HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-09-18 Marked AgendaMEETING DATE: September 18, 1984 City Hall - 4:00 P.M. 1. liRDINANCE -SECOND READING Af!tthorizing the issuance, S. 4 ect to the election 0 pro �'dcd for h35.000,000 Park and 11corc'!ti-011 1- 'n C j, I j. t i 0:71 0 p a y i n c 13 1 J 11 f" e on,,; t r t' olt extond-i �w imP1-C?\'.i "I" d J 4-i n t 1) c, City o J_ 1" I..;J 1w.. I t1di, nag f ac i I jJ-1 J e'p) o p c r -ty a p p u r a c q u J,n 11 t j- o i- imp r 0 V C lj-r (1 1.1 t" t n d .1.1 1'. 1-1 of land for ,..L_1ch purpo­­­ -nd I., i i c acquisition of 'quipmcrit 'I or therefor; providing nor the levy and collection f ad valorem to pay such bond4 2. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Providing for the Holding of a 3pecial runic al election in the City of—Miami, Flo—r—idT, on Novemb'e'r 6, 1984, t-zd.th respect to the issuance:. of It .1,3_5,0 0 -0-1-2.0-0 for Park and Recreation Facili—ties Bonds. MAYOF1 W! A 11"! 1 C'71 A, F'V n. n.T: VICE MAYOR PrtI&T71") rr-11F77- An Co�^AISSiot�j;::.n ton COMPAISSIONF:rl Wif,FFIJ. MAWrIN-, CCIWAISSIO,jF'.n rjjjmu.FR, In. CITY MANAGFP. "OwAnD V. G.AnY DISCUSSION NOT TAKEN UP CITy cqWism-em i,nr�h r MEETING t?t1TF: � ^1 a, 1084 TIPAGE NO: ?_ pt 3• WITHDRAWN ,y• WITHDRAWN 5• Discussion of proposed Ordinance to eliminate grants and/or special funding requests. (This item was continued from the Sept. 13th meeting.). g• Discussion regarding area bounded by I-95 S.W. 15th Road and Metrorail right-of-way. T• Representatives of Aspira of Florida, Inc. have requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding; Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. g• Representatives of the Miami Film Festival have requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Coullnisvion regarding the City`s support for the Miami Film Festival. WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN NOT TAKEN UP M- 84-1036 MOVED: DAWKINS SEOCND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO ALREADY DONE REFERRED TO CITY MANAGER CITY18MMISS W-N -;,AG-= MEETING DATE: September 18,1984 PAGE NO: 3 ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY 9. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Amendina Sections 1 and 6 of U —r inance No. 96 adopted September 201, 1983, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for fiscal yont- cnding September 30, 19811, by 1. 11 (-' r On r, i n g miscellan(�nus rovcnuen in the amount of'_,£50,000 froma grant fro the P;-r 1 0 r 0,7t, i o 11 Deparik"Ir, i,, C I, youth; c o 11 t a 1) 11 Q I, c p c'n 10 r provision and a severability clause, City Manager recommends. 10. ORDINANCE EMERGENCY Ordinance 9534, adooplte December 9, 1, ttie H Existing Capital Improvements Ei Appropriations Ordinance, as amended by increasing approllEi for Fort Dallas _LLtions Park Devefovinent in the amount or y ?27 . 9 0 1 roill t. contribution from the Florida Recrea lon D e v c. I o ID m e n, t Assistance P F�jj� 11 Eno T TUT—,2 b'd fror.U.-, a contribution Trom rt—CF--leons a i n 1 n g a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. EMERGENCY ORD. 9886 MOVED: PLU1IME-R SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO EMERGENCY ORD. 9887 MOVED: PLM4ER SECOND: DAWK1NS ABS)ENT: CAROLLO ie C9ru CaR.. muls C _10AN3 INT MEETING DATE September 18, 1984 11. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY meg. Ordinance No. 95311 adopted December 9' , 1 9t �, the existing capital improvements appropriation Ordinance, as amended bV cicererasing a ropat: y .i0n. Far T ro et comauter ided�dispitch system item 1 233 ClOU an(i�. ar?reeri-a t i.n 1,233j_000 to e st al)lli h a new ;r�o,�,e�ct entitled (%tyf wfide 800 IH,Z Corrnuni.cat ion ')yst em �l tor:} 1. C) nd-'r ranst'erra ng said resource and projrct to the; capital, imp rovcr„cnt fund item IX.C(i) 1 7 , tr;t ,nc`.rr^,^,l.I1F; the approprir;tion nrp t;1) 1981 firefa r'}t;i rrs t 1`5 1'c x rr.v r�trion and rcs.c 7•_ ._,ic ra arTlC�irr}L C i' i '(' ( '(.fir l 1"c)1;} antic i r. r Cif"1d @3{t�I it t�t '.1`,�; 'its c� i; fern t:13 I �. � � �1 (,if: �i�7�� Xt!?:1:.D(n,«t cI't-3,11F, said r ( C)i) r: i-i6 is rc7 (-lot to t}1 -ii t: fund items Z G °) i f`, nnd in the r p1)r-c)pri a,.ion ,.:0r tt1c= capital ir;1)r ovfLmac nt, fund ire the amount of �2,500,000 and establishing a new project in said fund entitled City-wide 800 MHz Corllmunication System item IX.C(i)17; further repealing Ordinance No. 9868, adopted July 31, 1984; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 12. ORDINANCE _ EMERGENCY stablish�in two new trust and a encv funds entitled VD •W nt,c3_�rn FDeve1opmento �HU-�L[1C)r_It.vtt _ E F1C `IUf - tl eYc' Pdi'T#I1t�:',_ 111tt7C�T 1 �y.E`_�.t.;U� r C�Cyt"G and` anyUic t. �t¢r Q.0 LC1r s+ervi cL. Ili 0V...d :,` t)�_' VC1 t"i. C)U Cc. ity I.=cp[9.r t:»Q'. tit:. C i €;: i Ill. :,_t!4 shot), t;tc % to tilt f Ci! 11t; Geri bt'Y�lo�il�t-rfL i:`�it 1iC;t' ?9 and said L r u u 1. repealer IJ r t L it >t. aF1d r severabi1ity clau-'t:. City Manager recotuu ends . PAGE NO EMERGENCY ORD. 9888 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO EMERGENCY ORD. 9889 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ AIsSENT: CAROLLO C MEETING , DATE: Sept eriher 1�' 19814 13. ORDINANCE FMERGENCY Am -end in '-1', ion 1 of OF - - - - 9-5-3­114 —, rdinance 0. adopted Existing Capital Tmprovermcnts ApporpriskJons Ordinance, an amended, by J.ncrrising approp fnr Epst J.Jttle�, Havana >4rrr' "n T) T, 0 �-" 0 , -I c 111" r� - IFFT.q 13 C J1.). V a t" () 1" P 1. 'Imolint or $1 OU (I an(I i ' 11 C r cn:3 1. 11 g cs- in ".-ho 1980 115,F1114,3Y General. Obligntl.on Rond 1�und in the nmoi-,,nt or "536,000 mid the 1070 and 19-18 st-lorm scwer General Obli,17rition 5(--Ind Fund in the niount of by incrcsninf� ,Vprnprj,-t"',0n.'3 for- S.W. 16111) by n "'ot..;-1 of '135,000 and 1- V C j, n the Obl i and I in thc by Sewer ('I.1 j n F. n d Fund C, f $2, 43 bond to e.szt.-bi'iEh I,-1-c----,'k1(-,,rr; uirinaC-e pro jcct: L s n c v,, 1-1rojest -i.n said f tit-, d a n, d 111 c r 111 g a p p r o 1) r i a, t, i 0, n for Flagler Storm. Sewer rjodificationzs by the amount o f 40, 326 1 000 from anticipated bond sales in said fund; containing L r e p e a I e r provision a n a a severability clause. City Manager recommenas. 14. ORDINANCE - EMERGE14CEY -3t a b I i t� h* revenue I Una en t 2, t 1. ed: f5e v e 170­11.­'T i t i e ff o —de 1 - 0- 0 �--' r i L-1 t i n - u n ds ful i- I tL t-,. j. o 1-i in tll(- amount of $'-)-*i'(-1G0 of `S t t � n DepartiLt-ti,' of lit: 1"h c-r'd Servict::; tu fiso-al yv, !:i IJ e C i a I p r o g r a it-s 1 C c c, `0 U.'-1 t 6 mat ch 1 t; d I r a 1.1 d a u t I i cs r to zi C. (:7 t- i: awar(I t,!;t. U t I,-_ t Depar t::;t r;, 1 z.n(! Human rope a a n 0 a Be V ef" a 1, 2 1, v City PAGE NO: 5 ORD. 9890 1110VED - PUTIVIIER Si-]COND: DAWKINS A11,1,F,NT: CAROLLO EMERGENCY ORD. 9891 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND; PLUMIER ABSENT, CAROLLO CITY VOMMISSION, ACFNU MEETING DATE: September V3, 19811 15. ORDINANCE EMERGENCY rs t —ab I i s-h- R new special revenue f'und entitled: Recreate_, appropriating ?_unds_F��i it.s operation in the amount T7_1F,_000_i_r_o_nAt,h_c Unitco. States Department of Education a n d $35,000 from, finc,-O. Year 1983- 84 spccinl p r 0 G, r a m S a n d accounts: rnnt.chinff fund,-, for grants; and n u t h o r i i nj7, the City M a na Cg C r to n 0 c P 11 -1 the $74,000 grant award fron, the United Stntcs Dcpartmcnt of Education; C 0 11 ta 111 i 11 g a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 16. ORDINANCE -- EMERGENCY X—menM;�,,, s,ections 5-117 5-48 5 5-53 5-54. (,)J' thc (,.odr- of tT) .............. r- i-ii b e r "CitV 1, C o 11 a 1. VF —es t_j:Tnj F, 1C;, r d, wl"Lli t, I I e ZTa _ME�1`71_1 -IJ FICT, "o be appointed by t-he City Commission; 3aid Bo,-.,rd to be established upon I-Aie effective date of the adoption of the herein ordinance; providing that there be a 5ecretarv- treasurer of said board who shall be appointed by a vote of not 1 e s s than five (5) members of --aid board and shall not, l)ave tlie right LO cast a vote Oil CIL) Ca:, IL i o ns coming before t h (,- b C', z I - d for action or dtci�.;ion; de I c, t i ri c any tile nti, On o f authorJ,*L-.Lti.v(- p r o f e _- L o n', z, 11 box i n L, ill t i v i. 1, e,,; within th(� cil-V 0 f h i pur5uLnt to t1le of the Atliletic o � n i i t i C1, estabi i --h, SC- t i C, 1-1 1-,-62 Prof e_-z�ti c-N, CA box i I V11 Y conta i airs; a r e 1) t 41 (-- provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 6 F1MFRGF , NCY 01M. 9892 MOVED- PLUMER 517COND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO CONTINUED ORDINANCES - SECOND READING 17. ORDINANCE -SECOND READING Amending- ParaRraphs (72 and Scetion 30-26 of the To-d —e'o- F t. I i e Cityo f t I i a m i , Florida, as amended, for the purpose of generally increasing the- fec:7 charged for use of City (lay cire facilition. (This i t,em wns passed on Fir ' -I, 11c-'-dj.n,- �t the July 31:7,'L. 1I.-, v-, S moved by C o ri , mi Pl.umnjor and seconded b C o F� Dn'ukinG) City Et' nag.-Cl, k-1 is. ORDINANCE - SECONL.) READING J me n d i n v, -5 c o t i o i i �i—d"--� of dinance adopted S e p i'll- - nnual appropri.�',A.on-' 0 r ("I 1, 11 11 C C for the f i c 4 I ending September 7,50 'i9811 , tad, i n c r ea-.-,�i n f�, t I-, C! z 1�) 1, 0 p t - i. t i C) or t 17 nn"kernal service fund central. 5tor(.',-s in the arnount of providinF, additional inventory or -B—urL'ou �fyn 0 s up pl I es, revenue in a —mi 6 V., i T t being availa-ble from various City Departments; containing a repealer jwovi.5ion and a severability c I a on e (This item , 1$a.� p a -,:3 e d 01'1 First Reading a t the- July 31st Meeting. It Was woved by Comm. Dawkin.-,; and seconded by Mayor Ferre). City Manager recommends. ORD. 9893 MOVED: PLMTER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO NOT TAKEN UP CITY COMMISS19- N -.1-A-C M-A-0 iI PAGE NO: MEETiNGi DATE: September 1B, 198)1 ------- 19. rORDINANCE _n- SECOND READING and of mending, � ectio3 tyrd-inance 9 6-83 4 adopted e P t A-g-er be 9, 19 T, the annual appropriations ordinance for fiscal ye2r endi.ng September 30, 1984, n g revenu in 'thef'—en'sion AdministF,-3tiOn T�aut mon_of —- I K lie rust � Un $7d —,793L e 6, monies eFeved by the city from the State of Florida under Chapters 175 n"d 185 of the Florida Stj t, U tC 0, for the Police sand Firo pension Trust Fund; <aoi1t,7 i 11 i j, � o rryc-pcaler , lit 'y Provision rn :7 V A clauc-c. d on Fi..r�- Ii <c 7 I 1C - 31st , I- by Comm. c o n d c d Comm. Dairrkins) City Manager recommends. 20. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING T—stablishing a new special - revenue fund entitled: "Minoriltv Business Enterprise pecial Fund,!— approprTating t-,�eamountl of $1 000 Tu—n cf T �n Y to be uacd in establishing a program to assist black and — �-Z-11--- jLsC t)js-iness kjnj minority_[)US--- enterprines in securing City of L; in i bonding f or p r o c u r el n -:Ctivityl znd in establibIling 1) r 0 g r ail. -I t3 to render fin racial a ist rice t0 black za n, d I i ni I C 'minority business cn t e r P -,-, i S #-, n ; contai ni i,C, I,c tae e r provisiotl ;-nd a tL-uj on Fir st kt. i n WL 1.11(-- July 313t tint - t tans t�joved by Comm. D-,,zwjijjs and seconded by Comm. Fjui,,,wer). City Manager recommends - ORD. 9894 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP NFIEETING DAT E_ September 18, 1984 21. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Im—ending Subsections (A) (1) and (2) of Section 30-53, entitled "Green Fees" aiid subsection (Tiof Section 30'__ entiticd C iri Fe e f7, s 110, subsection 30- H_,e of the code of t, I I C C; 1ty of Miami, Florida, as aniended, by revining the fec schedulc for City of Miami Golf Coorsei: containing I-) repealer provision and i severability clause. (Thies itcn, wa5 paSned on Fir;t. FIcnding al 11 r- J I i J� y 31st H�cctinr. It, v,,as moved by Comm. Plummer ,,nd seconded by Comm. !)�: wkirl ) . I City Hanagei recommend. ORDINANCES - FIRST READING 22. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Imendine Section 4 and 6 of Mr-d—inance Nlo. 9684 adopted September 29, 1983, the Annual Appropriations Ordin(ance for the f i _,-. C ,, 1 year ending September 30, 1981, .11 by a p p r o p r i gat in f'r o r2 t 11) (-, Building -I i C le and V e I Maintenanc(: Dcpart,mcnt, lkavy Equipment Divi:iion, 1"'Y 83 r e t a i r, u d earnings, gar] <,4, 1:n C) U I 11", of $100,000; appropri_z.ttd into tht~ Fri j)c_-rty Mainten; n(.,Q Divi�icn to provide full6ill� t (,. Q Q v e r- p r o j (z c t t-- o deficit; ill t, i I e p r o p t r t-I y [-fZ;i lit (: 1IL-11 C,(- �Al L r Y accounts W I' C due to t! t: ur u_ ary savillg�i tu 0 f ma t t 1, 1 1 L t (I a result of hioi fo n o n - b L., O'LL: 1, t: v u r t: C L, Z:t t cont ail r, itiL a r t !.: e a I t r proviaiwv,_- Liio a _,%:verability Clause. City Manager r ec orarh e ri 0 s . PAGE NO. 9 ORD. 9895 MOVED: DA14KINS SEICOND: PLUMZIER ABSENT': CAROLLO PEREZ FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ CITY SOMMISS19H - A-61MA MEETING DATE: September 18, 1984 PAGE NO: 10 23. ORDINANCE -- FIRST READING stabIishin a P; 3.eD eial revenue fund onr i,tledr "Recreation Activity —1 4- 5'►, and opra a ,i.ng, �f'unds for its operation in the amount of $100t000 conpo^c'<l'o � ventaes collected froa�a participation fees, cont.aininC a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 24. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amen in � ChapterArticle Devi on 2 cif" the Code of t e C,i.tj o Florida as amendcc sect l.Cti4 %i} Des ir"G i { �C`t,1{ ServJ.c r:;. !),' , 1, )', c` J 1 ::;tzr P0rTiiioI c buy Id ii,l 1 1 I— iF,i„ t.C) a i i,M a.n accordk_:ncc t, t;l prccecd)rc:ti, nd guide,1i.ncby and maintain(.d in trhe Fi,r••c:, RcElcue and Inspcctiol"Is Services Department; providing for an effective date; repealing all Ordinances, Code; Sections, or parts thereof in conflict, and containing a severability clause. City Manager recommends. NOT TAKEN UP FIRST READING MOVED: PLUWER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO P_EREZ (See related^First—Readi.ng; in City Clerk's Report) CONSENT. AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes -to remove a specific item from this portion of the agerida, Item; 25 thru 29 _ Constitute tile Consent_�.-_Ag'-nci'�__�� '1't;esc resolul.Jon� 1P11e sclf a explanatory _nd are not expected to r€quire addilk-J.anal review or d i. 7, ctis, r,ion . Each item i"J,1.1, be recorded P_S individun Il.y numbercd re soIut:ions, adopted u n a n i mo u51.y by the following motion "... that. the Consent A_ eg nda, compri.scd of items 25 thru 29 be adopticd .'' Maiyor or City Clerk, Before the vote on adjopti.ng items J.►iCJ.ud(.'d in L'Air-- t,ton ne,-.nt Agenda is tz 1,cn, t."IiC;re anyone Prr;.C=nt I t c i. rn objector or pI-op onci^1t, t1 t wishes o ::,poii ; on t.,ny item in . the Consent; Lgenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken. 25. WITHDRAWN I WITHDRAWN 26. WITHDRAWN I WITHDRAWN AR In,, ab'"'ITY. COMMISS, IBM MEET'S'NG DATE: September 18, 19811 27. (CA) RESOLUTION atiLylne and confirming the findinFoi' the City Manager Mt N.U. Inc. Ma r i —ne fo—nstruction has failed to perform in accordance with Bid No. 83-81-1-103 and contract awarded under Resolution No. 84-798 for furnishing all labor and niai,*crials for pile replacemcnt at, Dinner Key Marina in t 110 a M 0 11 n t o $4,959.00, namely, Baia firm as failed to provide the required evidcnee of insurance and to bob in work, within the time s I-, i- 1)1,3 la, Ex d; further author, i.,-, n g -hCit-, At' `r k- t �, orney to tnkc .Jhc action 1 VC;'(11,01, of thc fror,? i)(11) p,-,rt of r i n C, LEIL.� 'D o I C 5 t H 0 10 0 Y) V C bidder (fl' 1 1) i h 1) i d ti servicc 'Ji,11 on a for the off icc of at a total r op 0 C C o,-,. t of T7—,99U—.60- i.,Titki fund!7-, thcrefor previously allocated under Resolution No. 84-798 adopted July 30,1984 and thee balance of funds therefor hereby allocated from the 19814 Capital Improvement Projects Fund; further authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase order for this service.. PAGE NO: 12 R- 84-1043 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ n ISS.- jn 70 ,�Irn"l� (W,-CITY-Ic-emm hAEETING DATE: .,�>ept —tuber 1 8 , 1984 RAGE NO: 1 28. (CA) RESOLUTION R- 84-1044 cce tins the bids of Thomas aint,enance --Inc . MOVED: DAWKINS ,for urnishin mineral CL.1stodi,al SECOND: PLUMMER and *vent..,^ Tmai.n1,enance ABSENT: CAROLLO servicea s t-. a proposed cont. of PEREZ ^Ut�ta�t?tt s and Ii_" 1.� I a,rn and C1eani, L"crv, 0� t. n Proposod cost-, o f, �T� -K.-114 57U7() _--c n a contrnct t,a.^3.r for one (1 ) year rcncwnb-I.n annually, for the Coconut. Grove Exhibit-.i.on Center, to the tiff f_ec of Auditorlurn z 7, t a tot..aI proposed f i_r:"t; y—nr eo.�t of $105,01,4.00s n to n-11i f-, funds therefor from! t=lit' 193 3- 8It opera t;i 11 r i u 7 Man af,-, cr uc,I the "Cci_ JL, t.c, the purcha3 C o1,J I`t;+ 1,0F. these service , .y111` cot to the availability of funds. 29. (CA) RESOLUT IOIZ R- 84-1045 ccepting the bid as received MOVED: DAWKINS _ from Thomas W. Ruff Company SECOND: PLUMMER for furnishings for Fire ABSENT: CAROLLO Administration at a total cost PEREZ of $51,662.82. 91MVI-1canAW cri YR.. MEETING DATE: September 18, 1984 PAGE NO: 14 RESOLUTIONS 30. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to amend an existinLIease agreement With New World Tower 100 Biscayne Boulevard, Icase of an additional fcct of oTf—ice s-p-a-c'-c and extending the 1 e a s�� 6� :pace r c e m c n t for 3 n Yen]- to Vc b r u,]_:t_X to__p i d off i c r, pn c c- for Overt b- w; I 7-i"' I, 0 f f i c -1, 1 - o 'G J 11 f * U 110, S t erefor I 0 "1 departmcnL,,fIly 1)u.(JCctcd funds. City Hjc�niC-cr rcooyr).mcnds. 31. RESOLUT1014 uteri..? i n fy, th e C i t Manager to execute a lease aEL2.ement In a T-or�ri acceptable to the City A t to r n c y 1.11ith the Coconut Greg( ' ' Bank, 17-F �?terrn 0 t �jr e a rs w i t 11 a "-wo lease rene�wal option for 4 dye for office _mace in the Coconu ( —rove- Building for, t e Office of the -C-i t —Ynagespecial projects V' ar - task force; allocating funds therefor from departmentally budgeted funds. City Manager recommends. NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP 51 I F MEETING DATE: September 18, 1984 32. RESOLUTION Kuthorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement in essentially the form attached hereto, with related Housing Consort, —T,--t.-d. '!'hackcr Con s�-tr-Wf T5�i/ 17nine corporation for �tn—pu-rr-os,q-- of implementing the A J,'ordablo ental Houning )e e;Lop i en' ProRra.m, and further dc-fining, the roles and responsibilities of the City and project sponsor i.n carrying o u t a range of not'i-vit'i-cs, rCqUircd to d c v c 1, o p 'k-'11C Housing Project,7. p I P, n n c d under the A f f o r d E 1) 1 c -11, (, I I t, -- 1 , Housing Developmcnt ilroFram. City Manager, rccommondz3. 33. RES01J.)TION I--- KI io-ca-4-11C� an amount not to exceed 57�� 000 from special p r o g T-a-IS nd accoutns, I Coconut con t. ini-,c, n t fund, Grove C,7rc- ILII(!� In upport Ji1-rick.-_GVM Youth *ff—ox � 7 r.� Ec, I:i,,i t h o ri z )- n g E— heCity tinnu. r to execute an agreement. in Nubstantially the form attachcd, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and correctness. City Manager recommends. 34. RESOLUTION =1 i r7 'i Governor Bob Graham 'to ex and and reorganize his fa-&TE on Advisor a balance 0 c-ion i cLble tulevi.�-.- subscriber,ti ,arid g c) v 6 r n ii c- n t a I r e p r e s e n t a t i %t e iii r d (- r 1.-o assure th L t ally recomlaeudLti r.4fi'ectlng tLe cable ii'l,"Ju-Ary include tht, int(:-rczit Li of the c i t i z b 1 t: ttltvl6ion subsc:ritr r W" City a n d County Cove r! i m e- i ts of this State. City Manager r e c o twu e n d s . PAGE NO: 15 R- 84-1041 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLMIER ABSENT: CAROLLO .P LUMMER NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP MV7 rg-� 17 Ffl if �u_z �q I rR CITT COMMIS, 5 19- N, AG� MEETING DATE: 2-eptcmb�r 18, 19814 PAGE NO: 16 PUBLIC HFARTN(3 35. RESOLUTION .RpX_ rovin and adopting the Annual Budget of the anm7�nt of off -Street a r ior the- flocal year commencing October 1 10811 and ending 3r;j)tcmbcr 30, 1985 in the amount of 1d.i, 150 to provide for-17.1ic—operation of tKe- t entire Departmencif Of'f- Street Parking, c 3- n g depreciation and other non - operating C x T) en s 0 s of $2,166,550, as reflected in the Off-street Parking Resolution No. 84-737 adopted June 1, 1984. PUBLIC HEARING 36. RESOLUTION rD 0 ro' v 3'. n g, and adoptingthe Fn n—u F 17-­ of tile d e P a r 1, ii-i c. n tFM' of Off -Street the fiscal Year commencing. October 1, 19811 and ending September 30, 19&5 - i n the a ra o u n t of Y1,8271020 to provide for the operat: - Lon, Of Z—usman Haill and the �� 9 _ui —1d - I _n " , e x c 1, u d i n g d—eff—eciantion of $52,100, as reflected in the Off -Street Parking Board's Resolution 84- 738, adopted June 1, 1984. 37. RESOLUTION Appointing eight (8) individuals as members of the City of 14iarni Professional Wrestling Board, each member to t5 e I' v (f t w 'o-year L, e r uzi , naminfthe ChLirluzAl of --aid board C, I'�,j d f.V chairiyl&n for la ont�-Y_uar L (-- r la f r o w v d L I design t.2- 1, ti - (: A i start Director of' tht: Dzpartititzrit of Park.,, and Recreation as the City's Staff Liaison to said board. R- 84-1040 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS A13SEONT: CAROLLO PEREZ R- 84-1.042 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP Y. C I T Y C 0 M 1-1 1 SS 1 0 N AG EHDA AE ET I N, q RAT September 18, 1984 CXTT HALL - DIMMR rz 5:05 P.M. SECOND PUBLIC 14EARING TO DISCUSS FY '85 ADOPTED TEN IATIVE BUDGIIJ 1. Discussion of proposed millage rate and adopted tentatvc btidr.7ct for the City of Miami. A. Percentaoc increase in millAge over rolled back Response: Four and five tenths percent (4.5%). B. Specific purposes for which ad -valorem tax revenues are being increased. Response: Purpose Cost % Partial funding for salary and wage increases fbr City departments. $3,426,610 100.0% C. City Commission listens and responds to citizens conynents regarding the proposed millage increase .,and explains the reasons for the increase over the rolled bck ratc. D. Actions by City Comimission. 1. Arn-end the -adopted tentative budget if necessary. 2. Publicly read the entire millage ordinance. 3. Adopt the final milli-ge rate. (See Item IV) A. Adopt the final budget. (See Item V and vili) II. Discussion of protosiCd rate and adopted tentative budget for the Dowi-)town Development Authority A. Vercentage ificrcase in vii1lage.over rolled back tate. Response: Zero percent. B. City Cotirnission listens and responds to citizens regarding the proposed millage. WITHDRAWN I DISCUSSION (NOTE: Tentative mill -age of 9.8571+ A-2. 0520 (debt scrvice) Il .9001 W:3.s adopted nt- the September 1.31. 1984 Commjqslon Meeting) NOT TAKEN UP WITHDRAWN OMB22 Y" I I F F) P I T Y C 0 M M I S S 1 0 N AGENDA .4 E E T I t I C PAT�September 18, 1984 C17Y KALL — 0111?MR rX C. Actions by City Commission. 1. Amend the adop-zed tentative budget, if necessary. 2. Publicly read the entire millage ordinance. 3. Adopt the final budget rate. (See Item VI) 4. Adopt (Ale final budact. (See Item VII) ORDINANCE - SE.001N.0-fFADING (ITEMS IV-VII) IV. Ordinance Tno_r_cTi _v .�,ncr. 6�. fnino ;,�nd drsionatin(i the territorial ir—mitsoli Ti-i v ol it r : 'iamn -io'mie, purpose of taxa- T— T1-0-111 :ff" I n�'� isnic !-.I) I ir.C1C Lind I cv,y i no taxes n tvd TiFT 0 o crl year beginning October I i, r. 1 - 30 . 11985 ; con- tain i n (T V . Ordi for the fiscal year oi ilk ring a repea I er prov 1 S I On. V V;, It J,� v VI. Ordinirn(-o An ordinzirice def-Ininn -,rid design-ating the territorial TI�FITS OTt Flc` 0tr,nt0,r%,n' d"istrict o 677 —jam FT­E,_f�TFF, FtTi-iT-5—F-f ­_f *—_TT -r-iii'Es 0 - erri oriai of --- t fi­C___, 7A`tY0T_11iarni for the Purpose of taxation., fixing,'the millage and levying taxes in the Do1,!Mtoi,,,n Dcvelop,"�,nnt district located wn thin the territorial limits of!the'City of Miami, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1984, and ending Septeiniber 30, 19385, fixing the ruillage at one thousand four Irlundred and tt-,-enty- nine tell thousandths (.1429) i-nills on the dollar of the nonexempt assessed value of all real and personal property in said district and providing that tire said .,millagq and the taxes levied herein sha.11 be in addi- tion to the fl . Xing of the millage and the levying of taxes �fithin t'he territorial limits of the Cit-y Of Miami. w1hich is contained in the General Appropriation Ordinance for- th.- aforesaid fiscal ye.,-:%r as r required by Section "0 of he City C1jC­_rtL,),; pv,pvid-ing that the fixiri;� of thle rJflauu &nd levying of tb,,es her shall be in addftion to special j, prove ie,nts I IiA- -y alit city C i ty of Mi._,Ili uithin the of 1,11c: City of Ishn", , Miami providcd thLi. t i , i.�, o I'd yi�nce U 11. not1) deem'. Q E-1- rt!pc�lliiio (1)" L1�11-1110ilig) &lly oth,-­r .;rciri rye f i X i n( !i I .! I ' 'e or 1(:Vyin"; L for, the fi-Ic"l yer a i Y i 91 k_i Ill (I d in i IS 0 1985, but ­Alall ILI(: (I & it;sit c_,nu i- &ddi - tion hertt,.; Eno pi-ovidittg zitz- a -t it -tty t�c-cticqj, clause u or subsection bt: dclbred uncoits"litutional, it shall not affect the remairting provisions of this ordinance. DISCUSSION PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1-984 at 5:05 P.M. IN Till', CTTY CON111-ITSSTON CHAMBERS PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1984 at 5:05 P.M. IN Till; CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1984 at 5:05 P.M. IN THE CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS KM I iY COMt1 i SS t Gti AGENDA MEExr A - September 18, 1984 CITY HALL A DrI11MR ME VII. Ordinance PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED n or inance making a ro riations for the Downtown .. ? �_ r�_A _ .. _ TO FRIDAY , SEPTI�IBER 21, eve o )m^nI uteri ty o s the Gi ty _9 amp f 0t^ the 1984 at 5:05 P.M. IN THE 1SCa �ycar^encng `icptcm� er�3�; d �tfioi'77nc� tf1 CITY COMMISSION CIIAPi1iERS erector- 01 t:i n:antoc:n f,�eve10I cnt lit�thr�rity tc� in - Fe or advertise for bids for the purchase of any ma. terial, equipment or service erl1rrcaccd in the said .p- propriations for v.,hich formal bidding may be required providing that: this ordinance shall he supplcmcntal and in addition to the ordinance making appropriatiw for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1985 for the operation of the City of roiarai. Florida: Providing that if any section, clause or subsection shall be declared unconsz:itutional, it shall not a fcct the remaininlj previsions of this. ordinance. VIII. 0rdinanc€ An (t1 i1c-d "Ga1-1 a0L, an 'il .il C' i�it (,1i1 ('r-4, 0-1 t,(Di tti4I1i1, T-1 6r1C1,J tt :ii '\ ,(Wl '� 01 was! (..! l , �- C t.l t_ it �. 1tl? t 1 i l ,il I (-I11 i t ! �'(l �jC kr for, v aifiS ll1 ii'4 l'it1".' 11'Piil �-�1.t'S_i 't(� .`:'i',Ci,(.i(l �oI, ling tji'a i .�. in r;ri to � (. �( i t:i 1' is I i I y '_I i� 1 f' f..' i C) ; sr {:;; i"ki, C f d �) j� p r V a t c, Sanitation companies; containing a repealer provision and a s-everability clause. �j PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1984 at 5:05 P.M. IN THE CITY COM114ISSION CHAMBERS DM822 •