HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-0653J-8 5 -6 07 RESOLUTION NO. 85`653 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $96,000 FROM THE SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM OF THE LATIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES (CAMACOL) FOR FUNDING OF THE PERMANENT SECRETARIAT OF THE HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SAID ORGANIZATION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. An amount not to exceed $96,000 is hereby allocated from the Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund in support of the program of the Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States (CAMACOL) for the funding of the Permanent Secretariat of the Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Section 2. The herein allocation is conditioned upon substantial compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM-1-84, dated January 24, 1984. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with said organization, to implement the herein allocation. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June , 1985. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE, MAYOR AT RAL H G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: J( W4'fj'---x atx-- 90BERT F. CLARK, CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVEVAS,TZ—fORM AND CORRECTNESS: . -WW-t11.,r111, CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNRR20 tM RESOLU110IN REMARKS. r r CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 7 TO. The Honorable Mayor and DATE: .1W-N 14 198k� FILE: Members of the City Commission SUBJECT Funding For The Permanent Secretariat Of The Hemis- pheric Congress Of Latin Chambers of Commerce And FROM• Sergio Pereira � REFERENCES: Industry City 'Manager J�`Y FNCLOSURES. June 20th Commission Agenda "It is recommended that the City Commission approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Manager to allocate an amount not to exceed $96,000 from the Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund in support of the program of the Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States (CAMACOL) for funding of the Permanent Secretariat of the Hemispheric Congress of satin Chambers of Commerce and Industry; said allocation being conditioned upon substantial compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM-1-84 dated January 24, 1984; further authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in a form acceptable to the, City Attorney, with said organization.11 The Permanent Secretariat Program (PSP), which is composed of twelve elected representatives from the various Latin American regions and the United States, is based in Dade County with its members traveling here to meet every four (4) months. The primary objective of the Permanent Secretariat Program (PSP) is to strengthen the Dade County area as the major international center for trade and tourism in the American hemisphere. It attains this goal through developing and administering each year's Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry, which includes coordinating the business transactions that result from the Congress. In addition, the PSP implements the resolutions of the Congress which call for the establishment of an inter-american network of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry coordinated through the PSP. f' More specifically, as outlined in the attached work plan (Exhibit 1), key activities that the PSP will perform during the contract year will be as follows: h_tr Expand the working network among the chambers of commerce and industry in Latin America, the Caribbean and Latin Chambers in the United States. �yk�y 85-653 Ir r The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page No. 2 Create a permanent exhibition center of non-traditional Latin American and Caribbean products in the City of Miami. Implement an Inter -American Economic Commission oriented towards the economic growth of Latin America and the Caribbean. Encourage multinational firms in different states to establish their headquarters in the City of Miami. Create a U.S. Trade Promotion Council that will complement the Permanent Secretariat network of chambers in Latin America and the Caribbean. The City's contribution of $96,000 will be utilized to cover personnel and operating costs of the Permanent Secretariat. Attached is the budget submitted by the Latin Chamber of Commerce for this project (Exhibit 2). Attachments v f 85-653 t C EXHIBIT I SECRETARIA PERMANENTE DEL CONGRESO HEMISFERICO DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LATINAS PERMANENT SECRETARIAT OF THE HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 1) La�lrl 'flambee ^1= Comrnr_rce of Ci11� United States U i., ) (305) 642-3370 1) i3udget for the Sixth Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry 2) Objectives: a. To orcmote the City of Miami, FL, as ar. International center for finance, trade, tourism, and export and import activities. b. To strengthen private enterprise in Latin America and the Caribbean using the Permanent Secretariat as tine executive branch of the Hemispheric Ccngress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry. 3) ;amount Requested: ForCongress ........................ 34,000 For Permanent Secretariat........... 961000 Total: $130,000 �1 1101. It iUI.40 111V N1 ill l ^4j.T ll. P.O. BOX 350824 ; MIAMI, FLORIDA 33135 U.S.A. TEL. 005) 642-3968 % TELEX 153601 CAMACOL 85-653 t C SECRETARIA PERMANENTS DEL CONGRESO HEMISFERICO DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LATINAS PERMANENT SECRETARIAT OF THE HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIM CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY I�Ct The ,_iv.I-h I121111.3!)ile1:1C Cc n(IL:e:3�3 UC LaLin Chambers of cC.`w,,Ilerf.ie rind ]_nduL LC1, i'DcuseS Q11 3 three (.3) day event to 1,e ihnil.l l.n I_!In 1':'l- -)C '-Iiami iit-pLember of 1'?35, which bi:l ny t0 + h? ? area r11e111b(?rs Oi key Chambers of '_C'tTliill�CC" .`C ca ]n,I ':hr? 'aI: ibbn3n, as well as, .11.7(itt1PL,_ i 0t?llilr?1: ;P_ t.f f:;le 'Unite(] States. i11e nri p.-i t 1 Jr71. )I. i_he ,n,1ross is Lo Continue strenC1t1lo11itv-1 l.ilillerirarl ':I:a J an to!-rlsm with Lade ( UUtI}='✓ 1S lt3 CC?IlL' As 3 re'SLilL Of the 1.980 congress, 3 Pe I: III, nt: �P_Crr't_,]r l at of file 11(`!11. s[�ilQr1C CUngreSS was creatal3 consisLin'; f nine (9cted representatives from t:!ie various La + in Amer-i.1:an regions and the United OLateo. At the pr.e�enL time, the Permanent Secretariat has been increased to twelve (12) members. This Permanent Secretariat is based in Dade County and its representatives tt:avel here to meet every four (4) months. The purpose of the Secretariat is to plan, develop and coordinate each year's Congress and the related business transactions with Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as, to continue implementing the resolutions of the Congress which call for the establishment of an Inter -American network of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry coordinated through the Permanent Secretariat, In essence, this proposed project will facilitate the establishment of Dade County as the international center of trade and tourism of the American Hemisphere. The work plan of the Permanent Secretariat for the balance of the calendar year 1985-1986 is as follows: 1) To develop a computerized commercial information system to assist private industry of Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States in expanding their trade opportunities. In developing the new information system the Permanent Secretariat will try to integrate existing networks of information, and in this respect has negotiated an agreement with the Organization of American States -RICO Information network based in Bogota, Colombia. At the present time, the OAS-AICO commercial information services are been offered to 135 Hispanic Chambers of Commerce in the U.S.A. We are contemplating expanding the distribution to 1,000 American Chambers of Commerce. -�1 111\1\11 •/1 � _ P.O. BOX 350824 MIAMI. FLORIDA 33135 U.S.A. Tr1. (305) 642-3968 i TELEX 153601 CAMACOL 1' i l 1:s; 85-653 r f SECRETARIA PERMANENTE DEL CONGRESO HEMISFERICO DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LATINAS PERMANENT SECRETARIAT OF THE HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY ?Xpand tale working among t:ie Chambers CommeI.-C ancI inrlustr•� of Latin America, 'he 'ar:i.f�hean, znl:i Latir, Chambers in the United 3} of 1_, Permanent exhibition Center of ralii.t i nnl a L i n ,American and Caribbean 3.11 file _i.Ly of Miami. 11 'n; tl_rrenL:�1, an i11':e1:-.,%;11erican i-ccnomic n1. ,71On 1.-11t 1 L _..at:d" 3 tile- 13c1)n G.1_ Qr0Wtil 7j i,•1t:lil �1lliOr 1Ca and t ic? C,3rib1)ean. `) f', }obl�✓ '_i.IIa1:iona1. fi.rr:I= in ,iiffel:ent: states e t:l}�115}1 1:I1Lr IIe1JC]1.1a11: i:et: In Lila city 0f t�) ,: create a IJ.S. TraJe Prnru(:)tlon C-Duncll that w.1 1 1. co111plei,lenl: 01.11: networ}; Of chambers In Latin Alvel:ica an(l, the Caribbean. C) 1 ) Stateliient Of 'Need Latin America and the Caribbean are, without doubt, some of the fastest growing international markets. Recognizing this reality, the Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States (CANACOL) works toward enhancing the relations among the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean with the goal of expanding trade and commerce, as well as tourism and cultural exchanges. Latin America comprises the largest sector _of international visitors to Dade County; approximately 2,498,103 Latin Americans visited us in 1982, spending an average of $987.50 for food and lodging alone per'. stay per person. These two figures translate intc gross expenditures of •$2,466,876,712.50!! A Congress of this nature will bring to the Greater Miami area members of key Chambers of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as Latin Chambers of Commerce from throughout the United States - approximately six hundred (600) participants and their relatives utilizing as many hotel rooms and making use of meeting and banquet rooms in a major hotel in the area. V .1� d•. f �� 1 • Ilya I 7.6 IIIY IIIIV•/� • L 4 ♦_ ` II y1111 • 1�1111 P.O. I3OX 350824 / MIAMI, FLORIDA 33135 .' U.S.A. / TEL. (305) 642-3968 / TELEX 153601 CAMACOL s1� 85-653 t SECRETARIA PERMANENTE DEL CONORESO HEMISFERICO DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LATINAS PERMANENT SECRETARIAT OF THE HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN' CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 2-=,)t:ent.ia1 ;Iemisphe1: C CnQreSS 1: t,2rnaticnall'y' C 0 1 j r t e (j b; ith the participation, of two hundred and sixty at'.endees from twenty-five (25) countries and 71,?3t.] :•l l }7.1�. ,^]. �_t•-two i 6 ) participants representing i.n ':1.1rner: 7 of eighteen ( 1' ! major cities 4 n the United :.3}.es. �-hiz yc•ir'3 congress is expected to attract: an cn y'1: �3'._er nu^i:er: r?17hanClllQ ,:11,2 image •of Greater Miami as i _enter Of trade and tourism. }1? t ileitl13ph(�': i. _,onQrezz expects an increase of ar�rr:cxim�,.�ly 10-51.75 cn its attendance when compared to the r',s part of file i)rogram, (,f thy' three-day congress, several vi. its by iPirticii)ants are planned to observe first-hand t}le far�i.l .hies anrl servi,,.es av-li.lahle in the Greater Pliami �rna. ,1men,_I t:ilnse vi3it3 wil.1 be included tourism ficiIit0, :.uch ,,; the E'ort of Niami, health facilities, manufartur. i n'_I ccnr�, erns and Cit:'rr anO County agencies. The in-depLh exposure to what Greater Miami has to offer to business and to(.1r: isin leaders of Latin ,America and the Caribbean will be an important promotion of the Greater Miarni aria. It-_ is ('xPer_l.ed tI','t this project will not only have the direct -�Cf ect on Lourism brought about by the presence of the participants, but an indirect impact as well caused by the return of these individuals as tourists and their promotion of Dade County as an attractive place to visit. D) 1) Objectives a. To plan, promote and conduct the VI Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry. b. To implement the resolutions voted by the V Congress. C. To plan and conduct the ;meetings of the Permanent Secretariat. d. To strengthen private enterprise in Latin America and the Caribbean using the Permanent Secretariat as the j executive branch of the Hemispheric Congress. 1 je. To promote the City of Miami, FL, as an international center for finance, trade, tourism, and export Q, and import activities. �Ms�•1���y� Ir P.O. BOX 350824 .' MIAMI. FLORIDA 33135 ! U.S.A. / TEL. (305) 642-3968 / TELEX 153601 CAMACOL 85-653 f t SECRETARIA PERMANENTE DEL CONGRESO HEMISFERICO DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LATINAS PERMANENT SECRETARIAT OF THE HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN' CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY ?} Gocd'.Ji11. F-Dt:ent.ial %il 1.-"ii 1, the F iL :h iemispheric Ccngress internationally counted with the participaticn of two hundred and sixty 3Ctendees from twenty-five (25) countries and 1-i' 110(l :. tl'-t.JO 162) participants reoresenting il.+':of eighteen (1.3 Tajor cities in the United t.�tes. Ibis ea: 's congress is expected ro attract an numt.'ez" ''i)hanciilg . he image 'Of Greater Miami as li:nCilat:i cnal :enter of trade and tourism. ' lle III flemi,3ph(1z: i.r. Congress expects an increase of aj)pj:cximatnly 40-50 , on its attendance when compared to the previous rqat:. _ 1",s part of t.jje 1'rlJtjr7tT}. of the three-day congress, several visits by pictir.ipants are planned to observe first-hand the f3:i.l.ities ail(l services in the Greater Miami area. Ainc n�_t t:ileoe visits will be included tourism facilities, .such as the Fort: of :Miami, health facilities, manufactur.inu cerlcerns and City and County agencies. The in-depth exposure to what Greater Miami has to offer to business and tote r is in loaders of Latin America and the Caribbean will be an important promotion of the Greater Miami area. It is expected t1laL this project: will not only have the direct effect on tourism brought about- by the presence of the participants, but an indirect: impact as well caused by the return of these individuals as tourists and their promotion of Dade County as an attractive place to visit. D) 1) Objectives a. To plan, promote and conduct the VI Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry. b. To implement the resolutions voted by the V Congress. C. To plan and conduct the meetings of the Permanent Secretariat. d. To strengthen private enterprise in Latin America and the Caribbean using the permanent Secretariat as the i executive branch of the Hemispheric Congress. le. To promote the City of Miami, FL, as an international center for finance, trade, tourism, and export and import activities. 2 I ♦IIV I II�M ■ � • r t � C p 'I/11111 111 1'+' T� P.O. BOX 350824 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33135 / U.S.A. / TEL. (305) 642-3968 / TELEX 153601 CAMACOL 85-653 SECRETARIA PERMANENTE DEL CONGRESO HEMISFERICO DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LATINAS PERMANENT SECRETARIAT OF THE HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN' CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY f. Establi:,ment :�f a network of information among !.;Ie member: chambers to facilitate commercial opportunities in their respective countries. c Establishment of a U.S. Trade Promotion Council. 2) '•Inaourable Outcomes 1• aa result of the project, approximately one thousand (11000) participants and their families will visit this area during the Congress. b. Every four (4) months the twelve (12) members of the Permanent Secretariat will visit this area. 3) F?ethods a. In the month of March 1985, the Permanent Secretariat will meet to plan the Congress. b. During the months of July -October, 1985 the Permanent- Secretariat will plan and coordinate the activities of the Congress. c. During the months of July -October, 1985 the Permanent Secretariat staff will promote the event on a local, national, and international level. (Although the promotional activities will be specifically designed to attract the Congress participants, it is safe to assume that other non- participants will also be favorably impacted through these activities). d. In the month of September, 1985 the VI Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry will be held at a local hotel. e. During the months of October -December, 1985 the Permanent Secretariat staff will evaluate the Congress and its impact on the development of trade and tourism in Dade County. f. During the months of October -December, 1985 the Permanent Secretariat staff will compile all the materials necessary to prepare a comprehensive report to be sent to all the participants of the Congress. I .lIM III/M.1■ P.O. BOX 350824 % NIIAMi, FLORIDA 33135 U.S.A. ' TEL. (305) e42-3968 / TELEX 153601 CAMACOL 85-653 t 4, SECRETARIA PERMANENTE DEL, CONGRESO HEMISFERICO DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LATINAS PERMANENT SECRETARIAT OF THE HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN, CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Til t:11t? m,l-)n1:11 ncvr?fi11_e1 , 21.'19ti the ?e: manert et:-1t: L•-II: t: I: lie 11(2(r1i I"1: L'_ vil':;`:es.3 v 11 meet t:�? I�V•1.1'�1]t�'. t.ill� %esUli:s I:ii'.? _J11Qr-?j,3. h. In Lhl? month of- Glecember, 1985 L h e -)ermanent t�;'1:1�1_•�C1•li Ict:1f1C1 J11 h Qha1:: :)L L;10 110r,,i3p11eCIc � nC1Ye:;5 '. ill review the _cmprehensive report an. -I l-l` :IIf? I?a._P.. ! ar I;il'? i_'.;U OII'i�nSS. L 1)IlrLnl] t:1;1 i11Qnt11 C`f iJeC?:il1�E?r, 1!�1j the Permanen_- �ecr.et:ariat: st:afL will preprire, duplicate, and mail Lo all participants the final rerDcrt: of the VI Hemispheric Congress. i 111%IIMMI�11: r �.. . •111 .11111 P.O. BOX 350824 MIAMI. FLORIDA 33135 U.S.A. ' TEL. 005) 642-3968 / TELEX 153601 CAMACOL 85-653 9 SECRETARIA PERMANENTE DEL CONGRESO HEMISFERICO DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LATINAS PERMANENT SECRETARIAT OF THE HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY t, V EZZ IT Fr.?h. ` 35 I JI;l}' r1U�JC F3 S� `'7PF'Jt. t3`_� Oct. °5 .)cv. 85 Dec. 35 irr?etino i-'r'Ciilln�3(lt _ secretariat } I 1 of the / Pertnartettt Secretariat C. Planni rt'-; of. d. Promotion of Ccnaress t e. VI lleini.spheric Congress f . Evaluation of Congress and assessment of impact g. Compilation of materials for reports - h. Third meeting the Permanent Pe / Secretariat i. Preparation and mailing of final reports r W 44' ', in iowur •ir � ��� d w r�4/ ■r 11/ 1 ' P.O. BOX 350824 / MIAMI, FLORIDA 33135 / U.S.A. / TEL. (305) 642-3968 / TELEX 153601 CAMACOL 85-653 4 SECRETARIA PERMANENTE DEL CONGRESO HEMISFERICO DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LATINAS PERMANENT SECRETARIAT OF THE HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 117) EV,711'j;1 �:icn Thi.3 ,project will be evaluated in the following manner: 1) A :-lanacnment i)y Cbjectives assessment will be conducted to .-1'.^rtain-.,rhothg-: or not the cbjectives have been met. i) ' h,? fPgmhers of the Permanent Sec�eCariat 'rill meet and =1L tIln '3ff�rt1Vene55 OL CQnGreSS. �) Tlii= Permanent t,ecretariat staff will contact the lctici.ranLs i n orcler to crosses i. f. they have returned to : i i .Irni as torari.sts and l or have nror,oi_ed this area. comprehensive final report '.rill b•e prepared as an of the �_^naress. J unv u1,N111./ � ' P.O. BOX 350824 / MIAMI, FLORIDA 33135 / U.S.A. / TEL. (305) 642-3968 / TELEX 153601 CAMACOL 85---653 EXHIBIT II SECRETARIA PERMANENTE DEL CONGRESO HEMISFERICO DE CAMARAS DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LATINAS PERMANENT SECRETARIAT OF THE HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY BUDGET FOR THE PER ,1AUENT SECRETAP.I aT CITY OF clI. MI FUNDS Fiscal Year 1985 - 1986 CCCE ,IC. ITEi•1 DESCRIPTION nL'iiGD.' Perscnnel Services 001 Executive Director $ 38,000 00: Secretary to Director 6,600 (Pert -time) 003 Computer Ccerator-Secretary 16,500 004 FICA Taxes 4, 350 005 FUTA Taxes (UCT=6) 378 006 '✓iorkmen's Compensation 15C TOTAL $ 651973 Cneratinn Excenses 007 accounting and ,auditing 600 008 Travel and Per Diem 15,442 009 Communication -Telephone 1,150 O10 Communication -Telegraph 1,150 Oil Postage 11000 012 Rent Space 3,600 013 Rent- Equipment 1,500 014 Printing and Binding 11800 015 Office Supplies 6C0 016 Group Insurance 1,380 017 Equipment Maintenance 800 018 Computer Supplies 200 019 Professicnal Fees 200 020 Conference Registrations 600 TOTAL $ 30,022 GRAND TOTAL $ 96,000 i J i Ali ' $ �� f ♦sI 1rIN41 f�Vl /1111 ll. P.O. BOX 350824 / MIAMI, FLORIDA 33135 / U.S.A. / TEL. (305) 642-3968 / TELEX 153601 CAMACOL 85-653