HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-1061.J-84-884 RESOLUTION NO. t311-1061 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED OVERTOWN VT1J.A`) F?CTJON e'. A :;TJf1,DJVJ ; a MJ IN THE CITY OF MI:AMI; AND t;(;CTTT1N(-, T111< DFIDICATI:ONS SHOWN ONI i) T F,Ar('FNG AND DIRECTING T IF? (: IT ';1TsT-1AC;I i T11) ("1 Ty CI_,ERK TO EXECUTE 7111F MA!' TvT11) 1 1;OVl1)1Tv1G FOR THE RECORDATION OF :SAID PLAT lt.i T111? PUBIJ(,' RECORDS OF DADE COIiNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Board and the Department of Public Works have recommended the acceptance of the plat: FLORIDA: NOW, THERE[')RE, RE, JT RUS)OL,VED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, Section 1. The plat entitled "Overtovn Villas Section 2" is a resubdivision of Lots 3, 49 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, and 18, 1lloc'_: 48NI, A.L. Knowlton Map of Miami, as recorded in Plat Book "B" of Pa ,e )11 of t.11c� Irnibl n, ccor,d of Dade County, Florida, all lying in Section 37, Township 53 r_ist, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida which subject plat bil is rj--dr part hereof as if fully incorporated herein and which plat toCether wi..th the dedications shown thereon, and the dedications to the perpetual use of the public of all existing and future planting, trees and shrubbery on said property, is hereby accepted and confirmed by the City of Miami., Florida. Section 2. The City Manager and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the plat and cause the same to be recorded in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of September, 1984. ATTEST: Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR CITY CLERK PREPARED A14D APPROVED BY: APPROVED AS TO 0 A COR ECTNESS: G. MIRIAM MAER LUCIA A. DOUG RTY ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CITY ATTOR Y CITY CG�4u:�iSSIQi MEETING OF CFf'tr 1c J Jh 4 '-Awik —,me i1A Nit. -J -A 3 3 PA is Howard V. Gary -T September 5, 1984 - City Manager "Overtown Villas Section 211 Resolution Accepting rropor�cd Record Plat, at. N.W, 5th Aveniie tlild 7 th t r t Do at For Commni,)ricon NicetinC of Director of Public Works September '20, 1984 The Department of Public Works recommends the approval of the plat by the City Commission of Miami, Florida, and certifies its correctness as to form. The proposed record plat entitled "Overtown Villas Section 211 is a resubdivision of a portion of Block 48 14 of A.L. Knowlton Map of Miami (B-41) lying in section 37, Township 53 South, Range 41 J East, City of Miam.L, -is Dade County, Florida. The plat co fists of 16 Lot: and ttic (2) Tracts having a total area of 1 .55 + -eres- It is zoned RG-9/0- This pl;t belint forwarded to your office for City Commission action. Also attach(-d -;rc -ollowing I 1 (--2 i itemized papers necessary to present the c City Comajission of Miami: the Plat (2) Print (3) 1)(:, tLin'tiC to subdivision (4) Oi,,s-* is i i (j f (5) pol- j,cji ol Sheet No. 36 showing colored in red property p I a L t (-- co'I WKB:tdt cc: Manuel Alvarez THE CITY OF MiAM1., FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS September 5, 1964 REPORT OF PROPO,'� .n lIr-,cmin Pt.,AT OF "OVE;RTOWN 2" A SUBDIVISION IN THEE CITY OF PMIAMI , FLORIDA The accompanying Plat entitled "Overtown.Vill.as Section 2" was prepared by Crowder, Mahoney, Makowski.. Rine, Inc. It is in eor,rcot. form for submission to Mac City Commission and is forwaraco with a recowm nda1-.1.on that it, be approved. PERTINENT I't FO,1311PTIONI HGARDINIG THE, PC AT'. ( 1) The prop< r-t-•y is n reoubdivision of a portion of Block A.t... F,nowlton i1ap of Hiami (B-41) Section 37, Township 53 South, Range 41 East, Miami, Dade County, Florida. (2) The location of the streets and the widths conform with the standards of the Department of Public Works of the City of Miami, Florida. (3) As certified to by FranK Makowski, Registered Land Surveyor, this Plat complies with the plat filing laws of the State of Florida. (4) The attachea Certificate of Title Examination dated August 16, 1964, sign d by iliurray A. Greenberg, Attorney, indicates that the f'ca sa..ip.i.c title to the property piatte,a is correctly vc ; tad in Hctropola_tarr Dade County and the Plat has been corructiy cxc:cutc,u. , (5) The area piatted is not encumbered by mortgages. 1� of Chapter 5u , Section In accord with the requirements (o) Florida an The Code of Tae City of Miami, a� r p of 54-j , This Agreement County• c �� eYec.ut:cd hY �,-.oc Agreement hta.s Ya-- n will County 1; da and Dade between t, r concrete pavement, ; a guarant:cc the at t a.tx triter ;t;orm ;3ewers and landscaping sidewaJ:lc, attrb the prapert:•y IaJ_�-�.t;r,ec� . red on the property is shown colored in (7) The J_ocati-ot�. of ^ Miami, Florida, �._. s.t� J.n Copyc:,f a portion oi' City af' accottap Y Zoning Sneet NO. �G ' tance zrcad fir the accep �E (8) The attached R°~solution nas beet)prep City Commission of Miami, Florida. a' of the Plat by the Walter K . Brown Cadastral Engineer WKS:tdt } t � R 2 EXHIBIT "B" AGREEMENBBET ErN THE CITY OF MIA1`1I' FLORIDA TO ACCOMPANY THE and DADE COUNTY FOR IMPROVErZENTS AT "OVERTOWN VILLAS SECTION 2" AND N.W. 4-5 AVENUES LOCATED AT N.W. 7_8 STREETS 330 sq. ASPHALTIC CONCRI�TE PAVEMENT 3,100 Sq. Ft. MOVE EXISTING SIDEWALK 460 Ft. REMOVE EXISTING CURB 2,475 Sq. Ft. NEW SIDE14AI,K 460 Ft. CURB & GUTTER (NEW) STOM SEA r R 50' of 3' Covered ditch LANDSCAPING imr;ediately behind 6 shade trees side,--alk NJ. , 7th Street 7 shade. t.rte i� �e ci«t:'ly behind sidewalk I':,ir, St'tt Street AGREEMENT FOR COrSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN I*MPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, DADE COUNTY, a political Subdivision of the State of Florida, (he-roinafter referred to is the I'Ownerl'), concurrently with the delivery oil' tlhi,s, Agrrc-rnenL, has, nplil-i-rd Co TTIE I L CT.TY (")F 'ITATIT, FLORTIM, Lo ;is trlhc "Cit-y'"), f-or f.Jr, 1(,(-,ept.'-Ince and confirum-it..j.on by the of sni-d Cityof ;i proposed plat of a subdivision to be known VTT V T , located on appro,,rimat.,�Iy N.Iq, 7-8 Streets --wid N.1-1. 4-5 Avenues ) a copy of which proposed plat is attached hereto and made a part hereof as h ibi L "A". WHEREAS, the execut:i-on of this Agreement by the Owner does not C� waive his immun4tv from taxes or special assessments; and WHEREAS, this Agreement when executed will testify to the Owne,r's intention to plat and install the required improvements as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the completion of the improvements as set forth herein will not be required prior to the acceptance of the plat by the City Commission. NOINI, THEREFORE,, the Owner hereby convenants and agrees with the City as follows: 1. Within one (1) year from the effective date of the acceptance and confirmiaic,io.,i of said plat by the Commission of the City, or prior to the issuz,r,,cc C11C City of ,f C(?fILifiC.ttC' Of OCCLI['alle), f0l: the premises, the 0--'Ir-,L,2- uill consLruct--, (-',r cz-,u,'u to ha-,,,e construcLedl at his own c: iid ii-i .iccord;ince k--,ith standard specifications of the City, the f listed iMPr0vc'ITIL-nt:s* Asphaltic caicrete pavownt, Mriove 1 existix�,, siiidcr..,3 z1Rai k, -ove existing curb, New sidcnwalkii curb & gutter, Storm sewer, and Landscaping. Although one year is allowed for the completion of the afore- mentioned improvements, it is not in the public interest that such 0 2 construction work should be prolonged to the extent that it would have a disorganizing effect upon the neighborhood. After the work is started, the Owner hereby a.gzees to prosAcut:e said worts progressively so j;s to co,,tpl.nte i_t i.n a OMIhl.e length of time. 7. The ' l i`f:l_ i i t ^+t: (, f nc—tlt; inry f'(,T- iny' tmi1cli_ng oi- buildings cons trucrcd (1,i i;li- [)'s"o[a':I"t:y (11_ it:t"( Cr' r1 1.Z i_ I (fit; [?" ;(1CC' ) ;; 1(' (;l Ly Builcii.rtr 1-1111_i.J_ t:fie �1c,%,�r ;- l�:�s rttl_l.y r�-�d f.•^i..t:aafr'.l_i_�, performed the ��or[: inr.c l_riar�.ce 1 i[z the t.ei_-ms o i�� t-[ii_4 ;reerilent and 1 has to the i,i.t.-_y ',Dep art:Iil(2nis of i.'rlb I.i•(.`_ �,To j-i-5 1 !.( t':tE 7: j-rom a Rea��tere L<_�.nd �lla���y�r cerL�_fyzn,, �li«t r_[�e Icl.((i•ir1-'tit. R :fcr,���ce Monuments i.ndi.catr_d on t'..e [)1.-'t har,117e T)cen and properly placed. ( IN WITNT:,SS tv3[EREOTF the Ogricr has authorized this Agreement � to be executed this _~``r' day of A.D. , 19`>. WIT`IESS : ♦ ♦ ♦ +R DEPUTE (.Ec,, +���•"�`� M.R. Stierheim, County Manager By Melvin' 4. Adams, Director HUD 4-1 1 . s � Approved and accepted on behalf of the City of ►tiami, Flor- ida, this day of A.D., 1984 WITNESS: _ �w By Howard V. Gary, City ManagerBy �� —= ►=�— Z( Donald W. Gather, Director of Public Works APPROVED AS TO CORRECT\TESS: City Attorney d kh 103.01-14 To Keith W. Betts Real Estate Coordinator HUD MEMORANDUM PATE August 16, 1984 susitay WROM Murray A. Greenberg First Assistant County Attorney Opinion of Title Overtown Villas Section 2, C.D. No. 9 You have requested an Opinion of Title concerning real property located in the Overtown Community Development Area No. 9. An application for final approval of the plan, in accordance with Chapter 28 of tho "Ietropolitan Code, is being 7rrepared. Section 28-8(d)(3) of the Code PrC)%7id(,s that the appliczation fo-- final approval zi-ius't acco—PLIlicd ))�' a "current. of title from an attorney alithcrized to practice law in thi, St�'-Itc." I,, compliance with th-`..- of 1-11c, Code-, I ccrtifv that I ja"-' an attorney ct4ce of 7 lori da. Dade Cokl'n �-'Ccu:!'-CCI tiltac in count.y eminent domain in No. 81-9364, Dade Cou*.,--., v. Jonathan, It ct lI to t ll(-'. V)j-op(3r'-.y Tno."'11 as rce 1 No 41-1, I'in;ll S-clptcmber 29, 19B"; Parcel 1:40s. 41-3, 4 Jilcicmellt tc ee on Scutlnber 29, 1982; 41-- ant.' '1 -1 11 la 1 Judrjment entered on October I I c c-, I do—cr-, ption!- of said parcels are attach(- U t I I f ;-it e to Parcel 11do. 41-2 pursuant Igo I 0F, tz and Florence n , I i,'ecorded in 0. R. Book 14o. 1111'..'(j ilt T) d. -n-'Ption of said parcel. i.,,, dtt:,ic-Iled j3 teems: title and upn�� tt"," U VI 1 of the opinion tlnit , covenants, 11ilititat-1"-"Ilt-, k�:.'i recor"7 or zoning reqiilation!-S, Doce courity 111-,s c(:)G(I 'illci 'ree- simple title to the ploperty MAG/ rk Attachment Murray I Greenberg 91= Parcel No. 41-1 North 100 feet of Lot 3, Block 48, MIAMI NORTH, according to the Plat thereof recorded in plat Book "B" at Page 41 of the de County, Florida. Public Recoi.ds of 1),a pi-i 1, -,",To , 41-2 The South 50 ,() t 3 and all of Lots 4, 5 and 6, in '�j, - Block 48, N�17ajl 1,10`Tll, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat "B", at Page 41, of the Public Records of Dade Ccunt,, Flcri6a. Parcel. No. 41-3 Lot 7, Block 48, MIAMI NORTH, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book "B" at Page 41 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Parcel No. 41-12 Lot 15, Block 46, m,170-11 NORTH, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book "B" at Page 41 of the Public Records i of Dade County, 171or-ida. Parcel 1"o. 41-13 Lot 16, Bloc)-, 410', 141.1-,141 NORTH, according to the Plat thereof recorded i.,, "B" at Page 41 of the Public Records of Dade Covmty, J1'.-"(-)2.,1d;1. . ilarcu-,1 !,(). 41-1.4 Lot 17, Bloc"!, 48', M,111.M! NORTH, according to the Plat thereof recorded iii 1"3-1 "B" at Page 41 of the Public Records of Dade Ccun-uy, I 101"Jild-1. I. Pcii-ce] No. 41-15 Lot 18, Bloci,. 48, NORTH, according to the Plat thereof .recorded in ill-t Book "B" at Page 41 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. k j It 3 - +'tn AA ! J A� �A t � ! 1� s 1 �� sty ! • � 3 � 4 ....,-_r--...�1 ,-�.--. _�* 1 t � Saw `�� �'d �f���--�" I � I � t 1 �•�{' �r l..l� 's" dtfa isF�I� f � -� € € -b 0 F A ' q $ b It • 1 Irk•' l�.. t) 1,�'•1+.`.1 R �.t� �S ` �-3. ,,,-. p"'"f.,f,,r• •t I r� 1 ` A .. ,Y rt _ ,' t -}•=: C.t-�-. ' - ,s , �• � e, \ � � ` I............. '� ry nl. f3 S Ii... ijiT A �� *• _ �... \\ tom, .!. .,,w,_,..--_.....m.e:.--�--- .......-.-« �. loon, j , �_. -•---- 4 • ppr.-,. _ `� � Q ..��_:? • \J3 Y 1rAIR - 3r . � � t l ��frf �_.�-r,•-"'--�-ate--'� 1 :. - .�.,m.,s � �� T t U �- { tso11 ~ kt Toni V NO f _ t t �TOAN VILLAS OVEN SECTION ?_ !, ZONED RG-2/6 ZONING SHEET #36 __ t.1't \�Nj �r•. Cr s Opel .r ' j,Y .. l _-•--•s,.,< ,r� �* t , its.. a l •;;..� ."�,>.W..- r i r i 2 i VIA '� {� 4f f 1 e 4i 1 l.J jj ', t I 0.1-r,.y rE" 4-'• y 161 � Y F .i I a: a.,z. • -^ F k ,-..11 C- \jt y :1 S• if � }i' i �k t1 i9 1 ' all li{' i w 1,, { 71:. +C �-' I I, _•y.l t �t � � L �' \`� � '�5 1 � t I 1 t k jtl4 i d (71 _ !�Y r i y � .�' 1 1 �I � � P,1'i'' ar f `.4 r s F a•� \ �, � : • a" 4 v t. � ,f ti f 1 � s - '1,•i Y. Y � t.. a- 1 -a ), + 5 `i• r J - T I -If- -- so N R144"I - - ------- - N, W. Z 0 CA 771ON IWA P Zzo i ?OkN lo"s 32.5' 44 14 Af e .54 rid 49 N . - LJ 7 -fly _a...._._. ------------ Z0 CA 7-ION .tom iao.oi'-411 " ��M",ffimqpm WIN MO., ------- N IlljvN v Se" ,?50.01, 8 -9 v.:U',e4'& 290-011 71?4 c r 10 0. 29 14C. t 13 14? 2-31 /0 I WR SCO 11,4 tail NOR TN �6 - 4/J BL X 33 N I It N. W. x. 290.011 r,?,4CT D ° 0.28 4c. f u ri6lry /9 / 25 I /0 4 a 9 on z O � 'O i L off- /3 A .IN 0/4 M/ NORT AI (B -4/) 9L ocx- 48 N L oT /4 37 Q) � o Q Lod- /3 � wl � wl IWA-4 IWI 11101?7-H ('9'-10(/) 9/- o c A, 49 /Y 230.01, 1-7 11. w 11 O 2 25 ` 0 3 25' UT/G /T Y 25' 25' 4 2oo.or' - 7RA C T df 0.221s1c. t 5 vTiciry 25' SEiYIENT T 25' lki Aw N. W. 71h S7: ti 7 4' .., YOT , OIA IWr FORTH (e - 41) 8 L 1r.fir• } - 'ion 4r. ",7 e rj CO/? /,- / 'Po ir7 I C/ o,-? are C S,5 ur,?? 0 met ZzlY 9" a �j lki ti 25, 97.51 la 7-RA C 7' E 200.01 1 14) 200.01" g 50. 0.31 //0 7-ZrS IWIA A/ NOqr1-1 (9-41) 31-1,(. /77 0 z-7L.11-n el? cor?11-01 po/ "7 /ty C u cf) &Ilaml t"O,-74,1177 e,-7 *Ila,-nl* anor2amel7l /'r70- A-) C R-opv �/, COA(SIJZ TWO Fig E Ng 461 AONO W A L L "46N 0 y 776", 7/20/ 1984, , as ce?z1,5eo1 to be rnao(,-� re,0101 o/ Count` f/oridc�. cozINry PZAr kli' The c o/ No 11*2oll ld.:re-71 sw/rrlm' 00115- OWNER PL A r RES 112c- Tn. aRp"-0,V& Cl AIOII-2 e, xo ,,-oad tyl 5 IN uVE,tr ACNE B = Wf' 0 / c a U..7 Oil L fhP fh€r�o p.5 ,--ecorof��' i _ �o/cif q '- 1 �✓r �f1 ii�++ �9 Is as frez.s r'�ru�a r al-)d % , CAS .S /✓ Ji%J' J= Y / _ --- -- - I �/ ! / 4 �/ ICY L/ 1 � �� / UtA � /♦ / / ! / I / :-.;.. i S:,�ti rr ' //V s Mayor" vr.. r-4..4 T R 0 0/f' F��,l_LAS SEA'%/ON 2 L""rT :;fix 1­ / , / a 0/ 4910C'R 49 N of0/ - aln /* North, A I- e-I � P- M4KOWSIU, RICe, INC- A YOR5 - PI-ANNeRS YR VE, to /0 1,10 40 F77".7--7 20' /7 117e 51,01e CIO to d 0/7 Z, I "AF COW171�1 47010,10 loild5WrOWAI VIZ I-A5 52FOTION ?& 5a172e /j; 17 read Ig 172 91OCAr 48 N of IWI,41WI Ne,7,q7l-1, caccOra'in to 9coA- 9 41 V The Publc. A?ecO 0/ 117&1' h&I'l%s /his 1-1121e,55 ,V,O ,--o Ye "\.,/O/- y 0/, /o/5 as 5hOW17 0,05hea, - - or7d f'? C-11-2 lh& 0110C-hed doAlQI 41--e /;,"0/, /'&/7, rce 0/ fhe P, C; glocA49 N of Oaln lNorlh '141 wl-7shl Ra, q RIC 0 49 K Y MAKOWSKI, RIC46, INC Tk T V- YO RS - P/- A IVNeRS 4/I 41 1.994 40 A) . ol-7 lea/ ot7 v coul-71a of D�TH/�aco'ordina&51e ro;YIV J//Z A5 S401 I in 9/0 0 /( I N gr IWI M& c 0/ s gooA- 41 of 1/0 771ONS Plan ///7y, 0,-70 a.1 /0 ;V///) Ival a5e law C,� I ch c,),-) ly, k 1,0101,10ye excepl 1015 0,6 VO/9 /wa, / 0/5 /0 the 12,?o The 51a,16' 0 0/ 1171"c 17 'I NA gy WS goord 43r Coe,"'71Y C<! aJ O , III I A C leA10 WILE a1201 CO /77 7,11- 7 26-7) /WY 1he C//:y 71-7/5 plal WOS Re 5 o /'/'o 1-2 A 19 7-h/*5r is lo cerly�� //7c?/ /I Cy 117e A4&1l'-01OO11'1a17 pale Cr r for I-ecot-a' The 0 117e YO cl,�FR T A101-1 iv e a ar I �s A CAO'1VO W1. E490 EMEN ;� ` 5"fr,� �`� o, f' F"J�a ri d� p 1-26,--5 0/ OaCiP rC)U, Arty C01771771'551*017 N Q� Z� t Q� Q (Z O -/V 0 W; All ARIOROkIAL5.* 71--�1.5 /5 /0 Cel-lvy 17-1-1201 "'fli-A -a? 46 This Re.5 o lu bo /-7 day /,5r 1*5 lo cerlyy de 0/ 1h of the -0 oC04-�r, /,cileol fol- I-eco'd IbI * 9 paye 0j, pllbllc Rec, 117e fe Of 019d a17 a/ Pe,,,* to A/0 v e rl )- J-- pol-laa R 44A t 6 RO The 19Y CF --50, --c 717al o/-? Phis dOz 17 aa1hq,-/Zcd to oa/"Inl5lel- 00//75 01201 yak � 0(71- 7Of0 0 cv, hc A-0, /98-4- Nolal--y Pzjhllc 15 /47 le r� Pears /0 co%�,770 e/7 I e 4roal-71 9// of the l 2(:9 j W"re OCCdoleolI aoaqv proved by 0;�Pruoby /he Clly Comm lss'ol? Se Rlam/' Florida, 11i9 Oa ale Ar'lesl �Cil .q Clerk /0 0012 0,,-In to all re�zllrq el e "flo 1994 c /Or 'e9a0l'. COL11?ly Pahlic Nol-R5 Oeoar-Imel7l ,4D Book` ©M P/a /.5, cot7WII'es with Me law6r Cle,-I(- of 1he m Ae,o411y cle.,-Ir ollached plal ol oj1E,?;rog11V ;III-l-A5 5,5CTION e /s Ira& :5*&/ ol� 1he IS d4 oe ne171-1 7776 CMI-K of A/w gy CZA'7 0"? 117/5 O/ay A-2 .5, Who exec"Ied d 1176) 0-13 911CAP �' / ce� 5,- ev/? A 1.994 OY 0/ A D, 1984 Nala,--y / /'0 -- -4 5 pp&o,--s /0 cl�o, /e, lWel,,-0,00111017 Z2001e A D. 1994. a? f'vreat7ol a ,p 49 acc ,pro Ile ev 6y qoll2q, o C tn' '�Ijpleor by //7, c11V ol la /, ,4tlesl .9/a/ q ,&�aear.5 lo lo all boye. 15^ily Clerk re uirerr�er»'�s of 012alle,- 2,9 A. - 199W --eclat- ------------------ /)a c /a corn 0/ Dade COU/-)/Y loll,es With Me laws d& CO U,2 C/"-Czj// -,-c7 - /O/v 2 -Oivlv & cl,�Ioched P/a/ 0/ Ovz:/i -, --*el-" AL / v6 --e lap col-),)DII, s �v// Ic-RANA"" id/ -I a -1 Ar, RICe INC. N? ;?1914