HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-12-13 Minuteso CITY OF Ml Ml r COMMISSION MINOUTES December l3, 1984 OF MEETING HELD ON (REGULAR) PREPARED By THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL RALpH G.. ONG|E CITY CLERK INDEX MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DECEMBER 13, 1984 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM SUBJECT LEGISLATION PAGE NO. NO. --- ----------------------------------- ----------- ------- 1. PLAQUES AND SPECIAL DISCUSSION ITEMS. 12/13/84 2. PERSONAL APPEARANCE. BRAKE DANCE R-84-1350 1-3 GROUP -REQUEST CITY MANAGER TO 12/13/84 A 0 0 T Cm Cl T mly r"" A TVT T COMPETITION. 3 OF PERSONAL APPEARANCE: BISHOP R-84-1351 3-5 VENEZUELA-ALLOCATE FUNDS FUNDACION 12/13/84 NACIONAL DE UNITED NATIONS. 4. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE PROPOSED M-84-1352 5-7 xy CONCERT FEATURING PLACIDO DOMINGO 12/13/84 MARCH 17, 1975 5. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE ESTABLISHMENT M-84-1353 7-14 1. OF HIGH TECH CENTER IN CITY OF 12/13/84 MIAMI JOINTLY WITH F.I.U. ETC. 6. REAPPOINT EDMOND T. HENRY, III TO R-84-1354 14-15 MIAMI DADE LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD. 12/13/84 7. ALLOCATE $4,500 TOWARD LUNCHEON/ R-84-1355 15-17 RECEPTION FOR DEDICATION CEREMONY 12/13/84 FOR STATUE OF SIMON BOLIVAR. 8. GRANT CLOSURE OF STREETS DOWNTOWN M-84-1356 17 MIAMI FOR DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS 12/13/84 ASSOCIATION CHRISTMAS PARTY. 9. GRANT NOISE VARIANCE FOR EXPLOSION M-84-1357 17-18 IN CONNECTION WITH FILMING OF AN 12/13/84 EPISODE OF "MIAMI VICE". 10. ACCEPT CITY CLERK CERTIFICATION OF R-84-1358 18 -19 ELECTION RESULTS OF NOVEMBER 6 12/13/84 CONCERNING PROPOSED EXPANSION OF OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO HIRE M-84-1359 19-21 OUTSIDE AUDITOR TO EXAMINE PAYROLL 12/13/84 RECORDS OF FORMER CITY MANAGER TO DETERMINE AMOUNT OWED TO HIM. 12. VERBAL DIRECTION OF MANAGER: DO DISCUSSION 21-22 NOT PAY ANY MONIES TO H.V. GARY 12/13/84 UNTIL COMPLETION OF AUDITORS REPORT. 13. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: CARMEN THIJN R-84-1360 22 -23 IN, 12/13/84 14. REQUEST FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION TO M-84-1361 23-24 DEAL EQUALLLY WITH CUBAN AND 12/13/84 HAITIAN REFUGEES. 15. REQUEST FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO M-84-1362 ASSUME ITS RESPONSIBILITIES 12/13/84 CONCERNING ECONOMIC/SCHOOL ETC. CONSIDERATIONS OF REFUGEE INFLUX TO THE CITY. 16. PROPOSED GOVERNMENT ALTERNATIVE DISCUSSION STRUCTURES -PROPOSED ABOLITION OF 12/13/84 CITIES BY METRO PUBLIC HEARINGS - BALLOT CHALLENGES. 17. DISCUSSION OF MIAMI HERALD DISCUSSION EDITORIAL POLICIES. 12/13/84 18. DISCUSSION OF ATTENDANCE OF FORMER DISCUSSION CITY MANAGER AT MEETINGS OF 12/13/84 SUNSHINE STATE BANK. 19. APPOINT COMMISSIONER JOE CAROLLO AS R-84-1363 VICE MAYOR FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR. 12/13/84 20. DINNER KEY MASTER PLAN -DISCUSSION DISCUSSION ON 12/20/84. 12/13/84 21. OPEN SEALED BIDS -CITY WIDE PAVING M-84-1364 PROJECTS. 12/13/84 22. DECLARE JANUARY 10,1985 AS DATE OF M-84-1365 PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF 12/13/84 ORDINANCE FOR STRONG MAYOR CHARTER AMENDMENT. 23. DISCUSSION ITEM: CITY MANAGER TO DISCUSSION REVIEW FINANCIAL STATUS OF THE 12/13/84 URBAN LEAGUE. 24. FUNDING FOR LIBERTY CITY M-84-1366 EDUCATIONAL CENTER. 12/13/84 25. ADDITIONAL INCREASE IN SUPPLEMENT M-84-1367 PAID TO RETIREES. 12/13/84 26. REQUEST FOR SPACE AT MARINE M-84-1368 STADIUM: CASINO ESPANOL ROWING 12/13/84 CLUB DISCUSSION OF OTHER ROWING CLUBS AND POSSIBLE OTHER FUTURE USES OF THIS VALUABLE PROPERTY. 27. 7TH ANNUAL KWANZA FESTIVAL -DEFERRED DISCUSSION TO AFTERNOON. 12/13/84 28. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND FIRST SECTION 55-11, CITY CODE RELATING READING TO PUBLIC SERVICE TAXES ON 12/13/84 TELEPHONE SERVICES. 29. HIRING FREEZE -DEFERRED TO DISCUSSION AFTERNOON. 12/13/84 30. CONSENT AGENDA. DISCUSSION 12/13/84 30.1 CLAIM SETTLEMENT-DOUGLAS DAVIS- R-84--1369 $15,000. 12/13/84 30.2 AUTHORIZE EMPLOY OF LAW FIRM AS R-84-1370. CONSULTANT IN CASE OF ESTATE OF 12/13/84 FABIO DE JESUS GUZMAN, DECEASED VS CERTAIN POLICE OFFICERS OF CITY OF MIAMI. 24-25 25-26 27-28 28-29 29-30 30-31 31-32 32-33 33 33-37 37-38 38-46 46-48 48-53 53-54 54-55 55 56 I 30.3 AUTHORIZE EMPLOY OF LAW FIRM IN R-84-1371 56 CASE OF MICHAEL JOHNSON VERSUS CITY 12/13/84 OF MIAMI. 30.4 ACCEPT BID. ADAPTO STEEL FOR DOUBLE R-84-1372 56 TIER LOCKERS FOR DEPARTMENT OF 12/13/84 POLICE. 30.5 ACCEPT BID-E.V.F. INC. LIFE SUPPORT R-84-1373 56 VEHICLES FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT. 12/13/84 30.6 ACCEPT BID. LITTON OFFICE PRODUCTS, R-84-1374 57 OFFICE FURNISHINGS. 12/13/84 30.7 ACCEPT BID. WHEATHERTROL R-84-1375 57 MAINTENANCE CORP. AIR CONDITIONING 12/13/84 COOLING TOWER, POLICE DEPARTMENT. 30.8 ACCEPT BID SAVIN FLORIDA, INC. COPY R-84-1376 57 PRODUCTS OF AMERICA AND XEROX CORP. 12/13/84 FOR COPIERS AND EQUIPMENT FOR LEASE. 30.9 ACCEPT BID. M. VILA AND ASSOCIATES R-84-1377 58 INC. IN CONNECTION WITH EDISON 12/13/84 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT, PHASE I. 30.10 ACCEPT BID. F. AND L CONSTRUCTION R-84-1378 58 CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY. 12/13/84 30.11 ALLOCATE FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING R-84-1379 59 FUNDS BELAFONTE TACOLCY CENTER AND 12/13/84 COMMUNITY SERVICES. 30.12 ESTABLISH ORANGE BOWL STADIUM R-84-1380 59 RENOIVAITON COMMITTEE. 12/13/84 30.13 ALLOCATE FUNDS SUPPORT OF "INTER- R-84-1381 59 AMERICAN SUGARCANE ON WEED CONTROL 12/13/84 AND RIPENERS" 31. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: TRANSFER ORDINANCE 60-61 FUNDS FOR COMPUTER ASSISTED 9936 DRAFTING DESIGN. 12/13/84 32. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: INCREASE ORDINANCE 61-62 APPROPRIATIONS FOR MAYORS OFFICE 9937 AND BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONS. 12/13/84 33. CITY MANAGER TO RECOMMEND COSMETIC M-84-1382 63-64 IMPROVEMENTS FOR CITY OWNED 12/13/84 PROPERTIES ALONG THE MIAMI RIVER, ETC. 34. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ORDINANCE 64-65 ESTABLISH PRESCHOOL PROGRAM. 9938 12/13/84 35. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND FIRST 65-66 SECTION 22-8(B) PRIVATE COLLECTION READING SERVICE (GARBAGE) TO COMMERCIAL 12/13/84 ESTABLISMENTS, CHANGE HOURS. 36. REITERATE NECESSITY TO METRO M-84-1383 66-70 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO 12/13/84 INSTALL NOISE BARRIERS ADJACENT TO METRORAIL CORRIDORS IN THE CITY. 37. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND FIRST 70-71 APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE POLICY READING SECOND DOLLAR TRAINING. 12/13/84 I 1 38. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH FIRST NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND "SALES READING TAX COLLECTIONS FY 85." 12/13/84 39. DISCUSSION: DELAY ON BED TAX DISCUSSION FUNDS. 12/13/84 40. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH FIRST ASSESSMENT FUND: RECORD ASSESSMENT READING LIEN ACTIVITY FOR FY 85. 12/13/84 41. CITY MANAGER TO INVESTIGATE BOARD M-84-1384 INSURANCE FOR CITY COMMISSION, CITY 12/13/84 MANAGER, CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY CLERK. 42. CITY MANAGER TO INVESTIGATE LIFE M-84-1385 INSURANCE POLICIES FOR CITY 12/13/84 COMMISSION COVERING DISABILITY, LIFE ETC. 43. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: TRANSFER FIRST FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR PLANNER III READING POSITION. 12/13/84 44. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND FIRST APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE INCREASE READING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 12/13/84 45. DISCUSSION AND WITHDRAWN: PROPOSED DISCUSSION ORDINANCE ON PERMIT FEES. 12/13/84 46. FIRST READING ORDINANCE AMEND FIRST SECTION 55-14 OF THE CODE RECORDS READING KEPT BY SELLERS DELIVERING 12/13/84 ELECTRICITY METERED GAS, BOTTLED GAS, FUEL OIL, TELEPHONE, ETC. 47. DISCUSSION: COMPLAINT BY MAYOR DISCUSSION FERRE ON OFFICIAL CITY INVITATIONS 12/13/84 THAT FAIL TO MENTION OTHER NAMES OF THE COMMISSION. 48. APPOINT RANDOLPH ROSENCRATZ, CITY M-84-1386 MANAGER, AS A MEMBER OF THE 12/13/84 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. 49. ALLOCATE $25,000 FOR OTI-USA SONG R-84-1387 FESTIVAL HELD OCTOBER 6TH. 12/13/84 50. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: PEDRO LOPEZ. R-84-1388 12/13/84 51. APPROVE REPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE R-84-1389 WALL AT COCONUT GROVE SAILING CLUB. 12/13/84 52. PRESENTATIONS -OFFICERS OF THE DISCUSSION MONTH. 12/13/84 53. APPOINT DAVID WEAVER TO OFF STREET R-84-1390 PARKING AUTHORITY. NOTE: THIS WAS 12/13/84 LATER RESCINDED BY MOTION 84-1420. 54. GRANT NECESSARY WAIVERS FOR 3RD M-84-1391 ANNUAL CAMACOL FAIR. 12/13/84 55. DISCUSSION AND WITHDRAWN: DISCUSSION FIREWORKS NEW YEAR'S EVE. 12/13/84 56. MIAMI CENTER II DUPONT PLAZA, M-84-1392 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ORDER. 12/13/84 71-72 72-73 73 73-75 75-76 76-77 77-78 78-81 81 82 82-83 83 83-84 84-85 85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-93 57. AMEND MIAMI CENTER It DUPONT PLAZA R-84-1393 93-94 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ORDER. 12/13/84 58. BAYSHORE DRIVE DEVELOPMENT STUDY: DISCUSSION 94-99 DISCUSSION AND TEMPORARILY 12/13/84 DEFERRED. 59. MOTION TO RECONSIDER APPOINTMENT OF M-84-1394 99-100 DAVID WEAVER TO OFF-STREET PARKING 12/13/84 AUTHORITY. 60. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: KINLOCH R-84-1395 100-101 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5495- 12/13/84 S BIDS A & B. 61. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: KINLOCH R-84-1396 101-102 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-6485- 12/13/84 C. 62. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE R-84-1397 102-103 PLANS ETC. FOR ASBESTOS REMOVAL AT 12/13/84 BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM. 63. FUNDING REQUEST: AMERICAN RED M-84-1398 103-107 CROSS FOR FOOD DISTRIBUTION 12/13/84 PROGRAM. 64. INVESTIGATE POSSIBILITY OF LEASE OF M-84-1399 107-110 JAPANESE GARDENS TO "FRIENDS OF THE 12/13/84 JAPANESE GARDEN." 65. DISCUSSION: RIGHT OF WAY NEAR DISCUSSION 110-112 LUCAN TRUJILLO PRODUCE INC. 12/13/84 66. ESTABLISH POLICY FOR FUTURE M-84-1400 112-117 FESTIVAL REQUESTS. 12/13/84 67. DISCUSSION: FUNDING REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION 118-120 HISPANIC HERITAGE FESTIVAL. 12/13/84 68. CLOSE STREETS FOR GOOMBAY FESTIVAL. M-84-1401 120-124 12/13/84 69. FUNDING REQUEST: INTERNATIONAL DISCUSSION 124-126 OCEANOGRAPHIC FOUNDATION. 12/13/84 70. COCONUT GROVE ARTS FESTIVAL: CLOSE M-84-1402 126-129 STREETS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. 12/13/84 71. PERMIT JAYCEES TO SELL BEER ON M-84-1403 129-130 PRIVATE PROPERTY DURING THE COCONUT 12/13/84 GROVE ARTS FESTIVALS. 72. FUNDING REQUEST: TIGERTAIL DISCUSSION 130-131 PRODUCTIONS. 12/13/84 73. FUNDING REQUEST: UNIVERSITY OF DISCUSSION 131-133 MIAMI INTERNAITONAL FESTIVAL OF THE 12/13/84 AMERICAS. 74. FUNDING REQUEST: BAY OF PIGS DISCUSSION 133-134 VETERANS ASSOCIATION. 12/13/84 75.1 ALLOCATE 415,000 GRANT TO THE R-84-1404 134-137 UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE. 12/13/84 75.2 ALLOCATE 475,000 TO BRIGADE 2506 R-84-1405 137-140 BAY OF RIGS VETERANS ASSOCIATION 12/13/84 IN CONNECITON WITH THEIR PROPOSED BUILDING. 76. FUNDING REQUEST: ITALIAN DISCUSSION 140-141 RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL AT VIZCAYA. 12/13/84 1 77. FUNDING REQUEST: SHAKESPEARE DISCUSSION 141 FESTIVAL. 12/13/84 78. ALLOCATE $950. TO NATIONAL COUNCIL R-84-1406 142 OF NEGRO WOMEN. 12/13/84 79. INCORPORATE AMENDMENTS TO BAYSIDE M-84-1407 142-143 AGREEMENT AS SUBMITTED IN WRITTEN 12/13/84 FORM TO THE CITY COMMISSION THIS DATE. 80. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE BAYSHORE DRIVE R-84-1408 143-145 DEVELOPMENT STUDY. 12/13/84 81. EXECUTE LEASE AGREEMENT: BAYBOTTOM R-84-1409 145-146 LAND FOR FERRY SERVICE FACILITY TO 12/13/84 FISHER ISLAND. 82. DESIGNATE CHAIRPERSON OF CITY FIRST R-84-1410 146-147 SOURCE AGREEMENT ADVISORY 12/13/84 COMMITTEE. 83. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: MINELIA UGARTE. R-84-1411 147-148 12/13/84 84. APPROVE AND CONFIRM GRANT: STATE R-84-1412 148-149 OF FLORIDA FOR CHILD DAY CARE 12/13/84 PROGRAM. 85. AUTHORIZE IN -KIND SERVICES $10,000. R-84-1413 149 FOR "TASTE OF THE GROVE" FOOD 12/13/84 FESTIVAL. 86. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE: USE OF CITY R-84-1414 150-155 OWNED PARCEL OF LAND (FEC) ADJACENT 12/13/84 TO PARK FOR MARITIME CENTER. 87. ACCEPT BIDS: SPECIFIED LINE OFFICE R-84-1415 155-156 SUPPLIES. 12/13/84 88. APPOINTMENTS TO CODE ENFORCEMENT R-84-1416.1 156-157 BOARD. R-84-1416.2 12/13/84 89. APPOINTMENTS PEDRO LOPEZ TO R-84-1417 158 PLANNING & ADVISORY BOARD. 12/13/84 90. DIRECT CITY CLERK TO RE -ADVERTISE M-84-1418.1 158-160 FOR 3 VACANCIES ON PLANNING & 12/13/84 ADVISORY BOARD. 91. APPOINTMENTS TO ZONING BOARD-(WILLY R-84-1418.2 160-163 GORT AND LORENZO LUACES). 12/13/84 92. DIRECT CITY CLERK TO RE -ADVERTISE M-84-1419 163-164 FOR 2 ZONING BOARD VACANCIES. 12/13/84 93. RESCIND RESOLUTION 84-1390 WHICH R-84-1420 164-165 APPOINTED DAVID WEAVER AS A MEMBER 12/13/84 OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY. 94. RATIFY AND CONFIRM WAIVING OF BIDS R-84-1421 165-166 FOR EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF LABOR AND 12/13/84 MATERIALS FOR UPS SYSTEM REPAIRS. 95. ALLOCATE $9,810 FOR PURCHASE OF 327 R-84-1422 166 TICKETS TO JACKSONS VICTORY TOUR 12/13/84 CONCERTS. 96. ISSUE PURCHASE ORDER: ADVERTISEMENT R-84-1423 167 PUBLISHED IN "MIAMI EN SUS MANOS" 12/13/84 SPANISH DIRECTORY. r00% 97. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: MICHAEL JOHNSON $200,000. 98. ISSUE VARIOUS WASTE COLLECTION LICENSES. 99. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: LOUISE ELLIS. 100. APPOINT AUDIT FIRM AND MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS OF UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, ADAPTIVE REUSE OF FIRE STATION NO.4. 101. AUTHORIZE RIGHT OF WAY CONDITION SURVEY AND PLANNED ANNUAL CITY STREET MAINTENANCE WORK PROGRAM. 102. DIRECT CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF OBJECTIONS GRAND AVENUE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT H-4483. 103. AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED WORK -CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PHASE I-SR-5501- C. 104. AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED WORK-LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT BIDS "A" THROUGH "D" SR-5487--C & S. 105. AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED WORK-LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS BIDS E AND F-SR- 5487-C AND S. 106. AUTHORIZE REDUCTION IN RETAINAGE FROM 10% TP 1/2 OF 1% FRANK J. MORAN INC. ORANGE BOWL FIELD LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS 1984. 107. DISCUSSION OF REDUCTION OF RETAINAGE FOR JOSE MARTI PARK - DEFERRED. 108. AUTHORIZE PAYMENT $1,590,000 TO MAURICE GRAY AND ASSOCIATES STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF FAULTY CONCRETE WORK-MOORE PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. 109. ORDERING RESOLUTION: N.W. 14TH STREET HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4500. 110. AUTHORIZE PROPER OFFICIALS TO ACCEPT 9 DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES. 111. TRANSFER RIGHT OF WAY MAPS W. FLAGLER STREET W. 6 AVENUE BETWEEN W. 27 AVENUE TO JURISDICTION OF STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM. 112. ALLOCATE $10,000 FROM 84-85 C.D. FUNDS TO MIAMI MICROCOMPUTER TECHNOLOGICAL FOUNDATION INC. (NOTE: THIS WAS LATER RESCINDED.) R-84-1424 12/13/84 R-84-1425 12/13/84 R-84-1426 12/13/84 R-84-1427 12/13/84 R-84-1428 12/13/84 R-84-1429 12/13/84 R-84-1430 12/13/84 R-84-1431 12/13/84 R-84-1432 12/13/84 R-84-1433 12/13/84 DISCUSSION 12/13/84 R-84-1434 12/13/84 R-84-1435 12/13/84 R-84-1436 12/13/84 R-84-1437 12/13/84 R-84-1438 12/13/84 167-168 168-169 169-170 170-173 173 174 174-175 175-176 176-177 177-178 178-179 179 180 180-181 181-182 182-183 ilO 113. ALLOCATE $69,000 TO MORTY FREEDMAN DISCUSSION AND ASSOCIATES INC. IN CONNECTION 12/13/84 WITH 1985 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS. 114. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: PASCUALA R-84-1439 GUILLERMINE FRIGELA. 12/13/84 115. AUTHORIZE USE OF $20,000 TO WYNWOOD R-84-1440 COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 12/13/84 CORPORATION FOR CONSULTANT TO DEVELOP PROJECTS IN WYNWOOD. 116. DISCUSSION OF HIRING FREEZE: EXEMPT M-84-1441 CERTAIN POSITIONS. 12/13/84 183-184 184-185 185-187 187-191 117. DISCUSSION OF HIRING FREEZE: M-84-1442 191 UNFREEZE 33 POSITIONS IN MARINAS 12/13/84 DEPARTMENT. 118. ALLOCATE $3,145.83 LOTH YEAR R-84-1443 191-192 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT YEAR BLOCK 12/13/84 GRANT FUNDS TO THE MARTIN LUTHER KING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (MLKEDCO) 1/12TH. 119. URGE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER R-84-1444 192-193 TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT 12/13/84 DISTRICT FOR MARKETING, PROMOTION, SECURITY, ETC. FOR MIAMI DESIGN PLAZA MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION (MDPMA). 120. APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE STATE TO R-84-1445 193-194 TRANSFER LOCAL REVENUE SHARING 12/13/84 FUNDS RULE 12-10.09 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TO DESIGNATE A BANK TO RECEIVE REVENUE SHARING. 121. APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE STATE TO R-84-1446 194-195 TRANSFER LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUNDS 12/13/84 RULE 12-10.09 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TO DESIGNATE A BANK TO RECEIVE LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND. 122. APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE STATE TO R-84-1447 195-196 TRANSFER LOCAL GOVERNMENT HALF CENT 12/13/84 SALES TAX FUNDS, AUTHORIZING RULE 12-10.09 TO DESIGNATE A BANK TO RECEIVE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HALF CENT SALES TAX WARRANT FOR CITY. 123. REQUEST FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM R-84-1448 196-197 STATE FOR PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 12/13/84 LOCATED AT 3471 MAIN HIGHWAY ADJACENT TO BARNACLE. 124. ACCEPT PLAT: FOUR DESIGNS R-84-1449 197-198 SUBDIVISIONS. 12/13/84 125. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND R-84-1450 198-200 TERMINATION OF LEASE AGREEMENT 12/13/84 BAYSHORE PROPERTY INC. (KELLY PROPERTY). 126. AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES R-84-1451 200-203 AGREEMENT. GOVERNMENT FINANCE 12/13/84 RESEARCH CENTER AND SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES INC. GARBAGE ALTERNATIVE AND TRASH COLLECTION ALTERNATIVES. 127. AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES R-84-1452 203-2 4 AGREEMENT E.H. FRIEND ACTUARIAL 12/13/84 ASSISTANCE IN PENSION MATTERS. �- 128. AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES R-84-1453 204-205 t•- AGREEMENT. TILLINGHAST, NELSON AND 12/13/84 WARREN INC. AND ALEXANDER AND q, i- ALEXANDER FOR ACTUAL EXPERIENCE %ixs< SERVICES. 129. EXECUTE AGREEMENT. LITTLE HAVANA R-84-1454 205-206 = DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DEVELOPMENT 12/13/84 !' OF A LATIN QUARTER IN THE CITY. 130. AMEND INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION R-84-1455 206-207 AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND DADE 12/13/84 COUNTY FOR OVERTOWN URBAN INITIATIVES PROJECT. 131. AUTHORIZE 3—PARTY AGREEMENT BETWEEN R-84-1456 207 CITY, STATE DADE COUNTY DESIGNATING 12/13/84 PORTIONS OF FLAGLER, S.E. 132. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT. NATIONAL R-84-1457 207-209 ..._'- s' FOOTBALL LEAGUE FOR USE OF ORANGE 12/13/84 BOWL STADIUM FOR NFL POST SEASON FOOTBALL GAMES 1984-5-6-7. 133. AUTHORIZE CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS R-84-1458 209 r� WITH SIX NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC 12/13/84 DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS. 134. AUTHORIZE CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT R-84-1459 209-210 WITH TACOLCY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 12/13/84 CORPORATION FOR PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING A 30,000 COMMERCIAL >. FACADE REHABILITATION PAINT �f PROGRAM. 135. APPOINT PERSONS TO LATIN QUARTER M-84-1460 210-213 REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD. 12/13/84 136. DIRECT READVERTISEMENT FOR MORE M-84-1461 213 CANDIDATES TO HERITAGE CONSERVATION 12/13/84 y BOARD. r24; 137. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS 84— R-84-1462 213-239 85: RESCIND VOTE ON AGENDA ITEM 91. R-84-1463 ADOPT FUNDING AS DESCRIBED IN THE 12/13/84 ks; MOTION. 138. RESOLUTION OPPOSING METRO CONTROL R-84-1464 239-240 OF SHORELINE PROPERTIES WITHIN THE 12/13/84 �t> r w'w CITY LIMITS. 139. DISCUSSION ITEM: UNSECURED LOAN DISCUSSION 240-242 VY PROBLEM WITH MIAMI CAPITAL 5—DAY 12/13/84 y, RULE INVOKED. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ° On the 13th day of December, 1984, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in . regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:11 O'Clock A.M. by Mayor Maurice A. Ferre with the following members of the Commission found to be present: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ALSO PRESENT: Randolph B. Rosencrantz, City Manager Lucia Allen Dougherty, City Attorney Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Matty Hirai, Assistant City Clerk rwt An invocation was delivered by Mayor Ferre who then led xh those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. I. PROCLAMATIONS, PLAQUES AND SPECIAL ITEMS. `. 1. Condolences given to family of Manuel Artime. :f, c 2. Proclamation presented to Richard W. McEwen for his dedication to the Downtown Development Authority. 'k. 3. Keys of the City presented to Mr. Carlos Olivier, Soap Opera actor from Channel 23. 4. Certificate of appreciation given to Ms. Olga Gloria Sosa in recognition of her work as a composer. 5. Recognition of the Miami City Breakers who 6 y , performed for the Commission. 2. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: BRAKE DANCE GROUP -REQUEST CITY MANAGER TO ASSIST WITH TRAVEL TO PUERTO RICO COMPETITION -----------------------------'-- ---- ----------------- -------- Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, before they perform, then I would like for him to say, this group shows that if with the guidance that the youth can be guided, and we do not have drug addicts and etc. That's why I wanted to commend them for working together. They also are here, and I'm going to make a motion when it's over, they are desirous of buying 81 1 December 13, 1984 teat uniforms that say "Miami City Breakers" and they'd like to take a trip, but outside of that, and Mr. Mayor, I committed you and the rest of us, they are desirous of holding a break dance contest in March, and they figure it would take them till March to work it up, with the City's cooperation, with the proceeds to go the hunger in Ethiopia. I think that's a good thing for them # so therefore, with that in mind, I'd like to see them perform. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mayor and Commissioners, at this time, I would like to ask the City of Miami to sponsor us. We were invited to the national competition of break dancing in Puerto Rico. The cost of the trip is $49000. Since we perform and all these activities, the old folks home, we've done it for the Calle Ocho Festival, Festival la OTI, and other festivals that we have danced for the City, we do it for free and we really don't have money to go to Puerto Rico, and we would like to ask the Commission at this time if they would sponsor us for $4,000. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, I would recommend like we do all these other things, that we do this through your office and that if the Commission in its majority wants to help, then that you try, first of all, to get Eastern and American Airlines and the others to donate some tickets and then perhaps we can get some of the hotql owners in Puerto Rico to perhaps put up the kids and then we'll pick up whatever the difference is in the expenses. Mr. Dawkins: I so move. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion by Dawkins; second by Plummer. Further discussion? When is this? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: It starts on the 24th of December and goes all the way to the.... Mayor Ferre: You know, you need to give us more warning on these things, because that's not very long. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1350 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $49000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, - IN SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . OF THE MIAMI CITY BREAKERS TO COVER THE COST OF TRANSPORTATION AND LODGING TO A BREAK DANCE CONTEST IN SAN JUANv PUERTO RICO, DECEMBER 2239 1984 THROUGH JANUARY 10, 1985; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 240 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. al 2 December 13, 1984 ABSENT% Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo ��- - --Y-- - - - -----`---------------------- - ---- ----- -------- MOT- FOR THE RECORD: Coamissioner Perez arrived at 9:32 A.M. ------------- --- ------- ----- --------------- ------------ - ------------------------ -- - - - - - - ------- 3. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: BIS80P OF YBNBZUBLA - ALLocere FUNDS FUNDACION NACIONAL DR UNITED NATIONS. 3 1 -------------- ------------------------ ---------------------- w Mayor Ferre: We are now into pocket items and the first one is Commissioner Perez has a presentation on Monsignor Bosa Masvidal, who of course, honors us with his presence here. Ladies and gentlemen, Bishop Bosa Masvidal is the living representative of Cuban patriotism and of dedication to God t and God's people. We are always honored with his presence. He is a devoted, saintly man. He is Bishop in Venezuela of a very poor community where he serves with great diligence. u' But he comes to Miami every once in a while, because Miami is the home of the exiled Cuban community. He always honors with his presence. He is a man of great, great softness, 'L but of great firmness at the same time. He is indeed a saintly man; we're always happy to welcome him here. Bishop Bosa Masvidal: Yo quiero dar las gracias al Comisionado y a los demas Comisionados de esta zona de Miami por esta donation que nos haven y que ayudara a resolver la situation de muchas personas que estan viviendo en una situation angustiosa. Lo que pretendemos es ayudarles a valerse por si mismo; no darles una ayuda que los haga dependientes, sino que ellos mismos sepan ganarse su vida y trabajar y valerse por si mismo. Les agradecemos de todo corazon esta ayuda y esperamos que la comunidad cubana de aqui siga cooperando siempre para el bien de esta Ciudad de Miami y de toda la comunidad norteamericana. Mayor Ferre: Me gustaria invitar a Tomas Garcia Fuste que se dirigiera al • consejo municipal para explicar explicitamente y Pepe Hernandez que to acompane, un distinguido industrial cubano-americano, que se encuentra entre nosotros. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I would like to leave on record a resolution that I want to propose today to try to get the support of the City Commission in order to allocate $2,300 in order to pay for four vehicles for the radio marathon of the people. It's a resolution allocating $2,300 from Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Funds to cover the cost of four city vehicles to be used by the staff of the Fundacion National Cubano-Americano for the national funds to help the Cuban refugees in other countries to assist in providing support for the group of recent exiled from Mariel and presently located in Peru. Mr. Dawkins: I second that motion. Bishop Bosa Masvidal: I would like to say thank you very much to the Miami City Commission for this donation because there are many Cuban refugees in Peru that don't have a chance, don't have a job. They can get a job over there with cars doing a cooperative that the United Nations - - organized and then they have a taxi company in a cooperative thing and then they can make a living over there. Thank you very much for that in the name of the United Nations, in the _— name of the Cuban -American National Fundacion and everybody sl 3 December 13, 1984 i that is working on this. Of course we thank very much the Mayor and the Commissioners for this contribution to our efforts. Actually, what we are doing is trying to help the people that we all know all the problems that the City, and particularly the County is having at the present time in trying to get the Federal Government to help us in the problems we have with immigration and with a number of immigrants that this area is receiving. What we are trying to do is help some of these people that are outside the United States and, of course, all the Cubans in third countries want to come, and we realize that, want to come to this area. Of course, we certainly don't oppose, and the foundation doesn't oppose that, but we want to help them to settle in those countries where they are at the present time. They are living in very difficult conditions. We want them to become a part of the citizenship of those countries and this is the reason why we have conducted a radio marathon about a week ago in which we raised over $200,000 that will go to the people to about 10,000 Cubans that are now residing in Madrid, Spain, in Peru, in Panama, and in Costa Rica, and we want to help them to help themselves. We want to create some jobs for them and actually, what this is going to go, these four cars are going to go to create a taxi, to start a taxi line for some of the families that are in Peru now so that they can make a living for themselves in that area. We hope that obviously by doing this and by becoming citizens of those countries, they will realize a portion of the miracle that the Cuban - Americans have brought to the United States. So this is actually what we have been trying to do in our effort. We than very much the City of Miami, the Commissioners, and the Mayor for their contribution. Thank you very much. Mayor Ferre: We have a motion and a second. Further discussion? Call the roll. Thank you very much. TAPE 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Commissioner Carollo entered the meeting at 9: 2 •.M. ------------------------------------------------------------ The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: Upon resolution vote- RESOLUTION NO. 84-1351 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $2600 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENT FUND, TO COVER THE COST OF 4 SURPLUS CITY VEHICLES TO BE PURCHASED AND USED BY THE STAFF OF THE FUNDACION NACIONAL CUBANO-AMERICANO FUNDO DE AYUDA DEL EXODO CUBANO TO ASSIST IN PROVIDING SUPPORT FOR THE GROUP OF EXILES RECENTLY EXILED FROM MARIEL, CUBA, AND PRESENTLY LOCATED IN PERU. being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the was passed and adopted by the following sl 4 December 13, 1984 • E AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor bemetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --------------- --- ------ -------- — — — — -- -------------------- 4. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE PROPOSED CONCERT FEATURING PLACIDO DOMINGO MARCH 179 1985 Mayor Ferre: At this time, I'd like to ask Judy Drucker to step forward. Judy Drucker is requesting that the City of Miami help in bringing Placido Domingo, the great operatic singer to the Miami Convention Center on March 17th. Mr. Manager and members of the Commission, the problem that we have is that the Miami Beach Convention Center will rent the hall for $2,500. The City of Miami, on the other hand, wants 18% of the gate. Obviously, there is no way with that comparison that the promoters can bring this great artist, Placido Domingo to Miami. Previously, we did this for Pavaroti, who was the other -as you know, there is a great rivalry in the world between Placido Domingo and Pavaroti as to who the greatest tenor in the world is. The problem that we have and I explained it to Judy, is that the Miami Convention Center is losing $5,000,000 a year. Everytime we do something like this, is just more money that we lose. There are 5,000 seats. Is it 18% of the net or the gross? It's of the gross. Ms. Judy Drucker: 10% of the gross. Mayor Ferre: I'm sorry, 10% of the gross. So we have 5,000 seats in that hall, and I'm sure it will be a total sell out a and we could probably sell it ten times over. I'm sure that . it'll be several hundred thousand dollars in gross; 10% is $20,000. The problem is that the difference between $2,500 an $25,000 is a lot of money. We need to see, one, whether we want Placido Domingo in Miami and two, whether we want to make some kind of an arrangement. I told Judy, I don't frankly think we can match $2,500 in Miami Beach. But then r there comes a bigger gg problem, which J.L., you and others have pointed out in the past and that is that if we want P«2 "3 that big type events, we're going to have to sacrifice a ° d� w little bit. We've done it in basketball; we've done it in other things, but the point is there has to be a happy '.` middle ground somewhere. I don't know where that is. Maybe '1n some of you might have some ideas. Ms. Drucker: May I speak? Mayor Ferre: Yes, ma'am. Ms. Drucker: When you bring a big name artist like this, naturally you are speaking about a fee that is quite extraordinary. Placido Domingo, who wants to present a Spanish concert, Zarzuela, plus operetta, is dying to come to Miami and doing it for the Spanish community. The problem is with all of the expenses, we also have to bring in sound technicians in this particular case because the acoustics in the Knight Center were not thought about as a place for music, but just as a place for speaking. I have sl 5 December 13, 1984 to import the San Francisco opera house sound technicians and the chief of Decker Recording Engineering Studios, r ` James Lock, and that's $25, 000. I have to pay for so many extra things that are not there; yet the place is so beautiful It's a wonderful spot to be in. • p We would like very much to present concerts there. I have the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Cleveland Orchestra, many places that I could bring down there, if there wouldn't be such a high percentage of the gross. Frankly, that represents sometimes our profit. Therefore, I cannot bring Placido Domingo to Miami and lose money. If something could be arranged, I a don't ask for $2,500, but just like we did last time with Pavaroti. We had the expenses of the hall; the stage hands, everything else like that, which I think totaled $4,600 and the rest was waived, and we have tickets to Black school children when I had Alvin Alley here and the dance theatre ' of Harlem. In this articular case 'm ha ' p , Ihappy to...we re r conducting master classes with the American Ballet Theatre and we're bringing to Dade County. We would ;c be happy to give children tickets to that, because there is no other way the children in Miami are going to get to come to see these things. So if one thing is helped, we can do another. Mayor Ferre: I think the way to do this is -and this is my personal opinion- is that we approve in principle the idea that we'd like to have Placido Domingo sing in Miami and ask the Manager to come back with a specific recommendation. I would imagine you'd assign that to the proper people over there at the hall. Judy, there's no way we can do it for $2,500. Ms. Drucker: No, no, no, I wouldn't ask for $2,500. � Mayor Ferre: If that's what it is y going to take, then I think you are going to have to go to Miami Beach. But I think somewhere in the middle and perhaps the difference in between what you would pay and what we would get, we could get it in tickets for some of these things that we could give to disadvantaged children equally in the Black and the Hispanic community. I think that would perhaps make it more palatable and would serve a good social cause. Mr. Rosencrantz: Has there been a time determined for this event? 4i Mayor Ferre: March the 17th is the request. r' Ms. Drucker: Yes, it's Sunday, March 17th, but of course, we have to start breaking with the information soon. Mayor Ferre: They need to know and they need to get the advertising and the tickets printed. Even though I frankly, with all due respects, Judy, don't think you are going to * r,. have a hard time packing that hall. You'll get 50,000 wanting to go to that concert. Ms. Drucker: Hope...thank you anyway, I appreciate very much your taking the time to consider this. Mayor Ferre: That's just one person's opinion. Let's see what else the Commission thinks. Does anybody else have a different idea? Mr. Plummer: Move it. of Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. $l 6 - December 13, 1984 C� 0 Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: " MOTION NO. 84-1352 iip� i j lkf; T A MOTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE THE IDEA OF BRINGING PLACIDO DOMINGO TO THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR A CONCERT TO BE HELD AT THE CITY OF MIAMI/UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI JAMES L. KNIGHT CONVENTION CENTER, ON MARCH . 179 19859 PURSUANT TO REQUEST MADE BY MS. JUDY DRUCKER; FURTHER REFERRING THE ISSUE OF THE PERCENTAGE OF THE GROSS WHICH IS CHARGED BY THE CITY FOR USE OF THE CENTER TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR HIS REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ... ABSENT: None. a AAA i -----------------��-------�����+-�-- - ----��--_--�-a- �t 5• APPROVE III PRINCIPLE ESTABLISHMENT OF HIGH TECH CENTER -. k IN CITY OF MIAMI JOINTLY WITH F.I.U. ETC. A 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — t Mayor Ferre: The next item that I have, I'd like to ask the 3 Dean of the school of engineering at F.I.U. to step forward if you would, please. Ladies and gentlemen, members of the Commission, you have previously received a memorandum from `„ p me dated December 7th, which was distributed last week and a`" you've had in your offices. Dean Hopkins is a relatively recent arrival to Miami. He was the Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A.&M., which N is the largest engineering school in the United States of n America. I asked him once why he would give up such an important job in such an important university to come to a °5 relatively small, unknown university, just beginning and >{ just struggling. His answer was, I thought, very important and very prophetic of our community. He said, "I read Megatrends and believed it." Megatrends is a book that talks about where the world is going. In it, it talks about 'r} high technology. It says that's where it's at for the United States. The problem with all of that is that that's not where Miami is at. Miami is the only major city in Florida that has lost high tech jobs in recent years. Of 4._ ten major American cities that have lost jobs in high tech, Greater Miami is one. In the last five years, we have lost "r 8,000 jobs in high technology. The reason I got into all of this is because as a member of the South Florida Planning "fl Council, I was shocked to see what happened to Cordiz. Let me put Cortiz in perspective. Cordiz employs almost 29500 people in Miami. It is one of the major corporations here, and they were not feeling very comfortable or very welcome, al 7 December 13, 1984 even though they had been here for almost 20 years. When I went to see Dr. Norman Weldon, the Chairman, even though he is not within the jurisdiction of the City of Miami, I began to get an education on what high technology is all about. I have to admit, I didn't know what high tech was all about. .. r I didn't know what robotics was. I know there's communications. I still get mixed up with all these terms. I don't really still know what the difference between bio- med and the other bio-tech. One of them has to do with chemistry and the other one has to do with machinery and equipment and technology. Out of all this education and several trips out there, and I was invited to sit in on a ~` luncheon that Dr. Weldon had for the visiting committee of the engineering school, and I began to realize that the City of Miami, not only didn't know anything about high technology, we weren't doing anything about it. So I started to talk around and said where is there an area out �.,. of all these things that are so complicated and high tech that we might get a little niche and maybe be good at. The logic was very simple. Today Miami is the ninth manufacturing center for medical equipment in the United States, the ninth. Today we house one of the major corporations in this business, Cordiz. There are others. There are other major companies here. Cordiz, you might know, is the company that makes those pace makers of which thousands and perhaps tens of thousands of people now are having and is extending their lives and making them useful citizens. As a consequence of all of these discussions and talking and looking and seeing, it struck me that the logical thing to do was to find a physical presence somewhere in the City of Miami and the logical place was next to the hospitals. I know there's great sensitivity between F.I.U. and the University of Miami, and I want to very clearly explain that on the record so that people don't ;.„.. take any offense. I love the University of Miami. I'm a graduate of the University of Miami. The University of Miami has a very successful and good medical school. I ` - thought that a State University would be better because, one, we could get State funds easier. I think that's a source of money. Two, because the Governor of the State of Florida has emphasized greatly high technology and one of the areas that notping has been done on happens to be precisely in bio-med and bio-tech. Bio-tech the way I remember, deals mostly with chemistry. There is a big rivalry now going between Tampa and Miami to get major f funds. I hope that Miami wins. If we win, Metropolitan Dade County is going to give a major piece of property next 3° to the zoo and they are going to put jointly with the University of Miami a center there. I understand that Tampa seems to have the upper leg on it. If that were to occur, tragically, it would mean that every community in Florida °r has gotten funding for high tech or help except Miami. We're the one community that's been bi-passed. It's time for us to fight against that. Now, if bio-tech goes, what's left then is bio-med. There you are talking about basically engineering sciences, because you're talking about mechanical devices, dialysis machines, pace makers, surgical k' equipment, high technology stuff for burn units, all of v` these mechanical devices. This is a major, multi -million dollar business that's just beginning to flourish in sky America. The idea of all of this is to do several things. One, to create a center. Two, it would be a technological center that would be dealing with the engineering and the educational aspects and research. But beyond that, the �r second idea would be that it would be a basis for spawning industry, so that out of these research centers, companies are formed that go out into the world and then some of them a, are successful and become very highly successful companies, like Apple in the computer world. Two guys got together, they had an idea. They didn't have any money; they put it ', sl 8 December 13, 1984 b; A together and it flourished. Silicon Valley was a part of all of that. So, the second idea is hopefully that we would help spawn. The third idea, is perhaps that out of this would come a diagnostic clinic. Those of you, I'm sure, were shocked to see the Mayo Clinic went to Jacksonville. Welly Mayor Clinic went to Jacksonville because somebody worked very hard to get Mayo Clinic to go to Jacksonville. If somebody worked very hard to get Mayo Clinic to come to Miami, we could have had a shot at that. But that's now gone. But there are other Mayo Clinics in America. Perhaps it is time for us to make a major attempt to put a high visibility, highly recognized diagnostic clinic in this community. How are we going to do that? Why hasn't it been done before? The reason it hasn't been done before, and they're just like politicians, Miller, there's jealousies. Mt. Sinai is jealous of Miami Heart. Miami Heart is jealous of Cedars. Cedars won't work with Mercy. If it's Victoria Hospital, then the one in Coral Gables doesn't want a part of it. It's a long time, on -going feud that goes on between all these medical centers and hospitals and the University of Miami school of medicine. So the way to solve that perhaps, is to get an institution of higher learning that does not have a medical school and that is not directly tied into any of the hospitals. Of course that is F.I.U. So all of these things came together and after a lot of work and talk, we came to the conclusion that perhaps this might be a direction. This property that we're talking about is centrally located; it's next to an expressway; it's two blocks away from a major station; and the idea is this. The idea is that we would eventually donate the property to a consortium made up of F.I.U. or to F.I.U. and they would get matching funds from the State; so that if we had it appraised and it's worth $8,000,000 or $5,000,000, the State would match at least that much only for capital expenditures. Secondly, that the board of regents would guarantee funding for an on -going research program. Out of that, I think, we would begin to get the design of eventually having a high rise campus in Miami of F.I.U. and certainly it would be a beginning. At the present time, we have two functions that are happening in the old Jail building. One on the bottom floor, we have a whole bunch off departments in the City of Miami. Up at the upper floor, we have a jail. That jail, as I understand is on a month to month basis,. But the new Jail in Metro would be finished in 1987, so my opinion, it's going to take that long for you to get the monies from the State and perhaps we might start building a building next to what is now the Jail and you could move into that and then in 187 move into the refurbished former Miami Municipal Justice Building. I would like to recommend, therefore, the following. That the City Commission approve this in principle. That the Commission instruct the Manager to initiate either an in- house or Commission in outside consultant to do a feasibility study. I think we have to have a feasibility of all this. That we appoint jointly with F.I.U. a Blue Ribbon National Advisory Committee. F.I.U. has submitted some names that are part of the memorandum. If you notice some of these people are at Harvard, some of them are at California, some are in Holland, some in London. These are specialists in either electronics or high tech. These are all the high tech advisory board international in scope. Eventually, it would be a joint appointment. I frankly would accept all the names that F.I.U. has recommended, because I know nothing about high technology and I think this is their business. Once the basic agreement would be structured, it would come back to the Commission after an appraisal was made and then I think a committee should be appointed immediately by the Manager. I've talked to the Manager about this committee. That committee would be a negotiating team to work out the final recommended contract, al 9 December 13, 1984 s Y011_, similar to what we did with Bayside, and come back to this Commission with the final discussion deliberations and action if the Commission so wishes in the future. I would hope that this whole process not take more than three or four months, so that at the end of maybe three or four months, this Commission could decide what it wants to do. Dean Hopkins, I want to congratulate you and thank you for your leadership and the tremendous amount of time and effort you put into all this, and I recognize you now. Mr. Dean Hopkins: Would you like me to say anything regarding this? Mayor Ferre: I would indeed, that's why I invited you here. Mr. Hopkins: I think the important issue, the Mayor has already summarized. We have an opportunity, Florida has an opportunity to move forward in the high technology area. I'd like to refer back to what the Governor is doing at this time in the sense that he had recognized high tech. He's established industrial high technology advisory committee. He's recognized essentially nine areas that he feels the State can move forward in. These nine areas are biotechnology, biomedical computers, computers software, microelectronics, light -weight technology, space industry robotics, and material science. So immediately, I started looking for what is appropriate for Miami. I feel Miami really only has one area that it can move very rapidly in the high tech area; that is in the area of medical technology. We have, as the Mayor pointed out, the ninth largest group of medical technology industry at the current time. More importantly, as each of you watch television, you become aware that we are entering an era where medical devices is going to parallel the pharmaceutical industry in terms of being used by the public. So I think the time is correct, the markets are there, and it's quite possible to move very aggressively and become a world center and move from nine to number one, if we capitalize on our strengths. The strengths here are we have an existing medical community; we have an existing medical devices industry; and I think if we can bring the State university system presence in coordinating this, it will become the catalyst to move forward very rapidly. I'd also like to point out that out of the nine State universities, eight of them currently have research parks. F.I.U., which is the youngest, I'd like to say the fastest growing; we're now the fourth largest university in the State of Florida. We have 17,000 students. We have yet to choose where our research park will be. This is very timely; this seems to be the opportunity for us to say, this is what's important, to have a presence in the City of Miami, and more importantly to cause economic development in a high tech area. So that was the reasoning behind our suggestion and move to this point. Mayor Ferre: Dean, I might point out, you know, that there are many important universities in the inner cities of America, including Harvard and Cambridge and of course Yale in the middle of New Haven, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania; there are many, many universities, University of Chicago, Northwestern that are right smack in the middle of the city. I think it's important we get...we don't have that privilege, because the University of Miami is in Coral Gables and F.I.U. is out west of the Palmetto. I think it is important that we have a State university presence in the City of Miami, because there are a lot of K poor people who are smart and are struggling to get a way to climb their way up life, and they don't have a car to get to F.I.U. That's a long drive. If they take a bus, it's an y� hour's bus ride. I would hope that some day we would have { a stronger presence of F.I.U. and this might be a way to al 10 December 13, 1984 begin that. I know this is going to be a highly technical field and out of this I would hope would come a technological park, but maybe out of this would flourish some other things. I might point out through you to Provost { Alderman and President Wolf that the State of Florida holds a lot of property across the street. Those buildings are in 31 total misuse in my opinion. It was fine twenty years ago, but that little State building across the street that's only three stories high is a building which is in my opinion totally obsolete. I would hope that you would go after that `7 property to an exit and make it a part of the F.I.U. campus in downtown. Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: Sir, I agree with everything that's been said, and I'm a part of any effort to make Miami a part where it can compete, but when this list comes back to me, I expect to see some names on there from the school of pharmacy in Xavier, Luisiana University, which is Black; the school of pharmacy at Florida Ed M., which is Black; I expect to see a name here from Howard University, which is Black; I expect *= to see a name from Harry Medical College, which is Black; and I expect to see a name from Moorehouse Medical College, which is Black. If we, this Commission, do not access these individuals to this process, then the individual that this school have no way of accessing. So therefore, when your list comes back, I'm not saying that ... I don't know how many you are going to choose, but I want a name from each of those schools on your list before I can even react to it, sir. Mr. Carollo: I think one of the ways we can go about accommodating prominent individuals from the institutions that Commissioner Dawkins mentioned is by taking out of this list some individuals that have nothing to do with the field p; � of medicine. d a , Mayor Ferre: Or engineering. A. J Mr. Carollo: Or engineering, I think there are a couple of names here that really shouldn't have been there from the ;4 start &e Mayor Ferre: I don't think this is...we're not selecting a technical advisory committee at this point. I think the thing to do is to do that on a join~ basis with F.I.U. where F.I.U. would appoint ten people and we appoint ten. a:.._ Obviously, we want their recommendation because these have to be.. -you're going to get the people of the caliber of these gentlemen from Holland and Harvard and Brown University, California and Chicago. These people, for s example, in this list is the man who invented the artificial h heart. Two people in here were responsible for that man who is now up in -where is he? Kentucky with that artificial heart. That was invented by one of those people there. Mr. Carollo: Overall I think the list is a fine list. py Mayor Ferre: I don't know who they are, so I don't know any of these people from California or Chicago and Brown and w Harvard and London. I think the point is that we may be, I r think it's important to understand that there are two Y f committees that we need to talk about. One is a Miami committee, which is a negotiating committee. Another one is a technical committee of people who are expert on that field. I completely agree with what Commissioner Dawkins has said. I'think that's something we can deal with as well as what Commissioner Carollo has said. But that's not where r we're at today. I think it's important, Dean, that whoever s a you assign or F.I.U. assigns this to, that these individuals come and talk to each member of the Commission before. This sl 11 December 13, 1984 0 - 0 is just the beginning, but before we end it, we need to have concurrence on this Commission. j Mr. Dawkins: The Mayor has made my point clear. What I'm saying is the gentleman who invented the artificial heart, if the people that these schools that I'm talking about do � ¢' not talk to him, they don't know anything about the artificial heart. So unless these individuals here can sit down with that gentleman and understand how he developed the �t artificial heart, and how they can go back to their schools = and come up with an idea from this high tech school and do some research and tie it in, then these schools will never, r ever enter the mainstream of what we're talking about here. Dean Hopkins: I agree with you. Mr. Dawkins: And F.I.U. is not going to enlist, we take the step to compete with the University of Miami. So all I'm saying is give everybody a chance. Dean Hopkins: I agree with you completely and I very much appreciate your suggestion of coming and talking to you. .j Mr. Dawkins: Thank you, Dean. Mayor Ferre: Let me do it formally. I move that the City of Miami Commission approve in principle the concept of establishing a major research and development center in what is now the Miami Municipal Justice Building and Jail area 6.7 acres; that the Commission instruct the Manager to initiate an in or commission on outside consultant Jointly with F.I.U. to do a feasibility study. Three, that the City of Miami and F.I.U. jointly appoint a Blue Ribbon National Advisory Technical Committee; four, that the Manager appoint a negotiating committee of distinguished g citizens and staff. I only have one request, since the only graduate of F.I.U. on this Commission is Commissioner Joe Carollo, that he be appointed to that committee, if he's interested. Next that an appraisal be made of the property immediately. Lastly, that the Manager would after the appraisal is made, a committee is in place, negotiated, and the outside study is -finished, would then come back to the Commission with all these reports with a specific recommendation, so that this Commission would then deliberate and decide what action to take. I so move. Yn, Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I second the motion. I mean, you make it hard for me not to second it for discussion. I think this is one of the most important things that has come before this Commission in a long time. I think that the potential that this can possibly have for the City of Miami qx and the Greater Miami area is even much more than we can "j rt realize here today. The only area, Mr. Mayor, that I'd like to have clarified is in as far as those almost seven acres of land of very valuable City land that is so scarce I'd like for you to clarify for me, if you would, how you're proposing that we get reimbursed for that land. Mayor Ferre: That's something that the Commission would deal with once the appraisal is made. My original idea, which is a very simple idea, is that the State match the City of Miami for the value of the land. If the land and building are worth $59000,000 -just to use a round figure - then the State would have to give us $59000,000 for capital foundation and building. Beyond that, I think that's up to < this negotiating committee to negotiate what the City of Miami, because obviously they are going to be building for profit research park where funds are flowing, somewhere al 12 December 13, 1984 along the line, the City of Miami would have to be a beneficiary of that. But that's something we'll discuss once the negotiating comes back and recommends something to us. Mr. Carollo: This is the area I want to.... Mayor Ferre: Well, you're in the committee, so I'm sure you'll be able to hit that one hard. #" :I Mr. Carollo: I want to be crystal clear on that, because land is something we don't have much of in the City of Miami anymore. I want to make sure that not only do we get the appropriate amount that the land is worth, but at the same time, if it's going to be applied to construction, that the City of Miami is in a position to call the shots as much as we possibly can. I don't want to create something and then we're having to call someone else just to ask permission to visit the place. Mayor Ferre: Joe, this is obviously the beginning of something. We have a long way to go. I might remind you that we just gave the Rouse Company twenty acres of much more valuable land, and in effect what we're getting is one third of the return after all the expenses are paid, including interest and a big fee to Rouse and everything T else. I would hope that you and the other people on this team would be able to negotiate as good if not a better deal than that. ;L Mr. Carollo: Is David Weaver going to be involved in this H= again? N Mayor Ferre: I don't think at this time that's a probability. Mr. Carollo: Any further discussion from anyone else? Mr. Perez: Any other discussion? Call the roll. u sl 13 December 13, 1984 0 The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION No. 84-1353 A MOTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE THE ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY OF MIAMI OF A MAJOR HIGH-TECH RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER IN THE HOSPITAL AREA WHERE THE CITY PRESENTLY OWNS 6.7 ACRES OF LAND PRESENTLY THE SITE OF THE MUNICIPAL JUSTICE BUILDING AND JAIL, SAID CENTER TO BE DEVELOPED JOINTLY BY THE CITY OF MIAMI AND FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (F.I.U.) WHICH PROPERTY WOULD HOPEFULLY BE MATCHED BY F.I.U. THROUGH STATE FUNDS FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURES; FURTHER PROVIDING AS TO THE FOLLOWING: (1) THAT NECESSARY APPRAISALS BE MADE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; (2) THAT THE CITY COMMISSION JOINTLY WITH F.I.U. APPOINT A BLUE RIBBON NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE; (3) THAT THE CITY MANAGER INITIATE EITHER IN-HOUSE OR THROUGH COMMISSIONING AN OUTSIDE CONSULTANT, A FEASIBILITY STUDY; (4) THAT THE CITY MANAGER APPOINT A NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE OF DISTINGUISHED CITIZENS AND STAFF; FURTHER APPOINTING VICE MAYOR JOE CAROLLO AS THE CITY COMMISSION LIAISON IN THIS PROJECT; AND (5) AFTER THE APPRAISALS ARE MADE, AND THE COMMITTEE IS IN PLACE, THE NEGOTIATIONS HAVE TAKEN PLACE AND THE FEASIBILITY STUDY IS FINISHED, THE CITY MANAGER SHALL BRING THIS WHOLE MATTER BACK FOR FINAL CONSIDERATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 6. REAPPOINT EDMOND T. HENRY, III TO MIAMI DADE LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD. Mayor Ferre: We have Mr. Edmond T. Henry III on the Dade County Library Advisory Board. We appointed him last time around. Do you remember, J.L.? This is the one that Helen Muir has recommended and all that. Would somebody move that? Mr. Plummer: Move it. sl 14 December 13, 1984 0 3'• I =t. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. I might point out that Mr. Henry, in the tradition that we followed, first was Helen Muir, then Mercy... the people that we appoint, invariably end up being the chairman of the Library Board. I want to tell you that last week Mr. Henry was elected chairman, but he is not appointed, so they are going to have to do it all over again, but he's our appointee. Would you, is there further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1354 A RESOLUTION AGAIN DESIGNATING AND APPROVING EDMOND T. HENRY, III AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ON THE DADE COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ----------------------------------------------------------- 7• ALLOCATE $4,500 TOWARD LUNCHEON/RECEPTION FOR DEDICATION CEREMONY FOR STATUE OF SIMON BOLIVAR Mayor Ferre: At last, after five years, we're going to dedicate the Simon Bolivar statue on Monday and you're all, of course, invited. We're going to have a luncheon and a presentation, and I don't know what else. Carl, as I understand it, you are now requesting that we allocate some funds. Is this for the luncheon, or what? Mr. Carl Kern: Yes, sir, this is for the luncheon and the reception following, the dedication of the statue. Mayor Ferre: As I understand, we're going to have someone from the foreign affairs office, we're not going to get the foreign minister. s Mr. Kern: The Interior Minister will be here, which is the equivalent of the vice-president of Venezuela. The Exterior 5 Minister will also be here, their ambassador from Washington, and some of their highest dignitaries. Mayor Ferre: Their ambassador will be here? t{' Mr. Kern: Yes, sir. sl 15 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: We need a motion on this. emu° Mr. Plummer: So move. '= Mayor Ferre: There's a motion and a second, Plummer and � Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. N�> f The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner k k x Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1355 r' A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $49500 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, FOR THE COST OF A RECEPTION AND LUNCHEON TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 179 1984, FOR VENEZUELAN DIGNITARIES ATTENDING THE DEDICATION OF THE a s.; SIMON BOLIVAR STATUE IN BAYFRONT PARK (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here .:: and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. t Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins i Mayor Ferre: Carl, would you tell the Commission so we will now know it, where is the dedication? It's at the torch of Friendship, right? Mr. Kern: Yes, Monday, December 17th, next Monday. Mayor Ferre: What time? Mr. Kern: At 12:30; try to get there a few minutes early, please, because there will be a large crowd, a lot of dignitaries, perhaps 12:009 12:30. ^> '. Mayor Ferre: And there is a luncheon after, where? Mr. Kern: A luncheon immediately following in the Reflections. �U Mayor Ferre: At Reflections. Is there a reception that ,- evening? Mr. Kern: That is a separate function done by the ''- Bolivarian Consul, but yes. Mayor Ferre: But we're all invited to that, I assume. Mr. Kern: I understand that you are. Mayor Ferre: Where is that function? Mr. Kern: I believe that's in the Biscayne Marriott. Mayor Ferre: What time is that function at? Mr. Kern: It starts at 6:00. sl 16 December 13, 1984 r � r h;} Mayor Ferre: Would you make sure that each member of this Commission in writing has that. In other words, of each ceremony, 12:30 is the statue, Simon Bolivar, next Monday, luncheon right after at Reflections and that evening the Bolivarian Coordinating Consul has a reception that we are invited to in the evening, -- -- ---------- ------ - -------------- ---- -- --------------- - - •�- 8. GRANT CLOSURE OF STREETS DOWNTOWN MIAMI FOR DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION CHRISTMAS PARTY ------ ----------------------------------------- ------------- Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, these are ones that are not mine technically, but they were asked by the administration. First there is the closing of N.E. 3rd Avenue between Flagler and First Street on December 21st from 10:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. fd'r' the purposes of the Downtown Merchants Association Christmas party. So move. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion and a second. What was the motion? Mr. Plummer: To close 3rd Avenue between Flagler and.... Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1356 A MOTION GRANTING A REQUEST FOR CLOSURE OF STREETS IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA PURSUANT TO REQUEST MADE BY MEMBERS OF THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR UPCOMING CHRISTMAS PARTY AND AS MORE FULLY DISCUSSED BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION ON THIS DATE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------- -------------- 9. GRANT NOISE VARIANCE FOR EXPLOSION IN CONNECTION WITH FILMING OF AN EPISODE OF "MIAMI VICE" ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, there is a request here from the television series "Miami Vice" who wished to make a part of their series a boat explosion on one of the three days 19,20 or 21, and it would be between the hours of 9:00 and 11:00, sl 17 December 13, 1984 which violates or is in contrast to the ordinance relating to fireworks. They would like this permission to be granted on one of those three days. I so move. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion and a second. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner ' Plummer, who moved its adoption% MOTION NO. 84-1357 r A MOTION GRANTING A REQUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF "MIAMI VICE FILM PRODUCTION CO." FOR WAIVER OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NOISE ORDINANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF FILMING A BOAT EXPLOSION IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR TELEVISION w SERIES BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 P.M. AND 11:00 P.M. ON DECEMBER 19-219 1984. tom_ Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the 3r motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins n. Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. fr'r+a - - ------------------ - - - ------- 10. ACCEPT CITY CLERK CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS OF 3! NOVEMBER 6 CONCERNING PROPOSED EXPANSION OF OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Plummer: The Clerk's office has asked, all of you have copies of this election certification. The Off -Street Parking Board from five to seven members which was November 69 1984. You all have copies in front of you. Do any have questions? For the record, the election results were 27,465 for and 28,254 against. The matter was voted against by the electorate. Mayor Ferre: You'd better remember that. Mr. Plummer: Madam Clerk, as normal, give us precinct 818, would you give the results of that, please? Mayor Ferre: I thought we had done all this before. Mr. Plummer: No, they didn't have the actual results. Mrs. Hirai: Precinct 818, position 09, which is the yes vote, is 394, and 605 against. Mr. Plummer: If no other Commissioner has a precinct to be checked, I then move that this be adopted•as certified. . Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? sl 18 December 13, 1984 i t' r- i i- Mr. Carollo: There's a second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? In other words, out of 55,000 votes, we lost it by 800 votes. Mr. Plummer: Right. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner ` Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1358 A RESOLUTION OFFICIALLY ACCEPTING THE ATTACHED CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATION AND DECLARATION OF THE RESULTS OF THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS HELD ON NOVEMBER 60 1984 IN WHICH THE EXPANSION OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD FROM 5 TO 7 MEMBERS WAS DISAPPROVED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 11. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO HIRE OUTSIDE AUDITOR TO EXAMINE PAYROLL RECORDS OF FORMER CITY MANAGER TO DETERMINE AMOUNT OWED TO HIM. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Manager, to the best of my recollection, I think we still have some unfinished business with the previous City Manager in as far as to what actual time he had accumulated in vacation time, sick leave, etc. Has the appropriate City department given your office a final reading as to how many hours Mr. Gary had accumulated according to the records that Mr. Gary provided to them? Mr. Rozencrantz: Mr. Carollo, I have received from the Director of Finance a memorandum indicating initial review of our records as to what the final hours for vacation time, sick time, and the three months' severance pay would be. We have not had those numbers audited. They are numbers that were taken from our payroll. Basically, I believe they were taken from our payroll records. Mr. Carollo: What I would like to suggest if I may is that we hire an outside auditor that was not hired or brought to the City of Miami from Jersey by Mr. Gary to go over those records and to use the same methods that Mr. Gary initiated sl 19 December 13, 198 in trying to establish how much time former Chief Harms actually had accumulated or not. I think that Mr. Gary set the precedent by doing that and I think that we should go to an outside auditor to accomplish that. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second to the motion? Mr. Perez% Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? F Mr. Carollo: Yes, Mr. Mayor, examples of what I'm talking about that needs to be clarified. All the time that Mr. Gary which he acknowledged was during normal City working hours, all the time that he served in the Board of Directors of the Sunshine State Bank. The meetings that Mr. Gary x` stated to me in writing were usually held in the afternoon. The time that Mr. Gary went in June 1983 to represent the Sunshine State Bank before the F.D.I.C. in Atlanta and other times that he has been out of the City. I think all that has to be clarified and that is the reason I have made this f motion. x Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion, I think that in order to be fair, if we are going to keep a record of the times he was away during the regular working hours, then some record should be given when he was out there putting out the riots beyond an eight hour day and other things that he did beyond an eight hour day, if we're going to balance the books. So gI would also like to know the number of hours beyond the eight hour day that he was acting as a City Manager on City business. Mayor Ferre: Further statements or discussion? Mr. Carollo: Yes, Mr. Mayor, again, what I have asked for is the precedent that Mr. Gary set when he instructed the City's finance auditor to go over former Chief Harms' records. We are doing the same thing he did at the time. Mr. Gary set that precedent, which is following pursuant to the precedent that he set in trying to clarify the areas V that need to be clarified. Furthermore, for the record, I think there have been some people in this community that haven't set the record straight. As far as all the personal credit that Mr. Gary was given by some for stopping the civil disturbance, maybe when Chief Harms finally comes and maybe some of the assistant chiefs come before this Commission, that can be clarified so that this community can actually really know what Mr. Gary's role was during that {4; disturbance. I think once that is known, quite a few things will be clarified, including that we should not worship °. false idols. =�N ' Mayor Ferre: Further discussion or statements? If not, h call the roll. at W G J 1 1 j sl 20 December 139 1984 C'S "k! Ll The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1359 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO HIRE AN OUTSIDE AUDITOR TO EXAMINE PAYROLL RECORDS, UTILIZING THE SAME METHOD AS USED BY FORMER CITY MANAGER HOWARD V. GARY, IN THE COMPUTATION OF ACCRUED TIME SUCH AS SICK LEAVE, VACATION, COMPENSATORY OR EARNED TIME, THAT WAS DETERMINED TO BE OWED TO FORMER CHIEF OF POLICE KENNETH HARMS TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE AMOUNT OF TIME SPENT BY THE FORMER CITY MANAGER ATTENDING MEETINGS OF HIS CAPACITY AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUNSHINE STATE BANK AND ALSO A COMPUTATION OF THE TIME SPENT OF THE FORMER CITY MANAGER OVER AND ABOVE THE NORMAL 40-HOUR WORK -WEEK SUCH AS ATTENDANCE TO PUBLIC MEETINGS, THE HANDLING OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS SUCH AS THE CIVIL DISTURBANCE, ETC. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------- 12. VERBAL DIRECTION TO MANAGER: DO NOT PAY ANY MONIES TO H.V. GARY UNTIL COMPLETION OF AUDITORS REPORT Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, do we need a motion to instruct the Manager not to pay any monies out until he has the final approval of the Commission? Mayor Ferre: Mrs. Dougherty, do we need to formalize that in a motion, instructions from the Commission, or is that something that the Manager can be instructed without a motion? Mrs. Dougherty: It does not require a motion. Mayor Ferre: It does not require a motion. Well, I think you've heard the will of this Commission in this vote. Obviously, until this is concluded with regards to the.... Mr. Rosencrantz: Mr. Mayor, I believe that Mr. Gary will be entitled to a paycheck tomorrow for the last week or so that he was on the payroll. Mayor Ferre: Of course, I don't think that's.... 51 21 December 13, 1984 7 Mr. Rosencrantz: Past that point, if you're talking about the leave time and the severance pay, that I think properly can be withheld until the audit is completed. But I think he does have a paycheck that is in the process at this point, I'd like to be free to.... Mr. Carollo: That's perfectly clear. Mayor Ferret Is that the will of this Commission? Mr. Carollo: Certainly. Mayor Ferre: All right. Is there anything else, Mr. Carollo? Mr. Carollo: Not in that particular area, Mr. Mayor. 13. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: CARMEN TBIJN ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Perez: The only pocket item, Mr. Mayor, is a case I received from the City Attorney's office. I would like to have the recommendation that the City Attorney made the comments about. I received it this week in my office. I would like that he clarify what is the case. Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, this is an item that has our recommendation for settlement for over two months because for some reason it didn't get on the agenda, so we'd appreciate your consideration of a settlement. It's a settlement of $35,000 in an instance when a woman fell down on the street because of an object that was protruding from the sidewalk. It is not known that this... Excuse me, Commissioners, this is an instance when a woman was hit a Miami police undercover car. The City is clearly liable. She has possible of 20% disability. We're asking for this case to be settled for $359000. This is a settlement that didn't make the agenda. We're asking for... We recommend it and so does Risk Management. Mr. Perez: I move. Mayor Ferret Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferret Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: 31 RESOLUTION N0. 84-1360 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO CARMEN THIJN THE SUM OF THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($35,000) WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL BODILY INJURY, PERSONAL INJURY, PROTECTION LIENS, CLAIMS, DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI AND UPON THE EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY FROM ALL CLAIMS AND COUNTERCLAIMS AND DEMANDS. 22 December 13, 1984 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------ 14. REQUEST FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION TO DEAL EQUALLY WITH CUBAN AND HAITIAN REFUGEES Mayor Ferre: We have been requested by Ira Curtisban, who's been dealing with the Haitian issue legally with INS that the City of Miami intervene as amicus curiae which means a friend of the court. Is that right? Where we would request that the administration of the Federal government deal with the Haitian issue, equalization... No, that's not what it's called. What's it called? Stabilization, equalization, adjustment, I'm sorry, that the adjustment for the 30,000 Haitians be the same as the adjustments that were made for the Mariel refugees. I would like to move that. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: I think it is only fair that we deal equally and that the administration deal equally with both entities in this community. I know this is a heated argument with Neil Rogers and some of these talk hosts. I know that Greater Miami United would be greatly disturbed and all that, but I think we have to treat equally, and we have to deal fairly with both of these entities. The problem, of course, in the Haitian community is much less because I think you're only talking about 159000 to 20,000 people at the most. I think it's a question of equity. I would recommend that we have the courage to stand up to this issue and say that if the Federal government is going to deal, it shbuld deal equally with both groups. Call the question. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1361 A MOTION EXPRESSING THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION'S CONCERNS TO THE APPROPRIATE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE U.S. IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE THAT THE FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION SHOULD DEVELOP FOR THE 30,000 HAITIANS PRESENTLY RESIDING IN MIAMI, THE SAME TYPE OF ADJUSTMENTS AS WERE DEVELOPED FOR THE CUBAN MARIEL REFUGEES. 23 December 13, 1984 E Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. -------------------------------------------------- 15. REQUEST FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO ASSUME ITS RESPONSIBILITIES CONCERNING ECONOMIC/SCHOOL ETC N CONSIDERATIONS OF REFUGEE INFLUX TO THE CITY �f ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, wouldn't it be appropriate some kind of motion as you know, you and other members of this Commission, including myself, have gone to Washington to try to plead our case for the tremendous economic impact that this has made in the past and will continue to make. I think the same adjoining resolution would be in order that F� this Commission goes strongly on record, that the Federal Governments are the ones passing these resolutions and adopting a tremendous impact on this community as to its schools, to its hospitals, to the general municipal h t services. If they are the ones that are controlling, then they must also assume the responsibility that it is unfair to ask of this community, through Federal legislation, that -<...: they are impacting financially on the citizens of this community, that we urge them strongly to accept the responsibility of the financial impact to assist this community and whatever might be in the coming days. I 4, would, Mr. Mayor, feel that is most appropriate that those people realize their responsibility. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Under discussion, I would just add my voice to saying that this community in South Florida does not set foreign policy and does not set our immigration policy. The Federal Government does that and I think the Federal government should assume that responsibility. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I don't think we can accept in the future, as when we went before and they told us that they were spending a half a million dollars a' day for this community and we found out that really what they were doing was the boats, the task force, and the other things that were not even seen in the community. They completely bipassed and addressed the human needs of this community and the impact that was causing. Mayor Ferre: Amen. Mr. Plummer: So I think we have to make that quite clear. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: 24 December 13, 1984 MOTION NO. 64-1362 A MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION GOING STRONGLY ON RECORD THAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS THE ONE THAT HAS BEEN �g RECENTLY PASSING A SERIES OF RESOLUTIONS ' DEALING PITH THE IMMIGRATION OF 3= REFUGEES, SAID IMMIGRATION HAS SEVERELY IMPACTED OUR MUNICIPAL SERVICES AND THE CAPACITY OF OUR SCHOOLS; AND FURTHER ADVISING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THAT, AS THEY CONTINUE THESE IMMIGRATION PRACTICES, THEY MUST ALSO ACCEPT THE ATTENDANT FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE HANDLING OF THESE ISSUES SINCE IT CONSTITUTES AN UNFAIR BURDEN TO ASK THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI TO ASSUME FURTHER RESPONSIBILITY IN THIS REGARD. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ✓ y1'. 4 ABSENT: None. x4 I - 16. PROPOSED GOVERNMENT ALTERNATIVE STRUCTURES-PROPOSED ABOLITION OF CITIES BY !METRO- PUBLIC BEARINGS -BALLOT W CHALLENGES ETC. 4' v P ------ -------------- ---------------------------------------- 1 Mayor Ferre: I left 'for last what is obviously going to be the hottest issue in this town for the next two years. Joe, s," `• I want you to listen to this. I have here the governing Dade County study of alternate structures which were issued by the University of Miami in Coral Gables,headed by Dr. David Hertz, the distinguished professor. I requested it and got a copy and will sent a copy of it to you. I talked to Dr. Hertz yesterday and I've talked to several lawyers and several people that are involved in this committee. I have requested of Mr. Beaseley as well of Mr. Sodowski that y" their first hearing of this panel which I still don't know who appointed them, but whomever appointed them, that they hold their first hearing in Miami. I want to say that I have confirmed the rumors that have been going around this t town, that one of the targets is the abolishment of the City of Miami. There is no question that is one of the targets. t" I'd like to say that legally, to my surprise, that is `3 possible without the vote of the people of Miami. To my amazement, the Constitution of the State of Florida gives in its Dade County section and in other parts, the Constitution f the right for the people of Metropolitan Dade County to r; amend their charter. A charter amendment, evidently, even though I think we need to contest it in court, has some kind of a right to put on the ballot, in Metropolitan Dade County, the abolishment of any of the cities. I think this is a very dangerous precedent that is being discussed. I ' would like Ms. Dougherty to do several things. First of sl 25 December 13, 1984 ., all, in conjunction with people that she would choose that are constitutional lawyers and people that have dealt with x' 'W municipal and County law, I see Mr. Stewart Simon is in the audience. I would like for her, before giving an opinion to r discuss this with several people, give us a legal opinion as } to what rights, if any, the people of Miami have in the potential in this procedure. Secondly, I want to give fair warning that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. If it comes that the people that are -I think Carollo calls it the shadow government of this community - wishes to take on the City of Miami, I think it is only fair, and I want to give fair warning that I -and I don't know whether you'll join me or whether I'll be all alone, or whether can do this legally, but I will also try to put that same ballot the abolishment of Metropolitan Dade County. I think that is something that if they want to play fair and they want to put on the ballot the abolishment of the City of Miami, they should also put on the ballot the abolishment of Metropolitan Dade County as a governmental entity as one of the alternatives that could be chosen. If that is not done and there's no equity in their approach in balance, it is my intention to go out and get a petition signed. I would like to warn the shadow government of this community ,'. that they should look at the history books of this community and remember how very, very close they came in the last foray that was led by some of the members of the shadow j government and their inheritors that are perhaps different faces but come from the same organizations and the same people that are plotting these things, that they almost lost Metropolitan Dade County in the last two elections. When they challenged and they went forward on a reunification of this community, and they couldn't successfully attempt it, they then tried to get the fire and police departments away from the City of Miami to merge them with Metropolitan Dade 4 y, MS.s . County, and that was defeated two to one, so in all of the attempts in the past, I might point out that in the latest referendum in Metropolitan Dade County itself, which was the a approval of Metrorail, that they came within 3,000 votes F.- - of losing that, hardly a major victory. There are a lot of questions that have come out of the decision of Metropolitan °, Dade County to go to Rapidtransit. It was the Black community indeed that made that difference, and that . there...I think if they start tampering with the political, governmental structure of this community, without doing it with fairness and justice, that they may be tampering, they r- may be biting off a lot more than they may envision. They should proceed very cautiously and whatever they do, they should do with a great sense of responsibility and of justice. I have no doubt that there is an on -coming attempt to abolish the City of Miami and we will be waiting for I them. I don't think we need a resolution, Mrs. Dougherty on 4 that. Do we? I've asked you for two things. One is a A formal, legal memorandum on what rights the City and people of Miami have in this. Secondly, what the procedures are for us to put on the ballot if the County Commission chooses not to, a balancing abolishment of Metropolitan Dade County, if they indeed put on the ballot the abolishment of the City of Miami. I'm sure that they will attempt to do this through Tallahassee. If they could do it in Nome, Alaska, "r they would do it in Nome, Alaska. They are going to try to off: a get away as far as they can from the will of the majority of the people of Miami and if they have the heart of this a community, if they really have this community at heart, I ' would assume they would want to do it right here where the people are affected and not try to do it through the back door in Tallahassee. I want to tell you that the people of Miami will have a long memory for those people who will '`.,. attempt such an end run. That's all I have. sl 26 December 13, 1984 110 0 17. DISCUSSION OF MIAMI HERALD EDITORIAL POLICIES 7 S Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I would like to add something 3fi briefly, It I may. I agree totally with what you've stated here today. What I see that is happening by the shadow government, and I'm glad that you agree with the definition and we gave them -it's very accurate, I think- is that they've realized they've lost control of the monopoly board. They no longer control the monopoly game in the City. Every election of the people of Miami vote opposite from what they want. The Miami Herald might be a monopoly in other ways, but they don't control the City of Miami any longer. They can't dictate to the people of Miami whom their representatives are going to be any longer. Since they realize that and they realize that no matter how many people they try to groom to court one of their editors and convince them to move to the City of Miami, that they can't elect w anyone, and they know that they will be beaten bad at the polls. So what they try to do is come around the back door and try to accomplish in the back door what they can't do in the front door. In many ways it's very similar to the same things that is happening in E1 Salvador. The guerrillas nr there, the terrorists, can't achieve power by the polls. r. Therefore, they are going to try other ways in using their muscle and their power to try to get into the government. `` A The Herald is using terrorism of the press to try to exert .e their power and the best way of trying to accomplish that, of course, is by trying to panic the community into believing that 300,000 new immigrants are going to be coming in the next year; that 100,000 new Cuban voters will be signed up by 186. Something that they know is completely untrue; it would not happen anytime soon, and they realize that. But nevertheless, that is the only card that they have to play in trying to divide this community down the middle, in trying to accomplish what they want. That's the reason why the Herald defended Howard Gary to the end. What the public knows now, the Herald knew before. The editors of that newspaper were well aware just what was going on in this town in certain areas, but they refuse to let the y, people know the truth. They cover the news in a way that =`ct they want to cover it. They only let so much be known to the public. What you have here is a situation that this newspaper talks about that they have an obligation -to the t public of letting the public know everything. Well, I think ,h they lost all their credibility in this latest incident. Just a week ago we had an article on December 5, 1984 that the Herald is trying to give the impression that Gee, the poor sunshine State Bank, the poor Corona family. The article says, Judge'. Corona family can't keep bank post. Well, what did the Miami Herald have to print today? That's not the case, is t? This is supposed to be a secret 4'Ss document. That's funny, but no one has talked about a receiving it yet, so I wonder how they got a hold of it. The bottom line is that yes, there are a lot of divisions in this community, but the main instigator of those divisions ;. in this community is the shadow government we have here headed by the Miami Herald. The reason they are trying to ti..i divide this community down the middle is to serve their own �k interests, because the Miami Herald first of all is a business. The main thing they care about, first of all, is increasing their profits and they are going to try to accomplish that no matter what the consequences, no matter how many riots they have to instigate, no matter how much suffering they have to instigate in this community. You $l 27 December 13, 1984 1b "a look back in the 701so the circulation of the Herald was rf approximately 450,000 while the population of Dade County was 1.,2 million. Today the population of Dade County is approximately 6000000 more q 1.8 million, but the Herald's circulation is the same 4509000 and that's after they have expanded into areas that they hadn't in the past as heavily, Broward County, Palm Beach County. They're competing head on with the local newspapers of those areas unlike they ever have in the past. Still, their circulation is the same as it was ten years ago. I think that tells you something. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to bring to the attention of all the voters in the City of Miami that when they sit and analyze the issue usually, they are the controlling factors, and if this should come to pass, they still would be the controlling factor. As you said, the Rapidtransit went over by the Black vote. As you know, your election was the Black vote. The bond issue was the Black vote, and everybody in Dade County realizes that Steve Clark would not be the Mayor if it were not for the Latin vote. So therefore, when the City of Miami votes, usually that vote is a controlling vote. I think that what is being said up here is someone may be getting frightened that if those two blocks of votes were to cement, they might have a problem. So. I wish everybody out there in the community understand that and govern your votes accordingly. ------------------------------------------------------------ 18. DISCUSSION OF ATTENDANCE OF FORMER CITY MANAGER AT MEETINGS OF SUNSHINE STATE BANK. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, if I may, briefly, I'd like to bring something else up. You see, I've had to suffer together with my family, my aides, their families, the misfortunes of having to be the target of slings and arrows of that shadow government. If I may read something from the October 2, 1984 Commission meeting. This was when the former City Manager was under oath. The only question that was answered to me under oath. I quote: "The question that is really the one I was going to ask and the one that I want to get an answer for,, do you know Jose Antonio Fernandez, alias, Tony Mentirita?l 'Mr. Gary: I don't recall knowing that gentleman, Commissioner Carollo-1 'Mr. Carollo: You do not know Jose Antonio TS Fernandez, alias Tony Mentirita?l 'Mr. Gary: No." If I may read the first couple of paragraphs in today's lead story in the Miami Herald. "The controversial Sunshine State Bank of South k Miami was secretly bought with illegal drug profits in 1978 and has been part of a criminal 3 racketeering operation ever since, according to a Federal indictment unsealed Wednesday. In a thirty count indictment, a Miami Federal Grand Jury said bank chairman, Ray L. Corona and his father, Rafael Corona, were made bank officers in exchange for helping accused drug Kingpin, Jose Antonio Fernandez buying him control of the bank. More than 80% of the bank stock was acquired directly or indirectly with drug smuggling . . . . . . . . . profits, Federal prosecutor said. If the defendants are convicted, the government may ultimately take control of the Sunshine State al 28 December 13, 1984 0 a Bank. It would be the first bank seized under the Federal racketeering Yaw." The same Jose Antonio Fernandez that is now known was a true owner of the bank, is the individual that Mr. Gary told me October 2, 1984, after having been five and a half years in the board of directors of the bank and a member of the loan committee; the loan committee that made major loans, including a major loan to buy. the property that Mr. Jose Antonio Fernandez lived at in Vero Beach. This is the individual that Mr. Gary told me he didn't know. He didn't know the owner of the bank. Mr. Mayor, it's funny how after a member of this Commission stood up to the truth, stood up for what was right and put myself and my family at a risk that no public should ever have to, and was attacked to the point that no other local official has ever been attacked by the newspaper to the point that the Herald stated that "Mr. Carollo is the most hateful, divisive, mean -spirited, crude individual to hold public office here abouts in modern memory." The afternoon Miami Herald that's called the Miami News stated that something has to be done with this guy; either get him recalled or voted out of office. I think something they're trying to do with some members of this Commission now, but won't be able to do. But it's funny, all that was because I exposed with facts, not innuendoes, like they were saying, what the Federal government now has made known to this community, to the nation, and to the whole world. But it's funny, you don't hear anything from the Herald or their sister paper any longer about who was the person that they attacked so much for having said the same things approximately two months ago. I guess I found out something that is not enough any longer to stand up for what is right. It's not enough any longer to present facts to individuals that because of their desire to achieve complete power in this community will purposely turn their heads away from things that they know were happening in this community. Maybe Mr. Chapman might want to come to this Commission now and ask us to reconsider the years severance pay that he so much wanted for Mr. Gary. Maybe he might want to go to the Sunshine State Bank and see if they will give him the same year's severance pay now. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8 19. APPOINT COMMISSIONER JOB CAROLLO AS VICE MAYOR FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR Mayor Ferre: We have the Vice -Mayor's appointment that neods to be dealt with, as you know, on November of each year. We rotate this. It is my understanding that it is now Commissioner Carollo's turn. Am I correct? Is there a motion? Mr. Dawkins: I move it. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. 51 29 December 13, 1984 0 10 Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez who moved and seconded its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1363 A RESOLUTION ELECTING AND APPOINTING COMMISSIONER JOE CAROLLO AS VICE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR. ;fk 3 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- ,.,.:. AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo LL Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. _.r. ABSENT: None. 20. DINNER KEY MASTER PLAN -DISCUSSION ON 12-20-84 ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Joanne, you had a pocket item that you wanted us.... Ms. Joanne Holzhouser: Thank you, I'm Joanne Holzhouser, 4230 Ingraham Highway, Coconut Grove. I'm the president of the Coconut Grove Civic Club. On October 19th, when you all had the Dinner Key Master Plan, it was our understanding that the instructions of the Commission to Mr. Luft, the City Planner, was that we were to continue discussing this and were, at some ultimate point, not then set, to come up with the final decision. Although I've had conversations with Mr. Carl Kern about this fact and Mr. Sergio Rodriguez and Mr. Walter Pierce have both been very helpful, Mr. Luft has never talked to any of us about any of it. It is now scheduled to come before you for the final reading and approval on December 20th. I'd like to ask that this be deferred and that Mr. Luft be instructed to talk with the people that you instructed him to talk with on October 19th. This is in no way a criticism to Mr. Sergio Rodriguez, for whom we have the highest respect. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, through you to Mr. Rodriguez. Can we get an answer on that? Mr. Rodriguez: Yes, I already mentioned to Me. Holzhouser that I believe that if we haven't been in touch with them like we were supposed to, that we would definitely should continue this item from December 20th to a future date. Mayor Ferre: Do we need any action? ¢' Mr. Rodriguez: I would like to set up a date certain, so w that we don't have to advertise again. I recommend January i 24th. - 1 sl 30 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferret We'd have to meet on the 20th and then extend it. Mr. Rodriguez: That's true, sorry. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, may I inquire, Mr. Manager, I had requested Sergio that an item be put on this agenda, which I do not find in reference to 28th Street. I was of the understanding that it was simply a correction. The builder came to see me. I asked that it be put on this agenda. I think it was item 20 of the last agenda. I do not find it on this agenda and I was wondering the reason why. Mr. Rodriguez: I understand that the item was going to be put on the agenda of December 20th, because it's a planning and zoning item. E Mr. Plummer: I understand that was the intent, but I asked r over two weeks ago that it be put on to this agenda, and I was given every reason to believe that it would be. Mr. Rodriguez: I don't know anything about that. May I say something, Mr. Plummer, in relations to this. This is one 3 of the items that you voted to have be reviewed by the Blue Ribbon Committee and come back on December 20th with a recommendation. Mr. Plummer: All I'm saying is I wish they had told me that. 21. OPEN SEALED BIDS - CITY VIDE PAVING PROJECTS Mayor Ferret It is now 11:00 and we must take the bids. k' What item is that, Mr. Clerk? x Mr. Ongie: It was inadvertently left out of the agenda, but it is to receive sealed bids for the City-wide highway r.Afi improvement Phase I B=4497. { Mayor Ferret Is there a motion that we receive such bids, that we open such bids? Mr. Plummer: Madam City Attorney, before I make such a ' motion, if it was left off the agenda, is that putting the bids in jeopardy? Mrs. Dougherty: No, sir. Mr. Plummer: I so move. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferret Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1364 A MOTION TO OPEN SEALED BIDS IN CONNECTION WITH "CITY-WIDE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I - H-449711. 31 31 December 13, 1984 0 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mr. Plummer: What are the bids for, Mr. Ongie? Mr. Ongie: They're for city -side highway improvement, phase I B-4497. The bids were read as follows: 1. P.N.M. Corporation, $3919449.94 2. P.J. Construction, Inc., $415,546.94 3. Garcia Allen Construction Co., Inc. $478,766.75 4. South Florida Paving Contractors, Inc., $485,646.00 5. MIRI Construction, Inc., $4279244.44 6. Marks Brothers Co., $421,040.40 Mayor Ferre: Do we need any further action on this? Mr. Ongie: No, sir. 22. DECLARE JANUARY 109 1985 AS DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE FOR STRONG !MAYOR CHARTER AMENDMENT Mayor Ferre: The first item is the issue, A-1, which is strong mayor form of government. I would like to ask the City Attorney to distribute the former resolution tnat was before the City of Miami Commission to members of the Commission and to schedule it as a public hearing item at the next available meeting with sufficient that we advertise as that particular ordinance, which I will be sponsoring. The decision, which has to yet be made and last time around, Commissioner Carollo stated that he would not sponsor this matter, unless it were divided. Legally, there may be some arguments made on that side, and that's something that we're going to have to discuss at that time. Obviously, it would be safer if we divided the vote between the strong mayor issue and the expanded Commission in districts. I have as yet not decided how I would stand on that. My inclination is to stand like I did before that it has to be one unit. But if we don't get support for that vote as a one unit basis, then I would be voting for dividing it where there were before three votes for the issue. The other important issue that has to be decided would be whether or not it would be effective November of this coming year, which is 185 or November 187. It is my opinion that I prefer November of 187. If it is the Commission's intention and should the people of Miami vote for 1985, I would not be running for that office this coming November. That is a decision I will have to make, depending as to which way we go. We will then have this public hearing. What will be the earliest time? Mr. Robert Clark: January 13th would be acceptable. That's the first meeting in January. i f al 32 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Do we need a motion to that effect? Mr. Clark: No, have the City Clerk.... Mr. Plummer: January loth. Mr. Clark: January 10th, rather. Mayor Ferre: Well, let's formalize it. I move that the ordinance that I had previously sponsored be placed on the agenda as a public hearing item on first reading. I so move. Mr. Perez: Second. Mr. Plummer: Motion understood? Any discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1365 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PLACE ON THE AGENDA, AS A PUBLIC HEARING, AN ORDINANCE PREVIOUSLY SPONSORED BY MAYOR FERRE IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED STRONG MAYOR FORM OF GOVERNMENT, TO BE DISCUSSED AT THE MEETING OF JANUARY 10, 19859 AS A FIRST READING ORDINANCE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 23. DISCUSSION ITEM: CITY MANAGER TO REVIEW FINANCIAL STATUS OF THE URBAN LEAGUE ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, I have requested of you an accounting of all the expenditures that we presently have in contract with the Urban League. I would like for you to call Mr. T.Willard Fair's office and inform him that I will be coming up with an item this afternoon as to deal with the issue of the Urban League before the Commission and meeting this afternoon at the Junior campus. I would expect that you have that information for me by that time. ---------------------- ----------------------------------r--'_ 24. FUNDING FOR LIBERTY CITY EDUCATIONAL CENTER wr_wrw_-_-r----rw-_-_-_---w_-w---_-w-w 1 i $l 33 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferret We now have discussion regarding the funding of the Liberty City Education Center. Mr. Roy Phillips: Mr. Mayor, members of the City Commission, first of all, I would like to thank you for this opportunity of appearing before you to talk about a very important project of the college and to the community. ' First of all, I also want to thank the City Commission for the outstanding work that it has done in terms of the implementation of projects in the City, especially projects that are dealing specifically with community economic development in a number of depressed areas that the City of Miami, as well as the County. The City has done an outstanding job in funding community based organizations, the Tacolcy project being a good example, the Northeast Chamber of Commerce, the Little River project being other examples and promoting economic development in those communities. I want to commend the Commission for its work in terms of elevating and improving those communities. I'm here this morning to talk on behalf of the board of trustees of Miami Dade Community College and President McCabe, first to share with you a project that we have on the way in discussion with the State Board of Community College Education here. in the State funded. This project is described as a community education project, which is being proposed as a joint use project. The State Statute requires that joint use projects be jointly participated in and funded by the various entities that are proposed as part of the project. I'd like to discuss in some detail with you today what that means to the City council. The second thing that I'd like to do, after I've shared with you the nature of this particular project, what is intended to do in terms < of the further implementation of economic development in those communities, I'd like to request this City council joined with the college, the Dade County government, and other entities of the City, including the B.A.C., the map process, the Dade County Strategic Planning Process, in helping us to get the necessary funding from the State level. I have provided for your information in the package, and I hope you have copies of, a kind of an abstract of this particular project, do that you can get an idea basically of what the nature of the project is, What I'd like to do briefly with your permission, is to outline, give you a brief outline and an overview of this particular project in y. terms of first of all the stated need. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. F=� Mr. Dawkins: Dr. Phillips, may I help you in cutting through some of this? Let me help you to cut through some of this. What the college is saying is that to a larger extent there are no Black entrepreneurs. The Firestone Ms Company gave a piece of property to Miami Dade Community College on 7th Avenue between 62nd and 63rd Street. The Firestone Company donated this property. The college is interested in establishing a -for the lack of a better word - an outreach center in the heart of the inner city to provide W entrepreneur services and other job training plus educational needs to these people. So what the college x wants us to do is, they have the land and they are desirous ,i of a marriage between the City of Miami, Dade County, and the public school system. Now, the way I see it, personally, is if we are going to be able to provide the *k Bayside project with entrepreneurs, these entrepreneurs have to be trained, so therefore, this would be a facility forSN' this training. But the thing I'm to then only going say and I can let the Vice -President talk if he has anything to say, I'm in favor of this, Dr. Phillips. I would ask the City of sl 34 December 13, 1984 A Miami to provide the half a million dollars that you're asking for, provided the County comes up with a half a million dollars and that the school board, cash, comes up with a half a million and also that in our next year's CD funds, that each of these individuals come up with a half a million dollars for operational cost. Because to put the facility there, Dr. Phillips, and not have money to operate it, we are defeating our purpose. Dr. Phillips: If I may inform the Commission, at this point, where we are. Through State Statute, the college has to submit an application to the State. At this time, we have submitted an application to the State. The State has been requested to put up $1.2 million of this money as a joint use. The County, and I'm making a presentation to the County on the 18th and we have requested them to put in $5009000, city. Mayor Ferre: Cash, Dr. Phillips, not in -kind, not loan executives. s Dr. Phillips% That's right, cash money. Mayor Ferre: Because I can think a lot of people around here I'd like to loan out too. Dr. Phillips: Exactly, I know exactly what you're saying. So we are actually asking for real cash dollars. Mayor Ferre: Basically, the college will be responsible for the operational side of this project. In other words, this project will be operated very similar to the Fire Science academy that we operate with the City of Miami and also with the County, as well as our police institute. In other words, once the money is appropriated, the college would be responsible for the operation of that unit. Our operational dollars, as you know, are State dollars. Mayor Ferre: Dr. Phillips, as Commissioner Dawkins said, to cut through, I think you're going to have the support of everybody here in principle. I do think that, I want you to understand we don't, have a half a million dollars just ;. sitting in the bank waiting for us to tap into it. So one of the things, singe you have a lot of high falluting ;- experts on your staff, I'd like for you to have one of your budget and accounting people to help us to figure out where in the City of Miami we're going to find a half a million dollars because we're going to have to cut out some services or do something to shift things around, and we'd like your advice and help so that we can give you the half a million };- dollars, we may have to cut down on park services or another ==` project, or maybe cut down in the Police Department; or maybe have less fire trucks out there or do something to justify this, so you'll have to help us in identifying those funds. Dr. Phillips: Sir, if you may instruct me to work with anyone within your administration, we certainly would be glad to move on that, with your permission. Mayor Ferre: Of course, what is the will of this Commission? Mr. Dawkins: Move in in principle. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Perez: Second. s1 35 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: This instructs the Manager, Mr. Gleekel, do you want to say something? Do you have the half a million dollars? t Mr. Jerome Gleekel: That's what I'm coming with. Good morning, thank you for hearing me. As president of the �t citizens advisory... Jerome Gleekel, 8281 N.E. 2nd Avenue. 2 I wear two hats here. One is the executive director of N.E. > Miami Chamber of Commerce and as president of the Citizens Council. Mr. Mayor, what I would like you to do, if you will, sir, is appoint a member of the Commission and ask the City Manager to assign somebody to us so that we may go into further exploration on this reviewing its effect on economic r development, perhaps introspectively looking into the economic development budget and looking towards the future CDBG funds for this.... Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I would really enjoy, but by being an employee of Miami Dade, I would not want to be put in that position, so would you appoint somebody else? Mayor Ferre: Plummer? Mr. Gleekel: Would that really be a conflict, Commissioner? Mr. Dawkins: No, it wouldn't be a problem. Mr. Gleekel: I don't think it would be a conflict. I think nobody is closer to it than you from an inside viewpoint. } Mayor Ferre: I think you'd be the appropriate person, Commissioner Dawkins. I, as Mayor, appoint you as a committee of one, representing this Commission and that committee, Mr. Manager, whenever you get to the discussions, ;x if you would advise Commissioner Dawkins, who will chair it. Mr. Gleekel: Thank you. f Mayor Ferre: We need a vote on that, I think. Call the roll. al 36 December 13, 1984 U 12 The following motion was introduced Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1366 A MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVING THE CONCEPT OF THE CREATION OF THE LIBERTY CITY EDUCATIONAL CENTER -AN OUTREACH CENTER FOR TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL OF BLACK ENTREPRENEURS; FURTHER APPOINTING COMMISSIONER MILLER DAWKINS AS A COMMITTEE OF ONE REPRESENTING THE COMMISSION TO FORM A COMMITTEE WITH DR. ROY PHILLIPS AND MR. JEROME GLEEKEL TO WORK ON AND REVIEW THE EFFECT THAT THE ABOVE PROJECT WOULD HAVE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, LOOK INTO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUDGET, ETC.: FURTHER DECLARING THE CITY OF MIAMI AGREES IN PRINCIPLE TO EARMARK $500000 FROM NEXT YEAR'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS TO ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE OUTREACH CENTRE PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY COMES UP WITH $5009000 AS A CASH CONTRIBUTION AND THE SCHOOL BOARD COMES UP WITH $500000 CASH CONTRIBUTION IN MATCHING FUNDS; AND FINALLY DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO APPOINT A MEMBER OF STAFF TO ASSIST THE ABOVE -REFERENCED COMMITTEE IN THEIR WORK. by Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 25. ADDITIONAL INCREASE IN SUPPLEMENT PAID TO RETIREES ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: The next item is the retirees. This is the question of increase of City contribution with the retirees r from 1% to 1 1/2x, which would cost a quarter of a million dollars for the remaining nine months of this fiscal year. Yes, sir, Mr. Parks. Mr. Ralph Parks: Ralph Parks, president of the retirees association, with me today is Major Smith, a member of our executive board. We're just here to ask your decision to find out what.... Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, where do we stand on this? Mr. Rosencrantz: At the last City Commission meeting, the City Commissioners directed the City Manager to go back and see if he could not find additional money to make an additional payment to the retirees. I've discussed the amount of money that we're recommending at this point with sl 37 December 13, 1984 W Mr. Parks. I understand that he's in accord that this is an adequate amount to see them through the rest of this year. We are recommending to the City Commission support of this half a million dollars, or a quarter of a million dollars, I'm sorry. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: So move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION N0. 84-1367 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AS PER RECOMMENDATION MADE ON NOVEMBER 14, 1984 BY THE CITY'S ADMINISTRATION CONCERNING AD ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENT TO RETIREES; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INCREASE THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION FROM ONE PERCENT (1 % ) TO ONE AND A HALF PERCENT ( 1. 5%) , AT A COST TO THE CITY OF $250p000 FOR THE REMAINING 9 MONTHS OF FY-1984-1985. by Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Parks: We'd like to thank the Commission, the Mayor, and the City Manager very much for this. See you next year. Mr. Plummer: Merry Christmas. 26. REQUEST FOR SPACE AT MARINE STADIUM: CASINO ESPANOL ROWING CLUB DISCUSSION OF OTHER ROWING CLUBS AND POSSIBLE OTHER FUTURE USES OF THIS VALUABLE PROPERTY ------------------------------------ ---------- Mayor Ferre: We're now on item C, which is the discussion of the Rowing Club of the Marine Stadium. This is the Casino Club. Mr. Cesar Odio: Mr. Mayor, the City Commission instructed us to bring back this item after research at the stadium and what we could do with this club. Carl Kern will make a presentation to it. We are basically going to recommend that we do not approve this, because at this moment and they have presented it to us, it's strictly a private club, and it would not be proper for the City property to be used for that purpose. I'll let Carl Kern explain that. sl 38 December 139 1984 %. Mr. Plummer: Let's hold off a minute. Let's put this in proper perspective. Let's ask the proponents, Mr. Valdez- r. Fauli, it was with full understanding, air that this was not a private club. It would be open to the public. Did you understand it any other way? Mr. Valdez -Pauli: No, this is not going to be a private club. This is going to be...in a way, it's going to be a private club. We are going to use it to help the children of the community. Mayor Ferre: Is it a private club or isn't it a private club. It can't be either or; either it is or it isn't. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor, existing on City property, it cannot be a private club. They have to open their membership rolls once a year. Mayor Ferre: J.L., we have private clubs now. Mr. Plummer: That open up their membership once a year for 30 days and invite the public to participate. Mr. Valdez-Fauli: Mr. Mayor, if you call a private club, a private will honor membership to everybody in the community. Mayor Ferre: Anybody who wants to join the club can join it. Mr. Valdez-Fauli: Correct. Mayor Ferre: So long as that's the case and anybody who wishes to join can join, and that there is no committee that decides who is a member and who is not a member, then that's fine. Anybody who wants to be a member of the club, so long as they pay their dues and do the other things of the club, can join the club. Is that correct? Mr. Valdez-Fauli: Correct. Mr. Perez: Do you, plan to make any distinction to race, nationality. , Mr. Valdez-Fauli: No, at this moment, we have people that have applied for membership that are Latins, they are born in this country, there are Black -Americans, there are :. Haitians, we have from South America, and we have told them that we are willing and they can be accepted as members of the club. Mr. Perez: Do you have a profit or not -for -profit corporation? Mr. Valdez-Fauli: It's a non-profit corporation. We have two banks that have.... Mayor Ferre: Do we have space for another club? Mr. Plummer: Yes, with that now being established, which is my understanding from the beginning, I question the department's recommendations and what I'm questioning is that this Commission set a policy that we approve in principle and send to you to come back to us with similar to the Barge and similar to the Miami Rowing. It was not the policy of this Commission for you to make a determination, but to do. You raised a valid point, if it was valid, that this was a private club. It was never my understanding much to the contrary and has been reaffirmed here this :corning. What I am questioning is this Commission approved that in sl 39 December 13, 1984 principle through the map which you proffered. We set the perimeters; we set the square footage. We sent it to you to negotiate it out and bring it back to us. I fail to see that the administration has done what this Commission requested. They have come back with a recommendation of denial. That is not what this Commission instructed you to do. I am just at a loss to understand how this comes about. Mr. Odio: Commissioner, I hate to defer from what you're saying. They asked for ten acres. We met with them. It is impossible to give them ten acres. We have researched.... Mayor Ferre: You don't have my vote anyway to give them ten acres. =_. Mr. Plummer: That was decided at the last vote that they would not get any more room than what the Barge got or what the Miami Rowing Club had. Mayor Ferre: Where is the Miami Rowing Club, by the way? Mr. Plummer: To the left. Mr. Odio: The Miami Rowing Club is next to the Planet Ocean ".4 on the east side. Mayor Ferre: Would you show me the map? I need to see where that is. Which is the Miami Rowing Club? That's the one where the building is going up now. Show me where that other one is. The Barge is seven. Are they equal in size? r Miami Rowing Club, the Barge, and Casino Espanol would all three be equal in size. Mr. Plummer: That was determined at the last meeting. So where this ten acres is coming from, I don't know. Mr. Perez: It's clear here that it's only 309000 square feet. That is a .68 acres. Mr. Odio: When they first came here, Commissioner, to request this land, they came in with the request for ten acres. You sent it back to us; we met with them; and we have researched the property and decided that was the property they would get. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, you didn't decide that. This Commission decided that at the last meeting. Mr. Odio: I'm sorry. Mr. Plummer: When we said to you that all shall be equal, that they shall receive no more land than what the other two presently enjoy. This Commission decided that. k Mr. Odio: You're right. I'm sorry. But we have to come h! back to you and tell you that in their conversations with staff, they have not indicated that this would serve a social purpose, that they were a private club. That's why we had to tell you this. Mayor Ferre: I tell you the way to cut through all this. Mr. Plummer: Let me tell you, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Wait, let me tell you how I feel on this. I understand that there are a lot of people that want this space for a club. I don't...you know, we've already gone twice. We've done one with Miami and we did one with the Barge. It took us five years to do the Barge Club. Now that's behind us. Anymore of these rowing clubs has to be sl 40 December 13, 1984 out for a public bid. I think we have to bid it and whoever wants to bid it, can go out and bid it and as far as I am concerned, if there's more than one, then we'll go through the process of the administration procedure. I think there have to be minimum requirements. For example, I don't want to find out that one of these clubs ends up with fifteen members or twenty members and is now taking up .7 acres of valuable waterfront land and it has fifteen members or twenty members, and another one like the Miami Rowing Club, may have 300 members. That is not fair. There has to be a minimum membership, minimum standards, minimum amount of equipment. It has to have a total open policy. I think that anybody who wants to join any of these clubs, can join this club, period, whether they be Christians or Jews, Black or White, Haitian or Cuban. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, in the interest of fairness, I have to ask this question, Mr. Mayor, are you going to make that retroactive back to the two that are presently there? Because if what you say the goose is sauce for some kind of duck or whatever you turkey for the goose. No, what I'm saying, Mr. Mayor, in all honesty, is it fair that they should be applied, and I have no problems with rules and requirements being set. Mayor Ferre: I think, I'm not a lawyer, but we inherited from Rome something that deals with post -facto applications of rules of laws. I think it would be unfair to take somebody like Miami Rowing Club, who are now going through a great deal of expense and then open them up. I think that if we do that, then I want to do the same thing for the Miami Motor Club and the Miami Sailing Club and put them all up for bids. Mr. Plummer: All of them. Mayor Ferre: I think that would just cause havoc. I think that with any new rowing club like this, we need to go through a bid process. I've never talked to this gentleman. I don't know exactly who he is or what he wants. I'm for you. I have no problems against what you are trying to do. I just think that it's obviously a great demand for these properties for rowing clubs. I don't know how many others there are out there. . Mr. Dawkins: Well there is one more in the wings that I've already O.K.'d, and that's the Ebony. Mayor Ferre: That's right. Mr. Dawkins: With Bob Sims, they have a club and I've already said that if they have 1.7 acres or whatever they got, that the Ebony Rowing Club has to have the same, so when you start talking about rules and putting out for bid, it will go out for bid after the Ebony Rowing Club get their 1.7. Mayor Ferre: I'll support that. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute now, you know, you tell me what you think is fair. Mayor Ferre: I think we have to establish minimum conditions. Mr. Plummer: I have no problems with that. Mayor Ferre: I do think that if there is a Black rowing club that wishes some space, I think we owe it to the community to do that. sl 41 December 13, 1484 Mr. Plummer: No question. Mayor Ferre: I think that ought to be done automatically. Beyond that, in my opinion, anybody else who wants space in that valuable land, has to go through a bid process. Mr. Plummer: Are you talking about this one and Ebony and then after that? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mr. Plummer: O.K. Mayor Ferre: Not me, I'm not voting on that. Mr. Odio: We have to advertise this and we have to go out for bids on this one. We have to do it. We did it with the Barge Club. Mr. Plummer: How do you say yes to the Ebony and no to this one? Mayor Ferre: Do you want to watch me do it? I say yes to the Ebony and no to this one. Mr. Odio: Mr. Mayor, let me clarify something for you, sir. In the Barge Club, we went out for bids and they were the only bidders at that time, because they were addressing the handicapped problem and that's why they were the only bidders. Here we have to do the same. Mayor Ferre: Absolutely the same. I think what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, absolutely the same conditions. Mr. Odio: Let me point out, sir, that we are.. -this is the last parcel we have that can be given out. Mayor Ferre: I think that the Ebony gets preference. If they come in with a bid, then they have my vote. Mr. Dawkins: We don't have a problem bidding. Mr. Plummer: Where are we now? Mayor Ferre: Bid it, J.L., like we did last time. Mr. Odio: Bid it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. si 42 December 13, 1904 E2 The following motion was introduced Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1368 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH MEMBERS OF THE "CASINO ESPANOL ROWING CLUB" FOR SPACE AT THE MARINE STADIUM WITH THEE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE .6 (POINT SIX) ACRES REQUESTED MUST BE PUT OUT FOR PUBLIC BID AND WITH THE PROVISO THAT THE CITY COMMISSION WILL BE THE ONE TO SET MINIMUM STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING USE OF THIS VERY VALUABLE PROPERTY; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT THE SAME CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SHOULD APPLY TO ALL ROWING CLUBS WHICH LEASE SPACE ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. by Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, with the proviso. That proviso that this Commission will set the requirements and the standards. You can recommend. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: This is before they go out for bid on the parcel. Mr. Plummer: That is correct. Mayor Ferre: I'm going to tell you now up front that whomever gets this .piece of property must have the same conditions as the other two. They have to put up facilities. They have to have minimum shelves. They have to have minimum number of members, because we don't want to take a piece of property and have three members in the club. Mr. Valdez-Fauli: Can I interrupt, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, of course. Mr. Valdez-Fauli: We have letters in the file of two banks which are willing to give us the money to build this club and to the people that, if they don't have the money to become members of the club, the banks will lend them the money so they can become members. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you.... Mr. Valdez-Fauli: In other words, we have planned this. This is not a fly by night operation. We're not only a rowing club. We're going to have a swimming pool, we're going to have diving, we're going to bring sailing boats. In other words, it's not just going to be plain rowing boats. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Valdez-Fauli, let me ask you a question. There are five members of this Commission. Have you ever talked to me or anybody in my office about this? 31 43 December 13, 1984 f Mr. Valdez-Faulis Me personally by you? Mayor Ferre: Anybody in your organization, yes or no. Mr. Valdez -Pauli: I think we have. Mayor Ferre: You talked to me about this?� Mr. Valdez-Fauli: Not me personally, no, not me personally, but somebody in my organization. Mayor Ferre: Who, have you talked to Commissioner Carollo on this? Mr. Valdez-Fauli: Yes, I have. Mayor Ferre: Have you talked to Commissioner Dawkins? Mr. Valdez-Fauli: Yes, I have. Mayor Ferre: And Commissioner Plummer? Mr. Valdez-Fauli: Yes, I have. Mayor Ferre: And Commissioner Perez? Mr. Valdez-Fauli: Yes, I have. Mr. Carollo: We met, Mr. Mayor, three or four months ago with some of the members of their.... Mayor Ferre: See, Joe, last time when we met, it took us three years, but it was a bid process. It has to be a bid process again. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I'm not disagreeing with you. What I'm saying is that I've met with them and like some of the members of the Commission have. Let me tell you what my concern is. The most important piece of land that this City holds right now is that whole area of Virginia Key, and particularly the land around the horse shoe there by the stadium. I think what the City of Miami has there is a gold mine. Let me tell you ... well, maybe I'm getting into an area that I shouldn't, but you know.... Mayor Ferre: That hasn't stopped you before. Mr. Carollo: Well, that's true, I've stepped into more dangerous ground than that. What I would like to see happen in that whole area of Virginia Key is one, for us to reconsider what events we're having there. By that, what I mean is even though finally the stadium is not losing money, like it was throughout the other years. Am I correct in that, Cesar? We're breaking even now. Before we were losing $2000000 a year approximately. It's still not used anywhere near to its capacity, nor is it producing the revenues that it should. What I would like to do is for the City administration to make out some plans to make a marina out of that whole area of the horse shoe. We could have a marina there for approximately 29500 slips; a marina that would be equal to none in the world; a marina that would rival Marina del Rey in California. The dredging ... we don't have to do any dredging there. It's deep enough that all we have to do is to. go ahead and start laying the piers and construct the marina, after we get all the permits from the State and so on, of course. At the same time, then we could build maybe a mini-Bayside-type development. We could improve on the beach at Virginia Key and make it a beach that would be equal to none in Dade County. We could make al 44 December 13, 1984 M ;.I trails and picnic areas in the place. Maybe even go as far as building some small hotels in the key. I think that the administration should look at all those possibilities immediately, because if Dinner Key Marina that we have a little over 350 slips here now. How many slips do we have here? 350? 370? Mr. Odio: 400, we're going up to hopefully, we'll start construction by next summer on increasing the size to 500 and some slips. Mr. Carollo: We have 400 now. How much money did we make last year in Dinner Key? $700,000? Mr. Odio: In round figures, seven fifty. Mr. Carollo: Seven fifty? How much did we make this year? More than that? Mr. Odio: It would be the same hopefully. Mr. Carollo: The same. If with 400 slips we're making $750,000, can you imagine how much money we're going to be making there with some 2,500 slips, restaurants, shops, a nice beach, some small hotels. We should easily be making a couple of million dollars minimum a year, if not much more than that. These are the kinds of things that I think that we have to keep in mind before we decide what to do with that area. What I'm getting concerned about is that we're going to start chopping it up in little pieces and before you know it, we're not going to be able to accomplish anything concrete for the area. I know that some are concerned about the rowing clubs and so on, who that's going to affect you. I hope we can find a solution where we can leave enough room for the rowing clubs to be able to operate. But it's just crazy for this Commission to have land like that and just let it sit there idly without not making any plans for it. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to also say that I talked with the gentlemen and I told them then the same essentially, the same thing Commissioner Carollo is saying now. That was a valuable piece of property, and I told them I doubt seriously thgt you're going to get three votes to utilize that land, but if they got two, I would be the third vote. Did I tell you that? Mr. Valdez -Pauli: You did. Mr. Dawkins: It is valuable land, and I still stand by my... if you get two votes, I will be your third vote. Mayor Ferre: It's 11:40; are we ready to vote on this now? Have we voted or not? Mr. Ongie: Yes, we did. Mayor Ferre: We're on the next item. Mr. Carollo: What was the vote? Mayor Ferre: The vote was.... Mr. Plummer: Put it out to bit. Mayor Ferre: ....on this .6 acres for the rowing club.... Mr. Plummer: No, no, no, not twenty six. Mayor Ferre: Point six acres.... sl 45 December 13, 1964 i Mr. Plummer: I'm sorry. Mayor Ferre: ....to put it out for bid like we did on the other one and we can decide what to do in the future. Mr. Carollo: Now, if we put it out to a bid, that doesn't mean we have to accept any bids. Does it? Mayor Ferre: No, it doesn't. It does not. Mr. Carollo: Before we put it out to a bid, we have to get the prices on it.... Mayor Ferre: And the specs and the whole thing. Mr. Segundo Fernandez: My name is Segundo Fernandez. I am the president of the club. I live here in 6042 Brickell Avenue, and I want to add something more. It's a private club open to every one that he said and only we are not doing this for any personal purpose. We are some people that in Cuba were time we've been in different international competitions. We have one in the board of directors also that was Olympic. What we're seeing is the young people to take them out of trouble. Beside this, we want to help the community, the City of Miami, using influence that we have internationally. We want to bring international competitions to the area, that would help the Marine Stadium to collect the admission fee. We also want to bring international competitions to this area in the way that the hotels and the tourist business that is very bad in this moment, we will support this business. I am telling you it is not the propaganda from the point of view of my business. i I am an international member of different organizations of travel agencies. I travel all over the world, and I try to bring general meetings here, the same gentleman, administrator the City, Mr. Odio, walked with me in many place and I came to him to try to bring him international commerce. That was we want to do in the Casino Espanol. We want also, we plan to invite the members of the college of the area to participate and be on our facility to make it sport. Because we think that if mind clean, you know, when we make sport, the mind is clean. That is what is our purpose, to help the community. There are other clubs there doing this, we do the same. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, Mr. Fernandez. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEMS "D" AND "E" WERE WITHDRAWN. ------------------------ ------------------ ---------------- 27. 7TH ANNUAL KWANZA FESTIVAL - DEFERRED TO AFTERNOON. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item "H" regarding the funding of the Kwanza Festival. All right, Jackie. Ms. Jackie Bell: I am Jackie Bell, 1600 N. W. 3rd Avenue. As all of you know, Kwanza has been going on in this community longer than any other festival. We came to you during the week of October, November - something, and asked I sl 46 December 13, 1984 O for $1400000, Since that time, we have revisited, and we have out back on the spectacular Kwanza that we had hoped to have and we are asking is, that at least $25000 for a seven day festival in the Overtown area ... Mr. Carollo: $25,000, Jackie? Ms. Bell: Yes. Mayor Ferre: How such were you asking for before? Ms. Bell: We wanted a spectacular seven day, City-wide Kwanza. We asked for $140,000. That is what it would have cost us to do what we had wanted to do. Now, what we are doing is confining it to the Overtown area only, we are asking that $25,000 be granted for that. Mayor Ferre: We have a problem - let me tell you what the problem is. The problem is that this afternoon we have got to deal with $400,000 worth of requests for festivals and we have $125,000 left. Now, I don't know how you all feel - but we are running out of money fast and with all due respects to all of these festivals, and I love them all, we f have got feed the hungry and take care of some social problems in this community and, I am not saying which festival I am for or against, or what have you, but I am not for spending any more money than what we have allocated, and let the chips fall where they may. We have $125,000 to ,,,y5rn spend, that is what we are going to spend. That is just one maans opinion. Now, if you all want to expand it beyond E that, you have got that right, but we have run out of money. If we are going to spend $500,000 for the Miami Junior College extension in Liberty City, which I am all for, with y all due respects, that is a hell of a lot more important °ems than the Goombay Festival, or Calle Oeho, or any of these other things that we sponsor. If that is where the money is going to come from, that is where it is going to come from with this vote. Ms. Bell: Mr. Mayor, what we, at New Washington Heights have been attempting to do for a community that you, as well as myself was here in this community when a ... Mayor Ferre: Jackie; I am not against your project. I am just saying that we have limited funds and we have got to live within it. Ms. Bell: No, no, I am not attempting to say that you are against our project by any means, Mr. Mayor. What I am saying to you is, yes, I agree that we do need a college or a ,center in Liberty City for education, but there are some more things that are needed among us than just those. This opportunity comes to us and I remember this Commission attempting to get a trade mission to go to Africa that never happened, okay? Not disagreement with that, but we have been able through Disney World and through some other dignitaries from the African country to establish with the person who lives here, Mr. Mosen who did the Epcot Center for Disney World to attempt to be able to get a trade line through Senegal back to us, and the festival would help us do that. Mayor Ferre: All right, any motions for anything on this Commission? We will then be dealing with it this afternoon with all the other festivals, as I understand. Ms. Bell: Do I have to come back? I have my ... Mayor Ferre: I don't think so. sl 47 December 13, 1984 Ms. Bell: Okay, because 1 had my leg operated on and I've got to go and see about it. Mayor Ferre: Jackie, you have been here all morning and we are grateful to you. We understand where you are at and we understand the importance of this program. Ms. Bell: Let me say thit one thing. Mr. Mayor. Kwanza is very, very needed, and I understand what you are saying about money. I recognize that dollars are not that easy anymore to come by. Mayor Ferre: And becoming less easy, I will tell you. Ms. Bell: Yes, I understand. Mayor Ferre: One of the things I am asking the Manager to do, which has not been done, Mr. Manager, and I see Clark Merrill sitting here - the other day Merritt Stierheim told me that the effects of the Reagan cuts are going to be devastating in Metropolitan -Dade County. Ms. Bell: You are absolutely right. Mayor Ferre: I mean, we are talking about basic social issues and I understand that Metro is about to lose something like $25,0009000 to $30,000,000 with the proposed cuts. I want to know how much we are going to lose, because we may be talking, Mr. Manager, about cutting out all - I mean, we may be down by the end of this year - the City of Miami, to Fire, Police, Sanitation, Parks & Recreation and Public Works, and that is it! And that means no housing, no social programs, no cultural programs, no money for Pace, no money for Kwanza, no money for Calle Ocho. We cannot afford it! Ms. Bell: I agree, but Mr. Mayor ... Mayor Ferre: We are headed for that. Mr. Plummer: Well, maybe recognizing that, that is why Metropolitan Dade County wants to take over, knowing that we have a surplus! Ms. Bell: Mr. Mayor, you know, during the time that we are talking about Kwanzi, you are going to have all of the kids out of school. Please, don't forget that. We want to do something to keep truly harmony in that community and when you think about that this afternoon, you think about that very hard. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you very much. ------------------------------------------------------------ 28. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND SECTION 55-11, CITY CODE RELATING TO PUBLIC SERVICE TAXES OR TELEPHORE SERVICES. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up Agenda Item 51. Mr. Clark Merrill: Okay, I have a memorandum that has not been distributed. I will give it to you. Mr. Plummer: First question is, why hasn't it been? Mr. Merrill: This was an issue that was as a result of the AT&T divestiture. I know that Commissioner Plummer has sl 48 December 13, 1984 addressed this on many occasions of what happens when that divestiture - how it affects the City budget, and what it does, it reduces the revenues that we get from Southern Bell franchise fee, and the utility tax by about $30009000 a year. Mr. Dawkins: You prepared this without a chart or anything to show me what you are talking about? Mr. Merrill: I beg your pardon? Mr. Dawkins: You don't have a shot or nothing to go with this to show me what you are talking about? Mr. Merrill: I have a projection. Mr. Dawkins: That is what I mean. Mr. Merrill: What I have just given you is a projection that we have estimated what the revenue losses would be this year and next year, and they are over $3,000,000. Mayor Ferre: There goes Kwanza! Mr. Merrill: Okay, we have projected those in the budget, Mr. Mayor and City Commissioners. We have projected that in the budget as a loss. What we are talking now about is recovering those losses through changes in the public service tax ordinance that the City has in which we assess a 10% tax on public services and I was talking about just telephones. Mr. Dawkins: You are saying, this 10% tax will go on the user, or on Southern Bell? Mr. Merrill: Well, Southern Bell will pass it on to the user, but most of this will come from business. Mr. Dawkins: But see, then I am really helping Southern Bell again! Mr. Merrill: No, it has nothing to do with Southern Bell. Mr. Dawkins: No, no, no. All right now, Southern Bell did this to us, okay? Mr. Merrill: No, sir, they did not do it to us, the Court did it. Mr. Plummer: No, they didn't. It is a big - the whole conspiracy in the sky with American Telephone & Telegram. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, all of it - the telephone industry. Am I correct in saying that? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mr. Merrill: The $3,000,000 that we lost came from the consumers, so they benefited by $390009000. What we are trying to do is to sit back and get the same amount of money we were getting before. Mr. Dawkins: So the $3,000,000 that we are not collecting went to the consumers, and you can show that to me? Mr. Merrill: Yes, sir. Well, it is the fact that it is passed on to the consumer. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, send that to me sometime at your leisure. al 49 December 13, 1984 M) a Mr. Plummer: Well, let me ask you this question. The fee that we received in the past was for the usage of the right of public right-of-way. Mr. Merrill% Of the fee - the franchise fee. That is the franchise fee. Mr. Plummer: Now,, Southern Bell is not paying that to us anymore? Mr. Merrill: That is correct, but this does not affect the franchise fee. Mr. Plummer: Okay, but since that obligation has been assumed by the AT&T - who do the poles on the streets today belong to? Mr. Merrill: They belong to Southern Bell and Florida Power & Light. The poles belong to them and they use our public right-of-way under that franchise agreement. Mr. Plummer: What right do they have not to pay us for that? Why can't we tomorrow morning tell them to take their damn poles off our right-of-way? Mr. Merrill: Let me just answer it this way. We have a contract that runs for thirty years, called a franchise fee ordinance and that cannot be changed. Now, they have a right to use the public right of way under that authorization that we gave them when we gave them that franchise. The court has told them (AT&T) to divest and when they did that, they took the premises equipment, the leased and rented premises equipment and turned it over to AT&T. AT&T said we are not a utility and the County just went to Court and the Court suit was ruled against Dade County and for AT&T, and said "Yes, you are not a utility", so that issue is going to be a difficult one and a legal one to resolve. What I am addressing here today is the City's public service tax and the language that we have in that ordinance, that describes the telephone services under which the consumer paid the tax and what I would like to do is introduce the attorneys who have worded it under the wisdom of this Commission - you have hired outside attorneys to develop this and they have developed an ordinance that would bring into language in the ordinance that would increase the revenue base. I would like them to explain that to you so you would better understand what is before the Commission. I would like to introduce first, Stuart Simon and we had this lawfirm of Fine, Jacobs & Schwartz, Nash, Block & England, who we have hired to do this, and Stu Simon, former County Attorney and distinguished lawyer who is with that firm, to make a few remarks and then have Bert Hellman who is the drafter of the ordinance to explain the technicalities of the ordinance. Mr. Stuart Simon: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, my name is Stuart Simon and let me see if I could shed some light on a truly complex matter. I think, Commissioner Dawkins, it would help, first of all, if we explained that there is a tremendous difference between the franchise fee, and the public service tax. They are two different animals, although we very often talk about them together and mix them up, but the franchise fee works something like this - the statutes of the State of Florida authorize you to grant a franchise to a particular company who renders public services within your jurisdiction, and pursuant to that statute, you have a contract with a number of utility companies, including the old Southern Bell, which said in effect, for the privilege of coming into the City of Miami, $l 50 December 13, 1984 and performing your business, ripping up the streets r whenever you want to, getting police protection while you are ripping up the streets, we are going to charge you a fee , �-�, for this privilege - the privilege of doing business in our area, and that has been the situation that has been in existence for many years. What happened, and this goes to your question as to who pays it - of course the consumer ' ultimately pays it, but after the tax was imposed - it had been in effect for many years, the utility companies went to the Public Service Commission and said "Look, what we would y like to do is to pass this on to the consumer on monthly bills", and so when your monthly bills go out to the consumer, the utility companies charge an amount for the fi franchise fee, which at the end of each year, they pass on to the City of Miami, but I won't attempt to fool youthe consumer pays that fee, just as the consumer pays practically everything else. It is authorized by the Public Service Commission. Mr. Dawkins: Can I stop you one minute, Mr. Simon? We signed a contract for 30 years with Southern Bell, and then Southern Bell, because of the Federal Government, leased or gave part of that right to AT&T, am I correct? Mr. Simon: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: Now, doesn't that void the franchise if I had 4 it with Southern Bell? Mr. Simon: I don't think it does. "N: ! Mr. Dawkins: Okay, why not, sir? Mr. Simon: I think again we are confusing the public service tax with a franchise fee. Mr. Dawkins: No, I just asked a question. I hear you, but ? I am trying to find an answer to another question. Go right ahead. �.PMr. Simon: We certainly think it represents a reason to renegotiate the franchise because of the change in circumstances. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you, Mr. Simon. k- n..-, Mr. Simon: Let me now pass on to the public service tax. t The public service tax comes about by a different statute all together. The public service tax authorizes the City to charge a particular percent - in your case you have chosen a �. figure of 10% to impose on the revenues that arise within ' your City. This is not for the privilege of doing business within your City. This is a tax which comes about, and because it is a tax, it is a revenue producing measure for the City of Miami. The other one is a fee. A fee is x` different from a tax. A fee is in exchange for the privilege of doing business here. Now, because the payment of the public service tax is levied on telephone service and equipment, and Southern Bell says, "We have divested °k ourselves of it, not because we wanted to but because we }<3 were forced to by a decree of the Court", that, the telephone equipment, the telephones themselves, have passed kx into the hands of a company called AT&T Information Services, so you collected from them. AT&T Information Services says we are not in the telephone business, so what we have tried to do - we are not a utility, we are not in the telephone business, we don't provide telephone services. All we do is rent telephones, and what happens xF. - what we have tried to do and the State law by the way, does not x: define telephone service. It gives you the power to impose 81 51 December 13, 1984 P T q� x.+s a tax on a number of different kinds of service, and they are all set forth in your ordinance. There is, for example, a tax that you may impose on bottled gas, electricity, fuel oil, metered gas, and so forth. Mayor Ferre: Stuart, so we can cut through all of this, ,.,:. first of all, let me tell you, that thank God for people n like you and your associates exist in this community, that 4 we have public servants in the legal professions that have b; not only the care; but the expertise and the knowledge, ' because you really are an essential element of progress in the community. I am very happy that the Administration and the Commission have retained you to come up with hopefully, a solution to this very complex problem. The people of Miami, through no fault of their own, and the City, are subject to a crack in the structure of taxation and fees, which hopefully, I think that you are coming up with a solution. You know, and I know that the utilities and all s the people that are in this business will all be here like x bees in a beehive at the next meeting when this thing, if it passes by three votes today, will be up for discussion. a But, so that we can move along, I would like to offer this I ordinance at this time and schedule it for a public hearing on second reading - when would you recommend that this be done? ... January? Clark, the January meeting, is that a good time? i Mr. Simon: Yes, Mr. Mayor. }� Mayor Ferre: You know you are going to have fifty lobbyists, lawyers, and utility people here. Mr. Simon: I would call your attention to the fact that the effective date of the ordinance is on April 1, 1985. Mayor Ferre: Yes. .t <f` Mr. Simon: This is to allow the City machinery to come into order, to get everything ready in case it is enacted. We may even ... Mayor Ferre: Well, I hope it stands up in Court, because you know it is going to be challenged every which way. Mr. Simon: Of course it is going to be challenged and I can't promise you - and I consider myself a good lawyer, that we will win. I think we have got a pretty good chance. Mayor Ferre: I consider you a good lawyer too. All right, I so move Item 51 - the ordinance as it presented to us on first reading. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Chairman, you have got a motion and a second. Mr. Perez: Motion understood? We have any discussion? Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 55-11 OF THE CITY OF MIAMI CODE, PROVIDING NEW DEFINITIONS RELATING TO PUBLIC SERVICE TAXES ON TELEPHONE SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Was introduced by Mayor Ferre and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - Id 52 December 139 1964 11 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had -been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. 29. HIRING FREEZE - DEFERRED TO AFTERNOON. Mayor Ferre: We do have the question of the hiring freeze before us. Commissioner Perez, we were waiting for you on this item. Now, Mr. Manager, with regards to the hiring freeze. Let me say at the outset, that I. for one, will be voting for defreezing of any lifesaving functions; that I certainly don't want anybody to say that somebody died or there was a fire that we didn't handle, or some criminal matter not solved because we were understaffed. Mr. Dawkins: Or that the garbage wasn't picked upl Mayor Ferre: Well, I will take it one at a time, but for me, for sure I am voting for Police and Fire. Now, I also tell you that I am also going to be voting for Sanitation and the Planning Department, because we are in bad, bad, trouble. I asked Mr. Manager, and I know that you have a different policy than that was here before, but I just want to tell you that I asked Sergio Rodriguez to talk to each member of the Commission about the tremendous crisis that we have in the Planning, Department because we are not able to deal with the planning issues because we are under staffed, but for sure, Fire and Police we need to deal with. Go ahead. Mr. Randy Rosencrantz: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, you have before you an item that is a pretty concise memorandum, which identifies those positions that we would like to request your approval to remove from the hiring freeze. When the hiring freeze was initially imposed, we had 183 vacancies in the City of Miami. Right now, that number has increased up to to 221, so presently we have 221 positions that are vacant and frozen. What we are requesting at this time is for your consideration to look at those positions that are shown in the memorandum and we have tried to break them down in terms of Police, Fire, Sanitation, Public Works, Parks A Recreation and other departments. We are asking you to review those. We can make a justification on each position, if that is appropriate. The criteria that we used in terms of determining which positions to recommend to be unfrozen, were to give priority consideration to those that were related to lifesaving services, such as the Police and Fire positions. I would also suggest as part of that assessment, it is not only the uniformed officers in both of those departments that are necessary to provide services. There are other civilian positions that are necessary in those departments to provide a satisfactory level of service. We also requested and shown in the memorandum that in the General Fund, which is directly supported by the millage levy, that we have 175 vacancies. We are only requesting id 53 December 13, 1984 that we fill 124 of those vacancies. Of the 124 vacancies that we are requesting authority to fill, by the far the largest percent is in the Police Department and Fire Department. Police, Fire and Sanitation compose 60% of those positions. Mr. Plummer: Well, those three, according to this document, amount to 113, is that correct? Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes. Mr. Plummer: 113 out of 123? Mr. Rosencrantz: Out of 124. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager, you were not here, so I am just going to bring you up to date. Sometime ago, when the Citizens Against Crime came down here and dictated that we hire more policemen, it was agreed at that time that we would hire one sanitation worker for every policeman that was hired. During that time, 10 new policemen were hired, and no sanitation workers. I mean, I am just giving you this for information. This is just information only, sir, not for no discussion, or nothing. I am just giving you some information, so in my point of view, instead of having 7 positions in Waste Collection, it is 17 according to my calculations, because we are 10 behind that we never put in, so that would be that. The other thing is, I would like to just say to you - I think the Mayor needs to hear this also - my most complaints that I am getting and sure every Commissioner up here is dealing with Planning and it gets from Planning back to Code Enforcement, so some kind of a way, Mr. Mayor, we have got to do something in that area. Those are the crucial areas I have - Police, Fire, Solid Waste and Planning. Now are the issues I see as critical. Mr. Plummer: Those are the 124 that he is recommending. Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes, those ... Mr. Dawkins: These are the 124 that you are recommending? Mr. Rosencrantz: There are 4 vacancies in the Planning Department and we are recommending that those 4 vacancies be filled. Mr. Dawkins: 4 vacancies? I thought it was 5. Mr. Rosencrantz: In the Planning Department and we are recommending that those 4 vacancies be filled. Mayor Ferre: All right, any other questions or statements by members of the Commission? Mr. Carollo: I would like to leave this until the afternoon so we can have the opportunity to go over it a little bit more carefully. Mayor Ferre: All right, any objections to that? I have no objections to that. ------------ ---------------------------- -------------------- 30. CONSENT AGENDA. ------�----------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: All right, we then move to the Consent Agenda. Does anybody here wish to pull any items out of the Consent Agenda? ld 54 December 13, 1984 Mr. Carollo: One additional point of information. Can we make sure that from now on we have the correct name of the Manager placed on these? Mr. Rosencrantz: Commissioner Carollo, I will make sure of that. Mayor Ferre: These are items 5 through 18. Are there any items that any member of this Commission wishes to pull? Is there anybody who wishes to address the Commission on any matters between 5 and 18? - limited to that. Yea, sir, Mr. Smith. Mr. Bill Smith: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, Bill Smith, Sanitation Employees Association. I am concerned with Item 8 on the Consent Agenda. Mr. Rosencrantz: I was requested to withdraw Item 8, I am sorry. I should have withdrawn it before we started this process - requested that it be withdrawn. Mayor Ferre: Okay. Item is withdrawn. Anything else? Does anybody else wish to speak? Is there a motion then? Seeing none, is there a motion on the Consent Agenda, except Item 8? Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: It has been moved. Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. THEREUPON, THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS were introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Carollo, and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 30.1 CLAIM SETTLEMENT - DOUGLAS DAVIS, $159000 RESOLUTION 84-1369 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO DOUGLAS DAVIS THE SUM OF $15,000 AND TO LEWIS F. COHEN, HIS ATTORNEY, THE SUM OF $2,500 FOR STATUTORY ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. ld 55 December 13, 1984 L-] 30.2 AUTHORIZE EMPLOY OF LAW FIRM AS CONSULTANT IN CASE T._ OF ESTATE OF FABIO DE JESUS GUZMAN, DECEASED VS. CERTAIN POLICE OFFICERS OF CITY OF MIAMI. RESOLUTION 84-1370 i A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO EMPLOY THE LAW FIRM OF FOWLER, WHITE, BURNETT, HURLEY, BANICK & STRICKROOT, P.A., TO SERVE AS CONSULTANT IN CONNECTION WITH THE CASE OF SORELLY SALAZAR AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF FABIO DE JESUS GUZMAN, DECREASED, PLAINTIFF VS. PEDRO GONZALEZ, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS A FORMER =; POLICE OFFICER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; EDUARDO rl ROQUE, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS A POLICE OFFICER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; KENNETH I. HARMS, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; AND THE CITY OF MIAMI, A MUNICIPALITY OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, USING MONIES THEREFOR FROM THE SELF- INSURANCE TRUST FUND. 30.3 AUTHORIZE EMPLOY OF LAW FIRM IN CASE OF MICHAEL JOHNSON VS. CITY OF MIAMI. RESOLUTION 84-1371 Y A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO EMPLOY THE LAW FIRM OF FINE, JACOBSON, BLOCK, h ENGLAND, KLEIN, COLAN A SIMON, P.A., TO SERVE AS A x CONSULTANT IN CONNECTION WITH THE CASE OF MICHAEL JOHNSON V. CITY OF MIAMI, ET AL., USING MONIES -° THEREFOR FROM THE SELF-INSURANCE TRUST FUND. { 30.4 ACCEPT BID - ADAPTO STEEL FOR DOUBLE TIER LOCKERS FOR DEPT. OF POLICE. RESOLUTION 84-1372 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF ADAPTO STEEL PRODUCTS FOR FURNISHING 100 DOUBLE TIER LOCKERS, INCLUDING ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR INSTALLATION, TO THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $8t500.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE PRIOR YEAR RESERVE FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 30.5 ACCEPT BID - E.V.F. INC., LIFE SUPPORT VEHICLES FOR FIRE DEPT. { RESOLUTION 84-1373 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF E.V.F., INC FOR FURNISHING TWO (2) BASIC LIFE SUPPORT VEHICLES TO t`r THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $50,072.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE PRIOR YEAR RESERVE FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. ld 56 December 13, 1984 30.6 ACCEPT BID - LITTON OFFICE PRODUCTS, OFFICE FURNISHINGS. RESOLUTION 84-1374 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF LITTON OFFICE PRODUCTS CORP. (L.O.P.C.JOYCE) FOR FURNISHING MODULAR AND FREE-STANDING OFFICE FURNISHINGS, INCLUDING ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR INSTALLATION AT THE SPECIAL TASK FORCE OFFICE AND THE S.E. OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT OFFICE, FOR THE `,. OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER AT A TOTAL COST OF $58,693.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1984-85 OPERATING BUDGET; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING OFFICER TO ` ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 30.7 ACCEPT BID - WEATHERTROL MAINTENANCE CORP, AIR CONDITIONING COOLING TOWER, POLICE DEPT. RESOLUTION 84-1375 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF WEATHERTROL MAINTENANCE CORP. FOR FURNISHING ONE AIR CONDITIONING COOLING TOWER INCLUDING ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR INSTALLATION AT THE POLICE BUILDING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF ?r' $269933.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1984-85 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; i AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE j PURCHASING OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 30.8 ACCEPT BID - SAVIN FLORIDA, INC, COPY PRODUCTS OF AMERICA, AND XEROX CORP. FOR COPIERS AND EQUIPMENT FOR LEASE. RESOLUTION 84-1376 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF SAVIN FLORIDA, INC. IN THE PROPOSED ANNUAL AMOUNT OF $66,460.00, COPY PRODUCTS OF AMERICA, INC. IN THE PROPOSED ANNUAL AMOUNT OF $46,560.00, AND XEROX CORPORATION IN THE PROPOSED ANNUAL AMOUNT OF $97,330.00 FOR FURNISHING COPIERS AND ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT BY INDIVIDUAL LEASE AGREEMENTS, AS INDICATED ON THE ATTACHED TABULATION, ON A CONTRACT BASIS RENEWABLE ANNUALLY, TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PRINT SHOP FOR USE BY ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS AT A TOTAL PROPOSED ANNUAL COST OF $210050.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1984-85 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE USING DEPARTMENTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. ld 57 December 13, 1984 30.9 ACCEPT BID - M. VILA & ASSOC., INC. IN CONNECTION WITH EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT, PHASE I. RESOLUTION 84-1377 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF M. VILA & ASSOC., INC., IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $1t3449'348 -329 BIDS "A" & "C" OF THE PROPOSALt FOR EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I - BIDS "A" & "C" WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "EDISON STREET IMPROVEMENTS" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $10449348-32 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $1889208-68 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $26p887-00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES AND POSTAGE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $319189-00 TO COVER THE INDIRECT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY M. VILA & ASSOC., INC. OF EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I - BIDS "A" & "C" IN EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT UPON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF SAID CONSTRUCTION; SAID NOTICE SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-459 ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1984tCONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES. 30-10 ACCEPT BID - F & L CONSTRUCTION - CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY. RESOLUTION 84-1378 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF F & L CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $466,325.00, BASE BID PLUS ADDITIVE 1 OF THE PROPOSAL, CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY; ALLOCATING THE AMOUNT Or $65t325-00 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING THE AMOUNT OF $99325-00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES AND POSTAGE; ALLOCATING THE AMOUNT OF $10,865.00 TO COVER THE INDIRECT COST; WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE FEDERAL JOBS BILL FUNDS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 8TH YEAR CONTINGENT FUNDS ALREADY ALLOCATED TO THE PROJECT BY RESOLUTION 83- 468 DATED JUNE 9TH9 1983, AND RESOLUTION 84-396 DATED APRIL 5TH9 1984; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. ld 58 December 13, 1984 ■ n M 30.11 ALLOCATE F.R.S. FUNDS - BELAFONTE TACOLCY CENTER AND CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES. RESOLUTION 84-1379 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING FY '84-85 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS APPROPRIATED BY PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE NO. 9901 IN THE AMOUNT OF $279207 TO THE BELAFONTE TACOLCY CENTER, INC. YOUTH VOCATIONAL PROJECT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONTINUING A JOB REFERRAL PLACEMENT AND TRAINING PROJECT TO YOUTH IN THE MODEL CITY TARGET AREA AND $159003 TO CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC. - CENTRO MATER FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONTINUING A CHILDCARE PROJECT IN THE LITTLE HAVANA TARGET AREA FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 1985 - SEPTEMBER 309 19859 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE EXISTING AGREEMENTS WITH THE AFOREMENTIONED AGENCIES, SUBJECT TO THE CITY ATTORNEY'S APPROVAL AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS. 30.12 ESTABLISH ORANGE BOWL STADIUM RENOVATION COMMITTEE. RESOLUTION 84-1380 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN ORANGE BOWL STADIUM RENOVATION COMMITTEE COMPOSED OF ONE CITY COMMISSIONER, J.L. PLUMMER; INSTRUCTING SAID COMMITTEE TO CONFER WITH THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE AND THE ORANGE BOWL COMMITTEE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROPOSAL TO FINANCE THE RENOVATION OF THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM THROUGH THE USE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS; FURTHER REQUESTING COMMISSIONER PLUMMER MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING A SPECIAL COMMITTEE WHICH WOULD BE ESTABLISHED IN FURTHERANCE OF SUCH PROPOSED FINANCING AND RENOVATION, SUCH RECOMMENDATIONS TO INCLUDE PROPOSED MEASURERS AND ACTIONS TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE CITY COMMISSION IN REGARD TO THE PROPOSED FINANCING AND RENOVATION. 30.13 ALLOCATE FUNDS - SUPPORT OF "INTER-AMERICAN SUGARCANE SEMINAR ON WEED CONTROL & RIPENERS". RESOLUTION 84-1381 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $309000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE "INTER-AMERICAN SUGARCANE SEMINAR ON WEED CONTROL AND RIPENERS" HELD IN MIAMI SEPTEMBER 12-14, 1984. FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY; WITH SAID ALLOCATION BEING IN SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY #APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 140 1984. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, let me go back to Item 17 - that is the one that you appointed me as a committee chairman to look into the renovation of the Orange Bowl, which you asked me to hold until January. Mayor Ferre: Yes? Mr. Plummer: I would ask that shortly designate, as it calls work with me in that committee. ld 59 the Manager now designate, or for, someone of his staff to December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: All right. Mr. Plummer: I would also ask that any Commissioner who has any recommendation of names that they would like to put forth that they would please forward to my office, say by the first of January, any names they would like to put on that committee. Mr. Carollo: I would like to either have Mr. Joe Robbie, or someone that he would designate to that committee ... Mr. Plummer: That would be fine. Mr. Carollo: ... to work with the Commission. Mr. Plummer: That will be fine. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager, is there any relationship between Agenda Item 16, the job referral here, and what is in the revenue sharing package this afternoon? Is that the same? We are not giving them the same money twice, are we? Mr. Rosenerantz: No, we are not giving the same money twice. We will not be giving the same money twice. This afternoon, the revenue sharing money is Item 60, and we will plan to have some discussion on it at that particular time, but we do need this particular ... Mr. Dawkins: We do need this out of the way, and the one this afternoon is different? Mr. Rosenerantz: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: Okay. 31. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: TRANSFER FUNDS FOR COMPUTER ASSISTED DRAFTING DESIGN. ------- -------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: We are now on Agenda Item 46. This is monies needed to acquire two additional work stations on Second Reading. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: So moved - Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. ld 60 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Second by Dawkins. Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 95349 ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED, BY DECREASING APPROPRIATIONS FOR CITYWIDE PAVING IMPROVEMENTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $119500 FROM THE 1970 AND 1980 HIGHWAY GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND AND BY DECREASING APPROPRIATIONS FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSIONS IMPROVEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $139500 FROM THE 1975, 1976 AND 1980 SANITARY SEWER GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND, FURTHER TRANSFERRING THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $259000 TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE COMPUTER ASSISTED DESIGN AND DRAFTING SYSTEM BY SAID AMOUNT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of November 89 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9936. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 32. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS FOR MAYORS OFFICE & BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONS. Mayor Ferre: On Agenda item 47, in the Office of the Mayor, the amount was $35,000. That was a mistake that was made, so let the record reflect that that is $35,000. Mr. Plummer: That would reflect the bottom one to be $1409000. Mayor Ferre: That is fine. Is there a motion? Mr. Dawkins: So moved. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute. Let's get the correct numbers in there. It will be $35,000 in the Office of the Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Right. ld 61 December 13, 1984 Ll E Mr. Plummer: $140,000 for the Commission, figure of $1759000. Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - for a AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 99019 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 219 19849 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 19859 BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR IN THE AMOUNT OF $359000 AND THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IN THE AMOUNT OF 1400000 AND BY DECREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $175,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF COVERING INCREASED OFFICE OPERATING EXPENSES, INCLUDING PERSONNEL COSTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. total passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of November 89 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9937. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEM 48 WAS WITHDRAWN. 33• CITY MANAGER TO RECOMMEND COSMETIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CITY OWNED PROPERTIES ALONG THE MIAMI RIVER, ETC. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, the other day, I went on this river revival. You fellows missed a nice afternoon. You had a funeral, and some of you were out of town, and what have, you, but this time we had about 60 boats that went up the river, but I want to tell you, one of the things that is obvious, every time I go up the river is the amount of little corner spaces and triangles and strips of land - for example, right before the Scottish Masonic building, you know, that is all City property and it is in real bad shape. It wouldn't cost a hell of a lot of money to get a bulldozer and some rock and then get some sprinklers in there and sand and maybe make a grassy area or something, so I would like to move that the Administration come back with a specific ld 62 December 13, 1984 recommendation of basic minimum type of beautification and improvements on right-of-ways and properties that the City 1 of Miami owns, so that we can improve it. I am not talking about major capital expenditures. I am not talking about bulkheading, or things like that. That is the the second portion. That is Number one. Number two, there are some areas where I think some very simple bulkheading would really make some great park properties along the river, and I would like some figures on that. Thirdly, there are areas where I think we could fit some very nice marinas. For example - let me give you an example of one. The Pioneers' Club is, in my opinion, really squatting on some property there. Now, and I love the Pioneers, but most of those people, unfortunately have gone on to greener pastures. there are some left, but we really need to revisit that whole issue, and you know what they are doing? They are leasing out space to fishermen, commercial fisherman, and we have got the worse collection of the most derelict looking kind of boats, that are paying somebody, not the City of Miami, fees for being there. In my opinion, you could - probably get the private sector to put up 50 slips there and they would be first class boat slips and if the fishermen or the commercial fisherman want to bid on them, that is fine. I've got no problem with that, but the revenue ought to be coming to the City of Miami and so, I would like, Number three, to have information from you, what areas there are possibilities, including commercial ventures that would be beneficial from a public standpoint, but that would be money makers for the City of Miami, such as a marina along that strip in front of Lummus Park, where the present Pioneers' Club ... I think it is time for us to bite the bullet, deal with the issue and I you know, maybe we can find the Pioneers another place to go, and I would like 'to specifically earmark the monies that we make from this for the improvement of Lummus Park and those historical buildings that right now are just nothing but eyesores, and I think we have an obligation to bring them up to a viable thing where they could be open for the public to enjoy them. I might remind you what they are - it is the Wagner House, which is the oldest house in existence in this community, and secondly, Fort Dallas, what remains of Fort Dallas, which goes back in its origins to 1832, I think, so that is even before Plummer was around - maybe his great grandfather was a buccaneer in those days, smuggling things from Great Cayman Island and the Bahamas and Key West up the river. All right! You and Monty Trainer's grandfather. All right, I so move. Mr. Plummer: I will second it. Mr. Carollo: There is a motion and a second. Any further discussion? Hearing none, may be have roll call. ld 63 December 13, 1984 a The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION N0. 84-1382 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO COME BACK WITH SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BASIC, MINIMUM BEAUTIFICATION IMPROVEMENTS ON CITY -OWNED RIGHTS -OF -WAY BORDERING THE MIAMI RIVER; FURTHER STIPULATING AS FOLLOWS: (1) THERE ARE SOME AREAS ALONG THE MIAMI RIVER WHERE SOME SIMPLE BULKHEADING WOULD MAKE A TREMENDOUS DIFFERENCE, AND THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY INSTRUCTED TO GET THE COMMISSION SOME FIGURES ON THAT; (2) THERE ARE SOME SMALL AREAS ALONG THE RIVER WHERE SOME SMALL MARINAS COULD BE DEVELOPED; (3) THAT SOME INFORMATION BE PROVIDED BY THE ADMINISTRATION AS TO POSSIBLE AREAS WHICH COULD SUPPORT COMMERCIAL VENTURES WHICH WOULD BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AND WHICH COULD PRODUCE SOME REVENUE FOR THE CITY, SUCH AS THE AREA OF LUMMUS PARK, WHICH VENTURE COULD POSSIBLY INCLUDE THE RESTORATION OF THE TWO HISTORICAL BUILDINGS LOCATED THEREIN NAMELY, THE WAGNER HOUSE AND THE REMAINS OF FORT DALLAS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-Mayor.Demetrio Perez, Jr. the motion 34. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH PRESCHOOL PROGRAM. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are on Agenda Item 49, preschool program. Mr. Plummer: Move it• Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second ld 64 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. Any discussion? Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAM" AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $1209300 COMPOSED OF REVENUES COLLECTED FROM PARTICIPATION FEES AND DESIGNATED FOOD REIMBURSEMENTS FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD PROGRAM DURING FISCAL YEAR 1984-85, CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of November 8, 19849 was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9938. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. NOTE FOR THE RECORD .AGENDA ITEM 50 WAS WITHDRAWN. 35. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND SECTION 22-8(B) PRIVATE COLLECTION SERVICE (GARBAGE) TO COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS; CHANGE HOURS. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are now on Agenda Item 52. This is ... Mr. Plummer: Move it. That is the noise ordinance relating to trash collection. Mr. Rosenerantz: They can't pick up up before 6:00 A.M., or after 11:00 P.M. Id 65 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Sounds good. All right, I've got one on noise too. Moved by Plummer, seconded by Dawkins. Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 22-8(B)(1) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, WHICH DEALS WITH PRIVATE COLLECTION SERVICE TO COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS BY ADDING A NEW PARAGRAPH (F) ESTABLISHING THE HOURS OF 6:00 A.M. AND 11:00 P.M. AS THE ONLY HOURS FOR WASTE COLLECTION TO COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS LOCATED OUTSIDE THE CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. --------------------------------------- 36. REITERATE NECESSITY TO METRO DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION TO INSTALL NOISE BARRIERS ADJACENT TO METRORAIL CORRIDORS IN THE CITY. Mayor Ferre: Now, on the noise, Mr. Manager, several months ago I brought up to this Commission a resolution about noise barriers on Metrorail. Now, it is my understanding that some of those noise barriers have already been placed in Coral Gables and they haven't placed them anywhere within the City of Miami. Lucia, I want to say to you that you will find that the City OF Miami and its citizens have a right, because in the award from Congress, the appropriations bill and in the award from the Department of Transportation, there is a legal requirement for those barriers to be placed. It is not a question of if they want to, they have got to! I know they are short three or four million dollars, but I want to tell you that I asked that a decibel reading be taken. Has that been done, Don? Have decibel readings been taken along the route? Mr. Rosencrantz: Mr. Manager, he can respond to your request of several months ago, the Public Works Department did perform certain tasks relating to that. I have not had a chance to review that, but ... Mayor Ferre; Well, there are minimum standards that have to be kept, and as you know, sound travels in very funny ways, and the sound factor five blocks down may be worse than ld 66 December 13, 1984 i immediately next, because the sound will go over it and then down again and it travels along streets and corridors - in other words, sound doesn't travel in straight line - it curves up and down. Mr. Rosencrantz: I wonder if I could ask you to permit Mr. Cather to respond? Mayor Ferre: Yes, of course. Mr. Don Cather: I have sent a report to the City Manager's office, which I am sure will be available to you after we have had a chance to review it, in which I have furnished you with the sound acoustical readings taken with and without the guideway barriers, the location of all the barriers that have been placed to date, the location of future barriers and the fact that the Metro Transit Authority is aware that there are certain areas where the noise levels presently do exceed Federal standards and they are going to install additional sound barriers, the times of which are stated in the memorandum. Mayor Ferre: Now, I tell you, I have stopped along the route several times just to hear the noise factor, and I want to tell you that all along that U. S. 1 corridor on either side where there is houses, I guarantee you the noise factor is beyond Federal standards. Mr. Cather: That is correct. They are aware of that and I they have tests to show it and they have a report coming to me - it should have been back to my hands already, supplementing this memorandum, showing you what they* are going to do to attenuate that noise. Mayor Ferre: Is there a time factor as to when they are going to do these things? Mr. Cather: Yes. Let me review this briefly. Mayor Ferre: You know, they are going to eventually have to deal with that thing when we open it north. I am talking about what is open now, which is south, but I guarantee you there is going to be a lot more people affected when this opens on the northern part of town. Mr. Dawkins: I want a reading as it goes down 41st Street over people's homes. Mayor Ferre: That is right. Mr. Dawkins: And what they plan to do about it. Mr. Cather: It says in the letter I have from Metro Dade Transportation Administration. It says the future accoustical barrier placement will be based on the same criteria used in the E.I.S., which is the guiding statement on this and is the same as A.P.T.A. guidelines and they anticipate a final report from Bolt Barren, Newman and Newman, which is the leading noise consultants in the country on November 16th. Now, I should have had that report by now, it is the middle of December and I will check on that as soon as I get back. Mayor Ferre: Well, I would like to see that report, and we may (we, the City of Miami) get our own sound experts and we may want to challenge this. Mr. Cather: Well there is nothing, really sir, that we can challenge, because they agreed that the noise is there. They are going to put in noise attenuation barriers. Id 67 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Don, let me tell you what I am worried about. Mr. Dawkins: When? Mayor Ferre: See, what I am worried about is, they have run out of money. They don't have any more money, see? And every time I talk to my friends over in Metro, the last time around they said -"Why doesn't the City of Miami contribute it, because the cost is $5,000,000, and maybe you want to chip in". Well, that is not our obligation. They should have thought of that before they started. Seems to me that they need to address the issue and I want to tell you, as a member of this body, I want to sue them. If they don't comply within a reasonable time, I think in the next six months - if they don't put sound barriers within the next six months, I think this government is going to have to take them to court and I don't want to do that because you know, they are friends and they are nice people, but I think we need to tell them that they are not going to take us for granted. Now, why in the world would they put these sound barriers in Coral Gables and just ... Coral Gables fought Rapid Transit, refused to have it go through Coral Gables, as you remember. There was thought of having Rapid Transit wrap around and go into Bird Avenue so as to service Coral Gables. They absolutely fought it, and now all of a sudden, it is the people of ... it is that shadow government again that Carollo talks about - it is the people of Coral Gables who have been against all these things, all of a sudden they get sound barriers and Miami doesn't get sound barriers. We cooperated, we helped them, we did everything to assist and to facilitate and then when the sound barriers took place, the sound barriers go to Coral Gables and nothing for Miami. Mr. Cather: Well sir, I fully appreciate the fact that they need to put more sound barriers in Miami, but the facts of the matter are that they put sound barriers in South Miami by the hospital. They put a short section by the Coral Gables waterway and then starting at just south of 37th Road, the City limits, they had two barriers there in the City limits of Miami; they have another barrier extending from 22nd to 17th Avenue, two barriers at Vizcaya and ... Mayor Ferre: 22nd and 17th Avenue? Mr. Cather: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Let me tell you, because I live in that -area, and Carollo does too - and Plummer does too. If that is what those barriers do, then I will tell you... Mr. Cather: The barrier starts at 17th Avenue and goes to 22nd Avenue, roughly. Now, I have stood at that Union 76 station and noticed the very high noise levels at 17th Avenue there, so I am fully aware of this, and I have course been in this field for 30 years. Mr. Carollo: Particularly between 17th and 22nd, don't you agree, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: What, the noise factor? Mr. Carollo: Yes: Mayor Ferre: Yes! That is what I am saying. Mr. Gather: Well, that is where they put their sound barriers in and that is why they are having another report made. ld 68 December 13, 1984 Mr. Plummer: No, what he is telling you is, those barriers are already in! Mayor Ferre: No, they are not! Mr. Cather: Honest to God, they are! Mr. Carollo: No, they are not, because I still get awakened in the morning. Mayor Ferre: I will tell you, if those barriers are in, I have got to tell you then we have got serious problems, and I will tell you, I feel real bad for the people up in the northwest part of Miami, where there are no trees up there in Liberty City, when those things start rolling through Liberty City, we are going to have serious problems! Mr. Carollo: Yes, well, you listen to my neighbors. You check that area between 17th Avenue and 22nd Avenue. Mayor Ferre: Are you telling me that there is a barrier in there between 17th and 22nd? Mr. Cather: Yes, they were recently installed, and of course, the plans are - this recommended sheet here, on a preliminary basis, shows two additional continuous barriers on both sides, from 27th Avenue past 17th Avenue all the way to the Vizcaya Station. Then, there is another set that goes from Vizcaya up almost continuously to Brickell. Then there is a short section over the river which is not included. Then they started with more barriers around Culmer. Mayor Ferre: All right, so we don't need any action at this time, is that correct? Don, we don't need any action, then today? Mr. Cather: Well, I think it might be appropriate that you again state the necessity for these sound barriers to be installed based on your observations Mayor Ferre: I so move! Mr. Dawkins: I second. Mayor Ferre: And I further, Mr. Manager, ask that if there are any doubts, City of Miami retain its own acoustical engineering firm to come up with information. Mr. Dawkins: I wish you would bring back for me the date that they are going to complete the sound barriers up to 27th Avenue and 62nd Street. Mr. Cather: What you want sir, is the date they are going to complete the barriers within the City of Miami? Mayor Ferre: Mr. Cather, let me say one other thing about noise, as I have observed. When there is a low cloud and it may have to do with the barometric pressure, sound seems to carry different on different days. I don't whether it has to do with moisture, or the barometer, or the low clouds, but I think it is,important if we ever go into a sound study that we do it in different types of days, because I think that you will find that they are very different. Mr. Cather: The biggest factor in noise attenuation, of course, is the existing levels of traffic - noises being generated on U. S. 19 for example, vs. the noise generated by the Rapid Transit. If you observe the noise when there is very little traffic on U. S. 19 you will notice the noise ld 69 December 13, 1984 of the Rapid Transit considerably more than you would at peak rush hour traffic$ so it becomes much more apparent to the people in the nighttime hours. Mr. Dawkins: Over there where I am talking about it is going to be apparent at all times as planes take off and land at the airport that is coming right over there with the trains, so we have a big problem there. Mayor Ferre: Okay, there is a motion and Dawkins seconded it. Mr. Chairman, would you call the roll? Mr. Carollo: Do we have further discussion? Roll call, please. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1383 A MOTION TO REITERATE THE CONCERN OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND TO UNDERSCORE THE NECESSITY OF THE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY/DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO INSTALL SOUND BARRIERS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI ALONG THE CORRIDORS OF METRORAIL AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE TIME; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENGAGE THE SERVICES OF AN ACOUSTICAL ENGINEER TO MEASURE THE DECIBEL LEVEL OF NOISE CAUSED BY THE TRAINS AS THEY PASS THROUGH AREAS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, PARTICULARLY, THE ONES BORDERING RESIDENTIAL AREAS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. 37. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE POLICE SECOND DOLLAR TRAINING. ----------------------------------------------- ------------ Mayor Ferre: We are on Agenda Item 53. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Id 70 December 13, 1984 1 Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 2 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9901 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 219 19849 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 309 1985, AS AMENDED BY ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED POLICE SECOND DOLLAR TRAINING FOR FISCAL YEAR 1984-85 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $267,567 FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING AND EDUCATION AS OUTLINED IN FLORIDA STATUTE 943.25(8)(A), REVENUE IN A LIKE AMOUNT IS TO BE AVAILABLE FROM METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY PURSUANT TO COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 97-82 ADOPTED JANUARY 199 1982; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Carollo and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. 38. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND "SALES TAX COLLECTIONS FY 85". ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up Agenda Item 54. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Plummer: Second. ld 71 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins, seconded Further discussion? Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - by Plummer. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTITLED "SALES TAX COLLECTIONS FY 185119 FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING AND DISBURSING IN A FIDUCIARY CAPITAL ALL MONIES THE CITY COLLECTS AS SALES TAX FOR RENTAL OF CITY FACILITIES, TO RECORD AS REVENUE THE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE FEE (3% ON ALL SALES TAX COLLECTIONS) IN THE AMOUNT OF $15000 THAT THE CITY IS PAID FOR TRANSFERRING SAID SALES TAX COLLECTION TO THE STATE, AND TRANSFERRED SAME TO THE GENERAL FUND AS A CURRENT REVENUE, CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Plummer and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. 39. DISCUSSION: DELAY ON BED TAX FUNDS. Mayor Ferre: Lucia, on this bed tax thing, it is up before the Supreme Court - it has been up there now for four months. How much longer are we going to have to wait? They have got this community at a stand -still on this facility. Mrs. Dougherty: I don't know the answer to that. It took the Supreme Court a year and one-half to approve the bonds for the Miami Beach ... Mayor Ferre: Is there any way that we can ask them, or do they get all huffy about us asking them to expedite? Mrs. Dougherty: I think we did - we asked for an expedited hearing and in fact they did give us an expedited hearing. Mayor Ferre: Well, it has been four months. I tell you, I would hate to see them something slow! ld 72 December 13, 1984 7 Mrs. Dougherty: I will look into it, Mayor. r--r-r--N------------------------ ----------------r-r------- 40. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH ASSESSMENT FUND: RECORD ASSESSMENT LIEN ACTIVITY FOR FY 85. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are on Agenda Item 55. $2,500,000 assessment lien activity, 185. Is there a motion? Mr. Rosencrantz: This is simply a housekeeping process to set up a special fund so we can receive liens on properties and then transfer it to the Debt Service Fund. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: It has been moved by Dawkins, seconded by Plummer. Further discussion? Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $295009000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECORDING ASSESSMENT LIEN ACTIVITY FOR FY 185; REVENUE WILL BE EQUAL TO THE ESTIMATED CASH COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENT LIENS AND TRANSFERRED TO THE GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE FUND TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL RESOURCE FOR THE REPAYMENT OF MATURING PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUES APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Plummer and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. 41. CITY MANAGER TO INVESTIGATE BOARD INSURANCE FOR CITY COMMISSION, CITY MANAGER, CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY CLERIC. ----------------------------- -------------------------- --r-- Mayor Ferre; Madam City Attorney, I think this City Commission and the Manager and yourself and the members of the Administration, like in private corporations, the Board of Directors and officers have insurance and now that the ld 73 December 13, 1984 liabilities law has changed, 1 think we need to be just like Cox Newspapers or Knight-Ridder Newspapers - we need to have board insurance and officer insurance do you need a motion to that effect? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, I think you should have a motion directing the Purchasing Department or Risk Management to go out for bids on this. Mayor Ferre: I would move ... Mrs. Dougherty: ... to secure the insurance. Mayor Ferre: I would move as a motion of intent - you have to come back with a formal resolution - that the Administration be instructed to investigate, seek, and come back to the Commission with a specific recommendation for insurance for the City of Miami Commission, for the City Clerk, City Attorney and City Manager and their respective staffs in a similar type of a fashion that other governments concerning the private sector do. Mr. Carollo: I second the motion - open it for discussion, so I can second it. Well, I can give someone the Chair. Discussion now, Mr. Undertaker .. Mr. Plummer: Yes, security guard. Mr. Carollo: I am going to have give that speech again! Mr. Plummer: I am not an undertaker. A funeral director I am, but an undertaker I am not. Mr. Carollo: You were the instigator of the insurance, as I recall. Mr. Plummer: Of what? Mr. Carollo: Insurance. Mayor Ferre: What insurance? Mr. Carollo: Life insurance. Mr. Plummer: I am the instigator of it? Mr. Carollo: Yes, do you want to make any additional mentions to life insurance now, together with this motion or not? You had brought up the motion for discussion in the past - this life insurance for members of the Commission. Mr. Plummer: Well, if you are in a round about way of saying the some are in jeopardy should be better covered, i agree to that! Mr. Mayor, I have said in the past, and I would continue to say it in the future, the only good benefit that we do get from this City Commission is the medical insurance and life insurance. I think it is ridiculous that our life insurance is something in the neighborhood of what, $15,000? I don't think it would be out of line at all to ask the Administration that while we are in office ... Mayor Ferre: Make that a separate motion. Mr. Plummer: Mayor Ferre: one first. It is a separate motion. It is separate, but we have to vote on this Id 74 December 13, 1984 Mr. Carollo: You have the Chair. Mr. Plummer: Notion understood, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1384 A MOTION INSTRUCTION AND DIRECTING THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT AND THE RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICE TO GO OUT FOR BID TO SECURE "PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE" FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ITS PRINCIPAL OFFICERS, NAMELY, THE CITY ATTORNEY, THE CITY MANAGER AND THE CITY CLERK, AS OFFICERS OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. 42. CITY MANAGER TO INVESTIGATE LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES FOR CITY COMMISSION COVERING DISABILITY, LIFE ETC. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I think it is in order to ask the Administration to look into the coverage of the City Commissioners, as it relates to life insurance, but not health insurance, because that is already taken care of, but I think that the figure that is presently set - I would hope, Mr. Mayor, that it would be such a policy that it would be an option at the time of the Commissioner's term, who does not choose to run again, or for whatever reason that it could be convertible. Mr. Rosencrantz: Mr. Mayor, if I may comment on this, there are, in the market place, several different packages that are available to what are considered as executive packages. Mayor Ferre: What the Commission is saying is, you look at it and come back with recommendations. Mr. Rosencrantz: Could I also add that although it was not mentioned in here, there is disability packages - you would be a part of that. Mayor Ferre: What kind of a package? Mr. Rosencrantz: Disability, in case you ... Mayor Ferre: In case somebody pins you against the wall and .. Mr. Rosencrantz: Whatever they are called. ld 75 December 13, 1984 e Mayor Ferre: Was it two ladies that pinned you against the wall? Mr. Plummer: No, they didn't pinch one against the wall. Mr. Carollo: He was doing that to the two ladies! Mr. Plummer: The car did. Mr. Carollo: Somebody else did. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I thought the ladies pinned you against the wall! Mr. Plummer: I would have paid for that! (LAUGHTER!) Mayor Ferre: Watch it! All right. Mr. Carollo: Now the real undertaker is coming out! Mayor Ferre: Do we need a motion or not? Mr. Rosencrantz: I think we can develop a package to bring back for the City Commission. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1885 A MOTION REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO LOOK INTO MORE COMPREHENSIVE LIFE INSURANCE POLICY PACKAGES FOR THE MEMBERS 'OF THE CITY COMMISSION, INCLUDING,' CURRENTLY AVAILABLE PLANS COVERING SUCH MATTERS AS DISABILITY INSURANCE, ETC. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. --------------- ------------------------ --------------------- 43. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: TRANSFER FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR PLANNER III POSITION. ------------------------------------------------- ---------,... Mayor Ferre: Take up Agenda Item Number 56. Is there a motion? Mr. Carollo: So moved. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Id 76 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: It is has been moved and seconded. Read the ordinance and call the roll and Commissioner Carollo, would you run the meeting for a moment? AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9901 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 219 19849 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE GENERAL FUNDS, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, IN THE AMOUNT OF $429000 AND BY INCREASING THE GENERAL FUND REVENUE, MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE IN A LIKE AMOUNT TO REFLECT A CITY/DADE COUNTY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 239 1984 AND FINALIZED ON OCTOBER 169 19840 WHICH PROVIDES FOR A PLANNER III POSITION WHICH IS FUNDED FROM A U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GRANT AWARD TO THE CITY OF MAIMI THROUGH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, COVERING THE PERIOD APRIL 19 1984 THROUGH MARCH 31, 19859 SAID POSITION WILL CONDUCT PLANNING ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND STRATEGY; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. ------------------------------------------------------------ 44. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE INCREASE TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT. ld 77 December 13, 1984 0 Mr. Plumer: Move Agenda Item 57. Mr. Dawkins: Second. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE 9901 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 21, 19849 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1985, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $109000 AND BY DECREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENCY FUND IN THE LIKE AMOUNT FOR PURPOSE OF FUNDING THE TEMPORARY POSITION OF BUSINESS DEVELOPER TO ASSIST THE WYNWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. 45. DISCUSSION AND WITHDRAWN: PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON PERMIT FEES. Mr. Carollo: Agenda Item 58. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Carollo: Dawkins seconds it. Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mr. Carollo: Read the ordinance, Madam City Attorney. (AT THIS POINT, CITY ATTORNEY READS ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO DECREASE IN WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT PERMIT FEES INTO PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Plummer: Question, Mr. Manager, in the face of decreasing revenues, why we decreasing fees? Mr. Rosencrantz: Mr. Eads, will you respond to that, please? Id 78 December 13, 1984 e �^ Mr. Plummer: Why in the face of decreasing revenues are we decreasing fees? I don't know what this is, but normally fees are the only areas that we have to increase revenues, and yet it is being proposed that we decrease the fees. Why? Mr. Don Cather: We have raised a lot of our fees in various areas in accordance with our costs of doing business and so forth, and in this particular case, the small waterfront improvements, the $250 is what we consider an excessive charge for some of these small waterfront improvements. We are still keeping the 2% of the construction cost as is, but reducing the initial fees from $250 to $75, which we feel is more justified in the case of small residential improvements and so forth. Mayor Ferre: All right, what do you want to do on this? Mr. Don Cather: It doesn't amount to an awful lot of money, but it does - some of those people who come in there and have to get socked for $250 plus 2%. Mr. Plummer: Well, I guess if anybody can afford a waterfront home can afford a $250 fee. Mr. Plummer: Plummer moves the waterfront homes. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: It has already been moved and seconded, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I am sorry. Mr. Plummer: The ordinance has been read. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote on 58? Mr. Dawkins: No, I am agreeing with Plummer. I don't see why we want to ... I just don't see ... continue it, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a request ... Mr. Plummer: Why not deny it? Let's vote it down. Mayor Ferre: Vote it down, then. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I withdraw my second. Mr. Rosencrantz: I wonder if Mr. Cather could explain some of the unique situations the City finds itself in as it relates to the way the fee structure is presently structured. Mr. Cather: In other words, if you are going up the river and you want to put in a couple of pilings for a boat there, or replace the piling, we have to charge you $250 now, at a minimum, plus the cost of the pilings. This is not designed for you know, homes at Bay Point where people are going to put retaining walls in there. These are all kinds - we have an enormous amount of waterfront that needs improvement. We don't want to not have them improve these things. Mayor Ferre: This is - I think they are getting away with murder now. I don't know why ... Mr. Cather: Who is getting away with murder? Mayor Ferre: All these property owners. Isn't that what you are talking about? ... on the waterfront property? ld 79 December 13, 1984 1, Mr. Cather: What I am talking about is if they want to put in a canal someplacie, if they want to put a couple of piling in, the minimum charge for our fee is $250. Mayor Ferre: Why are you against this? Mr. Plummer: I am against it going from $250 down to $75• Mayor Ferre: Oh, oh! Mr. Cather: It goes down to $75, plus 2% of the the cost of the project. Mr. Plummer: That 2% is there now. Mr. Cather: Right, the 2% stays the same. Mayor Ferre: Why do you want to go down from $250 to $75? Mr. Cather: My staff recommended that this is an excessive charge for some of these permits in view of what other permits are costing. Mayor Ferre: You are going down, not up, Don. Mr. Cather: We are going down in the flat fee. In other words, if you wanted to get a line and grade permit, it wouldn't be anywhere near as much to put a sidewalk in front of your house as it would be for this. Mayor Ferre: I don't understand the point. I am sorry I am missing it. Does anybody follow this? Mr. Dawkins: I don't understand it for the simple reason that I keep raising garbage tax and I keep raising everything else and here is somebody that doesn't necessarily have to put a piling in, I am going to give him a break. Mayor Ferre: Explain to me again why you want to decrease from $250 to $75. Your staff told you to. So what! Mr. Cather: Because of the fact that $250 for some of these very small jobs that amount to maybe $1000 total is 25% of the total cost of the project! Mayor Ferre: I see. I see. Well, can we have a sliding scale? Mr. Cather: The other thing that happens, we still have 2% of the cost of the construction. That stays exactly the same. Mr. Plummer: How about taking away the fee and put a flat 10%? Mr. Cather: Well then you are getting into really some very high costs! Mr. Plummer: Offer it as a sliding scale. Mr. Catherl That is a sliding scale, but it ... Mr. Plummer: Well, if it is a $1,000 job as you talked about, it would only be $1,000. Mr. Cather: Why don't we make it 3%, then we will raise everything up. Id 80 December 130 1984 I Mayor Ferre: I will tell you what, why don't you come back with a sliding scale and the motion has been withdrawn and I ask that this item be deferred and I think you have a point - for somebody who is going to spend $1,000, it is ridiculous for him to pay $250. On the other hand, if it is a $1000000 job, it is ridiculous for them to pay $250. Mr. Cather: On a $250,000 job, we still get 2% of it. Mr. Plummer: Yes, but every pole is $750 ••• Mr. Cather: The 2% stays the same. Mr. Dawkins: Plus I get $200 too. Mr. Rosencrantz: Mr. Mayor, let us withdraw this item and we. will come back to you later. 46. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND SECTION 55-14 OF THE CODE RECORDS KEPT BY SELLERS DELIVERING ELECTRICITI, METERED GAS, BOTTLED GAS, FUEL OIL, TELEPHONE, ETC. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are now on 58-1 which establishes records to be kept by sellers delivering electricity, metered gas, and so on. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: It has been moved and seconded. Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 55-14 OF THE CITY CODE WHICH ESTABLISHES RECORDS BE KEPT BY SELLERS DELIVERING ELECTRICITY, METERED GAS, BOTTLED GAS, FUEL OIL, TELEPHONE SERVICE, TELEGRAPH SERVICE OR WATER SERVICE IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Plummer and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated.that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. ld 81 December 13, 1984 i r----------------r r--------------------------r�� 47. DISCUSSION: COMPLAINT BY MAYOR FERRE 0/ OFFICIAL CITY INVITATIONS THAT FAIL TO MENTION OTHER NAMES OF THE COMMISSION. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Dawkins, Mr. Carollo and Mr. Plummer, this is the fourth time this has happened now, and I don't want people thinking that I got anything to do with this. They keep sending invitations out. It says "The Honorable Maurice A. Ferre requests your presence ..." and I have told the Publicity Department and the staff here four times that it. is the City of Miami, okay? ... the Mayor and the Commission. I want you to know that I am not responsible for these things and I want to go on record, Mr. Manager, the next time something like this happens, I would strongly advise that the person responsible be fired! I am sick and tired of telling the people in that department that they are not to say the Honorable Maurice Ferre invites - okay? I just want to put it on the record that this is not my doing. Mr. Carollo: Well, I never objected to it, Mr. Mayor. I just thought we would get a better response if everybody else is included. Mayor Ferre: Very funny. 48. APPOINT RANDOLPH ROSENCRANTZ, CITY MANAGER, AS A MEMBER OF THE D.D.A. Mayor Ferre: The other thing that I wanted to say is that Mr. Rosencrantz, since you are now the City Manager, Howard Gary was a member of the D.D.A., even though in five months he never went to one meeting - not one meeting, did he go to. As soon as we get a third member of this Commission here, I would like to entertain a motion that you appointed to the D.D.A. to replace Howard Gary. Mr. Carollo: Are you making the motion, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: I will make the motion. Mr. Carollo: I will second the motion. Mayor Ferre: We have a motion and a second that Mr. Rosencrantz be appointed to the D.D.A. in place of the former City Manager. Mr. Plummer: It has been properly moved and seconded. Any discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1386 A MOTION APPOINTING CITY MANAGER RANDOLPH B. ROSENCRANZ AS A MEMBER OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, REPLACING FORMER CITY MANAGER HOWARD V. GARY. Id 82 December 13, 1984 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. - --------- -- ----------------- ------------------- ----- 49. ALLOCATE $25,000 FOR OTI-USA SONG FESTIVAL HELD OCTOBER 6. Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item 61. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves 61. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: There is a sec6nd. Further discussion? Call the roll on 61. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1387 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $259000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE 1985 OTI-USA SONG FESTIVAL HELD IN MIAMI ON OCTOBER 8, 1984; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1- 849 DATED JANUARY 249 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. --------------------- --------------------•w..---------- 50. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: PEDRO LOPEZ. w--w-w----w-w--w-w-w--w.�w-w--w-w-w--w------w------ Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 62. Pedro Lopez. Who is that? ld 83 December 13, 1984 ��w Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, that is a man who was injured by a Motorcycle police Officer who ran into when he was in the crosswalks. There is some dispute as to the facts on it. There is a 40% disability to the ankle, and we are recommending a settlement of $41,000. Mayor Ferre: Who moves this? Mr. Carollo: Moved. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Carollo. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Plummer, further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1388 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO PEDRO LOPEZ, WITHOUT ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, THE SUM OF $419433.37 IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI, UPON THE EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. ------------------------ ---------------------------------- 51. APPROVE REPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE HALL AT COCONUT GROVE SAILING CLUB. Mayor Ferre: Concrete wall at Coconut Grove Sailing Club. Plummer moves. Carollo seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. Wait a minute! Why do we have to pay for it? Mr. Plummer: That is what I am asking. Mr. Rosencrantz: Let me give you some background on that. If you recall, sometime ago the members of the City Commission mandated that the wall be removed at the Coconut Grove Sailing Club as well as some other things be done. As part of the process, the club posture is that they did not want to put that ramp in to start out with, but the City insisted upon it and insisted it be done in very short order. ld 84 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: I see. Unfortunately, I have to swallow hard and vote for this, because that is right. We forced them. They kicked and refused to put it up and we told them we were going to sue them if they didn't and so they put the darn up and then we wanted it down. Ready to vote on it? Mr. Carollo: Yes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1389 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REPLACEMENT OF THE CONCRETE WALL OF THE HANDICAPPED RAMP AT THE COCONUT GROVE SAILING CLUB WITH METAL GUARD RAILINGS; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO WAIVE $29650 OF THE RENTALS DUE TO THE CITY FOR FY184-85 FROM THE COCONUT GROVE SAILING CLUB TO COVER A PORTION OF THE COST OF REMOVING THE CONCRETE WALL AND PURCHASING AND INSTALLING METAL GUARD RAILINGS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice-Mayor.Demetrio Perez, Jr. THEREUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO RECESS AT 1:00 P.M. reconvening at Miami -Dade Community College Downtown Campus, 300 N. E. 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida at 3:30 P.M., with all members of the Commission found to be present except Commissioner Carollo. 52. PRESENTATIONS - OFFICERS OF THE MONTH. Presented. Presentation of resolutions to Officers of the Month for October to Officer Felix Beruzides and Ricardo Perez. --------------- ------------------- -------------------------- 53• APPOINT DAVID WEAVER TO OFF STREET PARKING AUTHORITY. NOTE: THIS WAS LATER RESCINDED BY MOTION 84-1420. w------------w w w—wws--------w--------------ter — ld 85 December 13, 1984 41 Mayor Ferre: The first item to come before us is the resolution appointing Mr. David Weaver to the Board of Directors of the off Street Parking Authority. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll, please. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1390 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING DAVID WEAVER TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OFF- STREET PARKING BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR A TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 29 1989. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 54. GRA■T NECESSARY VAIVERS FOR 3RD ANNUAL CAMACOL FAIR. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, would it be possible to recognize these people from the Latin American Chamber of Commerce? They have a pocket item from the morning. Mayor Ferre: Of course. All right, that is fine, I recognize you Commissioner Perez to make the presentation. Mr. Eloy Gonzalez: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners, this year we are asking, as every year for funding for the CAMACOL Fair. This year we are moving from the Orange Bowl to the Florida track. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Perez moves, Dawkins seconds the carnival fair on Thursday, February 28 through March 10th, from 2:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M., and 11:00 P.M. on Saturdays, so further discussion on this? Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, he wanted money also, right? Mr. Gonzalez: No, we are not asking for money. Mr. Dawkins: After they got the liquor stores open on Sunday, they don't need no coney. Mr. Plummer: Okay. ld 86 December 13, 1984 Mr. Gonzalez: No money. Mayor Ferre: Is there anything else you want to tell us? Mr. Gonzalez: Well, we need the permit of the ... Mr. Plummer: The answer is no! Mr. Gonzalez: Okay, you are the boss! Mayor Ferre: No, no, let him speak. Is there anything else we can do for you? Mr. Gonzalez: We understand there is a new law that permits only two fairs, and this will be the third fair. Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Gonzalez: In the next year, so we are asking a waiver to have the fair. Mayor Ferre: Right. Mr. Gonzalez: Second thing is to have the waiver for the amusement for the mechanical equipment. Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Gonzalez: And that is it. Mayor Ferre: That is what the motion says. Are we ready to vote? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1391 A MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION GRANTING ALL THE- WAIVERS REQUESTED BY C.A.M.A.C.O.L (AS MORE FULLY DISCUSSED BEFORE THE COMMISSION ON THIS DATE) IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR "THIRD ANNUAL CARNIVAL FAIR" TO BE HELD AT THE FLAGLER DOG TRACK, FEBRUARY 28 THROUGH MARCH 109 1985. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo --------------- --------------------- ---- ------------w-w----- 55. DISCUSSION A WITHDRAWN: FIREWORKS NEW YEAR'S EVE. -------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: " A resolution waiving the time limitations for fireworks display at the Orange Bowl Stadium on December 31th and January lot to permit a display of fireworks, with due regard for the safety, protection of life and property and not to extend beyond 12:00 midnight on said days," is there a motion? ld 87 December 13t l,98µ Mr. Dawkins: Moved. Mr. Plummer: Who is it for? Mayor Ferre: I would imagine it is for the Orange Bowl Committee. Who else would put on an Orange Bowl Stadium fireworks display December 31st? Mr. Plummer: New Year's Eve is the parade, that is why I am asking in the Orange Bowl, what is taking. place there. Didn't you say it is in the Orange Bowl? Mayor Ferre: Is anybody ready to answer this? This is for the fireworks at the Orange Bowl on New Year's Eve. Mr. Plummer: To my knowledge, there has never been anything in the Orange Bowl on New Year's Eve because the parade is downtown. Mayor Ferre: Who submitted this, please? Mr. Rosencrantz: Walter Golby. Mayor Ferre: Walter Golby? Mr. Plummer: What I would like to know is, what is the event in the Orange Bowl on New Year's Eve? Mayor Ferre: New Year's Day. It says December 31st. Now the last I looked, that is New Year's Eve. Unidentified Speaker: I don't know, that is not mine. Mayor Ferre: It is not yours - well, whose is it? All right, it is withdrawn then, if nobody wants to claim it. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr. Plummer: No, that is downtown. Mayor Ferre: Who typed it? Somebody must have typed it and submitted it. Bob Clark? Mr. Clark: I got the date from the Orange Bowl Stadium. Mayor Ferre: Bob, who gave this to you? Mr. Clark: Either Randy or Mr. Golby. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, may I ask that that be deferred until we know what is going on? ------------------------------------------------------ 56. MIAMI CENTER II DUPONT PLAZA, PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ORDER. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are on Agenda Item 19, extending Paragraph and 11, Exhibit "A". This is Miami Center Project. Now, this is the matter dealing, as I recall, with the Gould Projects on Dupont Plaza, is that correct? Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: What is the Administration recommending? Id 88 December 13, 1984 Mr. Rodriguez: We have three items in relation to this - 19, 20 and 21. Item 19 deals with the extension of the development order for !Miami Center I. This item was considered by the Planning Advisory Board on December 5th and the Planning Advisory Board continued the item to January 16th, so we recommend that the Commission set up a meeting for consideration of this amendment and the development order for Miami Center I, which is a single I by the way, development order - that the Commission set up a meeting on the second meeting of February, which will be February 28th of 1985 to consider any possible amendment to the development order from Miami Center I, is one item. The second item is Miami Center II, which is the Dupont Plaza area project. Mayor Ferre: Sergio, isn't this the same thing we have been doing all these months? All you want to do is continue it, right? Mr. Rodriguez: No, you have to defer between three of them. Mr. Plummer: No, the difference is now he wants to make amendments to change the development order. Mr. Rodriguez: The difference is, in the case of Miami Center I. we are recommending that the Commission set up a hearing for consideration of amendment to the development order for Miami Center I for February 289 1985. In relation to Miami Center II, we are recommending that the Commission extend the development order that would otherwise expire on December 20th - that this is extended to April 25, 1985, and that the Commission find that there have been no substantial deviations in the extension of that time. At the same time we are recommending that the City Commission's hearing on the other amendment that has been proposed by Mr. Gould not be heard today, but continued also to the hearing of February 280 1985. Mr. Plummer: Madam City Attorney. Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Last year in reference to Miami Center, there was an attorney here representing , as I recall, a company called Olympia -York. Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Their indication and strong contention at that time was that Mr. Gould was no longer in the driver's seat and did not have the right to appear before this Commission on behalf of the project. You were asked at that time to make a determination whether Mr. Gould had the right to speak in behalf of this project, or whether or not they did. I would ask you now at this time, if you could, tell me what you were able to develop in research who is in fact, by law the spokesman for this project. Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Commissioner, as I stated the last time, that very question is still in litigation. Olympia - York still contends that Mr. Gould does not have the right to speak for the Center, and that I would still advise at this time that the extent that we reach any agreement with Mr. Gould, I wouldn't feel comfortable unless I had Olympia. York also agreeing. Mr. Plummer: Well, the question is, in your opinion, and I will be guided by your opinion, does either party have the right to come before this Commission and speak for the entire project? Who should we listen to, is really what I am saying. Id 89 December 13, 1984 Mrs. Dougherty: I can't answer who has the right ultimately, because that question is still in litigation. What I am saying is to the extent that we negotiate with Mr. Gould and reach a final conclusion with him, we should also get Olympia -York's concurrence. Mr. Plummer: All right, what happens if Olympia York comes in here and demands changes? Do we listen to them? Mrs. Dougherty: At that point, we probably would. We would have to negotiate this whole thing as a three -party agreement before I .... Mr. Plummer: There are obviously, from the last meeting, there seems to be a big misunderstanding between the two parties, that is obvious. Mrs. Dougherty: That is still the same. Mr. Plummer: Okay, and I am saying, does this Commission have the right to talk with either party at this particular time, until the Court action has made a determination who is in the driver's seat? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, you have the right to talk to them. Mr. Plummer: Okay. So in other words, what you are indicating, and I am not trying to put words in your mouth, that both parties should be here on the day that this matter is heard, is that correct? Mrs. Dougherty: That is right. Mr. Plummer: What happens if one party shows up and the other one doesn't? Do we still listen? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Okay, fine. Mr. Rodriguez: The recommendation that we have today though, only deals with the extension of the development order for Miami Center II until April 25, 1985, and also with the continuation of the hearing on the Miami Center amendment to the development order and all the other amendments that have been proposed by the lawyer of Mr. Gould in relation to Miami Center II, because we feel that until we have more information, we cannot deal with those issues. Mayor Ferre: Do you wish to address this Commission? Mr. Ted Gould: The central reason why we agree to an extension is ,because a proposed modification is being made or considered to the south ramp of the bifurcated system. We have entered into a contract with Worth and Company to sell the adjacent land to them, so we would like to proceed as quickly as possible with proposed amendments. The only thing that I would like you to consider is the possibility of holding the hearing of the City Commission at an earlier date, perhaps the last meeting of the City Commission in the month of January. It is my understanding that the Downtown Development Authority has commissioned an engineering feasibility study for modification of the southern ramp - of the I-95 connector, to which the Dupont Plaza and I both agree - I think we think it has advantages and I understand it has been shown to Southeast as well, or to Hines. Now, there is only one other issue, and that is the question of ld 90 December 13, 19$4 the Miami Center joint venture. When we submit our proposal it would either have been a proposal to which O&Y and I consent, or alternatively, since the court hearing in New York, to concern the arbitration awarded on January 18th, the issue should have been resolved. So, I would like is, I would like th hearing either the last Commission meeting in January, or the first in February. Mayor Ferre: Any preference? Mr. Dawkins: Let's hear them, what they are. Mr. Rodriguez: If I may, the Planning Advisory Board is going to hear this item, the continuation of this item on January 16th. You cannot hear this before that time. Mayor Ferre: I realize that. He said the last meeting in January, or the first meeting of February. Mr. Rodriguez: The last meeting of January? Mayor Ferre: The last meeting of January is after January 16th. Mr. Rodriguez: The last meeting in January is January 24th, which is eight days after the meeting at night of the 16th. Mayor Ferre: So we are asking your recommendation, Mr. Rodriguez. Mr. Rodriguez: We are recommending to have it on the Planning and Zoning meeting of February, which is February 28th. Mayor Ferre: See, but that's ... Mr. Plummer: And it would not be up to us until March. Mr. Dawkins: No, he,is saying in our zoning meeting ... Mayor Ferre: No, sir. Mr. Rodriguez: Let me tell you why I am saying this, you know ... Mayor Ferre: Let me repeat it. Mr. Gould, and we have the right to decide, has requested that we hear it either the last hearing in January, or the first meeting of February, so the question to you is, when would you prefer to have it, on the last meeting of January, or the first meeting of February? Mr. Rodriguez: First meeting of February. Mayor Ferre: All right now, does anybody have any objection to that? All right, is there a motion then? How do we do this - Walter? Mrs. Dougherty: It would be a motion to continue it. Mr. Dawkins: Point of information Mr. Mayor, please. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir? Mr. Dawkins: First regular scheduled meeting or first zoning meeting? Mayor Ferre: First regular meeting, which is the first week of February. He is saying he wants it on the 28th of Id 91 December 13; 1984 40 February. Mr. Gould requested, if we could accommodate him, and maybe we can - that we have it either the last hearing of January, or the first hearing of February, which would be February 14th. Mr. Rodriguez: The reason I was asking for that, is besides that, is that the Dupont task force, we met this week and couldn't come up with a recommendation on this because there was a study that is being finished that might have an effect on this project. The next meeting ........... Mayor Ferre: Which is going to be finished this month in December, which certainly gives you enough time between then and February 14th to conclude it. Mr. Rodriguez: Okay. Mayor Ferre: All right now, how do we go about doing this? Mrs. Dougherty: It would be a motion to continue Items 19 and 21 until the February 14th Commission meeting. Mayor Ferre: Is there such a motion? No? Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, he is saying "no". Mayor Ferre: All right, tell us what to do. Mrs. Dougherty: And to approve resolution 20. that would be the first motion, to approve resolution 209 extending the development order. Mr. Rodriguez: To April 25. Extending the development order for Miami Center II to April 25, 1985 and continue Items 8, 19 and 20 to the first meeting in February. Mr. Plummer: Question. By moving it from the one date to the date of the development order, what date does that extend it to? Mrs. Dougherty: April 25. Mr. Plummer: Of 1985? Mr. Rodriguez: Of 1985. Mr. Plummer: So it moves it from January 8th. Mr. Rodriguez: No, it moves it from December 20. Miami Center II will expire December 20. Mr. Plummer: Okay. Mr. Rodriguez: And we are moving from December 20 to April 259 1985, no later than that. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion? Mr. Perez: Move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: Id 92 December 13, 1984 MOTION NO. 84-1392 A NOTION TO CONTINUE AGENDA ITEMS NOS. 19 AND 21 CONCERNING "MIAMI CENTER", TO THE COMMISSION MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 14, 1985. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr.. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 57• AMEND MIAMI CENTER II DUPONT PLAZA PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ORDER. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Does that Agenda 19 and 21? What happens to Agenda Item 20? Mrs. Dougherty: You want to approve Item 200 extending the development order until April 25th. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion? Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion on Item 20? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1393 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE MIAMI CENTER II DUPONT PLAZA PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ORDER (RESOLUTIONS NO. 81-8409 SEPTEMBER 249 1981; AND 82-719 JANUARY 28, 19829 AS AMENDED) BY AMENDING CONDITION 26 TO EXTEND THE TIME WITHIN WHICH SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS TO BEGIN FROM TWO YEARS AND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO DAYS TO TWO YEARS AND THREE HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHT DAYS OF THE RECORDED DATE OF SAID DEVELOPMENT ORDER; FINDING THAT SUCH AMENDMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A SUBSTANTIAL DEVIATION UNDER CHAPTER 380, FLORIDA STATUTES; CONTINUING THE DECEMBER 13, 19840 PUBLIC HEARING TO 3:30 P.M., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 19859 OR A RECONVENED MEETING, TO CONSIDER OTHER AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER AND WHETHER SUCH AMENDMENTS CONSTITUTE SUBSTANTIAL DEVIATIONS; FURTHER, DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND THE SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL. ld 93 December 139 1984 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 58. BAYSHORE DRIVE DEVELOPMENT STUDY: DISCUSSION AND TEMPORARY DEFERRED. Mayor Ferre: We are now on Agenda Item 22. This approves on principle ... Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor. It is a public hearing. Is there anyone wishing to ... Mayor Ferre: Don't worry, I will get to that after. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there anybody here who wishes to speak to Item 22 at this public hearing? Yes, sir. Did someone stand up on that? Please step forward. The Chair recognizes those who wish ... Mr. Jack Luft: My name is Jack Luft, I am with the City Planning Department. Mr. Mayor, Commission, Ladies & Gentlemen. The item before you is a discussion of basic policy that controls development along Bayshore Drive. These are zoning questions, design and development land use questions in some of the neighborhoods around Bayshore Drive. The area as you see here has been developed recently with office and commercial development to the west, still remains primarily residential to the east. The area has significant environmental sensitive areas, subject to flooding conditions, considerations of the ridge line. It has some significant traffic issues, most of the roads today are the level of service "E", which is the worst conditions that you can measure on traffic surveys. Along Bayshore Drive there are signalization needs, various intersection improvements that are required, some of which have already been proposed along Tigertail and Aviation at the Dinner Key study down at Bayshore Drive and Aviation. Probably the most important single factor to realize on Bayshore Drive is the extent of the redevelopment that still is possible. This map shows you in colored squares those properties that today would be considered likely for redevelopment. If these properties were to redevelop within the next five or ten years, we could anticipate under current zoning an additional one million square feet of development along Bayshore Drive. This necessitates a careful look at the zoning regulations, at the development and design Id 94 December 13, 1984 regulations, to determine whether or not this development is going to materially enhance, or injure or damage the existing situations as respect to Bayshore Drive and the neighborhoods itself. There are several issues at stake. Questions of the estates to the east, neighborhoods to the north and how they relate to the highrise development; the manner in which very small parcels are developed under intense regulations in the Bayshore Drive area; environmental preservation considerations and the future of the apartment area to the north, which is under pressure for conversion; the relationship between the office district development and the downtown commercial core service area. The recommendations before you can be simply summarized in terms of RO-3 district in some of the perimeter areas that we are dealing with - the RO-3 district which forms the core of the residential office area. We are recommending that the existing zoning, which is structured around Sector 6, 1.21 intensity, that that F.A.R. not change, that we not increase the Sector 6, that we stay at that Sector 6 in this a office district. Moreover, we maintain the same basic land use of office, hotels and residential as a mixed character - that we not get into a highly complex or evolved retail uses in this area. We are recommending in terms of land use that the low density residential areas along Bayshore Drive to the east remain low density areas, although there would be 1 some changes possibly in terms of estate development going up to the regular single family. We need to protect the edges to the neighborhood, and we are looking for residential edges along Tigertail as a transition. We are seeking to protect open space at Dinner Key, and relate services there in Dinner Key, the emerging opportunities at the Virrick Gym, Monty Trainer area, the Exhibition Hall, to some of the uses that exist along Bayshore Drive, primarily the parking question, which was raised by this Commission in the context of the Dinner Key Master Plan. We are also looking to link commercially the village center with the high rise office employment area coming along Bayshore Drive, so that there is better walking, functional relationship between those employment centers and the services. 27th Avenue, as an area of concern, is now purely residential. They are old apartment buildings and there is some consideration for modification. You may well recall the zoning request a year or two ago for the corner of i Tigertail and 27th, which sought to impose strictly office ` zoning. Considerations here would include the possibility of planned development mixed use, which would enable us to 4 press for additional residential development while giving the developer the option of including some office, commercial services along 27th Avenue. This is in large i recognition to the fact that 27th Avenue we are proposing to widen to four lanes, all the way from Bayshore Drive to Dixie Highway as a major entrance way corridor and much needed traffic improvement serving the Bayshore Drive -Dinner Key area. We are also proposing the Naval Reserve Center remain in public hands and that certain historic properties down on McFarland be protected. The essential character of the area as it would develop on those prime development sites would take shape something like this. We would be proposing this major development site along Bayshore Drive be kept at the same zoning regulation, however, with the option of a bonus incentive of a .5 F.A.R. for considerations of providing public parking for those uses in Dinner Key that are now and will increasingly in the future demand additional parking As you will recall, this Commission imposed a policy statement on the Dinner Key area that no parking garages would be built along the shoreline, !: blocking the view to the bay, or intruding upon the Bayshore corridor and that in an effort to provide the parking that would not be thus provided, we would look to the developers ld 95 December 13, 1984 on the north side, who will of course, be building parking as a part of commercial projects in the hopes that we could use that parking. The .5 F.A.R. would relate to primarily excess parking if the developer is willing to build additional parking as a part of his project, make that parking available to the public during normal business hours and particularly on evenings and weekends when no parking lots are normally locked and closed to the public, if those would be available, that would alleviate a severe need in Dinner Key and satisfy some significant public objectives for preserving open space and views and recreational lands, so we would propose that bonus. That would be the only increase possible which would enable a development to achieve a 1.71 F.A.R. in the RO-3 district. In addition to that, we would encourage any and all development along Bayshore Drive to include an additional townhouse development or residential project much like the back to the Grove Hotel, which would face to Tigertail within a forty-five foot height limit and provide both a scale and use residential transition to the adjacent neighborhoods, thereby minimizing any any threat that higher density development of Bayshore may pose to certain changes outside of that area. We would recommend that in the estate area here adjacent to Harbor Hill Apartments that we up -zone that modestly from estate zoning between Long View and the Harbor Hill Apartments, that we up -zone this presently estate zoned to a simple single family district just as it is to the north side of Tigertail. This would provide double the amount of residential units, but it would still be of single family nature. This would enable them, coupled with the planned development mixed use, to create the same type of Long iew project, a more creative housing project that we think is a better transition to the office district. We have also introduced consideration of some down zoning on the apartment area, modestly to provide an additional transition. Over here on the 27th Avenue area, the primary problem is that these major development sites, Coconut Grove Bank, the Kolich properties along Cornelia and Greenwood are severed from the downtown area. They are in an environmental preservation district. It is a delicate area. We would like to see through the environmental preservation review process, some of that open space preserved in there. We certainly can't preserve all of it, or even most of it, but some of we can. We would be able to fashion a pedestrian plaza by moving Cornelia Street, we could provide access to all the properties without a shortcut traffic throughway, which would impact up on Tigertail. We could keep that a pedestrian, provide a connection through to the village center and make this a working, shopping, entertainment environment that would connect to the village center, provide some of those linkages that we miss today. This would also imply that the open space in Dinner Key as we originally proposed would remain, and that other properties along Bayshore Drive may take advantage of the parking bonuses to keep these spaces open and green. Sergio, what am I missing at this point? Mr. Rodriguez: I think the only thing that you may have missed is that we are also recommending a height limitation of 22 stories. Mr. Luft: 250 feet. Mr. Rodriguez: And I want to clarify also that the parking, we are recommending a cap of .5 - that is not an automatic .5 increase, but a cap of .5 bonus, depending on the amount of parking spaces provided over the requirements. ld 96 December 13, 1984 Mr. Luft: It would be an incremental bonus - for so many square feet of parking provided, you would get "X" percentage of the bonus and with 100% of that maximum achieved, you would then get the full bonus, but it would be an escalating scale. The likelihood would be that one or two properties along Bayshore may achieve the full parking bonus. It is unlikely in our opinion, that all of the major development sites along Bayshore would be likely to utilize the full parking bonus. What we are looking at in Dinner Key is a shortage right now, in terms of the development anticipated, expansion of the marina, etc. - something in the neighborhood of about 800 parking spaces - that could very well escalate to over 1,000 parking spaces, as a shortage in Dinner Key. That shortage could be picked up on the north side through this bonus provision. Actually, if all developers took advantage of the bonus, we would be getting more parking than we needed in terms of anticipated shortages, but then again, we do not again anticipate all developers to take advantage of that, because some of the sites are small and they simply would not be able to put the excess parking on the site to get the bonus. Mayor Ferre: Does that conclude your statement? Mr. Luf t : Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Do you have anything else you want to add to it? Any questions? Mr. Rodriguesc? Mr. Mayor, the only comment is that any project in this area would be subject to a Class C permit for review of design features and elements that are part of the district that we are proposing. Mayor Ferre: Any questions? All right, this is a public hearing, so those of you who wish to speak, please step forward. How many speakers are there on this issue? NOTE: Couissioner Carollo arrived 4:02 P.H. Miss Susan Cohen: We aren't going to be very long, maybe 20 minutes. We have approximately five or six speakers. Mayor Ferre: Five or six speakers? All right, go right ahead. Ms. Susan Cohen: My name is Susan Cohen. I am an attorney. My offices are at 1460 Brickell, Suite 300. I am here on behalf of the Tigertail Association Inc. and the Coconut Grove Civic Club, Inc. These two groups are impacted by Bayshore Drive development plan, because the members live in the Grove. They are facing changes in the quality of their life, the integrity of their neighborhoods, and increased traffic burden, consequently, these groups are quite eager to evaluate the Bayshore plan and its issues in order to participate in the public hearing in the rezoning process. However, we oppose the development plan in its current form, because it is vague and lacks detail. Details were brought out at the December 5th P.A.B. hearing and the Planning Department is aware of them, without us having to repeat the same information. As of yesterday, there were no further modifications in the file on the plan. We incorporate by reference, the remarks made of the December 5th Planning Advisory Board hearing. Without details of the plan, we are denied an opportunity to evaluate its merits and to be heard on its merits. However, today we would like to seek clarification of at least one issue, which was new and was not at the December 5th hearing. The agenda indicates that the northern boundary of the plan is Lincoln Avenue and the study plan in a few areas indicates it is Tigertail. Id 97 December 13, 1984 r Mayor Ferre: Are you asking that this matter be deferred so that you have time to study it? Ms. Cohen: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Anybody have any objections to that? Is there a problem with that? Mr. Luft : Well, we would hope to be able to -bring back to this Commission, if it suited you today - with general directives today, we could bring back here specific zoning provisions which would answer the questions. Mayor Ferre: I will tell you what we will do. You go off to another room over here with them and go over this whole process. I will defer it until a little bit later on and we will vote on it today. Ms. Cohen: We are not prepared to do that. We have not had an ... Mayor Ferre: Well, you don't have the right to vote. We are the ones that vote on it, so I am perfectly willing to give you some time this afternoon to discuss it, but we are going to to vote on it today. Mr. Plummer: Everybody needs to look at that. Mayor Ferre: All right. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Ms. Cohen: What exactly are you voting on? Mayor Ferre: Well, I will tell you. This Commission has a right to overrule, but my ruling on this is that we are going to vote on it today. Now, if you want the rest of the afternoon to look it over and study it and consider it, that is perfectly ... Ms. Cohen: May I ask a question? Mayor Ferre: Yes, Ma'am. Ms. Cohen: Are you voting on the rezoning today? Mayor Ferre: Of course not. This is not a zoning matter. This is accepting in principle a Bayshore Drive Development Study, which bounded by South Bayshore Drive. Frankly, I don't think it means a thing other than just a generalized statement about the area which can be changed at the next meeting and the one after that and the one after that. It is a matter of principle. It doesn't mean anything. Ms. Cohen: It is not specific at this point. Mayor Ferre: Of course not. Mr. Plummer: This here is to initiates rezoning of certain private properties. That is when you want to make your presentation, I do believe. This just initiates the action. It does not approve anything, other than in principle. Ms. Cohen: Agreed. Mayor Ferre: All right now, would you then see if there is a room somewhere in the college where you can take these drawings and discuss it with these people? We will come =( ld 98 December 130 1984 C1 back whenever you tell me discuss - again in principle, in principle. you are ready and we will and vote upon it, hopefully, -- ■.---,-------r ---�rw.--- --------- -- --r------------r----r-r-r 59• MOTION TO RECONSIDER APPOINTMENT OF DAVID WEAVER TO OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: All right, now, Commissioner Carollo, in the beginning of the meeting, we were handed the issue of the appointment of the Off -Street Parking Board. If you have any problems with Mr. David Weaver, or any other member of the Commission, I would certainly think that they have that right, with this matter is only passed, provided we are unanimous, obviously. If you have a problem, there is no as* Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I wasn't here at the time this was brought up, and I feel that maybe it was brought up so quickly that maybe some of the members of the Commission didn't quite understand what they were voting for, so I would like for it to be brought up again. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion that this item be brought up for reconsideration? Mr. Plummer: Sure. Mayor Ferre: Okay, is there a second? Further discussion? Call the roll on the reconsideration of the appointment of the Off -Street Parking Board. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1394 A MOTION TO RECONSIDER VOTE PREVIOUSLY TAKEN APPOINTING Mr. DAVID WEAVER AS A MEMBER OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY BOARD. (SEE R-84-1420 LATER IN MEETING). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Ferre: All right, now we are on Item 22. Mr. Carollo: Are we going to take up this Item now or later time today, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: Oh, we can take it up now, if you want. I've got no problems with that. Id 99 December 13, 1904 0 W Mr. Carollo: Okay, Mr. Mayor, it is my personal opinion that we need some young and fresh blood on this Board. I think that we are all in agreement that one of the areas that all of our offices have received the most complaints about has been the Off -Street Parking Department. Over 29000 new meters have been placed in this City since the new Administration of the Off -Street Parking Authority took over a little more than a year ago, so I personally feel that we should be looking at some younger and fresher blood to appoint to this Board, someone that I think is going to be a little closer to the feelings of the community. You tell me if I have to make a motion or not, but if I need to, I will make a motion to not accept the recommendation of the Mr. Weaver to be appointed. Mayor Ferre: Marie is just telling me that Roger Carlton ... is he still here? If you would hold that up, Commissioner, until Roger Carlton gets here, because it is my understanding that there is a change in this whole thing. I Why don't you get him to come back and then make a statement and then I will take it up at that time, out of courtesy to Roger Carlton. Mr. Carollo: I think the way that it works is that we can"t appoint someone directly, but at the same time ... Mayor Ferre: There may be a vacancy, is the point. Mr. Carollo: We could decline to name the people they recommend. Mayor Ferre: That's correct. Mr. Carollo: In fact, until they nominate someone who is acceptable to a majority of the Commission, there will be a vacancy. Mayor Ferre: That is correct, but the problem is that there may be a vacancy anyway and that is what Roger Carlton told Marie, and I didn't know about that until now. Out of courtesy to Roger, let's get him to come back, so if it is all right with you, we will take that up at that time. Mr. Carollo:- Certainly. 60. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: KINLOCH SAMITARY SEWER IMP. SR- 5495-S BIDS A & B. --------------------------------------------- ---------- Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item 239 Ric -Man Construction, Kinloch Sanitary Sewer - authorizing final payment of $66,000. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect that no one came forth to speak. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute - I've got to ask first. Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on Item 23? All right, is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect that no one came forth to speak on this issue. I so move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? ld 100 December 13, 1984 Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1395 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF RIC-MAN CONSTRUCTION INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $600,855.97 FOR KINLOCH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - (BIDS A & B AND ADDITIVE BIDS A & B) - 2ND BIDDING - SR-5485 IN KINLOCH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5485 AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $66,150.09. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 61. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: KINLOCH SANITARY SEWER IMP. SR- 6485-C. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 24? Same thing on Lanzo Construction on Kinloch Sanitary Sewer, $68,567.31. Is there anybody who wishes to speak on that item? Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect that no one came forth, I so move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1396 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF LANZO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AT A TOTAL COST OF $7039678.14 FOR KINLOCH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - (BID C AND ADDITIVE BID C) - 2ND BIDDING - SR-5485 IN KINLOCH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5485 AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $660567.31• ld 101 December 13, 1984 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 62. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE PLANS ETC., FOR ASBESTOS REMOVAL AT BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 25. Mr. Plummer: Why do we have to spend this money where it is something we are tearing down? Mr. Rosencrantz: That is just the problem. The Federal regulations now require where a building has asbestos in large quantities, that asbestos must be moved separately before you can go through with the demolition of the project. Mayor Ferre: Yes, that is a Federal law. Mr. Plummer: $200,000! Mayor Ferre: Well, 'it is going to happen anyway. It is just a question that it has to be taken down first. Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Is there anybody who wishes to speak on Item 25? If not, is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: -Let the record reflect no one came forth. I so move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second? 1d 102 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll on 25. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1397 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, ADVERTISE FOR AND RECEIVE COMPETITIVE BEDS, EVALUATE' THE BIDS RECEIVED, AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE LOWEST ACCEPTABLE BIDDER FOR BAYSIDE-BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM ASBESTOS REMOVAL AT A TOTAL COST NOT TO EXCEED $2009000 WITH FUNDS FOR THE CONTRACT TO BE PROVIDED FROM MONIES ALREADY ALLOCATED TO THE BAYSIDE PROJECT; FURTHER RATIFYING THE MANAGER'S WRITTEN FINDING THAT THE HEREIN PROJECT RESULTED FROM THE EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF TWO-THIRDS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF THIS RESOLUTION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: Clarification. figure "not to exceed" - can action of this Commission? Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes, sir. If the bids come in under the you proceed without further Mr. Plummer: Okay. I vote yes. ----------------------------- ---- -------------- ------------ 63. FUNDING REQUEST: AMERICAN RED CROSS FOR FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item 27, which is 4: 00 o'clock personal appearances and the first one is American Red Cross. Anybody h6re representing American Red Cross? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, may I just make a notation on the record. I think we had some 20 items to appear today to request for grants. I did not total it up, but someone told me, and I don't think it is too far wrong, that they are asking for grants today in the neighborhood of $500,000. w Id 103 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Well, the word gets out that the City Commission is an easy ... Mr. Plummer: Okay, well, I am just hoping that everybody that appears, all 20, fully understand that that is just one day's request - one Commission meeting's request and if they were not around, Mr. Mayor, to hear the speech this morning, that I think you hit right on the head, that we know that Metropolitan Dade County, under the new Federal guidelines, are going to be dropping in Dade County, (Metropolitan Dade County) some $30,000,000 to $40,000,006 worth of services, and likewise, the City, proportionate, will be doing the same, so I think all of you better be keeping in mind that these practices are not only dwindling, but a good possibility that next year, that these funds are not going to be available at all. I think the Mayor was right this morning when he said that we are looking right around the corner, fully staring in the face, that next year this might be a City devoted just to the Police, the Fire, Sanitation, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and nothing else. I think all of you today, whatever you get, if you are successful, better be keeping in the back of your mind that next year there will be no trough to come to. Mayor Ferre: This year I don't think we are going to have very much. All right, with that as a forewarning ... Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, in all frankness, I think that we are finally limiting ourselves to the duties that a city government should limit itself to. The way that we have been throwing monies around for parades and festivals and parties, and what have you, and then everytime that we need to approve a new budget every year, then talk about how we have to raise taxes, because we don't have enough money, you know, it makes me wonder just what is going on. Then we always throw the blame on the present administration. Well, I think it is one thing that the former administration of this country proved is that you don't solve people's problems just by giving them money, money and money. It is like someone that needs open heart surgery, you put a bandaid on them and you hope they are going to last a little longer. It is not the way you solve those problems, through giveaway programs and I think that what the majority of people, not only of this county, this state and this country, voted for this last election. Mayor Ferre: All right, let's hear from the representative of Red Cross. Mr. Robin Erinson: Good afternoon gentlemen, my name is Robin Erinson. I am the Emergency Food Distribution Program Director for the Greater Miami Chapter of the Red Cross. Back in April we made an application to you requesting some matching funds. We received, I believe, $3 ON from Metro - Dade County and we are asking for some matching funds from the City of Miami. I do have some things prepared ... Mayor Ferre: For what purpose? Mr. Erinson: For continuation and administration of the emergency food distribution program. Since the program's inception, we have put out over $29000,000 pounds of USDA commodities. It was the Red Cross that came forward in 1982, after several other volunteer agencies said that they could not further do it, and it was the Red Cross, through extensive reorganization of its staff that we came forward with this project. It is now becoming a little bit more difficult with the rules and regulations set forth by the Federal government and the State H.R.S. - they do require Id 104 December 1, 1984 �t further checking and making sure and documentation of the individuals. I have some pamphlets I mould like to pass out. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you, sir. Has the Administration had an opportunity to look at this? Mr. Rosencrantz: No, we have not, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion that this matter be sent to the Administration for consideration? Mr. Dawkins: Moved. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Mayor Ferre: What was the motion, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: To send it to the Manager. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1398 A MOTION REFERRING A REQUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS FOR AN EMERGENCY FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM, TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR HIS REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None• ABSENT: None. Mr. Erinson: Okay, I would just like to tell you what I have included. The very poor photocopy is our November distribution of all the commodities that we distributed to the County. We are doing just about as well this month and we intend to keep doing it for the next year, so please keep that under consideration. I have also included from our program's inception, a computer printout - that is the very last item, and then the first items are your forms and correspondence. Mayor Ferre: Well, what is the difference between cheese distribution and pounds distribution? Mr. Erinson: Well, it is just pounds distributed. It is cheese in five pound blocks. We just want ... that is just for record keeping. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see. Id 105 December 139 1984 Mr. Erinson: What we are going by, Mr. Mayor, on the forms for November, for instance, we distributed 3,445 cases of U.S.D.A. cheese. In each ease there is six - five pound blocks and then ve also distributed 636 cases of non -fat dry milk. Mr. Dawkins knows of the cheese. He and I worked together on a program one time. So we have figured that we have provided 240000 units, almost 24,500 units of service, what we call, in either blocks of cheese or boxes of milk to the community all over Greater Miami, Metro -Dade area. Mr. Carollo: Question, Number one, what percent of the people that you are going to service live inside the City of Miami limits? Mr. Erinson: Sir, I really could not give you an exact percentage, but we do a lot of our distributions, if you will notice on the sheet, to agencies listed in Miami. The Culmer-Overtown Community Action Agency, Central Community Action Agency, the Accion Community Action Agency - I believe Allapattah is in the City of Miami, Overtown-Culmer, C.A.A. We go primarily through the neighborhood service centers and then we also go through housing projects - Liberty Square, we are trying to set up. We are trying to set up some Scott projects in different sections throughout the ... Mr. Carollo: We would know what percent of the food is going to go to the City of Miami residents. Mr. Erinson: Okay. Mr. Carollo: Secondly of all, I. for myself would need to know what criteria you are establishing that would place someone in a situation where they can qualify to apply for this food. I want to make sure that someone is not single and making $20,000 could go ahead and something. Mr. Erinson: We are doing our best to make sure. Okay, in our April application, which you have a copy of - we were distributing at 36 sites, 16 of which were in the City of j Miami. Now, our guidelines - I apologize, I did not bring sufficient copies of our eligibility. We are going by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture scale, which states for a person to receive commodities, they must be at 130$ of the poverty level, so that would include persons receiving social security, but nothing else. You know, they are not getting f S.S.I., or such like that, so that limits it to basically $540 a month for a single individual such as myself. If I earned less than that, I would be eligible. Two persons are $728 a month, three persons is $917 a month, and so on. It is almost $200 per person thereon, or there about. So we do ' follow - we have an application format which we go through. It is almost as complicated as food stamps. We wish it wasn't, because we have lost several people in the City of Miami who were distributing for us at sub -outlets, because of the problems that cropped up with the U. S. Dept. of f Agriculture, but that is not your fault. We do have an application form which we now give out. We have identification cards. We have sign -out sheets. I am roving throughout the community checking on these agencies. We have a coordinator whose salary is reimbursed by the State. We are just looking for money to assist this program. We did receive $359000 from the County and this is one of the programs that we feel is doing something for the community. f' Mayor Terre: All right, further discussion? Dial we call the roll on this? Mr. Ongie: Yes, we did. Id 106 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. Mr. Erinson: Any other questions, call me. ------------------------------------------------------------ 64. INVESTIGATE POSSIBILITY OF LEASE OF JAPANESE GARDENS TO "FRIENDS OF THE JAPANESE GARDEN". Mayor Ferre: We are on Item 28, which is Friends of the Japanese Garden. Is there anybody here representing ... is Agnes Youngblood here? Good Afternoon. Ms. Agnes Youngblood: Good Afternoon. My name is Agnes Youngblood. I reside at 5500 S. W. 84th Terrace and the president of the Friends of the Japanese Garden. My main purpose today is to ask you please to reconsider granting the money that we need for the spring festival. Our grant proposal was recommended by the Festival Committee, and we need it desperately. What makes us special is the fact that the funds that we raise from that goes right back to the garden - the Japanese Garden, which is a City of Miami property. Mayor Ferre: Ms. Youngblood, do you have an estimate, or does your association have an estimate as to what it would cost to restore the Japanese Garden? Ms. Youngblood: A modest estimate, It is $3259000. That is the restoration and the maintenance for the first year. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you this - if we were to take that $325,000 and spend it for a Japanese Garden at a more appropriate location, just for arguments sake, how much would it cost to do it all over again from new? Would it cost more or the same? Ms. Youngblood: It would cost more, but as you know, you have a supporting statement in your hand, I take it, which I sent to Carol Taylor to all the Commissioners two days ago. Mayor Ferre: What I have is this original letter. Ms. Youngblood: That's right, that is the one. Mayor Ferre: This is the supporting statement? Ms. Youngblood: Yes, that is the supporting statement and in it, I think I believe I explained to the fact that if it is a new construction, I have a funding agency already located in Japan who could help us build the facility. They will not pay for the repair work. If we were to stay in the same location, we must find ways to expand the garden even a little bit, or put a new face to it. That is the only way they would ... Mayor Ferre: Well, that is my question to you is - as you know, when the City of Miami started to cut down on expenditures for parks, we concentrated our monies in those Parke that had high usage - baseball fields and tennis courts and swimming pools. We are very much behind because of the fact that we have been unable to get a capital bond issue approved by the people. The last time we put it up on the ballot, it was voted down. As a consequence, we had been unable to repair many of our parks that need repair. ld 107 December 139 1984 Yet, listed in the priority of things, this is not (as beautiful as it is) does not have the same priority that a high usage park has. Ms. Youngblood: Yes, except ... Mayor Ferre: We have let the park go, as you know, and it was padlocked and they put a fence around it because we could not afford the maintenance of it. As a consequence, the park is pretty well deteriorated to a point of almost no return. I have seen the park. It seems to tee that it wouldn't cost much more to build a brand new park than to rebuild that one. Ms. Youngblood: I think, Mayor Ferre, that you would find that when you bring all materials form Japan and all the workmen from Japan as Mr. Ichimura the original donor of the park has done - if you would do that, it is going to cost quite a bit more, yes. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see. All right, well I needed to understand that. Ms. Youngblood: Yes, this exactly what Ichimura has done. I think on the surface it is true. It is a lower usage park, I admit to that. The only thing is, this was given to the City of Miami in the spirit of friendship, love of humanity and the culture and I feel like in the negligence of it, we have ignored, not only ignored, we have absolutely rejected this love that was extended the City of Miami, it is in the State of Florida. It is the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: You are absolutely right, but the problem is that that love has a price tag. Ms. Youngblood: Yes, it has a price tag. Mayor Ferre: And the price tag is for children, more park, not the use of tennis courts, see, or the baseball field, and we don't have the money to do it all. Ms. Youngblood: Right. Now, the only thing is what we are proposing - The Friends of the Japanese Gardens - is that if you would somehow find ways to lease the park to us, of course you have to trust us, and we are glad to work with the City, then we use it in such a way that it generates money, so that we could maintain it that way without ... Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, through Mr. Kern, does the Administration have a recommendation, and this is something we have all suffered with, we are all embarrassed by it, and we suffered with it for years now. Where do we stand on it? Mr. Carl Kern: I think that is a very good thing to look into, turn it over to a group, like the Friends of the Japanese Garden and see if they can run it, maintain it, and charge a usage fee and otherwise get it back on line. Obviously, as you pointed out, we have other priorities and we don't have the resources in store to run it. They do have the expertise. They also have some strong connections Id 108 December 13, 1984 with major Japanese corporations which might fund the restoration. So I think it would be worth while to go into a short term lease of several years to see what they could do with it. Mayor Ferre: Is there thereforea motion based on that? Mr. Plummer: I think Mr. Kern has brought us before a thing of adopt a park with the General Mills Food Corporation. If these people are willing to undertake to try to do the same for the Japanese Garden, I think it's great. Mayor Ferre: Maybe we can get Mitsubishi or Toyota or one of the big Japanese companies to adopt a park. Mr. Plummer: That would be super. Ms. Agnes Youngblood: Excuse me, I'm already in touch with the Rico Corporation, whose company Mr. Giro is the president. I'm already in touch with them. They said they would not give another sizable gift unless the City can make sure that it's not going to meet the same fate; but they're willing to work. I have also asked the president of the Rico, USA; they're willing to be the honorary chairman of the group if we have all the conditions fulfilled. Mayor Ferre: Is there such a motion? Mr. Plummer: I'm willing to make a motion at this time that we give them the latitude to try and put together a package for the Japanese Garden, very definitely. Mayor Ferre: To come back to the Commission for final approval. Is there a second. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. Ms. Youngblood: Excuse me, could I ask one more question? Could you write in in such a way that when the administration, if should there be a change in administration, that the contract will hold. Mayor Ferre: I don't know whether she is talking about you i or me or both of us. That's a fair statement and I take it in the grace that you said it. The answer to you is within the law, yes. I Ms. Youngblood: Thank you very much. Also, I would like to implore again about the grant money for the spring festival, which is the annual fund raiser, which is necessary for the carrying on of the work. Mayor Ferre: We're just voting on this issue now, ma'am. Ms. Youngblood: Thank you. I 109 December 13, 1984 E Mayor Ferre: Ready to vote? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1399 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO MEET WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF "FRIENDS OF THE JAPANESE GARDEN" TO CONSIDER A POSSIBLE FUTURE AGREEMENT FOR LEASE OF THIS PROPERTY TO THIS GROUP UNDER THE "ADOPT A PARK" SCHEME FOR POSSIBLE OPERATION OF THIS FACILITY BY THEM WHICH WOULD PERMIT IT TO BECOME A FINANCIALLY SOUND OPERATION AND WHICH WOULD FACILITATE THE RESTORATION OF THIS BADLY NEGLECTED PARK, WHICH ARRANGEMENT WOULD FURTHER PROVIDE FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF THE PARK BY THIS GROUP IF FINANCIALLY FEASIBLE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion wao passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --- ------------------------------------------------------ 65. DISCUSSION: RIGHT OF WAY NEAR LUCAN TRUJILLO PRODUCE INC. Mayor.Ferre: We're now on item 29. Michael Anderson. Mr. Michael Anderson: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, my name is Michael Anderson. I'm an attorney with offices at 9595 N. Kendall Drive. I represent Lucas Trujillo Produce, who is the owner of some property on N.W. 21 Terrace. We came to the Commission because at the last change of the zoning ordinance, the zone street width, in other words, the width of streets, has been taken out of the zoning ordinance and placed into the City Code. So there is no procedure as far as we can tell from going through as a zoning matter. We are coming actually for a change of the City Code. The street N.W. 21 Terrace is currently 30 feet. The proposed street width is 50 feet. My client owns property on the street and what we're seeking to do is to reduce the zone street width to 30 feet. My client's property is 77 feet in depth, 77 feet; that doesn't give him very much room. The reason is this is a picture of the railroad tracks that go behind the property. In other words, there's no way to expand his property. So the area that we're basically talking about is a two block width between 12th Avenue and 10th Avenue. This is 12th Avenue here, so that there's never going to be a through street on this end. This picture shows 10th Avenue; it's a T-end at Id 110 December 13, 1984 0 0 t:tl *. the end of that street. There is a building right here. pzi Currently, this building, which takes a good part of one of :i the blocks, is right on its own property line; in other words, ten feet into the zone right-of-way. In other words, one of the buildings that take up almost a block is right into the zone right of way. You would have to, to widen the a,# street, actually you'd have to tear down this building or at least the first ten feet of the building. There's another building on the opposite side of the street, that the only place that they seem to have for parking is right out in front. If you were to widen the side of this street, these people would have no place to park from what we can tell. This, by the way, is the only tree on the whole two -block area. I would venture to say that if it were a person, it ,..Alwould be one of J.L.'s customers, because as you can see, there aren't any leaves on this thing. That's the only tree 3 on the whole block. My client is in the produce business 4 and has proposed a building, which basically, the railroad t� tracks are in back and he would off load from the tracks here and the trucks back in here and he has an eight foot 'f loading ramp, and then there's twenty feet in here. He's really cut it down quite a bit, because he should have 25 feet in here for his fork lifts and he really should have a loading ramp of ten feet, but even so, that still leaves him with only 39 feet with a 45-foot truck backing in there. I wanted to show you what happens in the produce district. By the way, this is not a place where you bring tourists, because it is really a working area of the City of Miami. Oops! I lost something on the way here. Mayor Ferre: I can attest that you are a better lawyer than you are a mechanic. Mr. Anderson: This picture on the right here where my thumb is shows the building across the street from my client's property. You can see they have actually the ten foot extra width there. However, it's really just a garbage collection point. This shows my client's property. These three pictures here, and they're a little hard to see, particularly from where you're sitting, but they show property on 22nd Street. I don't know if I can lift this up to you or not. They show property on 22nd Street. You see the 45 foot trailers; there are three of them. If you take a look at the sidewalk, you will notice that there's is no way whatsoever to use that sidewalk, because the trailers sit out there and they just cross right over the sidewalk. So what we're saying if we don't have the, if we can't use the 77 feet, then we have this problem where our trailers are going to do the same thing. The building where you are looking at now is where Lucas Trujillo Produce is in and other produce companies right on 22nd Street. Our building, our area is not a through street, but 22nd Street is. There is a light on 12th Avenue. Mayor Ferre: What specifically is it you want us to do? Mr. Anderson: Right now the street is at 30 feet. It's proposed to be a 50 foot width. What we're saying is that if you leave it at 30 feet, if wee can change the zone street width at that location, we only have 77 feet. We need all 77 feet. Mayor Ferre: What is the administration's recommendation on this? I assume you've had some time to look at it. It's been presented properly. Mr. Don Cather: Yes, sir, we have. This is a 50-foot zone right-of-way street, which is a minimum in the City of Miami zone street right-of-way that we recommend. We have been Id 111 December 13, 1984 forced to a few narrower streets, but it's certainly not a desirable thing to do. The subject property shows on the property maps as being 90.25 feet. There's a railroad siding in the back of that property. If you took off the ten feet, which would be deducted for a 50 foot right of way, you would have 80.25 feet. This property is shown here in red and shows the extent of the infringement that he wants to remove from the zone right-of-way, which would be ten feet in front of his property. Mayor Ferre: I'll tell you one man's position on this. I have to support the administration. In Metropolitan Dade County, the minimum right-of-way is 70 feet. There's just no way we can do this and have those trucks sticking out in the middle. That's just one man's opinion. If somebody feels differently, go ahead and state your opinion. I support the administration's position. Mr. Anderson: The trucks are going to be there. It's just a question of whether they are on private property or public property. Mr. Plummer: If they are on public property, they can be ticketed. Mr. Anderson: That's what's happening; if you look on this thing, there's maybe six or seven of them every day every evening, all night long on 22nd Street. They just sit across the sidewalk there and nobody does anything about it because you can't. I mean they have to work. It's a working area. If you look at that photograph there, they're sitting there. There's garbage all over the ground. Particularly, 22nd-Street is a through street where there's sidewalks. This is a street you're not going to have any children walking down it. It's T-ends and both ends. It's just not a through street. You could see what the usage of the property is on the north side. It's used for garbage. On the south side we have buildings that are already set into the right-of-way to ten feet. You're just not going to remove those buildings for a long time. Mayor Ferre: Does anybody else wish to say anything else on this? Miller? J.L.? Demetrio? Thank you very much, Mr. Anderson. ------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 30 was Withdrawn. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 31 was withdrawn. ---------------------------- -------- ---------- -------------- ---------- -------------------------------------------- 66. ESTABLISH POLICY FOR FUTURE FESTIVAL FUNDING REQUESTS ------------- ------------------------------------------ ----- Mr. Carl Kern: Mr. Mayor, while we're waiting for the speaker, I'd like to just summarize where we are on all these festivals, because I see we have a whole series. Mayor Ferre: Yes, because I think it is unfair to take one up and then pass that and then hit the buzzsaw later on. We really need to deal with festivals first of all generically and then we get to the.... Mr. Kern: Basically, where we are... the Festival Advisory Committee had made a priority ranking, like they did every year. The Commission had decided that because of a budget ld 112 December 13, 1984 shortage, there was to be a freeze on these funds. To date, the $1279000 have been allocated of the $274,000. There's $509000 for the Miami Film Festival; $20,000 by the Fiesta by the Bay; $109000 for Cuban Municipalities in in -kind only; $45000 for Sunstreet and $29000 for Two Painters, One Island. That's a total of $127,000. Beyond that, we're under the Commission's instructions to freeze any other festival funds. So, that's basically where we are now. I see that there are quite a few people here to petition for additional grants. Mayor Ferre: There are an awful lot of people here, as Commissioner Plummer pointed out at the beginning of the meeting, asking for money. Those monies amount to a half a million dollars. We just simply don't have that $500,000. We just simply don't have that kind of money in -festivals. We have allocated $1259000. That's it. Unless somebody can tell us where we're going to get the funds from, tell me how many police officers less you want us to take off the streets or what parks you want us to close, or what fire stations are not going to be functioning. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I think the reason we have this problem today, is that we're giving out money for something that we shouldn't be in the business of giving out monies out to begin with. That's not a priority, having parties in the City of Miami. What's happened is that everybody around that has something in mind, they're going to come to the City of Miami. That's what they're doing. Hialeah doesn't give money away that way. Neither does practically any other City in Dade County; only the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: I know that. Mr. Carollo: I think if we were to place some kind of ordinance that we either are going to stop giving monies away for parties down the line or at least an ordinance that only new applicants that have not received monies year after year can receive part of that $125,000 that we might allocate, and then they have to justify that they're going to be able to survive for the following years, then maybe we can come to terms with it. Mayor Ferre: I would support that in principle and then we need to deal with the specific. Plummer has many times talked about the Lakeland Plan, that is.... Mr. Carollo: It's Orlando. Mayor Ferre: ....Orlando, that we fund them for one year and then they've got to get on their feet beyond that. The second way to approach it is, I think we have to distinguish between something that is a multiplier for a business like tourism and one that is not. For example, Miss Universe is something that brings tremendous amount of publicity since 7500009000 people get to see it around the world. Mr. Carollo: Those aren't parties, though. Mayor Ferre: That's something that is a positive image builder type of a thing. The OTI Festival is seen by nearly 150000000 people. As I remember we put in $15000 to $25,000, but that's kind of a small investment to have 150,0009000 people watching to see Miami. So, I think there is a difference between something that has a multiplier and just a street festival so to speak. Mr. Carollo: I don't think there is any question about it. But see, both of the items that you mentioned aren't ld 113 December 13, 1984 L11 festivals, parties, per se6 different from that. They're something quite Mayor Ferret Calle Ocho is another example. That is a festival, but that is televised and that's by 10090009000 people. So I think we have to distinguish between those things that bring money back to the community. Like for example, we give money to PACE, but that eventually brings a jazz festival to Miami; well, there is a multiplier there. But to give money to something that doesn't produce anything for the City of Miami, very important, good neighborhood thing, but it doesn't have the multiplier; so I think we have to distinguish. Mr. Carollo: Sure, but then, if you don't draw the line now, and start distinguishing, as you're saying, then what is going to happen is that everyone that wants to throw a little party in their neighborhood, they're going to come here and maybe they won't ask for $140, 000, like was asked not long ago or $50,000 or $759000; we'll ask twenty, thirty, and it adds up. Then the minute that some of us here begin to say no, then they start saying that, "Well, you're anti -Cuban; you're anti -Black; you're anti -this." It's not that we're anti -anything, we're pro -Miami. I think the majority of people are sick of paying taxes and particularly for things of this nature. These aren't priorities. Priorities are fire, police, sanitation, zoning, parks and recreation. Mayor Ferre: Make your motion. Mr. Carollo: My motion is that this Commission establishes the priorities that it is going to have in giving funds that it can only be given out for activities that are clearly going to produce the types of results that Miss Universe, for instance, has given to the City; that OTI Festival has, exposure that multiplies to millions of viewers either in the States or throughout the world, that in return will give to this City much more in return. But just to give the monies away, I'm not in favor of that, Mr. Mayor, so I guess, in essence what I'm saying is that we go back to the freeze that supposedly we had established. If I can make a resolution to reiterate that freeze, until we establish the guidelines. I think it might be difficult not to do that. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Is there a second to that motion? Mr. Plummer: I'm going to second it for purposes of discussion. Mayor Ferre: Under discussion, go ahead. Mr. Plummer: Let me understand it a little further. Joe, give me an example. We've had examples of those that are multiplier effects in tourist promotion. Give me one or two, if you could, of those you do not feel that would fall in that category that we are presently funding. Mayor Ferre: Everything else. Mr. Plummer: Everything else? Mr. Carollo: Just about everything else we have, J.L. Mr. Plummer: As far as festivals, we're not talking about social agencies. ld 114 December 13, 1984 El L.a Mr. Carollo: We're talking about the festivals. Social agencies that are legitimately are going to feed the needy are something else. Frankly, if there are some that because we don't give them funds to party, want to threaten us and they will vote against us, so be it. Mayor Ferre: Let me tell you what I think we need to do. We need to get a policy that makes some kind of sequential sense. In my opinion, the policy ought to be something like this. In the first place, because this is getting to a point now where people are asking for $500,000 or $138,000, we just don't have that kind of money. I think that all funding requests must have a limitation and I don't think that for any of these events grant more than say $25,000, $309000. I think you ought to come back with a maximum, Mr. Manager, recommendation. Number two.... Mr. Carollo: In one year's time. Mayor Ferre; In one year's time. Number two, that we adopt this Orlando formula, which is that whatever funding we give, we give it for one year and if you want to have a gradual say 50% the next year, and then 25% the third year and zero the third year. Some kind of a formula so that we phase out of it, because we're not in the business to give money for festivals. Number three, that priorities be given to those festivals that have succeeded in the past, not that have received money, but that have had a success story. In other words, we have festivals that we grant tremendous amount of money, then we find out that 2,000 people went to the festival. Since I'm Puerto Rican, I'll talk about the Puerto Rican Festival. It was a disaster. We give them $15,000-$20,000 and it's great for Wynwood, and I've been to those festivals and there's 300 people there. It just doesn't make any sense for us to spend that kind of money to end up with 300 people. It's just not logical. When we have other festivals where they are well attended. That has to be a consideration in the formula. Then, I think the most important consideration is what Commissioner Carollo has pointed out. If,there is a benefit to the well being of the community, for example, something where we get high viewership on television nationally or internationally, or that gives us a great deal of recognition in some major international or national forum then I think there is some overriding justification. But I think what we have to get away from, what's happened is, we have a Calle Ocho, well, then the Puerto Ricans want a festival, because why should the Cubans have all the money for the festivals and the Puerto Rican community not have it. Then we have a Haitian Festival. Then it's not just one Haitian Festival, we're now up to three Haitian Festivals, because there's one Haitian community that is another rival group, and we end up with three. I think we sponsored this year three Haitian Festivals. The same thing goes on in every community. Then it becomes a neighborhood thing. Well, if you gave it to Coconut Grove, why shouldn't Allapattah have the same consideration? So, we end up giving money because we feel bad about a neighborhood constituency who feels left out, and there's no return, because there's a party and 100 people go to it. So. I really think that.... Mr. Plummer: Thef^e is one other important factor. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, add to it. Mr. Plummer: I think the other factor, Mr. Mayor, is that we've seen here in the past year that it seems that the dollars that are used for in -kind services are a different color. I think that we need to realize that dollars spent ld 115 December 13, 1984 for in -kind services are the same hard dollars that you give out in cash. I think that has to be part of the consideration when you're figuring the overall amount of money that is being spent. Mayor Ferre: I have two more than Nestor just wrote here and I think make a lot of sense. The festival must be wholly within the City of Miami; because we end up having festivals and then we find out that half of this stuff is going on in the County. Then they march through three blocks of the City of Miami and all of a sudden, it's a City of Miami function. Then, I think the other thing is, and this is a good recommendation too, is that it must be 1 matched. This thing of coming to the City of Miami and then ' we say, well, if you go to Metro, and they say, "Well, no <<' but we're going to ask them for money." Well, you know, I think that whatever monies we give them, have to be matched at least on a 50/50 basis by another governmental entity in this community. I think another aspect of it is that it have at least 1/3 support from the private community. Even for a film festival, why should the City of Miami be the sole supporter of the Miami Film Festival, when the private F; sector around here doesn't give them a penny. So, if the y; private sector doesn't give them a penny, or doesn't give them at least 1/3 of their total budget, why should the -`` City? Another is that it should be a non-profit organization, even though I can't remember of any profitable organizations that we funded, but I think we have to make e sure that's in. Any other qualifications? Will the maker of the motion accept all of these qualifications? Mr. Carollo: I will accept that. The only area that I would like to change is that it be a one-shot deal, not gradually scaled down. Mayor Ferre: I accept that. Mr. Carollo: Whatever we fund, we fund for one year only. That's it. They're on their own from then on. Mr. Rosencrantz: I would offer to the Commission for consideration that you might want to add the consideration of these festivals by the City Commission would be done as part of the annual budget process so that the organizations will know what time frame to come in. Mayor Ferre: That's a great idea, so we don't end up all year taking them piecemeal. Is that acceptable to the maker of the motion? Commissioner Carollo, on your thing about the one-shot deal, is that for Miss Universe too? Mr. Carollo: No, Miss Universe and things like that have nothing to do with this. Those aren't festivals; they're special events, just like the Conference of the Caribbean has nothing to do with this and other things that we have contributed money and will be contributing money on a yearly basis. They're separate of this. Mayor Ferre: Are you ready to vote on this? Mr. Perez: I think, Mr. Mayor, that this rule would be better to apply for the new events, not to all the events that we have funded in the past. Mayor Ferre: Well, that's one of the conditions that we put, is that the old events, as long as they are successful, have priority. That's the way the motion reads now. Id 116 December 13, 1904 11 Mr. Plummer: So if they haven't been approved by this date, then they are not an old event. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1400 A MOTION ESTABLISHING THE POLICY OF THE CITY COMMISSION WITH REGARDS TO THE FUNDING OF FESTIVALS BY THE CITY OF MIAMI AND STIPULATING THAT FUNDS SHALL ONLY BE GIVEN TO ACTIVITIES THAT CLEARLY PRODUCE SUPERIOR RESULTS TO THE CITY SUCH AS: NATIONAL TELEVISION EXPOSURE, OR A GREAT DEAL OF RECOGNITION IN SOME TYPE OF INTERNATIONAL FORUM, ETC.; OR FESTIVALS THAT WOULD BRING A POSITIVE RETURN TO THE CITY SUCH AS THE THE "MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT" AND THE "OTI-USA FESTIVAL"; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT ALL APPLICANTS FOR CITY FUNDING SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: (1) ALL REQUESTS FOR FESTIVALS FUNDING SHALL BE HEARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ADOPTION OF THE ANNUAL BUDGET; (2) THERE SHALL BE A LIMITATION AS TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF FUNDING FOR EACH FESTIVAL; (3) FESTIVALS SHALL BE FUNDED FOR ONE YEAR ONLY; (4) IN ORDER TO BE FUNDED, FESTIVALS SHALL HAVE A PROVEN SUCCESS RECORD, WHICH SHALL BE MEASURED IN TERMS OF ATTENDANCE, ETC.; (5) FUNDED FESTIVALS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SOLELY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; (6) FESTIVALS TO BE FUNDED SHALL PRODUCE EVIDENCE OF MATCHING FUNDS; (7) FESTIVALS PRODUCING EVIDENCE OF MATCHING FUNDS SHALL PROVE THAT AT LEAST ONE THIRD (1/3) OF THE MATCHING FUNDS COMES FROM THE PRIVATE SECTOR; (8) ALL FESTIVALS FUNDED BY THE CITY MUST BE "NON-PROFIT CORPORATIONS"; (9) ANY IN -KIND CONTRIBUTION GRANTED BY THE CITY SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE THE SAME AS A "CASH" CONTRIBUTION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Id 117 December 13, 1984 67. DISCUSSION: FUNDING REQUEST FOR HISPANIC HERITAGE FESTIVAL ----r-----r------ r-- -------- -----r---------rrrrr- Mayor Ferre: Having done that, we will now go through these things very quickly, I would assume. Is there anybody here on the Hispanic Heritage Festival? Mr. Vazquez: I am going to be very brief because I hear what you say and I think that you all know the Hispanic Heritage Festival. We were here for twelve years. I think we meet all the requirements and mostly that we are multiplier and income -producing organization. We bring groups from all the countries of Latin America. We also, with these groups and these official delegations of these countries, we bring television, for example. Last year we had about four minutes on Television Espanola about our festival. We had the government of Panama bringing here their national television. We had Ecuador. I'm not going to take most of your time talking about our festival, because you know about it. We were very surprised to see that we meet all the requirements and we were left out of the recommendation of the Leisure Department. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Vazquez, I will recommend that since the Commission now go on record that we're not going to be doing any of these things until we set a... there's a freeze now. Until we set a policy, that you put all of those things clearly to the administration, how many people view this in Spanish television. Mr. Vazquez: You have all the information already. Mayor Ferre: How many people saw this in Spanish Television? I don't see it anywhere. Mr. Vazquez: In Television Espanola you have about 329000,000. Mayor Ferre: You guArantee that they all saw it. Mr. Vazquez: Well, your department of information is here and they can witness what I say. Mayor Ferre: In other words, every person in Spain television and saw that program. Mr. Vazquez: I don't know if they saw it in Spain. All I can tell you is that Television Espanola they televised this. They were here as part of the group of reporters that were here one month before the festival. We have them video tapes and the governments of Panama and Ecuador did the same thing. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, also, this year, the Hispanic Heritage Festival was very fortunate in two of the events. One in particular, got international coverage world-wide. That was the one that was put on right here at Dade Junior. That was the Paella contest which was here. That got nation-wide as well as international coverage. Also a part of the Spanish heritage this year was the. situation that took part in the Metro zoo. That was ... What was that gentleman's name? Mr. Vazquez: Mr. Vidal. Mr. Plummer: That got nation-wide coverage on at least four different days. Id 118 December 13, 1984 Mr. Vazquez: Networks. Mr. Plummer: Well, I'm saying network news. So I think they were very fortunate in getting tremendous exposure on.... Mayor Ferre: This is a wonderful event. There's no question; whether it is good or bad. It's a great event. Mr. Plummer: I just wanted to add that to the tune. Mr. Vazquez, I think we've heard everything, sir, but what are you asking of this Commission? Mr. Vazquez: Well, we are not asking to the Commission for $100,000 in order to get thirty or forty. We are asking for what we need, which is $10,000 to pay for some expenses. Mayor Ferre: How much did you get from Metropolitan....? Mr. Vazquez% Dade County? Mayor Ferre: Yes. TAPE 12 Mr. Vazquez: We got $27,000. Our total budget is approximately $400,000. The rest of the money comes from the private enterprise. Most of the money that we ask from the County or the City is to pay for in -kind services. Mr. Perez: What kind of restrictions do you have from Dade County at this time due to the bilingual ordinance. Mr. Vazquez: We are restricted to some events like, for example, if you do something in the Spanish language, they don't give you any funds. What we do is that for events where we use the Spanish language for theatrical presentations, we use private funds. That's what we do. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, point of information. Didn't we just pass a motion to put a freeze on all of these and refEr them to the administration to brie" 1•.. Mayor Ferre: Absolutely. Mr. Dawkins: Why are we discussing this? Mayor Ferre: So that these people will have an opportunity to place it on the record. As far as I'm concerned, within reason I'll give everybody a chance to say their say. Unless somebody overrides it, we have a freeze. I'm just letting him make his statement, but you know, when you are concluded, after that.... Mr. Vazquez: All I wanted to say, Mr. Mayor, is that to me it's not fair for a department of the City of Miami, in other words, for the Commission and the Mayor to assume that what they do is completely right. I think that our rights as citizens also is to come to the Commission and ask for a revision. Why were we left out when you know, we feel that we met all the requirements and 90% of our events are within the limits of the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Vazquez, you see, the point is that we have a Festival Committee. Mr. Plummer: No, that has dissolved. Id 119 December 13, 1964 Mayor Ferre: We had a festival committee. The festival committee took your request and revised it. Is that correct? Mr. Vazquez: Yes, but the reason they gave us is that they said we are very powerful. Who they are to say that we are very powerful? That's what I don't understand. Mayor Ferre: Listen to the sequence. This was reviewed by a committee. The committee recommended against funding giving you money, number one. Mr. Kern, is that right? Then the second thing is the recommends against approval. The third thing is we have a freeze. So. I think in any language that's three strikes. Dr. Antonino Lisazo: If we are correct, Mr. Mayor, the Hispanic Heritage Festival Committee also received $20,000 for the OTI Festival as part of the festival which was funded this year. Let me remind you of that. Mayor Ferre: The Hispanic Heritage received $20,000 for the OTI Festival. Mr. Vazquez: No, the OTI Festival is something that is not considered under our application for the festivals. Mayor Ferre: Any Commissioner has the right to make a motion. Right now there is a motion to freeze. If somebody wants to make an exception, they have that right. Otherwise, I thank you very much, Mr. Vazquez. 68 CLOSE STREETS FOR GOOMBAY FESTIVAL Mayor Ferre: The next item that is before us is item 33, which is the Miami -Bahama Goombay Festival requesting $609000. Mr. Billy Rolle: My name is Billy Rolle; I reside at 3430 Williams Avenue in Coconut Grove. To the Mayor, Commissioner, Acting City Manager, I've heard all that you have said and I've been through the vote. We requested for this year because your cultural department asked us to request and we put the package together. From that request I defended the proposal and we were granted the request. I heard you saying a minute ago that we were finished. So I want to know, where do we go from here. Do we have it without the protection or the safety? Do we throw it out the window? I would like for you to remember that we filled all those situations, qualifications as far as a good festival, we were the largest of the best Black festivals in the country, according to the news media. We draw a near half a million people. We had no incidents. We paid $42,000 for police protection because you helped us with that. We are in Coconut Grove, which is the oldest Black settlement in this whole City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: Billy, let me ask you this question? Mr. Rolle: Yes, Mayor. Mayor Ferre: How much is the total budget of this festival? Mr. Rolle: $130,000. ld 120 December-13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Of which you are asking us to pay sixty. Mr. Rolle: Yes, we raised $70,000. Mayor Ferre: And the $709000 comes from where? Mr. Rolle: County, $159000; through sale of vendors booths, we raised a total of $35,000; and other in -kind services from other people to make the $70,000 balance to put on this affair. We have no paid people at all. I do it because of I've retired and then I'm executive director for this in - kind because I want to see something go without having to have a person throw a rock. Mayor Ferre: Well, as I remember, this did go through the festival committee and they did recommend funding for how much? Mr. Rolle: $30,000 in -kind services. Mayor Ferre: $30,000 in -kind, not cash. Mr. Rolle: That's police and fire basically. Mayor Ferre: We have a motion on the freeze. Unless somebody wants to move otherwise.... Mr. Rolle: May I mention, Mayor, that we are nine years old. As far as cultural situation is concerned through Dr. Lisazo's office, this would be a preventive situation that maybe you won't have to spend the dollars out for a while because we do give for something to do. We have the Miss Universe; we have the Orange Bowl; but some people never get there. It is not like having it in Miami. Really, the Miss Universe, they don't go to any of these events. They see nothing really. It's a good event. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Lisazo, what are the in -kind costs? Police, clean up, insurance.... Mr. Lisazo: Yes, sir, basically the largest bill, Mayor Ferre, is the police assigned to that festival. it's close to $389000. It's a two-day affair. You have fire, rescue needed for the safety of the people and sanitation, which is about $35,000 to $40,000 for this event. Mayor Ferre: When is the festival, by the way? Mr. Rolle: June 7, 8, and 9th. Mayor Ferre: Unless I hear otherwise, this follows the same pattern as all the others. Mr. Plummer: What are you asking for? Mayor Ferre: $30,000 in -kind. Mr. Plummer: That's a fallacy. It's $30,000; that's what they're asking for. Mayor Ferre: No, it isn't, Plummer, because part of those things, for example, like police. I don't know, do we pull in special police to do that, or...? Mr. Plummer: They're all off -duty. Mayor Ferre: They're all off -duty. December 13, 1984 Lj 11 Mr. Plummer: Everyone of them are off -duty. All of the sanitation you pay over -time. Mayor Ferre: I stand corrected. Mr. Rolle: If you give us the right to have it, we can barter out. We don't want the money. We just want the services or pay for it if we can do it. Mr. Plummer: I understand, Billy, I'm with you. I've always been with you. As much as I can, I'll be with you in the future. Let's not misunderstand each other. In -kind dollars are the same dollars that are hard cash given out dollars. Mayor Ferre: They did go before the County, by the way, and they did get $15, 000. Mr. Plummer: Well, they got more last year, because that was under the TDC. They've been out down there also. I would suggest, Billy, that this Commission has always looked favorably on Goombay. It is my understanding this year you even want to expand it further because of the tremendous crowds that you have attracted there. But I think in fairness to you and to everyone concerned, we have to establish these guidelines. I just don't think this Commission is prepared today to vote on any individual festival. I could be mistaken. Mr. Rolle: Commissioner Plummer, I remember Sunstreet getting $45,000 and the other $127,000, we put together a proposal. We feel like you slammed the door in our faces because the freeze came after. We started planning now, like other people a year ahead. When we get the $30,000, it was spent. We spent that. It came out in the news media. Mayor Ferre: Billy, we're out of money. Mr. Plummer: That's what shut the door. We didn't shut the door. The wallet shut the door. Mr. Rolle: I understand, but as persons hired people; we granted us the $30,000 that After that, you say, we don't are finished. I'm saying we, as a committee, didn't do anything until you came out in the news media. even to this meeting, say we Mr. Plummer: No, we didn't say that. We're not saying that you're finished. Mr. Rolle: Once we leave this afternoon, shall we disband the Miami -Bahamas? As president of the committee shall I go on? Mr. Plummer: No, sir, I think you should wait until the next meeting of this Commission in January. Mr. Rolle: We do have time to come and ask again because we have work for this and I do believe though it has been closed to everyone else also. When you sent out a filler for proposals, if we go to work and get the ones in.... Mayor Ferre: Mr.*Rolle, let me tell you this Commission has voted to freeze all festivals, that includes Little Havana, that includes the Hispanic Heritage, and it includes the Bahamian Heritage. Mr. Rolle: Can we do it ... from the administration...can we have the festival the way we can? Id 122 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: I can't tell you what to do. What I'm telling you is as of today you don't have any money from this City. Mr. Rolle: O.K., but we can have the festival, right? Can you block up the streets for us? Mayor Ferre: Of course, we're not going to deny you that right. Mr. Rolle: We can have the festival. That's all I want from the Commission. Mr. Plummer: Well, wait a minute; let's not have any misunderstanding and come back later and say we double- crossed you. Excuse me, listen to me, Billy. That $30,000 that was in -kind, is what you are going to have to spend unless this Commission grants you some type of grant. In other words, the $30,000 in -kind, the festival committee is going to have to come up and put in escrow for the in -kind - services by the City. Mr. Rolle: Yes, but are we allowed to block up the streets for June 7th, 8th and 9th? If we can have it, we'll have it. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I will offer a motion now that Goombay Festival be given the right, as they have in the past, for the blockage of the street on June 7th and 8th. Is that correct? Mr. Rolle: June 8, 9. Mr. Plummer: I'm sorry. Mr. Rolle: The 7th is the Friday afternoon, but mainly for the events 8th and 9th. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I make a motion that on June 8th and 9th that the Goombay Festival be allowed to close the street, as they have in the past, period. I so move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1401 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO CLOSE THE APPROPRIATE STREETS IN COCONUT GROVE ON JUNE 7, 8, AND 9, 1985 IN CONNECTION WITH THE STAGING OF THE ANNUAL "MIAMI/BAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL". Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. Id 123 December 13, 1984 t ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins .rrrrrr rrrrrr-rrrrrrrr r r r rrri..r r..rr rrrrrrrrrr r r rrr NOTE FOR THE RECORD: No one appeared on Agenda item 34. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-rrrrrar-rrrrrr--r.rrrrrrrrrr-rrrrrrr`rrrr rrr--r-rrrrrrr-rrrrrrrrrr-rrr rrrrrrrrr.r---r-rrrrrr 69• FUNDING REQUEST: INTERNATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC FOUNDATION rwrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrr rrrrrr rrr- rrr- rrrrr rrrrr--rrr-rrr-..rrrrrr Mayor Ferre: We're on item 35, which is the International Oceonographic Foundation. Is there anybody here from the International Oceonagraphic Foundation? I don't see anybody. I'm sorry, yes, ma'am. Ms. Maria Gross: My name is Maria Gross. I represent the International Oceonographic Foundation, Planet Ocean, 3979 Rickenbacker Causeway. We applied to the Dade County Parks and Recreation for a funding that we had acquired a year previously to this year for a Sea Awareness Festival called Bounty of the Sea. This is part of a major event, which we do every year, called Oceans Miami. We do it with the intent to bring people into the hotels in Miami and to make Miami a center of Oceanography. This year we have succeeded in bringing the "On the Water World of Activities, the World Under Water Activities Congress" from France. It's a congress that will bring 29000 delegates minimum to the James L. Knight Center. They'll stay here for one week. We have taken it out of Europe at a time when the dollar exchange is not the best one for Europeans to travel into Miami. Mayor Ferre: This is part of that this where we bring 2,000 people for this convention. Ms. Gross: Correct, exactly. Mayor Ferre: When is this convention going to be? Ms. Gross: This convention is going to take place on the 20th through the 25th of April, 1985 and as I say, the people are going to be housed at the Hyatt. They will.... Mayor Ferre: What is your total budget? Ms. Gross: The total budget for this event to the foundation is in the neighborhood of $61,000. Mayor Ferre: How much of that are you asking from us? Ms. Gross: I'd just like to give you a little background about the Bounty of the Sea. Mayor Ferre: You are requesting $10,000. Ms. Gross: We are requesting $10,000. Mayor Ferre: How much did you get from Metropolitan Dade County. Ms. Gross: Metropolitan Dade County is looking to fund us now, because their cycle does not qualify.... Mayor Ferre: nothing? Is the answer that they are giving you Id 124 December 13, 1984 Ms. Gross: Mayor Ferre: $100000. They are giving you $10,000? Ms. Gross: They are going to give us $10,000, because of the funds cycle. I agree with you. I think we meet all the requirements. I totally agree with you, that everything has to be for the best of the City. There was a contingency that "Bounty to the Sea" did not take place in City land. Planet Ocean's land was deeded by the City of Miami to Planet Ocean to make this museum. Of course, it will revert to the City of Miami. We feel that we are City. This festival, this event serves the City of Miami and the rest of Miami. People such as for example, Jimmy Buffet, has donated a great deal of his time to come and do manatee workshops with children. Mayor Ferre: Jimmy Buffet, did you say? Ms. Gross: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you this question so that we can move along on this. Did it pass through the festivals committee? Mr. Carl Kern: They recommend $2,000. Mayor Ferre: They recommended $2,000. Ms. Gross: Yes, we really.... Mayor Ferre: What was the administration's recommendations on this? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The same. Mayor Ferre: The same, well, you've heard what the Commission has done on festivals; we put a freeze. Ms. Gross: I totally.... Mayor Ferre: I understand this is somewhat different because you are talking about a major convention. Now, we gave you money last year. Ms. Gross: Yes, you did. Mayor Ferre: How much did we give you last year? Ms. Gross: $2,000. Mayor Ferre: And did you have a major convention last year too? Ms. Gross: Yes, we did; we had 5000 people. We brought John Michelle Cousteau. We brought Jimmy Buffet. Mayor Ferre: 59000 people? Ms. Gross: At the Coconut Grove Convention Center, it was called Ocean Fest. We also held Ocean Bounty of the Sea. Within Oceans Miami, we hold several events. Museums participate, Vizcaya participate on it. Everyone.... Mayor Ferre: Is there anything else you want to add? Ms. Gross: I'd like to add that we need your support to continue to make Miami a center for conferences like that. ld 125 December 13, 1984 If we took it away from Monocco, I think we should receive your support and pursue this. We really, as a museum, I think we're taking an extraordinary step in going out into the tourist market, especially as a no -profit organization and trying to help bring people into Miami. We appreciate your support. Mayor Ferre: What's the will of this Commission? Ms. Gross: Of course, I'd like to take more than $2,000. The bill for this is $10,000. Mayor Ferre: I don't know whether you're getting $2,000. What's the will of this Commission? Mr. Perez: When do you have the event? Ms. Gross: Bounty of the Sea will take place April 27th and 28th and it will also have a series of lectures that will deal with the ocean as a food reservoir for the world in the future. I think it will be very provocative and it'll bring international awareness because of the World Congress. We intend to; we have gotten a great deal of press, but this year we intend to be very aggressive. It takes a while for something like that to take off, but I think we've done a good job in the past and we intend to continue to do so. Mr. Perez: Mr. Manager, when do you plan to have the guidelines of the policy that you're going to propose to this Commission? Mr. Rosencrantz: I would imagine it's going to take at least three or four weeks to do a thorough job of working those up and reviewing the Orlando plan and getting back to the City Commission. So, I wouldn't anticipate.... Mayor Ferre: The end of January. Mr. Rosencrantz: Probably the end of January, yes, perhaps for the February meeting would be a good target date. Mayor Ferre: I think, like everybody else, you're going to have to come back and wait. Ms. Gross: We'll be delighted to. I hope that if we can be of any help to help you out in this, we're out there in the community and we're, out with the tourist business, and anything that we can do to help the City to assist in accomplishing this task, we're just delighted. Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much. --------------------------------------------- -------- ------- 70. COCONUT GROVE ARTS FESTIVAL: CLOSE STREETS IH CONNECTION THEREWITH ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We're now on item 36, which is the Coconut Grove Arts Festival. Is there a representative here? Ms. Terril Stone: I'm Terri Stone, Executive Director for the Coconut Grove Arts Festival. Mayor Ferre: Ms. Stone, you've heard the previous four requests. Ms. Stone: I have. Id 126 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: In order to save time, why don't you tell us very quickly.... Ms. Stone: I would be remiss if I didn't get on the record for saying that the Coconut Grove Arts Festival perhaps does not fall as Miss Universe into a special category. I do not, however, consider us strictly a street festival. If only enhancing the reputation of the City of Miami, as we do throughout the country, we are considered one of the two outdoor arts festivals in the United States. That's incredible for the twenty-two year history that we have. Mayor Ferre: How long have we been funding the Coconut Grove Arts Festival? Ms. Stone: This is my third year; we've had funding from the City.... Mayor Ferre: I know that, as I recall, it's at least 15 years. Ms. Stone: Mayor Ferre, I respectfully say to you that success breeds increased expenses. We have grown ... we expect 750,000 people this year. Mayor Ferre: See, that's not the question. The question is, should the taxpayers of Miami pay for that. That's the question. Ms. Stone: What we bring in to the economy with three quarters of a million people, with the media coverage that we get nationally and internationally. Mayor Ferre: See, I happen to agree with that, by the way. Ms. Stone: In addition, Mayor Ferre, it is my responsibility as Executive Director, I cannot come before you and say that I can cut police, cut sanitation. We get calls from all of the merchants in Coconut Grove telling us they are amazed. The next morning after the festival, if the City..... Mayor Ferre: How long have we been funding this festival? Joanne, how long has the Coconut Grove Arts Festival existed? Ms. Stone: Twenty two years, this this the twenty-second year. Mayor Ferre: That's what I was asking you. And how long have we been funding it? Either one of you.... Ms. Stone: Mayor Ferre, I do not know. The records are not clear on that. Mayor Ferre: Joanne, do you remember how long we've funded this, because we've been giving money to it for a long time. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Ms. Stone: The records that I have are indicated in that report and that goes back, I believe, this would be the fifth year. Mayor Ferre: How much did we fund you last year? Ms. Stone: Commission. Last year we received $159000 from the sl 127 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferret What was the recommendation of the administration and the festivals committee. Mr. Lisazo: $11#000 in -kind services, as well as the.... Mayor Ferret You recommended $11,000 in -kind. Mr. Lisazo: The Festival Advisory Committee. Mayor Ferret When is this festival? Mr. Lisazo: February 16th. Mayor Ferret So we don't have time to see the guidelines. Ms. Stone: I do not have time to come back before the Commission. Mayor Ferret I think this is not a street festival. I think it is a legitimate request. That is just one person's opinion. We don't have time to wait for the guidelines. This is one festival that brings in well over a half a million people into the community. Ms. Stone: And they're spending a lot of money. Mr. Plummer: What's your total budget? Ms. Stone: Our total budget is $159,000. Mr. Perez: Did you receive any funds from Dade County? Ms. Stone: Last year we received $1,000. Mr. Perez: From Dade County? Mayor Ferret What's the will of this Commission? Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, you know...between a rock and a hard place. Mayor Ferret In this case, I don't think we have any choice. Mr. Plummer: I think it is money well spent, $10,000. Ms. Stone: The Festival Advisory Committee recommended $119000. Mr. Plummer: $10,000. Ms. Stone: I would take $10,000. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, there is no question this draws a half a million people to Coconut Grove. It is great for the merchants. It is great for the community. It gets nation- wide publicity. I'll move it. Mayor Ferret Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: If it is turned down, it's turned down. Mayor Ferret Is there a second? For the last time, is there a second on this motion that the Coconut Grove Arts Festival be granted $10,000? The reason is we don't have enough time to wait until February, since the Festival is in February, we can't wait for the guidelines at the end of January. sl 128 December 13, 1984 i Mr. Plummer., I withdraw the motion. Ms. Stone: All right, thank you, I have two other items. I'm amazed because I do not generally hear these items come up, but as I understand it, it is protocol. I would like to again request permission for the streets to be closed. This year we have an additional request. I've met with the police and I have a letter from them recommending the streets remain closed Saturday night and Sunday night, other than South Bayshore Drive, with delivery traffic allowed. They believe with the situation they have had in the Grove, they cannot adequately protect the artists materials unless the streets are close to vehicular traffic throughout the night. Mr. Plummer: Who's going to pay for the additional police personnel to maintain that? Ms. Stone: The Coconut Grove Arts Festival. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion on the closing of the streets? Mr. Plummer: So move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1402 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO CLOSE THE NECESSARY STREETS IN COCONUT GROVE AS REQUESTED BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION ON THIS DATE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE FESTIVAL IN CONNECTION WITH THE STAGING OF THE 1985 ARTS FESTIVAL TO BE HELD IN FEBRUARY; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT THE STREETS REMAIN CLOSED ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHT, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF BAYSHORE DRIVE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------------------------------------------- 71. PERMIT JAYCEES TO SELL. BEER OM PRIVATE PROPERTY DURING THE COCONUT GROVE ARTS FESTIVAL w w------------------------------------ w------.- ww.� sl 129 December 13, 1984 I Ms. Terril Stone: Finally, I would like to request that we are granted permission to have the Coconut Grove Jaycees to sell beer on public property, as they did last year. I would like to add that we were informed by the police that this was the only event in the City of Miami last year that totally complied with the soft container guidelines that you set forth. Mayor Ferre: That's right. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: So move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? x Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1403 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE THE NECESSARY WAIVERS AS REQUESTED BY THE JAYCEES TO SELL BEER IN SOFT CONTAINERS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH THE ANNUAL "COCONUT GROVE ARTS FESTIVAL" TO BE HELD IN FEBRUARY, 1985. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. DURING ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: Let me give a word of caution. Our granting the right to sell, does not grant you the beverage permit, which you must take out from the State. I vote yes. Ms. Stone: Yes, sir, I know. AFTER ROLL CALL: Mayor Ferre: You come back in January, tell us how you're doing. We'll have some guidelines by then, and we may be able to support you then. Ms. Stone: Thank you for your support. -------------------- ------------------- --------------------- 72. FUNDING REQUEST: TIGEHTAIL PRODUCTIONS -------r------w---------------- w---------- w------------- ----ter Mayor Ferre: The next one is the Tigertail Productions, requesting $60,000. Yes, ma'am. sl 130 December 13, 1984 Ms. Marilyn Gottlieb -Roberts: My name is Marilyn Gottlieb - Roberts. I live at 9355 S.W. 94 Street. I'm Executive Director of Miami Waves. Miami Waves is a media arts event that is held here at the downtown campus of the Miami Dade Community College. It's now on its fourth year. It has attracted regional, national, and South American attention. It's the only event of its kind in the southeast United States. We've proved our worth to the City of Miami, in terms of development of the arts in the region, and the development of an arts audience. We drew 5,000 people last year from all walks of life to what was basically an innovative arts event. We're asking the Commission to approve the $29000 that was funded to us, recommended to us by the festivals committee. Mayor Ferre: You've heard the request. Now it's not $609000 it is $2,000. Ms. Gottlieb -Roberts: Well, that was what was recommended by the festival committee. Mayor Ferre: Yes, I understand. You have seen what's happened before. Ms. Gottlieb -Roberts: We're not a festival. Mayor Ferre: I understand. If somebody wishes to make a motion, I will be happy to accept it. Mr. Plummer: Refer it to the Manager. Mayor Ferre: It's referred to the Manager. Thank you very much. We'll see you again in January. 73. FUNDING REQUEST: UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF THE AMERICAS. We're now on item number 38, which is University of Miami, International Festival of the Americas requesting $25,000. The festivals committee has recommended $10,000. Mr. William Hipp: My name is William Hipp; I'm Dean of the School of Music at the University of Miami. I'm not going to talk about what I came to talk about, except to say that in the first year, our festival was a tremendous success. We're giving you a copy of our press book. You will see the kind of national and international attention we got. We are a festival that will continue to grow whether we receive help from the City of Miami or not. The comment that I would like to make is I think it is good to stop and take a stock of the manner in which festivals are funded. I think that a very firm set of guidelines, criteria, and procedure should be established. But I would like to admonish you that you not create a formula which has built in decreased funding for those organizations that have merit. I think that would be a mistake. My final suggestion that you seek other models other than the Orlando plan; that you very thoroughly look into this problem so that it will' be a solution that everyone can live with in the end. Mr. Plummer: Professor, we have looked into another models and I quote you Hialeah, they grant absolutely no money at all. sl 131 December 13, 1984 C Mayor Ferre: You see, the problem is this. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, I want you to know that the year they did that, they turned around from operating in the red to operating in the black. Mayor Ferre: We operate in the black and we have an $8,000,000 surplus, which is, you know, the Miami Herald and the Miami News continually are berating the City of Miami without such mercy. What really is amazing how inaccurate they are. For example, today's Miami News' editorial, they said that in an editorial dealing with Mr. Rosencrantz, they said that Mr. Rosencrantz was part responsible for bringing the City of Miami from a poor rating to an A+ rating. The TAPE 13 Miami News editorial writer who wrote that knows that the City of Miami had an A rating three years ago. That A rating is the same rating that Metropolitan Dade County had and that the State of Florida has. An A rating is not a poor rating. But you know, these people, and this is why they lack credibility, because they can't deal with the truth. When they don't deal with the truth, in one section, then they can't deal...then they're unbelievable in their next paragraph, because they may be right in their conclusion or in their thrust, but when they deal with untruths knowingly, then they get mixed up. The fact is that the City of Miami is financially stable, and healthy and it has been. We have not operated in the red, like Hialeah. We do have a surplus, which Hialeah does not have and Metropolitan Dade County does not have. But the fact is that we are now very quickly running out of money, because these are tough times. We're getting cut on the Federal funding that we've had. We have a $200,000,000 budget, but $20,000,000 of that comes from Washington. As that $20,000,000 shortens, you know, then we have to start making hard decisions, because if you start looking at what we pay for fire and police, and what have you. The University of Miami is a wonderful institution. We all love it. I'm a graduate of that institution. I have warm feelings for it. It's not in the City of Miami. Well, you say, we have to be universal. No, we don't. That's the job of the State of Florida to worry about the State and Metropolitan Dade County to worry about the County. You need to ask Metro, that has a budget that is five or six times ours and who has the responsibility to worry about Coral Gables and Miami. We don't have the responsibility to worry about Coral Gables. The City of Coral Gables has that responsibility and Metropolitan Dade County has that responsibility, and the State of Florida has that responsibility. Mr. Hipp: I don't would like to make that the University disagree entirely, but the point that I is that it is only by some quirk of fate of Miami happens to be in Coral Gables. Mayor Ferre: We'd be happy to an exit. Mr. Hipp: The University of Miami is one of the largest payrolls in the entire area. We don't require our employees to live in Coral Gables. Mayor Ferre: I understand and that is a good argument too, by the way. That's a good argument. I can't deny that one. One for you. So, come back and we'll see what the guidelines are. Mr. Hipp: Once the guidelines are set, we'll be back. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. sl 132 December 13, 1964 ��iw.►rwwwa.wwwii.Ywrr wr����a.a.—r-a...ra.w--a-------- a.rw--a.r•-----i.r NOTE FOR T81 RECORD: No one appeared on agenda item 39• —rrrr.rw--wr.r—ww—.r—r—w—r--r.. a.--r+rr-rw.rr—rrrrr rrrr—arrr www—w.. r--r—r r w w..—w r w —wr rrr------- r-66— NOTE FOR TU RECORD: Agenda items 40 and 41 vere withdrawn. r----rr---.rr—wrr--rrw----r--wr--------rr---r—r.rw � i rr• w rr r 74. FUNDING REQUEST: BAY OF PIGS VETERANS ASSOCIATION r--wwr-------r----r--w--------r—w-----r w----rw--w---w w--rr-- Mayor Ferre: We are now on item 42, which is the Bay of Pigs Veterans. Is there anybody here from the Bay of Pigs Veterans? Mr. Plummer: There was a group here. Mr. Luis Lamar: My name is Luis Lamar; I am here on behalf of the Association of Veterans of Pigs. We are requesting of a building which will serve as a meeting place, also as a museum, as a cultural place for the City of Miami and the residents of Miami as well. You have our request; and the request is for $75,000. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Lamar, this has been a dream of yours and of mine and of many people for a long, long time. I do think it has to go through the administration. We're not talking now about a festival, but about usage of Community Development Funds. That's something that there is a procedure on that. The CD funds for this year are already taken, so we would have to deal with future CD funds. We've already done that once with the Christian Hospital. As you recall, we passed a resolution saying that we were going to tap next year's CD funds for Christian Hospital, if there are CD funds next year. Now, I think this is a similar kind of a request, but it has to go through the administration. Mr. Lamar: What would be the procedure. Mayor Ferre: I think we have to sit down. Mr. Manager, who should it go through? Mr. Lamar: If he'll leave his name over here, we'll get in touch with him and tell him what the process is. Mayor Ferre: You talk to Mr. Castaneda; he will make an appointment with you. It should go through the administration. It will come back then for... can you bring it back in January meeting? Mr. Hosencrantz: We will attempt to. I'm not 'sure just how involved this will be. Mr. Lamar: As soon as we can make it , we are very anxious to go through with this. Mayor Ferre: I understand. I'm sure everybody here has...I would like to point something out to you. Please understand, this is not any but constructive criticism in the interest of making this a healthy and valid application. You will notice, Mr. Lamar, I notice in English you point out and you underline it. The purpose for this project will be cultural and historical; it will' not entail military activities. In Spanish, it says something different. sl 133 December 13, 1984 Mr. Lamar: We open to the people of the City of Miami, as well as to the different.... Mayor Ferre: I think you have to be consistent. Mr. Lamar: Well, we can fix that. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------ 75.1 ALLOCATE $159000 GRANT TO THE UNITED ■EGRO COLLEGE Mayor Ferre: We're now on item 43. This is the request by the United Negro College for funds. Last year, we granted $15,000 as I remember. You are requesting $30,000. This is not a festival, so the freeze does not apply to you. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I can certainly appreciate the financial posture of the City and I do understand what we're.... Mayor Ferre: Can I save you some time. We, in the past, have not hesitated in giving the United Way monies and other organizations, cerebral palsy, and others. I can't think of a more important thing to support than the United Negro College. I do think that we should make the motion for the same amount as we did for last year. I'm open to any recommendation that you may want. Mr. Dawkins: I'll make the motion. What did we give them last year? Mayor Ferre: $15,000. Mr. Dawkins; Fifteen? I make the motion that we award the same thing we made last year. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, there is a motion and there is a second, I guess from you. Where are the funds going to be coming from? Mayor Ferre: The funds, Mr. Manager, where did the funds come from last year for the United Negro College Grant? Mr. Rosencrantz: I'm not sure; it may have come out of Special Programs and Accounts. If I can verify that.... Mayor Ferre: Any discussion on that? Mr. Carollo: I think we're falling to the same things here and with the request by the Brigade 2506 that we're talking about with festivals. Now we're seeing what's happened before in other areas that it seems that everybody comes to the City of Miami for funds. Ms. Jefferson: If I may speak, I think that one of the key things here is that we are trying to bridge the gap in this community, and certainly one of our member institutions which we are fortunate to have in Dade County or in Miami Florida Memorial College is doing that by a two year program which has enrolled over 500 Hispanic students and special bilingual programs. I just think it's a major positive in terms of what we're giving back to the community as it relates to productive citizens that are doing something. If you think education is expensive, you should try ignorance. What we're trying to do is educate our young men and women. I think they deserve the opportunity also additionally, because of cut backs in federal student aid this year, we're sl 134 December 13, 1984 faced with an even greater problem. I think that they certainly warrant being given the opportunity to succeed. Mayor Ferre: Miss Jefferson, let me ask you this question. I'm going to be voting with you, because I think if anybody should be helped, if we're down to three or four awards, I certainly think this is one of the better ones. It certainly is as worthy as the United Way. But let me ask you this question. Does Metropolitan Dade County give you any money? Ms. Jefferson: Yes, they do. Mayor Ferre: How much do they give you? Ms. Jefferson: We made a similar request this year and they're voting on that with Metro.... Mayor Ferre: How much did they grant you? Ms. Jefferson: We don't have the grant at this point, but we're looking to get $30,000 from them. They matched the City last year. Mayor Ferre: This is a college fund. 'The previous request is for the construction of a building for $75,000. It would come from Community Development Funds. As I stated, I have no problems with that. I don't have any problems with this. This is a different matter, because this is an educational fund. We have a motion and a second. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, let me say this. I'm not disagreeing with what the young lady stated. The point I'm trying to make is that you have to stop just giving monies away. All these are very worth while projects. We're not questioning that. What I am questioning, however, is should the City of Miami be in the business of playing Santa Clause all year round, even though there are things that no one is questioning. It's just how positive they are being. The problem is see, that we are taxing our tax payers more than just about anybody is in this county. Those are the people that we have the main responsibility to. How can we justify every meeting giving thousands of dollars out, when the basic service that are the real reason why we exist as a body, we're not doing our best in. I'm talking about police, fire, sanitation, parks and recreations, zoning. If this Commission doesn't want to bite the bullet across the board, and I've bitten the bullet whether it's a Cuban asking for money or whether it's a Black or whether it's a Japanese or whether it's going to be an American Indian. Let's really play Santa Clause and you know, give the whole kitchen away. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, the merit, but it has merit only if United Way, cerebral palsy, and Mayor Ferre: I agree. argument just presented has you are going to apply it to all. Mr. Dawkins: But this Commission has donated to United Way, which is fund raising and the money is used county -wide. This is a United Negro College Fund and they sponsor a telethon in order to raise money, therefore, I agree with what you said, but until we stop United Way and everybody else, I cannot vote with you. Once we stop them all, I'm with you, but until we stop them all, I would have to say that this is to me, as important as United Way. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? sl 135 December 13, 1984 Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, there is a motion. There is a second. What I would like to do is to.... Mayor Ferre: Who seconded, by the way? Mr. Carollos I think you did. Mayor Ferre: No, I'd be happy to, though, I'll second it. Mr. Carollo: The Mayor seconded. Now, if I may, I'd like to pass the gavel to Commissioner Plummer so I can make a substitute motion. According to parliamentary procedures, if I have a second for my substitute motion, that will go before this motion. In other words, we'll vote for my motion first, then we'll vote for this motion. I now make a motion that we give $75,000 to the Brigade 2506 for the request that was made here today. Mayor Ferre: I don't want to get into.... Mr. Plummer: Wait, wait, is there a second to the...? Mayor Ferre: It's out of order, sir, point of parliamentary procedure. Mr. Plummer: I'm sorry, I didn't hear you ask for that. Mayor Ferre: That's what I was trying to get. You see, you can make a substitute motion on the same subject. You cannot make a substitute motion on a dissimilar subject. Mr. Plummer: The City Attorney says you are right. Mayor Ferre: When I get the gavel back, I'll recognize you for that motion and I'll support it. As I said before, as long as it comes from CD funds. Mr. Plummer: The motion, according to the City Attorney, is out of order, Mr. Carollo. We're back to the main motion. Mr. Carollo: Then I'll present the same motion the minute we're done with this one, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: I'll recognize it, as soon as we finish on this vote. Mr. Carollo: You might miss, hit the man in the middle. Mayor Ferre: It's your call. Mr. Carollo: Is there any further discussion? Hearing none, call you call the roll, Mr. Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1404 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000.00 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE ANNUAL FUND-RAISING CAMPAIGN OF THE UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND, INC. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the. Office of the City Clerk.) al 136 December 13, 19$4 I Upon being seconded by Mayor Ferre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. DURING ROLL CALL: Mr. Carollo: I'm voting yes, hoping that I will get an approval on the motion that I'm about to make. If I do not, I want to make it clear for the record that I will be changing my vote immediately after. --- ---------------------------------------- 75.2 ALLOCATE $T5,000 TO BRIGADE 2506 BAY OF PIGS VETERANS ASSOCIATION IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PROPOSED BUILDING ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: The Chair now recognizes Commissioner Carollo for the purposes of making a motion regarding the Brigade house. Mr. Carollo: The motion that I'm making, Mr. Mayor, is that we approve $75,000 for the request the Brigade 2506 made to come from the same sources as the $15,000 that we just approved here today. Mayor Ferre: I'll see if there is a second, and then I will ask for an amendment of that, if I may. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Carollo, I would like to ask that you put into the motion that, it be funded from CD funds. We can do that legally without any problems and it fits within the Federal guidelines. Why take it out of the general budget, or special funds, when in effect, we can take it out of Community Development Funds. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, you just made a statement that all the CD funds are used up for this year and that maybe we won't have any for next year. Mayor Ferre: Then I'll tell you what, if you make this motion. That if we don't get the monies from CD funds, then we get it from the general funds. Mr. Carollo: Yes, but you are talking about waiting a whole new year before we could apply and proceed. Mayor Ferre: No, it doesn't work that way. What you can do is you can borrow funds from, and we do it all the time, from one category to move on a project and then refund it when we get the CD funds. If we don't get CD funds, then it would come from the general budget. Mr. Carollo: I would do that as long as the $75,000 is written at the same time that the $159000 will be written. Mayor Ferre: I have no problems with it provided it passes all the legal ramifications. In other words that it's si 137 December 13, 1984 }§e= a non...the same conditions as with the United Negro College; s that is a non-profit organization. ,rt Mr. Carollo: It's not just the United Negro College. It's , the United Vay, it's cerebral palsy, it's everything else. I bit the bullet. I went against a lot of things here zw� today, but then I'm seeing that at the end, we're still ; playing polities and we're still voting upon one group or another in weighing votes. I think what we have to do is go across the line. I don't care who's asking for the money. I mean that is a very worth while organization, United _ Negro College; no question about it. But $15,000 is a drop in the bucket to their whole total organization. It's just like what we gave to United Way is a drop in the bucket to Y. them. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Carollo, you can vote any way you want. I can vote any way I want. I'm telling you that if you are taking $75,000 from the taxpayers monies without js.`.. getting from the Community Development Funds first, I'll tell you on the record, I'm voting against that. Now, I tell you what, if we want to do it that way, I'll pass the 7 s`, gavel on to the senior member here and make a substitute f motion which is on this subject, so I can make a substitute motion. I make a substitute motion that we approve the request of the Brigade for $75,000 provided however that it come from CD funds, and if Cd funds are not available, that it then come from the general fund on that basis. A ry << r - Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, that's exactly what I was saying before. Mr. Plummer: Is there a second to the substitute motion? Mr. Carollo: That is exactly what I was saying before. The problem is you start throwing all the ifs and buts, and you are the one, sir, that made a promise to the Brigade 2506 that the City of Miami was going to provide that money. It wasn't I, sir. Mayor Ferre: I am going to keep that promise. Mr. Carollo: Then if you're going to, I would suggest that you keep the motion to what I agreed to would be the motion, and not start throwing all the other ifs that now, in the substitute motion that you say you are making, which is the same thing that I agreed to, you didn't include all the ifs and buts that you are throwing at me. ? Mayor Ferre: I stand corrected. However, in the substitute u motion, provided however, that it meet all of the requirements of the law, such as non-profit organizations, etc., that all other donations of this sort need. You're v right. I stand corrected. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Clerk, is there anybody here from the Brigade 2506? �mr Mr. Dawkins: If I could ask a question now, Mr. Carollo. w. In the event , sir, that everything goes well, you have to draw plans and what have you. You are looking at a start up date of when? Mr. Lamar: As soon as we have the funds besides that we already are working on the plans. We have the preliminary plans. We have a preliminary budget. We can furnish you with all the information whenever you want to. Mr. Dawkins: But when will you be ready to break ground and start preparing when? sl 138 December 13, 1984 t z Mr. Lamar: As soon as we have the money. Mr. Carollo: Are you a non-profit organization? That was the Mayor's request. Any other questions, Mr. Mayor, any j other requirements? Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, in order that we can take emergency action in this cane, I would like that instead of a motion, we have a resolution, in order that they have an opportunity to request this fund as soon as possible. Mayor Ferre: Fine, I have no problem with the legal format of it. Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion, what you are saying, Commissioner Perez, is that we want a first and second reading today so that they can get the money immediately and not have to come back to another meeting. Is that what _ you're saying? Mr. Perez: Anyhow, the motion would no first reading. The motion is pending for a resolution, but I would like the maker.... `3c Mr. Dawkins: A resolution, you still have to have two a: readings, so we don't have to come back here. You have to have two readings tonight. x�hr Mr. Perez: Sure, in order that they don't have to come back, but anyhow, the motion doesn't have to come. back. The motion has to come back for a resolution. I would like to approve today, if the maker of the motion accepts it, as a resolution instead of a motion. Mr. Carollo: That's fine. Mr. Plummer: Voting on the substitute motion. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, it doesn't have to be a substitute. Joe, it's your motion now. Mr. Carollo: No, he's not asking for a substitute. He's just asking to incorporate it, and I'll incorporate it. Mayor Ferre: The maker of the motion accepts the incorporation of all these things. There are no amendments. The maker of the motion incorporates all these things into the motion. Mr. Plummer: Back to the main motion. Mayor Ferre: That is correct. Mr. Plummer: Any further discussion? 51 139 December 13, 1984 es"` I T Mayor Ferre: No# I'll call it, because now it's back to me. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption% RESOLUTION NO. 84-1405 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $75,000 FROM FY-1985 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS AND, IN THE t ALTERNATIVE, FROM THE GENERAL FUND; A=b ALLOCATION BEING IN SUPPORT OF Tim Y OF PIGS VETERANS ASSOCIATION CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF THE ASSOCIATION'S BUILDING. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. DURING ROLL CALL: Mr. Dawkins: Are we voting on the resolution that was made by Commissioner Perez or are we voting on the motion made by Commissioner Carollo. Mayor Ferre: We're voting on the motion by Commissioner Carollo; Mr. Carollo has accepted all these other qualifications. ------------------------------------------------------------ 76. FUNDING REQUEST: ITALIAN RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL AT VIZCAYA i ------- -•----- ----- -------------------- ------ ------- -------- Mayor Ferre: We are now on the request of John Edward Smith on the Italian Renaissance Festival at Vizcaya. Is Mr. Smith here? Mr. John Edward Smith: Good,evening, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: You've heard the qualifications that the City Commission has placed on all festivals. There is a freeze. Is there anything you want to add? Mr. Smith: Yes, air, I certainly would. I'm delighted and pleased that the Commission has made these requirements. I am pleased to report that the Italian Renaissance Festival, in my opinion, meets these requirements. In our recent trip to Italy visiting with the Mayor of Florence, Austian Venice, it was nice to note that they saw Vizcaya during the Miss Universe contest. I think one of the important things Al 140 December 13, 1984 you want to look at is the return of the dollar that you're ' going to make in an investment in this festival. The festival has existed for a number of years. It is the largest single gated event at Vizcaya. We are looking at a total grant for $15#000. You should be aware that Alitalia �# by the year 1986 will be flying directly from Italy to - Miami. The tourism impaat of this festival is significant and we request your consideration under the guidelines for full funding. Unfortunately, the festival is in March and your guidelines will not be prepared in time for significant review by your staff. Mayor Ferre: You heard what has happened before. Unless somebody wishes to make a motion to override that'# I would imagine that you be guided by the same resolution as everybody else. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Smith, is this approved by Ernie Fannatto? Mr. Smith: Who? Geoseppi Verdi? What? .`; r 'rs Mr. Plummer: It'.s an in-house joke. Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. --------------------- --------------------------------------- 77. FUNDING REQUEST: SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL ,t= ------------------------------------------------------------ S��r-fit •_I - Mayor Ferre: Gail Smith Deschamps, the President of the .=' South Florida Theatre Company, which is the Florida Shakespearian Festival for $10,000. Ms. Deschamps, you've rt.. heard what's happened before. Ms. Brooke Wide: Mayor Ferre, I'm Brooke Wide, I'm Gail's `v General Manager. She had a personal emergency. I know ,- you've frozen funds. We're with the Shakespeare's Festival. What is the next step I want to make? I meet all your guidelines. We open February 7th. We do need the money and we need it soon. What is the next step I should take? Mr. Plummer: Pray. Ms. Wide: Thanks, I will. Mayor Ferre: If somebody here wants to make a motion, I will accept it, but right now there is a freeze. Ms. Wide: What I need to know is you talked about guidelines. In other words, is the freeze from now through the rest of the year, or will you come out with guidelines.... 3 Mayor Ferre: The freeze is until we have guidelines and the Commission accepts them. Then we'll take it up near the end of January. r r= Ms. Wide: Then I'll re -apply under those guidelines or I'll add those to the application I've already made. Mayor Ferre: I would imagine that's the case. Ms. Wide: O.K., thank you very much. Mayor Ferre: Thank you. sl 141 December 13, 1984 r�.r�r-♦ri-il...i�r..�ariii.i....rri`r----ii.. i.---wY►iir--i.. i, i�r A.r"rr 78. ALLOCATE $950 TO NATIONAL COUNCIL OF NEGRO WOMEN Mayor Ferre: Now, Miss Eunice Liberty says that she cannot drive after it gets dark and it is dark, Miss Eunice. I'm sorry that we've held you up, but we'll take you up next. Miss Eunice Liberty: Thanks very much. I came because I'm item 70 on your list. I came for the results today. I id didn't come to do anymore than just that. Mayor Ferre: Miss Liberty, it is item 71 that I think you're here on. This is the National Council of Negro Women. It's recommended by Mr. Castaneda and the administration. Is there a motion on that? Recommended by yj the administration, item 71. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1406 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000.00 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE ANNUAL FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN OF THE UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND, INC. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- . AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------------------------------------- 79• INCORPORATE AMENDMENTS TO BAYSIDE AGREEMENT AS SUBMITTED IN WRITTEN FORM TO THE CITY COMMISSION THIS DATE -r-------r--r-r---r----------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: The next item is Lucia Dougherty has some amending language that is needed by Mr. Gilchrist on the Bayside Project, Mr. Gilchrist. Mr. Gilchrist: Mayor and Commissioners, I'm going to have Miriam Maer read into the record the amendment changes to the agreement with the Rouse Company. sl 142 December 13, 1984 ION Mayor Ferre: As I understand it, each member of the Commission has seen the changes. Mr. Gilchrist: That is correct. Mayor Ferre: Can you submit those to the Clerk instead of reading them into the record? Mr. Gilchrist: That's fine. Mayor Ferre: Is that acceptable to everyone? Is there a motion that the items that have been shown to each one of us separately be put into the record and adopted? Mr. Dawkins: So move. Mayor Ferre: Is that all right? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Second by Commissioner Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1407 A MOTION TO ACCEPT AND INCORPORATE AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THIS DATE FILED BY JOHN GILCHRIST, PROJECT DIRECTOR, AND MIRIAM MAER, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY, IN CONNECTION WITH THE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER AGREEMENT. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 80. APPROVE Ili PRINCIPLE BAYSBORE DRIVE DEVELOPMENT STUDY Mayor Ferre: Now we have the question of the Coconut Grove Overview, in principle, which is item number 22. Ms. Susan Cohen: Susan Cohen, we have no problem with your passing this in principle today. Our position is the same. We are unable to evaluate it at this point. Mayor Ferre: Does anyone else wish to speak on item number 22? Does anybody have any objections? Yes, sir. Mr. James Stewart: Mayor Ferre, Commissioners, my name is James Stewart. sl 143 City Manager, I live at 2541 December 13, 1984 Lincoln Avenue, just about a block away from where this project is scheduled. We appreciate the time that the Planning Department has taken to come and try to explain to us exactly, in concept anyway, what this is all about. We have not seen the actual final draft of what they are going to be presenting tomorrow. It hasn't come out yet. The residents of the area feel as though there may not be enough time between tomorrow and the Planning Advisory Board meeting on the 19th in order to understand or to get some feedback on what the specific numbers are going to be. We feel as though there is a bit of a crunch here time -wise. We'd appreciate your consideration in this, so that we could get together. Mayor Ferre: What is it you want us to do, Mr. Stewart? Mr. Stewart: There may be a need for a delay so that we can study this. I mean we are up against.... Mayor Ferre: You realize that beyond the Planning Department comes back to the City, doesn't it? To the City Commission I mean. Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: Right, if I may, I would like to put on the record the schedule that we're going to follow for the different hearings. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Rodriguez: We were planning to go to the Planning Advisory Board on the proposal for the special public: interest district on December 19th. Then the applicant will go to the South Florida Regional Planning Council on the D.R.I. on January 7th. On January 10th we will come back to the City Commission on the first reading of the special public interest districts. On January 16th, the applicant will go before the Planning Advisory Board on the resolution of the D.R.I. and on January 24th, the City Commission will hear the second reading of the SPI and will decide on the resolution of the development order. What we're saying with this is that there will be ample opportunities for different hearings for the area residents to react to this. Most importantly, that the meeting of January 10th, in which the Commission will be acting on first reading, that will be the time in which there will be a decision made, will give them plenty of time to analyze the recommendations that we're making. Mayor Ferre: What you are saying, in effect, is that we have until the 24th of January, which is 41 days and there will be five public meetings, in which you will have ample opportunity to discuss, look, study, or review, recommend and come back. Ms. Cohen: We did ask specific questions that need clarification from the December 5th hearing. When we get those, we'll be able to evaluate it on the merits. We do not have it at this point, therefore, the December 19th PAB hearing will be a problem for us, but that's not before you. Mayor Ferre: Will we have that before the 19th? Will they have their answers before the 19th? Ms. Cohen: Our group, some of them have asked for 30 days to evaluate it. sl 144 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferret Of course, that is something that we're going to have to deal with in the City Commission also, which is really where the final vote really counts. Mr. Rodriguez: We believe that the purpose of these hearings is precisely to try to air these items and that we try to answer all the questions we can at that time. Mayor Ferret I might point to you that the process does function last night the City of Miami Commission on a three to two vote reversed its previous position on the approval of Ken Triester's project, Commodore Bay. That happened over a very short period of time, and it was for very explicit reasons and causes. So, is there a notion now on item 22? Mr. Plummer: I moved it before. Mayor Ferret Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferret Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1408 A RESOLUTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE THE BAYSHORE DRIVE DEVELOPMENT STUDY GENERALLY BOUNDED BY SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE JEFFERSON STREET, LINCOLN AVENUE AND MARY STREET; TO INITIATE REZONING OF CERTAIN PRIVATE PROPERTIES WITHIN THAT AREA; FURTHER FINDING THAT SAID PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE, IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 81 EXECUTE LEASE AGREEMENT: BAYBOTTOM LAUD FOR FERRY SERVICE FACILITY TO FISHER ISLAND. ------------- - ------------------------------- ---------- ---...- Mayor Ferret Mr. Traurig, what are your two items? You've been here all day. sl 145 December 13, 1984 Mr. Robert H. Traurig: Thank you, Mr. Mayor, for the record, Robert H. Traurig, 1401 Brickell Avenue. Item number 106, page 39 of your agenda, is an item merely to approve the lease which had been prepared by the City Attorney's office pursuant to the previous authorization. Mr. Plummer: I move 106. Mr. Dawkins: Second it. Mayor Ferre: This is that Fisher Island thing. Mr. Traurig: Yes, it had previously been approved in principle. We're back here for authorization to execute the lease. Mayor Ferre: Does this have the recommendation of the administration, Mr. Manager? Is the administration... I mean, we're not holding you responsible for this because obviously, this is not something that you've had time to look at. But did somebody in the administration look at this? Mr. Rosencrantz: I am familiar with that. Yes we do recommend this. Mayor Ferre: You think that is a reasonable solution to this problem. Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes, sir, we do. Mayor Ferre: O.K., it's been moved and seconded. Is there further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 64-1409 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, TO LEASE APPROXIMATELY 159960 SQUARE FEET OF BAY BOTTOM LAND FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A DOCKING FACILITY FOR FERRY SERVICE TO AND FROM FISHER ISLAND. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo 82. DESIGNATE CHAIRPERSON OF CITY FIRST SOURCE AGREEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE -------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------- --- sl 146 December 13, 1984 n Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer: Manager? Item 64. Who is the designated chairperson, Mr. Mayor Ferre: Frank Castaneda. Mr. Plummer: So move. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Is there further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1410 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A CHAIRPERSON OF THE CITY'S FIRST -SOURCE AGREEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE; FURTHER APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL TO SERVE AS A MEMBER OF SAID COMMITTEE, REPLACING DENA SPILLMAN WHO HAS BECOME INELIGIBLE TO SERVE ON SAID COMMITTEE BY REASON OF CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES IN HER EMPLOYMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo -------------- -------- --------- ----------------------------- 83. CLAIM SETTLEMENT; KINELIA HOGARTE Mayor Ferre: Item 65. Mr. Plummer: What's 65? Mrs. Dougherty: That's the recommendation for the settlement in a case where there was an accident as a result of a sign that was covered up by the tree that was planted in connection with our Little Havana Neighborhood Association planting. The woman has a 6% impairment, permanent disability and the County has paid $9,000. We recommend this $16,000. Mr. Plummer: So move; soft touch. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll on 65. 51 147 December 13, 1984 4 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1411 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO MINELIA HUGARTE THE SUM OF SIXTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($169000.00)9 WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL BODILY INJURY, PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION LIENS, WORKER'S COMPENSATION LIENS, CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI, AND UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo 84. APPROVE & CONFIRK GRANT: STATE OF FLORIDA FOR CHILD DAY CARE PROGRAM. Mr. Dawkins: Move item 66. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion on 66 and a second. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1412 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF VETERAN AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $199000 TO CONDUCT A CHILD DAY CARE PROGRAM; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY CONTRACT(S) AND AGREEMENT(S) TO IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY CODE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here sl 148 December 13, 1984 6 6 and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo 85. AUTHORIZE IN -KIND SERVICES $109000 FOR "TASTE OF THE GROVE" FOOD FESTIVAL ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Plummer: Item 67 is a ratification. It's been done before. I move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1413 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING IN -KIND SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $109000 TO BE PROVIDED FROM THE OPERATING BUDGETS OF THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE, FIRE, SOLID WASTE, BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE, AND PARKS AND RECREATION, TO COCONUT GROVE MARKETING IN CONNECTION WITH THE "TASTE OF THE GROVE" FOOD FESTIVAL; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM- 1-84, DATED JANUARY 241, 1984; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING ONE (1) DAY CONCESSIONS PRIVILEGES INCLUDING A ONE (1) DAY PERMIT TO SELL BEER AND WINE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID EVENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo ----- ------ --- -- - ---- -- - - - --- - - ----- -- - - - ----- -- -- - -- - ------ sl 149 December 13, 1984 86. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE: USE OF CITY OWNED PARCEL OF LAND (FEC) ADJACENT TO PARR FOR MARITIME CENTER w�wrr.�rrwii.wr��r.rwrwriwr�ri►r�r�ir�rwrwr�r..rw--rr----wr�rrirrrw Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'll move item 68 with the full understanding that this will give them the opportunity to go forth and try to seek funds. There are certain stipulations attached to this and provisions that they must comply with before it becomes a finale. What this in reality is doing is allowing them to go out and to seek funds with some kind of clout from this Commission. Does the City Manager recommend? Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes. Mr. Plummer: I move item 68. Mayor Ferre: This is a resolution in principle. In effect what we're doing is we're giving them an exclusive right, subject to the development of the admirals of the fleet of Florida for a two year period. There are an awful lot of things that are being discussed on that particular piece of property, the Maritime Museum. We are talking about a possibility of an aquarium kind of a project. Unidentified Speaker: Yes, sir, that's all included in this. Mayor Ferre: There is an idea of a theatre. Unidentified Speaker: Yes. Mayor Ferre: The only thing that I would like to exclude from that, since we're talking about forty acres is the possibility of five acres of that immediately adjacent to the parking garage, across from the parking garage towards Biscayne Boulevard, because I think there may come a time before two years where we may have some very serious bidders that may want to build a major New York type broadway theatre. This is part of this whole theatre district concept. I've had some serious discussions with Zev Bufman. He's very interested. We've discussed it with Judy Drucker; she's very interested. It might develop a possibility with the private sector could come up with substantial funds. So, I would not want to preclude us doing that should that develop in the next two years. Unidentified Speaker: Mr. Mayor, I think that would be very compatible with what we're trying to do here. Mayor Ferre: That's the only exception I want to put on the record so that with the exception of that, I'm ready to vote on this. Mr. Plummer: This is north of the deep water slip. Mayor Ferre: No, this is the whole site. They're talking about having a two year.... Unidentified Speaker: This is the FEC property. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute. Let me stop and ask a question. As you're well aware, this City has an obligation with the Grand Prix for the next thirteen years in the FEC portion of that track. Mr. Mayor, I'm not telling you anything. I'm telling you that as it stands today.... Mayor Ferre: Are you telling me that we've tied up that property for thirteen years? a1 150 December 13, 1984 Ll Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir. Excuse me, we. Mayor Ferre: Oh, my God! This is the first time I've ever realized that we actually tied up the property for thirteen years, a piece of property that we paid $24,000,000 for, is now tied up for thirteen years. Did we get a legal reading on that? Mr. Bob Clark: I'm not familiar with the actual terra firma that you're talking about. What property are you? Mr. Plummer: The FEC. Mr. Clark: We do have a staff member that can brief you. Mr. Plummer: From the Causeway Boulevard north to the deep waterway which is presently being used. Mayor Ferre: Do you mean to tell me that $5090009000 property is tied up so that somebody can race in it for two years and it's tied up for thirteen years? Mrs. Miriam Maer: That's basically correct. The FEC property is included among the properties that are covered by the license agreement with Miami Motorsports. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I am sure that if there is something of a proposal that could be offered as an alternative, that they would be more than happy to enter discussions. They did this year. Mayor Ferre: This just is not so. Lucia, where is Lucia Dougherty? Mr. Clark: She is in the place where only she could be. LAUGHTER. Mayor Ferre: Miriam, I don't like to argue with you, but I need to tell you you are totally wrong. Let me tell you why you are totally wrong. We have just agreed that if we pay $100,000, we can have that race totally on Biscayne Boulevard. Mr. Plummer: No, sir, let me tell you where you're wrong. That takes it out of the park, but not the FEC portion, Mr. Mayor. We are entered in through 4th Street and went into the park, which was commonly referred to in the past, as the hair -pin turn, -was you have the option to pay $100,000 and take it out of that portion of the park, it loops around and comes back. Mayor Ferre: I cannot believe that this Commission and this administration and this community tied up that $50,000,000 piece of property for thirteen years and this is the first time that this is coming out to the public knowledge. I got to tell you.... Mr. Clark: Mayor, I suggest that you let us get hold of the Miami Motorsports Agreement, do some research, and get back with you. Mayor Ferre: I think you better that right away. Mr. Dawkins: Research all you want. It comes back to what members of this Commission said from the very beginning. Let's don't rush into this without studying it. Now, it's obvious that we did not know what we were signing. sl 151 December 139 1984 Mr. Carollo: It was quite obvious now why when I said, hey, what's the rush, let's read this contract carefully. Why individuals started threatening me, making all kinds of statements. In fact, the State Attorney's investigation which was instigated by Mr. Gary against me during my campaign. The public never knew about it until now. Mayor Ferre: Did you know about this? Mr. Carollo: No, but I smelled something rotten somewhere. Mayor Ferre: I tell you, these were the days when we used to believe Jim Hampton. Jim Hampton used to say all these wonderful things, all this is the one thing we ought to do immediately and the City of Miami should not be short sighted and we all rushed into it. Mr. Carollo: But I guarantee you one thing. The people that signed that contract were the party that has that contract knew about it. There were people in our administration and possibly in this Commission that knew about it. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer, did you know about it? Mr. Plummer: Mayor, the original contract, which was signed for fifteen years did obligate two alternative tracks. The FEC to the best of my knowledge was in both alternatives. There were the alternatives of running through the park and the alternatives of Biscayne Boulevard. There was also a third alternative discussed. That was down 5th Street and around that area back to N.E. 2nd Avenue. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Gilchrist, did you know about this? Mr. Gilchrist: I'm sorry, sir, I was trying to get the original agreement. Not the amendment, which we've done. and have the Law Department respond to that, because I believe in the original agreement, for future development, it makes reference to that.... Mayor Ferre: Absolutely, that's my memory of it. Mr. Gilchrist: ....that Sanchez, that Miami Motorsports has to come back to the City with an alternative race course for approval and that we have to mutually agree to it. Mayor Ferre: My memory of it is that the whole course was subject to the City of Miami not developing any of that property, because if not, then why in the world have you been wasting your time with the admirals of the fleet discussing for the last year. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I think it's by this reason. In their letterhead dated October 22nd and from the admirals of the fleet it says the proposed layout of the Florida Maritime Center will permit the use of this property for the Grand Prix; they recognized that. Mr. Gilchrist% They did agree to that, yes, sir. So he has not wasted his time and it's with the full knowledge by the parties. Mayor Ferre: Well, there are going to be buildings in that park if we.... Mr. Plummer: That doesn't :Wean you can't run a race course around it. Mayor Ferre: Oh, O.K. $l 152 December 13, 1984 Mr. Gilchrist: They have discussed being compatible with the race, with the Maritime Museum. Mayor Ferre: I want to tell you that the tail isn't going to wag the dog. My memory of this and, believe me, as far as the community needs, as great as the Grand Prix is, it is not the main issue or the main subject of our existence. It is the tail. I'm telling you that Grand Prix is not going to dominate that $50,000,000 piece of property for thirteen years. When we voted on that, I clearly understood that was subject to any future developments on that property. Now we're getting some mixed signals that it was or it wasn't. Was it or wasn't it? We need that clarified. Mr. Gilchrist: I believe the City Attorney is trying to find the original agreement, or Miriam is. Otherwise, I'll come back as soon as I'll have it. Mr. Carollo: I hope that another pillar of our community is not crumbling before us today. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mr. Mayor, while that is going on, could I just explain a little bit about what we want to do. We would like two year's time in which the admirals to raise $250000. With that money we propose to do an economic feasibility study, a fund-raising feasibility study, and a master plan for the Florida Maritime Center, which would include the aquarium, the museum, the Maritime Museum, and a tropical park. If we say the track is compatible with that, hopefully, it could be designed in such a way that it would run through that kind of a piece of property. We'd like to come back when we've raised the $250,000 and the feasibility studies have been completed and we have a project teem put together to do this, which includes economic research, associates and a number of other companies, some of which have worked in the Epcot Center program, and then say to the City, we've now done what we said we were going to do. We'd like you to make the commitment so we can go out and raise the kind of money it will take to build the Florida Maritime Center. If we fail in that, then we'll quietly disappear and not bother you again. This has been going on now for a number of years, as you know. Mayor Ferre: I want to tell you as I've told you in the past, that I'm fully supportive. We've worked closely on this and it's a very, very important project for this community. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We think so, thank you. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote on this, then? Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, besides looking at that aspect of the contract that we instructed staff to do, I would like to have them go item by item, every T and every I. that contract. Mayor Ferre: Are you talking about the Grand Prix? Mr. Carollo: The Grand Prix contract to make sure that they are living up 100% of the contract. If there is anything, anything whatsoever that they are not, then we should use that as bargaining tool. Mayor Ferre: I'm pretty certain, Im right to develop that property. would have been gross negligence administration, and the Commission without knowing that, and I doubt Joe, that we do have a I don't think... That on the part of the for voting on something we did that, because if sl 153 December 13, 1964 memory serves me right ► we do have a right to develop that property. Mr. Gilchrist: I would request that we could come back to the Commission and review that and answer the Commission. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion, then, of approval? Mr. Plummer: I've already made it. Mayor Ferre: Who's made it? Mr. Plummer: I moved 68. Mayor Ferre: That's right, and you seconded it. Mr. Perez: What is the motion, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: The motion is approving in principle item 68, with the exception that the admirals of the fleet recognize the possibility of accelerating the building of a theatre in that area. Mr. Perez: I would like, Mr. Mayor, to add to this motion that this group be given the courtesy of the opportunity to meet with the Latin Chamber, because they think in this parcel, that's one of the few parcels that the City has available at this time. They tried to choose this area for the International Trade Fair. I would like that we encourage this group to meet with the Latin Chamber of Commerce and they have the opportunity to give a whole idea for the next Commission meeting. Mayor Ferre: That stipulation is in there. Is that acceptable to the maker of the motion? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That we meet with the Latin Chamber, is that what it is? I would like to say that we were originally interested in another piece of property, as you know, Mr. Mayor, but the Downtown Development Authority suggested that we might want to come to the FEC property. Mayor Ferre: That's what we've been talking about for two years. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That's correct, yes. sl 154 December 13, 1984 • Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1414 A RESOLUTION APPROVING, IN PRINCIPLE, THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF A CITY OWNED PARCEL OF LAND LYING EAST OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BETWEEN PORT BOULEVARD AND APPROXIMATELY NORTHEAST 9TH STREET, INCLUDING THE DEEP -WATER SLIP AND ALL PROPERTY NORTH OF PORT BOULEVARD TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PORT BOULEVARD TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF BICENTENNIAL PARK, KNOWN AS THE F.E.C. PROPERTY, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF FIVE ACRES IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF THE PARKING GARAGE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER DUE TO POSSIBLE FUTURE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW YORK STYLE THEATER ON THAT SITE, AS A LOCATION FOR THE FLORIDA MARITIME CENTER, SUBJECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT BY THE ADMIRALS OF THE FLEET OF FLORIDA, INC., A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION, WITHIN A TWO YEAR PERIOD OF TIME, OF A SATISFACTORY MASTER PLAN, FEASIBILITY, FINANCING STRATEGY AND SATISFACTORY DEMONSTRATION OF THE ABILITY TO RAISE PRIVATE FUNDS TO FINANCE THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CENTER. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 87. ACCEPT BIDS: SPECIFIED LINE OFFICE SUPPLIES Mayor Ferre: We're on item 70, these are sixteen suppliers for furnishing.... Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Plummer. Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: sl 155 December 13, 1984 it RESOLUTION NO. 84-1415 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF SIXTEEN (16) SUPPLIERS, AS IDENTIFIED ON THE ATTACHED TABULATION OF BIDS, FOR FURNISHING SPECIFIED AND BALANCE OF LINE OFFICE SUPPLIES, AS NEEDED, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR TO THE OFFICE OF PURCHASING - CENTRAL STORES AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $2709000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 19844-85 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND - CENTRAL STORES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 88. APPOINTMENTS TO CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I have to be out of here by 7:00 P.M. Mayor Ferre: We should be moving, I think we'll be finishing very quickly. Mr. Carollo: If I may very briefly, there are some appointments that I'd like to make sure are done today that staff has been asking for and some of these are appointments that I have to make. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Carollo: In the Code Enforcement Board, I have two appointments that I need to make. Mayor Ferre: Which item is that, Commissioner Carollo? Mr. Carollo: Item 113. Mr. Plummer: What item? Mayor Ferre: Item 113, Code Enforcement Board, go ahead. Mr. Carollo: Item 113, staff has been after me to make the appointments that I'll be making will be Marisa Pares of 2011 S.W. 24th Terrace. 31 156 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferret P-A-R-E-S, Mr. Carollo: P-A-R-E-S, Marisa, and Richard Diaz of 50 S.W. 52 Court. Mayor Ferret Is that the police officer? Mr. Carollo: No. these are for the Code Enforcement Board. Mayor Ferret Is there a second to the motion? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferret These are Carollo's appointments. Second, further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask just a question. Here it indicates an individual, which is singular. Is there more than one? Mayor Ferret Two. Mr. Perez-Lugones: Yes, sir, there are two; that is a mistake in the agenda. Mayor Ferret We've all made our appointments. These are the two.... Mr. Carollo: These are the two that I haven't made. Mayor Ferret Go ahead, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. The following resolutions were introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved their adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1416.1 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL TO THE CITY'S CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD TO SERVE A TERM EXPIRING FEBRUARY 11, 1985. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) RESOLUTION NO. 84-1416.2 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL TO THE CITY'S CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD TO SERVE A TERM EXPIRING FEBRUARY 11, 1985. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolutions were passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. sl 157 December 13, 1984 —r—�r�r ��r r�rrr�r armor..rrr-�--rarrwrrrrrr�irrrrrrrr—rw.rrr Wrr rrrrrrrrr 89. APPOIIITNM PRIM LOPEZ TO P.A.B. --------------------- r—r-- Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, if we can get into the Planning Board, I have an appointment to make there. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Carollo: I'd like to name Peter Lopez to it - Pedro Lopez. Mayor Ferre: Pedro Lopez. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: He made the motion. I will second it. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll on Pedro Lopez. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1417 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD TO SERVE A FULL TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 319 1987. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ----------------------------------- ------------------------- 90 DIRECT CITY CLERK TO RE -ADVERTISE FOR 3 VACANCIES ON P.A.B. ------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: There is a motion that is needed to re - advertise. There are three vacancies that need to be filled. Mr. Perez: what three vacancies is that? Mayor Ferre: There are three vacancies on the P.A.B. Mr. Dawkins: On the Planning ...? $i 158 December 13, 1984 Mr. Perez-Lugones: We still have three vacancies, Commissioner Dawkins) on the Planning Advisory Board. Mr. Dawkins: Whose appointments are they? Mr. Perez-Lugones: One is yours. Mr. Dawkins: One is mine? Mr. Perez-Lugones: Yes, sir. Mr. Simon, who finishes December 31st. There is another one from Commissioner Perez - the position previously occupied by Luaees and there is one from Commissioner Plummer, Mr. Correa. Mr. Carollo: That is for Planning? Mr. Perez-Lugones: That is for Planning. Mr. Perez: How many vacancies do you have in the Planning? Mayor Ferre: Three. Mr. Perez-Lugones: We have three vacancies at this point. Mayor Ferre: One belongs to Plummer, which is Jose Correa. One belongs to Dawkins, which is Herbert Lee Simon and there is the vacancy which belongs to Perez, which was previously held by Mr. Lorenzo Luaces, who is now being appointed to the Zoning Board. Would you advertise, and would you three gentlemen who have these appointments, please have individuals apply for those positions - if you would, please. Plumer moves ... Mr. Dawkins: Herbert Lee Simon is my appointment to the Planning Board. He has already applied, so what is wrong with my appointing him? Mr. Plummer: No, he has applied to Zoning. Mr. Dawkins: Zoning? It says Planning or/either Zoning Board . Mayor Ferre: That it right! Is that correct? Mr. Perez-Lugones: Commissioner, the applications I have by the by the City Clerk, they ... Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I'm sorry - I'll do it your way. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute Let me tell you what the confusion is. Either is Steven Weisatosay okay? the Planning Board is Lopez, the only guy that applied. The Zoning Board are Cruz, Gort, Luaees, Romero and Simon, so Simon has not applied for the Planning Board, so we need to re -advertise those three positions and I recommend that the three of you please get people to apply for those boards. Mr. Perez-Lugones: And Mr. Simon will have an opportunity to apply to the Planning Advisory Board at this time. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion now by Plummer, seconded by Perez, that the openings be re -advertised and that the proper procedure be followed to come before the Commission. We filled one - Pedro Lopez. Did we vote for Lopez now? Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: So we now have a motion to re -advertise, as I previously stated. Is there further discussion on that motion? Call the roll. sl 159 December 13, 1964 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1418-1 d MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO RE - ADVERTISE FOR THREE VACANT POSITIONS ON THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------- 91 APPOINTMENTS TO ZONING BOARD - (Willy Gort and Lorenzo Luaces) ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Now on Zoning, I nominate Lorenzo Luaces. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Now, there is one other - Commissioner Dawkins, you have an appointment. Mr. Plummer: Are there four openings on the Zoning Board? Mr. Perez-Lugones: Yes, there are four openings. One is ... Mayor Ferre: Today we are only voting on two, is that right, or are we voting on four? Mr. Perez-Lugones: You are voting for the four on the Zoning Board. One of them is Mr. Gort, the other one is Mr. Luaces. there is another position that is one of the new positions that Mr. Carollo has. Mayor Ferre: Carollo has that? Mr. Perez-Lugones: Right. Mr. Carollo: The one that goes to 1987 Mr. Perez-Lugones: And the other one is Alvaro Romero, which in my recollection is Commissioner Perez' man. Mayor Ferre: Carollo has Osvaldo Moran and he has an appointment to make. Mr. Perez: Who has the new vacancies? Mayor Ferre: Carollo has one, I have one and I have nominated Luaees;,Dawkins you have one. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute. Which of the two that are on there presently are mine? I had two plus an alternate. Mayor Ferre: Plummer, Gloria Basila ... sl 160 December 13, 1984 Mr. Pere z-Lugones: You have Gloria Basila and De Yurre. Mayor Ferre: And victor De Yurre. You ended up getting the alternate. Remember, we ... Mr. Plummer: No, as I recall ... (INAUDIBLE) Mayor Ferre: We drew, and you lost. Mr. Carollo: Yes, that was - the system backed him up with something. Mr. Perez-Lugones: At the time Commissioner Dawkins adopted Gort. Mayor Ferre: And I lost on the Planning Advisory Board, because I ended up with the ... Mr. Dawkins: When I adopted Gort, what did I say? When I adopted Willy Gort, what did I say? Mayor Ferre: That he is a nice guy. Mr. Perez-Lugones: You didn't have any problem adopting him, as I recall. Mr. Dawkins: I've goy, a problem this time, didn't I say that? Go back and get the minutes. Mr. Carollo: I don't think you were clear on that. Mr. Perez: If I don't make an appointment today, the acting members,will stay in the position? Mr. Perez-Lugones: Yes, sir. Mr. Perez: Until the new appointments? Mr. Perez-Lugones: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: What did you say? Mr. Perez: If I don't make the appointment today the acting members will stay in the position? Mr. Dawkins: Okay, let me go back and see something. I've got a Black George Sands, right? I've got a Cuban Willy Gort, right? Now, what do I have on the Planning Board? Who is my appointment on the Planning Board? Don Benjamin. Mr. Perez-Lugones: You have Don Benjamin. Mr. Dawkins: ... who is Black and Herbert Simon, who is a Jew. Mr. Perez-Lugones: Herbert Simon. - Mr. Dawkins: I'm covered. All right, I will re -appoint Willy Gort. That means I am an international Commissioner. Mr. Carollo: Well, I am glad you didn't finish it off by making the statement that a guy named Watts made. _ Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I re -appoint Gort and then I will have Simon re -apply and Herbert Lee Simon will be my nominee for the Planning Board, and that will square me away, right? Mr. Carollo: Okay now, in as far as the appointment that I have, since three of these individuals have been re- sl 161 December 13, 1964 appointed again, I would like to see if we could open it up for re -advertisement again so that I can make my appointment in January. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr. Carollo: For the Zoning Board, of course. I've made my appointment for Planning. What is the earliest that you would advertise now? Mr. Perez-Lugones: We need 30 days, Commissioner, at least 30 days. Mr. Carollo: So you could do it by mid, late, January, then? I want to hold off my appointment since hardly anyone has applied. Mr. Dawkins: I am finished. Mr. Ongie: He re -nominated Willy Gort. Mr. Dawkins: I am bringing back Willy Gort. Mayor Ferre: I nominated Luaces, right? So the motion is for Luaces and Gort, is that correct? Mr. Ongie: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Who made the motion? Mr. Dawkins: That is my appointment. Mr. Ongie: You did. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Who seconds it? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Plummer seconds. Mr. Carollo: How about Demetrio? Did he nominate Alvaro Romero? Mayor Ferre: All we are doing now is nominating two people, Gort and Luaces, is that correct? And the others - that leaves two openings. All right, ready to vote? Hold it. Mr. Plummer: ..o as a matter of education, the remaining two one belongs to Carollo and one belongs to Demetrio, is that correct? Mayor Ferre: That's correct. Mr. Carollo: And you get the alternate, right, Plummer? Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1418-2 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY ZONING BOARD TO SERVE A FULL TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 1987.(WILLY GORT & LORENZO LUACES) (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) sl 162 December 13, 1984 d Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 92 DIRECT CITY CLERK TO RE -ADVERTISE FOR 2 ZONING BOARD VACANCIES Mayor Ferre: Do we need a motion to re -advertise for the other two? Mr. Perez-Lugones: We need a motion to re -advertise. Now, it can be done two ways. You can continue this one with those persons there and if you want new blood, then you have to order the Clerk to re -advertise. Mayor Ferre: You want to re -advertise? Mr. Carollo: That is correct, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion that the two vacancies have to be re -advertised. Is there a second on all the procedures that are needed on that? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mr. Carollo: There is only one person that applied for the Zoning Board that I would have to vote for - Renaldo Cruz and I not about to vote for him, it is as simple as that. Mayor Ferre: All right, are we ready to vote on the re - advertising? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION No. 84-1419 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO RE -ADVERTISE FOR TWO VACANT POSITIONS ON THE CITY OF MIAMI ZONING BOARD. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. sl 163 December 13, 1984 Mr. Perez-Lugones: Mr. Mayor, as a point of clarification, those who have applied here will need to re -apply for the new position. Mayor Ferre: That is correct. You have got to tell them that too. -- r---�-�------------------------------------------..------��� 93• RESCIND RESOLUTION 84-1390 WHICH APPOINTED DAVID WEAVER AS A MEMBER OF THE OFF STREET PARKING AUTHORITY --------------------------------- ---------- M--------- Mr. Carollo: Last but not least, Mr. Roger Carlton has disappeared and never got back to this Commission, so, I would like to make my motion again that we do not accept the recommendation that the Off -Street Parking Board made to us to re -appoint Mr. David Weaver. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: I second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Is there further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1420 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING IN ITS ENTIRETY RESOLUTION NO. 84-1390, ADOPTED THIS DATE, WHICH HAD APPOINTED DAVID WEAVER AS A MEMBER OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: None. DURING ROLL CALL: Mr. Dawkins: What are we on? Mayor Ferre: This is on the rejection of David Weaver. Mr. Dawkins: No. Mayor Ferre: I want to place on the record that I think an appointment as important as this is something that requires the concurrence of the Commission. I think it further also requires that the person from the community that is serving have a proper relationship with the members of the commission. In this particular matter, there were some difficult feelings between Mr. Weaver and Mr. Carollo that were expressed the other day. I think that changes the relationship. We voted previously to appoint Mr. Weaver. I did that inadvertently. It is my opinion, however, that sl 164 December 13, 1984 members of these boards that we appoint cannot have that kind of an assertive relationship with this Commission. Therefore, since Commissioner Carollo has made his feelings felt this afternoon, it is not a vote against Mr. Weaver, but a vote for Commissioner Carollo. I vote with him. I vote with the motion. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I thank you for your support. I'd just like to add that I'm not holding hard feelings against Mr. Weaver. I just think that in a board such as this, you need someone that's closer to the feelings of the community to serve in that board. I think that Mr. Weaver, even though he has served well in many other boards, has been so busy that maybe he's been a little more out of touch in this particular board. He's been very busy with Bayside and many other things. I think it is good, and particularly with a board like this, that we've been having so many differences with Roger Carlton the way he's been running it, with meters popping up everywhere. In fact, that's probably where he is now, putting up some new meters somewhere. I think we need some fresh faces, some new blood there that is a little closer to the feelings of the people of Miami. Mayor Ferre: Is there anything else, Commissioner Carollo, so we can get back to the regular agenda? NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Although absent on roll call, Commissioner Carollo and Commissioner Perez asked to be shown voting yes on agenda item 22. 94 RATIFY & CONFIRM WAIVING OF BIDS FOR EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF LABOR & MATERIALS FOR UPS SYSTEM REPAIRS. Mayor Ferre: We are now on item number 59. Is there a motion on 59? Mr. Carollo: Move. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll on 59. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1421 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE FINDING OF THE CITY MANAGER, BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN 4/5THS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, THAT THE REQUIREMENT FOR FORMAL COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS BE WAIVED AND THAT THE EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR UPS SYSTEM REPAIRS FROM MANOLO GARCIA ELECTRIC MOTORS, INC. AT A COST OF $239443.00 AND POWER SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS, INC. AT A COST OF $79897.00 AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $319340.00 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTERS BE APPROVED; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE PRIOR YEAR RESERVE FUND. sl t65 December 13, 1984 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------------------------------------------- 95 ALLOCATE $99810 FOR PURCHASE OF 327 TICKETS TO JACKSONS VICTORY TOUR CONCERTS Mayor Ferre: I think we can move along quickly now. We're on item 72. Is there a motion? Mr. Perez: Moves. Mayor Ferre: Perez moves. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1422 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $99810 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE PURCHASE OF 327 TICKETS TO THE JACKSONS VICTORY TOUR CONCERTS HELD NOVEMBER 2 AND 3, 1984 AT THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM, SAID TICKETS HAVING BEEN DISTRIBUTED BY THE CITY TO UNDERPRIVILEGED YOUTHS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 01 166 December 139 1984 0 91 _r_rrrr--_-iwrararr��+i.r+r_�r—trsi�r+rarw�rrrw-wr�w-.r+rr�rr_rrw-'ir.arr 96 ISSUE PURCHASE ORDER: ADVERTISEMENT PUBLISHED IN 1984 "MIAMI EN SUS MANOS" SPANISH DIRECT09T ------_�a.w+...._--------r----------------------------_---- Mayor Ferre: We are now on item 73• Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins. Is there a second? Perez, this is yours, as I recall. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 84-1423 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $59000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, FOR AN ADVERTISEMENT PUBLISHED IN THE 1984 "MIAMI EN SUS MANOS" SPANISH DIRECTORY; ' SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON MIAMI EN SUS MANOS, INC. PROVIDING THE CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATION WITH ACCEPTABLE PROOF THAT 2509000 COPIES OF THE DIRECTORY WERE PRINTED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. DURING ROLL CALL: Mr. Dawkins: Change that to Perez moved, Dawkins seconded. ------------------------------------------------------ 97 CLAIM SETTLEMENT: MICHAEL JOHNSON $2002000 ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are on item 74. Moved by Perez. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Mr. Dawkins: Madam City Attorney, the Law Department recommends that, right? sl 167 December 139 1964 Mr. Robert Clark: On item 74, yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: I thought we had already vote on this thing once. Mr. Clark: No, not this one. Mr. Plummer: We sent it back to negotiate downward from the price that was previously quoted. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see, because the price before was close to a half a million dollars. Wasn't it? Mr. Plummer: Somewhere in that neighborhood. Mayor Ferre: Four hundred and some odd thousand? City Attorney, can we get an answer to that question, item 74? Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, this is not a settlement. This is an offer of judgement that we'd like to file with the court. They have not accepted this as a settlement. Mayor Ferre: I see, I remember this. This was in effect a legal move on our part. Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor, if the jury comes in with an award less than $200, 000, that means that we don't pay any court cost or attorney's fees accruing from the date we filed an offer of judgement. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, is there further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1424 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE TO PAY $2009000 TO MICHAEL JOHNSON IN SETTLEMENT OF A LAWSUIT FILED AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI AND CERTAIN CITY EMPLOYEES IN THE U.S. DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA, CASE N0. 83-20879 CIV-SMA, SAID PAYMENT TO BE MADE UPON THE EXECUTION AND FILING OF APPROPRIATE SETTLEMENT DOCUMENTS IN SAID LAWSUIT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner Joe Carollo ABSENT: None. -----------------------------------------------------------.. 98 ISSUE VARIOUS WASTE COLLECTION LICENSES sl 168 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Item 759 authorizing the issuance of waste collection licenses. Mr. Carollo: Move. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Fred Spiegelman, so on. It's been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1425 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF WASTE COLLECTION LICENSES, PERMITTING FRED SPIEGELMAN, D/B/A/ SMITH TRUCKING, AND MR. INDEPENDENT SANITATION SERVICE INC. TO COMMENCE DOING BUSINESS UPON FULL COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 22 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------ ■OTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 76 was continued to the next meeting. 99 CLAIM SETTLEMENT: LUISE ELLIS ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We're on 77, which is Luise Ellis on behalf of her daughter, Audrey Chambers, the sum of $6,000. Mrs. Dougherty: This is a recommendation for settlement for $69000. The plaintiff fell through a broken drain that was the City's drain. Mr. Plummer: Move it, soft touch. Mr. Perez: Second. el 169 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. i The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: .` i RESOLUTION N0. 84-1426 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY LOUISE ELLIS, ON BEHALF OF HER DAUGHTER AUDREY M. CHAMBERS, THE SUM OF $69000.00 WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL BODILY INJURY CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI AND UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND UPON COMPLETION OF ANY NECESSARY SETTLEMENT PROCEEDINGS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 100 APPOINT AUDIT FIRM AND MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS OF UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, ADAPTIVE REUSE OF FIRE STATION NO. 4 Mayor Ferre: Item 79, who's being recommended for this? Mr. John Gilchrist: We had to replace Donald Stewart as a member of the staff after -he passed away. Mayor Ferre: As I understand it, this is to select the recommendation is to select Touche Ross to replace Fred Santiago. Mr. Gilchrist: Touche Ross.... Mayor Ferre: Fred Santiago declined to participate. Is that right? I saw him around a little while ago. Mr. Gilchrist: That is correct. - Mayor Ferre: Why is he declining to participate? Mr. Gilchrist: Two things, sir, the Commission appointed him and he's not a certified public accountant; and the charter requires that they be a C.P.A. While we recommended ® to him that he should have been associated with it, he asked --- to be removed from it. sl 170 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: So now the people we have is Alberto Armada. Mr. Gilchrist: He's a staff member of the City of Miami, Alberto Armada and in addition we had appointed Mr. Harrison as a restaurant operator, and he'is unable to participate in it. So we are recommending Stuart Bornstein, owner/operator of Restaurant St. Michel. Mayor Ferre: Is that acceptable? Does anybody have any problems with that? Call the roll. Who made the motion? Mr. Ongie: Nobody did. Mayor Ferre: Plummer? Mr. Dawkins: This is for the firm and for the two appointments? Mr. Gilchrist: Yes, it's all together. I didn't explain, Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: The accounting firm is who? Mr. Gilchrist: We went through a selection process. We solicited all C.P.A. firms that are considered to be major C.P.A. firms in the country, twelve firms. Of those two responded. One was Laventhol & Horwath, the other was Touche Ross. Our recommendation was Laventhol & Horwath as number one originally. However, they have associated themselves with one of the proposers and they are a part of a proposal. So we went to the second selection, which was Touche Ross. Mr. Dawkins: What minority participation do they have? Mr. Gilchrist: We have ... I'm not sure we can name who it is, but we told them that they would only be accepted with a minority participant. We have in the agreement, -I'm sorry I can't name it because I'm looking and it's not here- but they have a firm that they've associated with. Mr. Dawkins: Defer it until I know what they have. I move to defer until I know what the minority participation is. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Wait, there are two items here. One is the appointment of these people on this committee, which I have no objection to. Mr. Dawkins: I have no problem with that, either. Mayor Ferre: The question is being recommended for Touche Ross. I would like to recommend that Sharpton & Co. be considered as a minority. Is Mr. Sharpton around? Adrianne, do you have any problems with that? Mr. Gilchrist: No, I was checking with Adrian. Touche Ross did not get back to us on the minority firm. I'm sorry I didn't know that. Mayor Ferre: Is there any problem with just recommending Sharpton? Mr. Gilchrist: I have no problem with that, as long as they are a C.P.A. The Charter requires that they are certified. Mayor Ferre: Yes, certified public accountants, C.P.A. Do you have a problem with that? sl 171 December 13, 1964 Mr. Dawkins: No, I don't have a problem with it; but if they don't accept it, I have a problem with them. Mr. Gilchrist% No, I have no problem, Commissioner. The last time, and I wasn't involved in this, but the last time the Commission made the recommendation, it was not a certified public accountant. It was just an accounting firm. Mr. Dawkins: We're going to accept it with this, and if they turn him down, we turn him down. I move it, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: The motion is that this be awarded, I'm sorry, that Albert Armada and Mr. Stuart Bornstein be on the Unified Development Project and that the auditor be Sharpton A Co., C.P.A. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. Mr. Gilchrist: That does not include Touche Ross. Mr. Dawkins: Not Touche Ross, just him, period. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1427 A RESOLUTION SELECTING A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND APPOINTING TWO NEW MEMBERS TO A REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS FOR A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (UDP), THE ADAPTIVE REUSE OF HISTORIC FIRE STATION NO. 49 AND REPORT FINDINGS TO THE CITY MANAGER AS REQUIRED BY CITY OF MIAMI CHARTER SECTION 53 (C). (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Ferre: I think this man, then, is going to have a conflict because he is on the audit committee. Mr. Dawkins: No,*we'll take him off. Mayor Ferre: So he's going to have to get off the audit committee I would assume; or is that all right? sl 172 December 13, 1964 0 '� Mr. Rosenerantz: I don't think, when you look at the role that he will play in each prospective activity, I don't think there is going to be any potential conflict there. Mayor Ferre: Fine, then I'd rather not take him off the audit committee, fine. ---------------- ----- ----- - - - --- --- --- ----- -- -- - --------- 101 AUTHORIZE R.O.W. CONDITION SURVEY & PLANNED ANNUAL CITY STREET MAINTENANCE WORK PROGRAM. Mayor Ferre: We're now on item 80, which is the annual street and maintenance work program and budget, appointing the City Manager, Director of Finance, Director of Public Works.... Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved by Plummer. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1428 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A RIGHT OF WAY (R/W) CONDITION SURVEY AND A PLANNED ANNUAL CITY STREET MAINTENANCE WORK PROGRAM AND BUDGET AND DESIGNATING SAME AS A CATEGORY B PROJECT, APPOINTING A CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE AND APPOINTING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AS CHAIRMAN OF THE COMPETITIVE SELECTION COMMITTEE, REQUIRING SUBMITTAL OF A RANK ORDER OF QUALIFIED CONSULTANTS TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL BEFORE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --w------ -- ----------------- w_------ ------ - - -- ------ sl 173 December 13f 1984 102 DIRECT CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF OBJECTIONS GRAND AVINDE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT 9-4483 rr—rwrri.err.r.rrr--rr�r:rarirrrr—rr-r.rr—rrwrr---rr..r�r---rrr.rr Mayor Ferre: Take up item 81. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1429 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY FRE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. OF GRAND AVENUE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT IN THE GRAND AVENUE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT H-4483; SAID NOTICE SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-459 ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 19849 CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------------- ------------------------- 103 AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED WORK- CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PHASE I S8-5501-C ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up item 82. Mr. Carollo: Move. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. 51 174 December 13, 1964 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1430 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT COMPANY OF CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT OVERTOWN PHASE I (BID D) IN CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - OVERTOWN - PHASE I DISTRICT SR-5501-C (CENTERLINE SEWER); SAID NOTICE SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-45, ADOPTED JANUARY 199 1984, CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 104 AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF OBJECTIONS S TO ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED WORK - LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT BIDS "A" THROUGH "D" SR-5487-CAS ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up item 83. Mr. Carollo: Move. Mr. Dawkins: Move it, second. al 175 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, Who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1431 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY LANZO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT (BIDS "A" THROUGH "D") IN LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5487-CAS (CENTERLINE AND SIDELINE SEWERS; SAID NOTICE SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS S OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-459 ADOPTED JANUARY 190 19849 CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 105 AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED WORK - LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT BIDS "E" AND "F" SR-5487 CAS Mayor Ferre: Take up item 84. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. sl 176 December 13, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 84-1432 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT COMPANY OF LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT (BIDS "E" & "F") IN LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5487 - C&S (CENTERLINE AND SIDELINE SEWERS; SAID NOTICE SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-459 ADOPTED JANUARY 199 198849 CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 106 AUTHORIZE REDUCTION IN RETAINAGE FROM 10% TO 1/2 of 1% FRANK J. !LORAN INC. - ORANGE BOWL FIELD LIGHTING IKPROVENENTS 1984 Mr. Dawkins: On item 85, before we discuss, Miss McBeth or somebody, anybody over there, you are authorizing a reduction in the retainage from 10% to 1/2 of 1%. Make sure that these contractors understand that you are doing this for them, and don't they retain no more from the minority contractor. See, because if you're only going to retain 1% of his contract and he's still going to retain 10% of the minority contractor's money and put it in the bank and draw interest on a CD, he's got him in a great disadvantage. So, make sure this is passed on down. I move 86, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Carollo: Second it. Mr. Ongie: Item 85. Mr. Dawkins: Item 85, I moved it. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Further discussion? Call the roll on 85. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: sl 177 December 13, 1964 r RESOLUTION No. 84-1433 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A REDUCTION IN RETAINAGE FROM 10% TO 1/2 OF 1% IN THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AND FRANK J. MORAN, INC., FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ORANGE BOWL - FIELD LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS - 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 107 DISCUSSION OF REDU,TION OF RETAINAGE FOR JOSE MARTI PARK- DEFERRED ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Dawkins: Same thing on 86, I move it. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, I have a problem on item 86. Mayor Ferre: What's your problem. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I brought to the attention of this Commission before the real problems existing in the Jose Marti Park. I am very concerned if you drop that 10% retainage, I think I would like to hear from the department, because that thing has just be plagued with all kinds of problems. They put up a fence that was completely obliterated. They put up other things.... Mayor Ferre: It's gotten better, though. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me? Mayor Ferre: It's gotten better. They're not destroying things quite as rapidly as a couple of months ago. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'm still concerned about dropping the retainage. That's what we have to do, that's the leverage we make a contractor do right with. Mayor Ferre: Why are you recommending dropping the retainage? Mr.Don Cather: This is a reduction in retainage of Phase II only. On Phase I, which includes that fence that you're talking about, that fence was designed out of aluminum tubing and braised. You could take that fence and just rip that bar right off there. sl 178 December 13, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Which they did. Mr. Don Cather: Which they did. We have now authorized an extra work order for $240000 to replace that fence with steel. That has nothing to do with the contractor. That was built and installed in accordance with the plans prepared by our consultant. That is a whole other matter. Mayor Ferre: We need to move along one way or the other. Mr. Plummer: I'd like to defer this matter. We are dedicating it in January. We'll be there. We'll look at it and defer it until then. Mayor Ferre: This item has been deferred. 108 AUTHORIZE PAYMENT $1,590000 TO MAURICE GRAY A ASSOCIATES STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF FAULTY CONCRETE WORK - MOORE PARK REDEV. PROJ. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are now on item 87. Is there a motion on 87? This is on Moore Park. Mr. Dawkins: Move 87. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1434 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,590.00 TO MAURICE GRAY AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF A STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF FAULTY CONCRETE WORK DONE BY THE CONTRACTOR, AAIEM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., ON THE MOORE PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT; WITH FUNDS FOR THE PAYMENT TO BE PROVIDED FROM INCIDENTAL EXPENSE FUNDS ALREADY ALLOCATED TO THE PROJECT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. I I sl 179 December 130 19$4 w...i.riY...ii.►ia�i�+.�.rr�.---yr----------r—r.rii�..�1.i Y� 109 ORDERING RESOLUTION., N.V. 14TH STREET HIGHWAY INPROV'OWNT B -4500 Mayor Ferre: Take up item 88. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is there a second? Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1435 A RESOLUTION ORDERING N.W. 14 STREET HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4500, AND DESIGNATING THE PROPERTY AGAINST WHICH SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE FOR A PORTION OF THE COST THEREOF AS N.W. 14 STREET HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, H- 4500. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------------ ---------------------------- 110 AUTHORIZE PROPER OFFICIALS TO ACCEPT 9 DEEDS OF -- DEDICATION FOR HIGHVAZ PURPOSES -- — --- ------------------------- -------------------ter--------- Mayor Ferre: Take item 89. Mr. Dawkins: Move 89. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Plummer Seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: i r sl 180 December 13, 1984 RESOLUTION NO. 84-1436 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PROPER OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI TO ACCEPT NINE (9) DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES AND APPROVING THE RECORDING OF SAID DEEDS IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. -- -- -------------------------- 111 TRANSFER RIGHT OF WAY !LAPS W. FLAGLER ST. W. 6 AVE BETWEEN W. 2T AVE TO JURISDICTION OF STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM Mayor Ferre: Take item 90. Mr. Plummer: Question on item 90, how does that benefit the property owners along Flagler Street of which I'm one? Mr. Carollo: You have a conflict of interest; you can't vote. Mr. Plummer: Could very easily be, that's why I'm asking. Mr. Don Cather: Under the highway classification, reclassification this right-of-way was turned over to the State some years ago. This is a hcuse keeping item to show...wait, I have the wrong item. Mr. Plummer: It's from 6th Avenue to 27th Avenue. Mr. Don Cather: What we are doing now is we're turning over the right-of-way maps to the State. They had been maintaining that section of the highway all along. All we're doing now is giving them the right-of-way maps, literally the deeds for that. Mr. Plummer% So I have no conflict. Mr. Don Cather: No, none whatever. Mr. Plummer: All right, I move 90, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: There's been a motion on 90. Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Second. I sl 181 December 139 1984 - _ a Mayor Ferree Further discussion? Call the roll on 90. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 84-1437 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING THE RIGHT-OF- WAY OF WEST FLAGLER STREET BETWEEN WEST 27TH AVENUE AND WEST 6TH AVENUE WITHIN THEE CITY OF MIAMI TO THE JURISDICTION OF THE STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 337.29 FLORIDA STATUTES AND SHOWN ON RIGHT OF WAY PLAT TO BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER, THE CITY CLERK AND THE CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE THE PLAT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 112 ALLOCATE $109000 FROM 84-85 C.D. FUNDS TO MIAMI MICROCOMPUTER TECHNOLOGICAL FOUNDATION, INC. (Note: this was Later rescinded) Mayor Ferre: Who moves 91? This provides training for 748 underprivileged kids, eight seven nineteen. Mr. Carollo: Move. Mayor Ferre: right? Carollo moved 91. Dawkins seconds. Is that sl 182 December 13, 1984 Mr. Plummer: I second. Mayor Ferret Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1438 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $100,000 FROM FY184-85 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO THE MIAMI MICROCOMPUTER TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION, INC. TO PROVIDE COMPUTER TRAINING AND INSTRUCTION TO UNDERPRIVILEGED YOUTH RESIDING IN THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH SAID AGENCY SUBJECT TO THE CITY ATTORNEY'S APPROVAL AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 113 ALLOCATE $699000 TO MORTY FREEDMAN & ASSOCIATES INC. IN CONNECTION WITH 1985 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Mayor Ferret Take up item 92. Mr. Carollo: Do we have a freeze on the festivals? Mayor Ferret We did indeed. Mr. Morty Freedman: I'd like to point out that this is different than the other festivals you are involved with, because this is sponsored by the City itself. Mr. Carollo: They all say that, Morty. Mr. Freedman: No, this is actually the City's own festival. This is not one coming to the City asking to be sponsored. Mr. Carollo: Does this come out the $1259000 we had allocated? Is this...? Mr. Freedman: The City sponsored this for thirteen years now. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, is this about the $125,000 that...? 31 183 December 13, 1984 Mr. Freedman: This does not go through that committee. Mayor Ferre: I understand that. The question, Morty, is when we froze, did we freeze this along with everything? I have to tell you, as much as it pains me, I do think it has to be inclusive of all festivals. Mr. Freedman: Mr. Mayor, the committee that you are referring to had an allocation that did not include the International Festival. Mayor Ferre: Hey, this did not the end of the International Festival. All it says is it needs to go through all of this. If we exempt on everybody else, I don't see how in the world, unless somebody here wants to make a motion to exempt this and provide it, that's fine with me, but I think we need to wait until January until the whole thing comes before us on a policy matter. It's going to have my support, Morty. I'm sure others will support it. Mr. Freedman: It's just that it makes it so late, because we have to contact people in other countries and everything. Mayor Ferre: What's the will of this Commission? Mr. Perez: When are you going to have the next festival? Mr. Freedman: It'll be in May. Mayor Ferre: We're talking of setting policy in January on this. It's my opinion that this falls the same as everything else does with all these other festivals. But if somebody wants to make a motion for it.... Mr. Freedman: This is the original festival of the City of Miami. I mean, it's been thirteen years now. Mayor Ferre: This is the one that got us going. Mr. Carollo: I support the Mayor in his opinion. Mayor Ferre: Is there anybody else that wants to take it differently? Morty, it's not that we're against it. It's that we have to be consistent. We'll be discussing this in January. Mr. Freedman: Thank you. ------------------------------- -------------------------- 114 CLAIM SETTLEMENT: PASCUALA GUILLERMINE FRIGELA ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: The next item is 93. This is another settlement. Mrs. Dougherty: This is a woman who suffered a.... Mayor Ferre: Hit a motorcycle with a chain. Mrs. Dougherty: No, 25% partial permanent disability to her left arm as a result of tripping on a sidewalk on 43rd Street because of a projection on the sidewalk. The evidence is not clear what the projection was. It could have been a sign post. It could have been a.... Mr. Dawkins: Move it. sI 184 December 13, 1984 Mrs. Dougherty: We're recommending $9,000. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1439 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO PASCUALA GUILLERMINA FRAGELA THE SUM OF NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($99000) WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL BODILY INJURY, PERSONAL INJURY, PROTECTION LIENS, CLAIMS, DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI AND UPON -THE EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY FROM ALL CLAIMS AND COUNTERCLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: None. ---------- 115 AUTHORIZE USE OF $209000 TO WYNWOOD COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR CONSULTANT TO DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN WYNWOOD ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Item 94 is $20,000 for the Wynwood Community Economic Development Corporation. What's this all about? Mr. Dawkins: They're going to hire a market analyst or something? Mayor Ferre: Is the Wynwood Community Economic Development Corporation alive or dead. Mr. Albert Ruder: No, it's dead, but we have met with certain community people and we have established a committee. There's $20,000 left over from the old corporation. We are proposing that this money be used for a market analysis to determine just what is needed in Wynwood. Mayor Ferre: Al, I want to remind you, Mendez died. Mr. Ruder: Right. Mayor Ferre: Colon came into the picture. Mr. Ruder: Right, right. ■ al 185 December 13, 1984 11 Mayor Ferret I'm not saying he was right. He said he was harassed and he left for Hartford, Connecticut. Mr. Ruder: Right. Mayor Ferre: Now we have a vacancy. Wynwood is an important community here. Mr. Ruder: Right. Mayor Ferret We need to identify people within that community to become involved in the same way that we have people in Allapattah and Edison and so on, Overtown, Martin Luther King. Mr. Ruder: You also approved today a resolution allocating $10,000 for a business developer to take care of the Wynwood area and that would be one of his responsibilities to coordinate this study. Mayor Ferret All right, does this have the backing of the community of Wynwood or are we doing this on our own? Mr. Ruder: No, we have met with community leaders and I could tell you some of the names of the people that will serve. Mayor Ferret These are people who live in Wynwood. Other than that.... Mr. Ruder: Yes, Fred Santiago is one of them. Mayor Ferret Is there a motion on 94? Mr. Perez: Move. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferret Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1440 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE USE OF $20,0009 PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED TO THE WYNWOOD COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FROM TENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, TO FUND THE ACQUISITION OF A MARKET ANALYSIS OF THE WYNWOOD COMMERCIAL AREA BY A QUALIFIED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY VIABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN THE WYNWOOD COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) sl a 186 December 13, 1984 Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------- 116 DISCUSSION OF HIRING FHBBZB: ZXENPT CR2TAI■ POSITIONS ---------------------------------------------- ------------ Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I promised the Manager that I would bring back item F on the hiring freeze before I leave. I'd be more than happy to move it with the only exception that I would like to add three new positions to be added to that motion, in other words, except from the freeze. One is for one publicity writer, and for two public relations agents. Mayor Ferre: Is that in the form of a motion? Mr. Carollo: Yes, Mr. Mayor, in other words, I'm approving the whole item F.... Mayor Ferre: With those additions, is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Is there further discussion? Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, I'd also like to request that a position be unfrozen. We have just been notified that our administrative assistant will be leaving with Jose Garcia Pedrosa. I'd like to promote someone in-house for that position. Mr. Carollo: Who is that? Mrs. Dougherty: Sue Dean. Mayor Ferre: Sue came in with Garcia -Pedrosa. She has always been with him. Now he has settled into a job and she went to work for him. Mr. Carollo: When will she be leaving? Mrs. Dougherty: She leaves Monday. I would like to promote someone.... Mayor Ferre: All right, is that acceptable to the maker of the motion? Is it acceptable to the seconder of the motion? Mr. Dawkins: Certainly. Mayor Ferre: All right, it's included in that. Mr. Plummer: So, that's a hundred twenty-eight positions. Mayor Ferre: Well, three that Carollo just added and one more that Lucia just added. $l 187 December 13, 1904 Mr. Plummer: That's four and there was a hundred twenty- four previously. Mr. Dawkins: Hundred twenty-eight. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Hundred twenty-eight. Now, does that include the five planners? Mr. Rosencrantz: That's four planners in the general fund. I would ask you to take... (COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mr. Rosencrantz: That's the four planners that are in the general fund. There is one planner that is paid for through special revenue fund which is listed below and we will ask you for separate action on those. Mayor Ferre: I see. All right. Mr. Perez: Mr. Manager, could you leave for the record what is the reason why you requested... what is the reason that justified your request? Mr. Rosencrantz: For all the petitions? Yes. Mr. Perez: Yes. Mr. Rosencrantz: Our primary objective Commissioner... Mr. Perez: Ok. First I would like one by one. First we have Public Information, two positions. Mr. Rosencrantz: In the packet updated that's in your book Commissioner, there is a justification for each of the positions. Those positions are justified in the attachment 115" and "W', Mr. Perez: But that's public information? Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes. Mr. Perez: Ok. What is the reason you think that you have a critical reason to against the freeze of these two positions. Mr. Rosencrantz: Well, there is several reasons for it. One reason is that one of the persons in this position acts as a liaison to the communities between the Office of Public information. Handles visiting groups and individuals that come into the city. Those kind of things take considerable effort and time to get ready for. Another aspect of that is that there is a constant demand in that department for people to publish documents that are disseminating to the public in the form of trying to inform the public as to what we are doing. Whether it's garbage collection or a new program in the Police Department. There is a constant demand for somebody to write those kinds of releases and information pieces and that's the justification for those two people to do those kinds of things. Mayor Ferre: All right, are we ready to vote now? Mr. Perez: No. Mr. Mayor, what are the positions that you call emergency? That may be the City take a risk... Yes, but I would like to list on the record. Mr. Rosencrantz: Ok. The ones I would classify emergency, if you look back at the original memorandum Commissioner, I would classify those positions that we have identified in sl 188 December 13, 1984 the Police Department. There is fifty-seven positions there. Our failure to fill those positions could have a negative impact on our ability to provide a satisfactory level of police service. The second group the positions �k= that we have in the Fire Department. There are thirty-three vacancies. We are requesting authorities to fill thirty of is those positions. Here again, it's a life support activity. It's very critical that we maintain those positions. In $t both the Police Department and the Fire Department as you are well aware, we must go through a rather extensive recruiting process and training process. So, we need xy considerable lead time to bring those people on board to get them ready to perform. The third area that I Kould classify as emergency is in solid waste collection. It's very ¢; critical that we have the sufficient number of collectors when we send the trucks out in the morning. The option there that if we don't use... if we don't fill these positions we use what is classified as 990 which is a temporary employee to fill in on that, which is not totally satisfactory. The other group that I would classify as emergency are the eight positions that are in the Public Works Department and we can go down each of those eight positions. Ok. There are three engineering technicians. What I would like to if I may, Commissioner, is to ask the Director of Public Works to explain to you in detail the justification for each of those eight positions. He is a little more familiar with than I am. Mr. Cather: I would like to remind the Commission that at the present time we have in excess of a hundred million dollar construction program in the field of storm sewers, sanitary sewers and highways. In addition we have now three million dollars annually and highway maintenance funds available. I am in desperate need inspectors to make sure that these funds, when they are put in the hands of the contractor are properly built and on the street. The same way with these maintenance contracts we are letting for surfacing. We need to have inspectors to make sure that this work is put down in accordance with plans and specifications. I have had one death in the Operations Division and another man resigned, retired and this is our operation section which maintains these highways on a routine basis and this department is under staffed at this time. And those are the... We are asking for eight positions. Are there any questions, sir? Mayor Ferre: Well, you better talk to Commissioner Perez. I don't have any problems, because I think that if we are going to get into this properly, we desperately need those people, but there is the man you have got to convince. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I think that it would be very healthy for this community to have the opportunity to hear the Director of Public Works that he meets with each one of these members of this Commission and particularly in my own case. I am receiving every week more and more complaints and I don't receive any solution. I only receive a report, a picture, but I think that we need to have solution, you know. Mayor Ferre: That's fine with me. I tell you... Hey, I will go along as long as we have the Police and Fire. Ok. The five planners. The three that Carollo asked. The one that Lucia asked and the rest of them will have to come back and be justified to the members of the Commission. Mr. Dawkins: Well, I had some sanitation workers. Mayor Ferre: And the sanitation. I have no problem with seven sanitation people because, I will tell you unless we sl 189 December 13, 1984 get some more sanitation people we are not going to get this City clean. Now, is that acceptable to you? That's it. Mr. Carollo: I made the motion. Mayor Ferre: Now, Public Works, Parks, others and all that, you will have to case back. Mr. Cather: Well, I will be happy to meet with Commissioner Perez at anytime and any other Commissioners to explain my full position. Mayor Ferre: You better do it because you have convinced them and you better start convincing them. Ok. You got my support, but I think you need to convince every member of this Commission. Mr. Rosencrantz: Mayor Ferre, there is two other positions I would like to call to the attention of the Commission. Mayor Ferre: Tell us what they are. Mayor Ferre: Ok. They are in the Computer Department. We had agreed this year to initiate a... to assume the responsibility for the maintenance of the B-20s that we have throughout the City. Mayor Ferre: That's an airplane isn't it? Mr. Rosencrantz: Pardon. Mayor Ferre: Is that an airplane. What's a B-20? Mr. Rosencrantz: That's the computer terminal. Mayor Ferre: I see. Mr. Rosencrantz: Ok. Mr. Carollo: Randy, I really Ok. Can you tell us what you include it if it's approved. have to run. I apologize. need and I will be happy to Mayor Ferre: Those two computer people. Is that acceptable to you? All right, they are included. The rest will have to be justified. It's been moved and seconded, further discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1441 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO MODIFY THE EXISTING PERSONNEL HIRING FREEZE TO PERMIT THE IMMEDIATE REHIRING OF THE FOLLOWING: (1) POLICE AND FIRE PERSONNEL; (2) FOUR PLANNERS; (3) THREE POSITIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT _ OF PUBLIC INFORMATION; (4) ONE LEGAL STENOGRAPHER IN THE LAW DEPARTMENT. (5) SEVEN SANITATION WORKERS; AND - — (6) TWO POSITIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTERS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- _� l - f -- s — i 190 December 13, 1984 sl A It AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice --Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------- -- -------- ---------------------- 11T. DISCUSSION OF HIRING FREEZE: UNFREEZE 33 POSITIONS IN THE MARINAS DEPARTMENT. Mayor Ferre: Now, we are on the enterprise, the vacancies. Go ahead Randy, explain this. Mr. Rosencrantz: In the enterprise fund these vacancies do not have an impact on the general fund. They do not come out of the general tax money. They come out of money that the enterprise itself generates. For instance, in Dinner Marina, these are people that we need to service that marina and they are paid for by the revenues that that marina generates. So, it's not a direct burden on the tax rate or on the general fund in filling these positions. Mayor Ferre: Anybody have any objections to that? All right, there is a motion by Plummer, seconded by Dawkins, further discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1442 A MOTION TO UNFREEZE THIRTY THREE POSITIONS TO BE FUNDED FROM THE ENTERPRISE FUND, FROM THE INTERNAL SERVICES FUND, THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND AND THE TRUST AND AGENCY FUND. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 118. ALLOCATE $39145.83 LOTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT YEAR BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO THE MARTIN LUTHER ICING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (MLKEDCO) 1/12TH. --------- —--- — --- Mb-------------------------- w.-------------.i.- Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item 95. This is the allocation of the tenth year community development block grant. sl 191 December 13, 1984 -4 4 Mr. Dawkins: And one twelfth. I move it. Mayor Ferret All right, Dawkins moves. Mr. Plummer: Second, Mayor Ferret Seconded, further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1443 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING #39145.83 OF TENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS APPROPRIATED BY THE PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE #9834 AND MOTION #84-775 TO THE MARTIN LUTHER KING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (MLKEDCO) IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 1 / 12 OF THE TOTAL ALLOCATION OF $37,750 FOR SAID AGENCY, FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 1985 THROUGH JANUARY 319 1985 FOR IT TO CONTINUE IMPLEMENTING A NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PROGRAM; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE AFOREMENTIONED AGENCY IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 119. URGE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR MARKETING, PROMOTION SECURITY ETC. FOR MIAMI DESIGN PLAZA MERCHANTS ASSOCIATIONS (MDPMA) ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferret 96. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. sl 192 December 139 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1444 A RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AUTHORIZING AND URGING THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING MARKETING AND PROMOTION, SECURITY MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES FROM THE MIAMI DESIGN PLAZA MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION (MDPMA) FOR THE MIAMI DESIGN PLAZA DISTRICT WITHIN SAID BOUNDARIES AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED; TO LEVY A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT TAX NOT TO EXCEED $.25 PER SQUARE FOOT IN SAID DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR A FIVE YEAR PERIOD BEGINNING OCTOBER 1985. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 120. APPROVE A AUTHORIZE STATE TO TRANSFER LOCAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS RULE 12-10.09 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TO DESIGNATE A BANK TO RECEIVE REVENUE SHARING ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up 97. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: the roll. Moved and seconded, further discussion, call sl 193 December 13, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1445 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE STATE TO TRANSFER STATE REVENUE SHARING FUNDS; AUTHORIZING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE N ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 12 - 10.099 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TO DESIGNATE A BANK TO RECEIVE THE REVENUE SHARING STATE WARRANT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; AUTHORIZING THE BANK SO DESIGNATED TO ELECTRONICALLY TRANSFER STATE REVENUE SHARING FUNDS TO A BANK DESIGNATED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI TO RECEIVE SUCH FUNDS; AND FURTHER TO AUTHORIZE THE BANK DESIGNATED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE TO DEDUCT THE COST OF THE TRANSFER FROM THE AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM TRANSFER. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 121. APPROVE do AUTHORIZE STATE TO TRANSFER LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUNDS RULE 12-10.9 FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TO DESIGNATE A BANK TO RECEIVE LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND Mayor Ferre: Take up 98. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll on 98. sl 194 December 13, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1446 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE STATE TO TRANSFER LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUNDS; AUTHORIZING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 12 - 10.09, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TO DESIGNATE A BANK TO RECEIVE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND WARRANT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; AUTHORIZING THE BANK SO DESIGNATED TO ELECTRONICALLY TRANSFER LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUNDS TO A BANK DESIGNATED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI TO RECEIVE SUCH FUNDS; AND FURTHER TO AUTHORIZE THE BANK DESIGNATED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE TO DEDUCT THE COST OF THE TRANSFER FROM THE AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM TRANSFER. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 40 Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 122. APPROVE & AUTHORIZE STATE TO TRANSFER LOCAL GOVERNMENT HALF -CENT SALES TAX FUNDS; AUTHORIZING RULE 12 10.09 TO DESIGNATE A BANK TO RECEIVE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HALF CENT SALES TAX WARRANT FOR CITY ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up 99. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: the roll. Moved and seconded, further discussion, call sl 195 December 13, 1984 j The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner +, Plummer, who moved its adoption: x i RESOLUTION NO. 84-1447 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE STATE TO TRANSFER LOCAL GOVERNMENT HALF -CENT SALES TAX FUNDS; AUTHORIZING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 12 - 10.09, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TO DESIGNATE A BANK TO RECEIVE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S LOCAL GOVERNMENT HALF -CENT SALES TAX WARRANT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; AUTHORIZING THE BANK SO DESIGNATED TO ELECTRONICALLY TRANSFER LOCAL GOVERNMENT HALF -CENT SALES TAX FUNDS TO A BANK DESIGNATED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI TO RECEIVE SUCH FUNDS; AND FURTHER TO AUTHORIZE THE BANK DESIGNATED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE TO DEDUCT THE COST OF THE TRANSFER FROM THE AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM TRANSFER. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 123. REQUEST FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM STATE FOR PURCHASE OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3471 MAIN HIGHWAY ADJACENT TO BARNACLE. ----------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Take up 100. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. sl 1e4; December 139 1984 Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1448 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 3471 MAIN HIGHWAY, MIAMI, FLORIDA, ADJACENT TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE BARNACLE STATE PARK. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 124. ACCEPT PLAT: FOUR DESIGNS SUBDIVISIONS. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: All right, we are now on a 101, which is a plat and the Plat Committee approved and so on. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Plummer, further discussion? Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds, further discussion, call the roll. al 197 December 13, 1984 0 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer , who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1449 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED FOUR DESIGNS SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AND ACCEPTING THE COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LAND POSTPONING THE IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS UNTIL REQUIRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 125. AUTHORIZE CITY !TANAGER TO EXTEND TERMINATION OF LEASE AGREEMENT BAYSHORE PROPERTY INC (KELLY PROPERTY)• Mayor Ferre: Take up 102. Mr. Plummer: Plummer. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Under discussion. Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: Why is it necessary to extend it for three years? Mr. Plummer: Because it took that long through the courts to get a final determination that the City had the right to do what we did. Mr. Dawkins: Call the roll. Mayor Ferre: In other words, it's a thirty year lease and in effect the lease was in jeopardy for three years because didn't... so there was nothing they could do. So, the only fair way to do it was to make it... Mr. Dawkins: Add three years to their lease. Mayor Ferre: Precisely. Now, that's proper within the law, isn't it Ms. Dougherty. This has the Attorney's recommendation, right? al 198 December 13, 1984 Ms. Dougherty: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: And it has the administration's recommendation's, Mr. Manager? Mr. Rosencrantz: I beg your pardon. Mayor Ferre: It has the administration's recommendation? Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes, it does. Mayor Ferre: And it's the property thing to do? Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes, it does. Mayor Ferre: All right. Ms. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, may be I don't know what I'm talking about. Mayor Ferre: I didn't hear what you said. Ms. Dougherty: Is this Monty Trainer's lease? Mayor Ferre: It is Monty Trainer. Mr. Plummer: Well, it's next to. Ms. Dougherty: We haven't looked at that. Mayor Ferre: You haven't what? Ms. Dougherty: We have not seen that before. We haven't reviewed it or authorized it or... Mayor Ferre: Well, what's it doing here then if it hasn't been reviewed by the City Attorney? Mr. Plummer: This is the Kelly Property, not the Monty Trainer property. Mayor Ferre: This is the property next door. See...Well, obviously, if it has been reviewed by the City Attorney, then it needs review by the City Attorney. Is there anything else? Mr. Rosencrantz: I was under the impression that it had been reviewed by the City Attorney. If I could ask the Commission to perhaps to approve it in principle subject to review by... Mayor Ferre: All right, fine. That's fine. We are now on 103. Mr. Plummer: Well, wait a minute, we got to vote on it. Mayor Ferre: How do we vote on it if it hasn't been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney? Mr. Plummer: Well, he asked that it be approved in principle subject to the City Attorney's ratification. Mayor Ferre: Oh, fine. Ok. That's fine. Is that acceptable Lucia? Ms. Dougherty: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right, further discussion, call the roil. $1 199 December 130 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1450 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND THE TERMINATION OF THE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BAYSHORE PROPERTIES, INC. FOR THE BOAT SHED (KELLY PROPERTY), FOR THREE ADDITIONAL YEARS TO MAY 31,20109 DUE TO THE TIME LOST IN EXECUTING THIS LEASE AGREEMENT BY A LAWSUIT BROUGHT AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 126. AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT: GOVERNMENT FINANCE RESEARCH CENTER & SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES INC. GARBAGE ALTERNATIVE AND TRASH COLLECTION ALTERNATIVES. Mayor Ferre: We are on 103. Mr. Plummer: That's yours, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: What is it? Mr. Rosencrantz: If you remember several meetings ago you requested the administration to engage a consultant firm to do a study of the feasibility of various options as it relates to the collection of solid waste... Mayor Ferre: Have you chosen a firm? Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes. We have... It's a joint venture firm between Government Finance Associates and a local minority firm Systems Management Associates. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Who is the local minority firm? Mr. Rosencrantz: Systems Management Associates. Mayor Ferre: I know, but who is Systems Management Firm. Mr. Rosencrantz: I don't have the data here, but they are a ---I think it's about a seven member management consulting firm. It's a wholly Black firm. s1 200 December 13, 1984 E Mayor Ferret Have they had previous experience? Is this the first time they have ever done... Mr. Rosencrantzt Yes, they are a joint venture with Government Finance Association. Mayor Ferret I didn't ask you that. Mr. Rosencrantz: They have had experience in doing studies similar to this type study. Mayor Ferret And the local firm has had previous experience. Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes, in doing studies not exactly of this precise kind but of general studies involving general government services. Mayor Ferret Ok. I ain't got no problem. Mr. Plummer: How long will this study take? Mr. Rosencrantz: I think... I don't remember specifically. I think the time frame on it is sixty days. Mayor Ferret When is the main firm from the Government Finance Research Center? Mr. Rosencrantz: They operate out of Washington D.C. Mayor Ferret Is that a minority firm? Mr. Rosencrantz: No, that is not. Mayor Ferret Ok. Mr. Perez: And the local is a minority too? Mr. Rosencrantz: The local is a minority firm, yes. Mr. Perez: When you mentioned minority they have Latins, they have Black, they have... Mr. Rosencrantz: I believe as I remember looking over this. I believe they are solely a Black firm. Mayor Ferret They are what? Mac. Rosencrantz: I believe they are totally Black. I don't believe they have any other... Mr. Perez: No, but I no mention only for the personal point of view, also due to the neighborhood of different characteristics I think that it's important to have in put of the Latin and the Black low income neighborhood. Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes, I'm sure that can be accommodated through the study. Mayor Ferret You are satisfied with this Mr. Rosencrantz? Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes. Mr. Perez: And you recommend? Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes. Mayor Ferret Are we ready to vote on it? Who moved it? sl 201 December 130 1984 14 Mr. Plummere Well, let's put on the record. Mr. Manager, I want to remind you that this Commission is on record that you cannot send out the additional garbage tax bill until this study is completed and it is approved by this Commission. Mayor Ferre: No, wait a minute. ... fool with that J. L., that's how we got in trouble with this budget thing with the State. Mr. Dawkins: The State said it was not problem according to the memo. Mayor Ferre: We can do it that way? Mr. Plummer: The former manager made a commitment that that would be the case. Mayor Ferre: But didn't we get in trouble on that? Mr. Rosencrantz: Excuse me, I think if you look back at the record, the discussion concerning the second half year billing for solid waste did not involve this type study. The discussion there, I think Commissioner Perez requested the City Manager to come back and justify why he needed the money for the second half year... Mr. Plummer: But it was predicated on this study. Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Because this study... Mayor Ferre: (COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mr. Plummer: Yes, I understand, but Mr. Mayor, it was your concern and the reason for this study is to see whether or not we would be better off to go to the outside private hauler completely. Mayor Ferre: That's right. Mr. Plummer: And that was the reason why there was no concern about holding the additional increased fee until such time as this study was completed and that makes sense. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Are we ready to vote on this? Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Who moves it? Mr. Plummer: I do. Mayor Ferre: Who seconds? 202 sl December 13, 1984 Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1451 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, VITH GOVERNMENT FINANCE RESEARCH CENTER AND SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC., A JOINT VENTURE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PREPARING A REPORT, STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS ALTERNATIVE TRASH AND GARBAGE COLLECTION METHODS, AS AUTHORIZED BY RESOLUTION NO. 84-990, PASSED SEPTEMBER 139 1984; ALLOCATING MONIES THEREFOR, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,0009 FROM FUNDS APPROPRIATED IN THE FYI 1984/85 BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SOLID WASTE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 127. AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT: E. H. FRIEND ACTUARIAL ASSISTANCE IN PENSION MATTERS. Mayor Ferre: Who move 104? Mr. Plummer: I have got no choice. I move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds, further discussion, call the roll. 203 sl December 13, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 84-1452 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, WITH THE FIRM OF E. H. FRIEND A COMPANY, FOR EXPERT ACTUARIAL ASSISTANCE IN PENSION MATTERS AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $50,000 WITH FUNDS THEREFORE ALLOCATED FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 128. AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT: TILLINGHAST, NELSON & WARREN INC & ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER FOR ACTUAL EXPERIENCE SERVICES Mr. Plummer: 105. Mayor Ferre: 105 is moved, is there a second. Mr. Dawkins: Second and under discussion. What's the difference, Mr. Manager, between 104 and 105? Mr. Plummer: One is for the plan and the other system. Mr. Dawkins: I beg your pardon. Mr. Plummer: One is for the plan and one is for the system. Two different boards. Mr. Rosencrantz: I'm sorry. There is another difference. 104 is the actuary that works directly for the City and advises the City Manager and as well as the City Commission on matters relating to pension. 105 is a consultant that was recommended and hired or to be hired by the Pension Board itself to do their three year experience analysis. And there is two separate functions that those will perform. Mr. Plummer: But after the Gates suit is settled that will be their cost. Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes. 204 al December 139 19$4 Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1453 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND TILLINGHAST, NELSON & WARREN, INC. AND ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, FOR ACTUARIAL EXPERIENCE SERVICES AS REQUIRED BY THE MIAMI CITY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, USING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CURRENTLY BUDGETED FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 129. EXECUTE AGREEMENT: LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DEVELOPMENT OF A LATIN QUARTER IN THE CITY. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are on 107. Mr. Dawkins: 107. Move it. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved, is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. 205 December 13, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1454 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED AMENDED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF SAID AUTHORITY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LATIN QUARTER IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH THEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 130. AMEND INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND DADE CO. FOR OVERTOWN URBAN INITIATIVES PROJECT. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: 108. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, it's been moved and seconded, further discussion, call the roll on 108. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1455 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE INTERGOVERMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND DADE COUNTY FOR THE OVERTOWN URBAN INITIATIVES PROJECT AREA AS AMENDED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- sl 206 December 13, 1984 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo -----------1.1----------------------------------------------- 131. AUTHORIZE 3-PART? AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY, STATE, DADS COUNTY DESIGNATING PORTIONS OF FLAGLBRO S.B. SW 1 A NE NW 1 STS FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION BY THE CITY. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are on 109. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves, Plummer seconds, further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 64-1456 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A THREE PARTY AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DADE COUNTY, AND THE CITY OF MIAMI, WHICH DESIGNATES PORTIONS OF FLAGLER, S.E./S.W. 1ST AND N.E/N.W. 1ST STREETS FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION BY THE CITY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo --------- ---------------- --- ----- --- --------------------- -- 132. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT: NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE FOR USE OF ORANGE BOWL STADIUM FOR NFL POST SEASON FOOTBALL GAMES 19W5-6-7. --------------------------'---------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Take up 110. sl 207 December 13, 1984 2 0 Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Ms. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, in connection with this one, the insurance provisions are going to be as the Dolphin contract and not as shown in your packet. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, repeat that. Ms. Dougherty: The insurance provision has to be modified to reflect the same as the one that is in the Dolphin as opposed to the one that is in your packet which was approved last year. Mr. Walter Golby: The Dolphin's insurance requirements have been increased. It's a better coverage and so this contract should have the same as what the Dolphins have. Mr. Dawkins: What difference does it makes, he didn't pay us from the last year. It don't make no damn difference. Mr. Golby: Yes, but this is with the NFL though. This makes some difference. Mr. Plummer: This contract has nothing to do with the Dolphins. Mr. Golby: We just feel that the insurance requirements should be equal to the Dolphins requirements. Mayor Ferre: Ok. With that proviso is there a motion? Is there a second. Mr. Dawkins: Second and under discussion. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Dawkins: Will we retain our box in the play offs? Mr. Golby: Yes, sir, you certainly will. Mr. Dawkins: Think you, sir. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1457 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE (N.F.L.) FOR THE USE OF THE ORANGE HOWL STADIUM FOR ALL N.F.L. POST SEASON FOOTBALL GAMES COVERING THE YEARS 19849 19859 1986 AND 1987. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on•file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins s1 208 December 13, 1984 0 a Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT% Commissioner Joe Carollo -- -r- -- --------------- --------------- -------------- ------- 133• AUTHORIZE CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH 6 NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up 111. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded, further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1458 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH SIX (6) NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO EXTEND THE DATE BY WHICH THE REQUIRED GENERATION OF FUNDS IS TO BE COMPLETED AS PER THE CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE TENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM UNTIL APRIL 30, 1985 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ------------------------------------------------------------ 134. AUTHORIZE CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH TACOLCY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING A 309000 COMMERCIAL FACADE REHABILITATION PAINT PROGRAM - ------•------------- -------------------- ------------ Mayor Ferre: We are on 112. Mr. Perez: Move. al 209 December 13, 1984 0 00 Mayor Ferre: This is the Taeolcy Economic Development Corporation. Mr. Pitts? Are we ready to vote on this? Mr. Plummer: is there a second. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, Perez moved it. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion. I really think that Martin Luther King Development should be doing this, but since we have given it to them I will have nothing to say. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1459 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TACOLCY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING A $30,000 COMMERCIAL FACADE REHABILITATION PAINT PROGRAM, WITH FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE NINTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEM 114 WAS CONTINUED 135. APPOINT PERSONS TO LATIN QUARTER REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are on 118. All right, this is City of Miami Latin Quarter Review Board and I see Willie Bermello, Luis Sabines and Pablo Gomez. Mr. Dawkins: Luie who? Mayor Ferre: Sabines. sl 210 December 13, 1984 Mr. Plummer: We each have two appointments, correct? Mr. Dawkins: Each of us had two appointmentsg yes. Mayor Ferre: (IN SPANISH). Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Plummer: I have one appointment at this time, a Mr. Jimendez and I will furnish you with the full name and mailing address. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Jimendez. Who else? Mr. Plummer: I will reserve my other appointment. Mayor Ferre: All right, who do you appoint? Mr. Perez: I have a pending appointment. I think that I already appoint Orlando Naranjo. Mayor Ferre: Orlando Naranjo. Mr. Perez: Nov no, I already appoint him in the last... Mayor Ferre: Hilda, come here help us. Who do you want on this? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Well, we recommended Bob Chisholm. Mayor Ferre: Bob who? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Bob Chisholm. He has been working with the Little Havana Development Authority and with the Latin Quarter Task Force. Mayor Ferre: Let's get this over with. Mr. Dawkins: I appointed... I gave two names, but I never see them coming up. Mayor Ferre: Who. Mr. Dawkins: I will give you the two names in the morning. I don't know who I have. I will give them to you in the morning. Mr. Rodriguez: If I may. (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'm going to hold my two appointments. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. As I understand it, because we keep rolling these things over and this is getting to be. Mr. Dawkins: I will give you my two names in the morning. Mayor Ferre: Now, he already gave you two names. Now, who are the two names he gave you? Mr. Rodriguez: The only two appointments that have been made so far are Pablo Gomez by Mayor Ferre and Fransisco Lopez Borges by Commissioner Carollo. We have eight more names to be named. :1 0 Mr. Plummer: Yes, we each have two. As I recall, one was to be an architect and one was to be a lay person. Mr. Rodriguez: Right. Mr. Perez: Yes, but I already appointed Orlando Naranjo. Mayor Ferret Is he an architect? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mayor Ferret Orlando Naranjo. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'm going to withdraw that other name I... UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Orlando Naranjo, Jr. Mayor Ferret Jr. Ok. Mr. Plummer: I'm going to withdraw my other name and put Robert Chisholm. Mayor Ferret Is he an architect? Mr. Rodriguez: Yes, he is. i Mayor Ferret Ok, and who is your lay person? Mr. Plummer: I don't have one right now. Luis Sabines. Mayor Ferret All right, and I... then I recommend Pablo Gomez and the Architect is Willie Bermello. Ok. Now, you appointed Naranjo and you have to appoint a laymen. Mr. Dawkins: I will give you my two in the morning. Mayor Ferret Ok. Well, the ones that have been named so far will somebody make a motion. i Mr. Plummer: So move. Mr. Dawkins: Second. I Mayor Ferret Call the roll. The following motion was introduced Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1460 A MOTION APPOINTING THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS TO THEE MIAMI LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD: COMMISSIONER J. L. PLUMMER APPOINTED ARCH. ROBERT CHISHOLM, AND Mr. LUIS SABINES; VICE MAYOR DEMETRIO PEREZ APPOINTED ARCH. ORLANDO NARANJO, JR. AND HAS ONE MORE APPOINTMENT TO MAKE; MAYOR FERRE APPOINTED ARCH. WILLY BERMELLO AND Mr. PABLO GOMEZ PENDING ARE APPOINTMENTS TO BE MADE BY COMMISSIONERS MILLER DAWKINS AND JOE CAROLLO. by Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. sl December 13, 1984 2i2 Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ---------------------- ---------------- ---------------------- 136. DIRECT READVERTISEMENT FOR MORE CANDIDATES TO HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see. This is 119, but we only had one application. Is les Beilinson here? B-e-i-l-i-n-s-o-n. We only had one applicant. So, we need to readvertise that and we just see if you get some applications. I think we need to get more than one application. Plummer moves, Perez seconds that the matter of the Heritage be readvertised to see if we can get... Further discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-1461 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO READVERTISE FOR PROSPECTIVE APPOINTEES TO THE "MIAMI HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD". Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo PRESENTATION OF A COMMENDATION TO THE CIVIL AIR PATROL STUDENTS. 137. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS 84-85: RESCIND VOTE ON AGENDA ITEM 91 ADOPT FUNDING AS DESCRIBED I■ MOTION. Mayor Ferre: All right, we have got federal revenue sharing. All right, Mr. Manager, let's see how wise you are. Give us the wisdom of Solomon. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferre: All right, what are we going to do? Mr. Rosencrantz: Mr. Mayor to briefly state this problem. what we have here is just a slight division problem. sl 213 December- 13, 1984 s Mayor Ferret Slight what? i Mr. Rosencrantz: Division problem. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see. Mr. Rosencrantz: We have about... Mayor Ferre: We need a million dollars and we have about three hundred. Mr. Rosencrantz: We need about a million two hundred thousand dollars more than we have right at this point. If you recall at your last meeting you dipped into the general fund to the tune of two hundred fifty thousand dollars to support some of these social type programs. There is still a demand that we still have a stack of requests here that still total about a million two to be funded. The question, I guess that's before the City Commission at this point simply is that, do you want to add some addition general fund in and try to fund some of these agencies that have a critical need and can be justified or do you just want to draw the line at the agencies that you have funded so far. Another aspect of this problem is that for the last several months you have been funding some agencies on a one twelfth basis and that funding on that basis, we very soon will be out of money and we will have to make a decision as to what we are going to do at that particular point. What I... Mayor Ferre: We cannot continue on this one twelfth basis. We have now got to get... and we have already dipped into the general funds by two hundred fifty thousand dollars. Let me tell you where I think we are and what I recommend that we are going to have to do. We are going to have to bite the bullet and first of all with regards to "Category One" which is six seventy-seven nine seventy-nine. As I understand these are all feeding of people, is that correct? Mr. Surana: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right, now if we approve these how much money do we have left? Mr. Surana: Presently we have allocated a hundred eighty- nine thousand seven hundred fifteen dollars. Mayor Ferre: That's not my question. My question is if we approve all of "Category One" which as I recall is food right and related... Mr. Surana: Category one is all approved at the present time. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see, so we don't have to do that? Mr. Perez: We have not included in "Category One" the Senior Center of Dade County. Mr. Surana: That's correct. Mr. Perez: That is supplies for that group and they have a proposal that they already presented, no? Mr. Plummer: No, they have not presented it to us and it is in fact a new program. Mayor Ferre: It's a new program. Mr. Perez: Yes, that's right. sl December 13, 1984 214 Mr. Plummer: But we have not seen it. Mayor Ferre: See, but it's not part of "Category One" because it's a new program. Mr. Plummer: Well, it would fall under "Category One", but it is a new program and as such it's not listed presently. (BACKGROUND COMMENTS OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Plummer: Let me ask you a question. Does this include... now we just passed today four hundred and sum thousand dollars of food programs for Curtiss Park. That's not included in here. Why wasn't it included in here? Mr. Frank Castaneda: That is not included. The only thing that... (COMMENTS INAUDIBLE). Mr. Plummer: What? (COMMENT INAUDIBLE). Mr. Plummer: That was for construction. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Right. That's from community development fund. Mr. Plummer: Ok. All right, thank you. All right, how much money have we got left? Mr. Frank Castaneda: One hundred eighty-nine thousand seven hundred fifteen dollars. Mr. Plummer: And that's for the remaining eleven months? Mayor Ferre: That's right. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Right, nine months. Mayor Ferre: That's what we have left, a hundred eighty- nine thousand dollars. Mr. Plummer: Until the end of September. I stand corrected. Mr. Dawkins: And we need two million three hundred thousand one hundred nineteen dollars. Mayor Ferre: We don't have it. Mr. Plummer: Well, let me understand correctly all right. Are you saying that in "Category One"... Mr. Frank Castaneda: Everything is Funded. Mr. Plummer: That is funded for the full year. Mayor Ferre: How about "Category Two"? Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, is "Category One" of 677 funded for the full year? Mr. Frank Castaneda: Yes. Mr. Plummer: All right, and what we have left is a hundred eighty-one thousand. Mayor Ferre: A hundred eighty-nine. al 215 December 13, 1984 Mr. Plummer: A hundred eighty-nine thousand to fund those categories "b". Is that correct? Mayor Ferre: No, 2. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Category two, three and new programs with the one exception... Mr. Plummer: No, this Commission at this time is presently on record no new programs. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Ok. Category two you have already funded Centro Mater and Belafonte Tacolcy, Sports Development in the Consent Agenda this morning. So, that is already funded for the full year. Mr. Dawkins: We already funded what? Mr. Frank Castaneda: Belafonte Tacolcy, Youth Vocational and Centro Mater for the full year. Mayor Ferre: Because we did that last time. Mr. Frank Castaneda: That's correct. Mayor Ferree. So, that just formalizes what we did last time. Mr. Plummer: I don't have those in Category two. Mayor Ferre: Yes, you do. Belafonte Tacolcy... Mr. Plummer: This is Sports Development. Mayor Ferre: No, no, no Youth Vocational right under it. Mr. Plummer: Oh, Youth Vocational. All right. Mayor Ferre: We did not do Sports Development. We did Youth Vocational and we did Centro Mater. Mr. Plummer: And we have done Centro Mater. That's for the full year. Mayor Ferre: That's done. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Correct. Mr. Dawkins: We didn't to Carey's Technical Institute? Mayor Ferre: No. Mr. Frank Castaneda: No. Mayor Ferre: We haven't done Carey and we have done Haitians and we have done Industrial Home for the Blind and we have done Saint Alban's and we haven't done Youth Coop and we haven't done Aspira. Well, wait a moment. Aspira we did. I thought we did Aspira. Mr. Plummer: No. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Aspira has been funded on a month basis along with the rest of the Agencies in Category two. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask you a question. We have got a hundred eighty-nine thousand left. Is that correct? Mr. Frank Castaneda: That's correct. $l 216 December 13, 1984 Mr. Plummer: And yet this here calls for a total funding year of one fifty one. Is that correct? Category "B"? That's what I'm showing a hundred... Mr. Frank Castaneda: No, a hundred fifty- one is what has been allocated to date That means that for the month of October, November and December those agencies in Category two has received a hundred fifty-one thousand. Mayor Ferre: All right, I will tell you what, I'm going to start and you guys can bite the bullet or not bite it one, way or the other. Those Haitians need those lawyers or we are in bad trouble. And so, I will tell you for me that takes priority. We have already done Centro Hater and I will Move that the Haitians get their lawyers back, which is how much? Mr. Surana: The remaining allocation that they will require is thirty-four thousand nine zero two. Mr. Dawkins: Who's got a computer? Take that from a hundred eighty-nine thousand and see where that leaves us. Mayor Ferre: Well, I will tell you that is... Mr. Dawkins: If it's the way we are going to do it, then let's start... take that from a hundred eighty-nine thousand and see where that leaves us. Mayor Ferre: I mean, as I look down here, of all these things Aspira, Belafonte, Carey, Industrial Homes, Saint Alban. Mr. Perez: Industrial Home for the Blind. Mayor Ferre: No, no. We have already done that. Mr. Plummer: What? Mr. Dawkins: No. Mayor Ferre: Of course, we did. Mr -Frank Castaneda: No, only for a three months basis. Mayor Ferre: Now, wait a minute. There are two blind operations here that are requesting funds. Ok. fund in and try to fund some of these agencies that have a critical need and can be justified or do you just want to draw the line at the agencies that you have funded so far. Another aspect of this problem is that for the last several months you have been funding some agencies on a one twelfth basis and that funding on that basis, we very soon will be out of money and we will have to make a decision as to what we are going to do at that particular point. What I... Mayor Ferre: We cannot continue on this one twelfth basis. We have now got to get... and we have already dipped into the general funds by two hundred fifty thousand dollars. Let me tell you where I think we are and what I recommend that we are going to have to do. We are going to have to bite the bullet and first of all with regards to "Category One" which is six seventy-seven nine seventy-nine. As I understand these are all feeding of people, is that correct? Mr. Surana: Yes, sir. 217 s1 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferret All right, now if we approve these how much money do we have left? i Mr. Surana: Presently we have allocated a hundred eighty- nine thousand reven hundred fifteen dollars. Mayor Ferre: That's not my question. My question is if we approve all of "Category One" which as I recall is food right and related... Mr. Surana: Category one is all approved at the present time. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see, so we don't have to do that? Mr. Perez: We have not included in "Category One" the Senior Center of Dade County. Mr. Surana: That's correct. Mr. Perez: That is supplies for that group and they have a proposal that they already presented, no? Mr. Plummer: No, they have not presented it to us and it is in fact a new program. Mayor Ferre: It's a new program. Mr. Perez: Yes, that's right. Mr. Plummer: But we have not seen it. Mayor Ferre: See, but it's not part of "Category One" because it's a new program. Mr. Plummer: Well, it would fall under "Category One", but it is a new program and as such it's not listed presently. (BACKGROUND COMMENTS OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Plummer: Let me ask you a question. Does this include... now we just passed today four hundred and sum thousand dollars of food programs for Curtis Park. That's not included in here. Why wasn't it included in here? Mr. Surana: That is not included. The only thing that... (COMMENTS INAUDIBLE). Mr. Plummer: What? (COMMENT INAUDIBLE). Mr. Plummer: That was for construction. Mr. Frank Castaneda Right. That's from community development fund. Mr. Plummer: Ok. All right, thank you. All right, how much money have we got left? Mr. Frank Castaneda One hundred eighty-nine thousand seven hundred fifteen dollars. Mr. Plummer: And that's for the remaining eleven months? Mayor Ferre: That's right. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Right, nine months sl ?�a December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: That's what we have left, a hundred eighty- nine thousand dollars. I Mr. Plummer: Until the end of September. I stand corrected. Mr. Dawkins: And we need two million three hundred thousand one hundred nineteen dollars. Mayor Ferre: We don't have it. Mr. Plummer: Well, let me understand correctly all right. Are you saying that in "Category One"... I Mr. Franjk Castaneda: Everything is funded. Mr. Plummer: That is funded for the full year. Mayor Ferre: How about "Category Two"? Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, is "Category One" of 677 funded for the full year? Mr. Frank Castaneda: Yes. Mr. Plummer: All right, and what we have left is a hundred eighty-one thousand. Mayor Ferre: A hundred eighty-nine. Mr. Plummer: A hundred eighty-nine thousand to fund those categories "b". Is that correct? Mayor Ferre: Nov 2. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Category two, three and new programs with the one exception... Mr. Plummer: Nov this Commission at this time is presently on record no new programs. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Ok. Category two you have already funded Centro Mater and Belafonte Tacolcy, Sports Development in the Consent Agenda this morning. So, that is already funded for the full year. Mr. Dawkins: We already funded what? Mr. Frank Castaneda: Belafonte Tacolcy, Youth Vocational and Centro Mater for the full year. Mayor Ferre: Because we did that last time. Mr. Frank Castaneda That's correct. Mayor Ferre: So, that just formalizes what we did last time. Mr. Plummer: I don't have those in Category two. Mayor Ferre: Yes, you do. Belafonte Tacolcy... Mr. Plummer: This is Sports Development. Mayor Ferre: No, no, no Youth Vocational right under it. Mr. Plummer: Oh, Youth Vocational. All right. Mayor Ferre: We did not do Sports Development. We did Youth Vocational and we did Centro Mater. sl 219 December 13, 1984 Mr. Plummer: And we have done Centro Mater. That's for the full year. Mayor Ferret That's done. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Correct. Mr. Dawkins: We didn't to Carey's Technical Institute? Mayor Ferret No. Mr. Frank Castaneda: No. Mayor Ferret We haven't done Carey and we have done Haitians and we have done Industrial Home for the Blind and we have done Saint Alban's and we haven't done Youth Coop and we haven't done ASPIRA. Well, wait a moment. ASPIRA we did. I thought we did ASPIRA. Mr. Plummer: No. Mr. Frank Castaneda: ASPIRA has been funded on a monthly basis along with the rest of the Agencies in Category two. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask you a question. We have got a hundred eighty-nine thousand left. Is that correct? Mr. Frank Castaneada: That's correct. Mr. Plummer: And yet this here calls for a total funding year of one fifty one. Is that correct? Category "B"? That's what I'm showing a hundred... Mr. Frank Castaneda: No, a hundred fifty- one is what has been allocated to date That means that for the month of October, November and December those agencies in Category two has received a hundred fifty-one thousand. Mayor Ferret All right, I will tell you what, I'm going to start and you guys can bite the bullet or not bite it one way or the other. Those Haitians need those lawyers or we are in bad trouble. And so, I will tell you for me that takes priority. We have already done Centro Mater and I will move that the Haitians get their lawyers back, which is how much? Mr. Frank Castaneda: The remaining allocation that they will require is thirty-four thousand nine zero two. Mr. Dawkins: Who's got a computer? Take that from a hundred eighty-nine thousand and see where that leaves us. Mayor Ferret Well, I will tell you that is... Mr. Dawkins: If it's the way we are going to do it, then let's start... take that from a hundred eighty-nine thousand and see where that leaves us. Mayor Ferret I mean, as I look down here, of all these things ASPIRA, Belafonte, Carey, Industrial Homes, Saint Alban. Mr. Perez: Industrial Home for the Blind. Mayor Ferret No, no. We have already done that. r Mr. Plummer: What? Mr. Dawkins: No. sl 220 December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferret Of course, we did. Mr. Frank Castaneda: No) only for a three months basis. Mayor Ferre: Now., wait a minute. There are two blind operations here that are requesting funds. Ok? One is the Industrial Home for the Blind, which is in Little Havana and the other one is Lighthouse for the Blind. We have done Industrial Home for the Blind. Mr. Plummer: I wish we had, but we don't. Mayor Ferret Hey, I've got new for you. I'll go for that. I go with the blind. Mr. Plummer: I agree. Now, question. What will that take to fund for the rest of the year? Mr. Frank Castaneda: $18,000. Mayor Ferret $189000? And how much for the Haitians? Mr. Frank Castaneda: $34,902, that gives you a bond of $136,813. Those are bonds. Mayor Ferret Okay. Mr. Plummer: I'll move that we approve ... what is it going to cost us for ASPIRA? Mr. Frank Castaneda: $55,944. Mr. Plummer: I will move that. Mayor Ferret How much is that? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr. Plummer: About eighty. Mr. Frank Casrtaneda: Eighty-eight six, nine. Mayor Ferre: That leaves eighty-eight? Mr. Frank Castaneda: Eighty thousand. Mayor Ferret It leaves eighty. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Eight zero. Mr. Plummer: What about Youth Coop? What does that cost? Mr. Dawkins: Hold it. Mr. Plummer: I am just asking. What does Youth Coop cost us for the rest of the year? Mr. Frank Castaneda: $37,503• Mr. Plummer: What does St. Albans cost us for the rest of the year? Mr. Frank Castaneda: Let me explain what has been happening with St. Albans. St. Albans was funded last year at a level of $689204 and this year they only requested $23,000, so in effect they have been receiving more ... Mr. Plummer: What does it cost us to fund them for the rest of the year? sl December 13, 1984 221 I 10 Mayor Ferre: $23,0001 Mr. Frank Castaneda: At their requested level? Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Surana: Six three six eight. Mr. Plummer: Sixty three hundred. Mayor Ferre: How do we get ... Sixty three hundred? Mr. Plummer: They reduced their allocation. Mayor Ferre: Fine, so you want to put that in? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, the other one is Tacolcy. We need to do that Belafonte Tacolcy Economic Development Corporation, or they are going to be wiped out. Mr. Dawkins: Either that, or you are have got to wipe out the youth. Mayor Ferre: We have already given the youth ... Mr. Plummer: The other one is sports, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Let's get this straight. We have already done Belafonte Tacolcy Youth Vocational. Is that right? Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I asked about that this morning and they told me no, it was two different things. Mayor Ferre: No, Plummer just put it in, or I put it in, or somebody put it in. Now, what I am talking about is not Belafonte Youth, I am talking about Economic Development Corporation, which needs that bridge money or they are not going to be able to ... Mr. Plummer: That's not in here. Mayor Ferre: Yes, it is. Mr. Plummer: Where? I've got two for Belafonte. I've got sports and youth vocational. Mayor Ferre: Now, wait a minute. Mr. Plummer: That is the only two I've got. Mayor Ferre: Now John, I see you waving back there. It is Belafonte ... you guys better come up here now! Come on up, because this is going quick and Industrial Blind is also included. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mayor Ferre: Here you put the Industrial Blind, is that right? Mr. Plummer: We have got two. We have sports development and youth vocational. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mayor Ferre: It is called Tacolcy Economic - all right Plummer, are you including that in there. al 222 December 13, 1984 INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mr. Dawkins., No, no, we have got only the vocational We don't have the sports. Mr. Plummer: The only thing we have got so far, is the vocational, all right? Mayor Ferre: And we have Economic Development, which is $239000, is that right? Mr. Plummer: That is not in here. Mayor Ferre: Yes, it is. Mr. Plummer: That is not part of Federal Revenue Sharing. Mayor Ferre: I see it in Category three. Mr. Plummer: Oh, I am sorry. I didn't see that! Mayor Ferre: You haven't even gotten ... Mr. Frank Castaneda: We have many categories. Mayor Ferre: We have taken care of Belafonte Tacolcy Youth Vocational, is that right? Now we are including Tacolcy Economic Development, is that correct? And you also have got Industrial Home for The Blind. Mr. Frank Castaneda: That is right. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Mayor, we are including the Belafonte Tacolcy Economic Development for $71,242 ... Mayor Ferre: No, not $71,000. $23,748. Mr. Frank Castaneda: $32,748 is what they have receive to this time. Their request was $95,000. Mayor Ferre: We don't have that kind of money. We just don't have that. I'd like to help everybody, but there is no way we can do it. Otis, what is the minimum amount that you can get by with? We don't have $71,000. Mr. Otis Pitts: (INAUDIBLE, OFF MICROPHONE) Mr. Plummer: You know, what you have got is a total of three ... well ... Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, Otis. We made - the former Manager made a commitment to you, is that correct? Well, why don't you put that on the record, because ... Mr. Plummer: Mayor, I want to correct this record. It is wrong. Category three was not Federal Revenue sharing. It was the Jobs Bill. It was not Federal Revenue Sharing. Mayor Ferre: All right, that is fine. What Mr. Pitts has not made clear - you guys don't speak out for these things and then you get upset when things don't happen. Mr. Pitts: Well, the first thing I want to establishes that it should be the Tacolcy Development Corporation which is an affiliate of Belafonte Tacolcy Center. The Manager made a commitment for these dollars that we have committed here and we have subsequently wade commitments which includes the hiring of staff. Sl 223 December 13, 1964 Mayor Ferre: You hired staff based on that commitment? Mr. Pitts: Based upon that commitment. Mayor Ferre: Then I don't think we have any choice. Mr. Plummer: Category three - any of those to be included under Federal Revenue Sharing becomes a new program. They were not included last year under Federal Revenue Sharing, and as such ... n' Mayor Ferre: J. L., Howard made a'commitment gnd they went K out and hired people based on that commitment. Mr. Plummer: Mayor, Mr. Gary might have made a commitment and maybe this Commission might have to own up to that commitment. The only point I am making to you is, Category three is mislabeled. It was not Federal Revenue Sharing. It was a special one time Job Grant Bill, and if they are to be considered under the policies existing before this Commission, they are a new program. They are not an old program. Am I right, or am I wrong? Mr. Frank Castaneda: Half and half. They were under the Jobs Bill. Their program under Revenue Sharing, but the City Commission has funded them at one -twelfth level using Revenue Sharing Funds this year. :# Mr. Plummer: We took one -twelfth funding for them, but they are not - because they had to wind down like the other programs, and that is why we gave them one -twelfth funding. T Mr. That is why we kept them as a separate category. Mr. Plummer: As far as I concerned, we have $181,000. Mr. 1�� Mayor, I am looking at ASPIRA, I am looking at Industrial tHome for The Blind, St. Albans and Youth Co-op, that is what I am looking at. Now, you are going to have to take a consensus of each Commissioner. Mayor Ferre: And how about the Haitians? Mr. Plummer: We can't do Overtown and Centro Mater also. Mr. Dawkins: And we can't do Overtown and St. Albans. Mr. Plummer: Well see, here is the problem! We can't fund them all. Mayor-Ferre: Well look, you are entitled to speak. We do not have the money! We have $189,000, now that is what we have! And you tell me what program we cut out. I mean, I would like to fund them all, but we don't have that $192009000. Mr. Perez: Do you have any recommendation, Mr. Castaneda? Do you have any solution how we can get the funds? Mayor Ferre: This is like the problem over in Ethiopia, you know. You have 600009000 people that want to eat and you have food for 210009000 people. Now, what do you want me to do? Mr. Perez: But if we are sensible to our ... Unidentified Speaker: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Commissioners, may I have your attention for one minute? Mayor Ferre: Of course. sl 224 December 131, 1984 Unidentified Speaker: I know you are all tired and you have been here all day. We have been here also, but ... Mr. Plummer: That is not my problem. My problem is that Roger Carlton looks the parking lot in ten minutes! Unidentified Speaker: Yes, I know. Mayor Ferre: He does not! Unidentified Speaker: What I am requesting is that you pay some attention of the children of this Overtown Day Care Center. What is going to happen to those young children? This is a new generation. Maybe you have been helping that program for more then ten years, but those children are here They ask for the first time. They ask for their chance to ask for a grant and you are just turning your back on them, but it is as if like, when they come, there is nothing left for them. This is the first time they come to you, these children. Yes, the program has been here for ten years, but this generation is for the first time. Are you going to close the program? It is really difficult to manage the program if we don't get the funds. Ms. Cris Alvarez: Mr. Mayor ... Cris Alvarez from the Puerto Rican Opportunity Center. We have been categorized under a new program and we have been getting funding on a month to month basis. I would like the Commission to consider our program for continuation until the end of the fiscal year. Mayor Ferre: I will tell you, my problem is, we do not have any more money, and you know, your program is ... how much is it? Ms. Alvarez: I would just need an additional $50,000 from what I have been appropriated and I could finish the year. Mayor Ferre: Where are we going to get the $50,000? You tell me what program you want me to cut! Ms. Alvarez: My request was for $175,000, Mr. Mayor, which was my level of funding for last year, and I am getting a $75000 cut. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, could we have the Administration's recommendations? Mr. Castaneda, do you have any recommendations? Mayor Ferre: I will tell you where we are. So far, we have gone over the $189,000. And I haven't ... for example, there is a program, which in my opinion is probably the best of all of these programs, and for the least amount which is ... Jose, what is the name of your program? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mayor Ferre: The what? That is $10,0000 and I will tell you, on a return on investment, there is no better one than that one, and I would like to include that. I don't know where it is in this list, because I don't ... Mr. Castaneda: That is under the youth program. Mayor Ferre: Professio. I want to include that - for $15,000 we get more under that than all of these other programs. Mr. Perez: Puerto Rican Opportunity Center is your program? sl 795 December 13, 1984 Ms. Alvarez: Yes, sir. Mr. Perez: How much is the minimum that you can accept? Ms. Alvarers From what I have already taken, an additional $50,000 for the whole year would definitely ... Mr. Plummer: You can't even apply. Ms. Alvarez: I have. Mr. Plummer: Puerto Rican Opportunity Center cannot apply. Do not qualify to apply at this point. Ms. Alvarez: I already applied, sir, at the deadline. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me. You are not qualified to receive under the present policy of this Commission, you are a new program. You do not qualify. Mr. Alvarez: I have heard that there are new programs being funded here. Mr. Plummer: At this time, unless I stand corrected, the policy of this Commission, there are no new programs! Mr. Perez: Has any member of this Commission presented a motion that has the authority to make an exception? Mayor Ferre: Absolutely. Mr. Perez: That we have made in the past. Mr. Dawkins: You know, I haven't said anything, because I have got a bigger problem than anybody else, okay? Carey Technical College wants to teach some people. Mayor Ferre: And Garces does too! Mr. Dawkins: Garcia and I have already sat down and worked out an agreement where for $112,000; we were going to take fifteen Blacks, fifteen Cubans and fifteen Whites and we already have commitments where people will put them to work at air conditioning and as electricians and we were hoping that this would spin off into having people ready, Mr. Mayor, to go to work at Bayside, but where is the money? I mean, the money is just not here! Mr. Plummer: Do we have a chalk board or drawing board? L"et's put the $189,000 and then give each one of these organizations with a given amount, and if it passes, we will deduct it, until we get to zero. That is the only way you can do it. We are running in circles here! Mayor Ferre: That's right! Sit down all of you, so you can relax. You want to wait for the ... Mr. Dawkins: Okay, does the college have a chalk board handy? Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, would it be possible ... I have been requesting three or four times - would it possible that Mr. Castaneda, do you, have any recommendations? Mr. Frank Castaneda: Unless the Commissioners increase the pot of money. Mr. Perez: Could I hear what is your recommendation? al 226 December 13, 1984 (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr. Perez: You expect an intermediate fund of $50,000? Could I get a Copy of your recommendations, Mr. Castaneda? Mr. Castaneda: The City Commission would have the authority to increase the available funds. Mr. Perez: Mr. Manager, where are the extra funds if we have a motion in that direction? Mr. Rosencrantz: Mr. Commissioner, if we were to appropriate more funds for this particular program, it would have to come out of the General Fund. Mr. Perez: From the General Fund? Mr. Rosencrantz: Out of the General Fund. Mr. Perez: Okay, how much the City has saved this two or three months due to the freeze? Mr. Rosencrantz: I think in total ... Mayor Ferre: Wait a moment. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, could I clarify ... Mayor Ferre: I am going to give you $100,000. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, hold it now. Let me make myself clear now. If we go into the General Fund, for anything, I want money for Carey Technical Institute, I want money for Garces and one or two other projects, but now, don't go into the General Fund, now. Mayor Ferre: And I am going to give you $100,000. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, well, add $105,000, that gives $200,000 and $89,000, that gives us $289,000. Mr. Perez: Yes, but we have $800,000 in the freeze, that is what the City has saved. Mayor Ferre: Well, I am not for spending that money right now. Mr. Dawkins: Me either, but if you go in the General Fund now - if we open up the General Fund, we have got to go all the way! Mr. Rosencrantz: Based on an estimate as to the value of each of those divisions and based on the assumption that they haven't been filled, it is my estimate that the non - expenditure at this point would be around $800,000. Mayor Ferre: All right now, just hold on - hold on for a moment. This morning we allocated $1009000 to Community Development, C. D. grant funds, to Miami Micro -computer Technological Education Foundation. Mr. Dawkins: Which is a new project. Mayor Ferre: I don't see any reason, or any priority, and I move rescind our vote on 91. Mr. Dawkins: Ya Hoo! Mr. Plummer: That is not F.R.S. money. - 227 sl December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: I don't give a damn what it is. I am just saying (INAUDIBLE) ... Mrs. Range, and I love her dearly, but I am not going to - I don't see any reason why Mrs. Range should be treated different from anybody else! Mr. Dawkins: Ya Hoo. Mayor Ferre: I am sorry! Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I asked the Manager and the Manager said ... Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. I move that we rescind our vote on Item 91. Mr. Dawkins: Second. We have got to put the money back in the pot! Mayor Ferre: That's it! And then they come and wait in line like everybody else is doing around here. Mr. Plummer: Motion understood to rescind Item Number 91. This is to rescind Item Number 91. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1462 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION 84- 1438 WHICH PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED $100,000 TO THE "MIAMI MICROCOMPUTER TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION, INC." (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Dawkins: Yes, put the money back in the pot to be redistributed. Mr. Plummer: Okay, where is the chalkboard? Mr. Castaneda: Right here. Mr. Plummer: We have now $289,000. Mr. Dawkins: We have $289,O00 now. Mr. Plummer: Do I hear going once? Mr. Mayor, do we want to start at the top of the list? If we get three votes, we are in, is that it? Mayor Ferre: That's it! sl 228 December 13, 1984 e tlt Mr. Plummer: I would like to propose ... Mayor Ferre: Hold oh, let me get my little list. Mr. Plummer: It is all the same here. Mayor Ferre: I know, but 1 want to get it out! I want to open it, because you guys move fast. This is like when I go to Joe's Stone Crabs, as soon as those stone crabs get there, I keep quiet. Everybody else keeps talking I just eat! Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I agree with you on the Haitians, and I will move that first. Mayor Ferre: All right. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: And I third it, that is three votes. Mr. Plummer: That is a remaining balance of $34,0000 is that correct? Mr. Surana: $34,902. Mayor Ferre: That is three votes, so put it up on the board. Mr. Plummer: Add it or deduct it. Mayor Ferre: It doesn't matter. Just put it there. All right, next. Mr. Plummer: Let me clarify one thing. You are saying that we have already done Centro Mater. What is the remaining balance for? Is that included in this, or excluded from that? Mayor Ferre: That is already out of there. Mr. Surana: It is out of there. Mayor Ferre: You have got Belafonte Tacolcy - Youth Vocational. Is that out of there? Mr. Surana: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: That is out. Mayor Ferre: And Centro Mater is out? Mr. Surana: That is correct. Mayor Ferre: ASPIRA? Mr. Plummer: I will move ASPIRA - that is for a total of $55,000. Mayor Ferre: One at a time. Does that have three votes? Mr. Plummer: Whatever these numbers are. Mayor Ferre: Wait a moment, let me run this now. That has Plummer's vote. Dawkins, does that have your vote? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Does that have your vote, Demetrio? That's four. Go ahead. sl December 13, 1984 229 Mr. Plummer: I trove industrial Home for the Blind, $18.000. i Mayor Ferre: Does that have Dawkins ...? Mr. Dawkins: Where is it located? Mr. Plummer: Little Havana Activity Center. Mr. Dawkins: I thought so. Yes, it has my vote. Mayor Ferre: All right, Demetrio? J. L.? Mr. Plummer: Yes. I move St. Albans Day Nursery. Mayor Ferre: How much is it? Mr. Plummer: $6,000 total. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins, does that have your support? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Demetrio? Mr. Plummer: Where are we now? I move Youth Coop. Mayor Ferre: Does that have your vote? Perez, Dawkins? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: St. Albans. Mayor Ferre: St. Albans we have already done. Mr. Dawkins: Already got St. Albans? Mayor Ferre: Let's stop for a moment, add them up. Mr. Dawkins: Did we have St. Albans? Mr. Plummer: We've got $137,000 left? Mayor Ferre: No, you already added $137,000. All right, I would like to move Tacolcy Economic Development Corporation. Mr. Plummer: No, you can't do that, Maurice. Mayor Ferre: Yes, I can. Mr. Plummer: Not with the present policy. Mayor Ferre: Yes, I can. Mr. Plummer: You have got to change the policy. Mayor Ferre: No, all you need to do is vote for it. Mr. Dawkins: You have to get the votes. Mayor Ferre: If I don't get three votes, then I don't have it. Mr. Plummer: How'mueh is that? Mayor Ferre: Tacolcy Economic Development Corporation - how much is that? 230 gl December 13, 1984 Mr. Surana: $711244. Mayor Ferre: $71,000? Mr. Surana: Yes. Mayor Ferre: The reason I think it needs to be done is because of the commitment that was made by Howard Gary. Mr. Plummer: All right, I will agree to that. Mayor Ferre: That is two votes. Do you agree? Dawkins? Mr. Plummer: What ib our problem now? Mayor Ferre: 000 Mr. Dawkins: pick one. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer: Mr. Dawkins: Mayor Ferre: Wait a moment. I've got one other, which is If we are going down to that, we all ought to That is right. Professio for $15,000. Yes. That is it. That makes three. Mr. Dawkins: You got four votes on that. Mr. Perez: I move Senior Center for $6,000. Mayor Ferre: How much was that? Mr. Plummer: There was no .... you can't ... Mayor Ferre: Yes, he can. All he needs is three votes. How much is that? Mr. Surana: $50.764 left. Mayor Ferre: We got $50,000 left? Mr. Plummer: That wasn't .. what he recommended is $709000. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, we got $509000 left? $25,000 for Garces and $25,000 for Carey. Mayor Ferre: That is fine. Mr. Dawkins: Everybody agree with that? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mayor Ferre: How much? Miller, I would like to recommend that with regards to Carey, Garces and that other thing on 91 - called the Miami Microcomputer Technological Evaluation Foundation, we fund the three of them for one -twelfth, which is one more month and that we bring it before the Commission for discussion and instruct the Manager to come back with specific recommendations. I want to point something out so that we understand. These are for profit corporations. Mr. Dawkins: They are? Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir! Oh yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Which three? g1 231 December 13, 1984 % it k] Mayor Ferre: Garces is for profit. What? Mr. Rosencrantzs Not Carey Tech. Carey is for profit. Mayor Ferre: Carey Tech is not for profit? Is Garces for profit? Mr. Dawkins: Okay, go ahead, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I think one of the basic qualifications is they have got to be a non-profit. Am I correct? I think that is part of the Federal regulations. Unidentified Speaker: It is. Mr.Castaneda: Under yes. Mayor Ferre: I think that we need to get these three entities, Garces, Carey and the other one - need to be, that is a special category, and I think, I would recommend that we fund them one more month, and that we bring them back, all three of them, and we will have to discuss it, and we may have to bite the ... Mr. Dawkins: Frank, what does it cost to fund - only one of them is operating now, is that right? Mr. Castaneda: Only one is operating at the present time. Mayor Ferre: Which one? Mr. Castaneda: Carey Tech. Mayor Ferre: Garces is operating, no? Mr. Castaneda: Not with our money. We have never funded them. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, one -twelfth is what for Carey? Mr. Plummer: We have funded Garces! Mr. Castaneda: Not with Revenue Sharing and not at the present time. Mr. Dawkins: What is one -twelfth for Carey? Mr. Castaneda: $17,500. Mr. Dawkins: A vote, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes? Mr. Dawkins: I'd like to go back and take the $50, 000 and take the $179500 out of the $50000 and let us go on with the other programs. Mayor Ferre: $17,500 for who? Mr. Dawkins: You know, the $25000 we put for Garces and the $25,000 for Carey, take it out, since we only need one - twelfth for Carey and subtract that one -twelfth from the $50000 and that would give us $37000 to go ahead and put out. What do you think? Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, what I don't understand - I don't want these people to lose time here and I don't want to lose more time. If the City Manager said that we have left over $800,000 due to the freeze, due to what we have saved with gl December 13, 1984 the freeze, I don't know any reason why we have to discuss these funds with these people if we have $8009000. Mayor Ferre: Because they are General Revenue Funds and it comes from ... Mr. Perez: Okay, I move a motion to assign ... Mayor Ferre: ... taxpayers dollars! The other money comes from Washington! Mr. Perez: That is right, but I think the taxpayers have a commitment with these people under social service and I move that motion to assign the $8009000 to join with the Federal Revenue Sharing and to fund all of these projects. And that is the motion. Do we have a second? Mayor Ferre: All right! That is very nice, but I want to tell you, the taxpayers aren't going to applaud very much on that! That is fine, I will accept that as a motion. Is there a second? Is there a second? Is there a second to the motion as presented? One last time - is there a second to the motion that we transfer $8009000 from the General Revenue Fund to this special category and supplement what the Federal Government is taking away from us, with local taxpayer's dollars. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I couldn't second that for the simple reason that this only compounds my problem. Mayor Ferre: That's right. Mr. Dawkins: If I take $800,000 from the General Fund this year, I am going to have to take it from the General Fund next year, or bite the bullet. Mr. Plummer: No, next year you are going to have to take $190009000. Mr. Dawkins: So I may as well bite the bullet now as to bite the bullet next year, so for that reason I cannot second it. Mayor Ferre: You are right about that. There is no second, so we are back to the main issue. Mr. Plummer: Am I to understand that the remaining $33,000, is that what the balance is - is to be held until the next Commission meeting to be divided up or to be considered for those three items? What is the remaining balance for? Mr. Dawkins% Give it out here. Give it to these people who are here as far as I am concerned. Mr. Perez: I propose to continue for the next Commission meeting. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. Caroline has a valid point. I would like to add one -twelfth for the Christian Community Service Agency. Mr. Dawkins: What is one -twelfth for them. Frank? Mayor Ferre: $29000. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, so that leaves $31,000. Mayor Ferre: These are people that are serving all ethnic groups and they are providing essential services. gl December 130 1984 233 Mr. Plummer: What is the name? Have we funded them before? Mayor Ferre: It is called the Christian Community Service Agency. Is that correct? Unidentified Speaker: That is correct. The Christian Community Service Agency is the only ecumenical Protestant service providing ... Mr. Perez: According to - Catholic Services. Mayor Ferre: No, this is a Christian Community Service ... Mr. Plummer: Have we funded you before? Unidentified Speaker: Not through Federal Revenue Sharing. Mayor Ferre: Have we ever funded you at all? Are you getting any funding at all? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mr. Dawkins: How are we going to get one -twelfth, then? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mr. Castaneda: Mr. Mayor, Page 7. Mayor Ferre: Are we funding these people now? Yes, or no? Mr. Castaneda: No. Mayor Ferre: Thank you. Mr. Plummer: All right, there is a motion in order to accept the chalkboard as is with the remaining balance to be discussed at a future meeting. Is that the motion? Mayor Ferre: I think we need to fund some of these agencies on a one -twelfth basis with that money so that gives us an additional month and I am talking specifically about - your program is what? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mayor Ferre: And we are funding them how? Unidentified Speaker: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right now, how much is one -twelfth for Overtown Daycare Center. Mr. Plummer $4,900. Mayor Ferre: How much is P.R.O.C. for one -twelfth? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, that was the understanding that that additional is it. Mayor Ferre: Well, we would like to give you money too, but we don't have it. Mr. Plummer: In other words, we are giving you money to wind down City money. I will vote for that, but this is just not fair. Mayor Ferre: How much is one -twelfth for you? gl 234 December 18, 1984 Mr. Suranat $49907. Mayor Ferret How much is one -twelfth for PROC? PROC Puerto Rican Opportunity Center. Mr. Surana: $13033• Mayor Ferre: $139000? Mr. Surana: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Well, okay, I think we have to do it on Plummer's premise, because that is the only thing - I mean obviously, we just can't cut them off over night, so, this may be it, unless somebody else comes up with some additional ... INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mayor Ferre: You do not have my vote to get into the taxpayer's pockets for this, I am sorry. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I think this is a very controversial issue and we don't have a full Commission now. Anyhow, I think that Commissioner Carollo deserves the opportunity to be part of this discussion and I propose to move for the next Commission meeting. Mayor Ferre: I accept that. In other words, we are going to fund this, I assume, and then what we are going to do is come back with the other issue at the next Commission meeting, all right? Mr. Perez: I propose to discuss the whole issue at the next Commission meeting. Anyhow, we don't have a member of this Commission and we don't have the full Commission. I think that he deserves the opportunity ... Mayor Ferre: I understand, Commissioner Perez, but I will tell you, we have gone through the pain of this thing and frankly, I think we need to get this behind us and those that have not been funded we need to discuss the funding of what is left. I am willing to go along with a continued funding of PROC and the Overtown Daycare Center for one more month and we will discuss it again, and those that have not been funded, we will discuss them again. Mr. Perez: Assignment, but not assign all the funds. Mayor Ferre: We already have a motion of all those accepted. Now, for you to undo that, you have got to make the motion to undue all of that. Mr. Perez: All right, I move that motion. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion that we go back to ground zero. I am telling you, with all due respects, I think we have got to bite the bullet, that is my position, and then, for those that have not been funded, we will have to struggle with it at the next Commission meeting. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, my question was ..e excuse me, you made a motion. The motion is to go back to ground zero, start all over. Mr. Dawkins: From 289-tonight? Mr. Perez: For the next Commission meeting. gl 23r% December 13, 1984 Mayor Ferre: He wants to put this whole thing off for another meeting and then fund everybody one -twelfth. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Is this going to be worse? Mayor Ferre: It will be one -twelfth worse. Is there a second? Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, that failed. I would ask, what is the intent? There is $15,000 still left over. What is the intent for that $15,000? Mayor Ferre: The intent is - I think you have got to fund PROC and these people for at least one more month. I am sorry, is there anybody else we have not funded for one month that is presently being funded so that they could phase out. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mayor Ferre: Who? Unidentified Speaker: Sports Development II. Mr. Plummer: That is $19580. Mayor Ferre: All right. Include that in there. What else? Mr. Perez: One -twelfth Latin American Chamber of Commerce ... (INAUDIBLE) Mr. Plummer: Which Tacolcy is in there? Is that Tacolcy Economic Development? That is in there for full funding. Mr. Mayor ... Mayor Ferre: I think there is a valid point. She is saying we should take it away from Professio, is that what you are saying? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS (OFF MICROPHONE) Mayor Ferre: I think that is right. Take Professio out. You are right, take Professio out. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mayor Ferre: They have a valid point. They are saying, you know, if they don't get it, than you shouldn't get it, because you are a new category, and that is right, so you are out - sorry! Anybody here want to make a motion for Garces? All right, is there a motion for Garces? I hear no motion. Mr. Perez: I make a motion for Garces, yes. Mr. Plummer: How much is Garces? Mayor Ferre: $2000000. Mr. Surana: No, $112,000. Mayor Ferre: $112,000. Mr. Plummer: Where is the money coming from? Mayor Ferre: I don't know. Mr. Dawkins: I second it. gl 236 December 13, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Did you second where the honey is coming from? Mr. Dawkins: No, I second the motion. Mr. Plummer: Who made the motion? Unidentified Speaker: Mr. Perez. Mayor Ferre: I am not going to vote for it. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, we have a previous motion on these other $289,000, J. L., which we need to vote on first, and then we can vote on Garces or anything else anybody else wants. Mr. Plummer: Fine. Mayor Ferre: As I understand it, we now have a motion - who made the motion for this general thing? Mr. Plummer: I make the motion that we approve the chalkboard as individually accepted by each Commissioner. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a second for that? Mr. Plummer: That we accept the chalkboard. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Perez: When you say accepted, what do you mean ... Mr. Plummer: That we vote on each individual item, okay? Mr. Perez: Are you giving three days in order that each member of this Commission has to opportunity to decide the order of approval. Mayor Ferre: Fine. That is acceptable. Mr. Plummer: In other words, we have done nothing! Mayor Ferre: Oh no, that is fair. We have done this before. He wants three days and if he disapproves of any of these things, he can write to the Manager and they are disaproved until the next meeting. Mr. Plummer: It is the same thing as deferring. He told you that! Mayor Ferre: No, but he is not going to ... that is fair! INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS Mayor Ferre: Yes, you all would have a chance. All right, further discussion? Mr. Dawkins: What is the motion, now? Mayor Ferree. The motion is that we are approving the chalkboard, but each member of the Commission has three days to veto any of those budgets. Mr. Dawkins: Okay now - any member, just one vote can veto the whole thing? Mayor Ferre: No, it brings it back to Commission. 81 237 December 13, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Yes, that is what I am asking for. Mayor Ferret, J. L., I want to see who is going to ... Mr. Perez: The same way we approved the other day - we grant ... Mayor Ferre: That is fair. Look, nobody ... Mr. Dawkins: Call the roll! Mayor Ferre: Call the roll on that issue. MOTION DEFEATED. Foregoing motion which included veto rights was defeated by the following vote: AYES: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: Well, we have got to vote for something! Mr. Ralph Ongie: Motion fails. Mr. Dawkins: I move we adjourn. Mayor Ferre: We can't do that, Miller. We have all these programs ... INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute! I move that the chalkboard be approved, period! Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. Mr. Dawkins: It has been properly moved and seconded. Any further discussion? The motion is that we approve the chalkboard. Any further discussion? Call the roll, Mr. Clerk, please. The following resolution was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1463 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING A TOTAL OF $261, 281 AS FOLLOWS: $1619281 OF FY' 84- 85 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS APPROPRIATED BY PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE NO. 9901 AND $100,000 OF TENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 9834 AND ORDINANCE NO. 98TO TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES LISTED HEREIN FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY i, 1985 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1985, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND EXISTING AGREEMENTS WITH THE AFOREMENTIONED AGENCIES, SUBJECT TO THE CITY ATTORNEY'S APPROVAL AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) gl 238 December 13, 1904 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- _ AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: Now wait a moment. With regards to what has not been funded, those programs, is there any ongoing program that is getting one -twelfth funding that was not covered by this? Mr. Castaneda: Inter -American Senior Centers. Mr. Plummer: They are not? Mayor Ferre: Garces is not funded now. Mr. Plummer: They are not. They are new program of Federal Revenue Sharing! Now, what I was going to do ... Mayor Ferre: Have them all come up then with Garces, Carey, and Mrs. Range's program at the next Commission meeting. Mr. Plummer: Realizing the only amount of money we have got left is $15, 000. -------- ------------------------ ------------------------ --- 138. RESOLUTION OPPOSING METRO CONTROL OF SHORELINE PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. Mayor Ferre: Miller, we have here a motion, one of you move it. Dade County's proposed shoreline development review ordinance was approved by the Biscayne Bay Management Committee. It has been forwarded to the full County Commission for first reading January 3rd. Is there a motion for a resolution opposing this action and supporting the Dade League of Cities. The County should be urged to adopt a minimum standards ordinance only to retain oversight authority and observe its traditional roll of not being involved in municipal land use regulations. Mr. Dawkins: So moved. Mayor Ferre: Plummer seconds. Mr. Plummer: Yes. gl 239 December 13, 1964 Mayor Ferre: Is there discussion. Call the roll on that. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-1464 A RESOLUTION STRONGLY OPPOSING DADE COUNTY'S PROPOSED "SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ORDINANCE" AND URGING THE DADE y LEAGUE OF CITIES TO BECOME INVOLVED IN SUCH OPPOSITION; FURTHER URGING THAT THE _- BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF DADE COUNTY CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING ONLY MINIMUM STANDARDS IN THIS AREA OF REGULATION WHILE RETAINING OVERSIGHT AUTHORITY AND MAINTAINING DADE COUNTY'S TRADITIONAL ROLE OF NONINVOLVEMENT IN MUNICIPAL BOND USE REGULATIONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. �A Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 139. DISCUSSION ITEM: UNSECURED LOAN PROBLEM WITH MIAMI CAPITAL 5-DAY RULE INVOKED. Mayor Ferre: Anything else? Randy you had something? Insurance Exchange of America. What is it you need to do on that? Mr. Rosencrantz: Let me explain this to you as briefly as I possibly can. If you recall, about two years ago the City Commission made available to the Insurance Exchange of America, $500,000. That loan was made through Miami Capital. the Insurance Exchange of America has come back to Miami Capital and asked for an additional $300,000 loan. Mayor Ferre: On the premise that they are going to guarantee the whole thing, which we don't have now. Mr. Rosencrantz: On the premise that they will guarantee the whole ... Mr. Dawkins: Hold, it wait a minute. If I can't get $500,000 out of them, how am I going to get $800,000? Mr. Rosencrantz: They have made their payment on the fire loan ap they were supposed to have made it. They have provided us with an audit report. They have provided us with a work plan for the use of the $300,000. 91 240 December 13, 1984 WE Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, the main point is that we have an unsecured loan that may be in trouble. Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes. Mayor Ferre: What we are talking about is securing the loan by granting the $3000009 we get a full security. Mr. Rosencrantz: No, the $300000 will not come ... Mayor Ferre: Personal guarantees of all of the 24 different corporations, individually, so it is bonded, and with a guarantee bond. Mr. Plummer: Hey, you just changed my mind! Mayor Ferre: Because it is the one way we are going to get repaid. Ms. Gallogly: Absolutely, that is the way to do it. Mr. Rosencrantz: The request specifically was ... Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: I will so move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: It is the only way we are going to get our money back. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: (INAUDIBLE, OFF MICROPHONE) Mayor Ferre: I will second it for the purposes of putting to a vote. Mr. Plummer: Motion understood. Any further discussion? Mayor Ferre: You can't - you made the motion! I seconded it, so ... in other words, this is the only way we are going to guarantee - this is Miami Capital. Mr. Rosencrantz: Yes, the $3009000 will not come out of the City coffers. It will come out of the revolving fund that Miami Capital has. Mr. Dawkins: The only problem I have with that is, (and Ms. Gallogly, you need to hear this) the only problem I have with this is, nobody is doing this for Creole Chicken! You see, you all are not trying to do a damn thing to say Creole Chicken, but now, all of a sudden you want to come back here now and save this company, no, I am not letting ... Mr. Perez: Anyhow, Mr. Mayor, I would like to invoke the five day rule. g _= Mayor Ferre: Fine, okay. Mr. Plummer: On this? Mayor Ferre: Yes, he has that right. We will take it up at the next Commission, or future Commission meeting. =— Mayor Ferre: All right now, those of you who were not =_- funded, does not mean that we are not going to fund you. It does mean you didn't get funded tonight. Is there anything else to come up before this Commission? gl 241 December 13, 1984 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Commission, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M. MAURICE A. FERRE Mayor ATTEST: RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk MATTX HIRAI Assistant City Clerk gl 242 December 13, 1984 L< 4y�ppfr R'fiY,.x L 1 f mi I OCUMENT MEETING DATE: {� loop s, 0044 �} 1• !i DECEMBER 13, 1984 CQ.FL�INDE (1 OF 3 ) DOCUMEW IDENTIFICATION COWISSION RETRIEVAL ACTION AND CODE NO. ALLOCATE $4,000 IN SUPPORT OF THE MIAMI CITY 84-1350 BREAKERS. TO COVER TRANSPORTATION/LODGING TO BREAK DANCE CONTEST (SAN JUAN PUERTO RICO DECEMBER 23, 1984, THROUGH JANUARY 10, 1985. DESIGNATE/APPROVE EDWARD T. HENRY, AS A REPRE— 84-1354 SENTATIVE OF CITY OF MIAMI ON DADE COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD. ALLOCATE $4,500 FOR RECEPTION/LUNCHEON ATTENDING 84-1355 DEDICATION OF SIMON BOLIVAR STATUE IN BAYFRONT PARK (DECEMBER 17, 1984). ACCEPT CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATION/DECLARATION 84-1358 OF RESULTS OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 1984, IN WHICH THE EXPANSION OF OFF STREET PARKING BOARD WAS DISAPPROVED. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: CARMEN THIJN. ($35,000). 84-1360 ELECT/APPOINT COMMISSIONER JOE CAROLLO AS 84-1363 VICE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: DOUGLAS DAVIS AND LEWIS 84-1369 F. COHEN. ($15,000) AUTHORIZE EMPLOYMENT OF FOWLER, WHITE, BURNETT, 84-1370 HURLEY, BANICK & STRICKROOT, P. A., AS CONSUL— TANT IN THE CASE OF SORELLY PERSONAL REPRESENTATION STATE OF FABIO DE JESUS GUZMAN VS. PEDRO GONZALEZ, EDUARDO ROQUE, AND KENNETH I. HARMS. AUTHORIZE EMPLOYMENT OF FINE, JACOBSON, BLOCK, 84-1371 ENGLAND, KLEIN, COLAN & SIMON, P. A. AS CONSUL— TANT IN THE CASE OF MICHAEL JOHNSON V. CITY OF MIAMI, ETC. ACCEPT BID: ADAPTO STEEL PRODUCTS (100 DOUBLE 84-1372 TIER LOCKERS) FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT. ($8,500). ACCEPT BID: LITTON OFFICE PRODUCTS CORP. (L.O.— 84-1374 P.C./JOYCE) TO FURNISH MODULAR FREE STANDING OFFICE AND S.E. OVERTOWN PARK WEST OFFICE FOR CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE. ($58,693). ACCEPT BID WEATHERTROL MAINTENANCE CORP. 84-1375 (ONE AIR CONDITION) FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING/VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. ($26,933). r DOCUMENTINDEX DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION ACCEPT BIDS: SAVIN FLORIDA, INC. ($66,460), CO- PY PRODUCTS OF AMERICA ($46,560), AND XEROX COR- PORATION ($97,330) (COPIER/ACCESORY EQUIPMENT) FOR DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTE- NANCE PRINT SHOP. ACCEPT BID: M. VILA & ASSOC., INC. ($1,344,348.32 BIDS "A" & "C" OF THE PROPOSAL) FOR EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I. ACCEPT BID: F & L CONSTRUCTION, INC. ($466,325.) BASE BID PLUS ADDITIVE 1 OF THE PROPOSAL, CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY. ALLOCATE FY'84-85 FEDJERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS ($27,207) TO THE BELAFONTE TACOLCY CENTER, INC. YOUTH VOCATIONAL PROJECT IN THE MODEL CITY TARGET AREA, AND ($15,003) TO CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES, INC.-CENTRO MATER IN LITTLE HAVANA TARGET AREA (JANUARY 1, 1985 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1985. STABLISH ORANGE BOWL STADIUM RENOVATION COMMIT- TEE TO CONFER WITH MANAGER AND THE ORANGE BOWL COMMITTEE PROPOSED REGARDING PROPOSED FINANCING FOR THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM THROUGH USE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS. ALLOCATE $30,000 IN SUPPORT OF THE "INTER- AMERICAN SUGARCANE SEMINAR ON WEED CONTROL RIPENERS" (SEPTEMBER 12 - 14, 1984. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT . APPOINT CITY MANAGER RANDOLPH B. ROSENCRANTZ AS A MEMBER OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, REPLACING FORMER CITY MANAGER HOWARD V. GARY. ALLOCATE $25,000 IN SUPPORT OF 1985 OTI-USA SONG FESTIVAL (OCTOBER 6, 1984;ETC. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: PEDRO LOPEZ. (41, 433.37). APPROVE REPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE WALL (HANDI- CAPPED RAMP AT COCONUT GROVE SAILING CLUB) WITH METAL GUARD RALLING. AUTHORIZE WAIVER OF $2,650 TO COVER PORTION OF COST OF REMOVING CONCRETE WALL, ETC. REAPPOINT DAVID WEAVER TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD. (TERM EXPIRING ON DECEMBER 2, 1989.). 84-1376 84-1377 84-1378 84-1379 84-1380 84-1381 84-1386 84-1387 84-1388 84-1389 84-1390 hy\ N t 2 4#+tt h t� ''CC19::Y DOCUMENT1'N D X CONTINUED DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AMEND MIAMI CENTER II DUPONT PLAZA PROJECT DE- 84-1393 VELOPMENT ORDER (RESOLUTION #81-840, AND 82- 71, AMENDED). AMEND CONDITION 26 TO EXTEND TIME WITHIN WHICH SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS TO BEGIN. (TWO YEARS & THREE HUNDRED FOURTY EIGHT DAYS.) ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK OF RIC-MAN CONSTRUCTION 84-1395 INC. ($600,855,97) FOR KINLOCH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT. AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $68,567.31. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK OF LANZO CONSTRUCTION COM 84-1396 PANY ($703,678.14) KINLOCH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT, AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $68,567.31. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH 84-1397 THE LOWEST ACCEPTABLE BIDDER FOR BAYSIDE- BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM ASBESTOS REMOVAL ($200,000). IT&V tY� M#AMI nr_nMrfJT �rCO�o ON�tt �} MEETING DATE: INDEXDECEMBER 13, 1984 DOCL MENIT IDENTIFICATION ALLOCATE $15,000 IN SUPPORT OF THE ANNUAL CAM- PAIGN OF THE NEGRO COLLEGE FUND, INC. ALLOCATE $75,000 IN SUPPORT OF THE BAY OF PIGS VETERANS ASSOCIATION IN CONNECTION WITH PROPO- SED CONSTRUCTION OF ASSOCIATION'S BUILDING. ALLOCATE $950. IN SUPPORT OF THE NATIONAL COUN- CIL OF NEGRO WOMEN TO ESTABLISH A YOUTH SOCIAL SERVICE PROGRAM IN THE CITY, ETC. APPROVE THE BAYSHORE DRIVE DEVELOPMENT STUDY. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT TO LEASE APPROXIMATELY 15,960 SQUARE FEET OF BAY BOTTOM LAND FOR OPERA- TION/MAINTENANCE OF DOCKING FACILITY FOR FERRY SERVICE TO AND FROM FISHER ISLAND. DESIGNATE CHAIRPERSON FOR CITY'S FIRST -SOURCE AGREEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. APPOINT A MEMBER OF SAID COMMITTEE. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: MINELIA HUGARTE ($16,000). RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FOR $19,000 TO CONDUCT A CHILD CARE PROGRAM. AUTHOR- IZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. APPROVE EXCLUSIVE USE OF CITY OWNED PARCEL OF LAND KNOWN AS THE F.E.C. PROPERTY (WITH EXCEPTIONS AS A LOCATION FOR THE PROPOSED FLO- RIDA MARITIME CENTER. ACCEPT BIDS OF SIXTEEN SUPPLIERS FOR FURNISHING SPECIFIED AND BALANCE OF LINE OFFICE SUPPLIES, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YEAR, TO OFFICE OF PURCHASING/CENTRAL STORE AT A COST OF'.$270,000 APPOINT AN INDIVIDUAL -TO THE CITY'S CODE ENFORCE- MENT BOARD TO SERVE A TERM EXPIRING FEBRUARY 11, 1985 (APPOINTEE MARISA PARES). APPOINT AN INDIVIDUAL TO THE CITY'S CODE ENFORCE- MENT BOARD TO SERVE A TERM EXPIRING FEBRUARY 11,1985 (APPOINTEE RICHARD DIAZ). APPOINT A MEMBER OF THE CITY PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD TO SERVE A FULL TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 1987 (APPOINTEE PEDRO ALICIO LOPEZ). APPOINT A MEMBER OF THE CITY ZONING BOARD TO SERVE A FULL TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 1987 (APPOINTEE WILFREDO GORT). COMMISSION ACTTON AND 84-1404 84-1405 84-1406 84-1408 84-1409 84-1410 84-1411 84-1412 84-1414 84-1415 84-1416 84-1416.2 84-1417 84-1418.2A E DOCUMENTI NDEx �O-NTINUED DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION APPOINT A MEMBER OF THE CITY ZONING BOARD TO SERVE A FULL TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 1987 (APPOINTEE LORENZO LUACES). RESCIND IN ITS ENTIRETY RESOLUTION NO. 84- 1390, ADOPTED THIS DATE, WHICH HAD APPOINTED DAVID WEAVER AS A MEMBER OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD. AUTHORIZE WAIVE COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS/PURCHASE LABOR/MATERIAL FOR UPS SYSTEMS REPAIRS FROM MANOLO GARCIA ELECTRIC MOTOR, INC. ($23,443), AND POWER SYSTEMS AND CONTROL, INC. ($7,897). ALLOCATE $9,000 FOR THE PURCHASE OF 327 TICKETS TO THE JACKSONS VICTORY TOUR CONCERTS HELD NOVEMBER 2 AND 3, 1984 AT THE ORANGE BOWL STA- DIUM. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000 FOR ADVERTISEMENT PUBLISHED IN 1987 "MIAMI EN SUS MANOS" SPANISH DIRECTORY. AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF $200,000 TO MICHAEL JOHNSON IN SETTLEMENT LAW SUIT. AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF WASTE COLLECTION LICENSES TO D/B/A SMITH TRUCKING AND INDEPENDENT SANITA- TTON SERVICE IN. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: LOUIS ELLIS ($6,000.00) SELECT CERTIFIED ACCOUNTING FIRM, AND APPOINT TWO MEMBERS TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS FOR UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, (UPD), THE ADAPTIVE REUSE OF HISTORIC FIRE STATION. AUTHORIZE A RIGHT OF WAY CONDITION SURVEY AND A PLANNED ANNUAL CITY STREET MAINTENANCE WORK PROGRAM AND BUDGET/DESIGNATE SAME AS A CATEGORY B PROJECT. APPOINTMENTS. AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE, OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE BY CITY COMMISSION OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY FRE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. OF GRAND AVENUE SIDEWALK/GRAND AVENUE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DIS- TRICT H-4483 PUBLISHED/ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1984. AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT COMPANY CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER OVERTOWN PHASE I (BID D) ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1984, ETC. 84-1418.2B 84-1420 84-1421 84-1422 84-1423 84-1424 84-1425 LipAr:7 84-1427 84-1428 84-1429 84-1430 MA --No,— - DOCUMENT•INDEx %#ONTINUED DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF' PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE BY CITY COMMISSION OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY LANZO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF' LYNWOOD SANI- TARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT (BIDS "A" THROUGH "D") PUBLISHED/ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1984. AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE COMPLE- TED CONSTRUCTION BY JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT COMPANY OF LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT (BIDS "E" & "F"). ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1984. AUTHORIZE REDUCTION IN RETAINAGE (10;. TO 1'l) IN CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI AND FRANK J. MORAN, INC FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ORANGE BOWL. AUTHORIZE $1,590 TO MAURICE GRAY AND ASSOCIATES FOR ANALYSIS OF FAULTY CONCRETE WORK DONE BY AAIEM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., ON MOORE PARK PROJECT. ORDER N. W. 14 STREET HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT (H-4500) DESIGNATE PROPERTY AGAINST WHICH SPE- CIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE FOR A PORTION OF THE COST THEREOF AS N. W. 14 STREET HID, H-4 500. AUTHORIZE NINE DEES OF DEDICATION FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES. APPROVE RECORDING OF SAID DEEDS IN PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY. _ TRANSFER RIGHT-OF-WAY OF WEST FLAGLER STREET (27TH AVENUE) WITHIN CITY OF MIAMI TO JURISDIC- TION OF STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM. AUTHORIZE/DIRECT CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK/CITY ATTORNEY TO EXE- CUTE THE PLAT. ALLOCATE $100,000 TO MIAMI MICROCOMPUTER TECH- NOLOGICAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION, INC. PROVIDING TRAINING/INSTRUCTION TO YOUTH RESIDING IN CITY OF MIAMI TARGET AREAS. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE DAN AGREEMENT TO SAID AGENCY. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: PASCUALA GUILLERMINA FRAGELA ($9,000). AUTHORIZE $20,000 TO FUND THE ACQUISITION OF A MARKET ANALYSIS OF WINWOOD COMMERCIAL AREA IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY VIABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS TO IMPLEMENT IN SAID COMMERCIAL AREA. 84-1431 84-1432 84-1433 84-1434 84-1435 84-1436 84-1437 84-1438 84-1439 84-1440 EIYAL 1 a n rl DOCUMENT•INDEX %OONTINUED DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION ALLOCATE $3,145.83 TO MARTIN LUTHER KING ECONO- MIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FROM JANUARY 1, 1985 THROUGH JANUARY 31, 1985 TO CONTINUE IMPLEMENTING A NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOP- MENT CORPORATION PROGRAM. AUTHORIZE CITY MANA- GER/CITY ATTORNEY TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT iRIITII THE AFOREMENTIONED AGENCY. AUTHORIZE TO STAB:�ISH SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DIS- TRICT TO PROVIDE MARKETING/SECURITY/MAINTENAN- CE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES FROM MIAMI DESIGN PLAZA MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION TO LEVY A SPE- CIAL ASSESSMENT TAX NOT TO EXCEED $.25 PER SQUARE FOOT IN SAID DISTRICT. AUTHORIZE THE STATE TRANSFER STATE REVENUE SHARING FUNDS. AUTHORIZE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE TO DESIGNATE A HANK TO RECEIVE THE REVENUE SHARING STATE WARRANT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY AUTHORIZE THE STATE TO TRANSFER LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUNDS. AUTHORIZE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE TO DESIGNATE A BANK TO RECEIVE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FUND WARRANT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, ETC. AUTHORIZE THE STATE TO MENT HALF -CENT SALER FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF A BANK TO RECEIVE THE CENT SALES TAX WARRANT ETC. TRANSFER LOCAL GOVERN - TAX FUNDS. AUTHORIZE REVENUE TO DESIGNATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HALF - ON BEHAI.,F OF THE CITY REQUEST FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM STATE OF FLORIDA FOR THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AT 3471 MAIN HIGHWAY MIAMI, ADJACENT TO THE BARNACLE SATATE PARK. ACCEPT THE PLAT FOUR DESIGNS SUBDIVISION, AND THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT, AUTHOR- IZE CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT, ETC. EXTEND TERMINATION OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BAYSHORE PROPERTY FOR THE BOATSHED (KELLY PROPERTY FOR THREE ADDITIONAL YEARS, TO MAY 31,2010, AUTHORIZE NEGOTIATION/EXECUTION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH E. H. FRIEND & COMPANY FOR ACTUARIAL ASSISTANCE IN PENSION MATTERS (50,000). 84-144 84- 1444 84-1445 84-1446 84-1447 lQis[F:3 84-1449 84-1450 84-1452 .VA L 0. M DOCUMENT,vINDEX %OONTINUED DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION _1_ ACTLQN Arta AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 84-1453 WITH TILLINGHAST, NELSON S, WARREN, INC. AND I ALEXANDER, FOR ACTUARIAL EXPERIENCE SERVICES BY THE MIAMI CITY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, ( ETC. J AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH 84-1454 THE LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF SAID AUTHORITY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LATIN QUARTER IN THE CITY OF MIIMI, ETC. AMEND INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT 84-1455 WITH DADE COUNTY FOR THE OVERTOWN URBAN INI- TIATIVES PROJECT AREA AS AMENDED. AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A THREE PARTY AGREE- 84-1456 MENT BETWEEN STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DADE COUNTY, AND THE CITY OF MIAMI, WHICH DESIGNATE PORTIONS OF FLAGLER, S.E./S.W. 1ST STREET FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERA- TION BY THE CITY. AUTHORIZE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE 84-1457 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE FOR THE USE TO THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM FOR ALL N.F.L. POST SEASON FOOTBALL GAMES (1984, 1985, 1986, 1987). AMEND CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH SIX NEIGH- 84-1458 BORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS. ESTEND THE DATE BY FUNDS TO BE COMPLETED AS PER CONTRACT WITH CITY OF MIAMI FOR TENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM UNTIL APRIL 30, 1985. EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH TACOLCY ECONOMIC DEVELOP- 84-1459 MENT CORPORATION FOR IMPLEMENTING A $30.000 COMMERCIAL FACADE REHABILITATION PAINT PROGRAM. RESCIND RESOLUTION NO. 84-1438 WHICH HAD PRE- 84-1462 VIOUSLY ALLOCATED $100,000 TO "MIAMI MICROCOM- PUTER TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION, INC". ALLOCATE $261,281 TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES FROM JANUARY 1, 1985 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1985. CEY-AL _ND,_