HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-0204" 0 J-84-1093 rr/070/D-1a RESOLUTION NO. 85-204-,, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY ZONING BOARD TO SERVE A FULL TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31 1987. ' WHEREAS, terms of office for certain members of the h°= j City Zoning Board will expire on December 31, 1984;; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE s gjJdj CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: ddd Section 1. The following individual is hereby 1 Gppointed as a member of the City Zoning Board to serve a full term of office which begins January 1, 1985 and expires December 31, 1987: NAME: ALVARO ROMERO .. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of February Y -- � 1 98 5 . . MAURICE A. FERRE T: M A Y 0 R ALPH G. ONGIE, CITY CLER { PREPARED AND APPROVED BY ?er4a 1, &Zt,/( ROB RT CLARK, DEPUTYC-ITY-AT-TORNEY APPROV-RID AS�fD FORM/AND CORRECTNESS: . LdWLJU111-F%1 1 , NOTE FOR THE RECORD: This was Commissioner Demetrio Perez's appointment. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF FEB Ifni ft. 0 41" Xz CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER-O(L FF.ICE..: MEMORANDUM To. THE HONORABLE MEMBER4. OF `-THE� CITY COMMISSION R L G. ONGIE FROM: C ty Clerk rift-01 DATE: January 2, 1985 F,LC SUBJECT: Appointments to the Zoning Board and' the , Planning Advisory Board. REFERENCESt EIVCLOSURESt Please be advised that appointments to be considered on the Zoning Board and the Planning Advisory Board are as follows: ZONItdG BOARD Two regular terms which expired on December 31, 1984, one of 1 which is presently occupied by Alvaro Romero and the other one is vacant. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD - Three regular terms which expired on December 31, 1984, two of which are presently occupied by Jose Correa and Herbert Lee Simon, and the remaining one is vacant. Section 62-46 through 62-51 of the City Code provide for the appointment or re -appointment of Board Members. Pursuant to these Sections, the following timetable is suggested: December 24, 1984 January 16, 1985 January 17, 1985 January 24, 1985 Advertisement appears in various newspapers soliciting applicants. Deadline for submission of applications and letters of interest. City Clerk's Office makes available a list of applicants for public inspection and forwards Resume to the City Commission. City Commission appoints or re- appoints members by Resolution. A copy of the advertisement (referenced above) is attached hereto for your information and files. RCO/gl Encl. a cc: ilio Perez-Lugones, Planning Advisory and Zoning Board Administration = Randolph B. Rosencrantz, City Manager Lucia Allen Dougherty, City Attorney .Albertos Ruderl Agenda Office t r 4 r • %N n AN NOTICE TO,.THE PUBLIC APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND THE CITY OF MIAMI ZONING BOARD Pursuant to SectkuLfi 1a6, 6247, 62-48, 6249, 62-50 and 62-61 of the Code of the City of Miami, notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, not ear- lier than thirty (30) Days from this day, will consider the ap- pointment of three full-time members to the City of Miami Planning Advisory Board and two full-time members to the City of Miami Zoning Board, for three year terms each; and that the public and professional or citizen organizations with- in the area having interest in and knowledge of the planning and plan implementation process are encouraged and solic- ited to submit to thq City Clerk, City Hall, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, In writing, names and addresses of.persons (who are electors, of the City of Miami) and their qualifications for con- sideration as prospective appointees to said boards. At least five days prior to the making of said appointments by the City Commission (probably, at the second City Commission Meeting in'January, now scheduled to take place on the 24th day of January) the names and qualifications of persons sub- mitted to the City Clerk will be available for public review in the office of the City Gerk. All applications must be received by Wednesday, January 16, 1985, at 5:00 P.M. Nominatlon forms are available in the City Clerk's Office. • RALPH G. ONGIE n. CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA n? i CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM AMFNT1FT1 1 /PA/Rr To. THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE DATE: January 28, 1985 nLE; CITY COMMISSION fU.JECT: Appointments to the Zoning and Pl_a_nn=n� Advisory Boardsscheduled to take place on Februar OM REFERENCEf2 , 1985. R PH G. ONGIE City Clerk ENCLOSURES: Ri¢h .(� R1 A;n1inat.inns Please be advised that the deadline for submitting applications to fill vacancies on the Zoning Board and the Planning Advisory Board, was January 16, 1985 at 5:00 P.M. Please also be advised that Alberto Ruder will be transmitting to you copies of the above mentioned applications. Said applications are subject to confirmation by the Election Division of Metropolitan Dade County that he/she is, indeed, an elector of the City of Miami. Applicants applying for said vacancies are as follows; ZONING BOARD Reinaldo Cruz Alvaro Romero PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Herbert Lee Simon Louis John Boeri Pablo Gomez eJorge L. Pedraza *Ray Cantillo EITHER William Stuart Sorg, Jr. *NOTE: Jorge L. Pedraza was erroneously shown as being interested in the Zoning Board vacancies in the previous memo hand delivered to you. Please also advised that Ray Cantillo made an error in his application in that he wants to be consider for appointment to the Planning Advisory Board rather than the Zoning Board. RGO/gl Encl. cc: Alberto Ruder, Agenda Office Aurelio Perez-Lugones, Planning Advisory and Zoning Boards Administration Lk a� v , _ - E- O_f0j RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk . � MATTY HIRIRAI _ Assistant City Clerk DEPUTY CITY CLERKS t Robert E. Tingley Georgia M. little Ilia Teems January 17, 1985 Sylvia M. Mendota l Evelio Ri:o MICROFILM DIVISION -_ Dorothy Brown Domingo Acosta Mr. David Leahy Supervisor of Elections 1444 Biscayne Boulevard, Ste. 200 Miami, Florida 33132 .Dea& Mr. Leahy: :r-ran-smitted herewith is a list applicants for appointment to the Manning Advisory Board and Zoning Board of the City of Miami. s Please verify that the below listed individuals are registered k voters in the City of Miami. r z Rein,4do Cruz Herbert Lee Simon 1'040 4.E. Little River Dr. 211 Shore Drive, South Mramr, Florida 33138 Miami, Florida 33133 Jorge L. Pedraza Louis John Boeri 1222 S.W. 21st St. 5055 N.W. 7th St., Apt. 103 Miami, Florida 33145 Miami, Florida 33126 t Ray Cantillo Pablo Gomez 86 Bay Heights Drive 1030 S.W. 99 Place Miami, Florida 33133 Miami, Florida 33174 Alvaro Romero William Stuart Sorg, Jr. 1001 1901 Brickell Ave., B1605 3091 Lucaya Miami, Florida 33129 Miami, Florida 33133 Thank you, for your cooperation in this matter. ely, 1 G. Ongie a5 C ty Clerk RGO/�/lberto cc: Ruder, Agenda Office Aurelio Perez-Lugones, Planning Advisory and Zoning Boards Administration r OFFICE WINE CITY CLERK / City Hall / 35M Pan American Drive / Miami, Florida 33133 / 579-6065 HAND DELIVE Fla r- tk E -lops 7 .., . r •► r 12• 2 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of )iiamil, '.Florida QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD.: Name of Candidate Reinaldo Cruz As appearing on Voter's RegistrationCard) Residence address 1040 N.E. Litle River mr ui a*ai,—Flz. 33138 ~ Principal Business 2160 N.W. F In 3.ZZA2 Rey Carpet Service Company name Business address Same Home Telephone 751-2818 Business TelephoneY3 Date of birth Nov 27 1922 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? 226 2. Voter's Registration Number 000451475 3. How long have you been a resident of the City? 17ye 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? Y n S. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? Yp c 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.2? No 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? Y 8. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you own either personally y% or,corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? Yes t -1- .-.... w � �� ��. �. mow. �.�� - .._ .. .- .. .._ ..�.._..... ._ � _ � .. .. .. •• � �,r��_.. _ _ ... 9 9. ,TIaAL BAD= High Schools (a) Naas ' (b) vas. (c) (d) Period At - Degree Obtaled= (e) Year Degree was Obt . College: (a) (b) Nave:------------ i=aticn: (c) (d) Period Att - Degree pbta{ned: (e) Year Degree was O s Business or professional experience/emPlcyment• (Please state dates)- 10. .. d Rev Carpet �+.. — ar T7 s License Bureau, Havana, Cuba tion Department Inspector 1950 - 1954 Minist of inter or, -- -- avana u a and Land Use Control S dnars attended,. (Please state dates). .U. Pla=ing "� 11- past (major) : 1955 - 1959 Chief of Drill • i rship in Civic or Professional organizations (past CC Pit) Please state dates resent Interamerican Chamber of Commerce 97 G7. reater 1973 to Plnc., Member 198 res ent an Member Board of Director of ?Miami Ca italMDemeve1oN -79 em . - - ett - us n : ienQe relat49 bo the fields of PlanniM and Other past or Present e.,%= zoning: . 2 •- P 14. Marberships On any gove=1'esntal agency boards or =umissions (past or present) % elf b'i mi Advianry Cet±nc{1 on Trade and Commerce Development, ri;• Board Member 1979 � M4 r„, rrieninal TiiczH �p rminci 1 go�rd 'Member 1980 15. ��, Are yop an elected official or are you employed full time in a govern - rent authority? No 16. Why would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? Why would you like to serve an the zoning Board? n a member of the the Zoning $card I feel I can make a beneficia contri ution to City of Miami j Please state if you have a preference for either Board: Zoning Board 17. Please state any other information which you think might be considered i meaningful or significant by those considering the appointment you seek: I am interested in this community and its future and to that end I am willing to work as a member of the City Zoning Board. 18. Name and address of sponsoring organization (if any): Interamerican Chamber of Commerce of Greater Miami to Si tore Date: Dec em er 27 1984 ,-' NO►I£: once you have canpleted this f=u, kindly return scone to x City Clerk City of Miami P. O. Box 330706 }' Miami, Florida 33133 -3- r. n U do► ' } '365 ,IAN .14 = OFFICE OF THE CITt,CLER �`4LP G.O;;ial► City of Miami, Florid CI i Y CLEI- • ` • 8TY OF M,14t1l, 4A. s QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT :TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate ALVARO RGMERO As appearing on Voter's Registration Car Residence address 10,01 ERIC--ELL ATE B1.605 1!:[ S MA. 33129 Principal Business ,.HOMER • Company name Business address 11200 II.W. SO. RIVER DR. PLA. 33118 Horne Telephone Business Telephone 55g_7171 Date of birth 14AT A_ 147t, 558-7t72 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? TFS 2. Voter's Registration Number r3r)nj 3. now long have you been a resident of the City? 'A"=77T =rF3 YFeRS 4. Will you be able tar faithfully Attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code?„y-rc S. will you be able to attend planning and toning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code? 7F.S 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami•City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 301 and Dade County Code Section2-22.27 M 7. Are you a property 'owner with#a the City of Miami?. LM S. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you Own either personally or corporately, within the City of MiLrd vith the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant t6 Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? Y -S -1- z ( - F} 4w i .p a r�s �t� y E7,)C'•ATICI AL BF+C STSM- r i Righ Sr1•ioo1: (•a) Nan:srPRnV� TeT T1rsm7mfrimF d ' (b) Locatian: 950 r (c) Period Atteteed:, 19 { (d) Degree obtained: RTr, s( -o ` - (e) Year Degree was Obtain 195e ` College: (a) NmiS: .NIPPRSITY (b) wcation: RA4AITA (c) Period Atte:+r-zd:1g,�n-145� (d) Degree O;J'„ainod:JlA r1nA rN CnTrrTnx! (e) Year Degree was O',--M: BROr—f'Q?n1T,e1TVCTTM'Tm- 0C� r�:�sF�Rr CAmATff171"rCURA 1954-1959, Business or professional eacperienc%mPloYffmt• (Please state ilatea);. 03mEP, Present: jg67 PRESYST- ROI M- O SURM TRUM, � CO-0Y'?TR � 1MTT,n%MS Past (major) :1954-T 959 y' .T-^Ff�' OORRT ROWSE Jl:o D e�nT CTTT.TT,-gq , �I 1951 7 9�R J O''Eii� r � Planning and Land U__ Control, Seminars attended. (Please state dates). r; nSm TAARF; TN',A�S SF�_RS OF PLAISiIfiG A" ZD�igG MR THE L - - . N,mbesship in Civic ax Professional Organizations (Past or present)- Please state dates: 1112FA-2-RTCAR CF3A!IBER or rn'n+FR(`P� CRdRTI'R f.Q�"dPrA 1a7; TREasURER 1974-1976 VICE PRrSIDENTE 1976-1982 PEESIDEN' l�j-1�S3 t m?R.n,;,y�EnE�C`�0E-ASS.�4^r €y�-� SLATE TRUS FX 1978- TI - •4SURER 1g'19-19a& fields of Pla uWv ' rni 0• = Past or present experlence relatmv to zoning: h' +1.IRISTirRY OF PUBLIC TORKS 1959 1960 CAMA GUEY- CUBA C07FRAL. MANAGER OP F=LICS WOMBS EQUIPL'Zri-0i ) ' 4 2 - ; ' t 010 1 6 • .14. Virberships, C6 any gwy-7 past Savexr.1mitantal or preamt) I q IING Mi P.1 AT E"nO IN? C01MITTSE 15. Are yogian elected official Or are you employed full titimein rient, authority? 16. why would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Board? VIA Why would you. Like to serve on the Zoning B�ard?_LZMLA110 'BFt0F Y.ON=4 BOARD I CAN IIW A REUEFICIAL GOSTRIBUTION TO M CITT, i /A ' a preference forelther Board. -- Please state if youhave 17. Please state any other in!!onn. _tion Vhir-h you think might be considered intre�t YU-2 s----k: meaningful or significant .by thor. =Lsidering the ap;c f j 18. hMM and address oft sponswing organization (if any) S IkERW=CAU CEPMER'OF COMERCE FBAMBBRAL ORDER i?GLADES IODGE INW, SigmnataretUre ti Date: N=: once you have =TQletzd this f=, kindly'ret &MV, to: City CIrk rGr; P. 0. Box 330706 Miamill.rjorida 33133 —3- 4 �R 3 a i S0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK City of Miami, Florida . T •f 'r.4Aa rr QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name of Candidate k\jNjA,_ e �- 4kC =0 IM As appearing on Voter's Reg at on Card) Residence address Principal Business �17V 1 n- 1, L 105tk tLi111 �``• k0umpany name Business address 2TOCA ��� ��� ���� Cam; Home Telephone jr(p q S Business Telephone Date of birth 1. Are you a registered voter in the City of Miami? S 2. Voter's Registration Number 000 1 5 (C! 3 3. Now long have you been a resident of the City? % I AP 4. Will you be able to faithfully attend meetings of the Board as required by Section 62-52 of the Miami City Code? 5. Will you be able to attend planning and zoning seminars as required by Section 62-49 of the Miami City Code?� 's 6. Do you foresee any conflicts of interest as defined in Miami City Code Article V, Sections 2-301 - 307 and Dade County Code Section2-22.2? 7. Are you a property owner within the City of Miami? YET S. Are you prepared to file a list of real estate you own either personally or corporately, within the City of Miami with the City Clerk should you be appointed, pursuant to Section 2-305 of the Miami City Code? So -1- L �4 • d. 1 . rF f 9. IDUCI iam g AID: High Scix�ol: (a)`'�'�'� a g (b) Luca on:NnO (c) Period At • (d) Degree pbtainsd: �+ (e) Year Degree was Obtained: 1 College: (a) Nam: ~, ` (b) ImaticM. (c) Period Atf&Zi ed: S ' (d) Degree Obtained: (e) Year Degree was Ob 01 10. Business or professional exPerience/emPlol'nmt• (Please state dates) • Present: Past (no 11• Planning and Land Use Control Smdx=s attended. (Please state dates) . WA 12. Manbership in Civic or Professional Organizations (past or present)- Please state da_ : w 1 _ r 13. Other past or present experienee relatir:q to the fields of Planning and Zoning: . 2- n CS h�o I'.:' .... - 1 14. &berships on any goverrmental agency boards or conmi.ssicns (past or present) : i 15. Are you an elected official or are you employed full time in a govern- ment authority? 41d 16. Why would you like to serve on the Planning Advisory Hoard? u Why would you like to tserve on the 7anisyg Board? �L '� 1 �• �r�/V:�f� \ r `�� `"��hC �� �+'� �tl r'R �J1� i � M�YLa � • Please state if you have a preference for either Board: 17. Please state any other o=ztion which you think might be om idered meaningful or significant by those considering //the ��-�appointment you seek: Iw . I.S.-CA Name and address of spansorirg organization (if any) : inT S ecub. LLUILe. 6I -r•t t� e^ —_ `;" to I s Signature 7k - " S %* <�S - Date: NOTE: Cr:ae you rave =pleted this foam, ksndXY MWIM same to: City Clerk City of Miami F► P. o. Sox 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 -3- n T� _ _ • .��-- �a�i��If�U-_ ll�f 1 1 t:* Sy?� q` THE SORG GROUP r F WILLIAM STUART SORG, JR. RECENT & CURRENT CIVIC ACTIVITIES GOODWILL INDUSTRIES Board i MERCY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Board i THE VIZCAYANS Vice President/Treasurer COCONUT GROVE SAILING CLUB Board/Pram Chairman i a COCONUT GROVE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Two -term President/Board CITY OF MIAMI WATERFRONT BOARD Three -term Chairman COCONUT GROVE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY President/Founder MIAMI GOOMBAY FESTIVAL Vice Chairman 1 MIAMI MARINE COUNCIL Member GREATER MIAMI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Member S U.S. NAVY RESERVE Commander NAVAL SPECIAL WARFARE Commanding Officer MIAMI MENTAL HEALTH Board Member r'r SPECIAL ASSISTANT Special Assistant 'e MAYOR/CITY COMMISSION CITY OF MIAMI Harbors, Rivers & Marinas "t Ary MANATEE BAY CLUB Chairman/Founder PUBLIC FORUM COCONUT GROVE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE Founder i COCONUT GROVE CHILDRENS THEATRE Board Member P, WATERBORNE TRANSPORTATION BOARD Chairman/Founder <'*" GREATER MIAMI 2809 BIRD AVENUE • COCONUT GROVE. FLORIDA 33133. 1305) 443.4733 5812 GROVE AVENUE RICNMONO. VIRGINIA 23226 0 1604) 292.255 SINCE 1952 y 1 J-84-1093 rr/070/D-1 a !- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY ZONING BOARD TO SERVE A FULL TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 1987. WHEREAS, terms of office for certain members of the City Zoning Board will expire on December 31, 1984;; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following individual is hereby appointed as a member of the City Zoning Board to serve a full term of office which begins January 11 1985 and expires December 31, 1987: NAME: PASSED AND ADOPTED t ATTEST: ALPH G. ONGI , CITY CLEF PREPARED AND APPROVED BY RRT F. CLARK9 OLPUIY APPROV Op J-84-1095 rr/071/D-la RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY ZONING BOARD TO SERVE A FULL TERM EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 1987. WHEREAS, terms of office for certain members of the City Zoning Board will expire on December 31, 1984; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following individual is hereby appointed as a member of the City Zoning Board to serve a full term of office which begins January 1, 1985 and expires December 31, 1987: NAME: PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of ATTEST: M A Y O R RALPH G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY 44�1v-144a %,*. �' I Ar ROBERT F. CLARK9 TY CITY AT4TORNZY" APPROWD BFfXO FORM/AND CORRECTNESS: 0 WWWW141-11I I, , 198_.