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CC 1984-09-20 Minutes
0 18 96 INDEX !MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 20, 1984 ITEM SUBJECT LEGISLATION PALE NO. NO. 1. CONDOLENCES: FARIS NIFE COWART R 84-1046 1-2 2. CONDOI.,ENCI? S: JOHN W. JACK WATSON R 84-1047 2-3 3. PERSONAL. A1'1'F,ARANCE: ROSE GORDON REGARDING POSSIBI�1; C QII T I J.0N OF PROPERTY FOR SALE NEAR ORANGE M 84-1048 3-4 4. ALLOCA TIE, :'. 10 , , ;�1 FOR I'OURTll .J1I1NJ2`1 1, OV1 RTOWN COMING .'s1. i:�%1: i'1;: "Il:VA1.,. M 84-1049 4-5 5. PERSONAi_, AFT FARA110E: ELADIO ARMS STO 1 E0UI;STING FUNDING FOR R!"PUBLICAN NATIO14AL FORUM. DISCUSSION 5-10 6. REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR ARTS PROGRAMI - REFERRED TO CITY 1ANAG}R • DISCUSSION 10 7. DISCUSSION ITEM: COST OF PROTECTION OF CITY MANAGER. DISCUSSION 10 8. DISCUSSION ITEM: RESTUDY ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL ZONING, DISCUSSION 11 9. GRANT REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE WITH WELCOME BACK DOONESBURY EVENT. R 84-1050 11-12 10. ALLOCATE $5,000 114 CONNECTION WITH RECEPTION FOR REPRESENTATIVES ATTENDING A LUNCHEON FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE. M 84-1051 12-13 11. ALLOCATE $10,000 FLORIDA TRADE COUNCIL. R 84-1052 14 12. DISCUSS:LOIa Of;' CABLE T.V. ORDINANCE ( See later, same niti-`r;t-7 ri() • DISCUSSION 14-16 13. RESOLU`]'1011; CALLING ELECTION: NOVEMBER 6, 1984 TO EXP NT) OF OFF STR1sET PARKING AUTHORI- TY BOAR,). R 84-1053 16-17 14. DISCU. 1.1< C'I:I C;I 1.0 FOR BREAEM i t tiF C)FI-1 ICE i)111'1 il.; y 1i.1 :lt):_,y i'ltt�Vl`L 1 i (,1't°J'S 0F,, T11L CITY 1• ,JUl; k DISCUSSION 17-18 15. DISCU: ` Iuil' 1 :;f i,l`.1 .c l.i ;';,:, 1ioVF '1'1GATE ISSU— ANCE c1F' A.1 i c:;? } 1 E:,_ 1 C ,� i r i_ ;lt; DISCUSSION 18-19 16. SEC C}Ndi� � ,� ,� t f, �.)t;.) i .;,:, C`F' . APPLY HC- 1 HERITAGE CON;I�'?� , F t- , << <�,� I:1;F.1', �' F 1 �1 i_f! UT TO VIZCAYA . 9896 19-20 17. SECt, N i. ` �.. 1,i tE1,1�1(:1,;: PROTECT TREES ON CORAL " A 9897 20 18. FIRST F F I: lit G C11bdNIANCE: CHANGE ZONING CLASSI- FICATIONk E;�;�C1-90 W. FLAGLER STREET FROM RG-3/4 TO CR- 2/7. FIRST READING 21-25 19, REFER CHANGE OF ZONING IN ITEM 18 TO THE ZONING _ BOARD TO DETERMINE FURTHER INFORMATION AND HOW WE DEAL WITH OTHER PROPERTIES IN THAT VICINITY ;.i OF FLAGLER >TREET, M $4-1054 25-27 =j 20. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING CLASSI- FICATION 2737 N.W. 17 STREET FROM RO-3/6 TO CR— j 3l7• FIRST READING 27-30 i" 21. FIRST PFA )T.TcJG, Oft)INANC;E: APPLY HC-1 HERITAGE CONSERVATJi"r1 DTSTR_T.CT TO LYF_IC THEATRE. FIRST READING 30-31 22. GRANT '-'P- C', Ai_, i�;X(J I)TION FOR DRTV4 i:N TI LLER t1< ar; irat� I R 84-1055 32FACTI —33 �a -- = 23. APPRO' F - TI3I F-T CLO ;TIRE: E—W ALI_JY SOUTH OF N .W. 37 SDI=R��FT I',I aG�EI,N N.W. 29 COURT AND N.W. 30 AVI NUI R 84-1056 33-34 24. APPROVE; ��TI�E1 CLOSURE: N.E, 30 STREET BETWEEN N.F. 1 ('T. Ar��II) F.B,C,. RAILWAY. R 84-1057 34-37 25• DISCUSS TON ITEM I3Y MAYOR FI RRE: NOISE CAUSED BY METRORATI., IN VIOLATION OF E,I,S. GUIDELINES. DISCUSSION 37-38 26. ACCEPT PLAT: VIRGTN7A KEY TRACT "A". R 84-1058 38-39 27. ACCEPT PLAT: "315 SU}T)IVISION'". R 84-1059 39 28. ACCEPT PLAT: "OVERTOWN VILLAS SECTION 111. R 84-1060 40 29. ACCEPT PLAT: "OVERTOWN VILLAS SECTION 211. R 84-1061 40-42 30. ACCEPT PLAT: "OVERTOWN VILLAS SECTION 3". R 84-1062 42 31. ACCEPT PLAT: "OVERTOWN VILLAS SECTIOPd 4". R 84-1063 42-43 32. ACCEPT REPORT OF CITY MANAGER FOR LOCATION OF AMERICAN BARGE CLUB AT MARINE STADIUM AND THE CASINO CLUB AND COME BACK WITH CONTRACT, ETC. M 84-1064 M 84-1065 43-47 �t -- 33• SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CIIA14GE NAME OF LITTLE HAVANA COM11.11,1ITY CENTER TO PIANUEL ARTIME COMMU- NITY CENTER. 9898 47-48 —r 34. SECOND PEEAI:TNG 0, NANCE: APPROPRIATE ADDITION— AL SUPS COI I UNITY 1)FVE'l,01`[lEN`1' 1I,OCK GRANT FUNDS. 9899 48-49 35. FORP2ALZ ;A � LC%N (A 1 t.�.��OLU`I'TC)Id COIIC,EYA2II�G C,I-,,INCH OF RENTAL F011 COCONUT GROVE LXI-11BITION,, CL'kTi' it. SEE (Nos(,: tr,i: -a�s pl'(�Vi_ously I, U . } R 84-1028 49 t 36. ACCEPT I3ID: 2000 C0PIES' OF 1,,11,HI 13USINESS REPORT. R 84-1067 50 7 ' 37• EXTEND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT: WARREN L. LRAUty, P.E. TECHNICAL REVIEW OF CABLE TELEVI- << Slog 4>Y;:>'rI r� . R 84-1068 50-5' 38. AMEl 1) 1 C)'1'h Y Ll"Ai C.D. BLOCK GRANT FUNDS BY ADDING Mai 014E SIOC -' 1— .:I h V I CI F'ttOGl�la,if . R 84-1069 52-53 39. AFP}�C)'ti 1 t`.: s 1. IxIC1iA1 IDS HISTORY AND 0UTI1 F'LOIiIllI; FOR USE OF Ci 1 N UE UFi1I:ii i'I r .. : R 84-1070 53-54F 40 . AU`I`HCaI,I':c: ► t f..i`.ti i t) P1i0V IDE t . F . P . ' S FOR TECH- _` NICAL I ::::I }'I'At CI MIPI.1I CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT INC., -- LOAN CLI 1141' S , R 84-1071 54-57' Index 2 September 20, 1984 41 . 42. 43• 44. 45. 45.A. 46. t 47. f' 48. 49. 50. 51. 1 3 52. 53. ALLOCATE $12,583.33 OF 10 YEAR C.D. BLOCK GRANT FUNDS; CONTINUE IMPLEMENTATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT CORP. PROGRAM. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT: BARNETT 13ANK FOR PARTICIPATTOIN TOWARD PRODUCTION COSTS OF i i A+ .i Pil' :iliF REPORT 1 ?f33. ,i, Ai;i;tii�;i i.i'. i.ATTN Cwj'l'•I'.ii ()F COh1t� AUTHORTERCE: PERMANI F,N'•I' 1''C!'I S:A 5'T.£+.'1= OF • iJ1:; 11I "'J,'-PI1I?RIC CON— GRESS !ail ijr iij,-I S 01'' C011 ll"I;C11"AND INDUS— TRY. CLAIM S1 'I"i I_,t;P1 ;i,Ii' : lH 1: Ti RRE ,1 CLAIM SETS:l,F.MEI1T: AI,i).RA GAI_10/I,AURO GALLO INSTRUCT CITY HANAGER/CITY Al'T'ORNEY TO PREPARE LEGISI_,Ai'ION PROTECTING CITY VIA TNSURANCE INDEM— NIFICA'TT01,1 FOR ACTS OF OFF DUTY CITY Ia�I1PLOYEES INVOLVED i11 I, CID!,:r1'I'S I;[3i?R€.III rIII CIIS PRES— ENTLY 111sI,i) INSTRU CT CITY CI:IICI, TO t1IAJ)VEll, ITTSE FOR TWO VACANT. I'O:,T'i 1 OIL ()I]TklII TIIE i'I,I1lU ADV l,,"011 130ARD AND ONE, VACAU`I' PO' 1-TJON 011q 'I'll!" YJ)1III�G '30t�R-- INSTRUCT h1"Ai)V1 11ii` 1, 1 `N t�1�D D, h'I I� FOR FULL COMMIS`;I01" COI;` t DE'EA T IOti OI [iII OINT1iEi-]'T TO CODE ENFORCE'Ii!"'ll" 110A 1 1) . PUBLIC HE-AIIING: C0111I110DORE 13AY PROJECT, 3471 MAIN HIGffi%]A`1, ZONING CHANGES, ETC. ESTABLISH DATE OF SPECIAL MEETING FOR DI14NER KEY MASTER PLAN OCTOBER 19, 19811 AT 5 P.M. CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING: COMMODORE BAY PRO- JECT - FIRST READING: CH. ZN. FROM RS-1/1 TO RS-1/4. FIRST READING - CHANGE ZONING FROM RS-1/4 TO PD- MU/4. CONTINUE FINAL APPLICATION REQUEST FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT - COMMODORE BAY CLUB TO TIME OF SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: CABLE TV. ADVISORY COMMITTEE, ETC. R 84-1072 57 R 84-1073 58 R 84-1074 59 R 84-1075 59-60 R 84-1076 60-62 M 84-1077 62-63 M 84-1078 63-66 DISCUSSION 66 DISCUSSION 66-111 M 84-1079 111-113 FIRST READING 113-142 FIRST READING 142-143 M 84-1080 144 FIRST READING 144-145 Index 3 September 20, 1984 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the 20th day of Sr-�pterrihcr, 19814, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at; ii.-I regular meeting place in the City Hall., 3500 !I,-),n A rn, C- 4_ T)V-iVe, Miami, Florida in regular The meeting wcl^ c,�Uod to order at 10:15 O'Clock A.M. by Mayor Maurice A. Fe-rl'�' the following members of the Commission found to be : CopliTij onct, Joe Carollo Comm iss Lor I- Hiller J. Dawkins Vice-Niavor Perez, Jr. Mayor 1111aurice A. Ferre ALSO PRESENT: Howard V. Gary, City Manager Lucia Allen Doui;hcrtv, City Attorney Ralph G. Ong ,ic-, City Clerk Matty Hirai, Asssj..,.;tant City Clerk ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. An invocation was delivered by Mayor Ferre who then led those present in a p1edge of allegiance to the flag. Commendations were presented to Officer Ronald Illhardt , Officer Jose Fernandez, Officer David Ribero, Officer Anthony Dagger, Officer Viichael Torres, Officer Bradford Swink, Officer Eduardo Martinez, and Sgt. William Cauchi as most outstanding police officers of the month of August 1984. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. CONDOLENCES: FARIS NIIFE C0111--.RT. Mayor Fe.rrc, ut i on f'or the family of Faris Covl,�xrl— . j rcl,)lit, T-- C C? C n (. :,i time until .Is al acccui,t�--nt. great"' y t..c,1 c, t I g gove1,I;.H1u'A CS ancl I t 's c Q III rl;_ u 1: 1 y W e I' e� t 11 U W 11 e, r- V C- knowu by resol, c L tha4- 1 1 W el f ur-1- h C; u r n e x t r; U. u y ity of 14iul 1 aS W '31-lare w i t i the pro founa sent el of loss September 20, 1964 T: -' Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry that J.L. Plummer is not _ here to proffer this motion as he is particularly close to the family and to Faris Cowart; but I will accept somebody I else's motion. MillerT�awki.ns, second by Perez, call the roll on this motion. The follot-lit-IF ref-<,) >>tjon era. introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who mov-d i,t adnpt.i_on: T.OiI ;.JO , 8 4 - 1046 A RESOI.(_i ' 1.Ojd J,� t'1�E :�.I:CiG T)FI T't T YMPATTIY AND SINCERFST OF T JF CITY COMHTSSION ON BF11ALF 0' TIIF, C T T 7 OF i'1TAt11 ANT) ITS CITIZErt TO TIII VA 1-1,Y AI'll i) F11TF,t1T)S OF FARIS N. COWART, FORIII';r, 1)Ai)F COtJNTY CONMT:>>IONER, UPON HIS DEATH. (Here follow:7, body of re, ol.ut iorl, o1++.i.t1(.-.0d here an(-) on "i.l.e in the O;'fi_ec of11 Ci.ty C.ler4;. ) Upon bci.n :;ccoII:jn(1 t)CoIII mis ioncr, Perez, the resolution wa.s pns-.-d and 1-1Jop ed by the following vote - AYES: Comm! iti ;ions r Jo(- Caroll.o Commissioner Nill.cr J. Dawkins Vice-riayor Deriotrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Fore NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 2. CONDOLENCES; JOHN H. JACK WATSON ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferri:: "tdhereas, John W. "Jack" Watson faithfully crved tljis community for many years as a public sifety director, City I•ianagrer, and then City AI-torncy, and wary highIy regarded as an outstanding and innovative 1)ub.l.c ,ervant., and whereas his long list of' includes a multi -million dollar wt ,.ter systcrri, th City incinerator,, tiie Orange Bowl Stadiulr,, i.n addition to Jackson P•ternori_aI I1o.5pi_tal, .arid i7ere 1 our communi ty and all 'k privil;;t cd to h_-,ve known and worked, Jvc6- td,Itson w( "'e adds Ixd by his death, of AupluSt 26 1y�r4, 1)o14,' 1:.)"iCr'c11,0r'C1, be it reso v�:-(i Lly I Ii�S by i hl ... -e .'onvey our d%F_'.T7t_ eoi,do1 t:-) 0, C, LI1-jC SjJ3y t of JoIIr1 1 " lrr _:k 'i"Zyt", s,�,n tir:u .a iutr, r: , '_s to theta" our' (t fio'vl�t. t7g11ri e tit of, I7i.`., :xtr riorciinat-y sc r v ci.r i o f..Irc 1,cople oi` the City of C1i awi i.nd we share ith :i- loved ones their profound sense of loss." Is them; i rnotior7? Mr. Perez: Dove. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Perez. Second by Dawkins. Call the roll, please. sl 2 September 20, 1984 I The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 811-1047 A RESOLUTION DEEPEST SYMPATHY AND ,SINCEREST CONPOT,ENCE"' OF THE, C.TTY COMMISSION ON BEHAi.x, OF THE CI. TY OF N)'JAHT AND ITS CITIZEt.-IS TO T 14 F, Fh, M T 1, y A_1F E t,IE;tIE)` OF JOHN T - W. WATSON.1:'O*Wfl'-� r� TTH � 1-1 F AND CITY MANAGER 017 TF!", C.I. TY Of-' HJ-ANT, UPON i I IS DEATH. (Here foll-ol.-I.,�; hod ' v of I- c:� o I u t, -1- 0 In 1, 0 -n 1.1, 11 (� (i I i e I, e and on iTI thc Offi-ce or 1 11c G-ty CICNI.) Upon be inF e c o 11 (.11 r- d 1)y C 0 111 ni i—;.,; i 0 n c 11 Da I., k i 113 , the resolution was a.n(i idoptcd by 1-lic fol-lowing vote - AYES: Commissione), Joc C,�Irr)11.o Commissione-i, Miller J. Da.wkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-tlayoi, De-metrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, though absent during, roll call, asked of the City Clerk to be shown as voting with the motion. 3. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: ROSE GORDON REGARDING POSSIBLE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR SALE NEAR ORANGE BOWL. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, could we recognize our former Commissioner, Rose Gordon? Mayor Ferre: Rose, do you have a thing in particular? I'm sorry. Mr. Perez: Yes, just a small presentation. Mayor Ferre: I apologize, I thought you were here on a regular agenda item. Ms. Rose GGI`d011: I t-.Tould like to request the Commission to consider th(3 oppoi,tuni!A-.y that is available to the City to obtain aci,c) of land adjace:tat to the Orange Bowl at ,r,i:rt.et price, including an almost 1,0(,.,;0 0 C, 1) u ,h (A ., (?ould be u t i 1 i n the City until tht l'Alf't, thA you ,:ou--1d g on that th(- tit_ ca J'ur tht-: Orange Bowl 1, 11,-,- V,- ul, the I t) 1, u to this --A, vu-ul- (Al, Mayor Lille bl'oeflure. it to Howard G--ry I th`nk it'-- a iood idea 1-�nd it a lot of sense I think it's a little bit early to make that decision. Ms. Gordon: I don't expect you to make a decision today. I just ask you to refer it to the Manager for his recommendation to you. Mayor Ferre: I think the way to do it is to formalize that, so is there a motion to that effect of this, Miller, to give this to the Manager and have him study it? sl 3 September 20, 1984 Mr. Dawkins: Yes, I so move. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Mr. Perez: Second, Mayor Ferre: Is there further discussion? Call the roll. The fo1.10I'T1nc motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, wbo moved its adoption: 1,,OTr_ON 1,10, 84- 10W'3 A 1.10TION TO REFF'R A PWT1O )ET? ACQUISITION OF A 13ii1.1,DING AND I:A11I) i{D.TAChNT TO THE ORANGE I>OWI, P11 0 A N T '11*0 A BROCHURE SUBMITTI'D OI, T111 ; DATE 13Y F()RNFR CITY COM14a_ �5T_01Jis11 ISOSF? G0RD01�1 TO `i'I11: CITY MANAGER, FOR 31TUDY Ri?COMMIE1.1DATION TO THE CIT:tr C,01-1P-i.ISSICi1T. Upon being; >ec(-)nded by Comm; s.~i_oner Perez, the motion was passed and adopli,od b-,• t-,hc following vote - AYES: Commi_s:_i_orlc.r' Joe Carollo Commis: ioner P iller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Domf-t.!'i.o Peres, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 4, ALLOCATE 16,534 FOR 4TH ANNUAL OVER'TOWN COMING ALIVE FESTIVAL. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Anne Marie Adker. Ms. Anne Mai,ie Adler: I'm Anne Marie Adker, 407 N.W. 5th Street. I'rn here, about Ovc:rtown Coming Alive Festival. I'm here to ask the City fop help in putting on the fourth annual Oyertown Conling Alive Festival - Mayor F'er're: Is thz.,t i.1-1 oetobcl'? Ms. Adker: :: F C-ac:t:obei 1;th, 20th, and 21st. I've given or left, at c;:cl: office this package. This year l t o 7u •e of' the three (Jaiys, I'm asking for the total, amount of. Mayor Ferpr_ : aixt,.:cn is on(: ,>ix. Did you say sixteen? Ms. Aakei--: ,Luigi lilt!; in--1 i nd .;Cry ices Mayor Ferrt? I':c u !;iu(A, d;i,::i l;(-, V:) t, year? Ms. Ad4,c:r-: r� Mayor F'�- vrr:: 1,t: a i= ;; i c5f; i.I, _i r vt�is to the Admirl i .: t r`c S- is ri <qn,� th,-, i. !: tt.i is . A?1_ 2 ['atlon looked at this? youui r cr it]e to this" A:' th r (� any problems? w. o Does anybe dy havt- any pr obleru5 with this? Is there a mot ion? Mr. Dawkins: Move. �1 4 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded. Further discussion? This is, of course, with the Administration... This is a motion that you work it out with the Administration regards to insurance, police, clean -yap, rill the other details that we need Mr. Gir- il o (I bQ appopriateMr Mayor, ()f Tin n ff '111(1 voter -taf0 11;lve been working togethr-r, iyii.h hri-ii. that. ��yc mild 11,o t,hnI k 11 17 plu^ police, fire, sanitation Thn t w'-1 �-, I -oft out. of that. Mayor 1"orre- P o T i o n , 'I j. r: and d oi n j- 13 t-, i. o, n . Ms. AdIrler: To come out of the sixteen? Mr. Gary: Tn addition to, Mayor Ferre: In addition to, is that all right with you, Miller? T:�, that all right with you? Now, you have to deal with the Manager's office, though. Do you realize that? j This is conditional on his approval, Are you ready to vote? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1049 A MOTION i'lll.j'j'llCliI',-,--J.l(7, D j E, CT 1I G THE 0 )('11", A- 0 1 OT CITY VIANA(�FT'l 7 TTH TO Eh C 11, E� 1) 1 1, IN -KIND L'I�hVJ. 0, )i1; ! f ,i; �?i' IT I , 1. G E FIVE A NP j( - 1:,iV J 1,� TN C 0 N N E GTI 0 N I,'], Til C N l-, L� ANNUAL 'N C011-ING I " H:". I.i- j_. OVERTOV� \ _1 I X -,, �, Upon being seconded by Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the fc,11ol-.ing vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe; Caro to Commissioner l'illor J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 5. PER"SONLI, APPEARIANCE: ELADIO ARMESTO REQUESTING FUNDING FOR RE1`U13LICA1' RATIOULL FORUM. Mayor r r (_� , Mr. Arm ,2,sto, the Chair recognizes you. Mr. Elad-I'lo Ye-7 Mi,. Mayor, we request .... M I ayor wu? T Mr. Nepubl._`Lcan 14ational Forum, which is an organiz��t . r tr i thf law of the State of Florida. We have a chart(7. Ln(: Department of State, which is a separate entity ',,h(_-_h�_pub1ican Party. It has nothing to do with the 1`<_-Fty. Democrats, Republicans can belong to the Mayor E t r i e - Democrats can belong to the Republican National Forum? sl 5 September 20, 1984 a NP4 Armesto: Yes, sir, itts a non -partisan organization, open for everyone regardless of race, creed, or political affiliation. Mayor Ferre: Does it help if you are a Republican? Mr. Armesto: Ye3, because we have Democrats who are conservative. who thinl IJVr, iu;. the zamq Point of view. I think thi oiir (7, o m m, i 7, J. n nr^ r Ca r o I I c) h r; 1 r' e I,-, c t e d by Democr,q-1,71 nnrl n- ")7 "1011 q Mrw 4 (1 V n, I I �l (-.,I n v I-) T J 11 .1 is 711rn n I' m i and i- , I i 11 I , r- I --,- in I,,- I- d 3 (B r" 0 Tn They werc- 'Iff--Fy' clenor-Ilk;(,, ainnr�.y Go the Miami ,.-nnomv, inor 11)),in I— .)00 propir, cl,'nm,i,o the forum from all or 11)r- nn(I rc) ni T` n, -7h 1 n Fr i,c n and Ne 1.., o r Ir This year, i1r, 'FC licquo, 11 r i.itr a I 111 (1 J TJ (r for 11 i :� y (7� a I' S event to be held jjrll-(. 'Ill 11 Ci try,iMi i_11 11'1(� iokell Bay Point 'j Holid;iy .1 - 'I, - I �7, c) 11 o -I My ;-�lland-ing here in front of n di C o mi aii j,3 r;i o n c r s - Mayor F ol. r t - (2 : You Mr. Armesto, I am obligated to put into the record ghat I have a letter here dated August 31st to Mr. Gary . Mr. Armesto: I have a copy of the letter here. Mayor Ferre: Signed by Jeb Bush as Chairman, Adelaida Artimc, as State Committee woman, and Carlos At -man as State Committee man, saying that they are not in support of this and that they further, as elected.... Mr. Armesto: They have to be, because this is not a Republican outfit. This is not a party outfit. This is non-profit organization tinder the law of the State of Florida; it's an association - n d it I s not under the leadership of these three person,,.;. As a matter of fact, I called one last night, Carlos 11,lrman, and he said to me that he never signed the letter. Thc, letter was read to him over the telephone, but he never I said, "Carlos, that's O.K. with me. That's no problcm." Mayor Ferre: Are you finished? Now can I finish? Mr. Armesto: Always. Mayor Ferro: Not always, because I was reading this thing when you interrupted mic. Mr. Armesto: Hy pologies. Mayor Ferre "Furth.-i,nioi,c , r.s elected officials of the Republic. n P, r t v of Dade County, we strongly object to ,-in Alloe-ation of tax payers' monies to any t'..1-oup for p c) I i t JL cal purposes. If you shout, C l.""V 1`k--J.11iA'dJAj111 I'lie above, p 'Li 1 (:7 k 0 1 f? t,, 11 L i 11, t. t.- 1, v 1. 1, i i ou for you?'- 01;,l t t i al e a n d L, -11 In add i t - 0 "'IlL11"itted by Tony P =J r c i1_ lo lk 1,7 IJI a t ional Forum b-(- ILL 'IL, o y1i 0 ("1 0 fi the City i � I ( -, . t)er 30th at Uk: t y polka Q) U !I t y h a s (2 cl, i i,, Li,, tI u ii 1, C, 1Mr. pajire ,- yea t, 1 y, 0 1 1, -11 c 1I J'�L Q I,: 1I .a 0 11 S k.:�h Funding tht:. ilr.ILiUl -Lc ::n IV! L .41 o! Zl i C 1 C, a tv 's t a b 2, U j a precedent for funding of other convtntions. Th e y will 81 6 September 20, 1984 provide registration assistance, housing and other services generally provided to other organizations. Mr. Armesto: Mr. Pajares was here last year, Mr. Mayor. He didn't know that we had it last year. He said that would establish P, precedent; the precedent was already established last year. Mayor, F-i-r-: J I-, m� tc T 1. you how th,-101-, pr,,.(c(I-nt was estah I- i 71hr-11 1 7, n 11hat n—in F, o Duct r 11 - the hi i-oi, _�7 7 it. Mary Wood F; No, ij v; r t I'm V Wo M,:I I, v (7) -T I i o is an act ivi sI-, i'll- T, e j. r t ITT ... h i ,1 Woods I il 1- 7, 3,:-� I' r? I , n, i -fli c 1 a d av l Black T)cm r;_IIi _ , -1 i Iinf7� nf' kJlc 1-1� �i I T nr-(w )(f�t a t the 11 Inc,, P 4 1, _ -1 11 C r r, d liQi,(:; as T I-, cc ral I rw )chr,)n(�dl a i t 7 . 000 in h c r ? a time, tlic-11, W, r1,11 (_ 11 0 -M 0 r e 1) I'l b T J_ 0 1111 . I 5 3. i t h 0 n 11 (1 i. r n c C 14110 steppe_ d fnl-VTn1,r1 '11-id ;;nid, 1IjTfyoi-,i arcs Ic-,ning to do tha.'G for the Dr-,Tnocrat.ij, Part.-y-1 you hiv(_,, to do i I,-, f o i, the Republican Party on 1-Jint, to do 'S 1.11) "1( q u e n t I y to th(nt g-rollp of Repvfl.).Tican,-, car -,lc forwar(] ano that we f u 1 f i 1.1 star, 7t, a. 1 -1 e mi (1 i i t Wc did J-1, nt 1-111,1,1l t,inlc. Sob;, this p(A-lit'joil Oil Your part. to J 4n('rc;,7,( that. from, 1',7,000 to $15,000, Mr. Army 1, o : P C, C a I I s (- 1_1 11 C reason i this 1 f, I r 11a Vol-, Last year w, r only invi tcd 1 p I, T i.n t1 1) d of small gathering. This yc-ar i,7c, ;irc J_ ii v J, o every elected officci,, rcgardlc:�:, of pa.rty because last yc,,3r i..7c 1)y tlhc 1"al,tv. In January of this year \..c created a non-profit. a.--looiation. We raised it with the Tallaha,ce office of thc Secretary of State and we became _J lid e p c lid en t of 1,, 11 C_- Da de County Republican Party. lic beearne totally indepciident-, of them. For example, our Board of Directors is cornpoLzed of people like Roberto Casas, Alberto Cardenas, hi -turn Evj.2, Mario Algarresta, Dias Silveira, Humberto Cort-1111aS, r7ryr,tlf, Santos Rivero, it's a group of people. Some of us are elected officers of the R c P u 1) 1. 1 ca n 11 a r t y , are not. It's different, this year it I .s totally different. l-,`c are appealing to everyone because 1 think- that the matter, of government is aa responsibility of everyone, riot of one group in particular. Mayor Ferre: Lot me ask you just one, last question and then I'll open it, for questions from the Commission. As I understand it, your group is h �-i v i n L7 this gathering in November. Mr. Armesto: !�ovculb(;r 30th and December 1st. Mayor F"ellilul: I understand. You have now gotten $14,000 from the County. Mr. A r r: e L ILI o : sir. Mayor Ferre: And you are asking for the people to put up $15,000. Mr. Armesto: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: What is the total budget for this? Mr. Armesto: $29,000. Mayor Ferre: So between the County and the City, that covers it pretty well. Mr. Armesto: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: So that the participants are not going to be putting up any money. 31 7 September 20, 1984 Mr. Armesto: No, sir. Mayor Ferre: What will the twenty-nine.... Mr. Armesto: We don't charge them to participate. Mayor Ferre: What will the $29,000 pay for? We you paying for rooms? Mr. Armesto: Rooms, travel. expences of bringing the people here from Wa;-�Ohington, from idew York, from Puerto Rico. We send the iir t _ckc .,,, tire office expenses.... Mayor Ferre: It ].ticllnle.. -41_r t.icket,2, Mr. Arm-, t.o: �.c� 7i ;, Jr_ m�,nd air tickets because the Congr- -m(, ,n t;'.)c :>nnator�i t,hc y don't pay them salaries and we p.�y 1%c pay Hamilton }rir:h, we paid all of them who come::" ovrr 1hcrr . Mayor Fevre: You're bringing Fish over here? Mr. Armc:-,to: Yes, sir, he's the, heed of Immigration* Department in the House of Representatives in the committee. Mayor Ferre: O.K., any questions from other members of the Commission? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Are you a member of the Commission, Howard? Mr. Gary: No, I was going to give you information on the budget, which is attached. Mayor Ferre: Let's get the Commission, then we'll get... Does anybody want to say anything, ask questions, make statements? Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, the only statement that I'm going to make is the following. The reason that Mr. Armesto is here today, that we're facing the scenario that we are today is because you Democrats opened up a can of worms. If you recall.... Mayor Ferre: That's true. Mr. Carol.lo: ....back when there were $7,000 allocated to a group cif' Deif, ucrz I was against it, but since you d e c i d e r, _Jon, r::ith th< rr:ajority of the Commission to go along rti�a t!; _: t, 1 t.a ltl I ,,ted th >t if that w . �,: the Case, then $7, 000 lot u i,t 1 : ,°t°ti to � �i�, Et c1,ubi. 1c1117 CPOUp . I also stipulLt(_ bt_ tI c, f i i .:t. ._nd 1.ast brie that should ti, vc b":t_n doris�. If J. r (1c<1,111 , the Cai-_ir:iion was in agreement ti : t would not b d(.)i i e .=, ,.in. Mayor F'erv,. : tray other ,3tateirtc nt,, 'i tir. Clary, do you want to add tO YC"Ur' Written r ccourmcrid: t i.otr l Mr. Gary: ido, I was just going. to let you know that in the attached pvopot Sal there was a budget and the total budget of what %,e h ,,. hurt_ is *41 , 150. (A, 0{i�a r1 }b proposed from the City L.,nd ttie C(-)unty, and }re c.t,s tsck(-,-t sales, contri.but .uris, af4d donations instead y' i ruiiu -pvj gate sources $12, 150, whicitl iw uifferent f'rolu what you Ilolo till; Mayor. Mr. Armesto: No, because iie said the total budget from the two governwent bodies $29,000. Mr. Gary: No, he said for the whole program. sl 8 September 20, 1984 Mr. Armesto: Oh, no the whole program you have there, we have contributions from Judy Goldman who offered us $1 000 from Jack Wise and other people who offered us the money. A. Mr. Carollo: Jack Wise? Mr. Armesto: Not the one you mentioned; there's another Jack Wise. It's W-I-S-E. Mr. Caro-llo: I just want to make sure where the money is coming, from, Mr. Armesto: I-S-E, not E-I-S-S or whatever it is; it's I- S-E, Mr. Crarcllo: I just want to get it for the record that Jacarol i. .9 still being investigated by the Federal Government Mr. Armesto: I had nothing to do with that. Mr. Carollo: It's not for your information, Mr. Armesto, it's for other people here. Mayor Forre: Whol:�, John Collins? Mr. Armesto: 11c's the husband of Mary Collins. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see. Mr. Carollo: fie's also sergeant in the Organized Crime Bureau of Dade County. Mr. Perez: Armesto, do you have the approval of Dade County Government? Mr. Armesto: Yes, sir, that was four or five weeks ago. Mr. Perez: They already approved it in the Board of Commissioners? Mr. Armesto: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre. Who's the organizer of this? Mary Collins, John Collins. Mr. Armesto: You have the signature there to prove that has nothing to do with the Republican Party. Mayor Fe,,,i-c-: Fu-tiic-r c,uestions or statements? What's the will of this Mr. Arm.,Ao: c i0 1 X I Ha Perez, let me tell you what we did I i ,L, t i, u -J th tl-lu ,.surplus. t. Mr. Pere,., I r 1',-i y I like to have a copy of the resolution (.1N1' t I, s�t Dadc- CGUr--1-tN1 Government. Can you provide this? Mr. Arr.,,.Ie,,to: 11' you want that a contingent, before I come here, I 'I) 1, 1. 1 -1 g y 0 U t h e r,esolution from Dade County Z Mr. Pei -.: - i A I -So, I ti in -K ti iat this issue that can be controvt--i—li�--I. d tj,;- k- i vt s the, att,(;ntion of a full Commission. I would lil,i-- ior tit other' iuer:ibers of the Commission be here and at h e 11(_Xt C 0 iij q i i S S 10 n meeting, you bring that informatd oil Mr. Armesto: It's O.K. a, 9 September 20, 1984 Mr. Perez: And you have a full Commission to discuss this, O.K.? I move to delay. Mayor Ferre: -T don"t i.link it is properly before us, except Fl as a pocket, ii.t doesn't really require any kind of a delay. We ;-,il tjiQ next. Comm .f7Fion mneeting at 9:00 otclock -in 111r, Tnorning. Mr. Arm-;�� Mayor T')r Comirni,-, - �-; 1 11 MC(� here will be the 11th of Cj(�11(-7h^r- 1-1., think you should bring a copy of I-11 I o 1),-) (1 C C., y . - Mr. A r n- :;t o : T I I I h r j. n f; you a copy of the Dade County Resolution t h a t, r e:3 n t ed 1) y Stevc Clark and Barry Schrei-ber . Mr. Carollo: I t h j. n I- I i -t wou.1-(i he a Food idea. Mayor Ferre: A n y th j- n Ir e. Th:-.W-1 you. 6. REQUEST FOR FUNDIFIG FOR ARTS PROGRAM - REFERRED TO CITY MANAGER. Mr. Perez: Mr. Renato Perez, representing Juan Alvarez, is here. Mr. Renato Perez: Good morning Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, my name is Renato Perez. I'm an attorney representing One Art, Inc. , i,,hi-ch is knoi,,,n in the community as One Art Ballet Theatre. J.1m here to ask that a grant be provided to them in the amount-, of A, �20,000. that...could could I know that Mr. Perez: In order t what you want is a request for funds for the festival, no? I would like to instruct that the City Manager try to deal with this situation. Mayor Ferre: This matter is then referred to the City Administration, which is the usual procedure of all the requests for funding for arts programs. do this with every one. It has to go through. You I'll -low, we are a country of laws, which means of procedurc.s, so you've got to go though the proper procedures. Mr. Renato Perez: Thank you, Mayor, tjianj- you. 7. DISCUSSION ITEM: COLJ1' 01" PWTEXT1011 'f0 CITY MANAGER. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - cord to ask the t'(o a ue, 3ted at the )011 LI k7� G I'l f'. formed and fie 11,is of the yout-, ,Aince the calendar that is correct. I. from t f e. beginning of the year. Mr. Gary: You should have that information. 1111 check. 81 10 September 20, 1984 ---------------------------------------------------------- 8. DISCUSSION ITEM: RESTUDY ALT.APATTAN INDUSTRIAL ZONING. Mayor Ferre: The next item that 1 have is Mr. Cardenas. Mr. Manger, you ma.v reca).1. about two or three months ago, we requested, Wglt t1n p^n��}jr?^,tn,rt the Adm _nistrat,inr� ;;p noTlin back wi-th Dr�nr,rin�'ac)at._i{_,n 1;~ 1'o ltr}t., f;o pro(it on 2 r e:7f.},lt! of the l�ai ,i)1t,t. 11 i_il(�il^,f,i'i_l)_ lh :? end f.11(=it �S}71'1"t�1711FIt 1( .^ lot' a % on III� i _ ; i.jl�i f`!'(1 ;I-o t(l GF t- }rirt (?11 t.i};lt, . ?-n P ^s7(}G] you C 71 ! i; iv 'a, Oil il)Tl�- ,t (1di0i',, I inns �C)n inst;ruef; { ' rr - 11lf,. F,t7c t::}1}=1L_!,r t�� }"'�',�,1,�1�. area of iSi 1_ripal, 1,11n+'r1 i.n c ro° r t;t, ( t^ rl t.l�r llpIc t 11C,1, i f i C time for the City t oi�c3t} par ti.ci11y in t.In i e. i_11 t,v of the 1P, 1, t r ,I A1.1. I realiv taat1t, t:,;p t;t�,_,t today _,-3 hoo1i. �on rw l�t . ttatto take and c-gin i e 1. cage certain for cone] a ;ion one ci}ay or the other }:'or t11C ^tu"iv, Mr. Gary: 11r. t;a,yor, let me get back to you on how long it is going to Mayor Fc1"1^e: Well, for example, would 60 days be reasonable? Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferro: Sixty days from what day? Mr. Rodriguez: From today. Mayor Ferre: From today, not from June 28th? Mr. Rodriguez: No, sir. Mayor Ferre: Because 60 days from June 2$th has already gone by. Mr. Rodriguez: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Sixty days from today means November. I don't think we need a motion on this. We just on the record that within 60 day;, which is the second meeting in November, we will have this before us with your recommendations. Mr. Rodriguez., I t:hi.rk it is important, that in your deliberations you do hive private input. By that I don't mean 1i1;i_tc<; to ot;c :c,i, Lllc Private sector, I mean all Segmae1-1ts oi' tt.YI(-,-- 1) V +t.c o t o I 9. GRANT EiE. t1E:St' <'0t !4 S1`r'1`PINCE t I'i'E-1 ICE I=CClErb� BACK DOONESBURY EIVENT. Mayor F'�r�r<.. tli ott;c r the Cou;11.i 5..i �;;11 p�. ���� y v_ }�t ., 1, 1, 1) V OV u�=. (, uo be expended (,n tl;iw ks+ u..,c _ underst ��rld, . oi,.(7 11:.jo1 poi : t:i._ 1ii:t � 1.t�i t _ir.1.;�nt- r'igures are cotiii!ig 111to tGtil1; c G; tt,, 1_10CAIe6bury thing nt 11id'e bo yo-U ri1:c)w) f` nd our from Walter fi1, t;, Mr. Gal-y : ['41'. MaYOr, here is a resolution ratifying your actions. Mayor Ferre: This is the Doonesbury thing? We also had a resolution on the African matter, right? This is a resolution providing an amount not to exceed $5,000 in -kind sl 11 September 20, 1984 resolution providing an amount not to exceed $5,000 in -kind services from the operating budgets of the Departments of Police, Fire and so on in connection with Welcome Back Doonesbury Party at Peacock Park on September 29th. Is there a motion on this? Mr. Carollo: Move. Mayor Ferre: To there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion on the resolution that's before us? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved it3 adoption: RESOLUTFON NO. 84-1050 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED Qoon jui IN -KIND SERVICES FROM THE OPERATING BUDGETS OF THE DEPANTHENTS OF POLICE, FIRE! SOLID WASTE AND PARKS AND RECREATiON TO 113 NATIONAL FUUFDATIUN FOR CHILDHEN, 1.11 CONNECTION VITH THK NhTIONAL WELCOME BACK 1100HESHURY PANTY 0 FEAGOCK PARK ON SEPTEKAFE 29. 1p6h; WLIP AlIGGATION BEING CONDITIONED 01' () 'i I ' S T A N T I A L COMPLIANCE KITH CITY OF HIANI APHINI3NATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 0, 1984; FURTHER AUTHORIZING A ONE -DAY PERMlT FOR THE SALE OF BEER IN CONNECTION WITH SAID EVENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demontrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 10. ALLOCATE 0,000 ill CORRECTION WITH RECEPTIO14 FOR REPRESELTLTIVES LTTENDIEG IV LUNCHEON FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE, Mayor Furrv: Mr. Manager, the other day, with George Firestunk, WAIC" Wow cot that plagaz i ne from you know, intepnntlun0 LhAne uN F! urida , lie to f "at the time than y-u Eno", nc is 1hr unlef officer in Florida Lhat has to dv.i wun uny carp Our Printaunships with the Cnwvpl�i, (,wj L! 0 Up &A.9 Uum" all 0 "n tint, nucause sometiven ?, P-2 "11(nitun, _WK homolywors W don't. Recenily tLoy kovo Wuh VIEW ul P"inc day", jVhnV1y, 1 Gon't think 11114,un, nny 1�01 ol i No- ki i y 1h, Lat it's jusL been ihn tzo!�Lavjit LuIhK t 0 have his annual Consular Curp IunuNrow. 10v VlaW an gvo_ifli�� 1,�j ic i pate in this; 1 onacratauj Lho CuauLy will, 10y art requesting that we Put un a cocktail party, but that, be our portion of it, which Q 400 cun5u! representatives and I would be 0 1 September 20, 1984 County and the State matches in expense and leave it at your discretion to work out the details. I so move. Mr. Perez: Second. Mr. Carollo. Third. Mayor Ferre: I think you better call the question. Mr. Carollo: Mr, Clerk, roll, call. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adopt.i.on: NOTI-ON NO. 811-1051 A MOTION AUTIiOI',TZlt^dG AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATI�, AN AMOUNT OF APPROXIMATEI..Y *5, 000 TO TBE USED D FOR A RESEARCH F0FA THIS C0NSUi,A1i CORPS IN CONNECTTO!l V TTi1 A 11UNC11I ON FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO I3;F, 11FIX l:II HIATII; PROVIDED THAT I ETROPOLTTAt? DA.DE COUNTY AND THE STAT Of" I^LO131DA IN THE EXPENSE, OF ` H IDS FVFINT. Upon beinf.; �ccorlilc.c3 1�v i. ,,iorrcr^ Perez, the motion was passed and `<7 _ lowing vote - AYES: Comm ; i_onc°1 Comrlii.:,si.orrch I,:i.) i.c r J. I)a. ,kins Jr. Mayon' Mauricel A. Fore NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. DURING -LOLL Mayor Ferre: I understand that we are talking -,just so that we put this on the rc-cord- approximately $5,000; but that's something for tuiie 111<<nager to determine. Based on the fact this is, conditioned both on the State and Metropolitan Dade County rtat:Ch Ing us, I vote yes. AFTER R01-A,._C.AiJ. : Mayor Ferre: 1"r. Stcvens, while you're Here, I would like very much for, you, t c clause, of your rel ationsliap with the Secretary of St;st , to part.i cip',te :iI t i_t s, wi.t11 the Manager's office;. I r.�ant to rrc<.l,_: .,:urc t11<?t r c:! try, %o 4 ct as many Af'ric� ri r rti.or�:. .nvolveci ir, t1.i.. C:0D,':u1_,a1-' I.-ar'ty. As you know, n ne of ar2y c",;tl: ular relatioriS, up iri I,tlt;rlt :. 1 tit nk 1'.t is importarit th,-. _,e , t-t:r1 ('!i! i)ti.I T.1_, 1.'Ii'}' < t th, t., , ;o T would hope thli t t; Ah t,rr( t_1C,11(_ •}' th.-A }��i.<t;L i t; up, .; ii _ t ur:i; of thing:1 th-c' t, yw o u 1 C c:;o to Ciif' V, ._ C Uthe '?e of the con2u15 t trlfrt'� i.;. f r r;;ii JstlEitit:' do ;n 11e'1'i; ��t' uuc.ht, t0 get at tilo of t:11i t Mr. Steven 4s. I;1 I I m glad that you rrlentioned that. That is in t11� Jnii.ir.land primary purho:,e of what we are trying to J Mayor F errt : I'd iil:e to tip: it into this, so that we take advantage (A" tlir.- of State's lunctecn. I'd like to see some, Mr. S?ttvtilr . k t11 , the am ass,adors wi 1l b(;e down I think, during tl.,ai tir1G. hopefully, with the ainl a6sadors and we spend CJl;ir. tiri wi th therri t1Gwil !IE t n eD1 Miami � we can convince: tlitru that they IJeed to have permanent representation, if` not, honorary representation. Thank you. sl 13 September 20, 1984 ire 11. ALLOCATE $10,000 FLORIDA TRADE COUNCIL. Mayor i_. :i.-.>r,1_v1,i on a.l.l_rr,at -ng an amount not. i..fl F=,'-,'(?r'C?C.t ;� 1 O, 000 {ro1`l r�j')�(;I.:ll- � roi;t��m.s :and y� Account-, (;em i ) rlF^,Ill '�? I.li](j t, ) V,I1q I' I_C)I i Cj 71 A. 1'.i_C',P, Trade evel.opr11 )7� (,�t,t1C:�_1 , l lC, f,() ^!t,)poj ;, tine ,�lerslll_ p and Ru7i_ne, z,,tt, f 'in:1.ri ^ctninar to bn find (?ct;nher 18th and 201;h n tl ar,)i 17, 1,1Io_I, c -4 !,ot.ion? i)at•rI<j.ns moves, j second, The following resoTul;1.o11 wa.-, introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its. RI5S01.-.UTION h]O, 81I-1052 A RESOl,T-J 1-0N 1A-,0CATTf1G AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED *10,000 FROM SFECIAL. PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTI:NGI NT I° UI<D, TO THF.; FIJORIDA- AFRICA ''RhDF C01_NCTI,, INC., TO SUPPOFT THI 1 AF1 ICAN I.EADI°,tiSH.i_P Atui.) DOING BUSINFS `I'I it ill R I•:;A" E';?'l t ?', H . TO hF, HIEL,D 0CTOI3EN 1 t f-' � , 1 ra„ i , s i1 i t, �,'' 1. C(1 V ;h T ION CENTE;Ik, AE:;i) IF Irf L," I"'y,i 1;1' SEND IT ti; 'I' i f�.? I _1;i' f_ ivl�1 RF, WITHIN C-I'i-1 1,Li�iI.h:T THE L' OE 1) t1.,:1'11;j, i_; OF THIS EV11"Ni'; 'i;].i-' 11 I.ri t'"-ING CONDITIONIED UPON St l 'STA ITN CITY OF KjAI';I AI!1, ;�� ! ;�1s � 1� 0 .7 (:'Y 140. APM--1- 84 1)ATI D J1iN111;I-;, I� iJIrTHER AUTHORIZII G TI I? C'I"T'Y 1''; i,t.(;i i ;:I CLI'I't: AN AGREEt;ENT, IN fi, I''C?i'P; l,,t:t }.-''1'f } E I. 0 '111E, CITY ATTORNEY, I11 IfII1�:i 1'.TI:0i�, TO IMPLEI-AIEN'I' TE H llj�IkE', 1, LI. C'i-1: a J 01 . (Here fo�_LcG; t:-oc ;1' }°c o }.ft.:.o}1, omitted here and on file in, the Of fice of the City Clerk.) Upon being secoIIde by Corurni sssioner Perez, the resolution was pa scd �nd z.dc•pted by the following vote - AYES: CoIT, rn:.sr.>r,t=t= Jor_ (:arollc hi:i.l' er J. Dav:I<ins V1.Cew[°;z1'ot' I-i_'r:i" tr'xo Perez, Jr. Mayor llauriec� A. herre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 12. DISCUSSION OF CABLE T.V. ORDINANCE (See later, same meeting) --------------------------------------------- Mayor l'ei r', on ---------------- c bi e- television discussion about all tlfcz 11r,:i.> t: tine I, d tI<< _3thev day, sae Iit e�J to get this Cai b 1' t i z-4 t i:i[t I <"'0c: t iff' - t,'ijf N -;iEt . I, l?<:`l.c is QidJ : llti JGIlGS your, r,ut _ .._ .L, i ri i f:ifat wouldt_y` ; Id1! E' t1:.-t rac t, U :r' tS;:ri��er Will IiU tt a� tamt f1t, atlura5 (.:0nUtrt'll tt tO a panel of ar bitors and p1,ovid� s fu a r:Ga 'ir.g by 31 14 September} 20, 1984 arbitrators and the submission of their non -binding recommendations to the Commission, further providing for a hearing before the Commission on the arbitrators' recommendatlons. Is there a motion on this? Ms. L., 1)!-?)F-1-1er1,y: Mlr. A;ayor, there. are two ordinances attachod 11 re - Onn as proposed by t1r. Myers, and one provi j.rF,,:- 2ora clirented n2; to, that it would be t)inding. So yo).2 r. i_ 1 i I_,a1Te to r-,el_eet which one of those you wanted. Mayor I1an:1ger, what are your feelings on that, that: it, t) nnn-t>i 1di_n( ? Mr. Gar y: `f,7eir dec_,^>:i.or1? Mayor F' rr r: she gi2e.-tion is, are the arbitrator...? Mr, D,,iv1,i >1S: Doe, anybody else have a copy of what the Mayor ils reading from? Mayor herre: ."02-he dcprlrtment, recommend a penalty. The quest:101 i_�;, Llicri you I)t-r:^enI-'rA 1) -Fc,rc an administrative court of �i.1Ci;! .^, 1,21Ctt-l' tl1( �,ypl_,„.�. i)lll'E 3.lfCr`'c3t,1_C ways of doing these thing:� in Vn,' I inF?fi,on . The C;Xalniner barn come;; up with a recommc-ndrition e T. ; t;}Z rt; band r1t- or <Zor) �17a 21ci;_ntT ' Mr. Gary: I 11) Lnk it, .:,hould he non- bi.ridi_nt . 1 think the appellate proc<<s should be to back to the Commission. Mayor Fer r 14ould you put this at the next -I'm not going to obviously call a special Commission.... Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, if I may, I think it should be binding with the appellate process being you. Just like if you go to one court.... Mayor Ferre: Who would appeal it? Mr. Gary: Either side can appeal. Mayor Ferre: If' you can appeal it, then it's not binding. Either it is binding, and that's the end of it; or there is an appellate process. Mr. Gary: I think it should be appellate process. i°. Mayor Ferr (: 1 thin-: that's the proper way of doing it too. i E� Now, Comma ssi oner D aka-n� teas invoked t.h(� five day rule and that's I_.€°opei,. Tcd ti this 20th T :z not 2=o1ng to call a special. Cv2.�2�):).� .�.or� r.;_;etin for tl:i ;, uIIlt'r,4�> r,<a�'c.. his I k understi-- nd iit- n. ); L, ie t. r)(' WC- 11:2t>:: i.:; Oil tile. 1 1 th . Is that c_.l � I 1, y c�> � t. ) �. t:, , 1 ,1 lz :., t. r �. 1;, � €�L, c_ . d i d ;j that it w C: iJrl P€``:.d%.y night ,.r) �2 1 ._, ):iorr�r�,;, 1,t<<.:t. ;.�� ,�� ti.���t, r1+2rior=e meetzrr o.xr2l; r:_ . i _. t:h:_:;tat? 11 T He said I)f € _:; l:_ l r7(; . I_ y4,c,u U, next w(-, i; . I h et nest. €::_: d(D it L lio,Ll-u powers rant4:d t�:,� a;. t.li�- � t,� )'t � r � ,.!': .. ,� - � � , , nat, this r u item wI A 1 12i._ t tllk:� ric->:t r• Connie€fission meet7_r I l..-od tj:_t f':avx l; tvt= f>or: Ley. Mr. Carol-1 o: Mr. Mayor, d:hy won't; you just call a special Commission) meeting on Tuesday? Mayor Ferre: Because Plumiue:r is not going to be here. Out of courtesy to hire, I don't think this is.... Mr. Carollo: As you always say, he votes negative all the time anyway, the important thing is.... Mayor Ferre: I think, Joe, from a practical point of view, that personal opinion is that we're not going to come to a sl 15 September 20, 1984 conclusion Friday at the budget hearing at 5:00. If we do come to a conc.li_rsion and Plummer does go out of time, I think we ought to afford him the col�rt;esy of being here for the oil i:.hi.s i.mt�nr i;ani issue. Tf wo don't come to a i.n i,n my npi.n .on we probably 1.i7.l 1. nci;o :i nnnicl_u.,l_gn, i:lhrii_ 1�,hink at the next regal pi' in iil; oill t"li ��tl :.ri f)r at Otlt`1d the 25th or t.he �C�i,h. t n I Mr. Caro.l.lo:-"-i;l-i or ;101,h of cptc ,rb�,r? -; Mayor Feri-< : Ocptcnl,cr�, we have to adop�c a budget legally a, by the end of 1_.hi_s month.. Mr. Carollo: We hn.ve to call a special Commission meeting i on one of those da . Mayor Ferro: Tf wc do not adopt a budget on Friday, then we are forced into that. I would hope that we could adopt a i budget , but, if' w(-. don I t .. Mr. Carollo: Mr. 04ayor, in the. meantinc, if 1may :3uggest t that maybe you might just on the record c:otabl.i.�;h a special Commission niect:_ng on Tuesday. If we aced to change it, i then we' 1.1 change it ; but at least i-re get {Aic five days in between. -i Mayor Ferre: i accent 1-,11 t,. I till accept, that. t�re will now -ir have a spcci;-1 C�:�r� �� :>sion rrri��t.i_nt on Tu .(,c?av at 5: 00 o' clock -I for the puilpo.- c of �iE.:n l i ir,r 1=°i::.h tlr:, ; ir_ :;ue z�.nd the budget if it should bc. 'y lic budr,ct at that time. 13. RESOLUTION Cl' L1,J F-(3 HOB E1U3f:!,R 6, 1984 TO EXPAND Hf MBE x OF 01 1.•' ;:, 11114I"T PARFIf-I l hUT110RITY BOARD. Mayor Ferre: `'Ine City Attorney has requested the following to me. A resol.uti.orl calling and provid.t.ng f'or the holding of a special mi unic i pal election in the City of Niami on November the 6th for the purpose. of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of 111,ianii for their approval or disapproval ffi,_' _:-ur,c Knol-drl as Charter rm.criiliment, ltiumber One. Is thi:., the wine that' a come bacl_? Mr. Bob Clank:: This w-is the ai;lcndirietlt that was draftcd July 31st expanding it from five to sc-v n Tni z is just the resolution riot-, ter l ling for tine e-lecti or, on Novk: ; bcr� 6th. You have: �_1rcad y u.cfopt d thu ordinaricc- . Mayor, do you mc° n fvor:i five to seven inernbers? r What are ycr�. tt�lr�_nf about? Mr. CILr,Iz:, tse're ta Iki.rig about the Off -Street Parking Board. Mayor F rre: Orr, the Off -Street Parking, I'm sorry. Mr. Perez: Who will appoint those two members, the Commis: -,ion? Mayor F'erre: They submit names, we approve or disapprove. That's the standard way of doing it. Dawkins moves. Is there a. second? Mr. Per ezy: ;second. Mayor F'erre: Seconded, further discussion? Call the roll on this resolution. sl 16 September 20, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1053 A RESOLUTION CrkI,LTNC7 AND PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF, A P 1. MUNICIPAL ELECTION TI i. 111 F (7, T T 01 t9lrliil, FLORTDA, I 011 'URPOSE OF ON NOVEIIBFII� (�7 10 �', J1 T� T 1-11, 1 F 0 11 A 11-,' 1 ED 1, 1-,'C S U B M I TT 1, 1,1 C, IT) I I TO RS OF THE CITY OF t' [.,A II F0 I i T1 I E1 11Z A, P 1) R 0 `TA L, OR DISAPPROVAI,, MIS !\"N 0 W N AS 11CHA TER AMEND[IF.-,NT NO 111, AHEINDING SUBSECTION BSECTJON 23-A,1(3) CP TH C11ItRTER 01TII' CITY OF MIAMI, Fl-,OHIDA, i3Y i-ROVIDING THAT THE NUMBER OF H V' N 13 E R 5 ON T I I E, OFF—STREET PARKING IROARD j INCRE ' A S E D FROM 5 TO 7 MEMBERS; DIHIFCTINIG THE CITY CLERK TO F, R - . I -,, 'R 0 1; TO BE CAUSE A Ci i'll L', T) COPY HE DELIVE RI- '-) TO 111"' (_,)1Jl1ERVISOR OF EI.,ECTIONS .If- 11 OF DAD' COUNTY 1,iO'T LE-S.", THAN 45 DAYS PRIOR Ti.:) 1I PATE 1 11 11 OF SAID SPECIAL MUNICIPAL El_,E_J,T1_ON. (Here fo 11 o w s body of resolution, omitted liege - and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed. and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ------------------------------------------------------------ 14. DISCUSSION ITEM: REQUEST FROM COMM. CAROLLO FOR BREAKDOWN OF OFFICE SUPPLIES, RADIOS, TRAVEL EXPENDITURES, PRE�SE-NiT &. FORMER 1111EMBERS OF COrIHISSION FROM 1979. Mayor Fer-r�,: Now Mr. Carollo, you were going to ask a question. Mr. Cai,ollc: 11r. Mayor, I would like to request from the City if' we could provide me with the total travel e X P e t' d JL t U t'c:,,5 z'or all re_ -s n t grid f o r U-1 e. I, ln e- I-11 b -0 r s of t h e Commi:5.-.ic.!, I'voli, 1979 to the present, the coit-ipletc amount of of f icu Ji GAl 1'i (:k,4 I- bay 3 J ,3 th,_, t �.,ere spent for, all present L.111d 1,ur.:_ I:; t." 1) e r n c) 1' t, 1-3 e Cc, i:iiiii d c n :J ]i n (2 e 1979 and the amoutit.", (A, i:3z.,.ue7, y".1 al 10 S and th(_-, hid for all present and fovvl:11-v of t,his Mayor FEA.r,;!: By radios, do you mean that includes telephones? Telephones, radios, beepers, all communications equipment" Mr. Carollo: All communications equipment, Mr. Mayor, that had been issued by the City. 51 17 September 20, 1984 a Mayor Ferre: Does that include computers? Mr. Carollo: Let's include computers; we might find something interesting. Mayor Ferre: Anything else? Mr. Carollo: Would it be asking too much, Mr. Mayor, if I { requested from the Manager if he could have all this on Monday., Mayor Forre: You have to ask the Manager. Monday, today being; Thur,~da.y? Mr. Gary: 'That's a lot of information. We'll try to have it Monday, but. that's going way back to '79. Mayor Ferre: '79? Mr. Carollo: Yes, you could start with now and go backwards. Mayor Ferro: Anything else? Mr. Carollo: One additional thing, Mr. Manager, before it slips my rii.nd, on all tale dates that you attended board director m=et.i_nrTs al t}ie Sun^,hire State; 13an1;., vvthen a lot of these 7(�,t nt;s racrt� geld i.n m��rnir�f and afternoon hours, if you could c], t.c to i,hi.. Co .mi. ;:;a.on on Clio :.c rnr t. _nL �; that you attended during no"Fi,�.l_ hour: when vor, were being paid by bot'.1 .aura: h7_:Ze �3t:atr I?,~nh xnd the Cite c>> Iiirrr?i_ for the same time, you could to us if that: time was used as comp t:i.me for' your:�eli", if' it was used as vacation time, or whatever designation you gave for the time that you spent during normal Working hours serving ter. Ray Corona and friends at tile Sunshine State Bank. 15. DISCUSSION ITEM: KGR TO INVESTIGATE ISSUANCE OF ALL CHECKS TO VENDORS. ------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Perev,: IW. hayor, hoi-. Much is the maximum amount that the i:dr:ir,i.;: t-r Aiorl office is <<uthori ,ed to pay for any check. ?Ion: r��.,c11 i the n;ax itc:urn LA, r.; C, I .: t -1 t th.-,,t the City Manger': office i.S1 E ithout the authorization of .... Mayor Ferre: Com ii: s:ion approval? 1 think it is $5, 000 . Mr. Perez: $5,000? Mr. Gary: Forty --five; and on some cases fifty. Mayor Ferre: $50,000? Mr. Perez: Without Commission approval? Mr. Gary: No, it has to come before the Commission. Mayor Ferre: No, no. Mr. Gary: Oh, you're talking about without Commission approval, only $4,500. Mr. Perez: Could I get a list of all the checks under $,4,500 that the Manger's office has subscribed in the last three or; four... When did you start as City Manager, about three years ago? sl 18 September 20, 1984 Mr. Gary: April of 181. Mr. Perez: O.K., from the first day that you Were in the Administration, could I get a copy of that record? Mr. Gary: Sure. Mr. Perez. Thanks. Mr. Carol_l.o: Mare scare, Commissioner Perez, that you get the complato names, not only the organizations, but the individuals involvnd that received any amounts under $4,500. 16. SEXOT,T) R� ATATNG OT:D7NANCE: APPLY HC-1 HERITAGE CONSERVA.TTOT1 OVEPLAY DISTRICT TO VIZCAYA. Mayor, FerrC:': �';' `. i'�' nQi: on it:cm numilher onC?, which i1:= an application, which is an overjoy district; to Vizcaya. Is there anybody hare who is an ob et:or to this? Would the Administration, would you teal us if you have a. copy in the record from the Vizcaya Trust Fund rea,r_rc.sting this? Ms. Joyce Meyers: We have a copy of a letter from Merritt Stierheim, County Manager, approving of the designation. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion on this? Is there a motion on item 1 ? Mr. Carollo: Move. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Carollo. Second by Perez. Further discussion on the Vizcaya request? Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE A1,1ENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ATLAS, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY Al"PLYIIG THE HC-1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAP DISTRICT TO "`4rI%.CA zA" , 3251 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE AND 50 SGUTHWkST 32ND ROAD CMOBE I'ARTiCULAi LY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING ING FINDINGS; GS; AND BY -AC ING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES IYGES ON PAGE NO. 44 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE t; PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 95O FY t,EF NE CE AND DESCRIPTION! '.. AkTIC -._, SECTION 300, THEREOF; CONTL I N NG r ` E F L L h P O t' I SIGN AND A ;r,`tr_fEKJSII.! `1T U I_A passed on its t iPst ruLdiwg by title _L the meeting of July 31, 1984, was Lahan uP for , t N vuoond and final reading by title and adoption. & moviGn of C:'onnissioner Carollo, seconded by Commi c "up I.v ..., tLy :)rdinance was thereupon given its 2 e co -:d apa i nj rnn n by title and passed and adopted by tht rcilo inn vol,-- AYES: Comwibsionyp JQO Carol, COmmissicrnep Miller- J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. al 19 September 20, 1984 THE ORDINANCE WAS DE SIGNATED J�D ORDINANQq�E N &L -.O.6— The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Cornmls�aion and to the public. ------ 1 ------- ---------------------------- ----------- 17. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: PROTECT TREES ON CORAL WAY. Mayor Ferro: r 0 n 11 1, 0 nq -i v J ro w1h i c i c i -nmontal preserval-.ion, ilran.^porl.-,ition corridors ;1'tj,-11--1 -.econd reading -of-way o n Coral- ra I I,Jri y Thi�7, r(-quire-�� nearing right ptl1j)l 4 and approval of.' 1-.he llcritaf-,e Conservation Board prior to a permit heing is.-,ucd for t,cmoval- of any ti,(-('7 wi, I hin the median. Th,1.t j,,s to try to protect the rambunctious road department Irorn earl,,- i1i thc-.� morning cutting down our trees in Coral 1,jay. Ts there a motion? Mr. Carollo: fiove Mr. Pcrez: Second Mayor Feri-c: Moved and seconded; read the ordinance. Does anybody wish to speak on this item? All right, read the ordinance. Call the roll, please. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLE,]) - Ail ORDIINAN"CE Ailll,'ND-ING THE ENVIRONMENTAL P RES E" EV A TI 0 1XI DISTRICTS AND SCENIC T R A 'S 1) 0 1 T h T1, () I ATLAS OF THE I MEN CITY 55THE RIGHT- OF-1,,AY (.11' Cr)Nk1il, 1,1' 1. Y ' "ND STREET , 2' ''-- N'll- r�l AND 1',' flh.D �i V:', '5 ON THE EAST lic., 1`1�)UTI'tiif"�., f, Ji,-lv'ill ON THE 11 E ST lj 1, 17 :Q' 1� OJITATION CORRIDO`11t; I- K I'! !�IAKING ALL Till, N,C E S L, A'Y C 1 1, N' G E S 011Z 1`1;:GES NO. 37, 8, 9 3 , 40, 42, 4 A N 1) 101 OF SAID 3 ATLAS; C 6 N T j'i I I'11 G A 111."PTEALHR PJ16VISION AND SEIVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on i t -; first reading, by titl(-, at the meeting of July 31, 1984, 1 la S 11a11.en up for,* its second and final reading by title and adoptlon. On motion of Com.,nissione;r Carollo, seconded by Coilimis,�ioner Perczl the Ordinance was thereupon given its ,�econd and fd"nal i-e-, o a n f-,;, I by title and passed and adopted by the AYES: 1~0(: car,0110 Comilmissione.- J. Dawkins Vice-llayoi' Dell-f;etril() Perez, Jr. Mayor 1,9auirioe A. Fei-re NOES: None. ABSENT: ConimAissi(,ner, J. L. Plummer, Jr. THE1:�Vi � i - — I , . ') i C ,_O R D T N AN C A ATE 1 ( fi D T 14 A IV' � E N C) - 0897 Thy ity Attorr.-ey read Ll-,e ordinance into the public record atil-10Uhued tlzAt c"GI)Ies were available to the members of tfie City Con.!fiisUiiori and to the public. S1 20 September 20, 1984 r f Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, with regards to that particular issue, yesterday, I was at at Miami -.-News editorial board meeting that I met with. After that, Howard Kleinberg told me that the grass, Mr. Kerns, that the grass at Bicentennial Park and the F.F.C. property was two and three Fort high and with -mod a and he thought it -as rnnlly—if we npnit even Cut the Rrps7 in Minmils most impnrtnnt ppr k. khrn khgrg 0; some Giant inns As to whnthnr or rink w- shn"Id ho qn!PF after bond i7snr7 pnd thinw like hhqh- w(riin vnn mn- surq and would you Pnrsnnn"!y rpl! jhKINnOcrg 1111d disrurs this matter vith him? 140111d yon got for the Commission a schedule. Vm pure Y(-)Il rocord.^ of it, "1:7 to 1;hc-n the grass in n"Y Pnd wh9n the maintenance 0 done in thnit whole Bayfront Mr k nron in downtown, and discusa it with Mr. Kleinberg, would yo" please? Send us a copy of it. 18. FIRST RVAPTUG ORUNAVCF: (CH-ANGE, ZQNIPG CUSSIFICATION 6450-90 V. FLA(':EEP ST, PPOM BG-3/4 TO Cn-2/7. Mayor Force: We're now on item 3, which is a zoning atlas amendment. Thin in approximately 6450-90 West Flagler Street. There is an ordinance ntlao chmige from RG-3Q) to CR-2/7. The planninG DcpartmcnL recommendrd P Un0l. The Zoning Board recommended denial 6:1. Th i s matter is a question of change is contrary to the land use potirrns as a development along Flagler Street bctwcon 59th Nnd 66th Avenue, which is now entirely a multi.family rcsidential community. The department says that the chanEc vould create isolated district and the change would illepeLisco permitted floor area by 129%. As I understand, that is the basis of the recommended denial. The Chair will recognize.... Mr. George Orta: Mr. Mayor, if I may, this is George Orta, attorney for the power of attorney, ter. Fonticiella. I would like to defer at this point until. we have two more members of the Commission present. Mayor Ferre: Does anybody have any objections to this item being deferred until we have a full Commission? There are four members, Mr. Orta: We'll go with the members here today if they can listen to us sometime today. Mayor Ferro: What you want is four people here? Mr. Orta: Yes, Sir. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Dawkins. You have four people here now, so you can begin. Mr. Orta: Thank you, your Honor. Mayor Ferro: 1 think we will begin with the Administration's recommendations and then we will come to you. Mr. Richard thipple: JJr. Mayor, I think to cover, the high points of the department's recommendations, we do feel that this uhan8e would be a synciLl ppiviiege to the individual owners as emitrobted with Lo the benvIdt of tht surrounding community. 1,5 yc,u su,. oil I,!,(- t-it-ing displayea, the subject ppoporty j, ju Une widniv ni a robjuvnt_al avea, and let we eLanpu una. to anuthur fvLp, 6111an Alut'n VnU ather of FILgler StrteL, 1"Joh i-re coned for mulLipic family residential Use. its you can see, this block is isolated. It is a spot zoning request. N that sl 21 September 20, 1984 IP 01 basis, we believe the item should be denied and recommend denial. Mr. Qrta: Yes, Mr. Mayor, we contenders the last time and we still contend this time that we're not asking for spot zoning. Actually, what pro hav-o in la,�re in Flagler .street historically _.and wo l v o na i d this many i. ,ie^ ! I,y i-rah is the same thinp wn hp"., in F.W. r th Street in thpl. all of this area. hnr runlund hr=n, u7n (.tsar— Pr— nn r1f h-v onvo Ln an anywhere Pl ,or, of d T. do `l-quo not hi nr r, ..,-��. i�r_�i �r���i.��;m ni � � 1 11 rI2 units and rrtr0l vni bn and multi ail o NO y :li=t' - c n the Other UiiF` Other Tilt; <_•Jcr7 to t.tir, nof't,,i Wlt l,.ai,h-r to 1,11E', south of 1 l ;rg1 n t,hai, Vn,';- arc rUnt:iri.-:, rr,-;sir ^nt,i;l_ ^1t7f;J_e homes. With duo respect t La thoon oingln family l;omas there are no shopping centers in the nrcn, and this, in fact is a reverso spot 7onig t,c(,, 1. u,s_-P-. m(ast>f i•l .�al and will by tho major force of time and the nvol ut;_i on of the City of Ni-ami., will ha.vc M become co mar°ci..al. The property that we're l.00kinf to develop there in a one story shopping center Opt will drf ii it.el.y serve the t)l ryn)s n of all the people living in the community and orpeninily in that. area. We have bcfor0 you gnit.c ra few signod 11at:i-t.i.on3 fromm the property owners in Lhc arr a hccau5c we've met with them and we've explained to them, and they do unnt n shopping center. They need i.t. Thcy don't linve anywhere to go except probably at, the Cent:r nl Shopping Plaza or nL Anypen on N .W. 7th Street.. As a mnt ter of fact.. „ c have 2condom i.ni.um unit over them: with`_�z0 condominium fact, owners there and they all met at a specs r;l. hoord guts thcy r c , ommended it and they signed it and it': bU nPc you right nest. Wc, ennnot afford to brim 50 or 60 people ple hcre today, because these are working people. They cannot just come bore and not work and not got paid for that. day. Fut they do need the shopping center. We've also explained to this Commission before that this is a one story shopping center to fill the needs. The problems arose at one time with the situation concerning whether there was in fact the proper facilities for sewers and we met, with the City pe ople on the, water tend all of that, we had a recomm nd t icn from our private engineer, and as a matter of fact, Iti(-- a le tt(r f'rcrri the City of Miami, of which all of you Commi:_.,sicner o have a Letter from July 20th saying what the solutionE to the problem is, which is of course, just nothinC more Uhnn a private pumping station. there will i nE to do it. We Ire 4<i.11i nc to do the private pumping station and comply r,'it.h 0-i, t �,;e have in there. We see no further problems in there:. h ; a matter of fact, we have quite a few property owners K the asre i that are interestod in the ;hopping center. I'here are no other shopping center - in the area to survice this one. As a matter of fact, this 4; not even r;= 1hup I..- I' c. _oppin center. Thi s :s not a .l<aI i `; sl,opl>>zt<<; ,c,itcr. Mayor Fepre : lit. Whipple, KOM 1;_ ,)I clu2c"st eonnnercial area to this? % Would you put that other map back on again? How far do the residents have to walk or go'? Mr. Whipple: Just one block to get to a commercially zoned area at. 67th Avenue and F1<_t;l. P. Mayor Fevre: So there i:. t'<::11rf? Mr. Whipple: Ye:, sir , . nc at 62nd or 57th and F'lagler, and if you irepe to go north and nouth, if you look at the bottom of the map, 8th Street ds zoned entirely commercial, There are also commercial facilitins on 7tY Street up around 57th Avenue.. Mr. Or'ta: Your Honap, f iI-'St of all, walking a block and a half, just to r'�.crCli r.,lae C;ott�itirY'C;1al street, is me re than a quarter of a wile, and in any event, that doesn't mean that there is a shopping center over there. The closest facility, convenience store is a 7--11, they; after that you Si 22 September 20, 1984 IP have spots of little stores of one kind or another, but there are no concentrated small community type shopping centers or neighborhood shopping centers that will give the facilities... N.W. 7th :street 1-s, not. a pt-npesiti.on for anybody Lti walk. On t.hr nt hnr lv4n, pro � ":i.ci � rrt ether shopping egnLrrm until you ro r)t'r hah l j% En it, u Z Imoe [� `�.��ur a+�cl Jenne Road sand Ill Yen liave ounr Acre 0 nnn &F" ropic'.al super mqr ke' :aria than „ imst., y ahoy) omi P hnnY hi the Cornet'. There nrq no Con"1 '.rrlt ratQd . mn l l_ Anvar ns i,hp ones we are pi'flpo I ng to build ovnp horq in t,ha i 1111S qd l n t,r nran . Mayor F orr e : Anything cl.sq? Oncsti-o= from hVin Gnmm i nsi_on? Comments from the Commission? lot r o to b ._l yen, u, T think .n�:= she fact that. the department and the vote was o str (mig, 6:1, weighs, i rav i.l.y on me, My concern, and I hope this is constructive critielsm, Whipple, %'m not; trying to c;m har,rass you or the department or anything. The point I'm trying to make is we keep looking at Miami as if it; 4; a rigid community, which it is not, and if there in no change, when there is change. Gar; hove to be firm and we have, to stick by our convictions, but l think wr also tr:avc to r c,al i ,.c who it is that is living in Miami and hoti•: Hey function as a Community. You've heard hen Tricsli,er on S�,'.VCt'%;l_ oc'caoions Come up r•ri.th the id(-;, that in most European communities there is a tradition where you haVe eor-imci,ci.al_ and residential living ait_ic by side. Hather than the way we do it, they do it on the banl_^ of ground Floor commcpcia1 tied with r esi dcnk ial on the uppor fl_onp. I p r sonally arm going to vote with your re oorrm<ndAbi_on on =;_, but I rho think you're wronC in not; _=,)pt'or h i n Lh ._ nnj the reason as on I would Vote with you is bco=c 1 think thin is pic h AnG one block and thntly spot t, zoning, i 6 think in tho rame way that we study other nc i Ehbopi7o' d , UK ' 101; l,.d study this neighborhood. I want to t.e ll you thi:_, We passed a resolution which is now a year old or close to a year, old, designating Overt own, Litt IQ HnVana l Coconut Grove, Allapattah as spc cinl arc,;,s wher ,,, ynu rrcr( goi.11 to study the idea of having thi-s mixed uEn r;ru ns where we would have commiercial on tthu Eround fl.onr and howNinr up at the top, I think you treed to coil;!' bnev, hc,;t l vc Vd long enough an this. l would like to know when thi_._ Commission i.s going to have the: Ldminit tr'ration't: r(t<:c. ni,;�:;r. ��.�t i.cn tc, lioi -- r: deal with that icier:.. It Memo to me that; this Flaglur street area c out there e tot��.r��d:, ti�rc�� r;�c�;.�t 1„ an<>i,lic,r• !, �rf•cexample c c, Of a community in transition that; requires so iie sort of commercial activity Which nerds to be cxpandt d . I don't want to go arbitrarily expanding one Bloc], Lnd thc.n start breaking the zoning in the whole area. 1 would much prefer to do it on an organized, systematic, planned way; but you need to addPeNs thin issue, �rcn are c., to�n to have answer on the request that we nad, Mr. Rodriguez? ? ate specifically asked =t this be studied, aE 1 remember, er, in West Frickell : vcnua, Coconut Grove, ...do you rs_mc rot:r the others, HowLPH in the motion, there was ,a. specific_. Mr. Gain y. l don't vcc zll_ those areas. Ile only one I recall is the A 1. pDttah, and it uns north c f' Oi;N , Mayor Ferro: it uns b, ned can _ atur,.c=n my '1'reister. I, as 1 r veal l , 1 [;%dn the mot _ an y the Co ,win i tip passed a resolution LEH, the dul):_r•`t.rt ent. to `turfy : t l c: uL areas, such as Went b,r i k i l /iv . uu, , Cf�QChuL t�r':, .r L010 We had Overtt>wn and (1 ' paL Lh, l_ �>��r� tt r"Vr! VL.i: P the uther neighbor•h (.u,... .rri: ili„_ i 1.�;.,. l:i t "CIA. 1.(� _ r � �t} 1l;Uk�at this m t:( f Jt 'r Lr�l' 1, 1y t i' A, t _1j pupope, where lie giw)uuc i1nur i c,r ._:r�r� -,..:r _w Fla , t c A• t t_ � t like glc,r �r car � �._�r, (�.,r� �r-� L �t� r �;t✓r e� Li c.y e,��,aid �u COCtrCtePCial 001J if they PUL r w _dtUtial On Lop of it. Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: ie do have that already in certain areas of the City, as you know. sl 23 September 20, 1984 A [A Mayor Ferre: I realize that. I want to know, I'd like to see a list of areas, Black and White, throughout this community where you are specifically going to look at. I think this i;^ an area where we need to do that. Mr. Rodr-iFiic-: I_,ct me foll.o- up or-) that, O.K.? I'll be back to yo7 ) . Mayor Fr:rr,>, That,'.^ my only coiilm4-nt.. Any other comments? What's 1-lie, w ._1.1. of t.hi, Commi.:-�,^0-on? Mr. Per-v,: 1. ;{11.111T. ii' i;i.yOl thi,=. :.reri deserves special attention. Al, the `.i.rrc ,1 my pol.i_1:i.ca1. campaign, I had the opporttini_t.,y to 1,nir)07 nn ri nr: t of hj ^. n.ei,ghborhood, and I found that t.'lj. i1 )_i_r 1rt or'}lo()d cie,7e17ve.. ;-orne kind of :special, local, at,t;r'rlt, i_o"'i . t, i n n I.ot of in tt7 area. In this I IjI,,o to ^harFl vhat. i.^ t,hc concern of the Miami_ 7c)tli tlp I�carct that; -c)tcd 6: 1 in f? -ror of thi:7 proposal. For that. } r, Moir, T;r. f'a.yor', I r.-roIO-d _t_ .)�r t;o.... Mr. wh_i_PpT : 1 I-)e3 i_t*,Ina.t taa;; 6: 1 for denial, Commisiorler Both the department and the Zoning Board ar-< Mr. Pere; : i'he ,nninF- hoard denial? How it say here "recommendc6 approval"? Mr. Whipple: It's denial in my fact sheet. Mayor Ferre: The vote was 6 to 1 on the board against. The department was opposed. Mr. Perez: It was denied also by the board? Mr. Whipple: The second page of the fact sheet. Mr. Perez: Personally, I think that this project deserves the opportunity of better consideration. I am in the best disposition to consider whatever can improve the conditions of this r,c.i_,;ht orllood. For that rea.>on, personally, I would like to 4,.0vto be a�provc d, cn f'i:^:vi; rc><>dir:;, to give the opportunity to People to ca full Cor"_,mission for the next Cciiiiii � s:�ion mectin *, but 1. wo ale: I i l:e to Co to the neighborhoo:.i and I would 1.`.ke to f(A. :.?ore inforri,=;lion there and to go dLir. nFr the: next rar:c{cs and maybe I change my votes on the re�.id_Jni,. Mayor I'c , r<.: (c i, ve a ii oti cri for reversal of the ... and therefore i": r yipp1,C)v ;l . 11, there a second? Mr. Caro=lc: ( Cond. Mayor Ferr,c.discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Ongie: It's an ordinance. Mayor Ferre: Read the ordinance. sl 24 September 20, 1984 0 0 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE; OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THF 7ONiNG CkASSIFTCATTON OF APPRoXIM ,r;V Err 0--n_ n WEST FKAGLER STREET, ` I A` I, Fh0HTDA, (PORE PARTICULARLY DF CH T SJ_ D NE it) FROM RG- 3/5 GE';PFiYBAL R.FAI DVNTIAL TO CR-2/7 COMFIER CT K RESIDENTIAL ((:ti',q"`,QAT`r:), BY MAKING FINDINGS; Ail!) 13'r: AI.1_, THE NECESSARY CUAN ES nN PAGE MO. 30 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS P;ADE, A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500 BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION CRIPTION IN ARTICLES 31 SECTION 300, THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERAIIILTTY CLAUSE. Was introduced by commissioner Perez and seconded by Commissioner Carollo and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote -- AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice Mayor Dcmetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Fcrrc NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ABSENT: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. DURING ROLL CALL: Mr. Dawkins: I have to go along with staff. Staff recommends denial; I vote denial. Mayor Ferre: I want you to understand that on second reading I will be voting; no. But to keep this matter alive until the second reading, until Plummer has the opportunity to also vote, and because Commissioner Perez has requested the opportunity to visit, I'm voting yes so as to keep the matter alive, and so that it can come back for second reading. I vote yes. 19. REFER ChANGE OF f ONI LG 1K 1 T ELL III TO TULL!: I GI1I Lots I30ARD TO Dl.all,IkINE I=tilt&HER INr'O1fil`hTION AUD 1101 V'E DEAL, WITH OTHER I'IrC)i"Lts`rIES 1H `1'HLT `IC1EITY OF FLAG ER STREET. EET. Mrs. Lucia A. DGtghEriy. °r. I:y0r, 1f yOuPt;cwLi\y is to keep it: <:livu , i belicve you have to refer r° it beck to the Planning Eonini boc :use_ they only have rive days for your second rcadinn. Mayor Ferree: Tull me again. Mrs. Dougherty: You have five days until you must legislatively decide this on second reading. Mayor Force.: This matter can't possibly code back to us in five days. We're not meeting in five days, unless... . Mrs. Dougherty : 1 agree, so you Have to refer it back to the Planning Advisory Board. sl 25 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: For what purpose? Mrs. Dougherty: To toll the time. Otherwise this is.... Mayor Ferre: In other words, we pass it on first reading and refer it back to the Planning Board. Mrs. Dougherty: In order to toll the time. Mayor Ferre: Do we need a motion to that effect? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes. Mayor Ferre; Do you want to move it? Perez moves. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: CaroIIo seconds that this matter now be referred t.o the Planning ... . Mr. Whipple: Zon .nx- T3oard , Nr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: ...,Zoning Board for the purpose of further information br;fine the con„i.dcr<it.i-on of how we deal with the community problem along Flab_lcr Street, and whether or not we are point; to approach�ahi-ch is trhatl rn;y position would be a� t,o appr^o._ch 1.11e whole r"trip, rather than just take one parti.cul_j3r b-locl- I'Je nc,ed a. vote on this. Call the roll. The foll_owsing mnotion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1054 A MOTION TO REFER AN ORDINANCE PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS Df'_,TE. FOR POSSIBLE CHAI4GE QF d' ' ING AT 6450- 90 W. 'r°'L.1:GLIR Ii(1-_3/5 TO CR- 2/7 F'.-.CI' TO IfI-ii: ZGi :..IBC: f'0rs1tD FOR P U R P 0 S s-:'> ( F IT I'iI 7 i11'I I -T 0 Iil .ri'I'?0N AND RECCiI;f :;Idl ! T:LOi,' ) (:-A1G TOf! 1I G; DEAL i IT11 s'IIi)i'1,3 `i' :I..- 1:L0NG FLAGLER STREET lN THAT Upon being ucconded by CorJiiissi.onc;r Carollo, the motion was passed and , doptcd by the l'oll.o,aing vote - AYES: Cor,rlisrioner Joc Carol Io Commissioner 11iller J. Dawkins Vice.-Flayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. I'iayor l;aurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Coriimis::-�ioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. DURING Ii()I-II C:AI�1�:, Mayor F't rr°c For reasons previously stated, yes. Mr. 01r taw:='I.arik you, your Horlop. Your Honor, point of clari f'i c t: i c;ri , 1: y t riei t � t . rd then that this will be a second °c< <r r: with a r (I,port i'rGm ,yoiii.rjg and that we should get t.'stI ,_tti o1Ji_ (; i 1 .- 1,,, ... . Mayor Fe i-r iz: lrt_- ir< t c LU tLe board and they have to keep 1 1 _`,•'r_. y 1.. .. i,t" t; ri vd 1;a3' YOU Cciii i;.rLl-) It alive. Mr. Orta: So therefore, we ;should establish communication with zoning again as to any further recowmendations. sl 26 September 20, 1984 f r. Mayor Ferre: I would like to encourage you to visit with the members of the Commission. Mr. Orta: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: .... so we can get a change. I have told you on the record that it is my intention to vote no at the second.... Mr. Orta: We'll do; thank you, sir. 20. FIRST CHANGE ZONING CLASSIFICATION 2737 ILM. 17 �;TRT�T J-110TI TIO-3/6 TO Cif-3/7. em Mayor Pcrrc: on U 11 u rn 1) e 1, Thi-.� is an appli cat .i or or fie j jn(io ro and G1-s,01-a Cabrera. 2-37 N-14. 17 ent 1-ccommended a deni, I. The reel- 'Dic 11-1-anni ng Str eet, Dc rp, rtm ZoninE Poai-(] rccommcnoed. approval on a )I vote, the change constitute;^ zoning,, rcrultc in undue encroachment into the surroun(iing 1--,si-dcntial. ---Irna. Will the department make its stat-Tow" Mr. ri'lembers of the Commission, the department d 0 1) ia 1 We believe that this request cr;j, -.c)nj-ng, ar, 'k-Aic subj(�ct property is - i 11� 0 n 11 1-1c po. int out to primarily " L , 1� 1C I 7011ed FiO, which the City o�- m J -N bcJj-(-v(-.-, that 0 11 T cV e, I allows r c--: J ol C, 1 14' C) .3 1� "I C. 1" 11 C the area is a cif'1) 11, f and the sui,roundinE,, 1:iii;i v,,ould not be in accord with the _J v 1) la i.-, <ind tire. do n o t. fe el that J. 7� there j. s a n e (a n f c))- J, Orin I cornfflic-'rcial zoning i t11is area, par t i c u 1-r Iy i , - f,a t tha t 27 th Ave-ue, almost in i",-,s entivety, zoned for commercial purposes, including the area north n d south of the river. We believe sufficient conimere-J.-al zoning exists and on that basis, we recommended denial. Mayor Ferre: All right, counselor. Mr. Al Cardenas: Tnank you, Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission. I t.as retained recently to represent the applicants He1',iodoi -o and Gisela Cabrera, Mr. Salguiero, relative o thc in zoning requested in this piece of t- (] , , -1 1) C�. t 0 �r 4 ,3 i 1, t 'I -a r 3 property. I � I Ei .1, L and I had a chance to e= va] u_- tefor ti,,hat 11---no use for this par t (n 1 z�, i, a r c- L tc thoi 1 Nr with t. t L t vk--1,C7 not our Qli(A-.. 0 C-, v e I - I C I t:; zil- "(3 ',01'2:c 0,,AVc�ll (--,n t, (i - , " C, 1-1 �,--!'d by the previou!�I,; pru,l tc t 11c prior- t on b w h 'c�� W61) think J. -11 c 1 y 1, 1; o 1 j 0t i c, 1.1 Q.'! 1 't11 (': 11 e c 1 7 t h previoi.-, i o Avenue, Ll a 17 C, are q J, it's h J. L.1 t you -i d have 1 3: u LA), i �y a., e I-j vh i c I I - "UJ 1,'kf(1;; I Club, ~<11 t f ` Supply. 1o J It's e, P I've u", L 1, 0!-- UU1, client With 111!- 9 Ll I., d 1. ka b th b S pro ffe ry L&Lt-- gL-taLe--t bbUI'Ce (� f (jL) .101 I i i the fact tnat. the applicant is also the owner of an outfit by a sl 27 September 20, 984 name of Friendly Boat Repair, which is approximately ten blocks away on the river. There was fear, and correctly so, that under CR--3/7 zoning, they could also conduct repairs and so forth here, and if that was the ease, it would create noise, pollution, and so forth. At that Me, the argument was not m?dp. pnd 1 thi irk it nn ,fit rd to he moon nn behalf of the applinPnt i l;c', ni^n�j ^]^rn�l to jinni at'";'1.tion L of rest, 1. r.` ,i r.no7cnnnun, i-ilnrniJ� t,•h_ ty OU l_tl [l �''l_i't.-n, i i"C?T'1 L,hn use of t ter pl f j�n7 ` y any rMini rs nF pny nPhurn. kind, whatsncur, 1.?S ,t i;h i r, u7nu1_0 romp i n Piir-i it noel d hn a_ nki n n of i t. i.ntondnd 11^jr 1_ ;ll 1 � lr,ll+_,7.lallf man�f�- �• _ retail shop q& l i rr Pi PPP imn for i1f. -i;n ,jt� ti < -snl nount;r'y. fur clients, nrl :i� r, . r' .,;t,n�is� _1.. bnCarr^' )_ th iFah it,':7 something that Wn ought, t„ 0e proud of, took a number amongst their a1` il p Vr''�..'" -, !Jrn";? of' foil -_ ' 17110 are recent Cuban Pnfugrrs, Hqi ti_nnm whn Pre non s ill net, and have created <i k ? l 1 W i : hor force Chime and it's i pride and joy t0 Sri? T think, ^.7f1 it's c+ proper pl.a('e w}"]ere it's currently fining onduntcd. T think the fear expressed earlier hnd Wen than, perhaps this would be a duplicate or an ek t enN on of that Wi 1 i_t,y. To t hr contrary. This will be their liout,i qun -:hop or store here t.h'} would sell their marine equi l,rrani, . t 1?�. � ��<�t, h<:,r o, the fishing POICs, and thing. that Lind of �o, this in n Facility that's planned for 1 � ,._ �,hF,i ; �t�r t �'. vc,a r�-e,� F �, thin � .i property itself, which is nn ininnd. Tt,';- surrounded by four streets and 1_1t.il , zi nF 11, -xisting _st ng _-t ructurc <]nd do nq_; some substant'i_ol i mprovrmant_: to thy• ti crj of :.t,e YPca - So, we would ask th,t .. .... j d,,, the approv_-l_ of this based, on the following F c.tr , We7 the �Zoni ng Board recommended approval after thorough deliberation. Tv:o, it) addition to the prosentation made before. the Toning Lioard, I'm recommending that in your motion, you hopefully voting to uphold and approve the Zoning Board's decision that you accept from us in order to please those folks who objected, a proffer of declaration of restrictive covenants eliminating repairs of any kind as a potential use of this property as a permanent restriction. I restate if you see the pictures that I've shown you, if you see the nature of this property, which is an island in and of itself, on the east it's CR-3/7, but heavy equipment use; and on the west, it's surrounded by American Hospital supply. I think it's sandwished in between. I think it's a natural transitional use from one to the other, and we thcrefore request that you uphold the: Zoning Board's recommendation. Mr. Pere.:: (.�ui you provide, Cardenas, I think that at the last Commission meeting, Commissioner Plummer requested information about a covenant. Mr. Cardcn,_:.r : TnW w right, and I think as a result of that input, 1,m voluntarily proffering a covenant at this time. Mayor Kr're=: in Wn a binding covenant, or is this one of these cove nu that are proffered and later on we find out it has no strcu tn' Mrs. Lucia A. Dougherty: 1 don't believe my office has seen the covenant as yet. But it's just like the one before, that is we ... the zoning is not contingent upon.... Mayor Fee -re: Do you have a copy of the covenant? Mr. Cardenas: No, I didn't, because I did not know what the pleasure: of the Commission would be. I would proffer one, in a forgo, of course, which would be acceptable to the Legal Department Mayor Ferre: Tell me what the covenant would say. Mr. Cardenas: The covenant would say and we have here the CR-3/7 zoning, and it would eliminate item number 7, I sl 28 September 20, 1984 believe, which basically calls for repairs of motor vehicles and motors and engine parts. It's a one sentence which deals with repairs. We would copy it word by word from what's si.at. d therr,, ar,tl .,t,at.r,, it, would be a restrictive, it wouldd no`. h� 11.;, {d . T I-1_i Tl?yor, and I've done this often ci y ;rnmi-^;;i_on and governing e � � b O d i p ^ t.7 1 r Yl [' s'. i.. '1. (; II i� } ` r j %i F' ..' 1 j, i_ lT fl V r, }'I P '"� �, .. a I -; t . _ a n zoninitho"s�er'tV: that'1i1 }} I, ,r:2})� l',,r" :�11i„ i^Jj1 Ils"`V(71, 'yr i or SUR,9 <; ;1 C<yi `rl li�i, which oo nt"', 1 (, j,r) '.11- I1-(1',-;r> ZOn 11F; i,llr 11 tl(1,r 11 1,i ;1t';.' f i.t' ". 11}; '1) o1, 7}) n: j 11' d say just, ai.!u{- ;- 1il:1r'. I {'r��1 �1 n �rnrti , 01 i I_(Ir- -- }7ti.t the City Ai t,ol npy 1-10111d, r'"3 t}i''. 1)roposed rEStri't,1-Ve Cn1; r1Zllt, i,h 1i, i,%,' i I11 L' }> _ilcs:i-! iF- Mayor hem: II ri. ;}1t 111,I'1-iiei' g11r_- sir, tons? Any other statemcnts from the Mr. Dr,.t•,ki-n:-�. I CJ);r1t- Td Like to have the City Attorney finish what :,'io tag i,ry1 .�t t:o 11e didn't finish saying that; so that. the prn55 7, will know. Mrs. Dougherty: Al-l. T r,j,i , :> _ng, Mr. Commissioner, was that it',� j��si, 1.i_lm the other covenant. tr'e vro;il�i have to sue to enforce. i.t, . The zoning is not, contingent upon it. Mr. DBwl:in ,: 'W1e are not giving a zoning because they are giving a covenant. Mrs. Doughcrt.y: That's correct. Mr. Dawkins: Please, I mean, you've been trying to say that all along. Mrs. Dougherty: That's right. It's not contingent upon zoning. You've given the zoning. This is a proffered voluntary covenant that would be enforceable, just like any other covenant. Mr. Dawkins: It has nothing to do with the Commission. The Commission either grants the variance for the better use of the land or not. Is that correct? Mrs. Dougherty: Grant, the zoning, yes, sir. Mr. Carollo: But you all are volunteering that covenant. Correct? Mr. Card ena,�, That's correct? Mayor Ferro: Ar°(-, there a.ny other questions? What is the will of on itervi 4? Mr. Carollo : ! r . f : , C)r , 1 think that the argument that the counselor for, that's made has a lot of facts that you ju,:t e,;i)'t: it_,-io,u, Cliami's changing; that area is changiri,,< I <i i:c G r'i_: not too far from there. I make a motioli th,'zL ttiC: Zonirig Board's recommendation. Mayor I'? r�r'c is t1Ie re. a second? Mr . Pere'u : I ti(--eC)nd . Mayor Ferre: Further discussion on item 4? Read the ordinance. Call the roll. e1 29 September 20, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF 0R1)INANCF NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, OF THE CITY OF MTAMT, F1,ORIDA, BY CIJAPdC:iF.ItT TIIJ=, ZOt°a.:NG, CJ,AS ',T:FTC:AT.T_ON OF AI'PRC1 X It ATI J,`r' j ? j N011J T11?• f, ' 17TH STRFF,T PirAi;T, F T,OTiT:DA. (MORE PARTTt;;UJ,AT�1,Y !)i : (z i.i'I,i) HF IF-1 1) PRO P,O- 3/6 RF;: T F)rr;t, t FA1. t)r r"ICI-, Trl C;ii 3�7 COI•HI: iC1.AI ;F,,;T_-1)1 t,Ti:nr, (G1�,;�11�,Jt�ti> I3X MAKII1G F 1 .11)T;:G ANI) Py NAKJ ING AJ,J• THE NECESSAfi'( (::11ANGI1S ON Pf�GF. NO. ;)6 OF SAID ZONING ATI.,AS NA1)E A PA11T OF ZONING ORDINANCES NO. 9500 I3Y RIFE1iENCE AND DESCRIPTTON TN ARTIC►,I_; _,, SF CTION 300, THCRE1OF; CONTATNING A RF.PH' AJ,I<R PROVISION AND A SF,VEHA13T1,TY CL,AJ1>I Was introducm d by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Pere and passed on its first reading by title by the following AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None.. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. Mayor Ferre: In voting yes, may I say that since CR-3/7 is immediately adjacent to this-,..; because of the fact that this is an islar)d nd 1)ccaur,e, of the circumstances of the neighborhood LisI';c ticen with the photographs that have been profhe rc, today, because of the voluntary covenant., '.h<<t. hopefully will preclude the usage of this property for boat repairs, I think this is an appropriate use of thin property, and I vote with the majority and vote yes. 21. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: APPLY HC-1 HERITAGE CONSEIIVATI014 OVERLAY DISTRICT TO LYRIC T11EATRE. Mayor li.ciii, wilicC1 a the United House oi' 1 doll" thdiI12... f;hi.s is the Lyrics theatre; it w«:; d� ! �_ r t � �i , l iic 1'l ar;rri n ; Department re -commended approval. It, ti:;.< urn nittiou:�ly. Mr. Ca r,o" a o : Mr . Mllay or , I'll make the motion for it, if need be. Mayor 1`crr: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak in oppositi.or,? Ms. Joyce Meyers: I'd like to explain the situation with the Lyric Theatre. Mr. Marshall Harris is the attorney representing the owners. Mayor Ferre: Is the City recommending approval? 81 30 September 20, 1984 Ms. Meyers: Yes, we are. Mayor Ferre- Is the Planning Advisory Board ... is there anybody here opposed to it? All right, there is a motion now made by Commissioner Carollo, seconded by Dawkins. Will the record, r0innt 4W Commissioner Carollo is voting on the affirmativr Vien this in read and we'll see you at three o1ninak. In Q,� Mr. CRrollo: whit time is it? Mayor Larne: ?:00 o'clock, we will reconvene at 2:00 o'clock. Idn"Id you now give your explanation, Joyce, into the record q"iak!y, though, just make your statement. Ms. Meyers: Basically the owner has not replied one way or the other t.o the dcsir-natjor. 11;rris9 1�130 represents them, has rccommended that they convent to Kho designation. I have a letter here from Mr. Parris to that affect:, but we have no reply from the OW11011 Mayor [,-errc: You kno-� that r -1- u T-,; "-,q c r 11 a I- y 7, 16 r 0 n g position on this and Out of to T. think that if we vote on this ... This is on first reading, but I think by second Pending you must have that and you =0 tell them that without their letter, fir. Flummcr, will. be voting no. I "'Issu'r-le that other;, will. I will! Out of courtesy to Plummer. SO this is only On firct Pending, and you are warned about second reading. Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLEX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500 THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY AFPLYING THE HC-1 GENERAL U S L', I I i R 3 T 1`1 ( 7) "1 CONSERVATION OVERLAY 513THICT TO THE "LYRIC THEE TEN, " VOCATIT 10 AFFROXIMATELY 1319 NORTHVEIT 2ND hVENUP! (HOKE PARTICULARLY DESCR!kFD HENEIN); 11KING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING LL1. THE CHARGES ON MAP NO. OF THI:-, MADE A PART OF SAID 0R%NhKCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCH11111011 IN hRTICLE 3, SECTION 3001 THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROMS :ON AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Daukins and passed an its first reading by title by the f011OWing VOLC- AYES: Commissioner joo Carollo Commissionvp Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor DwmeLrio Perez, Jr. MaYOP Mupice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commis%ioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. S1 31 September 20, 1984 ----------------------------------------------------------- 22. GRANT SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR DRIVE IN TELLER FACILITY SUN BANK OF "TAMI-1400 N-W. 20 STREET. -------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Fevre: There, is a request here- that we take up item the 3:00, Is i- 3:30 date set for drive-in tlliinfT. There is a request here that by the Sun Rank of Hlmiqj, 11 t ti -hnhe Comm3sion take this matter up now. Are we I)rr-ol-lided legrilly from doing that? Mrs. sir, Mayor 1, c, r r Counselor, I m awfully sorry, but the law . . on oo- have a ;7,(, t-A-me on it, we are precluded C from talcinC, it lip out of' turn, because there may be people here that are objectors to it. .1 1 d be happy t, o take your statement, if thal-, would save, YOU a trip this afternoon. Mr. Don Hurphy: T am the architect; for Sun Dank ,,ind I have the Sun Bank re-preoentative hope. I w a,; mere Mrs. Doti t7,hc r ty: 141'. 11,1yor, excuse: me, t, h Q Planning Department, is saying there tras no specified time for this particular.... Mayor Feri,c 011, Llicrc J-, no ,pce-ified I -lime. So we can take it now. Th, o-1,11-, O'k-11C.1, thc que2tion of J.L. Plummel- I o you !,))oiT "A A in these drive - ,:7. in thinE e rfl C 11 a stat t into the record, youili,c wJ.00inc to (I() Mr. Murphy 1];_11120 is Don Murphy. I'm an architect. J th r o t, , y, i),, i - i Schuh, and Jernagan . Our address e�lmje, before the Zoning Board J1).1 n6 rol a p p r o va 7-0 vote. I was also pre.cnt, �Ik, vour J uJ v or 16th, I believe July 16th Commis: i on ii-I C cA.--i 11.2- ch i I-11 c ComJ,3 r Plummer ] �7j fl.� j 0 n e brought t, I i i .- -1. t '1 4 1- (2 p] 7 0 Ct 1, (� I A k, 11 d 1, received a.... Mayor Ferre: Did lice vote for, it? Mr. Murphy: Yes, :sir, 1. made the improvements that he requested, which were very i„Jnoj, and he did approve along with the rest of the Commission at that time. However, it was not a binding vote. It i,.,Tas just a courtesy vote so that we could continue our construction. Mayor Feri,e,-: ifliat is the recommendation of the Department? Mr. 'N'e Pecoiilmend .1 approval, Mr. Mayor. Mayor P 1 u mi'a e r 11 � t Out h(, raid, of COUI'te.Sy to OUP do you concur- *vitil Commissioner that? Mr. Whipple: That, Is My sir. Mayor Ferrc:_* at t),is tJAt-'11' YOU f'CC,1 that thert- ai,k_ no Outstanding issues J_ 1 -1 1 1 - - Mr. WhiP - p, I I 1)61'(JvC, Plummer had an ample Opportuillty to look at the Mayor F(-- r-- r,.- Is ther-c-, a notion on item 11? Commissioner Perez Moves. Dawkins seconds. Further discussion on item 11? Call the roll. 81 32 September 20, 1984 s The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Per'eq who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION MO. 84-1055 A RESOLUTION THE INSTALLATION OF DRIVE-IN FACT4TT i ES AT THE 3UN BANK MIDTOWN BRANCH i,(WA TFD A T 1 100 N0RTIITW T 20TH STREET, MIAMI,F VO ID . (Here follows j,orl'-," of rr^C11_i7t7.op, r ml_i_t;nt lore and on fi , l n in the 9f`'i nq of Khr City Clerk.) Upon being orconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetri_o J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. 23. APPROVE STREET CLOSURE: E- W ALLEY SOUTH Of N.W. 37 STREET BETWEEN N.W. 29 COURT AND N.V. 30 A.=UE. Mayor Ferre: Senator Pettigrew, we'rc always happy to see you here. We were patiently waiting. I don't know. I thought this was an item ... your, item was in the morning agenda, but evidently it's not. What item are: you here on? Item number 9? This was a ... is this a controvc;rsi.al item? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mayor Ferre: We need to get this on the record, Dick, so if you ... does the Administration recommend item 9? It's been approved by the Department. The Plat and Street Committee approved it. The Toning Board approved it unanimously. Senator R. Pettigrew: Yes., we recommended it. Mayor Ferro: Lre t: hQr°e any opponents to any of this? Does this have to btu heard at a time certain under the law, Madam City Attorney? Mrs. Douvtrcpty: No, apparently 6, 7, and 8 were the only ones sch dulnd after : 0. Mayor I=erru: This is itnN 9. 1 think .... Senator f'<: tt.i_t ew: 102 was deferred, Mr. Mayor, from the July 31>t. 'i'l ope was Nome discussion with the: lessee concerning a i u ,tsi-Lin contribution based on the notion that this alley 1 at ..I1 axi` Y..erlco, but has not been since 1938. It's been t:IsC..unud in a j v nut: and u, submit that: the owner desper'att.!_y tit <_(: h to L t the lease approved and it's all conditionu o" tip: Plat r r :va . Mayor Fer°r : `sues tale owner r• own buLn sides of the alley? Senator Pettigrew: lie owns both ides and it was an old, ancient plat: that contemplated solar: strip store: zoning on 36th. That's never beer; in fact in effect. In fact, the whole place has been enclosed in a fence. sl 33 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Does anybody have any problems with that? Mr. Perez: Does it go to a second reading or not? Mayor Ferre: No. Mr. Perez: We don't have second reading. I would like to move the 4 p p r o va I in accordance with the Planning recommcn*-lJon ?nd the Zoning Board meeting approval. Mayor F-rr,c- a second? if Mr. Mayor Fcrrn: Furtlirr dj..>eussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption, RESOT-JITTION 1110. (94-1056 A RESOLUTION VACAT111G, ABANDONING AND DISC ON]" 1- NU-1 1143, T11F jJj1P1,TC USE OF THE 15' EAST/WEST I T -Tj I AN APPROXTt1ATE LENGTH OF 310' L 0 C A T 1 1) >011T1i OF N"'0RT11V1!--',ST 37TH STREET (h AOP();f, P To C, L - () S F, J) 5 Y DADE COUNTY) A1.0 1001 40i�Tj1 OF THE NORTH L,jN'E' OF 36TH t 1i 2 C"i i COU IiT A 14 D STREET F1 F 1 117 0 1 -k T 1; '' j-') NORTHW'E.ST -O:Ii AVIAUF. ALL, AS A OF X APPROI\TAL, C, F T N TATI VE PLAT ,1215, N 0 R A N'TO N1 0 A C Ti ES (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor 1,11aurice. A. Ferre None. Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. I i 24. APPROVE' i, CLOSURE: 14I.E. 30 STREET BETWEEN N.E. 1 CT. AED VI]C Itt11-11hy U N I D E NIT F1 10, a plat closur(�, 1-1 y It if we could get it.. .1 d 0 0 1 'LA, ti r.i�._ Mayor before noon. That' -3 wh I i 111 , ich is the t i i ol-I f o r o f f i c i a I U! L 30th Street I Ct. The [!ffl., I'l (j U L, V A plat The Zol-lirig 13, 0 a i d it U n a I I i fl; 1 L- Mr . Peirt: Z . We have for the approval, reeowmendations. Personally, I would like to move to be approved in sl 34 September 20, 1984 accordance with the Planning Department recommendations, the Plat and Street Committee recommendation, and the Zoning Board's recommendation. I would like to move. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: We have a motion and a second. Is there further discus.nion? Mr. Whi.pplc: Hr. Mayor, if :I could, just to refresh the Comm isr,Ion ' rnr^more, . When they considered this item at the last me-ijn< , there w;as a request for consideration of some type of pro f'fr:r, in cxch.inFe for the alley closure. Mayor Ferr c-: u, ) riglrt . j,:: i_,hat condi-tioned? UNIDEN` IF I.E.1) Nr. Mayor, 1•1c voidd point out two things. t'i.r'. t. thcr o is the ol'd Purit n 0ri-iry Just south of N.E. 30th i.i'<.r''G. [.J I 'r (fl Mayor Ferre, I' n(r s orgy, I Sonator Pepper on an emergency call, I have to t= kr h _m. Plearm forgive me. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERI.D INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Ralph Ongie: Mr. Perez asked me to record his vote, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: The question, however, and you can have a negative vote on my part, unless you get it cleared up, and that means you're going to fail here because it's a three - member Commission at this point. You heard the Administration's point. What's your answer to that. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mayor Ferre, we had met with the Administration. We don't intend to reneg on our offer to tender 50 trees to the City. I have a covenant in recordable form. Mayor Ferrc : Is that what we had agreed on? Is that what you all agreed on? I thought it; was equal land. Mr. Whipple: There was no agreement, Mr. Mayor. This is what was proffered by them. Mr. Dawkins: I've already told them. Let me go on record again. Mr. Whipple: It wasn't pre-set; it wasn't discussed as to what.... Mr. Dawkins: Let me go on record again. I am against black olive trees proffered as covenants. I keep saying that. You have, enough black olive: trees planted in Miami. Mayor Ferre: So where do we stand on this thing? Mr. Whipple: It's the will of the Commission, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: I think you're going to get a negative vote here. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mayor, we were.... Mayor Ferre: You better hold off and better come back. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COM14ENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mayor Ferre: You want to do it now? What's the agreement? sl 35 September 20, 1984 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We have no problem. That's the way I set it up with the equivalency in cash. We don't need to plant trees, That was offered by the staff. Mayor Ferre: Equivalency in cash for the value of the property. Is that what; you're saying? UNIDENTTFIF.I) PFAt:t;'t?i Nn, no, for the value of the trees, Mr . Mayor . The V=1 I i1- ot. '.jr, ,-roper ty- is, up in dispute . We feel_ t h;�a11 i tl n r-.rr Iround $ 15, 000 to $20, 000. We proffered erer i n i1nntof which would gave the City $ 15, 000. hinv,7 fna){— i.t none itioned upon trees. Mayor I'f-'i ro: 1) try, thni, Cover lt;? UNIDENTTF� II�Fr I'r:l1N��N�;R: With a :stroke of a pen I'll cross out trees. Mayor 'Ferri,: Woll, what's the value of the property in your estimnte? Mr. Whipple: Mr. 1121yor, this i ; ua uall-y :an item that the Commission decides as to proper, v;-�Iue. Mayor Ferro: I'm as king you a que —;lion, Mr. Whipple. I' m not asking you to vote for me, I'm asking you to give me an opinion . MY quest..i on to you, :air, is what is the value of this alley on N.E. 30th Street? Mr. Gary: Maurice, .look here, you don't want us giving any number. Mr. Dawkins: I'll do it myself. Let me do it this way. How much will this increase the value of this property by, Mr. Whipple? Mayor Ferre: No, no, he doesn't want that. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: If I could tender something. Mr. Gary: Hey, come here for a second. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Dawkins- We're trying to keep it legal, so nobody ... so I don't go to jail.. INAUDIBLE 13fiCKG1A'0UND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mayor Fees,(, (3o ahc 3d, UNIDENvT3:I•'1E'L I'EI.I""l lt: N r. I'Aa\lor, GrC- c,;ould offer to contributf. tc 1 hc� City 1 , 00,0 in ca:7,h to be spent any way the City INAUDIBLE N_,I C'F:GRDUN1D COHIMLNJTS NOT ENTERED 114TO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mayor I'i r . t::: I`c 11 us your proffer us again? UNIDEN T-11 jLD `=;I I liJ1'R: Mr. Mayor, we would proffer, we would offer to the City $15,000 to be spent by the City for street and part,1 G l r`ovl i;s tlt s . Mayor Ferre: Call the roll now. Mr. Ralph Ongie: Mr. Perez votes yes. si 36 September 20, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RFS01,11TTON NO, 811-1057 VACATTNG ABANDONING A RE5OL1JTTnT,1 AND DISCONT T N i I T, N G TTif M! Y3 1, C U E OF THAT PORTION OF 110 ',T?RFFT T,YTNG WEST 0, ,)T RIGHT-OF-1- A Y 1,1JIF F tq n i, 1, 11 f: h� T 1'� COURT AND EAST OF THF, F!, 0 R� I T'l A FAST T COAST RATLROAD RIGHT--0E-1,-li,`A'f*: ALL AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL OF Ti N T A 'Y 1, V 1 PLAT 12 21 4 - A "THATCHER SUBDT V T ") TWA (Here fnllot-ir3 body of resolution, omitted here and on I.n I-Aic- Office of the City Clerk.) Upon be inF by Comm, is,.3io-ner Dawkins, the resolution was, and adoptcd by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner tlillcr J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Mauri-en A. Fe.rre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner, Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. WHEREUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO A RECESS AT 2:00 P.M., RECONVENING AT 2:00 WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION FOUND TO BE PRESENT EXCEPT COMMISSIONERS CAROLLO AND PEREZ. ------------------------------------------------------------ 25. DISCUSSION ITEM BY MAYOR FERRE: NOISE CAUSED BY METRORAIL 1H VIOLATION OF E.I.S. GUIDELINES. Mayor Feri.-e: 1,,ctlropo!itnn Dade County Llicy went to get a permit had, to go t1hrouj-h an environmental impact study, I.E.S., E.I.S. Thcy c;Yji.ot oj-_,)erate. f1etporail Without, i'u1-1. compli,,>nce of the I. "S . They rIrc- presently in violat--ion of' tiie bcc;aiuse in the E.1...(3,. it c2c"al'IVI ,,�1j(_cjA_i.C;-:!_'1V out -, , - j i .-YL that there Le r,.ut into Lh(.1 -, stem. About a vull-i- grid h,,11a-0 they they were (f runnint,. coup_](,, of hu-ndl("ij, i _-1 1 -1, C: c., 0 that thuy t o c u t, P t L. jA., 1A I n) g.,-, o Ulu They Dt � *�� 1-, (1) r i � T -'t other started f, l'i.- C i things, 11: 1 1 t, 1, V I d i h - y t--' , b U etc. That's 1'.Jf'�c:1; th�,' L jo!.l�ijlt the lhut when they took 0 U I., tilt :-_Ll II "i t.) I], I i \1 7ioiatlion of the '1i1k_'V t opk3rating the Metro E. I . S. t- i it line ill,t,,_"'j"". Mrs. L. L.I.S. because I'm aware c, last resolution. Howevtzi-, ii;(, S y a 8 you must put G, a t a res-, bent`- al nee k- I; ;Jlr di L% Tt i e i p d .7 ' e 1 -� h, rl C; (-�ll t t� ed any wh i_vkz y (.)II I flit` L t t i fig the SO Wid, bZ! 1-1 ill W! I r tz t s o e e i b e 1. i I Mayor Ferre: Let me eXplain to you that the way sound carries, evidently, you could be immediately next to Sl 37 September 20, 1984 NOW Metrorail upon US-1 and there not be a decibel high reading. You go up three blocks away, and it's twice as high. The reason is that, sound Avidentl.y bounep^ off things and goes in waves ind It may be t:ha. t. t;hr sound wave may go like this -And than down in one hl_oel, a.,vd then. up again and then dw-m f j �Jr hl.on,i , later. Where arrn Mr. P.1 jT-n jet- Y'o,�. gill hear at your;lej hoz�se every time Metro f;ca�-- t,y. Mayor I'errr: % know it. I wris j1 :,t there. That's what brought:. J-. to mind. I mean to i;el_7_ you that it is my opinion thai i_.ho City of Miami ought t.o f o out, and get an independent and :, `oo?I a.s t.hi , C mn � ,. j.nr� ec�n� ens,,, I'm going to m kr: a motion i n^trtict,i_nF; the to out and get an olh.je t J ve. ^c- entzt' c 0pj.111on n.n(I ha.vn de�11) 0 re ad inF;,:; all. alorif wh••0t ir, open, and T'r t« t, 1. you. when thry opcii m) in t,h Overto?,,f, ar,• ;? . ;: don' is h-svrr any doubts inz11iy mind th01 ,Aint j oi_llg t , 11a; pc is j.., yol.z're going to Find oUt t.h ;t; i;hct'r are, . , I)on° 1 �� l_ mc i.`?I; when it gor.:, LhT'oUgh (?L'.^r`,;oL„-rl of t-;11-11 j. ; f-- "') e ;7 i len .t do =^ go through ffi rtow-n that they are' not: f - -;oi-npl, to that decibel_ king athey �;rz �:� .r� �c��p_j_a_ncc vith the E.I.S. then I ha_vc no probl-m. Mrs. I)ou-hr.rty: I concur With you. That's the exact way to do it, do your own independrnt• r� �lCiingS. Mayor Farr-c: Let me tell yoga what's f;oing to happen. I already f o% it from Merritt the other day. Ile said, "Well, you know, rnaybe i.t's time for you cities that are complaining, about this to chip some money in. Whose responsibility is it? Mr. Plummer: Asl< him where 27% of the money that he used to call it Metro came from. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. ------------------------------------------------------------ 26. ACCEPT PLAT: VIRGINIA KEY - TRACT "A" ------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor I er•re: Idow we l i,e on item 1 2, which is Vj.rSinia Key. Are the,rf° any ob-'cotors t.o i.t;ezTi I<1 1'e're now under session. Tho. e of you who wJ sh to speak, would you please speak outf i_c:Ie , vre ` re:. nova on item numbc,r 12 . Are there any objectors &.- _nybody who wishes to speak to the Commission on 12.? I1' r;ot, tile Plat and Street Committee recommends. Is ther•E= a ;Wli is -• Mayon I'c r r .: r": yr d by Plummer. Second by Dawkins. Any discus: iuri'., Cr I1 the: roll. Trre fol.lo-oing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who mov(=d its adoption: R1 SO-1,U 'TON 110. 84-1053 A RESJOLU'I'IC N 1: ;C1_Wi 1I<< TIE FLAT E14TITLED V I R G 1 N III t';l:i }ir'.C` ". ", 1; L'U13 >IVISION IN THE CITY ()I' 1?�_ 1,I�: , 1,N1 t'IiF' I11;UICri'I`IONS SHOWN: oN l i '.I.` t.! k 01 1 ? NG AND DIREC'1'i t�( 1'..1_' t;_ i _ L; z i� tz� '� ::h �:-i ht` _Li;Is:K T'0 EXEC,U'i`P C I _)I; THE, E R E C 0 h D P I' l 0 N� C'Jr r Ti I' k:'1' ! (d `}1L PUBLIC RECOhD1.= OF !)A D 11 C0Ut 1"i' , 11�Cfitl1)1,, 81 ab September 20, 1984 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file In the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being .,Pennded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was ndopt:ed by the following vote - AYES; Commi.w.:iorr1 1 r .1, U=rcal,i.ns Commis:-j.n t( r% T. f- €71.untrner, Jr. Mayor ''ll?uri C r? f1 , F,7,rre.. NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice--I't=ryor Deni etr .o Perez, Jr. Comm is;,ioncr Joe Carollo 27. ACCEPT PI..W,- "t'l i'I tTI3D.%:VL lOt Mayor Ferre: Wore on item 13, which is the N.V. Malka Corporation. The Plat and Street Committee recommends approval. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Plummer. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1059 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THTE PLAT ENTITLED 11815 SUI DIVT�7.:uN '' I A SUEDI117SION IN THE CITY OF MIANI; AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN OJ< SAID 'Lf-,T ; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CITY MANAGER 1--.ND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE I'I,!.T ANAL) PEOVIDING FOR THE RECORDAT[ON OF SAID L'Lr.'I' IN THE PUBLIC RECORD> Oh' I)i hi COUN'I"Y, F'LO} IDA. (Here follows hotly of resolution, omitted here and ott in i;ric Office of tho City Clerk.) Upon 1)eirig .:;c:co1 dc.d by Ccti;r:;i: s iorrer Dawkins, the resolution a,:W;tc d by the following vote - AYES: Commi ,sionk:r- (ii1L r J. D Wi<inS Com�isiori��r J. Plumt-tier, Jr. Mayor N•i,rurice f.. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo sal 39 September 20, 1984 ------------------------------------------------------------ 28. ACCEPT PLAT.- "OVERTOWN VILLAS SECTION 1" ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up item 14, Overtown Villas. Mr. Plummer: 5eeond. Mayor Ferre: Movcd by Dawkins; second by Plummer. The Plat and Stxc(�'G Comimil-,tne recommends. Does anybody wish to speak to that? Call the roll. The followinF, re�7()Iution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved adoption: im iio. 84-1060 A RESOLUTION A C C !E' P T.T. N G THE PLAT ENTITLED OVERTOt-lN VJM,1,(� S"FGTION 1, A SUBDIV13TON IN vi THE CTT11 J. h I'l 1 AND ACC El P'l'I NG THE D ED I C ATI 01 N SI ID Pl,A T AND AUTHOR.TZING filil) D, IliFU ING THE. CITY MANAGER AND CITY 'YO V' i%' I � C. I I I""; T I I F" Pl.-AT AND P R 0 V I D.IL N (7 F0 1, " T I i E RIE- C 0 R 1) Y, T 10 N OF SA.11) PLAT IN THE I'liBLIG RECORDS OF DADS COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and an file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo, 29. ACCEPT PLAT `OVERTOWN VILLAS SECTION 2" Mayor Fe rrit, - 0v(_1rtov:n Villas S(:ction 2. PIUMMf'r' L'A:001i(1:1. !''UPI-10-P d11-!1__'U_;1,1;,01_;? Mr. Pluruvr' - I ,e be i t -ig Qu i c, i. 1� r. y oi� . �� (, , awful n.Le to nice Me t r o p 0 1,4-1 t, L 1-1 COLUJLY. ."hould w� remind them of the probler.% wii-th 1,, 11 O(I'lic' bai,viers that they are going to be askirr� us for Iris news, that welry not enarging, them for this. Should w(-.-. iuci % i:t_ the.,,w understand that cooperation is a two-way street'i Mayor Ferru: I'm for that as long as it doesn't hurt the Overtown Villas Mr. Plummer: We'll pick on another area. Mr. Dawkins: When you say sound barriers, what are you talking about? Mayor Ferre: Metrorail. 31 40 September 20, 1984 J Mr. Plummer: Before you got here, the Mayor spoke without any decision about the sound, and he's going to go into it again. Mayor Ferre: I was waiting for you to get here so we'd have a quorum, 1_' m going to make a motion or ask you to make a motion that, Metropolitan Dade County, without any equivocation Commi.t:, Welf to complying with the environmental irrpact, Kudy which requirni sound barriers wherever r>eopl a l i.va . Mr. Dawkins: T_ agrce with the Mayor -, hncgnse I went before the Dade Count.- Transportation Board the other clay and told them that, we, in my neighborhood , ,ie-re ready to stop any traffic until they put the same pound barriers in my area that they have in Coconut Grove. Mr. Plummer: The only concern C had was.... Mayor Ferre : 7Wy don't. have any in Coconut Grove. They are talking about putting them An Coral. Gables. �. Mr. Dawkins: ' You're 1. mr�an Cc>r�+.l_ t�r:�l.r.s, m sorry. correct, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Q concern is that it; was also expressed to the Mayor in a convcrcati_on that; maybe it's time that the cities kick in soma money for it. Mr. Dawkins: No, no, no, O.K., go ahead. Mr. Plummer: All I'm saying is maybe we need to remind them that cooperation is a two-way street. Mr. Dawkins: But I think what the Mayor is saying is the same thing a.l.l of us are saying, the Federal Government provided money for these barriers. So, fir. Mayor, we need to remind them that we aren't responsible for nothing, because the Federal Government provided the money for these barriers, Mayor Ferrc: l:ncr in addition to which the people of Miami are also taxpayers in Metropolitan Dade County. If they want to turn over that money to the: City, we'd be very happy to give them a contribution. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll on 14. Mayor Ferr{ : Fifteen, the motion now is on 15. Mr. Plummer: Did you call the roll on item 14? Mr. Ongie: let, sip. Th( f0ll0Wi r•c:: clt;Llu,_ Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its a0option: RI'.20LUTION NO. 84-1061 A RESOLUT:IUN f. (:I_I'T1hG THE PLAT ENTITLED OVERTOWN VI LLU ELC`i ION 2, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY UI W hK ; AHE ACCEPTING THE DEDICAT I UR LHOLK U`4 Loll l FLAT; AND AUTHDRI W 1W _.1kc::`. 40 THE cl' I MANAGER AND CITY 4WL 10 #: X G' THE FLAT AND PROVIDING 1 UK lit. i LUUh •A7 ION W .1LID PLAT IN THE i'I_1KIC hLwohbw OF UADL COUNTY, FLORIDL. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) gl 41 September 20, 1984 e �r Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Manrice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice --Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Comm is>ioner Joe Carollo 30. ACCEPT PLAT. "OVEN a 014IJ Vj.T,T,A 5 SFCTI{TPA 3" Mayor Ferre: moves 16; PluzIT ('11' seconc.Is. This is Section 3 of the Over -town Villr; , . Gall. t hr" 1,011 . The following re -solution wa:-; i_iit--,oduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RLSOIaUT�%OII ITO. �i�1--1062 A RESOLUTION i"III;, PLAT ENTITLED 'OVERT01'1N A SUBDIVISION IN THE' C'1T"f N1) ACCEPTING THE DEDICAT.-i ? ; :;1i01 SAIL) PLAT: AND _ AUT1-10R ;�?(. 1,I;]) 1i��_I;� �.'':i:�;(� THE CITY iSAIdAGER AND C] 1 `_ C I I:IC.UT?> I'1IL. PL,AT AND PRO\ I -PI N(:I 1`01, THE, Ii).CORI)i 'I'1 01'J OF SAID PLAT IN TIiF P1)1i111C 10"CORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Viceor Di-rretrio Perez, Jr. Corrrrnis: ionc;.� Jo(. Carollo ----------r 31. ACCE1111 PLAT: "OVL,ETt IN' VILLAS SECTION 4". -------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Feri,e: `fake up item 17, which is Overtown Villas, Section 4. Mr. Dai-.,k rrs: Move it. Mr. Plumil ter': Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Anybody wishes to speak on this? Call the roll. al 42 September 20, 1984 An The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RFSO1,r1TIt)N NO. 84--1063 A RESOIJITTt1I AC,C,F.PTTNG' T1iE PLAT ENTTTLED "OVERT01•t'.? A tlRi)TVTSION IN THE C,7."i'Y C1i' iiTlii.T_; rs.iJ4? AEI PTTT1 THE DEDTCATT.{gyp,;". ;?in; N r) ;�, ?� ? ?,�;T AND AUTHORI.. J! A' I:? 6 Tills Cl t'� 1�1Ai1t?C=l R AND CITY C1.1 i;lC TO . tp;i.tt"i'F, T111 11,AT AND PROVSDTt1G FOR TIIF, PE(:( IM—f',TTO r?1' r'1 i-'? PLAT IN TII1? F't1i'?,:C�: Rl t=;Ol3l) C}i' COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follow._-, hody of re.^n].»t -ot1, omitt,cd }sere and on Ci.l_ , in t)c Office o�:' r,11e City Clerk.) Upon being �ccondcd 1.)y Cornmi. i-onc.r Plummer, the resolution wag pa ed and ldopt,c( by i.he following vote - AYES: Commi._>sioncr Miller J. Dawkins Coinmi.::,sioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. - Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo ---------------------------------------- -------------------- NOTE FQR THERRc®RD_ : Agenda item 26 was withdrawn. ------------------------------------------------------------ 32. ACCEPT REPORT OF CITY HANAGE-B FOR TXGATION OF AMERICAN BARGE t LT-113 A`1' t`,�;i IV 1 S)AD1.AND HE CASINO CLUB AND COME BtCts 4'T.TH C.:OF tIXT , EiTG; Mayor Ferrc:: On item r6�-�,, recot r,c nd,_:cian 1G before us . Mr. Carl Kern. Mr. Car']_ Kern: Good morning, g entlerlen, good afternoon, Carl Kern, Director of' Prrrks� and Recreation. Cociimissioners, as you recce 1, this Ott m 11,is 00YO uP Sever-! L Ire:::. It is referred to the SYr-1tcrrr,, k o i; doing trlE. d:it' .1ni. Key r: Iy<c:ci a rc,que .t . Master, 11.3n . �"t 1. hCl 4 �_: Itt '.-Tier. i 3 a map and a t:�r°i.c'f ult,t_ wr°y ofcori01 u,; i011 ort your dc.uk there. Basicall. ,, r c 'ri. ir1 f'r, �`Gr1 of tii-1 , rk. i. ._ U . I ci i.ci �:, nt to point out, I thinl: you c�:ti :;ccr it: better on �,ot.r, i�11s1:,, the gf'nEr'a.) t v f;ii<::L tlit:.'y l'Et i.Iltt ! t tCsCJ i;r tic':':"'t; 1 ;: �t :+'E� the Marine. S;1..-.«, Rc;lcerrb2_c1,C1, v�.i-r .t w y, it self. i'!i j i'(i orange _L'f I'? ght north Ci<' ri r'Q sr,,,t't . IritSll�_' 1 .1'�lc� I3t, 1UrtS that w ' ,-e I..,,,' i rid; c,:i thii:> t:- t llr_A no c.cc, I c .:t i e O ut through; the ii i off' i,;.,riri , !,rill chr is r'igIll, ea t o1 tire property; l,ii at: �� :y e i t tlc.P collie tilt Gugh the P1 1 L 0 - proper°t;,aj(.,j, th(:, fence line or from the Marine `tadium dire,ctiui; . Mr. Pluliiutr: !lore much square footage does the present Miami Rowing Club fiave? Mr. Gary: 'lire Miami Rowing Club is not over there; is it? Mr. Kern: I don't have that figure right here, but I believe the original intent was to give them the same square footage. sl 43 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: I think the point is this, we should do the same for both. I don't think we should give any one of these units more than the other. -1 IG Mr. I think also needs to be writter, inl,o thc 1 .something hing that the Miami. Rowing (JO)h 11,,:-� ml 1r), M1 Mayor. They have i 1, _ns for these ten occo a:-,i_n,n,, F Mayor- 1.7e) - i,^ filir n ili1flt stipulations for 'i 0 .i -iould be that-, are -J_nF Club sl dupliented -nr mid qy You nake - Mr. Plmm)n( lir H. i 4- 11 is not written into th(,. Hj'11 Row i. 11, f I c have agreed to it. Mayor Fei,re, "inc, but it, Mr. Plummer: But i thinly ou,,_10- to write it into this. Mayor Ferre: I am in agreement; w.Uh that. Mr. Plummer: The reason I srq 'U'liat Mr. Mayor is, i can rent them out during the Unlimited for, about, $15,000 a day. Mayor Ferre: Including the boat house? Mr. Plummer: YeMr. Mayor, I assume a motion to send this to the Manager for negotiations is in order? Mayor Ferre: What is the motion exactly, Mr. Manager if you wanted it. Mr. Gary: A use permit. Mayor Ferre: In other words, this accepts your report and sends it to the Manager for negotiations to come back to thee Commission. Tell me again. Mr. Gary: For, legal purposes, you send it to me to negotiate a use permit - for le -gal purposes. Mayor Ferre: in of _-i, words, tit is is accepting your report and send d 11T I b a c I!, t. o the 1;11 « na j; e r for purposes of n e g o t, 1i at.. 1. F) P Mr. Gar . 1j"J L, -�y - ,rilt, and tiien I bring it back to you for final approval. Mayor Ferre: And bring it back to the Commission. Mr. Gary: For ratification. Mayor Ferre: Is that it? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: You want to move it? Mr. Plummer: I will move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre- Further discussion? You want to say something on this? Mr. Gary: Can we put a moratorium on these things? Id 44 September 20, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Why should he say anything? He is ahead of the game. Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll. The following; motion was introduced Commissioner Plummer , t•slio moved its adoption: MOTTON NO. 8 4_ 1 o64 A MOTION AGGEJI'� I l-, A i3T�;F'OR'I' SUBMITTED BY THE C1'i'X I'll r�i?AGF'B IN REGARD TO APPLICATION BY TH(, RARI3F_,-, CLUB FOR SPACE`, I=11d i'lils Ua:C:�_iJT T Y 01" THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM; FURTHf?R AUTH0RI'LING THE MANAGER TO ti},GO T. TAT1: I? 1:7'ii TH11�, AFORESAID CLUB F011t A USi PFIR'?l'T TO 13?TU13N TO THE CITY COt1ttl >: JONT W i TH A CONTRACT FOR RATTF- TCATION . by Upon being seconded hv Cc�r�in3i,�;:;.��ner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adohkc:d by the f'oIIow,i_ng vote - AYES: Conl m:i_3SiorlCr ,iillcr J . Dawk-ins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Hlauri.ce A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Plummer: I make a motion at this time that likewise the Casino Club, which has put in an application likewise be granted the same rights to negotiate with the Manager. Mayor Ferre: Not for the same property? Mr. Plummer: No, no, no, and watch my wording - to negotiate ... Mayor Ferre: I've got it. Mr. Plummer: ... under like terms and conditions. Mr. Odio: I just wanted to clarify something for the record. The iSayor said that we had this two years ago, and the first motion we got was .... Mayor Ferre: at? Mr. Odio: Iri Hal-�011 of 1983. Mayor F'er,re: I stand corrected. Rather than giving them the run-around, for three years, Cesar, you have only done it for two Mr. Odio: No, for, one year! Mayor Ferre: Oh, one year! Okay, I stand corrected. Mr. Plummer: I think that sets a record! Mayor Ferre: So you only gave a run-around for one year, okay. Mr. Plummer: I make a motion that the Casino Club be granted the same rights to negotiate under the same terms and conditions. Id 45 ,September 20, 1984 Mr. Gary: We've got no more land. Mayor Ferre: That is fine, not on the same land. Mr. Gary: No, we've got no more land. Mr. Dawkins: Well, that is not our problem. You can negotiate the ... Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll. 46 September 20, • • 11 11 The following motion was introduced Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1065 A MOTION TNNG THE, CITY MANAGER TO A T Ijl� 0 NEGOTI.ATE W-T11-111 TiT IN A MANNER i'iI T . p j`;' T TTIF AMFRUAN BARGE CLUG Ok1 1 ")1, 1,17 A,", 1 IND, ",I) AGE AT T", ` THE t! T il "; 7 f 13 1 U 7 ra Pj IT SUCH N E G 0 T T PI'7 j (" 7 1 an Pi-, 11111-i)'F-111 7-1-illP9":, AND CONDI -1 TON.", 1"?TF-1 T C, I I "T CLUB A E LEASE; TI I G R TO RET111ill TO Tfll(:-IT"i- A R E C () t F�Tj 1)ATTO N1 - by Upon beinf7 v, _01101- ins, the motion was passed and idop,--ed I)y 'C,hr- I C) 1. lt. 0 �,7 I- !I f- Note -- AYES: C o r, T-iii_�--.I.oner t1illor 0 - Davjkins Commir;sioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Kern: Mr. Mayor, I would like to say that regarding the Marine Stadium, we feel very strongly that a comprehensive master plan should be done for the remaining property of the stadium. Mayor Ferre: Seems to me that you are under a mandate to do that. Mr. Kern: Well, sir, there are ... 33. SECOND READING ORDINANCE; CHANGE NAME OF LITTLE RAVANA COMMUNITY CENTER TO MANUEL ARTIMIE, COMMUNITY CENTER. Mayor Fc, r rc : -im(- � " �?vv oi, itAlm 2'11 - thc .) s and by chirigirig the name of Kittle other City' propert-;It, Havana to H anuel Artime Community Center. This is ju,31, on It formalizes what we did a couple of ye-'Qr,s Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre Dawkins moves. ordinance please. Plummer seconds. Read the ld 47 September 20, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 38-8 OF CHAPTER 38, ENTITLED "PARKS ANT) OTHER CITY PROPFRTY (3ENFRAI_,LY", OF THE CODE, OF THE CTTY OF 7iTn111 - P V; A. �MENDED, F1,013 J BY (I'll T( 11 ('T t T1 T i i f I A " I F' Tr TI 1` 1, -1 T TLE HAVATV� Cl,�NTFJIP T(` liF T'-ANIJEL 71' , A R T T (7 0 T i I) TIII Ill BY PROV__T)T'N'11"NiAT 1101'iJ1N( CONTA11,F) Tj T I] E PROU:>Mj,i' OF TliT," "!,Ai_J, LIMIT OR jj E."T T1 11-' CITY 13 T ('T 'i 1U, . I A-1,C111T - C 0 M H 1S ;TON Tr) T A 13 1, T "I I i A ND FIX SPECIAL CHARGE,5 OR SPI'SJAI, TFIRIM")l AND CONDITIONS FOR T I i E W)1`1 n,,,, TIi1 I I A ti I i F11.1 ARTIME C 0 MIM IJ N 1 T Y l N T 1? f passed on it.s fir,-,t by tilk1r; ril, the meeting of July 31, 1984, lln!,,-(�n up for it second and final reading by title and -1 (1 o 1) t, i n n On mjnlli.on -.)f Coro 711 j.c_,J_oner Dawkins, seconded j y C a rn ni,, i :7 r; i o j) o 1, 1 1 1. 11 r-L., T,,) c. r the Ordinance was thereupon g i, %, en j, I-, :,, rzmand mid ca.ding by title and passed and adop'Gcd by the followinc7 votc- AYES: Cormnis::ioncr ljiller 1. Day.,kins Commissioncr J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo THEORDINANCEWAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 2698, The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 34. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: A11PROPRIATE ADDITIONAL SUM TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPHEI-IT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. Mr. Plummctr: Move 11.,cnda Iterii 28. Mayor Ferre: Plummer uiove_ 28. Is there a second. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. Item 28? Read the ordinance. Does anybody wish to discuss Id 48 September 20, 1984 is 0 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9639, ADOPTED APRIL 6, 1983, BY A P P ROP RT AT TNG THE ADDITIONAL TOTAL 0 T' t I 12) 1 TO T11F EX-15TING TRUST j - D A (11 F. I C y 1 NT)_T1,ED "CON1111M[T5: (9TH YEAR Tri[,, SUM OF Fli011 AII)DITI-J)"Al, (,(Will-INITY DEVEI 01' T1 TIT 1�1,OCK 6 13 f ktri"J' (GI)FIG) F. 11ND5; T H E ':" I I'll (lip on( HO T J.7 J 1 "FAR CDBG FUNDS FID TO T111 :' I)TI I YF'Afi; AND THE, SUN OF 1, 7 6 Q . I OP ' F 110 111 COMMUNITY DE VEJ,OP 111 ENT P 1i OG R A H T 717 C Q t I E, FOR THE EXECUTION OF, ['0P1i0VFJ.) GRANT ACTIVITIES; CONTAINTW', 1i')" PF A 1, El 11, PROVISION AND A SEVE*RA13T11,1_T'T' CI,AI1,51,". passed on its by tit -Ile at the meeting of July 31, 19811, Baas tni-1-on up 1'or itc, second and final reading by title and d p t, i r) n On rintion ofCommissioner Plummer, seconded 1) ilm i y com 1) wk in 's the Ordinance was thereupon givcn ilk_-, .(-cond end final reading by title and passed and adopted by tjic follox.,li-ng vote -- AYES: Commis5ioncr J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo THEORDINANCEWAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO, gagg, The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 35. FORMALIZATION OF RESOLUTION CONCERNING WAIVER OF RENTAL FOR COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER. (Note this was previounly pas3cd.) ------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: A 1) d,-- 11,cr Numlbc"' 30. Mr. Plummer: 1 'Love Item 30. Mr. Dawkins: Secono. Mayor Ferre, No, we do not need four/fifths. Mr. Pluiraner: The Elizabeth Virrick Relief Bill. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion on Item 30. Call the roll. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: RESOLUTION NUMBER 84-1028 WAS ALREADY PASSED A.T COMMISSION MEETING0 OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1984, WHICH RENDERS hESSOLUT10N 84-1066 PASSED AT THIS MEETING NULL AND VOID. id 49 September 20, 1984 ---------------------- --------------- _-------------- -------- 3b. ACCEPT BID: 2000 COPIES OF MIAMI BUSINESS REPORT. Mayor Ferre: We are going to do Agenda Item 29 now. The motion was moved by, I think Plummer. Mr. Plummei-: Yes. Mayor Fcrr : And it was seconded by Dawkins. We need a four-f i.f Gh�7; vot-1 on 29. Now call the roll. The following resoltit.ion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: 13ES0I,U`i'TOI' iIO. 84-1067 A RESOLUT . ',iA TFYTNG BY A U/STHS AFFIRMATI:V1" VC)TF1 01F TIIE CITY COMMISSION THE CITY: Ilif lN'_(yFliI'; ACCI-PTANC E OF THE BID OF GRAPHTC I;i; PRTNTING OF 2, OOC� T'JJSINESS REPORT T, 'i n i .. L, TO 1I l"C'ONOMIC DE : E1 0P1-l'I7 + T;,LOCATED THEREF01; I'-1;0t i ?? ; ;':i;'1;ItiT f , FISCAL YEAR 1983--i%l GEI;1'I;r'.I., I'I.rIr17 I i)I;C I1T. (Here follows; body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner, J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-t,ayor Dcmetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Coinn;issioner Joe Carollo 37. EXTEND PIIOVf'SSIONAL I7,iIVICES AGREEMENT: WARREN L. 1 RALINI P.131, lf'CIf H1IC 1, 1iL'VIf ii OF CABLE TELEVISION SYST'itl. Mayor- F er• rt : jllow wk2 are on Agenda Item 31. The Manager was going; to ,your question as to whether we should hold that unti.I. Mr. Gary: 1'.. I,i�or, this does not affect what you are talk::rij-,-11,(-:�lt, (Al This is basically a technical e Yipe—t ioentlfie �,: t..i1C:' t.l' :ri d ruappirig to makes t; .Vt... tile. jiru,.A' (A .vIrana so we could tine const L0 t h--t �,. 4=�: have f'iduOi t' 1) 1 ;i.l ity tO do tilaTv. , antom its doti s t nave a staff' j, , , ri :G;Pi� it L.rld that i.s lady we had to use a consultant. Mayor Ferre: I am ready to vote with you. ld 50 September 20, 1984 t= Mr. Dawkins: I don't have any problem with this, but I do have a problem with ... (INAUDTBLE) ... Mr. Plummer: Please 1_(�t-, me pill; on the record the reason I asked there•^t.a..on, T i-7a.^ not. Here this morning. I was - inforim ri t,ha t irrr(, fT,o i i�c- t,o i)c ono rare special meeting -_ on Tug.:>Cta roil i,t, i"^ i,:? i; t) t.rt budgQt, and ,ab.l_e , Tiis a cable T (-nl y ; i.1.` this should d bp- contAniiE-d over, becaiise don't. kpn1.11 the pe.r j_meters of what V 0 U are discus,-, 1 t,C on Mayor t-'nl.l, the Manager says it has no relationship. I accep". {.hat. Mr . Plummer : 1, irne . Mayor port-e: You move it? Mr. Plt.rrir,,��r: Sure. Mayor Terre: Plummer moves. Dawkins second 31. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: I31'; >Oi_JITION NO. 84- i o68 A R E S 0 1 I.J-j t0N hUT110R1ZiNG THE CITY MANAGi-R T19 TI117 THE PROFESSIONAL SCRVICI; �'--:1`i' t l:`I.'Ii i�AN1ZEi1 L. BRAUN, Am P.E., ("UC' ,'J]I '?'_.':<C 1;1 G1'v'FERS FOR THE _ZAMM PUB P011?E Oi:, •I: -IiaC; THE GABLE C0I'll K Il .j ; f t i i C:`' L1, CONDUCTING ITS 'I'ELJ� IVISION SY 1;� ,�, TO EXCEED $25, 00 0 i. ; i'111; CIO."IT THEREFOR F 13 0 111 r, f '_;:i t".I_, :;ti1i°a I'Ut;i) S, CABLE TELE,V1.1;11,)11'. (Hera ,`.01.1.c1r : body oft resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was pas :ed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummuer, Jr. Vice -Ma -or De;metrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: hone, ABSENT: Coit.rnissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: Howard, does this have anything to do with any of the violations: Mr. Gary: I10, this per-ort ha-- ... you recall, when we did the cable licc:rir c, they hLd to provide: us with strand maps and the p? r ris in try:!°ter, of whether thci wires arc going to 90 - 1-10W tf!: t7j' €.uj i:1, to be on a certain pole. Mayor I'i i r i : I `c;i, : t c, , . 1'ct: tt, sir Iurr Lg e r° , several meetiriES;, f;c;, r; i 'L.ir'' ivt `..act? y l tri rr, f requested a figuv(. ati to 1 (ii ttif- `t;i- i ±it, V'l': bet n expended from the vt.r•y, r•y, b(�P-ir,iring rur all pur,puac: with our attorneys in Washington and Arnold & Porter. ld 51 September 20, 1984 Mr. Gary: I submitted that to you, Mr. Mayor. I submitted that to you and all of the Commissioners. It must have been the early part of last week, or latter part of last week. Mayor Ferro. tc, i;er, -votl haven't seen i_t? Would ,you get us an e tr r ,(),y a a. M-nmorandum with al l t_:hr.;- - 1lwdl_, lmv- ariin' erest . Would _you C3 (. '� (l (i r"�,ac y nip 'iz�..sday f..� � � �m,�rn,>,d a ��r�mh:3>3,, 4 ,,o do all this Mr. Gary: ilo, sip. if T rf r. 1J tli( r per ., Mr. Nayor, is that the final. deei:3ion - w(I ;lave ^+C_1vFrl13^(.i 1`0,1' R.F.P.IS. They are sr_ippo5nd to Home in �%<;1;obcr 151:1�, ar,rl we envision that dECi_s7.nr1 i^7i1.1.. )�' mgcic' in i,tin C'ar,_Y )7.,;'i; c'f ?O4'nti?l)er. I just sarnr the mono 1. jus'; 7'er:,1- 'i.f; aa n' . You know, we i have to dveri;l_Pe tC) 1.''('. PC:OpI_n t;hr� oppol-111 t;y. Mayor Ferre: We have soma time bep(,rn I'll:it? Mr. Gary: Ye.;, sir. 38. AMEND 10TIl YEAR C, Dr.A BLOCK GRANT FURDS BY ADDING ONE SOCIAL SERVICE PROGRAM. Mayor Ferre: to are now on Item 32. Mr. Plummer: hove it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect that I am aware of the money in there for Historic Preservation programs. Mr. Gary: Thank you. Mr. Plummer: For those projects that have already been approved on a voluntary basis. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkin..s: With those stipulations by that fine gentlemen, yes. Mr. Plummer: You tell them. Amen! Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll. ld 52 September 20, 1984 0 0 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1069 `; F ri . � I - .CT T.ON 1 OF A RESOLUTTON A "T � N, 1) T N G , RESOLUTTO1-1 NO. 8)1f55()ADOPT! 111) MAY 10, 1984, i41 H'T r ' I I A 1, 1, 0 C A TIF D TIF N -j * H YEAR COMMIRITTY RI. -OM, (MAW FUNDS PREVIOIJ:;T.y AP11ROPRIATED BY OR1)TIKIANCE, NO. 98311, AIM111 - E i () W1 � %D 1`1 A Y 10, TO PREV1,013-1111.1' APPEOVE'D S () C T A L '51"RVICE PROGRAH,') ATPID ONE, PRE SE, RIVAT ION PROGRAM FOR T11111 PFIRIOD BEG. -INNING JULY 1, 1984, AN 1) Ell 411) T N, G J U N 1 n 1985, BY INCREASING T H E, A I, I , OC A T I ON TO TIIESE PREVIOUSLY A P P 110 V I'll T) SOCTAI, SERVICE PROGRANS PY TEN PERCENT ( 10 THEREBY T111- T OT A 1, A L 1., 0 C, A T 1011 FROM $1,283,0)14 T7 TO "1" 1 . 4 0 8 , 9 0 P) [IRTHEIR ZTN(; AUTHORT - - THE I CITY HANAGE'R TA E N T El R INTO ACT 11 E E, I '14 T S WITH CERTAIN SOCIAL SERVTCE, A G (,f q C I FS FOR SAID A PP JiOVED PROJECTS. (Here follow_; I)ody of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 39. APPROVE FACILITY: BLACK ARCHIVES HISTORY AND RESEARCH FOUNIDATION OF SOUTH FLORIDA FOR USE OF FOREVER FIRE STATION - 4850 N.E. 211D LVE11UP. Mayor Ferpe: 1,1c, ai,,--- nova on A,c,(_-.nda ltt3m 33. Hillcr Dawkins moves. , Li Mr. Plumci: m: Sucond� the )o' * sOn. Mayor Ferro: Pllal;llllur sE ponds. Further discussion? Black Archives 'Hd..,,tory Foundation, South Florida Inc. Call the roll. The resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, wl-to trioved its adoption: 1'kESOLUTION NO. 84-1070 A RES-01-11'l -1 ()1%' THE CITY MANAGE'-( 'its 111A'CIILITY EXTENDED LLY TH I,' FORM USE PE k f 1, L k I a I V ES HISTORY (_t1 0 IS 0 UT H FLORID,., U:[, U+ 4L110 N. E. - 'I I I-1 L* S I TE SECO14D I k L 0 h 11) 111 5 OF A FORME N FlkE STATION LOCE'!*IuN. ld 53 September 20, 1984 0 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being :seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution wa.^ pa 1.^ere and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commi_,^Jt.oner Miller J. T?aialcino Commis. i.onor J� L. Plump(-.,r, Jr. Vice -Mayor Oninetrio J. Perez, Jr. Nayor Flaurlcc A. Ferro NOES: None. ABSENT: Copmissi.oner Joe Carollo $o. AUTIROBtIZIE 117ANI GFT 11 .1_0 PROVIDE R,,F.P.' S FOR TECTIHICAL ASSISTANCE" HJTAF`l CAPTTAT, DEVJ!"LOPtiENT lux e LOAN CLIENTS. Mayor Ferre: 1•7c nre riots on Agenda Item 3)1, Mr. Dawkins: 1 rim going to move it for discussion. Mayor Ferrer There is a motion by Dawkins. Is there a second. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: There is a second. Under discussion? Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, we are going to put out an R.F.P. to what now? Mr. Gary: One of the problems we found is riot unique to the City of Miami -w it is throughout the country, is that when you are trying to assist small businesses that are either in existence or those that want to be created, they don't have all of the technical expertise that they need to make themselves succe-�Sful, and obviously the program- successful. When thi" ri.v:tter first came up, the discussion t,:a_- that in order to in:3ure they are going to be successful and our program S_.. going to be c>uecessful and have a problem with ADC0R and either, orlr�,nizations that c,e need to provide this, and the urlivt rsi t,i_cs do i.t . h;y concern is-- that lots of time people. in t;l:k: i�rill'Ui l.t,lts ri(_:: ei worked in a busincss before and they wouldn t. tell you ; oiz to r'<.1 ,? pr°ofi%. I t?i�,mri, if they co -o, you hoi,J "i11i c=S "11a1.,C 1)1,0fit.�, i:lacer can I t go in 1111d '_Otu ij ly dc, it tl1t.. ..>c1, e;:, and i.t�uat I want to do 7tec",iIii.caI peo1)le l o have hands on experi<r:: is zc, iri «r,d Bell:� the. people to insure that they to succeed. Mr. Pl ui Io.-.i, : wh(iC re alre the funds coming from? Mr. Gary: C. D. funds. Mr. Pluiimfier•: Why wouldn't the monies come from the Miami Capital Fund? Mayor Ferre: Miami Capital gets money from us. Mr. Plummer: It is part of this Administration's fund. Mr. Gary: If you do that, you ... Id 54 September 20, 1984 Mr. Dawkins: Because they don't have a revolving fund. Mayor Ferre: Let me tell you something. Remember the philosophy behind having this Ad-mini.stra'lve JiId-i - - panel 11 �Oial on cable t r- 1 e v i n Yr i don't; -n t, n r:7o n being the judge, the 1 3 e d a this, i.t, i,^ mv op-iiii-ni adminj:-,1,r.,i', ionp and lml-. 1 11 i r It 11 (, pi 1-0 i,, 1) r, on 1) then you end 131) V p;3 :,:7, J. n F� judgrlienl. ;1:-' 111() ilbr. lo:11) j^ FT, n (I p t"I passi-ni- Jiid,G,mrr 11 f-� 1.) alir�, then i,,, to (�Ilrl moniiloi,i.ng 1.hc3 11hi1-tk J.1 mnrIn,-, 1-, 11 c V t. I V I r� -I to have an i r 1.r 11 f7 1.; 11 T-, Ta 1 0 1) 11 j. T) anti t-1 11;3 2 ho 111 d be directly 11nrjrr tllr C i t, r T'I j,;7:I m J ,^ I n -'!, 7, 11 1, a I - i 0 11 : o that we can add ):- D too! ill() 11-1-P t-111e^e I-Onn,,3 thlt, 1n<<tk have prohlcms without, Hi.;--3rni "D r e n e 0 . T don I t want to say that I- J'Jljjljr j-11Cy i_ - _nJ-� ( 'I re anyway, but I am just saying th"i, Jll^`Il y011 r�-"j(]Y? Mr. C,r311. 1-1he poli . Mayor 1-,crre: Now� in oi,-hcr words, do we understand that, Mr. Manager? We are not l.kirning over the money to Miami Capital for them to shoo the technical assistance. We are doing thi.:-: in houcc, and then we working with Miami Capital. Mr. Gary But Mayor Ferre: What else did you want? All right, am I reading it wrong? You want to let Miami Capital do it? Mr. Dawkins: No way - 1 agree with you. Let me tell you the reason I am agreeing with the Mayor. Mayor Ferre: You'd better be careful! (LAUGHTER!) Mr. Dawkins: No, honestly. Mr. Plummer: Would we be better off to defer this and ask that del cerro come here and discuss it? Mayor Ferre: No, I think we are going to end up with Mr. Dawkins: All I ain saying is, J. L., and Maurice is saying the e tn!.11tr - ,;e give _, (- people this money, _ they have no expci-tise' ir) Wil; t the hell they are, doing and we do c) r () V i Ili C t 1 it-. Tli Frith t.}Ic s, 12 1) 1) 0 r t i V e. services necessary t,_) Jr) t, U � Mr. i--Iu(Aionang am just saying that if" !1!j(1::--t.- r on c (- t tj1(,po I i, I .-I_J, that it would be logical that C JOng business. It should be charged to ttiat fuht"". G 1'. 'Phat it should not have to come out oftllc� Mr. Dawkitis: Go ahe�-td, X:,. Gary. Mayor Fevre: Mr'. Dawkins, why don't you make your statement? Mr. Dawkins: Like 1 was saying, we are supposedly helping these inddviduals. Like You say, we will give an individual money to up 1I.Ing about how wa!,v I J t i do! And t h e r e fc, 1, 1 u, C O the 3 u P 1) 0 1, t J v V ,it of don't u n d e t n ci R. i, t:-, i 1 j I:1 t U 0 1 L et-0 . so w i t f I t!.(a 01 !j1-C81-L111 1" Placiz;, -(z would be able to pf-'(:Jviatz: tile- supportive Liervices. necessary for them to proceed. Id 55 September 20, 1984 Mr. Gary: If I might - we agree with that. Let me explain what we have in mind. The money will be in the Ci.ty's budget. We ta9_l.1_ go ol_rt for tho R.F.P. We will administer the contrast:., in t;r,r,m:,, of drtermi_ni.nr, t-,ho riots service and t,nc�};, t1i_:,mi. Cat�i.;.:al. I'I'olll.d do thal., T. e1.1. you •.Thy . i'r coll11.1^01 t,.hr, III . t'!t c�1n _. f. 100 R . l . F . , ,.,r do . Let mn 1; ;11- anti irhy thr'y hrivr' i,o delc i.o ,,!iC hc: Service yoll Ct;3.[lFi, i'r�.vr? half of, i;he 1Jr,y, yQ1] have got t,r t„�;; i.t, a1. We ar<; re. pc�rr,i.bl.� for inrrrri t:nrit,g that organ _ ,ati.c?n and evaluat:.ing them. If olir ci_i.reetor makes a dec ,:...on Is to who gets service and when, t,hcn we become as to whether or not they arc doing a good job or not;. Mr. Dawkins, C)ka,y, I will buy that and go al.ont with J. L. If we are going to assist them and we are going t.o assist _ them to be a nuccess, then we will. charge 1,her�:, 25; of their - profit to collect; t:,he money up to 25` of the profit to collect, t:.hc money back. that we put into the supportive services, You ;ee, and f;hi3 will make lrs work, because if you don't:. make the'ln ;;Fleeced, you don't get nothing back. Mayor Terre: ticl_l, 1,rhose responsibility do you want it under, i-iow,rd? Mr. Gary: It is going to be under ours, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: We are choosing the firm. We are monitoring to help these minority firms who many have problems succeeding, by getting them technical help. Mr. Plummer: try only thing, is, that it should come out as administrative costs. It is to assist them in the cost of doing business and should be born by the recipient. That is normal in any business transaction. Mayor Ferre: We've got to put up the money, J. L., They don't ... Mr. Gary: They don't have the money. That is why they had a problem. See, wh(xt you can do, Commissioner, you can say for an agency that want._; .as.sis tancc_=, we will require him to borrow more money to be able to pay for th.-A . I hl A is no guarantee he i.s g01.nLT to g{_t tt;f: right expo rti.:_ e . First thing, he i : not t r i ng to knot. i,ii t he r: rec<. in a lot of 9 cases. A 17Q t;II(-n «r `l.E3r' hu 1 1I:dS Out what Ii� 1-1ef;,]C;, he may not know Iloav to f cat the rit ht Berson to live hii „.s,4 is t,ance. It say;3 ovr v tic re the ldulini.strative cost. Mayor F'cr}r(:: i i,s d 4= to vote? It has been moved and seconded. Ct,l1 tI I-,oI1 . The followlirlg rF:solution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who inoved it:: adoption: I I?; CiI U`1'I Otti NO. 84- 1071 A }tE::01. U'i 10 1.UTT210RI Z ING THE CITY MANAGEh ? .= I',Ji..L I'-"!1 A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. (1I`P ) 1N P x'OIiI=, ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY i i\ ,i` , uli A QUAI4If' lED ORGItNI`Z`1: ul '1U I'fitaVIDE TE'CHN1CAL A�SS�S'IS/t♦AN i_ 11Z;VICL, !` O 1A,iLJ,l CA PII`AL L L:. Y ii L U I' 1'i i' 14 �. .�. I r C ' .:i :u G E, I k C L 1 E, l'+ i..,'- . (Here follows body of re6olutJlon, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) ld 56 September 20, 1984 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Comm, _ ,iorinrJ, T., Plummer, Jr. J. Perez, Jr. Mayor NOES: 10orze ABSENT; Joe Carollo ------------------------------------- 41. ALIXG11TE 412.583.33 OV 10 Y13 R C.D. BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. CON T TUITiF THITIfIrMENTATTON, OF NFTGf113OR11OOIl DEVELOPMENT CORP. PEOGJJArl. Mr. Plummer: Second Agend,.i Ite n 35. Mr. Dai4kin . Move it., 4, .t:h-nl.casure and in a hurry. Mr. Perez: Call. the roll_. The following rc_olution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1072 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATINIG $1 2, 583 . 33 OF TENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, f:I'I'11OJ='}3TA'I I D B)THE PASSAGE OF ORD1IdA1dC1 J!'I, If/.ItTiN LUTLIER KING EC OI;(��I;XC F)I �r��1..Ui l;?'f1`ii�4iIIF'(�Ri%T.TO14 (NSLhEDCO; L_)CF 1D 4 / 1 0 ? i E j� _,J I, I_. i> i l', i' .i_ i:' I3 0 $37,'i50 �,�� �:r;Is'':� I�ot.1J1 1F.11I0D FROMI JUI,_ i i ? ; I i'I 1984 F'O! I TO, cul" l Ut:� A NEIGHBOR11001) I.-CONOilic I)E VE .011HENT CORPORATION PROGRAPI; AU11-10R17,,1N'G THE CITY I",/�i2�'�GEIi TO ENTER INTO 1 (i11 E MENT WITH THE AF OREIPI N i'IONED AGENCY IN' ' FORM ACCEPTABLE TO ''HE CITY ATTOt;IdEY. (Here follow,,3 body of rc:solution, omitted here and on file in tInc Offs ce of tl>c City Clerk. ) . Upon being C. d D Jcner Plummer, the resolution was I)y thc, following vote - AYES: J. L�«rri.in: Cornmi.: Toner J . L . I'lurrrrrlE r, Jr. Vice-Mlayoi" J. Perez, Jr. Mayor !Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Id 57 September 20, 1984 ----------------------------------------------------------- 42. AUTRORTZE CITY MANAGER TO F)[FC11TR AGREEMENT: BARNETT BANK FOR PAR TTCTPATTOR TIOVARD PRODUCTION COSTS OF MIAMI BUSINESS BEPORT 1081- Mr. Plurnriner: I AfTr:nda Item 36. Mr. Perez: econd. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: NO. 84-1073 A RESOLUTION' AUT JJOT T7 ,11jr R THE CITY MANAGER TO FIXFICUTI" ' AN AGRIF"EHENT, IN A FORM ACCEPT!kj31.,V' TO THF, CT,.TY ATTORNEY, BETWEEN THF� Gi.TY OF 1111j,AttT AND BARNETT BANK OF ",()1,VJ'11 1, i, (I Rl I D A Foli THE PURPOSI,,', C)," C L' i I T _1[ I _TJ J F' NANICIAL PARTICIPAT.101'i` IN T1,111" A1,0UN'T OF �7,500 C TOWARD T I I 1' 11 I'll, 0 1) U CT i G N' COSTS OF THE PUBLICAT-11.01111 Elks' T I T L E 1) A I -'I I BUSINESS R E P 0 R T 1 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ld 58 September 20, 1984 ..--------------------------------------------------------- 43. AUTHOATZE AMENDMENT: T,ATTIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: PERHANE'NT SECRFTA RIAT OF THE ffF!IT-)PT1FRTC CONGRESS OF LAT'TN CHAP IEW; Of-' i#RtT? tL�T�i3 ;TRY _ Mayor Fer rc : Th -r - i . motion and a second, further diacus�3ion ? thn roll The fol_lowing r er ;(-)I-ution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved _i,s adoption: Rl" i;0I1i1T_ ION NO. 84- 1074 A RESOIJITION s1ITII0RT7,ING THE CITY MANAGER TO I XI CITE AN A1IFNDMENT, IN A FORM ACUIPTAIA,7�, T`I,O H C 11",' ATTORNEY, TO THE LATIcI; CIIr;111 - R 01F C01"'IEBCE OF THE UNITED STATES, i114C . ' S 1' (>8 , 000 CONTRACT FOR THE PROGRi'di, '°PF.lillA 1';1!"1: ;�FC;RI.TARIAT OF Till; HI i 1' I'HEIiIC Cill t:,hl„'S OF LATIN CHAMPI"'R;i OF C(1Pi 1,"IICl'; t.Nh 1 1NPIUS lid'" , FOR THE PURPC?>I ) OF Cliff°il.TGING THE COMMENC1 t 11,NT I:'�ATI; OF i`,G1 1%FH1.-,,NT FROM OCTOBEPI 1 , i 98 , TO 'l7`fC ,11FFR 20, 1982 AND 11 AK-1NG IT T1' I`HjI;dAT10! DATE 13 MONTHS DATE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Killer J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Dernetri,o J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. F'erre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEM. 38 WAS ALREADY DOME. 44. CLA114 SETTLEMENT: T: 1111S T ERRELL. Mayor Fevre: 39 - Iria Terrell. Does the City Attorney Mrs. Dougherty: i'11r,. mayor. This was an instance where Fire Res(_-uc- ;a cardiac arrest patient for a cold. Mayor F'i r i r:i•c:- you i-early to vote? Mr. tUil, you know, I think this brings up an intere tlilL! I oiiit of discussion, is to whether or not we should aPproaeli the Legislature that in cases such of this in which pie ar s called upon at no fee, as to whether or not we should be rield harmless? Id 59 September 20, 1984 Mr. Dougherty: We could certainly approach the Legislature. On the other hand, when we undertake to do something like this, you undertake to do it in a non -negligent way, and that i.s why ;-=n are liable. So, it is like if you do not have s.i dry0 k.a, then you are not liable for someone getting hurt: on them. Mr. Plummer: Okay, a. don't think we have any choice in this particular . < . 1. t 1.1 tRove 1 tem 39, but, you know, when they went.; awpy with no. t lt. aceldents and no-f.aul.t divorce, s suddenly ov ernight c-ilt, t.-:? t;c�i, pl aE Ued in this Commismion with all. of 'k.hQso sidewalk accidental and we are no d, 1. r.;uess, going to go looking for no --fault. sidc<<raik . Whenever you Stop one gap, I guess Lhq rc vcnu,e or the ?t.tornc y a have to be cont.i_nued, and they are going to continue to l.o::)i;, and I am wondering whether mal.-ppantiec; is not, being transferred from the doctors to our Fe .cue ;;quad? Mr. Gary: 1.hcy make the law! Lawyers make the law to make money! Mr. Plummer: Okay, I move Item 39. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 814-1075 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO IRIS TERRELL, WITHOUT ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, Ti',E SUM OF $36, 150 -00 iN FULL, AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ANY AND AL.L, CL,A M , AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF M AM!, UPON THE EXECUTION OF A RELEASE EBLt A S I.NG THE CITY OF' l'il iMI FO I; ANY 1:idD LIA, CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here foll.ous body of resolution, omitted here and on file: in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 45. CLAIM SEi 1'LFrRENT: AMIRA GALLOfLAURO GALLO Mr. Plummcr : t'hat, is he history behind Agenda Item 140? Mrs. Dougherty: Iten 40 is a woman who is going to attend a rock concert at the Jai Alai. Mr. Plummer: Oh, she was shot accidentally. ld 60 September 20, 1984 0 Mrs. Dougherty: Right. Mr. Plummer: I saw that one. We move that one quickly. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Terre: There is a second. Further discussion? All right, let me understand this properly. Madam City Attorney? Mrs. Donhrrt y : Yes, sir? Mayor Ferre: his I understand it, the practice that now occurr iv that a police officer, who is an employee of the City (V Ni_n_mi, and he in hired out on private assignment, off cirlt.,5 , ?n<i he iiowc.vcl, ha the City of Miami badge, uniform, and i'.;.arrie c a gun, and there is an incident and the _ City of lliami <nd.- ui, bcir-rp, liable even though it had nothing to do with that, particular incident. I find that; to be totally unnecept.abl., ! Mrs. Doughcrty : There are two ways to prohibit that :rind of thing occurring in teams of City liability, and that is to either roqui.re insurance from the people who are going to Mayor Ferre: Absolutely! Mrs. Dougherty: Or indemnification. Now, you have passed an ordinance requiring indemnification. I don't know how that procedure is actually working in the Police Department. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote on this item? It is CIO, but I don't think it has anything --- What is past is past, J. L. We have got to ... Mr. Plummer: On this particular case, we can't do a thing. Mayor Ferre: Okay are we ready to vote on Item 40, and then I am going to make a motion to discuss this anyway. Mr. Plummer: 1 moved 40. Mr. Dawki.n2: Second. Mayor A1.1 right, it has been seconded. Call the roll on item 40. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1076 A RESOLU'1 GN LijTf llttIZIEQ !HE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 11) FAY Ili AMIAA GALLO, MOTHER AND NA UhAL t_.UALD:I N l...UDA t:ALLO, A MINOR, 11 r 011 Of T k `i I A& `i'iiciULAND FIVE HUNDFILD bOL'. A (12Y,500.00) WITHOU! THL '.: a..nIQ A,KAPILATYY Itd FULL, LEY i_O r !_L t_ NEVDAMLAT Of ALL, BODILY m_,h_ ._;... N L _Njis{ 1 , , i' PROTECTION -i I- i i.: i4 13 t. ` t: AGAINN ,Frt" CITY l%I' M AMI, AND Ui QN `1HE EXECUTION ON UP t: HILLANE RELEASING THE CITY FHUM ALL CLAIMS AND COUNTERCLAIMS AND DEMANDS. Id 61 September 20, 1984 0 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. T-,. P?_i.immer, Jr. Vice--Hayor D.-met.ri.o .1. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre, NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 45.A INSTRUCT CITY TIAEUGER/CTTY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE LEGISLATION PROTECTTNG1 CITY VIA INSURANCE /Tf-ID ,11V1FT('ATI01J, FOR ACTS OF OFF DUTY CITY EMPLOYi'T. ' THW01..VED TH 1PGTUF ffTS UIiFRFTN THE CITY IS PRESENTLY 111-3i_.I) 1,I A131-W. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Plummer, on this general. subject. Madam City Attorney, help me on this now. I move that the Administration and the Legal. Department be instructed to come back to the Commission with a proper legal document that addresses itself to the issue of either an insurance policy, or an indemnity so that the City will not be liable for anything that might occur when a police officer ... Mr. Plummer: No, no - any City employee. Mayor Ferre: When any City employee is off duty, not in effect working for the City of Miami, where a liability occurs where; the. City is Lued .and held liable, when in effect, tl;at person w : not on duty for the City of Miami, and if we e .nnot got uch pol.icy, or such a liability, I think that then uiat; per ern c<:nnot u- - my City c�quipm�:nt, or any City identific::lti.orr of arty sort in that part10u1ar job, so that, if tfi-t do 0 .., a private Citizen, 3S fine t;Ui: ., ithout C i 1,S' i_(�11�.pr;�'nt where w(_> wou'id b 1.1 a blc 1"(; Ila",L F-o1: to f'1[;l<1'+.' OLit: z way, because 1 th i.nl,, it, po 1.a.��E �;1'i'i.t,er to be accu ,cd of uOi.rl( 01:+;:1,111i1j'-'lhi.le hc: i:> O;! I V t0 duty and the City li b_i l.it,y f'cr it. Mrs . ))ouc<<�t�r i.y� . ] li , t�'. o.L- 4E.�:.�=c now pending YOU, il..:vc: <.1� ._:�' i _ .����, wn r..�rr� ; e it �c: r' cp1iirinv indeirrrif-I ' no — written infortued tt - ..mot .; t- �:;.,` (�- the judge i.. _ oLri• jt.ut on t tit 1. . _, r,� �-a t7 r d�.=, :i� l.:i.,1ion as to Sri: ti1< r r ri t. , iit: z.;r� e .ai. t: t tit t i r! r o t Ac. i y reason ofN Soria; Ca V ( r` -i " rt a i- ' u LCA •lbf^ iz- ri ,G t t : ! .. 5 n O t good enouj.:�tr Mayor F'crr•t;: Fell, 1 know it is a very complicated legal issue, so YOU are going to have to research it. Mr. P1.urrim,er: Let me tell you what also is, Madam City Attorney, involved and cones into this in a very important way - that constitutional amendment of Decision 84. Mrs. Dougherty: That will affect us ... ld 62 September 20, 1984 Mr. Plummer: It will affect us in a huge way, and I think _ this Commission needs to go on record of whatever the Commission's decision is is how they feel about that Decision 34. Does it. affect us? Mayor I^errT ,: A1.1. }iglu no-, I so move. Demetrio, you have to (?r1.1 ,, o i ?.ncnnrt . Mr. E'1.rjrmniri•: T. 1gi.1.1. ;Ceond it', Mr. Mayor, to have the City Attorney t.n drag ran sonvetlhi ng and bring back, and we will look aI. U_i i'L Lrr ;;'sic lwt i ngr, it; back. Mr. Perc7: `-,'e have a_,. mo`:.ion and i ,-,econd. Call the roll. The followin_, mot; .on W ",Iint;rodueed by Mayor Ferre, who moved its ad0p1,)_on: 140TION NO. 4--1077 A MOTION DIRI C"'1:I u 'THE', CITY ?TANAGER AND THE CITY ATT013Id1'Y TO INVESTIGATE THE PROBLEM OF OUTST_T)i?, FJ1P[_,0:r'Fsr?Ei`.i' BY CITY EMPLOYEES Il! 0 1? K _i_INTG F0TR PflIVATE INDIVIDU!'J, , I? I" CTll 1:C "Ilk J.IIY, AIDT)FI SSING THE AREI,S OF "HOLY? I)Iti;P;1,1:;:-�:-.`� 1NS1.111ANCE POLICIES Oi O'_FIi_k_Ei 1 01=;1;5 OF INDEHNIE,_i C !,'i`Io'; TI-I; C_i=T'r: OF MIAMI ti'i'. Lif i,I.1; F,HEN CERTA 1 1; -0, OE-- -DUTY ANTI) 1"1,).1 ;,? :: ±', ii!;111 OFE' ICIAL CAPACT'i:', lrl: 1..NV0LVED IN MAT' 1l fi,:�, �' �.�1, !, 1,1:lv't;UITS: FURTHER STh'T:I? C; i 01 THI1 CITY COf4[� T _ . "i ': i E;l; C;1_'E'Y T. il[' <<iI:1LE TO OBT(.TII'CF E [ET'i OYFE;:� FINTGAGE�'D Ili OUT .__ nE, i,I_. j.� 111r s1011, 1] 11 F CITY I . % . ' i i �, i s � ( i i 1 T' F" , I; R' ; E� U 1, 'i' I' I' R DIRE,C'j !7G x'!:ll. G E.'I t, s' 1 s_iliitH,' O RE"TU}114 WITH I F1"i1()r` 1_1a lI s,����Ll�.',: T:OE3 CONNECTION THERE;=,IT11. Upon being seconcicd by Gosh; i.s:;ionc r Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the f'olloc, i r1t, vote - AYES: Commissioner }Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 46. INSTRUCT CITY CLE RI TO READVERT'ISE FOR TWO VACANT POSITIONS ON HE, P ! L11111 C ', DV 1 sOhY BOARD AND ONE VACANT :. �� .� , ayor, t.r�r�°�,. b,� .lt°t, ur! ! �.t:r.. .._. Nobody vppl.ied for the three oii Advisory Board and one individu,:E. i'er t.Ei4_� Cii,y 2.::)ri`Lr1!' 13ol-,rd? I_ ca-n't believe that! Mr. Eiunr:<.r 1 cal,'t: Ui Ertr vi,-1. G6 t a ruinute, is that the true� sLatelnerit r Is tE:L t r,eW E�i c,pl.t , or total? Whose appoi.ntru�;nt is it to the �:oni.rlr hoar°d`r Id 63 September 20, 1984 Mr. Dawkins: Mine. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. Zoning is Luaces. Mr. Plummer: No, that has been done. Mayor 1!erre: Well, whooe appoi_ntmcnt is it? Mr. Pere; -trrg, nF Y"o„ ^ppr, nt1r-d t,ljaces, Mr. Mayor, at the end of .July— We 11ad onc appointment. Mr. I'llllnl^n,^: And whnr,,c nppn in;;m(�n,-, ]_�-, that? Mr, made an appointment last Commi.._ >i_on ;nr9r�t-_nt' Mr. T),-j t4 I," i 11cr l,r�rt; ,_,ce .ill c>n. Mr. I']_tar?r;r: tn;)o i.7 t;h;� vacancy? Mr. On the Zoning Board the vacancy belongs to Mr. Caro1_1.o. Conmll i_ s,�.ioner Dawkins had a vacancy in the Planning Advisory Board, and also Commissioner Carollo had another vacancy in the I'l.anning Advisory Board. Mr. Plurnmcl, : V ho it the third? Mr. Pere z-Lugones: Loren .o Luaces had been appointed - remember, when you appointed hire to the Zoning Board, he already was on the Planning Advisory Board, and that position was held by Commissioner Perez. Mr. Plummer: So the Planning Advisory Board, or used to be. Mr. Dawkins: I did that last week. Mr. Plummet: No, you did the Zoning Board, Mr. Dawkins: No, I did the Planning Advisory ... (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr. Plummer: Are you saying - is the Mayor's statement correct - that nobody applied to be on the Planning Board? Mr. PrueZ-Lugones: Well, Mr. Simon was the only application we had. Commissioner Dawkins has appointed Mr. Simon. At this point i-,,o have nothing. We don't have :l;ybo6y. Mr. e1.1, then there is nobody to appoint, according to the Chai-ter. Mayor I'er're: ih t' ;hy w :: iiavc to r;udvrtise. Mr. P(21 �.�L1", orlev. ITI'at is cotrr et. Mayor l�`tir' `G: C1:ay, so Ply zim- A, rliov('t and Perez seconds that Item 41hLail -a(_ l < riv{.: °t r;c i`or the tLree individuals to fill tli� i.}i(-, Edvieory Board and one for the hort-ni Mr. Fi�- i-ndividualS foh the Planning Advis f)i I,cai -id. Cc)rlirui.- signer ! ,'iilkiris ha. already appointed. Mayor Ferre: 1 stand corrected - two individuals. Further discussion. Call the roll. ld 64 September 20, 1984 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1078 A MOTION DTRE CT I NG' THE: CITY CLERK TO READVER.J'T.;1 FOR. TWO VACANCTFS IN THE PLANNING ADVT;;OFiY BOARTD AND ONE VACANCY IN THE 70t. 1_N('- Upon being, ^eo{?nd( ld ,�- Cnrrmi:- .-linner Perez, the motion was passed and adoplv.fd b� the fc?l_l.e7z.,i.rt vote - AYES: Comm:i.._,r7,i.oner Hi.l.l.cr J. Dawkins Commissioner .I. L. Pl.i.trimer, Jr. Vice -Mayon Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Perez: How many for the Planning? Mr. Perez-Lugones: Tt.o for Planning Advisory Board and one person for the Zonin" Bollyd. Mr. Perez: Yes, but the two for the Planning belongs one to Dawkins or ...? Mr. Perez-Lugones: One to you and one to Commissioner Carollo. Commissioner Dawkins already appointed ... Mayor Ferre: I thought that was to replace Luaces? Mr. Perez-Lugones: Luaces is in. Mayor Ferre: Luaces used to be the Planning Board. We moved him from the Planning Hoard to the Zoning Board, and I assume that is my appointment. Mr. Perez-Lugones: That il; your appointment. Mayor Ferre: T'hlit is whc- t I am .saying. Mr. Pere --Lugones: Iri the yr to ency that we have created is Commissioner. I'ere11 I Mayor Fer.r(j: Oh, you ale�.n 11c aqppointed Luaces? Mr. I o, You, appointed You iioved him from, on( hoard to another, but he .<<-:_ fi r. t appo L itt d .. . Mr. Plug=muie : lie was the appoi.io mk.rrt o." i e.r•ez to the P1anniriP , Mayor t�er°re: How mt. any appointr:..nt. do I have on the Planning; Board? Mr. PEr r zwLugc;rie : You had one whieri you already filled with Luaces to the Zoning Board. Mayor Ferr�e : No, no. In t.ne Planning Board, there is ten people. Mr. Plummer: No, nine. Mayor Ferre: Nine plus one alternate. ld 65 September 20, 1984 Mr. Perez-Lugones: There were two and two in each Board. Those were the newly created positions. A Mayor Ferre: Who have I appointed on the Planning Board? Mr. Perez-Lugones: You didn't appoint Mayor Ferre: 1,001" sir you are not following me, and I want to exp In 117- il, oil• r1or'' 11 J T-n(l, There are ten members of each board. qFr(,cc! ilia;', -,Loll would have two appointme--n'.n p-r ho,---lrd- i. riri ;i.,-1--ing you a very simple question. Who nr(c ry tl,() Mr. Perez.-Lu,-.()nc;s: Aaron 11,,incrs a.nd Do-ol.hy Spahn. Mayor Ferre: Okay. now 1 linderstandl. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47. INSTRUCT Pr:XXT`111, FOR FULL COMMISSION CONSIVE,13ATION 017 TO GOPT� J.-,1FF0RCT_.HEr1T BOARD. ------------------------------------------------------------------ have. a vote on Agenda Iteni Ali to Mayor Ferre; W o have 1, to 1 readvertise. Call the ro -1. 1 T A S TO ADOPT 1,10TION TO NOTE: AT THIS POIN j! 0 j, I V CALLED READVERTISE FOR APFL_ICJiNTS) _'0 CODE E14FORCEMENT BOARD AND FOR A FULL COMMISSION TO PE� P 11, F, I •:Nl T sue- - -------------- 48. PUBLIC REA.111UG: COV140DORE DAY PROJECT, 3471 MAIN HIGHWAY, ZONING GHArGYIES, ETC. ------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: W.'e, h:,vc four minutes before the bell sounds at 3:30 P-Ml. for the rir.in f�!at,klre- fight, of the day. We should go for twelve ra oundn, .-id in corner ire have the very distingui,'Jiud and lovcly lady, i,,hich 1 wish to uelcotile at this ti,Tle - She JLs? as, :-III, - 7 _ good loyal Democrat, and I heard her speak biic.fly :3he ,,alkcd into a iteetirlg where Vice-111-csident was at Ind Claude wlas at, and nobody pi,it:; lany alclluntioil 1.10 anybody to anyt)ody but. to Marjory Stonerlc:n DoAui--, a: , �,lho is really a of all people an(,.i wrt 1 ::.ry:s 10nol-ed S'hc° is -,)t,esent. She cel,bratc-,,d, c, ;L,-, ,-z[Jout Lo celt<brate ai very important birthday, a,-, -1. �,nd nov tjiat pec-ple say that you are tc) 11) 91-- 0 IS 0 tj but, of cou."s-, 1:1101,, nolle of that is trot-, th�it V(1`1] "","il-y' only' "he, fact- that you havc b(!:I1 lil:c i ry it tif., 5 5 y (--, a r s old 'L)(l rt- 0 ou t3 11 nd I ll"; E.r. 1, t 1- 0 t C., 11 you lto 11�--�Vr- vou lal,jcw, 11 y(�6; pl-�,Iiu�1 We have a i o i1 I t� f. yc��' i.� 13 a W tit11 t 1 (:1; o L)ul, we about J__ t. have ii riall( 11)11,��. S ULI V. t..tv J_ t I LJ 11'� (2'. after We cannot 0, (1 to talk about `11, t sac, 1 i i j!..l I NOTE: Cowtai�,�iioner Cz,�rollu arrived at _3:27 P.M. Mayor Ferre: We have got ltems Items 6, 7 and 8, right? Mr. Plummer: Five are requesting more than three minutes. Mayor Ferre: I see, five are requesting more than three minutes. So we have forty some -odd speakers at three Id 66 September 20, 1984 ftinutes. Okay, that is 120 minutes and with slippage it will be two hours, and then beyond that you got, all the speakers that want five or ton mi-nutes. We I T we are going to play thi:,, one by ear' on illhi,. T 1, � --1 v n I- (- c::l t r, e q u a -1 time to b h yn I I I I VI d -I, n, I. n r I- r� w 0 hours on j')-orlr- 11-11-i, hourg oii "j) do i (1 1 C-) V i) 0 have ;111(i I real. 7,-. ()11 1 ly' It 0 reque:zl. dc, Y IN10 w if you ha-,-(" 'r.- r) I I, n your hocj.;jF ,J�r� ijjlll 'j"IC JTJ—,—'7 j o )pi, n . that j- - rn—v W,11 . T I d 1) 1 a r; ), 1) 1 11, w r n I I T d c v (..) j. d wh i c, I- , I , i ("�Tl inlr-7,-1 or anyl-Jlill,(�� tha", grl:t pe.ople a f - C111--elGly little hi", cmini-Jorinl 11101 Lh�n,!, wr� onlIld il , . -1 and Vo I Jow F) r c.) c r-:, cI i,i r c are be st. WC C 111. il I d T i. k, your c o o 1) er'1, i o 1) on 11;1 ^O W (7, C 11 th 1- 11-11 r) 1110 11 e r, e e m o t i- o n,,1 T 1, 11 J. i I g, ,3 41-A) r th) t re n p 1.) o:7 r! d o t he propo,; -1 k-()1, , 1. J you (--,,I mc your p T ni -- i i 1 (1, 2) e are .,37 1 .1 PeOpl-(- 0j1D0:---J 1, il- 1) 0 Il 1' 0 1) 0 r3;- h I IG I)CfOF,' I i- oil T t, (, In 6, 0 vnu - A a m not 1.01-1 are 1) 1 'D �--5 c d N o w, t 7 a n d jini;,c 1. - - I going to count llir-m T. � I � !,. don't; th j-i 11 1 j-,; w o are not goinc 1-,n vou; on the nunlihm- of 1),-Inplc 3re here. Okay, look 0 A I a r e oppo:3f--d , (-) 1 1 y o v, T k-" o 111, i -j 0 1, 1, C, 11 1 o -4 DI n i I I of the peop1c; w1in oppo.7c,('i of- Coconu'L. Grove? Raise yo Ij 11 a i i J s 1. ll e;— ;ire r'-:: 4 (1 11 t 3 of Coconut Grove. Now, I w o u. I d I JL k c t. o c (2 c hand.. of thou e that, are residents of the C :i.tly of H-imIi that are, opposed. If' you live in Coconut Grovc, you live in the City of Iliami, in case you do not kiioiq. Those of you that are citizens of Miami that ai,c-, oppo.,:,ed, raise you hands, thank you. Now, I want to the hands of those that are opposed that have children studying at St. Steven's School. Raise your hands. Children in tit. Steven's School. Nowt those that are opposed that re ii,,cnibers of St. St( .ven's Episcopal- Church in Coconut Grove. All right, I thji'ik we have got the lay of the land . tow, let us go to the other side . How Many of you that arc here you are in favor of the proposal your Now, how many of you that are prop on (-- n ils live, in Cocontil, I is ze your hard Okay. How ni '.' I 1 of y 0 u t 11 a 1, 1, c jr)), 0 P 0 rl k:- 11 t s live 11 th City of Miami? li'a J-,- you 1) lid, 's. i o w in a n y of you It, I ia t are pro pot, c n ts have ehj-_1dr(-n in St. St (-, v1 11I � , � . 0".10 Ok;-ty, , that is fair. Nlow, hol'i ,arc- pl'oponent.,,7 1-1hat arc of St. Steven I S church? T 1) 1, e 1i 11 1, j 11 t . N' -)Iurc; any other of the SE. 01' C ;_;USG you %�co")1(z "(�t up I during LI)k-- of the (2 o) I t Icy 3-ay 111,11 of' the neighbors P for, 1) 6 t Y I,-) V) i -.!-I o, t !1 1 C b o d y questioi;.,� t . I 1,(i xU.1V13, fift,,Y that are opp- : ,:s, .3 Cj (AIG 11-h�A SO IIe cou-ld Call of that behind )G-u to 1"now. You are a loner! I- INAULI _;L! 1 -31', f"' G i t 0 U I , 1) C 0 1 "11 .1 E N't I 1i 0 M AUDIENCE, 1't0 T ON f M I C R 0 1, 1 " u N L Mayor v -- i, i,t: : h a t i -, a v a 1 id question How many of you T-iils, IWO j')0t1CA-Jt,3 '�re part of the d v t.- 'J;j.i;;+r:il. I Y e 0 till t -chi tect a e n g i ri i ii:-, 1, "AiV be as a blood i < I I, Raise u, anybody wants 1, 1 :10 0- e ... we don't Went bl V P 6 that ( 1NAW)IbLE BACKGROUND COVENT Q FR 0 14 AUDIENCE, NOT ON MICROPHONE) ld 67 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: How many merchants? All right, Ma'am. How many merchants from Coconut Grove are here as proponents, merchant.^, from Commodore Plaza, or anywhere else? Three merchant.• A11. r i gl)t, hew many merchants are here from Cocon,rt. r„ ,ov— th- :ire opposed to the propo.^7a1? Merchants? One? ( INAUi1Ii'1,F: RAC: .(=ROUND COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE, NOT ON _ MICROP1IC)NE) - Mayor Ferre W!i it, is that? Oh, thank you. How many taxpa.ye P<:i, puoper,t;y owners are opposed to the proposal? Raise your haa)d.:. Jn Hj,ami now, you have to be a property owner in ( INAUDIR1,i,; 13ACKG11013111) COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE, NOT ON MICROPHONI,) Mayor Forrc : Yes, Coconut Grove is in Miami, the last I looked, 11ariory� I know there are some questions about that, but. the lay, is the late, Mr . P 1urnmr-1.r : How riian y are here not for or aC;f�.ins 1 but that the So, p i�Tcr e b 1d -hi", -- ,er-noon? (LAUGHTI?R) Mayor err(.: ',C dot four on that! How many are taxpayers, property oi,.-,1e_.r ,,, t;lrat. arc for this project? Okay. i i (INA11D113LF,, I-h(, iG110UND C01 1i1s11T,5 FR)01•, AUDIENCE, NOT ON J MICROPl3011?) Mayon Ferre: All right, that is good ... how many artists and rrrusicians or people that are in any way recipients or beneficiaries that are here in support? Raise your hands. Three, Okay. Mr. Plummer: As soon as you get that tally, we will start the hearing. Mayor Ferre: I didn't keep a record.. I did that for you so you could sec who is here. All right, are we ready to get going not:? We will first get a presentation from the Administration. We will then hear from the proponents and then we will hear from the opponents. Ladies and Gentlemen, do you see: these cards? There are close to fifty people that wish to s1--)eak today. This could turn out to be a five or six hour hearing, which I think is unreason,.;.bl_e. ghat I would like to ask you to do i:� too things. Fi r 'st of all I would like to ,�-,(�i; if' we could t=r t t1he r=;o :t ript,ic.al_atf: and we all , have ) w'Jtr°f::nf�:, t1i1 ::n�� �1 �;u1-rr C: �1 �J �: �;1 L1or01 y0 r.r 1(L PE:: 21"(3- 771 very good at, exl.r e:.....r,,r tri}i.r; s. and 1: t1� r11: it � r.iil.ti he yid of having fort r if we c: n g E:L it idown i;c.i tt tl car' 11 3 t th c r,. � 1iI;-, t},; t .ht be e ;i ,r and 1 %t oulu ttG1 r' 1.1is C)il C: u1.Q �c rili _4'C` ir' t 1'V S into s i'C.t1 ? tt.,_t ". lU�., !. Fi ? _. 1 .r` r�: t; t U � I.! :: t i Ci .� r� �, t , �` — im_,ossi f ;?t5 t:(J t (i ,; U 'r, E 0rdv t; .': J' _ ! rr y1r« ti� au II �., nd that ] : i it"-r tu j) E l ut, 1 that yr.�, �_,C t �_1;�.:,.t- �r,rLhi..P. that '_IA,U>:a't —1 want t.t-; Vt.i,f i,_ 1, _41 3 v;_,!i't think t ;� ' :: } kyr.� 1 °i r.: � t f• ( 1� - - _ o : e r and statr t G Eji Okays I'i it !, ; i. � �f.(- but of tev - }t,_. doii' ...... : t - �.� v.._; :;r -. �3 .� �::About hog` b�-,( L�"ic: ?.! ._ _t. _._. �:ia� � ,•j �.r ._ur"C s l r A, y _ is at --: 0 f 1 (,:'.} :- L.. r....`_r l,�. j* C t.?. t i-i` 4�t i, 4 -and � r�Jt tf, i:. `-c...--,"U Ltt �.!•�' ova --I ... tf..i tj V to s'. Iyr c-a U L very quick, s ± ruple, staterbL-1nt . Ar•�: we r �.zzdy t,) b gir, row? Id 68 September 20, 1984 Are there any questions on the procedure? All right, Mr. Triester and Mr. Soharlin how long do you feel that you will need to make your presentation before this Commission? Twenty minuton, n'T right, NOW7 on tbosc that are opposed? are Wre nny T nnnomn thin in Cnnonut Wrovey an you are like TlnmonrnEn yno wore W, nPgnnizrn1 anti -K annumn you have not hnd m-Kingm Lo PrKnntnm ynursrlvrs, on has many of you are nonsidoprd to Inc the main if y-�)u T,?ill- i hate to pnt it to you that wRy, and dou'L ho hnshMil. How many of y(ni connidpi, yourselves W he the main speakers. Marjory, I will count you with Wt. Ono, Lwn, throo, four, five - that in too many. [ was hoping C could maybe take and limit it to four (), five; people in tho and maybe see if we could ... well, we will have to play it by ear. All right, Jack, let's get going, Mr. Jack Luft: Thank you, Mr. Mayor, mombopn of the Commission, Ladics and Gentlemen, my name is Jack Luft and I represent the city or miami Planning Department. The consideration before us today is a request for at zoning change from wing> family Pcsidantial to planned development mixed use, an increase in the sector from a one I-'-) a four, and approval of a major use special permit, with conditions. The Planning Dapartment, after long a 11 d c r i o u s consideration is recommending approval of this project subject to trio.,,, conditions that we have to the major u5c special permit. The project that has been presented is a significant change, Mayor Ferro: Jack, I want you to notice that you didn't get booed. so 1 think ... Mr. Luft: Not yet! =,l Mayor Ferre: you are moving along okay. Go ahead. Mr. Luft: The project that we are considering is a significant; change from the current zoning. The current zoning is low density single family residential and has been for a great many year 2. I think one could cafely say that the character of this ,site, the nature of its use has changed little since Commodore flonpoe settled here in the late 18001s. Ten year , ago, when this Departi-nent and this Commission contemplated a liastep plan for Cocoriut Grove, there was a great deal of concern on this property and adjoining properties in particular, :bout the impacts of continued commuPcial Uvelopment in the downtown Coconut Grove area. 11't, was assumed at that tine that it wou]ki be only a matter of time Wore the increasing land values, the speculation and the coil wupcial growth of the village center would luad to proposed changes on this and other sites, In the contc=xL of tivan, concerns, vAy vu11Lu1A,d to 14l, as to consider townhouLe developnunt, duvolopmunt that in Uutween. unns �aj aepw vllur� was) 2 0 sIld ,0 '� at the reluctant 01dwinniun that Uht ;;42 3 worthwhile considavaasudun, PuL ias ita at gtatgp s the zoniu, h,nis$ od u i e. other, h0Gui l There wLiLo �Lun;nt t 1"n wonbi d,rit i Giv jenive to incluun EL"Yn mLmor.2,1 ujr, Thu Wixua Un" populon, the mixed case: Y-W WUIA7 i W.1 U00d in tl"- ROOLEI- fj��U but the in AwrPQ,nv Lou ool,sity Lt 1n,1, tin,, was stst BhLur Ton pplunvy 114"Unlt a single yo.1, ri y 1 that on P.wio nKrkiy K Y "UUIQ Q al: velopuQ Unly in &0c0vdL0— 4 1th 4;541 "urr -OU, W"Llw "na lln.t tw,! snould not, 1 ua'l 1,G G 1 hov Ono ngc a Vic'- ih: in luul, aint was at that tiiiit7, (ii, iL. t.ol i-;A c-,, tf-tere was continuous Single family peniden0al zoning, literally from Peacock Park to the southern city limits. Since that time, ld 69 September 20, 19814 one major change has occurred that affects the considerations that we all engaged in some decade ago, and that involved the most vulnerable piece of property, the most deli.cat. otf-C,e? and that W,17, 1-111fl parnnol,-. All(] it was with the n73ilz,,�Inc- rrvrm �7inflr� (7;irnily destroy U oh.-irict(.r ol" 1,11ni, I l -i, nij I r! J Y M Y 3 0�, I F n 1 (1 1, 1 .- 7 F) p 01 cI f F I o a to 1) :7 n and tnd�--d Illy J.y the' l')"i at b T ro i 'Pot it I F,Ili -I j. i-J l",a. J I i t h one iemain pnref�l, it,c) of as an ic.olato-,J 1I1t l.n fan, i,]-v no longer al)!..,-. to ;-,av for 1-1]hail,p;ir`lliClilnv it was coat i g� u cl i I � ?-i it'. I i , or n(�c('ssarily to t"'he ."Dread of zoninE,, or dicvelopment, �)S to whatever rilir-;lltl 11;appoll on it. Some year.- l-If-ter 1-111,71 the A l) i 1,-a r e p -oine'L oninir'. Lhi,ou-1i and a c ha n Er e I-;) I 11, f7, d f I, o vi c r ice_' e n t, i a I singlo f;ir.-itly, to -,,,j.nr,,Te f"Imily a 10.1T11Cr .4 n d in fact, that_. w,4.^ -, 1)1a,)ncd dcv"TopmIcIlt., Ind wC 1--cre, ,l)pportlive of, and dJA fin,-Jly achic-'rc, a ("CV0.1opment, of f,I.Mil J I y e3tatc, or Ulr,.'c "_-,tories high and Four ;,,nd five rlAi(I it developed along thc 1,() the became � I c� - 1 1, 1 o - , the apparcill-. tj(: r-,o I 17 C t t r a d i 11 A-,) n, 1. i I T () P T1 (� 11 t () 1-) 11 o1i the other of '(:.1I'C t l,7, i, t, 11 A 1) 1 t, a r c And in all :J'611C. Very p- o i e of v (3 r y s i m i I .-11, 0 t: ha t a I I ill0c0d subsequent to t h r, Abitare , project, wc did f,-,t tvu proporal- One of thc-m :>o far as public licarinC., T1,10:11C proposals (:!f11F131O1l thl'ce story developments-, stretching fi,om the rear of the hammiock to the waterfront, avey,aCinfy 1) c, tw e e 11 30 and 40 feet hich. Those developm(,-:nts included a central drive down the cente'r Of that project, but t 1, 3 '3 Y Caere 1) U 1, 0, 1 Y s ill g 10 family residential , al-beJA o 17-Jri o 1) 14 a I I s., Thus it was, the expectations wc. had secln vlcr(� materialized and I bc]-i-evie Mi( l _:amo i:7 t1r tod,,�y th,�-t inevitably this site, howevr.;r it; will b e d c vc, I o p d t-,t-,c I dictated by the economic:� t i 17 0 f 1, t -1 C', �� I -I d 1 C 1-1 1 C, 1 -1 Ir - envirollr,c)1,tal cond i t _J On s to a (i (. S iCn that il-3 I -lot unlil"U ""ha", v"e, have seen in the thel-'efore, with ai form, a sha.pe, a site style pretty i-Jucl) -i.,,,surud. The i,ermair-1111t-, that was yet, to be posed by ,.,oui.d colrje be- fore U113, Was a question of i s Now, the of use i, a siFifian i t one and that ;,,,as Lhe pai-tio"Illar Concern that thout''I't I-Ilay lead to the ,�pre.:A of oor!,,meilci-a zoili and ciie«i,ly youi ticc,'' Riot, t: 0 1, I"l 1i.1 �rhway before flit I°cDrd i -I z,-., I. -- i o Js t c! t 0, 1,:;j ny 11 d d (:-; rl cornei-3 'flI(I "_-olr.,�? d. i v c) n d anybody' -, i i!� i I i on t C C, 1 1 r) g, would be that w e r I t u i t, I i M J_ t, i t- now left ll,t i 41- i i a, i i y with II t I u. (J. D e p a v o I I11Ig o rd i n tit_ wJ We arlt� h(- cellter. 1 1 l., 01)lij C 1-1 t potent _J 'I I r C.OIL, Ill U 1.kjl t that Of, —A tu "i 0 h g r e ca t, 1, k- 1; k e c tiive the il I xl Li 1L I Z I i j1ii[1i_;3 It i i" i ha v e e s tz-� b I i d It 0 f 1, n i n g purpu6t:� w u n a v ld llila.ija� (.)j,1 iL i6 low a e ns I t Y residential and so shall it remain. To t he north of the Id 70 September 20, 1984 village core, along Florida, Matilda, we have another single family residential area and recently we entertained a discussion of duplex housing, In that, area --and t-11--it was turned dowri flat.. T 1, wa S 11 1 t, - V - 11 n q u - 7, l-, j. () 11 of m i X e d, I Is e , so I ihnuld miy ',-,o this KmmK71on that it i7 an! Fkaly to the norLh PC Lho Village OM9 wo will Apq MOW use developmonh, win inns snoti.rAmiy dovropmont . To the east wr An-q the hiRh Qnnmivy "FUnn dWrieny along Bayshorr, ond to ,.ill, A17tKoh, Khr n11nwPnc- -F nfrirn user, has, ov m, him ppsh 5nn yonrl ? d in p l ;I oed (Y 11, tic Won tinl base. We hPvc Innt hundreds n7 apnrymmiLp nlnng Rmyshore Drive. K havq lost Lhom Ln commercial VvelopmeK. The residential projP that avme enLhn coin ll.�)Ve bQr,� y, ,I r-,mrl ,.rcy high density and even morQ 05nifinantly, extramnl y high costy amongst the most luxuri-num of residentinl units built anywhere in south Florida. As a planner, the drnnm of mixed use , the concept of sninllcr dwell ing unj-i,s co —in in.;-J(rd wit-h commercial dcvclopmrnt, which to I think, an iden uhnne time has corm`, -.oing to be diPficult to achieve. V2 have precious Ow opporL"Vties to do that. it was iqiLh great interest that the Department viewed this particular proposal when it was brought to us. it was not n surprisc, Fiven the history of Nvelopinnnt. propo2als on parer-1, that, we should sen n throe story 1n,oject reaching fromi, holl-ind the hammock Lc the bay wivh a road throu,E.-,,h J1. Jn-,,-n thn, ::,,onter. The interesting component wns the use of Li;7 First Uvel of that projcct for commcrcial usco, plus the introduction of small, rcsidential "nitn, as opposcd 10 i urge, more expensive ones . It was a significant dolAnrimro From the norm of development in Coconut Gpoyc. in addition, it offered another opportunity that the YlannjnL Department long considered a worthy public objcytivu, and that is, introducing the public to the hammock, and to the bayfront. It has long been unfortunate that the amenities or the hammock, that mysterious world behind Main Highway has been shared by relative few. The introduction of the Barnacle did open up those prospecto, but Ile ecimn K thq nature of the way the Barnacle its run, it been an active public place. it has been kept lcw kcy befitting its historical context. The posLibillty of bringing people through the hammock, across he ridge line and to the waterfront Wa S especially compalling to the Planning Departmenv. The alternative seemod to be very simply another wall , another securi ty gate , and a !land rut of very expensive apartments to be enjoyed by relatively fuw people. While 1 have no particular problem with those types of developments, at It in this case we thought perhaps the other public objectives might uell be considered. ln this project we beEan Lc look au Leveral key facLops to dctermine just how well the fit was? Could this be something that we felt Yould zdhura to 11 C 11 e P a I PUK ip objcwtivun long acknowludEed, namuly, protection c f tho environmcnL, and indeed cNiance the euvirunmental couditionz Ylopt ponsible. We --onevIKtA abauL scan POULionnhfly, to nhutting developwu&K Luc ume PuLeowk KU avu;q Which is vary inE cn11ive conoc;n quiun passive .sett inE. I:v dd,i NOU IaW A nq;acl a Lh, ru , ono Uic harnacle propevLy, ion vowatu� " conyatible ouqu tnury ;,L yvi 1, a low key, uuvulupw-tit tile impact Oh U,Vviwun, LLOnly tvayfi_t nuwup5h poKov uad fire. We wonLY6 LQ nahn nUrw Wt thin ppnju_l YL010 LU Lupparted. So it kunthn nEL:,kf q, this project �P"Pt, ULAIMLEing Lnn 10OULS WY CONLORants, traffic co"n0l.010, �UOHGWN zu thn bohnn L!wl im 3, "u could rendur a anuininn tu KU nininni,.0 2W sapport Of thib "No thuV We WOU 1 Uu uj,pubvvj , Tner-c wa5 another uuLucrN, and Lhat Was an tcowcwto ou"onva ouuut the ImpacL OU Villagc CenLur. Wu We a hua!Lhy cuwmarvial core in Coconut Grove. It has gotten huaithier in tj:e past few 1 d 71 September 20, 1984 years, as we witnessed increasing numbers of people coming to enjoy it. We did not to introduce a mixed use, a commercial project that was going to short cut, or cut short the commercial development of the village center. Was there in fact, any justification Or extension of commarcial uses beyond whnt we n1randy had? We lonkad vary nProfully at an economin impaph analysin. and : nrhrd LOw qn-3tinn, how much nononrvnUorly ann Coconut Grove support, nnri thjv prtli,n,',, 11;111. grnwth unfairly? IN hal iQve Lhnt the n7rumphion of n in; capture rate, as its morkot share; wq hNique mt n 1250 por square foot sale, which in high! but in that snn�n? nnnsnrVnUVrY was fair. 04 be! Tevrd the n3kimnims of parervitage, market rhnrr of tourism For cnLartninmrnh, Vis-a-vis Miracle Mile, Snot h Miami? Coral Way, Wpm likewise a reason pblc assumption. By plugging those arsumpti= in to an economic modeling technique, vro were convinced, txr do believe, that, tt here o in Fact nftcr the development or this project, should it be npprovcd, and after the continued growth of GocnnuL Grove in Lerms of the development that is already under way, yet to be Nosed, and ,lhead to some projects that we can see on the boards, nnothcP 170,000 square Ret of commorcUl development in the next five years, kharc in a rnnidunl amnunt of economic growth patent in 1 yK to be shared by that v i I (n tcr. Wo a r e talking in excess of another 100,000 square RK of growth potential. So this project did not in fact, in our opinion, economically di.,advrinta6c, or in any w—iy h;-,irri the village center. Although the consultant made the argument, which I accept, that did not consider as a prime factor, that this could in fact, buttrc33 and reinforce, or strengthen the village center draw, through compatible activities, a greater selectivity of products, and a greater regional draw _A as an identify factor, that might in fact, far from harm; it might indeed help the village center, but I leave that to one side for someone else to consider. My point was that it doesn't harm it, in my opinion. Environmentally, we take as -(,main acce a given fact that: tl havimoek will. i _-, We , pt that we will have to go through the hammock, the forest, but that we are not going to develop thn harrimack. Thus it i,.Tas we immediately establishni k 450 foot 2otback from Main Highway at the point in which the fruit trees begin on the property, which the historical hammock wan eliminated. Vic asked for the same tree supvey, the same analysis that we received on previous projccts, and we received a very acceptable effort. George Allen, a Pceognized hammock expert, taro has worked with the City, madc his recommendations and ind,?ed, went beyond any pr,oposal that 105 had rcceived befope this, in terms of pesLapinG arid enhanoing the hammock, eliminating weed treun uxoLiusy and hPinging back t 42 hardwood characteristics of Lhu hammock apes. Uc Y12o requested setbackn in landLeaping along thu udges and nepenning of the adjacent parenin. 'rho project has agvQud to provide that. We requuntud a lowuring of thn heignt along the ud(e of the Peacock Part Kil ni:,hx)no ov olown tjjouu, anruLei ved that to in) hQnur than lif z1vuy'dre of 16 !Out. We also requuSted Lho vliminaLiur of "31 pnothous,b ninu cupolas I - the along Ue h"Pn"olt: 1,14)IMLAY �_nd ti bay, and to vnp�ivyo ihwi, hu "nLuj Lunt Lnu unt,puvont be kept open to tiv, ywuldu, thht K K.ut U in: dwpi-avod with plazas and uwupty.rd� numh 1h"i pcuplo cuuld !Vol ovicume to Come to thr onLopw 1b orn no uQuy it, :ih(i it 1:00 pl-Oh'ided. We asked !VP ImMLnn"t PULAIP OUUutt 001WLen Poncouh and Ba rn a e 1 S and that Cknva"Inu "nw proviluU. WY anNA! 1 ur a uu"ncution along !LL FOW nu 1 L11 j5ppovs �nj 1K�Vwnl A on lovers in the AnLL venuour Ann Mythuvo wonlu arony lu Lhis project CAI luul, ana I roncivuO that. Wo belittin that environmentally this projvQt in a guua unu. We believe that it is as good or better than pvlov projects we nave seen and Id 72 September 20, 1984 as good as any project we might see in the future. We normally provide substantial bonuses even in the village centers for public plazas and open spaces, courtyards and extra setbacks. Tn thts cane, we have, at our request again, a ali der pinzn, n l i n Not pia in the cpntnr of the project, which -nuld he npgn to thq publin, in non- commercipl -pa,,,, Fnr publiq qrnupm, nivin gro"os, qTit ipty, what h:)v- 1 O'n"Id single priuntr KnTv in iho VillORP T 1--, (-� 1) r [ ri a r y concern , and the nnc that Or= hqN, to, the or, tAle mixed no and Lhr oomm-rcinl urn -Yq Or qwQsKTen of traffic. TArn thin projoch knarin Ln rRe, 1 nonfqnr I =, skeptionl. 1 think it is miy respnnnibility W Vhr public and to thin Comminsion to be pkepticnl, PnO tn lonk hard at-, the consultant reports that are presented to mq, Ynd 1 spent many hours going through this. whun i convsk 1 nm not a traffic engineer by training, after 15 yaar3 I. have learned something shout it, and 1 quastioncd the consultants. There is an assumption that 101 of the people ; the i,- to this project vill walk into the project from the village center, as opposed to driving. T considered that rcasonable. There is an assumption that 40% of the trips to this canter will be multiple shopping trips - Q other word:-,, will park and riRlk more than onn ntopn, and in the village center, shopping pattcrns, 1 think that is runvonabln certainly not optimistic. Thosc UR) nswumptions combined, gave us a traffic generation potentinl for this project. A certain a mount of traPPe KhO would Como from the commercial and the residential portion. The prime concern on Main Highway, though not the only one, are peak period traffic conditions -- rush hours. Because this is not an office project, because we are not dealing with employees coming to or going from projects primarily at rush hour, we are spared an impact on the Push hour conditions that would otherwise result from an office project. The nature of the retail uses are to open after the morning rush hour, to peak in terms of the trips coming in in the mid -a fftcrnoon, and again, in the evening after 7:00 P.M,, particularly for the entertainment, commercial activities. There wound however, be an impact, and a concern Pemaining, on the rush hour. Main Highway a very busy roaS in WCeS3 of 18ay id, V ha ,000 cars a day. The question was, how ivi& traffic will this contribute to the road U peak period. Will that contribution materially affect the flow on Main Highway? And just as impevLantly, and perhaps more so from my concern, gAvcn the scale of the project, could the people on this site get out at peak period, op would they Ue trapped? Under peak conditions, 21mosL 121 of the daily traffic coming to this pi,ojeeL will leave or unto during its peak period N mid-aVtopnoun. During the P110h hOUP and late afternoon, to falln to nbout 51 of the too tvaffic. But those milut Le tvanssat "d i!&O numbwpv - dill at: inj4lcus on the stryei- "t " t-- Uld thn P r 0 j 0 C v D � V V J a 1 W P and his consultant Lh5t undup no torin uould twit suppoPt any wilt, & nr , ur Knu cnBaitKira unat,0. s o" jo,," Hirnway, namely unu OiNjnniiwn of p.pniNg, and the nad!Nr tnother moving inr_, or U, &Ncninr of 0=wnurt Nnyn Qv a Nght turn lane. !III:, bullnK MA !-QwOlud (YM 01 ;.nno ally of those iwPPuv—OwtN LLd KA_d IO nil nwhlyunt be done under the nxinzinC wn, :,"at,uphi nNw, Tat uN, inprovcment', that w(-- t-i i. j,, !raffic light at Cowiuduvv usa an, K;Lwny, our tef'e confirmaj alin th, 1'"d, -o"WlY NY�Vtnu"L a_ yv.nl. pwrt nt iota that ia Lvall�w ]JEW M 42 2L 1AHO LA'W�K !A- :�ny "to;! try ineviLablu vdin of OiNnwi nky P:Mhto Ole. T cis is a busy WN�n at L�I;v 1"On !- 'S Q you have a one hour 1w.v lmpl6o u.niii iu", 1 iIL norml and You rLuv ("i YO uy-1L-- '-'0 pu-l* LuLP' 2 winute CYCK Conuitiuns - out of thus 2 1UNULOW I now many seconds are available to exiting traffic frow this project, and how ld 73 September 20, 1984 many cars will attempt to exit during those seconds? What —' it boils down to, utilizing the fairest, most conservative j standards we can accept, is that at the peak conditions of this project., an(i wi-th a 10% a1Jo(_,ati.on of the green time on Main Hi€;hway. for- t;.11� Cnmmn(Io e i 17,,? inr;nr^.�r :;T.nn t=tt h s 1 3 the lni3 ,`", 1. 1,ol)l d �1. - i., 1) i.! . i n� -n •�F...i l„�r -, .1 ,-,r i�. il.G C'+r' n t ime f (, Y' IT,,, j.. l 11 l ?^ i s f',r i 1 1 l_ (7 !") 53-: n �, I i .; f l on a� the or(71 or ,._ I �itl ;, .l i:j 1�1„ ;} �.r�il+.• lln ]r it i`.Ili` i-'i !)?•' 1, ti',) !' rl, t,o i 6:00 j1.1t. (')111_o 1) .1- .:7, _1 cycle old, of 1'11 lF be, —� 1 SecC i1<I- i tlll(? i11111_ 111 f.. ( 12 3Ecl)Yiti .i ('Vc i nh�•. !.il[� n i, !, i(`, t•T �Y' i, Cr)tlt i j s',[1: i ,1i' � f1J_,� project., f i iZ(: 1 : f; i F t?a' green 1 C . C 11 17 r? Y'! i1 I n 1" 111 1! ('t, , 1) (`, 1,.'t o i 1 e I 1esse[1 rid IY .nd for r-;i erm 'I i T-, i?I II 1111.1.y r1 p,)a 7 ,, hour.^ , � 'r)Y1(1 :y _ ] r 1. 1i7, project and thr' 1.113 Y ,:1-.'0('. 11l t,C'F1-i'i i 1"•roul(1 lv- (11 S,1lr'' (}1,(JQr of 50S"_,r'n1t e. , cY u or n r"h i cl ^ , :,(�, down t0, C:at1 c 'Y.i.t ft'0,.1 t)Y`(l j 0,1- o1' r.j �tr.11 ;_( (� (�JPY' a 24 ;'CCOnd (%1 r:r i1 11hn--'Q . ` hr, ,;.`) .1.� 1 , �r?c ;�Y' 1 ,1;`5 t''� th traffic i,d ieh 1. 13�3vr', con.,lull,rc1 rii; t;h 7'nild, in time, 7.0 fir( ,> . le1C Ci'il'i (i(:) t11a i _ 1.7 i1t' 1 1. 1 _'1)1 (' r i1 i r, d t}1n Departmcnt-' to 1,1Y< f1_<)nni_n1 r Ad, ,nl y F.. n ci cvc-ral - days ag,0. i :'C (.1{ or 1, i Yvo, T tT;; _ 1()1 })11i : 1! t ri, (1 ,.(1 110t have i1( (,r'.,.i, to i:.i7(' f.n1.1I]! y t '? t.`'%:3 � t' L(i E_t I;1 11r'r;t" 1 ._ �'. r',t; ir:''1]1: of ' this �_llt,ch cc�t _011 i)ri(l tl1( t1�.1f'fi_c i.1,;1)�c�t. the Cr ` unfortuna t(-1 `, , a ' ? ,t rf < t., m,iny projects on i lk h;; d:� , and , r ,.. could not-. r'e ;pond in ilnc� i'or t,ha. t:. deal, 11 . T)i _t was that I felt it ineuribent upon me and rrly roll. as public a' planner to I-e vci}i conservative and 1 insisted that my —1 original assumption of exit from McFarland roll. was still essential. 1 recommended at that time and I recommend now that an exit from McFarland Road is desirable. Mayor Ferre: Did ,you say desirable? Mr. Luft: I said desirable in terms of traffic. The more s exits we have, the better we can handle the traffic. It is however, the opinion of Public- Works Highway Division and of the Dade County Dcpartment of Traffic and Transportation, Public >` oy�ks 1-ii_s"11w.1y ranirine( r, the opinion that the exit to McFarland Boad i � ycs, deIs.!-r, 1)1e brat; Ino, not; necessary. That tili.r 1)r°o j _. t, itl t11C,41, of>il,jo1-�, riv(n < 11 exit to Main Highway at Cormiiodoi,u Pla,-,;,1 could function urtd<_r Beet ptable levels. S ow tIIiti i.o aGl."r10W .(3(i{;t• b 1e 11 e� of this De partments re':si..1t incE tO t11e-trri1)pi17{`, of j` Y' ;li:j-;, i1nd the addition of rlo-.Jing lan .s of ti,all f].c t:.:� i;i�ir; 1 1,�i1Gt�ty, r�vcn with Uric s i E;rlal at. C ulti.odorc i.i _.. G r: :r _ ?_c t t t. t.1i(level of servi—ec "Ell at that :lit r ( .tc:oll. '11iE' iu±' ,( ii:ta r_i iip1y put at that, t)olnt �.'as, [;1.,/cri t2;c: 1.c^��<:-1 oi' :i ,':i,�(' " '; ,wc:,day with t,,11(;' 7 11: , t't1Lit t"ou1d 1)r? t.,;(m A' 1L`i; %,ith this pro j i et t 1 1 V , 1 ., . a v(:t, ,.n t-`_1t t�C. ( r)1, (1:dC�1•r I! ..,._ . The resport. f_ , i.1t cr. lta, c 1it 1 _ Lt ;r �,?tl _i !_ `'. _ t l .i :;(ited to th,_. t,,.it)t.t'.. Gt t;,c.= C;;..tl: �1Ui1, 11t1iC!i i- i, 1._ !t� jit' to shark: Izith th(v 1:11<� �! a (,, ; :_ t.1,iat Lt1: t ��.� i i' r _ "F,11 Wlly ;lCi i, 1.; 1: lalllll-;l("d, vs1 j. 11 11Oi, 1)t' (id t t't. f'tl by an ,A, (lr:..;.(:,i<;.`�: �,...�. 1.° 11.(:>ut: an exit It, , t ti ...1't _t .. l;tis of the Cl.l,ty , re«t s u1::, u11,n(- 1 u1r F and r);!° ?,t:(- •t c°oad to McFarl<;r.d.i � 111i;i. � (:�Y,. .1,: 1 1:�.:.:t � rld ttleir full CiLttti :t.. I,l; .t. t: t. f c.= t as a t hat land la.', 1,_..,1! L ti is ai70d one. Tl. tl.!� <ttL 1,a1.c. �,�� tL:- _, ,_ _�__• U3' 1"i village _1e ' cen t:-•, ,: ?. ,: V .1.: t.:_ t , y __.1ii 1 f, .�� _ _. r`!C<. -.i lid. type, a life _r be one of tt;t 1 (. te( l,r u j k7�-�t.._ t it:�t- ���: �. .� �. _ in order to achieve t t_ 1.1al! . c: :Y1!` _ t'�.il„E Y:t _ :,<w i t c)ns and in impacts, wc- i'-t-I that it is aectz-,t tab k arid in some ways commendable. In ter'His of its ecc,nowic impact, it is ld 74 September 20, 1984 acceptable, and in terms of its traffic impact, it is acceptable. There is one final measure that T have come to expect of development in Coconut Grove. T deal with many, many prc)Jrc1-.:-i clay :-zm.111 and n. T belleve that there is a type of project, this hning nnn of Lhqm, that can well afford to give Nick to UK nomninni-Ky orKnin things that it in its own Yny, may well nUceh ndvorraly, will note though not, to and or ins own. Talking ahnuL Yho rannnmic impacts in this cane upon certain uses and PnYTVKtea traditional hintoric to the vi llnge (-unto'. Ur 11117n tallved for many yoaps and take a great lea! of pride in Lhc sense of Coconut Grove ,)s an artist comnun-il-,y. One IJT-;j� there, were many art galleries, three I believe, on Commndnre Plaza alone. We have seen both the artists, the art nnancigtions, and the galleries disappear. Grove House 12 5one. Our performing arts groups - Grove Dance Theatre is gone and I think this is an clemont of concern in the quality of lire in this community. As a planner, I reque,.ied that this project consider the inclusion of small, -appropriately designed in this case to the pioneer vernacular architecture, pavilions, to be placed along the edge of the project within, and without disturbing the hammock on its edge. Small pavilions that could be rented at bane cost, in the neighborhood of $7.00 a square foot ror the first floor to these groups that, ve have lost. Thu.,-, it. v7n:-, in the development order that we requested that a upc Peptriction be put on pavilions that would iticnLiFy Mm as purely for these gpoupp and nativitics with thorn cconowic oonrtrvints. Since the Flunning Advisory PcNrd, in my Know2sions with the conypqKy, 7 Inca P:.Jc avniw of pci,hapr onc difficulty in that - �A 'hat ;v V6 �snov-j 00 nil nciqhborhoods of Coconut Ginyc w,110d P; Qum a collection of artistic instituk i unj �wj � rljptn at thin site. It had became apparent th-t mn paiKyaLp Cisrhhorhood or this community an Grand hvnnn would not KnoFir from the displacement of its cul A itn NrYj staq its galleries to this lccuinn ani thaL in fvcL if that occurred, it would be to the Knorinent 0S GrAnd hvcnue. I have drafted an addendum, a shopt paragpaph Lhat 2ays simply in the context of this project and to be added to the n1ajor use special permits, would be my recommendation that. this Commission consider the imposition of a requirement an this developer and this development to include in its package of amenities those things it gives back to the community, ;ni outreach center to be developed outside of this project situ, of the nature of the pavilions on the site and us(_-,d in similar fashion for civic organizations of a non-profit character. We have asked this developer to either develop it directly or contribute a minimum of 1110,000 toward thu development of that and in addition, provide the architectural, engineering and financial services to accomplish it. Thus it was, we believe as planners that we hav6 addressed relative issues, both on and off -site within nil noamunts of this community as best we can. It is with that, as a package for a major use special permit, we recommend to you this project. Thank you. Mayor Ferpe: All right now, anybody want to boo? Nowyou can boo! (NOTE - LOOS FROM THE AUDIENCE) Mayor Ferro: Now we can start with the ... Mr. Geopje Campbull: 1�'! t, . Mayor, if I may, I would like to 7t, clarify a point horo for thf- Department of Public Works. For the record, Guorgu Campbell, representing. At the J Planning Advi6ory Boaro, we had rained the quention of the r, adequacy of the sanitary sewer facilities and some of the _J P other facilities in the; infrastructure within tree Coconut ld 75 September 20, 1984 Grove area. At that time, we stated that we were holding discussions, working with the developer to determine the — actual demands that, his, projects would put on the - infrastruct ura. We have (!on- our f,o to Ipnak. We have Nonce t.ihrnucrth oin, cnm riKai.i v);-i 't.ia. cd on ,ht- nr iFi.nal. design, baand on Cho npgr ndrd zoning and t hq op 'r., tr d usage and wo hawr drLr. rm i n-- td that tlh- hy, tllr, �?i, that, —, time., wo r nd l nnLrd that thnrc might ho nnmr mi nop rod"ct-,ion required in thri scope of Life pr•o icnt . V,Q (ti_d i i.rlrl that there would to 7 i; tnor r'r( uck ion. We have disc_' 2rd 1_t with ;he llppl i.cnnt, , the Uveloper and hQ han ngpQed to it, namely the redurt inn of t,hQ square footage allocated to resLnur nnt3 in t"IhQ a.r ca which are a l.ar Fe contributor Ki the sanitary J facilities. We are going through things -^,net we have determined LhPL with this rn uetion ... Mayor Ferre: You :are being general now, you are net being specific . Do yoi.r winnt to 'ho ->pcc ifi_c on t..hi.._? You are saying that you discussed the reduction of a. restaurant facility because of the sewage facility. That is all engineering mumbo--jumbo. Why don't; you tell us in English? Mr. Campbell.: Well, I thought I'd better Mayor Ferre: I am sorry, you are not supposed to applaud me - only the proponents or the opponents, so ... Mr. Campbell: Rather than go into actual numbers, which I thought might be confusing, I thought I would just ... Mayor Ferre: Well, how do you expect people to react to this unless you are specific? Mr. Campbell: Very well. We found that; reducing the square footage of the restaurants from 29,000 square feet to 24,500 square feet that it would sufficiently reduce the demand on the sanitary facilities to alloy, Kvelopment of the project. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, Mr. Campbell,. Mr. Campbell: Very well. In addition, we've discussed with the Fire Department the water supply. We are ready to discuss it also .in generalities with the developer. The water grains -- the fire pressure there in the general area tends to be marginal_, and this would :have to be upgraded along with a fire main and nice ssapy hydrants on the proposed site. The developc.:p has agreed to this. The developer has also agreed to this strategic stand pipe locations for connection of tilE- 1hones f,or t;:(-: i''i.re Department, , and n so to discuss with the Fire Pc r°tr. ont the necessary ._ u tbackrs and provisions :for Ore nuruss for the ladders and ,so an. tic: :r cY in a gru meat with it r:li:_ t Mr. Luft has a;::z.id on thu traffic, 2nc we find that wc tizvu no problem with the, d velcipw nt as proposed and mad i fic... Mayor Ui';, hly)lltl.ra?rutL _ tlO_it t?e A00iniOLVation. Mr. m u g(r'. 1 f 1 may, +ref'. pe MP. Truistor makes his presentation, I think from tnu prunowu�t , r. nt irva been made so Ar, 1 have two quent:i_owL, aii l eyIn a !3ur '"iti~mbers of the Cuwmi si.on might ht of rite. Luft,Luft,el'UM W:: got into the pro and con. Now, IN. UK , As _. UndopmLLnd „t,. the s proposal here is 80,000 square Q e:t of commercial ;pace, but of that , 20, 000 is; going to be for Grove House, or artists and ... Mr. Luft: 22,000. Mayor Ferre: 22,0007 ld 76 September 20, 1984 Mr. Luft: Right. Mayor Ferre: So, it is not fair to say 80,000. From a traffic point of view it is, but from a commercial usage point of view - of the 80,000, 22,000 is for art, non- commercial ... Mr. Luft-: Th,-fl-, is right. —1 I Mayor Fcrrc: so to speak, art activities. Now, of the _711 remaining 159,000, the 24,000 that we are talking about - -1 restaupqntv that Mr. Campbell talked about, does that include the MOW To the restaurant included 5n that? M r . L, u ft, For 'the restnuranW - cating, drinking, dining, _0 will notoxoQr, d '2N,000 square feet total for this ppoject - out of the 8.000. Mayor Ferpe: Out oC the 58,000, 24,000 is for restaurants. Did I undcrsLand right? Mr. LufW It is limited to that, and the balance, the difference between 24,000 and 58,000, is for shoppers goods, dress stores, shoe stores, that sort of thing. Mayor Ferrc, -I,-, there any limitation on the .>ic of the restaurant, I am sorry, of the restaurant, per ac? ... or the commercial in other words? (Of the 58,000, if you subtract 24,000 from that, you have got 20,000 square feet. Could they for example, put a department store in that 24,000 square foot space? Mr. Luft: In the 24,000 of restaurants? Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Luft: No. Mayor Ferre: No, no. Mr. Luft: In the balance of what is left over? Mayor Ferro: Yes. Could they give it to one firm? I meant to say, are wo going to have Jordan Marsh here? Mr. Luft: Well, if it is conceivable that that firm would operate on two sides of' the street and in h o ps with multiple entrance2 every twenty-five feet, then I suppose it could, but I think it highly unlikely. Mayor hj,ghly improbable. ` h p C G tliLt,. Dupdines opened up in the Grove - that is what$ 100,000 nquarn feet? Mr. Luft: About 20,000 - 60,000, 1 think. 801000. Mayor Ferro: 30,000, all right. Now, so 1 can get into my mind whaL n 24,000 6quLrn fuWL PuVnupant is - for example, J. P.1al or any Uf Uhnsn rawtLuvanLs around here, Give me a comparabin. houty Tpaincr'! Mr. Luft.: Panty 's is 1wobably around . , .. 9,000, it would be about to thiph a little- imin; than a third, close to a half of whaL wu ape talking about here. Mayor Ferro: So I just want tu get to know size. So, what you are talking UL)OUL trier} JS three or four fairly large restaurant6, or five smaller ones. Mr. Luft: That is right. ld 77 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: With regards to the statement you made about traffic. You said it would be preferable to have two openings, but not essential. Mr. Luft: That is our position. Mayor Ferro: Taoi-r, a:-; T rinderstand it, that is due to the traffic enFi_neor'a -- i have a letter here which somebody handed nee from 3li ll_ l'n-v(,11 1. at the County, and this is our own T)"p:7i't,mant's feelings on this? Mr. tricll, as you know, the City of Miami does not have the pure traffic engineering division. In Public Works we have highway engineers, but we must rely on the County to provide us =3 cxper t-..i. e . Mayor Ferro:Didn't ask you that; either. My question is, in the opinion of the traffic engineer, whether they are County or City, or whoever it is that you use, it is your .. your - i-,he Department's opinion, the Administration's opinion that one entrance and one exit along Main Highway is sufficient. Mr. Luft: It is acceptable. Mayor Ferre: It is acceptable. Mr. Luft: 1 would accept it. I can never guarantee that if there is a festival, or some unusual event that there may not be a problem, and that at that time we might say "Gee, for this afternoon, wouldn't it be desirable to have an exit to McFarland, but it would be acceptable, and you could translate that to sufficient, if you wish. Mayor Ferre: Now, I have one last; question with regards to your presentation, If the developer. to, Without changing the zoning, what, could t;hc>,,- actually do, reasonably, without chopping cot-n all the trees and all that. I .am not saying, you kncw, what could they do? They have got waivers and permits and all of that. Mr. Luft: 4O would assume that they voul..d do exactly what - Abitare did in tens of changing the zoning to single: family from estate renidentia,l and going for a planned development. Mayor Fevre: ':f' they were to do that and they to do what Abitare e did, how many units would be put there? Mr. Luft: That could be a function of the size of unit that they w, rl'. ud , „'U-n hbitare built units, they were under the old zo ti ,:' i odd, which you 1{no , .limited the number or units per acre. 11C_ pc: i l.; une in th rc Ka l said you shall not ha ve l,i:.! t.>._ t_tc.n to many .:t31a;11''l: feet of site ai ui;. Under the . a s t �il.i,�llu�.� �:i yc_..<) .rfi_!2U (�r"C)V:'_.`'i..ot"r` )C ,y, we 11i;nCJ4.E' it through ,.A. h. in O }1'..p wopc , wu ,.i%'y, you l;un have ,`.:t.J much residenLin 1100V A-UL. You can divide: it up into _2 many units an you an nt , n a um ing you inee:t F. H. A. minimum ni_mum stands r an i't r t ,i to nine, which could be as lots as 500 square font pop unit. Mayor Ferr•u . Qui l _. right. Mr. Luft: So t t nul, b p would depend on the size of units the deve!opet- wvnLea. If you wanted to assume an extreme condition or aruur d 600 or 700 square feet per unit, on this size with thu F. 4. i.: it would be close to 100 units- without a zoning changt, Mayor Ferre: Is the same size lot as Abitare more or less? ld 78 September 20, 1984 A,. Mr. Luft: It is very ... I would, without ... Mayor Ferre: Twice the size? Abitare was a 100 feet, this is 200 feet. Mr. Luft: Yes, this is probably twice the size. Mayor Ferre: As I remember, Abitare did 21 units. Mr. Luft: Yes. Mayor Ferre: So, if they were to do an Abitare here, they could get tat units. You say they could get as many? Mr. Luft: If they did the same sized units - approximately. Mayor Ferre: You say they could get as many as 100. Now, how many are 'he proposing to do? Mr. Luft: 195. Mayor Ferre: Okay, I just wanted to understand. Okay, any other questions of the Administration at this point by the members of the Commission? Mr. Plummer: Jack, would speak please to the water setback - that would not be the 50 feet as we normally know into the bay view corridor? Mr. Luft: As many of us know, the City was I think very wise in passing a Charter amendment. The voters of this City adopted a few years ago a Charter amendment that requires all development, other than single family residential, on the water front to set back, and I will read directly from the Charter amendment: "...to set back at least 50 feet from the sea wall where the depth of the lot is less than 200 feet and the set back shall at least be 25 feet of depth." In other words, for this property with more than 200 feet, they have to set back 50 feet. In addition, it says it does have to have a view corridor down each aide of the property, which is not. less than 25%, in agi;rcg to of the water front.zIg : of the lot. In this c. se it ,v;ould be something over 60 fcc—t of v:iCW Corr i.dOr t1,: t i:oul.d be requirel, 0 . w, "'T''_rze, abase set baci rtu ice y arc: r f: ruirc r:i{_rrtti „ y t;_ tnoci.i fi-ed by the City - Ott_ andj"�tit�liC hearinc , cIII, J. sitlonS reque t }_, s..•_ �; u_. } - .� c u_r°�:ct ��rb1ic �_., `� E �,i,�i)_ :F.r 1 i, _u 1i � aCCe s. , "l1:}Jl 1,..1 ! , }' ! <.,.-_ (1C� i i�';:it c;,l:_ , }•_W}<:ing up to ' ire i_ :}'rich promote ,public t_ve l.. i '!r i .. .. 1. t _I v �.. r:l t, s. .<_1_...� on t0 t}it _ _ bay f t c,> ;:; 1:,0 i that r ;:i. :: i ! r, > 1,..,;:.. r. , , I,ic,a vY t slab 1 to tht Gh(. U�, , L!,...... f ,irk ' t } �� -� i ti:s �r1 :r i��; E:nt vle'wul t E i ,.7. f y ato�a 11� . ,1, a.a l- devf.lot.,,,l G•..,, you tt:CI S. That lot of t11 t . 1l. .. } j .. ;1. r?%( � Other _ . t.., �l 1 i projtct,:w Ilse cnrrl8 before 11s on '',> i :site, I u1dc:VC-I'', w'�r'e three story buildings that divic Li-It:jite, int-G' twu parts with a ccrrtev p .. ace. 1,fiel-e is it f t=L, rl� uill e uiI i.lse �E i d e of the property other than the resiiitl;ts Oil 4tic 1r f t yt.:U[i1C`.a that would be viewing down the side Of tilt. r.rarlcrty°. TO literally apply the side yard set back requir°ement wu-uld be to squeeze the project to no space in the riddle and give the patios on the side all the view. Because of the public ld 79 September 20, 1984 A nature of the project, the fact that citizens are invited to the interior portion of it, to the center of it, we feel that common sense suggests, that, the proper positioning of that view norridor i,:~ nnv, on of the property, but in the nentor -Th-rn il I-iill publJo who eorne:7� to the i1l I. -,;1 :7 ii r n I e r? cl 1) d 60 feet., -1.1 c center o'! I-) -PI—Jr o 1..lfn Im., 1,hr' C." o 1 the V-j-1,r i:- 1.1-V tr o 1-n 1) -i11(-J bl,ii-, in thi-n of lJm p 1, d, - .7,itc- V u n i q i i p p (i,), o 11 J- 11 F '110 I-1 h is propel.-I,y wr n in o I i, te 1-,7' 1 -1 y r o 1, T (-) v-1 I I r, ^.i (I r-) f-, h q (" k requircmcn1--. () 1-7 -,3 s f a r th'? 50 foo"-. WC? normally 2,�-,y to i d.Cvnlnpmnent. if you o 5- 11 p, 0 build on the wa1-.e3-,, ff'ronill '3110 il.r yell al-e J I 1:-, 11 1-0 inrr out there. you a r e r 0 a I- I V not. F�nirig to C-10 anythW: rMCCIal. along I.hnt xv:ril-lc-rl, cdFc, fills, 7ct 1),I.ol, 1i0 f-r',- Give, it J some brentiiing �71),ace rnd room nn t1in frnnt-, '111d ll(-:.w projeoi,-,,-,, parllJck.il;:�rly re2i.dm-0-J-11 projo.c-1-1r; do I-1h,0" mikorc or less. Therc not all of J-vclnpmcnt J n that 1--0 foot ha(J-. 1 I'l '.)I i :7, (�,3 ,71 public plaza and T c�.rould -Invil"C yoo to I c I o,,, c I y t t.hE project de s i gn:3 ri - 1':, 1) PF CIS (111 J t i-ore= 1111"In 11.-" 1, o M e bricks - J-11-1 pog.-,c -s I.-d Of '"ICII.ing and light-iml llim,-, it ji-tvi ",c:-. I,11(- C i,C) 1,lic viter front a"hart-'er P C 3, 1 1. 11;o 1,:� f and An t,ri.,� o o f amend) en t I y n o that we would loot; �Ior J-n lh(� I-iO foot set back. T11 IJIJ�S 1) 0 t I t 3 53 feet, so in f or t, 1) C that. average 15 foot area 14C f (2 e 1. 1-,, e r e cU:1 nE in fa c t a very inviting, a substantial public place: on the waters s edge connecting to the park and it is well within our sense of what it correct to recommend to this Commission those variations, Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you. Any other questions? Feel free to ask. Mr. Plumiiier: 1-1r. Luft, I know as a planner you are speaking to the project- in the application before this Commission, but we have all read that it does in fact, ar, proposed, involve the church. Looking at this here-, that -mccess, as I see it, if' I -Iln not M-Lstaken , the .second access i--� through the church property in some w.ay. Pari I correct i-n thlat? Mr. Luft As pi,opolsed bcf'or(the, lllnnninC. [i(Jvj.::;c-ry Board, we had iir, point, - in ot.h(:r tV only entering into the project. A tl,(2 i'oot of c,)Iliffl Odor-,- a n, -)Lher entering po--'l-nu -t Liw-, all of the propcirty, Lm�;ring; , , - j i: --*, t) i tkj) e c I , nd i u, i- and e g r es 1) 0 d n t C2 H) e 11, 1 1 1,-tl I , 7 0 -11 it I, t f ic analy�3i--:, th�lt L to �-..)Ll i1 MC1`!;o11jt 'O d on One ol�,Jy %," (-'QL.eilluk](A -with a signal J - :i 1-1 t to the churcil V .1 1'C( 1 0 'Qtd through the chuiuh Mr. il .1 before Lue, and that is all I e,--n access just to the side of w`iall "1-4 PaHkingy, at the Church. Mr. Luft: '.'I 11A iti copl-ect, Mr. Plummer: Now, I think really what I want to do is to clear the air. Mr. Luft: Yes. ld 80 September 20, 1984 Mr. Plummer: That as a professional planner, nothing that the applicant proposes to do for or against the church was taken and had a hearing; on your decision as to the applient .on befor n ,1r�. Mr. Luft i}r� Far m i,h _.^ (k-v(,3-oprr s relationship, too wheat. he wa. , roi_nf, Il-o .t() t.(-) Or for 1.117c (-sitar cl�r, no, iJ, did not. I was Ton!- nf- for ^o t.ufJons to try ff _C . that is all I was consi_dnri.n,,. Mr. Plummer: T am talking; about the total project. Mr. I.1uf t• : Yes . Mr. Plummer: In other words, I have heard a figure that says that the developer is going; to do for the church, somewhere in the neighborhood of a million dollars. Mr. Luft: That is betwo n him and. the church. Mr. Plummm-: Okay, but I want on the record is, that that had no be -iring; on your deer; -,ion a.s a professional planner in your rccommendrition to tl�i.., Mr. Luft:: It had no hcarirlg wh,.tsc>cv er . Mr. Plummer: That i.., v:h a.t 1 t, ant on the record. Thank you. Mayor Ferro: No, no, on that subject, as I understood what you were saying ic, yoga as logic would have it, and I want to tell you, I have read Bill Powell's letter of September 20th, Is Bill. Powell here? Anybody .representing the County? The 20th, of course, is today, and he wrote this, even though it is on white bond paper. Mr. Luft: Well, I have the original here, if you wish it, on letterhead. Mayor Ferre: Why didn't the letterhead come out on that copy? Mr. Luft: Because they put it on one of those I.B.M. automatic typingmachines, and they had blank paper that ran through it. Mayor Fert,e: 0lk:y. In other woi-ds, this i. ca letter dated today Prof_ I{; 11 Powc 11, who signs it as dii-ector from Metro, right? Mr. 1,uft: i;r:actly. 1 think, istein gook the lettc rhe. d an�i c .vt E7iF� ( ,1 t i ta�E the i�. 1 Ilii t (.C1li.1t,.� (,t3st C.�iriC, of'f Mayor 1 e.t°rc It 1 u Y t ,,. !?, li .,. ? L, t'T 1 ,_, . nrt . 1c,n 1S desd.r,at11r , 13l<t, rf� � 1:E�� :1' 1' I C, cc; t.r°ian Safety � b ._ � 1 � . • �:� ��� c er G; _ t l .. i , �_. ; � � . _ :1 � . � t, _ o , �: f' this i s Ito�.;, +,Vi0U L, 1:` _ nu I., 1, .. t :, be a traffic-, 11�°�rl ��r°, �nu� I,�titi oY _ „<'tli li:. t� .1:..: t._ e treat obviously, l_ 1 t'«t r �.: `.; �rI'C. tie=:1 1: t l<;.F. CiS<< And obvl`s, v i t i �l;i' L-il`c � !�t�"i i�. t t"•_ 1,�, rii 1f j 'T' as well an n i t D, IL o1 ' 1 .. t �.1��t � ..�1, �� a.} z �,� i �.t. � ar,ge but what i ti._�i�Y I I�� y itis 0'-_..r., , �� :. _.� r�• �._ t i _.._ , i�t.. gilt, is a traffic._ t ri ,i..� t t l :c' t.'i .,, � ;csuri�;t3t1t.? is i1, which of coin c,, } _.z di c.usse:d< Any rather questiuii,� u1. ii`, _ui L, (INAUDIBLE bl C:KGROUND COMMENTS) ld 81 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: All right, we are going to get into this with the presentations, We have yet to hear from the developer, and we have yet to hear from the opponents, so, we will now be getlJng into 1-1-h- tire:-,entati.on -Irl :-mch, A1.1. right, 11, � without, filrt'h-r ;71(ini M T r e I s I-, (- i, Mr. T" Y or -ind honorable Comm j.:- - in11C r-nd T s of 111d Coconut-, 6 r C- r'y 'J' i rl, j =i n (i 1- 1. i v f-. i n Coconut G, ro c and 1 1 I,1-jr. jV(1(. Jj )I- jj,_jj_j q '; I -) e., IC) -,(I for over n ind my nf,-',i <J 11,iy-siiorn Drive in Coconut 1 i..Vn and T 7).n! V(-I,y 11,11TY 1•0 br? hc�,re. and I hope that. in ;?. rho ,t. perin(i of time and T. vii-11. 11,y- t,o krQp thi.s as p r c c i,:7 c nd prof -L o i i ;I p o s 7, j. hle ^o -3 :7, f-I o el x, p C- d J to this he,1r)_r1p,- T ar, tlhc arohi,tect, nti.d developer of this project, wil-lh an i o (! 1,a o wn r d c I ja i- I in, and another associatc, [Ir C I ,J. d Kq 'C 11 c r. We th _: property recently, ":klj, of ril,'. adult-, life and I i%,i Fh 11.1lic previoos znd 'T :71)cnil i-jiany days tjjej�cj -111 T a.ra -\rr,,r-.v of the. �Pcei.;--11 nature of this property. It 1, �_ 7, ;?t unique p_i.(-(-_e of property bent ed in the vj_1J.r,(--1 It hordcrs, the beautiful, briv lac have. It b o i. I" drr,:, ti.:o -p,'i 1- 1„7 - I-Aic 13,-'Irlincle '311d thc Pm-'co'cl- P'arks. It bordcrl; .3'1_ Church '111(i C o ri 1r) n (I o 1, e 1,1 1� -.1 , the most of oor villrlrl,2 Tt i^ unique opport u 1) i- t y iOr Pic . 1) 1 1). 11,41, tj 1_1 c) 17, n t I 1 0 r t 11 e COMMUllitv Ild I ad 1.1,1(- dc-I,1`11 ()'I, t 1) Y and as 1) c 1 lt, C9lft of my drill, my partner,', 'Llhc c, J i J, H 0 iT1 1- . I did everythiiar 1, could, a i i d i:i v T 1. to do a very, very syinipathctic and yet c i 111) 1". h C I I i'i)rollcot An architect has a challenge when lie 10(_)!:,� kt bl'ilil,'. Sheet of paper, an empty piece of land, to dither rF:j.ii-ij.,;,..c for the community, or minimize the ultimate 1111d I have always taken it as almost a sacred of ;3n architect to , a have a public, as well as a private '1_`)�. tv nd think not only of the building, and the I c, f i pl -j: - rind the models, and the artistic qualities, but 1,hr- use a-4.nd the bottom I i ne in a rch i. t e c t u r c 111 j 1 1;, ry s the indigenous use, by peoj)'Le, not at, onc. y i,, i, i,,, o y c, a r s , but over a lifle*U-imac, anti of the project. I submit after boilig ir.any I-p i, o j (11 c ILI r-:. n 0 t, nround the world, but at, ii-i l.o,,fse part:_, o I" I - I -t txrld, :,rid over many, iriany months of drat. .1 (,rin nincf_,rely say that this. t probab-ly a;iJl bt, 'Uhu-i best that J, haive ever done. 1 j. 1 1 tj-j(. t i 4- -j -,V (2 t, a t 1 -1 C,. CliV porli Fic-lit , and I think it Lznhi_110(.� i'lit, quality of lifcFo 1, 4 lie. people of Hliall"11i 0 u 11 t r. V th;_,t visit us, probably tli�ifi ;tiny on-, I that ( k kw" I i� _� d( -) I I �-1, . T lav-;Yer can ss,ay th'att ;i,;d a ;ocrtor S,1y th"A'' z-,nd other.'s, but an arc_nit,--(*_-J, t �_�J U No t1,1i(at, -11 L"Iy ht.vve today, you "'ir(2 C-FA 01 U El 1., 1, d t-o i� t u ri ap t, e enoug,h "0 1. C L� 2, 1 1, t i t y 4.L•11 (7 C j. t y , L C) 4 i,� 11� :_,U b 1 e are I t forr!l -1.,U o I it I 1A, �V I year, or y i it t !I I e r e for tiriz_,ny i i.- i, i,_ I 1,_, lit, hope fu IA Y I J J ie- v e d that u u i i j t live want to j) i- I their U havinv, the p ij use d e v c p 1., J ji vj (i 1i.; i into the v i 1 was not oral y 1 JJE 'Al", V coiiut Gr-ov e Li 'J' 1, ti Sr t tl I, al i n g boutique;3, W a t e 1 oriented pedestrian walks, an exciting kind of atmosphere that we Id 82 September 20, 1984 have in many parts of the world and we are starting to get in Miami again, the kind of atmosphere that I remember as a child when we had dancing outside. We had sidewalk cafes the kind of atmosphere- th it h 1s come i.o Iis n. I,i.ti,1_c IIa.vana, that ha, r omc to 117, f r'oIII )i]i` nr n ;z'r,ii.('. }�r•i,a i:; t c -Ind now, is tr1 im�nri; tt�t, prai'i; of i,ll,^ i,r'rt. Li_ c �)f' i.;1r vi.tl_aF e cen1,eir Of ( r)C llit)'4; i-i"i")'J T.�'.` . i.Q i1 1v- i f. hammor lz m = 11ii 1,1,n +,hr•( nt)� 1. , �, C)' t T nr: i, i:i;. %lit ' i; be _, ilo):' 1. t T.'( (!()IIII. , F'1ri, o-c e that: n�;t.,_�r I]^r7mi,"I I„1.�;t;, T aaani, fi,c, 1mpOrt;ailCF: of i;ilF? li'i.i t'Iti;f`.t' t,hII, t•io ,_t-^(: pl%Or)o,'ill f'; I1ot• only i i,o tI. _ C ommun i a.` % COI1t:r._bUt l_h`+.) 1n ] , Ci1Ti i",i11(] lam helps u.s I1e1,5or], 1.1_y Gild IWITz 1 our pi'ollOc t; . I ai,:, foI'll, ).te enough to have Ome nd I don't 4, ]11i; tot%ll'.'C' i;hc:; i;t1l? i; _T1Q 7.T1(1 I!]-_4I:f_', Ill F ., ni li;tOil. T would like t-.o ju::t int+'ortticr them gllick.l.y , D avid Plum and 'r.;ay hart Pindc r', 1"'h o a.r'c tra.f,`.' "c n; i.ilct,r,~ with the highest rept)t,at.i_oi1, 113c Iri Z,Ile.`;i.: i_IIt. c>gri ty, 1 I10 -);7 1 done work for, t;t1c County,the St;Ite, the CitN- ,1n(i 11ty , �tudi_ed the tr, i_11 Cocc)r]ui, Grovc ,] > i.t, rcl.atc,- to thi " pro,ject. Mr. Plunmr,r: i"r. , i_nce I .1ai, one lad;' raise her eyebrot,,:� and loot, over, ;it my n;amc, would you pl(�a,-;C give the discIaii]]eI�? Mr. T r c i I, Pl iir,-Ac i- has to stlai~r that:, illustrious name with J. L< P1.urrmer, and i. no rclr3t.on, I don't think, going back I ar;1 sure for ce;ntr.ric S . Mr. Plummer: You don't ti;ink? (LAUGHTER) Mayor Ferre: is there a distinction between Shanty Lace Plummers and ... (LAUGHTER) Mr. Treister: And in addition, I guess we are going to use, if we get the blessings hare, we are going to use Plummers on the job, and that is going to be a gimmick. Ted Bradshaw is our landscape architect. Iie is particularly serlsi.tive to the hammock and to other beautiful trees or) tiii.:; ::i.t;e We have had George Allan, 6,ho is a h, m1".10Ck expert. Itic, brought him 111. He lives n hammGel{. ISE_'. 1:' Il, mtrioc:; e1,pert, works with the3 State o_ lorida , <Inci ?] s;a °4T( tl us I,}c:::cifi c recorrmendati_ons to lier'it.ar and Press I-'vation I3Oa1,d ;,nd to us for thc, pn,c crvaticin of t)I(, 1.t't� icy ttl, t we ilavG, ,-kld which we are vei,y L'ii.nd fu.l. of ?rC V,,oi.nf?, to �)I'Ot(;O U . lie.. have to crei:tc a I)r'o jest: Ile ;~;_ that, II,.s-lestl]ctic . < I ut that is going to be- bC' LIt -i 1'u1., tha t viz-illfor ce:_ the "."11.1 :I';t„ center, and that is: opc.:r] tc th I)ubIic.. That is t,)asica_11 v tiie heart of wh, t ;•,c are .yir](' . 1 td,iilt to allow you i' i t ::L the site plan, vhicll th Mayor' F'er'ru-. 1 oul]hi yc"_).1 the..,e thin tC)t;r> :o that we can ale(;. t h(3tii LII) h(:'r +' yl;(1 - Mr. , :,:. i and then 1rt-i,, _,_ ti i.<.t't b' (;±( =(:rtt t t pass the i t . ' r, vi1 i<; t ± +:r �_ , Barnacle, rop _ Jack the Lui t , 1, i'1:c ±..c t;t ..,..:..:; _.. a t t `1t t, t, i., ;:� rt of :: We want to C;(,-�i1��;�� - . l,ii>.: �-?t';�I;i:_ _)` .. il_1. lit-l' ,'vi, z t l t s. i,: L_.-.. �-._ to make a "�t.,l t � -. k..,.,±:,. 4 _ Stephei. (.::. a } a --:, ;f the neigl,burtiit- the C;1' _. i ..,, ..; .l i;c t...v ' i'_. ..<1 1 t:. kith e center' 1!. I' (.:I l.; l"i_ ;1, 1 ]t>.... w►ly Witt) t.if_ 1 unaev.:t<.:,_, hope iu:tl l.. 1.!:_ k.±' :.c.>t t_c}r . hzk�: t. V-tz. .,1 uu6ed with the ce.I:U., a r:iiltual 1•Ulatic.1rzA,1 p Vis-1 vs5 tit crrurch f but sir -ice that Yeas not been approved as yet by the church, ld 83 September 20, 1984 even though we got sympathetic hearing, it is not part of our presentation. We origi.nal_l.y proposed access in and out of out- own property, or :ltl the=gl.t•�,rnati_ve, access to the C'hUI'ch llt''(}p(t t.,lnl r? wQ don!". i 't, t 11i's t.iril(? linve ace's to the ehiirnh pr"c?l?r l'' ' "Ind l_lI(I t.tIri1,c i. i corlt;i.ntiing dia1,oF liic 1)r t;l•tr'r'1) i",41 ! 111]rch ;lriii i i" 1>i.^]ltlj? ir(1 its or€}'can nnfi. i.,h h%2t-njl i„^ o t-. `,r-'ji}?(',t"1' ^. "ello( we are rl t? t, r) 7. 1 t• C, __z f`: E ?dC1r^ry'., that. partl.clil,,.Ar p, hl-r'm to say to the p1-1i,(-)i1;:3 of 'Min. C,(-�hool ild t,11C rhi7r'Ch t.11�t; t•?n :ire going to ho good !i-i.Fhboi-^. I•jn :lr"c gol,l?ir t;0 do ` \rcrything in syrlpa.t,lly 1,7i.t;h any of th.ei.r r'ecltli_rerrel?i : and t.tr t'e E oi.Ilg to work to gel -.her, .>epar 1tr�1 i3OF'r t.ilnY Or jO i-rlt.;l.y, CO right now we a -re IG;iU i.rlg about; th(i ini,rcf-z. and cc-res. to our own property and vir. th.-Uilc it i-s going to bc, an l l.otit. project that way. W(. th i_nl; that 41_t mi_ ht; bC -_'All add --Oil, _f i,Jc woi"ked with the ellurch, but we are going to lca.vc that to a future time, Vie tarot to keel" our pre cntati_on to a piofcz;:ai.onal explanation of our pI.O *ect, alld our s01.l_]f.1011 oll our property-. 'low. i-re are going to pre.,c:rvry Ilhe llarlmoel;. t:,o Plain Highway to filer r.: it extends and our h ltr!tto: i s expert:; <a..d there are so rl;lny foreign trecc, and new vegetat,i or] t,h.at has, invaded the h,iml !]ocics that; if someone like I i s does not reinforce t:he hammncl:; tag e out tI e fore: i P;n i;rces, reinstall .Lome of the nat;i vc trcc s, wi.t,hi_n (�i-t7,ht, to ten years thi.7 harnniocic t';l.11. 1`c` c ="c part of otir x`t e�)cniv.tlti.olJ'C+; t:.C;! ;its origin,:! .!.t i;cI 'u'c hu.ild seven - (. lC ;. t'- ;1; t.i? 'Lr cr`<ic !: _ I J,i., t i'-;t tl'„ i:)Llt. crackC'r' =i] , 1,i_� !' 1.)11.-.1 r! 1.I�1,�: 11i 1?�%i t' r'i _ "s!' t-(1 ])adE County pl.i)r I-zlct_Ci 1"f t.h(: - oral contour' o 1c 1):7 1; l �ti ll 1>c iicl�e �,rl�l l;!: �! c,i_Y�t to dedicate tlI _,. �i, �-.r] ut;,..,!iii..t.:i r'crit.:1 to re--er,c. ) _3r; c.h('' ii!^oV'G li(.)Li.`,'t:, 4tl)1<'1. : � xir .a_,i<iOrl t;llai; we mead i r) Co, --nut 6rc:7V ,o 11r vc: t1Ic:; r"c:-It of, I c lion dedic<-ateci tc.- t:rtrl; cI' ti; cii , c� . r.l t,rc:::•_ >t"roi,r> >;r .j-i),' ��.r �llic;s paint.i rl,:;, .Y1a pt,ur< .:. t nd to rc !t i i here, _ t. r1 C: ) , the art r)1_1t: 4 ,G0 t,nC: x ] � 1 .;t°< t ";iid also have art (1.( :c_: 1-11-11, "O „c: !; i:._-c art. gagger ci",c.c_ fi ;; rY t1;c: �'i l 1 �':1 c� ct: r, �r� , r:„ c'i u11y from .i ito iect�_r of' iCd wti. e also goinf,- to, a.� .Tact: 3,._:.ic17, rr!, 1,c- ubst<<nt,:i-,_ 1. corrt1,ibution that the City w i11. d(,cid Trot; to u e t;ith <ri a u t r each program from this art center to some? other ;_fir c ; > in the Grove, so that. artists fro?r othQi- ar'E ais can partl.i'ipate In this adiventure . N"ow, the; ._rt ecnter is not a gift, by us to help the Toriing, and a gift by us to repay the City for this, but iL is going; to bring, poople n(zrc. 1t i going to help village center• ::Ynd it; i:- coitig to hell) our otin war on becauser w( happ(�n to bc: . rti Lt: t: i)d happen to be v't try' coC!,niza11t of t)ii imI)Urt-t r:cc of Lii•-1 in our villagE;, And than, e aco111 to llv_ rd, lii(21-1 is..'1�gl the txiUitir,; r°o A. i•ilvieli uil.l. b iri «ild Out a,atll � (rircle. We are t`oiijj to hav UrI+:1t:T g i'Otit:. j) ,Ilk-Ing, - rIiu ;y t' u ;,;now, a ,, of Uf• P�t(:!p1t: Z,I'i: .,c.Y.'.Ilf; tic. h,_yl Lo I;iiia.tie, but basiea1i.1vY, in i:llt: y 1-11 . > l�-a c are goingU -I1::1 tdt: h(iVl tit`tn i+ ;1".t it tG ti::.`�'e rrlti t`t t:;' :l .')ii j3 Y'kiltg of about 61 0 l!.i�'e;S a Gi h'!"r?-C}± �;I,IL' ii? J jki ,, � _.t ;,t: I'UI'' the publ its . :Iv,` 1)C:i:iY i'«!] Ce:r{: [xYid 11 �: t}Y ! .. „j [: s i= i i ± pit .'g but rat i.I nc.il�.I� tr , � nt t,ir�. t t, tlr� )kcr )� '. ti.L 1..Ari- _rt :hc t)IliL 41ii i I i l� I' z t.., in t a _. 1.!,..Y !.� it j., i!:..t .L :- !Il.i c.[r•l'r`l,l 1, Ilt.:, i"i l.. 1. 4i ."'.: !1 i.r' - _ l3 i_ and the I1CtIt L.ciI r r' tc.r r "1r!' t1l'I i A th" !'il r'"t.'s It Lo es owls lii 1t..t_ 1)1..._r1 to rr... l:..t .r�. _ .E�: l� li'.r 7. 't`�isS .. - ., -..I: : . r is (;._ _ .-11 - •C.11 .lc' l.' r'C(.:, ._ �t:;I ',..:lA p _.4k:tl we agreed f tt;.,,. rls, one Ilt ij dr ..r C . L!'i <_ . t ii't: !: i- L v k1 (..1 t..i. Vr. develol!�. to this k i i— <.i� l.rl''tr' 1 t`UIi.!et Ylt 1 IIUL,e 1,1'l: h:'.e t r;._ r f is _ { I lr1't :�u�:r`'ve will be cVI:tt-Y• 1'00ai 1-i0ilit ur' ttIi.6 dt k t1.al IL :Iit S tai,ting after trris peaceful, ti-�atiquiI ar°t a will be a very rich, ld 84 September 20, 1984 urban exciting place. And when you go around the world as you do, and you go to the waterfront developments of Europe or Asia or, wherever, there is always n vitality on the waterfront that we have in and 0 Miami and all- of South Florida, and [t in amp Ong to Lhink sh"u'. it. th�i-e ir; not, one pukilin nommarniRl strnnL that gors V khq PaLrr's edge Miami Rapek, S"rUsidr.. LAU- Rivar. fit inonktah. Cononut. Grove, thnrf7 no ';oil (�;-111 drlv-:-,hop^ and restaurants and i innr-.11-li-rci-a1 the va i, -,. r . Now, 1 r r (' 17i '9 y b 0 o n C by 1-. 11-. way. I l 1Fnow that T was thinking. and I. aren't think of one - live livrd here a long timey but this will be onn. Now Coconut Grave has a charming village center, but it docsn't open Lo the water. Right now, if you are a privileged poi non in this City, you can have n home on the water, you can have a condominium on the water, but if you are not part of that privileged group, you cannot , with exception of the public parks , go to the water. We think it is important sociologically and for the whole npirit of Miami that visitors and residents that don't live on the water, be 5iven the opportunity to shop, walk stroll, cat, pnrtiaipatc on the waterlo edge and it is going to be wonderful for Coconut Grove to havn that, particularly the Commodore Plaza nre o,? to have that access to the vinter. Vice you come down this ocritor road, there will be a turnaround. it will mnbe P iargc, Spanish square to the for ntnin. Tho apaptmionts will he eircuINP in there, and t h;.i, - 1, 1 rG, 0 f () C, I I i r 0 J t I t, r-, I I J- C 11 1,Ji I I b 0 U -.3 c d for sidewalk enfco, fop VrollinG, Fop walking. Then, there' is a bridge hcre. This is a route plan, by the way. This is a bridge. This is all opcvi to the water. lie are going to have a pedestrian plaza nic, Peacock Park, along the front of our water's edge that will flow into ours. We are open to the Barnacle, if the Barnacle wants it, and we are linked to Playhouse, Commodore Plaza, to the water and the park and conversely, someone could go to Dinner Key, McFarland, walk along the water's edge into this property. We agreed, and we are asked to pay for the water'„ cdge treatment on Peacock Park. We think it is impopVnnt that we work together and obviously it is imporUnt that we help pay our share of the improvcment2, evcn on public land. Mayor Ferree: You've got five minutes left. Mr. Treistcr: Quickly, these are wome renderings of the project an it. is seen from the water. We are not building docks. We are going to hav(� maybe, a little water surrey that may bring pcople fpom their docks, from their boats to their property. The residential eompont-nt is going- to be Spanit;h-MudiLUrPVnCan Style, an indigenous ,3tyle� to Coconut Grove and Mi%wdy Coral GLbluw, Miami Vach. We are going to have mudQratu income npartocnn, Th�pv APQ a !at of expensive apsis twunLB which ave great, We nced to bring in to the Hilngo oej,ta,ra 1;0;-_t_ apaptywnts, We think that it H ill'011;1LY. think Upwro in a napket to have younr p"cply uithaut whj1dp,0 nnyb, living L,v,, older people withuut whildpon; 141010a Lhat likin urban life. if you like_ the rubupbN, you 0AY not uUme heve, but If you like Coconut Gruvel wo are giving an alternate place of residence to people here tnaL doesn't exist right now ()n the water's edge. (INAUDIBLL UCKGKOUND COMMENT) Mr. TpeiLtwv: Tnin is a photograph or rendering, rather, of OUr PedrstPfOn Pinva in the Center. Again, it is low scale. It has lr,03. it ns nduwLlk cafes. It has sunlight and it has ii SpahiLh lounLain unjuh Coral Gables did so well, and now aro guin.., to tvy L. start acing in th, City f Miami. 105 its a PeAdering Of Lne sidewalk cafe. One of the characteristics of this developwel-it. It: is not 5 foot ld 65 September 20, 1984 sidewalks, but 25 foot sidewalks, so that we can sit out on the sidewalk. We can have sidewalk cafes. We can have coffee. We can have juice. We can do the things that Florida lis-d 1"n (in and we are doing in Coconut, but. we want to rej.nfnroth,,O. 7,tr-nv, :�4t�ti.vity. This the character of thr� e r� 7, fjj1jr T -I j:--, -)n we are tryinF to 117-1".v 11hr, ^'T I 11 (1 11 We are very 0 o f7t n i r,-_-) lit, 0 f 1:, h - 'Y" I n p o r ked wi t 1) i h;-,I 1IT! 1711 IJ I 1,jr, ir,, 1 11 r Tile l.s a 1.1f7` r) t-, 0 r e i n f c, r c n. 1 1 :,ll, n i i r c o ,^rl-1 n r, - r with 1-111(-m trees. o I C] I', k-) 1- e road, And 1,7 e step the; .1 Ilik-:11 tin". Mid rise.. there one (,orikior aii(l anothr j,:7 t;WU story, iii) to 11hr- t.M,rn -'',:.ory. mndcr " third r y iv)"I. k 0'-1 1 (-' o n y i :7 i (:) 1) "Tpl11 Every 1), 11, (-. o i 1J 1. o 1,,) th(- p;k I, I T-I (i to "'7 !�1"', The reside: it. i.,n 1. 1.c)n11-:: tl,() t.riei (:)U :'.,.iir Th the in��ide. There r1ro no djoor�-, -rrl) or �l I I j" (i !I- j. 3 internal _PV i,tr,r ran e,,i n style apart-11-n('111-1 11 11 jj 1-!-- ',7 r' I nodcrate price. NT o vT , -; n m o ii il C 0 r i I },1,110,00n, ill thal range. of mode�rni.c, Some would I)c y'75,000; cmc 1-1101)](J 1w 17 13, 0 0' 0 We are going to bring people iiit'-'o the -o they, can walk, shop, be pa r t of 1. h e v -1. 11, 1 C, environment, . Just to summarize, I-,TC have isolated oursclvc.,with two large rows of trees on dither side, so the residential is not affecting any other adjoining place. We could have gone to larger units and fewer units. We went to moderate sized units. We wanted to get more affordable housing in the village center. So anybody says reduce the density, yes we could got to smaller amounts, but larger, more expensive units and sociologically and market wise we think it is healthy for the village to have 200 families living where they can walk to Commodore Plaza, w,,alk to the Playhouse, and not have to drive t 11 4 - walk boats, enjoy the parks. Second, our commer,ci.,il activity is an extcnsion of Commodore Plaza. The village center of Cr,,.:vity h(-:.`s moved toward Njayfair. This project will help it baci- the center of the vill'age ce'rite"I"Y Ill Fuller. But yet, we are lu(�,,y cnoi.q.,li to iYave Uic that commercial 'are"a fr'an: the :.o - th'at tho:(_, of us that love thc; old Gro"C, ,;till ill t-"ould fl,om the h a m in o c 11'.Ive v 'k 11 , 1 !-,, c- 1 1 o i to be a can't do it, Th I'A"t: .'Ijk, to bring h e, I p from th(, 11hi-opolit;:,ii ilk. I'k, k1; V :-h "'A't ",-_ehool whert': the (A' o u 1 d have qri c.);),portuni.tv tc:,, r 1 i,] Grovce. Ln a m talk, ni, 11 -1 o the re s i d want YOU to tll""11); _uot<t ljliC. hl,:!I 1, z-i and all h �V U o f the J Public are not 1_0 You IS, this i 3, We want to o 1) > t, 1. pub-) is to have acces center and d t, s pr < CY`vt the h a MIL. C., C A: dl,t.!Z�t colony, and we, t 1, 1- i V i I'll, ln�Aead of saving wc t tvtC7uyl-riitlL, "c waijt to say that with proper a lot of landscape, a lot of softrle6.51 a lot of input by community, which we have ld 86 September 20, 1984 done - something that we could all be proud of, because we want Miami. and Coconut-, Grove to sort of be the example, or example for, not; only Miami., but the rest of the country. We've Fo't ar;�1ft n i ppn-rt.r,n _ty here and T very happy that over mon' hn and wnn hr of tic r ki.ng ut0h everybody, we've got something t;(? K very. Jrry vr'oud of, and f_ 9'!'n(''eci-. 17.l y - request that t.hr i,c mm r r on help ma in this and the community t nip in Lr yi g to m,akn this Pi nuL 0nd_i_ng a project:, an tic,,^, i_bTe. 7hnn`c you. - Mr Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I have a qunshion of t r. Treister. Mr. Tre nLcr . let me try and malt certain that, I l.lnder sL ncl, _ because_ I want to tQl_ yoi7 that; moot; of the anti calls that I have received concern themselves with the school and the - kids. Am T: understand Lhat at; this present time, you have not come to a definite understanding or agreement with the the school? - Mr. Trc _str.,r : Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer -Am T to understand that this project, with or _ without that agreement, is the application before us, that — is what you are asking us to judge on, and has nothing in — any way shape, or fora to do with the school? Mr. Trcistcr: Yes, sir. Mr. Pl.r_rt,:mc p : nne o t h or question. So that there will be no mistake Inter°, HP.. Tr -inter, I don't think I understand, but .� let me makc supe t I didn't misunderstand. If you were to somehow m� ho : n apcement with the school for that opening to Iy,;,i,...,,1 nud , :it is your intent to have two openings. !'it,.t: I in Paying is, that the opening to Main _ Highway will bu ;<rrmhc r one and will always stay, and if you get the one from the church, would be a second one, but not the prim py, or only: Mr. Trei ,^ter : yCS , sir . We would do whatever the church wants or ti h atc:; pier the school wants, but we may do nothing, if they don't want us to do anything. Mr. Plummer: So, at this particular time, just once again to be repetitious, that decision is to be made by the church as to what happens if they want to join with you. It has not been made at this time. Mr. Treisterj: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, are there any further questions of the presentation from members of the Commission? If not, we can now get into the public hearing portion of this. I've got 53 cards siCncd of people that wish to speak. I: will accept anybody because of an emergency natupe that, they have to catch an airplane or go see dOCt,.. (7r' v1' Eonothing Of that nature: and is will take them out. of tupn to 1 hat if numn: of you have those types of needs, please i : f rr; im up 1 t rare know. Raise your hands, i will vccugNinu you LIM 11 will take you up first, Of course 1 an going to tutu up Mavjor1y Stoneman Douglas, fir nt, not because she in 95, but because she is one of the wiser people that we have in our community, and it. in always good to Bear her clarion voice early on, :;o 1 uou d like to . . (INAUDIBLE ; /ICI r r4Ci'. ND COMMENTS) Mayor Fevre: I know that you are a patient person, Marjory, and you are willinj to gait ... you are willing to wait, but _} I am not. I want to hear what you have got to Lay. ld 87 September 20, 1984 Ms. Marjory Stoneman Douglas: . . . Dr. Muench, Mr. Parsons and Mr. McGray. I would like to speak after that, but that puts me under great disadvantage - I am not capable of following Mr. Troister. T. think we need an adequate presentation of the opponanho nRainst Mr. Treister. Mayor Ferro: T nconpt that. Ms. Douglon: Tb e n repeat ournalves. repetitive. WQII, kind permission. lip emn come in. You don't want us to T have something to say which won't be I wanted to hear them first, with your Mayor Fevro: Of course. Ms. Douglas: Thank you. Mayor ;cpra: T heard Dr. Muench. Who are the other people, Marjory? (INAUDIBkE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mayor I didn't hear the names, so why don't the thpcc of you Vhct you mcntioned , if you would go to the microphon(� nQ 1, wonli reco5nizc you at this time. There are 53 peoPle thak wiph to wak. The proponents ran over their 20 minutcv, and T assume Lhat they may havc gone 23 or 24 MQLIQS. Not all of t0e 53 are -7o what I would like to do, just to keep this as balanced as possible, is we 101l gc; four or five of thc, oppcncnt:.� and then I am going to try to got four, or five of the proponents and go back and forth. All, right, if you would take your seat again, I have a request now by the Bishop who wants to make a statement, because he has a time constraint, so, is the Bishop here nog,,? All right Bishop Calvin Schofield, the Chair recognizes you, 5ir. Bishop Calvin Schofield: To the Commission and to the people, when I came here this afternoon, I heard that there was some discussion about whether there would be by the school, and 11 assume you are referring to St. Stephen's School, which refers to St. Stephen's Church, whQther or not that piece of property would be accessible to the developer. On Tuesday of this wcok, the Diocese of Southeast Florida, in the nai-i-ic- of the Ppoperty and Loan Committee of the Diocese, which makes Pccommendations to the Executive Board of our Diocese, came up with the following Posolution, which will be presented this coming Tuesday to the Executive Board. 1 bring this to your attention bccause this wdll be an offininl action of the Diocese, thierefope thiz bcdy needs to know uhure the Diocese is coming from, 2nd that resolution is as follows: That the ppuponal of St. Stephen's, that they be given dioc esun. purn0sion to grant, enter into, or oell directly, op indipeutly, easements licenses, on right s of way for vehiculouup pedustrian, or other thpaugh 10. Mephen's property, to any entity be dunied." Let we nhy Lmn this resolution then goes beforu the ExeeuLivu hoar, i VowBday next, and if Lhe action of the ExuuuLive Boaud is hu accept the Pcc0.7,1.i1,,nndn Lion of this rcsulution to dony, limn that will be ITu ufVicinl aution uY Lhu Diocusu ol' :2outjo2ast Florida. Unuev Dfocusnn Canon, t1mme can iw in) ppupapty sold or unchhngod ov winatevor, wiLnont Lnu OuLlan and approval ()I Li e Excegut ivu huara A' 00 :1 id unt oo 1 gv ie this to yGu nimply b"eauto LLUM how Well 0 VA. y as to (jal feeling K, toot the recommundwLiun uv the Foopepty una Loan Cownii.5re proably b will be voted an the cowwittte aantb and Vat is, to deny it, an(I I givi,; that to you as matter' of recor,d for this meeting. 4=MW M id 88 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you. I assume nobody wants to boo on this, because of the Bishop, of course. Now, I would reeogni.2-� the people that Marjory Stoneman Douglas referred to, dolt mlicti t;i.mf� wi.11. you need, sir? Mr. Day.;i. Tln(;rr, t : �i, i r. '�;;: 1_ ni t�tti,�.^ , iir' , i1 =;ill' . i) �" - Mayor 1. oi'; e: !111 r trf);,, rl')i' ;:tl-� c)tl t-( rl� .nr, t;h.i_.^.. can a. CUrl7ul.ai,_vF' t,c+f;, 1. ()i; y t)l ot'(t'.il t 1-,ilr; ??_^hop was neither- :l p 'c)1 )11`t lli. ( 1 ltl ()r}il(7t1('.±lt _ J11^t; rr,,i1,,1ngr a StatE'Plerl t• , ; i.l' Yf"11), d0 nr?t; ((71.1t1 t,h:t i c)tl t;l"ic t.i_iit". of the opponent.: . Mr . On v i.d I!(,Crca a Mr, 79a i=ol' and illy rza.rle is David HcC:r Hy office is 777 Br,-cice1_1� :'Avenue. My resi_denec; adcit c:s^ i_:: 6755 :loyal- Palm Dri_vc . I am here today as i nai--I 'c of Coconut move. 1: ?rii Ilene today 1 ; a young man who ,)I) in Cocollt%t. Glove, St7('nt; riwiny hol.lrc, riding back and fo t.l� t c)t::;cet} myllorr i_n t;llr Nlor`i.h Grove and the Ransom :school,, 1-allc rI ~r <. du af;cd from. I yam also herd today as the f `ti;hnr- of two 1_it;f;3.c. 17i-rl.:> at, the t;. ,i;c':phenIs School . T. rl al_.r o h 1-e Lo(i� y �111 for, rrly father, Sloan HIcCr'e:i, l?i� ;r<i+ijr'c�,-,; i;; 1990 T i S c r t-In i1 llvc,nuc and he is a prol)cl^t.y 711;Ar_II t'is` f'.>rlil1.y has been In l` 1t'1i_ ;ll-i _.il lr?;+ O•-rill% l�t)CC)IJIIt. (3rOG�<� 1C'.`_ 1t1, 1r and we have tod: v Iir, 1,0 f,o,_, 1,; L.iri't. ar}(1 iSr. Ti-(.i-�':(-r, :1nd what they are3_i�2r}lr t�7q {_ . and a drastic 1)_ r1 + in t,hf ,.c>ni r-r this property. i.11 t1lc i' loe of the Grove south of l i_t;t:.i.c boy. The face of Grove in that. ar'ca continues to be IMsically the same as it has been for years. In fact, since 1860's there has been no change in t.lic u•se of the land on the east side of Main Highway. It ha:3 been an i has remained residential use. Thera i,3 no compe7_l.i.np. need for this change in the zoning. The existing clr,, ;;ifi.c.}t;ion i_s r e a s o n a b.1 e and appropriate. The applicant, l)c: = r a trE:lr(: ndol), burden of showing why ucl� a drrrr-l„t _c ch: of (' inLlic. City'.-,",oni..ng laws have occurred, anc: bern no '711cll :_,h'ovi,nr?. Further, I have also been :c'U to 1 (-:�1> by l r. 1)r_<rr 1 ).:I., who was here laLt 1% dr;csciay rli.rt ht bc,f'or� t;llc P1,iiirii.n{ Advisory Board I:'rl t>rsr'y, ice: vo t,(.drlc:sci<zy niglli; to ddress the sub 1t_:ct of tt-re t;r:_tc i front r rnendine 'it to tll(_r City of Miami Chrsrter, Section 3, Subr ection 21. Unforturr at(;I.y, Mr. Paul i-,: tr ;,vc ? v. n on l)u: ine. ,s. today. He was< not able to join u: . Ili ►ld ,>p(-ci f'i_c�i1 ;_y, they a s k C d i.lcre on rl pi -aces of property tl};it w,Ou ld r"'( illiil'e a 61' foot t On l r t t. . (• r the side.; hey :1.`'�liG�l foi, 16 foot mil 1?i"c 31 �' (i.1?aick,acid they asL-, c f•o: :gin xerr;pt,iOrr fro11, he 0 foot >c,t,back .Eiba(.o tcrlr therequiert :t ,rf water. :i t}; .n; . :..C. C11:� oUy7w many tilt ir: s ti:_.,, t)r ..)s•_.,...c)r; l;tzen ,l iv< c7 <inci ;r.: _lly, .. t. how ru�knY t ihz:b l.l(_ <3It_' .:ksi,.+uCLC 1)1'04'Cirl and 1 th_-rll: .ou. will tAl�-A, tller(" Was a purl)(.). (_ _n t.l � �2rt c).° i`r'c':,t, i.. 11u1,( 1,t., "l-ndl 1,i 17u l+a to ri:qu i -u an if 01-1:_1, exceptions 1at�r. titer 1u_. V t1l...r 11(�11t, 1J(} _ Sll�t _mot_; to the bay acroti5 t- 11j; rC_iltlt�dy Park and come Gi.Ft•!, t u ?:.l .- lii, v1' 1 t ; . _;t.i; !'. r"i ? Y.t, ! t i.s access to the public: Mayor 1,eli1i..lr}L1te left. Mr. McC.r•e,-:L of that property. Therei = r:(> tit;+ c l cl) _: ;r 1 z . t i. , 1.r•ovic y access to the bay. It :s .} t) -ac_y 'W arle going to be developing, 1 s ul;, In i�l7c. lit e:i' 1' 1,i.t1, , uic Day ide Project in downtovin Miami. Ti-:o4e riet,dU f ave alrc,ady been met. I'd ld 89 September 20, 1984 like also like to say, and I think most importantly, this application is totally contrary to the established land use pattern in t.hat-, part of Coconut Grove. if you start at St. Stephen' ^ >ci non and go all t•hc way to the southern boundaries of the City of Miami, it; is non -:stop residential - utilization. T h-.ra in nnr bi.f �';?i- }.t^ af't; f'r :alln',,11--r al..0np; 4 tthatnro;a , } wr permit i-1; Mr. . TrnintarPnd his t):- 1't,ileI",. to do what t. ny p}mposo W riot nn this In ld. UP next fr'l.N14 is going to "t" me al nnR ;;nd s "4';+ i 1. '; 1rc, I-JIQF^ ha%l i)een a chan -c F ;}lr::1�,"t.t).<?I-r. LIlF, ctl?il :C is t'71'. +'1,^,.t,f`}'`s C'.(7Tijlr?re?l.al. and residential Ono, and he has got; high density and he ha got commercial, ^(7 1•,tl}' cail't: we h;).VF? it,?" So, one %lft,C'r another, the density will change because of thin particular application. I si7rlmit; some things have changed. lie have a. estbl.i nhcd a. landOne patte rn n that, area of Coconut Grove. it is residential. The second thing T_ woul..d lilac to say is this in an nppl-i_c t,i-on for a planned devr opmont, and under Section 500 of tile: vioning ordimmnee,s of t.:lle City of Miami., a very key factor in the romprehen ve neighborhood plan, and the comprehensive neighborhood plan cont.cr;platcs low density for this, f?ro jc ct;, and 1,�-st, but not:; least, I would like to ^ay - 1. would like to a k the, Commissioner, are we going to rc onc; tiles S oirt.h Grohs on a Not bY :3pot basis? ... he opusc this is spot zoning at its wor 3e:' and I say the time to stop the dcvF_;l opmerat:. of the South Grove on this kind of basis in hare, and it is now. Thank you. Mr. Huber R. Parsons, Jr.: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, my name is Huber R. Parsons, Jr. I reside at 2723 Country Club Prado in Cord Gables. fly office address is '199 Brickell Plaza in the City of Miami. I would like to speak quickly and all of my remarks will be ... Mayor Ferre: Mr. Parsons, how much time are you going to require? Mr. Parsons: Five minutes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: All right, would ,you change that then? Mr. Parsons: I speak in opposition to the project as the same relates to the adjoining school to the north, which is St. Stephen's Episcopal. Day School, and as the same relates to the: some additional six privates and public pre= -school, grammar school, middle junior high school., and upper senior high school. schools located in the: area which will be impactcu by this project. This project dramatically and undeniably will have a negative impact on tho adjoining St. Stephen's ppopur°ty, and like wise a material negative impact on the school corridor and hi;ltcr°ic ricrt:re that constitutes one of tt}t� finF.,:_st ol.umont.:_ of Coconut. Grove, and indeed South Flcr'ida. I refer to Win i?alfire y, ingr'r it w Highway, and th,(z h(c : chcul_:n to 000h 1 have enrolled not 1'E wear than approximately I, 6'_i0 uhi divan, most of young U . And t nnu .: chool a AVG l or`al ud Other" immedi,.te' y "djkeunL to the terr.,l;ep y - dint r.F ans St. Stephen's, up not 1 upther than an u i nin n tine --half ...i j c° radius of this 1 . mpurty. Lot w5 } onLi_t \' wy,.t_lt , ! have previcu _:ly r 1 n i and (; Wd MY Ui ) in S hu (n)e(!nvA Grove <ipea on Av i . . i r, hvrr1ut_ . Gur. 14,wily ;: n Avad 3 thy Gr t _yter Miami ur•r,., iVr n (lt,n,n yvnrn. Q ...r w .,. ki no k> Wow here perman at! y, "ad . r x not tpknAynt jar r ..ons . _ nywak 1n behalf o. my 'fi,1dr'e'P., t_,nr.- sui bf LO1;:.. .ii t.rrt- j__t,-t p`dder another _,.. _, k slc>r:,_ The othrr s avo 1h =;._ n in alo and are reginturca to ru A, nchUulKI t ' I WOU11 A :to for 11t+_nu W On u 11M uppuctUki1y_ !. _.1.so think tnat A- ._.p nk fur �II:I.i. , 1. ul. 1.1. : Oro :i\?:. all J1_ the u c: c. I11d l y -- t.riCr` families wi a also cancer'rrs of virtually to- � have childr un attending St. 11W.pht. n' A woi� d at,OUL St. Stephen's. This Episcopal Day School has existed in Miami Id 90 September 20, 1984 for some decades. We all know that there are many items of quality in our community of which we are proud, and which work very well. Although these items were of course many, 1 St. Stephen's Is one of the best things about our Miami community. 't . t(�phnn's ^(^r-'vr';' n jl)r1 i o, l,j n(1� rFar�t-en through 'Uh ,i.`-_i: i. F.;rpdr T1. 11;t i,l)F7F l' 1)C tl;' n `ami li C9 1 that T'n 111;7njt :?nd ''i1d nr�f7 t, i� Hlspan 7 and1'l!1 `rj 1f111 ( ilT l %.gin_. A1.t,h -rla ��t r T },E l,'.^ 1 a ,t l at. _r i�nnl IITII 1 nec( ,.�-lr 1 l t 1.j1( j 7 r :111 f I1 f111 " ,riT j group%7 _ . r^pr F >('nt,d lid t 1r� IIJr.I1i, 1)n y 31"1(1 �,TC1�Ili':i 3_j?`3 are € i vcn to CO M)ni ty objeCi.IV�"_' f,11;i1; Z (.tlltil' 4dr' t•'o1.7�t(7 :71 1-1 ^}1'c I'}Gt1,11en I institull.l on, and t,(-) l.irn i_nntlr; 1)1,o1)1- Stephen' ". 1 ,`> 011C of 1,11r 17i,ne;,1 (II],I _ our Mi..ami_ oo„nii,ni_ty -;nd 7liotr1_,_1 riot, 1)e injured, nr d(: 7t-1r red. I am to ^per 1i; npjtoc].t(-, Hr. . hi associ;it -n thl, r,1 ?',S:r?r f'or tir . 'i'1- ci..>tcr I ia ar, an � arch i.t;ect1(i ii v n].(�[1,- t ? cr '1 v r d , c-r ' i deve1.o1)mcI) c on 1. r i hI)i, 7-('T1;` C`f =l 1;!:,' ?f7 Ei)l(1 j)(>; .t:, l_v r' Fln^;1-,11c i C _ nature; to 11.h,, 1'1i- arrlj. colnmuni t,yI and 111(iced, i:hr cent r 1_ and r. $ayatlorr i�� 1. �r(, ar(�:%l o)- 'Air Grnv(e . Tile 1)ropo c(i Cc) m nii o d o r e Bay proj('i_ t, ,III, ?c n rn c _i mo;=1, ur1) n and urba.nc ,I't lf �J 1?ot11 i--.1.1 110 ,dutt-„� IT1(i %),lii('1a, exc1ept, for the fif 1;,-'1rct,ioil o� ,?-.'t._ ol0c1: 1)y the appro.�.rr,;Tt,<_,11.e(1 tar t,i. 1; 11��i] .o T��. �aiiich consist, of or;, ti)0O Ou.1 1`` ll]..171_11 F, Lir( <i For (?xi_._t.ing uses, and l",hi-ch propo:�,('d. l)uildinrgs have ol)vi-ousl_y attracted some rtlixec reactions o1.' our existing community, t,ould, be a prestige project for the 1liami area. The problem with the project is not the project itself, but rather the pro jeet's specific location in the City of Miami and Coconut Grove. Among the highest functions and responsibilities of local government are to provide for the poor, to provide} for the public safety, and to provide for the safety and education of the young Material issues as regards this project involving poor and the public safety are not involved in this proposed development, but the safety, i,e1, far'e and education cf our, Community Is children l a:- not been considered. Thar(: :,mould of course be I giti.rnIt.e1y a balanei?, , of cor._lTruniin this T r ttcr. But here the i.nt(rcc 1 -i of Tnotl,er t dul.t-likc dev , ol:�TTT(,r-it, no matter how rilt,y nd ,ac11-to-ao, is el{_ariy out-TaciChed i.n my judgment by the 1c.f=i.ti_Fri t(: crnu ea1. public :af(:t.y, family and e d u c :t,ion<_ l i nter,C 1 f t11c e latteI, values are adhered to, t,iTc:T-, hi i i9-iarni. is, Foi Ile! One — buildiril.. th�a1; of t.mc l ro13<�:. u Corr Tr:ot,'or'e I an lr :;; been most ct:r(i'uzly �t!Id dUi0t Iv t;Lid ied, exc(,:pt for--o,,ething _I will. lr�:TrtiC)n an 1, .r;t�t( i.( c�;xuof clain the develoj);:(=Tit, p �:li: j%r :.i t1L.(�LT 1 �'I' 1=�i�=_< jr, ` -i-1c, .d-lo1jlirlg'site o c C:!c)c,l r T,�., T r-(.,_ , �,� (:c. n�- `. ��:r= , _ I_ � �r• ._ _])... ,..gat ..1 .study or vi(;',. ' ldlr .L;Sv[_vCT' <iT!(7 (.iC' =i.i1- �("�s 1 �`1'tii;Ut(.Y'.I t.ic-il✓ of traffic y Ow have be,;il d..:t'L:t _r'(T( (1 ti, it' 'S y.r;Tatte.r Of.. , - .. . .v..,1 .Q Such matter', �_;�� ,Fr !, t.rl( c .t.. � .... t,_.:t- il;_.. 1)�� :i,, the duty, :tl(i i t t' t. _.. t 1 - _ �..,_._ .(�. t.l;{ 1' ;�. Ott (: jfFC t on o.uT' 't_;1; .r r:11 �' t::till--jT(!1, 1:iic 1...., i; i. a and ISO. I I Will )Gila, O1:L. (.Tr 1� c1' t1 t' 11 T� 1( a, � , (c, . t r• .; w t Mr. Mayor i`l:c : c _. .1; _T,t { i t:l,(. , l.ry..... .:.<13. last week. l G;i 1,_1 ivc- v> 0U four or, V j<0111LL, ti L.T'j 1 .ast Mayon Ferre l T f=aI•s0lI, you agave now boric: uv< r• six minutes. kr. have at least two more hour•w of hr arings. I would be grateful if you would conclude your statement. Make your four points quickly, sir. ld 91 September 20, 1984 Mr. Parsons: First, it is not clear what is being proposed. The Cit,y's Planning Department is continuing to display that diagram on the board. That is not what the developer is showing. Flow can it work. A cque-iti_on is, who owns the land? Can the developer's plan, as pparant l y amended verboll y horn today, y. lie is, ;4prrar, r, n4-J.-v u f' of the al..l ey--ny nwrjnd by Yhr, KpIs opp 1. Ti"i oo Qvn (l i Florida. t t that to Ur (4isn Vin Tipp _ination i invalid, q'i " r, Nn . doers i )L Pnproxnnt f,t n to -lurch inidni, Iinunp cif Q t,(Z n )r, ownership. s+`.c'i`;ilCj I t;t7(?f l_:' :'� i_r•n-;. ^jr.,z�rnu !i.rn a r the gpp1J.+<aUrin. If the a t;inL pnv',"l.lon's nrn KninK mn edl is there e hris hcen nn study givcn as to this Innation nf those buildingm, rind thnrnFo c nnvi-ronmPlital considrrPtinns are being totm i-l.y d i _ rnga.j"ded in t",i1.13 matter. lost! t! I do not see how ia',gHly the develolimnni, opdrr can work. Tt requires, an presented to you Commissioners among other things, that ingrcnr our! (grens be r t three poi_nto: one point gad jacruL to (ommndorc Plaza, one on the boundary lane of the praper ±:t; , and one (n McFarland Avenue. That cannot work. tor. Mayor, and Commissioners, the petition should be denied in Un entirety, Mayor F cr,,c;: .lr nk. there were three technical and legal questions that wepe raised. I am going to interrupt the present ati_nn,s ak i_hi s point, because otherwise are are going to let these things slip by. I think they have to be addressed. Therc were three points. You said four, but I only heard tiger_ . One dealt: with the question of the legality of the petition before us,, if indeed the Episcopal alley is not in question. Would you address it, Mr. Luft: What we are saying at this point, subject to the letter from Mr. Powell and my presentation is that we would no longer need, and it would not be our recommendation that it was necessary to use the alley. The alley is no longer a part of what we feel is a necessary part of this project. There is no part of this project that would require church property to accomplish what we feel is in our recommendation. Mayor Ferre: So therefore, to his point, the Administration's position is that this is properly and legally before us. Mr. Luft; Q8 . Mayor Ferro: Madam City Attorney, do you subscribe to this? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor, I concur. The application in amended to reflect; the Planning Department's project dec ign. Mayor Fevre : The second point; had to do with the environmental aspects of tier 22, OUO square Va. of wood houses, ur whatever they are ua 1 e d in the h +mraa kn . Mr. Luft: With thu kh5rhuu 0 necessary, ill MCI ;; "e Lad 1'r-q ! i`Cti moved back UppPaxinaLuly V rr.i_L.. from the y a Jpot't,y i 5?e_ , to ,yp o'v idc. along LK, t-tit P;cupeply - G not on uh rsh property wob ;joNu no treta Ue eliminated in setting feet. u allay -any, it was ,- :1 t', L_ t! [' 1t .: ,l Cl :i Yi }. S be lint 1 nuL move, away Cal l ku4y, L, sidewalk t'ir (i : j = t. prop .rty, ji+: cv the CcAji ltion that that buila inn back 10 Mayor Fer°re: So the answer therefore is ... Mr. Luft: We environmentally recommendations. feel that it is responsible. It is sensitive and is consistent with our Id 92 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: The third question dealt with the three exits And the aspects of the legality of that. Mr. Luft: Tf wA do not qc(,ept the requirements for the exits and instead annept the Traffic Engineer's recommandation that Kharo nrod not he more than one, thon in fact., Wn tic! not requirn the two exits on t, h P alley or throurlh 11 () McFarland, and thin in not. an illegal. applicaLlon. Tt in not in any way rcquirn on their approvni. Mayor Feri.--e Any questions from the Commission on these three issues presented? 1 will give you time for rebuttal later on, no write your notes down and we laill get back to you Wep. Yes, sir! Mr. Laiircncc Terry: fly namq is Lawrence Terry. I live at 1896 Tigertail Avrnuo. I was originally going to also represent the School Honpd, however Mayor Fcprc: Excuse me, you required five minutes? Mr. Terry: i am going to try to take four. Dr. Muench has allowod me to speak For four minutes, and he will speak for one minute of the five. Mayor Ferro: Okay, go ahead. Mr. Terry: I will try to make it four. Given that the Planning Board has changed its recommendation, I have to change what I was going to say a bit. The Planning Board recommendation very specifically said with the traffic report that there are to be three means of ingress and one of egress, which is McFarland Road. Now, that we know that that is no longer before this Commission, 1. would like to address some points cni the traffic matter. the 111,anning Board, in its apiginal findings found one access and egress to the property wun2cceptable. I do not hQvc information that Mr. Luft doey an to other boordn that have recommended traffic studies. An to the traffic of that was used for this projcct, there were several things that seumcd to me to be blatantly incoprect. The study WHv vas first of all, (this a letter from Mr. Powell from ... 1 am not sure where it is from) however, i am going an the tpaFfic report that was submitted to the Boapd by David Flummep and h2sociates. this study was done the last week of june and tho first two weeks of July. Pt oDle ape on vacation, no students are in school, and tourism H done, uspecially because of the Latin trade in down. Tho sLudy only conounLratca on its statistics for 11.11. puak LpLffic. Ls In, know, tAns A.M. traffic punk do alnu prutty nor pundous, onpucially in relation to EuWng out and wuvntoLn. The rupopl kentioned as for futupo conditionn , Wren prujcut 2 uhWh :An� .aligned for the City of Miavi. it SPOCIFIVally JOnS = OL tit _ON the project unieh in unewr uny At thu Flaynciou, union calls for a papkinu JILIV,ga 01 doc.j LA. that intePSOCLiun - Ch�PIOL WVPnut. TNL stu6y, uhun nowi"K with multi -Ulu tPAPn, inyin" icy hword Kwin 10. Lul t, its Qum a study uhlah in 4 yeAPL und. U JuL ULa whanges in Ue Wove in 4 yours. Tau pro joat. U111 EyhuraLp 50� ." ,Ld out trips in P.M. urnVlio nun GAU0 trips a-Aly. W"n, KOP W2d LIS was tht ntudy tvion to do-jimit tku tiivpt of va"mv Lwips by over. 50, . 1 dull 1 1. Villim 151.L jovallstiv. !M Study downplayn obit rually U& lu bu cant io sn"y ir�iyac ouvk in the Gpuvt . n YG I i uk:-,, :j- ca-1 : lit 1 WL -L W_0.acw_ y pay; removal uY n1i papking aiunE Mna" Highuny frow fullor __:re et to Chariot Lyroul; arcallun cc naj!Lioh�i in"y on knin going south -bound; i%wov6I of the exl,u"W sidawalVa, wniui, were put up at City Expense; removal of parking oIi Commodore id 93 September 20, 1984 Plaza to effect a right hand turn onto Main; removal of the sidewalk obviously at the front of the project. It fails to discuss at any meaning fol. dogree the worsening bottleneck around the rapi t nI Rnr?r; gning ,math. it fails to talk about the eli.n.innt,inn of n TQ7L hand `urn onto the par,lri_uF lot, Just, north Of %1;iiTiorinra t'l.?j,a. it dons not, trilk nhinIii, t,hfr elimt_nnL"i.oit of a nnt,"r'wl h11fi qr hat,wc n pnrt; r, , nn nnd t;,fln traffic on Main! and it (r 1.i'i1_n i.rher, in net ? .hn a11?..l. l ty of pedent ).nil,^, and hinynl es Ln ri ov a nl -nr Main Hiahway, whan in fact, lilin project :;ufprnadly K t,c, movementQf ja ;1�^.i",i 1."trl; ?hc i?i. �;rl.r. 'I_t, i ai.�_.. t i) mcl..�i,ion that. -JicT,nnlizntion is ln'?vitnhin %3 i:. t.ho hl_arho" r rTi^o C nt. and it would have ha.vc peen A P cFprlan i cxccph t,h.a t: we no longer need to consider that. The project. >t lip( ,3C J.l.y was, only to effect traffic 3% or 4n If you r ;ithin study carefully, rome parts oi: i;he City will be ^ ft'eC ,r:c trt to 17%, and with this al t.ernntivc fee a,`3 you h, vc bE=fore you, up to 100Y of the ? tcraection bec ou e of the pra irc,t . P .y conclusion i_ 3 that this traffic atudy, in spite of Mr. Powell's ict.ter which says nothing, thi_o sLud,- and the whole project i.s myopic. it tail.]_ not, r.ri th accc: through McFarland. its i-,i?.-1 not wopk with only once access. Without the access the hammock in in total_ jeopardy, and I rr.commend that this board vote Usol_utely no on this, and let's get on with less than myopic planning. Mayor Ferre: We havQ now had three opponents. I will take one or two more and Mrs. Dou l_an, and then we will go to the other side and we 1•;i.l.l take four or five proponents. Dr. Karl. Muench: Mr. Mayor and Commissioner, my name is Karl Muench. I have lived in Coconut Grove for most of the twenty years that I have lived in Miami. fly present home address is 1699 South Bayshore Lane. I have two children in St. Stephen's School.. I: art a physician. I will be very brief. Most of itty points have been covered. I do have two points to make. Number one, I have heard Mr. Treister's presentation theca times. Today he has asked us not to consider the: speci.fie5, but I think we must consider more than the gc neralitic; . I a!n quote him today: 1tA precious - legacy of trees that cannot be replaced". However, the hardwood hammock cannot be proser•ved with ra singlc access road. On a walking tour of the property last Wednesday night with the Planning and Zoning Board, Mr. Luft sadd that the City Planning Board would never approve of this, project with a single ac.cn2s read to Main .1itt,lrway. Secondly the hammock cannot he _r c ne,r„ved with the construct -ion of seven artist' 3 shocks. . :io, we ape either, Loi.nj' to p 'e = epve the hammock, or we ,ape going to d i s toe no, with the hammock, but we can't. have it both ways with a s .n_oIe road of seven nr,t ist'., shacks. . My L 'c and Lind final point -- last week, undue cnLh, before thu Planning and Zoning Bowed, Mr. Campbell t. u s t i V , < d tnal Aw pr t nc nt. tower sy4luw s 50% inadequate Von t:An pr o joct . Nlou, today, FA" ( r _?bull has , ,000 stated tir:tt. a r��._r.nur��,rrt r�t;drrc.r.i>:n 1`r•c,r.� . UOC� t_c� ?�i square ft_t.:t. it, poirtl_', to rut--.ku ' h�. t,ti;t:_r : r,dc tier t.c t'or• the project. I Lii nk tnure in a . ont,r'udic'.tion lope, Lnd _l would like that QLr° Vin. Thank you. Ms. Arm r.&W"y: ;y r;awa A Carol r ni: eley. I've been a homeowntr i un E y ar tS and 1 l ivu ,:F r'k; be +U`. C; icy hu-band refuses , u kn c , 1it:- list, t,'een i evt,' Si iiGt. f'at r' k;. ' tVz(),. and his Irro lie_v l?ww" c a"1 ov ga_ lory in the doWuLaWn i:_«Ci was an artist nu i "a note, My ..0 ,t r. uwa .. the louni public school, ::.r,t. 1 dr : vo to the villnrn ehily. _ , - Amu on the Board ui 11 pup Iur n Ur Loue • , '�`l�ub. i- I : � _: i�) � 1 � t� e _ i i . Hundreds tv umi.t:i4of cot' no" munborn Lve JAI.._ii4 _ 0421Y. I know, be .�4_ �lcikLi: r.t-, ic. ��-'t�u� �t=s arynoiate the letters. tie will pvto nt, . c;rne of thk l? cp1e rr•orri my group, off and on - I asked for 10 Minutes, but part of that Id 94 September 20, 1984 Might be taken up from other people from our group. An overview of our 10 major arguments against Commodore Bay - Number one, Commodore Bay Project erodes, the zoning plan, because thn. nap of lminmi':7, norlprrhrn.^ive n-JFh1horlhoorl plan s li-r, ow l-y' r-feshow n 0 a p p 1- 1 F, --11', i I1�! Commodor" V il 1, r., ld n -n; i o T" J TIF a, sho p 1):; 1) �71 r is I park, 1 3' Commodore Bnv i:-, publi i(-.. ini 11 al sites F. or � 1-Td I YM a v a ilri 1) 1 r, J-11 1-.11C ViJj.'-�gc ci�I1!'('11' hr-, nlddr^ed 1) Y a r e a Itc r 1_1 ter - Conl.-Pllodorr' D;ly? liumihr�r 'JoIJI'V i.:. lint, in the e, public i n 1-1 c rc 7, G bnc"111'7, f,llo t;"If, r.ic, c 11 or l Irl c d I)Y this proje,cl " w i, I. I c I, en t Q 11n,7'r1rr7. rind 11. ';7, ." I, f 10 u :7, 1) ll 1) 1- i C c n I -I d i- 11, 10 n s This lhar,, Occii 1111n'bcr five, Collinlodol'(7. D'I.Y J,-' not, in t I il (? p u 1) 11 c c r e:-� ") e, c; I. I l ;7' C 111C t r 1I: if i c 1r i-1.1" unduly burden 1) rr� c 1, •7) i,. n d t-, 11 e i d 1- J. i n c r c is e 'U i e a i r 1) o 1 1 t, i- (,-) n Tl I 1 .1" o I I 1 11; -l", 0 11 from DERM 11 t:. Dad c Co un 'ily 1 "oil jj-I rij -til-ilctit, J-n o,,onc � -111 d violator of erii-hon mono-�.-ide Note '(Jiilr. the traffic study by Mr. 'aild f"Ir. Luft,ls anily,J,-; do:7, not account for, W c (' l-'- c 1) d 1-1 1"), i 0 (7 7, 1 11. 0 11 u r"I b e in 's, i x , Commodore 13.--iy Proje-c-1. i,r-' not, 110T, is it commneI)d'-". sensitive J 1 11 000 '_, (I 13 ; I f b I ) J, ]- J j, 11 111-, i 1) e, r c seven v 1- o N,:-, t. i -1 c c I 1; 3, 1,; r_ I the n e i gh b o I, I 10 o a o f C o o n 1) t, G (1V Id n c 1, 1 addrco:t h i ,7, point 11 7 -1 J 11 i,11t inte,.",c.st to gralit, when he bought 1L-J)JJ.,--' property with full of its zoning restrictions. cline, it d_3 not in the; public interest to grant the dcv(:1opc.1' �1 r(Q LIC. 2t for i',iixed use, when late in 3-9821 the Comiroodope Grove. F 110ject, ,_;eeking only a chanf,,,e in reidcntia] to another 1( dclit ial use was turned down becausc ... for v.,�'r,_i -ous but amounting to the fric!(-' that: it: I.. o o d e Y) 1 r° 1;1A%(:.-r ten, the plan before t h C o in J1 1. 1'! 13OW i.r 110 1, tI i c o n e v: ( studied downt-ol,lrl in it not, 1xi.1i �-.v,1_J_1,1 foi public inspicct'icil. I wou-I'd likc to (Ju`_'C1,Jy once pai,tiicular area, es I dont knovz if I will hav,chancey to stand up. There point. Gruvc� 1 . - s i1 I )roje Ct that 0 is in the c 0 11 t' ra 1 GI, e and --Is, t' I- I I t '(I a I I e III e I, g e 11 c y variance for. 1) L,, I ]. (J i Ilir i C, '-'I t by t }lis C o mllri on for hard sh _J i n o e x 1) (---' I, t said i t t, c r,-1 p t ,.-S t, o C), 0 v a t e for parking 11,ept tine wate1, cut would, eIo,-(, :-Ai,uCtural harril to build in mils This case for Grove E�quare set limits I t I C., C- 1) e 1','! aJ I C 11 C) %J d C (2 J) 1 Z-1 I'l d (2 a Li 1 d be ex c a v a 6 l.z -i t 1', 0 u t 1) 1, C 1) 2 f" ll :3 Q w L., t (-- I, ill trus -1-Orl beeoming f inanc iIa 1 1v 1.) 1, C) I, to with. The v A.01)CIC (,ru q; u a r e Ilt t C t hi .'Ii u'l' . the asked fc, z vF n e g a t i v I, n"z •k and Peacock r ui`k, c .1 d 1 'K o J t i,I,, n o w that it I-,iititiii y and th(-1 P1 i i i i I i L i-L iiiI i i. , Ili` u i't i Hr. T r e li stet u nd e I, g I i 1 21 C) rrl about I L, ov v J 1, it all h V:-. 1 (1f hil , for .,L 110 0 U �j be inc re"--z�t- �i iit- a !J given to Y y way, i,:i 1 1 1 1 ."'Y 11 t- then 11 1. c, Ci p t t hat 1"'i i; f1i ILI U M a Y 0 1, t1link, thtli vlc-' a.U L'oilq' to I I, o Ii., t-1 r s Mar joi t ui.t:-iiian Douglas a T ter, Ui I s ge Ill, I elfien ' _'-z L-hree minute pre6ental'Ioll and then we will got to the same number of minutes on the other side. Go ahead. ld 95 September 20, 1984 Mr. Steven Cooke -Yarborough: Mr. Mayor, Honorable Commissioners. My name is Steven Cooke -Yarborough. I live at 3555 Crystal Court in the North Grove. T am a civil engineer and T speak for the Tigertail, Association with a membership in excess of T50. We oppose the rezoning applientinq ns wp feel that U. in yet PnrAder CROP of Zone erosion nF the whole nnneW nnd it i7 rpnt inning. This is and thn projcK ore not For the p"blin 900d. Those Of W who live in CncnnuL Grove nr- onving a pinnampni diannntling of the ;7nv1ronmnn& of the Grove and rnpOcrment of thn genuine by the phnnny Cop the purpose of nhErnnLing tourists and people outside nr the area for the hencrit of Commercial developers. We can fy"It the claims of the project in many ways, but in this prn2entntlon, T wish to draw attention to the peripheral effects. The village is surrounded by residential areas occupicd by a spectrum of r,-10Cs, colors, creeds and incomon. it in not now an elitist area. Commercialization of the village drawn pr-,,Ople from outside of the nrea. Few come by public transportation. The City's zoning ordinance requires n commercial space be supported by parking spaces. This provide;_ for the cars once they gnt into thQ villa9c. But in getting to and from the villagn, the traffic pownco through residential. areas and the inernamcd traffic Ater nnse5 Vvi snRLY or these areas nnd Khn rcsidnntial oharnoturiatim of t&07" Traffic studies prrpRrcd for Lhn devrioper of the projroL shown that the traffic generates about 650 Parking succs in the project can be got. into nnd out of the projccu, but these studies concern the streets an the project's boundaries and do not show how the traffic arann wic stpcets leading through the residential areas to the Grove. For example, in 1983 the portion of Main Highway between Poinciana and McFarland had a daily level of service for traffic out of "D". Grand Avenue between McFarland and Mary had "E". South Bayshore, "F", and S. W. 27th Avenue, "EP� These are the connecting links to the few major acceo5 routes. Each of these levels of service are considered by traffic planners to be unsatisfactory. Additional traffic can only worsen the situation with increased air pollution, noise, and inconveniencc. The village is rapidly becoming a place where residents do not ._hop because of traffic, high parking costs and ra lack of stoma meeting their daily needs. If commercialization rampantly progres5cs, relying on the business of people from outside the area, it may well choke an traffic Nnd the difficulties or getting to mpi from the area. Thai eve ryonc- lo.,:;c.s. Th(-, vi�-iin routes bietviec-11 the village .in 'I the rent of Miami pass through Uic Tigertail Association's area. We do not need more traffic. Moreover, this in one of the tun project2 undep considuration in the village ,_pea, arch of which would bring mope tp2ffic. What is needed Q a study to d6terminn no ,, the road syntum ann nupport without crantlup the congested traffic Kwopt of to which we npwa, to be headed, slid tholl prrwit duveloplunt only �,(�:eopaiutly. We therefork uuLu On Como i n n i o" to deny thin, revioning and initiate 4 rnEjoNQ tp"ffiw nnalyNis us 3 basis for realistic nouinL. Ihnak yUU. Mayor Fypvu: Now we will hear From Marjory Stoneman Douglas, pjuuEe. ThHt was Mr. Cooke -Yarborough. Is that correct? Mrs. Marjory Stoneman Douglas: Mr. Mayor and alembers of the Commission, my name in Marjory Stoneman Douglas. I live at 3744 Stvwpt Lvenue, Coconut Grove. I built my house there in 1926 and I tnere by way of being the oldest living inhabitant. 1 have two points to make against Mr. Treistar1w pin", which I consider completely OU of the question. I think it is an outrageous plan. I think Mr. Treister, with all personal respect, is an enemy to Coconut ld 96 September 20, 1984 Grove. I don't think anything he does is for the advantage of Coconut Grove at -all. My first statement is that I don't hear people talking against the great problem that Mr. Treisll-.er Is trying T-n;ik- moi-r- ;:!md more complex, and that is, the vroj))-n�, o-till -C I - (�nt iro Gity and our populatinn of Coconut G, r jjrli• . -, - O M" - 111 o -,,-I 1, 1) I -Tot Id r' over p 0 p I I In 1�, i, n!1 , n lnr- llnl - rnil -d p-.nr-) 1 1 hr�iisajjcj peopl n n I— - om- n 1oll :7 () f 1-, 11 (-,, m r e comin1z.-r- l,11,F. 1t that :7(1 J,()pjr- il,317rn 1.}1ollf-10, w-, h'-I(I o be g i n ti i. n fr t,(-) T i 1 1. J, i i o n r e P d i r, a d v 1i n g r- r, ; r, , f - '1110 r-; 1i7,n 11d .-1 don't n e d t.o o. n Q c) i i r,,i c- C F 1, 1 J-- V r- r F-" o It i 1 i k (2 n 111jr-ri-entic, 1-. 5, (le. T 1, j-^. fr We are b e i n Pcop IQ T (10 not; 1111ini- -Inythling that, 1-17-. Tl-cj-,--,tCr e;',li do do anythinf, hill, 1'- 11 (i T, �11 1171 n the already n, C000l),it ;,11ci +Jlo e n d 'T'n C, C'i 1-1 Y () f 'a -I t i ro J ?117 1.n grow of the G11-l'y of � - like md, hiii. j.-J,:7, r 0 -A- 11 F 1, C) r 0 1,-T rl o 1-1-111 "1 r cities grow in i.he d J- I, e n ion of 1-111 (- r c I t , 1 1, t'; c o!-11 i n g from liic C i il y Of j.,'l TTI i 1-1 i- 1.1. in v 11-1-1 h 1 -,%7 11 o t I I q n 1- becausc it , j 1. en i i n o t. 'r r o i,,-. c) 1) 1, 11,,, �1 I, (i into Cloconilt, Grov(�,. Yonder , - isn't C1101jr-1) L-311d i-or- H-pnint j,7 th,)', T comp. e I y (I i rn'.1 Y ("d 1) t I of e 111) i n fr j d J. 11 making, so i,,.i.iny Co 1"0. -,.o oh:�?Ige the en'Llii�(,, j",ec of on i I G r C) I J . nra7.1� the b c g i n n i. n f Of Coconut Grove. that.. you L, u r o e- ";1, n lici 1,- 1 -1 V the Cl'!I'Mc�, -Mi Planning Board o a 1 o n �g w 1i I a(C m, 's t o on t 1, 1 s i d C- f the growth. All the me the pliannil)c P( Planning I'll o a r d i, an t, s is more and more al -id more people. Well, whel-,c on earth are they going to 1) u t them? What are they doing about taking care of excess populations without overcrowding already crowded places? The Planning Board should not be, tile ones to make concessions to developers. It seems to me that we should hold out against developers. They want to come in now because they come into the focus of making - lot of money, and they niak(� so many concessions as has been inade in thi.^ c,?se t)jey 7jjtj.,�t planthey tj , 1-1 t y are going to make an awful lot of HIc'71ij *1 do ----uppose they hope so, becau,1e why 21-iould they do it'. The Planning Board should try to 11 tia 01-1:3 to dcvelopers. The Planning Board should ho the:_.e beautiful plans by Dev elo p rs thr, t re --'U I t 111 the C ue t Lon a lid riot the proper, and adcqu�te buildilng out I co. ri:--, _di_ r' this plan comj)letcly ill--con:--idercd, lid C)n,', t:: 1"1" -1, tig-, of a ;- 11 V the, it) Ulu tellt. well, sh"all we :lit,. to run away with the Lunt, lid 1.t. t, Will indeed 1, e L I , c, cllc� of, C",ocol"Vit G1`-O\,(�.much. J Mayor Fi"-i- t at 95, call you imagine what s h i q! i I I ue. i. 1, 11 d, ts 10 0,? 1 mean it improvc:.i (INAUDIBLE 1-4.CK-GiOUNIJ Mayor Furi-e.: Now$ llalc-a-np I think out of fairness really We've got to be faii- now, you know. I have let you go on and on and on at-kd I think we have gone about forty minutes on your side. We will take one minute. Mrs. Any Vluc�rich: 11jayor Ferre: All right, this is it and then we go to the other side. Mrs. Plus~ ,n- un : kly nawie is Any Muench . I live at 1699 South Bayshore Lane-,, I have lived irl Coconut Grove for seven years and my two :small children attend St. Stephen's School. I represent the group - the parents of St. Stephen's, of Id 97 September 20, 1984 which 118 out of 150 families have signed a petition to the City Commission of the City of Miami to deny in its entirety and in all. reoppets, the mpjov, rise :-;pe(-,i_,a1_ permit for the Commodore 11,1Y P-0.1-jeet. Mr, TrrJ�I-.er has 74i(t tonight that ) ) (',nocl iv�-ighh()rr, dOlIli, wai'l-, h e want. c) el o-lond 11 J FJ11 until thr--,f, (In rf) 11!,- _f� 1h o o o r s It j. i- 11 -ve This bis p I- c:i n I-, i on (�h 0 0 f projeof- 1VT 1) 11 1, (1 (1 — r-, j'(1Zr 011)- lilt's to deny Mayor Ferrc: 111.1 1, i 11.(j v( -)jj lip petitions to the 1,01, Cleric? 1, e they a1-1- of1.I1e C I t, y Of Miami? Or are thcse ... (INAUD.N31,F, 13(tCKG . ROUND COHHEIINTS) Mayor Ferr(�: 1,,,o. t 11,7, 1; is not, my question. Are they citizens of NJ,nrii, or (lo, they live in Coral Gables? Mrs. Huench: T 1110, 1, C 1 r, :I_ mixt,ure . Mayor Forre : Okay. Arc, You proponent, or an opponent? Unidentific.d ;-III opponent, but i represent a client 1-:110 o",711:' I-7ciji --d like to be heard. 1-�I� ()t�j ,, -irnc�7s really, and Mayor Vci,ii_-.: j,crai.4-ion here. I we havc, ',c 0 think we opponents. Would you mi-Ild A of some sort that you c<;D, t Ill, it J_ s only fair to give the other side Unidentified Speaker: As long as I have a chance to talk, I will wait. Mayor Fern:: Absolutely you will have a chance to talk. All right, now we will start on the proponent speakers. The first one T have here is Mr. Keith Swenson. How much time do you need, sip? Mr. Keith G. Swenson: Five minutes, and less, if I can, please. Mayor Ferre: How much was the cumulative time so far? Ms. Hirai: 35 Ininutes. Mayor Forre - 35 mil"lutes? vile care not doing, too bad, but I'll tell You I Can't belit_�ve it 1:3 '5 Ms. Hirai We did not count tht-2 ,,., i,, j I (-, I iiisiiopls time, - Mayor Feire: k "e, 11 L well, you arguc.- uith tio., ae 11 i 1 1% nutes. We will go for 315 en 1,e w-111 start now with Hr, :au(n Li 0 1-1 ",mute t, - 1:1, 11 t Mr. S w e, t i o I J' Yclll hJ," 1.7 am Keitli 11 the. City of Mia[A 1 '-1 1, L, Lp i Church I am ai.� of- th,� 1-V body OftIE'h iU�(A I,! that capa--i'uy I p j d gground;J tj thz-t V Y St t c�� Y 1; 06 t L. 0 the vestry I)(— L c) 1 h c u 1.,din g the p 1 a r., a I i u 1) r o p Q G ac c e 6 t u 1- M -i 1 1a a by the 1 easement through St.St e 11 e r, at the" 11 Pe(Jt--flt weet-i 9, you ld 98 September 20, 1984 are now presented with a different plan - one that does not involve St— Stephen's and in that light, I am no longer constrained to essentially represent the Church's position, and 1 spraking purely and simply as an individual. T have 7 years of Formal education In orchitenturn, orhan planning, and lollnuod by 25 vpArs nF prnevic, in the rigid of urban pianning and Qnsnly rr!vLqd dqvq1npnqnV Finds, T have been responsible prop.-�1-11J-on n1- plans and the davelnomant of rQgninfor l) rt i)aYlf r>^, ,n more. than 500 Mins it 7 mULPs. 1 am a F"ll m-mhor of the American Instit"Le of Certified Pinnnors Rnd 1 am the Chairman of the Gold ConM section of Lho Ampricon Planning Association. i am here as n proponent. T Mongly andorse the proposal as it is now toUght presented to you entirely an its own propepty - the property owned by HP. TreinLer and his associates and I would like to make just three observations very briefly. One, with reamet to land abuse. There are different ways to abuse land, You non nhurn it by over using it and it can he nbunQd by undar-uti.lizahlon and I frankly think arc- of,tun guilty of tile Utter, because in the activity of Upprnsing dcMnpmM rights on one sides in certain areas, it simply raises it in another area, beenorr we 11".ve so m:-Iny peoples to ,,,O many commercial inntitutions to build. The questinn to the quality and the location of that doveloplynn'.. khrro rhould it. be? Al Nindy a lot of termn apound Mm". 6ennity and F.A.R. and intensity and that sort. of Lhiiir,, :and Fail to understand for cxomplo, that a densitY Of' 30 units to the acre, by ycmir oun definitions in tile c.',ji,,y of falls within t1u; higher cK of low density. It is below the moderate Knnity ninEe, and furthermore, you could out a density of 30 units to the acre to 15 by simply doubling the SiZO Of LhO unit and have exactly the oame number of people. You undcr.,J.,,�od th,-J,, but I believe it is important-, to the citizens who perhapn are not as familiar with these kinds of terms to undurstand that kind of a rituation. The second is what I call thu Little Village myth, The little village of the past. :1 live in Coconut. Grove. I work in Coconut Grove. 1 am here evury day of the yci-,r, other than the times i am out of tile City. It is not a little village sitting cn a country road ;rnymore. It happens to be an urban area with world class hotels and restaurants and places of entertainment sitting a3tride ontof the major arterial highways going into the City and the downtown portion of the City. You have to reckon Mh that in those kinds of terms. We now have a department vLorc. We are a commercial center and it simply doesn't make one to try to think of this in the past. It is differuntf the quGstion is now, how to deal with that; development row deal voAn it properly. in my view, in my prof e2sional opinion, this propo2al does exactly that, The third point in the professionalism associated with this ppop=al. I adMvu the developers. I have 1110 business tht,-!a in this kind of thing, and no per6onal Mupent to g.in in it. I admire and I have worked with - 2 know ppop.Ltionully some of the people that they have Petsino, 111i 1 1.0A (if' oil -it admire and PuLpeet the inteEPHY Lnd thy Wilily of youp own staff. 1 think it is excoudiHgly MPOPLaQ to v,caE"izu as Citizens that we bulinvu Mt Un n1ary, 1,h( ;j,,wq.,nh the enginetrs, pQUPIO thaL look oL Kno jo,A vLvy hard development. proponals f MW w, tul-u I LAA i a i a c t I excellent. Uny do uhuir jubt, 15ny ou it w.jl, an I would just subt tw mio you taL nuantin"I in Inu Ku! dlwuu.mions the prunewthticnn of j:i:,o fail to meet - tyuly undurstano Lwony of engineeping, ivaivits woulatbi ana got d planning, thank you very much for yuuv tiku. Mayor Force: you are not in any project as such. saga You were here as an individual? You way as a professional connected to the Id 99 September 20, 1984 -9 E Mr. Swenson: Absolutely. Mayor Ferre: You are not part of the project? Mr. Swenson: Not I am not. Strictly as an individual and citizen of' illin Grove. Mayor Forr(: I have a request here from Mrs. Terry Stone that !7hc nw7J, loave, She is one of the proponents. All right, Toi,rv. Mrs. Torril. T am Terry Stone end T .-im the Executive Dircct-.or ol, lbe Grovo As The Coconut Grove ic, the ^�hor�sor of the Coconut Grove Arts FeF,'1-J.vq1.. Whi.01) bring , ��,oi-iie 6-0.000 --ilto Coconi-,- Grove no in February. As dj.rc�ctor 0A the h -im very intern C () rflni n d o r e 13,1 y P-() 1,^c I, tie. Treister 11)d 10'. Sohrlrlil-), The Coconi,,t (Trove A:7,:;(1)0i-;.-fl-,ion, for of You who arc not; v-,JA-1)-1 it, in 1963 1) v f,roriri of Coconut Grove ,ove dn-n t r) r;corarcigcd cul tur;I c;roc-Ft.h in the C j, v (- arts -. n d to f e,71 It-, U - c tif-, uniquc c 1) ratter and hi,,,, y of coconiit, Grov( A f t (-- r ( (� , ;�,n(i mceting reviewin�-, tAic. propc):'eel COEITOOd(We B-Y P)')J 0 the with thy. J-) - o j c 0. t Coconut c3rove c I t, e 1 f as a C 111, c r f C) 1, P C P"': i 11 the 10 '1 i C." 'I ambience and t i "; t p a v i (D n pli�i)ncki ')'oi' tj)t� ppel�,�� for -adol for the Jh tilt - other artists, art -itacted are educator.,� o i no, 1) c y �,:i r e currently e n t h u ; �i -A., J1, i n v o I V (., 6 in tl-lc 1)1-,( 1 1-)(� utilization and icve this to be a very operation of' tJit- t) -j c, 2 exC4 forward for the 0 u 1. t u r a I and for the r e v i t n 1, ).,--,c- of u-s. who ;;ork year around 1..(D -pt,ojlolcc n 11 Grc-1-1,c per L,11 interest t o f view In SE e i 1) 01 Fi nationally and n L. Coconut- Grove been known an artist coi-miiunity and trjcl do need to rOL-assert these valucr, in our area. I .also that "Aponing up access for cv,eryone to the bay and luo a be,iutiflul prOject which cr±la nee the �1-rribience of our cofilmunity i.3 for the benefit or' th,-, cornmullity. I tht'l-1-11C "'Ou J > or Your Mayor Ferrc: Th(` 1-leXt i:� V'r. Jim Apthorpe. Mr. James nd i. 11.) ( k,1(?,i.,, -,j,s of the Board, my name J 1' !1, j) t i i o r i) I live at 16't�O I i cr,nci , Avenue in the north pai,t ol' Coconut, 1 havc-, ldved for 8 years Li(Ad)(-1. "jilti w"I -d of St. Stephen :-i I P is c- 0 1) 1 C 11 U- ii Ild I h::: V c, ,-i fi 111'ti-, i,pader enrol.lca Lei th v o I Q) o a,ve t. I r e e good "q few s e c o i i d- t 1 11 Ov we have I a v f- �j t i L; P t. A I' s take,n i.ill 01 tl,(Mu (,-A11:_-111,-, ilo d change, ty by accide.iit d b e c a u tv it u h a p p k,;1116 06 L I,'-' I ',,y Q'k.: V i,, jJ C! C1 Y) W 01", to here r Vou have, c:n goob i, 1 1, ffiU(2h the obligation: of the City to that C-`6 it is to turn down bLd plans, and 1 believe that this is a good plan. I d 100 September 20, 1984 have no personal interest in it, except as a neighbor at the Church and the school, and as a resident of this community. I have looked at it carefully. T think i,t, meets nny kind of C, tests thal-I you would like to put, il', `cur-.1y i'l, J-P, as close to 11.11l rirrhi-, PIRn for 11.1-in oil thicorn.mjunit,y as I thj.nk tniild w--inli. -md J* 1.7mild your approval Mayor F'� rr, i i, rim i Rc (I GI Mr. Jj()(i C',10111M.-M!, jiji,. 1,i;,vor nnci my name is Rod nlk-, 75-1)(8 W. 5111111 3t1'c('t- Miami. i G 1. o ol) T n,-, i) . T 1. i - -,,, (--, I am one the cofounder.:, j 11cl r 1,(;; i cl o -ill, E m c r _tu.s of the P. A. C. F., o r g,a ni-z c-i 1-1 i n n (PerCorminF ArtS, for Community and Education), T Im h c ro I- , n(1,4y to in support of the il,�] v F roj c G commodor'�, I rj (i (_,11cour. c the C o m9m i- .7, j. o n to I support, wC11. Ny afforl:.s it) the past 10 years, and li,hr? effor4..-, c) org to nurllur(% ;-ind dr_,velop lnv(�� .1,1(i i a nJ. 7,, r)' ion hn.ve been in the arts. Over 1."or deeade Or :-,o. the has land to weather an evcr tide ide of funding , and sponf-�orship, and thrinkf)0-1-y k-:,c have :7urvived and we are otanding on the verge of n pci,.ind in thc hi:�,tory of P.A.C.E. a.-, well as I feel ;-i pri—I od j n the dcvelopuic 1-11, of o u I, City. I feel t, I ia t-, 'k, I i,� C, n c o i iu 1, P 0 V C ID 11 C I is a 1, 0 at a great c r o s s r on J - . 1 f- L i-I rew up in "II," Crovc t-11C, 0"' �-,rtist. I feel like 'a part of 1,11C, :-Inc; )7wn f.hc, (r)v(- 1) c n n as in eai,nesL. ' r") kT t I I 1 'e it. c -1 o c. c I t'lld's point in time that the Coco,111,1t, ("revc 1) 0 `0 C) -`i: I I -, :t t y to recapture a ima j or T`ol,tofJn o'I i 'he village be c am c a i,,i c t i,- o )) ol. The I's t colony, was a place where art_it 1JActy"ki 11:, and was brought forth. I'd i k e to ,_-,ee J i c, f1E hack to the Grove. We at P.A.C.E. havc trj(:6 -iijd c J, e e 1have succeeded in showing South Florida-1 lorida wh, Iublio Places can bring to t I i c a m 1) A, e n c f car r 1) 1 1 .c apace, whether they 1) bc,aches, shoj)Pinl, i e.,m 0 n t homes. This is all a first. ster). U:I.k,n'r sites in the arts in South Flari d = our f= r 1,1 el 'n The next step is to start to A",_2 U11.1,011e, to our area, and that allow, us to develop lad6it-1,01,`1 progra-mliling to meet those needs. I applaud, as I air, Sure Ido t)ie artists applaud Vi-, . T r c _J o t (2 r I s intuitive use of the a 11 t,, it, his overall to the sake Of the Grove. ... for the sake of the Grove 1I.A.C.E., and thousands of artists that will benefit fron, this project, 1 urge you to support it. Thank YOU VGi- 1 PV "MOh . Mayor 14'eri,(_-: !)`I,. UrIa. R'Y"In, Dr. unl 7 i.� L ,,, 0 r Comt-.(i iss ioner Ladies and n. : s 1. f Ji Gen t 1," ii' u-ij jj,_M(: Uri�i Ryan and I live at 3420 Poinc -m a Professor of 1-11edicine at th(_-. 1, have lived in Coconut Grov(- 1'c; i i aj let_.rl on thc� Board of St. Steph(.;i, i 1-i'id 1 to the vestry 1''�Y first child Y A 1-, 1 t-1110 tItld my last eiii-16 1:, ti], j';,- 1 ',:i; 1 t - I T i t i -14 L 11 iv th d a y today V ("'l C C) c o 11 U t Grov( t U do in the Gvc),,,: into the Gv�,-v,: d we do w, I 10 Contf—Lbu, 1 C'J 1c: k "I (-, iv o for .1arge number c)y The residtnt .-, of the t a 1; V 1 t:-C! uce the criwe, Cana I tf,iink, it will LtzLo ti-oz, [1*ctk-,T_-1L and vitality of the neighborilood etiurches a 11 di S(Jlools IN 1. d 101 September 20, 1984 particularly St. Stephen's to have new residents enter Coconut Grove, because it is when the residents can attend local churches and sehools and shops on foot that you truly have a vi. i 1.ae at.mo^phPre, Al..^o, as a resident of the Grove. I l.r t;lr f c}r't•; rrj t:n hr�i nE able to en'. er the 11a.mmock and appj'Qnr}1i i.'7c_ tl ? ijl ('tl< of i',';'ln ?7(1ii 1)^. il]t,1. {lll 1.l' ^t.g of land h;I ^ l,c?n;, nlntal �1,= 1 i r�;,{ n, i �l , Go me and In ni i,i�? })i;l)l. �i.!' _ ! );�:"` 111 llf-?S?T] r� 1 1 en joyrd h �;?l1iCl" :1.nd i,Y'r?�"}� 'C ^lif, it - ��i'_l f'ilt.,rs`;�(i a-nd disrllp !.e i.l)e�l_t- ! 1 o I and Church. l.nn (()l)t' n in Miami ind i ln;,l; )? L tl r) h,-i.;)r- ,I1,1 r tc' „ho'-- my neicr Wooriao1)d to r.I1t:r.'t_gi11 C,'.t�l 1��=3f lJQ f1`0T7. 011 TI(1 i:he �',f)!-Itltry and ? o ;Clle i oh i.te M1aTIil' i'1_t'17 As a 1 _ ll_C)J (tip=,L:�,�, � '�'C' i_.}.?� Fa i�.th%���i l'"r,1�;?• r_!f undevelC )Cr1 l ,ilr1, hilt i.i).i tt-slCt, of 1.:;,?icl a.'. (din(; t;o he developed :incl -1. t.11 Ilt{ t}1.1t Mr. T I e t„ i,, r' ._ 1,i a,, t}a,_t:. (re i> li(�? _ c:o rt.>n 1C1cT= , I enthu l ;.tic<;l-l_V ;npp1.-1.11d Coniriodore 1-,,ay and i.t,^ developers and I l.00'k forward to the time wllert we C;In ill en joy its benefits. Mayor Ferre: The next speaker is Mrs. Thelma Gibson. Mrs. Thelma Gibson: Good evening, Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission and audience. Two ,years ago I would not be standing here doing this, because I always felt that you couldn't take two Gibsons at one time. As you know, my late husband died exactly two years today, and I felt about this project so warmly that I thought I should be here, because I remember Ken Treister and his chapel dow at Temple Israel when we attended his oldest son's I3ar Mitzvah, and I was excited about what he was doing then and I am more excited about what he is doing now. I can only take my friends to the Mayfair to see it, you know, it is an attraction that they could only go to secs, but; once they came up with Burdines, my friends are excited about that and they go there to shop. I am more excited about it because I see a uniting of this community for the first time in my 57 years and t>7y father, who wa:� born here before me back in 1903, and his father helped build the -,trc(_,ts that, go with Charles Avenue. 'That bUiit by iay L;randf«th r who helped to build th�;i: tr'<�et;, ;1nd for ' time, i .,tie u:� being able to ; u 110 I,hk.- wL-t,(ri' oiit l:1thout; n,'i%1i.nc, to ..1.ip down there . You 1:11ow, l 11t_ ,`? _-i t, ch l iiren we haid to o by way r of I{.rti..U;: tY}1ut�1. �-iic t nc r't� ::> l l t: t?_;: :�t; r � c t t�fit_ rt. y sister gent down t.liat_- StI"`t_t_'t, , 3tiv gO dawn th ;J :i 'tf; _-1 l., ldt: :i.(7" as c); it_: down therc-S -,_ U1,01111. G -1' _ I-:i,i(:_ Of stye :t:.". t lip s 1.)ut: I 1OOk .(, t ii (:Ciite and be, :,;`.!.t, t,i� t.:_1 i .`l:tAi,�i `' it t(� . � i<: s �ii,'� 1 -,z✓tl'll� unitint, i, 1 nd and )c(]. nd we ert 1.1, t' 1;lsCe v w Gt E. i_ Ji play inl _ _ yuli _!'. :.i-cl _'C I]' t. L•. . � C. vi' Ci 3r1:Xy YOU ii like to plI:,4',• 1.11..::! t., .`i:. ._.. Iifl i t..-han }; by ti . t afiox'(.(..},:{:: r. 1 :.c: t tr( (;. _._ _._'ford, 75, 00 .rt; (, , 1ILA. to enjoy Ji and T believe , all" _. don't n' L like to cal„i j i a i !=: aIL)O 1, i a0te t } i `.. t ticlt il5 where we are, and of coul'se, you know, and I xnow, tnat until clear up these kinds of things, we are not going to ever be able to Id 102 September 20, 1984 live together, and so I am here this evening, asking this Commission to vote your conscience and vote for Commodore Bay Plaza. Mayor Ferre: Next speaker is R. C. Bailey. You are a proponent? Mt'. R. C. 9ai_lr'y: Is it all right to speak from this microphonQ as n proponent? Mayor Ferr e : ;lure t We won't hold that against you. Just be careful when you walk back. You may want to walk on this side! Mr. Bailey: ily name Is R. C. Bailey, I a.ni a resident of Miami. Springn, 264 LaVilla Drive. I am speaking t.h .^ evening as an artist who has been in Miami for 15 years'. I have noticed one of the factors in Miami 7_:^ that; the local artists imn ; omehow overlooked in favor of t.hc `1-ll York artists, rs,pr,ciall,y by Art; in Public }'1acen. T -,ee this project and how it focrr us on the artist, I ,-am Qnc our aF_ed by Miami. 1: think that such a project; whc rc you nnn see artists work in beneficial botia to the community ;:arid to the children that. :arc par2ing thrnugh. 7 i nnont,l_y went to Europe, and 1 saw in Fur -op it in .a w-)y o; l i f'- to have commercial storcs bcl.oy: rynsidc ,rf..,_ . it },, . brrn a =,?ly of life for centuries. . Thc,rc arc ;idc , ilk onfc a ever1whorc you go In Europe m! you crui r''_ UCh wr t .._Lt s a: you down almost:, any e t.,rcet in any m ie, city in L..upopc . It; is a very, very pleasant: way of life and I spent a lot of money to go all the way over there and scry it. I thins; that we can have that kind of successful coexistence with the commercial aspects of this project and the artist aspects of this project. I strongly encourage that you allow this to happen not only for Coconut Grove:., but for the projects maybe in other parts of the: country that will use this as an example. Thank you. Mayor Ferre : The: next speaker is Mr. Jack Winston. = Mr. Jack Winston: My name is Jack Winston. I live at 3974 Utopia Court in Coconut Grove. I am .speaking as a Grove resident and I would like to offer my opinion in terms of some of the comments that were e made by the: opponents of this plan, one of which was that, really what the Commission here is considering is pot zoning µ t,hcn 1 thins; we really have to cons;idc_Y, the fact t0t Ur;:tGrecn this pari;icrai__.r t;<rrccl of property along the: bay front from that zr _ a uh ich is really the beginning of the central partof ti:c ui ov af we are; dealing with uses which are in place and uould not be subject to uhanEu and that in n lot of sir';, nxi sting - residential !. jr opc r'ty just r rcant l y c ;u r: l tE_ d _. the <i,nacic Peacoat. Kar k and then doWn into a _or (of' Lion Ci-` y owned t. s property, ,:_ _.,-.. ;i' t tr r. � 1 ti i one - F � .. y � ...: ..� ._. _ .; : i. r, �> 1' � r, i, i .. r. t; , a C: t1.: y !CIO t _ ! i 't � % a_= I - Y . p i � _n o }�r'c }�{_r �' Gil t..h �w itc.r° !T"nt Lhat is *ownteld �.lndevt r.o}lno. F'.rZy typ4_ 01 zoning can't be conn:derc_l pr L noi�t;s�� �t�rat, ,, ,i li.�- t,« ��_ rr. _ ._... i'r•e3ru the Stan -r h r _, . ._ _ 1:1.�: s-u � i�_ .,s�._ t t ;t � Lt; ll. ,.t� ! c'. t ti1 _ partiC a r.ar pecu of p off;uvty t:: OR planning standPo-fit. 10. TPO ., or. iniv 6 jun.,, r a_ .t _ IqAj !Lpan oui.3 and ur c;rlry (:_ e.i; ;c; c : ,. t ,_ , r;(C. long, inannou NIAP of' property. ._, v.' j'L.t:._ci(r naid aLoul Uy j:_i .I... nt'. '' ' '-, t, of htLd this j}pup, rty brinEn n i'uuL d i.uv ; u" uf wAL,r 1 t opt to the Center thy (ir cyan, wo it oI1Laj1wk_,._ vj,u 44_.-._ .. ,r°:;.en,e frotrr tr.._ Cv"vv ; _ t h UkL r is Quilaltvly . 5 r _ t _ _,ut , n the:,: spirit 01 i_I! , _t3i%t . _ d0N't. s�i: .... _ ,. _... ni i_t t, iLh the piannihL Qulnucpt. 1 thihv tin, . .Wv l n. ins city is -- dealing with L wenn, "00 as a Uvolufur L_.._ ._ p _ vwn track record e} � 0i trtG w'o'1fc 1S at, t..'.tr'otie i think the fact that you have the ability to deal with a ld 103 September 20, 1984 development developed by someone who has already proved his sensitivity to the Grove and to this type of commercial development, rather than taking pot luck with someone else is a very importnnL point. T sit and 1 1 1 St-,I-M to I lot Of the commnnLn thnb have hann going On LOnight, and 1 nenm to see that larg-st nbjontinn in Linminf; . 17rom 1,71n) are concerned Phout th-Tv ehildr-n `it, Lhe privrqLc anhools that border EhQ ;-i',nioriky N' 1--1110 )-V- childran nnrnTIqd in thnne achnnin (10 1101. liv� in Coconut, Grove , ,d hj 1, 1 m nrnsytive to Lho rnnt thnE thqre is a quesLion of safaty involved with the Undqn4s, T don't believe that thnix SAM i-:7, iMIPr1'red bY thi-^ particillar project a n y more tha II jJ, j. s 1) - -, h e 1, 1 f, e- t y "111 Y o 1 consideration with traffic i-n the Grove. 11"Inc mr-,Jori-ty of the traffic problems created in the Grove in the morning are the parents dropping the children off. I drive through that traffic every morning. is am very patient, and I don't mind, because it in part of the experience of living in the Grove. I you want to live in the Grove and drive down Main Highway and Douglas, 1,01, put up 11iti, that, inconvenicn,ac for a few minutes. Well, 3 would like somebody to put up with some of the things thql. I would like in the Grove, and I like to walk throuFJi the C;rovc, Pild T don't, _Like FOOPIC� from the outside telling me Ant this is q very POOP We for people who live in the Grove to avPcPicnr0! Therc npc nn awful lot of us in the Grove who like to wolk around in the Grove. We like to experience the Grova and whcn you sit ;AQ realize that we have this beau! iful wALurfront, and KIeVe are only four tables in all of KeenuZ Urovc vourc you cin sit and be an the water, and that ir vy 1:rnq Anincrin, thcrc is no other place in Coconut Gy0vu 11cpc you cnrl uNpapience this beautiful waterfront, sit duun and use it. Thcre are areas Where you can walk around it, you can drop your boat off and you can park an it, but to CeY Lhe real true experience of what this type of devcj(:rpmuhL is, take a look at San Francisco. Take a look at Krina A) PaY, Those are very successful waterfront drvolopmonLa which hnva maintained the integrity of the watcrfp ;& ond y0t, F�iv(- I)ack to the people this type of dnv,AGpvnnt, i ti.ould very strongly encourage the Commisnion to suPPOK thin. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: The next speakup io Patty Harrison. Ms. Patricia Harrinon: Mr. Mayor, Commissioner, my name is Patty Harrison. My home address is 3120 Munroe Drive in Coconut Grove. My husband, Joe, and I and our three children, until 1979 owned and lived at the property we are all talking about today - 3471 Main Highway, that Mr. TreisLup now plans to develop. IN were very much attached to that ppopurty, wmaLlonally, and cold A to a predecessor of 0% Tpuinterl mily cav the condition that -we would be allowed to take with uL the main coLt"gu and the guest house to anothur location, which we did. in .June., 1979, we moved our two house2 500 AeV no"th 01, an Ad AMY LaWK to Camp Biscayne, which is a ABEI.0 NORY viuvulk)PILY'An and we have been very happy thorn Anor our wuv� and wu look QYwLPd to having Pp. Tp,intup,n Neu davulopmcnL and thu nuighbors that will be nov i ng Atu that a 1; u " . J u v L an v:� had become attached to uul- Ad 1;1,01—PtY, Kv hh,IC v�-VY L.t,,,�iched to Mr. Tr"`,-intcp ouPAE tht Innt d6nuH YeavN, 201 "Cni.PQ the work that no ina. duuu for Anunut (Ann-,li, f,)I'I'ice in the (,ruvus T"wnt UpLup, :nu WyVAP. A fwO ALL his developmewt wools Un uaw u! quAKY an Ano Ono whloh "ill have cultuvnl nia"ifionNuo lur Cho villarv. ku VWAILu that there an L QaaLl 1wculwo Lot OennitY- 6U Wyn WaL PAS a kina of jVv An NIA-v A"OUY, kh-t lh,ru will be a cont ALuiiGn Lu woro wauhum_ nLIKIKY I" !N(; v_II a9t,- and that Um ituanortm twal vor, Truitt". Lwyo im to taKing, will t)e ut grtaL btunfit to I,hu artistic iNtupusLa K the village, and also create more cultural MabiliLy in the area Id 104 September 20, 1984 of both the visual and performing arts. On balance we favor Mr. Treister's project and look forward to having it in the Grove. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: the next speaker is Juanita May. Ms. Juanita Ftay: I am Juanita May. i live at 1953 Tigertz_i.. i n I-,ncnnii,-, irrnv�?, T Iiat�e been there for over 30 years and r rI'nd my fermi l.y . T l .=lve torn up the speech that I had t ,;l ?ii,11 llnj' i.11 i n 1`r 1) ' III;3F? t S; ) It ha . t)HPn covergd; by "'ho t,I'opc?neat:.:;, i)ut; .1 loF IIl_�i _i-Ln vc,o to know that I sp a}`_ :l =1 1'F7:;idoili,, T I -Tr, 1. ;A�, l'"1 71 i:l. t 'or;? my studio in Cc,(,O11111, (,frown hna -, }fir n 1)OL,1i 1 11n i. ?n,,1.Ty ",nil 1.rlf,rr-._ natiotln �. ,' . T. S,h i Ill- JI:-, t; T < a n ;,peal:. i. or nn::'.tl y of � lily P C_ e r'f; , both t,}lo.^e ar1, ,,1,^ 1.111n 1)- nttr]ce wor1,_ of (ir)a_i-i_t V inrj patrons 1,hn %art who ('O-1.1_r,0,11•1,10111.d q!_1jkc to speak co voir ;i,^ rin arl, d.].rrctlor. an wines l,or, t a.rn G11e director of t;hn 3ehol�l_ o_i' t•he r'et.ropol.i_t,an itl-r�-,cutn nd lira Center, t.br: l I r <..::;t, ;n1_r: r�r)m ch(Dol_ i.n tl-Ic -oizt,IIcn,-t:. Mr. Treis t(-I 1 - j'[lf C ;,.^_:l r it%' !_ ?'Tho cxciI"C t;he Very {;rC),`',_ ox- press]_cn, p,ri• > Ill nc,v w11Crr it p .t:1) i _ 11 n- ual.ly nitid {-<`I?cT'Jl.r ,j y u_:,cd S.;il(' worl of finr. :rL1 ,1;;., he has supported the ar't communi-ty and 1 tan You t_;il. t those of us who c�-re i-)cl.1c-vC t.h,_,t, t.,IIi _ devc1,oprnent; r_.a.tl he the jewel of Coconut-. Grove and there are many of 1.1:; w110 urge you to please vnte affirma.tivc:l.y for this. Thanl: you. Mayor Ferre: The next; speaker is Lee Spiegelman Mr. Lee Spiegelman: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, thank you. I am here as a proponent and I also have to add, as I did once before, that I have a vested interest in the property. Vested to this extent: I am a father of four young adults age 22 to 28 and I am selfish enough to want to keep them in Miami, much .less the Grove. They are, I be- lieve, intell.i.gent, they are in the professional class and they are an asset to the community. But if you stand out- side and li:atcn to the convers;.-ition that, is going, on, you hear the exact: :: [ nle tiring: C•,c: eriough people in the Grove, we have cnouigh t;[hit.c.�., we have: cncugh blacks, t,c have _ enough fi .:,1:'�.ni.c: , we don"',r,t .ri �i.�od. c-A._ce. 1,et'; pi_cit tsp the dr iw b i.{ gi. , c1c_:;c t)ie (tx)r, L.rl( llroll t t: anybody else from ente.ri.n ::, b,'c11., ',h It l)t oi,i.t;iti.orl mean ll h L. rl;y chil- dren cBnlnw. (nter, !'in(1 e't•�J I iCC' Oi`lE' �,pr=:Clf.i.0 'fact, -- the Grove is ;i t'ecc,<, for• young I-Leo;)1.:, i1o,r, t}tc. yout,)t; l)eople did not elF- et rr( �i:": their <:ic11'c)cr,tE: ; () TIM 1;oi r.f t<) pc .11; on my ownr l 1. 1I I w lt, o- tu�el�clld:> firerze tl,e Sc c] < l_ ec:rlter for tt;t� C- t,y li: l l)f. n:_ to i;c t: lc G<-o (,: f :>r t?l J'` ,]nl in the ages of (,t°: t:i :Fly' ;1;�,,. ;�ti';)F C1' 1_Iv +?; O th 14, that v We T'c ?t. tAic r .t y '-01 G L'_ r•e t,}.(;Y'_., 11Gt;i: �,[(?r, t:S1E: real fact:)I, ;-r; Ii: t 1) vG ('ot to ? 've t;:l,_. t'Ju,1:, �_1T1)( l7 F rle a p act to I 4,, ' 1. t _. ,ay where th!!• , (,..ri _ i"c)r<._ l 0ld L( L' ., face Y a VE=:rV (.: . _ thc.r`_ 4•, t' (:S!•F. �.. F.; 1.1-' :. 1.• t,i, [. Ili- �_., ... ., �' .. Jt.. •<.. :._1 ti c tt. e Thee 1,:�, f: fF� a .y,: u 11 �� ( } E'1d rl h[:�t; )'�;1'}, nci urrb(�l:i�owins — to t.ii , it ,-.t'' l_[_ 1 _ ;_.t tit;C At. 1.. was T"E" j ..j`. i` �11 t.};[ �? t _ I'd ;.l] <. it on the 1' cAi l) . 1'1 F J t :L., , . t - I ! . 1 _1 . i c i ' t, t . y 1 . , .1 o n to `jt :.1, ! . iLt tC3 quote :-i i,�--t: i;�..t <.i'1'[, 11;- .�i'�_�f,� 1'_ t _ t -- t li� t' �. t.. .1 : -' t': 11i `+ 1 r. l �l l: ; = c, t.t d. Y find : 1.t:: .�iiti- 1.,_ TTheSt ;Judy also ic:r1(_ 000 - peop,l (- and , ;. . (t�,.. � ._ _ . 11c .. � ,.:.t.,E:. a 12t the you.Yit!-' h.- i _- being(.. ... �. _'1 [.. -i t 1. i 1, tl t" 1.. ,:. ( _. : :<l.� _F_ �r.. .� Ll � `1.. t1V. a Schu 1 C Lu {Lt1!'L _1!t ',_;tc?�=ryf e 1 t r0vi C j : U t: _ c: r c1 •._: 1 " 1! t.: ti 1 ! ; t' 1 • A l f or, t:lltt I . 11.t.`tit y and t ht;t'c i c l a11._1� I i C i°1! irl tl l,., City, and let, ,!i f (. i.t , tIlut tl1e yi,?Ur 8 isc ii III I V. r'ut ir- ' t_; Ii(i that they��r� �:a1eldvy; w� ur•r✓ going tr 1-utt.your•. k T 105 �: s} t t 1s: t.; r r= Ct , 1 9 8 4 kids, I have lost one. I don't want to lose the other three, I really don't. I believe that they are sound chil- dren, they are economically productive to the community. I have one T might lo:,ln to T.nr-, Anar?les. Tt ir, n real_ concern of mine. I 011h the. p-,oplf- frorm ,t,. -",tr-phnns but a .sk you to fln onr j 15 vf �:,trin down the roast no", l'on R S parent:.,-- tJ 11 11 C7 7_,1 -,I i. r) I'n dren, i-0-. 1-Jicni tlo !T() 1. 1lC,la :i„"'t] >i" 1.C> jfr�trr)l n 0 in Ne w Vorl,- 1) f-I t there hcrri,_ Tlhrc Grovc J_,^ i. m p o rVor-in",. it",-) llien n (I i7c, rni.lst recognize wasn't;take i � -) I I -, , 13- T Pip any more of can �3,ay j-7, T PJvnc.te 11-.hi� project. and 01 licr project.~ it. Ttrank, vou Mayor Ferre : Thank you, Mr. Spiegelman . How much time has elapsed not Ms. Hirai: We have two minutes left. Mayor Ferro: We have two minutes left so we can get one more speaker on the proponent side. The next one that I have here is llai,k F)-iiedrigan. Go ahead, You've got 2 minutes. Mr. Rich.ar(i i_r 1"i-olia-d Gitt,rjrnaln, I' m , , , '� 19 1-, Coi-iimodore living Plaza in 'Uhr (t Kenneth Knopp, he i,, the oi,:,icr of To it: i, I ;-t. 195 Commo- dore Plaza. -�1:w K,. C I c, 1 1 r 0), n C P at 3199 Commodore and cc-Fresident of the ChaArrjb(--,i- o, f C o rti r, Pcc G, I I d o o i,, n e r- of the Crystal Gallery at 3197 Commodoi,e I I fine people feel very strongly in favor, of proicel, as merchants on Commodore Plaza and as Grovitc.,,s. �) e The _- . people feel it is important to once again e,-:; 'k I i s i i t h e center of Coconut Grove in its traditional. lcc,tinn on the 1..)ay. The center has been changed due to the Grove Square devel- opments and his thus i.,17olet(:d, 11'.he Playhiou:e and Commodore Plaza area.-: . This 1)ropo,,7(_-d pl::n tli-iaI, rlr. Trc,l.ster has come up with i,,,ili help balanc(.-� ti-ic ci.cvt lCtAili east of Coconut Grove, much needed parking i'ac,ilit.:IJ(;.: . i h 0 s 0 for the: G -o,Ic 11, y us. and Commodoi-e Pla,Zay ai,ea, be ma de availtable 1L. hopefully a minimal. cost. Thi:5 will A.r�o alleevlote the nui,,-iber of cars trapped in the 3'i,cets bco,<Usc- Of lack of well to relieve of' the parkina� ,�Areets surrounding the III- yf.j 4 j,/(1 p C) V C2 C, 1, t, 1, T h i::-1 project Will also c i - e , d C, i.,allcrfrollt 1) C, do "', t I, i In, 11 V,', L y s p 1,,l and family area:, _--nd tiiu,.- continuing and the trz.,dilk-,ion of Coconut Greve tile only day �rIlci ,lirlit 1:,i in g I I � 0 -* C c, t, ,_ -4 -1 ,-, 0 1, 1' 11 1 � I— area in a.1], uf continuitY or t,!iu t r is and tllu,:.i w 'L 1, 1 t i i I i t...'Cl;..,, L C-) "a i 1 3 great 1_ u .1 b<_v . Itli's alont VE Hg Ve t; b COCOHL11, GI,Ov� i i t V 1" 1 I I V e T and enjuy tea hank YOU vt_14,11 1('Ir yciar t'Ll'o, frulill the puople 01, tjjt- J Mayor, 1-Q, about equal on both side's so we'll i cut you off (.L1 up now. We'll �O l'i"Vit: iure min- utes or; - -i v e g, 0 t to Oreak becau�se we've b e e n it t. - L V,7 , but t T - bet t t d- r ed and I need -4 to go c i i I t LY o for iLnid 6 awe need a little L) 1, LI U k Loft. Mr. Jack hice: Mir. Hayor and Commissioners, my name is Jack Rice. I am an attorney. My address is 2424 N.W. 1st Street RT 106 September 20, 1984 and I represent Charles Deering McCormick. Mr. McCormick owns the property southerly of Royal Road from Main Highway down to the Bay over to the %ghqs property on the south which in approxima keTy 9 nnPQg pl= or min"s. Mr. McCormick has liund, or, his ramily hnv omnad QnL prnparty sinnn prior to 1900 and his relpLivas which in not,; i5n Hughs property who rormerly owned it, hPd that pry: qn eq"ql number of years. How, I'm only Kning to nddresn myrnif to thq lagali-, ties of this project:. FJ_PsL of Q11 I want to tell yn" thai,�, Mr. Treinter intends to h"ild 573,000 rquarq foot of space, a substantial portion of it commnreial_ . Now, "r. Luct had. come up here and he hno been the greatest advocnLc for Mr. Treister and the only one, the only time OnT T hPvc evei, known him to advocate commercial use on the bay Qdc of Main Highway. No other project with the exception of Monty Trainer is a commercial aspect ... But anyhow, this is the first project where he wants to put commercial rise on the bay. Also, if you'll notice, could I have that drawing of this project? Mayor Ferro: it is right behind you. Mr. Rice: Well, I can't nee it like i can there. Turn it over. If you'll. noticcf th-is. project has a considerable wider area on the bay then it does on Main Highway. That is a different drawing than what wns there previously. And if you'll look at thy, rtruclurc uhich is the building, Mr. Luft says tUt you hnva i �Wnr viev on loon to Pic bay. well, if you hivo n Pln-r vhr you havc to look right through that buildinU. 10tn& V," cicnr view to Ou 10ay. And, if you look at the hVildINP K_Wlff you'll notice that the struc- tures go into the :x0vok on Uc widest. area and prevent even a. fur- Cher' 000ion of the view. Now, what he's done there, they havu rfjovcd that 1 believe from about 32 feet side view to aboul V fcct on the side view. in other words, that buildinE in right up to 1,hc p�irj,:. find on the other side the LulldlwE it rQhQ up to the other park on the other side. Thcrj: Phnolutcly no commercial use on this Biscayne Pay vith Uic czeuption of this project. Mr. Luft further EaiQ Lhat Chi" property is on two sides is commer- cial. That is not 2o. The only part that is commercial here is the project up on Main Highway with a short stretch possibly to the rear of McFarlane. Mr. Luft: Commercial zoning. Mr. Rice: With just a short stretch of commercial zoning. All the rest of it is St. Stephens and the park which is not commercial in any aspect. Getting to the traffic, I might say that the re Q inadequate thoroughfares in to Grove. if you go down Main Highway, as soon as you got past the thea- tre, it is a two lane road and it Q a Historic Pr eaurvation Highway and it cannot be widunud. If ycmi go duvai South Bayshore Drivu, nfLup you pass HP. Trainu&a ppojuvt which is approxin"tely Aviation, you'll Vied that tLat fro a his- torical dvivu and U4L Lu swidcaus. You hive all of this try afflu nuvinE Ln6 WU P10WO LO LO bul Vzj) a tLa lane thorcughl: pc. Fuvthurl 271h AvoLuo in h0nE w1annud to 100 foot widtal Led this U on unu City's pruoaet nnj low ppos- ently Laun jwwbuNua to un :Aatv. Twern or, thwee A Lems I think yuu onpia. to a Kruns, inn is Lho OLTUP A"! nowups. There iL, unthnia ivum my: luiur .i - - of Dade Couhty naouina vhut this ppipot hn;, ad,,u,t, 1�&ili_ tieS VP Unit Ono W nn;Anjv�&b :Aiu aunwc- iT, 1 a i 1, 0 1 1 1, i L Y. YOU LIO OIILYOVWi_ :!Km 111-: 01W Dwy,rLw6nt, one said it in jnqaiu nj n. nnh.r nLv .jo it unt joade- quate. Lon Puieu of MO yrujv�t Ar vhLOLOW8 ia "Y5,000 to 4, 1 (;rat 11 YOW W&A LO rulA at, &PnPtQnnL ca, uWn an apartment. 1 tnink in Lhat par tICUlav yu'ure riot going to get the artint6 down hive in the Gnove. I believe RT 107 September 20, 1984 this is a commercial use, it is spot zoning and I recommend to the Commission that it be denied. Mayor Ferre: Thank you. Mr. David Doheny. Mr. David Doheny: Than you, Sr,,IlMayor, my name is David Doheny and T rosidQ at 1778 3Pay,harp nano, Coconut Grove, (,� r) d I have resided in 1,h(-, -Trnve for 1�) ye ar , d I ha the unique evperiance and priullago oF rr,itling for- four of those years on this sproiric property ns a tannnt of ine and Patty Harrinnn. I know every tree in that property, I know that proparty an I know; my own property today. Lot mo address, 1. UHL also add that I am, in response to one of the other gentIcuicil hope, I rim a rcrsidnnl. of the Grove. -1 had three children go to St. Stcphrns School, they have all. now left there, T have a couple of children that are I think his children.,! age. I have been a two -torn veotryman of St. Stephens Church. I nerved on the School Board of St. Stephen 5 School for 5 years. I. havc no vcAted interest in the school, my children are gone. T am 3pqaking to you as a resident of Coconut Grove and somebody Vn) T IvIne speaks with the conscience or the community, the conscience or the average Inorson in Coconut Grove. I'm trying to address myself in that vein. 1 think if you'll look at the chapne- ter of thyplvoperty, Er. Mayor and COMMOSIOnors, you'll come to the nonclusion thnh whcn ynn Ynhe out Khr proper, set back from the hay and the sm Wyo� W vicw corridors mandated by Wry Charhcinot by, nqy w1joil you protect tilt. hanhwool; us it rhould probacYcd, vNien you provide the proper Poninr set brebr for UP Upnnele and St. Stephens Church and School, the nmow)t of dcvclopable prop- erty left for consideration by Pp. Tpcistci, is rcally very small, indeed. I'm not suggeoting that that property should never be developod or should lay fallow forcv(,i it should be developed. It should W properly developed with proper density, it does not damage to the Grove. JAR, when you're talking about 195 apartmentil, 80,000 fcct of other space plus 652 parking spacQs, )100 of whi-ch are a commercial space and have naLhinq Lo do with tWo rcsidents of the community, you arc, in flict, trillvinE _bout a two- story parking gar agu being built on t,l-,o do -an of that property by the bay. This project was Pcjentud by the Zoning Advisory Board an a 3 to 3 vote a week ago even with the proposed traffic access you see on the scracn before you going through St. Stephen;.: to Warlano. Let me return to that, I think that is my epitical point but let we just make one or two oLhop points and V!I get back to that. in terms of the access to the r,.,clve Ward th;�It over rind over. There is no places in Coconut Grove , no place in thu City of Miami or the WaLe of Florida that':.., got more public access than Coconut You'vu guL tne entirc park PighL next to it. You' VU Eut uinnur Key, you've got Lun Meyers Bayfront p5vk, you'vo gat Kcnnudy Hzyyront crv, There isn't any othur ylbou Wat 1 know of that,n cot or, access for move peoplu to thu bay than Coconut (WovkV Nus, Ut Is talk about (An, ihtuC that it n o u , q to- night . puklip Lamy, 1 naVO&Z ne"Va L UUri !rom UP Fire DeparLwewu (a- , word fro, tin; No i we bepai,punn 10. Loft told tne bo.vj _z,7(j, had approved uAr, W,o,L(i upon 11w "!w.nn alley an6 ir,w Va"Orinnn, Ukot i� W Firu h,T_PiNvOtt now going IQ hwul, UrAPJrg tn"Ir f1ru 1"Zovro throngh jilat wind InE iiza,"ck rn"'; "h.t 1L Qu 1 W i. u DuparLivent going to hn; pnuat tLyiF nci L, to pum P1 1L. that, are 900v 1� ! - 11 . W Uuru "nu the vtwr. Am inry Euinil to be 01 N;nO;Y nall"a thn LLu 1QU to .4th only Gnu naconn, i'll "rnP Q, W, NaYur, 1 moo your flabh- ing ligLi aua yuav nip"hl, PUL finally 1 LOW. UIC oasic thing in two mings, Lhe hawwuck an Lrarfie. iva can't put that project in without hurting that hammock. You can't put HT 108 September 20, 1984 in 22,000 feet of pavilions and now a pedestrian walkway as well without severely impacting that hammock, You can't run in and out ill of the traffic and all of the egress and access thi oi.igh that, winding roast, two lanes now. without adver e 1 a"f��t.l n t;hat hi A 1 1 `f1 i! I') . J. 'l a w i.-r n _ : .aipe[?f.f171-�.-- 11�?':l1"i. i O p'( li t•hr}i. if i!nll l o(C k<- 1t L.,1n planning fact rt..!1J; �ii�.,7i."'(">i'V j}i"`%i!'ii r(>i-t i your oll,il k�._ ,lnl;i ilrr secrOi;,'; r- q' i; 1: k >r: ii i f r, whole i hit"Ir ) rl i c., t.¢l a I ��-J , T 1-7('+111 =i rofl }l It b- in,:irt;,,' and I?1":aCnrl -11 i,il rr, ol�(1 with t',)tn earn "ill:�,';i..,^.. ..}l::.l i-.il•", (11nri. ^.}}Cllll,(1 r"?jl j' I)C �lprl)'pvE'(4, on the 111-.1., of ul.".�?� ttln nrl�k.�f acce :7, ont,o tic Fli'' l";"1nQ- s O.111F- 1.11rot)1;h if:'.. i}.rr1}i"Ij^ 1'hl)reh, that h<zv .! it k�nnll t. �. }. i'il i:l }",I (k... i-11 } 7, pr r e ot_ . before t.h.is }1C>11(����-a),� (,r)T ��7^^i_t�,] '1.nd I_ n. k i.il=lIt, }'017 I'�: j :ci. it. Thank , oii v-1r,i rn"iieh . Mayor Ferir'• )}�f' 11(_'.,.t. �1P_�-'O'l IZi�ic, 'Fort, and r_-3_fj.!',h t:,i� -1-4.� .L�.l) 1-C=..'_ '+n�i ( f-1?t,_i-(?li{(?rl .•7F? =)'r; i- C)I.1"If! }-,or i)reak. . I would ]_ n _} -1_.Cc t,0 b'ia.I �;-"nf- 11i> 1. �11v�? .� think: -v-e ;ir — ibnutl h,. l.f 1„ ,T +:;ltt c�l).;h ll�+_ three hoi)r:" Yoll 1:nol4 p(aoplr� hf,_ oil! v G ant. i:.hree minute.^ but t)('t�;ill.,;(�, ] 1+) C'v(:i" fl t" }' "i_Ilg,le speaker }l<`},:; gone over a.not;h('T' rninuto ar Owe, :,omrt have gone twice as. Much And so, flow many mi.nutc'3 have we Fone so far? Ms. Hirai: Right now we have eleven minutes on this second round, in other words 35 and then 35 for the opponents. Mayor Perre: Well, 1'll tell you, it is my opinion that what you're doing, I can see what you're doing now. You're only counting what goes on that clock. You're not counting when it. is running over and what is happening is that people are running over. NOW I see, Plummer was right, he said 35 minute.^. 11:, wta:�,I�'t .35 Minutes because you didn't count the over time, ,nd the over time :�ometin;e s is more than the time that th(, y fate(_ on the light . SO I think what is going to happen 1-wr(_, we've got another couple of hours of hearing unles' 1 c<<n plead with you to say that once we give the Other :Si(-`-C c,_tch u1) til';Q for ttheir 11 minute - that it would then ks.ind of b, lance out �- nd that we eve hey,:+r,d both and I will giv; ( is}s .�idi 10 rlinutc:s cif' rcbutt- l -and t;llcll close it ofI"� n(i hop(-fu1-1 v co!nc, to a vote . Nov:, dot'' anybody reallytreat? You do you ; z 1 �e�akc. ,k Okay. lind )Yeu to t, o hour . c ,;p� 1( 11r - you live in Hi., lNr� __ (:tr, Co,,I r':3bi G;, =, V >f, I heard it. .(_11 you'll 'z. I t�vi,v1.;:(1rt.lurli_ty to talk s lcirlt; ' OL: 1-11 r; ; . i r .,u ci like to rut., into the record, tj',; a U.) -t i.:_ I r:_ v(- 1.ak<<.ri ttie time to count tl;; :;ellool 1)(1.itiori. 01' the 1142 sigriatoI'•s, 57 are from the City 01' 1 just wanted to put that into the record . Mr. Plummer: t4rr. mayor. Mayor Ferro: Yeas, sir. Mr. Piu[ilmer: 1 think we have to make a decision and I would like to (:; k.( it try, decision, if it is possible to inconven- ience t:! <" l_(:::.t �amcui i:. of people as possible. If what you' rs_ ;+? r t I< _ . t k:_t G° ' t t goi rlg to take a break, and I r L i, l fla4 ... And that we're ! ]!; - 1,C. },_ vt ? i.,; ;_t_;r1, F. (.r we have r r., L t l ryas ! t sup _ - posed tc "I, i"I i.t `t . i cy:- , i _ _ ; t'�ct , ��e arse going r to take a _ ,I br G4 a1+: i; usually 40, and we have ,�w6 :s.or L -1 `JI°;= _' ctt 1 t.r,ir,k we need to make a decision or, t.opt;fuliy can ruake a cecision now since we break RT log Septembers 20, 1984 at 9:00 that we are either going to find a way to hear both items or I think we have to understand that we're not going to hear the second item tonight which actually I think would be a ^,}tarn, bron"oe It, would be thr 3rrond deferral, but I thank inn' Q got to C?r)rre to smmn rnnj i_.-at. on of what time is left and what you'rn going to do f r nm that pni nt, . Mayor t urr c: p11.J.rTlmgr, t.hn mot in that ir ni) Yhqse people spell{ as some of the t hrnq pnnpl a i n Mir hqrA r ei •r l•:nnt to. four, I'll tell you what, Int's Fat ri shour r,f ihnild,^ of 11_ of those who mush absolutely speak tonight. Gr;. your hands up - ten, Well, that's not ton bad. iinn many of those are proponents and opponents, raise yoi)r iinndx, proponents first, those in favor thai., most, speal - na cri. Now oppo- nents that must absolutely speai{ - oi x ar) it is the same number. Okay. Now, l don't have al.l of j%ourr iI_-fm s no you're going to have to remember who you are. I've got six on each side. ,Suppose n do thi-2. I f w(-, .vc , you know three minutes on each side is going to he a h if hour so we'll go half an hour on each side, 3i , a-ild =,nd then. we'll give you ton minutes for closing and 1xii l.r:rlli,t';; for rebuttal . Okay? is that fair? That will be shout nn hour and then hopefully another hour of the Commtsvi-oar's arguing. So that; will he about two hours before ion.! f � n -K. Tinily two. also have about 5 or 6 other items r,ms nthc, v i pan ; lip Cononut cr h1 in n ri op _nlon is Grove Master Plan, Now, `li1c: ?'t`� -t.._ going to he n herder fO fight mor'c cont;rt,v e 7 :`tl ai]d hottel- issues t h '.ti this anc . Thir one is iir.!t . t"lic iot-hc-_r one is hotter, Ron 1i don't, think ur ni,c go_nt; to be able to do both. Hot: of ,•car, ,inVini 'rcrc -- of, course, it's not 7:00 ' (, Ock W , -:t_ `< O' c l ook propic will start pouring in here, we'll havu Q Y::i_ i; until l we carere back for that one. Bernardo, thou w0 1.1 you, ,you have three minutes and then we'13 try Lo br i : ncc: the 11 minutes and then go back to to the final _ pr rrm<,rLv. Go ahead. Mr. Bernardo Fopt;: Good evening, eery name is Bernardo Fort. I'm an ar°cihi.tc::ct geed a roc, ident: of the, Grove. My address is 3737 El 1 patio Boulevard in Coconut. Grove. I'm also a father of a little girl who attends St. Stephens School. I. am not here to criticize my colleague Ken Treister or his architec- ture, frankly I do admire a lot of his work and I: think his Mayfair project is quite exciting i <.lr o, franl.ly, I'm relieved when I arrived here, said I: err surprin d to find that only a day ago we were being told that the: application contained the roads through St. Stephens as an integral part of the application and now today we r rc that i.t does not. And to a great extent I ram relieved of some of my concerns. I also want to make sure that this by no mwann is t_chnical- ly that the t c is eed a nfor- a ru uppli cation sh"on there hasn't been enough notice, I heard by wase , err< nw, to find out that this had happened only on one daylo nu r i cu , Yet, I'd just like, to ask: some questions w 1,c`uf':h,t I'm sure can be �c'ch h� Ltc < ;a�tthat kc lr rii6 Department has and Mrs, Weiner mLy hav, , 1 fi e ul d like to make sure, a person inter o tf:d in thn r'ri.'_puji:i::i q howl if the, hammock! Ls part of Mr. Tpuintev's coulee addv sL the issue of hors this new pro jun will be t r,vviced Lhimugh the hammock sine therc will bu no longer uuppos,d it.',,,s through St. Stephens, Mayor t''E r•pc : We won't t,et into that answer until after, but please note thy; cSu,. st,.ion . r. Cort: Yen. LLr haVa a second question and that is that as a res dt_tlt of Coconut Groin' I'm obviou5lconger 'v' rigid ar)Ui1t the t'caVY traffic LhUL gU rr trUiQll tire: i,esi entil. .aneigh- w - borhoods V r r a " ..�Li 1_r:�= d� t. -. fe' l.. C.i k::rtei 4i li 1. (; �(jt!lSL ur'l..'�'t� ,.l t..l ( Lr1C t4. r't;ffi(•. question hat t uun addrr:S6ud only at to Ln ad j- c;c tit. inter- section5 to the: project and I'd like the Planning Department HT 110 September 20, 1984 to explain how does this project fit into the total picture of the varioi..;s project.9 that are planned or could happen according, to the permltteel zoning in downtown Coconut Grove and j-7, t-11-In.rq a F,�,.nernl PI -in For m;ils into this n 1) () I, h o o d i-J I -I t, 1.7 - n q it r n 1. on "I 'r ;I the to a le all -,.,1(1iJJ.n11q! tnda-"T on Lhn J)"Irl. ni I-Jln P],nnn inc- its rd -i 11 t, I) r1 o cr�:7 �7 IJII-r>t1 Only a I.,, i vo fIr 1,-� i f 1, 1�7,1 �71 :'M y J. T I f,, 1, 1-1 '11 i 1, and o 1) v i o i i .^ I y th i :-, on of t -vi o 1, 0 2 last we-k I,-) (-,)Pinion iias being friven llh,-ill. 13 n 1) r o Fc oval_ becau;-,e il. i.1a,-, lhat^ed on inoomplete� inrorrn.ati-nn rind nns,T 1,11c in f o r n, ai.1- , j- or) ha�7 -ippelred and, thf-re forQ lar�- I,:,eck 1.1r. -,hould have been 1-o1_d that, I-fict-io w,, and that, there -lore, no deci.7,ion could be made. 110dav there J-,-, ,) :;ilddon ehangQ of opinion and T'd Tikr' to 1117ke sure that, . . . It. would mean I ha-V- cither I'lici,r- J-- kind of a preJrCI,(MQC IIIV011-106 I d 11 r I, c r 0 1, "D I I c" s now knoiin t, h � t the G Ii i-1 1- 0 11 i, .a n o t 1. il a c c o 17 d �l I I c 11 tine previ.ol.t a r, 1) 1. i_ c i t, i o n I-, h c r c is ^ i i d d c t, il �i , h ri n the Planning Depart.-iont. I would like ",-'n in this respect or -in admitt,-Inoc of improper Week. It i 3 P) y 110 , M M7, i I' , 1113 ("1. S C 11d lik-f] to Shy, '1111-) Grit i- C i Z in g 1) 1C, 4 4, � J 0 1 a -I I C - ("! - i n f- I Ir . T r e, i 2, t e P my c 0 110 C-1 fy, u c T. 11, j u 5 t a 1-1 Lr, q ue s, is i 0 11 ,^ t 11 .11 T llhink- they resident~ of Cocl-onut. GroN-e should have cii Thank you very nuch. Mayor : All right, now stay tuned, this is to be continued the excitement is yet to come so don It. . . . 20 minutes which means 30. So we will be back in 20 minutes. Thereupon the City Commission took a brief recess. --------------- ----------------------------------------------- 49. ESTABLISH DAT11." OF -SPIT-TAL 1"I'T'TIRGI FOR DIN -HER KEY MASTER PLAN OCTOBER J'Q �, 1his rl 1,T 5 TIFH. - - - - - - - Mayor Terre: - - - - - -- - - - - - - Let me ask - -- - --- --- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the oue,-3tiol-i this way. On the Coconut Grove Waterfront. Na,.-ter 111in, how many of you are here on that? Raise, your hand:3. Mr. Plummer: Illaurice, thereL, i.-; a v(2rNT 1,arge contingent outside that is here; for it— L, Mayor Form:: L1.1 right, V"OlUld YOU I- I , 0 0 11 t grid .i 1- ke a kind n d of k consensus, Joanne, and find out ,)(--()Plc, allu willing to put t'lliS C)f'f 011 WIJetjjcl, Want ht��I-,d J 10!1.i lit? R1 y guess is that we 1 11. go anothel- 1,140 J*,0U llf-- (ill th V,((-; have been on this, on(.. couple of '110 1.11-:3 :zrid 1,111c 11 'w'e L�c"'L, "t of other things tha"t I 'GhiliL. _bc)(It 10 e 4 I _, - t (--; I �( I - C C, Mr. 111U,11-?!1 1, 1711 � 1 i .:tate for the I'd t.'11] UI) i4 i-d L �,;U;*,� Y OU Pe going to Go ilt 1'. 1 �A)! CA, il-,eetings out of r "j,:, v 1.0 we have a 1 just think i[I - 'u lit, L C you can 0112y i% '--0 il; L--, may 01, ;A i. T 11E 1io r n - ing, i or o i,* I i,"t it (" "y for 10 hours C2 i li Ul 1-1 U,-. people -id 1 don L know i-.fho istdlkJlig and it J,-; uad because you don't l,aant to have governmei-it where people ar-t. --o tired. Hal�epLet20, 1984 Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, when are we suggesting to reconvene again? Mayor Ferre: Tomorrow, we've got a meeting tomorrow... Mr. Carollo: No, but I'm saying to finish this business here tonight. Mayor Frrre: Oh, I don't know. Mr. Carollo: I can't; come until tomorrow afternoon Mayor Fer,rc: Our mecti.n ; is at 3 O'Clock tomorrow on the police mot .fir and t hQn at 5 O' Clock on the ... . Mr. C.7rc l.lo: if you want, you have a Speci_a.l. Commission Meeting on T_onsda ; , you could malty another on Monday if you like. Mayor Ferro: Well! 'Tuesday is when we're meeting_; after that. All ri.t ht. Elvam anybody have any objections to postponing tho Coconut: Grove Waterfront Halter Plan Hearing? Doe: anybody il;avc o ny major (`bjc ction to that? . . . Sit; Gown and wo t your turn and my guess in that we will be breaking . up In about �twoi1t71Ji'� _, �ri?c t}t!'C'a (3r1d laC Vami n, rrt; to it. Do you t � to v&_4: Finn you're welcome to w_r_t. but I'm telling you rAnt nc , i.l..nt. it in hi f-hlu improbable e that we. can get throunk the huar,:i nG that we started at; 3: 30 that we have not fini_ehcd and r t ay hope. I'm not going to stag here until 1 O' t l c.ck i n the morning. I've been here nincc 9:00 this morning on hearings.... sir? That'; ray job to stay here 15 bona,? licy, let, me tell you something, sir. This is a part time job where we get paid $ 5, 000 a year. We have been meeting every single day all week and I'll be able to put up with a certain amount but I'm certainly not going to go beyond reason. Now, we will now proceed. I don't mind setting it up next week if we can get a majority of the Commission to agree to it. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ter. Mayor, the only problem is we've all been here once before and we were told that we would have a ,special setting tonight at 7:00. Mayor F'erre: hoot:, what is it you want me to do? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I just want a definitc-- time when we can corsrc: and talk about. th . Mayor Ferri.. That's Pea2o.rr :_ 1c . Nowl the point I'm trying to rnake to you is that it i l::U r c. >c;n ,�lF: for, us to conclude thin �L1L1Ur,1�t1E'�' t�l. � r i t1tC� 3:30 and -i t rink it i:_ 012o . e«._c.ti;.ble foo r,c_ not: tc cat Lhese people off Le..zus _. others wat.i; to & board Sf:; Ll;_ ,.. t,i M and I ttl�y ilta� ;'�� i�iC)ilY't,, ICt��:Y!'t. cthinkt:.:7Cii .. :i:i� t]C='_1l'.-. 1.Ii a day. tr'.:;intup ooesn't got ony wxt,4, LjFA,714-15tor is entitled to t.l1u same cun. idnr auio;1 Lr1;:t any u1. �!. -'itr1t, c i in and t hOUc U1 YOU t>_._?, ?iairc= !_t<;., _1: Lt. � ���: th_?l i..� ,rat, t� t���tb that � 1 try to Pun to t i1t:'n m u t i t _. ate. i��i. d vl 2 1 t aNf 1- try to r > > give E V t:'1`��`i7�.,�F r ua t i vu 0 �' r let l v- the i:' ,ti t: r' y` tl La tt y' c. a i:; oppor- tunity to spunk, nk, NUW „1 ...t.'s the Way it is NIDF:te"i. 11 _ ED .. P .'. KEh: Tnat's all we t r'e asking. Mr. Car ullo. Mr. M yur , for the record, I just got back in town today and 1. nave to leave here by 9: 15. Mayor Fevre: Today, so we had better get going right away on the r°e 6t of this hearing. The; question before us is what day, what time are we going to hear the Coconut Grove Plan? R`F' 112 September 20, 1984 NOTE: After lengthy discussion the following motion was adopted: The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84--1079 A MOTION ESTABLISHING THE DATE OF OCTO- BER 19, 19811 AT 5 : 00 O'CLOCK P.M. AT CITY HALL, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DINNER 120 MASTER PLAN; FURTHER DECLARING NN) OTHER ITEMS SHALL BE PLACI'sD ON THE AGENDA FOR THAT DATE. Upon be i.nE seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by they following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Ca.rollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice --Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 50. CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING: COMMODORE BAY PROJECT - FIRST READING: CH. ZN. FROM RS-111 TO RS-114. Mayor Ferre: We're now on the Item of the application for Commodore Bay Project. As we broke up we had, I think, about 15 minutes on the proponents. I will ask that you respect others as you ..rant to be respected yourselves so that we can continue. All right, how many minutes? Four- teen and a half, the opponents spoke fourteen and a half minutes. Mayor Ferre: All right. Now, Mr. Treister, your side has 15 minutes and then we'll close out. Mr. Luft: Mr. Mayor, would you like me to answer Mr. Fort's questions? Mayor Fer poi (o ahead, I don't know who else you've got left to speak, but, it you want !Ill read the namc . Who is the next, .;s7eakur ; Mr. Zbi nines .l:..vo3z. Mr~. Mayor, trcmbe ps of the Commission, ,ladies and guntlem en, my t,<ime is Zbig iew Jane:,. z. 1 live at 4302 Ingraham Highway in Coconut Grove, F!_ 33133. l am an architect and 1 livu and 1 have [try U.f fie. G in C,o<: oNut Gpove . Also, 1 tip<ve jit`a t _an d in nrchiteuLupu for Lhu phat 15 years in this CoUnLry and in EUPOPC. Since iiv Cty t.uen oveP r`thing has Licari ,. ii d in i uiia.`t 1" (a, against tjihs I' oje-..`l; y 1. would like to br'i nowiku i "iu FoinLs in bunalf uf his pro- ject. !_, o 4 i nE :_, tii i . c pi a A t __uuopi t o An: Lli"t. _it is .i very k,e.i.If_t;?._l. .Gt� . Ott. ,,we -i- 410 l.Pt:_�nt k1"'. Tl0.i,:>tel" prov?.ona Lo . p_. ..it ,_l ..0 r n non All Qt ,_n- . i... ynin . t the Din ner _ Dinne::r Kuy LL�t.0 plan it cAIJIJear n Lo 00 that no hiVe Lj ,'i Unt 9 and t'rt nau C:t;._;.it it this p e.., j .. tWil gu vhpuuLh, t nc 00 parking bI-'c.eu s which will ub 1:3umi ;` serve thn FunQuQk Park. Also listening to u HT 113 Septe. mbrr 20, 1984 nents of the project, one cannot help to come to the conclu- sion that practically most of the opponents are against any kind of a development. The Abitare project was brought on a, couple of ocnisi.on.s as the tea,^;_, of a nnmpgri r^on to this project;. Frankl . l.enking at; the Ahi+.at,e, what, Ahi_tore has to of f-r to the t ubl in ot..hor than an the pretty _, gvtq facing Main U i Ir-w , , and t,hn t, In i t, _. l c'nilt r)t. -a i as ;ia v `aC to the bpy or rn,lny AhUprn hc`ap"no `horn i_ nice piaLt-y gate and 1 r t h(? 11 _ i Fti p i'. T r r i_ t rn ciii Cho cA�vn hand, provicirs n p)llhl i n ^t 'c-L whi_ph will 1w qrsiNhin to all of us and which Wl_I �l.r.'nd to thy hny an-i ;_711 1 p''.il t.'liF 1) y to all of un. Analyzing t hn a inning skrenL f, %r nde it appear,= - as an nrti,nt; deficiency that practically illy none of the streets, and T ra beat, after thr i r e i-st,er, and this is a. conclusion that I .support., t:ha.t, none of the streets in Coconut; Grove and for that. matter in Miami_ loads directly to the lay and whatever wat crfront. propnr'ty we have is mostly inacenn ib r to the public. The propo.scci scheme offers ,..he L most: dr irabl_e continunt.i-nn of the ColnnlodorC', 'GO th`' Bay, This project doca.s not. propose another condominium or office hi ghr r..se l with the ever pr,c2 rit gatc house slid ri cmbers only sign. tir. 7r ci.ster has proven himself on 3cvcra3- occasions ns n very capable c,ombi_nation of an apohi.t;ect and developer. H-ing myself an architrct and a shrnnq hel i-ever in preservation and cont.i _u l t,y I fully Wdorso him ris the most qualified to do the Job properly. Anol[;ing From the preliminary presentation. lip. !t r 1_nti'r ai"lJ Pp. l3flt:1.._._C) are offering an cNentinp sr"ch= t _c_-11pnl .;t`luLion compaLihlc with the .scale and the c h nca t or of Lhc Mcn. . U t us use this opportunity which mi sht hovc been wasted by a lesser talent to better the. Grove: and the City of Miami. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Next speaker, - � Ms. Mary Bruce: MP, Mayor and members of the Commission, my - —_ name is teary Bruce and I live, at the present, at 611 San Turci. I lived. in the Grove before and i shall. return. I have a great affinity for the Grove and what the future holds for t.hat:, I have always come to believe as my own Green Mansions beet u.se I Piave been coming herd for 42 ;ayc-.ars. icy husband and 1 had the first boutique in Coconut. Gpo -c, it goes back so fir that at the time we openc d they ey r ' ic_rr t know what the: word boutique meant and they listed us public relations. We also started the Grove Art, Festival. It was my husband's i.ziea who had returned after living in Europe for several years °_ and we tot, together with Charlie Cinnamon and we .;.tsar~tcd that :and so i left the:: Grove but I arcs waiting to return because what Kenny `1'rei5tep has de sign d is some- thing dirt I have dreamed d of all my life. and ao I've: trav- eled all avur tint wo{`1d, wi ecical.l y in Europe, I've seen these devulo <<onts and i used to think, "Cir, why can't we have this in (;o; cuut. Gr ovo" .. `bile: feeling th; t Commodore Bay will bring and ri ald into 41HL. is now tii(i Gr'ov,:� _t! ;atar"ld the tort si Ldw . t'l_,.set U ill YCM1 wisdom tint this become; n , , 1. ty fur, Lhu old t h e -youn r to untinuu living in som t r` l t..1 at. is so beautiful boc.auso if you louk around you, evr rytli_1r `. that tic: lraE L uc•hed is a Lhing of beauty and a joy t c,V , r... So please ou not turn down so that a lot of us who ape 1 t= icy:)l y inc:•l i rie d can come and enjoy for the rest of oup .i i.. ub , `l. li"Ok you. Mayor Ferr u: L1 ? vi t ht , next speaker. Mr. David Isr•ow sr.ii i it : Mr. . Mayor, members ladies anu Eyat.'_ _:: i of tile} public, ray of the name is Commission, David Brew Smith, 1 1 Y,U at. Vjn S. Hibiscus > Drive:. I've. been living in i; .Gr.._ r_y' t_;,,t _ l'e ? t i" e tirC1" t 21i2ri Llll ?" U'llr" yriYr' 7 ttrat went to t tip uO v a1...._; t _`Fy rand I a cu d just, like to make a very brief cuinrtuoL iri favor' of this pr•u,lac:;t. -dl"ieri 1 ty�..)ung, growing up in this City I think it was l�s•s of a city and HT 114 September 20, 1984 more of a provincial parochial town. It took great vision and great courage to transform Miami into a cosmopolitan international metropolis and I think that the plan we see before us now demonstrates that same kind of vision, that same kind of anurage and T would like to endorse it and ask for your approval, Thank you. Mayor Fir.., re: Next - Mr. Minhacl Gann= Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, my name in Michael Cannon. I'm President of AREA, Appraisal RealeUnLn Economics Associates. Charles Kimball is my partner and economic advisor. We were retained by the lending instiUthon Lo perform the economic impact study Of the property and ns we got into the as3ignmcnt a snrles of report2 evolved noL only for the lender but Cor ,lack Leaf t of the Planning DeparLmenL. A couple of ("ommilentn, I I (I lil"o, to make which is =nPrating tt) the (3rc)vo that in) found in a focus study that pF'pfoiqnnd which relater im the People that apc mjgrnLing to Lhn Grove. ( 1 ) You Plr(widy hnvn the in th, Grovc, the pqoplc are coming to the Grove, but we did find out that the average purchaser of goods and servicc2 jr, tilt' c;rovc enmes in there wilji WO Q their pocket nnd Innvcs with $125 bncqurc there isn't enough shopping H khr GrOVQ. 3ccond, cffordnble ln"rllng in tile, Grovo dnorn'L cNint. We obscrvod ()vqr thc 1=t Lvo years, that scverni of t,hc older home n 01 thn: GI ov(; have been purcha3ed and upgraded Cc,, tile at-fo1mma 1n,icc Pruige be-- tween $75,000 and $150,000. The luxupy condominium market, as you note from our relcasco in the press and our economic reports indicate that the large units in South Florida, who knows when those units will be absorbed, there are over 3,500 unsold units. Interesting enough that the average store in the Grove is only 600 to 700 square feet and there are only two art galleries. The largest store in the Grove is 2,800 square feet which is Coconut Grove Pharmacy. Something also that is intcrenting about Main Highway and McFarlane Street, it brings back the flavor of the 50's where people uncd to like to drive dcain the street and see the flavor of the Grove whore people intermingle with one another. What Commodore Bay has is an extinision of Commo- dore Plaza and the retail shopping disLrict to the bay which is so unique. The Grove is similar to Sausalito, the Vil- lage in Now Yopl; and George To: in Washington, D. C. and this type of architecture and this type of dcsigfi, we are very bullish an the project from a quantitative and qualita- tive point of view and in connection with this too highly endorse the ppajeet. Thank you vepy much. Mayor Ferpe: Mr. Kenn, did you fill out one of these to speak? H it Kent ? Cannon? Okay, U=nk you, I'm sorry. Next speaker. Next prop Aunt. Ms. Kay FaLprs: Jdayor Furru Led Ummission, thank you for letting wu wpuU n mumuut, 1 no Kay 010M. 1 am a merchant on Comma: ovy Plav,. 1 1"Ive lief:,_ _n tn� fov 8 years and I havo a hu>in-wn lhniAy fat, LM60L 4 YKIPS, in Nuvenaber it will L"_- ynnvL. puevjou; t) jtvi"p iinrv, i've been coming W Ulu 131%vt fan, Lx",y yu�pn .hLn 0 hut 1 Latually live hern f,1, 11, 1 jjva in kurupn top 10 yv. r:� An a place called lbink, Np.j" "hich "nw n vnvy primniv, inUnd uhun I arrived tonvv ;j,j, uY �uaPnQ, thu virst yrLy0u liLht that went up ovopytooll u0j Moved the inlaini got, hySLQ!,dCa_ that this wav the nuo of thds uunaurful pli*__�c,�7, n:_,a found. I feel that the same tning in h=ening here. Mayor Fevre: it was. Ms. Peters: No, no, it isn't. It is still wonderful and mystical and it is still a great place to go and as Coconut RT 115 September 20, 1984 Grove will also remain and continue to be a wonderful place to live and I, for one, am very mach for this project be- cause (1) It is going to bring people into the center of town who can come out, :at, night after dinner and take a walk in a beautiful plane, ho in a hQPuti.ful are,i, comir~ down to s+ r ' my �,,or�' ;�nr= t..�rr�� .� r, r.;:;t)a r• ()r' rr, �.n clr';et�r)ei .> ,:a fe and have a drink, ^,Lny in t,hO p nwn 7, OP Pnell We & p On p POPl e . coming 4) v l ,_t Lhnr n. It. is a m aryl o 5 pro ,r K ,and endorse it h, f~itl r for - (;{ir r)i1i71; Groveand hope thlt. You will also. Tlr=ant<- you. Mayor I'er re = A i_1 right, how are we doing for time cumu- latively? Ms. hirai.: right, and a half minutes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: All .right, any other proponents that wish to speak? AJl right, step forward, please. Ms. Lynn Weiner: Mr. Mayor and mcmbcps of the Commission, my name is Lynn Weiner and I'm a nit, ve Miamian and I would like to speak on the Commodore Bay project. t fecl it is clearly the hest use of the property. It combinns all this best qual i.t co of What, is and will tar' Cne:-nut, Grove. It will open to n ,'cryone ;Ind gilt' wi ed unc Project represent;, wh-t; is nrnhitnchurndny. Thn larpc widcwalks h ox, don't will prn�-ir:i« r c,l' {�r ,ic:3i ,'it�n t.hc,rr,r,li,'ltOp t :� 1; i'? have. The 1 ; ... pouud pvpkinr which hailhaily „ Dated will be visually apprvIing. The devcloper . hoW:: ransi t i. F i ty towards people of niani an i aspeci,ni l_y Coconut: Grove. They plan on restoring, thu Grove House and they are willing and able to offer affordable space to artists. 'They plan (Ni bringing Coconut Grove, back to the village it was. They will pre- serve the hammock as well as additional plant life presently on the property and they will fill a specific housing void especially for the young profe8sional. Commodore Bay is a project which only enhance Coconut (trove and bring pride to the people of Miami. it combine2 all the best qualities of what is and will. be Coconut Grove but most importantly, Commodore Bay will allow everyone to enjoy a piece of prop- erty that nioul.d other�,,i ,c, be- cut off' frora the people of Miami. I: enthusiastically endorse Commodore Bay Project and applaud itz developers. Mayor Ferret: All right., the next speaker. Do we have any more spe:akcps. on the: proponent:';_nside? All right, how much time? - Ms. Hipai: Ten and a half, sir. - Mayor Ferr e: h1l r.i_ght, I think we now move over to the othersL&nc: r � 'r��e t: �:in ally even, there is a it minute difference that the pro puapie are short but I think basi- cally we could call it; NImust even. So let's now seta if we can limit it to .5 wi nu,. e. o ; e ach .. ide: sand vu l .l ! just wind the r,ho.fk_: thin ap ,'rid 1'd like to _ink; t-ne t.r;o attorneys that Mr. Ve'C nh t if } uu uould kind of martial the for'c es, I want La let w:�.t. ;, r� rye, ; y .post: but you t....ve 25 minutes and then I'll Ei `u an t:C::41al . W"=1.rnL Of t.iQu to the proponents, wind It up and then ae' l '. Eu !Von l.iie:M , UNIDENTIFIED 1 F } Lt'.i:_ t: i,. , Kayor= and Commissioners .... Mayor F up u: You've already spoken, so let.... 'There are four ur' r iva people hurt- that really have to speak out, you've gut, to give thow a chance at it. ... UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Are you still hearing the public? RT 116 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Yes, ma'am, we're going to go 25 more minutes and hopefully close it off. Go ahead, quickly. Ms. Retlattl Skinner: Mly name is Renatta Skinner. I'm employed by the Det)arttment of Natural- Resources, as District BiolOF1;-I. Fnr Divisinn of ;;nd Pzirk:7, which manage:7 ;-I Ir rl I � at. i , want to platill-d would have i- '1iA n1.l()'-, hf�r(ofAl" the park whic.,h ;it prrl:-imil,ly ill (-, li;i ra n t e r with 1-1h.c. of 1,h r, Brirm%l('],('. J,l 1, oin i,, T'7 i t- 11 thc inorr_,.^,:7c mi d, - t,m t7xjnolll fl'OM 1101 .7; C, n (1 -3 M c. I as viol]. -I ^ V I 1 71 TI) J) a t d ido may not hr -,iiUj.ci,an`l-Jy l=1rt I.o ---cl'rcr) 1-11ho ing3 The 111,klcr(: 11,-.J Jll coop- erating i.,Tit.h in f 0 'Cl . r C (I I I oc d .7, 0 11 !1 of the )lr� 15,1 4 L-lic- I'll c lIll ros near 1-1 Y_ c hopc I hat Cooper'll, --oil m.,long t,JJI ('0111JI111r; . Tlowf:vcr wry press our conce", .1 n I'lle T111,11rc ()I' 1-111C 13,-41"i-inc1c 5tlte Historic j. 1-1 J_, e, 11 tlh;� t, t h (- 1) j- .7, t-1 o r j- (,ri I -I c t; t, i. n 6 1 ) ,-; - �7 1 - , o be preserved along t-,,AJ,h the ; and J,tnvolved. Thank you, Mr. Ed l3owen: 1,11;1111K -you, 111'. -i", I live` al, 41011 I. r in Coconut Grovc , t, I I I C 11 y : -111 VC, made my J 1) llcJ.JC111 :0- e o i in- I, o'C?tliil)1"111_n1.Um P r 0 PC P 1, 1. 0 S Ill i Jil, 1, rol) (JI c 1. pil-'eilt as are most. of 1) e ol., J. 1. 1 I to grow but, w I i v ili :;dell h,,)r,,y ,,o J�a In one of the by thc qua t-iolled this excessive, Zonin;l�h�inge j) I - O.,x im� at e I y 2,000,000 square fec-t cui cnt.1. ,.1r(--,ady zoned commercial and residential in the 13ayshorc Avenue; area and the inherent traffic pi-,ob1cm,-, in%lolved. He said lie couldn't worry about thi,,t you certainly should and obviously a a n we are. When ( parc(- h, -s 1) (j turned down for 47 residen- tial units two, years ago l.,,hy give it away for a f(:.,w palm trees? Es P e c J; a 11 y in I J- g h t, of the available alixed use zoning in the ',tillage c(1-!iA(:r whi-ch GIs the economy allows will replacc, 1-1111. of the one �,,'U-ory buildings wit,h four to five Story "i"111,00 U. fl properties. This i..,ill more, than pro- vide any ne,(:,,ded square footage shoran by the Studies that you have hr-:ard about. if' You look ao,oulldf wc don't have to beg people to com(,-- to Coconut Grove, to duv(;Iop it. The number of units pllopo,_-ed is I i 17, e Y ao h t H a r b o r Lind Tower laying on thoii-- on this piece of L-11d with ri.i :shopping mall undornuath it'. F 10 e a o I I I I (_,or-.Su,.;cw 11;_-m-gn I ITIO us use of .55 FA111' wdth the niir"j'Oet, of' ,;llould be no FAR i n v o 1. v e o il,,rn, i-, c.i i. t i I i L, J P (3 1.0 111,1 J, I, a 1) e 1, t y Also, we Init not Szn il co , t 1 i, Z:bout 1 foot, de't:_ _s t_,nd it, stinks S C) m C- t i 1:1 (, ,3 1 o a Ij `L)A u r o 1' t i, y i-q,, 10 d i, (d g e this a r u Th(_ �11,-A lie spoke to ahout Lx1l 11 10 0U,0 1 I'f eq j, r e, a (j Cl o - ffo r d pers011 appro},1Jr..tt_ 1�, I, Oon, he t 11 today. From tilt' i I- �* 0! 1 bay will bu, 1-,1, 0' 'i j this p r o j e e t i no d j fi'( -i .j cJIA;i:I- lit J i and nol:1*1(_.-, 1,!iji tie.`„ '2(7 the m, I L arketes this iz j and I t hc;llt_tolily st on thi6 Pj,,uj,:,r.-t . Y'Ou PeLiY L du like the banks do lately with the cojfnr:epcial let's HT 117 'Septeifiber, 20, 1984 H H participate in the profit with him to reduce our taxes. Thank you. Mr. Michael Patty: Good evening, Mr. Mayor, good evening, Comm 18,9 ion. My name is Michael Patty. I have lived in Miami "or, 40 years, m - Toping ',mi-. a 1y _y faniijy is ;3 deve 19 foundtnr fimmiTy Jn tIinmi. ino ;ilj liiF�hl T li_vr, hr,n h r i rig, what.-. 1- bond f'c r Coeow,,o, T "Ai - ni, pro,, J_,:ir f u ing thc I i i h y needs in (,11,y ni" 1.n that wr h-ivrl it Tlhn iT-nomik, oi.' '1oOi-),(-- illint i-S in th i, PF 0.1 C, 1, i 7% ;1 1 - of 111(7� r) n W f I op i� 7-0 1 , I I Soil th c'-:-; voll 6ownilol.m. to ask Mr. Tnfik T)ci)1;ri_,mr1n",- 1, 11 el i, C n i -A i corrimcrci.;Dl. 7 brom 1,111. (,o yoIll, that volt hl,oi",c dc)dn -1 1-. h J. I Ic i 1, 1.4 ri. r� 00 c 0 ol rest. nll: 1) V lltCoj-l)hE'11, ill ncdcr i, 0 meet the ;.))i noo V,,I)" rctit of- enclosc-d you -,ir- gall, ,,bout-, , i _1 or3l, r) q 1) a. I t hat on the '11)(1 en I -, c I -, i -, :7) - J,n],t1f; people Oil the T U A�:7 q ui to ilino2,1- double of what you are tilki.nr7 ;shout f-ar the cxpo3ure to the dining and wining in IAr7,t cnmwoonit-v in that area that is of question. Is that. not, C n I, 1, 0 ,,, ? Mr. Luft: 1 don't kroi•", that it is, double, I know that in front of the, re.=,' there is a 25 foot sidewalk of which maybe 10 or 12 of it. would be used for some tables. My suspicion is 1 doubt that it is double or anything close to that. Mr. Patty: Well, the, size of 25,000 which is 4,000 less to accommodate the sewerage, that is a little confusing be -cause last Wednesday night at this same place I heard Mr. Campbell say that the sewerage department can only handle 50% of the capacity of the sewerage that would be from this project and tonight, because we reduced 4,000 square feet of internal space, all of a sudden in a matter of 7 days we can accommo- date the sewerage. Is that what was presented? Mr. Campbell? Mr. George Campbell: At the time that we discussed this the other night we wore operating on some figures that we had gotten, prc�,lirllinary figureothat v?e 11r1(j gottle, from the developer whi1ch indicAed considerable difference in the size of t1le projcct I I'olfi what, is now pl'Opo'-(,d ill the Pesolu- tion and t'__1 o r d J, I I n 0 3 t C) I h t I L"H a� i m,, we had i., � -, I a p p r o x I a, a t u.i_ y 0 C fe e t c in a i n 1) u J I d 4 g, a d restauran J L I I 0 r i fg n, 1 i) r-, f, I d 11i i. r) LI, N, fig, that we got. 11 t 1-i o.]. U1 o r" 'LlOnJOIt w(- "Ilsc 11 1-i V 3 ) , 000 3 q u a c, u. t, h; h't that time 111c�I'r 1, 1 ch as s 43,5oo- ing c-lbou'. c) Ttie Con- tribute of Y W I p 1) 0 �� e a -I ul J, h, ,.A ion f 0 d t c o nti i, the or i v ir,, had 1, P te that k, ��i, U, C, 111 L' back 0 e 1" t 0 1 OC sc al J re s o a to reduce a i:OIIIILUIQ ate the i, t- Gi ;_s t) w 1-i tie v t;-,,i 0 p if, 1-1L. i t f, what we have in the sewers now RT 118 September 20, 1984 �V Z Mr. Patty: Mr. Mayor, there are a few things I would like to say and then I'll finish it up quickly here. I think we have to, first of all, the project has got the ambiance. Mr. Troister and his groups have to bq complimented that it does havq that European finir. The density of thr project, stinks. T don't think LhqL Lho, projQcl, i..r, ins' I JA't.l.e. villngn %joh in knnurt as Knonnuh Grove. This projact is too iwmrnse FOr' this pnrYinular propqrLy. T think thiL if it was snQQ dnan with thn sam- amhinnnr, Yhr opmr thcme T would think the daveloper Yonid hnvn n winnar P7 on ns the community is oonerpncd whnLher from a dqvrJnPnr1v ntandpoint that Q snmeLhing alre, T thin!,- 1,he ou�--ht to concern thomselves about the ingress a vi d e q r co 7 s r) F t h t :7, project off Main Highway; with thn hammock bring Lhern, the jeopardy oF thaL Ummock, ,The her or, not it will be abln to maintain that ingress and egresn with Lilo VAul of drnsUy. I think the noxt Qnua is kho •Char�cr issur- 1,c) the setback, the 50 foot nothook and the night corridors. I would like to know how the Commissinn is Faing to overrule that Chaptur which is part of the QLy..., Mayor Fcrrc: You got the wrong information about the Char- ter, but go ahead, we'll grt into that. Mr. Patty: Okay, Qrgivc m.:, T'm only -I citizen, I'm not into all this politico. 1 junt want to see Coconut Grove be the beautiful city it has always hcen. I love Miami and I want Miami in stay tin; way i t 0. I'm not saying stop progress, just keep it to a slow ,eta nd. When you're compar- ing it to Porto Fino, you 6on't one a major department store complex in Porto Fino. This whole complex is larger than the whole city of Rapalo, Porto Fino, you name it, I've been there and this is a monster compared to any of those places in the world. You are comparing ambiance in beauty which we need but you don't need this size project in Coconut Grove. Thank you very much. Mr. Jim McMaster: My name is Jim McMaster. I have lived at 2940 S.W. 30th Court in the central Grove for It years and plan to stay there unless the City zones me out , I have no connection whatwocver with St. Stephens School or Church, I don't even have any children, 1 appear here as a concerned resident of the Grove who feels that the Master Plan should be followed. The New Minmi Comprehunsive Neighbophood Plan which was just sent to the printers, according to the Plan- ning and Zoning Department two days ago, Q as3ifics the entire property Q questiun as low density residential. On page 3 of Commodore Bay'n documunts Section 2 titteeand I quote, "... Thu Miomi Comppehonsive NeighbopluDod Plan is Thereby amonded from na"morcial air,1 low denzity rusidnitial to..." and it. Qontinunn on. llidn QnLement Q wD longer true undcr the neW plan, I a" not a lawyep, but if Ur City is not log ully 5ouno by thu n4w plau it in cuptainly murally bound. nie 11"nuirill !wportannt tul.it ql 00M n pPuiuct. Lido years aro on uni-4 snnm VtG, ;,no L quo1e, i 1 110n fL)P 47 residunLial unit:_. ".1. TKQ propaNca anvolopmunt is not in character wiln Lh- 5urruund0p Lrn. na donn Hot POVInat Lhe low dun it, 0WO AndlY naturu T thn -mat r3ying towing." The City's F"ev in-ut fQ1, mu ppojuqt :stni.s, a"d 1 QUOLe, "Large truQ, nA;Aintio" ar ninij�p n, I-1jr, v,A... _ ,, mijal I be ppubDi tua :Pun urittrint thimuCh Q 1"Aisurve the 1VL U 00=py Aon dnn�gw." r Trei6twpls hanmonk n , I v r v, 4 n , A 1 i u k , A Uo VKwi 111,nning Advisory Ejavd KOO! AK ]"nl "Q In thy LavL of Un rQuw lie, stated that tie duuntvu UNLL yVVM2nWA0W wouia Lc giveN fur a two lana ru.n trin-Lro it" ThIN wtz wn,K the church access iwLd who atill u"amp dineobsiun, Pip. Truinter does not haves pupm!Lniun fruw unyunu to pUL a twu lane road through the 1i1WWUUW UP WOVe Lhe cracker houses back 1U feet into the nammuck. The developer should be referred back to HT 119 September 20, 1984 the Historical Conservation Board. They did not give their A approval to this project. I have some questions the devel- oper may want to address: How will th i.:i pr"o ject he pla.ced on the ].and? i,t; i_,^ my underr"V.ariding t,llat t,it :tit. ^quare fQotagf' of t,h{ propertyta?' =0() i�(i .< p feet }�i a nl7('1( tTir:;3i1 hi I� watch "I i n Q Ifll. . ,:1,r0 ,::i;t,nnn The ha,)rinCk i'�;1 . t(1 Ot j i rlcr i,n o11 111 De partcTc'ni., 1, ;lp1)i rmll1,Y ,000 You subtract; t.ili._ oull ;f j:h, is no41 dC)tln t;C) 11)pi'(t 1.17F1t 1 tr 1 (�t,000 -'giiai"�'. frrei• , ! ocor(i l.ng to the I>1. inr>> n=;.rtrl ot1 ns; Tiep)i t:ment': otln i gul rs, i.f1e l.ot; cover,iffn of 195,000 square feet,e T ^iy <pproxi.n?at:cl.jr c I I I r, C, no nnr <:m;, to know the e>;aci;. f - ttre. I'erhap:> tirr; de�vel.oper of t; t.,) can present a site plan drai•,Yn to acale i:.liat shoe��.imp_ly and cff ect %c 1.t7 tlac: rinner a.n rrlii.el� tl�i� Ott uci.ut c: _i-;; f _tted on the in the pt)blic intcrc.st to know mare about 11)( a(.cc,_ road through I'caclock th., conc_i:ruc,tion road, how ions, will. it. be there, of , hC )?;]ric Ni.II it run through. And th{ure a.l ;o scem,' to he a que; troll a:� to the survey. I?r-)m wh;it I undcrst:and, I nv).y l:>e wrong on this, the dcveIoh�,r ha-7 pt -, ,c nerd a st)re%e11i_i,11 cont)�rldicts tl-ie survey t11at, t I I c C-i_1,v 11 ))ad for ? 0 or t11)at:��� �r c�1�1T,;. The developer'... >ur�rc: y� ;hotr. t;'ii,it ;�c otn1 h.c� park starting at the) h,_)ti� rurti! l n , h'C':,: i1) 1 1 00 t c: _ (, . %l�c� gtAr .lion appal'ent;l.�F hd nE?V!�1' f)C('1) 'd - ii'1 )C)t :-lur{ 1 un cr- stand i•{hat til[�' ill"c)b�_( _ �;���� , t)t_,t, i i i h�. i _ qt-tc,nt.ion in who owns what . I ',I hi it :gip i,:1.1-v :l i, proj(i c:t this large which is 1 11C�_ , the developer should. imiliedi-iteI t C'.t:ijr` t hJ r `I31.1 l ? "VC1, 0VcI, to the City. —_ It is a piece of i>ubl.a_( r)�_I's th<zt })t);:rrr)t,l�- has been con- sidered part of t.hc publ_ o pr-o,I for ;1'0 years and I've looked at the file for C:omr60dorc Grave and there i.s no question about who awns whet, i.li t,h ,t file . to maybe we could clear up this question of vJ10 owns this sliver of park land possi- bly tonight so it can be deeded over tonight and then we can continue on. Thank you. Mayor Ferr,e: Do you want to put that down on things to discuss? Next. Ms. Margaret Neil: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, my name J_s Margaret Neil. I am a resident at 31195 Main High- way, Unit 14. I represent the Abitare Association. Much has been .;yid about the aesthetics of" this proposed develop- ment a 17 ?'iti not nor ar�(2 we, concerned about t.hc a(.,,sth( tics. It's nothing, r:ron - t-> ter~ranean = village', ill South 1 lorid;, . Co coriut; Gir ovi_ Village was built. to pi--o'v idtCl ni3(td,,3d t :rv1CC:..> 11 L'I-I t + "3 0 11tia1 CO1TiG=lsn iis�� ,l11' ('11 :1t2r r':>>t=C;C1� ( ' t It z. uTi1 iUt:),z� ;� �:U 1U1d1y a develops-d thr(_jua� l) i=lI' nd of the — villa(' ;:;k . .:i._:;ic,,.. <'i ;_.t, vE:I'v uu,zi ±- i.t, t,a,., L (y(; < ;?ouble = edgcc: ttVi`(.i, It: C7t._'Vi'It t.lf::rit: ir:-; are — deal? ni, wit.: .s t_0 t:z I"t,ouvist dollrz! .� tc; tr•( l role<�t;, i.0 "A : getil;u. ) _ ��t. �ii� vote here, uhu t),1: t the ���_ �` L(� traffic. _,k. �i`ii1�1t`.-ir-�1 6- ��` S_ Ii.2, t.` �r c11 i1 - l t-() tI')e l.'. - } villa ;e-, lip nt., �Arw'<<t r, 1--)A, the s>T1a11 l,c�, 1 c;4Ft��.r�._. r'. � 1 �r.r`,� c. ��i . t JPOW t. _ F :._. and (:. ...- hardt ato;):° �� _ t �_ . L.. �..�1. �, i_. �i e lase I'- 1. _ next Our ) J ! ! �,sr�, �,.._ ,r;ti, 4..r a�_ r , _, ,. �:�. r ._. t ... end Ugh? And IiU 4: t' t _ t = for t . v CeS are a r.._.(I:t-uh, they ° re i��_,t. ul to �C=:.,r ..,! _.. y C �;ta .� .. _ ..._.._ 1s nce _ there w1ibe tlo u( t 6iil'iJIIL�1: t :::I c j-;rii.ii' i.t: true — that the developer's plans t:o bi,ing I is (oristi a t—ion in ----- T 12Q September` 20, 1984 through our Peacock Park and out since the Historical Socie- ty says he should not go through the existing hammock? I'd like an answer to ghat. And in closing, I'd like i;o say you have tiro �mit, f i�: r"ntora?;Y f the plililir to ^rijn.. Whv rinn't, you, r�nno�r.r�i,, a;:,n oil 1,hat, work on %,h^=.t, qnd `T" ?.i.l. '` _.;Ih 11 , ; 0mn t,hi.lic ill_C ^ I 11S?ni you very (1licil Mayor, 1' ri.—.; Ire 11-her.' ln,11 more o )nonents that are 1)r-11;:nr . `? 1: + ;) l nt; 1.,rn li 1d sorno vollrit D(,orPle Vrlio wanted 1- ^9 701-,E?i.l1i_rif7 promisQd I-,IlQn Id (i vc them a chance t, it , �'nl1 {.t1y Ct)Uadn' r.gr(:r , 11.11, y ott both i1aVP to spunk" l-,'-;y .zh.olll_ci you he di_fforent„ Mr. i.,ul;r: Prin: I`;r 1).,1,nf, i.^ 1,-ok-c T),-in and T leave been to the Grove -1 lc.', nn,i % i i �, i.t; vc�j-y rrructi .end whon .1 get older I would 1) 1<< �a k 1 � ,( t,(> (> ai_t,h m,y f r.i_orid^ j1_tsi-, to like hang around or j1.1:-=.1. ,.n ter I,li(-re , you knout to have fun . Tf this project; t ,�, i:hrnl{-li 1 tlli_nlc it would ruin the ha,,:sic idea and pl in of Coconut. Grove and T strongly oppo.^:e this pro- ject. Mr. Todd 14TorlMaiii r1y name is Todd Norman and I live in Coral Gables. T im a cyclist and most of the cyclists in Miami cycle in the Grove. It is a very populated community and right now it. has enough traffic. We don't need any more. Thank you. Mayor Perre: Would you tell me your name again? Norman, Okay, thank you. Mr. Augustin Ariano, Jr.: My name is Augustin Ariano, Jr. and I think Coconut Grove is the only place in Miami that isn't like a big City, it is preserved and it is old and I want to keep it like that. I don't cunt any shopping cen- ters or anything that can bring a lot more traffic here. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, next speaker, please. Ms. Lynda Dan: My name is Lynda Dan. I live at 803 Anas- tasia in Coral Gables but; I spend a great deal of my life driving in Coconut Grove with allfOur of my ch.i.ldren that range fro[ri c;ol.lege to junior, kin crgay—'ten. Although I. heard about this, t-1o.id . y nit; tit k."��t . ;>t;(,l_�htn.� arrd, therefore, had an intelr c: !�t -!1d r.t : ,Gl.t: [ t (d to J i, from that, I think there are rri<_!1y l -,_oplc= tl.�_ !brit:}ir !�.� ofI E,00 chi Jdrei-I who come., to , the i• r°C1Y(: l . I ITio,f .: oii .� t1i,,: didn't; even kncic�r al o ui, it and I and scli.ic of*i..l'))_ olk h(-r" [:1c%i,l]t; l':, tr i(_: 1 tO t'<_%; it out zf t(.-7' fire - heard floes dy . !`: ](,)I, of tlie' ,r dons _.i t ,�=�! ,. �, �.t=;:_ 11rr�. i.l ..1 t.i_. �1J )1--•.. �;c`1i�: l,li! ._3utr i a —= -_ board of t > �k._ i, t �_ it-t_�. "%l .,ii:�iV t.,G'' ( Wl1C) e board �i1i_ 1;�. z, 5Ei rk-% is ::,i i ;+ ilo".1lk. t, i' y!i:011`:. 11 t1!ilk }!rf [ [.:11e11t listen _ 4:rtd the grit k-� i _�_ i,l;..;, I t;.. , I-, nd _ that cth-_r, i t:..� t:� 1,..d:: c:-': i �; .. , _ -� ht ��s �,v?) t. need any ,uc1: And !aa ;<<, 1E�. r.�;( .. ilk r. _�; , L:�.. ;- . 1t- rant the h1! t _ t' 7;_ c. k: i. k) IL, Ji „' j`_ta)'r Ci �_11 ) �1.ii1 1, i'E:nt — an}uCc ,.:_JI .:',-xl�: i li.rtl; tiit ,_;ti �.,. ;� _ [.��:..lus�.a,Zu . = but not, ic:r• il_.. about i t . _ _t . �t s l ! c=?i c.: v �':[ : lk, L._J i! we bee[; _ v _ _.<-.. ,ir.. r thr(ati °.Ei I :- -•-.. ki;:::v- .i' t.'_i.. !;c. �. ,_ _.:t�: _l f...��.. ._ l.:Jt. i.).• — peopit:, j Ua' Lit: t r riEdS Ti.i l:, :_ r; r:tt _ ,_u i_!;tl c t. !: ,1 _t. _<.r.::1 lot _. of tE4t tJtE:�.:[-• 1�, ._.-t.:k-,•�-it-!1.`, <; L i ` t....',-1c[.t::.....:1 i�. ; 1...v tl:�1• L:II LOL to theppoint tli�l the . it' Grit c:tiur"eEi r E.a: L:;ot"sey Ght ..a:i1 i;;.` or whatever, we would be willing to give up our school and RT 121 September 20, 1984 move it somewhere else just as long as we weren't the avenue through which the Grove could, be destroyed. I have not heard anybody ask for a Ingle shopping center but by their very prosenc(-? i-n the Grove T think peoplp arn, nskl F n, for open space and green and history and that in n Moir tined of all the ponpla in this nomm"nit y wheth-r LUy live in Cneo- nut Grove nr Wt onme hate; to enjoy it. And 1 vn"Id likC, and it ony hn a hcighL nF 1001m,Nhn i:7 and I hqlinvq in At, T would UWn ir nit y VI) bmy viie Innd and ask Mr. Treinter who in a very ninvur pi tenor pild hqq, some good idean, to develop coma pinnn for a henutirul lovely public use of that spner without ohopi, without residences and to preserve the nntural bcnuty of that ham- mock. Mayor Fopre: Are there ony mopc spQakors on the proponents' side? I think we have more or Inns kind of gotten now to the closing arguments. So I who in going to do the closing arguments for the opponents? Mr. Hubert Parson: Nayor Terre, my nal-s,c aF;ii 17, ,, -n H-obcrt Parsono. I do not have a closing argu ment, i think thu voice of the pnrsona on both sides has been heard. But I would like for the record ',--.o reflect two thingo that have been introduced here, Mayor Fcppc: Mp. Parson, I think it is important to speak into the microphone so that it makes the job of the Clerk easier and w&Il have a record of what you're going to say. Mr. Parson: lent I would just like for two items to be in the record. There are many unanswered questions here but they have ail bean a2ked and if they haven't been answered I think it is a proponent's prol)3.em, however, that will be resolved whcther at the City Commission level or otherwise. wouid an -iLhingsank that the Clerk make sure th2t ;. rceard jN maintained of them. The only addi- tional traffic infarm.Uon other than that which was on file with 01c CiLY U tAy, time of the Planning Advisory Board Meeting Wednesday night a wcck and a day ago apparently is a letter from (r. William M. Pell to Mr. jack Luft, a copy of which as was handed to Lawrence Terry by Mr. Luft earlier in this meeting I have and I would aQ that Lhu Clerk keep that for the record. Iluch more jmXrtantlY, Mr. Mayor, I would ask that this plan ... (INAU)IBLE) Mayor Ferre: You're off' Lhc record. by don't you take the little microphone thcn you can walk around like you're in a courtroom and we're all ant, Mr. Parson: SccOndlY, Mr. Mayor, 1 would ask that the only item which hau been nhowa by the Planning Department and proponent togethop which 13 LhA8 color diagram here, bu made a part of the rtocul"A UMMUS0 it 0mrMS to me, &Lhough I"um not a supveyop wor Ln architect, t1w,t it i n but Uwsame plan that won submitttd befop, tat pl�w,inj hdwi�uny Hoard. It i.,_ i �, u :, d"J f !!runt in wiy ivpnuL, nxQypj Unt A, with respeut LtGatnohepndvajTju ther words esntwapd of "Ic, "LnHD, E some additional Euvon vol uri n,: pi non,i a, 1"I err' was thy:I-nan "n 1 u j j,r t loans property. 1 vogEnwt in ULI Voc"ro vh�! 1 A� 1wrth Of that U L6L uU"& by ink U0MJ0;,P, thn! lw:n �;nlip�Lion is fatal! Y flawod Un"L !VwWa 11 1 nc nu �Lnyi , Lao last I would nucjcAy, DrenuLw 2 rn"Ky t-( 4 [!�Klrw >01 jQ the- craf tumuNow p .i hi w b..L,L, 1G, L 01 1 ! L, a legal west-, nua too aw"nonjAn LituLl'u'. lut" sufurutwent by the City "Ot "! 1""YwebL Waw- ytiiuh rz]cat eta to the earlier plbah with the auutst King UVOV a WOlane road at St. Stephena and on the alley way will absolutely not work. HT 122 September 20, 1984 It really is a legal horror, a developer's horror, a lend- er's horror. etc. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, we'll keep that in the files as part of the record. You want; to make sure you got it, put the stamp on It. Yotj (,now how to do this in court. Right? All. right, arc there any other opponents to wish to present their... Ms . Eli.ra:i- : Mr. Mayor, the 25 minutes are up. Mr. Rice: tor. Mayor, I might also say that this is not a public strect. Mayor Ferro: J ek, so that ... 11ey, you tacre City attorney for I don't, know how many years, you know you've got to put your Yr�jl-ie into the record. I won' t`, .,.` t you till Mr. Rine: Jack Rice repro ;en ti.ng Mr. ficCor rni cl; at 3370 Royal. Road. The -,trect, in thi.f projcet; ^70-xnct. It is 11at. a public st;rcct, it }1.r.� 0, oft i.vcrr<:y c_ j 1 -I— , into Main }liEjiwa.y and Co�imodore Plaza i ; one bi-oct_, long a.nd you're going 1-to put; a. trtiffic l- -t ht t;11c l-c and l: m ight fur- ther add that. 1.1r. Loft, i.n }ri...:, t,atement on the traffic survey ^ -q.cl t;ht; dui i ns }1:i.t}� },r :1; t.� rtc^ t;hcrr_, ought: to be a traffic officer at thi, i_r�t:cr c�.; f;Lorr. Mayor Fore: �t1J_ oil there is a whole series of questions thi`.ttl ha c 3 cz"i that I think need to be answered before lle Mr. T'reister's statement. One has to do - let; i;tc c;ct, i.f Ic zn summarize them, and if I've missed any l'm :=ure you tton't hesitate to let me, know but let me ,see if l:.'ve Gotthem right. One had to do with the question of the historical tire30rvati0n question. Mr. Luft: We }lave in the Development Order that the final plans, the drawings tiicy for their building permit have to go back to the, t r; , i_r'rar,r,:.ritrrl- Prow.^crvation Review Board for their f:i.n,il r'cvJ ew f ul, ccr,t.i fication as to the compliance with the, 01it`.:71-i : . t�}sisii;. a;._.;r1 i_ond all the trees and evcriyt11ing. l: c got, };ir0tective stop -gap in there t;c t,.lcc .< t:1<`.�:k for thcir approv- al. But the I nvirorrrric ntal 1toard did issue their approval initially and taco will ;,ec their! again — Mayor Iui,re: 'i'hr nexlt question had, to do with 3 separate egressos . Mr. Luf't: T'hi s i> t}ic cltzcs:,tic1rr 7 t.!ti_ril Bel= n i,do Fort empha- sized t,�.s, ally ti a > it tac:c:}ti ago, tuo weeks ago, two days ago Jack 'ataf`t st tt_ d oil i.}t{ }_�ubl ic; tAc°.,ord at t}ie Planning Advisory t o t,u I c t A n g nd P.; :;:'ot�• t}?c: r'+ +..dent." of this = COIIl[Iillnity i:(a t.t7�: i"ttC dk-- -;:3 Cif' t,tif_:. 1LLU t'<1 ;`it: t,ti i"ig .0 4t'e t it t)t:it:.}; i.C. Walked ttir c tifF}t t}iG a}} j<;t r c; and }t( },11ria Yak', ci 1c tc t1ii.S t, r1t- t-h,'S 4, tJ lY1i; through t,} a T i'C' (3t,)lil1. iita c: .S. C3 ri — that oef c:rI aC7uAd r'CGH111k't11d }:ii"I `_)VZ C_=f 't;'!"_ _ }:i C•�is'C'.t. _ — would ti� ,.,,- t, t1;� Vi: ri !'„ �t ft't31t: t}1 ,.. Ili°i: Jc +,'-;, to y MC�`ctrltsr;c: _i.tl atld ',t},y' 2.. ! t 'Lc c:�.x�', I:t 1't 1. - now s� a a i , ,, i,,, t. nc: c;i n c tI I ( Without t 1 study, iie+i �s��t, i.tif,: 1.•i'��1t_ci Lt.:t��:' }'r ,_ ... tt; ' _._r'l�xri,l.ixr,. Advi U``'J' ..;. `tl i:t:t't. tilt: 1 ._etc: and l r L.QtY Wert Vt +. C-)<:_y' rit tr.i_ Y L.( j' 4 1:. fir,,, ci 1.1:2 jt the itac._111t.: i.1. for to t l� _ . ! ;C:?'� t� t:__ i�..C. .11 „ I k' r . ._;i ,' W it ) r �: i t e. .. i, r l r f - - i. �.. i l.: `• k•. �./ t.' : an al y -1, c T. _. t.. i•� l i .) 4i ; A -.y.' 1 i{{3--.ills _ b .i.. .: .i ., �.. ',: i I-• . t, . .1 .. f...., t, .. use and , ...� i..i. � ,, F -•_ _ i _ +1 �. 1 r i i1 t .. ' �. G 1 .. `U`it tl tt:1 77. t to Maul !S3 �ta� ,r 1il rt �t ail '( i1 Lil �' tit } } it �- go �lcli. l£ 1 3� t �.t studies will n✓oviiially alraha,�1ti Clri 1t1Csize Gtt t..wO P6PJ 0 Q , .ki F'i peak HT 123 September 20, 1964 period 7 - 8, 8 - 9 and PM afternoon peak period 4 - 6 simply because that is rush hour and that is when the traf- fic conditions are the wor3t on the street. In looking at the AM Pq_-i.k period and rfonognizing 1-ji,;t for aIJ prarti-cal purposes- t,Iie f-i 1) n n r, 111 n r 0 T-) MP 0 i P T '4;71 riot r) o P f� TI 'F, hn d, o not open G, nl, i J 9 0. 0 1. or- k t the r r, I' tlo F Tl �3 traffi at 11a ray f i n d I t ip, 71 id 1� i,- - A 11 p (?,i 1c p- r i c) a:7 iIr) 1, T F 0 S not hnx(7- of rye lease i:7, i1 ni rc i,-I I I 1 -1 1 - 1, v There t, Q nd 7 t'_ 1 h rnmi r� r Q I I n 11 vil 1 1 C 1) 1, 11 Q s e units can x ij, c!,npn,,-_iiAY for T h e ci p;i c I-, y I- c 11 r7 Wr I h that e i.t. 1) -3 the q res id I. fi,«5 o wry t, IJ rn :7, o n on I - c) e P 1-4 peak Ti, in tcrinof ;-,11 ;In,--) lv`,1 Of the re.,Ii I traffic, ;71,11(1 v,!)eil ri ],.-4 1, Y impact. oil 1.1)e abili"Gi-11f- ro,-Id 1-yould ocour r e a i "I 'Gr;lAs to PC,-fl--1 in 'k1r.,rr-,,I,-- cjf i- t, r7 %,%n(l nut around t r 3 P.",. mid- afternoon lioppllng ;1nd t-he P,ti. 1 1i, h hoiji, arotnd 6 or 7. -UG is offlioc P.M. p c d, 1,7 11(Ir_ 11:,hc afternoon, that(, "' 1, o 3 J_ w 'I,-- n h:-, d I had o i-,) e I- c s, r I, v a It, i c) n 1) o 1t 1, 11;; 1, Il Ct7ti I c, k) Il ,u1 ants specifioally to :01,0:."'Flk,(';; v c: -, 1., 17C o d In e x t r a p o la t i n c, the 1) e _-, 1 anu I) (i I l v1* e, ,sa the C) M l- 12% of the:the:reta J.1 tr�lf f-1-c J"Pol:! t: P 0 Cli w; coming out at the afternoon 1. .111. to 3 only about 5% was coming out at 1,u,3.h hour. This is a percentage of total daily traffic. In my analys-L.s, 1. tooll, the 12� figure of total daily traffic, multiplied that 12% timer, that total daily number and camC4 Up WitIl jyj exiting I , figure that I applied to that road. Wit)i a 3i.ngle, t raffie, light, as I said before, w1th an af'Ccrnc:on content: ion, non -peak period g/c signal phase we were look_JnL� -A 214 L,ccond,, to release those car.s T h c 12p f i C, u r e th< t 1 6 t c t;c>r<ited around 14 J or 15 cai,.1- - during that 12�11 Scco,)d:�. J111 '11 OP111-Lor), that was not enout,h, time to mjovc, 1L,hz,1L-. was done ind betw-c-c-r-1 11111,1-�: uiicrtJn,- L, t , d 4LIll-is mectinF�, Mr.(�.4tJ-1() y d ' ' B e r ns t J _11 4 '10 ;is a traffic engineer to Ifly I, i', (111 Q t, f 01, :111 n,-� ly s of, t " I i 111, . Harvey Bernste-in'.s, f�inding that there wl-t,a tint a probl.(-Iii at the P.M. peak or th... al .1(i,noon and I hiri -why. it was t.1•on th,-At -i!i rccL.Jculating my 1 'if-,urk_,s thcit, I realized not 11 dt"O Out ti the 12% th- 1 had f'J bc- --ui,c 4�o u.e was just (�xit-lng al-ld tilal', I t (�e i- about 60'b" oi' 1_hd,lt of tlie 1"' to 15 Out, we're 1, :3 o 1 co n d phase. ]t ;li,A11,c I I Iily� J�, ;I I, t it, '�l III d.!A lake" I believe, th,11. holle,A _1 1) J, n 1; e tive and it Mayor, .,Ah�,:Vl_ (.rI! thf. "41,10le matter a a 1, .1 u ti idv u. III e a mist a u I,, iI),i,I u C I i, i'Y 1 i Z-4 f 1, -1 c 0 p 1 4 pC)4L littz,d vi 1)t the M i s t a,, k d I I t Mr. 'L. u T t - carinot argue with the fact that 12% is tA tree Mayor Ft;"V� 1,11 U , L up to microphone if' you have juit to keep it open. a q u e s J4 1, tL, ;� I , J . I I _1 in Mr. Lu i t rut,-e-ing - gave y best r e c o wa; e r 11 ano figur�&_i the absence of a rroiitht Ccurity. With that traffic (7nginter and with his explairlatiorl and look RT 124 S�ptewber 2`0, 1984 at my reasoning I'm convinced that I was in error and that the figures haven't changed, it was not incomplete informa- tion as Mr. Fort suggested, the information was there, I raisin{terpretlle i 11-.1)e 12% figure and Mr. Bernstein feels com- fori.ci4ic;nrlcl_rl^ton.^ Mayor, l r ,,r : i' ?,'n- ; (lcj . i (Inn' t want to get into a one hour debate YOU. bizt; (joi_r.kly to the point. Mr. fort tip P1aanr', t:11i-nl: there is, a mi.si.nterpret-ation r and tt)�� � at,i % arc rlr:!.r,f, r�}1,�,�s.,nrl , t1r. . 1-,riftl here i ., armi_tting that he. i;hrollf-rh ,� �r_.�', of henr'i.1r :a-17�i }ire.-> �t a.t� nn.; to the }_?izbl..i-c midt(-) �r )r pll,_> !ncmbers of th€� f,ov�r �)m<:rlt. %�dvi_-Ory boards -rld n `ol"t.l) . 11r. y t rr n i �- >r Jr n 1 than., ltnaai.rl„ v,>r'} s`_:11_ th,,t; it:..�. 1..y.r 1-nuT3d i,.�orrlat�i_an Wa s l_T)Ljn .,<; ;1(lii}i.i,t.i_tlF, t:h. % _r) 1 i1UT'r ?;O r' C- - ; certalrl de;)dl_irlc.^ ,.rhethol, t;h��s 1ik?r( drClv(�Jop(?r <ir?;?�+lline:7, Or 1, .. �, .,• - urn t Ccc7I�nC'.nttt.i_Onc the C)..�y .� d�,ar;l l.rie., hc. ���., ,�.� J-1 -rl� �-.c? knowing, tll.,i, il() })ad nnl1 r c e i.vec errt .I i.r? ery important. inforrn�li,inrl from " (1 1,1 i.n Esc?v� rr)rn(�r)t. :)ger)cy and 11n should have poa.rlc.cd t;h,)t ou1 ; or 1:01-3J.d "havc rofr-<O_ncdl fro.rtl r= ')}k>>_nt; recamrr,rr)11,)t;i_on uT14- i_1-in ar'�! itl(�r1 sd�: t'�Cr'1VCd in his, 1), n�a 1_ thin}:.ion of t;i r_; public trust for t;hr 1,1 iinII1_11 * 1)Ppa1,t;ri7(_'.nt .c,^:il;i-nE. I'cc<:?!I17iE nda^ bons t.h_.t, t.hbacl gl'ounc_i i_nrorma t;i-on of' utillo,st import;znc(7, i;1)at k' ti- nat in their hand) and they Were. t•-rsiting _ for it; they were going to receive it at some point or Mayor Ferro: All right, Jack? Mr. Luft: The information Was all there, the, information hasn't changed. I'm not a traffic engineer, I admit it. I did the best job I could to fulfill my responsibility to make my best recommendation. Mayor Ferrer: Let me say, in defense. of Jack, that; I have known him for many years, 1 haver a. lot of differences with him, in fact, I disagree Faith him more than ? agree with him but I've got to tell you that in my opinion I. think he is nothing but n honorable prof'es2i..onal and that he has done nothing but Clio l)c. t job that he. c,,.n do. I don runt this misinter1)r< tc.d, it hzis nothing to do with the i; sue?, it has to do with Jack Luft':a intef-city, I'm saying that I 1;av no doubt that; if` he irilude a ink(,' 110 is the kind of t)urr.rin being t1'r�:jt mill cone up hero on a rrricrophone and say, "i: r,i d 1 mi tulct ", admit it publicly which he just has, and 1 dorl't 1'iave any clue:=�tions about his integrity. Mrs. Lyridi - Dan: t•iiiy 1 say one more thing? -- Mayor F cr'r°G: Vk�r y --__ Mrs. Dail ! t,wc,u-! ci l i l'c c l-1 thy: statistics are very inter- , esting inci t: 1L..'1 ,3 <:i;:; o Ii De used lots of ways, not even if _— =_ you're, ti'yirlg tG C oi., ,` ine(� c)iiiebady of Something. I could Simply :1 i� _: t r,, :;i: .;c'1i �};' yr.0 to rir'ive t1� er,o? at 3: 00 O'clock - Mr f1(..i_r::<: r (�, ri S �..,: �_� •. t i �,!, �; !: r t _.. tier to t;r°�ffic? - Jack, r,!3 s I asked t.!; �`ri t.: i sr .. (_:iC�!. c ��: 1, t_: r 4 safety (.A .Ii`,i 4. .: i_ '.J( 1' .a.. r know Ei t r..,t tip: u t,,r c E`l. t :+- �t.U: know c . �,r, •-}� , rt� i_ .� ��. ., L t?!'+3.;1 tlrs park, i r t '` lr \'c' i. ? 1' A were y o U indivi.du::il u1'::-; L:i,e. : afc t i, - \' i� t}it :; _I that t;choU 1 : Excuse it; r;)a'am, 1. asked Mr. Luft. `hank you. , R`P 125 September 20, 1984 Mr. Luft: In terms of the prior access pattern, the roads through the project? Mr. r. Plummer: Well, no. My understanding was up until- this evening until the bj,s!iop got tip and made his statement, there ujq.fl th(l posslibility, or at, least thatlc, what. I had he,11-d 14,1;7 th-ril, i.hr-, dr,�v(,lopers might join hinds with the church T ,)care! discussion here this eve'ning that there il�o pnr,,silcily another access through Peacock Park in li-ii (-)I' Mr. Lu'! Mr. Plumni-.r: All right. Then just the church, all right? Was i'V. individi)ally addressed as to the kids in the school A as to the ijoet,y as to the cars? Mr. T)-ir,, P-iann-ir)g Department, as you said earlier, what my the church and to what -extent did th- Treistler and 11 c church J- 1) J. (7) n k-,Ta^ thatif the V4 l church ro.l.d, knoT,-ing W) ]a W accoriing '(,(-j T,,-iy m'3-ol- and V ("n 110thing, more, 1101.1 10 i D 1) r o vr do re an acce.,,-', p i 11 d that th i, I, o o 1 i I J On 1 1) o 1 11 1-, o I 11 1 done v ''i-CA1 the 7h;1t the d c h u r c I 1 1 :7s por mi J- ,-, �1 0 11 Id I -"T church, the U �J 1, childr-.11that church school would have t (J J, cs J, 1) J A e U , 0 1) SS C' P Ei ions of design of roadway : whcthel, they V�`C' '311pprc-ssed wl.th bridges over them or, whatever, there:: ,;erc -,;cv(-Pal solutions being considered, that they would addrc.ss that problem and resolve it on their site for their own benefit. I told them I cannot get involved with trie, negotiations between the church and Mr. Treister, I pre,,-ume thEit you will handle it, if you do not feel you can re.,pon,,J.bly, then it will not occur. Mayor Ferre: All right, the next questions deals with Fire and Police and Sarlitat.' Mr. Luft: George, you have statements from the Police and Sanitation. Mr. George Campbell: I have a statement from the Fire Department. Mr. Plumil-,or,: Well, the reason I asked about s,-init.ation, one of th(-, pcople .iaid that there was saiid 01, there was som�Aliinf, wi—itten that a huge garbage !Gruen' coral d not go down th,'--t i--,orrldor that is ppopo,,�e(j _,)(i thit, �-:hy 1 -sked 1 a f t e r t h, y,,) r 1, i:ci a b 1D u t PO -1 i e i.. �-1 d V I k e d about Mr. Luft. ICA ', t i oil V" J1 1, ti 0 1) 1 ot. 1 -1 P 0 -11 J C t 0 -idway sy 5 t e (A —1oh 1:(,) 11 1 i1 o iC I, o (I ate to �-Od C j d. t On ot! ler roads n o -U 1.t 1) (,-a u e , the I" C, Li!: -A ut 1:J C)c k and I i v C, the edge C) 1'. 1 L 6 tl:; !x T tie po i n 0 Ir e a c c t�� V me n Me n t L the Lit a M i t 418 -'a t 1 1 i 11 to o c v w, ii. L ti zq 21 0 rl e road I d i u t V "Y i� IL) u kit, t h Zl t a i an t h a -V e t 0 allow that ai- o w a � i going, to That s ail. Ali' 126 September 20 , 1984 Mayor Ferre: Yes, Joanne. Ms. Joanne Hol.shouser: I'm Joanne Holshouser. I live at 4230 Ingraham Highway. I'm very curious why in the document that wa^ h,)n(lr(l. o,rt-. whenever the meeting was two weeps ago there urc_rr ,l r (�n(ly pr^oai_.~i_on^ wrl_i:.l in ai?oui, t;lze ri^e cif Peacotcl, P lrl, "01' �C! ,. t)4* Cr)n t,Y�uCt;l.�n 1-rljekk also f )inf C ,7 11,;1 i_ � t.T'17 ?}C.. "?ilfr i) which li'� llr, - i., y of 1111 r-m 1) 7,i n tT:-, 111,.'.111(l l.r16 ,1) i-1 Peacocir Vnrk:, T rn rea1.1_v icni ly c I -,that -1I'lY 11r: 1-^ t 0,'_1)f t,) 1)n ,iT1,0 (1 <1 ; yoil ,Ill 1-1-ict.,. ,'arc spent j 70111;}), i;r'%!ing to [)rote now ( i. i n d that ?*P`r'r f7, to..e t)fC)•j whatever t.hai, wou1 1)n, t;?rci to i�,hrec y e�.r;,, ajor� con t:ruc- tion mait,or i31, -1n d C VGr}ri.Ill .irlF t:h=3t wot)l,ll `O ?T i_1;11 i; tint7.1_Ct ITa through 1)r?).00 Park info that j)rojC-ct.? Thai; 1: ,,lii_nk i_:3 a serioii > ,.rr.iou:, to vi_ol.ritc that; hen.lati.ful p;_).ri:, the park t.h-it i,r. 1,11ft 11irn7,( if has (IC.30ri_bcd as deserving of a footprint:, of 10:.tort' of Coconut Grove and now we're going to run a con.;tr'r7ction roa_(3, through it? APPLAUSE, FR01i THIS' Ati'r?T1 idC? Mayor Ferre: All ri[.7j.t, do you have any other statements you want to make r cf7,,^rd_i.nf; police, fire or sanitation? Mr. Campbell: t,elJ., aU far, as the access for Sanitation, let me hit that first. As Jack said, we would look at, of course, the tree canopy and a way to get through with these trucks. Certainly they are rather large, but I ami sure that we can find a way to come through there, ari_thout, :adversely affecting the hammock. Of course, ir,ith .:itc police vehicles, they are much smaller. The pol =l.cc ou l , of course, have access at all times. For Fi.rc: vchi-e lcs, T di;3cusSed it with Chief McCullough tonight, t:hcy ?,1.i1 J. r(>allir-c , of course, that the access be perfected for thci.r l .cir:r t.ruc l:s both through the driveway and through they �,.c(�e::;3 _ini,o the building and so on. This i:3 sorrethar!r; tli<_.t to Ire, worked out both architecturally and , truct,ur°�I:.iy ta:ltl: I'r. 'frei.ster or be- tween tir. Trei-ster and the Mayor Ferri : All right, i•ir. ',uf"t, the nr xt question deals with water .-rn,,J 2(_Ill ll. Mr. Plurlm(_r: Nlo, dol.-nn(� ..::Iced a question ;ibout construction vehicle, u: i.ti the 1. r lc duri.r,l; (,ins r uctior). Mayor Fore: 011, !'u) sorry, construction Vehicles going in and out. Mr. Lu1't: 1!(:•1.19 there h:xs been r)o determination that, in fact, W,-1:1 would permit the cor)st.),uction vehicles in. The Park.- I�� p,_ 1 t 1!i.>.!it. _,,aJ d th'11, i.r) the e%,tent the reque it a; z.; made that .Nu-7 l,,ou'!d h�ivc, to J. .u< t.c : G iri::1 t.11(-y b:G.li(.. ;"!:it'l to consi.dev;ti;it, %Iir. !�::f:2eCt a.Gl]_1-iI' i;roport back Go ik_i t.= ) 1'i 1:{i- ['. specify _..1 1 I kJ;ry c to evaluat t.' v �ar.�. 1 ._I't:J l!1 �:_r' r' �� t': i� ).iCic r' 1.0 !1d t iarlS is any CUI _C:!'� 1. U!7 t ','E� t' , ','��!1 l �._. 1 (.E.,._ <i road through 1-� 1"�,.r'F' L.:1 L i ... ti Mayan' I C=1','<' . t;' _ �f �.t _�4 Lvl _!'i!!p li tol a efferent level ii._.'<- t< + N: the question ... Wher l:t'c:ti. ni, Walter, W111 the staff r« c.e> r1 !!E.) t i!r_. iry x r. CtI 1'eauoci, Park" Mr. halter Pierce: He hasn't asked for it. RT 127 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Well, but the question is how do construction vehicles go through the hammock without destroying the hammock? Are you speaking now for the administration? Mr. Cesar Odi_o: I'm speaking for the Parks Department, I would recommend against the use of the Park. APPLAtI.F; Mr. Pier cc : Mr. tlayor, if I may interject, if you will recall- t),-3A on i oouple of agendas ago there was a request from the Dadc County Public School System to ask for the use of a 1aor�tion of Fdi.,on Park now kciown as Range Park, N. W. 62nd 5trc�et, and the recommendation at that time v.,,,12 no, The po,^iti.on is that parks are parks for people not for other Mayor Ferro : !ll.l ri,g13,11 . The next question is water and Sewell . Mr. Luf - : Gcorr e rai.l.I. anawnr that, let one answer the ques- tion about encroacht,rient_, that, 19r, t9< f9ast,er asked about. The property line; di,vidii-q; t,}ic Pc;; ccci P-rrt, from this property has a c�or �-rl roc ,r�al_1_ t;i� '; �.i (",, a1n, t,=�^� ? i_nc. The carat rock wall-t;=tr^t-i o , ;)n i.il(' n;-)t't;r('i)1 ipC �J?�.i'i; in 1,1(1(' park. It wabui r t, b-'. _ _d fcr The. s property l�.in<_. �i�a:' l� �c�n t•hc-, �� 1't� :t, ;' ��� ;��� dreac hasn'tchangod, I trt, vilicrr 'k,he,= t� i 1; Ir . c,l�' 1 h(.— built it crooked b,,t:•hc: bayfront the coral rock wa.l.l t _i1 0 f h,, C i-ii odors 13ay property and that; is the Tht-: ,ropertY is ti,t.ill owned by Mr. Treister, he happens to E;(tt: along with a little piece of the coral rock waII that 1-;as built mistakenly on his property. We: have asked the coral rock wall be preserved. Mr. MetSa7ter's primary concern was that the coral rock wall be torn down and it won't be but it isn't Commodore Flay encroaching on the park, it is the wall coming over the line, that's all. Mr. Mci',asters: Excuse me. Someone downtown told me that it was not an encroachment by the; wall that the line that the City when it did the park 20 years ago or whatever had a survey which showed the line in a certain place. Mayor F t rrc : Iie just Fixpil Iink�d that. Mr. I ct,_=�,Yt;cr:�;: Yeas, but. L1�<�n HP. Trt ister's survey shows the line; to th-c. ri ht. , t11 at-1)0t. true . Okay, thank you. Mr. Luit: I ei.<cl Cd it wi_t1a line :and grade in the: survey section; ar;d ti:i; t;t:: Mayor'c::.�r� : I.rc �.�e hcttr Mahout water and :newer, the water and Mr. C;ar.ijst,}cl_1 : 'FG)" fire protection, particularly, the Ares -- sure an(.J ,S,tl ut t, in thil.. Coconut Groves area are. minimal, The devcl.c�l,c r _ i.< ,tc F : ci �:c,en rrctii'iec: e�f Litt;,, they have been is tat, ut; i. t , t_. ,...1.tt1 uY h v t0 0111.t ettp. of W at_ tin .<<. , � �:c _ . 1)� dc- Cr e:r�t;v , �.�, �.. c;r°t,. art Grt:�.t. will be ... i a e i t-• _ }� ft ty. I A "> ' ::.". t';._. ', L .,t. a:l" ..; s _. :..`11..i, .{.`C ( t..J��,.1 �.,: that t"'is?'11eF''�r They :.l .� t.:llr"�__p...... tt.e:r'c.:7 Capacity for the dev< ! 11t :+ .i1, Mayor 1; L: (. v t_4 s i 1. . ; r.,: ! t t �' �: r '..t. � i � 1 k� �'. d . Ms• lara.l,; t::t_i: ir;vr, i fore your information. I just checked wii.fl Gt�ut•�e, re said the main line goes to the Virginia. kievy Tre atw rct Pldr4t. The Virginia Key Treatment RT 128 September 20, 1984 Plant has notoriously and historically only been able to treat 65% to 72% of the sewage. The residue has been going out for yeas untreated and Pietro recently put a new outfall but it. down' c go oil ar (,,noli,a,li anti Eraila_t is h=1ppen .ng i.s that r;). , i.n ^nd t;':gin Hn7 of }�r,�� T i1n n 1 Mrarr�- °�C(!� ll ;31.j. 1 �lfi`r j[l<ti tt lli. ii'?>'Or the 1Jn 1 - nm-:-, 1. .y O 1 1'.1 a l jc'.r j (1=1 � C �lno ia.^ � ttitl;llj I 1 VC? ehOl(?r a F 1'fI ( i1i, i,)1>,I,r ' ( 1. n 11"jl% 3 __ 1, 1) 1 a # tell,_nf, K--,n ment lout. nni` in th s town ml_t: ;, n'1^i. lr-r the treatrnrin,. ,h_i l.j.t S of, the Virginia Key 1'r<..a.i; rill. r'l..ni., We have a. : ery nerjo;ls health problem becal.lsc of tali., ^i_t.ua- tion. Than!, yoia. Mayor Ferro: Al-1 right.. The question now goe ; to the 652 parkin; p,-1cc7,, there was a question dealing with that:. Ms. },, cuse me, could I read into Lhe record the parti_cll.lar i.`.ola about the Peacock. Park 7 ceess road? Mayor Fc rrc:: Go right ahc ad . Ms. tzol. h01rr: 7t i.s in a- document for the Planning Advi- sory 130lrc_ , ; ,iF�ed by Jo>epl tcPlllis dated c� August; 31.-t, Suh j(.,ci; : 1) ly:--i al -Id recomflic�ndati_0n for Commo- dore Bay I'ro ject. , t ., a_;.> on P,:1 F;e 7 of 7 and it, a : 5 ) Use of Penc:oc?: t' rl; for' toll: t;ruct;i.r ll ccllipm, cnt. 2.cc c to the site 17111 s c :1tli I,o? ar1)1,o1)1 i, t;e _f ty ,1ca._;tiI10 ;,loci site restoration agrceinent:_a required by the City of Miami Parks Departrienl . 1:10 l ��otll.d .s asulrle th,:t. solnebody other than Mir. Rodl^i.guc: and 11W. t;cManu,s must ha<<c seen the document and it was subiilitted two weeks afro. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All. right, now to the parking. The question deals with 652 parking spacer.. Mr. Luft: I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor, what, was the question? —_ Mayor Ferre: I think the question, as I recall it, was ? about two or three hots_ ago, deal �,tith the is =uo of whether so much parking, would be an inducengent to ovc r Lzse of the _ park and over u:=,c of ... And the whole question of why so much parkin.. in that ,_-:trip. Mr. Luft. `1b e parking; quest -ion is � ttao c-d{'.(.;d „word. Historic i..y :in downtown Coconut Grove, we, hLa,vc been .severely critici�.f d .r:<i, in (tact, in colrllncrc .al arct r� throuchout the City a or licit I"(:gtiirifIL (;IlUU1 h 1Jar-l:zllg. 1`t(; iI()Y1Th,i11y r( quire 1 space 1,01. 1400 to 500 iquire feet; for r.+ pro j("(t . The practice. l ccllli.rcJrler:t tIia,t riot all but 111 ny c 01-1ll.e1,cia1 pro,leclt; fiIlt1 <i oc. ;:i hPourlci l'o)° 250 e�'quare feet of I G,irl. in doviitown Co(,�r_,nut Grove the df vt:1.< 1 el ll<t ?..1e Dip .i L.;,z r:t: t, w0u].,u1 bc- fool� sl1 i11- sll., _. 1t= %.o ihil)1i. .1t,Y1 « })cil 1 ? lij, ;! .t C=�:i?c3htt that was Clo.`.;i_ .,o or, at, tile* III c:t"'C".��Il oi. 3`i_,il1 CIS~Ji1: 11t' y L-111: I�' �i' l'SSIi— ing peil'1`_11iv ji 3 L.11I11; oY ti;1" LG «1 I ti.. j', 1'll.l isl" 1 :_lfi-'; Chad or Peacocl, 11 i—l! or• iiJiy of tt-1e '3u titltxl indeed, b, ._11li='<ut )I`,.":�lf- ilia ' th:.11t', _I ,c;li:. 4; Tple greater <?z,llt.< 1' 11! rc ` : t;c ,.1 i t,! ,:: i,:: 1,a.Iit' t !:s il;, v c .7orrlc cusp oll U' t<lay to do t , , l ,__ l u «i j' 1,,11_ t; ._ h - t.1 I I o o- I don't t,l. iJ:.. t _ 1f 1, -1`,. 1' _..r: c. -1' . _ l t_c.ause it's-13C_l"C: V Mayo] 1 `: 1'L't: t, eI ii I hag that tLe cJt;a,or�tz-tit; i-1, All right, et t<.liit tiltlC '1QA. U!, 1_ _. }, C, .` t. i) V'r• reitCl'. Y Y. Yes. 1uu'u t,lli � o:< r(.L:(,rdY It isn't on our record ur,tii you get Lh w i e i o1,111o:i . RT 129 September 20, 1984 Mr. Ken Treister: I'll make it very brief. I appreciate the opportunity of presenting this today. I can make just a few quick We will- not iise Peacock Park for the Wr� wi 11 prn,erve the hrirsmonk, arid reinfnr,-J? i.t Wr -,ill h( 111) 0 1 "ri 0 o the 7 S,� h (-) o I V r v n i I r^, i -I ;I d 1 hope r Stephrn*,,7, I ('n to thn! n, p1m) Upon 01', ()V"') I—))), -.I i -y, T w, n W411 PFOJ,)Qrf,� IV I. d I 0 3 'AF 0 -,n 1"'.7 1-,o () (3 1,() p V . We a 1, e 1), MM 0 c go i 11 i-r f-r 1, h c children )f S',_' f',-om olir i„ nj C:_, t t-;h ioll i.,; nc,11,11,111Y T 1." J_ 11 -_n Y I la I*, w C -, 17 r d e v c I o p (- d t, h r� r- " - en f o re J. nj,, 1)!. V 4 F 11 f7 rl income pcnplf- Ilrl I"he viljkl-r, r 11 C. r C ,T e I - YC, 11 11 F! and T plrd[: 11o1J,J1'k-.. in di r, v,5 1. o p c r resident of Coennil". G r 0 1 0',-1 t Il,l tJ � be o,,- tl 7 project. CV viv F,!"olld of it - 4 thothoughyoii I 1, 1 r 1), l) o Pv)().- 0 J-11 V 0 c)f t I ( i__-1. (10 j, 0 7 C "ll W everyth 1.n:- " T 'n i f, e can I, c, I I -Ild 171 "1 V J_ t.o1, a S_ well a,-, -1 e as I n o 1k. i o r u n, t, others t, o live cn tollo wAer. ClIjoy the )%,,Atler lld en joy Coconut Grovc . �a I I I- v 0 u . Mayor Forrc: All right, I think that that pretty well concludes a 1, 1 t h e statements for t 11 e proponents and opponents. Is there anybody who absolutely has to say one last thing before we close off the public portion of this? If not, I thank. you. 1 wish to say that I think . . . you know, I have been hearing Coconut Grove issues for for 15 year and anyt1iing that usually takes one or two hours, with most neighborhoods, will take 3 and 4 times as long in ) i :-rd s m ; Coconut Grove, and I do not .gay L, iA, in c -ticis I say that in admiration. I think that -why Coconut Grove is such a great place:: and I wnll, to -A! of YOU - eacl.l and everyone of you for your, CO[T,}(',0SUrc. t1ii-ouCiiout this, hearing. I think you handled yourLcelf dr-LArably. 1 "'now t1lese are P,:_ 0 p JC _C j, Ill 4 o ri -_I 1 C', I I Q lac' I):-- VC - serious liial-ltur. IC)t .4, - �tj'ong feelings, in (I I w,, in t to PuPf,-onzilly thank you for your constraint. 1. can't tlianl, you for your brevity, but we have been at this no�,., in the public, hearing portion for 5 hours and at 'Uhic.: llir;e 1 will accopt a motion to close the public hearing Is there a f7,rvcond? Further discussion? Call the r ill THE RE'UIIO�N, upon i t,iotion duly mLde by Commissioner Plummer ;11.,(j I;-C-Conded by collmiissionei- Perez, the City 1_'o:1.!i,_i sion approved closing the Public iI _, 1,() i - 1� i cii o f * t I I `L:ell. i Mayor F c r , i.1 i r i iii! tilt t_,� ti on s f r o ill the Commission z�l first, n u e s t - 0113. Questions? Or qtatt,,fi.F. ii',t wi4-it uIll-il everybody else has ti)e lv 11: uc.,Wl, ou th:-A. is the prero" J in making, I., u to the A,d!," I 11-.!I ill.i Li, I, i say that 21 in L J as hhonek it a J On differ t iit u I L C 16 the -'- o u I-. _i iii Ll a, 1 f a i i i,-i a il i t 11 we that tLt, vtry, v1z:ry sa!Le fjt_-uplt�, 13, Py with the --trong stand of staff and tne 'o L, J,.'I o r i da 1 d 130 September 20, 1984 Planning Council when they are in agreement. When they are in disagreement, they say that they are biased and they are Subjective and t.hAre Is some dishonesty and they imply all kinds of L. r ^i_h1�7 thj',197, ?nd. yet, they 1-H j_�. !?ome }'sack a year 1_ �t. 1 �,1- x mr,n h 1 at,nr and 1•rh„n t.hr� are s t e Whatr„1 titl, C?t%(:'-1t t. 1 t..-;tcoara I hn1) rin ',n ;I� }, r n,'Ea11 .; ^n ��, ,,1)r.l , i7; '1a.nr) ng, De p a r t,,,r,r1 Tt,i 7* } ;a: 1 1: 1,17, t. �,I tt_)� ,l_ial �S person 7 hn it ,lr, being h 11� t. of c What l.n ;1 1 1 o','d :lt-"113'_:, �Cd)nlit". �ti f)uc ,n )n %�. T Clt. t;a _ say .a., I '� ^t. nn" . T.<}1(l 1 :71) 'Iri s r"r)1.l n11:71_ and ;1, �C od to 1 that 1:111_ 1 nol,11:i 11F 1.rr '(> rti.t;11 hr' i.nfl, ,1 o0(t nlrij-,h or, or being f;O()(a - think. 1,t17t; t:11C r�l_ 1.? ils` c)Us'.` i)lit:. i:ll t:;l). of U_' 1:110 1{t�.Ow you t'( i f>c?11:1_ ,r' fl.?i; �'C 11 Fil'n : r)c1 11 1''llt)oi, ).nd Cor a good nc, (7, 1'i`1i117a n rood iador dorf" i.t, — have _=n� d i.t.11 }14n1r. ^t;y, i.1 , .•i_t,y, or cOnccrtl, which,31'�' 1_ ld )I'Ci,. t }};It", h,:, v(.>. 1)( r 11 1],:! di i)aCt{ :?.11(7 orth today. T f 11 i t11' i.ilf l)r�_i r11; in1 1. i.^ , t rn , t;hrlt; l)c}:,i_<id-C; your' person;ll. -7ti: 1' i 1)1) 1;f -Ind t,hd? qI,c , i;l_on your i11 +.1.1_r�f� a present,t^t•i_on ;1 :?tl {.1-17I.t;� (2 T4'11i.t',)1 �'Ou Cti_d you 11_^o a.re develct�f r� nzl t,h<:r>t f< t>r� I t,11i_nt� vol_1 �llsi:; t_...�i:e in o nocount that t your }71 :> 1 t c. t ;, :,_c ._. ile C. no ., 1 . , 7,,can or as an < 1 C1ll t.^( `;;, b-ot, ;-us a dC.Vc,1-a1)E,I, Peow, I m not:. ay_ing ' that t;h in 1"11N, �<�a�' i.nfi>inCc,:, On your> archi_trct.ural 1ntE'trl •�', j. (i:)that. l h;it Wqe 11avEs 11F Fo ro a - developn]('n ,._7nd 4te must, rankle our IUCl(?r Gnt; bascd not on the -- honesty Or l.nt;E: .ri ,y Cif' the individual, wl is}1 14e take for - granted, Or' talc quality of the person, or the quality of. the architecture, as much as those are important ai,tribute.s. I think what We mu.3t, judge here is the development. I don't know if it was David or who, but somebody made a very cogent -= argument and the word was impact. The real question is, what impact; will this project; have in the life style of the people that are affected by it, Nlow, sore people got a little upset when 1. started to point out that ... n(i by the way, the Ransom figur't . , of the 28 signers, ( 1 i v e in the City of htiai�+i_ and i'l.;)°ir�ei.tll )fire_:3chool, of the ��9 ;i�riai;ures, 21 live in the', ta_;,.ty of 7 ic' tiii , l want to > _y that this Commi.3C ) : t 1 i . i0.1 j)c _r _r r 1t,7.1Gaa ry r t spotl: i k illt5 i., to the —� eitizerl: ref 1ie..�1r'ii. ;�to�r, that: doe.. i.ot )nwE -In that 1,"_ do not — have a 17, (--, n, (-i'�:11 o1)l J.t.4, t ion a., e1e,ott�d off i_cia1s to the welfare: of th( do, ;:rid th.1t downs t mean that pGo111.t�:� f.Q._ Cur, 1, Gi tll�ti hr_ve no ril;ht. Here, they do. ycu, t_. a Cc7r'Li_1 and the otht-r � that are hur e. 1 s il: i:.r, nt- t.tl,::t ;1. .n t- — j)Ct,it_L : G_11c lave- in Key Ji.= ea, yn , or ',.:or�:1 C Q, b1_t:;s 01, i:'! t,ht ;Nutt 1)r<rt of the County have cl;! intt:�'t ` .3v IICI 14 1'(: t?C'rt1t:11}:il _tj' to 1)1'C,t€ Ct; v<,hat - i5 r1;1]t,.`li _!. (<t'�- s i)tl iE:, 111 t}!E (C�r;it,1..,..1GtI t .av �: a prim,--i, y 16"U0 c G, t;It City and t)!c i?].1 1»�._. .rf' 1i_` <1;1 f GV , t.i!E'r t,c; the pu _ti;. . fith regat"`d. . . . t i_ I` ' :'t t)t: lt_'._ .t 1' l _L., , ques-t: iGn . A `St i:.,I ie , and the hi; t ;r c ,.l. ,hi 11 t.r!,:. d.l;: 1 t:,. ), i (: , .. �i the 'Ci, �1! .(!t� 1, J(;:)!,. 't-,'' (iil ilr:is prcj _ lssu<� , t.:1-L� h 1r. t t_�1., t,r(z C."CJ !-r:€?. C_t:'.] 1 ., E:'i :.ti t!c '�;� � t-Y < • . t(le de n sSt -_%JI ..'.L gown _ into detlszt� _t;t �ai!t:u ���_,ir },',ci: mrsii:� :!: .� , �'E��, �t;'C: i.r."o t.Yi question l _ t>1 ,;c. ".i: t:'_,:r; V '(; r L1,1'1e, t,h:_it t,ues in - r it_ ia, YOU c.t _r1 c t _1 t...r.ri.. i..- _,:; r. ,_ 1!_:; _._. :rid j' V 1. tL' W ^ y ©t' 1.' li i.f t d tv a 1 Witri itlE, c; l.� Gti7. Alr't:: < y`r - t r: 1..r v,i r`i c :� an _ , pp yy 5 i s not, 4 I • I_ - i.i _ t..:.: J i - .:. `._ } of f_- t.., 4� 1. � �- i, r : t:. throuE?!, grid 1)Y i.iie t. LY } aI(_=Iit! w1? r. D 1! 1-aLi1) c t c i.,viu t' - Mr. Parsons, yuu rr enL iuuet! - 1 workizG' f>Gt Gras l i } 011 i?!u wording 1d 131 Septewber• 20, 1984 of that and along with J. L., were the two members personally put that on and campaigned in favor of the those amendments ;;n(l othqr:-- that were si.mj-]-,qr in nature. The intent of thni. S rIa n I Y 11 4 r ca c, o f w h e r e high rise -Ind i building):71 'Mli I on 711-,ricke-ll Avenlie t 7, were endirifT r,, Lhe --1Ysh adow 11 j [1r;j(,,'l ou I J ;3. n d are n! 7() J. light T th jJ111 that ti7 0 11 1,0 you do7ill.. o air T I o 11 unqueslJon,11.11-y ',,Ih j -7 1) y 1 -1 el, 13 7 rf 1, 1) i eh A_:7, open o i c T n - I I [.I: J 111, co that cn(' h T d oi) 11Y PP Oh I "M f, Wi. I J,j ).T IJ i 7 'j, jJ1 I C) 11 o 1) r r�O foot that c i c C) i oil ol-IC hod y s e t bri c q 1 c.". saying 117","o'll -y 1) 0 i- I-. i n of and you S a i (I you I'l 1 c, j 11.7, Y() only in t e r c , t e d C,C 1 c -1 t j y I I the politin-1 of -lie no". 1,111C J, Ul law as it 4,3;- F r J I A r t I Y", 'y' fall I- I I set Mick 0 that c e hei,e are compensate for 1, 11, 1, )CM 0 P amenities th, a r (� - C -,n ( 1, i -)cn�atory Jol- are they com,, - L, 111 N, opillIL t,ll( :ire not -o I think that we need t d (-. a I 1aiLh t I I C i 1) u t. I don't think that we are a that, far way, 5o that not, an issue that concerns me greatly, because that is one that I think we can deal with and, for, example, in the Herald, building, we agreed to, let them do this and we averaged, I think it ( was 15 feet, provided they pave it and they put landscaping and light it and that they had the obligation of policing t it, so I could accept something similar to th,a in this particular case. 1,jow, we get to the real issue, and that is the quesLion of density. That is the real heart of the issue - that is the crux of 1t. F i i - ,,, t , t h (:,, rcsidential aspects of the density. The ru--3idential ,lspecils of it is not easy 5ecausle on I, he one haind, Abi-11--ire next, door hao 21 units, but., those arcs high luxU"Y unit::. 'D i (: y :rctl to come back and pug 1,10 or 1)0 high luxury orlit,", l'ic"Int, not.". That 0j,11, th;nk Coconut Grove j bothers iiikl,t I and t,,i �s 'ii by niling LAIc uii'(_: tion we are Coeollut Grovi-, i ,1 riell p e r 's, 0 11 1 s tak LY-11", 'i Croy es is comliluni!�,Y . (th:_l m,�, C) CG,�_�orlt_lt GI that it L i:-- c, I I i C) 1) 1 1 o lk Jt i i J I--: I t is i p� J ting in this, v.-I 11 i,'i)] 111F, ghetto ,tlA ))'y U be S Blav i tcl-, chillzlt(_)I;lJ, 111lu to 1i-vu 1 1,1. Z�hr: UIdnt o p1', Y t. i I o like c! t t tj a n d I tial ,1: apar-, mt- Ill I t- hy !I,, 4�jyj,�A` v peopl(:� the q u e.-; t i I it ou or, need 0, buy oi,,! O`u C re doing -i:;- it 1 o e r a p a r T_ itt i 1 11 1 d t t way or i_-1 011i tit I i Fit k that I L hari u P doesn I best intere6t_-. L,o i t� tiur(., aiiaj�py 1 con 't know. 1. happen to thit.,k per raps 19� units iL.ay be 11 i g h 1 d 132 September 20, 1984 think that is a little bit too high. Is 45 an alternate? Absolutely not? So, is there a happy middle ground? I would hope that; we could find one. Now, with regards to the commercial (in n 7, i !, y , t* , h;q, i t, - ;inoth,r h0,qrd 1 r-, IMY connDision Of that, if7i t-1071. 1 1'1101-7 concern-1 --it )W, "wn ippl- 1.hi-. have on ()'1, 11 1 n i il h j. .3 I I I I ;_� propert.-,1, 1 A true. fn Y 11 1 :-1 _T beyond f,11- 1511 ',np at, Henry almost, t, o 1J1r_. klnor ()'I It P I, F 1 d J I I I i_:-� J1 to I-T r I (-) W Abitare T r) 1) o p r� 11 x su bd i v j (tc d I 1-, 1, 113 XI I Ind I I C 1) n 74 i, 1) 11, o IPA my Fieldl:7, 200 fr'c,k_ there applio�ibil,-Uy. T tji.ii,,!, he-,,ond 11cim--- Fi(�Idlc, property, i ._ d i 1-1 il I C j, C!, �n I which 1 1,h in 1,.- >vr n 1, u ri 1.1v di I T h.,- inl.o 1 J. j I a I estate:� charac.'Ucr. :-;o -1. d l,T 11h Hni,jory',,,7, eoncli_i:-;Ion 11 is the begjnnJ1_nj7 (,)J' thce, cild T;lc n:pen't. of U. in my mind bor-.:; 1- 1,c. Lhir" -- I knoi-.- w-hat t,r. ilrying to do 3 n d 1. il,hinl, voo vi,ong about. ,.ntJ ;Tanta Margaril,;.,, -�nj II (I I-orl, 'Ind Porl, Grin;r,r -I I I of whom T very high lhink- J_ about tho.--r, pT, I-il p o I I t, r 1, 1 j-;) rj) 1 1 C, C, 11 e quality :1, 11 E7 11 1 fl o - of 0 u I, A ID 11D0,611 1 C �7 'I Ila certainly ir" tii.alii, and 1 4 for people to interact b e t i,,, e o n It, 11 c c r-fi m e in o i a I ;12- P e e t P, and the residential - people ],;ho live and ;..,ork in one p-lace and the ability of people to be going in and out, of restaurants and have the residential quality and access to the water and to people coming in by boats are coming into tile park, and that kind of feeling is precisely what makes Coconut Grove so attractive, I mean what attracts people of Coconut Grove is not the architectural charm of the place. It; is people - people! People attract people. People lie;e to go where other peoplc are. i don't kno,,; about you, but -when I go into a restakjrtint and a.0 is crript.y, I v-,orry 'Ibotft the quality of the food, or- wl-I(A-iher ,s whcre, I wl,Ailll to be whcn I go to a that a s fu II of p< o p le t, where I want to go! -I figuic. 1I ii"41 o ri _ , t) i 1'o c, d 1 -t, to be ok-ay, and t�,,o t I P( r .1 z, 15e or-., t], t, 1') i r) i o u t I I,,, t r) I c e and thereforu T th J_ I 1 d 5 t. C ,, °3t_ilcc of the (''3 j. d e 11 t i 1, with comae I' C I �i f J, x i I the c 0 m in C r C Jit i I h tj,-- ,.5 1, 0 r I ; `ht-11 too 1'1' i e, r e again, I tf-,,Jill: f-( t il;tc of _1.? of this. It :1,; not �L 0 CK)", t i t i 0 , Ui 00 less 22,000 now 4 , U 0 0e F so what you art-, 1U,;`(_,] t -D 0 0 0 o r b UIL t i 30,000 r 1 '0 G X, I i I h i e h o b v i o L.,,, 1 y iijc;r (:;I,i ti, ;I_: if I -1 :(eta'. ? tU and shops. c or 11, L f, o w t thirik in conjunc' 1_olA" 0 1 o e the k(- �1 h t!.eit. A I'l o o ',dy else t� 1_ k ilt L, V S t r a ffl`_ Al E I' oll tile den; i t I file and 11 �k-: 1--A I.�_ iIc I-, Them, L;z i, u t -i 1, i, I i tile opening P, I but c)ii(- 11 J." U 0 1,� et long, 1,111 i,'_ k-, 1 u d S that 11.v 1.12 1 e: r e where fees t i Y 1: v by goinE auwt, U tj to turn aroundi o I It- t I 1,; Ln J U I:' v Lo b ai,.! k into unit z:b(.Jdyls yard, or bi2ck itil-6 Oitz, Gr Lau? into t.0 turn around and when thiz�rcz is three cars, or if' there is party Id 133 September 20, 1984 somewhere and you have 4 cars coming in and 3 cars going out in that little strip, it is a disaster, and that is only 21 apartments. Now, when you have 195 apartments and 60,000 square feet, of and � rP-sf—mjrPnt:,, and people coming, in ;-,nd oul, and gnin? 11n thr P,arl-,,, Arid 11-1r) thr- ,Tq1 , or and you or11v :1 in ono, I'S traffic mr '1.11- 1) 1-) j^r, r-n 1 1) fclr -.nm(� 1-011,-Orl :11)t) know, 1,7 in t, h C 5 car "r f7 :-, t h i n F,- of b 1 v t, t,Cl 1-, 1, the q u r� s 1 J, o n of 11 o k., I 1 11 nnfl I-) 111 r)( I) q C C if t h e r t, i ir, y 1) 1, 1-1 1 1 > .1 71" -Ti-ill Jo:; one entrance. 1 a I. Y (`i) ',-,I I rI , I- f, V J i 1 1,7 r, r I o 17 save the llamniock� T11 i alt, J- �7, o F T is valuflblc bW how r e go 1, ? J. J1 n v If we, al-Q i,; c) o (J _;oi 11F 1-1 n hu --1 '0,000 buildings i- n the f 1-cidl_r� of 11 1, i T-J) o 1- r t 11 p o t t (3 r: i (J o 111-1 <1 n d a r i- 1. 1 11 d (Dili. 1, don t h e tr- a d n, e n a,nd the oraf11,-T--1--:-1ii gninin 11 - !I,-' b 1, 1 whether 1-,ho,,7,o )rn go-I.ng, t.(, i'viv(� .-I1,1 o V i , f don't se-c. we are dni.ng thr', ,;Iiy )`n,,or .. I la v i. 11 F, g that kind n f �iot wo i i F n c,). e r i the sp,-lce for the atrtli -,ts 1,17(111F-� illi.o the main p I- oJ (-, c I-, , and t I i e I ne w,) l F i r t, :-7, i n t. o the ho. mrt-,no,) -1 J 1, 1, 4_ V1 el i irlate t h e wood 1) U i. ld1. n g Ft I (1 t11c Cl I-i-iris-1 o e 4 or 5 woodi bu`tldings in the har,.,,i-,)oek r(-,rllly i�."ay to cave the hamrr-locl4.s Going to the traffic pattern if' we are going to hz:ive construction trucks going in �.,,.nd out of that place for a year, I don't know how the. hammocks are going to do with that kind of an impact. So, in conclusion, I am for the idea of h a v i ng a mixed development. I think your Mediterranean design is beautiful and imaginative. I like it. I am in favor of the project. I am concerned about the density, and I am concerned about ingress and egress. Mr. Plummer: Would it be appropriate to ask the developer to respond? Mayor Ferre: Do anything you want. Mr. Treistei,: There are two misunderstandings I would like to clear up. Numbei, one, th(:, artist village is on two levels, so 'Llhexe -J:3 11,000 f q Lia I, e feet on the first level and 11,000 on thc for not making that clear. S (-I' condly, t I :ir 1, v it lag(l-, led --tmong the trees ia n d doer, I", o t (J -1 ""'t u 1"t " C, I I c! o is t I 1 2 C' 1-he artist villa . is to thC and we 1h:,d li, (In tio.. Thi 1: Inning Departiii,--nt i-- - o It I'c,C)t which 2 * - tlik, ;-,-d �:,` ,, -C) the acces:3 tfi(:.i,e L. I, fJ es and tl-i(-, !IluU:ljr:, but think th,L, 1-ci, I j. i.-, i' 1, 1, J I I I il t C, stave, C the a, 1, 1, P L;1 0 1- o 1 L a i Highway, L I it wasn't !,Cly bUt the road durJJiq-.,, put our constvu(2l--:1oii and then we i i-i t our, brick topping, we won't distur',,-) vie- oil t go thl-ough tn'; 1) a 1, k, . Mr. P1, u-;i1;,:,,i-, i:v.F uI Id - Lhat rioad? Mr. Tvui,~tuv : The road is 22 feet Charle6? I Lhink it is 20 or 22 feet. - is that right, Id 134 September, 20, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Maximum would be one lane in and one lane out? Mr. Treister: Yes, sir, one lane in and one lane out. Mr. i?1.r comer: Wouid you speak to the Mayor's comments about density? Mr. Treint;er" : Ye ;, Sir. [ think, Number one, ,you have to say, what are they objections to density. Dano ty in itself is not a bad word. Numbar one'., it, is shielded from Peacock Park. Number two, it is shielded from tho harraaol.n. Number three, it, in shialrlcdl if someone rick:>n't: s•rpill; Lo it, from Main Highway. it is an appropriate Wing, 01 my opinion, to populate the Grove. The problem Unt, W3 City faces is the depopulation of downtown, BrickQ i.1_ Avenue, ;and many of they sections of Miami, so ir' r,.rc r,.n do S_'. in a. favorable tray without; hurting anybody, 1: would a.lw ay,m opt for putting people i.n the village, or W Miami.. We arse fighting; to do it, in other sections. l think wo must, Fight, to do it in Coconut Grove, and it Q a. fear t.rlat. 1 h ava had of 27th Avenue becoming an orrice corridor; that many of the apartments will he torn down for offices, and there in very little chance for residential. Economically, devol_opers can't ha.a-dly t,ra;.1r moderate income r , si_derrt.i_al. T r only reason we nan he rep i o bec u: c or the commern i n l_ . . Ve, commercial. n_1;'.._ it cconomical.ly viabla to }lilt mi_dd1r income on the w_. c . one 1 ;LL i':ORiMrnt - one of the gcni r_e?.-r n said the avepugc r:a_;> 100,000. It i; _,120 000 ppioed on tho unit, and he only rrvr the avnpagc income. The: yc a Q ir;nonea nay is 70, 000 a 1 _.. r'' . 1.I we had some units mill.' 075,000, $80, 000, ohv i_ousl y thooc people would bc in a lower income. Thant: you, Mayor I:erre : You know, one last: thing I want; to put into the record, .and 1 don't: mean to be, offensive to the Miami Herald. We all havQ our d:; ffc_:rc:'nccr with the Herald, you know it is up and down and so on, but, 1 think, Beth Dunlap, and I don't, knot; if' she if; hoi,e orz riot today, but Beth Dunlap has got one of the matt cNuct _c, sarcastic and devastati.ng pens, and with all due respooLs to her, she very seldom has anything nice to say about any of the things that she writes about. I was f'labbe rgf.._.ted, frankly, to seep Beth Dunlap's Favorable corm unt, and she only made cme little sarcastic remark, which 1 read two or three times to crake sure I: uas reading Beth :Dunlap, and it was f_r vopy positive kind of a recommendation. Secondly, the editorial in the Herald today, to cry utter amazement ... the Herald is always telling you how bad the City of fliami is and all these terrible things that we do, and 11ve got t:o Le.Lel 1. you l do not memo ber an occasion when the I ? r�r::i_ Hk pa) d r, "r_at (., a favorable; editorial about anything Lira F laiin ng V 4) r tment or the City rah Miami was recomme nUn;and 20 1. Un l L know if that is a bad i, � amen fop r"• you, Ken, tl ',r t. s l.: ;.id L'. 1r tV: i) p ,1. t.' in politics say that. t:hu I}c , -, d endovsumenL in tiro: ,wbso i uts: yis:s of death be'c<.au e t:hci_r batting avurage : huse days has gone down again. ' u had 68 loverN and }2F t :1r)rrti,s, but this was f� not an endor :at_wunt for public office, but I think that was an imppeaLive .1t.wt,f_;iuviit., ull, don't all rish to speak at once. _ Mr. Pluiswup: .-> . War, I likewise share your concern about the dendenni t}� �.�l atOlv the 2 Coat wide road. 11 t ur-u F:L:_ Ln r s pg nc y, there is no question that it could ho � wp Lit pr'obl um, bec a 'see 1I:;zQ 1 1 to _ � t: t r' u t hpup � hat O Own .ir`. .. t .. p�� 1, is t•• first np r•w .:c.!wn r_. , Wla& Ln .,Luw e d t.: L he _ i rut _. picture and wLs va 3 1 i, ur aL_' u or Low ppojuoi} ._G,. "Non you et down t;u t u na _. ana We bulto o.1 at an to NLvu here this evening, "MUtiWeS a pretty P:'-Ct aar'L My greatest concern as I. came here; this eve:ndng, was, the ld 135 September 20, 1984 school. Of all of the phone calls that I received, I would say that probably 80% of them were the people of the school who had children who were concerned about the safety of the children with a road going through thQ school. Their concern was yhat thn nnhool an. they knew it today would be torn down. yhnt n n,w qCjV)nJ wnuld he h)iil-t On ;-, different part nr mr prop-rLy nnd 1 thtrk IF T can be nornp"d 11y Ella 11iihnplo Uqhrm,K, Unt UK in not going to hqppcn. Mr. TrUsUr hno nrq"rcd. in hT7 xtntymenL here 100 turn ing that thr m4c In IM11, FOiuF 1'rl used. Then 1 think we came to just that Prohl-nm OF hOny Much density, and whnL can thn traffir hear, the traffic bnjng on McFarland. I think all of Its have hnfn in thr Grove On Friday and Saturday night, b"t I thai-, in a real. problem an it relate._ to this project. 1, think a hral"fie light in Commodore Plaza and Main ha^ 1)c:rn ov�'-dlvfor years. T don't think that this project i'Ghc one, that brought thy; fol-Qfrant; the nend. I think lk:,he ticcl, has been there nint thin to just 141ah i"; going to h,-)PY)(-:n it' this project is approved. I had to Loll you 1 am still concerned about density and that 21 foot road. That is my areas of concern. Mayor Forre: All right, any other questions or statements? If not, what is the will of this Commis2iOn? Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, we have been listening to this for the last 3, 4, hours, 5 Hours? 6 hours? It seems we have been here all day listening to it. I think we have heard just about, every argument f'op and against it that can be heard. As I see it now, there are a few remaining questions. One of them is, thi=3 is it too much being built there. The density is too much. Well, maybe by today's standards it is, but I think if we were to look at this project five years from now, we might say "Well, it's just about right in size, but then if we would look at it ter years from now, or twelve years from now, s�.omnc ,night say "Well, maybe it is too small overall". Everything changes in life. Nothing ever stays the same, no motter how much we would like to see it, everything changes! Just we all get old, it is part of life. We cannot change Hat. Every year the world geL5 bigger and there are more of us all over the place and the density oF it doesn't bother me anywhere hear as much as the second of arec . or concern, v:hich is the ingress and egress. I grew up in a town that is much bigger than Miami, Chicago, so I zun used to big cities and I am used to high density. IL doesn't scar e me and I think the important thing to look sit is is it a well planned out development? in it in good taste? E)oes it 1411 into and blend with the area? is it Eood for the community? I think this project is probably onc. of the Better, li' not best planned projuet, with the best tawLe for this nrea. YeS2 it is a big iv) quasLion Wwout it. 1 don't think anybody is questioning that, but, 1 t i- Ii Ilk it a very project that very, vepy much fits thn Grove, what the Grove is. It haw 0or that LNKbbean, Europenn type flavup that is going to ULPLat pnopin to the Gvuve, moru Uoulnivtn to this area, apcoyl and u talk abulau 1401i. holl, tu N" a npent part of Miami in coconut Gpuvyf if yUU UUUld tnkv Coco= Grove away I'Pom Miami, FlUni uould not Ix HAnwi hw, and I think tint thin jorujcwt in Winj jL uijW:K,:KE, Lnul. which Miami has. 1 dun It think it is A JHQ00t LWIL as Ewilig to take away iron Kwnl,ut Qrovt, an 1`vu� Njkml, 1 tnink that it is guiHg to ywwnnu it. lot) IL it L&II& tt, W-K9 !!RA-e people KIL, thin Z.Pvn. Yca, it it Lul"L � , Lcin; more traffic IM nLUtLP WhU in SaQ, ItQV UU! a10 UJM�1101 it is going LU LPINg Ujuru too fflowl Ilia ;Cuulon in 1hou ovury year thht EuuL by there is going to be move traffm in Miami and wbe t h cr w u 1 i k t it: or i4ol, , you c:annol, {:: 1, i G,n g e that - There are more of u.5 that are born and if' tat are going to Id 136 September 20, 1984 progress, if we are going to be indeed a major international city, so called gateway to Latin American and to Europe, and possibly Africa., then we are going to have to bear the conseguenen of *-ghat boing a major city _n! Otherwise, Let's Just be happy with beNg a ^mall. ';nuthnrn country town and then lqUir T1f7+... Qonplain then when i-hern are n-1; r---nn gh job? - Wn=,r iq ;}Ci`:, r':nnitr}1 o; r'Lr_r'yt}yips- 5) c4, Pi,nllni for everyone in thip city, but nq 1 it _ khr. ppra 1`. . loon concern me and t har_,r ;_` vrry. ro . lr, 'l i. arsuinnilLs in 11'r- rjur 'Moon Of 7 ngrr s Pit! -nromr. 1 Q ink UnL a i i.t'. a rruld Unt is Only two lanns, P i . VOLi,d(- n t, , remendn�_,;; i' r)�`.lr'ri, .a_,1d t)aT^hint7i:lrly cynin}; i.nta ,-a street. like Hain iii ghwn;- !,hot i_s not, t:oo wOr as -t is, :arid at different, L i m s of 1-, 1-1r, (t<'y e,"'n 1) - nx t rr ri(`i y cOIIE-c, .,rJ. I think i.hrit at l..r;;Zgt for my ',%ot•C'. ?nrl j'arn 10tl t11y _'.l-1:'t]:,'- on the table. T am willing to bUc the hul.1-et,. T. .;ri willing to vote i.n. favor of the project, , taut.. I -:rant to nee the developer : final solution, whore we could nt. lr -ass get a third Lane for emergency tr'af = is , if not at ! r K Wio more lanes t:,h.at can be me cl no a nQouna entrance and c.; t out of the project,, and in cavc of :in r margcney, an; :an emergency exit or entrance. Mr. Pere<,. i°dr. Mayor , 1 ttiiril; 1_:1»t F'rnhrr' .5 nomrLi mes demand: a risk - snalcLi.mes a risk of popularity, ;a risk of technicalities, but I am sure that in the next, Qn, fifteen or twenty years, we are going to be proud of projc:ct:r, like this one . 1 don't have any doubt - I ar. t t i,nc s U the progress of the Grove, of the City of Miami. irhen we came to this City about 22 years ago, it was a .yeah t,owli. Id had limited life ... and now have the opportunity to share 77fwith Miami, and I want to applaud the leadership of this Commission in the past and to applaud the leadership and the courage of developers that have contributed to the progress of our community. I am in full support; of this concept of the mixed use . I like the concept of the residential and commercial use. It has the experience of the Latin American capitals, of the European place, where we have the opportunity to meet with neighbors in the heart, of the downtown area. I think that concept i. healthy against crime, in favor of progress, to promote the neighborhood life, to promote the: integrity of the community and I think it is the kind of atmospirupe that; a ramily city rlr;e:ds at this time. I don't have too much doubt about the traffic congestion, about they image of the neighborhood. I am sure that it will be improved without any doubt . I was about a week ago in Georgetown and I per•..,e�na ly I like that kind of life for the City, of Miami . 1 like to have the opportunity to meet together. 1 dory;, have any doubts in that concept. About the newep and water f,aci.l it i_es, i nprovamunts in that field -- have rnce i vud wno Ln i nfor m%ti on . 1 think they are sensible about the n ",vi r u!tr:.ent and atiyhow, 1 Liu Kivu some question . ond ,;o,_ti.: tJc nl.eT a.._ c.i-;Cil.at. t,lat: SCt1oG l .;lti:..t ,.Qi , but. think thatt:i,. i:.,.tit< or f,ru iect we h:.;vo to i.vup a i i_ , u .ir-,.i pending fur none War l ienti-on pit out t hn t liuu ] wituation, is ' about l>t,r.t-r� ..t ., ' ,. ,.. �, .. C:: 1 this 1 � r =1' rvi � �-; c.' 1. , 1. t U ,1 - G .r 1. f . G bi keep alive thins j r oju _t t day , p,ivo Lhow n.y Vole fur t .hu t i vat reading, pandiNg `yb<: .._tl' Wil 1!'i t�t- 5ncund reading and 1 0004 h Vu t w Ugu _nf't;Pw _t._ .,a vc p)k _.., nl - y nbOUt the scac . l bituaLiew .tnd by t het !' , r.sC;l i bg , iY 1'uu ,_o;.epL a motion Kv. H"yur, 1 "ouid l iku Lu wovo ._a nut.-ioN Nuppopting this ppujuct, In fLVOP Of thu Project, ill order :.o approve this r'ogtii WL . Mayor Fur vu : All rignt , we have a motion on the floor. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I will second it for the purposes of discussion and ... Mayor Eerre: All right, moved and seconded - go ahead. I 137 September 20, 1984 Mr. Carollo: ... for discussion, developers if they are willing to lane to be fitted into the project T would like to ask the find a way to have another for emergency vehicles. Mr. Number ("In, T. wrvuld gladly work with the Planning Department in WL naluLinn. Thrre arm two possible rnl"Unnn Lhpk (',omr W our mind ps we ire listening. Numhcr �) 11 m 7 1.,- r hovp ;; r id r wil 1 It PA J, 11101 g the road, nnd il= vidowplk ho." Lrarn in it. Ind, tho sidewalk has some spnens wharn ym, cooi(I jjqvp P sarom! !inn where people could [vill ovar durinF qmer,�rnn"y 1-, 11 e r e would he an add itton to khrl road, -4.t houl. dJ_:-1turging the hammock, adtittional width Lo have Pull -Off lanem. Socondly, we hav,', and T for,(7,01, 'k,o mr.".11tion, in mnain,, 1 cIll it Spanish Circle, the area required by the Firm Department to permit trucks in) make 1.001- 1000 And Lhcra Q another possible solution, fir. Carollo, that-. vir hivf n the arti I Q pavilion a 10 foot 2etback that has 11--en r0qllil-(,O 'L�Y the Planning Department. That is now a sidawalk. Tr it:. Vnn the decision of UO7 Phalli -ling :, a i Lo -, Department , we would Int u,, I ( make that as a second acccs3 on our own property Lhat would loop in, so we Qxrq several solutions that we will be glad to wort; with Lhc Planning Department and yourself or anybody to come to othcp solutions that are alternates to ours, if this is approved, Mr. Carollo: Lnt me say this, Mr. Mayor, and my colleagues. There have 1,�c.en times that I have voted for projects that developers havc come here and said " I told you, that boy this is the Uest thing that is going to hit the City". They are doing t03 and doing that and they show you all kinds of drawings and you think they are going to build you the White House he pc ill Miami. That is not the case . You find sometimes that there are a lot of professional excuse and B. S. artist: . TV2 in not the case here tonight:. The people we playc jjcl'ft_rc: not fly by Iiii,-,11t d(lvc1opers. They are people Uo. Hire been part or this community for a long time, and Lhry have been people thnt not only have been part of this ccmmunity, but have taken chanunc in this community when athcrs were not; willing to, and Vicy have put their money where their mouth has been to MiAi this community ahead, to push Coconut Grove aheLd, co UJ_2 im i4q, I feel different when I am heaping things and commitments from the - individuals involved, because I feel we are not only getting a quality project that fits this area, but 1 think also you are getting people that have a commitment to the area, that you know are just not gainE to tpy Lo build a hundred plus, or two hundped units as cheaply as possiblo, tell You whatever they have to tell you to get it voted upon and then they ape tone . you don't know whepa thl_:y ar- LA. 11 ii_', not the ea2w huru, so 1 would Lope that by thu Linu that we have the necond re2ding, thaL wo have sevePal soluviuns that can be ucrkQd uuL KuLwunn Live Planning Department znvJ the developepn, whepa this Commission can approve a final reading Ui2t would i we! udo at least one more additional lane, if nUt LWO 10190. Mr. PI ummor : QuwnLion uf Mr. Luft. Mr. Luft in your estimaticN, in tho jnuru"3e or that road possible? Mr. Luft: Yon, AF you co"It put a curb on the edge between the side"al k hou 10 ru: d, Uut yuu put uuvb an the outside edge of the niut"wlk .,Ea 11 you pUl. hi < difftrenL paving material, you uun niTuaL, Wet at functions is like a shoulder of a iono iL ni"t it nns,jots to, and you can create enough SPaW for a din6ulvd cav to ta passed on either side by a vehicle coming through. Id 138 September 20, 1984 Mr. Plummer: The final question I've got is for you. Mr. Luft, ever since I have known you, the 14 years that I have served here, you have been what I would say, is anti - density. "F think that is a reasonahlo statement, to make - high Unrity. This is proponad as 1001 density. Once again, yo" renommonrind it., PH T wnnt your justification. Mr• a u -—�, anli h- district. vT- hrnugbY to you in 1978 and again in the early 198ols, 19R1, 1922. P sorian or nmnndmqnYs t;(7 Lim downtown what wns than CRD-Z ordjnnnccn and 13 now SPI-P urdinances. Those nmrndnYnLr wrrc by and larFe dipected at re-inforcing and expnnding In man use dOnsion or Apt district - to try and push it more towards rcoldrntia'] and a ! a as Opposed to all commercial. Thn density of that provision, achievable in that area, in constdcrably over the don5ity of this project, which, whether you wnnt to figure it net: or gross. The point tic were making, the Planning Department, myself in particulap, to that in • the ppoper contnut in the downtown area, thcro in ;ui adjoining use f o r c, o i-,,i n, er e J. a. I , where parking Facilities can share an ovcrinp, whcre people can walk to services, density is npproprinte. 1A makes sense. Density on the Fringes, density that ancroachen into stable , vinglc family residential areas, that cnnnOt C011OW logical prttrrnv of rrowth - and 1 ;110 t I I i I I I,' J 1 1rT n0v of Bayshore Privc, T ata Uinking of Virginia Stpert, I am thinking of Charles strectf whurc 070 begin t o make transition r intc cvt_bKshnd low QnsUy aruns and we cannot draw defunpikle boundaries, the Knalty concerns me a great deal. In this case, I believa we have a defensible boundapy. We have a State Park ncpapEtinS the single family neighborhood. There is no guarantee that this Commission or or that a, court of Kw would see it another Commission, differently, but in my best profe2sionul judgment, that J r a definite State Park represents a substant -1 1) c margin, which can contain thi2 development Nnd as a Planner, I see this project as much more ralatud, much more connected to the downtov;n coral( rcial center Kion to a residential neighborhood to the south, and consinunt wiTh our zoning recommendations, our in-placu planL ond our zoning controls, 10 this _._ clavelopment it e s noevn one-fouPiuh the G - n :1 -itY Of downtown, but 1 think in keeping with the scale an pattern of it, it, is appropriate, and therefore, I would suggest that we are consistent. We are trannitioning away from the core area and the kinds of density that tie have there, but this is a dense project compared to what it was in terms of prior zoning, but I think it H reasonable. Mr. Car ollo: Well, 1 think the bottom line A something that JUNI jUSL Said nOW. it. this the logical pattern of growth, or not? 1 think GunLlemun, this 15 what we have to base the devinion tonieht on. in it Z-, p",ittern of growth or riot.`: 1. per' sonn3ly tslinl: it is. I just want to see thu question of nn additional lanu Pesolvu& 1 think we could got it renolved to our satisfaction by the next reading of LON. Mayor Fnprr: Auk, let me ask you a question dealing with historical _ nownwhepe along the line a couple A' hours ago you LAdn to sLatement about we having to IV) ami to ask the HiuLorical ... tull me what that is all about? Mr. 1,11:1. 'ILO. Kjar. line 2&00 Permit - Lne Planned Developmutit Mixed Ku ppovinions, which are lengthy .:rid very involvua in KVdjn-:nry Mipulnty that 1011OWing a public hearing n"i upprovo A !Ilk YKAU toning ani tim Planned ConCupt, thorn monli Le browEhl baCk to thr DepavlMe"L for subsequenn approval Clant "C', permit dtLailwd plant, in effect tne building plans, that wuuld be 6ubwiLted for conSLVUet ion. The Env iru"mentai heview board askad that in Id 139 September 20, 1984 addition to the Department review, they be given the chance to review and comment as a part of our review on those plans. Mayor Ferre: This is Environmental Review? Mr. Luft: Environmental. Review Board, which is also the Historic Pre serval; ton Review Board - the same board. Mayor l erne ; 0h . T ->or Mr. tuft.: sikr) yr, we r tended as a condition of this that in add it.i.on,a1 1,n t,t,� Department review which i.s normally reque,~1-.nd _i. Saar- ;ddec3 Ghat level of review to that Board.. Mayor 1, cr )C, : -C <a,^,>>zmf that is acceptabl to th(� maker of the motJon rind the seconder that by lava A.A. mu:~t izo back to the Envi_ronmenta.l 13evi.ew, so as I part, I would imagine, of the procecrdi.ng^ anyway. Mr. Luft: Yes . Mayor Ferre: The question of density here, Jack. You don't feel that 195 units is too much for that particular piece of property? Mr. Luft: I have to relate to the 195 units in two context. How much building does it take to house those units in terms of bulk, and what does that do to the site? In terms of traffic, how much traffic does that throw onto the streets? On both counts, I think we are safe on this one. Mayor Ferre: You and I talked yesterday. You came at 2:00 o'clock and we spent some time talking about this, and we talked about the 11cFarland access and as I understood our conversation, and this wasn't two weeks ago, it was yesterday at 2:00 o'clock - you told me that yov thought that the access to McFarland was an essential clement on the density. Mr. Luft: I said that it was ray opinion then, and it is my opinion now «s I stand here that the access to McFarland is desirable, and I would like to sec that if it is within the realm of t:.he church";:; dt�cision in the future to do it, but the concer-ii I lr<;ti 'oi 1'1j- a-1.1Lt1Q tt_ not thc: r, :)).idc:+_it .a1 It was f or �.,lrtom. cCj;iii_ er'e $. < 1 idrfd tt,-14� t'i� :.., t•!3f:` , l.)�.;1:,f.�.:.. of our analywi::, ;3n, ouii tl':1�M�) ir�i'C rCi cit•i C)i1. Mayor M1 t-r,r,- : you d �L d ell rre drat, that is right. You said that you bout; tine cornm(r rcial in and out, not the iltnt• i is Mr. C�iivol.lo: l�rr: i-S�,l�or , I arr. half an hour late from trre time l i s rr,. of to already. If there is any furtiiet, d , ,�� Esr_a. i r, i>y Lire:: CO!Nlmi�sion , 1 would like to ask here if' foi to publicly lest the Clerk know ir«1vot;int., on the three items that are related h,3v(-- < Mayor Ferre: Is that acceptable? Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, could we have the reading on the motion? We heave a motion already. Mayor t'trrtr: yell we have an ordinance on Item b, and it requires a reading and there c vote. Mee want to leave and wants to vote prior to the reading. Mr. Caroilo: Then we have Item 7 and 8 that are part of it. Id ; UCH September' 20, 1984 IR41All'A'-�...____—�7@3'�iR91L5Ra&' �. .,.=--•,___ _.:. - - _. .,.. -.-.. Mayor Ferre: Is that acceptable, or is that legal? Mrs. Dougherty: No. Mayor Ferre: Can't do it. Okay. I think we are ready to vote, as T sense it, on first reading. Is there any further disconnion? Mr. Luf t: I would only suggest tAiat in the motion you consider eliminating the clause about the Peacock Park access, win you spneify the elimination of the McFarland Road Drive and Mayor Ferro: McFar0nd Drive or an alternate. Mr. Luft: And thy, reduction of the restaurants from 29 to 24. Mayor Ferro: Are those all acceptable? Mr. Carollo: Acceptable here. Mayor Ferro: Yca, sir? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mayor Ferro: We all know that well, Doctor, but the public hearing of this thing ... UNIDENTIFIED DOCTOR: I understand, but he is talking about getting out of the compound. What do you do when you get on Main Highway and McFarland to get an emergency vehicle to a hospital, is what I am concerned about. Mayor Ferre: I think it is a valid question and a valid concern. Mr. Luft: And the final point is the addendum that I added to you that would allow an off site pavilion, an outreach center for the arts in Coconut Grove. Mayor Ferre: Tell me again? Mr. Luft: 1 had mentioned in my prior presentation the desire for an outreach center, ea remote pavilion in the Grove responding to the needs of those that perhaps should not be directly houncd in this center. Mayor Ferpc: All YiChL, that is all part of the motion, as I understand, Anything t2isu? On first reading, are we ready to vote? All pight, read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ONDQLWCE AHIENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9,300, THE Z014114G ORDINANCL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGINO THE ZONING CLkSSIFICA110H OF APPROX10TELY S4YI MQU HIGHUlY, VAMI, FLORIDS , WORL vkhTiCULLYLY YES UYInED HERE) 010M AN-111 =1 PA100 0101WHED RESIDENT11L 10 hn.n� DRE FhHILY DETACHLA nEK19LATILL E! KLEIN& hikkiNU S; AND BY MAKiNK ALL VAL NPUEnnLrY 0ALNGES ON PAGn NO. 4C Q Q10 !GWQA W"AN MADE A FAhT U F UhUiNANCK ho. ynou BY REFERLUCL Lkb LliChIlTiuk 0 AKTICLE 3, SECTION NO, whwq CUNTAINING A REPEALEh PEOVISION AND A SEVLRABlLITY CLAUSE. I d 141 September 20, 1984 Was introduced by Commissioner Perez and seconded by Commissioner Caroll.o and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Comm _.,, i_nner Miller J . Dawkins Commissioner Joe Caroll.o Commissioner .T. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetri_o Perez, Jr. NOES: Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: None ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Perez: On first reading, I vote yes. Mr. Carollo: Yes, on first reading. Mr. Pl ummcr : Likewise, yes. Mayor Ferro: T most vote no on first reading and the no the based on thy, stntemcnt that; 1_ hrcviously made. I know that the parents npe concerned ,shout the school. I want to tell you that: nay main concern 0-2 to do with the traffic buildup that in my opin _cn. in gni nC to invariably and inevitably happen niono H_, n E j Ch _ . _ think it is t n:i_nC to add a e tremendous amount oil i.l" �f �,i�� buildup.i_t cot in yCll you that I l ikc: the pro cct . 1: think it in a benut;:i ful project, and I think .a cemb? nn i_on oj' t c. i.dcnt. i,: l .ynci business is healthy. I 1iLe tho artist anpcet of it,. that is all on the plus side. I am very eonQerned about traffic, and I am very concerned about the impact of those four buildings of 22,000 square feet - 11,000 square feet on the ground floor on that hammock, I am not worried about 195 units. I am worried about the 195 units with the two lane road and the 60,000 square feet of commercial, including three or four restaurants. I would hope, even though obviously my vote is not a key vote on this, that somehov bvtwccn now and :second reading we can deal. wit,tr tile;: is ur_: <? iir:tle bit more emphatically and the purpose of my 1 eE tive vote is just so that I will have you, I hope, work an a solution to that. The City Attorney read the ordiviance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were ,:available to the public. 51. FIRST t:HhDING - CIlEktir' E ..tRING FHOM RS-1/4 TO IUD-HU/4. Mayor F<..ppr-: l.s."Pu riaG1 on r{cridr tee 7. 1 assume that Item 7, you 200 Pvl -. to s . Mr. Jack L f't. The reading on the Major Use Special Permit Is a single hyaring item. This is a final reading; however you may amend that at: the next meeting if you wish. Mayor Ferre: This is an ordinance on first reading. Mr. Luft: Yes, and ordinance. Mayor Ferve: We have an ordinance on second reading and that is when we can deal with that issue. Now we have Item 7 before us, which is related, is that correct? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir. id 142 September 20, 1984 Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion on Item 7? Mr. Carollo: There is a motion on Item 7. Mr. Gary: Do you want to wait? Mayor Ferre: We don't need a motion on 7? Mr. Gary: 6 and 7 are ordinances. Item Number 8 is a resolution. Mr. Luft: It is a resolution whi_Ch is final. Mayor Ferre: All right, rao could. we vote on 7 and then continue 8 unti.l. the second, reading? Mr. Pere7-1_,ugone : To amend pis you have mentioned before. Mayor Ferre: I've got it. All right, we are now on Item 7. Mr. Carollo: Moved. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion and a second, further discussion? Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OP' ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CI_.ASSIFICA.TION OF APPROXIMATELY 31471 HAIN FLORIDA ( t,OF1E PAIfk aI _1 CU 111 I Y D i:;>(:;IE113ED HEREIN) F I:t,1 ; 01'F RESIDEN'liLL 110 NNU.,D DEVELOP! I I�'J' I J ;;I: i) ii Is ' 1 (J' �_NG FINDING,;: ItO,J:I ;_i.N I C7I C 0%_!::4'IC1.' :+OIdS; INC0R1)0R1'i'i:i'G 1,; 1,. PEEI:[I1NARY DEVEL0PIIENIT CONCEIFT PLAN ( AUGUST 15, 1984) IN IiI1'A1'FII?,NCE; AND BY MAEING ALL THE NECLS'-U8Y CHANGES ON, PAGE NO. 46 OF SAID ZONING 1 TI,AS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. �)500 BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION 1N 15NT:FCLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF, CONT1,I!Ni IG 1� RI'PEALER PROVISION AND A SE,'V if BILITY CLf.0 i . Was introdu,c:=__ is,r Carollo and seconded by Commissioner I'c; r r_i<i on its First reading by title by the i+illo4;:irt? o1:C: AYES: Cora,: i::,r; Corr;mi s-i viii i' 1- :I l ± + r J . ]-)a skins Cor..112.6si0iu 11 J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Dt1:et.rio Perez, Jr. NOES: Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mayor Ferre: As stated before, for reasons stated before, no. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. Id 143 September 20, 1984 .►.......�- ----- -- --- ------ -- - ----- 52. CONTINUE FINAL APPLICATION REQUEST FOR SPECIAL USB PERMIT COMMODORE BAY CLUB TO TIME OF SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES. Mayor Ferre: T e to move that Item 8 be continued until we get; 1,11e e,C0T!d 1'r�1.r11_nF. Mr. Caro1.1 f`ayor. . believe I could be back by 10: 30 P.M. to up w1iaf where my vote is required. Mayor T..ra-: All right, I have made a motion to continue Item Number 8. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1080 A MOTION TO C014TINUE A PROPOSED RESOLUTION ON A PETITION FOR FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT (COMMODORE BAY PROJECT) TO THE DATE ON WHICI3 'THE SECOND READING ORDINANCE ON REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF ZONING IN CONNECTION WITH SAID PROPERTY WILL BE HEART.). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: MATTERS CONCERNING O.S.P.A. ARE CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 21, 1984) 53• FIRST READING ORDINANCE: CABLE T.V. ADVISORY COMMITTEE, ETC. ------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote on the Cable T.V. thing? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Do you have it before us? All right, is there a motion on the Cable T. V.? Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins, is there a second? 1d 144 September 20, 1984 Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez. Further discussion? Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE,' AMENDING SECTION 1004 OF ORDTNANGE NO. 9332, ADOPTED OCT0BER 19, 1 98 1 , THE r;TT}•_ OF M1_AHT CA131,1TI; I.EVISION LICEN::;E Ol,D NANCF; 13Y TIROV I:D1:Tdt:T TIIERE,IN FOR A I'IOP) 1. F ICA TION IN TfIE FOR A 3 S 1, S -( N (IT PFI!,PAJ,'PI),I I N, i'FJA. ' THI_: CITY MANAGER NMI Ile]"]'. CONCER1141J•47 1)F14AI_,TTLS TO ;; ;:'AIll ill J.s OF ARBITiiATOR.'_ . P"lio leII`T[ FOR h EiF;AP,INi; HY ARBIT!iA'T'OR')' ATID II KTNG� DI=:CI SION FINAL A; -ID DE-C,I:SION 13 APPEALED T'0 TIC 1TY CC?i;tiT3 0N; CONTAINING A PROVt;;10tll AND A SEVT;RAI'..•1 L,TT`' C1,AIi,;i_,. Was intt°or',ucd by _orjer Dajaki.ns and seconded by Commissioner Pt_r „ Ind paa� see on its first reading by title by the following vote -- AYES: Commis- ioncr Biller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: ITEMS 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 WERE CONTINUED. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Commission, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 9:56 F.M. MAURICE A. FERRE Mayor ATTEST: RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk MATTY HIRAI Assistant City Clerk Id 145 September 25, 1984 m c(1111 15SION RFMIEVAL AG t1"."r Pd I zPiI IF SCR�'i kO° AC"'i 10" ANTI) CODE NO. EXPRES ST'NG DEPPI-'£�'1' CEPF.;�'1' ('OIrU(�1)I'IICE;f- OF THE, CITV CM1z1I:=SLON 01" 13I,IIi>.I,1' CI, '1'11I (11TY (W MITI'll AND ;1`.1';'C CT`1 JI Z IiIS TO THEE, YT I:il,Y OF FARIS 71. COW;7 PT, VC)P711':P DTI.Di? COUNTY CC 1T1I S.� I(�NI E? UPON 111 S PHATI1 . EXPRESS I_Ta(= DI'IEIT,ST SYi1hi\"'11)'/SINCEP.EST CUNDOLENCES OF THE CI'I"Y ON FJ I1AILF OI']'HE CITY OF MIP_MI AIvD TT,`, ('I='1'I9"ENS TO THE FAMILY/FRIENDS OF JOHN FOIJ,1R CITY ATTORNEY/CITY MANAGER OF THE C'I'_i'Y r_+' '11T.t1I ui eN HIS DEATH. PROVIDE ia!-, 1.11(:)t'NT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 IN IN -KIND SERVI:CI'S, 1'IO'9 PUDGETS OF THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLI- CE, I'IRI;, ',01_,LI)WASTE AND POI2KS/RECP-EATION FOR CHLIDRYN J_N CONNECTION PITH THE NTTIONA.L I�ELCOMIE BP_CI'( PTIIT)' IN PEACOCK PARK, SEPTE1113ER 29, 1 913LI AUTI1ORI7E A ONE —DAY PEP'9IT FOR THE SALE Oj� III CONVECTION WITH SPID EVENT. ALLC,C7k'1'F; i'.N A1`OUIvT I'dOT TO EXCEED $1 0 , 000 TO THE FLOP IDT.-1,FPI-Ch. TRADE DI,VELOPIILIIIT COUNCIL, INC. TO SUPPORT 'hIIL' "AFRICi!.N LE7�1)I RSHIP T.ND DOING BU— SINESS 1'7I'I'II AhEICA" SE1,1I117,R `0 HI' IIELD OCTOPSPI: 10 --20, 19SU, IN `fill' 111A"1I CONVENTION CENITER, IF THIS EVENT CA NI NO'.I' ]IF HELD IN ch I l) LOCATION, IT MUST TAKE' PLACE WITHIN CITY I,IIIITS; ETC, CALLII'G/P RO��. -I NG Y OR T111J SPI�;C'IAI; i1U1ICI I'� L hI_,IIC TION IN CITY OF I.11iJII NOVEI,IBI,;R 6 , 19811 , SUW41'1"1'IN TO QUALIFII D ELI'C 0P1, 01' CITY ()F 1'I1�11I T111-;IR APPROVAL OR DI"cill" t' E111 PlIENDI':I',NT N0. 1 " OF THE CPPFI ` E'P OF 0h 11 11'7 1'), PjI OVIDIN(" `1'HA THE NU?113I:R 01` 111-!11',] 1 TIII_: G ` B07`.RD BE Ili(')'I /SSE I } (?1 `_i �'C1 7 11:?:iil;1':' . DI RFC"I'TNCa CITY CI_,I,I?K To Ci:US). ("E;i"Cl1_1'I1-1) CCPY CAL' F'I,E C'1`ICI. OF DADA COUNTY I O'I' LI'.:3 `.l'ilh!I 1,15 I'RIOTZ '110` H BRED, 0h APPROVE AlP C 1111 THIS AT T'IJE' : 1'N 13r t:l 11IU1';)14'` I i<1''('i U(_' .`('1:L) 1:`.i' 11100 NOR`IIII%1': T :'U`T'}1 '-T]',1;I:T, !�1l1•';1 , l'1.7�.. CLOSIf ( — ,- Vf.('1.'1'.l l:C, !- 1 l�I,'Dt,N_''v(: 1)1 `'t'i)t.''1'11L' 11•;C, ",llh PUIsLI(' U,!: ol, '11;' 1) l'1 _ OG 31 W AND 1 00 ` I�C;It'111 Cal' (:�(?1�'I'�i l�I('II'1'-( I1�-'�' I.11vE? OP NOR WEST 36'1'lI TIa ,1T j:.1Tii'1 23`I'11 COUP'..' AN NORTHWEST 30TO AVENUE; 1,1I., PS 1,. CONDITION OP AP— PROVAL PLAIT, ## 1 2 1 5 , "NORANTONIO ACRES". 84-1046 84-1047 84-1050 84-1052 84-1053 84-1055 8'4-1056 vvyj oft i Room ON _ _ �I'N DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION _I CLOSING/113AMPONING, ETC, THE PUBLIC USE OF NORTH- EAST 30 STREET LYING WEST RTGUT-cy-WAY LINE OE NORTHEAST IST COURT, AND EAST OE THE I'VORIP0 EAST COAST RAILROAD RIGH"F"Y' All A A CONDTTION OF APPROVAL FIAT V1224-A, -THATCEUR =10"171SION". w-,c- "In", A SU11DIVISION ACCEPT PLIT VINnTNIT KEY-11 IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, AND AUTJ1ORI,,;E/DJIfECT CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK TO EXErUTF THE PLAT. ACCEPT THE PLAT "P15 SUBDIVISION" ' SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; AND AU` HORIzE/D3RECT CITY MA- NAGER/CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE TPE PLAT. ACCEPT TUE PLOT "OVERTOVIl VILLAS SECTION 1 " , AND AUTHORIZE/DIRECT CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK TO EXECU TE THE PLAT. ACCEPT THE PLAT "OVERTOWN VILLAS SECTION 2", AND AUTHORIZE/DIRECT CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK TO EX- ECUTE THE PLAT. ACCEPT THE PLAT "OVERTO1%'N VILLAS SECTION 3",AND AUTHORIZE/DIRECT CITY MhwTGEJJ/CTTY CLERK TO EXE- CUTE THE PLAT. ACCEPT THE PLAT "OVERTOI,,'N VILLAS SECTION T" A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MJIMI. AUTHORIZE/DI- RECT CITY OANTGER/CITY CLERK TO EXCUTE AND PROVII THE RECORDATION OT SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECOR! OF DADE COUNTY. RATIFY THE CITY MANAGDR'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE BID OF GRAPHIC PRODUCTIONS FOR THE PPINTING OF 2f000 COPIES OF THE MIAMI BUSINESS REPORT 1983-84 AT A TOTAL, COST OF $9,000! ETC. AUTHnR17E CITY MPNAGEP TO EXTEND AGREEMENT FITH WARREN L- BIJAUN, P. E . , CONSULTIOG ENGINEERS FOR ASSIST THE CApEE CcnMUNICATIONS TGENCY IN CONDUCT REVIEk%OF CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM; ALLOCATE $25,0 TO COVER THE COST THEREFOR FROM SRF, CABLE TELE- VISION. AMEND SECTION I OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-559, PDOPTEI CAiTIM " "NTH yFfR COMHUNIT� Aylo, 198N, VHICH 7JLOM 2AppPOPRIP-E BY .1 FUNDS, DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GnIN 1 10 APPROVE SO-- ORDINANCE No, 9834, MAY 10,198q CIRL SERVI(T Ph"INS AND (TE HISTORIC pRESERVA- TION pjyCjjjjj yjjq!�NINC: DCLYI, 1984, AND ENDING allNE 30, IYA. AUTHURI:h UjTi APPROVE EXTENDED USE PERMIT KITh 11i E BI&CK pRCHIVES HISTORY AND RE- SEARCH lukkbh!" on VOUTH FLORIDA, INC. FOR THE USE OF 4850 NE SECOND IVENUff 111" �f '.!'HE SITE OF A FORMEP FIRE STATION LOCATION. A 84-1R57 84-1058 84-1059 84ml 060 84-1-61 84-1062 84-1063 84-1067 BMW 84,1069 84,1070 ..... .......... aml INK IBM DOCUMENT IDEN 1FICATJo N A.UTIiORIZE CITY ' &NAGI RMITY ATTORNEY E )i n Y 1I'D,lOR.- A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFPI , � ��,� 1_:�`IAI�ICI SE;1;VI- GANIZATION `r0 PROVIDE IFCIENICf.I, i CES TO "TROT CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT I?vC . ' LOAN CLI- ENTS. ALLOCATE $12,583.33, OF TENTH YETR COMMUNITY DEVE - LOPMEN`I' BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, OP.DINANCIE 198-34 IO THE MART_CN IU`I'III?R KING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT XC:EFD 4/12 RATIO'',',(MLKFDC0) IN AN AI90tN_ NOT 7FOR OR 1/3 OF THE TOTAL ALLOCATIONOF$37, 75050. CTOBFR 31, SAID AGENCY FROM JUIN1 , 1984, 1984. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER/CITY I`.TTORNEY TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI AMD BARNETT BANK OF SOUTH FLORIDA, N. A. ACCEPTING ITS FINAN CIAL PARTICIPATION IN THE PMOUNT OF $7, 500. O— WIRD THE PUBLICATION "MIAMI BUSINESS REPORT 1983'. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE T�F AN WEND TO THE LA`I'IN CHAMBER C)1 OMMERC OFTHE UNITED S 1'Tf,,.TEI14C . ' S $68 CO' '' PROGRAM "PFRISINENT SECRETARIAT OF THE IiFMIEPHERI COMTRF.SS OF LT TIN CHAMBERS OIL CO�iT .PC I T_IJD IT FIND �S TRY" FOR CHANGE THE DATE OF .SAID AG BE 1"11E1�IE`I'C . OCTOBER 12, 1"82, 'ICE :=CFI IEMPI.P. 20, 1982; AUTHORIZE DIRECIUF OI' I''INANCE TO PAY IRIS TERRELI , THE SUM Or 036,250.00 I1,, 1,111I A,,I) ('O!,1PLT,TE EETTLI� ENT CLLI MS/DI;MA9 ADS 1,C-A1 NFT THE CITY OF nENTP1OF T:LL i:I, P.KI,I;f C'' CITY OF 1�1IAh1I II�(�N A.LI_, CLAIMS1 nIADEMANDS. AUTHORIZE C: IF.ECTOR OF FINANCE '] (� PAY ;'P'I R1` C:,A.1,00. MOTHER/GUT`ARDITN OF LAUF-T'. GT-I_I,O, A MINOR, a�2o 50 IN FULL T�I�D CC�1^.PI,ETED SETTLEMENT I_ I,1I;NT Or ALI, FODI LY/ PERSONAL INJURY , PROTECTION LIENS, CLT�IM DI�'`�T !" AGAINST `''III; CITY OF MIAMI AND THE EXECUTION OF RELEASING THE CITY FROM ALL CLAIMS/COUNTERCLAIMS DEMANDS. 84-1071 84,1072 84,1073 84-1074 84-1075 84-1076