HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-05624 to RESOLUTION NO. 5(; 0, or A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF P.N.M. CORPORATION IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $75U,038.00, BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PHASE I WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT" ACCOUIJT IN THE AMOUNT OF $750,038.00 COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $105,005.00 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE: AMOUNT OF $15,000.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES, AND POSTAGE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $4, 357.00 TO COVEN THE INDIRECT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. WHEREAS, sealed bids were received May 21, 1985 for BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT - PHASE I; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and tiie Director of the Department of Public Works recommend that the bid received from P.N.M. Corporation be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvements Appropriation Ordinance No. 9939, as amended, was adopted on December 20, 1984, and monies are available for the proposed amount of the contract, project expense, incidentals and indirect cost from "Bayfront Park Redevelopment" account; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE: CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The May 21, 1985 bid of P.N.M. Corporation in the proposed amount of $750,038.00 for the project entitled BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PHASE I base bid of the proposal, is hereby accepted at the price stated therein. Section 2. The amount of $1509038.00 is hereby allocated from "Bayfront Park Redevelopment" account to cover the cost of aaid contract. a DID SECURITY 13ayfront Park Redevelopment Phase I GATE `101 VICEwEO May 21, 1985 11:00 AM 84-85-75 7TFE OF SECURITY elect% TOTAL NON P.N.M. Corporation 3780 N. W. 22 Avenue Miami, Fl 33142 $750,038.00 5°• BB Recio & Associates, Inc. 9620 S. W. 79th Street Miami, F1 33173 $809,155.50 5° BB Ed Ricke & Sons, Inc. 15315 N. E. 21 Avenue North Miami, Fl 33162 $870,231.50 57 BB M.A.P. Const. Inc. 12711 S. W. 119 Street t4 am ., Florida $948,384.00 $900,000 BB ReceIV64 fhb earvef 6j*N1k®I eioacks t161s Vey of OWN go 0 w trid Nv. 84-85-75 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids 'for BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE I will be received by thet Mana it and Ln ler the City of Miami, Florida, at 0 a.rt, ot, tine 21st dayof May, 19 'S at the City Clerk"s 0£; irs floor o£ the Miami i-y a , 3500 pdn American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami Florida 3313s, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Tile project eor►sists of ti►e construction of dayfront Park Redevelopmen11 Pro Pirase i, a public park located east of Biscayne Boulevard berwet:n S.E. 2nd and N.E. 3rd Streets. The scope of the work will include: 1. Dewolitiun, Qlearinb and grubbing of plant materials. 2. Root pruning, tririminb and fertilizing. :S. Relocation of existing trees and pldntine of new plant material. 4. Temporary irrioatiun. The Engineer s estimate for this prouect is $900o s New requirements will allow the successful low binder to submit a performance bond in accordance, 1 it e Olu 84 rgtiol It j 84-423, and a bid bond in accordance with Res For tecitr►ical questions regarding the plans and specifications please contact Larry Henderson at 661-3392, or Juanita Shearer at 372-459U. Plans and specifications were prepared by Fuller an Sadao PC, Architects, and Swyr�uur, Henderson Rosenberg, Landscape Architects. All bias shall be subt.ritted in accordance with the Instructions to i3idders and Specifications. planesspecificatio ns r.layPubbe obtained from tine office of the Director, Department ic Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street, (4th floor), Miami, Florida, on or after May 2, 1985 witty a $20 deposit for each set. Deposits will be refunded only upon return of plans and specifications, within two (2) weeks after the unmarked and in boud condition, opening of tine bids. Prospective bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9775 regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training & Development, Inc., 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, telephone (305) 754-4903 or Allied Black Contractors r�Asso cation, if they Inc., 5535 11.W. 7 avenue, telephone (305) 758-4»4, require assistance in preparing their bid packages. )'I1� Proposal includ•aa���� � .+d e of performance, and specifications contain provisions �'' �l'�1q ated darnages for failure to coryplete the work on Tire City Corntni"Mc n,`�eserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and tt e., '`�. f4t8ger may reject any or all bids and 41 readvertise. (B- (7. -11, e9• 0685) . Sergio _Pereira gs_ t0�. cn flgfffbet MUM Wear AEOUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT ; edvel"Ilbamof t. cz- MATE APPROVED By: PHONE PREPARED ByDIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT times. Publish the attached advertisement (number of times) Type of advertisement: legal - classified display { (Check One) Slatting date __ 24 4 Size: First four words of advertisement: Remarks: DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. PgQ! INVOICE AMOUNT LINE PUBLICATION 0 A-1 _ B-2 C-3 D-4 E-5 F3 F4 LINE TRANS 11 13 17 18 0 1 2 4 1 V F5 VOUCHER 1 2 3 4 7 8 V P 1 5 2 0 0 2 0 1 3 White — Purchasing F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 DUE DATE Adv. Doc. Reference VENDOR _ INDEX CODE OBJE PROJECT YY MM DD 71 ?5 34 39 42 45 501,11.111, 51 56 57 62 63 65 66 2 8 7 2 0 2 15 DESCRIPTION 36 64 DISCOUNT 69 72 AMOUNT 80 _ Approved for Payment Green — Finance Pink — Department 4 ,rid Nb. 84-85-75 ADVERT1:3EMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids 'for BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT be received by the ity Mana and to ler Miami, Florida, at 11: a.m. On the 21st (:a of 1 ,k' Of ce irs floor of the Miatni Y 6 /1 PHASE I will f the City of May, 19 'S at the City C et s , ty Ffai7, 3500 Miami, Florida )'an American Drive, Dinner Key, 33133, at which time and place 'Utley will be publicly opened and read. The project cot►sis'Us of tite construction of i3ayfront Park Redevelopment Prodecc Phase i, a public park located east of Biscayne Boulevard between S.E. 2nd and N.E. 3rd Streets. The scope of the work will include: 1. Der,rolition, clearing and grubbiug of plant materials. 2. Root pruning, trir��minb and fertilizing. 3. Relocation of existing trees and planting of new plant material. 4. Temporary irri„atiun. The Engineer s estimate for this prouect is $9000000. New requirements will allow the successful low bidder to sub it a and a performance bond in accordance with Resolution No. 84-423, bid bond in accordance with Resolution fto. 84-873• For tecltrrical questions regarding the plans and specifications ,. please contact Larry Henderson at 661-3392, or Juanita Shearer at J72-4590- Plans lspecifications Henderson, paFuller c SadaoPC, Architects, �d SwyourRosenbergScully, Landscape Architects. All bids small be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. Plans and specifications tnay be Obtained from tie office of the Director, Department of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street, (4th floor), Miami, Florida, on or after May 2, 1985 with a 320 deposit for each set. Deposits will be refunded only upon return of plans and specifications, ' unmarked and in bond conuition, within two (2) weeks after the opening of ttte bids. Prospective bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9775 regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in subtnittin6 bids are advised to contact Contractors Training & Development, Inc., 5800 N.W• 'I Avenue, , telephone (305) '154-4903 or Allied Black Contractors Association, Inc., 5535 11•W• 7 avenue, telephone (305) 758-4554, if they require assistance in preparing; their bid packa6es. Proposal inelud'c sl ',�,' e of performance, and specifications rovisions :dated damages for failure to complete eontaln p _ . .f; c. -• the work on titan . Tile City Cotntnijb�h 'reserves the ri-rhL to waive any informality or all bids and in any bid, and ti e� V.r4tr;et' may reject any readvertise. (B-, eq. 0685). Sergio Pereira City Manager G� r LICiTACIGN NO' 84-85-70 AVISO DE LIL TACION Pr opuestas selladas para BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE 1 seran recibidas por el Administrador y el Secretario de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, a mas tardar a las 11:00 a.m. el dia 21 de Mayo de 1985, en la Oficina del Secretario, primer piso, Ayuntaraiento de Miami, ,500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Florida 3J153, a cuya riura y en cuyo lugar seran p6blicamente abiertas y leidas. s s - Este proyecto consiste en la construcci6r, del Bayfrortt Park Redevelopment Project Piidse I, un parque p6blicu situado al este del Biscayne Boulevard entre la S.E. 2 Street y la N.E. 3 Street. E1 proyecto incluye demolici6n, li►�pieza y nivelaci'n; corte de las raises y fertilizdnte; relocalizaci6n dt: arbules existentes y eolocaci6n de los ttuevos; ragadio temporai. El estitaado de construcci6n para este proyocto es de $900,000. Nuevas ret;ulaciones permitiran al mejor postor proveer un bono de cutaplimiunLo de acuerdo a la Resuiuci6n No. 84-42.,, y un bono de lieitaci6n de acuerdo a la Resoluci6n No. 84-873. Para prebuntas t6cuicas acerca de los pldnos y especifieaciones Ilame a Larry Henderson al 661-3392, o a Juanita Shearer ai 372- 4590. Todas las licitaciones seran sometidas de acuerdo con las Instrucciones a los Licitadores y las Especificaciones. El primer juego de pldnos y especifieaciones podrd obtenerse en la oficina del Director de Obras P6blicas, 275 N.W. 2 Street, (cuarto piso) Miami, Florida, a partir del 2 de mayo de 1985. Juebos adicionales podrart obtenerse con un dep6sito de $20 por cada juego. Estos dep6sitos seran devueltos 6nicamente si los pldnos y !as especifieaciones son devueltos sin mareas y en buen estado, dentro de un plazo de dos (2) semartas si6uientes a la apertura de las licitaciones. Se avisa a los iriteresados de las provisiones de la Ordenanza No. 9775, la cual se refiere a la otorgacio'n de contratos a minorias. Aquellos contra tistas/pequeflos nebociantes de minorias o de zonas objetivas que ester interesados en presenter sus propuestas pueden comunicarse con el Contractors Training & Development, Inc. en el 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, telefotio 754-4903, o con Allied Black Contractors Association, Inc., 55a5 N.W. 7 Avenue, tel6fotro 758-4554, si requieren asisteticia para preparar sus licitaciones. Las propuestas ineluyen el tiempu de ejecucio'n, y las especifieaciones contienen provisos para daflos liquidados incurridos por falta de coopletar el proyecto a tiempo. La Coin isi6n de la Ciudad se reserva el derecho a descartar cualquier• inforiaalidad en cualquier lieitaci6n, y el Administrador de la Ciudad puede reehazar cualquiera o todas las propuestas, y reanunuiar. (B-j205-D, Req. U685) . Sergio Pereira Administrador Honorable Mayor and Members oF the city Commission Sergio Pereira City Manager rt; MIAMI. r I-ORID-k MEMORANDUM v.,% I I May 22, 1985 57HT B-3205-D BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPME14T PHASE I Resolution Awarding Contract (For Commission Meeting of May 23, 1985) The U III e t-i t n I - 1) u 1) L is w o t, J<s 11,3 s determined a L I-) w b L 1111 (2 1- j'f-,j- Uw BAYI-'HoNT PARK 10-,I)EVELOPMENT P I I A 3 E L e pi pf)s r? d .i 1, 1, : I I I e d rescil tit ion ;j 0 1,11j� 1-)itj 11;,y -,1 1981) of P.N.M. j I I L o If If i'ti . 0 0 a n d a U 1, 11 1 4,2 S -i I, o a bids were recej ved Ma y 1 1 `.�?3 1) Vrjr BAYFRONT PARK R E, DEV LLOPMENT 11HA6E 1. vp),-V on Ljjjs 1) 1 o j e t includes demolition, c-tearing and t;rijbblilg of pl.,int root pruning, trimming and Fe r t i. L j. z i i i g ; 1- e I Q f! a t L () 11 of C' X i S G i fig trees and a temporary irrigation system. As reFlected in the j b LI 1. ;-3 t i 0 11 of bids, the $T30,038.00 bid of P.14.11. Gurporal.ion is til(-- lowest rosponaLble bid fur the base bid of the proposal. Funds have been 91.Located under Life "Bayfront. Park Redevelopment" account and monies at-(-- ;-Iv;wii1abl-z? for the estimated amount of the contract, f,o r p1'ujec:t expense, 1',-) Ir sucli items as advertising, testing 1. abor a Lot, ies , and lj(-)s Lage . Twenty contra c Lot-s piu -ked up plans and specifications (minority contractors: 'I hispanic, 2 black) 4 contractors submitted bids (minority contractors: 2 hispanic 0 black). The engineer's estimate was $900,000.00. M P a z RECOMMENDED BY: Adrienne M. MacBeth Assistant to City City Manager Resolution atLached cc: Alberto Ruder r — t'ITV ft! MIAMI. FLORIOA INTFN-Or-PICAZ M€NIOhANDUM +I�otlu��ab1 a i�layof� and i,ti,)- May 22, 1985 k,�� B-3205-D Mcril'beV8 of the City Comm issinr) BAY1~RONT PARK HEUEVELOPMENT PHASE 1 = Resolution Awarding; Contract 3 Set�Ot io ,pet`e it.a' { �ii d i'f7i.t• i •_ ( For Commission Meeting of pity 1�1rrilag;et� �)r..1,•;it17i, May 230 19$5) Tilte 'I)epat'Lnlent of Public wot•l<:,4 has determined a - tow b 0ldet' f'()r Uiv BAYFHONT PARK 11EUEVELOPMENT '!IfA;I 1. 'file pt'oposF!d �+tL:a :hed i-eso.ltit ion pier±opts Lhl� b Id ► e1! �� i vc�cf ij;Iy �' 1 , 1 qW, o f 1' . N .11. t:o1,1)o►•�3LiUrr in L I i e _iinoII►►L f)I' :j;'t',(1,oy3 oo and auLhc�r izes the t;r-ty erltr�r into a r�vntract oil behaLF of the r_;LI✓y. Iilcis were received May 21 , 1981.) f'(jr BAYF RONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT - 1 H AS E 1. PI-o1)osed wut k on Lhis 1)1'oje(:t inu Ludes dernulition , dtearing and grubwing; of r)L.int; root pruning;, trimming; and 1'er•t11i.zing; relocation f xis-,irrt; Lrees and a temporary irrig aLLon system. As reflected irr thF± tabulation of bids, the :$7509038.00 bid of P.H.M. Corporation is the lowest responsible bid for the base bid of the proposal.. Funds have been a I. Located under• the "Bayfront Park Redevelopment" account and monies are available for the esi:imated amount of the c:oni,ract, for pr'ojec:L expens(3, for such items as advertising, testing, laboratories, and postage. Twenty contractors picked up plans and specifications (minority contractors: 7 hispanic:, 2 black); u contractors submitted bids (minority contractors: 2 hispanic, 0 black). The engineer's estimate was $900,000.00. - ,/JL M P: a z t � � t .,. ...: .:. r �" ,.... ., i .. ,, .. r.. .:r ... ,. �. .,.}<, :. .n„A .,,, .. rYt•~�: �-;ras's 4;" .�,.,y� .r!.. 4, •,... r, l.,. .. :i. s,..., �,3 �.. �., _ .. _:Y.... .. ..... .. ... c .>' ,n. t,. Yt .. ra' ..... }},�y '3'. ,s•, y .,�,,}} j..n r^� '>t.!".i,zz � o ,._ 77rI'^ s. „i. m ��.!!„� t >;r s ,:F ... 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P $ r i y ; . s r" s ,F i r, -a # �l a � � -: i tom, i { � ( • s � i r�"ti$ f7 13ID AWARD FACT SHEET FUR TILE CITY MANAGER PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION BAYFRUNT PARK REDEVELOPMENT' - .- ----- PHASE I - East of Biscayne Boulevard between S.E. znd and N.E. 3rd Streets PROJECT SCOPE1)ernol ition, clearing and --- ""- -"-- grubbing; of plant materials. hoot prunni.ng, trimming and f'erti I izi.ng. Helocation of existing trees ;ind planting of new plant ma ter i a 1. . Temporary Irrigation. ENGINEER _ESTIMATED CUIiS'CRUCTIUN _COST DATE 131DS RECEIVED NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED NAME OF LOW BIDDER AMOUNT OF LOW BID TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED ------------- Contract: $750,038 Project Expense: 105,005 Incidentals: 15.000 Subtotal $870,043 Indirect Cost 4,357 Total $874,400 $9Or_1,000.00 May 219 1985 LENGTH OF TIME ALLOWED FOR CONSTRUCTION To be completed no later than December 1, 1986. SOURCE OF FUNDS "Bayfront Park Redevelopment" �---`-`�- Account Prepared by: Gene Pelaez 85—'S�i2,+r 5/21 /85 10 DAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PHASE I JOB NO. B-3205-D CONTRACTOR S FACT SHEET is P.N.M. Corporation 3780 N.W. 22 Avenue Miami, Florida 33142 11. Phone: Pedro Naranjo, President Teresita Naranjo, Vice President Contractor is properly licensed and insured Principals: vw= �u Subcontractor: None required M *`t Experience: 8 years ` Buena Vista Highway Improvement Allapattah $10150,000 Mini Park Hadley Park - Tennis Courts 63,000125 ' Citywide Paving Project 0 , 00 Manor Storm Sewer Project Allapattah 391,000 65,000 industrial Area Highway lrnprov�inerrt - Phase 11 "All ,rC,r 1,177,544 g VI: A minority contractor panic.) VII• 292 advertisemerrt,s mailed out by regular 20 mail contractors picked up plans and specifications (minority contr victors: j hispanic x 2 Black) 4 contractors submitted bids f (rninor ity contractors: 2 Hispanic 0 Black) 85-562,., 9 May 21, 1985 f. �illl'I�II111161IIII,III 6IIIllld�ri°zr�rrer.r r•.� I�'� IOYIIrii., Y+'ti�!$i i TABULATION OF BIDS r-UH BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT - PHASE I City Manager, City Clerk A. M. q85 Received by theCity of Miami. Florida o+LLLQQ—r )v— May 21,_ P.N.M. Cor Recio & Associates Ed Ricke & Sons M.A.P. Const. Inc. Bidder Licensed & Insured as Per City Code S Melia Ord. Bid Bond Amount Y o Y 51c Y 5 ° Irregularities Minority Y (H Y (H) - - LASE BID: Total of Items 1-10 $750,038.00 $809,155.50 $870 231.50 948 384.00 .ift Unit Price A Price B .27 5.00 .16 8.40 91,476.00 38 000.00 .20 9.00 Unit Unit P rice A: Price per ft. of sod, Floritam St. Augus- tine Grass) 1 Pi rp R - Pr-: of 6iht. chain link fence) i - IRREGULARITIES LEGEND A - No Power -of. Attorney B_ C - Corrected Extensions D - Proposal Unsigned or improperly 'Signed or "No CCarparote Sea' E— G - Improper Bid Bond i H - Corrected Bid - ,- IT 15 RECOMMENDE.: THAT a contract be awarded -i n the amount $750, 038. 00, base bid of the proposal. A _ to BID 84-85-75 :CB r.0. B-3205-D Prea. By t,.M. Yelaez D/-/IIOJ 0 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIOA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 33 TO. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission DATE: May 8, 1985 FILE: B-3205-D SUBJECT: BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PHASE I Resolution Awarding Contract PROM: Sergio Pereir REFERENCES: (For Commission Meeting of City Manager ��jMay 23, 1985) JENCLOSURES: The Department of Public Works has determined a low bidder for the BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PHASE I. The proposed attached resolution accepts the bid received May 21, 1985 of in the amount of $ and authorizes the City Manager to enter into a contract on behalf of the City. Bids were received May 21, 1985 for BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PHASE I. Proposed work on this project includes demolition, clearing and grubbing of plant materials; root pruning, trimming and fertilizing; relocation of existing trees and a temporary I irrigation system. As reflected in the tabulation of bids, the v bid of is the lowest responsible bid for j the total bid of the proposal. '+ Funds have been allocated under the "Bayfront Park Redevelopment" ., account and monies are available for the estimated amount of the contract, for project expense, for such items as advertising, testing laboratories, and postage. contractors picked up plans and specifications (minority contractors: hispanic, blacks); contractors submitted bids (minority contractors: hispanic, blacks). The engineer's estimate was $900,000.00• EMP:az ' RECOMMENDED BY: Adrienne M. MacBeth Assistant to City City Manager Resolution attached