HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-1069J-84-834 AIR RESOLUTION NO. 84-1069 A RESOLUTION AMENDING SECTTON 1 OF RESOLUTION NO. 64-559, ADOPTED MAY J,0, 3-984, WHICH ALLOCATED TENTH YEAR ('0T111tRJJ-.TY DrV1-,T,0PMUNT BLOCK GRANT I�IINDS APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE 1,T0, 98,34, AHOP11.1,"D ('17�Y If), 4, TO PREVIOUSLY APPj?0Vi,:D SOCIAT, S),;RIVJICI; PROGPA',15 AND ONE II -US To RZ I C PRF5E"RVATT(X.\! J--o'()R THE PERIOD 1.311."IG-UNNING JULY 1, 19f34, AND ENDING lit3NE 30, 19-013511,,'BY INCREASING TNT.,; AT-.,T,0C,71.r.1ON TO THF.ISE PREVl0USJ-.,Y APPROVJ�J) SOCJAI, SFkVJ-'CJ1` PROGJ-ZANS 13Y TEN PEIRCI;NT (1000), Tfil,"1101`13Y Tj.ii-,1 TOTAL ALLOCATION F11, 0 I 1 $1, 2B3,614 TO $1,408,908, FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH CERTAIN SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES FOR SAID APPROVED PROJECTS. WHEREAS, the City Comiiission adopted Resolution No. 84-384 on April 5, 1984, thereby authorizing the City Manager to submit a grant application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the proposed Community Development Block Grant Program in the amount of 511,255,000 during 1984-85; and WHEREAS, funds have previously been appropriated by ordinance No. 9834, passed and adopted May 10, 1984; and WHEREAS, the City Commission approved Resolution 84-642 on June 14, 1984, which authorized the City Manager to amend the City's approved grant to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the City's proposed Cojimiullity D,---v(-jop,,,,je.j-jt program during 1984-85 by increasing the grl-int a -mount by $2,04-1,00b; sand WHEREAS, a portion of thethe�1,2,944,000 to provide. a 10% increase to pr(---viously approved social serv.jce prograills; NOW, "NiEk�!,AFURE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THL COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FL01?11-Dt`4: Section 1. Section I of Resolution No. 84-559, adopted May 10, 1984, which allocated $1,283,644 of Tenth Year Community Development Block Grant funds, previously appropriated by Ordinance 140. 9834, adopted I'll a V 10, 1984, is hereby amended in the following particulars: I Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures constitute the amendment proposed. Remaining provisions are now in effect and remain Asterisks indicate outitted and unchanged material. CITY JA Cr , I - P �'5 0 "Section 1. *1,203 6.4. $1,408,908 of Tenth Year Community Development Block Grant funds, previously appropriated by Ordinance No. 9834, adopted May 10, 1984, are hereby allocated as specified below AGENCY/PROJECT AMOUNT Action Community Center, Inc. $9881600, $317,460 City -Wide Transportation Allapattah Community Action, Inc. 4 Allapat.tah 1,7_c1c.=_ :1y Services Association a or the Uz ;cful Aged, Inc. Rra, 300 Little HiAvana Ac—sistance to the Elderly Belafonte Tacolc,y C er—Ater, Inc. $$r900 Model. City Sports ])calf=lapment Black Hi.rtor.w and Research Foundation 31, 00 0 of South F7_rt ici. , Inc./Overtown Historic Preservation Catholic Comm.l.. ni_ty Services/Centro Mater, Inc. Little Havana Child Care Catholic Community Services, Inc. Little Havana Community Center Child Care Catholic Community Services, Inc. Little Havana Outreach. Office Coconut Grove Family Clinic, Inc. Coconut Grove Primary Health Care Holy Cross Day Care Canter, Inc. Wynwood Child Mare Industrial I:o.ne for the Blind, Inc. Little Havana ASS,ISt<ilace to the Blind James E. Scoty Lo;wii iiity Association, Inc. City-'N ide Lldt-'rly I -lot Medils Little. 114availia Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc./City-glide Elderly Hot Meals Miami Mental Health, Inc. Coconut Grove IIental health Program Tenant k cxuc: -iti.on Association of Miami, Inc. Tenant united C_'?ri..]cireri s Services, Inc. DowiltOV,"11 c. -o _ ::Y i?3r Ih.:�1!iSLrictlti Wynwooa a,i :t 1 c. Alt r, Inc. Wytzvx :x 1 :1 t L 1 �4 f� rvi.ce s TOTAL JiLLOC;AT1ON .. 2 _ 181,280 39,930 91,190 70,730 76,450 74,470 37,864 141,680 48,950 27,500 27,500 37,864 25,520 23,870 444-r"416 155,650 4 $1,408,908 ", 84 11 '` PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of September , 1984. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR ATTESTS RALVn G. ONGlE C1TY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: Xa" ROBE t2'1 F . CLARN DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS T FORM AND CORRECTNESSs i LUCIK A. DOU TY CITY ATTORNEY 3 - -106 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIOA 32 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ,To Howard V. Gary DATE! August 27, 1984 City Manager Resolution for 10% SUBJECT: Increase of CT) Funds to Social- STrvico Agencies Oena - ��pillmdn, Director Fnom DepartA-cent of Community Development REFERENCES City Meeting Sep t!?m1hQr 13, 1984 FNCLOSUPEC" It is recommcnded that the City Co;-,imiss ion i_).d 0 1? t a reso.'jition mendinq 11esolution No. 84-55-9 hy increasinq the Tenth 'Y'(�ai: co-mmunity Develor.-,-iienL B ]_ a C k Grant allocation to previously approved s 0 c i'l I service Progri-u-iin by 10 00. On June 24, 1984, the City Coimmission adopted Resolution No. 84-642, which amended the Cit-y's Tenth Year application for Community Development Bloc}' (;rant fu)ids by increasing the grant by $2,944,000 (from '71'his increase - is predicated si-L pertaining to Cuban and revised 1i a i t- _i&,11t:;3-ty c.,nd distress indicators of th(3 il) the City Commission approvod 17. c t social service 1?1..) r ov e G proyram-s 11 C 1, is 'C an across the board, Cost of liviac'y h"1111di.rig 2.ncrea2c� ovt-ir t The attached ro.,solution identj_fi(:G the Social service and their increased funding levels for the tenth De%eloFoent year. The allocation of Tenth Year Coiimiunity Devc-1.01,--1,-ment Block Grant funds directed to social services would increase froi-ii $1,283,644 to $1,408,908. Please note that these funds do not include allocations to City departments administering social service programs. DS:mb Enclosure 84 -1.0 06 Ck I CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA VA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To. Howard V . Gary DATE: July 10, 1984 Fits. City Manager SUBJECT Resolution for 10% in- crease o-1 CIS T�unds to Social. Service A-gF ricies FRO" Dena Spillman, Director REPER£NCES C .i ty COI111111 � ji,oil Mooting Department of Community Development July 30, ENCLOSURES: It is recommended that the City Commission adopt a resolution amending Resolution No. 84,. 559 by increasing the Tenth Year Community Dcvclol-;tic nt Block Grant allocation to p ovi.ously approve=l :: oc i.a.l :. or v icc programs by 10 t sunci p ovidi.ncr S� 20, 000 to an after -:cljool c <11'c_ i-ro j ec - in the Edison/ Ldt ale R ..vclr tareset area. On June 24, 1984, the City adoptc_d Resolution No. 84-642, which amended the' Ci ty' s, 'Pe i -) t h c.zi r. a;pp). i r_a A -_ion for Community Development Block Graft `11nc7 1Dy j..ncreaF;.na the gx ant by $2.,944,000, ( from $1.1., 255, 000 to �._nc rca x. it pr edi c.-ated on r@VlStC1 data T:L'G;ii 1--he 0'4f.i.t2t:' t_vt { [:i1`SIIS; iC:h':c;_'..I'I1_l7C t.G' 13i ,4- 1,;311 entrants, ,,,ii -ch ttv_, 2:11i.c (3,isr Cit, inf3.+_t.".C_-, 04, the City. 13 C.._ll...Ca(a in t!2k' t., ! :,!�t)�)', the C ty increase to srevio_ ;i ly a prvvc:d social zoerV7cC L-YO i]"..,Il" 1. '1i?rif' C.D. i.agencies have not r eceivc_d an across the bca 3, cost of 11<v z.I';. J funding increase: over the last three years. In addition, at the meetings of June 14 and June 28, 1984, the City Commission passed i•iotions No. 84--641 and No. 84-694, which expressed its intent to allocate a total of $20, 000 to the Haitian t-unerican Youth Dcvc::loi':'neat-, Inc. (HIAlD) , Which ope.rat�a s an after school care'' project in the L,dison/ Little River target area. The attached z e-olution identifies the social service a9c-'nc ie s and their ills e'us d funding lc=velc or the tiznth Co. i1un_J t ' year UnC1 C ) c CM tL11tt: Ea Motion.': No. 64--6}1 and No. 84i-'L",9Z, The allocation of Tenth 1'1 3r C<J1liitunity Develorxiz-t'_%t Block G-r,int funds dlrecte:dl to SOCial s�l`vicQs would increase from $1,..'8,o,6 t=1 to $ 1 , 4 2 8 ,910B Please note that these funds do not include allocations to City acimini.ste ing social service programs. DS : tab EAclosure 84-.4'