HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-05507 t J-85-183 4/5/85 RESOLUTION NO. 85-550 A RESOLUTION CLOSING, VACATING, ABANDONING AND DISCONTINUING THE PUBLIC USE OF THAT PORTION OF MIAMARINA PARKWAY DRIVE AT BAYFRONT PARK LOCATED SOUTH OF PORT BOULEVARD AND EAST OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD ALL AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PLAT #1167-B "BAYFRONT PARK". WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board at its meeting of April 1, 19850, Item No. 3, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. ZB 51-85, by a 9 to 0 vote RECOMMENDING official vacation and closure of a portion of a street hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that it is in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its inhabitants to grant the vacation and closure of the street in question and deems it advisable to do so; I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. That portion of Miamarina Parkway Drive (O.R.B. 6902 P. 644) at Bayfront Park located south of Port Boulevard and east of Biscayne Boulevard, all as a condition of approval of tentative Plat #1167-B "BAYFRONT PARK," is hereby closed, vacated, abandoned, and discontinued for public use. PASSED 014 AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of MAY , 1985. TEST: RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: M RIAM MAER Assistant City Attorney GMM/wpc/ab/435 MAURICE A. FERRE MAURICE A. FERRE, Mayor APPROVE A%ITO FOR14 AND CORRECTNESS: City Attorney CITY CUNTL`IISSI ON M�iTi�1G C':, MAY 22 1985 RESOLD „bi, hEMAHKS w qj atlas `P 'ifAII. .7U'Jr'tIC'A Sergio Pereira 'ATf- April 3, 1985 V"- C i Manager u3jEc RESOLUTION - RECOMMEND APPROVAL STREET CLOSURE MIAMARINA PKWY DR AT BAYFRONT PARK i o E . ere go Di s Er'E•.--- CCMMISSION AGENDA - MAY 23, 1985 Planning and Zoning Boards -__;, _,PLANNING AND ZONING ITEMS Administration Department It is recommended by the Zoning Board that the petition and request for the vacation and closure of Miamarina Parkway Drive (O.R.B. b9UZ P. b at Bayfront Park located south of Port Boulevard and east of Biscayne Boulevard be approved. •P'�riri :-�c�.�i'3l`4i ?atii�1-r.�, :Reer�f'icc . _ .. ZONING FACT SHEET LOCATION/LEGAL Miamarina Parkway Drive at Bayfront Park UNPLATTED Tentative Plat 41167-B "BAYFRONT PARK" (Complete legal description by metes & bounds on file at Planning & Zoning Boards Administration Department). APPLICANT/OWNER City of 'liami c/o Randolph 3. Rosencrantz, City Manager P.O. Box 330708 Phone # 579-6040 Miami, FL 33133 REQUEST Petition and request the vacation and closure of Miamarina Parkway Drive (O.R.B. 6902 P. 644) at Bayfront Park located south of Port Boulevard and east of Biscayne Boulevard as a condition of approval of tentative Plat #1167-B "BAYFRONT PARK". REC 01-1MENDATI ONS PLAT & STREET COMMITTEE PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IN ACCORD WITH THE CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED BY THE A AN t 'NMITTEE. e vacation of the public rig t-or-viay- Known as Miamarina Parkway Drive in Bayfront Park is necessary for the development of Bayside Specialty Center, which is a City approved project. PUBLIC WORKS Dedication is requested by Plat. DADE COUNTY TRAFFIC AND TRANSPCRTATION No comment. ZONING BOARD At its meeting of April 1, 1985, the Zoning Board adopted Resolution ZB 51-85 by a 9 to 0 vote, recommending approval of the above. 85--55CB km � CR-2/7 poRT BLVC).- ---, — M I AMARI NA ZB April 1, 1985 AR I 36 I tam # 3 R 3-- R 5 Miamarina Par:',jay Drive at Bavfront Park 4 I �fio 14- 0 pv-, ty j. 7 Ji /,Alc 0 f I .v UU J . fr, 4 )sv iL A 36 ZB Apri I 1 1985 R 1 e Item 3 R 3 R 5 Mi an, ari na Parkway Sri ve a, BAYFRONT &f%- 11 .1. AFFIDAVIT STA` S OF FLCRIDA ) SS. GOM= OF DADE ) Before me, the ur.dersighed authority, this day personally appeared Randolph B. Rosencrantz who being by me first duly 5 OMs upon oath, deposes and says: 1. That he is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, subnitting the acc-_;- n, L-4 application for a public heax-irg as required by Ortir-ance No. 9500 cf the Code of the City of ;Miami, Florida, effectirg the real property located in the City of Miami as described and listed on the pages attached :o t".is aff ida,ri.t and made a part thereof. 2. That all owners whichht he represents, if any, have given ,.heir full and complete permission for him to act in their behalf for the change or ^cd.- fi cation of a classification or regulation of zoning as set cut in 3. T:, L the des atta_hc-d ereto and :rade a pax-t of this ccr.,.a_. the ..... e t .a.;._s, ;tea; - g ad — ems, p cne r.W, ... s and legs desc~`rtis^.s for ti.e real p: e ;� ,�:lic:. he is the owner or level. representative. 4. Tee facts as represented in the aprlicati.cr. and dcc=erts su:....'tted in ccn;­cticr.:r th t:'4 S af_idsirit are true and correct. Fir Sher Af_ iannt sw eth nct . S-ao^: to and Subscribed before me th:.c L day of,"y`''��'l 19-s. Netarf Public, State of :lorida at Ike Fly Cc mission Expires: 1?:7 C.. Ui ra None � OWNER'S LIST Owner's dame r i tv of Miami --- Mailing Address c/o Randolph B. Rosencrantz, City Manager 3500 Pan American Drive, niamiq telephone Number 579-6040 �m Legal Description: Attached metes and bounds Owner's Nane Mailing Address felep!,one Number i.egal Description: Owner's Name Mailing Address Telephone Number Legal Description: r M Any other real estate property owned individually, jointly, or severally (by corporation, partnership or privately) within 375' of the subject site is listed as fellows: Street nddr,7�s Legal Description Attached survey and legal description Florida cast Coast Railway Co. roperty Street Address Legal Description Street Address Legal Description 13 k . .* . ':.i;i�-'.... •. �a.:?�•'!1C4h�.�t'�.#*it�°'�.!!: r1�.":bc . �c+R},.i • • u+rYi�iY�'.: iL�:w��s�,. .. � +;ce 0t.1:� h�!►.t�1�v. �' • . s- , DISCLOSURE OF 9--VERSHIP tegal description and street address of subject nal pt` i'ty. See attached metes and bounds. 2. Owner(s) of subject real property and percentage of ownership. Note: Citv of Miami Ordinance 'No. 9419 requires disclosure of all parties aving a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City Commission. Accordingly, question 42 requires disclosure of all shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of 'trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their addresses and proportionate interest. City of Miami, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 3. Legal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question #2, and (b) located witzin 375 feet of the subject real property. Florida cast Coast Railway Co. property, see attached survey and legal description. Randolph B. Rosencrantz, City Manager - OWNER OR ATIC&gEY FCR C NEP. STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS: CW2,1I'Y CF DADE ) Randolph B. Rosencrantz , being duly sworn, deposes and says that ne is the (Cwner) (Attorney for Owner) of the real property described in answer to (.vestion 41, above; that he has read the foregoing answers and that the same are true and complete; and (if actin. as attorney _ for owner) that he has authority to execute this Dic.'.psureof Ownership" form on behalf of the Omer. SWOP N TO AMID SUBSCRIBED before me this .2- % day of K 11, tart' Pubitc, State o Florida at Large M[Y'' CO.',"KIISSION EXPIRES: �T,J 1 Cp Cr AORIDX lAy CC, �" I :,'Gr' -W.Es J111.11 21 1997 ' 5C.NDLD 7F-".J G::.ErlAL 1;4sua=vCE UND (over) 85-sso g P_ STATE OF FWRIDA ) SS COMA Y' OF DADE ) being duly swrim,.deposes and says that he is the duly appointed of , the owner of the real property described in answer to question , above; that he has read the foregoing answers; that the same are true and com- plete; and that he has the authority to execute this Disclosure of Owner- ship form on behalf of the owner. (SEAL) (Name) SWORN M AM STUTSCRIBED - before me this day of ; 198_. 14otary Punlic, State of Florida at Large � y CC?'..�USSIChI LWIRES: ;tr�y�,i.. � �•.. �. . ..•.r.: �•. .. �v,.. .�. ... ... .. - •,e :ra- .. .. ... .. .. c\.s' ' �. ,tom. yi :. •' � t • �+. i ..�� � , � - ltsu7w'i�a �.� id, s a..,Y, �: 8 3eFa rra.: 7yj 4 t.: y. � +�.•;�,"� � +' y: ,'_-si'�"7�t'�lcj r+. - .; �.� . .. ..f:'r:?�fi'�?-:�►'�•!'i .J 't. � •-�•,.�;f;r:��ts'. N..ca.s »'r'.3�C:. •.rtg.•+.�. w''4�+�'iii►7f �. .. CITY OF MIAMI. FLJr-40A. X C1v5 iM,rC-.t-G:-'!-1Ca1D1J'M- _, John Gilchrist QATE785 WA2hP 19 , 1985 Assistant to City Manager Special Projects Offic.e SU&.1rC- Closing of Miamarina Parkway Drive •'NC•d •��- ,% REFERENCES - George T. Campbell, Jr. Assistant Design Engineer ENCLOSURES. Department of Public Works �794vzio�� CONZ W _ S T IT..:. C.. . IC. _ : S: .... . . .:. �• I Ty r. \ UR. .� h lL ita �/ 1wi\i%L_`11,/iti.1, �1►tiQG �.. 1..i.J 3 vCiJ �ir:i Y � L>. 01'0, lay and bet—uaan 1HZE C.ii ' Ur �.'I. =, a .:.u• I_ iC' )r_ _ CO:-. O::i..._v_.. i1A.� I -y►:?Co;.O ..a ,tl` State O% pa-r- A. Li:e ..+.:, .`. part-., I:eraina%te r called G'.%".tiTCiII'., Q'oes .a• �..�Jy � and gran C C0:1J`�' nceres,`., citl.e, right and claim unto T Pu31_IC. zhe iollo;•7in- Gc::i Crib_-d Jarcal Oi land, and. also kno�:'n aa � ai._� `.'► :lip._ �t :ti:��::'.�.�i.�:.:r��' sit::.�tL, Ding and being in T:-r C+TY 0: ::..�:'il., County : A Dada aaa Stata of Florida, to wit: ,...., ace at the point oi: 4: tarsac:.ioa o� t:.a sc. za—ly r., z:-oz-way line of N.E. 5C : Street and ha ;Jesterly ::oi1t•-oJ.-L•Jav iron- of 3isc—z-, .a TTo-,: lavard, sa-;d nc—nt o� Latersection gain-, corner oC 0ci•: Lof A. L. K,0 YL_t.).\ ._J .l.'1 \J_ Ali �i, as zacor\. Pint Boo:: 3 , a.. ?aga 41, of ?ubLic Rac0: C:s or Dade County, Florida; thaaz;e -un aasnvardly along th a easterly extension Of Laic :�Oi t.�3rl f bounda—zy of said Bloc-. 61:: for a distant= jf 8%':J2.16 feet, morn or less, to a point , •sai0 pcin: 14 3.7v Ieez: T,7ascarly of tna poi:lc of".. " ,.. a ins z dascr i�ac cou_ sa and the Jade Co -..:my 1" � � ^ JLl atia..G\.. .ri.%l. , dj r 2CO �. d2G ifl Plat BoOh 74, ac Page 10, of .ie 2-,iJliC I.BcorGS of Lade County, Floz—Lda; c'.^.ance de=lac:.fr.g co the :ice h. 90o 12' 12" from C::e last •r � CJL. S` 'LL:. 30L:t, ' CJ.i=uly 103.00 i 2eC. to as pl: V_ I)aJli`.� Co:1Ci:.L:C S0ata diUi,,, ti:J ia-,' C CIU:;Czi.1h`d C�):::.+:) .;Oi' a distance of 345.50 LeC°L co . a poilaz; Lnuir-ca di: flcac:c4in;� to the ribht 900 00' 00" rur. :Jastt,7ardi.y for a cis:.anca O.E. 24.00 feet to a poi_:►c; c::c;:ce dzflec:.i to th e Left 903 CO' 00" -run souc'.::•i::rdly for a dis...:.nca of 81.00 feet to a point; th;:nca da;lcC: f; ? to 9.io 00' GO" run eastLJa'rdly =a= .moist: n cam: of ia.'.t Co Z. point; Chance Gam? ll cczino u'o cha right: 9U^0 00' 00" run souzh1warCl y for a difs:an 35 . Ju fe-eL CO ci pOi:l:.; _:Z:1Cl? ua=LLC:.fil- �c Cne ri'i:_ 930 00' 00" rur. web ci.a_ .i ly for a .:is tanca of 32.0, L,--et CO 11 pOiC t; :11,: 13. 900 00' 00" run slut: wardly for a distur.cc of 20.00 feet to a Point of curvatura; tha—..c'e run s:)u::'n.wazdly and soL:ch:ia:3 twardi, a1on o t„a arc of a curvy: CO th:: r4 vhc Navin, a rat:_:.s of 232.43 . a,.t and a cen`ral angl.: of 180 10' 43" fo:. a d- - ~ 73 . 77 cl pOint Of reve se curvaaCu: 3; cli?i-ica run sou a..,72S=- y chvj"-r41y alo :o c:-:a arc of a torus to the di at2G $Ou :.eft „avial a radius of 2 8.33 aac and a cancral 85--550 -3 a joint or .:.om?cuad C'L:rV..:.%\.*:2; �: l:_:. � ... .vL:;�_:'•i%�: tJ� 3astward' a 1or c .:_c Ot a c��'Js z a.h sout:► l _o A. havi :h a �:.dius o. i12. 9� =cet .:r.:: angle O L O60 23 32" nor a diS--a-Ca o L �;.'? . G� _`et to a point; thence can ,^.c:ct;;ca e: - ' C. n, '-c s :.u..cly �_o..� L.a. radius o A, the last ciesc.-ia,:�c c-urve =or a di:, tc-nca oL 23.00 fee t to �o ira t ; . L&-.Cnc:. f I �c t _: _I_ib 90° 00' 00" run sou theast;:arc:y 225 -00 fce t tc Point; thence %:'o .Icctii7. tc. a .:t:- '19 o 5L �✓,. rL::. southeastwardly 33. iv iL?�i: �O a Jl. L Of C:.:_'/:��.-_ t:.`r.c�. run southz.-as...�;a_cl, rAnU norih�42S t:Jardly caloG;- ar : oL c lef: having a r.'_dlus G:. 5-5.3✓ and a ailol2 of lOGO 09r 00rr iGr d di5 ti: c: of 15.i .'.j r.:V to a point of tan25,a::cy; th,'aca run r.o_c`l*.•:ast..�rd:.;• for a distance o- 237.54 fear to a cr: cur /a thence run nor thwes t:•Iard y ana ::or z:..ary a_O :j =,-,a arc of a curve to th-a ri-,hz a iCO. 96 Lt32t a:.d u v00 23' a distance of 193.47 feet to a point of can oeacy; thence run northwardly for a d'_scance of 631.50 iaet d f my - 0o 00: vv" a.G a Point; thence z lc' a t,-o to ..:.8 ..e f L. 9 run :has t•.•;ardly :or a dis ca. ce of 90 . vQ fa o t:.a ?VA. L 0: J-G�:::`I:;u chere._rom z'-e io-I :. ow i. j as scc -area-, oL 1and: C3:-.=encl1• at t.:':e -:� Ci nt of Of t:.0 sc::z'L-,Z-.^...y 1.—of�:V ,.,;ay lei..': J� N..`...✓t•�aa_ +�.:� ..:�:-'%^:.7tV_:.J .....:at -of -way iiilc Sc :; :a UL_:: V: C. ialc of intersection being clla norchaasc corner of 3oc:: 61.1% oas raC.7::..::u +• Plat 3ook "B", at Page 41, Of t:':a ?L:jlic RecoI-...s o� Dau County, r.o•c_c.u, .-.e: ca _.:... easterly extension, of y ;,vu: car; oz Block o1:: for a dlsta::ce of 952.16 f: eL, mor O_ -cuss, t0 a pOli:t, said pOlGt be1^.j .0 .) J t22.0 :J�?3tai_! Jf the point of. in:arsacLlor. o� t: L?, lase C-ascribac* cOUlzs a and the Dade Co,,:nt;/ .Jul:', -hand Lin a) as recCrae Plat Boo,C 74, at ?f'- IW I Of t..a pu!)Iic A{]:Cz rvJ Jf Dade County, Florida; thence ectinO rt 900 12' 12" from the last described course run scuc:.- wardly 887.98 Lett to a point; t ;:nCa wa:lact:.. ,2- to the left 660 2 3 ' 32" ru : so::Z: LnaaS c:•;a=;:ly : or a dis- tance or 90.44 feet to the ?0y\'? OF 3�GI\\I_:G; c::z::ce conzInua southeas taar-Ily aiJ :t a 1as z Case _va course Lor a dis z:anca a f 2c%' . C0 feet to poi:. ; thanca deflecting to tha rim 900 OJ )' 30" waStwardly for a distance of 26.N feat to a thence deflecting to the 930 001 00" run wastwardly for a distanca of 35.00 feet to a no_nc; thence detlectin, t° the le L `JC" 00' 00'' runCD westwardly for ` ::is tanca oL 26.G0 feet to a thence deflecting to the 90' 00' 00" runwestwardly for a Gl.s ta: ca of- 22.E . 00 -EaaL to a thance deL:lecti no to th-, rival 900 CO' 00" run n Jrt:.- eas ;.Y;a-cdly for a dis cancz! of. 52.00, . e.: c Co tcla :0- OF EEGINNiING . Cencaininb approximately 2.957 acres, :.fora or las4, W2 _ srr i c►r1^11?01 ISO 13, r r.11 .. .. v_ :. - _•_�.. 3 joint of ,Z d soutneastwardiy alor.; c arc of a Co l =fz: 'nav: :9 a radiuS o__ 3121 . JJ fc a t .:nd caa Z: u232daf 36'?.6_5an ; . to a point; thence run ,^.crc::aa�st�aLdly a:o :a L-_adlus of the last curve -o_ a dis tz:nc2 Of 23 f`et t0 :. 70irit; .L..._%C. ".'.i!cCt �A.6. - 9^0 00' 00" run sot:tlteasc;:arcly 225.00 fcet tG _ poin►.; ..r1LnCc'. C.3fa.hCtli:vT i.:cr ::n3 c:L.. i`J ✓L CC.i southaastwa::dly 33. lv iar.1: co a J_n L oz c:::'/�t�_ ; t.1`C1Ct. run Sou_h2aSi.w,.._C,..� ....LCif, 7-.G=C..f and rort,h-wasn.;ardly aiJG;- e.::- OL ` left. having a radiil. G-: 55.3� f,�:zc a c; an le of 1600 09' 00'' fcr a distanca of I to a point of tang`ncy; glance run r.o:thT:ast.,�rd:y for a distaraca of 237.54 fe?c to a ;:.:..t cf c •/ac;:re; thence run northwest, -iard'_y a r.Grt:,arty Z,-4a arc of a curve to t:,a right nav:.:.- ` 166.96 feat an u a central an -la Jr vOo 231 t .7.:•' =G: a distance of 193.47 feat to a point of cangency; thence run northwardly for a d_scance of 631.50 faet to a point; thence daflactin c to t:ae left 500 0.3 Gvst run was.`..%ardiy for a G1scaaca oL 90.v0 fa o z: a POINT 0-F charetro- cna Lol.cwiraJ ::ascri;,ec ; araai CJ.:u;.ence at thie : olat JL e s0:::...:: y rijl:t-Of-tvay l.r.� o \..`�.. Ci% .t•�22_ :�:d _.: "i:o%�::%-y r'�Diat-G.r-LJay li.rac J� ji.sc :yne ✓iU:,:.-;:V. r:., j2id of intersection bain- the norchaast corner of 31oC'. 61:N' of A. L. :�.\J.;i.�C:':'S :•�.� C: .:I:.:::, as _aca_..ac in ?ia►. - ' f , :22cC_ �s G ..00c� 3 , 3►. 302 41, Ji �.:13 �l:j1iC Dade County, Floric.z; -_'-en ca run easterly axtansi.0:a Of Or ;a:d 31cc 1c 51.; for a dists::ce of 952. 1u faec, morn or _ass, to a point, said point being 383.7S feat tJ2S.`ar_y Jf zhc- point of. inz:arsacz.:o% ol t::2. Lase d,?scribaG course e .. y 3 l• Y. i s m a r e c - e -: in eau ta.2 Dade CJL:u.. f .�,.. c�.�2aC. L� �., S c. G_..�.. Plat 3oo:C 74, a`- 107 Of` :"-a pu*alic Dade County, Flo iva; thence C, I z`.I:7j :J L: r:.; ar. 900 1212" from cha last descr-'be3 cou=sa run scut:.- tJardly 887.98 feat to a poi n t ; t a:,ca a fled o the left 66 231 32" run sc::t aas c:;ar.:ly .or a dis- tance or 90.44 feet to t :e ?OI\'2 C_ 3=\';IVO; z^ance co.- :inua sotltheaj t:-1ar.:1-y a 1c,n(7✓ c a la d,?ad course ..or a 1�.rJ:aZlca Of 3C.00 -Caa- t-O .a Oo.-, � Ii C►.e.-,c. Ce-l�?Ctiilo LG the ri�'J 9Cj 0i ), �Jv ::U jOt:.L�1- westwardly for a distance of 23.03 teaz co a _,J: thence derlecting to the 90000' 00" run wastwardly for a distanca of 35.00 feet co a po_;;t; thence deilectin- to � he le:.c 900 00' 00" rzin CD westwardly for a distanca o-Z 26.G0 feet to a thence deflecting to the rig t 90" 00' 00" rut. nor: - westwardly for a dista1Ce of 225.0'0 iaaz to a trance deflecting to the, ri; 2h _ 900 CO' 00" run n orz - east,.;arms-7 for a distance of 52.0E face to the 2JINi OF BcGI\:+i1G . Containing approximately 2.957 acrss, mo_-a o:. 1-3s.; -asstR�aa•.-.rT-asp-.�+�r.��•...�.�r-�r.. ,.+e•. •es�a•• ar �an•..+ers+ne�,. .--:� ��� riv y'Al iili deed :u -4-'&Z �:i:3L1-0 .`.iic: al- vC: aSc*AiJ-e 1�::.c. as :.-A.;jat%":r'cam' +c • uJl: as a public nic"'a stay and st A. as d for 2_L ��tiy Lo r . O IfICi entai thereto. .-.t .,• r � • T l igZi\ESS ink- E ,EOF, THE CITY t Or ::..:.`.':. , a ....:nicipa co: t ion o i. ti.c State o i Flor :.%.a . has ca:1sC:G tAiS to as cv,zcd its i amne and its cor7Gri tc sea= to be ). aza;:Q :+! its City vianagar and its City' Cl�r uoth thera=tc dul ZL....v.... this J&P day of J(%/7e: Sid ad, Sealed and De:.ivered in Presence of: Witnessed to Both Signatures 6Gi �/1LSt C Cl' A TT .`f.J. I % By Is 0-7 f :.c.:..��:.. tt asc >,,4ne•'al f F. L. CO_ _%'Z:..., s lriZ: This: . d� It:,.S Zns._ ..�u.-:eat is 4 ..:ecuce Pursuci:;. to Resolution \o . Passed 'a '`' ,� .. a.. d r,..J p t �.. DY A??:;OVER AS 10 F OP.'.•i .:,D Lc.G3.IT`1 APP 30�IED' s S TO DESC : �PZ'It�1 �:.y �.ttorney Director De? rt-e Assistant C'u'c:_c Work 3 INV C N 1�1 -4 :. - - y� -, -. .ar i ra x A!lJ A:P la 0 .� 1.9: i NO`" OF DADS ) 1 an office- all4ha� . a: :� ar. ti. a\l'' u4i�a:fl�sv�s '•+ui 4 .a. a, i a.. 0ath,s, i:i:.\GAL Llv.Nl1< Y. L..ac on tills J40 day of vi1&jo e f A. 1970, p`rso:.ally appearou J::.:v;:.? .;.e, .•:.. L. :.:.:5.:. known to me to be tee City ..:.: - � City all' . ,-IaC. .... ,.. VAC -A, ..J!L. �.V�••�-. T�i= CITY OF :;IAXII a mu^i,_ ,' �at ^ of THE ♦ � .� a. �.�a.�� C0:",70 1Vis 1n and u►.�.�r .-..0 O! the State of C 10r-Lda, and !{► o0 -,-1 co i..-.a to ba ::lne pe-zso- ti.� LOB a 0 no l►.o t' uiiant, ara.d dray s ?V.?.r...-.1. 7 - -o be thair free an , -A: n( ' - - • - ►.�.araoL ,. ..a VG1u: -ary 2�.:. ca.\► ,.�2G :.s s::c:. :.�__c •- , for the use and purposes therein ax-p assed, and t::at :.cay a�=_.:ad :: a -� . said uz; OiilCiai S@ate Oi u. . �Oloa1 COr70ra:.:.0;1, al.r by taro and or the City Cc.-,.:.iss-o:. and that said ins:.•:u.-:a:.;, is A-fforr..al act of said mun_Cipal I C E C R E A M F 0 R 0 1 S C R I M I N A T I N G T A S T E S 1740 NORTH OLDEN AVENUE EXTENSION TRENTON. NEW JERSEY 08638 '�t 66�u A er,,, J OF N. J., INC. (6 0 9 020000=0913 771-q844 march 24, 1985 Do: Clnsincr (n` .1�4arrarLna aryi I*oncTr"al Conversion o' Poy P. Tx .hler's Business, Reverace, and other T,icenses, 1. aryl Leasehold ?,ight-s Dear You are herehy pit on notice, .individually I v arm in your official capacity, that the p. �Iicly-anrcunced plans to shut down, fence off, and dany tnqress an-i egress tn, of, aryl run "imartna and to, of and 'rom my Leased prEnises within said Mdamarina, arri to the schooner "Flying Cloud" arxi the businesses corriucted thereon, therein, and at the dockside --xea, arci to vacate Miamrina Parkway rxive, without due process of law, is a violation Of my Civil rights juxier the Constitution of the ti ited Stites arr.1, Further, is a malicious interference and a wronaful conversion of my leasehold, business, and property rights, without legal or just cause (mal;---e) The Flying Cloud (ruises restaurant with beer arxi wine sales, both dockside and on the adjacent waters, has been operated at Micernarina since 1970 and is fully licensed, including a State of Ploricla Alcoholic Beverage license at P4Lamarina. I will file- a canplaint in United states nistrict (-hurt seeking the payment of cnry�ensatonjr, special, exenplary, aryl Genitive dainacges, plus costs arti atwrney fees, if you prccefft with this wrongful malicious interference aryl cnInversion witlylit just compensation to me. 85r55O (7 r I C E C R E A M F 0 R D I S C R I M I N A T I N G T A S T E S -�l � 19 19 01 t. tla;�ze ell I(eX J OF N. J., INC. 1740 NORTH OLDEN AVENUE EXTENSION TRENTON. NEW JERSEY 08638 6 0 9 ) 9Cm>2Cx8CxDEKK 771-9844 I will be pleased to meet with vou, and /or va= representative to discuss the sale of my leasehold and 'business 2 ".►hl�.��JM?:.�i�i`.�it+lri..R+et94+i►'�E+Y�Y:.�.i+:.�v.+;...s..uT�..q,1�,...l.+u�i.r►.:.�.i.ii•:�:ii`�rS�.+�.�11+t'�:�A'�\�tirl��'��=!!'?`►.r:tS`h`':.��1':°<�.v.•-� i, • ti��li:'H�;r'w�1�.�F.•••f'tiu�:"t't:i.�nt+t:, w`�fCy+ari:t«1 i►��'1?��%`!�r�vi'+ . rj' PLAJ'"'I-'!wDS CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORAN0u% APR -8 A :31 TO. John Gilchrist DATE: April 5, 1985 RILE: Assistant to the City Manager Special Projects Task Force SUBJECT: Plat of Bayfront Park - Plat and Street Committee 9,- Meeting - April 3, 1985 FROM. — �'�r� / REFERENCES: George-""V. Campbel'l Jr. ( ':�_ Chairman, Plat and Street'' Committee ENCLOSURES: At their regular meeting on April 3, 1985, the Plat and Street Committee deferred action on the plat of Bayfront Park. The plat had been scheduled for review because of the deletion of Miamarina Parkway Drive, changes in the parcel to be deeded to the Corps of Engineers and the addition of the boundaries of the leased parcels. The reason for the deferral was that new easements for various utilities were not shown, i.e. W.A.S.A., Southern Bell and FPiL. The representatives of the utility companies felt that defined easements . were needed to ensure space available for their installations. The representatives from the Police and concerned that proper access for emergency determined, and that possibly some indication be shown on the plat as an easement. Fire Departments were vehicles has not been of this access should The above easements were not shown on the plat because the Department of Public Works was not furnished any information regarding them. The Plat and Street Committee requested that a representative of -the Rouse Company, as well as your office, be present at the next meeting to respond to any inquiries when the plat is again considered. GVC: rj cc: G. Miriam Maer, Law Department Plat and Street Committee Members �ra�Mri1►� 'y�p!~ry:;.�.�tiblbCM1"' „fir �llirt;:tit+�,+i� .. .... _ •�,�:rs:��e•'•}•::5.�,+`is.Y-des. . -!w! t ryeAM 0 p! 1 C E C R E A M F O R ; DISC ROM INATING T A S T E S 1 1740 NORTH OLDEN AVENUE EXTENSION X ` •�� , TRENTON. NEW JERSEY 08638 a/ ALB C J OF N. J., INC. 16091 771-4844 March 24, 1985 1 C1ns i.ncr .7f Miamarina aryi Whroncj4-ul / Conversion o` I)oy P. 73riehler's l% �f Business, Reverage, and other Licenses f and LPanetNold Rights Dear You are herehy rut on notice, individually and in yo= official capacity, that the nir.licly-announced Plans to shut down, Fence off, and. denv incress arri egre=s to , of, arri from minnarina and to, of and `rcm my leased oremises within said Y&amarina and to the schooner "Flying Cloud" and the hisinesses corriucted thereon, therein, and 3t the dockside area, arri to vacate Miamarina Parkwav rxive, without due process of law, is a violation of my civil rights carrier the Constitution ^f the t ;zited States arri, Further, is a maliciou-s interference and a wrongful conversion of my leasehold, business, and property rights, without legal or just cause (mali-ce) . The Flying Cloud cYuises restaurant with beer aryl wine sales, xf both dockside and on the adjacent waters, has peen operateri at Miarnarina since 1970 aryl is fully licensed, including a State of Florida Alcoholic Beverage I_,icense at Miamarina. I will file a caitplaint in United States District Court seeking the payment of cc�n-:xensatory, special., exr�lary, aryi cunitive damages, plus costs and attorney fees, if you prcceeA with this wrongful malicious interference ani conversion without just Qanpensation to me. 50 - 4 ��:.•;e:�+ai�r.+et7liSLtlt�r.W.,a:�e►rr, � �•y.iAA'r:-rg1�1t•.;.':r:1.�i►�t.:.�'.;:.:a.:ccYi.:����i�!�Ml�J1iR-D 'i'�a�trif.'trtii=''•'j •�. :;:.t'.irL3.'c:� •_-': .. '^'�ltJ.;4'11`ll::'r:'0.•.�rq'hF'i,�.ol::A!�FIt.R.K�,r;L��;,/L•`S,�>'te�t'?kt'�:;5'K�.i�F4'�;�:'!i:ao:.�r�:!+»MA'.%1;� -1�ii-:�.�'•v!r.'+'ir'1�,trT,y`..`;�ii`�°!:'��i1�.1" '!. :!�i.i}�'�S„��r N=� I C E C R E A M F O R D 1 S C R I M 1 N A T I N G T A S T E S ULell e.IJJg6Bh&e J OF N. J., INC. 1740 NORTH OLDEN AVENUE EXTENSION TRENTON. NEW JERSEY 08638 l6091 83WK 771-9844 I will, be pleased to meet with you and /or vain representative to discuss the sale of rry leasehold and business rights. f.' i R K S5-550 ,Zr