HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1985-04-11 Minutesr � CITY OF MIAmi i COM►MISSIOiV MINUTES April 11, 1985 OF MEETING HELD ON (REGULAR) PREPARED 6Y THE OFFICE OF THE CLERKTY CITY HALL RALPH G.. ONGIE CITY CLERK MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMIo FLORIDA APRIL lit 1985 ITEM SUBJECT LEGISLATION PAGE NO. NO. 1 CLOSE CERTRAIN STREETS FOR CLEAN UP, PAINT UP, FIX UP PARADE AND ESTABLISH PEDESTRIAN MALL. R-85-359 1-2 2 PRESENTATIONS., PLAQUES AND SPECIAL ITEMS. DISCUSSION 2 3 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT —DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION,ETC. M-85-360 2-3 4 DISCUSSION ITEM: REVENUE FROM "PRINCE" CONCERT. DISCUSSION 3 5 SPONSOR DISCO ACTIVITIES AT VIRGINIA KEY SAME AS LAST YEAR. M-85-361 4 6 CONDOLENCES TO FAMILY OF MILTON FISHER. R-85-362 4 7 CONDOLENCES TO FAMILY OF SAM FRIEDLAND. R-85-363 5 8 ALLOCATE $10,000 FOR PURCHASE OF TICKETS AT j COCONUT GROVE PLAYHOUSE (LATER RESCINDED BY MOTION 85-432) M-85-364 5-8 9 EXEMPT PROVISIONS OF NOISE ORDINANCE TO PERMIT DETONATION OF CAR IN JOSE MARTI PARK IN s CONNECTION WITH MAKING OF A FILM. M-85-365 8-11 10 DISCUSSION. REQUEST FOR FUNDING IN WYNWOOD COMMUNITY FOR "DISLOCATED WORKERS PROGRAM" DISCUSSION 11-14 11 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION. NOMINATE JOSE FEITO AS A MEMBER OF THE SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. R-85-366 14 12 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION. ALLOCATE $52,000 FOR CITY PARTICIPATION IN COTAL CONGRESS MAY 11-18 3 IN MIAMI. R-85-367 15 13 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION. RETAIN FIRM OF BROAD AND CASSELL, ETC. TO DEFEND MAYOR AND STAFF AGAINST HERALD LAWSUIT. R-85-368 16 14 DISCUSSION. ETHIOPIAN RELIEF EFFORT. REFER TO THE CITY MANAGER. DISCUSSION 16-19 ' 15 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE FUNDING REQUEST FOR $579000 FOR A PROGRAM IN WYNWOOD. "DISLOCATED WORKERS PROGRAM" M-85-369 19 _a 16 REQUEST SPEEDY PASSAGE OF CUBAN-HAITIAN ' ADJUSTMENT ACT HR-23 R-85-370 20 17 DISCUSSION. PLAN TO HONOR PERSONS WHO SUCCESSFULLY STAGED RECENT CALLS OCHO FESTIVAL. DISCUSSION 21 `:. 18 DISCUSSION. SEND LETTERS TO ORGANIZERS OF FESTIVALS TO INFORM THEM OF INTENDED CITY POLICY OF FUNDING. DISCUSSION 21 19 ACCEPT DONATION OF A SCULPTURED BUST OF GENERAL ;,` JOSS GERVASIO ARTIGAS, NATION HERO OF URUGUAY. R-85-371 22 I 4t 20 UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR OLYMPIA BUILDING DEFERRED TO APRIL 18TH FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. M-85-372 21 LIFT HIRE FREEZE. M=85-373 22 CONSENT AGENDA. ITEMS 3,4,5 PULLED. -•- 22.1 ACCEPT BID. BISCAYNE FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. FOR FIRE HOSE ON CONTRACT BASIS. R-85-374 22.2 ACCEPT BID. LONG'S OFFICE SUPPLY FOR EIGHT WORK STATIONS. 9-85-375 22.3 ACCEPT BID. RECHTIEN INTERNATIONAL REPAINT AND REFURBISH A FIRE VEHICLE. R-85-376 22.4 ACCEPT BID. NOTHING INC. FOR REMOVAL OF ABANDONED VEHICLES. R-85-377 22.5 ACCEPT BID - JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO.CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT. ALLAPATTAH PHASE II R-85-378 22.6 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK. FRANK J. MORAN, INC. ORANGE BOWL FIELD LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT. R-85-379 22.7 AMENDING RESOLUTION 85-153-CHANGE DATE OF RENTAL FEE WAIVER COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER. R-85-380 22.8 CONFIRM CITY MANAGER'S ACTION. TERMINATE PARTICIPATION IN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION CENTER. R-85-381 22.9 ALLOW BEER AND WINE SALES AND CLOSE STREETS - THREE DAY HAITIAN CARNIVAL. R-85-382 22.10 CLOSE STREETS AND ESTABLISH PEDESTRIAN MALL.. 1985 MIAMI-BAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL. R-85-383 22.11 ALLOW BEER AND WINE SALES. THREE DAY FESTIVAL, LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITIES AND NUTRITION CENTER. R-85-384 22.12 ALLOW DISPENSING OF BEER -ABATE OF FLORIDA INC. FOR FUND RAISING EVENT. R-85-385 23 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION. ALLOCATE $59000 FOR CASH GRANT SISTER CITIES. UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. MIAMI - NICE POSTGRADUATE "ADVANCES IN INTERNAL MEDICINE". R-85-386 24 MARINE PATROL UNIT. ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CONFISCATED MONEY TO PURCHASE PATROL BOAT. M-85-387 25 OPEN, RECEIVE, READ ALOUD. BIDS FOR $3390009000 GENERAL OBLIGATIONN BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. R-85-388 26 DISCUSSION REGARDING THE LIBRARY BUILDING IN BAYFRONT PARK (AGENDA ITEM "C") M-85-389 27 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE. AUTHORIZE CERTAIN ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS REGARDING $33,0009000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. ORD. 9977 28 29 30 31 AWARD BID. $3390009000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. COOPERS-LYBRAND SOLID WASTE BILLING. COMMENDATIONS TO MEMBERS OF SOUTHEAST PARK WEST OVERTOWN COMMITTEE. PUBLIC HEARING. ACCEPTING RECOMMENDATION OF CITY MANAGER FOR SELECTION OF DEVELOPERS FOR SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. PHASE I. SET ASIDE PARCEL 37. R-85-390 R-85-391 DISCUSSION M-85-392 22-25 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30-38 39 40-53 53-55 56 58 59 60-85 32 PASSAGE OF RESOLUTIONS AMENDED FOR PROJECT(LABEL 31). R-85-393 85-87 33 AUTHORIZE ACQUISITION OF PARCELS - 71 IN SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN PARK/WEST PROJECT AREA. R-85=394 92 34 ENTER INTO AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT METRO -IMPLEMENT PHASE I SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. R-85-395 94 35 ESTABLISH LAND ACQUISITION PROCEDURES. NEGOTIATED PURCHASES IN SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT AREA. R-85-396 95 36 BRIEF DISCUSSION AND TEMP;RARY DEFERRAL: $6090009000 SHORT TERM NOTES SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. DISCUSSION 96 37 AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF R.F.P.S.-MARKETING AND PROMOTIONAL SERVICES. PHASE I. SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PHASE I. R-85-397 96 38 EXECUTE CONTRACT: BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE RESEARCH CORPORATION HOUSING SURVEY AMONG EMPLOYEES IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA. R-85-398 96 39 DESIGNATE OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD AS OFFICIAL ADVISORY BOARD FOR OVERTOWN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREA. R-85-399 98 40 ISSUE R.F.P. 9TH STREET MALL, 7TH STREET MALL SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT AREA. R-85-400 99 41 EXECUTE AGREEMENT: TOURISM INDUSTRY COALITION COVERING TRANSFER AND ASSIGNMENT OF 7 EMPLOYEES FOR ONE YEAR. R-85-401 99-102 42 SELECT UNDERWRITER FOR ISSUANCE OF 60 MIL. SHORT TERM NOTES SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT AREA. R-85-403 .103 43 AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF 60 MIL. SHORT TERM REVENUE NOTES CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT OF OWNER -OCCUPIED HOUSING SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PHASE I. R-85-403 104 44 DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED R.F.P. FOR LEASE OF 309000 SQ. FT. ON VIRGINIA KEY -TO BE ON MAY 23RD AGENDA. M-85-404 104-109 45 ISSUE IDB's FOR 1200 SPACE PARKING GARAGE FOR BAYSIDE. R-85-405 109-113 46 ISSUE RFP's FOR LEASE OF A PORTION OF THE COMMUNITY BUILDING AT PEACOCK PARK. R-85-406 114-119 47 ALLOCATE $12,000. TO CARICOM CONFERENCE MAY 24- 25 (LATER RESCINDED BY M-85-432). M-85-407 120 48 REQUEST FOR FUNDING. ASSOCIATION, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ORGANIZERS CARIBBEAN CULTURE PROGRAM REFERRED TO THE CITY MANAGER. DISCUSSION 121 48.1 CARICOM CONFERENCE DISCUSSION. DISCUSSION 121 48.2 BACK TO TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ORGANIZERS REQUEST. DISCUSSION 121-123 49 ALLOCATE $59000 SPRING FESTIVAL MAY 189 19 BUENA VISTA (LATER RESCINDED BY M-85-432). DISCUSSION 124 49.1 BACK TO BUENA VISTA REQUEST. M-85-408 125 50 REQUEST FOR PARADE PERMIT. BAY PRIDE COMMITTEE DISCUSSED AND DEFERRED TO MAY 9. DISCUSSION 125-13( 51 DISCUSSION OF USE OF FUNDS FROM TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX FOR THE ORANGE BOWL -CONTINUED UNTIL AFTER MATTERS BETWEEN CITY AND COUNTY ARE RESOLVED. M=85-409 130-13: 52 INSTRUCT PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO TAKE NECESSARY STEPS TO HAVE THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM DECLARED AS HISTORIC SITE. M-85-410 t33 53 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE. TRANSFER FUNDS. LOCAL MATCH REQUIRED BY LAND AND WATER CONSERRVATIONN GRANT AWARD FOR JOSE MARTI RIVERFRONT PARK PHASE II, ETC. ORD. 9978 134 54 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH GOVERNMENT CENTER PARKING GARAGE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS. ORD. 9979 135 55 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE. PROVIDE OPERATING EXPENSES FOR JOSE MARTI RIVERFRONT PARK. ORD. 9980 136 56 ADMINISTRATION TO STUDY POSSIBILITY OF TRANSPORTATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS BETWEEN R.K. HIGH TOWERS - ARTIME CENTER, AL VILLAVERDE CENTER, JOSE MARTI PARK.ETC. M-85-411 138 57 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE. ESTABLISH NEW REVENUE FUND - "SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN-1985". ORD. 9981 139 58 AUTHORIZE CITY PARTICIPATIONN IN COUNTY PROGRAM. LUNCHES TO ELIGIBLE CHILDREN DURING SUMMER 1985. R-85-412 140 59 SECOND READING ORDINANCE. GREEN FEES, CART FEES, SPECIAL RATES- 30-539544955 OF THE CITY CODE. ORD. 9982 141 60 SECOND READING ORDINANCE. INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS FOR INTERNAL SERVICE FUND-B-20 BURROUGHS SUPPLIES. ORD. 9983 141 61 FIRST READING ORDINANCE. AMEND 31-28, 31-379 31- 28.1 OF THE CITY CODE. APPLICATION AND REVOCATION PROCEDURES, REGISTERED AGENTS, ETC. 1ST READING 142 62 EXECUTE AGREEMENT. METRO DADE COUNTYWIDE CONVENTION SERVICES THROUGH 1983-84 R-85-413 143 63 AUTHORIZE PERMANENT EASEMENT. TO METRO- PARCEL OF PROPERTY AT MUNICIPAL JUSTICE BUILDING-1145 N.W. 11 STREET. M-85-414 144 - 64 WAIVE SEALED BIDS FOR EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF TYPESETING LAYOUT, PRINTING SERVICES FROM REVIEW FINANCIAL PRINTERS, INC. R-85-415 65 DEDICATE FOUNTAIN IN BICENTENNIAL PARK TO CALI, COLOMBIA AS A GESTURE OF FRIENDSHIP, RECIPROCATING A SIMILAR GESTURE IN CALI. R-85-416 146 66 ISSUE R.F.P. - CONSULTING SERVICES FOR BRICKELL PROMENADE PROJECT. R-85-417 147 67 APPOINT CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS TO EVALUATE PREPARATION OF DOWNTOWN AREA D.R.I. R-85-418 p{ 68 EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, CITY MAINTENANCE OF PROPOSED NEW t. BELLE MEADE ISLAND BRIDGE. R-85-419 149 69 APPOINT TO CITY OF MIAMI HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD. R-85-420 149 70 READVERTISE VACANCY ON CITY OF MIAMI ZONING ` BOARD. M-85-421 150 71 READVERTISE VACANCY ON CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD. M-85=422 151 72 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK. M. VILLA AND ASSOCIATES, INC. OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMP ROVEMENT- I=BIDS "A" AND "B". R=85-423 151 73 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK. LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO. LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5487 C & S. R-85-424 152 74 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT. SR- 5499. R-85-425 153 75 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR- 5501. R-85-426 154 76 CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION. FAIRLAWN NORTH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5491-C. R-85-427 154 77 CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL. POINTVIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4309. R-85-428 155 78 AWARD BID. BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT- BAYWALK PHASE I. R-85-429 156 ?9 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE. DESIGNATION OF SOUTHSIDE PARK, 100 S.W. 11 ST. AS THE SITE OF HOSPITAL TO BE CONSTRUCTED - LA LIGA CONTRA EL CANCER. R-85-430 157 80 ALLOCATE $49000 WORKSHOP PERFORMANCE PROGRAM. UPGROVE THEATRE. INC. R-85-431 158-163 81 DISCUSSION -CITY AD IN COLOR -POSSIBLY CANCELING BLACK ENTERPRISE WEEKLY (DISCUSSION ONLY, NO ACTION TAKEN). DISCUSSION 163 82 RESCIND MOTIONS 85-364, RES. 85-407, MOTION 85- 408E ALL OF WHICH ALLOCATED FUNDS TO VARIOUS APPLICANTS INSTRUCTING THEM TO NOW MEET WITH THE CITY MANAGER FOR HIS REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. M-85-432 164 83 CHARTER AMENDMENT #1 - EXECUTIVE MAYOR FIRST READING ORDINANCE. 1ST READING 164-178 84 CHARTER AMENDMENT #2 - EXPANSION OF COMMISSION FIRST READING ORDINANCE. 1ST READING 178-188 M-85-433 M-85-434 t _ a.[:;..,1 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMt, FLORIDA • # # # # On the 11th day of April, 1985, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:21 A.M. O'Clock A.M. by Mayor Maurice A. Ferre with the following members of the Commission found to be present: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr.# Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollof# Mayor Maurice A. Ferre #arrived 9:32 A.M. **arrive 9:27 A.M. ALSO PRESENT: r Sergio Pereira, City Manager Lucia Allen Dougherty, City Attorney Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Matty Hirai, Assistant City Clerk An invocation was delivered by Mayor Ferre who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. -------------------------------- ----------------------- 1. CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS FOR CLEAN UP, PAINT UP, FIX UP PARADE AND ESTABLISH PEDESTRIAN MALL. - ---------------------------------------- ------------------- Mayor Ferre: Ladies and Gentlemen, in the early part of the meeting we make presentations, but before I ask Josefina Cueva to step up, we have a problem. Mr. Pallot has an emergency where he has to attend to immediately this morning. His item is Agenda Item 17. Is there any objection that? Mr. Plummer: I so move. Mayor Ferre: I is moved by Plummer, seconded by Dawkins. Is there further discussion on that? Mr. Pallot? f Mr. Pallot: I move that we ... Y' Mr, Plummer: I withdraw my motion if he is going to talk! Mayor Ferre: Mr. Pallot, the motion has been made by a member of the Commission and seconded and we are about to IC vote on it unanimously. All right, call the roll, please. C W The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-359 A RESOLUTION CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND ESTABLISHING A PEDESTRIAN MALL DURING SPECIFIED HOURS FOR THE CLEAN-UP, PAINT UP, FIX UP PARADE, SAID STREET CLOSING SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE AND FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mr. Pallot: Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, I want to invite you . . Mayor Ferre: Thank you, Mr. Pallot, we stand invitedl ----------------------------------------------------- ------- 2. PRESENTATIONS, PLAQUES AND SPECIAL ITEMS. ---------- -------------------------------------------------- 1. Plaque to Josefina Cueva retiring from the Police Department, 2. Commendations to Officers Ricardo Roque and Officer Theodore Caracciolo, Police Officers of the month of February, 1985, NOTE FOR THE RECORD: MINUTES OF MEETING OF JANUARY 10, 1985 WERE APPROVED. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Commissioner Carollo enters at 9:27 A.M. --------------- --------------------------------------------- 3• AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT - DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION ETC. ---------------- --------------- ------ ------ ----------------- Mr. Plummer: I have one pocket item - the Downtown Businessmen's Association has asked that they be granted an extension of time for the Jobs Program. It was resolution 84-833, in redoing the sidewalks. They needed six months extension so that they can still get the money, and I so move. Mr, Dawkins: Second. ld April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferre: There is a motion and a second. Further discussion? All right, call the roll. The following motion Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-360 A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE DOWNTOWN MIAMI BUSINESS ASSOCIATION FOR THE FLAGLER STREET AREA TILE PROJECT $O THAT AN ORIGINAL AGREEMENT, EXECUTED PURSUANT TO R-84-339 ADOPTED JULY 309 1984 CAN BE REAFFIRMED AND EXTENDED FOR 180 DAYS AFTER EXECUTION OF THE HEREIN AUTHORIZED AGREEMENT, Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J, L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. ----------------- ------------------- 4, DISCUSSION ITEM: REVENUE FROM ■PRINCE" CONCERT. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, to report to the Commission, which you all have received, but for the public record, the Prince Concert, in revenue to the City of Miami amounted to $69,400 and a breakdown is included for the record, Mr. Mayor. I will pass to my colleagues, and I will check my stuff to see, but I think that is the only pocket item I have. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion needed for that? Mr. Plummer: No, sir. --------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- 5. SPONSOR DISCO ACTIVITIES AT VIRGINIA KEY SAME AS LAST YEAR, ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Dawkins: The Splash Down Disco at Virginia Key, for years we have been sponsoring them, and it is three discos, and I would like to move that we sponsor these discos this summer at the same rate they were sponsored last year and that it be worked out with the Administration. Mr. Plummer: Second, Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll on that ld 3 April 11, 1985 :notion. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-361 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE SUFFICIENT FUNDS FOR THE CITY TO SPONSOR DISCO ACTIVITIES AT VIRGINIA KEY AT THE SAME RATE AS FUNDED LAST FISCAL YEAR. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEMS 5, 32 AND 36 HAVE BEEN WITHDRAWN BY THE ADMINISTRATION. ------------------------ ----- ------------------------------- 6, CONDOLENCES TO FAMILY OF MILTON FISHER. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: I have four pocket items. The first one is a resolution offering condolences to the family of Mr. Milton Fisher. As you all know, Milton Fisher was one of the great pioneers of this community, dealing with International Affairs. He was one of the early visionaries of Miami. The untimely death in early 60's is an unfortunate loss to the community. I think this Commission should express our sincere condolences, Mr. Carollo: There is a motion, Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 85-362 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING DEEPEST SYMPATHY AND SINCEREST CONDOLENCES OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ITS CITIZENS TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF MILTON FISHER UPON HIS DEATH. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk,) Upon being seconded by a� r Commissioner Plummer, the -y Id 4 April 11, 1985 t W resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Commissioner Perez entered meeting at 9:32 A.M. rr rrr rl�.-�rrrlrrrrrrrrrrrrlrr�l�r�l�rNlrrrr�rr-�.r.�-rrrrrrrrr 7• CONDOLENCES TO FAMILY OF SAN FBIRDLAND. r-rrr-lrlrlrlrlrlrrrrrrrrrrr�lNNNNN�lrrrrrrrlrrrrrrlNr Mayor Ferre: Also we need a resolution for Sam Friedland, who is, as you know the founder of Food Fair, born in Russia, came to this country as a young man with absolutely no money, started working as a butcher in Pennsylvania and ended up building one of the great food empires of this country. He was a great benefactor of Mount Sinai and many of the civic institutions and a treat philantropist of this community. His family and relatives were all friends of ours. They have worked hard for this community over the years. Is there a motion on Sam Friedland? Mr. Carollo: So moved. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: It has been seconded. Further discussion, all right call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-363 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING DEEPEST SYMPATHY AND SINCEREST CONDOLENCES OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ITS CITIZENS TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF SAMUEL FRIEDLAND UPON HIS DEATH. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plumer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferro NOES: None, ABSENT: None. ld 5 April 11, 1985 r 8, ALLOCATE $10.00 FOR PIJRCRASS OF TICKETS AT COCONUT GROVE PLATROUSE (Later rescinded by Motion 85-432). u r.ObME."am." ""O__ far.rr."a.:0b"4000mom- WE�w���a-&rdftiwmewz.+.+r:��ir��.=rrrr�rr..+r.rri�w.�r�o► Mayor Ferre: I would like to at this time recognize in the audience the new director of the Coconut Grove playhouse~ Mr. Arnold Middleman. Mr. Middleman, would you please stand? Why don't you come forward, Mr. Middleman? And I would like to recognize a great American actor who is with Mr. Middleman, He is the star of "Home" and that is Mr, Gilbert Lewis, Mr. Lewis, why don't you step forward, Mr. Lewis? 1 am sure many of you will recognize Mr. Lewis from is presentations on television, movies, acting. We are honored to have you in our presence at this time, Mr, Lewis, and I hope that your play is successful and that you have a long stay here and that you come back many, many times to our community. And to you, Mr. Middleman, we want to congratulate you and wish you the very, very best in your endeavors, We have a letter here that is written to the City and it is written by Barry Cofeld. I don't know if Barry Cofeld is here. I don't know, whether Mr. Cofeld, you, or Middleman is going to make the presentation. Mr. Middleman: Mr. Mayor, "Home" is a play that deals with personal values of understanding and judgment and beginning to recognize your own identify as a person. It is a Black play that was produced first by the Negro Ensemble Company and then proceed to move to Broadway where it was nominated for a Tony, It is a very important moral play and it was the first play that I picked since coming to the Coconut Grove Playhouse, I thought it would be very advantageous if the young people of this community and the people who might not be able economically to afford to see the play, could be afforded an opportunity to do so. I was also informed by Mr, Cofeld that you have a very strong mechanism within the Cultural Affairs Department, the distribution of tickets - the young people and economically disadvantaged, and so I encouraged him to write a letter ability to do so and gain your support, for that matter, Mayor Ferre: What specifically do you want from the City, Mr. Middleman? Mr, Middleman: We would like $10,00 in support that would be directly to the tickets that would be made available to the young people and to the economically disadvantaged during the run of Home. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Odio, how much money did the City of Miami make during the recent Prince Concert - in your estimate, because obviously you don't have final figures. Mr. Cesar Odio: $69,000, Mayor Ferre: $69,000? Mr. Middleman: Some of which came from me. Mayor Ferre: I personally think that plays of this sort are important in establishing values in the community and in principle I would be in favor of it provided that the Administration researched this whole process and comes back with a recommendation: When exactly ... you are starting April 12th? Mr. Middleman: Opening night is tomorrow night and we run for three and one-half weeks. To really be able to do an adequate job of distribution, you have to tell us how quickly you could respond, ld 6 April 11, 1985 Mayor Perre: Well, you see, these types of things, Mr. Middleman, really require a procedure, and what you are doing, you are bypassing that procedure. You are just coning here and the problem is that creates a lot of problems because there are a awful lot of other people with other plays and other ideas and other things that also want funding and it really unfair to them that we come here and permit this type of bypassing, so the only thing we can do is to prove it in principle for provided ... and we always have two conditions - one is that Metropolitan Dade County match it, since we are one, as you know, of two governments here that are overlapping and they are th main government of this community. Mr. Middleman: My understanding is that from reviewing my support structure that Dade County already gives us a $509000 grant to general operating support, some of which goes against the ability to provide tickets at the low price that we do. Mayor Ferre: You receive now $50000 a year from Metropolitan Dade County? Mr. Middleman: Yes. Mayor Ferre: From the tourist funds. Mr. Middleman: Yes. Mr. Plummer: The only question I have is, how many tickets will $10,000 buy? Mr, Middleman: I think at the student rate it is something like $6.00 a ticket, $5.00, $6,00 a ticket, so you divide that into that, Mayor Ferre: Since I haven't seen the play and I don't know anything about it, is it an all Black play? Mr, Middleman: All Blacks, It is Gilbert Lewis on stage for the entire evening with two women who represent 21 characters in his life, and this is the journey of a man from his home where he thinks he is going to find a way to better himself by moving into wrong new to recognition that the real values of life are by returning home to the people you love and the community that you belong in. Mayor Ferre: Mr, Middleman, I am sure that has a very important message for this community, but I do think that if this passes here, it must be limited to children that are residents of the City of Miami, Mr, Middleman: That would be our pleasure. Mayor Ferre: I mean, we can't be subsidizing this for kids at Fort Lauderdale or Hialeah or some other place, Mr, Middleman: I would also like to mention that Mr. Lewis has volunteered at the time, at his own request, to go into the school systems of Miami and meet with young people and dialogue with them and provide master classes. Mayor Ferre: That is wonderful, All right now, what is the will of this Commission? 'w Mr. Plummer: Mr, Mayor, I have no objections to it. The only problem I have is I don't think we should be paying the regular rate, and I would make the stipulation that at least 21500 tickets be allocated for our grant of $10,000, When we buy bulk we do not y , pay standard rates. s ld 7 April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferret This is our great negotiator, you understand, He usually he gets trees out of people, Now ... Mr, Dawkins: I will second J. L.'s proposal, Mr, Plummer: I've got a problem Mr, Middleman: I would also like to invite the entire Mayor and Council to our opening night as my guest tomorrow night, Mayor Ferret All right, thank you very much. Mr, Dawkins: I second the motion and I would like to say that if you find difficulty identifying under -privileged children, let me know, because you said a short time would put you in a bind and you could not identify, If you get the tickets on a Friday, I will have your 2,500 on a Saturday. No problem, so we can work together and I would like to see it, if possible. Will you have matinees on Saturday? Mr. Plummer: 29500 tickets. Mr. Middleman: 29500 tickets. We have Saturday matinees and we have Wednesday matinees and Sunday matinees, Mr, Dawkins: I would hope that we try to structure this for the matinees so the kids would not miss any time out of school. Mr. Middleman: Commissioner Dawkins, I personally feel that if you ever have empty seats in the theatre, when you have a presentation that the audience of tomorrow ought to be seeing, something is not being run correctly and one of the efforts I am going to make is to encourage outreach that would allow us to fill those seats on a continuing basis when they are not being sold. Mayor Ferret All right, is there further discussion on the motion? Call the roll, please. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-364 A MOTION TO ALLOCATE $109000 FOR PURCHASE OF TICKETS TO A PLAY AT THE COCONUT GROVE PLAYHOUSE. (See later Motion 85-432 rescinding the above -cited motion). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr, Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None. y ld 8 April 11, 1985 GG.ir Gfi iGiGiiQGGi�iiiGiiii►G/Yri`iii iii�rlGGiiGriGGirGiiiiA►iliflirii iiiiiLYi iYilifi i�ii 9. EXEMPT P90VISI0NS OF NOISE ORDINANCE TO PERMIT DETONATION OF CAN IN JOSE MARTI PANE IN CONNECTION VITH MAKING OF A FILM, iiGGii,�GiGGiiGiii GYii�GriTii�i�' GiGG����,�Gi�Gi7i,i`/IIYiGG,iii�. Y.��r�����iYi►iG1r Mayor Ferre: All right, the next pocket item is a request by Mary Lee Lander, Director of the Office of Film and Television Coordination, Is she Ms. Lander here? All right the Chair recognizes you, Ms. Lander, Ms. Mary Lee Lander: Good morning, I am Ms, Mary Lee Lander, the film and television coordinator for Metro Dade County. Here this morning is Mr, Steve Traxles, the Location Manager for Canon Films, That company is here from Los Angeles filming the Chuck Norris movie entitled "Invasion". Mayor Ferre: What do you blow up, the Orange Bowl, or ...? Ms. Lander: They want to blow up their own car purchased locally in Miami, Mayor Ferre: A car and you need permission for that? Can't you do that administratively? Ms. Lander: Well, what happens is that the hour that it is necessary for them to do it will be quite late this evening — about 2:00 o'clock in the morning, maybe 3:00 o'clock. Mayor Ferre: I hope it is not in Coconut Grove, Ms, Lander: It is Jose Marti Park. Mayor Ferre: Oh boy! Ms. Lander: The parks first change to star a movie, if you have Mayor Ferre: Well let me ask you this, How much noise is that going to make, blowing up a car? Mr. Steve Traxles: It is more a visual than an audio situation intentionally. It is a spectacular flash, a minor "thump" and what we plan to do is put leaflets throughout the area both in English and Spanish to let them know exactly what we are doing, Of course, along with this we have got four of your Fire people with a unit and paramedics with their unit and the Police, Mayor Ferre: What evening are you going to do this? Mr. Traxles: Tonight, Mayor Ferre: Tonight? Mr, Traxles: Yes. In about an hour. Ms, Lander: We are so lucky you happen to be having the Commission here. Mayor Ferre: Well, what is the will of the Commission on this? Mr, Plummer: Mr, Mayor, then came to me and I told them as long as it would not disrupt the peopleneighborhood, p They said they can make asilentexplosion. If h at if the z.. case, then I would be in favor. I want to accommodate them, t 14 + .t t F, ld 9 April 11, 1985 but I surely don't want to tear up a neighborhood. It is just that simple! Mayor Ferre: All right .,. Mr. Plummer: Why does it have to be done at 2:00 A.M. Why can't it be done anytime after dark? Mr. Traxles: It is the conclusion of a car chase and there is a build up to the actual explosion itself, It has to be the nature of it is a one shot deal, so it has to be the final shot of our work evening. Mr, Plummer: See, I don't think the people would object if you did it, say at 8:00 o'clock at night and you can take that out of sequence, but 2:00 A.M., I just think as silent as you tell me an explosion might be, I have no objection, but I just don't want to disrupt the neighborhood! Mr. Traxles: Nor do we, and this is exactly why we are communicating with the neighborhood, Unfortunately, this type of thing can't be taken out of sequence. I would love to be able to do it at 6:00 o'clock, but it just can't be done, Ms. Lander: We have discussed it and it is a series of .,. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I think it is very important that if this Commission approves this, that you, besides passing out leaflets, you get a group of people to go around the immediate neighborhood, in Spanish, and let the people know that this is going to happen. Mr. Traxles: Several of our people that we have hired from your community who work for us on a full time basis are Spanish or Cuban. They do in fact speak the language and will in fact be out there in the community as of 2:00 o'clock this afternoon with your approval, discussing this with the folks and that will continue right up until 7:00 o'clock, 8:00 o'clock tonight until we feel satisfied that everyone has been alerted to our situation, Mayor Ferre: The only thing I would like is I would like I would like to change the location if we could have this explosion at the downtown library! (LAUGHTER) Ms, Lander: That is our next movie, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right, what is the will of this Commission on this explosion in Jose Marti Park - a non -noise explosion, Mr. Carollo: Does that mean, by any chance, Mr. Mayor, that you have changed your mind, or if you are, I will make a motion right now that we name it the Maurice A. Ferre Building, Mr. Plummer: And then blow it up? Mr, Carollo: No, no, not Mayor Ferre: Me or the building? Mr, Carollo: That is usually what is done for former Mayors. They always name something after them, Mayor Ferre: Oh1111 So it is going to be one of those days. ld 10 April 11, 1985 Mr. Plummer: it started out with a bang! E Mayor Ferre: All right, let's go. What is the will on this ' item? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I will move it, you know, but I want to tell you something. If those people come in here screaming tomorrow morning, I am going looking for you! Mr, Traxles: i will be very available. Mr. Pereira: I think I have the appropriate police coverage. Mr, Carollo: I don't know if I should trust Plummer after Prince. What do you think, Maurice? Mayor Ferre: I don't know! Mr. Plummer: $6990001 You have got the Police there and you have got the Fire Department there. Mr. Traxles: We do have a permit from Chief and he is very aware of this. Other than the ordinance situation, he said he didn't find any problems with it at all. He is satisfied with the situation we have taken care of with his officers, with his units, paramedics and firemen as well as the police officers which we have already hired, Mr. Plummer: You are going to have them on the scene? Mr. Kauper:: For the entire shoot, yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right, is that a motion? What is the will of this Commission? Mr, Plummer: I guess so. I want to try to help the industry, It has been a tremendous boost to the revenue to this community and I will make a motion predicated on good faith, as you say, that you are not disrupting the neighborhood, Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr, Carollo: There is a second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll, The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-365 A MOTION EXEMPTING THE PROVISIONS OF THE NOISE ORDINANCE TO PERMIT THE DETONATION OF A CAR IN THE JOSE MARTI PARK AS PART OF A FILM BEING MADE BY CANNON FILMS; FURTHER REQUESTING THE PRODUCERS TO IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY RESIDENTS OF THE AREA SO THE NEIGHBORHOOD WILL NOT BE UNDULY AFFECTED, Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A, Ferre ld 11 April 11, 1985 i i i NOES: None, ABSENT: None, rrrrrrr.�T..�:.r.air.,►r.�iliirrriii�lilti.bY,.r irrrr—���r.Y�Yilir�irn.�.a.,rtr►s.r�ir�.fr 10. DISCUSSION: REQUEST FOR FUNDING I/ VTNWOOD COMMUNITY FOR "DISLOCATED VORKERS PROGRAM. rrirrrrrrr---r.�rrrrrri��rrrrrrrrr.r..rrr�rrrrrrr..:+.r►.rrrrrrrrrrrrrr Mayor Ferre: The next item I have before me here is Ingrid Grau who has a proposal for the Wynwood Community, Ms. Joanne Holshouser: Good morning, I am not Ingrid Grau, I am Joanne Holshouser, I live at 4230 Ingraham Highway in Coconut Grove and I am very honored to be asked to introduce the Wynwood proposal this morning. I am particularly honored because I have so much admiration and so much love and I want to speak of the memory I have of Jose Mendez, We lost a great person in this community when we lost him and I got to know him a couple of years before his death and I admired him very much and so it is a particular honor to me that the people of Wynwood would trust me to come before you and speak a little bit about this program, I think that any community can be judged by the way we treat our children and our older people and I believe that the Wynwood community is a great force for good in this Miami scene, It is a place where people are able to be happy together, be productive together and I think carry out some wonderful ideas for all of us in the City. I think that in the words of John Dunn, any man's death diminishes me, I am involved in mankind, therefore never sim to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for me, The bell tolled for all of us when Jose died, but we all have a chance to respond now. I think this is another that this is another Latin singer who said "Gracias a la vida" - thanks for life. I am telling you that this is a thanks for life purpose. If I were here before you asking you to support a festival, I would tell you that what you are being asked to do today will provide for 224,000 people this year, I am basing this on the fact that this Wynwood program serves 325 people, plus about 100 extra every day, five days a week, at least eight hours a day, If you multiply that out and look at the friends and relatives of the people it serves, you reach the astounding figure I just gave you - 225,000 people approximately, This is the same as if you were funding a festival that was going on for one day for that many people. This will go on for one year, and I believe be the seed for a program that will continue for many years with great honor for all of us and I ask you to listen to the people of Wynwood and their demands and give them the chance that they need to go with the very wonderful program and I would like now for Ingrid Grau to be able to tell you about the particulars of the program, Thank you very much, Ms, Ingrid Grau: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, as you all _; know because I have spoken to each one ofyou individually, we are requesting a mini -park, and it is not really a park, } It is an outlet to get our elderly out of the fire exit. : Don't quote me on that! Besides that, we need a space to have a kiln, We have the Miami Dade Community College teachers that are going to provide ceramic classes. We have y. the equipment for the ceramics room, but we just don't know where to put it. We are requesting $15,000 for the annex -;: and we are also requesting $509000 for the mini -park - ._. Domino Park, that we would like to be supervised by the elderly in order not to have another Roberto Clemente Park, And I would like to give the opportunity to Miss Cookie a4; Padron who is also requesting a dislocated woman's program, ld 12 April 11, 1985 Ms, Alejita Padron: Good morning, my name is Alejita Padron from 2601 N. H. 2nd Avenue and I would like to request $579000 for a dislocated worker's program which would benefit the women in the Vynwood community. We will be impacting the areas of Wynwood, Allapattah, Little Haiti, Little Havana, Overtown, That would be about approximately 80% participation from the City of Miami and 20% participation from Dade County. We are hopeful that our proposal will receive your approval. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, questions from the Commission? Statements? Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, do we have any recommendations from the Manager? Mr. Pereira: Yes, Mr. Mayor, if I may. It is my understanding that these two requests are part of the Community Development 11th year proposal, which will be discussed at a forthcoming agenda and I think that will be the ... I have not reviewed the recommendations of the Department. Certainly, we are prepared to take into consideration the expositions made here by these two fine program directors and I will check to see if they have been addressed, in fact, in that community development program, so I would recommend to you to kind of hold any action until I have an opportunity to see what the recommendations are from Community Development. Mayor Ferre: In other words, the Manager wishes to have the opportunity to review the recommendation, obviously. To Ingrid and to those of you are who are interested in this, this is part of a total package. It would be unfair to others of our community, like Allapattah and Little Havana and Overtown and Coconut Grove and others, as I understand what you are saying, to take this totally out of sequence and we will discuss all of these together. On the other hand, I think the people in Wynwood have very special problems that we must take into account, We need to stress that very emphatically to you. Mr. Pereira: We will certainly take that into consideration, Mr, Mayor, Mr. Perez: I think Mr. Mayor, this is an exceptional community, They have different problems that would compare with the other parts of the the community and I would like to make a motion to approve in principle this request pending for the City Manager's recommendation. Mayor Ferre: This will be therefore, Ladies and Gentlemen, heard on the 18th. Mr, Pereira: The 18th, Mr. Perez: It will be ready for the recommendation on the 18th? Mayor Ferre: This will be ... we will Mr, Pereira: On the 18th on th 3:30 P,M, public hearing, ld 13 April 11, 1985 1 Mayor Ferre: Hopefully we will make a decision on the 18th. on this. Okay? Thank you very much, iiiiril�Gi.iiilii.lY.�.iiliiiiirii�f►i�tll►UiYi lflril►iiiiGGii sYt.i`Yl�r.i1Y`ririrGGG�if�Y►iirGrG�iGGiili i► 11.FORNALIZINO RRSOL$TION: NOMINATE JOSE FRITO AS A MEMBER OF THE SHORILINE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. .ii i•.i`-rrr-40�ri fta.-w--rw-iGr--irrw---r rrwait-r—r"ftdo .GiiYr-r dodo Grrr Mayor Ferro: We have here a resolution nominating for the Shoreline Development Review Committee, Chapter 33-D, Mr. Jose Feito. Is there a motion? Remember, Carollo wrote the names down ... Dawkins moves. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre Carollo seconds. Further discussion on the naming of Jose Feito? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-366 A RESOLUTION NOMINATING A MEMBER OF THE -SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE, PER CHAPTER 330 OF THE CODE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FURNISH CERTIFIED COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AND CLERK OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------ 12, FORMALIZING RESOLUTION: ALLOCATE $529000 FOR CITY PARTICIPATION IN C,O,T,A,L, CONGRESS MAY 11-18 IN MIAMI, ------w—w,--w—ww—ww---w----w--w------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: The next matter is the C.O.T.A.L, Congress is recomended by Director of Miami Convention Bureau, Tony Pajares, that we have a $529000 support to the C,O.T.A.L. conference. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: That should be made by Commissioner Dawkins. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. ld 14 April 11, 1985 Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Plummer: Second, Mayor Ferre: There is a Second. Further discussion? Call the roll, The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-367 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $52,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CITY PARTICIPATION IN THE C,O.T.A.L. CONGRESS (CONFEDERACION DE ORGANIZACIONES TURISTICAS DE LA AMERICA LATINA) TO BE HELD IN MIAMI MAY 11 THROUGH THE 18TH, 19859 SUBJECT TO THE GREATER MIAMI HOST COMMITTEE PROVIDING THE CITY MANAGER WITH ATTENDANCE FIGURES, COPY OF A CERTIFIED AUDIT OF ITS BOOKS, AND THE CITY RETAINING THE RIGHT TO AUDIT THE BOOKS OF THIS EVENT ' IF DEEMED NECESSARY; FURTHER CONDITIONING SAID ALLOCATION UPON A LIKE AMOUNT BEING CONTRIBUTED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND UPON THE CONDITION THAT 50% OF THE DELEGATES ATTENDING WILL BE HOUSED IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk,) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carol'lo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre r NOES: None, ABSENT: None. --------------------------------------- --------------------- 13, FORMALIZING RESOLUTION: RETAIN FIRM OF BROAD A CASSELL, ETC, TO DEFEND MAYOR AND STAFF AGAINST HERALD LAWSUIT. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Now is the matter on the lawsuit that I have and the City has against the Miami Herald, and evidently, since the attorney that I am using, Mitchell Blumberg, of the firm of Fine, Jacobs & Schwartz, Nash, Block and England, may be a material witness and must testify, we must have an alternate firm on the record, What I need is a resolution appointing an alternate. The alternate would be the firm of Broad and Cassell, What is the gentlemen's name? wel Mrs. Dougherty: It is Howard Bloomstein, Mayor Ferre: Howard Bloomstein, ld 15 April 11, 1985 A 10 Mr. Carollo: So moved. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? All right, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 85-368 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO, 85- 178, ADOPTED FEBRUARY 289 19659 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE CITY ATTORNEY'S EMPLOYMENT OF THE LAW FIRM OF FINE, JACOBSON, SCHWARTZ, NASH, BLOCK AND ENGLAND, TO SERVE AS SPECIAL COUNSEL IN CONNECTION WITH MATTERS INVOLVING LITIGATION CONCERNING PUBLIC MATTERS INVOLVING LITIGATION CONCERNING PUBLIC RECORDS FILED AGAINST THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE MAYOR'S STAFF; ALLOCATING MONIES THEREFOR FROM THE SELF-INSURANCE AND INSURANCE TRUST FUND." BY ADDING A SECTION 2 TO SAID RESOLUTION NO. 85-178 THEREBY APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY'S EMPLOYMENT OF THE LAW FIRM OF BROAD AND CASSEL, IF AND WHEN NECESSARY, TO SERVE AS ALTERNATE OR SUBSTITUTE SPECIAL COUNSEL IV CONNECTION WITH THE MATTERS AS SET FO TH IN SAID RESOLUTION NO. 85- 178. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) ' Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ` NOES: None, s ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1b. DISCUSSION: ETHIOPIAN RELIEF EFFORT - REFER TO CITY MANAGER. --- ------rrr --r-r-r--- rr-r---r---r-r-----r-r---------------- Mayor Ferre: The last thing I have is Reverend Jonathan Rolle dealing with the Ethiopian Fund Raiser, Rev, Jonathan Rolle: a_e Blessings flow, the Commissioners. past and I Mayor, I All things are due to God from Whom May his blessing be upon the Mayor and Thank you for your assistance in the would like to thank you for helping the ld 16 April 11, 1985 underprivileged kids when they were unable to pay their way to go to the stadium to see Prince, They came back to tie and their joy was very real. Thank you. At this time I would like to bring to your attention that the black Cross Liberation Movement Corporation and the hope that goes with those movements is in conjunction to March to feed the starving Ethiopians. On April 20th, in Coconut Grove beginning at Grand Avenue and Douglas Road at 2:00 P.M. we will have African Rally conducted by Nassau Group and the Jungle Band. We request and invoke the City to give us assistance in this matter, to be a co-sponsor to this event if possible. We request in the Almighty Grace of God that the City of Miami Board of Commissioners will invoke the City Manager to act accordingly in conjunction to what we are doing by notifying all City employees that work in and for the City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, to donate on their own free will, $1.00 deducted from their earnings to be donated to the American Red Cross to help feed the starving Ethiopians. We also move the City Honorable board of Commissioners to act accordingly in assisting us solving this matter by producing at this event for us the motorcade that we could be able to rally on in behalf of the starving Ethiopians that is dying and suffering, This is picture here I would like to pass to the Commissioners - lack of funds and other things. That picture is a picture of starving mothers that does not have no food nursing from their breasts to feed their babies that is dying in their laps - lack of funds, We ran copies of that but it is not coming out right because the picture is in color and the print of it is real dark and I like to see if it is possible that the City can help us in some type of way of publication or whatever, or announcements in helping us to see that this rally be successful, I prey that the City will also give us this type of assistance that we need to publicize the right material, whatever - we need at least some type of funds as well, to see the professional bands receive something. So, we are asking the City if it is possible that they can donate $300 toward that event for the costs. Therefore, with the almighty grace of God, I pray that this request before the Honorable Board of City Commissioners and Mayor be granted, so help me, almighty God! Mayor Ferre: All right, any questions of Reverend Rolle? Mr, Plummer: Mr, Mayor, I think it would be appropriate if we would turn this over to the Manager to look into the matter and report back to us. Mayor Ferre: All right, Further discussion? Call the roll. Mr, Carollo: Reverend, how are you going to make sure that this aid is received by the people that are really in the most need - those that are starving like in the picture you showed us. Let me explain to you - when those people are in parts of Ethiopia that are revolting from the Marxist regime of Ethiopia, and are trying to win their self-determination r in the Ethiopian Government, whom is fostered by thousands of Cuban, Soviet and Eastern bloc troops, are preventing that food to reaching those people, Rev, Rolle: Sir, that is a good question to ask, but as long as you have faith in God as stated on the paper I have given you, faith in God, and we shall overcome all mountains, as a way, a matter of time, as long as the food is there, God is in the plan, is the asking that takes place first - the concern that takes place first, leaving the r; power in God's hands, God sees everything, knows everything. What is your concern? I am here based on the concern on what is happening in Ethiopia. I am here to w ? ld 17 April 11, 1985 rr5-- y-: 1: „y r .ate'-• 4';.�t'.. �. Y�i'� invoke the Honorable Commissioners of the City of Miami to show concern to your jobs and God will do his job, You do your job and God will rest, and please, and bless you for showing concern of others, Blessed are the merciful, for they shall attain mercy. Ms. Anne Marie Adker: May I speak? Mr. Carollo: certainly, Ma'am. Ms.-Adker: I am Anne Marie Adker, 407 N. W. 5th Street, I listened intently to the Reverend Rolle's presentation and I don't know what amount he is asking for to send to the starving people of Ethiopia, South Africa, but when he says that this Commission should invoke upon the employees of the City of Miami a dollar out of their pay, I think he has gone too far, and then ,,, Mayor Ferre: It is purely voluntary. It is purely voluntary, Ms. Adker: Oh, purely voluntary. Mayor Ferre: That is up to you, or whoever ... Ms, Adker: All right, I am sorry. At the extent that it seems the effort nationally, everybody is becoming involved in this. I haven't heard the money derived by his efforts - what are they supposed to do? Are they supposed to send food, and what types of food are you going to send to Ethiopia? I am confused in this situation, It seems as though every time a situation or crisis arrives, here comes a few of my fellow men to encroach upon it, I would like more information on that. Mayor Ferre: All right, well, that is what we are going to get, more information, It is in the Manager's hands. Rev. Rolle: Mr. Mayor, please, because I would like to rebuttal .,, Mayor Ferre: Reverend Rolle, we have a long, long agenda, I know the people of Ethiopia are important, but we need some things for the people of Miami, Rev, Rolle: She has made a statement and then therefore I felt you have given her a right to make a statement. Under the Constitution of the United States, I should have that same right to rebuttal that statement because it was a direct question to Reverend Rolle and Reverend Rolle is to help this City to work and the City of Miami isn't giving me anything for what I do, I do it from my heart and from the almighty grace of God. As far as the food is concerned, whatever has been collected in the past has been turned over and whatever is received now - the Red Cross, the American Red Cross is who has supervision over that, Reverend Rolle is not receiving anything for his efforts. Reverend Rolle isn't asking for anything for his efforts except to help someone and if that is asking too much, then we need to study ourselves a little more. Mayor Ferre: Reverend, I think we all want to thank you for your interest and we will be back to you, We know that you are sincere in your efforts, and we thank you, and have a id 18 April 11, 1985 nice day. .r.�iW..i.:�GitrGGGGGGGGGGGa.�.:rti+�riG.�.rirjir+y�i.�i.:r��ri.+iiGririsri.G��zt.�.a►r.iln►�iirai� 15. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE FUNNING REQUEST FOR $579000 FOR PROGRAM IN WTKVOOD - *DISLOCATED VORKNRS PROORAMOs �---r.i-Ylr�----iG---i--iii.i�-i-i----iG-----------------iG-fr-.i Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I would like that you recognize also the opportunity to present again, to consider the motion that we already presented. Mayor Ferre: As I understand, there was some confusion. i Why don't you go ahead and make your motion? Mr. Perez: Yes, I would like to approve in principle the request of the Wynwood Community subject to the Manager's and the Review Committee's recommendation. Mr. Plummer: Second the motion, Mr. Carollo: Didn't we do that already? Mayor Ferre: No, evidently there was some confusion on that and we didn't vote. So is there a second? Is there further discussion? Call the roll, please. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO, 85-369 A MOTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE A REQUEST FOR FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF t:. $579000 MADE BY INGRID GRAU AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVES OF THE WYNWOOD COMMUNITY FOR A "DISLOCATES WORKERS' PROGRAM" TO BE POSSIBLY FUNDED FROM C,D. 11TH YEAR FUNDS, PENDING RECOMMENDATION BY THE DIRECTOR OF C.D. AND THE CITY ADMINISTRATION. le - Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. p,;r• Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo = Mayor Maurice A. Ferre .y- NOES: None, ABSENT: None, ,.._ ------------------------ ---------------------- ---------- 16, REQUEST SPEEDY PASSAGE OF CUBAN-HAITIAN ADJUSTMENT ACT BR-23. ---------- Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, we passed a resolution for the Rodino bill and the other individuals and groups that were fighting for the Cuban Haitian Adjustment Act wanted the language cleaned up in the resolution and that has been done .: and I would like to pass the adjusted resolution. Mayor Ferre: Was there a second? ld 19 April 11, 1985 a Mr. Plummer: Yes, call the roll. Mr, Carollo: Would you Call the roll, Mr- Clerk? The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-370 A RESOLUTION URGENTLY REQUESTING THAT SENATOR PAULA HAWKINS AND SENATOR LAWTON ! M► CHILES INTRODUCE IN THE U, 5, SENATE AND WORK FOR THE SPEEDY PASSAGE BY THAT CHAMBER OF CONGRESS OF THE CUBAN-HAITIAN ADJUSTMENT ACT H. R. 23 WHICH PROVIDES PERMANENT RESIDENCE TO CUBAN AND HAITIAN REFUGEES, KNOWN TO THE U.S. IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE AND WHO ENTERED THE U. S. PRIOR TO JANUARY 10 19829 THEREBY RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF STABILIZING THE LIVES OF THESE INDIVIDUALS; FURTHER EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO REPRESENTATIVES CLAUDE ' PEPPER, DANTE FASCELL, WILLIAM LEHMAN, LARRY SMITH AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE ' FLORIDA DELEGATION TO THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WHO HAVE CO -SPONSORED THIS BILL AND WORKED FOR ITS PASSAGE; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO SEND A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE WITHIN -NAMED OFFICIALS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr, Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None, ------------------------ ---------------------------------- 17, DISCUSSION: PLAN TO HONOR PERSONS WHO SUCCESSFULLY STAGED RECENT CALLS OCHO FESTIVAL. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr, Plummer: I just have a question to ask of the Administration, Mr. Manager, this Commission had requested for today and obviously it is not going to be today and the Mayor has even gone further with recognizing with some kind of ceremony those people that put on Calle Ocho. The Mayor had suggested even that we luncheon to honor those people that put on this staging of Calle Ocho and Carnival. Mayor Ferre: Oh, yes, We haven't had one of those for about four or five years. We had a lunch for them at one time. ld 20 April 11, 1985 i s OV 3 Mr. Plummer: I don't want it to get too far beyond the event. Then it loses its significance. Mr. Pereira: As one of the co-founders of the festival, I would be more than glad to look into it. Mayor Ferre: We did that about four or five years ago - you know, recognize them and this is just a repetition of that. Yi►iY iY►iYYY-Y---i--i. rii i-iY-------i------Y-------YY.IYYY IVY-.iiiiY 18, DISCUSSION: SEND LETTERS TO ORGANIZERS OF FESTIVALS TO INFORM THEM OF INTENDED CITY POLICY OF FONDING, ---------- ----------------------------- Y-Yi---------------- Mr. Plummer: The other thing I would ask of the Administration, this Commission at the last meeting passed a motion to send letters to the people that are recipients of festivals, that it is the policy of this Commission in the coming year that there will be no (zero) dollars budgeted for festivals. Put them on notice early. I have requested a copy of that letter, I have not seen it. I would hope that this week I will see a copy of that letter which is being sent out to all of the recipients. Mr. Pereira: It is in the process of being mailed out. We will get you a copy, Commissioner. ------------------------------------------------------------ 19, ACCEPT DONATION OF A SCULPTURED BUST OF GENERAL JOSE GERVACIO ARTIGAS, NATIONAL HERO OF URUGUAY. ------------------------------------------ ------------------ Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, could we recognized the General Consul of Uruguay, the Honorable Julio Cesar Cesano. Mayor Ferre: Of course. Consul General, I didn't see you in the audience, and we are always honored to have you with us. ' Mr. Perez: The main reason is that the Uruguay government that he is representing has a bust donation of General Jose Gervacio Artigas, a national hero from Uruguay and they want =' to make this presentation to the City of Miami and I would like to move a resolution approving and accepting - (AT THIS POINT, Commissioner Perez reads resolution into the public record - see below) Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? " a Mr. Plummer: Surely, Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Consul General, I would just like to say that all of us in the City are well aware _.: that General Artigas belongs in Bayfront Park along side of �. Bolivar and Jose Marti and the great men of the Americas and we look forward to the opportunity when the government of .; Uruguay honors us with that statue, Mr. Julio Cesar Cesano: Comments in Spanish. Y Mayor Ferre: Thank you, Call the roll, 5_ The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner - Perez, who moved its adoption: .1 ld 21 April 119 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 85-371 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF A SCULPTURED BUST OF GENERAL JOSE GERVACIO ARTIGAS; A NATIONAL HERO OF URUGUAY FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF THAT COUNTRY; INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONFER WITH THE DIRECTOR OF THE OFF- STREET PARKING DEPARTMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COMMISSION A LOCATION FOR THE PLACEMENT AND DISPLAY OF SAID SCULPTURE IN AN APPROPRIATE AREA ON A PROMINENT ENTRANCE THOROUGHFARE INTO THE CITY; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE A COST ANALYSIS INCLUDING THE EXPENSES OF A PROPER FOUNDATION AND SUPPORT BASE OF SUITABLE DIMENSION FOR THE SCULPTURE; ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND FOR THE CITY'S CONSTRUCTION OF SAID FOUNDATION AND SUPPORT BASE, FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO COORDINATE THE PROJECT THROUGH THE ARTS -IN -PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE AND TO RENDER A FULL REPORT ON THE RESULTS OF HIS ACTIVITY TO THE CITY COMMISSION AND TO THE LOCAL URUGUAYAN CONSUL, JULIO CESAR CESANO, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk,) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J, L, Plummer, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None, ------------------------ -------- ---------- ------------------ 20, UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR OLYMPIA BUILDING DEFERRED TO APRIL 18TH FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, ----------------- -------------- ---------- ------------------- Mayor Ferre: We are now on Agenda Item "B" which is unified development order for the Olympia Building, Gusman Cultural Center, Mr, Carlton? I think this is your item, �< Mr, Roger Carlton: Mr, Mayor and members of the Commission, $- on behalf of the Off -Street Parking Board and the Gusman } Cultural Advisory Committee, it is a pleasure to be here to brief you on the proposal to redevelop the Olympia Building w; in Gusman Cultural Center. As you know, this building was given to the City by Mr, Gusman in the mid 19701s, A major +' amount of money was put into the restoration of the cultural center and there was a deed restriction that required the +_ Department of Off -Street Parking to manage that, We have ":. been doing that now for some nine years and the conclusion has been reached that without the ability to renovate the �y{.. Olympia Building, bring it up to modern conditions, we 4./ 1d 22 April 11, 1985 3 cannot continue to generate sufficient funds to not ask the City for help to run Gusman Cultural Center, so With your approval last July, we went through an architectural selection process and picked the firm of borelli and Associates. 2 would like to take a minute to introduce to you - I think most of you know him - Hyman borelli is here. That study began last summer, It was finished a few mont►-- ago, and essentially, it concluded that we could restore t,:=: Olympia Building, restore Gusman Cultural Center and create an entertainment complex that would help to generate additional nightlife downtown, bring more people to the cultural center, and provide an additional tourists resource, We are here today to show you some graphics about how this center would look, what the building would look like when it was finished, and ask your authority to go ahead and prepare a request for proposal under the City's unified development process. We are very cognizant that this building is owned by the City; that we simply manage it on your behalf and we want to follow the U.D.P, process to its letter, Mr. Plummer: Before you do that, tell us about financing. Mr, Carlton: This is a $69500,000 project, It will be financed entirely by the private sector. The results will be a modernized Olympia Building, a restored Gusman Cultural Center, back to its original condition inside, and an entertainment center which includes cabaret, two restaurants and various facilities that will keep workers downtown after work, and hopefully they will stay there, have dinner, go to a show at Gusman, will provide a resource for the hotels, with the bus tour operators to bring their guests to Gusman for dinner, show, cabaret entertainment afterwards, much like in the old days of Miami Beach where the hotels and the bus operators had night club tours that were very -- successful, We hope to try to duplicate that and bring those people into downtown. Willy Gort, I believe, is also here from the Downtown Merchants, who was helpful in not - only working with Nate Rock, who owns the property next to us, but also with the tenants of the building, who were very concerned about what was going on and who have all been briefed on this and who support us in this effort, Mr. Dawkins: When you say total private dollars, does that } mean you will not seek any UDAG industrial revenue bonds, or nothing, Is that what you are saying? Mr. Carlton: Sir, I don't know about the UDAG - that may be something ... Mr. Dawkins: Then it is not totally private then, Mr, -( Carlton, Mr. Carlton: I said I don't know about it. We believe, per z" the feasibility studies that this project is doable without UDAG, without I.D.B,'s Mr, Dawkins: I defer this until it brings back and lets me know where the funding is coming from. f" Mr. Carlton: Sir, I can tell you that right now. 4 Mr, Dawkins: I defer it, Mr. Carollo: I second the Commissioner's motion. + Mayor Ferre: We have a motion to defer, Roger, I think ' every member of this Commission is entitled to defer these things and that is the way it is, I have not read all of this, I did look at the drawings that you showed me and I ld 23 April 11, 1985 want to tell you it is one of the most imaginative smartest moves that I have ever seen and whoever thought it up ought to really be commended for some very imaginative thinking, I went down there the other day and I was walking on Flagier Street and I went to look at the property and frankly I was amazed at how small Nathan Rock's property is there and I think it is just an incredibly creative idea. I hope that it will succeed. It just makes an awful lot of horse sense, I think you are right from the way I look at the numbers and I had a banker look at them, He said that this thing looks very reasonable and that it can properly work, I don't have any problems goingg to the UDAG, I mean, we should be applying for 50 UDAGS every quarter anyway. Mr, Manager, I want to tell you, with all due respects to us, the City of Miami has been totally derelict in the way we have approached UDAGS and EDA funding. The Director of UDAGS for the Southeastern United States came here a year and one-half ago and met with the Manager and myself at that time and told them - he said "Birmingham had made 50 applications for UDAGS and the City of Miami has made one". He said "You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You ought to be going after a lot more UDAGS then you are and I would hope that along with Metropolitan Dade County, who have used Industrial Revenue Bonds and in some cases abused them, that up to this date, in the last four years the City of Miami has not had one, not one Industrial Revenue Bond, not one, and I think it is great show of a lack of proper imagination in pursue of these things on our part. I don't know whether this will work or not, but when it comes back after you satisfy or try to satisfy members of the Commission that have questions, I will be voting with you. Mr, Carlton: Thank you. Can we bring it back to the planning meeting that is on the 18th ? Mayor Ferre: I have no problem with that if the Commissioner doesn't, Mr, Carlton: Okay, we will brief you on the proposed financing in great detail. Mayor Ferre: Okay. Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion, I too feel that the City of Miami has not applied for Industrial Revenue Bonds, and other things, Mr. Manager, but there are also other areas in Miami, Mr, Manager, that need these same services, such as Liberty City, such as a group that just left out of here - Wynwood, Little Havana. So, I too would like to see the City of Miami apply for more UDAG grants, more Industrial Revenue Sharing Bonds, but I would like for them to be mostly in the area that have been left out and untapped: Mayor Ferre: All right, any further comments? I would hope that we find other Olympia Theatres or other places, wherever they may be in this community that we pursue this type of imaginative renovation schemes, okay? I think we need to vote on the continuation of this item to the 18th, ld 24 April 11, 1985 I c r j Call the roll, The following motion was introduced by Commissioner { Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-372 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSAL MADE BY THE OFF-STREET PARKING DEPARTMENT FOR A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT 3 PLAN FOR THE OLYMPIA BUILDING AND GUSMAN HALL PENDING FURTHER INFORMATION AND DETAILS OF THE FINANCING PLAN; AND FURTHER DIRECTING THAT THIS MATTER BE PUT ON THE APRIL 18TH AGENDA. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J, L, Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mr, Carollo: In voting yes, I would like to say, Roger, that I think what happened today is that there is just too much that was expected of you for the Commission to approve, I think that you can understand in the past, by rushing into things the Commission has not always done what was best. This doesn't mean that we don't agree with your plan, I think what it means is that the majority of the Commissioners want to review this, have more time to maybe be more informed before making a final decision. It something that certainly seems to be of such importance as this. ------------------------------------------------------------ 21. LIFT HIRE FREEZE. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We now are on Item "D" - Mr. Manager, we are on the hiring freeze issue, Mr. Pereira: Yes, Mr. Mayor, I am aware that the Commission has passed a resolution requesting that the Administration have a hiring freeze until a permanent Manager was hired, so I am now the permanent Manager, so I would like to have the latitude of hiring restored so that we can go ahead and provide the level of services that is expected of the City for its residents, so I appreciate the hiring freeze while you had an Acting Manager, Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, and I will ask the author of the motion, I think it was Commissioner Carollo who made the motion, as I remember - or Mr. Dawkins. As I remember, the motion was (correct me if I am wrong) there be a hiring freeze until we have a permanent, but there was a condition on this, was that right? So therefore, I think legally, and I would have to get a legal opinion on that, there is nothing binding you now unless there is a motion made again to freeze, ld 25 April 119 1985 A Mr. Carollo: I think the best way of going about it, Mr. Mayor, is that we should make a new motion lifting the freeze. This way there Is no question, so I do snake a motion that we lift the hiring freeze for the meantime. Mayor Ferre: For the what? Mr. Carollo: For the meantime. (LAUGHTER) The Manager understands! Mayor Ferre: There is a motion and a second. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-3T3 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO LIFT THE PREVIOUSLY IMPOSED CITY-WIDE HIRING FREEZE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None, f ------------------------------------------------------------ 22. CONSENT AGENDA: Items 39 49 5 pulled. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion on the Consent Agenda? Mr. Carollo: I so moved: Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second, Mayor Ferre: Is there any discussion on the Consent Agenda? Now, seeing nobody speak, we are now voting on Items 6 through 19, call the roll, please, The following resolutions were introduced by Commissioner Carollo, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr, Commissioner J, L, Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None ld 26 April 11, 1985 22.1 ACCEPT BID - BISCAYNE FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. FOR FIRE HOSE ON CONTRACT BASIS, RESOLUTION 85-374 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF BISCAYNE FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. FOR FURNISHING FIRE HOSE ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR RENEWABLE ANNUALLY TO THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE, AND INSPECTION SERVICES AT A TOTAL PROPOSED FIRST YEAR COST OF $480930.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 22.2 ACCEPT BID - LONG'S OFFICE SUPPLY FOR EIGHT WORK STATIONS. RESOLUTION 85-375 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF LONG'S OFFICE SUPPLY CO, FOR FURNISHING EIGHT (8) WORK STATIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $69651.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1984-85 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 22.3 ACCEPT BID - RECHTIEN INTERNATIONAL REPAINT A REFURBISH A FIRE VEHICLE. RESOLUTION 85-376 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF RECHTIEN INTERNATIONAL FOR FURNISHING ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS i TO REFURBISH AND REPAINT A FIRE VEHICLE, TO THE j DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $14,462,50; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1981 FIRE APPARATUS ACQUISITION, REPLACEMENT AND MODIFICATION BOND FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. 22.4 ACCEPT BID - NOTHING INC, FOR REMOVAL OF ABANDONED VEHICLES, RESOLUTION 85-377 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF NOTHING, INC, FOR FURNISHING REMOVAL OF ABANDONED VEHICLES TO THE DEPARTMENT OF SOLID WASTE ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YEAR RENEWABLE ANNUALLY; WITH PAYMENT TO THE CITY OF $21,50 PER EACH VEHICLE REMOVED AT A TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE TO THE CITY OF $259000.00; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR THIS SERVICE, ld 27 April 11, 1985 -IN 22.5 ACCEPT BID - JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - ALLAPATTAH PHASE it. RESOLUTION 85-378 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF J09 REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $164,229.00 OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE II WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TO BE REIMBURSED BY MIAMI-DADE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $1641229,00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $239000.00 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $3,281.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES, AND POSTAGE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $952,00 TO COVER THE INDIRECT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. OF CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE II UPON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF SAID CONSTRUCTION; SAID NOTICE SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-45, ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 19849 CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES, 22.6 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - FRANK J, MORAN, INC. ORANGE BOWL FIELD LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT. RESOLUTION 85-379 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF FRANK J. MORAN, INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $429,599 FOR ORANGE BOWL - FIELD LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT; AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE APRIL 30, 1984 CONTRACT WITH FRANK J. MORAN, INC, FOR SAID WORK IN THE NET AMOUNT OF $9,998; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $12,076,01; FURTHER ACCEPTING THE $69000 DONATION OF THE ORANGE BOWL COMMITTEE TO DEFRAY A PORTION OF THE EXTRA COST OF SPECIAL LIGHTING FEATURES REQUESTED BY THEM. 22.7 AMENDING RESOLUTION 85-153 - CHANGE DATE OF RENTAL FEE WAIVER COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER. RESOLUTION 85-380 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 85-1539 WHICH ALLOCATED AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $89540 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, TO COVER THE COST OF RENTAL AND EVENT PERSONNEL FOR THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER FOR A DANCE TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 229 1985 BY THE OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY; AID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-849 DATED JANUARY 13, 19849 BY AMENDING SECTION 1 OF SAID RESOLUTION 85-153, THEREBY CHANGING THE DATE OF THE EVENT FROM FEBRUARY 22, 1985 TO MARCH 22, 1985, 22,8 CONFIRM CITY PARTICIPATION CENTER. MANAGER'S ACTION - TERMINATE IN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION ld 28 April 11, 1985 RESOLUTION 85-381 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN TERMINATING THE CITY OF MIAMI'S PARTICIPATION IN THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTIFICATION CENTER (UUNC) SINCE ITS MAJOR PARTICIPANT, SOUTHERN BELL, HAS WITHDRAWN FROM THE UUNC 22.9 ALLOW BEER & WINE SALES & CLOSE STREETS - THREE-DAY HAITIAN CARNAVAL. RESOLUTION 85-382 A RESOLUTION ALLOWING THE SALE OF BEER AND WINE FOR A THREE-DAY PERIOD BY HAITIAN CARNAVAL, INC. IN CONNECTION WITH THE HAITIAN CARNAVAL TO BE HELD APRIL 199 20 AND 219 1985, IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ALL REQUIRED PERMITS; FURTHER CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND ESTABLISHING A PEDESTRIAN MALL DURING SPECIFIED HOURS FOR THE HAITIAN CARNAVAL; SAID STREET CLOSING SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE AND FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES, ESTABLISHING THE AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS DURING THE PERIOD OF THE EVENT. 22.10 CLOSE STREETS & ESTABLISH PEDESTRIAN MALL — 1985 MIAMI—BAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL. RESOLUTION 85-383 3 A RESOLUTION CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH I VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND ESTABLISHING A PEDESTRIAN MALL FOR THE 1985 MIAMI/BAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL; SAID STREET CLOSING SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE AND FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES; ESTABLISHING THE AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS DURING THE PERIOD OF THE EVENT; ALLOWING THE SALE OF BEER AND WINE FOR A TWO—DAY PERIOD BY THE MIAMI/BAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL COMMITTEE IN CONNECTION WITH THE 1985 MIAMI/BAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL TO BE HELD IN MIAMI ON JUNE 8 AND 9, 1985; .` SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ALL REQUIRED PERMITS. 22.11 ALLOW BEER & WINE SALES — THREE—DAY FESTIVAL, LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITIES AND NUTRITION CENTER, RESOLUTION 85-384 A RESOLUTION ALLOWING THE SALE OF BEER AND WINE FOR A THREE—DAY PERIOD BY THE LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITIES AND NUTRITION CENTERS OF DADE COUNTY, INC. IN CONNECTION _ WITH A FESTIVAL COMMEMORATING SENIOR CITIZENS' MONTH AND CUBA'S INDEPENDENCE DAY TO BE HELD IN JOSE MARTI PARK ON MAY 189 19 AND 20, 1985; SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ALL REQUIRED PERMITS; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A THREE DAY CONCESSION AGREEMENT WITH THE HEREIN STATED ORGANIZATION, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. '7x}a ld 29 April 11, 1985 a 22,12 ALLOW DISPENSING OF BEER - ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. FOR FUND RAISING EVENT. RESOLUTION 85-385 A RESOLUTION ALLOYING THE DISPENSING OF BEER FOR A ONE -DAY PERIOD BY ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. IN CONNECTION WITH A FUND RAISING EVENT TO BENEFIT THE HEADSTART PROGRAM AND THE SOUTH FLORIDA BLOOD SERVICE TO BE HELD AT PEACOCK PARK ON APRIL 219 1985 SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ALL REQUIRED PERMITS. Mr, Plummer: Mr. Mayor, may I just, under discussion - Mr. Manager, I have stated before, and I think we need to change the wording on these approvals of beer and wine, where we are giving them a waiver to allow them under no circumstances, does it preclude their getting a permit from the Alcoholic Beverage Commission. I think if you change that wording, it could misconstrued by someone that giving a waiver means that they can go ahead and sell. The terminology I think is wrong, Mr. Pereira: Thank you, Commissioner. ------------------------------------------------------------ 23, FORMALIZING RESOLUTION: ALLOCATE *5,000 FOR CASH GRANT SISTER CITIES -UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE MIAMI-NICE POSTGRADUATE "ADVANCES IN INTERNAL MEDICINE" ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: On the Item 19, Mr. Dawkins, that has to do with the University of Miami and the University of Nice and that medical program we all established last year and they are going to have sometime soon - it is a graduate program where they are taking the University of Miami students and students of Nice and they are putting on a medical program of some sort in France - at France. Mr, Dawkins: At France, okay that is what I needed to understand, Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr, Plummer: Sure, Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll on Agenda Item 19, The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 85-386 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $59000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, SISTER CITIES FUND, FOR THE PURPOSE OF A CASH GRANT IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI SISTER CITIES/UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE'S MIAMI-NICE POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM ENTITLED "ADVANCED IN INTERNAL MEDICINE", SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO, APM- 1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here ld April 11, 1985 f and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller Jh Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. -rrr-r.i.rrr-rrrrrr-r-r-rr-rrr-rrrrrrrrr-rrrrr--�rrrrrrrr------ 24, MARINE PATROL OMIT - ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CONFISCATED MONEY TO PURCHASE PATROL BOAT, ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Do we have a police officer now that can give us an answer on the boat? Mr, Pereira: Yes, Chief Barad will make a presentation on the Police Department's Marine Patrol Unit, Mr, Carollo: Chief, before you start, I would like to congratulate you and the Miami Marine Patrol unit for having recently confiscated what I understood to be some 800 pounds of cocaine on a pleasure boat that was stopped by one of our marine patrol units. I think it is a fine job that the officer did, I was able to see one of the other ;f pleasure boats that has been confiscated, so I think they have been doing a heck of a job out there, —` Chief Dickson: Yes, I will be glad to relay that to the Marine Patrol people. They will be very happy to hear that. { Mr. Carollo: Please do so for the entire Commission, Chief Dickson: I will, In relation to the question that was asked about what happened to the remaining monies of the $80,000 that was allocated for the Marine Patrol, and to track that down and to find out where the remaining money ' was spent - we were able to track it back to the comprehensive crime prevention grant that at that time, back in 1982 under, I believe, Chief Barad those funds, the remaining funds that were supposed to go on the other boat r.= was transferred to the comprehensive crime prevention grant to make up for the salary deficit that had occurred at that time, In other words comprehensive crime , the rehensive p prevention sw. grant ran out leaving no money for salaries, and to Y< = maintain our believe some two employees, that moneywas transferred over to that grant, which was a State grat and kv;;°, the person who authorized that at that time was of course, 5 the only person who could, the Chief of Police and the person that was in position to approve that request, of course was the Manager at that time, ' Mr. Carollo: Chief, I understand that you were not in { command at that time, therefore, neither you nor some of the other staff that I see here are responsible in any way for that; however I think it is outrageous that after this ,.._.„ Commission approved and went through a heck of a time to approve those grants, and based on my motion and long time 'i initiative, to acquire those boats, that the City Axe Administration, in my opinion, illegally would transfer funds to some other program. Former Chief Harms stated to ld 31 April 11, 1985 Me recently that his position was quite different, 1 think has to be settled because in my opinion this was done Illegally and once the Commission approved funds for a certain project and that to be taken somewhere else - Mr. Manager during that time we had an Assistant City Manager that was the person responsible for the Police Department. 1s Mr. Eads around here anywhere? Can we get Mr, Eads down here because I would like to find out ,just what part the Police Administration had in pushing this, or was the Police Administration forced to do this by civilians and had to do what they were told? Mr. Pereira: What year are we talking about because 1 am trying to ascertain whether he was in fact the Assistant Chief Dickson: 1981, Mr. Pereira: 1981, He was not involved at that point, sir, Mr. Carollo: Okay, Jack, were you involved in any of the discussions that the former, or should I say, the Manager during that time had with the Police Chief during that time inasfar as transferring those funds? Mr, Jack Eads: I understand this was 1981 time frame we are talking about? 1981-1982? Mr. Carollo: 1981-1982. Mr. Eads: Commissioner, I don't recall being involved in any of that conversation at all, Mr, Carollo: For the record, the information that was related to me, Mr, Eads, by former Chief Harms was that he was forced and told that those funds would be transferred, that was none of his doing, He was told that that is what the Police Department was going to do, There was some indications that you were involved with some of these conversations that went on between himself and the Civilian Administration of the City. Mr, Mayor, I think we have a very serious problem here, We have a problem - this Commission approved some very needed funds for two patrol boats and motors that the people of this City need very much so, In fact, even the two patrol boats that we approved, we are really short, and for whatever their logic or reasoning, people in our Administration decided that what the Commission approved wasn't important and they were going to do as they pleased, I think that we have to undo the wrong that was done at that time and we have to locate the funds for an additional patrol boat, Now, is this program that these funds are transferred to still in existence, Mr. Manager, do you know? Maybe the Chief can answer that, Mr. Pereira: Chief, you can probably answer that, please, Chief Dickson: The Comprehensive Crime Prevention program is still in existence, sir. Mr, Carollo: What is the funding that it annually has? Chief Dickson: $177,000, Mr. Carollo: $177,000, which means that that should be at least $40,000 plus less in this fiscal year in that program, Mr. Pereira: I wouldn't know unless I go back and check the records and find out specifically what the balance is in the program, ld 32 April 11, 1985 1 i i Mr. Plummer: Joe, the bulk of that money ease frOS a Mate grant. What put forth = as I recall the grant was in the neighborhood of 9i8,000. Mr. Carollo: Well see, we had some $409000 plus that was transferred illegally. Mr. Plummer: ?es, I as with you. I don't know how anybody could transfer without coming back to this Commission. Mayor Term They do it all the time. They did it already. Mr. Carollo: What I would like for the City Attorney, if you vould, Lucia, to instruct us in what we have to do to take out the $40,000 plus that was illegally put into that program and take it out of there now and with that money, buy a new patrol boat. Mr. Plummer: Well, I would still ask Chief - at the last meeting I asked a report to be, or you to research why the County is not providing that service as they agreed to do and we turned everything over to them. Mr. Pereira: We will have an answer to that. Chief Dickson: We have done that. We have responded with that ... we are prepared to give you an answer if you have the time. Mr. Plummer: Well, I think it is most important! If we i gave to the County all of our equipment and everything that we had with an absolute promise from the■ that they would do the service for us, I think we ought to be knocking on their door and demanding that they provide that service which they are obviously not doing. Mr. Pereira: Comaissioner, I have a memorandum in front of me and I have no idea why it was not transmitted to you, but that is from the Chief. It is not addressed to me, but it which addresses precisely what you are asking se, you know why don't we - you know, let's get the answer to the Commission. 1 mean, it is here in black and white and let's roll with it. Chief Dickson: Okay ... Mr. Plummer: Can I have a copy of that, please? Mr. Pereira: Yes, it might save some time. Co ahead and do it verbally. Chief Dickson: Would you rather read the copy first? Mr. Pereira: No. go ahead, do it verbally and we will copy it for you. Chief Dickson: Okay, there a number of questions posed regarding the Marine Patrol function and following are some questions that Commissioner Plummer posed and researched responses are here for it. "What provisions existed when we turned over the Harbor Patrol to the County" was a question. In response to that, the Miami Police Department Harbor Patrol, by 1961, had already been reduced to one vessel from the two it was budgeted and it operated during the 50'3. This vessel, from 1961 to 1963, when the Harbor Patrol was disbanded, experienced a series of mechanical mishaps. These various mishaps culminated with an accidental collision and the sinking of our Harbor Patrol boat. On June 11, 19639 the City Commission passed a resolution transferring ownership of that vessel, a 26 foot twin engine ld 33 April 11, 1985 pilot and miscellaneous marine supplies and equipment to the Metropolitan Dade County government. Mr. Plummer: In return for their providing services to the City. Mr. Pereira: It keeps going now, Commissioner. Chief Dickson: The other question that you posed was what guarantees were made by Metro to us. On February 6, 19630 a letter was written to Metropolitan Dade County outlining a proposal for the transfer of the Harbor Patrol operation from the City to the County. Their response dated February 149 1963, stated "In view of the policy now in effect, we are unable to consider any agreements or commitments on behalf of Dade County which would necessitate additional expenses for equipment or personnel. For this reason, a negative response must be made to your offer at this time". This was the response that they got from the County at that time. Accordingly, the City resolution passed on June 19, 1963, only requested that the County assume responsibility for Harbor Patrol activities previously performed by the City, Coupled with this request was unconditional donation of our boat and equipment to them. Metro made no guarantees in response at that time. Why did Metro not live up to those that they did make was the other question. As the above responses reflect, no specific guarantees were made to us. Regarding the request for information by s.. well, this is what we just responded to Commissioner Carollo, but the thing was, Commissioner Plummer, they never did make a commitment to take over the responsibilities that we were in fact performing at that time, and ... Mayor Ferre: All right, any other questions of the Chief on that issue? j Mr. Plummer: The only question that I have is, Chief, as proposed for the additional boat, what is your estimate of the cost of the operation of the Marine Patrol? Chief Dickson: To give you a good approximate, or the real figures for that, you have to have time to go back and look at it Commissioner, because the boat that we have now, the only one that we did buy, and that is the Boston Whaler, we are expecting at any time now, two new engines for that boat that is being donated to us by Yamaha: It should be arriving by plane very soon and we would have to go back now because the original budget has been somewhat I guess, altered, Mr. Plummer: How many personnel do you have dedicated to it and what it go to if you were to expand? Chief Dickson: We have ten people at this point in time. Mr, Plummer: Sworn officers? Chief Dickson: Yes, sir - one sergeant, Mr, Pereira: How much does it cost to have one policeman 24 hours? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr, Pereira: $45,000 you are talking, You are talking $500,000 just in personnel - big megabucks, Let me see if I ' can interject here, as I want to make sure that we are clear in what we are requesting in information, so on and so forth so we don't have a misunderstanding, Obviously, this j happened back in 1963 and there was no agreement with the [L >:'' 3 ld 34 April 11, 1985 County, Commissioner Mummer, to address your issue and what is it we are going to get back and you know, that is just the facts, and we are also going back 20 years. Now, the issue that remains unresolved is • it is not really unresolved m- is why the remaining dollars that we were appropriated for the two boats, why were they disbursed or reallocated into the different accounts, and if I understand the Chief correctly, the reallocation of those funds were for police related program. Am I correct in assuming, that Chief? Chief Dickson: Yes, sir. Mr. Pereira: Okay, so the issue here is to what motivated us - when I say us, you know the City, to move those dollars, Now, unless, I don't know, is there anyone still in the Department that was involved in that, you know, I don't know how we can get the answer of the integral people, Yes, Commissioner? Mr. Dawkins: The problem I have with it, Mr. Manager, is we voted to purchase two boats. Now, my problem is, why we didn't purchase two boats? Mr. Pereira: That is my problem too. Mr. Dawkins: Commissioner Carollo is interested in why the money was transferred, but I am interested in why the money was left there to be transferred and we didn't purchase two boats, Mr, Plummer: Yes, I agree. Mr, Carollo: There was recently an article that was very critical of the City Commission for not supporting the Marine Patrol unit, This article appeared in the Miami Herald recently and I couldn't believe what I as reading based on the fact I knew had approved two boats. Mr. Pereira: I can answer Commissioner Dawkins, Obviously we didn't buy the second boat because the money was not there, you know, but the reasoning is, where is the money? Mr, Carollo: We know where the money went to, now the only thing is, I guess at a loss is the reasoning behind it. At this point in time I think it's really irrelevant, What was done, for whatever the reason, it was illegal, incorrect. - There was no authority of the administration to do that, The motion I'm going to make is.,., Mr, Plummer: Commissioner Carollo, let me just put on the record, not that I'm going to vote with, for, or against, My office received a call from Dr, Elton Gibson down in Tallahassee, He has indicated and has brought forth that his office, which does provide the Florida Marine Patrol, would be glad and happy to enter into a contractual agreement with the City of Miami to provide those services '.: to the City, I just want to put that on the record that they called and that's what they want to do, Mr, Carollo: J,L,, that's all fine, but you know what that's going to amount to, We'll see them just for an hour a day or something like that, That's not their main priority. Mr. Plummer: I put it on the record as I was asked to do, Mr, Carollo: What I would like to ask the Chief, for the record, is beside the Boston Whaler that we bought, what other present boats does the Marine Patrol Unit have that have been confiscated and is presently using? k ld 35 April 11, 1985 -k Mr. Clarence Dickson: Well, we had a second boat that was confiscated that we used. However, that boat 1 believe lasted for about two months at the most. There was a lot of down time and it became quite expensive to keep up. Mr. Carollo: The other one that 1 saw the other day, even if we're able to confiscate it through the whole process, just in the cost of fuel for those engines, it's not going to make it practical at all. Mr. Dickson: It would be tremendous, yes, it would, Mr. Carollo: The motion that I'm going to be making, Mr, Mayor, based on the legal guidance of the City Attorney, is one that we take the same amount of funds that were given illegally to the program that was mentioned here, this crime prevention program;if it legally can be done. The city withdraws an equal amount of funds from that program now and with that money, use it to buy a new patrol boat, If it cannot legally be done, or if there is truly no money left there, then the second part of my motion would be that we then take the funds from this confiscation monies that we have, I think we have about a million and a half dollars there; nothing is being done with that, and we buy two boats with monies from their program and approve enough support funds for whatever additional requirements will be needed, including manpower to man and staff that second boat, Mayor Ferre: In other words, you're adding one more boat, so we have two of them. Mr, Carollo: That is correct, so we'll have three boats, the one that we have and two more. Mayor Ferre: Is that recommended by the Police Department, we want three? Mr. Dickson: Sir, we can't take money and the forfeiture fund to be utilized for something that might be construed as budget items. It will have to be totally separated. So, in other words, we cannot buy the equipment that you are suggesting, the two boats from forfeiture funds; it has to be under some other classification, The second part of the question.... Mr. Carollo: Why can't we do that, Chief? Mr, Dickson: I would be considered a budget item, part of equipment of that sort; it would not be,.,, Mr, Pereira: Lucia, Mrs, Dougherty: Vice Mayor Carollo, it's our opinion that you could buy the boats, but you couldn't use the money for personnel, You could buy the boats with the forfeiture money, but you couldn't fund personnel that's ongoing, Mr. Carollo: So, we can use the money for the boats, but if there is additional personnel that is needed, we cannot fund it with that. Mrs, Dougherty: You couldn't use the forfeiture money; you'd have to use already budgeted personnel, Mr. Carollo: Then my motion will be limited to equipment only to buy two boats and whatever appropriate equipment is needed, Id 36 April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferre: I'll recognite that as a motion, but after there is a second, I have a question to ask. Is there a second? I heed to ask you the question. Mr. Carollo: Miller seconds. Mayor Ferre: Why two boats? Joe, because I understand the one. Mr. Carollo: Maurice, let me tell you why. When those two boats were approved several years ago.... Mayor Ferre: See, but there were two; now you're going to three. Mr. Carollo: That's right, because it was originally appproved that we would have two boats several years ago in '81, Well, actually in 182 it was finally approved. What we really needed at the time were three boats, Now with the such high increase in narcotics that is coming into our City, and directly in our shorelines, we need to have a full scale force out there, because if we don't stop at least a small portion of it out there, we're going to spend even more funds trying to get if off the streets and the consequence of that tar baby. Mayor Ferre: I get the logic of it, Stop it at the water before it hits the streets, Chief, does the Police Department concur with this? Mr. Dickson: Yes, sir, there's one boat,.& we can count on one boat being down, Mayor Ferre: Chief I have a very simple question, because I'm going to be voting with the administration's ' recommendation. Are you recommending this, yes or no? Mr, Dickson: Yes. Mayor Ferre: I'll be voting with you, Mr. Dawkins: One more question, Mr. Manager, is there enough funds in whatever the confiscated funds that Mr. Carollo was speaking about, is there enough money in that fund to purchase two boats. Mr. Pereira: My understanding is that there is $1,8 million there at this point. That would suffice: ." Mr. Dawkins: Thank you. Mr. Carollo: This would probably run, Miller, into not much :- more than maybe a hundred at most, maybe a little over that. So there is plenty of money there, ' ., Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote now? Call the roll. 1d 37 April 11, 1985 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-387 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO TRANSFER FUNDS PREVIOUSLY ILLEGALLY CHANNELED TO THE CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND DIRECTING THAT THESE FUNDS BE WITHDRAWN NOW IN ORDER TO PURCHASE A NEW PATROL BOAT; FURTHER DECLARING THAT IF THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE, THE CITY MANAGER IS THEN DIRECTED TO WITHDRAW SUFFICIENT FUNDS FROM "CONFISCATED MONIES" TO BUY AN ADDITIONAL TWO BOATS, MAKING A TOTAL OF THREE BOATS ALTOGETHER. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: i i Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. WHEREUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO A RECESS AT 10:57 A.M., RECONVENING AT 11:02 A.M., WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION FOUND TO BE PRESENT EXCEPT COMMISSIONER CAROLLO AND COMMISSIONER PEREZ. -------------- ----------------------- ----------- ------------ 25. OPEN, RECEIVE, READ ALOUD: BIDS FOR $3390009000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI& ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: All right, we have three members, motion to open the bids on Item Number 1? Mr. Dawkins: So moved, Mayor Ferre: It has been seconded by Plummer, discussion? Call the roll on opening the bids. Is there a Further ld 38 April 11, 1985 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 85=388 A RESOLUTION TO RECEIVE, OPEN, READ AND REFER TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR TABULATION • AND REPORT BIDS AUTHORIZED TO BE RECEIVED THIS DATE UNDER RESOLUTION NO, 85-353 FOR THE SALE OF $500009000 FIRE FIGHTING, FIRE PREVENTION AND RESCUE FACILITIES BONDS, $5,000,000 POLICE HEADQUARTERS AND CRIME PREVENTION FACILITIES BONDS, $890009000 SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BONDS, $990009000 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS AND $690009000 STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L, Plummer, Jr, Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: All right, open the bids and read them into the record: Mr, Ralph Ongie: First bid is from Citicorp Investment Bank, Interest rate is 9,2188, Next one is Southeast Bank, N.A. Interest rate is 9.272153• Next one is The First Boston Corporation and Associates. Interest rate is 9.2343% Last bid is Prudential Bache Securities, Interest rate is 9,203717, Mayor Ferre: Who? Prudential? Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Prudential Bache, That is all the bids, Mr. Mayor, Mayor Ferre: I would like to make a point on the record that last year's weekly yield of Twenty Bond G,O, Index of thirty year Treasury bonds had the twenty bond index for the last week at 9.63. The previous week it was at 9,75. The apparent low bid here is 9.203, I think for a city that has our rating, that is one more proof again that the City of Miami has been, for the past five years and continues to be a financially sound and attractive government and that these bonds are selling not only well, but well below the market and I think it is a source of pride to all of us - Randy, to you, and Mr, Garcia and to all of the people that work diligently on getting the ratings - our sincere congratulations, This is a major achievement for you, It is a great feather in your cap and to Mr, Garcia, We don't need any action on this, do we? Mr, Ongie: No, sir, ld 39 April 11, 1985 iGiiiiiiiiiii. i No iiiiiiiifiiii aw. GGii ilGiii iiiiiii iArb iii abdb abow dbtft4*dft6b4& 26 DISCUSSION REGARDING THE LIBRARY BUILDING IR D►YFRONT FAR[ (AGENDA ITEM ace) Mayor Ferre: All right, we are now on the question of the library. I will recognize anybody who wants to speak on this issue. We are on the downtown Bayfront Park Library. Mr, Carollo: Mr, Mayor, as I understood the last motion, that this Commission approved the last time that we had made a resolution regarding what to do with the library and I am referring to the resolution of late 1983, The official position that this Commission took which stands today was that the library would not be demolished until those people in the private sector that had promised funds, and my recollection was that it was some thing in the neighborhood of 10 million dollars, that the library would not be demolished until those funds would come forward. Now to my knowledge, no monies have been raised by those in the private sector that said they would up until this date. Maybe others have some additional information on that, But to my understanding, based on that resolution, that is the official position that this Commission, this City has been abiding by up until now. In order for that library building to be demolished, there would have to be a new resolution approved by this Commission to do so. Mayor Ferre: I think you are correct legally. I would like if I may, just for the record so we don't get confused about this, state that we have been battling this issue now since 1980, We have had 2 full fledged public hearings. One of those public hearings was at the Bayfront Park Auditorium where the place was jam-packed, another one here: In both of those public hearings, after the public hearing it was put to a vote and the Commission voted in the last of those public hearings 3 to 2 in favor of demolishing the library, Now, the motion that Commissioner Carollo refers to, was on December 8, 1983, It was Motion No, 83-1130 and for the record, I will read it in its entirety: "A motion of the City Commission stipulating that no consideration shall be given to the proposed destruction or demolition of the public library building until such time as that portion of the private sector which previously made a commitment to raise funds in connection with this project, has lived up to their commitment to the City," Madam City Attorney, this is not an ordinance, This is not a resolution, This is a motion, It was a motion as I recall that came out of a pocket item discussion. It was not a matter even that was duly, the public was not °`• notified. It was not something that was discussed, Now I ask you as a matter of law whether a duly advertised and open public hearing where a debate ensued for several hours and after that when a formal resolution was adopted by the City of Miami Commission, whether in law, a motion of intent } abrogates or supersedes the resolution after a public hearing? Mrs. Dougherty: Mr, Mayor, it does not, You would Yt specifically have to rescind that resolution before, The only way - they do somewhat conflict but they could be read together, these two resolution,.., ' Mayor Ferre. But the fact is that it was never,,,, ti 1 '=. Mrs, Dougherty: I don't mean resolutions,.,. tY ld 40 April 11, 1985 s�rTdlIx� ��.•e '+.„ }.� G �X> N "c'C s �r✓� (-+✓ti ���..'�'_.,., (_1�.�4tf� yrry�.�.�}�n;�1 Mayor Perre: You were not the attorney, so i can't hold you responsible for it but in fact, in law, this motion was never memorialited legally into a resolution and it was never in writing. As you may recall, since we went through the Howard Gary situation, a motion must be put in writing and the law says that for us to legally act on something, it must be in writing and before the members of the Commission and available to the public. 1 submit to you that Motion No. 83-1130 was a pocket item, was not legal, was not in writing, did not go through a public process and therefore, it does not abrogate the formal legal position taken by this Commission. The only way that it could be done, is in a resolution form first rescinding or amending or adding to the formally passed resolution. I submit to Commissioner Carollo that the only way that that could be done in my opinion to be fair with the people of Miami is in the same way that the other resolution was passed and that is by calling a public hearing, properly advertising it and having it at a public location. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I have no problems in calling another public hearing on the a matter, however, I think there is some question whether this motion was a pocket item or not. This motion came under item "C" that was a duly advertised item on December 8, 1983, Mayor Ferre: That's not my point. My point is that under law, a motion is not binding on this body and a resolution is. Also, under law, for us to pass a binding resolution, it must be in writing and available to members of the public. All I am saying is, as you can clearly see in the copy of this, that what was passed was not a motion and not a resolution. Mr. Carollo: There is no question about it that there was a motion passed, however, I think we would have to get an opinion from the City Attorney on whether she feels that is the case that by law, this motion would not be binding at all. Mayor Ferre: No, the question that I asked her and I will ask her again, if she wants to repeat her answer again, is that we had a public hearing and a resolution that was subsequently voted upon formally in writing before the Commission. I would like to get a copy of that if I may. Now that is the last formal act of the Commission on this issue. What this is is a motion; motions are motions of intent. They do not in law stand higher than a resolution. For this to stand equally with a resolution, it must be in a resolution form, otherwise it does not have equal standing. I asked, and I am sorry, I don't mean to practice law here, but I asked a specific question. Does a motion have equal ;= standing with a resolution? Mr. Carollo: Mr, Mayor, I am not an attorney either,, but it would seem logical to me like it has in just about every other occasion that this Commission has taken a stand, that $= once we vote upon and approve a motion, that is legally bound on this Commission as if we were to sign on certain matters and I think that if we were to approve, lets say, a =; contract based on a motion with "X" group that comes before us for funds, just like we have in the past,, then we go back on our word on that that that group would have a heck of a legal case against us in court. I think the question here that maybe you are trying to bring up, if that is the case, then I have no problems with it at all. I would be in favor of that, as to whether we should have to bring this matter up to a public hearing again. If that's what you want, Mr. Mayor, I have no problems with it. I would be in favor of that, even without all the different =° discrepancies that we might have before us. 4 fai`:'j ld 41 April 11, 1985 -r3 j r Ile; t Mayor Ferre: Well, I want to get it. Lucia is nodding, but 1 want in on the record Madam City Attorney. I want the legal opinion on the record, please, Mrs, Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, the charter provides that all action taken by the Commission must be done in either Ordinance or Resolution) form. A motion is a motion of intent. It is not illegal, it's extra legal, so to speak, _ Therefore, your motion does not supersede the resolution, You would have to deal with that resolution by rescinding it or modifying, amending it, whatever. E i t Mayor Ferre: Let me read the resolutions that are in question so that we can understand each other, Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, if I may, can you give the dates? Mayor Ferre: I will do that and I am going to read them into the record so that we understand. The first resolution was dated July 29, 1982, and it was Resolution No. 82-740 and it reads: "A resolution expressing the following intent of the City Commission (a) to have the library building in Bayfront Park moved in one piece if possible to another site too be determined; (b) allocate a sum of not to exceed 20 million dollars designated for construction of said park in order to cover the cost of removal and refurbishing of said building; (c) that a site selection committee be established to make recommendations with respect to the utilization and relocation of said building; (d) first preference to Culmer/Overtown area as an appropriate site and if removal to said site is not possible, then serious consideration be given to the use of the building as a Maritime Museum or for the Insurance Exchange of the Americas or such other uses based on human considerations at another site, and if rented by the City for commercial use for a ten year period, the rental to be set at $3 per square foot net, $200,000 per year, further expressing the intent of the City Commission that if no acceptable relocation site and tenant is found for said building within 18 months of July 1982 from the date of this resolution, that it be demolished." That was the first one, the second one is September 9, 1962. It is R-82-833, and it reads: "A resolution establishing a committee to make recommendations for the relocation and utilization of the City owned building currently occupied as the Dade County main library in Bayfront Park, Further establishing a time limit of 18 months fro July 1982 to date of Resolution 82-740 which expressed the intent of the City Commission to have said building moved, Allocating funds for removal and refurbishing and setting a time limit after which, if not acceptable relocation site and tenant is found, said building is to be demolished." Now I submit to you, that after the committee made up of James Church, Mariano Cruz, Stanley Dodd, Chaired by Ron Frazier, Patricia Holmes, and Albert Malickey, they deliberated and came back and said they could find no reasonable use or the cost would be substantially more than 2 million dollars to move the building, At that point, under law, the resolution that is binding is that we were to demolish it, Now, the motion that is before us, is not contradictory, as Mrs. Dougherty has said, because it adds a further limitation, It puts a ld 42 April 11, 1985 1-7 i._.nsu..n � r„i..t;.w..�...� _.. .e: a•,.a` s.-','r �......,. a <-:_,,,�;j�,. > �aa:.. nf�f*W,ias.�;��*'�f.�'d?�a�' _ :' " - provision, however, for it be legally binding, it must be a resolution and not a motion. I submit and I thank you for going along with that before we memorialize that legally, that it must be done with a resolution and that should be in turn be done at a public hearing. Now, Senator Pepper, I know how very busy you are but before I recognize you, l want to say to you, sir, and the other people that are here on this issue. I thought Commissioner Gordon was coming down here today, but I don't see her. Mr. Carollo: I think you said the last time, Mr. Mayor, that Senator Hawkins was also sending some kind of telegram. Have we received anything from her? Mayor Ferre: Not that I know of. The City Manager has written a memorandum dated April 10th, in which he basically says that the administration cannot find any restrictions or any issues of whether the library remains or not remain with regard to the Corps of Engineers funding of a 6.2 million dollar project which is the Baywalk project. Secondly, the City Manager concludes the following: The 6,2 million dollar U,D.A.G& grant is to construct a major portion of Bayfront Park north of the northern line of Flagler Street as projected easterly through the park. This line bisects the library building and a portion of the building falls within the U,D,A,G, grant area. The U,D.A,G, contract between the City of Miami and H.U.D. will require that construction commence by May 31 of this year, If the library building is not removed, we must assume that substantial redesign will occur thus possibly jeopardizing our contractual schedule, We are informed by H.U,D. that the office of Management and Budget posture is to de - obligate funds wherever possible to meet federal budget cuts, By not meeting our contractual schedule, we are told that the allocation for Bayfront Park U,D.A,G, Grant could be in jeopardy, Whereas, Senator, thanks to your work and the help and assistance of Senator Hawkins and others, the Bayfront Corps of Engineers monies are not evidently in jeopardy, unless you feel differently, The U.D,A.G. 6 million dollar grant would be in jeopardy. In addition, I would point out that it hardly makes any sense to put up a 5 million dollar fountain behind that library building. Lastly, I think we have the issue, which of course we will have to talk about at the public hearing that deals with the legal rights that the designer of the park has, Mr, Noguchi insisted and his' lawyer insisted and we signed a contract that I understand there are some questions as to who owns what. The City Attorney feels that we have a right and own those drawings. I think it would be a contested matter and it would jeopardize, if we get into a contested matter, the U,D,A,G, Grant, whether we are right or wrong, Lastly, I would point out and I don't know if Kitty Roedel here? Kitty, am I at liberty, since it came out in the newspaper to talk about the Knight Foundation? It was inn the newspaper, I see no reason why I shouldn't, The Knight Foundation has tentatively, -Kitty, how much is the amount? -are at the point of making a $650,000 grant upon their reading that there was controversy on this issue; they have postponed that decision until their next meeting R which will be, I think, next month in Ohio -Akron, Ohio, in June in Miami, They want to see what the Commission is going to do so not only have we jeopardized the U,D.A,G, Grant, we are also jeopardizing the $650,000 grant which the Knight Foundation was requested in January of this year, and � this matter has been pending and we have put a lot of time and effort in the presentation, we have spent a lot of money and it has been tentatively approved for $6509000, I A>. think we.made the presentation in March as I recall- Wasn't it?- or February, before this matter came u , y, p Now having said all that into the record, Senator, as I sense the mood i ld 43 April 11, 1985 R,� 1 C1.7,.... ,.�;,1 ti. �.w �",'. � ..... r r ..,. � .•.._.. c ... ,.,..: •:7. t. ai.:%`�x ,+.,rt•• .. •.f. �tik� :r.$Crltrtie� here is that we are going to go to a public hearing, , , but while you are here, we are happy to recognize you. Senator Claude Pepper: Honorable Mayor and members of the Commission, I am profoundly grateful to you for allowing me one of the few privileges I have ever exercised of appearing before your distinguished Commission. I don't take lightly the privilege you have extended to me or the responsibility I have of expressing any opinion to you about a matter of which you have been so wonderfully concerned for now quite a long while. First I want to personally, as I was privileged to do by correspondence, to thank the Honorable Mayor and the members of the Commission for naming the fountain for my beloved departed wife and myself. You might have left me out without any objection on my part but I am profoundly grateful to you for including my wife who loved beauty and loved the beauty of this park, and this s great City and community, as much as she did, so I am very grateful to you for that and I am privileged to tell you so personally this morning. I realize the delicacy of my offering any opinion to you about a matter to which you have given so much thought and about which you are so very much concerned but I am a citizen of the City of Miami, I live at 2121 North Bayshore Drive, I own my apartment there and I am proud of this City, proud of its parks, and for a long time, I have been proud to have worked with you in trying to develop this into one of the most beautiful parks in the worlds which I think is its destiny if you go ahead with the plans that you have heretofore carried forward, The City of Miami long ago laid aside this land, beautified it one way or the other,, after many starts and stops, many frustrations and failures and defeats, you have now got it up to the very verge of success, On the 22nd of April, I invite all of you to be present in Washington when the City signs with the Secretary of the Army the agreement between the engineers of the government and the City about the engineers 6 million dollar expenditure in that area, We have talked to the people about it a great deal, They have gone through all of the details, now the preliminary work and they are ready to meet you for the formal signing which will relate to the 6 million dollars to be expended by the Corps of Engineers as you know, for the Baywalk and for the foundation of the fountain and other improvements that the engineers are to put there, That is 6 million dollars and as the Mayor said, that is not in jeopardy, In addition to that, you have the commitment for the U,D,A,G, of 6 million dollars. That's 12 million dollars from those sources. We were able to work together to get Dr, Gissendaner of the State to give us about a half million dollars also for assistance there and we all know that the job is not yet done but can we safely fail to carry out the comprehensive plan that you have paid for, I presume, and have contemplated and the people I think have approved. Can you afford to risk the displeasure of those whose support would be essential by not carrying out completely that plan? Now they tell me, I am not an engineer and I am not a landscape gardener or anything like that, but they tell me that from Biscayne Boulevard, you can't see the fountain if the building there that is the library now, remains, It's always painful when you want to remove an old building and put up a new or remove something to put up something else that you think is in the public interest, This afternoon, I am going to the University of Alabama, my alma-mater, to participate in the 100th anniversary celebration of Mr, Justice Hugo Black, and I wanted to get a couple of books about him, It was late and I didn't know whether I had time to get to the library downtown by Biscayne Boulevard or not, so I sent over to the county library right near my office in the federal building and in a few minutes one of my staff brought back a couple of books that I wanted from ld 44 April 11, 1985 14 over there. Nov, I don't know of course to what extent that library might meet the needs of the area, what supplements and needs you should provide to it$ but at least I know you can't duplicate the library, you can't duplicate Nayfront Park. There is just one of those in the world, and anything that would materially impair the contemplated beauty of that place, is a very serious interference. It seems to me with the future that may diminish the loveliness that it would otherwise have. I sympathize with those who would want to save what we have got, but on the other hand, I don't want to lose what we are about to get. The most beautiful park in America, how proud we are all going to be. I want to pay my highest tribute to the honorable Mayor and the honorable members of this Commission for what you have done to bring it all through the years, through the throes that you had to pass through in order to bring it to where it is today. It's a magnificent accomplishment and how proud you will be of your product when it's completed. There won't be anything superior to it anywhere. People will be coming here to get on the subway, the people carrier. They may linger to enjoy the beauty and the comfort and recreational attraction of this park. Visitors from everywhere will come to see it. It has been designed by one of the world's most distinguished draftsman of that sort of thing. It's also so well located between the ocean and the bay and the City and in every way, I think this will be a great park and it is related to the future of this great City. I am one of those who subscribes, as I know every one of you do, Miami is going to be one of the greatest cities in the world. Our location here and proximity to Central and South America and the Caribbean and the rest of the United States... Even the other day, I was over to Orlando and I sat by the Secretary of Labor of Florida. He said 800 people a day come into Florida and his assistant spoke up and said yes, and 10,000 people a month, over 60 years of age come into Florida. They are pouring in here, you know the estimate of the census by the year 2000, California will have 27,000, Texas 21,000, Florida 17,000, We are emerging as one of the three greatest and most outstanding states in the union and we think we are the best of them all, At least the best of what we can offer and provide. So, I ask you gentlemen with all seriousness and with great concern, to think very carefully of the value you will achieve if you keep the library and lose the completion, the perfection of the park, that is otherwise in prospect. You say yes, it's valuable, but so are those 12 million dollars from just those two sources, the U,D.A,G, and the Corps of Engineers, While of course the library is valuable, think we have to put the library on the scales and balance it with the park. Will the park be all we have contemplated, all we want, and there is no use if you are going to tear it down ten years from now or five years from now, to wait that length of time and mar the park that length of time. If you are going to keep it there the rest of time, will it always occupy the position that it now has? I will entrust the matter with confidence to your judgment and to your good will, I know of nobody who loves Miami more than you who serve it so ably and so well, Thank you very much for allowing me to state my views about the matter. Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much, Senator, I assume that we are not going to conclude this matter unless somebody,,,, Mr. Carollo: It's always indeed a pleasure to have Senator Pepper before us. One of those rare times that we have the honor of such a distinguished citizen and resident of the City of Miami come before us. I can certainly understand how close this is to Senator Pepper's heart, I think however, that we could have what everybody wants at the same ld 45 April 11, 1985' I A time, if we are all milling to compromise just a little bit, First of all, I think what has to be clarified for the record is that based on the information that the City Manager confirmed to us, the 6,2 million dollars from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at no time, will that be in jeopardy, That is not a question. However, the 6 million dollar D.D,A.G. Grant could be in jeopardy if we do not begin construction by May 31 of this year. Approximately 2 months from now, a little less than that. There is nothing in the contract that the City has with the federal government, the U.D.A.G. Grant, Mr. Manager, that stipulates that we must meet every dot and "t" in the contract as far as the design that we have had. Am I correct in that, Mr. Manager? Mr, Pereira: The present design, our understanding is that it was submitted as part of the grant, so what they have in front of them is a grant to implement a particular design that has been submitted to H.U.D. Mr. Carollo: Correct, but the 6 million dollar grant, would that be in jeopardy if there is a re -design of whatever plans have been presented? What will place it in jeopardy is if we do not begin construction May 31, Mr, Pereira: Exactly, that is our understanding. We have from H.U.D. Now we have to assume and as I said in the memorandum to you, we have to assume that if the library was not to be removed, that there will be some substantial re- design that will have to occur. Mr. Carollo: There is no question that if the library building and since there is not going to be a library there any longer, I think it still should be called the library building until we find a more appropriate name for it. I have even suggested one this morning, that will soften Maurice's heart, the Maurice A. Ferre Building, but I think that without any question, there has to be some re -designing of the plan. I think, however, that if wee can do all this and still not jeopardize the grants, the U,D,A,G, Grant stipulates that wee must begin construction by May 31, 1985, It doesn't stipulate by when we have to end that construction. Correct, Mr, Manager? Mr, Pereira: October 1986, Mr. Carollo: October 1968 completion, of course, they would be, I would imagine, giving the funds as we proceed through the project at different intervals. I submit to my colleagues on the Commission, that #1, we could begin some limited construction to meet the intent of the U,D,A.G, Grant, therefore, the grants would not be in jeopardy at all at that time because we could begin some limited construction by May 31, 1985, After we begin that limited construction, we can immediately do whatever areas of re - `A designing we need to and combine with what limited construction we have done and still finish this project in a new redesigned manner by October 1986, As far as the Claude and Mildred Pepper Fountain, that, Senator, is also very close to our hearts. I submit to you that it could be seen from Biscayne Boulevard if we would just be a little imaginative and move it just a little ways where the library would not block its view from Biscayne Boulevard, Yes, we would have to redesign some other areas :. of the present design that we would have bit, all of this {' could be done and the fountain could be seen from Biscayne Boulevard, the U.D.A.G, Grants would not be jeopardized, If ,.. the library building can stay there and be redesigned inside so that it could be used of badly needed office space and City of Miami oriented activities, including,., there are so 3 sl 46 April 11, 1985 many activities that we could use it for that it would not be fair to just mention a few here, so faced with that, Mr. Mayor, I would be happy to make the motion that we would have the necessary public hearings as quickly as possible to decide this issue one way or another, as quickly as we can, so that we can begin construction one way or another on May 31 or before, either full scale construction based on Mr, Noguchi's plan, with the full design of Mr, Noguchi's plan or some limited construction to meet the intent of the grant and proceed with a new re -design or to save that building as would be the intent of the majority of this Commission. Mayor Ferre: The motion as I understand it is that we hold a public hearing May 9 at 6:00 o'clock. Mr. Plummer: Second the motion, Mayor Ferre: There is a motion and a second. As to the motion, Senator, it is my opinion for whatever it's worth that there is not sufficient votes on this Commission at this time to conclude the knocking down of the library building in the fall when it will be vacated. It is also my opinion that the Reagan Administration will take all and any excuse to de -fund; which means we will lose the U.D.A.G. Grant, because we have commissioned professional people, including local architects and engineers to very carefully study the design of that park, Thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent in going over it foot by foot. I think if you are going to open hart surgery, you have to go to an open heart surgeon and not to a dentist. We have gone to a specialist, several specialists, and they have come back with very specific ideas as to the foot, as to the inch, with a careful design, with working drawings, everything has been worked out. For us to move that fountain 1001, even 101, requires some heavy duty engineering and design work, I don't know how long that would take., There is no question that if you move the fountain, you change the whole symmetry of the park, the light, as you know, the Knight Foundation is considering the funding of this tower, this Light Tower, That has to change., The amphitheater that the Rouse Company is dependent on for construction on, that has to change because all these things would be altered in their size and in their direction, etc. So we have a substantial change, I don't know, I keep hearing that Jim Dausch has called some of the Commissioners and said that he didn't mean what he said in the letter or that we didn't understand what he meant, I can read the English language like anybody else can and he said very clearly what he meant, Now, if he wants to retract his letter, that's fine, But, you can't play this both sides of the game thing to try to please everybody and the Rouse Company is beginning to play that game, That is on the record, and as afar as I am concerned, what is in jeopardy here is a lot more than just a fountain and a r library and Bayside, We are talking about Bayside, U,D,A.G. `r Grants. We are talking about the Knight Foundation funding, This is a big, big, big, serious matter. I think your words were very generous, Senator, and I thank you for taking your time, My concern has never been the building itself, _. because I think the value of the park is in the hundreds of millions of dollars, Mr, Gould will bear witness and get his testimony and as we all know, Southeast Bank and Mrs, t: Bassett is here, those buildings would have never been built, if it were not for the expectation of what was to happen in their front yard, I submit to you that, by the ;;. way, Gould's tax bills this year are 5 million dollars, I don't know what Southeast Center is going to be, but I guarantee you that it will be in the millions. Those ' millions of dollars that we are getting and that we will continue to get if we act wisely, depends on how we seed and si 47 April 11, 1985 4— �j zee Y-T_y._*R-�4a-M*R. �.�h., '.4�1r �--�1 �.r...s ,.+� is"_.7.3"'�..:..'.,.�z rc.. '�-' "�.'�y��►L r how we fertilize and how we water the plants. The importance of that park is not that it is a gathering place and it is, for this community of nearly 2 million people. Not that it is a central focal point, not that it will be a beautiful park, those are all important, the importance of that park is an inducement to the private sector to invest as Senator Pepper said, in the most beautiful park in the United States. Por us not to tear down that library is not just the loss of a b million dollar U.D.A.G. Grant, it's the loss of a lot more than that. It's the loss of the momentum that we have been very carefully building up. While Miami Beach has gone down the drain, with all due respects to Miami Beach, thanks to the things that this City has done, this and previous Commissions have done, we have made a viable, vibrant City. In the next two years, the City of Miami will get a hundred million dollars a year in tax dollars, mostly from new construction, while Miami Beach is going down, not up. We have done this by careful planning and implementation with just such things as Bayfront Park. This is all part of a whole scheme. To take out a part of it is to jeopardize the whole of it but that is to be discussed, I guess, at the public hearing. We have a motion. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would ask, under discussion, that at the next hearing that the Rouse Company be invited to be here and make their point very clear, that we have a full accounting of all of the monies from the private sector as well as what we know that Senator Pepper has been able to get us, and also the minutes of the meeting in which Mr. Gould made a commitment to this Commission to make a donation, and I would also like a copy of the contract with Mr. Noguchi, and that all of that be afforded to the members of this Commission prior to that hearing, Mr. Carollo: Madam City Attorney, what is the earliest date that we can possibly hold that public hearing? Mrs. Dougherty: You should have at least a ten day notice, Mr. Carollo: I would submit to my colleagues that we should hold that public hearing before May 9, That May 31 deadline is approaching, Mayor Ferre: That's acceptable to me, but I won't be here and what you are doing, of course, is preventing me from taking the trip to Europe which,I would be happy to cancel, if that satisfies you. Mr. Carollo: Some of us would like to go to Europe also. You aren't the only one that happens to be going there, What I am saying is that whether the library building stays or not, I want to know what plans the administration has to begin construction there, Just the fact, let's say, the library building is to be destroyed, demolished, That doesn't cure the problems that we have with the U,D,A,G, Grant, We have to begin construction, not destruction, Here is this construction, I would like to know from the administration what plans do they have in order to meet that May 31 deadline to begin some form of construction in the park, ;:. Mr, Pereira: In terms of the present design? Mr. Carollo: In terms of the present design, that's all we have to go on right now. Mr, Gilchrist: Commissioner, our plans were to proceed with certain site work and landscape work in order to maintain the U,D,A,G. Grant, i i sl 48 April 11, 1985 Mr, Carollo: Such as what? Mr. Gilchrist: Well, initially a contract for preserving the existing trees, root pruning and boxing them and setting them aside. Site work meaning bringing fill on the site, etc, Mr, Carollo: Bringing fill, root, prune, well, 1 think that you know, unlike any of the members of this Commission, we have some genius in the administration because whether the library stays or not, just by us doing that, would preserve the U.D.A.G. Grant, would it not? Mr. Gilchrist: Well, it would be my position to do whatever possible to preserve the grant, yes, sir, Mr, Carollo: I think we have an answer to that question and whether.or not we can make the May 31 deadline, whichever way this goes and I think the answer is very clear. If by doing whatever our City staff has stated to us, we will keep that U,D,A.G, Grant alive, and based on what the has told us, that will be very simple to keep that grant alive if the library were to stay, Mr, Pereira: Mr. Mayor, I have to assume that the answer that Mr, Gilchrist is giving you when he says that you move trees and you move fill, -I am not an architect, nor a landscape architect, or engineer,- I have to assume that it is based on what we have now on the drawing boards. Our position here is to give you information, Mr, Mayor, and members of the Commission, and I want to clarify that because the answer could be misleading, I have to assume that the tree removing and so on and so forth, Commissioner Carollo, is based on what we have there now. Mr, Carollo: Certainly, Mr, Pereira: If there is a change in the plan, then that might be altered, Mr, Carollo: I understand that, As I stated before, I think it would be the intention of this Commission to try to salvage as much as we possibly can of the design that we have already. I think we could salvage most of it with some minor changes, However, I think that one of the problems that we have with all respects to Mr: Noguchi, and I would like for him to stay on and work with us if wee are to keep the library, is that has been very unflexible. I can respect the majority of this Commission and if someone that could be flexible enough to finish and re -design some minor portions of his original design, and that's all that I am saying. In essence, what the administration has stated, I submit to my colleagues again, would be enough to keep the U,D,A,G, Grants alive, whichever way this Commission decides to go on it, {: Mr, Plummer: May 9? Mr, Carollo: What is the day we are supposed to come back from Spain, Mr, Mayor? . Mayor Ferre: May 7, =s Mr, Carollo: We are going to be in Paris from the 23rd through the 28th, Then we are to go to Spain, Mayor Ferre: Madrid first, the first is a holiday, so the 2nd, we are going to the quarries on the 3rd and then we go r. to Seville the 4, 5, 6, back to Madrid, catch a plane on the 7th and return here on the 7th, .; sl 49 April 119 1985 y." Mr, Carollo: Return here on the ? th, Based on the information that was given us, I don't see any problems now with holding it on the 9th as originally was stated, Based on the information that staff has stated and their plans to start construction, I don't see any present problems for having that meeting on the 9th then, Mayor Ferre: At 6:00 P,M., is that acceptable to everybody? Mr, Plummer: Do you want to have it here or at Bayfront Park auditorium? Mayor Ferre: I don't see that many people interested in this thing so I don't see any reason why we can't have it here. There was a time when we needed to have it at Bayfront Auditorium because there wasn't room here to fit the people, but evidently, nobody cares about it. Mr, Carollo: You never know, Mr, Mayor, I suggest that we hold it in Bayfront Park Auditorium, Mr, Plummer: Joe, you got a problem, It's been condemned because of the asbestos. Mr. Carollo: How about Dinner Key across the street? Mayor Ferre: I have no problem in holding it at Dinner Key Convention Center, but I don't think you are going to get too many people, Mr. Carollo: How many people did we have during those meetings? We had quite a few hundred, Mayor Ferre: If we had several hundred people, they couldn't fit into this room, but in those days, evidently, there was an interest in this. I see the AFL-CIO representatives here. I don't know if they are going to make a big push on this, If they do, are we going to need the auditorium? Mr. Carollo: I think it is a strong possibility. I am beginning to see how all kinds of people are going to get even more interested than they have been in this, Mayor Ferre: The thing that I am concerned about it is that we are taking a major community issue and making it into a political issue. That could be tragic, Mr, Carollo: No, Mr. Mayor, I hope that is not the case, This is why I tried to stick to the facts and not to use any kind of misinformation or scare tactics to achieve one idea versus another, The only thing that we are discussing here is not political parties. It's not you versus I, or this group versus that group or anything else, All that we are discussing here is one idea versus another, and that's all, Mayor Ferre: Fine, we have a motion and a second, Senator, I don't know, the motion is that we have a public hearing, Mr, Fleming, if I start opening this up for discussion, this then becomes a public hearing rather than May 9th and we are not going to vote on this today, unless you have something that adds to the issue that we are voting on which is to have a public hearing, Mr, Fleming: I do, and the reason I say that,.,, Mayor Ferre: I think that we also have Mr, Rolle, I would limit your discussion strictly on the issue we are about to vote on and I will recognize Mr, Rolle first, and then you, sl 50 April 11, 1985 Mr, Fleming. I am sorry, excuse be, Mr, Aolle, 1 apologize. Senator Pepper has to leave. 1 understand and he wants to make one additional comment, Go ahead, Senator, Senator Claude Peppers Mr, Mayor, I hope it's not an impropriety. 1 ate what your problem is. Would it be of Propriety that an inquiry might be made of the engineers at the U,D,A,G, and the state to see whether or not their Participation would be impaired by the failure to tear down the library. Mayor Ferre: Senator, since you are the author and I say with all due respects that I say if it hadn't been for Claude Pepper, we wouldn't have that 6 million dollars and even with Claude Pepper's good offices, we almost didn't have it anyway. As you know, you had to push, pull, push, pull again, and do everything in your power which was very substantial to get us those monies. You of course, being the author of that, are entitled to do anything you want. Senator Pepper: Thank you very much, Mayor Ferre: We are ready now to listen to Mr. Rolle, I would ask that you limit your statements to three minutes so that we can vote on this issue. This is not a public hearing, Mr. Wellington Rolle: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, what I heard this morning sort of disturbs me when we talked about the fact of the resolution and the demolition of the building in Bayfront Park, Mayor Ferre: Sir, I would ask that you limit your statement strictly to the motion that is before us and I will ask Mr. Fleming to do the same thing, The motion is, shall we have a public hearing? Mr, Rolle: Mr, Mayor, I think on the motion that you ought to submit to the voters of the City of Miami in November whether or not they would like to demolish the library. Part of the problem that I see,.,, - Mayor Ferre: Sir, that is an issue that we will discuss on the 9th day of May at 6:00 P,M, Now I ask you again to limit your statements to the motion before us: The motion is that we are going to have a public hearing on May 9. _ Mr. Rolle: Mr. Mayor, I have an answer to that question and I only wish that you had limited the Senator's comments to that same stricture because I think it's unfair because a lot of us live in the City of Miami other than the Senator. I think we have lived there equally as long as the Senator in the City of Miami. When we all have comments to make, -f Mr, Mayor, I think you should hear everybody equally. If you don't want to hear me, you should have not heard him, I ' appreciate your gilding the lily, but this is quite K'. unnecessary, I am for the public hearing, but I think the matter should be submitted to the citizens of the City of -> Miami as to whether or not they want to preserve the building in Bayfront Park because one million sixty two thousand dollars back in 1951, ! Mr, Carollo: That might be a very good suggestion, u Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr, Fleming, limited to the issue ` of the public hearing May 9, F< Mr, Fleming: To assist you I will withdraw the right to speak now and I will come back to your public hearing, f :, sl 51 April 11, 1985 2 Mayor Ferre: All right, anybody else? Mr. Paul. Mr, ban Paul: My name is Dan Paul, 19 Star island, and 10-0 Biscayne Boulevard. 1 will not speak on the points that 1 will speak on at the public hearing. The only suggestion I would make for the public hearing is if you obtain from the City the cost of renovating and reusing that building so you can look at it on a cost benefit basis at the time. Mayor Ferre: We already have that information, Mr. Paul. Mr. Manager, would you give Mr. Paul, Mr. Fleming, and any other interested parties, copies of the cost analysis? Mr. Pereira: Certainly, sir. Mayor Ferre: Is there anything else? Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, just before we call roll, still under discussion, Mr. Manager, and the Miami Herald attorney, let me quote from the memorandum that you sent us this morning and it states: "After contacting the Corps of Engineers, we have found no contractual requirement indicating that the library building at is current location will impede the Corps of Engineers project." Now if the people we have on staff that handle this for you do read or write English, don't have any hearing problems or anything else. Mr. Pereira: That they don't have problems with what? Mr. Carollo: They do read and write English and have no hearing problems. Mr. Pereira: They are fully, they are mono -lingual and bi- lingual. w.. Mr. Carollo: Nothing that would impair them by getting any erroneous information? Mr. Pereira: No, sir, not on this issue. Mr. Carollo: Well, I think this is as Father Gibson used to say, "Black and white don't like and this is in black and white." Mayor Ferre: Dan, we would really like to move along. This is not a public hearing. Mr. Wharton: On the matter of the public hearing, Dan Wharton, President of the South Florida AFL-CIO. For the record, we think democracy is well served by a public hearing and I really didn't come up to say that so much as to ask where the public hearing is going to be. It was discussed and not settled. Mr. Carollo: I would suggest that it be held at the Dinner Key Auditorium. Mayor Ferre: This is going to be the proof as to how many soldiers we can get so we are going to have to go to work and show muscle here, you know and we have to go on radio shows and do the whole thing so it's obviously not a political thing you understand. Mr. Carollo: Well, Mr. Mayor, at least you will be getting i a nice vacation before the campaign starts in November when you go to Europe. F sl 52 April 11, 1985 �YL�A�'�lSt�1Fi�'[q`.e.nk x,r:'•z tj°��-'; ai'� ,'�!'�,k��'�' � '�^• - A 4t Mr. Pereira: Mr. Mayor; 1 am told by our staff that for obvious reasons, we cannot use Bayfront park and the Dinner Key Auditorium is booked on that date so that kind of limits our physical plan. Mayor Ferre: How about the City of Miami James L. Knight Center? Mr. Pereira: It sounds like a good idea. Mayor Ferre: Or the University of Miami auditorium, either one. Mr. Pereira: We are checking to see if there is any conflict of schedule right now. Mayor Ferre: Well, we will hear this afternoon. We will let you know, Mr. Wharton, Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, we don't have enough time to change the place. We have to change the place within 30 days by charter, Mayor Ferre: You say we don't have enough time to change the place so therefore it has to be here. Mr. Carollo: Then it has too be here, Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to move now? Call the roll, The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO, 85-389 A MOTION ESTABLISHING THE DATE OF MAY 9, 1985' AT 6:00 P,M. , AT CITY HALL, AS THE DATE OF A PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING THE ISSUE OF THE EXISTING LIBRARY STRUCTURE IN BAYFRONT PARK AS IT RELATES TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON REDEVELOPMENT OF BAYFRONT PARK, AND RELATED ALSO TO FEDERAL FUNDING COMMITTED FOR SUCH PURPOSE; FURTHER DECLARING THAT A FINAL DECISION WILL BE MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION REGARDING THE DEMOLITION OR NON -DEMOLITION OF THE LIBRARY STRUCTURE AT THAT MEETING, Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr, Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J, L, Plummer, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None, sl 53 April 11, 1985 r r rrr rrriiiiii ir.iiii:..-rir.L Gi.. Y.ii�iiiGi ib �3iiiiiiiii ii►asi 27. EMERGENCY 0RDINANCE:AUTR01k1RE CEitTAIN AbbItIONAL PROVISIONS REGARDING $33,000,000 GENERAL ObLIGATtON VONDS OE THE CITY or MIAMi. r rrriiirrrriiiY.iiGiiiiia►rrri+ILiir.`rrrriiririiiir- rriir rf. Mayor Ferre: Take up Agenda Item 2, Mr. Plummer: Item 27 Mayor Ferre: Right now. Mr, Pereida: Mr. Mayor, before we take Item 2, we must take Item 24, which is technically a house cleaning issue. With regards to the bonds, what it does, it allows us to sell bonds in denominations of below $5,000. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion to Item 24? Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second, Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll, AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CERTAIN ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF $590009000 FIRE FIGHTING, FIRE PREVENTION AND RESCUE FACILITIES BONDS, $590009000 POLICE HEADQUARTERS AND CRIME PREVENTION FACILITIES BONDS, $8,0009000 SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BONDS, $99000,000 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS AND $690009000 STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (THE "BONDS"), FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONFORMING THE PROVISIONS OF CERTAIN OTHER ORDINANCES TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 9 OF RESOLUTION N0, 84-628; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL GO INTO EFFECT IMMEDIATELY UPON ITS PASSAGE; AND DISPENSING WITH THE READING OF THIS ORDINANCE ON TWO SEPARATE DAYS BY A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN FOUR -FIFTHS OF THE COMMISSION. Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None, Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J, L, Plummer, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo sl 54 April 11, 1985 Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None, SAID -ORDINANCE NO. 997.7. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public, r rr r—r�r.i►-r—rrrr—r—r—�—rrrrrrr—rr--- r—arr—rrr—rrr------�r—rr 28, AVARD BID: $3390009000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE CITY OF NIANI, r rrrrrr r------r—rrr--r--r--rrrrrrrrrrr--rr---r—rrr—rrr---- —r Mayor Ferre: Now we take up Agenda Item 2. Mr. Pereida: Mr, Mayor, we received four bids represented over twenty investment houses. The low bid was Bache at 9,203717 percent. The bid was 43 points, almost one-half a per cent below the 20 Bond Index, Interest savings over the Twenty Bond Index is 2,925 million dollars, Last year, we sold it 38 points below the 20 Bond Index, For your information, Dade County sold 44 million worth of tax exempt securities last August at only 7 points below the 20 Bond Index, Bonds are insurable, There is no changes in rating. S & P is A plus and Moody's is A minus 1, a strong credit report and we ,,, Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I ,,, Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, is there a second? Mr, Perez: Second, Mr, Plummer: But I want to make an amendment, Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, Mr. Plummer: My amendment is, that none of these monies shall be expended without Commission approval, Mr, Dawkins: I second that, Mr, Plummer: That is an amendment. Mayor Ferre: No, no, you just add that to the motion, Mr, Plummer: That is right. Mayor Ferre: In other words, you are moving the motion on Item 2, which is before us, with the amendment as Commissioner Plummer has placed in it, Are we ready to vote on the resolution as amended? Okay, call the roll, sl 55 April 11, 1985 — _ t 'i.P���.,�.�yy::a�.f2.42111i1Rfi#�+Q-, �Sa',{� j'�'ta•1'r`i.w,r��A'�A, a'�'�fl r�' 41YYk+�'��a?'��¢��1�L`,r'�„fG'syyyr The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-390 A RESOLUTION AWARDING PRUDENTIAL BACHE SECURITIES $590000000 FIRE FIGHTING, FIRE PREVENTION AND RESCUE FACILITIES BONDS, $5,000,000 POLICE HEADQUARTERS AND CRIME PREVENTION FACILITIES BONDS, $890009000 SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM BONDS, $9,0009000 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS AND $69000,000 STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AND SETTING FORTH THE RATES OF INTEREST AND OTHER DETAILS RESPECTING SUCH BONDS, RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS MENTIONED HEREIN, THE FORM THEREOF AND CERTAIN DETAILS RELATING THERETO. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk:) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr, Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None, ------------ ------- 29 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT: COOPERS-LYBRAND SOLID PASTE BILLING ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Now we're going to take one last item, which is item 35, which the administration has requested before we break, That is the usage of professional services agreement with Coopers -Lybrand for management services in the area of solid waste billing at a cost not to exceed $48,000, Mr, Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Does anybody have any problems with that? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, I have a problem with it. This is the same company that moved out on the City of Miami, You remember? Now you guys are getting ready to give them $559000? I don't think it's fair, Mr, Carollo: You have a good point. If there was such a hate to do made on them moving out before on the contract, you have a good point, I can't knock you for that, Mr, Dawkins: Evidently they didn't like the City; they didn't want to do business with the City. They moved out on the City, sl 56 April 11, 1985 Oki Mr. Pereira: yet me see if l can clarify this. It is any understanding that they are the external auditors for the City of Miami. As part of the contract, they have to provide certain services for us on a pro bono basis. One of those services was the preliminary study of this system and they're still under contract, I think my professional opinion$ Commissioner Dawkins, is that it's in our best interest to look and follow it at this point. To deviate$ t think, would be losing time. This is an opportunity to recoup some needed dollars for the City, Mr, Dawkins: I agree with what you're saying, Mr. Manager, the only thing I'm saying is that they did work pro bono, The pro bono work dictates that they get $55,000, So what's pro bono? Mr. Pereira: The original,... Mr. Dawkins: What I'm saying to you is they went out and found work and brought it back to me to pay them $55,000, Now you are going to say that's pro bono? Mr, Carollo: Miller, that's very logical. Mr, Dawkins: What is the pro bono, Mr, Manager? Mr. Rosencrantz: Commissioner Dawkins, the contract that we have with the independent auditing team provides that each year, after they complete their audit of their financial record, they spend a number of hours looking through particular management problems as it relates to the City. ` The management problem which they were assigned to examine at the conclusion of the last audit dealt with the problems we were having with our inability to accurately bill for solid waste fees, They spent a considerable amount of time investigating the process that we follow, They became familiar with our computer process and all related activities to that, So they've done substantial amounts of work to get to this point. Their contract that you have before you is for them to provide supervision, help, and assistance to the City to implement a program to correct those particular problems. If we were to choose a different firm to do this work, it would probably cost us an additional $20,000 to $30,000 additional for that firm just to get up to speed and get the knowledge and understanding - that these people already have, Mr. Dawkins: That would be no more than we lost from them from taxes when they moved out of the City. But Mr. Manager, I'm going to go along this time with your professional opinion, Y Mr. Pereira: Thank you, sir. Mr. Plummer: Move it: F` Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves; Dawkins seconds, Further discussion on item 35? Mr. Carollo: No further discussion, -j Ch J i sl 57 April 11, 1985 SS.A�))FCsCyy y E.,H..„,�„ .....k� r_..... � .._ .. �an .._ .. .. .._ .... ..t i. ... _ n, <.v:r � . � .. r}.. .�sMP �✓.rw.�'F...r1 ..:�'�s`e�: The Following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 85=391 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY !TANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE FIRM OF COOPERS & LYBRAND FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES IN THE AREA OF SOLID WASTE BILLINGS AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $480000, WITH FUNDS THEREFORE ALLOCATED FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENT FUND. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk,) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr, Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None, WHEREUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO A RECESS AT 12:13 P,M,, RECONVENING AT 2:39 P,M,, WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION FOUND TO BE PRESENT EXCEPT COMMISSIONERS CAROLLO AND PEREZ, ----------- ------------------------------------------------- 30 COMMENDATIONS TO MEMBERS OF SOUTHEAST PAR[ WEST OVERTOWN COMMITTEE ----------------------------- ------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: At this time I'd like to ask the following people to please step forward and come up to the podium: Sergio Pereira, Joseph Fletcher, Jerry Gereaux, Rose Gordon, Hank Green, James Hunt, Sergio Rodriguez, Adrienne McBeth, Bernard McGriff, Felipe Prestamo, Garth Reeves, and Lee Ruwitch, Lee, would you please step forward? Ron Frazier, I saw you somewhere around here, Ron, can you accept this for Garth, please? Unless there's somebody else in the family that.,. Whereas the following forenamed gentlemen have dedicated most of their lives to the well being of this community and demonstrated many practical way of deep and genuine love for this City and the surrounding area; and whereas they have served the community with distinction and a long list of public affairs, demonstrating always their willingness to place their concerns for the public good ahead of their personal interests; and whereas the Southeast Overtown/Park West Selection Review Committee has completed the long process of selecting a developer for each of the nine blocks in the Phase I Redevelopment area; whereas it is proper and fitting that local officials recognize the outstanding services rendered by this committee, by the committee members in accomplishing this goal, now therefore, as Mayor, it is my pleasure to commend these aforenamed s1 58 April 11, 1985 Lk. y7 r 46 gentlemen for their, distinguished service to the community and offer our very beat wishes for continued success in all of their future endeavors. I said ladies and gentlemen, APPLAUSE, DIY,�G►(i.irriiiat�i��.►�iG�Gi�ifii-.fY-irara�iifi i.l►i�iiiiii G� iiiii��irar•-�i raiiiiiYi� 31 PUBLIC 99ANINC: ACCEPTING RECOMNENDATION OF CITT MANAGER P'ON SELECTION OF DEVELOPERS PON SOUTHEAST OVERTOWNIPARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE I- SET ASIDE PARCEL 37 ilYa a►i--,i �lii--��ii-i�����iiY illta� ri r�r♦ti � rr♦�i� l .Ili--��ta��®-�—t•rta��r� �- Mayor Ferre: That puts us at item 46, which is the Overtown Project, Now, we have three members of the Commission. Does anybody object to our hearing this with three members of the Commission? We can proceed. Mr, Manager, the Chair recognizes you on item 46, Mr. Pereira: Thank you, Mr, Mayor. As you know, prior to my becoming the Manager in the City of Miami, I was the liaison person identified by the County to work together with the City and Assistant City Manager, Herb Bailey, on the Overtown Park West Project, I want to tell you that as one who has been around this community for almost fourteen years and as Director of Community Development at one time for Metropolitan Dade County, I was very pleased to see that we have gotten away from plans and paper documents and we have in front of us what could be a reality in that area, I have followed this process very closely from wearing my other hat as Assistant County Manager and it being very high on the level of professionalism that the staff has shown in handling this project and certainly the input and the time dedicated by those individuals that were recognized by you today as members of that selection committee, I'd like to introduce at this time to you, Assistant City Manager, Herb Bailey, who has spent an inordinate amount of time in bringing this project to this stage and to really the beginning of the project, the beginnir of the end, and give him an opportunity to make a preset Aion to you of my recommendations on the selection process that we went through for the last several weeks, Herb, Mr, Herb Bailey: Thank you, Mr, Manager, Mayor and members of the Commission, before I get into our technical presentation, and I assure that we're going to try to be as brief and to the point as possible, it is a lot of material to be covered, We did have nine developers to submit, We have four developers that have been recommended by the committee and the Manager, We will do our best to be as concise and right to the point as possible regarding those recommendations, Before I get into that, I would just like to at this time, recognize the Chairman of the selection committee, whom you have already recognized with a certificate, Just to say a few words, because he put in an awful lot of time, and that is Mr, Lee Ruwitch, the publisher of the Miami Review, who at his own time, got the entire committee through a very difficult selection process, which we think is perhaps the most difficult unified development selection process that we've had to date Mr. Ruwitch, Mr, Lee Ruwitch: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, I want to tell you that today we're here in a spirit of harmony and cooperation with Herb Bailey and members of the staff, who we worked with for many, many years on this project, I believe I was first ' introduced to the project in 1978. We had long, laborious meetings, We had our differences with Herb, his predecessor sl 59 April 11, 1985 Y1 1{ and other people; but now i think we've come down to the presentation of something that is worthwhile for the City in the many years to come and will be a credit to the City of Miami, I'm just pleased to tell you that we're here in a spirit of harmony and cooperation today. I want to thank you for your indulgence, The importance of this project is much more than the millions of dollars or the acres of land involved, It's important, firstly, because it confirms for the fourth time the proper application of what is a first in the United States of America, That is the very carefully thought out and very carefully implemented unified development plan charter change► That creature took about two years to get born, You know it was a product of the Watson Island process. Watson Island bogged down and got more and more complicated, We had to figure out a way to get out of the mess that we were in. Thanks to Jose Garcia - Pedrosa mainly, who really worked diligently, and I want to tell you that he and I spent literally hundreds of hours into minute detail, page by page, word by word, paragraph by paragraph in working this thing out, and we did get, as you remember, the support of the Herald and the News and it was passed, The community did vote for these charter changes, This is the fourth time we've used this process. I want to tell you the first time around I wasn't sure that we could claim that it was chiseled in stone, but by now I think with this project, it is my hope that we will be able to claim that we have really invented something here that is of lasting value, not only to the City of Miami but I think nationally. I think eventually this process is going to be accepted and used by other cities as a way of developing property in an above board, honest way where the community will have confidence in the process and the results will be good. I want to tell you the results so far have been terrific, I know there were some people a little bit upset about the fire house, which is the second of these things that we use, but I think it's going to work out real nice, I'm very proud of this thing. Secondly, and I think even more important, you know, as Chairman of the Downtown Development Authority, and Marty Fine is here, he will remember the day when I walked in and said, "I will not accept the Overtown plan," We then by that time spent a very substantial amount of money to design a whole project and we have a very nice model of it somewhere. A lot of people got upset with me, They said, "Don't hurt Park West by bringing Overtown into it, because you're going to kill them both." My answer was that they're both killed anyway, the way this thing was going. The only way it'll survive is if we marry Park West and Overtown, because we cannot continue,,, I remember Ron Frazier, Ron, I don't know if he's still here, but I remember Ron Frazier meeting me shortly after my last election or the one before that, and giving me hell about all►►.and George Knox had done the same thing,,,about a lot of talk but no action. I want to tell you that we went to work on that premise, which I guess is about three years old now, Marty, about three years ago, I think we've made some very, very substantial headway on it. A lot of people have worked on it, I want to say very, very openly and publicly again that Howard Gary was one of the big heroes on this, because he worked, when he became City Manager, we were already under way under the concept, but Howard put a lot of time and a lot of effort, and a lot of the credit must go to Howard Gary, I must say that Arthur Teale -I saw him around a little while ago- when he was in Washington and Miller Dawkins, Howard, and I once went to visit with him. The Carter administration was gone and I thought for sure that $6,9 million was dead, and if it weren't for Mr, Teale, who was director of UMPTA, he went to bat, he fought for that, As far as I'm concerned, and I don't mean to hurt you republicans' feelings, but that was a miracle, because to keep $6.9 million of federal money in an sl 60 April 11, 1985 hi 7f� 'il kFG t� d My`T ...,.:� � �,,.; ._..�__ _� .. ��. _. � .. ...—.::.. �,..:._ _....._..�._��'.' . _ "',. 4_ :.. fin f?t.•iP? �.ti: •Ys'� �j£f ��" ARI urban project that is mainly in a Black community in this republican administration was a testimony to Art Teale's tremendous ability and the great knowledge that he has of how Washington and this administration functions, So he's a major hero in this thing. Herb Bailey, who I've had many sometimes disagreeable discussions with, because we've gone at it, One time in Marco Island we sat next to a pool and went back and forth for a► hour and half arguing about things, but I want to tell you his tenacity and his dedication to this project are a revelation. He's a professional, he's a quality man, he's a quality professional her and in Philadelphia, anywhere in this country, Black or White, anyway you look at it, Herb Bailey is a pro. Herb Bailey is a winner. He stuck with this thing when I was sure it was dead, It didn't make any sense, He came up with these projects and these big.,, I used to get angry at him for not keeping the Commission informed, and I'm still a little bit angry at him for that. But by God, he put it together! He took $11 million of what I think of as my housing bond issue because I passed the darn thing along with J.L, and Marty Fine and Mel Adams and others who worked hard, Uncle Charlie, God rest his soul and many others who worked at it, but we sat there with that money unused and $11 million of that money is going in here. That due to Herb and what he contributed to it, So there are many, many people along with this very fine committee who have given of their time to really be of benefit, Hank Greene has made one of the substantial fortresses of this community in the last couple of decades, He didn't need to waste time on this, He got trouble counting money down there in Dadeland, That money is coming in so fast, he doesn't know what to do with it. So, he doesn't need to take time off to do this, but he's doing it, Like Hank, there are many others who have given of their time, On behalf of a very, very grateful City, to you, Mr. Ruwitch and to your committee, a very hearty thanks, Mr. Dawkins: Mr, Mayor, I'd be remiss if I were not to point out that when I came on this Commission, there was no such thing as Park West and Overtown. It was Overtown and it was Park West, I constantly argue that the two of them must be together and we would not do one thing one side of the other, without doing something on the other side, I'm happy to say that the other four Commissioners agreed with me and that's why you have Park West Overtown, I also would be remiss if I were not to remind you, as I sit here today, those of you who do not have minority participation and it was spelled out, you may as well get up and walk out now, Mayor Ferre: Mr, Bailey, I spoke that long to give the other two missing Commissioners a chance to get here and it's called filibustering, but it didn't work and they're sill not here, but you go ahead and make your pitch, Mr, Herb Bailey: Well, you say I do a lot of filibustering myself, Mr, Mayor. Maybe they'll get in by the time we finish. I would just like to thank you for the support and the comments that you made regarding the efforts of many. I would just like to make one little comment myself, We're here today with all of this completed, not just because of my efforts, but because of the efforts of my staff, I was very lucky in getting a staff that had the same kind of commitment and dedication to wanting to see this project through, We have about 26 or 27 slides here, but don't get afraid; we're going to go through them as fast as we can: If we happen to pass one and there is a question, please feel free to stop me. This is a matter of introduction to sort of give you an understanding of where this project is sl 61 April 119 1985 r.�,r �.=<<�n�-.d.��''�6 {�: �. t ._..rr..�..� �......._..;,�; �. ��.__ �l_W ..::�'�. __.., _.,_� ft.�``!:. .. ��,:� {r.. Hyi A, ✓�:ur�'i .-.axM. .1:? j i "-- that we're talking about. it is what I've been calling the little hole in the donut, It is right in the heart of the central business district where a lot of development has already taken place, We between the Omni and the central business district, just a little to the east of the Civic Center, where the development has taken place in the garment center and it's right there in what I consider to be downtown. The project history as you've heard the Commission's say, I have already indicated, that it is a Marriage. It started sometime in 1978, long before I came here, but it is a marriage of the original Overtown Redevelopment Plan and the Park West Redevelopment Plan, The Overtown Redevelopment Plan was completed in October 1979; the Park West Plan was started in 1978 and presented to the Commission in 1980. In 1982 we put it together into one plan and we got it approved by the County Commission and gave the City of Miami redevelopment authority to proceed with the project. It's 240 acres included in the total area. Obviously, we couldn't do all of it at one time. We've taken a process which we consider to be most feasible; that is one of incremental development. So what we're talking about here today will not be the entire 240 acres. We're talking about 28 acres, nine blocks of which we have received proposals on and which we have funding in place and we are in a position to start with the acquisition, relocation, and after the selection of developers, contracts so that we can get a hole in the ground and buildings erected, This will probably become a classic ten years from now. This is the area the way it looks today, and this is an actual photograph of tho Phase I area that we're talking about. You're looking at 28 acres within the borders of the i black line. The little dotted lines you see there is something else that perhaps will be very interesting as we talk and that is the proposed arena exhibition space and parking garage along the 6th and 8th Street corridors. The unified development process, which you've heard us talk about, essentially what you see there is what we went through. We had a developers conference, we issued an RFP, we received proposals from nine developers with 20 different proposals, We had a selection review committee which was headed by Mr, Ruwitch. As required, we had Touche Ross, an independent financial analyst to make recommendations to the committee and for the manager, The manager's recommendation came after the selection committee process and we're not to point seven for the City Commission approval of that selection process. After this we go to the County Commission, as required by the redevelopment interlocal agreement for their ratification and hopefully after that, we'll start negotiations on the individual contracts. Just some of the activities that went on.,,this is actually one of these sessions that was going on at the selection committee process. The proposals we received were from nine different developers, Cruz Development, Can -American Realty, Affordable Housing, Walter Sweeting & Associates, Circa/Barness/Sawyer, Deeoma Venture, Indian River Investments, and New Washington Heights, The selection committee report, as a result of reviewing those nine proposals and the contents therein will be what we will talk about for the next seven or eight slides. This is actually the selection committee's recommendation to the manager. The nine blocks that we have that we talked about are numbered, We start with parcel number 24, for which Cruz Development Company made a proposal to do 386 rental units, 425 parking spaces, 30,000 square feet of commercial space with a projected private investment of about $29,6 million, The slide that you see on the right is the way it looks today. This is what Cruz Development proposal show will be there if selected. On parcel 25, Cruz Development Company again proposed to put in 199 rental units, 220 parking spaces with 15,875 square feet of commercial space with a sl 62 April 11, 1985 potential investment of $15.1 million. What we have on our right looks like a park, doesn't it in Overtown. But that's what we have today. The actual measures indicate this is the type of development that would be located on block 25 upon completion. On parcel 360 which is a block that the City and the County purchased some time ago with CD money in one of the blocks that we did not have to go through the acquisition process, condemnation has been there for some time. You see a fence there; had to keep the debris off it. That is also a proposal by Cruz Development Company to do 221 condominium units with 240 parking spaces, 25,000 square feet of commercial space and a potential investment of $21.7 million and the actual measures as you see it on the right, the potential scale of the development and the type of units that we're expect to have on block 36. On block 37 the selection committee recommended Can -American as well as Cruz. We'll see on the next slide. Can -American is a firm out of Minneapolis. They have presented a proposal for 350 units, 395 parking spaces, 30,000 square feet of commercial space with a potential investment of $21.3 million. The artist conception of what that will look like is shown on the right. Incidentally, they have done this type of development already in Minneapolis. One of my staff members have been there and they've seen it. Also on block 37 we have Cruz Development again, which was a tie with Can - American and this is the selection committee's recommendation now who has proposed to do 386 rental units. Mr. Dawkins: Who selected Can -American? Mr. Bailey: The selection committee. Mr. Dawkins: The selection committee selected both of them. Mr. Bailey: It's a tie; they both got the same number of points in the review process. Cruz Development proposed 386 rental units, 425 parking spaces and the actual measures of what that is to look like is on the right. On parcel 44, which the manager has recommended that at this hearing today that we delay a decision on parcel 44 until the first Commission meeting in June because of the recent activity that has taken place regarding the Sports Authority. But on parcel 44 the committee reviewed the sports arena and its use and the proposal submitted by the Decoma Venture and they propose to put an arena on block 44 to the right of other development going east of that; and that is the artist conception of the arena that you have there on the right: Also on block 44, the selection committee reviewed the proposal submitted by Circa/Harness/Sawyer, who proposed to put 426 condominium units on that particular parcel, 430 parking spaces at a potential expenditure of $45 million. To the right you see the type of cross -cut configuration of the development that is proposed to be built there that is proposed by Circa/Barness. So we have on block 37 a tie, on block 44 two potential different uses. We get to block 45, which is right in front of the Metrorail station. There again, the committee selected Circa/Barness/Sawyer, 225 condominium units, 275 parking spaces. By the way, Sawyer is the Mr. Sawyer who at one time was the owner of the Mary Elizabeth Hotel and the variety of other properties in Overtown, who has joint ventured with this firm in Philadelphia. So we do have a local person from Overtown that joint ventured and is part of the development. The block now looks like a park because we've torn everything down. This is the proposed development that Circa/Barness/Sawyer, based on their architects' conception of what is to go there on that block. Block 46, Indian River Investments, which is the only local developer from South Florida that submitted a proposal, has proposed to do 152 condominium units on this particular block with 152 sl 63 April 11, 1985 parking spaces with an investment of $8,3 million, This is the architectural drawing of their particular development, based on our urban design guidelines, On parcel 550 which again the committee selected Circa/farness/Sawyer to do 150 rental units, 142 condo units, with 425 parking spates, It looks at the moment like that► This is the artist conception or the architectural drawing of the proposed development there, Incidentally between blocks 46 and 55 and the reason you see the water thing there, that 7th Street will be a pedestrian walkway, They took into consideration the charm of a pedestrian mall and continued the same water theme there that we are proposing at some later date for the 9th Street mall, On block 56 the selection committee again selected Circa/Barness/Sawyer to do 91 rental units and 60 condo units and 215 parking spaces on this particular block, which is also in front of the Metrorail station and this is the cross -cut of the housing development that they propose to put on block 56. The summary of the committee's recommendation, which we've just looked at, indicates that the committee has given approval for, or recommended to the manager on block 24 for Cruz Development to do 386 rental units, Cruz Development for block 25, Cruz Development for block 36, Cruz Development and Can -American, which are a tie, for block number 37, on block 44 we have Circa/Harness/Sawyer for the condominium and the Decoma Venture for the arena, the central arena; on block 45 they have recommended Circa/Barness/Sawyer; on block 46 Indian River Investments; block 55 Circa/Barness/Sawyer, and block 56 Circa/Barness/Sawyer, The analysis by the independent accounting firm, which is required to support the manager's recommendation along with the selection committee's recommendation is presented here and it follows that in first place on block 24 was Cruz Development, second was Can -Am, third was Stocks, On parcel 25 Cruz Development was first, On block 36 Cruz Development was first, Affordable Housing was second, On block 37 Cruz Development was first with 94 points and CanAmerican also first with 94 points; we just didn't have two first place slots and we put one first and second, but they are tied on block 37, On block 44 we have Circa/Barness/Sawyer with 95 points, Decoma with 55 points; there is a reason for that, Affordable for 55 and Walter Sweeting with 46, We had four people to bid on block 44, That was one of our most popular parcels of land, On block 45 we have Circa/Harness/Sawyer with 90 points, Affordable Housing with 55, Block 46 Indian River with 73 points and Affordable Housing 58, On block 55 Circa/Barness/Sawyer with 94, Affordable 55; and 56 Circa/Barness/Sawyer with 97 points and New Washington Heights with 45 points, The manager's recommendation follows very closely with the selection committee's recommendation, with the independent financial accounting firms recommendation, the difference that we have here is in block 37 where the manager has recommended Can -American Realty for 350 rental units and on block 44 the recommendation for that is to be held at some later date, We're recommending to the Commission that we come back and discuss the disposition of this block at a time for which the sports authority and Decoma Venture would make their presentation to the Commission to determine whether or not the Commission is going to select them based on their financial feasibility to build the arena and the exhibition space on that particular area, 45 was selected by the manager Circa/Barness/Sawyer for 225 condominium units, On block 46 Indian River for 152 condominiums, On block 55 Circa/Barness/Sawyer for 150 rental and 142 condos; and on 56 Circa/Harness/Sawyer, The project implementation schedule, here we are at a point where we ask in the Commission, at least we are indicating what do we do next a after the selection process has been made, On the right n you'll see the model of the nine -block area, or at least the sl 64 April 11, 1985 six blocks of Overtown, what you see in front of you and down to the bottom of it you see a model of the arena, The steps that we are to take to get through the next year for the project implementation, We have to make purchase offers for another 71 parcels of land, We have to go through the initiation of the acquisition and the negotiation of those parcels. If necessary, we have to start condemnation for those parcels for which we cannot satisfactorily negotiate with. We have to develop some type of land disposition agreements in accordance with the unified development process, file a UDAG application by July for those developers who have requested UDAG assistance, We expect, if we file the UDAG by July, we will perhaps get a tentative grant award, if we are awarded the UDAG, sometime by October. We have already begun the boiler plate work for UDAG applications, so it's not a lot for us to complete that, Hopefully on the Overtown side construction will start January 1986, We have actions before you today, members of the Commission and Mr, Mayor, that are companion actions'in regards to the development selection process, On the agenda you will find ten items. The actions we need today to move this project forward to actually start our second part of the increment and as one developer indicated to us who had some awareness of what we had been though and how long this project has been on the drawing boards. We are now at what we call the end of the beginning. The next beginning will actually be when we dig a hole in the ground and we begin to develop and construct these particular condominiums and rental units that these developers have proposed, First we need the Commission to approve the developer selection as recommended by the manager. That's item number 46 on the agenda packet. We also need the Commission to give us approval to proceed with the land acquisition and that is item number 47 in the agenda package, We need an approval to complete our agreement with Dade County, which is responsible for carrying out the acquisition and relocation of the redevelopment area. That is item number 48. We also need to have an approval for the procedures that we have to comply with going through the acquisition process and that's item number 49, We need to immediately begin marketing what has already happened, what we would like to see happen in the rest of the area and to provide developers with support in regards to the attitudes of downtown working population as to whether or not they would..,or what type of residential environment they would like to have in order to live downtown, That is represented in item 51 and 52. We immediately have to begin designing the pedestrian malls to determine the financial feasibility of carrying out that particular process. That money has already been provided through the highway bonds, That is item number 54. We have to start immediately with the disposition and developers agreement after the selection has been made; that is item number 53, We are asking to use an independent consultant to help us carry out that process, Items 50 and 51, which is item 50 in your package is perhaps one of the most innovative items and one of the most crucial items in this entire package, That is to select an underwriter to implement the construction financing program that the selection, not this particular selection committee, but a selection committee put together by the manager previously to carry out that short term financing process, Item 55 is a request to extend the Overtown Advisory Board's involvement in all of Overtown, rather than just the project area, I hope that my going through this as rapidly as I possibly could has not caused anyone to miss any pertinent points. However, if you have any questions, all of the developers that have been selected are here today. They're here to 'answer questions regarding whatever concerns this Commission has, whatever assurances that this Commission desires to have in regards to their capability, their sl 65 April 11, 1985 financial viability and their commitSent to carry out this process, I guess it's the first time that we've had something that we really fill up the audience, But we do have with us today and l'11 just introduce them briefly so you can see who they are, we have John Cruz from Cruz Development who is here in the audience with his team, rrrrrrrrwrrrrr�rr..cart,..rr.rrrrrrrrrrr�r:�rr�.rrar.r-rrr.rr-rr-rrrrrrr NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Commissioner Perez arrived at 3:05 PM and Vice Mayor Carollo arrived at 3:13 PM, rrrrrrrrrrrrrr-r----cf. --rarrrrrrrrrrr-r-i.ftftft ".orrr-r—r..rrrrrrrr Mr. Sergio Pereira: Would you stand up? Mr, Bailey: We have Bill Wilson from Circa/Barness/Sawyer from Philadelphia, and Barbara Brian as part of the rest of his team. We have Mr, Cohen from Can -American from Minneapolis who is here to respond to any questions. We have Mr, Whitesell from Indian River Investments and his team are here to respond to any questions, and Mr. Patrineli is here, but because the manager has recommended that we delay the process on block 44 until other considerations and reviews can be made, however, he is also here if there are any questions regarding Decoma Venture. Mr, Dawkins: Mr. Manager, I have here a packet from Fine, Jacobs, Watts, Nash, Block, Inc, and this says that Can -Am did not submit with their application for minority plan, I also have here a statement where the City Manager in his report dated April 3rd stated that Can -Am Realty cooperation in its response to the RFP did not provide detail information on minority participation, If this company did not provide what the RFP required, how could you consider it? Mr. Pereira: Also in that report, Commissioner, we said that detailed information about minority participation and they were confronted with that question, They, the selection committee, it is my understanding, the selection committee asked the same question, and that they responded in the positive that they will be submitting more detailed minority participation. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager, either we have an RFP and the manager how said how well this selection process works and that you cannot get around it and that for certain things, it's the best thing that happens. Now you tell me we're circumventing it, We sent out an RFP; they did not meet the RFP, Their stuff should be thrown out and not even considered. Mr. Pereira: Let me ask Mr. Bailey and Robert Sechen, who serve as the Assistant Attorney, Mr, Dawkins: I make a motion,,.wait a minute, this thing in my opinion, it did not meet the RFP, and I make a motion that they not be considered, Mayor Ferre: Commissioner, I will recognize that motion, but I think out of fairness to the participants, I'd like to make sure that we get on the record the response first of Mr, Bailey, secondly from City Attorney, and third from American -Can -Can, Mr, Bailey: Commissioner, I would like to just indicate that first of all the Can -American proposal, along with the Cruz Development proposal, which is ranked by our al 66 April 119 1985 T- independent accounting firm, even after they did not detail the specifics of their minority participation, that their financial capability and experience record and their developer expertise is so strong that -I'd like to finish, please- that they came out with the save number of points as the developer who submitted detailed minority participation. It isn't that they did not indicate a minority participation, but it did not have the sufficient detail in terms of the actual names of the people who were going to participate, because they were a tie, it was indicated that they should submit an additional report to justify the minority participation that they had indicated in their report so we could identify the actual people involved. That was the missing point. Mr. Dawkins: May I ask one question before you go on? Mr. Bailey: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: How many points did you get for having your minority participation plan? How many? Mr. Bailey: Fifteen, Mr. Dawkins: Fifteen, so if Can -Am did not have theirs and they didn't get 15 points, and the other team had; they must have gotten 15 points, so I don't see how they could tie? Mr. Bailey: But on some of the other points, Can -American outranked them in other points. Mr. Dawkins: That's all, O.K. Mr, Bailey: That's how we came up with a tie. Mayor Ferre: Are you finished, Mr. Bailey? Mr, Bailey: Yes, I am. Mr. Plummer: Can I ask a question? Mayor Ferre: No, please, J.L., let's follow procedure and then we'll ... first Bailey, then the attorney, then Can - American. Mr, Robert Sechen: Mr. Commissioner, there are over 100 different requirements of the RFP, We review them in the City Attorney's office as to their basic compliance with the RFP and then issue an opinion as to whether the proposals are capable of acceptance by this Commission and by the selection committee. We ruled in this instance that they were capable of acceptance by this Commission, That is your decision, as to whether they are in fact acceptable, The extent of minority participation,,.. Mr. Dawkins: Repeat that again, so I be sure I heard what you said. Mr. Sechen: It is up to you to accept or reject that particular proposal or any proposal that you see in front of you as recommended by the manager. The extent of minority participation in the evaluation criteria was 20% points in the Southeast Overtown Park West Plan, 20 points as it relates to other criteria, These criteria, of course, are utilized only by the selection committee in making their evaluation and are utilized by the accounting firm in any applicable areas that they reviewed, Mayor Ferre: sl Now from Can -American, 6? April 11, 1985 Mr. Martin Fine: For the record, my name is Martin Fine, along with my partner Richard Weiss, we represent Can= American. May t be very brief because I know it's a long agenda and an important matters It is my opinion that the City Attorney is correct, that we responded, that is Can - American, properly, legally, and sufficiently to the Request for Proposal. As it turns out, Mr, Cohen, who has had extensive experience in this field, came to this process somewhat late and he was not able and we did not recommend that he simply go out and put together a willy-nilly affirmative action plan that would not have meaning and be appropriate for this important project, What we suggested and what he did and what we feel till then and feel now is appropriate and proper is that he submitted by far the best plan for the development of this project because, Commissioner Dawkins, as you properly asked, had he been given, had it been given the points for affirmative action, it would have outranked and been number one in the overall rating process. But in the response to proposals, Can - American stated it would comply with a letter in spirit of what the ordinance required. Shortly thereafter, it in fact, did. Kimbely Parker is associated with our law firm as co -counsel. There is a list of other minority members, who are rendering professional services. There are minority owners in this project and by far, we think it is the finest project for block 37 and complies with all, every one of the requirements of the Request for Proposal. We would also point out that Cruz Development has 806 units exclusive of block 37. I would think there's only a certain number of units, when I say has, it's been recommended for 806 units exclusive of block 37, It would seem that is enough to say grace over and we think they're a first rate company. I've met with Mr. Cruz right at the beginning of the process, I am impressed with his ability to do the job, but we're likewise impressed with Can -American's ability to do this job in stages, as all of them will do in stages, I think it's appropriate not to penalize Can -American for going out and doing what some folks rent -citizens, which they didn't want to do in this instance, They were honest; they were open; they were candid; they were fair, I really think they should not be mistreated as a result of coming forth in a fair minded manner and then submitting chapter and verse of who their people are going to be. We'll be glad to answ4pr any questions, if you have any, Mr, Plummer: Mr. Bailey, in the RFP, was it clear that at the time of rendering your bid, that the minority participation had to be a part of the bid? Mr. Bailey: The RFP clearly indicated the minority participation and..,, Mr, Plummer: That's not the question. Let me rephrase it, Did the RFP clearly state that at the time of submitting your bid that the minority participation plan had to be submitted? Mr, Bailey: It did, Mayor Ferre: No, wait a moment, Wait a moment, The question, you didn't listen to the question, Mr. Dawkins: He heard the question well, Mayor Ferre: The question was very explicit. As I understand it,... Mr. Plummer: Couldn't have been any clearer. L sl 68 April 11, 1985 S J A Mayor Ferre: As I understand it, there is no legal requirements in the AFP for their...at the outset, it was a point system. There were 15 points of which obviously they got zero, since they did not submit their plan. They did F win on a point system without that...t Mr. Plummer: That's not the case. Mayor Ferre: That is the case. Consequently the came and they have now submitted an affirmative action plan, as I understand it. Mr. Bailey: The RFP required that they indicate the extent of the minority participation. As you talk about a plan, which names chapter, verse and persons and the amount of equity and other types of things, does not require that. We require that because we wanted to know who was participating. Mr. Plummer: Exactly, that's right. Mr. Bailey: It just so happens that some developers, because they are intimately involved with us asking questions and being here, understanding this Request for Proposal, understood that they perhaps should have the plan submitted along with the indication of their extent of minority participation. I have to also say, and I would be remiss if I didn't, during these final days of this RFP, when the final time for submission was coming to an end, we had two developers to come in at the very last minute. I was concerned primarily that they may not have enough time. Can -American was one of those developers who came in at the very last minute to begin to put together their proposal. As the counselor indicated, and I have had no discussion with him on that, and we did discuss it with the developer, that within the 30 day period of time that you have, here are the requirements. The requirements specifically state that you have to indicate the extent of the minority participation.... Mr. Plummer: At the time of bidding, Mr. Bailey: ..,,at the time of submission, yes, Mr, Plummer: Now, Mr. Bailey, did the company in question comply with the RFP? Mr. Bailey: Yes, Mr. Plummer: They did submit their minority plan at the time of bidding? Mr. Bailey: The extent of their minority participation, yes, they indicated that they would have, and I have it right here in front of me, Mayor Ferre: That's the point, Mr. Bailey: Yes, I have it, Yes, we do have it, and they indicated in their RFP that they would have minority participation and a percentage of minority participation, We just wanted some actual names and indication of who those people were going to be, Mayor Ferre: Is that legal, Mr. Sechen, in other words, did they comply with the law? Then the Commission can decide whether or not we comply with the spirit of the law, Technically, did they comply with the law? sl 69 April 11, 1985 Mr. Sechen: Mr. Mayor, the answer to that question Is yes, they did technically comply with the law and the requirements of the PFP. There is a subsequent document, which was prepared relative to this question, which in fact cites every particular aspect of a minority participation plan, which was submitted to the Commission, which you might chance to look at. in this document, it cites to every particular part of their proposal, which mentions the minority participation plan. 'Their minority participation plan, in their proposal essentially was saying, "Look at what we've done in other projects. We plan to do similarly with this particular project." That is considered as to the weight of the evidence by the selection review committee relative to that 20 points, Mayor Ferre: O,K,, Plummer, any other questions? Mr, Plummer: The other question, of course, that I have doesn't relate to that, Mr. Bailey. It relates to what happens if the UDAG grant is not approved? Mr. Bailey: Well, Commissioner, in regards Can -American, or this particular block, or in terms of UDAGs period? Mr, Plummer: I'm talking about over all. Let's go the worst route, UDAGs are not approved. What position is this City in? Mr, Bailey: Well, the,,,just let me preface that by saying this is a public private venture, The City's responsibility is to deliver the land in a state of readiness for the developer. The financing of the actual construction is a developers' responsibility. However, we have indicated in the proposal that we are willing and will provide developers with as much assistance as we can in getting other kinds of resources that only could be gotten through the City because of a federal nature. However, if for instance, UDAGs for some reason or other do not get approved for those developers who have requested it, then those developers have the obligation and responsibility to find other ways in which to finance their project and make up for that shortfall, There are a number of ways that can be done, I don't want to speak for the developers, but one of them... all of these proposals can use more syndication. There are a variety of ways in which developers at that point, will have to indicate to us how their financing will take place, if for some reason we don't get UDAGs, Mayor Ferre: In other words, Mr, Bailey, what you're saying is that it is clearly understood by those who are proposing that we select them that this is what we will do, The UDAG is something that we will try to get, If we can get it to the better; and if we can't, they know that we have no obligation otherwise, Mr, Fine, for Can -American and I'll ask any other developers if they want to,,,, Mr, Dawkins: Do you mind if I finish before we go into that? Mayor Ferre: No, Mr, Dawkins: Let me finish with what I'm doing, will you, please? Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, Mr. Dawkins: Thank you. Can -American bid on? Mr. Bailey: Two, sl Mr. Bailey, how many parcels did 70 April 11, 1985 A 2 Mr, Dawkins: How many parcels did the other group bid on? t Mr. Bailey: Cruz? r i Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mr, Baileys Bided on four. Mr. Dawkins: Did you say standing here in front of me that the company or developer who bided on continuous parcels would be more favorably considered than those who bided on less? Did you at one time say that? Mr. Bailey: We indicated in our proposal that developers who bided on continuous parcels would get bonus points. We did provide those to Mr, Cruz. Mr. Dawkins: Our problem with this is that as long as it's dealing 'with White folks, you all can break the rules, If this has been a Black firm, there ain't a way in hell you all would sit up here and make all these concessions, That's my personal opinion. I could be wrong, It irritates me, Anytime it's White, you all make concessions and if a Black firm had not submitted this participation, I don't care what they did, they could not have righted it, Mr. Fine, I take obsession, a very, very objections to your making the statement that it's enough to say grace over, as if to say, "Black people, you got enough; go home," I resent it, Well, come on up, that's the way I read it, Mr. Bailey: Commissioner, I'm not going to defend it, I just want for the record to make a statement to get it straight, Mr, Fine: Mr, Dawkins, you and I have known one another too long for you to make that statement about me, Mr, Dawkins: Yes, we have, It won't be too long for you to make it, For you to say it's enough to say grace over, it rubs me the wrong way. You might not have intended it the way I'm reading it, Marty, but that's the way it came through, Mr, Fine: Let me say this to you, I apologize to you if I said something that you misinterpreted or interpreted differently than I meant it, You and I are too good friends to worry about that, Let me also say that I'm not exactly new to the redevelopment process, I paid some dues and I've been involved. Whether this client gets this piece of property is not important, What is important is my integrity, What is important is my reputation, What is important is important is whether this project gets done, I don't really want you to be angry at me and hurt the 4 project, If you want to be angry at me, that's your privilege, Mr, Dawkins: Marty, if I could stop the project by being angry with you, I have no problem with it. I want you to understand that, I don't have no problems being angry with you stopping the project, I don't have no problems with that. But I'm like you; I don't want to stop progress, But I don't want Black people to get short changed and to favor them by not doing something not to stop the project, Black people can share and share in completing the project as well as White folks, Mr, Fine: Miller, let me just say this to you, If there's anything in the world I wouldn't do is what I perhaps I gave you the impression I was doing, and that is not so, I'm not sl ?1 April 11, 1985 about to sit here and tell you that this Commission ought to short change anybody, Black or White. it certainly is not our intention to suggest that you short change them. What we're trying to do here is to say that Can -American submitted an appropriate bid and I'm under the impression that their bid is valid and appropriate and while I'm here, in answer to your question, Mr. Plummer, in reference to Can -American, Can -American believes it has alternatives if UDAG isn't available and is committed in going ahead. Miller, I want to make it very clear, if I may. If I said something that did not come across as I meant it, I apologize to you, that was not my intention and is not my intention. Mr. Cruz can tell you -let me just finish, please- when he came here, he called me and we met through a consultant of his and I said to him I will do anything I can to help you, I would do anything I can to be of assistance to you. I would not represent you because I want to get involved and make sure that you and your associates are involved. He's since gone ahead and gotte;, great counsel, He has good advice. He has good peoplo. There's nothing more I'd like to see than Cruz be very successful, Mr, Dawkins: Come up here, if yogi want to. Mr, Fine, all I'm saying -come up here, Mr. Cruz, if you have something to say- all I'm saying, Marty, is that Mr. Cruz was not offended by the remark, "that's enough to say grace over," I was, So whatever Mr. Cruz has to do, has nothing to do with how Miller Dawkins feels, You said you didn't mean it the way I read it, so I accept that. Mr, Fine: Absolutely, and Mr. Cruz and I had a very pleasant meeting, I'm proud and pleased that he's here to be a developer, Whatever you all want to do with parcel 37 is fine, Mr, Dawkins: Thank you, that's what I'm going to try to do, Marty, Mr, John B, Cruz, III: I just want to make a statement, John B, Cruz, III, President of Cruz Construction Company, I just want to say for the record without getting a lot of discussions, and correct one thing that Mr, Fine said, I did not go to Marty for advice, for counsel, I already had counsel long before I had the meeting with Marty, It was suggested that we meet because we were locked on horns on 37, At that meeting, we had a cordial meeting, I respect him, He's a man who's well respected in the community, and that was it, We met on equal turf and said, "the best man win," It was no issue about counsel, Mr, Art Teale: Mr, Mayor, members of the Commission, I just want to follow up on that, My name is Art Teale, Mr, Mayor, Contrary to what has been represented, I acquiesced and gave the client permission to meet with Mr, Fine, He already had counsel and I'm certain that he was satisfied because he had already paid in full, Mr, Bailey: I just want to state for the record, not in l.. support of either one of the developers, but just for the integrity of our staff, that we've been very fair. The first exception we made when the developer did not comply in which we came back to the Commission and asked for this exception, was not Can -American, What we have tried to do is to insure that this City got the best possible development teams that we could perhaps get in an area for - which we had absolutely very few or no people in South Florida would even want come near it, So the first exception, and I don't consider we've made exceptions for Can -American, but the really first exception was for another developer, We asked,.,, 1 4•' ,� r 's sl 72 April 11, 1985 a� s' Mr, Plummer: Mrs bailey, you know, you're talking and I hear what you're saying and I'm not going to put you down for trying to do the best for this City, but I think what Commissioner Dawkins is coming to -and I'm going to read to you from your own book= is the integrity of the process. I think that is really what he's speaking to, bid in fact the bidder comply with the bid? The bid here -let me read to you now from your book. "The City of Miami has established minority participation goals in the Southeast Overtown park West Redevelopment plan, The goals were incorporated in the redevelopment plan, All proposers must submit,,,," Must, that's mandatory, ",,,,must submit a minority participation plan addressing minority participation goals," This firm did not, Mr, Bailey: Yes, they did. Mr, -Plummer: At the time of submitting their bid, Mr, Bailey: Yes, they did; yes, they did, Mayor Ferre: See, Mr, Plummer, the problem here is that you've asked the question. Mr. Bailey has answered the question that they did, The City Attorney has answered the legal aspects that they met the legal requirements, The representative of Can -American has stated on the record that they did, and either we accept these statement or being the truth or we're saying that they're lying, Mr, Dawkins: Mr, Mayor, I make a motion that this parcel be set aside until I can look at whatever they've got and I can determine and let the lawyers show me that they met the RFP, I ask that it be continued. Mr, Plummer: I second the motion, That's relating to parcel 37, Mayor Ferre: There is a motion that is on the table, which I will accept, It is duly seconded, Now under discussion, let me just with all due respects to both of my colleagues tell you that if the administration had answered otherwise, Mr. Bailey had said that there was some question, If the _ City Attorney had said that there were some legal questions, and if the attorney for Can -American had stated other than what he stated, then I would understand the question, But as it has been answered it is my opinion, as I do 99% of the time, that I will stand with the administration, this and previous administrations on this issue on their recommendation and the committee chaired by Lee Ruwitch, who carefully considered all these things and came to this conclusion, That's one person's,... Mr. Dawkins: I'd like to go on record saying that I have not challenged the administration's recommendations. I still don't think in my opinion that they met the RFP and I only ask that it be continued until I can personally view this myself. I think as a Commissioner I have a right to be able to see it without someone trying to inject that someone is got mistrust or don't trust the administration, �r Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, Mr, Fine, and anybody else on thislimit it, please, to the motion before us, Mrs Fine: Mr, Mayor and members of the Commission, in the spirit of cooperation, with have no p P , problem with time and s 'f, the ability to sit down and if in fact, there is a technical 81 73 April 11, 1985 error, if it can be corrected, fine; if not, Commission can do What it wants to. Miller, we'll be happy to visit with the City Attorney, meet with you, meet with Mr. Cruz, Mr. Teale. We have no problem with that at all• Mr. Dawkins: t only want to meet with the administration. Mr. Fine: Excuse me, that's fine. If there is any access that we could be of help, we'll be glad to do it. Mayor Ferre: Any further discussion on that particular motion? Call the roll, The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO, 85-392 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SET ASIDE PARCEL 37 OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN PARK WEST DEVELOPMENT UNTIL A MEETING CAN BE ARRANGED WITH THE DEVELOPER TO DISCUSS THE MINORITY PARTICIPATION PLAN SUBMITTED AND TO PERMIT THE COMMISSION TO PHYSICALLY INSPECT THE PROPERTY; FURTHER DIRECTING THAT THIS MATTER BE RECONSIDERED AT THE MEETING OF APRIL 18, 1985, Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr, Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J, L, Plummer, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None, DURING ROLL CALL: Mayor Ferre: I vote yes based on Mr, Fine's statement, Mr, Plummer: Mr. Bailey, it is then understood by each and every proposed developer that the City will not do any more than assist them in every way humanly possible to get grants, If grants are not forthcoming, then they in fact must provide their own financing, Mr, Bailey: Absolutely. Mayor Ferre: We're now on item 46, Is there a motion on item 46 accepting a recommendation of the Manager for the selection of a developers other than block 37? Yes, sir, Mr, Perez: Let me ask a question to the administration. Mr. Manager, we have the recommendation about parcel 24, 259 all this group. Why we don't have any recommendation about parcel 44? Mr, Pereira: Block 44 is the block where the proposed arena and exhibition center, and we felt that this time, because that process was going that we would hold it in abeyance until a final disposition occurs on the RFP and the recommendation of the selection on the arena and exhibition center, We have left out in abeyance until that time, sl 74 April 11, 1985 F Mr. Perez: That means that we cannot approve 44 as part of the whole.... Mr, Pereira: That's right, we're leaving 44 out of this process at this time. Mr. Perez: It's not possible to approve today as part of the whole recommendation? Mr. Pereira: In order for you to approve or disapprove, I will have to make a written recommendation on it, What I'm saying to you is that I have,,.we are recommending to you that we leave it in abeyance until such time as the RFP for the arena and exhibition center comes in front of this board with a recommendation to see if in fact that process and that negotiation, negotiating process that is taking place right now is brought in front of the board. Mayor Ferre: So we are going to vote on everything but 37 and 44. Mr. Carollo: So move, Mr, Mayor, Mayor Ferre: There is a motion on the floor, Is there a second? Mr, Dawkins: Second, e Mayor Ferre: Now under discussion, does anybody want to speak to this, Jackie? Ms, Jackie Bell: Jackie Bell, 1600 3rd Avenue, on the 21st ' of March we came before you because we had a problem, That problem was this Commission a year ago worked with us to set ' aside block 56 for the hotel project, If you vote for what a you are attempting to do now, you will leave out the hotel project, At that time, you all told us we had the support for the hotel project, That is block 56, Mayor Ferre: Mr, Manager? Mr, Pereira: I'm sorry, Mr, Mayor, I was.,.. Mayor Ferre: Miss Bell has stated that this Commission has gone, I think, on record saying that we were in support of the hotel project and that if we vote on lot 56, in effect, what we're doing is reversing that position, In other words, she's asking that we not vote on lot 56 and that 56 be held for the hotel project, Mr, Pereira: Mr. Mayor, we've asked for an opinion of the City Attorney on this issue, We'll ask Mr, Sechen to re4d i t , Mayor Ferre: Mr. Sechen, what is the City Attorney's position on that? Mr, Sechen: We issued an opinion relative to this, It's a little too long for me to read to you right now. Essentially the opinion is that under the unified =_ development process, which was started by the Commission and the issuance of the RFP, you have the responsibility to either accept or reject the recommendations of the City Manager on any one of these blocks, The City Manager has made a recommendation on block 56 and it is up to you right now to either accept or reject that recommendation. You may also send back to the review committee that you had already selected for their review and consideration of any comments you might make in addition to the CPA's review for an 4y. additional recommendation from the review committee, sl 75 April 11, 1985 Ms. Bell: Mr, Mayor, the reason we came to this body and your past Manager was the fact that we knew we were a community based organization. We knew we did not have the sage powers that a development corporation such as they are now recommending and the reason you gave us $759000 to do predevelopment, which we have not spent because we don't want to just spend some money, was the fact that we knew we could not, was not going to be in this process. You all agreed then, We came back to you on the 21st because we knew then that we had not been recommended. We came to you before all of this so that we knew what the process were. We followed everything that was told to us to do to be assured that as of this date we would not be in the position that we are in right now. When we came to you on the 21st, we only asked you to clarify for us the fact that we knew the committee had not recommendedb We know we cannot get the same recommendations as those large developers; we knew that, Even in all of the planning process, one thing was laid out, that a community based organization would have some priorities. Only one person bided on the hotel, and that is New Washington Heights. You all have been supporting us on this whole deal since 1980, Today we stand here and we have all of the players. We have all of the things which you told us to do, and on the 21st you told us we would not have no problem. Now today, we would like to please not have that problem. We truly our word, and I'm like Mr. Fine, our credibility is on in the streets too, We've gone and we've asked people to come and give their services, and they have done that to make us what we are, Mayor Ferre: Jackie, I understand what you're saying and I think all of us here sympathize, Ms, Bell: No, Mr, Mayor, no sympathy today. Mayor Ferre: Oh, no, there's a lot more than that involved, It's not only your integrity, as you put it. It's the integrity of this process that we have very carefully.... Ms, Bell: We followed it, We did everything,,., Mayor Ferre: And you didn't win, Ms, Bell: Mr, Mayor, we followed everything that this Commission and that management told us, We did everything you told us to do, everything that you told us to do, We recognized that we did not have the capabilities of a big development company and we are the only people from Dade County that are in that, We are the only people who are talking about jobs, Mr, Plummer: Mr, Mayor, I make the motion that block 56 be pulled, deferred, Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second, Mayor Ferre: There is a substitute motion now that lot 56 be deferred for further consideration; that's three, Any other? Mr, Dawkins: Under discussion, go ahead Mr,,,.. Mr, Bill Wilson: My name is Bill Wilson, I represent Circa Limited, along with our two development partners, Barness and Sawyer, I don't know actually the procedures of the Commission agreed to prior to pulling block 56, is there discussion on that? sl 76 April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Always, Mr. Wilson: I Would like to state for the record a couple of things, dumber one, the Overtown Park West Committee put out a request for proposals, Which included block 86. We assumed that because that was part of the proposal, that it was a valid block open for groups to come in and make a decision. That's one thing. For the other, with regard to Ms. Bell talking about the position or relevance of a community based group, I would refer to your attention that we have as our equity partner, as part of a development team not a community based group, but two community people, who have lived in Overtown for over 50 years, not by chance, but by choice. What I'd like to do, if the Commission and the Mayor would give me the opportunity, I'd like to not only me, but ' hear a few words from Mr, and Mrs, Sawyer, if they would come up, please. As you all know, Mr. Sawyer is blind, but he has put together some thoughts about his feeling about what 56 means and being part of a development group, This is a private citizen. This is a person who is putting up a commitment for the 50 years he's there and money to do it. I'd like you to hear his words about what 56 means, before you defer this action, please. Mrs, Sawyer: To the Honorable Maurice Ferre and Commissioners, their members and Mayor, my name, and I am now reading for my husband, who composed this, "My name is William Bill Sawyer. I have been a resident, businessman, and property in the Overtown area for over 46 years, I have seen Overtown retrogress from a bustling and thriving commercial residential and entertainment community for Blacks to a desolate barren slum, as we see it today, I did not lose faith in Overtown, As a matter of fact, I still live in Overtown, I believed this City and the County fathers in the 1960's when they told the property owners and residents of Overtown that they had a plan, the urban renewal plan to improve our physical and social conditions, This faith has been difficult to maintain in view of the time it has taken the City and the County fathers to fulfill the promises they made twenty years ago under the urban renewal program, After twenty years, all we have seen is blight, deterioration, poverty, crime, and barren land, Then the City asked us to believe in government again. They asked us to accept a new redevelopment plan, This time, the name of the plan was changed from urban renewal to Southeast Park West/Overtown Redevelopment Plan, We were told most of the same things we were told in the 601s, but we were told this time, it would work, that there will be no more broken promises. We were also told that the Blacks who own land in Overtown would be allowed to participate as equity partners in the redevelopment of their land. To this end, the City of Miami developed a Black equity participation plan that would insure Black participation in the development of their land. Because of this equity petition program, coupled with the City's minority participation program and guarantees for low income housing in the Overtown and Park West area, we as Black residents and property owners of Overtown bought in on the new redevelopment plan, Potential developers were informed of these requirements and were encouraged to work with property owners in Overtown to sl ?? April 11, 1985 sl achieve these commendable goals. 11 as a property owner of block 56, though skeptical, joined with the development firm of Circa to develop my property in the manner suggested by the City of Miami. The process was proceeding smoothly, until the City began to consider block 44 for a sports arena and block 56 for the development of a hotel. Both of these parcels of land are included in our bid proposal, which includes block 44, 450 550 and 56. With regard to block 44 being used for the sports arena, we recognized the public good that will be stirred by building a sports arena, however, we want you to recognize the long promised public good of providing housing as well as the financial hardships that you will be placing on our proposal by taking this site for a sports arena. This hardship was explained in a letter to the Assistant City Manager, Herbert Bailey, dated March 26, 1985, which is attached. We feel that if the City is still committed to the goals of its Southeast Overtown Redevelopment, as stated in the RFP and the pre -bid conference to the developers, it should retain block 44 for residential development. However, we recognize the public good to be served by the arena and therefore feel that if the City Commission decides and is in favor of using block 44 for a sports arena, that it is fairly compensated by our development team for the financial hardship it will experience so that our Overtown Project will not be jeopardized. Although there are a number of methods to fairly compensate for the hardship, three alternatives that come to mind are, number one, to allow us to participate in the sports arena project, provide us with a comparable substitute site and/or monetary compensation. With regard to the placement of a hotel on block 56, which I own, I feel that such a proposal is contrary to the RFP and the selection process, not financially feasible for this area, and contrary to the goals of Black property owners participating in the development of their land. Prior to the Park West/Overtown Plan, we have been hearing about New Washington's plan to construct a hotel in Overtown. We have heard that a very prominent developer plans to finance and develop such a hotel, However, as of this date, no firm commitments have been made by the developers or any other responsible person or institution to back the hotel project, Further, no reputable, feasibility study has been conducted to support the feasibility of a hotel in this area, New Washington Heights is a good advocacy and concept organization, but it has yet to fulfill its physical and economic development responsibilities in Overtown area. For the many years it has received governmental funds to do so, as of today, New Washington Heights has received in excess of one million dollars, one million dollars, I repeat, for economic and physical redevelopment activities in Overtown. However, no redevelopment has taken place to this date, Although New Washington Heights served a useful advocacy role for the Overtown area, we cannot afford more experiments or future promises that will further delay the long awaited redevelopment of Overtown, Our proposal meets the City's goals and fulfills the requirements of the RFP and as a Black property owner, I urge you to accept my recommendations and proceed with the redevelopment 78 April 11, 1985 P%k of Overtown pursuant to the goals you established x with the Overtown residents and property owners. Thank you, sincerely, William B. Sawyer." Mr. Dawkins: Mrs► Sawyer# I am one of the ones who sat up here and urged this Commission to work hard to see that Blacks maintain ownership through partielpation. This is that in reality in that when I first came to Miami, the Sawyers Were living where he is, and my fellow Commissioners, I don't think it's right to take Mr. Sawyer's land as much as I like Jackie Bell, and provide it to Jackie Bell. Therefore, I'm going to make a motion that we allow Mr. Sawyer to develop.... Mayor Ferre: No, all you have to do is pull your motion. Mr. Dawkins: All right, we pull the motion back. Jackie, we'll have to try to find something else. Jackie, I can't. Jackie, listen closely. This is Mr. Sawyer's property. Ms. Bell: INAUDIBLE COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD, Mr. Dawkins: But he was awarded his own and three more. I can't do anything with the three on that; if you want to fight for one of the three others, I'm with you. But I'm not going to be a part of.... i Ms. Bell: INAUDIBLE COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD, Mr. Dawkins: But I'm not going to be a party to taking Bill's land. Ms. Bell: INAUDIBLE COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Dawkins: But it's the Sawyers' property, Jackie. Ms, Bell: I'm not by any means attempting to try to undermine Mr. Sawyer or nobody else out of their property. If you go back and look at the record, in 1974 New Washington Heights took the role in this in trying to keep all of the Black property owners in a proper development corporation so that not one property owner lose their process in this. We went to Mr. Sawyer, when they say we do not have a reputable market analysis of this hotel, Purnell, Kir, and Foster has been in business since 1920; they wrote ' the systems of accounts for hotel management. If that don't give them no credibility, I don't know what would give them credibility. Mayor Ferre: Jackie, this is hard for all of us, because we all have respect for you and your dedication and devotion to ;w v. Overtown. Well, I do, I have respect for that. I want to say to you that God knows we tried. I think the million dollars may be exaggerated. Ms. Bell: It is exaggerated, two-nine-o. Mayor Ferre: But not by much. Ms. Bell: Yes, by a long shot. Mayor Ferre: But not by much. Ms. Bell: Yes, a whole, long ways it is exaggerated. Mayor Ferre: I can remember voting for the $175,000.... sl 79 April 119 1985 G AN UZ Ms. Beli: No, $1079000. Mayor Ferre: „ t,on two, three, four years in a row. We put.,6it's well over a half million dollars.,.! don't know whether it hits a million, but ! know it's well over a half a million dollars. Listen, I did it, we did it, we voted for it knowing full well that this Was a risky business, yet we were trying to do this. I met at St. Agnes with you and Father Barry, Ted Hollo, and so many other people trying to get this thing together, The fact is that five, six years later, here we are. We have a bona fide development offer, There are minority participants, It is a well thought out plan. It will be successful. It can be successful. Here are these people who have been waiting all these years, They own this, They are part of this development group. I don't see how in the world you can honestly expect us not to let these people proceed and to do harm to the total project. It meets the law. It meets the intention, the spirit of the law, It was selected by the committee; all the "T's" and crossed; all the "I's" are dotted, Good God, woman, we've been waiting for this, all of us, for a decade, Now it's here and I can't.,, Rose Gordon is in the audience, She remembers how we struggled with this, For whatever reason, Miller Dawkins, Herb Bailey, all of us on this Commission, administration, this authority, we sweated this thing through, We are almost at touchdown, I just for the life of me can't see how you or anybody else can oppose us proceeding. Ms, Bell: I'm not opposing you to proceed, Mr, Mayor, Mayor Ferre: The last sentence and then I promise to give you your chance, I think that you have a dream and it's a good dream, We ought to continue to help you, But you need to get Holiday Inn or Marriot, you need to get Ted Hollow and others back into the picture and come up with something that is financeable, that is doable, Right now, it continues to remain a dream, Ms. Bell: Mr, Mayor, it is not a dream. Mayor Ferre: It's not before us with a hard, financial commitment on the part of Holiday Inn or Marriott and Ted Hollo with a .financing package that is acceptable to the committee that looked over this proposal; it was rejected by them. Now you are asking this Commission to override, and I need to tell you, that my record is very clear and that is that I back the administration on 99% of these recommendations that come up before us. I challenge anybody in the last twelve years to show me otherwise, that I have always backed the administration's position, no matter who the Manager is, Ms. Bell: I'm not questioning the Manager, Mr, Mayor, It is very difficult for me to stand here, after ten years of working so very hard in this community and listening to what we heard a few moments ago, and to say to you that you, who said to us that you were committed to us, you, Mr, Mayor, on the 21 st said to us that we had enough votes for us to get the hotel. We do know that all of the things that you are saying that we don't have, we have, because they're sitting here, They are sitting in this audience right now with us, It would not, , , it is so sad for me to have gone this long w.y and we are not trying to take away anybody's property, You all did that, You all went to court and you all took it by imminent domain, This morning in the Miami Herald Tom Post lost the property that folks are up in the airy about that he bought, You all took it; I didn't. I didn't take it. I don't have that right, but you all did, You all bought, $6,8 million of UMPTA money, that you bought, not 31 :E April 1 1 , 1985 .r toe, And you put it out for bid, You did that, not Jackie bell, you did its But now you want me to feel that I'm attempting to take away somebody's property, I'm not trying to take away nobody's property. All I'm trying to say and all we have been trying to say that community and our community (need some jobs and the hotel project is one project that a^eater jobs. It just happened to be in block 56, Before we went this far, the first market analysis we did with Purnell, Kirr, Foster, Mr. Bill Sawyer signed the letter with us; we went to him and asked him would he joint venture with us, We got Al Siminit sitting here who we went to and asked, So to try and make me feel like that I am doing something anti my community is not fair. It's just not fain We have worked very hard and everything that is happening in Overtown today got the start off New Washington Heights' back. Miller, you and I walked from the police station, the groundbreaking of the police station along December 31, 1974, Who was there trying to get something done? Was it people from Boston? Was it developers from the other side of the track? Or was it us? I mean, don't try and make me look like I'm a bad girl, All I have tried to do was right. And you all promised it, because we came to you, we were the first somebody who PROPOSED to do some development, We were the first somebody who tried, And this afternoon I'm supposed to be a villain because we want Mr. Sawyer's property, You all bought it, Art Teale from the UMPTA with Jim Reid and everybody was involved, So, is it not fair for us and you who have committed and promised us that this could be, is it not fair today that we stand here and all of the work we have done, we know where we are. So fair and this is fair. We came to you when we had the problem, We asked you, you committed, Am I right, Mr, R Carollo? 'aE Mr. Carollo: Jackie, let me say this to you, Ms, Bell: Honest is honest, R Mr, Carollo: I think you have said a lot that makes a lot of sense, I can certainly understand how you feel, At no time have I, nor do I really think has anyone in this Commission,., I don't think the Mayor felt what might you have interpreted that he stated, I think that the problem is, Jackie, we've reached a point in time that something has to be done, Ms► Bell: We agree, Mr. Carollo: Unfortunately, very unfortunately, you don't have a group,,., Ms, Bell: Yes, we do, n Mr, Carollo: ,,,,that has put -excuse me, you have a group, but you don't have a group with the financial backing,,,, -'' Ms. Bell: Yes, we do, Mr, Carollo: ,,,,to make this a reality. Ms. Bell: Yes, we do, We have what we need, Am I right, Mr, Claghroaeh from Florida East Coast Property? Am I right, Mr. William Dosky, from Dosky Associates? Am I right, Scott Rush from Purnell, Kirr and Foster that we don't have the kinds of stuff, we got the kind of stuff when submitted for our bid, we said we were using industrial development bonds. We didn't ask for no City funds in our package, We said we would use the 20% of the UDAG. i � Everybody in here I see on one of those items in here Y Y , , you wd all talking about a blink at UDAG, I see in here where you sl 81 April 11, 1985 r:24 all talk about an underwriter for $60 million for construction. is it not fair for me as it is for the other folks? is it not just that fair? We got a hotel man who know that we can get a hotel Chain► Mayor Ferre: it's is fair, Jackie. It is absolutely fair and.,., Ms. Belle Why is it so fair, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: it is fair. Ms. Bell: We are residents of this community, our foreparents were residents. Mayor Ferre: I agree, it is fair. Ms, Bell: We are taxpayers and we are talking about creating jobs for the people who live here. What's so much fair for Boston to get it than it is local? Mayor Ferre: It is fair, it is fair. It is also fair that we establish a procedure and the procedure has been followed. Ms. Bell: But we came to you before the procedure. Mayor Ferre: You competed on the procedure and you did not make it in the procedure. Ms. Bell: But we came to you prior to a procedure. Mayor Ferre: Jackie, you came and we said.,.. Ms. Bell: Your manager came.... Mayor Ferre: ....and we extended the time, so that you could come back with your proposal. Is that right, Mr. Bailey? How long did we hold up this project to satisfy Jackie Bell individually? Ms. Bell: Hold it. Mayor Ferre: Let me finish. put this matter off? Ms. Bell: Hold it, Mr. Mayor? How long, Mr► Bailey, did we Mayor Ferre: Mr, Bailey, answer my question. Mr. Bailey: Forty-five days, Mr. Mayor, Ms. Jackie Bell: Mr. Mayor, let me tell you when you postponed it, because when you made the recommendation --- excuse me, Bill--- when your Manager Howard Gary sat in that chair over there and came to you with the seventy-five thousand dollars, he didn't come to you for seventy-five. He came to you for seventy-five and the land for the hotel. Ok. And you voted on it. You said go back to your community and if your community agrees to it, then we will grant it and we came back. The reason that it was postponed was not because New Washington Heights asked for the postponement, but because the Manager did not know that it had been put in the RFP and after we questioned him. There is records to it, because I came to you to Mr. Mayor, Mayor Ferre: Mr, Bailey, would you answer that and then we need to move along one way or the other, Ms, Bell: I came to you too, Mr, Mayor, and you too, did not know it was in the RFP. sl 82 April 11, 1985 Mayor Fevre: Mr. Bailey, you want to answer that and then we need to move along. Mr, Bailey: For the record, Mr. Mayor, we did get a letter from New Washington Heights requesting the extension, Has Bell: You sure did, Mayor Ferre: And Ms, Bell came to see me. She came to see Miller Dawkins. She went to the Manager, to Howard Gary and we put it off as I understood it at your request, Ms, Bell: Wait a minute, We asked for the extension because Mr, Gary who was your Manager, ok, did not recognized that the piece of property was in the RFP until we questioned whether or not we were going to have to bid, Mayor Ferre: Jackie, you have missed the date. You admitted to me at the DDA on the 18th Floor, you and I talked about,., Ms, Bell: No, we didn't talk. You and I talked when I came to this,,,Hold it, Wait a minute, Mayor Ferre: When you came to see me you said please put it off, We didn't hit the date on time, We need more time. Ms. Bell: Wait, wait, that's. No, no, no, I tell you what happened I came to this Commission on a Friday afternoon when you all were dealing with a letter asking for it to be put off. Ok, All right, I,,. you told me I intimidated your secretary Jill and made her cry, because I wanted to see you when we found out from the Manager, who called us and says "yes" you got the bid and bring me a letter before 5 O'clock to this place so we can put it off and that's exactly what happened Mr, Mayor. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Dawkins: Mr, Mayor, Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, Ms, Bell: I'm telling you the truth, Mr, Dawkins: You want to say something,,, Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, sir, Mr. James Hunt: The Chairperson of the Overtown Advisory Board, Also, a member of the selection committee for the redevelopers. I'm not as involved as many of the people who have come before you and probably do not have the history to tell what happened or what did not happen, Even though I was born and grew up Overtown, I have seen the changes, For the last three and a half years I worked with the Overtown Advisory Board trying to move forward a project that I must profess at the being I did not think would materialize, I thought it was a pie in the sky, but each month and many weekends I met with the Committee and other members of the community trying to decide on what was best, When I first came aboard the Overtown Advisory there was a report by Hammer Sill and George that had to do with the participation of minority groups and their involvement. At that particular time I think there was a five year waiting period with the groups having to decide on how they were going to go about redeveloping of the Overtown area, For various reasons the land owners, the home owners in that area could not hold on to their property, They saw it sl 83 April 11, 1985 vandalized deteriorated. Much of it torn down and they decided to eel! out to what we call speculators. That went on to the point where the City for your staff proposed the a plan to cove forward and at that time Bailey came forward to the group and indicated to us that he was going to get the job done with the City Commission blessing. We worked with him and all though we feel there may be other plans in other Cities that probably would be better, we feel this is one that has come to the point where the time is now. We started out this morning about two hours ago with approximately nine blocks and each time a speaker comes before you we defer or you eliminate one of the blocks. This is the same process that happened twenty years ago with the urban redevelopment. Those promises were made, people came forward and they gave their all good intentions of what they believed was going to be the savior for the Overtown area and all of these promises died. Now, we are twenty years later and we are hearing the same rhetoric with different faces and what I'm saying to you today, I'm speaking to you on behalf of the citizens as a member of the Overtown Advisory Board and hopefully, as a spokes person for the Overtown Advisory Board as Chairperson. That whatever you do, we hope that you would not delay this process anymore than it's already been delayed. There are going to be losers in this. The three hundred families that s were moved out of the UMPTA area, the four blocks area, They lose, Many of the land owners like the Sawyers and the Simonettes, They lose, but they came away hoping that they would be able to look back and say I once owned that property and now I'm a part of the redevelopment. I think if we start delaying the blocks that we have done for the 3 last two hours we are going to cause our developers to lose faith, that may be the City of Miami does not want to s redevelop it, That may be the Overtown area is going to die more than it already is and they may pack up and leave, If we do that we end up with the promises of the sixties and that is somebody for the outside is going to come and save us. They have come from Massachusetts. They have come from Minnesota, They have come from all walks of land trying to help the City of Miami in a plan that we say we want, So, what I'm asking you, respectfully, requesting that as members of the City Commission that you do not defer anymore of these blocks, That you make a decision at this point and back what we think is a good plan put on by your staff, sponsored by the City Manager, the Assistant City Manager Herb Bailey, We ask again that you move the agenda and make your vote so they will count and be recorded, Thank you, Mayor Ferre: So that you are informed. Commissioner Dawkins has removed the motion and Mr, Plummer, who had seconded it has removed his second, So, what we have before us at this time and hopefully, we will be getting to a vote is a vote to proceed with everything but two blocks which is forty-four and thirty-seven, Mr. Hunt: Yes, I understand that, That's why I asked that you do not defer anymore and you make a decision on the others, Thank you, Y Mr, Dawkins: Jackie, I feel obligated because we did make a promise to you. c Ms, Bell: Yes, you did, Mr, Dawkins: But like of told you I'm not going to bother Bill's land, but Mr, Bailey, I would like to ask that youmeet �r.it. with Ms, Bell and see if n there ith ere s another parcel of land on which she can put her p package together and we can put a hotel that's suitable to her, because we did make a promise, But I'm not going to make you another promise, sl 84 April 11, 1985 r I'm just saying that we should work to help you accomplish the hotel. Is that agreeable with you? (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUD19LE0 Mayor Ferre: Well, we have a commitment and I subscribe to what Commissioner Dawkins and Jackie I thank you for your understanding on that. All right. Now, are we ready to vote? Ms. Bell: May I say something before? Mayor Ferre: Yes, Ma'am. Ms. Bell: I want to thank J. L. Plummer, Mr. Perez, you Mr. Mayor, you Mr. Miller and you Joe Carollo. It is very difficult for someone who was raised in a community who has tried to do exactly what a good citizen is all about. My parents taught me to be a good and abiding citizen and it is only when we as a Black race can do something to create employment for our own can we change this community and that is what we have been about. Thank you. --------------------- --------------------------------------- 32. PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION AS AMENDED FOR PROJECT (Label 31) ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: I want to leave on the record our admiration for Jackie Bell and our recognition of her commitment. This is a happy and a sad occasion, because I know that Jackie had high hopes, but I think it is in keeping with her char- acter. She has recognized the progress that is to be made here and I will along with Miller Dawkins and I would hope the rest of our make a commitment here through Mr. Bailey that we will try our very best to find a solution and a good potential site to recuperate the initiative of putting a hotel that the New Washington Height group has been trying to put together. All right, now are we ready to vote? Now, we are going to vote in favor of all these projects and the motion has been made on Item 46 and it's been duly seconded without any further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-393 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE CITY MANAGER FOR THE SEI,,EC- TION OF DEVELOPERS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE I GENERALLY BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY NORTHWEST 10TH STREET; WEST BY NORTHWEST 2ND AVENUE AND NORTHWEST 3RD AVENUE; SOUTH BY NORTHWEST 6TH STREET AND NORTHWEST 7TH STREET; AND EAST BY NORTH MIAMI AVENUE AND NORTHEAST 1ST AVENUE; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACTS WITH THE PROPOSERS; AND FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT THE NEGOTIATED CONTRACTS TO THE CITY COMMISSION AS SOON AS PRACTICA- BLE FOR CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL BY THE CITY COMMISSION PRIOR TO THE EXECU- TION THEREOF. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) sl 85 April 11, 1985 9 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr, Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J, La Plummer, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None, Mr, Pereira: Mr, Mayor, may I ask of Commissioner Dawkins through you please, if we meet with,,& we would like to meet with you and try to resolve and present the facts on block thirty-seven and hopefully, bring it back on the meeting of the 18th, Will that be acceptable to you, sir? Mr, Dawkins: Mr, Manager, I'm going to accept it because what I have been seeing has been demonstrated with Ms, Bell, See when you are Black you caught all kind of hell. Ain't no problem. So, that example right there is what I was talking about when I said that concessions are made for certain people and not for others, So, if you want to go ahead with thirty-seven go right ahead Mr, Manager, I have no problem with it go ahead, I withdraw my objections to it. Mayor Ferre: Are you sure on that now? ' Mayor Ferre: All right, now the with,,, hold on for a moment. Item 37 has been.., the objection has been withdrawn. Now, is there anybody else that has a problem with parcel thirty-seven, Ok, Now is there a motion therefore,,.. I'm going to recognize them after we get them after we get the motion, Is there a motion that we therefore, proceed with the awarding of block thirty-seven to Can American? Is there such a motion? Mr, Carollo: So, move. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Carollo, seconded by Perez. It's now ' ;. under discussion. All right, who wishes to discuss the item? Mr, Cruz, please step forward, Mr, Teale, Oh, I'm ;, ..:... sorry, I beg your pardon, Mr, Sawyer, do you wish to say something? I will be happy to recognize him, Mr, A, L, Simonette: Mr, Mayor and City Commissioners, my name is A, L. Simonette and I live at 218 Northwest 8th Street and I have been Overtown since 1942 and Bill Sawyer ..:. and A. L, Simonette is the two largest property owners Downtown, Ok. And I have seen take that property back from ' Jackie with the giver, but I wanted Bill to have it because it was his property in front, sir 4 �4,•: ` ` j. Mayor Ferre: We understand that Mr, Simonette, Mr,* Simonette: No, but they took my property across the street from the Rapid Transit Station which is a whole square block that me and Jackie Bell and New Washington Heights had all set up to build a hotel there, We had the whole read out and everything and they came right in and bought the property out from under -me through eminent domain and I thought immanent domain meant to buy something that they are going to use for public use, They put a fence around my property and they ain't touched it and that's been since 1982, Ok, that's all I wanted you to know, sl 86 April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferre: Mr, Simonette, let's get on the record and answer from Mr. Bailey, l hope you were paying attention to i what Mr, Simonette was saying, Mr. Bailey: Yes, Mr, Mayor. We have had any number of meetings with Mr, Simonette and all of the property owners there, And the process under which we acquired certain properties, secured those properties were actions taken under due process, All of these property owners and all of these property owners and all of the property owners in Overtown through a variety of discussion were explained to and we tried to to the best of our ability to explain the process under domaination, under code enforcement, under property maintenance and in every case extended every courtesy we possibly could to ensure that these property owners would get the best consideration for what we were doing. So, Mr, Simonette is right, We did acquire the property and we did fence it up and we did secure it, Mr. Dawkins: But if Mr. Simonette was going to develop his own property this has been my argument from the very beginning. Why wasn't Mr, Simonette allowed to develop his own property Mr► Bailey? Mr, Bailey: No, no, wait a minute, Mr, Simonette and all of the property owners after a variety of meetings were explained the process under which they could come in and do a process of redevelopment, We never got any kind of response from them as a result of those meetings which were held with the County and with the City and with the understanding that we would pay for technical assistance to help them put it together, They never came forth and indicated other than just word of mouth once and while, I want to develop my own property, That's all we ever had, Mr. Dawkins: Thank you, Mr, Bailey, Mr, Dawkins: Yes, go ahead Mr, Sawyer, Pull Bill over in front of the mike please, Mr. Bill Sawyer: Mr. Mayor and the City Commissioners, I want to think you all for your decision, Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, Mr. Sawyer, Mr, Sawyer: But I sincerely believe what I'm doing is right, because I have been out,., me and my family have been out there since 1880 something and then my daddy came in 1906 and opened his office and then when died I continued and if anybody wanted a hotel I surely would want a hotel out there, because I was in the hotel business and the motel -: business and all those type of things, but I just don't see t it no kind of way. I mean, it's not feasible, There is no market for a hotel there right now, I just don't want you to feel guilty of anything and I thank you very much. Mr, Dawkins: I don't feel guilty at all Bill letting you keep your own property. I don't think any member on this ..- Commission does, Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you, Mr. and Mrs, Sawyer, Mr, Sawyer: And Mr, Ferre, Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, Mr, Sawyer: The other properties that Jackie was talking about she might want, I have investments in those other properties also, that I'm trying to develop, Every piece of property that I have bided for I have investments on, That's all, sl 87 April 11, 1985_ 04 .0 i Mr, Dawkins: Go ahead Mr, Simonette, Mayor Ferre: All rights thank you. Mr. Simonette, Mr. Simonette: The reason 1 hadn't come up to say anything about trying to develop is because the way they done me about that hotel, took it out from under me and took my own land, we didn't need no help from nobody. We had the insurance company to give us twelve million dollars to built a hotel and the architects from Jamaica had all the plans and they like it so well they had put their money what they were going to pay.•& what we were going to pay them for the architect work. And here comes the City made a tune, took the property and they ain't done nothing it. It's sitting up there with nothing it so the price would go up, because the price went up fifteen thousand dollars while they were deciding on buying it from us. See, and they knew the property was valuable and I had only twenty-one lots there, that's all. Mr. Dawkins: And that's just only twenty-one, huh, Mayor Ferre: All right, are we ready to vote now? All right, call the roll on the motion, Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, didn't Teale want to speak? Mayor Ferre: Oh, I'm sorry. I beg your pardon, Mr. Art Teale: Mr, Mayor, my name is Art Teale and first, I represent the Cruz Construction Group, proposed developers and recommended developers, I would like to speak just very briefly on lot number thirty-seven, And first we would like to ask that the record be corrected as it relates to the resolution proposed by the Manager to the extent that it indicates that the CPA team has recommended Can Am Realty on Page 2 and we would request that the record be reflected to show that the CPA ranked Can Am Realty and Cruz Development Company jointly as a tie as it relates to the resolution that's before you. Secondly, Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, the Cruz Development Group as met the intent of the RFP and in the statements by the City in the RFP where it indicated the City's desire to have a single developers to be award contiguous parcels in order to "Assure cohesive urban redevelopment", It also indicated that the evaluation procedure published in the RFP encouraged developers to propose the redevelopment of contiguous parcels, I would like to introduce again, formally to the Commission John Cruz. A man who has had tremendous experience throughout the United States. I met Mr. Cruz when he was the Chairman and President of the largest Black trade association in America, The National Minority Contractor Association he is highly regarded through out the United States for his efforts to help contractors throughout the County and enhance the level of minority participation in the main stream of America, John, Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, Mr, Cruz. Mr, John Cruz: In my rebuttal to,., Thank you very much, John B. Cruz of Third Cruz Construction Company, In my rebuttal Marti Fine I didn't get the opportunity to thank the City, the Mayor and the Councilmen for our opportunity to participate in what I think is a unique year that holds a lot of historical significant for the Blacks of City of Miami, because it was once a very thriving, productive area and even though I don't live here, I am sensitive to the fact it was once there, It is no longer there. They have all of the frustrations that some of the citizens have for sl 88 April 11, 1985 ON O y their lack of participation, When we came to bid on the property we looked at It that it was four lots, Two lots that were marginal, twenty-five and thirty-six and two lots that were the better lots, twenty-four and thirty-seven, This is critical to our overall development scheme because we are picking up the marginal lots, one of which no one bid, One of which one other bidder bid on and it was deemed non -responsive, So, here we are being penalized now because you are taking the best lot out of all the lots away from our package, It puts more emphasis on the risk of our proposal, because we were looking to lot thirty-seven as the most valuable one of the financial return to our company so that that would compensate for the lesser return on the more marginal one, It also questioned the architectural aspects, We had the same architect. It was a contiguous site, The design mass was there and that would affect our marketing if someone puts something up differently, I would also just like to give my partner Tom Welsh a chance to make some remarks 'on how he thinks the result of us losing parcel thirty-seven would affect our proposal, Mayor Ferre: Mr, Cruz, let me asking you since you have used pretty strong language there. You said critical, Does this mean that you therefore, wouldn't be interested in the other three lots if you don't get the 377 Mr. Dawkins: Before you answer may I make a statement? Mr, Cruz: Yes, Mr. Dawkins: Mr, Cruz, as long as you let them treat you like you are Black, they are going to treat you like you are Black. Oka Now, as along as you accept second rate treatment, That's what you are going to get, So, now if this parcel is pertinent to your development, then that's what it is, And if you cannot have it and you are going to take the crumbs as a Black person that's what you are going to get, Oka s a Mayor Ferre: Well, now, I will tell you,,, let me,,. the �. eight hundred eighty-two units in the other three parcels or whatever it is as I.,, It's critical and therefore, you are not going to accept them, Is that what you are telling us? v Mr. Cruz: No, I did not, It makes our financial much more �. difficult, Much more. It may be to the point that in the f' negotiations with the City we don't do it, Twenty-five _Y r< couldn't have been too valuable if no one bid on it, It may ; get to that point, especially, with the difficulty of f°Y_ getting UDAG monies now, Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you one last thing Mr. Cruz, so I } understand, When you came here from Boston and retained Art } Teale and so on , you looked around, You did choose a local -.; partner, Ralph Sanchez is your local partner, Is that correct? Did you have any other,,, Mr. Teale: There are several, f;r z Mayor Ferre: That's what I wanted to point out,[[[: Mr, Cruz. • I would like to point out that besides local �,� partners we picked u local`'" p p participation in all aspects of � -]" the development, from the management to construction,` rir r}Y R ^L Mayor Ferre: No, no, I'm sure, I'm sure that you havet ' local architects, lawyers and so on, but my question,., Mr, Cruz: Which Your Honor also, goes that we are splittingNP c the potential profits more which affects it more, So, it's N= not one entity making all the profits, We are,,, sl 89 April 119 1985' Mayor Ferre: I'm just trying to get information. I just need to know who besides Ralph Sanchez do you have as partners In this project? Mr. Teale: Mrs Mayor, perhaps the most important and long term application to this project will be the realty and the management or the realty. Mayor Ferre: Mrs Tealet I appreciate that and thank you, and I think that's probably trues, Now, I would like an answer to my question. My question is very simple* I just for information purposes like to know who besides Ralph Sanchez, if anybody, is your local partner? That's all, Mrs Cruz% The general partners in this right now are Ralph Sanchez, John Cruz and Tom Welsh. Mayor Ferre: And Tom and yourself, Both of you are from Boston? Mr. Cruz: Right, Mayor Ferre: Obviously, Mrs Sanchez is from Miami. Ok, I just wanted to understand that, Now, what per.,, I'm sure it's on the record, What percentage of the total does Mrs Sanchez have? Mrs Cruz: Fifteen per cent, Mayor Ferre: Fifteen per cent, Mrs Cruz: The same that the competition came back with, Mayor Ferre: This is not in the purpose of being critical I'm just trying to get information, Mrs Sanchez, you are the local participant has fifteen per cent and so obviously, the remaining eighty-five per cent is in the hands of both of you from Boston, Is that correct? Mr. Cruz: Yes, sir, Mayor Ferre: Oka Thank you, Mrs Carollo: I have to make some statements if my colleague will bear with me for a second and this has nothing to do with Ralph Sanchez personally. I like Ralph and we are friends. We get along, but you know, I'm to the point that I have just had with this constant same faces every time that a group comes from out of town or there is some money to be made out of the City of Miami, You have the same players every time, If it ain't Codina, It's Masvidal or Sanchez or an hand full of others, just as the Miami Herald and the Downtown boys get a balloon and blow a lot of hot air in it and set it loose and call it a pillar of the community, there is a heck of a lot of other people out there that are fine outstanding citizens that can also produce, that are also pillows of this community and I don't think it's right just to have a small group of untouchables that are the only ones that can ever participate in anything that people can come in and make money out of the City of Miami, Some where along the line Mrs Mayor, real soon someone has to draw the line and start spreading the wealth to all of Miami, It's not just a hand full of elitist blown up by the Downtown crowd, Mrs Cruz: Commissioner, I agree with you that that has to be done. I also, would like to put out on the floor that local participation does not mean general partnerships. In our proposal local participation means a local Hispanic Sl 90 April 11, 1985 architectural team, a local Black management and brokerage s team and the other a local design consultant, The other team cannot Out to any of that local participation, it does not have to stop at the general partnerships, You are right it should continue over into other forms of potential profit r making, Mayor Ferre: All right, would you like to say anything more? Mr, Thomas Welsh: I'm going to be very brief, My name is Thomas Welsh and I am a joint venture partner in this development, I just want to say very briefly, as we were putting together the project, the proposals in competition the overriding strategy that we tried to follow was, that guided us in preparing our proposal was to maximize the return to the City with a minimum amount of public subsidies, We made the determination that through, the proper public/private partnership the project could succeed. The project could succeed as a viable urban community, A viable and contributing neighborhood to the City of Miami and Dade County and as a viable economic real estate deal, This success is not going to occur over night nor easily. The project has to be developed in phases, The lateral phases of the project will in our estimation benefit from a changed market perception that generated by the earlier phases of the project. We took that into consideration as we submitted our package of four proposals, Parcel thirty- seven in our estimation is the most valuable parcel and in fact, we looked at the returns from parcel thirty-seven as we were preparing our proposals for the other parcels which in our estimation are not as viable, We simply say to you as we have said to your consultants and we noted in a cover letter with all of our proposals, that our submission was interdependent and if we were not to receive all four parcels, we would be talking to the City about reconfigurating the proposals that we have submitted, We are not saying Mr, Mayor, that we will not take blocks twenty-four, blocks twenty-five, blocks thirty-six, We are simply pointing out that we noted when we made our submission that the proposals submitted were interdependent economically, Thank you, Mr. Dawkins: Mr, Mayor, "l j Mayor Ferre: Oka Are we ready to vote? Mr. Dawkins: No, hold it Mr, Mayor, With enlighten of what `- V. Mr, Teale and they have said I think I want to pull thirty- seven, Mayor Ferre: You want to, , , Mr, Dawkins: Yes, I want to hold it until I can look at it and talk with everybody, s� rt • Mayor Ferre: Y All right, there is a request to defer, Mr. Fine, you want to add something? ( GROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferre: Fine, Is that all right with you? Mr, Dawkins: Yes, Mayor Ferre: All right, the motion then is that this item be continued until the 18th, Is there a second? Mr, Plummer: That was part of the original motion, It wasn't changed, sl 91 April 110 1985 ter Mayor Ferre: No, the date wasn't certain. Mr. Plummer: Fine, I second the motion, Mayor Ferre: Ok, Further discussion, call the roll. THEREUPON THE FOREGOING MOTION was introduced by Commission Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Plummer was passed unanimously. (BACKGROUND COMMEND INAUDIBLE), Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, is there any reason why we can't schedule this either first thing in the morning or first thing in the afternoon? Mr, Pereira: We find a time certain and will notify... Mayor Ferre: No, wait it's not a question of putting a time certain. The problem is that you know time certain is 10 o'clock and there are twenty items there and by the time we get to it, you know... Mr. Pereira: I have to look at the,►. I have not yet had an opportunity yet to review the agenda, We will do it either early in the morning or early in the first item in the afternoon, Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------ 33• AUTHORIZE ACQUISITION OF PARCELS - 71 IN SOUTHEAST OYERTOWN PARK/WEST PROJECT AREA ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Now, we are on Item 47, Is there a motion on Item 47? Mr, Plummer: Question, Mr, Bailey, where is the money coming from? Approximately how much is it and where is it coming from? Mr. Bailey: Commissioner Plummer, we have currently 12.1 million dollars available through the G,L. Housing Bond which included interest earned on the sale that was made a short while ago, We have already applied for and hope to receive very shortly a approval on a 4.7 million HUD section 108 loan based on the appraisals that have been made by two independent companies and based on our projection of all the expenses related to that acquisition we have have sufficient funds for the acquisition, the demolition and the relocation of the remaining seventy-one parcels, Mr, Plummer: Total cost, Mr, Bailey: Total cost... Mr. Plummer: For the seventy-one, Mr, Bailey: Roughly 16,8 million, Mr. Plummer: You have that amount in the bank? Mr, Bailey: We have that amount available pending the 108 loan which we have already submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, sl 92 April 11, 1985 Mrs Pereira: And for Your information the 108 loan repayment is out of the tax increment district that we have designated in the area, Right? Mrs Bailey: Absolutely, Mayor Ferre: All right, any other questions? Are we ready for a motion then? Ja Lig you got any problems with this now? Mrs Plummer: No, they have answered my question. Mayor Ferre: Are you ready to make a motion? Mrs Plummer: I will make the motion. Mayor Ferre: All right, Plummer moves, is there a second? Mrs Carollo: Second, Mayor Ferre: Carollo seconds, further discussion, call the roll on 47, The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 85-394 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INITIATE THE ACQUISITION OF THE 71 REMAINING PARCELS IN THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PROJECT AREA; AND REQUESTING THAT DADE COUNTY INITIATE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS IN THE NAME OF THE CITY FOR THOSE PROPERTIES THAT CANNOT BE PURCHASED BY NEGOTIATION, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office s. of the City Clerk,) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr, Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr, ...... ----- Vice-Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None, M-M --- -m-M --- M ---------- M- -------- 34. ENTER INTO AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION: INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT METRO -IMPLEMENT PHASE I SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK VEST REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ---------- Mayor Ferre: We are now on 48, Anybody wish to speak on 48? Mrs Plummer: Where is the money coming from? Mrs Bailey: 48, just checking, That money is a part of the allowable expense from the affordable housing bond of the 12,1 million dollars, 31 93 April 11, 1985 Mr. Plummer: Move it, I move 48, Mayor Ferree Plummer moves, Carollo seconds, further discussion on 48, tall the roll, The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 85-395 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT, IN ESSENTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES RELATED TO PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION FOR PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING PHASE I OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM; AND ALLOCATING AND AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($380000,00) FROM THE 1976 GENERAL OBLIGATION HOUSING BOND FUNDS AND A SECTION 108 LOAN FROM THE U, S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SECTION 108 LOAN PROGRAM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk,) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner J, L, Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins ------------------------------------------------------------ 35, ESTABLISH LAND ACQUISITION PROCEDURES: NEGOTIATED PURCHASES IN SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT AREA. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up 49, Mr, Bailey: Item 49.., Mayor Ferre: It's self explanatory. Does anybody have any questions on it? Anybody wish to speak on it, Is there a motion? Are you all right on 49, Joe? All right, Carollo moves, Plummer seconds, further discussion? You want to say something Herb? Mr• Bailey: No, that's fine, Mayor Ferre: All right, fine, Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: sl 94 April 11, 1985- i RESOLUTION NO, 85-596 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PRGCEDURSS FOR THE ACQUISITION OF LAND THROUGH NEGOTIATED PURCHASE IN THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk,) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr, Commissioner J, L, Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: . None, ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ------------------------------------------------------------ 36, BRIEF DISCUSSION & TEMPORARY DEFERRAL: $6090009000 SHORT TERM NOTES SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARR WEST REDEV, PROJ, ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item 50, Mr, Pereira: There are two Items there Mr, Mayor, It's been split into two items. Mayor Ferre: It's split? Mr. Pereira: Yes, one is the approval of the selection of the underwriting firm and the second,,. Mayor Ferre: This L. F, Rothschild, Mr, Pereira: Right, Mr, Plummer: Who? Mayor Ferre: Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin, Perez moves.., Mr, Plummer: Wait, No, no, whoah, whoah, Who is the underwriting firm? Mr, Pereira: Rothschild, Mr. Bailey: L, H, Rothschild,,,, Mr, Plummer: How many firms were interviewed? Mr, Bailey: Four, We had three to come for the interview and one to decline, Mayor Ferre: Did the selection committee select this? Mr, Bailey: It was done through the selection committee process and at the conclusion the selection committee recommended to the Manager the L, F, Rothschild proposal.' Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion, Is there a second? gl 95 April 11, 1985 Mr. Plummer: Let me look this one over, We will Come back to this odes Mr. Bailey: All right, a = i riGGfl�f�Gif6GTi-GGiiffiiiNiYGGGi`IIY-i(iGii---iiGGG-iliOYGiGiirrfliriiGll�iG L 37►AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF R►F.P►S - MARKETING A PROMOTIONAL SERVICES PRUE I - SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PHASE i I -y i ---r----G--DIY-ifi---GGG--------G-.ui�----G-G----�--r----------- Mayor Ferre: We are on 51, : 3 Mr, Plummer: Move it, Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, is there a second? x Mr, Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds, further discussion. Anybody wish to speak on 51? Call the roll on 51, i The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: i a RESOLUTION NO, 85-397 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AND ISSUE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR MARKETING AND PROMOTIONAL SERVICES FOR PHASE I OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT; ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT THEREFORE NOT TO EXCEED $60v000 FROM FY 1984-85 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST t.. REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT BUDGETED FUNDS, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk,) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins .N. Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr, Commissioner Demetrio J, Perez, Jr, Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo ------------------- --------- ------ -------------------------- 38► EXECUTE CONTRACT: BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE RESEARCH CORPORATION HOUSING SURVEY AMONG EMPLOYEES 11 THE DOWNTOWN AREA, ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are now on 52. Any discussion on 527 Mr. Dawkins: Yes, I have discussion on 52, Why this cant be done in house, Mr. Gary, or with the Downtown Development Authority, Mr, Plummer: Mr. Gary! gl 96 April 11, 1985 Mr, Dawkins: Well, same difference► Mr, Saileyt Commissioner, we did try to find enough capability with in house, including the Downtown Development Authority, The response from the Downtown Development Authority was that they did not have the in house capability also to carry out this process. So, the expertise and soliciting and putting together this kind of information, we do not have the capability and none of our related entities that are involved with us have this capability. So, we had to go out for professional help from someone who has already done this type of survey for the City. Mr► Dawkins: All right, of the professional services that you are putting out, how much of it is going to minorities? Mr► Bailey: Including developers? Mr. Dawkins: No, no, no these things right here what we are talking about. These little penny ante fifteen thousand and twelve thousand... Mr. Bailey: Well, this firm here is primarily minority. Mr, Dawkins: No, no, no► Now, I'm going to rephrase the question. How many of them are going to minority firms. Not what's primarily minority► Mr. Bailey: How many contracts have we let today that this.„ we have only let two contracts. Mr► Dawkins: No, Mr► Bailey. Of the type contracts that we have in this package here today like this for that's something that Miami Dade Community College could do. Ok. Anybody could.►, This is nothing to be done. Mr► Bailey: I would say fifty per cent of them. We let,., this contract is minority, Ron Frazier was a minority, We let one other contract out for the multi -media projection which was not minority, Of the three small contracts we have let out, I would say that two have been minority. Mr. Dawkins: No, further questions Mr. Mayor, Mr. Plummer: Move it, Mayor Ferre: It's been moved by Plummer, is there as second? Mr. Perez: Seconded by Perez, further discussion, call the roll on 52, The following resolution was introds• 9 by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 85-398 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE RESEARCH CORPORATION, A FLORIDA CORPORATION, TO CONDUCT A HOUSING REFERENCE SURVEY AMONG EMPLOYEES OF THE DOWNTOWN AREA AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $159000 AND ALLOCATING MONIES THEREFOR FROM SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT FY 1985 BUDGETED FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) gl 97 April 11, 1985 Upon being seconded by Commissioner- Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J, L, Plummer# Jr, Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr, Mayor Maurice As Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEM 53 WAS CONTINUED, 39 DESIGNATE OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD AS OFFICIAL ADVISORY BOARD FOR OVERTOWN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREA Mayor Ferre: How about 55, Mr, Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: All right, Dawkins moves, is there a second? Perez seconds, further discussion on 55? The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 85-399 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD (OAB) AS AN OFFICIAL ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE OVERTOWN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREA, AN AREA, GENERALLY BOUNDED BY: THE 1-95 EXPRESSWAY; NW, 21ST TERRACE; N,W& rf 22ND STREET; N,W, 3RD AVENUE; N.W, 20TH STREET; THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY; N&W. 5TH STREET; THE MIAMI RIVER; AND THE 836 EXPRESSWAY, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk,) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J& L, Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J, Perez, Jr, Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo gl 98 April 11, 1985 y w. It 6 40. ISSUE R.F.P. = 9TH STREET MALL STH STREET MALL SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/VARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT AREA. i iiii-ii�ii i.-& A.A. - r i i GIr i W i.. i i i i i+►r i f A. Mr, Ongie: We just need to clarify item 54 on the record, because somebody mentioned the word 'continue" and I just want to make sure that we,., Mayor Ferre: No, it was voted upon. Mr, Ongie: It was passed. Mayor Ferre: Passed, Mr, Ongie: Ok, The only one that was continued is 53• Mayor Ferre: Do you want a vote on it again? Mr. Ongie: No, I just want to clarify. Mayor Ferre: Let's make sure that we vote on it again just that we don't have any problems. Dawkins move 549 Plummer seconded, let's vote on it again, 54, The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-400 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AND ISSUE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE 9TH STREET MALL, THE CENTRAL PUBLIC ELEMENT, AND THE 7TH STREET MALL, BOTH PANNED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT; DESIGNATING THE APPLICABLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR SAID PROJECT AS A CATEGORY "B" PROJECT; APPOINTING A CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE; AUTHORITY THE APPOINTMENT OF A COMPETITIVE SELECTION COMMITTEE; APPOINTING HERBERT J, BAILEY, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER, SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, AS CHAIRPERSON FOR THE COMPETITIVE SELECTION AND NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY CODE SECTION 18-52,3; REQUIRING SUBMITTAL OF A RANK ORDER OF QUALIFIED CONSULTANTS TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL BEFORE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J, L. Plummer, Jr, Commissioner Demetrio J, Perez, Jr, Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo gl 99 April 11, 1985 p E� ..�i ��r 1���wiL �..i �i(�iYiii���•a.�—Lri���iiiG�� 41. EXECUTE AGREEMENT: TOURISM INDUSTRY COALITION COVERING TRANSFER & ASStGNMENT OF 7 EMPLOYEES FOA lmYEAR ittlt��ri3.i.i w wwwwwwwwwiww..wrwwiwwrwwwi wwwiwwwww..r wwwwwlr �wwwwwwrl�wwwwww Mayor Ferre: We are on Item 29 which is authorizing the Manager to execute an agreement in substantially the form attached with the Tourism Industry Coalition known as TIC covering the transferring assignment of seven City employees, Now, Mr. Manager, to you. Are we leaving anybody? Mr, Pereira: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor, we are leaving three Individuals, Mayor Ferre: Who are the three that are staying? Mr, Pereira: Tony Pajares, Terry Vice and Melanie Russ and those individuals are left there in order that we can continue to deal with the evens that occurred at the Knight Center and I assume you don't have any problems with. Mr, Gerard Kauper: Mr, Mayor, I delight to have been chosen to lead this public private sector enterprise of sales and marketing effort for the entire greater Miami area, We are prepared to take the employees of the Miami Convention Bureau who are identified in the interlocal agreement, Mayor Ferre: Ok, Thank you very much Mr, I have s a couple of questions that I would like to ask you, Your office is open and you are doing business and things are moving along, The other day I saw that we voted some money for you from here. And I understand that some of these J people are being transferred, Now, how many people are being transferred? Mr, Kauper: We expect to see seven members of the Miami Convention Bureau,,, Mayor Ferre: Are any of them going to be assistant directors in the operation? Mr, Kauper: Kaye Hollander on her arrival to our office was named Vice -President of sales, She occupies second position, Mayor Ferre: And how many vice-presidents will there be? Mr, Kauper:: We will have three vice-presidents, Mayor Ferre: And the others are? Mr, Kauper:: Warren Erickson from the Miami Beach VCA, Vice -President of sales and another slot which is yet unoccupied which will be Vice -President of marketing, Mayor Ferre: Ok, Because on page 4 it says that Kaye Hollander is to be in convention sales and I just want to <s r: make sure that,„ Mr. Kauper:: That was a job category rather than a title, Mayor Ferre: Now, let me ask you something else, I think it's important that we have someone that's liaison with the City of Miami both staff and Commission and I think since she is going to be the Vice -President, I would imagine that she would be the liaison, but I want to make sure that's all right with you, Mr. Kauper:: Mayor, because of the unique aspects of this organization in that we are representing the greater Miami area, I think it's very important that I take on the responsibility of positioning myself properly to relate to you and the members of the Commission as well as to the gl 100 April 11, 1985 Miami Beach VCA, the Village of Dal Harbour and the County { of bade in developing this flow of information and set up an accountability and I would prefer to do that myself. Mayor Perre: I understand that, That puts a substantial burden on you ,,, Mr. Kauper:: I accept that burden, Mayor Ferree. ,,, it's your responsibility and your right to assume that burden. I hope you understand that obviously, since this is a process which has a short leash if you will, that and since we have a prepensity in this community which I am sure is no secret to you, because you knew that before you accepted the job, that people sometimes fall off of the wagon on a very quick and simply basis that it is very important that communications be to the point, total and fast, Mr. Kauper:: Thank you, I appreciate your words and we will do our very best to live by them. Mayor Ferre: What happens around here and believe me I am both a witness and a victim and sometimes an perpetrator of it, unfortunately, and without intentions that people here read things in the newspapers that should have been communicated to them before they read about it in the newspaper, And I want to tell you that that does more harm than any other single thing that goes on in this political body, Mrs eo Dawkins: Mrs Mayor, may I ask a question, How many p people are be ing transferred from the County? Mr. Kauper: I have no idea as to how many from the County V at this point Commissioner, I will know,., Mayor Ferre: Will it be more than seven? More than seven? Less than seven? Mr, Kauper:: It will likely be more than seven, Mr, Dawkins: Ok. the other thing is, How many are going to be from Miami Beach? Mr,: Seven, Mr, Dawkins: Ok. How many Blacks do you have on board now? Mr, Kauper: I have one permanent employee aside from myself, The rest are.,, Mr, Dawkins: Are you Black? Mr, Kauper: No, I said have on permanent employee on the staff aside from myself, The rest are temporaries until we begin the process of bringing the employees from the existing Convention Bureaus, On the existing Convention Bureau there is one Black that know of, Mr, Dawkins: How many Blacks do you plan to hire your staff? Mr. Kauper: I plan to accept the staff of the Miami Convention Bureau as it exist right now and I will have to ask you.,, Mr, Dawkins: How then do you plan to market for Black Conventions and what have you? gl 101 April 11, 1985 y a i Mr, Kauper: I understand that Trevor who is a member of the Black race who is on the Miami Convention Bureau right now will be coming on board based on the action of the Commission. Mr, Dawkinst And for the whole United States of America and the Caribbean and the other Black Countries you are going to hire one person to Cover all of that? Mr, Kauper: Commissioner, I sat just recently with the Mayor of Philadelphia and the National Black Baptist Convention and personally handled that booking myself, I feel that I have a very fine track record in seeking and finding Black Convention activities. Mr. Dawkins: That's fine, But the Black people I'm talking about who need a job who need to go to Publix's to buy some food cannot buy it with your check, Mr, Kasuper: Well, let me say that it is my policy that in interviewing people race makes no difference. If I can find an effective individual I will hire them. Mr, Dawkins: Well, I tell you what, if you get some more money from this Commission it better make a difference, Mr. Kauper: Absolutely. Ok, Thank you. a Mr. Dawkins: All right, sir, Thank you. 3 Mayor Ferre: All right, are we now ready to vote? Does this require a vote? It's a resolution, Mr, Plummer: Move it. E` Mr. Perez: Second. ".: Ms, Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, could I ask that it be subject to any necessary revision in the view of the City Attorney for compliance with Civil Service rules? Mr, Plummer: I accept the amendment, Mayor Ferre: All right, with that amendment on we are ready to vote now, Call the roll, ON ROLL CALL: Mr, Dawkins: Yes, with the stipulation that there must be some people of color who look like me, who speak like me and what have you, r..r. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: `! RESOLUTION NO, 85-401 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED, WITH THE TOURISM INDUSTRY COALITION COVERING THE TRANSFER AND ASSIGNMENT OF SEVEN CITY EMPLOYEES FOR THE PERIOD OF ONE YEAR, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- gl 102 April 11, 1985 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J, L, Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo rrrr--rrr"--rrr--r-r.wrrrrrrrrrrr-rr.rr..-rr.rrr-r.rrr-.rrr. 49, SELECT UNDERWRITER FOR ISSUANCE OF 60 NIL SHORT TERN i NOTES SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT AREA s rr--rrrrrrrr-rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Mr, Plummer: Mayor, I will move Item 50. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion on Item 50, Mr, Dawkins: Second it. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll, The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: 1 RESOLUTION N0, 85-403 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO $60 MILLION IN SHORT-TERM REVENUE NOTES FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING A CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PROGRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF OWNER -OCCUPIED HOUSING IN PHASE I OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk,) Upon being seconded by Commissioner , the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr, Commissioner Demetrio J, Perez, Jr, Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo ------------------------------------------------------------ S3• AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF 60 NIL. SHORT TERN REVENUE NOTES CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT OF OWNER - OCCUPIED HOUSING SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PHASE I --r rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrr-rrr Mr. Pereira: Mr, Mayor, the attorney just brought to my attention as I said to you Item 50 had to parts to it, One was the selection of the underwriter and the second was the authorization of the sixty million dollars short term notes which is not a liability to the City, It's a pass through in order*to ensure the tax exempt, gl 103 April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferree Understood. We voted on 50 "A", Now, we are going to vote on 50 "B"s is there a motion on 50 "B" which is the second portion? Mrs Plummer! Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded, further discussion, call the rolls The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 85-403 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND L. F. ROTHSCHILD, UNTERBERG, TOWBIN, FOR PROVISION OF MANAGING UNDERWRITER SERVICES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PROGRAM FOR OWNER -OCCUPIED HOUSING IN PHASE I OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo ------------------------------------------------------------ 44, DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED R.F.P. FOR LEASE OF 309000 SQ. FT, ON VIRGINIA KEY - TO BE ON MAY 23 AGENDA. Mayor Ferre: All right, Carollo is back so we now take up Item 33• We are now on Item 33 which is the Rowing Club item, There is a resolution for the lease of approximately thirty thousand square feet of land in the Marine Stadium complex of Virginia Key, Mr, Plummer: Well, wait a minute. For the record Mr, Carollo. Mr, Mayor, that is for the issuance of an RFP. It's not for a lease. Mayor Ferre: Of course, it's for the issuance of an RFP for a lease. Mr, Plummer: Right, Mr, Carollo: Now, if I may Mr. Manager, can you show us on a map up there a fixture of the horse shoe? Is there anything that can be shown up there? Mr, Pereira: We don't have a map available. Can we get one in a couple of minutes? gl 104 April Ill 1985 Mr. Carollo: I think when you are talking about a piece of property that's approximately three quarters of an acre with all due respect to the administration that's one of the most valuable pieces of land that this City owns, I think It's time that we see it up on a map and know just what the heck we are talking about. Mr. Pereira: 1 believe there is a map included in your package, if I'm not.., because 1 have one right here. It's exhibit 2 in your package Commissioner. Mr. Carollo: I want to make it clear for the record and I'm not looking at different friendships that I have and even some relatives for that matter that are involved in this group that's trying to achieve this land for a private club ---can we put it up there somewhere so that everyone can see it ---what I'm being to see is that if the City of Miami is going to give away which is what it practically comes to, the most priceless City properties that we have, then I think I'm in the wrong business. I should be stepping out of here and going out there and trying to start acquiring leases at a minimum for property that worth millions of dollars and the individuals that are involved in this that requested for this to be placed in an RFP are very E honorable, decent individual and I'm not taking it out on € them. I'm just tired of a lot of other groups that have come in and have taken scores of land from the City of Miami for nothing and I'm referring to other groups that are there right now also in that same area. But because we have done some wrongs in the past doesn't me that you correct a wrong by committing another one. And what I'm saying is that I think it's about time that the City stopped this policy of z for minimum fees putting up land to be given away. If we are going to lease out City owned property, then we best get a heck of a good profit out of it and this is why I'm opposed in placing this in an RFP, because what these people are trying to do is very honorable and I applaud what they 1 are trying to do, but I have to represent the best interest of the people of Miami, that's what I was elected for... I have to represent the best interest of the people of Miami. That's what I was elected for. By doing that, what is going to happen is that any future projects that we have, like one that I fully intend for the next thirty to forty- five days to make public and expand on, together with some r_ people that I have been talking to. We put that out tailor- F made for one particular group, If it's given away, it just =' might mess up a plan that can net the City several million dollars a year in revenue. Is that machine available or someone getting it so that,.,, k Mr, Pereira: No, we're trying to get the,,, if you look in your packet again, you know, this is the same map that you have in your packet, I can depict to you the area that we're talking about, which is right here, Let me say something, Commissioner, as I inquire and reviewed the agenda, it is my understanding -and I have to rely on staff -that this request for RFP is being presented to you at your request. Correct me if I'm wrong. The Commission asked the staff to prepare a request for proposal and this is what we're bringing, Mr, Carollo: Well, let me ask my colleagues this, Unless there's someone here that knows something that I don't that we're going to get a heck of a good profit for that piece of land, which I think we have a pretty good idea what it would be worth if we would place it in the market and sell it, Then I would ask my colleagues to bear with me for another 30 or 45 days so that I can come to this Commission with a concrete proposal, not just for that parcel, but for that whole area of the Marine Stadium and Virginia Key, 81 105 April 119 1985 3 - a 5 i Mr. Plummer: Joe, I was the one who originally brought it to the Commission, I was the one who felt that it was only fair. I did not know these people who came to me. Mr. Carollo: Rol they're fine, honorable people, J,L, y Mr. Plummer: 1 understand that, but it the Mayor.... Mr. Carollo: They're not like Prince, Mr. Plummer: They're not relatives for sure. Mr. Carollo: They're not like Prince, like the other thing you brought to us before, Mr, Plummer: If you ever want to get into that, we'll throw it all up on top of the table, It was the feeling of the Mayor that we should not lease the property without going off to an RFP, Joe, I applaud you for what you're trying to do, and I wish you well, because we tried to do it once before, as far as a total set up on Virginia Key. I would agree with you that we would not award any bid until such time as your proposal has been presented to this Commission, I would agree with that, But I see nothing wrong with going S out, a normal RFP procedure takes nine days, then it has to come up before a committee and it has to be evaluated, Then it has to be recommended before this Commission. I, for one, I can only speak for one, I assure you that I would not vote to give this bid to anyone, regardless of the price, until such time as you have presented your proposal to this Commission, But I see no problem with going ahead and putting out the RFP, Mr, Carollo: I appreciate that, J,L,, but I do see a problem, In fact, even though you are technically correct, that we will not be making any final decisions on this, and this would not bind us to any final decisions. I do see a problem that once I present this and we're going to go into a more general RFP and everything else, it will take more than the 90 days to formulate a more general RFP is going to include that, What I don't want to happen is on an election year, when all of us are going to be running most likely, that this before a political issue and before you know it, we gave half of that City land away, one to this group, one p=. to the other one trying to catch favors with different constituencies, This, unfortunately, is what has been in the past ater scale and this wehaveg withu rowinch g clubs and what have you 99 year leases sy :fr that don't provide a darn thing to the City of Miami, just ` raping our land and taking it away, Mayor Ferre: I want to point out, Joe, that you always have the opportunity under item 80, page 10, to withdraw the proposal, I'll read it to you, It says: "Any proposal may be withdrawn prior to the final time for receipt, as scheduled in the public notice," So that at any time in the future that you want to withdraw it, prior to a public procedure, it can be withdrawn, The only think that I want to make super sure of in all this - Carlos, where is it?- that these clubs or whomever bids for this is a duly publicly constituted club, not for profit and that it has an open policy on membership, Mr, Carollo: Just about all the clubs that I think we lease land to, have that policy, But then you start looking to see how many of this group or how many of that group, and for one reason or another they do become clubs that cater to one group or another, Mr. Mayor, It's very nice on the gl 106 April 11, 1985 t surface to create what appears that something will be open, but I think we all know the realities, 1 refer to the clubs that we already have issued to lease land to, Mayor Ferre: The clubs that we have issued land to,,,. Mr, Carollo: Miller, let me ask you this. Guys like you swim and row like anybody else, don't they? How many Black members do we have in your rowing club, Cesar, that have City land leased for a ridiculous sum over at Virginia Key, not too far away from where this land is at? Mr, Cesar Odio: I don't know Commissioner, because I'm only a member. Mr. Carollo: You're only a member, I tell you what, why don't you come back to this Commission together with the representatives, the board of directors of that club with a full listing of how many members you have and how many of those members are Black, whether they are Cuban -Black, Haitian -Black, I don't care where they are from, just Black. j Mr, Odio: Yes, sir, Mr, Carollo: After you all show me how few members you all have, and the same thing applies to the other clubs that we have on Watson Island and the other next door there and this one here, On the one over here you can include Cubans also, 7 Mayor Ferre: Coral Reef doesn't have any land and neither does Biscayne Bay, Coral Reef does not have any City land, J, L, Mr, Plummer: The came before this Commission at least Bay Bottom, Mra Carollo: Not for the club itself,,,, Mayor Ferre: Let me remind you what George Knox told you and me and I'll put it on the record, That is, "Don't push it too much, because the fact is that we don't own the water, We're just lucky that these people,,, not to take us on in a battle and sign an agreement if George Knox, and I'm putting this on the record told me, if we take this to _A court, we will lose it, _. 1. Mr, Carollo: George was wrong in many opinions, Mayor Ferre: They signed an agreement and the fact is -but don't come now saying that Coral Reef and the Biscayne Yacht Club have City property because they do not, The fact is,,, now that doesn't mean that the Coconut Grove Yacht Club doesn't have it, because it does, That's City land and the Watson Island Motor Club, that's on City land, The Miami t Yacht Club that's on Cityland, Carollo's point is on F" target in those three, Mr, Carollo: Let me tell you what the,,, I'm not going to get into the polemic of getting between you and Plummer whether they do or not, I'll let the City Attorney decide if they do or not, Let me tell you what I'm going to propose when the City Manager writes the board of directors of all these clubs to come to us with an accurate accounting of the breakdown of their membership, I'm going to be making,,,, Mayor Ferre: Females, Mr, Carollo: I'm including all, Mr, Mayor. I'm going to make a motion that if these organizations don't have some gl 107 April 11, 1985 balanee, that if the City sees fit to use that land for more worthwhile causes of the City of Miami, even if it means aWln; the land offp if that's what we want to do, that we t.'' fid a me.r to break whatever leases they have, Ma:t>r thrre: Let me out that on the record, The City of Miami always has the right to vacate any of those properties anytime, 3o we always maintain that right. Legally, we've been very careful to do that each one of these clubs, Mr, Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I don't think it's been as careful in some as maybe with others. Frankly, over where the horse shoe of that, where I can envision a marina that is even greater than Marina del Fey, we have a heck of a situation because the most important land there has been leased away or given away by the City, I want to make sure that doesn't happen again, Mayor Ferre: I think we have some people, Mr, Carollo: Just lastly, Mr, Mayor, if all is as my colleagues say, and I understand what the law is, then I really don't see any major problems in us holding on back on this for another 30 to 45 days, That's what I'm requesting of my colleagues, Mayor Ferre: I think we have somebody from the public who wants to speak on this, Ms. Lydia Fernandez: My name is Lydia Fernandez; I represent Casino Espanol, who is the entity that is interested in this land and who has submitted a project or a proposal for using this last remaining 30,000 or so square feet on this piece of property, which is an environmentally protected property surrounded by mangroves, development of which, on any major scale would require permitting by boat the federal, state, and county authorities, Their proposal, the men and women behind the Casino Espanol, are for the most part, former athletes, who have an idea to develop international competition in this area. They are particularly.,, they have the expertise in the field of amateur sports, particularly aquatic sports, to foster this among the youth of our City, The use of the property is entirely consistent with the other uses that are now in place, These people have contacts with clubs throughout the Americas, Their project will benefit the City, not just by providing this opportunity to the youth of this City, just to set the record very clear, this is an open club, this is not as the requirements are indeed for the City, This is not quote/unquote private club, this is an athletic club, The purpose of it is to foster amateur sports among the youth to form a base for international competition similar to the amateur competitions that take place in other parts of the country where our Olympic athletes are given an opportunity to develop, This is the idea behind the project and we believe that the 30,000 square feet that is left there can be put to good use for that purpose, Frankly, it's consistent with the environmentally protected designation of that area. Thank,you, Mayor Ferre: Is there anybody else who wishes to speak on this? What's the will of this Commission? Mr, Plummer: Mr, Mayor, you have a colleague who has asked for a deferment? We've always honored that and even though I was willing to offer the motion today, will give my colleague the right of deferment which we've always honored, Mayor Ferre: There is a motion and a second that this be continued for 30 to 45 days, That would put it, today is the,.,, gl 108 April 11, 1985 Mr. Plummer: Go ahead and schedule it For May 23rd. Mayor Ferre: .,,.11th of April, it would be May 23rd. Is there Further discussion? Call the roll. The Following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO, 85-404 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF RFP's FOR LEASE OF APPROXIMATELY 30,000 SQUARE FEET OF LAND AT VIRGINIA KEY; FURTHER DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO PLACE THIS MATTER FOR DISCUSSION ON THE MAY 23, 1985 AGENDA, PENDING FINALIZATION OF A PROPOSAL FOR THE USE OF THIS ENTIRE PROPERTY TO BE PRESENTED BY VICE MAYOR JOE CAROLLO. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J, L, Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Ferre: This item therefore, is being continued until the meeting of May 23rd at the request of a member of the Commission so that the people who are here and have been here all day waiting on this will understand this is a long standing tradition in this Commission that we defer items if the Commission request for one meeting, Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, for the record, I'd like to make it even clearer than I have, This has nothing to do with any of these individuals personally. They are all very decent and honorable individuals, What I've done here today is something that I think is in the best interest to the City of Miami, not in the best possible political best interest of myself, Everything that I've done here today, I met a couple of days ago with the individuals involved and I explained to them exactly what I was going to do, I placed my cards right on top of the table for them, So, I thank my colleagues for giving me that opportunity to come back to this Commission with a more refined plan in the next 30 to 45 days. 45 ISSUE IDB's FOR 1200 SPACE PARKING GARAGE FOR BAYSIDE ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are now taking up item 30, Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, right afterwards can we take up item 63? They have been scheduled quite a few times, Mayor Ferre: Yes, we're now on item number 30 and then we'll go to item 63, gl 109 April 119 1985 Mr. Sergio Pereira: Go ahead, John, Mr. John Gilchrist: This is a request that the City Commission adopt the resolution authorizing the financing for a 1200 car parking garage at the Bayside Specialty Center. What we're asking to do is to approve our proceece,ng with the City of Miami issuing industrial development revenue bonds in the principle amount not to exceed $1895009000, This will allow us to proceed with the validation. We would go to court on Monday requesting a place on the docket which would probably within 30 days and adding a 30 day appeal period, this would be back to you at the end of that time for final approval of the bonds, We have with us today bond counsel to answer any questions you might have about that. We also have the banking investment firm represented by Mr. Montalvano, the bond counsel Bob Olive from Tallahassee, who is the bond counsel on this, To further- explain it, the Rouse Company and its local affiliate will participate in that they will carry entirely the debt service on the bonds. The debt service will be only from the revenues of the parking garage. The Rouse Company, the principle, I mean the parent company, is guaranteeing the construction and will also guarantee the shortfall in the early days, should there be a shortfall in the parking garage, The debt service is carried by the local partnership affiliate of the Rouse Company, Mayor Ferre: What's the will of this Commission? Are there any questions? Is there a motion? This is on the parking garage at Bayside for the issuance of IDB's, Does anyone have a problem? Mr, Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I would like to have this deferred until we take up the issue of the library and the Rouse people come before us. Mayor Ferre: I tell you, this has nothing to do with the library, I really.,,, Mr, Carollo: It might in the sense, Mr. Mayor, that if the Rouse people feel as they did when they originally sent the telegram, now they're saying that we didn't understand the telegram, they really didn't mean that, If the majority of my colleagues will be in favor of keeping that library, the Rouse people made some insinuations that were not supposed to be able to have office space in that park for our own use, If that's the case, then we're going to,.,, Mayor Ferre: Listen, I'll be in the minority. Mr, Carollo: ,,..make believers out of them, ri Mayor Ferre: That's fine, I'll be in the minority and go down in glorious defeat, but I have to tell you, I will not '- ;. vote with that Joe because we cannot , , jeopardize this very important project. This is..,. Mr, Carollo: We're not jeopardizing anything, These people -r. are coming here to Miami, They are going to walk away with millions upon millions of dollars.... n- Mayor Ferre: And so are we. Mr, Carollo: .,..in profits and all of a sudden, we have to bow down to every one of their wishes, because every time they say.jump..,, Mayor Ferre: Not them, it's us, gl 110 April 11, 1985 OOq Mr. Carollo: ,,.,if we don't jump, they're going to walk away. Come on, don't kid us, Maurice! Mayor Ferre: Hey, I'm not kidding you. I'm not kidding anybody. Mr. Carollo: These people would give even more to be able to stay here and do these projects, that's going to make not only them millionaires, but their children and their children and the children after their children, Mayor Ferre: That doesn't make it wrong. That's called the free enterprise system. Mr. Carollo: That's correct, and it's called not being a fool also. Mayor Ferre: Fine, look, you have your right to your opinion. I have my right to my opinion. I think this is a very important project that we're jeopardizing by doing these things. Mr. Carollo: Here you go again. You keep using those scare tactics. Mayor Ferre: I'll -go again and again and again. Mr. Carollo: Those scare tactics of jeopardizing. Mayor Ferre: I'll do it again and again and again. Mr. Carollo: We're not jeopardizing anything. Mayor Ferre: In my opinion, we will be jeopardizing. Mr, Carollo: Those false, scare tactics are not valid, Maurice, Mayor Ferre: They are not false. They are not false, they are true, I hate for them..,I would hate to be proved right. Mr, Carollo: If they want to walk away with it the very next day, I'll bring that federated group in here and they'll take it, Mayor Ferre: I've heard that's been discussed, I think that is a very dangerous.,,, Mr, Carollo: I haven't discussed it, but I know they'll do it, Mayor Ferre: I know there are people that have been discussing that, That's a very dangerous game for us to be playing, Mr. Pereira: Mr. Mayor, let me see if I can throw some f.= light in here, I am advised that there is a time problem with the allocation of the $18,000,000 for the industrial F `ytx development bonds, which is out of the state allocation, I i�'-'sFi •;s; want the Commission and Mayor to understand that by approving this, we are starting a process, We are starting Arx_ a process of validation and we get the wheels moving, If for any reason during that period of time something happens , that we don't move forward with the project, then we'll stop that process. But in terms of time, it becomes critical.... Mr. Carollo: I'll tell you what, Mr. Manager, I will make a motion of approval, motion of approval based upon if the majority of my colleagues vote with me to save the library gl 111 April 11, 1985 r building for office space for City use or other City related uses, that If they try to block us in court or oppose us in any other legal channels, that this would be null and void. Mayor Ferre: Is that a legal motion, Lucia? Mr. Pereira: I have to defer it to the City Attorney. Mrs, Dougherty: I have to tell you that I don't think it would be legal, but I'd have to defer it to the bond counsel at this time, Mr. Dawkins: What is illegal to say that we will pass this in principle with any member of the Commission having veto power, where it wouldn't need but one vote to kill it, Would that be legal? Mrs, Dougherty: You'd have to give a time limit on that, I mean, if it is tomorrow, maybe, but if it is a month from now when we've already proceeded down the road to sell IDB's, the answer would be no, I don't think anybody would buy the bonds, I don't think you could sell them, Mr. Dawkins: But we said not to sell any IDB's, Mr. Plummer: Let me ask a question, Joe, if even Bayside walks, which they say they may or,.,. Mr. Carollo: Tell me about it, Mr. Plummer: Hey, even if they do, you were the one -and I don't necessarily disagree with you- that said Federated would love to walk in. Mr. Carollo: You better believe it. Mr. Plummer: O.K,, now, regardless of who's there, we have to have the garage, Mr. Carollo: And if they don't, I'm sure Mr. Masvidal and Mr. Codina could put another group together and they'll come in. Mr, Plummer: But what I'm saying to you is, I would not want to lose the opportunity, Joe, to have the IDB bonds, Regardless of who is going to be there, regardless, we have to have a garage, Mr. Carollo: J,L,, I understand that, but I think you can see my point also, Mr, Plummer: I very will see your point, We would have to re -negotiate a contract with someone else if Bayside walks, Mr, Carollo: See, what happened here is very simple. A few weeks ago on a Wednesday, it appeared on the local press what some of us were trying to accomplish with the library building, something that some of us have backed and been in favor of publicly, The records are clear in the minutes I have here since 1980, The very next day the Vice President of Rouse sends a letter, a very threatening letter, to the City Commission because apparently one individual used certain pressures so that they would send this letter, After the.,., Mayor Ferre: If you are referring to me, let me on the record totally reject that, Mr. Carollo: _Mr, Mayor, for the record, excuse me, Mr, Mayor, when that letter was read, or telegram, I asked Mr, gl 112 April 11, 1985 I Weaver if he had been the one that contacted them, He stated that he was. So, Maurice, please don't jump the gun. You know, every time that I've had something to say, I put my cards on the table, After the Vice President of Rouse saw the realities of the situation, then he sent another message to us that we really didn't understand him, He really didn't mean that. So we are at a point now that we don't know what they mean. In case later on any additional pressures might be applied to them to send a third letter or fourth changing their position that then it could be used as, well, gee, if we don't tear up the library, they're going to walk out, Then I think that the City of Miami has to have some leeway, This is not the only thing that we could have leeway in, It's going to be a long process, But I think that we have to get the message to them that we're serious about this and that a majority of the members of this Commission are not going to act like jellyfish when it comes to matters like this any longer, We know what's at stake here, It's a big game monopoly, These people aren't going to walk away. Mayor Ferre: Does anybody want to add anything to this? Mr, Plummer: Mr, Mayor, I've made my statement of where my position is. Mr, Carollo: I think we have a solution here, Before it's awarded, the bonds have to be approved by this Commission, so it's not going to be done in less than approximately 60 days, which will give us time then to accomplish what we want, Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion on item 30? Mr, Plummer: Move it, Mr. Carollo: Second, Mayor Ferre: Seconded, Further discussion? Call the roll on 30. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-405 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE FINANCING BY THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CAPITAL PROJECT CONSISTING OF A PERMANENT MULTI -LEVEL URBAN PARKING FACILITY CONTAINING NOT LESS THAN 1,200 PARKING SPACES TOGETHER WITH AN ADJACENT SURFACE PARKING AREA FOR THE USE OF BAYSIDE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT EXCEEDING $1895009000; MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS REGARDING THE PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF SUCH BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF; APPROVING THE FORM OF A FINANCING AGREEMENT, AN INDENTURE OF TRUST, A GUARANTY, A MORTGAGE AND AN ASSIGNMENT THEREOF AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE SAME; PROVIDING CERTAIN OTHER AGREEMENTS AND COVENANTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH BONDS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, gl 113 April 11, 1985 6 %O' (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J, L► Plummer, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice As Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None► ------------------------------------------------------------ 46 ISSUE RFP's FOR LEASE OF A PORTION OF THE COl ZTT BUILDING AT PEACOCK PARK, ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We're on item 63. Mr. Carl Kern: Mrs Mayor and Commissioners, Carl Kern, Parks Director, As you know we were directed by the City Commission to meet with numerous groups in Coconut Grove regarding the leasing or the possible use permit for a portion of the glass house in Peacock Park, We have met with many, many people from the Grove. We've had two forsal meetings, one very recently. Basically, the proposal submitted by the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce is a very good proposal in the sense that we've been urging everybody to adopt a park and get involved and clean up our parks and sponsor programs. The only problem is they're offering us a little bit too much and there's part of it we don't like. The part that we don't like is the placement of their office in the building. I guess what I'm saying in summary, we like the program that they are proposing using a glass house more intensively, sponsoring programs, having tourist development activities. The problem that we do not recommend is the placement of their offices in the park. The reason for that is a very serious precedent. As you know many groups in Miami want office space in City Parks. We've always said no. Secondly, once we get them in there, it may be impossible to remove them. That is basically our position. There are many a member here on both sides of the position, some for, some against, The purpose of this public meeting was to call all the people together in a formal environment and for the Commission to decide whether they do want to go out with an RFP or use agreement on the glass house at Peacock Park, The proposal is for a portion of the glass house, Mayor Ferre: Are you for or against it? Mr. Kern: We're for the tourist activities they want to do, but against the placement of their office in there. Mr, Carollo: He's for a portion of it, just like.... Mayor Ferre: He's for the idea but against the location. Is that it? Mr. Kern: We're not against the program they proposed, but we are opposed to the placement of their offices in there, gl 114 April 11, 1985 I h� 1 4k r yr Mrs Carollo: Carp how many square feet does the Parks Department use right now? How many square feet of office space does the main office of the Parks Department use? Mrs Kern: I can look that up right here, but this request is for 800 square feet, Mr. Carollo: I'm saying what you use, the Parks and Recreation, Mr► Kern: I would say that's 20$ of the total building, approximately 25$ would be 800 square feet is what they've requested. Mr. Carollo: Yes, but what you use over here is a lot more than that, isn't it? Mr. Kern: You mean at our....? Mrs Carollo: Yes, your main building. Mr. Kern: Oh, gosh! I don't know. I don't have that information. But in the glass house we're using about.., they're asking for approximately 25% of the glass house. Mr. Carollo: I think what you said is basically accurate. The exception is number one, this is a very different group. It's the Chamber of Commerce; a Chamber of Commerce that has been very, very active in Coconut Grove, a Chamber of Commerce that is willing to do and will do what no other chamber of commerce would do in a situation like this. Last, but not least, inasfar as your statement of it almost would be impossible to get them out of there if there were ever any future use for that building, that's not so► That could be part of the RFP where the lease would have a minimum time and renewed every so much time after that, maybe every year or few years or so. Mr. Kern: Yes, I would recommend that, if you did go ahead with the lease. Mr. Carollo: I see Joanne there, all dressed in white. I understand that you have people who are not in favor of this. That's part of life; you can never get 100% of people for everything, But I think that a majority of the different groups and civic organizations in Coconut Grove are in favor of this. I think it is something that is very positive for Coconut Grove, The City of Miami does not have the funds to do the type of work that we need to be seeing over there, Here is a group of private citizens that are willing to do it for us and I just can't see being negative and opposing it. Sure, I know they don't have 100% of the people with them, but who does? None of us were elected by 100% of the voters of Miami. Mr. Plummer: It came close. Mrs Carollo: Why should be expect the same thing from them, that 100% of the people are going to be on their side. I think they have a pretty high percentage. I'm satisfied with that, Mr. Carl Kern: I would like to say that we workn with them; on almost major event in the Grove involves some of their members, So what you say is very true. They have been an exceptional group and it's very difficult to not recommend their office space per se, because of who they are what they have done, It is with mixed emotions that we make that recommendations. gl 115 April 110 1985 Mr, Carollo: Mr, Mayor, are there any other members of the Commission that would like to ask any questions, Mayor Ferre: I want to read into the record a letter for, a letter against, The letter against is as follows: "It has come to my attention that the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce wishes to occupy a portion of the building located in Peacock Park, I am strongly opposed to the use of City facilities for other purposes than those for which they were originally constructed, I am particularly opposed to the contemplated use of this particular building as I believe it serves a very useful purpose as a recreation center, I do hope, therefore, that the Chamber's application for the use of the building in Peacock Park be denied, Thanking you for your consideration of this issue and with all good wishes, Sincerely, Alice Wainwright," j The letter for is from Marshall Steingold, I don't know 1 whether there's going to be any presentations here, so that I won't take time of the Commission, Let me read this one ' from Steingold and the Chamber, It says: "The Coconut Grove Marketing Association fully supports the proposal by the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce to clean up and maintain the Glass House in Peacock Park as well as have it available for use by other groups in Coconut Grove," It continues on in favor of the proposal, The one from Coconut Grove is,,,, ' Mr, Stuart Sorg: May I read that, Mr, Mayor? That is our { proposal and what we're trying to do is just to offer some suggestions of discussion, Mayor Ferre: One is a short term lease or certificate for use for the 20 day notice clause, Two is Chairman will initiate immediate action to establish an "adopt -a -park" program for Peacock. Three is establish an enterprise fund into which rent would be then paid by the Chamber of Commerce when requested, Four, work with the Parks and Recreation Department on the Peacock Park Development, Five, open a Tourist Development/Visitor Office, Six, maintain the grounds around the Glass House, Seven, provide and maintain meeting space for all local, civic, service and festival organizations, Does that cover it? I will also place into the record 27 letters from everybody from the Manatee Club, Coconut Grove Marketing, Coconut Grove Jaycees, PACE, and so on, down through George Simpson, Joe Avalos and a whole bunch of other individuals, Rosario Kennedy, Kolisch, Grand Bay, Coconut Grove Civic, and so on, GUTS, 27 letters and I will place them into the record as <<Y`- being supporters of this, Are there any other speakers on this? Ms, Joanne Holshouser: If you said Coconut Grove Civic Club F. is a supporter, you didn't read the letter, Mayor Ferre: I don't think I said that, I don't remember J .'. having said that► Did I say Coconut Grove Civic? I did not say Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce First Vice President, ` Coconut Grove Chamber, Coconut Grove Civic Club, Ed Boen, t Broker/Associate, Ms, Holshouser: He may indeed be a member of the Coconut Grove Civic Club, sir, but he is neither the president nor a member of the board, Mayor Ferre: I'm just reading from the list that has been given to me here, I didn't submit this list, I didn't gl 116 April 11, 1985 -%. write these letters and I got nothing to do with it, I'm just putting them into the public record. Ms. Holshouser: The last time we were here on this, I gave each of you and the Clerk and the Manager -I'm sorry, Mr, Aosencrantz was Manager at the time- a copy of the letter from the Coconut Grove Civic Club opposing it, Mr, Carollo: At least it points out one thing, Joanne, that not even all your members are in agreement with you on this particular issue, Ms, Holshouser: You know something, as the Mayor has said many times, if you don't like it, vote another way the next time, I learned it from him. The Coconut Grove Civic Board is opposed to this, I believe we are expressing the sentiments of a number of people in Coconut Grove. We would prefer not to get into the issue of the appropriateness or the viability of any of the suggestions of the Chamber of Commerce, Our point is that this is a public building, It is a public recreation building in a public park. The Parks Department is miserably underfunded by the Commission and the City administration, It is shameful, the neglect that our parks go under, As all of you know, I spent more than a year working on parks in Coconut Grove, I think that I know the sentiments of a number of people in Coconut Grove about what they want to see in the parks, I also know that you all take money from Parks and Recreation to put in other programs, So it leaves us, then, in the position of having to support our parks, I offered to Carl Kern at least a year ago that I would personally, and that the Civic Club would also go into this with other clubs, form a "Friends of the Parks" for Coconut Grove in order to support programs in all of the parks in Coconut Grove, We still stand ready to do this, At no time when we discussed the alternate plans for parks in Coconut Grove was anyone excluded, Everyone was invited to come and be a part of the suggestions that came before all of you, Some of them pertaining to Peacock Park, I believe every suggestion we made about Peacock Park you all did adopt when you adopted the alternate master plan. So I'm not going to take up your time today, as I say, to discuss the merits or the demerits of the Chamber's proposal, other than to say that there is nothing the Chamber proposes that they cannot do in another building with the cooperation of other groups. There is no reason why that Parks and Recreation building should be used, nor should any other Parks and Recreation building in this City be used for private people, If you would- heck into it, I think you would find, Mr, Kern has told me repeatedly that many people want to use many Parks and Recreation buildings, I think this is setting a dangerous, dangerous precedent, The people of Coconut Grove many years ago, I believe it was in 1679 fought so that the City would not put a two-story senior citizen center in that space, take down trees and putt down asphalt parking lot. In the wisdom of the then Commission, those plans were changed and we got that Parks and Recreation building, We still believe that it is important to have parks in the Grove and that parks offer people in a recreation way, I repeat, none of the comments that I have heard about this would make it easier for groups to use it, None of them can be substantiate it, It is very simple for any group who wishes to use that park now to go and use it, We do not need any group, no matter whether they are non-profit or anyone else to come and use a public facility on any basis, We ask that you not allow this to start, not here in Coconut Grove, Thank you, Mr, Stuart Sorg: Mr, Mayor, Stuart Sorg, for the record, board member of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce, What we are asking for is an opportunity to test an idea that we gl 117 April 11, 1985 Y think will be beneficial to the commerce of Coconut Grove, We're not asking for a long-term lease. That building is hardly used, We think we can be a definite positive factor, in not only keeping the park maintained, but also in strengthening this community, People rely on the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce. Fast year we gave 30000 maps to people to tell them where the merchants are located. Nobody else in the Grove does that. This is a commerce situation, We're not trying to turn that into some sort of a commercial venture, We're here to help the City, We want to create an enterprise fund, The rent that we would pay would go into an enterprise fund that would benefit and develop that park, We're not asking for something for nothing. We're asking for a position to work with the City in a contributory basis, Mayor Ferre: Any further discussions? Mr. Stuart: I'd like to call on Ed Boen up here if I may, who's going to be our next president, I think he has something he wants to add to it. Mr. Ed Boen: Thank you, Mr. Mayor and Commission, the Chamber of Commerce would very much like to continue to serve Coconut Grove, We don't feel that we're setting any ' precedents with this as long as we have the 90 day clause that we're speaking of, We, in the future, we're growing, just like Coconut Grove is. We very much envision many • numbers of projects that we will be involved in with the Commission. I myself in 1980 and 181 took three groups of Black students mainly from Carver and Tucker to three different trips, We envision getting the kids in the Grove involved in this park on at least a full time four times of the year clean up situation. These are the kids who are going to hopefully remain and live in the Grove, They will s. be with us down the line keeping our parks and the City clean, We would very much like to have your approval for } this use, We think it would very much pay off in the future for the kids and everyone in Coconut Grove as well as Commerce, I know our office is already besieged by people coming in for information. It's going to continue as the County and City are promoting tourism, We would like to have this space, We urge your approval, Thank you, X' }; Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion? .`, Mr, Carollo: So move, Mr, Plummer: I second the motion, but under discussion, Mr, Mayor, I want it fully understood that this RFP is not directed just for the Coconut Grove Chamber, that all groups in Coconut Grove or any group has the right to make a ny proposal and make the bid, so you know, when those come back, then we'll look them over and we'll see which is the best one and best serves the community or none, Mr, Carollo: That has to be so by law, J.L, Mr, Sorg: Mr, Mayor, is there any way we could not have an RFP? s Mayor Ferre: Come on, Stuart, a Mr, Sorg: We're talking about six months to get in there, r Mayor Ferre: Stuart, the law is the law, Is there anything else? RFP, but >: Mr, Plummer: item is dead, Yes, you could do without an your sl 118 April 11, 1985 a Mayor Ferret Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 85-406 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE LEASE OF A PORTION OF THE COMMUNITY BUILDING AT PEACOCK PARK FOR PROSPECTIVE USE BY NONPROFIT, PUBLIC PURPOSE ORGANIZATIONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J, L, Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. 47 ALLOCATE $129000 TO CARICOM CONFERENCE MAY 24-25 (Later rescinded by M-85-432) Mayor Ferre: Item 66, Mr, Teale, you are here on item 66; - we recognize that. Mr. Donald F, Benjamin: Mr. Mayor, Commissioners, my name is Donald F, Benjamin. I live at 417 N.W, 6th Street in good old Overtown, You spent a good part of the day talking about Overtown, We are here to make a request to you on behalf of the South Florida Business League, Mr, Teale has the president of the South Florida Business League as well as of the National Business League, What we want to do, we hope to put on a conference on the weekend of May 24th and 25th, which we have entitled Conference on CARICOM, As you =.: know, CARICOM is the sort of economic and trading entity in the Caribbean, which was set up by the governments of the ter= Caribbean several years ago, We find that there are many -. Black businessmen in this community, and maybe throughout the country, who want to do business with CARICOM countries, S But in several cases, there is a lack of proper information and understandingof the politics, the economics, the whole { social system, what are the trading possibilities there, ' This conference is intended to create this information ;a structure, We anticipate that there will be between 300 and 500 people and we need some financial assistance to get this L°{ on, We have several people who have agreed to come, Mr, Oswell George,who is the chairman of the development corporation ofSt, Vincent, Mr, Nully Hasyker, who is the director of International Trade for Trinidad and Tobego, Dr, Mingo from F, I, U, , Dr, Stanley Smith, from Shaw University, ..,f� Mr, M, Blemoss , Sir Phillip Sherlock, Peter Johnston from Caribbean Central American Action, Antonette Ford, who is the assistant administrator of USAID, and of course, good _:T s old Commissioner Dawkins, Casandra Pully, who is the manager sl 119 April 11, 1985 N '. and director of the Small Business Programs in Opic and down the line, Mr, bawkins: Now much money you want? What kind of money are you talking about, Mr, Benjamin? Mr. Benjamin: $120000. Mr. Plummer: How much did you get from Dade County? Mr. Benjamin: We asked them the same amount. Mr. Plummer: What's your total budget? Mr, Benjamin: About $36,000. Mr. Plummer: Where will it be held? Mr. Benjamin: At the Pavillon Hotel. Mr. Plummer: If it's open. Mr. Benjamin: We will try to keep it open. 3 Mr. Plummer: They're going to withdraw the C,O, on May 9th. Mr. Art Teale: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, I'm Art Teale and I'm the national president of the National Business League, the Capital Corporation, and the affiliate, Mr. Plummer: Dawkins, make a motion, Mr, Dawkins: I make a motion that we give them the $12,000 predicated,... �- Mr. Plummer: Second the motion, Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll, Mr. Plummer: Did you have something to say, Mr, Teale? The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: 6, MOTION NO. 85-407 A MOTION ALLOCATING $12,000 TO HOLD THE 'CARICOM CONFERENCE" ON MAY 24 AND 259 1985, PURSUANT TO REQUEST. (Here follows body of motion, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk,) 4 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion .; passed was and adopted b g p y the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins �Y? Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Commissioner Carollo's response during roll call was "maybe", This motion was later rescinded by M-85-432, Further comments made, see label 48.1, ------- --------- -------------- ------------------------------ sl 120 April 11, 1985 1 �i�aiilSGili i fF"Vbdbab d ab 4b ii 46 A. ii.l►i 4*46l - - - d& "miliiiiM6 iii►—i i.iAbW.diiiri iiiaft 48 REQUEST FOR PUNDING: ASSOCiATION$ TRINIDAD A TOBAGO ORGANIZERS CARIBBEAN CULTURE PROGRAM REFERRED TO THE CITT !MANAGER --.iiiii-i -ili i►i i�Ifb lli ff`ii.lYii-YL IIi�Giiiiiii---iiii——.iii i-Giiiiiiiiii Mr. Louis Lezama: Mr. Mayor, Commissioner Dawkins, my name is Louis Lezama, 70 N.W. 94 Street, representing the Trinidad A Tobago Organizers Association. We are planning to put on a Caribbean Festival in the City of Miami over the Memorial Day Weekend. We've been assisted partially by B,W.I,A., the Trinidad National Airline, The Trinidad and Tobago Tourist Board, CARICARG09 the Caribbean Air transport cargo enterprise. What we are requesting is the use of the Gusman Hall and associated charges, Our estimated budget,.., ------------------------------------------------------------ 48,1CARICOM CONFERENCE DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Hold on for a moment, Mr, Benjamin, before you leave, I want to make sure you understood and I want to make sure the record reflects the motion that we passed was based on your representation here that this be a $36,000 project, $12,000 come from the County, $12,000 come from the City, Mr. Carollo: Subject to, Mayor Ferre: It is subject to, Mr, Plummer: Which is standard, You have to fight like hell for the County money, Mr. Pereira: Mr, Mayor, we also need to get some data from Don in terms of what the conference is all about, ----------------------------- ------------------------------- 48,2BACK TO TRINIDAD do TOBAGO ORGANIZERS REQUEST ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr, Benjamin: As I was saying, sir, we the Trinidad and Tobago Organization plan to bring a group of artists, 75 people from Trinidad, Mr. Dawkins: How much money do you need? Mr, Benjamin: About $2,000, Mr. Dawkins: I move to give them $2,0009 please, Mr, Carollo: Miller, this ain't mannah from heaven that's going to be falling every time someone comes up here, Mr, Plummer: What's your total budget? Mr, Benjamin: About $32,000, Mayor Ferre: businessman? sl You represent the government? Are you a 121 0 April 11, 1965 Mr. Benjamin: No, sir, I am a member of the Trinidad A Organizers Association. Mayor Ferre: What is that? Mr. Benjamin: A private, non-profit community based organization, Mayor Ferre: Where do you live? Mr. Benjamin: In Miami, sir. Mayor Ferre: In the City of Miami. Mr, Benjamin: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Your address? What is your address? Mr• Benjamin: Where is my address? N.W. 94th Street. Mr. Plummer: That is not the City of Miami, sir. You do not live in the City of Miami. It only goes up to 86th Street, Mr, Benjamin: No, sir, my address is not within the City of Miami. That is correct, Mayor Ferre: How large an organization do you have? Mr. Benjamin: In terms of what, sir? Number of people? Mayor Ferre: Members, ten members, a hundred? Mr, Benjamin: There is a committee of about eight members, sir, Membership at large, I can't really..., Mayor Ferre: What exactly are you going to accomplish for these eight, you and your seven members, with these $2,000. Mr, Benjamin: We are being assisted by British Western Airway, BWIA, the Trinidad A Tobago Airlines, They have agreed to fly from Trinidad 35 people, Caricargo has given us the cost of ten round trip tickets of performers from Trinidad, Mr, Carollo: What are those people going to accomplish here? Mr, Benjamin: We are staging a cultural performance with the Venue at the Gusman Cultural Center, Mr. Pereira: Mr, Mayor, if I may add here the information that the administration has is that this group was asking for a waiver of the rental at Gusman Cultural Center for a function, not a set amount of dollars for any kind of,,, Am I correct is saying that, sir? Mr. Benjamin: The cost associated with that, sir, yes, A waiver of fee for,,,, Mr. Pereira: And cost associated with it? Mr, Benjamin: Sound equipment• •• Mr, Carollo: Mr, Manager, I suggest that you further study the matter, Even though it is only $2,000, it's not a heck of a large amount, we have a responsibility and this is why we're in the situation we're in today from a few thousand back a few years ago to over a million dollars last year, sl 122 April 1 1 , 1985 1 Mr, Pereira: If it's your pleasure, we could sit down with them and find out what they are all about and come back to you, Mayor Ferre: What is the date of your event? Mr. Benjamin: May 24th, Mr. Pereira: It's a great day; that's my birthday. Mayor Ferre: We have plenty of time between now and then. If it's all right that this matter be deferred to the 1 administration, Mr. Manager, you bring it back whenever you've resolved this matter. Mr. Pereira: Thank you, Mr. Mayor, 49 ALLOCATE $59000 SPRING FESTIVAL NAY 189 19 BUENA VISTA (Later rescinded by M-85-432) ----------------------- --------- ---------------------------- Mr. William Robertson: Mr. Mayor, Commissioners, my name is William Robertson, president of the Buena Vista Home Owners Association, We have item number 68. Mayor Ferre: We'll take up item 68, go ahead. Mr, Robertson: We are requesting funding to assist in the planning and putting on of our spring festival in the amount of,., this is to be held as scheduled in the 17th and 18th of May, We are asking for an amount of $5,000 to assist with the cost of putting this on. This is a multi -cultural community consisting of many of the groups which have come recently to Miami, We hope to have something for everyone to enjoy at this particular event. Mr, Plummer: They want $5,000 for Buena Vista. Mayor Ferre: I tell you, $5,000 for Buena Vista is a hell of a lot more important than $12,000 for CARICOM, Buena Vista is in the City of Miami. CARICOM is not, Mr. Plummer: I tell you, I attended their meeting,.,, Mayor Ferre: I'm going to tell you something, I'm sorry Art Teale isn't still here, because I just this thing, Do you see this? We're putting $12,000 South Florida Business League, the City of Miami isn't even mentioned here, Mr. Plummer: We haven't done anything for them yet, Mayor Ferre: Well, let me tell you, they're coming here asking us to put up $12,000, The whole thing is there's not a mention of Miami anywhere in here, Co-sponsors CARIB American Enterprises, Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation, the welcome, Arthur Teale, greetings from Paula Hawkins, greetings from Wayne Mixon, Not one word,,,, Mr, Carollo: though. Mayor Ferre: Miami. 31 Well, they finally got something write there Not one word from anybody in the City of 123 April 11, 1985 Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I think all of our problems would be solved come September, the new fiscal year coming giving money out to a lot of these groups will be illegal► THIS ITEM WAS TEMPORARILY DEFERRED. wr-rrwrrrwriGGiiirrriii4rrGrl�rrii►rrrrrrrwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwr�►rriiiG 49,18ACK AGAIN WITH CAAICOM CONFERENCE DISCUSSION rrrrrrrrrrr �rrrrrwrwrrrrrG----rw--- Mrs Pereira: Pereira: Here is Don Benjamin, who is representing,,.. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Benjamin, I'm just mentioning to the Commission here is your program for May 24th, The word Miami is not even in here► I want you to tell me where the word Miami shows up, Mr. Benjamin: Mr. Mayor, I was now coming back to draw your attention that this is a tentative program. The final program hasn't been made up as yet. We are merely exploring►.►► Mayor Ferre: I expect for Miller Dawkins or somebody from the City of Miami to be up there next to Paula Hawkins and Wayne Mixon, Mr. Benjamin: Miller Dawkins is on the program, sir. Mayor Ferre: I don't see him. Mr. Benjamin: In the top right section. Mayor Ferre: Yes, I know, back in the back section. I'm talking about the main dais, Mr, Benjamin: Yes, that's the main dais, Saturday luncheon, that's the main dais, Mayor Ferre: Well, you put it in the plenary section at 7:30 P,M,, not on the main dais, but in the beginning, Mr, Benjamin: Very good, sir, no problem, sir, Mayor Ferre: We want Miami here, not South Florida; this isn't South Florida, If you want to leave South Florida on there, then you go get your money from South Florida. You want Miami's money, you put Miami on there, not South Florida, Mr. Benjamin: We will do that, sir, Mayor Ferre: This is not a South Florida conference. Do you want South Florida? Go to Ft, Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and everybody else and get money there, Mr. Benjamin: The only problem that is the name of the organization, but we'll put City of Miami in bold print, sir, Thank you very much, w-ww-w----wr---www--w-w---wrw-------w----------------- -----w y9,1BACK TO BUENA VISTA REQUEST ---------- —------ ---------- ------------------------------ --- Mr. Plummer: Mr, Mayor, I move that Buena Vista East Home Owners Association request, sl 124 April 11, 1985 AOjk Mr. Dawkins: Second, Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following Motion was Introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85=408 A MOTION ALLOCATING $59000 PURSUANT TO REQUEST IN CONNECTION WITH A SPRING FESTIVAL WHICH WAS TO BE HELD ON MAY 18 AND 191 1985, Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J, Dawkins Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. ------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE FOR THE RECORD: This action was later rescinded by M- 85-4326 ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr, Plummer: You folks understand you got to go through the regular auditing procedures. ------------------------------------------------------------ 50 REQUEST FOR PARADE PERMIT - BAY PRIDE COMMITTEE DISCUSSED AND DEFERRED TO MAY 9 ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: What item are you here on? Mr, Eric Lawrence: Item 67, I'm Eric Lawrence, the Chairperson of South Florida Gay Pride Committee, Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, sir, Mr, Lawrence: We request to have a parade through Coconut Grove on June 30th, Mayor Ferre: I think you don't have a quorum, Why don't you sit and wait, All right, Plummer, you can come back, All right, Dawkins, Plummer moves,.,. Mr, Plummer: Excuse me? What did I move, Mr, Mayor? Mayor Ferre: 67, the Gay Pride Parade, Mr, Plummer: I moved from over there to over here, What is your request, sir, Mr, Lawrence: Our request is to have a parade through Coconut Grove on June 30th, Mr. Dawkins: What do you need, sir? Mr, Lawrence: A parade permit for June 30th, a parade for the South Florida Gay Pride Committee, al 125 April 11, 1985 0 Ak- i Mr. Dawkins: I move it, Mr. Plummer: Do you understand that you have to bear the expenses? Mr. Lawrence: Yes. Mr. Plummer: That's for the police and the sanitation, Mr, Lawrence: Sanitation and police, we already have the estimate for the Police, We have an estimate for the sanitation, I've also checked with the Chamber of Commerce, Mr, Plummer: How long do you envision the parade taking place? Mr. Lawrence: The actual parade will take approximately an hour, Mayor Ferre: As I understand it, your intention is to end the parade at the auditorium here, Is that it? Mr. Lawrence: Yes, where we're having a festival. Mayor Ferre: Are you renting the hall? Is that it? Mr. Lawrence: We've already rented the hall, yes. Mayor Ferre: You've rented the hall, We have a request here, Any further questions? Moved by Dawkins, Is there a second? Mr, Plummer: Second, Mr, Carollo: What does that entitle them to? Mayor Ferre: Entitle them the right to have a parade, Mr, Carollo: What type of parade is this going to be, is it going to be the type of parade that we see on national television in San Francisco? Mayor Ferre: I would imagine it will be, Mr, Lawrence: The parade that we have will not be nearly the size of the parade that they have in San Francisco, We had the parade last year in downtown Miami, and I know from working with the Police Department last year, they were very,,,, We had the parade last year downtown Miami and I know from working with the Police Department last year they were very pleased with the parade, they enjoyed working with us and we were no problem to them at all, Mr, Carollo: How many people are going to be coming down for this? Mr, Lawrence: Last year we had roughly a thousand people so I can't estimate roughly about that, Mr, Carollo: I'm curious of something though, you're from Ft, Lauderdale, right? Mr, Lawrence : Yes, I'm from Ft. Lauderdale, Mr, Carollo: I would imagine that most of your membership in the South Florida Gay Pride Committee is hosted from Broward County, correct? sl 126 April 11, 1985 0 A�l t 1 Mr, Lawrence : Some of our members are from Miami, some are from Ft, Lauderdale, some are from Palm Beach, We represent all of South Florida and we've held the ,,,, Mr, Carollo: But the majority of your membership is from outside of the City of Miami, isn't that correct? Yes, it is, Mr, Carollo: That's what I can't understand, why the majority of your membership is outside the City of Miami in Broward County, doesn't Ft. Lauderdale,,, Mrs, Lawrence : We're continuing the celebration in Miami like we have always had it, Mr, Carollo: In other words you don't hold parades or celebrations such as this in Ft• Lauderdale, Mr, Lawrence : We haven't hd one yet, Mr, Carollo: Maybe you should bring it up to your Board of Directors or your Committee or something and spread it around a little bit, Are they asking any in -kind services? Mr, Lawrence : No. Mr, Carollo: No in -kind services, just a permit. Mr, Lawrence : Just a permit to have the parade, Mr, Carollo: Just a permit to have a parade, And it will be from what time to what time? Mr, Lawrence : Set up time starts at 11:00 O'Clock, the parade starts at 1:00 O'Cloek at will last approximately an hour, as long as it takes to go from Mathilda and Oak to the Convention Center, We have already gotten permission through the parade route which was set up through the Police Department and I've also checked through the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce, Mr, Carollo: Are you paying for the extra police officers that would be required? Me, Lawrence Yes, we are, Mr, Carollo: And for the extra Sanitation workers that will be cleaning up? Mr. Lawrence: Yes, we are: Mr. Carollo: Okay. Is there a contract with the City or whatever the normal procedures are, have they been followed to make sure that after the party is over that the City is not going to get stuck paying bills? Mr. Lawrence: I've already contacted, and we were told, we already have the estimate of how much it is going to cost for clean up afterwards, yes. Mr, Carollo: What estimates did they give you for extra police, clean up? Mr, Lawrence: Roughly a thousand dollars I believe it is, Mr, Carollo: Mr, Manager, are those figures correct? You are our Manager still, aren't you? Mr, Pereira: As long as I heard, yes, sl 127 April 11, 1985 a i Mr. Plummer: Don't go on vacation. e Mr. Pereira: I'm sorry, Commissioner, what was the question, sir? Mr. Carollo: well, he gave a figure of $10000 that is what it would cost for extra police to be paid for, clean up crews, I would imagine fire rescue or some form of ... Mr. Pereira: For a thousand dollars? Mr. Lawrence: Yes, it is going to cost us more than it would normally because the parade is on a Sunday and they normally don't have clean up crew at that time of the week. Mr, Carollo: I just want to verify exactly what it is going to cost- because see, what I don't want to happen, Mr. Manager, is that here we have a parade and all of a sudden the extra police officers, all the garbage in the street, the one or two fire personnel that will probably be i required, the City ends up paying for it, nobody is going to i pay the tab and these people go to Ft. Lauderdale ... � Mr. Pereira: Well that ' , I can tell you , you know, I m sure there is a minimum on the number of hours that we have to pay a policemen who is going to be there, you know, a thousand dollars just doesn't sound, you know, like a reasonable figure to me. I mean I don't know the extent of the parade. Mr. Lawrence: You're talking about the Police? Or you're talking about clean up? Mr. Pereira: I'm talking about Police, clean up, Fire Rescue, Mr. Lawrence: The Police is going to cost us a grand total of $4,156.25, Mr. Pereira: Where did the $1,000 figure come from? Mr. Lawrence: For sanitation clean up. Mr. Pereira: Sanitation, for clean up, you know. Mr. Carollo: What is the normal procedure that people have to follow? I think this is something that is kind of new to us here. Mr. Pereira: My understanding is that the street closing has to be authorized by the Board, am I correct in that? And then the permit has to be issued by the Police Department after you have approved the closing of the street. Mr, Dawkins: I think this gentleman has gone ahead to the Departments and gotten estimates of what it would cost for services, is that correct? :Lawrence: I've got a map of the parade route through the Police Department, okayed by the Police Department. I got an estimate, I got the parade Police budget, I've checked with the Sanitation, I've checked with the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Pereira: Commissioner, the normal procedure, I'm told, is that you go get that estimate and then you come here. Now, let me ask a question, if I may. You're here asking us, asking the Mayor and the Board of City Commissioners sl 128 April 119 1985 e 0 just to close the street, to give you permission to close the street for a parade, Are you asking for money to defer it? Mr. Lawrence: No, we're not asking for any money, Mr. Pereira: All right, I just want to know that. I'm just asking. Mr. Carollo: They're not asking for money, that is clear. But what I want to make sure is that money is going to be put up front. Mr. Lawrence: Before we can even start the parade the Police have to have the money in advance, yes. Mr, Carollo: Police. Mr, Lawrence: I believe the Sanitation does also, Mr. Pereira: If the money, you know, I mean the wish of the Commission obviously will prevail, if you opt to close the street and allow the parade then we will have to make sure that before that becomes final that there is money up front to cover the cost of Sanitation... Mr. Carollo: My concern is this is a Ft. Lauderdale based group. In fact, their address is from Ft. Lauderdale. I don't know why they don't want to have ... Mr. Pereira: Why are they doing it in Miami? t Mr. Carollo: ...this, you know, parade in Ft. Lauderdale but it is their right to, you know, want to leave Ft. Lauderdale and come to Miami. f UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Miami is the largest City. The r largest City usually represents... Mr. Carollo: What I'm trying to find out though is what guarantees can we have to make sure that every cent will be :.. paid? Mr. Plummer: _ Put the money up front. Mr. Lawrence: Yes, the Sanitation has to be paid in advance and the Police Department has to be paid in advance, �. otherwise we don't have a parade. That's your guarantee right there. .. b-'s Mr. Pereira: When is your scheduled parade, sir? Mr. Carollo: June 30th, right? Mr. Pereira: June 30th. May I suggest ... Mr. Carollo: Why don't we do this, Mr. Manager, make sure .` that we do it, you know, we do it all properly, why don't we defer this item for - what is the next available that we 'y!.{'+r!�P could take it up? Mr. Pereira: May 9th. Lawrence: It's a little hard to wait to May 9th to plan a parade. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion that this item be deferred. As you've heard before sitting here, any member of the Commission has the right to defer any issue for one meeting. So the next meeting will be April 18th or May 9th. Mr. Carollo: We don't have a meeting on the ... To the next meeting, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Any objections? All right, it is continued to May 9th. We'll see you here May 9th. Mr. Lawrence: Thank you. Mr. Carollo: Thank you, sir. Mayor Ferre: Are there any other public items or members of the public to hear? Mr. Carollo: Can we vote on the continuation? Mayor Ferre: I don't think you need to because it's not a scheduled item, it is just a petition by him and I think it is on the record. If you want to vote on it, do you want to vote on it? Mr. Carollo: I just want to make sure that we're following the intent of the law, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: It is not a scheduled by any of the members of the Commission or the administration, it is the request of a citizen, formalize it, Commissioner Carollo moves that this item be continued to May 9th. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll on the continuation of item 67. The motion to continue the preceding item to the City Commission Meeting of May 9th was introduced by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. ------------------- ----------------------------------------- 51. DISCUSSION OF USE OF FUNDS FROM TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX FOR THE ORANGE BOWL - CONTINUED UNTIL AFTER NATTERS BETWEEN CITY AND COUNTY ARE RESOLVED. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: The first item that we have not talked about on the morning agenda is item F which is the Orange Bowl Funds, Tourist Development Tax. As I understand, the Commission has approved $5989000 which, provided the Dolphins be permitted to play in the Orange Bowl in 18T and 988 and (2) that all TDC funds authorized for the Orange Bowl after April 185 will be repaid to the TDC if the Orange Bowl is sold. I don't think, it is certainly not our interest to sell the Orange Bowl or do I think we're going to do it. On the other hand, I frankly think it is a very unfair thing for the County Commission to put that kind of a requirement. I want to point out to the members of the Commission and to the public, the paper didn't quite report it that way when I made the statement to the Miami Herald and that is that when we turned over the Water and Sewer sl 130 April 11, 1985 properties including 2,000 acres and $4000000,000 worth of appraised property for free - for free - for Free, without asking one Cent from Metropolitan Dade County a not one cent, and not having gotten any money, we didn't put any kind of provision oe It. Mr. Plummer: O., Yes, we did. Oh, yes, we did. There was a provision on there at any time if they ever vacated the property and didt't use it it reverted back to this City. That was definitely a stipulation. I was here. $40090009000 worth of property. Mrs. Dougherty: Hr. Mayor, we're in litigation. We'd also like for the re:ord to reflect that we deeded it to the Authority and not to Dade County. Mayor Ferre: Tc the Authority, I'm sorry. Well, I think, you know ... Mr. Plummer: Excuse •e, Maurice, I'm with you. Mayor Ferre: Yell, you know, we'll do as usual whatever the Commission wants to do. It is just a matter of principle to me, I just hate to see us being jerked around that way. Mr. Dawkins:41 : agree. I agree with the Mayor. It irritates me for 3 fellow colleagues to sit over there and, like the Mayor said, jerk us around like we're little children. Mayor Ferre: If they don't want to fix the Orange Bowl ... Mr. Dawkins: TDe reason they don't want to fix the Orange Bowl, and the reason they don't want to fix the Orange Bowl, and I hope the m*d:a reports this correctly, the reason they don't want to fix the Orange Bowl is they want to force us to help Joe Robbie build his stadium and just because they're interested in subsidizing the stadium they shouldn't force the City of Miami to subsidize a new stadium. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, there is a memorandum from Clark Merrill, it lists 23 items. I would like for you to schedule those 23 items for discussion as the first item on the agenda on April 18th so that we can go one by one including this ooe and, therefore, give you instructions so as to prepare the way for you to meet with Merritt Stierheim and hopefully cock up with an agenda for a joint meeting. Mr. Pereira: That's what I was going to ask, the Mayor and the members of the Commission that I have reviewed that list and some of those items, there is no question in my mind they are going to need resolution by both bodies but there are several item that I feel very strongly that if the County Manager and myself sit down, that they will be resolved. I certainly will list, I talked to the County Manager early this week and, as a matter of fact, we have tentatively tried to set up a meeting for this week. I wanted to wait until we came to the Board and this item was brought fovward, but I would like to have an opportunity, if you don't object, to prior to the 18th sit down with the manager and try to resolve as many of those items - some of them are really just getting staff together and get it resolved and tie rest we can bring to the Board for resolution and direction. Mayor Ferre: dell, do you need more than the 18th? Want to do it for May? Mr. Pereira: Yes, why don't we do it on the first meeting in May, please. al 131 April 119 1985 0 Mayor Ferre: So, is there a motion that this item be continued to May 9th? Mr. Plummer: Yes, that's fine. Under discussion ... Mayor Ferre: And asking the Manager to Put the other items on the agenda May 9th too. Seconded by Dawkins. Under discussion? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mr. Merrill, Mr. Manager, through you to Mr. Merrill. Has the contract been signed for the causeway to the Port yet? Mr. Clark Merrill: I'm not involved in that. Mr. Plummer: I'm sorry. Mr. Manager, are you? Mr. Pereira: The causeway to what? Mr. Plummer: The bridge to the port. Mr. Pereira: We have an agreement that was signed some time ago. We are now in the process of getting the final permits, we just submitted and we'll be submitting an amendment to that permitting process. As far as I know I think that is moving right along. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, what are the permits for? Mr. Pereira: The permits are for beginning design and construction of the causeway to the port. Mr. Plummer: I would like to amend the motion, Mr. Mayor, that that matter that they are working on of the Port and Causeway be held totally in abeyance until after that meeting, that no further work proceed on that causeway until such time as the City and all other related matters between the City and th County. Mayor Ferre: On what causeway? Mr. Pereira: The Port bridge is what he is talking about. Mr. Plummer: That they don't do anymore work on it until that meeting of May 9th. Mayor Ferre: Did we vote on the extension of May 9th? Mr. Plummer: I'm amending it. Mayor Ferre: You're amending it to include that. Mr. Plummer: Right. Mr. Pereira: I believe, and maybe the City Attorney correct me, that we have a signed agreement that spells out certain things in terms of design and that agreement now would hold and that is the agreement whereby the County and the Seaport are proceeding with the Port. It seems to me, and I will ask, it is a signed agreement that if we are doing what you're saying we might have a problem. I'm not the lawyer. Mr. Plummer: That's all right, we've got a problem - they created it. And I'd like to thank Merritt Stierheim and the County Commission for giving us the wisdom to start charging and we're going to go down those 28 items and see how much we can extract from them as they're trying to do for us here. sl 132 April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion as amended. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION N0. 85-409 A MOTION TO CONTINUE DISCUSSION REGARDING THE ORANGE BOWL FUNDS FROM THE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX TO MAY 9TH OR UNTIL A JOINT MEETING HAS BEEN HELD BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE METRO COMMISSION TO RESOLVE MATTERS OF MUTUAL CONCERN; FURTHER DIRECTING THAT A MEMORANDUM ISSUED BY CLARK MERRILL CONTAINING 23 ITEMS OF UNRESOLVED DIFFERENCES BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THIS MEETING. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 52. INSTRUCT PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO TARE NECESSARY STEPS TO HAVE TBE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM DECLARED AS A HISTORIC SITE. -------------------- Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to make a motion at this time that the Planning Department be instructed to proceed immediately with declaring the Orange Bowl as a historic site. And the owners approve. Mayor Ferre: This would come back, I would assume to the Commission for final action. Mr. Plummer: Oh, sure. r~ The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: ` MOTION NO. 85-410 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE �. `. CITY MANAGER TO REQUEST THE PLANNING 'r DEPARTMENT TO INITIATE THE NECESSARY ACTIONS, HEARING AND LEGISLATION TO DESIGNATE THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM AS A HISTORIC SITE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- �".nr AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins S�z Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ,iF ti)t Vice-Mayor Joe Carollo sl 133 April 11, 1985 Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. r....rrr.. ffwrr�dip— rr.rw*-i. a.r wa�Gbdw m. ab""W.Gw rew W. me. "---doft do"��.M. M.Sweb � 53• EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: TRANSFER FUNDS - LOCAL MATCH REQUIRED BY LAND AND HATER CONSERVATION GRANT AWARD FOR JOSS MARTI RIVERFRONT PARK PHASE II, ETC. rrrrr.rrrr—rrrrrr-rrrr--ai.rrr-rrrrrrrrr—wrrrrr.rrrrrrrr—rrrrrrr AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 99399 ADOPTED DECEMBER 209 1984, THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE, BY TRANSFERRING $1740000 OF 1972 PARKS AND RECREATION GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS REVENUE FROM JOSE MARTI RIVERFRONT PARK DEVELOPMENT - PHASE I TO JOSE MARTI RIVERFRONT PARK a DEVELOPMENT PHASE II FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING THE CITY'S LOCAL MATCH REQUIRED BY THE LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION GRANT AWARD; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. j.. ABSENT: None. 4.`_ Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said x" ordinance by the following vote- 4n<__ AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. 4',` Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins rt= Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo ,�. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre >- NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9978. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. sl 134 April 11, 1985 Is rm ra.i. a. ­A.& e.e6—a. i. abi.. .►�i�i.. i.� a. .. f. r,r�r —fir rr r 54. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH GOVERNMENT CENTER PARKING GARAGE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS. i iGi.i..Y.i r61."ii:iU..l"G"i"i.gala.6.o"iK."Yi"Go iii"A."idbi.iaiab"a►iiii i.ri.Y..i.fiiil..i.iii AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9939, ADOPTED DECEMBER 209 1984, THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, BY APPROPRIATING AN AMOUNT OF $55,000 FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND, INTEREST EARNINGS TO ESTABLISH THE GOVERNMENT CENTER PARKING GARAGE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9979. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the sl 135 April 11, 1985 members of the City Commission and to the public. ' iiiiYiY/I�YriaiiYlfUllTiiii�iY`.►ili ili ii"iii. ifiiiiYYYi�f�iiiriYiiY`�I�i�.f.i iai►Yii�ll►iifiali ia►YYLY 55. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: PROVIDE OPERATING RIPRNSES FOR JOSE MARTI RIVERPRONT PARE. i�rfii��iiY�Yi—IIiY�i.��li�—i .ii..i��Gi� GiiY�Y—Ai Giib i�flYi.�►.Ii.i�iYi i..fYY i��GiiliiiG AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 99019 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 21, 19849 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 309 1985 BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS IN THE GENERAL FUND PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1219000 AND BY DECREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS/PARKS IMPROVEMENT FUND IN A LIKE AMOUNT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING OPERATING EXPENSES FOR JOSE MARTI RIVERFRONT PARK FOR THE REMAINDER OF FY 185; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ' Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9980. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. sl 136 April 11, 1985 � ��+�� ii'.i. . ��► �� ��� ���i.'.r riiiif�G riiG�.iiidiii�r .. ..rii 56. ADMINISTRATION TO STUDY POSSIBILITY OF TRANSPORTATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS BETWEEN R.K.HIGH TOWERSt ARTIME CENTER,_A.VILLAVERDE CENTER, JOSE MARTI PARK,ETC. Mayor FerM Rel&Eea item. I woula like to pass the gavel to the Vice -Mayor and I would like to be recognized to make the following motion on Jose Marti Park. 1 would like to move that the City Administration forthwith and quickly study the possibility of rendering transportation services that would go from the Artime Center to the Villaverde Center to Robert King High Towers and Jose Marti Park for the purposes of taking some of the senior citizens to Jose Marti Park for this purpose. Mr. Carollo: Let me pass the gavel on to the senior member of the Commission so that I could second your motion, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Now let me tell you what I have in mind, so we understand each other. A lot of the senior citizens are getting very upset because they go down to Maceo Domino Park and they won't let them play dominoes there and it is a crime because that park was originally made for those people who were very nice, you know, sincere domino playing citizens. Now, they have no place to play and so, I think that one of the things, if they were able to get down to Jose Marti Park it is my opinion that it will help that park and the kids because if we can take some of those senior citizens down there it will also induce children to play there because the park will be full of people and when parks are full of people they are used. I think we need to get the tradition of using that park. The reason why it's not used now is that I don't think that we're inducing that, once we get it going and people get the tradition of going down to the park and playing I think it will be helpful. Mr. Carollo: Well, you know Bayfront Park isn't being used so maybe we ought to get Mr. Nogucchi to take a look at it. Mayor Ferre: I so move. Mr. Carollo: There is a second. Under discussion, where is the transportation going to be coming from? Mr. Manager, if the maker of the motion would accept it, I would hope, I would make it part of the motion if the maker accepted it, that the transportation would come in house, the City of Miami itself, not any outside agencies that work for the City of Miami and we don't want to overburden them. Mayor Ferre: We don't have any transportation. Mr. Carollo: Oh, yes, we have leased some vans that we have for the summer. They could be used. Mayor Ferre: I have no problems with that being considered and that being given preference and the intention of this is not to give ACCION or anybody else any further. My interest in this is getting Jose Marti Park moving. Mr. Carollo: I have no problem with that. Mr. Plummer: Any further discussion? Hearing none, call sl 137 April 11, 1985 51 the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre , who moved its adoption: MOTION NC. 85-411 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO FORTHWITH BEGIN A STUDY ON A FAST TRACK BASIS TO RECOMMEND A PROGRAM FOR TRANSPORTATION OF SENIOR CITIZENS BETWEEN THE ARTIME CENTER, THE VILLAVERDE CENTER, THE ROBERT KING HIGH TOWER AND THE JOSE MARTI PARK IN ORDER THAT THESE CITIZENS MAY ENGAGE IN RECREATIONAL -TYPE ACTIVITIES; FURTHER DIRECTING THAT THIS TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM BE ACCOMPLISHED BY THE USE OF CITY -OWNED VEHICLES, IF POSSIBLE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------- 57. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEV REVENUE FUND "SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN - 1985". AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN - 1985", AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF SAME IN THE AMOUNT OF $4349642 CONSISTING OF A GRANT FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT AWARD FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND TO ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY CONTRACT(S) AND/OR AGREEMENT(S) FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE GRANT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Comissioner Miller J. Dawkins Comissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. 31 138 April 11, 1985 i ABSENT: None. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins) adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Dermetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre i NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9981. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ------------ 58. AUTHORIZE CITY PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY PROGRAM: LUNCHES TO ELIGIBLE CHILDREN DURING SUMMER 1985. + Mr. Dawkins: That's the companion to 38, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Do you want to move it? Mr. Dawkins: Before I move it I want to know why are we going to contract with Dade County, I mean why are we going *� to let Dade County be the one who puts the bid out and bring it in when we have a Purchasing Department? Mr. Carl Kern: Carl Kern, Parks and Recreation. This has been done this way for many many years because they are the authorizing agency in this part to receive those USDA Funds. So we are going to their blanket contract. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you, Mr. Kern. Mr. Perez: How many children do we plan to serve this year? Mr. Kern: We feed 6,000 a day. Mayor Ferre: 6005 lunches at 25 sites in the City. n Mr. Kern: It is a very big program. It is all paid for by .. the ... Mr. Perez: How many parks are we going to use? Mr. Kern: I don't have that with me, but I think about 25. } Mayor Ferre: I have it, 25 sites. {� r Yt Yt sl 139 April 11, 1985 ►si The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-412 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI TO ADVERTISE FOR, EVALUATE, AND ACCEPT THE BID OF A VENDOR TO PROVIDE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE APPROVED LUNCHES TO ELIGIBLE CHILDREN DURING THE SUMMER OF 19859 AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT(S) AND/OR AGREEMENT(S) WITH THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER(S). (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------- ----------------------------------------- 59. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: GREEN FEES, CART FEES, SPECIAL RATES - 30-539 549 55 OF THE CITY CODE. ------------------------------------------------------------ AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS (A)(1) AND (2) OF SECTION 30-539 ENTITLED "GREEN FEES", SUBSECTION (A)(1) AND (B) OF SECTION 30-549 ENTITLED "CART FEES", AND SUBSECTION (a) OF SECTION 30-559 ENTITLED "SPECIAL RATES", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY REVISING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR CITY OF MIAMI GOLF COURSES AND FURTHER ESTABLISHING A TWILIGHT ELECTRIC CART RENTAL RATE OF $3 PER PERSON; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of March 21, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre sl 140 April 11, 1985 0 NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE _WAS DESIGNATED_ORDINANCE N0, 9982. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announcer] that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. —rr.a.rrrrrrr�r.�rrrrrrr.rrrrrrr—r.�rrrrrr.�rrrrrrrrirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 60. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS FOR INTERNAL SERVICE FUND - B20 BURROUGHS SUPPLIES. —r—r—rr—rrrr—.i.r rr.rrr rrr--rrrrrr—rr�.rrr rrrrrrrr----rr rrrrr--.� AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9901 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 21, 19849 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 19859 BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND, CENTRAL STORES IN THE AMOUNT OF $509000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONTINUING THE INVENTORY OF BURROUGHS B-20 SUPPLIES (I.E., PRINT WHEELS, FLOPPY DISKS, RIBBONS, PAPER, ETC.) DURING FY'85 REVENUE IN A LIKE AMOUNT WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of March 21, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and Passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. ' Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9983. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the al 141 April_ 1_,_..-1.905 members of the City Commission and to the public. r iiGiGGGiGiriGir.1►ri-�iG-.ilbrii-il�fi�.►.Y.i Giisi rfiY� GGGrr.rfl-iiiG--i.►r.-.�►GIiGi 61. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ►MEND V-28, 31r37, V -28.1 OIL THE CITY CODE _ ►PPLICATION ► REVOC►TION PROCEDURES, REGISTERED ►GENTS, ETC. rr rr r-ri.i-.�-rw.r--ii-r--r--r�-r---G.►r G-G-G—rr-i.-G �. rr r—r—li r r r n. rr AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 31-28 AND 31-37 AND ADDING SECTION 31-28.1 TO THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, DEALING WITH APPLICATION AND REVOCATION PROCEDURES, GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION, BY REQUIRING AN OWNER TO PROVIDE THE NAME AND RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED AGENT WHO RESIDES IN DADE COUNTY SO THAT THE AGENT CAN ACCEPT NOTICES OF VIOLATION, PROCESS, AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS RELATING TO THE ENFORCEMENT AND/OR PROSECUTION OF THE CODE, DADE COUNTY CODE AND FLORIDA STATUTES; REQUIRING THE DESIGNATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH DESIGNATION TO BE IN WRITING, NOTARIZED AND FILED WITH THE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE SECTION OF THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT; REQUIRING WRITTEN NOTIFICATION TO THE LICENSE DIVISION OF ANY CHANGES IN THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE EMERGENCY LOCATOR AND RESIDENT AGENT WITHIN FIVE BUSINESS DAYS OF SUCH CHANGE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE INCLUDING NON -ISSUANCE OF LICENSE AND REVOCATION OF LICENSE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Was introduced by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. --------------- ------------------------- -------------------- 62. EXECUTE AGREEMENT: METRO DADE COUNTYWIDE CONVENTION SERVICES THROUGH 1983-84. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Now we're on 31. What is that? Mayor Ferre: I got you. All right, Plummer moves that one I guess. sl 142 April 11, 1985 a Mr. Plummer: Yes, I do but I... go ahead get a second and then I will ask my question. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, go ahead. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Odio, why does it say here consideration of the City providing County wide convention services? Mr. Odio% Because the Convention Bureau when it was formed was mandated to service County wide. Mr. Plummer: Ok, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-413 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY TO ACCEPT $250,000 UNENCUMBERED IN DIRECT PAYMENTS IN CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY HAVING PROVIDED COUNTYWIDE CONVENTION SERVICES THROUGH THE CITY'S CONVENTION BUREAU DURING FISCAL YEAR 1983-84. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------ 63. AUTHORIZE PERMANENT EASEMENT: TO METRO - PARCEL OF PROPERTY AT MUNICIPAL JUSTICE BUILDING 11145 N.Y. 11 STREET. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: All right, the next one is 34. Mr. Plummer: I will move that be deferred until after the meeting'of the 18th with the County. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Continue to the May 9th Commission meeting. Mr. Plummer: Until after that meeting. RT 143 April 11, 1985 t�. Mayor Ferre: `Weil, you know, J. L. let's hold on for a moment. Let's think this one through. This one deals with the People Mover doesn't it? 1 Mr. Plummer: It deals with the County Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes, but this Rapid Rail Transit... I mean, what is it that they are... that ten thousand feet. Does anybody know where it's at? Mr. Plummer: Yes, behind the Police Department. Mr. Carlos Garcia: The old Police Building. The Metrorail is running... Mayor Ferre: I mean, we are not going to... they are using it now. So, it's not going to hold up any construction or anything like that. i i Mr. Garcia: No, it is not. Mayor Ferre: Ok. All right, there is a motion that Item 34 be continued until the City of Miami and Metro have a joint meeting. Further discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-414 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED EXECUTION OF EASEMENT TO METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR A PARCEL OF LAND APPROXIMATELY 19593 SQUARE FEET IN THE N. E. QUADRANT OF THE MUNICIPAL JUSTICE BUILDING PROPERTY, PENDING RESOLUTION OF UNRESOLVED ISSUES BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND THE CITY. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion -..was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo ------------------------------------------------------------ 64. WAIVE SEALED BIDS FOR EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF TYPESETTING LAYOUT, PRINTING SERVICES FROM REVIEW FINANCIAL PRINTERS, INC. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up 37. Mr. Plummer: Why aren't we doing that in the City shop? Mayor Ferre: Because we didn't do it in the City shop last year or the year before that. Mr. Carlos Garcia: The reason is this is a very complicated financial statement that needs special type setting and so forth and we were under a very strict time frame so we had go to go outside to get it done. RT 144 April 11 , 1985 4 Mayor Ferre: Is that for the bonds? Mr. Garcia: Yes, sir. It was just for the bonds as well. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, seconded by Perez, further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-415 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE FINDING OF THE CITY MANAGER, BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN 4/5THS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, THAT THE REQUIREMENT FOR FORMAL COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS BE WAIVED AND THAT THE EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF TYPESETTING, LAYOUT, AND PRINTING SERVICES FROM REVIEW FINANCIAL PRINTERS, INC., FOR A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $139500.00 FOR THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT BE APPROVED; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFORE FROM THE DEPARTMENTS FISCAL YEAR 1985 OPERATING BUDGET. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner , the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------ 65. DEDICATE FOUNTAIN IN BICENTENNIAL PARK TO CALI, COLUMBIA AS A GESTURE OF FRIENDSHIP, RECIPROCATING A SIMILAR GESTURE IN CALI. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Item 39 - The Mayor of Cali will be coming here for an official visit. I guess it is his return trip to our visit a couple of years ago. It is a new Mayor ... has asked that since they have dedicated a Mayor fountain in the center of Cali to Miami, that we do the same thing. the only one that I can think of is the one on Bicentennial Park, which has never been dedicated to anyone, so I recommend that we consider that and that is why this is on the agenda. I apologize, J. L., because this is really your baby. Mr. Plummer: No problem. I move it. RT 145 April 119 1985 3 Mayor Ferree Further discussion? Call the roll on 39. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer , who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-416 A RESOLUTION DEDICATING THE FOUNTAIN AT BICENTENNIAL PARK TO THE CITY OF CAL19 COLUMBIA, IN A GESTURE OF FRIENDSHIP FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI, RECIPROCATING A SIMILAR GESTURE MADE IN NOVEMBER, 1983; INSTRUCTING THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION TO PREPARE AN APPROPRIATE PLAQUE COMMEMORATING THIS GESTURE AS WELL AS PLANNING DEDICATION CEREMONIES DURING THE 2ND WEEK OF MAY, 1985; AND FURTHER ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $19000.00 FROM THE OPERATING BUDGET OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT TO COVER RELATED COSTS. i (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) i Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- 1 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: . Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo ------------------------------------------------------------ 66. ISSUE R.F.P. - CONSULTING SERVICES FOR BRICKELL PROMENADE PROJECT. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 40. Mr. Plummer: What is the Brickell Promenade Project? Mr. Rodriguez: The Brickell Promenade Project is one of the items approved in the Capital Improvement Program last September. Mayor Ferre: That was not my question. Mr. Rodriguez: That we connect the Metro Station to the Brickell area and provide access to the people from that area to enclose a street. It will also bring recommendations for restaurants and open cafes and whenever we get new development in the area, we will try to work with the property owners adjacent to the Promenade so that will be contributing tq the project. Mr. Plummer: Further discussion? Mr. Rodriguez: I would like to add something. If you approve this item, I would like to recommend for the Certification Committee, the following names from ... RT 146 April 119 1985 'yt s Mayor Ferre: You better get this thing approved first and theft you get take one step at a time, okay? All right, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-411 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBSEQUENT ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE PREPARATION OF A DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE BRICKELL PROMENADE PROJECT; DESIGNATING THE APPLICABLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR SAID STUDY AS A CATEGORY "B" PROJECT; APPOINTING A CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE; APPOINTING SERGIO RODRIGUEZ, DIRECTOR, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AS CHAIRPERSON FOR THE COMPETITIVE SELECTION AND NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY CODE SECTION 18-52-39 WHICH ESTABLISHES PROCEDURES FOR CONTRACTING SAID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AND ALSO ESTABLISHES COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION REQUIREMENTS WITH REGARD TO FURNISHING OF SUCH SERVICES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: All right now, go ahead. Who do you recommend? Mr. Rodriguez: Mr. Jose Casanova, from the Planning Department; ..... (Unintellegible)........ from the Planning Department and Bill Mackey from the Public Works Department as the Certification Committee. Mayor Ferre: Anybody object to that? Do we have to vote on that? Is that automatic? Mr. Rodriguez: It is part of the resolution, sir. Mayor Ferre: How about the project? Oh, it is already in the resolution. We have already voted on that? Mr. Rodriguez: No, the resolution has those three spaces blank and the resolution dealing with this indicates that you have a Certification Committee and I suggested those three names from the staff -,r - just to make sure that the people ;< that apply for the proposal are qualified engineers. RT 147 April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferre: Okay, is that acceptable to you? Do you need a motion to that effect? Mr. Rodriguez: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right, Dawkins moves. Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. ' �.rrwrrrrrrr..rr-r.rrrrr-rrrrr-.�rrr�rtrrrr.rrr�.rrrw.rrrr+.rrrrrrr..�.rrr 67. APPOINT CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS TO EVALUATE PREPARATION OF IDOWNTOWN AREA D.A.I. rrrr rrr�r�rrrrrrrrrr�r�r.rrrrrrrrr-rrr�rrrrrrr�rr-�-rrrr��-rrrrr Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 41. Mr. Rodriguez: Item 41 is the appointing of the Certification Committee for the downtown that you approved on February 28th and the names we are suggesting are George Campbell, Jim Kay, both of them from Public Works, City of Miami, and Tony Clemente from Metro Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management. i Mayor Ferre: All right is there a motion? j Mr. Dawkins: Before we make a motion why do we have the j Clemente from the County? Mr. Rodriguez: We have tried to find an environmental engineer and his name was suggested as one of the best persons that we could choose for that Certification Committee. The roll that he plays basically is to tell us whether the people that make a proposal are qualified from an engineering point of view or not. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote on this? All right, Dawkins moves, Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll on 41. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: _,. RESOLUTION NO. 85-418 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING THREE INDIVIDUALS TO { SERVE ON A CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER EACH APPLICANT IS FULLY QUALIFIED TO PERFORM THE SERVICES REQUIRED BY THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PREPARATION OF ANAPPLICATIONDEVELOPMENT APPROVAL PDOWNTOWNN FOR FOR AREA pSV DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT. r, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. � Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo RT 148 April 11, 1985 W e ya. 68. BIECUTIVE AGREEMENT: FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPONTATIONs CITY MAIMNANCE OF PROPOSED NeM BELLE MEADE ISLAND BRIDGE. rrrrrrrrir�t.r...rrirrr�riiarrrr--irrrrr.�rii—rrrrrr.+rirrw--�a.arr►-rrw.rr.� Mayor Ferre: Take up Agenda Item 42. Belle Meade Island bridge, right? We need an order for the State to proceed with the work. Moved by Perez, seconded by Dawkins. Okay, further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-419 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE i CITY'S MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPOSED NEW BELLE MEADE ISLAND BRIDGE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo ------------- ---------- ------------------------------------- 69. APPOINT TO CITY OF MIAMI BERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: I would like to recommend the nominee by the Heritage Board is Les Beilinson to the Miami Heritage Conservation Board for architect. This gentlemen works all the time, helping out, volunteering and so on. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, moved by Perez, seconded by Plummer. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-420 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL TO CITY OF MIAMI HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- RT 149 April 11, 1985 i AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo -------�-iifbitil---i----------i�-----r-..—..-----i. 70. RSADVERTISE VACANCY ON CITY OF MIAMI ZONING BOARD. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Carollo, this is your appointment to Zoning. i Mr. Carollo: Patricia Kolski, is ... Mayor Ferre: She is Planning Board. i Mr. Rodriguez: She is a member of the Planning Advisory Board, Commissioner. Mayor Ferre: Your choices are Renaldo Cruz ... Mr. Carollo: My choice is to readvertise. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Carollo moves that this matter be readvertised. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second it. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Mr. Carollo: Who else has appointments? Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Plummer: Nobody. No, just you. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-421 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO READVERTISE FOR ONE VACANT POSITION ON THE CITY OF MIAMI ZONING BOARD. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. RT 150 April 11, 1985 { M NEADVENTISB VACANCY ON CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD. .Yi—i—ii..►ri.i.i�Iii 1�iiii � i� iNib��.i iiY.1... ia.ir-+ii-iii.►r---iiiari—.►—ice i i ii Mayor Fevre: Now we have Perez` appointment. Your choices are Pablo Gomez, Ray Contino. All right now, Perez moves, Plummer seconds. Call the roll on readvertising. Mr. Ongie: We are readvertising, all right. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-422 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO READVERTISE FOR ONE VACANT POSITION ON THE CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------ 72. ACCEPT COMPLETED MORK - M. VILLA A ASSOCIATES, INC. OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I - BIDS "A" AND "gs,, ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item 56 which is accepting the completed work of M. Villa for Overtown Highway. Mr. Dawkins: Move 56. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Plummer seconds. Further discussion on 56? It came in under the price. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-423 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF M. VILA AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $2289550.25 FOR OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I (BIDS "A" AND "B") - H-4492, AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $259780.42. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) RT 151 April 11 , ..1985 r4 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plutter, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. rr---.rr-rrr-rrrrr..rr-r-r--r-r----r.r-rrrrrr-r-rrrr-r-r r..rrrrr 73. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO., LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5487 C&S. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Dawkins: Move Agenda item 57. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves 57. in under price. Mr. Plummer: Second. Is there a second? It came Mayor Ferre: Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-424 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO. AT A TOTAL COST OF $1,4269070.21 FOR LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT (BIDS A, B, C, D AND ADDITIVE BIDS A, B, C, D) IN LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - SR-5487 C&S (CENTERLINE & SIDELINE SEWERS); AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $1529283.37. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. RT 152 April 11, 1985 74. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK=JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SRi5499. Mayor Ferre: item 58, Joe Reinertson Equipment sanitary sewers. Is there a motion? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins, second by Carollo. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-425 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $129, 211.20 FOR CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - SOUTH WEST 16 STREET - (BID "D") SR- 5499; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $13,322.25. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------- ------------ ----------------------- 75. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5501. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Item 59. Mr. Perez: Moved. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Perez. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Call t RT 153 April 11, 1985 he roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Peret, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-426 A MOTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., AT A TOTAL COST OF $158,052.76 FOR CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - OVERTOWN - PHASE I - SR-5501 C&S (CENTERLINE SIDELINE SEWERS); AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $17,891.96. (Here follows body of the resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. } 76. CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION: FAIRLAWN NORTH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5491-C. i Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves Item 60. Perez seconds. Further discussion? This is Fairlawn. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 85-427 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION NO. 85-260 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FAIRLAWN . NORTH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN ` FAIRLAWN NORTH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5491-C (CENTERLINE SEWER) (Here follows body of resolution, ' omitted here and on file in the Office {` of the City Clerk.) ; Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the r` resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre RT 154 April 11, 1985 Awl NOES: None. ABSENT: None. .`-r r G ii�i-ri�iii�fi�i�rr—r—iii riiiiP.�►riirriY..Yr �iit�ri.►Y�ii.iriiirirGf��i 77. CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL: POINTVIR i HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT N=�3o9. ..arrrr�r+..rrrrrrri.i.rrrrrrr.---rrr---..rwrr+in+w.rrri..-arr r-.r--�.a.rrrrrr Mayor Ferret Agenda Item 61. Mr. Dawkins: Move 61. Mayor Ferret All right, Dawkins moves 61. Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferret Carollo seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll on 61. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-428 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POINTVIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT IN POINTVIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT H-4309 AND REMOVING ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 78. AWARD BID: BAYFRONT PARR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT-BAYVALQ PHASE I. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferret Plummer moves Agenda item 62. Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferret Second by Carollo. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RT 155 April 11, 1985 RESOLUTION NO. 85-429 A RESOLUTION WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR FORMAL SEALED BIDS BY REDUCING THE BIDDING TIME AND ACCEPTING THE BID OF MARKS BROTHERS CO. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $1099500.00, BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT - BAYWALK FILL PHASE I WITH MONIES THEREFORE ALLOCATED FROM "BAYWALK PARK REDEVELOPMENT" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $159300.00 TO COVER THE COST PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $29200.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES, AND POSTAGE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $650.00 TO COVER THE INDIRECT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------- --------------------------------------- 79. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE - DESIGNATION OF SOOTHSIDE PARK, 100 S.Y. 11 ST. AS THE SITE OF HOSPITAL TO BE CONSTRUCTED - LA LIGA CONTRA EL CANCER. ------ ------- ---------------- --------- ---- ------ Mayor Ferre: I will tell you what, before we have fun on that one let me... this is a little thing that you are all going to be in favor of. There is a memorandum that you have received today that says "It is recommended that the City Commission approve in principle the designation of Southside Park located at 100 Southwest 11th Street as the location of a hospital to be constructed for the E1 Liga Contra E1 Cancer per the attached resolution. Now, Mr. Kern... Mr. Carl Kern: Yes, sir. Carl Kern, Parks Department. Mayor Ferre: Mrs. Lourdes Argula will be calling Carollo and Perez and Plummer and Dawkins and myself I'm sure. Is this something that they have agreed to? Mr. Kern: Yes, sir. They are very pleased with this site. Mayor Ferre: This is the one by the incinerator? Is that what this is? RT 156 April 11, 1985 Mr. Kern: No, this is the old Southside Park site which is 100 Southwest 11th Street. There is a relatively new fire station on the property that... it backs up to Metrorail. It's an inactive park. It has... Mr. Plummer: It's between Metrorail and Station 4 of the Fire Department. Southwest 2nd Avenue and 11th or 12th Street. It's a voting precinct now. Mr. Kern: Well, the building has been torn down for many years. Mayor Ferre: You got a map so I can see that. I just can't place it. Mr. Plummer: But it's still a park. Mr. Kern: Yes. Mayor Ferre: How many acres is this? Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, don't we have to place it out for an RFP or... Mayor Ferre: I don't know. Mr. Carollo: I would imagine it has to go out for an RFP like everything else. Mayor Ferre: Southside Park inactive. I can't place this thing. It's Southwest 11th... Mr. Plummer: Southside Park Maurice. If you were standing in the Brickell Metrorail Station and looked to the West it's immediately contiguous to that property. Mayor Ferre: Oh, yes. That's very close to that United Way a? Office. Mr. Plummer: Exactly, one block down. But it's completely blocked out now by virtue of the fire station. Mr. Kern: Mr. Mayor, as you remember they have to through a very lengthy application process with the State authorities to see if they will be licensed. Mayor Ferre: I'm sure they do. Mr. Kern: This would be stronger than a motion of intent. This resolution would be contingent upon them getting approval to actually build the hospital and going through the whole zoning process which would be necessary for the site. Mayor Ferre: And they also need to go through some... whatever legal procedures are required. Is that correct? Mr. Kern: Yes, sir. Right. The zoning legal procedures. This would give them what they really want for their May t.v. show which would say the Commission wants to provide a site. x, Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion? Mr. Carollo: I so move Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: All right, moved by Carollo, seconded by 1 Perez... HT 157 April 11, 1985 Mr. plummet: Wait a minute, how was it moved? To go to the RFP? Mayor Ferre: No, no, as the resolution before you. Mr. Kern: I'm not sure the Law Department has had a chance to read that, sir. It's supposed to be for the 18th agenda. Mr. Plummer: What resolution? I don't have one. Mayor Ferre: "A resolution approving in principle the designation of Southside Park as the site for a hospital to be constructed by ---not E19 Las Liga or is it K1 Liga. It can't be E1 Liga. Mr. Pereira: That's a typo I'm sure. (COMMENT*INAUDIBLE) Mayor Ferre: Where is the substitute resolution? Mr. Kern, we are flying blind here. Where is the resolution? Substitute resolution? Mayor Ferre: That's what I'm reading from. They are absolutely the same. "Said approval being conditioned upon the receipt of our organization of all necessary permits from all State agencies which control the construction and upon the future approval of any necessary zoning changes; further establishing deed restrictions". And you got to put legal requirements, would you please. All City legal requirements. All right, Carollo moves, is there a second? Perez seconds. Ok. Further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-430 A RESOLUTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE, THE DONATION OF THE CITY -OWNED SOUTHSIDE PARK, LOCATED AT 100 SOUTHWEST 11 STREET, AS THE SITE OF A HOSPITAL TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND OPERATED BY EL LIGA CONTRA EL CANCER; SAID APPROVAL BEING SUBJECT TO AN OPINION OF THE CITY ATTORNEY AS TO THE LEGALITY OF SUCH DONATION AND ITS COMPLIANCE WITH CITY PROCUREMENT PROVISIONS AND ALSO BEING CONDITIONED UPON THE RECEIPT BY SAID ORGANIZATION OF ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FROM ALL STATE AGENCIES WHICH CONTROL THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF HOSPITALS AND UPON THE FUTURE APPROVAL OF ANY NECESSARY ZONING CHANGES; FURTHER ESTABLISHING DEED RESTRICTIONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. RT 158 April 11, 1985 ABSENT': None. w.`i-ili�rT.rrrfiiar�riGT.ri�T.art..arri.ii.�.Y..►alir��.i.��ii5..rrfri..T.i.G..r.►iii�a i.f��.rii 80. ALLOCATE $4 9 000 VORRSHOP PERPOR!lANCE PROGRAM - QPGROVE THEATRE INC. Mayor Ferre: Now we have a letter here from Coconut Grove Playhouse and a resolution. Is there somebody here to speak up on this? This is a resolution ... (MAYOR READS RESOLUTION INTO RECORD ` see below) Mr. Pereira: This is no unconditional money. This money has been approved by the Board and all we are asking is an amendment so they can cover some costs that was incurred in December through June, 1985 as start up costs. There is not any additional dollars than what we have already allocated to them. Mayor Ferre: Do you want to add anything? Mr. John Morgan: May'I speak, please? Mayor Ferre: Yes, go ahead. Mr. Morgan: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, I would just like to say that Miami is a rich and growing City. It is a sad and pathetic situation that in a City should as ours, we x' have no represented Black supported theatre company. For five years the Upgrove Theatre Company has been in the main stream trying to produce a theatre. I am John Morgan , s= Producing Director for the Upgrove Theatre Company, 1342 N. W. 55th Terrace. We now have students enrolled in our } programs - in a program that we cannot go forward on. Our ' future is in jeopardy because now we do not qualify for 3r State funding unless we continue with this year's season. We are asking the City to consider increasing the amount of money that is already been donated to the Upgrove Theatre by this Commission. We cannot produce programs on $4,000. It seems to us that you have given us only enough so that we can hang ourselves. We cannot produce the programs proposed ? We can only cover the costs that have been incurred prior to your vote. I ask you to look down into the bottom of .:: your souls and find some wisdom to support this program. We :r..., spoke with with several of you prior to coming to this s Commission and commitments were made. We are now asking =T that the Commission come through on this commitment. If ... this allowance is increasedRAM z Mayor Ferre: Who made a commitment? �,• ; -.. ; � Mr. Carollo. Gentlemen, which one of you four made a :. commitment? .- :.. Mayor Ferre: Who made a commitment? � Mr. Plummer: Who made a commitment? Mr. Morgan: Mr. Mayor, we met with you in your office. We met with Commissioner Dawkins' office as well. Mr. Dawkins: And we made a commitment? To what? How much amount of money did we commit to? Mr. Morgan: Mr. Dawkins: We did not discuss dollars in your office. Beg pardon? HT 159 April 11, 1985 At i Mr. Morgan! We didn't discuss dollars? Mr. Dawkins! Then what did I tell you? Mr. Morgan: You would support our proposal. Mr. Dawkins: And what it had to go where? Mr. Morgan: 1 beg your pardon? Mr. Dawkins: But it had to where? r Mr. Morgan: You said you would support our programs as long as we would produce and support local talent, the last time I talked with you. Mr. Dawkins: But it had to go through the Administration, right? I didn't tell you that? Mr. Morgan: I don't remember that, sir. f Mr. Dawkins: No, problem. Mr. Pereira: Mr. Mayor, if I may please - it is part of my naievety, if you will, but I have been sitting here now, you know, all day, and we have had several items come in front of you for allocations of funds. I think in many cases it is even unfair, you know, to the people who have come to make a presentation as well as yourselves to your Administration, that in many cases we have little opportunity to review and really make any sort of substantive recommendation. Would you be adverse that I institute some sort of process whereby those requests will come directly to us. We will review them and put them on a timely basis on the agenda. I mean, I am trying if we could HY' cut on a lot of this. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Pereida, you will find that that is the present policy. It just doesn't work that way. Mr. Dawkins: We don't make it work, Mr. City Manager. u Mr. Carollo: I made a motion that stated had to go to the 'z Administration before hand. Mr. Morgan: I would further like to say ... Mr. Carollo: Excuse me, I would like to give the Manager y; the power to enforce that motion that is presently on the books ♦Z Mr. Pereira: If we do don't ... I said on a timely basis. You know, we are not going to sit on things. ` Mr. Plummer: That also applies to pocket items, by the way. Pocket items had to go to the Manager first and are placed on the last of the agenda after everybody else is on the regular agenda. w: Mr. Carollo: That had nothing to do with pocket items. Mayor Ferre: All right now, what we have here is a motion which is corrective in nature. We also have your request that it be for additional money. What is the will of this Commission? Mr. Carollo: I would like the Manager to be able to do it. 1 Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion that this corrected resolution, which has no additional funds be moved and that at the same time the Manager review it and return back with a recommendation. Mr. Pereira: For additional funding as requested? Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: May I ask a question? How much is the additional funds you are asking? Mr. Carollo: You discussed with ... Mr. Dawkins: Miller Dawkins. Mr. Morgan: We would ask that you increase the amount to a total of $15 9 000. Mr. Pereira: How much? Mr. Morgan: I find it shocking that this Commission deems .. . Mr. Dawkins: Yes, you know I find it shocking that I see you every year. Very shocking! Since we are going to shock, let's shock each other. Mr. Morgan: Well, we were not supported here last year. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, now all joking aside, do you have any ... I heard you say you need money to pay for past something - do you have any outstanding debts that you need to cover? Mr. Morgan: We started this program up in January, as you embark upon a program, you incur expenses. Those expenses need to be covered. Mr. Dawkins: What are they? Mr. Morgan: They exceed the $4,000. Mr. Dawkins: Well then, you get with the Manager and we will see if we can't do that quickly. Mr. Plummer: I make a motion at this time ... Mayor Ferre: There is already a motion and there is a second, I think. You have got to vote on the motion. It is Id 161 Ow a corrected emotion. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-431 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 85- 2699 ADOPTED MARCH 21, 1985, WHICH ALLOCATED AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $49000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, IN SUPPORT OF A WORKSHOP PERFORMANCE PROGRAM TO BE PRESENTED BY UPGROVE THEATRE, INC., SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1- 849 DATED JANUARY 249 1984; BY ADDING A NEW AND ADDITIONAL SECTION 2 WHICH AUTHORIZES THE EXPENDITURE OF THE ABOVE ALLOCATION FOR EXPENSES INCURRED BY SAID ORGANIZATION FROM DECEMBER, 1984 THROUGH JUNE, 1985. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. 1 Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mr. Plummer: I make a motion that in the future all future requests for grants of money from this Commission have to go to the Manager first. Mr. Carollo: That is the motion that I made before. y'".. Mr. Plummer: Reaffirming the policy. Mr. Carollo: You don't abide by it, though. That is the whole problem. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion. Mr. Plummer: Reaffirm the policy. Mr. Carollo: I dot There is a motion right in the books. There is a resolution with that. No need to repeat it. Just abide by it, like I do. �x f ;r k417 �k -:4w Mr. Plummer: Just reaffirming. You heard that, Mr. tu{ Pereira? ld 162 April 11, 1985 Mr. Pereira: Yea, sir. Reaffirm. i +i.r.:r.Q..-.rr.rrr.►r-r �..►r-.`i►..� r.r.rrrrir.�� r�r.+�.r+rar�rrrrrr.�►i.G.Y.rQ.r�r.�arrr.rr.rr.�.�rrr.► 61. DISCUSSION - CITY AD YN COLON r POSSIBLY CANCRUNO BLACK ENTERPRISE VINKLY. (Discussion onlyp no action taken). - —��i-- rr rr.��Gii—.r rr.r.r �.i--r.r rr��-.-rrr�-111r-r..ri-r.►-ri.�r..rri�r.rr.r Mayor Ferre: All right, we now have the Black Enterprise issue before us. Mr. Plummer: The moneys that we approve subject to the T.I.G. 1 will now remove the obligation of the T.I.C. off of the obligation. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Well, what it was, it was a full .page colored ad which was going to cost how much? You know Carol Anne, would we be better off giving that poor man money for the Upgrove Theatre instead of putting that ad in the paper? And keep it a local thing, and the hell with the ad. Mr. Dawkins: All right, I will make a motion to Enterprise ifyou .... Mr. Carollo: Wait a minute. Mr. Mayor, I will accept part of that motion to kill the ad, but as far as ... just because you, you know, killed some money doesn't mean throw it away. We have a deficit next year over $10,000,000. Hey, we have got to start saving somewhere! Mayor Ferre: We just gave $12,000 to a Caricom Thing. We gave $2,000 to Trinidad -Tobago, are you going ... Mr. Carollo: No, no. The $2,000 we did not approve. We only approved $5,000. The $12,000 was a big if, if the other entities come up with the same amount, which is doubtful. Mayor Ferre: We voted $5,000 for the people in Buena Vista. We voted $12,000 for Caricom. Don't tell me we don't do thinks arbitrarily around here! -------------- ------- ---- ------------ ---------------------- 82. RESCIND MOTIONS 85-3649 RES. 85-407, MOTION 85-4080 ALL OF WHICH ALLOCATED FUNDS TO VARIOUS APPLICANTS INSTRUCTING THEM TO NOW MEET WITH THE CITY MANAGER FOR HIS REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. ------------ ------------------------------------------------ Mr. Carollo: Well, Mr. Mayor, I suggest we start abiding now by the motion we have on the books! Mayor Ferre: Fine, then make your motion then. Rescind all those contributions we made to everybody if you want to be consistent about it. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I will make a motion. Mayor Ferre: I will accept it! Is there a second? I'll second it. Mr. Plummer: There is a motion made and duly seconded. Under discussion? Mayor Ferre: Motion is ... ld 163 April 11, 1985 ME 2:1 Mr. Plummer: To rescind all the monies given out today. Mayor Ferret That is right! For all these groups. Mr. Plummer: Any discussion? Hearing none, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-452 A MOTION TO RESCIND MOTIONS NO. 85-3649 R-85-407 AND M-85-408 PREVIOUSLY PASSED IN THIS SAME MEETING; FURTHER DIRECTING THE APPLICANTS FOR THESE FUNDS TO PRESENT THEIR PROPOSALS AND BUDGETS TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR HIS STUDY, REVIEW AND FUTURE RECOMMENDATION. Upon being seconded by Mayor Ferre, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: None. Mayor Ferre: Okay now, we have rescinded all the money that we gave so all these groups are going to have to go through you and you come back to us. Mr. Plummer: Better notify them. Mayor Ferre: Now you see how things happen around here? Mr. Carollo: Can I suggest that the Manager contact those three entities and let them know immediately. Mayor Ferre: So they don't go under any illusions. Mr. Carollo: That is correct. Lucia, legally are we safe? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir, so long as you do it in the same day. Mayor Ferre: And they have got to be contacted tomorrow, and Mr. Manager, they have got to come back through you and whenever, you are including that fellow from the Black theatre group. Mr. Pereira: Yes, sir - and the $10,000 in tickets this morning, right? Is that the one you are talking about? Mr. Plummer: Yes, sure. Mayor Ferre: Everything! Everything for wiped. Mr. Pereira: That will be notified first thing tomorrow morning. Mr. Rosencrantz: But that is going to be too late. That show is going to be over before they meet again. Mr. Plummer: Any grants of money given were rescinded. ld 164 April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferre: And they have to all go to the Manager and come back with a recommendation. ''- Mr. Plummer: That wasn't part of the motion. Mayor Ferre: Oh yes it was! Mr. Plummer: No, it just rescinded all the monies given today. Mayor Ferre: No, air. Mr. Plummer: Okay. Mayor Ferre: Let's be very clear. You defined the right to petition if they do it in a proper ... Mr. Plummer: Oh, that they have a right to do, but that was not part of the motion. Mayor Ferre: And they are going to do it through the Administration and the Administration, let the record reflect, if I am not mistaken, that the intention was that it go through the Administration and come back. Mr. Carollo: Of course, reaffirming what is posted in the policy. Mr. Pereira: You realize, that ... I bring it to your attention that one of the first items we took up this morning was the tickets and that show will be over basically when we meet again, so I just wanted you remind you. Mayor Ferre: There was a motion. That was the intent of the motion, sir. ------- ---------- -------------- ----------------------------- 83. CBARTER AMENDMENT #1 — EXECUTIVE MAYOR FIRST READING ORDINANCE. ------------------------ -------- -- --- --- -------------------- Mayor Ferre: We are now on Agenda Item 70. Are you going to move it or do you want me to move it? Mr. Carollo: I will move it, Mr. Mayor. I moved it before; I will move it again. Mayor Ferre: We have Item 70 on first reading. Does anybody wish to speak on this issue? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would like to amend it. Mayor Ferre: F_ All right, wait a minute. I have accepted `= his motion, let me see if there is a second. There is no second, and if there is a second, I will accept your r amending motion at that time. Is there a second to the r strong mayor ordinance on first reading? Mr. Plummer: I withdraw my amendment. Mayor Ferre: It is the strong mayor. rA Mr. Perez: Present your amendment. Mr. Plummer: My amendment would make it effective 1987. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I would like to second. Anyhow this is the first reading and I think we will have some more opportunity to discuss the issue at the second reading. • 165 April 11, 1985 _ x Mayor Ferre: Let's do this properly now. Carollo makes a motion on Item 70. Perez seconds the motion on Item 70. I am about to open it up for an amendment to the motion, but I want to make a statement. I want to ask some questions before I do that. Lucia - Madam City Attorney, if we were to vote today for one year or another year, which is 1985 or 1987, the question is this - suppose it passes in 19850 today. If we vote to change it at the second reading to 1987, is that a substantial change? Legally? And please, I asked you this question earlier in the day and I gave you time to research it, because it is a key question. Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, I think it would be. Mayor Ferre: It would be? All right, if a change of date were to occur on second reading and it were then passed on the 9th, could we meet on the 10th for second reading? Mrs. Dougherty: It would take 30 days, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Thirty days? We don't have 30 days. Mrs. Dougherty: Excuse me, 10 days. Pardon me. Mayor Ferre: 10 days, all right, so 10 days from the 9th would be the 19th, which falls on a Sunday, and there is a meeting on the 23rd. If we were to read it for the second date on the 23rd, 60 days after that would be July 21st, is that correct? Or in mid -July. Mrs. Dougherty: Mid -July, sometime, Mr. Mayor. S Mayor Ferre: I just needed to understand that. Now, the intention of the motion is to have it for the election this November. I want to say that it is my intention to vote . �:. with the motion for the year 1985; however, 1987 is totally acceptable to me if we can't do it in 1985. I think that the chances of it passing in 1987 are better than it passing in 1985. On the other hand, I think Carollo is correct in stating that it is very difficult for people to understand how they can vote on a substantial change in the government r form of this City and have to wait until 1987 for it to be implemented. If it is good, and if it is correct, and if it r is acceptable, then why would it not be acceptable now? Why r.- do we have to wait? On the idea of transition, I don't y think the transition factor is any more complicated in 1985 than it is in 1987. I repeat however, that I have no objections of it being in 1987. I think what we need to do is to get it on the ballot, and that's what I am most interested in. As to whether or not it be a nine member of ;. a seven member - I prefer nine, I accept seven. Whether it be 1987 or 1985, I have no problems with 1985. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, my amendment would be to make it effective in 1987, November of 1987. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion now that the ordinance be changed to ... Mr. Perez: The election would be for this year? r`= • `" Mr. Plummer: I have no objections to that. Mr. Carollo: Well, that can't be a motion because there is a motion that has already been seconded. °c Mayor Ferre: All right, it is a substitute motion and legally you can do that. ld 166 April 11, 1985 A _1 Mr. Carollo: Then we have a substitute motion to consider then. Mayor Ferre: He can take one of two vehicles, parliamentary. He can either make a motion to amend, or he can make a substitute motion. It doesn't make any difference. Mr. Carollo: I don't accept it. Mayor Ferre: He doesn't accept it, which means that the only way you could legally proceed is to make a substitute motion. Mr. Plummer: I then make a substitute motion. Mayor Ferre: Okay, there is a substitute motion that this be the same as it reads here accept that the effective year of implementation be 1987 rather than 1985. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: There is a second. Under discussion. Mr. Carollo: Neither one of them has got water. As I stated previously, it almost seems absurd to hold special elections to have a new change, a new major change in our government like this and then it is not going to be effective until November of 1987. I think that what we have to vote on is, on a system that is best for the people of Miami - not a system that might be best at a year in 1987 for one or two individuals. If the system is good, then it should be good enough to stand on its own in November of 1985. Let me explain to my colleagues again what it means if we vote on this for 1987, that means that it will three ... first of all, there is no reason to have a special election. Second of all, the three new additional members of the Commission won't be running until 1987 either, Demetrio, nor the two that would have to run now for the Commission - Plummer and myself, won't have to run until 1987 either. So that means that there would be five less people, supposedly running now than in 1987. Mayor Ferre: All right, we have a substitute motion. Is there any further discussion on it? Mr. Perez: Do we have the City Attorney's opinion - it seems to me that two members of the Commission who are elected for four years, it is legal that we have this election? We don't have any legal instruction in this case? Mrs. Dougherty: You don't have a property right in a term of office, if that is what you mean, and yes, it would be .. Mayor Ferre: There are no vested rights. It is not like real estate. In other words, if this thing were to pass on second reading and put on the ballet in July, and if the people of Miami accepted it, I am talking about 171 now, not 1709 I would imagine that this is a legally binding instrument that you have come up with. Now, Lucia, before we vote on this, and I call the vote in a second, there were some other corrective things that you had. Is that in 171, or is that in 170? Mrs. Dougherty: It is in 170 and I have passed out a revised ordinance. At the top you will see revised pages 4 and 29 and all those revisions do is give the Mayor the veto power for resolutions as well as ordinances. 1985 0 Or, Mayor Ferre: Is that the way Hialeah does? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes. Mayor Ferre: See, I asked you to make sure that it was just like Hialeah or Tampa or any of these other cities. Mr. Carollo: Veto power. Mrs. Dougherty: I have also passed out for your edification - David Leahy, the Supervisor of Elections, he has asked, so long as we are going ahead and amending the Charter, if we wouldn't give him a chance or have two weeks in between the primary and the secondary election, so ... Mayor Ferre: For those of us who go in runoff elections, let me tell you, one week is bad enough. Two weeks is hell on wheels! Mrs. Dougherty: Okay, but he has requested that and if you want to amend it ... Mayor Ferre: I don't care frankly, one way or the other. Mr. Carollo: No, he has a good point, you know? We had a recent election in Coral Gables this week where it hadn't been that the system that they have is like Chicago's and if it hadn't been that Chicago had that system, you would not have Mayor Washington as Mayor today and you probably would not have possibly Valdes -Fault as the Commissioner of Coral 1 Gables. They don't have a runoff system. Mayor Ferre: They don't have what? Mr. Carollo: A runoff system. The high man with the most votes wins. i Mayor Ferre: Yes, but that is not what Leahy is talking Y about. Mr. Carollo: Well, I know. I know, but he kind of threw it i to ... Mayor Ferre: Well, I will tell you, you can get somebody else's vote, but you won't have mind on that one. I think the only fair way to have an electoral process is you have to have a runoff. If nobody hits 51%, I want to tell you, I don't want to be, and you don't want to be the Mayor, and nobody wants to be the Mayor who wins with a 41% or a 38% and then you get into the situations like they do in these South American republics, where they elect presidents without a clear majority. The only way, the way that it functions best, in my opinion is you have to have the majority of the people voting. Mr. Plummer: Coral Gables just changed their system. It r>.:,.. used to be the high vote getter was the Mayor and they just changed it. Now the Mayor is a separate race. Mayor Ferre: Yes, I realize that, but see what Carollo is ., saying is that there is no runoff. It is whoever ... you noticed Valdes -Fault won with 41 % and that is fine, but ... f Mr. Carollo: I drew it up for a little conversational yf° piece, Mr. Mayor. We will drop it. Mayor Ferre: Then you end up doing like Chile. Chile ended up having a president with 36% who didn't represent the country. You know what happened to him! ld 168 April 11, 1985 fY� Mr. Dawkins: What is the procedure for overriding the Mayor's veto, Madam City Attorney? Mr. Perez: In Hialeah, Mr. Mayor, they don't have any group and here we are going to seven members, four by district and three at large. Okay, are we going to establish any difference between this group and ... Mr. Plummer: That is the next item. Mr. Perez: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Yes, but that is a valid question now. He says how are you going to decide which one runs first. Well, these four have to run by districts every two years, according to this. Mr. Carollo: That is right. Mayor Ferre: And the three that are at large have to run - two would run in conjunction with all of these and the next time around, two years later, there would be only one running at large, and the Mayor. The Mayor and the one, so that there would always bet two at large in every election. That is the way it works - staggered. Mr. Carollo: Well, that is one way of looking at it, Mr. Mayor, but you are saying two at large. You can't have all four ... Mayor Ferre: There is three, there are only three at large seats. Mr. Carollo: Well, you can't have all four that are from districts. Mayor Ferre: They run every two years anyway. Mr. Carollo: Right, but what I am saying is, what you don't want to have is six people running one time and two another election. I think that the way you have to have it is that the three Commissioners and the Mayor that run at large, they run every four years together and the four that runs from districts run every two years together. Mayor Ferre: That is not the way this is, Joe and I think that is not the way it was talked about. As you recall, the idea was to have staggered terms and that there is six people running every election, of which four are from districts and two are at large. The two at large in one election will be two members of the at large Commission and at the next election it will be the Mayor and one of the Commission members at large. The reason for that is so that you will always have some continuity in the government, that is why staggered terms are always put into every legislative body in the country. Mr. Carollo: I just thought about something. You make a lot of sense, Mr. Mayor. I will go along with that. Mayor Ferre: Staggered terms! Mr. Carollo: I will go along with that. Mayor Ferre: That way you always have an opportunity to come back. Mr. Carollo: You are right in that. I go along with that. ld 169 April 110 1985 46 Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, I must remind you that before you pass this on first reading, you are going to have to fill in the blanks of when you want your election. Mayor ferret All right, the election that we discussed in the original document, Lucia, and unless somebody said to the contrary, and I am open for changes, is as is now, and that is on the odd years ... Mrs. Dougherty: I don't mean that election. I mean the election for this - July 9, July 16 ... Mayor Terre: It would be on the Tuesday following the 4th of July, which is 60 days exactly after the 9th of May and if I am not mistaken, it is the 7th day of July! Mrs. Dougherty: The 9th day of July. Mayor Ferre: It cannot be the 9th. Oh, I am sorry, that is right, because it has to be on a Tuesday and Tuesday falls on the 9th day of July. That is correct. Are there any other changes? You want two weeks in between? Mr. Carollo: No. I'd like to make it a couple of days if I could. Mayor Ferre: Sudden death - that is it. Get it over with. Mr. Carollo: No, I haven't had to go to a runoff for a while, but ... Mayor Ferre: All right. Mr. Ongie: Mr. Mayor, I just want to tell you that this recommendation from Mr. Leahy was a result of a meeting that we had. What he is saying is that the logistical problems in the printing, sample ballots and all of that - he is not talking about if the Commission remains as it is - he is talking about a seven member Commission plus the Mayor. He is simply saying that it is impossible to print, to furnish absentee ballots and sample ballots in the one week turn around time. . Mayor Ferre: Well, if he can't do it, then we will do it and get our own equipment to do it. Mr. Carollo: Thank you, Ralph, we appreciate it. Mayor Ferre: Is there further discussion on the substitute? Mr. Carollo: You want a sub brought up on 1987? Mayor Ferre: That is correct. Anybody else want to speak on it? Mrs. Dougherty: I do, Mr. Mayor - just one second. Is it acceptable for you that the ordinance takes effect on January 1, 1986, but that the elections are in November of 1987? The reason I ask that if so that anybody who wishes to challenge it, it would not take effect in November. Mayor Ferre: Okay, we are not speaking to that issue at this point. This is a substitute motion which we will then F correct. You have to type it into the ordinance and then we have to read the ordinance in its full entirety to be totally legal at this time, okay? So, all we are trying to do is get a motion of intent and then that is an order to t you as to what the majority wants. You have to write it out. At that point we have to discuss the issue of the date, because if it was going to be 1987, it is my opinion that Y ld 170 April 11, 1985 K we should not have a special election in the summer and I frankly think that it will have to be put on the ballot in November of 1987, which is a problem, for me, anyway. Mr. Plummer: Or anytime. You Can have it in 1986 and the election in 1987. Mayor Ferre: That is correct. We could have the election In 1986. Mr. Carollo: There is no further discussion? Mayor Ferre: Any further discussion? Call the roll on the substitute motion to make it 1987 rather than 1985. MOTION FAILED. Substitute Motion calling for election in 1987 failed by following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. NOES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: None Mayor Ferre: Now, we are back to the main motion. Now, therefore the question you had is a moot point. We are now back on the main motion which is November, 1985. Did we have a motion on that? F Mr. Ongie: Yes. Mr. Carollo and seconded by Mr. Perez. Mayor Ferre: Now, Lucia, before we vote on this, is there ' anything that needs to be changed on this document that we have before us and the members of the public have before them, on first reading? Mrs. Dougherty: The only thing you have to do is fill in the blanks where it says the election to be held on July 9th. Mayor Ferre: All right, would you so do, so it is properly recorded. Let the record reflect that it has been done. That this document is before all members of the Commission and members of the public and I will ask that if there is anybody in the public that wishes to discuss this item, and address the Commission? This is a public hearing. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mayor Ferre: On what? Strong mayor. Anybody want to talk on it? Yes, sir. Please step right up. This is the purpose. This is a public hearing. Mr. Carollo: Executive Mayor. 'Mayor Ferre: What? I am sorry, I stand corrected. Executive Mayor. Go ahead. Your name and address for the record. w Mr. Frederick Bryant: My name is Frederick Bryant and my address is 54 N. W. 45th Street and concerning this z_ amendment, I am against this and one of my reasons for being against it is that maybe this amendment, in my opinion, and the opinion of other constituents, is that this amendment may be for the benefit of some Commissioners and not for the people, of the people and by the people. It seems like it ld 171 April 11, 1985 is a rush job and I am currently a candidate for the City of Miami and I have been a candidate since January and I hope this isn't an act to eliminate certain people. I hope it doesn't turn out to be an act of discrimination where there is someone like me who wants to participate and speak my point of view, that I won't be eliminated because of anything like that. Mr. Carollo: Excuse me, sir. What position are you running for? Mr. Bryant: Mayor, sir. Mr. Carollo: Okay, well, if you are running for Mayor, I don't see how it can possibly discriminate against you. In fact, what it is going to do, it is going to open up the doors to people like yourself and many others that are not wealthy individuals. See, unfortunately, the system we have now has been a system that you either have to have your own business or be working for family or be independently wealthy. If you don't meet any of those requirements, it is almost impossible for you to serve as a member of the Commission, so what we have done now is, we have opened up a system where an Executive Mayor is going to receive a salary that he can live on and he would have to be a full time Mayor, so what it will do is open the door so that finally you can get a cross section of all Miamians and many qualified individuals that normally would not have run, to be able tolrun for public office in the City of Miami. Mr. Bryant: Okay, well, it has been until maybe with that view, maybe it would help things a little bit, but I didn't have that view before. Mr. Carollo: Well, I think that now that it has been made clear to you, I think you can understand my point, which I am sure you agree with it. I am sure you will be one of those that will be campaigning for it. We thank you for it. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there anybody else that wants to speak on this item? Yes, sir. Mr. Wellington Rolle: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, my name is Wellington Rolle. I live in the City of Miami. I am concerned about the section, I believe it is two, of Charter Amendment Number one that speaks to the fact - it talks in terms of whether or not this particular item might be rendered against judicially*, that it addresses the matter of having five Commissioners rather than seven or nine. Am I incorrect on that, Madam City Attorney? It seems like we are talking about five Commissioners and an Executive Mayor in one section of this document. Mayor Ferre: May I try to answer? Wellington, there are four possibilities in these two documents, because by law, 'w the strong Mayor and the districts have to be separated as issues separate and apart in the vote. I wish they could be -° put together, but they can't, by law. Now, in those two combinations, four things can happen. One, they both get voted down and we are where we are now. Two, they both - pass. If they both pass, you have an Executive Mayor and a new Commission of seven members, four running for districts. The third alternative is that the Executive Mayor passes and :. the districts don't pass, in which case you would have a five member Commission and an Executive Mayor. The fourth %'. alternative is the reverse of that, and that is that the strong mayor fails and this Commission is expanded to seven. ��.. So instead of five , , you have seven members. Now, those are kMr the four now. The reason why this is such a maze is because ld 172 April 11, 1985 it has to legally provide for those four combinations. That is why in one place it says five and in another place it says seven, because it all depends on which one of these things passes. Mr. Rolle: Okay, thank you, Mr. Mayor. I want to go on record as being in support of the strong mayor concept of government for the City of Miami and also for Dade County. Mayor Ferre: Would you call it Executive Mayor, please? Mr. Rolle: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. The Executive Mayor plan, or we should say - Executive Mayor - General Manager Commission Plan - that would really be the name for what we are talking about in this particular time. I found a term in here that refers to a Deputy Mayor, and I am just not in favor of any of those department heads mentioned in this document as being Deputy Mayor to serve in the absence of the Mayor, or what have you. Mr. Carollo: You know, I think he is right. He makes a lot of sense with that. Mayor Ferre: Strike it. I have no problems with that. What this basically follows is the Philadelphia Charter, which says that the Mayor will appoint a Deputy Mayor out of the Administration and most American cities, where there is an Executive Mayor, the Mayor always has the ability to appoint a Deputy Mayor. Now, you can call him anything you want. You can call him Chief of Administration or whatever. Mr. Carollo: Chief Administrator, maybe. Mr. Rolle: I like the term Chief Administrator or General Manager a little better than Deputy Mayor and further, Mr. Mayor, and Commissioners ... Mr. Carollo: How about Director of Administration? Mayor Ferre: We already have Director of Administration. See, like Philadelphia and Washington, and other cities, there is a City Manager, except that the City Manager - what is it called, Sergio? Director? Mr. Sergio Pereira: No, it is called Executive ... Mayor Ferre: I am sorry. Chief Executive. Mr. Pereira: Chief Executive Officer. Mayor Ferre: Chief Executive Officer. y,q ate, Ef Mr. Rolle: I think to be consistent with Executive Mayors in _= terms of the history and how it evolved, I think General Manager under an Executive Mayor, I believe is the term that is normallyused for this type ype of government. Another :°. concern. that I have, Mr. Mayor, is that this particular plan and ... :;. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, let's just do one at a time. I've got no problems with that, Lucia, where it says Deputy Mayor - call it General Manager. I have no problem with . Anybody that. An y y have any problem with that? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, I have a problem. Mayor Ferre: You have aproblem? Mrs. Dougherty: In the sense that you have to always have a Mayor who is going to run the eit,°, and when the Mayor is absent .. . ld 1T3 April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferre: See, that is where you get into trouble is that legally there always needs to be a person on board that has those powers. Mrs. Dougherty: You have all these powers that the Mayor has to provide. Mayor Ferre: And if the person goes on vacation, or gets sick, somebody has to act in that roll and in a typical American balance of power city, you know there has to be a president, vice-president, governor, lieutenant -governor, you know, and so on. Now, in places that are small like Miami, instead of having an elected Vice -Mayor, the Charter provides a Deputy Mayor. Mr. Carollo: A Deputy -Mayor. Mayor Ferre: And that is true in New York, Boston, San Francisco ... Mr. Carollo: So in other words, if this passes, I would have been the last Vice -Mayor the City had. Mayor Ferre: Yes, if this passes, you will be the last ... Mr. Dawkins: Madam City Attorney, what stops it from saying that whoever receives the highest number of votes when running, would be the Vice -Mayor? Mayor Ferre: You have a conflict because there ... Mr. Dawkins: I have a problem with the person not being elected and being appointed. I have a problem with that. Mr. Rolle: That is one of the concerns I have also, Mr. Mayor. If you will, it just seems to me that if this particular document wants to include a second person on the ticket with the Executive Mayor, which is not in accordance with the existing form of Executive Mayor around the nation, then of course, we are talking about you and somebody - not necessarily you, who runs for Mayor, and somebody else being on the ticket in executive branch of government. Mr. Plummer: Like a Lieutenant -Governor? Mayor Ferre: The problem is that costs a lot more money. Yes, go ahead. Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, the Charter, as proposed, provides that the Commission would have to ratify the appointment of this Deputy -Mayor. You could designate that perhaps the Director of Administration would be the Deputy Mayor. Mr. Carollo: Legally we are not going to be able to do it. It is a good idea, though, I like it, but legally, we cannot do it. Mr. Rolle: Let me just go on. The other concerns that I have - as I read through the document, and correct me if I am wrong. I think that the intent here was to substitute Executive Mayor in all instances where the Manager appeared in the Charter. It seems as though we might have exceeded that in some areas and it seems as though we are treading across the line within the province of what the Commission, the legislative body, should be doing. Well, some of the appointees to the - what is it, I think it is the ... ld 174 April 11, 1985 Y wjitX' i 4, Mayor Ferre: If you will read that, Wellington, you will see that all of those appointments have to be ratified by the Commission, but let me tell you, I personally spent a lot of time reading charters from all over this country. They run all over the place. The strongest is San Francisco. In San Francisco, the Mayor appoints everybody and everything without any consent of the Commission. Diane Feinstein appoints every department head, every committee, every president, every authority member and it does not require consent. Now, that is the strongest. The weakest is the Newark system which requires all of kinds of consents for everything. This thing is pretty much like the Newark system. In other words, on all major appointments and all major committees, like the pension, the civil service, that requires ratification by the Council. You see, that is exactly the way it is in Hialeah, by the way. Mr. Rolle: Okay, but see, the concern that I have Mr. Mayor, is say like on the two members that will be appointed by the Mayor to civil service, I mean you could have the opportunity to remove them without cause, or no cause at all - no reason. The concern I have is that the Commission, I think, should be about the business of appointing those kinds of committees and I saw where the Mayor would appoint people to the Zoning Board and Planning Board with the concurrence of the Commission. It just seems to me that the Mayor is able to fire those people who serve at the whim and pleasure of the Mayor, then I think that to seek recourse or to seek relief, they would be able to go to another body, rather than the body that concurred with ... Mayor Ferre: Let me put to you the Federal case, okay? Now, the President appoints the Federal Aviation Board, or the F.C.C. Now, he has to get the concurrence of the Senate, which is the legislative body, but if the President wants to fire the head, the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, or wants to fire the Secretary of Labor, the head of the F.C.C., the President doesn't need the authorization of the Senate to fire. He only asks permission to appoint. Now, the Governor does the same thing. The Governor appoints people that he has under the State constitution the right to appoint. Some of them he needs the concurrence of the Senate, but when it comes time to firing them, he doesn't go back to the Senate. Mr. Rolle: Well, I am certainly not taking the position that I would challenge the Mayor's authority to fire the people who are working on his team. I want the Mayor to have that opportunity to fire the people on his team, with or without cause, however he chooses to do it, because I think that the Electorate will want to hold the office of the Executive Mayor responsible for those line functions - the Sanitation, the Police and Fire and all those things that cause the City to run on a day to day basis. I wouldn't challenge that at all. I would like it to be purely separate where the Mayor can hire the people that he believes can operate efficiently and function well within the scheme of things in the executive branch of the government, but the concern that I have that I read in the document, I believe that some of the thingsand duties that have been included for the Executive Mayor, are within the province of the Commissioners and that is where I believe I would offer a challenge or would want to have some discussion further in terms of starting back and just starting with those areas where the Manager's functions in the Charter - the duties and responsibilities of the Manager. Mayor Ferre: I might point out, Wellington, that there is a difference between a Manager - Commission form of government gl 175 April 11, 1985 and an Executive Mayor form of government. This tracks without exception, every single city that has an Executive Mayor. There is no Executive Mayor anywhere in the country that does not have these types of powers. We took this out of the book. There is nottiing here - there is no invention in any of these documents that Lucia has come up with. After thorough research-- by a lo-t of people in the national association, and 1 ations, the League of Cities, Conference of Mayors, aDd reading through Charters of at least a dozen cities - two dozen, and then narrowed down to a dozen. There is a lot of work involved in all of this and I want to tell you on the record that there is no inventions here. This is all by the book. Mr. Rolle: I am not suggesting that it is, Mr. Mayor, but I did some reading by Wallsee Fair and some other people and I find that there is some variations of that theme of the strong Mayor, the Executive Mayor, General Manager type of plan, and I am just of the opinion personally that I think that in some instances this particular document crosses the line in terms of adding to that authority which the Mayor would have in the City of Miami that may eliminate some of the checks and balances that you have between the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch and I would hope that maybe the Commission or the Mayor and City Attorney would give that some additional thought, or additional observation. _ Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much. Madam City Attorney, in those areas dealing with the Mayor's appointment of committees and the procedure and all of that - if that were to be changed, would that be a substantive change? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, I am sure it would be. 'r Mr. Plummer: Question, Madam City Attorney, if this were to pass in November of this year, do we have to buy out Sergio's contract? Mr. Carollo: No, we do -not. Mr. Plummer: I am asking the City Attorney. Mr. Carollo: Well, we do not. She was here and we discussed that earlier, because his position would then revert to as the Chief Executive under that contract. Now, if the new Mayor does not want him ... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Pereira, do you undersstand it that way, sir? Mr. Pereira: To be very honest with you, I haven't even «= given it any thought. Mr. Carollo: If the netj Mayor does not want that, then he would have a right to receive that compensation. Mr. Pereira: Seriously, assume that ... Mr. Carollo: You want what is best for the City of Miami, ' we know that. ems. Mr. Pereira: I beg your pardon? Mr. Carollo: You want what is best for the City of Miami. ,. We understand that. Mr. Pereira: When I have been asked a question, my response £' has always been, well, there is a position - you know, Executive Officer, -ieneral Manager, which ever it is going - .�r•.: gl 176 April 11, 1985 MrF ,1„A+yFl::'r�'�S WTM�'—wLetW, z�S to be called, and certainly it will be an interest in that position, but it will have to be with the concurrence of whoever gets elected for that position. Mr. Carollo: If the new Mayor does not want to have it, and 1 cannot imagine who would not, then we would have to buy out the remaining contract. Mayor Ferre: All right, are we ready? Mr. Plummer: What happened ... Mr. Carollo: So that was the reason he needed that guarantee. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask the other way around. Mr. Carollo: Otherwise he wouldn't have asked for it. Mr. Plummer: What about the individual, and it is Sergio in this particular case, did not want to serve as executive? Mr. Carollo: Well then, that is his problem. Mr. Plummer: And he would not receive then, the $92,000? Mr. Carollo: Of course notl Mayor Ferre: Yes, but you see, if he resigns or leaves on his own, he is not going to get that compensation. All right, are we ready to vote on this thing now? Anybody else want to speak. All right, if not ... yes, sir? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mayor Ferre: Number one, right now. Mr. Carollo: Executive Mayor. a` r Mayor Ferre: All right, any further discussion? All right, read the ordinance, please. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT, KNOWN AS "CHARTER �- AMENDMENT NO. 1"9 TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORATE AT A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON JULY 91 19859 SAID AMENDMENT OF THE CITY CHARTER TO PROVIDE FOR THE ► CREATION OF AN EXECUTIVE MAYOR FORM OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI AND DEFINING QUALIFICATIONS9 FUNCTIONS AND COMPENSATION OF THE MAYOR, COMMISSION, .;: CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMISSION, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND BUDGET, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT AND CITY • ATTORNEY; PROVIDING FOR THE TERMS OF THE ,:. OFFICE AND ELECTION DATES FOR FIVE COMMISSIONERS AND THE MAYOR; DEFINING THE CLASSIFIED AND UNCLASSIFIED CIVIL Ste' SERVICE; SETTING TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF OFFICE FOR THE CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY CLERK; REPEALING ALL CHARTER SECTIONS OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SUCH CHARTER AMENDMENT TO TAKE EFFECT "Y 5 UPON PASSAGE BY THE ELECTORATE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. gl 177 April 119 1985 -r + Was introduced by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez and was passed on its First reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: None. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. --r------- r----- r--r-rrrr---- --- rrr-r-r------r--- ---- r---r-r 84. CHARTER AMENDMENT #2 - EXPANSION OF COMMISSION FIRST READING ORDINANCE. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: All right, take up Item 71 as amended. You have the amended version before you. Lucia, tell us what the amendments cover, please. Mrs. Dougherty: The only amendment to this one is the filling in the blank with July 9, 1985. Mayor Ferre: Okay, are we ready to vote? Mr. Plummer: Is there a motion made? Mr. Carollo: There is a motion made for 71. Mr. Plummer: Is there a second? Mayor Ferre: There is a motion made by Carollo, is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. • .= Mayor Ferre: There is a second. Mr. Plummer: I offer a substitute motion making it effective 1987. w ;•.- Mayor Ferre: I accept that. .: i Mr. Carollo: I do not accept that Mr. Plummer. Mr. Plummer: The substitute motion. Mr. Carollo: Oh, the substitute motion - okay. fiMayor Ferre: All right, there is a substitute motion. Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Hearing no second ... Mayor Ferre: Dawkins, do you want to second the substitute? No? You have no second, so there is a motion. Is there anybody who wishes to speak on Item 71 as amended? As it is F � before this Commission, let the record reflect that all j --�, members of the Commission, members of the public have a copy - FVk+ of this before them, including copies of a map which are available to the public, which has the districts. Wellington, do you have a copy? Go ahead. gl 178 April 119 1985 Mr. Wellington Rolle: I wanted to Bake a comment in reference to the map, Mr. Mayor, and I think last year when this item came up, there was some concern about not having the map to go along with the proposal. Mayor Ferre: That is why we are trying to correct it. Mr. Rolle: Right, so now that we have the map, I have some other concerns, and that is the terminology - gerrymander seems to come into play here on the map. Mayor Ferre: I would like to point out, because that is a dangerous word. Gerrymandering, whenever you have continuous and contiguous precincts and lines are as straight as they can be, there is no gerrymandering. I would point out to you that if you look at this map, Districts three and four and one are about as continuous and contiguous as they could be. The only place that I think you would challenge is District two, which goes along the bay. For the record, I would like to point out that the reason why District two has that configuration for the most part is that there is a particular need of and that people that live on the water along the bay all have a similar interest to defend, and that the only exceptions to that are Districts 834, 8339 832, 625, 640 and the 400 districts - 4 4339 4099 476, 475 and the reason why they are there is because they are continuous and contiguous and because it is needed to have a proper balance. I would like to point out that these districts are all - according to the rule of law, they are all balanced - they all have between 30,000 and 31,000 and it is a perfect balance! Mr. Rolle: Numerically, Mr. Mayor, I agree with you that they are balanced, but I think the City of Miami, the way the City of Miami is laid out, centrally located in Dade ` County, that there is no requirement that we have districts that go from the northern end of the City to the southern end of the City in its entirety. Mayor Ferre: Well, I just explained the logic of it. Mr. Rolle: I heard that. I heard that, but what I am saying to you, Mr. Mayor, is that what you are simply saying is that we have separated ourselves by classes of people in the City of Miami. I think that is a mistake. I personally r think that is a mistake. I am not saying ... Mayor Ferre: I understand, Wellington, but let me tell you, if you go ... most American cities when they are districted, whether it be New York City, and there is a Harlem and a South Bronx and a Brooklyn and an East Side, and so on. - Mr. Rolle: And like the Lake Shore in Chicago, okay. Mayor Ferre: Yes, but the point that I want to make is that A the reason why these districts exist and it is a legal requirement - if you notice, there is an ethnic balance which is acceptable by the Supreme Court. The protection of neighborhoods is an acceptable criteria. Ethnicity►_._A-s---an i acceptable criteria, and what this in a uarantees, I � think for many years to come , � y, is that there will i always be a #lac ,—a—Wh to Anglo-Saxon, and a Hispanic i member e-p-re-aented because of the way these districts are --drawn. Mr. Rolle: Well, certainly would hope that is the case, Mr. Mayor, but I don't know that we need to have this exotic drawing of a district to provide for that in the future. ... ' Now, if he has observed this Commission, the composition of t� �6 r gl 179 April 11, 1985 this Commission for the last several years, going back to Commissioner Reboso and Commissioner Lacasa, and those of you who sit here now, I don't think that we will ever have a problem where we will not have the ethnic representation of the City of Miami present on this Commission and as I look at this particular document, I have some grave concerns about the value of the configurations of the map as it exists here today, so I would hope that maybe, Mr. Mayor, maybe we would not push this particular map at this time on Charter Amendment Number two, and actually consider voting for the members of the Commission from at large in the City of Miami. Is that a consideration, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much. All right, any other statements? Mr. Carollo: Yes, we have one more guy up there, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: All right, are we ready to vote, now? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mayor Ferre: Yes, go ahead. All right. It wouldn't be complete without you The only guy missing is Ernie Fannatto. Mr. Albio Castillo: My name is Albio Castillo. I live at 2386 S. W. 5th Street. I'd like to remind this Commission that in 1981 it was defeated. How are you going to educate the people this time around since nobody has mentioned it? Mayor Ferre: Well, I think the press will take care of that. Mr. Castillo: I hope so if you want it to pass. Mr. Plummer: It is called Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! Mr. Castillo: Yes, or the Three Stooges, too. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you very much. Any other statements? Further discussion? All right, let the record reflect that Item 71 is properly before us, that it is in writing. All members of the Commission have copies. Members of the public have it available, including the proposed precinct maps with four districts. Would you re iybJ: f gl 180 April 11, 1985 1. r p�a.Y�fiay'ya�'.c++._ i the ordinance, please? AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED= AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT, KNOWN AS "CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 2", TO 8E SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORATE AT A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON JULY 9, 1985, SAID AMENDMENT OF THE CITY CHARTER TO PROVIDE FOR EXPANDING THE COMMISSION FROM FIVE TO SEVEN MEMBERS, FOUR OF WHICH ARE TO BE ELECTED ON THE BASIS OF SINGLE -MEMBER DISTRICTS AND THREE OF WHICH ARE TO BE ELECTED AT LARGE IF THE PROPOSED EXECUTIVE -MAYOR CHARTER AMENDMENT IS PASSED BY THE ELECTORATE AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE; AND IF SUCH AMENDMENT DOES NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE, EXPANDING THE COMMISSION FROM FIVE TO SEVEN MEMBERS WITH FOUR MEMBERS BEING ELECTED FROM DISTRICTS AND THREE MEMBERS, INCLUDING THE MAYOR, BEING ELECTED AT LARGE; ESTABLISHING INITIAL DISTRICTS AND ESTABLISHING A BOUNDARIES COMMITTEE WHICH SHALL BE IMPANELLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH FEDERAL DECENNIAL CENSUS TO REDEFINE THE DISTRICTS; ESTABLISHING THE DATES FOR ELECTIONS OF ALL COMMISSIONERS AND THE MAYOR; PROVI THAT THE COMMISSION ESTABLI . THE COMPENSATION FOR THE M AND COMMISSIONERS; REPEALIN L CHARTER SECTIONS OR PARTS TH IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SUCH BARTER AMENDMENT TO TAKE EFFECT UPON PASSAGE BY THE ELECTORATE, AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: None The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. Mayor Ferre: Is there anything else to come up before ... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would ask that the Manager between now and the second reading come up with a realistic cost figure of what these proposals will cost the taxpayers } of the City and I would like it separate between the two. I think it should be a known factor. j Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I think if we are going to do that, we should be fair about it and there is no way that seven _ Commissioners are going to have the same staff that each Commissioner has now, so I think it is up to us to come to ~ what we want to implement at this point in time that is going to be the staff level the members of the Commission gl 181 April 11, 1985 ����Y �s �.r+."ie r � ! �� � � —y�'� � � ,,�,. yam, u�rli.•,Y�,�;� ------------ r are going to have, or should I say the dollar amount, and ... Mayor Ferrel There is one simple way of doing that and that is to include it in this ordinance before we close it. We will have to revisit it right now - that the following motion, that the cost of the Commission, including the five members, including the Mayor, will increase only as the index as put out by the Department of Labor of the United States increases and that way you lock in - I am not a Republican, but President Reagan is always trying to do this. Mr. Carollo: I will tell you, you are getting close! Mayor Ferre: You are locking in the expected cost, but I will tell you what, I will do it right now. I pass the gavel to you, Carollo, and I move that in this ordinance, in both of these ordinances - no, in the ordinance dealing with the Commission, that there be inserted a cost, a total cost for the seven members equal to the cost as exists today for the five, divided equally ... Mr. Plummer: Cost, or salaries? Mayor Ferre: No, I am not talking about salaries. I am talking about office expense, secretaries ... Mr. Carollo: Hold on, Mr. Mayor. You cannot have the same equally for the Mayor, because if the Mayor is going to have all the responsibility, there is no possible way! Mayor Ferre: In proportion. Keep it in proportion - well not the Mayor. Mrs. Dougherty: The Mayor would be like a City Manager. Mayor Ferre: The Mayor is the City Manager. Mr. Carollo: Exactly, that is what I was saying. Mayor Ferre: I am talking about on the Commission. Mr. Carollo: Right. A_;.. Mayor Ferre: See, now for example - my budget is what ...? Three hundred and some -odd thousand? And your budget is a f hundred and some -odd ... that is probably ... Mr. Carollo: Not too much. Mayor Ferre: That is public information. You are each a ¢;t hundred and some -odd ... Mr. Carollo: I am the one that has the least of the four Commissioners. Mayor Ferre: Whatever it is, it s $100,000 ... 1 (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) -.=. Mayor Ferre: Well, I guarantee you that between the five of 6 us, that we spend $1,000,0001 All I am saying is, and I am ' making a motion that whatever it is that we spend, that that be the amount allocated amongst seven people and that the = ft Chairman .of the Commission, whoever that Chairman is, have s "S twice what the other six make, and that is fair. r Mr. Carollo: Yes, that is fair. ;t gl 182 April 11, 1985 -- _ it -- .i Mayor Ferre: others makes. Whoever the Chairman is gets twice what the Mr. Carollo: It will be only the budget of four Commissioners, not the Mayor's. Mayor Ferret The Mayor now becomes the Manager, Joe. He is not included in this resolution. Mr. Carollo: I realize that, but what I am saying is, are you saying that the present budget of approximately s1,0009000? Mayor Ferre: Is limited to the new Commission and that the new Commission be limited to that budget and the only way it increases is the cost of living increase ... Mr. Carollo: Do we have to place it in the ordinance, or can we just ... can the Commission vote upon it itself? Fkrs. Dougherty: The Commission can vote upon it later on. Uf course, the Commission by another ordinance can amend it later on too. Yes, but see, by locking it in, what I am doing is, by so doing, I am saying that the expenditures of the Commission, not the Mayor - the Commission, is limited to what it is today, which is approximately $1,000,000, okay? That does not include salaries. I am not including salaries. That is something that the Commission sets for itself. Mr. Plummer: You are going to have the same amount for the seven that you had before now? Mayor Ferre: That is for five. Mr. Carollo: Five. Mayor Ferre: Because I am including the ... Mr. Carollo: That is not really like five, it would really be like, you know, seven more if the Mayor has no vote. Mr. Perez: But that amount would change according to the budget. Mayor Ferre: According to the index, I am tying it to the cost of living index as determined by the U. S. Government == V ~t- Department of Labor. Mr. Perez: What about the salaries? Mayor Ferre: Salaries you set. The Commission sets salaries. I am not touching salaries. Mr. Perez: I think it would be better to establish the salaries. Mayor Ferre: No, I am not establishing the salaries. You guys do that. Mr. Carollo: Again, the salaries of the individual Commissioners - the Mayor is separate from the Commission. I want to make that clear. j Mayor Ferre: The salaries of the Mayor and the Commission are set by the Commission. That is, correct - in this document. That is correct. `:ems Mr. Rolle: Mr. Mayor, would that become a part of the title, today or is that going to be at some other time? gl 183 April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferre: It has to be done now at the time of First reading. Mrs. Dougherty: It has got to be written. It has got to be introduced in writing. I am writing it. Mayor Ferre: Write it out please. Write it out so we can do this legally and without any questions. First of all, I am move it. Vice -Mayor Carollo, I am making a motion of intent. This is on Item 71 only. Mr. Carollo: Included in Item 710 correct, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: That is correct. Mr. Carollo: Okay, is there a second? Commissioner Perez seconds it. Hearing no further discussion - I hear none, right? Mr. Rolle: How can you make the addition to that? Mayor Ferre: We are going to as soon as we vote on it. Mr. Carollo: Hearing nobody else from the Commission or from the public who wanted to speak on it, can you call the roll, Mr. Clerk? The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: i` MOTION NO. 85-433 A MOTION TO AMEND PREVIOUSLY PASSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH :.: CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 2 PROVIDING FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE COMMISSION FROM 5 TO 7 MEMBERS AND FURTHER MAKING THE A` FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. THE COST FOR A 7-MEMBER COMMISSION WOULD BE THE SAME AS THE COST FOR THE PRESENT 5-MEMBER COMMISSION; 2. THE OFFICE EXPENSES AND SECRETARIAL STAFF BE IN THE SAME PROPORTION AND THE :. SAME AMOUNT AS PRESENTLY EXISTS; 3. FURTHER STIPULATING THAT THE CHAIRMAN WILL HAVE A BUDGET EQUAL TO TWICE THE AMOUNT ALLOCATED TO THE OTHER MEMBERS OF ' THE COMMISSION AND THAT THE ONLY WAY IT WOULD INCREASE IS BY AN INCREASE IN THE k COST OF LIVING INDEX PUT OUT BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE; FURTHER STIPULATING THIS WOULD NOT .; INCLUDE SALARIES, WHICH WOULD BE SET BY THE CITY COMMISSION. (Note: Additional language added and clarified in the new version of propose Charter Amendment No. 2). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Vice-Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ld 184 April 11, 1985 Mayor Ferre: All right now, we have to now vote on the new ordinance as amended to make it totally legal and would you read us the wording you have now placed. Can I help you with it? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, on Page 6 ... Mayor Ferre: "The administrative expenses of the Commission shall be limited to the actual expenses for the fiscal year 1984-859 provided however, that at the beginning of every fiscal year it will be increased in accordance with the cost of living index as published by the United States Department of Labor in Washington, D.C." Well, C.P.I. index usually utilized for cost of living calculations. Mrs. Dougherty: Department of what? Mayor Ferre: Well, it has to be the national one. All right now, Lucia, "that the President of the Council's expenses be double that of the remaining Commissioners. Mrs. Dougherty: Within that same amount. Mayor Ferre: Within that same amount, so that whoever is President of the Council ... whoever is Chairman, serves as Chairman, would have an expense double that of the remaining Commissioners individually, in other words. You have to average what the Commissioners are expending and you double that for whoever is the Chairman. Now, this is only to expenses, right? And expenses, if you want to define expenses as currently defined by the City of Miami annual budget - all items presently covered except salaries. Salary and the individual expenses of the Commission. Does that cover it? All right, is it in writing? 8 r g• Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir it is in writing. < Mayor Ferre: Does any member of the public wish a copy of this? Mr. Rolle: I would like to have a copy of it, Mr. Mayor and I would like to know what section it is in. WRI Mrs. Dougherty: It is in the ... Mayor Ferre: Let the record reflect that it is the ..! Department of Commerce that issues the C.P.I. I am sorry. Mr. Rolle: The B.L.S. and our Department of Commerce yes. What section is it in, Madam City Attorney, and is it included in the title yet? Mrs. Dougherty: It is going to be included in the title in a minute by interlineation. Mayor Ferre: We need to give her a moment or two. R Mrs. Dougherty: I will read the title again, but it is in Section 10 on Page 6 at the above - it is another paragraph. It will be included on Page 11 right above the portion that Y says "The above section B shall become operative..." Mr. a�y Mayor, I am going to re -read the ordinance. "AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH THE PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT KNOWN AS CHARTER -AMENDMENT NUMBER 2..." Mayor Ferre: Hold on, let's do it legally. Is there a motion on the new ... do we have to rescind 71 and do it over again, technically? ld 185 April 119 1985 Mrs. Dougherty: Yes. Mayor Ferret All right, is there a motion to rescind 71 as previously voted oft? Mr. Carollo: There is a motion to rescind. Mayor Ferret Is there a second? Perez seconds the (notion to rescind 71 as previously voted on. Call the roll on rescinding. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-434 A MOTION TO RESCIND PREVIOUSLY PASSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 2 FOR PURPOSES OF INSERTING FURTHER AMENDATORY LANGUAGE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ` Mayor Ferret All right now there is a new motion. Is there a motion on the amended motion? s Mr. Carollo: There is a motion on 71 as amended. Mayor Ferret As amended. Perez seconds it. Read the ordinance as amended. Id 186 April 110 1985 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT, KNOWN AS "CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 2", TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORATE AT A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON JULY 9, 19859 SAID AMENDMENT OF THE CITY CHARTER TO PROVIDE FOR EXPANDING THE COMMISSION FROM FIVE TO SEVEN MEMBERS, FOUR OF WHICH ARE TO BE ELECTED ON THE BASIS OF SINGLE -MEMBER DISTRICTS AND THREE OF WHICH ARE TO BE ELECTED AT LARGE IF THE PROPOSED EXECUTIVE -MAYOR CHARTER AMENDMENT IS PASSED BY THE ELECTORATE AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE; AND IF SUCH AMENDMENT DOES NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE, EXPANDING THE COMMISSION FROM FIVE TO SEVEN MEMBERS WITH FOUR MEMBERS BEING ELECTED FROM DISTRICTS AND THREE MEMBERS, INCLUDING THE MAYOR, BEING ELECTED AT LARGE; ESTABLISHING INITIAL DISTRICTS AND ESTABLISHING A BOUNDARIES COMMITTEE WHICH SHALL BE IMPANELLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH FEDERAL DECENNIAL CENSUS TO REDEFINE THE DISTRICTS; ESTABLISHING THE DATES FOR ELECTIONS OF ALL COMMISSIONERS AND THE MAYOR; PROVIDING THAT THE COMMISSION ESTABLISH THE COMPENSATION FOR THE MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS; PROVIDING FOR THE LIMITATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES OF THE COMMISSION; REPEALING ALL CHARTER SECTIONS OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SUCH CHARTER AMENDMENT TO TAKE EFFECT UPON PASSAGE BY THE ELECTORATE, AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. -; Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 1. NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ON ROLL CALL: Mayor Ferre: I vote yes on that. I am glad you brought that up. I think it is a major improvement. f• . The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there anything else at this time? Is there anything else before us at this time? Mr. Plummer: I move we adjourn. r Mayor Ferre: There is a motion by Plummer that we adjourn, r seconded by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll on the adjournment. ld 187 April 11, 1985 THERE balsa so FURTHER BUSINESS TO coma MORE Tag CITY COMMISSION, THE NERTINO WAS ADJOURNED AT 8!20 F.N. ATTEST: Ralph 0. ousie CITY CLERK Natty Hirai ASSISTANT CITY CLERK Mauriae A. Ferre N A T 0 a ld 188 April 11, 1985 1 .P MjAml - I i s i r CumEiiT NDE YTW N04 DDCtR R IDWIFICATION CLOSE STREETS THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. ESTABLISH A PEDESTRIAN MALL DURING SPECIFIED HOURS, ETC..... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECU- TE AN AGREEMENT WITH DOWNTOWN MIAMI BUSINESS ASSOCIATION FOR THE FLAGLER STREET AREA, THE PROJECT; ETC....... EXPRESS DEEPEST SYMPATHY /SINCEREST CONDOLEN- CES OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF CITY MIAMI AND IT'S CITIZENS TO THE FAMILY/FRIENDS OF MILTON FISHER UPON HIS DEATH. EXPRESS DEEPEST SYMPATHY/SINCEREST CONDOLEN- CES OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF CITY OF MIAMI AND IT'S CITIZENS TO THE FAMILY/ FRIENDS OF SAMUEL FRIEDLAND UPON HIS DEATH. NOMINATE A MEMBER OF THE SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE PER CHAPTER 33D OF THE CODE OF METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY. DIRECT CITY CLERK TO FURNISH CERTIFIED COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AND CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. ALLOCATE $52,000. FROM S. P. AND A. C. F. FOR THE CITY PARTICIPATION IN THE C.O.T.A.L. CONGRESS (CONFEDERACION DE ORGANIZACIONES TURISTICAS DE LA AMERICA LATINA) TO BE HELD IN MIAMI MAY 11TH, THROUGH 18TH, 1985. RATIFY/APPROVE THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE LAW FIRM OF JACOBSON, SCHWARTZ, NASH, BLOCK, AND ENGLAND TO SERVE AS SPECIAL COUNSEL IN CONNECTION WITH MATTERS INVOLVING LITIGATION CONCERNING PUBLIC RECORDS FILED AGAINST THE MAYOR'S STAFF; ETC... URGIN REQUEST THAT SENATORS PAULA HAWKINS AND LAWTON M. CHILLES INTRODUCE IN THE UNITED / STATES SENATE AND WORK FOR THE SPEEDY PASSAGE BY CHAMBER OF CONGRESS OF THE CUBAN/HAITIAN } ADJUSTMENT ACT H.R. 23 WHICH PROVIDES PERMA- NENT RESIDENCE TO CUBAN AND HAITIAN REFUGEES WHO ENTERED THE U.S. PRIOR TO JANUARY 1, 1982; ETC...... MEETINIS DATE APRIL 11, 1985 AND 85-359 85-360 85-362 85-363 85-366 85-367 85-370 E*N; NTI DEN CONTINUED MUMMY IDUTIMATION APPROVE/ACCEPT THE DONATION OF A SCULPTURE BUST OF GENERAL JOSE GERVASIO ARTIGAS A NATIO- NAL HERO OF URUGUAY FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF THAT COUNTRY; ETC.... ACCEPT THE BID OF BISCAYNE FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. TO FURNISH FIRE HOSE ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YEAR RENEWABLE ANNUALY TO THE DEPART- MENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AT A TOTAL COST OF $48,930.; ETC.... ACCEPT THE BID OF LONG'S OFFICE SUPPLY CO. TO FURNISH 8 WORK STATIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ($6,651.) ACCEPT THE BID OF RECHTIEN INTERNATIONAL TO FURNISH ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS TO REFUR- BISH AND REPAINT A FIRE VEHICLE TO THE DEPART- MENT TO FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICE ($14,462.50) # ACCEPT THE BID OF NOTHING, INC. TO FURNISH REMOVAL OF ABANDONED VEHICLES TO THE DEPART- MENT OF SOLID WASTE ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YEAR RENEWABLE ANNUALLY ($21.50 PER EACH VEHICLE REMOVED) AT A TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE TO THE CITY OF $25,800.; ETC... ACCEPT THE BID OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. ($164,229.) OF THE PROPOSAL FOR CITY- WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE II AND AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM DIRECT CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTAN- CE BY CITY COMMISSION OF SAID CONTRUCTION; ETC.... ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF FRANK J. MORAN, INC. (TOTAL COST $425,599.) FOR ORANGE BOWL - FIELD LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT. AUTHORIZE AN ENCREASE IN THE APRIL 30, 1984 IN THE NET AMOUNT OF $9,998. AND A FINAL PAYMENT OF $12,076.01; ETC.... r 85-371 85-374 85-375 85-376 85-377 85-378 85-379 E_ DOCU N DEY CONTINUED bOCIMENT 1KN"TIMAT1ON AMEND RESOLUTION 85-153 WHICH. ALLOCATED $8,540. FROM S.P. AND A.Q.L.F. TO COVER COST OF RENTAL AND EVENT PERSONNEL FOR THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER FOR A DANCE TO HELD ON FEBRUARY 22, 1985 BY OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY THEREBY CHANGE THE DATE OF THE FRATERNITY THEREBY CHANGE THE DATE OF THE EVENT FROM FEBRUARY 22, 1985 TO MARCH 22, 1985. CONFIRM ACTION OF CITY THE CITY OF MIAMI'S UNDERGROUND UTILITIES (UUNC); ETC.... MANAGER THAT TERMINATE PARTICIPATION IN THE NOTIFICATION CENTER ALLOW SALE OF BEER/WINE FOR THREE DAY PERIOD BY HAITIAN CARNAVAL, INC. TO BE HELD APRIL 19, 20, 21, 1985 IN THE CITY OF MIAMI SUBJECT THE ISSUANCE OF ALL REQUIRED PERMITS. CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. ESTABLISH A PEDESTRIAN MALL DURING SPECIFIED HOURS FOR 1985 MIAMI/BAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL AND ALLOW THE SALE OF WINE/BEER FOR A 2 DAYS PERIOD BY THE MIAMI/BAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL TO BE HELD ON JUNE 8 AND 9, 1985. ALLOW THE SALE OF BEER/WINE FOR A 3 DAY PERIOD BY THE LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITIES AND NUTRITION CENTERS OF DADE COUNTY, INC. IN CONNECTION WITH A FESTIVAL THAT COMMEMORATE SENIOR CITI— ZENS' MONTH AND CUBA'S INDEPENDENCE DAY TO BE HELD IN JOSE MARTI PARK ON MAY 18, 19 AND 20, 1985; ETC..... ALLOW THE DISPENSE OF BEER FOR A ONE DAY PERIOD BY ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. IN CONNECTION WITH A FUNDERAISING EVENT TO BENEFIT THE HEADSTART PROGRAM AND SOUTH FLORIDA BLOOD SERVICE TO BE HELD AT PEACOCK PARK ON APRIL 21, 1985; ETC.... ALLOCATE $5,000. FROM S.P. AND A.S.C.F. (A CASH GRANT) IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI SISTER CITIES/UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE'S MIAMI — NICE POSTGRADUATE PRO— GRAM ENTITTLED "ADVANCES IN INTERNAL MEDICINE. 85-380 85-381 85-382 85-383 85-384 85-385 85-386 DOCUMENTimlWDEX CONTINUED :)5cLKNT iDENTIrItAits" RECIEVE/OPEN/READ AND REFER TO CITY MANAGER FOR TABULATION AND REPORT BIDS AUTHORIZED TO BE RECIEVED THIS DATE (RESOLUTION NO.- 85-353) FOR THE SALE OF $5,000. FIRE FIGHT- TING, FIRE PREVENTION AND RESCUE FACILITIES BONDS; ETC...... AWARD PRUDENTIAL BACHE SECURITIES $5,000,000. FIRE FIZHTING, FIRE PREVENTION AND RESCUE FACILITIES BONDS; ETC..... AUTHORIZE CITY MANGER TO ENTER INTO A PRO- FESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE FIRM OF COOPERS AND LYBRAND FOR MANAGEMENT SERVI- CES IN THE AREA OF SOLID WASTE ($48,000.); ETC..... ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF CITY MANAGER FOR THE SELECTION OF DEVELOPERS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE I. AUTHORIZE/ DIRECT CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIA- TE CONTRACTS WITH THE PROPOSERS AND FURTHER - ` CITECT CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT THE NEGOTIATED I CONTRACTS TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR CONSIDE- RATION AND APPROVAL BY THE CITY COMMISSION PRIOR TO THE EXECUTION THEREOF. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO INITIATE THE ACQUI- SITION OF 71 PARCELS IN THE SOUTHEAST OVER- TOWN/PARK WEST PROJECT AREA AND REQUEST ! THAT DADE COUNTY INITIATE CONDEMNATION PRO- CEEDS IN THE NAME OF THE CITY FOR THOSE PROPERTIES THAT CANNOT BE PURCHASED BY NEGO- r TIATON. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER AN INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES r RELATED TO PROPERTY ACQUISITION/RELOCATION FOR IMPLEMENTING PHASE I OF SOUTHEAST OVER- TOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ($380,000. ETC..... ESTABLISH PROCEDURES FOR THE ACQUISITION OF LAND THROUGH NEGOTIATED PURCHASE IN THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDE- VELOPMENT AREA. 85-388 85-390 85-391 85-393 85-394 85-395 85-396 v CONTINUED AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AND ISSUE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR MARKETING/ PROMOTIONAL SERVICES FOR PHASE I OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, ($60,000.) ETC..... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRAC— TUAL AGREEMENT WITH THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE RESEARCH CORPORATION, A FLORIDA CORPORATION, TO CONDUCT A HOUSING PREFERENCE SURVEY AMONG THE EMPLOYEES OF THE DOWNTOWN MIAMI AREA AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $15,000. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AND ISSUE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE 9TH STREET MALL, AND THE 7TH STREET MALL, IMPRO— VEMENTS OF SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVE— LOPMENT PROJECT CATEGORY "B". APPOINT: HERBERT J. BAILEY, AS CHAIRPERSON FOR THE SELECTION AND NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE, ETC..... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREE— MENT, WITH THE TOURISM INDUSTRY COALITION COVERING THE TRANSFER AND ASSIGMENT OF SEVEN CITY EMPLOYEES (ONE YEAR PERIOD). AUTHORIZE $60 MILLION IN SHORT—TERM REVENUE NOTES TO FUND A CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PRO— GRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF OWNER —OCCUPIED HOUSING IN PHASE I OF SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. AUTHORIZE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH L. F. ROTHSCHILD, UNTERBERG, TOWBIN, FOR MANA— GING UNDERWRITER SERVICES FOR THE CONSTRUC— TION FINANCING FROGRAM FOR OWNER —OCCUPIED HOUSING IN PHASE I (SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/ PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PERMANENT MULTI —LEVEL URBAN PARKING FACILITY (1,200 PARKING SPACES TOGETHER WITH AN ADFACENT SURFACE PARKING AREA) FOR THE USE OF BAYSIDE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ($18,500,000.) ETC..... �0r.MUSSIGN ft %ILVAL 85-397 85-398 85-400 85-401 85-402 85-403 85-405 i 1 y.^ CoN_TINUED 11DCtM NT IDENTi CATION - - �' •�tAM�nre ph"t rt5SI0N YAL . tr,� �un_ AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AND ISSUE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR MARKETING/ PROMOTIONAL SERVICES FOR PHASE I OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, ($60,000.) ETC..... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRAC- TUAL AGREEMENT WITH THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE RESEARCH CORPORATION, A FLORIDA CORPORATION, TO CONDUCT A HOUSING PREFERENCE SURVEY AMONG THE EMPLOYEES OF THE DOWNTOWN MIAMI AREA AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $15,000. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AND ISSUE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE 9TH STREET MALL, AND THE 7TH STREET MALL, IMPRO- VEMENTS OF SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVE- LOPMENT PROJECT CATEGORY "B". APPOINT: HERBERT J. BAILEY, AS CHAIRPERSON FOR THE SELECTION AND NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE, ETC..... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREE- MENT, WITH THE TOURISM INDUSTRY COALITION COVERING THE TRANSFER AND ASSIGMENT OF SEVEN CITY EMPLOYEES (ONE YEAR PERIOD). AUTHORIZE $60 MILLION IN SHORT-TERM REVENUE NOTES TO FUND A CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PRO- GRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF OWNER -OCCUPIED HOUSING IN PHASE I OF SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. AUTHORIZE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH L. F. ROTHSCHILD, UNTERBERG, TOWBIN, FOR MANA- GING UNDERWRITER SERVICES FOR THE CONSTRUC- TION FINANCING FROGRAM FOR OWNER -OCCUPIED HOUSING IN PHASE I (SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/ PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PERMANENT MULTI -LEVEL URBAN PARKING FACILITY (1,200 PARKING SPACES TOGETHER WITH AN ADFACENT SURFACE PARKING AREA) FOR THE USE OF BAYSIDE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ($18,500,000.) ETC..... 85-397 85-398 85-400 85-401 85-402 85-403 85-405 v CONTINUED RINIEVAL 03CUbtNT ZDC IrICATION iF`riftu M AM Ph%t wn_ AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR THE LEASE OF A PORTION OF THE COMMUNITY BUILDING AT PEACOCK PARK FOR PROSPECTIVE USE BY NONPROFIT, PUBLIC PURPOSE ORGANIZATION. ` AUTHORIZE TO ADVERTISE FOR EVALUATE, AND ACCEPT THE BID OF A VENDOR TO PROVIDE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE APPROVED LUNCHES DURING THE SUMMER OF 1985 (ELEGIBLE CHILDREN), ETC... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY TO ACCEPT $250,000. UNENCUMBERED IN DIRECT PAYMENTS IN CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY HAVING PROVIDED COUNTYWIDE CONVENTION SERVICES THROUGH CITY'S CONVENTION BUREAU DURING FISCAL YEAR 1983-84. RATIFY/CONFIRM THE FINDING OF CITY MANAGER THAT THE REQUIREMENT FOR FORMAL COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS BE WAIVED AND THAT THE EMERGEN- CY PURCHASE OF TYPESETTING, LAYOUT, AND PRINTING SERVICES FROM REVIEW FINANCIAL PRINTERS, INC. ($13,500.) BE APPROVED, ETC... i DEDICATE THE FOUNTAIN AT BICENTENNIAL PARK TO THE CITY OF CALI, COLOMBIA, IN A GESTURE OF FRIENDSHIP FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI. INS- TRUCT THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS/RECREATION TO PREPARE A PLAQUE COMMEMORATING THIS GESTU- TURE DURING THE 2ND WEEK OF MAY, 1985. AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FOR DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL AND CONSTRUCTION DECUMENTS FOR THE BUICKELL PROMENADE PROJECT. (CATEGORY "B" PROJECT). APPOINT: SERGIO RODRIGUEZ AS CHAIRPERSON FOR THE COMPETITIVE SELECTION/ NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY CODE SECTION 18-52.3., ETC.... APPOINT: 1- GEORGE CAMPBELL, TO CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC WORK. 2- JAMES J. KAY TO CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC WORK. 3- ANTHONY J. CLEMENTE, TO METRO DADE COUNTY, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRO- MENT RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. 3 85-406 85-412 85-413 85-415 85-416 85-417 85-418 TDOCUWIENT•IfiIDEx i 03CArKt 1UNTIrICATION AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREE- MENT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE CITY'S MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPOSED NEW BELLE MEADE ISLAND BRIDGE. APPOINT: LES BEILINSON TO THE CITY OF MIAMI HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD. ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF M. VILA AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ($228,550.25) FOR OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I (BIDS "A" AND "B") - H-4492. ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF LANZO CONS- TRUCTION CO. ($1,416,070.21) FOR LYNWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT (BIDS A, B, C, D, AND ADDITIVE BIDS A, B, C, D,) IN DISTRICT -SR-5487 C&S (CENTERLINE AND SIDELINE SEWERS). ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. INC. ($129,211.20) FOR CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - SOUTHWEST 16 STREET - BID "D" -SR 5499. ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., ($158,052.76) FOR CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - OVER - TOWN - PHASE I-SR-5501 C AND S (CENTERLINE AND SIDELINE SEWERS). CONFIRM ORDER RESOLUTION NO.85-260 AND AUTHO- RIZE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FAIRLAWN NORTH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR- 5491-C (CENTERLINE SEWER). CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POINTVIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT IN POINT - VIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT H-4303. WAIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR FORMAL SEALED BIDS BY REDUCING THE BIDDING TIME AND ACCEPT THE BID OF MARKS BROTHERS CO. ($109,500.) OF THE PROPOSAL FOR BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMET PROJECT; ETC.... 85-419 85-420 85-423 85-424 85-425 85-426 85-427 85-428 85-429 IN DOCUMENT INDEX CONTINUED