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I M� c " J-84-1112 Npl 7,ey , RESOLUTION NO. IS —jLij, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF SIXTEEN (16) SUPPLIERS, AS IDENTIFIED ON THE ATTACHED TABULATION OF BIDS, FOR FURNISHING SPECIFIED AND BALANCE OF LINE OFFICE SUPPLIES, AS NEEDED, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR TO THE OFFICE OF PURCHASING - CENTRAL STORES AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $270,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1984-85 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND - CENTRAL STORES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received September 21, 1984 for the furnishing of Specified Items and Balance of Line Office Supplies, as needed, on a Contract Basis for One (1) Year to the Office of Purchasing - Central Stores; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to 60 potential suppliers and 20 bids were received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available in the 1984-85 Internal Service Fund -Central Stores; and WHEREAS, these materials will be used by the Office of Purchasing -Central Stores for the purpose of maintaining an inventory of office supplies for distribution to all City departments on an as needed basis; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that the bid received from the below listed firms, and as identified on the attached tabulation of bids, be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bids; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The September 21, 1984 bids of the following several suppliers as identified by the attached tabulation of bids, for furnishing specific and balance of line Office Supplies, as needed, on a Contract Basis for One (1) Year, to the Office of Purchasing, Central Stores at a total proposed cm coMMlssION MEETING OF r� DEC ft-*14 ,16 RESOLUTION N0. I I cost of $270,000.00 are hereby accepted with funds therefor hereby allocated from the 1984-85 Internal Service Fund -Central Stores: BIDDER SPECIFIED ITEMS BALANCE OF LINE Award Amount Award A & C Stationers, Inc. $23.00 No Award* Alperstein Brothers $673.00 Award* Alpha Bus. Services No award Award* Arnold Corporation 2,695.00 Award* Barnett's Office Supply 51,264.00 Award* Classic Stationers,Inc. 101.00 Award* Commercial Office Prod. 95,465.00 Award* Decora Office Furniture 27,424.00 Award* I.B.M. Corp. 5,278.00 No Award Kemron Office Supplies 8,892.00 Award* Long's Office Supply 2,549.00 No Award Nashua Corp./Visual Communications 8,763.00 No Award Nashua Corp/XIPS Corp. 2,740.00 No Award Sutex Paper Cellulose 3,670.00 Award* Type'n Copy Supplies 9,727.00 No Award Xerographic Information Processing Supplies (XIPS) Corp. 1,800.00 No Award Subtotals $221,064.00 $48,936.00 GRAND TOTAL AWARD $270,000.00 * Actual $ amount awarded to each will be a portion of the total amount allocated, depending on low bid at time of need. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Purchasing Officer to issue Purchase Orders for these materials, subject to the availability of funds. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of DECEMBER , 1984. 84-1415 AMME-qT: CeL_PlH_i4G- �ONGIE, CITYCLER;�� PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED "W�fcx g-L. CITY ATTO CTNESS: MAURICE A. FERRE MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR S4-1415 e -70 TO F CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM' • J Mr. Howard V. Gary DATE: October 29, 1984 R''LE° City Manager SUBJECT: Recommendation for Resolutioi and Award of Bid No. 83-84-9', Office Supply Contract FROM- REFERENCES: A.L. Mullins Purchasing Officer ENCLOSURES,Award of Bid, Resolution and Tabulation f It is recommended that an award be made and a resolution be passed acceotin4 the lowest responsible and responsive bids as received from sixteen 16 Suppliers as per the attached tabulation for furnishing Office Supplies on a Contract Basis for One 1 Year, at a total proposed cost of 7270,000.00. Pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received September 21, 1984, for furnishing approximately 210 specified Items and Balance of Line Office Supplies on a Contract Basis for One (1) Year to the Office of Purchasing - Central Stores. Invitations were mailed to 60 potential suppliers and 20 bids were received as per the attached tabulation. Eight (8) "No Bids" were also received. The Purchasing Office - Central Stores maintains an inventory of Office Supplies and forms which are issued to various City departments. Volume purchasing of these supplies and the operation of this system produces a substantial savings in purchasing costs and man-hours. In accordance with the Minority Vendor Procurement Program, bids were solicited from 12 Black Business and from 16 Hispanic Businesses. Responses included of seven (7) bids from Minority firms (including one in joint venture with a non -minority manufacturer), and award is recommended to six of those firms. For specified items, we recommend award of the single largest dollar amount of the contract ($95,465.00) to a Hispanic firm, Commercial Office Products, with a total dollar award to five (5) Minority firms in tFie amount of $100,129.00, which represents approximately 45% of these items (37% of the total contract). 84-1415 Mr, Howard V. Gary October 29, 1984 Page 2 Products not specifically listed in the bid will be purchased from the low bidder at the time of need, based on prevailing price and the Balance of Line Discount offered to the City under this bid. It is recommended that the bid discounts be accepted from the nine (9) bidders indicated, including six (6) minority firms. Funds for this purchase are available in the 1984-85 Internal Service Fund - Central Stores. 84-'1415 AWARD OF BID Bid No. 83-84-99 ITEM: Office Supplies DEPARTMENT: Purchasing - Central Stores TYPE OF PURCHASE: Contract for One (1) Year REASON: To provide office supplies to all City departments. POTENTIAL BIDDERS: 60 BIDS RECEIVED: 20 TABULATION: Attached FUNDS: 1984-85 Internal Service Fund - Central Stores MINORITY PARTICIPATION: Invitations were sent to twelve (12) Black and fourtegn (14) Hispanic businesses engaged in sales of Office Supplies as located in the following sources: 1. Metropolitan Dade County Minority Vendor Directory. 2. Bidder applications on file in Purchasing 3. Previous formal bids for similar equipment. Minority Responses consisted of five (5) bids from Hispanic Businesses, two (2) bids from Black Businesses and three (3) "no bids" from Hispanic Businesses. BID EVALUATION: Except for reasons detailed below, award of specified items is recommended to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder whose product meets or exceeds the quality of the manufacturer's product suggested for each item. Based on inspections of samples and previous product performance, approximately 63 items from 11 bidders are not recommended for failure to meet quality standards stipulated, and are indicated on the tabulation. Bids from Al erstein Brothers for item 175, and from Decora Office Furniture for #1 4 and 175, are not recommended because outer dimensions exceed space limitations of the major using department (Police), rather than for reasons of quality. Sutex Paper and Cellulose Corp. submitted a low bid for Item 1 Letter Size Copier Paper , but is not recommended. The City stipulated that both Letter and Legal Size (#178) Copier Paper would be ordered by and delivered to five different departments besides the Stockroom, thus, a split award is not feasible for a savings of only $300.00. Award is recommended to Commercial Office Supplies, the next lowest bidder on this Item and the low bidder on Item 178. Award for "Balance of Line" is recommended to all bidders who offered a discount on other products they carry. Orders for individual requirements under this category will be placed with the low bidder at the time of need, depending on availability. Following is an analysis of the invitation to bid: 84-1415 page 1 of 3 Category Prior Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority New Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority Number of Bid Invitations Mailed Courtesy Notifications "Nn RiAc" 13 23 10 9 8 Late Bids - Totals 68 Reasons for "No Bid" were as follows: t Number of Responses 4 11 0 2 -0- 8 0 28 1. "Do not manufacture these items." 2. "Do not sell office supplies - continuous forms only."(Hispanic Business) 3. "Unstable market on many items requested." 4. "We are business forms printers - do not carry office supplies ." (Hispanic Business) 5. "We do not carry this product." (Hispanic Business). 6. "Quantities are too small." 7. "Do not have line of Office Supplies." 8. "Unable to respond with best pricing within time frame given." RECOM14ENDATION: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: BIDDER/Minority SPECIFIED ITEMS BALANCE OF LINE Classification # of Items Discount Awarded Amount Offered Amount A & C Stationers, Inc.(H) 1 $23.00 None No Award* Alperstein Brothers 2 $673.00 15% Award* Alpha Bus. Services (8) No Award 25% Award* Arnold Corporation 7 2,695.00 25% Award* Barnett's Office Supply(**) 79 51,264.00 46% Award* Classic Stationers,Inc.(B) 1 101.00 1.3% Award* Commercial Office Prod. (H) 12 95,465.00 10-30% Award* Decora Office Furniture 49 27,424.00 25% Award* I.B.M. Corp. 2 5,278.00 None No Award Kemron Office Supplies(**) 20 8,892.00 30% Award* Long's Office Supply 9 2,549.00 None No Award Nashua Corp./Visual Communications 14 8,763.00 None No Award Nashua Corp/XIPS Corp.(H) 1 2,740.00 None No Award Sutex Paper Cellulose 2 3,670.00 15% Award* Type'n Copy Supplies 3 9,727.00 None No Award Xerographic Information Processing Supplies (XIPS) Corp.(H) 1 1,800.00 None No Award Subtotals $221,064.00 $48,936.00 GRAND TOTAL AWARD $270,000.00 LEGEND: * Actual $ amount awarded to each will be a portion of the total amount allocated, depending on low bid at time of need. (H) indicates Hispanic American Firm (8) indicates Black American Firm (**)indicates Non-Minority/Female Owned Firm B4--1415 page 2 of 3 t t The above award meets the requirements of the Office of Purchasing, and approval is recommended. Purchasing Officer Date The Minority Procurement Officer concurs with the above recommendation. Officer Dalte 84-141.5 page 3 of 3 TABULATIONBIDS FOR r %E- L I'T m r -L4mvi. (17 v 1.. W-2, EWKZWA� WZ, M,, Mir p i3 i �! [L3 i. . � �s 19 dv r TABULATION OF BIOS FOR Gt, I e"W, Got cot IL Orin./ Y:�i_ ./tr.IM d V. OL oolrAeje qc7lewlA.; / •.�wr o oil lam Na. DESCbPTIOw UNIT PRICE "_DOTAL UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT AL l ,momy- WAW 9 x 12/ea 36 2 Bands, Rubber # 18 xes 300 3 Bands, Rubber # 33/boxes 400 4 Bands, Rubber # 54 es 300- 5 Carbon type B-1 2 X ll/Boxes 200 "S" 6 Carbon ta B-1 2 X 14/boxes . 200 7 Carbon Pencil 8-1 2 X il/boxes 100 S' QO i/ // i/ l // // / % ; , /.Y 8 Carbon Pencil 8-1/2 X 14/boxes 9 Cards, Index - Plain 3 X 5/1M 60M 10 Cards Index - Ruled 3 X 5 1M 60M 3 '� // /( /� // // , / i' '4 -,zG 11 Cards, Index -Plain 4 X 6 1M 40M '/ 12 Cards Index - Ruled 4 X 6 1M 40M ° /Y 13 Cards, Index - Plain 5 X 8 1M -20M , , g ' Cards Index - Ruled 5 X 8 1M AM C �; / �� 414 Cement, Rubber - 4 oz. tle 180 G� /i;; 17 fecloth 10 ds.�fiite s. Cleaner - Desk #573 cans 100 72 L09 ao " ,• �' / ii i // "i =' 18 Cleaner. - riter-A 78/bottle 36 , /� '/ �/ '� ,� %i , / ✓7 '.' - 19 ITlips #1/ctn. 500 20rj 21,AClip Clips Jumbo/ctn. Dispenser - #•1500/ea. 100 48 , ��' / / r/ , ' �/ !' 22 Cli Board - Letter #F7-204/ea. 72 T // �;/ �' 23.Q 2 25 Clip Board - Legal #F7-205/ea. Dicti - 05-W5063/ea. Thesaurus - #B5-695/ea. 72 150 50 p or�r��.r�Ho �Vt'r Vr a7•v�r �rv.•r -24z Gq tome+, uti ash AL AL RN,...r by go* � *1 Yiwi, Mt...4. �. AL AJ g w 5 Oao e.2 s _ 00 two*►t�.�.N It■. *�. oESCR+rTtpa UNIT PRICE TOiTAL UNIT PRI UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 26 Duotangs - #525 (Reg boxes 40 " / • /� 27 Duotangs - #588 (clear) xes 50 �• ---� i/ 28 Envelopes -Clasp 6 X 9/boxes 300 '/ // ii ��" •�' 29 Envelopes -Clasp 7 X 10 xes 200 Envelopes -Clasp 9 X 12 xes 400 I / 31 Envelopes -Clasp 10 X 13 xes. 100 32 Envelopes -Clasp 10 X 15 xes 150 33 Envelopes -Clasp 12 X 19 xes 75 130 34 Envelopes - White # 10/boxes 400 ' 35 Erasers #N6-7084/gross 1 AM I/ // // /% ii ✓ �'• 1 �. 36 Erasers #N6-7099B/gross 2 , /1 37 1 Erasers #N6-7220 gross 2 / / /' i Al . 38 Erasers #N6-100/gross 2 39 Erasers #N6-400/grass 2 �/ i/ i/ /i �� I / .Xi, i 40 "Erasers #i16-7107/gross 3 / 3 �/ %i i !,� •� ; i� /l . • //. L 41 Erasers #N6-7055 gross 2 42 Fasteners/Acco #12F xes 200 / 43 Fasteners/Ac oo #22FAmxes 300.;i 44 Fasteners/Arno #12B boxes Fasteners Acco #= boxes 200 300 D O �i° // i/ // :- /� j �/ // 4 / ,i' %c Folders File Letter 1 3-5 cs. 120 v° / /; ;; Folder/File Legal 1/3- cs. 150 Eblders-Pendaflex #4152 1/3-10/ .10 Folders-Pendaf lex #4152 1/5-10 5-- 50 Eblders-Pendaflex #4153 1/3-10 .20 : 10 dqj .k r FA Cyr r...e.., cow Om A IL RKw-W by #&a Cky o/ Y:wi. /4r.1e • I. a. •-daw S .CJ / o T 1... ago. OESCd�T�011 UNIT PRIG: TOTAL UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 51 FoldersZendaflex #4153 1/5-10/ .10 /, G a�' 52 Fblders ( letter )-6 cs 10 53 Pendaflex Frames/legal-6 cs. 10 ;l , / !� / 54 Liquid Paper White gross 80 e' , •tiC 'Y' 55 Liquid Paper Asst. colors/gross 60 boo /1 / / / / ii 1i/ :'' ''X :. 56 Liquid Thinner/gross 6 D oo 57 Just for copies gross 5 ,mot- 58 !Go Rec Type #9B each 288 . .5L / / / // i/ // / / / •' ' 59 CR 16 Correction Tape each 100 , p 60 Index Guide - A-L 3 X 5/set 40 , ��� 3 // // // !/ // %! 61 Index Guide - A Z 4 X 6/set 40 '", D 62 Index Guide - A-Z 5 X 8/set 40 63 Ink/Roll-On BlackZlue-Red/btle .48 64 Ink -Stamp -Pad # 1 Black/each 48 65 Ink -Stang -Pad # 1 Dry/each 48 , 66 Ink -Stamp --Pad # 2 Black each 36 �'' /; / i / ;� �! ��' • _ - 4 , 67 Ink -Stamp -Pad # 2 Dry/each 36 68 Indexes. #C1-213-5 Aico 24 box 15A 7 69 Indexes 1-213-5C Aico/24-box 30 n 70 Indexes #C1-213-8 Aico 24-box 15 ,s-�' �; %' / / c �/ �•, S Q� Indexes #C1-213-,3C Aico 24-box 30 'f PF3-Label Asst. colors ctn of 6 15 U le, ' .AC BUS -Labels Asst. colors ctn 12 414 6432 Labels - Carton of 6 25 � S � /i •% -N ii / // � � , `�� 33-736 Mailing Labels/boxes 24 /j / „- :; %/ / / I • `'� 'y-� W* G / .7. - �- ! ■ i bwn sb. 04SGb1TIOw UNIT PRICE WrAL PRI UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 76 1 Muci Lage Glue #C1-127/bottle 72 77 Elmer's Glue CI-E-372 the 72 , U 78 Glue Stick Cl-U-26 each 72 , 79 Notebook -Steno- wide dozen 144 80 Notebooks-Steno-Narrow/dozen 144 81 Pads-Letter-Canary/dozen 400 ,GG ' o° i% l/ �/ !l' / /` "� "VIZ, 82 Pads-Letter-rwhite dozen 250 83 Pads 1 dozen 700 , to °° „� / // / ,, " ••� �: ° c 84 Pads-Legal-white/dozen 250 °i' // / , / // /I %' ' ' /i y �i 85 Pads-5 X 8 dozen 100 ` oc /Z, 86 Scratch Pads 3 X 5/dozen 400 ,,3 / 1 87 Scratch Pads 4 X 6/dozen 300 t38 Scratch Pads 5 X 8/dozen • 200 3, !� 9 a ° / // // i / �r / r ^ �' ' �• u 89 Memo Fillers 4 X 6 400 Q 90 Memo Holder - #1373 each 72 �.Y40�!o tj !' % I • i i i Y `.' ` �;' �. %+� 91 Desk Pad 19 X 24/each 12 92 Desk Pad 20 X 36/each 72 // ,'/ �/ // %1 / : ! r , sl -3_?/ 93 Desk Pad - 24 X 38 #20532/Mach 96 94 Blotter Refill - 19 X 24 each 200 95 Blotter Refill - 20 X 34/each 200 96 Blotter Refill - 24 X 38/each 500 f A CA 97 98 99 100 Bandpa r 8-1/2 X ll/ream Bond r 8-1 2 X 14 ream Onionskin Paper 8-1/2 X 11 ream onionskin Pacer 8-1/2 X 14/ream 500 250 100 50 . Sr•. S'2: 5S"L ; ^'=�" ;42� °° // � of / i � i/ / %i ; �' �, .3 r - • `: _ 1• A •I�r�v ram• •V�� Cow mem"W. Car O.A 4 IL aww. l bw Obs O"'O1 Yiwi, /4.•/6 I. IL Ti .ci 7'E�PJ _ �w�r�1 bq I OEfCR1�T�011 UNIT PRICE TMAL UNIT PRICEAT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 01 Mimeograph Paper 842 X ream B y ' 6 ,(i /' i� : ,�; ,t / �; •,; c 102 jr4imagraph paper 8-1/2 X 14 ream 100zil6l,v r/ !�' /1 i/ i/ • i/ ' / ;; - % f �� G!i 103 Pencil #1 Ticon or Equal gross 12? 104 Pencil #2 Tioon or Equal gross 200 'r 105 Pencil #3 Tieon or Equal gross 15- 106 Pencil #1.+2+3 Berol #174 gross 227 ; 107 Pencil Recl #N5-1277 gross 6 108 Pencil Blue 05-1276 gross 3 , crs�- "�s- / // ;i '/ �=► Y 109 Pencil Green #N5--1276 gross 2 ;I 110 Pens, Papermate-Medium gross 200 :; Ill Pens, Papermate-Fine gross 20 p, �/ A0 112 Pens, Papermate Ex. Fine gross 20S5" c ° % , , i i 7 113 Pens, Berol-IMed S54 gross ' 200 G �° / /,� 1/ / ,', " .• ^ ; c/ -� r c o 114 jPens, Berol XSine S gross G /; I/ �yC 115 Pens, Flai r 'Hard Head gross 1& M�C i; �; I / �/ 116 Pens Pilot -Razor Point en ,S f; 117 Pens PilotSinehner S; d d Da ; / // // '/ / " %•_ ='✓� 118 Pen Flash ° 119 Pens••HighIiters•••ielateroo or en 288 120 Pens-'erm. r ers - 03 / : /i •' �` l i 5 =t'" 1 1 Pens -Perm. Markers/Berol/.�, 3 c�fl ,/ / „ •, • , _ -. i.' 122 Pens -Perm. Mar ers - enOR 123 124 Fens -tetra a Blue Pens -Retract. ue ero ; , : r 5� J .q 125 Pea -Refills -One for all N ea -q-1 // �' // ;;A droll TAB LATION OF BIOS FOR cow ueft r., cew cob AL IL R�s�•w1 bw r` 01v o/ W wa# Aw-de 4vI. AL a.ir ff/.v rT / av UNIT 9y DescR1pTWm WIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE T UNIT UNIT UNIT 126 i27 128 129 130 131 132 133 4 5 Punchers-2 hole #P200/each Punchers 3 hole #P-39 each Calendar Refill Suoess #017/each Calendar Base Sucess each Reinforcment Tj909 ctn. Desk Calendar #24-109 each Calendar Refill #021 each Calendar Bases #021 eadh Rulers-12" Wood each Rulers -IV blood each 124 72 iM 100 35 300 450 150 300 144 . ✓ �' cw 3 , / it // // �i % / " % �:� er "�- 5', /c •., /� „ L S/. L ;; 136 7 13 9 40 41 144 145 s KP 33 each Sortwick Finger H oistener each Scissors - 8" #1017 each Sta le Remover #600 each Staple Remover #G600 each S&Wle Remover #70W/each S Stapler #747/each Sta ler. # 444 each Stapler Swingline #711/each Sta les - Bostich or Equal/boxes Tape - Adding Machine 2.25"/roll Ta Addi Machine 2.5"/rolls 24 108 •288 300 300 300 300 300 108 1M 1700 50 ,�% Z,�6 '� /j GL // // // / /! i/ /; // i -' ;� i/Utf '•^ /, ;; /� �,� r - 148 Addi Machine 2. 75 "/rolls 150 Ta /Adding Machine 3" rolls 200 Ta /Addi22 Machine 3-7/16/rolls 100 , j �; -' ' / j r.• ��� �/ �/ / / J ,�� s I" 601 I cop memew, GA 006 A IL amew r by *0 Ceti of riwi, F..N • 1. AL •.4w 411 �S 10 9 a....r-EdIzo— - I ftm w. OESC��TnOw UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICETOTAL UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 151 Tape/Adding Machine 3-7/8"/rolls 50 iU /� •E� �Fi • G � U i ii/�' �� � � �%� �' % r 152 Tape Masking 1/2"/rolls`- 153 Tape Masking 3/4"/rolls — - �' -- ----- _-_— �'- -- --` "- 154 Tape Masking 1"/rolls 192 , ,�r0 e 5 �10 1,1i 155 Tape Masking 2"/rolls 120 °° i / // / 7 � 156 Tape Magic Mending 1/2"/rolls • 144 17',�C 157 Tape Magic Mending 3/4"X1296/rls .514 . fii % °° • �' 1SG . �� i/ // /� // , C� i 5 �'U ` ` 158 Tape Magic Mending 3/4"X300/rls 720 ,(� ,(J ` " '► - �" 159 Tape Magic Mending 3/4"X2592/rol % 160 di Tape Magic Mending 1 "X2592/rolls % 161 Tape 2" #3750/roll 72- 162 Ta Dispenser #C-15/each 240 ,�,x qG 163 IDymo Tape 1/4 X 144/roll 288 S.-' // /,' / 7 164 Tape 3/8 X 144/roll 288 , // // / / % - �� '►r-� 165 IDyno T 1/2 X 144/roll 166 IThumb Talcs #2 ctn of 10/ctn. 10 167 Thumb Tacks #3 ctn of 10/ctn. 10 S , , /C i' !/ / ;' / / ? X '► �;, fIL, 168 ste Basket #2956/each 48 i it /t 169 Letter Opener #H3-150/each 72 170 ile Pockets - F1-1536G/bxs. 50 1 -Z Letter Guides/sets 36 G /l /i /! ,' i �'►. ' �/. 7 2 3 4 Z Legal Guides/sets sage Pads W.Y.W.O. /dozen u 1 Binder #L2-Cl l81 BKL/eaedh 36 12 20 j ,3.� / ,I /% /,l e" j 4= 75 " Binder #12-C1182 W(L/each 40 , �cJ %; • �'�• // I/ '' / • c " �o (bnN6�w F.5?.AND 'ot ulr� .� _.� .. ..� ems.. � .•�.; - c•. raft..... City oar . r. / S �.IL aw -1 awd T-41:r-,AAX z44O - - some Me. 04SCFJPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 176 3" Binder #L2-C1183 8[Q,/each 240 G° ^' ' ry / t N ► ��► -'�, �, 177 8-1/2 X 11 Copier /cs. 000 .0 ss . "' 178 8-1/2 X 14 Copier r/cs. - 800 " 179 IBM Copier Rolls/cs. it/ A0 °c // /, UD )pO 180 IBM Ribbons #1299095/ oss 9 p 7 17,0 i `Y, 70 181 IBM Lift Off Tape #1136433/doaen 160 GL �:.� 1S' .S /� , .&Off 182 Ribbons for IBM #1136108/box ISO Sell S5 183 Ribbons for IBM #1010760/box 96 ,3/Q fj o . Sy 2 e1v �i ^ . 5 � � 'S��'_L � / � / � '' , i �►� + f � •3 184 Ribbons, Calculator #BRBO/box 25 /3, " 3 /� /-� 1 ! ,• ; ;;� 'S: 185 Ribbons, Calculator #BR39/box 30 COPIER AEVEMPERS AND TONERS: 186 for Xerox 2400, 3600, 7000, 7700/ea 10 ,!J /� ,�, ,L c ✓ moo '; % w !, '�"Z' -; ;' r - 187 for Xerox 2300,2600,3100/each 1.60 �/',�3 G'i '/ �/. u i ;''3��' !/ /� 5L' =rU°O s ',`'"•'-; 188 for Copiers 3300/each 25 / ' %� // '% , S . '" .��n ! // �-c� - ^%3L •'' � �`�;::; ; 189 for Copiers 4000, 4500/each 40 ' l / / ; / 191 ` o ° 190 for Copiers 3400, 3450/each 15 i .Gf 191 for Xerox 5400,5600,5700/each 10 192 Toner 2400, 3600, 7000, 7700/ctn. 40 liZzo // 2/.. S Os .� ° G / /./ "' . 3 C ' .• G �, s o 193 Toner 2300, 2600, 3100/ctn. 60 _ P' 194 r 3300 ctn. 25 ,, // �, .► •' �i .3 �' % / / 9. Y'o o V , -- .�� z 195 r 3109, 3400, 3450/ctn. 15 i/ ' i G' 7 3=' /' l% Y YT"� •" 'v �' 196 197 r 9000,4500/ctn. r 5400, 5600, 5700 ctn. 40 10 J ;, /i (�G� %'G/�� / i /i ^ ,i U " 66, 198 er Copier I I /ctn. 15 ` 199 r Copier III/ctn. 30 i A Alt Abd iAwok i IA(~ T ATION OF BIDS FOR • _ BV2�� -��- 9 • Av Gq rafter, GA 004 A. IL 1•�r / _ AZI —o As eo 1.• +�...... tom. sea. DISCRIPTtpw UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 200 Data Hinder b/P N32-14U/box 60 �, y lo ' /-/ ; ,�,' .� i(J/� 4 c ,(�� �/� 201 Post it Notes #653/dozen 72 - 202 Past it Notes #654/cozen o4 , �3 % L / � ;/ // •/ ,/ /' „ ; %L' %IyL� 203 Post it Notes #655/dozen 88 Q o // // i/ i/ /l ; r /v7 7 204 Sheet Protectors #SPll Clear/box 100 OOMPUIER-OFFICE SUPPLIES: 205 8" Floppy Disk, Single sided �(/ .g /� G f ,; r'v �� CD°%� n .SU `o '% r/ i �� 19,1; double density/box 50 206 5-1/4- Floppy Disk - Double 1-1 e�? sided, double density/box of 10 250 207 iablo 630 Multi -Strike Ribbon,Ol �! Maxell/box 50 208 #9252 Data Royal Ribbon, Dot' . G-F Matrix, as Maxell/box of 6 20 209 rint Wheels for B20, as Maxell /JI ILI/�_ f �� �r� c (various type styles)/box 50 210 20 Cleaning Kit/each 75 /�J ,U i5 211 tlnuous Feed Stock Forms AIA VA3 , ;?/ 1/2" X 11" with Perf, Blank , 5 lb - Single Ply 3,400 sets/cs 00 12 tinuous Feed Stock Forms L. ►"�i 3 �S °" // / `", ` �• �`� 4-7/8" X 11-, Blank 20 lb. 'ingle Ply/2,400 sets/cs 00 F13 OF LINE DISCOUtJP U old Ab vTV isC�dv ko #Anr . A s I • 1A us. IIV1r Sir- v1u;M r%JM Cti r.rr. Cur 006 AL AL R�ss.wi ti Cwr o10; wwi, ,Ptw*Ae of P. AL w.... - c�-4 Z . ....... 1... �.. OESC11t1T�Ow UNIT PRICE TUAI UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT AL 1 I Bag, - wAeY 9 x 12/ea 36 !-j ,G' -t l i %% " ` •/'' 2 Bands, Rubber # 18/boxes 300 i'' `'� /, GL% ; •• r -� i /.' 7 /! 5�� G 3 Bands, Rubber # 33/boxes 400 /, �� 'rcli ", / ' ' ' • " ! 4 Bands, Rubber # 54/boxes 300 5 Carbon t 8-1/2 X 11/Boxes 200 ��" ' , �~ :, , "�` �� A/ ' 6 Carbon tM 8-1/2 X 14/boxes 200/f `f % ,G/ �''► // /l, `%k ''n' 7 Carbon Pencil 8-1/2 X 11 xes 100 8 Carbon Pencil 8-1/2 X 14/boxes 100 9 Cards, Index - Plain 3 X 5/1M 604 ' �� /(. �'r "% C' C/ "_i • i // // 4• n)O 10 Cards, Index - Ruled 3 X 5/1M 60M _ 9 � 7/, 1. D e7 11 Cards, Index - Plain 4 X 6/1M 40M ' . 71. // // ? 7. 12 Cards Index - RuledX 6 1M 4014 7 L' k "n -+ i % / // -::3. 7 -) % 13 _4 Cards, Index - Plain 5 X 8 1M 20M `i'G `z %l, " % K' ', �� -! // / ." • ; 5/G 14 Cards, Index - Ruled 5 X 8/1M 20M �' h ? ' .� -U ' !Y 5, 7� //_5 f�� /% /i /% i X, 15 Cement, Rubber - 4 oz./bottle 180 , G$f i ', t'• • . .� `/J. �,G ,' .•� / // S� `%`� ui 16 Cheesecloth 10 yds. ite/pk s. 100 X 7/ x- = �� 17 Cleaner -Desk #573 cans 72 17'is Cleaner. Cleaner. - riter-A-78/bottle 36 /. G' -j L', vc ,r ;• • 7' /"� /f ii I' 19 clips #1/ctn. 500 20 Clips Jumbo/ctn. 100 �% i.7tj�7 �; SIJ �-� -, �� •v I- /j' j/ /i CSC% �DU�i y 21 Cli Dis r - #•1500/ea. 48 j r /' �, ,?�. S� •r I �j �/ , / 0 f%� 22 Clip Board - Letter #F7-204/ea. 72 i 23 Clip Board - 1,egal #F7-205/ea. 72 % ��n "�'z %� �� •C� �' ' �' �� /i i / G% 3 GC 24 Dicti - #B5-W5063/ea. 150 r 1 G' , "lip • �', � / r / l r l ,/ 25 Thesaurus - #B5-695/ea. 50 , 5z '' G / ; - ; ' 00 s 1 0. . cow •••..,.., Cwt o.. A. a RAeW• d by *0 Cwy o1 Woul. 11r.M a F. IL .�/� O.� • /if �.....r On. M28 pE�CRI�TIQI• UNIT PRICE UNIT PRI UNIT UNIT UNIT , UNIT Duotangs - #525 (Reg boxes 40 �1 U]Otangs - #SBf3 (Clear) xeS SO .:; 7 / , ,SZ G, .Sr ` Envelopes -Clasp 6 X 9 boxes 300 • p O0 /0 j 29 Envelopes -Clasp 7 X 10 xes 200 , 70 G . •"z ,C /� ,� / / �' . /!J 30 Envelopes -Clasp 9 X 12 xes 400 S' / c_ �� u� /� /� i • , •, �� i " ' 31 Envelopes -Clasp 10 X 13 xes. 100 32 Envelopes -Clasp 10 X 15 xes 150 iz /' 33 Envelopes -Clasp 12 X 19 boxes 75 h. . �" ti% /�; ,may �•',i �' :. /' // // -5-� Sz 34 Envelopes - White # 10/boxes 400 �jC, ,� ll-ffrj 35 Erasers #N6-7084 gross 36 Erasers #N6-7099B/gross 2 37 Erasers #N6-7220 yross 2 38 Erasers #N6-100/gross 2 �G'•_? �• %� /�i , • T -� 39 Erasers 046-400/grass 2 1 �. % X c� ,r.3 > i 40 Erasers 06-7107/gross 3 G 41 Erasers #N6-7055 gross 2 42 Fasteners/A000 #12F xes 200 ov G9 ,a Fasteners/Arno #22F boxes 300 �, �'� f .�' �� ; ,�/� / �+ r45 Fasteners/Acoo #12B boxes 200�, , % ; --'' Fasteners Arno #22B xes 300/� Fblders File Letter 1 3-5 cs. 120 �; �• �� ;�- - y�o // !i / // / i wo 47 Fblder ile Legal 1 3-5 cs. 150 X'S.� 48 Fblders--Pendaflex #4152 1/3-10/ .10 49 Fblders-Pendaflex #4152 1/5-10 5 50 Fblders-Pendaflex #4153 1 3-10 .20 / �K� �, n���c' �, ' ; eGev •/ me Nm �- 1'4'ww4.s�w,.,...,_,-nn s._..,,, <...... .u.vsy _„-... .. .. .., �,_._...,.,._. _......,,........,,_�... .._ ..._..,_.... .n.,. .�_.�_... �. 4.9 IS.�Vv %.jv6 6.0 -a ir %.# r's 4 GY..�. Cft 04 . a **""a Covet Y. 1.+w zr,.e �Qi •-- Ala iwh.i�..r•N iow. 045COPTipw UNIT PRI 7�MAL UNIT PRICE UNIT TOTAL UNIT PRTrF UNIT EMIT 51 52 Folders-Pendaflex #4153 1/5-10/ Folders ( letter )-6 cs .10 10 , , e-mG/ ; , /i '', 53 Pendaflex Frames legal-fi cs. 10 54 Liquid Paper White gross 80 �c /,/ r . `" U . S� 4 55 Liquid Paper Asst. colors gross 60 p ap vez,IT ,'/ Y 56 Liquid Thinner gross 6 O o / ;' ;jo, 1/0 ., ,„ 57 Just for copies gross 5 C� J D• "' �'c' �' �± �'' �. � 58 Ko-Rec Type #9B each 288 17.9S0 s""' ' c/</„�D iC%/f ,,-' / �/ y ; ? , ^ 59 CR-16 Correction Tape each 100 , �-� , nj� 5 , t' c' — fog' // �/ / . _ 7i 60 Index Guide - A-Z 3 X 5/set 40 ^' r /, 61 Index Guide - A-Z 4 X 6/set 40 Li L .: J ` C . Cy :- on ' . 62 Index Guide - A Z 5 X 8/set 40 "' 63 Ink/Boll-On/Black-Blue-Red le .48 // // // , 57 64 Ink-btaip-Pad # 1 Black each 46 65 Ink -Stamp -Pad # 1 Dry/each 48 , 66 Ink -Stamp -Pad # 2 Black/each 36 (J 7, /2- 67 Ink-5taup-Pad # 2 Dry/each 36 / Y �. G . 7 . y / r . ,� S'i► i i // '-' i. G �� -�. 68 Indexes. #C1-213-5 Aico 24 box ? • / // O 69 Indexes 1-213-5C Aioo 24-�box 30 - - ^ •; // , �; 70 Indexes #C1--213-8 Aioo 24-box 15 'C ; ,{s // �/ / /5P11 " 71 Indexes #Cl 213•WG Aico 24-box 30 / / f/C' •, ,� -, .� ^ . 1/ / %/ /��! 72 FF3-Label Asst. oolors ctn of 6 15 , s,2. e_ n 2 * -> /' 73 BUS -Labels Asst. oolors ctn 12 y i� �Y� •��;• �. / ,i !�,' .". 74 6432 Labels - Carton of 6 25 //; G'Z% -c c '% ?OJ''� ' % - �� / i' S / i�" • -%-Z: 75 33-736 Mailing LabelsAmes 24 , �� �S�Go i/ �. Al/ IEEL 1 -4Y- AWWAWA044 (Atca .A 1 *-A),, ,Va a* s V Iz Ir i0.4 ICA • � l _ tea. .IfG.G��i.� ��. �/ Gti mewmew, Gti Oab 41L 00ew."d b1p 0%0 Cov of r:wi. •tr.IM • P. r. i27- 11.. OESCbwrT�011 UNIT PRICE IMAL UNIT PRICEAL UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 76 Muci %age Glue #C1-127/bottle 72 kx� ,' 77 Elmer's Glue CIS-372 the 72 , ;L-• /, 411" -� �� i . ;/ r , !'`r '5' 78 Glue Stick Cl-{)-26/each 72 "5"/ 79 Notebodc-(Steno-ride dozen 144 S, *U 80 Notebodks Steno -Narrow dozen 144 81 Pads-Letter-Canary/dozen - 400 'f-?D 82 Pads-Letter-white/dozen 250 ;C �,-.'-t ,- -; �/ 5J 5�' �'. �G, y �'� 1' • f �� r: �•� S? 83 Pads-Legal-canary/dozen 700f5J' / ti -, s /• 84 Pads 1-white/dozen 250 , S ' d ev / , �• , c 6) 85 1 Pads-5 X 8 cozen 100 86 Scratch Pads 3 X 5/dozen 400 ` , cc o -� // // �� I " O 87 Scratch Pads 4 X 6/dozen 300 G' �0'` 'f •= ° 1- iji `f° // / / - 7 88 Scratch Pads 5 X 8/dozen- • 200 % ' " °Z' ,',/ �'` ,i , S%S S , o �' // Al 89 Metro Fillers 4 X b 400 90 Metz Holder - #1373 each 72 ��; „ =� %f /X, = ii • 7'' 3J, Al"' 91 Desk Pad 19 X 24/each 12 " �' " i i%� r/ // Desk Pad 20 X 36/each 72-, " G' t f / �' '� Desk Pad - 24 X 38 #20532/each 96 /� �-3 ' ; '1/ �'' / /' Blotter Refill - 19 X 24/each 200 Blotter Refill - 20 X 34/each 200 �' ^ ti i C D I /! i ! Blotter Ref ill - 24 X 38/each 500 , , p i'f "� "� G c' -;' / i f i�' .�z ��� ' [92 Bond r 8-1/2 X 11/ream 500'/i Hand r 8-1/2 X 14/ream 250 ' /�f s` // I/ Onionskin Pa r 8-1 X 11 ream 1W iL' i� Onionskin Paper 8-1/2 X 14/ream 50 / i l/�i ' ��' i( ,� ' .WA me i I 0 ' k3i ., '"•:..nw' ..:. .. �w ._........ _ wc...." ". _ _ 1 «....c _ .. _..._.__s.__.......... �......5...t_...w.._ ..., .... . .........+r..-.. _..—_ ....._ _ � ........ G•v r. SOM Gqr O..t L 1L ff "W"d City of MonI. tevoie • i. IL t).�w D 1126.. - r 0110APTglw UNIT P UNIT PRIOl UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT Mimeograph Paper 8-1 X ream /� i /�j 02 Mimeograph paper 8-1 2 X 1 ream 100 103 Pencil #1 Tiaon or Equal gross 12 104 Pencil #2 Tioon or Equal gross 200 , �= / - :� •Sl 5 , 105 Pencil #3 Ticon or Equal gross 15 • , ,, n d� /l /i // :i % , S ?, .57Z 106 Pencil #1+2+3 Berol #174 gross 227 G �►- , CAL �• - �y C.,IkIl. , ,y r ^ 7 Pencil Rea #L15-1277 gross ,�. ^ , - -� i77 vo�� - - ., ; ""A C, 1107 108 Pencil Blue #N5-1276 gross 3 ,�•� �� �� s, .- / �, ;; " /� // i,G i�.fU 109 Pencil Green #N5-1276 gross 2 ,z^ , G-z , /t i/ �/ 110 Pens, Papermate-Medium gross OA W.,��z / �; , ( . �" • ' 111 Pens, Papermate-Fine gross 20 /, S� �� , clo �� • „ "�, �L 's // 112 Pens, Papermate Ex. Fine gross S% s� ? i '..5-' • �• / /i / i 5 e-' ` 113 Pens, Berol-Med-tiS54 gross " 200 114 Pens, Berol X-Fine S gross 20 /!o 115 Pens,Flair Hard Hea gross 1 i' . ,�Z /.,�'rr ; , �'�'�"° /, 5-'r ��.5=` i; / // �• p 0 ��°r"y 116 Pens Pilot -Razor Point/dozen 117 Pens Pilot-Fineliner en 400, SZ OA . , 7 L; y •'� ',/ /�' ��' Al / *� 118 Pen Flash �' �' -_ + '� / ^ 7" - 119� Pens -High iters• Waterco or n C - , c C; 7 ` �[ %^ �' ., �c•t' ;/ 1 Pens -Perm. ers - 7 'v" L , ,CH , �•_ // / // // ' , 7� o 121 Pens Perm. ers ro 122 Pens Perm. Mar ers - en 144 123 Pens -Retractable Blue en / �: , • 17 .L % �/ /' %/ // . / 7_ 124 Pens -Retract. ue ro S-, • `= / % '�,, ^ " / W // // // '/ l25 Pen -Refills -One for a ea �'IAbfG D hebfai ' • � 00 ."4 •A - Ai • TABVLATI N 4PF tSIU= rUm Gq soft" .. Cwp O•% s•... R oAl In�.t�n.N M.. OfsCRl�tiOw UNIT PRICE IMAL UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT ' ' ' SAL 126 Punchers-2 hole #P200/each 124 'i `// ,r 3 �''�v i c,' , . , l' ,� �- ' ' : /S S/34,60 127 Punchers-3 hole #P-39/each 72 .17 %/ •- , �'' % � � � � J n2 � /' ,;' , , '� "" - 128 Calendar Refill Sucess #017/each 1M C p.� ' �Z� vr-=� r. s7�`"D r /i 129 Calendar Base Sucess/each 100 V, '77 „ 7�'z' •", „ 130 Reinforcment TD909 ctn. 35 n/ j ." • �C�, 7S ' . /� 131 Desk Calendar #24-109/each 300 . "A 132 Calendar Refill #021 each 450 , �� ;; . ; c'�� �, /!- ^�`` n i /�' , 8AWL 133 Calendar Bases #021 each 150 ,�, /•�� 3< <'� :s^ �;� y ` i // !" 134 Rulers 12" Wood each 300 / :. �� , c�' ./ S' �' i/ •/ �''' �' 5 Rulers-18" Wood each 136 Sharpeners KP-33 each 24 �� , 7.r " %` i , �� G. "� '' 6 D i // �' = " �"" �� ''• Sortwick Finger Moistener/each 108 ; ", �� fl14O Scissors - 8" #1017 each -288 -i Staple Remover #600 each 300 Staple Remover #G600/each 300 Staple Remover #70W/each 300 , �, '� -,s .; Sta ler #747/each 300 /ter yC .; :► �r j�� ` `' % , ' �S- ", ' "`{' i / // . / Sta ler. # 444/each 300 /t/ �� !,: j') ij = i ,,; , r144 5ta ler Swi line #711 /each 108 �• �' �, �' = '' ' ,,, , , ,` i /i i/ r 7 3 �D 3 " Sta les - Bostich or Equal/boxes 1M - Adding Machine 2.25"/roll 1700 , = ;' h / S"% 3� //Ta Addi Machine 2.5"/rolls 50 -S"�' L, /t-t. �t !� ,L /�S / / -; %Tape/Adding Machine 2.75"/rolls 150 149 Tape/AddingTape/Adding Machine 3"/rolls 200 150 T22!/Addinq Machine 3-7/16/rolls fivJf Bi►Ah 'Anir 7 tomw (ACNE) .A 64 TAB A ION OF B1o5 FVFi Got wome ., GA Out a 1L neww" i by dr Cwf o1 msea. f4v./o • ►. AL a•dw ,o ge 1.4 +r..,.. — D son. UNIT PRICE PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 151 Tape/Adding Machine 3-7/8"/rolls 50 , ' �� �, , �� ,' �' `' 1 /J, /,3 1Imo. 152 Tape Masking 1/2"/rolls 153 Tape Masking 3/4"/rolls 154 Tape Masking 1"/rolls 192 /, ;' �, ; ' �' ,� , 7 " - ri . n ' r / ., O / .r, '� ; , / 6 ;S -, •. 155 Tape Masking 2"/rolls 120 ; . ;; '" �� ,� f��' -� " . S , ' t i% // "Cl ,C G r /' •� " '' p 156 Tape Magic Mending 1/2"/rolls • 144 X ,S 157 Tape Magic Mending 3/4" 1.296/rls . SM =; ,ot -' Sr':*z . /' 'L "=✓' % :o'Or'�' ,/ !/ ,rc 158 Tape Magic Mending 3/4"X300/rls 720 5-1 159 Tape Magic Mending 3/4"X2592/rol 96 •, ,^ �� �. i : " ;''/ .; _/xI 160 Tape Magic Mending 1"X2592/rolls 96 i,$yr =. =��.;' -'� ; / %/ ,�,, r ; •� // % �"� ; 1,lx 161 Tape 2" #3750/roll 72 ` �_' yG 7 ^ �� ., ; �'. // / ! / , - �i, '► 162 Tape Dispenser #C-15/each 240 163 Wm Tape 1/4 X 144/roll � 288 7:2 �� �, •-r , , �f.' � j , i i i'' ' '/ � ' ,',� i �� 164 IDIno Tape 3/8 X 144/roll 288 165 jDymo Tape 1/2 X 144/roll 288 C %/' / // // •// �; / , ; / • ^ ' 166 IThumb Tacks #2 ctn of 10/ctn. 10 167 Inumb Tacks #3 ctn of 10/ctn. 10 ,7 i C? , G' i 1 // / i �' / ' C� �? ''t• 168 to Basket #2956/each 48 169 tter Opener #H3-150/each 72 170 ile Pockets - F1-1536G/bxs. 50 , " ll 171 -Z Letter Guides/sets 36 �', �' �" ' , , ; 172 Z legal Guides/sets 36 C,/ /�� S;' �', 173 sage Pads W.Y.W.O. /dozen 12 174 1" Binder #L2-C1181 BKL/each 20 " "' i . , � . �' `%? i C . C� / V • ( �' l 175 " Binder #L2-C1182 BKL/each 40 if braid of- lkd eta% � a✓ 3�t •4 c" US."W. Ca. 006 a. AL Mewwwa bw 660 4c�vw o1 ";was. r4wes• 40 P. AL Ar. 7.o &maw'* �w�S1�A.N UNIT (NIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT some No. I DESCINPTION 3" Binder #L2-C1183 BKL/each 240 PRICE WrAL, �;, PRICE AL 176 177 8-1/2 X 11 Copier r/cs. 000 ,, : 7�%/ s- °` S - .52s ,. 178 8-1J2 X 14 Copier r/cs. ' 800 ,. , U ) M'': '' 179 Ill Copier Rolls/cs. 200 180 JIBM Ribbons #1299095/gross 9 fit! 'f� ,� G° 3D i; ¢S. ,J//'� /� /I /' '• , �� .'►h,T7�n /2 - 70� 181 IBM Lift Off Tape #1136433/doaen 160 �1,' �n� 3/ t% `� /i iI /r .�,D G%�`"i% 182 Ribbons for IBM #1136108/box 180 e, / / 183 Ribbons for IBM #1010760/box 96 ; c'' -� ; ; / �, ) i"i� 184 Ribbons, Calculator #BR80/box 25 . C= 185 Ribbons, Calculator #BR39Jbox 30 OOPIER DL'VEWPERS AND 1UNERS: 186 for Xerox 2400, 3600, 7000, 7700/ea 10 z 187 for Xerox 2300, 2600, 3100/each .60 z 0 V, ' S 188 for Copiers 3300/each 25 � ^ � ��.,•-; . *L SI A � ` ! � /i // ,, . � U �� ' `•-� 189 for 2giers 4000,4500/each 40_ 190 for Copiers 3400, 3450/each 15 ^ '� c • �; , . �h ^ r ` / •, --: r c:`% .-" 191 for Xerox 5400, 5600, 5700/each 10,E Wit' �/ i : r' i ; l i i /_ , _, 192 Toner 2400, 3600, 7000, 7700/ctn. 40 '' 193 Toner 2300, 2600, 3100/ctn• 60 •-" � � / ; '' - •- �, !, i 194 er 3300/ctn. 25 '^ C; 7 t , �� ;' �' 195 Toner 3109, 3400, 3450/etn. 15 : ; : =i ,! •� c 196 Toner 4000, 4500/ctn. 40 �• �`` "�; C�v ' ` '/ , / /I � -;�' ` `� ' ;1 ! 197 Toner 5400, 5600, 5700/ctn. 10 198 'loner Copier II/ctn. 15 , ��,. / �, �'{ t1c, 1`99 7br►er Copier III /ctn. 30 /G — - I r4ft !1 W� • TA UL T10 OF �61 5 FOR Gq n0*49 ►. Gtti Oak ♦ a 6erw1 by V&D Cwr of a; ow. Ptw./e • P. AL - �- E .QO _ oS I IwK /t.t.N �1.. OE3CRI�TIp1 UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 200 jData 201 Binder b/P N32-14U/box Post it Notes #653/dozen 60 72 X, ` �U �(/ii ,i/ :3'rY7e,6 202 Past it Notes #654/dozen 04 ;, " " • , ' i� �. 7�, ? 4 ?: 4� -r' < <, - o ;' % / S ?r' 203 Post it Notes #655/dozen 88� ,, -'�:� :'� h ; v ,' /• ,�. 204 1891 Sheet Protectors #SPll Clear/box 100 �i, �'�60 -�� ' "t n" ,�• C� ,. / / �• o ADO OOMPLY=-DEVICE SUPPLIES: 205 Floppy Disk, Single sidedAn ,,., .►- ^, double density/box 50 i 206 5-1/4" Floppy Disk -Double -" A37,� sided, double density/box of 10 250 207 IDiablo 630 Multi Strike Ribbon, ^ ��' ��G�r ,� ��, �; ! �,i iL� las Maxell/box 250 i 208 1#9252 Data Royal Ribbon, Dot 4atrix, as Maxell/box of 6 20 nt Wheels for B20, as Maxell 7 /ti//�rious type styles)/box 50Cleaning Kit/each 75 U tinuousFeed Stock Forms/2" X 11" with Perf, Blank ' / lb - Single Ply 3,400 sets/cs 00 tinuous Feed Stock Forms7/8" X 11", Blank 20 lb. 'ingle Ply/2,400 sets/cs 00 77 77 13 OF LINE DISODINP 'i. T BULAT1pN QF r3iva rc�ri Mwo"d kv r/ir Gy o1 miwi, Etna. • P. IL .S�/A 47Tor e... sr.. OilCut�TrOu UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICEAL UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 1 Bag, - w 9 x 12/ea 36 17 2 Bands, Rubber 18 xes 300 3 Bands, Rubber # 33/boxes 400 4 Bands, Rubber # 54 xes 300 5 Carbon type B-1/2 X ll/Boxes 200 �/ /�„ " / // / / / . • > 6 Carbon SW 8-1/2 X 14/boxes 200 . �_ 'bD �'D / ��� /81 �' i; J`'• j�ri " ;i ,Yoe /V +ot 7 Carbon Pencil 8-1/2 X 11/boxes 100 -" /./. �:/, i/ / / f/ // �. ` 5-� 8 Carbon Pencil 8-1 2 X 14/boxes 10041 9 Cards, Index - Plain 3 X 5/1M 10 Cards, Index - Ruled 3 X 5/1M 60M %'C% % , =� /J ii %' �; • . S-; _, =� 11 Cards, Index - Plain 4 X 6/1M 40M �" �// .' i/ ,� !' / G� �i�% �: '`=' 12 Ca'rds Index - Ruled 4 X 6 114 40M e -' � �i ? / /,� / 13 Cards, Index - Plain 5 X 8 1M •20M 14 Cards, Index - Ruled 5 X 8/1M 20M/ow� 15 Cement, Rubber - 4 oz.Axktle 180 16 Cheesecloth 10 X Is. -.White/pk s. 100 �, f) ''" ,� r // �i i, << 0° / 1/ �! �, i -%� 17 Cleaner - Desk #573 cans 72 I'VA0 ✓- 18 Cleaner. - iter-A-78/bottle 36 jc' 19 Clips #1/ctn. 500 20 Clips Jumbo/ctn. 100 21 Clip Dispenser - #'1500/ea. 48 22 Cli Board -Letter #F7-204/ea. 72 I9 // 23 Clip Board - Legal #F7-205/ea. 72 24 Dictionary - #B5-M5063/ea. 150 �/ /.�? •� // 1 1 O. �'O / i `. i ` �'? 25 Thesaurus - #B5-695/ea. 50 • p s r .-, 3 P-3 Gq u•m" Ctti slat ♦ AL Reswwi ti *0 Cny of wool. /4r.d. • 1. IL 01, f"" M.. 011CbrTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRI UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 26 Duotangs - #525 (Reg)/boxes 40 27 Duotangs - #588 (clear) xes 50 i 28 Envelopes -Clasp 6 X 9/boxes 300 c, c/ ///71?: /- j j, , . „;, ., 29 Envelopes -Clasp 7 X 10 xes 200 -- 30 Envelopes -Clasp 9 X 12 xes 400 ST 31 Envelopes -Clasp 10 X 13/boxes. 100 - D po �/ // %/ 32 Envelopes -Clasp 10 X 15 boxes 150 33 Envelopes -Clasp 12 X 19 xes 75 34 Envelopes - White # 10/boxes 400 s; / � / /( /' Gi J 0 eel e :;'- 35 Erasers #N6-7084 oss 1 i „ / , // ;� �r!; -. -� 36 Erasers #N6-7099B/gross 2 j,Z 37 masers #N6-7220 gross 2 �; Sy' �, I / // %; /' �� ; • �' ' � G7n i -� ` • / /, 38 Erasers 06-100/gross 2 % 7 7, /r I/ // / 1� v s ", �r, ( // =, , ` S : /, 39 Erasers #N6-400/gross 2 40 masers #N6-7107/gross 3 �G D /S� U i // /( /l ,�%�, .% ^ C��f �`' ;' / / ' jt• Q, 41 Erasers #N6-7055 gross 2 ;; t' 4/�- 42 Fasteners/Acco #12F xes 1200 ; L n C �r /,� /l •' ; ;� 43 Fasteners/Acco #22F xes 1300 / g- i/ 44 Fasteners/Arno # 12B boxes 200 s _+ ' ' �' / i r " �% . . -i L� 1/�"�' / • ' p � 45 Fasteners Arno #22B boxes 300 46 Folders File Letter 1 3-5 cs. 120 47 Folder File Legal 1 3-5 cs. 150 48 Folders-Pendaflex #4152 1/3-10/ 49 Folders-Pendaflex #4152 1 5-10 5 p, � �' o� � /i �' � ��' ";' ;c-��� // // �' ' � :3;- 50 Folders-Pendaflex #4153 1/3-10 .20 / r ' c' !T ..M J 6 GA mem"W, at# Os& 41� womp"d by dr 0ry o1 Won:, v w-J• t._ ,oCIO 1900 w.. OiSCR1�Ytp11 MIT PRICE 'TOTAL UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT TOTAL 51 Folders-Pendaflex #4153 1/5-10 .10 c �° .�� ���• ) i� �i �� /,, l� ��� �j' '�}=' 1c'�' /� r-S i`•,'. '' -; i'- 52 Folders ( letter) -6 cs 10 53 Pendaflex Frames/legal-6 cs. 10 C i' Ga i� • • l-' 54 Liquid Paper White gross 80 c-s f G h'..7 55 Liquid Paper Asst. colors/gross 60 g' , 5 °i / // 56 Liquid Thinner gross 6 3',9? // // (( / h 4 C% •^S �� / i �; " `�; . %s- 57 Just for copies gross 5 lea, 58 Ko-Rec Type #9B/each 288 59 CR-16 Correction Tape each 100 pjj �/ // i/ / : c/" ':,c<<`� // ,' S � . 60 Index Guide - A-Z 3 X 5/set 40 61 Index Guide - A-Z 4 X 6/set 40 , �1 �; r ,: ,, // �/ // -'D / % -,• b ; 62 Index Guide - A-Z 5 X 8/set 40 5 63 Ink/Roll-On/Black Blue-Red/btle .48 64 Ink .Staup-Pad # 1 Black eadi 48 , 7 ; , �, �7 / // 65 Ink-6tatpp-Pad # 1 Dry/each 48 66 Ink Stanp-Pad # 2 Black/each 36 67 Ink -Stamp -Pad # 2 Dry/each 36 68 Indexes. #C1-213-5 Aico 24 box 15 Jfo/ va (1 / •'?. : �� 'y „ 69 Indexes #L1-213-5C Aico 24-box 30 70 Indexes #C1-213-8 Aico 24-box 15 / I� i1 // /' (", '' ', �'i ° 0 #C1-213�3C Aic.o 24-box 30 ^ ?�r�' // I( / ' _ J 4 L% •� I! 1 , " 1 ; � FF3-Label Asst. colors ctn of 6 15 -7 -9 i/ �/ /; /r' ;t•WSBabels Asst• colors ctn 126432 H7471Indexes Labels - Carton Of 6 25kLb 33-736 Mailing Labels/boxes 24 , SL �G �/ ;� ,/ / r; ;t �%117.4,^ ►rood' . Ys'u1• ';t Gq n...r.., Gti am& a AL Rwv d be*40 CkV o1 Woul.'iv1• se-P. IL OF • ir..w� M.. DESCRt�Tlpn UNIT PRICE WrAL UNIT PRIMTOTAL UNIT T UNIT UNIT UNIT 76 Muci Lage Glue #C1-127/bottle 72 41 "cAl 77 Elmer's Glue Cl-E-372 the 72 . %3 i // 1(/i /( 78 Glue Stick Cl-U-26 each 72 d / /' if :,3 79 Notebook-Steno-wide/dozen 144%�� �L% 80 Notebooks -Steno -Narrow dozen 144 ' , "Z % �� (/ // / D 9 ' i �' �! (�� ' "� / i � - �^ '] �q "Ir L/ 81 Pads--Letter-Canary/dozen 400 at 82 Pads -Letter -white dozen 250 1 i/ tiL . '1-� i �7 ,7� ,G '� % `i ,;n,/^ �✓ 83 Pads- 1 /dozen 700 ,?!Jz ! i/ /( / . ^ 4.11 84 Pads-Legal-white/dozen 250 0 " / 5 31 i/ /.� !, , J s' '' 5= /_ % S� i f-5'-' 851 Pads-5 X 8 canary/dozen 100 861 Scratch Pads 3 X 5/dozen 400 . Qat �/ /,� // i/ /17 1.90 87 Scratch Pads 4 X 6/dozen 300 88 Scratch Pads 5 X 8 dozen .200 89 Memo Fillers 4 X 6 400 /; 90 Mewo Holder - #1373/each 72 91 Desk Pad 19 X 24/each 12 92 Desk Pad 20 X 36/each 72 t7 �i-'ny �= i% i" �% ti!'-' l 3'> 6, 93 Desk Pad - 24 X 38 #20532/each 96 -s !� y/ it i/ , " ;; , ' / i /� ( // - �? -5, ' s•j 94 Blotter Refill - 19 X 24 each 200 • �3 % �i =, / ' } / " ' 95 Blotter Refill - 20 X 34/each 200go.` % Blotter Refill - 24 X 38/eadi 500 /., <- ^,1 %" i ` .. C' ` , G'tc' 1 97 nand r 8-1/2 X 11/ream 500 ,,/, i /l ,% 98 Bond r 8-1/2 X 14/ream 250 99 Onionskin Paper 8-1/2 X 11 ream 100 100 Onionskin Paper 8-1/2 X 14/ream 50 // !/ �/ �/ / /i 7 /'. `,•°� smai a 61m COW ftft ft ., Cry 004 w"V"d ti As Gti •1 a; Ong. ltr•M • ►, r. .GD o b� wd a.....r -- 00 ��•• M.. OESCb►tlpw UNIT PRICE TOTAL I UNIT PRICE UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT Ol If4imeograph paper 8- X ream 100 !1 /` qA -�• •�•� -, 102 Mimeograph paper 8-1/2 X 1 ream 100 103 Pencil #1 Tioon or Equal gross 12 h // i , ; t i/ / - 104 Pencil #2 Tioon or Equal gross 200 �l`L �/ // /% / /. /, -CA // 105 Pencil #3 Ticon or Equal gross 15 ,� // �/ // // �, '► ��, U // %' / ,:�. 106 Pencil #1+2+3 Berol #174 gross 227 ,'s� �S�L•�6 // �/ �/ i /Sr 3,- G� i /, ". '" 'ice 107 Pencil Redi #145-1277 gross 6 9'y / W / i i ., G /GD. v 108 Pencil Blue #N5-1276 gross 3 109 Pencil Green #N5-1276 gross 2 V7, // �/ / // 76 5 1Y 110 Pens, Papermate-Medium gross 0 III Pens, Papermate-Fine gross 20 11 G= ; ; // t2 A 112 Pens, Papermate Ex. Fine gross 20 q / r / /( - . 6 �> • -' �`n 1 113 Pens, Berol-Med S54 gross / , / 114 Pens, Berol XPine S gross r , "' 115 116 Pens.Flair 'Hard Head"/gross Pens Pilot -Razor Point en 1 C IWAZI11a, ;� Gc �/ , / // r i / / /� /� p '" /% ,A S _! . Dar' '! oo ,, ' •,"°' 117 jPens PilotPineliner en 0-� ,/ // / ✓�` '�) ;; , �7� ''�-• �"- 118 Pen Flash en y dZ j/ / / / -,'4 , �• Q c a ', > t = 119' Pens-HighIiters-Waterco or en 288 o // // �o -s- 120 Pens -Perm. ers - en 144�- ,� • /� f/ // / . ��-:' W o / %, 5 /y. 3 1 1 Pens Perm. ers o 44 j/ / / - --' , �. / •s :., "r%, ; ii 122 Pens Perm. Mar ers - en S- ' p �7G // �/ i/ / ,C�//3 �U _l. r: 7 p 123 Pens -Retractable- Blue -AVI 124 Pens -Retract. ue ro 1.25 Pen -Refills -One for all N ea , ULATION OF BIOS FOR Gw moftm .. Gtt cob & U. team tr.. OESCR11T1011 UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICEPRTrF UNIT UNIT UNIT ,r UNIT 126 Punchers-2 hole #P200/each 124 127 Punchers-3 hole #P-39/each 72 128 Calendar Refill Suoess #017/each 1M . i/ // // /, ��� ° 'j !/ , ; ,',' r✓ 129 Calendar Base Sucess each 100 ,z1q 4 wal- 130 Reinforc.-ment TD909 ctn- 35 i`' p g ; // // ; ! i : ' // 131 Desk Calendar #24-109/each - 300 132 Calendar Refill #021 each 450 133 Calendar Bases #021 each 150 �,�,1 0V '' . ; > ft sue' 134 Rulers-12" Wood each 300 3ti // , ' ,'/ i/ 0 L �l / . -�/ Rulers-18" Wood each 144 i Nev M1313 Sharpeners KP-33 each 24 �(, ' / ; ,� / •''- , -' '�( l I �•' '� // •i� Sortwick Fi er Moistener/each 108 , `,'Scissors - 8" #1017 each •288 �l 139 Sta le Remover #600 each 300 n 140 Staple Remover #G600 each 300 141 Staple Remover #70W/each 300 S, (J i/ /( /� r .� • =� %i.'i c c ° ••'�' 142 Stapler #747/each 300 v b %L / / // 6-o gc/h • �'� ''° Sta her. # 444/each 300 ,S / - Oz // / i ,ti /✓ / ,; c, ?- 144 Sta pler Skn9line #711/each 108 S ' , .S, L' .54 c 145 Staples - Bostich or Equal/boxes 1M sp 146 Ta - Adding Machine 2.25"/roll 1700 1 147 Ta /Addin g Machine 2.5"/rolls 50 ,� U, (Tfj i / ' / i %D�. , %L�c�? / Gr, S , OA, 148 /Addi22 Machine 2. 75"/rolls 150 149 Ta Addi Machine 3"/rolls 200 � �� // // / � l • ` % // // ,Z C; , ^ i . vC% 150 Tape/AddingTape/Adding Machine 3-7/16/rolls 100 `+ w• a ah a mom .l1YG CAON 1 V Vr IGOI\J--v rw.1 G.V sawv ,. C fr cat A !L R.s�•d � .�. Cad .� w..:, ,It... /. � ►. 1�. �.a t.. a.....r - - 7... n.. OtfCd�TrOw UNIT PRI TO►PAL UNIT PRI" UNIT UNIT UNIT PRIM UNIT 151 Tape/Adding Machine 3-7/8"/rolls 50 , -ja / /.j /' / /' "�, 7 i �� •7 '� .- __ !; ,, -r 152 Tape Masking 1/2"/rolls --- - ---- -- - _ -- = — - r - — - - 153 Tape Masking 3/4"/rolls ---- --- - -- - -- - - - - - - - 154 Tape Masking I"/rolls 192 ) ,sue ' /i �C�' %� '� /� 3: ��) ,=i�. .,o 155 Tape 'Masking 2"/rolls 120 '/' I% Tape Magic Mending 1/2"f rolls • 144 �, !� // // (/ (' �; /�..7 �' /� / • , ", L 157 Tape Magic Mending 3/4"Xl2%/rls 2.5M ,921 158 Tape Magic Mending 3/4"X300/ris 720 159 Tape Magic Mending 3/4"X2592/rol % 160 Tape Magic Mending 1 "X2592/rolls 96 / •., // // / ''74 161 Tape 2" #3750/roll 72 % /_S dw / �� �� �" 10' % L' " t' /► `- �' 3' " S/ 162 ITape Dispenser #C-15/each 240 01 G 163 Tape 1/4 X 144/roll 2t38 < /S,/ 3J 164 T 3/8 X 144/roll 288 "7� i/ /i • - '' , ", �( / _ �• �, -, 165 Dymo Tape 1/2 X 144/roll 288 1 - // %( / / % ' ,� / // 166 Thumb Tacks #2 ctn of 10/ctn. 10 , 7 '' 1 " 167 Thumb Tacks #3 ctn of 10/ctn. 10 168 Ste Basket #29%/each 48 p /' / // // C 169 Letter Opener #113-150/each 72 - /( // i ' ' ; �� �; ` •' ` ; 170 ile Pockets - F1-1536G/bxs. 50 j 171 Z Letter Guides/sets 36 - j / / / . ' `% S, /� / "� • 172 Z Legal Guides/sets 36 i // // / !1. ,� _ - , 173 sage Pads W.Y.W.O./dozen 12 ':, ' S'L'= 174 1" Binder #L2-C1181 BKL/each 20 '' ' - / // i/ / - ��. • ; ., '/ i ^ '� C% 175 " Binder #L2- CI182 BKL/each Z' i - 0 ih T U TZIN 5F Bpos,-f�OR s s...r loom 01.. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE 4COTAL UNIT PRIG, UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT AL 176 3" Binder #L2-C1183 BKL/each 240 l� sf/ ,L! ,Cji �� -� :/�/; �1/''' / !� d' �ji „ �" : 5?tt 177 8-1/2 X 11 Copier pa r/cs. 000 S c7o - • r,' :, ,r= '� C?Z' . J' Q 00� ; �� 178 8-1/2 X 14 Copier pa r/cs. 800 ''�%i y�% �/T71�` ` ` %� c` �, i f / . ,�` �; '� �?''� it .5Q : ,; -+r , •., 179 IBM Copier Rolls/cs. 200 i . G '�F,c'xi� ` '' c t, .l % 1tiRibbonsM Ribbons #1299095/gross 9 _ �;•;'•V "r"' 181 IBM Lift Off Tape #1136433/dozen 160 �,�' 7,��� /G'%LC�` / �'`' ': C` •%� �. ,' =�/•�' 182 Ribbons for IBM #11361013/box 180 183 Ribbons for IBM #1010760/box 96 �C, � '' ^" '%[ %i' " S _� 0 `f' •�, �� �} ,�' `;'�- -� - � �� /� // -'c ;y y' � 3� ltA Ribbons, Calculator #BR80/box 25 i,; 7.1 185 Ribbons, Calculator #BR39/box 30 COPIER DEVIMOPERS AND TONERS: 186 for Xerox 2400, 3600, 7000, 7700/ea 10 -�54 'G'z' / �: •'�-L, ' ; 187 for Xerox 2300, 2600, 310U/each 60 7 / /, , �� i' co ' �i►U �'� C� • f z' '' ; ,' /-,,? " " `' > / /.- %' -•, r. • 188 for Copiers 3300/each 25 %. r '� 3?; % S �' ' 189 for Copiers 4000, 4500/each 40 T �'° �. , �� 190 for Copiers 3400, 3450/each 15- 191 for Xerox 5400, 5600, 5700/each 10 /,f ;� % . U t� % "C: 'z 'I '�'1 , '< 7 �� �: 'i f� 5'� `� �, /G � 641 192 Toner 2400, 3600, 7000, 7700/ctn. 40 6. 193 Taney 2300, 260U, 3100/ctn. 60 , -� � C- � � - J - / 194 Toner 3300/ctn. 25 / i/ = -%� , �� z: "'"<< =` Y 7 i% <' ,►;, It 195 Toner .3109, 3400, 3450/ctn. 15 ! G , , ! L • • ' ` / "'3 `� "�% l96 r 4000, 4500/ctn. 40�' , yL �� �t �, r-2 i 197 er 5400, 5600, 5700/ctn. 10 /i 2 //J n'1 at' - '/ ) r� �'` . <l 198 er Copier II/ctn. 15 �; -. -�C Uc tz, ; u 199 r Copier I I I /ctn. 30 /IIL/�, lJ G` �%Q l ``' .;�. �, , U ; r , ii �-�. ' r •,' _�. / .�` �� ' �/� - j�, PF r� qw r a 1 YL I I it VP plv� rVrs •' elf It+w9r. Grj Oat A IL bsrwi tlt Cwr *I M;Su1,.p4►•M a D. U. S.i a...-* -.de iw�.ta.n�t I... on. OiSCR11T&M UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE, UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT TOTAL 200 Data Binder b/P N32-14U/box 60 ` ¢ /i �i /� %i%i ^"i /�� -tj� " r _. 201 Past it Notes #653/dozen 72 tj3 (/ / r fr=' T-;i{3 �5 202 Post it Notes #654/dozen 04 203 Post it Notes #655/dozen 88 � Dry ��l) l /l / ^ +':: ;yo / ' c, 204 Sheet Protectors #SPll Clear/box 00 ., ;� // l / ✓c'• ^ � %='� ^ ✓`-Z %s•Sl�'' c' OC1MPtT1'm-miCE SUPPLIES: 50 205 8" Floppy Disk, Single sided double density/box 206 5-1/4- Floppy Disk - Double ! ,r!-, t '' �' L> sided, double density/box of 10 50 207 iablo 630 Multi -Strike Ribbon, /U ,� J /2e / ,!3 `- f ' I /! A 7�'• S / ^.tz Maxell/box 50 208 #9252 Data Royal Ribbon, Dot %. /%i ,C /'i f ,[1 // 1/ / / 3atrix, as Maxell/box of 6 20 209 tint Wheels for B20, as Maxell (various type styles}/box 50 210 20 Cleaning Kit/each 75 211 tinuous Feed Stock Forte 1/2" X 11" with Perf. Blank 5 lb - Single Ply 3,400 sets/cs 00 ' 12 tinuous Feed Stock Forms f 4-7/8" X 11% Blank 20 lb. 'ingle Ply/2,400 sets/cs LOO 13 OF LIME DISWINN ►p 1 -x+ 7 r 1 1i ,L: �U `� "' — �'' WJ i TABULATION OF BIDS FOR Ott uoftvw. Cow cat noup"d by *a Ckv ►� J __._._ � �� R , �_'!r f'�J�Y�.Y�a �-.-�.I�alaY:.�f�'fi�iJ�:���� �..��[�►���- L�!:��:L�7:'i=13/i'�?'a�t• tea. a3►11�t.' 5 «,.1_..►%►. j;rl�'i�l►� PIT .. �� �aY. J a. S MI .a'� ra"�....� • f �.�IIII11, -�� �� -__ �_ ..� V m -i ,i i A� mo)4 ON MMM m SWAM Win Cleaner — Desk #573/03M lots t .10 s a. r.> 1 k•+•, ',i;n "ir .'zalG•4.+Y S�y��.y. �M .f 6 r' .. , m9'F'g1 • " fl �'�P .F «"i =,1; La�' ll` $�!-vy-f•r , r sf'!. fir•` 7 ram.,: iS I PRO 4 � y - £.r$�� iN I' -��• ,�.a_ - .x,%saz .�..r} :+i. }., ii y . _.. .... .. _. _ .. .,u•-pry 40% tr 4 •Vrq V!" cattJza trV/7 �- Cot �••y.r, OttO.t AL A.r. 48s.••d b $6o � .t w.a. Fte I• � �.•r 7� A i t..�.1�.�.M - �... UNIT UNIT UNIT [NIT UNIT [NIT tt�. �EiCIb►Ttplt PRICE MrAL PRIM 26 Duotangs - #525 (Reg)/boxes 40 27 Duotangs - #588 (clear)/boxes 50 28 Envelopes -Clasp 6 X 9/boxes 300 ' // 29 Envelopes -Clasp 7 X 10 xes 200 d,ti 30 Envelopes -Clasp 9 X 12 xes 400 31 Envelopes -Clasp 10 X 13Anxes. 100 ff 32 Envelopes -Clasp 10 X 15 boxes 150 ly 33 Envelopes -Clasp 12 X 19 xes 75 34 Envelopes - White # 10 xes 400 35 Erasers #N6-7084 gross 36 Erasers #N6-7099B/gross 2 37 Erasers #N6-7220 grass 2 38 Erasers #N6-100/gross 2 39 Erasers #N6-900/grass 2 / 40 Erasers #N6-7107/gross 3 41 Erasers #N6-7055/gross 2 42 Fasteners/Acco #12F es 200 43 Fasteners/Aoco #22F boxes 300 44 FastenerQAcco #12B xes 200 45 Fasteners Acco #22B xes 300 46 Folders File Letter 1 3- cs. 120 47 Folder ile Legal 1 3-5 cs. 48 Folders-pendaflex #4152 1/3-10/ .10 49 Folders-Pendaflex #4152 1/5-10/ . 5 50 Folders-pendaflex #4153 1/3-10 .20 // // rl _ �► 'y-r.A di`Lts`� �'��'�'-�an;`aa �+�" '� i r�Vii .y�yrt''IS !': :i I 4 ✓ r" s'^'l�; .q,� yy S'Y!Yiy. h • s .msf:C� xYa ti'�`: °. -a .'5. i _ r . soft ` I tVIN 4 9 Vf boV� V%or7 -h 2! � �� P. 3 elf Meadow. Cliff CIO& & AL r �.....�lp 1... UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT MIT N.. DESCR11TWn PRICE TMAL PRICE. 26 Duotangs - #525 (Reg)/boxes 40- 27 Duotangs - #588 (clear)/boxes 50 VP 28 Envelopes -Clasp 6 X 9/boxes 300 // ;' 29 Envelopes -Clasp 7 X 10 xes 200 , 30 Envelopes -Clasp 9 X 12 es 400 31 Envelopes -Clasp 10 X 13 xes. 100 32 Envelopes -clasp 10 X 15 boxes 150 ly 33 Envelopes -Clasp 12 X 19 xes 75 34 Envelopes - White # 10 xes 400 35 Erasers 06-79 grass 1 36 Erasers #N6-7099B/gross 2 37 Erasers #N6-7220 gross 2 38 Erasers #N6-100/gross 39 Erasers #N6-400/grass 2 / 40 Erasers #N6-7107/gross 3 41 Erasers #N6-7055/gross 2 ,, 40 42 Fasteners/Acoo #12FBmxes 200 ;/ " 43 Fasteners/Aceo #22FAnxes 300 44 Fasteners/Aeon #12B xes 200 ri 45 Fasteners Aeoo #22B xes 300 46 Folders File Letter 1 3-5 cs. 47 Folder/File Legal 1 3-5 cs. 1 0 ( ;' 48 Folders-pendaflex #4152 1/3-10/ .10 Y; 49 Folders-pendaflex #4152 1 5-10 . 5 50 Folders-Pix3aflex #4153 1/3-10 .20 r,,i - 96 tea:"• ._ ..__—� _ --_ _ S;, Cott mem"w. C. cm& S. a R�efwi +1r eft *1 •..... Y--- . - iw.�.��N.N from 51 holders-pendaflex #4153 1 5-R 52 Polders (letter)-6/Cs 53 Pe:daflex Frames legal-�i cs. 554 Liquid Paper White gross 55 Liquid Paper Asst. colors grcm 56 Liquid Thinner/grass 57 Just for copies gross 58 Ko-Rec Type #98 each 59 CR-16 Correction Tape each 60 Index Guide - A-Z 3 X 5/set 61 Index Guide - A-Z 4 X 6/set 62 Index Guide - A-Z 5 X 8/set 63 Ink/Roll-On/Black--Blue-Red/bt 64 Ink-Statq�-Pad # 1 Black each 65 Ink -Stamp -Pad # 1 Dry/each fib Ink -Stamp• -Pad # 2 Black each 67 Ink -Stamp -Pad # 2 Dry/each 68 Indexes.#C1-213-5 Aicc 24 box 69 Indexes 1 213-5C Aico 24:Ri 70 Indexes #Cl 213-8 Aico 24-box 71 72 Indexes #C1-213 tl0 Aico 24-boi FF3-Label Asst. colors ctn of #'r! 73 RLLS-Labels Asst. 001ors ctn 74 6432 Labels - Carton of 6 {� 75 33-736 Mailing Labels/boxes 48 4t3 48 36 36 J UNIT L.- 17 UNIT VZ i allIiip{ � ctSsu[e¢j�i{�:� h" �y ir.'?�4'„�.�*• �•+�n "a+r.^f' i I Y f4.K {`�• _ � � I - J � ��Yr.:::�d � j��ZX+. ;• i.:.,,'vr''aW.iL:a>,..�d.::r �i r:.3+'. �.£i`-:r...�_ iul... _ �, k. .., - ._ _ _ _ + _ ZC V7 9` r+b w"qw. ub 004 &COW of W001.0,14wose a. IL _ burro#* iwt���bh flow DISCIbIPTIOw PRICE 76 Nuci Lage Glue #C1-127/bottle 72 /. 77 Eimer's Glue CI-E-372 tle 72 / 78 Glue Stick Cl-i] 26 each 72 ' 79 Notebook -Steno -wide dozen 144 80 Notebooks-Steno-Harrow/dozen 144 81 Pads-Letter-Canary/dozen 400 ZZ 82 Pads-latter-white/Amen 250 83 Pads 1-cana dozen 700 / 84 Pads 1-wvhite dozen 250 i 85 Pads-5 X 8 dozen 100 136 Scratch Pads 3 X 5/dozen 400 87 Scratch Pads 4 X 6/dozen 300 / 88 Scratch Pads 5 X 8 dozen •200 89 Memo Fillers 4 X 6 400 / 90 Memo Holder - #1373 each 72 91 Desk Pad 19 X 24/each 12 92 Desk Pad 20 X 36/each 72 Desk Pad - 24 X 38 #20532/each 96 Blotter Refill - 19 X 24 each 200 q100 Blotter Refill - 20 X 34/each Blotter Refill - 24 X 38/each Bond r 8-1/2 X ll/ream Bond r 8-1 2 X 14 ream Onionskin P 8-1 2 X 11 ream 200 500 500 250 100 Onionskin Paver 8-1/2 X 14/ream 50 I UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT ' _ _ ` MUT 61 ;'y`"� d•,F�*r'� � .'S.n' �, " : F'�y�iy'r .,'a^-..., ys ,,,x v .#4' �.•' - - t.� n -i i..4 uyM yy Aj SW PM M rr .szsri�, �, « PejM: ' ' PS) R. mm. ' :I M MR ■�I Elmer's.. mrro�■ r�r�ir�■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■i■■■ K.-Mle-IMPTIMI-Mom or's •� atch •.•- 5 X : ••z Holder - #1373/sac-h- ■�a .... -.. , �-®■rr�■ ■■ ■�■ ■■ ■■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ �■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■ : -.. 1/ ■��■ ■■■■■■■■■■ice■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 11 .. .. -. orr=■r�■■m■ �■■■�■■�■�■■■■i■■■■■■r■■■■■■ ..00 V I F ,_'^` . - + .,s an <t: � �'{. 9a5� �r b"pi� ��j��>g�NttiSx r,i�.. �•h '�'� 4 _ve 9F� ! II '!7 TL �aYy" i t' •P�t•t 4.��.irg 7M.w ' i1.N:,h' . 4 .. { • 7� i` , �'�M. & i'7' + # t <s':.. :.., "�• "� +r! kF. 1 , .: - �JI��l�llllllll��� VA do 04/4,*OA ice _.... ... C. II 11 rAM rACA�� ��� ��� ���� �■��� ass • � .. . .1. .._ ®�� �����■�s����■����■��■� Pencil • e• • •_ _------ Pencil Green #N5-127614foss Pens, Papermate-Fine/gross INS PRO FF ME J=W�w TI •- MII 4�i=i�3 i�r�1..I �1.•��1��'• / IS����_�_---� MEN �a��/�-� Pens -Perm. 4 ' rs' 7r27/1'/ or . 1 = NOISE �gE a MINE '. MINE .19 61 a • _'�IM,`p"rxtrz, us... g n�:�.+.. .,°+�• ,t.:. ,i,� i _ y i .. f , • T B ATJ.ON dMF E310S F Cow yselr. C• t 044 w sL Rece.-Ofbydo CwV a, wsea,.?vw•jG p• IL a �...,•r Iw�.�r•hN •' t� UNIT T UNIT PRICE TO PRI � 126 Punhers-2 hole #P200/each 124 127 Punchers-3 hole #P-39 each 72 128 Calendar Refill Sucess #017/each 1M / 129 Calendar Base Sucess each 100 130 Reinforcment TD909 CtM 35 131 Desk Calendar #24-109 each 300 / 1l 132 Calendar Refill #021 each 450 ( ii 133 Calendar Bases #021 each 150 i ! 4 Rulers-12" Wood eadh 300 Rulers-18" Wood each 144 36 Sharpeners KP-33 each 24 J/ i' ! Sortwick Finger Moistener each 108 / I Scissors - 8" #1017 each •288 Sta le Remover #600 each 300Sta le Remover #G600 each 300Sta 04�4 le Remover #70W/each 300 Sta ler #747/each 300Sta ler.# 444 each 300 S ler Swi line #711/each 108 .•, i 145 Sta les - Bostich or Equal/boxes 1M 146 - Add' Machine 2.25"/roll 1700 i Mah 147 Ta Addi Machine 2.5"/rolls 50 I PA 148 Wing Machine 2.75"/rolls 150 •� i w; 149 T Addi Machine 3" rolls 200it 150 Tape/Addinq Madtine 3-7/16/rolls 100 // ; 1 .. _ - . . '- ". •'fyTY .id, F :a13.,* L f. DOMN MIT 49 1 r pIg p¢� yt 4'='r1':��: _, �»t•t:•4. .Y.;:.. u •i,S J �'d, �- - N - e�\Iz I .. .�_.._�_ .......err..:: .-. _..-,r ........._.:..,_e..,. .. ..... �._...._ ..t :tea.-✓... • �A��iL�� � it V:' � W� r ' -O -' Cop Neftew. Ott cot A. a Rre.•.l .ii. GA .f w..i. #VweM • p. IL &memw* In�1�.1.N M.. OESCb�tiOw UNIT PRICEt TOTAL UNIT PRI UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 11... 151 Tape/Adding Machine 3-7/8"/rolls 50 , ,(.'•�, i� 152 ITape Masking 1/2"/rolls 153 Tape Masking 3/4"/rolls 154 Tape Masking 1"/rolls 192 155 Tape Masking 2"/rolls 120 156 Tape Magic Mending 1/2"/rolls• 144 157 Tape Magic Mending 3/4"XI2%/rls .5M 158 Tape Magic Mending 3/4"X300/ris 720 159 Tape Magic Mending 3/4"X2592/rol 96 160 Tape Magic Mending 1'7C2592/rolls 96 161 ITape 2" #3750/roll 72 162 Ta Dispenser #C-15/each 240 / 1/ 163 Dyno Tape 1/4 X 144/roll 288 Iff! it 164Dpoo Tape 3/8 X 144/roll 288 165 Dyno Tape 1/2 X 144/roll 288 / Ii 166 Thumb Talcs #2 ctn of 10/ctn. 10 i/ Al !l 167 Thumb Talcs #3 ctn of 10/ctn. 10 168 to Basket #2956/each 48 169 tter Opener #93-150/each 72 170 ile Pockets - F1-1536G/bxs. 50 171 Z Letter Guides/sets 36 172 Z Legal Guides/sets 36 17s sage Pads W.Y.W.O./dozen 12 i 1 174 " Binder #L2-Cll81 BKL each 20 175 " Binder #12- CI182 BKL/each 19 .. .; �:•z, :; .-,,.^,,» ,k-,:;tJ,pE•,y� go�s ' ... .: ... ..xX._> ... � _. .. ... ., .. - ..... ...._.w. cam... .- � . . 1 • P%V_PWIVIr ! r v� yg_ — — LZ Cot r.".,... Cwp am& AL a ew"d b 9%0 Gti •1 Moug 1 wsde . ►. r. F .v In��erR.ee � �..,. w.. DesGb1TRm UNIT PRICETOTa UNIT UNIT RTCE UNIT UNIT UNIT 176 3" Bider #L2-C1183 Bid/each 240 177 8-1/2 X 11 Copier /cs. 000 117 178 1..IHM 84/2 X 14 Ccpier p er/cs. 800 1 179 Ccpier molls/cs. 200 180 IBM Ribbons #1299095/ciross 9 181 IBM Lift Off Tape #1136433/dozen 160 182 Ribbons for IBM #1136108/box 180 183 Ribbons for IBM #1010760/box 96 '►,%/ ^ ,�" • �D 184 Ribbons, Calculator #BRBOA-lox 25 185 Ribbons, Calculator #BR39/box 30 ,(_. �14 DOPIER DEVELOPERS AND TUNERS: ' Ifor Xerox 2400, 3600, 7000, 7700/ea 10 / • 't "G �'/� %<< =. ' 1186 187 for Xerox 2300, 2600, 3100/e&zh .60 ' r q' ' , �' �' c z' 188 for Copiers 3300/each 25 ' _ � ;" 1•7' 189 for Copiers 4000,4500/each 40l�' ^; ; �• , �- �~t . 190 for iers 3400, 3450/each 15 ; n . �%+''�`; '► %'' 191 for Xerox 5400, 5600, 5700/ea&. 10 192 Toner 2400, 3600, 7000, 7700/ctn. 40 �-, •'•�� c' ., ., pa, - 193 Toner 2300,2600,3100/ctn. 60 194 r 3300/ctn. 25 195 r 3109, 3400, 3450/ctn. 15 196 r 4000, 4500/ctn. 40 197 5400, 5600, 5700 ctn. 10 98 r Copier II/ctn. 15 �' •� •' ' ?� %,6 - ✓.'� 199 r Copier III/ctn. 30 f-^ K o y 19 n I IMMA" il"�S li i as�'.�'`��+'�'"�`��"���"''�'';.tz.."='�^ -�.. � ^y K'S?i °1�`st N'h••.Jr � ii- �T' �'� - - � .' Lcv.'+'°+J'i.; y,.wi�i«:,!:.....� .S;"..Jia...if .+� .. _..__.. .-,_...._'.i .::. ... .�... .»....,_"tq;... '�.• - - 1 vn r- •9 . -- 1 �► o UsT-4 Gq weagw. Cow cob ♦ N. 4e.•w1 b �+ GA e1 SUONS.p4.•I6 • S. r. 1w. w. DISCOPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRIM UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 200 Data Binder b/P N32-14U/box 60 hv 1 201 Post it Notes #653/dozen 72 202 Past it Notes #654/dozen 04 - j/ /i 203 Past it Notes #655/dozen 204 Sheet Protectors #SP11 Clear/box 00 I/ / OOMPUrER-OFFICE SUPPLIES: 205 8" Floppy Disk, Single sided double density/box 50 206 5-1 /4" Floppy Disk - Double "' • s /� f, C,/ ► :i > %,%� "- sided, double density/box of 10 50 207 Diablo 630 Multi -Strike Ritibon, as Maxell/box 2rn 208 #9252 DaLa Royal Ribbon, Dot C,7% 4atrix, as Maxell/box of 6 110 209 Print Wheels for B20, as Maxell (various type styles)/box 50 210 20tCleaning Kit/each 75 /3 / /� / • i i' %% 211 inuous Feed Stock Forms ^- • r,"� j ' ti= �! �'� -1/2" X 11" with Perf, Blank 5 lb - Single Ply 3,400 sets/cs 00 ' 12 tinuous Feed Stock Forms �' ; , ` �'U ; .c'•' 4-7/8" X 11", Blank 20 lb. 'ingle Ply/2,400 sets/cs 00 ' 13 OF LINE DISOOkW to AN