HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-10-10 Minutesey I INCORP )H.%TCf)O *I* 18 96 OF MEETING HELD ON October 101 1984 PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL R" 6s ON61E CITY CLERK -Ai- - -- -- - - -- -- - 4. ITEM SUBJECT NO. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 14. INDEX MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA OCTOBER 109 1984 LEGISLATION PAGE NO. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO MEET WITH BOARD OF REALTORS CONCERNING POSSIBLE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE ORANGE BOWL. M 84-1098 1-2 PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MARSHALL LITVAK IN BEHALF OF ADDITIONAL C.O.L.A. FOR RETIRED EMPLOYEES. DISCUSSION 3-5 LOAN GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC BULLET PROOF VESTS IN CONNECTION WITH VISIT OF THE POPE. DISCUSSION 6-7 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERNA- TIONAL BUSINESS CENTER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, EXPORTERS, IMPORTERS, ETC. R 84-1099 7-9 REAFFIRM PREVIOUS POLICY AS VIGOROUSLY SUPPORT- ING REPEAL OF THE UNITARY TAX LAW OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. R 84-1100 10-12 OPPOSE IMPLEMENTATION OF F.A.R. NO. 36 REGARDING NOISE CONTROL OF OLDER AIRCRAFT USING MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. R 84-1101 12-15 PURSUE HOLDING OF THIRD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE IN THE CITY OF MIAMI. R 84-1102 16 PURSUE HOLDING OF INTER AMERICAN BANKS ANNUAL MEETING IN THE CITY OF MIAMI. M 84-1103 17 ALLOCATE $50,000 TO SUPPORT PROGRAM OF THE INSTITUTE FOR SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL COM- MERCIAL DISPUTES, INC. R 84-1104 18-23 ENCOURAGE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE & CHAIRMAN OF FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE TO STAND FIRM IN MAINTAINING TITLE III EXPORT ACT REGARDING LOANS TO SOUTH AFRICA. M 84-1105 22-23 EXPRESS POLICY OF COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS WITH SOUTH AFRICA PENSION FUNDS, LOANS, ETC. R 84-1106 24-26 OPEN SEALED BIDS: CONSTRUCTION OF EDISON HIGH- WAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I-B-4494. M 84-1107 26 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $30t000 IN CONNECTION WITH HOLDING OF ANNUAL SUGAR CANE INDUSTRY SEMINAR. M 84-1108 27 INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH MIAMI STEAMBOAT CO. 30 DAY BASIS FOR DOCKING OF DINNER CRUISE OPERATION ON CITY OWNED PROERTY. REQUEST MANAGER TO DELINEATE USAGE OF CITY WATERFRONT M 84-1109 PROPERTY SPACE FOR TOURIST & RECREATIONAL USES, ETC. M 84-1110 27-31 k- ':3.-s_he i,:girl 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. � 3 27. i 28. 29. - i 30A 30B 31. 32. 33. 34. w 1 EXPRESS INTENT OF CITY TO ISSUE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS IN CONNECTION WITH GARAGE AT BAYSIDE PROJECT. R 84-1111 32-33 AUTHORIZE RETAINING OF BOND COUNSEL IN CONNEC- TION WITH O.S.P.A. CONSTRUCTION OF GARAGE SEE AT BAYSIDE PROJECT. R 84-1118 33-35 DISCUSSION: CITY/COUNTY SWAP OF PROPERTY VIR- GINIA KEY AND STOCKADE PROPERTY (SEE LATER SAME MEETING). DISCUSSION 36-39 ALLOW REPRESENTATIVES OF "TASTE OF THE GROVE" EVENT TO USE UP TO $10,000 OF PREVIOUSLY ALLO- CATED MONIES FOR 2ND EVENT. M 84-1113 40-41 AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $42,500 1/3 TOTAL FUNDING FOR AN EVENT KNOWN AS "SUPERSTARS" WITH CONDITIONS. M 84-1114 41-46 ALLOCATE $25,000 RENTAL FEE FOR ORANGE BOWL IN CONNECTION WITH MICHAEL JACKSON CONCERTS WITH CONDITIONS. M 84-1115 46-48 DECLARE INTENT OF CITY COMMISSION TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING UNION NON -UNION JOBS CONCERNING PROPOSED BAYSIDE PROJECT. M 84-1116 49-51 CLAIM SETTLEMENT - NEVELLE JOHNSON - TEMPORARILY DEFERRED. DISCUSSION 51 EXECUTE AGREEMENT: EXCHANGE OF REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN DADE COUNTY AND CITY. R 84-1117 51-52 O.S.P.A. & ROUSE CO. APPROVE SELECTION OF UNDER- WRITERS & BOND COUNSEL. R 84-1118 52-54 ACCEPT REPORT: IAFF LOCAL 587 REGARDING DISPUTE M 84-1119 54-56 ALLOCATE $5,000 - JUNIOR ORANGE BOWL GYMNASTICS TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD AT CITY OF MIAMI CONVEN- TION CENTER. M 84-1120 56-57 ALLOCATE $5,000 RECEPTION FOR CONSULAR CORPS BY FLORIDA SECRETARY OF STATE, OCTOBER 19, 1984. R 84-1121 57 FURTHER DISCUSSION: SIMON BOLIVAR STATUE DISCUSSION 58-62 ESTABLISH JANUARY 26, 1985 TO DEDICATE JOSE MARTI PARK. M 84-1122 62 DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO SPEND REASONNAABLE AMOUNT TO ERECT STATUE OF SIMON BOLIVAR WITH CONDI- TIONS. M 84-1123 63 ESTABLISH THE DATE OF DECEMBER 13, 1984 AS THE DATE FOR GROUNDBREAKING FOR MILDRED & CLAUDE PEPPER FOUNTAIN IN DAYFRONT PARK. M 84-1124 64 DISCUSSION: REPUBLICAN NATIONAL FORUM. DISCUSSION 64 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF $20,000,000 POLICE & CRIME BONDS (CONFORM TO EXACT LANGUAGE 3-13-84). 9904 65 TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE: "MIAMI IS FOR ME" EVENT NOVEMBER 1, 1984. M 84-1125 66 ALLOCATE $75,000 TO COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC. FOR VIRRICK GYM BOXING PROGRAM - SKIRT SIGNS, STARTUP MONIES, SPECIAL GYM USE FOR CHARITY, ETC. R 84-1126 67-68 2 OCTO@ER 10, 19$`4. 35• 36. 37. 38. 39 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. f 46. 1 47. z 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 54.1 i i DIRECTION TO CITY MANAGER: FUNDS FOR MOORE, SHENANDOAH AND WYNWOOD PROGRAMS FOR BOXING. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ISSUANCE OF #3090009000 STORM SEWER BONDS (CONFORM TO EXACT LANGUAGE 3/13/84). EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: NEW TRUST & AGENCY FUND "SALES TAX COLLECTIONS". EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT FUND: RECORD ASSESSMENT LIEN ACTIVITY FOR FY 84 & EACH ENSUING YEAR. DISCUSSION AND MOTION TO CONTINUE A REQUEST FOR FUNDING OF A FILM: "OUR BAY, OUR RIVER". EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE - $250,000 FUNDING MISS UNIVERSE/MISS USA/MISS TEENAGE USA PAGEANTS. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: EIGHT MEMBER CITY OF MIAMI PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING BOARD. AMEND 31-48 OF CODE: SCHEDULE OF LICENSE TAXES "FLEA MARKETS" ETC. DISCUSSION: ALLAPATTAH MARKET. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ALLOCATE $25,000 FOR CENTRAL STORES INVENTORY SUPPLIES FOR BURROUGHS B-20 UNITS. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW REVENUE FUND "MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE SPECIAL FUND". AMEND CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE: PHASED DESIGH AND CONSTRUCTION (FAST TRACK). SECOND READING ORDINANCE: BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELEVATOR INSPECTION FEES (FAST TRACK). DISCUSSION AND CONTINUANCE: PROPSED SECOND READING ORDINANCE CH. 22 GARBAGE & TRASH FEES. AMEND 9332 CABLE T.V. LICENSE ORDINANCE- ARBI- TRATION PANEL. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ALLOCATE $100,000 DEPT. OF BUILDING & VEHICLE MAINTENANCE PROJECT- ED DEFICITS. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: NEW TRUST & AGENCY FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY SUPPLEMENT FY 84-85. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT: METRO & CITY FOR IMPLEMEN- TATION OF COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW REVENUE FUND RECREATION ACTIVITY 1984-85 CONSENT AGENDA BEER PERMIT FOR THE GREAT COCONUT GROVE BICYCLE RACE. DISCUSSION 68-70 9905 70-71 9906 71-72 9907 72-73 DISCUSSION 73-75 9908 75-81 9909 81-83 9910' 84-85 DISCUSSION 85-86 9911 87 9912 88 9913 89-91 9914 91-92 DISCUSSION 92-94 9915 94-95 9916 96 FIRST READING 97 R 84-1127 97-98 FIRST READING 98 99-102 R 84-1128 100 K, OOTQSISR 10, 1 98$ 54.2 =p ; 54.3 54.4 54.5 54.6 54.7 54.8 54.9 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. t 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. • ACCEPT BID: TRI-COUNTY FENCE FOR FENCING AT $12,715. PROPOSAL OF TRAK ENGINEERING FOR ONE AUTOMATED FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. ACCEPT BID: UARCO, INC. FOR COMPUTER STOCK FORMS ON CONTRACT BASIS AT $509000 FOR ONE YEAR. ACCEPT BID: HANCOCK BUS SALES, INC. FOR 2 PRISONER TRANSPORT VEHICLES AT $669930.00. ACCEPT BID: SCKEMA, INC. FOR COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER RESTROOM FACILITIES AT $689761. GRANTING SOUTHERN BELL CO. AN EASEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND CONDUIT. CLOSE FLAGLER STREET ON OCT. 26, 1984 FOR AN- TIQUE FIRE PARADE. ALLOCATE $290 FOR VON STEUBEN PARADE & CONCERT. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF 300 SETS OF FIREFIGHTER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS. MARINE STADIUM ENTERPRISES ASSIGN CONCESSION RIGHTS TO DADE COUNTY FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION NOV. 23, 24, & 25, 1984. CONTINUE & READVERTISE MIAMI CENTER II DEVELOP- MENT ORDER PROJECT TO DEC. 20 AND PUBLIC HEARING ON DEC. 13, 1984. CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION: DOWNTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I - H-4498. AUTHORIZE DEVELOPMENT ORDER: BRICKELL BAY OFFICE TOWER PROJECT 1005 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: LITTLE RIVER HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4482. CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION - WINONA SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5494-C. DISCUSSION & DEFERRAL OF REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING: MIAMI LIGHTHOUSE OF THE BLIND. ACCEPT PROPOSAL CHEMICAL BANK FOR TRUSTEE, REGISTRAR AND PAYING AGENT SERVICES ON PROPOSED SALE OF $65,000,000 MULTI FAMILY HOUSING BONDS. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT CERTAIN LOTS FROM PETER REALTY COMPANY, INC. WITH USE OF C.D. FUNDS. AUTHORIZE DELIVERY OF CERTAIN STREET & HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS ($10,000) TO REPLACE LOST BONDS. 66. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT: METRO TO ACCEPT $250,000 UNENCUMBERED CITY PROVIDING COUNTYWIDE CONVEN- TION SERVICES FOR FY 1982-83. 67. AUTHORIZE SOLICITY PROPOSALS FOR SOLE MANAGING UNDERWRITING OF UP TO $60,0009000 SHORT TERM REVENUE NOTES OWNER OCCUPIED HOUSING IN OVERTOWN PARK WEST PHASE I PROJECT. 6$. CLAIM SETTLEMENT; COOPER OLDSMOBILE r R 84-1 129 R 84-1130 R 84-1131 R 84-1132 R 84-1133 R 84-1134 R 84-1135 R 84-1136 R 84-1137 R 84-1138 M 84-1139 R 84-1140 R 84-1141 R 84-1142 R 84-1143 M 84-1144 R 84-1145 R 84-1146 R 84-1147 R 84-1148 R 84-1149 R 84-1150 4 O�GTO�EE 9 Q, 102 102 103 104-111 112 1 13-1 14 114-115 1 15-1 16 1 16-1 17 i 117-118 1 18-1 19 119 120 121 121-122 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. — 74. 75, 76. 77. 78. __— 79• 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. is 86. j, 87. 88. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO ENCUMBER $100,L000 ORIGI— NALLY APPROPRIATED FOR CONSTRUCTING PRACTICE FIELD FOR U.S.F.L. R 84r-1151 122-123 AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEMENT: COCONUT GROVE BANK` FOR LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE FOR 3 YEARS. R 84-1152 123-125 APPROVE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT: TOUCHE ROSS CO., CPA'S FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF PROPOSALS S.E. OVERTOWN PARK WEST PHASE I. R 84-1153 125-127 ALLOCATE $25,000 TO CULMER PRESS FOR YOUTH IN JOURNALISM AND MEDIA SKILLS PROGRAM. R 84-1154 127 DESIGNATE PROPOSED MIAMI STADIUM PRESS BOX RECONSTRUCTION A CATEGORY "B" PROJECT & AUTHOR— IZE SELECTION COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE CONSULTANTS PROPOSALS. R 84-1155 128 i DISCUSSION ITEM: REPAIR OF BASEBALL STADIUM — POSSIBLE USE OF I.D.B.'S. DISCUSSION 129 { DISCUSSION ITEM: LETTER FROM CONSUL GENERAL OF VENEZUELA REGARDING PROMISE OF FUNDING CONCERN— ING STATUE OF SIMON BOLIVAR. DISCUSSION 129-130 DISCUSSION & TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF RECOMMENDA— TIONS OF FESTIVAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR FESTI— VAL FUNDING. DISCUSSION 131-136 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT: MIAMI ROWING CLUB INTER - PARK ROWING PROGRAM. R 84-1156 136 AUTHORIZE SIGNS DIRECTING MOTORISTS TO MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER. R 84-1157 137 AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO CONTRACTURAL AGREEMENT: HAITIAN TASK FORCE, INC. (HTF) TO EXTEND DUE DATE FOR GENERATING REQUIRED PROJECT REVENUE. R 84-1158 138 AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE III CONTRACT AGREEMENT MIAMI DADE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXTEND- ING DUE DATE FOR PUBLISHING BLACK INDUSTRIAL DIRECTORY. R 84-1159 138-139 ALLOCATE $3,145.83 10TH YEAR C.D. BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO MARTIN LUTHER KING DEVELOPMENT CORP. (1/12TH ALLOCATION). R 84-1160 140 DISCUSSION ITEM: LACK OF LEADERSHIP IN PUERTO RICAN COMMUNITY. DISCUSSION 140-141 DEFER CONSIDERATION OF ALLOCATING $4599669 FY 84-85 F.R.S.F. M 84-1161 141-143 PERSONAL APPEARANCE: PERSON COMPLAINING ABOUT LACK OF FUNDING IN THE WYNWOOD COMMUNITY. DISCUSSION 143-145 AUTHORIZE EXTENSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES I AGREEMENT ARNOLD AND PORTER CABLE TV LICENSE FEE WAIVER PETITION. R 84-1162 146-148 DISCUSSION: REMOVAL OF OSPA METERS IN LITTLE. HAVANA, OSPA BUDGET, ETC. DISCUSSION 148-149 INSTRUCT MANAGER, ATTORNEY, OSPA TO STUDY POSSI— BLE REGULATION OF RATES CHARGED BY PRIVATE TOWING COMANIES. M 84-1163 149..151 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: RATES AT ON STREET METERS AND CERTAIN OFF STREET LOTS (OSPA). 9917 151�14 . x 5 OCT08$9 lot w� 89. 9o. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107• 108. GENERAL DISCUSSION: LITTLE HAVANA LATIN QUAR- TER. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ART. 15 SPI, ADD NEW SECTION 15140 "SPI-14.19 SPI-14.2 LATIN QUARTER COMMEKCIAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ATLAS CHANGE VARIOUS ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ATLAST BY CHANGING VARIOUS ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS IN LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING CLASSI- FICATION OF PROPERTIES IN THE LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING ATLAS BY CHANGING ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTIES IN THE LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING ATLAS BY CHANGING ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTIES IN THE LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING ATLAS BY CHANGING ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTIES IN THE LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CHAPTER 62 ENTITLED ZONING & PLANNING -ESTABLISH LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD. DISCUSSION OF APPOINTMENTS TO BE MADE TO THE LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD. CODESIGNATE N.E. 17 STREET BETWEEN BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND NORTH BAYSHORE DRIVE AS VENETIA TERRACE. CODESIGNATE N.E. 15 STREET BETWEEN NORTH MIAMI AVENUE & BISCAYNE BAY AS ALVAH CHAPMAN BOULE- VARD. POLICY EVENTS & FESTIVALS MUST HAVE 70% OF ACTIVITIES IN CITY IN ORDER TO BE FUNDED BY THE CITY FULL FUNDING - INCREASE FESTIVAL BY BAY AND CUBAN MUNICIPALITIES IN EXILE EVENTS. ENTER INTO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT AFSCME LOCAL 1907 AFL-CIO OCT. 19 1984-SEPTEMBER 30. 1987. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: MIGUEL M. ALVAREZ, CARMEN ALVAREZ AND MAX GROSSO CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH, INC. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: OLGA NAJARA. INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS FOR MAYOR AND COMMISSION OFFICES. ALLOCATE $139000 (1/12th) FUNDING FOR PUERTO RICAN COMMUNITY IN WYNWOOD. ALLOCATE (1/12th) FUNDING FOR INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ALLOCATE (1/12th) FUNDING FOR SENIOR CENTERS OF DADE COUNTY. D; 3£ DISCUSSION 154-160 !I 9918 160-164 ; 9919 164-166 9920 166 9921 167-168 9922 168-169 9923 169-170 9924 170-171 9925 171-172 DISCUSSION 172-173 R 84-1164 174 R 84-1165 174-176 M 84-1166 M 84-1167 M 84-1168 M 84-1169 176-186 R 84-1170 186 R 84-1171 187-188 R 84-1172 188 M 84-1173 189 M 84-1174 190-191 M 84-1175 192 M 84-1176 193 ,4 1.1 = 10g. ALLOCATE (1/12th) FUNDING FOR TACOLCY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. M 84-1177 193-194 110, DISCUSSION AND FAILED MOTION TO GO TO CURBSIDE =� GARBAGE COLLECTION. DISCUSSION 194 111. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: NEVELL JOHNSON$ ET. AL. R 84-1178 194-198 112. CHANGE DATES OF 2ND COMMISSION MEETINGS FOR NOV. R 84-1179(A) { & DEC., 1984. R 84-1179(H) 199 7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the 10th day of October, 1984, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:18 O'Clock A.M. by Mayor Maurice A. Ferre with the following members of the Commission found to be present: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ALSO PRESENT: Howard V. Gary, City Manager Lucia Allen Dougherty, City Attorney Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Matty Hirai, Assistant City Clerk ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins An invocation was delivered by Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. Presentations were made as follows: 1. Fire Prevention Week presented to Chief Floyd Jordan. 2. Hispanic Heritage Festival Month presented to Mr. Guy Sanchez. 3. Proclamation presented to supporters of "Miami, A New World Center". (No one showed for this item.) 4. Crime Prevention Month presented to Officer McGruff and Crime Buster, who performed a ventriloquist act for the Commission. 5. Presentation made to Florida Inboard Rowing Club. 1. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO MEET WITH BOARD OF REALTORS CONCERNING POSSIBLE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE ORANGE BOWL. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Now we get into pocket items and I promised Rose Gordon I would this first. Mrs. Gordon, I just want you to listen to this for a moment. Mr. Manager, our former colleague, Rose Gordon is here. She doesn't want to be recognized for this purpose, but she wanted us to officially bring to the City's attention the availability of the Miami Board of Realtors' property on N.W. 7th Street, almost in front of the Robert King High towers and adjacent to the Miami Orange Bowl Stadium. This is a piece of property, which besides having almost 9,000 square feet of air- conditioned, usable space, which is space that we could probably use. Also, it squares off some of our properties al 1 October 10, f that we own in the Orange Bowl. I don't think we're here concluding anything, but it seems to me that since we're looking out for space and we've taken apace here at the Coconut Grove Bank and we're looking at space on Brickell ' Avenue, and we've talked to people along South Bayshore Drive, and we have so many needs of space, that we ought to look into this. So, I think if we formalize it...J.L., would you? Mr. Manager. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I think it's appropriate if we officially send this to the Manager to sit down with the Board of Realtors and to look for the possibility of securing it as City property. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, may I suggest that in your motion that you include a provision that would allow me to negotiate with Dade County to utilize T.D.C. monies to buy it in conjunction with the Orange Bowl. Mayor Ferre: Oh, yes, is that acceptable to you, Plummer? Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: O.K., that's part of the motion. are you seconding? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1098 A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIT DOWN WITH THE MIAMI BOARD OF REALTORS CONCERNING THE POSSIBLE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY THEM ON N.W. 7TH STREET, ADJACENT TO THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR POSSIBLE USE OF T.D.C. MONIES IN CONNECTION WITH SAID ACQUISITION. Demetrio, by Upon being seconded by Commissioner n____ �L_ __L�__ was passed and adopted by the following vo AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins $1 2 ,AIM .Y.Y. a.r•Yi do.16 Ab*b--.b..YY.YY IY 4006 a**. i. ri Wir .Y Man rfii Ift 2. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MARSHALL LITVAK IN BEHALF OF ADDITIONAL C.O.L.A, FOR RETIRED EMPLOYEES. �.rrrr...S.r.�.rr�...r..rrrrrr rliY.Yr..�iii r/�'r r�rrrrrrr.111ii.fl.If rrUYiGii+YY iYil.iW i�iir.Yi Mayor Ferre: The retirees are here. Is former Chief Hickman here? Evelyn Deitch, Major Leroy Brown? Are any of the retirees here? Well, I'm giving you an opportunity to say a few words now. Mr. Marshall Litvak: Mr. Mayor, appreciate the opportunity to speak Marshall Litvak, retiree, former employ, City of Miami. We are here today to a the proposed 1% cost of living inci Commission passed the motion on on Sept, City Manager to find the necessary fun October 4th the City Manager responder indicate any attempt to find the fun( instructions. We do see the usual m provide the funds for a 1% increase with State Statutes. This is exaetl; that was made to remove the City's retirees health insurance. It is now it i mis-statement The situation City Commission, I before you. I'm e, naturally, of the sk with reference to ease that the City :tuber 18th asking the Is. We note that on to you but did not s, contrary to your Ls -statement that to rould be in conflict the same statement contribution toward being used again and s a that causes retirees to come hat in hand to beg for a cost of living increase was created by the fact that there is no C.O.L.A. in the City's retirement plan. This supposedly will be solved in the future, but it does not help the retirees at the present time. We feel that the Commission has made a demand of the City Manager to find funds and we feel that it is incumbent upon him to respond, not to off -hand deny that anything can be done. Your indulgence and consideration will be appreciated. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Litvak, we'll hear from the Manager; just stay there for a moment. Then we'll see what the Commission wants to do. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I submitted to you a memorandum on this subject, and I hope you read it better than Mr. Litvak read it. It is not a.... Mayor Ferre: You're sounding like Mel Reese. Mr. Litvak: I'm used to that. Mr. Gary: This City Commission, Mr. Mayor, if you recall, I was concerned particularly about the increase in taxes and i as proposed by the Administration, particularly as it f related to the taxes and the garbage fee, this City ? Commission adopted a budget with the proviso that the balanced budget that was submitted to you would go into place with the understanding that the second half of the garbage fee, or at least $30 of that garbage fee would not be implemented. That $160 garbage fee, Mr. Mayor, gave you a balanced budget without any increase for the retirees.` The statement with regard to the application of the State law is in fact; and it doesn't deal with the same situation with the insurance, what it deals with is the balanced budget approach, as opposed to the State Statute that was talked about before in terms of you being able to grant ;# insurance under the State Statutes. This is totally different. What we're saying to you is that the current budget, as you adopted, does not call for any provisions or ` any appropriations for any increase to retirees. Secondly, i' } there may be a problem with regard to the current balanced budget if you don't implement $30 of the garbage fee. I It. •1k, l think it is also important to note, Mr. Mayor, that this City Commission is being very generous to retirees. Specifically you have granted increases for insurance, secondly you have granted over and above their pension retirees, starting out with $3009000, and you've increased that to another $300,000. Therefore, you are appropriating $600,000 currently in addition to benefits to retirees. They are now asking for that to be doubled, which would require an appropriation of $1.2 million, or $6000000 more. Even though we sympathize with the concerns of the retirees, we also have to maintain a balanced budget, and we also have to be concerned with providing services to the citizens of Miami. I must inform all of you, refresh your memory that during the budget hearing, we were concerned about a lot of things that this City, had to out out over the last five or six years in terms of municipal services, particularly as it relates to parks, public works, tree trimmings, and I would suggest that in January, when we do a review, Mr. Mayor, in terms of where we stand with regard to the budget in terms of implementing the garbage fee, that at that time, you consider the options available to you in view of the resources that will be available to you. For me to recommend otherwise, would be fiscally irresponsible. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Litvak for one quick answer. Mr. Litvak: I beg to differ. It's the implication that says that only by providing additional benefits for retirees would we be in conflict with State Statutes. It's not true. It's just a matter whether or not you have a balanced budget. It has nothing to do with the retirees as an individual group. Mr. Gary: That's what I said. That's exactly what I said. Mr. Litvak: Well, I read it the same way so we agreed with that portion. What we are back to though, is that the City has seen fit to institute a C.O.L.A. of sort in the new union contracts, recognizing the fact that there is a dire need for a cost of living increase for retirees. That will help in the future, but it does absolutely nothing for the retirees who are presently out there, many of them with pensions that are so small that is embarrassing to them and they are forced because of the cost of living increases, to seek charity. It is an embarrassment to this City for not having provided a pension system that would provide the necessary increases, and the responsibility still exists. Mr. Gary: Just for the record, the cost of living adjustment, also known as C.O.L.A., that is being provided now, Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, is something that was not done because we thought it should be done, but it was part of a negotiation on the Gates case to rectify all those past concerns. They decided to take C.O.L.A. as a part of the settlement with the proviso, however, that they pay a significant portion of that, so the employees are currently paying a significant portion of that C.O.L.A., which will be going in effect, once the Gates case is settled. Mr. Litvak: Mr. Mayor, City Commission, one last statement, that is that all of this does not help the retiree who's out there now with a pension that is far from adequate to sustain a standard of living that is at least minimal. The instruction that said, "Find," I find is still not being complied with. All we're getting is answers as to why no one will do anything, not where an attempt will be made to find something. sl 4 October 10, 19$4 I Mayor Ferre: Let me tell you where my memory is of all this. In the first place, in the past, going back to Mel Reese's days, the City has on different occasions contributed to supplement the retirement budget. It was done against the will of all of the members of the Administration. Without exception I cannot think of one time going back to Mel Reese's time and Paul Andrews, Joe Grassie, where all the Managers being fiscally responsible recommended that since there was no legal obligation, the City of Miami should not in any way supplement any of the pensions. Subsequent to that, the Commission has on many occasions for a long time at the insistence of Father Gibson's, J.L. Plummer's, mine, Rose's, when she was on the Commission have acted in what we thought was a reasonable responsible in trying to supplement, so that indeed older employees of the City of Miami would not be caught in the embarrassing situation of having to go on welfare, which some of them were having to do or to ask for charity. We've done that. This year, the.... Mr. Gary: This year in your budget, you have $600,000 for them. Mayor Ferre: There is $600,000 in this year's budget to do that. Now, what they are asking for, in effect, is a $1,200,000, Mr. Manager. In other words, they are asking for double. Now the question is whether or not we should do anything more than the $600,000 that we are presently doing. Now, I think we passed a resolution, as I recall, during the budget hearings instructing the Manager, in the budget to include $300,000 additional. Was that not the figure we used? Mr. Plummer: There was no figure. We sent it to the Manager and asked him to try to find funds and report back as to what he could find. Mayor Ferre: I think we do not have a full Commission here, Mr. Litvak. Mr. Parks is also out of the City. I have a letter from him here asking that this be brought up today. It is my opinion that we have to do something. I will vote for something additional. But I don't think right now we should do it until we have a full Commission. So, I hate to inconvenience you again, but I think you're going to have to come back at the next Commission meeting. Mr. Litvak: Mr. Mayor, we'll be glad to come back. Please understand, my statements acknowledged that the Commission has attempted to provide funds. Your correct statement, well, partially correct, that the Administration has always voiced against the increase is true because the Administration is never ready for retirement. I beg to differ. There was one time when the Administration, not only was for, but promoted an increase far beyond what any of the unions ever asked for. It was only because the Finance Director and Manager at that time were preparing to retire. So all I'm stating is that what we get is the same situation. The selfish motivations by the Administration, which I don't blame them because they're trying to do a job to show that they are conservative. But they do not address the needs and the Commission has been more responsive, we are grateful to acknowledge. We do not want this shoved aside with a casual statement that says there's nothing there. We appreciate your consideration. We'll be back. Mayor Ferre: We're going to be revisiting some aspects of the budget, and I'm sure that we will have further opportunity to discuss this. sl 5 October 10, 1984 .r..—.1....Y---ill aba..i--.1. "Am. :.---.i..` i.--..i.i.r.tYW....IY- 3. LOAN GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC BULLET PROOF VESTS IN CONNECTION WITH VISIT OIL THE POPE. i.—..--i.—i.-----—ii----i-----Y------------- Mayor Ferre: I'd like to ask the Consul General of the Dominican Republic to please step forward. Mr. Consul General, Ingeniero Manuel Asuri, we are honored to have you with us. The purpose of his visit is that the pope is arriving tomorrow in the Dominican Republic. They have, on an emergency basis, requested -is the Police Chief still here? Chief, the government of the Dominican Republic has requested that we lend them some bullet proof vests for the Pope's visit. As you recall, I called you on the phone to get information. You told me there were none available, but I now understand that we have found that there are some available. Chief Herbert Breslow: It was on the agenda to send to your sister city, and I didn't know at the time, I thought...whether you had acted on that or not. Mr. Gary: You didn't act on that. Mayor Ferre: We have not acted on that. What I'd like to do now, and I told the people of the Dominican Republic that we could not give them to them, that we could only lend them to them. Mr. Gary: How many do you have, Herb? Chief Breslow: I don't know; probably about 50, like Commissioner Plummer said, but I'll check on it. Mr. Gary: We can loan them. Mr. Perez: How many do you have available, last time it was around 3007 Mr. Plummer: Oh, nol Lord, nol Most of the time, most policemen buy their own. We bought them during the disturbance. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Consul, let me explain this to make sure, because I don't want people in the Dominican Republic to misunderstand. The City of Miami does not buy bullet proof vests. Each police officer buys his own. So it is an individual thing. Police officers own their own vests; it's their property. They buy it, pay for it, and it belongs to them. It does not belong to the City of Miami. We happen to have some of the old fashioned kind, there are about 50 of them, which are good, bullet-proof. We were going to give them to one of our sister cities. Fortunately those have not gone out yet. We do have an obligation to a sister city. I would feel very bad, however, I hope nobody has the idea of shooting anybody during the visit of His Holiness, but I understand the concern of security, and we would like to help as much as we can. I would like to move a motion now that the City of Miami Police Department be instructed to those units that are available and that are not currently necessary or in use that are surplus, that we lend them to the Dominican Republic for the purpose of the visit of His Holiness the Pope with the understanding that once the visit is concurred that those bullet-proof vests be returned and that it would be your responsibility, as Consul General, to assure that they would be returned. Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. sl 6 October 10, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Under discussion, I didn't mean to out you off, Mr. Consul. Mr. Manuel Asuri: Can I talk in Spanish? Mayor Ferre: Yes, of course. This is a bilingual City. You can talk in Spanish. We have an official translator around here. I'll tell you, he's a better translator than the person who translated for President Reagan and Walter Mondale during the debate the other night. Mr. Cesar Odio: You mean they were translating? Mayor Ferre: There was a translator, a terrible job. Mr. Odio: Slowly. Mr. Manuel Asuri: COMMENTS IN SPANISH. Mr. Odio: (TRANSLATING FOR MR. ASURI) First of all I want to thank you for taking the time to bring this up in front of the City Commission today. We understand that the bullet proof vests do not belong to the City of Miami but to the officers, and that you would be offering them as a matter of a loan. Because of the visit of the Pope, John Paul II, will be visiting tomorrow their city. Because of that reason they need it with upmost urgency the bullet-proof vests, that they should be sent out today. Mayor Ferre: Chief, would you personally see, they have to put them on a plane this afternoon so that they are in place tomorrow. Here's the Consul General. Mr. Consul, if you would step over here and talk to the Chief. Thank you very much. 4. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CENTER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, EXPORTERS, IMPORTERS, ETC. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Mr. Burton Landy, we apologize for making you wait for an hour, but the Chair recognizes you. Mr. Burton Landy: Thank you, Mr. Mayor, Mr. Vice Mayor, Commissioner Plummer. I have the honor of serving as Chairman of the newly created City of Miami.... Mayor Ferre: I was going to ask you which one of your many hats are you wearing today. Is this as honorary Consul of Korea, former President of the International Senator, Chairman of our new committee? Mr. Landy: The new committee, sir. This committee, which is the International Trade and Development Committee, was created recently and we have real blue ribbon committee. Several of the members are with me today, Coleman Travelstead, who is the Executive Vice President of the International Center and Dennis Nason, whom I will introduce in a moment. Gentlemen, the purpose of this committee is to advise the Commission on matters of importance for international trade and development for our area and also specifically to develop a five-year strategic plan for international trade promotion. I want to commend the Commission for its looking forward for the first time that I'm aware of, in involving the community in strategic 31 7 009be" + 19 planning for trade promotion over an extended period of time. I think it is very, very important. I think 1 want to also mention that we're receiving excellent support in collaboration from your City Manager, Howard Gary and from Charlotte Gallogly, the Director, of Economic Development. We have on our committee some 30 members, which include the leaders of the international business community, and representatives from the various organizations and public sector responsibilities. We are cooperating very closely with the County, as the County also is engaging on a strategic plan for economic development. We anticipate that our committee representing the Corp city for the County will have the major responsibility in this overall strategic planning for international trade development. We've held several meetings. We've planned to meet monthly; we have a very good attendance and a great deal of enthusiasm for the purpose of this committee. We are action oriented, and at our last meeting, we passed five resolutions which I want to bring to the attention of the Commission for your action. We have recommended... several of these I think we can discuss rather quickly. The most important one, I'm going to ask Dennis Nason to speak on. Mayor Ferre: What we'd like to do is after you've made the presentation on each item, we'd like to pass a resolution. I know you need these in hand to talk to the Governor and to the other legislative leaders. Mr. Burton Landy: Right, sir, thank you, the first one was recommending that the Commission approve in principle the establishment of an international business center here in Miami, which would house the operations potentially of the Economic Development Department of the City, the international center, various international oriented associations, such as exporters and importers, bankers, binational chambers of commerce, trade promotion development offices in one center located in the City of Miami, which would be in effect something like is practiced in London, a one -stop place where anyone interested may -he could be from over seas, or another state or locally- who wants to know how to get more involved in international trade, he has one center that he can go to. Mayor Ferre: Burton, how does this differ from the international center function? Mr. Landy: Well, the international center would be one component of it, Mayor. We're looking now for a physical location. Mayor Ferre: This is in principle? Mr. Landy: This is in principle; no appropriations, but just to explore. Mayor Ferre: Is there such a motion at this time? Mr. Perez: I move, Mr. Mayor, I move in principle and I support 100% that idea. I had the opportunity to talk to Mr. Landy in reference to this project. I think it is something outstanding and a great asset for this community. I move without any doubt. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Plummer. to add anything on the record? sl 1.1 Mr. Manager, do you want October 10, 1984 Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, we support this, because it includes all of the users or the participants in international trade, to expedite it, because they have done a lot of work, particularly with one of the bankers who works for Southeast, specifically in international trade, the Commission may want to also authorize me to look for space that would be able to house this type of facility, which would include staff function. Mayor Ferre: I think that the motion was all -encompassing. I think that is exactly what the implication of that is, is that you come back with specific implementing recommendations, including the finding of space, staff, and everything else, and we'll take it from there. Further discussion? Call the roll on that. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1099 A RESOLUTION APPROVING, IN PRINCIPLE, THE MOTION PASSED AT THE SEPTEMBER 19, 1984 MEETING OF THE CITY OF MIAMI INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, A THIRTY - MEMBER ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE CITY MANAGER WHOSE PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVE IS TO ADVISE THE CITY OF MIAMI ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A FIVE-YEAR INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION STRATEGY, SUPPORTING IN PRINCIPLE THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER OF FLORIDA'S OBJECTIVE OF CONTINUING TO EXPLORE THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CENTER" IN MIAMI, WHOSE PRINCIPAL PURPOSES WOULD BE NOT ONLY TO HOUSE THE OPERATIONS OF THE CITY'S OWN DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, INTERNATIONAL CENTER OF FLORIDA, AND OTHER LOCAL INTERNATIONAL TRADE -RELATED ORGANIZATIONS BUT ALSO TO SERVE AS THE PRIMARY OFFICIAL DISSEMINATOR OF RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INVESTMENT INFORMATION, TO ORGANIZE AND COORDINATE SYMPOSIA, TRADE FAIRS, EXHIBITIONS AND CONFERENCES RELATED TO INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, AS WELL AS TO PROVIDE FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES WITH TEMPORARY OFFICE SUPPORT FACILITIES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Commissioner al ;r rr _ G r.-"i i�A."-iifL i'ii 3ii ii"i"" Y..i----i..Y. il.i ft 4ftY-I....iiiii-"-".Y. 5. REAFFIRM PREVIOUS POLICY AS VIGOROUSLY SUPPORTING REPEAL OF THE UNITARY TAX LAW OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. ----i----------- Mr. Landy: Next, Mr. Mayor, the committee has recommended that the City Commission once again, reaffirm its support for the repeal of the Unitary Tax. The Unitary Tax is recognized to have been a disaster for the State and certainly for our area in international economic development. We understand that in December, the Governor will call a special session. There was been vocal support for the repeal, but we think 'it is essential that the pressure be maintained for the repeal and we ask the City Commission to reaffirm the position that it took on September 7, 1983 seeking repeal. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Landy, let me say that in answer to Mr. Dennis Nason of Credit Suisse, who is with you here today and the International Banking Association's request, last September, as you just stated, we were one of the first local governments to pass a resolution, and we were late at that. Let me say that I think it is rather typical of the tragedy that we are in, and I could not use a lesser word than tragedy, to say that this whole thing has been well over a year, passed in July of last year, we have now passed July of this year, we're August, September, we are now into October. So it has been a year and a quarter. It might be a year and a half. We have not finalized on this. I think it is the most irresponsible, it is the most unreal sense of not dealing with the basic issue. We see the signs of this lack of focus on the part of the business and the governmental community. In Florida and in Miami in particular, to international business and all kinds of things, Dr. Norman Weldon, the Chairman of the Board of the Cordis Corporation, when he announced just recently that he was going to make an expansion in Nice, France rather than Miami, Florida that was going to give 400 Miamians jobs, - and by the way, they have strong affirmative action. They have a lot Blacks and Latins working; of the 2,000 jobs that Cordis has, it is a well distributed work place, where salaries are much higher than the usual in the work bench in Miami. When Dr. Weldon said that he was taking this away from Miami and putting it in Nice, France, he said that he found that doing business in Miami and Florida was ten times harder than doing business in any other state of the Union. In a comparison, I went to visit him. When I read that statement, I was shocked. I went to visit him. He said that the difference between Texas, Colorado, and Florida is so noticeable... I said, well, "Give me a specific, Dr. Weldon." And do you know what he said to me, he said, "I talked to the governor of Colorado every time that we're talking about an expansion, Governor Lamb personally calls me. He says, 'Do you want to go to Colorado Springs? We'll find you a piece of property. if it needs rezoning, the Governor's office will get it rezoned. They'll get the whole thing done immediately."' Here in Florida, not only does the Governor's office not help, not only does Dade County and Miami not help, in this case, Cordis is not in the City of Miami. It's not in our jurisdiction. But there was no help coming from local government; in this case it was Metro. They got no assurance. It kept slipping, and slipping, and slipping to it got to a point where here, would you believe a high tech industry, clean industry, people Who want to live in Miami, who want to work in Miami have decided to move out of Miami in the same way that Racal - Milgo moved out of Dade County into Broward County. Here we have Cordis making an expansion in Noe, France, Would you believe me that six months have gone by and we still haven't solved the problem to this day? I would say that the Unitary Tax is a tragic thing. It's a tip of an iceberg and the real problem is not the Unitary Tax, it's the attitude of this community. The Miami Herald itself in a very on the one hand, on the other hand kind of an editorial even the Miami _Herald instead of being supportive of Cordis, says, well, the law is the law, then if you don't like the law, then change the law, but we cannot follow the 1972 D.R.I. process. The fact is that there are all kinds of exceptions to the D.R.I. process. Yet, none of us are strong enough to find any solutions for and lost an account in Cordis which is a blue chip, triple-A, premium company in America that everybody is after. Dr. Weld told me that after he made that announcement, he got 50 phone calls from 50 different states and cities saying, "We would do anything you want. We'll pay for your moving. We'll give you industrial revenue bonds. We'll get land for you. We want you to come to Colorado or to Texas or to North Carolina." Six months later, we've done nothing to over come that problem. So, may I say, Burton, you are putting your finger in my opinion in what is the biggest bleeding wound that we have right here in this state. Have we made a motion? Mr. Plummer: What is the motion? Mayor Ferre: The motion would be to reaffirm our support to the Governor and the Legislature for the immediate repeal of the Unitary Tax. Mr. Plummer: We've already done that. Mayor Ferre: He wants to reaffirm it. Mr. Landy: We have to maintain pressure. Mr. Plummer: So move. Mayor Ferre: Can we put some strong language, Lucia, and the strongest possible way that this is not only hurting Florida, it is like poverty levels. It's hurting Florida, but it is really hurting Dade County and it is devastating Miami. The real pain of this, the direct pain is Miami. I'm not saying that Tampa and Jacksonville aren't affected. I am saying that it's no where near as affected as is Miami. So call the roll on that. �l 11 Oetobor 10, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1100 A RESOLUTION APPROVING, IN PRINCIPLE, THE -- MOTION PASSED AT THE SEPTEMBER 19, 1984 MEETING OF THE CITY OF MIAMI INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (ITDC), A THIRTY -MEMBER ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE CITY MANAGER WHOSE PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVE IS TO =i ADVISE THE CITY OF MIAMI ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A FIVE-YEAR INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION STRATEGY, RECOMMENDING THAT THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI REAFFIRM THE POSITION =� THAT IT TOOK ON SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 WHEN THE CITY COMMISSION ADOPTED MOTION NO. 83-777 EXPRESSING STRONG OPPOSITION TO THE STATE'S UNITARY TAX; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO WORK CLOSELY WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN DISSEMINATING, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, THIS RESOLUTION ALONG WITH A COVER LETTER FROM THE ITDC CHAIRMAN AND A COPY OF THE LIST OF ITDC MEMBERS, TO THE GOVERNOR, { SPEAKER OF THE FLORIDA HOUSE, PRESIDENT OF s THE FLORIDA SENATE AND THE DADE COUNTY INS LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ,r �.� ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins -------------------------------------------------------- 6. OPPOSE IHPLEHENTATION OF F.A.R. NO. 36 REGARDING NOISE CONTROL OF OLDER AIRCRAFT USING HIAHI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. al ---------------------- ------------------------------ Mr. Landy: Mayor, there's another development pending; this time in the federal level, which has also the potential of a devastating effect on our City and our area. That is the Federal Aviation Administration so-called noise regulation, F.A.R. 36. Mayor Ferre: What does that stand for? Mr. Landy: Federal Aviation Regulation 36. Again, this Commission has gone on record opposing the implementation of this regulation because what it's going to affect is Dade County's airport jobs here in the City, jobs in our area. Mayor Ferre: How many jobs does that affect? Is the figure 6,000 jobs? Mr. Landy: Yes, sir, we had a presentation at our Committee meeting last month by Peter Revele of the County Authority, al 12 00tobor, !Qt 1,944. x and he has estimated and identified potential losses of some 60000 locally. Not only will it have a devastating effect on our aviation industry, but it will also have a devastating effect on our neighbors in the Caribbean and in Latin America. On the one hand, we are promoting the Caribbean Basin initiative to help the countries which- are countries that we deal with principally; and at the same time, this regulation would prevent and knock out a business, the cargo airlines of many of these small Caribbean countries. What we're suggesting and recommending to the committee is to go on record not only opposing the implementation of this regulation, but postponing it for a period of three years and accepting a compromise, which apparently is pending now to require when they are available, the noise reduction units. One of the ironies of this law is that they're trying to force the airlines to comply and the technology, which is affordable; it's not yet available in the market. It may become available over the next year or two. So, we're suggesting that the City Commission again in the strongest terms go on record opposing the immediate implementation of F.A.R. 36. Mayor Ferre: Is there such a motion? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'm going to second the motion. Burton, I have to express an opinion. Mayor Ferre: Hey, I live in the same air path that you do, and I get woken up by the noise of the planes too. Mr. Plummer: You speak about the immediate implementation. Just tell it like it is. That was a rule imposed five years ago. The airline industry has had five years to comply. They did absolutely nothing until a couple of months ago. Then they started screaming. We have to sit here, you in your position. We cannot see Latin and South America dry up tomorrow. But I don't think that we can also put out to the world that we're not concerned about the noise and the safety factor involved. Mayor Ferre: No, there's no safety question. Mr. Plummer: There is a safety factor, Maurice. The safety factor presently is, if they suppress the present engines, it is a safety factor. Mayor Ferre: Because they are not strong enough, you mean? Mr. Plummer: That's correct. All of the new aircraft there is no problem. One airline alone, Avianca, has said that if they were to be implemented tomorrow, it will cost them in excess of $100,000,000 to implement. All I'm saying is I'm going to vote favorably for this motion, because we cannot see 6,000 jobs that are our link to Latin and South America dry up. But somebody has to give these people a message and that message is that these are the standards that are set, that they are reasonable standards, and these people better realize that the day is around the corner -whether it is one year or two or maybe three- that they've got to comply. Mayor Ferre: J.L., look, as a friend of Colombia, which you are, look at the situation that they are in. Here is at country that has not borrowed money like Venezuela and Mexico and all the others. So, their foreign debt is not great. Yet, they are about to this month probably, they are going to have to call the I.M.F. to go into emergency al 13 October 1Q, 1904 . t t funding because they are totally out of cash. They are totally out of foreign currencies. They are now at a situation, and it affects Miami because two years ago, Colombia bought $800#0000000 worth of products to our airport and seaport. They are now in the first six months of this year, they are down to $250,000,000 in six months. Last year they dropped 18%; the year before they dropped again. If we curtail Avianca's functioning with their airplanes at a point where they don't have the money to change their engines or the airplanes, in effect what we're doing is driving away the business from Miami International Airport. So, I know, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. But let me put it to you this way. I'd rather be damned by putting up with the noise and keeping their business. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I don't disagree with what you say. I'm just saying, they have had five years. Unfortunately, they didn't do anything in the five years, and the day has got to come, as you say, that the pipers got to be paid. Mayor Ferre: Amen, are we ready to vote? Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I share what Commissioner Plummer said, but as far as I know, I have to understand that some of that equipment are not ready in the market yet. I have received that information from two airlines and they told me that they don't have not only the economic capacity, they don't have the equipment that they need at this time in the market and I think the equipment will be ready at the end of this year. That's important to verify to also, because that's the impression that I have received from some people from Lacsa and another company. Mayor Ferre: Burton, there's one other point that I want to make out to you and to the International Committee and to the International Banking Association. J.L., I want you to hear this because it affects the City of Miami. You know what? This is the kind of problem that we run into. Dick Judy, Metropolitan Dade County at the airport, goes out and sells I.D.B.s which we pay for because we live in Dade County, and builds a major office facility for Air Florida. Now, Air Florida is no longer around. What do you think the airport is doing with that space? Do you know what they are doing? They are going to downtown Miami and they are knocking on law offices like Burton Landy, or Credit Suisse, or International Center, or other places and they're saying if you're paying $28 per square foot, we got a deal for you. Come out to us, and we'll give it to you for under $20 a square foot. So, in effect, what's happening is, and this is not the first time that Metro has done this, they're using tax-free monies to compete with the City of Miami. They did it with Coopers -Lybrand and there is a repeating process that is going on where one arm of government is using tax free monies to compete against another arm of government. I would recommend to you in your committee that one of the things that you immediately look into is to look at what other states do. Now let me tell you... this is one of the things that Congressman Pickle was so upset about, when the Pickle amendments went in, of the abuse of tax-free monies. There are states in the Union, most of the responsible ones, that do not permit a governmental jurisdiction within the state to raid another government to take a job producing firm away from that firm based on tax free monies. In other words, it is not right for Ft. Lauderdale to come in here and lure away a Miami based business and do it by giving them U.S. tax-free breaks. I think that should be true within the Miami community. I think it is totally inappropriate for the airport or for the seaport...and the seaport is about getting ready to do it 31 14 October 10, 1984 again. They want to build an office building using U.D.A.G6 monies and tax-free monies and low interest monies from Washington. When they do that, do you know what's going to happen? Norwegian Caribbean Lines and Carnival Cruise Lines and all of the lines that are now filling up space in downtown Miami are going to abandon downtown Miami, go out to the airport and get cheaper space at taxpayers expense. If there were a single new job created, then I would agree that it makes sense. But for Metropolitan Dade County and for Roger Bareto, your friend and my friend. Roger Bareto is the Chairman of the Industrial Board in Metropolitan Dade County, to issue tax-free monies for Coopers -Lybrand to build an operation at the airport, to leave downtown Miami and use tax-free monies, is just totally unacceptable. I think, you know, we need to address the issue. I think you need to address the issue as it affects the whole question of international operations. Mr. Landy: I've made a note of that, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: We are ready to vote on the F.A.R. compliance? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1101 A RESOLUTION APPROVING, IN PRINCIPLE, THE MOTION PASSED AT THE SEPTEMBER 19, 1984 MEETING OF THE CITY OF MIAMI INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (ITDC), A THIRTY -MEMBER ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE CITY MANAGER WHOSE PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVE IS TO ADVISE THE CITY OF MIAMI ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A FIVE-YEAR INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION STRATEGY, RECOMMENDING THAT THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI REAFFIRM ITS POSITION, AS STATED IN ITS ATTACHED APRIL 109 1984 RESOLUTION (NO. 84--454), OF STRONGLY ENDORSING THE DELAYING OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION'S FEDERAL AIRCRAFT NOISE REGULATIONS FAR 36/FAR 91E UNTIL JANUARY 19 1988; FURTHER SUPPORTING THE FUTURE ACTIVITIES OF THE MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND THE ITDC IN THEIR EFFORTS TO SEEK A THREE-YEAR EXEMPTION FROM FAR 36 AND FAR 91E UNTIL JANUARY 19 1988; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO WORK CLOSELY WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN DISSEMINATING, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, THIS RESOLUTION, ALONG WITH A COVER LETTER FROM THE ITDC CHAIRMAN AND COPY OF THE LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE ITDC, TO APPROPRIATE U.S. OFFICIALS. 3_ i (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here'. and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- Y AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins y sl i Octobor 10t 1944 �. .der 74 --------------.r _I 7• PURSUE HOLDING OF THIRD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL TRADE a' DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE IN THE CITY OF MIAMI. --w----- w--------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Is there anything else, Burton? Mr. Landy: Yes, sir, briefly, the committee also recommends that the Department of Economic Development and the Convention Bureau take steps necessary to attract next year's third annual National League of Cities Sponsored _ International Trade Development Conference. Last year this _- conference was held in Atlanta. I understand that it attracted over 140 top level officials from approximately 100 cities, as well as many representatives of private sector companies. This is the most prestigious municipal �—' organization. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: So move. Mr. Perez: Move. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll on that. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1102 A RESOLUTION APPROVING, IN PRINCIPLE, THE MOTION PASSED AT THE SEPTEMBER 19, 1984 MEETING OF THE CITY OF MIAMI INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (ITDC), A THIRTY -MEMBER ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE CITY MANAGER WHOLE PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVE IS TO ADVISE THE CITY OF MIAMI ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A FIVE-YEAR INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION STRATEGY; SAID MOTION RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY OF MIAMI ACTIVELY PURSUE THE HOLDING OF THE NEXT YEAR'S (THIRD ANNUAL) NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES SPONSORED INTERNATIONAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE IN MIAMI; FURTHER DIRECTING THAT THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, PARTICIPANTS IN THIS YEAR'S CONFERENCE, COLLABORATE WITH THE CONVENTION BUREAU IN ATTRACTING THIS CONFERENCE TO THE CITY OF MIAMI. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins sl 16 October 10, 1904, r. c YS.Y--------Y iliP .i-.i.Y-YY------ -----Af- - - - - - - -Y.Y AN! 0 ♦ 8. PURSUE HOLDING OF INTER AMERICAN BANKS ANNUAL MEETING Ill THE CITY OF MIAMI. rrrrrr.r- .�------------------- ---- -------------- ---------Y--------- Mayor Ferre: Burton, I'd like to also get a motion from the Commission and commend to you that we go after the Interamerican Banks Annual meeting. As you know, we have a friend in Washington, even though he's a Republican, and his name is Jose Manuel Casanova, who's the U.S. Representative in the Interamerican Bank. As you know, that's a convention that brings 15,000 people into town. They have it every year. Next year, it's supposed to go to Uruguay. But there seems to be some questions as to whether or not it will i happen. Then, beyond that, supposedly, the U.S. is going to be a host site in 1986, so I think it is important for you and your committee, and the City of Miami's bureau and Charlotte, your operation, because -what's his name again? - Jose Manuel Casanova told me that this was an opportunity that Miami would only have once in a lifetime, and that there were a lot of people in Texas, San Antonio, Andy Young in Atlanta, Chicago, there are a lot of cities that are very anxious to get that very important convention; it's called the Interamerican Bank. Mr. Plummer: So move. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Plummer. Second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1103 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REQUEST THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND THE CITY OF MIAMI CONVENTION BUREAU TO VIGOROUSLY PURSUE THE HOLDING, IN MIAMI, OF THE "INTER- AMERICAN BANKS ANNUAL MEETING", WHICH CONVENTION BRINGS AN ESTIMATED 159000 PEOPLE INTO TOWN. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins sl 17 October 1i1,i# 9, ALLOCATE WOW TO SUPPORT PROGRAM OF THE INSTITUTE FOR SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL DISPUTES INC* .r-r-rr- -------------rrr+.-r----*.---------- Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, Burton. Mr. Landy: Mayor, now for the most substantive proposal that we have. Mayor Ferre: You'd better wait until Plummer gets back. - Mr. Landy: Commissioner Plummer, at our last meeting, we went into -in fact, several meetings- we've considered at great length, a proposal which has been brought forth by the International Center of Florida, and that is to create and establish here in Miami an institute for the resolution of international commercial disputes. What we're seeking to establish here is an institute which will promote, and this may sound peculiar coming from a lawyer, the economic and the expeditious resolution of international commercial disputes. Today, there are centers such as Paris, Stockholm, London where they have arbitration centers. We believe that Miami has an opportunity to establish an international center to resolve disputes. It will attract the attention of the world. It will bring business here to Miami. To establish this institute, we have already emplaced a non-profit corporation. I want to call on the chairman of the Institute for the Resolution of ___-- International Commercial Disputes, to give you some details -- and to relate to you what the recommendation of your committee is. I want to ask Dennis Nason, who's well-known to members of this Commission. He's the past president of the Florida International Bankers Association and the - General Manager of Credit Suisse. I Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, this is item 66 on the agenda. Mr. Dennis Nason: This is an initiative by the private sector to continue to focus the attention of the world on Miami as a place to do international business. We think this center for the resolution of disputes will help small businesses. Those small exporters will feel more comfortable exporting out of Miami if they have a way of resolving their international disputes. It will encourage them to deal in market places that they are not familiar with in Asia and Europe and open up new markets. It will help our academic institutions by encouraging them to do research, improving on their libraries. It will encourage tourism and have a centergistic effect with other things that we are doing in the international area. We think that the resolution by arbitration mediation is the way to go, so the people sit down and talk and is as proper businessmen resolving their international disputes. The private community has already expended more than $80,000 and we intend to expend more, but we're coming to the City of Miami now for a $509000 allocation to help support this program to help us with our marketing, because this at the present time is in the start-up stage. We need funding for marketing and for the clerical, the mailings, etc. We look upon this as a new community resource. We think it will benefit the City by bringing prestigious lawyers and focusing a great deal.of attention on Miami as a place to do international business. The proposal is for an allocation of $509000 from the City of Miami to support this project. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. al 18 October 1o: } Mayor Ferre: Mr. Nason, I have a small philosophical argument with you, which is an extension of an argument that I have with Charlotte Gallogly and others at different occasions. This is not an initiative of the private sector; because if it is an initiative of the private sector, what the hell are you doing here? Mr. Gary: That's right. Mr. Nason: It's a project that was initiated by the private sector in looking for cooperation to work with the City of Miami and work with.... Mayor Ferre: I think the time has arrived when we understand that all these things are private/public joint ventures, and that we start not only thinking of them that way, but referring to them. I frankly get a little tired of what I call the Insurance Exchange of the Americas syndrome. Let me tell you how that works. This is an idea that the private sector first thought up; then they came to see me ten years ago, eight years ago. Then, we went to see the Governor and the Insurance Commissioner, and it developed, and we got the legislature. There was a group that was promoted to study it. Finally, I had to go to Tampa to fight for it against Jacksonville and Tampa and we won. We ended up putting $500,000. When we inaugurated it, everybody wanted the credit for it; it was their idea. The Governor was super, Bill Gunter was there. The private sector had done everything. Everybody was so happy. Now it's weaning a little bit now. Now you know, I'm beginning to hear back again the City of Miami's insurance. See, when thing is going fine, then it's the state's and the Insurance Commissioner's and blah, blah, blah. When the thing begins to kind of flounder a little bit, now it's the City of Miami's Insurance Exchange of the Americas. Claude Pepper tells a story about Senator Vandenberg, who used to say, "If you want me to come in for the landing, invite me for the take -off." What I want to tell you is I want to be treated equally and fairly and consistently. If you want our help, and by the way, this is something that goes back to Burt Landy and I had lunch with this lawyer from Chile. What's his name? Florida National Bank, the guy that borrowed the stock with David Weaver of Florida National Bank, and Dr. Phil George; he has an Irish name. Carrey, right? Well, when Carrey came to see me, I said, "Look, if we're going to do this with this idea..." I called Burton and I said, "Burton, come on and have lunch with us." Carrey said to me, "You guys are missing a great opportunity, which could be worth millions of dollars to the hotel and the business community of Miami. Right now we spend in South America hundreds of millions of dollars flying to Geneva every year to settle these disputes, because what happens is I.B.M. or Exxon get into a fight with somebody in Brazil or Argentina. They don't want to go to the local courts in Argentina or Uruguay or Paraguay or whatever, so they agree to agree that they are going to dispute this in Geneva at this arbitration center. So they all fly off from Rio de Janeiro or wherever and they spend millions of dollars flying to Geneva to arbitrate these things when we could arbitrate them in Florida. Probably one of the best ideas that we've had in a long time. I'm sorry that it's taken two years to develop.` I'm thrilled that you've taken the initiative on it. I'm fully supportive of it, but just in the future, when you talk about this, remember that it's our joint idea. Mr. Nason: That's why we're here, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, do we have your recommendation on this or not? A`- ,k si 19 00tober 10,10$ a Mr. Gary: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Woa! Woa! That was awful easy, Mr. Manager. Where is the money coming from? They're talking about $50,000. Mr. Gary: Special Programs and Accounts, contingent. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Smith. Mr. H.T. Smith: Mr. Mayor, I was very pleased to hear you speak up and set the record straight that this is in fact a joint private/public sector venture and that seems to be the successful formula for these types of endeavors. As Chairman of the Miami -Dade Trade and Tourism Commission, I'm here because I'm concerned that, as you say, if you're going to invite me for the landing, I want to be there for the take -off also. Before $50,000 of our tax dollars are spent, I'd like to know what participation, if any, do Blacks and Latins have in this venture. I'd like to know who is on this Miami, this committee. I think it's high time that we not.... Mayor Ferre: The committee was appointed by the Manager and approved by the Commission. I'm not saying that's good or bad. I'm just saying that I'm giving you the background of it. I'm sure you're invited to look at the committee. I think it's a balanced committee. It represents both the community and the international community. Mr. Smith: My specific question is with regard to the...that committee hasn't asked for any money. I'm talking about the $50,000 of the tax money that's going to be spent from the Retirement Fund or where ever it's coming from. Mayor Ferre: It's not going to come from the Retirement Fund. That was a joke. Mr. Smith: I know that was just a joke. I'm joking too; I'm just not smiling. My question, I think, is a valid question. Mayor Ferre: When you smile, then we have to worry. Right? Mr. Smith: Yes, sir. My question specifically, and I would like a specific response, what participation do Blacks- and Latins have in this venture that's going to spend $50,000 of i tax monies. Mayor Ferre: This is an approval in principle and of course, before we approve it in final form the Manager has to come back with specific recommendations. I think what Attorney Smith is saying is not only germane, but it's something that this full Commission -I think I speak for everyone- totally subscribes to. Mr. Hason: If I might answer the gentleman, Mr. Smith, with regard to minorities. Probably this institute will do more for small and minority businesses than any other thing that we could propose in their ability to participate in the international arena. Because the small guy can't afford to fly off to London or to Paris if he's got a problem in trying to collect from a Venezuelan importer. We feel that particularly small exporters, a number of whom are minority, they may be Black, they may be Cuban, they, may be. Salvadorean. The nationality or race of the participant in not a question is to help the small guy have -an opportunity to participate in international trade, where now this is the $l 20 a_ z perusal of the big guy who can only afford to fly off to Paris and spend $50,000 in arbitration. We hope that the small guy will be able to participate. This is one of the reasons we want to bring this to Miami. This is going to be done somewhere in the United States. We think it should be done here, because this is going to be a community resource that's going to create jobs; it's going to promote tourism; and it's going to bring people of international renown here to this City. These people are going to be focusing on staffing, and yes, minorities will be involved. Mayor Ferre: You need legal staff, you need university professor types, you need people... I mean these arbitration centers require high technical knowledge. It isn't just.... Mr. Nason: It will raise the level of education in our universities, both the public and private universities. We think this will be a tremendous resource. When I mention that the private sector is participating in initiating, of course I meant it's a partnership. We've already expended over $80,000 and we're prepared to expend much more to see that this takes place in Miami. Mayor Ferre: Is th:?.s in -kind? Mr. Nason: For the most part. There is also some actual expenditures. So we're prepared to back this to the hilt. But we do think it should be a partnership. Mayor Ferre: Dennis, I think in -kind is valuable, but please, I don't want to get into one of these situations where it's just my brains and your money and we're going to make a partnership type of a thing. There will come a time where it's also going to require our brains and your money. Mr. Nason: Yes, I have, I do have a break down on the expenditures; but the point that I'm making is we're not coming to you as the first dollar. We have already ourselves put a considerable amount of time and money into this project. Mr. Smith: Mr. Mayor, just briefly, I think what is being done is commendable. I think the fact that the reason I rose to speak was because as I perceived of the idea, it appeared that it was something that could, in fact, benefit small businesses as well as large businesses, because they don't have the money to fly around like Swiss Air or whatever the name of that company you keep mentioning. However,.... Mayor Ferre: Credit Suisse is the bank and he represents it. It's one of the large European banks. Mr. Smith: Credit Suisse, the bank, right, O.K. The only thing I'm saying, Mr. Mayor, is that it is wonderful that there will be a benefit after implementation. I think that's good. There will be a benefit for all of the community after implementation. All I'm saying is that with regard to the thinking and the doing that Blacks and Latins should be involved in that too, not at the landing strip, but at the take -off. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, the words of Mr. Smith are part and parcel of this motion. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, this is a resolution, which is item 66. I think it would be appropriate to put the provision in there that Blacks and Latins be included and staffing and the development of p policy and implementation. s1 21 October 101984 h 0 Mayor Ferrel Is there such a motion on item 66, as amended? Mr. Plummer: So move, as amended. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferrel There is a motion and a second. Call the roll on item 66, as amended. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1104 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000 FROM THE SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENT FUND, TO SUPPORT THE PROGRAM OF THE INSTITUTE FOR SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL DISPUTES, INC. FOR A STUDY TO DETERMINE THE POTENTIAL MARKET IN LATIN AMERICA AND OTHER SELECTED GEOGRAPHIC AREAS TO USE MIAMI AS A CENTER FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL DISPUTES; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SAID ORGANIZATION TO IMPLEMENT THE HEREIN ALLOCATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Ferrel Mr. Landy, is there anything else? Mr. Landy: No, sir, I thank you for your time. I just want to sum up and tell you that responding to what Mr. King said, the committee, as appointed.... Mayor Ferrel Mr. Smith, H.T. Smith. Mr. Landy: I'm sorry, Mr. Smith, the committee as appointed by the City Manager.... Mayor Ferrel He thinks of himself as a king once in a while, and so do we; it's all right. He's a king maker. Mr. Landy: Excuse me, the reason I thought of king is Mr. Edward King, Jr., who's President of Miami -Dade Chamber of Commerce, is one of the prominent members of our committee. We have, I can assure you a very fine combination of both public sector and private sector members, Whites, Hispanics, Blacks, women and every other minority we've been able to identify. I think that's healthy because this represents our community. Mayor Ferrel That's important. Mr. Landy: We look forward to working closely with your City Manager and Charlotte Gallogly. "i Wb"-ftft 10- ENCOURAGE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE A CHAIRMAN OF FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE TO STAND FIRM IN MAINTAINING TITLE III EXPORT ACT REGARDING LOANS TO SOUTH AFRICA. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Mr. Landy. I have one other question. before we finish. Today, in Washington there are a lot of struggles going on, and Congress is trying to wind up. It was supposed to finish the weekend, but it didn't and it came back at Columbus weekend, and they are still up there and they probably are going to be there until Friday. This is my sense as I hear it - we have got a lot of things pending. Cable Television is pending, Immigration Act is pending. There are lot of things that are pending. Some of those things directly affect Florida and Miami. One of the things that affected us, and Mr. Smith is here - I thought perhaps this might be a good time to bring it up - the Export Act. As you know, we are fortunate enough to have somebody by the name of Dante Fascell, who happens to be the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, and therefore, he is one of the key guys that will decide whether or not the Export Act passes or doesn't pass. There is a struggle going between the White House and the Republican Party and the Democrat Party as to whether or not this is going to pass or not. What of course is happening, is this that Senate, well to midnight last night keeps on sending resolutions to the house or packages of bills that in a way emasculates the export act. It is a very critical area. One of those affects Africa and is of major concern to the City of Miami, to the Black and White people alike because of the problem of something called Apartheid. Apartheid is probably one of the most vicious institutionalized form of racial discrimination that has ever existed on an ongoing basis in any organized society. I would like to tell you, in case you haven't followed the news that in the past three weeks, 88 people have died due to political action in South Africa. 2,000 people have been incarcerated, 90% of which are less than 18 years of age, all Black ... less than 18 years of age in jail, 88 of which have died, and the horror of what is going on is something that America unfortunately in the White world just doesn't seem to be watching very carefully. I assure you if this was happening in the Soviet Union, or were happening in other parts of the world, we would all be alarmed and concerned. And yet it happens in South Africa to human beings and we don't seem to be too overly concerned about it - 88 political deaths in three weeksl Now, there is something called Title III in the Export Act, and what it basically does it prohibits government bank loans to South Africa. The Senate Conference had originally approved, and the problem is that the South African government has been lobbying to get Title III removed from the bill. I know that South Africa is far away from Miami. I know that we really don't have too much concern, because it doesn't involve us directly. I know that your committee doesn't have any responsibility for such things, but you know, really, neither does anybody else for that matter, and it is like Judge Douglas' argument when he was debating Abraham Lincoln about slavery, and I think we have to be like Lincoln and not like Judge Douglas and what I am saying to you is, I think it is appropriate for you and to the City of Miami Commission, my fellow Commissioners, to take a formal strong position in backing those more Id 22 October 10, 19§4 enlightened, and I am not afraid to use the word, because I still consider myself one liberal on ideas, that it is really important for us to stand up on principle, and I therefore would like to move that the City of Miami Commission encourages the Conference Committee, and specifically its chairperson from the House, our great leader, Dante Fascell, who is the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in the House, to stand firm in maintaining Title III in the Export Act, which specifically prohibits U.S. bank loans and government bank loans to South Africa, and I so move. Mr. Plummer! Second. Mr. Perez: There is a motion and a second. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1105 A MOTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION ENCOURAGING THE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE, AND SPECIFICALLY ITS CHAIR PERSON FOR THE HOUSE, OUR GREAT LEADER DANTE FASCELL, CHAIRMAN OF THE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE OF THE HOUSE, TO STAND FIRM IN MAINTAINING TITLE III IN THE "EXPORT ACT" WHICH SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITS U. S. BANK LOANS AND GOVERNMENT BANK LOANS TO SOUTH AFRICA. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Ferre: You know, I might point out that a lot of people say "Well, you know, what the heck does that got to do with City government". Well, let me tell you what it has to do with City government. It just happens that Dante Fascell, form this Community, is the Chairman and right now there are 8 votes that are maintaining the Title III and Dante Fascell's vote is the swing vote. Now, I want to tell you, he gets elected right here, and when we pass resolutions that speak to an issue, this is his constituency is speaking to him and you may not think it is important, and for that matter I know there are a lot of people that say that cities should not involve themselves in foreign policy and my answer to them is "You tell Ed Koch that in New York", and you tell Mayor Washington in Chicago, and you tell Tom Bradley in Los Angeles and you tell Henry Cisneros in San Antonio", because the press is always jumping on Miami for involving itself in foreign policy when every other Mayor in every other city in America does, and has done that for decades, so we are just as much affected an concerned as anybody else. Id t i .. ii lib dib.6 rr r4. d a&I"lii ibi. ab i..f------.iiilri.ri..r il..Y .if�ii� t 11. EXPRESS POLICY OF COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS WITH SOUTH AFRICA PENSION FUNDS, LOANS, ETC. rrrr—r—r-- r-- r----------.. ---r—r ------ -- -----r rrr—rfY—rr------ 5 Mayor Ferre: While we are on this discussion on South Africa, I would now like to pass the following resolution and I would like to introduce it and leave it for a final vote when we have a full Commission. This is a resolution expressing, and Mr. Smith, since you are here, and you are partly the intellectual author of this, I want you to hear this. (AT THIS POINT, Mayor Ferre reads resolution into the record). I so move. Mr. Plummer: Are you holding this until this afternoon? Mayor Ferre: What I would like to do is - I don't frankly think this is controversial. What I would like to do is pass it and let the two members of the Commission that are missing, if they wish to join the Commission in voting for it. I frankly don't think that is a controversial item. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Perez: There is a motion and a second. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1106 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE POLICY OF THE CITY COMMISSION WITH REGARD TO COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS WITH SOUTH _ AFRICA; AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT LEGISLATION INCORPORATING — APPROPRIATE PROVISIONS FROM THE CITY OF -_ PHILADELPHIA AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AND TO DRAFT RESOLUTIONS PROHIBITING, WITHIN TWO YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE RESOLUTION, THE MIAMI CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM, THE MIAMI CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PLAN AND ALL OTHER CITY ENTITIES FROM INVESTING IN STOCKS, SECURITIES OR OTHER OBLIGATIONS OF ANY BANK, FINANCIAL INSTITUTION OR COMPANY WHICH MAKES LOANS TO OR DOES BUSINESS WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA AND RESOLUTIONS PROVIDING FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) k Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the t resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins* Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ld 24 October 10, 19S4 *NOTE: Although absent at roll call, Commissioner Dawkins later requested of the Clerk to be shown as voting with this motion. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo t Mayor Ferre: All right now, would the Clerk therefore inform the two missing members of the Commission what our =' vote was. Give them a copy of the resolution and let the =f record reflect that if they wish to be recorded as voting on this, that unanimously it be approved. Yes, sir? Mr. H. T. Smith: H. T. Smith, 1017 N. W. 9th Court. Obviously, first of all, let me commend the Commission for the action taken with regard to funds that are City funds that are now invested in South Africa, and preventing business from being done with companies who are doing business in South Africa. I just want to make sure that what is said is clearly understood, and that is, that not only is the City not going to do business with companies and banks that are doing business in South Africa, but that those businesses that we are presently doing business with, they already have business in South Africa, or do business in South Africa, will have two years to divest themselves. Was that your understanding of it, Mayor Ferre? Mayor Ferre: Yes, Mr. Smith, let me tell you that both the City of Philadelphia and Washington, D. C., along with Boston, and Philadelphia and other cities, but Philadelphia and Washington in particularly, have spent a great deal of time, effort and money in carefully, legally studying this, and I think ... I don't want to reinvent the wheel. What I really want to do is use the vehicle that they have very carefully and meticulously studied, and just do what they are doing, so if you would visit with Mrs. Dougherty, and go over, and I would also like to ask also that you include George Knox in that, so that you go over both the Philadelphia and Washington laws and see if we can pattern ours as close as we can, and those laws do include what you are just saying. Mr. Smith: Well, Mr. Mayor, I have read all the testimony 4 that has been taken in Washington, D. C. by financial experts saying that it is a safe investment for pension funds. There are only 400 countries now, thank God, that still do business with this notorious regime and we have seen now over the past ... n Mayor Ferre: 400? i h Mr. Smith: Out of all the companies on the New York Stock exchange ... Mayor Ferre: Companies. Mr. Smith: 400 companies, and when this was at least twice that amount. Let because I have to leave, and I won't be on this. Mayor Ferre: We need to get on. first started, it me just say this here when you vote Mr. Smith; I understand that, Mr. Mayor, I understand that. `- Let me just say this, however. One, I think the City Id 25 0000or 101 1904 Commission needs to be commended for taking this action, and as you were referring to as Lincoln said during Gettysburg "The world would little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it will remember what we do here". It may appear to a lot of people that South Africa is way in the back of the minds of the people of the country, but that is just not so, and I still urge, however, that the Mayor and the City Commission consider some of the things that I have said with regards to some other issues involved in South Africa, which I do not want to belabor at this point. I think this is a bold step forward. I appreciate. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Smith, I think it is very appropriate, and I would like to point out to you, if you notice, and I am not saying this in any way to slight our Black member of this Commission, but the three members of the Commission that have voted for this issue are non -Blacks, so even though I well recognize the importance of this to Black America, I would like hope that we live in Miami in a pluralistic society where we are concerned about justice, not matter what the color or creed of the individual. 12. OPEN SEALED BIDS: CONSTRUCTION OF EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I-B-4494. This being the date and time advertised for receiving sealed bids for Edison Highway Improvement Phase I-B-4494, the Mayor announced that the City Commission was now ready to receive sealed bids; The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1107 A MOTION TO OPEN AND READ A'.1OUD BIDS RECEIVED IN CONNECTION WITH EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I-B-4494. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo _ j ;t6l Ing if 1,K►rM� MIRI Construction, Inc. Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. Delta Plumbing Corp. Garcia -Allen Construction Co. M. Vila & Associates, Inc. Ocean Bay, Inc. P.N.M. Corporation FRE Construction Co. Id 26 October 10, 1984 i -w.rr.rwrrrrrair.w�:..r.+.r.rr.rrwrwrr+r.rrr.�r.rrrw�rr.�sr.+arrwrrrrr�r.�rrrrw.r.ir.w-rra..sar �. 13. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $309000 IN CONNECTION WITH HOLDING OF ANNUAL SUGAR CANE INDUSTRY x SEMINAR. x ---------- ------r—-------------rrr,r rrrr—rrrr.�r�► I Mayor Ferre: We have the unfinished business of the Sugar Industry Seminar this year. Last year we supported it for $25000. This year, they are requesting $50,0009 which I think is a little bit excessive, but I would move that the City of Miami, in compliance with our promise that we support it with $30,000, and I so move. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Perez: There is a motion and a second, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1108 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $30000 IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOLDING OF THE "ANNUAL SUGAR CANE INDUSTRY SEMINAR". Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: Mrs. Dougherty, would you please get that in 1 resolution form? The Sugar Seminar has been over about two or three weeks and even those people have not been pressuring me, I know that they are rather anxious to get this thing settled. You went for the opening ceremony, j didn't you? ' t Mr. Gary: Yes ... (INAUDIBLE). ------------------------------------------------------------ 14. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH MIAMI STEAMBOAT CO. 30 DAY BASIS FOR DOCKING OF DINNER CRUISE OPERATION ON CITY OWNED PROPERTY. REQUEST MANAGER TO DELINEATE USAGE OF CITY WATERFRONT PROPERTY SPACE FOR TOURIST & RECREATIONAL USES RTC. --------------- ------------- --r r w--------- Mayor Ferre: We have this Frank Cobo matter. Are we ready to do that? Frank, I don't know who represents your group. i Are you ready to make your statement? Mr. Frank Cobo: Mr. Mayor and Honorable members of the Commission, I represent Mr. Fred Epstein of the Miami F Steamboat Company and I would like him to make a presentation - very short presentation to the Commission and to the Manager. i ld 27 October 109, 194:4: yY. f � x�Y Mr. Fred Epstein: Mr. Mayor, Commissioners and Mr. Manager, Miami Steamboat Company was formed to bring in a dinner cruise boat into the City of Miami similar to those operating in Norfolk, Pittsburgh, New York, Philadelphia, any number of cities - New Orleans, similar to an operation that existed here several years ago, located at the Bicentennial Park in a ship called the spirit of Miami and we propose to anchor this boat on City property and load passengers and move out into the bay where we will serve dinner cruises and entertainment and remunerate the City in accordance with any negotiations that we can enter into with City personnel. We propose a non-exclusive use of waterfront facilities that would be designated by staff and we propose also a lease that could be canceled with as little as 30 or 60 days notice until we could possibly in the future request a more formal proposal and I have very briefly a picture ... Mayor Ferre: Pass it around, Frank. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Epstein, let me try to cut it short. I've seen it, thank you. My understanding of what you are asking for at the present time of this Commission is the right to negotiate with the Manager on a 30 day option, just for the docking of the vessel. Mr. Epstein: The docking, and the use of City parking facilities, which we pay for, for passengers to embark and disembark from the vessel, but the vessel would not serve its meals or entertain tied to the dock. It would go out into the bay. Mr. Plummer: In other words, what you are asking for is on a 30 day basis the right to sit down and negotiate this matter with the Manager. i Mr. Epstein: That is correct, except my vessel will be here in three weeks and will hire 150 people from the City and I want to put it to work and I have some other locations ... Mr. Plummer: I understand, but what I am saying to you is, you have got to sit down and negotiate an agreement with the Manager, so what you are looking really for this morning is the Commission to tell the Manager to sit down and negotiate with you to try to come up with some kind of a contract, even though temporary at this time. Is that correct? Mr. Epstein: That is correct. } Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I so move. This is the same thing that we did for the other one. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second. k Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, under discussion. Mr. Manager, the City of Miami has 13 miles of waterfront. Part of it is on the bay, part of it is on the river. Mr. Plummer: Part of it is on the ocean. Mayor Ferre: And part of it is on the ocean. It seems to me that we should not be short sighted about this. I think that obviously we don't want a hundred of these things in every location, but on the other hand, I thinly that it is healthy for the tourism and hospitality business, for us to have these types of attractions, so I don't want this in any way to be exclusive, or that anyone would perceive that we are giving anybody certain rights that we would not give to ld 28 October 10, .1984 1 others, so I would basically like to say that I am voting in favor of this like I voted in favor of the others, and I think eventually we need to come out with a specific formula so that we would have a procedure, have an R.F.P. on an annual basis, if you will, as people come up and want to lease waterfront space from the City for the purposes that are tourist oriented. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, if I may, I would suggest that the motion be modified to reflect an organized policy of the Commission in terms of boat dockage for entertainment purposes and recreational purposes that the City Manager be authorized to go out for an R.F.P. Mayor Ferre: Is that retroactive to the other R.F.P. issue that have? Mr. Gary: Yes, because you just ... see, this is the second c one you voted on. You voted on one for Monty Trainer, now this is the second one. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Manager, let me say this. They are on a 30 day basis, which doesn't preclude your doing that, and I would be happy to make a second motion after this one passes. Mayor Ferre: Okay, on the first motion without any amendments, are we ready to vote? Mr. Gary: May I ask for clarification of the motion? Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir. Mr. Gary: You have agreed to allow Monty Trainer to park one temporarily. Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir. That is also on a 30 day basis, month to month. Mr. Gary: Well anyway, that is neither here nor there. On the F.E.C. site - what are you doing with this one? On the same site? Mr. Plummer: Same thing. Mr. Gary: On the same site? Mr. Plummer: Well, Bicentennial ... excuse me, I am sorry. It is around the corner. Mr. Gary: Okay, the third issue becomes - you have also authorized Stuart Sorg to be in negotiations with the Navy for that Bicentennial site, so you have a conflict there. Mr. Plummer: No, the Navy would only use it as a port facility. Mr. Gary: J. L., you can't park two boats at the same spot. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary, you never parked boats! Mr. Trainer, in his proposal, if I understand correctly is there and will stay there - will not be leaving. Mr. Epstein, in his proposal, will only use it to board people and to exit people and dock at other times. The Navy will be coming forth with a port leave or a weekend kind of a situation. You have all the space, not only in front of Bicentennial, you have the slip which used to do the very same thing that these people are asking to do. Mr. Gary Well, this clarifies the ... id 29 October 10, 1964 Mayor Ferre: Are you ready to vote? I am going to cover you in a moment, Howard, with a second motion. All right, are we ready to vote on this issue? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1109 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF MIAMI STEAMBOAT COMPANY AND SPECIFICALLY Mr. FRED EPSTEIN, ON A 30-DAY BASIS, TO COME UP WITH A TEMPORARY AGREEMENT FOR THE DOCKING OF A DINNER CRUISE OPERATION IN THE F.E.C. PROPERTY AREA; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF CITY -OWNED PARKING FACILITIES TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CRUISE OPERATION; FURTHER REQUESTING THE MANAGER TO COME BACK WITH A PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR FINAL COMMISSION CONSIDERATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: Now, I make a motion that the Manager be instructed to come back to the Commission at a very early time with a master plan and the proper delineation and usage for waterfront space for tourist recreational purposes, specifically for water -based restaurants and entertainment facilities along Miami's public property, and that it be done in a formal R.F.P. basis, so that if there are other bidders who wish to bid, they will be so advised. The previous resolution that are both for Mr. Epstein and for Monty Trainer are based on a a 30 day basis, month to month, so this would be a form not to exclude them, but to give others this opportunity to also ... let it be clearly understood that there may be more than two such deals in the future, in the same way that we have property such as restaurant associates, and specialty restaurants like the Rusty Pelican and the new one coming in on the way to Key Biscayne, that the City might look upon this as a good source, not only of revenue, but providing a service to both the community and to our tourists. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I would also like to just for the record, to convey to Monty Trainer and Mr. Epstein that once you go through this R.F.P. process that as you have said, everybody is given equal opportunity to bid on those sites and that they may not be the winner. I think we need to understand that for the record for legal purposes. Mayor Ferre: I think that is clearly implied in it, but Mr. Manager also implied in it is the fact that we may not have to limit it to just two firms if we have four or five people wanting to put these facilities ... Id 30 October ;10 v 1984'. k Mr. Gary: That is what I am saying. Mayor Ferre: There is no reason why one can't be put for example in Watson Island, one couldn't be put on Bicentennial Park, one couldn't be put at F.E.C. property, one couldn't be put on the river property at Sewel Park, for example, one couldn't be put down by Coconut Grove, one couldn't be put by Virginia Key. Mr. Gary: I am trying to protect us against estoppels, Mr. Mayor and that is, the way I understand the law is that because this is going to ... I envision it to be done on a permanent basis, that everybody has to understand that this is a temporary right and that once you go through the bidding process ... Mayor Ferre: Somebody else may get that location. Mr. Gary: Exactly. Mayor Ferre: In other words, what Mr. Epstein and what Mr. Trainer have are 30 day deals and once you come up with an R.F.P., and if it turns out that the XYZ Company from Hoboken may come down here with a better deal than Monty Trainer for that same location, then Monty Trainer may be second, not first. Mr. Gary: That is correct. Mayor Ferre: And both Mr. Epstein and Mr. Trainer have to take their chances on that. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1110 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO COME BACK TO THE CITY COMMISSION AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE TIME WITH A MASTER PLAN FOR THE PROPER DELINEATION OF USAGE OF WATERFRONT SPACE FOR TOURIST AND RECREATIONAL PURPOSES, SPECIFICALLY, FOR WATER -BASED RESTAURANTS AND ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES ALONG MIAMI'S PUBLIC WATERWAYS; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT SUCH SHOULD BE DONE ON A FORMAL R.F.P. BASIS SO THAT ALL INTERESTED PARTIES MAY BE INFORMED AND MAY BID; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT EXISTING DEALS WITH Mr. EPSTEIN AND WITH MONTY TRAINER ARE BOTH TEMPORARY AGREEMENTS, RUN ON A MONTH -TO -MONTH BASIS, PENDING FORMAL RECEIPT OF R.F.P.'S. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Id 31 OctOber 10, 1984 S -+iti�i..--r—rrr.rt.wr+.a.rrwwww...wa. rr�.ar rr.r�.r.�rr ra�.r ar rr W..r.rwr rar+r.�r rir.rafi`r�� j 15. EXPRESS INTENT OF CITY TO ISSUE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS IN CONNECTION WITH GARAGE AT BATSIDS PROJECT. rr--rr---rr------- --------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: I.D.B.'s - resolution getting City of Miami on register in order for the City to receive I.D.B.'s with the i Bayfront Parking garage. All right, there is a specific motion which has been written and you have before you , somewhere around here dealing with I.D.B.'s. It reads as follows: (AT THIS POINT, Mayor Ferre reads resolution into the record) Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: To get on the registry, I will vote it, but if we receive it, then I have more input. Mayor Ferre: What? Mr. Plummer: To get us on the registry, I agree to and will support. Mayor Ferre: Okay. Plummer moves, is there a second? Mr. Perez: This expresses intent - it just approves in principle? Mayor Ferre: Expressing intent. Let me explain what this does specifically. We need to tell Dade County and the State of Florida that it is our intention to issue up to $20,000,000 of I.D.B.'s to build this garage. If we don't express that, and get on the record soon, it may be because of this system that the State, the Governor, are devising and we may end up - somebody says "Why, you should have told us about it." Now, we have issued all the I.D.B.'s to Coopers and Lybrand and Joe Robbie and so on, you know? I j don't know whether you know this, but Joe Robbie wants $80,000,000 with this I.D.B., and "Gee, why didn't you tell us about that, because we would have been happy to accommodate you, but we didn't know you really wanted them". That is what this does. Mr. Plummer: Fine, plus there will have to be a public hearing. Mr. Gary: Under discussion - Mr. Mayor, I just wanted the Commission to be aware that we are following two paths in terms of financing the garage at the Rouse Project. This is one alternative. The other is to the Off -Street Parking Authority. Because of the complexities involved, we are not 4 sure which approach we are going to take. 'I Mr. Plummer: Don't worry, the bonds will have meters on them. f Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? All right, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1111 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE INTENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI TO ISSUE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS IN AN AMOUNT. NOT TO EXCEED $209000 TO BE USED TO , CONSTRUCT THE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER PARKING GARAGE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- I' -�' AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre - NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo ------- ------------------------------------------ ----------- 16. AUTHORIZE RETAINING OF BOND COUNSEL Ill CONNECTION WITS O.S.P.A. CONSTRUCTION OF GARAGE AT BAYSIDE PROJECT. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: All right, before you go, and Roger, let me express the view, on the record and officially, Mr. Carlton, that as long as I have sat here as Mayor and my predecessors, Dave Kennedy and Steve Clark, during the tenure of office of Mr. Richard La Baw, your predecessor, and Col. Mitchell Wolfson, the Chairperson of the Off -Street Parking Authority, I do not recall a time during'all those years, whenever there was a decision by Col. Wolfson and the Board, to retain counsel, to change auditors, to change consultants, whether they be Conrad associates, or whoever, or major issue, when there was a question about a parking garage, building a new garage, that Col. Wolfson did not call me, and I knew he did call Plummer, because he would tell me and say "Do I need to talk to anybody else? Would you talk to the Manager?" I said "Well, tell Plummer to do that, or I will talk to the Manager", or whatever it was. This is the first time in history that I can think of where I found out about a major development of the Off -Street Parking Authority without having been informed by yourself, the Chairman, Mr. Arnold Rubin, or by the members, because sometimes Leslie Pantin calls me or David Weaver. Nobody informed me. Plummer, were you informed? This is a major garage, a major issue within the City of Miami. I want to repeat to you for the last time - for the last time, that the Off -Street Parking Authority is part of the City of Miami, has been, and is now, and I will not put up - I think I speak for this Commission with hearing about important developments in the Off -Street Parking Authority either in the newspapers, or by second hand basis. Now, I am specifically talking about your request, as I understand it, you have now chosen both Bond Counsel and Underwriting Counsel, and Lucia, where does that stand at this point? Mrs. Dougherty: Presently, at least for this resolution, we have utilized the same counsel to run past this resolution. I understand you are on a rotating basis and we will select whoever the next one is, and I don't know who that is. I am getting eonflioting reports. Mayor Ferre: Well, but as I understand it, the way it is now, the Off -Street Parking Authority had recommended that we use Sparber-Shevin for Bond Counsel. I would imagine that is in conjunction with Brown, Wood, Ivey. Is that correct, or .... ? Mrs. Dougherty: And Bob Olive. ld Mayor Ferre: Well, Bob Olive is co -counsel with Sparber- !` Sheven.; t., Mrs. Dougherty: Correct. s !i Mayor Ferre: Because I talked to Sparber yesterday. That I' is their operation. Now, on the other hand, underwriter counsel is Mrs. Dougherty: Broad and Cassell. Mayor Ferre: Broad and Cassell. Mrs. Dougherty: And we continue to keep that up until this time. Mayor Ferre: I have no objections to doing that again. I _ would like to repeat to you that this is something in the future that you need and it has nothing to do, believe me, with patronage, because we are trying to get away from a concept of patronage, and as you know, we are having a revolving fund. I mean, a revolving legal counsel, so every major legal counsel involved in the bond issue has an opportunity to do work for the City of Miami at the same way that they do at Metropolitan Dade County, so this is not one — firm that gets preference over another. It is our intention to use a different law firm in every single issue. Mrs. Dougherty: So we will continue to keep the present configuration regarding the two issues. Mayor Ferre: Well, except there seems to be some confusion. The first firm supposedly got the business with Fine and Jacobs, but I understand that Fine and Jacobs, because they are dealing with the Housing bond issue it never has gotten off the ground and never really gotten any bend work. The second firm, if I remember is Broad and Cassell. What did =_ Broad and Cassell get? Mr. Gary: They got the last G.O. issue. They have been paid and it is all closed. Mayor Ferre: Now, Broad and Cassell, therefore is now chosen by the Off -Street Parking Authority, and I have no objections, so please don't misunderstand. Mr. Gary: That is underwriters now. I am not so sure that that should be a discussion at this particular point in time. Mrs. Dougherty: What you are really discussing now is whether or not you want to continue having Sparber Sheven as the City's for the issuing agency's lawyers, because the underwriters have selected them. Mr. Gary: No, that is in conjunction with Brown - Wood. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir? Mr. Roger Carlton: Let me say on behalf of the Board and myself that we apologize for the lack of communication. I can only say that the basic list from which the Off -Street _ Parking Board chose was the City's list. We do not create our own. We simply use the one that was your process and in the future, when these selections are made, we will make the contact, if you want, as the commitment. Mayor Ferre: I am glad you understand, Roger. We are not Jtelling you who to choose. I never did that with Mitchell 3: Wolfson. All I want is not to have to read about it in the F>. ggA l ld 34 October 100 1104 ti newspapers, or be told by a third hand party as to what is going on in a major agency of the City of Miami, and I am asking this same courtesy to every member of this Commission. Mr. Carlton: We will do that. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote on that? We need a resolution. Mr. Plummer: Leave it as it is. So moved. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Lucia, what is we are voting on? Are we going to put it on the record? Mrs. Dougherty: The resolution that is before you, and the authorization to engage bond counsel. Mayor Ferre: No, no. We have already voted on the resolution before us. We are not voting on that. Mrs. Dougherty: All right. Mayor Ferre: The resolution that has now been moved and seconded specifically deals with bond counsel. Mrs. Dougherty: To engage the same bond counsel as the parking authority. Mayor Ferre: And they are...? Mrs. Dougherty: They are Sparber Shevin for the issuing agency, the City, and Broad and Cassell for the underwriter's counsel. Although we don't have the authorization to hire them, they are the underwriter's counsel. Mayor Ferre: Well then, leave that out. Mrs. Dougherty: Well, you have got to leave that out. It has to be Brown, Wood and Ivey in conjunction with Sparber Shevin to be for this particular resolution that you just passed as the bond counsel. Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll. THEREUPON, THE FOREGOING MOTION, duly introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo (LATER FORMALIZED INTO RESOLUTION NO. 84-1118) id 35 k YB damb if. i il d... 17. DISCUSSION: CITY/COUNTY SWAP OF PROPERTY VIRGINIA KEY AND STOCKADE PROPERTY (See later same meeting) r it ifYr irrrrr�rrrrr..irr�li i----rrrrrrrrrr—r-rrrririil rrwrr.r.rrr '. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, the first item I give to you is a resolution pertaining to the negotiation between the City and the County as it relates to the stockade, to the swap of property on Virginia Key, at which time this has been fully negotiated. It is in concurrence with the the County Manager and the County Commission, the City Manager, and I am asking for the concurrence of the City Commission. "The resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute an agreement substantially in the form attached hereto, acceptable to the City Attorney for the exchange of real property between Dade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, City of Miami, municipal corporation of the State of Florida in accordance with certain land exchange agreements between the City and the County dated December 20, 1979." Mr. Mayor, I move this resolution. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Copies are available. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Under discussion - J. L., does that include the van, or not? Mr. Plummer: That is negotiated Mr. Mayor though hopefully savings which we will receive ...(INAUDIBLE, OFF MICROHONE). Mr. Gary: If I might ... Mayor Ferre: The answer is that we know that we don't get van. Mr. Gary: No. Mr. Mayor, they are going to give us $500000 for the construction of the facilities. The cost of that facility may be less. If it is less, they still give us $500,000. So, if it costs $450,000, they still pay us $500,000, therefore we will have $50,000 for the van. Mayor Ferre: We aren't going to get snookered by Dade County again are we? Mr. Gary: No, and I want to make some ... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, you are not getting snookered. Mr. Gary: No, we are not on the $500,000. Mayor Ferre: No, but they snookered us. J. L., I think that is great that you improved the negotiation standards of the City, but the point is that we went through a process down at the government center ... 7 Mr. Plummer: Right. Mayor Ferre: Where we ended up getting snookered and they went out and took our $1,000,000 and spent it and said "Well, you are next". Mr. Plummer: This is much to the contrary, Mr. Mayor. We will be acquiring two and one-half acres of their property on Virginia Key, less our two and one-half acres. The Canine will be there. The Mounted Patrol will be there. We ld 36 October 109 19$4 n _ have all of the other things built into this agreement, with the exception of the van, which was my idea from the beginning. All of the toll is waived, and things of that nature is all encompassing. t` Mayor Ferre: Who ends up with fee title to the Department? Mr. Plummer: We do. s Mayor Ferre: With Virginia Key - they get the stockade property? Mr. Plummer: They get that, yes, sir. That is already in effect, Mr. Mayor. When the City turned over the other portion of that property, they had fee title, but ... Mayor Ferre: Without paying it? Mr. Plummer: Yes. The proviso in that original agreement _- of many years ago was predicated on the fact if they moved - us from there, that they would have to provide us with - -- adequate. That was the terminology. This is what we consider to be adequate. �s Mayor Ferre: Okay. Well, Mr. Manager, it seems to me the City has a long history of always helping the County out. - — When the have an over -population with Ypolice, we house them in the old police building, even though Dena Spillman and all the staff and the residents were very, very upset, but -- we need to help our friends and brothers over there at =- Metro. We went out of our way to help them. Everytime we go out of our way to help them, but when it becomes our ' turn - when we are out asking - we helped them in Congress -` to get money for their bridge to Dodge Island - we help them -- in everything, but everytime we want a little something from Metro - oh, no, they can't do it. We have got to pay for it, and they don't want to give us any kind of consideration. They are always shifting responsibility to - ' use They cry that they cannot afford it. Well, our budget - �I is just as tight as theirs and the fact is that we have got an awful lot of things to be clarified. Now, I don't want to hold anything hostage. You know, what they do is they wait us out - the bridge. We eventually give in because we i don't want to be the responsible party for them losing $29,000,000 of Federal funds to build a bridge. We give up on this thing, but is our agenda being taken care of? We have got citizens that are looking to us to solve some basic problems. Where do we stand on the property, for example, of government center? Mr. Gary: Let me just go back, Mr. Mayor. During this ' -} whole negotiation, you know, we have been informally been carrying. They want us to be more concerned about their problems then they are about their problems and what we are j concerned about them assisting us, they normally drag their feet. As a result of that, Merritt Stierheim has agreed to give us the land on 62nd Street for the police sub -station, which is tentatively assessed 'at $37,000, for $1.00 a year. This all came out ... Mayor Ferre: That is nothing, that is a drop in the bucket, that $37,000. Mr. Gary: Well, I agree, but I think it demonstrates the fact that we are taking a hard approach with Dade County in that they should treat us fairly as we treat them. Ir Mayor Ferre: I'll tell you, you don't have my vote on this a at this time and I want to tell you that I need to know that we have gotten the government property reinstated somehow, that we have been covered by that. Id 37 October 10,..1984 W i (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mayor Ferre: But, J. L., it is the same old thing. If you ! don't do it, the judge is going to get on your tail. If you don't do it, the Chamber of Commerce is going to be furious at you because you are going to lose $29,000,000, but if you don't do it, all hell is going to break lose and always have got to do it, and we give them the incinerator, the library system, we give them - Metropolitan Dade County everything, and yet, where is the property they committed to give us, the government center? There is no reason why they can't do that! Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, on the government property, that property is ours. The only problem with that is is that we can't utilize that land for the mere fact that the land was bought with police bond funds, and they were supposed to give us $1,000,000 for the land, where we can turn it back to the police bond fund, and thereby utilize the land for purposes of this for police. The whole issue is when they are going to sell the next bond, which we are trying to = resolve. Mayor Ferre: You and I will long be gone when that happens. Mr. Gary: Well, I've got some strategies I would rather not say right now, but Mr. Mayor, I would encourage the passage of this with some changes, however, and the change would be - we were not convey the land until. "hey had facilities for our horses and our dogs. Obviously, they are not going to be able to do that in the time frame to allow them to still have that money and build a jail in terms of dealing with the court. What I have worked out with Merritt Stierheim is that they would give us temporary facilities at Tropical Park while they are constructing at Virginia Key, which would also permit them to build a jail, which allows -_ everybody ... we are constructing, which would allow ... Mayor Ferre: Yes, but I want you to know they are going to use those horse facilities as well as we are. Mr. Gary No, they are not. Mayor Ferre: This is just for us? Mr. Gary: This is ours only, so that allows everybody to — benefit, but I would like to have one change, Mr. Mayor, and I would urge you to vote on this if I may, that where they - j say they say the County agrees to advertise for, receive = proposals and award a contract for design of the mounted police stables in compliance with Section 287055 of the — Florida statutes as applicable, and to construct the facilities. I wanted it to be done on emergency basis, not i through the normal process of competitive advertising and bids which will put us in a position of emergency situation where we can't have our horses closer to us and they cannot have their jails. I would prefer that they do bids under the emergency provision. Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir, because that is exactly what they want. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Manager, what you are saying is, you shouldn't usurp the government land at this point, because you have other ways of solving that problem. Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. j d Mr. Plummer: Hopefully. ld 38 October 10, 1984 �A j Mayor Ferre: You are assuming that responsibility? i Mr. Gary: No, I am not taking the responsibility for the County! Mayor Ferre: Well, I am not voting for this. Somebody is going to have to tell me that it is going to be worked out. I dontt mind Merritt Stierheim calling me and telling me on j the record like you are doing it. Somebody is going to have to tell me that that problem is going to be resolved. Mr. Gary: Okay, I guess what I am saying, Mr. Mayor. there are two issues regarding that land. The land is ours. It is just that we cannot utilize it for anything that cannot be construed as police, or police related, until the land is ours. The only way we can utilize it for any purpose - for parking purposes, is to get the $1,000,000. That is the whole thing of the issue, $1,000,000, not the land itself. Mayor Ferre: I know that, but the question is, they had that $1,0009000 earmarked for us, but then they went and used it somewhere else. The press has not reported any of - this. Mr. Gary: They agreed they were going to pay us a $1,000,000 and ... Mayor Ferre: Well, when we went to ask them for the money, they said "Well, we are sorry, we have already used it for some other purpose and you are going to have to wait". We said "Until when?" They said "We do not know." That is not acceptable. Mr. Gary: And they keep saying the next sale of the sea - port bonds, but yet again in the same tone, they keep saying, "Well, we have the capacity". Mayor Ferre: I will tell you what, Mr. Manager. As far as I am concerned, I am not voting for this. You will have to get somebody else here to vote for it. Unless this afternoon, before the end of the day I get a written statement from Merritt Stierheim or somebody in the County _ that they are going to, to your satisfaction, help us out of this problem. I am sick and tired of the City of Miami always solving Metro's problems, and they never address us. Mr. Gary: We have one letter, Mr. Mayor, that may be satisfactory, and that letter basically says that Dade County will pay us the $19000,000 on the sale of the next sea port bonds. i Mayor Ferre: When will that be? Mr. Gary: I can try to get that. Mayor Ferre: You get that in writing today that this will be in the next five years that will be acceptable to me. At jj that point I am ready to vote on it. I r t r; '1 d 39 October 109 1984` r--r--a.r06"ra..ra.-.i-i..i.ir"-a,-a.r--a "Mb-r---..---r-r---r—r-r-r-do- --- 18. ALLOW REPRESENTATIVES OF "TASTE OF THE GROVE" EVENT TO USE UP TO $10,000 OF PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED MONIES FOR 2ND EVENT. --------------r--r-------- ..r—-------------------- --- -------- Mr. Plummer: "Taste of The Grove". Mr. Mayor, we allocated $25,000 for "Taste of The Grove". They had a huge success - too successful! "Taste of The Grove", was the food down there of all of the major hotels and restaurants in this Coconut Grove area. I was there, yes, sir, and they only used of that $25,000, they used - Marshall, what...? $8,000. They would like to put on another one in January, and they would like the authorization to use the amount of money that was not used previously, but allocated for the second "Taste of The Grove" with the promise that they will have more than adequate food this time. They kept running out and running out before and they expected 5,000 people and they got 50,000 people! Mayor Ferre: Is that your recommendation? Mr. Gary: My only question is, how many "Taste of the Grove" functions are you going to have, every week? Mr. Plummer: I hope one a month, if they are that successful! Mayor Ferre: Not at $8,000 a time. We can't afford that. Mr. Plummer: No, sir, they will hopefully after this one become self sustaining. Mayor Ferre: This is not ... we have got people coming here, Marshall, asking money from the City to feed people at day care centers, important social issues. I don't feel ... I've got to tell you, I don't mind going along a little bit, because I think this helps the business community in Coconut Grove prosper and do well and pay its taxes, but there has got to be a limitation. Mr. Plummer: It is within the $25,000. Unidentified Speaker: Last time we raised $23,000 for Muscular Dystrophy. It is a charity event and it also helps the Grove. The City of Miami is one of the main sponsors, along with ... Mayor Ferre: You are not understanding, I guess. Maybe I didn't explain it right. You know we have people going hungry in this town? You know we have got people who cannot work because they cannot take their baby and take it to a day care center because there is not enough day care centers in this town? You know we have got people who are in dire need of social services. I am willing, and we do spend $1,500,000 on festivals and things like that because we think that creates jobs, and then those jobs pay taxes and with those taxes we can help those who are less advantaged, but there has got to be a limitation. Unidentified Speaker: We are doing a festival, we are trying to become self-sufficient. We did it the first time. is You granted us up to $259000 in seed money. We used less than half of that. We are asking to use up to $10,000 in in -kind services for the second time. Mr. Plummer: I so move. ld A' 1� 51] October 10, 1984 K Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez! Second, Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Up to ... well, you have i got to get the balance back to the City. You have got it, and then you can draw from the City up to $100000. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1113 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ! CITY MANAGER TO ALLOW REPRESENTATIVES OF EVENT KNOWN AS "TASTE OF THE GROVE" TO USE UP TO $109000 FROM FUNDS PREVIOUSLY GIVEN TO THEM, BUT NOT SPENT DURING THE FIRST EVENT WHICH WAS HELD, SUCH FUNDS TO BE USED FOR THE STAGING OF A SECOND EVENT DUE TO ITS ORIGINAL SUCCESS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo ------------------------------------------------------ 19. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $42,500 1/3 TOTAL FUNDING FOR AN EVERT KNOWN AS "SUPERSTARS" WITH CONDITIONS. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, the item of Superstars. This Commission went on record ... Mayor Ferre: Is this Michael Jackson? Mr. Plummer: No, sir. That is the last one I am holding. Superstars is that which is put on a production, as you know. It is carried on two hours of nationwide T. V. This Commission, some months ago, in principle said that we would help. The T.D.C. has in fact appropriated a third of the money, which is $42,500. The Beach will be with the same third, and we are asked to bring up our portion of it, Mr. Mayor, $42,500. the only stipulation that I would want to interject is that Cesar Odio, who was very instrumental in doing a great job on behalf of this City, would be the prime individual involved, to make sure that the City got its dollar for advertising and that part and parcel of this will be held within the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: All right, let me understand this. Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Cesar, the $42,000 is 50$9 right? '= Mr. Plummer: No, one-third. ?i Mr. Cesar Odio: No, sir, it is one-third. `i Id 41 October 104 !a Mayor Ferre: The County is putting up $42,000. Mr. Odio: Not the County, the T.D.C. Mr, Plummer: The T.D.C., yes. Mayor Ferre: Of which we are 25%. Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: So we are putting up twice. We are putting up with the T.D.C. and then we are putting up directly $429000 of the taxpayer's money. Who is putting up the other third? Mr. Odio: Miami Beach. Mr. Plummer: Miami Beach. Mayor Ferre: Miami Beach, again through their bedroom tax monies. So you know, the County is putting up bed tax money. The Beach is putting up bed tax money. We are putting up tax payer's money - ad valorum taxes and part of our monies go to Metro anyway, so the fact that this is getting to be a real ... Mr. Odio: Then they got Miss Universe. Mayor Ferre: ... bad situation. Now, let me ask you this. I read in the paper that there was some criticism. Wasn't this the thing where Metro was critical - that they were going to sue Superstars because they hadn't gotten their fair share? Mr. Plummer: No, no. Mayor Ferre: That was something else? Mr. Plummer: Not this. Mayor Ferre: Which is Super Stars? Mr. Plummer: Super Stars is the event, Mr. Mayor, that had been held basically on Key Biscayne and this is the one which they bring in all of the name sports people, and they put on different events and then they have a runoff or a final conclusion. Mayor Ferre: But, J. L., what do we get out of it? Mr. Plummer: We get, Mr. Mayor, tremendous publicity, as we did - we got it in the past, without us having to contribute. And what we would get out of it this time, as being a third sponsor, we would get a third of the nationwide publicity carried for five hours total - five hours live. Mayor Ferre: You think it is a good deal for us? Mr. Plummer: I think it is, Mr. Mayor. I voted for it at the T.D.C., and I brought it here - with those provisos. Mayor Ferre: Who is making a profit out of all of this. Mr. Plummer: There is a production company that puts it together and sells it to ABC. Mayor Ferre: Are they here? Who represents them? Is that you? Id 42 19$4 W n Mr. Dick Alford: Dick Alford from Candid Productions, Mayor Ferre: Candid Productions? Mr. Plummer: This is the same company, Mr. Mayor, that has been putting it - how many years has been this been in? Mr. Alford: Thirteen years. Mr. Plummer: Thirteen? Mayor Ferre: Where are you based? Mr. Alford: In New York City and the competition has been held down here over the last four years. Mayor, we will spend in productions costs down here locally approximately $125,000, so we are putting something back in the community. It is open to the public free. Mayor Ferre: $125,0009 and we are spending ... Mr. Plummer: One-third of that. Mayor Ferre: $125,000 also - $42,000, $42,000 & $429000. Mr. Alford: It will be on national television to approximately 20,0009000 people per show for a total of five hours. That is valuable exposure. Mayor Ferre: 20,000,000 people for five shows is 100,0009000. Mr. Alford: No, five hours of television over three separate telecasts will take place in March. Mayor Ferre: What is the total number of people that are going to see it? Mr. Alford: 60,000v0OO people. It is the kind of show that I think shows off Miami the way it should be seen - healthful outdoor activities. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, we are now putting money into Miss Universe, the OTI Festival for $15,00, now $42,000 into this. We put money into what, Grand Prix? I think we are going to have some kind ... you are going to have to set up and administer an accountability process. I don't know how you are going to do it, but we are going to have to have some gauging device, based on viewership, or whatever, to see that the City of Miami is getting proper return and what the value is, and what we are getting, because we need to understand, when we put up - we are beginning to go into the hundreds of thousands of dollars in this thing. We need to understand what it is that we are getting back for the amount of money we are putting in. I will go along and vote with this, but I do think we need to have some kind of a standard that you can come back whether you know, we do it from zero to ten, the same way UDAG operates. You know they have this money to give out and give it out to the ones that have the best multipliers and have the best chances of succeeding and meaning to have some kind of a simple base so the Administration will tell us that it is our opinion this is a six or a seven, or this is a three, but we should do it for this reason anyway. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, may I ask the gentlemen how much profit you are going to make off of this? How much profit did you make in the past? id 43 a Mr. Alford: that. It would be very difficult for me to answer Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I would not recommend from an administrative point of view that this be approved until he provides us with the documentation as to how much it cost in the past and how much profit they made in the past. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, Howard, we did not do that with Miss Universe. Mr. Gary: We should have. Mr. Plummer: Can I make a motion? I make a motion, Mr. Mayor, that ... Mayor Ferre: There is already a motion on the floor. Mr. Plummer; Well, let me change the motion. The motion would be that this Commission approves this allocation of funds subject to the Manager satisfying his questions, and then it is approved. I am throwing the monkey on his back! Mayor Ferre: See, the problem in all of this is that, and I reject the criticism that we get from, example, the Miami New Editorial Board, but the fact is, here comes the Bugle Corps, okay? $159000. There wasn't one Miamian in the whole place. They are based in Pembroke Pines. They represent the State of Florida. They don't go around saying they represent Miami. You know, they do it to help Steve Rondinaro. He gets fired the next week. So, you know, he is not even in Channel 7. What? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS Mayor Ferre: That is fine. Steve Rondinaro is a great guy and what have you. The Bugle Corps. - they are all clean all American kids and what you, but good God, the City of Miami is not a grab bag for everybody that wants money and I've got to say that I have got to admit that the Miami News is partially right in that. Then the Miami Herald came around and said "No, we commend you for having the courage for giving them $15,000 because they won the championship and brought honors to the community" Well, did they? Who did they bring honors to? The Florida ... it is not even called the Miami Bugle Corps. It is the Florida Bugle Corps. They are not based in Miami. They are based in Pembroke Pines. There wasn't one kid out of Miami that was in that Bugle Corps. Why should the City of Miami pay up - pay $15,000? That is absurd. Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, there was a reason for it, and it wasn't Steve Rondinaro. Mayor Ferre: Yes, and the reason was Steve Rondinaro. Mr. Plummer: No, sir. Let's go back, okay? You know, because Steve is not here to defend himself and somebody has to say what is the truth. The truth was, Mr. Mayor, that we all sat up here busting our damn buttons when we got the Drum and Bugle Corps. International meets to be held. Mayor Ferre: That was three years ago, J. L. Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir, but it was held for two consecutive years, and yet, what we found out in the last minute was, that there was nobody representing this state or this community in an event that was taking place in our Orange Bowl. At that time, we felt the pride that we were getting this convention. id 44 October 10, 19 4 4b 6 Mayor Ferre: That was two years ago. I am talking about this year, where it wasn't in the Orange Bowl and we put up $15,000 anyway. Mr. Plummer: But I am saying how this thing started. It was not for Steve Rondinaro, it was for our own pride that we were having thib thing of 30,000 people each year coming here for a convention, and we wanted to be represented in that convention and this was the only way we could do it. Mayor Ferre: Okay, I understand, but I think, nevertheless, Mr. Manager, that we need to get some kind .., you know, there may be an overriding reason, for example - we have funded, with our money, the Black beauty pageant on this Black Youth Florida, whatever it is and the fact is that if we put a test on viewership, you know, and it probably doesn't have much viewership, but it serves an important social purpose, and you know, and therefore, I think there is an overriding reason for us to give Mrs. Range and those in the Black tourist group that money for that purpose. I understand that. Yes, we gave them some money a couple of years ago, and for example, we put up money for the Orange Bowl Classic, okay, where we put up I think $45,000 and yet, even after that, we lost it to Tampa. Mr. Gary: That is a different concert. Mayor Ferre: I realize that, but the point is, that you put it to the test as to how many people see that vs. this Super Star thing, that is probably not the same. Mr. Gary: I just wanted to make the note that we should recognize all the facts before making a decision, but even more importantly, Mr. Mayor, different events are different. I am sure that we have to take into ;consideration that you cannot run Super Stars in Minnesota in December and January, so therefore ... Mayor Ferre: They could run it in Ft. Lauderdale. Mr. Gary: They could do it in Ft. Lauderdale, but yet again, at the same time, Mr. Mayor, I am pretty sure too, that the facilities and infrastructure has been set up, and I am just saying that I want to make sure that everybody is sharing in on the cost, and we are not paying just to allow some production company and some private entity to make a lot of money, without sharing in on the cost. That is all I am concerned about. Mayor Ferre: Are you ready to vote? Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1114 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $42,500 AS ONE THIRD OF THE TOTAL FUNDING IN CONNECTION WITH AN EVENT KNOWN AS "SUPERSTARS"; WITH THE STIPULATION THAT A PORTION OF SAID EVENT BE HELD IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, AND FURTHER SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL BY THE CITY MANAGER. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- 1d 45 October 94, 19&4. AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo ------------------------------- ----------- ----------------s. 20. ALLOCATE $25,000 RENTAL FEE FOR ORANGE BOWL IN CONNECTION WITH MICHAEL JACKSON CONCERTS WITH CONDITIONS. --------- ----------------------- ---------------------------- Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, you appointed me as a committee of one with the other committee to try and bring about the -- Michael Jackson Concert to the City of Miami, after we received a request from the promoters. As you know, I have been to you on a number of occasions with different proposal to try and bring the concert here in November. There were two great stumbling blocks, Mr. Mayor. Number one, was the demand of the guarantee by the promoters as it related to the ticket sales and to the total amount of money. The second, and paramount was the concern of this Commission as to the condition of the field after the concert, because we have a University game and a Dolphin game the following weekend. Mr. Steve Nostrum of the Chamber of Commerce and = Y-100 radio station have now taken the City out of the roll of being a promoter and they are going to assume obligations as proffered. What I am reporting to you this morning, that you have before you a copy of a contract which is basically for the use of the stadium and those things which the City will do more, if in fact, a contract is signed between Y- 100, the Chamber and the promotional company. I am happy to report to you that some of the areas that were stumbling blocks are no longer. The cooperation, and I have to say the honest truth, of Mr. Robbie to indemnify this City against any liability of the condition of the field and also the University of Miami - there are provisions in here for each performance of 500 tickets for the underprivileged children for each performance. It will be proposed as a two night performance, Friday and Saturday night, holding Sunday open for rain. The City will be basically in the position of renting to the facility for a flat fee of $25,000. They will be responsible for any and all expenses incurred inside of the stadium. We will be responsible for security outside of the stadium as we normally are. This city will receive its normal concession revenues including parking. Mr. Mayor, in this report - you all have a copy before you, this City would stand to make out of this, with concessions and everything, approximately $54,000. Mayor Ferre: That is about what Jacksonville did. Mr. Plummer: We assume no obligation. Now, let me make it very clear, Mr. Mayor, that this is only from the City's aspect, approving a contract if a contract is made with the production company. This, in itself is not a contract to bring the Jacksons here. This is one phase that they need to sign a final contract, hopefully within the next 24 hours, so Mr. Mayor, I ... Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Plummer, first of all, let me commend you, on behalf of all of us. When I received the phone call, and I want to give credit where credit is due - I first received a phone call from Steve Sonnaband, who is a personal friend of the owner ... id 46 October 10, 1984 y 5 i Mr. Plummer: Chuck Sullivan. Mayor Ferre: ... Chuck Sullivan, who has the $40,0009000 contract with Michael Jackson for these events. On conversation with Mr. Sullivan when he was in Europe, the terms that he outlined us were totally unacceptable. They were just much too good a deal for Mr. Sullivan. Subsequently to that, we signed you to be the negotiator for == the City in conjunction with the Administration and I want --- — to make sure that in this whole process that Y-100 is protected because I have heard that there are other radio stations that now want to bid for this. Now, that is obviously between Mr. Sullivan and the radio stations, but the point is that the one firm that had the courage and the ability and the drive to get this done was Y-100, and they =— are the ones that are taking the risks and they are ones that had the guts to do this. Now that is is all done and everybody is all excited about it, I think that it would be very unfair for another radio company to comein here and take it way from Y-100. Now, I know nobody at Y-100. I don't even know who owns it. I don't know who is the Manager. I've talked to nobody on this, but I do think that it is only fair that this be provided that the contract be with Y-100. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, it is my understanding that the contract, which is being proffered to the promoters for approval is with Y-100. Mayor Ferre: I want to make that part of the motion. Mr. Plummer: All right, sir. Mayor Ferre: Is there someone here representing Y-100? Mr. Plummer: No, sir. Mayor Ferre: It is Y-100, right? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: See, what I don't want is all of a sudden for ... I am not accusing Mr. Sullivan of being a slippery guy, or anything like that, but these guys have a lot of money involved, and they are up in New York you know, and all of a sudden, they bid this thing and then they get everybody excited and they call another radio station and they say "We've got a guarantee for $2,300,000, if you go to $2,500,000, we will give it to you", you know? And then all of a sudden, we are being used, you see, and I think that is an unfair thing. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, let me once again clarify. This is not a guarantee that the concert is here. It is not done and over with. This is the City's portion as it relates to the renting of the Orange Bowl, and it spells out in here exactly what will take place. Mayor Ferre: And all I am saying is that I want to limit it to Y-100's contract. If somebody else comes in, then we will take it up at that time. Mr. Plummer: That's fine with me. that. Mr. Mayor I ... Mayor Ferre: amended. id In other words, 47 I have no problem with the motion is therefore October 10 * 1984 Mr. Odio: Can I add something to the contract when you vote on it? We left one item out and the Dolphins might be concerned and so that they are assured that we are negotiating is that the City of Miami offers 40% of the gross receipts of the novelty sales. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, that was worked out in ... Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, you mean the Dolphins will get that? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir, they have, that is part of the agreement. Mr. Plummer: Wait, Cesar, that is the Michael Jackson products. It is not normal souvenirs. Mr. Odio: That is correct. Mr. Plummer: All right, they will be getting 40% of that, and of course they will be getting their percentage through the normal concessions as they do for any events. Mr. Gary: In all fairness to the Miami Dolphins, they currently get about 66% and they are now reducing it to 40% for their rights. Mayor Ferre: I will tell you, I would rather have 40% of Michael Jackson souvenirs than 60% of the hot dogs in the Orange bowl. Okay, are we ready to vote with those qualifications and amendments? Mr. Plummer: I so offer, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Nostradamus, do you have anything to add to this? Mr. Plummer: "V" for victory! Mayor Ferre: All right, are you ready to vote on this? Motion has been duly made. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1115 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $251,000 REPRESENTING THE RENTAL FEE FOR USE OF THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED STAGING OF THE MICHAEL JACKSON CONCERTS A TWO-DAY EVENT; SUBJECT ALSO WITH THE CONTRACT BEING WITH Y-100 RADIO STATION, AND FURTHER ACCEPTING TO GIVE THE MIAMI DOLPHINS 40% (FORTY PERCENT) OF THE GROSS RECEIPTS ON NOVELTY SALES. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo 48 Ootobor 10, 1984 Y r.r.r.rrirw.i �ii r. �r r� `if. rr r.-fr.+W i►r rYii+llii+iY� r.lY r.i i Wit. it `.i+Yr r.r i iti ii. ai r�Yi� r�lY.i ii. i:faii i+r iof► i 21. DECLARE INTENT OF CITY COMMISSION TO HOLD PUBLIC � HEARING UNION -NON UNION JOBS CONCERNING PROPOSED BAYSIDB PROJECT. i��Y�ll..�r ra. rir rr..rti..�rYr....r�i.rrr..r�rrrYY�rrYi;rrwrrrrrrrr.r.Yr�rirrr Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Carlton, I want to make sure that you understand. The City of Miami is issuing the bonds. It is the City of Miami is going to make the profit. The relationship between the City of Miami and the Off - Street Park Authority is simply on a contractual basis to operate. z Mr. Carlton: Mr. Mayor, that is the I.D.B. path. As you know, we are still looking at the other path too. Mayor Ferre: Well, Mr. Manager, the City will make the decision as which path you take. Is that right? Mr. Carlton is saying they are considering other ways of doing it other than I.D.B.'s. - Mr. Gary: It is the City Commission's ultimate decision, yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: The City will decide how the parking garage will be built, is that correct? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Is there anything else that needs to be discussed on this? How about the size of the garage? Did we now, John, do we have this ... Mr. John Gilchrist: Mr. Mayor we have changed the design since you last saw it. It isn't refined yet. It will come back to you, but we are putting the structure in for two additional floors. Mayor Ferre: How many additional floors? It will be one ground floor, and three levels, and the structural ability to go two additional levels. Mayor Ferre: And how many more cars did you get out of... Mr. Gilchrist: Approximately 800 and we will have about 1200. Mayor Ferre: We are going to get 1500 to begin with? Mr. Gilchrist: About 1400. Mayor Ferre: Plus an 800 expansion? Mr. Gilchrist: Those are not refined yet because its an issue of how we fit in compact cars - space the cars. Mayor Ferre: Ho:;t much is the 800 - how much is the 800 cars, the additional foundation going to to cost? Mr. Gilchrist: I don't have that estimate yet. It is under $500,000. Mayor Ferre: Would you let me know when you have that? Mr. Gilchrist: In other words, we are going to design it ao that we don't come out saying "Oh well, we put the foundations and we forgot to design the exit ramp properly" and then we can't do it. ld 49 October 10V � �4 f ft` Mr. Gilchrist: Yes, we are designing it to accomplish ... Mayor Ferre: I'd like to see the final design on that. Mr. Gilchrist: We are working ... Mayor Ferre: There is one additional issue which J. L.- Plummer and Commissioner Perez and I and this Commission will be affected by. There is somebody in this town called Eddie Stevenson. Now, Eddie Stevenson sits about two miles from here and he brings in all these people called the electrical engineers and laborers and carpenters, and every time we go to an election, J. L. Plummer, and Larry Plummer and Steve Clark and everybody goes around, you know and we are all real nice and they give us these questionaires, you know, about whether or not we have been good to Labor and what have you, and now they are calling up Plummer and Ferre and others and they are saying "Hey, this is going to be a union contract, isn't it? Now, the point is, that for us to get a UDAG, by law it has to be a union contract. If we get the UDAG, that portion - Bacon/Davis Act is applicable - Davis/Bacon Act. Davis/Bacon does not make it a union job? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mr. Gary: That is right. Ms. Spillman: It does not have to be a union job. There is a Federal wage scale which must be followed, but it is not required that it be a union job. Mayor Ferre: Well, I am going to tell you something. Both the Baltimore Rouse and the Boston Rouse were built by union firms. If this $120,000,000 project goes to non -union, we are going to have the biggest fight and the biggest pickets, and I am going to tell you, I am not going to force the issue now, but I would like for this to go on a public hearing and for us to make that decision at the next meeting or two, and I know it is tough decision, Howard, but we are going to have to kind of decide where we stand on this, so how do you want me to formalize this, Lucia? How do we formalize this? Ms. Dougherty: The only way that I could see you doing that is before the contract is signed, if you want to make it a part of that contract. Now, mind you, that contract has been pretty much negotiated, so I think at this time ... Mayor Ferre: I move, (Plummer, you had better listen to this) that before this contract is finalized, that the City of Miami Commission, before signing the contract, has a public hearing at these Chambers for the purposes of dealing with the union - non/union issue on that job, and we are going to have to do it, and we may have to bite the bullet and say no, but I think we are going to have to deal with the issue. I would rather not, but I think we are going to have to, and I so move. Mr. Perez: A motion and a second, call the roll. Id 50 October 90, 1984 The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1116 A MOTION DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION WITH THE UNION -NON -UNION JOBS CONNECTED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED BAYSIDE PROJECT PARKING GARAGE, SAID PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD BEFORE THE FINAL CONTRACT IS FINALIZED. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo ------------------------------------------------------------ 22. CLAIM SETTLEMENT - NEVELLE JOHNSON - TEMPORARILY DEFERRED. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Plummer, Nevelle Johnson, can we do that? It is just five minutes. All right, go ahead. Mrs. Dougherty: This is a settlement that is being recommended by the City Attorney's office in concert with Henry Latimer of Fine, Jacobs & Block, who is the outside counsel. Mr. Plummer: Madam City Attorney, I would strongly suggest - one of our colleagues, and whether I agree, or disagree with his provision has made some very definite comments about that settlement and I think in fairness, in deference to him, that that matter should be put off until such time as he is in these Chambers and has to right to express his comments and I defend his right to be here and Mr. Mayor, I would say this should be put off until a full Commission is present. THEREUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO A BRIEF RECESS AT 12:08 P.M., reconvening at 2:20 P.M. with all members of the Commission found to be present except for: Commissioner Carollo and Vice Mayor Perez. --..------------------------- -- ---------------- ------------ 23. EXECUTE AGREEMENT: EXCHANGE OF REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN DADE COUNTY AND CITY. w.----------- ---------------- W------ i Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, at your request we also have the stables to take up before we adjourn. Mayor Ferre: Howard, you were going to get with Merritt. Do you want to tell us on the record what Merritt said? 1} i� i ld 51 October 10, 1904; 7M i Mr. Gary: Mr. Stierheim, I had a telephone conversation with him and he agrees with my statement that $1,000,000 will be paid to the City for the land next to the Police Station immediately upon the sale of the next bonds. We have now gotten a date, he says that we will receive that money within 12 months which means that within 12 months or earlier they will sell those bonds. These are Port Bonds, by the way. Mayor Ferre: All right, that is acceptable to me then. I'm ready to vote on it. Go ahead, J. L. Mr. Plummer: Then, Mr. Mayor, I will once again move that the agreement struck between the County and the City be approved as surrendered. Mayor Ferre: And, Mr. Manager, you are recommending this. Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1117 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE EXCHANGE OF REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN DADE COUNTY, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND THE CITY OF MIAMI, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THAT CERTAIN LAND EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE COUNTY DATED DECEMBER 209 1979. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. ------------------------------------------------------------ 24. O.S.P.A. & ROUSE CO. APPROVE SELECTION OF UNDERWRITERS & BOND COUNSEL ------------- ---------------- ------------- ------- W�---nw--- Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, on the question of the bond counsel for the underwriters, the underwriters have already chosen bond counsel so unless we're thinking of changing HT 52 00tobUP lot 19#4 L1 11 _ underwriters, this is for the Parking Garage Bonds. I want _ to memorialize legally that it is the Commission's intention that if there is to be a change of counsel that we be informed. Mr. Plummer: Well, let's do better than that, Mr. Mayor. Let's make a motion at this time that we leave everything as it presently is. Mayor Ferre: Both with the underwriter and the counsel they've chosen which is Broad and Cassell. Mr. Gary: I would suggest that you leave everything the way it is with the exception that if we sell them Brown Wood & Ivey has to be the lead person. Mr. Plummer: Well, let's put it another way. Let's leave everything as it is. If you feel there is a change to be needed then you will so inform this Commission and we will deliberate on that particular item at that particular time. Mr. Gary: Well, I think we can resolve it without me even having to come back. Mr. Plummer: Then you don't have to come back. But my motion would give you that latitude. Mr. Gary: Okay, I guess what I'm saying is is that everything, what the Mayor is trying to accomplish is continuity and that is with the people they have been using and I'm saying keep the people they have been using but if we sell them we have to add one other person, that is Brown Wood & Ivey. Mr. Plummer: And if there is any problem you can always come back to this Commission. I think what the Mayor is trying to accomplish ... Mayor Ferre: Not with this confusion here. Mr. Plummer: No, what you're trying to accomplish is that there is no misunderstanding. Mayor Ferre: Yes, but there is confusion, J. L. See, one is bond counsel and that is what Mr. Gary is talking about. The Manager is talking about bond counsel. The bond counsel that the Off Street Parking Authority established was Sparber Shevin. Now, what we're doing is we're adding Brown Wood to Sparber Shevin. I've got no problem with that. Now with regards to underwriter counsel, Brown Wood has nothing to do with that and all I'm saying is so that we have continuity we need a motion, J. L., and the best way to do it in a high level without getting into details to say that what had been done previously by Rouse and the Off Street Parking Authority be accepted and continued with the same underwriters and counsels as they had established. I HT 53 0¢tober 100 19 # s The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1118 -- A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE FIRM OF SPARBER, -_ - SHEVIN, SHAPO AND HEILBRONNER, P.A. TO SERVE AS CO -COUNSEL WITH THE FIRM OF BROWN, WOOD, IVY, MITCHELL & PETTY IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,000,000 TO - BE USED TO CONSTRUCT THE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER PARKING GARAGE; FURTHER, APPROVING THE SELECTION AND USE — OF THE UNDERWRITER OF SAID BONDS AS MADE BY THE OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY AND ALSO APPROVING THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE FIRM OF BROAD & CASSEL AS COUNSEL TO SAID UNDERWRITER. --� Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following _ = vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo 25. ACCEPT REPORT: IAFF LOCAL 587 REGARDING DISPUTE. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, the only thing else that I have is that item which Mr. Gary asked me to bring up and that is in reference to the resolution of insurance dispute with the Fire Fighters in Local 587. I think we all have a copy in front of us. Mr. Hurtgen, are you going to speak to that? Mr. Peter Hurtgen: Yes, I am. Your honor, hopefully you and the Commissioners have a cover memorandum bearing today's date and an agreement which you will see has been executed by Mr. Mielke on behalf of the City and Mr. Teems on behalf of Local 587 Fire Fighters resolving some administrative problems that had developed subsequent to the union's establishment of it's insurance plan for its members. Briefly, what occurred was a concern with regard to contribution levels for retired persons from the Fire Department who are required to have their insurance provided to them by the union plan. There is and has been for some time a lawsuit against the City, Case vs. the City of Miami, etc. Essentially, this settlement agreement resolves how contributions will be made to the union's insurance plan for and by retirees now and in the event of the outcome of the Case lawsuit. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Hurtgen, would you please, my understanding is there was a vote taken by the union. Mr. Hurtgen: That is correct. Mr. Plummer: And would you give the results of that vote? RT 54 October 10t 1984, 4 Mr.,Hurtgen: Well, Mr. Weems is present, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Don. Mayor Ferre: Let's get that directly from Mr. Teems. Mr. Plummer: Let's get it on the record. Mr. Don Teems: Don Teems, President of the Miami Firefighters. There was not a vote per se, Mr. Plummer, taken by the union except at ratification time which we did take a vote and if, I'm going to guess it was 90 -10, I'm not sure of what the percentages were. That was on the ratification of the total contract which that included. After that, we had a problem with deciding what to do with retirees in the event the lawsuit that Mr. Hurtgen spoke of was won by the retirees and the distribution of premiums for those retirees. This settlement agrees, comes to a conclusion between the City and I on what to do in the event of, basically. Mr. Plummer: Don, for all practical purposes, are you stating for the record that you feel that this is the overwhelming majority vote of the union? Mr. Teems: Yes, sir, there was no vote needed to be taken by the union membership on the resolution... Mr. Plummer: Individually. Mr. Teems: Right. Mr. Plummer: But over all, and this was a part of, but you feel that they understood and that their ratification of 90- 10 was the feeling? Mr. Teems: Absolutely. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I will, if it is in order, move that this be accepted. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, for the record, does this have your recommendation? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: What is the estimated cost of this? Mr. Hurtgen: None, your honor. If the City is successful, as it should be, in that lawsuit, there will be no cost other than what is already contained within the collective bargaining agreement. Mr. Dawkins: And if the City is not successful, what then? Mr. Hurtgen: Well, that would depend on the ruling of the court down the road, Commissioner. The lawsuit, the Case vs. the City of Miami Lawsuit essentially complains that the City is not allowed to increase the cost of insurance to retirees after the time of their retirement. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1119 A MOTION ACCEPTING A REPORT SUBMITTED BY Mr. PETER HURTGEN ON BEHALF OF IAFF, = LOCAL 5879 CONCERNING PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION OF A UNION -OPERATED '- - = MEDICAL BENEFITS PLAN FOR COVERED EMPLOYEES INCLUDING THE RETIREES. 1 _- Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the _= motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. - Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. F - ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo ---------------- --------- ----------------------------------- - 26. ALLOCATE $5,000 JR. ORANGE BOWL GYMNASTICS TOURNAMENT TO i BE HELD AT CITY OF MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER. ------------------------------------------------------------ �_ Mayor Ferre: Mr. Admire, I understand you have met with Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. John Admire: I have, sir. Mayor Ferre: And the result of that meeting? Mr. Admire: Well, sir, I believe that the Junior Orange - Bowl has made the strides that Commissioner Dawkins has asked us for and we would ask the Commissioner and ask this _ group again to support the Junior Orange Bowl Gymnastics - Tournament, provide us with $5,000 to rent the James L. Knight Center. Mayor Ferre: I think the record should clearly reflect, Mr. Admire, that you and you and your group are diligently trying to solicit black and Hispanics to be participants and active members of the Junior Orange Bowl Committee. The Orange Bowl does not belong Just to white American people, — it belongs to all the people of this community. Mr. Admire: I would like to actually go further than that, _ Mr. Mayor, I would like to thank you and the rest of the a Commissioners for bringing this matter to the conclusion that you did because after I left the other day our office started receiving cards and letters and phone calls and out of that we have had a number of people come forward and join and we continue to have that kind of participation and if we are able to move our events around the City of Miami and �_ around the community I'm sure we'll attract more and more support from every segment of the community and I would be — happy to pledge and commit to you my efforts to draw in all segments of the community to our committee. Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion, Mr. Mayor, you also said that all the gymnasts that you bring in will be housed at "r= the Knight Center which will be revenue, huh? 5E--- k 1 S t t f� RT 56 Qotoher 100 1984 ��= a f{� Mr. Admire: Yes, sir, wetre going to recommend all of that. The Knight Center has been very generous in offering us a reduced rate for them and one of the reason for selecting the Knight Center is so that everybody could stay in the same place that the tournament would be held. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION No. 84-1120 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $59000 AS A CONTRIBUTION FOR THE "JUNIOR ORANGE BOWL GYMNASTICS TOURNAMENT" TO BE HELD T THE CITY OF MIAMI/UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI JAMES L. KNIGHT CONVENTION CENTER. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo 27. ALLOCATE $59000 RECEPTION FOR CONSULAR CORPS BY FLORIDA SECRETARY OF STATE, OCTOBER 199 1984. ------------------------------------------------------------ The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1121 A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $59000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, IN SUPPORT OF RECEPTION FOR THE CONSULAR CORPS BY THE FLORIDA SECRETARY OF STATE TO BE HELD OCTOBER 19, 1984 IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo M 1 1 RT 57 October 10, 1904 r NOTE FOR THE RECORD: THE MINUTES OF JULY 30, 1984 WERE APPROVED. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: ITEM "E" HIRING FREEZE WAS DEFERRED. ........---------------------..-.._------------------__..--_.._......- 28. FURTHER DISCUSSION: SIMON BOLIVAR STATUE. ----------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Carl, let me make sure we understand what we're talking about. Mr. Manager, you and I and the rest of the City are about to be highly embarrassed. We are going to be embarrassed because the government of Venezuela is about to ask for extradition of a statue and we're going to end up looking like the laughing stock of the United States when they end up. Now, you know, they may be extraditing somebody else from Miami besides the statue, but for now I'm only concerned about the Bolivar Statue being extradited and it is not our fault, really it isn't, we've tried our best but here is a statue gathering dust in the warehouses of Miami now for 3 or 4 years and it is really a highly embarrassing thing. Are you telling us, Carl, that you're going to find a home for the statue? Mr. Gary: Well, Mr. Mayor, before we do that I think it is important when we talk about them extraditing, is we explained that if the extradition occurs it is not because of the City's fault and I think it is important for the record to explain what we have done and how they have reneged on their on their commitment to do... Mayor Ferre: Okay, would you do that? I think it is important that you put that in the record so that when the Ambassador calls me we don't have any problems. Mr. Carl Kern: Yes, sir. Carl Kern, Director of Parks and Recreation. I'll keep the chronology very brief. The statue did arrive approximately 4 years ago. At that time, the Venezuelan Consul who is different from the one that is there today and a group of Venezuelan citizens were very concerned about not just placing the statue in the park like the other statues. So they proposed a very elaborate plaza be built and many things. Studies were done, groups came from Venezuela, there was a lot of give and take and finally after about a year of visitations they decided on a site and a plan and they wanted to fund this at a little over $100,000. At that time they ran into some financial problems and actually the City actually went out to bid on this project and was ready to award the bid, we had the contractor holding for three or four months. The - Venezuelans were not able to come up with the money for that plaza and consequently that was the end of that particular project. - Mayor Ferre: Let me tell you what the problem is. See, — when I told them that they said, "I challenge you (City of Miami) to show us any documents where the government of Venezuela ever agreed to the funding of that project.1 Mr. Kern: We have that, sir, we have a ... Mayor Ferre: Carl, didn't I ask you for that information? Mr. Kern: Oh yes, sir, and I have submitted that to you. Mayor Ferre: I haven't seen it.IF AT 58 October 10, 1964 if G7 ;F. Mr. Kern: Oh, yes, the whole chronology. Mr. Gary: Yes, I sent the whole chronology..+ Mayor Ferre: I've seen the chronology... Mr. Kern: With the back up letters. Mayor Ferre: I looked at that, it was that thick. I looked through it and I could not find one letter anywhere in there that says, We, the government of Venezuela through the Consul, the Ambassador or whoever will pay for the $100,000. It doesn't say it. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, if I recall, a gentleman came here right before that mike and said that he was going to do it. Mayor Ferre: What gentleman? Mr. Gary: Some gentleman who represented the government. Mayor Ferre: Well, I want to tell you in your chronology of things that you gave me there was not one single place where the government of Venezuela agreed to pay for that. And what they're saying is, we gave you the wine, you want the glasses and you want us to drink it. I mean, now what is this? We gave you the wine, at least you can put up the glasses. Literally that's what they told me. I said look, there is some misunderstanding in this because you agreed to pay for it and you reneged. He said my government has not reneged, you show me one shred of evidence where the government of Venezuela has reneged on its commitment. I told you about it, you sent me a copy of that thing. It is that thick. There is not one letter in there, not one shred of evidence anywhere in that document. And I told you about it. I said, Carl, there is no evidence anywhere. He said, Well, I'll look for it - your words to me. Where is the document? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I recall the gentleman saying right here they want this elaborate ... Mayor Ferre: Fine, would you go into the records and find that for me? Mr. Gary: We agreed to put it up but they said no, we want it special and they would pay for it. Mayor Ferre: Would you find that for me? Mr. Kern: Yes, sir, I will. Mayor Ferre: I asked you to do that 4 or 5 months ago. Mr. Kern: Yes, and I will highlight that particular section. And we have many follow up letters ... Mayor Ferre: When are you going to do that? Mr. Kern: I'll do that today right after we finish up with this. We have many follow up letters to them urging them to expedite the funding so that we could go ahead plus I personally went to his office on several times and on one occasion we called the Minister of Interior on the telephone right from the Consul's Office, but anyway that is water under the bridge. I think we do have a very good solution. (Inaudible question from Mr. Gary) The Minister of Interior of Venezuela to send the money to start the project. But I think we have a very good solution which I want to present to you at this time. I'll circulate the board among the Commissioners. Mayor Ferre: I want to tell you something, you know we all laugh at this, this has been front page news stories in Venezuela. And just so that we don't misunderstand, last year, the year before last there were 3509000 Venezuelans that came to Miami. Venezuela spent over five billion dollars in Miami. It is not only Miami's number one customer, it is Florida's number one customer. So we're not talking about some little small dinky country that means nothing to the economic welfare of this community. Translated into jobs, there are over 50,000 jobs in this community that depend on Venezuela - 509000, and that is black, white, men, women everywhere, taxi drivers, people that pump gas, insurance salesmen, the whole bit. So that is how important this is to us. Mr. Kern: Mr. Mayor, I agree with you about the importance and I think that is one of the reasons we selected this prime location in the plaza adjacent to the torch of friendship because it is Miami's most symbolically important location. The statue is a very beautiful 7 foot tall bronze statue. It has a value of over $300,000 so it is a very prime, it will be our finest statue that we have in the park. We selected that site for a number of reasons. (1) It is compatible with the symbolic history of the Torch of Friendship. It is a highly visible spot, it is also a spot that is not going to be torn up ... Mayor Ferre: Carl, do we have the money to do it? Mr. Kern: We're going to do it with in-house forces if you pass a motion today... Mayor Ferre: Do it simple, I mean you don't have to go into some big fancy stuff. Mr. Kern: No, we're going to put it right up as we're showing you on the plans there, and with your authorization to proceed we'll just go ahead and put it in and have a ... Mayor Ferre: Would you make sure that somebody who knows something about these things, an architect in town, looks at it. Mr. Kern: I would rather just go do the job, sir, we have been involved with too many architects. I would like to just get your authorization... Mayor Ferre: Would you tell me where you studied classical statue architecture? Mr. Kern: Harvard University. Mayor Ferre: Oh, you are a graduate of Harvard University School of Design in Architecture. Mr. Kern: Landscape architecture. Mayor Ferre: Dealing with statuary, is that it? Mr. Kern: Landscape architecture. Mayor Ferre: So you're a classical ... Mr. Plummer: Isn't that where Xavier Suarez went to school? Mr. Kern: Josh Garcia Pedrosa went there too. But sir, we've to just get the job done. I don't want to get anymore people involved, that has been our delay on this. RT 60 October 10, 19$4 k;. Mayor Ferre: Are you telling me that you consider yourself an expert on design of statues? Mr. Kern: Well, I'm in a ball league with all the rest of the statue people, we've put dozens of them up before. If you would like to assign somebody to work with us that would be fine but I would really just rather go put the thing up. } — We have had more architects involved. Mr. Gary: We'll get an architect. Mayor Ferre: I just don't want to be embarrassed, Howard, and have some nasty front page story coming in from C- Venezuela that we put up some 3 foot little column or i something. Mr. Gary: We'll get an architect to assist us, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: And you know, choose somebody who has some �- experience in this field. I don't care who it is. Mr. Kern: What are my instructions now? Mr. Gary: I'll give them to you. We got the message, Mr. - Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Anything else on this? Do you need a motion? Mr. Gary: No, sir. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, Carl, and get me that information because we do have to satisfy the Venezuelan government. Mr. Perez: How long do you think it will take, Mr. Manager, to have the solution? Mr. Gary: As long as it takes you to approve those freeze positions. Mr. Perez: I am not from Venezuela. Mr. Gary: In response, Commissioner Perez, Mr. Mayor, we will consider this a top priority, we've got authorization — to $4,500, I'm sure it is not going to cost that much to get an architect to give us assistance. Mayor Ferre: Hey, Carl, ... Mr. Gary: Three weeks, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Kern: Well, I don't want some architect to come up with some great big thing we can't do, that's my problem. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, this thing of putting up a statue is a very simple thing but there is a difference. You know, anybody can do open heart surgery, that is no big deal, you know, all you need is a knife and a couple of tools and you get it done. And the funeral director is standing by just in case. I would recommend, Mr. Manager, that we go to Vizcaya and ask the curator or somebody there to volunteer services and you need to go to somebody that has had experience in doing this. It isn't just a question of calling Eladio Candela or Willy Bermello and asking Willy Bermello to throw up a little design for Carl because he went to Harvard for two years that he knows anything about statues. I would recommend that we go to Vizcaya and that we get - there is an Italian fellow there, I forget his name, who works for the curator and let him help us on it. I don't know the guy's name. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, may I offer a suggestion, Mr. Gary? I assume that the site has been chosen, is that correct? Mr. Mayor, on this Friday afternoon the wreath laying will be a part of Hispanic Heritage Week, that you find some way with H1oy Vasquez to announce that this is the site of where it is going to go and I think that that would make a very positive address to the people in Venezuela through Hispanic Heritage Week that this statue will be placed in this location and that we will be inviting all of the people there for the formal dedication. Mr. Gary: We have our instructions, we will proceed. a Mayor Ferre: Okay, I just got his name. His name is Emilio i Chifani, I don't know how to spell it, it is an Italian name - Schiffani, I would imagine. He is the statue expert and art expert at Vizcaya. Okay? Mr. Kern: Yes, sir, talk to him today. 29. ESTABLISH JANUARY 269 1985 TO DEDICATE JOSE MARTI PARK. Mr. Kern: The next item is the dedication ceremonies at Jos@ Marti Park. We originally wanted to schedule that before the bond program but since that is not going to happen we would like to recommend that it occur in January, close to January 28th which is Josb Marti's birthday and we would like to propose the 26th of January which is a Saturday, two days before his birthday so we could have an all day celebration and party in the park. Mayor Ferre: Is that acceptable to everybody? Mr. Plummer: Sure, if it is still there. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1122 A MOTION DECLARING THE DATE OF JANUARY 26, 1985 AS THE DATE FOR THE DEDICATION CEREMONIES FOR THE JOSE MARTI PARK. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Y RT 62 Ootober 10, 1944 rrr..rwrw+.r..rr.r�rrrrtiter.. .w.r.r...r.r &-ftu.dW"d.rrrrr".r+.rrr+ .brrr+rrrssr�rr� 30A DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO SPEND REASONABLE Ah00NT TO ERECT STATUE OF StMON BOLIVAR WITH CONDITIONS. ------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, the gentleman's name is Chanfoni. The number is 576-8613. I move that the City administration be authorized to expend a reasonable amount of money to erect the Simon Bolivar Statue after proper consultation with the consultant at Vizcaya and specifically Emilio Chanfoni or a comparable person with comparable expertise at the Manager's choosing and I so move. Mr. Perez: I second that motion without any doubt. I have received a lot of complaints from people from Venezuela and especially from the General Consul here in Miami and they are very upset and I think that it is very bad, the situation, for this City that in this time that we don't have opportunity to pay attention to Simon Bolivar that deserves the respect of all our countries. We celebrate the bi-centennial of Simon Bolivar last year and I think that in the City of Miami we don't have a proper place to pay tribute to Simon Bolivar and I think we have to take a strong action in that direction. Mayor Ferre: And furthermore, as part of the motion, Mr. Manager, would you come back with a date certain for the unveiling ceremony and whatever other celebrations. And I think it should be tied to something else that the City is doing so that we can give it the importance that it deserves. Okay, I call the question. J. L., you're chairing. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1123 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SPEND A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF MONEY TO ERECT A STATUE OF SIMON BOLIVAR DONATED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF VENEZUELA AFTER CONSULTATION WITH THE CONSULTANT IN CHARGE OF STATUARY AT THE VIZCAYA MUSEUM OR AN INDIVIDUAL OF COMPARABLE EXPERTISE REGARDING THE DESIGN OF THE BASE OF SAID STATUE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Plummer: I have not received any calls from Venezuela, none of the people here locally have put any pressure on me, but for a $300,000 statue to sit in a warehouse is a shame. I think we should do something about it and I vote yes. HT 63 October 10, 1984 Yty}'^ .l Fpp .�. w.—r. i dim 46 -i/1. iY..ido"d& mb ----irriiriia.iiKiYl.iitii—i.i.i. 30. ESTABLISH THE DATE OF DECEMBER 13, 1984 AS THE DATE FOR 020UNDBREAtING FOR MILDRED & CLAUDE PEPPER FOUNTAIN IN BAYFRONT PARKfp rY�li►.if i—r---1W------------------------------•YY �i ��iii—.IY—f.�11.1.Yi�ii Y.f�i :i Mr. Carl Kern: H is an item that Mr. Gilchrist has on here, but I'm familiar with it. We'd like to have a groundbreaking on that day with Senator Pepper in Bayfront Park. Mayor Ferre: What day? Mr. Kern: December 13th. That is a day that Senator Pepper will be here in Miami to really break ground and announce the major construction that is going to go on in Bayfront Park. Mayor Ferre: Does that mean that the U.S. Corps of Engineers and all those people have now finally come to an agreement? Mr. Kern: I believe so, I think that is what he is going to = announce. That is also the day you have your Commission Meeting downtown so we could take a break from the meeting and go right over to the park and have a brief ceremony. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1124 A MOTION ESTABLISHING THE DATE OF DECEMBER 13, 1984 AS THE DAY FOR THE OFFICIAL GROUND -BREAKING CEREMONIES FOR THE CLAUDE AND MILDRED PEPPER FOUNTAIN x AT BAYFRONT PARK. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins _ Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ---------------------------------------------------------- 31. DISCUSSION: REPUBLICAN NATIONAL FORUM. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: As I understand, the moneys for other Republican National Forum - let me on the record, and I did talk to the Herald reporter... What's her name? It is a lady. ... Oh, it doesn't matter. The story said that the City of Miami had given these people $14,000 and it wasn't the case so I just want to make sure that the record clearly reflects that the Commission considered and discussed it but g never acted on it. In the meantime, I think the matter has been solved and this has been withdrawn. �x NOTE FOR THE RECORD: ITEM "D" WAS CONTINUED. { s . RT 64 October 1.0,. 1984 �q r r rrr-.rrifib- ...r rr—rrr�.r rrrai.r.r..—.rr ri.r.r r.. r iniw.i.r n... 32. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF $20,000000 POLICE A CRIME BONDS (CONFORM TO EXACT LANGUAGE 3r13!84) ------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 23. Mr. Gary: This is mainly a language change, Mr. mayor, for the maturity dates to coincide with what was advertised. Mayor Ferre: Any discussion on these questions? Is there a motion? AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9787, ADOPTED JANUARY 269 1984, WHICH AUTHORIZED THE ISSUANCE OF $2090009000 POLICE HEADQUARTERS AND CRIME PREVENTION FACILITIES BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY DELETING THE BOND MATURITY SCHEDULE THEREIN CONTAINED AND REPLACING IT TO CONFORM WITH THE EXACT LANGUAGE APPROVED BY THE VOTERS IN THE MARCH 13, 1984 BOND ELECTION. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. RT 65 October 10, 1984 } i s— ®.i ililiYi..+l.i.i ar�rwas��iarrirrir.rrr.w.rrrr`.rr w+r r.r�r.rarr. anrrr:ir. rr+rrr r.r�.ir rr.rr�.r.r.�.r.r.r ar,r� . TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE! *MIAMI I3 FOR MB" EVENT NOVEMBER It 1984 —a--iii airs r rr ril.r.Ir-----------------------r irrrr—i Mayor Ferre: All right, now, what is it Willie Gort wants? (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mayor Ferre: Willie, what item is it you want? Mr. Willie Gort: 21, sir. Mayor Ferre: We have to wait. Mr. Plummer: You can't do it. Mayor Ferre: We have to wait according to the record. Mr. Gort: You can do a personal appearance? Mayor Ferre: Item 21. Could we do 21, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: Yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, take up 21. Mr. Willie Gort: Mr. Mayor, my name is Willie Gort, 2660 Northwest 14th Avenue. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. What did you say your name was? Mr. Willie Gort: Thank you, sir. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1125 A MOTION GRANTING A REQUEST MADE BY Mr. WILLIE GORT, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION REQUESTING THE TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE IN CONNECTION WITH THE "MIAMI IS FOR ME" PROMOTIONAL EVENT WHICH IS SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE ON NOVEMBER 1, 1984. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo �. �. r. i w+r...r •. a... � � r r �r.r.`tir r s.i.t..r.r.r..r+r.n.f: ��w.�.r ir.�.r+rti:...w:.ti.rt� r.�..r��r.rwa.i. �.a.ri..ir.�r 34- ALLOCATE $75000 TO COCONUT GROVE CARES IM PON VIRRICK GYM BOXING PROGRAM r SKIRT SIGNS, STARTUP MONIES, SPECIAL GYM USE FOR CHARITY ETC6 ,t ----------- Mayor Ferre: Yes, Mrs. Virrick, what can we do for you? I (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferre: What can we do for you, Elizabeth. Mrs. Elizabeth Virrick: Well, I came because the renewal of the grant for the amateur boxing program is on your agenda today. I have discuss... Mr. Plummer: What Item? Mr. Kern: Item 60. Mrs. Elizabeth Virrick: ... discussed it with Mr. Kern and with Sue McKay and are there are there are only two questions I have to ask about it that the Commission has to decide. One is that as you know we are always short of money. We don't have money for warm-up suits for the boys. We haven't been able to put an ad in the paper for a long time which affects our gate, but we have a proposition that we can make quite a bit of money, if we will allow advertising around the skirt of the boxing ring and as the contract says no signs, I think I better come up and ask you if you would reconsider. Mr. Plummer: I move Item #60 and approve the skirts around the ring. Mrs. Virrick: And signs on the skirt. Mr. Plummer: What? Mrs. Virrick: Signs on the skirt. Mr. Plummer: Signs on the skirts. Mrs. Virrick: Because we can get some money that way to help us do some of things we need to do. Mayor Ferre: All right, moved by Plummer, is there second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Other than Joe Robbie, you get more things from this City than anybody else I know. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mrs. Virrick: Mr. Mayor, the other things is that we are told that there is no start up money and we have salaries to pay through the month of October and we don't have the funds to pay it. Mayor Ferre: Now, Mr. Manager, how could you deny Elizabeth Virrick any start up monies. Mr. Kern: We can take care of that administratively, sir, once the grant is approved. Mr. Plummer: Include in the motion start up money. RT 67 ©otobor 104 1984 r 1> k; ' Mrs. Virrick: Now, the last thing is we were asked by the people who ---it's a group of organizations that are working against this child abuse proposition and they wanted to use the gym for a meeting of the whole group, but they needed to have the range moved and the chairs moved, which are all wired together and it's almost an impossible task and a very c expensive task. We can't do it and they don't have the money to do it. Mayor Ferre: I volunteer J. L. Mr. Plummer: Like hell, you do. Mrs. Virrick: Now, if they arrange to do that, will you have any objections to our permitting them to go into the gym? Mayor Ferre: Plummer, you are our expert on this. Mr. Plummer: So, move. Mayor Ferre: All right, that's included in all... The motion includes it also. Mr. Plummer: Oh, yes, for sure. Let's just get her out of here please. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1126 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $75,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, TO COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC. IN SUPPORT OF THE VIRRICK GYM YOUTH BOXING PROGRAM; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice. -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo --w------------------------- ----------------------------- 35 DIRECTION TO CITY !MANAGER: FUNDS FOR MOORE, SHENANDOAH AND YYNVOOD PROGRAMS FOR BOXING ------------wwwww-------w-woo Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mr. Kern, what is the amount of money you are spending on the boxing program in Wynwood? t; 68 October lot 1q$4 ' �p Mr. Kern: We don't have a boxing program in Wynwood. Mr. Dawkins: What is the amount money you are spending on the boxing program in Moore Park? Mr. Kern: I will have to dig that out, I don't have that right here with me. Mr. Dawkins: What is the amount of money you are spending on the boxing program in Liberty City? Mr. Kern% Well, sir, we have... Let me tell you where the boxing programs are right now. We have the boxing program... Mr. Dawkins: If you don't have one just say none. Mr. Kern: Well, we have... Mr. Dawkins: what is the boxing program in Little Havana? Mr. Kern: We don't have one. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. All right, I want for the next meeting... Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, ask the other question. How much is being spent on the boxing program in the Police Department? Mr. Kern: I will have to look that one up. Mr. Dawkins: Five hundred thousand. Mr. Plummer: About five hundred thousand dollars, right? Mr. Kern: Nov sir. It gets impossible. It couldn't be any where near that. Mr. Gary: Well, I'm taking your boss's word for it. Mayor Ferre: The last time we looked at it, it was sixty- five thousand dollars per boxer. Mr. Kern: Sir, we have a boxing program at Moore Park which is temporary in Hadley Park, because Moore is under construction. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Mr. Kern: We have the boxing program in Shenandoah. Mr. Dawkins: Wait a minute now, have or had? I want to be sure I hear your correctly. Mr. Kern: We have a boxing program right now in Hadley Park. Mr. Dawkins: And Shenandoah. Mr. Kern: And Shenandoah. Mr. Dawkins: Right. Mr. Kern: And the one down here with Mrs. Yirrick and the Police Program at Gibson. Mr. Dawkins: Police at Gibson. Ok. Mr. Kern: Yes, sir. gl 69 October 10, 1984 a Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Nov, we don't have nothing at Wynwood? z Mr. Kern: No, sir. Mr. Dawkins: And nothing in Little Havana? i Mr. Kern: Shenandoah. Mr. Dawkins: Shenandoah is Little Havana? t Mr. Kern: Yes, sir. j Mr. Dawkins: And how much are we spending for the boxing t program in Moore Park? Mr. Kern: I will have to look that up for you, sir. I don't have it with me. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. I want seventy-five thousand dollars for Moore Park, seventy-five thousand dollars for Shenandoah and seventy-five thousand dollars for Wynwood in a boxing program. And I would like for you to bring that back at the next meeting and tell me how and--- as Mr. Gary say, fast track it. Ok. Mr. Kern: Yes, sir. ----------------------------------------------------- 36. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ISSUANCE OF 30,000 STORM SEWER BONDS (CONFORM TO EXACT LANGUAGE 3-13-84) ------------------------------------------------------------ _ Mayor Ferre: We are on Item #24. Mr. Plummer: Move 24. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion on 24. It's been seconded. It's the same as 23. Mr. Clerk, did we do 23? Mr. Ongie: Yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, read the ordinance on 24. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 97819 ADOPTED JANUARY 269 19849 WHICH AUTHORIZED THE ISSUANCE OF $309000,000 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY DELETING THE BOND MATURITY SCHEDULE TO CONFORM WITH THE EXACT LANGUAGE APPROVED BY THE VOTERS IN THE MARCH 13, 1984 BOND ELECTION. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote- gl 70 99tobor 10 1984 own AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None.. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo r Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 37. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: NEW TRUST & AGENCY FUND "SALES TAX COLLECTIONS" Mayor Ferre: Take up 25. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, Dawkins seconds. Mr. Plummer: Justification for the emergency. Mayor Ferre: There is a question asked. Mr. Gary: This a accounting technicality that has to be done for the auditors for the closing of the books. It merely just sets up a special trust fund to receive the money. Mr. Plummer: Read the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTITLED "SALES TAX COLLECTING", FOR THE PURPOSE RECEIVING AND DISBURSING IN A FIDUCIARY CAPACITY ALL MONIES THE CITY COLLECTS AS SALES TAX FOR RENTAL OF CITY FACILITIES, TO RECORD AS REVENUE THE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE FEE IN THE AMOUNT OF $159000 THAT THE CITY IS PAID FOR TRANSFERRING SAID SALES TAX COLLECTION TO THE STATE, K AND TRANSFERRING SAME TO THE GENERAL FUND AS CURRENT REVENUE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ' E1 71 October lot. 190 r Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO, 9906. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ------------------------------ --------------------- 38. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOND: RECORD ASSESSMENT LIEN ACTIVITY FOR FY 84 A EACH ENSUING YEAR Mr. Plummer: Move 26. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion on 26 and a second, further discussion? Read the ordinance. Mr. Plummer: Is there justification for the emergency? Mr. Gary: The same reason as before. Mr. Plummer: Read the ordinance. g2 72 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $29000,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECORDING ASSESSMENT LIEN ACTIVITY FOR FY184 AND EACH ENSUING FISCAL YEAR, REVENUE WILL BE EQUAL TO THE ESTIMATED CASH COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENT LIENS AND TRANSFERRED TO THE GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE FUND TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL RESOURCE FOR THE REPAYMENT OF MATURING PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUES APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION: CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 39. DISCUSSION AND MOTION TO CONTINUE A REQUEST FOR FUNDING OF A FILM: "OUR BAY, OUR RIVER" --------------------------- -------- ------------------ Mayor Ferre: We have a request here from a citizen, Mr. Rothman, who says that he needs to leave right away and he want Item 55. Is Mr. Rothman here? Our boy on review, what's that? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Our Bay Our River. Mayor Ferre: What? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I'm sorry, I didn't µndeO3tand. R1 73 October l Q t 1904 Mayor Fevre: Oh, ok. I'm sorry, this is Item 55• All right, Mr. Rothman, what's your problem? Mr. Rothman: Well, Your Honor, this is a public information project consisting of a one hour television program and a series of public service announcements regarding Biscayne Bay and the Miami River for the community, for the Citizens of Miami. We are also going to be putting together some footage for the City departments. Mayor Ferre: What is this? Mr. Plummer: It's a video presentation, one hour. Mayor Ferre: Well, why should we be paying for it? Mr. Dawkins: Fifteen thousand dollars. Mayor Ferre: I mean is the State... you know the Governor _ comes down here and he has a press conference and he gets on the boat and he goes up the River and the Herald gets all excited and write editorials and the Channel 4, 7 and 10 and all this blah, blah, blah. You know, oh, there comes Bob Graham, he is going to save the River. Let him pay for it. Mr. Dawkins: So, move. Mr. Gary: I agree. Mayor Ferre: You know, why is it always the City of Miami that get's caught in all these things? _ Mr. Rothman: Well, it's not just the City of... -- Mayor Ferre: Whenever it's bad news, it's the City of _ Miami. It's called the City of Miami, bad news. And whenever it's good news, it's the State. The State did this and the State... -- Mr. Dawkins: And Dade County. Mayor Ferre: Metro saves the day. When it's bad news City. When it's good news, it's... but then when the bill comes, hey, just take it down to the City of Miami Commission. They will pay for it. Mr. Rothman: Well, the State is paying for it along with the County. We have raised so far fifty thousand dollars from other sources. - Mr. Dawkins: For a one hour documentary film. Mr. Rothman: Well, in addition to that we are going to do a book and a series of public service announcements, which will be the first comprehensive project on Biscayne Bay and the Miami River. In addition to that, we plan to do some additional film and footage for the City Departments themselves. We have already had the project reviewed by a number of departments with the City and evidently they... Mayor Ferre: How much is the State putting into this? Mr. Rothman: Well, the State of Florida Coastal Management Division is putting in fifteen. Mayor Ferre: Now. how much is the County putting in? Mr. Rothman: Fifteen from the County, plus five from the resort tax, plus the Port has now favorably considered five thousand dollars. t Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, do you recommend this? Mr. Gary: I would suggest that it be continued Mr. Mayor, until I get a chance to... Mr. Dawkins: Why should I... I don't even want to continue it. Mr. Mayor, 1 just... he has already gotten thirty-five thousand dollars and now he is going to take fifty thousand dollars to do an hour documentary about a River. Mr. Rothman: It's not just about the River, no, it's about the Bay as well. It's actually about the marine environment — and its impact on the community. Mr. Dawkins: And you don't have anything in hand that you f could take and take the thirty-five thousand dollars and enhance it and produce something, you got to take fifty thousand dollars and start from scratch? Mr. Rothman: Well, we are starting from scratch because it's never been done before and we will be using other footage. - Mr. Dawkins: And nobody in the State of Florida has ever did any document or gotten any footage, any television or any film footage on the Bay or... Mr. Rothman: Yes, there is footage on the Bay, but... Mr. Dawkins: Well, why can't you take some of that and try to save some of this money? Mr. Rothman: We are doing that. The problem is a technical problem in matching up the footage and also,... Mr. Plummer: Miller, continue. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. We move it... Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion that it be continued and seconded, further discussion? Call the roll. THEREUPON THE FOREGOING MOTION TO CONTINUE AGENDA ITEM NO. 55 was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, and seconded by Commissioner Plummer, and was passed and adopted by unanimous vote. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary. May I say something before we get into it? Mayor Ferre: All right, go ahead Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: You make sure when he comes back ---you know, these are the kind of programs that minorities can do. You see, you can tell me that a minority can't shoot a television camera and do some of this filming. So, when you give him some money, you make sure that there is minority participation. If we give him any. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. -�-�-�.-r--�-�------------ ----------------- ------------ 40. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMD APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE •- $2509000 FUNDING MISS UNIVERSE/MISS USA/MISS TEENAGE USA PAGEANTS. ---'-----------------------------�-� Mayor Ferre: Ok. 27 is an emergency ordinance. What's the nature of the emergency. gl 75 00tober 100°19e i Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, we have already given the money to Miss Universe. This merely appropriates the money. i Mayor Fevre: Would you... Is Cesar... Cesar Odio. Mr. Manager, could you give us a thirty second up date as to where Miss Universe is these days? Mr. Odio: They are fine, sir. They are here in town today doing a survey... Mayor Ferret That's why I'm asking the question. Mr. Odio: You were asking me about Miss Universe or the... - Mayor Ferre: Miss Universe. We are about to finalize the appropriations of a quarter of a million dollars. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Even for the City of Miami, that's a lot of money and that we got an interested party here who wants to talk about it and I need to know from you before we hear from him, because... Mr. Odio: Well, the check was issued, but what we are doing right now is that the people from CBS and Miss Universe are down here now doing a survey of the area to find out where we will be filming and the girls from Miss Teen USA will be arriving in Miami January the 2nd, the pageant will begin January 22nd at 9 P.M. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Odio, as I remember, we had approved the -= expenditure of this money provide Metro, the State and all these other things. Now, I just need to know, where do we stand on Metro? Mr. Odio: We got the money from Metro and the VCA... Mayor Ferre: Where do we stand on the State? Mr. Odio: The State... I understand that Mr. Trainor and a Committee is working with the Governor in placing the amount of five hundred thousand dollars in the budget and that the Governor has... will back this project with his... he is committed to doing this, as I understand it. You did not award the money of the City subject to the State monies, however. Not to the State, to the Beach and to the Metro. Mr. Perez: Why do we have to take that money from the Police Budget? Mr. Odio: Because that's the only money that... the special account was drained by the time the Miss Universe came around and that was the only monies available. Mr. Dawkins: You didn't take it off my Police Station money, did you? Mr. Odio: Well, no... Mr. Gary: The answer is is that this money... this occurred in 19849 last year's budget and you exhausted all of your special programs and accounts money and the biggest and fattest budget in the City is the Police Department and the only one that surplus. Mr. Perez: And you don't have any other part of the bud$0 without affecting the police budget? gl 7b WOW 1-0.0 1244. Mr. Odio: That's the only surplus money that was available at the time. I would like to inform H. T. Smith, that I know of his concerns, believe me... Mr. Dawkins: You can't read his mind. Why don't you wait until we hear it. Mr. Odio: I know what he is going to say. Mayor Ferre: Are we waiting for Plummer? Well, we wait until Plummer... We do not want to deprive you of the pleasure. We don't want to deprive you of the pleasure of discussing this item. Mr. Plummer: What seems to be the problem, Mr. Mayor? Mr. Odio, is there a problem, sir? Mayor Ferre: No, we wanted to hear Mr. Smith who is going to make a statement to us. All right, go right ahead, Mr. Smith. Mr. H. T. Smith: H. T. Smith. Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, I'm sure you are aware that prior to this Commission acting upon the request of the Host Committee to put up a quarter of a million dollars in taxpayers monies to fund this, a specific request was made with regard to the concern of South Africa's participation. At that time it was specifically requested, Mr. Mayor, that any monies to this project would be made a condition precedent to the Miss Universe Pageant, giving an assurance that the racist regime of South Africa would not participate. Mr. Plummer: No, sir. Mr. Smith: That was my request. Mr. Plummer: That was your request, yes. Mr. Smith: Yes, that was my request. The Commission, however, decided unanimously to request the Manager and I assume the Host Committee to discuss this with the Miss Universe Pageant Committee and to report back prior to the expenditure of funds as to whether the Miss Universe Pageant intended to continue to allow South Africa to participate. Now, quoting the Mayor, this morning, we all know that South Africa is the most vicious institutionalized form of racism on the face of the earth and I suggest that we have taken the first step with regard to the resolution that was passed this morning concerning the pension fund, etc. I think it would be totally inconsistent to take that position and now not take a position banning South Africa from participating in Miss Universe and so, I'm here just asking for that report that you requested. Mayor Ferre: You have presented your position to us and to the Committee. As you might remember, you were appointed to the Miss Universe Committee... Mr. Smith: By you. Mayor Ferre: By the Commission and by myself. When we were meeting at Mr. Ted Arison's office, I was walking out and you were walking in and you said to me, you said look, I want to tell you something, this is my position and out -of fairness to you, since you appointed me, I want to tell you up front, because may be you don't want me on this Committee Z maid go ahead and tell it like itu is. If hat how You end you you gl 77 October 10, 49 _ 2 f .nSSY you go in there and do it. Nov, let me tell you what. You said to me, I said to you, "H.T., if we start approaching everything in Miami that way, we can't have any Arab countries because the Jews are going to object. We can't have...if we go beyond Cuba, where the United States does not have relations, we get to Nicaragua, where there is a Marxist government and we go down the line, and on that basis, the socialist governments of Europe including France, are Marxists." In the preamble of the French socialist government it says, "We want to take France towards a Marxist government." Mr. H.T. Smith: That is absolutely correct. Mayor Ferre: Then I said to you, if that happens, we're only going to have events here with only 20 or 30 countries participating. We'd never have the Olympics. We'll never oe able to have the Interamerican Bank. We'll never be able to have the Interamerican Health Society Association . We'll never have Miss Universe. We'll never have anything! Then you said to me, and you stop me when I say something wrong. You said to me, "I don't mind, provided that it is equal application of the rules." I said to you, "Of course." You said, "Does that include Cuba?" Remember? And I said to you.... Go ahead. Mr. Smith: No, go right ahead. Mayor Ferre: Did I say something wrong so far? Mr. Smith: No, it's just that you don't advocate my position quite the way I would. Go right ahead. Mayor Ferre: Tell me, you say it in your words. Mr. Smith: No, go right ahead. Mayor Ferre: No, go ahead! Mr. Smith: What I said was we did have an Olympics without South Africa. What I said was the distinguishing fact or was that on the face of this planet in 1984, there is only one nation that has a legalized set of laws that have what they call apartheid, which is legalized racism. I said to you, Mr. Mayor, and I'm sure you remember that distinguishes it. That's why.... Mayor Ferre: You did, and what did I answer to you? Mr. Smith: You just disagreed. Mayor Ferre: No, no, I said "H.T., what racism is to Black Americans, communism is to Cubans, and the P.L.O. is to Jews." So I said to you, "If you want that kind of consideration, then I think we've got to take other societies into account too. Because even though maybe Nicaragua may not be racist, but it is a Marxist, Communist oppressive autocratic government. To some people in this community, that's just as bad." I want to tell you something, when you get put in jail, and you get beat up, it doesn't much matter whether a White man's doing it or a Black man's doing it. It doesn't much matter whether he's beating you up because you happen to be Black or whether he's beating you up because you happen to believe in a free, democratic system. So you know, when people get beat up,.it doesn't much matter why people are getting beat up. Wbat I'm trying to say to you is that if we have to apply the same sense, and you said to me, "All right, I don't agree with you, because there is a difference, but as song as it is equally applied, then that's your position. I don't ai T8 Qotoboor 10, 1_984 :t f agree with it, but that's your position." And we left it at that. Mr. Smith: But, Mr. Mayor, I'm not here today to try to change any minds. This is something that I hold conscientious and a lot of other people do. All I'm here to do is to remind you that you requested a report back and to get it. I think that if this is a matter that's important to the people of this community, when the time comes for them to speak on it, they'll do it. So all I want is a report. I'm not here to try to change any minds today. Mr. Plummer: I have a problem. Mr. Gary, why are you taking this money from Special Programs and the Police Department? I don't understand why. ..I understand Special Programs, but I don't understand why it's coming from the Police Department. Mr. Gary: No, this is the Police, I mean the Police Department. It's being put in Special Programs. Mr. Plummer: Why the Police Department? Mr. Gary: Remember this is from last year's budget. This is the budget ending September 30, 1984, not the current year we're in. The reason you take it from there is because we've exhausted all the Special Programs and Accounts. All that money was expended. So this merely moves money from surplus and police from last year's budget into Special Programs and Accounts for this particular purpose. Mr. Cesar Odio: I just wanted to tell Mr. Smith that I told him privately that we have written Miss Universe Inc., we have requested of them that they take this into consideration in private meetings. We will continue to do so. I don't know what the results will be, but we have tried and the host committee has written them also and I have a report in writing that will be coming to you as soon as possible. Mayor Ferre: Is there anything else on this subject? Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, was something passed on South Africa this morning while I was away? Mayor Ferre: Would you read the motion, it's in writing, on South Africa? I gave you a typed up copy. You have it there. Show it to the Commissioner, please. In effect it follows Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. Have we called the roll on.... Mr. Ralph Ongie: No, we don't have a motion yet. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion on 27? Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I am completely in favor of this project. I don't have any doubt. I feel very strong in the past and in the present, but I don't think that it's proper to take the funds from the Police Department's budget. I would like to send back to the Administration in order to try to find another alternative for the budget. f4 Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager? r Mr. Gary: That's fine with me. Where are we going to gets the money from? Mr. Mayor, this is from last year's budget. The money, the budget it closed. Last year's Special Programs and Accounts was completely exhausted from all sources of funds. This is surplus money in last year's budget. It's just being moved to a Special Account that you al 79 October 10, 1904 already authorized me to pay it from. This is not coming from the Police Department's current budget. This is from surplus from last year's. Mayor Fevre: You see, that wasn't properly understood. Mr. Perez: This is a surplus fund? Mr. Gary: From last year, yes. You have to say it that way because it is a line item. Mr. Perez: But I think that it's important that you try to clarify for the record that it doesn't affect what is the security of this community. Mayor Ferre: I think the Commissioner is totally right. I thank you for making that clarification. That is last year's funds, absolutely. Mr. Gary: For the third time. Mayor Ferre: No, well, sometimes, Howard, you know, we have a lot of things around here so that's understandable. Is that all right now? Commissioner Perez moves. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Plummer seconds, further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: Hold on, let's clarify by stating in there that we are decreasing the appropriation from the Police Department in the 1983-84 budget. Mrs. Dougherty: The content of the ordinance definitely does specify.... Mr. Plummer: Let's put it in there so that there's no misunderstanding. Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9684 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 299 19839 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 309 19849 BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS/CONTINGENT FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $2509000 AND BY DECREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT IN THE LIKE AMOUNT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDING IN CONNECTION WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI'S IMMEDIATE EFFORTS TO BRING THE MISS UNIVERSE/MISS USA/MISS TEENAGE AMERICA USA PAGEANTS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR 1985 AND 1986; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Perez and seconded by Commissioner Plummer, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote. sl 80 October 10, 1,944 C AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vioe-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Perez and seconded by Commissioner Plummer, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre _ NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ------------------------------------------------------- 41. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: EIGHT MEMBER CITY OF MIAKI PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING BOARD. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Plummer: I move item 28. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves item 28. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: We have a new 28 in front of us, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Plummer: What is the difference between the old 28 and the new 28, the Wrestling Board? Mrs. L. Dougherty: The old 28 was a mistake, and the new one is right. That's essentially it. The old 28 changed it from eight members to some other amount, but we already had eleven members. Mayor Ferre: We had eleven; we're down to eight now. Mrs. Dougherty: Right. Mr. Plummer: When was the last time we had wrestling in the City of Miami, beside this Commission? Mayor Ferre: Why don't we abolish this board? What's the purpose of this board, Carl? Why are we going to eight? Who decided that? Mr. Carl Kern: Sir, it was important until recently this year, the state legislature abolished boxing to be regulated by the municipalities. They set up a state-wide boxing commission. This was a boxing and a wrestling commission. 31 r:t1 S l i t ootober lot I��� } r Mayor Ferre: the state. That's the best news we've had all year from Mr. Kern: That leaves us only with wrestling. We might have some wrestling. We're trying to promote wrestling in some of the exhibition halls and things. Mr. Plummer: I move 28. Mayor Ferre: Will you tell me why eight? Why not seven or nine? We always go to odd board. Why do you go....? Mr. Kern: There is eight; one of the members is a non- voting member, so there are seven voting members. Mayor Ferre: Who are the members? Mr. Kern: Item 28 doesn't set that up. Item 75 makes recommendations for the wrestling board. I think you have that in there. Basically, they were people that you had appointed previously. Mayor Ferre: Carl, would you answer my question now? My question is very simple. Who are the eight members? Mr. Plummer: There are none appointed yet. Mr. Kern: Their terms have all expired this month. There are none. Mr. Plummer: Is this mud -wrestling or regular wrestling? Mr. Kern: Whatever you prefer. Mayor Ferre: Who's baby is this? Is this Dave Kennedy or Monty or somebody? Mr. Plummer: The members are to be appointed later, right? Mr. Kern: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Plummer. Second by Perez. Further discussion? Read the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 5-47 t 5-489 5-49, 5-50, 5-52, 5-53, 5- 54, 5-55, 5-56, 5-579 5-589 5-59, 5-60, AND 5-61 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, TO PROVIDE FOR A 8-MEMBER "CITY OF MIAMI PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING BOARD", WITH THE CHAIRMAN THEREOF TO BE APPOINTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION; SAID BOARD TO BE ESTABLISHED UPON THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ADOPTION OF THE HEREIN ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT THERE BE A SECRETARY - TREASURER OF SAID BOARD WHO SHALL BE APPOINTED BY A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN FIVE (5) MEMBERS OF SAID BOARD AND WHO SHALL NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CAST A VOTE ON QUESTIONS COMING BEFORE THE BOARD FOR ACTION OR DECISION; DELETING ANY MENTION OF ANY AUTHORITATIVE POWER REGARDING PROFESSIONAL BOXING ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI PURSUANT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA ATHLETIC COMMISSION; ESTABLISHING SECTION 5-62 PROFESSIONAL BOXING ACTIVITY; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS D, aIGNATED ORDINAHQZ NO, 99 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public - record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 1 83 Octobor 10,, 1984 J 42. AMEND 31- 48 OF CODE: SCRRDULR OF LICENSE TAXES "FLEA MARKETV RTC. W.�i.iw.ii.Y...ii►.i W r�.�.rr..r�ii�...iirrr.r�irr..r.r��r �.. �.�■r.rar��.r��+w..rr�rrr.r�w Mayor Ferre: Item 29 clears up the Flea Market vendors. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Plummer. Seconded by.... Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: ....Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll. Read the ordinance. Wait a minute. Are you opposed to this? Mr. Al Cardenas: We have an addition to suggest. Mr. Plummer: Not again. Mr. Cardenas: On the flea market tax clarification more than anything else. Mayor Ferre: Speak. Mr. Cardenas: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Quickly. Mr. Cardenas: My name is Al Cardenas. I'm an attorney here in the City of Miami. I represent Flagler Dog Track folks and its flea market subsidiary. We think this is welcome. It provides for what I think needs some clarification. One, - I think you want to specifically empower in the ordinance - -_ the Director of Finance to establish an estimated total - annual amount, which sum shall be paid by a flea market promoter, rather than individual vendors. I would feel more comfortable if that's specifically set forth in the ordinance and I just wrote down some wording you might like to use. Two, just a sentence which says in the event that the promoter pays a full fee, I agree upon with the Director of Finance that you will not additionally tax the individual _ vendors; just some clean up work. If you would like for me to recite what I have in mind to see if you would object to its form. Mayor Ferre: Why is this coming up this late this way? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I ask the same question for the mere - fact that we've had discussions with them to resolve this problem. They have had equal opportunity to have a discussion. This, in essence, benefits them. As a matter of fact, Mr. Mayor, you and I talked about this personally wherein we're now talking about possibly an average per vendor of $25 where it now costs $94. I do not want to now change anything that strictly precludes.... Mr. Plummer: Let me tell you where I'm at. Al, you accept it as is or we defer it. Mr. Cardenas: I'll accept it as is. F Mayor Ferre: You can always come back with changes. That's w no big deal. . Mr. Cardenas: Sure, the only thing I Wanted on the..reeord.4 Mr. Mayor, not even part of this ordinance, is thOr fact lth&t sl 64 you don't intend to establish an occupational license fee, have it all paid by the promoter, and then charge the individual vendors after that, which in effect, would be a double fee. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, that is not the intent of this ordinance. That would be illegal to do. Mayor Ferre: It's in the record. Further discussion? Mr. Plummer: Are we having street time clocks at the flea market? Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to go? Call the roll, please. Was the ordinance read? Mrs. Dougherty: No. - Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SECTION 31-48 OF DIVISION 2 ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF LICENSE TAXES," OF ARTICLE - II ENTITLED "LICENSES," OF CHAPTER 31 ENTITLED "LICENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS"; BY PROVIDING FOR A DEFINITION OF FLEA MARKETS AND ESTABLISHING AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX = CLASSIFICATION AND RATE SCHEDULE FOR _ THEIR OPERATION; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 13, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and - passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins j Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. - Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS D83IGNATED QRDINAKQE NO. 9910 r The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. Nwlwlww!lw wrwwwwwwlwlw!!!!wlww.-wwl-wrwww!!Nllwww!!!ww!!!�! — 43. DISCUSSION: ALLAPATTAB !MARKET. �.. wwwlw!!wlwwwwww�wwrwre.�lw!l�lwwwwwww.w�—.�wwwlwwlw�www�rw.l.r���wR..w Mayor Ferre: Mr. Cardenas, since there might be a ohan$e of _ administration after November 6th, I would like to ask you national administration, that in. I'd like to ask whether or not we made any more headway with our friend rravA. Detroit on the Allapattah market that you represent! s r- Mr. Cardenas: That's a good question. We have decided to slightly alter the course. We have not received a satisfactory progress we thought we would under the.... Mayor Ferre: I think that's an understatement. Mr. Cardenas: That's right. I believe that we have now discussed with a private developer the possibility of his joint venturing with the L.D.C. If that happens, we'll only need the grant from UMPTA instead of a grant from HUD and UMPTA. Under this basis, if the City can conclude the negotiations with the joint venture participant, I feel we are in a fairly good comfort zone with the UMPTA grant, if that can be arranged. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Cardenas, that's the same thing that Mr. Elliot Holland said a year and a half ago. Mr. Cardenas: That's right. Mr. Dawkins: Then you are telling me the same thing now. It appears to me, just me, that if we were sincere, we'd have one of the grants at hand. We'd either have the UMPTA grant in hand or the other grant. So now we're going to have to start all over, submit applications and wait. That's what you're saying? Mr. Cardenas: Not really, because what happened was this. When the merit was originally discussed, UMPTA said we will then put it in the table together with UDAG's since you need both of those in order to do your project. Therefore, we would not one, give you the grant, if the other doesn't, because without one of the two, you won't be able to do the project. UDAG's been, HUD's been having cold feet on this project, frankly, and did not make the head way that Mr. Holland thought originally would be made and as a result of that, the City has, I think, done an excellent job of finding an alternative plan. That is to come up with a private sector joint developer who would come in with the L.D.C. in a joint venture and eliminate the need for the UDAG grant. With that established, then UMPTA doesn't have to be concerned about where the sources of those funds will come from because a developer will answer that question. We can deal with UMPTA without ifs, ands, or buts. I think you are absolutely right about being upset. I am very embarrassed with this Commission. I'll do what I need to di to expedite the process. Mr. Dawkins: I think what the Mayor is saying if we get the -and I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I think what he's saying is if we get the O.K. from a developer and the L.C.D., can you and somebody catch a plane next week and go up there and get it expedited? Mr. Cardenas: I promise you I will. Mayor Ferre: You'd better do that before there's a change ;Y in the administration, which I see coming. Mr. Cardenas: I think we have more time, but I think November 6 is a good deadline, Mayor. I'll do my best. Mayor Ferre: All right, just in case. $l 86 •rrr.r�.t..i�.r.r�.+.r irr�ararr..r r..r.r.r..���.ir.r.ra. rr+�srr�rrrrwiir�►�r�.w�r�:�a�arrrarrr+rrrrr��+�rr�ar+rw�rr 44. SECOND READING ORDINANCE. ALLOCATE W r Oft FOR CENTRAL 3101INVENTORY SUPPLIES FOR BURROVORS B-20 0ITS. .Lrir.� ii.IiNf...ra.rrir.r a.rr rrrr r �rrY..rrrwr.rr r1r.��.�,r..'�tor rrr.rr.rr.rrr�.rr. if►f. Mayor Ferre: We're now on item number 30. This is an ordinance increasing appropriations for the Internal Service Fund Central Stores, $25,000 for the purpose of providing additional inventories for Burroughs. This is Mr. Plummer's favorite subject. Mr. Plummer: Yes, I'll move it, but we don't have a quorum. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Mr. Dawkins: Dawkins seconds. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. You see? ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 96849 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 299 1983, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 19849 BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND CENTRAL STORES IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING ADDITIONAL INVENTORY OF BURROUGHS B-20 SUPPLIES, REVENUE IN THE LIKE AMOUNT BEING AVAILABLE FROM VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Read the passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of July 31, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ii.l fi.lY.1.Yi.MYili�li�i.lY.I.i.r.►M.i1..i11 iYiri.��Tiiliid/f.UblY.iii►iiili4r�YinYr IiYii�Y►IiYiifiriiil®1ii�lli `IY►1.IIiYiiiiifiYi.�W�Ld6ii 45, BBCOBD READING ORDINANCE: SB'tABLIBU NRW REVS M FM SHISONITY BUSIVIN RNYBRpRIS$ SPSCYAL FUND*. ..��tirt�.rr+rU.w.wai�.ri�Yti�ir..rrrrr�Yri.i rrrrrrrrari.r7.rrrur�rrr�..i Or iw.wrr.r�li.i.�w►.rrr rirw..l1 Mr. Plummer: Move 31. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves item 31. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. Read the ordinance. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, before I vote, this is about the sixth time this gentleman is trying to give us $1000. Is this the last time I'm going to have to vote on this? Mr. Gary: It's been on the agenda. You just hadn't had a chance to get around to it. That's the problem. Mr. Dawkins: But if it passes this time, I will not see it. Mr. Gary: No, you will not. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you, sir. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE SPECIAL FUND" APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $190009 TO BE USED IN ESTABLISHING A PROGRAM TO ASSIST BLACK AND HISPANIC MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES IN SECURING BONDING FOR CITY OF MIAMI PROCUREMENT ACTIVITY, AND IN ESTABLISHING PROGRAMS TO RENDER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO BLACK AND HISPANIC MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of July 319 19849 was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNAIEQ ORDINANCE NQ* 9912 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. %Y 88 oatob tr at s 4W.: r� iaiiiil.dflis.Ymoi"iGiii iiilin4iiiYdYN1i1YriWiliii.iliYiiiiiiWi.Yi�iiaiiiiifl 46. AHEHD CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE: PHASED DESIGN Aim CONSTRUCTION (FAST MCC). - r.�...r.r.r.rr.u.uw.ra��..rWr...a.�f.r.�.6rr.rrw.r..rrrrri.rr.rrrrrr:r.r...r.r.rrrrar�r.i.+rafwir CL Im Mayor Ferre: Take up new 32 which is just being passed out. .� This is an ordinance companion to item 33, Phased Design and Construction, fast track, which authorizes Fire Rescue and Inspection Services. Mr. Plummer: Let's hear from the Fire Department on that. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a representative of the Fire Department, Mr. Manager, Mr. Eads?` Mr. Gary: No, but I can explain this. Mr. Plummer: I want to hear it from the Fire Department. Mayor Ferre: You are hearing from the Fire Department. Mr. Gary: You hear from them every night. Mr. Plummer: Do you realize there are only three votes here? Mayor Ferre: Don't worry, Howard. I got Joe back; anytime you want. Don't worry about it. Mr. Roy Jordan: Hello Mayor and Commissioners, Roy Jordan, Deputy Chief. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, Chief, we got a question for you. Mr. Plummer: Why fast track? On what project? Mr. Jordan: Not only in a specific project. Basically this is an attempt to provide developers with a phased design, whereas they can come in and develop a project and expedite that project by taking out a permit. Mr. Plummer: Move item 32. Mr. Dawkins: Before you move it, Mr. Plummer, Chief, I get constant complaints from developers and private businessmen that instead of helping, we hinder. So will this fast tracking eliminate some of the bottlenecks that I get complaints about as the inspector does not come out? —i; Mr. Plummer: This is in-house. Mr. Dawkins: But this is in house, J.L., when they said �! they called for an inspector and they don't get the inspector out, etc., etc. Mr. Jordan: This is the purpose, right. Mr. Dawkins. This will eliminate that � right? 8 t; Mr. Jordan: Ah-huh. {; Mr. Plummer: But is this for private developers as well as I; the Fire Department? f: Mr. Jordan: No, it's not for the Fire Department. It is to allow private developers, a1 89 Octobtr 1, I ` or Mr. Plummer: Chief, let me add one step to that of what Commissioner Dawkins just has said. I want to tell you that I think every one of us sitting up here from time to time receives Calls from people that are developers. We understand that they are in it to make a buck, and they are in it to turn as fast as they can. But I want to tell you that I think somewhere needs along the line, this City has got to take an attitude that we are here to assist and help as well as to safeguard, because the conception presently is that this City throws up stumbling blocks in front of developers they call for an inspection one day, two day, whatever. I think somewhere along the line, Mr. Gary, we have got to take hold and look into this situation to see in fact if there is any reality that this City is not doing everything it can to assist the people who are developing this community. Maybe fast track is one of the options. I don't know. But I think sooner or later, that we have got to sit down with the builders in this community and see if their concerns that they are voicing to us individually are legitimate concerns and what we need to do to create an atmosphere that we are encouraging development, yet we are going to reserve the right of proper development, but that we are not negative and that we are trying to help these people. Mr. Gary: Commissioner Plummer, we agree with that balanced philosophy of assisting the developers as well as protecting the public safety. As a matter of fact, this committee was designed to just do that. This committee was not made up of our staff. We had architects and developers involved. Basically what it does, it gives them a phased in process where they can get their permit and start in one phase and get their financing and thereby proceed in a faster fashion, which brings about jobs, but also at a cheaper cost to developers and keep us ahead of other cities. This is what this is designed to do. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary, I'm sure each one of us sitting up here will hear whether or not this has any impact. Mr. Gary: Well, I can tell you that the plan was developed jointly by us and the developers. Mr. Plummer: Move 32. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion and a second on item 32, as revised and is before us at the present time. Read the ordinance. Call the roll, please. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 29 ARTICLE IV, DIVISION 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 2-90 ENTITLED "PHASED DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (FAST TRACK)", WHICH AUTHORIZES THE FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO ISSUE PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING PROJECTS PURSUANT TO A PHASED PROCEDURE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES ESTABLISHED BY AND MAINTAINED IN THE FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTIONS SERVICES DEPARTMENT; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIONS, OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT, AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. al 90 October 10, JOA passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 18, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 47. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING MECHANICAL, ELEVATOR INSPECTION FEES (FAST TRACK). Mr. Plummer: Move 33• Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded; companion item to 32. Further discussion? Read the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE NO. 61459 ADOPTED MARCH 199 19589 AS AMENDED, WHICH ESTABLISHED FEES FOR BUILDING, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL (INCLUDING BOILER AND ELEVATOR) INSPECTIONS, PERMIT AND s CERTIFICATION FEES, BY ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION (24) TO SAID SECTION 5(d), THEREBY PROVIDING NEW FEES TO COVER THE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS INVOLVED IN THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION UNDER A PHASED DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION METHOD (FAST TRACK) CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR V AN EFFECTIVE DATE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 189 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance"Was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Commissioner Mayor Maurice NOES: None. al Miller J. Dawkins J. L. Plummer, Jr. A. Ferre 91 octobir 14#. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetri.o Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. rrrrr.rr1..rrrrr-rrrrrrrr-rrrrrrrrrrrr--rrrrirr 48. DISCUSSION AND CONTINUANCE: PROPOSED SECOND READING ORDINANCE CH. 22 GARBAGE & TRASH FEES. r--rr-r-rrrrr-rrr------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Item 34. Mr. Dawkins: I move to continue 34, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Ernie Fannatto: I want to speak on 34. Mr. Plummer: It's moved to continue. Mayor Ferre: We're not going to discuss it, Ernie. Have you ever seen me deny you three minutes? Mr. Fannatto: No, but this is one of the most controversial ordinances for trash that's ever adopted in the City. Mayor Ferre: Right, you got it. We're not touching it, but you are. Go ahead. You have three minutes. Mr. Ernie Fannatto: Ernie Fannatto is my name. I'm president of the Tax Payers' League of Miami and Dade County. This ordinance involves trash and garbage. As far as the garbage is concerned, the back yard, it belongs there and is still picked up there. For you folks...that's an ordinance, and the most controversial and not practical and expensive, plus tabbing on this extra money to say that people have to take trash to the front yard one day before the pick up is the most controversial and unrealistic I ever heard of. Let me give you an illustr... I'm talking about home owners now. When I say trash, I mean lawn, trees, limbs, hedge, whatever you call it. Most of the people, a lot of the people that own homes are elderly people. They can't cart leaves, I mean bags of leaves or big limbs to the front or other trash like that one day before. The only time they can do that, the only person that does that is when he does the work. Most of these people work in districts. These people can't take sometimes almost a day to do one job. If he comes there on a Monday... I mean he comes there on a Tuesday or Thursday, he can't put the trash in the front, she's got to hire, they got to hire people to take that trash and take it to the front. They got to hire a man, he's got to come there, he's got to take it to the front, they got to do this every month. Do you know how much money that's going to cost? That's going to cost more than the fee? That's not right, because the average person that is elderly cannot carry these things there and say one = day before. Now if you had an ordinance that says you can't automobile parts or things like that that's really annoying, but when you say limbs, trees, and trash, you're doing an injustice to these people and you're just taxing them to death. You're going to tax them an extra $150-$200 a yoar to hire somebody the day before to take that trash every month, which would be about $15 at least, and that would be °` about $180-$200; and that's ridiculous. You made a mistake. Why don't you change it. Go back and do it the right way. Say if you want to put automobile parts, anything rusty that creates a hazard or something that is a sore spot, but Limbs and trees and objects that are growing are not that annoying. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, when you bring this back we said that it would be $30 for the first six months and $30 for the second six months. Let your ordinance reflect that at the next meeting, if you want me to vote for it., sir. Mr. Gary: May I, before you decide to.... Mr. Dawkins: No, we're going to continue it. Mr. Gary: I need to say something for the record, sir. Mr. Fannatto: Yes, but what are you going to do about it? You're thanking me, but you're just tabbing $180 a year on the people. Mayor Ferre: No, we're continuing it, Ernie; we're not coming to a decision on this. By the way, Mr. Fannatto, you live in Miami Beach, right? Mr. Fannatto: No, I do not. I live in Miami. I've lived here all my life, 140 N.W. 9th Avenue. Mayor Ferre: So you reside here in Miami. Mr. Fannatto: Oh, yes, all my life. I mean I've been here the last 45 years. Mayor Ferre: That's good enough. Mr. Fannatto: And the neighbors next to me are elderly people, who told me to bring this up and many other people. You'll have a lot of company on this. Mayor Ferre: I understand. I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you that, you know, Miami Beach, Coral Gables, and the County charge more. Mr. Fannatto: I do have a lot of friends in Miami Beach, if that's what you mean. Mayor Ferre: I know that. All right, Mr. Manger. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, two things I'd like to say. First of all you have adopted a budget for which this makes it balanced. Mr. Dawkins: It does not make it...I'm sorry, go ahead. Mr. Plummer: Did you call the question? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, sir, call the question. Mr. Gary: Technically, we're not in compliance with State law, because your budget is not balanced because this revenue is not in effect. That's the first thing. Secondly, to accomplish what you want, Commissioner Dawkins just by the City Attorney, if I'm under the right impression, just making that distinction right in the body of the ordinance. Mr. Plummer: We're deferring this to Mr. Gary for further information. e 93 October 10, 1904 Mr. Mary: I'm still saying that technically, under State law, the budget is hot balanced. Mr. Plummer: You cannot ask any member of this Commission to vote on something when we need further information. Mr. Gary: But I can also inform you of the State law. Mr. Plummer: As soon as you furnish us with that information, we'll comply with State law. Mr. Dawkins: When we passed your budget, we passed it on the strength of what I'm saying incorporatied in your budget. Mr. Gary: I guess what I'm saying, though, you passed the budget, Commissioner, which included this revenue source to make the bottom lines balance, the revenue and the appropriations. I'm saying that until this goes in effect, it is not balanced. That's the only thing I'm saying. Mr. Dawkins: The more I hear from you, the more I know that you and I will have to start working on your budget in June so that when it comes up and if I'm re-elected, that you and I will be on the same wave length when I vote on your budget. Mr. Gary: We'll be talking in June. Mr. Plummer: Don't worry about it, Mr. Dawkins. I'll definitely be here. Mr. Dawkins: Let's vote on the continuance. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. THEREUPON, ITEM 34, ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO GARBAGE AND TRASH WAS CONTINUED BY MOTION DULY MADE BY COMMISSIONER DAWKINS AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER PLUMMER AND PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ---------------------------------------------------- -------- 49. AMEND 9332 CABLE T.Y. LICENSE ORDINANCE- ARBITRATION PANEL. -------------------- ---------- ----------------------------.... Mayor Ferre: Take up 359 Miami Cable Television arbitrators. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved. Is there a second? This establishes an arbitration procedure. Second by Commissioner Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. r Mrs. L. Dougherty: Itts binding unless itts appealed to the Commission by either side. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll, it's been read. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1004 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9332, ADOPTED OCTOBER 199 1981, THE CITY OF MIAMI CABLE TELEVISION LICENSE ORDINANCE; BY PROVIDING THEREIN FOR A MODIFICATION IN THE PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSING PENALTIES IN THAT THE CITY MANAGER SHALL NOW MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING PENALTIES TO A PANEL OF ARBITRATORS; PROVIDING FOR A HEARING BY ARBITRATORS AND MAKING THEIR DECISION FINAL AND BINDING UNLESS THE DECISION IS APPEALED TO THEE CITY COMMISSION; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 20, 19884, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Perez, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Gary, I met Mr. Marshall Harris the other day, who had just gotten back from out of town a couple of weeks ago. He says he's going to serve on this and anxious, but he needs to be called by Clark Merrill or Sue Smoller, if that helps. Mr. Gary: She saved him. Mayor Ferre: To explain the whole thing and get into.... Mr. Gary: Did a good job last week. 01 95 October 101P 14" �k ii.iiiliiiiifiifiiYG i..Y. Yliii�iiYilYiii.��i W..YIiil.l�iblfY�i1111i�riilfYiiiwYliil.if6ii®i i`ii iii►�I�Is 1�.if.i.iiifif �iii�riil�3�� 50` SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ALLOCATE $100 9 000 DEPT. OF BUILDING A VIRICLI MAIMNANCE PROJECTED DEFICITS. --�wr►fi�ilYrwr.wwi�..+rr.r�wr'tirr�.rarrrr.�ar.rwrr�rr�.---��w�..iwii r.rrr—� ��r. �iiiiir Mr. Plummer: I move 36. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves 36. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: The Eddie Cox relief bill. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: I second it. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9684 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 299 29839 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS S ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 309 19849 BY APPROPRIATING FROM THE BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT, HEAVY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE DIVISION, FY183 RETAINED EARNINGS, AN AMOUNT OF $1009000; INCREASING REVENUES IN THE SAME AMOUNT TO BE APPROPRIATED INTO THE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE DIVISION TO PROVIDE FUNDING TO COVER PROJECTED DEFICITS IN THE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE SALARY ACCOUNTS WHICH WERE CREATED DUE TO THEE TRANSFER OF SALARY SAVINGS TO FUND THE PURCHASE OF MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES AS A RESULT OF A HIGH DEMAND FOR NON -BUDGETED JOB REQUESTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 181, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo THQRDINANCE WAS DESIGNAIED ORDINANCE_ NO,, 9916 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ai 96 October ) l 1 . �4 .i.r.rar i.il—rrrrriiiiilii.rYiiYllf..firYribiifYrlr.f.iW�riilli.�tf.flwrrarif iilii7. iYaDOrY�ii ili0Y01YY�lY�iiw 51. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY SUPPLEMENT FY 64-850 rmmft. m"iiill.. i..r Mr. Plummer: Move 37. Mayor Ferre: Take up item 37. It's been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 8719 ADOPTED OCTOBER 269 1977, AS AMENDED, THE SUMMARY GRANT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING A NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND, ENTITLED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY SUPPLEMENT (FY'84-85); AND APPROPRIATING $16,000 FOR THE EXECUTION OF SAME; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY PROVISION. Was introduced by Commissioner and seconded by Commissioner Plummer and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. 52. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT: METRO & CITY FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up 56 which is a companion to item 37. Plummer moves; Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Companion bill to item 37. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1127 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING A PORTION OF DADE COUNTY'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM DURING THE TENTH YEAR FOR A CERTAIN SOCIAL SERVICE ACTIVITY; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM DADE COUNTY IN THE AMOUNT OF $169000; ALLOCATING SAID SUM FOR SAID ACTIVITY. al 97 Oo M —1904 <; `fz. 1 ' (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 53• FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW REVENUE FUND RECREATION ACTIVITY 1984-85 ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up item 38. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - Further discussion? Read AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "RECREATION ACTIVITY 1984-85", AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,000 COMPOSED OF REVENUES COLLECTED FROM PARTICIPATION FEES AND PRIOR FUND OF BALANCES, CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and -seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. al 98 u. raa .rrirr.�arwaY.Yia al.a ribr�l�iYii��ir�iilirl��Y�i�ib.►..�7i ii.l.i r.Y ri Yi.i111Y 54. CONSENT AGENDA* r r dit ..a rrmAn do wo r mar.6 rr.rr i. .r i. iii.f. Gila.il rr Wrili.rw.ra�ai.r Mayor Ferre: We are now going to take up the consent agenda, items 39 through 48. Is there member of the Commission who wishes to withdraw any of these items? Is there any member of the public who wishes to address the Commission on any items between 39 and 48? Mr. Dawkins: Pull fifty-seven. Mr. Plummer: Forty-four. Mayor Ferre: Fifty-seven is not in the consent agenda, Commissioner; it's 39 through 48. Mr. Plummer: Forty-four. Mayor Ferre: Forty-four, anything else? Is there anyone present who is an objector or a proponent that wishes to speak on any item on the consent agenda items 39 through 48, absent 44 that has been pulled. If not, is there a motion? Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, may I point out that items 41 and 42 are going to be changed to reflect the 184-185 budget year? That's all. Mayor Ferre: Let the record so reflect. That's just a typographical correction. Mr. Plummer: Move the consent agenda. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves the consent agenda. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second, and under discussion. Mayor Ferre: All right, it's been moved. Go ahead, Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, provide me with the bids for 40, as of minority participation, and 45, please. Mayor Ferre: All right, everything but 44 we're voting on now. Further discussion? Call the roll. THEREUPON, the following resolutions were introduced by Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and were adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 54.1 BEER PERMIT FOR COCONUT GROVE BICYCLE CLUB FOR BICYCLE RACE DAY. 31 54.2 54.3 54.4 54.5 tsI RESOLUTION NO. 84-1128 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A ONE DAY PERMIT TO SELL BEER FOR THE COCONUT GROVE BICYCLE CLUB IN CONNECTION WITH THE GREAT COCONUT GROVE BICYCLE RACE TO BE HELD AT PEACOCK PARK ON OCTOBER 149 1984. ACCEPT BID: TRI-COUNTY FENCE FOR FENCING AT $129715.00. RESOLUTION NO. 84-1129 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF TRI—COUNTY FENCE COMPANY, INC. FOR FURNISHING APPROXIMATELY 315 LINEAR FEET OF FENCING, INCLUDING LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR INSTALLATION AT THE MIAMI STADIUM CONCERT STAGE, ON A SHORT—TERM CONTRACT BASIS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $12,715.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE THE PURCHASE ORDER FOR THESE MATERIALS. PROPOSAL OF TRAK ENGINEERING FOR ONE AUTOMATED FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. RESOLUTION NO. 84-1130 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF TRAK ENGINEERING FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING ONE (1) AUTOMATED FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT THE MAIN MOTOR POOL AT A COST OF $239825.00 WITH A REMOTE SUBSYSTEM AT THE POLICE MOTOR POOL ANNEX AT A COST OF $8,325.00 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $32,150.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1984-85 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. ACCEPT BID: UARCO, INC. FOR COMPUTER STOCK FORMS ON CONTRACT BASIS AT $50t000 FOR ONE YEAR. RESOLUTION NO. 84-1131 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF UARCO, INCORPORATED, FOR FURNISHING COMPUTER STOCK FORMS, AS NEEDED, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND THE CONTRACT PERIOD, TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTERS AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $50,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1984-85 OPERATING BUDGET OF .THAT DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. ACCEPT BID: HANCOCK BUS SALES, INC. FOR 2 PRISONER TRANSPORT VEHICLES AT $66,930.00. 100 ORtoopr 1.04 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF HANCOCK SUS SALES, INC. FOR FURNISHING TWO (2) PRISONER TRANSPORT VEHICLES TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AT A TOTAL COST OF $66#930.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE THE PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT, TO BE USED BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. 54.6 ACCEPT BID: SCKEMA, INC. FOR COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER RESTROOM FACILITIES AT $689761. RESOLUTION NO. 84-1133 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF SCKEMA, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $689761.009 BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER - RESTROOM FACILITIES, WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER - ADDITIONAL WORK" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $689761.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING _ FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $99626.00 TO COVER _ THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $1 , 375.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES, _ AND POSTAGE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $19593.00 TO COVER THE INDIRECT COST AND _ AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. 54.7 GRANTING SOUTHERN BELL CO. AN EASEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND CONDUIT. RESOLUTION NO. 84-1134 A RESOLUTION GRANTING TO SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY AN EASEMENT OVER AND UNDER NORTHWEST TWENTIETH STREET PROPERTIES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND CONDUIT TO SERVE THE BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SAID INSTRUMENT HERETO ATTACHED. 54.8 REQUESTING CLOSING OF FLAGLER ST. ON OCT. 269 1984 FOR THE ANTIQUE FIRE PARADE. RESOLUTION NO. 84-1135 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CLOSING OF FLAGLER STREET BETWEEN BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND N.W. 2 AVENUE AND CERTAIN OTHER INTERSECTIONS ON OCTOBER 269 1984 BETWEEN 1:00 P.M. AND 1:20 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ALLOWING A PARADE OF ANTIQUE FIRE APPARATUS, ANNOUNCING THE 8RD ANNUAL FIRE DEPARTMENT MUSTER ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1984; SAID CLOSING BEING CONDITIONED UPON APPROVAL OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES. 54.9 $290 FOR SHOWMOBILE RENTAL FOR VON STEUBEN PARADE. I i al 101 Ooto er 109 1984 RESOLUTION N0. 84-1136 A RESOLUTION RATIFYINGO APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ALLOCATION OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $290.00 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, TO COVER THE COST OF INSURANCE, SNOWMOBILE RENTAL, POLICE SURCHARGEt POLICE VEHICLES CHARGE AND POLICE STREET PERMITS IN CONNECTION WITH VON STEUBEN PARADE AND CONCERT HELD SEPTEMBER 229 1984; FURTHER PROVIDING $5015.00 FROM THE OPERATING BUDGETS OF THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE, FIRE„ SOLID WASTE, PARKS AND RECREATION AND BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE TO OKTOBERFEST/-MIAMI, INC., FOR THE COST OF IN -KIND SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF SAID EVENT; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE - POLICY NO. APM-1-849 DATED JANUARY 249 1984; FURTHER, RATIFYING THE AUTHORIZATION OF A ONE -DAY PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF BEER IN PEACOCK PARK IN CONNECTION WITH SAID EVENT. 55. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF 300 SETS OF FIREFIGHTER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS. Mayor Ferre: Now on item 44. Mr. Plummer: On item 44, Mr. Gary, is the old equipment going to be offered for surplus to the Sister Cities program? Mr. Gary: It can, yes. Mr. Plummer: Thank you, I move item 44. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Does anyone wish to speak on 44? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1137 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF APPROXIMATELY 300 SETS OF FIREFIGHTER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS, FROM CLAIRNS AND BROTHERS, INC. UNDER A CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY CONTRACT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST NOT TO EXCEED $709000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1984-85 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) sl 102 October 1Q, 1984 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following voter AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ---------------------------------------------------------- 56. MARINE STADIUM ENTERPRISES ASSIGN CONCESSION RIGHTS TO DADE COUNTY FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION NOV. 239 249 259 1984. ------------------------------- ------- -------- -------------- Mr. Plummer: May I take a non -controversial? Mayor Ferre: Go right ahead. Mr. Plummer: I move item 20 for the Marine Stadium for the firefighters. It's a waiving of the.... Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer is moving item 20, which is a non- controversial item, which.... Mr. Plummer: If Stu Coughman says one word, I'll withdraw my.... Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Is there further discussion on item 20? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1138 A MOTION GRANTING A REQUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF MARINE STADIUM ENTERPRISES, INC. TO ASSIGN THEIR CONCESSION RIGHTS TO THE UM/JM BURN FOUNDATION THROUGH THE SOUTH FLORIDA COUNCIL OF FIRE FIGHTERS (MIAMI, DADE COUNTY, HIALEAH, MIAMI BEACH, CORAL GABLES, KEY WEST, ETC.) FOR NOVEMBER 239 24, AND 259 1985. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vioe-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 103 r� October 10 ; �'984`1 �R pt f ' S7. CONTINUE & READVERTISE MIAMI CENTER II DEVELOPMENT ORDER PROJECT TO DEC. ZO AND PUBLIC REARING ON DEC. 139 1984. irroro ---o-rr---o---r-- .. �.Y. ilrriroririioo Mayor Ferre: We're now on the 3:30 agenda, which is a public hearing, items 1 through 5. The first public hearing item deals with the amending the Miami Center II Dupont Plaza Project. Is Mr. Gould here yet? Mr. Gould told me that he was flying in from Europe to be at the... Do you represent Mr. Gould? Is Mr. Gould going to be here or not? Into the record, your name, address and your statement. Mr. Robert Sommerville: My name is Robert Summerville. I'm an attorney with Shutts and Bowen at 1500 Edward Ball Building. I'm here today representing Mr. Gould and the Miami Center Joint Venture. Mr. Gould's plane has been delayed and I believe that he wants the hearing to go forward. I will represent the developer. Mayor Ferre: Well, is Mr. Gould going to be here, yes or no? Mr. Sommerville: He will not be here. Mayor Ferre: Today at all? Mr. Sommerville: Yes, he will not be here today. Mayor Ferre: In other words, it isn't that his plane is delayed. He's just not coming. Mr. Sommerville: No, he wasn't in town. I called fifteen minutes ago to his office and he had not arrived. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I think it is only right that we put on the record, I don't have with me here, but I'm sure we have all received a copy of a letter from...the joint venture is with Olympia York. Is that correct? Mr. Sommerville: That's correct. Mr. Plummer: All right, sir, if you need, Mr. Mayor, I will go and get my copy. Olympia York has put us on notice through their legal arm, their attorneys, that Mr. Gould does not speak for them here today, that he is not empowered to speak for the joint venture and that any action without them is null and void. I would then ask for the record, -if my secretary is listening, if she'd bring me that letter, please. Do you have that letter? I would then ask the City Attorney predicated on that notice of letter whether or not we can proceed. They make some very fine legal points in there that Mr. Gould is in bankruptcy and as such has no right to speak for them. If they are not here present today, I question whether this hearing can go forward. Mayor Ferre: We may have to continue it anyway. Mr. Sommerville: Mr. Mayor, could I make a statement? Mr. Gould, the Miami Center Joint Venture is in favor of continuing the hearing and the only additional matter that they would request the Commission to consider Is to add and amend, to add requested amendments to !Miami Center, I Development Order to the agenda of the earliest pQpst Ie meeting on those items, which I believe would be December ` 13th. al 104 October 10 # 3 39 4 11 Mayor Ferre: December? You mean November. Mr. Sommerville: I think it's December because we have to publish for 60 days and we would ask that the hearing be held on December 13th to consider amendments to Miami Center I and Miami Center II Development Orders. Mayor Ferre: O.K., let me explain what the critical point is. This is just generalizing from my viewpoint. What we have before us are two major items from the City's viewpoint. That is the earmarked allocated funds, which is, as I understand $22,000,000 by the State Department of Transportation from federal funds, that if...Is Mr. Goodnight here? Is there anybody representing the Florida Department of Transportation? There's nobody here from the County or the State or D.O.T. I thought they had been invited. Oh, there is someone here. Are you bashful or didn't I say it loud enough? Mr. Baldwin, why don't you step forward here with our own people. As I understand it, today is not the critical day, but we are getting pretty close as we move into the end of the year. Walter, maybe you can address the issue. We have to kind of give the State an answer as to whether or not we're going ahead with the bifurcated system. If we don't move ahead with the bifurcated system, then we get to a point where those monies are going to be reallocated. To the best of your knowledge, when does that critical date arrive? Mr. Walter Pierce: This fall, actually, I believe November is the absolute latest date that the State said they needed it. Mayor Ferre: The reason I bring all this up is I don't we can continue with this, or how we can bring this into December when in effect, in November... 1 mean, once we lose that money, as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing else to talk about. Mr. Pierce: Mr. Mayor, I should clarify, the State has said that they need a firm indication by November that they will have the right-of-way. They need the right-of-way in hand in actuality by the first month of the next year. Mr. Sommerville: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Gould is prepared to undertake a procedure with the City whereby the dedication would be put into escrow as soon as.... Mayor Ferre: See, we can't wait until December to do that. Mr. Sommerville: The dedication would be put in before December. Mr. Plummer: Yes, but according to the letter that we have received, Mr. Mayor, let me get on the record. Mayor Ferre: Yes, you're talking about the Olympia York letter, but see, that's somebody's opinion, and I don't think that we are ... that's why there's a law suit and that's why there are judges and that's why a court of law is going to rule on that. We can't take a position as to who's right on that. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask the City Attorney on the record her opinion of the letter that we were sent. Mayor Ferre: It would require her to have ten.... Mrs. Lucia A. Dougherty: Mr. Commissioner, I read that letter and I have looked at the court file, and I oan't give sl 105 0006r 10 t 84 you an opinion. That is precisely the issue that's involved in this litigation. So all I can say to you is that it would sure be nice if we could have Olympia York sign off on any agreement. That's the best way to do it. Mayor Ferre: Yes, but let me say that Olympia York specifically stated... Is there a representative of Olympia York here? Why don't you give us your name. Mr. John W. Kozyak: My name is John W. Kozyak. I'm a local attorney for Olympia and York. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Kozyak, Mr. Gort Henry, who is a person ! that I'm sure you are familiar with, right? Mr. Kozyak: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Is he the representative of Olympia York that you talk to? Mr. Kozyak: One of them. Mayor Ferre: Who's your client that gives you instructions? Mr. Kozyak: Mr. William Hay, the Executive Vice President of Olympia and York Properties. Mayor Ferre: Does Mr. Hay work with Mr. Gort Henry? Mr. Kozyak: Yes, he does. Mayor Ferre: I don't understand the relationship. Is Gort Henry his boss, or is he Gort Henry's boss? INAUDIBLE RESPONSE FROM A MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE. Mayor Ferre: I see, so we do have.... Mr. Kozyak: We have Mr. Hay here; we don't have Mr. Henry here. Mayor Ferre: I was just trying to get, if you will, the corporate levels here. Did you clarify that? Are you the president of the company? I just want to understand who's who in the corporation. Mr. William Hay: You asked me if I was president. I am not president of Olympia York Florida Equity Corp. I am Executive Vice President. The President is Mr. Paul Rykeman. Mr. Henry is responsible for construction, and in that sense, he reports to me. Mayor Ferre: He reports to you. Mr. Hay: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Henry is the person that has been calling several people around town on this issue. I didn't know exaotly...I mean, that's an internal corporate matter, and I don't want to get into your corporate structure.... Mr. Hay: Mr. Mayor, I don't know whether Mr. Henry has been calling people around town, but obviously this is a matter of grave concern. I don't know why Mr. Henry may have been calling. Mayor Ferre: Walter Pierce for one. Mr. Hay: This is a matter of very grave concern to us because Mr. Gould has no authority whatsoever to be dealing with this property without consulting us. al 106 Mayor Fevre: I don't mean to get into your internal corporate structure. That is something that you'll have to deal with. We just need to know who it is we're talking to and who's talking to us. Thank you for clarifying that. We would like to know from Olympia and York whether, you have any interest at all in dealing with the subject of the bifurcated right-of-way in the concession to the State of those right-of-ways for the purposes of building the road. Mr. Hay: We are most interested in dealing with the bifurcation systems. We'd be very pleased to meet with this City anytime on the early part of next week to further those discussions. Mr. Gould has not consulted us in any way with respect to his recent discussions. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. Is there anything else you want to add? I didn't mean to interrupt you, sir. Mr. Hay: Beyond saying we would be most pleased to meet with the City and further the bifurcation idea and also to insure full cooperation with the City, we'd be more than pleased to do so. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. Mr. Hay: Do you have any further questions of me, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: I do not have any further questions. I think this is something that Mr. Pierce of our ... Mr. Manager, is that the proper person? He's going to have to get together with whoever this gentleman designates so that we know exactly where we're headed. It is certainly not...the City of Miami Commission is not a court of law and we're not going to decide whether Olympia York or Gould is the rightful owner. Eventually, we need to have this clarified. Eventually is very soon, because as I understand, the time bomb that's ticking here is that by November we have to tell the State Department of Transportation that we're going to proceed with bifurcation. That requires us to have the title to the land for the roads to be built. That requires either an approval by you or an approval by Gould or an approval by both, so that...and then we have Southeast, who has rights in this, the Dupont Plaza, Mr. Codina, Mr. Muss, all the property owners in the general vicinity and the other interested parties. The tragic thing that is about to occur is that the default or no action, we're going to lose these monies and then I think everybody becomes the loser and we don't have much time left. Mr. Kozyak: Mayor Ferre, as Mr. Hay said, Olympia and York would be very happy... I'm John Kozyak; we'd be very happy to meet with the City and discuss this with the City, but the point of my letter and the point of Mr. Hay's comments were that this property that you're talking about, roughly the three blocks downtown Miami, are owned by the Miami Center Joint Venture of which Olympia and York is a joint venture owner. Mr. Gould is not the owner of all the property, or the owner of the property, and he cannot give away rights and negotiate without our consent, rar approval, and our involvement. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Kozyak, that's between you, your client, and Mr. Gould and his attorney and that's going to be decided in court. Mr. Kozyak: That is our position. sl 107 October 10, 1984 Mayor Fevre: I'm sure it's your position, and I'm not arguing with it. All I'm saying is that we need to deal with the issue, not of who owns the land, but we need to deal with the issue as to whether or not there is going to be a deeding of the right-of-way, so we can tell the State to proceed with the bifurcation. We need to get to the bottom of this fairly soon, so perhaps.... Mr. Kozyak: We would like to deal with you and help you. Mayor Ferre: Perhaps the way to do this, and I think it's in your interest as well as Southeast's interest and everybody's best interest, is that you sit down with Mr. Pierce as quickly as possible and see what it is that the City wants to do and see if you agree with it and we'll take it from there. Mr. Kozyak: We'd be very happy to do so. Mayor Ferre: Now, Mr. Rodriguez. Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: If I may, the development order that we have right now will expire on October 24th. So the item that you have here before you this afternoon is to extend that development order. We are recommending extending it 92 days to January 24th to allow for possibly to another hearing on January 10th. Mayor Ferre: You want to have a public hearing on January 10th? Mr. Rodriguez: You see, if the development order expires on the 24th before you have another hearing on this matter, then whoever is representing the property will have to start all over again through the South Florida Regional Planning Council and I think it's to the best interest of the City that we keep this development order alive. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, this has your recommendation? Mr. Gary: Yes, Mr. Mayor, my position has been all along that we should keep the development order open so that it would not relieve the developer of the rights that he gave to the City as well as he received himself, but particularly to the City until we can negotiate and finalize this development order, I mean the bifurcated ramp. Mayor Ferre: One thing really has nothing to do with the other. They're related; aren't they? Mr. Gary: They're definitely related, Mr. Mayor, for the mere fact that the development order, which was signed by the owners of that property for the rights to develop agreed to provide land for the bifurcated system and to allow them to get off the development order, in essence, excludes us or precludes us from getting the land for the bifurcated ramp, so we need to have an extension so we can negotiate with whomever to get that land. Mayor Ferre: What's the will of this Commission on that? Mr. Sommerville: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to reiterate the developer's request that the meeting be held at the earliest possible date and that you order it held December 13th and that you also.... Mayor Ferre: I have no objectipns to that. Mr. Somerville: We would also respectfully request that you include for consideration amendments to Miami. Center I sl H1 October tp; development order since the two development orders in the project are really inter -related. Mayor Ferre: Sergio, do you agree with that? Mr. Rodriguez: I think they are asking you whether you can do it or not. I think it is right to consider at the same time both of these items. We can move it to December 13th t because we will comply with the C.C.A. advertising requirements. This is the earliest we can have. Mayor Ferre: If that is all right with you and Walter, and so the Manager agrees. Do you have any problems with that, Plummer? Do you have any problems, Demetrio? Do you have any problems? Mr. Kozyak: Olympia and York agrees with the request to extend the development order itself, that subject. Mayor Ferre: Does anybody else have any problems? Is there a motion then that this item be continued and properly advertised for a public hearing on December 13th? Does anybody object to this? Who makes the motion? Mrs. L. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, would it be appropriate to go ahead and extend it until the 20th and that would give you some time after your public hearing on the 13th. Mayor Ferre: I have no problems with that. Extend it to the 20th . Mr. Rodriguez: Of December. Mayor Ferre: Yes, that's fine. Do you have any problems, Plummer? Can you move it? Plummer moves. Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. Don't go, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1139 A MOTION TO CONTINUE AND PROPERLY READVERTISE THEE MIAMI CENTER II DEVELOPMENT ORDER PROJECT TO DECEMBER 209 1984; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS MATTER SHALL BE PROPERLY HELD DECEMBER 139 1984 AT 3:00 O'CLOCK P.M., AT CITY HALL. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: Mr. Pierce, Mr. Beaseley, would your step forward? Mr. Beaseley, you represent the Chamber of Commerce, you are the Chairperson of the suboo=ittee or downtown transportation. Mr. Beaseley: I am, your Honor. 81 109 Mayor Ferre: don't you? And you have a meeting coning up pretty soon, Mr. Beaseley: We have a meeting scheduled for October 18th, next Meek. We have invited, as usual, all representatives of the State, the County, and the City, the D.D.A., the members of the committee, obviously, and the other affected parties. I think, although we're going to deal with some broader problems in the downtown area, the principal quest of our meeting should be exactly this topic, so we can get to the bottom of what is getting increasingly complicated and the timing is getting increasingly difficult. Mayor Ferre: Well, the issue, as I see it is a two -fold issue. We need to get on with the building of the bifurcated system. The money is place, the State is willing to proceed, we need the land. Gould says maybe yes, maybe no, but he wants a change of configuration or we may not be able to accept that. So we don't know as of yet what exactly the configuration of Gould ... this is for you, sir, from Shutts and Bowen represents Mr. Gould. The problem is we don't know whether the configuration is acceptable. Now that Olympia York is in the picture, Olympia York may have an opinion on that, if they are in the picture; I don't know. So, issue number one is the configuration of the land that we're going to get if we get it for the ramps. That's subject number one. Subject number two is that Gould now says, "O.K., I'm willing to do this and furthermore, I give you two floors of air -right space for one dollar a year and you can build on it and so on and so forth, provided however, I get a vacation of the street, which is third street and a closure of the street. That's fine for Gould, but Southeast says, "We cannot accept that because we built our building so that it would have ingress and egress into these parking lots based on that street being open, and we have legal rights." So the problem, then, comes to this impasse where Gould says, "Well, I'll only give you the land if you close the street." The question is to Lucia Allen Dougherty, can we close the street. Is there a legal right to close the street? Doesn't Southeast have legal rights? Doesn't the Dupont Plaza have legal rights? Don't others have legal rights to the usage of that street and need a legal statement from you? We have the Olympia York question. That is, well, Gould can't talk on this because Olympia York is involved. That's up to litigation. We can't decide that in house, but we do, I think you should require, Mrs. Daugherty, some legal statements from all of these attorneys so that you can best advise us whether there is any clear out answer to this because if there is a clear cut answer that Gould is not authorized to make any kind of a deal on this, then we're just wasting a lot of time. The fact is that we might as well tell the Department of State that they may as well take that money out to Jacksonville. You know what's going to happen; the same old story. Poor old Miami gets out out of the money. That's exactly what is going to happen. Some other district in Florida is going to use that money and we're not going to get it. Mr. Beaseley: I think you have analyzed it correctly. I think they are just a whole series of issues that have to be addressed beginning with the authority issue. I think it would be highly unwise for the Commission to proceed much farther down the road without having opinions from the City Attorney or from somebody as to who's empowered to act on behalf of the owner of the property in question. Beyond that, in dealing with the proposals that have been made, you have a whole question of financial capability to carry out those proposals and finally you get to the issues of the correctness of the plans aboard the actual ramp system and Al 110 October 10, 1984 f those issues could be tackled in any order; they really don O t have to be solved at the same time and as you pointed out, if we don't do something quickly, the issue gets decided by default. So I hope that everybody is at the meeting next week, and I hope that we can make some progress through that vehicle. Mayor Ferre: Jim, I understand that you're in this not as an attorney, but as a member of the Chamber. Mr. Beaseley: That is correct. Mayor Ferre: I would like for you, however, since you are an attorney, and a graduate of Harvard law school at that.... Mr. Beaseley: Please don't hold that against me. Mayor Ferre: I only hold that against one or two people that I know of; the others are exempt. I would be very grateful if you would collaborate with our own able City Attorney in helping us think through this major legal problem. Mr. Walter Pierce: I think there is one thing that you need to be advised. Mayor Ferre: Attorney Pierce? Mr. Pierce: No, no, just ex-officio member of the Dinner Rey Bar Association, but the bankruptcy hearing is set for October 18th, so in terms of opinions, you may have a decision shortly thereafter. Mayor Ferre: As an expert on bankruptcy proceedings, let me tell you that you are an optimist. It doesn't work that way. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, if I may suggest that the Governor will be in town supposedly on Friday. Mayor Ferre: The Governor? Mr. Gary: Yes, I would suggest that you call him and ask him to convene a meeting of all the parties so we can discuss the problem with him and hopefully get him to assist us in first of all having the State give us commitment that the monies will be continuously earmarked and have him also to work with the Federal people to.... Mayor Ferre: That's a good idea. In return for that, we'll let him clean up the Miami River. Mr. Beaseley: If I may, Mr. Mayor, I had a conversation yesterday with Merritt Stierheim about this increasingly complicated problem. That was one of his suggestions as well and he may in fact have already ordered the Governor to these problems, but we should all be working together on the same thing. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. Is there anything else? Lucia Dougherty is telling me here that the motion should say, this is Plummer's motion, right? Continue the public hearing until December 13th at, time specific, 3:00 P.M. Is that acceptable to the maker of the motion? And extend the development order until December 20th. That's your motion; that's your second. i Mr. Plummer: At City Hall. i - ! 1 s 111 00tobe r 16 " 104VI z Mayor Ferre: At City Hall, did we vote on this? Mr. Ralph Ongie: Yen# I'll change it. Mayor Ferre: You will incorporate this in. Is there anything else? w.r.rrr.r.rrr�rrr..—rr.rr.rarr—.rr.rr.r—�—rrr.rr.ra..rr...rrr�.r.rrrrrrrrr..rw..rwirrr 58. CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION: DOWNTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I - H-4498. ------r—rr-------------------------------------------------� ,ff Mayor Ferre: We're now on item number 2. I Mr. Plummer: Move item 2. Mayor Ferre: We're on item 2; it's been moved by Plummer ! and seconded by Perez. This is a resolution confirming the 84-1018, advertising for sealed bids for the downtown highway improvement. Further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: No, no, does anybody here of the public...it's a public hearing. Mayor Ferre: I'm sorry. Does anyone wish to talk on item 2? I doubt that very much. — Mr. Plummer: Seeing none, Mr. Mayor, I move item 2. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, Perez seconds. Further discussion on item 27 Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1140 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION NO. 84-1018 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR THE j CONSTRUCTION OF DOWNTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT- PHASE I IN DOWNTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT -PHASE I H-4498. 9 a (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) y Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez,the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. j` Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins { 1 ti d j k l i II t 11� yFy .6.i i►i"iar rar r.►w aar+ ian.:.`.""drn..r r.i.r"-"Absrna .0406164666ir. iii mbabmio".. I 59• AUTHORIZE DRVELOPHENT ORDER: BRICKELL BAY OFFICE TOWER ii PROJECT 1005 SOUTH SAYSHORE DRIVE. 1 :{ Y.w.iii6afir�.P.iiGr►.r:mil.�..w.rarrr�i.i.a7ii.iti.w.rrw.rslr�w.i��r.rir.r.ri4....fi:�rir.i..rii6�..iY►Is Mayor Ferre: Take up item 3, public hearing, concerning the Brickell Bay office tower project located at 1005 S. Bayshore Drive. 6'. 'i Mr. Plummer: Is Mr. Cusic present? Mr. Robert Cusic? Is there anyone here representing the developer? Mr. Clifford Shulman: Mr. Plummer, my name is Clifford Shulman. I'm an attorney with offices at 1401 Brickell Avenue, representing the applicant, C. Robert Cusic. Mr. Plummer: Do you have a rendering or anything of your project? Mr. Shulman: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Is this an office building? Mr. Shulman: Yes, Commissioner, what this is at 1005 S. Bayshore is a building that is already completed and has been topped off and is ready for occupancy in approximately November or December of this year. Briefly, the request before you today is to allow the conversion of the top four floors of the building which are presently approved for twelve residential units, constituting 48,000 square feet. To convert them to office use. When this project was originally approved under the R.C.B. ordinance, it was approved as you presently see it. There has been no structural change suggested. There have been no variances requested. But because it was approved at an office level of 265,000 square feet, the conversion in and of itself, makes this project a development of regional impact. Therefore, we have gone through the full D.R.I. process and review both environmentally and from a traffic point of view. The building itself, Commissioner Plummer, is completed, is almost ready for occupancy at the present time, and it's just south of the Four Ambassadors and just north of the G.D.C. building. Mr. Plummer: What's the department's recommendation? Mr. Joe McManus: We're recommending approval of the development, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Does anyone in the public wish to speak on the issue? i Mayor Ferre: May I see that? Is that South Bayshore Drive? Mr. Plummer: Yea, 1005. Mr. Traurig, do you wish to speak, sir? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I don't know if he wants to make sure if I stumble or that I stumble. I'm not sure. Mr. Mayor, we have available all of our consultants for any questions of the board. Mayor Ferre: What is the City's decision on this? Mr. Joe McManus: Recommending approval, Mr. Mayor, for the development order for the development of regional impact. Mr. Plummer: I move item 3. r °` s1 113 OGol:�r 1Q, 14�# 4 0 Mayor Ferre: Is there a second. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll on 3. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1141 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE BRICKELL BAY OFFICE TOWER PROJECT LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 1005 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN), A DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT PROPOSED BY C. ROBERT CUSIC, TRUSTEE; MAKING FINDINGS; AUTHORIZING A DEVELOPMENT ORDER; APPROVING SAID PROJECT WITH MODIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER, THE APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL, AND THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL; PROVIDING THAT THE PERMIT SHALL BE BINDING ON THE APPLICANT AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST; FURTHER, DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO SEND COPIES OF THE HEREIN RESOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT ORDER TO AFFECTED AGENCIES AND THE DEVELOPER. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: Did anybody want to speak on item 3? I'm sorry. Mr. Plummer: We asked. Mayor Ferre: Let the record reflect that nobody stood to speak. -------��-----------------------1------------------��-N--.�--� 60. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: LITTLE RIVER HIGHWAY IMPROVEMB/T H-4482. Mayor Ferre: Take up item 4. Mr. Plummer: Does anyone wish to speak on item 4? Let the record reflect no one came forward. I move it. Mayor Ferre: This is accepting M. Vila and Associates for a total of over a million dollars for Little River Higbw+ay improvement. j si 114 F Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been mowed and seconded. Further discussion on item 4? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1142 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF M. VILA AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $19037,696.14 FOR LITTLE RIVER HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT H-4482 AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $103,769.61. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ---------------------------------------------------------- -- 61. CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION: WINONA SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5494-C. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up item 5. Mr. Plummer: Anyone wishing to speak on item 5, Ernie Fannatto? Mr. Ernie Fannatto: Ernie Fannatto is my name, President of = the Taxpayers League of Miami and Dade County. Mayor Ferre: And a forty-five year resident of Miami. Mr. Fannatto: I'm going to be very brief, and the Homestead Tax Exemption League, Dade County, Mayor. I would just like to know approximately how much is this going to cost the residential area homeowners, approximately, so that they'll know; you know, clear the air. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary, how much is this going to cost the homeowner? Mr. Gary: You cannot determine that now because we haven't got the bids in. Mr. Fannatto: You won't pass it until the people know approximately how much is going to cost. Will you? Mr. Plummer: No, we're advertising, Ernie. Mr. Fannatto: You are going to be advertising. Mr. Plummer: We are advertising to try to .develop a ocat. C Mr. Fannatto: Oh, that's fair enough, O.K. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll on item 5. Mayor Ferre: Show one voting yes. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1143 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION NO. 84-188 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WINONA SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN WINONA SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5494-C (CENTERLINE SEWER). (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ------------------------------------------------------ 62. DISCUSSION & DEFERRAL OF REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING-. MIAMI LIGHTHOUSE OF THE BLIND. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Perez: We have to go to item 16. Anybody here on item 16, 177 Mr. Plummer: Wait, wait, 16. There is nobody here, there are some people here for Lighthouse for the Blind. The Lighthouse for the Blind item 16, Mr. J. Dan Brock. Mr. J. Dan Brock: My name is Dan Brock. I am currently a member of the board of the Florida Association for Workers of the Blind, commonly known as the Lighthouse. With me is Dr. George Stocking, who is a past President of the Lighthouse and also a member of that board. Dr. Stocking is also a past President of the Blinded Veterans Assoaiatian,of the United States. The Lighthouse, as many of you know, has been setting the Miami and greater Dade County area for the past well over 50 years. We are the only accredited service for the blind in Dade County. Our problem, and the reason we are here to visit with you today, is that we are in need of additional funds. Last year we operated on a deficit and this year we are also into a deficit. We need some assistance, if we are able to continue with our programs and not cut back on our programs. Quickly, we service all needs of the blind in the area, but our major activity in that it takes more of our time and more of our resources is the rehabilitation unit. In this rehabilitation unit we rehabilitate primarily the adult blind. Medical science has done wonders for extending the longevity of man, but it has al 116 October 10;.: , ,. ilk W increased the number of blind people and not decreased the number of blind people. So what we are faced with is a growing number of people becoming blind as adults and we take them and rehabilitate themt train them to become independent and operate on their own and no longer be a care to society. Basically, we would like to ask you for consideration of a grant of $20#000 this year so that we can lower our deficit and continue to operate and not be faced with some reduction on our costso We plan for your information to ask Dade County for the same amount of money. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary. Mr. Gary: I can't respond to your question, members of the Commission, other than the fact that I can say that blind people need service, because all we got was a letter. We need a proposal along with a budget before we can make a recommendation. Mr. Plummer: I make a motion that this item be deferred to the Manager for further consideration. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1144 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST MADE BY MR. J. DAN BROCK, CHAIRMAN OF THE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OF THE MIAMI LIGHTHOUSE OF THE BLIND FOR FUNDING, AND REFERRING SAID REQUEST TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, AND SUBJECT TO A BUDGET AUDIT AND OTHER NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS. by Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 63. ACCEPT PROPOSAL CHEMICAL BANK FOR TRUSTEE, REGISTRAR AND PAYING AGENT SERVICES ON PROPOSED SALE OF $6590009000 MULTI FAMILY HOUSING BONDS. --------------- -----------------I.. ----- N----------�--^�-- N Mr. Plummer: We're back to item 49. Mr. Perez: Number 49. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Perez: Do we have a second? Mr. Plummer: Multi bond housing, $65,000,000. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Perez: Moved and a second, does anybody wish to speak on this item? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoptions RESOLUTION NO. 84-1145 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF CHEMICAL BANK FOR TRUSTEE, REGISTRAR, AND PAYING AGENT SERVICES ON THE PROPOSED SALE OF $65,000,000 MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID BANK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SAID PROPOSAL, DATED MARCH 99 19849 AS AMENDED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 64. AUTHORIZE CITY !TANAGER TO ACCEPT CERTAIN LOTS FROM PETER REALTY COMPANY, INC. WITH USE OF C.D. FUNDS. Mr. Plummer: Move 50. Mr. Dawkins: Second it. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1146 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT CERTAIN LOTS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM PETER REALTY COMPANY, INC. WITH AN ASSESSED VALUE OF $1779607, AND APPROVING THE USE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $309000 TO CLEAR THE TITLE TO THE ABOVE PROPERTY FROM ANY PENDING PROPERTY TAXES OR LIENS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- el 118 000or IQ Z 7 i AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vide -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. �F G NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre --------r'i---------------------- ------ --------------------- 65. AUTHORIZE DELIVERY OF CERTAIN STREET & HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS ($109000) TO REPLACE LOST BONDS. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Plummer: Move 51. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: ' RESOLUTION NO. 84-1147 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND �! DELIVERY OF CERTAIN STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1978 IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($109000) TO REPLACE LOST BONDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- i AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. i fABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre sl ri.iiiriY�ii.`ii.Wai.w(�riil.GiiiiiiiiriYiarirrrrrrrrfi�i�iiiiiUr�lrr.srr►...:.ir�..wr.� - rr - 66. At1 ONI2M AGREEMENT: METRO TO ACCEPT $250yO00 UNENCUMBERED CITY PROVIDING COMYSIDE CONVENTION SERVICES FOR VY 1982-83. --rrrr.rr----rr------rrr-----+—rrr.rr�rr—rrr— Mr. Plummer: Move item 52. Mr. Dawkins: Of course, yes. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1148 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THEE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY TO ACCEPT $2509000 UNENCUMBERED IN DIRECT PAYMENT IN CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY PROVIDED COUNTYWIDE CONVENTION SERVICES THROUGH ITS CONVENTION BUREAU DURING FISCAL YEAR 1982-83. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre $I 120 '---YiiY---iI.—G iiliG�.i�iii.�i�iri---r-----ii.iri�r------i:iii�ii�iiGii�i►aiaii. 67. AUTHORIZE SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR SOLE MANAGING =' UNDERWRITING OF VP TO $60,0009000 SHORT TERM REVENUE NOTES OWNER OCCUPIED HOUSING IN OVERTOWN PARK VEST PHASE I PROJECT. —i-------.i.------------------------------------------------- The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1149 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR THE SOLE MANAGING UNDERWRITING OF THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO $60,0009000 OF SHORT-TERM REVENUE NOTES FOR CONSTRUCTION FINANCING OF OWNER -OCCUPIED HOUSING IN THE OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PHASE I PROJECT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, what's the difference between 49 and 53? Mr. Plummer: Gary, what's the difference between 49 and 53? Mr. Gary: One is the Affordable Housing Program, that's 49. 53 is the Park West/Overtown. 68. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: COOPER OLDSMOBILE. ---------------------------------- ------------------------- Mr. Plummer: Move item 54. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1150 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO COOPER OLDSMOBILE THE SUM OF $99022.94 WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL PROPERTY DAMAGE, LOSS OF USE, CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MANUEL OROSA, AND UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MANUEL OROSA FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. { sl 121 Octobor 109 1984 9 .t i' F -------------- i (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre -------------------- --------------- ----------------------- 69. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO ENCUMBER $1009000 ORIGINALLY APPROPRIATED FOR CONSTRUCTING PRACTICE FIELD FOR U.S.F.L. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Plummer: Do we need to do 577 We've done down to there. Mr. Gary: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: How are you going to do 57 when we don't have a.... Mr. Plummer: We don't have a U.S.F.L. _ Mr. Dawkins: We don't have a U.S.F.L. team. So what are we going to do with item 577 Mr. Gary: No, no, no. What this says is that in the budget we had appropriated money for the U.S.F.L. football league for a field right next to the stadium. We are saying now we don't want to do the field because U.S.F.L. is not playing, we'll take the $100,000 now and fix 4,400 additional seats to replace them because they are in deteriorating conditions. Mr. Plummer: $2,500 per seat? Mr. Gary: Can't be that much. Mr. Plummer: No, $250, all right, move it. a Mr. Perez: Commissioner Plummer moves 57• Second? Mr. Gary: If I may give some comfort, this money is replaced back from the T.D.C. I mean $25 a seat and is being replaced by the T.D.C. Mr. Dawkins: Second, only for the University of Miami. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. sl 122 October ' 10 0 ' 1���'� � I Y The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 84-1151 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PURCHASE 49444 ADDITIONAL REPLACEMENT SEATS FOR THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM ON BID 83-84-111 WHICH WAS PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 84-892, ADOPTED JULY 31, 1984 ALLOCATING ANTICIPATED RESORT TAX REVENUES THEREFOR WITH THE HEREIN AUTHORIZATION SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ------------------------------------------------------------ N0TE FOR TU RECORD: Agenda item 58 was continued. ------------------------------------------------------------ TO. AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEMENT: COCONUT GROVE BARB FOR LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE FOR 3 YEARS. -------------------------------------------------------- -- Mr. Plummer: Who is this office space in the Grove? Who's that for? Mr. Gary: This is for current staff that I've organized into a capital project staff to insure that we have follow up. As a matter of fact, one of the things that they are doing now is they are working in Little Havana and the Liberty City police substation. Mr. Plummer: How much is it costing? Mr. Gary: $22 a square foot. Mr. Plummer: Why can't they go in the Dinner Key Auditorium? Mr. Gary: Because that space is all taken up, sir. Remember we are moving Public Information over there, so they'd be closer to the Commission. Mr. Plummer: Can we put them in the real estate office we're buying over on 7th Street? { Mr. Gary: You haven't bought that building yet. Mr. Dawkins; And it's a three year lease? "r# Mr. Plummer: Yes, that's what the hang up is. ON Mr. Gary: This is very critical. Mr. Plummer: Everything you have on the agenda is critical. Mr. Gary: Not everything. Mr. Dawkins: Why did you have to go into a three year lease, Mr. Gary? Mr. Gary: That's the minimum they have. Mr. Plummer: Why do you have to put them in such high class space? Mr. Gary: It's not high class. You ought to go see it. Mr. Plummer: Then why are you paying $22 for low class space? Mr. Gary: This is a very, very old building. That's only because of the location. Mr. Dawkins: Mind what you're saying because when you come back and tell me what you're paying for it.... Mr. Gary: It's only because of location, anything in the Grove. They need to be close to City staff here. Mr. Plummer: What are we doing, Mr. Dawkins? Mr. Dawkins: Well, you took the last one, Plummer, let's give him this one. Mr. Plummer: Do you want to defer this one? Mr. Dawkins: No, let's give it to him. Mr. Plummer: All right, we'll give him this one. I move 59. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Plummer: Can we put Mr. Bailey in there? The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1152 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE COCONUT GROVE BANK FOR A TERM OF THREE (3) YEARS WITH A LEASE RENEWAL OPTION FOR TWO (2) YEARS FOR OFFICE SPACE IN THE COCONUT GROVE BANK BUILDING FOR THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER SPECIAL PROJECTS TASK FORCE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM DEPARTMENTALLY BUDGETED FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vioe-Mayor Demetrio Peres, Jr. sI ,he iA� �� k NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre .T..r.rr.r.r...w..r.rwrrrrwr.rrw.rrwwwr r+.►+r..+rrrr.f.err..r+r.....+rarrwrri.rr�+rarr+r.swww+� 11. APP90VE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT: TOOCHX BOSS CO., CPAtS FINANCIAL ANALISIS OF PROPOSALS S.E. OVERTOWN PARK VEST PRASE I. irrr�rrrrrr ��r rrr�r�rrrr.rrrr�rrrrrrrr�rr�r�r�rr�rrrwrrrrrri W®rr� Mr. Perez: Item 61. Mr. Plummer: 61. Mr. Dawkins: Woal I was told by someone that Mr. Gary ... where is Mr. Odio? Mr. Plummer: Cesar. Mr. Dawkins: I was told by some of my friends that Shenandoah is not Little Havana. Mr. Cesar Odic: Well, it's fairly close. LAUGHTER. Mr. Plummer: So is Hallendale. Mr. Dawkins: You and I will work it out, O.K.? Mr. Plummer: They speak Spanish at Shenandoah; don't worry about it. Mr. Perez: It's important, Cesar, that you answer the proper question. Shenandoah is not part of Little Havana. Little Havana is until...what is the limit? It's.... Mr. Odio: It's technically...I don't know what the limits are. Mr. Perez: It's part, yes, it's not the heart of Little Havana. Yes, Coral Way is the limit. Mr. Odio: We do consider Shenandoah as part of the Little Havana program. I am a believer.... Mr. Perez: I think that Casanova has the answer. Mr. Odio: He doesn't know what it is. Mr. Casanova: 17th Street S.W. is the boundary of Little Havana. Mr. Plummer: Who established that? Mr. Casanova: Under Community Development. Mr. Plummer: But we never established that. M C ova• This is the official boundary under Community r. asan Development. Mr. Dawkins: And Little Havana is from S.W. 17th? Mr. Casanova: 17th S.W. between 12th and 27th Avenue, Mr. Plummer: What is the north boundary? +�SS si 12 t ti + , I 4 y Mr. Dawkins: Shenandoah is north of 17th to what? 3 l: Mr. Casanova: Shenandoah is south of 17th to 22nd. Mr. Plummier: What is the north boundary of Little Havana? } Mr. Casanova: N.W. 7th Street. Mr. Dawkins: Do me a favor. Bring me that on a map. I can't visualize that. Mr. Perez: What is the difference, Casanova, in the past, the limit was Coral Way, no? Mr. Casanova: Coral Way is the limit for Little Havana under the master plan. Under Community Development it's 17th Street. Mr. Perez: Number 61. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1153 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TOUCHE ROSS AND COMPANY, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS; ENGAGING SAID FIRM TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL ANALYSES OF THE PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASES I; AUTHORIZING COMPENSATION FROM THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST GENERAL FUND FOR THE SERVICES NOT TO EXCEED $309000.00 AND OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD TO COMMENCE UPON EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATE ON SEPTEMBER 30, 1985. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here 1 and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. jABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre E Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, is this one of these firms that, the next time we go to a minority? We're giving this accountant contract to charge Touche-Ross and Co., Certified Public Accountants, the next one goes to a minority? -xa Mr. Gary; The policy that we follow was that it had to be h big -eight firm with minority participation in it. A g. y al 12 6 0. ) Q r W Mr. Dawkins: A big -eight firm that has Latin, Slacks, or women. z; ` Mr. Gary: It has Minority participation. That could be directly on their staff or joint venture. We prefer a joint venture kind of arrangement. What we can do here, Commissioner, is to urge Touche Ross, since it's after the fact, to make sure that they have a joint venture in this project. r-r-------------- ----------- ------- -r----------r------------ i 72. ALLOCATE $259000 TO CULMER PRESS FOR YOUTH IN JOURNALISM AND !MEDIA SKILLS PROGRAM. -------------------------------------------- ---------------- Mr. Plummer: Item 62, do you move it, Miller? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Second 62. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION No. 84-1154 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $259000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, TO CULMER PRESS, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRAINING CITY OF MIAMI YOUTH IN JOURNALISM AND MEDIA SKILLS FOR A PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-849 DATED JANUARY 249 1984; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SAID AGENCY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: ABSENT: 31 None. Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 127 October 16�''���# i.f.i Ifll iiaY� YII1/YiliiYeiflbiLi.iiiiYlfallii�INbr1Y1W1i�YaaLri�liillYiH�i�ibif/iYY isiaifiif lamb lamb 73. 11ESIGNAZE PROPOSED MIAMI STADIUM PAB sox RECONSTRUCTION A CAT900 tY "B" PROJECT A AO' OEIE2 SELECTION COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE CONSULTANTS PIOPOSALS. .iii.r...i Mr. Perez: Number 63. Mr. Dawkin: Mr. Gary, do you recommend number 637 Mr. Gary: Oh, yes, sir, that press box is in horrible shape. We could have some liability there if we don't fix it up. As a matter of fact, you can walk on it and feel like you're walking on sponges, and this is one of the promises that we made to the Baltimore Orioles as a condition of.... Mr. Dawkins: That's part of my concern. The whole stadium is in a state of wreck; just to fix up the press box, 1 mean we're going to have a pretty press box and the rest of the stadium will not.... Mr. Gary: I think you have to take priorities. You know we have limited money because we don't make that much money off the facility. You have to take priorities in terms of what's worse in view of the resources you have. This press box, Commissioner, is a wonder it hasn't fallen off. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Perez: Moved; do we have a second, number 63? Mr. Gary: Also, 63, Walt Golby is also the Chairperson of that and that has to be stated. Mr. Perez: Second, moved and seconded. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1155 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE PROPOSED MIAMI STADIUM PRESS BOX RECONSTRUCTION A CATEGORY B PROJECT, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPOINT A SELECTION COMMITTEE AND APPOINTING A CHAIRMAN THEREOF TO EVALUATE AND REPORT ON THE CONSULTANT SUBMITTALS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. j Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 4 a 128 A 74 DISCUSSION ITEM: REPAIR OF BASEBALL STADIUM-POSSISLE USE OF I.D.B.'& nrr.ra.warrlrarrrwar`r�.rr i. r��.��rr--.srr+r.rrwrr�tr—��er �i.�-�rrrrr..���+��rra�r.r.Y Mayor Ferre: The Miami Stadium press box? i i Mr. Plummer: We've done that, sir. Mayor Ferre: I'd like to ask on that, Cesar. Edward Bennet Williams said that he wanted, he was willing to go along with this and help us in paying for the new roof. Mr. Odio: Mr. Mayor, after you said that to the Manager, I talked to Mr. Williams. I called him in Washington and he asked me how much the roof would be. I said I have an estimated cost of $300,000. He said, "Well, I'll see you when I get to Miami." That was a month ago, but I will follow up on it. We are trying to find some funds to see if we can repair the roof. Mayor Ferre: How about using I.D.B.'s for renovation of the stadium? Mr. Odio: Well, if the Dolphins can use it for their new stadium, so should we. _ Mayor Ferre: You ought to look into that. Mr. Manager, maybe the use of I.D.B.'s for the renovation of the baseball stadium. If Robbie can use them for the football stadium, why can't we use them to renovate the baseball stadium? Mr. Gary: I think that's a good alternative in terms of our going out for an R.F.P. as a means of financing, but we always have to remember that the I.D.B.Is have to be paid back. This is really a favorable tax free long-term, low interest rate type of a loan. It may be good to do an R.F.P. to see if somebody is interested just based on the fact that they can get that kind of benefit. r Mayor Ferre: Would you look at that? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. 75. DISCUSSION ITEM: LETTER FROM CONSUL GENERAL OF VENEZUELA REGARDING PROMISE OF FUNDING CONCERNING STATUS OF SIMON BOLIVAR. -------------- ---------------------------------------------- Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I've given you a letter here from the Consul General of Venezuela, which is dated November 10, 1981 wherein he states that he's very pleased to inform you that on the same date Mr. Rafael Andres Monte de Oca, Minister of Internal Affairs of Venezuela Was here in Miami on a private visit, and he authorized the Consul General to follow up the constructions work of the Plaza Simon Bolivar at Bayfront Park. By this means, then, and on behalf of my country, I authorize and offices of the Mayor of the City of s Miami to initiate the proposed construction as soon as possible because we would like to inaugurate the plaza. What he says in here is that he agrees to the budget attached in terms of their being authorized.... 129 t Mayor Ferret Where does it say that he agrees to the budget? Mr. Gary: According to what the project and estimated budget presented by the Department of Parks and the letter mentioned above. The letter is attached. What we sent him are the costs from the government of Venezuela funds in the amount of $1059000. Mayor Ferre: See, what the Consul General told me was that there was a lot of correspondence in the file, but there was never any authorization. In effect, there would be none, t' except and I think you're totally correct that in his November 10th letter it specifically states according with `. the project on estimated budget presented by the Department 24 of Parks in the letter mentioned above, and the mentioned letter above is August 27th. Mr. Gary: That's when he received it. Mayor Ferre: This letter is August 12th. Mr. Gary: No, that's when he received it, Mr. Mayor. The letter we received August 27th, but he's referring to the letter dated August 12th. Mayor Ferre: I see, O.K. Mr. Gary: I just wanted to let you know we are concerned about this, Mr. Mayor. We are going to follow up on it. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Gary, I tell you I don't want to get into a controversy with the Consul General of Venezuela, who is very nasty on a luncheon occasion and I almost had to get up and walk out on him because he really started to be very offensive to the City of Miami. So I don't want to get in the middle of that kind of cat and dog fight. So, I'll let you do that. Mr. Gary: We're going to do it, though. Mayor Ferre: So, you right the general a letter or whatever it is and tell him that herewith enclosed is a letter of your predecessor, which specifically states that the government of Venezuela had...and that we have no responsibility for the fact that for the past three years they have been unable to fulfill what they had on August - November of 181 legally committed to. MR. CARL KERN: Yes, sir, we certainly will. Mayor Ferre: Would you put that and send me a copy of it? MR. CARL KERN: Oh yes, we'll do that tomorrow. Mayor Ferre: For the record, so that...tell him we're going to go ahead and do it anyway. MR. CARL KERN: Yes, I think he'll be pleased and know it's going to be done. Mayor Ferre: Would you also send a copy to Mr. Nicolas Aguirre, President of the Simon Bolivar Society? MR. CARL KERN: Yes, certainly will. r al 130}04 w 1 mar.tl.1.i'i iilii"iiW.1.iOiiYi..i i�.ilY �iiii.l..fili.r�i ft""06""Mb 46""664G i arft.i" Mb ib7i.iiil fta 76. DISCUSSION A TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF REC0MMENDATI0NS OF FESTIVAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR FESTIVAL F0NDIS06 i rrfirii i➢iii.rrrr rrrr.�irrrrrrrrrraurrrrrrrrrrr.rrr�r�.rrrrrrrrrr.r.`ar.W.r Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, we are now on item number 64. What is it we need to do now? Mr. Gary: You need to review the recommendations of the Festival Advisory Committee with regards to allocations of festival advisory funds for 84-85 pursuant to their deliberations and the agencies attached to that list. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you, who is on that committee? Who's the chairperson of it? Eduardo Padron? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mr. Amador, who's the chairman. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, the chairperson will be here at 5:30. It may be appropriate to wait until that time because you may want to ask him questions in terms of.... Mayor Ferre: Does anybody here wish to speak to any items as recommended? Are there people here on this issue? Why don't we do it. We're talking about item 64, which is the Festivals. Is there anybody here who wishes to address the Commission on festivals? Go ahead, sir. Anybody else? Go ahead. Mr. Tom Spencer: Mr. Mayor, my name is Tom Spencer. I'm Chairman of the Board of the Miami Film Festival. We wish to address the question of the allocation for this year's festival. This is a new procedure as I understand it, whereby all festivals have come under the aegis of this committee and their recommendations. We understand that the Miami Film Festival has been recommended for a grant of approximately $20,000. Mayor Ferre: How much, Tom, did we give you last year? Mr. Spencer: About $25,100 and some odd dollars all told. Mayor Ferre: $20,000. Mr. Spencer: $25,000. Mayor Ferre: From the City of Miami. Mr. Spencer: That is correct. Mayor Ferre: You got some from Metro and from others? Mr. Spencer: We have $2,500 from the City of Coral Gables and we got about $2,500 from Dade County, and we raised .the rest of the money from individual donations through a community movement. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you this. Objectively and just for the record, Mr. Plummer, Mr. Perez, Mr. Dawkins, and myself, was your film festival successful? i Mr. Spencer: Mr. Mayor, it's hard for me to speak as a disinterested person, because I've given my life and blood to it, but anything that anybody.... Mayor Ferre: Do it quickly and to the point. 000ber 191 1104 Mr. Spencer: I think anybody would say that this was a tremendous success and a credit to the City. Mayor Ferre: Did it get international reviews? Did we make the papers in Europe and in New York and in the circles that count? Mr. Spencer: It got press all over the world. I have just a little smattering of it here with me this afternoon. We are the topic of conversation at the Cahn Film Festival. Nat Chediak, who can't be here this afternoon because he's representing Miami at the New York Film Festival so we can show him how to put on a film festival, I think that it's a tremendous success. Mayor Ferre: We're showing New York how to put on a film festival? Come onl Mr. Spencer: Absolutely, the New York Times lead article for the New York Film Festival mentioned the success of the Miami Film Festival as an indication to other cities about how they should do it. I'm tremendously proud of what the City has done and particularly the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you this. How many good or important film festivals are there in the United States of America. Two, ten, a hundred? Mr. Spencer: Two, one is the Miami Film Festival; the other is the New York Film Festival. Mayor Ferre: And there are no other film festivals that are successful at our level? Mr. Spencer: That's correct. There's a new one, the telyride film festival which just started. The Los Angeles Film Festival has been going on for quite some time, but it did not receive as much press as we have. Mayor Ferre: What specifically is it that you want the City of Miami to do for you? Mr. Spencer: What we would like is that we would want to bring in about three times the number of press from throughout the world to write about the Miami Film Festival. We want to bring in many more producers and directors to show them the location sites to produce films here in the City, in this area. We need additional funds to do it. We applied to the City for a funding request of $509000 this year. We have applied to the State of Florida and we've received additional monies. Mayor Ferre: How much is the State of Florida now giving you? Mr. Spencer: The State of Florida gave us $18,000 this year. We have not received it. Mayor Ferre: So in other words, the State of Florida recognized your success last year. Mr. Spencer: Absolutely. i Mayor Ferre: They gave you $18,000? Mr. Spencer: This year, last year they gave us $2,500. Mayor Ferre: Well, they're giving you $18,000 this year. How much is Metro giving you? S s1 132 Oatctb tr 10, 196 _- Mr. Spencer: $189750, Maria is going to give me the correct... I've just been corrected. bade County is $189000. The State of Florida gave us $25,000 in two grants. Mayor Ferre: 1 see. Mr. Spencer: We've not yet received the money. I've got the responsibility of raising the private sector over $175,000. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, I tell you, this is just a personal opinion. My personal opinion is that we get more out of this type of an operation in the international and national world than other things which are good, but we don't have the multiplier. This film festival could be one of the big, big things in Miami in the next few years at the level of a Grand Prix and at the level of -I can't say the superbowl, because nothing is at the level of a superbowl- but certainly at the level of an Orange Bowl marathon, certainly at the level of a Grand Prix, certainly at the level of the art festival in Coconut Grove that we sponsor in Coconut Grove and higher. I do think that we need to continue what we began. That's just one person's opinion. Mr. Perez: I support the opinion of the Mayor. Also, Mr. Manager, I would like to call your attention also for the grant of the Cuban Municipalities. What they have is a loan. The Cuban Municipalities have a loan assigned for the Cuban Municipalities and they called my office last week and they are trying to request a grant of maybe an in -kind service, but not a loan. I would like that you study that possibility about a number 10, the Cuban Municipalities. ® Mr. Plummer: It doesn't say anything here about a loan. Mr. Gary: Yes, they have a loan. This is the Festival Advisory Committee recommended a loan for the mere fact that they made a profit last year. Cesar, explain it more. Mr. Cesar Odio: I went to, remember.... Mr. Perez: I would like that these people have the opportunity to discuss with the Administration because what they are requesting is in -kind service. Last year, I think that we granted $10,000 or $20,000 as a grant. Mr. Odio: I don't remember the amount that we granted, but the problems was that.... Mr. Perez: Yes, but I remember the amount. Mr. Odio: ....Commissioner, in the audit, they had a profit and since it was a profit.... Mr. Perez: I think they have a misunderstanding, but I think it would be better to have the opportunity to meet with the Administration in order to clarify the whole issue. Mr. Odio: Fine, we'll be glad to meet with them. I want to say something, Commissioner. This Festival Advisory'Board is a group of civilians volunteers that have spent a lot of time into this and I very strongly recommend that we stay within the guidelines of what they are recommending. If not, they are wasting.... Mr. Plummer: I want to tell you, Mr. Odio, I love you dearly, but I don't know where some of these festivals come from. I've never heard of them before. 81 133potbot� 1 Q, 1 =k` Mayor Fevre: Me neither, the Japanese Spring Festival, what is that? The Shakespeare Festival? The International Festival of the Americas? Mr. Plummer: Bounty of the Seafood Festival, is that put oil by Joe's Stone gabs? Mr. Odio: Commissioner, remember that we set up the policy and they all had the same.... Mr. Plummer: Where did these things come from? Mr. Odio: They had the opportunity to ask, reply to the R.F.P.s, they came to the front of.... Mr. Plummer: Rhythm and Blues Festival? Mayor Ferre: Two Painters, One Island? Mr. Odic: Everybody wants to share into the.... Mr. Plummer: What is this I see here called People's Prix? Is that something to do with the Grand Prix? Mr. Gary: At a smaller level. Mr. Plummer: People's Prix? Mr. Odio: They didn't get any money, though. Mr. Plummer: Yes, but who are they? Mr. Odio: I don't know. I know that they didn't get any money. Mr. Plummer: Did Bill Byer come up with this one over night when he was hallucinating on those funny little cigarettes with no writing? I never heard of some of these things. Mr. Odio: But as you noticed, they did not get funded. Mr. Plummer: What's the Drum and Bugle Corp? Sit down, that's Steve Rondanero. Mr. Odio: You'll find that the ones that had been funded were basically the ones that had been funded the year before and are established groups. Mayor Ferre: I'd like to ask the question, I mean I understand the Cuban Municipal Fair and Calle Ocho and Goombay and the Sunstreet Festival and so on, but St. Patrick's...I'd like to know what is the Japanese Spring Festival? Mr. Odio: That's the one in Watson Island. Mayor Ferre: And what is the Shakespeare Festival? Mr. Odio: That's the group that's going to have a festival in Watson Island. They are going to start... If they mike any monies, they are going to put it right back into the park and try to keep that park in good condition. Mayor Ferre: What's the Shakespeare Festival? $109000 for the Shakespeare Festival? Ms. Gail Smith: I can answer that, Mayor Ferro. Mayor Ferre; Well, Mood, I'd like to have an answer, thBAk you. $I 134 October 10- - Ms. Smith: I'm Gail Smith, and I am Artistic Director of the Shakespeare Festival. We are in our third year. We have a budget of $300000 that we funnel through the City of Miami. We are buying ads in New York to bring a Shakespeare week -end to Miami. We are asking...we are funded by the State of Florida in the amount of $15,000 this year. We have $9,250 from Dade County. We are growing. We doubled our audience last year and we are drawing right now regional audiences from all over the State of Florida. } Mayor Ferre: Where do you present your...? Ms. Smith: At Vizcaya, sir. F Mayor Ferre: At Vizcaya. Ms. Smith: But we are also in exchange for a grant for the City of Miami. We are making available 2,700 tickets for people who cannot afford the ticket, as well as doing free performances of Shakespeare in the parks. Mayor Ferre: You got me. I don't know who else. Ms. Smith: I just wanted to stand up for us, that's all, so you know who we are. Mayor Ferre: O.K., you have one vote here, I don't know about the others. Ms. Smith: Thank you very much. Mayor Ferre: How about the International Festival of the Americas, $10,000. What is that? Mr. Plummer: Why don't we ask Ernie Fannatto about the Italian Renaissance Festival? Where is Fannatto? Mayor Ferre: No, J.L., don't do that. Mr. Plummer: Chicken. Mayor Ferre: You bet. When is the International Festival of the Americas that were not funded last year, but this year they gave them $10,000. Mr. Albert Howard: All of these groups appeared before the Festival Advisory Committee and they made their recommendation. Mayor Ferre: As a member of the Commission, I think I and all the others here have a right to ask what is the International Festival of the Americas. It's a simple question! Mr. Odio: Mr. Mayor, we have to wait for the Chairperson because I didn't sit in the board, but we have to get that information. Mayor Ferre: Now, for example, Las Fiestas Patronadas Puerto Riquenas, is that Mendoza's little operation there with the beauty queens? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, other than those things.... Mr. Gary: Other than those activities that we know about because we funded them last year, we can't respond because it is a private citizen group because we want to keep it objective. I would recommend that we wait until 5:30 to let the Chairperson explain what those events are about. 91 135 octpber lot ti _' Mr. Plummer: That's number 4. Mayor Pet're: Yes, sir, we'll wait. I' m sorry for those of = you that are here. We'll wait until...so on 64 we'll Itcontinue. ..r�.-�.-.._--.._r_r_-ii.r-_.rrr.rrr._-�----w.w_.._-rr�-_.._.._--.rrr_-_r._rw.w '•. 77 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT! MIAMI ROWING CLUB INTERPARK ROWING PROGRAM. - ------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: We're on item 65. Plummer, 65, the Miami Rowing Club, interpark rowing for $12,000? Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir. Mr. Gary: That's a ratification. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll on 65. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1156 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE MIAMI ROWING CLUB TO PR9OVIDE ROWING INSTRUCTION AT TWO SUMMER CAMPS FOR CITY RESIDENTS AND CONDUCT AN INTER -PARK ROWING PROGRAM FROM AUGUST 6 THROUGH DECEMBER 14, 1984 AT A COST OF $129000 WITH FUNDING THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE $500,000 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo i sl i AMM01112 SIGNS DIRECTING MOTORISTS TO MIAMI C0111109 i Mayor Fevre: Item 67. Mr. Gary: This is to permit information or traffic signs along by the Convention Center on 1-95. Mr. Plummer: Boy, is that needed! I move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1157 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT _ OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE PLACEMENT OF INFORMATIONAL SIGNS ON DESIGNATED PORTIONS OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 959 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, AND BRICKELL AVENUE WHICH WILL - DIRECT MOTORISTS TRAVELING TO THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX AND PARKING FACILITY; FURTHER ENDORSING AND SUPPORTING THIS EFFORT TO PROVIDE NEEDED ASSISTANCE TO PERSONS TRAVELING IN THE E CITY OF MIAMI. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo al 137 A*".i "daft"" daft" d #"r06" rr.r•i. ii.i...i.ir.rlf.i.r•N.i . ftft r 79 • AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO CONTRACTURAL AGREEMENT: HAITIAN TASK FORCBO INC. ( ) TO EXTEND DUE DATE PON GENMNATING e, 9EQUI99D PROJECT REVENUE. �- Mayor Ferre: Take up item 68. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded. Further discussion? The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1158 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE CONTRACTURAL AGREEMENT WITH THE HAITIAN TASK FORCE, INC. (HTF), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO EXTEND THE DUE DATE FOR GENERATING THE REQUIRED PROJECT REVENUE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,250, FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1984 TO DECEMBER 319 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ----------------------------------------------------------- 80. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE III CONTRACT AGREEMENT MIAMI DADE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXTENDING DOS DATE FOR PUBLISHING BLACK INDUSTRIAL DIRECTORY. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up 69. Mr. Plummer: What is this? I haven't heard of this directory. Mr. Gary: Well, this is something that you funded in 1983 to provide assistance to minority contractors to the City government and also to Dade County. Mr. Plummer: What is the cost on it? Mayor Ferre: How much is it? Mr. Gary: We've already paid for it. What you're doing here is extending the time for completion. Mr. Plummer: Move it. ' H! S � 81 138 October 10, 110 �� Mayor Ferre: How much did we pay for it? Mr. Gary: If I recall, Mr. Mayor, about $20,000. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Plummer. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1159 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE TERMS OF ARTICLE III OF THE CONTRACT AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 10, 1983 WITH THE MIAMI-DADE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, EXTENDING THE DUE DATE FOR PUBLISHING THE BLACK INDUSTRIAL DIRECTORY FROM SEPTEMBER 19 1984 TO OCTOBER 12, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo a+rurrrr...+.�w1:46"46"r+r"r "awwrdrb rdo"r db t-.0"a*"oft �..rrrarr.rirar.rr�r.r+�wrrr 81, ALLOCATE *3 0 45,83 10T8 YEAR C.D. BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO MARTIN LU'THER KING DEVELOPMENT CORP. (1/12TH ALLOCATION), ww�wrr.rwrrww--w..r—rrr----r�rrrirrrr.r-----r--w-----w.rrrrrr�rw The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1160 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $39145.83 OF TENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 9834, TO THE MARTIN LUTHER KING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (MLKEDCO), WHICH AMOUNT DOES NOT EXCEED 1112 OF THE TOTAL ANNUAL ALLOCATION OF $37,750 FOR SAID AGENCY) FOR THE PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER 1, 1984 THROUGH NOVEMBER 30, 1984 FOR CONTINUED IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PROGRAM; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTOhNEY, WITH SAID AGENCY TO IMPLEMENT SAID ALLOCATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ------------------------------------ ------------------------ 82. DISCUSSION ITEM: LACK OF LEADERSHIP IN PUERTO RICAN COMMUNITY. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, what's going on in Wynwood and the Puerto Rican community. I understand that the most recent executive dropped out and we're without leadership now. The community is still in need. I'm sorry we can't —': get somebody to head this office. Would you tell me, Charlotte, how we are going to address the needs of the Wynwood community? Ms. Charlotte Gallogly: Yes, when the Wynwood Economic Development Corporation lost its $1009000 grant, they did not get renewed for funding by the State. They told the board of directors that they could not operate a program for OT J50. Therefore, they made the decision to close down. The project has closed down and we're in the process :of closing it out. We have met with the board of director* to determine what their future interests are. They would be interested in continuing to work with the City of Miami, if more money was provided. ei 1�4Q Q+�'ttthsr 1Q, �� Mayor Ferre: Could we fold it into P.R.O.C. with one of these other entities that are...? Ms. Gallogly: Yes, we're talking to two of our current C.8.0.s about operating a program in that area. Mayor Ferre: All right. 11�rrrrrrr�.rrrr.br..r�rrr�rrrr r r r— ri r—r r r r r r.. r r r r r r r.br Arrr.r r.�I�rrir 83. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF ALLOCATING $459,669 FY 84-85 F*2eS.F. r rrrrrrrr rrrr..r..rrrrrrr—rrrrrr—rrrr—r—rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.rr.rrrrr Mayor Ferre: We're on item 71. Mr. Plummer: Move to defer it. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: There's a motion on item 71 for deferral and there's a second. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, on 71, you already agreed to the appropriation and the money has been given out to those agencies based on you policy of the last two meetings. This is basically just an allocation process based on your previous actions that the City Commission took. Mayor Ferre: So, what's the problem? Mr. Gary: This is just a formalization. Mayor Ferre: Well, I'm not the guy making the motion to continue. Talk to the person who made the motion. Mr. Gary: Yes, but Mr. Mayor, you put us in the position wherein we acted according to what the City Commission wanted us to do in giving out this money. Now you won't follow up on the ratification of your previous action. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, you have my vote. I can't vote for anybody else. Ms. Spillman: The other problem is that if you take no action, the agencies will not be able to operate after the end of the month. Mayor Ferre: You have my vote, ma'am. Mr. Gary: You already did the motion. Mayor Ferre: I can't control if somebody makes a motion, Howard. Plummer has made a motion and it's been seconded; I don't know by whom. You know, talk to him. Mr. Gary: My only concern is that a motion was made, and based on that motion, staff moved in the direction based on your motion and those agencies did. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, Commissioner Plummer has made a motion. Commissioner Perez has seconded it. You have two f people you need to convince. I am on the record telling you that I support your position. Mr. Gary: All of us took him to lunch today too. °vf si 141 r Mayor Ferre: Obviously, you didn't buy him a good enough j lunch. I' '. Mr. Perez: I think, Mr. Manager, that it would be helpful to have for the next Commission meeting, for example, we have a petition from the Senior Centers of Dade County that !` is not included here. I don't know the reason. Mr. Gary: That's because we never got it. That's why. Mr. Perez: Yes, they sent and they left a copy of the proposition. Mr. Gary: We didn't get it or if we got it, we got it late. Mr. Perez: At the last Commission meeting, they left a copy. Mr. Gary: Hey, look, it's not hurting me. This is not hurting me. Mr. Perez: I think that it's helpful to have for the next Commission meeting. Mr. Gary: That's fine. Ms. Spillman: Excuse me, if you do that, they'll have to.... Mr. Plummer: No, we'll do it on the 25th. Ms. Spillman: All right, then they're O.K. Mayor Ferre: The motion is that this be continued to the 25th. Further discussion on that? Call the roll. Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion, Mrs. Spillman, am I understanding you to say that if this is continued, then there are no funds available for anybody and everybody will have to shut down until we come back at the next meeting? Ms. Spillman: If it is continued.... Mr. Dawkins: No, no, yes or no? Ms. Spillman: If it is continued to the next meeting this month, they will not have to shut down. If they're continued past the end of October, they are only funded through October 30th. Mr. Dawkins: But they will not have to shut down if it's for the next meeting. Ms. Spillman: At the very next meeting. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1161 A MOTION TO CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF THE ALLOCATION OF $4599669 OF FISCAL YEAR )984-$5 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS TO THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 25, 1984. �za 142 October 10 1 s. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. NOES: Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ------------------------------------ ------------------w-- 84. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: PERSON COMPLAINING ABOUT LAC[ OF FUNDING IN THE WYNWOOD COMMUNITY. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Freddy, on 77, Wynwood he said he wanted to talk. Mr. Freddy Santiago: I would say I am an interested person, a businessman in the Wynwood community. I want to tell you that we need the Wynwood Economic Development project in the area. There's a move now to try by certain members of the Allapattah community to try to get the funding from the Wynwood into the Allapattah area. I am opposed to this being done. I would rather have the monies if we are unable -- _ to with $379000 budget, it's impossible to maintain a project open. If we can't find additional funding, I would like to request that the monies be given to the Puerto Rican Opportunity Center to try to maintain the program open for as long as the money lasts. Mayor Ferre: That's what Charlotte said she was trying to work out. Mr. Freddy Santiago: There's a move in the community and I _ understand that she's aware of it that there's an attempt to move the monies to Allapattah. Mayor Ferre: Freddy, let's be on top of the table very honest. You know and I know that Wynwood has a long history of dividing. Emilio Lopez/anti-Emilia Lopez; Mendez was a friend/Manny is an enemy; all this back and forth and fighting and who's who and what's what. Finally things begin to settle down a little bit. Emilio goes off and does his clinic thing and Mendez is left alone. Mendez gets into trouble; Charlotte helps Mendez. You help Mendez. People make peace with Mendez; then Mendez dies. Poor Mendez. I mean, you know, it's a sad story. The guy keels over; they take him to the hospital; he dies. Then Colon, who's Mendez's friend, who came down from Hartford, Connecticut, comes down here and he starts to take over the program. Six months later or a year later, Colon says, "I'm going back to Hartford." He goes and there is no leader. Then we get somebody else who's going to be the leader, and all of sudden, two months into the program, he says, "I don't want." And he resigns. Now, it's not the City's fault. I'm sorry. Mr. Freddy Santiago: In a way, it is the City 's fault,_ because if the program was funded properly.... Mayor Ferre: We had nothing to do with Mendez's dying. We had nothing to do with Colon going back to Hartford._: Mr. Freddy Santiago: Please, Mayor, let me spoak. The reason that the director left rooently, is the f4at tbat $1 143 Qotob4r, 141 a 7 there were not enough fundings to operate the project. It's impossible to operate a project, pay a rent on utilities, and to staff and a director with $379000. There is just no way in the world. The budget was allocated where each of the employees were working for six months out of the year and nobody can work under those conditions. If you funded the project properly, at least $1000000 or $7590009 we could afford.... Mayor Ferre: You well know that when Mendez was alive, he'd bring down all these old people here. He'd hassle Plummer. They'd wait for Plummer. They'd wait for Dawkins. Mr. Freddy Santiago: But I think we are passed the stage, Mr. Ferre, once we have to come down here with 50 or 60 or 300 people screaming for funds, when you know we need the funds and you should look out for our interests and say, "Look, these people need the funding." Why should...? Mayor Ferre: And I don't look out for your interests? Mr. Freddy Santiago: But I don't think you look out enough for our funding for that community. $37000 is not enough. Mayor Ferre: Who do you think always funded everything all the time if it wasn't for Miller and J.L. Plummer, there's not been one single time when you haven't come out here and asked for money, where we haven't said yes. I resent your coming here and getting on the public microphone and accusing me and this Commission of not being supportive of Wynwood and the Puerto Rican community. I challenge you to tell me of one occasion.... Mr. Freddy Santiago: Mr. Mayor, I apologize to you. Mayor Ferre: ....when this Commission has turned you down. Come on. Mr. Freddy Santiago: Mr. Mayor, I apologize if I offended you. Let me ask you. Let's be sincere. You said put it on the table. Did you think any project in the City of Miami can operate with a $37,000 budget? Mayor Ferre: Of course not. Mr. Freddy Santiago: So, in other words, you funded us in a way where it's impossible for us to operate. So what are you doing to us. You're trying to do us a favor to appease us, you're going half way. Either go all the way or tell us you can't fund us. Mayor Ferre: Freddy, you know that every one of these economic entities have been funded to $379000. It isn't that we funded everybody $100,000 and then we said, "Oh, let's take Wynwood and only give them $37,000." Everybody got $37000. Mr. Freddy Santiago: That's why nobody does a proper job. Mayor Ferre: Let me finish. Mr. Freddy Santiago: Nobody does a proper job. Mayor Ferre: Are you finished? Mr. Freddy Santiago: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Now, the others are not only able to survive, but they're able to improve. They get extra funding. They get State funding. They do all kinds of things. I submit $l 144 to you that the mao-mad days are over. Mao-maoing is something that was very popular back in the 1960's. Mr. Freddy Santiago: Back in the 60's, yes, I was here. Mayor Ferre: We were all Mow Mowers. Emilio Lopez was the original Mow Mow here and we all got up and... Mr. Plummer: Who is a Mow Mow? Mayor Ferre: Well, it was a term that was used in the ghetto. You know nothing about that Plummer. And the point is that those days are gone. Ok. Now, I submit to you that the reason why we have problems in Wynwood is because there has been no leadership and my advice to you is that now that Mendez is dead you need somebody to replace Mr. Mendez. Ok. And when you do that like in other parts and other of these entities you will find the funding. We have always funded Wynwood for everything that Wynwood has ever wanted. Everything, without exception. The last time you came down here you wanted a hundred fifty thousand dollars for the... because the Puerto Rican community was split and was this and that you had to have it and you had to... and we said wait a moment, we will give you a hundred thirty-seven thousand and we will catch up with you later on with the other twelve thousand. We gave you a hundred thirty-seven thousand dollars. That wasn't peanuts, you know, and you said oh, we have to... when has this Commission... forget Maurice Ferre. When has anybody on this Commission voted "no" to Wynwood. So, you know, don't come telling me we don't fund you. We funded you in every single circumstance that I can think of. You get yourself somebody to replace Mendez or Colon who is on a full-time basis and I assure you that this... and I can't speak for anybody but myself, but knowing the way this Commission functions, I guarantee you that you will have the support like you have always had the support. Mr. Santiago: Mr. Mayor, all I'm telling you under the existing budget of the Wynwood Economic Development of which I have nothing to do with. I'm an independent businessman. I am not an employee of the Economic Development. I have nothing to do. I'm only a concerned citizen and I can tell you that there is no way that we can get somebody that's capable and Knowledgeable to come and run that project making twelve thousand dollars a year. There is no way in the world that we can find somebody with that... Mayor Ferre: I agree with you. Mr. Santiago: So, what I would like to request is that you give us additional funding. Mayor Ferre: So, find a solution. Look, everybody else find solutions. Why should the Puerto Rican community or why should the people in Wynwood be the only people here... There are, you know... the people in Allapattah are poor, the people in Overtown are poor, the people in Liberty City are poor and deprived, they find solutions. Don't come telling me that Wynwood can't find a solution. Charlotte, you are not accessible... I mean, you are accessible to these people, would you help them find a solution and come back with a reasonable alternative. Hey, if we can help Martin Luther King and we can help nine other of these entities, don't tell me that there are no solutions for Wynwood. $l t45 October 10f 1944 Mr. Santiago: You know, I certainly hope for the benefit of the whole community and the benefit of City of Miami that a solution is found, because we need the project. Mayor Ferre: But I'm going to tell you something here and I'm Puerto Rican, I'm not going to vote and I'm not going to treat the Puerto Rican community of Wynwood any different than any other community. Ok. Mr. Santiago: I don't want you to. I want you to do what i is fair. k Mayor Ferre: All right, fine. And if Martin Luther King can find a solution and if Overtown can find a solution, then you find a solution. Mr. Santiago: All right, we will make an effort. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Ok. And we will be there. 85. AUTHORIZE EXTENSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ARNOLD AND PORTER CABLE TV LICENSE FEE WAIVER PETITION. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Plummer: Move Item 72. Mayor Ferre: We are on Item #72, is there a second? This formalizes or this is an additional fifty, Howard? Mr. Gary: No, this is a formalization to pay for all that work they have done in... Mayor Ferre: I had asked for and you said that I received it. I cannot find a copy of all the money we spent with Arnold and Porter. I'm not... I'm fully supportive of Arnold and Porter, but I would like to know how much. My guess is that we have spent a half a million dollars. Less than a half a million dollars. Sue are we still alive in Washington with our Cable Bill? Ms. Smoller: We are still alive, but the outcome is less sure. We will know by the end of the week whether there is going to be legislation or not. Mayor Ferre: Where is it bogged down? Is it between Senator Paewood and Chairman Dingle? Mr. Smoller: Yes, it is and I also understand that it's Senator Hatch and Senator Helms have interpreted the EOC provisions as being quotas, rather than guidelines and that this is where the hang up is. Mayor Ferre: EOC? Mr. Gary: Equal opportunity. Mayor Ferre: The equal opportunity. Ok. Ms. Smoller: That's correct. Mayor Ferre: Well, now for all you good Republicans I want you to understand what this means. Ok. This means that once again, the wonderful Republican party is going to deny minorities the opportunity for economic advancement. Here we are. You know, they say one thing on the one hand and y October lot 1984F there is Senator Hatch and Senator Jessie helms, that great open progressive liberal mind denying using this vehicle to deny people the opportunity to improve their lot in life. That's just wonderful and... Mr. Plummer& Well, Mr. Mayor, like we have always said We have told the Republicans "we will be glad to kiss your elephant if you will kiss our donkey". Mayor Ferre: So, anyway.., so, we are now in the hands of Senator Hatch and Senator Helms? Ms. Smoller: Hopefully, there will be a resolution by the end of the week. Mayor Ferre: Does Paewood have anything to do? Isn't Paewood the Chairman in the Senate? Ms. Smoller: That correct. He is the ... is representing the Senate in the conference proceedings. Mayor Ferre: But why is he then guided by Hatch and... Ms. Smoller: My understanding is that they requested a hold be put on the bill. Mayor Ferre: A what? Ms. Smoller: A hold be put on the Bill, which this is all in the process of being, hopefully, resolved. Mr. Plummer: Where is Senator Pickle and all of those? Mayor Ferre: No, he is a Congressman Pickle. He is a mean guy too. Listen, don't you fool around with Congressman pickle. All right, now tell me about Arnold and Porter. Mr. Plummer: How much have we put into their pension fund? I know we put a lot. Ms. Smaller: We would estimate four hundred thirty-nine thousand nine hundred sixty-six dollars. Mayor Ferre: Would that count any of this fifty? Ms. Smoller: Of which about two hundred thousand dollars fi has been fully reimbursed. Mayor Ferre: By Mr. Hermanowsky, reluctantly. Ms. Smoller: That's correct. And by the Miami Cable access corporation. Mr. Plummer: But still they have received by benefit of the City near a half a million dollars. Ms. Smoller: That's correct. Mr. Plummer: Which exactly is what the Mayor said. Ms. Smoller: That's correct. Mayor Ferre: Well, would you document that for me, Mr. Manager. Mr. Gary: Here it is right here. This is the one we sent to you. Mr. Plummer: Well, it doesn't include this fifty. J - t7 gl 147 October `!Q, 1�8�# F fi Mayor Ferre: move it. I'm ready to vote on this if somebody wants to Mr. Plummer: I moved it. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconded, further discussion, call the roll on 72. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1162 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH LAW FIRM OF ARNOLD AND PORTER, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $509000 IN CONNECTION WITH SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REPRESENTATION RELATING TO THE CABLE TELEVISION LICENSE FEE WAIVER PETITION PENDING BEFORE THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AND FOR OTHER LEGAL SERVICES THAT MAY BE REQUIRED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY'S CABLE TELEVISION LICENSE ORDINANCE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution Was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo NOTE FOR THE RECORD: ITEM 73 WAS WITHDRAWN. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: ITEM 74 WAS CONTINUED. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: ITEM 75 WAS DEFERRED. ------------ ---- ----------------------------- --------------- 86. DISCUSSION: REMOVAL OF OSPA METERS IN LITTLE BAVADA, OSPA BUDGET ETC. -�w---�w-ww----w--------w-w-w-wwwwww-w-wwww.ww�. Mayor Ferre: Is there anybody here on anything else? Yes, go ahead, Mr. Carlton. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferre: No, you Waited long enough. Mr. Gary: Oh, there is a matter with regard to Off -Street Parking Budget which you passed on First reeding add you continued it until. this meeting. It's not one this ;k pad" r 4ataber. 10� , � I will put it this way. You continued it period and if I'm under the right assumption because you continued it to this meeting or a meeting in the future, that it could be brought up at this time. Mayor Ferre: All right, who was the person that offered the motion to continue it? Mr. Gary: I don't know. Mayor Ferre: Oh, it had to do with the parking meters. Mr. Perez: Yes, I requested continuation. And also, I would like to notify something, Mr. Mayor, to make public that I receive the best attention and the best cooperation from Mr. Carlton. We organized a meeting the day before yesterday... Mayor Ferre: Well, I want to congratulate you. Mr. Perez: Yes. I think that it was very successful and healthy. Mayor Ferre: You are going to have to tell me how you get that. Mr. Perez: Huh. It was very easy, only to make a phone call. Mayor Ferre: You have to explain to Plummer and myself how you get that. Mr. Perez: Also, I think that it is important Mr. Carlton that you announce again, sir, what you announced at CAMACOL the other day about the... that you plan to eliminate eighty parking meters, especially in the Little Havana area. I would like that you make public here for the record. Mr. Carlton: Commissioner Perez asked us to review the parking meters in Little Havana, particularly on certain avenues. The criteria that was used originally to install those meters was that if fifty per cent or less of the street was residential in a mixed residential avenue, that we would put in the meters, but apparently that created great consternation in terms of a few residents where meters were in front of houses. So, we agreed to remove eighty meters and they will not be reinstalled until those patterns change and the entire street is commercial. 87. INSTRUCT MANAGER, ATTORNEY, OSPA TO STUDY POSSIBLE REGULATION OF RATES CHARGED BY PRIVATE TOWING COMPANIES. Mr. Perez: That's very important. Something else. Ms. City Attorney, I would like to request a formal recommendation for when you have an opportunity to be ready in order to establish a possible control or the rates of the towing private company in the City of Miami area about the towing system. I would to study the possibility to establish control in the rate. We receive that day a lot of complaint about. I would like to study that possibility. It's possible that you with the City Manager and -the Director of Off -Street Parking Authority study that possibility and make a formal recommendation to the next i Commission meeting. Ms. Dougherty: The last legislative session authorized the City to establish those kinds of rates for towing companies, Mr. Perez: Yes, but that ordinance doesn't cover the rate The ordinances only... the regulations and the lJoenae for the operator, but doesn't cover anything about th@_ra_tA_,,.� �l 149 October, : 0, �,5 i Ms. Dougherty: it authorizes you to also give maximum rates. The legislature did. Mr. Perez: No, no. Me. Dougherty: The legislature did. That's all I'm advising you6 t will dome back and tell you what it is. Mr. Perez: Yes, I would like that you review that one with the (off -Street Parking Director and with the Manager's Office in order to... Ms. Dougherty: You are talking about the rates for private towing companies right? The rates that private towing companies... Mr. Perez: Yes, for the private... I think that Mr. Carlton } is very familiar with the issue. Do we have to make a motion or not? Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Perez: A motion to instruct the City Manager, the City Attorney Office and the Director of the Off -Street Parking Authority to try to establish... to study the possibility of establishing a control of the rate of the towing private companies in the City of Miami area. Mr. Plummer: Private companies? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mr. Plummer: How can you do private companies? Mr. Perez: You know, what is the reason that we are receiving a lot of control... Mayor Ferre: That's a valid concern. Mr. Perez: Some people, they charge a hundred dollars. Mr. Plummer: I understand that, but how can you regulate...The price control. Ms. Dougherty: The legislature allowed cities to impose those sort of regulations. Mr. Plummer: On private concerns? Mr. Carlton: Just like taxi cabs and similar things. Mr. Plummer: No, that's a different ball game. Ms. Dougherty: We will look into it and get back to you. Mayor Ferre: Why? One guy hauls people, the other guy hauls cars. Mr. Plummer: No, no, the taxi cabs are regulated. Look, and I understand fully what you are saying. Now, if you;ar speaking to those in which the police use or the police call } or on public property... Me. Dougherty: I'm not talking about that. l'm talking about what private companies charge and... Mayor Ferre: We can regulate them and our next targot a�'e undertakers. Mr. Plummer: Ok. Well, that's fine, your know. gl 150 tabor 10, 1"14T' ,� fi e Mayor Ferre: What's it. We are going to control how Much you charge for putting us away. Mr. Plummer: That's all right, as long as I have got a finger in it I don't care. Mr► Carlton: Mayor, can we do the budget on second reading please? Mayor Ferre: Now, Commissioner Perez has made a motion, is there a second? The motion is that a committee be established between the City Manager and the City Attorney and the Off -Street Parking to deal with the difficult issue of hauling of cars and to study the possibilities of the City getting into regulation of how much they charge. Mr. Plummer: To make a study, I will second it. Mr. Dawkins: I will second it, because we have had the tow people... the people who own the tow machines down here. We have had the citizens down here. So, I agree with the the Commission. We do need to study it to see if we can find some solution. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1163 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER, THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY TO IMMEDIATELY BEGIN A STUDY TO EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING A CITY OF MIAMI RATE REGULATION OF PRIVATE TOWING COMPANIES OPERATING WITHIN CITY LIMITS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ----r-----------------------------------------------r-r-r-r- 88. SECOND HEADING ORDINANCE: BATES AT ON STREET METERS AND CERTAIN OFF STREET LOTS (OSPA) Mayor Ferre: All right, Roger, what can we do for you? Mr. Carlton: Commissioners, the rate ordinance for the department is up for second reading. I have discussed that with the various Commissioners and I hope we have addressed your concerns and it is before you and it needs to be read please for second reading. gl October 10, 1+9$# apt n- is Mayor Ferre: You are talking about the resolution that adopts the annual budget? Mr. Carlton: No, the annual budget has been adopted previously. It's the second reading of the ordinance which is the ... Mayor Ferre: What item is it on our agenda please?; Mr. Plummer: It's not. Mr. Carlton: It was inadvertently left of the agenda, sir, but it was continued from previous... Ms. Dougherty: This has been advertised for second reading i several times and has been continued. i Mayor Ferre: Look, out of legislative courtesy, I think, is what it's called. Mr. Perez: Let me ask you something, if we approve today, we can modify at anytime the budget during the year? Ms. Dougherty: I believe the budget has already been approved. This is the... This is how much they are going to charge? Mr. Plummer: Oh, this is the rates? Mr. Carlton: Yes, sir. Our budget has two segments. There is approval of the overall budget which you have already done and then there is the implementation rate ordinance, which simply sets the rates. Mr. Gary: Like the garbage fee. Mr. Carlton: Howard, please don't hang that one on me. And this is the second reading of the rate ordinance. Mr. Dawkins: I see three ordinances. Mr. Carlton: Sir, those two shouldn't be there. I apologize. It's the third document. It's the rate ordinance. Mr. Plummer: Demetrio moved it? Mayor Ferre: Who moved? Mr. Plummer: I don't know who moved it. Mayor Ferre: Well, who wants to move? I'm not going to move it. I'm Chairing it. How can I move it. I'm not going to give up the Chair. Mr. Carlton: Commissioners, you have our commitment any time during the year if you want to review any specific portion, we are here. Mr. Carlton: Roger, I don't want your commitment. I want a hand full of quarters that I have got to put in those damn things. Mayor Ferre: Well, somebody was going to send you a toilet that has a meter on it and say "time has run out". Mr. Plummer: I will move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. A airy' 152 QctQbar, 10' 1 , , f i Mayor Fevre: pluiamer moves, Dawkins seconds, read the ordinance. Met Dougherty, 1 would like to ask you a question to hake sure... is it legally all right and procedurally for a person who makes or seconds a motion to vote "no" on it. Ms. Dougherty% Yes. ' Mayor F'erre: It is? Ms. Dougherty: Sure. Mayor F'erre: All right, thank you. Call the roll. 153 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 35.91, 35-92, AND 35-93 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY ESTABLISHING RATES AT CERTAIN ON -STREET PARKING METERS AND CERTAIN OFF-STREET LOTS; ESTABLISHING RATES AT MUNICIPAL PARKING GARAGES; FURTHER PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OCTOBER 11 1984 FOR THE HEREIN RATE INCREASES; RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING ALL ACTS OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD AND ITS DIRECTOR AS TO RATES HERETOFORE CHARGED; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD TO DEVELOP EXPERIMENTAL RATE STRUCTURES AND TO INITIATE RATES FOR NEW FACILITIES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 20, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ------------------------------- ---------------------- 89. GENERAL DISCUSSION: LITTLE BAVANA LATIN QUARTER ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are now on the Little Havana series which is starting with Item #6. Mr. Plummer: Tell me, Sergio, what is the item pertaining to the FAR. Mr. Rodriguez: Item #8. I mean, you mean the... �`..� specifically the ordinance? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mr. Rodriguez: Item #8. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, on Item #8, is the one I want to speak to and if I have to step out of my chair I will. As all of you are well aware, I own a piece of property in this given district. I think it is blatantly unfair to myself as to others that my particular property which has been used since 1929 as a funeral home, in which for the foreseeable future will be used, that this ordinance will kill the FAR gl 154 October 10, 1984 in the fu11 ture by fifty per cent. If in fact, as I am told ---now, you stop me if I'm wrong--- that if I were to use it for some other use, I could possibly double what I presently have. There is no way that I will use it for any other purpose. I think Mr. Mayor, that, you know... And I'm not speaking just for myself. I am speaking for others that are saddled with the same problem of the FAR. I am in favor of the Latin Quarter. I want it to proceed, but I want it to proceed in fairness and not taking away people's rights and as far as I'm concerned on Item #8, I think this thing needs to be reworked. I think it needs to be made fair and as far as the rest of it is concerned, I'm in total accord. I'm in accord with a regulation, but let's remember that we are trying to get the private sector to do incentive. There is no public money to be involved per se. You cannot expect me or anyone else in the private sector to feel that there is an incentive for me to better when you are cutting my property rights in half. Mayor Ferre: That's it. All right, one for the Gipper. Ok. One for the Gipper. Mr. Plummer: Now, Mr. Mayor, I will be more than happy to move all but Item 8 until it is revised. Mayor Ferre: Ok. We will start... Let's see if anybody else wants to speak, because we have some people who seem to be interested. Does anybody here wish to speak on any of these items starting with 6. Mr. Rodriguez: 6 and 7, you already acted on that on September 13th. Mayor Ferre: Oh, so we don't have... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Pierce: Mr. Plummer: Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer: Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer: Why are they on our agenda? Inadvertently. Inadvertently. Ok. We now have Items 6 and 7 passed. So, we are 8, 9... Does anybody here wish to speak on Items... Yes, the lady here said she wanted to speak. Mayor Ferre: All right, give us the good news. Yes, Ma'am. Mrs. Charles Starkey: Mayor Ferre and members of the City Commission, I have been here in the past regarding the Latin Quarter. Mr. Plummer: Mrs. Starkey, for the record give your name. Mrs. Starkey: I am Mrs. Charles Starkey. I live at 200 Southwest 50th Avenue and I do own property in the Latin Quarter area. I am very much concerned as to what is happening in the Latin Quarter as a result of my ownership of that property. I have here an item dated 1979, Friday, September 28th. Little Havana, Thursday, got a four million dollar nudge toward becoming a Latin Quarter. As a top Carter Administration official announced approval of a two million dollar grant for projects in the area. The City of Miami is committed to match the Economic Development Administration grant with another two :pillion dollars. That is approximately eight million dollars that has been spent, plus, other millions of dollars of Dade County money, 01 155 October 109 1984 Federal money, taxpayers monies, etc., for the beautification programs on Southwest Sth Street, Flagler Street and other areas in the Latin Quarter. The beautification program has done nothing to enhance the quality of life of the people who live and own property in that area. The beautification has simply put down new side walks and street lights, but you cannot walk on those side walks underneath those beautiful street lights, because you are going to get mugged or robbed or possibly raped. The Domino Park was supposed to be the beginning of the Latin Quarter tourist attraction. Domino Park has now become the biggest slum in the entire area. You people had your first reading on this Little Havana Latin Quarter area back several weeks ago. However, sixteen hundred property owners were not notified that that zoning was coming up at that time. Nor have they been notified that it is coming up at second reading at this meeting. I think those property owners have been disinfranchised. They are not aware of what is happening in a twenty block area in the Little Havana Latin Quarter area. I may be opposed to it. I may be for it, but I have an awful lot of questions regarding it. I would like to know. There is no zoning enforcement currently being carried on in that area. Are there going to be further zoning enforcements, going to be after the Latin Quarter comes in. Plus, the fact that I happen to own a residence in that area. I find out now that a fast food restaurant is going to be backed up to my residence. What enhancement is that for my particular piece of property. Apparently all types of businesses are now coming into the Latin Quarter which have nothing to do with Latin Quarter businesses. Taxes will go up. Assessments will go up and property values will depreciate as a result of what is going to happen in the Latin Quarter, because people are now coming into that area that have never ever been in there before. We have never had fast food restaurants in the Latin Quarter area. Now, we are going to have a MacDonald's right in the residential area. Is that fair to the people who live in that area, who have residences in that area? What is being done to enhance the quality of life for the people who live in the Latin Quarter. Never mind the businesses, they can take care of themselves. What about the people who live there. Is anything going to be done to help them in the future once this Latin Quarter thing goes on. We have spent millions of dollars beautifying. We haven't done one single, solitary thing for the people who live there. As I said. I may be opposed and I may be for it. What about all the other seventeen hundred people that own property. Have they had a chance to come up here and talk to the Commission about the Latin Quarter? This has been going on for years, it's not just come up all of the sudden, but the people don't know anything about it. They have never been told that their area is going to be completely rezoned. That they can and can't do with their property. That they have to go before a Latin Review Board if they want to paint their property. Why is all this taking place without the people being notified that it came up for first reading and that this is the second reading. Where is all the people? The seventeen hundred property owners. The people from the Latin Chamber of Commerce, how many of them own property in the area? How many of them reside in the area? They are talking about a beautiful Latin Quarter. Fine. What's going to happen with the people who live and own property in that area? Those are some of my questions and I have a few others, but I do not want to take up all of your time. Thank you, very much. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mrs. Starkey, let me say to you, Ma'am, that first of all, even though you have had your differences with the city of Miami, all of us here have the highest regard and respect for you personally. You gl 156 October 10, 1984 certainly have a right to express yourself. I know that you are sincere in your concerns. Miami has changed. I know. Miami has changed. All right, what we are trying to do is we are trying to improve the community and we are trying to find progressive ways in which we can get the private sector to invest in making a better community. Now, I know that perhaps MacDonald's is not the most attractive thing to have, but you know, people do eat hamburgers and they do have a right and Little Havana does have a right to have a MacDonald's and I don't think that that's necessary an evil thing. Mrs. Starkey: It may not be unless it backs up into the residential area which this particular MacDonald's is going to do. Mayor Ferre: Well, all I say to you is that we understand your concern, but it is time now to move along and try to create a positive image in the Little Havana area. This - has been advertised. It has gotten tremendous publicity in the Herald, the News, all the television and radio stations. I mean, everybody knows that we are about to do this. We have had public hearings galore. I can't... I mean, this is about the fourth or the fifth time that we have a public hearing. Now, you say, why aren't people... Well, I'm sorry. I don't know why people aren't here. Certainly it isn't because we haven't advertised it. We have advertised it in the Herald, the News, you know, legally and what have you. Now, people don't like change and I know, change is difficult and it's painful and people don't like to see neighborhoods change and that's part of the situation. You know, I keep telling those who keep telling me that they want Coconut Grove to be the beautiful village it was. I tell them, listen, you got to move to Fort Pierce or to Fort Myers, because Fort Dallas is gone. See, there used to be a time when Miami was Fort Dallas, you know, up here on the river. Fort Dallas is gone and the good old days of Miami, of Lemon City and the beautiful days of Hialeah Race Track, those days are gone and you know, we now have to look forward to the future and what we need to do is to insure the best future that we can. We think, we in the City and these people that have worked so hard and some of the neighbors, think that this is a good future. We are trying `! to make it a better future. Now, there are a lot of problems between now and then and I know the violations. We need to deal with that. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I move that Item 18 be deferred. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion that Item 8 be continued. Mr. Plummer: Continued, I'm sorry. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: And seconded, is there further discussion. Mr. Perez: We need the time and the day. Ms. Dougherty: The date certain. Mr. Plummer: Time and date certain. How much time do you need? s Mr. Plummer: How much? Mr. Perez: Forty-nine. Mr. Plummer: Forty-nine days, reschedule it for... Mayor Ferre: How about forty-eight days from now. Mr. Plummer: No, you want it in November? Mayor Ferre: Yes, I think so. I think out of fairness J. L., whatever problems you have to wrestle with, you wrestle with them and come to a... Mr. Plummer: What is the second meeting in November? Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, I'm listening. Mr. Perez: How about November 8th. Mr. Plummer: November 8th is fine with me. Mayor Ferre: Yes, that's fine. Mr. Perez: We don't have a second meeting in November, that's why. Mr. Plummer: Ok. Mayor Ferre: All right, this is being continued to November 8th, further discussion? Mr. Rodriguez: If I may, if you defer this item, you are deferring all the items. Mayor Ferre: No. Mr. Plummer: No, no. Mr. Rodriguez: Because you cannot apply an ordinance in an area when you don't have ordinance in effect. You understand? Item 9.... Mayor Ferre: Plummer, is your problem limited to the question of density? Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir, FAR. Mayor Ferre: All right, can we vote on this... let me ask you a question. Can we vote on this with the exception of that portion dealing with density? Mr. Rodriguez: Then how can you apply it, if you don't know where you are applying? It would be an incomplete. Mayor Ferre: I'm trying to get you a vehicle so that... I think Plummer has got a legitimate beef. Ok. And I don't blame him for his feelings. And of course, I don't have... you know me, I don't have any problems with FAR increases, because I'm just traditionally for them. Mr. Plummer: If you want to pass it except for the FAR.. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Plummer: Oh, no, you ain't putting me on the outside looking in. No, no, no. No, I played those games with you before. No, no, no, Now, you tell me how I can do At to try to accommodate you and don't deny myself. ;1 e-� N Mayor Ferre: You know, I talked this thing over with the Archbishop and Monsignor Walsh told me that he didn't care how you donated the land. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, if that be the case, God Bless him and the only thing I'm trying to do is get a bigger tax write off. Mayor Ferre: Well, he said that this was... you know, Father Bieno told me that he prayed every Sunday for you. He knew that someday you would see the light. You know, the property is immediately adjacent. They could extend the parking lot and you would be the honored guest there at all the carnivals and everything. Cut the ribbon. Mr. Plummer: How do I do this without completely blowing you out of the saddle? Mr. Rodriguez: November 8th, bring it back. Mayor Ferre: Well, why don't we exempt certain properties or something or other. No, I can't do that. Ok. (BACKGROUND COMMENTS OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD). Mayor Ferre: We exempt churches and properties that surround churches. Mr. Plummer: You want to take Flagler Street out of it? Mayor Ferre: (IN SPANISH). Luis Sabines wants to speak. Mr. Luis Sabines: (IN SPANISH). Mr. Plummer: I do not waive consecutive translation. Mr. Odio: (TRANSLATES). He said that he doesn't wait any longer, that he would like for this to pass today, that he is a volunteer and he comes here... he doesn't get paid to come here, that's it been five years since they have been fighting for this and he would like to see if passed today in spite of you, Commissioner Plummer, even though he loves you like a brother. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, my thoughts are still my thoughts. Whatever is the way that it can be done I am agreeable. Mayor Ferre: Look, can't you solve the Commissioners problem and also solve Mr. Sabines's problem. I don't like to see Mr. Sabines, scowl like that. Look at that, he looks like he can really bite your head right off. Look at that. Now, he is smiling. Mr. Sabines: (IN SPANISH). Mayor Ferre: (IN SPANISH). Ms. Maria Cristina Barrios: Mayor Ferre and Commissioners, my name is Maria Cristina Barrios and I'm Chairman of the Hispanic Affairs Committee of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce. Luis Sabines has been at it much longer than I have. However, we have studied the Latin Quarter issue at the Chamber and this year at the goal setting conference that was held at the chamber expressed support for the project and I'm here to make that statement to you. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you a question, can we pass this with the... you know, I am really concerned about that whole area around Saint John Boscoe Church and perhaps, perhaps, gl 159 October 10, 1984 could we pass this exempting everything from 12th to 17th on Flagler and come back and restudy that particular area? Well, give me a solution, would you please. Mr. Rodriguez: I think it would be a mistake to exempt an area. Mayor Ferre: Give me a solution please. Mr. Rodriguez: A solution will be coming back on the 8th with the whole area, with the whole legislation. The other solution that Mr. Plummer is looking at, I think is... Mayor Ferre: We are going to take a five minute break while you and Mr. Plummer talk and then we will see if we can vote on it tonight. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: The Commission took a brief recess at 6:03 P.M. and reconvened at 6:13 P.M. 90. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ART. 15 SPI, ADD NEW SECTION 15140 8SPI-14.1, SPI-14.2 LATIN QUARTER COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: All right, we are back in session, please take your seats. Mr. Plummer: I have had a very intelligent conversation with Mr. Sergio and I have gone to great pain and acquiesced to his position, if he will state it for the record. I think that we have worked out something that is near fair, not quite, but near fair. Mr. Rodriguez: I agree. Mayor Ferre: Boundless confidence in your ability to do that Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Sergio, for the record would you place on the record what our conversation was. Mayor Ferre: So, that the Archbishop can read about this in the paper tomorrow. Mr. Rodriguez: Basically, Commissioner Plummer will support the legislation as we have it now and we will come back in the near future as soon as we follow the procedures for these that we have to follow in proposing an ordinance change by which we will provide a minimum of 1.72 floor area ratio as it presently exist under CR-3/7 in those areas that we have it now for the area under SPI-14 with some of the requirements that we show in the text at this point under section 15143.5.2.1. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, to that I am agreeable. I think it is fair. I think it is fair to all of the property owners in the SPI-14. And if such and it's in order, I will move Item 8. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Seconded, is there further discussion? It never ceases to amaze me to see the awesome power of Luis Sabines. All right, Yes, Ma'am, you wanted to ask a question on the record. Mrs. Starkey: Again, I am Mrs. Charles Starkey. I reside at 200 Southwest 50th Avenue. I own a piece of property which is zoned residential at the present time. With the new Latin Quarter coming here it will now be zoned commercial. residential. I have a very pertinent question, because we back up to the parking lot for this so-called new fast food restaurant that is going to be there at the present. That is coming in I understand in the future. zl 160 October 10, 1984 Presently, zoning requirements are that if a business backs up into a residential area, there must be noise barrier, fencing or something to divide the business area from the residential property. Now, that this area between 8th and 9th Street is going to be zoned Commercial residential, what requirements are then required for these businesses or parking lots and/or to divide themselves from the residential area or will there be any requirements as to barriers or what will become of the commercial residential area at that time or can anyone give me an answer to that question? Mr. Rodriguez: I don't know exactly the location of your property. If it was before a CR property as you mentioned before, a commercial residential... Mrs. Starkey: It was strictly residential. Mr. Rodriguez: Ok. Mrs. Starkey: It backs up to a parking lot, but our area... the lots on both 14th and 15th avenues are strictly residential. They are not commercial, but they will now be commercial with the new.... Mr. Rodriguez: Commercial/residential. Mrs. Starkey: The requirements that we have states that we have to have a six foot wall separating the property from the other. There is a distance of a set back of ten feet that would have to be maintained. There will be a requirement that they will have to submit site plan to the Planning Department in which considerations such as the one that you have will be taken into account to make sure that it will be some protection from the adjacent properties. Mrs. Starkey: Even though it's going to zoned residential/commercial? Mr. Rodriguez: If the property which is adjacent to it now and it's in residential use, that will be a factor that will have to be taken into account in making a decision for the new property that will be coming. Now, I want to make something clear though. You are saying that this is coming right now. Mrs. Starkey: Well, it's coming in the very near future, I understand. They have already brought the property. Mr. Rodriguez: It might be possible if they have a building permit and they are proceeding under the existing ordinance. Mrs. Starkey: That I do not know. Mr. Rodriguez: So, I want to make you aware that, that they might be following the present ordinance that might allow them to that under transitional uses. Mrs. Starkey: Well, the present ordinance requires a barrier or a fence and/or whatever, but I don't think they have a building permit as yet as far as I know. Mr. Rodriguez: Ok. If you want, you can call us and may be we can try to work out with you. Mrs. Starkey: Fine. One other question I have. Now, I understand that corner grocery stores can go into this commercial/residential area. Will they be allowed a beer and wine license to sell beer and wine or are we going to have winos at every corner in those little store areas that gl 161 October 10,, 1984 Ew. =- f. # may or may not come into the corners in the commercial/residential area? Mr. Rodriguez: In any place where we have a grocery store allowed they can sell wine and beer if it is not to be consumed on the property. Mrs. Starkey: Well, then in the residential areas, if these corner grocery stores are allow, then on every corner you could possibly have a grocery store in the residential areas selling beer and wine, which would mean more drunks or more winos in the residential areas. Is this not true? Mr. Rodriguez: And this is the case at this point, because we have already existing the situation and I understand that unless you tell me otherwise, that situation with the winos in that area doesn't exist now in the residential caused by this and they already have some grocery stores in the residential area at this point. Mrs. Starkey: Not that I know of. There are no grocery stores in any residential area in that entire area that's strictly residential. Mr. Plummer: On Southwest 6th Street. Mr. Rodriguez: There are some. Mrs. Starkey: Well, but that's...(INAUDIBLE). Mr. Plummer: No, Southwest 6th. I know of two that exist. The gentleman in the back wants to speak. Mr. Manny Fergandez: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, my name is Manny Fergandez, I represent McDonald's Corporation in South Florida as I'm sure a few of the Commission members are well aware. I find myself in a unique position here this evening because my original intention in being here was to proclaim that MacDonald's Corporation for sometime has been involved in the Little Havana area and we have been very much aware of the proposed Latin Quarter District proposals, studies, recommendations, design criteria and we want to be on record as stating that we think it's something that overdue, should happen. It's probably one of the best tributes to the Latin Hispanic culture in the community and the contribution of that culture to the community, but I also find this evening that potentially one of my neighbors is in the audience and she has voiced some concern about what's going to happen. I am here to assure you that our proposal calls for us to operate under the design standards and criteria that hopefully this Commission will adopt for the Latin Quarter and whatever buffers, requirements, landscape, setbacks, wall, etc., that are a part of those guidelines as well as part of the City code will be met and installed by our corporation. It will be our intent to protect our neighbors, because you can't be a good neighbor if you try to be a bad neighbor. Mayor Ferre: Well, I don't want to get in the middle of the burger war, but I want to tell you that there is nobody that has traditionally been more responsive and responsible than the MacDonald Corporation and they are great people to have. They are good corporate citizens and they are good neighborhood people. Mr. Fergandez: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferro: That doesn't make up for the little differences we have, but may be we are just trying to... 162 Aetob+er 10, 1984 (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferret Ok. Anybody else? Are we now ready to vote. Read the ordinance please. Ok. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll as amended. Mayor Ferret Wait a minute, because you said it's amended and Sergio is over here shaking his head. Now, what that mean? Mr. Rodridugez: It was not amended. Mayor Ferret Well, you better clarify it for Plummer. Mr. Rodriguez: Remember I agreed that we were going to come with the... Mr. Plummer: You are going to go through... Ok. I stand corrected. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TEXT OF ORDINANCE NO. 95009 THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 15 ENTITLED "SPI: SPECIAL PUBLIC INTEREST DISTRICTS" BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 15140 ENTITLED 11SPI-149 14.19 14.2; LATIN QUARTER COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS" AND COLLATERAL SECTIONS 15141 ENTITLED "INTENT", 15142 ENTITLED _ "SPECIAL PERMITS", 15143 ENTITLED "COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS (SPI-14),tt 15144 ENTITLED "COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS SPI - 14.1" AND 15145 ENTITLED "RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS SPI - 14.2"; PROVIDING FOR PRINCIPAL USES AND STRUCTURES, LIMITATIONS ON OUTDOOR USES, LIMITATIONS ON GROUND FLOOR FRONTAGE, ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES, TRANSITIONAL REQUIREMENT LIMITATIONS, MINIMUM LOT REQUIREMENTS, FLOOR AREA LIMITATIONS, MINIMUM OPEN - SPACE REQUIREMENTS, FLOOR AREA RATIO BONUSES, NO. LUI RATINGS, BUILDING SPACING, TRANSFERABLE DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS, HEIGHT LIMITATIONS, OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING, AND LIMITATIONS ON SIGNS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 13, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo THE Q82INANCE .Wi#§ DESIQUATE 2., QEDIMAN.G& N0. 92182 ��. 163 Qotaber 1 Q. 19-84 t The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. .r.�Ywrrrw rl..i.r.r.rar.iir �iarrw:rrr.rr.rr.rrrrra.rim.r��r���r����..+�r.wrr®ar�rr� c- 91. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ATLAS CHANGE VARIOUS ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, let me put on the record just so nobody gets any misunderstandings later. That which I have _ agreed to in behalf of the other property owners that are affected, exactly is what is in the ordinance now if I did not build a funeral home. Correct? In other words the 1.72 if this ordinance was passed in total is what I could build there tomorrow if I did not build a funeral home. Mr. Rodriguez: Right. Mr. Plummer: And all I'm asking for in the interest of fairness, is that the same thing be applied to my property -- overall. —9� Mr. Rodriguez: Actually, if you were to build a funeral home only... Mr. Plummer: Right. Mr. Rodriguez: If you were to combine a funeral home with residential uses, you could get your total floor area ratio. It would be a different kind of... Mr. Plummer: If I built something else I could make a million dollars, but it's not legal either. Ok. I just wanted it on the record that the 1.72 is what had been recommended previous for the area. Mr. Dawkins: Can he put a crematory there? Mr. Plummer: Sure you can put a crematory there. Are you interested? I move Item #9. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Item 9. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, public hearing Item #9. Read the ordinance. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. Mr. Ongie: For the record, Mayor votes "yes". gI 164 October 109 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM RG-2/5 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL, CR-1/79 CR-2/7 AND CR-3/7 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL TO SPI-14: COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS: THAT AREA GENERAL BOUNDED BY AND INCLUDING PROPERTY FRONTING ON AND IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO WEST FLAGLER STREET AND SOUTHWEST FIRST STREET FROM NORTHWEST/SOUTHWEST 12TH AVENUE TO NORTHWEST/SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); AND NORTHWEST FIRST STREET FROM NORTHWEST 12TH AVENUE TO NORTHWEST 13TH AVENUE,- (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); AND SOUTHWEST 12TH AVENUE FROM APPROXIMATELY SOUTHWEST FIRST STREET TO - SOUTHWEST 7TH STREET INCLUDING THE AREA TO THE WEST OF SOUTHWEST 12TH AVENUE TO A LINE APPROXIMATELY 250' WEST OF THE - WEST LINE OF SOUTHWEST 12TH AVENUE (MORE _ PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); AND SOUTHWEST 8TH STREET AND THE SOUTH SIDE OF SOUTHWEST 7TH STREET FROM SOUTHWEST = 12TH AVENUE TO SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE EXCLUDING EXISTING PR ZONING (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); AND SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE FROM SOUTHWEST FIRST STREET TO SOUTHWEST 7TH STREET INCLUDING THE AREA TO THE EAST OF SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE TO A LINE APPROXIMATELY 150' EAST OF THE EAST LINE OF SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE AND TO THE WEST LINE OF SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE TO A LINE APPROXIMATELY 190' WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HERE IN), PER PLANS ON FILE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDS ADMINISTRATION; MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGES NUMBERED 349 359 389 AND 39 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 95009 BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 39 SECTION 300, THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 13, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT; Commissioner Joe Carollo gl 165 October 9o, Igo# I The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 92. SECOND READING ORDINANCE% AMEND ATLAS CHARGE VARIOUS ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS IN LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT -- r-------r---------------r---------------------------- Mr. Plummer: Move 10. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Perez: You need to read the ordinance? AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO 95009 ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE AREA GENERALLY BOUNDED BY AND INCLUDING PROPERTIES FRONTING ON AND IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO SOUTHWEST 9TH STREET AND SOUTHWEST 9TH STREET EXTENDED TO THE EAST FROM APPROXIMATELY SOUTHWEST 12TH AVENUE TO SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE, PER PLAN ON FILE, FROM RG-1/3 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL TO SPI-14.1 COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL; MAKING FINDINGS; AND MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGES NO. 38 AND 39 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500 BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION INN ARTICLE 39 SECTION 300, THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 13, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo THE ^ORDINANCA WAS DA§IGNATED ORDINAUC NO, 992Q The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. B 166 4oA6er 1 t �' tQ+ 2 93. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTIES IN THE LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT wrrr...rrrw.rr.rrrrwwrrrr.rwr+.rirr�—rwrrrr.r.rrrrr..r.rwrranrrrrrwi...r�rrr+rr..rar.:r Mr. Perez: #11. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Vice -Mayor, for the record I think it should be stated that all items of 9 thru 15 are public hearings and anyone in the audience who wishes to speak on any of these items are privileged to do so. The reason we are moving them as we are, that no one has indicated that they wish to speak on these items, so for a matter of expediency we are moving them this way. Mr. Perez: Does anyone want to speak on Item 12? Mr. Plummer: No, we are on 11, aren't we? Mr. Perez: Item 11. Read the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, _ BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE AREA GENERALLY BOUNDED BY AND INCLUDING PROPERTIES FRONTING ON AND IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE NORTH SIDE OF SOUTHWEST 7TH STREET FROM APPROXIMATELY 250' WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF SOUTHWEST 12TH AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 150' EAST OF THE EAST LINE OF SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN) PER PLAN ON FILE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING r AND ZONING BOARDS ADMINISTRATION, FROM RG-2/5 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL TO SPI-14.1: COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL; MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGE NO. 35 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500 BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 39 SECTION 300 THEREOF; CONTAINING A i REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 13, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES f Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vioe-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. i' Sl 167 October 10 1gjANZ k 'P F ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ------------------ -------r.-�rll�ll��ri� 94. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING ATLAS BY CHANGING ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTIES IN THE LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT ---- - ------------------------------------- ---------- Mayor Ferre: Now, we are on 12. Further discussion? Is there a motion? Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded, further discussion? Read the ordinance. Mr. Ongie: Roll call. For the record, Mr. Plummer votes "Yes". AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 95009 THE ZONING ATLAS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE AREA GENERALLY BOUNDED AND INCLUDING PROPERTIES FRONTING ON AND IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO SOUTHWEST 2ND STREET, SOUTHWEST 3RD STREET, SOUTHWEST 4TH STREET, SOUTHWEST 5TH STREET, AND SOUTHWEST 6TH STREET FROM A LINE APPROXIMATELY 250' WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF SOUTHWEST 12TH AVENUE TO A LINE APPROXIMATELY 150' EAST OF THE EAST LINE OF SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN), PER PLAN ON FILE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDS ADMINISTRATION, FROM RG-2/5 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL TO SPI-14.2 RESIDENTIAL; MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGE NO. 35 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500 BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 39 SECTION 3009 THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 139 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Perez, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 51 168 MOW 10, NOES: None. t ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED QEDINANCE NO. 9922. i The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public { record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. { --------------- ------------------- --------------------r---- 95. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING ATLAS BY CHANGING ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTIES IN THE LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT. Mr. Perez: Move 13. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion on 13. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Seconded by Dawkins, further discussion. All right, read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 95009 THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE AREA GENERALLY BOUNDED BY, AND INCLUDING PROPERTIES FRONTING ON AND IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO, NORTHWEST 1ST STREET FROM NORTHWEST 17TH AVENUE TO THE CENTER LINE OF NORTHWEST 13TH AVENUE (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN), PER PLAN ON FILE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDS ADMINISTRATION, FROM RG-2/4 AND RG-2/5 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL TO SPI-14.2 RESIDENTIAL; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGE NO. 35 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500 BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 39 SECTION 3009 THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 13, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Perez, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo El 169 V0-tQb;: 11, � 1 • 11 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ------------ ------r------------------ ----- i--------------i-- 96. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING ATLAS BY CHANGING ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTIES IN THE LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT ----------------- ------- ---------- ------------- ------►------- Mr. Perez: Move 14. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion on 14. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, is there further discussion? Read the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY DESIGNATING THE PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF: WEST FLAGLER STREET, FROM APPROXIMATELY 150' EAST OF WEST 12TH AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 100' WEST OF WEST 17TH AVENUE; SOUTHWEST FLAGLER TERRACE FROM SOUTHWEST 12TH TO 17TH AVENUES; SOUTHWEST 13TH9 14TH, 15TH AND 16TH AVENUES FROM WEST FLAGLER STREET TO SOUTHWEST 1ST STREET; SOUTHWEST 1ST STREET, FROM APPROXIMATELY 150' EAST OF SOUTHWEST 12TH AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 190' WEST OF SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE; SOUTHWEST 8TH STREET, FROM APPROXIMATELY 150' EAST OF SOUTHWEST 12TH AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 160' WEST OF SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE; WEST 12TH AVENUE, FROM APPROXIMATELY150' NORTH OF NORTHWEST 1ST STREET TO APPROXIMATELY 150' SOUTH OF SOUTHWEST 8TH STREET; AND WEST 17TH AVENUE, FROM APPROXIMATELY 150' NORTH OF WEST FLAGLER STREET TO APPROXIMATELY 100' SOUTH OF SOUTHWEST 8TH STREET, AS PER PLAN ON FILE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDS ADMINISTRATION, AS "PEDESTRIAN STREETS"; PROVIDING FOR REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS; M KING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGES 349 359 389 AND 39 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PAR OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 3009 THEREOF; CONTAINING REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 139 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Perez, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was gl 170 October 10, S thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vitae -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 97. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CHAPTER 62 ENTITLED ZONING & PLANNING -ESTABLISH LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Dawkins: Move 15. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded, discussion? Read the ordinance on 15. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 62 OF THE CODE THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "ZONING AND PLANNING" BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE VIII TO SAID CHAPTER 62 ESTABLISHING A LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD, AND PROVIDING FOR GEOGRAPHICAL JURISDICTION, MEMBERSHIP, FUNCTIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES, GENERALLY, AND PROCEEDINGS; FURTHER, PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF A LATIN QUARTER OFFICER AND APPEALS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. further passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of September 13, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Perez, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 51 171 October 10, 1984 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. tr+i+rarro..ra....r.rr..wrrrrr.�.u.rrrrrr.r rrrrrrrrrrrr�..ra.rr�irrr�.r�airr.r..rr�r 98. DISCUSSION OF APPOINTMENTS TO BE MADE TO THE LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD. rr rrrrrrrr.rrrrrrrr.lr—rrr—rr—rrr rrrrrr.rr.�rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.irrrrr Mayor Ferre: I would like to make my appointment to this august body. The name of my appointment is Mr. Pablo Gomez and I will... Nestor, where is the resume? Mr. Plummer: Is he an architect or is he a non architect. He is... You know him. He was sitting in the audience here most of the day. Here is his resume. Mr. Rodriguez: Mr. Mayor... Mayor Ferre: Now, you each... that's just one person. There is three architects, two engineers, four residents... He is a resident business person or a civic activist. Go ahead. Mr. Rodriguez: There are five appointments which are for one year, four appointments for two years and one alternate for two years. Mayor Ferre: Fine. Well, which ever. That will come out later on when everybody makes his appointment we will draw straws as to who gets what. You want to be in there? By the way, I do think that it is important that we have a balanced board. That it not all be males. That it not all be Hispanics. That's we have Anglo and Hispanics, male and female, besides architects, engineers and so on. Mr. Rodriguez: I have a list of different people. Mayor Ferre: Do you have some recommendations? _ Mr. Rodriguez: No. People that we have been working throughout the process of these five years that you want... if you want to see them... Mayor Ferre: Yes. And by the way I would also like to see... Well, we have Jesus Permuy. Mr. Rodriguez: He is on the list among people that we have been working with. Mayor Ferre: You have Raul Alvarez. Mr. Rodriguez: He is on the list too. Anybody that worked with us throughout the process were included in the list as a possible candidate. Mayor Ferre: You have Willie Bermello. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, it's my understanding that each of us will have a architect and a non -architect. Is that correct? Mayor Ferre: Sure. You want to start picking them now so we can move ahead a little bit. Mr. Plummer: No, air. At this particular point there is no one here that I have had the opportunity to sit With. gl 172 00tober 109 198 .4 Mayor Ferre: As an architect. Mr. 'Plummer! tither side Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Is Armando Acosta... Armando Acosta is the fellow that worked at Florida Power and Light. Mr. Plummer: He used to. He is now with Blavo Electric, Mr. Dawkins: I will have my two appointments for the next meeting. Mr. Plummer: I will have them at the next meeting. Mr. Perez: Yes, I will have for the next meeting also. Mayor Ferre: We have to have three architects, two engineers and four residents. Now, that's five and four is := nine and one alternate is ten. So, that means each of us has two appointments and we will have to decide then who gets what. Mr. Plummer: My understanding is we will each appoint an architect and a non -architect. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Is there anything else on this? 1 Mr. Rodriguez: No, sir. Mayor Ferre: I have already named one and I... what did you do with the resume? Nestor. Mr. Rodriguez: There is a previous appointment by = Commissioner Carollo of Francisco Lopez Borges. Mr. Plummer: Right. Mayor Ferre: Carollo did what? Mr. Rodriguez: He appointed Francisco Lopez Borges. Mayor Ferre: Francisco Lopez Borges. Ok. I remember him. Mr. Plummer: All right, are we ready to do the supplemental or we finished with... Mr. Dawkins: I move 3. Mr. Plummer: Are we finished with the regular agenda? Mayor Ferre: Hilda, who were the people that the Little Havana Authority recommended? (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferre: Yes, here it is. May I see it. I just want to see who you are recommending. Oh, you recommend everybody. You take a very controversial position, You recommended everybody, Ok. Well, my only comment is I do think. Yes, I have a copy. But I do think that we need to have some non -Hispanics also. I mean, it has to be balance. Not everybody in Little Havana is Hispanic. Almost everybody, but not everybody. I'm sorry, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Just because I am a plantenado means nothing. iS N i a 99• CODESIDNATE N. E. 17 STREET BETWEEN BISCAYNE BOULEVARD A NORTH BAYSRORE DRIVE AS VENETIA TERRACE. r..rrrrrr--..�r..r—IIr.��1r��(iir+rrrwrrra.r�rwri�rrrrw�rrrir�rrw—wrrrw�rwwr Mayor Ferre: All right, we are on to the next subject. Mr. Plummer: Supplemental. Mayor Ferre: Supplemental. Well, the first thing that I would like to do is ask for a motion that we recodesignate Northeast 15th Street between... No, wait a minute, I got the wrong one. A resolution codesignating Northeast 17th Street between Biscayne Boulevard and North Bay Shore Drive as Venetia Terrace. Is there such a motion? Mr. Plummer: So, move. Mayor Ferre: Certainly, if anybody deserves to have a street named after them is Ted Hollo and Plaza Venetia. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved and Seconded, further discussion, call the roll on that. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1164 A RESOLUTION CODESIGNATING NORTHEAST 17TH STREET BETWEEN BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND NORTH BAYSHORE DRIVE AS VENETIAN TERRACE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo —r----------------rN-----------M---rr—N----------N--wlN 100. CODRSIGNATE N.S. 15 STREET BETWEEN NORTH MIAMI AVE. A BISCAYNE BAY AS ALVAH CHAPMAN BOULEVARD. rr--------------rrrr--- r.err—wrw—w—r---w—r—rw---rrrrwrr.n—rwww. Mayor Ferre: Now, a resolution recodesignating Northeast 15th Street between North Miami Avenue and Biscayne Bay. J. L. Mr. Plummer: So, move. gl 174 000ber 10# 1904 �; s Mayor Ferre: As Alvah Chapman Boulevard. Further rescinding the prior codesignation as Plaza Venetia on that portion of Northeast 15th Street lying between North Bayshore Drive and Biscayne Bay. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Now, wait a moment. Marie. Plummer, can you figure out what this means. A resolution recodesignating Northeast 15th... Mr. Plummer: In other words, it's going to be a name and a number street. Mayor Ferre: 15th Street between North Miami Avenue... Now, North Miami Avenue is where the Lindsey Hopkins Building is? Mr. Plummer: Correct. Mr. Pierce: No. Mr. Plummer: No, that's Northeast 2. Mr. Pierce: Mr. Mayor,... Mayor Ferre: Now, Walter, why are we stopping at North Miami Avenue. I thought we were going to go all the way to where it dead end. Mr. Pierce: That's where it dead ends. Mr. Plummer: Well, it goes another little bit to the tracks. Mr. Pierce: It goes about another hundred feet and then it dead ends at the railroad track. Mr. Plummer: But for all practical purposes, Miami Avenue is the dead end. Mayor Ferre: Ok. I got it. Ok. Plummer moves, who seconds? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds. Just for the record, I would like to say that... I'm sure I speak for everybody in the City, that Alvah Chapman has been certainly a laborer in the vineyards and if anybody deserves a street named after him and a man who has been a fighter for good causes. He certainly in his civic record took over the Chamber of Commerce when it was on the verge of extinction, brought it back together and made it viable. Took on the... was one of the great champions of Downtown. Took on Miami citizens against crime. There has not been a major matter that has not affected or afflicted this community where Alvah Chapman has not been a Champion. He was the Chairman of the bond issues back in 70... Plummer, you were on the Commission — then, when 731? Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferret I mean, there hasn't been a major thing thatfs happen in the town where Alvah Chapman hasn't beenin, the forefront. Mr. Plummer; And that's in spite of where he works. Mayor Ferret That's right. So, you know, we really have to take our hat off to Mr. Chapman. And by the way it U Chapman Boulevard. All right, I'm ready to vote. Any other statements. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1165 A RESOLUTION CODESIGNATING NORTHEAST 15TH STREET BETWEEN NORTH MIAMI AVENUE AND BISCAYNE BAY AS "ALVAH CHAPMAN BOULEVARD"; FURTHER RESCINDING THE PRIOR CODESIGNATION AS PLAZA VENETIA ON THAT PORTION OF NORTHEAST 15TH STREET LYING BETWEEN NORTH BAYSHORE DRIVE AND BISCAYNE BAY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo —----------------------------------------------------------- 101. POLICY EVENTS A FESTIVALS MUST HAVE 70% OF ACTIVITIES IN CITY IN ORDER TO BE FUNDED BY THE CITY FULL FUNDING -INCREASE FESTIVAL BY BAY AND CUBAN MUNICIPALITIES IN EXILE EVENTS. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, would it be possible to recognize Dr. Orlando Amador. Mayor Ferre: We were waiting for him. We said that he was on... Mr. Orlando Amador: I know. I was in trial all day long unfortunately. Not because I wanted to, I have no choice. Mayor Ferre: Tell us who the International... Mr. Plummer: What Item is this? Mayor Ferre: This is the festivals. Mr. Orlando Amador: The International Festival of the Americas is now taking place here at the... in Miami. Mayor Ferre: Tell me what that is. Mr. Amador: It's the one that is a kind of a musical festival which is cosponsored by the University of Miami and you have seen the ads in the paper with from Uruguay the conductor of the arts of the Americas and it's a big big festival attracting a lot of international publicity and a lot international important persons coming. Mayor Ferre: money? Has Metropolitan Dade County given them any Mr. Amador: I think that Dade County gave them money and also the University of Miami as a principle institution giving money to them. Mayor Ferre: Are any of these events taking place in the City of Miami? Mr. Amador: I think some of them are talking place in the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: Any of them? Mr. Amador: Yes, some of them are taking place in the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: Where? Mr. Amador: I believe that they are taking place in either a Dade County Auditorium or Downtown at Gusman Hall. We in the Festival Committee, we thought... Mayor Ferre: Well, Doctor, I just want to make sure that. I can only speak for myself. My vote is predicated on all these events being in Miami. If any of these events are in Broward County or Fort Lauderdale or something... Mr. Amador: No, no, all of them are... That was one of the important... ® Mayor Ferre: I want to make sure that there is a precondition and by being in Miami, I mean the majority of the events. I don't mean that they have a hundred eighty events and two of them are held in Miami. Mr. Amador: Well, no, it might be that many of the events of the International Festival are taking place at the University. Mayor Ferre: Well, I tell you then let the University and Coral Gables pay for it. Ok. And I just want to tell you that I am... I would like to make a motion right now just so that we don't single anybody out, that these expenditures of monies be conditioned upon the majority, by that I mean more than fifty per cent of the events. Of all the events, that one thru thirty of these designees sponsor be within the boundaries of the City of Miami. Mr. Amador: I cannot tell you that I know that more than fifty per cent of them will be in the City of Miami. .I don't know. It might be that they are, but I cannot tell you. I was actually... Mayor Ferre: I don't know if they are or they are not. I'm just saying that, that's the condition and I would like to make a motion to that effect. Plummer. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: All I'm saying is that without getting into. details of these thirty-two items conditioned that at least fifty per cent of the events be in the City of Miami, because I don't think it's fair for the people of Miami, to, - put up fifteen or twenty thousand bucks and have most of the events in Coral Gables. That's just not fair. Mr. Plummer: Well, I don't think fifty per cent is enough. a s Mayor Ferre: Well, then tell me what you want. Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, I think that any event that's not being staged in primarily in the City of Miami should not be funded. Mayor Ferre: Well, then define primary. You see, that the problem. Define "primary". Mr. Amador: Actually, we considered that in the Committee and one of the things that we found out was that it was a kind of event that would create such a good name for the name "Miami", because actually, when you go out of the boundaries of Dade County... Mayor Ferre: We don't have that kind of money Doctor. If we had that kind of money, that's a great idea. But look, let's take these people as an example. You know this Film Festival... Mr. Amador: Oh, yes. We are very... Mayor Ferre: Let me finish now. I know how supportive you are. Let me tell you about these people. They were going to be in Coral Gables and you know, that one of the two cosponsors in the being Nat Chediak has his base there. He has a theatre and we said hey, Nat, if you want to sponsor your theatres, that's fine, you go get Coral Gables to sponsor you. Ok. But if you want a film festival, you want our money, it's got to be in Miami and that's the way it is. Mr. Amador: Well, I can tell you, Mr. Mayor, that we actually discussed this very deeply in the Committee and we agreed completely that if not enough number of events were taking place in the City of Miami, we were not going to recommend them for funding. Mayor Ferre: Doctor, technically, you know, we follow rules of procedure here. I seated the Chair and I made a motion and Commissioner Perez is now the Chair of this and my motion. Now, Plummer has a problem with fifty per cent. I have asked the Commissioner to put another figure on it. I don't care how he... If you want to up it, that's fine. You want to make it sixty? Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, as I said before, i think that the word "primary" is very important. There can be one festival in which there are five or six different events. I would say that at least half of those events would be in the City. For example, the Coral Gables Junior Chamber of Commerce came here this morning for funding and we funded it, but primarily it's because it's in the Knight Center Downtown. Ok. Now, it's a Coral Gables group, but the affair and the tickets for underprivileged children will be in the City. Mayor Ferre: Plummer, so we can get out of here, would you please define what primary means and then we can get out of here. Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, I would say that any given festival, that more than fifty per cent or seventy per sent of that has to take... Mayor Ferre: Well, now, make up your mind. seventy? Mr. Plummer: Miami. Is it fifty or Seventy has to take place in the a I 178 p p f, 10,1 • C J a�'k w� • Mayor Ferre: That's acceptable to me. Mr. Dawkins: And the seconder. Mayor Fevre: All right, further discussion? Mr. Perez: The motion is seconded. Do we have any other comments? If not call the roll. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: Let me understand. This is setting the policy. That is not approving this list. Mr. Ongie: No, it's policy. Mr. Plummer: Ok. Yes. E The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1166 A MOTION EXPRESSING THE POLICY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION THAT, IN CONNECTION WITH THE FUNDING OF FESTIVALS, AND EVENTS - AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY'S FESTIVAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, THAT IN ORDER TO BE FUNDED BY THE CITY, 70% OF THE ACTIVITIES WITHIN EACH EVENT MUST TAKE PLACE WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Plummer: Now, I think we ought to send the list back to the Committee taking that criteria into consideration and come back. Mr. Gary: And redo it. Start all over again? Mr. Plummer: No, they should just go and find out each one of these festivals, where they are taking place. Mr. Amador: I believe that the only one will be the International Festival of the Americas. Mayor Ferre: That's right. Look, let's go right down the. Goombay is in Miami, there is no question about that. Right? Mr. Amador: Right, no question whatsoever. Mayor Ferre: What's this Puerto Rican... g1 179 t�0tob r 01 10 3,rf Mr. Amador: hell, that's A Puerto Rican Festival that's now is having it under one umbrella, it is three Puerto Rican Festivals. Mr, Gary: Started by Mendez. Mr. Amador: And they take place within the City of Miami a 1 hundred per cent. Mayor Ferre: Well, tell me what they are, because as a Puerto Rican, I'm interested. Mr. Amador: Well, they have a lot of things. They will have a popular... Mayor Ferre: Just tell me, is this Mr. Mendez's... I mean, Mendoza... What's the name of this... Mr. Amador: Yes, a combination of the three festivals. Mayor Ferre: Maria De Ostos. Well, I will tell you, you don't have my vote on this. Mr. Amador: Right. The Puerto Rican Day Festival, a Wnywood Community Center and the Puerto Rican Community Center. Mayor Ferre: Now, on the record, I want to say that you are telling me that this does not include the Asociaci6n Civica y Cultural Eugenio Maria de Ostos, Semana de la Hispanidad, President Alfredo Mendoza. - Mr. Amador: They did not submitted an application that I saw, of anyone in the Committee saw. Mayor Ferre: I'm not asking you whether they submitted an application. That I know. I'm asking you whether or not the twenty-five thousand dollars recommendation for las Fustas Patronales Puerto Riquenas includes that group. Yes or no. Mr. Amador: No, it doesn't include that group. Mayor Ferre: It does not. Who does it include? Mr. Amador: It includes the Wynwood Community Center, the Cultural Puerto Rican Day Festival... Mayor Ferre: Wynwood Community Center is... wait a minute, one at a time. Ingrid Grau and the old people, but which is the Wnywood Center? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The Economic Development. The Hispanic Festival that they usually carry on every year. Mayor Ferre: Who puts it on? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mendez's office. Mayor Ferre: Mendez? Mendez is dead. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yes, but we merged all the activities that were being... Mayor Ferre: Who puts this on? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The Puerto Rican Opportunity Center. We created an umbrella. x gl 180 Mayor Ferre: Ok. Well, then say so. PROC. Ok, now who else? Mr. Amador: Youth bay Cultural Puerto Rican Day Festival. The one that they are going to bring... Mayor Ferre: Who puts that on? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: NACOPRO. Mayor Ferre: NACAPRO. Ok. Fine. Next. Anything else. Mr. Amador: And the third one is the Festival of Puerto Rican Craft. Mayor Ferre: Puerto Rican what? Mr. Amador: Arts and crafts. Mayor Ferre: Arts and crafts. Ok. Who puts that on? Mayor Ferre: Ok. All right, but these are all in Miami, right? Mr. Amador: All in Miami, a hundred per cent. Mayor Ferre: Miami Film Festival is all in Miami except for what you have in Coral Gables, which they contributed a little bit to, right? Mr. Amador: Right. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, what about the events that were held last year on Miami Beach? No, events in Miami Beach. (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mayor Ferre: All right, Fiesta by the Bay, is that Miami? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mr. Amador: Oh, yes. Mayor Ferre: Who is Fiesta by the Bay? Is that... Mr. Amador: It is the 31st day of December in the New Year's Day. I mean, New Year's Eve Festival right by the Bay. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Yes, ok, Re-encuentro Cubano. That's in Miami. Mr. Amador: Oh, a hundred per cent. Mayor Ferre: The Sun Street Festival, that's all... Mr. Amador: Also, Miami. There is a Carnival Miami. F A11 ri ht Carnival Miami 10 Mayor erre. g , • Mr. Amador: Also, in Miami. Mayor Ferre: What's Carnival Miami? Mr. Amador: Carnival Miami is the one that is similar to } Calle Oeho. It is a big festival. ` Mayor Ferre: Oh, yes. Ok. that's -in... Haitian Carnival ' that's Miami. Calle 0oho, that's Miami. ClAban{ Munioipalities Fair. f� 1 Ocst+bar s 1 Mr. Perez: Ok, Cuban Municipalities, Dr. Amador. Mr. Amador: It's in Miami, but we... Mr. Perez: Yes, I know that is a... but what you recommend here is twelve thousand as a loan. Mr. Amador: Yes, because actually they make money in the festival. Mr. Perez: I think that they make a mistake and what I would like is if possible that they have the opportunity to meet again with the Committee, because I have Dr. Mario Goderich here who wants to make some statement and I would like that he could appear before your Committee, because they want to clarify some information, you know. Mr. Amador: Oh, sure. I will be... because actually, when we saw the amount money they were making and every year they were turning over monies that were remaining from all the festivals, I said well, it's more than we were able to give - them. Mayor Ferre: See, they are making a lot of money. Ok. But what we are trying to do is determine whether they are in Miami. Coconut Grove Arts Festival is Miami. International Festival of the Americas. Mr. Amador: Is the one we are talking about. Is the one we were talking about and we don't know if it's more than fifty per cent in Miami. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Shakespeare Festival all in Viscaya. Mr. Amador: It's Miami, right. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Saint Patrick's is in Miami. Japanese Spring is in Miami. Three Kings is in Miami. Black Heritage Film Festival. Mr. Amador: Also, in Miami. Black Heritage Festival is sponsored, I think by... Mayor Ferre: Dorthy Fields. Mr. Amador: Exactly, by the... Mayor Ferre: Festival of Ethnic Theatre. What is that? I never heard of that one. Mr. Amador: Well, that's a festival that takes place at... normally at the Koubet Center where they have theatre from Anglo authors, from Hispanic authors in Miami. Mayor Ferre: It's in Miami. Miami Waves? Mr. Amador: Miami Waves is also in Miami. It's a... Mr, Gary: That's the drum and bugle chorus isn't it? Mr. Amador: That's the drum and bugle chorus. Mr. Gary: Yes, that's Prembroke Pines. Mayor Ferre: That's Prembroke Pines, right? Mr. Amador; I think that Miami Waves, as I understand it here, was a festival that had to do with some films. Sore new,,.. It's a festival that they have a kind of Av4nt-g4r4e films, At least I think it is sponsored by the college. gl 182 000or .10t 19#4:: ��. s, Mayor Ferre: Ok. Is Chopin Colony.., Hey, we are trying to get out of here, would you just tell us "yes or no"? Mr. Amadort The Chopin Players Festival is... I think it's all in... it takes place in Miami, in the Dade County Auditorium. Mayor Ferre Ok. Bounty of Sea Food Festival, that's wonderful. Mr. Amador: It's the same one that we had last year as... Mayor Ferre: Bounty of Sea Food Festival. Well, I would like to be invited to that. Mr. Amador: And so do I. Mayor Ferre: Where is this? Mr. Amador: Well, this is the one that came to the Commission directly last year and they had candidates sponsored by the Marine Science and things and this takes place right here. Mayor Ferre: But it is on the River. Children's Ballet Festival. Mr. Amador: It's something that they take... All the ballet festivals are being taken with... Mayor Ferre: Is it in Miami, "yes or no"? Mr. Amador: It's in Miami. Mayor Ferre: Two Painters on an Island. Mr. Amador: Right. That's a Haitian Festival. Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Amador: Miami, yes. Mayor Ferre: The Italian Renascence. Mr. Amador: Also, Vizcaya. Mayor Ferre: Huh? Mr. Amador: That is Miami, too. Mayor Ferre: So, the only one that we have some doubts about... Mr. Amador: Right, is the International Festival... Mayor Ferre: ...are the International Festival of the Americas, right? Mr. Amador: Right. Exactly. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Now, getting back to the film people. Last year we gave them twenty-five. This year you are recommending twenty. Mr. Amador: Well, we would like to recommend the full amount, but we didn't have enough money to do so, We thought... Mayor Ferre: Why do you want to recommend the full amount? 51 183 October 10v 1*984 ............. Mr. Amador: Because we thought when we looked at the thing that they submitted to us that nothing have created a better image for Miami world wide than these people did. We saw that the name Miami was in every important paper in Europe and when we were suffering a question of having a kind of a bad image, these people really made Miami look like a real... what it is a cultural... a civilized place and we were really very happy and we have recommended the fifty thousand that we are asking for, if we had the money. Mayor Ferre: All right, you convinced me and I would like to make a motion that we follow your recommendation and fund the full fifty thousand dollars. Mr. Gary: Fifty or twenty-five. Mayor Ferre: Now, wait until you see where I'm going to get it. Mr. Amador: The only thing we didn't recommend the fifty thousand because it was twenty per cent of the whole money we had to spread about. Mayor Ferre: Yes, but you just told me this is a very important thing. Mr. Amador: Oh, yes. It is a very important... that's for sure, very. Extremely important. Mayor Ferre: So, I just move that... Mr. Gary: Can we get a motion for the garbage fee? Mayor Ferre: For the garbage fee? You talk to the members of the Commission. You got my vote. Are we ready to... I move. Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. Mr. Perez: Do we have any discussion, if not, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1167 A MOTION FOLLOWING THE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUNDING BY THE CITY'S FESTIVAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AND ALLOCATING THE AMOUNT OF $509000 IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: Now, I would recommend that you look at the International Trade Department's budget as to where to got some funds. V 18 Qr�tq+ i +i Mr, Plummer: Second the motion. Mr. Gary: Hots about the Police. Mayor Ferre: No, I think... you can also look at the Cable T,V. million and a half dollars. Mr. Gary: You can't touch that. Mayor Ferre: Oh, yes you can. Mr. Plummer: No, that's not for general fund. Mr. Gary: You can't touch that. It's got to be cable. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would like to take Fiesta by the Bay back up to the twenty thousand as originally last year. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1168 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20, 000 FOR AN EVENT KNOWN AS "FIESTA BY THE BAY". Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Perez: I would like to move that the Cuban Municipalities Fair twelve thousand loan, would be ten thousand in -kind service. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded, further discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1169 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $109000 IN IN -KIND SERVICES TO "CUBAN MUNICIPALITIES EXILE". Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- gl 185 00obor 10 ♦ 1 #84 1 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vioe-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ---air------ r--------r---aw ---------------------- ------------- 102. ENTER INTO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT AFSCME LOCAL 1907 AFL-CIO OCT 1, 1984=SEPTEMBER 309 1987. ----------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Dawkins: I move 3. You recommend it, didn't you, Mr. Gary? Mr. Gary, you recommend 3? Ok. I move 3. (BACKGROUND COMMENTS OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferre: All right, Commissioner brought Item 3 and this is a special agenda. Right? Authorizing the Manager to enter into a collective bargaining agreement between the City and the employee organization known as the AFSCME. All right, is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll. ® The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1170 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO THE ATTACHED COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION KNOWN AS THE MIAMI GENERAL EMPLOYEES, AFSCME LOCAL 19079 AFL-CIO, FOR THE PERIOD OF OCTOBER 19 1984 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 309 19879 SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH THEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commiasioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo gi 166 Oatobor 100 1 .+fhk,. ibili111iYii 4*man iimill dwft.l.i r iab""4 Y"i db 103, CLAIM SNMZKSNT: MIGUEL M. ALVAREZ, CARMEN ALVAREZ AND MAX 010330 CHRYSLBR PLYMOUTH INC. rrrririrriiG.Gi11Y.i.l.ii.ilifi Wrrllrrrrirw.ril�w..-i ilrrii�irrrrrr�inf ifi.�ririi.YiY.. Mayor Ferre: Now, how about 1 and 2. We didn't do 1 and 2. Mr, Plummer: We were holding those for Carollo. Mayor Ferre: Miguel M. Alvarez, who is that? Mr. Plummer: The settlement. Ms. Dougherty: #1 and 2 are both traffic accidents. One is just for the... Mayor Ferre: What does it have to do with Carollo? Mr. Plummer: What is 47 Ms. Dougherty: 4 is the Nevell Johnson. Ms. Dougherty: 1 and 2 are just simply traffic accidents. Mayor Ferre: 1 and 2 he pulled, is that what you are telling me? Ms. Dougherty: No, he didn't have any concern. Mayor Ferre: Well, why can't we vote on 1 and 2? Ms. Dougherty: I think you should. Mr. Dawkins: I move 1. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Moved by Commissioner Dawkins, is there a second. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Seconded by Perez, further discussion. This has the recommendation of the City Attorney? Ms. Dougherty: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1171 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY MIGUEL M. ALVAREZ, CARMEN ALVAREZ AND MAX GROSSO CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH INC. THE SUM OF $49987.83 WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN _ FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL PROPERTY DAMAGE CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI AND DARRYL SMITH, AND UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI AND DARRYL SMITH FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Y t > �f gl 187 October 100 1984 F Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES,.- Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None., ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 1" S ----------------------------------------------------------- t' 1:- 10h. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: OLGA NAJARA. ------------- ----------------------------------------------- Mr. Dawkins: Move 2. Mayor Ferre: All right, it's been moved and seconded, further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1172 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO OLGA NAJARA - $23,0009 WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL BODILY INJURY, PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION LIENS, WORKERS' COMPENSATION LIENS, CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI AND DEYANIRA SUAREZ, UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI AND DEYANIRA SUAREZ FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins :fIt Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. _4 Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. :x ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo '-=�' ...0 ii iaii�iiOiiPi i.liiii11iJ17iYi➢iibiY/YiY/YIiW riYliii.i �'.i.YY.i4.iYi1.i..iiiM..Y.i Yi.f i iiill.�iiiiiii 105i INCRIASN APPROPRIATIONS FOR MAYOR AND COMMISSION OFFICNS LiYrvir.i.Y.i■rim.rwrrii.Yrr`rrrr.rr...rrrr.t.awar�ii. iirw.rcrrrrr.�.rirr1.1�1W.D.Yiii..I.Y �' Mayor Ferre: Let's take S5. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Plummer% Mr. Mayor, in the interest of fairness... Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: S5. Mr. Plummer: Yes, S5 is for you in the amount of thirty- five dollars and I think in the interest of fairness that all Commission budgets need to be increased at the same level. Mayor Ferre: Fine. Mr. Plummer: And I move that all five budgets be increased by a like amount. Mr. Perez: Second. t Mayor Ferre: By the same proportion or by the same amount? Mr. Plummer: The same amount. - f Mayor Ferre: Ok. Fine. All right, call the roll as amended. The following motion was introduced by _ Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1173 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INCREASE THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE MAYOR'S OFFICE AND FOR ALL THE COMMISSIONERS' BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $309000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF COVERING INCREASED OFFICE OPERATING EXPENSES, INCLUDING PERSONNEL COSTS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo y 5� � a F�. 106. ALLOCAYZ $13,000 (1/12th) FUNDING F09 PUERTO RICAN CONNUNtTY IN WTNN00D. � Ir ir�..rir...a..rrr�.r r ra.iYrwrr.rwr.i►r1r.wrrrrfUr.r.iY r.rwr arr rrwr.r iirarrw.wi.rrri. Wi'bY Mayor Fevre: All right, now we do have a problem that I want to bring out with PROC. Why don't you come up... Ms. Dougherty: Wait, before you leave Mr. Mayor, please can we... Mayor Ferre: We are going to take up Nevell Johnson. Hold on. But I want to get this PROC... Where is Otis Pitts? Is he around? Go ahead. Now, you have a problem. Explain your problem. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yes, sir, I have a problem because our appropriation for last year was under the Jobs Bill, which was a one time allocation. Our program is now being considered under FRS, which is considered a new program. So, I do not have the benefit of having that 1/12th. So, I need to... Mayor Ferre: When does your program end? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Excuse me. Mayor Ferre: When does your program end? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: It's into FRS right now for consideration, but it's being considered as a new program. ® Mayor Ferre: When? When does it end? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: In September 30th. Mayor Ferre: September 30th. Finished. Ok, I hear you. So, in other words, as of right now you are not funded? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That's correct. Mayor Ferre: And unless you get funding now, it's dead. Mr. Plummer: No, no. She is getting 1/12th under FRS. Mayor Ferre: No, she is not, that's the point. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: No, sir, I'm not. Mr. Pierce: No, sir. No, sir. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I'm being considered as a new program, because my funding for the previous year was the Job Skills money. Mayor Ferre: How much is 1/12th of last year's funding. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Thirteen thousand dollars, I think it was... k, Mayor Ferre: I move that since the Puerto Rican community has been out out as we heard today from you, Freddie. You gave me this big lecture which I don't know what the hell that was all about and then you say that... Miller, says you didn't hit me hard enough and I want to tell you something, the Puerto Rican community in Wnywood, this is a crucial program and I move that it be funded 1/12th, which is thirteen thousand dollars until the administration has the f gl 190 October 10, 11904 1 opportunity to properly evaluate and recommend and I so move. Mr. Perez: Second. Mr. Plummer: Ok. Under discussion. There were four programs that were of like funding. Mayor Ferre: Who? I Mr., Plummer: This one. The Sabines Program, the Senior Center, the International Chamber and they have all been knocking on the door. Mayor Ferre: Hey, well, listen, I want to you something. Now, you do whatever you want, but I'm not going to let these people in the Puerto Rican community... this is the only viable program going. I got Claude Pepper.. i Mr. Dawkins: Call the question. Mayor Ferre: Let me say this into the record. Claude Pepper, who is a busy man. Ok. Claude Pepper today is as busy as he has every been, called my office twice today to make sure that we brought this up. And I'm telling you... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, would you accept an amendment that the International Chamber also be like wise treated? Mayor Ferre: Hey, you make that motion and let's do it one at a time. As far as I'm concerned this has to do with this operation and if you want to vote against it or for it... Mr. Plummer: No, no, no, I don't want to vote against it. I was bringing to your attention the others that are also out there. Mayor Ferre: I will recognize you for that motion and let's _ vote on this or Claude Pepper will call me again. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1174 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $139000 REPRESENTING AN ADDITIONAL ONE TWELFTH (1/12TH) FUNDING FOR THE PUERTO RICAN COMMUNITY IN WYNWOOD. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Bl 191 Iiiiti •.�..i►� �11 i.iY YiiYYi Ili�liYil�irl.Ylii�ai►iiiiYiDififiiiiiYir�i.ii�ili�iiriiii ii ia�iifGYiiY itlili.11ii6 ®iYliYiiil M . ALLOCATE (1 / 12th) FUNDING FOR INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF CONNNRCE. ►fi i�ilifl.rlWl�.Yi��11i.YiY�Y i.Y�i.Y.iU�i.. �Y.Yi�...rrr..i�Y.ii�r.i►..i� �ii.r r.Y..I.�YYii�i.Y`.iYi�.� Mayor Ferre: All right, go ahead, Plummer. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would offer a like motion for the i International Chamber. i Mayor Ferre: International who? Mr. Plummer: Chamber of Commerce, which had a similar program. Mayor Ferre: Who is that? (BACKGROUND COMMENTS INAUDIBLE). Mayor Ferre: That isn't Renaldo Cruz is it? (COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mayor Ferre: Oh, yes. Ok. Is there a second? You got funded for one more month and then we need to deal with it again. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION N0. 84-1175 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE FUNDS REPRESENTING ONE TWELFTH (1/12th) FUNDING TO THE "INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE". Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo .ii. Y. i'. iftft ft dbf dMWM M "" ft G ii Y ii"dib" il. 11 ft"M."at"ii ftft. . F 108. ALLOCATE (1/12th) FUNDING FOR 591I00 CENTERS OF DADE COUNTY. Mr. Perez: I make the same for the Senior Center of Dade County. Mayor Ferre: Senior what? Mr. Perez: The Senior Center of Dade County, 1/12th, the j same thing. Mr. Plummer: Senior Center of Dade County. I second the motion. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1176 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT REPRESENTING ONE TWELFTH (1/12th) FUNDING FOR THE SR. CENTRE OF DADE COUNTY. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ------------------- --------- --- ---------------------------- 109. ALLOCATE (1/12th) FUNDING FOR TACOLCT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. -------------------------------------------------------- -N Mr. Dawkins: Well, since everybody got their turkey give 1/12th'to. .. what's that thing that Otis Pitts has got? What is the program Otis Pitts has? Mr. Gary: Talcocy Economic Development. Mr. Dawkins: I move that they get 1/12th. Mayor Ferre: I second it. All right, can we call the roll on that Commissioner? All right, Dawkins moves; Perez seconds, further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: x MOTION NO. 84-1177 ' { A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT - REPRESENTING ONE TWELFTH (1/12TH) FUNDING FOR "TACOLCY r sl 193 10], 4 1$ ;. Aek Upon being seconded by Commissioner Ferre, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. r-----------rrr-------------------------r----rrrrrrrrrr—r-- 110. DISCUSSION AND FAILED MOTION TO GO TO CURBSIDE GARBAGE COLLECTION. --------------------------------------------------- Mr. Gary: Gary: I have a motion Mr. Mayor. A suggested motion for the Mayor. Mayor Ferre: What's that? Mr. Gary: Can we go for curbside? Mayor Ferre: You bet. Mr. Gary: Make the motion. Mayor Ferre: I move that we go to curbside... collection of the garbage on curbside. It's been moved and seconded. All right, you are the Chairman. Call the roll. Mr. Dawkins: It's been moved and seconded? Ok. Call the roll. THEREUPON THE FOREGOING MOTION was introduced by Commissioner Ferre and seconded by Commissioner Perez and defeated by the following vote: f AYES: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. —4 f —--------------------- -----------------------r-------r--rw.— { 111. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: NEVELL JOHNSON ET.AL. E Mayor Ferre: All right, now that you have had .your fur: for the afternoon, Mr. Gary, we have the Nevell Johnson matter. Madam City Attorney, would you tell us who negotiated tb►e Novell Johnson settlement? Ms. Dougherty: Yes, air, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Henry. Latie:!:..rf the law firm or Fine.Jacobson Block.... '.• Mayor Ferre: Judge Latimer, would you step forWar ;Pl4aj1*,. ., x "DIY {t� v3 gl 194 �i�' tabor 10 "1*904. t 4 :y ,t iM1• t �..1s 1. 5.. r. .J4,r� , +nM13G�.}: Y,. .A.,- ., .. ... ,.. . .::K hJ«''.h'Sx14:6'"a. �.`"t �� .ri _. .. Ms. Dougherty: And members of my office. Mayor Ferre: All right, are you recommending this, Ma. Dougherty, Ms. Dougherty: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Judge Latimer, would you explain to us why you think this is a wise and prudent decision an the part of the City. Mr. Plummer: And I would also like to hear please, why you feel it has to be done today. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Henry Latimer: Well, the last question is perhaps the one that requires the shortest answer. Mayor Ferre: I think you need to identify yourself for the -_ record, your name and address. Mr. Latimer: Ok. Henry Latimer, 2401 Douglas Road, Miami. Lawyer, Fine Jacobson Block Klein Colan & Simon. Judge King had a conference with me two days ago, relative to the progress we were making in trying to work out our differences. We were scheduled to be #1 on his calendar starting Monday of last week and we asked him to give us a little more time. His calendar will end approximately two weeks from now and he advised me in the last conference we had with him by phone that regardless of what our progress was by October 15th we would be scheduled as the #1 case to tried on that day. So, that's the reason why we are _ requesting some kind of action from the Commission today. Mayor Ferre: Now, answer the first question. - Mr. Latimer: Ok. The first question is why do we think this is a good proposal for settlement and why do we — recommend your approval. I think in a part of the presentation that Lucia was prepared to make, she would indicated that this case started out as being a demand for two million dollars. We got involved in the case - approximately two months ago where we intensified our discovery, our litigation efforts in terms of getting the case prepared for trial. When we got involved the demand; was up to 4.7 million dollars. Of course, with some of the work that we had done with the assistance of the City Attorney's Office, the issues were crystalized, some of the facts became known that perhaps were not known before and we looked at the case of having a potential range of zero, speaking specifically now for the City of Miami, to 4.7 million dollars. If you ask my evaluation of what the likelihood would be for the City prevailing in the action :x and should we try the case under 1983, I would say some where within the range of sixty/forty, seventy/thirty. If you asked me what my opinion was in terms of Alvarez and any judgment coming against him, I would say it would be some what higher, fifty/fifty or perhaps even more likely that some kind of negligence would be found against Alvarez. Now, the back side of that is that if the City is out, then what happens with the Alvarez claim and a judgment. And we=f happen to believe that if there is any negligence found at all against any defendant, whether it's the City, whether g it's Harma, whether it's Alvarez, they are going to be looking for a substantial verdict and the likelihood is great that that verdict would be high. We were able to get the demand down from 4.7 million to something that we thought was reasonable and within bounds to what amounts to <y a coat of some four hundred fifty thousand dollars to the gl 195 ootQber 10 ' ` 100 t ,.t 4_ City. Of course, this is structured. We went one step further and that step included doing some kind of in house analysis on similar type cases against the City of Miami, looking at the jury range where cases had actually been decided to verdict by a jury and we found that the amount that we were offering for settlement to four hundred fifty thousand dollars was substantially below that amount. For example, the last jury case in a 1983 action, I believe the City was found guilty and the jury verdict return of some five hundred ninety-five thousand dollars. So, with the structured arrangement that we had proposed and made an offer on, I think under all of the circumstances, including the fact that we are definitely prepared for trial, that we bargain in what I consider from a position of strength and that we had all of our witnesses lined up and we are in fact prepared to go to trial. I think sometimes compromise might be the better part of valor, particularly when you have something within reason and I certainly think that the net cost to the City of four hundred fifty thousand dollars is reasonable, considering the potential for a much higher verdict should we go to trial. Mr. Dawkins: In your estimation Judge, if this went to court approximately--- just off the top of your head--- what would the cost be to litigate... I mean to try this case? Mr. Latimer: To litigate it, I think we would be facing a possible exposure of some where between thirty and sixty thousand dollars just in trial cost along and fees associated with that. Right. Mr. Plummer: Now, let me understand the settlement. The settlement even though they have spoken to a million dollars. The actual cost to the City is a lot less. Would you break that down and give us a little bit of a run down on that. Mr. Latimer: Ok. Commissioner Plummer, the pay out would be essentially what amounts to two hundred fifty thousand dollars cash payment initially up front and this is what we refer to as up front money. Thereafter, the settlement - would be structured over a period of some thirty-four point seven years. That includes the life expectancy of the parents, whereby the City would purchase an annuity calling for periodic payments and those periodic payments, if you want the details of what they would amount to, I think it's included in the package. Mr. Plummer: Basically, what is it going to cost the City... What is it going to cost this City itself? Mr. Latimer: Four hundred fifty thousand dollars. Mr. Plummer: Roughly ten per cent of our exposure? You said 4.7. Mr. Latimer: 4.7. Mr. Plummer: And you are saying that the settlement would cost us out of hand four hundred fifty thousand. Mr. Latimer: That's correct. Mr. Plummer: Roughly ten per cent. Mr. Latimer: Roughly ten per cent. Mr. Plummer: Less the sixty thousand for possible... Mr. Latimer: For attorney fees and cost. Mr. Plummer: If we settle, what is the attorney fees? Mr. Latimer: The attorney fees are included in the package which is already apart of the package of four hundred fifty thousand dollars. It's already included in there. There nothing additional except for the fees that, of course, the City would be obligated to for having retained our services as special council and that is done a monthly basis. I have no idea exactly what those fees are right now. But any attorney fees that would be payable to any other party, that's included in the four hundred fifty thousand dollar figure. Ms. Dougherty: You have to remember if we lost it we would also have to pay their attorneys fees. Mayor Ferre: Further questions? How much are the attorneys on the other side getting? Mr. Latimer: Fifty thousand dollars. Mayor Ferre: That's not bad considering. Who are the attorneys? Mr. Latimer: There are three lawyers involved, one by the name of Neil Chonin, Bruce Rogow and the other is Lloyd Marks. Mayor Ferre: Yes, ok. They, of course, was chosen by the Johnson family. Mr. Latimer: Yes, that's correct. Mayor Ferre: Judge, you recommend this don't you? Mr. Latimer: I recommend it. Mayor Ferre: I will tell you, my personal opinion is compared to the exposure and compared... I think this is a very fair settlement. Any further questions? Are we ready to bite the bullet? Who moves it? Mr. Dawkins: I move it. Mayor Ferre: All right, Dawkins moves, who seconds? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins$ who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1178 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO MARLYN JOHNSON, AS THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF NEVELL JOHNSON, JR., DECEASED; NEVELL JOHNSON, SR., AND MARLYN JOHNSON, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS THE NATURAL PARENTS OF NEVELL JOHNSON, JR., DECEASED; BRIDGETT JOHNSON; ISSAC JOHNSON; ALFONSO AND KENNETH JOHNSON, BY THEIR PARENTS, MARLYN JOHNSON AND NEVELL JOHNSON, SR., A SUM SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE $2509000.00 AT SETTLEMENT AND A SUM SUFFICIENT TO PURCHASE GUARANTEED BENEFITS OF $5399000.00 WITH MAXIMUM BENEFITS OF $8479700.00 WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI, LUIS ALVAREZ AND KENNETH HARMS UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI, LUIS ALVAREZ AND KENNETH HARMS FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Latimer: Mr. Commissioner, if I may, I would like to thank this Commission for giving us the opportunity to work with you. I would like to thank the City Attorney for the fine cooperation they have given, as well as members of the Police Department that made this possible. Ms. Dougherty: It was certainly our pleasure working with you. �l 198 October 10, s,. 112. CUNGN DATIS OF 2ND COMMISSION MEETINGS 002 NOV. A DNC. y 1984. .+.�rr�rrr.rrrrri.�q.rri.rr.U.6�r�r�+.rrr��ii�.rrrrrrr.r.rr.ilw+rriiwiabrir�i fiir.ir�►rr.vrliYfr '�: The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1179(A) A RESOLUTION RESCHEDULING THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22, 1984 TO TAKE PLACE ON NOVEMBER 15, 19849 AT 9:00 A.M. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1179(B) A RESOLUTION RESCHEDULING THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 279 1984 TO TAKE PLACE ON DECEMBER 20, 19849 AT 9:00 A.M. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo $I dF s, 7N THEIR BRIp0 NO P01921 SUSINSW TO COME URFOAR THE CT" w, COMMISSION, THE MEETIva VAS ADJOVINID AT 7:24 O+olook P.M. Mauriee A. Perre h: m A Y O R } ATTEST: Ralph 0. Ongie CITY CLERK r Natty Hirai ASSISTANT CITY CLERK ' ( S E A L) F y?i h.<.g t� + rt t r ey . X "fJl NO 1 2 3 4 5 11 7 8 N DOCUMENT INDEX DOCUM IT IDENTIFICATION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE THE MOTION PASSED AT THE SEPTEMBER 19,1984 MEETING OF THE CITY OF MIAMI INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITEE. A THIRTY MEMBER ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE CITY MANAGER WHOSE PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVE IS TO ADVISE THE CITY OF MIAMI ON THE DEVEL- OPMENT OF A FIVE YEAR INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION STRATEGY. RECOMMENDING THAT THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI REAFFIRM ITS POSITION, AS STATED IN ITS ATTACHED APRIL 10, 1984 RESOLUTION (NO. 84-454) . RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY OF MIAMI ACTI- VELY PURSUE THE HOLDING OF THE NEXT YEAR'S (THIRD ANNUAL) NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES SPONSORED INTERNATIONAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE IN MIAMI. ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000 FROM THE SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENT FUND. A POLICY OF THE CITY COMMISSION WITH REGARDS TO COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS IN SOUTH AFRICA REVENUE BONDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,000 TO BE USED TO CONSTRUCT THE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER PARKING GARAGE. DESIGNATING THE PROPOSED MIAMI STADIUM PRESS BOX RECONSTRUCTION A CATEGORY B PROJECT. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE EXCHANGE OF REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN DADE COUNTY. MrtalriIVl'i a] OCTOBER 10,1984 R-84-1099 R-84-1100 R-84-1101 R-84-1102 R-84-1104 R-84-1106 R-84-1111 R-84-1115 R-84-1117 4i1 �1 9rL. a W . t tV R tY Pry tjP m.'IAMI� DOCUMENT ITEM NO DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION 10 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYr_�NT OF THE FIRM OF SPARSER, SHEVIN, SHAPO AND HEILBRONNER, P.A. 11 CONDITIONALLY ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND. 12 ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $75,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTIGENT FUND TO COCONUTE GROVE CARES INC. 13 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY. 14 AUTHORIZING A ONE DAY PERMIT TO SELL BEER FOR THE COCONUT GROVE BICYCLE CLUB. 15 ACCEPTING THE BID OF TRI-COUNTY FENCE CO. 16 ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF TRAK ENGINEERING FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING ONE AUTOMATED FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT THE MAIN MOTOR POOL. 17 ACCEPTING THE BID OF UARCO INCORPORATED, FOR FURNISHING COMPUTER STOCK FORMS. 18 ACCEPTING THE BID OF HANCOCK BUS SALES,INC FOR FURNISHING TWO PRISIONER TRANSPORT VEHICLES TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. 19 ACCEPTING THE BID OF SCKEMA,INC IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $68,761.00 BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR COCONUT GROVE EXHI- BITION CENTER-RESTROOM FACILITIES. 20 GRANTING TO SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. AN EASEMENT OVER AND UNDER NORTHWEST TWENTIETH STREET PROPERTIES. MEETING DA OBER 10,198 A' ISSION 1 RETRIEVAL R-84-1118 R-84-1121 R-84-1126 R-84-1127 R-84-1128 R-84-1129 R-84-1130 R-84-1131 R-84-1132 R-84-1133 R-84-1134 y � [Am[ nnr--. c uT t 1 MEETING CA ` OCTOBER 10,1984 IN-DEX "r ENNO DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION COMMISSION RETRIEVAL •w-PTwu wwwr aut L1 22 REQUESTING THE CLOSING OF FLAGER ST. BETWEEN BISCAYNE BLVD. AND N.W. 2 AVE. AND CERTAIN OTHER INTERSECTIONS ON OCTOBER 26,1984, BETWEEN 1:00 P.M. AND 1;20 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ALLOWING A PARADE OF ANTIQUE FIRE APPARATUS. APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ALLOCATION OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $290.00 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND. 23 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF APPROXIMATELY 300 SETS OF FIREFIGHETER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS, FROM CAIRNS AND BROTHERS, INC. 2 ORDERING RESOLUTION NO. 84-1018 AND AUTHORI- ZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DOWNTOWN HIGH- WAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I. 2 CONCERNING THE BRICKELL BAY OFFICE TOWER PROJECT LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 1005 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE. 26 ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF M. VILA AND ASSOCIATES, INC, AT A TOTAL COST OF $1,037 696.14 FOR LITTLE RIVER HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT. 27 AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WINONA SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT. 28 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT CERTAIN LOTS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM PETER REALTY COMPANY, INC 2 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF CERTAIN STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1978. 3 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY R-84-1135 R-84-1136 R-84-1137 R-84-1140 R-84-1141 R-84-1142 R-84-1143 R-84-1146 R-84-1147 R-84-1148 cr.ry F ml mi DOCUMENT ELFINDEX ITEM NO DOCUMEtIT IDENTIFICATION 31 AUTHORIZING AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR THE SOLE MANAGING UNDERWRITING OF THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO $60, 000, 000. 32 AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO COOPER OLDSMOBILE THE SUM OF $9,022.94 WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL PROPERTY 33 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PURCHASE 4,444 ADDITIONAL REPLACEMENT SEATS FOR THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM. 34 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT , IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE COCONUT GROVE BANK FOR A TERM OF THREE YEARS. 35 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TOU- CHE ROSS AND COMPANY. 36 ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTIN- GENT FUND, TO CULMER PRESS, INC. 3 DESIGNATING THE PROPOSED MIAMI STADIUM , PRESS BOX RECONSTRUCTION A CATEGORY B PROJECT. 38 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREE- MENT WITH THE MIAMI ROWING CLUB. 39 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE ARRAN- GEMENTS WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANS- PORTATION FOR THE PLACEMENT OF INFORMATIO- NAL SIGNS. 40 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH THE HAITIAN TASK FORCE, INC. MEETING DA' OCTOBER 10,1984 k cowl SSION RETRIEV�� ACTION CODE N0._ R-84- 1149 R-84-1150 R-84-1151 R-84-1152 R-84-1153 R-84-1154 R-84-1155 R-84-1156 R-84-1157 R-84-1158 ITEM NO 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 W 50 51 fY (jP 1�71AM1 DOCUMENT MEETING CATS: I N n i;,x DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION COMMISSION RETRIEVAi. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE TERMS OF ARTICLE III OF THE CONTRACT AGREE- MENT DATED AUGUST 10,1983 WITH THE MIAMI- DADE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ALLOCATING $3,145.83 OF TENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS ,APPROPIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 9834. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH LAW FIRM OF ARNOLD AND PORTER. CODESIGNATING NORTHEAST 17TH STREET BETWEEN BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND NORTH BAYSHORE DRIVE AS VENETIAN TERRACE. RE-CODESIGNATING NORTHEAST 15TH STREET BETWEEN NORTH MIAMI AVENUE AND BISCAYNE BAY AS ALVAH CHAPMAN BOULEVARD. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO THE ATTACHED COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEME- NT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE EMPLO- YEE ORGANIZATION. AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY MIGUEL ALVAREZ , CARMEN ALVAREZ AND MAX GROSO CRYSLER PLYMOUTH INC. THE SUM OF $4,987,83 WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABI- LITY. AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO OLGA NAJARA $23,000 WITHOUT THE ADMISS- ION OF LIABILITY . AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO MARLYN JOHNSON , AS THE PERSONAL REPRE- SENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF NEVELL JOHNSON JR. DECEASED. RESCHEDULING THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22, 1984 TO TAKE PLA- CE ON NOVEMBER 15, 1984 AT 9:00 A.M. RESCHEDULING THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 27, 1984 TO TAKE PLACE ON DECEMBER 20,1984 AT 9:00 A.M. R-84-1159 R-84-1160 R-84-1162 R-84-1164 R-84-1165 R-84- 1170 R-84-1171 R-84-1172 R-84- 1178 R-84-1179A R-84-1179