HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-84-1107�IbbER TOTAL wYONNT M ♦� MIRI Construction, Inc. 7340 S. W. 121 St. Miami, Fl 33156 C $1,210,893.81 5% BB M. Vila & Assoc. Inc. 100 W. 56 Street Hialeah, Fl 33012 A $226,129.01 C $1,118,219.31 5% . BB Delta um ng Corp. 7044 S. W. 8th Street Miami, F1 A $246,139.00 B $757,795.00 C $1,238,546.00 . 5% BB P.N.M. Corporation 3780 N. W. 22 Ave. Miami, F1 33142 A $256,497.01 B $742,317.95 C $1,210,254.81 5% BB FRE Construction Co. 6767 N. W. 74 Ave Miami, Fl 33166 A $267,937.51 B $737,727.65 C $1,263,279.51 SX BB Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. 2027 N. W. 7th Ave. Miami, F1 A $298,195.00 B $933,576.00 C $1,543,486.00 SX BB Ocean Bay, Inc. 44 Ocean Bay Club Dr. Ft. Lauderdale, F1 A $317,022.00 B $828,940.00 C $1,560,146..00 5% BB Garcia -Allen Construction Co. P. 0. Box 876 Miami, F1 33144 A $356,768.35.00 B 1,014,982.95 C $1,640,119.11 SX BB. NOW •,;;j{. .are • ��_ � ; j�",9 IMPORTANT--ADDENDUM--RE C E I VE D • CITY OF MIAMI9 FLORIDJ904 SEP 28 PH 29 Department of Public Works i, "} ADDENDUM N0. 1 r' Y 0 �`'VA }, FL d. ISSUED September 28, 1984 TO BIDDING AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I H - 4494 ALL BIDDERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: The date set for opening bids on this project has changed. Bids will now be received and opened by the City Commission and the City Clerk at 11:00 A.M. October 10, 1984. THIS ADDENDUM IS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SHALL BE MADE A PART THEREOF. Donald W. Cather, P.E. Director Bid No. 83-84-124 VM!f'" E T FOR BIDS • Sealed bids for consttt Pn -of EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I B-4494 will be received by tKe AdPLpy Manager and the City Commission of the City of Miami, Floilool. at-. 11:0� a.m. on the 11th day of October, 1984 at the City ComtN is�6aWbers, first floor of the Miami City Hallo 3500 Pan AmerieAFiYrL';.f-1,Dinner Key, Miami, Florida 33133, at which time and place they wi` fl-i%,publicly opened and read. Briefly, the project will include the construction of approximately 3.6 miles of streets in the area bordered by N.W. 62 Street, N.W. 71 Street, N.W. 2 Avenue and N.W. 5 Court. Construction will include the following: clearing and grading, construction of asphaltic pavement, concrete curbs and/or gutters, concrete sidewalk, storm sewer facilities and landscaping. The engineer's estimate for this project is $1,900,000. The project will be divided into different phases, estimated as follows; Bid "A" - $217,000; Bid "B" $6400000; Bid "C" $1,0439000. New requirements will allow bidders to furnish a performance bond in accordance with resolution No. 84-423 and a bid bond in accordance with Resolution No. 84-873. For technical questions regarding the plans and specifications please contact William A. Mackey, P.E., Highway Design Engineer, at (305) 579-6865. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. The first set of plans and specifications may be obtained free from the office of the Director, Department of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street (4th Floor), Miami, Florida, on or after September 13, 1984. Additional sets may be obtained for a- $30 v deposit for each set. Deposits will be refunded only upon return of plans and specifications, unmarked and in good condition within two (2) weeks after the opening of the bids. Prospective bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9775 regarding allocation of contracts to pinority vendors. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc., 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 2129 telephone 754-4903 or Allied Black Contractors Association, Inc., 6118 N.W. 7 Avenue, telephone 758-4554, if they require assistance in preparing their bid packages. includes the time of performance, and specifications for liquidated damages for failure to complete the Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and readvertise. Req. 0668). i' Licitaci6n No. 83-84-124 AVISO DE LICITACION Propuestas selladas para EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT -PHASE - I 9-4494 seran recibidas por el Administrador y la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, a mas tardar a las 11:00 a.m. el die 11 de Octubre de 1984, en la Camara de Comisi6n, primer piso, ayuntamiento de Miami, 3Soo Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida a cuya hors y en Iuyt0 lugar seran pGblicamente abiertas y leides. Este proyecto comprende: la construce16n de aproximadamente 3.6 millas de calles, en el area de la N.W. 62 Street a la N.W. 71 Street, entre la N.W. 2 Avenue y N.W. 5 Court. La construcc16n incluira to siguiente: limpieza y nivelaci6n, pavimento asffiltico, contenes y/o cunetas de concreto, aceras de concreto, facilidades Para drenaje pluvial. E1 estimado de construcc16n pare este proyecto es de $1,900,000. E1 proyecto se dividira en tres Eases diferentes, con los siguientes estimados: "A" - $217,000-, "B" - $640,000; y "C" - $1,043,000. Nuevos requisitos permitiran a los lieitadores proveer un bono de cumplimiento de acuerdo con la Resolution No. 84-423 y un bono de licitaci6n de acuerdo a la Resoluc16n No. 84- 873. Para preguntas t6enicas acerea de los planos y especificaciones llame a William A. Mackey, P.E., Ingeniero de Diseflo de calles, al (305). 579- 6865. Todas las licitaciones seran sometidas de acuerdo con las instrucciones a los licitadores y las especificaciones. E1 primer juego de planos y especificaciones podra obtenerse gratis en la oficina del Director de Obras PGblicas, 275 N.W. 2 Street, (4to. piso), Miami, Florida, a partir del 13 de Septiembre de 1984. Juegos adicionales podrin obtenerse con $30 de dep6sito. Estos dep6sitos seran devueltos Gnicamente si los planos y las especificaciones son devueltos sin mareas y en buen estado, dentro de un plazo de las dos (2) semanas siguientes a la apertura de las licitaciones. Se le avisa a los interesados de las provisiones de la Ordenanza No. 9775, la cual se refiere a la otorgac16n t•de contratos a minorias. Aquellos contratistas/pequeflos negociantes de minorias o de zonas objetivas que est6n interesados en presentar sus propuestas pueden eommunicarse con el Contractors Training and Development, Inc. en el 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, tel6fono 754-4903 6 con Allied Black Contractors Association, Inc., 6118 N.W. 7 Avenue, tel6fono 758-4554, si requieren asistencia para preparar sus licitaciones. Las propuestas incluyen el tiempo de ejecuc16n, y las especificaiones contienen provisos para daflos liquidados inourridos por falta de completar el proyecto a tiempo. La Comi3i6n de la Ciudad se reserve el derecho a descartar cualquier informalidad en cualquier licitaci6n, y el Administrador de la Ciudad puede rechazar cualquiera o todas las propuestas, y reanunciar. (B- 4494, Req. 0668). Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk .k t Bid No. 83-84-124 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for construction of EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT American , nnerey, Miami, Florida place they will be publicly opened and read. 8.4494 will City of at the 1, 3500 Pan 33133, at which time and Briefly, the project will include the construction of approximately 3.6 miles of streets in the area bordered by N.W. 62 Street, N.W. 71 Street, N.W. � Avenue and N.W. 5 Court. Construction will include the following: clearing and grading, construction of asphaltic pavement, concrete curbs and/or gutters, concrete sidewalk, storm sewer facilities and landscaping. The engineer's estimate for this project is $19900.00. The project will be divided into different phases, estimated as follows; Bid "A" - $2179000; Bid "B" $640,000; Bid "C" $1,043000. New requirements will allow bidders to furnish a performance bond in accordance with resolution No. 84-423 and a bid bond in accordance with Resolution No. 84-873. For technical questions regarding the plans and specifications please contact William a. Mackey, P.E., Highway Design Engineer, at (305) 579- 6865. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. The first set of plans and specifications may be obtained free from the office of the Director, Department of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street (4th Floor), Miami, Florida, on or after September 13, 1984. Additional sets may be obtained for a $30 deposit for each set. Deposits will be refunded only upon return of plans and specifications, unmarked and in good condition within two (2) weeks after the opening of the bids. Prospective bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9775 regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. Those minority or target area contractors/samll businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc., 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 2129 telephone 754-4903 or Allied Black Contractors Association, Inc., 6118 N.W. 7 Avenue, telephone 758-4554, if they require assistance in preparing their bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provision for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any { bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and readvertise. (B-4494, Req. 0668). Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk I it Licitaci6n No. 83-84-124 R E C E RI EIDITACION Propuestas selladas para EDISON HIG[WAY IMPROVEMENT B-�4494 serfin recibidas por el Admini4 8r-7y A110 @6misi6n de la Ciudad de NidMi, Florida, a mas tardae a las 11:00,a.m. el dia 11 de Octubre de 1984, en la CAmara de Comisibn, prf "PH iAOi- ayuntemiento de Miami, 3500 Fan American Drive, Dinner Key,_ - - ida a euya hora y en euya 1u8ar serAn pOblieamente abierta61T � - J!h ?_f Este proyeeto eomprende: la construcei6n de aproximadamente 3.6 millas de calles, en el area de la N.W. 62 Street a la N.W. 71 Street, entre la N.W. 2 Avenue y N.W. 5 Court. La construce16n incluirA to siguiente: limpieza y nivelaci6n, pavimento asfAltico, contenes y/o cunetas de concreto, aceras de concreto, f facilidades para drenaje pluvial. E1 estimado de construce16n para este i proyeeto es de $1,900,000. E1 proyeeto se dividira en tres fases } diferentes, con los siguientes estimados: "A" - $217,000, "B" - $640,000; y "C" - $1,043,000. Nuevos requisitos permitiran a los licitadores proveer un bono de cumplimiento de acuerdo con la Resolution No. 84-423 y un bono de licitaci6n de acuerdo a la Resoluc16n No. 84- 873. F ui Para preguntas t6enicas acerea de los planos y especificaciones llame a William A. Mackey, P.E., Ingeniero de Diseflo de calles, al (305) 579- 6865. Todas las licitaciones seran sometidas de acuerdo con las instrucciones a los licitadores y las especificaciones. E1 primer juego de planos y especificaciones podra obtenerse gratis en la oficina del Director de Obras Publieas, 275 N.W. 2 Street, (4to. piso), Miami, Florida, a partir del 13 de Septiembre de 1984. Juegos adicionales podran obtenerse con $30 de dep6sito. Estos dep6sitos seran devueltos unicamente si los planos y las especificaciones son devueltos sin mareas y en buen estado, dentro de un plazo de las dos (2) semanas siguientes a la apertura de las licitaciones. Se le avisa a los interesados de las provisiones de la Ordenanza No. 9775, la cual se refiere a la otorgac16n db contratos a minorias. Aquellos contratistas/pequePlos negociantes de minorias o de zonas objetivas que est6n interesados en presentar sus propuestas pueden communicarse con el Contractors Training and Development, Inc. en el 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, tel6fono 754-4903 6 con Allied Black Contractors Association, Inc., 6118 N.W. 7 Avenue, tel6fono 758-4554, si requieren asistencia para preparar sus licitaciones. Las propuestas incluyen el tiempo de ejecuc16n, y las especificaiones contienen provisos para daMos liquidados incurridos por falta de eompletar el proyeeto a tiempo. La Comisibn de la Ciudad se reserva el derecho a descartar cualquier informalidad en cualquier licitaci6n, y el Administrador de la Ciudad puede rechazar cualquiera o todas las propuestas, y reanunciar. (B- 4494, Req. 0668). Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk i 1 E . 3 E 01 •� �` i; on REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT This number must elder DERT/DIV Public Works _ _ in the advertis8fheitt. a 0668 AGCOUNTCODE Project 4315010 Index #310302-20 Bid No. 83-84-124 ' r DATE 8 13 0/ 8 4 PHONE 6 AS F, APPROVED ON: - — PREPARED BY Gene Pelaez _ r DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT Publish the attached advertisement One times. (number of times) Type of advertisement: legal X classified display (Check One) Size: Starting date Snntf-,tnt-it�ar 1 1' 1 ()R4 First four words of advertisement: Sri a l e r1 h ; d - f n r c��ii �t r uc t f an DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. LINE PUBLICATION DATE(S) OF ADVERTISEMENT INVOICE AMOUNT 0 A-1 B-2 C-3 , D-4 E-5 F3 F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LINE NEMM TRANS VOUCHER YDUE DATE DD Adv. Doc. Reference VENDOR- INDEX CODE OBJECT PROJECT 11 13 1 11718 1 125.34 39.42 145 50,51 5657 62 63 65,66 71 0 1 2 4 1 VIPVIPI I I I I 1 1 12 10121218171 1 2 314 7 8 V P 12 314 116 DESCRIPTION 36 DISCOUNT 69 72 AMOUNT 80 5 2 0 10 12 10 11 I Approved for Payment White - Purchasing Green - Finance Pink - Department i i 211 _r IJ Bid No. 83-84-124 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for construction of EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE - I 8-4494 will be received by the City Manager and the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida at 11:00 a.m. on the 11th day of October.,_ 1284_ at the City Commission chambers, first floor of £he -Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida 33133► at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Briefly, the project will include the construction of approximately 3.6 miles of streets in the area bordered by N.W. 62 Street, N.W. 71 Street, N.W. 2 Avenue and N.W. 5 Court. Construction will include the following: clearing and grading, construction of asphaltic pavement, concrete curbs and/or gutters, concrete sidewalk, storm sewer facilities and landscaping. The engineer's estimate for this project is $1,400,000. The project will be divided into different phases, estimated as follows; Bid "A" - $217,000; Bid "B" $6409000; Bid "C" $1,043,000. New requirements will allow bidders to furnish a performance bond in accordance with resolution No. 84-423 and a bid bond in accordance with Resolution No. 84-873. For technical questions regarding the plans and specifications please contact William A. Mackey, P.E., Highway Design Engineer, at (305) 579-6865. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. The first set of plans and specifications may be obtained free from the office of the Director, Department of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street (4th Floor), Miami, Florida, on or after September 13, 1984. Additional sets may be obtained for a• $30 deposit for each set. Deposits will be refunded only upon return of plans and specifications, unmarked and in good condition within two (2) weeks after the opening of the bids. Prospective bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9775 regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc., 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, telephone 754-4903 or Allied Black Contractors Association, Inc., 6118 N.W. 7 Avenue, telephone 758-4554, if they require assistance in preparing their bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provision for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and readvertise. (B-4494, Req. 0668). Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk x - - i w Licitacift No. 83-•84-124 AVISO DE LICITACYON Propuestas sellodas pars EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT -PHASE - I B-4494 serAn reeibidas par el Administrador y la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, a mas tardar a las 11:00 a.m. el dia 11 de Oetubre de 1984, an la C6mara de Comisi6n, primer piso, ayuntamiento de Miami, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida a cuya hors y en cuyo lugar serAn publicamente abiertas y leidas. Este proyeeto comprende: la construce16n de aproximadamente 3.6 millas de ealles, en el area de la N.W. 62 Street a la N.W. 71 Street, entre Is N.W. 2 Avenue y N.W. 5 Court. La construcei6n ineluira to siguiente: limpieza y nivelaci6n, pavimento asffiltieo, contenes y/o cunetas de concreto, aceras de concreto, facilidades pars drenaje pluvial. El estimado de con3trucei6n pars este proyeeto es de $1,900,000. E1 proyeeto se dividirA en tres fares diferentes, con los aiguientes estimadcs: "A" - $217000, "B" - $640,000; y "C" - $1,043,000. Nuevos requisitos permitirfin a los licitadores proveer un bono de cumplimiento de acuerdo con la Resolution No. 84-423 y un bono de licitaci6n de acuerdo a la Re30luei6n No. 84- 873. Para preguntas t6enicas acerca de los planos y especificaciones llame a William A. Mackey, P.E., Ingeniero de D13eflo de ealles, al (305). 579- 6865. Todas las licitaciones reran sometidas de acuerdo con las instrucciones a los licitadores y las especificaciones. El primer juego de planos y especificaciones podra obtenerse gratis en la oficina del Director de Obras P0blica3, 275 N.W. 2 Street, (4to. piso), Miami, Florida, a partir del 13 de Septiembre de 1984. duegos adieionales podran obtenerse con $30 de dep631tO. Estos dep6sitos serAn devueltos Gnieamente si los planos y las especificaciones son devueltos sin marces y en buen estado, dentro de un plazo de las dos (2) semanas siguientes a la spertura de las licitaciones. Se le avisa a los interesados de las provisioner de la Ordenanza No. 9775, Is cual se refiere a la otorgac16n --de contratos a minoriaa. Aquellos contrat13ta.s/pequetios negociantes de minoriaa o de zones objetivas quo Pst$n _interesados en presenter sus propuestaa pueden communicarse con el Contractors Training and Development, Inc. en el 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, tel6fono 754-4903 6 con Allied Black Contractors Association, Inc., 6118 N.W. 7 Avenue, tel6fono 758-4554, si requieren asistencia pars preparar sus licitaciones. Las propuestaa ineluyen el tiempo de ejecuc16nt y laa espeeificaionea contienen provisos pars daftoa liquidados incurridos por felts de completer el proyeeto a tiempo. La Comi3i6n de la Ciudad se reserve el derecho a deaoartar eualquier informalidad on cualquier licitaoi6n, y el Administrador de la' Ciudad ;R puede reohazar cualquiera o todas las propuestaa, y reanunciar. (B- #. 4494, Req. 0668). Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk •