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TM TO, Mr. Randolph Rosencrantz DATE: February 28, 1985 FILE: 4
City Manager
FROM: Miller J. Da'Arkins REFERENCES:
City Commissioner
Please include in the agenda of the March 28, 1985 Plannina and Zonina
Ccmission :meeting the following item:
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7LACr : C i 1-'f' QF '?1 Ai'lI L Er,I Uil rA"I/ (NOT SEEDS POST)
6L147 N,E, 7Tli /S`;F., (Etii-'7AN'E f1,F, 64TH ST,)
inE;t'fit i,drr.rI I A f r:/1�rlr_
II,F, AISF 0 :1.C, %?rli! STpr-I'T;,
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On January flip "giarni loning Board lie td a publ is hearing to cons ter re oning the
vacant property fronting Biscayne Bay bet.•:reen N.F. 69t,h and 71st Streets. Over one
`rundred Bayside re0dents <rnd homeowners appeared at: the bearing to pr-ot:est the pro -
Dosed rezoning. The requested rezoning would allow construction of a 100-unit housing
project cn the t,:ro-acre site. Many neighborhood residents spoke against the rezoning,
including Seth Paronick, 'lice President of Bayside Residents Association, Bud Hoey,
Association Treasurer, and Rivoli Winston. Community leaders also testified against
the rezoning, including Marilyn Peed, environmentalist with Friends of the Everglades,
the Pev. Karl Thiele, President of the '4orningside Civic Association, Mari Lichtenstein,
Cna i rman of tie Ccmprehens ive Crime Prevention Project Area -wide Council , and Robert
Worsham, President of the !.Miami Civic League.
Tire central theme expressed by all speakers was that Bayside is a quiet, :cell -kept
neighborhood of single-family homes, and the neighborhood intends to keep it that way.
Some residents attending the hearing suggested the property be acquired by the City for
park use. Al 1 were opposed to rezon i ng for apartment construction.
Faced :rith a uni fied, vocal neighborhood, the Miami Zoning Board deferred consideration
of the rezoning request for six months and suggested our Association approach the City
C�unnission Frith a proposal to acquire the property for a small neighborhood park.
A request has been glade in writing to the Mayor and the City Commission. We also plan
to make a personal appearance before the City Commission during February to discuss tare
:rroposal fur�hnr.
it: :vas gratifying ?o see hoer the neighborhood rallied and appeared in person. I thank
the officers, Board of Directors, and all of you who supported this opposition. I offer
;i,e(:ial trrani,.s to Friends of the Everglades for their support and the kind encouragement
rer:e i ved frri;) I'la r iory Stoneman Douglas for our cause. They were there when we needed
t.hern, anfi .qn'11 ire there when they need us. They are located at 374.1 Stewart Ave.,
Con rrt r;rr)re, FL 3)11133, and I,hoy :reicowe new members.
Cvery person residing in Bay',ir!e is important.
Your presence at
public hearings has a
tremenrJous impact. on the pol iticians
and other public officials!
If you can't attend
meet.intl5 and pubs is hearings, you can
soil lend support in other
ways. Pay your 1955
uirrnlr,�rslril ;,rn;, vrfrrk on tploirhonp lir
newsle!:t.er comm iIfees , +:ali;
to your neighbors and
fINVOLVED! de've
rien%1s, brtt. GET
al ready proved (row
our united voices can
!.e. Let.'s all jr�in forces tf� l,rese,,e
r�ur beautiful Bay, ide.
85--347- -
r��LNDA—_JAidL'Al�'t'_�I�,_J'l 5-7..:.'�J f',.i ,.
FOP 198115
OFFI CF_i;S AND FOARD OF D1 PECTOPS (`,ne ',l ire 11"Irm. )
- 1` 85
f. ,.
The Std11d{nr) Comm, i'1,tee rill 'fort lnat.ionr nr 1,lle Bays irip Pp,;irinn15 As7,oclatir;n hrls s!,bmitted
t the ful Iowinrl si a -9 o r cat ji r;aLes for qM cgrs anti (;oar d rif ()i roCtors , Please bear in
jT{It1tJ that, r)t!IPr Candidates r!liy be nom!rated fro{II the floor Jy 3ayside members during the
general meeti ny.
President: fat Skubish Les ,Alvarez
:ti ce President: Seth Paroni ck Elizabeth Chi ttum
Recording Secretary: 3r;1) `:nri th Peg(;y Grandinetti
Corresponding Secretary: B. S. Nei l i N e I l )!oey
Treasurer: 3ud Hoey Janna i^cConnelI
Parl iamentarian: R1•;oi i Win,;tun il,rlene Shaffer
Sergeant -at -Arms: sue Cas to 1 1 ano Mike :d i 11 i s
REi1EMBER 579-6111, That's the number to call the police for non -emergency prcbiems.
There have been more reports by our neighbors of suspicious persons in our area lately.
PLEASE - If You see any unknown person on your street acting in a suspicious manner,
For example, walking or driving slowly and surveying the houses, or causing you concern
for any other reason, call the pol i r_e at 5 79-6111. The police want your report, no
platter huw unimportant it may seem to you at the time. It may give there a lead to help
solve or prevent a crime. When you call , identi Fy yoursel f as a member of your block
crime watch group. Be brief, be accurate, but above all , be aware. Protect yoursel f
and your neighbors. Remember: 911 is only to report a fife- threatening situation or
an actual crime in progress. Keep that life -line open For those who really need it.
889 N, E, 71ST ST,
MIAMI, FL 33132
CITY OF ril.',I11 L.E(,I()il PARK (GLIt:7 fJ,E. 7TH AVE.)
85-3 47. .
W� le.
March 11, 1985
s a
Honorable Mayor and
Members of the Citv Commission
P. 0. Box 330708
Miami, Florida 33233-0708
: Sir:
On January 7, 1985, the Miami Zoning Board deferred action on a
petition for rezoning of a two (2) acre site located on Biscayne
Bav at the foot of N.E. 70th Street to provide area residents
the opportunity to propose acquisition of the property by the
City of Miami for recreational use.
The petition for rezoning, if approved, would have allowed for
the development of a one hundred (100) unit apartment complex
on the property, a development completely out of character with
s predominately single family neighborhood surrounding the site.
The subject site is currently zoned for single family development.
Over one hundred (100) people were present at the zoning hearing
to protest the proposed rezoning of the site to RG 2/5.
t The Bayside Residents Association, representing over 250 property
owners in the im-nediate vicinity of the site hereby requests
acquisition of this last remaining bayfront property in Northeast
Miami for marine related recreational use. Specifically, the
Association is requesting that the City develop a small municipal
marina on the site. The development of a marina on the site would
not only preserve the Bay vista and positive environmental influences
Y provide the
:.� of the Bay for area residents and homeowners but also
,z City with an income stream from dockage fees with which to retire
initial acquisition and capital development costs.
f to
Most importantly, the proposed recreational use of the subject
property will preserve a last remaining undeveloped Bayfront
property for Miamians.
.f 01 --U-- .. �... _--.� _ .. �....-+ra .. .w_.r......- .�....... .. ..- - --
Honorable Mayor and Members
of the City Commission
March 1.1, 1985
Page 2
In closing, please be aware that area residents strongly oppose
rezoning of the property for any use other than marine related
recreational use.
Bayside Residents Association
cc: Sergio Rodriguez, Director of Planning
Aurelio Perez, Zoning Administrator
Carl Kern, Director of Parks and Recreation
Randolph Rosencrantz, City Manager
Board of Directors, Bayside Residents Association
fian,inlph 13, f{os,�nl:r ;�nt:r. f'}tt)r Idr Y 1 1 1^t35 k
City Manager BAIL ' J FILE
f'rol;I-),ial to F.stab i i sh
I'ar k and/ )r ;Idrina
batter I_. I' 1�r1: �; �. L,- �•f -�- C G1• rr I.11. 11Lf1.-L� .'
lssistant, city ~tanager
At il tat:l'Il i� a menloI,andUIn frorft Aur•et 11� I.. PCf.tfrS, i)it'c.t,�t',
Planning an(I LI)ning Boards AdininistI,atit)nI oh1':11 r•413y� tI??
Huh jr_ut pr•opo.,ia wI) i t,h avose during the Zl-)n ink 130ard meet;ing of
1aIiIjar-y I, 11)35. 13asicaI I the pro1)1,)saI is thdt the City
?liain1 :I)n6ideI* establishing a public park and/or marina on the
:1; is suggested that both Alfredo RodriguezI !-tar-inasand Carl
P_Irks and Recreation, r•cview the proposal as to need anti
1Si.i)Llity a.-3 .)r•,Izi ()I:t3 ()r• i11)i,ii t)f the proposed facilities.
It is assumeti (for• good reason) t'lat; I'ho City Commission will be
approached on this; therefore, it i3 ;also suggested that the
review be dr)ne t1utckly and this matter then presented to the
Commission by the Administration.
cc: A.E. Perez-i.Ugones
S. Rodriguez
, . I 1 '. \If f I I ..l-1, t l ,, t. I(,..
iFI i Lh j,t,r l IL E 1.1C—tA )I rkr�l.IUh.I
1 ray:
Walter Pierce - ,!February 7, 1985 - P
Assistant City Manager z
�' { !Alange of Zoning Petition for
Approximately 980 NE 71 Street
Approximately 7001-7009 NE 9 Court
`` e11o:E�-P�rezne Approximately 896 NE 69 Street
Planning and Zoning Boards
Administration Department ;-
At the meeting of January 7, 1985, the Zoning Board passers a resolution
referring for a period of six (6) months a change of zoning petition
concerning the property located at approximately 980 NE 71 Street,
approximately 7001-7009 NE 9 Court and approximately 896 NE 69 Street more f;
particularly described as a portion of Lot 3, Block 1, 11,t KAY SUB (75-18),
Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, BAYWOOD WATERFRONT (82-45), Lots 47, 48 and 49, Block
1, BAYWOOD (5-85) and a parcel of UNPLA.TTED land lying easterly of Lots 47, 48
& 49, Block 1, BAYWOOD (5-85) to the Dade County Bulkhead Line.
The purpose of this deferral is to allow time for the applicant and concerned —
neighbors of the area to meet and explore with the City and the State the
possibility of the acquisition of the land and bay bottom described above for
use as either a park or a marina.
A partial copy of the minutes of the referenced meeting is included for yourfi',
cc: Carl Kern, Director
Parks Department
Clarance Patterson
Acting Assistant City Manager
E iJ
FOR- IL,)tl (iE' ;•1?'IUTE_5 !' 1'E". ,'1 i, 1:.;.iUFtiKY 7, 1935
4 • Approxi.niately �_)uU tJ[. 71 Struet
AEproxlmaLe1y 7001-7U09 m_-' ')
Approximately b90 NL 69 Street
portion of LoL s
Block 1
HC EZAY SUB (75-18)
Lots 1 and 2
!Block 1
f3AYtiVOt�D WATERFRONT(ts?-45 )
Lots 47, 48, and 49
Block 1
BAYSVCOD (5-8S) Less Portz,:Dns
A parcel of Ut.)PLATTED land
lying easterly of hots 47, 48, s 49
Block 1
BAYWOOD (5-85) to the Dade County Bulkhead Line
NOTE: Complete legal description on file with the
Planning and Zoning Bcards Administration Debt
Change of Zoning Classification ir► the Official Zoning
Atlas of Zoning Ordinance 9500, as amended, from RS-2/2 One
Family Detached Residential to RG-2/5 General Residential.
Secretary filed proof of Public Hearing notice and
administered oath to all persons wishing to testify on this item.
(Presentation by counsel for applicant has been omitted.)
Mr. Freixas: Mr. Chairman, before you go to the
opposition and we have a room full of people here and I can
understand that they want to preserve that, it occurs to me ... Mr.
Traurig, would you put that aerial, I want to point out
something. Is Mr. Whipple here? Can I ask him a question
Mr. Gort : Go right ahead.
Mr. Freixas: Is he here?
Mr. Whipple: Yeah.
Mr. Freixas: Have the Planning Departmu nt
considered that site there for making some sort of recotrunendation
to the City Commission to utilize that as a park?
Mr. Whipple: No, sir.
Mr. Freixas: Is it possible? Can we approach
it in such a manner?
(Applause from the uudiarlcc)
Mr. Whipple: I dan't know whether that's
possible or not. That's a policy .Iuc:is.iai, which the city
Commission would have to take Lip and decide whither they wactt thy:
administration to pursue or not.
1 January 7, 1,985, I cam 4
Zorriny Board
L A<:' -,)L iF 'lE :;I, .'F'a E' L "L'::'! -t , !:..iU:IIZY 7 , 1'),i5
4. Approxi.mdteLy tdL 71 Strc.Ct
AP[)r0x1t11att! Ly 7001 -7U09 _jE' k"jurt
ApproxiwateIy b9t) �1E 69 5trret
Portion of Logy s
Block 1
MC ►AY SUB (75-18)
Lots 1 and 2
Black 1
BAY1,100D WATERFRONT (u2-45 )
Lots 47, 48, and 49
Block 1
BAY,4CuD (5-85) l,.ss Ic�rt.�oris
A parcel of UtJPLATTED land
lying easterly of Lots 47, -18, & 41.)
Block 1
BAY:1100D (5-65) to the Dade County Bulkhead Line
NOTE: Complete legal description on file with the
Planning and Zoning Boards Administration Dept
Change of Zoning Classification in the Official Zoning
Atlas of Zoning Ordinance 9500, as amended, from RS-2/2 One
Family Detached Residential to RG-2/5 General Residential.
Secretary filed proof of Public Hearing notice and
administered oath to all persons wishing to testify on this item.
(Presentation by counsel for applicant has been omitted.)
Mr. Freixas: Mr. Chairman, before you go to the
opposition and we have a room full of people here and I can
understand that they want to preserve that, it occurs to me ... Mr.
Traurig, would you put that aerial, I want to point out
something. Is '14r. Whipple here? Can I ask him a question.
Mr. Gort: Go right ahead.
Mr. Freixas: Is he here?
Mr. Whipple: Yeah.
Mr. Freixas: Have the Planning Department
considered that site there for making some sort of reco►rtmendation
to the City Commission to uti.liLe that as a park?
Mr. WIlipple: No, sir.
Mr. Freixas: Is it possible? Can we approach
it in such a manner?
(Applause from the audial,cr)
Mr. whipple: L dan't know wleath�r that's
possible or not. 'That's a pu.l i.cy Iecis.ion which the City
Commission would have to take Lip and de-Cille whather they want than
administration to pursue or not.
1 January 7, I OB5 , Item 4
'Luniny Board
[;r. Freixas: Decausr� it 3i7rle�lrs t0 rta let it
the owners of the property are wi L L nj '_a, you b:rla'w, to something
with the land .and we hLv-� all these 1)copl,, opposing dev,�l,)pnierit
in the area and I can s,ae .-ihy, if I lived there an! I was
utilizing that as a park or as a '.Jay of '.•ral:;ing to the bay or
whatever, I think that maybe that would be a good avenue to
Mr. Whipple: Oh, it might be, Mr. Freixas, I'm
just stating that from the administration's standpoint, we'd be
glad to look into it if the City Commission feels :as a policy
they',l like that pursued and they feel also that they would have
the 'wh'ere'aithal and the resources by whi,_h to go ahead and
proceeu to investigate but that's strictly a Commission decision.
Mr. Gort: Thank you, Mr. Whipple. Those in
opposition you get a chance to speak no'fr.
'Ns. Skubish: My name is Pat Skubish and I'm
president of the Bayside Resident Association and I gave nothing
but the utmost respect for Mr. TrauriQ and f`cr the members of
this Board. I'm here on bellalf... as being president and telling
you people that I would love to hav,: you cone to our neighborhood
to oath Street and 71st Street and see what has really occurred
there. The development pattern that Mr. Traurig speaks of and
you see the picture right before you, that doesn't mean it was
right, you see, just b=caue -it's there now doesn't mean it was
right to begin with. That is...what really has been established
is single family residential. That's what's established. The
people who are here in this audience own homes. It's [lot
everybody from the Clipper. The Clipper is here and their
representative but these: are people who irive5ted in this
eornmur:ity and they believe in their community anc.l that's what
they -.-iant.
Now a Dark, you suggested s nark, that woul i be fine
with us. A marina would upgrade our property. A marina
shouldn't only be in Coconut GrovL: but when you to l.c ab,:;ut
townhouses and condominiums of such impact on our area, I just
want you to be aware of or►e thing, Lite Pal[n 13ay Club right r[oa,
at this point in time, has closed off 69th Street because they're
doing a beautification, a million Liullir beautification and
what's happening is the impacting traffic alone ... how many people
here: have had animals killed in the past four or five '.reeks?
children almost liit by car!? rllC trat:fic is all being rue[ ,login
71st Street. It's unbeLievable. It's One 5in(J1.e... or[e laded .and
the traffic, the sewage, everythitl,j, and what we've done is,
is. . .'we .jould Love to have a ()ark, WC %vQal i LOve: tJ 11uVu a Ill:rilla
but we will not stand for any corldoininiums artcl we are ►sera to
fight it to the fullest exte[it. UC will riot llavt: a co[1jonlinium
built there.
Mr. Freixas: Let me su�jgest...
(Applause from the audience.)
Mr. Gort: `!'hank you. Next.
Mr. Freixas: Mr. Chairman?
Mr. Gort: Excuse me, I'm going to ask to
hold your applause to the end and then you can go and do so
because if you do that arid you've got quite a few speakers here,
we're going to be here all evening so I'd apprec:i.ite it if you
hold that.
Mr. Freixas: Mr. Chairman, let me ask a
question from Pat and maybe we call save time here. You are herd
and you are very united and, you know, as a neighborhood and you
want o come in Hare and you want to fight off condominium...
2 January 7, 1985, Item Y
Zoning Board
GIs. Skubish: No, no...aai`= a Ininute. Let nle
just straighten that out. tio, wait a Minut,_�! ..;o, we don't want
to fight, we .gill fiy'r►t if wu ihuv�.J t(D.
Mr. Freixas: Okay, taut...
Hs. Skubi011 WL! went ti) lJeil.kVe Iil;e I -Ali 1.12s sn(l
gentlemen but we want YOU to I)a awcIL_a of uuC 6t..1110E2. . .
Mr. Freixas: Absolutaly.
Ms. Skubish: ...okay, as 1 Yeas saying, it Wou1Ca
make my day...
Mr. Freixas: Absolutely, I'cn on t1he sane: lines.
If all that behavior as ladies and gentla►ue►i, LE you will take
all these people: to the City ColalthiSS1011 and �iri tt, a petitbDn and
two or three of you -)o and ►nee} with the Mayor drid tiles
Commissioners and say, "Look, we have this parcuL there. I thin};
that this would be the best thing to do. The neighbors would
like to have a park there." I think you' k.- (Jot a soluLion to the
problem. You have a solution because at the same time these
people, they've been sitting there with a piece of property and,
you know, they want to dispose of it and I think that the eneryy
that you as a group should be doing now, you'd be putti►lO
pressure on the Commission and the Mayor to instruct the Planniny
Department and the City Parks and Recreation to worst so►nc SorL of
deal to get a park there. I think that would be a perfect site
for a park and that will solve the problem of the...and I can
sympathize also with the owners of the property that have been
there for many years and they've been paying taxes and so forth.
Ms. SAlubish: We understand that. We understand
(word inaudible)...
Mr. Freixas: So maybe, Mr. Chairman, if I'm not
out of order, maybe we can save some time if this is in accord
with all of us that maybe what we should do is defer this item,
let you ... give you enough time to go and, you know, get
representatives from your group and go and meet with his
Commissioner and the :Mayor and tell them, and tell them exactly
what's happening and I don't see why not you can not have a park
them. I think that site is perfect for a park.
Ms. Skubish: Okay, we would really likes to
because we do respect the other side but ,ar. Traurig?
Mr. Traurig: Yes, ma'am.
Ms. Skubish: I would like to ask through vou,
mr. Freixas, please...
Mr. Gort:
Go ahead, ma'am.
Ms. Skubish: ...because all the neighbors are
here and people do not come out on a Monday night unless it's
really important to them. About this park and about a marina or
anything, what would your answer be to that or would you fight us
on that?
Mr. 'Traurig: Ms. Skubish, this is an
exceptionally nice neighborhood. I know a lot of people from
this neighborhood and 1 r.eeL)c.ct all of you. 1 huvr_ no problein
about a deferral of this iL"ein. We waited a couple years for it
to coma to thhis uoLir.1. It the c.t miminity wou.lci Like to makes that
proposal to the City (2t:)1M111ssi0n, we' L1 yo with you and we'll
coonerata fully.
Ms. Skubish: Okay. Okay, yes.
(ApPLause from tile audiaeice. )
3 January 7, 19t15, Itcrz
ton inq Board 85-347-
,1r. wort: ('kc,y, 1r_t rrlc: ., : i I've g(:)t tins
straight now. :•ly understanding is ... mr. L.'reixas you will rrralce a
!notion for deferral far t_- he purpose of the ar:)licants :erl'�.i the
neighbors to ... if they're all in a1jreerrlent with a (JefcrraL, u
can entertain a motion for deferral for tiht2 purpose of the
applicant and those in objection to get together aria try to conlL:
up with a plan that they can present to the City Commission z►nd
therefore, have no reason for coming back Here. Is that my
Mr. Freixas: Yes.
Mr. Gorr: Oka, Pat, how does you and your
group -feel about this?
Ms. Skubish: I'd like to have a raise of hands
because I just go by what they say. Raise of hands For deferral
and so we can get with the City Conunission and the Mayor. Eitherway, you know, we're going to have to go before the Commission no
r„atter •.,vhat had.pens. Okay.
Mr. Gort: Let's listen. Go ahead. Mr.
''reixas, it doesn't work, let them talk. Go a'lead.
Ms . S'K i s h Okay, that's all : have to sail.
Mr. Gort: Thank you, Pat.
Mr. B1umm: My name is Mark Blumm. My home
address is at 898 NE 80th Street. I'd like to address the
Commission, what they've suggested right now is very good. I'd
Like to find out two things. _umber one, to establish a time
frame for this activity to t.a};` place for them to propose before
the City Commission and what not that the developers would be
willing to postpone number one, their application for this
because this thine will just be repectted should they not be able
to come up with it and rhumber two, I think that there shoul(i be
some things in the recor,] bottl made by the gentleman who's in
Public Works and some other things about impzict of the increasL-d
density that they're- showing right riow.
Mr. GGrt: all tht iLat<'1(li Ilta that al:e mz de
here, they're on the racord. They're tatted and so on.
1.1r. Lslumra: (Mr. 3lumrn continu,,O, to spy ta-. crr,
sub jr:c.ts ragaraing u site plan, impact Z,nd stret:t5) ...what tiiae
Fram,. ara you offering Un this to L)ustporiu this?
Mr. Gort: Sir, there's no time...Exeuse me,
Mr. Freixas...
Mr. Preixss: HU's not .3ffering anytlhirl,. We
are the one's who are offering.
Mr. Gort:
E:xCL460 rein . . .
Mr. Slufhurl: shall, t'la just saying ...I ri1C?at1,
what are you reconai.Lnding or what Zlre you suggesting?
Mr. Gort: We ;ion' t know What the Lima Erame
could be; we don't know !how long it will take for you to grit
' together, for you sit down with the Conimissioricrs, conit: up with
an idea, come up with a Filan. There's no way that we !here or
anyone !here can set a frame time... time frame or whatever, a
limited time to it.
Mr . Slurrun:
willing to wait?
Can we ask them how long they'd be
4 January 7, 1985, Item 4
Zoning Board
85-34 7,_.
;re ;ts=: ,.;oil a question.
"-r'_%bogy iier•a
TraurLg out -our
Down and
you c In ins,L` later.
Carl Thelie,
5911 NIE
v avenue, opporient, spoke in
regards t"a the
in t;1e aria. )
tiir. Bark: (Mr. Ted 3arc, 945 NL 72 Street,
opponent, began speaking by questioning the possible use of the
submerged Lands and in regards to the traffic impact.) ...The
idea for a park in that area is all in v,!ry fine but obvlously,
the price of the land would changta- sable,,, chat if the zoning was
changed frou] the pL _!sent zoning to the high .density zuriing that
they want. Obviously, the City L/uUL l 1]avC L,- pay a hi,jher price
for tire Land that ,�a5 .4D[1C 1 f,_)r hi Silts 1r_r,slty property. Thzink
('•Ir. ti6e, W11.;.Lulls, JU9 14L•": 71 StrcCt, oppoflo:lt, spokes in
r Gay cti�l5 tl) tie new cojn ittt�e LeLng Njrab1ishtff ci by '•te,tr.:,~i)�s,1C, the
Jt1i7L'CL 1!]C t\�-L��J l 71,11[ll�tdt], CJlll� ll 4J1 Li CLfci:t 1]L:W ttl h/:'1: L S Irluy
ua a:)la to build; hcw 1:111s site is now a flyaway for tll�_ bir:as;
M tile Nt0L)1Q doll' t waflt wal L to Wall. i_,u1 L,1 inys alony the shoreline;
and there are already f L.)o,i my pros, i.ufils . )
Ulr. .7orr'y GerduLIX, 921 LIE 71 :itre:Ct, OI+�)C}rlLlir , State]
tide t:11S chang,a wouL,1 not be a Lc,ALcal ei r_k.:n iDn of the existing
zonLnt3 cis aryucd by fMr. Trauriy; tint- tratric impact woul,i be
dletrimer]tal to the n`iyili)urtrvoc] an,z fezir thLs will affect their,
y _nvLronmentalLy specLf.iza1ly spe,:l;,iru3 in ruguras r_o winu )
(Ms. ;Mary Li`heli:stein, 666 NL•: 71 Street, oppor.zrlt,
Stated he-r oppo5ltLoll anal askc_(l tnte: Ec.),al:.1 to of
tine change -)f zoning.)
I`Is. Reed: (tits. N1arLlyn I .ed, 3183 'McDonald
Street, representative of Crien,ls of the t vC_rc, Lades, bayan by
informing the BoarJ about the owner not bein,able to fill the
submerged Lands they own in order to build ,rl them because it is
protected by state and federal laws.) ... However, what I 1i(1 he:cr
from mr. Traurig and correct me if I'm wrong, Bob, but is this a
willing seller situation for park purpose_? If so, that's going
to cast a different light on and to that extent I'll give you
some more information because we just went through this with the
City Commission, we have the resolutions passed on Coriunodore Bay.
Their zoning was turned down recently and the State is pursuing
the purchase of that. The City :oes not have the furids for this
curpose; however, there are various ways you can get furids and if
Bob and his clients are willing sellers, it wi11 certainly help
puss] this along for park purposes. All right, locally, you have
special taxing districts, you have condem:.ation purposes, :,,u
have bond issues. On the State level, th�y have four programs
working right now where you can apply and if: ... you know, the
State doesn't come after you, you have to go after the State so
when an owner of Land says, "Well, nobody's offered us anything."
they ave to go after the State programs and make an application
is they're willing sellers. Now there are funds in these various
progress at the State level. Under the, we call it the CARL
Program, Conservation and Recreation Lands Program, we just last
session, when I was up there lobbying, got the cap increased to
40 million a year and that is a long process, you have to put an
application in, you have to comply with the requirements of that
act and there is a review board. So what these people could do
is sit down with the applicants and start working toward that and
look at these four different programs. The other one is Land and
Water Conservation Program which comes rrofn federal funds and
it's financed all the time from off -shore oil leases and that
sort of thing so there's constant money coming in which is then
given to the State. That's to buy this kind of property. There
is a matching fund requirement, however. There is another
5 January 7, 1985, Item *4
Zoning Board
r e c r .at i- )ri,t 1
be very h3L)r�f
w l th r_!lc r 5 L It?Ills 1I1._i 1r . Crauriy c1I1,1
=inybotly c:L_it.
,tb hey
ptiL-.silt iS I,h,
E) _0L)t3L' Wdy Lo
yu 13 LU
jv L IICUII jII Lh1 _!6 3 l r loil� :i1,1 r1 r1C L3 tl!•1 yc, `
going on It L"LL_11L
all,l jt--L L11V a i:,.Sol Ir-ion
to the SL itu
Etnd 100K
at )L11,jr Wa'js Lii.l�_ wrjUL,i ile ctll .";)u iVDlllJ
113Vr3 L1D wUL k
AIL'. 1 aL it 1L [' lrt:s, /011 11.1v_ Lv C1 Lu
dPL)1 Ll:dL1ullS,
1_ilc3l� �Ct'
w, L'u kj,tL t!115 011C' .!1,.1 i�-ll ll 1'l�ll ha l 1
L don't
1.11ov/ vll:,t L;1C [)L"11_.. L5 gulny to
that's goiny
to be a
`Niank you, %arilyn.
...l)ut I wouL l encouraye you to
direct your attention
that way -
Mr .
All right. Thank you for
and I'm curt! Pa~ will get in touch with in
five minutes.
Fine. Thank vou.
Thank you. Next.
(Ms. R. Winston, 680 NE 71 Street, opponent, stated for
the record that the neighborhood Lives in harmony and this is a
model neighborhood and asked the Board to take these human
factors into consideration and deny the zoning request.)
(Mr. Seth Paronick, 670 ',LIE 67 Street, opponent, stated
there really is a har-moray in the neighborhood and he wishes the
Board to recommend denial of the request.)
(Ms. Ilene Pollack, 830 NE 70 Street, opponent, said
she was against the project and asked the Board to recomrend
denial of the request.)
R (.Mr. Ralph Keller, 1025 NE 72 Street, opponent, asked
the Board not to defer the item but to recommend denial of the
application so that they could at least get rid of this request
and then pursue the possibility of a park.) s
(Bob Worshim, oresident of the Miami Civic League,
stated he believes the applicant is sincere and they will most
Likely have the assistance of the League in whatever route they
(Mr. Julio Cruz, 700 NE 72 Street, opponent, stated he
feels t!-:e Board should be allowed to see a site plan - before
making a decision on a change of zoning because they don't know
what they're approving without it and then the owners could do
whatever they want.)
(Mr. Thomas Brady, 77.1 NC 69 Street, opponent,
complained about Looking at the building that is Presently
located behind his property.)
(Mr. Carlos Oliva, 880 NE 71 Street, opponent, :i aLe,i
for the record he was aysillst the project.)
(Ms. Janet McConnell, 722 NC 72 Scrett, opponant,
reiterated what was stated before and asked Llle BOurd to vote
toll iyhL on the 1)rojt_ct, orefersbly reccolnrllcnd1.t1.3 denial, and then
let the naighbors take iL from tht=ram. )
(^Ir. Kellnuth SeLlbbs, 901 NE 71 StruL:L, 14r. Jose
Alvar�:z, 940 NE 72 Street, Mr. W. R. Smith, Ldli NE 72 Street,
Mr. Pyokowitz, Mr. Nail L, 671 NE 7 t Street, Mr. Joe Cast«rillono,
lull NE 72 Street and Mr. Julian KraisUt.rg, 768 14E, 72 Street all
o January 7, 1985, Item 4
2nning Roard
St;1t_.. t;:elror�E..os1+ion „ 7 ;r^
_o tie �iact in.3 �s�:_ 1 thy_ pares to
:eccrmend denial Df the change of zcn_4,1 e C l lss Lon . )
Mr. iraurig: (During the IC I.?nnir,9 of his
rebuttal he answered some questions reyar�:iny the submerged
lands.) ...Number t%vo, somebody asked a goes+_ion as to how long
we -would salt for the City Corrunission to consider this and
per',laps Give some direction to the administration. ;ale .%raitedt a
long time to get to this point. My clients have owned the
property for about twenty years. We're prepared, if it be the
Will of the Board, to go the City Commission for it to consider
%%/hethar or not it's in the public interest to acquires this
proPer=y• If the decision is that the public does not want to
acquire the property, we would come back here so that this
process could continue. How long would that take? It could take
90 says, it could take 6 months, I (don't know how long it would
take. I think the Corlmission would probably want some input from
the t•lanaaer's Office and consequently, I can't predict hew long
it would take but we're prepared to cooperate as I told Ms.
Skubish. (Mr. Traurig went on and stated a few more reasons .,4hv
he feels that this zoning change should be approved.) ...However,
I made some notes of what our neighbors said. They talked about
seagulls and the migration patterns of birds and manatees nesting
and birds singing and people congregating to watch the sun come
up and the breezes and keeping the bay open for the people and
they were describing a park and if they were describing'a park
and that's what tiie:y want to have ill the neighborhood, 1 think
that it requires our sensitivity and that we ouclht to cooperate
to see whether or not the public objective call be served. Over a
period of years a number of people had suggested that but there
has been no governmental initiative. Hs. Skubish is the first
person who suggested that maybe; th"t that would be the solution
to the neighborhood problems and to that exta►it we are totally
willing to cooperage. I would 5yy Lc) }'011, therefore, that if you
.,,ant to defer this matter for that pur fuse, we wou l,l Support a
deferral . l f, Oil tilt: otht.:r hand, you to sui.,Iait this
to the City Coininlssio►e r0r it's �iJil5l�lr_Lntl�►,, t;,arl i WOulJ as
you Lo approve this applicEitio►1 notwith5tanclinC1 Ile
reco;►unendations of staff, and notwithstanding i,11 the things that
thes4 very, very nice pteol,l,-_ living ir, very nice houses in s very
nice nei,3hborhood have said to you because the predominant theme
must be, "preserve their single family but recognize
tile: character along the bay," and that has been weLL-
established, welL-set anal it's this kind of apartment
development. Thank you very ,nuch.
Mr. Gort: That,k you, s..r. Now, wc' L1 close
the public hearing and have co►iunants among the Board members.
Mr. Freixas: Mr. Chairman?
Mr. Gort: Yes, sir.
Mr. Freixas: You know, I ... Most of the people
that have spoken here tonight and it just occurred to me today
that that site was for a park. Now, some other people about
three speakers have said, vote today or vote it down and let us
take it from there. People that own that land have owned it for
twenty years. They own those eight acres in the bay. Of course,
they can not fill the land, the bay, and we all know that and
that's against State law but there is many ways they can go about
it. They can develop as single family; they can apply for a
marina and ... you know, I don't think that they...that this nice
neighborhood really wants that because most of tilt: people that
have spoken here today, they use that and they talk about the
birds 3nd watching the sunrise and so forth. I think that it's
been a unique opportunity here tonight with this neighborhood
together, if they and the owners of the property by the
representaticn of their attorney that be here tonight, if we
7 January 7, 1985, Item*4
Zoning Board
;lelr OUpOs1. _LOn _o t'he prod, c ari,,l 13„E''T thF= :30iiC1 t v
fecO,Mmend denial 3f the change of z^.n�ng `_'� `tie �1t. (,cOmmiss1On. )
Mr. TrauriQ: (During the beginning of his
rebuttal he answered some questions regar,-iing the submerued
lands.) ... Number two, somebody asked a question as to hoa long
we would .gait for the City Cominissioli to consider this and
per'iaps give soma direction to the administration. le •%raitecl a
lone time to get to this point. My clients have owned the
property for about twenty years. We're prepared, ix it be the
will of the Board, to go the City Cornnission for it to consider
whether or not it's in the public interest to acquire this
property. If the decision is that the public does not want to
acquire the property, we would come back here so that this
process could continue. How long would that tare? It could take
90 days, it could take 6 months, I don't know how long it would
take. I think the Commission would probably want some input from
the ?•tanager's Office unu consequently, I can't predict how long
it would take but we're prepared to cooperate as I told "GIs.
Skubish. (Mr. Traurig went on and stated a few more reasons why
he feels that this zoning change should be approved.) ...However,
I made some notes of what our neighbors said. They talked about
seagulls and the migration patterns of birds and manatees :eating
and birds singing and people congregating to watch the sun come
up and the breezes and keeping the bay open for the people and
they were describing a park and if they were describing'a park
and that's what they want to cave in the neighborhood, 1 think
that it requires our sensitivity and that we ought to cooperate
to see whether or not the public objective can be served. Over a
period of years a number of people haul suggested that but there
has been no governmental initiative. Ms. Skubish is the first
person who suggested that maybtt that tiiat would b�: the solution
to the neighborhood problems and to that extent we are totally
willing to cooperate. I woul'i say to you, therezO1:e, that if you
want to defer this matter for that purpose, we would support a
deferral. if, on tilt other hand, you t '11t to sult this
to the City Commission fOr 1t' S cun5i��rati�n, t;,�n 1 would ask
YOU to approve thin application 1-lotwith5tandino JiU
reeonunendations of staff, and ►totwithstanaing <,Ll the things that
theste very, very dice peoples Living it, very nice houses in a very
Nice neighborhood have said to you because the predominant th,�:ma
must be, "preserve their single family cieighbv._hood but recognize
the character along the bay," and that cli ira,.:tcr has Been we l t-
established, well -set and it's this kind of apartment
development. Thank you very much.
Mr. Gort: Thai,K you, -_..r. Now, wc' 11 dose
the public hearing and have cotlunents among t-he Board members.
Mr. Freixas: Mr. Chairman?
Mr. Gort: Yes, sir.
Mr. Freixas: You know, I ... Most of the people
that have spoken here tonight and it just occurred to me today
that that site was for a park. Now, some other people about
three speakers have said, vote today or vote it down and let us
take it from there. People that own that land have owned it for
twenty years. They own those eight acres in the bay. Of course,
they can not fill the land, the bay, and we all know that and
that's against State law but there is many ways they can go about
it. They can develop as single family; they can apply for a
marina and ... you know, 1 don't think that they...that this nice
neighborhood really wants that because most of thu people that
have spoken here today, they use that and they talk about the
birds and watching the sunrise and so forth. I think that it's
been a unique opportunity here tonight with this neighborhood
together, if they and the owners of the property by the
representation of their attorney that be here tonight, if we
7 January 7, 1985, Item.4
Zoning Hoard
coulJ defer this thing .lo acl'l they couL,l Do in
j front of the City commission and (Jet direction t:rom the! whether
they really want to cjo about it or 110t. '•layb_.. the City
Commission says no and they come bank h•.:ru ninety lays from no%,i
and we vote yes or no and the procQss goes tack but I think it's
in the best interest of everyt_)u.ly concurrtetl nut to be at odds
with the owners of the property but try to Work tooJetiler alit] the
lady from the <nvironmetltal gruup th.lt 5i,ok that is wi 1 L Lng t(3
help them and she mentioned two uc tlicee ways that money could tJu
get to make that into a park and I think that be in a very ... it
will be a be befit to that rleighborllvu�i �el.t(3k1vti1t!r SO .-it this
time, if it's tiler will .7) this Comritlssion. ..
Mr. Gort: Excuse me, wait_ `j trtitlUti:l Let :Tlc
see if there's any further,' frum the cutler members.
j Mr. UeYurre: 1'd just Like to say that I �ac:ho
what Mr. Fralxas says. I am nut ire a position tonight to vote
one way or the other on this iteul utitLl we've exhausted every
possibility of seeing whether we can convert this property into a
park arid I think that is the bc;5t use f,-jr this property ss far as
the neighbors are concerned anti that's my position right now.
Mr. Gort: Any further discussion?
Mr. ,`loran-Ribeaux : If I iaay say so, I don't think onr
thing has to preclude the other or!a. I think it's come in here
to be ... I mean, that we can vote on this. Why should we postpone
it? I think we might as well vote on this tonight and they have
the time (Applause from the audience)...that's exactly ]tow I
feel, send the message that we don't like what is being presented
if ��e don't like it, I don't Know how you feel, people.
Mr. Luaces: Well, that is my concern because: I
have to take into consideration also the position of the owner or
the property. They've been paying taxes for a long times.
Mr. Moran-Ribeaux: Well that's a problem of
ownership. I mean, that's not my problem nor yours.
Mr. Luaces:
That's a problem of ownership...
Mr. Gort: Excuse me, I'd like to conduct a
meeting in here. When you people were making your statement, you
were yiver. the time, you were given a courtesy and we listened to
you so I'm requesting the same thing of you now.
Mr. Moran-Ribeaux: Yeah, I'd Like to ask you a
question. Go right ahead.
Unidentified Speaker: We, as you've heard tonight, are
very interested in preserving the low density nature of our
neighborhood. We're not interu:;ted in seeing the bay blocked and
we have already sent a letter to the Mayor and the City
Corunission requesting that that piece of property be considered
for park use and we got no response. We would like to continue
to pursue that avenue with the lady from the environmental group
and with the neighborhood organization but at this Lima tonight,
I'm speaking for thyself, I am asking you not to defer this matter
but vote on it. There is plenty of time after the: vote is taken
to approach the City Commission and approach the City
Administration to see if we can gat that property purchased
either by the City, the County ot: the StcitC for a park. V]t! want
action tonight.
Mr. Gott: 'ih iiik you. Atey other tucthe.r
comments, please.
t`lr . !� rCi xa5 : t•lr . Cha.L rmatt?
B January 7, 1965, I tool 4
Zoning Board
i 'tr. wort. las, !r. E'1:�2LX�15.
?lr. Freixas: I do not igree with the gelitleman
now . I think that if you can have the owners on your s i le and
you can go in front of the City Commission united and th(?s,�
people can Delp you go through the and with their attorney
and they can make it and I think it would be in the best inter-st
Of the neighborhood so right now, Mr. Cl►air,,iian, I snake a motion
to defer...
Mr. Gort: Excuse me, Mr. Freixas, I'd like
to hear from everybody. I have not spoke: yet and I'd like to
speak myself. anyone else? (Man from the audience asked a
question.) No, sir. anyone else? Go ahead, Mr. Sands.
Mr. Sands: I'd like to ask a question phase.
Mr. Gore: Go right ahead, sir.
fir. Sands: The avenues you can take to try
Ms. Basila: It's very hard...(word inaudible)
Mr. Sands: This avenue that we're speaking
about, acquiring the land, the City acquiring the land probably
for a park, lff we should vote: on t1lis tonight and it' 3 approved
or denied, does that change or does that close the avenues still
going to the Commission and asking for that? It doesn't have any
effect on it at all.
Mr. Gort:
No, sir.
(Someone in the audience said, "It would increase the
Mr. Sands:
Okay, I understand that.
Mr. Gort: Is there any other statement? Any
other statement? Anyone. elav? (Mr. Gort went on to state his
feelings as being lie would not be in favor of a deferral because
there_ would still be enough time for the nztighbors and the
applicant to yet together before it goes to the, City Commission.)
Mr. Freixas: Mr. Chairman, 1`t me explaln... let
me exl31ui►i to you something. Making a tecision here tonight and
as you said we're only u recommuttaing body and the final �?ucision
is up to the City Coauitiss.ion, all I'm trying to do tonight is
like I try in too many, many cases, is to have the goodwill of
both sides. If you have the goodwill of both sides and you don't
get anybody upset and you get in the midc1le and in between and
you coo together to the City Corrunission or to the State, I think
you can accomplish more. Now, wt►at' S going to happen. We turn
it down tonight, City Commission turns them down and these people
are going to do something with that. They're either going to
apply for a marina, they'ra going to put single family homes,
they're going to put a PUN, they're going to put something that
would not require our approval so why are we going to turn that
door ... close that door when we could just deter this item and let
them work together and let it go as a unified body in front of
the City Commission and to the State and cry to make a park out
of that. I think the best solution to that piece of property is
a park, it's not single family homes, it's not a ►narina, I think
it's a park. I think everybody that has spokun here tonight ono
way or another ',-lave enjoyed that site ... yes, Pat, I'll ask you a
question. Go ahead.
Ms. Skubish: Just one thing.
Mr. Freixas: Yeah.
9 January 7, 1985, Item 4
Zoning Board
Ms. Skubish: c'-'tay. You think it woulJ be good
as a park. I'm saying it would be good as a park, okay, but we
have .10r:lingside Park, wu already have problains :pith that but a
marina would be beautiful. It would upgrade our property and we
woul,3 love something like that. No c.ondornin.iums . That's it.
Mr. Freixas: But then again, then I misread
everybody here because everybody's concerned about traffic,
everybody's concerned about this, concerned about the other.
Ms. Skubish: Well you build us another bridge,
Mr. Freixas: You know then I really don't know.
I'Jn saying with ..verything that has been spoken Mere, I think
that I would be in favor ul a .lefarment and you peoples getting
togeLher with their attorney, going in front of the city
Colnlnisslon and pursue another avCflUt.1.
Ms. Skubish: Okay, wait a ;illnute! Wait a
minute l
Mr. Gort: Excuse me. Excuse Ine. I'd like
to conduct a meeting l.n hure. We have certain proceduras and I
like to folluw them. tau you have any further quest.iorl of Pat?
Mr. Freixas: No, I':n ready for a motion it
you'll listen.
Mr. Gort: if you're ready for a motion, snake
a motion.
Mr. Freixas: I make a motion to defer it for a
period of six months so that give them enough time for the
applicant and Ms. Skubish if yuu are- the ont who's going to
represent it...
LMs . Skubish: Baysi,_1e.
Mr. Freixas: Bayside :leighborh.)od Association.
Mr. Gort: There's a motion zo defer. Is
there a second to the motion?
Mr. Luaces: I would like to second the motion
because I do feel with the neighbor's association and all the
boar --Is involved and the help of Mr. Traurig, you could go farther
than by going by yourself. I second the motion.
Hr. Gort: Okay, there's a motion, there's a
second. Discussion on the motion. Yes, Ms. Basila.
Ms. Basila: Hr. Traurig, I just want to ask
you a question, sir.
Mr. Traurig: Yes, ma'am.
Ms. Basila: Have you met with the neighborhood
on different occasions as a whole or just Small groups or just to
what extent?
Mr. Traurig: I met with the neighborhood quite
some time ago. I can tell you when it was. It was just prior to
the Last City Coaunission election about a year and a half ago and
we met one afternoon. It was a small neighborhood group and it
was a friendly meeting. At that time, the subject of a
neighborhood park really wasn't discussed. I have listened
carefully to what they have said and I now understand that not
only a neighborhood park but perhaps a marina might be in the
lid January 7, 1985, Item 4
Zoning Board
N � .v
bt'3L' 1:tCc'rc_ t L,J L1li-i I L ji 'I ,C 11 '1, _ L Lcii1_:i ,r _ very
C't�aL>vI131b1.C, lvl1�-StdntlLll-j C,2S1,ictIt.rile oC
Lheill 11,15 L1t_t�!Il Lilt.', MUSL )ULsL.tii.11ilj I _Itt_ 111SLr�Cy Uf '.)ULh
aArt2 OrePart!d Lc) %-JaLt. I'ht. 6Lx multt'it period wouLJ
b not utller us i f 1t wL L L :it:rvt: t1t,_ li1tC5t .�)L' Ll1e' 1L1 GE �11�ir,'1L
gelleraIly and Buys iJe LEI part LCULai:
Ba S.I. 1 a : `Phank you .
Mr. Gort: Any other questions. (hall stood
at the mike wanting to speak. Mr. Gort's ntyxt statemtant was
directed towards the gentleman.in a motion. we're-, under
discussion. I closed the Public hearing. I'm sorry.
Any other questions? Any other discussion? (The
gentleman at the mike began t.o try to sPeak.) Sir, you're ouL of
order. Sir, you're out of order. Thank you.
Any other statement? Cali. tilt QLIUStIon.
Mr. Perez-Lugones: Mr. Freixas, the motion is to
defer for a period of six wont,s for applicant and neighbors to
Mr. Freixas: To pursue. avenues. To meet and
pursue avenues and you know, hopefully, they don't have to come.,
back in front of us.
Mr. Perez-Lugones: The motion has been ;Wade by .'fir.
Freixas and seconded by Mr. Luaces. I'll call roll.
AYES: t•1s . Basila
Messrs. Freixas, Luaces, Romero, Channing and
NAYES: Messrs. Gort, Moran-Ribeaux and Sands
ABS)rNT: None.
Mr. Perez-Lugones: Motion to defer carries 6 to 3.
11 January '7, 1985, Item' 4
Zoning Board
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ZB January 7, 1985 ' AS 14
Approx. 980 NE 71 St
7001-7009 NE 9 Ct
896 NIE 69 St R-32
85-3 7—