COPSJPF-PIATION BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT CONCERHIMG TUE CITY'S REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO C;ARISTIAN U05PJTAL P-PA03ECT. R_­84'959' 76 ESTABLl'.S,,lJ A C011' U11177EF TO PRIFG HICHAE-L JACKSON CONCERTS TO THE OT?A[;,GE DOW1, IT'i rou'um-Ep, OF 19311 I AND APPOIFTTFG PEPSONSP TO THIS COITINITTEE. M-84-860 76-78 SERIES Or, ITEV'S AS READ FROM A HEIOFATlpUll B"Al VICE IIATOR DET71",71RID PEREZ CO3FCFRT7?jf7G rl;UTTIPLE SUBJECTS. DISCUSSION 78-79 ADDITIONAL DISCUSSIOR. HICHAEL JACKSON CONCERTS. DISCUSSION so MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMT, FLORIDA A q r* r- n On the 16th day of AuF ust, 198)), the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regtilnr mectinp, Place In the City Hall, 3500 Par American Drive, Miami, Florida in special session to consider business of pul0jic jn�port� The meeting was callc*d to order nt 4:15 O'Clook P.M. by Mayor Ifiaurice A. Ferre with 'Ghc following, members of the Commission found to be present; Commis-sioncr Joe Carollo Commissioner miller a1. lmwicins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Pcrez, Jr. Mayor Houricc A. Ferre ALSO PRESENT: Howard, V. Gairy. City Manager Lucia A. City Attorney R,.-, 1. 1) 1 ) C; C J, t y C I c r k Matty Itiruil, City, Clerk Ar. invocation wat,,: v (' rcd by Hayor Ferre who then led those present in a plc6r(". of to the flag. DISCUSSIOU OF PROPOSED FUTURE HISS UE qE1','ZEt EIISS USA, MISS TEEIZ U."th P-rIGE'Al-173 TO BE FIELD 111 t-11-1111I ; REQUEST POSSIBLE FRkNCHISE TO HISS FREE CUBA IC, EXILE; REQUEST TIGH OF REQUIREREFTS OF PARTICIPLUTS; ETC. CONSIDERAL — — --------------------------------------------- — --------- — Mayor Ferre: I promised 111r. Ted Arison, -,,-,,ho his postponed a trip to be here, as I understood it, yesterday. He maybe was riot,E,Oirg to be 1­jere, and I'm glad to see him here. I'm going to take that out of order and Mr. Arisen and his comm'ttei:i to make hit, report to us. Ls you iaa-y recall, we V'r. Te d A r _.yen. the appoirtc a comm -ttcc� ch.-ired U, y Ct e an Chairrn,n of �rniva). Cruise Ljy! :s,, t,jo J:� very busy d a very iinj-)ortlint fnt-nn Ir. Our' C10mwUy!itV. I u vcry gets irvolved ir tfie.<e type-,- of thjnf;:�, but'. 1 f>av hivi he and hi:, Lt the Hi�,,, Univtzr­� , d r t firal, and I figurtd fie looked, like --uoh 1) 1.-) y trlz�.nt thzit perh,aps he shared the v i oy, that !1 1jt%,C116U Ire d, G000 thing for ��,-Iflcd hil,:i to ohair thit Lhe was very r-etuetL.nt. to do bObUt cLI-cd baicl, he, C was a ppo n t t. member b hi:r- V, 'i r Eor-,txt 1'rtr r, H*r the out golrl,� of the llu-t, co­lr.%.ttQ�t, uylc, 1-0��ted this year,-- c V t: n 1, of the L COLWil Ut--(4, Y. 11 *1 t h , y I i 5 also or, the C that are presen't here tudiiy. Mr, to-i:en, our �ratitude. for your time and effort. The Chair Irecognizt-5 you, sir . 11 1 August 16, 1984 k; Mr. Ted ,Arison: Mr. Mayor, at your request, we had several meetings with the committee. On the approval of the Committ€ae, I started rep.,ot i.atirp with rlis � Llriver se, Zre, The first ldrep was to t.rjr ind bri.np tho*rin dowr- her€ a.nd maybe make Hia.;:,i. trite t,ertra;, r E: hone of, fin IIn1.v^rne. Thny are still (I cio t:ltnt. They r-tant: o t.r ° ii;x out'. for a COUPIn of y Pr;1_ Aft er f-Aint,, t,ttAre In n good chprc- tttat Miss Ur'-ivf° roc- -013 mad-r! 'Lh(l .r onv— hrr(^- At-, Irna;t % t-soiiId like to ^sal, th-p t:hcre i.^ a eha-,ce for that: t.0 t)ppc•r We worked troy hard on that V-n thi.Pk i.S ( xtrene,l N' FT, Q0d agreemcrt;, she package will be for four pnpr(-art:r i.r. two years. A7, you know, they are runri.nf;, bn i5.1d(s Miss Ur.iverso, thcy are running w1jat they call 13i ^s Tc('--n USA and Miss USA pageants. All, the pagearts have n very, very food rating on tel,evi_sion. As a natter of feet, thr I;Ist Miss USA, Hiss. Universe Pageant had a rati_rg so high that. about 35,000,000 houschol.ds watched the shout. That: is besides the hundredri of trtil.l.,i.ons of poopl.c ghat: watchcd ?round the world. Mayor Fcrrc: Excuse me fir. Aris, cn, so t-ac don_'t get cor_fuscdg 35,000,000 hou^csholds are more people because there ar•c I wo or thrcc people matching, t;c zevi,.,ion, Mr. Ari, ;Or. Yc. , 70,000,000 t i,s A Tt can also has a vcr y door r R4 t 1 (; ; it)o at, 19 , 000,000 to 20 000 , 000 are watt ti rig, t ijr : f 7r,r, t cY F ; }?c"c t: :,ar t., �r s r:,;r xtj x 1: ter r :*014, }2 : ,• i, _)r c_�_ 7 '�,}} ��.rt=f ^tMt=@.l��gg�_�_ fEi(._tt Can 00-� ,\ > F� }:t �.r Em +tt -LTi ��` kt•'\.- .� �0Or show: of 1� addi. ti Cat: t1.1 i ..-f��.t. r.. ,•s�. i'' .. .t. .. .. .. r;,.. c thought. r. ,t:'� part i o i �1r,�Q,01y(1 and ti`,} I i : wvi In ve thir: �..ct .',;, its � C,;,},r' '�)it?l.7 I (, r,r�, ,d` r3 , r t . i j" E �. 5 t- } � ��: i F � (!7 J a ! ;t, is t i a year i vc I <<t`: tt uf>1)or1,i.r,p i.ti ! c I;Jrid vith 250,000 " c,F co`(. (r <";r"_t:, (,.",'C;t"`.' yc,-r, plu,"` t:.hcy E'cre gett:.irg, also Mayor Terre: Exc uw e Lie again, Lakeland the State got $250,000 for, F § DLLs: Toer? Mr. Arisen: Hiss VISA, and I think we are at least as important as Lakeland, so we should get $250,000 per pageant. It,-- important that we get a very quid. decision. The people are here now. Vie are drat tir:g the agreements and we would have to come up with money fairly senor,, so I wanted to ask that this batter be considered row and the $250,000 a year for the: next three years will be approved. Mayor Fer•rTe: t r. Manager, has the Administration had an opportunity to study the recommendation of the committee? Mr. Gary: No. Mayor Fer t-e : You have not, so you don't have any advice, any po5itio,r �t thi5 point? Mr. Gar v. Tnec citci icvr, i5 thLt we thir k that those everts are goon to hLyv ire the City of Miami, Kr, Ki yor, ar.d that we should hz<-v(. thu:o e evtntt� . The d(tcf -. or to ► he ther or rat tlrtve Lr,:, e t—, r--i r tu, ter: Ludit being perfor,L,tt-d ul' tht curr'er`t evt,.r;t, 1 thir:l, r�-y UQ l,r-tt-r,-tune 2N termb of o„r . w Mayor I=trr°e: ;r t. yo,U t11tr-eror"t r e tit t el (I i Evidently y Hi f-. GI a-5tr h&-- flown cuwn tC, utk- 11' fit car; conclude at least a portion of this, 'IT'he i5 that all these things become time elements. The recotiamendation, sl 2 August 16, 1984 as I understand It, is that the City come up with $250,000 this year and $250,000 next year. you understand, of course. that; wr, Cnnrot giiqrRntep the SLate' s $500,000, nor can we Ilf-trol.,; $250.000 or Mlsrfl. BeACIV.-I t150,000, art :zf�n, T coric- iip with As I n (3 d 1 1- -1 97 1� $iti5o,0001 o q )— 0 1300250 fror, 1-11pt, 7:7 'n millJor an 150 from tli.m n J. see Mr. Pliummm- Thcy -Oso (11cr—IT-1 (I J, -i F,, 0�41' 1 o o . o n o , cl i (-� f 1. r s t 4 1. (,) r, - .,,) �100.n 0 ticket snIcn. T I I PI A. P, -T) a (41 d 1'. . , 0 250, 500 Pnd 150 Mayor F(,,rr(-: Op,� t 111, n P, at n '; I m c 11 C 250, adds up "o �1.150,000. �o I 11PVr two que:71JOrs. one is you said ;^_12.000,000, but from wi�at can urd(,rst,,T1d out of this, this would br -11 . el-,?)00,000. 'k-JOP number o1re would be why . the cxt,rn �.300,000? Qucsi.-icin Pvmber two v-11-at will the private sector do-, T rcrid in the paper that you have generously agreed to dorate �1:j0,000 and Monty Treninc-r has agreed to don, -'EC �',50,000. Will the private sector, besides the two of you donntc v.-ny moncy? How much will that be? What vill. "Ghnit-, rOPCIY be for? Mr. Arison; Tt's true that we are committed for $50,000 per year. T 1, is ,,inn -000. Monty Trainer has committed for the same r�mourl- i-7c thr- private sector to corer, tip with about a 0 , 0 0 o T, ca r In othcr 1,-*ord- nnother $150,000 16 VI)Ovc 1'7.11�A(, 1, t C d M 0 r t y.l IT - I r , .:-� o r a Traincr r (1 C.1 i- -1. g, I, ( Pv,t- out 1-3 guar anik.(.0 (If .100,0f.)0 to i-nduoc then, to sign t11 C-Orlvz�(.,I- 'I"I C, 1) r Mayor F(,-,rrc* I t1ell Y0,11, 1. linc,14 the ovui:ac business was good, but I didn't krow the restaurant busiress was that good. Mr. hrl-on: it,-. exocllent. I've cite n there rind it's quite busy. The reanon for it J.s ue f0el it is extrerniely important to r 14" 1 Bccaur�(-, vo don't k, -�o I-,i 11 1A - have tir)c, wo, fourd thFt J:; the orly v,7y to do it. The reason, i-,,liv c� w wun'k--, 0 un is of I L the c,a.sh fro, t J. U- 'k 171 d i f fe r c nt F� o v c r i i rz--, -.utori ies, there will be all sorts of in -kind --crvices that will have to be provided. it's, going to be hotel rooms, food, generators, television hook-up::�, all sorts of odd a and ends that will probably add up to maybe �1,400,000 altogether. So, this is the reason why we wanted the additional money. Let me ask you the key question. The key question is do you think that this cotarnunity is well served by sperding $1,400,000 of private and p,-iblic monies to get 14iss Universe and Miss USA? Mr. AriEon- Absolutely, I vouldn't have gone into it unless 'y -011 I felt Lhut way. I f*- Ql V (7 f� y , V tw�F ' F� 4L! , 1 �F L.bout it Mr. P I utia.ii e r t Veil, I d-On't knowl if 1 va.11nt to �,,A, the of him, bul., ItIn juA quc,�Lion:: that I hope there" urc a for. I would like to knou Retro [)Zid thlcir for the 1.22,at uver.,t? I'll -A N-ioney litz-- bey r c c u i v (* d ? 'Fhe City has that u�-oncy in tILU bar-4,? I r!()te or your lettttr Lr:d their letter ;,�n b6ditiol"al �100,000 fy-OLD tiel'tt tl-iat they get the fiat, '.100,C)OC-1. ":'hat do the tjcl cat t�ale.-i amount to this Ye T, I Mr. yui-- 1,01- one how it Lo-ourttvd to Z;: 14i4tle over $ too, 000. eom � yuzi- v-,v will have first cj? s t c} 1:.� E::t. 3 u t wi I I v k�t it, 's Yn each pagean't 421"u- L2, e W 111 11LVe Litae to and material to be &bit to co, a good sale job. 'We =eel that we should probably take in over a quarter of a willion dollars 31 3 August 16, 1984 in ticket sales and that money will come back to the Host Committee. Mr. Plummer: The other question that I have Is that the City of Mismi last yeRr put tip rotighly It100,000 ir-kird, which wp.r, t- ' lie usr�, of the fieility, Oth-7-�,r Is that going to b?� nomirp from, 11-lid* tot.,7 _�j, pot, of' 11,000,000. or ii going 'Go bf- tl-117m Ci i-�v t',vo "i 1" T i i n d Mr. Arlson: No, bf-,oni,isc of i-be, in-kird, t-c hp, budget from �1,000,000 to �;1,1100,000, 111,'iO0,000. Mr. riummcr., But wherc is that PdOU1,01,1,il rmorcy comirg from? Mr. Arison: From the privato sector ind the diffe-repen, z, between the 6�1" 1,1501000 and the 1,000,000. Mr . P I i i-on m (,, r taco ask, it backwards. Maybe that way I'll get to the arslinlcr 11m. it,-ryirg to derive. Is the two fifty from ttl-he City brird onsh or is it cash and in -kind? t Mr. Arison: It all hard cash. Mr. Gar v: No ir-kind. Mr. Plunirner: So the in -kind would be coming... In other words, the City is going to get paid for the auditorium? Mr. Ari.:3or: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer.,, And you will not be looking to us for in —kind services? Mr. Arisen: That is correct. Mr. Plummcr : I think the very important factor, everyone has to reaa1ze that vc. h,-xve great exposure, What control will ve hieve ycthe rext that wre get as Load or better (-.,Ypost.irc thcn, t:.!c, hz'd year? For example, is Comm Jce Crcllo to be os he lt, year? Is Cesar Odio to be therc? Do vre have a t-,_;uerantee of X rumber of minutles expoi3ing this community n:T, much or more than we had last year? Mr. Ariser: We will have exactly what tic had last year, which is approximately 45 minutes of air time exposirg the Community. . Mr. Plummer: I thirk that is very important. Mr. Arisen: V.,le will have the, u�ame. At= a ruatter of fact, with more time, they are promising ur, a much better quality show, although I think we had excellent duality in the last one. Mr. Plumiiier: that is the rental of' the auditor-iuin on a daily ba-mis? For round figures call it f-ifty; the City come up with two and fifty in -kind. Mr. Gary: It doesn't you huavt icj pay it anyway, J.L. Mr. Pluinmer. lk), there Jj.::; za biL Mr. A r i _it u Y., I thin.k itlY a vlatt(.r of' ca-th flow more than arythinL. Mr. Pluira,�er: You bt:t your bippy. You are assuwing using that attitude, it's going to wak-t: woney, I'm assuming that 31 4 August 16, 1984 AOL It 1sr1t. Because I'm corcerned about the $100,000 going for the first ticket sales. that about the program? We get all of the provor,,ds of the program? 1Mr. Aritzon: Yr-.-, nir� Mr. Arn, fzonrqntnr�d the same national and internntio.nni, povfcrngn n:7 venr? Mr. Arlson: F r orm th n point: of v J, r, w of the telovision cover,igc-, nobody onn F--,onrnntnn "Ghlt People will swl'Leh on the tel(,visiop, bot, w(- will leave the s-,inte, covnrnp.c. Mr. Plummer : What -1 1 n, : -, a -I J, n F 1, ;; you hn v o t, I i (-,, same COMMil"Mi CT,k--5 frOM tho, nei-.works, from t1lic Furopcan retworks, as much an m-hlt you've had thi^ year. Mr. ArinOn-, Thnt's i7,1-int we were told old by them Nj r . . Hon t y Trainer n,--1-1(,d rnr to cor-1cot onc t1l 1. n 17 V1 0 1 e; reed some staff +7,upport from the City of r1jn.m. j.. Mr. Plummer: in t1lat co-pjj.rg out o f o,,) twc, fifty? Mr. Arinon 3116t 1:7- ovcr -ird nbovc the tvo JONAfty. M r . P I uril.i m c r Arc you spertkini7 of ores per:7on one hour a day or arc you -�poa),,irg nbout a hxli�idrcd for 24 hours a day. M r . A r i ,; o n I havc no it, tha"C' can't answer that. Mr. Plummer: I think it's a big thing, tlio way our City [tanager is paid. I Mean if you fijr,, eight hours a day, we'd have to say no, we j,t. Mr. Arisen: You are going to be th(", 7y(>W tAjc... I don't think, it's a big Issuc, rc,.311y, I last pageart, where there wa:� a.,13solutely r.-o [))an, there were about 5j), poop Ic tined. Mr. P I urcim. c -, : Fo, ther e were a lot more than SiX people used last time, a lot more, Mr. Arisen: Thatf-s what I was told, anyhow. Mayor Ferre: It seems to re that if we are going to do this time, We need a lot more people cooperation from the other governments, fletro, 11--iiami-Beach, and the State. I mean we can't carry the burden of it totally. Mr. Ari--en: I think al -,to there will be a lot of private citizen-- vtlo C.11(l going, to be zi:51!ed to hell'! �t,nnd 1-11m, sure we'll get qU-JLC a bit, Of hell). Mr. Carollo: Kit". X,aYor, 1 thl,!A! tht-,- iiiiportant factor is that the City of' L-i, tj e - ores that t are the maier coordinator:a of' the evL-nt. M r . P I u i.,-, -t?, , � r .- AgreQd. Mayor Ferre: We Want tjjLt, bv.cau--e we know for sure that way.. .. Mr. Carollo: Not Only to be ,-ure but let me say this for the record. If it hadn't been the City of Miaihi was the head of thia event, of the tail, it would rot have been ab buoce��ful as it wab. Mr. Arisen: hat' b correct. 31 5 August 16, 1984 0 Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I have ore question ' in the event that the City of Minmi puts up $250,000, srd In the event, that one or more of It.be other do rot come up with their share of thf� coney, whst.fs wrlttr�7-, J v) to ins�ur€� gnat: Mr . Glnnr�f�,T- or t4hor f-vnr . r­nrl>rrjn '41)- 2,30 to. Mir-M I or t'-11"n It, a strP. fur.ho­­ i'll thn r-IF-P.11 il)pll, r1inridn,,,z to give Tnore* mo'nc'.t" 1--h;nn 11bi n Orn ;!-n(" thr!- I)p nnd rlln with that, I , ,lei; I I -, 11 -. I I - C I t- o f "1 1, CitY, F,1)PT-F7-!t1? P d(-� t--- hqv, - 1- 11, 1 nml Will - get it s 50 w r i. t 4t r n J n ? 11 P� I that 1:)eer eonsi&,red? Mr. P), vimin cr Do li.kf- V-t7o, Pay tb-m th^ day after, Mayor Fnrrc: I tbIrl,, P valid qucst;lon. 1 thirk the point In tbat, ve, ennrot br. oi3t. on n lint) for 250 without othnr.-, eom.m j,ttl lag. T r-70-uld -,ot, objrct. 1-10 being partinlly out or, n llirih pnr .^or ally 1, blut I think T would object, to boirg, out-, 250 on a limb. Mr. Cnrollo: I think the orly4way to socure. thnt 1.r that, it be stipulntcd In t=rhatevcr contract agrcc-mcot, 1..T sir -,,noel 1--jith them. Mayor FcrT-c: The thing is that time is of the c:7sorce. They .arc f,(,) , � ing to require some kind of n i r (1, -po t aver a certain pf-T-J.od of timic. I would b(-- to do that, tlx-, 1 n11,7,Fscr Puir. hi:7 or, It ard leavc tllcl I, I I r d c C. r 14 t or� tbc TJ,­nPFX..- Uk)�oljf-.h f, r not up. j you k n o v we I I S'j the ir Y warto(I a ri 1:� i done out !o:r (F Q with I-) i!-I., m iJ 0 1, r out 61 Lhat until C• Cl 010 ,1 Mr. F I r I as to what JAco: t" t-tic C i t. y t yc LY, to, tc 1? 11.!(_ ),,nc=u that we put up $100,000, lxslft� I nczap th,_,tlb` wh,-,,t we guaranteed; wasn't it a hundred, and sixty-aix in -kind? So urhat you are saying, Mr. Y", a n a g e r is v e came up :with approximately 200,000 last year. Mr. Gary: The issue becor-ne this other 250, we don't have to do anythir2g else, no police t nc,... . Mr. Pluit.lmer: No, �s I under,-A..nd it, if we give ther-a a cash grant, 1.2.1 of our Support �-ervioes� rill be pzid for, with the excuption of th(i. :Acff, which Joe i!z, dei,i&tndir,(, , and I agree. In other wordt,., they are. ay to pfor police; they are going 11,:o pay for- ,"ire; they are going to pz__;y for the auditorium. V ' 'ell, w'Eiit �luirute. In YiiIi.Ater hi re, by the way, Itt ire rc-CA very quickl.y. In hilettrf he states in, licre, tl-Tt it, in the that the foregoing finanoi_­l tt� broth sides, thv detailt-A z;Lruement, il'OlUdiPL OUl- U,--Ui-;Alr-aCt terms, 5 h a 11. b (:: Lf x c c u t (-, d by bcth 'I"Ic, C�:bt of' lighting :sl-iall ue your -Vour it-1--nirg the City. Do wt: 1,.nuu -oh--t tht, (:,OA Cactor c;ri 210itil.,fa Mr. Gary., � 0 , 0, 0 0 1 o r -; I Lo t.� I I L i i , i i : 8- , Mr. kriton: I Ut-.dLY_."1OC;d 'ChUt O-iu- :,,utttior., of lighting is that there in a perwarent improvement that 15 needed for Knight Center, 5o it is not part of this budget. 31 6 August 16, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Yes, but I still feel that we have to know how much we Pre talking about. Mr. Gprv: fir. Mavor, members of the Commission, the & light Inp, --111-1011 e 0^ 1:50s 41 TOOO Is the -show I I F h t I r g Accord ir g U) Cfr:- nr . 1 1'. in n one shot cost T-T� cpr use for othnr T�V. we hnv,� in the_. - - Mayor rre l t-!ould nlsnumel Out Of that Million dollars, v— woi)ld ... T t-fould boPn Would thit cover the lightirf7, 0- not:? Mr. Arlsor: Tb-nrc wi.l), br, no other Post.. Mayor Forre., Tlint i4-113, pjjr for iGhn light; ng- because I think VI'll, _It, !-Te 01-11f7,111, to 00 n,014 J.S b1)V permanent lighting. So out of tj,.,�?t �j,)ioo,000, that would include the purchase of permarrnt lighting. Mr. Ara. son : NOT nor 1"he idea was gat, lenst the way I understood j.t is that f,r!jp �:jjt Ccrtcr necds on improvement in lighting. Thi—,,i is going to be r7, pern-ancrt investment 'which has nothing to do with this budgctr Mr. P11--e—, Thn". would bc ny) ndditional $50,000. Mr. Arison.- But it, not, Aror Mr. Plurrmcr, lk-hc total cost Of this City{ in, J- 't,300,000, plus t"upporz t I "I in 5 A.1- is 1, o 1-c do without the llannf,,cr C 1? ) Do vie appl-ove for? Mayor Ferre: I viould 'Hu'O, li,hc 0111-5�1f�I,() do is approve it in princip-1c, thcn j-tl,-�vr tjio I I the '1�ndr, of a detail:-3 of the -re Ir, i'll, payment th2t hzl—1 to 1.-tc- rir-curcf,f Mr. Carollo- Vr. tdic a I about an audit, or the 11'Unagcr, hint gi.j.,ci of cn --ud-lt i,- he talking about? Mayor Ferre: An audit for the last show; I don't think that has been completed. Mr. Plummer-: It's outlined in the memo, Joe, that Commissioner Dawkins Sent. Mr. Gary: The policy and procedure you follow anytime we contribute money, anything over $15,000 we audit the total program. Mayor Ferre: 1 think if' wo are owed any rnnonies I thirk that's going to h.,vct to be taken irto account to thf! whole thing. Mr. Carollo: 'I'He qucttion izi are we auditing in as far as '100,000? to flow ul�k�U Our S�- 2 Mr. G�:ry: Tiic, %4,holL7 thlne,, Mr. Cbrollo- or Lxcl uli;Iuditing all the expenses that they had, wh6t- thity Mr. Gary- er yt.fii Mayor. 1-erre: t,s It ziffects our contribution, everything J, needs to be auaited. 51 7 August 16, 1984 Mr. Carollo: That's not what the Harager Is saying, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Gary: Well, let me answer the qviristJor so you know. Mr. Carollo: He wants to -udiG kl-Aic- P-11sole Miss Uriverse Pageant. Mr. Gary: Our Initial. jntn r) 1, i4n- "o ;audit our portion of the money, ilso the J)sdc County's portion of the morey, all local money in terms of our eortrnot Cornn,11--sion Dawkins 4 raised the question In tern ; of some other nudills, v'hich included tile nudit of the total program, vlileh includes Mr. Glasser, zl')ioh .1 think woul(i be Food nnywsy for thn mere fact to determine 14hcther ot r noho"F, much profit Mr. Glasser is getting, hot-s n1jell nopey tho City 1:7, Put" rip, up to determitici4iat bennfitr gCtlArgtIhich 71100'd ns:-'J'st us in also naking a decinion in h014 nuoll PiOnCir T'=r sMould R contribute . Tile sz-1pie thi -rg v-7c do for the Grnnd Prix. A Mr. Plummer: r-,,Iy I acj, ore other quention on the record? Leslie, i,,Thnt did the City, or did the Ho-,t Committee derive last yo— from hr r-m F. - porrnI. k oonppro.xir --11o1y'2 Mr. Jc:-OJ(, !FTi"-ji-i Jr t"' 6 00 p r 0 f I I n t I n a 5 t from I i c r, c� t I i c p T C, r,-- r,i il SC J, f with r f tic rrrr rcct�,,'F 7. ( -10c, on o .7 the ndvc,, V':1 ,:,-"JlF 1- C c ho.-T-7 nur ropey, if SPY" 11C F-1 "j, 7- -'0 Dut from the sale <-') 17 1"J, I o o ly F--�F'dc 16,500. Uhor.; did thal. tV'-�Onoy , "1 o t t") Mr. Pr~r, J. n To tile Host Committee to pay our other expenses that wo have. Mayor Ferre: We need an accounting of that too. Mr. Partin: We'll be glad to have the whole program audited.- The City part is casy to audit, because that went to Glasser, and the County part.... Mr. Dawkins: Hr. Partin, the I -lost Committee had nothing to do with selling of the ads, to put in the book? Mr. Pantir: ],,,Io, it uas a company vie corcessiored out to do that. Mr. Dawkins: Are you going to do that. next year? Mr. Pantin, Ule will see if we have more time. M r . D a wk "L n s Thuat t-;. uliere your profit is. Mr. P&ntin-. W(G11, rewcrubcr that v' e have to put Out a program by contract. T[ie idea way that we make some profit. We had to do it zL::-,Y vlvYs cvcn if �,'e lost, Money. So we tried to get it to the point that u(t ut ltja�t i:iakc -,ome money. Mr. Carollo. The probl cr et thte tdioz col.,.6Lraint that we were w (". Y, 1, i 1! t> '. " i i I Mr. `that' -- ri girt,., it i - it I) o 111 . Ie, Mayor Fe r r e e f o - e 2' h et. tG oth(�r members of the Committte, or LcLcibtr� of vhc- public who wart to make a Statement, are there any other queat'ions from the Commission? r, 1 August 16, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Yes-, I have ore other. Didn't we derive something last year from the ticket sales? Mr. cessr o(iio: 49.11oji.000. Mr. Plurnmc-.r -. P J, , 1 1-'rzn hoe monies all go to the production_ or did we get ��o-mo of 1� L? Mr. Odic: Part of the contract was that he would keep that Morey. Mr. Plummer lie ),,nepz it all. Mr. Odio: Tiot this tine. Mr. Plumnncr t Fof T. upderstard this time he gets the first $100,000. Mr. Odio; Dot for ti-,o :7hows. Mr. Plummer: T� thnt �50,000 each show? Mr. Odio: hry�JICW YOU 111clint to do it. He gets $100,000 and .Y we keep the rr_-:7t, of all.. the total shows, which is a total of six F! Y (I r`- ( Mayor Fcrr(,_,: 011hor questions? Mr. Perez: Mr. Ptantirt I mould like to ask what car. we do am= in order to, request to organizer to study the possibility for exterding Universo franohise to a Free Cuba? Mr. Pantie: Ile h.ad d1sovsscd thut inforrially ard they had that a few yca, ,, ap�o, Ve cvr cxplorc that 'Where Miss Universe in the '(01n, thcy had it. Mr. Odic): Dcl you v,,int mne to te,"11. you the truth? I talked to Mr. Glt,_cncr It. Mr. Carollo: 1­1c spent hour ,, t, 11-:,.ing to Mr. Glasser about It, the 'TI-1hror- of vs. Mr. Perez: Yes, but Cc-sar, you gave me an excuse that I dorlt think was fair last t1true. They said that they carrot accept Free Cuba because Cuba is not a state and it is not a republic. But I would lil,,,e to you about the other members we had in the last years festival. For example, a b o u t. Crr.-� y r ir a n lf,.land, about Cook Island, about Guadalupe, about E o r., g, K o r r, , about" Singapore, about the virgin �re they state or republic? Mr. Odio: 'icEl, thc-y trc countries. Mr. Perezt St4tc or rcjullicy, why? Mr. Odio: for th(- Mr. Mr. Odio: --which iOf 'L"he Urited States. Mr. Per(, Eor.ov bull the arguruert they use is that they htve_ to Ut k, ­e_)Ublic.. till thet5e territories that 1 1nVe,., 1, 11 ON, t:,Ll L't- (' 1:ut 1. LLe t, or r t. Iju b1 i c, a For raially, I would 111-ft, t,4, LdO tO Ly LGIiOf. this-t r r it truo t trc today thzrt we to tti(, ccymmun.!ity, of this festival 11t or to Free Cuba it . urd_­ of i;4 Cubz,;Lr.,_t- in Mr. Plummer: lt,v not a franchise. August 16, 1984 Mr. Perez: Yes, I think they call it franchise. That I s what they call it. Mr. Carollo: That's what they give us, a franchise to have.... Mr. Pern7: For a representation or whatever they call it, but I w-ould like that a thousand of Cubans in exile have the opportunity to choo5c to replace the Cuban communist representation that they had until 1959. 1 would like to make that part of the formal motion that we adopt today. Mr. Arison: I think that practically it Is impossible because If that particular Cuban young woman will be residing here in the United States. If she is good enough to be Hisr. Cuba, she may also be goad crough to bri Miss U.S.Ao How aro yOV going to split it. up? Mr. Carollo: It'S the '32MC thinfl, n_-, miss rurrto Rico. She could go for t-oth. Virf-jr. Tn)-nrd. Mr. Perez: 7 ha t, 1:7 r j F� it -iG d c N, 11PVc ILS. am t'-�JkJi,nF-c1nc1',hjrF-,, 10 try to polt"t-J-7'r tlfii- i-c tit 0 c r Eard as c. qu e- 1.ilkc to hvN, c i a we tro a s rg C 0 11 :i j be proper . I c 1) 1) - 1C, i i 1) 5, is to select a q u c Mr. r u i i Z- n to the organizers, but 3, h, Mayor Fcri-c— L_CI_11.-"(i UICIC11 Lriscr, this is not a c o. n d i t or thins a t'..Toold be a positive cr ha_--, poirAcd out. request 2- -1- t h e Co ni m ::vie 1-1 Mr. Carollo: I think, what :jhouad be Included in the request is there is Eomc Cuban territory that is free, that is not in the domain of com.,munist Castro and his forces, which is Guartanarao. 't1e have that precedent as using Miss Free Cuba in Guantanamo. Mr. Arisor: 'Hii-cs Guartaninmo. Mayor Fe— r (.,- : 1'here is a precedent to that. Let me tell you what the I.-Wecedur-t is. *1,11cre wL�s a miss Canal Zone at ore time. '1'hercy has beer, 3o you know, I think that is some tjx j thLt the, organi-Zer6 are going to have to consider. Are there tiny other questions from members of the Commi:�nion? Mr. CLIrollo: Mr. Rayor, I think that possibly, be&ides a formal rc-queLt frort, tile cor=i--lion of the pageant, maybe what vic 15hould do is L%nnviV! 11 Proup to Gotin with Mr. ar'd tj�jk, tO pi��,r,-,orally Lbout it. I I V v ,� p en t ho u r s i t�� UL I u pz;� --- t L v­_ I I- I t U 111 �! LbOU) t I t b LA t I It i., A, t h a t it Would bv L.0 hiu In those In i'rtc 1L­y`_tQ­Y. Mayor vtr-rc'0 i t Uciu:L�ItLt:c al.*d we'll -r-d' uthier that ircludt� thc-, LCA.-LE, CLLI�_,ber� of cciaaiit:rct� groups community. It would beCUIJL�Y­k' you would bubmit the names that both YOU.... 51 10 August 16, 1984 Mr. Carollo: I think it should be a small committee, limited to no more than seven individuals. Mayor Frrrc!: fir, Mr. H.T. I'll r , Mn V o r and members of the Commission, first of 11.1 Irl-, rin 1-lake P personal privilege of thankirg Mr. Mayor, for -,ppoinitirg ne also for serving In this commission and 1-1 grj,)_ you (lid not say it, T'n sure you will say, it, the cornm issior and the community owes a great deal of gratitudc to Mr. Arlsont Tionty Trainer, Leslie Partin, and othcrs who nervod. if I ever needed Somebody to negotiate n contr�7ct, If T could afford fir. Arison, held be the man 11d gct� I think the first question that. needs to bee addressed is, is this a good deal for the; City rand for the community? Obviously, it is. Especially if the other governmental ortitic-5 would talco care 1 h, r q I of their fi re financially. Thery is no question but that the community will get as miich or, more than Ur. G 1 a s s (, r will get. Obviously, fir. Mayor, you 1,.rovq! re .7 . I rise becauf3o thorq a those who share my viev.-s that the, participation. of South Africa in this pageant in totally unacceptable. First of all, let me say that there are those who say that raising this question choi-=s that I ind those iiho r;harc my view are nothing mare thnn rcp --mall bond of regative people .,ativc or - who run n.round finding fault. 1-Tith cverything is trying to be done in the iPtcT-Pv1J0n.-:J Cjlv Mayor- FcvrE�.- III, n, i. 1 -1 11 , lct, An'4-c,rI-1­` vol, kX) .to u that I to .1. cithcr to be regatl.vc or r,I.:J I Mr. Szii.th., I i r , If IM y o r c,C_`i61 c"-:7j.u(F thJ to you., I ivht have ncli' i, e Y) 1, J, o n (T, d I Y",­ 1,�l c "'A' 1 1, 13W. to ILIjo,":c 1"ho n , t , � It" I - i-2cl,i- ? t'Jt n d it sbarc th,"A' vj.cl�. 'Y �,, o I', f j d jA 1.),, d I In- t ot I c: t;,; T-: 61; J v, w j, t, h 1 5)" U)c h a v e. i: Y c d f I, (VCEI P,­r1kJ,ojj* r a t i d i f f t I 1 1101,01.6 bc o par tic i prt.c 1) c-.,, c,-u ­ c Soui­lh LfrioO 60c. not, colile hc-rc to expound i tz; r a C. i s t rcgir,,ic It 0 0 ui C. 1,; hcrc juSt to In participate, but I szay that reither does, South hfrica L tend to participate in the Olympics to cypound its racist propaganda, yet I stand with the internationil Olympic committee wl-iich banned not only South Africa, but banned South Africa's press from participation in the Olympics. I brought this qUC5ti0r. Up at our very first meeting and I was advised, I'm pure: accurately, thcat as to Mr. Glasser, this question wais non-negot i able. On our second meeting, I mentioned it to you and you said I should voice ruy concern. I did, and 111r. hrisen and the other members were kind enough to hear what I hid to tay, but they are not the ones to make the decinion, obviously. To say to this corilaunity that participLtion o Z' South A fr i c a ire thi!i (- v e, r t i:� nor - negotiable, wl­ierc our fuv,.,ds, funds frow Liberty Cit,,y and Overtown, dolic-1rL �re being u.-�ed, i._­ like gra-bbing Black Riumi in the collur `,nd spitting in its- face. It's just that bz=d. Suuth Africu i-L-, dilffure:t,t froii As the ration: ::of L-r�d the of' r:�tion5 indicate, South tifrica i8 difi'L-rent frou,, z, lot of ether But you 11!nof , _- or: et i I.r., e, � i n 1 effort to !eekp th� cou_munity toget"her, Ut- LLI'u, Ll�d ZatttTjjj�t to as iMpOtel'O,~ 0C t< LZt k, Y`C- 4. 1A -hould not bu -,o interjllretevd. I -Y n t t r k� d to htar suggt�,t tu You, Z_nd I w V �-r (tea -!rconi -tlot:tr cofLi,,tA8 a tu you thz;it Ca_,trol�,L free Cubz:� pLY-Liuil' , a, n I. - t,Cuba be allowt�d to piz r t i (,, ! 11_i- t it would i-lot only be it?oral homocide, taut Wh&l� eleCti0t, tinge CaWL- around, it would be political suicide. That is becau.5e wy brothers and sisters 31 11 August 16, 1984 411k in the Latin community demand ttat they be respected. And so do we. I suggest to you to allow fir. Glasser to come into town ;Pd make a dr--pT th;it- I admit js an Food for the City ss it Is for hin, � For 11-1n, to '.0.1 "1 this Issue is norm egoti,P01- i..P tot-111,11 rT E pt. ub1. With rRIrd to the isson b(Aforn thl.- Cor-iij:-ZSJO-i', 1-10dPV. T P-Jf YOu ",0 MPIC(' P:7, A fo r rn i I rnr3 1', 1 o r , fir 71 P y- or Y pr- in d J, L i r g- P x Cxo1lars of tbl" CILy Coreatti''OnnCl upon "Oull-Ah Af=lcs b--ftr,, hnni�d from competing. Now, I'm n.iirf- thit ther(, i-- n corcern. 14 (-, 11 r look, sbr, be^T-(' thi - S !,Crr Srd It, was no bj,F problem-. Unforturistcly, or r c i 11 v f o rl-, i; P n t c I v for the City the negotiations startcd Into ;)rd It s-;ns not: until, she wa^ a firalist that most pcoplr-, ^ven knob s1he was 11cro. I'm sure you rnsli--cd that. P. U S. H. care out 11 n P d opposed It S. C.F.. C . c s-, m e taut -- P d opposed It. This, is rot JuSt a matter of nit-picking.. It's Pot just n roal ' t, (-' -, of son-cor-r! trying to divide the community. If anything, It's trying to bring the community tog ,(,-thnr. Racism, nrli-s0 cmitism, and communism are encrifies of u5 all. They conic out of the same ugly womb of prejudicc and bigotry, When my brothers and sisters of the L;) t in communit-v I r C t r ca t, c d on fa i r I y 1) C (-- a u s 0 of commuri---i-ii, then I should speak out. When people in the Black community or thc BInck community Is being treated unfairly, them it shouldn't be the DInc)-r community standing alone like t-;illowirF ing voice in the wind. I appeal to voi,) 1-,o rnakc it a condition precedent, Pot suggest to him that he. .7hou,1d not, not recommend to hin, that he should not., but: make it a, formal notion that conditioned precc6or,". 11c, ilic, cortract is that South Africa be banned. Thanl, voii- Mayor 171(. 1 , I- (, , 111 , - Smith, lot me ask you a question. As I recali Aforr-,,ive my ignorance, South Africa wzis, but is rot, of the United Hations. Is that correct? Mr. Sarib: Thnit's correct, I sr.-d It" wa.s and should not in the futurc be ,.i participart in, the cortest . Mayor Ferre-, But tits: po'M�t. i td thi�7it Jr 11-he case of South Africa, ti-te United tool, ;-- formal, vote. Mr. Smith: I arij anitirg. you to tak.c a formal vote. Mayor Ferre: is undcrst,and, but I'm saying that there is ample precedent iri irternational circles where South Africa was thrown out of the United Hations. Mr. Smith: Arid is the City of Miami going to welcome them when th(:United Nuation's is not? Mayor Ferre: I'm not arguing tilat.... Mr. Carol.1o: I wiQi we were not members of the United Nation,5. Mayor F4.:rrc- 11iii tzot Zlr[},uir.g wit).-i you, Mr. Smith, I'm just trying, to CaALI)Ii�h in wny ow�n ulind to proper, legal precedent that. I third: there is L corc-nt to be made that 'I'louth tft,Jc,in cff'e,,ct, ib ol.,c of, thc fLw r-ations that hLs b ce Y: 1) z , t-! C d fr 0 io t) i e Lh: i teal )iu t i o i�,,s Th e (.)nl y 1 o prob) etta ttiLt I )iL�IvcisJL poterit,iLl. pi (b)c I I ]i y It Y. ow, every yeLr the thmitc6 V(:I,v elo-t- to throwirg Israel out, oi- Ott- Uhl,it(-d tI ty a w. -If th; tto h�ppen, and if wt: tlivre tc, 1-ollof, th;t wl-cleedort, thtti, 1 you'd end up v€ *4 th t htis c-1 t t:, i � t I a 11 c I ij I -,- u c v c r; t u a J 1. Y t having Israel i f in(ltzt-a I no, c-cl is cvkt- ti,t.c c=r cs ta t 01- tht: United Natiol,!,% I f I t o L I c�r- o f b a i., n i n g all comrounitt nLtlor,, ur L11 Riarxi--t nation2�, it you wivh, or ratlonb aJ)trt governtutritt, are it! power that- believe it the Marxist ph i 1 o -� o ph y , ! w i g ht retaird you that other than 31 12 August 16, 1984 Spain, where the socialist party formally in session two years ago, took out of their preamble that. they believe In a Marxist society, all. of the iocinj d_7nonr;)t-je Fove-rrme.r.ts of Europe have in U.h-ir pr(-imbl,,7- v.hpt 4-h,7y b n I i e ve in S M;)rXi7i. 00(11�ntivr t InvDidJ_nF,, Frsnve-, T t , -,-Ty. ^nd many of c- the othr of Wnst--.crn Furop�- �O. T h tin)- I-- b;1ve r�r:-11-.Prid your polr t nnd I (I o t, .. k 1 11 r-,, ` If to ... P! 0 T I I n d bin we get. y, on and T. 1C.al lc(-d I f T4 c c o .1 1) o V- don"- Fr in pre judFIng, polil-je;i]. cord it-ionn 1, 11 e n iri.,olvco it mu:3t bn cql)ally applied all. over. I think It clearly understood that If wn don't grt ipvolvr-d in one area, we onnPoItE, get Involved In another area ilso, :70 that it brings back the isnue of for examplot tli:7.sIli.earaCua, if Miss Nicnragua were to be, proscnt. 1=7- hid Hisf; Poland and Miss Y11F t, E, I goo),)Vin' but we llav<, to den), with thin issue. I don't know how you felt (Wring the Olympic gancSl, but and I am a deniocrat, and was, :sorry to ace President Garter not participate in tile Olympic games four year:,, ago. Of' course the consequences were rco-J.procal this ycar. I don't, thi-nk the events of this rature, th,-_it, Pre ron-political by rsturv,, really should have political corditions, bconuse if wc, startto got into that, then the Arab courtrics...Snudi Ar I �bia, for example, very specific, illy stites that it-, his as a condition of its cxisterce the climinalk-liop of Israel as a natior, Mr. Sm, ith: Mr. Mayor, if we are going to have ore yard stick, as You CxP,01)Pd__ Mayor Ferro- j t=Iank that's your point. dumb. — Mr. Smaith, f�rc you prepared to invite Castro13 Cuba? I would ),et. Mayor Fori-c T, thin), the problem is that we have to use the same I think you're right about that. M r . S rii i t, h : 711C Cz,'_,,Mc yzr,rd LA"ic), vould acquire a invitation be c,i: t, c n d c 6- to every r. a t', j, o T, to T.,a r t i C i p;, t C . I don't think. . . I . think that them' rrc CJJ,,A li,,ctionr :. I really think r ---c � there n c di2tirctions. Yugool,,,,v R ra, Du'garia,j, r Russia, that's different. I didn't -ay we had to follow what the United Hatiors does. I used that only as an example to show what is happering, by respected bodies dealing in political and nor -political arenas, as it relates to South Africa. South African is, a country where small a small minority of Whitc­,-) are ruling a large majority of Blacks in a manner that is known to everybody here that is brutal. It' s. not acceptable. First of zall, I think in terms of argument, you have inade the be 16 ar g umen t that can be made, but it's not :ufficient, Mr. Hayor. The best argument is to say, Iii-oo1r, if k�e, c,11 ir�tt South L I - I M � e Africa, wre do t' ! e stop?" T) I a t" I ;S the 'De t argurnert availablt, but when you start looking ai , � t whatl- happening, I'm sure just: recently you �-_Jjould have g 0 t t 1 ": g i --- I Z, t i 0 n passed by the City o1c J3o;st.oii from Hiz._..yor Ifli4tc-, where the City of Boston, L fc-W Y(-Lf's aLo COn!5iderk:d 01%e of! thc most racist cititt, in taaerict-a, bat nt:L-d Or- topd doir.,L bul-iness With arly company doinEausa .1 - I uJith South Mayor Ferre: by tile WLY, just on the I tlght say that my offiec i'-1 :5iiuij�,r typ(;s. which I will b(­ itl tite C,tv oj" I Mr. S-L i t h 111 r H, or, ir: ,ici period of` 'moat that AA 0"! car. I t be bet psi de when it's a LO(A finay.ci_­l b�V:C-flv t­. Mayor Ferre: I undtrbtand, Mr. Smith, I think the argument that you make is a reasonable argument. As I understand it '51 13 August 16, 1984 in its simplest context, it says either you take a position on South Africa, and If you do not, then you must apply the same yard st,,Jek. throughout. I thiric I i)rderstRnd your point. Ary other membcrs, Mr. -nn voi-i -irp i m cmber of the eorn-fl.-I-J.c- n-nd T thark, Voli for n� scour PI Tt-inl P -tior Is ther- Lo ndd 11"o thn:7r-, proe---edinus? Mr. Ralph S n I) e I l, n -, - tir - rin - ' �For r (70 11M I S S 10 r , I i U:; t ",-, --- t to tell yoll that. I fully -111pporti I -Ain efforts that the committee has put togcthnr, I compliment Mr, Artse-1), t.csl lc , HOrtY Trainer and the rest of tile committee In the job tbnt they have done. I think that; first I nuot tell You I WeS completely pgains, the fact that -t 1,1iss Universe was going to Miami. I thought it was an expenditure that was rot a worth while one. For the first tinic in about four or five years, I saw tile show last year. I was convinced that every penny that was put into it wais worth it:. I. think that the community is coning together. I'm happy that, I was part of bringing the Grand Prix and Is now one of the events that is helpirF out with the rew Image of Miami. I complimert. Mr. Carollo, yourself, and- tho full Cons, ispion for thinking positively and bringing , rew things to Hiaami Which is what this community nccd5. Thank you. Mayor Fore: Mr. Trnincrr, is there anything that you want to add to this? Mr. flonty Trnincr� .1, vould rinylic rco--J) 110 1- 11 �,, r (1, our — , ( � o 7 11, 6 1r 't'-h -n6 1 (.St7,c 6 1 r b r i n I k'-, 0 Z,; M c 0 Un V 1,(. V 0 al -o )(1 a' our c i.o 0 t hJ c) 12 1) �_ I -ou'l 6 F C:) Mr. J, r 0:': c J i0 I d ng a 3. i �A i, ore T',,u I') •c, to Supparlk, C-LII- Ot J. thi"F.11, •L- t1c City of Mi am i Q 1, e yc cr �--i t� J, r:r i r eti I, tl-1 i-�, Ki - 17 5 S Y, CA -- v c U n i v e r o ,,,r- C-E C, bclif- - you, %-,,c cot, Jplt h-ve done a thing without the City of f-iiami and the Han.-Gcr of the City I of Miarrii, and Ccs,,ar and all the resources that we used that the City of Hi. arn i , which acre muoll more than were intended to be, but it saved the contest and it brought us a fantastic review all over the world. Lhe Mayor Ferre: Thank you very e much. Are there any of r members of the committee that wish to speak? Any members of the public this time? If rot, we go to commerts. I have a rote here that somebody just passed me that the Pliami-Dade Public Library was just check and an of' January 14, 1984, South Africa is a member of the United Nations. I don't know that it i,,; or it i,5nit. I'm ju!3t readinj,,,, that', I rote here also on a positive... That docL-nit in any vlay negate the r Ila just for the record aLzuitient that K.r. 112Amith rnade. I clarifying; thLt. I'd like to al -to point out too thir}gs - 4 Accordinr_z to thu Hie!:�cn ratinfz tliich of couv 5 the guidellncs in V'IeUil!E, thQ Ut�iver--t-- L' L7ear. t "' C w t h ,d was such �A -' U C Q t ) I �; t Ui 0 1 , 1) e- () 1) 1 t t 111 t� year r Z; Q t the -oai HiLdnii t 11 Ln ulLtccd hthe buz�-,tb�211 Ll! :stir.t.,L-je pageant that vc-ek- I L�iPllt po-int out thzA tliQ all - star gL�,-izit onu of the ter, Lutt zAc Whci--- d tel(-V Ion t�robrams a YeLr YcLr i:fA0- 1 thit-,k thal—% i-, a very -- i g, r; z;n t Cehievcllierft , L c Ci� L, -- t: 1, 11 (,- 1; 111 -- t c - I - 11," �.! il le , alorp Vill-, iLlj--upet-bowl i;,-.,d 'cht vo'Id of the most w6tchkd tarC raE, kbc that thelt- ratings indicate t1liat 80,000,000 Awericanb watohtd thL- olymq�ic games during the two weeks that the Olympic games proceeded, if 31 14 August 16, 1984 the Nielsen and the Arbitron report that between 70,000000 and 80,000,000 watched the Miss Universe Pageant, that Is a tremendous schievement in Itself. It is my personal opinion that it in wnll worth the 125OrOOO a ycsr� plus, qd(JItional experser, T for one 11 if the rent. of' thi-n Comimtsslon An in agreement and QI-Ing to vote in, fivorr of proccr-cling in principle A, o"Llining K)ptever ncndn 1',c) bn oiit),Jnc-.d an conditionn and TattioF the Nnopger proceed with the negotintiops. Any other Mr. Plurnmner: I think the Manager Tins some bad news about lights that needs to get on the record, Mr. Gary: The lighting is not r50,000, as we mentioned earlier. The cost would be $150,000, Mayor Ferre: That's what I figured it was. Mr. Manager, it seems to me that right now! the Knight City of Miami/University of Miami Convention Conference Center is costing the City of Miami several millions of dollirs. We are now spending a lot of time, effort and money In getting an exhibition hall to that it won't cost U5 so ouch. $150,000 expenditure in the physical plant of On Miami Convention Center to improve its use, is a lot of money, but it's n drop in the pocket ps compared to the need. We have to do it, boonuoc it's the only voy "e'ro going to got other important rhoTor 5y) thj,:7 1,ov=n� I don't think that is a considcrptlon on thisF hcorurc Ovc-,r 'if vc dontt co'nic to an agreement WS Eins PnRcrsc, nnos 1j, ('so c-nit hcrc, I Will bc r=rrtivc of MY n1crAurc thrt rould novc to upend $150,000 rw6 pct t proper liGhtinr and Aouno synOF in that hall. 00h, v onvmc nKV,' Mr. Qro))o: 11. Mayor, I think we recd to brinr this to a head nn6 yok on it.. The only prcn, uoncrrr.,r, rw i:r�� an area of r-n ru6jt, 105 not Lhe r1rive t0inri or, to have an audit of' Cho ny ;or diter; the Cty f=nur g an audit of 0" wdio& content, I thSolf that probably going QW; ;in crcr i;hcrc to in: unacceptable, maybe naL, but 1 vould just 9=n thnt it would be unecccptnht ci to the Onn UnOcrue 1pgcuy-:t, F r'n, 1-11"), -y you can't blame them. , Mayor Ferre; Commissioner, I do not understand, and I would agree with you that it is unreasonable for the City of Miami to audit Paramount Pictures and the Miss Universe Pageant Corporation. I don't think that's in question. The only thing that is to be audited, as I understand it, is our portion of it and our expenditures, and the rionies that we expend that we.... Mr. Carollo: That, I think, is very reasonable, but we should stipulate that. Mayor Ferru: I triear we are not going to audit Paramount Pictures. Are we? Mr. Dawkin-,: h�dam City Attorney, wher public furds are used tO -uppor-t L Vct tL ire then can the public 01c funds were u5ed, demand an audit to find out the total those fhappenings of undb. Mrs. Dougherty: You can dewand an audit on those funds that were publau fundn that. were expended ir: participation of that event. if you want to audit ionything l'urtijer than that, you're LoVE to havt to put that In your contract with the Hutt ConwitLce or make that a requirement of your funding in the fuLure. Mr. Dawkins: Tnbnk you. 31 15 August 16t 1984 Mr. Plummer: Let's clarify on the record what we're talking about, because maybe I'm even s little confused. It is my understanding that COMMISSiOner Dawkins is asking or demanding thnt nn n"dlt of the psgesnt total he done, not Gulf and Vostarr, thc parent company, or any of that, but Just the PP9cPnt 117olf an staged In Miami in 1984. Is that what I'm Mr. Gory; CorrocK. Mayor Ferrp: But you have to define what that means. Does that aeons for oxnmple, the expenditures of Paramount Pictures In Now York? Mr. Dawkins: What it means, Mr. Mayor, what I asked for and what I'm looking for in return is the total amount of monies that the pageant; generated, period. You nee, Mr. Glnnscr asked for money and more money. Somewhere along the lines, I'd like to for myself, what did ter. Glasscr get= for the T.V. rights? K didn't give then away. But yet he keeps coming, back, �,nd haying that lie helped tho- City of Miami. Of course tic did, But rye n1so put him in a position to demand more money. Somcwhere along the lines, just for my personni cd1fication, I nccd to be able to say to myself, we arc nol,- tic .TnF, :-�hvftcd, t'n nre cooperating for the benefit of near ybody, thran rjj Mayor Fryrr: T you!d ngrccr as long as...I think !in 1VCC1KnU0yF loot yovIrr 5nyJ�nr— VTo o,-n invite the Vow 1 4 Pri CT: PPIS VC CNpend rq)vicr In the suporbov?, 1, k RCTV1 ;a r"ditfur of whut ihc 001 hint Iq 01 NQt TV NvPcrKc1Q Cavmitbcc rode. I U010 V(. it: V, lh01 in 1 Q Uni 111C rywV301"-ur of publiv ;�wnn, rini Unt A thip, Ar ITopci , K" ) don't - corrrCY 71 !1 ) 'r Mow,, 1 dorK VANI you' v ; rVirf f or a n, audit Q 1 ht LOUVOIA 3 UP N' Un h 1 ; vvyrn)nh Y A r: to r ( n made thrcuEh iTKY ruhnwwy ping ONVOyrn in thl; PICqnnt, Are you'? Mr. No, Ura askKE; Urt, thc linrarnount pictures paid Hr. GlaEsar for their rhhts to do his. Thnt's all. Mr. Plummer: Mr. harager, what is the policy, tic were forced into a new policy recently. What is the policy as it relates to all people who receive funds. Mr. Gary: In that event, not only do we audit our money, we audit the money of that event. A good example is, as I said before, the Grand Prix. Another good example is Mr. Robbie and the Orange Bow!. Any event that we give money to we audit our money and their money. However, — . Mayor Ferro: Do we got an audit.... Mr. GLry: Let we finish, if 1 Lay, let me just explain. Mayor Fcrro: ....hr. UOLEer, of the Dolphins? Mr. G6ry: I can clear it for You- We do. If I might, the difference in that in tyres L of the Not tvknt that was held, there is a problcm. That in that the ountr-act dovs, not call fOr tot Q Lau it, at OUr prooedarc n 0,11 for. I would suggest Kwat too thingt 0wour iyo this s.udil— ThLA is in terms uf our "�250,00U, that it bu atiallto an t,rLs of how they are going to spend the money, t�., they are spending our money properly, which ubw nuL the ccb, in the past. Secondly, that the total prograw tm Ludited to insure, if YOU are going to get a full audit I that moneys were not, expenditures were not transferred from his big pat al 16 August 16, 1984 0 to a smaller pot; and therefore, you really don't get a complete audit. In terms of the past, you can't do it; I don't think. Mayor Ferrn: 1, for orn- out. of fivr-, lir7rn, "oi41d Pcefpt that as a condition. W112t hel,7 nayi,rp, ,, go back. W;e npn pe-1-1 audit for mir f1g,11rcs, blit we- can't, since we didn't pi)t it ro-rditlon, Rr,. an sudit for th e? past. ni)t T thin oj,n P-) r Fr o� fnir, if "-Irr� F r ittl up a million dollars a year, to Psh for n total ntidit of the whole procedurc, Mr. Ari-Icn: j don't know that they would, ngr€ o. to it, because* it's basically a case of who bids for the-, highest price to got 45 Minutes exposure On t0lcvJ.SJ,0v- Mayor Ferro: I don't. tjjj.rjc 1-111cv viould over n-Rren to open up their books as to what they f,,Tct-. fron.. Prootor, i.rd Gamble-, for example. Mr. Arisen: Or from the television studios. I mc,�nr . Mayor Ferro: I don't, think vio w 11 U ever get that information. Mr. Plum-mor; Mr, Hoyor, your hnvc rn4d ulicre yoi,, ;7tand. Let me tcl], you I.-:11cre I stnnd, As ft.r I corcerreo, 03atever our poli.ry J,:7 1,-o tho.sr poopl.c !­ho rcocivo v-�orica from the policy haul, be uniforrily applied City 1i c I)c nrd Ma Vo r Y, 1, c 1" J., n c , 1 '.11 C, e C . r 1, 11 'n, t Any ot-bcy- otaternents? Are vc> rou to vot(l 1) (1 C W.Mt, to make a motion ol­:C vtv or the othcy`� Mr. Car ollotr. rjot,Jon thnt. irzo accept in prirciplc 'L,hr, vcqurt ijjcl appointed by yo ur n (, J, f .I. i, o vj u n C n [.j r 0 u g h t to us. That 1-ti we Ut,i "50,000 for ncxt year and $250,000 for 136 i,,T1 j i. c I r-o tou;3rdf: the four pageants, Miss UnIvcrsc- for r.,ext-, J. y cr I- jL ­ U.S.A. for 1986, and Miss Teer-age Auic,,,rioo for 184 _--rd 3 '_-'j . Mr. PlUrMi0r: What about the additions to that, Joe, number one.... Mr. Carollo: 185 and 186 Miss Teen-age America. Mr. Plummer: It is ray undcrNtLnding that if other agencies did not contribute, C-411 b1d.s were off. Is that correct? Mr. Carollo: I would it in tj-jgjt rjotion tha �t if' the additional funds, that we under!stanld that, lre required carrot be retained f " r c m o t', i (L r E, o v c I, n m e n� t a 1 b o d i ts or` private enterpri.3e , th(�_n fc_Nr thiiuotion, to be brought bLek' gair to the Comm i� sion f or rc- coi, id(-Y- Lt ion, . M r . P I u 11, t- r 1­i4s to cowrie baciltan if it is in principlz, Mr. Perez. LS t�, (-, c 6 Mayor Fks rrc, There is a second- There are some conditions, as I undt:v, _--t &-nd that were concurrent with this, and we %, -� t a request haver" e x pr u::- our oPirion. Ore dealt with that the Miss Free Cuba.... 51 17 AUSU3t 16, 1984 41k Mr. Carollo: That should be, Mr. Mayor, made separate, I think from this motion. Mr. Pere; .- I votild like to present another mentioned motion about thr-it. r Mayor Fc�rrn: Tp oi-,br-r _=ords. wjiit you wart to do is separate that: snd thnn t.,clll dosl with thn issue of South Afrion.... Mr. Cnro),I,o-. Yc-s-, t1jr. Mayor, I think it should all be made separate. Mayor Terre 1,7 there zany further discussion or the main motion? Mr. Plummer: ijr. tjiyor, I an, going to vote in fnvror of the Motion for tWO rC,--)SOPS� ornr, its in privolple. An, you know, I voted -,iFrajn:7-t it last ycar, becauso I fclt tllpt it was an undue, burden to n,sk thi-s City to pick up nuoh a great percentago of the tabI feel this year IV.1-ii:3 h - r; o h a, r g, e d I thick thi;7 yenr, the City is only onc of miny vho il asked to be a contributor. For that ronsor I th 1. n k I accomplinh<-A t4int I tried to do last; year by gettipf". other people. jtjJ-, rolv. tlic City of JIiisni, but all of South Floritia ').n the year:� to. eci-,,,(, '�Ah;:,,l `1107c pcoplc Tlho J'n f,101 s­rc bey—fiting by pre� ro­ir ip z�nd Join to help I Ar. lj shoul�Jr-.­ 111,ic Plk"'O '0C d --, x 1) c C, I r of he o t h c r ry Mr ct I t6 i:.(� )I(* corivi.i ciot-�c­ ri.vivn cr but I I t i S1("111 vot-, but th(," pc-:i tage that (: j -A i `i:� t inc, J.11 1'01'i - (,,o the totti). th-,t. others are p u t t j in J."3 ,;bout the -ame, so I would just like you to keep trlh,"A in i n d Mr. Plummcr: So be it. Mr. Carollo: It's the same shoulder. Mayor Ferre: Any further discussion? Are we ready to vote? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-9110 A MOTION ACCEPTING IN PRINCIPLE THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CO1,041TTEE TO I BRING THE HISS UN'lVERISE, KISS; U.S.A., MISS TEEWItGE U,S.A. PAGEt-driv , S TO THE CITY OF MI 1� HI I POR 1965 111 ND 1986 AND AUTHORIZI.ING A ND F) I f i"EC T1 WG fl-11 E CITY MANAGER TO IiLLOCATE LN lit-10UNT NOT TO EXCEED "500,000) ( 250 , 000 IN 1985, $250,000 IN 1986) 'WBJECT 1'0 1ALL)DITIONAL FUNDING BEING OBTkINED FROM THE- CITY OF MIAKI 1:11ELCH, IIIEITROPOLITrili I)fn COUI-i'Ty, THE STATE 01- FLO[LIDAL I'LNI) THE PRIVATE I V r SECTOR LS OUTLINED BY �S OF "I'l- E THIS DATE A WD T 0 BE THE COKNI.4 4 . T BROUGHT b1,CK TO THE CITY COKiKISSIOW FOR A P PI 10 V 111, . Upon being 6econded by Commissiorer Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- 31 18 August 16, 1984 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice —Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: WF. I'm going to vote yes in principle. Mr. Gary,, I still want some answers to those parts of my memo that are legal. Forget. about the parts that the City Attorney has ruled as illcFal.. if j, do rot have the nnswers when it comer, ti.r o to voi_,(t gain, IIII lbe voti-)LT no. Mayor Ferro- UOWI, car! the other i:7,sucsz such as the audit requircrnent.5., Fta Free Soui1i Africa, and the $100,000 request. Mr. Carollo: 11, r-P I a -:v o 7- , J_ P s 1-1 c ­, d of brirging up the motion which for somot1roc with Mr. Glasser that. Comm5:7--liovi(­ „(-T-cz i,,rntcd to hrirFup about; n Vlis3 Free Cubs. T u 10, P C er t i t in a llilc differcnt, riF tuTha t 13 to 1) thinl4 mij 1­= better shoit il iz for asking, t-h(-: 11) 1"; ol, hc 1, "o vrz, lie would 1) (,, e o r! r I. 6 - its" do not h,­.vc, j.lchcliv t 11 a t is free, 111'e dc, ji) (? i r, t n a in, o 1411,1 that be acceptab1c,, 7 Mr. Perez: Ye:i, bul, 1 would like to have that as a part of the motion, Out; I think it's importart to emphasize the concept of a Free Cuba. Mr. Carollo: Certainly, but that the concept is still the same; we're, just requesting a Miss Free Cuba on the basis of Guantanamo. Mr. Perez: It's one of the arguments I would like, but basically what I would like to request to the orgarizers to study the posiibilitv to have a franchise in order to give a proper to thu CuLan, in exile copurunity. One of the cz1-1.1n be that Guaintanamo or vlhatever. But any how Our ntanai. c, i :�, za piart (�f the ClIbLt, r)Y­0VinCC�:5- I thirk that iiuportiv­!t tlhat tht_- concef,-A.- for a free Cuba be a � i.r_or l r,- r t of that an e. 1 door.' is have any ire onv en I ene tt in c e p t in g that r t of t I ic n,ut ior . But I would like that the prilt-20_41plt:. how we ire reques.-ting, ard we are _-�uppol­-ed to fr­n-, these People. I thinic thi_- be one of the Mayor Ferrt:,.. rtot u eorvditiot�; it` a request. Mr. C a r o ! I c), '.-I'ur c k _1 4, 1 k or!l y w rc-quest. 4 Mayor rerr'Ll. YQa, L;(,Ck:,pt "11 thi5l? Mr. Carclloit Hr, Mr. l er z. 1,i_� the vote to that one. As �a voted 1_i�e ­L tit1-iivr oull . ttiib project, I am votirg again today, bu,1- I t4(�kjlfd 1-1. i� puz-211ve way to try to have an arswer for the Cub&n cuwi.­u!,ity that 15 very concerned about this issue. sl 19 August 16, 1984 Mayor Ferret Is there further discussion on this motion? Mr. Plummer: Are YOU MsklnR sepprpte motions? Mayor Fprre: 'V(,:7 I ? vicIrr., polng to go ore-, by one, which is what e v f7 r ir b od v 1_'0 W'I n t. to (10 Caere. Further discussion[ Ate e "n rrndy to vote? cnll. 1111n roll. The fol.l.owi -, g n o. t I on - n s 3.r 4 Uroduced by Commissioner Carollo, who novcd its Pdopt-lion; MOTION NO. 84-0141 A MOTION REQUESTING THE PROMOTERS OF THE MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT TO CONSIDER INCLUSION OF A PARTICIPANT WHICH WOULD PERMIT PROPER REPRESEN.'TATION OF THE CUBAN EXILE COMMUNITY 13A5E_T.) UPON THE PREMISE THAT A PORTION OF THE COUNTRY OF CUBA IS STILL FREE OF COMMUNIST TYRANY (GUANTANAMO BAY) Upon being scconocd by Corwmi�siorcr Perez, the Motior umn pa-T7cd -nd ;idoptcd by the following vote - AYES: Commi-:7ioncr .1oc, C;ro.Tlo C o tri -TI J 1'i"kllcr J.. L.)awkins Commi, i oi� c r J, L. P1 ummer , Jr• V icc Pci-oct.rio Pcroz, Jr. Mayor llcuri,cu A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT,. None. Mayor : Now or the South Africa. Mr. D,��,wkins. I mnke a motion that the Commission recommend to the paLcLrt Sponsors that any country or municipality or what have you that is rot; acceptable to the U.N. , not be acceptable.... Mayor Ferre: South Africa is part of the United Nations. Mr. Dawkins: Let. me state it like, this. I make a motion that the same as we feel up here as to that Free Cuba should be represerted, I feel. that Black people should not be humiliated by South Africa. Therefore, I move that he be irstructcd that South Africa not be permitted to participate. Mayor Ff_rre: In other words, this is a request like the other motion. Mr. Plut,-mierz Secord the motion. Mayor Is there further discussion? Mr. Fluxnmer: H,r, 1-1.1ayor, the only ttjjrjp that I would like to clarify thiit ;-'rc r.'Clt bG i.r. this UPoy'! the United Nations. I for (A!c- '­.'; U1,Q CA that the quicker the U 1 Grit. 0 i U 1-,., i t t (j I" the better oft.- -itd be, Tne only thil".1-1 the Unite(I is doing i bt'lrta havtn, for foreiiLn thZA tare working in our ihort� tryiizg io destroy our way of, lift-.. Mr. Swith: But Mr. Mayor, the root ion was rot a request. Sl 20 August 16, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Yes, it was. Mr. Plummer: The motion, to me, Is a request. Remember? Mr. Smith—. Mayor Ferrc, ItSez the same SS the firlt mOtiOr. The first motion wns P requeste this In a rrqurst.. Mr. Smith: BtA, Mr, G),ss_-r;r Tins nlro-.�dy Said it, ia rot negotisblr,. Mr. Plummrr: Ex c uls e -in c Par. Sm, i th , the first. MOt. JOT) thll t WO p a 3sed g r n� ol- I_oTi -c f- j,n pT-j.rc.jpjt7. We ill i :7 z.;rve the right, Pf-tcr honring ItAir r(,:7, p o r vote P gn In Mr. Cnroll.o: vjjjpt-, j,(,j to (� io, imc,, r I may, is preert a substitut'r, i-­,11mould include i.ny racist government. M r . Da v 11. i n f� I v.,jJ-1 not, nocept that. I think that should also be onoth(er molk'-­J.op. Mayor Ferro: 1-1 r lin v e a r o'L J. 0 P, Mr. C,) T- 0 3 -J, 0 '. I_ c t, roc ­ny why, Mr. Mayor, when Mr. Smith ... v hn t C. o mmm i s J, o n c r D a v, I c i r s has stated about the goverpneri-I of south Africa is, very correct. They are a very recisit f;overnriont, liars a policy of Mrs. Doughcrt,, Kybe any goverrment that racial, Mr.. C,,,r o 3 1 o : Bot, r'r c'-- Ere going to t r C a t Other racist goverpricnt- =ny beti,cr South Afrlcn? Fo r ? i­,r U,t V. c e , t h e Soviet Un"'ol",? fln,ci t rnoro rroi-I' ir the Sovic,'"c-1.0"n Cor-,!'�-rlslA' cub'-­7 count try Their- c Til i 1-c Only has ro are trying to t(131.1 thc CS t P. t e 3 are and othcr pl k-:i ( C, Y c I 'i i Y C L I , a t 1, d (I C' )outh Africa'-- for the policy thc-y havc, but, at the same time, if velrc rot goinG to be Ilypocritical Zbout it, we should condemn those governmerts that are equally as racist as South Africa. V"'ho is killing zrd hurting more Blacks in A f r j- ca, , the governmients of South hfrica; or the government of Cuba and the Soviet. Union? They have tens of thousandri- of i4armed oldierts U-11 over- Alriec-1 killing scores of Blacks every &,4y and oppressir!g not Just orc lountry, but scores of countrics in Africa or, %n every dLy ba5i:�_ Mayor Ferrc: 7 could s cccpt that as a third motion, but I tl,ould abk you to it as .- substitute motior? . 11-.1 recoEr.,J.,e you for the pure ofMakir g that an z� Mr. Carollo,' I Will LOCulA thi'_A, hil'. Hl\OV. mayor Ferrt.-. LOUIOYi Uhz;" lie -fore us then is Colum i 0 r% C r- I � ' Q, t i Q, 1 _­ Z_ r �L (11, " Q -, x, . Mr, carolio. Can, that L._,otior: b€, I;Ar. Mayor? Mayor 1:te-rtf. 0 f t i i e C) r L 1 t i i� t. t I L e, Go ahead Corgi! L, r c v_,ot tie p��rticipant of futureL -.-th ld and r ac i �t pol c y It W&6 0. o n a ed by P.1 U w1L. e r I there furthtr on that ruotior? Thib ib a reque.-�t agair. Call the roll. 31 21 August 16, 1984 0 11 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-942 A MOTION REQUE"ITING THE PROMOTER3 OF THE MISS UNIVFRSE PAGEANT TO CONSIDER THE EXCLUSION FROM PARTICIPATION OF ANY CONTESTANT FROM SOUTH AFRICA Iti THE HISS UNIVERSF P A G, r A NT BASED UPON THE APARTI-IFID ATIT) RACIST POLICIES OF SOUTH AFRICA. Upon being r1ccondcd by rommis:31orcr Plummer, the motion was pavised and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Comm, issiorcr Joe Carollo Comm J.::,o ionor Millcr J. Dawkins CommiSsioner .1. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Nore, ABSENT: Foro, Mr. Carollo: tinyor, I would like to make a motion that we rcquc.-,,!. c,,,' tj)ci pageant, the same way that we requested the rl-iol;iop of South Africa, that would include any othcr r C.tjovernmert, such as the Soviet Union or Comm un i Mr. Dawkin, Second. Mayor Ferro: Further discussion; again on a request basis. Call the roll. The followirg motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: 1--10TIOH 110. 84-943 A MOTION REQUESTING THE PROMOTERS OF THE MISS Ul-41VERSE PAGEANIT TO CONSIDER THE EXCLUSION OF ANY CONTESTANT IN THE MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT THA T COMES FROM A RACIST GOVERNMENT SUCH AS COMMUNIST CUBA OR THE SOVIET UNTO11. Upon beirg scoonded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was pawed and adopted by the following vote AYES: Commissioner Joe Car olio Commissioner Miller J. Dawkir3 Comm i3sion(,r J. L. Plummaer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Dernetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Ferre: Are there any other further motions? I think we need to tuake the motion that the Manager be authorized, Monty, I wart you to hear this because I'm going to cordition, it, that onee the j)rt:!imjt-&,ry cortrEjct is agreed upon by -st-uff, 01&t t1le kar�a0:r be authorized to expend up to $100,000, ire oviaed howtver, that t100,000 i3 matched up 31 22 August 16, 1984 0 to by either the private sector or another governmental entity so that we're not alone. Mr. Smith; Mr. tiayor, In the spirit of the request that's being n­idn, I would lik(,, for the Commission to SISO make it p - that; -) J,, - p 0 p, 0-, J1 a requirom 'je be c-xpended unt, - You get feed back -5.p accordance* with 14h.qt Cori M, j Ss I or er 1,11-I'mmer 3aid corcerripg, 1-lic rvr�qiiv t thit this Comm nnior m.-.d - . This commis:.;Ion, nhould I)(- rcsp-,eted, if -t-Alc- morcy is already spent, then it's kind of difficult to hnvn Any Ir-'verage whatsocvrr. Yr*stcrdny, I T U ryas on tile enl1cd to find out, ghat: I agenda ind I was ndvisco by the Clerk's of flee that the Mayor's office, hndr't. advised them. 11 3,01, of people don't know about, what's happerirp, here today. 1 think that: the public —it, hn-;Irlt been advertisod to my knoi-Tledge. I -would think that before n dinic of my tax dollarn are spert, that a report be mode bpcl,, to lltl-his Cornniis:7ion on the requc'st youvve made, or (,I:;P- II-111cre Is Po reason to make, thii rcqtjcst.. Mr. Plunift or: r.-jo pone v can be Spont Until a oontract is brought bao)-C to this Commission. Mayor Ferro: No, the motion I am miking, J.L., is that the Manager be niithori7ed to expord up to �100,000 provided however, that: it 1.:3 cqually matxhed dollar for dollir from either r,, i - i -,-- -11--, n :7 c o 'G o r f u n ("A n or from othcr gOV!V_rPncPt,3l entity so 7r, to sc-curc thc Hi, -r; 11 driver pagcort, contract, up to; ti--o oonditlon:-, up to (-,i. hundred sand that it must be matchc(I diol,lar for dollr=r, M r . PI. tar, c i - r Prior to bringing back a contract to this commis,,;ion. Mayor Fvrr(-_: Ye:5,, nix, otherwiso we're not to get this contxr-ot. J Ii-,, g 1 � going to nalt:(-, -, ncoond inotion after that. is 0)"t borore ;-ST."y fort hcr mjonicn I)c ex.ponded, we 1) a v to h,-vc full tcoourtc1 i'I.i,t\1 �r:rj th,-.A. whatcLvor is owed t),. 1)v 'L,-Ah(Hc-;,,J, 1:1,(. paid. But .'i1jv.-(,1f (A-;(-),d)y t "oll'. "'o neck ou.t tc,2, r-ct car ,,(-,Irc Yol, t:o get the c or. t r - o t Mr. Plut-mer: Maurice. how then do you equatle that the legislature doctnit evcn riect until hipril and Hay? Mayor Ferro: J.L.t if Mr. -and I don't mear to pick out Mr. Arison, please don't take it that way, Hir. Arison. Mr. Plummer: No, no, he doesn't speak, for the legi5latior. Mayor Ferre but I'm speal!ing to "r. Anson and son Mr. 'Trainor' III we're to expend tLxpaiyer,- monie;5, I want 3omebodv tor�ateh thiit. I what you are sZYing, that to securc, thiti, wcclrc Foing to have to put out money out quick. I IrD willing to do thit , but cxue-, body else is going to hz.vt to L;,A(�h ub. if You c'et Metro to do it, that's f ln-e; or if' You ez--n tact the State oi Hiail�i beiveh to do It, thstl_,: fint. Lut it' not, thu.n you �zr(� to have to put Out of' Your or. J;Oel et.: 1jI!,Qe You bc-litfve in this, thee -I you hLVc to put Y(-,,Ul' L11), you know, and if You wL.-In't tht:,� up,, 11,,;� vil-lirjo let the Kanzq!(:r hav(-, th(A r'_1L?4ht- I IL.v(:_ full that this to betuuth it-, puiltln-.7 up tkdr t mloyey. Mr. Carollot tu- Mr. Swith- Y-1.1t . kiz�_yor, 'I L Is the spirit of' your, I IlLt � ItL-c4ily binding and enforotable If., court be tfiter ej itAc, by the Manager prior to the time thijt their- contract 16 brougInt back before 31 23 August 16, 1984 the Commission to vote on. I just want to know whether that is the spirit of what you are saying. Mayor Ferrn: It is mv inter tion that out of the $500,000 that we hnvl? in pri.nei trlc vot ed, that we 10ve the Manager i-zerptior on the authori'e? to (1xPN`1(-- I; P t() �'1100,0100 1) J, :7' cl this lr;lor! 'Ind thn Orly e0ndition thsz- is p-pi puttjng on t ► is th , t U h, prjvqtc finotar or son, ob od y e 1 s dollar for doll,-lv- Mr. Smith. goes that; mean lie can sign a corll-raot that will bind the City? Mayor Fern: T.Io. he cannot do that, but he. can expend $100,000 to bind 14fisi ljriverse and Miss U.S.A. Mr. Smith: 1:7- he 5pecifically prohibited fron, ortering into a binding; contract? Mayor Ferrc: lc,-, lie would be 7,pcoifically prohibited from finalizing the contract without the final approval of the Commission. lie would, however, be able to spend up to $100,000 before we arrive at that point at his sole discretion. Mr. Pluriimcr: lo, IiAit in "o *n Mayor nrr,7: IT k j� i­�;croi,, J, :7, -' r If we want to play major o, i, i 1) pl , Nr m,-aJor lca-iic. you cannot. a pp i - C F n A� I C 0 Or St L o uL il. 1'' I I I p v (J M 10 h, V i % IT out o-51 to 11c )J!, a c rc.l. 1 V J V 0 1 11., YOU, 1, al 1, 0 Cj JI 'or� u (?: B i t i c P E, 0 c, 1) ; I, c f u P to $100,000 Z- t,, tAlc d i 0 1 alone; it's up to him. 1, Ill 7.bidc, by u, t, ho dccli(J(Is if he decides that it's not won°GIe it lia then he'll vc,_ . . The only other condition. is that Mr. Arisen, Hr. Trainer, and the private sector match it or find somebody else to match it. If they can do that, that's O.K. with me. If he can go over to Illiami Beach and get them to join the ante and play major league games, then that's all right; power to them! Otherwise, it comes out of their pocket.. I so move. Mr. Trainer: Several iteribers of the Commission volunteered me to chair thi:5 thing. I don't wind. Last year I put up $50,000, Mr. Arison put up $50,000. but I don't want this to be a contingent- thing that every year I have to put up $50,000, or t,,elre not goiig to play ball. LAUGHTE11. Mayor F(,rr(-.: I!jonty, m not you get it frow sonebody else. I' saying you ll&vt to -et it, out of your pocket. I'm saying you get -_oifcbody else to do it. Mr. Traircr: I lia a volunteer. I I m the Corwai5sion's volunteer'. Mr. CaroIlct V-.Ie I -lave to take inflation into Qcy!_,idti-&tior. �-ard 0ier! tht�y aid it. Mr. Trai,­tr- I didn't even stzir!d forw Mayor Frr Mr. `Trainer-, in ethat'sthatthe rear, you have to deal ec�. with if taxi-- t.J-1j_rg pauses. You deal with him. 51 24 August 16, 1984 Mr. Carollo: Monty, it's like I told you before, you know what one minute in international television costs Proctor and Gamble? $450,0001 It's the best deal you got in your whole lifel Mr. Smith, And ter getting reservations in Paris. Mr. Cnrolloz You orly got It for $50,000. Mr. Trniner; Sometimes you can't. afford a good deal. Mr. Plurn-mer: NoTT I !-,rotj why the soup and sandwish for $4.00 went to $5.00. Mayor Forre: Mr. Vice Mayor, it's 5:30 and I made a motion. I would nsk that yoo a2k for a second Mr. Carollo: Second. Mr. Trnirnr: 1-41r. }Mayor, one thing, the Greater Miami Host Committee v!ould be the committee signing the contract with Paramount; Pictures. Mayor Ferro: That is correct, sir. The Manager is the man you have to dcal i-Tith if this passes. Mr. P I t, 7� f m nt - : 1'r, 11,7=yorr I havc lt-o 1-11. 1 f, on It. h o record , becausc T h-vc vol-,c h C mot,5 J- th.ink it is unf a ir I: C, P I.J,, i C, i-,rithout a final ccl!-A- rrcf h,' 6 I just don't, i v r;,tv, c, (tF- IC o �4 1 f r it t:,o lav out I 1! 1 11V o Mayor Ferre: Let me put it, yot, vay, J.L,, 11 re"Spect your judgewc.nt. I think yol.) s,J oouraIe ei.AJQ.(-1d to your vote. Mr. Plummer: I tried every v,.ny in the iiorld to vot.(,for it. Mayor Ferre: I have ccn Howard Gary rrcoti,�Alc tlrio cable television contract. I have seen him regot-Al.atic.; Bayside. I don't have any qualras of letting him make that decision. He has the authority and does deal with a lot more than $100t000. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Kayor, I call the question. Mr. Perez: Do we have any other discussion? Call the roll. The following uiotion was, introduced by Mayor Ferre, who iraoved it%: adoption: MOTION NO. 6111-'4114 A MOTION AUTHOUZU!G THE CITY MANAGER TO EXPEND AN J"HOUNT NOT TO EXACEED $100,000 IN CONNIECTIOU I)IT11 EF11*03:1T,`,' TO OBTAIN THE U. S. h. /MiSS TEEN U.SO.A. F(Ai '111L 196�,-bf-t TO BE BROUGHT' '140 THE ClTY CIF 11,1AUjill P-S ,,�,0014 L—Q, THIS tl-�,OUK'f 4-1`1 Hl!-ACHL-D BY L T i 1, L.li 1, 11 E P R I V ATL. C'If ()'E 04i U11 � K It CU ��): 11' 11 M, E N T SECTU '1'0 EN'.PIA TIDI- IEQ---T 0 [,'i 1111 '! V1' T 0 114 PROCEED IhI1,1111 L X, C 0 N, 1%, L C, 1011-11 1111TH TH A 0 1" L L t I D Upon being beoonded by CowLaib4iloner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following votes al 25 August 160 1984 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Com-mis:7ioncr .1. L. Plummer, Jr. Conimi.,s--Iorier Miller .7. Dawkins ABSENT: Hone ON ROLL CALT— Rr —.P I i Tm r) c r . I tried every way possible. I have to vote no without n eontract in hand, NOTE: THIS TIOT10N WAS MODIFIED BY M-84-952, SEE LATER SAME MEETING. 2. GRAHT TUTO HONI'TUPS COMPS USA710H TO AUR DAREA, 1 4 AWITUSTRATIVE AIVE TO COHIEUSSTOFF-PI JU- CAROU.0. Mr. Caroi-lo: Mr. mayor, before t-To T,o ono hc Pr-t, itxm, I I - would liko to bring :-�omot,bing i)p ycr� !)rJ,nf1,k f� most of you kroll 1)y not.- oonc Of Jni:-�'-rrtivr Aida Barea, ir'. q1,oi.1,,,,- S h 1;,i:7 rt,() lhr�-z In c. r n r r in a 1), used up p; ty thn I, V is: ors' j4 0 111 :1 1,0:V P o f f i 'J 1) the 1;1—i, i':%, J ol, r, t j be b r J. n,r J-n cht. - Ofj'� 1:." �-.j 1� p vr, I i, t. c could n IL, 1) c i r r; Bare: c 1; to fn, y o f f ' J- c h 1) r E.I of 0�2 vh"k; 1-c fc1t, Was very fair va-- to allolt", her, *"--,.,vro t�-onthr, comp timc; Ghat: is based on an average of five to six hours per t-;cck, which she has put much more than that. fly motion, Mr. Mayor, is in the form of a revolution that this Commission approve two months compensatory time for Aida Barea beginning now. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plumtmer: I second . Mr. Perez: S3 e c o n d . Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Gary: Mir. K,aqor, under discussion, I would suggest that a condition to that motion be made. That is that the appropriatcresi and 'L he legality of -.Ueh a decision be reviewed . Tljzt dc-cicion riEO,Itfully under the City Manager ur:der t"He Char ter, Mayor Ferre. 1 tLIt L'-IuL,-Y"� 1-, L . ht: CL,,;�, 1r, 11,-�narer, becauLe you r (7 U 1' t h.L. t i t I b I e8' al Obviou,,Iy, the rc L- lf�u, I!, a member of the: I)Int.,er YLU'Y Key Bar laui dtLI-ekf 01Lt I il�v� tull-- 1uit th�t this C onn, n i J10to, is 1) r t: 0- 1 udi e d, f r oli: 1 1 - " i r " E i 11 1 t C, a 1 41ets. Therefore, any tuotion, any re;tiolutiot. that is w6de here must, of course be legal. If it is riot legal, ther., it, its not valid. 31 26 August 16, 1984 77 Mr. Carollo: if I may ask the City Attorney, because this is not a case where someone has a lot of time built. This is a ease whop one of my staff members Is very 111. :rid she has used tap all. her vir-,;tion ;rd hnr slek tlrne— In the A 1, 1. 4.. A, Ilnr- m -:� past, n1,1 1)nv- lUji -,� -- , of other past r 11:7, t om that if -s 10 n n T% ;,•i da (,o mmi s i-jj,on, to d-o d e J what comp tirnr- to P-11ow to I n C- n M Ais strqiF t talkirg b o u L wr oc m on t jit that, It, woi,;1d be proper to hr .i nF it: up to n Is there arything Madam City Att-orrey, t, il wrong b n us voting upon thi-7 Mrs. Doughcrtly: Commissioner Carollo, I don't know the answer to that at this time. I'd have review whatever s the policies have been implemented in the past, personnel rules. Mayor Fore: Would you put it in writing for the Commi-stoner to so advise him. In the meantime , is there further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: yell, assuming it is legal, we are approving. -1). if Fore: of col.)i -,z.,zLim c, asirg,g It i,:7 Te it is not legal, you opn't under lav 1-rj.7 -t(, illcf,,,71 ;0 S. Mrs. Doug .licrty, I will v*ork vith the City F• anager. if it is legal, welll proceed that v7ay. Mayor Ferre: If it's riot legal, then you tell us how to make it legal, and as Plummer says, we'll proceed the legal way. Mr. Plummer: That's right. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The follovirr- vaotion t-,,as introduced by commissioner Carollo, who movc-d it- ,ado Lots ors : KOTION NO. 64-945 A MOTION GOING Olt' RECORD THAT THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVES THE GRANTING OF TWO MONTHS COMPENSATORY TIME 73 ;, 1 1-V A P - BARER, ADMI14ISTRATIVE AIDE TO COMMISSIONER JOL CAROLLO IN CONNECTION WITH H E R C U R R E N, T ILLNr-SS, SUCH 11,,r' TO BEGII-i! THIS DIATE AND COMPENSATORY T 'E SUBJECT TO THE REVIEUT OF THE LEGL.LITY OF THIS ACTION 5-Y THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY HANAGEH. Upon being Lecovdcd by Plummer, the motion was passed and L&jpted by the following vote - AYES: Comali��ioncr joc, Carollo Comm i�:5 ion� cr Killer J. Dawkins Commi!j5jor.,c.-.r J. L. Plummer, Jr. vice-iiayot Dei-:ictrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Haurice A. Ferre NOES: Nore, ABSENT: None. $1 27 August 16, 1984 U 3. DISCUSSION ITEM: HOlj3TPG AMP REDEVELOPMENT PONT) 13SUE. - — ---------------------------------- -------------------------- Mayor Fcrrc. V­a; rol-; to ge�t to 11-.hr. bon.0 T-sur_,, I apologj_7.,,7 for rnpking yovi vnit For, nr hotir rndj. n hnlf. We are novr on t1i-n o, , jj pro :�ctc?1 and redevn1opmer, ,or(j J-:31jeWe. tr Jhovsi,rg hivc' r-v;7rPmrrbrrs of the committr�e. I'll, rneogrni7e you j in a mc­mc�nt. MiJl-r. We have s co-olisirperson her( nro n repre�ncrtni- , ie, 'vof one of the co-'oha Irper sons, In Mr, Kinr h('1rc? I dop't sce I'Ung around. I'm going to recogri-,n him In .9 rnornnPI-1, Bnfore we do that, Co-aimJ,ssiorer Dpi-!kirs, Mr. Dai,;kiy1S: Mr. Mayor, I'd likc to nal,ln n strill-'ermc-it. Bond issues nro arothor near; of tar xatior, sinor_ thr bonds roast be retired vith rid v,-jjor(_-m, hord ir:1161 are proposed, tho totnl corwimvpity should be c1c;;r1y Irforimcd of what is proposed '11:,o be done: vyith tho re.-oltAng roney from the sale of thc past bord isucs T-Pith input, of c, i Liz-onis at public The park, and rcercation bond is,ued, the Over town /P,7r1: u c 1, I)ond i r, j 1 c:7, the V; n P n r proposed n millacc ipvrrfn7c r n P d. t h n tlap, gcr do - j r c to r P I so the g a r ting c 1, m c 7,~ 11 1 r for The pre cr r Crvcro t­�) 1.7 c - lac rid` so t h -a t rz 1, 3. J, T1 V r I r, r v M 110 t 1, o 'T sha Iv . C., C o n cj:� Stud J C. 1) the Now- Ed i ,;., e 6 t 11 i r) 3 t he 1110nd Money? .": the need,; about. i.1 iJ 'k 11c t� 0 e I () , ("? C) 01 10 (i(%0,O(W for put in I h ct the 'Hyr voc d r r 10 n r J 0 (0 0 1— F 3 000 for then t�! or c r- F c I r c -I L r d I b u, WL the $10,000,000 for 'Ll-ic; atincr 12 P 11 C 1I c n i 1_1 I 's all over, t1*1C tot,7;1 CjtjZ(rj�rj" of 111 Z-, ri'l i vill pay for thc',c bonds. I take exception to a quota or whatever it in the Miami Herald which says, and I read frora the paper: "It was urcle,r late Viledresday just the �40,000,000 would be split to salvage Latin support Without Offending Black leaders; but if Alejandro suggestion. is acceptable to Dawkins and Gary, Ferre ;aid he support;, it.t, I are tired of the newspaper or the Ktayor or whomever it is preaching hatred and disruption Black people and Cubans. VZhen you read this article, it tvould aPPQar to YOU that the Only ones objecting to the Latins getting money is Howard G�;ry and 1-Uller Dawkins. I resent that. Ever since I've been here for the two and a half years jlvL:sat here, I have voted for things that bent-fited the total City of Miami and take exception to this. I want to Go or, record as letting it be krown that I don't appreciate it. Mayor 11, E:r, f, (.4 . C o rt� w i s s i o n e r Dawkins, if in any way you interpr(tted on uy part to be offensive, I apologize to you. It cer'tip iv�IY Vas not wy irtentior to hurt your feelings, Howarth Gary fc c 1, 1 r es r ayy b od y ft e. I i n E:s (I b t trying to do the bt-It I ci'! to brir.'E as V_Uell Lti I car., aMOrg&t U110 ILLVt VQO-y d1Vt_r-_-t -.LdtaL" O.01L't and Should be oont . you t i 4�� ,�t t Lot Lt t: because unfortunately, arid I :�ay thlz� ad-vj-_Qdjy, tilt law of Florida proh i b j is you to partic4patz jj.- L 4 t cot2versations that I've had with w4ry ptzop'le that 1jave beer. Calling me, 31 28 August 16, 1984 because I would have much rather just pick up the phone and shared these conversations with evr-,rybody, biit unfortunately that has not bren ponnibl�, Mr. Alcjpmdrl-a who is a respected mcm1-,nr of this con; rjj;Tj j, fV , "-))0 )j,-:7, 1OC(M f 0 ' it. h r e e-, times in A rnw Lhf� ellnirmp-1 of t-he Arehhishop'n Charity Uiind driver, k!ho h--s hnnn p-,nnj,dr!P1-- of tln- Josc Mnrti. Y-H.C.A.. and nnryre rl,T-ny ot.lic— eivic s (- t, J v i t, i n f 7. If o r t.1Ie 1 -1 (-, I f me c, of all people i.r Miha- hid name vrry nt.rong feeliy­ about this I rc:qpeet 1) 1. n, , and 1. respect Mr. Eloy Gorzal(-7 who is here, 14110 ii the pre:7idnrl'. of CAHACOL, Luis !_,-iorcdo, who is a member of the comn, iti-Ice , rjarl,ri Elena Duran Prio, T4.110 in a member of the commit -tee, jeSjxs pornjuyl, srd others t4ho have expressed concern r-ind i-,ithout nny furt-hcr ado, I would ask the co-ohairperson of this committce to nddrnss the comminsior on the insues that lie Sees. Mr. Stuart Morkin: Mr. Mayor, mcrnbcr,s of the Commi:7rior, my name is Sti,;nrt Hcrkir. 11n, an 'acting co --chairperson. I agree with what Mr. Dawkin_- naid about that portion -about the rc(-d:7 of the commurity. Tho committoset, up — it's a very 'viroad based coi;lmittce from all segments of the community. The comliji.ttec, sinco its ipeeption liar, been very mindful of the needs of the crtirc coi-urity. As we urderstood it n't, the beginning, three main D-rcaz, that were to be add"ressed.- one i,,?an the necd:7 of the community. The other, t1le :71c-,00nd et thc balarcc that, h;16 to bo creatcd in order to pn:7. �, n J)o�d issue, 1) c o a I j s c 51 f w c_ d o n I Ir 111ve a balance, nonc of t.tte pcods of t.lhc cornmunity -'re f-,oilng, to be s e r v f I I ic v n t, o 1) C ry r, 'd -t. ;�11 Ilia bord v o f d I h, rl'_c to be issuc. raisc(') ,-I, V 0 $8010001 (IM" the nc(('"' We wC.1"r 0 T -A C rulc:, of Uiolt 'I, '1.h� at the v 5 U 0 $20,00()},000 V �j I o "'o 0 v I, (,j d $109ovy')OO 1:d, f,c; 1 c 'froj:V tc! t I M e y t-, n I e,� to the East, J11 1:l(' c om ro it C 'n C_ r,7 I—! 't"JI "'i 't-1. -if you probably pol-1-co' c N, cr y anEI c ri c. rJ) c r I tliirk th,��,rr, zs. r C 35, I'm not, urc, on thc coruflit'Gec, J.f you j,.-.ic,,l1,c_d cvcry single member of the coitm�ittec you'd probably get, a dirferent figure that, they viould want. But gererally in order to satisfy these three criteria, these $20,000,000 and $10,000,000 figure was acceptable to them. In the Commission meeting in july, 1 trlirik it was the 18th or the 19th, I'm not sure, the total dollar amount was raised to `-40,000,000. $20,000,000 going to, as I understand it, to Overtown; $10,000,000 going to Liberty City; and 4*10,000,000 going to Little Havara. At this point, I can only speak, personally, because since that time, we have rot had a comnittee mecting of 1.1-he whole. There was a meetin.g that was called very hurriedly, but it did not represent the cntire coy.waittee, At that meeting, we were mindful of Ue top dollar amount. Goinr1 _ from, 6,I'Ll 30,000,000 to $40,000,000, anything above enerally Was considered rld correct we if IIL-, wronL, un�aceeptuble as being able to be pL;sed. The diouluised a new allocatior: tfiLt uou2d bc LIlocating $2�),000,000 to Ovel town and LibcrLy City and 41!:j,000,000 to Little, 1-1 i1i v L Y. a if $45,000,000 i_- Loing to Inc al-d again I don't, know OIL- t 0 UILL, b U t if. it i g,ni r.L t) be acceptab1c, LVA ';Vair: 1 Can-! o�' `1N1 z,-Jt!Lk W'd r.Ot for the: boi!d, to Ovt:rtown and Liberty City L-nd, 'SLV51,000,000 to Little Havana as perhaps being acceptable to the entire co—n-l-aunity or the entire bond committee. That 1b where we are at this point, '51 29 August 16, 1984 A Mayor Ferre., Thank you very much, Mr. Merkin. I' want to say that all of us Are very grateful for all the wonderful work that you do an ehPirperson as chnirpernor of the neighborhood for yoiir rzt-vipina tr nr-d belping us with thin. VT- tbsrk vo". T knout 41-AinU. Coopnr. who you pre, I" orn vl("111-Jon nt t-his tivic. Mr. AleJsndrr. Mr. Armnndo Iln 1"oony to 1,,xv t.0 nerve - this oommuritiv, JJAfc T hnv^ doing 'j('1r no rinlpny yf7p-13Maybe Mr. T)P,,,,kJ.r:7 nn 1 1'. 6 -mr, bu V, T vns thc chair r or of Rev. Gib. -,on j,n tvo oppo:^J-ng r) Cubnn, I've been working i4ith nnyonr, I feel Is thr be:7,t. qnd *,),.rj, doing 30* 1 fecl. likc tae don't: vinniG th(� 1,P'Lirs, to tikc spything from ip y o t h c r e o i-n m i i r., I It y . Vint monns our agreen, ent ye:3teT-d,=,y ",I s to F-, i V 11) (c r t y City t 1) C' S ;-) ni 0- t 1) J, n [7, you approv0d P C-1 V, d 1-1 y S Pgo t10,000,000, 1;200001000 for 1�)r000,000 for Little Hav,�T)n sts a Overtown/Park 111r-�3t ;,rd �"", whole. The thing, is I, ho t, 110 r7,* of the vo�*-�r-- on, thi:; community nro Latina. Ile i-,,nrt, "C.hc borej issue to bc-., in the ballot, but to b(,- pa ,.:red In order to raise morc jobs for everybody to work lint-d. For tin It i.� very difficult bccausc always the Hirparic community has voted EigEni,n.rt bond:. We are Fain g to try any vny pos:31blc for this opporturity to get thy: votc-1 to pi:7r; 11-1hc bondT I i a t, i -? so n, c t I i I r g, ghat I feel is the bc,7-t for everyone of un. Th,�rk you very much. M r . Da, in f1r. Alcjnnd1rc, may I zay .-Pomething, please, sir? Mr. Alejandre: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: I know you well. I hope you know me. Mr. Alejandre: M" I know you very well. Mr. Dawkins: Wh a r you came over there and you and I discussed this, just because I didn't agrec with you, sir, that doesn't mean I don't know you. in, that right? We can discus's things and dJj_,,�z7,Crcc and still he fricnds. Right? Mr. Alejandro: Ycs, I think so. You can, have, a different opinion on vinything and I have another opinion, and still friends. Mayor Ferro: Thark you very much. Mrs. Range. Mrs. Athalie Range: Mr. Mayor, Commuiss:,Jon-ers, my name is Athalie Range. I reside at 5727 N.W. 17th fivenue in the City Of Miami. I am here because I am quite distressed regardin- the proposcd -,haring of' these bonds and the manner in which thi :,y are identified. First of all, I feel that the word Cater t .e:t: hould be left out, ueez;.use this 2-10,000,000 that are Icing Llloci.>tcd for overtown/Parit Ulcst will, in my opirior:, not the true 0v(-,rtow--n aW Black people know it. itl,-i L'olnE. to lue i,-o!-Ac-s th ' -;,L, will tic-uc�ed Pa-Ir West, whiob i.-� rt,�z�!Iy ofov(.�rtoun. Tf'it, -JIoeLted for Liberty City, I llot I've lit"Y'd figures, but I will, r-h4,Luvtr thi-ti Cof,-cp-uiss-ion I think the uornir,[�, Paj.;tr iLit"Alt ilLvu fiLurc U-11- "i,000,000, N o u 'L 11 it 1 41,1 1 th�t i:� it"'o be $10,000,000 for tht LibC,r-tv City bc-lieve rie -4 -0 when I �,Ia�, I Uo znv- Lrouip f or ccZiji,.-1)i.:t1- from recei v I rL fo i - 0" taml�V tv- Uh(71t tt, f 1 Liu %'L f) o 11 t 0 v to y C) U that Liberty C1 t y i G-f' rity ia the most dt�,r k bt- k-' I I i t it- Un L G kl:i r ek, �2'1 Or a grit num"utnt- ot tht, fur-,�a t v are most greatly n t v 6 to X, 1. L t., tart y L r y J, I t f0 have Liberty City d t t I , t: b o t t o w, of t h t: t u t v. i"i. putt:, f kn e'i is P-1 0 S t unfair. I do sincerely truvt that thiw ar:d this sl 30 August 16, 1984 1b E committee is going to be able to come to far fairer terms than we have row. Yoti know and T krow that Overtown will never be thn, Overit-lowT) we, orc47! kn,!w. Any of ws who Pretend to be pot i. i icilly ;7astijtei know thn Ov;-.rtown ,;- u-, know It today Is mor- Pnd mnr-- rnpi(lly r; Pirt of dovjrtown. So tile !tf-,0.000.00f) of w1lich Von] Pirk West In prob;�ml y Purl, Vfr7,11 , bi;t, T. or) P I.- (�-r d i1h A i, 1, 1 s not; for OvertowTho-r! P - rn -nin I-Ah n V. IN nc o- v oilt of OvertowT, Cho: p-, o 1-� r s i I n V I e e- in r)11 present day vllive 1-7111. nrtvcr be In n P0ni*(-J(,zn to F i, v property oitmcr, w-ho rzE711jr-p-, or hnvf� hall to 1.1. n t the present r;i 4C. e s . Thc n nr)T,?er 5,T) "hich 't- ' h c p r c, r7, r ;,� rn :7 r t�- :�z 0 V, up will never allow thn�rnn ;(, people to eoend prirtjoipite simply boc'-113ne, they W1,13, not-, hnVC t-hr- doll-Pri. The property values po up Immediately ns the old, clilapidnted buildirgi are sold and the property so"..d thereon for Penricn. The moment those buildingn arc rniscd, that, property up in value to exceed Pry- moric.7 that; J31poks might receive for the sale of the property. Con:7,equcntly, I 5,-jy that tic be far better of, if we bit the M33.3-et. -,-nd sirnply told the people the truths If somcbody, sir.-iply come out and nRy to the Blacks in t-lint. community- that we're offerirg you �- few dollars for your propertv. Go north or youth or wherever you will, b1A lei" t-111cm know that they arc rot honestly F ;oing to be commc back 3r)d participate In Over"I"ot-rn. I think it in vnf;7ir tb,�t- tic vovld arFa 'I'Aicm to b(,I,icv(-- this. This r, nrohlf7n, vT 5 t 1) I'A j, r Mn A 1,0() ),Pdi(-,7 'Md F 3)'-1cT,1Cr. This J.� proll).l.cro, 1 1, 1 C I I T - o -1 d 3 3 o G> t• n t " I I a t 'c. )1,7�vc thcr(-- I t•I) !- P I y C I ro 11 TN 0 o (�%�C- ;-rC allo(- 5 0 111). C (1 J,) land i, ')O t j, We knol,,, 1v 1 1 ;-1-(: 1-,0t comir7n h:-1- 1,` N j J I:)), y wart :1. o J r in whiol', 1,1%,� v j 3 y IJ J 1 6 Mayor F, r.; 1� r y C', 11 c" r y o t I r J n t (:'r C- j t, We all re.",,Pce'. you klOie only vour -,-.,vvy in Politics, but for your o cf r,, m o CV` L, C d f 0 F- y'W.j r I- n t C r c .1 t i. n the Comm tin i t Y. I 1-:row youre here bccauzc you feel very strongly on thi5. 11 like you, I think that the great thing about the New Testament is that things are in parables. Let me give you two little stories that perhaps night describe best. You krow, what Alejardre was -gaying is like the story of the doctor who wan experimenting of finding a row way to do open heart surgery. After the surgery was finished, the doctor came out five hours an.d was exhausted. The newspaper reporters were there waiting to see. They said, "Doctor, how did the operation go?" lie said, "It was a tremendous success. Ue made i-�'iajor 1-.>rogre5s. Kledical 1115.story was written. Ve did thing-s that have never been clone, before." And he walled awiy, The reporter:; were writingQn t little fellow eanit.- up and said, I'llowl ,i the patient?" Hc- szid, "Oh, well, unfortur!Lt(:ly the pzAler-t ditd." Thatl-n one :story. Tlitj -�coord motory I wLnt(--d to tell you is a wond(;rful story tf.zt title: country peopie ins Puerto Rico tell. You know, in Fuerto Eica they tc-It, lLo.,d cy-, - bs, like the ores that wc- sent.arou!.'d tiler e tc, Purto Viicns love lard crib r. *1'y V 'L ZI 12 11 ef�Lrt,it a barrel. ICIICA! thty f'tztjd thi:IQ WLtt:r L'Y'd C()rf-I to C-ure them so they dot!lt hLvc:, z:)2y 1)4id thin: . So thy fced than: corn for two or tlirct UlAil thkzy rt Corn I'vdi Lt.d 1r 1_ t h e y eat them. V1 e I I I i" "'Ut'rZ.0 Iii0c), Olt �Aory Z� V� i�� that you don't tvcr h6vt tC) UOVtr L b,:0-T-el full Cij' lli--rd urabs . The rea:ui'i !6 bec4u--t ont-- land criab "All r.,t:vtr Jvt izr!uther lard crab get out, the Moluert he btartb Climbing out, he crabs him by the claw and pulls him dowri. So you never have 31 31 August 16, 1984 to put a top in a barrel of land crabs. The moral of both of these stories is, I understand that Wynwood, as Commissioner Dawkins mentioned in till statement, and AllapattPh. for example If you go throogh portions of Wynwood, it Is every bit Ps hnd no ovarto-n. Liberty city, and Eirl. LUtle finvann, Thorc ;171- sire' rtn i,,,' that arc, rzlipmeful. T "VdCrXtnnd thph LIVOT-ty City ncedsl Otis Pitts and 1 hnvn gone ovnr this tine ;UV1 time ngaln. You kno", 1-IC'rn Pot, going 1-,o be nblf, to nolvf, nlj problrms Of All the pcople and he 01 things to All people all times. There must be n boginning. That doesn't mean therr, in an end, but thcrc in A beginning. All "o Pro trying to do in, as it Is, I don't know If we are going to pass Any of thing but we do need to expend these Monica to help these areas. It's not perfect, and it's not frankly My prcforcrcc. I would have preferred to have done it another way, But I'm afraid if we prolong this, all we're doing to just making it for sure not pa3s. I don't want to gct, into formulas and quotas and who did t-?hat- to whom T and V-rho got, because I think Mr. Gary very rightfully pointed out to me that Black people, as well as White people, but DInck people voted for the sewage bond issue for the drainage; .030,000,000 thAt is going to be almost all expendcd in the Latin community and voted for it. SOT you know, we vote or, things based on need. We're not going to meet nil the needs, but ocrtainly we arc trying to Meet come of the recd:7,. Cornmisnioner Plummer, vind I =211 rightfully so, rzold that unlosi we includcO Liberty City, in his opiplonp tile 51:101; Community would not votc for it. Vr hnd to mnkr r rip Erb.`. pdpoment, I want to Q11 you irrokly, A mr& r vcry prumrtip jud;cmcnt beesore Kthopt hs; voicT 17 =16n'h hvyr 06 thrcr v(tes. 30, T 656WO hwvc vvy oholec. ) 3 ) 5 nr 1 o ro 4 Q the HanaEcr t Qhi 01MI chi 1 N( 100n . ) 1; )V ppy T 11 it,but ',k �!co)(ry w61.1,kK Q with it. Ni: vu djOrli is lhrt( voic: r4h iKi . Vy I have 1.0 10 0 VC01K, I'm UYAPF Us V )QC i1al. Front doctor, hut 1 NVO V;no to IWV( a 10C pruirpy. V UK I'm trying to don! vii, jr r r(a)jty of 10, J Vrot Chi Koo) "JU1 the rc&5Ly of it" LHAWc UN hir rarocintor iJwit are here viorricd Lbout the "" that vl!'"c "Oil KKK W Elit a sufficicnt of in Lhe Hisp2nic community to have it pass in November. So, in hope n of rcrohinCv I for one, would rather have t40,OOO,OOO, rather thnn forty-fivc-. I vould rather have it redistributed; but that may not bc practical. So if that is your recommendation, I for one, accept it and I will vote for it. Mr. Dawkins: Krs. Range. Mrs. Range: ter`. Mayor, I think we all take rote that historically Blacks have voted for referendums and for bond issues. lie have gotten less out of anything that we have voted for than anybody else. Metrorail being a point in fact right now. We've alwaYs favored the bond issues knowing that our taxes are Coing to hz�,ve to I)L:y therm. V1 y only other issue here in that we not allow this issue to go out from thcae cQmber6 reprenenting, a-, Overtown, becau8e Overtown to Black PeOPle bi , Lply weans the areas north of 5ti, Street (jut to Lpproximately 29th Street, 7th Avenue ovtr to 15t Avcnue. Every one of us here knows that those art;dn vill not share it Your 120,000,000, 1 take, issue with thu fact that the word Overtown iL there, because that appear, to be a Ullney. 11L going to give it over to others that uunt to tpeak, but thwt,6 Ly fee1irg. Mr. Dawki"n: Ent. that nowwore 0to voicing the Late told Mr. Gary 4nd are there now are "Q, I would like to in I'lu thankful blLek has cone before this Commission Vokocrn5 Kbout over town LA I have. I've this QmmisbiOn that the individuals who going to lose ownership of the land that al 32 August 16, 1984 they have. They will never recapture it. As you have just said, those Individuals who are going to be displaced have no plsoe to go but Liberty City, Mrs. Range: Thpt in right, Thpok you very much. The only reason thoor par moons n7p not he 1,0 hpvc you kno;j 1�7 because nvon though they have 201RO vinJern Qwy have long since lost nighL on the s"nr brep"no of promi7no. Mr. Gary: TV- Mnyor, if I might rospord in trvmn of Input in this decision making process with regard to Ovartown/Park West. I'd like to first any this Ovcrtown/Pork Heat plan started before I bropme Mnnpgcr. it was something that was pushed by DID.V, something that WAS pushed by Over to wn/Down town Associations, and it, war, somrthing , that was pushed gcncrally by this whole coIiimunity when it was Park West. This City Commission decided to expand and include Ovcrtown because Overtown had been left out of any kind of ber_efiti and had been reneged or, a promise, that existed in 1962 when Urban RoncHpl came Into cxintencc. I'd like to 05o say that onoc when you expanded it r Commissioner Plummer opme up vith the idea that in order to make it work and not: give falso hopes, you had to add some more money to it And this City Commission voted an addition of $10,nnQf000. Piscd on that defeat of that $10,000r000, Mr. flnyor, YO-11 biek and :7,-J-d that Overtol-,rr- itrns too iMPOKOnt FN that We nccdcd to rdd additionQ onount for the Incro fret that me hPO romo vnorrtpin ronics Nyolvcd as well ra the API-nct, of thc bill . I vndcrr0nd the concernr of Err. Qnpr rn6 1 rrrpcel thosr 00110crTly ror 0110 is totally 001 VC& . PON ) lVVIC haln i1no PC 1.06 04C an approch ir oppo�-6 i o r § v 514 VY hut. Mohr` ohr 313 nto bencNrt lh;� too , E;pj 0 jn6 vywc- j(;Ku: v njq 1,0q,j pn to Insurc Yhri F kp co vc P, f � v , ) 1 h3wh Kh, A 1 : V nVic, ptep of thrt tTr ion nvvi;:ion vj pritjuL pvy some conditiont (z Nn, the (wn,0o0,0uo vvLo lic rynEd(d, I 'I'll not to nor( hrt, upru "r ry c ov b( u; ove An vni. rot, here at that writinp. PUL VPCKf5rV)!Y UC PVC VO4AF nboo t that; $20,000,000 FoArE in Michly to the OvortovE pbrVion, That, Is went of the Mcks, & a rc t0kinr Lbout Q. least $5000,000 going to build rclaostion ho=AC to Innure that those pcople LhLt currcntly live in Overtown will I-cmain in Overtown. We al co provided $2,000,000 of that moncy for the preservation of Black history, The remainder of the amount was to buy land. The issue becomes in terms of whether Black; are going to get that money. First of all you have to understand that in terms of the land ownership riaht now, 80% of the property that we bought in the Overtown side is currently owned by absentee landlords now, which means that the majority of them are not Black. So therefore, whether you have an Overtown/Park West bond issue or not, the benefits or the Ownership (of' the land is Y,-,ot by Blacks. Therefore, you have the second aspect of it. That is how do we insure thLt the blacks that are living there as well as those that were displaced before, an well an the other Blacks who Noy want to move in car: have the same rights to live in the land rvg,rdAs5 of vhethtr thty own the land and that is Qo-ough the ducisioi:5 o!' thit, City ccqn, i-,-,Jo i 1, -,,Jeer ire terms of conditjonL that they put on developers, in termb of affirmative notion, in terms oftht r --'LI M b r - L- 'S Of they have to liver in overtovn, The WWI; ti"A K Loin e to be accomplithed in that w: or(: Voinp tc� t,cr :eljjy�g reverlue mortgage boNdb. In ordvr fOr b developer- to bcnefit from those revtnue Lortgugt boron, A has to have to much percent"Et of jow it cone L-06 LOGOY,tt LY."d -o ruch percentLgt of blacks. 1 1:006 11U9EtL-,t Lhiit tht ZILOUnA Of money that in in overtown retain, but that the EULruntnew be instituted wind fol 1OW& Up UpOr! Do 0rub A, black participation in that. I'd 05o like to say if the money is not; there, Commissioner Carollco Plummer had a real good 31 33 August 16, 1984 thought at that particular point in time, we may find ourselves In the position of Saying scrap Park Nest/Over-town. I think we art- ;;t that cutting edge right row. You r-,ither are golnR to go with O%.,Prtnt4r/rPrk West or you don"t gn with Ove-,rivlov-p/rrj- Mr. ILT. Mr- T rt ta t e d before, cvcry, tjnr� Tlvf- npp-IT --(l 1-ir, fore7 am not orly n prope!rty ot,r-r in tlin c j. t y, rm�,- my is located in th(e Ot", n 1) el A 1, h r, T i �� R IT-) r I pr T) bly one of the most Pr'opllr- 11hrit T hnvr, e?v—r am somewhat dinn. qy(-;d '-.o licnr that YOU didnilt ',Irz,-,T- she said. What she said s4ns that you s6ou)d not tell People ore thing and do another. She has not criticized the project. What she is saying is that this is downtown Park West and so tell the people that. 31 34 August 16, 1984 She is saying don't do what they did when they Put 1-95 through and gpvp- BlAcks nll thess-, Rreat pots of gold about how much rnpry they nrez, going to a1co and the John they are going to rat nod ),-nrn that the community "ns ruln4',d_ Don't do whst thr Cpjnqt._-, d5d r-nd flr� 11,111,r^y m;4nt.1 to r es n d h �- e r, n ii d I s e r %- r, ns v I or7 - c 1),n i. r of a Doeumentnry Aurlk-, r, Y AA di t,, 1:-z o r y n-, d Sn r! A- qw,�s o nr al Il r Bailey nt Inngth, nr-d T rYind his. to t)n n f-.Knr� mnn. n pood adminitbut:strnor, bhe�,n ;v_�trnpprA "ith n pl,)n that i'r-1- n plin that i4ill pot bptic-fit i3-lno� n-nd thnt 1:_', -, fnctl -I question bini extensjvcjyA The first qur!stion I nil ed vnsl what is going to bnpprn to the D1-,,eJ-n thn-t. nrn thcrc? I He said "Oh, rsc have got n pinn to prat thr_n4 sorr, other pInce". This Is not n proj-ct thnt Is p olng to 1)n donn. for the residents of Ovcrtovn. it is n project of t, -it a J z 11.� I, going to bo alone to Ovorto"n, and It In n do"ntown project caused thlte 'Vo u 1-001C 'It t1le `170S Of the nP,__JtMrrtr; mean thn unitsr, Porno of thcn nrc- rentn1s,, romc of `h-ni nre not. It In not for it, Is for ",�bn.t Gary Hart, called YUMPIESt Young Upper Ilobilc Prof ennionn-Ts vsho want to be "orking for the City, for the County, ind 5,n thn., negs complex nt the Civic C7entor, providinr for lnw and nc,.5,icine. You enn trite Into conniiderntion the priocs of the facllitI07. Tho'ne pcoplo thnt nre therc rro not going to be able to Pfford lthntj Tnkr Into connidorntion the 1;�ck or for rnd you know,. I importVIA, you C c (I ond T help, a n 6- gi (1 0 i I his 0(io C I 1 1_1PtIir 1) e prob! �A;(.- pcopIc o 3 U 8 a C­ s 0 t"S. 3, 1 t i 3, 1 1 i C V C 5, r u ri o Y, 1; (1 o in t get P�Oplc F411 upnn t. n d fru"tr,t,(d and U, n ,, 'L 0 iL I U­4,,_-,L they nre koing to r=ct ' W thS.-t! (;,rcat. benefit c r, d c c c t h r= t they arse swot, they and then We have. to deal with it on do,;A,,ri the line &,-nd in every two years in the Black sections of our neiahborhood. And by the way, I cos very happy to hear my gppd friend, the City Manager disclaim this as this iclea - Overtown, Park West. That started before he got here. Mr. Gary: Well, if I might, Hr. Havor. Hr. H. T. Smith is also c dynamic spealter, but I v,,oul � d like to suggest to Mr. H. T. Smith, thLt if YOU rCOLIlt "Llhe pwomi:;es ... the Issue has not been the dcoiston tar L-1100ate LOney that i3 supposed to bene"t r;11 -`cVEM(rit' Of the 0=wunitY. It i� fulfillment Of thLt J)r=Ate. VIC, pl-OWI-1ke t>t:C,,n brol,t__ .11, and therefore, you hLvc to follov Lfter the fact.-:,, LI-1(i that I uould 11kc-, to hLVC, thLt OIDI)CIrtUilit�1 tCi -At down with YOU to LhOv YOU Lol;�:u 6ufeeuard_t� thLt, C%itt in there, particUlLr-ly tiers c thut ut-re Lddt�d by CoiLlili�,,;ioncr Dawkins at the lLiat Lieutine, L_- IIL�11 butige-tier: you may have to even ift-Wtiltr th0_';L �Ll"eEULrdti, but I CLt' trill YOU right now thzit thu Lajor tart of' ()VL_rtoWn - we are talking about thib t20,000,000 Go."MC in Over town west of the tracks, and the luaJoritY Of th044programs are designed, and I want to show it to you, to .., 3A 35 AUSU3t 16* 1964 (INAUDIBLE RACW,R0U17qD COM11F.NTS) Mr. GAryt 1:, -nnt. to tplk to you - you were not at tllf,, m-rijng conomi.1slone r DnOcins spid that $59000-000 `-0,000,00() hP(I to 1:�r, i i t 13. 1. A e, d for re1oopt.j.07) 1w 11 ) r popl,!. i - A-i r) -rr^ntly -live wi,thlo) Ovnr�.O-n- it Mayor : rpr yoll meet With both r, IA-Iorn-ey �7".j th nod TInnge nind of-lbers thnt nay Want to Join you nncl flfrb nlllk,^!y and dirzounrt this :71-. It Is 6:15 PJL PDd hnvf� Ot" Cr inSt'Of-, P (I I nt to see Mr. A I e j n n d r r� and Mr. J,stirrdo v,1110 rnvn 1.1p loninp '! at: a ;>nntt - jonn conm3tt er, , nnd 1 am sorry tb-7t you hnire, hnd to do Ont, bilt t1r, Lr)redo ... Mr. Lnurndo: ju-nt. t;nnt to ns.ke sornA very ft;ndnmental remarhn. 1 nm not dircotJng -y -, It 1c."o n-,j one in particular, but there rare nn nviful lot of pc.,oplo r-ho nro not very informed sbou,4 t ji ing, that, they shoolcl be Inforred nbout, and It. pain n(- per;7onally to brive, nt-ton4ed this Com.miision that I tinn so bonorcd to ts(, placed An tbnt have public hearings rill ovor thc p1non. j4p have hc,,irjngs here and we were here so;nmtiros anti l pi,­t 12:30 rnd roc- w-ern nnsured of the BInck impnet and there w!an rn nwful lot of information and all of r, Inuddon rono people nt the nomeat of dccision,, were no_ nt- o;'p and I rn pr,.rt-1P_uIr-.rly disnuiYed that the Commission di(j not: rcp),ly tnt'ro lnt.o conridcrrtlon in nny subst-nnIL-4rc the 1-r7ult of' t.jjj,r Cor-J­r,Wr roportr that the yoi; llir rzli.0 k1ne' 'Avr' -v* o U. licit (_%v 0 u very c, the j ex PC I- h of v, -v (1 ben ct f Ji, 1 6 S h( 1% c o m r, I V n:. 1-c to j t X-c that Ci*,*,-);ii-,-.�'�,,2-;�",.'),(',,,"i-"",C Y�- i-1 V(7 D and 1, �_�o ­ 3. c, r C. t, r f- ab 0 U t $ 81 0 " 0 G 0 r G00. -J.. t j, r .5. �nvr:,_ 1--i. d bc: C,�i I C ycju t, rr,,. ri a 14,-, 6. i stcun s in tie $ 35 , 0 0 0 r () 0 D C 1;:41-- o 11 n 1) n, -11. 1 o t -!` o 1- p, a r r r 1:u t N; c &_. c trying to have the iu, po s s i b I c tc. s tF off Culing people vho are fundamentally votine bectuse of philosiophical commitmerits to additional tnx, er, cnormous amount of rioney, and Esc don't seem to get:, aftcr all these things together, and I don't care how you out the pie up* LoS just decided today that our main tasl:t uhien, is fundamentally to Go out and sell it, I have more problens with this Mayor, than you do, and I think your story illustrvitess how I feel, L3nd I think, a lot of other rae-&..,ber.- of the cormisnAon you appointed. You know, we are thrc­.Ang out the baby with the, bath water, L-nd let's just r_,et or, vith whatever you decide to do. I think, that it is fundz-.werAL-Ily fair. Sowe pcoplc Luy havc.! ditferences, but let'.- L-,,o out Lnd Loll this. I LM VCry' 1XI55iLiStiC nOWt if we cLrilt oven under atLnd it, hou Lrc ure C-oing to get people to zccep:t bLArqu. 'Lai:ed for Ln that thit� J_zi tLUIUL LbOjUt� Mr. Cc-tiro-11(,: 1-1%, opindiol-&oAti fol: 0'4e Xeco,,-d, v.ha1Lc1!iL-:;C it ift- Vox:01, gettino $10,000,000 thu, 144,bt ti-wt�. e_,round, do vou think vc-)u re going to get *30,000*000 �- 40,()00,000 U&hLe-d? The problem is that Miamians- that live in the City of Miami are being taxed more th&n any other municipality in this County, with the Id 36 August 16, 1984 A %k exception of that littlp island by Mi,Aml. P-nnb thnt has 27 millionnlr^s living there. Tbpv don't can nny­ny, And the f,- people of thCity of flinni, f-.2d amp villi riitter what thn-v nr-- If)- Thl_- In 4 voll h;7v(- sr~ov-4-n 01homes being nnl(l 11 nv­r In IJ)i-1 CI-ty. rota pnlrtlelil.: lir, Mtn mrop right hpr-, rvhl­n pnnlp!,�, s-r- hnvJpr 01"n pslF r,.350. rn month or morr?, p-oplc, when J they boufji'i I'LL-hr^Ir htM^^^ nnny- r-.rn hnrp. PnO, hoiirht them r-n onnbll^ rites ­1 no" "010-h th_-'7 home is worth ro r-meh norr,, T r, A - 1�:­, Pnid for, hut 'kIlIny have to ran} ftROO or nore, n n.oil'h 5.11, IrvnrhnFf- fees, this, thnl-- mod the othcr, -ilice P-nn't of ford to Live in the City o;, t1inni, r,-.ly riorn, so 1 enro bot; thn final pictures- v-rnnts to hn evt-v I Junt hop- -or, nlI up your minds qiilck, Do Fc nnn vot4^ on it. To ny opl"lon, "hichever way the fln.-J figuron come, down for It 1:,, not F,oing to pass the ballot- 4. ACCEPT P F, CO!'M E Ill PAT I QN, S3 MADF� PIT TIT f 74 9-7. Cr 111 V, 17 7 F F FOFI RESPOPSIBLE V D S Mr; nEGARDIPG P15TRITMUONI OF - THE FORTUMVIG HOUSIM AND REDEXELOPUFT17 PIOPID I.SSUF­ Mayor Forre., fUl right, Mr. Alejandro, then we need to vote. e Mr. Arrlrnolo 13,rJ,n6rc: YCSr I vant to clnrify i7-oncthing else. T 7 r. P I I) rtovn ttJcc, Once r 11 _3P i Ir, -mo me a tour rn(' n c ric, "7'ry -'ens, plamnc(I J- 11c PO r t3l Y 4 �nd it col that cv(, Pro Yc, will I!( c v a re C! o' ­ I (.,, 1,:"0 i .11 1t - I I produic", a, i i s, e "u r 71 -0 grow Ak� it A cwt- j-) ­r.vcn from tlanti,- L-o tf 'IFk c P'C) 77 hinav: c) tljc�ni I -I you have to bc very cLreful crid I trilril, tvc hluvc a big chance, no matter if it is 445,000,000 to pas.- thi5 bond this year if we handle the thirst; the right vay. I think the right way is to split the money in the way I propose, because I feel it can do a lot of, tnd all the meribers of the commisaicn, will do the same thing, w or Ir. i n L; w i th IKI h e leaders of this community, becauae they knowr, --nd that is true for Mrs. Range, like always the Slact s. vote for and theHispanics vote against, but we cre here to try for therm to vote the other vLy, and I think tze cLn cocomplith that. Mayor Forre: All right, thL111YOU VCI-y LIUCh. WQ have before u-- the pY-c_­,cntL-d by 111r, hlcjandre, and I think befort ue vote on the itaut, we need to vote on the di�tribution, to tit Y'lot be voting cyr, the bond issue now, the oi4ly thing I vould lil,(-, not: iti if -�.cL�cbody could make L motion tO LCUfLI)t Ot- r-C,"COL J %'Jlt; I-LCC.-[L` (;)Idation of co-ChLirpert-on AltJL-riOre. -1 Mr. CLrJ( oJ,Ht- ­. i, 1 ILy0r,, I LLkt 4 LOtIO14 thZit VC Lect-q)t the recom.mendation of' Hr. hlejz�,ndre. Mayor Ferre.- Ib there L aveond? We are not voting on the bond ibzue now. We are voting on the distribution. Id 37 * t August 16, 1984 Mr. Carollo: Not on the bond issue, Mr. Perez: Yen, we are voting only on the disttibutjon. Mr. Plilmn, nr 17T -,4 1A. A-n Jult to the report, p(-rlod'i Mayor Fnrrc-. 714� nrc vlottinp, t� bin recorn -mr-nd nt ion that this bond I n - iin- -nd "n h- I nrz d J i 11L. r 1, b u d, Any n the folxo)4ing VT fl V !�no,000.000 K f( A ') -, Over town/Prw k West; $15tOOO,OOO for . linvnnn; !�10,000,000 for Llbrrty City. That �s bis rneomm endnt Mr. PI umr.i or : Wo 13, p then PIr. . 71nyor� r it wo o Id tyke a reconsidcrntlon motion, Thn rotion of this Conmi.---ion ... Mayor Forro.- 1-1(, nrn not otinr on "his Iret. Uc nre just voting, bo-cnij:7,o, ns I tindvcrstn-nd It, Commiris-loorr, ve are not goingto hnve ttbc, voto on ttlhn finn), 1,ond isijr of nither Commis3loncr Cnrollo, or Porez, n �o ioe-, n1j I i-uld liko t do Js get thnt portion behind vis on tan distribijticon that is aeceptnblo to n1l of us, nnd then vil T4;ill vote on the main Issue. Mr. Smith fir, Unyor, wlLh regnrdo to the distribution, -as I listened to the report, it ny understanding that the committcr,, ncvcr nnt rs n vlllolo— Mayor Fcrr�--- 711ni., �.- oorrcot. r co-mmittee recom.mcndation. M8 V 0 1° It Is v on c o,,' r p c. r eons. Thc:,, F 0 1 1,boy were C o and IA-. f'or it the t, 5 0 11 t (2 d to the %) n an, C o f J o ort h a v e • to 00vir'o t,: h -CC Mr.f. t, I don't think !J- vou 16 be vpproprivlt(-rcccpt Wic rc ocrim cridat ion Frog one p c, r s o n V Vlhy v.,na. the catza�bli.-� [led? Mayor Ferro: Thiss, com=ittce Mr. Smith: I one per--!on. I have a recomirnendationt 3I Mayor Ferro: yes r rye Vill listen to your recommendation. on. Mr. &aith: 14y roao",iiendatioii that the uoney be equally split and that Over town/Park. West riot c-vc,,,i be considered as a benefit to the Lllvck aoLmnurtilty. Mayor Ferre: All t-ICUr ar-YbOdY t-lanit to Lal-te that raotion? M r . P I u i _u tL- e r -. 1411,tut t,,Lb thLtt Mayor Fcv-rot GVtrt0W!-1 riot, I)Q-ili� Considered. (INAUDIULE UPXKG1A1-0UUU CORKLKTS) Cyr. S, L i t h - U0 t 110. Qjr, I cll express myself. I don't need you to it4tLrPrtt. VI)LIL I aLlld was, that Liberty City receive ati eqU41 LLUUht 4� Lht- other 4rtua, 3o that Overtown 13 not cont�idered �k- L UL-ritfit to either Liberty City or whatever, because that is a dowritown'project. That is what I said without interpretation or translation. Id -4 A August 16, 1984 Mayor Ferro '; We, T .e nll r I P, 111% !.A k to first of 111 71-1v Mint i 'Iipvf� th- r *,_n p -,n.(l rpgprd for you n-nd prolle-1-1,nnn).1y, ljr,oii � rr,(pjf,%.,tt4P_ d to g., F. I t loll nj -!o 11 n V r" t7 n n I)p 'Is a 0, 1n n of onn M169 r_)kr� you- ton and hj,- Co-1 CePt of tr-mOn hl, TInni-R10 your rceormm<�ndnl-Jnn npfl, -w)kr? m o t I n 1,--, n e 1 F '_v 0 1 -1 n 3 a k" 1-"0 of her V 0 t r-�,n commit�cn Of onr� and If It hn�7 91 beenusn r t r! eloneted bod'v, tlol,4 your positionI h-qPpc_-.) to tblnk phllonophlenlly thhnt. You are right; b o i,, r-- v �­, 0 from n prnetien.). point. of Vir-,"t If this thing Is- dnnd, it I-jIl be deader n f t nr cis o n that motion. Vo"r T air not xnljcjnj_ n boat ribst is rightR x am talking -ov you tl;nnt to be , nbout vbnt Is dof-Able . H . philonophicnI PnO do w hn t is r A p, h t r, v, n a g o dorm In glorious defeat, tbcn that: in fine but I "d"ld rather pass It. Now, thinh Cnroljo Is right. The odds of this thin p passing are very slightf and X tilin%, that njilylkhing that i-e enn do to improve the oddst Is somethinr f, _tkaat I am in favor of. It is perfect? Vo it is not. Do I like it? How I dOn't, Will I accept it? Ycor I. 14111 1 vote for It? Yn-n? I will. Mr. Smith,- 11r. Hnyor r nll I t,;nn -nnying vmsr thilt Lib ' orty City should receive the name n1locstion as retry other neighborhood. It In not fnir to put Ovcrtovn/Pnrk Host ... Mayor Fcrrc-. And so -houlej. Allnpnttnh1 And so should Wynwood. Mr. Sr,)IIb: Allrprt,A".rh 5,:7, not under consideration, most respectfully, I t r , V,-, y o r , Mr. 1170.),, ,,,hould be. I think Mayor F'orre: V01r, uThy not? Mr. Car o),Io: J-x;tlo include Allapattah and make it Mayor Fere: r111, 11 c r Dr, vlplS, nn said that It should be Includcd. felov, nboult", Cor-onut, (rrjvn,7 flojur vibout Black Grove? Mr. m i t, 1,,, V C's 13. 1 1 d() n I "G t,-ts-D'U, k_;O r'--Arc [__, soke Out of it. All I n y i n c-, X t, In c r c i .- no committee recommendation, end thcrofare if lo"licrc i-1 c distribution, it 13 a motion of a mcmber. Mayor Ferro: That li,. correct. Just like yours is an individual recor endation, this is an individual recommendation of Mr. Armando Alejandro an 1-11r. Gonzales and the others thLt ret - an individual. Mr. Carallo: Well, I don't know nou. Hr. Smith lias got me wondering. I don't know If I LM going to vote foi- this now. Mayor Ferre: h11 rivht now, we have two recommendations. I would likc to acc what the will of thin 00IMmittC."e. is. The last 1 htaVd, thtrL 11CZ,'; L, U`Oti011 th8t the recoramendation of Alejandro. be 4ocepted. Do you atLtnd by that? Mr. Carollo-, I will LtL­nd vith the motion, but I am still voting for it or not. loft. Smith ... Mayor Fear e: 1,a there a second. Mr. Perez: Second. August 16. 1984 39 51 Mayor Fprrr: .0-77P Ts t I ie�r n di 101AF Ion? We are not voting on thn bond i,sniir- n-)w. F.nll 1-h- rnll- Thp f n 11 o w 1. ng -I10 il, JC'tj "111:7 Introduced by Commissioner Corolln, vilv) tip --�Jon A MOTION A.Ci-F-,-jTZ1G THE RECOMMUTDATION OF Mr. APHATIVO -111-73.AITTTIV, CO-CIIIPIPMAN OF THE COMMITTEE FOR RESFOMIDLE BONDS REGARDUG THE RF-00MMF,1,7DF7D DTISTRIBUTION OF THE T07,11. A7101PIT 07 rOP17HCOtiING HOUSING FIOVID TSIMIIIZ If, 'F70ITEMUR., 10Mir TO BE DISTRULITED AS FOUOWIS: :0,20,000,000 - Over tot�,P-Tlnr k Went ft15,000.000 - Llttlr, Tinvp-nn fWPOOO,000 - Libcrty City Upon bcinr roconded by CoPT-iii.snloncr Perez, the motion was passed nnd Pdoptod by the folloiilng vote AYES: Com-minnioner llillcr J. DsT-1cins Vice -Mayor Denctrio Paro7-, Mayor 11�urlco A. Forge NOES: Coraminsioner Joe Carollo Comn.insioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: N 0 n 0 ON ROLL CAIJ.: Mr. Pcrv,: T, vote '"yes" about the distribution, but I make it very Olcrr nflain that I elan't think that this is the propci, 5-or the I.Yond. r.nd nr- I %rotcd in the past, I will Vr-f-r1,,`ZT)e,`i-, 1J) c T i -i 0" 11 c r but T vo-lir "yes" in favor of the Mr. rn.-,f to voto to but (1111,tUDIBLE) Mr. X Rolle "no". Mr. Smith convinced me of what he Mayor Fcrrc: How we have and accepted, which is not bindirq7 :. k.t this point. Lucia, tell me legally whether we want to rcscind the previous motion and pass a new motion at this point? Mrs. Dougherty- You ore going to have to pass the ordinance again on First Reading and that would be on the 6th Mayor Forre: All right, do you have that prepared? Mrs. Doueherty: 1 don't kave it prepci-ed. MBYOr Fc-l-vc. 1, 11 right LEE r10 W, I for" Ll o be, legal in this, what i.-,. the thing "Lht�t we nu.,,31u do? Mrs. DouVjicrty: LN"ll, 11L�ve to Cavan the ordinance on First Reading on the Gui zind on Second ller�di.ng on the Kith. Mayor Verrc: Do we jr)!` !in Lt C'f JrjtL'rjt I)OV.17 Do we rescind iLhe pr(,,vjot.,t; �CLiOtl. i Mrs. Dougherty, it, _,0 IL f, V1 t t tit I i d i t- c t it 1 - w e to prepare thL Mayor Verre: All riot therl, 14 there rLaw a ttotion that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare an ordinance for Id 40 August 16, 1984 first rpnding on tb P 6th day off' S"� rj 1-1 m, b � r and so adverts spit, 10 thnt q bond issue (-%An b4� pi)t on the ballot on Novembrr 41-Ah J,n neeordqnnp tqith thr, (UnI.1-11,hul-jon tbAt has just bo�PT) a n ot_ h nu Tn� c) 4'. 1, o n . On ­hni ' Mv $15 r 000, 000 f (, r 1_1 IL I. I , -nllkl-i 17, tlle,rf- ij -,n n mart 0 v) I )f !"10,000,000 for Liberty City. J- would 3,11<n to nnkr tlhnt A15,000,000 for b^ ST Littlo Ununn-np t 175,000,000 for 1-1 _-�ty An ejoing all right ro fnr-t OT"ny, ^��15,000,000 for t ha to all right? Dkiy_ you nnj I (I to j-hijil< r , r-Invor ghat is what I ;-,m going to do - think bl.r- zr you know. He enn't be a small tot -in eityl 1',15t000,000 for Allspstitnt), t-15,000^0 for Wynijood. Okny, vhnt nrf* "e up to now? And $15,000000 for Blnek Coconut Grove. Thone nre the most needy Areas of the city of Minni. Mr. Plumnmnr: Flint about Flngsmi? * Mr. Csrollo: If I have nlosed nny, they are not as needy as the other nrens . Mayor Ferre: There is n notion. Mr. Cnrolla: Tic hieve got *45,000,000 for those neediest Black nrc!.,v- and tic rote ^115,000,000 for the most neediest Latin nrons of the City of Hinmi - 890,000,000. Mr. Mayor, it is P,.Y motion tnni,- t-�e extend the bonds to $90pOOOtOOO; $15,000,000 far rrch of the nreas that I mentioned here. Mr. Ootrr.i,r t f-ccond Qz� bait Mr- t if3 down the line t t 14r. Smith asked. Mayor rcrrc,r -G(� V0 a 'nloti:yn and a t'"01)d, T think what �you P, 0 Y- 1 Y). ut $,f t 1, f the will f. ")rj(1x$,tythc))With to w1. •l' c total c5f,"cT)j, �,-1- 545Passing r,"�,0,000 T000 V "", r second. I t'h'n)- nrid a "I C,j tJ ty wants to do in. u, 1. 1 X.j cl 1-1 t j,,.k Hj JA­,�_s N -V- 4. 1, righ); call the roll, . .. --cIr ­.1:Ck3,­,­iC,11` 7.11 HOTIOH DEFEATED. On motion of Coi.1aiis- sioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the foregoing notion pertaining to a $90,000f000 bond is3uc w-as defeated by the following vote: AYES., Conmissioner Hiller J. D&wkins Commissioncr Joe CLrolio NOES: Commi*sioncr J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-11-ayor Demetrio Perez Hayor H,"-urice A. Ferre ABSENT: NONE ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: h ICO'D,000,000 bond issue represents In actual costs 4102toc)0�000 ut h e n paid off over 30 years. A $90,000,000 bond ibtue would be one -quarter of a billion dollar3 paid oft over the 30 years. Mr. Carollo: Don't be a small time city! 41 Id August 16, 1984 U Mr. Plummer: I think It is unreslintin, Pnd I vote no. Mr. Perez I hRvo P qtjpstion bnfnrrr 1, vote. Are we going to have tbis A90,000,00 0 - nrn we going to have It one questlon, or In n1r questions? Mr. rltmn.n�r: 1b Mayor Frrr-: 11p t� -rnl�fl Mr. Go for 41)n Foldl Mayor Frrvp:-. vin ,,-�y lie is going to do is put In Six diffr-r('-)t que-tJons and 1 *will vote for that,/ if you want t.o do it tent TP�y. Mr. Fere-;7: I don't. hnve nny ineonvcnicnen to support that motion. Mr. Cnrollo,, Flo hnvo. got to r--,o -III tile v7ny� If tar. have got to be n big town city, r=ro hnv(, got, to go -)I]. the i-;ny and, put It all ltogcthcr� Mr. Pere.7.: I think that, t4ould, be very fair to gj%!c each neighborbood tiro proper opportunity, but In eas-61 I would vote ii,19-th t'llis, rnoljonr if vn hnvc the opportunity to have It in i 4 Affcronl-, qocstion.,). I vould- lik'n to have legal , Mr. Caro'11.1-ol- fil-rc, c r rn c 11 C'. F3 certainly, A I- t-( r- C, C, �1 'Ah >ocnn n J) n r, 1) -P this I tir yor has people Pass, i vou gave t"(11 6)1A it I" W, I d have pt,.�>!-,) "d are their c);�-k fir ors their '1 Ni,,3 e d on their j(-,(je, Mr. Pcvc,.,tIT tl,(1; f vote ye3, bial "0 C-1�-Tif'YV t1,K'fG'1`C 1 WtC. Mr. Carollo: it, is Coinnf-,F, to be very I;Lrd to put in six different questionn. Mr. Pcrez: If' it is in Just in one quc-stion- I vote no. Mr. Carollo: Miller, lot me anit you t1lis,. Would you be willing to Mr. Ongie: Aftcr you fini-sh thct roll OLlI. Mr. Carol lo: -econd it If ve put in six different questionn . IL t k L e Mayor 1---errt Th(� Ch�Ar rt-tV-b j th t w complete the roll call. 1 vote 1,0. Mr. CAhOLLO: 11c, hiL ti i'jn j ing Mayor Ferret, I firil-,htd. I votled no. Mr. Plummer: Who didn't finish?' Id . 4? August 16, 1984 Ab Mayor Ferret -6 fie fininlir-0, li,� voted no On the record, I voted no. MAkP your n-w Mr. Carollo-, Tly jjrLi ?1r, Mnyor. in bnned tipon what to Commisslon,�r Pe-rr,7. h- qut-stlon in tl,�).000 000 bonds six diff-°-,-­P'- 9 eeLch for TJ1A,.sue, '­Tn�.-nnn, cjty, 14wnwood. Aljapattah, Overtopn r-id Mayor Fcrr-: T +i s.31c i n s :, r, n o -n d ifT that m o t I o n 7 Mr. Mayor F-r;-ol- 11ndor elicusilon - I would recommend that we not voti;,, for 4' chat will totally polarize this community, lleontPnfl I ;in, nfrnid Home- of those bond Issues would pRng rnd thcn you Pro going to end up with neighborhoodn juni-. volk'-.Ing in their OwT) ,icif-interest, and I think th-t roulA be, n vcry bid thing for the total communityTbl- 1;7,. r rnri,oun matter, nnd I realize we all have our rbts 1-o nrpre ,2,:7 ovir opinion, My opinion is that we should Fr!t on u_;Jtli thin ls�uo end put this $45 000 000 bond i u n il,o1cn)- issu.e on the ballot and work hard to see thnt It gct:l Mr. Carollo- tr. 1-,,Pyo),ke 11,ive n motion and a second. Now, let M0 ,'ny thi:i r the nrgument that my colleague, the undertak,cr mrale, i.,f­ thrAt �00.000,,00_0 - -my God Would be a quarter of n t)Illion (101-11-T t-li-ro-ught so nuch tirn.e nut�snit that rob I -or in effect., v� rxr 6cir.r, vlr�rd.y vith 5 0 0, housinr-, C,35,000,000 '70F F;T'7­ f B0 F C-00 000, only 110,00C 0 0 for 11c u 5 ri - :710 how ern ­o�! 0 0 come to �_Iu - -I) , C r 5, 11 s t r 1 r I - - when: yvil of CIOU ("v Mr. Flu,.M-;,(-T `01­ r,y y u rd, who eovl(l vl(A ("T �,,)j 0 Ji(roaoso it would increru,:`f �, 'Jwoi-idcr hov� you to (,,Ioubling, raore. than doublirw, ta),, e n dot; U i fif That is accoptrl:l c Mayor 1-c r r c - [.r E c rccdy to vote now? Mr. Carollo: 1,n expic-Ain that to you in a minute, Plummer. Let's vote or it first. Mayor Ferret. Further discussion? Call the roll. MOTION DEFEATED. On motion by Commissioner Carollo, seconded by Vice -Mayor Perez, the foregoing notion pertaining to six different questions On a ,k90,000,000 bond issue W33 defeated by 4-1-he following vote: AYES: CO!Lmi5sioncr Joe CLrol!O Vicc-Xiayor Dcrtictrio 'Pere_-, Jr. NOES: CotLwit5joner Hiller J. Dawkins Co� zi_­5.loncr J. L. Plurnamer, Jr. I mayor 116turice A.. Ferre ABSEN'T: E, a i -, e ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Perez: I vote yes in order to recognize the opportunity to every neighborhood in this community. Id 43 August 16, 1984 U C Mayor Ferre: Are we ready now to vote on the main issue? Mr, Plummer: Mr. Mayor, if I Pim not, mint;akeng the main issue is sTrc,,q(jy before us .1nd 1)pon, sonless there were to be A mol'_jo" 141,lo ch_-)nr- th--l— Mayor T^c- r V- -- : , no - J, 1­ . 0114". of f n 1, r n --s n to both Cnrollln rind -krrin-1, P011 t-hn", 1 1t r 11n .-bot,1 -) 1111nnimity in the d I sl­-j Duil- I or) o A' t I i n T-�opr� y , 1) 1) 1. 1- 11, (� -V 0 o ,-1 1 1, ��? 1 -0) ", to Vote for the bend 1!7-un, ro out of A'nlrn�sn to th­rn g. Mink we no w n n n, d7 t o ", n 1, f, -o,, 1) n r) n I n r, o t 5, o D, '. w1h I e h S-, 11 r Y �T 13, 3. b o t i n g a g a i n n t . and 1-1h,-)t; i , 0int the City AtJornry bc- lnstrueted to preppre on Firnt, Rending --.n ordinnnen for n Novcmbcr vote for n P-t15,000,000 bond innun? -ft15PO00POOO of which will go to 0vPrt0f--!'R, $5,000.000 t. PRrh Westt $159000t000 to Little Maryann, and A10 000,000 to Liberty City. Is there such a motion? Mr. Cnrollo: Mayor Ferre: WIt n ninute. Joe, I accepted two of 'your mot iovv � fx-t me riff-_ if we can get this motion,, and then if you "Alit to do Samirlit'lling else Mr. Carolla: For "Of what: I am askinp is to repeat it again, "OhIrt, it Mayor 1-cpert, it. The notion, 5, r- iD:�truct the City AtA,crrfr',y to, preptare f�,n ordinrnoc .-n6 r-idverti-se p u b 15, e ", V Ticr,rinr, on Firr.,t Rxr-,dinr, on 6th. T h e 1) c" 1 v 0 t t') P 0 r, t h c. 11 t r. I 1� 0 to 10C fiv'k, on the /Ith 1_17i3,1 t)c for n ount of 4.5 t 0 11") D Mr. Ctivo),Toe ylascd tg*�()Y) wha"t vas Vol"(!("! cm Mayor Ycry Of vlhicht 115t000,000 ui,)). 1-� In overtown, $5,000,000 it, Pel'4', Vest, !`�'151000,000 to I.-itUc flavninn, and $10100OF000 In Y,-IJcrl,y 01ty. t'Ji("r( ri motiQT17 Mr. Perc ­. e-15rOOOF000 to Cityt Little Havana $15,000,000, hou i�riuch Mr. Gary: I'i Lurice, It, i.s,, �20,000,000 Overtown. Mayor Perre: ft,20,000,000 Overtown. I stand corrected. $20,000,000 Overtown; $151000r000t Little Havana; $10,000,000, Liberty City. 13 there e.9ch a me%tinn? Mr. Perez: l-,7e have a necond? Mr. Plummer: Tibere is no Laotion. Mr. Carollo: Va, I didn't L-.ake no motion. Mr. Perez: You uLdc the uotion, no? (TAPE 6) Mayor Frre. 1`11. (_� thL e ,-otion, if that makes everybody cI - L�iLJ�,I happy. I'll tjLN- thie uotiou- All right, I so move. Mr. C&rojj0*. T-10--c' 1' U LOU0,11, i� there a second? Mr. LII riLthtj ti-ecud the uotion. Mr. P I ut.aLi e r : 'I_11L.re is L Lotion made and duly seconded. Is there any further diacuamior,7 Notion understood. Call the roll. Id August 16, 1984 44 -n d MOTION DEFEATED, On W" secondpri by Cnmml,sonpl motio r C� n (-jtv AAc,-;n--y p, p and aodv er tA no-2--d 11 n,-, for:. n QVC(' 1w,nd I q sue t 6th. AYES: M r 7- NOES: copnjrninnf�'113,Irr .7, Dawkins C o m 7-n 1, n o n fr� r Cnrollo corn-,-117nlonrr J� L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: Hann Mayor Ferre: I move, thnt no bond Issue be put on the ballot this November. I so nove. Mr. Dawkins: Sceond. M r . P I um ni r, r : rjr, X walit to any to you, sir, that I am not sure tlint you nro t.-;rong, beenuse I do have the %3aMe guarded oult-.00rmn r,-. 71r. Cnrollo hr..,i expressed as to whether or not It votild ppis- n1l. Mr. Cnrollo: You knoh7 it i-on't prir- Mr. T, -,ny -o you -- G-'r. I-Inyor, this, if your (notion P-PPI-C- t T, -z—oll 'Go yp-,7, rnd to the public that I will r 3. r- r dot-,!n Pnrk West, and elirzinzr!,.- "-I)(- r I - 6 o v T) r T'o � -ho v �n vc voted on 4 TO if you don't put the I C., t! 1 1,;, Mayor Ferrf.,: !C,0 .o tho ptiblic why you Would vo�c you voted for the od", Mr. P I v m r,; a r 63..rY 1 -k cn I".. I voted for $40000D,OOD 'C', 1 000 000 2 0 F 0 01000 d $ 10 t 0 0 0 1000. Mayor Rxr(,.- 111a i r I Mr. Plu, icr-, Ycn, thtt �-- t-A-int I voted for. Mayor Fcrre: fxn, coca h I c J a- rt d r c . . . Mr. Alejandre: Not no, you voted for $100000$000t $15g000t00O end *',20t000,000. Mr. Pluv.,amer: No. sir, I voted against your recommendation. • Mr. Alejandro: No, you didnt. Mr. Plu=er: Ye5, tir., Mayor e'er r(-- 11"Ll1 the Clerk verify Mr . C a r c) -11 o he did th�t for the same reason he says Mi-a'Luh in!Atizd of illiLLi. Mr. EX,, hoti did I vote, sir? Mr. onvjc. t,X. L.nd Fr. Plummer voted "no". 0 to tbLllk YOU, :sir.Mr. Plu= r Mayor Ferre: Voted "no`* on what? Id 45 August 16, 1984 Mr. Angie; On accepting the recommendations of Mr. Alejandre, Mr. Cprnllo: Mr. Mayor, I n;!47-!d to e.- Who vo-1U.nd "ynn" then? M e . F), ii I m m i - r Tkbr' 01"Alr�r tbrr�rf Mr. Onr0o: Tb-- tiircg-�, - tinyor Ferreq Mr. Perez and Mr. Dawkinr A Mr. 1-1,1ve to votf. tw -lee for the Aa111e thin Mr. Pr,-iicr lurc c n u n n Lebo linyor vmnts to sepprnte It Into two notions. Mayor Frrp. C) Ic-gnily 'done that vny instruct the City Attorpoy fir. Alej"ndrn: Yell, rnsIly? I nn. .7,ntisfind with everything else don,.- Mere toddy sp.rvrd ptiblie f7orvice or so' many year g I.- if- o r r ng h n n g never - C. of 22 I seen nny'llbsing thr-tr -L�hit ono votas yc::1, rnd the Sc.00nd time votes no. k don't. to clnrify or r-sy v4hnt I feel todaye yoti Rnot-;7, but, W thit ln� the end for r.,Ac ulth if'.ha City of Minmi rnd the tiond 3,qr,ijor heerm-le vic., r-.r(, not V=mrking day after dray thr,' t-rc-, 11,nd ticcn told here, t(- th,517, 7ruoF� or rnol-brr roarl o do r-- Tinve to do and r c-, cl-, oc I; o Fir-r- f- 'C' (7� n 6 "7 1-Tin rnftl-o to t belong 1,:� 41 (-- r T.Alry 'nny o­ l' a g r c, c., I $ $ 0 n c 10 n f J P1 6) 1, 1 a t 11-CF.V11 of i V 'ilcAlnthe 'It., P e 0 F, I C, i C­; ijo 1, t, 1) a t m e v n ',D 7 Mr . Flul: Y! m Mr. Alcj*�indlrc: F',othinr, for Lnyaner cind nothing for the City of Kiarn:it uhich needit, very badlyt Ovcrtowmv Lt.berty. City, Little Hlavana,, because: everything alrite ties a circur,. Let me put it the right %,,,ay, a caircus, to go to $45rOM000 to $90,000,000, Lnd things Tilt -&-that. That is my opinion, r-y personal opinion. But, besides 'Chat; its the opinion of _­-o�c of the rember a who are here today.. Thank you very uch. Good night. Mr. Curollo: 11r. V ay o r , if I u L y now, --ince ve arc open for if there rnyld the circus ,discunsion, began when wo 'Jumped frci�� 10t Y - e t h e, r c wazzi to 1) in the ballott to 45. To ans%ver to x".1-le '­ W (0-i- rather " one of the ,J,t v;, tement thL t my col I c­. ague the und t, r t Lker L-ad e and then one of the quet�tion_- Mr. AlejL,Indrc. Vould. you Flir. Urollo _ I Lgreed from the buLinninc, on 't2o'00-0,000 _rid ��',,'.iO,000,000, I never said 1;111�lt - I LgreC- C11 tht!,t 11"Gd i'rou thO-iu uILY't, -1-01-at changLN-d L!iC!Ar: thuL, I L-L!yL-cd an 01:v other thing also. I triL-d, to hLve fund-t, for tire:` Ci'Ly ol' Mayor Verre. Vir, ale: jandrv, don't r_�o yet. Ncl no, don't go, because I am removing my motion, and I earn t;oing to, if' I may, make a motion that we go back to the arigirial place Id August 16, 1984 46 where we started, with the $20, 000 - Ct for Overtown, $10,000,000 for Little Havana, And I mo Move. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, there is'A motion. Is there a second? Mayor Frrre,: The original: recommendation. Let's see if we can Itrt- thrl— rotp-,s on thAt. Mr. Csrolln: TDrre- Ain An there q Ptecond? Mr. Mayor. i i 1,- A - ,vocal to your motion, T vould only Imagine thn- t- i�ndnr dR a.r icn and T wolild like to c 0.1. 7r-i- i -P 1 � thinr�f- if' I ny, r- r bi-fly. f-.r -,, coil mayor Fnrr-r-. Jo-, -T n I 'Ll , 1 n 7r s o- r r %; - Mr. Cnrollo-- Tt:¢j i-w-) prjnw-lr�n, mr. 11.-Iyor. Mayor Fcrr�: T pp -de n rnotjop, Pnd 1 1$' I)Jnlc 1"31r, Chairperson is the Vler�-r,,;,nyor rind !-.r- 1hr,7 lk-.o nnll for n s�.,cond, Now, after he enlls for n -ocondp and thcrr in no socond, then my motion Mr. Cprol.lo: Dlkd yot, err -I 1Or n -nooprIf Mr. Prrez; T 1i ^ IF o rmer rol�-Jon In A201000r000 for Overtown and $10,000,000 for J-Ibcrty City. Hayor e z 11.7 :,n7mcr -rotion is tlic rnmc ns before, in3tructinr, r'k-.torary i-nd ro on, (,rccpt 14"Innt Vic figures are $20,000,000 rind ' Wr(.'FDD,000, VI-11,011 '&S- orrr original where we stnrted, Mr. Dsvy%ins: oirnerr I tm to fravcnci tlio motion for discus 5, o n Mr. Carol lo., o)',-vyr tlrnra., Foci, Wiler, now d4s(nuslon. To _2 my col IcInZor-, t, tt o v n (Al e r t r; k, ('r p r e v 10 u ly 1-:?r 0 0 a T,) e, o -, t:T d tht""n nnl�(,Cj [71:(-� r, o, u s t) 0li I iit) your r� cc, ov--J. t tj r d f i r r, t r t I- IL C, C, r� t r I I (j Sir P. 10t, 13 C, V* C, r 2 n 1-F Y 11,fc 1;—% C, 1):c to that y v r; i- I do a v n r �,:- (� (,, i: ` � ' '� t ti- F D 11di 0 1,. V V. 1, t 1, guar d s t1it,'11 uo r 1 0 r il- c o Cr,� V r Vov, V your question of hov ott) 1 U c 9 Cc. r, rj,�44,5V0 t 0 0 0 0 0 1) C, t i 6 ec a use of high tares, but be for a- k',9OtQOOtOOO botid in-nt(,vc, - V7,,C11 sir, jut v*.,,, I wan ngainst the t4l,5,000,000 bond,, 1 wrould have been agaiurt690,000,000 bond. till IL"hat I Vlas trying to do was help you individuals out with the logic that was being used, that if you went from t10,000,000 to *45,000,000 and spread it around.- people would vote for it - uclflr I was just tryinr, to eprezid it around even more based on your logic, vo that banied on your logic,, evcrybody should vote for it, but I ztill would have be -en against it. Mr. t it Undo diut.sicu. I vL-- never for the bond issue, ,:nd un uleeted officizzlt I fcel t,h,,,t it 1:3 right to Bivc tl-°Ie Public the rit�jlt to -;,iy whiethtr tl-tvcy are for the bond ia--uL or riot. I for one do riot btli,cve the L--iond i&sue is Coll.-Ig to but I do beiicvc that I I[Iave, L;3 an elected officii21, I IiLvt7 to glvc- thk(::, pwlblic that right to say YCL Or 116-, 1 LU tK'fft !'Cl- Lett. WE il-11L bOrld ibSUeS, perbOnLlly, IJUILI 1 e'O L,;>VC tO Itt tht PUbliC, the C1t:1-zet145 Of Miami --,ay wz4nt to tax themselves for then t bond--. Mayor vorre: I call the qut:,,tion. Mr. Smith: Mr. Chairman, Robert's Rules of Order ... Id 47 August 160 1984 Mr. Dawkins: We run under Mason's Order. Mr. Smith: I am sorry? Mr. DPW-, in s: We nrrp.te, 1171"3 fn- tinson " r, Ru I es Mr. Srml,th; one RmInno, that once the vote is taken on. nn lf7,nm-la for i'v. 1-,n b-P rec-oi,)nid�rc,.d. it erns to be brought. up bv somn,--nnr. on vl)- prrivni.11nrz sldxorThntls true. Well, I eAnn"t enrr, Wlirn tbn Mnyrfir Is f7linking hi-s heAd. I know nobert's roil(e- of Ord(-v-. Mr. rlu-mmnr r I tl-ijni, mr. -11n-itli, you "JU, find, sir, that If Mint 17 on the s,-ime iisuo, Thn notion of' thr, Is n diff,,rnnt insuq, not the nnme, Mr. Smith: I ju�?,t rnisnd th'it point, nnd I thin?; it is n lcgsl qucstion. his ir. vcr� irport;-nt. Mr. Dnw%ins: Attorney 2-mith, tie- went throvFh th1r, once before, -nd the Fr 3 VD-1i D ntlenon i4ho I, now r i # for .Late A Attornnd. ty rv-1rhr�t under Vinson l:- R u I of' order P thaat is not the en -le. Mayor Ferro; All right, Mr. Chnirninn, I call %"he question, sir. Mr. Perez: DD -1-c rny o"Elicr r?txr-tJonn? Do t-M have any I - other Ttf not-'r no'[--5onp 1rl l,7D(! rnd call the roll M071011 f7 I I -"v C, ro ills motiol-) Ito 10 1000 1000 for i. hc f'ollowing vote: AYES: NOES: C 11, o L. Plummer, Jr. Perez ABSENT: 170ne ON ROLL ULL: Mr. Perez: The motion Is pertaining to the original, but It is not a- reeom--,.endation. Mayor Ferret I am going back to the original of $20,000,000 and $10,000,OD6. Mr. Perez: As I voted In the past, I vote Hnoto. I vote for the propex recomendation n-nd I think thot Er. Alejandre is .1 ,very clear. Nio, I wonder - [Ir. Hlaycr, we &,xe here for three hours. Everybody has,_ tt:c�le:.r r: kauty end I think-. that this iF, a circus. Mayor Fer-re . it is a circuL,,, o)-,olute-iyi Mr. Pc-rez: Lle Lrc tit-(( tnd WC Lr#-- playing here. These people 4.xe t?jving tine to thi.% comir.�iunity and we giving also our tiuc. 1 don't think that; ue Lru dj'—scub--ing the same issue. I UL It 1 t-(, f- I": L I L. Dt 10 i I LC�-1111 Lbout the re00l=6t1dLtiG11 thbt Hr. L1ejL-1idr(,- hum L4L.dQ - I wake as a motion. Mayor Ferret All right, Commissioner Perez ... Id August 16, 1984 48 Mr. Perez: That Is $20,000,000 for Ovn-rtnwn, Mr. Dawkins: You hPvr got '110 yoijr motion first. Mayor F-r�rn_- T wi,tlhdrnle, rmy motlon, Comrfil�,zilonrr Perez, moves 1-,hn,' "A)� orlj�1,1)11, 'Coorrimendnition of Mr- Aln.l;;ndre be a V 0-% pt'_ r (1 '. Mr. Pnrnz: P-fo.ono.000 for overtown, n--10,000,00o for s Libor ty C 1 T.-.3Y ia)d fL15�4p 000.000�far Lltt),� Itinvnnn, �bnt iwhat Mayor Fp-.rrn: is there n se-cono? I iiill, :-;neond It. Mr. r-lrimnnnr: Motion nndo and drily sneondcd. Is there any disc=",ion? Undor di.,�ovsslon, Comminsioner Dawkins. Mr. Dnt*1nn: (1171AUDITILE? OFF MTCROPHONE) Mr. Pliirumor- Any fi).rther disconsion? Motion understood, call tho roll, The follouing rotlon v_,ns intradijoed by Vice -Mayor Perez,' who moved its adoption; H071TON W. 811-947 A MOTION ACCEPTTUG 1-11F V;ECOt1NFNDAT1ON OF Mr W�T?1)0 AF A �� , r CO-CHAIRMAN OF THE C 0 'I'l ", 17, 7 F F FOR 1-i FS PONST 5 LE BONDS REGARPTN(-- DISTRIBUTION OF 'Ft -Tr F(79TUCONING HOUSTI'C' 1 kG 4 TO I IC: BE r's 0 0 I Upon beinr 1,ri-yor F the notion waa passed and Vote - AYES: Corr .10 Fcrcz, Jr. Fcrrc NOES: Comnainsioner Joe Carollo Coramissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ASSENT: None ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Dawkins: I am voting with the motion, and If the bond issue doe& paas, then certain individuals out there will need tlicir head5, oxarnincd, because, if you are. going to take one section of the comwunity and give it w1hat it wants and then nay to the oti-ior coL,,junityt lyou t,*o , t t 16, n v.,11at you want, but you bee. to co votc. for it aunywLyl-, 1 just don't see how that iLi LoinC to happen, but 1 vote Mayor L-11 rig hthadk�va City tittorrity, you Lxc now instructed t-11UrL_1'01_C tO V V C Pe`.Ilr 'Lth J, L for L11 ordinance reading ON E0 V L I -y"'D e r (-'t I ! , card t 0 C, L_ d V t r 6 e . Mr. e4rol o i i, r 6 k kt L I I C, t h �,. r L, i nu t e oaf Your tiLt-, sir-, I uould :�AJju-�t lil'le to I ycau and L11 tit individual, thut, 6tr,,tt.d C-1,1 y(,,Ut- beciiuziiL 1 Llic.a thzit thk� houl"b Wid hour of tiLiat,. that you spent teal t, <for 10it bt�-t, ii,ttL-rebtj of, thib CC;tL_r__U_ ty, I jut n ' I! S hope thLt YOU could underbtand a littlt bit of' how some of US feel Ll'ad 11QU titrohely boMe of us feel. 49 Id August 16, 1964 Mr. AlejtInOrP tb- -4-Inl- t-liffi1q. -T bone you J T i vote yes for thr� bon6s to br-' On, 11"! )),13.10t- 11 S is the only tl)i,PrT Ir.o rzr-e. Mr. Cn-roTI-c- T -nn 1. nr, T stated.. from the beginninq. 1, -yr�r," in arty burden of bringing taxes lip I in, 1-or City, �nd when j.1- was something thot jyass -rer�ntly -e-Tls broi)qht to the electorate and they battered it- c3own. Mr. Alejandre: I want for you to understand that the taxes has nothing to do with the bond. No nntter if the people have to pay for It. (I nn one of them "ho has to pay for it) but, I think, the rain thing for you Ann nn r-lected body is to represent the City In the rip ,ht "ny snd give the people of the City the rlFht to (.-,nin sommething tit lenst� Maybe they cannot gnln tbo viholc- thinF but, 'to gnin o c-i:hin and in this pnrt1eij1r-,, cs,sn, the only loner is not mysclIK9 IS the people of vho rnnlly n(--t.-zd Jobs, who really need better understnoding of the City, and roally need something better every d.ny nO U vm or-,,n nocomplish somethings live dint, It Is worth to i-!ork for it. That is the rennson I num hcrc,. Thank you very much, DXSC,0SSIOT �-PEH: PRIVATELY FINANCED HPUSIEG 170M LOW ANU) TU74COINE Cri -c,) ----------- — -------------- -ryor, may for tho t-coot-6, real.Mr. �45 br ie f 1 y VC t 11"at I f 11 c, n you, I" t SOLD e tr I 't J'i IT n 0 in severv,) thir, t the I-, t w a r.; J-j- th, 1"h J."d Lon d 6 h City I,:;, % in the 3.- _j -orin the Manage. 9 re', t c tAl i E, 11'Jr-ch It U I i s- Co=niz;s.-Lon, t-1ter we. vntccl for 1--hat- we could ki-apicnic-nt tollaidiri C Dr-� - ; 1 priVa ke enterprine is 1poing to be. patting thL diollars for this city. Mr. Plummer: Mir. H.-.yor, I vould like to bring up now - Ohl excuse me, did you want r.,ction Joe, cr do ye,,- just went a report back,,? Mr. Carollo: I want a re-tponse. A response that is over a year due. ,Mayor Ferre: Well you don't want it now. Mr. Carollo: 11,04t; now, 1 WLI-lt it in writing to each member of thi--- Cote- i--,t�ion. Mayor Perre: 11r. HunzLer, L Lu�L!Ucr of thits CotLnai-nsion has asked for u report 6Aid ti rt-tpon--c irid would you please do that Lt the conk Qnicncc�. Mr. GLV-Y'. III-. COiltl-Lry to v-11itA bcun zjaid, we have rr\ utel,ly L�u:o to yov., thit,t tht reu!ion that you have uot V,,otten � i-ti UvuLu-1c k.r. London had '-lot LiV01 UW tht ih1'0t-L4Ai01j, c-,vollo, Mr. Curollo: H, r . G Ll- Y , Fr, . tondo.: has btL-n uure than willing Lt. &hY titLt to Wtet WIth Ztbf-f' Lrid in fact, he has Id August 16s 1984 A� taken hours of his time In the vn-t to inqn-Ir, itAff. I am sure ghat; If this Cornmis".1on wmijid him to come before th I:i body oneAr" P i n n h e? WO I) I d Pro v I d e any information that striff vlinb,--11 6: AUTVO-7117T, URTAT Z-i,Arfwu-�P, -io P,7Pn,?wT,: 'novinG 01F PALM TRFE� TV nAWPIWIT PARK, TrI 01PRI)FR To, rFrZMJT A JOINT VERTfIRE nFTHEFF TRE 0R-Ar-C-F PM14L COMMITTEE AND THE PROMOTEn"I OF THE HIA"U GrIAND PrUT. Mr. PIUMM-Cr.- fir. Mayor, !,Ic have -) rcqucst Jointly from the Orange Povil Coon, I and the Grand PT17, ThO 13011sf- Plan, which hnn been approved by this CommIssion, shows the movement of some of the Inndsonping In nnyfront Pnr1c, namely some paln, trees, thnt, stnnd close *to tbo Their proponnX is thnt thoso treoi would be rr-noved to raostly behind the Torch of Friendship ns n- brnakdrop nnd the rest of them would be moved bnek ione 30 rect. 11r, tinyor, if that can be riccomplinhod now, the Ornngc Botil commitit".0-c' and the Grand Prix enn jointly go into n vonttiro for blopchcrs which would S-WO both cntities n arest deal of noncy. T. think that prediented on the rnot that it. J,-3 propo.,Icd in the Rouse, that: It i-Totild bo done, thnit thin Commission give approvnI, t:o it b(1-iDF-, donc send both entities con enjoy this yonr Im jrnury n-nd in Fobrunry n great; r a s n v in for the g I purposcs of he c 1) 1 (,,- c 1) c r is in order, Mr. Mayor,, I would f'-'Ovc -t7o-l) (1).Jr, mayor F( r r T 1. 6 vould nsk that you vith the nast(-.,.r plan of the gencrt1, d -Ind fit opo—cd by both the Rouse '7 anti Not'vebol. Mr. FlurimcrQ !1i1A)()iit question, [Sr. Mayor. Mayor Farr c- Dktqy, I,- there a accond7 Mr. Do wk i n-,r,! . "11 (-:- c o ri dl . Mayor Fcrro: Farther dio-cus-sion? Call the roll. The following raotion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its &doption: HOTION NO. 84-948 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY 14ANAGER TO ARRANGE FOR THE MOVING OF PALM TREES IN BAYFRONT PARK IN CONNECTION VITH BAYSIDE TO BE ACCOMPLIS13ED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IN ORDER THhT THE ORANGE 11-30VI, COKH11TTEE AND PROMOTERS OF THE HIAKII GRAND PhiX CAN ENTER 11141TO A JOINT VENTURE FOR USE OF BLEACHERS USE.D IN CONNECTION VITHA THEIR EVENTS; S*1'1k.ULLT1NG THAT THE PLACEMENT OF THE PALL TREES TO 13E HOVED SHALL HE IN tCC0RDt1CL V ITH THE MASTER PLAN SUBMITTED 13Y NOGUC[31 LNID hJ!-F-jiE-QE1i11'ATIVES OF THE 1--,' 0 U S, L, C 0 I-1i P A It, \11 . Upon being Lecondtd by Dawkins, the notion W83 passed and adopted by tht. following vote - AYES: Commissioner Hiller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Id 51 August 16, 1984 "A Vice' Mayor Deno et erlo .1 m Perez, Jr Mayor llpuriap A. Frrrr! NOES: None. ABSENT: 7. CITT PARTIcarATION In THE MIAMI G RA KID r P-,, ,K>� TO VIE C-177 PArzAGER FOR REFIF-GOTTATIOM AND -------------------------------------------------------- -1 Mr. Plum-mcv-,. Hir. Mnyor, thn. ,_jecond part 1^7 not in Ithc form of n grsnt of noncy, but n proposnl that X could nnk to be sent to the tlanngcr for nenotintion. T jvivr, discuised it with hin. one of tho biggest probloms that In cxperienced by the Gv*,)T,.d prin Is the in -hind sprifices I �Tonit got into it nt this partioulnr point-,, but It IS n vinble proposition that the Cityr v7ho Dom receives 10% of gronst uould tnhe and pick up n port i.on -ki on of the innd horviocs and piek, up nt, the end n Larger p--rcont-ngc of gross- . I I ^oulct as t-lint that proponition be sent to the Hnnngcr for r, oa-,ntintion. I have discussed it tlith hing he r,, n ys it in interesting convcrsvtonr and tic r-ould like to explore it, if the Commis*11.,-.. it to bin in principle. If that is in order, UT, Nnyor, I "Otile, ­10 nOVO- Mayor rr, e Tr 1:1oorr r, rcoond? Mr. second it with thin additic,-, 1 icV, nit' i n, n Vc r ,r 'o come b a c I i,- hol, o. f t, Iq (.1, j- y can j ve orin give $300 00( pn.-j v r C On to 14r. 3 a n c 1) c T, V Mr. 1)ut, even this iri iJjc ) (I V', 1'7 6Cs 11 e City then vh.t. VC, uld 1,,;c- r-)ut"C"J'Sic{-Iic or two. I would offcr 1 'G- u h t'� k! c c c 0 1, c (14 Mayor Ferre: Further discus-siort, cC.3.3 the roll. The following notion 119al 3 introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its doption: HOTIOK NO. 84-949 • A MOTION TO REFER A PROPOSAL MADE BY PROMOTERS 0 1-7 " THE 1-11 & 14 1 GRAND PRIX CONCERNIK'G THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION FORMULA FOR IN' -KIND SERVICES III THESE ANNUAL EVEN73 TO THE CITY 144412AGER FOR NEGOTIATION AND FURTHER REPORT TO THE CITY COMMISSION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins* the motion was P933ed and adopted by the followina voto- Ad August 16, 1984 52 A 1* AYES: 'Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Ab Commissioner T.L.Plumm�*rJr. Vice-Wiyor j)pni-Allrio Perez Jr, Mayor: hnuric-- A. Ferro NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo PORT ACCESS BnIDGE AGREEMENT. ----------- ----------------- �i ndvertently left off an addendum Mr. Gery: rr. 11P.,yory I lnc� to the vqjr,:,cr,r:nt. vyitln Hirnlmnrinn A,3socintera fir. Plurmc, I novc:, it - xfvc rcvd it Mayor Ferre- Y,-,- tlicrc ri, vccond on Its 4? Mr. Dawkins: Seeond. Mayor Ferre: Further dlsot_nnoiori? All right, call the roll. The following rePolutioy) tins introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved it.-, -,m1or)t.5,o;n: 1111"S01,07,TON 1110. 84-950 7 A RESOLUT-A"01", 1.U-17HORIZING "HE CITY MANAGEr", T 0 t . EXE C111` " , A Ia KIENDHENTj SUBSTA!KTIfiLLY IN F01311 LTThCHEDv TO THE AGREEKEHIT VITH 11ETROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR TRAUSPORThTION IMPROVEMENTS TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE PORT OF IiIhMI- (Here follows body of rem.olution, omitted here and on file in the 0j'fice of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Como m issioner Dawkins, the resolution was 1°,a_,,sed and Ldopted by the following vote - AYES: comini-,,ition or 11,111er J, Dawkins Commuiasioner J. L. Pluumnier.- Jr. Vice -mayor Demetrio J. Ferez, Jr. Mayor Haut -ice A. Ferre NOES: ABSENT; Id 1-,,' o r, e , Commissioner Joe Carollo August 16, 1984 53 9. 7\ c - TT T T()�T OR T - jj"77 'jI' T 7' 1 -Ur NT PITA 7, Mayor Frr-=--- Mr GP s r y F r 1-a^ inst.,rt;otIonn of t he City te--,�np' er' to ncgotlilf� n o-ormproville with Mr. Go�u I d Thr� 171'&Jnl comproni-sc "ns no-IZ-, c2omploto:!d bpi ore ,. welly the iJlit9,-11 (107-prOnlnn nddrn-1111-d 131n i. Luc thAt Mr. could 1);'d 1)nocr eon-Ad-rntjon, nno thnIC. "­ns hnniv,-01y that he would l,r t. Win im-tt hr, r -,o Pi ot ol, t, Th rt r,�� n n t v rt- of Miami Cnntc-Ir I n-nd Ph.rinn X.J. Under rhasc Tt which is bnsicnlly dons not. v-oq;jIrn t1r, Gnisld to pive us the rlght-of­�,ny doe' the Wurvntorl rnrn.p, It, in, r(,quired under Phnsn, 11, and only nt the t1mr that tir Gould seeks a permit to reap t. h n brne fit n of the I I I n- n , I Center I developmcnt, "bleh riesns that Mr. Gould do Onot h rn v a to give us the, Xnnd until tic, birlenlly br_,pjnf1 eonstruction of Miami Con'll'or 11, and t-rn lcnom the: p�roblcnn of iota occurring within tho tine frnrc of the Fedornl nnd Stntf, rfquirement3 for then oxpendituro of the funds that have been nppropriated for the bif"rented rnmp, and that; in likelihood of zero. In our firmt, rccti;ig, i-itth Mr. Gould, Mr. Gould snid that he was willing to give up the land thpt the Stntc- ipd,d is needed, and that tic v-,Pre, lnsis'Linry, that he give try, on the condition that vie 01020 off Enst 3rd Streit, r-nd 'tic, rlso rpnid that he would give un ttio floorq of his Scarrge office complex for a convention oxhibition f,noility. At thntt; nectInf,; was Mr. Goodkni�,!-.':, of T).Q.T.P Plty nY Ptnff and ny-scUp and Mr. Gould and hi_-: nttornoy' '17D.C; IT,- 4J,-0 111rd repre--entnt, Ives- from the City fAt-Aforrcy1c", olU5,0r. Ufc- t-hrt ncctJwt rith the v c f-) t i i (A y `A)c- plrr, nnsd that 17, k, C, 1 (7 0 , C us e we t,7oul.(7 r southcr -.17 C,, 0 T a g r C, C, d 1,i 6 1, Ce, v n, t Y Tr ar) %,j-ioi 'oir, 00mc 6. Ming that; il� i lj(t 1,( _MEE a mi (":j felt. 1-7yA iL, Gu C(T C Quint 1 y- the 1)5.f1 vc.,, It"(- 6 1­1, v o f the b 1 f u r cd r,,,:rp. Y 116 Kr. Go ol, 6 ,:",,d h(: L,-� ("t d d I 11­1 Lugust, be."ore I 15th, crid I In r; v 0 U 1. Q by I t! - t t,"riday. We did not yet u; j.trlapo:nl; uc evIled Hr. Could uC. vi,n. ter. Gould finally gave u.n in, proposal. Ba-rically, Mir. Gould's propo3al states that we would eliminate his requirement for the expenditure of $429r000, approrimately $430,000 for street improvements; that the bay fronT, area the val,k-ways would be transferred from Pkicmi Center I to Hliami Center 11; three, that the 111ami Center 11 development order, which calls for a residential tower be chvrired to an office tower, and laBtlyr that the Southeast 3rd Street should be closed. In terms of the of the fOreiving of the atrect improvements, we are oppoted to t h n. t recoLmendLtioq . it v, o u I d be appropy, iate for the City COIL-114A z- te ion to con "%i der however, as an alternLtive, 3iticc it & lg e L 1- 8 that V.r F Gould has financial Lnd probLibly does Uot 1ILVIC L-Otley to do the $43,0,000 thLit tt"Lat roqull-cuent be r e0vulI&I'A runnint"�with the land, iand tl-IZA vc- U--(! L,0116tto do thit, \'ith quarantee of t.u, to tj1c bead, uilj)t, that Mr. Gou 1 d N� �- uo u j,.L_ d t c) Q c7) ttit t U i tt.ir n inch the re--ident1e.l'tea L,4Efjce tuj,,�:rt; E I to Mr. Gould,tht,.t tl--Z&t woul ht& ��,!Juf it even though it ci Y Co., 1,_* ble E_ t L , �__ - ioll Is Overall Soal at bringing ret�id'er-its into dowjjto��,1-1. V�jtjj regard to cl0sin9 off S.E. 3rd Street, our position is that it should not Le closed. Id August 16, 1984 54 4 Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, I accept all of your recommendations personally. I only have one alternitive that I would like to qdd. Bn-sed on the premise that Mr. Gould hns offered ij.m two floors should we, rwor need it, becau-se I boi)n that tlint "otild nnve*r oneijr,. benenusr' it is my opinion t.hnt onrc -r)f the, propo.,wiln thnt. nrr� being offered to tho HAIsm-4 'Torl'_n And E-11hibit-3o'n Authority v, o u I d eventually breonn r, rnnlity. ro It "ill b- noot., But .N - P should these bc n rend for lion two tJoorn, whit I mould like to dot 19 liou Of clos-inr,, 3rd ".3)trcr'11._ In to give Mr. Gould or the o�innrr of both of thoso loth, In cnnh, inge for two full, floors, of spneer the nir right: over thn street, provided hov,--evrr,, t1int it be nbovp i4hPtnvnr rnq"ire-.nent-q are needed for the purposes of pndostriin, vobiculnr, and people mover nyntemn already in c-Aistence where it 13 under con ,struction. tjov;, "ould thst be acceptable to you? Mr. Gnry: Von, Pir. Mayor Ferro: 1 pr, roady to vote on it, myself. Mr. Plummcr: loots nre Haying close the street? Mayor Ferro: i%`oF n1bSolutoly notl Mr. Gn r y thn, air rights ntrove the transportation people rovrr, Mayor Fcrr( !F"o c "G r r c "G > t I c n v o the :_,,,t.reet3 open • 5 1 Ease clor'llro of r 0 C t? In the f i r n t, 1•o hrlvc 1-, 1) 3, h. r inn We jv"�� 7 I r 1­1 n C C, g a r i ght C I moot cl osi 1-) 1" 0 1, o! I n r tho r i S h I", d V C., L' I 16 c i'rl� I i v C i should 1,'r 0 1 "1 r rj-1, i­ il c con (i i-) c t'i o i i ic- 1,; r o. p i y- III) o (',v for havinG, g' 11 up i, is r r S t: (.'r r r (.',i 1'( 1, 11, d C t those tuo floorr. for fi I . 00, or u, I i t, c v c r Mr. Dav*kins.: lrhat did you -ay you z,,,rc (;oinr, to do about Mumber 3? Mr. Gary: That we utilize our highway bonds to make those street improvements on condition that a covenant be put on the land for Miami Center II. Let me explain why I am making thin recommendation. Mr. Plummer.- Vhy on 11 instead ot IT Mr. Gary: Ukeczruae I 1_ uthat 114-11"icy are foreclosing on, and we are not going to cot any money out of that. We are 30 far down the line. UC LV'C PUttilllff it on the value. The only value he has ritiht now, thc L.,Ly I perceive it, is on Miami Center 11, whl�ch is not under foreclosure. Mr. PluLi-.;cr.- It in, out even built! Mr. GL-r�� - L"�ut thL; IL-nd 1:� thQ The ILUd, OU 1"0110r.� UhLt I L-1a (TAPE T) Mr. lllui_-ii:cr. YOU CkV-U doesn't The IL-n'd eLi_-t_-' Lull' not tL I Lt . Commissioner Plummer. Cet-tttr 11, rind that K 1. L ta, i C t ri t � r I I does Mr. Gary: you don't underztand what I are _-ayjng�. I am putting a covenant on the land that is within Miami Center xi. ld August 16, 1984 55 Mr. plummer: That is not what you said. Mr, Gary: He has got to RRt-fm, well, that is What I meant. it in on t`!v-. lnnd� The nnvf*npnt running with the land. Mr-. Plumllr! T"n Ir to thPt7 Mr. GsryVo,--ot lie gave his proposal. We are '. 1n in n. telling yaij -ebnll �r- wan", to respond to It. Mr. Plurnrwicr,. Ohl Mayor Ferrn.' 1.00, k . . . Mr. Gnr Y, ric tell you what, Mr. Mayor, please, If I may. J, (4, � .. n n toll you why I want to use our highway money now, to da the improvemcnt5 nnd put' It on his land, which is under lllriml Center 11 - bnenonze we nry going to hSve n- major problem "itb S-oothAn,-t Bnnk and nil of those other buildings downtos-7n, IT 191hose strects ire ;-Aot, 7-MPr0vcd, Commissioner Dawkins. y J)nve. highvinlr loond rnonce-y,, "hick I enn do, for that, nmcl because ry vr-Jv.n j^ protect sd on the 1,1-ndr at least I don tt enure n problcinn for n1l of the innOcc-n`V. people Who will be nffr-,oted - Southcn-sll'; and rill. the ether husine3s people, nn i-sell ^ tijc p(-,oplo v1ho hr�.v(- got to drive on those streets. And plum too, -*t-,.h.-,t nnkos rc n11-0 not Give Southcnsvt. r t-,rjy 01-1t, '-hrv, I)Pvc, dot t Ps t. sonsmoney 4c- inve got 14-o do In for tho.,:n t7ert ir-, P r 0 vC-P C n, f70 r our pnrt. (3: knov, you il.l. 00 a 0 I' -v i� eve got coo ot.-Ir PI-rt , P't least to do thrlr p,7rt, 1),11 Irc "IA-0 Gould hn,: tn 04) h�r Mayor ro,,-rel: Am,- ItS, Mr. Plurnmer., yc�r i t no ua F-I question. Mr. Manager, is the foreclosure 01) UJIM4 Center I only, or on Miami Center and t.J,je Jjnjd Trigs of Gould? . Mr. Gary: I dont? knovj- Mr. Plummer: t`cilt I think it is very importantl Mr. Gary: I agree. Mr. Plummer: Because I don't want to give up my claim on Miami Center I and completely vacate that, even if I have to take a percentage on a dollar, where I can still hold claim on Miami Center 11, if it Is under the same umbrella. Mr. Gary: het its t,,, legitiripitbo question. Mayor Ferre: I hc-ve been throuri,.h that, and you are going to get "zip'! on the dollar. Mr. V- I utr Vc11v r- it-tL,11dtriucht now, wle are doing to get "zii)" Mr. GLry.- t6 jot,(.. r you zirc --c-ttinr, policy and perimeter.ta, u, ot-i which I czAl L 0 bLck U) Ht'. CoUld Cn. Obviou.-ly therc Lrc othcr thLt huvL- to be askedt tj-jjAt ca.)v lou-iy wc didn" Jr, 1.Z V C it jILLi t think has been hapjptriivig �-G CUich - 011AL Ue hLVC- to LfIbWeY-, r�aid that is ovic- 0i" it or, luoth of the properties. If it is, then it doebrilt LLIle to Lo 01-1 11. Do you understand what I Lai., z;L-Ying'i Mayor Ferre: Well, let me tell you something. 14 56 August 16, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Yes, but let me tell you w1int, P-1-se doesn't make sense, Mr. GAry. The prop,erl.y t1int tho Sit -Ate Of Floridp nepds. from ny wndpritnod tj�Pt (--oA)m, In not willing 4- r, only for n lane to g I. vp n1r. th I.-, p A. r '%J ci 1 -1 r to npry I e ft Mr. j I I 1�tlljl tn1k to you r- Mr. Gary: 'Fo, tchn'i'l !� rna t. corrp-,et, and I will talk to you about It. Mr. r-lumn-r -. it not correct? Mr. Gary: mo, -ir- Mayor Ferro: t1r. Gary, let me tell you that as a practitioner, and observer of very complicated real estate transrietions for 30 yn.srs, I predict that jomcdny Wien you are ro longtr-r n city n.-Iniger, you are going to be n 'very weal "(, -by rl,,n IS vou, q-tick to rcn) eststc trrnssctionn, but let me tell. yoi,j that 11r. Gould nay be nmnrt, hu-1-1 I Whisk he has met his match, nnd I understind td),at, you sre dolAnr_, and I commend you for your ImpgInntion and you have got -my votel Mr. Dawkins: I vote on 2 and 3. 1 am not voting on 1 and 4. Mr. Gary: Cnn I sit down and ... Mr. Dawkins: No, you should have set down with me before. Why do you always have to sit down with me afterwards? Mr. Gary: If I ... Mr. Dnwlins: Why do you always sit down ...? Mr. Gsry: Well, first of all, Commissioner, let me just explain it. A lot of things have been happening very Quickly, Mayor Fore: Wait, wait We will tale out,l 'Go lunch and that will ... Mr. Gary: Yes, take him out to lunch. I need to ttike him out to dinnerl Co=issioner Dawkins, to those .. I shouldn't be apologizingt but I apologize for Mr. Gould. It basically happened so quickly, and I am Just trying to protect the city'-; interest, end we have been doing things the lost uinutc, bcotiuse, a lot, of things have been .at happening at t1he last FAnutoc- Mr. Dawkins): Did ho- discun-5 this, with you, Commissioner Plummer? L)jd 11c, thi-ti, with you, COMMi33ioner Perez? 14 r . G L� r y lie ib undertLidlUE-1 Mr. FluL�xzt�r: V1 L 1"L t 1 1. fUlleral directort Mr. DL%,,kirin: LA)t YOU three people up here ... Mr. ti,e jL—t Lot t1j,- CoL.1, .0 er Dawkins, today, tj'jj-,, L.01-NiDC, L110-1 %c- L:rc tryir4rto protect our inter-c-6U., tic '0)-t: r1l the (t b"l- If " ()1! - i= ire Lrld foreclose on him, LNd t"t iJut out W nu-Lcr 1000 C111 tilt; li:At Let Le just S&Y Lb0LIt tilt OffiCC tCwt.r. 01 b- V 1 o L) -,- 1. y Mr. Dbuk"In-- 1, don't ctire &--b-Out it - I Wtal-j YOU V,,Uyb are 3atj81*j#z-d with it. I sL-y I bw not voting. if you got three votes, you don't need met ld August 16, 1984 57 Mr. Gary: Okay, if I might, Commissioner DawRins, I am looking down at the third step nowt if T might. Please hear me out. I am trying to protf!et the City's Internit.n. The second sl-'Pp is, If Mr. Go;ild bn-n In 1111s pon"PS-r-1-1071, "IthOut any eon=lnf;rnt 11 .b A I J, t i nn , or `any for-�(-Jonllrnq --)n Miami A� A- 1-1 - lv— P I perceive Center 1,T 1-indr -hpf, in I -A onn 0111 �nrenlq t, h a II ri r - Go tj 1, d djo-s 63nvc no opt-jc)r- tT%rit b- and that -,hn rcnzlon f ^ t4 no, ..� thjs offlec building here, boentmr-- it it. more n.-ilabIr. to bin. she extent it nakes It morn nalsble� 12"o him in the qUICkcr tht wee can get soma developnnn't" on thcre, nrid t-In Rnt, tbv. ex-hibition center, ind everything is; cicno- so that: Is thit third phoic thnt I nm looking Ott.V-1th rr-g,-,rd to POv -ision four, on four. I dinagrec, v4th hir, an thazt. tily four snys that he h a a to d 0 Dn %Y Wn I R I nr, no', -�nrc-oinf- t. - -, t-fith hi Mr. Dnwkir,:75; onn hn. do thn .-Finy 14,0,1z i,,,ben he has no money?? Mr. Gsry,, Voll r then Comm, in s i onc r r that gives me my leverage, 0%sy? And that mould not affect Southeast. The streets rill. Mr. Davlki-nF: Let me rusk rov o qv,cstion- If you just got this thi- norning, bovi did 4-rou Jiur,"" r 0,- d,digest it, and Come UP C-11 of thi- thy Dovof' Mr. Grrv., For thc Tr o -Jot, of m-tose things were Jn ovv vhCn Mr, DC1Afl,*,jn,s-'- [i I i I i;, I i i f I V, 0 1 0 0 0 ot them with u31 v Mr. Gary: I I', b olli, n o v r r, t ient me over — p F, (1 G 1'F(Ja6 not. your in the mere f,,,c s th,,- r( h"; fl cot"ir. 1, 1 p 115th, tile I D*OeTt, r ( J - particn 1, tiv c 1%, 6 t o You Seconeil,,-"`, 1. n ft on Mr. Davlin. 11r. Garyt I tn.r� c.-oinr I , to tell yc)u 1--or hc I st time. I LU going with you, tnd frol nou Oil V"'hen You Come up with stuff like this, I an going to call the rule of four. Now, it is up to you to figure out how to Ittcep me from calling it, nir. See? Hout I understand, and I am going with you becauso I understand that it is a hell of a job we are doing, but I get tired of - now this cargo, 1 t can 1, get stuck uritht but when it comes to Park West and the other3, I get shafted, okay? BaysidcI don't get what I roe rat, but yet, every timie I vote, I &,n voting, rafter the factl � Mr. Gary: covit-ni.-.nictier DL�vkin--, to rat. VIhen we first tallled to him, On Item 1, th&t not Ln in -sue, Okay? We did not tLlk 4bout hi clang inc thut. Oi ltct� 2, S. E. 3rd, we did tLill- to him about it. oil Itc3, tut wan rio t an issue„ IU-4 WL6 tlOt Lri otily thjof,� vc- talked 6 0 w h a t YL a. p 1) e n U d wher) he got about iteu 2, 01,CLY? into he addL-d item 1, 3 Laid 41 to the Picture to try and bL-ii out - You &1&.V VI-WL I U4 :3LYiUC.7 IS5 C) , We didn't tLIk Lbout It 3, and 41. V(; only tallcd c.-bout S. E, 3rd Strctt elo6inc- ThLt UZi-- the of tht bifurcat�;d- Mayor Ftrr(,,-: Lvc wc reLady to vote Viiat iti the will of the majority of' thc Mr. Bill Col,on- J-r . l=<i yar, did you ask for comment? Mine will be vtry quick, it' I tuay. Mayor Ferre Go ahead. Id August 16, 1984 Aa� Or Mr Col son I don't want to nit bere And an by the opportunity If tbor., in Anynntr, thpil ban Any Drobl!m thnt is on the Conni, 11.,,% ton ;-.h- r-innge.-r , s recommendation tbAt S. E. 3rd tlir-ij T would like permission to addre.-in ;nil for V) m3niil.-n- Mr Pn v0ur in nzv�, problem s4ith 2. Mr, col" -an: I flnn"t llhin!, nnyornp doers Mayor Ve�rr(-. f, nlnvtf^. 1-Illm it is now 7:20 P.M. Carollo bn-7% to le�nvr-, -.3,Fhf. PoH, r-nd n-11 I am saying, nobody here wsnt- to elon4n off 3rd Strof�t-.. Mr. DnKII-lin-11, Nobody A� g,,oln- to elosp It. Mr. Colson; And I don':. v n n t tt sny nnything. I say, if anybody hl-s got n que.,stion nbout it, then I want to speak. Mr. Dawkins: No one hns. Mayor Fcrre; All I T,,ould itice to do is son, rzhat we can you know, strrt olivnbing thn 1,,)dd(,r bern T-11c have got four issues. T undorrt-ind you- nrir for tv;o n-nd against two, right? Mr. Davkinn: 1 1-.7111 go with n1l of it. Mayor Fc-rro,: You mill go with the Manager's recommendation? Mr. Dare) -3,nr.- Yes. Mayor Fcrre: Are we ready to vote on this? Are you making the motion? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, I make it. Mr. Perez: I second. Mayor Fcrre: All right, there Is a motion, there is a second. Further di ncussion on the motion of the Manager's recommendation r-mended on the quontlon of the air rights and what hcvc ��,rou. rl-cr�.dy? Crll thr, ro-11. The following rz o, 1("" 110 r, t,f (,: " 4'n n t T - o 6 L x c c d by COMMi33ioner Dawkins, uho r--,.ovc.d IA' a celapC'1011: 1-10TI041 110. 64-951 A MOTION TO ACCEPT IN PRINCIPLE THE RECOMMENDATIONS NUMBERED I THROUGH 4 CONCERNING THE BIFURCATED FLOW AS OUTLINED 11Z t KIEHIORANDUK SUB1,11ITTED TO THE CITY COHMISS10111 THIS DATE. Upon being --econded by Cornmi--n-sioner Perez, the motion was passed and 6doptcd by the following vote - AYES: Commiasioner Joe CLrollo Commissioner` Miller J. DLv1tin3 Vice-HLyor DcLletrio Pcrez, Jr. Mayor 14"-urice A. Vcrre HOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: worle. ON ROLL CKLL: Mr. Plu!.=er. Thi& City has been taken before by this project Lind I Just feel this is a continuation of further taking this City I vote "no". id 59 August 16, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, I votp "yes-, and T. want to express. - - � - R -T thinIc knouTing ) Int ibniit Y4-nl, r'-qtnte, gives me an appreciation of tbq -ay you hrndlc7-(I 1.1-_ -it i2- -I (Iiff irl,)lt propositi,on. Tmci_;-1 Al Irn ronre'rn-0 'I'thni-OV, vVia- I-gnlities of .7 4 -- - I - J) it Tj jnjCj: " n ,,j j'�I 1. if yrii Tv ,"r' a::o -ork out th?- of tfin ( -i -1 -1 q 1, '71 M nM er Wilt: in works. t_ha-n mi"'Uh, �j 3 I rpuff­-F PAGF-ANT. 10. isfitsDISCUSISIOr-I CHANGE A"OUPT T() TAVAT MAPAGER IIS PERMITTED TO S FAn CT FOR VU-StE PAG ------ ---------------------------------------------- Mayor Forre., fir, chnirnnn of the Host cormlittOr-- Mr. Fong acrninor: mr. linyor rnd I didn't invvnt- tlio is ,,�kcd long with Univ-ernic Conteqt. ?4r. lhr-ison to ncFotiVnte the, bast possible don), for the City of Hirini or thn tremor Hinni I;ost corr.nittnor in bringing Miss UnIversc .-nd tlins� T(,-cn U.S..A. and flirin O.S.A. beefs to Miami. I nra only the Cntcnnion of tile City of 115"?,mi. My heart i:l vith the City of Hinni. I hrive been nskcd by the City, or T'An�;11; nn(I nill of n ruddcnt th.0 City of Miami -11'r , Hiss doesn'tftPor rcl I-Ic fv'�"In co��-tcn llr� Gl"'Inscer and t P - �, I 1�_ 1) h i C -1 C) -) 'I Univerr,c-, pf-0, I(- 4n 'QVI). 711CY 11�,VO T-PVO C t, t') � I tr I Ot to , r -J), if hlrvc, brovght us Us. the f,"_vr- eor-1 il.,-CnI, of 1"'10 000 n year IL 5- this . Mr. Eith(;-In 1,C lit going to IJ am be r, I n 6 ��T 11 d g 0 full W 111 i n F, specal, (,:Ilc-,­6� ()_'J, ITI k o -r 1,6 a r, n tic get a better 61c Mr. 3. n Ivc got rj prob1cu Irc on the first page. Mr. Caroiloo. it is not the contrnet. I am saying, Mr. Mayor i�, in approving the funds So they could have the authority for the Host Committee to sign it. Mr. Plummer: Monty, according to this, the pageant can move the Pageant from this facility- See- thnf'- there? Mayor Ferro: Let me tell you Something. This is a contract Mr. Odiohave you sc on this contrLct before? , Mr. Odio; Yes it every word of it. Mayor F',erre: 11r. 111cnnaCer, 1 (,:ueSs now to you - are you recom-nending thib? it sectas to uze that we can't vote on this contract. Mr. Gary: *Eiticy ju.,4;t CL,v(- it to Lie, Maurice. Mr. Cdlo: Let Le CILl'ii-Y UILt question. COMMi33ioner, the reason thLt (INAUDIBLE BhUG111OU1111) Mr. Odio: ThLt cji;�u-_e I L-,bked theru to put that in, because we might not bt able to have the same at the Knight Miami Convention Center in 1986 because of prior commitments with ld 0 August 16, 1984 60 the University of 11jami feitivAl and others, so we want to leave it open so we can pick the alto thn�t they would Agree to. Mr. Cnrollo. Mr, Trainor, whnt Is it that wr, nr!�d lk.o_ do to go phppd vlth tbi_m? Mr. Trsinorz V,,�, nf%4nd for the City Commission to Incren-ne the e o m. m A t nt from, A-100,000 to 2250,000 for the City 1, Manager "Lo 1,700f "Ith us wand to bring thn "Ims Universe. Mayor Fcrre°: At the City Manager's and the City Attorney's di3err-A-Jon . Mr. Trpinor: yes. Mayor Ferro: They would have to approve it. Mr. Carollo: I no nove the notion that we inorease the commitme.ot. 1-.o 1.250,000, tiherens the City Manager would work t. JOint).Y ;`W) thr! City Attorne7-y v7lth, the president of the Host CQT-nmittco., I Mayor Ferre: But it, b;7,7- too hivr, tho City flanager's and ,the City Attorney'n npprovini. Mr. Dnv-k1,nr­. And that tho City Attorney Mr. Plur-iier: All rit-01tv let" rnic --sk this question. Is that subject to n riGnod oontrnot7 Mayor Ferro: Of coursel Mr. Plummer: A signed contract by the Pageant and by the City? Mayor Ferro: Of cour3el The Most Committee. Mr. Plummer: The Host Committee, I am sorry! . Mr. Trainor: The Host Committee Mr. Trainor: If we get this commitment and you tell me, then we vill zien it as the Host Committee and let the City Manager .. Mayor Ferre: Only if the 1-la gager end the City Attorney approve it. Mr. D a w 1k in s : Ltild in writing,,f And if it 15 in there,, a clause th,',It in the event that for Some reas!on, the Pageant 13 not held here, that whon-ever the Host Committee gives the $25OtOOO to thtfY Eivc it bLck to the float Committee, who Will give it bLck to the City of j_,­tjDj Mr. Gary., if, I Liglit Mayor 1'1'errc VVCt-Yb0d-1j_ 111 LfYt-Ccr,,,,(-nt on that? Monty? ahead,, 114r. 1 Mr. GLry: 1i' I L4iO't, it CbCUWU,'- th-OULJI Wt- Lrc trying to a 0 0 ow- t. v t hi Y1 L n t Want to 16, t 1-16 n e, C n w�ant to opportunit,t t yet thc Y'L city oi,,, i t r, C-4, this - 11. V,4rol-�1tu- to L�(A inn oll.vc-6, and is basic��Ily UhLll Lt LNLAt�'. ILC� p) i L01 Now, I thIRV thvilt could be LCCOiLl,11-hed 1j' yC�u I�(; the &UthOrity J�or 6fov- Lt to ritgotiL­te (�'nd I u.tan We along with utt City. J.ttc,-orL-,ey',I U,tj, Vy, G) & I I � b t (Z' r ¢ trams Pageant people directly ... htar me out - that would bezii up those two yearn with the contract coming back to the Cotaujit-isjon. Id August 16, 1984 61 Mayor Ferre: Not to blindly sign a contract that nobody has read! Mr*. Cnrollo; Not beck no, not to try to slRn n contract, but, wn nr� tnlking Pt-�ovtl ncgo-'1i:mt1nR ngpl-n- Mayor Fn.7, P0, "0' 1001f, Toc, yc-u nndn Folir motion, so repen-T. Yonr rmoll�jop nnd' If Frt r, SCrOne), " "131 put it to n Vote, A!t I- n o t 5 o -4) . you were Butborl;JnP thn mnring,�r to nrp€Tld I)P 1-,o "x,2_50,000, provided that be nn 1, �, City Attorne-�y, �,ri -riting, t 0 " 1) A- - o . Mr. Cnrollo: Connur and npprovc thc contract, Mayor Frrw-n: Th,"t is ood enough for mel Mr. C P r ol lo Vot, for tbr, NnPnp,(-r to negotiate something that hail n3rc-dy 'DI-cn nrgotint(mod Vio, that he can come back and any 1`Look I (Ud. T neoonpli:�hcd thial" Mayor Ferro.: Vor no, '-hc Mr. Gnry,. t r. H en y o r r I rc,�eindl ny r ccornrn ends. tion Mayor Ferro All right, Fov.nrd, Ictl- not j;ct emotional on this thinr� 'th- 1nrijc Mr. Orry: y rin not. (-:�ttJnr ,� c r 0 t 5 0 n,-, 1 1 nm trying to acoorlpli-A) t-Alrat" tic ho Mayor Forrc: find, yo*,,x liDot! is' i,,1,c thin is in your U. r,0--ornev, you know that hands, Md �r) the lisknds of th(, all You hrEtv(, to do 1_1 to Say thc: matter is ... you know . . Mr. Dnvfkinn: Hadam City Attornoy, an the last page, B.2, and 13.3, mould you interpret that for me, please? Mrs. Douglierty: Well, I just got it, but B-3 I can tell you that it lc, 000 Mr. DatakinS.: B.2 first. Mayor Fcrre: What page are you on? Mr. Last page, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Carollo: tle trivdc ra motion lready, Mr. Mayor. I think the motion in clar. Mayor Perre: 1 11LIVc1l't V,Otterl � second. Is there a second to the Luotior)7 la there u accond to the motion made by, ttit E,otion, 1 vill repeL,t, is that the City Manages tie.innttructcd to expend up to �---50,000 oil t1le FIJ33 U n i v e r ;-, e lit U.S.A.., t<1 e v n zi g e 0y,elc., If he tend the City Attorricy, ill uriting, Lq)prove b(,,�forcn the inonies are expendtd. TIIr;t ia thCra ysI under :toad the motion to be made. 1� thcrc u, Mr. PereZ. 1 hLVU le(,-, ieccnd it. Mayor For Ere, FLtV-tht:V Mayor terra z Ftrep beccndtn. NO,, CoLt!.flbbioner Dawkins has asked tt quebtion. Eau, out f a courttay to him,, he can either withdraw the question, or if he wants it answered, then the City Attorney Id August, 16, 1984 62 ------------ El Mr. Dawkins: Answer the questions please. Mayor Ferret Last pngeq B.2. - Mrs. A. . fir. I would like to start wkth D.3, t-Av! ;Avnt. 1-s the most crucial to 13 -st yot� ionijld lose your us nu-e the $250,000 if thPt' dr--010M, to ro Y or F?v, a o-- the noney from ny other plarer. nmd ,hnt 1- ,.t, J. r--, —w, "n visited Hitt the Mans.F,c,r A rtbout nnfl thnt Is somcthing, that; he v'Isn't going to be d t, L- I,;,, c, I - A, - � 0 - o b r� n - g, o t. 4 n t -n d It is something totnily 101m, Hr. Dnwkins: Okny novr flu mbn-, Mrs. Douf,-,licrt., 1-1 e 11. r t- lin, 1. o n n. if the Pageant enters into a coattict With PO- cbody- (-Inc Mr. 1-!ith IF,hc, I-Ailrd party to host n Pageant the host should L%n Mrs r, "0 V I d- !7- t I C 3, 3- P% b 10 Mr. Dawkins: if I-11cy dcojoir-, to go o.orn-cplace else,, we are still linh!0 fOr nPYt11i-,W 110 Prat-i-Sc"d 1A)Cm- Is that how you intcrpi,,,�. Ms. to Mr. T1 o c, 1), lit rn f, cna is that how you pp M r a, r 'j cI c, �rrc not anything. It is the Host Committee thvA, vir,-med it. Mrs. Dougherty: Th a t i s ri h t . Mr. Caron o-. They would be liabler not the City of Miami. Mrs. Daugherty: Rut thcy, rould' be our ton e, .0n y. rat" our moneyl Mr. Plummer: Tli(��,-y unu`16 11c u-,]� 2r',0-0 0 Mr. Gary: If I under.,,-,, tcnid that r-,nd I i;ay be incorrect it says "In the cvcnt Pageant into an agreement with a third party to hoat... . 11 , 1 -0 tic Saying a third party other than li-imself to hort it here? Mr. Dawk i n s : I thought ... Mayor Ferrc.: 111r. HLnEgcr, all we are doing is, since we don't hare; L meetinr between now and September 6tht is depositing in you the v.bility to conclude this; to your satisfactien vgith your input and that of the City Attorney. Is there furthu�,r discut.nion on thin vLtter? Call the roll. The rolloving u 0 t i (, 11 14.1 b :4 introduced by -r CL-vollo, vho Ljovcd ftt= a'optlon: Commissionc 0 PIOTIGNI 1,0. b�-Q.�e A HOTILOU LNI) I>IhECTING THE CITY RAK'AGEII TO THL LKOUNT OF THE lh,14LDIJ-.11 COH11,11THE111' IN CONNECTION WITH 0L1T1-IW11-,G THE HISS UNIVEhSE/KISS U.S.A./HISS 'I'LLNIAGE U.S.A. TO t,250,000 (THIS 140DIFIES M-84-944 PASSED PREVIOUSLY AT THIS KEETING.) SUBJECT TO id August 16* 1984 63 THE CITY MANAGER AMID IF CTT'_k" AT7 0 ri) M F Y WORKING WUN T11F r-311'.11VI-1 I 11077` COHHITTFF TO ()nTA.TT1: A :,TG57KF% CONTRACT; SUBJECT T1,t) A P V � 0 A 1.- 0- 1 T C. .7 1,,*O A G E R AND CTT"- A T T 0 RIB:'. T T G, AND INS TPHICTT',76 TF ,7 T1,17 CITY COMIT 11s: To N, 74 P, CON, 1 RACT FOR THEIR FINAL f"TIFF110"IM'.. Upon bnlna :ltrrnn4re; by P�re7, the motion was passed and �Oapt�d bl, follo�3,np vote — AYES: Commisnioncr Jon, t nrollo Vice—M.1yor rl�,rc7, 3r, Mayor llnvirlor, A. Fr'rrn NOES: Commissioner Hillor J. Dawkins Commissioner J, L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL Mr. Dawkins: Not I think ...(INAUDTBLE) Mayor Fcrro-: Yes. I feel confident that the City Manager and the City Attorney will protect the best interests of the City of Mir.ni -------------------------_`---- Cly",A_7 Nrl,!-!AGER 7.70 COFVEY" 70 NETEO CITY'S P iF 17!'TA� -jF1%F-,t- IS u T r., P U S'JE.-r T T F17, V E H, U E 0' OF r. IT Y 0" NI AH I iusi Mayor Ferro: H; r in Tell cn, of r, it Was c, 6 o-v r n, r of the"--) �D i,-L oyl 0 0 nove .... this? I v:culCi -r-oo"trc n t y be advised that the city c)f !,ji�,mi i r t t i f 1 c, d with the way they have Icon hLndling, I.D.B. t zQi d that they are utilizing tax free monies to Tzove i7x2opic- out of the City of Iliarai into the lanincorporated area, and I think that is totally unfair. It is not the purpose of Lnd it _40 certainly doing harm to this city. Mr. GL-ry: 1 think your letter vzould be an appropriate motion. .Mr. Carol lo: So uOvedt Hr, Ha"Yor. Mayor Farr : Okay, 1:5 there L- tccond? Mr. Perez: Scoond. Mayor Ferrtz, F-urtht�r di6cuabion? Call the roll. The following tuotion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: 64 Id August 16, 1984 MOTION NO. 84-953 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANA(11F.R TO CONVEY TO METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY THAT THE CITY COWIJTSST�QN IS NOT SATTSFTED IN THE WAY PIETRO TIS ITANDLITTIG 7MIR DTSTRInUTION OF X.Pjl � (INDTISTRIAL R-EVENITE BONDS) IN THAT MSETRO 1-1-3 -j1jA1rsT,-,NTT.Y USTONG Tjill-1 ITIECHANISM. TO ENTICE BUSINESSES TO VQVT OUT OF THE CITY OF MIAWT TO UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF TITE COUNTY. Upon brJng nneoqd�d by Commissioner Perez, the motion was pnisnd and dopted by the follo"ing vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe C-,irollo Commissioner 11111er .1. Dawkins COMmiS,sioner .7. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Nnyor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor tinurice A. Ferro NOES: None, ABSENT: r3onp, Mayor kerro: Ana Howard, that motion that you would have 3omebody in rtnff work with the Clerk's office, based on the letter 1-lint. TT s drnftcd that I. nnilcd yesterday. 12. DIFIX.C!" 7-0 V(111i['. 1" F, 11, G DOUE IN 0 A r-s 0.1710E SPPIGF� IX);-, Mr. C r i - ci 3 iv f"- yc,�,v , o V-1 f - J. t. 16. 17"n 'IF) I 1, 3, V c would lilc 't,o 11,sr,nz- "cf( the only When Cot- cddilk"lionk-1 when commisSioncr Fluicaaacr Ifl-lixil Got- rdditiollcl offico --pccct it W83 docidcd thtAo C 0 L=- i a -- i o 110 r 1`1 1 U r 0 f f i C C. u� 11 C 11 h 0 moved, would be divided betucen ray -self and Cc,,missioner Dawkins. Ju--t this past vock, I ucs able to got the copies of blueprints from the workers that they were coming in there, when they. were going to start tearing down the place, and not 'Lhe lenzt- bit of courtesy fro u thc 1-1anager as to what the, final pl-.ri was Coine, to be for tine addition to my office or Commiso-ioner Davzkinsl office. It i-t not, t-he even the motter that I are the third oldest ueubcr of this commisnion. It iS Just C ratttr of con=on courte-sy would tell me that before a finol decision uas wLdc aL to how that Office 1�i come to be. divided. The Hlanaecr -I-iould least have hLd the court(,�y, if riot hitu!ielf, samit-one, from his staff to bit down utith 1�zt to dccidc hOU thLt Office was going to bc� c%ut up. I don't cLrc, LnLyl-,tlf. 11 fc-'ett, they could cvtt-, of,;ricf.to nc in the for all I care. I bxuly ecume to City licill CO=i-i011 L(;(-,ti1-ir 1 Lat, too bra,-zjv uavkirlL,, but I d 0 cage for my A-Lff LhUt 11L.k. to Uorll uridcr tliccotieni-tiot-i-a they are workit,L, thLt 01-1 ClYlL Lidc, thu--�' LiLVQ 01C WC1111 -1i t&1­-1iL-L ILY)at they LI-L PLC-4rQ:',, L I I'd thL CfthLl� L26, th�,,' 1a-L%rc tht-� p��rking lot* Land b(:hiLid 101CL 111 the ULV� thoe4 I Lr,c llwc--111L, to have all th(; 1-otor-L f-cr L-ir CGI-IditiciliuL uikitn thzit try bizing Ps d Fri .i'tl no t 0 it C-. I � . Cx f' V j t r wher e they C0010 � IL- t U cocllt uitct ilincI: into C, f f 0,411e every other utraber of tjjj� CCLWI-`LiOtl hL6 filtNty of aLiple space, 100kirle into test bay. V41Lt 1 UOUld 111,e to ask tay 0011ebaue* ib, that tht Kaniigtr be inatruetL-a to fired a Id August 16, 1984 65 solution t b;v!6i.ez (-r), -- _,j- j"i r 1 -, -, - i -) �;-A n 8nd myself, W11pr-. T)n !"I 1 11 n. rt- r� q 11 n I ,1-(1, r, mayor Commirzsir-n ow, nrz n7, JjF-, 1-1�j," probnh i-Y t13- mnn­ T) t I-, y, q, C) T-7 n C- nrjl -)I) T ^ 1 1 r4hrn!7rz- s And I ba-ve rf-nn qrr�1-7), Jni:r-1 I I)-Inqs become T"iPlinq vnen Y01A rzoinF to b1.(,,-,0-, and dl.el yolir bomework you "0121d Ivlvn knovn "lint n drrvIsh J_n, An y-n v T thp, point Of It r)ll I tlMt PeoPln bCe0;mf-- lnfurintrlx ov if tt e things sueb Ps turf, I rcneribcr Wien: I scrvcd in T a I In hn r. s e o7! p t, he b i R f1ght t4nP Is to vl)o of i-hrlt penirking space, Pn4 thcro "ere t�rrlb),� flOts bntv;ecn Louis Wolfson and Ken Plyrrs, nod Riohnrd PP1-,tJ,9r('v4 rnd thn, v'or�t of them all "as Lr4� Foisonborn nod people would innult- nnoh other. They "ouldntt tnjk for nontbs beosusn on(,-, rl;,Ijy got one parking ,tpnec 10 feet. clor.cr to thr door than the Other, and who got t4int J.ndou nod nil thnt. I don't knot-T how this has to be work od out, but I think in fairness, it really 11,13 to be work cd out ronchow. Po", 1 think t­Tc art nil involved in this. I don't know hovi to t-,ork It out. Maybo nll these offices ought to b-- Oonc2 by lotte.1-y of same sort and we do it every two ycarn or every three years. It used to be -'I will tell. you, ,, hon I cnmc here. . . Mr. Gary: Or 175,cr-Mr-,yor Mayor XTerrr,- 7 iip artting the worst desk. You know, it usoci U3 of the Commissioners were in one Office, r,)(, i-na tj)e' best desk, 1) c j (,)�n r d y 1) i7 (_1 it. 11 cl, 6(-­ k r, in theyy I % )?,(J crin'-'y R (:r: 1 0 (111 t make n,,, 6" 0 f f i 1 t-. ol., i_,o c r.) i i­� i, five or nix yckri;a r (-fl o 1, think. wat,, Reboso and .. Mr. P I uma ti,, c r - frid Po So Gordon. Mayor lerre: net Roac Gordonl That is it. That was one hell of a fiehtt hnd then we ended up .. the way we ended up solving it was that whoever was the Vice -Mayor had to pick. So we used to have revolving offices. Plummer, you ended up getting the short arid of that sticks as I reme-raber, one time. When you ended up with a -:!rt, but it all dealt with who was Vice-Hayor. WaS Wt that it? Remind me,, Plummer, because you have a better memory. Mr. Plum.mer: 7 171 C- V J C e -"Hayor was the back half of your office. you nov, havc- it alll Mr. Gary: night, rigiltj Mayor Ferru. 14'o w , 110 W I M r . P I u,-,, m c i - t That is now your turf, because we had it before - thc Hzzyor had half, and the others had the other half. Mayor Ftrrt: Mewl but Manny tit � L- JjttjL_ pic et. but anyway, 1104 ut-1-1 it worktd, P I U e r , lit'Dind, ­C- of it. Didn't t1te VJct_HLyoj- I-L4�,e t1it, pieta of Mr. Plutmer: Wo, tht only thing t1lat way rotbted, Mr. Mayor, W&3 the office of the Vice -Mayor, which does not Id 66 August 16, 1984 11 exist anymorZT; bn? n n u s e 1-1 h If of the Mayorts office, And, tlint_ Is "here thn flglit cevnim, hvt.wrpn Reboso and Gordon. Mayor FIrrn: ^be didWt wint to Riv-P It 11P-7 Mayor Ana nhe^ �.-isnot_ Vlc­741nyor. Mr. rlumnrr: -iurzt jj.i�v sbc, doesnvt want to give up her Commisslonr�r tnR todny, on Lh� fron'!C. of ber car. Mr. Cnroll.o.- trqv-, r-,anyor, yoll jcpn, IT, n-m not. going to beat around tho bllnb. 7 I dons t- enr� vohst kind of space 1 linvc hers, ovon 10.f I don't, 11,lvc IMY sp-Acc, it doesn't mskc thpt difCcrence to ncr ns -L Pm bnrnJ,y here anyway ­ I nm too busy i;orking, but c - n, r, t rT r to me is the hind of r, p P, a ult,t, I m, rz,4'-, a f f n n d th marking rking conditions that they Ivive to work tindor, and I am not going to let. an individlunI "t;ho ltlhink;7, hn in n I-,Jn(,,- instcpd of a city managcr abuse hin poj_i<, ,r tilf.,w;y he 11,1s been doing it,, and not P-vcn r ;ivr- tho couriterlyp junt the. coma ors courtesy to say "Here, those nrc the pinns that; t-rrc drawn" - Mayor Ferre.- 11r. Cnrollo, viiiLhout ndjoctIves. Mr. Gary: Mr. flryror, enrl I respond to that comment? Mayor F(�rvc., yoty vcnny lirvc, to? (TAPE 8) M r . Gn r y Vr)lr, yoo g3rror=r you nlwnyz talk about the record. Maybe Mayor Fcvrc- Ur. Manager. Let's go into another hal f-hovir M r . Gals y ')J-) c t-s.,,umption is that the space is not divided fairly or (-.(),WU,(-1)1yt and that 13 not the case. Each one of I them hr­l 61,'� ,qvnrc feat. Mr. Cr,,rc,',J0,n: I r,,m not asking about the square footage, Mr. Manar M r . G,_; r Jai T rr,,i i g: h t I didn't interrupt you while you were ti-AbrJOILi, 11d likc to finish. Mr. Caron o.- I just vant o oll-Urify what he is getting into. Mayor Ferrer Go chead, Rovard. Mr. Gary: I will send the Ilayor and Commissioners a memo again. Mr. Carollo: Eemind me to get to the story of the rise and fall of Ede Loin Mayor perre: AV C y101;1 LoinrR ILO LiLj�C' C T­'Ot.j(,-21,1 01. is it finished, or uhat? Mr. CLrollo: No, hr. Mayor, the t.a-ol-ion thut I ctll Lroing to be ULI'iIIL i_' tlat "11 cork v�auid ctzd,(_ tind In those OfficC. ' Uritil L, I-) I � rl it. LI-)[WOVed b b c) t h CC, i i ', i e r Dawkiiin Lnd L-ay _­,c, I f i --, b roug lit back to th i,-- i b _- ion , or JUSt With OUt- ar)j)rOVU! - L PILn UILt vouid Live both of' us equal to the bay for our atLff. Mayor, Ferrer Is there as second to that motion? Further discussion. ld August 169 1984 67 Mr. Dawkins: Urvl-r dis-ci.ir-RLon . T %JI-1 317o2n �F'rr nncl T agree w1fli Cnroll.n- J- 5-D-1310 ncc-nq to the Bay, blit- if ^1— cloing distribill-Jimi, �131 lvli'- he needs- 11—y ii quart—, clow;n here on thi.!7 A41 nml rr-mo- nJJ -I),- f�-.nrl —n(l rigidit eqbn Aji---r�, r-Pcli of 13r, qr-�- Ale- pt)Tn- �)Tjtount - - -.1 J�y t T I - - .. . . I Mayor F4-rr-.- —TonLIP, r1pirl Mr. DriO-Jnn.- Org' t),ny r1n,,w Mr. Cnrollo- 11vn got no problem as long ns we move Plummer from the bpo), i4bern hc Im nto and put him over here too, Mayor Frrr(-'-. Oh, I 4-not4 t1J3 vas going to hrippe-ill All right, now, ns Pmendcd. Do you sceept the nmendnent that he just made? yo" neenpt the SmCndment, porO77 Mr. Pernz., Yos, but, 1 thinjt that the np�ee, that wn have for this Lino in not cnoiigh. I t-Toold like to rood so-mothing to this motion, you know? Mr. Cnrollo: I thin1,1, i-,c should miovc the 111anngcr out of City Hall and divido that: up t)Ct14CCn us toot Mr. Fore-.: in Imi:7, once, we have to npprovo the proper dial rnmo --nd vc expond the facilities, rind I npprove under that condition� Mayor Ferro-. All r1j;bt, now it has been amended again. Mr. Plummer: Vould you repeat the motion, plc"-.-;.Ic? Mayor Ferree: Wait a minute. Will the maker of the motion accept ... Mr. Carollo; I am not the maker of the motion. Mayor Ferro: You made the motion! Mr. Carollo: No, he made the notion. I seconded it. Mr. 'Dawkinn: I'll makc the motion Mayor Ferro: L'es, aruended, Everybody in agreement now? Mr. Plur, ar: Unit c ninute. Repent the motion. Mr. Dawkins: It in that we start down where Commissioner Plummer's offices vere, and take the tzhole wing over there that includea Cry rumisaicner Plulzmicrl S ex -offices, Commissioner lliller Dawk i n s, I offices a nd Commissioner Demetrio Poroz' offices, take it c1l outt divide it equally, and make ture that the three of rat have equal windows on the bay. Mayor Forre: 11rovided, hovievcr, thLt Verezlb thing Mr. Perc:L: but ) havc an that we extend the --office in th(, t:zy thLt urj hLvc proper that the three h La 5 to zurl` 1, r ov c. t-Gr :a t. , b c cz-t u .,-' c I d o i t I I av I& c n o u C, h s- nKce in my off'&Qc, Lnd 1. think thLA if ve havc to LoOL-1 the Finaneu ib In .1 Uief tj -LC1',, I thAtj k Z, OlLt would be S LOOd Mr. Curollo.- But, rat iire forVettinCot-tiaiH ioner Plummer toot I imean, you tLn't Itave uric Co"fii6bioner out. We don't want to discriminate, 5o we should include ... Id August 160 1984 68 Ak Mr p I u rn T n;-. q mi,nute- WhAt W_ you doing with commissi,or--, r114T7-1-r-r "(-)W? Mr. CPT-ollo: Oh h(�11 r10 nPAr what we woi)ld like to do with Crr, 1 13P qn(,] I will Mr . r Yrnl, I In'll. Pre— sirbury Mr. �4_ r7e% 4olng I,-rr-, in, Como the t: n (1, "To%) got the 0 e- f i pn 0 U wa n t e d immedin'ErJv" nnd C--vCrY1-)O(1.y nln4If, happy r?-­Ccpt Mayor torn, -he, rotj on 1:7, Ming njj r, b f r of the I A � A I Commission be treni"c(l nqimlly q� to view-7, ricocis nn(l square footngn� It hr . n raven rovro pnj ScConded. Further d i se u s s ion? Mr. Perez: But thnt overybooy has "Lo npprovo that project. Mayor Forro, And thnt n1l, nember s of the Commission must approve thnir spnee bcfnro it is finalized. Mr. Perez: Ench one hnto P-pprove ... Mayor Ferre: His spnon. Mr. Perez: Hir rpnoo, ture. (INAUDIPLE' r_V.XT1-,GROU1FD CO-NMENTS) Mr. can't take Plummer's space. Mr. Percz, J­,! c c,,,, 7 A hr,,vc, opportunity to extend the space to thc rin!�Ilcc Mayor Ferro: It Iv, on,11cal vnity Mr. Plummer: Well, v�,nit a. minute now, let's play fair. I think if we are going to play fair - there is five of us. Mayor Forre: Five. Mr. Plummer: Lad that includes the Mayor's office in the second floor. Mayor Ferre.- 7batla finct Plummer, you have always wanted that office, you can have itl Mr. Pluiiomer : No, no. Mr. Ccrollo: See, Plunamer, even through you don't want to acknowledge that he is still the Mayor and you are not. That is tzhy lie could have that space. -Mr. PluiL-ner: 71hat is not the point. I think we are talking about tuLL-1 _tqioare rootag_(-,, total vtet., tind I think if we are going to do, it, wo are L-11 cqu,,,11y clected officia13. Mayor rerru: you z.,nd I both L.now that the 11,16yor's officv;, haulv#Lybten uhtre it i-- tA.. M r . F I uml in t r bUt, it WLhalf its 6iZe 14L11C11 SIOU and I came here. Mayor Ferre: Finet Then I will give up half of it. Does that satisfy you? 69 - Id August 16, 1984 Mr. Plummer: I don't want hinIf of It. jvir-11% nny we are going to be PqusIl ��'jf'S YOU, that Is fine. Mayor Ferrp: I mean, if thni, j You know, this eire-us Provind b,-T- - 1 4,rt-1,jng, to A point that we nrf, nl)out each petty little eAn be petty! TIT r) rnvinr Mayor nny pnrt of n. offlce you want. Does tbnt. Mr. PluimcTI 11nre� , �f you pgoingtohe Across -o: n the board, nQus11)7? th(�-n It-";7 t)c cross the board nqunlly. Mayor Fcrrn. Fino, ear. plumm.c-r , h ra do vlxlntevryovi wsntl I have no problcms, and I don't nven rind moving outs You you �;-nted to be., Mayor for a want my officer.? You know, f7 1 long tine Run for rinvor, mrnl That 1,s the; way to do it. You want to be n real_ nacho ran, then be a macho man. Don't go around ci)tt.inr on nornern. Now, are we ready playing games? Mr. Plummer., 33-ni-t on ache turf Mr. Carollo: 11r. V'Anyor, hey, I might end up voting for you after i�!!; :Z I like that! Mr. Plurmcr; Yc-r 1 hcnra thMt, Mr. Crnro).7.4).- P. I'T m r r r, r- T, 1 (- r I- I'. T 6: 0 1-1115,T2F--s face to facet rybc onc, of -j-jc,_r-( You 1-crial-,7 t vyc repe, it, o c4 -mended 10 times? Mayor Fcrrc.- r Call the 1-011" The following r.otlon introduced by COMMi33ioner Carollo, who moved its vdoption: VIOT.1011 110. 64-9511 E 0-TT T I T IT A MOTION DIFid'...'j- j I CITY HhHhGER TO STOP, CrAs-r- I DIE: 1ST ALL WORK CURRENTLY 1) OFE 1141 COUNECTIO14 WITH THE REHODEL111-10 0" 01-FICE SFhCE FOR THE MEMBERS OF TIME CITY C 0 jil Is, I S S 10 H AND DIRECTING THAT THE SPACE OCCUPIED BY COMMISSIONER CAROLLOr COMMISSIONER MILLER DAW11"INSt Co1;j1rAISSIOj1ER J. L. PLUMMERt JR-r AND VICE-HAYOR DEMETRIO PEREZ BE DIVIDED EQUt1LLY 11IT11 SPECIFIC • ATTENTION TO EQUAL SQUARE FOOTAGE, I THE BAY AND ACCESSIBILITY AND VIEVIS OF 11 FURTIiER STIFULATIUG THAT t� REVISED FLOOR PLLN MUST HIAVE IUDIVIDUAL APPROVAL OF EACH C01=H-11SSIONER. Upon beine teconded by Commi.--ioner Perez, the motion was pas: ed L�;rid �L.dlopted by the following vote - AYES: C0jL1ra1j�bi3Ot1CY- JOC CLV-0110 Cottbis:sicvic-r 114�111er J. Vuwkin3 Comml.5*ioncr J. L, Pluunmer, Jr. Vioe-Hz.yor DeLetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Kaurice K. Fevre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ld 70 August 16, 1984 Ah Mr. Carollot Mr. Mayor, in thp rnnnn timn. my staff is staying where they s%rp nt. right -ovild Ippreciate If we could 11AVn 01'r sPcn r�- s, 0 0 nn o n ehAmbers reinstpll,�O ngnl,n, rin 'br-J, !I-Y .I."going On I n hpr- lbnt , 11. - 1 F77 P f j P. P hr�r` no can jL — --------------------- 13. FORMALT_UT70, DIMOLWAWTRA-ALUDCPA7F n-,20.000 -a "IIATTIAN- A T 7 fir FI)ASIOV AF ER- AMERICAN 70V7411 P"IF" V.7 SCUOOL Pff"KIPAPM- - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mayor Derr can v7j n n v n n nii7 tion of the Haitian- - 11, - , - ro i r , n Amerienn Youth, Dcvclopmcnt, Inc. for Edison After -School Progrnn, ' '?20t000. I Mr. T)nwR. I 'n -1 a 11 o,,,-, e, it - Mayor Fcrro,,. Dr it moves the resolution. Mr. Perc7: Socond, Mayor Ferro: Pcrcz ,.,leconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The folloiilnr, rr103,11'10,a wP- '"TltvOdticcd by Commissioner Dawkins, who rnovrd F.M n6cI A RF.rS 01, 1 P 0F. (11, F U I �' 1) ClIX *0t)Tli DEVE1,O)l ­C, Pt f V'TER ""I E RIVE1 ho1 E rl 7 E, o n O.f'fice of' tl,-.,c 113jilt';y Upon b c in C!, ,�cconded L)v CommiSsioner Perez, the d resolution wos passed and by the following vote- AYES: Commisisioner Killer J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice'Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Hayor 111aurice A. Ferre NOES: Nont. ABSENT: tv'raric . 14. VChRLIaIZILIG RESOLUTION: ALLOCATE $400000 TO INTE-19-ilKLY101'AL HL-PLYR COUNCIL EVE14T TO LIE HELD 111 14IAMI u- L PD1 VAITH C()11_iD11f10L$S. s L P I li", r. 153) L 111 2 1 117 U P, 0 Lt �3 ---------------------------- Mayor Ferre. We need to forwalize the International Health Council, and mo on, reolutlon. 71 Id August 16, 1984 Mr. Perez: Moved. Mayor Ferre: Perez moves, is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Yen, move it, Mayor Ferrel. Plummer seconds. Further discussion: Call the roll. The following r(-_nolution erns introdijePO by Commissioner Perez, who moved It-'s Pdoption: WIESOLIJ710ti rloa P,)A_Q�,6 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AM AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 140,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUNDr IN SUPPORT OF A PROPOSED INTERNATIONAL HEALTH COUNCIL EVENT TO DE IJELD SEPTFtIBER 21-2'3, 1984l SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTA AND OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES PROVIDING AN EQUAL MATCH, AND SUD3ECT TO SAID EVENT P3EING HELD WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HIAJ-11; FURTHER CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL CONIPLIAICE VITH CITY OF MIAMI ADI-11HISTRATIVF POLICY HO. APM-1- Oi1 D!=D JANUARY 24? 1084; FURTHER AUTHORIZIT!G THIE MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREE?' EN7 ItA FORM ACCEPTAP�LE TO THE CITY fATTor�tFy TO THPLEMENT SAID ALLOCfTJ Ott: r C, d y of rcnolution, 0m, i tt , c, 6 in the Office of thc ('10, Upon 1) e, I 1-) 6 f, 1yy C o t,J 1,,,3 1 ti r,% ' cj n c r Plummer, the resolution p 6 jA c d 1)), t, h (-- f c) I I owing vote — AYES: 0. Vicc-I.-ri.vor. Dcr-;c,,trio Perez, Jr. Mayor 1".-alriac A. Forre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 15. APPEOVE It! PRIECIPLE A REQUEST FOR USE OF PEACOCK PARK BY THE ULYIOUAL FOUNDATION FOR CHILDREff 10 CONNECTION WITH L FUND ELISIEG EVENT. Mayor Ferre: Seth GO) -do)? Quiekly, Fir. Gordon. Mr. Stu, Gordonzz VIr, [lbyor end Ccnt.tmi6�loncrt, rLy name is Seth Gordon, I �L­- hert in btl;Llf Of' 1)0CtGV-.-> Lnd Lory Braga. Thi-n _1� in Coconut Grove, They ruit Sri orgL­nization called thc ULtioii&ii dy-e It, ifivy can't be here rlEht. LOW, they Ly'u GJOL11 L%t Country U4,1k, where they tire LeetinV t ei-tildruri of the day Z, � wi it tile [ILI-eflt- Of t1ju care center down thti-c. One Of' the proLzrZ4IZ-S tht-,y Mayor Ferre: Mr Gordon, you are going to lost your quorum. What do you want? Id August 16, 1984 72 Mr. Gordon: Okny. we Pre the creator of the boonsbury comic strip - Gqry Trmlp�su, ns A contribution to the National Foundation for Childrcn hrin - Mayor nhould do some drawings for this cqmmiins5on? Mr. to eame to Miami and be present s at the cim�k- o.ry'n or.1y Imr-,"er-ne bn k noon -bury" party 83 a 1 -.1 donation to tjis� TinLionni, Foundn.-tion. It in to be September 29th. Vo bnvc' r, full dny. Mayor Ferre: Vhpt. do 311,ai) !­nnt rero-m tho city? Mr. Gordon: 14P t4nnit PC-.,AVo0< 1"Irk. We would like to have the permit; and r-11 the norts of things thit we would need to hold n b.--If dny evr"t, Mayor Ferro : Thnt in grept. A- nm nll for Doonsb"ry coming back. Mr. Gordon,. We voulo liirc the nortli of in -kind services comparable 1"o the sorviecs providcd nt the Taste of The Grove event n few voc)_;s ago. Mr. Gary-. Wbat i- the, Chamber oft! Com crcc putting in this? Mr. Gordon: The Chnnibcr of C-3mimerce isn't involved. Mayor 1--orrc-. ',"ou nr c indivi5ually, you are not here from the cha-rdocry 'l Mr. Gordon- Rit'lit, the private sector in the form of the Miami Herald, Citycorp Savings are rajor sponsors of the event. Mayor Ferre: Seth, what do you want from us? Mr. Gordon: Okay, we would like those things at Peacock Park. Mayor Ferre: Anybody have any objections? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, you know, here again, we haven't had this. tics the, tanager had this? Mr. Gary.- 141o. Mr. Dawkins: This is violating our own rules. They are supposed to Co to the Manager. I call the four day rule. Mayor Ferro: Okay, five day rule. All right, Seth, do you have problcmt� coming back September 6th? Mr. Gordon: 01 * caty, the problem Svc h-ave i.,,, that tAle ('Vent is September 29th. Mayor Ferret Did vlou try un Miller bz�ujlfinn and Plummer land Mr. Go'coon z I J'uc-'L-. fUL11-A "1, '- -t1 tIJ-. U Tneetintj l:aL u-alled' i-cl-airl 2"Or vus-telldiay that thego;ylcl -ILAD 1-. lac-c-tinc— lk"._h"t i v-,2ould like, I: C) -.I cc and I ftS I U11L r'tLll(� it: ­ tlliL i" c, V L 0.1 don't lit..:: to Lv_,1'1'1i(j t1il-L C-i! YOU1 - if could have some indic&tion of Lo that we can begin pla.nning ovur t).L- n&xt �-,,eekra. I Mayor Ferret WLit a Ldr..Uta. Id August 16, 1984 73 Mr. Gordon: I don®t know what that converts into in a cash amount. Mkyorf F�rr�z -A novn thent this -rintt-r be turned over to the City �rm;zFer lfnr h1n, rrvj-t-,, and -)pprov;,1 to be approved in - - f-i an n-mount '5,0r,10. fr. Gordon: T cl o; I 1 4- 1(nov, ),f that vill do its The Taste of in.n o00, the v Gror- t42 D 5 Hr. Gnry: Arc yoii fpndinF�� pnoplc7 .9 Mn� r. Gordo: kn thnt vinnt nioney ;-Tns for, "ns to feed people? I ,ins told lf'--hnt tinn for services. I thought that was for polinn nP4 nnnitnt'lon r-,n(l Mayor Forre:,providirgal hownvcr thnt the City Hnnager and the City Attorney npprovn it- I so nove. Hr. Plurmnnr: Thnt, the post not to exceed $5,000 and to be approved toy the T-lanar,,,or? Mayor Ferro: Ycs. Mr. Plummcr; Tjliis is n non-profit? Mr. Gordon: Fon-profit.. Untional Foundation. Mr. Plummer: Are: thcy tntuff? Mr. Gordon,, A.,,; � fund �(ml- tho Foundation., they are selling oi­.I'fn,­), Voonasbury comic strips. Mayor Ferr,rc., 1 tlftit�, i:) n non profit t i fi o d t.litit. nobody �e' 13 m a 1, 1 ri, j"r r, p r n u li'. r"I" vn6thnt wc,s r1--o t`pprove the use of r � other thirjgs s e nece,3sary for carried out, not to exceed $5000. Mr. Da vi k -4,, 1 i ,r , c a (,'� i -k d . Mayor Ferrc: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: 140TION NO. 84-(957 A MOTION TO APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE A REQUEST HADE FOR T11E USE Or. PEACOCK PARK BY MEMBERS OF T[ilE VLT10141AL FOU14DATION FOR CHILDREN 114 CONNECT101•,' WITH k FUND RAISING EVENT AND IREFEIIRING THE AMOUNT REQUESTED, KO T TO EXCEED eZ�5,000 IN IN - KIND SEEVICES, SUEJECT TO " PrROVAL BY THE CITY U.ANAGLE' AND T111] Cilly ATTORNEY AND REQUE.STING T8LIF THEY THE WON - PROFIT 'S.Tt"fulS, ('11F Upon being :coondcd b-, t)iv,Isms, the motion was passed and Ldo)%,t%,:d by �Alc vote - AYES: CowmibNiorier H®E 1-1cr 3 Commissioncr J. L. Plug-mer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Dtmetrio J. Perez, Jr. Id August 16, 1984 74 2 Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Cormnil,sr^innqr Ion Cnrollo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16. FORM ALIZIFG ALLOCATE $501,000 FROM C-D- rv;pp- IV-1117F AT OF IDADE COU TY TO rROV"3DE TO DELAFOTITF 7ACOLCTr V1, 111711 Mayor Ferr(c: VoI4 "f- hnvo community j)cvciopmnnt block grant funds. This Is 1-1hr., United Way of J)sdo Coiintly to provide Belafontn Tpeoley Cnntcr - Is 1-1r. Bennett heIrr,17 Mr. Gsry,. 1-jell r nor I cfn rt- ,r;pond that, i1r. Miyor. This is iter . ctnrc to no, from tho Executive Dirootor of United Way, and itoe' trilIrled I'llorritt Stlorhcim rind myself' f-lbout the problems that Tpooley 1H-is hnvingr Mr- HISYOr, t, P. n d it basicnlly is they hnve somic problcm -n vhern they were utilizing monies thnt- should linve been pnid to I.R.S. for their ongoing opernting expenses. This money t-,iill pay' the outstanding dobts nerd hire a staff. Mayor Fcr,s! Mr. Manager, are you recommending this? Mr. Gary: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion on this? I so move. Mr. Perez: Second. Mr. Plurartior: 17here is a motion made and duly seconded. Mr. Manager, I think you Ind better ,o into n little more discusl-,Aon. B na, 5, o a I I y t I r�uo;—, i-,,iy question if. there 1) C. r c hou do T knov the has additiorlr,l t", 1'QV000 br. r • Mr. Gar-j..,: v--05- operation to i.n T u 1, C E, c Semi, e, c pc,nded approprictcly, d t h f, u t v r ct, v, T I i c ('Ypcndcd appropriaiLlely, r-nd that is COiIIC� to be c-1 cond ition for continued , of that fund'. -Air raCency, cnd t--!ill L. not be the monitoring -nd thc aupervision will not cealne and desist until they are ready to manage their own affairs properly. Mayor Ferre: All right, one way or the other. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. The folloving reqolutlon introduced by Mayor Ferrel who moved its adoptions Id RESOLUTION NO. CS A R ES 01, U T 1 ON h L LL 0 (3 'f I !�'G cv Ij 0 1 000 FROM COMMUNITY DLYLI-01-1,11 IC) L,',L0(-,',T1 G111',NT FUNDS TO THE UNIT!"D 141y 0i, DIA)L -1-0 PROVIDE F1NANC1t-1.L tiND TECHINICLL ti'*-"'Q".�--',''1'1,,.tdCl-- TO THE BELAFONTE TLCOLCY I N(_, 1, U 1-17' H E R AUTHORIZING Till-' CITY VX'r-'CL!'1F AN AGREEKIAV,14' L'I'111 11.11111"YED Vfl' bi:' DADE iHE hi-1`40V" OF 'I'-�N F CITY COU11 L U1 4 J ' 1VC)1J-,i LED CUIXILC-INL,'�,-". (Here follow3 body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) August 16, 1984 75 Upon being seconded by Con, rn I in I on or Perez, the resolution wns pAnsed pnd Pdopt--d bly th,� following vote - AYES: Mlllrr !, T):;-kins Comm I ss I -on �r .7. J, rjijmrj(-r f Jr. -A. Vice -Mayor Denintrio J. Perez, Jr. Hayor Knurice A, Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Gam-mil-Isioner Joe CArollo 17. REQUEST FAVOTAPLE CO"SPI DE RATION BY WE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF H0tJSXr4Gr AND 1)PITIAT! P.7EVELOPMERT CONCER"IFIG TKFE CITY'S REQ1JE,_`3T FOR F!PAF7CTAL ASSAlf-STAVICE WO CHRIS71AM VOSPITAL Mayor Ferro: All right nov, the, UDAGG, This 1:7, nn urgent request Oy Senntor, rc-pper, (twT 'T11131 VOINT, Hnyor Fcrrc reads resolution into the rcoord.) 12 thorn such P, motion? Mr. Perv-,: o iv r dr� R Mayor Tr, r rr-conel? Plummrr rzceandr. Further d i so v s „r, on V a 1'rnrr.nr r 1rc ycni rcoor c-ndinr, t,--his7 1) 5, n 6� r--- y ,k. You M r . Gr can't• rrr. h.`P, C Mayor VC r T 01 V n i,­v('­,- of 1:.Jiiit Mr. Manager? The Introduced by Commissioner Perez, w h o m o v c d I 1-,n c- y3 i cat'; Vi_ 959 A RESOLUiloll 11"I . 'Q U LS- 7 11 11 G FAVORABLE COKSIDERLT1011� BY ILS, DEJ'1hRTKEKT OF HOUSIFiG Al"'. U P P, A, DEVELOPKEFT OF AN AMENDS E 11T TO T 1 4 E' CITY OF 14IAMI 13 APPLICATION FOR F111ti-NICIAL hSSISTANCE TO I TP THE CHRISTIAN HOSPI1 �iL PROJECT THROUGH THE U R FAN DEVELOPKENT ACTION GRANT PROGRAM AND E)IRECTING THE CITY MA14AGER I TO PREPARE AND SUEMIT SAID AMENDMENT. • (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being o n d c d b�l C 0 L Lq i 6 ,; i o ri e r Plummer, the resolution wL3 pilnzcd Lnd r-doptcd by the following vote - AYES: CoL�i.�i.L6ioricr J. L. Vlur..iber, Jr. Vice-Hla,yor licrim-trio Perez, Jr. tip Ferre NOES: ABSENT: CotLml3aioner Killer J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo August 16, 1984 76 7 Is. 0 ESTARL114311 A C0TPR,1T7iTFF 80 w -T Con CF.RTS TO T11F 0RU-7GF nOF1. Tv APP A-Arojrm�j"G PC R:7: UD"71, T 77 k Mqyor '.0 br! the chairprrron 0f7 the foll'o,"'Inr onrimIlAr-!�: tee n 17,, o I P r> for the coming here oA," Mj.ebp(,j jpci�,-on on T,,ov,^nji)rr 3, 11 and 5. 1 1 Bob ttin Op0nrnf IWY-, Drli0-,rrp TTontY Trn-tnor. Rnlph Sanchez:, Drin flctl;-in, nr�, finrin Ebnn Torino, tjrn, :--;I)r-,rwood Weiser, Mr.n. Athslln Rnngc, Vince T eGeer Hllt.on Vickers, James rleouccnj, VU-Ilin Gort. Lot -its Lnurndo P-.nd Al Cnrdenns to be on your ndvi.sory nonnittnc, For thn record, e the J8ckSOnvllle� rentil for the Nichnnl Tnckson niinnit, runs for $25,OOOpOOO rental. p o r event . Thr^ 00nc(^sslon and the parking mere split. Thy City of incksonvilln obnucd $1.00 per pnrking sn.nnof, Cor 9,000 pnrkifig, spnec's., Tho pro -motors then ohnrgcd 'Y'5-00 per pnrhing spnee, rnd toolc the, rest. They Lind In of i-yordn, they hard 100% of all shirts, tne' shirts, gzlovcs r-,nd other (lichnol Jadkson paraphernnXin loori-. Tb(-;y land 30" on their regular concession 0:f their stadium, but they got. the conoc's-nionaire to vinive, it nnd it, r-?en pp t-ihich ti!,is split: 50 -� 50 . - t to 11 ov between Mr. Sullivptn of rijohjel jrck:,on tc)ur p ,no the City of Jacksonville, however, ri-r. Ivullivan agreea J charut,,:c:; -41-11--half of thcir concossion, -,,.7hich amounttcd to $5,000 o,7cb nor earl ) Yn addlit-ion, they sct 'Lip rr a $100,000 to 1-:,�Drthy %idr 1--1.)0 wnntcd 1--o f--11--udy music in tlj),`, -hr.�re 5-- , up the fieJ6, 71(3 li.-1-6 i-r 1,-:,,- rcrc-1(7-6, T'h;7i- Cost r, r c wa s $22,000, 1:1.1c, Host a t ive i-hich y Meal got n 1� J tl( Ciy apeol 1, f,"1 yv. 1: 1 IN of j c, jf "h-- vo4r16 hronk 'r even 6 l't 11 Z I- - ex pen,,n c,: iE.nusned this vif"11 v-1 c o er, Jake Goldbolt t, r, di Selo told F, ' C t:-O quo hi I-' Y 1 n r,,' SA t,z� a Th e greatest;*tjjjj,[,r , tilL _ t, -P P c n o, J r, C I'L, a 11 V 1, C it , QV Cr I, was a family event 1C, h, r., t, it; ci tots l Zclloutlt rrjd U'Lat it wet a tromendoua and 4-lucce-Isf,ul project.r, It rr c3tir-ated that it pulled into Jacksonville 411' 15 1000 t 000 of expenditures. $3t500,000 were ticket sales, of which $2r200,O00 went to the Jacksons. Another $3,300,000 was spent by local fans attending the concert, and that further $5,700,000 by out--of-townerS who came in. It was estimated by the Mayor that City HVII expected to reap a profit of $60,000 fron. these I uOve that this committee be set up, that Plu=ler be the chairperson of it, that 11r. Gary appoint whoever he think- LppropriLtiL rS Staff Llackup Lnd that they be vauthorited to brinL:, baelt, Lt contract no less than the JL0k-`0DVi1.1C- 00riti-LCt, but 1k,,hLt it' it is needed, that you Co down to tlic- jLcj,�onvjjje corlt'rLct, I that t4ould be acceptLible to this Comraj-,,-�Jon. The contrLct it> beir)L,�, Lir expressed. Hr. Chucle. sujjjvLrj, I-S-110 is - of, tj,le promotirle VOUP Utill b(tCL11ir1L fl`O-t� OL Ir LUjrop- t sor ow, L-nd I C Will tht- CL11 tO YUUI- 0f'f-jC(,-. I uOuld L1�,O like to appoint: Hir . rills 1) L� V1, i n -, C� b �, i C, k�- C, 11 L i r U Lh of` the 00mmitttt, which, Leat-i- th4t- you J�,Vt to operate in the sunshine:. YOU d0tf't ULI'lt thL0 Mr. Plu=mert hey, I don't mind operating in the sunshine. August 16, 1984 C, El Mayor Ferre: You are going to have All right, I so move. a sunshine deal anyway. Mrs'. Pere,;-., I moulel 3ike to add to tbnt commisnion n. member of the Ls -(.In Chimbor, of Corrmeree, 14111inm Alexander. Mayor F4�rram: 1 --031 sdd TJlilliam Alexander. Anybody else? All X ro moves, Mr. Penrn,-., I socond. Mr. Pluvim cr ; Notion understood. votes, right? Call the roll. It takes three affirmative The folloHlnr�, notion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved Ito ndoption: NOTION Noe 84-860 A HOTION' TO ESTABLISH A COMMITTEE IN CONNECTION WITH EFFORTS TO BRING MICHAEL JACKSON CONCERTS TO THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM -III NOVEMBER OF 19811; APPOINTTNG COMMISSIONER J. L. PLUMMER AS CHAIRMA7" AND CO11Ms1-9Z3IOJP1AER UILLER DAIIN'INS AS VICE- CHAIR17A[' A.JJ) Dj_PiFCT1NG THE C17Y TiANAGER TO F V P; N 15 1 A[X "' 1 5 T P!'� T T V F 7 Al F 'UPPORT ITH e A N D 71 0 R F PJ T 1 OF I i F (T I10 H Wvy T, .SS 1,F "iILL T I I A 1 C U T F"T CAN Go TAID 11 A Cc "T Mori 11" f 1 ,i n c 1 c a n fie 17 ti,17_ r Vince V I Or f I 'o 0 Li e.- en Willie 6`0r,,, Salman Lcw�i4s. Upon being -Peconded by Commissioner Perez, the notion was passed and adopted by the following vote-' AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plumnmer, Jr. Vice -'Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor 14aurice A.. Ferro .NOES: NO n c . ABSENT: Con-mi,*aicner Hliller % Dawkins Joe CLA-01 10 - - - - - - - - - - - 19. LHL.L-1'' IFIL011H A MEKOPIANDUR BY VICE MAYOR C0k1'CEt-,,U1L(;, IKULTIVLE SUBJECTS. Mr. vertz, tit-, miyor, r i-ave tj-jL,, I to prebent to the City RLIILger, Lit W: Ll-lLre 0-0jily, �J,tjj you. I jj&y1t to read into tray record, Hlr, H"yor L ua t'nwo that I prent seed — the City Kanagtr requesting and in reference to a reduction Of $100 for each property owner in taxes for the next year. 78 Id August 16, 1984 Mr. Gary: Tb is m, fijn(linu Pms, I Mr. Pere-7! T-Io. J thiTik 11),-41 that we rin mnl­ in I-Ii, not have to be. re qu P r- IV i n cq n T o i I f7 n—i 7 -1 f 1 :1 n f 4 1 r t h e (-it-Y Of- Miam i T lol,- of (pi-nI-Jons that T 3 i I I i. n - t7 p r 17 T-,- "The f irst q ir� J, r) 1 1.!- n t`--,I_llf*11)7 fo-r a.-. }l- i'tf- 'Ind ro-mpnr- o".-Aler e a n <7 r` n -n 0 0 0 0 n r I S a I a T i n r, CC nn hn 7--ilary r-Ii-1,111'y nn(l tbf�. (Ii-1)"it- rPT11- Cate 970r if`r, r17)(I "TIrl rIJf-!7 nnd rr�gpil^i-Jonri 7!-- trbli.sbed for the di Jr fnrnn I_ pz-mnlol: j on s, , Tji i -K (I , n T) (7, rz-v'i liv)i: ion ro- rz-nr ch for each depnrl , '-mnnt i of the Ctc) y f Mirnmi, anil tbr�ir Dii vdions u s t T- t i n. q -r. 1) - i I - n r, r- I a n c (1 1) 1) (1 a e It- (I u r I i q t 1) ir- I n s t v- e years in comparison t­.ith thn Incre-w-le now N^inq 3-oposed, especially in the rtren of pnrnopnol sir-rvice, opertional expendit-im--s,, m)(7, ou-1-jay. Y,'or il, thn suT7,.i.MY7Y Of the 1- evaluation done by t-bn AominiFtration for each city depa-rtment_,3-1-1-iv7-f-rint-Sna achicirc-,roents and shortcomings for the fincnl y(-,;-,_r 17ivr;r tbr, rr!port on thc re covmenditionr, to n.void the continvici3j, flooding 3n the.- City and wl-&_Cat JAI- V,-0133-6 J.T) t-TIC, lipco.„ing fiscal year. Six, n, priority 3-i - rt for 1--hn. CU.ffr�rent servicesrendered I-o tts hrt r(-sionn , of !Kin,mi;� , ccordiq t no their her needs provided by 1-11c Yolicn Dnparl-7,c'nt, Firc, Drpartmcnt, garbage and trnr-,Ah co_Uir'rtJon, rs -,!- -Llin, r-,trc;7t_ cleaning ar, essenti,al n v'lkAidy of 'Lbr n-rrrr-mcnt fo'the City Of 6tir-i-na I'br, 3,-,,r7,t for the purpos.r_ c.-,.,7 ip li.(-) N-*;l;�I_ ir-10f,-n thr py,�,opo--rty taxer. r7 i '71 .1) c.' end of reflle(,­ C it ji- p:')),ion from the City 1 rDon t r i c'J­joyocs who earl) T- re c o�t n t_, A posrzil)j(, 11(% r I: c r, . .... C (I( in order to 1-­,i,*:­,( C < Lilet:.i1,' Y in the proprt ee ,, tr�x r.A �r� f t �'I r 1% 17 (- r cl�,­,Ier i T-I the CitV.0f Mi=i invtc.tal olj.� thc proy)o!c(i by thc f-.dministration." I would like to is vc on thc ;rccc' Ld a�ll these, questions and to Mr. Plummer: By tor.,iorrow ulorningi Mr. Perez: ... before the next regular Commission meeting and before the -PtLrt of the bude.ct discussions. I would like to leave tnyhow on the rccord ... alsKo, Mr. KanaSer, I would like to havc c_-n r,,nvcr to tvLluation that I presented for some Lnzvcr,. Lbout L., month vzr-o that 1 had _-=-e ru(.-:Aion3 I had anked you, ""Ind tl-.O, 11r, Hayor, I don't think that we have to iA`t--L-Cht LVI.V UOti011 011 this One. I could like to request fro.m the hdliuini6tration to include the curb side issue in the r-it,,rt reFVIlLr Lgenda. Mr. Gary. Tht what? Mr. Perez-: The curb side. I think that I would like to have the opportunity to have that one at the next regular agenda. Id August 160 1984 79 Mr. Plummer: fir Mayor, for the rpeoro 11 T s-nn' to show that as anothsr mr.-mbr-r of thin co-mmItt—, for trliehnrJ JAckson, my daughter, DA"n Mnrl,(- to give, thr- op n wbo (- I n hr�- has Just rnttirnrd, nt n vrr�� h10) e—Ap from ',-,o vi-T-r th- Mi("hnni, jrnc1,7on ('?mnc-rt. DO you have ny)y put he-r no thr� m I t 1-1 7 41 20. ADDTTTON,7%-L D CONMERTS ---- -------------- — --------------------------------------- -- Mayor Ferro: Lot the r(-cord r�-f Inc t tb n t that was un-ronimoinsly npprovcd, sand nlro let the rn.cord. rnflect that you shoiild 1-ritn n lottcr to Jnke c.orihnit thnn)-,inf-v birn becauno tho Ci ty offs Jncksonvillc -hpd n non . competitive claune in their contret, not -Vto permit nny victory t�-ours in any other eltins In tho octnto o-T Florida, and they are willing to iinive t3int for Miami, Rickv X tinnt- y-ot; to get that, boanuse thin in Important and 1 notice yoti .-.rc, making notes therc. Jncksonvillc has tin cxclusivc on Michael Jackson's victory tour. No other elty, con linvo n victory tour, other than .7neRsonville. The Cit-v of J rck,;s-onville, has waived -' It is willing to tin ive that, and we need to recogni7c thnt publicly. Mr. Plummer- Mr. G-r3r, T-ho r-.rr 'T a you rppointl.nfr fromf , t ff? I You are tho anc7 F5-nc you r r)(3 c ry r), one of theso pcopic t-OrW1r110t-1 rornillcj ri)d r-orr �kl)r 'j. C.hcy are willinU to rcrvr,, Y c ,pcjet r r c p o r, i-. rc= I ;-; r, r -i I Mayor F(ICk-C, C, Ct ic 6 if N ra i. (, s �, f a o W,91 i t I I e., the Comma i S o o I.., o r(�)A, I ;�))(" 1, jo I, c n g 5 must "A" '?15C., f,n(lt 1. E-4vnt to add i,) I i d-- 1, c) tFt7C.. o o 1-o ID t c. c Lot the record reflect that ,y,)p,Fo\,cd ADJOURINIENT.- There being no further business to come before the City Commission, on motion duly made and aeconded, the meeting Was adjourned at 8:15 P.M. . ATTEST: RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk MATTY HIRAI Assistant: City Clerk MAURICE A. FERNS Mayor COV 1117 A 'A Mi ............................ ........................... ............... so Id August 16, 1984 w a va. 161 1 0 u r, A1,LOCATI,.; 11;20, 000, OF Tt:'N"I'II YFAR M'1',11.1NITY MENT BLOCK GWvNT FUNDS TO HM TI AN PJIFRJ CAN YOlTTli DEVELOP Ilf`1TIT, IIdC. ljlO PPO I7j AN AI T'I�R SCI}OOI_; Cf7I?I_ PROJECT IN I;DTS ON LIT'I'LI; I1I_V1.',1., i',U'I'HOI:I ,'-i CI `7'Y MANAGER TO I NTFR 711 At; RI I;III NT IdI�!'H f�AID ACII;NCti'. ALLOCATE P olo I;h;T NOT T'C Y""Cl"I'D � l o , ooO , J N UPI'ORT OF A PROPOSED II1�J'l= R;I�ITJ C�i1AT_, I11_170"I'II COI'NCI I, 1"A"ENT TO BE IIFITD C (,1''II.I']3}'I 21 — 23, 1981I. At, .T`I10pIZE CITY /_l'1'I'0RNEY `1'O EvIl"ClITE APv' AGREEME TO IMPL,EPIE'NT SAID ALLOCATION. ALLOCATE q,;50, 000 FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO THE UNITED WAY OF DP -DE COUNTY, TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL/TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO THE BE- LAFONTE TACOLCY CENTER., INC., AUTHOP.I ZE CITY MAMA GER/CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH TH UNI''PF ED !'?AY ODADS COUNTY PS TO FORM AND CORRECT— NESS. REQUEST hi,VORI BLE CONSIDERATION BY THE U , S , DEPAR': MENT " OF HUD OF TN All 'NDIIIT'NT TO Till' CITY Oh 1,11TJOI' APPLIC.,W1 `N FOR FIN7INCI7,L 7SS:IST7I11(7L TO THE, CHRIS- TIAN HOSPIT'T.L PI?OJECT '.CIiROUG TIIB HUD DEVELOPt'1ENT ACTION GRANT PROGRT1i AND DIRECT CITY MA-NAGER TO PREPARE/SUBMIT SAID AMENDMENT. WV_ 115510" PETRIZVAL ACT104 AND COME NO, - 84-91)5 84-956 84-958