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Item #80 - Discussion Item
i strfiv MIAM►. PL611II15A r lfi it ttr MEMORANDUM 92 �P.�t'ciio l.i Y' :1ai`oageL su9_F . Ayefida Ite5 t rno� Matzr�ce A, Terre =p�y�Ey see attacr. a t • a 'he follming roquests for personal appearances on the July 18, 1985 CcMnission agenda have been receivod b;,, my office. Please schedule .8se appearances for the Cc mission meetinc 1. ter. Thcx s t urphv, ,'ice President, 8t, Thomas Universi� � requesti:zc ti:zcfun4s for W';e "',iarai ►, Ce" programs �. Or. Manuel Cereijo, Vicrida International �,nl:ersl l� reytlE'54�5 -w�.s Or the Unit exr,ity s basketball team. 3. The Consulat General of I`rance in Miami requesting police protection. 4. Carson Pdwards of Caribbean Rhythms and Marie Wray, the Jamaican consulate, requesting a waiver of fees for a Jamaican festival at Peacock Part.. 5. Ted :McCauley, L'Express L11aGazine of France and Jeanne Westphal for advert -'sin fran the City of Miami. $: Attached are the related background :materials. j. 1 a 7 • 4 ST. THOMAS��`�'��,��.�:"ice UNIVERSITY 401 St. Th6ffiat of Villan6vA, 1487.1555 Oft0s Of the PrONSICIent July Indl, 1985 Mavor Maurice Fetre City of Riami city Hall Pan American Drive "Aiatai, Florida Dear Mayor Ferre., I am writing to request appearance for St. Thoinas University before the City Commission on July 18th to ask for $20,000 ,-,) suppol-t St. Thomas' program to train all Dade's taxi drIvers In coul'tesIj ks 1p,�rt of- tho County's licensing process. We have obtained an agreement from Dade County Transportation officials to offer a 20 week pilot program to train all new drivers and all licensee renewals. We will offer a Llitee licur training program twice a week during that period. During the course of the pilot 1000 drivers will be trained in courtesy techniques, hygiene, regulations and more. The program will be offered as part of County Ordinance 31-83(21) which mandates training. Importantly for the City of Miami the course will be offered within Miami - in Little Havana - at our campus at 901 S.W. Ist Street. The university has taken the lead in this area. We have introduced the !N concept of courtesy -training and we have developed the curriculum at our expense. It has cost us $60.000 to bring the program to this point. It will cost us $40,000 to implement the program and as such we are coming to you, to the County, and to others to raise these funds to implement our program. We have received backing from the private -sector, including the Fontainebleau Hotel, Metro Taxi and others. Importantly, the Tourism Industry Coalition, through Gerry Kauper and the Greater Miami Visitors and Convention Bureau, is a strong supporter in helping to enlist private fundin$. I,= enclosing a package with full details. Thank you for your cQnsideration, 461*00NA, 36nd mvenue - miami,rlorida 3,)05* • ovPvP*,P,Qvvv 44499 ,j 4 � s s, t Page z Major Mautice Ferre ...4 .. ;u�v 2tt�i, 95 Thomas Murphy, our Vice=president nor Administratoit unii ti:c man who developed Miami Nice and the taXi improvement ,)rugr,jm, wi i make the university's presentation ,gin July 18th, Sincere , // Fr. Patrick` O'Neill, O,J.A. President is x; 7 r A 41 ^ L A rr L. f lki C ,J T .; glib-.. 4014m�Yrarv.: F { S y t f a , Miami Nice St. Thcmas University Introduces "Cabbies Go to College" li f , n f Ai l 4 ME y 7 Y q k } $tl "Sena A Cabbie To College" To raise funds to allow St. Thot%aa to implement its Miami Nice Taxi Training Program. St. Thotias copyrighted "Miatii Nice" for the express purpose of offering this promotion. What- _iA "_s.p n,aor ,h .r.�� A sponsor is an individual or a business that wishes to show a support for Dade's taxi drivers and St. 'Thomas' efforts to train theta. Sponsorship costs $100, which is tax deductible. What does_ aspons-or .receive: Sponsors receive a Miami ;lice certificate as well as a Miami vice button and tee-shirt. More importantly they receive a warm feeling is knowing that they are helping to address one of Dade's crucial problem areas. Goal: St. Thomas is hoping to enlist 200 sponsors during the 20-week'{ term of the pilot program. This promotion, ifsuccessful, will help v defray 1/5 the cost of this taxi improvement program. Can sponsors help beyon_3 the $100 fee: .' Yes, sponsors are encouraged to give any amount since all proceeds `a ' will go into an account to allow St. Thomas to expand its training; _ capabilities.ti What is the "One Dollar Button:" E Sponsors who register for the promotion may order Miami Nice Guy tr and/or Miami Nice Gal buttons for $1 each. They can order as many as they wash for their employees, Employees can wear them to show F'I a business' support for this program. Again, the purpose here is to produce a grassroots response to this issue so that support: ' for service -improvement can be demonstrated on a community wide basis. s Thank you for your generous response, i. ..�...,-..-.. ,.... .. .. .. ..-�.�.r..r. ••:r-!r+'IX•�`etlkcYR+4�..r.�...r,-,r:#ham •a•t' r+w4Y t a G x :A � 1 ' ! 'i 3 YSL'tl�vti......�,^.........W:s......r...as:s......._.�..s...».... ;._. .... . , r.. ..... i i ST THOMAS i�Gi tla3 •.aui t._ UNIVERSITY ® 3ei J.Y ,•, 1 y � .� j L•J I a•j SLThMAofVIIIAM&ai 14870S55 Office of the Progideffl Vdr releaJa July 12th, 1985 for bore in£ortlat16n Contact: Tom Hurphy Vice -President for Administration at 625-60001 Ext. 131. r Miami Nice St. Thomas University Announces „Cabbies Go To College" Beginning July 25th St-. Thomas University mill send Dade County's "Cabbies To Col.leFe'as Phase I of the university's Miami Nice service -personnel trainit.- effort. " This program, a 20 week pilot which is being introduced as a prelude to a permanent training program,, will be mandatory for all new drivers and drivers seeking renewals of their licenses. K: The "Cabbies Go To College" phase of the Miami Nice program is being offered b St. Thomason Dade County's behalf to help the g y y p County's Transportation Department more fully comply with County ;'- Ordinance (31-84(6)) which stipulates that the County must 'offer ' trainingand orientation for its drivers as part of the licensing R process. In addition, St. Thomas' program allows the cab f operators to comply with Ordinance (31-83(21)), which obligates owners to provide -training. ;., The cost of the 20 week pilot program is $100,000. Sixty '' percent of that, or $60000, has been spent to develop the curriculum; St. Thomas University has absorbed this amount through the Tourism Division to demonstrate its commitment to r ,.. service-im rovement, p I, It will cost $40 000 to implement the � P program. half of that.. is coming from contributions and/or grants; the other half, or $20,000, will be raised through a community-w da promotion the university will, offer, celled "Send A Cabbie To College." The ; .; university is looking to enlist 200 sponsors at $100 each during the term of the 20 weak pilot Commitments have already been .: secured from supportera, including the Fontainebleau Hotel., .and others, 16400 N.W: 32nd Avenue • M1arnj, F10rjda 33054 (305) 6,.5.6000 Ar IM 1N$T1FWT1PN yy f I xi f The pr6grati hat received goad support: the paratrafisit Advisory Gr6Up, the cotittit.tee made up of County t`ranspottatioft ' off c ai5, cab owners, drivers and others, Voted unanitnousl.y t to support St. Thomaspµoposal to offer a 20 week pilot program as a prelude to a cpAnsidn of the pilot into a peritanent progYa�n& t additions the $eacon Council recommended St. Thomas' service-impt6vement program in its final goals. The Greater :Kasai Chamber of Commerce listed support for the program twice at its annual Goals Conference in June, in the Tourism and Transportation Committees, The pilot will consist of 40 three hour training sessions offered twice a'week'for 20 weeks.' An average of =5 drivers ` including n'ew licensees and renewals will be trained ineach session: There are currently 4000 cab drivers in Dade County. In total 1000 drivers will pass through the pilot. Drivers will be obligated to take part in the courtesy -training program before their licenses (certificates of registration) are handed out to them by the County. St. Thomas will work with the County's OTA to coordinate and implement this. The first class will be offered at St. Thomaa' 'lain Campus '- 16400 N.W. 32nd Avenue, `Miami, "Florida on Thursday, July 25th s: ;., at 10 A.M. The first class will have 50 to 100 drivers; Subsequent classes will be offered at St. Thomas' downtown campus, 901 S.W. 1st Street, beginning Wednesday, July 31st at 9 A.M. The drivers will be instructed by three St. Thomas instructors in each session using -a combination of educational techniques, including "role-playing" instruction, audio-visual presentations ` and other means. Drivers wi11 be taught the "economics of ,courtesy." They will be shown that courtesy can lead to greater tips and that "good service" can be a means to enhance their incomes. The } orientation program will include instruction also in County regulations as well as lessons on local geography, history, points of interest, etc. In short, improving the drivers service -standards and skills forms the core of the program, To evaluate the program, St. Thomas has assembled a Blue Ribbon Panel of •leading citizens who have long had an interest in "seimpro.uetsent, The program will be studied in the act of St. Thomas' offering it. The Blue Ribbon Panel will make .. reto�amendations that can be incorporated into a permanent , „ orientation program. The County, speci.fiCAIIY the 0'"A4 wig l wor t it with the university to provide an evaluation of the driver'a "on the street" after they.,have gone through ths: program to help is _ . r z 1 p p measure the programs impact, The Panel will also treat the issue of securiflg funditg'for a permanent program. The Blue gibbon Panel is comprised of representatives of the cab eperatrars, drivers, County, and other industries, such as the hotel industry, which ate affected by taxi service, The ' panel is being chaired by Tom Murphy, St. Thomas vice-president • for admiti.stration, who will be responsible for sharing the panel's ' findings with the cotntnunity. Other members of the Blue Ribbon Panel include, Gerry Kauper, ' president, Oreater Miami Visitors and Convention Bureau; Carol • Lee, president, Greater Miami Motel and Hotel Association, Sherman Winn, County Commissioner; Eddie Steinberg, President, Metro Taxi; Les Eisenberg, pfesident, Fellow Cab; Sylvan Meyer, Publisher, Aiiami/South Florida Magazine; and Pepe Fernandez, Special .` Transportation Department (representing Clara Oesterle, Commissioner.) A representative of the taxi drivers will be announced shortly. 2 Volumes have been written about poor taxi service. Rather 4X than add to the torrent of criticism that so rarely sees its way into action, this pilot program has been developed by St. Thomas` at its own initiative as a response to this issue on the community's behalf. Most importantly, this program creates a ' "window of opportunity" to prepare the taxi industry for the demands on it that will result as Miami evolves into a vibrant international city, w. ry At the completion of the program each driver will receives a Miami Nice certificate which he/she can display in his or her cab, hopefully to encourage rider response and increase tips._ Beyond the "Cabbies Go To College" component of Miami Nice , t St. Thomas University is working to take "courtesy training" into other segments of the tourism industry. The pilot programwill conclude in December at which time it is intended to segue immediately into the permanent program. > Al n , t S, a t ; t � 1, ';;:may...: ..;�.i,.. • �.•:..=�...: 1 -j c 1. i The County Ordinance# Mandates p Taxi Driver Training { a n 9 • " ilk x t11A! DADE COUNTY COnB 1 p•tD 1 tl•tt VEHICLES Folt uIRS FJtB� aeeutg7 tpto gratuities.itiea, norShallthe words "Cara " rovided. ho-sever. 'that this provision shall Not apply. . (19) Chauffeurs allait Select routes to tripdestfnatGonu that: ! "compensation' be construed to include gratuities. Upon YtAlvest the passenger will be given a for are are most economlaaQ Otherwise to the passenger -unless otherwfa b Y or a 8�ett " bX Eller paaeenger.-- receipt the 'tars collected. (20) No' chauffeur shalt attemptto solicit or attempt to► « tt13j Chauffeurs shall not operate any for -hits vehicle with divert thispatronage of any paaeenger. praepecilve paw stinger. rant' sighting devises that are not functioning prop- or other person on, behalf of any' riotel; motet' CO Ukewist. no vehicle shall be driven unless the apartment, restaurant,; nightclub,IV bar arany Other bua[= ' ' cluissUeur alkali have satisfied himself that the brakes bean' eatabliehment, or accept. or receive:. from any Bus:'- - • arteeribg mechanism, tires, horn, windshield wipers. and ncss establishment any payment for such 80i1tIt8t101t Or diversion, of passengers front p aide iand erearview mirrors are in food working order. ' or to' any place of busineus.. 1 Each chouft'eurshall- l n 1a1) no chauffeur alkali allow or permit the use of any withinthirtYf3ONd'sysafter issuance of the chauffeur"a re • - ! ythide In violation of any law. � Clstratiorn and biannually thereafter.: site Otte datrainingandorientation,sessionconducted;bythe or by an operator ! (16) Achauffeur &ball skot use abusive language. or be die. authorized; to, da>a sa the ©Tit. ` ' kcoutleous to passengers orSall cit.gratuities. will include instruction on, such rubjeebx whictk as defer- 116) Chauffeurs of taxicabs parked In a desicnated taxi sive driving, safety and convenience of puaaengers. tour. trey and ruler and regutationw- stand $ball remain adjacent and In attendance to their (22) It shall be unlawful for any, cheuMur cis v9MC14:s at all times. All doors on the vehicles are to + Ise Closed trctpt when loading or unloading refuse to, stop, his vehicle. except when transporting trans ortin personnels for hire„ to refuse g parson- gees. to permit 0i"it authorized personnel or any poli cr ce officer to conduct the inspection (17) Wochaulitur shall operate a motor vehicle while his or her of the vehicle provided', in section 31d19(d) of this urticle i alb-hitr or alertness is so :' _ impaired. or so like) to become y iimpaitt8,through fatigue. illness. Y (23) An clknuffcurregistrationsfialf be- autorna[icalty suspended for i or any other cause. as to ana'ke it unsafe for him or her to begin or continue to three (3) Joys. subject to, slr administrative hearing as provided for in sts:tion 31.91. if - iopetate Ilse motor vehicle. however. in a case of grave . rixtueate , b the ch i t 6 A y 1 offs"r" furcuchviolnriunof,nru•rn hrG•1}«GI_').GIS)nnd`(19)oftlww " I` emergency where the hazard to occupants of the vehicle or r Other users 0f the highway could be increased by compli- auhsisaion when the vlulutian .uccurrenct is ttilLvtly. ub. served Is t � butt with Uric section. the driver may continue to operate ` uutl,orize i enforcement the diuu(feur nfuacer to take necensi tK ruunnel: uy Ix�rrnetilvr aCtiun� r ; theehiele'toIlse nearest place at which that hazard hectiolor a when' diFwtr,l ter du air 11Y authorized enforc-crncnt I ovcd lkrnon- nel'- (18) AllAituffeurs shall notify tite OTA within one (1) (1) Any chautfeuee reslatrution shall, I,& automatrcult week. +of each chanfe of employment. All chauffeurs' revoked, pending a hearing thereon. in accordance Ivith, acc- bllall'potlfy the OTA of each change of address Within than 31-91 of We Codc. should' the chauffeur become addict — one (1) week: ed to the Ilse of narcotica or Intoxicating liquors, pfead note eontendere. plead guilty, or be convicted of a fetuny or of any C � criminal off"sc involving, moral', turpitude or of a crime in- �' Sagrp. Rte. tsD Supp Na 143 �. I 78G ?tiZ' f I o .a.._., R'...- .. -... i• .. .. .. ..... _..... ... .ems.. �..-.,., _. ..�. 1310 DADC COUTM CODC 13144 I Jbdkf tat rd►e.l-r-., t List. ►d&sur. a �.•�. volvinir the use of deadly weapons or trafficking In namotles (12) Provide in, conjunction, with the assrstant to than county or abould Itbe State of Florida revoke -or suspend the chauf- manager for municipal liaison, a complaint desk to - - teur's license. (©rd. isle. 8145. S 3. 7.21.811 handle, complaints, of munfcipdA offrcisTsr relating to, for - hire: service, within, such municipalities and exp0rar the Sec. 81. L Office of transportation adfalniatratlon. � solution of same: (a) in addition to the duties and responsibilities specified (13) Perform any other functions asargned by the: county a In We ,article, the OTA shall be charctd with the following tnana�er. N dduUes and responsiblUtles: . (b) The dtrecCor may propose and, the county manager may (1) Process, investlgate and prepare all reports required promulgite further rules and, regvlattons to carry out than by this article. provisions of this, article„ which rules. And regulations, whore (2) Investigate and prepare reports on alleged violations approved, by the, boards of county- commraatoners,, shalt have the of this article. force.andi efrect of the law.(O'rJ. Uo.01.89, t 3,T-21-8111 (3) Enforce the provisions of this article Sec- 31-85. Rules for operation. (d) Attempt to resolve complaints received from any source (a) Each operator shall adopt and, use, after approval by concerning the industry. the OTA, a distinctive, unifon-a sod decorative color achernok (6) Issue aA for -hire Ucenses end chauffeurs' registrations for all taxicabs licensed, pursuant to this article:.- The dTIL pursuant the rovision& of this article and maintain Sm p ehatl'refuae: to approve, anypropoaetli color schernek whfeHi will appropriate files regarding saint. 'reptre infringe upon any color scheme already, to usr by another operator. Once approved, no other color schema shall be em- and conduct a chauffeur' training and brier- OT& iatieti Iu7og�ra ployed, unless and until approved, by the Failure to, t comply with this section, shalt ba grounds for suapenarorr of (7) Develop and Implement. in cooperation with the indue- all for -hire licensee tesued to the, operator. I try, service expansion and improvements. " (b) Taxtcats'ustnir any dcargnatatt publl'c stanJ shall be (6) Provide test nicil asslatance to the industry. faced Ia accordanco with applicable traffic regulatruna. The chauffeur of the taxicab at the head of such fir* shall accept s (9) Create and retailer technical assistance to a for -hire va. na a passenger any orderly perrsoa who sQroea to pays the q lkid@ advisory group comprised of repmsentatives from proper fare; provrded, bowaver, that any person, shalt have consumers, the Industry, trenaiortation-related Inter- the' rtzht to select any taxicab regardless of Itss poaltrura ink tuts. municipubtlea arid put,lic Interest organizations. the fIto. Ulan the, departure of any taxicab, frorm said flta,. all 1 (10) Develop a atandardlzed reporting technique for opera- vehictes entitled to uea the stand shalt movie, forward„ No; num- ® • ..= tors after consultation with a for -lilts vebldt advtd:ory bar of taxicabs greater th&a the rnaxl'nturn aliowot, shall at- i turupt to use any public vehicle atancL Yach wattrnir taxrcab . i'muP� tdlust take a position, to tha rear of taxicabs already- at the A (111) Assl fu an exclusive number to be displayt-I on each for- stands. All taxicabs parked, At any designated public vArcra him vtticic operating its Dadt Count 1 r Y. eland shall be d1onsTdand to be vratting ernplo>`mant,. &FLIP.Ila.1:] dupp.. 114: r#S W"."3r',aai r . 3 ' z, `s t. }a ..o i COSLS A. Ao 5 Y r 6 rat } . r inootte Contributed adrvices for Program. beVeloptneftt Adtftiftiatrati6ftj Implementation and Follow Sub Total--.-------- "Se-nd A Cabbie To College" Corporate Cot".tibutions $15,000 Privatd Contributions 5,000 Sub Total --------------- 20 , 00 Grants xr Contribution $20,000 Z Sub Total --------------- $20,000 Total $100,000 ra IN- 4 TD, NO, sY i —iAmi Mid Taxi tmpra,, meftt prattrem (for Frog stt DA-Vel:opmeftt Mild , crsb►nel instruo onei $12,000 �`ronw _e1�1/Yodutacn 1Q,000 psoan� Ad�initretive 32,000 tit., Space rental 2,000 �k Travel (To study other training models) 4,000 r Marketing(indkuding materials) 19,000 Video Equipment 6,000 .: Production Services 6,000 $1009000 T F 5 AM v i :iF .:.i...�'3.E�ir• .. _..,ye.w��.+Y•wwm...v: .. ._....u+.. _. _ .- .... ..:..'..•_u promotlft "Send A Cabbie To College` To raise funds to allow St. Thomas to i;tplemetit its Miami Nio--d Taxi Training Program, St. Thomas copyrighted "Miami ;lice" for the express purpose of offering this promotion, What _i "soon.sors.hip'' A sponsor is an individual or a business that wishes to show ,, support for Dade's taxi drivers and St. Thomas' efforts to train - ehem Sponsorship costs $100, which is tart deductible. What does a sponso.r_Yeceiye: Sponsors receive a Miami Nice certificate as well as a .iiami Nice button and tee-shirt, &tore importantly they receive a warm feeling knowing that they are helping to address one of Dade's crucial A, problem areas. Goal 1 St. Thomas is hoping to enlist 100 sponsors during the 20-week ._ ki. ,. term of the pilot program. This promotion, if successful, will help defray 1/5 the -cost of this taxi improvement program. s? Can soonso•rs help bevon_d the $100 fee: why Yes, sponsors are encouraged to give any amount since all proceeds h, will go ,into an 'account to allow St. Thomas to expand its training capabilities. _ What is the "One Dollar Button "' - x" Sponsors who register for the promotion may order Miami Nice Guy 3 ,_. and/or Miami Nice Gal buttons for $1 each, They can order as man as they wish for their employees, Employees can wear thew to show e business' support for this program. , the A ain g purpose here is 5: to produce a Srassroots response to this issue so that support U for service -improvement can be demonstrated on a. community -wide basis. Thank you for your $on+erous response. Ae aF'` 144 r ' F t y y "Cabbies Co To College" A .. PuL riculum The following shows a breakdova of the various instructional segments that Uill comprise the three-hour training session. Thd three St. Thomas instructors are: Dr. Roy Langer, an expeert on ht=an motivation and personal co=unication. Denny Davis, a Broward Sheriff and Adjunct Professor in the Graduate Scbool at St. Thomas.' Seth Bramson, a published author on Florida history and an Adjunct Professor is the Tourism Division at St.>Thomas. Development of the curriculm was led by Barrie Brett, Director of Special Projects -at St. Tho=s and former senior producer for PM Magazine in Miami. r �F lg 1 t ��10i Y,,]G C�7�Gd-�iii §S YshiY�iC 3:G� Ys��YiG i7��Y. It Gil i Opelits rawk a`rst C t W �cY ai � P:aidara as St• W�vC4.OL�•IsyiaY�i iiiiio•rwaimasafrYG�►rsi r.r+Gsrs�enrrztaw:+YCYtii�m.�meltastCs va�ca ra rFc�ccara•. Gars>a—acr axi : 05. Video: ABCs omtl►Yrrcrm�mac+rcrr.WaG�aa�a�a.ararazs�sG��cccarmaaac+riGesiG:,cr : 0o Dr* fsLOyYp,,. Attention gratma, vantr liqui.st puppet sale play, ct h��iiO�i i1 Gi1����yl`�YyWGi•Yaliia�+ri�i®i•�twiYlls i+l►sri YiiiYi wY•rabai•Y:illir Wr®psi Y1+IV ii GY s..iirw.re. GS Fiii�:YY.•i. ra. s�yy i r' i/ � tt t it r+�c. r..rwwr��.�arm G:r.w joasrP�trr•���.a•G•r�r•+r.•�r��sr•rWa�a�ss�.wic��rr�rr��rr:a�caz : :45 2. Set: 3:amten o!ra t ev of Florida atd --------------- :1. • ideo o safety - - -------------------- -----Wsi ---6•------------- ♦.` 5 isetl'iy noii� sa�ecy. - . roleplay, i?+ustre��ensi__--L-_r•�-wrrir�.n-- :71 `' Se k....... ......- .». ...._..... __... �_..�...._ _...�...--------- - �.__.... .10 3. Seth Br=son regulations, hygiene and clean cab's importance 1:05 as, 1: I3=. Roy -....`..._..-_..- -------- ------- ----------- ---------- :25 QutSt_ons and ans»e. periDd------- --- --.-____--_-r_------ ---- :13 Presentation of ce_ti5icstes and buttoa-------------------__--- :10 Clos-4 video,.... __------- ----------------- ------------- • 05 :54 '_:45: 4 y t t �a t iiv 44 f 4 M rt Miswi Nice Background Information w e: . 16Jt The Miami Herald / We•inesd •- April 10.194-, JOIIN :S ikwi i1(T 4494.Ohl) JAMES t ' KNItiHT, r'hwnnun (nrt+rths w' RIC41AR11 G CAPUN. JR . thatrman dnd Pubis -the, tIPY} rlt.S it. CAitRi xt JIM HAMPTON IWA rll J M£RI W E THER N.a residentnd General MantWer Editor I:rrcuttt-V hdltnr 30ANNAWRAGG. A-wcwte #dorr•r PETE WEITZEL. Managing Editor Let tourists Ind 'MNice i Thomas adversity offers unique training program Sy WOMAS TYLIRf,H3 around the country who have the benefit of all of us in South Thomas 17urph;, is vice presi• developed successful service-deliv- Florida. Hollywood takes more t)lt( 'l V©�ID says sit will dent .for �admintstrution at St. ery systems in their home states. than money from, a community. It,,Introduce "':Miami dice" tThomas VnmrsIle is a o Thiit . I Y Now that we have. created the takes stories and shapes lifer It the screen next television rliemher of the Tourism Indus- service -improvement program. we leaves us with an Image of season but it won't call theshow It)- ,Coalition Marketing Com• are planning a community -wide ourselves. As the people from Mianu Nice. nutlee .and the Beacon Council promotion for " Ntiami Nice." The Hollywood get off the plane next -This 4ors riot mean there Avon't Tourism Task Farce. larger the promotion, meaning the television' season we Intend to be be a "Miami Vice" in South Miami are most impacted in the more corporate and other support right there with the newly� trained Florida. pother described above, beginning we can garner, the more we can taxi drivers. We will greet them St. Thomas Vniversit3's T'iour- with the taxi ,drivers. No wonder expand our training program. The with "Miami Nice" buttons. We iism Department his ensured that �'e have a problem with image• more money we can produce will enlist their support to help us "'Mianii Vice" will i)e ,more than The poor tourist has been here 10 through the sale of -Miami Nice" shape an image for Miami gasect the mamegolaTVshow ore catchy or 12 hours !before anyone is licenses. the larger the fund we on action. phrase; it -will be a concrete action _mice' to him. or so the litany can create to lend support through program xo ITain and enhance the against service workers goes. education to our front-line troops self Image of South 9'iorada"s ser- Hence. 'Miami Nice." a name in what is once again becoming a SPFAKOUT aiicxe personnel in the tourism we have copyrighted for St. revitalized tourism industry. dndustry. Thomas University. After three months of working The Herald welcomes contri For the past three months. ,.-we "'Miami Nice' is our new train- 20-hour Gays to develop "Miami butions to Speakout. an open p Ing program for service workers. Nice." we were asked how we felt forum on issues affecting fla%,v been 4evelgping ,a draining It is also the name of .a tourism to have Hollywood grab the name Southeast Floridat. To obtaht n program in ,our Division +of Tour- one day ahead of our announce co o : the round risks. write ism ,and hospitality Management symposium we held at the discuss Y , S f g at'St. iihomas-lWe flat�e,!craited a city on March 27 to discuss meat. to: Speakout. The Miami Iter: ser ce-improvement. The sympo Frankly we're not troubled at ald: 1 Herald Plaza; Miami. FL grogram to fit training to the sium featured speakers from all- In fact. I think it could work to 33101_ meeds tar ditilhidual service areas Including [training for taxi. hotel. and (restaurant workers. Mink about it: flow are tourists dntroduoed to South Florida? first i they ,get toll a plane and get into a scab. nen the,cab drops them off at a Hotel. After they are settled In obeir rooms, obey goo for something ito Beat. It has been pointed out by the Beacon Council and votbers that +our serwice-delivery systems in _ .; - a f } ate Saab �. s g `Miami Nice' cam ai�n starts toda p� y By CORNELIUS FOOTE JR. The North Dade university has have a direct impact on an issue tte►cld Business writer copyrighted the "Miami Nice" chat everyone has talked about and 3 ' What Miami's sagging tourism slogan and 'hopes local businesses no one has found a key for." Industry needs, says St, 'Thomas and other tourism agencies will Later in the month the act .?ni's University, Is more "Nice" and join in the campaign both finan• Division of Tourism and Ho.,ij,!all• less "Vice."', cially and philosophically, So St, Thomas University of The campaign has a two- ty Management is sponsoring a half -day symposium studying vtltanova today will kick off its prop ed approach, ft is a Promo no Lions "Miami Nice" �-- ns program that, in contrast to ways to improve service far program relation to NBC's new series ,Miami Vice, highlights the "nice tourists. planned for the tall •-t with a 2 people" in South Florida, and it is "Miami, Nice Gal" and "Miami M, spaghetti dinner for some of a series of training workshops for Q B '+I(ce Cuy" buttons are already Miami s taxi drivers, University local hotel workers. taxi drivers available, but the school is hoping president Father Patrick O'Neill is and other employees In the tour• scheduled to be chief chef, or cape ism indtistry. tar lion is and meats? newspaper and television t}QvertisemenUee, Miami ct�oco as the Italians tali it, for the This goes beyond the slogans." "Everyone says, event at the airport taxi cab said Thomas Murphy, the universi+ Nice, that's clever,' " 0a10 O'Neill, holding lot at NW loth Street and tY's vice president of admrnistra• =,It's. not clover, it's about service 44th Avenue, iron. "it's an action plan that will and care. it's an attitude,' Ri .�` 4* a �� ,. .. , > '" � _ «_�.. �' —