HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-1056J--84-631 9/24/84 RESOLUTION NO. %711-056 A RESOLUTION CLOSING, VACATTNG, ABANDONING AND DISCONTINTITTIG Tiir: PTTRT,T(7 usi nr Ti3r 15' EAST/WFST WTTV 7 T A1'1'F?O TM1\i R LEI GTH OF 310' (PROPO %,t) Tf) RE (',i,S`.`iJ J? 1' DWI`, (7011T.IrU) AND APPRO<:TF r T1'.i,'r' 1001 11C?1?TIl OF T1 T i7ORTH RIGHT--0i`•-_1,177\ : IJITIIF OF tltli: ti:'1;:;T 36', ti Ti':EET BETWEEN 'TOR T W,IF-•�-T 29911 COUT T Ar,'D NORTITkIEST 30TH AVi NFT1 r i,T,T, rl OF APPROVAL OF TENTATTVI P1,AT 1` 1.21.5, ' 7N()€l<1 '.TT(1f, TO 1'1CRES." WHEREAS, the Miami, 7,oninq Poarc.! at its mceting of June 4, 1984, Item No. 4, tol-lowing in advertiseCi hearing, adopted Resolution ZN-44-84 by a 5 to 0 vats, RECOt9MENIDING official vacation and closure of a portion o,`- an alley as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that it is in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its inhabitants to grant the vacation and closure of the street in question and deems it advisable to do so; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. That portion of the 15' east/west alley with an approximate length of 310' located south of Northwest 37th Street (proposed to be closed by Dade County) and approximately 100' north of the north right-of-way line of Northwest 36th Street between Nort:h%. e:o.t 29th Court: .nd Igorth1,,est 30th Avenue, all as a condition of: approval of tentative Plat it'1215 NORANTON 10 A ' C itE `',, l :r il(_'rC big closed, vacated, abandoned, and disconti.nu(td f()t• I)ubliC use. PASSED ltND AI)i.il'`I`ED this 20th day of Se )t(:l)ber , 1984. -ATTEST: Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERR ,. Mayor RA H G. ONGIE City Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: G. MIRIA.M MAER Assistant: City Attorney APPROVES Ara, TO 07R LUCIA A. DOUGHERTY City Attorney AND CORRECTNESS: Xi1:1Eliliiwti G - SEP 20 $93 GMM/wpc,/pb/2 8y 8' —1 4 , KGso�un„ ;,-�- ---_- ..._s REW% hN , U CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Howard V. Gary ;'.ATE June 5, 1984 FILE: City Manager OUBjECT RESOLUTTON - RECOMMEND APPROVAL STREET' CLOSURE KL E-W ALLEY S OF N14 37 ST BETWEEN FFER EN t: NW 29 CT V "10 !WE 1' - I c 0 Director Planning an d Zoning Boards COMP MHSSIC11f ENDA - JULY 31 1984 Administration Department PLANNING AND 70N11,,G ITEMISS It is recommend by the Zoning Board that the request for the Official Vz,cation and Closure F7 FF-F­ 'T. �') 5 01 o T "T­ of 1.11W 17 to be closed) On,' 1.00' north o' 1,'­ 'icid, of -way I in e MF 1 J" e e n L L, 14W 29 C(,-Iur-, ;11'�, "10 Avcnue be apprvcel. The Zoning Board, at its il,ee I i rig g of June 4, 1984, Item 4, following an advertised hearing, ads ptcd uti oll, ZB 44-84 by a 5 to 0 vote, recomending approval of the Official Vacation and Closure of the 15' E-W alley with an aprroximv,., ler-olth of 3'01 located south of 14W 37 Street (proposed to bo closed? by D&c!,,l County) a_nd Zipproximately 100' north of the north riqht­of-t,­4 od' IL! 3,6 Street bet%,r,cri NW 29 Court and 114' 30 Avenue; as <i conditicni of L.11-Twovall of Tentative Plat #1215, ':f-IORANTONIO ACRES". One prc;', o c: t Backup,,, it uri 1�­c ;1 � :�k irl i-- for %,our review. A RESOLUTI�WN to t,ruvide for the above has been prepared by the City Attorncy'� Office and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. AEPL: I I I cc: Law Department NOTE: Planning Department recommends: APPROVAL AdP%, • ZONING FACT SHEET LOCATION/LEGAL The E-W alley located south of NW 37 Street (proposed to be closed) and approximately 100' north of the north right-of-way line of 1414 *11.6 Street between 'IM 29 Court and N1W 10 Avenue All of Rl"ock 3 EVERGREEN LA14INS '`3 (21-70) (A/K/A Tc, otative Plat P1215 - "NORANTONIO ACRES") OWNER/APPLICANT REQUEST RECOMMENDATIONS Susan Nori,,ntonio 1728 SW 21, Sti-cot Miani . FL 33145 Walton, Lantaff, Schroeder & Carson Attn: Chali,,iers R. Wilson 2655 Ro,,d, Ste 1103. Coral Grjbl(s, Fl- 3-35134 Phone #854-1507 (Attorney for applicant) Phone #379-6413 The Off i (i �-, I �.,,caticn a-nd Closure of the 15, E-W alley vni".1-, I- ' pprox-0,,i.5te lcngth of -33J.0' located south of s I` `7 5treet (PrI-1,poscd to bc, cloose-A by ,J Dade Cou!-o -1,0-1 -OPWOMm,,7Acly '1.00' north of the north rightl-of-aay line of EdP4 3G Street between NW 29 Court and tJ'W 30 Avenue; as a condition of approval of Tentative Plat #1215, "tJORANTONIO ACRES" PLANNING APPROVAL. The subject alley only serves the agu'ttinq property owner and is not deemed necessary for the overall public interest. The abutting properties are adequately served by adiac(�tit public street--. PUBLIC WORKS Dedication is r�ciuired by plat. PLAT AND STREET Plat and Street Coi)h0ttee recovituends approval. COMMITTEE ZONING BOARD At its meeting of June 4, 1954, the Zoning Board adopted Re,,:olutioh ZB 441-84 by a 5 to 0 vote, recomending approval of the abuvtf- CITY COMMISSION At its i,,ieetinq ul Juiy 31. ttle City Commission continued action on tAie above. 84-10,5-f-TJ IN. f 34 0- 7 'X sR X, ILI 72: Q 7 7 7 M 7 7, ST. 13 1 23 0 ST 1004 7,. 2 F4 ��4 216o, 2 ST I 7 3 24 23 14 17 11 as ZO 21 �Z° 23 2 S T. ZB June 4, 1984 AS 18 AP j-18 The cast —west alley 3 j in the block and NW bounded by NW 36 & 7 St 30 \vo �ind ... ...... I VIV ri it }yam �E (a Ito. LIMA j), I YAW" MUM Ths fF ply py "N", Olt M -m r a "oil r j ATT g. A SW A. ITATTA" 0, �j y5' TWA Rills An Y 0 WIN n oil. Inby-, V I — 1., 7 1 '� l:, �! 'NOW ij ".mum In 'v_�j OF iF atoll r AS A 4 Y45 4 ­"nt vais 7-7 T loll z rr A! AVY Q-y Chi! 0:(j 4 , R" EN &XQ un,14"L4 i a Ivy 14, K4 0W -j-'A Xal. Inn 0 to A gap q 7 7 r.F :aIS FM 1 77 H MY" too" f COCA, n W q'�a hympow VMS Who f 0-, 1 1 ir A r! FT[ FARM vr hill W e USSR= lily tj mul SON 20 TWA J. AS 18 7�7_7�7'77­77 3A Z 3 3 _77 A P J-18 AW. x mv west alley in che block -7-,-7 77-.­7East 7he 5 S 37 Sol and 44 ilk by NU 3 4o n AFFIDAVIT e STATE OF M- RIDA) SS. Op= OF DADF, ) Before me, the undersigned authority, this day persorLally appeared __Cttt:.TMER R- 1%7T^SON - who berg by me first duly sworn, upon oath, dc F arc ^ � ­'i 7-`7Y o.1. the ' owner, 8s requa.rod by Or -din-)) -cc tao. 9500 of tl c Code of hrC _;'Y of 1-ith;zi , Florida, effecting; tic rc-a1. l�7 ��� 'r ,v locatr;.-I in t hr City of as cic-..cri..bed and listed on: t_,itc I- r 'at.tnchD-, to i.l�is affic3a��a.t at rj mknd� t t.h^rc of.. ; ?. `I n- t ,r v , }i` vc 1 1. ven their full and. co7rD1_etc ^rr _ .� :i_o Lor 1t. r� ,c� act a_n t}; �i.r i,ehalf for " he chazZe or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set, out in the acconpan�-.ing gctition. 3. That the pages attached hereto and mde a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, phone nunbers and legal descriptions for the real property which he is the owner or legal representative. 4. The facts -as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. _'& ;WU2E AL) (Name) Chalmers R. Wilson Sworn to and Subscribed before me this r% d,�-iy of / %") 19 8 4 Notary �y, F'�zt� a.c , 171 orida at Large `(pry Co.^raission Zees: T', Ry ^t!''.LV: STATE OF FLORIDd 1uLY 30 1986 8— • OWNER'S LIST Owner's Name Susie Norantonio Mailing Address 1728._S._W._21st Street, Miami- --LQ -ia, Telephone N+fmher F30--1. 507 _ Legal Description: All of it3locks 2 and 3, EVDRGRFE1-; T-,AWN S NO- THREE, P1-a.t Doak 21. at Page 70, Dade County, Florida. Owner's Nrime Mailing Address _ Telephone Number Legal Description: Owner's Name Mailing Address Telephone Number -' Legal Description: Any other real estate property owned individually, jointly, or severally (by corporation, partnership or privately) within 375' of the subject site is listed as follows: Street Address Legal D:�scription Street Address Street Address Legal Description Legal Description DISCLOSURE OF asNERSHIP 1. Legal description and street address of subject real property: All of Blocks 2 and 3, EVERGREEN LAWNS NO. THPUEE, Plat }look 21 at- Page 70, Dale County, Floridn- 2. of mlhirr-C pcop'rty 1r,.i rc. n -, ) ownership. r r7 Q n r r- Note: City (--)',r '0.1Mi 01,-6iT!:!,-1C'- NO. 943.'? of; all parties E—aving a finanrillil i1n'(*J-'7:f-:St*.' cit-Iler dircct- DT- in thr-, subject matter of 0- Cilty ion. Accordingly, qn(,,sLion of all sharcliolders of corporations, 1 neficiarics otrust-, and/or any other interested parties, together with tlicir ary-1 proportionate interest. Susie Norantonio, 100% 3. Legal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question #2, and (b) located within 375 feet of the subject real property. X%I=X,XX AZ F44EY MR Covl�R CHALMERS R. WILSON STATE OF FMRIDA SS: COMWY CP DADE - I CHALMERS R. WILSON # being duly sworn, deposes and says Mac he is the: K94�LIX) (Attorney for Owner) of the real property described in answer to question #1, above; that he has read the foregoing answers an, that ene sit z- are true and axi,plete; and (if actirrg as attorney for owner) tl*'�'-L be Itz-S authority to execute tjiis 1)-isclo.-sk)re c,,7 4 D'alership form on behalf or tlie oviner. - SWOM TO -LIM SUBSCRIDED before me this day of a 984. My CWKISSrON EXPIRES: ­ . CV0 ( 1 NZ:nie ) CHALMERS R. WILSON sc"E�.e or Florida at Laxk3e Y T,� itC - C STATE OF IfOk,'D,( 04SUZANCE UND 1936 (Op-�'trx*rl 84 10sc STATE OF FMRIDA ) SS ,r CCLIN,rY OF DADE ) ' beiNF duly sworn► deposes and of says that he as A auly appointea y described in answer teStI n above; � the owner of the real. prcrca qti "ham Ln .nc}o n ar'swerst that the same are true and com— that he hastcy plete; and that he h the authority to execute this Disclosure of owner ship fore on behalf of the owner. (SEAL) Name S�Q,;V iV pl D SUB PI BED before me this day of "-'1�598 • aWwpc/ab/G25 • '7=t -16 �4 ._.�. � f.-fa..ndw�.....ata�`'�r��.�r����ts•�!�Riy`s 1 u"'�?�•�°�''?�51... ��'"" il:,'..,�r. �-:.'Y�.�4� ���7e�T"." , -�_,.;Vx�s-,i•�_.�C_�R1'�f-Y;,.a.�s�•ir— �L: �ir'iL% �..r.irh:r��n :r .w.. �.•. I hereby authorize and empower CHALMERS R. WILSON of -= the law firm of Walton Lantaff Schroeder & Carson to represent me as my attorney in fact in making application for public hearing and appearing before the City of Miami Zoning Board for the vacation of that certain 15 foot alley in Block 3 between N.W. 29th Court and N.W. 30th Avenue and separating Lots 3 and 14 from Lots 4 through 13, inclusive. �i • SUSIE NORANTONIO SWORN TO and SUBSCRIBED before me this -�� day of VI�,C . 1984. My Commission Expires: NO RY PUBLIC, State of rlq ida at arge Notary Pu5!;c, ru ---te 06 I : ..act tag^ o toy ,I I 'l'