HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-09800 0 J-84-900 rr/D8 RESOLUTION NO. 84 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE POSITION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI THAT AUTHORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TAX-FREE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS BE ALLOCATED USING A FORMULA OR METHOD SIMILAR TO THAT PROPOSED BY THE FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, INC. AND THE DADE COUNTY LEAGUE OF CITIES, INC._-EXCEPT THAT THE CITY FAVORS ADOPTION OF A DOLLAR LIMITATION UPON CITIES BASED ON THE POPULATION FACTOR (POPULATION X $150); FUIHER EXPRESSING THE BELIEF THAT THE CITY OF MIAMI'S ALLOCATION BE DIRECTLY UNDER CONTROL OF THE CITY TO BE USED BY ITS DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AS A SALES TOOL OR LEVERAGE FOR GENERATING AND CREATING 3085 IN CERTAIN SEGMENTS OF THE CITY; FURTHER DECLARING THAT IF THE POPULATION FACTOR IS NOT ADOPTED AS THE METHOD OR FORMULA FOR SAID ALLOCATION, THEN SUCH OTHER METHOD OR FORUMULA BE ADOPTED AS WILL RESULT IN AN EQUITABLE ALLOCATION FOR LARGER CITIES IN THE STATE. BE I T RESOLVED BY T HE COMMISSION OF I lit C I T Y Of MI AMI , F L 0 R I D A : Section 1. It is the position of the City of Miami that authority for the issuance of tax-free Industrial Development Revenue Bonds be allocated using a formula or method similar to that proposed by the Florida League of Cities, Inc. and the Dade County League of Cities, Inc. except that the City favors adoption of a dollar limitation upon cities based on the population factor (population x $150). Section 2. It is the belief of the City Commission that the City of Miami's allocation should be directly under control of the City to be used by its Department of Economic development as a sales tool or leverage for generating and creating jobs in certain segments of the City. Section 3. If the population factor is not adopted as the method or formula for the allocation of authority to issue Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, then such other cm M0 OF 59? Method or formula should be adopted as will result in an equitable allocation of such authority for the larger cities in the state. day of SbpttR�y , 1984. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th_ Y M A Y O R TEST: 4 1: GZ.P 1 Y CL K PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: 7 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY AP4AA TO ORM AND CORRECTNESS: L UGNERTY CITY ATTORNEY L L TO Howard Y.'Gary City Manager ark Me ill CITY OF MIAM1. FLORIDA INTlR-OFFICE 14tM0111ANDUM FROM Assistant to the City Manager for Intergovernmental Affairs/Cable DST[ September 4, 1984 ,n,c su*Jcc. Governor's Industrial Development Bond Allo- cation Hearing in Tallahassee R[r[R[Nces ENCLOSURES The United States Congress has passed legislation entitled the "Tax Reform Act of 1984" that places certain limits on the amount of funds that can be raised by the private and public sector through tax free Industrial Revenue Bonds (IDB). One limit is calculated by multiplying $150 times the population of the State of Florida, which amounts to approximately $1.6 billion of Bond Authority per year. For comparison, last year $1.1 billion of IDB'a were authorized in the state. On August 16, 1984, the Governor held a workshop as the result of a provision in the federal legislation that authorized the Governor to make a state-wide distribution of IDB issuing Authority limitation among the local governments and state agencies on an interim basis. At the workshop, a large number of speakers and the Florida League of Cities, recommended that 60% of the state's allocation be assigned to local governments, 35% to state agencies (mostly for big ticket items such as resource recovery projects), and 5% for small users such as governments with less than 20,000 population whose economic development activities utilizing IDB's would exceed the amount that the $150 per capita limit would impose on small county allocations. If authorizations are in fact determined on a county -wide basis, it is estimated that under a 60-35-5 formula Dade County would qualify for about $160 million in IDB's. For comparison, that exceeds the $40 million in IDB's issued through Dade County lost year. The preponderance of recommendations was to allocate the Bond Authority to the County, to be issued locally on a first care, first serve basis. The City of Miami representitives present at this workshop were Clark Merrill, assistant to the City Manager, Charlotte Gallogly,Direotor of Eccononic Development and Miriam Maer,Assistant City Attorney. The City of Miami placed into the record, a statement of the City's position and a copy of a letter from the Mayor to Representative Barry Kutun regarding I081s, both of which are attached. To: Howard V. Gary il September 4, 1984 From: Clark Merrill Subject: IDB•a The City of Miami has not issued any IDB's to private applicants, although it is granted the authority to do so under the State Statutes. Please keep in mind that the City's authority to issue Tax Free Municipal Revenue Bonds is not impaired by the federal legislation so long as private developers, other than investors, do not receive tax free benefits as a result of using IDB's. The federal law specifically exempts housing projects from the state-wide cap on IDB's. This was done at the City's urging when the Bill was drafted in order to protect future housing unit development in the City that would utilize tax free financing. This is will encourage capital investment, particularly in the inner city areas of Miami. At the present time IDB financing is being considered for the Bayside Garage and possibly for several other garages being planned by the City's Off -Street Parking Department. The State Statute provides for the creation of Industrial Development Authorities as well as establishing certain requirements that apply to issuing IDB's in Florida. Industrial Development Authorities are created only by counties. They are autonomous, and serve the entire county. By law, each Authority has a five member Board of Direotors and are funded at least partially through charges made to the bond applicants. The Dade County Industrial Development Authority issued approxi- mately $40 million in bonds during the past year. Since 1978 there were 8 projects in the City of Miami. valued at approximately $12.7 million when the last project is completed. The Authority has a staff of nine, many of whom are economic specialists and provide services beyond the issuance of IDB's. The County Industrial Development Authority holds several public h9arings on every project before it is approved. It would be difficult and expensive for the City to duplicate this process in light of -the limited number of IDS's issued in Miami. The best approach in securing the Miami interests in the IDS issuing process would be to establish a member from the City of Miami on their Hoard. Realistically, the Authorities Board Memberships should be expandec. to include a broader representative base, i.e., members from the largest cities plus 2 F To: Howard V. Gary From: Clark.Merrill September 4, 1964 Subject: IDB's one or two •embers selected by the Dade League of Cities to represent the smaller cities which would be in addition to representitives of other related interests. (This some process now provides for the Mayors representation on the South Florida Regional Planning Council). To accomplish this expansion would require a change in the state law. Such a propsal could be included in the City's legislative proposals for the 1985 legislature.This proposal would also require the County Industrial Development Authority to notify the City of all proposed industrial development projects that are seeking federal tax exempt financing within the City. It should be noted that the federal cap on IDB's is aimed at reducing tax exempt financing on certain private and some public projects in order to reduce the impact that this tax exemption has on the federal budget. Florida, unlike some other states, has not made excessive use of this method of tax exempt financing. This process created by the new legislation, has directed significant attention to the IDS method of financing, and may create an increased number of applications for IDB's in the near future. It is reasonable to assume that additional restrictions would be made if Congress determines that the tax loss exceeds the economic general benefit provided by IDH's. The Governor will make his decision on the allocation of IDS funding authority by proclamation. This decision will be effective until the Legislature meets, but not longer than December 31, 1985. The 1984 Legislature was considering IDS Legislation (H9.1281), during the 1984 session, that did not pass. This allocation process will be a legislative concern in the 1985 legislative session. Also attached is the Florida League of Cities recommendations, the Governors meeting notice and a summary of the IDS legislation published by the Government Finance Officers Association. CM/maua gncls. 3 00 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR TM Co". TN1dSON, "wide U301 Tsl"Ow m: SM/481-1234 MEMORANDUM 'c] ATTACHMENT 1 To: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES FM°: Howard E. "Gene" Adams, Director, Legislative Affairs Vim: MORxSHOP - Industrial Development Bond Allocations Osa. July 18, 1984 The Executive Office of the Governor intends to conduct a public s otinq and workshop on August 16, 1984 in the Cabinet Meeting Roos, Lower Level, the Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida, ccm ncing at 8:30 a.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time, for the purpose of discussion and taking testimony from interested parties relating to the allocation procedures for tax exempt private activity bonds (industrial development bonds). A copy of the notice, as it appears in the Florida Administrative Weekly, is attached for your information. The Office of the Governor, pursuant to authority granted by House Joint Resolution 4170, proposes to issue an Executive Order if warranted, providing for allocation procedures different from those specified in the federal act. The allocation of industrial development bonds has serious ecbnomic consequences for our state and the Office of the Governor is interested in receiving as such input as possible prior to issuance of this Executive Order. Any comments, written responses, sugqested allocation formulas or other information, will be welcomed. The workshop and meeting is open for all persons to attend and it is hoped that a broad range of input and ideas can be shared at this meeting in order to develop allocation procedures for the State of Florida. As stated in the notice, written testimony or written comments should be forwarded to thr Office of the Governor, Gene Adams, Director of Legislative Affairs, Roos 210, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida, 32301. The office slay be reached by telephone at (904) 489-5152. d tr3 � �, tea � • . 71 r Twt ,.i 6-716 ON. 7.j { 0 0 ATTACRMENT l POSITION PAPER POSITION Of- THE CITY OF MIAMI, REGARDING INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOND ALLOCATIONS UNDER THE DEFICIT REDUCTION ACT OF 1984 (H.R. 4170, as modified by H.Con'. Res. 328) This Position Paper is being submitted in connection with a workshop on Industrial Development Bond Allocations to be held on August 16, 1984 by the Executive Office of the Governor of the State of Florida. The City of Miami, Florida has the same economic development goals as Dade County, Florida. These goals are the creation of jobs, an increased tax base, the stimulation of economic growth and tourism, and downtown revitalization. Such revitalization is increasingly important in light of the high rate of vacancy in the major downtown office buildings and hotel§. Although the City has not development revehue bonds ("IDRB") consideration the following joint revitalize the downtown area: The proposed tourism related facility Theater in the Coconut Grove area, Island, the Dinner Key development plan for said area including a par marina, the Florida East Coast Rai a performing arts complex to be to financing may be required in order economically viable. heretofore issued industrial the City has under private -public ventures to Rouse Bayside project, a adjacent to the Players State a cultural facility on Watson in accordance with the master king garage and full service lroad property development and sated within the City. IDRB to make the above projects Additionally, the City has had concern for some time about present policies which allow the Dade County Industrial Development Authority to finance the construction of facilities which remove businesses from the area within the City and relocate them to areas in unincorporated Dade County or to other municipalities within Dade County. This is particularly troublesome to the City in the light of the need to -revitalize the downtown area and eliminate the vacancy rates in office facilities and hotels. In order to accomplish its goals in revitalizing the downtown area the City must be in a position to attract businesses and facilities which make it attractive for companies utilizing office space to locate in -the downtown area. Further, the City has for some time expended resources to develop the downtown area, including the Gusman Cultural Center, the restaurant arcades along Flagler Street, the Mnuchi-Hayfront Park area, the World Trade Center and parking garage, and the City of Miami/James L. Knight Convention Center. This public 0 investment was made to increase utilization of the downtown area particularly in the evenings and on weekends, and among other things was intended to bring people back into the City and to reduce the crime rate within the City. The City risks losing its public investment in these projects unless it is in a position to allocate IDRB bonding authority to projects which the City considers to be of the highest priority in its overall economic development. The Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 provides for the smallest -unit of overlapping geographic areas to receive the first part of the allocation to local government units, such allocation to be in proportion to its population. The City believes that the Congressional intent was to'give local governments the opportunity for self-determination as to the priorities of projects in their areas and to allow the elected Officials of such local goverments to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities to the citizenry. The City, therefore, urges the State to allocate bonding authority for IDRB in such a way that effectuates this Congressional inten . Specifically, the City recorr„nen s� that it receive an allocation of IDRB bonding authority proportion to its population. The "first come, first serve" basis which has been recommended by the County is inadequate to provide for the making of choices between projects which serve private entities solely and projects which, in addition to creating jobs and stimulating economic development and tourism, would also permit the City to target this resource to the areas where it will provide the greatest economic impact. The City would further recommend that the provision for allocations be drafted in such a way that to the extent a governmental entity does not use any of the allocation allotted to it, it would be able to turn that allocation back to the County or to the State for worthy projects. -2- ,. M,96klR ICC h r t c A[ "I'Lt C, 1111 lot -limillorII)a ,August 35, 1984 }ion. Bard- Nutun, Chairran Go:crnor's .Advisory Ccnmittee on Industrial Dc%,elo; :dent Bonds The Capitol 204 House Office Building Tallahassee, Fla. 32301 %ar ChsiT7.an Yuttm and Ccr%nittee ','Pc;nhers: ATTACNXUT 3 R E C Fco e It is nm understtieidins you are , al;ing both verbal and %critten testimony on the polity• under the federal guidclines for InduLtrial Development Bands. The City ofposition i,ill he presented by AIs. alarlotte Gallogly, the Caty's Director of Economic DAN•elorMent, Ms. Miriam "aer from our City Attorney's office amid Mr. Clark'�errill, Special Assis- tant to our Cite `•tanager. Briefly, it is our interpretation that it is the intent of Congress that the lowest governmental entity be the recipient of the allocation of the IIffi's. It is m' position that use cannot accept the current proposal by Metro- politan Dade County to allocate these IDB's on a first -cane basis. The fact that Miami has not issued IDB's in the pa.;t should not be a factor. We are in desperate need of industrial development bonds in our fashion district and in Decorators Rcr: , currently beset by canpe- tition outside Dade County. It is our intention to pursue aggressively the issuance of IM's for the economic development and redevelopment of Miami. Recently, Metropolitan Made County approved an US wherein Coopers & Lybrand is using tax-free bonds to lower its office rental by moving w Hzn. r,,r»• Y%itim, Cl,ai -;;an Covc rnor's . %dwi sort' Co er6 t i c-c an Industrial T%:,v0q; vnt rends Augwrt 15, 19S4 rage Two from the City of Miami to the iuiincwj-,or;i1ed area. It is precisely this misuse of IDB's that has so �wgered Cong)-cssn;an Pickle and has moved Congress to add restrictions and to provide p6 del ines for the use of IDB's. By the admission of Mr. Robert MIN -son, the Mmiaging Partner of Coopers 5 Lybrand, not one single i-icw job ti, 17 have lheen created by Coopers & Lybrand's move fro-, the city to the iwii,coilioraied area. As you loio►t, sane states prohibit the use of IDB's for the transfers of busine-sea from one part of the state to mother. 111e would strongly urge that this panel incorporate this 1>>o1-)ihition into the guidelines in its deliberations. This blatant abuse of 1DB's by Metropolitan Pade Colony in the Coopers case leaves me little cmffidence in its objectivity or its ability to dedicate itself to the economic, and to the proper industrial, develop- ment of Pade Count,. I1;iring this same period ►ben tax-free monies are used to e-Ipty office space from doi-mtovn Dade Coinity to the imincor- poi-ated area, Racal.-Milgo Corp. moved from Miami to Broward County, and the Cordi s Corp. has x-maiwced its preference of an e_-,ja;3nsi-on of its facilities in Frazee over e>l,anding its plant in Dade County. In vies: of these East acticrs, I refzpectfully i•,ould submit to the Com- mittee, and through you to the (;rnevnor, and eventually to the Legisla- ture, that you permit r. u;icipa]ities, like Miami, to act in their best interests. So as not to let IDB's get lost through inaction of municipalities, I would, however, recomiend you set a deadline by N.fiich that allocation, either directly or through 1,1etro on a population basis, be utilized; otherwise, that allocation vould go into a general pool, then to be sought on a first -cane, first -serve basis. Si cerely, /I/ ( a Maurice A. Ferre RAF:pas MSVOr of Miami T 0 .0 LORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, wc. ,hW Pok„veswe t a.oe Mes 1757 — "V222-9i84 W.ersM Piadlia 30U - :MORANDUM TO: The Honorable Bob Graham Governor, State of Florida FRM: Harry Morrison, Jr. Assistant General Counsel Florida League of Cities RE: Tax Reform Act of 1984 Private Activity Bonds - Florida Allocations DATE: August 10, 1984 In the latter part of June, Congress passed ER 4170, the Tax Reform Act of 1984. Part of this legislation placed significant restrictions on the use of industrial development bonds (IDB's). 0enerally, the legislation imposes a $150 per capita state -by -state limitation on the issuance of IDR's. Basically, the legislation reserves 50% of the state per capita allovance to the State and the remaining 50% to local goverment. The legislation further provides, bovever, that the Governor may provide an alternative allocation method. The Itecutive Office of the Governor has announced your intent to provide an alternative allocation procedure for IM's in Florida. It is my understanding that your office intends to use HB 1281, proposed during the 1984 Legislature, as the basis from vhlch to detirsine Florida's allocation procedure. The Federal legislation provides that each State'$ ceiling is allocated equally NFWO n (1) the State and its sgemies, and (2) the local units. ?bee coe-halt allocated to localities is divided smong them in proportion to their pop- ulativos. iken the jurisacticos of tva local gvvsrnmental emits averlap (se. oomty/city), the emit Vith jurisdiction over the smallest geogrrp64cal area (eg. city) receives Its !!m larger jnrisdiot� (�g�oouatl►tf ;�iyoef the eves localities, 3Q% of 1�brs osil,lag. rtUnate she" based an the msber of residents other then the residents of�the amanw I Vbw tea govetmsntsl emits have jurisdictim over the sae g+og:aphioal area (eg. city/oaw►itf redevelopment agency), only the jurisdiction Frith the broacher sov- ereiga pacers receivN the ceiling allocation (eg. city). G04ERNOA'S ALLOCATION POWUS The Federal allocations may be changed by state lax or by action of a state's Governor. The Governor's allocation will be effective until such time as the State Legislature makes a different allocation by law or until commence- ment of the year after the first regular session of more than 60 days of the State Legislature following the enactment of the Federal legislation. Thus, if the 1985 State Legislature passes a state lax providing for an allocation, the Governor's allocation will expire. Otherwise, the Governor's allocation will expire at -the and of 1985 and will be replaced by the allocation provided in the Federal legislation. LBAME RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the foregoing, the League recommends that the following propositions be incorporated into any allocation procedure provided by the Governor: 1. The Governor should provide for a 60/35/5% allocation 60% going to local governments, 35% going to the State and 5% being reserved to local governmental units in counties with populations of 20,000 or less. The State has not in the recent past issued IDB's and the only State bond issues that would be subjected to the capp in the forseeable future would be State bonds issued pursuant to Sec. 240.E+39-240.463, Fla. Stat., to finance student loans and, in some cases, State bonds issued pursuant to Sec. 403.1834, Fla. Stat., to finance the construction of various water supply and distri- bution facilities, air and water pollution control and abatement facilities, and solid waste disposal facilities. Accordingly, it would appear that the State is therefore not in need of its entire 50% allocation. 0n the other hand, local governments have historically been the issuer of IDB's and would appear to be the governmental emits that will issue IDB's in the forseeable future. a. The 5$ allocation reserved for local goveissntal units in small counties attempts to address the problem governmental units in small counties have incurred as a result of an allocation cap based an population. This problem my best be illustrated by the following S=mple. If the allocation cap was in existence during 1983, local gove3�tal units to Citrus County would have been allocated approx- imately $6,000,000 on a 60/35/5% allocation. ?et, in 1983, IDd's in the amount of $96,500,000 were issued in Citrus County, $87,000,000 of the IM's were issued for the construction of a pollution control facility (is. a ooe-ayot big ticket item . Mftr1T, relativ917 spealdag, the cost of construction of the pollution control facility would have been so sore had it been oomstrvcted in Ds& County; horever, the imipect on the allocation cap would mot have bees as dresti c on local governmental units in Dade t=ty as it would Save bean on gov r=Mtal =Its in Citrus County. Bsnoe the & M►ll oouaty allocation pool will have the effect of somewhat offsrttiag the moomecionabU result the allocation asp will have am gorew utal gaits in small co mties when they attempt to Isaac =Is for big ticket items. ..�i 4 Y � i F 4 b. With retard to the local allocation, it has been suggested that the Governor do away with the IDB allocation specifically reserved to cities in the Federal legislation. This suggestion has been made Primarily because the federal local allocation, when applied to Florida's smaller cities, does not provide smaller cities with enough of an IDS allocation to issue .an IDS as a practical matter. For example, over half the cities in the State of Florida have populations of 5,000 or less. Generally a city With a population of 5,000 under the Federal local allocation will receive an annual IDB allocation of only $375,000.- A review of the 233 IDB issues in Florida in 1983 shows that only 7 were in an amount for less than $1,000,000 and that there were no IDS's issued during 1983 in an amount of $375,000. In sum, it is suggested that the federal local IDB allocation, when applied to Florida's cities, is imprac- tical. WMl• the League does not necessarily recommend that the federal allocation reservation to cities be preserved, the League does believe that it is incumbent upon the Governor to understand that the above mentioned problem could be som what alleviated by using the 3-year carry forward provision of the federal legislation to accvaulate an amount sufficient to issue an IDB. Alternatively, various local issuers could enter Into inter -local agreements to jointly utilise their IDB allocations. If it is nonethless the Governor's intent to do away with the specific reservation of IDB allocations to cities, the League recommends that the local allocation available to the local governmental units in each county be based on the population within the geographical boundaries of each county and that the local allocation be consumed on a first come - first serve basis. The League is opposed to any allocation process that would require a county government's approval of a city's issuance of an nO or an allocation system that mould be based on a governmental entity's previous use, of ID8's. C. Nith regard to the State allocation, the Dengue would recommsnd that a priority be given to "private activity bonds" issued bZthe State. This would include State bonds issued pursuant to Sec. 2 .439-240.463, Fla. Btat., for student loans and possibly State bonds issued pursuant to Sea. 403.1834, Fla. 8tat., to flaaaoe the construction of various water supply and distribution facilities, sir and water pollution control sad abatement facilities, and solid waste disposal facilities. AllooN tiOms rwalaw in the state allocation pool after the Leman" of smy of ** abm mentioned state bonds should be utilised for 10's of local GwOOrMENO&I units f CR oo►onties that have reached their amemal cap bn a first come -first serve basis. if the Goveroor decides that certain local ID® projects should be given a priority in the State allocatioo pool, than the Longue reoomrmsm+ds that a priority be given to M's issued to finance the oaostroaWma of projects, as defined in Sec. 159.25(5), Fla. Stet., in enterprise scow, as defined in Sec. 290.004(1)(a), Fla. Stet., in oomWmity redmlopmsmt areas, as defined in Sec. 163.340(10), Fla. Stat., and in other community redevelopment areas created pursuant to constitutional, general or special law. There is a strong state policy to provide incentives to invest in and to locate in these redevelopment areas. Distressed areas are considered by the State to constitute a serious menace that is injurous to the public health, safety and welfare because the existence of such areas contributes substantially to the spread of disease and crime, constitutes an economic and social liability imposing onerous burdens which decrease the tax base and reduce tax revenues, substantially impairs sound growth, retards the provision of housing accomodations, aggravates traffic problems, and sub- stantially hampers the elimination of traffic hazards and the improvement of traffic facilities, and otherwise consumes an excessive proportion of governmental revenues because of extra services required for police, fire, hospitalization, and other forms of public protection, services, and facilities. Additionally, each of the projects authorized to be constructed with revenues derived from the issuance of IDB's could be located in redev- elopment areas and the location thereof would substantially address the problems and evils that are uniquely a product of distressed areas. Thus, a priority of this nature would give all projects authorited to be con- structed from revenues derived from the issuance of IDB's a shot at the State allocation. Finally, priority given to these redevelopment areas would further the Legislature's and the Governor's aclmovledged objective of promoting and accomodating sound growth management policies in that it would have a substantial effect in discouraging urban sprawl. The Governor may want to further consider providing a priority to TDB'* issued to finance the construction of resource recovery facilities, sewage and solid waste facilities, pollution control facilities and hasard- ous waste disposal facilities. These are big -ticket items that have the potential of exhausting a couaty's allocation with one issue. Additionally, these facilities address certain substantial environmental concerns of the State and the" facilities constitute the essential--rnmental infrastruc- ture that is required in order to accomodate the other IDB uses. 2. The Iaagoe reaomsinds that the Governor's allocation procedure provide a eechaniss whereby a county's remaining allocation will be retrieved and placed into the State allocation for we by other local goveraaental units in oouati" that have reached their caps dwring a particular year if the local govetal units in a particular county do not utilise the W=ty's nB allocation within a t1w oertain darins each calendar year. For emaple, in 1985, it is antici- pated that the Sayel mental units within Broward County, on a 60/55/58 allocation, will receive over "7.000,000. If by October 1, 1985, for as0ple, the units of loaa1 pveramsat with the geographical bo Maries of Brorard County have not utilised its allocatiai, the Conty's remaining allocation sboald be shifted to the State al%oatioa pool for use by units of local govermrant In counties that have alroody reached their sap for 1985. The 5% "snail county issuers" allooatiAm should be treated in a lire manner. "�rWashington Updateu ATTACRNENT 5 C`1��EG 1994 AUG _e 8 4 4 t ddl� 13, 1984 SUMMARY OF MAJOR PROVISIONS IN THE DEFICIT REDUCTION ACT OF 1984 (H.R. 4170) AFFECTING STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Industrial Develo went Bonds (IDBs) -- Imposes a $150 per capita or 0 million annua vo ume cap on industrial development bonds and student loan bonds beginning in 1964. The per capita limit falls to $100 in 1987 when most small - issue IDBs sunset. Exempted from the cap are bonds used to finance multifamily residential rental property, certain refunding bonds, and IDBs used to finance convention or trade show facilities, airports, docks, wharves, certain parking facilities, and mass transit facilities that are publicly owned.for tax purposes and where rents charged to users are not front -loaded. A statutory formula provides 50 percent of the state cap allocation to state agencies and 50 percent to local issuers. If local issuers overlap, the cap is allocated to the one with the smallest geographic area. If the geographic area is identical, the governmental unit having broader sovereign powers obtains the allocation. Governors are given interim authority to reallocate the cap. This power termi- nates within a certain period of time after the state legis- lature meets in regular session. A three-year carry -forward of a state's volume cap for certain projects (six years for pollution control bonds) is permitted. The carry -forward is not applicable to small - issue IDBs. A two-year phase -in is allowed in states whose 1983 volume exceeded the state-wide limit. A transitional rule exempts bonds having an inducement resolution adopted before June 19, 1984 from the cap if the bonds are sold be - fort January 1, 1985. Allocation priority must be given to bonds with an inducement resolution before October 19, 1993 in the year in which the bonds are sold if construction had begun or a binding contract existed by the sacs date. Public officials responsible, for bond allocations under the cap must certify that no consideration for allocation was received. Criminal penalties will apply where it can be shown that any bribe, gift, gratuity, or direct or indirect contribution to any political campaign is made. FWQW40 OlaMI AM1i011 0� AV"" w .ww w saft~ D^M% A"op~ 1760 K Svest, suiMt NO WashwVftn, DC 10000 } New restrictions on cost recovery requiring straight- line depreciation over ACRE periods apply to UDAG projects, sewage and solid waste disposal facilities and certain pol- lution control facilities. These rules apply to property placed in service after December 31; 1983 which is financed by an obligation issued after October 18, 1983. More restrictive IDS arbitrage rules will apply to obligations acquired for investment (nonpurpose obligations) effective January 1, 1985 except for those IDS* used to fi- nance multifamily residential rental housing. The change reduces the temporary period for investing bonds proceeds from 3 years to 6 months and requires a rebate to the U.S. Treasury of earnings on invested bond proceeds in excess of bond yield. The use of IDSs to acquire land and existing facilities is limited for bonds issued after December 31, 1983 with an exemption for bonds issued before January 1, 1985, pursuant to an inducement resolution adopted before June 19, 1984. No more than 25 percent of the bond proceeds may be used to purchase nonagricultural land. The limit increases to 50 percent for industrial parks, and some land required for airports and 'docks is exempted. The purchase of existing facilities is generally prohibited unless a certain amount of rehabilitation is undertaken. Special rules apply to first-time farmers. With respect to small -issue IDB9, a $40 million limit on the outstanding amount of all tax-exempt IDBs for the same company is imposed on bonds issued after December 31, 1983 except for where transitional rules apply. The small - issue sunset was extended through 1988 for manufacturing facilities. All others are scheduled to expire at the end of 1996. Avoidance of limitations on small -issue IDSs through division of ownership is prohibited. The bill eliminates ID8 financing for the following prohibited facilities generally beginning in 1984: airplanes, luxury boxes, gambling facili- ties, alcoholic beverage stores, and health clubs. The tax code provisions permitting advance refundings for certain convention and trade show facilities, airports, docks, wharves, mass commuting and parking facilities are repealed. The public approval requirement passed in 1992 is modified for public airports where the government unit is- suing the bonds is the owner or the operator of the airport. Only the issuing governmental unit, rather than all units in which the airport is located, will be required to approve the IDRs issued to finance airport facilities. -2- Governmental Leasing -- In general, the bill denies accelerated cost recovery for property leased to or used by taxexempt entities. Equipment must be depreciated over an extended period equal to the greater of the mid -point life under the ADR system (useful economic life) or 125 percent of the lease term. Short-term equipment leases and certain high technology equipment are exempted from the provisions. Real property must be depreciated on a straight-line basis for the greater of 40 years or 125 percent of the lease term if 35 percent of the property is used by tax- exempt entities and at least one of the following circum- stances exist: 1) all or a part of the property is tax- exempt financed by a related party; 2) the use involves a lease with a fixed price option; 3) the use occurs after a sale, lease, or other transfer of the property by the city or tax-exempt entity, except for property leased within three months after being placed in service by the tax-exempt entity; or 4) the use is pursuant to a lease term exceeding 20 years. The investment tax credit and the rehabilitation credit is denied for all tax-exempt property meeting the above re- quirements. Leases for 3 years or less are exempted. The legislation establishes guidelines to determine when a service contract is more properly characterized as a lease. The circumstances taken into account are whether the * service recipient is in physical possession of the property; * service recipient controls the property; * service recipient has significant economic or possessory interest in the property; * service provider bears significant risk of non- performance under the contract, * there is concurrent use by service provider to provide significant services to entities unrelated to the service recipient, and * contract price substantially exceeds rental value of the property. Service contracts for certain solid waste, energy and water treatment facilities are not treated as a lease except where the service recipient under contract with a solid waste facility operates the facility, bears significant fi- nancial burden if there is nonperformance, receives signifi- cant financial benefit if operating costs are less than standard performance or has a fixed and determinable price purchase option or may be required to purchase the facility. In general, the effective date of the legislation ap- plies to property placed in service after May 23, 1983. Ex- tensive and detailed transition rules also apply. -3- Mortgage Revenue Bond Program -- The Act extends the mortgage revenue bond program for four years through 1987. An optional program allowing issuers to exchange their bond authority to issue mortgage credit certificates has been created. $octal SecuritX -- Tax bill conferees the Senate provision that would exclude interest income from the income base of recipients. did not accept municipal bond social security Corporate Minimum Tax -- The deduction taken by finan- cial institutions for costs incurred for buying or carrying tax-exempt bonds will be reduced from 85 to 80 percent. For More Information -- A copy of the Deficit Reduction Act (N.R. 4170) and the Conference Report to accompany it may be obtained from the U..S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. $20.00. (202) 275-2091. The Congressional Record dated June 22, 1984 (No. 87 -- Part II) contains statutory and conference report language for H.R. 4170. A Summary of Tax and SRendinq Reduction Provisions of H.R. 4170 as Passed b the House and the Senate Sas been prepared by the stafft of the Joint Committee on Taxation, Committee on ways and Means, and Committee on Finance. Also available from the U.S. Government printing Office. Cathy Spain and Cathie Eitelberg of GFOA's Federal Liaison Center will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please call (202) 466-2014. -4-