HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-09-18 MinutesOF METING HED ON September 18, 1984 PREPARED BY NE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL PALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK lu _.1 INDEX MINUTES OF SPECTA1, MEETING CITY COMMISSION (117 MlAtll, FLORIDA September 18: 1984 ITEM SUBJECT LEGISLATION PAGE NO. NO. 1. DISCUSSION OF $35,000,000 PARKS BOND ISSUE (Discussed and temporarily deferred). DISCUSSION 1 -2 2. INSTRUCT CITY HANAGER TIN! CONNECTTON WITH TRAFFIC STUDY DONE H ,AR PAIITR'f PR1:D}' PROPERTY, I-95, S.W. 15 Ri). AND METRO RA,11, (a) PAY FOR STUDY (b) INSTIGATI�; L,At-ISJTT (e) PLACI, LTEIN ON PP,OPERTY. M 84-1036 2 - 16 3. CONTINUED PUBLIC HFlA13.lN(,, ON PROPOS LI) 4,;55,000000 PARKS BOND ISSUE (I;ol::ion 'Go a.hhr,ove dcf oatcd) . DISCUSSION 16 - 19 4. MIAMI FT1,1; FI ","T7:VAL - RI,QUES`l' FOR FUNDING REFERRE:I? YO Ti111 (-:TTY IANAGER. DISCUSSION 20 - 21 5. PUBLIC 1;':: ;1,_ ;<l= 11',1) i'L•,RS01� AL APPEARANCE OF SEVERAL OF 'fill, D.D.A. IN SUPPORT OF CONTII UI_,L N"UI�DTNC3 TO THE D.D.A. DISCUSSION 21 - 29 6. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO ATTEMPT TO FIND UP TO ANOTHER 1�. 114 ADDITION TO BUDGET RECOMMENDATION FOR COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT TO RETIRED EMPLOYEES. M 84-1037 30 - 33 7. INCREASE APPROPRIATION FOR THE LAW DEPARTMENT FY 84-85 OPERATING BUDGE BY $117,000. M 84-1038 33 - 34 8. CONTINUED DISCUSSIGI1 ITE1, BY COh,MlISSIONER PEREZ OF PERSONS Mfti ING OVER $50,000 PER YEAR. DISCUSSION 34 9. CONTINUE FINAL DECISION ON FY 84-85 BUDGET TO SEPTEMBI R 2 1 , 1 984 AT 5 : 05 P . 11. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. M 84-1039 34 - 41 10. E M E R G E IN C'1' ORDINANCE: AI,END A11PROPRIA'T1011S ORDINANCE -- GRANT FROL; MOBIL, 0I1. FOR JOB TRAINING. 9886 42 11. EMLERGEN? CY OnDINIANCE: h,ME14D CAPITAL Y_I PHOVEMENT ORD!NIA NCL, - FORT DALLAS PARKN DI VHL01 i1 Y,k 9887 43 12. EMERGENCY Oh1)i1.1 LIN! CE: 1,1,,E'N,D CAPI.-1'1?L 1-1,1PI0VE'1 ENT ORDII1C.1'Y ii<ICATIONI'. SYSTII�11. 9888 44 - 45 13. EM1 1?ia1 i;t _r ltl . 1IltN,C7 : y :a1 N)I.:I S:I; 4 NEW TRUST & AGENC.`!' DL1,1f 1a0141, N'1' AUTHORITY AND OFF S I;LF,`1' 9889 45 - 46 14. EIfERG1IICY bN;D-11 .ilCE: Ll,IiEND CAPITAL 114PROVEME14T ORD1NA1 CIu' I-1!::a'1L TTLE HAVAIIA STREET IMPROVE11,;1 N i- I. g890 46 W 47 15 . EMERGENC T of(DI N IINI ;'E: ESTABLISH NEW REVENUE FUND DEVELOPML.)VIAL DISABILITIES MODEL PROJECT. 9891 48 16. EMERGENIC:Y ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW REVENUE FUND "RECREATE". 9892 49 1 SEPTEMBER 18, 1984 17. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND SECTION 30-26 OF THE CODE - INCREASE FEES FOR CITY DAY CARE FACILITIES. 9893 50 18. APPROVE AND ADOPT ANNUAL BUDGET: DEPARTMENT OF OFF-STfiFli"T PARKING. R 84-1040 50 51 19. AUTHORT�F y tA IJACIF R TO T G N AGRE.EHENT: R E L A T 1--', D I 10 11 S, I Ill G CWJ..)ORT' LTD., THACKER CON ST RU C'IJ ON F -I N 1 -% CORP. FOR THE PURPO-)F, OF I M P L E H F IJT Tll Gi A FFO J, 1) A'13 1., 1 11011 1 N G D1,.-,V!,',I,OPMENT PROGRAM. R 84-1041 51 52 20. APPROVE AND A 1) 0 11T ANNUAL BUDGET: OSPA FOR OPERATION OF THE GUSMAN HALL & OLYMPIA BUILDING. R 84-1042 52 - 53 21. DISCUSSION ITEM: IIEITRO' 3 USE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP'lll,"NT BOINDS, DISCUSSION 53 - 54 22. SECOND BEADING ORDINANCE: AMEND ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE. 9894 54 - 55 23. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AME14D SEC. 30-53 OF THE CODE -- GREEN FEES, CARD FEES, ETC. AT GOLF COURSES. 9895 55 24. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE - PROJECTED DEFICITS IN PROPERTY MAINTENANCE DIVISION DEPT. OF VEHICLE & BUILDING MAINTENANCE. FIRST READING 56 25. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ADD NEW SECTION 2-90 TO CODE, - PHASED DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION (FAST TRACK). FIRST READING 57 26. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: BOILER ELEVATOR INSPECTION FEES. FIRST READING 58 27. CONSENT A G E ND 59 60 27.1 RESOLUTION RATIFYING & CONFIRMING THE FINDING OF CITY M, 174 N A G E 11, N. U. INC. MARINE CONSTRUCTION VO PERFOEHI Ili ACCORDANCE 141TH BID NO. - FAILED 83 84-108. R 84 -1043 59 27.2 BID ACCEPTANCE: THOMAS 111AINITENANCE, INC. FOR FURNISHING (3 E N E h A L CUSTODIAL A NT 1) EVENTS, MAINTENANCE SERVICES AND H & H LAIti14 AND CLEANING SERVICE. R 84-1044 60 27.3 BID ACCEPTANCE: THOMAS W. RUFF COMPANY FOR FURNISHINGS FOR FIRE ADMINISTRATION. R 84-1045 60 2 SEPTEMBER 181 1984 Alp MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the 18th day of S'epternbcr, 19814, the City Commission of Miami, Florida., mcq, ;-it i.t.> regular meeting place in the City Hall., 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in Special session, The merAinF. welir 1 4 -) _ecl ir.n order at 4: 1 O'Clock P.M. by Mayor Maurice- A. Fe�rj,c wit;} lr'ollov-,,ing members of the Commission found to he pry ,7,cn1,: J. Da,,jkins Commissioner J. 1_ 113.111-nmer, Jr. Vice-Njayor T)criicUr_io Perez, Jr. Mayor Haurice, A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ALSO PRESENT: Howard V. Gary, City Manager Jose R. Garcia -Pedrosa, City Attorney Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Matty Hirai, Assistant City Clerk An invocation was delivered by Mayor Maurice A. Ferre who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. ------------------------------------------------ ------------ I DISCUSSIONT OF $35,000,000 PARKS BOND ISSUE (Discussed and temiporarily def'crred) Mayor Ferre: All rit,"hIL, we axe now on Item #1 of the sec- onding readint- on tiie $'5,000,000 of Parlks And ;recreation Facilities Bond:;. 141', llzanavp;er, thc; Chair lecogni.ves you. Mr. Ros(.-;ncrant,Z Mayor, this is the second rt=r ink for the ",35,000,000 -erici—I Oblil,�,'itlinn 13ond foi, th,:n 11 d Retreat` on 1`,,�,�c` I i �i you e by 'he covcI- it was -A 1) p, I 0 v,,c,i u, y :';}1(:' v Q.,, c: r T t i be subm-1.c 4.ttd to be e� on thbal-loi-, by tl,! V Ot 1, Mayor F,11,ri�(.,: 1-11 1--'ght rt thc, � d wish to Mr. V l4oul,lii.c t :t tilis time to ask in detail what the Mr. tc., e(AL1­1 forth a nd go t h ro ug 11 funds .,i! 11 Mayor Fern(:: Well., not in too much detail, please. We got a long day. Mr. Rosencrantz: He will be brief. Mr. Carl Kern: Carl Kern, Director of Parks and Recreation. In summary, the $35,000,000 is broken down in the following three major areas. $10,000,000 is to fix up the existing gl 1 September 18, 1984 1 10 recreation facilities in the neighborhood parks. This one includes everything from basketball. courts to playgrounds and basic park hardware. The second 00,000,000 would be to completely ranovate the swimming pool. system by building three fi rty mytqr pools, four twenty-five pools and refur- bishing in V Cho pyint? "g ponls =;ive us a compleholY now Pool nymtcm and cnPhir u7 to have swimming as a major vnorcakinn artiviky nnd ol iminnl,•^ rr.inv f7i 1! iie hqz- ards whiph in, nni-T I i;,, - Q i i i ,) i i r ­, 1­ i fi� -; i i ; -, ! - 1) () n 1, -- The Chi r d second onnsi.7L or 115,noo,non, onrMark-1 15,000,000 Nr Bay Front Fnrk to cont i n"a hhq lq)lnnd daill"InPinrlik nV 007, p.-Jrk, $5,000,000 Val- the dnvHnmn1. ') f) '7 i 1- c;J 1) i ,-) K­ n d y ---I $5,000,000 For the nequHiLinn PH UvrInum or] t cif the coco- nut Grove Naval Reserve Center. howl nPr Cho major ele- ments of the plan. Mayor Fopre: All right, are there any quastions from the Commission at this time before i ask the public. All right, are there any members of the public that wish to express any opinion on this? Ok. What is the will of this Commission? Yes, sir, Mr. Ropichan, Mr.Rooichan: I advised the members of the Committee for Responsible Bonds in response to my having checked on the agenda with Mr. Alvarez that this was going to be heard at 5:00 P.M. Mayor Ferro: 0h, TIm sorry. I didn't know that. It was an the schodulc for 4. That being the case, then we will hold it up until 5. 11m sorry, I didn't know that. All right, I guess that would be 1 and 2 wouldn't it? So, we are now on 5. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEM #5 WAS DEFERRED. Ms. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, this item was advertised for 5 O'clock. 2. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER IN CONNECT1.0f,' WITR TRAFFIC STUDY DONE NEAR PANTRY PRIDE PROPERTY 1-95, S.W. 15 RD AND METRORAIL (a) PAY' FOR STUDY (b) INSTIGATE LAWSUIT (c) PLACE LIEN ON PROPERTY Mayor Ferpe: Item 6, i-95 Mr. Rodriguez: Ju..,,3t to be... familiarized you with this item again. TV3 is Lhe item in and which the applicant in the second randinq as Part of the zoning change proffered a covenant to Pay fKv a traffic aLudy in relation to the Pantry Pride saw, To summarizo the Whole Lhing. We have been going bDuk vnd fovLn trying to got the applicant to pay for thu study. No navu uLwculed svVCrZ mcuting in which we are expuctinq to Vivo thu ;Ltudy r(nnizits al,d he his i11tro,_ duced the StUdy OP nho r unuy to pay yur ju. Mayor Fevre: SO what's the Pecommendation? Mr. Rodrigues: The 11-1, We njakk_,--- we have four options and the c!w tii_i, is that we pay for the study With city 110,un and seek recovery from Mr. Soccaras, which Pups enuMn Lim applicant, through legal action to enforce the covenant. Mayor Ferre: Does anybody wish to speak to this issue? Q 2 September 18, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Yes, let me hear the other three. You are saying that the City Pay for it and then seek to recover from the applicant later? Mr. Rodriguez: Right, by suing the applicant and putting a lien on his property. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, what doe we gain by that? Mayor Ferre: Getting a study done which we need desperate- ly. Mr. Plummer: Oh. Mayor Ferre: If Mr. Soccaras doesn't do it, we certainly have to do it with or without him. I mean, we need that... we need a. traffic study in that general area and it's just that simple. Mr. Plummer: Well, ok. What are the other three options? Mr. Rodri_g1ie7,: Number one, is to continue , a _0 _ng for Soccarasi to find financing and we have been waiting for many months nor. and I cannot recommend for that one. Ilumber two, is that lac file a tti.t against Mr. Soccaras for failure to fulfill the terms of t;hc covenant and then collect the funds and pay to the consultant 3ftorwards. Mayor Ferre: You can do that too. Mr. Rodriguez: Number three, is assign the covenant to Mr. David Plummer, the consultant that was chosen and let him file suit against Mr. Soccaras and collect the funds and complete the study, which is messy and Number four, is the one that I recommend, because it's cleaner in our opinion. Mr. Plummer: Isn't there another, that predicated on the fact that the thing was approved predicated on the study it would seem logical to me that if the study is not done, that you go back and cancel the approval. Mayor Ferre: Well, I certainly think that... Mr. Plummer: I'm asking, is that an option? Mr. Rodriguez: I think that that should be discussed by the legal department. Mr. You are telling, me that if a stipulation is placed a! a condition... Mr. Rodr°i.gu :;: I`C)t, C< ,,1-10t t;ior;. Mr. (20!.,tiition, a voluntary condition which t i(_%; ;�:j,t'i:'c�i L.O. P.P(.: "OU tL1. Li li(T Fie that if someone agrees to it. i1it1 tii J' ic.r:'t. i t;:l f i l! thcir''s, we have to fulfill Ms. Uou :h(wrt,y: That' tt3( problem with the cove- nants. T I Ie, y w;- haVv bc-en tt 1,.1 nt y(Du. Mr. Plummer: This was u covenant that was voluntarily given. i' Ms. Dougherty: Precisely, but gust because it's voluntarily given doesn't mean that; you 0 111 chixnge the zor:ir-lg. `ou are suppo Lt d to _201,6r.�1z that I)VOI)C-ty ghat, it pl?o cd to be zonea r � . it 4ti'ci rl't ,ri r��turl f:� r x cover art. They volun- tarily ga- vV ; you a covenant. NOW, .fiat's out, rcEnedy, you have t(D t.c to enforce the covenant. You can't take away _ the zoning,. gl 3 September 18, 1984. Mr. Plummer: The zoning was not to be approved until such time. Are you telling me that the zoning has been approved? Ms. Dougherty: Mr. Plummer: Yes . It can not be. Ms. Dougherty: You read it on first and second reading. It took effect-, thirty {lay,^ thereafter. Mr. Rodr i R11e;'• : r;t, t1� 3 t; time in the covenant that they prof fern(i, t-,ip%- tai 1.1 a<,y i,hat the study will be finished by February 151.11 of 1')fi Mr. Plum,;,ci,: But it: very clearly stipulated that the thing not: approved until such time as that study was given. Mr. Rodriguc,-.: No. If I may, that was my recommendation, but the action taken by the Commission was not that. You approved. on 3econd ing the zoning. Mr. Plummer: Wc1come. Mayor Ferre: So, what's the answer? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Socearas wishes to speak. Mayor Ferre: Well, wait a minute. What was the answer? Mr. Plummer: The answer is "no". According to them, the zoning is done, it is in fact, and the voluntary covenant is without any weight whatsoever. Mayor Ferre: Well, then what do we get voluntary covenants for? Mr. Plummer: They are saying that they have advised us against it. Ms. Dougherty: I'm not advising you not to, but you enforce the covenant just like you enforce every other covenant. If they refuse to comply, then you sue there. Mayor 'crrc : Thcn I think what we ought to do is, one, sue them and two, go ahea(j -nd order study done and we will pay for it and ti)cn l:s ,i17 slap 1.icy «g��inti3t the proper- ty. I. !� ���n 1 :_ r..��ci ,1h.t study pui,i.od and if ;!c dc:�{,.,!i't pay 3 for it, t.ht�t';, you itnow, that, houldn't atop Mr. 1)aw1',-irl Hr;yor, (Jon It Mayor, hu 1. 1-ouId lit:<:; to zoning th i r !ii, gnu _.a th. VAA •,?f r:OF: we are- Co !f,p 1 f Ic study to t_r!cl;xrl a Mayor h or without, 47i_._ �lr'u�ll�" !'t,, :1.�_ t,liFy:3� pcop.le t �'!dt i P�� (_it`C�j i.`1'L�` C. :1: ._., ._. �. 11 t•1 1- !, _ ,',�t )�J1i,( , tl i.-'y ave rl tlt r d to lu _. get on tilt,= t�C>l'i_!inty then I, he CI% a:..liY ti to FUe and if 4dt ii.. l;t :;<:J+ f'il; Ca !'7'•�it. to t.C��y`rs, t�j' l� jij-1!1; a lien on t 11 t Mr. F l l !!r (--V cl,11., excu e !!1t�, let !ae ask one other thing, becaust. to tell you, 20m6boiiy has hoodwinked us. All right . L�ecause it was a cont r act ... Excuse me . There was an understanding by this Commission — 6l 4 September 18, 1984 E (BACKGROUND COMMENTS OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Perez: Well, Per. Mayor, will we have an opportunity to hear the concerns of the neighbors. Mayor Ferrc : All r i > ht . "ir . occaras , you wanted to say something and ,i, n r,.h .' You. Mr. Guil.l.c? ,;, ? my nImc i_s Guillermo Soccaras. I'm file levrl.o e1, 1"01- ,.h�- Pantry Pride property. Mr. Plummer, or11. J in c ]. �?- i. `' i c .t; .o11 . When 1.11c rezoning was appointed i vol_.r,nt=ari 1y, !rhieh -vou 31reariy know, proposed to have the traffic study clone for the area. _T_ never placed myself on 1Iry t_.i_mq l.i.rlil-1. Mr. Plummier: i �.cuse me. On what: your, what, sir. Mr. Soccaras: I never propo:�ed any time limit for the traffic study to i.c done. When tlic covenant. S,raa signcd and was given to 11e, a Lime 1. .mi_t i.n the covenant, which truly 1. overloot;_cd and I signed the covenani . because certain problerns that we don't have to di�30_us � nora. I have been put -n a po.si tion to h�.ve =ome rrcbicm::; obt;wining my financiaU. I h=1v( 11ever cvcr re frr.sod to p•_jy for the traf- fic. The only thing that I' m sayinF, to the City .. . Mr. Plummier: V.ait, excuse e. Did you say you have not refused i;o pay? Mr. Soccaras: No. What I'm saying that I will pay for the covenant at, the proper time. Like I also offered, which Mr. Gary will remcinber is in the covenant, a tot's park in the Liberty City area. It's there. The only thing that the covenant: ; ri.i.d on the park is that before I bet my building permit 1. v,ill 1-1ay for the par!,,. .I..'m saying that before I get. n,;r, Duildinf; permits .1 <<Ji.11 pay for the traffic study. Now, wh;,, do l need to I:1ay for a traffic study now that, number one, I. <caIi not (10 it;, bccP.ure some other financial problem.,:.. I know I tcld ycc tl,;-it I did sign the covenants in February 11th or February ?_<:th... Mr. Pluniir,=cr: Mr. Soccaras, excuse me, sir. The reason. 15th . Mr. Soccaras: Ok. Mayor Ferre: We have two issues before us. Mayor lierre: Mr. Rodriguez, I wish to address this you. We have two issues before us. The first issue is the traffic study. he traffic study. It 111:n nothing to do with ©ccara s, the :lt i g 11b01`S, it i1,,:3 t0 6o v;i',h t Inc, (,- c J t, h a t the City has to have a ILA"affic 'Study I?l; dt:' fcir ti1..t, Lit"c :. We need to dt.L.l_ k,i.tt1 that iL- u . ` h( sec<�Ond ti;2.1][7 18 . ques- tion of comjA _a.,tce. Nov, 11.?-d?..1i City attorney, I 1ddre9s this que;:::tion t.o you. Ms. Dougherty: c (, , ,ay or Mayor F�1,r"r•;:: `11-e q.1,.,"Ai:an is, we went through a rezoning procesand this property. Part of that rezoning process 11 d sctuc. coiiciit:.ionS Which were proffered voluntari- ly. 1 t!? iL cC)i'1'tC i Ms. Tiit,r'i: was a voluntary covenant, yes, that was proifei,, d. Mayon Ferr-e: I�Ow, the question of enforcement of that is the issue. 1dow, I would like to say that after the traffic gl 5 September 18, 1984 study is done and the traffic study shows that certain things need to be done or that there is too much volume... There is nothing to gay that this, that has policing power to change the zoning one way, can change the zoning another way. Is that eot'recit? Ms. Dorag'�er-� fib.^oE_ut,^lt; . Precisely right. Absolutely. Mayor Pcrr-: :;f>, t:h.tf. if it is the consensus of this Com- mission :f't.. r a r)ropr objective study is done, there is no reason trhy tag (,.rnr)ot rr:.,nne that property again, and again and agai_)a. G?_ nave 1liat 1_ega_t right to rezone property. As long as i . _�, rc»sonabl.e and we do it within the law and with propr:t oty. Ms. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, when the Planning Department... Mayor Ferr .: Can't; do it now, I understand. Mayor Ferre: tiIZcn the Planning Departmcnt first . pproached me with this 'choir question war, what can we do? Cyan we down zone the. propert.;y? I sn id no, not wi.t.hout, some additional new evidence that; shona:73 that, the zoninlg ir_ .. . Mayor Ferrc>: And that's why thc traf fi.c study is important.. Ms. Dougherty: Precisely. That's right. Mayor Ferre: If the traffic study i,: r,e to show that this is an oversized project and tho-se that will follow, then the City Commission can look at. that; \%,hole area and decide what is the best for the area. Ms. Dougherty: Idow, I want you to be aware that the traffic study as prepared by Plummer and Associates already does not address whether or not the traffic... whether or not this particular site can bear that kind of traffic. It was really the additional site. Mr. Rodriguez: The study by the consultant... Mayor Ferre: 4-,ait a minute:, excuse me. But for the traffic study to address the additional, it must take into account what's there and what has been approved there. Ms. Dougherty: I think you would probably want them to go further on that . Mr. Gary: lr. I•;.yor. Mayor Ferr'c: Go ahead . Mr. G<:ry : Thel—c' are some other issues that need to be addre .: ttr, '1: 00c 11 Wlith what you are saying. I would proba- bly as tile. c,tr< .tiorr then you talk about rezoning. Yes, you can rt':%or.c::, but . il' )'ec�:iliud we E',ot into silLu 4t on l.i t1`1 anottrf r ,. rrE c :;c r,cl f::v n thouf:,in yu y r:a,tn,c it, tl)crc may , ..,Auc to or not you can U.. . Mayor P'1:;i1>Eer1, tl;t t. i:-, very complex, legal issue W( L.r � r;ot irrtu `-,t Lhis point. Mr. GL�r,y : k c + 1., you rai t=d the issue and I just wanted to make trial, Mayor° t'c_r-r,t. i raised the i. :sue of a traffic study and what happen,., of the traffic study. And I think the only ttririg that's uefore us at this time is whether or not we proceed with the traffic study. gl 6 September 18, 1984 --------------- Mr. Gary: Ok. The second point, if I may, is if on the covenant it says in the second sentence of one "The consult- ant shall. be approved by the City Manager and monitored by the Planning Depar't.meni 11. In thntl in my estimation it could be implied Uhr ) t t ho rn, tll ta), prnCe r fir d to i.ncl,t _. inn. _ _ t- c�xt ses based I nnn ic)-m- ) nd c �l IIII.11or i t.y of i'llic. Citt ill this Q . regard ci, trlc t-.i'�aE. ;l��t�r�,^ i,i� al ^n i.?r i,:ai-;nn t;lt0 nrJtl .-i_�jpr'3tlOn in Mr . Daw;t; i f1r . Hayor, , i.s there anyone here, any of the residen , if :7 Would you have them come to the mike please? (BACKCROUIND C011-IMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Dawkins: Ok . Mr. Michael. Andcrcon: Commi.:�si_oner, my name is Michael Anderson, I'm an at1_.oinney wj.th offices at 9595 North Kendall Drivo inn I r,'prc(� nt kAic resi.dents. Mr. Dawkins: Coup,,r l_or v;1�Ien �=�e di.,,cu ;sctid this at length it was my im�nrc;;: ion snc1 t1,1a.1,'s why I. nc'.cd you to help me clear it up, thrit-, 11he nc _r;hbors wontcd the same: sort of considera- tion for their pi,operty that vac, to be given to the Pantry Pride Project . Is that coi,rect or in error? Mr. Andersen: That's is correct. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Mr. Anderson: We have reduced the sector number that we are requesting at this time. Mr. Dawkins: So, in other words, the residents still feel that they too would like to benefit of having their proper- ties increased in value as the Pantry Pride property in- creased in value? Mr. Anderson: That's correct., Mr. Dawkins: So, therefore, if the traffic study shows that the area needs certain amenities and traffic is going to be coming by peoples horses and irregardless of what you say, a project that size is 1 1 ffect the property owners. So, the property oi�.ncrs ; till are dc.-3.irous of having their property rezoned the sam(" s th(_Pal;tr°y Pride. Mr. ,',n(ici-i-o,i: Tiley are till d e 3 i r o u s of l-i� ving their property re, -zoned , l' iev ii ;ve .:skcci for- a n 110- 5 which is conside,rab ly lc;s.3 thrii; tIP Ca; 2/7 that t► u P,llitr'y Pride got. Mr. Dawkins: 'ts,hy for i ), Mr. And : t';c:l l , i,c :,' r ��11� y did r;ot- :,li`1 tiiE: eorrslnercial zoning. itiy J i spi l t. tl .ir;,; tl,,_- E.u�uld :,,uppor't com- mercial . !ICY rid as a li<,,vr' i,-c-duced their i'i .1j' >.1, . 'lilt' l _�i,itl tit )c i ,�!'l..t .it. 1„-(j t�.tlCk:d Felt t.i.<.t. z I.. i 11 .. , e-> 1. 1, _ _ " 1 ? � 1 � I _ -; I - � - f � ! r - � i • I'+ felt t± , ..r�i�. �`�. Ut r, :ht. �� t]A e t put basi`_� right no.- howt ,.. b .1 t- to QoIivtz, t Li: riCliliB t�; aI'i c� _0t �_..t] tf u�.'.._ l'Iq Lliciy a -re looking ior' all Jib UI1 .ii� 11 11ic y` :.1 i_I �?1{Y l: Ii t.. to get,, 601fle reasonable, you Know, - LUU frow the ll, pr"ope rty. gl 7 September 18, 1984 Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Mr. Rodriguez, how many lots approximate- ly is involved in the Pantry Pride property approximately? Mr. Rodriguez: In the rezoning? Mr. Dawki_= No, yo ... T mean, in the property, ok, that we are talking ahout ;'rnoni.ng. How many lots approximately? Mr. Rodpi gunn Tho ;,rr,,i..-y Pridry Project. Ora^ ... ,mac y re- zoned. , bring thi t o ,r t,iRht. Tt was already rezoned This is the r rst o f thr tri_nnFul nr area which i nc:�l ude3 many block... ' -. �, 1_ ,, h �. ,.,. ^tdc�nt.i;�l foup blacks that And ,;�'��:�� �=c I w said at that tune wns, th 1 Innn i n- , i.l-1 he. .n a position "rCOr7onQ71g appro qlov RG /5 only unla s we have a traffic study to 1cnor-1 the impnnL on this area, Mr. Dawkins: All right, I wi.l-1 ask ray question again, sir. In the Pantry Pride: property, how many lots are involved? Mr. Rodriguez: There ape nine lots. Mr. Dawkins: Now, what 1 1 m saying and what I want, which I don't seem to be able to get is, if any other, nine persons out there dcc5_ded to hand togcthcr and sell their nine lots, there is no reason why they coul.d not; get the same zoning that the Pantry Prides has and make their property as valua- ble as the Pantry Pr,idc's property. Now, what's wrong with that? Mr. Rodrigutz: It could apply for a zoning change. We will make the same recommendation. Mr. Dawkins: No, no, I don't want then to apply. See, every since I have; been sitting here on this Commission, this Commission has dictated to the Planning Department that they apply. So, what I want us to do, I want the City of Miami to apply for this zoning to give them that. Mr. Rodriguez: And what I mentioned before is that the ' Planning Department can initiate the rezoning. We are saying that without the traffic study the only thing that we could recommend is an increase to RG2/5. Mr. Dawkins: And with the traffic study, what can you recommend? Mr. Rodriguez: I have to wait for the traffic study. Mr. Dawkins: Ok, back... Mr. Rodr•iguov: We are saying that it is possible that we can go to 2n higher .i.nte:n5ity pending thu traffic study. Mr. Daw nw: a;i.4, nil pdpht. Ali ri.Ent. , et mu f e t. back to the eoun c lov. Huw d(uL t5�i -.Lpt.t o._about that? ; Mr. A crLuN: The vu ; ,. car "_ w ul a not be satisfied ti fied with the RG2/5. They L Mr. Dawkins: No, nn �j',hnr. Let's throw that out. I'm not even concerned t, . town ;: n , I'r. not satisfied with that either, ok , SO, , huU lot ' s ! OV90 L that, See. Mr. Ends c ri: ir:c c is3t;ril5. .. it was indicated to them that David 1' urrmev : ad ci that an H0,5, which is what the R02/5, whici"a is w1lat they wanted did not look like it was going to be a problem as far as traffic, That was at your April meeting. 8 September 18, 1984 Mayor Ferre: That's why we need to finalize that study. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Manager, let me ask... Excuse me, are you finished? Mr. Dawkins; Yes. Thank you. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Manager, I'm reading here from the cove- nant in which it states that they shall provide a transpor- tation study based on full. development. Are you indicating to me that the ;study that has been presently done is not on the full development? Mr. Rodriguez: The study that wns studW Y00 nn full development of that triangular piece and they worn looking at different zoning scenarios bascd on d _f'fcrent possibility for zoning changes. Mr. Plummer: It; gays .study based on full_ devE l.opmcnt of the subject properties in the surroundings ard;as. Mr. Rodriguez: Right. 13ut again, it was full development of that triangular pieces that included the Pant::ry Pride in the residential area and at that point; it was the full development and you will look at each one of i-A)c possible scenarios of zonina and ba & W that, Oy to deci-de the impact on the apen and, ho�-r 1,11c, arm-'_ tor-i" im- pact. By the way in Wic April 511 inveting in which the preliminary rind i uFs ver, I'lnd r b`.' . . . Or i)rC scntdad. you know, by this consultant, th are Imp a Ili t1ber oV the rasidunoc that came up and asked for ot,huP accnAPH to be consid e 1'od which is what. WC don't have Other ther at this point. A higher zoning possibility. At this point the ppopc:rty owncrm arc :.paying that they are agreeing to a lower :intensity than viiat they previously asked for. But again, we are recommending that unless r,,c have the traffic z�3tudy we cannot go with that recommendation. Mr. Perez: Sergio, of these four recommendations what is your formal suggestion? The four. Mr. Rodriguez. Number four. Mr. Perez,: Does this recommendation satisfy the neighbors? Mr. Rodriguez: I'm sorry. Mr. Perez: Are you familiar with that one? Mayor t'errt : Soec;aras, do you want to add something else? Mr. Plumnep: 05, I'm :sorry. I have got: another question. Is Jose or` Mildr ad Acosts hero? josy nQ Mildred d Acosta.. Mr. SoeearnsCCmmi .siantr, ion rer_ infopwed W the meet- ing - lLr��aOlt. �i7. :3CLs-, aCoz` l ?fra G O.. Mr. Pl.rammap : CA . Ai l r°i ght , t}aon t e q u n':, un ? want to ask in, since it Y; n a tvi- pwrLy Lv .w!L; r;t., have the other two par tiU2 guts .;,`:-.Ct.' d to pay for tIl+_ ._ nzy", it is a tri- party between Wh I n . n- menta, I ouL .y` h. idn Eni-tar ppises and Jose and t-,:r _dpc i Wi._uh . We tht of hur , p t i n s been asked to come up W L ? nn money'., Mr. Rodr t c:Y._. 0 1_ w"y, in the: pacukage, tx.at you have in the last 1)cQ , YUU We a power of attorrrc y by which Mr. Soccaras in the r,eppese:ntat_ve of this whole group. He is the applicant. At the end. g1 9 September 16, 1984 Mr. Plummer: But the covenant speaks to these other parties and they signed. Mayor Ferre: Through him. Mr. Plummer: No, sir. The covenant itself. Not the power of attorney. Mayor Ferre: If he has the power of attorney for them, and when he covenants, he covenants for them. Mr. Gary: No, but, he is saying they signed it Maurice. That' o -,,7hal. he 1:-, :-,nying- Mayor perm: Th("y did Sian it? Mr. Rodriguc-,-,: 1410. Mr. Gary: Ye,7,, thcy :->igned it. Mr. Rodrigjj(: ,: Your no. Mayor Ferrc : 'N' c 1. 1 , I think we have a lot of important things to (to and thc only thing that I sense is before us, is whether or not w' procced with the traffic study and who pays for it. ;O)d I thin), the most important thing is we need to proceed wj-il-lh Meat. study. Then we can get in the issue of paying for it. V.`c can do it together. Mr. Manager, what's your recommendation? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, fist of all, the study needs to be done. We agree. Secondly, I... Mayor Ferre: You want us to move this in two separate motions or one motion or what? Mr. Gary: Well, I don't think we do. I think everybody agrees it needs to be done. Mayor Ferre: What? Mr. Gary: Everybody agrees. You already made your decision that it needs to be done, because you made it. Mayor Ferre: 'Well, why don't we take that stuff first and then instruct you to procced i-.,ith the traffic study and a complete, trt ffi.0 study. I mc,-Iny I don''u 1--.now how the I rest of you 'f'cei� ll but Ilrc,--dy tc-1 voto on that. Mr. GaryI J (i C) ITi 1�. ; coridJt,ion bo placed on thk� tt,aff ic study that 111 r c, i, u t i 1. i p? 'C'i'Ly utid(.1--r°.,sLanding that the Law Departrit.,rit di luc-, -,11(- �..,C)Venant even if it means puttinfr, L 1i -n ul� Mayor Fu:i,r(.-1: Ok. 1:a th'-1,C -- ri-.'Otion? Mr. Gary: And the reason for. . . Mayor Fevre: Is there a motion to that effect? Mr. Perez: All right, is there a second? Mayor Ferre: All right, is thei,e a second? You don't want to second that. What's the problem? Mr. Plummer: My problem is simple. We made an agreement. He made an agreement. He has not lived up to his agreement, I don't have to live up to mine. It's just that simple to me. gl 10 September 18, 1984 k 0 Mayor Ferre: the key... Well, can we get the study under way? That's Mr. Plummer°: The study is done. Mayor Ferre: The study is not done. Is the study done? Mr. Plummer: No, I undcrshand the study is finished. Mr. RodriF"an: No, we have never received the study. Mr. Plummer: But it's finished. Mr. Rodriguez: I couldn't tell you that. Mr. Plunimcr: Well, David Plummer told me it was finished. Ok. Mayor Ferre: Well, look, we need to get that study, because without that study we can't proceed on this whole thing. So, I think that... Mr. Plummer: Well, aloo, Pir. Mayor, without that study nobody can draw building permit either. Mayor Ferre: Precisely. Oh. Mr. Gary: Yes, that's true. Mayor Ferre: Wait a moment. Wait a moment. Mr. Gary: That's true. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferre: Is that true, Lucia, on the record? Ms. Dougherty: Say it again once... Mr. Plummer: Without the traffic study they can't pull a building permit . Ms. Dougherty: That's right. That's what the covenant says. Mayor Ferre: Well, thE.ri why do we want the traffic study done? Mr. Gary: If I may add, , my sentiment is the samc as Commis- sioner Plurm er's. The reason I'm saying that l think that we ought, to proceed and put a lien on the property, because we protect. the money, but; I think it's important that this zoning application, Mr. Mayor, involved the neighbors and a commitment was givers to those_, neighbors... Mayor Ferre: That's right. Mr. Gary: ...that we mould proceed and lie has his, even though lie can't do anything with it, but we have not lived upto... Mayor Ferre: That's right. We shouldn't... Yes, he can. You know what he can do? You :now how he can get his build- ing ke.rl„mot.,- .e brings }uu the th;I°,j-fatie- thousand dollar check or takes it to P u t-I ri" Ok . E. _A. this , l ul,I_ ep, the other F ..m rr , t : us him a tnirty.fivw tnuusauo dollar check and bays cc! i . ov t . . W_ City Lhe Pnpovt and the next; day he ° 1 I 1 fur I .% i. w_, t 1 t', j c t �. 1 it Chi^.. And n gets hit build- ing permit and lie in r onil and then he has vested rights,. more than he has now. gl 11 September 16, 1984 s Mr. Gary: No, because the Planning... I mean, the Planning Department and the Building Department have to review those plans and accent the transportation before he get... Mayor Ferri: Yc;;, but, he wnultl ho uc a F"Ood C1rr its c-ourt, Howar'ct, i f ids' �; VE thF? Chect, al'1d til(>.^? :�l•�_11t C,;nl'r l�liVered and the 131ii.l,ci 1 nr, the C il I, rl>> t. 'ar i ly held them up or' � mont;fi.:; or , y� ,11, O ,.;h o, re ' , 'herc ha.; to .." a C! r ', 1.1_ll ;1TilC}ulli:: of r"F ?:>011ai�l.E'non3 in Llic who Mr. Plumr,ler: And i.h _rt:.y thou3-3nd dol.1,11,,) for, Fl t_.oi_. lot - Mayor FE=rre: And thirty tljoii^and dc)IJ ir's. So, the point I'm trying to mlk is th,. y tcg;Lwfhis building permit, I tlIinlc, hri_thin a c.erta:i.n �r_rnorint of time. We would have to be. reasonable and The losers on this are the neighbors. So, therefor f3, I thi.nlc what we need to do i_� to pay that report, got the report look at the conclusions, come back t•rith ,your recommendation and we can deal., one, t•� t,h the nei.ghhors, ?,-I��icli is our primary obligation and secondarily, jre wili. deal ?,i.th this project. Mr. Gary: And _t would say you do them si_lnlul.tancou.sly. Mayor Fcrrc : 111%M for thst, So, I thinl•, our niot:i_on really has to be 't.o li<:,_y f'or th;_lt. 1-•r,port, end g,-t. it. cut. nn.d have it delivered rn��c,cept:cd <3l�ci chin t,:;_� cir ?1_ �: to I�,�ho pays for it and 1. i• _i I.l. fol.1 yOU!" r°ecd,�i;ioil i.s . I' 11 vote for v�,te 1"or turning i_t over to Plummerr1�1 l_:'cG hi.i: :?lip' hF Ili. flt' T l•:oul_d ((:` _.Long with slapping li t n ors t,I:c: property i f he doesn't hay it within a reasonable tin;c. 4 Mr. Gary: ?Sr. i;ayor, may 7. suggest as motion for your consJ-dc-r'atior, and I)rocce,d for ti-ic City to pay for the par°ki.13E. s111.)dy to comply with the promi.:>e:: wc:: hladr to the ci.t..izr.,nr> of !;i_.-_mi_ and simultaneously instruct %hc IsF.T,' 1�)e�+�ll�;I17s::nt:� t;0 _n;�)I''-.c the co'�`CT1a nt; that was presented I o us t.-a t.h rt.°i; r6 t .; t llr_t Iia:�It__11 study . Mayor Fevre:: 1") if: ad . 1` there a motion to that effect;? Letts go ore i,,,-,v or the other so we can... Mr. Plumm(r : Put a 1 d. e n on t1) e property doesn't stop a building perlriit frorrl being drawn. Ms. Dougherty: That's another Dart of it. That doesn't... Mr. Gary: Ivey, no. Stec: is going to sue him, but he can't get the buildin€; peiii.i.t; anyway until he does... until we review the... Mr. PI urnrr;<_ r• : huL -Li' thc. planning study is done and we pay for it . he ut-n dr°;aw a permit:.. Mr. Gary: Eo, no, no. Mr. Plurninel,: Well, have the City Attorney tell me no, no, no. Mayor Ferre: Let's go one way or the other. It's 5:15. Yes, Ma'am, we are waiting for you. Ms. DouL:h,:r•ty: Th(: cr�v�:nent ; ys prior to obtain a building permit for, thu I_;r,oi-D or, c:d 1 w : tr°ucture on the described property, ti;e I; tie approved by the City of Ill iLaf;,w I :. r: ,i,; j tht--. City of Miami Public Works YOU would tiave to have the traffic study in hand prior to approving that building permit.. gl 12 September 18, 1984 Mr. Plummer: But if the traffic study is done and paid for at City expense, it is conceivable that he could pull a permit . Mr. Gary: That's why T .aa,T you go cirnu _taneousl_y, you sue him while you are paving for t.hc ^f.udy, finish i.ng it. Mr. Plummer: T i oiat_d do i.t. the other way around, which make.: F_-oo,3 I}ii;,i-tir7f-,�- to me. Mayor Ferre: f;=akc your niot,i.ot�. Mr. Pl.utWIMP: Tk nnot;i_oti i_ thi_rii, would be in order that the City Attorney be instructed to immediately file suit to recover 11-hn t,iontc;s and file n lien. Ms. Dougherty: I would have to proceed with the suit before I file P, l i e ri . Mr. Flummcr: i1e1_l.9 ok, fine, I would maize a motion that the City Attorney i-mrnediatel.y file suit to recover the monies for the traffic study. Mayor Ferre: And to put <a lien on the property after... Mr. Plummer: ,?o, she said that comes after the suit. Mayor Ferre: how do we get the traffic study in our hands? Mr. Dawkins: By going and paying for it. We have to go and pay for it. Mr. Plummer: I assumed that that's what the reason you are going to go to court for, is to try to recover the monies which is due and owing. Mayor Ferre: So, in other words, what you are saying is we are going to hold these people up for six months? Mr. Plummer: Ido, no, well, we said we are going to go ahead and pay for it. Mayor Ferre: NO, that's not what Plummer said. Mr. Plummer: h'o, that's not what m,,r motion said. Mr. Day i;ills Ir t yQu1, ,x;01L.,J-011 :3isid': Mr. Plurni-ner : N-3 clot; iu f'i Ic3 .5Uit to recover the monies fc t, thr. .r f'i'i c "A 1.1dy "'11101ts 1.c>r f: promised to us by February 15t.h l9t:•fit. i�olr, if' ttit?", t-.O L.o court and we recover the mor cy , ti?c r1 '-7t t , r 1' or tilt: .;t. tlli ,lr h- vt it; done. Ms. T)out,i, t�, -. t..c ct v(._,:ai thrt we don't apprc)v t;lt: I� 11 is;,!' ,� i. Ti t, t 1 1 � i °�- il�<V�° r't l'fic Study Y anyway.�es, .:i, f �1(:?U lCi tr:.iic ._�'t'_,`:E t ..i3 ::C_ t.�ItC: the, money that ti:�. ti�i �.:i<i l:..vc t'ic: tr � l'_i' i ,�(] ,,! 1 .;d prior' to the time t!":,it. 1iz-= Mr . ll cl It h 1-ne same token he i:a_t, ..at_ 11�._ l ,.. ilt v� r i�r � li .;;•�_d 110". to do the study. It's .. It 1:��. t.,�,.:s �z•_rl ��i.tt_rl �_ .ci t,�; cj it . So, there- CO and Ilk: t i1 the judge, I am goir+g tO 0,. ! is i.c g. L s judgment against him and Says w.'t, ,, d-,J _t arld he ... 1 illean, he say I dust haven' fc,i t , r'o tiil to it: Ms. I)cugtier=ty : `i'rie covenant itself says that the study shall be concluded prior to February 15, 1984. So,... gl 13 September 18, 1984 Mr. Dawkins: But if he is broke or can't... Mayor Ferre: Now, we don't know that... Ms. Dougherty: Well., he may...If I get a judgment, then we can place a lien on the property. Mayor FcrrF�: tale can't: do anything, but; slap a. lien on the property I would imo ina. Go =ahead, Hr. Vocc=ara, , Mr. Soccaras: hiel.l., Ilumbar one, when the rezoning was approved there w s no dandli.ne on the tr:aFf .e study. That's number one. Number two, there is no place where it said that I had to use David Plummer to use it. 11m trying to. , . you know, T have been, you know, badly pushed around in this project as you well know. Ok. I: have been trying to work myself out of the whole probl.cm, which I think 1 did and I think that my banks arc coming nPound now. What T'm saying I'm going to ray even though 1 disagree that; I.. should pay Mr. Plummer for that, for one very important rea„on, I got another consultant that will., do it for half of the price. I want you to know that, but, still I told HP. Rodriguez that I would pay for it. and I. always comply with my words. Ok. What I'm saying is, you honow, T will make a study when either 1 got my financing or I'm ready to move. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Mayor, if I may... Mr. Soccaras: _I'm sorry and 1 :•gill change the agreement to reflect that as to please the City Attorney and the City Manager, voluntarily. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Let me ask you a question. You said that you have someone that will do the study for half the amount. Ok. Well, why are you... well., why are we trying to get somebody to do it for thirty-five thousand? Mr. Soccaras: Because the route that the Planning Depart- ment had to get done, which I ,.agree that they w rc under tremendous pressure. You know, we went with Plummcr who is probably one of the bast: here and fine, I'm not arguing the price. I mean, what I'm saying is that I don't want to get involved into a lawsuit and a. counter suit, because 1 mean if they suc me, I have to counter sue and then I have to go and try to invalidate the covenant. 1 mean, I aria not like the ones from Marie!. Ok. Mr. DaG,kin. : ire you having financial problems then? Mr. Soccaras: No, what; I'm saying. I don't went to fight the project. What: 1 am saying, let's find a solution and I'm willdng to pny, And we need to change the covenant as to protect Lho City. Mr. Dawkins: No, we don't want to change: the covenant, all we want in thirty-five thousand dollars. Plow.. . Mr. Sacco nns: Not, now. I aui willing to pay it at the proper tine. «otir, I: can't Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: Well, see, what is the proper time? That's what I'm trying to get out of you. Mr. Soccaras: Before I get my building permit. Or before. Or before. Mayor Ferre: Hey, I don't know about the rest of you, but as far as I'm concerned I'm ready to vote right now, one, to sue. Two, to slap a lien on the property at the suit and S1 14 September 18, 1984 three, to pay for that thing and get it done so we can keep our faith with the neighborhood and whatever the administra- tion is going to recommend. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary is trying to say something, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Gary: .Ir.zs t to clear the record, so to help Commissioner Dawkins in terms of his decision. The covenant which Mr. Soccaras s)nd part.i.e^ signed say; t.hn cort;:rri_t:.ant:. ^hall_ be approved by the Cil,y P9a_traf;e r and monitored by 1;h : i-'I_ inning DepartmQni.. So, you did 1.11-1t. And ;ccoiidl_y, the reason that. i.t, done, i.s w Izrit to 1,1—cep > the objective. We didn't: grant; 1-1-1e Vz'-c>n WO'rki_n�r for him and to do what he aani;ed the`m to do, So, ii, h: d to be objective and that 1.1rn nnl',- rca.:,on tan diet i_t; th ?t to zy, Mayor f errc: t1r. 19a.nager, my re co1.1cction of this is very clear. W11(�rr i,•rc voted on thi_:� i-:-- mat l.er, we voted upon the idea that �;e �Ier eoi.ng to hr_rvc t;raff i.c made. We, were going to ch:�o ,e the traffic en{;izrecr, fir. Soccer ras was going to prey for it- and there raa:7 absolutely no qu(�stions as to how heat: w,is to operate. Now, here We pare, we are into September, Fcbruiry has gone, by. There is no traffic study that's br_ en conclude-d . T am ready to move your recom- mendation just as you zna.de it, And I don't 1(now what; the rest of the Con-mi:-,si_on will do, but; that's fi-no Gait)) me. You know, my conscience is clear to just try to move ahead on this. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. t;ayor, I am going to vote to move this and the reason I'm going to vote to move it is, I went through this before with the gentleman on... what's that thing over there by the bay. The other gentleman who lose the project. What was his name. The little short: fellow who come in here to... we could never get to agree on anything between him and Janet Reno... I mean,.. No, the other builder who lose the property. what Is his... Mr. Rodriguez: I think it Alan Bliss, from the Commodore. Mayor Ferre: Oh, Alan Bliss. Mr. Dawkins: Ycs. Ok. And we kept going around the horn and around the horn and finally lost the property. Now, I promised these residents that I would do all that I could to get their, property rezoned the same as this. Now, you tell me the only way I can that is with the traffic study. Is that right Mr. Rodriguez: Yes, sir. Mr. Therefore, I will have to go with the: traffic study, _ lt-hough, I promise you, the Lord and a few more responsible.:- pe.uplc covenants will mean nothing to me from now on uhun It conic:w to voting on variances. So, I move Mr. Gary's r ccozr:: r�d<st ior� . Mayor Fe,i,r•F:: 1 th .rt- r second? ? Mr. Perez. :second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, let me ask a question. Madam City Attorney did you hear the motion? Ms. Dougherty: Yes, sir. gl 15 September 18, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Are you advising me in your best judgment that that is the best legal thing to do? Ms. Dougherty: Mayor Ferre: ON ROLL CALL: Yes . Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: I don't like it. I have made my statement, but the City Attorney advised me that's what I should do. I'm going, to vote "yes" . The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: IfIOTTOI1 I10. 8)I--10?6 A MOTION 1)1 RFCT.T.PdO THE? CITY Y MANAGER TO ALLOCATE; FUNDS TO PAY FOR A TRAFFIC S'.I'UDY fs l,l; Ai Y DO'NE' TN THE AREA OF 1-95 AND S.i..i. 15TH RD. 13011,DLRED BY METRORAILI W1F1,CI1 ;STUD';' WAS ORIGINALLY SUPPOSED TO HUI,' COMIPUTHID AND PAID FOR BY THF, D; VI,I_,0PFR OF THE, PANTRY PRIDE PROPERTY; I'URT-HI R It'a,")T CTTNG THL' CITY ATTORI I Y %'0 Tf,F�I? 'i=111-; t�1F'CI ��SARY 1_,IsGAL STEPS TO 11 "T:IGATL LIT 'i'IOP4� TO RE?COVER THE C0-}-') 0' 'I'RAFFIC STUDY AND, II° 1;t.I: `,"I' 0 PLACE TiLIEN AND. AGAINST TH1 PIWI)ER''TY TO Ei COVE'1)k COSTS. Upon being :econdcd by Commi.s.>>ioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner biller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 3. CONTINUED PUI3LIC [11"ARING 014 PROPOSED $35, 000, 000 PARKS BOND ISSUE (11 tion to al -)prove defeated) Mayor :zrc .:C.1,' t Lei i,> �_1' Cl�- :E� t C �.t` Ili.;. It flow 55:24 . !} I„ Ci1'< t do tll t.+i� 4- , 000, 000 Park la11c ,; e � i.. of i L o JL 1 i ,. i, iac tads . Y< l Iit, v c: t.� .: c the f,rsybody else: �)l�e., :i.�,�1 ..��t� t 1.1.:f, t,1.; Park «r;G I.�_�r.i �...t._ou : ,_�rta !..,u.,,. .':l i ne;r�e Oh, .;�:'1' - . � .� E,����:�� �. ,.t-(� �1 ,...'i,4i . � l L'1? L.,... ..<': i ��i:1(l2'eu5 !.1'tCi for r 4 S l �,' �..i i'\ i 1 ., l-; t -• i.i A :: �.... i, l .:! l.: ! 1 1. Ms. Lu. , „. r a patent :it-J r t,.__? �r Dozy Ali t IiCi` !l; QUt 1 Carert;z.l - lion a1-1d �� � . t. L.:�E t of money to fix tric--. C ._ C 4 .,_. _. :� t.r ci !;ut.tii ;,tt; l�<.s been said about, thec:-Ay � `i,:�, . r !,: !, : �L :_ u lot of cork dome and this is wliy 1 u tar, izig ?r; f-1-orit, Of yoia because I am in favor of the ijond Provided , if' it gins through that $1 16 September 18, 19&4 when you start allocating all that amount of money you put some into the day care center. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, can we get Mr. Kern. Mr. Kern, did you hear the question? Mr. Kern: Yes, sir. We haven't done a specific development plan for Shenandoah Park, but we will. consider all facili- ties in the lark, including the day care centers. Mayor Fer-r c: Did I take that to be an affirmative answer, Mr . ern'? Mr. Kern: Yes, sir. Although, we couldn't commit a certain amount of money we would certainly include that as one of our major, elements. Ms. Gonzalez: Ok, tlj( rpe i..s a lot; of things that need to be fixed. So, now i,hat. v,,c a.re� here putting it on paper. Mayor Ferre'. That' c, ttie :,Tray peoplc say "yes" around here. Ms. Gonzalc. : Ok 1. hat:, i:, 11 i,.- name, so I .. . Mayor Ferre: Hr. . ;Corn, Carl Ms. Gonzalez: Ok, I will bring my... Mayor Ferre: And he said something and I'm an official interpreter and I would interpret it to be an affirmative. I think you said yes. Ms. Gonzalez: Ok. Then I thank you very much. Mayor Ferre: All right, any other speakers? All right, Mrs. Armbruster. Mrs. Est? hiae Armbruster: Thank you. My name is Esta Mae Armbruster and I live: at 3350 Charles Avenue, Coconut Grove. I have received one of tllc:>c 1)f ets that was made out for the Parl and Recreation fc)r Virri_ck Park. There isn't anything t,v(1-nut., Park and some of the peoplc In tllc orovc., r re c. ,t «;=:: iC'f' r,f the rreeting today until it i-ras too ."=:j _ , b cr-. 2u �.: 4.i t!t ;' �:,ppointments had been made, but what d,Te wou !_d like to do bef ore you irl4,titute these itcirrs on het c', that, the: pc-ople J n the corr;murrl ty will have an opportunity to go through tleul and make o.rc .�ugges- tion bier.-isel.ve; . Mayor That is always ti,e case. If the pc:ople of Miami vote:; for these bond_ --- ti,at's a trig if---- then we before tire: rrcorii s are expended i,.,e come back witli r specific list of how tho: e monies are to be spent .n C 3ch area ea and as I under•: t<Irld . I.t th:A time we would hold a public hearing. Mr. Kern? Mr. Kerry: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferri;: Did you hear? Mr. Kern: Yes, I did, sir. Mayor Ferre: Did you hear my statement? Mr. Kern: No, but you are entirely correct. We would have a number of public Bearings on these before any of the projects are impleillented. Mayor Ferre: You have had in the past, but I mean, if it were approved before you expended the money, I would imagine gl 17 September 18, 1984 Mr. Manager, that we would go to a public hearing, wouldn't we? Mr. Gary: Not really, I mean. It will be scheduled for the Commission meeting. We can have a public hearing. No, problem. Mayor Ferre: Absolutely. I think that's the only way you can spend mon9e,s that; are... especially where their neigh- borhood i_,`; bn ;rnd . Mr. Dawl�i.n:-,: P9._1. Ar�r�rhrusi;er, yes, I hope s _ncercly that you are not taken in by what you are hearing. You are already aware tha+ you ri cit:.i7en of Miami passed a park for people bonds.., Mrs. ArmibrusLei, : Iia.F;ht . Mr. DaLrl i.ns: And your parks still look now like they looked when you pn7. —)cd the bonds. Mrs. Armbruster: Right. Mr. Dawkins: ;�o, now you take that into consideration when you digest whit, you just heard, would you please. Mrs. Armbruster : I'm trying. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you. Mrs. Armbruster: And I will see you later Mr. Kern, at a meeting. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Anybody else? Are we ready to go on to anoth- er subject. Well, just so we can formalize this, I will ask to see if anybody wishes to make a motion on this. Mr. Plummer: You made it before. Mayor Ferre: No, I didn't. Did I make it before? I don't mind making it, but I don't think you have got the votes here. Mr. Plummer: I'm going to vote for it. Mayor Ferre: You are going to vote for it? Mr. Plutnmer : Yes. Mayor Ferre: Well, move it then. Mr. Pluttm(-.,r: I'll triove that it be accepted. Mayor Ferre: Is thu'-re a second? You want to take a vote on it? I will second it so we can have a vote on it. Mr. Perez: Do you have any questions? If not, call the roll. NOTE: AT THIS POINT THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE PROPOSED ORDINANCi' INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. ON FYOLL CkLL : Mr. Plur,r!r: r : This will give the people the opportunity to whet lei, oil riot Lhey wish to voluntarily tax themselves for better iro, r i , t_it;t rit- in tiie park. I give their the opportuni- ty t0 Iii: t: i Vote lly(: 11. Mayor 't r r I of the urge reasons that Plummer expressed, I'm voting With the motion. We have a lot of needs in gl 18 September 18, 1984 Miami. It's hard to say which is more important. I happen to think that the Overtown, Liberty City and East Little Havana Bonds are probably the most import,-int, brat certainly our Parks 4 tj t) -1 (1 -,- ' - - , h -I e 1) 11 y c- i (, - -1 qj. t _V)P�m and d T t k I Se improvement.�', r1r- r-, I I (1 1) needed -1 I.T013 (I go alonF, -vii-th the Manager', - r-r—m Let 11h- pf�npl (W ' of Miami_ c1q,i.cl—. Mr. T)a­k i 11.­� bond W,-Ir; before th- r-o..).1- 1)«fnre. It wa^ on 1,11.E 11 Ttl (10V711 by t-1-10 -A1- Of -0,_ Miami. T '111d tri'lly hcijovc, 01�, I-Ine kno­ 1-1)nI. they were d(-.)j nf-, �-T'j Q tj Tier fc, re y ',1_0'_1Cd it, in T T6o not feel t,ln,4111 1) n k I I (I 1),E a 7, k 1. 11 them 1,0 10 b 1. t1c, tllr! 1)olls, to express t.hci.r -aairr. I o Mr. Pcrr,-,: T am or pl.Qiln of th i jj(D"t of the criteria and 11 t 11 1 Ilk t 11 1 o rt h e con- cept, btili, I clone J.- the Proper time for another hoed 1, i:�­t](�, T thiivn11,7,1 PC'()F,1c 0' tli-11"i. has to s p e a 1c v e r y c, I _:. j I, c -a n, i , . don't, thi-nir that it's the time f'()i' ;1110t,1101- taxation - ; I -i 0 n ) , 01 .7ino' 11(-1, project. 0"' this kind For 1'easoll J Vol:,(' "110" . Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, announce your vote and then I want to make. . . Mr. Ongic: 11jotion failed two to two. THEREUPON THE FOREGOING MOTION was introduced by Commission- er Plummer and seconded by Mayor Ferre was defeated by the following vote: AYES: Comissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Plummer: Even though it has failed, I want it on the record. Mir. Ongic, the placing of this on the ballot would have been at no cost to the taxpayers. Is that correct? It would be during a regular election. Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummet,: Thank you. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEM #7 WAS PREVIOUSLY DONE gl 19 September 18, 1984 ----------------------------------------------------------- 4. MIAMI FILM FFSTIVAL - REQUEST FOR FUNDIBG REFERRED TO THE CITY MANAGER Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item #8, Film Festival. We are on the Film Festival. Mr. Chediak? Mr. C` edial.: Mayor, C:orrmins_i.oners, last year the City Commission gave the Miami Film Festival a vote of faith and really tool:: a position of leadership and trust .•rith our event haring; boon through two prcv _nus unsucc :ssrui festi- vals and T:'m very pleased ith�Lt we have li.vcd up to our commitment and to you t:.rust, and faith in our, c?r. devvor. We received twenty-five thousand dollars from the City of Miami last year. The other government agencies were less generous even though everyone contributed to some dcgrcr, if example, Dade County gave us two thousand dollars. The Staie gave us seven thousand dollars. In short we product d an event that was budget at two hundred fifty thousand dollars for a hundred fifth thousand dollars. Thin .year it leaks like we are going to be able to come a little closer to ryur aims. We are all ,corking „till_ pretty "such on a voluntQcr basis just trying to !'lake the ands rllcct kniLh what. har turned out to be really the major cultural c"umL in t.hn N_i. ;r of Miami. For example, the County this ycar how t i v(-:) ur" (=..Fhteen thousand f .l vc hunCspcd NP compared Ili) thou:��ind they gave li:-- Lho COO ycap. 1_._ Stal a_, haw g._van us !'1 Thtf'Crn. .. The Stat_: h2v gj_'dcn us twenty-five thousand i'om par'cd to the seven thousand we received last year. lie are being recom- mended by the City's Festival Committee for twenty thousand dollars and we need for production purposes, just basis nuts and bolts, brass tax, we need fifty thousand dollars from the City of Miami in order to produce our second event. Mayor Ferre: What's the administration's recommendation on this? Mr. Gary: hir. Mayor, we don't have a recommendation right now. We don't have a proposal as well as an evaluation... Mayor Ferre: Mr. Chediak, then would you present the pro- posal to the administration. Mr. Chediak: We have. Mayor Ferre: Sir. Mr. Chediak: Oh, we have presented a proposal. Mayor Ferre: Well, when did you present the proposal? Mr. Chediak: We presented it to the Festival Committee. Mayor Ferro: Qhr n'. When? A week ago, three months ago? Mr. Gary: I stand corrr-cted Mr. Mayor, it did go before the Festival Advisory Committee. Mayor Ferre: but it Hasn't come before your desk yet? Mr. Gary: No, it ha2n't. Mayor Fern;: I think you need to let it come before the Manager and then let the Manager recommend. Is there a time constraint pros l en? tf " Chediak, let me say that I know that you have been... I assume you have been to see each member of the Commission or you have tried to see them. gl 20 September 18, 1984 Mr. Chediak: Yes. Mayor Ferre: And I'm sure you have strong support from many segments of this community. The film festival last year was a great success. and we were al_.1_ very proud of it . I think it has to fol.Low a n ii.0 ral pa.t;tern. T think you need to get the nn' i.'f.?('.oi?±7 ticja ;l.nr7 ]),}fore yell bring i.t to the Comma -" _m-,, rattl r Yjl .l n rt� ;;tr>rr.F>.pr tii c?I ^clt�le sort. r. Choc1i.n1k NO"list C i_C'11 an Mayor Ferrc: t• c11_, tilnn t.ha_ni; you (r)l' your understanding and we will . And I' m st.rre we Will Im dealing with it very soon. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary, in your Memo to the Mayor of Sep- tember 13th you only show the Film Festival with a fifty-one hundred dollar f _F ure . Mayor Ferro: That's a memo... Mr. Plummer: That'-- outlining the two and a half million dollars of festivals last ,year. Mr. Gary: That was last year. Mr. Pluh,mcr: Yes, :sir. 'That's what we are speaking about. Mayor Ferre: No, we gave him twenty-five thousand. Mr. Plummer: Well, is there another item in the budget? Mr. Gary: Yes, I think so. Let me find it for you. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Chedi.ak. I don't think we are going to finalize this tonight. Would you through the administration come back to the Commission after they have had an opportunity to revici% it, 5. PUBLIC i#F RIK',G hi!E'D PFF.SEIFt L APPFIxF hUCE OF SEVEREL MEM- BERS Ol:" 1'EIF';; D. D. A. I" SF,Fk PORT OF COI.TTIHIUED IUFEDI tG TO D.D.L. Mayor Ferre: I�to1��, w'e are into the budget and i had promised Mr. Richard I';c E"woii, 1 don't 1:now i.f h;r. 11%c IEl e r i hare. Mr. Weaver I undei:stand is here frotttj the. Ch��mb -p of Commerce. Is 1%r, Da id t c'a,,,er' ... I just <zta hi. ti �rar l:irlg re)an i With that bc�ai,i. 1 11-1"d1y I, C c0L11izC: d.,, An'u 14,'. C:od n: -;. mere and ottler tic::. l} t .. of' the., coni;uurr:i.ty or; th L??)1 , on the Downtown Devuloi,tt,(nt 11ut11c)r°ity I:,udg,:i. : t,:z c a :i 'C, T Would 1.) i i:(::; to _ C, y tc:. 'ou e entl t:Ii <'n till? t l dc: not lJ ': r ,.'. th:.t; we are t oing t,) c.o1-1 1.udc atiy of tt"ie, bud;;et. Jt.c?t:i(Iit i . that I tr, �,�or .. c.: of. 'Ih_�r'e loin'�:- s10n r t.._C-,i�. t rl _;� so!11C:bou I"rt l . S the 1< . t vu,,, ull L?1i.:_ w; zli thr'cc to t;su rind thu. c= < . .. orlly four 01 0,� h c ._>o, c.}i:}v?.or.ac can co!,iuI LiEr l.is... ti: l:i,i.1l', �tii z.?._ OriE Of t;Ic_ 11,tic;1 position:. 1Iu� , cr ,r.i.: c;r s'Ci1.d 0uU1 LC 1l. t C. GCI tit ! 1i't,' LG r•t-i .�':i.i.:,};,.t)I'' L,. ......t..it: ±.t.t.theC} _i .. �. , 1. t��i 1. �. 1. i,.. ��. C_� .: Cl ,'bl.i (ly 11 do 1t vti _, 111C r' 1 y t;c . l if, yGu 6,L11L. r' Weaver' :a i!l' .<. }!t t , c}�t'_. tl.._ thc: LrI:.t� r'. Y, l�, 11:l C-v t r' the speakers ar (( in Mv. 11CL1 uri, plea sc cc}rct i'ut-v.,,ara and I will recognize you at this time., gl 21 September 18, 1984 Mr. Richard McEwen: Armando was the spokesman, but he is far away. We, came here, of course, as the members of the Downtown Development Authority to speak again on behalf of the continuation of this authority. The work that has been done sinor 197K Or" i989 in this City of Hismi in the main has been thr ppriabinal pronans of Olis A"LlIONLY uqrtrwing and supporting Von, LhingA which hawn Men 900-1 OD r own - town and spQnk&Z aqviinvL th"no vhfrigs that havr boen nnd T don't think thaA, e;ln pick lip nny pprVin"Inp iYAN. in question Pud do yo up avNiiation or the Downtown Drvrlopment Authority on nny pprOcular projact. 1 would liko to point out as David TIOnvCP will E&I you Into" on, 'I'lln t-,ix- base, that comes out of that area now is twenty-six million dol- lars annually and jun very important t.hal-, wo onnt_ini.ie to nurture this cash cow for the City of Miami in the develop- ment of all thq civic thinEs that are requircd and of course, i'm here to support it. Mayor Ferre: Mr. McEwnn, before you leave the microphone, on behalf of all of ua here on this Commission may I. this is the first time we havc seen you officially publicly before this body since your recent announcement of retire- ment as Chairman of the Board of Burdinem and I on behalf of all of us wish to 011 you how very, very proud we are of the many mpny yrnrw of drdication and work. 1 don't mean to belittle othern, Nit r AF ever Ivid (1ec1i.c­i-, A_`,.o11, the heart and the inhulligance nf HlobOrd McEwan wopkinr For the community, kj�ml could opt its ::�orial problems down in half and I UNK ... I wr� n chi! P:i a kributc to a ispi that has really Fivwn of NmrciV. QFdOes is a vcpy, vepy big big multi.milljol, (jullar compuny that employees t.hous,--incjs and dozens of thousands of people. I have known more. of the Chairmen going way back to It" Ruben... I'm sori,y, before that and before Thomas Wasmuth and the Thomas... Mr. McEwen: Al Daniels was the... Mayor Ferre: I mean, Al Daniels and Tom, of course, before you and all of the... and Mel, of course, who also was very helpful to this community, but I must say that your time and efforts really have been of great ... of soothing action and of great importance to the welfare of this community. Sometimes people felt that you were dreaming a little bit too big or too ;:iuch, but v.h(-ther it be MMAP cir whatever other activities you did in the business community, Miami is better for- it and we want to thank you for it. All right, Mr. Cod ina. Mr. Armandc Coddna: Mr. Mayo, Commissioners, for the. benefit of uinit-, I don't need to make a staNment. I think what Mr. McEwcu has said is cnouCh on behalf of the DDL. WC., are hero to up[ urn DDA. Wo fucl the work of DDA is impap- tant. hu fen] ulht thaL is a Unique type cl, uc,'k tilat should bu donn nt a wettinc SUCK z_t., DDA may nt_cd to evolve a liiLle bit, and wono "hangus may need to occur, but we need to finiLh uun uork ind 1 would upge your support of DDA. Thank ycu. Mayor Ferro: All rQht, Mr. huavep. Mr David Weavur: My name Q David 4 eaver. I am here in represenLatiOri of the New World Center Action Committee of this Greater Miami Chambep of Commerce. My apologies for appearing unbapbered before the august Commission. Mr. Plummer: It looks good. Mr. Weaver: Resolution. "Whereas the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce has supported the planning, marketing and coor- 22 18, 1984 dinating activities of the Downtown Development Authority in attracting new development in the Downtown area and whereas between fiscal_ years 1979 and 1985 the total assessed value of real -mid flea^anal prnperl,y in t,}1e Downtown Development District. h;,> Olin 1)J1,1_inn e,_g}1" hundred forty- one „1i.1. 1 Inn ;,,,1 1 : 1-- a °,(' T11-rc:�^ 1. -)1:: 1 C it-y- -Irni taxes generai_,cd i 11 1,1i�, T)r,r. n1,�1[��It ;ice i_��,� �;n `. ).t_ ,1,, i_�: i, irennd twe_nt;y--",iti i 1.1. ! 1 3r. 1 f l .;t"`. r ?; I ) fir; 10. v. '1 T'P.'3.`1 for f i. .,r'r!F j'�",; ,JIr� Ti��.;l��.r>>�r� seekinF r V 11 hlltl'11-('.C1 :in I I 1,v i•i{i i }l'�U. d 1�' 1 tine City Of' i11 1III ; nt1r',1`:-11 f')_111(1 i.rl fore, he i_1; r,;7n1v( (1 t,h=i1, 1-,11c F'-,w 14 (1 C 1)1, r Ar,1,j_( n Com- mittee of ih(3 Gre?1.^r Hi.-Ini_ Charnuc;, nf' Cr,z1 'i"'i_ P; U ;a.rl_i.inc??.rSly support,; the f.l_11%,IIit,il1. 1`0011(?^1; C)f i.11c' J)OW It;C>j-itl 1.) 'Volopment Authority to t;1-le C,.1;y of I111atni pa5tied unanimot�I;�lti by i,hc 11�:�r E;ora_d Coral:��r 1 �� �.^,r�:ivc :o,.r1 .'tee at their rneet.i_ng oil ept,emt)er 11 , 19,0)1 atl( uT1a11;.mc1u. 1.y 1J:,r the New World Center Action Come .il,tee i.n i_tc e.,Jerday. Thank your, very much. Mayor Ferre: Are there any other speaker : r9r, 1,d�:,c1. All right, please step forward, those of you that... All right, sir. Mr. Ted Edsc1_: My name is Ted Edsel and my Address is 1 Southeast 3rd Avenue, Miami and T would Just, 7,i i-npl.y like to read into Lhe record n mailgram sent; to F1.) 1, Commission- ers. I don't know if you leave rcccivcd i.t. yet. J t: i-,as .sent by Dill. i', 1i.ley, Pre .dent; of 1',a . .c, ,u.;d C—i-e ;-nd he ad- dresses it. to all t,i1t Cons ! 1 .., i one: .-. "_;,11 : rrltot. n Develop- ment Authority proy, J.dc:J e, vied, to i;i.anni and in particular the; Doviitot;t, c(:mi+ ;!1nj.ty, bL.t it has just begun. Please supporting the i)oi,r-1t,01,11) ; L11-11lor-illy. The Downtown De:veloprnent Authority ha.,, been primarily responsi- ble for increasing the asse.ssible tax base, of Downtown by four times the previous base. This Downtown base now pro- duces about:, twenty-five million dollars a year in taxes which is about twcnty-five percent of the total. Miami's Downtown can be envy of thc na'C ion i.f there is a coordinated full-time effort by ;a profs , r>ion,�1 agency. Please keep the Downtown Development y." Signed by Bill Bailey and we all frel t,hut.. �:iy. ti1::�.r1i: yc;u. Mr. i,oward Jrl�3t a 1)rie,f additional word. My name is HoE-'ard 1i� r,l:in. I li���e It 3 1 Battersea Road in Miami and I 11,ave the honor of beirlu a tnemiser of tide Downtown Developir.,ent Authority. !1 new rrietnhc:r. 1 have had the opportunity to u11dC 1'r t,%I-1d in thc 1_;_ts r;;oll t}i:'. thc= ilt:por- tancE of the f'L 1]Ct i.01"I nZ?: of <i1'1 r1C t;p n'it'rit body J t C_'ll: iiW Oil the needs of the I)U�liitol,'tl, r'ec c tr:li :in1, ti tiae Downtown is r t , 1..iy t.iie 17r. ;rt of t.hc. Ut)It;.,,r t7ity n i_ !z!(� tt)e COIIltlll. 1.oti(. t' tCJ 1)1 o`e' 7_lli:' tllc I.iuCl Tl:t; t� (:. requt.stt�tl. Mr. Ii�alJt'i1�I � (� .i.l,?]C:i . I�}' I"1E.rilt i iidL 1'�(.c. C .1 t as(. I`p r e i . denC�, .�.: �.t ,Ci 1,.1.att,1 .�1`r'1TljY� .`:VCtrL;c;, iir,..i!1 ,_f-_'1 here on of tlil_ 1)D 1� l.l. broker in Dol-I,jjl l.'1_l 141, iiy . 1 tt[_Vc. �O( <<. 1. (i !!: L !lt._- sincF �.+tu a �ir,t; t:.l,�„ c:ti011:,� 11C �ant'1,t 1 L,t t ..I, tjty. ppl . x !!, .k- I P I i Vt I iln ki I Z,IiC?;3; ?7d square tT f)ft has be(_�1i _'ti('r'li?O u;ly f+(11;1 u1i'? LS' C) j1r'o— spectivt_ L(-n ar.t. , !A-itl i 1,Ci11 i_ 1' i C:' ' tJ r :�:O! e ..= 11:J' tlt;i)G!"t orl the part of t)le rk:�-.al Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, any otl,ep :peat:er,s at this time. If not, just for ti,e record, I have been asked to read the following telegrams into the record. (AT THIS POINT THE MAYOR READS SEVERAL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS INTO THE RECORD OF gl 23 September 18, 1984 WHICH A COPY OF ALL ARE ON FILE). We also have had tele- phone calls from Allan Morris and they say they have written letters of which I don't have a copy of and I think that concludes it, Anybody else, if not, thank you gentlemen for taking of your time. Mr. Plumnvr r . ilemhne rs of the Commission. Mayor Ferro: Yon, sir,. Mr. Plumy cr: Mr. Flayor, I appreciate all those people down here who are member.^, of that board primarily and I want you to know that I appreciate the good work that you have done as a member of the hoard, I have had my problems in the past with DDA, but I think it will reflect on the record that my problems in the past have been one of communication. I did not feel_ that, this, Commission was kept up and apprised as well, as it should be and I have to .gay that, within the last six months when we asked for monthly pro&WS reports, we are now weekly, monthly, whatever they are, the progress reports. We are now better apprised than we were i_n the past. Mr. Mayor, you and I and others that who have run for elective office, the one thing that we have heard time and time again, is that we put too much emphasis on the Downtown to the detriment, of the neighborhoods. Whether you agree or disagree with that ,_statement we hear, it and hoar it continu- ously. I think that the peoplo of the Downtown wren have the right_ to have ao much as thcy want to pay for and in the past they had that riCht . They were o _ -.es scd a special half mill. it Vwfor the PDA . it fundcd the PDA and 1 mast say in all i ,rr-_. 3, Win U vvqi not. 111c Dph,v fault, You all fought wnvn , . r d. on the I g, I =t�;.rrc in their wisdom Chang c h— 1 Vhj ,: 0 ;, 11 L' ., n i hu PKVt . I think that it:, is abaci t.t r_ _ ; Yr,nS 14 r i5 ljlyt , i he 9 n Vhc history of DDA to come bwf r,: !VP , , , , ,, onk ::he rest of the taxpay- ers of i 5.;i; Cily i pr ap vc r n I,andr"cd seventy-two thou- sand doi .' ai r Karth ot,� jot, 1 hniKk if we look across and we have, i'rK k is Q, 0 u - _ u mn not one dime primarily from govc-rrirrcnL. it, wLr i'uriUd hy the private sector. They were the being:, i : f inn, !'lray pki6 fur it. A great system. Mayor Ferrc: He is from; Atlanta. Mr. Plummer: In Atlanta., yes, sir. Mayor Ferro: You didn't say that. Mr. Plummer: I said from where Mr. Roy came. I'm sorry. I thought everybody pretty well knew that Roy came down from Atlanta, Georgia.. I think that we have to look at the actual budget.. Nobody has talked about the actual budget of a million two. lip. Kenzie is well qualified, but I think compensation is a little hjUh. A hundred twenty--t"o thou- sand dollars to administer a l: udjut of a million two, about what we pay the, City 1° anagnp to ,:dllninistcr at};o hundred million dollar budget. To administer at staff of twelve. The City Qnagkr admini.bters a staff of thirty-six hundred. A hundred twaerrty-trio tlrotr.:-,, nd plus a car. Now, all I'm saying to you is, I would not.., Mayor Ftprv: Thosu nuuitvaps are wrong. Mr. Plumwep: Excuse me, it's ninety-eight thousand proposed Plus Peres of thirty-six percent. Am I... excuse me, Mr. Surana. Mr. Surana: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Am I wrong? $1 24 September 18, 1984 Mr. Surana: I'm sorry, what's the question? Mr. Plummer: The proposed increase in salary with peres for the Director of DDA is approximate... that's where I got my figure from, a hundred twenty-tWo thousand. Am I wrong, sir? Mr. Surana: Tpproxi_m<1_t•elV. l think salary they are propos- ing next, y���rr i; about, 1_ aill_ et t Ehe exact amount. Mr. Plummer; %ninety - ci_ght l;hou^and. Mr. Surana: ;ornetlli.ng li_';c that, Mr. Plummer: And ii, t5-rent.y-five percent purse. Excuse me, a hundred twenty, round figures. Whatever you know for round figures. Look, what. I'm saying to you and I hope because t,hc Iayor 4aho was the one who said it, that the day has probably arrived the public sector in the Downtown, those who will. benefit mOst. should be 1<i_cking in. And I'm going to t,hi.: list of people anti I'm go .ng to go to these people and. I think_ only rightfully so. f,r­. iicl,uaen, from Burdinc:;. I thi_nl; Burdinc,, i_s a trcrncndou,c, beneficiary of the DDA. They should ki_c.k in. T}ey did for the Tourist Council.. Allan i,,orri.s> has hol.di_nt S in the Down- town. i,r°. Ccdi_r,r t;rerncndou holdin r> i.n the, Downtovan and I hope he ha: r1 �r�:�re . llnd a_ t:,hi_nl, i i; ��ou1d b� rrcfi. t, him to be a bent i �c1.,cr of the PDA. IN,C,n_v(, OI, 1,no�a, all I'm s_.yi,1r_ to you, J. hop, ... 1) �-�t;�, tiri.: thi.ng has a tW0 fo1�; :r� lin1i ' the Tillage cap, t..h,lt t,1'?e _-tevc11 111lI1dr�.Cl �'s: i7� 1''� t,t;;=7 t;1,C1?f'_,:i3Ci t1'leiil this by the on reco,di of 1'ull fundinh; by t.11rc I think the other factor is very important, i'11 t. funding for DDA is keeping this Commission from it's gc>rrc=ra.l fund of raising more money for general. operation. are locked in, 1e are locked in. We cannot go above ten mill..:;. So, the monies that we now tale from the general fund of thi.. City alid f ive to DDA are monies that; '%Te cannot go Out :=njd cif , r•.cll, we will raise more tares . We can't do it ]..ocl:ed. I would hope, si.nec it's obviously, ;oir;s,; to, be ;'are this Commi: _;ion, that tr°ern�u-nrrc;u:; ei'for�.; � r>L1:1c` b�� I��ut forth by all of these pcoplc, the v­rtucs of DDA and I will go r;itll you t,o ttre l ri, .tc. �,.ctor alld :,ay r;f ntle- men, pl�:�.asc: put your nionE y r.,here yor.rr mouth I c,,ould hope drat would b(: the caUe for the cornirig year, beca11se I think it is urong to deny the rest of tilis conlrrrunity the opportunity to cone forth arrd Have seven hundred wevcnty-two thousand to develop the; i r arcci . In all fairness I have to vote against thl:i iiioncy co111irij.: fr=orrr the general fund of the City of l;iarr.i . `I'hanit you, l,r' . Mlavor. . Mayor 1 tit ilt , i riy other statements by other members of i:.li.: Gorr r: i,.-._loll'. Mr. Plup,1;;t r•: U, 1 would r t;^rrd cover ected on the record, Mr. Surana, de,, yo. u lir:ave tll(: exact. l'i.gur _? Mayor Fr,r , : Of the salary that is presently being made by Mr. Kei-i r.it__. Mr. . No l sir, that proposed in the budget as funded in the 11Iud1!�A . Mayor Fevre : That requires a vote by the DDA, which has not been taro t, _t this time. Mr. P1 urumer• : Excuse me, are you saying to me that the budget that is presented... gi 25 September 18, 1984 Mayor Ferre: I am indeed. I am saying that the very same logic can always be used in proportion... if you want to get into the proportionate logic, Mr. Plummer, T would submit to you, sir, that Merritt Vorhirm --3 hlldget of a billion three hundred million dnllnrs Ind WE ho hp P twenty five thounand qmployn93 and UhnWorn, khr Mnnngpr qt the City of Hiaml should mokc one fifth of WYA Lhe County Manager Tuakan since hq only ql1parvires (Inc fifth of the people. So, that kind OF Login W has innily crroprnus from the very being. It Q my npinion that the City MAnager of both the County and the City arc in my opinion underpaid, because what you read... you know, t­rhat, You ha to Put it against is what the alternatives are in the private sector, because these are people that can go and get those kind of jobs in the private QCCt0P and make that kind of money. Now, with regards to Mr. Kenzie's salary, which at present time is eighty --six... Mr. Plummer: Eighty-nine thousand one hundred seventy-four plus twenty-five percent Popes. Mayor Feprc: Eighty-nine thousand one hundred seventy-four dollars. Thank you, and the same thing is true of the City Manager. The point I'm tryin) to make to you with regards to this particular oncoutivc salary, in that an compared to other executives around the County, 01i0h i,-, 1�111,it YOU have to compare it. You see, when you lai):c y of one hundred WouLand dollars, Wii.ch it; vAl-it, C-ity 11anager makes, there arc not five pccpir in Cwvcrnmont in the United Staten (Ahor thali tlic Frouidnny thA. make that.. kind of a salary. in other words, thc Govcvnor of the State of Flori- da doesn't make that. OR. And the Governor is the Governor, of a state of twelve million people and certainly has a major responsibility. There are people in local government other than the Mayor of New York and one or two other mayors of major governmental local entities, there is nobody that makes that kind of moncy. Now, does that means that that's too much? 3 6"nlu think so. in the case of Boy Kenzie, he is not the ann y person in this County that makes that kind of a sal2ry in thct kind of a job. And the fact is that you have to uke thin into account. For example, do you know that th(_; Director of the Health Trust 0 Miami makes more money than Merritt Steirhiem? You know why? Because that's the going price for a guy like that . Do you know that the coach in the City of... Do you know the fOoLball coach makes twice as much as Howard Gary. Do you think it's right for a football coach that superviscs if than a hundred pcople to make over two hundred thousand dollars a.,_s r_,o!-,parcd to the job that our' City Manager does? but that Is whl at t7oing rate is Cop a football coaches and wnat 11m sayino in we car, spend all night arguing about who Is sa) apy is what, but if you want ... you get Wnat you pay for. As you Wo 1 1 know in your bu,,,�_invss that's n,_;ppvnn. Ycu CaL vWt yuu pay for. YOU IOWA 11 WE 0024et . You unh! tmn "itn brass ov wood, you unn! it to bu nden anu noft inn do, Yuu Cot tea Pu Y for it. rich; VL. hanco. 'Thup"inc, yuu get a littin =oij pask ot. Put the pul, oaf it vcry nimply is this . fit 0_unw thunn 01.0 "11 t idu i ,unw . !!nil 1 0 uct t, 11 c real inna, low rnal ASWU0 in to annipinulion of D-Wnuown to the hnAl th U1, t1is: Uwknu0hy. A W, Van havk� membern of ULU �LQtntduw W"PnVIVOWL fi Of th(. Pu_)jr. hvp: vlvu"t thnL nonoldn': ff.--Om the Union cAiOr in! K-rU i J" at differtni ij�un. Luz inu lw�l in 11.:_, V.PKI hud at WaVe Ei budget uhvi� LhL Faltnu VwpnriL,h! in r; Lu... hu"u, what the pro puLus budEwi Wr Lho, hw..�i 7.:i:�rit .....:&Ly-fiVe million doll "rn' 1 ptnamber "ncu tLn LwiguL of the- Police Department was 14f Leen Million do! larS Wcw, Ware up to sixty-five million dollars in the Police DepartWenL. Who is gl 26 September 18, 1984 going to pay for that? You know, all these people come here from the Chamber of Commerce and the group that ,you Chaired Mr. Coding, the Miami. (7it,i..P, n:- Against Crime and they want more police, th-y 1rr�nt; more . _ t.h 7. 11 .i.l_e, and we have been going 31_ronc- -and c nth. �r?ho pny:=, for that? Ad valorem taxes? ilonoe 11 , 1 t;l � id valorem taxes of the City of Miami. t.h i ,;,`w Mr. Cary, t•;i ,1h-",y_i,11-ce M11.1_ion. Mayor F ei-rn: ow rruch >rr .11. it be of the total? How much will we r i i_sF, Ouil of ad valorem taxes? Just give me a rough figure . Mr. Suran,-i t'e ,pc propo.(;i_ng about eighty-three million dollars for 19B5. Mayor erne: is'i;hty-three to eighty-fivemillion dollars. I remember ,-nccii we didn't ra.i. e fifteen, t14e11ty million dollars out, of a(i va.1.0re?1 taxes , Where do you think those taxes have come= fi,nm,, 17o11iC', oF7ners? N10, noy that's not where it come from. It. used to be where U-je major3_ty of the taxes we rai _;ed here l evi my -five percent t:ae from Ulu home owner. Tt' ., doi-;n nol.. t: o 7-c.:>c than forty pe rcent . 'then where does the f;illn ?y come from", It: col'? s from coiniicrcial buiIdir1 a t,�,,, .n. ._ I,°' F c , -i.1 d nfr the r � ,c people >> . _ t:. �� , � from, o � � � � o � 1 1 I , �� to buildinE; slic�ltl� _n.�; �e=nt.(r - �t:.ore . of f c'_ 1)1i l.cs i.n;" : Are they buiIdi.rt i i i 1 1,t11.t;_1_c lia-v 1��:`? /�, Li.t:i 7.+���, jai. in";ch. Are they bu-�1(� �t.r?; lt, t1r> >_It 1- 1 t�cl°t,�- l _t:_� i i i ,.1� not very much:cc:,hc:rt: i- hC i::�, i1<<; cir _.;� „i_�;ni'r' The ,. bulldltlt, 7S G;l.tiF? on 11� I70i:I7tiJi°.'n r'.I`;a.. 1'ihuy�? toU Know, someboii�.'that. ae get :i.n East Little i •-,v an a or in 1.it,t,Ic I .rl-, t.FI._. arnc buildings we get on Bricke11 Avenue. In IN C yol'I., do vac get the same build- ing in . outh Bronx and inSltani:.h Harlem that we. get on Park Avenue, It doesn't t-,ork that 1,r_x.,y. So, the question is where is the... who is paying thEa taxes? and the taxes are being paid For mainly by the comiiercialssector i_n the Down- town 112L,-:,rai. �:rea. To be :--pecifi.c it':. over thi.r'Cly Ir!il1ion dollar at this time .and it' been growinf, - tc-ad:i..ly, You see, other cities _,round lmeri.ca. have the Vod.`.1, Corporation or they h Svc, li.S. Stew--1 or they lti_ ,,w thc FciI,c,1t".-)tc,r Company in Detroit, or t'lIcy have, all kind.- of colr,.put.er` and we don't navc any of th�:t in 1 iarr,i. You knoi vJ-,1,__WC live off? l;`c: used to live; off of tcur.`r,rn. F ., don't, 1"Tc off of tourism anyri,ol=e. !'here i.. no industry IiQre. 1'iierC "ru, no big factories. 1,;hat w l.iVe off' of• ws tl'I. 0G:;; tl,uction industry and tliG ( 1,owtIa of 1° L: I1]1. a. I1 re, gionLaI (,ent,E=r, lntern�:t1C_It,;l. center of trade and �`td firi i-ic( and where tht,%, are going to build. They are bkiiidint, in Dolgrlto4;ri I i :Irt . a11Q that's �ah�.t, t!ie 1) 1) i_. �,ll about. to, I`4r. }' ,ul.._acc', yi,u . re entitled to VI"%i;l` OPi llIon Arid .1 have I,17."3nd r ( 'C-Ot• 'oUI` a and 1 th "_nl;- yoU11 ... i ?iut.... ctr:(i got 1)rcbs i..i:, iri I1 ... t. L41 t.t1.e 111av 1:a i11d i nc cl prob (:r:;: is �,i.l.c:r°ty i1-1 y but. ci:;c ti lli , tl� ;i, yc:u rc- 1 01, gO�n ,. L �. Lit.tli. 11 .Viz 11 L,y l:ii 4iiL t }`t. cuttinc, 1t,° :1t (_'! vi 1 1ii G(_::fl' L !1J .. l L: ,; tile moment :i (:;u c j'cu tr',V _. :, 111 :fz _ iw , 1, .!t I ruuse doesn't.. 1 4 have, cz j; u,s ? ,I:-t!r „l tl Ol' lr._�. �.,tii v.'ti Ii:t. d ? c t +.iiat's don't know ? , t. _.,:t_ li I.... , :. i 1;._ 1+. i:_,<<1` .t.. i heard t. t.l.. t .. t ;,:. ' .. L .(c:uti.ve Vick 11 t 1, l heard it lat. t 1 tc tl', `.. fro m Metrc)f:v' I tc It L.i:C. i1L11t C' C,I 1A,1 1; 1L' c i ::i tea 12t1, tnepe'' and they worry at;uu'U tiit 1,11dnM ,. 0u E� f liey ha` t clipping services and you know what happens, a little company like gl 27 September 18, 1984 LI 11 that will have a couple hundred employees here and one of them is supposed to clip and send all these little clippings up to the boss up in 6th Avenue in N,,w York City and that guy F frio-pl a I)nq,,,:,�p;4p,�r [�Itopy gets s -I p p J n F.-, a 11 (I it says... all of Lhq nudden it says Qjqr cif Miami dise"nse8 the diXMnMhrrMr;nL of Lhn DDh or whaLrver Pnd th, n-yk thing you know 0 LUL quy, h-y, 11 sLan yn" 011 Lhnk quy who is the loan n rf i c-r (Inwn iliern s-ho i s )hoiM I -nd n hundred million dollar" fnr Lhosr Vwn projeeks IIJi.-il for another month and an whisk hnppcng on this. And yroo don't think thnna things add up? T =U 40 0:11 Yr", thpoy do add up. And �,,7c nrq talking about cuttinq off E& mnin stream, Now, you know -,Qng to happen if wr don't save the goose that lays golden eggs? if the Equitahlos and Metro- polilans and Prudontipla of the world don't invest their money in a plqce like Miami and they have got a lot of other choices of where they can put that money, If they put it in Fort Lauderdale or Fort Worth or Los Angoles and thoy don't come to Miami, you know who the loser is? You got it. The neighborhoods. Because how are we going to Pay for the police offiecrs and how arc we going to pay. WQ are not going to get it from Washington, with all duc rc,-,pects to all you goo(i Republicans, I don't ree that that money is coming down from Washington . And it's getting loss and less. And You want to know 2nmething, Ullahasone ... We are not getting too much from Tallahassee. Sol wo arc on our own. NOW, IMI MC, WC do&!; hVIV(I the fc)pj Company here and we don't have uthcr indunrics, vilat WC have is Downtown and that's whY we hdvq0V to mtcct it and nour- ish it and make it he n& , nvovso vc can tax it. And the taxes that wc get from Dowt newu nrn the golden eggs that this goose lays and 3o, 1 jon't think we have changed any- body here. Vie are making tyre ne suatcments for the record. The thing passed cmi a three to tyro vote. I don't know whether we can sustain that, but we will have to see.. I don't know what Commissioner Dawkins and Perez want to say on this, but my guess and it's just pure conjecture that you are the two impasses here and we will have to see when we have a full Commission. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: Everybody J9 philosophized up here for almost thirty minutes. Mayor Feppc: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: And the biggest issue... I mean biggest dis- cussion in my opinion has nothing to do with the issue and that's compaPdng HP. Gary's salary. And I get fed up with every time we got into a discussion, the Manager's salary is drugged into it. Mayor Ferro: I didn't... Mr. Dawkins: Now, my. .1 did not interrupt anyone and wish nobody would interrupt me until I finish. Nobody, please. I let nil of you spunk and i did not say ;-, v: o rj . I waited patiently. h.0, please give we Lh2t courtesy. I asked the DDA why iE it Lent to eould not nxtond its buundLpies from Where it's prQLvnvly loentod, uninh to wjdul- Y nh Street and & I of y ULA A 1A AMU f 1K 1 asked tile 00 My Ovy wowio Nit ujtnc,,,., the develupwonL av i, huulavyw Pu" Nurin Of ON LLvewL. s was told Lhat Lho buwnu: .1 fop LK, bDA w,p, Lul Uy the Legis- lature ant UUUIU not bu wnwLend . LACrIly, LhvVeafLep, the DDA came before thin COmmisHu" and this automatically became the Legislature because the DDA was allowed to extend BZ 28 September 18, 1984 its boundaries to include Brickell Avenue, yet all of us sit here and you are talking about the goose that laid the golden egg, but you forget that that, goose has to eat corn in Liberty City, Wynwnod, Coconut, Grove, Little Havana, Flagami_, CiirthPast Miami., Little River and all you talk about, is Cho goose t,,hah 1 n i_r t,ian 901&r 11 n;,'; -]%1c1 yntl don't Want to cut; Th nff. . Mohndy Abs h (, tJ),0 lets give LrIL In i quern l maven hundred thnugnnd dollars to hql p it have a DI)A. 1.1azhod r said ln;,ts .'-r?i; up Z dr'Z'al_opi.Qnt, nuthori- ty in Llbcrt y City :and Ova it nevon hundrgd t .; _`t rnPd dol- lars. Nohooy vient, to Wynwooai and ^.;ill Int,',' [01ir Lynylood seven hundred thousand dollars and l nt; it linva n PDA with which to draw ,`a, goonn t,hn i IP i s Lhc 90l alnn 0 9L , Put already we have decided that we must give vcvon hundrnd 2eventy--two thousand dollars to the D1. A for it to prox7oEn the Downtown area, but yet.: i_f' you go on I l<�-].F r St,I cF i a1� 1 go from Flagler to 5th, that's Downtown, U's not developed. So, why would we move from the Downtown area to Brickell if we have not developed Downtown. So, don't sit here and tell me that for seven hundred sQvcnty.Lwo thousand dollars, that I should give it to the Downtown Development Authority to stop it from killing the gcome that laid the golden ogr. Because if we the Downtown Development Authority, t.hc Chamber and every businessman, if ,you do not, tart to develop a11. of Miami including Brickell Avenue 1lorth, we r_;_rc=n't; f;oing to have anything. Nobody said nnyth i.nt= about the Keys Pharma- ceutical Company who by at,scl_f ; put. a building an Biscayne Boulevard ncap the Pub! i.., Harl ct. td y don't wro have a developmcnt. Authority in t;hC t'c to develop from 36 Street North to 7 t.h ._.t,t cch cx; Biscayne Boulevard. So, when you talk about the DDA let's talk in germs of what. I'm continu- ally tellinG you that we must, develop all of Miami and the reason you have Piots in Liberty City is because that goose lays that golden egg only on 13rickell Avenue and Downtown. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Anybody else? Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, first I would like to clarify some details, may be small details about the budget and I want to reaffirm my position against any budget or tax increase to the property owners of the City of Miami. Lut today I think that we have to be very strong at the time that we have the opportunity to recognize a great contribution to this Commu- nity. I an vary proud of the contribution of the Downtown Development Authority and r don't have any doubt: to support, again, this project and this concept. 1 think that that's a part of the great commitment that we have with the future of our community. 1 think that that's a (;rent examplo of what the priv. to sector can do working, with the local government. And I think that. this kind of example in what too have to emphasize at L02 time. 1 would like to Pecognize the efforts of r.,hc. _ _ wt. l-known community l «daps t r:_t are here, but I rr_td f y L.vE, iri t ht- past p!,o j(E C. s- a8 Miss h0Qr su , Grand Ppix, t::.,T A C on',`cn d-ou nnd 2evnp ai other projects. 1 an eompl r,< .n full nuppopL or tnu AD. o cneept as part of tna tradition as a symbol of this t o I..,uunit,y. I think t,hAt t}'u DDI will have a co mmitliic_IIt with this cunuept and I am ppuud or Lheir: effOUS and 1 Will S:a1:,})0rt. With raly vote all Lhe efforts and the contribution of these people to our community. Mayor Fer,I,t_ : All your presence here We will be taking sion. right, thank you, very much gentlemen, for and for your statements into the record. a vote on this when we have a full Commis- Q 29 September 18, 1984 6. INSTRUCT CTTY MANAGER TO AT"TFMPT TO FTHP UP TO ,t#N0TH9H 1% iN ATDTTTOU TO BUDGET FOR COST OF LTVTNG ADJU THENT TO RFTTPED EMPLOYFFS- --------------------------------------------------- Mayor Fpy"-P: All right Mr, Nnnn er, we are in the budget presenLati on;, so the Chair renn gn ,,e.^ you. Mr. Plummer: well, I assume we are up for amendments. Is that correct, Mayor Ferre: No, this is a public hearing. So, the first thing I aced to do is recognize the Manager and then I'm going to ask ,he members of the public that wish to speak. Mr. Plummer: Ok. Mayor Ferre: Is that the procedure, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: Yes. Where is Mono? Mayor Ferre: Where did Mono, go. Mr. Gary: He got scared. Somebody tripped him up over here. Mayor Ferre: I know. He has already tripped two or three times. Mr. Gary: That was when Miller was talking about funding all those ;,ether DDAs . Mayor Ferre: All right, what's the procedure Mono, that we have to legally comply with now. Do we have to read some- thing into the record? Read it. Go ahead, sir. Mr. Surana: We have to start from roman numeral Item K"A". Percentage increase in mi.11age or roll back rate. The increase is four and t hr if percent. liumber "B", specific purpose is for which advalorem taxes revenues are being increased. J'hs amount is three million four twenty-six six hundred t.en dollars, which will be partially funding for salary and r:agu increases for the City dupapt ment3. Item "C", City Commission listens and r espanda to ci t. i z com- ments regarding the proposed millage increase ..se and explains the reasons for the increasu of the imll. back rate. The action by City Mayor 0 pru . All Pj E hL , well, we are now at "C" , which is we will lisLun :and respond to citizens. Right? Mr. Sure na: Yes, wir. Mayor Fer vQA Su, ape there any citizens here that wish to address Lhu Qty of Miami Commission;. ter. Parks, the Chair recognizon you, .sir'. Mr. Ra l l,,t1 Mayor, Commissioners, City Manager, I'm t jir' t_!i' 1:: a2 frusidunt. of the C3ty of Hliia ii Retired Employ uos >:.... _ c__,i _ on ana __'r:. hero as usual r e gapding the cult oy i _ v o,:. .0 5ti,i.!rit'e j i;nt t !!t' l: , ty of provides east; year. Whour i5v uxi ;t_hE C . _ .._,A, t'h"t. "ill ,,spire at the end uV th L fisu _i yyLv aw,purctil:_ an t.LV _ I , ,_ L three hundred jul tLro pri— . w urn, p v t ' y �_. A p _.�t.ment: i being i paid. 4 arc a a,,, iW your uQnvj&rniiuu f�p an increase of another is e.r eu t . That might wtew liku an awful lot,, but I know it's no point in going thr•ougn the same tiling every g1 30 September 18, 1984 year in telling you what it's used for, you all know. As you well know, all of you, at the -last negotiations on pension, the City and the unions involved Were able to come up With h11r 1_d-"r1 C .OJ_ P. . for 1.he prn. i_on fund t.11at Vre hope willI.at,r �: ;'mac in tale 1. ,^(111 ;err 198 ,_86 ?nil the word:ii'1 }'! 7i"I f`i'a [111 t.1 ;z,' j n ili }. 1)1 i?,la, t ?n 11�n �. n, in f 1.^c-.;aI i`° eurrcnl; ;,4�.,�,1;?.�. ('tl � c)l .} 1 �-i.tlf% %�))r.)(`i1?-1%'I,1'lil i.1"(,�11 Ili- ffnnor- al fund 1)t)1,, ), 1.}l lt, i h1 .- i »_l<n- )! I 'n i -1 t ;t) 11,7we p e T1, t.si l.l. i ;�)<;r %] ft_] l l_ ' ;?i' tan?", .d i �.. � .. ghiy. We are :, ,lrinr; t.h7 1�t�'),j 1lc r'ecaSe: please t,hn o.;t, of lt) .�.V_C]� fiip 011, })(f'?Clii i;l)c? first three hnndr(�d d,:)1J ar;- to ;;y.;o pero(on ; on t:hr: , .1 r l; three hundred doll-arr:� . Mayor Ferro: Arc YOU i_n at reemcn t; ya i_Gh i;hat. , Plummer? . Mr. Plummer: We.111.l, t"r~. 111a-yor, j.1m i_n f??J_1_ accord, you know, these people ai,e really talking about, pciini c.,; Lo each recip- ient. They a.re not t,aJ_ir.i_nk; Ihoul-1 a. lot of ?nonc;y-7 but here again, the probl(�n; a.a, HP.f1��yor, t;ll.?.t loi-r do not have the money in the pr.risi_ot� fund. The I'on:� i.on Ro•a d.; have voted time and l..i_me a ai_n, 11ha.t, they haV(: no ob.j(,ctlion to this being �;r.antcr_l, but not; from the pension funds, it's got to come from gencr,a-J. funds. Now, I think what he is request- ing... H1,. T!a, kc,, ...RaIph, what; di_d� you t;oJ-l. me: that; this that you arc nski_n g would amount to, about-. tv,,o hundred .. . Mr. Parks: It would be doubled what is allocated this year and you allocated I about, 1 think, six hundred thirty thousand dollars approximately for the year. Mr. Plummer: So, in other words, you are talking about a million two? Mr. Park: ipproximately. Mr. Plummer: Ok. you knnow, I think we are all in accord, Mr. Mayor. 1 don't thank anyone has ever voted against it, dependant; on the i;:in< gcr finding the additional money in the general fund. This i; motherhood. Everybody is for our retired craplcyees ana you knot'., w'c plx ycd thi: thing-;, tYlis tune before=. v"11C.rc i..� tilt motley cori,i.r, 1 rcm? Hii,. Parks came to my o;'fice --nd. � si�ced me rzould I ,upport tilom and my answer wa.: yc;_,, . s it has been in l:) a.A ye rs . And I said the only hrovi..o is th�it the: money has got to be found and I think that's really the whole. I don't t:hlnk anybody is opposed to it, . Mr. Gary: I`,r. f-layor, I would lik(: to borrow a statement from you r nd that is that (.veryhody i;lants to go to heaven, but nobody to di.� . Everybody wants to do everything for tide cit-1z nr illn' l,ohcdy to levy taxer. With regard to Mayor 1°'c rrf_ : not so, lir- . i anager , there are some of us around iler-e th-it :�r~t, _il1.i?_f, t.c; mite bullets. Mr. t.i,uc-- l=r . Gl>ry, tier>: e is a differ- ence :rla ;:irl it ri;a t)ork;. Mr. Gary: ,>�;'fore last year we Li11o�.i.Lu >, oric; for the first t�tfie ti�rt,-t ,;r ..c. icy i.:;._t. 'r;,; i.:cr _t.. ed it a hunUrecd l_<<_ ? ._`e L.L 1;._c:L u -. i', i ! _,t r Ls ps''T— cent, tc :six hundre d, i Year, 1 tilli,l'-. ii.., <. rr,.,_ t..o ljk:� of the overall pl-.Jlor it:ir� Uf thU C;at;g' i!i l.iiat �;V,:r,y buay has to suffer aria I'm net so sure tliit with the cowiL-itment that you gI 31 September 18, 1984 showed to these people last year and ghat is proposed this year, which is a hundred percent more than they had the year before, that we are not tre-rti.ng ther? fairly. I would also like to say t,ha1 i.f; Urolrld apt�nar h1 ,! 1.t1c e f. roup of people probabl ,-hol.0-d fro Lo t,hr lrgi_r rl -)nd the to see if 1 it i t,' iZ)i{'i �, tic?ilq, 1-vat. I can s iy r i t i1% il(')w. 1;? ,,i) l ,^ ;Oil l i t this C 1 i;y C, Ti11111 ;:,^, 1.()11 n:1, o )11'= i i(?i, i n v l <:S' o C l_1. the other pi"'1_i,pil.].r 11Fii'i,i-i)111�ii'l i% i_i1 +,r�:r TT;= o" t,} Q rr?duetlon in some ofi,i1- ^(?1'?1.: wr' 11,-vn 11,1d in 1111f p).-,:, end 11m not so sure wher t;flat,',, oil -IF to l.'orrli:' from Mayor Ferrr:: Ir]_1. r _Fhi;, ttlank_ ,yol-l., Mr. Manager. Anybody else wa.nt11 7, t,o .: }peak? Mr. Par^k > : P1r , iiayor, I r:t, r1 , ply ghat I am not; intimating that the City ha , not-, I- c:at;ed the; re i.rees fairly. That's has not h-en mentioned and 1_ don't; think it'.> ra matter of being treated fa.i.rly. I i,;hirlk i_t'.; a matt;er thrit you all know o.f you -D i_t .ind hc:Ir -nil rend of m0nic;3 being; ri-11ocated for variou.c, th .11g, and outfits that; t;he retiree;; feel_ they have a --- at.; a closf< r touch and a clo.;er hold with the City of.' t;i,lmi- after donating year's of working service and that ic, the rea On for. [dc: are not ungrateful for you have in the l:)udF;et t;h:i.,; ,year. Rut Ire arc asking if there is any possible way that. i.t be i_rrcreased. Mr. Plummer: tlei.l., A. 1-ioulci s,,-iy at this point, you know, that we i•rouI d a: k the n, r, ... Mi,. Manager, as this budget is going to change and thcilc i:_ no question in my mind that there are: going to be in this budget. But as these changes, are made, that we keep the retired employees upper most in our mind and that we do what we can and then this Commission will either agree or disa.tree with you and as we did the other day in social funding. A motion passed by this Commission increased social. funding from that which you presented by an additional two hundred fifty thousand dollars from the general fund. Mr. Gary: No, you told me to try to find the money. Mr. Plummer: That wasn't the way I understood it, but... Ok. Well, I... l will make a motion at this time Mr. Mayor, if it's in order. Mayor Ferro;: Sure. Mr. Pluirnmer : That tl:e Manager be instructed to try and find some further increase, hopefully, up to one percent more than whit they possibility have at the present time. Mayor P'c,r'1,(�: but, Howard, that's a vary broad ap� phoach to it. lie is, I1ot, tcl.linc you to do. He is ju,L;;. he iS you to find IlP t.e_), but, } CU 1:11cw you don't: 1'ind i."i ell i:ill"'t'C] t.I,i,L. riCl, vUt:. �'e it f lliil i l'ii� fa ndred thOU 1]v oY' t t? I1l]tiC11' Ci. o, y (Ju lk-()1,', you to fin:"? I (11)0Lr t1,1, C:(_ :yi.ilt l'lC']d Up t0 one per'cE1tt. o, i tls.inl: t.}]<.i,'... �' '.'.1I _ 1'0u �. loL of late- .. tude . is tllerc :4 i_i)+;:.:. a t Ili�r� t�UC IlC� ? Mr. Dawkins: th1 - 1: or:, i�r1, ('il' , t�iayor . Mayor Ferre : MI-- hay moved ... Go ahead, J. L. Mr. Pluaarier: `10 irlutl'uct tyre 1�9anager to try to find some additional help f`or° tilt: civtii,ed employees of this city in the time the ctlarif es are going to be made in this budget, keeping upper-- itio5t in mind that their needs not to exceed one percent more in total. 1 September 18, 1984 Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? All right, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: 110TTON NO. 04-1037 A MOTT_ON TN,;;TRU(;TTNG T11E, CT_TY MANAGER TO ATTEMPT TO F Ttlh APPROX1i1ATEf,Y ONE PER- CENT NO1 1"; BFICIEIFTTI I�� ()R RFT1 RF'D E.MPL0 "EES THAN T> CURRE HTl.,Y (;0NT,=',;t1P ,ATED TN THE FY- t ;4_ 1 °5 131JT)GE 'T Upon be_int :7,econded by Commi.;,si oner D=lwE;ins, the motion was passed and adoptcd by the following vote - AYES: Comrni. s. oncr, Miller J. Dawkins Commi_.,;sioner J. L. Plun"imer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Pere;, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo NOTE FOR THE RECORD: THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 1984-85 BUDGET WAS OFFICIALLY CLOSED BY MOTION AT THIS TIME ------------------------------------------------------------- 7. INCREASE APPROPKhTION' FOR T1J.E LAW DEPARTMENT FY 84-85 OPLRATINIG BUDGET 13Y $117,000 Mr. Plummer: fir. I;,.,yor, T think it is a legitimate request of the City '"ttorr,cy, th�a.t sIie a .ked that her budget, I think he 1���?,,, j lti.i"1 it : in the memo, be increased by a hundred cventecn thousand dollars. I would so move that that request be granted. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? All right , call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 8111_ 1038 A MOTION' IsE.i''liCiltt'l, 1;; Al ."IliEC`I'ING THE CITY MJ IIhf]i it �� ;i:i�� t.:al:, I`III!, ,":MOUNT PRESEPNTL`I I.- :t)! 'll l' llE LIa�� D ?I'f:ItT'- MEId'i' III Ti i_:i ;i Y ` ti. <rJ, f (?;Gl:_`l` 14Y Ah AMOUN"i" Ii(i`. _ >: 1a`_? 11'( UCJ a'U+tS'JAts'I TO hEQ*10L;:'i II'LD l:iY T IL i I "Y 1','iT0iiN'_Y AND JU"I'l.l 11 l I''i l�! P lil1il:i 'i'J.L b U + G LT lz?`AFi-- INGS. Upon being econded by Coi� wa issioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- gl 33 September 18, 1984 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo. 8. CONTIN'UED DISCUSSION ITEM BY COMMISSIONER PEREZ OF PERSONS MAETNG OVER $50,000 PER YEAR Mr. Pl.r..rmmnr Mr. Cary, Commi.sci.oncr I'f�r-z liad asked for a yor�,Pocillcc oloflist which you c_ola the e.mni to c :� J.n the C1ty who wolild hr?'%f? in oxoc:3s of fifty thousand (-]()Ic0-o t;o 1;11e t'lx h yc� .:>. I have not seen that l i.,^t, t",c haci ;a.1_�o ":1, 1eed fr)r a. , n er;cuce mr, MP. Perez or the. Comriiis,r7jon fOr co 1�. f,3C'tor if the hundred eighty jots:. were not: fi_ ) i.ecj tha.1. .it p r c ;nni-'l y- vrieant. And there wa^ one count.. , a coat factor attached if all employee:~ arcs fifty thou sand or more were... the jogs were frozen. t,xcu;c r,r(-,�, t-,lie pa was frozen. Do we have those things that were going to be delivered at five? Mayor Ferre: I. saw it. Mr. Plummer: Did you see the list of all people of fifty thousand or more? Mayor Ferre: No. Mr. Gary: No, we are working on it. It's coming. Mr. Plummer: Did you see the list of the cost saving factor of fifty thousand or more? I have not seen it. Mayor Ferre: Well, I saw the cost saving. I saw plan 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B. Mr. Plummer: No, sir, I think you will find that was... if it were to be reduced to last year's level of funding, that was Plan "A". Plan "B". I don't recall what be was. Mayor Ferre: Well Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, these were things that were asked for this rnorni.ng Mr. Mayor, by Commissioner Perez, at which time the Manager indicated he would be able to produce by 5 O'clock. Mr. Gary: No, I said I would make every effort to have it here by... Mr. Plummer: Every effort. 9. CONTIEUE: FINAL DECiS10H ON' FY 84-85 BUDGET TO SEPTEMBER 21, 1984 AT 5:05 P.M. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. Mayor V rr u: t,r•. Plurumvr and the other 1-;embers of this Commission, <.r,t wit ready now to either vote or to continue this public huari ng`' Mr. Plurr'.rnk:P: Hit-. E c yC r', juvt sE caving for I. have a lot of to Let 1ritu w:hieh I cot'isid(er'' ti:) be niii or, some major, but:. I r•L >pect. your eount :.rig; t:> tt,6, 5tVaW i :J i? evening and it looks litre we �2 re -in fast er tl! :c:%: cl and I will not take up the time of rriy co i :l <::aF>u , not— tr:at of the gl 34 September 18, 1984 public that are here. If I thought there was a possibility that someway or another deadlock could be broken, I would be willing to stay, but I'm not going to go into those issues. The only reason I asked was for the other information. Speaking for cane, I have not changed my mind, sir. Mayor Fc r^r'F : Ok. All. right, Mr. Perez, do you have any- thing el_ p? Mr. Pere,,: I would like to continue it. We don't have a full Comm:�;:�i.on today anyhow, that I think that it would be better to have opportunity... if we requested some informa- tion from the Nanager today. Mayor Ferre : And rr;id it,. Mr. Pere._,: T. t.iri_nk that it would be better to have... Mayor Ferre: All right, fir. Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: J. too, f'ecl th:3t Gae are deadlocked and I asked the Budget Director t;h_�_s morning ghat would happen in the event that v;e wc rc ctca<ilocked, he gave me one answer and when you a k-cd him he gave you another answer. Mayor Fore: tIhen I asked him. Mr. Dawkins: So, we are dead... I have not changed my mind, so it doesn't matter. Mayor F'erre: We need three votes to adopt a budget. If we don't adopt it now and we do... the law is very specific as to what can and cannot happen and there are deadlines. We are not there. This is not a critical point, but we are not far from it. Mr. Plummer: Madam City Attorney, if the budget is not adopted on final reading this evening, it is my understand- ing that it would have to go into an emergency procedure. Is that correct? Ms. DouChcrty: No, you would have to continue this to a time and date certain, this public hearing. You must adopt the millage October 9th. Otherwise, the County Assessor will not assess taxes. On the other hand, you would be running your budget, a suming, that you dial adopt a millage under, the tentative budget which was approved la. t weak. Mr. Plumm(.r: Lut: it will take two readings? The budget will tale two Mayor TFUPP : Cor;tn ssioner, it requires one more reading, sir. On Ms. Dot, ghy: Orie more. Mr. Plumi,,ict-: 'fhe budget. Mayor Perr t-_ : ` he budget and the millage. Mr. Plumicier: The millage has had one and the budget one. Ms. Dout heir ty : One. You adopted the tentative budget. Mayor ? ct'i'ti=:: C't]i 1, urn rvading and three votes. So, I don't think, . , +. L. , :(. i`r't�r?i a pg-;acti.ca.l point of` view assuming that e . ev o t c +y r n u:; c,J about the sane, you still are going to 1_1&v , tht 'ir :t ay ot_ the budget, because as of right now the orrly vote is rhine and he doesn't have any other vote. Sol... B1 35 September 18, 1984 Mr. Plummer: This is not what we asked for. Well, ok. Mayor Ferre: At the present time, the next time we will be meeting is on Thursday, the 20th and so I will now accept Commissior)er Pcr"�._' , mnt .nn Trhich I di.dn't accept before that th_.� be cc nt i.riltec} . < . I think you ought to make it Comrli,: ^znnl--!, Pere%., to o'cl_ock, 5:05 on the 20th of Septemh-r, . 01,- . l;:r(.3 ,,; , 1.?i-1-1. take it from there. We will see 1_ y 01- f.M Land i;, then, Mr. Gary: 1•'c do it the 20th. Mayor For)-(,' No Mr. Suran�i: It's a County Commission meeting to discuss their budget. Mayor Ferre: A what? Mr. Surana: -he County is having a meeting to discuss their budget, you cannot do it on the same day. Mayor Ferre: Oh, you can't do it on the same day? Mr. Surana : 21'o . Mayor Ferre: All right, then the next time we meet is the 21st, but that's at 11 o'clock in the morning. Mr. Gary: Tkie 1st? Mayor Ferre: Yes. Well, I mean, that's when we will all be together again. 1 don't mind doing it then, but does it have to be at 5 o'clock? I don't: think so. Since we have closed off the public... Mrs. Dougherty, this Commission has now met tt,r:i.cr following the mandates of the law meeting 5 o'clock on t1•:o separate days. We are now about to continue this meetit3 .I do not think the law requires us to contin- ue it until 5 o'clock. The next time does it? Ms. Doughherty: It does not. That would be preferable, but if you couldn't it then,... Mayor Ferre: All right, then I would just say that we would then convene at 12:30 on Friday. 4e are meeting at 11 anyway. I don't think that that ought to... Sir? (BACKGRQUNID C01-111Ei1T INPUDI_P)LE) Mayor Fern'{.: Lec ause tiie Lai,, doesn't... By law we can't do it, because t:iie County Colrrr,ission will be meeting on that day. Ms. Dou`;h(-rty : Let m(l rc:;c"rch that quest.ion bcc -ort We do it. I':Ti looking at .-It now aria 1 r,e.tt.i.ng a coral- 1-4c2t rag readl:!}, oi, t.`iat oi,d ..n<inc-u tii%It . . . Il `,•t iIi?_I:ll't.0 i':?'. i y' t'. Mayor I ti.(. IaW providc F )). � u'GtG�7. We have not c::o1;i'o1 t:;t ci t.c: c.i;;;:. <tid lac �:: c,.:. ci 't' t,ii.: pu lie rr h e a try i 1 1 j, 2'� C: I 4- .�. t ��f t 1 '0 1 , T ._ L a V, (, > t .:. T G,.I -i. ` �y _.. i 1 F 1. ��� <, ..; ! t ! i I �.= C: tile cout"Uc: ) 011)"I: l t ; O .-!1` !;i . y' l t.v ltt.liL : t,U is C,' i{, i Z' oitiebody Wants tp ii ,..:; t tii.:tt ,<l tl..: jivLt t: l._ tCi tt� _ 1I'l0e tliis 1S a Cori ti'it.: ;,i <;I; , i:.,` c::,i,i 1 .i �; it.i; tilt l �a, n-,ust the next continuo- ! on b(, it t: C3` eloek. Ms. Dougherty : I'll'. t'layor . gl 36 September 18, 1984 16 0 Mayor Ferre: Yes, Ma'am. Ms. Dougherty: You would be right if the law did not re- quire that; at the (.,lose- of the public hearing you would have to adopt_, th- budget. Therefore, i_f you are going I`o contin- ue your 1:}ll1 1-ic_ h-,ar nf:, you have to Ira - it tf'tcr f ue, It says ,poc.i f'i_cally. the^;Q he at i rlgs ^h l ll. h- you cold"i cr, , i.i: ir. f-11r, f1111)1 i.r. h ra rJ ttf <�c 1 1i1 :cirrt;i.ntle your dr'.}.l h i ,:1 L i o11.'i . 1..ha1; [? s111_t1 I)r" i l il( hl t, i If i; "i 1t)t:, wTha t, th.e 1 ti "J. E(.111 i� W7i, %�� np, l t. a �, t,tle r !_r), l �� ,; �7i1 t7P_,1 .� b_ t. erati_on,�.1_et:. T1E 1'r ;n;lt'Cti t.}"1r' it1C'�t:.nil e>( ;,rjl r' or not yol.l (Jaihn0l_: 11aV 11_: on t.}1" sa111 [} 3v lc, thr C.r)unt,y, be- cause 1- don l t sec t;h 11. i-n 1J)Q 1. 15•1 l r-rc . 111:3} a. till 111)1_ n , Mr. PI ummeP: Uhi.le shcl s do i.nr; t;liat:, . III,,. Ga try. 7..ot me understand thi_.:) paper you hive, ,just, p ,^ ec out=. Vs it my understanding III-. Sutana., t lat ;>iX hundred C,i_fThtr r i, employ- ees of thir:, city i,epresent more than fifty thousahic; dollars to the Mr. Surana.: Yf-�s, s i r . t,,iha.t l: have done hare. I'}lip, assump- tion that e-�crh employee f,et t;roIIp i nr,tlr lncc, t'1or''.men comp. , pension, . i_ek tine, v3catC:i-0il t jMec holidays, that add up to fifty percent, 1s I fi,lin;r . So, a person who i making twenty tlhouo;ind dollar. 1 Year i.S c,os tinC thy; city thirty thousand dollars. So, in that category we have, six hundred eighteen c mploye=cis . Mr. Plummer: 11aking in excess of fifty... Mr. Surana: Of fifty thousand dollars. Mayor Ferre: How much? Mr. Plummer: Six hundred eighteen employees. (BACKGROUND CONi,ENT INAUDIBLE) Mr. Plummer: fifty thousand. Now, that's fifty with penes. Ok. (BACKGROUND C01It';ENTS INAUDIBLE) Ms. Dougherty: fir. I;ayor, it specifically says, the hearing dates :-zchodul.ed by the County Commission and School Board shall riot be util.i.zed by any other taxing authority within the Cou>1ty for its public he: rings. Mayor Fc-i,o. So, we can't have it '1'hur2day? Ms . Dougl crty . 1'hUt a .: (BACKGi_OUND t,Ul`l,ILldiS OFIF.THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Pluti,i4,(:r: Do you have an advc;rtising problem? Mr. Gavy: No, if you Continue it, you don't have to adver- tise i t. . (BACKGIROUE) COMfIFNITS IhI.UDLBLE) . Mayor Ft r,r°e: Frid:ay, l;onday or Tuesday, that's it. Y am perfectly willing to der it Friday. Mr. Dawkins:: I'm available Friday, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: You are available Friday. J. L., are you available Friday? Well, I will do it any time you want. Monday, would you rather do it Monday? 61 37 September 18, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, let me ask this question. My scheduled would permit on Friday, because the things that we have here are not that heavy. Could we do it on a basis at this particular po-int _-)I-IrJ , -if someone does change their mind that We cCltl!.O rnecl. and if they don't we won't. I mean, is that. 1) 0:7 a 11) 1 e - Mayor Feri-Q: No, you got to continue it to a date certain. Mr. Plummer: And what are you suggesting? Mayor Ferre: Friday. - Sooner or later we got to break through n-11- of this and come to some kind of a conclusion by reducing the changing it- Whatever it is. But you know, t.ho e iqi-I.J. be a time when legally we are obligated to vote for I Mr. Dawlin.-: 1,11, tli n a 1- e r , didn't we suggest to you, I think, thatthatyou provideprovide, ils with a list of cuts that we could make and the J'Com those cuts? Mr. Gary: and I give it to you. M r . Da me(-,,- Triday, than we should be coming wit'l-I our 1,0110,, to tell. the Hanagcr, I'm going to vote for "All -Om,(I)o(jy say they are going to Vote for g,c%in�- to vote for licit ;I t VT here t10 UP here and co "01)C,11 i 1011, 11 C,' 1. C of t i IL It Y C C :use if we are and fT o through what we npe ro�lntt., I(Alrouc.,11 11OI-Z i '7, t «stt of time. Mayor Fc-rre: I i,;ould liope we would have five members of the commission... Mr. Dawkins: The Mayor, the Manager... Well, if... Mayor Ferre: That's won't help though,... Mr. Dawkins: No, it won't. We have either got to make... now, somewhere along the lines, the }tanager... I'm going to tell him just like you always tell hiln, like you tell every- body else. The Manager better got every Commissioner and try to convince their,, to go ',;ith "'rill, ItBIT or "C" or we better get with, ti-io MaIlPt:1,01' 4tnci tell him we will go with "All I "B" or ,C,, a1](j on the road. Mr. Pluti-1,111(-P: Or, t(I-11.1 hiM, V"hicit is. �i Mr. Dawkins.Mayop, we are not doing anything. Mayor .1, thought, Mir. Gary, you had been doing that. 1-1y that, you have been talking to mem- bers of thcl Mr. DaWi' , I' I 1)ut fir. Gary is talking to us with an ultimatuMl 1p,�t talking to us with any alternatives. To t say us. But see the Manager is talking ::in ultimatum. He is not talking to me With no Mr. Garv: The "A", "Bit, and licit are the alternatives that I provided to you. Mayor Ferre: Well, you don't have my vote on any of those. Now, you got to get other members to vote for that. Mr. Gary: I'm not recommending it. 30 September 18, 1984 Mr. Perez: We had requested Mr. Manager, some alternative in this morning and you told me that we would have more information for today, but that's the paper that we re- ceived. Mr. Gary: that alternative:: did you want? Mr. Perez: First I would like whatever the time that you need, but I would Tikq a formal recommendation with all the details about Cho possibility of freeze in all the hundred eighty-three vacant position 3 in the City of" tMiamii_ That would repronenL 3.7 million dollars in salary savings and I would like to have your formal recommendation and IF would like to propose in that moment, that A order in) fill a vacancy in the future, needs the authorization of the City Commission and at the end of the fiscal year whatever we have as a surplus from that 3.7 million dollars of saving should be refunded to the citizens of Miami as a rebate. Mr. Gary: Part or it we can do, hut in terms of the author- ization for the positions is not something that can be done. Mr. Dawkins: See, but are are right back where 1T_ started from. The Mayor says he will not vote for "A", "B" or "C". Mayor Forre: Well, that's just one person out of five. Mr. Dawkins: OV. Now, Commissioner Perez, has laid out the conditions by vhich he will vote for a budget, So, we are still in my opinion havc noLhing that we can get a consensus on this fini,. So, womwwhei,a niong the .,_omebody is going to lvivt lo taike some leader Aip here nuni exert some leadership ano act ems hAC done. Because if each one of us has cup own Aca about what we ape going to vote for, we got five diffcpent budgets. Mayor Fcrrc: The problem is that you can't tinder the law that members of this Commission are prohibited from talking about any or this. Of it must be done here. So, we are not talking now. lie will bc back and we will talk again, Friday, at 5 o'clock to see if we can get three people to agree. Howl I want to tcll you that if we are going to go into budget cuts, I want to tell you Mr. Manager, that I'm not going to do it. This vote is not for 2-1 , 2-b and all that stuff. I'm for cutting departments. I'amfor cutting activities. I meant I'm for cutting for example, it we are going to start cutting all. festivals, no more Grand Prix money, no more Miss Universe money, no more money for any- thing other than the straight --- and if that's the way we are going to go, that's the way we ape going to go. Mr. Dawkins: 1 like that. I can buy that, but the only way I will go with the Grand Prim, Is you fund the Grand Prix this year, because wc funded Miss Universe. Mayor Fopre: On, no. Mr. Dawkins: Oh, yCs. If we take it back, we got to take it back from Miss Universe. Mayor Ferpe: OF course, we are going to take it back, but I... as a maLtup of fact, the fist motion I will make is to take back Miss Universe. Mr. Dawkins: hignt. You've got my vote. Mayor Ferro: I mean, I'm going to go all the way, but there is going to be mope than that cut. We are going to cut. . . if we ape going to out... I don't know whether I'm going to have your vote or not, but I hope we will have three votes. 41 39 September 18, 1984 Mr. Dawkins: If you do what you just said, you got my vote. If you don't, you are right, you won't have it. That ain't no problem. Mayor Ferro: I may not have yours, we have to see who else is going to vote around here. Mr. 0h, T_ see w1int; you. are saying. Tf ,you get three otlrr=r and don't need. m;nd, you i.rpn't, Hake it. Huh? AI.1 right, I trnderst;and. I can understand that:. Mayor Ferri: 'Tt,To other votes. I don't need three. I need two voter,. 01-.- , Mr. Dawki..n; : 01, Mayor Ferro: I'm going to see if we can do it without having to go to any... Mr. Dawk:in.=: `_o, T better back off now and tell you I'm not with you eit.iaer I -,,-ay you go. So, I won't have to back out. You see, I don`t dire what you do, you just lost me. What- ever you do, you just lost me. Mayor Ferro, : 1Zi.gllt• n . Right on . That's ok. That's all right, =1. understand. t ain't got no problem, we just have to figure other s•mys of (join, i.t , that's all. 1 understand. The Manager _<ay; 1;1r rt, ;rc. i_l. to can... I don't think so, Mr. Manager. zou got ��nyt.h .nE- cal: c ? Mr. Day ki.n;-: No'v;, ttiat' s one ... this is one thing I can say, I kccp hcaring you pc:opl.e ... all of us .sit: up here, but this is not the 11anager's budget. This is the City of Miami's budget and the residents of the City of Miami elect- ed us to get them a budget. Not the Manager. So, now we can sit up here and philosophize and say the Manager this and the Manager that, but the voters are going to hold the Commissioners responsible for a budget, not the Manager. Mayor Ferre: That's right. That is right, as they always do. Mr. Plummer: Do you want to go through this evening those areas or do you want to go back and study them for Friday, such as putting to a vote the freezing of salaries, put to the vote the garbage? Mayor Ferre: No, we uill do it on Friday when we have a full Cotr;rir (BACKG1t0UNT C01:41 I E?d'1':'; 0;-l" '11 i; "'U1111LIC RECORD). Mayor 1"cr Now, c:zll ;;tie Mr. Day -.'.fins: Ca.11 the, roll c rr ",hd%? Mayor Ferre: On the rljotion Lefore us. Mr. Dawkins: What motion before us? Read the motion. Mr. Ongie: Would be to continue now to Friday at 12:30 P.M., is that correct? Mr. Surana: No, no, 5 o'clock. Mr. Ongie: 5 o'clock. Yes. Mr. Plurnmer : Wait a minute. Are you telling me that I got to come here at 11 o'clock in the morning and then go horse and come back at 5:30. gl 40 September 18, 1984 Mr. Ongie: The motion would be to continue this hearing to 5:05 P.M. on Friday, the 21st. Mr. Dawkins: Who seconded? Mr. Ongie: Mr. Peru, made it and you seconded. Mr. Plummer: t-ic start; the other meeting at... instead of 11, st art: it, "11. 4. Mr. Ongi<< : I'.41-d on me. Mr. Plumncr: Tn Mead of having the 11 o'clock meeting have that at 'I auc7 there we immediately following at three. Mayor Ferrc: tdh<-tt.'s wrong tai_t,1) 1;11a1-1 Mar i.e. Ms. Doughcrty: You lhav« i nv _tcd t vcrybody for 11. Mayor Fcrrc: O, t,It:_tt....(l"_1AU That's no big deal. That's fi.nc. Plum?pier, I 1,ht ink yoi_r are absolutely right. Mr. Dawkin , : Ok, makF, the motion. Mr. Plummer: I. didn't make a motion. Who me? Mayor Ferre: Well, what's your will? Whatever you want is fine. Mr. Plummer: No, that's fine with me, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Are you ready? Mr. Plummer: 4 o'clock we will have the... Mayor Ferre: 3 o'clock for one and 5 for the other. Ok. Mr. Plummer: I would like to make one 5 and the other 5:30, so it would be over in a half hour. Mr. Gary: 5:05. Mayor Ferre: 5:05. One is at 3 and the other one is at 5:05. Ready to vote now? Are we all set? All right, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION N0. 84-1039 A MOTION TO CO1NTi.N1jE' 1,1_:m. ITEMS ASSOCIAT- ED WITH TflE FY-' (,1I..•'t>'.i "UI GET TO SEPTEM- BER 21, 1r, 4, AT 1;:05 11.P_1 AT CITY HALL, PEN? +lei; rig t.;l ? P`i' OF' 1 I)DI'11ONAL INFORMATIOP� . Upon being, Pi tmuiaer, the motion was passed and bye - AYES: Cotttrrli si.:r; 1`,iii(-r J. Dawkins C01rim i i uII;=1- j . L. Pi urraaer I Jr . Vice -Mayor' DcLuetrio J. Peres, Jr. Mayor Mauriee A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Pal 41 September 18, 198A 10. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE GRANT FROM MOBIL Olt, FOR JOB TRAIN_TNG Mayor Ferre: Takc up 9. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: So, move. Mayor Ferrc: Is there a second? Further discussion, read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 968•'I, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 29, 1983, THE ANNUAL APPROPRI- ATIONS ORD_­`j__NANCTE,, FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 3;0, 198)4 BY INCREASING IiISCEL- LANEOUS Zia THI? AMOUNT OF $50, 000 ROM A GRANT FIiOii Till,-', 110BI L OIL CORPORAT1_01111 Al1,Ir` A1'P1,_`0I'1iIATJ_NG, SA1'1E1 INTO THE PART:::; AND Ri;CftNA'1 =1011 1) _J'A T1iF:NT' S BUDGET FOR Ti t? i'U1~POSI OF PROVIDING JOB OPPOR`L'UNITT:}�; FOR ti_OLiTII; CONTAINING A REPEALI"R FROV:1: 10N AND A SI;VERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading; same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Comrni:_isi.oner Joe Carollo Whereupon tiie Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the foll.owinr vote AYES: Com.,missi.oncr Miller J. Lawklins Commi�ssioncr J. I_,. Plum:uer, Jr. vice- HaVor L�� i,i�._ t,>>io J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Mt _iuiiee Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Comffti ssloflei- Joe Carollo aAIP ORDTNAIIC;.I,:_'Edle` 1}} ; ,IG1dN'I'I D ORDINANCE NO. 9886. The City ttor•nc y read the ordinance into the public record and ant,ounced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. i 42 September 18, 1984 11 . EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENtT ORDI- NANCE FORT DALLA 5 PARK DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up 10. Mr. Plummer: Dove it. Mr. Dawkins: I .second it under discussion. Will that three hundred thou.<:nd dollars do the park without anymore money? Mr. Gary: is money that's going to be matched with federal_ money. Ok . Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion and a second, read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 9534, ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 19€32, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPRO I'll I_ATI0N.� C?RI)�t;NGMdCE;, AS AMENDED BY INCREAS T I C= A 1)1I' Ri)}_ 11I,,1T.:i OiiS FOR FORT DALLAS I'AI I; I)I-::VI:-I.,Oz'1,;:::NdT II Tlfl� AHIOUNT OF $22l,9()0 FRi`M j% C!"I'R1.I3UTI )N FROM THE FLORIDA RECREATION I)E�VEL0PM NT ASSIS- TANCE PROGRAM, AND $163,200 FROM A CON- TRIBUTION FROM DALLP.S PARC ASSOCIATES, LTD.; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILI:TY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins,, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the r<_quirement of reading same on two separate days, which w,:� agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Co►nmi ssioner �,zller J. Dawkins Corrlmi:.�: ioncr J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-,Hayor Demet.ri.o J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice: A. Ferre NOES: None:. ABSENT: Cormii. ,: ione:r Joe Carollo Wherein>on tlin Com-mission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and . L cor df-d by Cortrni ssioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by tlu i'ol log, ing vote - AYES. Coa:......,.. i r..r, I;i...1.<_ r J. Dawkins Corr:rn'�.::...�.r_;ricr J. L. Plunxner, Jr. Vice Dcir.ui r°io J. Perez, Jr. Mayor A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo aAlD ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE N0, 9881. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. gl 43 September 18, 1984 12. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ORDI- NANCE CITY WIDE 800 MH7 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Mr. Gary: 1.t;em 11, is previously approved bond money for Police and fire, 800 megahertz communication system. This basically appropriates the money. It's an accounting trans- action. Mayor Ferre: Are you ready to move that? Plummer moves. Mr. Plummer: Whit is this? Mr. Gary: This eight hundred megahertz. Mr. Plummer: 11? Mr. Gary: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. Read the ordinance. 0_ I1 ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: Excuse me. I want to amend this ordinance with the terminology not to exceed, but with full indica- tions that it can be less. I vote "yes". AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMIENDING ORDI- NANCE NO, 9534 ADOPTED DECEMBER g, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL 111PROVEINIJENTS APPRO- PRIATION ORDINANCE;, IIS i.1 l-l"IN )Ill) I3Y DE- C REAS-1NG; I,F'I'ROP11__1AT1.0 I'0I PROJECT C011SI'UT1sI" I,) CE TTEM It:)l, i , ;, 000 AND APPROI'li��:li'I'=CI,G 1 , = ',, (.i!:;0 i'0 Ii::=.7Ai3Is�SIi A 14EW PliO li::'I' sl 'I I ITA_ �:? t:;I I' �' �i; i I E_ <;UO 1 HZ COI- l,IU!dICATi.01t "YS'11,!- i' fi ' III . C: (2) AND TRAI�Sh'E RI;1G SAID I`, SOUFiGY_, I:I D PROJECT TO T11E C1,11I`1'I-;1 PUI�ll ITEM IX. C(1) 17, L`r' INCREASING THE APPROPRIA- TIO14 FGIi THE 1981 F II1E FIGHTING, FIRE PREVENT1ON�_ Att!) RESCUE I:, ACILITIES GENERAL OBLIGATION" BOE'D I"UND INT TTIF Al OUNT. OF $1 , 267, O00 F RON; ANT ICLPA''ED h"ON1D SALES AND LS`I.�'�F1Ll."HING 1: 1�I. I I'h0L1I C'1' � It'I'_I'TLED CITY• I1)E 8C10 Nil :_ CCI-I?;U111C1:Ta (:iiti :SYSTEM ITEll XVI I . D ( 1 i hI 1) a`i11:II, l lil t 1G SAID RES0U1_( : ANI:) 'I_O,J; ;'i' 7'N i': hl`:PITAL It�iPRGVI:';1 I' 1'UN:1 l'l iN I:.. C:( ) 17, AND INC11EA.__1NU ''II!" Ail ,iClll'ii:THE CAPl_.'L 1Ii Iit:)' 'N,N:N:'I'.`Ii'?-: ;•;CUNT OF _',°:Ot),(100 Nlii ;='1'A I1. Ii1irG- NEW PROJi_ J „I D u 800 111.lI: t;:u I'i! ITEM r1) N114 E N0 Iii, CON- TA1N'.(; A:1 111 r.l .: i !;..V1.11"1� RN,D A Was _t,j:. , ,. �:�.:�.�J C, �:;i:,+r.l.i r,t::� l ur,;ffit?P and seconded by Commissior.(:r <l i �f :_:, t �:��i �:aiopt_J o i as ,in emergency measure and disperj_sing PtgUirr,Wefit of reading same on two separate day--, which was agreed to by the following vote- gl 44 September 18, 1984 0 0 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commisi.oner Joe Carollo Whereupon tyre Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and ^econded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the f.'olloc.;i.ng vote - AYES: Commissioner rIil_lnr J. Dawkins Commissioner J. I_,. Plummer, Jr. Vice --Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor f �aizrice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ,aAID ORDINANCE WA,i' DES.IGNATEDe ORDINANCE NO. 9888. The City -Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 13. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH 2 NEW TRUST & AGENCY FUNDS DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND OFF STREET PARKING AUTHORITY Mr. Gary. Itt_am 12 merely establishes a fund where we charge Off Street Parking and DDA for services we provide them, like print shop. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins,... Mr. Gary: It's not giving them any money. Mayor Ferre: ... is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Seconded by Perez, further discussion, read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMIERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING TWO NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS ENTITLED "DGt,'Id''OF11J llEVEL,O1_-)HL d`1' !�:li'I'L�Ol l'`i' 1'.I+i� OFF STPEL"' l=Al .INN I ijT1101 1TY" 'TU Id.COI D AND IN%T01(:E TEL C:,:;'T 1 01i _,. ti,. il':;:, l'I'OVIDED BY 11_1I ! . ,i._ %.I.L_ P1",1NT SHOP, 1� ii it�.: 1�_�ii1 (..;1 ` �.._1'11 _1 I!?Ni' A U T H 0 l'i 1 Y :iNG AUTHOlt1 _Y 1 1,is IiC)l'i,lt I1� z i'; 5 t_.,GO AND $25, 000 ;+; i, ` :'JLLy N'? u , :` 1D TRUST FUND; C�ii 'A l :? lti; 111_ 1 .LEI; P!iOVISION AND A SEVEhAbll: ITY CLAUSE. gl 45 September 18, 1984 Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement, of reading same on two separate days, which G.a Fj agreed to by following vote - AYES: Comm 1^�7ion�r r;i l.ier J. Dawkins Comm i- iotter J. i_,. Pltinumer, Jr. Vice-M_iyor Demetrio J. Perez., Jr. Mayor Naurice A. Ferre NOES: Nona. ABSENT: Commi�;sioncr Joe Carollo Whereupon tlic Commission on motion of Commissioner Dawkins and 5c(<onded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said Ordinance by 1.he following vote - AYES: Commi.,-.:; _caner Hiller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Haurj_cc A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ID ORDINANCE NO. 9889. The City Attorney read `,he ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 14. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ORDI- NANCE EAST LITTLE HAVANA STREET IMPS -PHASE I Mayor Ferre: Take up 13. Mr. Perez: hove. r: a Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, it's been moved and seconded, further discussion, read the ordinance. gi 46 September 18, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9534, ADOPTED DECEM- BER 9, 198 , THF; EXT_.>TTNG CAPITAL TM- PROVFMT 111T­- A1)P R,()F,P:i ATr0N (iRT) I,ir!'1CI;, AS AMEN1)EI) ATT0145 FOR i;A 1 '1' '1' .F_ 'i'1� ;i `i. `;PROVE MENT. OF $17069 , O0D I;I;; i I}t; (. ;;:> IN THE 1 <_) ?;) ii1 ( II? A Y i;i" it 13 FUND I_N Tii[-; At,1',i feiJ THE 1970 ANN) 1 OI?L,T— GATION 50tl-0 FIi N1) 1114 -j1P., het;")IIi:1T OF $533,000; Ry 11(,R TTONs FOR ).W. 1GTH T131s1.T i_''1PR0VI'_;'i1';ijT.> BY A TOTAL, AH01,'rIT C)F :�; 1 _;_5, 000 A71D TNCRF,ASTNG RESOURCES 1N THE 19'0 1iT(=IiV;AY GFINERAL 0B1,1GATI:ON 130ND FUND T11 T}NE At;OUNT OF $94,000 flI T) i'IIi 19.10 ANi) 19;'8 :;T0R11 SEWER U,E.1 i'113A1, 0}311I(17ATI0N 1-1,1Ot)1) I'UND BALANCI_; 171 TIi1":, AP90UPd'.i' OF $iI 1, 000; AND I3Y ESTi_LISIiI (1 711Ns 11)[31 STOP,t1 .;,WI":N1 GENER- AL OI3I_,TGAT_TOI1 I:OAID FUND IN THE, AMOUNT OF $2, 431 , 000 }'T-;C)I1 Aj? T.TC11)ATE;) R0IJ1) ;_;ALES, APPROPi;1 IidG 10�", 000 I RSAID RESOUI1(,F. ) i;: CA i_>i, i :;II e i,._ r;I;1, I)RAItdAGE PROJECT A' ie I ; [; }'I OJ}":;(: ' ?N7 ;_'; 1N) FUND, AND C dCi; A: IivC= isr' 1s0 1`1i:A i'I(:`N'(" FOR FLAGLth �T+=;��1'; �t 1�'�:Ii F;[)Di �1:'l�`I IOId: BY THE ANOUIX"i OF �;'(i, 000 I° i;0i", AIW''I (:':1FfsTED BOND SALES 3N S A11) FUND; COIkTAINING A REPL.A1,11h FI10V.1S10N AND A SEVI RABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner, Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Hiller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demet.rio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor N,aurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Corniiiissioner Joe Carollo Whei-cupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer, and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote -- AYES: Collllfi i f-;i.lJ . Dawkins Commissioric-1, J. L. P-1ur7-irner l Jr. Vicc--14My01-° J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Naur,iee A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo SAID QRDINANCE WAS DN SIGNIATE D ORDINANCE N0. 9890. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. $1 47 September 18, 1984 15. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW REVENUE FUND DEVEL- OPMENTAL DTSA' T .TTTES HODEL PROJECT Mr. Gary: T kin nex`. item appropriates a federal grant for the handicapped. Mr. DaHr ,ins : Move 14. Mayor Ferre: All right, moved by Dawkins, 14. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Seconded by Perez, read the ordinance. AN GRDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "DEVELOPMENTAL DISABTI_XF1ES MODEL PRO- JECT", APPROPRTATTNG FtJN''1) FOR ITS 0PERAT T0N" IN +III. i1011N'1: OF ; j3 , 000 COMPOS!"'D O :' c t)0 I „Cli iI III-ITED STATE: I'`tsP `:i; C9I ! OI l _;(! L, I I Idi? IfiItIAPd SERVICES ,° i;I) , 000 F 1'0'; C;: CP,i, YEAR 1983.m' ; I:C J I. F': =1; ;; h;;I? t.0 0U'NTS: MATCHING I''i';II . I10Ii 6,1,'':I Ii(7RIZ- ING '1iiE CITE' ISi.';/!i: ;I; `I'O 1iCCI''PT THE $30,000 G1RAN'l' AI" it I'`IC''Ii i'I;I:, UIt1:TED STATES DEPAR's'IiEii'!' Oi�' I L AL'I'I AI; I? IiUPiAN SERVICES; CONITIiIN1:I;G A REPEALER PROVI- SION AND A SI1`,'ERAL'�IL.:�TY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Conimissi.oner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez, For adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading; same on two separate days, which �.:gr ccd to by the following vote - AYES: Commi:ssi or7 ;r 11iller J. Dawkins Commiiss l oner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vicc--'Nayor Df_rr)etrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor tr-uricc-, l:. Ferre NOES: Lone. ABSENT: Ccrrirr,i.._.,, or c r Joe. Carol.lo Wher culon i;±,e C(-i;m-,ission on motion of Commissioner Dawkins and : < (_1etidc, d by C:ornr;i-;u-iotier Perez, adopted said ordinance by ticr f`o' Ic°„��_r:I vote - AYES: Corr;r,l_.�._i�:ar,c r i�,_11, r' J. Dawkins Ccrrirrii :�i�:�1��!�I' J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-wl .yol 1 ,1ii,rio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor 'twin .icy A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Co�runis .crier Joe Caroll.o �AJD 0RD:I1 ANICE WA,S .. )I:: IQ!�l `'I I). 01=tDIIerAIdCE NO. 9891. The City Attor i'i(:y read tl�je ordinance into the public record and annourroeci t Iia 1, opies were available to the members of the City Corrrrr=ission and to the public. BI 48 September 18, 1984 El 16. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW REVENUE FUND "RECRE- ATE" ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: 15. Mr. Garv: This money is for money we received from communi- ty resident; for us to put on programs. This self suffi- cient fund.:. Rio. City money involved. Mr. Plummer: Move it.. Mayor Eerr.: Plummer moves. Mr. Dawl<i ri:.. ; ocond . Mayor Fc:rre: Davlkins seconds, read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE IINTITL1aD- AN E111RGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPE?C:IA1, REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "RECRL.AT1 PPROPRTATI.NG FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATIO;1�*' 1N 'i.'IiI 10 01j" . ()I�' 10o, 000 COMP OSI?;D `)1 `', 0(0 1°-O;, Tli_ IJ1 iTED STATES i)EiIA'��T� 1?1;��' O1' l�-i)tj11 (' d AND $35, 000 FROt SFE- CIAL P11OG?;AA1yI) ACC0UNIT:_.: 1,,Ji C1IING FUNDS FOR GRANTS; AND AUTHOR)ZING THE CITY MANIAGER TO ACCEPT THE $714, 000 GRANT AWARD FRO14 THE' UNITI,D STATES Df,"PART11ENT OF EDUCATION; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION ANT, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Comrrjissioncr Plurrimei, and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the rE quire'mcnt of reading same on two separate days, w11i.ch agrec d to by the following vote - AYES: C0mmissi01'11�.r t",i_11cr J. Dawl,ins Commissi_ore r J. L. Pl.umrner , Jr . Vice -Mayor Den—jetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor A. Ferrc NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Whereupon the Com!11is3ion on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Curnmi sioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the followint vc�tc_ AYES: Cor�rniissior7rr l�a.l . �r J. Dawkins Commis; ionC: r, J . L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-KaYol� "' '-_'�_t.ri.o J. Perez, Jr. Mayor 1,aur}ice; A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE N0, 2892, The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 81 49 September 18, 1984 9 .._ --.,-------..---..------------------.........- 17. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND SECTION 30-26 OF THE CODE INCREASE FEES FOR CITY DAY CARE FACILITIES Mayor Fei,re : Al 1_ t,iF�,I-zt, , take tip 17 . Plummer moves, Perez seconds, further 3i;,r „�.r .on, read the ordinance on 17. AN ORDINANCE A14 010)1:11ATNC1? A1IENDING PARAGRAPHS (2) AND (3) OF :_Isr;T,_0N 30-26 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF t;IAI11:7 FLORIDA, AS AMIENDED, FOR THE P11RIT"'IE OF GEN1`1RAI.,I.Y INCREASING THE FEES 1i6!-tf} I,'OR i1 i OF C_TTY DAY CARE FACT1,TT ; 1;,_ . passed on it,: i.i.,�..i. r�cadi»I; by title 3 1 tyre r'r:eti_ng of July 31, 1984, 111) for its ..,econd and final reading by title and adopt,ion. Can inot�ior_l of Comr,-Iis:�ioner Plummer, seconded by Perez, the Ordinance was thereupon given its, second end fi_na1 reading, by ti.tic and passed and adopted by the Following, vot;e- AYES: Commissioner tiller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE N0. 9�Q� The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 18. APPROVE AND ADOPT ANNUAL BUDGET: DEPARTMENT OF OFF- STREET PARKING Mayor herrt : 1`r I up Item 35, which is the Off -Street Parking Authority's budret. Take up 35. Resolution approv- ing and adopting; the azinual budget of the Off -Street Park- ing. Mr. Plummer: Mayor Ferre: second? If you got a third vote I will move it. All right, there is a motion, is there a 81 a0 September 18, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1040 A RESOLt1T.T.Ovii APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAi_, RfJj)(;1; T OF THE DEPARTMENT OF OFF- STREET P14Ri".1.N(T FOR 111F. FI ')CAI_x YEAR COMMENCING OC T 013I:;R i, 19,34 I1 ;D AIDING SEPTEt'1P�?R 309 19 5 T.N THE AMOUNT OF $4, 3 19, 150 T:V 0R T IIF, 0PER11.TT_0N OF THI: I;N*V T1E Di?,P[a 3TI1VJ1T OI 01; - ,TREET PARKING , F;Yc_;I_.,UD T.i,It; T11 -j11 i RF(.; IAT 1.0IN AND OTHER id0i�'-Oi'1RA'+ TtiG I:;'t'I:Ii;:I;: OF $2, 16Ei, 550, Ati`� RLI I y: CT1­P IN T_iF, OFF- STREET PAIIih�_NG RF; )01,i_i11.011 NO. f34-737 ADOPTED JUNE 11 1(8)1 (Here follow Body of OPU'U.ted here and on file in the Office of the, City Clerk.) Upon being second-d by Comrlii i.orier' 1): t till , the reso- lution was passed and ,dol)t,E d by t'ic= , ol.lc)Wi.ng vote - AYES: Co11-TT1iS 2' 101-C'.r I11.11cr J. DDV,71<ins Commis IinneI, J . L. Plumnlcr, Jr. Playor iiaurice A. Fcrre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-tiayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo 19. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN AGREEMENT: RELATED HOUSING COK ORT, LTD, T1 A.CKER CONSTRUCTION, EMINE CORP. FOR THE PURPOSSE OF 111PLEMENTIk G AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPEEI'T PROGRLH Mr. Plummer: 32, affordable housing. Mr. Datgkins : I: move it . Mr. Plummer: I second 32. Mr. Datkins: Ok. I move it. Mayor Ferro : What is 32? Mr. Plum. er: rifi'ordable housing. Mr . Da .Ak i. nI asked for a break down as to how the c:i' 1"h:it, is. Can you give it to me? Ms. :_ i. I It's twenty-five percent related housing;, t;�(:j; pe,reetit consort, twenty-five percent Thacker' �r',J tnt y-I',l ve percent Marbilt. Mr. Dawk-ln:::: Hove it. Mr. Plummer: Second. gl 51 September 18, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1041 A RESOLUTION AUTHOR17-ING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO EACH OF TWO MEMORANDA OF AGRL:ENENT IN 50DSTANTIALLY THE FORt; ATTACHEi) HERETO, WITII RELATED HOUS:IP1�ri(O1I S01IT, I,T!), THAM,]"I; CONSTRUC- TION/ Y, III NINI CC)I'tP0BATION 1)R0.7ECT SPONSOI1 1N I?:AC(-I AGRI, '1111v`I'. I�OR THE PURPOSE; OF THE AF E" O I)ABLE RENTAL 1IOUSING P?OGRAiI; AND FURTHER, DI?F !NING TIIE ROLE: S A1,4I) R1,-SPON- SIBILITTHIS OF THE CITY ANID THU PROJECT SPONSOR IN CAR11Y_ING OUT A RANGE OF ACTIVI` "l-I" 5 RIOUIRi',1) T_0 DEVELOP THE HOUSING 1`R0.1ECT,`)' I'L,ANNED UN1)ER THE AFFORDABLI' RENTAIa HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Oil T I I E' 1`1E;LR0SE NURSERY AND CIVIC CENTER SITES. (Here follow.-, Deady of resolution, omitted here and on fi1_c Jn the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commi2,sioncr Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adol)tcd by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner hiller J. Dai%,kins Commissioner J. L. Plumi-i-ier, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferro: NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo ------------------------------------------------------------ 20. APPROVE AND ADOPT ANNUAL BUDGET: OSPA FOR OPERATION OF THE GUSMAN HAIL & OLY14PIA BUILDING Mayor Ferre : >, e � rc now on 36. Mr. Dawkins: I -Bove it. Mayor Ferr-c:: Is there a second? Mr. Plumlmcr: For my friend, Roger, anytime. Mayor Ferre: Seconded by Plummer, further discussion? Call the roll. 8l 52 September 18, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1042 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL, BUDGE: OF THE; DEPARTMENT OF OFF- STREET PART-,INC', FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENC T111 Ct ;)C'i'(.")J'J'it i , 19,` 4 AND ENDING SEPTFI'llI 'R r) 19(Q1i It•? T?IE kt101JNT OF $827, 0 0 'i'(' !'i;t)11 j )1 i'ilii THF, 0PFEATI:ON OF GUSHATJ 1iALJ, AND T11J1 ULYMPI:A BUILD- ING - -- F�,n(,Lt-iT) �.N("; ��F�,.11 1�,t, -A,( i:01,J I) , I,'`�2, OO, AS REF1 LCT1?1_) i=ICJ '111" Oil" F .� TRi'ET PARKING BOARD'; RJR;,>OL,Li'CiONT 8)1- 7 8, ADOPTE'D JUNE 1, 1g(9), (Here 1)ody of oini..tted here and on t'i.l,e -in ,1)(- Off i c;c of the City Clerk. ) Upon bei_nfr �c-condcd by Comnli. ',sione!, P.i_u!r,mer, the reso- lution was passed -ind-,,doptcd by th(; f ollo1•rinE vote - AYES: Commiosi.oner Hill"], J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo 21. DISCUSSION ITEM: METRO'S USE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BONDS Mayor Ferro: 11s. Dougherty, just, for the record so we understand each other. This Commission passed a resolution asking you to look into the legal aspects of the Metropoli- tan Dade County T.D.B. bond IssueS. Play I... I think there seems to be so:,i confursi.on from they resolution th«t you gave me. ThE� �inte!ltion o� ghat C._. Douhcrty, azae ._o that you would do 1� l °r�.c _>°ch -;Ild upon the conclusion of it, we t would �= C ) 1t. C_ i. U!i i;o lt` I! .:!' Cr!' 1,C t, to pl rrUe . But you ' y !� u,�.�,�!' !�! +tiut�t..�;r,:> ��>;�!.it ,r1 r,�4,.,u3.�. to op Met ropolit,,:. ! ,:(c (coat it _,r!! v .o? _' i_!; i,'tlt. 1s1;1,. Now, what I'm telli f( y t1 i" �i .I).i �.. the Congrt _.- of i.. c ",d[t,. ,ly.;t(red 'I) y the y p1,01)il' the usage (Di` That I'm ._.1... tw ���� �. �_ .. �c) �. to resear_'rt ,� l<_ ., T _� y_.1.0_ is In tilt 1.: 11, :' 1!i t. .( ! . !..:a t: !; ', tit s then you1.1 i:(I. t� ... .: lii':f:�.. t: hi;i_ ,�!�<.. You to uo cm., of the 1.D.Is. them... � ny ..d_ t, 1 r,._,1. !. ; ± s . er, would thzn C?<il ' t o is ; r,k- 1 . ! L _.. :) de County to ii` we 01"! 'A .. :< i:.! 1 _I is __c;!1 in the future and thrtk t),.:t ively . But tilt- i!it.i +1t i C,!; tc; f rid out whether or not t}iis tliir: to 1, s c r riot a1-,d 1 think that requires a research intCa thti law out of Congressional ... the intent of Congress on i gl 53 September 18, 1984 Ms. Dougherty: And I think you... I will do that. Mayor Ferre: And the new law. Ms. Dougherty: And it may or may not be. I didn't research it under the new law. Ti_. may be illegal under the new law. However, i.t t,.iarr -rot; i l_ i eg al under the old law as validated by the Siipre; n Courl. of t,'W,tato of Florida. Mayor Ferro: IJot: i.l lell�:al. as State l.awl I'm t al -ing about Federal 1ala. 01. Mr. Plummer: Mr. 11-zyor, for your edification l announced earlier today and 1_ -rat; to announce to you thai_, i_ I. -I I Z with regrets that 'l-r hurday „orning T r•tilne. aide l ot bto be in attendance--. I will be here wha.t-.ever- time you have the lunch break, following the lunch break. I 11aVe 7_00ked the agenda. There is nothing of the heavy item: on Uic early morning agenda. So, I will be here and III v r,e ;_s nothing that I would ask you to hold. 22. SECOND REy,DI.1tG ORD. AMEND ANT UAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDI- NA14TCE Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion on 19? Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, Dawkins seconds, further dis- cussion read the ordinance. All right, call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDI14ANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 5 A14D 6 OF ORDINANCE IdO. 9684 I:DOPTED SEPTEMBER 29, 1983, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAI, YEAR I NDIN"G SEPTEM- BER 30, 198211, BY INChi"'ASII G +jEV'E''UUES A14D APPROPRIATIONS IN THE PhIJSIOib ADI.i.INI- STRATION TRUST AND FUNDS IN` T'HiE AMOUNT OF $2, 79 ,009 TO RECOi%h 1101,11 ;S RECEIVED BY THE Cl'I'Y 1,11Wh, TH1" STATE' OF FLORIDA UNDER CHAPTER: 175 AND 185 OF THE FLORI- DA STATUTE-S F0,R' Tiil1 'OLICE AND FIRE RELIEF AIdD PENS::' 01 TRUST T FUNDS; CONTAIN- I1dG L R?11'R 1,1_;1 i PROV STt")N AND A SE" 11;A1:1:LI'_'Y CL`4t.1 !E. passed on :Ii.:!R; i;i, Li t?.0 t the meeting of July 31, 1984, :r. is l: .� 2I Y'1r (-cond and final reading by title arid o!i . (;'r; !:"C : i oli G1, Coliu!-' .ss ioner Plummer, seconded L:�y Ct,Y tali. �:�.iC:ii: r' ��l: t, , ttie Ordiiiancc, was thereup- on given A, :k�c:0!;d irld l ; ;;,: r,f • .ir x by title and passed and ado1)t J Uy AYES: J. Da4akins Conirrii :stoner J. L. riulliiner, Jr. Mayor Haur i c� !.. Fer•r'e NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-11jayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo RDI A CE WAS DESIGNATED OBDINANCE gl 54 September 18, 1984 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 23. SECOND PE;.An:iNG ORDTNANC : AMEND SEC. 30--53 OF THE CODE GREEN FT,". CARD i'Fr I:;TC AT GOLF COURSES Mr. Dawkins: 11ove 121. Mayor Ferre: All right, Dawkins moves 21. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Seconded by Plummer, read the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS (A)(1) AND (2) OF SECTION 30-530 ENTITLED "GREEN FI_,,LS", SUBSECTION (B) OF SECTION 30-511, ENITITLI?D "CAR'_ FV.ES" AND SUBSEC- TIOP�' (r: > ��I� f,C''I F'Iti F;NT.T.TLED "SPEC.1!1L 1', � I.,_" �),. �I;_ t ���_ OI i1IE CITY OF 1•iIfa11l1 l)l_:, i_;1 ,,i)j���?I' rtIVZS- IN7G T!'1 �I_�_ ' ......JI F(.)h C 1 .i'1� C?h tSIAMI GOLF ( C. 11h I,:' C;C?N '..:I 1 U A iiEFE rLER PROViSI0 1' 11I A l' V E, I�Ah,3L:1-T)' ClL1;USE. passed on its first read i_nc; by title at: the meeting of July 31, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner i'].r ;nrn r, the Ordinance was thereup- on given its second and final readinC by title and passed and adopted by the f'ol .o-,i i.n,- vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioncr J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor I°iauricc A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT. Demetrio Perez Jr. Colr�l�i ss i onerJoe Carollo THE 0RD1NANCI 1 f� I�r C t41�_I1; _ zaRDINIANCE N0. 9$9 The City Attorney read tht.; ordinance into the public record and announced that; conies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. Sl 55 September 18, 1984 24. FIRST REAPTNO 0RDINANCE: AMEND APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE PROJECTED DEFTGTTS Q PROPERTY MAINTENANCE DIVISION DEPT. OF jFU CLE/BKDG. MATU T NANGF. Mr. Gary: 22, sir, please. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion on 22? Mr. Plummer: Move it, Mayor Ferre: Plummer, moves, is there a second? Further discussion, read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9684 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 29, 1983, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDI- NANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEM- BER 307 19041 BY APPROPR T A T ING FROM THE BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE DEPART- MENT, HEAVY FOU T i nENT IiOINT1 ' ANCE DIVI- SION, I° Y' 83 RETATPEn EARNINGS, AN AMOUNT OF $ 100, 000I WHKA i.'<G WEVE110115 IN THE SAME Ai OURT TO K ArFLOPKIATED K"TO THE PROPERTY 00`''.:0F TO PROVIDE FUNDING TO C9V JB IN THE P IiOI ?: A l Y MAWKNANCE ALhHY ACCOUNTS WHICH WIaHE t;NEA 1': D D'u,11', TO T-,HA tSF ER OF SALARY SAVINGS TO FUND THE PURC,HhSE MATERIALS I=ND SUPPLIES AS A RESULT OF A HIGH DEMAND FOR NON -BUDGETED JOB REQUESTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISIONS AND A SI VERABI.LITi CLAUSE. Was introducci by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins g rid was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote -- AYES: Commissioncr Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. $- 56 September 18, 1984 11 11 ----------------------------------------------------------- 25. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ADD NEW SECTION 2-90 TO CODS PHASED DESIGN & CON3TRUCTIOIN (FAST TRACK) ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Gary: Item 211. Mayor Ferre: We did that. Mr. Gary: No, sir. Mr. Ongie: No. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion on 24? Mr. Plummer: (love it. Mr. Dawkins: Sr-cond. Mayor Ferro: Further discussion, read the ordinance. Call the roll.. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANTCE APPENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE IV, DI i11:>1:ON 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF P il:i 14"'LORIDA AS AMENDED BY ADDING A NEt,, - SI�;C'i':10AN 1?0 ENTITLED "PHASED DESIGN AND (_FAST TRACE:)", WHICHAUTHOI I_'7 ''J.ii. i�'II'I?, RE:Q,(I JE AN)_ l.h'SPEC- TION I"11"I'ART1T I'0 PER- MITS FORC ?Iy.::`l.'1;1)C'i I:OI, tJF Pti11DING PRO- JECTS PUr;. EJlls'i' a t, l: I iif<.,:l,i} I-}IOt;I"i>111,E IN ACCORDANCE. GI­LTE AND GUIDE- LINES E',S`T;,i 1 i :',I; ,D l ')' fairly M 11,`''1';, rIN' E'D BY THE FITO I ;1.; ES DEFT T'i'IIL'A 1 t;Ci', i i. 1 C i; 1A I_.r'l Ec- TIVE 1)1> TE, il11 'i:111, 1.1,'1= r CODE Ei')_i 1'S, CiI ;'i';. i'iiI_;It1 0I^ IN CONF1,1:CT 1iND CCJNTJ/ 1.1 11 , ;.1;1'I RA,6 LIT1' CLAUSE. . Was int.r-oduccd by Comrni::ioilcr Plummer and seconded by Commissi.onet, and pa.ssE:�d on its first reading by title by the, followinE. votc:- AYES: Colmtiissioner Miller J. Dawkins Co,mmissiont_r J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. gI 57 15optember 18, 1984 .«-....,..._.-------------------------------------_------------...- 26. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: BOILER, ELEVATOR INSPECTION FEES Mr. Gary: Ok. Read the :second ordinance. There is a second ordinance attached to that. Call the roll.. AN ORDINANCE ENTITI.,ED- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE N0. 6145, ADOPTED MARCH 19, 1958? AS AIMENDED, WHTCH E"TABL,ISHED FEES FOR BUILDING, PL,U111I3INr, i_'J,ECTRICAL, MECHU-I'TCAL (INUUDING 130_T_LER AND EI..EVA- TOR) T NS1'!FCTI0'i'_ , PEJii11T AN,I CER'1:1_1 ICATE FEES, I37 ADD.i:taC� �A NE''I ",TTOI`d (%;a) TO SAID SLC`I'I_01. f;(d), T,if1;ItL;I3Y PkOV1_DING NEW FEES TO COVER TIH_ A1)'11-NT;�TIZA T.TVEl 0P1I1RA- TION COSTS L NV'0J,VE7 TN T?IL; I:SSUANCf�, OF A PERMIT FOR t'iJT?, 'TtJG C ni",TTS RUCT 10N UNDER A PHASED I)1. S.13N' AND CCNSTRUC 1 IOP: METHOD (FAST `I:RACf';) CONTAl'I I-T, yG 1iE' EALER PROVI;_,l )N , A -,V? R III I,T:'f'1" I,� I1SL , AND PROVTi)TIdGt FOR AI 'FEICTIVE" Was introduced by Corr,mis ioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dackin.S and pas3cd on its first reading by title by the fo].].oi,inf; vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. 81 58 September 18, 1944 C 0 27. CONSENT AGENDA: (3 items) Mayor Ferr e: "P,ef'ore the vote on adopting all items includ- ed in the AFT(',rldn i..-, taken (Items 2-7-29), is there anyone prn gin; who i_ nn ohjcoi,or or proponent; tll::`"t:. wishes Ttl�' i Tl i,tlr {"cln (ili; Ai?(?n 13 lI� arin none to spea1.on , ,�r; C , vote on adoption o1 l,I"T: Gon; (nni.. A4 cTl(dq. will. now he t i1:en. The)";i('I'c introduced by Commission- er Dawkin _,, by Cornm i_t :�:i.cner Plummer and passed and adopted by tI"Te f 01.1.o-,rinf; �aote AYES: Commi: si_oner Ni l l.cr J. Dawkins Comm i�7,3i.oner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Naui- i.c, _ . Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-lm or Dcin( trio Perez, Jr. Comm i.s:,i_oneT- Tnr Carollo 27.1 RESOLUTION, 1 AT IFYI-NG CITY VIANt'AGEF T IIATT N. FAILED TO II_-.Fil ORI 1_N1 83-84-10&. k CONFIRMING THE FINDING OF 11.1 INC. MARINE CONSTRUCTION ACCORDANCE WITH BID NO. RI SOLUTIONd NO. 811-1043 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING TIME CONTRACT AWARDED UNDER RESOLUTION 1,10. 84-796 TO N. U., INC. MARINE CON- STRUCTION F'OIt F1?IiN,I; INIi G ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR PILE IiEPLA(,"E'MM ,N'T A'i• DIN;NI;R KEY MARINA IN THE AMOUNT OF %i,`?`,�:;, N'I�:.(�'(;1.;;'E ."_�1:IP, FIh!'i F1°.1:L,F;D TO PROVI1)1': T+Ji J,f;t: i,i t ; T 1':`,' i ] A.;1JCF (i1" i_1t" 1.1i AlAI D FAILED i0 UL1:TI-D IN ITS F3 11: I ,�0� (�.-1A, F-t';�Iw i(l� ; I tIF:'�H1 isilTNGRI7- ZNG I}if G �'I:.' ." ��a'i1i1V '!C 1Fl;i' I }ii_ I�I:;C..:�. (RY LEGAL ACTIGIJ TO Ii. Ct,'vl "LL O1; OF IIij, CITY' S COSTS RESULTING Fr,ON >tICFI Ft"IILU11"1; 01 'FL PANT OF N.U. INC. 1.1E_IiINfl CON:'_TRUC'I'ION; 1"U1'Cff'EEAC,C1?PTING `ITIE BID OF ALPI A N;AFi1 Nt , I'iiE NEXT LOPES' REISPONSIBLE AND 13I1,I)DEIi, FOIi 11 I1RN !S.NFII,G Ok 1: SIiORT- TERIi CONIil/:C'I' 113f,SIS FOIi 'Fill OF! 7C1 OF I" 'I(I:NAS AT A TOTAL 1'1i0r0,")ED CC:' S'I' 01, y:7 , 9'_ 0 1,`I'.`11 iUN'D S' ±'1iEREFOR PREVIOUSLY I:L,LOCA` ED UNDER EE'SOLUTION NO. (64- 79B ADOPTE,i) JULY ';0, 1984 AND t,T`I'F `I'111' OF FUND: '111ERE!"G i Fd,"ING ALLOCATED I•11'k01•': Tl l 1984 CAPITAL I11PROVE"TENT P1{OJECT:. FUND', FUiiTH'E,]-I AUTHOR- IZING THI✓ CITY N;ANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. gl 59 September 18, 1984 C C 27.2 ARNISHIN D ACCEGAGENERALTHOMAS CUST0DIAI��TANDr1EVENTSINC. MAINTENANCE SERVICES AND H & H LAWN AND CLEANING SERVICE. RESOLUTION NO. 54-10" A RES OLUT TON At < t,P t i NG T I I El BIDS OF THOMAS MAINTENANCE, = . FOR v oRN i SHIPG GENERAL CUSTODIAL AND EVENTS r ,, ri:�i�1�S�?A;CF .>ERv i C 5 AT A PROPOSED CO T RVICE OF $V, °�96 , 00 "�.t1�) E A ��•.i AND CLEAN LNn 1 (; (f i� l 11 i j�1 W t i1t1i�IC1 SF,��_l("I _ AT A FOR FUR�I1 H_ °I �I .00 r,iJ A CONTRACT BASIS PROPOSED ' O: i �lI '` .i �� i FOR THE FOR ON (1) YEAR I�� t�1I�.� AI i,L AI�, NUAT , EX ii B I C i:O11 CENTER, N ER, TO THEOi OFFICE �:;E OF COCONUT GROVE OF AAUDITORIUMSA`T' A. `Il?TA1_� L'I<<11'C.)SI D FIRST YEAR COST 105, 0�I�1.00; ALLOCATING FUND T}tt REI� ��R I'R0M THE 1903.84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT 011 - C!-:; PAi1UhCH��SING THORIz- ING THE CITY MANAGER TO J_N ;TRUCT THI �UF, AGENT TO THE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE i. SERVICES, SUBJECT TO THE AV A IL,AIIILt TY OF FUNDS. BID ACCEPTANCE: LIIOM� i BUFF COMPANY FOR 27.3 IRE ADMINISTRATION. FURNISHINGS FOR RESOLUTION NO. BA- 10" A RESOLU%M i�C, PT RG THE 11ID O THOMAS W. RUFF AND AND COMPANY FOY FURNISHING FREE-STANDING E-S INSTALLATION MODULAR OFFICE I URN] i1 UG ��, INCLUDING AT THE FIRE APM3 NI S E A TI_GN OFF10ES, TO THE DEPART- MENT OF FIRE, ;,i ,CIJi r ND !NS [.,t,. ION SERVICES AT A TOTAL pROFOSED COST OF $5 1 , 66 3 . 00 ; ALLOCATING FUNDS THI�RI�Fi.�h I' ROi'� THE 1 9i�1 FIRE }.� IGI�ITI1vG, FIRE PREVENTION ANES D RI�:.:�CLU- FACILITIFOND FUND; AU- THETHORIZ ING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCTFOR PUR- CHASING AGENT TO ISSUE THE PURCHASE. ORDERS THIS EQUIPMENT THERE BEING NO FURTHER COMMISSION, THE MEETING WAS ATTEST: Ralph G. Ongie CITY CLERK Matty Hirai ASSISTANT CITY CLERK BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE CITY ADJOURNED AT 7:30 O'CLOCK P.M - Maurice A. Ferre M A Y O R ( S E A L ) 60 September 18, 1984 ft F G0"71; SS 10 N, RMi IEVAL, IIOa~U FIIF IDEN IFICATIMA. I A(', TMI A%TD C©t)F-* NO. APPROVI,//7yl)0PT ]'IOP i)1 I AI"1'P?i Id'I' O} OT'} `I'PF E T PARKIN(; FISCAL V I -T F (074t- NCTNG OC `I,0])] 1, "1 9 R 1'O SEPT. 30, 1995 III; li'llF 7,r,OUTTl' OF S,;11, 31 t), 150. TO PR+ VIDE FOR THE Or1 RT7ION I1i`]117IPE DEn700'II 'N'I' OF OhF STREET FTC. AUTHORIRF CITY 'F0 FNTI R 1:NTO 'ItdO 'IlEtIORIV- DA OF HOUS tNG/CONSO))T, LTl)/`i'IIT,-C XER C0,1�`'V]' ' 1'TON CORPOR7�9,10N, FOR THE PUR- POSE Oil ljE7717.T, L'OUSIN DEVEI,O� ; OIL THE MELROSE NURSERY TND CIVIC APPROVII�C�/ ?DC�PTI?�'G AI`:NU7,L BUDGET OF THE DE1?I'-PTMFN� OF OFF-S`_''RI:J'T 117,RKTNG COMMIENCING OCTOBER 1 1984, ENDINt; E�I'I")'I_h'I3I'R 30, 1985, II'] THE l.MOUNT OF $827, 020. TO I'RnVIDI' THE OPERATION OF GUS?17,1\' HALL AND THE OLYMPTT; BUILDING, ETC. RESCIND COI.TR7,C'I' ;JNDER RESOLUTION NO, 84-798 TO N. U. IIiC, I l RIN}' CONE Ti TO FL]P.]\11, H ALL, LT,BOR _ AND I1A`I'ERIhLE FOR PILE I DII.11,1ER KEY MARINA IN `.I'}IE I-T,`OL'I�d`P OI' �4, 959- TL'THOS-.I7F CTm1` ATTORNEY 10 '171'1, 'PHI' NECESS7�11Y L,L;G7vI, fiC'TIOty' 'I'0 RECOVFP %LL, OR I'I�P.?' OF TEE CITY ' S C( STS '31-:',SULTING FROM SUCH L'T I LUI'17 ON TPE PART OI' N . U . , INC . MARI- NE CONSTRUCTI("N' , '31'oC . P_CCEPT 'I11117 L:71) ; OI `I'lI0?•IT:, hfiTII�'I'I�NTNCI:, INC. FOR FURNISH GI NI R70, CUFTOD= 171I_,/I',V3�;I�'1'S MI' INTENENCE SER- VICES TT COST PY `, 88 , 8f..10 . 00 , PND H i P 1171V'N/ CLEANING, SERVICE I'O]: PURI�7S]I !-WyjN,11F1NAlQCE SERVICI T_'.i' i' Ct`,`,T 01' t 01`1 T111 ' COCONt"", GROVE TO 7'III; OI'I'IC], (11 RIUMS A']' 1. C'0,"I' C,I ACC EP 2.? T11F ".11) 01' FOR F'UI<N; `'I!.! I,G I II)1.:1,G/I ul)I'I,h.I\1 01 --I CL: FUR- NISHING, 1"cl "I)ING 1..T THE FIjd• /RF.S- CUE/INSPEC" 10IN SERVICES P'i' IS COFT OF $51 , 663. 00 . , AUTHORIZI? CITY MI-NPGER TO INS` FUCT THE PURCHPSING ATENT, ETC. 84--1040 84,-1041 84-1042 84--1043 84-1044 84-1045