HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-85-0228e ru •� l^� •6 r � ..1 ,1 n+ n• 7 .. DADE COUNTY OVERALL TENANTS ADVISORY COUNCIL, INC. I'.O Iinr (I I ? I()> • Mi'llni. I-I(IIi(Ia .; I1O1 P1:)1'('h I_"' , ) `)}%I -I MAN IIf 1+ IFNAt1I CMINCIt S 1�1. t.%Im r�'I 1041,,, •.++ rur �. „��r..,n•+ ?r,lll) I';Itl .nlrir'l' f t'%111 Irl' I'.(r' rr.n,.r n r''I%)1.'CIl r't•}l, we :)1'^ pleas —,('d I-i1nl, ;,'()II wi''11 t',,eOIIIIII IId"I1',-1,)11 I.I1.1.r1,t`1. i,I1r, (11 i,V M:1II"I rer I,O ,u,r,,,,,•u,i,rif rmrr ) c,It,r' :'rrr)(l,fl(1(1 ill 1111 t'•V Ire yr' IOIpill(-'III, VII11rl„ 111 t,I11 y,, CI }rIII11^r>1. tO 111:1 ;;+'('lIi'.1 I.V i[III lt'ov('ttv'11t;; I,O 1) 111) 1 J(' +crlu,rr+t ,nr�� Il�rll;;l III,, W l I.I)11) 1.1if, ( I i,,,r f [Ai.%IItI I 1'( lli .I11Fr, r-`111, 111,01] ,111 eglr-l1 „t11„ r1l')tr2II 1.11 f'1_)lirl.i_III': I'I'r,It1 111%Ir10 CoIllit'. . Al."IN +n rr t:,t+l •,l.4r'I W, 1 �u11 c�nc.l ":, .i n1� r'1�r y'')Ir r(:'v.i r,w %-1 i ei.l,cr' f'rOn1 the HUD }.; ecu- +,++r++ u %1q+I All It t Ive I IirE'c� tor, I nt uer:; Vi,i_ ml ::��vel'a I. City of' Miami Tenant iN r+t•n Ar ,,kNI)I rv, OrF,rxrl_i Z at: i (,n;: rind rx ,Ic,inl'ro}1e11:-;_i.ve 1. i t; (,f secur:i.ty imp rove - °rl I I.'meats tieeded wit,hi►1 I•Ilell' hc)usltlj; (levelopments. '41I11, 11 4ANII, 14111Af4 115 It is our unclerotnii(Lin1•: that :l. motion to support our re- `"" quest for the allocation of these funds will be made at this March 2 a.;;t City Commission meeting. We Will ensure that several of our tenant organization's members will be present to support this issue. Should you require additional information, please feel free to call me at 643-3869 or our Community Organizer, Mr. Jimmie Lacey, at 547-5377 for assistance. I %� Sincerely-�/i' Dr. Laverne Nolte, Chairperson OTAC Housing Task Force Committee LN/sm cc: Mr. Clarence Patterson, Asst. City Manager Mr. Frank Casteneda, Director of Community Development OTAC Board Members 85-005d"0205, ° o? i AIR 9 Al METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLOMDA METRO DADE''.. Dr. Laverne Nolte, Chairperson OTAC Housing Task Force Committee P.O. Box 01-2162 Miami, FL 33101 Dear Dr. Nolte: DEPARTMENTOF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 1401 N.W. 7TH STREET P.O. BOX 350250 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33135 (305) 547.5306 March 15, 1985 In my meeting with you and the OTAC Housing Task Force members on 1/31/85, I stated that should we receive Community Development funds from the City and the County to make various improvements within public housing in the City of Miami, we would meet with OTAC to determine the sites and the types of improvements that will be made at each selected site. Any Community Development funds received will not be used for normal maintenance or management activities. Rather they will be used for designing, installing and supervising the installation of capital improvements to public housing projects. lie will meet with OTAC to agree on all such improvements prior to the receipt of any Community Development funds the City might provide. MJA/JL/sm Sincerely, Cll-� Melvin J. Ada s, Executive Director 85--229; 85-228 :9 LE LITTLE HAVANA RESIDENT ASSOCIATION 1759 S. W. 5TH STREET, March 20, 1985 Dv. Lavertie idoite, Chairperson OTAC ffousitlr Task Force Committee P.O. Box 01.-c-162 NIa.mi, Fla . 33101 MIAM1, FLORIDA 33125 f3-1(Dl-! 11'r' t;}lf? III�?�i''1't11.:3t1OIl Gild seoiwit%,y tle'eds that our t_er1(1111 c �iltt i.l rill-f,it,l:le fi-t.va.na }la.; i.(1-nt:irinrl: l) F­ilce sl.irr')ilil } iiit' the b(li1 d i.tiv, 2) Fiximr of the llli1t, awilliigs, that Iei.k, so as to pi'everit wcl.tet' coining in Iurttig bacl rainstorms. 1 till-sa.fet „r I -Ale f 1'Oiit (1001' ((1001' care be The i-iee,.] f'' r a sgr_urit r_'uard 1"e hope that 1;}leao '1;3siies cmi })e %1c16r'es3ed satisfactorily by the OTAC }iousi_il,. '1=1s1: F(?r('e. SL/sm aantia Llabre, President Little Havana pesident Association 85-229; 8S-225 a_. OFFICERS PRESIDEZIT James Robinson VICE-PRESIDENT Benito Vailes SECRETARY Dorothy Wilcox TREASURER Doris Everett SGT. AT ARMS Johnnie Jchr.son CHAPLAIN Madie :-fill BOARD MEMBERS Freddie Mae Brown 521 ii.ty. 73c-I St. Miami, Fla . 33150 March 19, 1985 Dr. Laverne Nolte Chairperson, O.T.A.C. Houslnq ']..'ash, FOrCe C:01111TlltLeQ P.O. Box 012162 Miami, I'L 33101 Dear Dr.. Nolte: The Victory (tomes Tenant Council met on March 6th and decided any community development monies should be spent on the following items, listed in order of impor- tance: 1) Correct street flooding on NW 73rd near 4th Ave. 2) Pave interior streets of development. 3) Repair fence along railroad tracks. 4) Install concrete foundations for 20 dumpsters. Sheila Cha,,^.dler We look forward to working with O.T.A.C. to obtain our fair share of community development dollars. Mattie Engram Dorothv Hubbard Josephine Jcrdan Theodore Keith Esau .vashincton Madie Williams Sincerely, Pames, A. Robinson, President r MARTIN FINE VILJ.,,4S TENANT'S ASSN., INC. °' 1301 NORTHWEST 7th STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33125 March 19, 1985 Dr. Laverne Nolte Chairperson, O.T.A.C. Housing Task Force Committee P.O. Box 012162 Miami, FL 33101 Dear Dr. Nolte: The Martin Fine Villas Tenant Association met on February 21st and voted to ask for community development funds for the following improvements, listed in order of importance: 1) Paint the exterior of the building. 2) Re -sod the grounds and repair. sprinkler system. 3) Trim trees as they are a security hazard. tde look forward to working_ with O.T.A.C. on this matter in the coming weeks. Sincerely, n..1,L�c Plaria Suarez, President 85--226 85-229 EDISGj';4 CO[JRTS P.ESIDE;iTS ASSO=,WION 1` ) 3 3 1 N .W. 4 th Ave. Miami, Fla. 33150 March ].9, 1985 3 X i Dr. Laverne Nolte Chairperson, O.T.A.C. Housing Task force Coinini ttee I P.O. Box 0121-62 Miami, FL 33101 Dear Dr. Nolte: ' The Edison Courts Resi_dent-s'Association met on March 5th and voted to spend any available community development funds on the installation of a fence along NW 62nd Street from 2nd Avenue to { 4 th Avenue. ! As always, we will work with O.T.A.C. to gain our fair share of government funding. Sincerely, Mattie Dean, President. 85-2228 f35_22,9, RAINBOW VIL-AGE-TOWNPARK GARDENS TENi%ttT COUNCIL 306 N.w. 22nd St. Miami, Fla. 33127 March 18, 10,85 Pr. t,averne Nolte, Chairperson O` AC Housing Task Force Committee F.O. Box 01-2162 Miami, Fla. 1.01 fear I)r. IloIile i_ rlrrl writ7.11kr to c;lll your attention to the much needed mod- ��rlli ;lnd :�ecllrit;; imjwnvcment,c nee ,,Ied at the Rainbow Village- 'i`owllrarl, The tenant council met on I'larch 11", l`l ,5 ;ln(l dov,,1 (.,ped t11- 3.t,�lns 1 .-steel below as our, Priorities . 1) Ikepa.ir or replace sci,een doors throughout hOUSillE C(ITIIIlll1111t;: . 21 I;epalr or replace- 1)rilcon'I sliding; .screen doers . -.1) _�'C1.11;✓ S''I'r?Il3 for 1?itC}lell wlndow3 are rl�'ede_f1 1�111'!Dm'xllwlt the 11ous i-ng (level opment . I�) ^,ec -IrItV ;,01''C11;3 ')I'(- I e(-I ;1t i) t1P1?r-IrliIIfr. t,F e:rt,-1,_Fr)i' -1jl(j 1)1,.»Z,eWI 1.1f;}lt1.11Fr rlf;era.tors for on? and two I)e0ronm units is needed. 7) Installation of speed bumpers is needed. 8) 1;eplacement of central air conditioners at Townpark Gardens housing community is needed. We appreciate any assistance your committee can give us in helping to call these concerns to the attention of the proper sources that can provide assistance in resolving these problems. Sincerely yours, Viola Johnson, President VJ / s m C.- 95-22S. (,1'i.'1ZE11.5 TENANT COUN-*T, 123 N.E. 71. -treet; Miami Fl(DrVla _3 3 138 j March 18, 1985 Dr. Laverne Nolte, Chairperson OTAC Housing Tasl< Force Committee P.O. Box 01-2162 Miami, Fla. 33101 J .,I Dear Dr. Nolte: The Concerned Citizens Tenant Council met Monday, March 4, 1-085 to develop and prioritize the following list on modernization and security improvements needed for our housing -community. They are' as follows: . 1) Replace or repair sliding screen doors 2) Correct drainage/topography problem Ins tall wood post barrier along the .perimeter of Site 6. Fence perimeter of Site 5. 5) Pave dirt road 6) Termite treatment of all units is needed. 7) Install ttilp flooring throughout housing development. We are asking ;our assistnii,.,e in helping us to forward our priorities to the proper sources . F111 / s i ii Flora iMc-Intosh, President 85 � � �� ^ /lw A w . PLACE o 05 a Nip TENANTS COUNCIL 610 N.W. loth STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33136 1=�r. Lsarertte iir,1.1:��, c'ha.i.t'I�t�:���n O'CI11 Iioi_lciltF Cn: k I orce Cr,i wdli i_,-- P.O. ir)x, I.)ea1, hr. IIn1 t (7? : The Ci-ilmer Place `Ieiiants Coi_inc.il met can 'Tuesday, March 5, 11085 to develop a list of modernization anc.i security iTnprovements needed for our ho�i3ing (_'0ITI1Tlu1l1t1; . They are as follows in older of their priority: 1) Replace or repair all .screen doors 2) Fencing is needed for residents' units 3) Caulking and waterproofing (sealing where needed) and painting of 122,400 sq. ft. of exterior 4) Installation of security screens needed throughout the development. We appreciate your assistance in helping us to resolve these longstanding needs. Sincerely, r� CC16,u10- 1�r' cµ�� Aldora Beard, President 55-228: SS-22;, 3312 N.W. llth Ct. Miami, Fla. 33127 March 18, 1985 Dr. Laverne Nolte, Chairperson OTAC Housing Task Force Committee P.O. Box 01-2162 Miami, FL 33101 Dear Dr. Nolte: The tenant council has met and discuss the modernization and security needs for the AllapatL-ah scattered sites. We feel t}lat any available Funds would be better invested if security screens were installed at all sites and individual fences erected around the apartment's grounds. If we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact US. Sincerely, ��ussie Herri o�Lt President Gli/dg 85-28; 85-22b; A= s2� SIN t'6P PLAZt\ TENANTS ASSOCIA'1.LON 1311) C1.W 16th t. Fla , 33125 March 18, 1985 Dr. Laverne Nolte, Chairperson OTAC Housing Task Force Committee P.O. Box 01-2162 Miami, FL 33101 Dear Dr. Nolte: The tenant council and residents feel that the most important modernization/security improvement our project needs, is the construction of a wheelchair ramp. As you well know, Singer Plaza has elevators and regular stairs, but we lack the very important "ramp" for our wheelchair resi- dents. If we can be of any assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, G T� James ,-)James Bryan President JB/dg 83"-228 tc. :OUM-51� Tice �`�, i 3 AVE. � 11'��1, FLA. 33125 Send all correspondence to: 1403 N.T7. 71C-h St. T505 Miami, Fla. 33125 T s SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS Needed for Robert King High/Haley So-fge Towers 1) 318 additional security deadbolt locks. 2) 318 peepholes to avoid opening the door_ to strangers without seeing them. 3) Security doors and locks for lobby and access doors to the apartment areas. 4) Security screen at both front and back of the building on the first and second floor. 5)'Security screen door in front of the RKH/iiS convenience store with security lock. 6) Replace intercom system to prevent intruders' access to building. 7) Need additional surveillance by MPD, Crime Stoppers, Crime Watch, etc. En 1 Vega 1� ice President Acting President 85-228 65-22 j I 05� �3 w z 0 n w J W N L._jERTY SQUARE HOUSING eiROJECT cam:. TENANT COUNCIL, INC.~' woo 6 91-0180 � 1415 N.W. 63RD STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33147 (j o o �� March 6, 1985 Ms. Lucy Hawkins, President OTAC, Inc. P.O. Box 01-2162 Miami, FL 33101 i Dear Ms. Hawkins: Liberty Square Tenant Council met Tuesday, March 5, 1985, to develop a list of modernization needs for their housing devel- opment. The tenants listed the following items below as their priorities. 1) Screen doors 2) Security screens for windows 3) Repair roof leaks 4) Paint building exteriors 5) Landscaping (landfill, grass and shrubberies) 6) Conununity building painted and remodeled 7) Speed bumpers and enclosed area along the devel- opment's perimeter 8) Individual water heaters in sites 5-2 and 5-3 9) Playground equipment and tot lots 10) New stoves and refrigerators 11) Window interior roadways through out the housing development 12) Build trash sites in 5-5, 5-3, 5-2 and 5-17C 13) Replacement of all kitchen cabinets 14) Security cover for mail slot in doors 85--228. 85-229. 1 ' - - - - A% i ,�arar L._jERTY SQUARE HOUSING rROJECT w z 0 a w w TENANT COUNCIL, INC. 6 91-0180 no �3 1415 N.W. 63RD STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33147 March 6, 1985 Ms. Lucy Hawkins, President OTAC, Inc. P.O. Box 01-2162 Miami, FL 33101 i Dear Ms. Hawkins: Liberty Square Tenant Council met Tuesday, March 5, 1985, to develop a list of modernization needs for their housing devel- opment. The tenants listed the following items below as their priorities. 1) Screen doors 2) Security screens for windows 3) Repair roof leaks 4) Paint building exteriors 5) Landscaping (Landfill, grass and shrubberies) 6) Community building painted and remodeled { 7) Speed bumpers, and enclosed area along the devel- opment's perimeter 8) Individual water heaters in sites 5-2 and 5-3 9) Playground equipment and tot lots 10) New stoves and refrigerators 11) Window interior roadways through out the housing development 12) Build trash sites in 5-5, 5-3, 5-2 and 5-17C 13) Replacement of all kitchen cabinets 14) Security cover for mail slot in doors 85--226. 85-229. Lucy Hawkins March 6, 1985 Page 2 15) Upgrade the electrical wiring in the entire housing development 16) Upgrade the plumbing of units through -out the housing development We appreciate your assistance with forwarding our priorities to the proper source. Sincerely, Thomas Higgs, d� Vice -President TH/dg cc: Melvin Adams Bessie Nichols 85-"226. 85--229 �iWBERG TENANTS COUNCIL ;^ti 1 +5 N.E. Miami Court #B-1•. , Miami, Fla. 33138 February 18, 1985 Ms. Lucy Hawkins, President & Board Members OTAC, Inc. P.O. Box 01-2162 Miami, FL 33101 Dear Ms. Hawkins: Newberg Tenant Council met oh Thursday, February 14th, to develop a list of modernization priorities that would benefit the Newberg Public Housing Complex. The items are listed below, in order of priority. 1) Mercury vapor flood lights attached to buildings (security measures). 2) Repair roof leaks. 3) Emergency bells for medical emergency inside each apartment wired to apartment where 24-hour man is located (most elderly complexes have emergency bells). 4) Screen doors. 5) Replacement of q r.bage bins that house garbage cans and purchase of garbage cans for each resident. 6) Replacement of all kitchen cabinets. 7) New stoves and refrigerators in the units that didn't receive these items, including the efficiencies (27-B). 8) Paint building exteriors and stairways. 9) Benches in conunon area and on sidewalks. 10) Install lighting in laundry room, upgrade electrical • system. _ 11) Paved walkway by main gate. 12) Build a trash site. 85r228 85-22S. i f q i i ti Ms. Lucy Hawkins Members � February 18, 1985 Page 2 We ask your assistance in Corwarding this list of Newberg's modernization needs to the appropriate parties. Sincerely yours, Mamie Williams President MW/dg cc: Wendell Brewer Charlie Gallarno SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED , DADE COUNTY OTAC, INC. HOUSING TASK FORCE COMMITTEE CITY—WIDE PUBLIC HOUSING FOR PUBLIC HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS SECURITY SURVEY WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED # OF UNITS TYPE I30USING DEVELOPMENT ADDRESS 1) SECURITY SCREENS 288 ELDERLY JOE M0RETTI APTS. 556 S.W. 5TH ST. 2) FENCING 3) SECURITY DOORS WITH PEEPHOLES 75 ELDERLY FENCING LITTLE IiAZ'AN:. 1 7 5G S .I'� . 5TH ST. ELDERLY & FAMILY 1) SECURITY SCREEN] FOR tiI?•dD04;S LIBERTY SQUARE 1 4 15 N . i:. 6.3)RD ST. 970 2) SECURITY COVERS FOR DOOR MAIL SLOTS 3) INSTALL SPEED Bl—iMPERS z�L'--)NG THE PERIMETER OF THE DEVELOPMENT ELDERLY 1) SECURITY DEADBOLT LOCKS mc rOBERT KI?�G HIGH Ap, 1403 N.W. 7TH ST. 322 ?) FRONT & BACK SECL: SCREENS FOR 1ST & ?ND FLOOR. APTS. 3) INSTALL PEEPHOLES IN APT. DOORS Q) SECURITYi DOOR FOR DOWNSTAIRS LOBBY AREA 5) REPLACE INTERCOM SYSTEM .:,.,...,,,.:.----..-,•-x..-.+c+,...npr...,.,+*nas a"�1R"{w;c,. .in'�i .. -. cvcnrn. .. .. , �._..,..,.,.s.-..o.. ,..--...�,._...�...,-,...-,•----.----'T..^—'.^-^..-,.-.-...-.--T~,--_....:...-.,.,>,.-,...T.•. u SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED FOR PUBLIC HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI MOUSING DEVELOPMENT ADDRESS` OF UNITS TYPE HALEY SOFGE APTS. 800 N.W. 13TH AVE. 475 ELDERLY MEDVIN APTS. GREEN TURNKEY PARKSIDE EDISON PARS: 945 S.W. 3RD AVE. 1500 N.W. 7Th COURT 357 N.W. 3RD ST. S 333 N.W. 4TH A,,E. 200 N.W. 55TH ST. 18 ELDERLY 21 FAMILY 56 ELDERLY 112 ELDERLY SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED 1) SECURITY DEADBOLT LOCKS 2) REPLACE INTERCOM SYSTEM 3) SECURITY SCREENS FOR 1ST & 2ND FLOOR APTS. 4) INSTALL PEEPHOLES IN APT. DOORS FENCING SECURITY SCREENS FENCING SECURITY SCREENS PIARTIN FI?�E %'IL-IAS 1301 N jt . 7TH S':. 50 HANDICAPPED TRIM TREES AROUND THE DE- VELOPMENT - THEY ARE A SECURITY HAZARD SINGER PLAZI: 1310 N.W. 16TH ST. 100 HANDICAPPED 1) SECURITY SCREENS 2) FENCING 3) WHEEL CHAIR STAIRCASE RAMIP Y� w1 '. _ _ any: 3 ..� ,Y_ i 7•h , R p 4;.''up a. HOUSING DEVELOPMENT THREE ROUND TOWERS ADDRESS 2920 N.W. SECURITY FOR PUBLIC WITHIN 18TH AVE. I. Ilili� IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS THE CITY OF MIAMI` ¥ OF UNITS TYPE 391 ELDERLY it l t. d i r'14 .s L 2 SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED SECURITY SCREENS 150 N.E. 69TH ST. 100 ELDERLY FENCING LEMON CITY APTS. 48 ELDERLY FENCING FALK TURNKEY 400 S-W- 16TIl AVE. 60 ELDERLY 1) SECURITY SCREENS NEWBERG 7217 N.E. MIAMI COURT 2) MERCURY VAPOR FLOOD LIGHTS FOR BUILDING EXTERIOR 3) INSTALL EMERGENCY SYSTEM INSIDE APTS. FOR MEDICAL EMERGENCIES 19TH ST. & N.W. 3RD AVE- l 4d F7-2.1IL1' SECURITY SCREENS TOWNPARK GARDENS 151 FAMILY 1) SECURITY SCREENS CULMER PLACE 610 N.W. 10TH ST. 2) FENCING AVE. - 10TH AVE. N.W. TO 23RD VE-^� FAMILY 1) SECURITY SCREENS ALLAPATTAH (SCATTERED SITES) & 2) FENCING 18TH TERR. N.W. TO 33RD ST. —I PAGE 4 :T! SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED r FOR PUBLIC DOUSING DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED # OF UNITS TYPE HGUSING DEVELOPMENT ADDRESS 1) SECURE BALCONY GLASS SLIDING 3RD AVE. & N.W. 20TH ST. 145 FAMILY DOORS RAINBOW TILLAGE ' 2) SECURITY SCREENS 3) MERCURY VAPOR FLOOD LIGHTS FOR BUILDING EXTERIOR 4) II:STALL SPEED BUMPERS INSTALL FENICE ALONG 345 FF.MILY N.W. 62ND ST. FROM 2ND AVE. �, COURTS 325 N.W.62ND ST TO 4TH AVE. SECURITY SCREEN_ 37• FAlm; IL`_' N.W. 1ST AVE. & 27TH ST. �_TI—•S (Sr !'I'ERED SITES) STH AVE. TO 34TH ST. N.W. SECURITY SCREENS N . MIAMI AVE. TO 5TH AVE. 40 FAI�5IL1, tc'i I�t90OD mT�P�TI CITES) 30TH ST. & TO 34TH ST. 1 } SECURITY SCREENS N.E. 71ST ST. TO 2ND AVE. g p FA!f ILY C7r,7`iFt�;En CITIZENS & 21 FENCING (SCATTERED SITES) N.E. 71ST ST. & 1ST COURT 3 j SECURE SLIDIr1G GLASS DOORS 77, HOUSING DEVELOPMENT GIBSON PLAZA ADDRESS DOUGLAS ROAD DAY AVE. SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED FOR PUBLIC HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI OF UNITS TYPE 65 ELDERLY PAGE 5 4c� � SECURITY IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED 1) INSTALL AUTOMATIC DOOR ANSWERING SYSTEM 2) PROTECTION ALONG CORRIDORS TO PREVENT FLOODING