HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-1062J-84-883 plat: FLORIDA: RESOLUTION N0. 84-1062 A RESOLUTION ACCEIPTING THE PLAT 1'.NTITLED "OVERTOWN VILLA`)' ILA)' >I•;C,T U AN s" , A S1113DIV J_SION IN THE CITY. OF 111ls.M1 At -di) THE DEDICATI0N13 ON ;>AJ.b tfd''I . AIM) iVJT 1URi/J1gG AND DIRT?GT I Ni i "011;; CITY A';111) C i-JA c_;I,ERK TO EKEGUTi' ji--t: I'1_,(1T ANI1 hpi,UJ_i)Il;�:I F0I3 THE RECORDATION OF 5AI0 PI_,:fT IN I'UI31_ G RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, I.;1,011IDA. WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works recommends the acceptance of the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CO*IISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, Section 1. The plat entitled "Overtown Vii1as Section _)", is a resubdivision of Lots 13, 14 and 15 in Block 49N of A.L. Knowlton Map of Miami as recorded in Plat Book "B" at Page 41 of the Public Records of, Dade County, Florida, ail lying in Section 37, Township 53 South, Range: 41 East, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, which subject plat by reference is maae a part he=roof as if fully incorporated nerein and which plat, together wittz the dedications shown thereon, and the dedications to the; perpetual use of the public of all existing and future. planting, trees and snrubbery on said property, is hereby accepted and confirmed by the City of Miami, Florida. Section ;). Tne City flana,er and City Clerk are hereby authorized aria directed to execute the plat and cause the same to be recorded in the Public Records of Dade County, Fiori.da. PILSSE'D AND ADOPTED this 20th day of September, 1964. ATTEST: Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR RAEPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: APPROVI G. MIRIA14 MAER ASSISTANT CITY AT`rORNEY CITY A`ifORNILY CITY (;OMMISS1 tiJl4 y, _, g . j, ^ RESCILeI I iU: �, �F A IS Howard V. Gary September 6, 1984 City Manager •;` "Overtown Vi.i lay ` oction 311 Resolution Accepting Proposed Record Plat, i.oc ntcd on N.W. 7th Street id.W. 5th ex 6 t n AV(11111)C:' . D ald W. Cattier ,,<-�,,,,•<�, For Cormii,:s,ion Meeting of Director of Public forks Septchriit)er 20, 19814 The Department of Public Works recommends the approval of the plat by the City Commission of Miami, Florida, and certifies its correctness as to form. The proposed record plat entitled "Overtown Villas Section 311 is a resubaivision of Lots 13: 14 and 15 Block 'LI 914, A.L. Knowlton Map of Miami (B-41) Section .37, Township 53 South?, Range 41 Fast. The plat conzists of 4 Lots and is zoned RG-s2/6. This plat i..� being forwarded to your c.>ff ic.(v for City Commission action. Also at,tc-,cljcd are the fo.LIc .'3Iq I t- rea papers necessary to present, thQ PII.at to ttic City .I'4i0f) of I-Uami: 1 t1 C C") I, 11 , .1- 0 i ": C C ' f-'- .l t ? :; i.• } : C: 1'' .t.. c.� (2) Print Cat i) °v�ar c'Ct �{t C 03'Ci i'li t to, subdivision (4) Op-ni.orj fJi ! Llt (5) Portion of Cit,t Uoriing Sheet No. 23 showing property piaLted colored in red WKB:tat cc: Manuel Alvarez I 6 THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Septeml)er 1), 1981; REPORT OF PFt)PO) FY', (i ;; .'Ofll) PLAT OF ;i GT tON 3" A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA The accompanying Plat entitled "Overtown Villas Section 3" was prepared by Crowder, Mahoney, Malowski., !lice, Inc. It is in correct: form for •submi_r,^a on to the City Commission and is forwarded vaith a tbal., it be approved. PERTINENT INFORt;AT_i:ON, 'fill" PLAT: ( 1) The prop__rt,.Nr resubdivision of Lots 1.j, 14 and 15 of loci. 14914, A.L. Knowlton Map of Miami (B-41) lying in Section 37, Townsnip 5� South, flange 41 East, Miami, Florida. (2) The location of the streets and the widths conform with the standards of the Department of Public Works of the City of Miami, Florida. (3) As certified to by Frank Makowski, Registered Lana Su.-veyor, this Plat complies with the plat filing laws of the State of Florida. (4) The attacnea Certificate of Tit -Le Examination dated August 16, 1964, signed by 11urray A. Greenberg, Attorney, indicates that the fire simple titie to the property platted is correctly vt5trd in Metropolitan Daue County and the Plat has been correct.y executed. (5) The area platted is not encumbered by mortgages. 0 (6) in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 54, Section 54--30, of The Coae of The City of Miami, Florida an Agreement has been executed by Dada County. This Agreement between the City of Miami_ , Florida and Dade County will guarantee the const.rr..ic 1Jnn of Aspnal t.i_c concrete pavement, sidewalk, curtb and t;ut,tc r storm sewers and landscaping at the property p l-a.ttI . (7) The loc<:Ot _on of t:fa„ property is ,shown colored in rea on the accompanyin'l.7 copy of o portion of City of Miami, Florida, Zoning ;ihoe i No - 23 . (b) The attached Rc:soluti.on clan been prepared for the acceptance of the Plat by the City Commission of Miami, Florida. Walter K. Brown Cadastral Engineer WKB:tdt W 2 — Om N 3 EXHIBIT "B" TO ACCOMPANY THE AGREEME ET N THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA and DADE COUNTY FOR IMPROVnTIENTS AT "OVERTOWN VILLAS SECTIO14 3" LOCATED AT N.W. 7-8 S7Ir:!'T S LAST OF N.W. 6 AVENUE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEIME N'T 520 Sq. Yds . REMOVE EXISTING SIDE14ALK 2,900 Sq. Ft. REMOVE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER 260 Ft. REMOVE EXISTING CURB 150 Ft. NEW SIDEWALK 2,250 Sq. Ft. CURB & GUTTER 410 Ft. STORM SEDER 50' of 3' Covered ditch SANITARY SEWER 80' of 6" C.I. Lateral pipe. LANDS CAI'! NC. 4 shy c�< t ��ec i-zEi_� 3i ately behind sidewa11;. 6 shade: tree: i Tt,n -di ately behind sidewalk 3th Street W AGREEME:TT FOR CONSTRUCTIO`1 OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, DADE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner"), concurrently with the delivery of this Agreement, has applied to TILE CITY OF MZAt,°tI, FLORIDA, (hereinafter_ referred to a.s the "City"), for the acceptance and cont i.1t;ms.i_on by the Cc�m<<.;i._ssi.ot� of said C�i..L}�, of: :� c��a t_�,_i.n proposed plat of a subdivision L o '_- knn� —) a -Yr rTi_T_ 3' located on:�[�n�'�� :i_n< t:c i.y ia,C'. I ? St.rcet.:> East of NJI. 6 Avenue ct,py o f tol�i_cli proposed plat is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A" . WHEREAS, the execution of this Agreement by the Owner does not waive his immunity from taxes or special assessments; and WHEREAS, this Agreement when executed will testify to the Owner's intention to plat and install the required improvements as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the completion of the improvements as set forth herein will not be required prior to the acceptance of the plat by the City Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner hereby convenants and agrees with the City as follows: 1. Within one (1) year from the effective date of the acceptance and confir.niacion of said plat by the Commission of the City, or prior to the issuance by the City of a Certificate of Occupancy for the premises, the Owner will construct, or cause to have constructed, at his own expense and in accordance with standard specifications of the City, the follo%:ink,listed improvement--: Asphaltic concrete navement, Rove exi.stiij sid Y alk, Fawve cdstinp cub &stutter, RaTiove existing, curl), New sidewalk, curb & Lnit:te..r, stor:`i sen,.,er, sanitary seC,jer Enid L-u-idscap)ing. Althoub-h one year is all.o„ed for the completion of the afore- mentioned improvements, it is not in the public interest: that such -1- 9 11 U 6 AGREEM=, FOR CONSTRUCTIOiNT OF CERTAIN I1-1PROVtMZENTS jMERE,AS, Dz',,DrLl COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, (Ijerein-if-T-er referred to as the "Owner"), concurrently with the deM-vovy of Lhi-r, As-,--eCM(-'T)I:, has IPPM.Cd to TTIE GUY OF 'i-ITAMT, l"fnC y of-_:1,(to-ISjeC and confli.i-i-,Iat-J-m-i I-)%, il-.11c, j. oil of sji.cj Ci.ty, of :-I ccr4.rii.n proposed plat of a -, ubd ivis ion to be klim,71-1 is "OVEITUI-11 1Y -W VITTAS 17,( FT 0, ,T 31 N W -7-0 F�- located ont of N.W. 6 Avenue a copy of U J- which proposed plat is attached hereto and made a part hereof as E,--:hiMJ: 1V,,11- WHEREAS, the exectition of this Agreement by the Owner does not 1-� I waive his immunit-,; from taxes or special assessments; and IMEREAS, this Agree—ent when executed will testify to the Owne.ris intention to plat and install the required improvements as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the completion of the improvements as set forth herein will not be required prior to the acceptance of the plat by the City Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner hereby convenants and agrees with the City as foll-c-,Iqs: 1. Within one (1) year from the effective date of the acceptance and confirmatiot-, of said plat: by the Commission of the City, or prior to the issur;iice Dy the City of a Cert:jfi(-'L-1t-C, of Occupancy for the c � le L ) coi-i-,�!I-rucLL,d at premises, tht-'-. 0%liLer will con-,Lrt.,,Ct:, )!- cau," his own in <J'CcOrd-,Iice fait :'t-1;110.,ird sp(,!Cificatiolls of the City, i- (A. I G% C, 1, 1: i c cc% ic re t:e v ivenent , Remove PC�`Y)Ve e'-KI.Stinp, curb, Nlew sidek%-alk, existir4.,, si-d uhx-, L�,� ��ut.ter, curb & gut:ter, stoi7,, kind Althou'CLI, one year is allot e-d for the complu Lion of the afore- mentioned improve,,,.ients, it is not in the public interest t11,1t SUCIA -1- W AGREE`iE:dT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, DADE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner"), concurrently with the delivery of this Agreement, has appl.i_etl tics T1IE CTT'r: OF 1T�1;1I, FLORIDA, (hereinafter referred to a.-= the "(;it.-.7") , foa.- t=hc: �c,c.ept:anr._e and confirmation by the Commis-.:i.on of said Cif.y, of a proposed plat of a subd i v i s ion to Lc ':no,..,!n gas Off' KT<.T�XT,v7 V:i_ ._T_AS �7(77TON 3" located on N.6,'. 7--° Sti_cets East of N.W. 6 Avenue , a copy of which p)-oposed plat- is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A". WHEREAS, the execution of this Agreement by the Owner does not waive his immunity from taxes or special assessments; and WHEREAS, this Agreement when executed will testify to the Ownex's intention to plac and install. the required improvements as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the completion of the improvements as set forth herein will not be required prior to the acceptance of the plat by the City Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner hereby convenants and agrees with the City as follows: 1. Within one (1) year from the effective date of the acceptance and confirmation of said plat by the. Commission of the City, or prior ' to the iss-uance by the City of a Certificate of Occupancy for the premises, the Owi-ier will construct, or cause to have constructed, at his own expense and in accordance. with standard ,Tecifications of the City, the fallowing listed improvements: Lph:-Alic wncrete pavement, Remove existing sidewalk, Kawve existil - curb & ,,utter, I2f r?vt c!1asting curb, New sidm,alk, curb & gutter, storm sewer, smv teary sewer and Lum sca piiV Although one year is allot•red for thC� comple-Ci.on of the afore- mentioned improvements, it is not in the public interest that such UNA D ig construction work should be prolonged to the extent that it would have a disorganizing effect upon the neighborhood- After the work is started, the Ownez- hereby agrees to prosecute said work progressively so as to complete it in a reasonable length of time. 2. The Certi.f _rrkte of Occt-ipancy for any building or buildings constructed 0l1_ the lil_nl)QI-11•7 platt-ed ,ha.11 not: be i_s:�;(jecl by t=1le City Buildi_n ; i)c:taal tmnt utit:i_1, talc O- iir l' lea<; 71111 a,,ci f ai t-l1ft�.]_7y performed the work in ricc(Drd;111ce t:lw of this Agreement and has s�abmi.�tcd to the Ci.t.�;� lle��a��t:;;rr�t of t'i�lili..c t.1orks a letter_ from a u Registered Land r_.c7:!J-1-- n; t]iat the Permanent Reference .tonuments indient-ed can plat have been installed and properly placed. IN WITNT-SS IM-EREOr, the Owner has authorized this Agreement to be executed this day of fi'L' L-' S %� A.D. , 19S q �/�-%'�%t -- _ ��- Cc�C Cif' n� G '• !: '� �►x-.�� i,G fi'� G� =t1iY Ct �+: •..,,u.y+:"-�L M.R. Stierheim, County Manager By Melvin J Adams, D-rector HUD I.. 84-1 Approved and accepted on behalf of the City of ►fiami, Flor- ida, this day of A.D., 198 . } WITNESS: By Howard V. Gary, Cicy Manager F / - � tJjp i•- Donwid W. Caulier, Director or Public Works APPROVED AS TO CORRECT\ -SS: a City Attorney 4-1062 MCMDRANDUM To Keith W. Betts VATE Real Estate Coordinatcr suftizer HUD ream Murray A. Greenberg First Assistant County Attorney August 16, 1984 Opinion of Title Overtown Villas Section 3, C.D. No. 9 You have request-ed an opinion of Title concerning real property located in the Overtown Community Development Area No. 9. An application for final approval of the plan, in accordance with Chapter. 28 of the Metropolitan Code, is being prepared. Section 28-8(,13) (3) of the Code provides, that the application for final apprc-,%,�,11 11-LUS11- 1,-c Liccomp�-,nicC, IDy a "current opJ n-ion of title from an atto--ney to practice lav: in this -gate." In I -h of the Coc"k-, 1 certify that T am complialicc, an attorney in the State of Florida (I in county eminent domain prc-ceodd.nc,,in C,-Isc< i�1o. 81-9364, D,1d'eCC111-.'-1"V' v. Jonathan N. 31., tothe 1--)rapo-rt-y —at.; i'<,rcej- ,,o. 42-110, Fin-il JLi,'-1(1mt'1141 �:nterc'd on Septc,,ml)er 29, 1962. The fecal de s c r i 1) 41- 1 f t t a (-,: I i c% d hereto and a part - hereof. Dadt.� i -" t 1. lzi c i2 4-4-3 pursiiaint- tu woman, dat(l'd IIiay 20, in 0. 1 15(%)C No. at Pa(ge 470; Pai "o. Levin a/k/a 1"k-1c 1" Lea L. !.,t-,vii;, z and E I i za 1 1: 1 ",'i tI r an d 1981, n c: P a r '12, P.)',A, and I 'Ilht' legal recorde(A n 1 No. 1 t-)L saici -11-1d 111c'.'de a part hereo f . BaEed upon the tj-j,jt I - 1,( 1 (-)r juciqm(:Ilt5 have '--een filed against the prc'erty sub.,��qut2nt. to Dade CoLljjty's (-)btzAin1-ng :: title and based upon he title Y,��Vlk:-W by Dade County HUD, HUD, I am of the opinion that, tojconciftions, restrictions, COVel"ants, limitations, reservatul-Ie_asejjt(- s, 4- _I -Its, lions of record M M � or zoning regulations, Dade County has good and marketable fee simple title to the property hereinabove described Murra;r A. reenberg .IAG/ rk Attachment U • r .N {Stiff".11�.�fiJ`-'�'�l!'\���'}.Tdly �������+ %.+Rw .-1l^'�s'►��� ;0'!'.. lS'-•'��Y:'n,� ... .,.,.. r ..2 - �t � , Parcel No. 42-3 Lots 4 and 5, 131_oc;: 49, NORTH, CITY OF MIAMI, according to the plat thereof-, as recorded in Plat Book "B", at Page 41, Public Records of D�a�_- County, Florida. Parcel_ '�o. '-. --5 Lot 7, in I31_oc}. 4 r f NORTH CITY OF MIIT�MI, according to the Plat thereof, �: ,7(-c01-0cd in Plat Book "B", at Page 41, of the Public I:c c,cre: o; - Dade County, Florida. Parcel '�o 42-6 Lot 8, in Block 49, of NORTH CITY OF MIAMI, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book "B", at Page 41, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Parcel No. 42-10 Lots 13, 1.4 and 15, Block 49, MIA141 NORTH, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book "B" at Page 41 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. j r >' t 0 g y+j r• ' v _ , . , ' { ., .., } 1 1 � � .: " � ,r �. r L j bb �' , S � � L. � .. � q F •+„ � � . i r , � z l \ I . 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U�r " 1. ,-;�.r, is ICk i.1i �: ��•-f i'i .l'..��il yi/l l }��,•.jY rF_ fP. ^(f.w fv�f; ol�"t•�' {�. t� _T1}a_`, _r.1 r],';�,% �` ) .�kk'�''t yyet�<s• �•;-i e•.t-�i+',,f�l t' .,e��hu •� X.•1•�t �1 it 1�•yY.� tLv.l ix l�t?.�C'•\#%.. y^�V"(*K?<1(.-=�,r4� r /'>'^ " ._ : u .Z.+'.�i'•'iF' c lw.�. -_iY •.ek'.1•��'+'S.'Ci'�'�i fL i�•��n J; ,E�1.��ixlT.�i`-h_T`�tti..�.%i:i;.ti}Ga:::•.7SK'�..• ''� 1• 1, !: _ y ..a a^�••a�- t'` E `* "OVERTOWN VILLAS" 4 SECTION 3 BONED RG-2/6 `e4'•� ZONING SHEET #23 f p i .:♦ fM� j7twr Va1•'!-,rr,r. { 1 64•Y1k*Q , 1 RMnf y%Xt. E�a•:'a� p � i%wt.'.-1 � .;,f! ��'�t" •r�1i7 •_k-�r:ry ".'fa;:,k'. ! � �, y:/sEa•q . � r •�'t' �' 1�-•�„-;_-.-... fA x � (• El t ) t :r11 j ij 1 r ttVi a�. mot,,.+} \ ;{1p d � 'i;' '-�, .1 , c� •.k . 16 -�I '•`j] �SESi-f ,`lt2s �;U �(� �f ,rn�'r� 13. 14 ..,; x i . S 1 ✓ r 5` �i i t,dt �i _ E Y,: J _ . t _ . 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Z. AW! W1- 7'OAI No rE s tr ell'Iles / 50. OIF I TRA C 7- ;oc O. // ,4 c. Z 1.5401.02 / Alk" 4,c- M141V / T + zlr /z i r ta') -3 -301 150 . ol?, TRA C r O. // A c. PRO k4 Z Or d5. 02 150,02___ ,c3l %t N. w 7 s T. gzocx 52N WW1, 7-ON MAP OF MUMI OR JS NO r,5 5 CO-171, faoirlf based al-2 al-2 assatned 0/ Wialnl' 17?0,1741Me/71 11r7eS- �& "IFIRP AIF N llrTrr gr SeC1,101-7 97 LA 21 m COA15ZIZ- z KNO& AZZ- NZFAV 71 /984/ 13, Flick' OAOE COZJIVrK RI.A' The Slt-eel as 61-lown Me PZ/,b//'C for llo42e ,411 crew eleCll-I'C 0/7L7 L -2111 've CCor 6 j-V/ E 410 Sif OWNER /0/- A r alloch&-:21 4,14-f 1he IN WITIVESS "Z7-ROPOZ-17A-Al Z)AjOI-J, P4 A T- 900A` *Now TION -LAS o,glocA_/lfliar»iNorth (pg B, Pq. / Dade County,C/o J IC - .Ulf A. 14KO WSIV, RICE, 1A AR I P4 A ilk 5 YORS 33155 60'Q�4�/,ci RY 19841 C017-7177155101-' 7 IVAV SZ-CTION J/// Z_ A 5 /0 oa - NOR 71-11 accOl IV 0/ /V / 1,12 131loCK 141 / e p&z2l;c lqecol-alg o/ Jade cozil-7 i rRICrIolvs: plol?11_1'7�y, apacbeol /)/O� loqelll7e %ere on ire Z1 ZJ5 0 0/ e /0 loelaOl - t7lS 117el� /0 //? calo Aq w _00,/, Phis 1-117105.5 avvpro ve for temporary qUA?1101-79, . 5 rr1*9 except /0/ d Ih 'ovIlhIt? Isubdivision, n, 04 Ivs: / 0 0/_ 15a ce,-Iall-7 I 6/ of _51a /& 0 1121.6 117 acl., z5y //s lwayor o,-- 117Aesolu 1411,1h ll-ol-2 No 4-2 accordp r''% V Y Fl- OR1.0A I'llrY AfOA/. A A# Awl-11 - v t- OR 0 I'l '40 COA(5al- 7-i",AV(,= &.364 IZ,5 Nf Sf, AWON A1,4 MEN 5`1 7-11701 1.984 C0,145FC01 COUAITY PLA 7 40A 40 E The ,411 1-2ew -2 /f -5 T111 c IVO 1-2 O.PYNel? PL Ar 1he lo,,-111621" /o ,Vlc-e Z, TROP 0 Z- 7A- IV ,117-v MoAl. m 1r7 SeC11017 N!7 KNoN Al- 4 71, /,-7 l9g4, Aq /, rep/al OV Z-015 as recorded B R it 7- Y PL A 7- RN oA DE COUAI 0!, The a-5 1�e 411 ry 5el,911C IW177,4,5 w/// use /1"'? &7 C C <210 1-7 C e V No 1,�2alxvl.(Yelol &eI15- W/.//, Oil' 000lS a170111 0NZ:-,q IOLA 7- ayo/ 9av ,C 7-pOPOL 2A N OA O� 1 1 6- g�l 11,5 g",-Cl oz-/ Ala� PI,4 T- 90(' glo o * �g A/ of iic7n-21- Alo,-Ih (P 9 9, COUIfy Asp-KOWSKI,, 11VC IvIV45R5 VF, IIE yoqS - Pl_ A /i All? �54 I�Z OpIOA 3 3 /5 e-ARY 1984 650 J, pq, 0 Z"0 -� 0 .5 do C 7_10/V 3 1,45 -Iola Al IWAIR/c/o .�3,110 cK 0/ fader CO ZJ,*-,z • 7e of p /0,17 31TA? /C r/ 0 /V 5 and J�,Ulut-e /0 etc/Q/ use of 0/ 1,2 /0 117e ,hereby deyl-colely /0 successors or Io 612el-eol-) alc- /7ell"5, /0 1142 de dl 6- �01 Z9Y el-2 r- il -0 ivh -2 01 loltemporary - 011VI51 01? 1_4,716'56 a16Pr_Oye or soh a// Y/5/0/7, eXC /o/ )ed e shover/ by 117 Atha lneol,, of ir/}ress lqoaa12, a as�//// & 6( _11 , -, 0/ 11, //95 rnal�,21e12/17?a11-)1e1-201?Ce OV for' The C0415eal 0 r) of Me S/ a le 0/ QSI fs Ma or or zl�_Y,��)O,,-d of CO�_11-71Y acb-,12 J.l,/ accol-010,2ce j411ilh Xe5o1Li/',,01-2 A/!? Z) 199 !V, FZ_ ORAOA glo c Ir 4'9 N of 411 -)Ocle 6"Out7ly Flo .0 KO M5KI; R1 C �C- 1- HC -4 A IVIVER5 _Y: Y01,5 IWIAM� ICZO,?lz94 33155 Z 8 UARY 1984 vx -301 _3 5 --o;v;v SZC TION 3' 49 N IVII-4101 NOR 7- ccora�l* /0 e 117e Public A:2ecorda ofOade G'o �,y, F/orro`a. 7RIC TIO 14/5: ,sfaoher/ 14?101 109elher W/117 0// rr, 616&1001ed /0 the lVePel4lal use of SZ�"CCOSSO'-.,5 01- //�e CledlCallor,5, (heir heJrs, -21 -2u e 0' by /0 kv for -em a/o/o/ ileol -75. lhl-5 Or 01? exce %0 e75 Z11,-2eg ol-2 lire -2 -le -4)Wce 0 2, j, IVI.5101-2 0IX2, SfC�fe of Oy, (0urq/y C01771nls siorrers qccol alal-2ce /-Yj I'LORIOA OC/A�? its lwayol-- or ivllh xeoolull,or? N!? A 1,)e 5 /,- 71-)& ge Me Circuit Goc�rf le I ti fAq. cl/)ry A7W. ACKNOWLEDGEmeNT.- 012 to me /0 /0 me, //90/ 1176�1 execz-1/',5'6,/ ized al7al 1,017el-5 (371" A,OPR 0 i1A Z- 5: 0/ //;,- Cl'/mil 0:" CO(j-1c" 0/ 1771' C T171*5 1'5 lo ce,--I�y //70/ 1he "e Iro ,polllar> Dade C'oar� ,,cl /e d for reccral o/ ,cage —o",4 the 51ale ol,`-101-lda 0/20/ Ja� SLIR VE YOR'S R r/ Y CZ7P at2a, correcl 015") mal 1,77( AIA1.2A. W t 6?170' *17owl-2 110 me ,o /jp- /0 lzeo, a5 �f- '00cle /VY C01771V1551*0,-7 exal"A-C-5 A 101OR 0 YA 1- 5: o/ A5Y 0/ Re501U11O,'-) lVe -106753e& all, dog, o/ — sl,.q,-.7ed IN This /5 to Cer19py 111)al I/Y154 of lhe vel,--o /-7 'P011101-2 Dade coa ,,i--11&0! for L-2/ Po 0 _ f 1he Sfafe C/, VZ y oq JS 77)"1 I/Z:14?,Eg Y CZ:A `% er1 /L - 01,50 Mal", 1111V / 've, 1994-, Tha/ d� /his aYoy persor�c�//y appeared before me u/y au/hori�e ca' /o oa/hs ar>o' rage acx-17cw/eoer- ___ _ fo me we/i !'r? o wr7 /o be fhe 4-1"a yor 01-2d �a' Co�,f,�/y Cc�mmissior�ers 0/ Dade Cou��fy tr"ioridcr, yvh execufed tf�e foregoi;�y :i� sfru.�er�/ c���d acl rJow/ecgeof ame 05such of icer 5 af'1`er° t�eir�a h��eur�/o a'�/y� aufhc?�'_ ac/ QrJG' a'ee �� the_ saiol 900,"O' of Cour�/y C017717-215 - Nofary az/h/ic Sfote of F/oridc> f appears fo cor>, form /o a// fhe 1*11eY411 Ire/77er7/.5 of c4alo `er JV Chamfer 28 9,4 /he Code o. f' iYler�ro�oo/i/a�a Dade CoUr�ry. ,2ep/ o'ed,,001o�5 were occelofeo/ 0r7d arordve,d hby 112e C1fy Comr.7/5Si> oo fi5oY� _ 'a.7ager 'Q/ aPpeors fo toe. Gerf�ied VA Affe'.s / conform m o// re�uirerr�er�fs fh, s day � Ci�cJ C/erfc 914 Chaffer 28 DireCfor Oa o'e Co ur)/y pub/ic iYorks Deparfr�e�r 61'11' _ A 0 /994, o/ A/I, ire Boob of P/ars, Th15 p/a�i"P/ie 5 wi/h The low.5 of lot) Daq'`e Cotfy, �/ori o`u. C/erf� o,"^ C'our/ VA Delavll C/e,-A e ' o�'/ached plat Of OVA/' 7TONN I//L L A 5 SECT/ON 3 i5 a Prue %�s described hereor� as recer�//y surveyed u�rx'er our ir>dlca/ed 6vere sef org fhe G orr7,,V/ 5 Wi/h re uirerr, erJ15 r � ' INC. a _ to c/y C7 wP// d�r�oW"7 fo 6e The 4laryor eared fE Ull`}fer beir�� hereut�fo dr..r/�� Qufhvr= �;..s��c.� �'�cE7r.S - �` ,Notary public Stofe of F/oridc� C0/7f01'-M TO All The /^eqU%rerr�er�/S of Ch�,ofer ,� � 28 e the Code of Aoe�ro�oo/ifc» Dome CoUr>fy ep � "ore9oir19 dedicotior�s were accepted Arid aporoveal by a , fed by The Cif y Comm/ ss ion of MialnF/Orido, this _ al7ager / pp,oeors /0 �o'e. Cerf tied AIle s t cor70rm /0 a// re�ellrelner»`s lhi s day °f' city cie• •� orl'Chnpfer 2B ,4. D., /984( By Director Dade Cour>ty dub/ic Jlvorks Depar/.r�er»< A D /9B4, of 4i ire Booms -- 0 C0411-2fy, �"/orido. This/af comp/ie s with the /caws �r �o:� Ua de COUrJt F/Ori U�G�. yC/erlt 0/, �`he Circuit Cou��t /J o//oohed /af of OVER' T Ob,VN V/L 1- A S SEC T/ON 3 is a Prue °;tr/ descri6eaj f�ereor� �s recerjf/y surveyed U��der 0c1,- =' u>er7ce rr>or�u;�)urJ/5 inc%c afed were set ors the �'-`/' -/W 5&wr i-)ei'eor) comp/ie s with : requirerr�er��s of Chapter 'I! 'O , A; Rice INC. ay rr' '� ar�ci Surveyor /V ° 2 614