HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-85-07110�)
Joe Woodnick
8343 N.E. 3rd Court
MIAml, Florlda 33138
July IHO ]Wilj
85--711 —
aL :-
BmTN c?/d1/,tl�4L AND CI✓/t lNFo�P,y1.S/T/o�v ro P�(E,f'E,vT ro rsl6 D.SzDE
DEIIE.CO/� FG'�4s�9N1r0 CRIii1D NS DEF�i1/�D ini
$ T'AT6 51 Trc�M 6 y 'ooR\ QS o rN E!c R ri�v�yNr f rHr/f7-,-S A�ViP Cl
ANIr/��ORF� �Tv 4E AND F/•tl6s�
S.$qs-(72.LC.O, ri�T
A/V � /JD Jack /G•? r!s N OF oFFENSFS wiTN/�Y rssE CR/�/N'� i t�Cri��v a r F `s, y9,S (7�.
T ruTE
�Rafri�.vr%o✓. PmRn�vG,Q�l�N�J Mod/ES, �Sos'K.S, � '' 1.JcAP��vt. ETA .
�m},���h;v�..Gr¢6a�r_C•ged_ F.e/lsr0 BAVEp9GE L/Pws.
S//f'P(Fr16vr Fa,< tc6i41- D6i��vir/6vvs of �•/iiT
g: rvC//ED F S. �95 / 48�1 J
LmN,S'T%>tfTE-1 V/�LAr/��t! dr 7�S.G.O.) VACt /261 .
$ Ec 89S _O RE: D1Sr1?1BL4T1e7n1 6F P��FE/rLCRt' Fun/O S.
F�v�/DA sr.9T�rf f. S. 89s
�itckEr��? INF,�,uENC60 AND
RAWa ,fy
1 � p1C t�RL
/- SE'RC�E/4NT' fxiSrlvG
l- SEGQ�TfiRy/r�P/.ST.
/yE CESS f3 R Y YE/lic c Es, G sR ��rJi9RE
ETc. 09.vo sstPf�SPT%!/6
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Fj6- Fl�,erD I'va t�.eaM
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CAI ✓t S �� C.✓FflFlC c ` tag dT
/f'�Diy/ES FR d f? F�i2 Fr�T�fh'c T/I''f�T o'a
rt�4% F3E �6DiSrc°lfilf<d r� Cary ''~
/s'1��iJ. • G F.vE,1AG F�N� s � � 9./ /r�6..CEt mo,r r
Fu ND i/vG
-- JVOTF ;
if K,ripd n i�TF�,eFE�TGE1�iPf.� STci9�T�Gnr1E��v:r TFel[s r,F��� g�f-
-41S ESrnr-Iv r'f
�3E1Q F� r//trG �u.�G�T(M.P�.� fsy 7�.=�•c.o. sr.�rl.��,Fs �9s
u SE D fGk v
.9S DErFR �i ��vEd 8y rHE LoCNL GmyE�NiMG � Y Foa�E,TN.e� sy R.I. c.�. �t
do.,mfs,s:oi✓�= PREs6/{/rLy iN M14ST FUND Soc/r Soso po
e4oS� T„ C!i �!n ��=,..� T�. t. /'.O. u,V/T ( 1 vs�#1f) �cy!"oR c F!ldoS ANO T7YE srRYE
9:12. 7 0 1
F1 111M)% -11 kil 111_�
to it [jilt,ftclod '11tvi'I"It !ri !-u e v ', .,: ::,r
vial 'ode, -haptt,r 671, tho -;talo or ht,
ernploVelf by t 11 e 1.,. i I t 4 't gv I it-V. :flail 1% f! ht! or "*! t 'I re
procetifings by rf,k;i,,t!r(2d mad, ret ii rn rt.'Cril) L I*t,o 1 11 f.:- 11 :it, rint) I I
having such security iWorest. in the property in,i ih;ill pulth,fl, in
accordance lvith chapter notice -)f Ow flirfoitiiro ..... . littg ,.wh
week for 2 rorisk,clitiv-, A tit."N,I)Apt-r 14 i;d iS
der4le(l in 4. IG5 031, in 011. --minty %tilt,rt- Olt! ,iz Vill.
notice he mailed and first pubiish--li it -I, t,k.i prow to (ihiig
the rule to show caust� and shall descrihe the 11"Ot! Olf, I'wjjl1I,.
place, and late -if st_:izuro; state 0it, tiawt, Ipf !a,,v t*lif I W,
agency holding the ivized propt?rt)', ind !.kte ill,- 11'w". of dit, '-wirt ill
which the procefIding will be file,l and tht! Lot, f,Ir filliil.! Ow
rule to show cau-ze. However, Ow 31"'(W%.
- )h'til b'! -silly
to rnak-e dili,tit search andinquiry as to the !o*r of I h,.-
propt-t-ty, and if, after such ifihj.;#_,nt -;-,arch ind ;iojmry, Ow -,cizing
agency is unaW,_, to ascertain iuch owner, Oil, .4h,)�e .irftial ,!wice
requirement.i by mall xith resjwct to pertet"t'd ,..c,jroy jlllt11',1.i 0JAII
not be applicahl,?.
(3)(a) Whenever the head of the law 34"!WV
the forfeiture deeni.i it neL'0'.1.iar%. or x;w1fien, ro iell the propt!rty
forfeited rather than
ill to retain it for the use of tilt! fibs etiCorct-nn.nt
agency, or if the propt2rty is Sulviect to :1 lien 'xilik1i has lwt:n preserved
by the court, he -;hall oau,;e a notice of the ;ale to be made by publication
as provided by 1wx and theroaftor shall di-q)ose of the property at Imblic
auction to the highest bidder f-ir cash ,vithout :tppr;L:.4Al. [[I lieu of the
sale of the property, the head of the !.Lw enforctrrrent a��erwy, whenever
he deetTis it rit-cessary or expedient, may li;e or tr:ir.nfor
the property to Any public or nonprij*.':L provided ;ti(,h
property IS 110t -UbjtriCt to a !;('rl preserved 'hy the court a.i providk!d ill s.
932.7 03(3). The proceed; of sale shall b-, applied: first, to pa . n-'elit. of
the balance due on ariv lien preserved by the court in the forfeiture
proceedings; second, to payment of the cost incurred by the seizing
agency in connection with the storage, maintenance, security, and forfei-
ture of such property; third, to payment of the costs incurred by the
state attorney; and fourth, to payment of vo.-;Ls incurred by the court.
The remaining proceeds shall be deposited in it spt!clal law eriforcu,mvilt
trust fund established by the board of county commissioners or the
governing body of t municipality and shall be used for law enforce-
ment purposes only. tese funds may be expended only upon appropria-
tion to the sheriff's office or police department, by the board of county
commissioners or the governing body of the municipality, to defray the
costs of protracted or complex investigations, to provide additional
technical equipment or expertise, to provide matching funds to obtain
federal grants, or for such other law onforci-nient, purposes as the board
Of County commissioners or governing body of the municipality deems
appropriate and shall not be considered a source of revenue to meet
normal operatinj� nee( In (fie event that the seh!lrig law vnfor, - 'I'ment
For Anrk)tjtivtj Vdtef,d,s. we Ndsfs i,:;Lvvu !3ta!uttaa Arnotateu
9 S
r t.b -0
CHAP1*Fk •-,L6
A.111;1) ILLEGAL _11FBrS
8 4' 9? 02 Definitions.
- 595 0.5 C1 rer:'(d.es.
99,",06 Ci%d investigati%e suhp,, rias.
39509 D'sP-,sitoin of f_;nds LLA,ried
!eiti_e prr.cet,!!r.4-,
895.02 DeLiaitio-a-1. --As u4ed ;n --3.
3? n.
:VitV- means to c6mm:t, to
811'emp, tO c,t mitt, to conspire to Commit. or to =,Alc-
it. coerce or -nt!"n:date another person to cu.mmil:
,a) An... C' :me -A "nich is c" ' . a.ge3ble b� mdic--nent
Or :nf.)rmation Under the folluX Jrg pro'. "zi_ns ,he
PI. r i d a S t-a t,-; -, e s:
i Section 211) 19, relating -o e-. s,,I,)n �f -,)av-
ment of cigarette taws.
2- fiction 409.325. relat:rig to pubic sislance
3. C*hFlPter .517. relating to gale
Sect;on 5150.241, s. 550 35. =rs Dau 36. rt-lat-
i ng to dQ&ZjZ;Zg, horse- c, . an ri i a; -i.a i f -r 7 9.
5-'77�-3.eistng a� a,a:
6. Chapter 552, relating to the :nanU1"3c:ure'
d'stribu-ion, and use of P
(7i"JPter 562- to be' -sge- 'alx en-
Schapter 687, rCating tkinterest -In Url_
-e,-t;on -21 08, s. 721 ri9. or 9. 72IA3, relat-
ing to reel estate ::me share vUas,
io Chapter 7152. relwi-irig to haDornici
II. Chapter 754, relating to assault -knd
12. Chapter 787, relating to tJ nsppinA.
13. Chapter 790, relating W weapons and f1re-
arM.3 .
--7T- Section 796 01. s. .96 03, a. 796 04, L 796 M.
or a. 796.07 relating t
"0 L n.
15. Chapter 806. rep ti t'O at, n.
ten16. Chapter 812 relating to t eft. robbery, and
related .-rirz",
I (. Chapter 817. relating to fragoulent
17- Chapter 831, relating w forgery and coun-
e- 1, n,
hapter 8.32, relating to issuance of -orth•
le--s clle<_4 and dufta.
�0. (7Fa_Wer 837. relating W
21 Chapter 6.38. relating to ffrL�11'and m:iu"
of i2uhhj off,ce.
_'2 7E-apter t343, relating to obstruction cf )us.
_'3 Secti,,n 8417 011, * 0447 012, a 447, 013, 6.
R 1 47 _)6. 07. relating to ,Fmcerie literature and
r e. i t
r 1,,i I r t. t r i i
n,, e i,r in ti r i w n t i ,t e e tj t wd9 tilt
.Pj In \!".1ati n „r zifiv "If the
I S e c t i u n i r 9r e !.t
C riCkrailntt, Fl ri4e .1 C . 'I -An d I a I d I fr 11
2 :d-11
4 1 -4 j 4 S -1-j 2.1 s
LttJ 24. it s -k44 2;. reidtl.-.g !0 gAln")[Irlg
W In
-:r} 4t a rate ttli,v
,u t! under state -, t ,federal
-Me'AtIA drl V in,4:%ld ,:tl, sole pro.
-f r ll *11 U It 'I , i; n e r .A s t .
nion chirtere,j .:.der t e !a,.As of tots tAj,,e. ,)r jther
!ewal entitY, •)r ttn-. ;.ichiartcred union. or
57 J'j P Of . :-, d; . ; � '.;z ' � : :_act al'hu':g� no•, !I
!.?gal entity, and 1, i:i:C;n ' " %eli as itca ✓n
terprises 14nj gu-.rr-_mtn-Al as -A?!l ." 'tier t-":Z:t:v4
-, 41 - Pq '. -- n :4 ,•;ir'k o ', e P.- jv,. 1% en
duct !hat have (htp jam e ter i;:.nilar esull!j,
qc:'MphceS. vict;'ns. _r ds of Comm ' SSH 'I ur
�- tRt ('[,�er-xlse are by
c`a_:acler:stics and are :-.k)t ;3,)Iated ncidens
ed, at !emt 6ne of S'.c! nc:der.._4 rvo! Af-_-r the, ef-
date of this act and 'hat the last of such mcj-
clentz rxc%irred tnin 5 -.ear9 after a prior :rw4Jtrit of
r a c k e te e r:n g co r r! u ct.
t 5) m4terial' mear.s and. JX:'Uk' Pa.
per. document, writing, Ordw-.ng, graph, chat• photo-
JT!aph, phunorect-rd, magnet.c tape, computer print-
out, other data compilation from which information
can be obtained or from which information can be
translated into usable form, or other targible item.
f 6) "UiLn lien notice' me&ns the notice described
in S. 395 07.
t , ) ag--ncy" means the Depar.--jent
of Legal Affairs :it ;he ot!ice of a state Cturney
(61 "Beneficial interest` means any of the (ol-low.
(a) The interest of a person as a beneficiary un-
-st established pursuant to v 559 07, or a.
0, 1 in which the trustee for the trust hoids legal
or record title to real property;
(b) The ntereiit of 9 person as a b-enericiar% un.
Jet an.v other wvit arrangement purviant to which a
tru,st" holds lekal or record title to real prupert% for
the benefit of such person. or
1c1 The inures( of a person under an-, „ther form
of express ridticiar) arrangement pursuant to which
an% ither person holds legal ur record title uo real
;)" J.efl-' f';r .he !,rnrfi', ..( it,kh
i•§e z.;y:". K:/.YF.V3£i'lb%k.a+�'1'r'SM'+'.�;+ •^s ..
7T!.r. . -m r,!•n. t :sera _ , :he
In:. ••%t M a tt(,i1i !,.I 3 tt•.'�. ,..'I,II I :h,
et, a PartnerK
,n cl:ht r 8 er'.•r H?H
Itusltrd pa:tnersh:p A henef,(IHi :r:r• r>' t`:,1' he
dttrned in be hit at'•d where tht rra' ;:r
b) the truster is locoted
(91 `heal propPrlt" m!an; any real p ••;' or
an\ Interest In sucrl real pr �pt•rt\ lilc-:i::::k Fll:: n'.)t
limited t.,. an\ least• of ur mnrtFaRt upc:: cut= rent;
I IM "Trustee" means and of the
(ai .Any salon HCling as tru9t(r pur• ;o a
trust establlshed undtr s 07 yr c 6G9 iI' 1 in
which the trustee holds legal or rec,.rd title Lc• 'eal
(bl .Any person %%ho hoids It•ga! (,! recc.- , tl:le to
tea; proptr;v ir. uchich an\ other peri;cn has a tK:.•:fl
cia? interes:
Ic) An\ aucc'esc-or trusteeIIr trustees to at:\ nr a:1
Of the foreg•I:nk perSnns
H — �%er, the term "trustee' dues rwt :nc!udt a:,\
persun appointed or acting as a ptrr„nal rtpre-tnla
Live as def:ned in s 7'41 2(1)1251 or a;)puin:rc' :,r Het
Inc as a tr.istee of dny tes larnen,an tru,t or as a
tnstee of an\• Indtnturt of trust Udder a\!,Ich on\
bands ha\e been or are to be i"tied
( 11 ) "Crimina! proceeding" u1e•at!s an\ cr!::.::,nl
proceeding commenced by an ln\rsugatl%e 89C::t.
under s 895 03 to are\ other provis:.,n of for FI,•r!t:a
112) "Civil proc"cling" means an\ civil prt>trt li
Ing C,,:Z]menCed by an im.":igatl\•e agrnc\ tilider s
895 05 or any other pr '.a11.n I,1 the Fl,,;:.:tl till'r i
H41or7 -a cf. "' 134 t; '9 Je • ]s cl. _4 41, t .L •, It:
t 'r b.' 6! 6 i to k3 1W t c6 54 9
Note—F,irme! t lv- 46:
895 05 Civil remedies.—
.: I Any Circuit cuurt Ms.%. after making d it ;),I,.
\•is,:,n for the rights of Innocent persons, erip-i : v! ,iH
tiaras of the provisions of 6 895 03 b% issuing appro-
priate orders and judgments. Including, but not !,met-
ed t.o.
(a) Ordering any defendant to divest h mt,elf of
any interest in any enterprise, incl!Izing real proper
(b) Imposing reasonable restriction upon the fu-
ture sctivities or investments of any defendant, in-
cluding. but not limited to, prohibiting any defend-
ant from engaging in the same type of endeavor as
the enterprise in which he was engaged in \nolation of
the provisions of a 895 03.
Ic) Ordering Lhe dissolution or revrgan;z.aticia of
any enterp:l►e
(d) Ordering the suspension or revocation of a If
cerise. permit. or prior approval gTantrd Lc an\. enter•
pnse by env agency of the sou
(e) Ordering the forfeiture of the char•.i r of a mr-
porstion organ::ed under the Iaa•:I of the star(-, or the
re\,Icat:on of a certificate authorizing it fore:gr. cor-
pore:,,,r. to condLIC! busmess o,itnln tht statt .tp n
fine nF Ula: the rlvard of directurt or a rr.ara,jrria!
agen' ac;:ri c.n ttthalf of the cr r;kiretlon III c••nduct
:rag the affair- rf the cur;w,rat,or, has au:hcl•latr! or
eng t-:,,,I Jr r'I,r.t'...-, Ir vit•:ati,•r. (if 6 r•4`• I' • Hr,e :!'at.
r.. ;f... Hl.J Ihr •�, :a:. �.s- :�r.. :.,r ..It ,t•. ,
ca:, ,� •krr'
HI All pr pt•r!\, tea! I)! t,crIt f:af,
�., i,. •f ..4('(; •�,! I ,)urse of, .,.:rG�e•. for Use. .;ta
CJ:: • Uf, dtr:tt':!•.
I1, t,`'811r,n of a ...1 ..n C.f 95 r7; .�? •«i li.. :� s,.0
Jec: t,• c1\;1 f_•fr.l,;:e t,, the 4tate
1b• L p,Iri the entr\ of a f;aal fC•'t
ure .., fa\o: (If the suet the tlt:e of ,nt s:e:(-
forft to pr1•;•C '\ 0ftll re!ete hack
1 In the case of real ;r.. p r'\ c,r a lbeneFicia:.,,
t!•re"., to the I!alF or �'!mF :f the PICA ) ?:en no:ile ;r.
tht t ff,c .al rrcnrrk of the c -.there *.he ;ea:
er!\ bl,• ,err,IaI tnist Is i,•I..ed. If I,,. Pill 0 Lee n.
lice : ':1ecf then :,, •1 e tylr ,•f !,• fi!.:. of fin\ r,e, ,t
of IIS ;lt- nq idle:!'; . `9 !'tf, •n i Ih .•1C c,f1;c,H: ttC
orris tnr ,bunts v,!,-re ;he re a! ar ,;,rrty ur !,e!•r
i;e? Ir•:ere-t IS 1I thH el! an(! •f rr:• l(ICI I !:r,.
ot,:lle ,•I II- ptnitlti, .> f.lr(1 then t( the datt
t, �.... I f Olt firth! )Init;rLt•:.. t�f ft rlr,!ufe In ;he
tldi ft• • rtls I,! the •',I it,t v vOtere- t!,r rra: pri,;)cr;,...r
bt:I,P h,.dI it, tr(trs: ,S 1,'tn:rd
III the tale 11! p..•r,,,:lfll ;,., pert\, to the tldtt
the p,irs,uial prt,;art} %A" nrized b) Ihr In\t�!rga!:ng
If prt.I,rrt: 5ubjet.1 t„ f„rft:tkit I- Is c„I,,t%ed el,tfits t
ell. dl•;'•,,etl ol, or o0wrutst trn'rre,l t.:.a\at!ot,lr f, r
f,•rfr"t .tr rafter thr fll,.lt; Iif tl 11i('tI (ten n,-tl.t tit of
ter tit• hilllg of a IJ.J pr„ttrtt.I,g tit crin.tl.o! ;.:
I. rrd l;.A 'A t11, 1, rt Ct i- rtl111rr ttit :1.%V-t,y;nl1%t hit' !I ,
II,Y `• •. t,r. tl n1! ,4 tt,c !IitIe III:!:! ,lr it 1, 111 :1.,: I'. r '
ut,.,;I 1 •t tig ::. %lit pt,%,.n e,, ,:I Ihr ltic :I
IICI. :II t ,.I !tit !t It!nl-1,1 .11 tt, �.t I. .7a•a rt tint
pr,•t t•rtl:`�� tl!„1 !!It I, if( 7t:n.i r„itf •:ia
Ju !e r: f .t' H.. �n-!t-1 !!,t y.t!.. :.,y:.. t• : ,:1 ,.r lilt I I I,t
IL dtfr,.lnllt 111 Mr ,„Ii ;.:t,.rr:,ni
,Ktrll:I.t' :I. fit. of i I.:f:. r.;,.d! la, :!It !a-
Itia!kr! %fl:"v ,.I :hr , gr:ht!
�ticl\t l•st_ a:I,d tllta•f I!t•\ a !rt•r ,rat Uf(t•,: J1 lilt lit, rt
t IFStl%t agr:10 tit t!:t ait1'•11 It d tl%l! pl,n eCt:,nti
pendif,V. Such dct,c.:1 s!Itt:l tit Itlrt! t,IJ III ttir 01111:
where the I IV11 prt•�c•ttl,:,g is pel,1g
(e1 hht store et:a:; d15
r of H:1 fvrfr;ietl
ty as sewn ei• cuinritrc,alli, fcmIb;e 11 pr„ptrt. :: tiI
eifercisdtle or L•y:,sfrral,lr fur \aJ!ir h% t:,e State,
shall expire All furfr:ttlreti ur dispttn)uuns under tr:,s
section shall be rnnJt• with due pru%isicn fur
rights of innocent persons The pr(,creds rea!-i-!
from such forfeiture and dls,•,troiUl,r, sm,,': !,e prt,w; !
ly dlstr.buted III acct rdarlct with -.:t pt.,vis!"n- , !
895 09
(3) Propert) eu!;)rrt to forfeiture under tl,ts set
Lion rra\ be sei .ed b\ it !av enforenient office: ttp••t:
tour: pr(..&" Se:zu/e %::huut pr,: rss =,a\ be ::tacir
Sal The srir.:re It incident ui a :nw!u; arrc --it
search ,r an Inspection udder an adCL:ntlifa(:\e In
spectlGr %►arrant
I b I The proptrt\ stlb;ect to rr:zure gas been t!.e
subject of e pr:t ur ;udf,inl in fa\•,fr of :,tie ythte :n a
forfe:,utt pv.crrclnti n!:,r.d u;.or. this
141 In the e\ent of a brl?lirr ..C��C• F�:^C,:�;-r
a fc,rfel, rt p•, , CrC.r,t •!.all
j'r(Iprriy �,l.rn t,, di,taateC undo! :h: s. `' a
to y
o s -z°str
n.1' tw ` .. t c I. IE; :r J' (!er...r., tl, !/e Ir hP
i '.1st"11,,, tht iAM Prll, 't Pry •r.: r'i, r• n•ak:rb: t ie
srlr ire suhirt; cl% tv tl.� tied;: . `the c •,;rt N Lien
pr:•pea;ender F, ;tt_rtdi:ic fl,:ieIt-
`.:re and tai dksp, -Ill ,n thf �a'a rri�` r,PRIFr1l U:fletr
1 V.
'al F'ia,E the p,r,,pltr,% unc'.rr seal
th 1 ^es:gnated b\
i r I Require an, ,! er acenc% au:hor:xed b% law to
take custody of tht prt,pt-r:•. and rerno%t it tv an ap.
prnp gate location
t5i The Depar.rner`t of Lt-}a! affair. any state
+ BttOrne'. or anc ss:e Eger,\ ha+Ing; r'scictior. over
i conduct in violatt`_n of a prc•.isinn of tha ect mac in-
StitLIP Cicil proceeding-- under this section, In anc ac.
' tiOn brought under this section the circuit court shall
+ proceed as socir. as prac'ica}de t, the heann€ and de.
l termination Pending final dr'errr.:nati r,.. the circuit
tt court Ala% at an} time enter such :1;uric'ions. pruhi-
1 bitions. or restraining orders, or take cuc! actions. in-
cluding the acceptance of sa:,sfac:ors performance
bonds as the court rnmv deem pr,per
(FI Ariv aggrieted per.or. may rns:i',;:e a pro.
ceeding under subsection 11) in such prc,ceedinc. re-
lief shad; be granted in confcrmitc with 'he principles
that ge,t•ern the granting of injunctive relief from
threatened Ices or damage in other civil cases. except
that no showing of special ur Irreparable darnage to
{ the person shall ha+.e tc, be made Upon the execution
of proper bond against damages for an injunction im-
providently granted and a showing of Immediate
danger of significant lost; or darnage. a ter n;r_,rary re-
stra!n:ng order and a prehminar\ injunction mac be
issued in any such actiun befc.re a fma.1 de.erminatiun
on :hP merits
I - I An-. pers.:•r, w hn 11 reason of an., vI•
ulat)an of the provisions of s y4 ` u:; s:•1811 hate a
cause �,f action for threefold :he sous: da=:ages sus-
Lained and. when appropriate. punt:-e da:z.ages
Stt:F ;,emcin steal: also reco%er e::urnecs' fees if, the
lira) and appel!ate coara ar,d cup:- of in+estigation
',Ilhl:flil Iiti^ation. rtasonably incurred
(ai �he defendant or any injured persc.n may de
Mand a trial by jury in any ct+i; acoun brought pur-
suant - thi: section.
(b) Any injured person dial) ha+e a rig! : or claim
to forfeited property or to the proceeds derived
therefrom buperiur to ariy right or claim tht state has
in the same property or proceeds.
(8) A fmail judgment or decree rendered in favor
of the state in any criminal proceeding under this act
a shall estop the defendant in ar,y subsequent civil ac.
tion or proceeding as to all matters ai tc which such
judgment or decree would Lw an eswppel a3 between
Lbe partieb.
(9) The Depar.ment of Leta: Affairs rr av, upon
A t.ime!% application, Intervene in any ci%:l action or
prc,ceedirg brought under subsection ib, or subt.ec-
{ tion (7) if he cert:lies that• in hit opinion. the action
or proceeding it; of genera) public Ir, tatarlre In such
action or proceeding. the state sha!1 �t entit'ed to the
same relief " if the Department of Legal Af.`air�L had
insti',Lted the action or pro eedmg
1 i1a1 'ti'ot u',t`bs:andir.g And .,thtr prt,t tblo.,n of Iaw,
it a t .,.. :ne! or c:+1l actir,r c r pr ., r- :nder this act
j mr: t t c ,r,,i.encr, anc ..,r,r u ,.,,.. f gars after
tt,, ! �� .•• � � .�: n ,,. t`,.. a, err
m'ria:es .`r tht c Iu" " 1a::i... a,, rues 1.` IS cr:.,..r:u;
prnsPcu •n of c,1:, act.•... ``r t!it.' p r. ire' r g Is
hr"oche „r , .:rnPned in, to pur::sh, prE+ent or re
stra:r. an% i"dvi, rl ,if the pr,.%i-rt,r.i� of :!its act. the
running of :he ;Nwr1c,d of lirnitati,)ns p:res.nhed by
this Sert,nn xilt-. relpeCt to an cause of action arts
Ing under r. (t',) or 171 which is
bH rid it'; U",',le Jr in ;)Art Upc,n 8:11 [utter corn
pained `)f an. such R:-`. ;ect:t: ,r1 ei:111.n,. (,r prt,
cPtdtng sha'i !,E sUspence:1 du-�r:g the I rr,drncs of
such ae.::)n. • procetd.rig and fur 'Z
years full.:`u;n[ It.L tErminGt:.)r1
I 1 1 ! The ap;)I,caticn c,f one civil re:nr•dy under
an> pr %il�i`,n of tnis act dr,es not prec!ud( the apl,!I-
cAtion of ari\ ot`ier reined•., civil or cr:c:teal, under
this act -r at-% when provision of laK Cis:l re:nedies�
tinier this a:: are supp;ernentai. and .•ot m.i:Usil.
(1,'ifa) In ad-�Ition tc, the authorit•, t,� ale a RICO
! en nnt,cE gel forth u1 s �9:� 07i J 1. the Dep ar:ment
of Lera' "-..- .LH� an" t•Y a cr,m:na! di
.:s, Of e c.rc n.'�4. I.,:_,r. p,rtt:, s,p p•_ried
t,1 �unr • a:fid8%it. :h a:.. an order ac...,ri..ng the
fling of a F'ICCI !:tr. r.:':cP age:nst real pri�perty
UPC.-. a sho•a:nc of p,ru!.er;.r ataP to bt' i'at the
pro e£ rt* u :,4 c` tr,t• nc' -d for use
In t e cf, rise )f derived from (,)r rea::zr.. �•rc,u
c`r: 'act vir`!etion 9 )rrcbsl n o. ss �4J ,•
c) 7.)., i f the i,er, ri6tice aut.^.or:za bur. is grtmt.1111. t e
rpar:ment shalt, after filing the lien notice. forth-
wlih p• -r � ,Ce :o :hr c x�r�f Lhe ;)rvE)erts�y
1 By ser:ng tnc notice in the mar:ier provided
bN lew fur :he service of prr,cess
b, rz.e:!:•:V :tit ,o'ice, ;)us a{te prt;,aid h\ reg-
is:rrrd of cent:f,rd rnai! Lc the ptrsun tv tit Merced at
hie last kn• •.vn ad.'rr-s anc; del-%ery
i. If nt::her of :he furegL-!Mg car, GE accum
pl,s!ied. b1 ;ws::n k the notitr tan :hr
(hi The uwr,tr of the property rz:ej aj,%e the
cour: to !lscha-gr the lien, and such tzt`:ic•r, shall be
bti f„t hra:;ng at the earllrat pussible titnt
ICl Ihr court shall disc hargt the licit If it finds
that there is no ptubah!e cause to beiit�e that the
prup,erty was used in the courst of, Ir:tended fur use
in the cuurNe of, derived from, or realized through
conduct in v)oJA:iott of a pruvision of ss 895.01 -
89`, 05 ur if it finds that the owner of the property
neither knew nor reasunably should have known that
the property was used in the cuumt of, intended fur
use In the course of, derived front, or reahze.l through
conduct in violation of a provision of ►e 895 01
84:j u5
(di No testimony preiiented b) the owner of the
prup,ert> at the heartng tb admissible agamat him tit
an} criminal pr-,creding except in a criminal prt,eeeu-
tiun fur perjury ur false statement. nor Sha!! such tea•
umonv cunAut"4tc a waiver of the uwttet•a cunstitu•
Worth) right again-st self incriminntiun
let A hen notice secured under the pro\isiorib of
this• subsection It. valid for a F•Criud of t#, dava from
the date the ci,ur, granted authorization which peri-
od rr,av be r:tended for an additiuna! "Al dsvt� by the
court fr,r gtK,a raUse ehc,wn unlenF a civil ;,,,girding
it ins:,tu,,e•r ur,c:Er this „r.tu,n end a !ier ii„tice is
q. rt cri n r,
Cie- indtr !irn, ( f 1.
'44-91. m �# 5 11 t4 Lt 1. U, a
litr n.3--ct L��-L!j f
, w z f c urn,_
H-tarp C „ .t a I
895.06 Ci-. it in% e!,tigative subpoenas.
use-0 7-. n, tht '. er: i.
agf,-)CNDMIS!".1 1hv _enL of Lt21 A71E7. 4
.. Utpart -n
I.. Pu_,ni t,, the civil enforctriirn:
S E9105 at ha,
W t'1vhe%t that a person or wher erite!proe he, -n
gaged in. orisenp-q:trq in attlX11% :r!
Ac*. she e n C N T-,, e. \ d L' !^. ; - ; ' • : r r A 1.9
affl.-'mation,,, "ines,Ps or ti!ateridi
coliKa evidence.
i ;kj The agenc.% m3\ appl.% ex pa.f-
W lht circuit C0J.Z f,r thf- C,TCUII n which a bu . 1: 1,), -v
need person o. rt.des it• fr-und. or -s
bus:ness ft,,, 3-1 ordf— di7ectini; that the uhp(,Pn., d
per;or. of eriti-.\ net d:sclii�e the existence of the s�;b
p,c*.Pia to an\ other pf-rs,.n or enw% except thi, ,jv)
poenat-d person's attorne,- f,)r a p+.-,ud of :K- devs.
which time ma\ be extenclea by the court ter gaud
cteuse, shown by the in%t-igative agencY. Tht- ,dtr
shi,:l be served with the -Apoena.. and the Fubpoena
&)•.a'l include a reference to the order and a notize to
the recipient of :he sub:!>cna that discla,%urt of tit
existence o' the. subpcena to any other per,or. Or enti-
ty in \io!aiictn of the order rr.av subject the sulip-e.
nae2 person -,r entit\ to punishment for conte-np: vf
cf:,-,;-t Sucti ar, dr! rna\, he grii.r.ted b\ tht cc. .;-
on: upon a shc--kirliz
ax 01 Sufficient factual rr-,in, t- reas,-.n8"!,
dic3le a violation or c, A9j 0,1 C*3,
lb) That the doc,-irzeriL4 or zt,ctimonv c-'egli.. -3p.
peat real L-nab',-, ralc-;:9,el: tt �,ad .(, the
admissible v6idence: end
ic) Of fect-, which rta_,%cr.ab!% :ndicate that d:sci(
swe of the fiubp.-eria uf., -ulc hamper or impede :rie in-
v e-st. , gation 6T would result ;n a flight 1-" p7I Lic,.. J
14) If matter the*. the investigative agencF seeks
Lo ubtain b% tht subpoena is 104-11ited UUIeld(-
state, the person ur enterprise subpoenaed me-. make
such ma-Ler a%&Iable to the investigative &gpnc% or
ita representative for examination at the place where
such matter LA Ixatt-d. The investigative agency m 8 Y
designate representatives. including officials of the
jurisdiction in which the rnatter is lo-cated. to inspect
the matter on it-, behalf and mas respond U) similar
requesu from cMcials of other juritdictions
(51 Upon failure of a person or enterprise. with -
Out e&CU!-t t-1 Ob-C\' 8 SUhfK-e-la. and ante! yea
ow1nal-le n,ucr to such ptrsor, or enterprise. the :n%es
Ugal.:%-t itgenc\ -18% appl ' v to the Circuit tour: for the
judicitill circuit in which s,:cF. pervcjr. or enterp*;sr re
sides, if found. or iransacL,, Lus.netks for ar, utdcr
MMP4-,:!.,F co r,lance
pe—on lc, a r"Wrl r,!3t-1 trn
tree p.;,suar! ic *h;& sec-,�,r, ma.% bt
cc.Ner"70. Cow".
w, &A,
:.-, .: ,, f
the t.11 0.!.:
t i.t I 1-Is -J !ht tit 10,t I:
st) An-. !et, VI'll-!ii Ott Itli .0 ''-t
I t
A '. Ir tr k I fIt.all. tltltn:,.reci 1,
I I . I f 1.1 1 e L I I ! t t, t I t r t) t ti
t I a '.d k4 i, Ube I r f ir t tit t r e tw t f t k I it m
r t i i w r t. h tilt i , - i. r t it it not i , ! ,, t, r 14 i sr ha t i - !t. i
t, , : jj ! it.: I : .- J;jC hair it n L ! S 1;'.i hN ft (,try I a,
ht :0 !, . tf t , U F I at Ft , t e I I -t :,tit r.j I , . t, , .; .
it, An\ gain; L\ Utt. 11 )!It,! W Tv.lhtvl!� ul the Ili
t t. - ft if! ir.pr. . rll,rl.t Ttu,t I' kind or, bt-l'till ul tt,t
I.6::d Arq _.Sit 1k,11 tjSj F'rnd purstiatit I-.
Fit, s 16 f,.i ir, Jilt tiO-t U!
t -.r ne v ne r a j r l,% S tj t he , d�e ut b
st--'e al'Lurne\
4M, An% c�atnis h\ 18- c, f, r,_rMtnt hh!rlicles. kith,
. . , r"'I"a1w. t L,
.,r.ed in condut,ti.ig curitrib
S.;:r.:F( 1.11 It., to the fC:firl..k;,e of the pr,..perl\
7!e s".a!; `rti --71;ne ',ht
e-, ird as re.c b rsf :-.en: under tlhi4 pru\,.sion. In 11'.e
that c'--;nns h:- '596 erl'c)rcelnert ngtn'-les up-jer
'P*;".), --, ex,eezl .he !,ft_inct r ". ftmt.!
e r 3 8 C t 14 e C F. . M (7 r ;oar Rii7 r F P
c, s'n.J, rna:t it r,7.- r&',& a-,*,):r--'
rn n I••a J
ian, to
Ex t I Pe n f e 7 r �, ._ _�_ 1,
tht,ri2ed in that section . funds rectfeJ
pu - ;an, , tc .he provisic-r.s of pa.-a-griph rna,\ not
!,t used ee�
t" pay the Salar,es of pvrmaneriz emp . -
Te rin-lainder of the ftt"rj- ubthined In the
E*-d7F f,7-t-:t,ire P. 'g—s ;-,- _ursuant to 5
iovk:nF saiisfactiun of lAI vlifid claim, under fi:.bst
tion t l 1, sh&!J be divideri e—alk Fxt%k"n 1l
--t a, -istp and the general fro
-mur)ich the court enttri ' the uor=en
�C17711*r (. is
� i Nc)j!�..ng in section @hall be construed to
I:rni, the a-.;thoritt, of tke int-efitiga-0,t agenc\ to
ccnrnprorzise a cl&rn for forfeiture; h,:,wt%-tr. fin% pro"
cords arising frorn a ccirnprimise or from the Shwt Of
ohiA;ned in it cornprorn:he sh&ll be dis—b0l
ed in the manner przw)ded in subsections 1 1) and 12t
(4) PeriC,ng the Irma) dilitrlbution of the cgl0 of
cash prc-cttcls purwuar.,, to this "ction. the court Mit
a1.)11. �ze the
.he cash ur cash proceeds to tw depySited in
the cl:.Url, -tristr\ or ir. e quitlifitd public depQs:jclr,.
I Th- 'actual ex;*nses' fur %hicri h b'sie allot
j.- a la-.4 er.f.�r:t-ment aienv- rne\
.7 �;J., 6ed ;. -rsur 111 1, ; i - , -ra ph d 1 or pit, 11V+ r
all 1.hlht.:t k0bU-. CObtlt Vi
!:a:F,ng and tht ;jriqtri,. , iii C
Ape t+ 0!IOY11iA.'-111(•TF loft:, PI:i(i"
other c• .s a• arf determined b% the court tr he d. �KI' `.
rrr:l stiribu!ohlt t., the arts, n }Anwe,e! -uc! rel.".
bur-n.tnt shall not includt emplc%ers 6alerie-
e..te., i Cr N :<-
9o1 15 When arrest by officer without wbtrant is
9tI', A
4'1 (ty-
9u,, (r;t
yrl; ,-
9u "•
A11;�I-ca,, fo he11. Ir,! •r.,b' „r. prt�\id
ed heerIr. t o:. bp;,lItb:Ik 1. I( r IT) ,•dlfub
ti,,rt ;K•IIb!I\ fU! pet , Id; I. t• ftlIst to rn I�
Ieadutp ir.forinatioi. or oll.111ini; material
Irif"r:jill1( r.
1'urt.,•st of bnd cri:enb for bat'. diteimina•
11, r,
C und;tlons of pretrial reit last
,lustifitbttun of curettes
Yorl'tlturt to judgment
Hf•rl.iss)ur. of f,r.fttturr, (,.r,dltl,ms
Arrest of pnnc.pa! so, hoist:% afar foIftlt•
9U:135I SU!charFt (v-. bail It, cases it, vLich visa t
It Khrid „b;,;-rd t.r t-Idt rl,
901.15 When arrest b\ officer without war•
rant is lawful. —A lap enforcement Office! uia)• fit
903.011 "Hail" and "hound" defined -- As used
rest a person o.ithout a warrant when
in tl,:s cl,aptrr tl,r teru,s 'I,rj1' a:,d -hond' ii,tlude
(lI The person ha: curemt:ted a felon} or miscit
e•i\ ar.d bl. lurti,t of pre:rail rtluwt
rneanor or violbtt•_I a municipal Or count\ Ordlnaricr
,t •, M :
in the presence of the officer .An arrest for the con,.
mission of b misdemeanor or the \•iolb:ior. Of a triurot •
903 02 Actiuns w its respect to deniAl or cOn-
ipal or court\ ordinance shel: b( mbdf• imc,edlatel\
ditione cif b411 or amount Of bot,d prohibited;
or ir. fresh pursuit.
"court" defined.-
(2) A felony h,ar been committed and he reason.
(I) if appli'Atior. for La0 it made t, an Author.
Ably believei that the person committed it
iced court bnd der,ted, tit. cut,!: of tl,ftrlu► junsdic-
(31 He reasonab)v behevet• that a felony has been
tier, shall edir,!t the applicbr:t tt, bb,: unless buck
or is being committed and thatp the erson to be ar•
court of inferior jurisdictiun it the court having )uris-
rested has committed or is committing it
dictiur: to tr\ tht dtfendant
(41 A warrant for the arrest has beer issued and
( 2 1 No )udgt of b scour: of eyub! t..r irJeri(,t )uris
is held by an -:her peace officer for eze, _,lion
dictior. may rt•r.,ovt- b cc,ndittur, of bbi: o► redurt the
(51 .A violet,ur. of chapter 316 has been commit•
amount r.f tx,r,d rrq... rd unless butt:
t.e•d in the pres(ncf or the officer. Such ar. awes: may
0?1 Imposed thl t. ndlt:tons W hob.! Or bet the
hot. mad( =rnedia-e!v or it fresh pursuit
amour.: o! his::^ it ..::ec,
(FI He has probable cause to believe the: tht pe!'
tt..l Is the crt.lt' udit Of :iir cir,LII u. whtc!. thr
P.o,. has k•n, w•inr!\ \iolated ur refti_4ed to comp]. p 1:1
defer.dar.t Is to, to
e d_Wrs:.r �•Io.itnce in)unctlon for prottctic,r entered
(cI Has the(-%t, p!rs:dt r%tr t!,t (..m:r,bl
p�-scao, to s-4;.3',
trio; othe dtftn bl.,, t,r
( Iisi He hat probbb.e cause t<. belie\-e t!lat the
t d i Is :hf of t!.t ct,lef ),loft bnd a )udFt.
fx t,nr. has comcl:t:ed e batten upon tht pe san's
has not vet bee:•. bbs;gr,ed tip the criu.:nh: trial
ep:'uxr and
(3, The t(rrr.'court.' at used in tt.:s c'ibpter. in•
FIrid` evldenre of bc')dil\ hers, or
Closes all E:B:E CPu'Lb
2 Rew%'nab!\ be:Ie\es that there is danger of vic. �.
H,.;cr) ._..; C, it iv?* rd: 1H sip; bW_•.;, . I tit %� . a
ler,ce uniest the person alleged tc, have comwitt.ed
i :. ! .:) . Y- .t E'. 1 : , b: ft b. la
t� the bat:.er, iF arrest.rd without delay
(bi A law enforcrment officer who act.- in Foc-�
903.035 Applications for bail, information
ft:,h and ezercicerr due cart :r. mekinf an arrest pur
provided: bearing on application for mod►fica•
sua-rit tc, the subeect(on it ir. -nuns from civil Lability
tion; penalty for providing false or misleading
thz! nthem-uf might result r,t teaxon of his action:
irdormatioo or omi!tiig material information.—
d,.tor7 ..-. 1! cz 11t4. ItT.• Act ItN(Ls„,�()lia]
A11 information pro\-ided by a defendant,
IK` . t a 7(• le t . cs 7:.11C . I d. '.4-.• t.ct A,\ Ii . 11 tZ •4
in cunnectiUn with any ap- 11CeUGi, fc.r or eittrnpt to
d—. .: rslv"w_ sux ton ,.•..nrt—..a..,to•T. o•,nc.deiluo•auw,
secure bat!. tc• any court, cour,, persor.nr:. dr indn-id•
-+�.• , t><.,.., I< .<,.,. d Moro. t{bto mrn: TWM.d. ^PO^•.a of i�
ua' solicltin; or recording such infurma,.ion for the
rood— V
a cam a^J.: Crv�M• t. ckrd"t o. �a twit &• W, .itLnn ..annr,t
puri>r,Fr of eva!ub::rig elLg,hil:ty for. or ►-curing. bail
-Bb.:' and "bond' defined
4-. Act.t-.rt w•itl. re';Kri tC, df r:81 or cOn^ItiUnt
of be: or am(•un.t of bc.nd prohib!tec
for the defendant uncle: clrcumtta: cis such thbi the
defendant knew or ha\e Jjjo%_TL the: the infor-
me.tlor %has t0 tK usstd in connectior, ar, app:icb-
tior.• for be;!, shbl! tK accuratt, trot! foul. ant' com.p;ete
without omiss,-,ns t<, 0-it tow know:rdi t- of the de•
tt t Tait fadurt t• car,p!\ with thf prw.•isinns of
pftr4fre;.�. 16' era, rt••.,:t 1:7 'Mt rev,.tb:,, .. u! mc,eifi•
twit,.,. of hail
(: Ar bppl,(r:,:.l. fc, rr,c if,cr,t,r.!. cif hob:' or. an\
felor.\ ct.ar f( r..,it: to heft:= t.\ a ct•u!: Ir. Pt rt•.r at
b irbt:!.f 41:t :t:f utfrnabr.: prestn: and pith. bi