HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-0476.IN J-85-419 5/9/85 RESOLUTION NO+ 85 -wV(L �a. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ASSIGN THE SERVICES OF A FULL-TIME CITY CLERICAL EMPLOYEE TO SERVE AS A STAFF PERSON TO SAID COMMISSION; ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,500 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, TO COVER THE COST OF STATIONERY AND A SEPARATE TELEPHONE LINE FOR USE BY SAID COMMISSION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following individuals are hereby appointed to the CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN: Appointee: Ana Maria Carnesoltas 5761 S,W, 47th Street Miami, Florida 33155 Appointee: Barbara Ann Ibarra 3618 Palmarito Street Coral Gables, FL 33134 Section 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to assign the services of a full-time City clerical employee to serve as a staff person to said Committee. Section 3. An amount not to exceed $1,500 is hereby allocated from Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund, to cover the cost of stationery and a separate telephone line for use by said Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9tb day of Mag , 1985. ATTEST: 2V H G. ONGI E CITY CLERK Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 9 1985 ._ ON Na. 4 t.r ip PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AJV%. ill 21. V WV CITY ATTORNEY RFC/rr/054 CORRECTNESS: 85--476. I 52 011T OF MIAMI. FI.ORIbA 1NTER+O1r0rICE MEMORANDUM ro Sergio Pereira City .Manager ,-� 4 room: Angela R. Bellamy Acting Director Department of Human Resources DATE: April 22, 1985 RR.tt suutc-r: Appointment of Members to Commission on the Status of Women REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Attached is a draft resolution pro- viding for the appointment of five members to the Commission on the Status of Women. The City of Miami Commission on the Status of Women consists of 20 members appointed by the City.Commission. The length of term is unspecified. Five vacancies exist due to the resignation of three members: Emma Chavez, Wanda Green and Inez Almond; two other names are being certified to the Commission for removal for three consecutive absences: Ann Marie Adker and Francina Brooks: Recommendations to fill vacancies on the Commission on the Status of women shall be submitted to the City Commission for considera- tion. Such recommendations should reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the women in the city of Miami. Attached are the application forms and personal biographies of women recommended by the Commission on the Status of Women. Also attached is a list of current members identified by ethnicity. Article 1 of Resolution No. 78-271 provides for the City Commis- sion to appoint members to the Board. In accordance with admin- istrative policy, I am notifying you of the above so that your office may advise the Commission. HMD:cf 85-4'76 _ COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN COMMITTEE MEMBERS Marta Prado Hispanic Nikki Beare Anglo Terril Stone Anglo Gisela Cardonne Hispanic Alicia Baro Hispanic Pat Johnson Black Kathleen dale Anglo Julie Tiger Anglo Janet Seitlin Anglo Valerie Lamonthe Black Olga Garay -Ahern Hispanic Verneka Silva Black Clare Whelan Anglo Cynthia Cochran Black Mary McCray Black TOTAL Hispanic 4 Black 5 Anglo 6 15 85-4r'76. to CITY OF AIIAW Personal Information Forth for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Boards Position and board for which you have been nominated Hoard Member (Position City of Miami Commission on the Status of waam l Guard) Instructions: Please complete and sign this form and return it along with a brief resume. 1. Name: Jeanette Taswell Rearson (First) 01iddiel "Hat) 2. Address of Permanent Residence: 4900 N.W. 10 Avenue (Steel and Number) Miami Florida 33127 (City) (State) (Zipeodel 3. Address of Bui'— a! 1 1 Ar. ra _w 11 (Street and Number) (City) tbtatel 4. Home Phone Number. 754-7344 6. Business Phone Number: 6. Occupation: 579-6814 Please Indicate "Yes" or "No" to the following questions by checkingthe appropriate box. also please elaborste on your answers where reiriested. Yes No 7. Are you a United States Citizen? ❑ 6. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for and real or personal property tax. license tee or Yes No Property lien? ❑ It yes. please give details biloei: 6. Do you presently own property In the City of Miami other than your home and.'or piece of business? Yes No 10 ❑ 10. . U question .g above is answered "Yes." is all of this property In conformance with City Ordinances? Tes No It "No." please give details below: ❑ 11. The City of Miami routinely makes a police check of the background of Individuals nominated for positions on advisory or administrative boards and committees. Thr City Commission and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these checks and their results are maintained in confidence. D3 you have any ob)ec• Yes Ito lions to such a chock being conducted. (See Ordinance •66:❑ :. amending Sec. 2-10� of City Code.) Ef 12. Please Indicate in the space below any areas In Mhich you in aht find yourself in a positinn of conflict of Interest should you be appointed to the Guard for which you have liven nominated. N= 1 understand that the statemrnta contained herein will be a material consideration in the selection of an Individual to serve to the position for •hich 1 have been nominated. 1 ste► IStRnaturr) 85-4r76 0 Z 4" CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES It ESUME The Commission on the Status of Women is actively seeking new members. Please forward application for membership to: Dr. Hattie M. Daniels City of Miami/Department of Human Resources 1145 N.W. 11 Street/ Miami, F1. 33136 Name Jeanette Tasaell-Kearscn Address 4900 N.W. 10 Avenue Miami, Florida - Home Phone No. 754-7344 Birth Date July 22, 1952 Business senior Per=el Officer / City of Miami Human Resources Departmnt Address 11.45 N.W. 11 Street • Roan 105 Miami, Florida 33136 Business Phone No. 579-6814 EDUCATION B.S. in Accounting Additional course work in Personnel Management ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Miami Dade Urban Bankers Any additional intormation you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. My experience in the area of employment could be an asset to the CaTmissial whose task it is to recaRnend policies to assist minorities. Board or Committee for which you were nominated: City of Miami Commission on the Status of Warren 85-4'76 ._ L CITY UP MIAMI Personal Information Form for Notainers to Advisory or Administrative Iloarde Position 00 Board for width you have been nominated Ct7R1Y11S5it7ner The City of Miami Coanission on the Status of Wand ( Board) Instructions: Please complete and rlgn this form and return It along with a brief resume. I. Name: Ali son Colman Weinger (First) (Middle)(Last) 2. Address of Permanent Residence: 6240 S.W. 58 Street Miami, Florida 33143 (Weet and Numbed i { (city) Istatel (Zipcudel 3. Address of buslns.e: 700 , Bri_ck_ell Avenue Suite 901 Miami Florida IStrest and Number) (Cftjl u e. Moms Phone Number. 665-0625 s. Business Phone Number: 371-0268 a. Occupation: jr al Attomey Private Practive with a Mimi Law Firm Please Indicate "Yes" or •'No" to the kdowing puestiuns by cnecking.the appropriate boa, also please aiaborate on your WAvers where repueeted. Yes No 7. Are you a United pietas CIU=n? I. Are you presently Indebted to the City of Mtu d for and real or personal property tax. license Its or Yes No Property If#M Q It yss, p)eaas give details below: O. Do you presently own property In the City of Miami other than your home and/or place of busine6e9 Yes Nu 10. It question to above Is answered "Yea." Is ail of this property in conformance with City ordinances? yes It "No." pleue give details below: 0 11. The (:lty of Miami ruullnely makes a police check of tiie background of Individuals nominated fot puslltune on Advisory or admtniatrative bowde and committees. The CIIy Cuamiseiun end the City staff nuke every eflurt W ensure that these checks and their trsults are Maintained In confidence. Uj you have any oblec• Yes No done W such a check being conducted. (See Ordinance #8622. emending Sec. 2-1114 of City Code.) 0 12. Please Indicate In the apace below any orese In which yuu m ght find yourself In a position of conflict of Interest should You be appointed to the board for which you have been nonunmed. I know of no conflict which would affect my ability to perform as a Commissioner 1 understand that flit atateMrnts cumalned hotels will bar a naturist cunslderaNuo In tilt eslectlus of sip Individual to serve in the puritlun for which 1 hsva tern euallnaled. May 2, 1983 IDatr) Itilgnrturel 85--476_ 4s i, i S. CITY OIF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES RESUME i 7 Name Alison C. Weinger Address 6240 S .W. 58 Street Miami, Florida 33143 # Home Phone No. 665-0625 9 Birth Date 12-03-55 Business KURZBAN, KURZW AND WEII�1('ER, P.A. >' I �- 700 Brickell Avenue Suite 901 Address Miami, Florida 33131 Business Phone No. 371-0268 fx c .. .� � EDUCATION University of Wisconsin -Madison --Received BA Degree with Majors in Political Science and History. Graduated Magma Cum Laude. 10. Senior Thesis on the Plight of Aryan Women in the Third Ridch . r Attented 1973 thru 1977. University of Miami Law School. Graduated with JD in 1980 ` ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES President of Davie County Chapter of The Florida Association for Women Iawyers.July 1, 1982 thru June 30, 1983. Participant in Leadership Miami 1983. Vice �rnside t �niv. o f t'is onsin-?�ladisen Alumni soc at on of Dade �ty--QVER Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. I am and have always been a women's rights advocate and feel that as a e mii.ssioner on The City of Miami Commission for the Status of Women I would be able to furtherthe goals of the City of Miami and ensure that women are enomwaged to seek enploymeht, discrimination is abrogated, OVER Board or Committee for which you were nominated: (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space. i I would be happy to furnish additional information or references. 85!!" 4%s pRCp,a ► W OR MWMM ACiIVrrIBS Member of The Florida Bar Association Member of Federal Bar Associati-dn _ of to Dade County Bar Association 1&ile in College I worked as a legislative assistant for the Democratic Caucus of the Viocansin State legislature. AMMON& IIQFOtt44T M and to act as a catalyst for change and iaprovement in our system. 95-4'76_ CITY OF tin %%It Personal Information Force for Nominees to Advisory of Administrative Boards Position ad Boats for which you have been nominated &nber _ _ (position _-_Status of Women's Commission ( Board) Instructions: Please complete and Sign this form and return it along with a brief resume. 1. Name: cacolo _ Ann Taylor (First) (Middle) (Last) 2. Address of Permanent Residence: 3404 Franklin Avenue (Street and Number) Miami Fla. 33133 3. (City) (State) (Zlpcodel Address ofBusinesa: City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Fla. 33133 (Street and Number) (C ty) ( ate) 4. Home Phone Number. 448-0279 s. Business Phone Number. 579-6010 6. Occupation: Ash;stant to the Mayor, City of Miami Please Indicate "Yes" or "No" to the following questions by checking jhe appropriate bot, also please elaborate on your 7. answers where requested. Are you a United Statee Citizen? Yes No ® ❑ 9. Are you presently Indebted to the City of Miami for and real or personal property tai. license tee or property lien? Yes No ❑ 13 If yes, please give details below: 9. do you presently own property in the City of Miami other than your home and.lar place of business? Yes No ❑ Q 10. . It question •9 above is answered "Yes." Is all of this property In conformance with City 0rdlnance67 It "No." please give details below: Yea No ❑ ❑ 11. The City of alismi routinely makes a police check of the background of Individuals nominated for positions on advisory or administrative boards and committees. The City Commission and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these checks and their rrs oils are maintained in confidence. D3 you have any obiec- tions to such a check being conducted. (See Ordinance •8622. amending Sec. 2-104 of City Code.) Yes No ❑ ❑ 12. Please indicate in the space below any areas in which you in cht find yourself in a position of conflict of Interest should you be appointed to the Huard fur which you have been nom►tsated. I understand that the statements contained herein will be a m acnal cunaiderutlon in the selection of an Individual to serve In the position fur Mhich I have been nominated. May 20, 1983 .2 (Dates (Signature) 85-4'76_ a I i j 1 CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES RESUME The Commission on the Status of Women is actively seeking new members. Please forward application for membership to: Dr. Hattie M. Daniels City of Miami/Department of Hutran Resources 1145 N.W. 11 Street/ Miami, F1. 33136 Name. Cargle _Ann Taylor Address 3404 Franklin Avenue, Miami, Florida 33133 Home Phone No. 448-0279 Birth Date 10/10/44 Business__ Assistant to the Mayor. City of Miami Address_City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Fla. 33133 Business Phone No. s72-Anin EDUCATION Vi A.S. Davis High School Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio - B.A. - Sociology New York State Civil Service Commission - Certificate of Compietion in study of Admin-- ' istration of Organizations American Arbitration Association -Certified Mediator/Arbitrator Institute for Mediation & Conflict Resolution, New York City, Certified Mediator/Arbitrate ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES � National Vice -President, National Coalition of 100 Black Women President, Florida -Caribbean Coalition of 100 Black Women Founder, National Women's Political Caucus Member, National Organization for Women; Member, Leadership Miami Alumni Any additional tntormation would like to include you that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. One of ten founders of the National Women's Political Caucus, 1970 Past National Co -Chairperson, National Women's Political Caucus Member, YWCA Women's Network 'u Board or Committee for which you were nominated: Status of Women's Commission s i.�c "rid 85-476_ 0 0 CITY OF WASH Petsunal Ittlutmatiten Forts lot Nominees to Advisurr or Administrative fluaidt, Position and DOW for which you have been nominated (Position 1lluardl Instructions: Pious complete and sign this form and return it slung with a brief resume. 1. Nwe: Kathleen Phillips MrsII (;Uddlel ( ast) 2. Address of Permanent Residence: 334 Romano Ave. (Street and Numberl Coral Gables, FL 33134 (Ctly) (State) (40caN) 2. Address ofBusingie 711 Biscayne Bldg. , 19 W. Flagler St. , Miami, FL. 33130 (Street and Number) (Cjt ..All (�.,iale) 4. Home Phone Number. (305) 443-9465 s. Business Phone Number. (305) 374-4340 6. Occupation: L!xaer Please Indicate "Yes" or "No" to the following questions by checking jhe appropriate bos, also please elaborate on your answers where requested. Yes No T. Are you a United States Citizen? ® ❑ S. Are you presently Indebted to the City of stistnt for and real or personal property tas. license fee or Yes No property lien? ❑ If yea, please give details below: Y. Do you presently own property In the City of Miami other thmtt yuur home and 'or pluce of business? Yes No ❑ M 10. , U question all above is answered "Yes." Is all of this property In conformance with City Ordinances! Yes No If "No." please give details below: ❑ ❑ N/A 11. The City of Miami routinely makes a pnitce check of the barkarnund of lndtvitluuls nominated fur p.ralttons on advisory or administrative buarvtn and cetmmetters. The City Cutnmtasatn and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these checks and their fezull$ are nraintatmyd tit cunftdencr.. Di yuu have any ohlec• Yes No lions to such a check better cunducted. 1Sre Ordinance •8622. onvndtng Sec. 2-10.1 ul Coy Cud..► ❑ (n 12. Please Indicate in the space below any areas In which )t.0 Wcht land sourst-tr in a position of conflict of Interest should You be appointed to the Board fur which you helve burn aumlnuted. None understand that the' statrmrnt:t e4111121ned hermit will br a m.1tertdl e.m.lderMlun in the srlrt•ttun of an Individual to serve to the pusillun for stitch 1 have been nominated. L - Matet IStgaaturel 85-4176_ CITY OP MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEI✓S _ - R ESUMI The Commission on the Status of Women is actively seeking new :members. Please forward application for membership to: Dr. Hattie M. Daniels City of Miami/Department of Human Resources 1145 N.W. 11 Street/ Miami, Fl. 33136 Name Kathleen Phillips Address 334 Romano Ave. Coral Gables, FL. Home Phone No. (305) 443-9465 Birth Date $/4/51 Business Lawyer Address 711 Biscayne Bldg., 19 W. Flagler St., Miami, FL. Business Phone No. (305) 374-4340 EDUCATION University of Florida B.A. Florida State Universsty J.D. Psychology 6/73 6/79 ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Fla. Assoc. for Women Lawyers - Officer Fla. Assoc. for Women Lawyers - Dade County Chapter - Editor, Public delations Officer Legislative and Judicial Screening and Endorsements Committee Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. My practice is predominantly employment rights and civil rights litiggation. I have litigated six discrimination cases and have been involved -in other women s rights type law including having represented three women prisoners in their successful attempt to retain custody Roar orrcommittee Icarlwhic�pyo prison. nominated: 85-4'76 _ Kathleen M. Phillips 1712 South Meridian Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 222-9343 PERSONAL Born August 4, 19SI Married, no children Excellent health EDUCATION Florida State University College of Law, Tallahassee, Florida Juris Doctor (anticipated June, 1979); Class standing: 18 of 80 University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Bachelor of Arts (Magna Cum Laude) (June, 1973) Major: Psychology 4' EDUCATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS Law Review Editor Research and Legislative Developments (12/77-12/78)• Published note: "Reluctant Reform: Recent Changes in Unemployment Compensation in Florida" T• ` Labor Law Internship (9/78-12/78) 12 week, 40 hours -per -week internship at the Public Employee Relations Commission. Research and writing in the area of public labor law, participated in conducting representational election, �.;., , motions, jurisdictional brief, and various It ki " memoranda on labor issues. � rt; Employment Law Internship (1/79-3/79) 12 week, 40 hours -per -week internship at the Florida Commission := on Human Relations. Research and writing in the area of employment discrimination; conducted case investigations which included conducting fact finding conferences; drafted proposed legislation; researched and drafted proposed interpretive rules; reviewed investigative files and reports for legal sufficiency; panel presentation on rights of pregnant and married students. s WORK EXPERIENCE !tn" 3/79 - Florida Commission on Human Relations Tallahassee, Florida ,-I Responsibilities: Research and drafting g proposed interpretive rules. SS-47s_ _2� 6/78 to 10/78: Professor William McHugh F.S.U. College of Law Responsibilities: Labor law research and writing; analysis of various public sector collective bargaining agreements; prepared monograph to be published by the Labor Center. 11177 to 2/78: Kent Spriggs, Attorney Tallahassee, Florida s Res onsibilities: Research and preparation of portion of appellate brief in Title VII sex discrimination suit. 9/77 to 11/77: Florida Legal Services Employment Law Project Tallahassee, Florida Responsibilities: Research regarding unemployment compensation issues; participation in Unemployment Insurance Advisory Council which included writing '- rule proposals and following and reporting on legislative developments in the unemployment r. compensation statute. 3/74 to 7/75: Jackson Memorial Hospital, Crisis Intervention Unit Miami, Florida Responsibilities: Psychiatric Social Worker. ' Evaluation of -patients in emergency situations suffering from a variety of psychiatric disturbances. Y=.. Interviews, diagnosis, treatment recommendations ►µ and counseling. Shift supervisor. W STUDENT ACTIVITIES rN' Law School: Editor and contributor, Law Review Officer and member, Lawyers Guild, F.S.U. Chapter Chairperson, Organization for Women Law Students r Undergraduate: Volunteer, Tutorial Program for Culturally Disadvantaged Contributor to research monograph: "Self Presentation as a Function of Performance ^: Expectations and Performance Anonymity" ELECTIVE COURSE WORK INCLUDES: Public Labor Law State Constitutional Law Federal Jurisdiction Florida Administrative Procedures - ,w.; _.. Florida Appellate Jurisdiction (audited) Federal Income Taxation State and Local Taxation References supplied upon request. 85-74'76_ j is 1 I i r { Kathleen Phillips Supplement to Resume 1 1/73 to present Private practice, sole practitioner; civil litigation predominantly in civil rights, labor and employment discrimination. 9/79 to 12/82 Associate, Law offices of Neil Chonin, P.A. - civil litigation predominantly employment, civil rights as well as j other plaintiff's litigation I,. 85-4'76. s 1 3 CITY OF WASH Personal Informatiun Force for Nonsuitts to Advisory of Administrative busrds Poettlos and board for which you have been nominated- 1�It on sty of Miami Commission on the Status of Women 1 Beard) Instructions: Piece complete and sign this form and return It alung with a brief resume. 1. Nsras: a 1 nr i a 0,115t) pavne _- S; m_mo s- (Middle) ( Sup 2. Address of Permanent Residence: 5760 S.W. 64 place _ (Street and Number) Miami Florida 33143 (sty) Girl's Club - 44%T'Linc6in Drive (zipcodv 2. Addressor Busing ea: rr4 04 e N rrcary - 1175 .TaC)LL Avp_ Miami- Florida — (Strrst and Number) (City) (State; 4. Home Phone Number. 666-6727 s. Business Phone Number. 446-5071/ 442-2466 0, Occupation: Administrator Please Indicate "Yes" or "No" to the following Questions by checkinslhe appropriate boa. also pletee wlabarete On your answers where requested. 9. Are you a united astes Citizen? Yes ❑ •. Are you presently Indstited to the City of Mlaml for and real or personal property tot. license fee Or Yes No progeny lien? ❑ It yes. please give detalls belowT i. Do you presently own property In the City of Miami other than your home and.'or place of business? yes NtJ 10. . If question all above Is answered "Yes." Is all of this property to conformance with City Ordinances? Yes No It "No.•• please give details below: ❑ ❑ Al. The City of susmi routinely makes a police check of the beckernund of individuals nominated for pusltions on advisory or administrative buarda and committees. 1,nr City Commiasiun and the City staff make every @Igor% to ensure that these chec►s and their res ults are mslntsined in confidence. 0, you have any obiec- Yes No lions to such a check being conducted. 15ee Ordinwice •11622. amending Svc. 2-104 of City Code.) ❑ 12. Please Indicate in the @poet bells" any urtue In %hich )uu m Chi find yuurtielf in a posltinn of conflict of Interest should you be appainted 10 the Board fur which yuu hAvt burn uuminuted. NONE 1 understand %het the statements contained herein will be a material Ctansldrrutsun to the selection of an Individual to serve to the posltium gut which I have been nominated. ,p 3 cv 0. 1 Date t I Si tnalursl SS-4'76. 0 I CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES The Commission on the Status of women is actively seeking new members. Please forward application for membership to: Dr. Hattie M. Daniels City of Miami/Department of Human Resources 1143 N.W. 11 Street/ Miami, Fl. 33136 Name Gloria Payne Simmons Address 5760 S.W. 64 Place Miami, Florida 33143 i Home Phone No. 666-6727 Birth Date 5/5/45 Business Parent Resource Center of Dade Co. /Girls Club of Greater Miami A ddress3175 Jackson Avenue 33133/ 4901 Lincoln Drive 33133 Business Phone No. 446-5071 / 442-2466 EDUCATION High School with College hours ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES See Resume Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. I have expertise in the areas of the commissions major emphasis Board or Committee for which you were nominated: City of Miami Commission on the Status of Women V GLORIA SIMMONS 5760 S. W. 64th Place Miami IFL 33143 3056666-6727 Present Associate Director Parent Resources Center Executive Director Girls Club of Greater Miami, 1974 - ao- . Inc. Director, Church of Christ Day Care Center. Employed as administrator of a federally -funded Day Care Facility for children ages 2 - 5 years old. Center was planned, financed and staffed under my supervision. Center has remained financially sound, services and staff expanded. Responsibilities include: 1. Preparation, presentation and enforcement of budgets. 2. Preparation of proposals and applications for funding. 3. Program planning and procurement of equipment. 4. Staff development and supervision. 5. Preparing payroll and required administrative reports re- garding expenditures and program operation. 6. Attending required meetings and day-to-day public relations. Reason for leaving: No upward mobility -- need more challenging position. 1969 - 1973 Employed as Title Clerk. Before leaving I became Assistant to Office Manager and took charge of office in her absence. Reason for leavings Expecting child. 1963 - 1968 Employed in Clerical Position, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Responsibilities: 1. Maintaining cases for agents in various squads. 2. Sending and receiving teletypes. 3. Coding and decoding confidential messages. I received several salary increments before scheduled because of outstanding work proficiency. 85-4'76. . 4 rr i 0 It •�7 iI Gloria Simmons EDUCATION 1963 Graduated Salutatorian, Mays High School. Class size approx. 225. 1971-72 MDJC - English. Education, Early Childhood Classes 1974-79 Numerous In -Service Workshops and Seminars in Management and Early Childhood Education given thru Continuing Education Department at University of Miami (Dr. Betty Rowen), MDJC. Department of Human Resources and Human Research and Develop- ment Services, Inc. (Dr. Blundel, Simon, PhD.) 1980-81 (Seeking Financial Aid to enroll in U of M to pursue degree in Public Administration) PERSONAL Born: 5-5-45 - Albany, Georgia - 4111" - 118 lbs. Married: 15 years. Husband Title I Math Coordinator, Miami Edison Sr. High School. 3 children ages 12, 10, 5 Health: Excellent; no physical limitations Residence: Own home Finances: Good order; adequate insurance. Own 2 cars. Hobbies: Family activities, religious and civic Involvement, reading, singing Z. Affiliations: Dade Child Care Association - Legislative Chairperson State Child Care Advisory Council - Vice President Honorary Board Member Girls Club Greater Miami Child Care Advisory Council - Dept. of Human Resources (Miami) Member Church of Christ Past President PTA, Coconut Grove Elp-mentarv. present Pres6dent PTA, Coconut Grove Elementary Honors: Chosen Community Headliner by Women In Communications, March 1976, for work done in organizing Day Care Center. Honor Brunch was held at Marriott Hotel on LeJeune Road. October 1979. Dade Child Association Plaque for efforts to keep Title XX Funding in Dade County at its present level and increase daily rates to Service providers. Numerous Community service awards'from Urban League Bieck Social workers and Dade County Public Schools. 85=4'76 _. Gloria Simmons REFERENCES Mrs. Pearl Cousins, Supervisor Division of Child Development Services 395 N. W. First Street - Room 207 Miami 331 Z8 305-579-5407 Robert. Fulton Fox 4601 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Coral Gables, Florida 305-667-2512 Mrs. Pernella Burke, Licensing Supervisor 1350 N. W. 12th Avenue - Room 378 Miami 33136 305-325-3163 Mrs. Janet McAliley 20Z5 Secoffee Street Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 305-856-5119 Mrs. Joella Good, Principal Coconut Grove Elementary School Grand and Virginia Streets Coconut Grove FL 33133 305-445-7876 3. C 85-4'7F_. i CITY OF MIAMI ' Petsaret tmtotrsadoe Farr for Norleees it Advisory or Adsisiorestito boards hesRies mM somid for width "s have bees msednetsd _ _ _MEMBER • _.. tPosluos ---CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN • (soave) �rrtnretloas: Pieese earnptete sod otp olds bra asd eslart, tt ataeg trite • tsitt eetaaam. L Now. SUSAN R. PANOFF tilfest) (Middle) L Adlrof Pomment Resldesee: 7465 S.W. 126 ST. eas tbtnett and 11e0ber) • MIAMI FLORIDA 33156 Icuo ttltw) t7ibcoey L ' Adtirou od ssslmess. 2669 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE COCONUT GROVE FLORIDA (atroot mod trumberi 1 . HosePttoset+usbr. 238-9400 L nos' aeasnow puarber, 858-9600 t oeeuDotles: DIRECTOR OF .PUBLIC RELATIONS llmase loncom "'Yes" or •7fe" to fife fotlo.tas mmuoms hr chOcklssms apereprlat0 ins, aiw Dloodo .dahormV as Yaur • ames*rms rbsre re"Nowd. I. An Yes a United holes Ctisem+ Too ❑ Po O S. i An Yon DresveW lmddttad to the City of lewd br sod fuel ar Dseaoed D wmt7 tag. Ramose Pea or Tos No 'raMy Itest VIM Dlew give 86laitls belam? ❑ 13 L Poo rm oromwlf ors Drowty Is tha•Cts of Wool other them your Sown mWor place of bssb~ Teo so 30. . ! o)ssstlom to above Is eeo.wod 'pies," is W of this Drop wtr Is eostensesce wn Qb onommoemej Te No It "Me`" blew give detdls below.. ❑ ❑ j 21. Tin CV of Waal fcdlantr Delft a Police ebetk of the bw*smnd of tadlvidads nom iamted lorossfdlm m ra edvtsory or ebnlalstrstive boards mad committees. The City ammisslos med the City staff Imihs o+e4 edRrt to ensure tbat these Cheeks ard their Maus are matat Lood to tasfldesoL 113 yam have a" oaec- Ten no dew b such a cheek betas•oo Axemd. tuft Otdim mee 4022. LwoUtts elms. 3-10s of Ctt C A&) 0 O 17Z flew tmdlew Im the source bdos ty srsss 1s wmcb you eft find pw"U Is a Daetelom of CORMd at bme '6Oa3d . som M wootaw to RAW ssmrd for which Yes have beam momlaeted. . NONE i amdwstamd lhd that stateseats oomtdsed bards 9111 be a material eood 4w 14am lathe selteeltoa of ma b ovtd d to salve to IM Pomttlem for wbleb I have Mom modamtoL J�,A ,flR11CT 1� 1 aRG folio) (Ssatwrs> t 85-47C. . rt I • CITY Or MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES: _RESUME i 7 Marc* SUSAN•R. PANOFF - r r- Address 7465 S.W. 125 ST., MIAMI, FLORIDA 33156 - .�. Horne Phone No. 238-9400 Birth Date AUGUST 17, 1949 $asiIIesr DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS, GRAND BAY HOTEL . Address 2669 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE, COCONLrr GROVE, FLORIDA 33133 $tininess Phone No. 858-9600. ext. 7104 • EDUCATION SIMONS COLLEGE, Boston, Mass., M.S. 19.72 BRA14DEIS UNIVERSITY, Waltham, Mass., B.A. 1971 • HEBREW UNIVERSITY, Jerusalem, Israel, 1969-1970 ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES SEE REVERSE SIDE Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. "THE IMAGE OF SUCCESS: FOUR WOMEN" IN HARPER'S BAZAAR IN SPANISH, AUGUST, 1984. - • (I am one of four women interviewed). -Board or Committee for which you were nominated: . CITY OF MI MI COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space.I 0 ss-47s. I ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES BOARD OF DIRECTORS, COCONUT GROVE ARTS FESTIVAL. CHAPTER HEAD, SOUTH FLORIDA DIVISION, BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ADMISSIONS COUNCIL. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, SOUTH FLORIDA CHAPTER, BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, . PRESIDENT (1979-1981). CHAIRPERSON, FEDERATION TUESDAY; CHAIRPERSON, LEADERSHIP RETREAT; BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S BOARD: GREATER MIAMI JEWISH FEDERATION WOMEN'S DIVISION. UNITED JEWISH APPEAL. YOUNG WOMEN'S NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CABINET. MEMBER: JOINT ACTION COMMITTEE FOR POLITICAL AFFAIRS (JACPAC, a national women's PAC). NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR FEMALE EXECUTIVES (NAFE). JEWISH WOMEN'S POLITICAL CAUCAS (MIAMI). LIFE MEMBER: BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY NATIONAL WOMEN'S COMMITTEE; HADASSAH. 85--476 -. ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES BOARD OF DIRECTORS, COCONUT GROVE ARTS FESTIVAL. CHAPTER HEAD, SOUTH FLORIDA DIVISION, BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ADMISSIONS COUNCIL. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, SOUTH FLORIDA CHAPTER, BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, . PRESIDENT (1979-1981). CHAIRPERSON, FEDERATION TUESDAY; CHAIRPERSON, LEADERSHIP RETREAT; BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S BOARD: GREATER MIAMI JEWISH FEDERATION WOMEN'S DIVISION. UNITED JEWISH APPEAL. YOUNG WOMEN'S NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CABINET. MEMBER: JOINT ACTION COMMITTEE FOR POLITICAL AFFAIRS (JACPAC, a national women's PAC). NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR FEMALE EXECUTIVES (NAFE). JEWISH WOMEN'S POLITICAL CAUCAS (MIAMI). LIFE MEMBER: BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY NATIONAL WOMEN'S COMMITTEE; HADASSAH. v 85-4'76 _. 1 r=? SUSAN R. PANOFF 2465 S.W. 126 STREET HLkKl , FLORIDA 33156 OFFICE: 838-9600 HOME: 238-9400 n- EXPERIENCE GRAND SAY HOTEL, Miami, Florida August, 1983 to present Director of Public Relations BET'H DAVID DAY AND RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS, Miami, Florida 1978 - 1983 Special Instructor THE JEWISH FLORIDIAN, Miami, Florida 1975 - 1980 Book Editor MIAMI-DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Miami, Florida 1974 - 1980 ' Outreach Program Instructor y EDUCATION SIMMONS COLLEGE, Boston, Mass. M.S. 1972 ` BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY, Waltham, Mass. B.A. 1971 HEBREW UNIVERSITY, Jerusalem, Israel 1969 - 1970 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES P j=r Board of Directors, Coconut Grove Arts Festival. -"' Chapter Head, South Florida Division, Brandeis University Alumni Admissions Council. Board of Directors, South Florida Chapter, Brandeis University -""- Alumni Association, President (1979 - 1981). Chairperson, Federation Tuesday; Chairperson, Leadership Retreat; Business and Professional Women's Board: Greater Miami Jewish Federation Women's Division. ORGANIZATIONS Member: United Jewish Appeal Young Women's National Leadership Cabinet. Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC, a national women'9 PAC). National Association for Female Executives (NAFE). Jewish Women's Political Caucas (Miami). Life Member: Brandeis University National Women's Committee; Hadassah. 85-4'7f _ a CITY OF 1,01AN11 i'ersona) Information fnrm lot Nominees to Advisory cot Administrative floard- Position and Board for which you have M►•n no►ninatod Member ' ICvsiuvn Commission on the Status of Women { Instructions: Pleas* complete and slim this forth and return it slonit with a brief resuorr. 1. Name: ANA -MAR TA _ _ .CAMESM TA g_i (First) (RtidClr) as Z. Address of Permanent Residence: _5761-_ S.W. 47 th Street.- Miami,. Florida r (Street and Number) ? 33155 (City) (State) (Zipcode) a. Address otguslnesa• 2600 Douglas Road, Penthouse 1212. Coral Gables, Fla. 4; u'1 (Street and Number) (City) (M `_ '• 4. Ilome Phone Number. S. Business Phone Number. 444-1902 6. occupauoa: Attorney Please Indicate --yes"or "No" to the following Questions by c1heekin6shs appropriate boa, also please rtaborste on your answers where t. quested. Yes No LEI,' 7. Am you a United States Cttixen? ® (] f 8. Are you presently Indebted to the City of Miaml for turd real or personal prop-rty tax. License fee or property lien?] Ye [;O ., 11 yes. please give details below? $' 9. Do you presently own property in the -City of Ndaml other th%n )cur home and/or place of business Yes No ❑ 12 10. , If Question n9 above Is enswered "Yes." Is all of this property in conformance %rith City Orr)inances?, Yes Ito ► - If •'Not'• please give details below: ❑ ❑ -y,a'd�'YiCi ti 11. The City of Miaml routinely makes a police check of the background of Individuals nominated forposttions on advisory or adminlstmtive boards and committees. The City Commission and the City staff crake ev r7' 7 er? effort to ensure that these checks and their results are maintained In confidence. Ds you have any objee- tions to being'eondueted. Ordinance 2-104 City Code;) Ye❑s No such a check (See &8622. mending see. of 12. Please indicate In the space below any areas In which you m =!t find yourself In a poslLon of contlic: of Interest should you be appointed to the Board for which you have been nominated. None i understand that the statements contained herein trlil be a material cons)derntion in the selection of an individual to serve in the position for which I have been nominated. Ur,rii1,2 - 1985 ZX6-4t , (Date) (Sil:naturr) 85-4'76 _. CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES. RESUME Name ANA-MARIA CARNESOLTAS Address 5761 S.W. 47th Street, Miami, Florida, 33155 Home Phone No. 667 -SQ?n . Birth Date February 9, 1985 t Business Attorney - Address 2600 Douglas Road, Penthouse 1212, Coral Gables, Fla.. 33134 Business Phone No. ' 444-1902 EDUCATION Juris Doctor, '78------- Loyola University of Los Angeles. B.A., '70----------- University of California, Santa Barbara, Ca. Psychology and Sociology ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES See attached Resume Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. As former employee of the City of Miami I would bring to the Commission an insider's knowledge which would assist the member better utilize the City's resources in accomplishing the goals of advancing the interests of women in the community •Board or Committee for which you were nominated: Comm. on the Status of Women (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space.) 4 RESUt4E ANA-MARIA CAR14ESOLTAS 2600 Douglas Road Penthouse 1212 Coral Gables, Fla., 33134 Phone (305) 444-1902 WORK EXPERIENCE Attorney, Civil and Criminal Litigation, 1985-Present Address and phone number as above Adjunct Professor, 1985-Present School of Public Affairs Florida International University Miami, Florida Assistant City Attorney, 1983-1985 Ci�Y of Miami 169 East Flagler Street, Suite 1101 Miamia Florida, 33131 Attorney, Civil and Criminal Litigation, 1982-1983 747 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite 610 Coral Gables, Fla., 33134 Assistant United States Attorney, 1980-1982 United States Attorney's Office Southern District Florida Miami, Florida EDUCATION Deputy District Attorney, 1978-1980 Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office Los Angeles, California Labor Relations and Management Training Specialist, 1973-1977 Los Angeles County Department of Personnel Los Angeles, California Deputy Probation Officer, 1970-1973 Santa Barbara County Probation Department Santa Barbara, California Juris Doctor--1978 Loyola Law School Los Angeles, California Honors: Distinguished Advocate Award, 1978 Dean's List SS-4'76_ <4 # Undergraduate: Bachelor in Arts, 1970 Majors in Psychology and Sociology University of California, Santa Barbara ADMISSION TO PRACTICE California BAR, 1978 The Florida Bar, 1979 U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, 1981 (old Fifth Circuit, 1980) U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit, 1981 U.S. District Court Central District of California, 1979 U.S. District Court Southern District of Florida, 1980 U.S. District Court Southern District of Florida, Trial Bar, 1982 ASSOCIATIONS AND ACTIVITIES Professional: Florida Bar Committees Civil Procedure Rules, 1984-1987 Voluntary Bar Liaison, 1984-1986 Voluntary Bar: American Bar Association, 1978-present Torts and Personal Injury Section Urban, State and Local Government Law Section Association of Trial Lawyers of America, 1980-pres. Dade County Bar Association, 1981-present Criminal Court Committee, 1983 Cuban American Bar Association, 1980-present Director, 1983 Secretary. 1984 Federal Bar Asociation-South Florida Chapter, 1980-present Florida Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, 1982-1984 Florida Association of Women Lawyers -Dade County, 1980-present Battered Spouse Committee Chairperson,1984-pres. Cuban American Attorney's Council, Los Angeles, Ca., 1978-1980 Secretary, 1979-1980 Los Angeles County Bar Association, 1978-1980 South Bay Bar Association, Ca., 1978-1980 Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, 1978-1980 California District Attorney's Association, 1978-1982 Other: California Probation, Parole and Corrections Assoc., Santa Barbara, Chapter, 1970-1972 Vice -President, 1971-1972 85-4'76.. F s Community: American Heart Association of Greater Miami, 1982-present Director, 1983-present Business Task Force, 1983-1985 Grand Prix Gala , 1983-present Hispanic Affairs, 1982-1983 Jackson Memorial Hospital, Hispanic Affairs - Concerned Citizens' Council, 1982-1983 Latin Business and Professional Women's Club, 1981-1984 Recording Secretary, 1982-1983 First Vice -President, 1983-1984 Coalition of Hispanic American Women, 1983-Present YWCA --Network Club Lecturer --Legal Rights of Divorced, Separated and Widowed Women. Legal Rights of Women in the Work Force Church of the Little Flower Parish Advisory Council Divorced & Separated Group Parish Renewal Board F Teacher Religious Education Media: Hostess --"The Local Perspective" --Radio WNWS, 1984 Publications: "What To Do If You Are The Victim Of Domestic Violence", published by the Florida Association for Women Lawyers, Dade County Chapter, Battered Spouse Committee. "Usted y La Ley", newspaper column published in weekly Spanish newspapers. HONORS Who's Who in the South and Southwest, Marquis Publications 1982-present PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: Marital Status: Languages: Who s Who Among American Women, Marquis Publications, 1984-present Who's Who and Why of Successful Florida Women, '85 Edition Hispanic Women in the U.S.A., '85 Edition. February 9, 1948 Divorced Spanish and French 85-476_. CITY OF NILA l Personal Information Form for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Boards Position and Board tar which you have been nominated Member ' (Position City of Miami Commission on the Status of Women (Board) Instructions: Please complete and sips this torn and return it %long with a brief resume: 1. Na111e. Kathleen A. Shea (First) (Middle) asei 2. Address of Permanent Residence: 8 415 S . td . 10 7 th Ave. Apt 327 (Street and Number) Miami Florida 33143 (City) (state) (Zipt:ode) S. AddressetBusiness• P.O. BOX 55-8788 Miami, Florida 33155 (motet and Numbery y► ate 4. Home Phone Number. 5 9 6 - 9 6 2 3 s. Business Phone Number, S. occupation: President of International Associatesfor Marketing Please Indicate."Yes" or "No'• to the following questions by ebeckingjhe appropriate boa. also please Plaborste on your answers where requested. 7. Are you a United Rates CititeM Yes No El ❑ a. Are you presently Indebted to the City of h1lam1 for and real or personal property tax. license fee or Yes .property lien? �, It Yes, plebe give details below: 0. Do You presently own property in the -City of h1laml other that your home and/or place of business? Yes No Ja 10. .1t question all above Is answered "Yes," Is all of this property In conformance with City Ondlnances� D No It "No." please give details below: 0 P 11. The City of hiiarml routinely makes a police check of the background of Individuals nominated for positions on advisory or administrative boards and committees. The City Commission and the City staff make eveq► effort to ensue that these checks and their results are maintained In confidence. Ds you have any objcc- Yes No lions to such a check being'conducted. (See Ordinance a8822. amending Sec. 2-104 of City Code;) 13 93 12. Please Indicate in the space below any areas in which you m:ght find yourself In a position of conrtict of interest should lots be appointed to the Board for which you have been nominated. NONE I understand that the statements contained herein will be a materlal consideration in the selection of an indlvidizW to serve in the position for which I have been nominated. C (oat) ir��arr�� • CITY OF MIAMt BOARDS AND COMMITTEES6 RESUhtE_ Name Kathleen A. Shea Address 8415 S.W. 107th Avenue Apt. 327 Miami, Florida VAIAI Home Phone No. (305) 596-9623 . Birth Date Business International Associates for Marketina Address P.O. Box 55-8788 Miami, Florida 33155 Business Phone No. • EDUCATION i University of Miami - Ph. D. 1984 University of Dayton, Ohio - M.S. 1974 University of Dayton, Ohio - B.A. 1969 ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES See Attached Resume Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. See Attached Resume •Board or Committee for which you were nominated: City of Miami Commission on the Status of Women (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space. ) 85-4'76.. KATSLMM A. SHlr Ph.D. C 8415 SW 107th Avenue Apt. 3 2 7 Miami FL 33143 (305) 596-9623 Over fifteen years experience in higher education management, teaching and research. Currently President of marketing firm specializing in educational and human service organizations. PROPESSIONAL W[PERIENCE Management - Managed task force for nation's largest t public/private strategic planning project for economic development (Dade County, FL). Directed national demonstration project in Broward County (FL) schools. Managed and coordinated delivery of training and consultant services from geographically dispersed project sites. Wrote grant proposals. Supervised professional and support staff. Selected and hired student and professional staff. Directed all phases of a university residence life program for over 1,000 students. Managed student housing, discipline, and counseling services. Evaluated professional and support staff. Wrote policies and procedures manuals. Financial Management - Established procedures for maintenance of appropriate federal and institutional records. Monitored, analyzed, and compiled reports on two projects with budgets totaling one million dollars per year. Administered college's student financial aid program of over one million dollars annually. Prepared departmental budgets and institutional student expense budgets. Reduced a university's auxiliary services costs. Member of federal editing panel (Region V) for Tri-Partite institutional application for federal funds. Recognized for sound fiscal control. Marketing - Conducted market research. Identified markets, and analyzed industry sales. Provided detailed analyses of competitive markets. Investigated impact of Miami's tri-ethnic community on the market environment. Consulted with both product and service organizations. Reported on market trends. Conducted work force analyses. Program Development - Developed and conducted seminars for students, educators, and business representatives. Organized regional professional associations. Drafted proposals for institutional planning committees. Wrote Women's Studies curriculum. Trained professional staff to work with students in a residential setting. Developed job referral services. Created a student volunteer placement program. SS-4'76__ In i - 7 Fundraising - Raised funds for community projects, political candidates, colleges and universities. Researched standards of operational effectiveness for development programs. Research/Teaching - Conducted needs assessments, student interest surveys. Constructed attitude scales, and student expense budgets. Researched historical and legal issues on Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Prepared bibliographies and resource listings for distribution. Taught undergraduate educational mathematics. Conducted research on women and mathematics; the internationalization of higher education; indices of educational quality, and student perceptions of academic success. ZKPLOYHZKT International Associates for Marketing, Miami, FL 1984 to present University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 1980 to 1984 Rosary College, River Forest, IL 1975 to 1979 University of Dayton, Dayton, OH 1973 to 1975 Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL 1969 to 1973 National Associates for Marketing, Inc., Chicago, IL 1969 to 1970 EDUCATION University of Miami, Miami, FL Ph.D. 1984 University of Dayton, Dayton, OH M.S. 1974 University of Dayton, Dayton, OH B.A. 1969 REF CBS References will be furnished upon request. 85-4'7E-- Y s CITY OF MIAMI -vAk),67, . f'ersonn) information Form for Nominees to Advisory or Adminisrrative 8nards.�� { M 1p,�"r' ' Position and Aoard for which you have been nominated � 1 _ %t (t'o�itinn l,GiZ� 7L t. ()toanl) Instmetion:s: Pleas* complete and !*,Ipn this form and return It along with a brief resume i. Name: Yi 'ilC.> (First? Cbtti , f!,), 2. Address of Permanent Resid!nce: y3 `.W'C./L1_lA / (Street an9 rlunher) (City) V /, (State) j _ (7.iacnrtli 3. Address of Dasines 7 (� 17Un emj � 3313 tC (street wad Number) .��' City) 4. home Phone Number. 9 g i S. Business Mine finmbot 3 .aj - P%% 6. oecupwuon: 1 /,m)'C'ni Aticib'y Lo c4xl t Plowto Indiente "Yes" or "tine' to the folint►ina auostinns by checkin/ jhn nriireprtailt hn t. nl-r. ni-Ase olnt,ror.+te on yntrr answers wheat re71tested. Yap tin f 7. Are you a United State! Cltl-en? 8. Are you presently Indebted to the City of Miami, for 1ml re�J or ;e"nnA property hz, ticen.• f" or Yc! No property lien? 0 9L 4 it yes. please give details below: 9. Do you presently own property In the City of Miami other th ul .stir home sn'llet Chace of Yca Ito Cl t��- 10. . If Question e9 above Is %nswerel "Yes," Is alb of tills property In cort(orrtnne! :i►1+ cir.y Or•!!nancPs? Y!'+ No It"No." please Rive details below: (J U If. The City of Miami routinely makes a pollce check of the backgmond of Iti ivirhu-lr, nornin7lA fnr veiitlor-e on advisory or administrative boards and enn+mittees. The Clty Commission anal the r" ity nt-W make t-"ry effort to ensure that these checks and their results are m dritain!d In confidence. ►)i )•• u h-ive any nb)ec- Yes Ito tlons to such a check belns'eanducted, (See Ordinance 4622, L-nendinit Sec. 2-10 t of City Corte..? U L23- 12. Please Indicate in the space below rn•v areas in which }ou m:g!.t find ynurself In a pnaitlon Elf conflict nr in!crar+. Shnr+lr) you be appointed to the Bond for which you have been nominat-i. t understand that the statements contained i+ereln will be a material ennsiderntiort In tlip srir.airm nt nn indiv)tletal to ;serve In the position for which 1 have been nominated. (Date) (Silutature? 8S-4'76_ A CITY OF MIAM1 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES, RESUME" Name00 Address p Nome Phone No. Y abl Birth Date wBusiness 7 � " Addressbo �6CL7�. Business Phone No. EDUCATION OROANIZATIONS OR C;C)MlviUMTY ACTIVITIES osmat Any additional tnyouion you would Like to inclucle that •rjould he pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nomina�L 9/ n p_ L+ C.C�LL@ tJ 7�L oa ommittee for which you were nominatect:_/�LQ3�__-__ �VV .� ��,j��M1l.Ui'?L71LG""r(Use t ev�rs'�-sii eLo iL�pc4�ot'"a4it�lconal spec-.. 1 85-4'76-_ RESUME Dr. Patti 1-rIM.1r, DATE OF BIRTH: January 9, 1956 ADDRESS: 3831 North 43rd Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33021 1 TELEPHONE: Homes (305) 981-2661 Works (305) 961-5447, 324-8111 EDUCATIONs University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida B.S. Magna Cum Laude - Psychology - 1976 Nova University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida M.S. Counseling Psychology - 1977 Professional School of Nova University Psy.D. Clinical Psychology - 1A84 PROFESSIONAL WORK HISTORYt 1984-Present Psychologist. Hiahland Park General Hospital, Miami 1983-1984 q Psychologist in the Department of Behavioral Medicine. Chiefly responsible for the administration of psychological and intellectual evaluations to an inpatient psychiatric population. Participation in multidisciplinary diagnostic services and daily staffings. Involved in referral deve- lopment for the hospital. Attending psychologist and founder of the outpatient Premenstrual Stress Syndrome Support Group, which meets monthly. Responsible for providing direct clinical services to patients, including individua) psychotherapy. Private Practice in ClinicalPs cy_holoyy in Hollywood, Florida Member of The Broward Psychological Group. Services include child, adolescent, and adult individual psychotherapy, marital and family therapy and assessment. Clinical Psychology Intern responsible for providing direct clinical services including cognitive psycho -educational and personality assessment of children aged two to eighteen years, presenting a wide range of pediatric, developmental, behav- ioral, emotional, and learning disorders. Participation in multidisciplinary diagt►ostic services and training team Direct supervision of psych log}• family therapy trainees sixteen hours a week otit i r.t.at.:c►• ,it West Broward Mf!ntal Health Services to I i-vidt- direct c:liniral s,!," ! 85-476 Resume Dr. Patti Perlman Page two including child, adolescent and adult individual psycho- therapy, adult group therapy, marital, and family therapy. 1980-1901 Director of The After School House. Miami, Florida Provided supervision and trained high school and college students to tutor elementary school chi_aren in an after school enrichment program. Serviced 15o elementary school aged, underpriviledged children -weekly in both academics and the arts. Responsible for the recruitment of the tutors. 1979-1980 Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Ceral Springs, Florida [finder the supervision of Dr. Joel Kimmel, Ph.D. individual Psychotherapy, Marital, and Family Therapy, Group Psycho- therapy, Educational Consultant to the Hebrew Day School of Sunrise, Florida, Intellectual and Psychological Evaluation, Interpretation and Remediation. Psychotherapy, Private Practice, Hollywood, Florida Under the supervision of Dr. Robert A. Green, Ph.D. Admi- nistration of Psychological and Intellectual tests to disabled patients from the Division of Vocational Rehabili- tation, Health and Rehabilitative Services. 1978-1979 Director of Guidance, Westchester Elementary School, Coral Springs, Florida Management of Exceptional Childhood Education. Placement of students in special programs. Individual and Group Counseling. (Left position on maternity leave). 1977-1978 Group Treatment Leader, Fort Lauderdale Try Center, H.R.S. 1975-1977 Group Therapy two hours daily to ten youths in an alternative school program designed to help juvenile delinquent teens aged 13-18. st Broward Individual and Group Therapy for caseload of thirty narcotic addicted patients, on a daily to bi-weekly basis. Therapy held in conjunction with a program of Biofeedback, Remedial Education and Vocational Counseling. TEACHING APPOINTMENTSs 1976-1977 Broward Methadone Maintenance Research and Rehabilitative Facility,_ Hollywood, Florida Taught Counselor Education in S,jh,tance Abuse. SS-476__ Resume Dr. Patti Perlman Page three 1975-1976 Miami Beach Senior High School, Miami Beach, Florida Internship. Taught Psychology and Sociology. RESEARml Psy.D. Dissertation: The Degree of a Delinquent's Guilt, With Regard to Level of Aggression and Moral Development on Three Measures. Defended September 1994. CERTIFICATION: Certified Guidance counselor, State of. Fimrida Certified Secondary Education Teacher of Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology, State of Florida AFFILIATIONS: American Psychological Association The Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Florida Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Florida Psychological Association 9roward County Psychological Association Women's American ORT Professional Division of Jewish Federation CLINICAL TRAINING EXPERIENCE: 1983 The Starting Place, Hollywood, Florida A residential and outpatient facility serving adolescents and their families. Responsibilities included assessment, individual, group and multifamily therapy. Supervisor: Louis Reichert, Ph.D. 1982 Dade County Juvenile Mental Health Clinic Facility geared toward the assessment of adolescents prior to being adjudicated in the Juvenile Court System of Dade County. Supervisor: Walter Reid, Ph.D. (Also a consultant for my Dissertation) References Provided Upon Request 85-4'76- iN Personal Information Fong for Nominees _ to Advisotl► or Administrative Boards Position and Hoard for which you have been nominated MEMBE (t'osstton _..CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN ( Hoard) InstrutUOn3: Pleas» eomptete and sign this form and return It along with a brief resume. 1. Name: ZRANCES _ —LEE (First) L Address of Permanent Residence: 5700 S. W. 67 Avenue (Street and Number) Miami Florida 33143 (City) (state) (22Deo6e) 8. Address of Business- 3-101 1 1 aQ AvAn r a AP-rdaie Florida 33314 (Street and Number) ty) tutwel 4. Home Phone Number: 6 6 5- 3 710 s. Business Phone Number. 4 7 5— 7 4 7 9 S. ocCupwO^' Nava U n i rA r4 i 4• Can rr1 i n a t n r o f [`nmtnnii �r���t ppi, � re r Piesse Indicate."Yes" of •'No•' to the following questions by checking jhe appropriate box. site ptease wtaborate on your answers whets requested. 7. Are you a Vnited States Citizen? • Yes No B. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for and real or personal property taz. license fes or Yes no Property lien? If yes. please give details beloi 9. Do you presently own property In the•Ctty of Mount other than your home and/or place of business? Yes No 10. . It question a9 above Is answered "Yes." Is all of this property In conformance with City Ordinances? e No It "Mo." please give details below: 0 a 11. The CRY of Miami toutlnei r makes a police check of the background of Individuals nominated for positions on sdvlsory or administrative boards and committees. The City Commission and the City staff make eveq effort to ensure that these checks and their res ults are maintained in confidence. Oa, you have any objec- Yes No tions to such a check being'eonducted. (See Ordinance +8822. emending Sec. 2-104 of City Code.) 0 a 12. Please indicate In the space below any areas In which you m:gt•.t find yourself In a position of conflict of interest should you be appointed to the Board for which you have been nominated. I understand that the statements contained herein will be a material consideration in the selection of an lndivideal to serve In the position for which I have been nominated. (Date) (Signature) 85-47s._-. E 4C � m. CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND CUMMITTEM RESUME Name FRANCES BOHNSACK-LEE Address 5700 S.W. 67 Avenue Miami Florida 1114-1 Home Phone No.. 665-3710 Birth Date 4-27-50 Business Nova University - Coordinator of rnmmuni r A Fj e%n_ njapt - Address 3301 College Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33314 Business Phone No. 475-7479 • EDUCATION Masters Degree Ph. D. Candidate (See Attached Resume) ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES (See Attached Resume) Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appoiutment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. -Board or Committee for which you were nominated: City of Miami Commission on the Status of Women (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space.) SS-4'76- ►lame: Frances 11. dohnsack-Lee Auuress: 51OU S.W. 67th Ave. cUami, Fla. 33143 Education: 19bb-L96d coral Gables Senior High Schools, Coral Gables, Fla. L96d University of Hawaii, Summer program in Drama lybe-1979 University of north Carolina (B.A. English) 1974-1976 University of diami (M.A. English) ly7b to the present. University of Miami (Ph.D. candidate) current Positions: Coordinator of Communications, Nova College detwork Information Director, Dade County N.O.W. Christian Education Director, E.C.W., St. Philip's Church Uade/broward Planning Committee: Coalition for National Women's history week Celebration Uelegate to W.O.W.'s State Council Advisory Council member for HDCC's Center for Continuing Education for Women Sunday School Teacher, St. Philip's Church, C.G. Advisor to Nova Women's Student Forum Fem'.nist of the Year, nominee, Broward Commission on the Status of Women Spirit of Excellence, nominee, The Miami Herald Fast Positions held: Teacning Assistant, University of Miami. 1974-1979, full time. lybu, part time. Instructor of Composition, English 1U5, 106, d 10. xeyistrar, narbizon 5cnool of codeling. 1975-1978. Coordinated teaching and scheduling of classes for staff of twenty instructors; supervised student projects including rehearsals, fashion shows and graduation exercises four times yearly; arranged field trips and Sob assignments; kept tuition books: awarded scholarships and prizes for excellence in achievement. ,,ecturer, narbizon School of Fashion Merchandising. 1978-1979. Taught history of Interior Design, Radio and Television Advertising, Public Speaking. xesearen Assistant, University of Miami, to Dr. Patrick McCarthy. 1979-lvuu, part time. Usrector of Education, Barbizon Schools of Modeling and Fashion, Coral Gables, Fla. 1y08-1980. Determined course content for separate programs in modeling, fashion merchandising, and drama men, women, and children. Uesigned, developed and implemented teacner training program for Barbizon instructors. Responsible hiring, supervision and evaluation of teachers as well as recoaenaations for promotion. for for s5-476— A Boor. Review Editor, American Com ittee for Irish Studies Newsletter. 1y79-19UO appointment. Director of Agency and Public )relations for Barbizon Schools of Coral Gables, 1979-1980. Assistant Editor. Fine Dim Magazine, 1980. Miami, Fla. circulation Uirector, Connell Publications, 1980-1981. Coordinated pronuction, publication and distribution of bi-monthly magazines, Fine Dining Floridaand Fine Dining New York with separate regional content. Instructor, University of Miami, English Department. 1981 and 1982. Taught Tutorial version of English 105 as well as Writing Research Papers (English lUb) and Scientific and Technical Writing (English 107) . Instructor, Barbizon School of Acting, 1982. Created, directed, and proauced Chamber Theatre for Barbizon school and community, two different proauctions. Adjunct Instructor, Nova University, Jan. 1983. Taught Critical treading ana Writing, I and II (101 and 102). Intensive Studies Coordinator, Sept. 1983 to June 1984. Responsible for the design and implementation of support system for students with conditional admissions to Nova College and supervision of r Writing Lab for all Nova college students. Publications: Contributing author to English klasics, edited by Ronald B. Newman, 109. Contributed chapter on "Using the Library," wrote chapters and exercises on various aspects of grammar. Ongoing editor to American Committee for Irish Studies. 1979-L980. Contributing author and photographer to Dining Out Magazine, 1979. Wrote articles quarterly on travel, dining, and topical/historical anecdotes. Staff author ana photographer for Fine Dining Magazine, 1979-1980 (formerly Ui�ning Out Hag_azine). Wrote bi-monthly features, restaurant reviews, and book reviews. Aaaitional Training: January 1yt3i. N.O.W.'s Consciousness Raising (CR) Training workshop/ weekend. clay 19dl. Scholarship recipient at the Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, N. Carolina. One week seminar and workshops. January l9au. Completed advance program of Silva Hind Control tecnniques in concentration and meditation (St. Petersburg, Fla.). 85-4'76.- October -November 1979. Completed eight part seminar (weekends only) On "Psycaosyntheeis and Group Dynamics►" at the Wholistic institute of South Florida. June 1915. Completed sunimer program of study: Adlerian Teacher Training Techniques for Positive Reinforcement (Athens. Greece). Professional Affiliations: Aodern Language Association Jane Austen Society Florida Council of Teachers of English American Association of University women utner Affiliations: National Organization for women American Civil Liberties Union Dade County Nuclear Freeze Coalition for Arms Limitation Sierra Club . Audubon Society University of ►Miami Graduate Student Association WFhT supporting member Nova Women's Club Amnesty International Deputy Registrar for Voter's Registration I CITY of MIAMI Personnl Information Form for Nominees �r to Advisory to Administrative Boards 66 %— 7P / Position and board for which you have been nominated $o a•td Membe•t ' (E•o�iLi�n _COMmi.6,6jon on .the Status 06 women - (ilo:rrd) Instructions: Please complete and 51gn this form and return it ±long with a brief resume•. I. Kamp* Lu I. Goty.i,ft (First) (Middle) ( cast) 2. Address of Permnnent nestdence: 14 k 30 Na•tan ja Lahe.3 B Cvd . r Na.tan j a, F'ta . 3 30 32 Apt. 3k (Street and number) (City) (State) (71;1coq!) 3. Address of Business, Same (Street and rrumberl (L' ty) (,,rate !. )tome Phone number, 2 4 7 - 7 61 3 S. 13usln.ss Phone thtmbol $ am e -- S. Occupation: P.to 6eh,6iojlat R.N. Pleas! Indicate "Yes" or "Ho" to the following questions by checkinsjhe epproprtate bnt, ntno Ulesse r-latrorzte on your answers whorerennested. 7. Are you a United SYes No States Cltiren? 11. Are your presently Indebted to the City or Miami for nml rePi or personal property tax, tic!nso I" or Yea NO property lien? a go If yes. please live details below? 9. Do you presently own property In the -City of Miami other then )oar home anti/or place of b,rsin!sd> Yen lio L`I El 30, . If question r9 above Is answered "Yes." Is all or thla property in conformance with ^_it, i?r•tinances? Yen Jto It "No." please glve details below: U U 11. The City of Miami routinely makes a police check of the backgmund or Individuals nnminattyf for posl!intr-n an advisory or administrative boards nail committees. The City COmm13MOn and the City staff make nve;T effort to ensure that these chocks and their results are maintained in ron(tdenee. 1)3 len hnve r.ny objet` Yes NO tions to such a check be rWconductod. (See Ordinance *8622, extending See. 2-104 of Cite Code.) n so 12. Please indicate in the space below Pity areas In which you m:g!t find ynurselr In a pnsition of r_!+nittet nr inters?t should you be appointed to the Board for which you have been nominated. Nonp I understand that the statements eontatned Iterein will be a matedat ronsittention In tltP inrlividtlat to serve In the position for which I have been nominated. 3/27/85�.� (Date) (SlSnature) -1� Puv.ided the .i.n6otmat.i.on gathered .i.6 .6haned iv.i,.th me. SS-4'76__ r i v CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES. RESUME Name u I Gout ' i Address 14830 Natan j a Lake4 Btvd. Natan i a, F£a. 33932 Apt- 3K - Home Phone Noe 247- 761 3 . Birth Date 4.L f /9 A - -- -- Business Pto 6e.s4 ioitae R.N. Pte4en Cy ait.i.t,hig Address Same Business Phone No. Same EDUCATION Pt06e44•ionat Reg.i4.teted Nut4e - 3 yeah 4ehoot CAi.m.i►ta.£ Ju4.t•ice 8 Nut.3.ing - 103 seme4.tet cted.its 8 20 quattet eted.i•t4 Nun s ing - 264 Continued Education contact Ito u•t.s ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Nananja Lake4 Condo M5 Board Member, CAA Adv.i4oty Committee, Mexican M.igtant Church Cho.it, AAUW French Ceub, NOW. Ptomot.ing equity tht t, Any additional Informatugh ion you commut woutltdc �ik4co tvn4 inci.i'udgyti{l4tlfle pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. Now I am wotk.inq on a pto j ect, with Dade County, that is o 6 pact icueat bene6i.t to women, but tittle knotun by .them. It need4 more expo4ute and 4uppotx. -13oard or Committee for which you were nominated: Comm,i44.ion on thy ctfl tit o S Women JUse the reverse side of this page for additional space. 1 85-476_ CITY Off' MIAMI ?a .' hersonnl Information Forgo for Nominees to Advisory or AdminisuAve E)ontds Position and Board for, which you have been nominatep! li'batinn (tlon►A) Insttuttions: Please complete and sign this form and return it along with n t+Net rpsum►. t. Namp: -_-- ,fntl.� Lir'!i•te (Fits!) (Rtildl!> (_,ast) 2. Address of Permanent Residence: 11t2 ! c, . i n n r+ t,,� �, r, "� •. (Sire!! anri tfYmNer) i (City) (State) 3. Address of Business• (Street and Number) (( icy► (.,taco 4. Home Phone ffumb!r. 2 S. t'nslnos9 rlinn? !!amber•:- - - 6. Ocenpatlon: rl as• Indicate "Yom" or "Neill to rho foliowinR nu••tton, by c1!rkfnr•!hm? npproprldth bat• Mn" vl. Se. r•Inhnrate an your answers whore r•gnested. 7. Are you a United States CIU?en) Yr� 0 fin U +`? 8. Are you presontiy indebted to the City of f.tl uni for Intl rest or retsonN prcp•rty tax, tf.Pnsp {,... rr Yra No property lien? U it yes, please give details below: 'f 1, .h f X . 9. Do you presently own property In the -City of Miami other then •our hem! and/or plice llp• 0 f� 10. , if Question •9 above is answer-1 "Yes." 13 all of this preperty in confo►mnrlco with C'i`y 0rrt1nnnc•.7� Yca lie) It "No." please give details baow: U �1 11. The City of Miami routinely mnkee a police chock of the hackground or Individortls nominatel for rositlore-t "- on advisory or administrntive boards and committees. The City Commission and tire City star( make rw:T effort to ensure that these chocks and their ter IIIs rsoo mrdntain!d in confid•nc!. f)3 yns It'rve vny nhle Rona to yes NO r such a check being* conducted. (See Ordinance r8822. Wrending Sec. 2-101 of City Coolr.) u K 12. Please Indicato In the Space below eny rraas in which you I'Q: t find yourself In a (rosition of Confilct nr fnterlml shnuid you be appointed to the Board for which you have been nominated. 1 understand that the statements contained her. in will be a tnatetint ennaideratir 1 the nul'.0,1PIrt r 1 ed1vi.4*:,1 the position for which 1 have been nominated. to r.•nvr in April. 21 185 -..�.' (Date) (Sil:rlaturr) 85-4'76... 004 CITY OF MLAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES, RESUME Name Address iLIZ'; jjo, VPneLj;;n Home Phone No. 379-485_-,; Birth Date Business mci L P r f n n rA i i I t t is Address - Business Phone No. fl EDUCATION 1 ' ltliVE',rSitY Of C!hicavcq V-1.A. (:raduatc 'Faculty, PP.w ,_,Chool for OAS ORGANIZATIONS OR COMNLUNITY ACTIVITIES Awont� other,.;: Asvisovy C;ouncil, 'r entice; -LaL Governor's Commission on the Statu:i of the ZLaLur, of -.7olnerl. see att chod. Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. -Board or Committee for which you were nominated: (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space. 85-476-- 014 �� Mam Liam 1429 North Venetian t4ay Miami, FL 33139 Phone: (305) 379-4855 .. ... ... .. .. ... .. . ...... .. ...... . 0 . 6 ... . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. ♦ . . . . .. . FDUCMCN B.A., University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (Major - Sociology) H.A., Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, New York City Major - Social Psychology, Anthropology) National Training Laboratory: Group Dynamics and Sensitivity Training: two independent sessicns Esalet Weekend, Miarii Y.W.C.A., Greater Miami: Managem3nt Training Series for titImen Dlpt imEur Assistant to the Dean, College for Human Services, Florida 0 ecutive Director, Hemispheric Congress for Women, Inc. 1976 Duties includea entire planning and coordination of this 3-day bicentennial event with the United States Department of State and the Organization of. Anerican States. person- ally raised $100,000 from the public and private sector. Content Anc:q stt, Commission on the Freedom of the Press, New York City Associate Editor, Calling All Girls (Parents' Institute); Adventure & Black flask Magazines; trade journals and house organs Ghost Writer, non-fiction articles and books, including medical anizer of numerous coma nnity groups as professional volunteer PUBLICATIONS Miami Dade Cocmuni Originated and conducted first courses offered on: a. The Wbman Alone b. Money, Sex and Death: Warren and Fiscal Responsi- bility (a credit course) Dade County Camiission on Status of Women What You ve Always Wanted to Know About Lobbying Conference on Marriage & the Family Unit, Tallahassee Governors Conference on Education, Tallahassee Symposium on Women and Politics, Adelphi University, NAL Camunity and State Symposia on Educational Opportunities; Equal Rights Amendment; Tourism; Mental Health; Political Mobility for Minorities, etc. Politics as a Sexual Experience Jesus Freaks, Jews on the Let and Utopia W6k Rd iews : 4 RM— s Almanac 85-476- - APPOINTMENTS Chairperson, Dade County Commission on Status of women, 1979-Present Mad3er, Dade County Commission on Status of WOMen, 1973-Present Member, Governor's commission on Status of Woven, Florida, 1974-1978 United States Delegate, the 17th and 18th Assemblies of the Inter -American Commission of *rnen, a specialized agency of the organization of American States, Washington and Miami, 1.974 and 1976 Board Member, Region 117 Director (AL, FL, GAO KY, TN, NC, SC, MS), National Association of Commissions for Wcuen POLITICAL Democratic Nominee, Special Election, Florida House of SERVICE Representatives, 1974 Florida State Representative to the Steering CbMittee, National Mmen's Political Caucus Registered Lobbyist for Education; Mental Health and Human Rights Convenor, Miami Beach Cammission on the Status of Women and Four -on -the -Bay Commission on Status of women PROFESSIC NAL American Association of University Wxren AFFILIATICNS American Sociological Association Federation of Organizations for Professional Wdren National Federation of Business and Professional women, Inc., Dade Chapter x'. Society for International Development Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues ate, Society for Women in Sociology National Association of Commissions for Women Civic involvm3l>ent and affiliations are too numerous to list, but what is particularly relevant to the Agency is: 1. Dade County Manpower Area Planning Council, Total Emplolvent Subcommittee (now called CETA Consortium) 2. Joint Comtmittee, Dade County Mental Health Board and Health Planning Council 3. Children's Psychiatric Center, Board Dimmber and Vice President 4. University of Miami, Women's Guild S. Florida international University; Advisory Board, women's Institute 6. Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Education Committee; Tourist Action Committee 7. Trustee, Third Century, U.S.A. 8. Founding Member, Friends of Art, Lowe Museum, University of Miami 8S"4'76__ 004 Persesal inleeraseion torts tot Nominees to Advisee, of Administrative Boards Position and Board for which you have been nandnatM _&ommission on Status of Woman (Posttion (hoard) "— -'�"• Instructions: Please complete and sign this form and teturn it along with a brief resume. I. Neme: Mirtha Guerra (First) (Middle)(East) 2. Address of Permanent Residence: 2504 S . W. 22nd Avenue (Street and Number) Miami Florida 33133 (City) (State) (Zipeode) 3. Address of Business, Ali Pen a de t.a.,r, Blvd. - Ste. &25 Coral_ Gables. F1 (meet an Number) (city) Wasel 4. Home Phone Number: (305) 285-1398 S. Business Phone Number: (305) 448- 2936 L Oceupallon: Certified Public Accountant Please IndiaM "Yes" or "No" to the following questions by cbeckLng,the appropriate box. also please elaborate on your answers where tequested. 7. Are you a United States Citizen? Yes No al ❑ S. Are you presently Indebted to the City of bilaml for and real or personal property tax. License tee or Yes No property lien? ❑ Q It yes. please give details below: Not to my knowledge. 0. Do you presently own property In the -City of Miami other that your home and/or place of business? Yes No ❑ 0 10. . If question e9 above Is answered "Yes," is all of this property in conformance with City Ordinances Yes No It "No," please give details below: ❑ ❑ St. The City of Mlami routinely makes a police check of the background of Individuals nominated for Positions on advisory or administretive boards and committees. The City Commission and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these checks and their malts are maintained In confidence. D3. you have any objec- Tea No dons to such a check being'conducted. (See Ordinance e8822. amending Sec. 2-104 of City Code.) ❑ M1 12. Please Indicate in the space below any areas In which you m:glt find yourself to a position of conrUct air interest should you be appointed to the Hoard for which you have been nominated. ' None 1 understand that the statements contained herein will be a material consideration in the sole on of an vl to serve In the position for which 1 have been nominated. Awd (Date) [sirnatu 85-4e76i CITY Cif' MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEE RESUME.__ Name MIRTHA GUERRA Address 2504 S W 22nd AVENUE MIAMI FLORIDA 33133 - -- Home Phone No. 85-1398 . Birth Date MARCH 11 1946 9 Business URDAN MACH DO c GUERRA - -- Address 836„ PONCE DE LEONBLVD. - SUITE 225CORAL GABLES FLORIDA 33134 Business Phone No. 448-2936 ' EDUCATION BBA - UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI - 1972 MSM - FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY - 1981 ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Executive Committee - F.A.C.E. Board Member - American Heart Association Vice President - Greater Miami Tax Institute Pst Pr�gldrnt Laxin Hu iness A Prof �� na� Wpma�s C1 b Ame� Sgc. of yoman {accountant Any a cionat information you wou a o inc ude tlaE wou a pertinent o your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. -Board or Committee for which you were nominated:, (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space.) 85-4'76__ I CITY OF WANII Personal Information i=orls for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Boards Position and Board for which ,you have been nondnated (Position .-- COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN (Board) • tnstractlons: Pleas* complete and Sian this form and return it slonit with a brief resume: 1. Name: (First) (Middle) L MR; 2. Address of Permanent Residence: ._ 8 415 _. SW 10 7TH # 3 2 7 ■ (Street and Number) MIAMI FL. 33173 (City) (state) (Zipeeode) !. ' Address of nualnesaL 955 NE 3 RO St MIAMI FL. 33101 (&rest = Number) y) 4. Home Phone Number. 5 9 6— 9 6 2 3 5. Business Phone Number. 3 2 4— 5 43 3 4. Occupation: ADMINISTRATOR Please lndleste"Yes'• or'Otto" to the followins questions by ebackft the appropriate box. also please elaborate on your answers where "ested. T. Are you a United States Citizen? 'Yees No t. Ater you presently indebted to the City of titian/ for and real or personal property tax. license, tee or a hO property lien? It yea. please give details below? 0. fio you presently own property In the -City of Ftiaml other than )•our home and/or place of business..? Yes No ER 10. . R Question eft above Is answered "Yes.- is oil or this propany in Conformance with Mir ordinances? Yeses No It •'No." phase give details below: O 11. The City of 6tlaml routinely► makes Is police check of the baeksmand of Individuals nominated for positlom oh advisory or administrative boards and committees. The City Commission and the City staff make evert effort to ensure that these checks and their results an maintained In confidence. Da, You have any oblee- Yes No tions to such a check beins•eondueted. (See Ordinance *8622. =ending Sec. 2-104 of City Code.) IL Please Indicate in the space below any areas in which you m:gn find yourself In a position of conflict or interest should you be appointed to the Board for which you have been nominated. -- - - - - - NONE I understand that the statements contained herein wilt be a material consideration in the selection of an indtvldesat to serve in the position for which 1 have been nominated. !bate) j(Signature) 85--4e76__ CITY Or MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMI'TTEM RESUME Name BLANCA GALVEZ Address 8415 SW 107TH AVENUE # 327 ritAMr Fr -4117-4 Home Phone No. 596-9 Birth Date 1/25/48 g:.. Business. CAREUNIT/ VICTORIA HOSPITAL - Address 955 NW 3RD ST. MIAMI, FL. 33101 Business Phone No. ) A c A,2 - EDUCATION MASTERS IN COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee. for which you were nominated. MEMBER OF NOW AND CHAW -Board or Cornmittee for which you were nominated: COMMISSION STATUS OF_WOMEN -- (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space. I ss-47s_ I BLANCA GALVEZ 8415 S.W. 107th Avenue # 327 Miami Fl. 33113 (305) 596-9623 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Victoria Hospital, CareUnit, Miami, F1. 1983 to Present Director Private Practice, Miami, F1. 1982 to 1983 Psychotherapist International Associates for Marketing, Miami, F1.1982 to Present Consultant Countermeasures D.U.I., Miami F1. 1981 to 1982 Counselor 6 Teacher North Miami Hos 1tal CareUnit, Miami, F1. 1970 to 1980 Chief Therapist St. Elizabeth Hospital, CareUnit, Chicago, 11. 1978 to 1979 Social Worker Hispano Alcoholic Services. Chicago, I1. 1975 to 1977 Assistant Director DETAILED QUALIFICATIONS: Marketing - Planned research studies. Analized statistical data from department research and,.eecondary sources. Developed and implemented marketing plan in a tri-ethnic community. Appeared on radio and T.V. programs and designed community public relations activities. Mana ement - Wrote proposal and received funding for community based ci n c. Organized operating plans for various treatment components. Selected, trained and evaluated counseling staff and volunteers. Directed clinical staffings. Served as main liason between unit, hospital and community. Psychotherapy - Made clinical assessments. Conducted individual and group psychotherapy sessions. Formulated treatment plans for patients and after care groups. %Coordinated operation of treatment program. Teaching/Training - Trained treachers of re-evaluation counseling. Conducted mental health and substance abuse seminars. Taught English as a Second Language. Taught college level psychology courses. Research - Conducted research on role identity of female alcoholics. Pu lished articles in community press on various aspects of Hispanic mental health. Developed alcohol intervention model for use with families. ss--4'7s_ BLANCA GALVEZ Page 2 EDUCATION: Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, 11. M.A. 1980 Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, 11. B.A. 1974 Certified teacher of Re -Evaluation Counseling REFERENCES: Upon request. a e E� 85-47F ... r CITY OF t11.V-11 Persona) Inlotmation Forth for Nominees to Advisory tot .Administrative boards Position and Board tot which you have h!►n nominated Member �,f the '. mnissi^r ^n the tat is �f 'r;crrtan • U'v•iti7n Commission on the Status of ;lnmen Mantel) Instntctions: Please complete and sirn this term and return it aloha with K brief resume I. Name; Barbara Ann Tharr3 (First) (f•tiddl�) (_.astt L Address of rertnnnent nesidence: ;618 Fa.lrrari to S tree t (Str"t and ttuMher) Coral Gables Florida :;1711 (City) (State) (7J;ico�f•) a. Address of Business;._300 NW 32nd Avenge Miami F3 nri da (Street and Number) F=�= S. home Phone Number: 44S—e229 5. Business Phone (:umber. 6. occupation: Seni,yr executive ma.nagcr in the trsnsFcrtnti^n field PIta50 tndicnte "Yes" or "No" to the following questions by Checkintt jite rpompriate hn t. al' n please Piibnr-tte tin yntrr answers wh!rn requested. Yc� 7. Are you a United Stales Cltlzens tie x.res 0 S. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for tend real or p"rsnnnl prcpWy tax. tfeense fe- or property lien? Q ) `IX It yes. please give details below;!' 9. Do you presently own property in the -City of Miami other than lour home and/or piact o! blrsin"%1 Yes Ito Cl 4gxx 10. . It question +9 above Is nnswerel "Yes." Is all of this property in eonfomancs! with City OMInancss? Ye• Ito It "No." please alvp, details below: U 0 11. The City of Mami routinely mnkes a police check of the background of tmlividuUs nomin:tefl for positlo" on advisory or administrntive boards anti committees. The Clty Commtgsion anti the City staff make every effort to ensure that these checks and their results are maintained in confidence. 03 yes hove Day obJa.w-- Yes tin lions to such a check bpi nt'conducted. (She Ordinance &8822, zmendinit See. 2-104 of City Code.) 1:1 XUK-7 12. Please? Indieatet to the space below any areas In which you m:6Ct find yourself in a pnsitcan of conflict of fnter•st should you be appointed to the Board for which ynu have been nominatedl. ' .In any situation -involving the public transit system of Dade County I undpntand that the statements contained herein will be a materint ennadentiou in the :i0vrt1(1tt of net Inctiviritval to ::erne In the position for which I have been nominated. Ph S -, (Date) . lSi[Jiawi >• 85-4'76 .. CITY OF MIAMI ". BOARDS AND COMMITTEES. RESUtiiE Name Parbara Ann Ibarra Address ;E1e F•almarito ;tr"t, Coral 13a.b1ce9 Flrr.ida ,1jd 448-4229 i•Iome Phone No. Birth Date June 27,1950 ' Business Assistant Deputy D*rrctcr, Human Res-urcr,:. Admini^tratirn, Dado Address 7700 il.'::. 32nd Avenue, !Iiami, Florida Business Phone No. 638-7465 f EDUCATION " Bachelccr's and Easter's degree frcm 'Temple Universit;,� in 3-hLladelphia, I:1. Pachelcr's of Srcial Idelfare, Vay, 1972 Master's of Zducaticn/Counseling lsycheleirj, I'ayq 177- ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Board of DirectorIs•Coalition of Hispanic American 'aomrn mem'u-r since 1QP3 S� President, tiia.mi Chapter, P)ational Conference of F4 erto Rican Women ?IACC FR'rl 1993 ( ) " �,.• , Vice President, '►!omen's Transportation Seminar ('W•TS), member since 1070 Member, YWCA Women's Network Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to s ,l your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. Organizations continued ,p Volunteer Instructor for the American Red Cross Volunteer for the American Heart Association r " Docent for the South Florida. Zrol6gica.l Society •hoard or Committee for which you were nominated: Comm] tteP on tlir. ;status mf ':!omen ' vcr PIP-a^•e (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space. ) 85-4'76- . 0 CITY OF MIAM1 Personal Information Form for Nominees to Advistity of Administrative Boards e 1 L •' i lofWlatt hold INsg O for *Mob no hats bean nolmin clod 1 a n (Board) _ Inslttrotlons: Plo"o co nplets and sign this form and roturn It along with a brief resume. I. Nam _ ( tall t W dial 1. Address of Persome t Residents: r - 111111rest and Number) WHO Iaaal -- (LplottY �. AYfpg of avioloa , - Qiaal ";;bar) y t). lloe o lbooa Nttobar ' — - I. Business Phone Numbs: Please Indicate "Yea" or "No" to the following questions by ehoekingdhe appropriate boil. also please rtlebstalie M lour O"WM Viborg reouested. Tso No 7. Are you a Ustled altos ClUtea? 4Y ❑ g. Ara you presently Indebted to the City of Miami for and real of personal property toll. license felt or Yes No property lion? ❑ If yea, Please give details bslor: 9. lets you presently own property In the City of Miami other titan yuur hum$ and/or place of busbless? Too/ No W ❑ 10. . U qusstloh 00 above Is answered "Yes." Is all ul tills property In confurmaocs *fill City Ordinances? W No 11 "No." please give details below: ❑ ■ 11. The City of Wont routinely tambee a police check of tots background of Individuals numinrted fu► pueitlune on advisor of admitustrative bused* turd cutnmttsea. Iflu City Commiabtun slid tits Clty stall make evsrl @lion to tneure Ihat these chucks and their results are n.sintained In eunfidvnce. D.; you hovel any oblae• Yes No/ tluna to aucn a Check being cunducled. t5vo Urdiu.utee •gb::• omendutg we.:-IUI ul City Cude.l ❑ CP 12. Please Indicats In the apace below any a►sue In which 1uu at ithl had yourself In u puallinn of conflict of Interest should you be sppotnied to the Ilurrd fur which you hrvc burn nunun..tcd. I understand Ihat the statements contained hvrsiot will be s mAlerlal cunbidcruttun in Ile aelovilun of an Indlvlduid to Dart• la low pubmum for obich I have basil nuiotnsted. 1 (tlalel � 1. (�ignatunl . 11V11 857476 . _ IerM W CITY OF MIA MI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES _ RESUME The Commission on the Status of Women is actively seeking new members. Please forward application for membership to: Dr. Hattie M. Daniels City of MiamL/Department of Iluman Resources 1145 N.W. 11 Street/ Miami, F1. 33136 Address I'^11'r ' .`I�'litf !i1:::iit li''I:I. 1. 1't:l �,, +,:, t: t. Home Phone No. girth Date Business I::;+;i1.+1;i?'['..1;.1 • s'; l�adfivaa , !. r,t, iI,T.;, ii+, ,., :i±tl ii! '.tiT :(T(,!�,:;;, I ► I C7 Business Phone No. EDUCATION ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Any additional inlormution you would like to lisclude that would be pertinent to your appointment to the board or Committee for which you were nominated. il`i,.`:i' ��ii�:� i�%cri•'(;;,,,l.c�ll,,i, l :1II :'c'I QI I�: TOP,") ) GI ;1'�.[ (%Ill.,1. rl' " T , � ^ r I.TT �.,. AT, n L : iP. r�,P•• '1'(1 `Vill LC�I)I:II10r;�OP,'. '1'0Ct11 !'nI?'l'TI?ll?? `!'Ci 'OP(.' T(1''r ' AIMS 1 ,, Gi THIS Board or Committer for which you were nominated: C0111IT.''J11[ O[1 1111" ;• I � , ) rt• . rt � � 1.�I:TIi(1 [Illir r1IFIF" TO C01[aIL}rf; I-ly U•..?IICATIOH. �1 SS-4'76... • AS EDUCATION UrLLIA UbIN-CUNk•.N 3736 PRAIRIE AVENt!E MIAMI BEACEi, FLA. 33140 861-4215 Sept. 1984 to present - Enrolled at Barry TTniversity, Miami, Fla., Masters in Social Work expected ,Tune 1986. Sept. 1981 to Dec. 1082 - Enrolled at r.T.tT., piiami, Fla., in Masters program in Psychology. June 1980-B.A.(psychology) received F.I.U*, Miami, Fla. June 1978-A.A.(Psychology) received Miami -Dade Community College, Miami, Fla. WORK & RELATED EXPERIENCE Sept. 1984 to present -Graduate internship at Children•s Psychiatric Center, Miami, Fla. Duties include individual S family and group psychotherapy. Oct.1983 to Mar.1984-Assessment and Referral Counselor at Juvenile Justice Connection Project, Van Nuys, Ca. Duties is included assessinq the needs of predelinquent and delinquent juveniles, coordination of needed services and representing '< the agency in public relations. Jan.1982 to Dec.1982-Graduate Internship at San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center, Van Nuys, Ca. Duties included case management, intakes, outreach and participation with Domestic Violence Task Force and the EthnicAtinority Task. Force . Jan. 1982 to Dec. 1982 -Volunteer at the American Cancer Society, Van Nuys, Ca. Participated in the planning and coordination of a Health Fair. Aug.1980 to Dec.1980-Temporary Part-time instructor, Miami,Fla. Taught self -search, human relations and job training courses to C.E.T.A employees. 1975-1977-Medical assistant', Drs. Meitus, Schneider and Canto, Miami Beach, Fla. RESEARCH Participated in a research study aimed at investigating the etiology of Type A Coronary Prone Behavior Patterns. Duties included rating responses to a series of tasks and investigating performance strategies to uncontrollable events and attributions. 8574'76 ",*N A� OFELIA OStN-CONEN p.2 Participated in a research study which investigated the post= partum psychological reaction of childbirth by women who had vaginal vs. Caesarean delivery. Duties included assisting with the development of a survey instrument and conducting interviews with new mothers. ORGANIZATIONS Current affiliations withs National Organization for Women National Association for Social Workers Center for Group Work Studies Grievance Committee (Barry university School of S.W.) Past affiliations with: , American Psychological Association Southeastern Psychological Association PERSONAL INFORMATION Birthdate: Auguest 19, 1958 Marital Statuss -tarried Interestss Runninq, Tennis, Boatinn, Poetry Bilinguals Enalish/Spanish 11 REFERENCES UPON REQUEST r 1 T 85--476 . _. I iI ,I 1` f