HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-1028J-84-844 M8 4 - 3 3 2 RESOLUTION NO. (3/29/84) A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING A SUM NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 PER MONTH FOR ELEVEN MONTHS FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, IN SUPPORT OF A REDUCTION IN RENTAL FEES AT THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER FOR COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC.; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. . WHEREAS, Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. has requested financial assistance in support of its Antique and Jewelry Shows; and WHEREAS, Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. conducted such activities in the past in an effort to raise funds to provide c armunity service; and WHEREAS, the City Commission at its meeting of March 29, 1984, passed Motion No. 84-332 authorizing and directing the City Manager to allocate an amount sufficient to reduce the rental fee for the use of the Coconut Grove Exhibition Center by $2,000 each month, for a total of eleven months, pursuant to a request made by promoters of the Antique Show which proceeds are used to partially defray the expenses of the boxing program operated by Coconut Grove Cares, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the City's assistance will be used to reduce the rental charges for eleven months at the Coconut Grove Exhibition Center; FLORIDA: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM19 Section 1. An amount not to exceed $2,000 per month is hereby allocated from Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund, in support of a reduction in rental fees at the Coconut Grove Exhibition Center for Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. Section 2. The herein allocation is conditioned upon substantial compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM-1-84, dated January 24, 1984. ATTEST: PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of September , 1984. Maurice A. Ferre MAYOR crff u i ._tMMO PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: KF.LLAK& DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS T AND CORRECTNESS: CITY ATTORNEY 79 CITY OR MIAMI. FLORIDA TO: Howard V. Gary City Manager RRor.: a Spillman, Director Department of Community Development MEMORANDUM 1�__,_.�----- VAT[: August 27, 1984 FIL[: 4u"'rcT Resolution allocating a sum not to exceed $22,000 to Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. RtRCRincts: City Commission Agenda September 13, 1984 avcLOGURcs: It is recommended that the City Commission approve an allocation not to exceed $2,000 per month for eleven months from the Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund, in support of a reduction in rental fees at the Coconut Grove Exhibition Center for Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. This resolution formalizes Motion 84-332 passed by the City Commission on March 29, 1984. The City Commission, at its meeting of March 29, 1984, expressed its intent to render financial assistance to Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $2,000 per month for a total of eleven months in support of a reduction in rental fees for use of the Coconut Grove Exhibition Center by passing Motion 84-332. Coconut Grove Cares sponsors a monthly antique and Jewelry show at the Coconut Grove Exhibition Center. It is recommended that a sum not to exceed $22,000 be allocated from the Special Programme and Accounts Contingent Fund for the period February through December, 1984. The attached resolution formalizes Motion 84-332 passed by the City Commission on March 29, 1984, subject to compliance with APM-1-84. We did not receive the required application and documentation until July 9, 1984. Attached for your information is the copy of the special fundfag request application. /rjf i <4- - �- * Ll SPECIAL FUNDI?IG REQUEST DATE :Ark l .17. 1984 Name of Event, Project or Program: Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. Antique and Jewelry Show. Date of Event, Project or Program: See attached. Name of Organization: Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Elizabeth L. Yirrick Telephone: Work: 444-8454 Home: 661-2136 Mailing Address: 3750 South_ Dixie Highway_,_ Miami, FL 33133 Brief description of program/event (including number of people expected to participate or attend program): ,=pnlat , avP Cacp� cn� rya, An i ups. Collectibles & 4etiel ry Show monthly. t - Humber of visitors--2504 each show, number of dealers 150. Spnafit% *o the ("itl, ('•_,ant-f1 ..her;! v .. Support Requested: Cash Grant: _ In -Kind Services (specify type of service and $ value as determined or estimated by the providing department): N/A Fee Waiver $ Amount: SZ_(M0_0n/each s0ftility Qinae_r Key Auditori&n Dates) sea Atrarbpe Total $ Requested from City: t22,nnn «n Has City Provided support in previous years? Yes X _ No , If yes, please attach a letter from a certified public accountant verifying the sufficiency of accounting systems and internal financial controls during funding period. If you have received $25,000 or more, a copy of an audit reflecting the expenditure of those funds must also be provided. Also, specify past City support and date(s) of event or activity. Fisrsi Year AUL SIn nnO nn d - 11 0 r- Nave you requested and/or received funds from other governmental entities? Yes No x None for this event. Gist all Funding Sources Applied to: Amount (Indicate if received, still pending, or rejected) Please indicate What measures will be taken to insure adequate financial controls and accounting of funds: N/A Please attach the following information relative to your organization to this application: 1) State Charter; _ 2) Tax Exempt Certification; 3) Documentation of internal financial controls and letter from certified public accountant verifying accounting systems and internal controls; 4) A copy of the projected line item budget reflecting expenditures and anticipated revenues for project/.event; and 5) If this is not a one time event, please attach a copy of the organizations annual budget indicating all sources of funding Please describe organization's capability to accomplish program/event: N/A I hereby certify that the information provided herein is true and accurate and that the funds provided by the City will be expended in accordance with the commitments approved by the City Commission. Furthermore, the City will be provided with an accounting of expenditures and receipts within thirty (30) days after the event's conclusion and/or receipt -of funds. from the City, whichever is applicable,. along with any other documents or data requested by the City: i;M t i O . ORGANIZATION A ,:J L V!1 RUC roc a a non`" .. �J......v.,i r,. �-V;�r�r..�-V� _V:.. (�: !'� U:s t1 : • t )._� V.. of [,D > tateI rparfmrnt offafr I certify from the records of this office that COCON17 GROVE CARES, INC., is a corporation not for profit organized under the laws of the State of Florida. The charter number for this corporation is 710934. I further certify that said corporation has filed all annual reports and paid all annual report filing fees due this office through December 31, 1980, and its status is active. t l4.E OC` Aura unbrr ntr 1►a»D anb 111r Offal moral of 11tr Atatr of ffloriba, - at T 111,1ha5srr, thr La11t1a1. 1111% tilt Dar of ,A+ril, 1780. vnrorgr jfirrstonr ti Ctlt lei Mq•. D•70 irtrrtarn of Ai-tajiNr( 1•.• PS: •:+ I^,+ ry• n I f�. MM ti �1 "' �'"'^1 �l 7'Y '1M1 r�� v •s�Ur- s U' :y U u. .(_,j:?, u.2-.ri•"_-u►-= („)�_,.vs3v-r.-(�.r,_(��,v.-„�v-'s£'ci•s a..n�:.ti•�:.n,...,�M�LR���,.,�::..nc::...n•.:_-n:_...n•�.�.n•.��.n::.::.n'.�� n::: nc:� n;::, n::�.n.:�..t ltlirerrtt o nevmtur vl ti 3� tit t►:ti ltu�' r rr�, ! r r:,t'.t►t y rwoclor Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. P.O, box 331390 Coconut Grove, FL 33133 .. .. ... r.�.. .... ,.,..may �.. .. .1.�• Pernor1 to cOnt.rc, Estella Garr N(•'r•r f��N•: W LUC: January IS,1984 i t 1 CCtct)QT, 19�9 02 3 a.<< 7. 4 . .... .r •r r.�ra r.. vw• ay.. r.. t rrr.... .. .....-•ar ..r r..... r.. 4.. ...♦ .s wu. VY rrr •._ .. .. .. ... r-._ ... �_.. .. r. .. .. rr;... .. r... ♦ •.��.! • ... V ... ♦ . - .... V V • r . i . • r .. .. •• v .a v .r. a .. . • .. « • . ♦ .. .. . . ✓ .. ♦ .. . 4 r . -• _ .. r V r -. r .. •. .. r v •. a a a ..• a r. r r. -. . . r r . ... r 1 _ r a r .. . tl •, ...-.r ..• ��.a)J_rY ...r.•. ✓. •.• rr.. r. ... . � ... ....rrr.. .•..- ra...r. Y.a V•. •..• -• v.. V r tw�� r V V•••. •.. r" • . Vr• •..rr r.rti. r• ♦ ai•., r.•r �•. Y Y... rlJu•. v•r •r+•w• r.r. • • I. Vr•.Y r• • r, , r-- r , Y � t s COCONtz GROVE CARES, INC. STAMM OF RECEIPTS & wf,mrnmES FEBRUAR1 18, 19. 1984- ANTIQUE & lEk!UY SHM R,ECEIM : Booth & Table Sales 1-4.939 Cate Admission (174S) 2.127 TOTAL INCOME Cite of Miami (Rent) 6,000 Ci tv of Niamd (Fire) 37.4 City of Miad (Iklepnone �. Insurance) 120 City of Miami (License) 300 Lind Electric 11900 Event Personnel 460 Floor Flan (Labor) 300 Advertising (Miami Herald, Sentiel S Antique Press) 2,271 Table Rcntals 1.260 Security Service 920 Shcu Staff %7 Stamps 40 Flyers 135 TOTAL F-\PL'%ZITL1RES iT\Plxs S 18.066 15,047 3,019 ... RECEIPTS: Booth A Table Sales Gate Admission (14M ) COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES MARCH 171.1E. 198a- ANTIQUE & JEWELRY SHOW TGTr.'L 1'gi3O';c EXPE":-1ITUP,'5: City o` Viarii (dent) o' I'Iam` (Fire, City of Miami (Teiepnone & Insurance) City of Miami (License) Lind Electric Event Personnel Floor Flan (Labor) Advertising (Miami Herald, Sentinel& Antioue Press) Table Rentals Security Serice Shur Staff Sta„t E 12.353 2,441 6,000 374 120 300 9^0 460 3h0 2,428 1,126 536 99P. 40 t 14 ,794 14.582... o S 212 COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS b EXPENDITURES APRIL 28Z9. 1994 - Al:TIQUE b ,JEWELRY SHOW RECEIFTS: t - tooth F Table Sale: Gate Ad^ission Ci:v or irel, City or !`iar {License) Lint ie:tric �Vp►':' F'erSonric "loor ?!an ,�r..iyuc Frc•5�; Tahlt Rentals SeCUrit,, ServiCe Show Staff 1.0! t .t tl htlery ;1: r�. 6,000 37.1 30') � L55— 1 -- 6,000 , 374 120 30C i.900 775 300 COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC. STATEMENT OF MAY 26, 2', 1984 - ANTIQUE 3 JEWELRY SNOW RECEIPTS: S $ Booth b Table Sales 14,138 Gate Admission (2034) 3.SSP TOTAL I';COME 1' .696 EXPEN".)ITURES: Citv of Miami (Rent) City of Miami (Fire) City of Miami (Telephone S Insurance) City of f'iam (License; Lind Electric Event Personnel Floor Plan (Labor) Advertising (Miami Herald, Sentinel & An;.ipue Press) Table Rentals Security Service Show Staff Postage/Stationery TOTAL EXPENDITURES SURPLUS 3 COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC. STATEMENT OF 198_ 4 - ANTIQUE & JEWELRY SHOW RECEIPTS: $ Booth 5 Table Sales 10,520 Gate Admission (2041) 3,489 TOTAL INCOME EXPENDITURES: City of Miami (Rent) 6,000 City of Miami (Fire) 374 City of Miami (Telephone & Insurance) 120 City of Miami (License) 300 Lind Electric 1,900 Event Personnel -- 765 Floor Plan (Labor) 300 Advertising (Miami Herald, Sentinel & Antique Press) 2,367 Table Rentals 900 Security Service 863 Show Staff 741 Postage/Stationery 107 TOTAL EXPENDITURES SURPLUS S 14,009 14,737.00 -728. 00