HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1985-07-18 MinutesVj I Yrfl m OF M MING HELD ON JULY 18,1985 (REGULAR) PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL [mil NATTY City AWL INDEX MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CIT7 COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA July 18, 1985 ITEM SUBJECT LEGISLATION PAGE NO. B0. 1 PRESENTATIONS, PLAQUES, PROCLAMA- PRESENTED 1 TIONS & MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. 7/18/85 2 GRANT FUNDING REQUEST TO NORTHSIDE M 85-700 2=3 OPTIMIST CLUB $10,000. 7/18/85 3 PERSONAL APPEARANCE: GEORGE PRICE DISCUSSION 3-5 REGARDING DINNER KEY AVIATION HISTO- 7/18/85 RY MUSEUM. ` 4- INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT M 85-701 5-21 ACCEPT REPORT IN PRINCIPLE, THANK 7/18/85 COMMITTEE MEMBERS, INSTRUCT MANAGER REGARDING INCLUSION IN BUDGET, ETC. 4.1 INTERNATIONAL FAIR IN THE SOVIET DISCUSSION 22-24 UNION, NOVEMBER 26 - DECEMBER 4, 7/18/85 1985. -5 RECEIVE SEALED BIDS: EDGEWATER M 85-702 24-25 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT B-4496• 7/18/85 6 REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY ON CURRENT DISCUSSION 25-27 LITIGATION. 7/18/85 7 URGE SCHOOL BOARD NOT TO CUT BACK ON M 85-703 27-29 SPANISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMS AND RE- 7/18/85 QUEST MANAGER TO APPEAR BEFORE THE SCHOOL BOARD JULY 24TH. 8 REQUEST CITY MANAGER TO DIRECT CHIEF M 85-704 29-30 OF POLICE TO ASSIGN PUBLIC SERVICE 7/18/85 AIDES TO MOST DANGEROUS INTERSEC- TIONS OF SCHOOLS DURING SUMMER SCHOOL. 9 REQUEST MANAGER TO PLACE ON NEXT DISCUSSION 31 AGENDA: NEWSPAPER RACKS AND VENDORS 7/18/85 IN STREETS SUCH AS MINORS SELLING NEWSPAPERS. 10 EXPRESS SUPPORT FOR HOLDING OF M 85-705 31-33 AGRICULTURAL CONFERENCE IN MIAMI IN 7/18/85 OCTOBER AND AUTHORIZE HIRING OF CONSULTANT N.T.E. $20,000, HOSTING OF COCKTAIL PARTY IN CONNECTION WITH CONVENTION BID, ETC. 11 REFER REQUEST FOR FUNDING TO CITY M 85-706 33= MANAGER OF $28,L000 FOR MEALS FOR 7/18/85 ELDERLY PT JOSE MENDEZ BUILDING IN WlNW00D. 1 AUTHORIZE UNLIMITED USE OF GOLF R 85-707 COURSE AND CARTS TO MR. LEW PRICE IN 7/18/85 GRATITUDE OF HIS EFFORTS IN BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. 5 13 14 i5 16 17 EXPRESS GRATITUDE TO PERSONS THAT M 85-708 PARTICIPATED IN THE RECENT SUCCESS- 7/18/85 FUL STAGING OF THE MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT. PIP.FCT CITY MANAGER TO WITHHOLD M 85-709 38 FURIhE,n PAIPhN Z, TO :OI, ,IS: COALI- 7/18/85 TION UNTIL CURRENT MATTERS CONCERN- ING THE CITY ARE RESOLVED. ENDORSE IN PRINCIPLE RETURN OF "ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC" TO THE CITY ANP INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO COORDI- NATE THIS EVENT WITH THE SUNSTREET FESTIVAL AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO BE CONTINGENT ON SUPPORT FROM METRO. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO COME BACK WITH RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING NEW UNIT CONCERNING R.I.C.O. FORFEITURE FUNDS BILL 9257, ETC. DISCUSSION: PROPOSITION RECEIVED FROM P.A.C.E. GROUP FOR PERMANENT OPERATION OF MARINE STADIUM AND BAYFRONT PARK AMPHITHEATER - MANAGER TO SCHEDULE DISCUSSION FOR 7-25-85 FOR POSSIBLE R.F.P.'S. BRIEF DISCUSSION ITEM: YOUTH PRO- JECT. ALLOCATE $1,800 FOR BUS TRIP TO DISNEY WORLD FOR 45 CHILDREN FROM MODEL CITY AS PART OF CRIME PREVEN- TION PROGRAM. PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF MORTY FRIEDMAN CONCERNING INCOMPLETE AUDIT OF FOLK FESTIVAL AND PAYMENT OF FUNDS. AMEND ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDI- NANCE $1,545,000 PROVIDE FUNDING FOR INTEREST PAYMENTS AS A RESULT OF RECENT $33,000,000 G.O. BOND SALE. INCREASE APPROPRIATION IN ENTERPRISE FUND - PROPERTY AND LEASE MANAGE- MENT - DEPRECIATION CHARGES. ESTABLISH FAIRLAWN NORTH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN AMOUNT OF $2,200,000. ESTABLISH SPECIAL REVENUE FUND "SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDE- VELOPMENT TRUST FUND". INCREASE CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS DECREASE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PHASE I $1,035,000. AMEND CHAPTER 54 OF CITY CODE STREETS AND SIDEWALKS BY AMENDING NONSTANDARD STREET WIDTHS. IMPLEMENT FIRST SOURCE HIRING AGREE- MENT AS CONDITION PRECEDENT TO EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS. M 85-710 38-41 7/18/85 M 85-711 42 7/18/85 DISCUSSION 42-44 7/16/85 DISCUSSION 45 7/18/85 R 85-712 45-46 7/18/85 DISCUSSION 46-48 7/18/85 10015 49 7/18/85 10016 50 7/18/85 10017 50-51 7/18/85 10018 51-52 7/18/85 10019 52-53 7/18/85 FIRST 53-54 READING 7/18/85 FIRST 54*55 READING 7/18/85 Nor �8 EXECUTE AGREEMENT: PRIVATE INDUSTRY R 85-713 55-56 COUNCIL OF SOUTH FLORIDA - SOUTH 7/18/85 FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM (PIC/SFETC). 29 AMEND CHAPTER. 35-91, 35-92, & 35-93 FIRST 56=58 ul Tt:r Cf'PF - RATES AT CEP.TAIN ON- READING STREET METLhS AN! CEitTAIN OFF-STREET 7/18/85 LOTS. 30 AUTHORIZE EMPLOYMENT OF OUTSIDE M 85-714 58-59 COUNSEL - PRELIMINARY NEGOTIATIONS 7/18/85 IN CONNECTION WITH DOWNTOWN D.R.I. 31 AUTHORIZE PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEYS FEES R 85-715 59-60 FROM CITY PENSION LITIGATION - 7/18/85 EDMOND GONG, RONALD A. SILVER, ROBERT D. KLAUSNER, THOMSON, ZEDER, BOHRER, WERTH, ADORNO & RACOOY.. 32 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT: TOUCHE ROSS AND R 85-716 61-62 CO., CPA WITH MINORITY PARTICIPATION 7/18/85 TO PREPARE MARKETING EVALUATION FOR ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY ON R.F.P.'S FOR WATSON ISLAND DEVELOPMENT. 33 APPROVE AGREEMENT: BAYSHORE PROPER- R 65-717 62-64 TIES FOR EXTENSION, COMBINATION AND 7/18/85 MODIFICATION OF EXISTING TWO LEASE AGREEMENTS, MONTY TRAINERS RESTAU- RANT, MARINA AND BOATSHE"D IN ORDER TO SECURE FINANCING FOR RENOVATION OF LEASED PROPERTIES. 34 RATIFY, APPROVE & CONFORM EXECUTION R 85-718 65 OF AGREEMENT - STATE OF FLORIDA 7/18/85 DEPT. OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, DDA & BAYSIDE PARTNERSHIP ESTABLISH WITHIN AREA OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHOR- ITY BOUNDARIES, ETC. 35 COMMISSIONER PLUMMER'S COMMENT ON M 85-719 65-68 RECENT VISIT TO BALTIMORE ATTRACTION 7/18/85 "HARBOR PLACE". 36 AUTHORIZE EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT; R 85-720 68 VINCENT GRIMM JR. CONSULTANT SERVIC- 7/18/85 ES WITH WORLD TRADE CENTER PROJECT. 37 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT - 6 NEIGHBORHOOD R 85-721 69-70 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS - 7/18/85 COMMERCIAL FACADE TREATMENT PROGRAM. 38 CLAUGHTON ISLAND: REQUIREMENT TO M 85-722 70-73 BUILD LOW INCOME HOUSING PARTIALLY 7/18/85 ON ISLAND OR MAKE $5,000,000 CONTRI- BUTIOE. 39 ALLOCATE $50,000 TO 1985 MIAMI BOOK R 85-723 73-74 FAIR INTERNATIONAL & INSTRUCT MANAG- 7/18/85 ER TO RAISE TO $100,000 IF FUNDS CAN BE FOUND. 40 EXECUTE AGREEMENT: CODES INC., & R 85-724 74-75 FLORIDA HOUSING COOPERATIVE - COOP- 7/18/85 ERATIVE HOUSING OWNERSHIP IN THE - CITY OF MIAMI. 41 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT: ENTERPRISE R 85-725 77, FOUNDATION INC. IMPLEMENT ENTERPRISE 7/18/85 FOUNDATIONS GREATER MIAMI NEIGHBOR- HOOD HOUSING PROGRAM. 0 APPROVE RECOMMENDATIONS OF MANAGER & R 85-726 76-78 ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE TO 7/18/85 CREATE ORIGINAL FUNCTIONAL ART EXCLUSIVELY FOR CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY. AUTHORIZE AYKEEDMENT 2u AGPEEMENT - R 85=727 78 MIAMI DADE TRADE AND TOUP.TSM COYM(IS- 7/18/85 SION ALLOirINS UEL GF MONIES TO SATISFY E"UIGIELE UNPAID EXPENSES OF MDTTC FOR 1983-64 CONTRACT YEAR. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT: DISCUSSION 78-75 ALLAPATTAH MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION 7/18/85 INC. FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ALLAPATTAH SHOPPING CENTER. ALLOCATE FUNDS & EXLCUTE AGREEMENT: R 85-72B 79-80 SECOND MIAMI CONFERENCE WOMEN'S 7/18/85 ACTION FOP, PROGRESS CARIBBE- AN/CEFTRAL AMERICA OCTOBER 11-139 1985. AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEMENT - DADE R 85-729 80 COUNTY AVIATION DEPARTMENT FOR LEASE 7/18/85 OF 1,049 SQ. FT. IN 20 STREET TERMI- NAL AREA OF THE MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH DADE R 85-730 81-82 COUNTY GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRA- 7/18/85 TION FOR LEASE OF SPACE ON THE 30TH FLOOR OF METRO DADE CENTER 111 N.W. FIRST STREET. AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEMENT: DADE R 85-731 82 COUNTY - 1060 P.W. 62 STREET LIBERTY 7/18/85 CITY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POLICE SUBSTATION. CITY ATTORNEY TO REPORT ON LEGAL DISCUSSION 83 READING ON REFERENDUM FOR SUBSTA- 7/18/85 TIONS 7-25-85• AUTHORIZE CONTRACT: LAWYERS TITLE R 85-732 84-85 INSURANCE CORP. & PATRICIA 7/18/85 MELLERSON, MINORITY CONTRACTOR - ABSTRACT SERVICES 1000 PROPERTIES WHICH HAVE DELINQUENT SOLID WASTE BILLS. AUTHORIZE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: R 85-733 85-86 BORRELLI & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, 7/18/85 PLANNERS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION OF FIRE GARAGE FIRE STATION #3. AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEMENT - DEPT. OF R 85-734 86 OFF-STREET PARKING FOR LEASE OF 7/18/85 SPACE IN OLYMPIA BUILDING FOR DEPT. OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. APPROVE A"ADOPT-A-PARK PROGRAM" R 85-735 57-85 PROPOSED BY KIWANIS CLUB OF AFRO- 7/18/85 AMERICAN FOE MOORE PARK; AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF ONE YEAR REVOCABLE PERmiT. AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF R.F.P. - R 85-736 €OW90 ECONOMIC STUDY OF THE MIAMI RIVER. 7/18/$5 ALLOCATE $72,000 TO LEASE 12 AUTOMO- R 85-737 BILES FOR 16 MONTHS POLICE DEPART- 7/18/85 MENT STREET NARCOTICS UNIT SNU-DRUG DEALER, APPREHENSION, ETC. Al, "-ETF FUNDS A AUTHORIZE EMPLOY- R 85-738 MENT GP YEhsuNhLL, 2- ADDITIONAL 7/18/85 PROPERTY SPECIALIS'� I FOE POLICE PROPERTY UNIT. PLAT ACCEPTANCE: BOOKER, T. WASHING- R 65-739 TON JR. HIGH SUBDIVISION. 7/18/85 AWARD BID: SILVER BLUFF STORM SEWER R 85-740 PROJECT. 7/18/85 AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT: SCHWEBKE-SHISKIN ASSOCIATES INC., INCREASING MAXIMUM TOTAL COMPENSA- TION FOR SURVEYING SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH CITY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. DISCUSSION OF PURCHASE OF 5 PARCELS OF LAND IN OVERTOWN PARK WEST REDE- VELOPMENT AREA - SEE RES. 85-757 SAME MEETING. R 85-741 7/18/85 90-91 91-9� 92-93 93-94 95` DISCUSSION 96-97 7/18/85 ACCEPT HUD LOAN REPAYMENT PROVI- R 85-742 SION - $5,958,400 LOAN SECTION 10% 7/18/85 LOAN PROGRAM AND NEGOTIATE NECESSARY CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS. EXPRESS INTENT OF CITY TO PROCEED WITH DEVELOPMENT OF A MULTIFAMILY RENTAL HOUSING PROJECT - 91 UNITS MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS BENEFIT OF CIRCA/BARNESS/SAWYER. APPOINT TWO MEMBERS TO PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL (PIC). DISCUSSION 98-100 7/18/85 R 85-743 7/18/85 AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF UDAG APPLI- R 85-744 CATION - SOUTHEAST• OVERTOWN PARK 7/18/85 WEST PROJECT SUBORDINATE FINANCING OF CONDOMINIUMS - MULTI FAMILY RENTAL UNITS AND COMMERCIAL SPACE. APPOINT MEMBERS TO CITY OF MIAMI R 85-745 HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD. 7/18/85 AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF RFP'S - MAJOR R 85-746 RESTORATION AND REDEVELOPMENT OF 7/18/85 HISTORIC 10 STORY OLYMPIA BUILDING AND GUSMAN CULTURAL CENTER. CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION: WEST M 85-747 LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT 7/18/85 PHASE I - H-4510 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: OVERTOWN R 85-748 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BID C H-4492. 7/18/85 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: CITYWIDE R 65-749 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT BID E - 7/18/85 SR-5496. CONFIRM PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL: R 859-750 WEST TRAILVIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT 7/18/55 H-4447 li CONFIRM PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL: R 85-751 ilogiii CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSIONS 7/18/65 IMPROVEMENT - FLAGLER STREET SR- 5458-c. PREPAP,ATION OF UDAG APPLI- R 85-752 i i i -i i 2 CATION S0'JIhLA3l ^j'FPTOWN/PARK WEST 7/18/85 REDEVELOPMENT PROJE",; SUBORDINATE FINANCING OF CONDOMINIUMS - MULTI FAMILY RENTAL UNITS AND COMMERCIAL SPACE. 73 AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO GRANT APPLI- R 85-753 112-113 CATION: "GRANT PROGRAM FINAL STATE- 7/18/85 MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJEC- TIVES". 74 ESTABLISH GUIDELINES: ALLOCATE R 85-754 113-114 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FLOAT LOANS 7/18/85 $10,000,000 - 11TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. 75 AUTHORIZE USE OF $10,000,000 COMYU- R 85-755 114"115 LAITY DEVELOPMENT FLOAT FUNDS FOR 7/18/85 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST FUNDS AS INTERIM FINANCING AND AS A POSSI- BLE SUBSTITUTE FOR SECTION 108 LOAN. 76 DISCUSSION ITEM: PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM DISCUSSION 115 GRANTS AND GRANTS FOR DRUG FIGHTING- 7/18/85 77 AUTHORIZE EMPLOYMENT OF OUTSIDE R 85-756 115-117 COUNSEL WITH MINORITY PARTICIPATION 7/18/85 TO SERVE AS SPECIAL COUNSEL - PRE- LIMINARY NEGOTIATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT OF REGION- AL IMPACT (DRI). 78 AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF FIVE PARCELS R 85-757 117 OF LAND WITHIN SOUTHEAST 7/18/85 OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT AREA. 79 CONTINUE ITEMS - ALL REQUESTS FOR M 85-758 118-123 FUNDING IDENTIFIED AS ITEMS 87 THRU 7/18/85 96 WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO CITY MANAGER REGARDING ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION, SOCIAL VALUES, MONIES, SPONSORSHIP. 80 ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEM DISCUSSION 123 88 - REQUEST FOR FUNDS - THEATRE EX 7/18/85 MINORITY THEATRE PROGRAM. 81 REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR ST. THOMAS DISCUSSION 124 UNIVERSITY "SEND A CABBIE TO COL- 7/18/85 LEGE" PROGRAM. 82 FUNDING REQUEST - FLORIDA INTERNA- M 85-759 124-127 TIONAL UNIVERSITY - BASKETBALL TEAM 7/18/85 TO TRAVEL TO DENMARK- POSSIBLE CITY CONTRIBUTION IF METRO CONTRIBUTES. 83 ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEM DISCUSSION 127-128 94 - ALLIANCE FRANCAISE OF MIAMI - 7/18/85 REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS FROM RECENT BALL - REFERRED TO CITY MANAGER. 84 FUNDING REQUEST - L-EXPRESS MAGAZINE M 85-760 1?$-129 OF FRANCE, ADVERTISING PROJECT, 7/1g/85 T 87,15 DISCUSSION OF STREET CLOSURE - N.W. DISCUSSION 7 COURT BETWEEN 15 AND 17 STREETS - 7/18/65 LATER PASSED. SEE RESOLUTION 85-784 SAME MEETING. AMENDMENT "K" TO 9500 POLITICAL 10020 CAMPAIGN SIGNS. 7/18/85 CON: Llr: AGEENLA. BID ACCEPTANCE - QUINTERO CONCRETE R 85-761 CORP. FOR S.W. 7 STREET SIDEWALK 7/18/85 PROJECT. $ID ACCEPTANCE - DEBRA TURF AND R 85-762 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR 7/18/85 FURNISHING TWO OLATHE TURF SWEEPERS. BID ACCEPTANCE - TOTAL AIR SERVICES, R 85-763 INC. FOR FURNISHING AIR CONDITIONING 7/18/85 MAINTENANCE AT THE COMPUTER DEPART- MENT. BID ACCEPTANCE - BURROUGHS CORPORA- R BL5-764 TION FOR FURNISHING COMPUTER, TAPES 7/18/85 ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YEAR. BID ACCEPTANCE - DOWLING FIRE EQUIP- R 85-765 MENT FOR FURNISHING HEAVY DUTY 7/18/65 HYDRAULIC RESCUE TOOLS. BID ACCEPTANCE - MANOLO HORTA PAINT- R 85-766 ING FOR FURNISHING PRESSURE CLEANING 7/18/85 SERVICES. BID ACCEPTANCE - TEMPTROL AIR CONDI- R 85-767 TIONING FOR FURNISHING AIR CONDI- 7/18/85 TIONING MAINTENANCE AT THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER. BID ACCEPTANCE - DOUGLAS N. HIGGINS, R 85-768 INC. - WINONA SANITARY SEWER PRO- 7/18/85 JECT - PHASE I. BID ACCEPTANCE - JOE REINERTSON R 85-769 EQUIPMENT CO. - CITYWIDE SANITARY 7/18/85 SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT. ORDERING RESOLUTION - COCONUT GROVE R 85-770 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I, H- 7/18/85 4511. ORDERING RESOLUTION - DESIGN PLAZA R 85-771 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4505 7/18/85 CLAIM SETTLEMENT - FAUSTO ALVAREZ - $12,750• CLAIM SETTLEMENT - ANTONIO H. MESA - $10,000. GRANT REQUEST OF SANDRA L. ARDOLINO TO. DISPENSE BEER AND WINE AT WED- DING RECEPTION IN WAINWRIGHT PARK NOVEMBER 16, 1985. GRANT REQUEST OF DADE HERITAGE TRUST TO DISPENSE BEER AND WINE AT RECEPTION FOR ITS MEMBERSHIP IN JOSE MARTI PARK, OCTOBER 19, 1965. R 85-772 7/18/85 R 85-773 7/18/85 R 85-774 7/18/85 129=132 132-133 R 85-775 137 7/18/85 810 6 87.17 87+18 87119 87.20 GRANT REQUEST - AMIGOS DE MA�RIL T�: R 85-776 137 SELL BEER AND WINE AT LA PALOMA 7/18/85 FESTIVAL ON AUGUST 11, 1985 IN JOSE MARTI PARK. AUTHORIZE IN -KIND SERVICES AND FEE R 85-777 i37 WAVE° FCF. USE OF JOFE MARTI PARK - 7/ 18/85 122ND ANNIVERSARY OF "RESTAURACION DE LA REPUBLICA" ON AUGUST 18, 1985. ALLOCATE $5,000 AS FEE WAIVER FOR R 85-778 138 USE OF COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION 7/18/85 CENTER - PUERTO RICO DAY, JULY 28, 1985. ESTABLISH COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER THE R 85-779 138 MERGER OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT 7/18/85 AUTHORITY AND THE DEPARTMENT OF OFF-STREET PARKING; APPOINT COMMIS- SIONER J. L. PLUMMER AS CHAIRMAN. COMMIT AND BIND THE CITY OF MIAMI R 85-780 138' TO INDEMNIFY, MEMBERS OF THE BOARD 7/18/85 OF TRUSTEES OF THE "MIAMI CITY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND PLAN, THEIR LEGAL COUNSEL AND THE ADMINISTRATOR AGAINST ALL LOSS, CLAIMS, DEMANDS 8 CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF GATES V. CITY OF MIAMI. BID AWARD - WAGNER CREEK RENOVA- R 85-781 -138-139 TION. 7/18/85 ESTABLISH RESOURCES AND APPROPRIA- 10021 '139-i40 TIONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST 7/18/85 FUND. AUTHORIZE DADE COUNTY TO NEGOTIATE 10022 140-141 PURCHASE AGREEMENTS OR CONDEMNATION 7/18/85 PROCEEDINGS FOR PURCHASE OF SITES FOR LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING PROJECTS. ESTABLISH SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 10023 141-142 "CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY 7/18/85 ARTWORK". ESTABLISH SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 10024 142-143" "RECREATION PROGRAMS FOR THE MEN- 7/18/85 TALLY RETARDED - 10TH YEAR. ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 10025 144 "ECONOMIC STUDY OF THE MIAMI RIV- 7/18/85 ER". APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS TO THE MIAMI R 85-782 145-•147_ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD. 7/18/85 PERMIT LUIS ALBO, CITY EMPLOYEE TO PARTICIPATE IN HOME RENOVATION AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM. R 85-783 147' 7/18/85 STREET CLOSURE - 10' ALLEY WEST AND R 85-784 SOUTH OF THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE 7/18/85 A.W. 7 CT. BETWEEN A.W. 15 AND 17 STREETS AS A CONDITION OF PLAT #1256 "HIGHLAND PARK SUB". GRANT USE OF PEACOCK PARK AUGUST 4, M 85-786 1985 FOR FUND RAISING EVENT - 7/18/85 r 100 FCARIBBEAN RHYTHMS" - JAMAICA AWARENESS DAY PROVIDED THEY CLEAN UP AFTERWARDS, ETC. REQUIRE PROMOTERS USING CITY PER- SONNFL. TO POST A BOND OR CASH DEPOSIT EQ1i A;, TO OE GREATER THAN ESTIMATED COST OF CITY SEEM CES. PROVIDE IN -KIND SERVICES FOR BAYFRONT PARK GROUNDBREAKING CERE- MONIES. X 85"786 7/18/85 R 85-787 7/18/85 DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO SECURE TWO R 85-788 APPRAISALS FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS 7/18/85 "COMMODORE BAY PROJECT" AND "NAVAL RESERVE CENTER"; ALLOCATE $60,000 FOR APPRAISALS. 150-151 151-152 152-154 101 APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS TO COUNTY 7/87-789 18/85 154-155 SHORELINE COMMITTEE. 102 CHARTER AMENDMENT N0. AUGUST 13 DISCUSSION /85 1551-157 ELECTION, DISCUSSION 0FREMOVAL 7/25/85 FROM BALLOT - CONTINUED TO FOR FULL COMMISSION. 103 APPOINT MATTY HIRAI AS CITYCLERK 7/88-790 157=158 EFFECTIVE AS/85 OF THE RETIREMENT RALPH G. ONGIE, SEPTEMBER 1, 1985• 104 INSTRUCT CITY MANAGERTO INCLUDE DISCUSSION 7/18/85 159 IMPACT FEES IN UPCOMING BUDGET PRESENTATION. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORILA On the 1Pth day of July, 1the City Commission of Miami, Fl6tida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Fen American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:17 O'Clock A.M. by Mayor Maurice A. Ferre with the following members of the Commission found to be present: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Sergio Pereira, City Manager Lucia Allen Dougherty, City Attorney Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Matty Hirai, Assistant City Clerk An invocation was delivered by Mayor Maurice A. Ferre who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: meeting at 9:19 AM. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: at 9:22 AM. Commissioner Demetrio Perez entered the Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo entered the meeting -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1. PRESENTATIOSS,PLAQUES, PROCLAMATIONS d MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Commendations: Mr. and Mrs. David Weaver. PRESENTED Commendations% Police Officers Edward Rotolo and PRESENTED Francisco Pardo. Outstanding Officers of the Month June, 1985. Proclamation: Alicia Baro - Dia De Puerto Rico. PRESENTED Presentation to Alan Rosenthal, WalkAmerica Chairman, the City: South Florida Chapter, March of Dimes. PRESENTED Proclamation: Wallace McCall - Outstanding PRESENTED contribution to community. Certificate Gertrude Nuta, Diane Nuta Christopher of Nuta, Jonathan Nuta, and Lou Nuta, Jr. Appreciation: for Outstanding contribution. PRESENTED ==------------------------------------------------------------- 2. GRANT FUNDING REQUEST TO NOHTHSIDB OPTIMIST CLUB $10,000. Mayor Feitil rip-'• ladips and gentlemen, we are now at 9:42 on the ncn-scnedlllea ageI.i:r. 1tc_�. , ' ^:lt Gf C011rteSy t0 those on the Committee of the Whole discussions and the 11:00 O'clock receipt of bidF-, would like to ask the members of the Commission if they could just bring up those things that are quick and that we will do the rest of the Consent Agenda N.iller, if it's all right with you and with you J. L. and the other members later on in the day. Does anybody have any objections to that? So, let's just do those things that people are here on it, we need to do very quickly. J. L. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I only have one and I have to have Lew Price here and I don't... I haven't... Mayor Ferre: Is Lew Price here? Mr. Plummer: Is Lew Price here? No. I will wait utt l he arrives. That's the only one I have Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: All -right, Mr. Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: I have some but like you said I can wait Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Ok. All right, Commissioner Perez, are there any pocket items that you want to bring at this time? Mr. Dawkins: I have two Mr. Mayor. I'm sorry. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I'm sorry. Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: That I can't wait for. Will the Optimist Club come up. Go right ahead, sir. Mr. Donald White: My name is Donald White. I'm Vice -President of Northside Optimist Club of Miami, Florida. I'm here this morning to speak to fellow Mayor... Correction. Thank you for this opportunity to speak to you Mr. Mayor, fellow Commissioners on behalf of the Northside Optimist Club. Northside Optimist Club at this time is meeting at 2450 Northwest 84th Street in Miami. We have been a charter organization with the State of Florida since 1971. We have approximately twenty members who pay an annual fee of forty-eight dollars for membership. Mr. Dawkins: Let me try to save time. You are with the Optimist Club and it's outside of City of Miami, but you do serve City of Miami youth. Is that correct? Mr. White: Yes, we do. Mr. Dawkins: So, what are you asking us for? Mr. White: We are soliciting a donation from the City of to help us in regard to equipment for the young boys and which we have in our program. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I move that this be given administration. How much do you want? Mr. White: Ten thousand dollars. Mr. Dawkins: Ten thousand dollars. Miami girls to the Mayor Ferre; A11 right, there is a motiop, is there a- seeped? gl July ia, 19a5 I 11 Mfa Plummer: 4 Yes, second. Mayor Per The who Loved re: Further discussion, call the roll. following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, its adoption: Upon passed and AYES., NOTION NO. 85-700 A MOTION REFEER:NG TO THE CITY MANAGER REQUEST FOR FUNLS RECEIVE- FROM THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE OPTIMIST CLUB; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO REVIEW THIS REQUEST TO ATTEMPT TO IDENTIFY A POSSIBLE SOURCE OF FUNDING AND TO COME BACK WITH HIS RECOMMENDATIONS BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION. being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was adopted by the following vote - Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. None. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: GEORGE PRICE REGARDING DINNER KEY AVIATION HISTORY MUSEUM. Dawkins: Ok. Will the gentlemen from the Aviation Museum... Price: My name is George Price. I live at 100 South )rive in Coral Gables and I'm here to bring the City up to date on what progress we have been making so far on the establishment of an Aviation Historical Museum here at Dinner Key. I will try to eliminate as much of the background material as possible, but what has happened in the the meantime is... Well, first of all we all recognize that this is a center of the beginning of probably the world's most important long range international transoceanic scheduled airline routes. As a matter of fact this City Hall was the terminal building where many of those flights were first scheduled. These... the aircraft used on these flights have largely disappeared. They have not been kept. There are very few if any still around and the pilots who flew them are disappearing faster and faster. However, Pan Am has collected a significant amount of exhibits which pertained to this kind of an international aviation scheduled history and they have offered these to the City of Miami to establish a Dinner Key Aviation Historical Museum here at Dinner key. The plan to do so has been long in and part of the Master Plan for Dinner Key and Coconut Grove. So, that part is pretty much established. They have told me in New York that they have three thousand cubic feet of supplies. As a matter of fact I have a large collection of them here--- of pictures of them and they requested that I try to find a place to store these exhibits here in Miami. In the meantime, I found out that the City has some unused space in the Dinner Key Exhibition Hall and that the purpose of my presentation is to see if we can't get that space for the establishment of this particular museum rather than put these pieces in storage, to start using them to establish a museum which is extremely important for this particular area and the City of Miami. There is another financial aspect involved... gl July 104 1955 0 ) Mr. Plummer: Excuse met Where in the Exhibition Hall is there surplus space? Mr. Price: Commissioneri We are thinking seriously of,,,, the most acceptable place Would be the mezzanine area. Mr. Plur!r—r: That's going to be City offices. That's gll'aady in the works. Mr. Price: well, we will take anything that has hot previously been assi€ne� for another purpose. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I think that we should again refer this to the administration and let the administration see if we can identify some space and then come back here. Mayor Ferre: Well, 1 do not have an objective position on this. I have a subjective feeling because my... I first came to Miam: in 1939 on a Pan American Clipper from San Juan Puerto Rico that landed right here and we came in through this terminal. So, I have... And believe it or not I was four years old and I remember it vividly and so I have an attachment to this cause. So, I think Mr. Manager in submitting this to you for your pursual, let me say that it's an important part of the history of Miami and it's a rare opportunity thanks to the diligence and interest of former pilots... employees and former pilots of Pan American World Airways that we are able to collect these important contributions to what could be someday a very important historical museum for this community and we commend you, sir for your continued interest in this and I think all of us on this Commission strongly feel the since of identification with this project. And the Manager, hopefully, will come back... this City Hall which we are meeting in eventually, it's all our hopes once we get our new City Hall will become a museum to house the Pan American and other aviation paraphernalia. I Bee... I hope that happens relatively soon. In the meantime, we have to look for a place to store all of that and let's see if we can help you out. Mr. Price: I would like to just... Oh, excuse me, Commissioner. Mayor Ferre: Go right ahead. Mr. Price: I just want to make one final point here, two of them really. The establishment... well, recently in June the State of Florida approached us and they have now through the Florida International Alliance, excuse me, has offered all the support that they can give. So, now we have the City of Miami. We have the Organized Retired Pilots. We have Pan Am and we have what is unique in this kind of an exhibition and that would be that there are a lot of little exhibits of aviation memorabilia around the world. They are scattered here and there in small places and the biggest one, of course, is the Smithsonian, but this museum here would be both. It would be large and it would be the museum where all of these things are on exhibit and this is the area where all of these things took place. The two things go right together there. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: I than: you, sir. Mr. Manager. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I have two more, but... Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Carollo: Miller, I would like to make a statement on this same subject if I could. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Go right ahead Mr. Carollo. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, and my fellow colleagues while I'm very much supportive of this museum and I have indicated that in the , past, I would like to make the following observation. The 8l 4 July 184 1955 J present site of our City Hall has got to be the most unique City Hall in all of the United States. This is the only City Hall that I know of that has such a unique location where it sits fright next to the water and in particular, in a tropical climate like we have. I realize that we need to expand many of our City offices, but at the same time I would hope that this will be our City He: for a long time to come. I think that we can find adequate apaciLe across thc- street in the auditorium that we have, spacing that I think would be very appropriate and you could Trobably have even more room than what we could work out here, but I am not in favor of moving now or in the future our City Hall any where else in the City of Miami. I think the uniqueness of what we have here is too valuable an asset tc disregard and to place some where else. Thank you. Mr. Price: We are prepared to go through with any kind of an arrangement you want to make. Thank you very much. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I have two others, but I can wait until later. Thank you. 4. INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT ACCEPT REPORT IN PRINCIPLE, THARK COMMITTEE MEMBERS, INSTRUCT MANAGER REGARDING INCLUSION IN BUDGET ETC. Mayor Ferre: At this time I promised the people of the International Trade and Development Committee that we would take them as close to 9:45 as possible. So, I will take them... this is a scheduled agenda item at 9:45 and so Mr. Travelstad at this time the Chair recognizes you. Mr. Coleman Travelstad: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. My name is Coleman Travelsteed. I'm on the Executive Committee of the City of Miami International Trade Promotion Committee. The City of Miami's commitment to the promotion of international business and trade dates back to 1978 when the leadership of the City primarily under the guidance of the City Commission organized the Department of International Trade Promotion. As one of the first city governments in the United States to establish its own Trade and Promotion Department Miami immediately moved to the national forefront in this area. Since that time, however, there has been no long term strategic plan to give guidance and direction for Miami in international business promotion. A little over one year ago, you the City Commission took steps to rectify this when you authorized the appointment of an advisory committee on international trade and development to assure Miami's continued growth in international business and trade. This committee is comprised of leading members of the international business community. The mission of the committee was two fold. To promote Miami as an international center of trade and finance and two, to increase the size and scope of Miami's international trade and financial sector. I would like to pause for a moment here to introduce those members of our committee who are with us today. First is Mr. Victor Azrio President of European Development and Investment Corp. I would like to ask our committee members to stand as I call on them please. Mr. Bob Burkowitz, President of Multivision Products. Mr. Gladestone Cooper, President of Musoshi International. Mr. Leo Carradini who is the Vice -President and General Manager of J. Henry Schroeder International Bank and also, President of the Florida International Bankers Association during the majority of the committee's work. Mr. March Davenport, Representative of the Hong Kong 'Trade Development Council. Commissioner Miller Dawkins, City of Miami. Mr. Kelsey Dorsett, President of the Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Richard Garrity, Managing Director during the most of the period that our committee was gl 5 July 184 19a5 I meeting. He was Managing Director of Southeast Gouch and Wagstaff. Mr. Ray Haggin who is Fegional Manager for the Good Year International Corporation and also was during the periods meeting time, the Chairman of the City of Coral Gables Economic Development Council. Also, Committee Chairman of the Committee of twenty-one of the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Maria Camila Lwu who is the Executive Vice -President of the Miami Freezone. Mr. an Attornev with Hornbv and Wisnon. Mr. Ambler r,E_ Lean of the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Miami. Commissioner Demetrio Perez. Mr. Omar Torano Executive Director of the Permanent Secretariat of the Hemispheric Congress of Latin American Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Ms. Mario Elena Taronjo, President of Meta. Coleman Travelsteed. Mr. Tom Travis an attorney with the law firm of Sandler and Travis and Ms. Shelia Trafori and Associates. Behind me on the screen are the other remaining members of our committee. I would also like to point out that the City of Hialeah had regular representation at the committee meetings and so that we could continue to expand and promote international business throughout the entire area. Present with us today is Yvonne Solera, Hialeah Redevelopment Agency. We would especially like to thank Commissioners Dawkins and Perez who were members of our committee and gave us valuable input as well as Mayor Ferre who attended one of our meetings and gave us strong guidance and support during the entire project. .his Committee met thirteen times over the last year and its membership has 'collective devoted thousands of hours to developing the strategic plan for the City of Miami. As you will recall our committee was formed prior to the Beacon Council and many of the recommendations of the City of Miami's International Trade and Development Committee were adopted by the International Task Force of the Beacon Council. The first step of the committee when it was formed was to expand its horizons and take a survey of the international business community. Over twenty- five hundred surveys were circulated and over six hundred responses were received. This information was significant in helping us set our objectives and establishing our priorities and recommendations. Our report to you which we are presenting today identifies seven major interrelated action objectives and the funding requirements for programs necessary to accomplish the objectives. The objectives include diversification of our international markets, retention and expansion of our existing market places and customers, retention and expansion of our existing local businesses, recruiting activities to attract new business to Miami, improvement and promotion of Miami's image as an international city and market place, a wide area, an area wide leadership role in Dade County in public sector support of international trade activities and finally, to establish a leadership role in coordinating international business activities and organizations in the City and throughout the area. In order to achieve these objectives the International Trade and Development Committee has developed the following recommendations: Essential to the entire concept is an advertising and public relations campaign which will form the foundation for the entire program. At present we have no promotional material of any type in the City. No folders, no public display, no display hardware and as Commissioner Perez pointed out to us on several occasions, it is essential that we also develop video presentations that can be taken world wide. Priorities for our advertising and public relations campaign will be recruitment of regional corporate headquarters of multi- national worldwide companies, recruitment of world wide headquarters...of regional headquarters for international organizations such as the organization of American States, the Interamerican Development Bank, USAID and others. Third, expansion of export and import industries and other clean manufacturing and service trade associated industries, and finally, expansioL of the transportation related industries. Because the Beacon Council has established international business and image as a major portion of their future, we anticipate that b July 18, 1985 N the necessary funding for this can be coordinated with that body in order to achieve the international business advertising and promotion activities necessary for our program. Therefore, even though we talk about five hundred thousand dollars ,as being necessary, we don' t see this as an expenditure from the City of Miami as a direct budget item. We anticipate the necessity to expand in the area of five hundred thousand dollars. Coinci4E-"N, this cues ^loco t- the amount of the license fees which Miami Fusiness wiprovide toward the support of the Beacon Council. Clearly, if our businesses are contributing we should receive appropriate benefit. The City of Miami has had long standing ties and trade relationship with our neighbors to the South. On a somewhat hap hazard basis the City and various other development entities have undertaken trade missions and supported trade fairs to build Miami as a market place for products, services and technology for the western hemisphere. Under the plan we are recommending these efforts would be better coordinated and supported in order to provide a cohesive program. Necessary funding for initial support for future trade missions and local trade fairs along the order of the Trade Fair of the Americas or Comucasianos Expo will be supported in this budget item. We have recommended forty thousand dollars for each of the next three years for this. Mayor Ferre: Excuse me. Is it all right if we ask you questions as you go along? Mr. Travelstad: Certainly air. Mayor Ferre: I assume the forty thousand is part of the five hundred thousand. Mr. Travelstad: No, it is not. Mayor Ferre: It's in addition to? Mr. Travelstad: The five hundred thousand is direct advertising and public relations primarily to build the image and coordinate the activities of our area. Mayor Ferre: I see. In other words you are explaining your proposed budget, not what you are asking the City Commission to... Mr. Travelstad: That's right. These are our recommendations. This is what we saw that it would take. I will come back at the end. We are also ... Pardon. Mayor Ferre: Yes, I just needed to understand what... now I understand. Mr. Travelstad: Right, right. This is what our committee originally came up with as the total package that was necessary to do the job. The International Business Center will provide both the keel for the structure of Miami international business Ship and the compass for its direction. It is anticipated that in the years to come this International Business Center will be Miami's answer to the World Trade Center in New York or the International Trade Mart in New Orleans. I'm not going to go into extensive details on the organization of the International Business Center because we reported it to you on several occasions in the past. You will remember that it is a primarily a joint venture between the City of Miami, the International Center of Florida to bring under one roof all international business promotion activities as well as including conference and exhibition facilities an extensive international business library and audio visual facilities which will promote Miami as a world class focal point for international business. The cost of this will be one hundred forty-three thousand dollars next year with slightly larger expenditures required the succeeding two years. `� July 18, 1985 X J Recently, Miami has begun to expand its international business prominence through the establishment of the Insurance exchange of the Americas which is well in place in moving forward. The International Commercial Dispute Resolution Center which will open this year and the Barter and Counter Trade Exchange which is currently in final planning stages. Our committee determined that it was Pytrem-lv importent that the City of Miami continued to support these activities in order tr emphasize the vitality of the city as 9 focal point for various institutions necessary for international trade. *e determined that the City should support such ideas through funding of the establishment of new institutions and some support of existing ones. All of these organizations have world wide impact and favorably reflect on Miami's image. The committee has recommended one hundred thousand- do:iars in next year's budget and the same amount for the succeeding two years. The Commission has taken a major leadership role in reversing Miami'a negative image which we acquired several years ago. The Miss Universe Pageant which is supported by the City of Miami is just one example of this. The Grand Prix is another. The City is presently funding a number of other events which work toward establishing Miami as a hub of international business. These events include the Miami Congressional Workshop which brings to South Florida a number of Congressman in order to brief them on Latin American affairs and economic concerns. We are presently involved in a major program which will bring to Miami an historical event. For the first time ever five former Secretaries of State will gather one platform here in Miami in order to discuss U.S. foreign policy. On November 23rd former Secretaries Dean Rust, William Rogers, Cyrus Vance, Edwin Muskee and Alexander Haig will gather to discuss world affairs during the past year and the future they see for U.S. foreign policy. T.V. commentator Ed Newman will moderate this important event. In order to continue as the center of Latin American affairs in the hub of the Caribbean it is vital that Miami keep the conference on the Caribbean. The committee strongly recommends continued support for this important activity. The Hemispheric Congress of Latin American Chambers of Commerce is another cog in our international business wheel as is the International Health Council, the Miami Conference on Women's Action For Progress, the Caricom Conference and the African Leadership Conference. In addition to the continued support for these activities the committee has recommended the City consider establishing its own International Trade Conference or event to promote our many activities and advantages. The vast majority of these programs are currently being funded by the City. For the first time though they were reviewed by an outside body and included in the long term strategic plan for the City. Funding necessary to achieve continued adequate support for these programs for the next year is three hundred thirty-two thousand with three hundred twenty- two thousand for each of the next succeeding years. Most of the considerations and activities of our committee center around multi -national events which would further international trade activities on a broad basis. However, a section of our study did look at the fact that we have fifteen bi-national chambers of commerce and nineteen foreign trade commissioner representing foreign governments here in the City. The goal of these organizations and government representatives is to further trade between their respective Countries and the United States. Especially South Florida. In most cases no one of these organizations or representatives is individually vital to our international trade activities. However, collectively the Countries which are represented are extremely significant and important to our endeavors and therefore, worthy of encouragement and support. Under our plan we envision strong marketing efforts to encourage the establishment of new bi-national chambers of commerce as well as encourage foreign governments to establish trade comm:Gs-_oL offices here. We will work closely with the U.S. and Florida Departments of Commerce and the U.S. and Florida Departments of State to encourage governments to establish trade gl 8 July 1 8, 1985 J Recently, Miami has begun to expand its international business prominence through the establishment of the Insurance exchange of the Americas which is well in place in moving forward. The International Commercial Dispute Resolution Center which will open this year and the Barter and Counter Trade Exchange which is currently in final planning stages. Our committee determined that it was Pytrem-lv importent that the City of Miami continued to support these activities in order tr emphasize the vitality of the city as 9 focal point for various institutions necessary for international trade. *e determined that the City should support such ideas through funding of the establishment of new institutions and some support of existing ones. All of these organizations have world wide impact and favorably reflect on Miami's image. The committee has recommended one hundred thousand- do:iars in next year's budget and the same amount for the succeeding two years. The Commission has taken a major leadership role in reversing Miami'a negative image which we acquired several years ago. The Miss Universe Pageant which is supported by the City of Miami is just one example of this. The Grand Prix is another. The City is presently funding a number of other events which work toward establishing Miami as a hub of international business. These events include the Miami Congressional Workshop which brings to South Florida a number of Congressman in order to brief them on Latin American affairs and economic concerns. We are presently involved in a major program which will bring to Miami an historical event. For the first time ever five former Secretaries of State will gather one platform here in Miami in order to discuss U.S. foreign policy. On November 23rd former Secretaries Dean Rust, William Rogers, Cyrus Vance, Edwin Muskee and Alexander Haig will gather to discuss world affairs during the past year and the future they see for U.S. foreign policy. T.V. commentator Ed Newman will moderate this important event. In order to continue as the center of Latin American affairs in the hub of the Caribbean it is vital that Miami keep the conference on the Caribbean. The committee strongly recommends continued support for this important activity. The Hemispheric Congress of Latin American Chambers of Commerce is another cog in our international business wheel as is the International Health Council, the Miami Conference on Women's Action For Progress, the Caricom Conference and the African Leadership Conference. In addition to the continued support for these activities the committee has recommended the City consider establishing its own International Trade Conference or event to promote our many activities and advantages. The vast majority of these programs are currently being funded by the City. For the first time though they were reviewed by an outside body and included in the long term strategic plan for the City. Funding necessary to achieve continued adequate support for these programs for the next year is three hundred thirty-two thousand with three hundred twenty- two thousand for each of the next succeeding years. Most of the considerations and activities of our committee center around multi -national events which would further international trade activities on a broad basis. However, a section of our study did look at the fact that we have fifteen bi-national chambers of commerce and nineteen foreign trade commissioner representing foreign governments here in the City. The goal of these organizations and government representatives is to further trade between their respective Countries and the United States. Especially South Florida. In most cases no one of these organizations or representatives is individually vital to our international trade activities. However, collectively the Countries which are represented are extremely significant and important to our endeavors and therefore, worthy of encouragement and support. Under our plan we envision strong marketing efforts to encourage the establishment of new bi-national chambers of commerce as well as encourage foreign governments to establish trade comm:Gs-_oL offices here. We will work closely with the U.S. and Florida Departments of Commerce and the U.S. and Florida Departments of State to encourage governments to establish trade gl 8 July 1 8, 1985 it offices here. The recommended level of support for the development of new promotion activities in our offices is forty thousand dollars each year for the next three years. In coordination with our advertising and public relations efforts and which I discussed earlier as part of our cooperation with the Beacon Council it is important that we continue to expand the existing journalist program to better included the international business sector of our community. AL Exauple of what I'm talking about and how important this can be is the fact that Le Express, the world': third largest news magazine publication arrived in Miami several days ago to do a small piece under the guidance of Victor Azrio and several of our community leaders. This piece has now been expanded to a twenty-four page article on Miami's economic development. It clearly shows that if we can get the right journalist here we can easily turn around our negative image. There are no specific funding requirements under our recommendations for this program as we understand this will be able to be accomplished by present staff. Therefore, our recommendation is only that this be better coordinated through the Department of Economic Development Division of International Trade and Promotion within the City. Mayor Ferre recently lead a highly successful trade mission to Hong Kong. I understand that over thirteen million dollars of business was written during the six days there. The sales in Hong Kong will create further jobs and opportunities here in Miami. Our committee addressed the need to expand our geographic diversification of markets to specifically include Asia and Europe. Traditionally Miami has been caught with the problem of having all its eggs in one basket which has lead to a down turn in our trade activities when our traditional trade partners had significant problems. The recommended level of support for next year is a hundred five thousand dollars with about half of that amount being necessary for each of the two succeeding years. The significant difference in funding requirements over... Mayor Ferre: Coleman excuse me again, but I don't want to get confused. The recommended for the City of Miami for government total including Metro... Mr. Travelstad: This is what our recommendation to the City of Miami is that you expend. Mayor Ferre: Funding. Mr. Travelstad: Funding. Mayor Ferre: This is three year commitment Mr. Travelstad: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Mr. Travelstad: We included in the budget, Mayor Ferre: Now I understand. Mr. Travelstad: The significant difference in funding requirements for the first and the second and third year is that next year's funding request will include a permanent portable display that can be taken any where in the world and display our advantages and the great wealth of people and resources that we have. Mayor Ferre: Coleman, excuse me, one more This doesn't include our current expenditures CCAA the Caribbean Conference? question on this, for such thing as Mr. Travelstad: That was back in an earlier part of this. ` g1 Judy 7 B# 9 9�5 I& A Mayor Ferre: I mean the 105 does not include that? Mr. Travelstad: No, air that does not. Mayor Ferre: So, it's this plus what we are doing now. Mr. Tr ve.ste?: Plus what we are doing now. This is outreach: What we are... ti,e CCAA Conference is what's going on here. Events here that build the image of Miami. Mayor Ferre: Ok. I just want to make sure the figures are... Mr. Travelstad: Right. Ok. As part of the ongoing responsibilities of our committee we intend to study in depth the industrieF which will be important to Miami's future. In the later stagP V, of thi's review we will identify and target conventions and trade fairs which we consider important to our development needs. Under funding from other budget areas approaches will be made to these selected conventions, trade missions and trade fairs in order to encourage travel to Miami to conduct the event. There is no funding requirement for this item. An important part of our consideration... an important factor in our considerations was the continuing need to educate and encourage currently existing businesses which are not presently involved in international business and trade to allow them to expand their horizons and develop an international marketing and sales expertise. We were especially cognizant of the necessity to involve the Black entrepreneur who may be successfully conducting business within the United States, but has not yet fully explored the world wide market. Our committee and other associations are in the process of establishing education and support mechanisms which will enable these business people to successfully compete any place in the world. We have recommended a hundred nine thousand dollars for this next year and with somewhat lesser amounts for the following two years. This next slide incorporates the overall recommended totals for next year and the two succeeding years which are required to accomplish our objectives. But it points out that a significant portion of this is currently being funded which you were talking about earlier which reduces our net new recommendations to the City. Up to this... Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. That eight sixty-nine, are you going to explain to us how you are going to get the eight sixty- nine. Now, you are asking 109 from us. Where does the remaining... Mr. Travelstad: No, that is for each individual item. The total of all the items that I have put on total to for next year eight hundred sixty-nine thousand two hundred fifty dollars. Mayor Ferre: Well, you are not asking the City for eight sixty- nine? Mr. Travelstad: That's our recommendation as to do a first class job. I will come back to that in a minute. We understand there are some problems on that. Presently there is two hundred forty thousand to be expended. Up to this point your committee members have been visionaries. We have determined the idea scenario to continue to build Miami as an international trade center. However, as I pointed out at the beginning we are all business people and therefore, must not only have vision, but be able to balance a budget as well. Therefore, several discussions have been held with the City Manager who has explained the difficulties he is encountering in balancing next year's budget and we are sympathetic. In order to assist him and you in setting priorities the Executive Committee has reviewed the recommendations and taken two steps. We have reduced to the lower possible amount next year's budget items through either 61 10 JVly 1$# 1985 4 A direct reduction or deferring items and programs to succeeding years. This has allowed us to decrease our recommendation for new funding to four hundred forty-nine thousand dollars. We have further established a priority listing our recommendations in order to best fulfill our mission and objectives. Although, all the recommendations which we originally reported to you are truly needed it is vital if Miami is to succeed in its international business erIP&v-re t h p t the m�nimuv: recommendations be included in the budget. Without the efforts and support items and support programs which these recommendations will fund. Miami cannot continue to build an orderly well planned and dynamic international business environment. Further we will soon be unable to continue our national prominence as an international business and trading center in a city of today and tomorrow in our international marketing place. Thank you for your attention. I would like to call on Tom Travis, President elected to the International Center and currently President of the Florida's Exporter and Importer who will very briefly discuss the importance of these recommendations to the international business community. Mr. Dawkins: Before you go though... may I ask him some questions Mr. Mayor please? Mr. Travelstad: Yes. Ok. Mr. Dawkins: What about the request I made to house this program at the Dupont Plaza? Mr. Travelstad: The recommendation that we have made for the international business center looks at a number of different areas. We are saying that as a budget request item we are looking at the amount of dollars necessary to accomplish the goal through the square footage and the programs and the library, the conference facilities, the audio visual facilities. Commissioner we have not finalized the program for where we are going. There are a number of considerations that have to be explored further. This is moving forward very quickly. The Dupont is(TAPE#3) still in consideration very definitely, but there are some other factors that have come up that are important to the whole thing. Mr. Dawkins: Well, I told you then and I'm going to tell you now my vote hinges on you housing it there. If you do not house it there, you do not have my vote for one penny of your budget. That's my personal. Ok. Secondly, what is your plan for "J"? How are you going to do "J" up there? "Jof. Number 6J. You can look right behind you. There it is up there. Mr. Travelstad: Minority trade assistance? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. That's not spelled out in here no where. Mr. Travelstad: This will come in several areas. We will be providing specific trade advisory to Black businesses that are presently involved in business within the United States to assist them in expanding their businesses overseas. We will further be working on programs with both the... several associations as well as the Exum Bank and FCIA to develop a program that will allow credit risk insurance. Risk insurance is very difficult to get for the Black entrepreneur right now. We have some funding in there for that type of program which will better support there ability to export. We further have in there not only the risk insurance, but just straight financing insurance or financing assistance to the Black entrepreneur, because the financing is a key part. Even though you have the best product in the world if you can't get the appropriate and proper financing for it it is impossible to sell that product overseas. It's a... Mr. Dawkins: How many minorities, especially Black minorities have you identified that can do business overseas? 1 July 1:@4 19o� it Mr. Travelstad: We have identified at present approximately ten businesses that are... Mr. Dawkins: What are they? Mr. Travelsteed: Excuse me. Mr. Dawkins: What are they? Mr. Travelstad: The companies, Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mr. Travelstad: Tony could you give me a hande We had a subcommittee that worked on this. I would like to call on Tony Cooper for a moment to possibly help me on that. Mr. Dawkins: Please. Tony. Mr. Tony Cooper: Yes, how are you doing? Mr. Dawkins: I see they bought you up here to discuss this. I want you to understand what I... and nobody else knows What I'm looking for better than you. I don't need no b.s. I need straight facts. Mr. Tony Cooper: Ok. Commissioner, I think the thing that first must be understood... Mr. Dawkins: No, no, I asked one question. How many Black businesses has been identified that has the capabilities of doing business overseas? That's all I asked. Mr. Tony Cooper: Ok. In Miami from what I know there are approximately at least... Mr. Dawkins: No, no. Now, see he said you would identify them. Now, you are coming up with approximation... I'm telling you I want facts. Mr. Tony Cooper: You want me to call out the names of each one of those? Mr. Dawkins: That's what I want air. Mr. Tony Cooper: I can't list all of them right now. I can tell you the name of some of them. Mr. Dawkins: Well, you just said ten... well, list four. Mr. Tony Cooper: Ok. One of them unfortunately is mine. Mr. Dawkins: Sir. Mr. Tony Cooper: One of them is a company in which I own. Mr. Dawkins: What is it? Mr. Tony Cooper: Musoshi International. Mr. Dawkins: All right, what do you do? Mr. Ton Cooper: I'm a trading company and we presently export to the... Mr. Dawkins: All right, well how much business did you do Sast` year? g JWly 154 1961 ter..mr- 4 JP n Mr, Tony Cooper 3 How tuoh business did I do last year? Art Y6U sure you want me to say that? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Sure I company. Mr. Ton Cooper: Ok. There Gagrin International. have. Okt Wellt give Me hh6ther is ahothtr campeny,by the haffie of Mr. Dawkins: What do they do! Mr. Tony Cooper: They are also a trading company here locally. Mr. Dawkins: Trading what? Commodities? They trade in... Mr. Tony Cooper: They trade in Machineryi food items into the Caribbean. Mr. Dawkins: What did they do last year? Mr. Tony Cooper: I don't feel privileged to say exactly what, you know, the quantity of business... Mr. Dawkins: Ok. All right, let me tell you this. Before you can get any funding, you and this group, bring me back some performance goals. and objectives that spells out where these people are now and at the end of each year where you plan to move them. Mr. Tony Cooper: Ok. I think... Mr. Dawkins: No, no. You just told me you don't know what I want. So, I'm telling you what I want. Ok. Bring back some performance goals and objectives that are measurable that tells me and this Commission that for this hundred nine dollars we are going to take "V Black businesses or minority businesses who are earning "X" dollars and they are going to move them from "X" to two "V to three "X" to four "X". Mr. Tony Cooper: Ok. That's not difficult at all. Mr. Dawkins: Well, why don't you have it then if it's not difficult. Mr. Tony Cooper: Well, first of all I think that one of the things to be understood in terms of what was written there is to do exactly that and the key to anybody doing trading in ---whether it be in this State or this City and the way the proposal was written was to have two principle things and that is to have the various trade vehicles to enhance ---whether it be black, pink or yellow their ability to trade. In this instance we are talking about Black citizens of Dade County or City of Miami. The thing that impedes and you know very well, I was also on a trip with you to the Bahamas about two years ago. The thing that impeded the twelve or thirteen Black businessmen that were on that trip to do any kind of business at all was their inability to obtain credit right here and I think I was the first one to state that upon my return. You can be the greatest sales person, but if you do not have the necessary trade credits you can't do anything. And what we envisioned with the program would put forth are present in both the City and the County funds a number of programs in the City to enhance our educational abilities in international trade. But I do not think at present that is what is needed. What is needed is to rally our present financial community together to put in place the necessary credit programs that are needed and also to rally together our insurance community that the City presently support to make available the type of insurances to reduce the credit risk for those of us involved in international trade to enable us to trade. If we don't do that as a city, I don't care how much money the City gl 13 July 18, 1985 40 Puts out, would enhance Blacks ability to trade ih the international market. Mr. Dawkins: That's your belief and you are entitled to its the only problem is you don't have a vote up here. Mr. Tony Cooper: That's true, but what I'm saying is... Mr. Dawr.ir.s: No. no, no, you listen, because I listened to you. Ok. All that... Uk. Mr. Dorset`,. Come on down Kelsey. Mr. Kelsey Dorsett: My name is Kelsey Dorsett, President of Miami I`ade Chamber of Commerce. We have been working with the this organization in trying to develop some outlines and plans that would enhance Black business development in the international trade arena or area. Up to last week we met with several members of the board of... Mr. Dawkins: No, no, Mr. Kelsey. Let me say two things here so that we are all on the same wave length. Ok. Here is a document of I don't know how many pages. Ok. You have up there Item "J" Minority Trade Assistance, one hundred nine thousand dollars. Ok. I asked them out of all of this here what is your plan to accomplish "J". Mr. Dorsett: Mr. Commissioner, my purpose for coming here... Mr. Dawkins: Wait one minute so you can answer my question. Ok. Mr. Dorsett: Go ahead. Mr. Dawkins: Then I asked what is the plan and then I asked who are the minority Black businessmen who are capable of doing business overseas. Now, if you have that name, then you got the answer to my question, but if you are going to tell me something about who's been working with who to develop a plan that you don't have in here, I don't need that. Mr. Dorsett: Mr. Commissioner, I am here to tell you that the Chamber pledges to work with this organization in developing the concerns or working on the concerns that you are bringing up here today. All right, I have indicated last...I have begun to indicate that we are in process of talking with some international visitors who were here up to last week trying to develop some plans in exporting... for example, I have listened. Motor oil, used clothing, peanut products and various things that could be developed along with the Bayside Project. This is in particular. The plans are not finished. I'm saying that the Chamber pledges to continue to work in that area and try to address those things that you are bring up here today. Which I appreciate. They are great. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Now, let me ask you a question. Of the visitors... businessmen who came in and of the item that you just named, who in the hell can deliver them? Mr. Dorsett: Sir, I don't have that answer at this point. Mr. Dawkins: Kelsey, that's what I'm saying. And if,., Mr. Dorsett: Commissioner Dawkins... Mr. Dawkins: Wait. Now, listen like I listened to you. See, if this group here or this thing was going to do what you and that other one up there know that I know that it needs to be done, they would have it spelled out in here. See, you have just said what is needed Kelsey. And all I'm asking is why don't they have it in here? July 9(3+ 1905 gg Ll 12 Pit Dorsett: Sir, I'm saying that as far as the Chambers is concerned we are working on those things and any concerns that you have... Mr. Dawkins: But this is not the Chamber's proposal. This is the International Trade... Ok. That's all right, thank you. Mr. Do, Be All right, any concerns you have we will try to work to help them address those issues. Mr. Dawkins: 0k. Let me say this. Mr. Mayor, I will not take up anymore time on this. There is two things that I'm going to tell you before you get my get my vote for this. You got to house it. You have got to house it in Dupont Plaza and you have got to have a plan that has some measurable goals and objectives with some identified Blacks or other minorities that you are going to move from "A" to "B" and tell me that their business has moved and you assisted them in it and it won't be nobody selling shoe laces. (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mr. Dawkins: All right thank you. Thank you Mr. Mayor. Mr. Tony Cooper: Mr. Commissioner, when do you wish that, plan to be delivered to you? Mr. Dawkins: I couldn't care less because we are not going to move... I'm not voting on this until you bring me a plan. That's up to you. Mr. Tony Cooper: I'm asking you when you want it delivered. Mr. Dawkins: See, you should have had it. See, if you guys were sincere... hold it. Hold it. If you guys were sincere and honest in talking about helping minorities into international trade you wouldn't come up here and just tell me of all people on this Commission that "J", we are going to assist minorities in trade assistance. You would have come up here... and you have spelled out everything else and... you spell out everything else in here. Mr. Travelstad: No, sir we do not. No, sir. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. What else. Well, you know I was Black and you know that was important to me, you should have spelled it out. Mr. Travelstad: Yes, sir. I would like to point out that we are not here requesting money. This was an. Mr. Dawkins: You are not requesting any money? Mr. Travelstad: No, sir. We are advising the City of Miami. You appointed us to recommend to you as a Blue Ribbon Committee what the hell this City should do to promote international business and trade. Mr. Dawkins: You damn right. That'a all the hell I asked you for and that's what I want. Mr. Travelstad: Right. And that's what this is a start at. It is not a complete report. We have met over a year. Mr. Dawkins: I with you. I understand that. We meet together, Mr. Travelstad: Right. I know that. Mr. Dawkins: I dou't have no problem With that, d 4 93 Mti Travelstad: But that's what I'm saying. I want it understood that we are not requesting any money today. We are "reporting and turning in a report that is what we think the City should do. We have talked about four areas under item "J". Cne, would be specific advise. Two, would be risk insurance. Three, would be credit facilities and four would be an education program identification. We have talked about identification. We don't know eve-rhndy that's capable of doing international business, but we are worxing on it and it's damn important to us too. And I think we take a little bit of umbrage at talking about the sincerity of this committeE because this committee is very sincere in makiLg it's recommendations. This is not the answer to everytt.ing. Mr. Dawkins: I have no problems with the sincerity of the committee. I worked with the committee. I know how sincere they are. But I also know that once you put something in writing including Bayside, Rapid Transit, Urban Renewal, Urban Removal, Model Cities, I don't care which one it is. The identified area that needs the most gets the least and all I'm saying to you is that up here if you spell out what we are supposed to do, which we will have to do in committee meetings and what have you, but all I'm saying is that I want it spelled out and don't come telling me that, you know, that these are the things we are going to do. Tell me how we are going to do it and how we are going to get there. Mr. Travelstad: That's the largest budget item of any individual item on the entire budget air. That one for three hundred thousand dollars is a combination of about twelve different events. Other than that the minority support program is the largest on the budget. Ok. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Thank you. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask a question. When you show these local international events, is it the indication that your committee would take over these events? Mr. Travelstad: Not at all. Presently you are funding those events for the most part. Mr. Plummer: Well, why do you even show it under your umbrella? Mr. Travelstad: Because they are part of international business promotion image and the whole concept that we addressed. Mr. Plummer: But that... excuse me. What I'm trying to say I think you are doing that to your detriment. The City presently is funding those international events. They actually have at this time nothing to do with you. They were... most of them were before your existence, if you exist. I'm saying why are you showing it under your budget? Mr. Travelstad: Because we were asked to take a look at and recommend to the Commission the entire international business promotion from the City of Miami. We are saying that that is something that we have looked at and we consider to be important. we are agreeing that those are... Mr. Plummer: But it's not part of your budget. You have no control over it and for you... Mr. Travelstad: It's taken out in the bottom. That two hundred thirty-seven... Mayor Ferre: I would like to... we have been on this now for thirty-six minutes and I would like to now take five minutes to make my statement and then we can move along and excuse me for doing this Mr. Travis, but I think we may be getting into trouble B July 10, 190 and I would hope that may be... I'm not saying that I will get us out of trouble, but I just want to make a statement into the record. Yeah. You know, it's ok to be provincial and there is no reason why we can't be like five hundred other American cities, but it just so happens that once in a while we have to have a little vision and a little courage. Now, the Miss Universe Contest tile everybody loved and that we broke all records, three years ago nines} per cent of this community including this Commission one time was totally opposed to Miss Universe. It was an extravagant expenditure. It was too much money. There were political considerations for it. Now, it turns out and that one when we finally got it, we spent three hundred fifty thousand dollars and we got Miss Universe the first time. This time it cost a million two hundred fifty thousand dollars and nobody's complaining. Everybody is happy. Now, why are they happy. Well, they are happy for the same reason that...Now, why do people like Miss Universe? For the same reason that they like Miami Vice. When Miami Vice came out my good friend Ronnie Fine was horrified and Skippy Sheppard was horrified and Sonnabend was horrified and everybody was against Miami Vice and I was the only person around here who said Miami Vice is the best thing that's happened to Miami. Why? Because we are going to get exposure on NBC at prime time that is going to show the beauty of what Miami is all about. Everybody knows about the crime. That's not news. What is news is what a spectacular place Miami is and it's worked out that way. Ten years ago when I started talking about a trade fair for the americas, the Miami Herald thought that was a terrible thing. Expenditure of money. Ferre's folly, another crazy, stupid thing to do to spend money in international trade and commerce. Ten years ago in this room when we met and talked about that there were very few people that made a living on international trade and commerce. Nobody ever thought that Miami would become a major banking center. Just ten years ago. Within a ten year period Miami has become a major international center. We are fifth banking community of the United states. We have got more Edge Art Banks and International Banks than anybody else. You say, well, what does the Trade Fair of the Americas has to do with it? Well, for three years all we did in Bogota and Buenos Aires and Santiago was getting major headlines every time we would go down there promoting this silly little thing that didn't amount to a hill of beans and it didn't, but it helped get the ball rolling and the fact is that today out of eight hundred thousand people working in this City, in this community two hundred thousand of them are working in international trade and commerce. Now, there is no other city in America that in a decade has created two hundred thousand jobs almost in an industry that did not exist ten years ago. Now, there is one major problem and Commissioner Dawkins is right and Coleman, I think you and your associates have got to understand that the reality of the situation, because the key question is from his vantage point with which I share of those two hundred thousand jobs how many of them are Black and the sad answer is very very few. Now, who's fault is it. Well, I think since nobody will accept the fault individually we have to accept it collectively. You know, success has many many fathers and failure is always an orphan. When ever things go wrong, who me? I was amazed at Miss Universe to see how many people were the originators and really were the ones that made the difference and it's true. I can name you at least fifteen people that if they haven't been there Miss Universe would not have been a success. It's true. If it had been a failure, I would just out of curiosity in my own mind think how many of the these people would stand up and say, it failed, but I stood up on it. You know, people only want to be attached to success. We now, we have a situation which has been successful, but now it's kind of burning a little bit because Venezuela has problems and Colombia has problems and Argentina has problems and it's affecting all of us because the community feels the pressure. The banking community. The import/exporters. The lawyers that get involved in the gl 17 July 18, 1985 4 0^ international business, you know, there are less clients and less money and there is a problem. The international cooperations in Coral Gables, you know, budget squeeze is on because they are not making as much money in their investments. So everybody is feeling the squeeze. Now, Sergio Pereira our very ab1 a and brilliant new City Manager along with his former boss, the also very able and brilliant Manager of Metropolitan Dade County Merritt Steirhiem came up with an idea which after a little elaboratioL became something called the Beacon Council. The Beacon Council to s), you and to put this in prr�spective, the immatur.t a` thiF community is the first organized time that anybody has on b collective basis looked at where our economic future is in this community. Now, here we are in a few years we will be ninety years old and nobody has ever done this that I know of and I have been here thirty-four years. Nobody has ever said well where are we going and what are we and who are we going to be and the problem with all that is that it's nice to worry about Grand Prix races J. L., and to decide where the new race course is going to be and to decide about what's going to happen in Liberty city and whether or not we are going to have a new police station, but who is going to pay for that and how do we go about promoting these things so that we can afford to keep that marine stadium so we can have regattas and races and the... and who is going to afford to pay for a new police station and the services and the picking up of garbage. Well, that's got to come from taxes. Somebody's got to pay for it. And how do we provide the money in government, if it isn't through the inducement of businesses to develop things that we can tax and the only way we can do that is by inducing growth. So, the key to the future of Miami so that we can give the people of Wynwood who are all here, all these senior citizens asking for an additional forty -eighty thousand dollars because they want food. See, they are here because the federal government is cutting budgets and Metropolitan Dade County is cutting there budget and so now they come to the City of Miami which is the lowest level of government asking us to substitute for what Washington, Tallahassee and Metro were cutting out and they want us to pay for it. Where are we going to get the money? Where does the money come from so that these people in Wynwood who have been brought here in a bus with obviously, as you can see signs that they didn't write, but that were written... you see them. You see the signs? All the signs that are here from... they didn't write those. Some of these people can't even read those signs, because they are in English and they speak Spanish or visa versa. Ok. They are here now and if we don't give them the money they want we are bad guys. See. And now the whole pressure comes down on government. How are we going to do all of this? Well, by promoting what is natural to Miami. And what is natural to Miami because of our geography is international trade and commerce. Now, the Beacon Council concluded that the City of Miami for one reason or another should assume the responsibility of kind of leading the parade on this segment of business that affects all of Metropolitan Dade County. I think that it really is a community wide responsibility and I'm glad to see that Hialeah is ably represented here and Hialeah has one of the great political figures of this State and a great Mayor in Raul Martinez who understands and has the vision, but we need to support this and... I know, I want it in the Dupont Plaza too, and a lot of things that I have that are very important to me, but we must be a little bit more global and we must ... and minority participation is important, but we... I'm sorry that all of you could not have been in Hong Kong with me a couple of weeks ago to see what the free enterprise system is all about, to see what open trade and commerce is all about, to see what enlighten government sponsorship is all about and this is where we must be at. Now, Mr. Travis, the only problem that I have and I got to tell you this. I told you this in private. Now, I'm going to tell you on the record publicly. I don't... I think what you did was terrific. One of the best things I have seen done in Miami in a long time, bringing new congressmen down and showing them Miami, 8 July 1 B, 1985 v but you know, it always concerns me when the City of Miami participates in these things and then everybody wants to share and sometimes, you know, and it isn't... I don't want my name, because that's not important, but I do want the City of Miami's name more prominent. If you are asking us for money and you ask us to help, then it's not a Dade County effort or a Metropolitan Miami effort. It's the City of Miami participated in this. Now, I'm ne' esyin€ that at Mias Universe... You know this last year Malcolm Fromberg, who is my good friend and Mayor of Miami Beach. Miami Beach gave us zip for Miss Universe. Nothing. Malcolm Fromberg was sitting right next to me and I insisted that he be recognized, because he deserves that. Now, they can't afford to give us any money this year, but on the other hand Malcolm Fromberg has been a participant and Miami Beach has been a participant in years past and I hope they will in the future, because we want Miss Universe back here, but my only request to you and it's a selfish request, is that I would hope that if the City of Miami does become a major or the main sponsor of all these things that we not be ignored the way I sense we are ignored. Not by you, by everybody. The CCAA. You know, that Caribbean Conference wouldn't be here if it weren't for the City of Miami. If it weren't for my insistence over the past seven or eight years that we fund that thing. If it weren't for my going to Washington time and time again and I have got to go fight Peter Johnson who is a nice fellow and all of that, but you know he wants to go to New Orleans. He is not helping us now and we are fighting that, but you know, every year that goes by we get less and less recognition and less and less credit and I know there is some personal feelings involved and that's fine, but I would hope that since now we have identified this whole thing, that we really are given our fair share of recognition and if you want me as Senator Yandenburg used to say, if you want me to be in on the landing you got to invite me to be... If you want me to be in the landing you also have to invite me to be there in the take off and we need to be part of this thing from beginning to end. So, you... I wanted to say this in the preface to say that you have got my full support and I think from an economic point of view of dollar invested that if Miss Universe was a good investment at two hundred fifty thousand dollars which is what we put up this year. That's what we paid for Miss Universe. This is ten times better than Miss Universe long term. What we will get out of whatever monies we put up here is minimum ten fold. So, this is an investment in the future of Miami so that we have the money and to be able to spend in Wynwood in years to come. SPEAKER UNKNOWN: Mr. Mayor, fellow Commissioners, thank you for your remarks. I want to make a brief comment. We have gone more than the forty-six minutes now about this committee and what we have done. It is a private sector group. We are sincere. We are honest and most important for this particular exercise, the collection of private citizens involved in this committee are experts. These are people who's business dependent upon the low value of the dollar and when the dollar became over valued they compensated for that. The concerns that you have expressed and the other Commissioners have expressed I'm sure that this expert community that we have in the international place here in Miami, I might add can respond to those particular concerns in a pretty quick and comprehensive way. The group is diverse. It's includes all members of the community and its intent has been to provide you with an expert recommendation as to what we think should be done. Most of our members have been to Hong Kong and the Far East and it's a problem when we got there and we see that Savannah has an office or Charleston has an office. Or when we go to Panama City Panama and New Orleans has a full time office. That troubles us, because we think the business should be here and this recommendation is to make sure that what we have here is enhanced and expanded. We welcome the opportunity to continue a dialogue with the City Commissioners and with all others in connections with this plan. This is a recommendation. We have heard your comments. We will come back with further definitions 61 19 July 184 1955 on that plan. Finally, I would just like to say that on behalf of the private sector involved on the committee we want to express our thanks to the City staff that worked so closely with us and so I'd just like to say that on behalf of the private sector involved on the committee, we want to express our thanks tc the City Gaff that worked so closely with us and so many hours under the leadership of Charlotte Gallogly. We all put in lot of hours on this thing. It may not be a finsa legal brief yet, but it is getting there. This has been sort of definition of ideas which we think is important in Miami. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there anything else you want to add, Mr. Travelstead? Mr. Travelstad: No, sir. I would be happy to answer any questions. Mayor Ferre: Let me then just say, because we need to move along, that I want on behalf of this Commission and of everybody in the City, thank you, your very distinguished chairperson, Burt Landy, who is out of the country traveling and each and every member of your committee who has dedicated countless hours and a lot of emotional energy and brain power behind it. We have collectively in this committee, the most outstanding group of committed citizens to International Trade and Commerce, I think in the country. I would - maybe New York might be an exception, because New York is an exception to everything, but I would put this group up against anybody in New Orleans, Chicago, or San Francisco and I think we would win. We just have some people who are expert, knowledgeable, and terrific. I just think the hours that you spent have been well spent. This is the first time it has ever been done. It is the most important accomplishment that I think anybody in the international group has ever done and it augers well for our future. I also want to make a special comment about Charlotte Gallogly, who once in a while, she and I have had our differences and our problems, but I want to say that Charlotte Gallogly has been extremely dedicated. She has become - she wasn't knowledgeable, because it was a new field for her. She has become very knowledgeable and I have seen her function in different times. I recently watched how she operated in Hong Kong and it really was a wonder to see a well disciplined, organized, knowledgeable and effective person in a new field and I just wanted to publicly say, Charlotte, that I was very proud of the City of Miami and the Administration to see the way things were handled and I think we are headed in the right direction. I don't know what you want from us, Mr. Manager, and I guess the thing to do now is to ask your recommendation at this time. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, before having the Manager's recommendation, I would like to recognize the efforts and the contribution of this group. I have the opportunity of meeting about three times for this group. One of the gentlemen is present here. They are sincere, honest and prominent members of this community and I think that the City of Miami has to applaud and recognize what they are doing in favor of the future of the City. I think that any investments that we make of the taxpayer's dollars in this field, I think it is a minimum if we compare with the results and I want to ratify and give recognition to this group. I am very proud of their efforts. I want to recognize the staff. I know that Ms. Gallogly was very instrumental in assisting this group and I want to anticipate and make public that you have my vote for anything of this quality that you are proposing today. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I also would like to say that I enjoy working with the committee, and we are going to continue to work, and I will work extra hard with them on "J", to be sure that that sufficient plan addresses the need for the development of business in Overtown, in Wynwood, in Liberty City, and in Little Havana, and when we address those needs, then the total of City of Miami has been addressed. Mayor Ferre: And Mr. Manager ... Mr. Pereira: Mr. Mayor, in this report is being presented to you - I have had the opportunity of meeting with the leadership of this group and expressed some concerns with the dollar figures that have been requested based upon our budgetary constraints that we are going to be facing in the next fiscal year. id 201 July 98, 99B5 77 If in fact, you accept the report, and I would like to proceed to sit down further sit down with them and begin to analyze some sort of priority list, they would come up with a negotiated funding level, I am certainly not prepared to make a recommendation on the $E95,ODC, at this time. Mayor Ferre: All right, then, I would like to pass the Chair to the Vice- Mayor to be recognized to make a motion. I would like to make the following motion and follow the steps on this - one, that we Thank this committee, its Chairman Burton Landy, Mr. Travelstead, and all of the committee chairpersons and members for their diligence and for their exceptional work; two, that we accept the report as presented in principle with gratitude; three, that we support the request, provided however, that the conditions stressed by Commissioner DawkinF with regards to "J", specifically minority involvement be given special attention and be part and parcel, without which we would not proceed until there is full satisfaction on the details as requested and that lastly, Number four, that the Manager in his budget recommendations, as we get into the budget in September, take the above into consideration. We are not getting into the specifics of numbers at this time. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Carollo: There is a motion, there is a second. Any further discussion? Hearing none, can you call the roll, Mr. Clerk? The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-701 A MOTION OF THE CITY COKMISSION AS FOLLOWS IN CONNECTION WITH A PRESENTATION MADE BY THE CITY OF MIAMI INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEES' THREE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN FOR TRADE PROMOTION: 1. THE CITY COMMISSION OFFICIALLY THANKS AND RECOGNIZES THE COMMITTEE, ITS CHAIRMAN - Mr. BURTON LANDY, Mr. COLEMAN TRAVELSTEAD, AND ALL THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR THEIR DILIGENCE AND EXCEPTIONAL WORK: 2. ACCEPTS ALL OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS AS PRESENTED ON THIS DATE, IN PRINCIPLE, WITH GRATITUDE; 3. EXPRESSES SUPPORT OF THE IDEAS CONTAINED THEREIN, PROVIDED HOWEVER, THAT THE CONDITIONS EXPRESSED BY COMMISSIONER MILLER DAWKINS IN CONNECTION WITH RECOMMENDATION "J" OF SAID REPORT, RELATING SPECIFICALLY TO MINORITY INVOLVEMENT, BE GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION AND BE INTEGRATED AS PART AND PARCEL OF SAID PROPOSED PLAN; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT SAID PROVISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED, AND THAT THE C0WISSION WOULD NOT PROCEED UNTIL THERE IS FULL SATISFACTION OF THE DETAILS AS REQUESTED; 4• LASTLY, DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO SAID RECOV.MENDATIONS AS WE GET INTO THE NEXT YEAR'S BUDGET. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, Ladies and Gentleman, for your participation. n F2 4.1 INTERNATIONAL FAIR IN THE SOVIET U;'iO!i. NOVEI✓.?Efi 26 = DECEMBER 4; 1985, Mayor FErrE: Yes, sir, Commissioner Perez. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I have a question that relates in some way with the international feel of this City, but I would like to make a question on this , . 4. Mayor Ferre: Charlotte, I think this is ... Mr. Perez: I have a copy of a letter that our office received yesterday that is from the Soviet Union - the Export Center. It is in reference to an international fair in the Soviet Union. I would like to ask the Manager if the City Administration authorized any letter to the Soviet Union ..• Mr. Pereira: Not that I know of! Mr. Perez: ... letting the participation of the City of Miami International Fair to be held from November 26th to December 4th? Ms. Gallogly: We sent out 250 letters for the Trade Fair around the world and that ... (INAUDIBLE) Mr. Pereira: Who sent the letters? Ms. Gallogly: We did. Mr. Pereira: How in hell did we send a letter to the Soviet Union? Ms. Gallogly: It was not to the Soviet Union - it was to a private corporation. Mr. Pereira: Why don't you try to respond to it, Charlotte? Ms. Gallogly: Commissioner Perez, the City of Miami has hired a consultant who advised us on the specific trade fair that the City should be attending or promoting thing throughout the world. Mayor Ferre: Ms. Gallogly, I think the point in this is would you tell our experts that you have hired that the City of Miami is not interested in participating in South Africa, the Soviet Union, Nicaragua, or any other Marxist country. We don't want to go to trade fairs! Ms. Gallogly: That letter has ... Mr. Perez: I would like to clarify something. Did you send this letter? Ms. Gallogly: We are not going to be participating in that trade fair. Mr. Perez: Yes, I know, but my question is, did you send a letter to the Soviet Union requesting information about a trade fair? You never sent a letter? Ms. Gallogly: No. Mr. Pereira: No, the letter was sent ... she was just telling me now while you were reading that the letter was sent by a consultant. Obviously, he just took a list and sent it on behalf of ... Mr. Perez: Who is the consultant? Ms. Gallogly: The consultant is Claire Wheeleu and Associates, She gave us the list, the letter went out, Mr. Pereira: Who? ;s* Gallogly: Claire WhPalen and Associates. This has been under contract to Mayor Ferre: Claire ought to know better than that! I mean; she lived in this community long enough. Ms. Gallogly: Well, it was ... le` me say it is a mailing list, and I am not trying to defend this because it was an error and we certainly are not going to participate in any Communist environment, but the list presented the U. S. Department of Comnerce's listing of major trade fairs throughout the world and that is how that happened. Mr. Pereira: I can assume it was an oversight. Ms. Gallogly: Absolutely. Mayor Ferre: We are not interested in Iran, Iraq, Syria, South Africa, Soviet Union - any of the Soviet bloc countries. Mr. Perez: But I don't think this is the answer. I think we need something more specific. Suppose in the future we have another advisor, another special consultant, no? I think that before they send this letter, they were supposed to call your office or call the City Administration to ask the City Commission what is the policy of this community. I don't think that it is fair that the name of the City of Miami is related to a Soviet Union event, especially a trade fair and I think, Ms. Gallogly, I am sure what is the concern of this Commission and this community. I don't think that we have to instruct the City Administration at any time to make any kind of contact with the Soviet Union to have a City of Miami representation there. Mr. Pereira: Commissioner, I can assure you that that certainly will be the policy and even though I don't believe I know the date of the letter, but certainly it was an oversight and we are not going to have this, you know ... I can assure you we are not going to have any participation of any kind with any of the countries of the Soviet blocs ... none some of the others that have been enunciated here by some of the members of the Commission. Mr. Perez: Yes, it is important for the record to leave ... that this letter was dated April 8, 1985, was answered by the Soviet Union group May 13th and was received by the City of Miami - that is what I would like to verify, but it was supposed to be received on May 28th. In the month of May, at the same time that we have a new City Manager, in this case, with a Cuban anti- Communist background, was not familiar ... was not City Manager at the time that this consultant made the letter, no? But it is important at the same time that we have a new City Manager, we have this issue on the table and it is very important to clarify for the record in any international event that we attend now and in the future that the City of Miami at no time has requested any information because they make us a consort on behalf of the City of Miami. We don't intend to participate and for that reason I would like to introduce a resolution today - a resolution ratifying and reaffirming the City Commission's stated position against the establishment or maintenance of political associate relations with countries having Communist dominated government. I think that it is important that we refer what was also the answer of the people of Miami to a referendum that we made November, 1982 whereas the people of Miami voted against expending funds of taxpayers of Miami in any Communist event. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I am going to invoke the five day rule for the following reasons: It is already our policy so it is senseless to bring up another resolution repeating once again the policy of the City of Miami. It doesn't make any sense now. Mayor Ferre: You have that right and I think the matter is clear. Mr. Carollo: There was an explanation that was given as to why this happened. I accept the explanation. I think if the Commissioner would like to do anything else, maybe he could write a letter on his official letterhead and send it off to the Soviet Union expressing his point of view, and I am sure they will put it in the appropriate file, but I don't see us taking this any further. It doesn't make any sense right now. la ?3 July 18, 1985 now in issues .a. I think, Commissioner the record and I think the policy is clear so now ... Mr. Peru: r but I think if is i mrortant also that we make public and that we ratify wit, f: .^e �:ution or without a resolution, but I know it is the concern of this community and personally, I am going to write personal letter as an elected official and a personal letter to these people trying to express what is our concern and what is our position because I would not like that in the future, in any international event somebody tries to relate what is the City of Miami with any Communist international event. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you very much. 5. RECEIVE SEALED BIDS: EDGEWATER HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT B-4496. Mayor Ferre: We now have to open up bids. It is 11:00 A.M. and by law we are required to do it at 11:00 A.M. We are on Item "D". Is there a motion that these bids for Edgewater Highway B-4496 be opened? Mr. Dawkins: So moved. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: is there further discussion? Moved by Dawkins, seconded by Perez. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-702 A MOTION TO RECEIVE AND OPEN BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF EDGEWATER HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT, B-4496. Upon being seconded by adopted by the following vote - Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. BIDS WERE RECEIVED FROM THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: Ric -Man International, Inc. Pompano Beach, Fla. Williams Paving Company Miami, Florida Miri Construction, Inc. Miami, Florida M. Vila Associates, Inc, Hialeah, Florida Garcia Allen Construction Opt 24 $1,940,563.00 July 18, 1985 Miami, Florida $2029,551.45 Lanzo Construction Cot Pompano Beach, Flay $2,7,8i•60 So we have sit bids. Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: And the range is pretty wide. From the high bid to the low bid, we have almost ... is Don Cather here? We have got what...$750,000 range. Vhat was the estimated cost of this project by the Administration? Mr. Cather: Mayor Ferre: Mr. Cather: Mayor Ferre: Mr. Pereira: Mayor Ferre: $2,000,000. So you are not far off of that. No, eir. All right, is there anything else that we need to do? We need to verify those numbers. All right, you will come back then with the winner. 6. DISCUSSION: REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY ON CURRENT LITIGATION. Mayor Ferre: All right, Item "C". Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, air, Mr. Mayor, as you know, you become aware of all the cases that we settle and this is an effort to make you aware of the cases that go to trial in the City Attorney's office. First case, was a Rabbi and his wife who were involved in an auto accident that had some tremendous damages. The demand before trial was $50,000. The jury verdict came in and said there was $50,000 worth of damages; however the Plaintiff was 60% negligent, and the City was liable for $20,000. We are not recommending appealing that case. The second case listed, it was a defective grill on the sidewalk. A pedestrian walked, broke his leg, subsequently had to have it amputated and later died. That case was dismissed because the Plaintiff failed to have the estate as the Plaintiff. It was never refiled. John Ferrell was a prominent lawyer in town, wanted to establish his law office in his home. That subsequently went to the Third District Court of Appeals and upheld the City's interpretation that that cannot be established. Next case was a deprivation of civil rights that was dismissed twice by the Judge and subsequently the City was upheld in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court refused to take certiorari. the next case was also dismissed by the trial court. It was a employee discrimination case. The third District sustained also the City's position and said that the Plaintiff failed to exhaust her administrative remedies. The fourth case was one in which we were successful in having the workman's compensation Judge declare that mononucleosis was a work related accident and should be compensable and were successful in having that reversed. The next case was a $10,000,000 defamation claim against both Cesar Odio and the City and after three times, that was dismissed on procedural grounds. Mr. Plummer: Boy, that is the toughest one we had in ... Mayor Ferre: On procedural grounds, huh? Mr. Carollo: Procedural grounds, huh? Mrs. Dougherty: The next case was a police brutality case, which was filed in the State Court. The City had it removed to Federal Court and rather than go through the procedural technicalities of Federal Court jurisdiction, they accepted a $500 offer of judgment. The next case was a false arrest and false ?5 July 18, 1985 imprisonment case and excessive use of force. There was a demand prior to trial of $50,000. The jury came in at $10,0Cw-', and there was a letter from the officer commending our handling the case. Next is a list of forfeitures. This year we have collected in the first three months of this year over $600,000. The next case was a pot hole on a County. The City was successful in arguing that the City had no responsibility for it and that summary judgment was sustained in behalf of the City. Next case was a veteran's preference point case, which was dismissed on procedural grounds. Next case was a coL'.ractor, which was resurfacing our street and pulled out a stop sign and a signalization. There was a tremendous traffic accident and because of the indemnity agreement in the contract with the contractor, we were successful in havin€ that case dismissed. A similar accident occurred when a sewer contractor left a large hole where he was digging for sewer improvement and a Plaintiff was riding a lawnmower and fell into the hole and sustained some damages and because of the indemnity agreement in the contract, we were successful in having that dismissed. Mayor Ferre: Okay. Mrs. Dougherty: The next case was an employment discrimination that occurred allegedly while the police officer was being trained. City of Miami police officer and Hialeah police officer were co-defendants. The Hileah police officer was required to settle. That left our police officer with all of the exposure, so we settled that case for $4,500. The Golden Nugget group was a Supreme Court case, which you all are aware of, where it was upheld, our 3% bed tax. The next case was a forfeiture case of $768,000 which the Third District said that we were able to successfully keep. The next case, Joe Robbie case - the Supreme Court finally said that we do in fact have a settlement, and I know that at one time you said appeal it to the United States Supreme Court, but the truth is, there is no place to appeal it. The next case was a false arrest case, a demand that was subsequently dismissed, because of two evidentary rulings that we were successful in having in the Third District. One was his psychological evaluation at trial would be admitted into evidence and the second one is that the Police investigative report would not be admitted into evidence because we won that in the Third District, the trial court, they dismiss voluntarily in the trial courts. The next case, you may recall, was the case where the developer, JACAROL, sought 8 variance. The granted it. The neighbors appealed to the City. It was a two to two vote, which means the variance was granted. At this time, the Circuit Court reversed that and said that we did not have on the record the sufficient showing of hardship for the granting of the variance. The question is whether or not to appeal that to the Third District. I believe that it is really between the developer and the neighbors and they can go for it and I don't suggest that we continue with that appeal. Mayor Ferre: Well, we won, didn't we? Mrs. Dougherty: We lost in the Circuit Court. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see. Mrs. Dougherty: We lost, and the variance was denied by the Circuit Court and unless you tell me otherwise, I won't be appealing that. We have had two very good successes in the last two weeks through - one case was a complete defense verdict in a slip and fall. Jorge Fernandez tried that case and because the jury believed us that we didn't have notice of the defect in the sidewalk, we got a complete defense verdict and the damages were substantial in that case. The second one was a false arrest case in which there were two plaintiffs - a woman and a husband were both arrested for D.U.I. The woman obviously wasn't driving and she really just simply asked where was her husband being taken and they arrested her as well. They demanded $250,000 and we had a defense verdict against the husband, but we sustained a $10,000 verdict for the wife and we are not suggesting appealing that case either. Mayor Ferre: Is that it? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes. Mayor Ferre: do you need any formal action by us or is this informing us? 14 26 JOY 1154 19$5 Q 0 a Mrs. Dougherty: Just accepting my recommendations about the appeal. Mayor Ferre: Anybody have any differences? I then take it that this Commission accepts the recommendations of the City Attorney. 7. URGE: SCF')^! BCARD NOWT TO CUT BACK ON SFANISH LANGUAGE PROGWIS AND REQUEST MANAGE TO APPEAR BEFORE THE SCHOOL BOARD JULY 24TH. Mayor Ferre: Now we are back to pocket items. Commissioner Carollo? Mr. Carollo: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. If I may ask Margarita Roes of the Commission of Hispanic Teachers of Dade County to come up, please. Mr. Mayor, this item has to do with the recent proposal in the Dade County School Board by the Superintendent, where he has asked the members of the School Board to cut back the Spanish programs in the schools. If I may have Ms. Roes explain the position of the teachers. Mayor Ferre: Ms. Roes. Ms. Margarita Roes: Good Morning. My name is Margarita Roes and I live at 358 S. W. 22nd Road, Miami. I come representing the Committee of Hispanic Teachers of Dade County. We would like to petition the Mayor, Maurice Ferre, the Commissioners Joe Carollo and Demetrio Perez to support the Committee of Hispanic Teachers of Dade County before the School Board. Mayor Ferre: And I would add, if you will forgive my interrupting, J. L. Plummer and Miller Dawkins who also ... Ms. Roes: And all the Commissioners and the City Manager, if he would like to be present, before the School Board's public hearing, which will be held next July 24th. Mayor Ferre: July 24th? Ms. Roes: July 24th. Mayor Ferre: What time is that going to be held? Ms. Roes: It will start at 1s30P.M., but you know that all of these things run very late. Mayor Ferre: No!! Ms. Roes: Where this proposal to cut the instruction in Spanish in Grades 1, 2 and 3 will be discussed. According to the annual planning information of the State of Florida, Department of Labor, in 1981, five of every ten jobs in Florida were filed in the categories of trades and services. We are trading primarily with the Caribbean and Central and South America, besides Europe and Southeast Asia and Africa. In 1982, the Downtown Development Authority published a survey on International Banking in Miami and in this survey, both national and international banks took part. The national banks cited Miami's geographic location as the deciding factor to move to Miami. And very interestingly, the international banks cited the large bilingual labor force found in Miami, which was a deciding factor for them to move here. Cutting the instruction of Spanish would be detrimental to the future needs of Miami's growing business community and we hope to have you all at Lindsey -Hopkins Building July 24th. Thank you, very much. Mr. Carollo: Thank you. Mr. Mayor and my fellow colleagues, as I understand it, for the 1984-85 school year, there was a total of 83,000 students enrolled in the elementary Spanish language programs in Dade County public schools in Dade County. Mayor Ferre: 83,000? Mr. Carollo: 83,000. 14 JOy t 8# 1985 Mayor Ferret Out of 200 and what? Mil. Carollo: I don't know the total figures of students, Ms. Roes probably would. Mayor Ferret Ms. Roes, how many total students are there ih the bade County School System - 2av,0^. Mr. Carollo: No, no, it is more than that, I'1n sure, Mayor Ferret Oh, this is elementary? Mr. Perez: About 300,0006 Ms. Roes: I don't have the exact figure of the elementary level. Mr. Perez: The last year - the last two years it was 275,000. Mayor Ferret That is everybody. Mr. Perez: Yes, everybody. It has been about ..* how many schools - I think more than 200 schools in Dade County. Ms. Roes: Yes. Mr. Perez: I think that is about, almost 300,000, yes? Ms. Roes: 215,000, 220,000, more or less. Mayor Ferret Of which the point I was trying to make is that more than half are Spanish speaking, right? Ms. Roes: Well, we are talking about starting this year with Spanish as a second language, which will affect the Anglo and the Black community and the special Spanish, which is Spanish for Spanish speakers in Grades 1 through 3 - they will not be able to study Spanish. We are talking about, when you study a second language, or a language which is not officially, you know, taught all day in school, like in Spanish, it takes from three to seven years to learn a language and to be able to converse and to be fluent in the language, full time. In other words, three or seven years of six hours a day study and what we are talking about is half an hour of instruction - cutting half an hour of instruction for Grades one to three, Spanish as a second language, and Spanish "S" or Spanish for Spanish speakers. Mr. Carollo: Now, out of the 83,000 students enrolled in the elementary Spanish language programs, the Spanish for Spanish speaking students program had 46,000 students and Spanish as a second language had 37,000 students. Now, all of these programs are voluntary and in order for a student to participate, he or she has to have a written parental request. In other words, this is not being forced upon anyone, Mr. Mayor, and fellow Commissioners. For the coming school year, 1985-86, the Dade County Public School Superintendent is proposing a transition to eliminate the Spanish language programs in Grades "K" thorough second and to make these programs available only to students Grade third to sixth. For the 1986-67 school year, the Superintendent is further proposing to totally eliminate the elementary Spanish language programs. Now, Mr. Mayor, this community needs and it is a must to have literate citizens. Yet, under these conditions, I don't think we are going to be on the right tract to accomplish this. What we will have is citizens that are totally literate in the English language. This community is comprised, in the City of Miami, of 62% Hispanics. County wide it is 45% and to totally just cut off the Spanish programs from the School Board budget in the next couple of schoo'_ years, I think is totally unacceptable to this community anc 1 think it is going to be very harmful to the school system in our community as a whole in the future. I would like, Mr. Mayor, to present a motion of this Commissicn, going on record and requesting from the School Board, School Board members, Mr. Cejas, Braddock, McGrath, Turner, Renick, Krop and that thev do not eliminate the Hispanic programs, or cut back iL at.y way iL this next coming school year budget, or any thereafter. At the same time, Mr. Mayor, I would like to incorporate in this motion that we ld ?8 July i0o 1905 (request the City Manager of the City of Miami to go personally go before the School Board in presenting the City's position to the meeting of the School Board that will be held on July 24th. I personally intend to be there myself, Mr. Mayor, and I urge any of you that can be there to also be there. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion on the motion? All right, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo; who Moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-703 A MOTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION GOING ON RECORD AND REQUESTING FROM METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD THAT THEY DO NOT IMPLEMENT THE TRANSITIONAL ELIMINATION OF SPECIAL LANGUAGE PROGRAMS PRESENTLY OFFERED IN GRADES K-6 WHICH IS BEING CONTEMPLATED DUE TO ANTICIPATED BUDGET CUTS; FURTHER REQUESTING THAT THEY DO NOT CUT SAID PROGRAMS DURING THIS FISCAL YEAR OR AT ANY TIME THEREAFTER; AND FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PERSONALLY APPEAR BEFORE THE SCHOOL BOARD AT THEIR NEXT MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR JULY 24TH IN ORDER TO PRESENT THE CITY'S POSITION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Perez: When I vote "yes", I want to reaffirm my position in this issue. I think that it was very important was when Mayor Ferre's press report before the Dade County Public School System about four years ago that in the end, in this case the non -Spanish families and the Black community would lose more than the Spanish communities because they lose the opportunity to learn another language and I think that is very important that the City of Miami be sensible on this issue and I vote yes. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, at a time where it has been shown that minority students in Dade County have the highest dropout rate in high school, and in particularly, the Hispanic, shocking as it might seem to some, the Hispanic students have the highest dropout rate in high schools. It is a complete shock that the Superintendent of the Dade County Schools would present such a request to the School Board. I think it is a total disregard for this community as a whole and a direct insult to 45% of this community. In the same way that the rights of others are protected and respected, so should it be for the Hispanic population of this community. Thank you, Ms. Roes. 8. REQUEST CITY MANAGER TO DIRECT CHIEF OF POLICE TO ASSIGN PUBLIC SERVICE AIDES TO MOS: DANGEROUS INTERSECTIONS OF SCHOOLS DURING SUKVER SCHOOL. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, the following pocket item that I have has to do with the elementary schools in the City of Miami. If you recollect Mr. Mayor, a Id 9 JAV 18, 19$5 couple of years ago I brought up a motion to make sure that at the most dangerous intersections of the elementary schools within the City of Miami, that our Police Department will provide crossing guards. Unfortunately, for the summer school period, there hadn't been any crossing guards in the elementary schools, a situation that could be very, very dangerous to some of these kids, and just one of them getting hit by a car is not worth the small amount of dollars that we have to pay. The motion that I would like to make is a moticr d-re-ting the Police Chief to assign public service aides to those intersections that have been identified as the most dangerous intersections for the respective elementary schools within the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: Is that a motion? Mr. Carollo: That is a motion, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, under further discussion, I would hope that the Administration, since it is a cost item in your budget, I understand that there is a proposal that the Metropolitan Dade County court system is proposing to increase the cost of fines administered against found guilty individuals and that increase of money is to be used for school crossing guards. I would hope the Administration would get behind whatever powers that are to make sure that that money is adequate, that you can remove that in the coming year from your budget and let all of the money go to the School Board and let them handle the situation as do in house security, but I think it is a great idea to put this thing forth and I would hope that you would push it. Mayor Ferre: All right. Mr. Pereira: Mr. Mayor, let me just answer the Commissioner. We are in fact represented in that committee. In fact, that becomes effective in October. The State Legislation enacted legislation which added an additional $4.00 fine on moving violations, so that will be the case come October. Mr. Plummer: I think you have to call the roll on Commissioner ... Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-704 A MOTION DIRECTING THE POLICE CHIEF TO ASSIGN A POLICE SERVICE AIDE TO THOSE ELEMENTARY-SCHOOL CROSSING INTERSECTIONS THAT HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AS BEING THE MOST DANGEROUS CROSSING INTERSECTIONS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre IQS: None. ABSENT: None. W1 9. REQUEST MANAGER TO PLACE ON NEXT AGENDA: N`EW_"PAPEF RACKS AND VE2v'DORS IN STREETS SUCH AS MINORS SELLING NEWSPAPERS. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, if I could just bring something up real briefly. It will take a minute. I would like to request from the Administration that for the neat City of Misr--* "om--ission meeting of July 25th, they will place in the agenda for discussion and vote in the morning part of the Commission meeting, Mr. Manager, the following items: one is an ordinance that we have been working on for quite a few months, together with different departments of the City of Miami, to establish fees for newspaper racks in the City of Miami, and to regulate the news racks within the the City of Miami. Secondly, as a discussion item and to vote upon the following question - vendors selling in the streets of the City of Miami, including vendors that are minors. I would like the Administration to find out for us what are the Federal and State regulations as to it relates to the employment of minors, child labor laws, and the minimum wage. We have here, Mr. Manager, if I may read - "Robert Brunson, a Miami News paper boy lies on the pavement after being hit by a car at N. E. 2nd Avenue and 12th Street.” Mayor Ferre: What newspaper reported that, just out of curiosity? Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor', this is just a picture. Mayor Ferre: Did the News report it? Mr. Carollo: No, it was not in the Miami News. It was in the Miami Herald, April 23rd of this year, Page 2-D. Mr. Plummer: I thought it was the Okeechobee paper. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I think that the City of Miami has to be responsible. If the newspapers don't want to be, that is their problem! But, it is not only bad enough that we are seeing young kids being thrown to the streets of this City in a very dangerous situation, with total disregard for their lives, but at the same time, the City of Miami could very well be liable if we have an ordinance that is being violated and we are letting people violate that ordinance and not doing anything about it. You know, it is funny, you see a lot of these vendors in the streets, and particularly the vendors that are selling newspapers and all that you see out there are minority children. You don't see any blond, blue eyed, native White Americans selling the newspapers. All you see are minority kids being thrown out there and used and abused. We talk about child abuse. Well, to me, and I think to many other people, this is certainly another form of child abuse, that these young kids are being thrown out there, exploited, with total disregard for their safety, so that some people can make their $300,000 and $400,000 salaries a year. 10. EXPRESS SUPPORT FOR HOLDING OF AGRICULTURAL CONFERENCE IN MIAMI IN OCTOBER AND AUTHORIZE HIRING OF CONSULTANT N.T.E. $20,000, HOSTING OF COCKTAIL PARTY IN CONNECTION WITH CONVENTION BID, ETC. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, this is my second to the last pocket item. Ms. McZier's would you come to the podium? The Agency for International Development (A.I.D.) had a conference scheduled for Atlanta and your buddy Andy Young will be angry with us because we have stolen it from him. Mayor Ferre: Well, good! Mr. Dawkins: And through Mrs. McZier's efforts, and Mr. Henry Gibbons, that conference will be held here on October 10th at the Omni. We also know that the Department of Agriculture has a conference to promote the exchange of agriculture business with the Caribbean and for two years we had that conference here and it went to New Orleans and now Mrs. McZier will tell us la 31 July 18, 1985 how* she might be prepare a proposal and see if we couldn' t recruit to bring the conference back here. Mayor Ferre: That is important. Ms. Ruby Burroughs McZier: Thank you, very much.. It is a pleasure being here this morning. I am Ruby Burroughs McZier, President of Resources Incorporated, a minority owned management consultant firm in Washington, D. C., an' !LC-1aeL.FJ'1y, I am also a twenty year member of the Florida Bar Association, it has been my privilege to contract with the Agency for International Development, to get the conference in October rescheduled for Miami and secondly, I have had discussions with the United States Department of Agriculture, regarding their conference that is being held this year in New Orleans, They funded ... the State of Louisiana, and the State selected a firm, a private firm to implement the contract that was received from the United States Department of Agriculture to host the conference in New Orleans. They are expecting 800 registrants. Of course, you can double that in terms of the numbers of people that will in fact attend the conference. The United States Department of Agriculture had expressed an interest in a minority firm implementing one of their conferences. My firm, Resources Incorporated, is S.B.A. BA certified minority firm. We have also been contracted with the Small Business Administration to conduct seminars on the Caribbean Basin Initiative. Now, we are working with the Agency for International Development to explain the Gray Amendment to minority businesses and the Gray Amendment is that amendment which requires a 10% set aside on all A.I.D. contracts, which of course, opens the door for minorities beyond the Caribbean and indeed, into foreign trade .. Africa, all over the world, and it does in fact, include the Caribbean. So, the consideration that I am asking from the City of Miami, is to express its interest in having the United States Department of Agriculture conference in Miami in 1986. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there such a motion? Mr. Dawkins: I will move that the Manager be instructed to sign and develop a consultant contract with Ms. McZier with the fees of up to $20,000 for the development of a proposal, the booth and hosting the cocktail party, or whatever we have, in order to sell the people in New Orleans to come back to Miami. Mayor Ferre: and come back to the Commission. Mr. Dawkins: Bring the Conference 1986 back to for two years. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a second? Mr. Perez: Yes, I second and I would like to Miami Trade Commission and Commissioner Dawkins. event for the City Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-705 A MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION EXPRESSING ITS INTEREST IN HAVING THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CONFERENCE IN MIAMI IN 1986, AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO DEVELOP AND NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT WITH MS. RUBY McZIER'S CONSULTANT FORM — "RESOURCES INCORPORATED," WITH FEES OF UP TO $20,000 FOR SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PROPOSAL, FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A BOOTH, THE HOSTING OF A COCKTAIL PARTY, ETC. IN AN ATTEMPT TO BRING BACK TO MIAMI THE 1986 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CONFERENCE WHICH IS BEING HELL IN NEW ORLEANS; FURTHER REQUESTING THE MANAGER TO BRING THIS MATTER BACK BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and hd6pted by the following vote - MS.. Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-MnFor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES.. None. A$SENT: None. 11. REFER REQUEST FOR FUNDING TO CITY MANAGER OF $28,000 FOR MEATS FOP ELDERLY AT JOSE MENDEZ BUILDIN3 IN WYNWOOD. Mayor Ferre: We have all of the people from Wynwood that have been patiently waiting here since 9:00 A.M. this morning and I know their lunch time is coming up, and out of respect for them, let's move along. I have a letter from Ingrid Grau dated July 9th, which I am sure you all got a copy of. It says: "Our so long awaited building named after Jose Mendez is in its final state of completion. Such project is one block away from the Wynwood Elderly Center at 3rd and 30th and meals are to be served there daily for the residents of the building, but we are requesting to have liability insurance, paid for our utilities, and need of supplies to operate at full meals and multi -service programs. We are also depending on an expansion program requested by Catholic Community Services proposal to area wide agencies on aging only to meals allocations and not for full program. Enclosed you will find a budget of our expenses and a full proposal. Mayor, we know that we have always counted with your full cooperation and once again we trust that this great need for the elderly of our area will be funded" This is an unusual ... Mrs. Grau, that I know of now, you, you yourself, your program, are the only agency here that continually disregard the process and procedures of this City of Miami by bypassing the Administration and coming in a very organized way with a lot of posters directly to the Commission for action. You are entitled to that. It is an open democracy. I would submit to you that there are a lot of other elderly people in Miami that do not live in Wynwood. They live in Allapattah, they live in Coconut Grove, they live in all parts of the City and if all organized groups were to come here and do what you do all of the time, then we would have to expend more than half of our meetings going through this process. Now, I apologize for ... I don't mean to embarrass you in any way, and I know your needs are great and I support the premise of what you present here, but one of the great things about the United States of America is that we are a country of laws and procedures and we are only a country of laws and procedures when people follow laws and procedures, but when everybody wishes to not follow laws and procedures, if everybody were to do what you are doing here, then we would have something called anarchy and I would strongly recommend to you that you have faith in the system, in the democratic system, and that you, like everybody else follow the procedures that the Commission has established, and I don't mean to lecture you here, but I think it is important point that needs to be made. Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, based on your comments, so that we save maybe some time, what we have done with all of these situations is refer them to Manager for a recommendation. Has that been done at this time? Okay, to be honest with you, all of these recommendations are then forwarded to the Manager. All of these recommendations are then forwarded to the Manager. You can't ask them to make any recommendations without the Manager being able to research, and I would at this time make a motion that this be in the following procedure, as all others, and that this matter be referred to the City Manager 14 33 July 18, 1985 Pot a research and recommendation back to this Commission at a later date. I mill offer that in the form of a motion. Mayor Ferre: I will accept it in the form of a motion ands but go aheadi Mrs. Grau, make your statement, please. Mrs. In ric ,bell: My name is Ingrid Grau. I am the director of the Wynwood Elderly. I am sorry if I did not follow procedures, as you said, Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Well, excuse me. For procedural wise, we did not get a second. I withdraw the motion. Mayor Ferre: No, no, I will second the motion. Go ahead. Mrs. Grau: There are signs written in English in order for Commissioner Plummer and Commissioner Dawkins to be understood, otherwise the elderly definitely know what they are asking for. Second thing is, we are not asking for $48,000, as you said, we are asking for only $28,000. Mayor Ferre: What? Mrs. Grau: $48,000? Mrs. Grau: $28,000. On the other hand, we already have the meals and we have the meal site space in the Jose Mendez building for the amount of $60,000. That was donated to us for $1.00 a year. Mayor Ferre: Who is that donated by? Is that us? Did we put up that money? Mr. Plummer: More. Mayor Ferre: Who put up that money, that $60,000? Mr. Grau: HUD. HUD made a meal site, you know, the facility, and they donated to us for $1.00 a year. That is just to make clear that everything that you have stated was in ... Mayor Ferre: Ingrid, I want you to understand that we are in support, this Commission of the wonderful work that the Wynwood Elderly Center Inc. does. That I can think of, we have never said no to anything you ever asked for, okay? I just think that we need to follow procedures, because if everybody were to take matters into their own hands and just do what you are doing, then we would have 10,000 people out there with signs. You know, and I understand that you have needs, but I want to tell you that the poor people and the elderly in Liberty City and in Wynwood and in Allapattah and in Coconut Grove, everybody has needs! Mrs. Grau: If they had their ... Mayor Ferre: See, what happens is, staff resents — you know, it is just human nature when a system is bypassed and it then it makes your job harder. It really does. I kept telling Mendez that all of his life because he never would pay attention to me. Mrs. Grau: That is where I got my training! Mayor Ferre: Yes, well, I hope you pay attention! NOTE: (COMMENTS IN SPANISH BY MAYOR FERRE) Mrs. Grau: Where should I go from now on? Mayor Ferre: To the Administration! You know where you need to go! You need to go. I would like to introduce to you Mr. Frank Castaneda. I guess obviously you have never met him before, so this is Ingrid Grau. This is Mr. Frank Castaneda. Now, he is the person you need to talk to. All right, thank you, and have a nice lunch. What was your motion again? Mr. Plummer: To refer it to the Manager. 34 July 184, 1985 Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion to refer this to the Manager, Is there a second? Mr, Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll, The fc_.owing motion was introduced by Commissioner P1utmers who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-706 A MOTION REFERRING TO THE CITY MANAGER A REQUEST RECEIVED FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF A MEALS PROGRAM IN iITYNW00D REQUESTING THE COM.MISSION'S SUPPORT TO COVER EXPENSES SUCH AS: LIABILITY INSURANCE, UTILITIES, SUPPLIES TO OPERATE A FULL MEALS PROGRAM, ETC., FURTHER REQUESTING THE MANAGER TO REVIEW SAID REQUESTS AND COME BACK WITH HIS RECOMYEhI)ATIONS AT A LATER DATE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: NOES. - ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. None. 12. AUTHORIZE UNLIMITED USE OF GOLF COURSE AND CARTS TO Mr. GRATITUDE OF HIS EFFORTS IN BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. LEW PRICE IN Mr. Plummer: Is Mr. Lew Price present in the audience? Mayor Ferre: Mr. Lew Price? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I am going to go ahead and do this very quickly. As you know, you and I especially, Lew Price has done a great deal for this community. He is one of the ones who has really sponsored and put the golf in this community on the map. He is an avid golfer. Mr. Mayor, as we are well aware, he brought a lot of sporting events to this and I think a way that this City could turn around and honor Mr. Price - there was a motion prepared, honoring him by a resolution affording Mr. Lew E. Price the privilege of using the facilities of the City of Miami Golf Course, including an electric golf cart for an unlimited period of time. I think this is just a very small way of saying thank you to a great guy who has done a great job for this community, and Mr. Mayor, I so move the resolution. Mr. Perez: Second. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummero who ra6Ved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-707 A RESOLUTION AFFORDING LEWIS E. PRICE THE PRIVILEGE OF US:NG THE FACILITIES OF THE CITY GOLF COURSES, INCLUDING K=RIC GOLF CARTS, FOR. AN UNLIMITED PERIOD. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. the resolution was passed and 13. EXPRESS GRATITUDE TO PERSONS THAT PARTICIPATED IN THE RECENT SUCCESSFUL STAGING OF THE MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, if I could briefly, since we are on that topic of congratulating people for jobs well done - Mr. Mayor, I think that we need to do something special for some of our people that did a tremendous job with the recent Miss Universe Pageant that was held here; not only our own City staff that was assigned to it, Cesar, Tony, others Liz, but particularly someone that I think this pageant could not have been a reality if it hadn't been for the way this guy jumped in there and played fullback, blocking every inch of the way when we needed someone to dig in. I am referring to Monty Trainer. Monty, not only from the start, pledged and gave some of his own monies, together with Ted Arinson, but then single handedly, just about, went to Tallahassee, and used every contact that he had to lobby the Legislature to get $500,000 that we needed for this pageant to be a success and I could go on and on in describing so many of the things that he did to make this pageant a reality and I think the most successful one that has been shown in the history of these pageants. Mr. Carollo (con't) I think that we need to do something, Mr. Mayor, extra special for Monty Trainer. Others that contributed extremely were Skip Sheppard, Ted Arison I mentioned, others, but we need to give a special recognition to all of those people, but I think go a little beyond and do just a little more for Monty Trainer who was the Chairman of the Host Committee. Mayor Ferre: One of the ways you could probably thank him is to release him from his $100,000 pledge! Mr. Carollo: Well, that is not unfortunately, up to us. It is up to the pageant officials. Mayor Ferre: Well, do you have any other recommendations? Mr. Carollo: Well, Mr. Mayor, I think we ought to go through the list of people that I mentioned and some others and give them a special award from the City and go ahead and make a special one to Monty Trainer and maybe have a dinner or a luncheon somewhere in their honor in recognizing the work that they did for this community. Over 700,000,ODD people around the world watched the best Miami had to offer - the real Miami, and not the false perception that has been created of us around the world in the past and the ratings were 1 14 36 July 18, 1985 unreal. There were more people watching the Kiss Universe Pageant that Monday night than any other television program and here in South Florida the ratings were 50%, in other words, 50% of all televisions in South Florida were watching the pageant. That is unheard of! And 50% in South Florida, and had the number one rating of any television program of that night throughout the whole country! Mayor Ferre: Vell, I accept that in the form of a motion. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: I will gladly second. Mr. Carollo: The only other request that I would like to make to incorporate in that motion is, Mr. Plummer, the next time you are going to appear for a whole minute, if you can wear a coat and tie ... Mr. Plummer: Joe, you don't wear a coat and tie to boat races, and I will be glad to get Budweiser to supply the beer at the party. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion and a second by Mr. Budweiser. Further discussion? All right, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-708 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENT TO PREPARE A SPECIAL COMMENDATION ON A PLAQUE FOR Mr. MONTY TRAINER ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR HIS COMMENDABLE EFFORTS AND ASSISTANCE IN CONNECTION WITH THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE "MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT;" FURTHER REQUESTING THE MANAGER TO ARRANGE FOR A DINNER OR A LUNCHEON AT WHICH TIME SAID COMMENDATION WILL BE PRESENTED. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- 0 Ki 14• DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO WITHHOLD FURTHER PAYMENTS TO TOURIST COALITION UNTIL CURRENT MATTERS CONCERNING THE CITY ARE RESOLVED. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, may I get to a serious point on this same issue? Mayor Ferre: Well 1 have held back all of my pocket items and I have nine of them and I would like the courtesy of eventually presenting them. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, let me ... on this same issue, and you were the one that brought it up about releasing Monty Trainer and Skip Sheppard. Those guys both vent on $100,000 notes, personally! Mayor Ferre: Make your motion. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would make a motion at this time that the City of Miami withhold any contributions to the Tourist Coalition and whose monies that that money was supposed to be paid from who is refusing at this time until those matters are satisfied with the Host Committee that this City withhold any further monies to that organization. Mr. Carollo: No doubt about it. I second that motion, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? All right, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-709 A MOTION STIPULATING THAT THE CITY OF MIAM.I COMMISSION SHALL WITHHOLD ANY FURTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE TOURIST INDUSTRIAL COALITION UNTIL CERTAIN PENDING MATTERS ARE RESOLVED WITH THE HOST COMMITTEE. Upon being seconded by adopted by the following vote - Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 15. ENDORSE IN PRINCIPLE RETURN OF "ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC" TO THE CITY AND INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO COORDINATE THIS EVENT WITH THE SUNSTREET FESTIVAL AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO BE CONTINGENT ON SUPPORT FROM METRO. Mayor Ferre: The first item that that I want to present is the Florida A&M University Alumni Association requests ... is anybody here presenting? All right, Mr. Williams, 1 want, on behalf of all of us, welcome you to our community. You have been part of the community for a long time, but now you are officially here and of course we all know that you have done a wonderful job in the State of Florida and we proud that you chose ... you could have gone many other places. We are proud that you are here in Miami. Go ahead, sir. Mr. Dick Williams: Thank you very much, Mr. Mayors and Commissioners. Thank you for this opportunity to present the desires of some 4,000 Florida A&M t 30 July 18, 1985 graduates in this community in bring the Orange Blossom Classic back to Yiami. First of all, I am Dick Williams, the President of Dick Williams and Associates, an international management consultant agency based right here in Miami and I am coordinating the 1985 Orange Blossom Classic, which is entitled "Restoration - '85"• The Orange Blossom Classic has historically been a part of the Miami Community, coming here first in 1947, drawing some 16,000 people to the Orange 'Bowl for a contest between Florida A8K and another worthy opponent; went on in 19c,'i , iL which some d",OCX' people participated in this event. After 35 years in Miami, in 196L , because of some mis-communication and some perceptions of a lack of support, the Orange Blossom Class was moved to Tampa and the 4,000, or so Florida A&M alumni here in Miami now said it is time to bring this classic with some 50,000 people back to Miami and this has been scheduled for October 19, 1985• When the Class was last year, the City graciously supported the Classic in its many endeavors. This year, the theme is a multi -ethnic culturally diversed event that is deserving of the City's support. We are asking for that support into the tune of some $78,000, which $20,000 of that is, approximately $20,000 is in -kind services and we know that this will afford the Miami community an opportunity to align behind a major event that is not just the football game, but we will have several significant social, economic, political and educational events that will impact on this community and it is truly an event that wanted to stretch the unity and the togetherness of all the folks here in South Florida, and Miami in particular. Mayor Ferre: Okay, let me ask you this question, if I may. It used to be that we used to participate with the Classics with a $15,000 contribution. Actually, it was lower than that and it worked its way up to $15,000. Then Garth Reeves came here a couple of years ago, three, four, five years ago and said that they were going to lose it and this was a major event to all of Miami, the Black community and non -Black community too. It is a major, major event and that we needed to support a stronger, show that we really cared, and enthusiasm and all of that, so that year, we voted, and I think, Miller, you made the motion, we spent $42,000, which is three times more than we had spent the year before, as a token of sincerity and that we really meant business. Well, we did it. They were happy, and next year they went to Tampa! Now, that was '82-'83, I forget which. What? Mr. Williams: '82 was the last event here. Mayor Ferre: 1982. So in 1983-'84, it has been held ... in 1983 it was Tampa. Where was it in 1984? Mr. Dawkins: Orlando. Mr. Williams: It was Orlando. Mayor Ferre: Orlando. Mr. Williams: After a fashion. Mayor Ferre Now we are here in 1985. I understand both Tampa and Orlando did not go well, that they were not as good as ... I want to tell you, I have participated, that I can think of, in at least five or six or seven of these classic events in the past years and they are spectacular. There isn't anything in the Black community that comes anywhere hear to competing with the enthusiasm of that event. I mean, it is just unbelievable. Now, as a consequence of that loss in 1983, the Commission then went along with Metropolitan Dade County and Uncle Arthur Brooks and other members of the organizers, we went and put that money into the Sun Street Festival, which is now going to take the place of the Orange Blossom Classic. Nov, what are we going to do with the Sun Street Festival? Mr. Williams: Well, Mr. Mayor, I certainly can't say what will be the impact on the Sun Street Festival. There certainly should be some opportunities and we have pledged to cooperate with the Sun Street Festival, as well as Goombay, and other cultural events, but I would like to stress that this Classic belongs in Miami. There was great anger when it was moved out. Mr. Dawkins: I was one of them. ,duly 15, 1955 Mr4 Williams: And that is why, as a matter of fact, someone said that it resulted in the upheaval of the administration in Tallahassee. I don't know positively about that, but I can say that the new administration and the alumni in South Florida is committed to be in Miami and to make this a game, a local, State -vide and National event impacting our community. Mayor Ferre: I wil' tali you. I was one of the people that was very upset, and I called Garth Reeves and told him, after we move up to $15,000, or $42,000 expenditures our thanks is that they moved the Class out of Miami! ... So I was just as upset as everybody else around here. The problem is that now something is coming and taking its place and in addition to which you are asking now for $78,000. I am support of getting the Classic back. I think it is must, 6o I am going to be supportive of you, but I think we need to take all of this kind of in perspective and I don't want to start all of a sudden a community battle now between Uncle Arthur and yourself and what have you and I don't that is fair to you or them, but on the other hand, we need to put it on top of the table, so you need to be discussed so that this Commission will take a position. Mr. Williams: Mr. Mayor, I would like to make one comment that Sun Street and the Orange Blossom Festival are not mutual exclusive events by no means and that there certainly can be some strong cooperation in both to serve to not to divide the community, but further bring the community together. Mayor Ferre: I've got two further comments Dick, and then I am through.. One is, that you have $30,000 for advertising. I would hope that the Miami Herald, News, radio and T.V. stations in this town would kind of chip in and do it as a community service. We don't need to advertise. They ought to do it for us. It is a major contribution to the well-being of this community, Black and White. The second comment I want to make to you is, that I think that Metropolitan Dade County needs to participate. The burden of this can't be strictly on the City of Miami. It has got to be some kind of a shared project with Metro. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, in good faith I cannot let you stand there and say that the Florida A&M Orange Blossom Classic was lost because citizens of Miami did not support it. I would have to correct the record and say, which you know as well as I, the Classic was lost because the Administration at Florida A&M took it away from Miami, okay? So, with that in its proper perspective, I too, do not intend to have the community divided over what to do. Now, you have football games to sell, the Sunstreet Festival has a festival it is selling. There is no point why the Sunstreet Festival and the Orange Blossom Classic cannot marry and make that a weekend event or full week, but I am going to tell all of you, we don't have any money, all right? We don't have any money! But, Calle Ocho has support from Winston and you guys smoke Winston cigarettes. Budweiser? We drink Budweiser beer. They got some support from Coors. We drink Coors beer, and all of these big companies should be tapped and as Black consumers, they should show their support by providing the funding necessary to kick off the one, and if they kicked off the first one, we could get it rolling and see what we are going to do, but let's not let the people we support with our dollars - you see, Black people do not use the clout that they have. I hear Joe complaining about the Miami Herald. See, it is only two ways fo: Black people to attack the Miami Herald, okay? And that is, just say 3,000 of us are not going to take the Miami Herald. Then, you don't worry about that. You go to Burdines, and you picket Burdines, tell them you are not supporting the Miami Herald. Then the Miami Herald becomes concerned. They don't care about your subscriptions, but they don't want to lose that 125,000 a day that Burdines is spending, and then you go to Jordan Marsh! See, that is the way you attack, so we've got political clout, economically, but we don't use it, so we need to tell Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola and all these people "Hey, look, we want to have a festival in Miami and we need some support", and then this Commission will stand behind you. We will write all the letters we need to write as endorsement, and saying it, but we just don't have the money'. Mr. Williams: Briefly, Commissioner, let me correct one thing. I think I did not say the reason it left. I indicated that the reason it left might have been the cause for a change of Administration, so I really didn't indicate that there was not any support. There was some perceptions of a lack of support, but the other side is even more important, is that we have gotten a Id 40 July 18, 1985 commitment from Eastern Airlines. We are talking to Coca Cola, We are talking to Pepsi. We have some 40 corporations on our list. The truth of the matter is that the whole shenanigans is going to cost over $150,000 and any ' help, support, we can get from the Commission, we will be delighted. Mr. Dawkins: A:1 right, I make a motion that this be given to the Administration and that we endorse it in principle and that we work collectively with you and the Sun Street Festival in order to draw us this close together. Mayor Ferre: And that we try to get the private sector = Winston and Budweiser ... Mr. Dawkins: Eastern Airlines ... Mayor Ferre: Burdines, everybody else. Mr. Dawkins: Delta - see Delta will tell you "They are ready if you are?". Mr. Williams: Thank you very much. Mr. Carollo: You know, maybe we should consider, you know - I just got this idea out of something that I recently saw, the Chairman of the Board of Knight-Ridder led the charge to double the occupational license fees, so that we could have the symphony that maybe 5,000 people in all of Dade County will see every year. Well, gee, maybe we can use part of tax on advertising revenues of newspapers to promote things of this nature - that many more people will see. Mayor Ferre: I will recognize you for that in a moment, and in the meantime we have the Florida A&M University Alumni Association and there is a motion . . Mr. Plummer: I second Commissioner Dawkins' motion. Mayor Ferre: There is a second, and is there further discussion? Now we can call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-710 A MOTION REFERRING TO THE CITY MANAGER A REQUEST FOR FUNDING PRESENTED BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE 1985 ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC; ENDORSING THE CONCEPT, IN PRINCIPLE, AND REQUESTING THAT THE ADMINISTRATION WORK TOGETHER WITH THE SUN -STREET FESTIVAL GROUP AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ORANGE BOWL CLASSIC TO RESOLVE CERTAIN ISSUES. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES; None. ABSENT: None. d 41 July 15, 1985 s 16. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO COIF BACK WITH RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING NEW UNIT CONCERNING R.I.C.O. FORFEITURE FUNDS BILL 9257, ETC. Mayor Ferre: Joe Woodnick - No, no, I am not going to let Joe Woodnick talk. Joe Woodnick asked that ... Mr. Carollo: I so move, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: ... the passage of Ordinance Number 9257, Item 23 of the City Commission Agenda of July 18, 1985, establish means of releasing funds for the Miami Police Department's use; two, a resolution in principle authorizing the Manager and Chief of Police to structure for funding, a new unit Within the Miami Police Department, entitled the R.I.C.O. unit, stated unit be initially funded from the existing law enforcement trust fund, per Ordinance 9257, and three, that cause and agreement with the Metro Dade County is follows: That all funds received by Metro from the State of Florida due solely to R.I.C.O. forfeiture actions and expenses to the City of Miami of Miami shall be transferred from Metro general revenues to the City of Miami General Revenue Funds, and I would just like to, in principle, move those three things and have the Administration come back with a full report, and Mr. Manager, there is the report. Mr. Dawkins: I second your motion. Mr. Carollo: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who adoption: MOTION NO. 85-711 A MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION, IN PRINCIPLE, AUTHORIZING THE MANAGER AND THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO STRUCTURE FOR FUNDING A NEW UNIT WITHIN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO BE CALLED THE "R.I.C.O." UNIT, SAID UNIT TO BE INITIALLY FUNDED FROM EXISTING LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was adopted by the following vote - AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. None. 17• DISCUSSION: PROPOSITION RECEIVED FROM P.A.C.E. GROUP FOR PERMANENT OPERATION OF MARINE STADIUM AND BAYFRONT PARK AMPHITHEATER - MANAGER TO SCHEDULE DISCUSSION FOR 7-25-85 FOR POSSIBLE R.F.P.'S. Mayor Ferre: All right now, Dick Shack is here and there are some people that have flown all the way from Houston, Texas on this matter. Mr. Shack, would you step forward, you and your associates, if you will? Let me say that P.A.C.E., and I had the good fortune on a trip to Houston to stop in and take a look at what they do throughout the Southwest of the United States and based in Houston, and it is a most impressive organization. They are interested in coming and running our Marine Stadium facility, improve it, change it, alter Id 4? jWly 1$. 19$5 IL it+ and what have you. They also are interested, or have indicated that they would be interested in looking at the proposed amphitheater in our park, for which we have gotten Federal funds for, and is going to be a major amphitheater. Let me say that in my travels throughout American cities, most American cities have something like Wolf Trap, or the Hollywood Bowl, or what have you, where there are major, not symphonies, but community type presentationL-, music, popular music, it happens in Central Park in New York City - every major American City has that. It is pops, Boston Pops, it is popular type of thing, not that 5,000 people go to, but that hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people. That is what I think is our culture, and that is what we really need to ... now the question is, how do we go about developing it? One way that it is done, like Toronto, is the leading example. is that it is done through the structuring of community based organizations that are tax exempt, and they put on all of these things for the well-being of the community. Another way of doing it, is through the private sector. The private sector goes out and they take these public facilities and they use them to present these things. I got to tell you, I've got mixed feelings. I don't know which is best. I would hope that we could come up with a middle ground somewhere. There are a lot of issues that need to be worked out. We have got something called the unlimited races, we have got regattas, we've got important things that cannot be jeopardized. On the other hand, we are not using the Marine Stadium sufficiently. We need $1,000,000 investment to get a new stage and to expand the size of the place and a lot of things that need to be done and if the public sector is not willing to do it and the private sector is, if we can make some money out of it, safeguard what we have that we have gained, and at the same time improve what is being rendered, I think we ought to seriously consider it. Row, today, as I told Mr. Shack, is not a day where I think anything can be decided, because the Administration has not concluded, but I would hope that maybe for the 25th, or beyond that, Mr. Manager, you could put on the agenda for full discussion an R.F.P. with alternates. I would hope that those alternates would have the Marine Stadium separate from the Coliseum, or together! It may be that somebody may want to come in and bid on both and give us a much better deal. I notice that the Silver Bluff storm sewer project, we have bid Item "A", bid Item "B", bid Item "C", and we bid them separately and together and somebody puts a package where they can get all the jobs, and do it all together, and give us a better price, we are better off, and I think we ought to do it this way - A, B, and C, and I think A, B and C should be the Marine Stadium, with all the safeguards to satisfy Plummer and Carollo and everybody else and that Item "B" ought to be the amphitheater proposed in Bayfront Park, either as a part of the Marine Stadium or separate, and that Item "C" be that we seriously consider, along with Metropolitan Dade County and Mr. Ken Karnowit, or whatever the name of that organization is, of creating a public trust fund that could also participate in this process, and perhaps reverse the role where the patrol would be under that authority and let the public sector be able to bid or get part of those dates. The opposite of that is the private sector be the controlling factor and then ask the --private sector (Mr. Manager, I want you to hear this because this is the key thing) that they would give us 150 days or 100 days, because obviously it could not be July 4th or Memorial weekend, or Christmas or New Years, or the important days, but other days where we could use these public facilities to celebrate non-profit making type of events, but that are important to the community for celebration and with that opening statement, Dick, I recognize you. Mr. Dick Shack: Well, we would like to encourage the process so that the R.F.P. can be considered on July 25th. Apparently, there seems to be a problem on that. Mr. Pereira: There doesn't seem to be a problem, Dick! Mr. Shack: Well, Mr. Pereira: 25th. if that is the problem then, then what we will do ... There is no problem with the R.F.P. it will b Mr. Shack: Okay, understand? Mayor Ferre: Yes. 9 43 July 18, 1985 Q / 1 fir. Shack: Okay. Mayor Ferre: There has to be an orderly procedure. The Administration ... Mr. Shack: Oh, we understand that. The only thing we were trying to do ... Mayor Ferre: Mr. Shack, you have got a great idea, and I am supportive of it, okay? Now, the point I want to make tc you is this - one, the Administration is not concluded yet what the different alternatives are going to be. Two, the Commission has not even heard the issue, so there is no way ... I just pointed out some of the issues. I'm sure Plummer has got twenty questions and I am sure Dawkins has got fifty questions and you know, but the time we get through this process, I guarantee you it will be September. Mr. Shack: Well, we are just so enthusiastic about the project that we would like to see it go ahead, tentative ready, and in shape for the 1986 season. Mayor Ferre: It could be a major, major, beneficial development in the cultural life of Miami and the City of Miami is anxious to be a major contributor to that. You know, Carollo made a statement, and I don't want to take too much time, but just one minute to say with all due respects to people that led the battle on this occupational tax thing that Legislature and the Commission just passed. It was a tremendous sign of arrogance even though it was for a good cause. We all want a philharmonic, but you know, those things have repercussions and the repercussions are multiple. There is so much resentment that I have heard this week in this community about how that was done and how that was railroaded for a philharmonic, and I love the philharmonic, but I guarantee you that there is not more than 5,000 people. These are the figures that have been officially used that actual visit and go to a philharmonic. In the meantime, you know, an organization like the local P.A.C.E., not you, but local P.A.C.E., ... you know, we have 200,000, 300,000 people that go to those concerts. These are different people and we don't give them that kind of support, and I just think we need to do things like Wolf Trap, and like Joseph Papp does in Central Park and like P.A.C.E. does in Houston. We need to get things that people, ordinary, common folk of this community, Black and White, Spanish and English speaking people, so in principle, Mr. Shack, do you and your associates please know that we are very aware of the unique value of both the Marine Stadium and the proposed amphitheater that we are constructing and we know that there is going to be a lot of money made by a lot of people and our interests is that, but more important, that there be a lot of concerts and things that will really enthuse this community and bring us together, so I look forward to working with this. Thank you, sir. Mr. Shack: P.A.C.E. Management vessel ventures we are very, very anxious to make it work. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I would like to mention, not to Mr. Shack, but I would like to mention a resentment that nobody seems to be saying regarding the doubling of the tax. When the riot was, those of us in the Black community, you included, we begged the State of Florida to pass a one cent sales tax to go back out and redevelop that area, and nobody would do it, but when the powers that be want a symphony, then they can tack on this one cent that we begged them for years ago, in order to get their symphony, and that is a resentment in my community. U r 18. BRIEF DISCUSSION ITEM: YOUTH PROJECT. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, Would you recognize him, he brought some people down. Mayor Ferre: Go right ahead. Mr. Dawkins: Go over to the mike. Mr. Rene Muras: My name is Mr. Muras, Rene Muras. I am the Director of G.Y.O.P. Culmer Outreach Youth Project Youth of this project and we are located Booker T. Washington Junior High and what we are trying there to get, what many of you newcomers dream the melting pot. Our high school is becoming a melting pot high school. Now, I brought a prospectus of what we have in there - three American Blacks, three Haitians and three Spanish. I was trying to get more people here, but I didn't want to, just a cross section of what we have. Mr. Dawkins: If you will have them stand, we will have the Mayor welcome them, and we appreciate your bring them. Have them stand, will you please? Have them stand and the Mayor will welcome them. Mayor Ferre: Thank you for being here and for your interest. Thank you, sir. 19. ALLOCATE $1,800 FOR BUS TRIP TO DISNEY WORLD FOR 45 CHILDREN FROM MODEL CITY AS PART OF CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I would like to recognize Mr. Jonihan, who is the Chairman of Model City Crime Prevention Committee. I think that he has a request of funding that he already has before the Administration. Mr. Manager, this is in reference to 45 children - a bus trip to Walt Disney. Mr. Pereira: We recommend approval. We have renewed, and we have met with him. It is $1,800. We recommend approval of the item. Mr. Dawkins: Move it, Demetrio. Mr. Perez: Okay, I would like to move. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion by Commissioner Perez, seconded by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-712 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,820 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, TO THE MODEL CITY CRIME PREVENTION SUB -COUNCIL TO SEND FORTY- FIVE (45) CHILDREN AND SEVEN (7) CHAPERONES FROM THE MODEL CITY AREA TO DISNEY WORLD ON AUGUST 17, 1985; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution Was Passed apd adopted by the following vote- ' ld 45 July 181 1955 Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. Ls Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, it, Mayor Maurice A. Peree None. Vice-Ma,)r Joe Carollo 20. DISCUSS:ON: PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF MONTY FRIEDM.AN CONCERNING INCOMPLETE AUDIT OF FOLD FESTIVAL AND PAY!ENT OF FUNDS. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, Morty Friedman was waiting her for an item. We have already approved this ... Mr. Morty Friedman: You had approved an additional $16,000 for the Festival budget. For the first time in ten years we went over and didn't return funds to the City as usual and for some reason, Administration has said that we can't have any of the $16,000 until an audit is completed. We are in favor of the audit, but we have.a whole bunch of vendors who have been waiting already two months to be paid, and the auditors tell me that it will take two months more before the audit is completed. I am just asking, do we pay these people and then complete the audit? Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, what is your recommendation, air? Mr. Pereira: I will ask Carl Kern to address the issue. Mr. Carl Kern: I will keep it very brief. We recommend that the audit be completed before these funds be released. He came at the last Commission meeting. You approved it. You did tell the Administration make sure the audit is completed before the money is released. Now, he has come back and he wants us to release it without the audit. Mr. Plummer: Why in hell is the audit taking so long? Mr. Kern: Well, he just came and asked for the money, first of all, and he is in the $98,000. We are not talking about peanuts. Mr. Plummer: That is not the point. You audit as a normal procedure after every affair that the City's money is involved in. Mr. Kern: Yes. Mr. Plummer: The affair was what, a month ago? Mr. Friedman: It was May 19th, the last day. Mr. Plummer: Eight weeks ago! Mr. Pereira: That sounds just like ... Mr. Kern: But, this audit - the Commission told us to do this audit after his last Commission appearance for this extra money. This is new money that he has asked for on top of his original money. Mr. Plummer: I understand he is up to $98,000. I am only asking a question, why in the hell does the audit take so long? Mr. Pereira: When was the audit started? Last ... Mr. Plummer: Why WasL't the audit started the week ... Mr. Friedman: The audit is just starting now. 14 46 Mr. Plummer: Why didn't it start the week after the event, I guess is what I at asking. Mr. Kern: He didn't ask for this money until the last Commission meeting+ Mr. Plummer: Carl, you normally do an audit on any City involved funding, okay? Now, are you telling me there are two audits being done? Mn Friedman: There are two audits. We have a C.P.A. that we are paying out of the festival funds and doing another audit. Mr. Plummer: That is even more ludicrous! Okay, now, all I am saying is, I don't know why it takes so long! Let me tell you, I got people from my unlimited boat race, which was eight weeks ago; one of the people involved has surrendered seven different forms to this City to get a measly $1,000 fee paid! The last time they sent him back because he didn't have a seal on a paper. how, you know, this damn bureacracy and red tape costs money! Mr. Pereira: Well, there is a procedure that we have to follow. Mr. Friedman: It will be four months of waiting. Mr. Plummer: I want you to follow every procedure that is necessary, but I want you to quit goofing off and get it done! Mr. Pereira: Sometimes, you know ... Mr. Kern: May I say one thing? He is up to $20 per capita right now. Mr. Plummer: We will deal with that when he is finished with the audit. I am not speaking in his behalf. Understand me. I want the audit done! Mr. Pereira: The audit is being conducted. Mr. Plummer: Well, why in the hell isn't it done so I can deal with the problem? Mr. Pereira: The audit is being conducted right now, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Two more months? Mr. Friedman: They told me it would take two months from now. That is wiiat the City auditors told me. Mayor Ferre: Look, I think that we have to complete the audit. We can't release monies like this. Mr. Friedman: Well, we've got a bunch of business people that are ... Mayor Ferre: Yes, but you know, on the other hand, I think it must be done with due diligence and due diligence is ... I mean, a month has gone by - we can't go another two months! I see no reason why that can't be completed in the next two or three weeks. Mr. Dawkins: But that is not the only audit that we have got to do. If we are going to take his audit and put it on top of all of the others, then we can get it done, but if his audit goes under the rest, and works to the top, I mean that is why we are taking longer. Mr. Plummer: Exactly what I am trying to say, Commissioner. There shouldn't be a stack like this. Mr. Pereira: ?day I say, you know, Mr. Mayor, that in many of these instances, you know, the delay in the audit is due to the fact that records and receipts and so on and so forth from the organizations that receive the dollars are sometimes delayed coming to us. Mr. Plummer: ... say so. 47 July 18, 1955 ,.=IN 1 ^_..,11, r WHEREUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO A RECESS AT 12:24 P.M. RECONVENING AT 2:41 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE COMISSION FOUND TO BE PRESENT except Commissioner Perez and Vice Mayor Carollo. 21, SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE $1,545,000 PROVIDE FUNDING FOR INTEREST PAYMENTS AS A RESULT OF RECENT $33,000,000 G.O. BON:, SALE. Mayor Ferre: Okay, ordinances on second reading - is Item 28 controversial? G. 0. bond of $1,545,000 - Debt Service Fund. Anybody have any problem with that? Last time it was moved by Ferre and seconded by Dawkins. You want to move it now? Mr. Dawkins: I move. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Plummer, do you have a problem with this? Mr. Plummer: No. Mayor Ferre: Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9901, ADOPTED SEPTEM.BER 21, 1984, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1985, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,545,000 AND BY INCREASING REVENUES IN THE SAME AMOUNT FROM FY'84 DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDING TO PAY FOR $1,545,000 OF ADDITIONAL INTEREST PAYMENTS FOR FY'85 AS A RESULT OF THE MOST RECENT $33,000,00 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND SALE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of June 13, 1965► was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10015. 22. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: INCREASE APPROPRIATION IN ENTERPRISE FUND = PROPERTY AND LEASE MANAGEMENT - DEPRECIATION CHARGES. Mayor Ferre; Take up Item 29. Plummer moved it before. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. Further discussion on 29? Read the ordihahte. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9901 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 21, 1984, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AS AMENDED BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION IN THE ENTERPRISE FUND, PROPERTY AND LEASE MANAGEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $44,207, AND BY INCREASING REVENUE IN A LIKE AMOUNT FROM ADDITIONAL ENTERPRISE REVENUES, TO COVER DEPRECATION CHARGES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1985; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of June 13, 1985, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the• Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10016. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 23. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH FAIRLAWN NORTH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN AMOUNT OF $2,200,000. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 30. Plummer, you moved it last time. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I am going to move 30, but I am going to remind the Manager that I am going to let this one slide, but I have told him last time and I am going to tell him again that I want a breakdown on these projects of what you call City expense of advertising, postage. I want a breakdown of that percentage, because ... Mayor Ferre: Yes, we want to know how that affects Fairlawn Sanitary ... Mr. Plummer: I want to know how it affects everything because ,,, Fairlawn Cemetery?? Mayor Ferre: Oh, I am sorry! r Mt, Plummer: Sanitary sewer! I At going to let you fly this tiffie, 6khy? Mf6 Pereira: All right. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Read the ordihance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9939, ADOPTED DECEMBER 20, 1984, THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING FAIRLAWN NORTH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,200,000 AND APPROPRIATING SAME AMOUNT FROM 1980 SANITARY SEWER GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS; BY ESTABLISHING WAGNER CREEK RENOVATION PHASE II STORM SEWER PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,000,000 AND APPROPRIATING SAME AMOUNT FROM 1984 STORM. SEWER. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS; AND BY ESTABLISHING CITY- WIDE STORM DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $350,000 AND APPROPRIATING SAKE AMOUNT FROM 1984 STORM SEWER GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of June 13, 1985, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE N0. 10017. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. AN ORMNANCE ENTITLED= AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND" APPROPRIATING $44,565 IN TAR COLLECTIONS FOE FY'85 BASED ON CALENDAR YEAR 1984 TAX ASSESSMENTS THAT WERE GENERATED AS A RESULT OF THE TAR INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN APPROVED BY DADE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PROJECT AREA; CONTAININ3 A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Phased on its first reading by title at the meeting of June 13, i985, it was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10018. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 25. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: INCREASE CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS DECREASE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PHASE I $1,035,000. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 32. Mr. Dawkins: Discussion on that. Mr. Manager, I thought when we got a new Manager, that a lot of this ... Mr. Plummer: Oh, is that today, or tomorrow! (LAUGHTER) Mr. Pereira: That is dirty pool! Mr. Dawkins: I thought that a lot of this verbage would be cleared up. Now, here we are going to delete $1,000,000 and then come back and add $2,000,000 and then come back and take out $1,100,000. You know, explain what the hell we are doing! Mr. Pereira: It is a housekeeping, accounting ... Mr. Dawkins: Well, why can't we do this - that is what I am waiting for. Why can't you clean house prior to coming to the Commission meeting? Mr. Pereira: In order to make the transfer of funds, we need your approval. Mr. Plummer: Because he doesn't do windows! Mr. Pereira: We can do it mechanically in house with no problem, but we need your approval in order to change the funds from one account to the other, air. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: All right, it has been moved by Dawkins. Is there a second? 14 5? July 18, 1985 10i Plummer: I second it, but that explanation don't hack it! Mayor Perre: Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Read the ordinander AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9939, ADOPTED DECERBEE 20, 1984, AS AME1rDEL, THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, BY DECREASING THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT -PHASE I PROJECT APPROPRIATIONS IN THE NET AMOUNT OF $1,035,000; THROUGH THE DELETION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING FOR ADMINISTRATION COST IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,135,000; AND THROUGH THE APPROPRIATION OF $1,100,000 OF INTEREST EARNINGS FROM HOUSING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TO PROPERLY ACCOUNT FOR ALL FUNDING RESOURCES IN ORDER TO CONFORM WITH GENERAL ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES; CONTAINING A REPEALER. PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of June 13, 1985, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote- ' AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10019. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 26. FIRST BREADING ORDINANCE: ARM CHAPTER 54 OF CITT CODE STREETS AND SIDEWALKS ET ARMING 102"ANDARD STREET WIDTHS. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 33. That is a new ordinance. Mr. Plummer: What does it accomplish, Mr. Manager? Mayor Ferre: It modifies the base building line locations within a project area. The City Dade private developers have already reconstructed certain streets throughout the City, necessitating modifications to the base building line location to conform to the actual street construction and thirdly ... Mr. Plummer: Move Item 33. Mayor Ferre: Existing traffic conditions and existing physical constrains adjacent to certain streets warrant additional modifications to the base building line locations. Mr. Dawkins: With the wonderful explanation by the Mayor, I second it. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Read the ordinance. 14 53 July 18 P 1985 At1 ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, ENTITLED "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS" BY AMENDING SECTION 54-104 ENTITLED "NONSTANDARD STREET WIDTHS", BY THE ADDITION OR DELETIOE OF CERTAIN STREETS: ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND CONTAININGV A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 27. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: IMPLEKENT FIRST SOURCE HIRING AGREEMENT AS CONDITION PRECEDENT TO EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 34. First source hiring - that is yours. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, for the record, I want to acknowledge that Mr. Joseph Albano and Charlotte Gallogly both came to my office and convinced me of why I should vote for this ordinance. Unfortunately, I agree with them, and I so move Item 34. Mr. Dawkins: Okay now - like the last time ... I am like everybody, I am in favor of it, but there are some items that have got to be considered, Joe, as we get into this. Nov, Joe is already working with H.U.D., but we have already got a program like this within the City of Miami. You know, our Employment and Training Program, right? Mr. Plummer: This does relate to that. Mr. Dawkins: That is what I am saying one time altogether, that is all. So,, we will sit down and iron out any wrinkles, that is all. Mayor Ferre: First reading? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, first reading. Mr. Plummer: Well, I will tell you, that is a smart man. All be *aid was "thank you". Mayor Ferre: Okay, you have any problems? Mr. Plummer: Stop when you are ahead. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Plummer seconds on first readixig, Read the ord anpe, t. Id 54 July 18, 1985 (WHEREUPON CITY ATTORNEY READ THE ORDINANCE INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Plummer: As an amendment to that motion - I have no problem with the Manager finding the program infeasible, but I want an amendment to read that if he does find it as such, he should come back before the Commission and no less than so inform us. Mayor Ferre: All right, let the record stipulate that is a condition and that on second reading, the main ordinance and the title will so reflect. Is that acceptable, Lucia, legally? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right, further discussion, as Tread, and as amended, let's , call the roll for Item 34. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE IMPLEMENTING THE "FIRST SOURCE HIRING AGREEMENT" AND SETTING AS A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS RESULTING IN THE CREATION OF NEW PERMANENT JOBS, THE SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATION OF A "FIRST SOURCE HIRING AGREEMENT" BETWEEN THE PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL OF SOUTH FLORIDA/SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AND THE ORGANIZATION OR INDIVIDUAL RECEIVING SAID CONTRACT, UNLESS SUCH AN AGREEMENT IS FOUND TO BE INFEASIBLE BY THE CITY MANAGER, AND SUCH FUNDING IS APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, WITH THE PRIMARY BENEFICIARIES OF THIS AGREEMENT BEING THE PARTICIPANTS OF THE CITY OF MIAXI TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS AND OTHER RESIDENTS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Plummer and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 28. EXECUTE AGREEMENT: PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL OF SOUTH FLORIDA - FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM (PIC/SFETC) Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I move Item 49 which is companion item. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion on Item 49. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: I will second it for the purposes of discussion. Mayor Ferre: discussion. All right, there is a second. I will recognize Plummer for Mr. Plummer: I have none. ld 55 July 18, 1985 1, Mayor Ferrg: Further discussion? Call the roll on Item 494 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner bawkiiiai itii Loved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-713 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, WITH THE PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL OF SOUTH FLORIDA/SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM (PIC/SFETC), TO IDENTIFY THE SPECIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PIC/SFETC IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT "FIRST SOURCE HIRING AGREEMENTS" WITH RECIPIENTS OF CERTAIN CITY OF MIAMI ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed atd adopted by the following vote - AYES DOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 29. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CHAPTER 35-91 -1 -3 OF CODE CERTAIN ON STREET METERS AND CERTAIN OFF STREET LOTS. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 35. Mr. Pereira: Make a little note so you don't forget your item! Mr. Plummer: Oh, that is Mr. Carzar. Mr.0 arzar, air, I went to get a haircut on Monday. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I get my hair cut on S. W. 8th Street. They don't speak a whole lot of English, but they made me fully understand they don't like you selling on -site off-street parking meters. Now, I don't want to tell you something. My haircut cost me a lot of money and I don't like him running that razor around my ears. (LAUGHTER) Mayor Ferre: The results also looks different! Mr. Plummer: You don't know my barber, says, I don't like this. Now, Mr. Mayor, are you aware of this? Because, I don't think any of us were aware. The Car Czar in English and in Spanish, is telling all of the people on S. W. 8th Street that if you want to park on the street, now you can buy a $15.00 decal. Mr. Roger Carlton: Not exactly. Mr. Plummer: I am sorry, that is what I just read! And I read it in the English version! Mayor Ferre: Now, the Miami parking system is pleased. Mr. Plummer: Roger, how come, we are a new program (and I am being honest with you now) - that to me is a new program and maybe it is a good program. My barber don't like it, but maybe it is a good program. Why didn't you come before this Commission and inform us, before, we, the Commission are gone out and thrown to the wolves? ld 56 July 18, 1985 f�tr: Carlton: J. t., the idea for this came from the tittle Havaha Parking Advisory task force. Mr. Plummer: Why didn't you tell us? Mr. Carlton: We have about 15 on -street programs throughout the City. Mr. Plummer: Why didn't you tell us? Mr. Carlton: I will be glad to bring them to you in the future. This is the 15th of 15• Mr, Plummer: You know, I might rarely agree with you you are doing something right. Mr. Carlton: Okay, we will bring them all to you in the future. Mr. Plummer: Please! You know, so when we go out to the public, we can at least intelligently discuss the matter. Now, I think the rest of the Commission should be aware of this, and we can then voice our opinion to the Off -Street Parking Authority of whether you agree with the barber, or you don't! Mr. Carlton: The reason ... Mayor Ferre: Also, I would like to put on the record that getting a haircut is official City business and that when Plummer goes to get a haircut and goes around and puts a sign and says "City of Miami Commission, official City business", but he should be getting tickets! Mr. Plummer: That is how the alcalde does it. If you were smart, you would go across the street to Krispy Kreme, get a coffee and a donut, and leave your car there while you get your haircut. That is the smart way to do it! All right, what is Item 35? Mr. Carlton: That is the first reading for the rate ordinance for the Department. The second reading is scheduled for the 25th. Mayor Ferre: 600 meters of 8,000 will be affected. Mr. Plummer: If it is first reading, I will move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer and his barber move! AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 35-91, 35-92, AND 35=93 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY ESTABLISHING RATES AT CERTAIN ON -STREET PARKING METER: AND CERTAIN OFF-STREET LOTS; ESTABLISHING RATES AT MUNICIPAL PARKING GARAGES; FURTHER PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF OCTOBEF 1, 1985 FOR THE HEREIN RATE INCREASES; RATIFYINCT AND CONFIRMING ALL ACTS OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD AND ITS DIRECTOR AS TO RATES HERETOFORE CHARGED; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD TO DEVELOP EXPERIMENTAL RATE STRUCTURES AND TO INITIATE RATES FOR NEW FACILITIES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. Mr. Dawkins: I want you to understand - J. L. is worried about his barber. Everyone of those people who drop a quarter in that meter is a voter. That is what I am concerned about! 30. AUTHORIZE EMPLOYMENT OF OUTSIDE COUNSEL - PRELIMINARY NEGOTIATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH DOWNTOWN D.R.I. Mayor Ferre: All right, we are now on Item 36, which is outside council for the law firm of Greenberg, Traurig, Askew and Sparber Shevin, Shapo to serve as legal counsel for the D.R.I. and the downtown. Mr. Plummer: Madam City Attorney, how was this firm chosen? Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Commissioner, Alan Gold specifically, of Greenberg, Traurig, has tremendous expertise in D.R.I.'s. He was suggested to me, frankly, by the staff of the Planning Department, which is primarily responsible for going through the D.R.I. process and he is well known with the planning staff of the South Florida Regional Planning Council and it is for that reason that we need somebody who has credibility with them just for the initial stages of negotiating the scope of the D.R.I. Mr. Plummer: Do you concur, Sergio? Mr. Rodriguez: Doubly so. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager, Mr. Mayor, I move this item be continued, and the reason I am continuing it is this. This Commission is on record that it intends to afford minority firms the opportunity to perform work for the City of Miami, in both goods and services. Services, meaning legal, accounting, consultants, technical, anc others. It now appears that the City of Miami Attorney's office has requested to employ legal services for the City from outside law firms and in so doing, it appears that only one segment of the community is being represented. It is proposed that you bring this back and demand that each of the law firms presently being considered in Item 36 be I'd 58 July 18, 1985 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo required to joint venture with a minority firm, and when they come back with a joint venture, and there is no reason why you can't joint venture with a minority firm - you've got two of them here. They can joint venture with a Latin or a Cuban firm, and a Black firm. And when they joint venture, then we will be doing what we said, see that all people in this community serve in getting tax dollars. Now, you can tell me everything you want, but until minority firms are allowed to participate and work with the other firms, we will never have nobody with the expertise to get it done. Mr. Plummer: I second the motion. Mayor Ferre: This item is continued. There is a motion and a second to continue. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, Who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-714 A MOTION TO CONTINUE PROPOSED EMPLOYMENT OF OUTSIDE COUNSEL FOR PRELIMINARY NEGOTIATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT UNTIL CERTAIN QUESTIONS/REQUIREMENTS BY THE CITY COMMISSION ARE RESOLVED. the motion was passed and Mayor Ferre: I always thought that Bob Traurig and Ronnie Brooks were members of minorities, but I guess I was wrong. Mr. Dawkins: Brooks is, but Traurig isn't. Mr. Plummer: Yes, Ronnie Brooks is definitely a minority - always in the minority. Mr. Dawkins: You are a minor too. Mr. Plummer: Especially when it comes to picking up lunch tabs. 31. AUTHORIZE PLAINTIFFS ATTORNEYS FEES FROM CITY PENSION LITIGATION - EDMOND GONG, RONALD A. SILVER, ROBERT D. KLAUSNER, THOMSON, ZEDER, BOHRER, WERTH, ADORNO & RACOOK. Mayor Ferre: We are on Item 37. Mr. Plummer: Cheap, cheap, cheap. Mayor Ferre: Told you you should have paid for lunch, Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: All right, it has been moved, is there a second? Mr. Plummer: I second it, Mr. Mayor. I think though, for the record, M44ALM City Attorney, I think you should on the record - I am assuming it is the same, that this is all of but one of the firms. ld 59 July 18, 1985 L Mft Dougherty: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: There is one firm Who W:iaes to settle for tie "Im that all the rest has settled for. Mr. Dawkin_-: What firm is that, Commissioner Plummer? Mr. Plummer: Richard Siking is the lawyer. Mr. Dawkins: Richard Siking. Mr. Plummer: Oh, I am in favor of that: Go ahead and pay the ones that are agreeable. Mayor Ferre: Has it been moved? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: It has been moved by Dawkins, second by Plummer. Let the record reflect that this is for all attorneys but one and that this has the recommendation of the City Attorney and I think we need to thank both Lucia and the people who were counseling here. I don't know whether you want to put that on the record. Mrs. Dougherty: We thank her every payday. Mayor Ferre: Well, we also pay somebody else, but they both did a great, great ... Mr. Plummer: Don't talk about Sergio. Mayor Ferre: They did a great job. It seems like a lot of money, but when you look at the hours and what was involved, I think it is a reasonable settlement. Ready to vote? Call the roll on Item 37. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-715 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING A PROPOSED STIPULATION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY RELATING TO THE PAYMENT AND DISPOSITION OF PENDING CLAIMS FOR REASONABLE PLAINTIFF' ATTORNEYS FEES ARISING FROM CITY PENSION LITIGATION WHEREBY THE CITY SHALL PAY THE SUM OF $50,000 TO THE LAW FIRM OF EDMOND GONG, THE SUM OF $50,000 TO THE FIRM OF RONALD A. SILVER, THE SUM OF $26,000 TO ROBERT D. KLAUSNER, ESQ. AND THE SUM OF $750,000 TO THE LAW FIRM, OF THOMSON, ZEDER, BOHRER, WEPRTH, ADORNO AND RAZOOK, WITH FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR SAID PAYMENTS BEING ALLOCATED FROM PENSION FUND BALANCE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 14 Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. 0 f 32. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT: TOUCHE ROSS AND CO., CPA WITH MINORITY j/ PARTICIPATION TO PREPARE MARKETING EVALUATION FOR ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY ON R.F.P.'s. FOR WATSON ISLAND DEVELOPMENT. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 38. Mr. Plummer: Where is the money coming from on Item 38? Mr. Gilchrist: The money comes from the developer eventually. Mr. Plummer: Eventually? Mr. Gilchrist: Well, let me tell you air) the developer has put down $50`#000 and we are holding that check and that is where the money ... Mr. Plummer: Move Item 38. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: What is this on? Mr. Plummer: It is on Watson Island. Mr. Pereira: Watson Island, to do the evaluation. Mr. Plummer: It is on Watson Island, Ferre's Folly. Mr. Dawkins: The D.R.I. Mayor Ferre: Right, it has been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll on 38. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-716 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TOUCHE ROSS AND COMPANY, CERTIFIED PtiBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, WITH PARTICIPATION OF MINORITY -OWNED ACCOUNTING FIRMS OF W. B. KOON AND COMPANY AND SANSON, KLINE, JACOMINO AND COMPANY TO PREPARE A MARKETING EVALUATION AND EVALUATE THE ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY OF A PROPOSAL SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE WATSON ISLAND DEVELOPMENT UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT; AUTHORIZING COMPENSATION FROM WATSON ISLAND DEVELOPMENT Pn�JECT MONIES APPROPRIATED IN THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FU2;D, FOR SERVICES NOT TO EXCEED AN AMOUNT OF $25,000 AND OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES, FOR THE PERIOD COMMENCING JULY 16, 1985, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 16, 1985; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT 50% OF DUE AMOUNT; $12,500 AND OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES BE PAID TO SUBCONSULTING FIRMS PARTICIPATING IN THE MARKETING EVALUATION OF SAID PROPOSAL. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution Was passed sad adopted by the following vote- 10- 61 ,July 18, 19$5 ..A NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo VOTE FOR THE EgCORD: AGENDA ITEM 39 WAS WITHDRAWN. 33. APPROVE AGRR`KMEA"i': BAYSHORB PROPBRTISS FOR EXTENSION, COMBINATION AND MODIFICATION OF EXISTING TWO LEASE AGREKKK '"I'S, MONTY TRAINERS RESTAURANT, MARINA AND BOATSHED IN ORDER TO SECURE FINANCING FOR RENOVATION OF LEASED PROPSHTIES. Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item 40. Mr. Plummer: I will move Item 40. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: On first reading I second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion on first ... there isn't any first ... Mr. Dawkins: On second reading? Mayor Ferre: This is a resolution. Mr. Dawkins: No second. Mayor Ferre: This authorizes the approval of the execution of the agreements.` Mr. Pereira: The agreement was reviewed at the Commission ... Mr. Dawkins: Is this saying that you are ... I need to know. He is going out in order to extend his lease, and what does this do? Mr. Gilchrist: He has two lease agreements, sir, on two separate pieces of property. This combines the lease and extends the term and does some modification actually beneficial to the City. We reviewed this agreement at the last Commission meeting, but it didn't officially get passed. They passed Mr. Dawkins: What year are we extending this to now since we are combining the two. what are you doing now? Mr. Pereira: Because the conditions will not extend. Mr. Gilchrist: It is an additional 25 years. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, but ... that is what I am voting on? Mr. Pereira: Yes, this is the one that goes through. Mr. Dawkins: No. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, hold on a minute. Mr. Dawkins: We just going to sit right here ... let me tell you where I am coming from, so everybody can understand. Let me tell you what I am saying, 25 years from now ... 14 62 July 18, 1985 Li� .,4 Mt. }Mummer: Wait a thihute, excuse me. okay? You might be confused like I was, Mr. Dawkins: Okay, that is what 1 am asking. Mr. Gilchrist: We have to do another Mr. Plummer: We are not approving the lease. We approving the wording, which is going to the referendum. Mr. Dawkins: That is what I am asking. Mr. Gilchrist: No, sir. Mr. Pereira: The lease has to be approved here. Mr. Plummer: In other words, this is still going to the referendum. Mr. Pereira: The lease comes back in. Mayor Ferre: It doesn't mean anything. Wait, wait. You are explaining it all wrong. This doesn't mean anything if the people of Miami do not vote for it. If the people of Miami vote for it, then it does mean something because that's what we have done. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I agree with you, but you show me in this thing before us where it states that. It doesn't. It gives the impression that we the Commission are approving and it's all over. Mayor Ferre: You are absolutely correct. It doesn't clearly spell out the law because I guess everybody assumes and I think you assume too much because we are not lawyers and what in effect we are doing here, is we are agreeing legally to something that will be binding if the people of Miami vote for it, but we need to agree to it before the people vote on it. That's really all it really means. Mr. Dawkins: Why do we have to... I mean... Mayor Ferre: Because that's the law. State law requires... Mr. Plummer: Because we might want to change it. Mayor Ferre: No, State law requires that if you ask for a vote of the people on something like this you need to explicitly define legally what it is that they are voting on. By voting for this agreement in effect what you are saying is people of Miami if on August 14th or whatever day it is,---13th--- you vote in favor of this lease extension this is what we are going to sign. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. All right, let the records reflect that that referendum must spell out the ending date of that lease so that the people voting on this will know how many years they are giving up the rights to their City property. Mr. Plummer: Well, you know, Commissioner Dawkins in all fairness, ok, I agree with you that it should state clearly the ending date. I don't necessarily agree that they are giving up anything. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Mr. Plummer: And the reason I say that I think if we... excuse me, because Maurice and I were here ten years ago when we made this arrangement with Monty Trainer where he would make minimum payments of a hundred thirty thousand dollars a year which covered the mortgage for the silver property. Monty Trainer would love to think that all he ever had to pay was that, because Monty Trainer was the best least this City had last year and he paid us six hundred two thcusana duliar;,. So, if in fact he continues to grow our revenue continues to grow. I don't think the people are giving up anything. I think the people are getting something. So, I'm just... gi 63 July 18, 1985 Mt. Dawkins: Ok. All right, I agree with what you said. I also must acknowledge that the best tenant the City of Miami has is Monty Trainer, but I also have bring out as a fact, that unless in the next ten years there... I Lean, in 2001 when his lease does expire there may be a Cuban or a Black who can bid with him, but if I extend his lease for twenty-five years my grandson is the one that's got to wait to attempt to bid against this. And that's my Problem with it. That's all. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. You didn't have anymore to say did you Mr. Book? Mayor Ferre: All right, go ahead. We are on Item 40. Mr. Book: No. Mr. Plummer: Did you say thank you? Mr. Book: I said thank you. Mayor Ferre: Who moved it? I don't remember. Mr. Plummer: I moved it. Mayor Ferre: All right, Plummer moves, Dawkins seconds on item'40? Is that what we are on? n' Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-717 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN BAYSHORE PROPERTIES, INC. AND THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE EXTENSIONS, COMBINATION AND MODIFICATION 01' THE EXISTING TWO LEASE AGREEMENTS RELATED TO THE OPERATION OF MONTY TRAINER'S RESTAURANT, MARINA, AND BOATSHED FACILITY IN ORDER TO SECURE FINANCING FOR RENOVATION OF THE LEASED PROPERTIES LOCATED ON CITY OWNED WATERFRONT PROPERTY IN THE COCONUT GROVE AREA OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED, SUBJECT TO VOTER APPROVAL ON AUGUST 13, 1985, AND IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY z ATTORNEY. 1 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AXES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. i ABSENT; Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo g! 64 July 18, 1985 0 34. RATIFY, APPROVE A CONFIRM EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT - STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. OF CONMi1NITY AFFAIRS, DDA d BAYSIDE PARTNSRSHIP ESTABLISH WITHIN AREA OF DOYNTOWP DgVELOPNM AUTHORITY BOiJ>f>DARIES ETC. Mayor Ferre: Now, we are on Item 4' whicl. is the Bayside DRI. There is a letter here written to Plummer. Have you seen it Plummer? Mr. Plummer: Yes, Mr. Mayor, I am fully in accord with the graciousness of the Rouse Company. The kindness and generosity that they have extended to this Commission. In all of their great financial wisdom they have decided that they should help pay for the DRI and I couldn't agree more. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves 41. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Plummer: No, I'm voting against it, but I... Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds, further discussion, call the roll on Oe The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner plUmmer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-718 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING, APPROVING, AND CONFIRMING THE ACTIN OF THE CITY MANAGER IN EXECUTING THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, THE CITY OF MIAMI, THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, AND BAYSIDE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ESTABLISHING THE DOWNTOWN AREA INCLUDED WITHIN THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOUNDARIES AS A DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI) AND ALLOWING THE BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, THE PARKING GARAGE, AND THE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER TO BE DEVELOPED AND OPERATED (EXCEPT FOR THE AMPHITHEATER) PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A DRI DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE PROPOSED CITY OF MIAMI DOWNTOWN DRI. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 35• COKKISSIONn PLUKKEB'S CONKENT ON RECENT VISIT TO BALTIMORB ATTRACTION "HARBOR PLACE" Mr. Plummer: X r. Yayor, can I just take one second of your time? Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: I had the opportunity this last Weekend to go to Baltimore and to see Harbor Place. I had never seen it and I want to tell you that I did a gl 65 July 18, 1985 complete 180. I have never in my life seen an attraction that was for a community what that thing does for Baltimore. I was there for three... Mayor Ferre: You didn't do a 180, you supported Bayside. Mr. Plummer: Well, I supported it, but my thinking, you know, I had some reservations, but 1 got to tell you we were there across the street at the Hyatt for a convention for three days and we made many trips over aside from the full afternoon that ; spent there and at no time was there ever less than twenty-five thousand people at that place. They had... for the fourth of July they had three hundred fifty thousand people there on a given day and I assume the statement they make in their press release is true or Disney World would have called them on the carpet that before Epcot there was no larger attraction in the United States than Harbor Place and they are only in their fifth year. I just hope and pray to God that we can do the same here because from everything that I have seen and everything I have heard it's going to be a better...Your name please? I want to tell you it was super. Mayor Ferre: He is the barber from 8th Street. Mr. Plummer: He is the barber from 8th Street. Right. It was a super project and I just hope that Miami's is even bigger or better. Mayor Ferre: I might point out Commissioner that you were invited to go with Howard Gary and Dawkins and myself, but... Mr. Plummer: But I don't make junkets. Mayor Ferre: You see, that's your problems, because if you had gone, then you would have been enlighten a lot earlier than it took the additional three years to enlighten you when you could have been enlighten for three years. I would... to those that are quick to criticize the City of Miami Commission for traveling, now to Paris or otherwise, and I'm not making any causes for meters on pay toilets or anything like that, but I think it is important for people to travel and see what's going on in the world, because we are not the leader in everything and we got a lot to learn from other places and this is good case and point as to what kind of a city Miami is going to be. Now, we got a pending problem. The pending problem is that on about three or four different occasions this Commission has gone on record that Bayside was going to be a union job. Last time around we asked Mr.... right before the final vote, we asked David Weaver to step up and tell us that that was the agreement that was agreed upon. David Weaver said yes, but he wanted the Rouse representative to step forward and clarify that for herself. She went on the record and she said yes, it was going to be an agreement similar to the one signed in Boston and Baltimore as I recalled, but there seems to be some questions. So, today to represent himself like nobody else can and to represent the AFL CIO we have our distinguished colleague former Commissioner Ed Stevenson. Mr. Ed Stevenson: Mr. Mayor, for the record my name is Ed Stevenson and I'm President of the South Florida AFL CIO with offices at 4090 Laguna. In response to Commissioner Plummer, I would agree with him. He is absolutely correct. I have been there it's an excellent job and I think you will duplicate it and even do better here. On December 7th of last year you passed a very positive resolution. A positive resolution that in extent joins this whole tri-ethic community together and homogenizes this area to the core city to make it what it should be with this project and in that resolution you stated that the Bayside Project and the contracts would be off and further be that 17.5 per cent of the whole construction dollars be ear marked for Latins, 17.5 per cent for Blacks and 65 per cent for other local trade unions. Now, during that discussion I think that word "other four" was bandied around. I would suggest with all sincerity and with a sense of humiliation that the word "four" be struck and just use the word "other" and it to be tired together with this particular motion you have on the floor and you can amend it at the same time. In other words what you are doing instead of using the "four local unions" "other local union people". Identically the same thing. Thank you very much. Mayor Ferre: Is that acceptable to..9 you got any problems With that Commissioner Dawkins, Commissioner Plummer, Why don't we formalize it and make it into a motion. gi 66 duly 18, 1985 Mr. Dawkins: So, move. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded, further discussion, call the roll. Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion Mr. Mayor. It was the Mayor who went the unions and came up with the agreement that it go this way and if the job was union there will be no work stoppages and we could get this job done and so,... but I don't think Rouse Company seems to understand that this and I asked the Rouse Company who made it union and the Rouse Company said they made it one hundred per cent union. So, I don't understand... Mr. Stevenson: The Rouse Company at this juncture doesn't seem too anxious to negotiate. However, under instructions from you they have to negotiate. You set the contract, then you have got to make them negotiate. They are totally responsible to you and they are going to have to work under your conditions. You are calling the shots and not them. You know that. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Thank you Mr. Stevenson for clarification. Further discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: if MOTION NO. 85-719 A MOTION TO CLARIFY THE INTENT OF MOTION 84-1442 ADOPTED DECEMBER 7, 1984 RELATED TO THE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER PROJECT BY AMENDING THE LANGUAGE OF SAID MOTION 84-1342 TO INCLUDE THE WORD "OTHER" AS FOLLOWS: "...FURTHER STIPULATING THAT 17.5% OF THE TOTAL CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS SHALL BE EARMARKED FOR BLACKS, 17.5% FOR LATINS AND 65% FOR OTHER LOCAL TRADE UNIONISTS." (emphasis added.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: I would like to ask Mr. Stevenson through you, perhaps whoever is following this up. I would like to get a copy of the Baltimore and Boston agreement. (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE). Mayor Ferre: Because I'm sure if Rouse won't provide it and I'm sure they will if we ask them. Mr. Manager, through you to John Gilchrist. I have asked before for a copy of that agreement and I'm asking again. Now, if Rouse doesn't want to provide it we can just get it from the AFL CIO. I'm sure they have got copies in both Boston and Baltimore. Mr. Art Fernandez: Mr. Mayor, my name is Art Fernandez and I'm one of the crafts. I'm the business manager of Logical Workers in one of the union crafts and we had a meeting, in fact, several meetings with... I think the Rouse Company ought to straighten out Henry C. Beck, because Henry C. Beck is telling the building trades they don't have a snowball chance in hell. So, somebody is going to have to direct Henry C. Beck that we can meet and we have to meet EEOC requirements. I have numerous Blacks, I have numerous Hispanics, Indians, Chinaman, whatever, but somebody is going to have to direct Henry C. Beck in the direction that this will be a union project. g! 67 July 18, 1985 Mf. Plummer: You know when to quit when you are ahead. Mt6 Fernandez: Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Now, Art, let me... Art) $eek is the general d6htr&6t6r f6r t ie' company? Mr. Gilchrist: They have no signed that agreement with Rouse t but they are negotiating with Beck. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Well, John, you know, this Commission has been explicit and it was unanimous. So, it isn't the question that this is a split vote or anything. That's a union job and we want it clearly understood. Ok. Mr. Gilchrist: I understand. 36. AUTHORIZE EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT; VINCENT GRIME JR. CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH WORLD TRADE CENTER PROJECT. n Mr. Plummer: I move 42 for the local yokel. Mayor Ferre: What is 42? Mr. Plummer: Vince Grimm. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion on 42, istherea second? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? All right, call the roll on 42. f i The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-720 t A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE EXISTING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH VINCENT E. GRIMM, JR. FORM AUGUST 1, 1985 THROUGH JULY 31, 1986 FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT SERVICES PRIMARILY IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORLD TRADE CENTER PROJECT AT THE SAME FIXED MONTHLY PAYMENT AS PROVIDED BY SAID AGREEMENT AND ALLOCATING MONIES THEREFOR FROM PREVIOUSLY APPROPRIATED FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) D .a AUTHORIZE AGREgMMT - 6 NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DSVEI.OPAEMT ORGANIZATIOHS- COMMCIAL FACADE TREATMENT PROGRAA. Mayor Ferrf, : W? Are n-w on ; te,. There seems to be controversy between Tacolcy and Martin Luther King. In my opinion those are both worthy organizations that do exceptionally fine work. If any area in this community needs a special effort it's certainly is Liberty City. We have spent a lot of time concentrating efforts on Overtown and I think that we ought to go with both of those organizations. That's just one man's opinion. Mr. Plummer: So moved as amended. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: So, in other words instead of six we got seven abv. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Do you want split or increased by.... Mr. Pereira: No, it's equal amount Frank. Mayor Ferre: No, equal. The same. You can't ask people to survive on fifteen thousand dollars. How can you run an organization on fifteen thousand dollars. Mr. Dawkins: But I would like to have Mr. Mason understand we are going this and we need to see some bench marks of what you are doing. Mayor Ferre: All right, where is Mr. Mason? Mr. Dawkins: Here he is. We want to see some bench marks are how successful you are in the area and what you are doing. That's all. Mayor Ferre: You got to produce in other words Mr. Mason and you know, it's ... And I know you are going to, but it's got to be visible. Mr. Dawkins: See we know you have been in an argument. We know you had board trouble and what have you, but we are trying to help you get that behind you and get the show on the road. Mr. Sam Mason: Mr. Commissioners, Mr. Mayor, I stand here to say that Martin Luther King Economic Development Corporation will stand against any development corporation in this State in terms of performance. We perform. i The record will indicate that. Thank you. F Mayor Ferre: Call the roll on 43• S Mr. Plummer: As amended. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-721 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH SEVEN (7) NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, FOR THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED FOR EACH, FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING A COMMdERCIAL FACADE TREATMENT PROGRAM; FUNDS ARE ALLOCATED FROM THE ELEVENTH YEAR COMMIUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR THE FIRST SIX CORPORATIONS STATED; FUNDS ARE ALLOCATED FOR THE SEVENTH CORPORATION STATED FROM THE SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) t gl 69 July 18, 1985 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed hhd adopted by the following vote: AYES. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. k Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 38. CLAUGHTON ISLAND: REQUIREMENT TO BUILD LOW INCOME HOUSING PARTIALLY ON ISLAND OR RAKING S5E CONTRIBUTION. Mayor Ferre: Take up 44. Mr. Dawkins: 44. Mr. Mayor, I move that the language and etc., presented to . us by the Manager be struck and that in its place I would like to substitute this. Scratch all that the Manager has and just say the City... Mr. Plummer: Commissioner Dawkins, the only question that I have is I would have to be concerned of whether or not that this thing could be in fact done in twenty-four months. I understand fully that they should have had something done by February, but I just questioning that you are putting them under a mandate. You don't say what the penalty is. Can they do it in twenty-four months is my only question. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Then I have no problems with you extending or you suggesting the time limit. I have no problem with that. s Mr. Plummer: Well, I think it's more reasonable to say that they must break ground within "X" number of days or months, because that then makes the commitment. Mr. Dawkins: And complete it in what? i Mr. Plummer: Two years after breaking ground. Mayor Ferre: So say that they must break ground within a year and complete it.... Mr. Dawkins: No, no. It's been ten years. Now, we are going to give them another year. No. Mr. Plummer: Six months I think is reasonable. They must break ground within six months and be completed within thirty. Thirty is total. Twenty-four and six. 1 Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Mayor Ferre: Well, now let me ask you this. This seems fine. It give them the opportunity to do this. How they did it is their choice. Now, you are excluding Overtown/Park West. Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Now, how about those projects of affordable housing. The thousand affordable housing dream that we had. I imagine the PBA is kind of gone, but how about the Melrose and the other one. Wasn't there one in Overtown too? Mr. Herb Bailey: No, Mr. Mayor. They were Melrose Civic Center and the Highland Park and we are still negotiating with those developers. i Bl 70 July 18, 1985 Mayor Ferre: Well, can't we use these monies for that? Mr. Bailey: Well, according to this latest wording presented by Commissioner Dawkins monies are not to be considered. Actual development is to occur by the developers of Claughton Island. Mr. Plummer: Well, I think Commissioner Dawkins has made a legitimate request here. I think it's doable. I think the bottom line is we need two hundred twenty-five units for this community and the sooner we get them the better off we are. Mr. Dawkins: And the only reason, Mr. Mayor, that I'm excluding Overtown is.... Mayor Ferre: Overtown/Park West. You are not excluding Overtown. Mr. Dawkins: Overtown/Park West. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Mr. Dawkins: We are dumping a ton of money into Overtown/Park West now. We are not putting nothing in Wynwood. We are not putting no money in Little Havana. We are not putting no money in Liberty City. So, you know, here is a chance where we have got a chance to put some money in Liberty City and Little Havana and still go on with the development in the Overtown/Park West area and we will get some housing outside... and then the whole City of Miami begins to develop. Mayor Ferre: Ok. I would like therefore, Miller ---I will go along with this, but I would like to ask you to do this. Don't limit it to Little Havana. Ok. I think you ought to do this. I will go along ---exclude Overtown and... I mean, not Overtown. The Park West Over... Park West-Overtown, but leave it wide open for everybody else, because it may be Allapattah and it may be... and let the legislative intent be clear that we expect for this to be split fifty fifty between the Hispanic community and the Black community. Mr. Plummer: Well, let me tell you what I think is reasonable. Ok. At such time as the sites are selected that this Commission holds approval. Mayor Ferre: Ok. I agree with that. I agree with that too. Mr. Plummer: But we will go ahead... No, the City Attorney is telling me that this is not the time to approve this, that it will be next week on the agenda, will be the adjustment of the DRI for Claughton Island and that is the time to do it. So, basically we will do this here with the proviso that at such time as the finalization is they must come back before this Commission. Mr. Dawkins: And the only reason I'm doing this is this in my opinion Mr. Traurig, it doesn't give you any directions. It say you do either or this or that and we have yet to give you any definite directions in which to go and we have been doing this with you and you come up here asking us what you want me to do and we come back with four, five, six, seven and then... So, this time I say well this... You know, we are telling you, you know, one of two things and that's it. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Traurig, could we get a comment from you? Mr. Robert Traurig: Yes. I think that Mr. Plummer's comment which attract the suggestion by the City Attorney is worthy of amplification. As a result of your motion in April the administration put on the Planning Advisory Board agenda that was heard last Wednesday night, a week ago last night, a resolution tracking your motion and that's going to come before you next Thursday and that basically says what you had indicated here and that is that we had two basic alternatives, either build the two hundred units for low income families on the island or build two hundred twenty-five affordable housing units off the island in three different locations... Mr. Dawkins: No, no, two, but see I never three. Mr. Traurig: Well, that's what the motion said. 8I 71 JUIY 18, 1985 L�] MT. Dawkins: No, no, no, the motion never said three. Mr. Traurig: We are happy to comply with whatever the Commission wants to do, but what we are saying here is that we concur with the City Attorney and with Commissioner Plummer that next Thursday is the appropriate time for the ` discussion here. Mr. Dawkins: But I want to get one thing clear in the records. Ever since I started this I said two sites. I have never said three and I have never said anything about scattered sites. Now, the administration came up with that and they had to... You said three sites? Well, I didn't. Mr. Traurig: It was in the motion that was finalized back in April that it would be three sites seven -five units each. We are going to be here next Thursday and we will are happy to discuss it. We would ask you though... Mr. Dawkins: Yes, call the roll. Mayor Ferre: Well, wait a minute. You got any problems with this Bob? Mr. Traurig: I think that this ought to be withdrawn from the agenda. No action taken and then we will discuss it next Thursday because... Mayor Ferre: Based on what? I don't see that this does any harm. •fit Mr. Traurig: We are happy to have this motion adopted. This is fine. Mayor Ferre: It gives you a basic direction that says you either build two hundred or two twenty-five and leave it wide open at other than Park West/Overtown. Mr. Traurig: That's fine. We are delighted to have it. Thank you very much.' Mayor Ferre: Ok. As amended then. Now, wait a minute, the administration. What's the administration's position on this? Mr. Pereira: We have no problems with that. x Mayor Ferre: Ok. All right, then the motion as amended twice is moved by Dawkins... Mr. Dawkins: I will read it into the record. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Co ahead. Mr. Dawkins: The City of Miami will not accept any money in lieu of housing promised. The Claughton Island Developers will have the option of developing two hundred units of permanent low rent housing on Claughton Island with rents being determined via CPI or developing two hundred twenty-five units of affordable housing restricting the units to be divided between the three areas now instead of the two areas with the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: Within the City other than... Mr. Dawkins: Other than Overtown/Park West. Ok. And that the developer be given a time of... Mayor Ferre: Commencing within. Mr. Dawkins: Within six months and to end within thirty-six months. Mayor Ferre: Ok. All right, now this is a clear motion of intent and direction and you can deal with that next Thursday. Mr. Dawkins: Strike the last two sentences so we can... because we will deal with that at the next meeting. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there anything else to be discussed here? 0411 the roll. gl 72 Dull' 18, 1985 V The following motion was introduced by Commissioner bawkins# who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-722 A MOTION THAT, IN CONNECTION WITH A PROPOSED RESOLUTION PROVIDING CLAUGHTON ISLAND DEVELOPERS WITH OPTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF UNITS IN THE CITY'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS, THE CITY COMMISSION STIPULATES AS FOLLOWS: 1. THE CITY WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY MONEY IN LIEU OF THE HOUSING PROMISED BY R-75-423 AND M-85-340; 2. CLAUGHTON ISLAND DEVELOPERS WILL HAVE THE OPTION OF: a)DEVELOPING 200 UNITS OF PERMANENT LOW RENT HOUSING ON CLAUGHTON ISLAND (WITH RENTS BEING DETERMINED VIA CPI) b)DEVELOPING 225 UNITS OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESTRICTING THE UNITS TO BE DIVIDED BETWEEN THREE AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI; 3• NONE OF THE HOUSING OFF THE ISLAND WILL BE BUILT IN THE OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AREA IN ORDER TO SPREAD AROUND DEVELOPMENTS IN OTHER AREAS OF THE CITY; 4. TILE PARAMETERS FOR COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION TO BE DISCUSSED AT MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR JULY 25, 1985. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and, adopted by the following vote- _ AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 39• ALLOCATE M,000 TO 1985 MIAMI BOOK FAIR INTERNATIONAL A INSTRUCT MANAGES TO RAISE TO $100,000 IF FUNDS CAN BE FOUND i i Mayor Ferre: All right, we are Item 47. Ok. Dr. Padron has a time i constraint which is now beginning to get serious. So, we are going to have to - take him out of order. So, Dr. Pardon. Mr. Eduardo J. Padron: Mr. Mayor, Commissioners, for the record, Eduardo J. Padron, 300 Northeast 2nd Avenue. I appeared before you and presented an extensive account for this project. I know you understand the nature and magnitude of it and the potential impact in terms of economic development for the City of Miami. I am here to request your support in... the City supporting the amount of a hundred thousand dollars for the project. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion on this? Mr. Dawkins: I move. Since we did promise to give the book fair a hundred thousand dollars and the budget has been drawn up that way, I move that... Mr, Manager, would you have any problems with finding an extra fifty thousand to bring it back up to a hundred thousand? gl 73 July 18, 1985 I L' Mrs Pereira: We will scratch and scrap and we will try to come up with its M11& Dawkins: Well, I move that if the Manager can find it that we take it back up to a hundred thousand dollars. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-723 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $100,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE 1985 MIAMI BOOK FAIR INTERNATIONAL TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 4-9, 1985; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: We are joking around here, but we all believe ---at least I think we do ---that this is a great project and I think it's going to be a major asset to this community and I think a lot of people misunderstand. They think this just has to deal with a book fair. It's a lot more than a book fair and we understand that it has major international implications and it's just one more small, but very significant block to building up a great community and for your leadership and your involvement and dedication and persistence our gratitude. 40. EXECUTE AGREEMENT: CODES INC.. M PLA. HOUSING COOPERATIVE--COOPERATIVZ HOUSING OWHBRSHIP I8 THE CITI OF MIAMI. Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item 45. Which is Item 45 Mr. Manager? Mr. Plummer: The City Attorney CODEC. Mr. Pereira: No, CODEC. This is a Community Development project. It you recall during the Community Development Block Grant allocation. Mayor Ferre: Oh, this is the Florida Housing Cooperative. Mr. Pereira: has... Exactly and we are doing it through. You know. CODEC which Mayor Ferre: Ok. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: I so moves. gl 74 July 18, 1985 MN Dawkins: Seconds, Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. I don't think there is any ihsjor controversy on it. We have been talking about this for years. Mr. Plummer: No, this was a project brought by Commissioner Perez and he is all in favor of it. So, I have no problem of moving it. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner PlUM er, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-724 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH CODEC, INC. AND FLORIDA HOUSING COOPERATIVE, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF FACILITATING COOPERATIVE HOUSING OWNERSHIP IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, SAID AGREEMENT DEFINING THE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED ORGANIZATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THIS PROJECT; ALLOCATING $30,000 IN 10TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FOR SAID PURPOSE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: NOES: ABSENT: { E Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo i 'i5 July 18, 1985 4r C The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plu1t er# Who aov ed its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-725 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE ENTERPRISE FOUNDATION, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING THE ENTERPRISE FOUNDATION'S GREATER MIAMI NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING PROGRAM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution Was dabbed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 42. APPROVE RECOKKEEDATIONS OF MANAGER 8 ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMIRTSS TO CREATE ORIGINAL YUNCTIONAI, ART EXCLUSIVELY FOR CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY. Mayor Ferre: All right, we are on Item 47. Mr. Plummer: Why are you making this an exclusive? I always thought that went out to a procedure. Mayor Ferre: What are you talking about? Mr. Dawkins: That's 48. Mayor Ferre: We have done 47? All right, that's... Mr. Plummer: We done 47• Mayor Ferre: 47 Madam Clerk for the record was Dr. Padron's issue. Ms. Hirai: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: We are now on 48? Mr. Plummer: Why is this being exclusive to one individual? Is there a E reason for it? Mayor Ferre: Because of Urra, that's why. Mr. Plummer: Then that's good enough reason. I move 48, Mr. Dawkins: Ok. But another reason... Mr. Plummer: Orlando .Urra wants it. So, I move it. Is that within the one and half per cent? Mr. Pereira: Yes, that's within the one and a half per cent. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. It's a valid question and unless there be a misunderstanding, answer it for the record please, because otherwise, somebody is going to think that there is some funny business going on. i gl 76 July 18, 1985 e Mr. Castaneda: Let me have Cathy Leff that has for the department make the presentation. Mayor Ferre: Is that passing the buck? Mr. Castaneda: Yes, I am. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Go ahead Cathy. Ms. Cathy Leff: We actually did do a... The Art in Public Places Committee did do a search. We used local slide registries to determine what artist are eligible and artists interviewed and in this particular case the committee wanted to go with functional sculpture. We entertained an artist. He presented a proposal everyone liked. It exceed the budget. We have solicited almost ten thousand dollars in private contributions to pay for it and this is it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: There is a second and under discussion Plummer going back to what you said about the City of Miami's #1 renter. The first person to donate to this is Monty Trainer twenty-five hundred dollars. Ms. Leff: I would like to publicly thank the thoughtful contributions of the A people who have made this project possible. Camila Pedreda, Monty Trainer, Tony and Linda Estevez, International Medical Center, Ricardo Badia... No. We didn't twist his arm too much, and Armando Alexandro. Mr. Plummer: Was it in cash or check? Ms. Leff: Cash Contributions. NOTE: ELECTRICITY OFF AT 3:35• 1 Mayor Ferre: All right, now, Plummer moved, Dawkins seconds with our gratitude not only to Monty Trainer, but also to the Estevers, to Mike and everybody who gave money. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: 4 RESOLUTION NO. 85-726 f A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER AND THE ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE TO ENGAGE MICHAEL WOLK TO CREATE ORIGINAL, FUNCTIONAL ART EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY, LOCATED AT 2251 N. W. NORTH RIVER DRIVE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ARTIST IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $19,500; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE FEDERAL JOBS BILL, PRIVATE SECTOR DONATIONS AND ANY UNUSED t BALANCE OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONTINGENT FUNDS AND/OR FEDERAL JOBS BILL FUNDS THAT WERE APPROPRIATED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF CASH DONATIONS FROM THE PRIVATE SECTOR TO PARTIALLY DEFRAY THE COSTS OF THE ART PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO APPROPRIATELY ACKNOWLEDGE ALL SUCH DONATIONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 1 77 July 18, 1985 3 Mayor Maurice A. Terre Mts.. None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 43• AUTHORIZE AMENDHh'N'f TO AGRKKMENT - MIAMI DADE TRADE AND TOURISM COMMISSION ALLOWING USE OF MONIES TO SATISFY ELIGIBLE UNPAID EXPENSES OF NDTTC FOR 1983-84 CONTRACT TEAR. Mr. Plummer: 50. I Will move it for thirteen hundred dollars. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion on 50. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded, further discussion, call the roll on 50. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-727 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY TO THE CONTRACT WITH THE MIAMI-DADE TRADE AND TOURISM COMMISSION, INC. (MDTTC) AND THE CITY FOR THE PERIOD OF AUGUST 1, 1984 TO JULY 31, 1985 THEREBY PERMITTING MDTTC TO USE $1,396.36 FROM CURRENTLY ALLOCATED MONIES TO SATISFY ELIGIBLE UNPAID EXPENSES OF MDTTC FOR THE 1983-84 CONTRACT YEAR. (Here follows body of resolution, omitt and on file in the Office of the City Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, and adopted by the following vote - AYES., Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 44• AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT: ALLAPATlAH MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION INC FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A.LLAPATPAH SHOPPING CE6TER Mayor Ferre: Take up 51. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'm going to ask that that be deferred. They provided us a package on that thing, but they didn't provide it until today and I have not had the opportunity to read it. So, I'm going to ask... Mayor Ferre: Is there a representative of the Allapattah Merchants Association here? Ms. Charlotte Gallogly: No, they are not here. They have gone, but all this resolution ask for is an extension of the contract for five months so that it's a one year... Bl 78 July 18, 1985 t Mki Plummer: But I donut want to do anything until I read.., Mayor Ferre: Well, extend it for one month anyway. Mr. Plummer: You know, we will take it at the next meeting is fine, but I want to have the opportunity to read all of t} n' stuff that they went to the bother of putting together. Mayor Ferre: You want to extend it for one month? Well, l guess we can't... Mr. Pereira: Bring it back on the 25th. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see, you want to bring it back on Thursday. Mr. Plummer: Fine. Mayor Ferre: Got it. All right, there is a Mbtiob that Ittifft 51 be fthtitiued until next Thursday. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Seconded,. Further discussion, call the roll on the continuation. THEREUPON THE FOREGOING MOTION to continue Item 51 to July 25, 1985 was moved by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 45•ALLOCATE FUNDS A EXECUTE AGREEMM: Second Miami Conference Women's Action for Progress Caribbean/Central America OCTOBER 11-13, 1985. Mayor Ferre: Take up 52. Mr. Plummer: Long live Wilman Hood. I move that one. Mayor Ferre: All right, Plummer moves. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds, further discussion call the roll on 52. The following resolution moved its adoption: was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who RESOLUTION NO. 85-728 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING A SUM NOT TO EXCEED $10,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE SECOND "MIAMI CONFERENCE-WOMEN'S ACTION FOR PROGRESS - CARIBBEAN/CENTRAL AMERICA" TO BE HELD OCTOBER 11-13, 1985 BY PARTNERSHIP FOR PRODUCTIVITY/INTERNATIbNAL (PfP/I); SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIA:. COY LIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH PfP/I IN SUPPORT OF SUCH EVENT. 79 July 18, 1985 0 .0 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed Ahd adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 46. AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEMENT: - DADE COUNTY AVIATION DEPARTMEIFT FOR LEASE OF 1,049 SQ. FT. IN 20 ST. TERMINAL AREA OF THE MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. Mayor Ferre: Take up 53. Mr. Plummer: I will move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, moved and seconded, further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-729 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH DADE COUNTY AVIATION DEPARTMENT FOR THE LEASE OF 1,049 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE IN THE 20TH STREET TERMINAL AREA OF THE MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THE ATTACHED LEASE AGREEMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 47• AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEKM WITH DADE COUNTY GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FOR LEASE OF SPACE ON THE 30TH FLOOR OF PUMO DADE CENTER 111 N. W. FIRST .17MET. Mr. Dawkins: 54 I move. Mayor Ferre: 54 moved by Dawkins. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion. Mr. Manager, why is it that until you got here we didn't rent no land from Dade County? As soon as you got here we started renting space and land from Dade County. Mr. Plummer: Because they didn't have a high building. Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll on 54• Mr, Pereira: The funny part was I never seen on the other aide. Mayor Ferre: Don't you have a conflict of interest here? Since you ended up representing... Mr. Pereira: I got you a good deal. Mayor Ferre: You represented both sides, now how can that be. Mr. Plummer: How much are we paying them on this lease? Mr. Pereira: Nine thousand nine hundred bucks. Mr. Plummer: A year? Y Mr. Pereira: Yes. S Mr. Plummer: Ok. I want to remember that now when they come and ask to put an antenna on one of our buildings. i Mr. Pereira: That's for the installation there, you know... Mr. Dawkins: Now, we don't care what it's for. We don't care. We just say just remember it. Mr. Pereira: It's not really leases, just for the cost of maintenance and installation there. Mr. Plummer: Oh, yes. Well, I will remind them of the cost of maintenance when they come here. Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll on the cost of maintenance. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-730 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH DADE COUNTY, GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, FOR LEASE OF SPACE ON THE THIRTIETH FLOOR AT THE METRO-DADE CENTER, LOCATED AT 111 NW FIRST STREET, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THE ATTACHED LEASE AGREEMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 1 gl 81 July 18, 1985 j Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the tesolutioa was passed sad adopted by the following vote - a ..0 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr, Mayor Maurice A., Ferre NOES. None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 48. AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREKKEHT: DADE COUNTY - 1060 H.Y. 62 STREET LIBERTY CITY FOR COHSTRUCTIOA OF POLICE SUBSTATION Mr. Dawkins: Move 55• Mayor Ferre: 55, is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Is this for that substation in liberty City? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Uh huh. One dollar for the land. 49• DISCUSSION ITEM: CITT ATTORNEY TO REPORT ON LEGAL READING ON REFERENDUM FOR SUBSTATIONS 7-25-85 Mayor Ferre: All right, I woull like to... Miller, I want you to listen to this because... and I'm sorry Carollo Any? Perez are not here, but obviously, we can discuss it. But last time around 1 brought up the subject that we out to discuss and Liberty City it is my opinion that we absolutely need a substation in Liberty City. However, I think for the remaining expenditures here that it would not.... it would be a good idea for us instead of building a substation in Little Havana, that we build four mini stations. One in the ... All right, the... I would recommend that what we do and bring it up for discussion next Thursday, is build four mini stations. One in Little Havana along the 8th Street corridor. One in the Western part of the City, namely, the Flagami area. A third one in the Coconut Grove area and I don't know if we need a fourth. Mr. Manager, I don't know... is the Police Chief here? We may need a fourth either in Allapattah or may be... Or Wynwood or may be in the Shenandoah area. I don't know. You will have to come back and tell us... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, just for the record. I'm not opposed to what you are saying, but I think you might have a problem with the referendum as was presented. It spoke of two full service. That's the way the referendum spoke. Mayor Ferre: I would like to Mrs. Dougherty, Lucia, I would like to get a legal reading on that by the next Commission meeting on the referendum. And if it is possible that perhaps we can discuss at the next... would you put it on the schedule for discussion once the legal aspects of it are clarified. Ms. Dougherty: I can tell you right now the referendum was very very broad. You could do anything you want to actually. Mayor Ferre: Thank you. In other words we could build... instead of one substation we could build three mini stations in those areas? Ms. Dougherty: I'm sorry. I apologize. I thought you were finished. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Well, you have until next week and we won't hold you to that quick legal opinion. Next week is fine. Ms. Dougherty: It says basically, that you with this money you are going to have crime fighting facilities. That's basically what it was. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: ITEM 56 WAS WITHDRAWN. gl 83 July 18, 1985 47 AN 1 50. AUTHORIZE CONTRACT: LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORP. d PATRICIA XELLERSOS, MORITY CONTRACTOR — ABSTRACT SERVICES 1000 PROPERTIES WHICH HAVE DELINQUENT SOLID WASTE BILLS. y a i Mayor Ferrc : We are on 5"1. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Yes. I'm going to move it and wait for discussion. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager, where is Mr. Carlos. We have and I have about four, Mr. Manager, disabled people who owe four hundred, three hundred, two hundred dollars for delinquent garbage fees. Now, I have been asking all along how is it that we can ease these people's minds or what have you. So, is any provision in this or is there any way that this can be done? Mr. Pereira: I terms of waiving the fee or making a payment schedule? Mr. Dawkins: I don't know about waiving. I mean, I don't mean by waiving them. t Mr. Plummer: No, you don't want to waive... let me tell you what you can do. Mr. Dawkins: Go ahead, J. L. Mr. Plummer: The same thing we did with ad valorem taxes, You can do one of two things that's legal. One, you can in fact spread it out over a twenty year payment plan. Or two, you can take and put a lien against the house which is paid at the time that the house is sold. That the house cannot be sold until that lien is satisfied. That's the legal way. We had to do that with ad valorem. Now, that's possible. Mr. Pereira: We can waive it, but you know... Mayor Ferre: All right, now, are we ready to vote on this item or not? Mr. Pereira: By the way the Law Department is already working on something like that Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Yes, I'm ready. Mayor Ferre: Are we going to vote on 57 now? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, has it been moved? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, moved by Plummer and I seconded. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moved it and Dawkins seconds. Is that correct, Item 57? All right, call the roll on 57. t 81 84 July 18, 1985 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who c lh6,V@d its adoption: E RESOLUTION NO. 85-732 r A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $27,225, AND INTO A CONTRACT WITH PATRICIA MELLERSON, A MINORITY CONTRACTOR, IN AN AMOUNT TO EXCEED $22,275, TO PERFORM ABSTRACT SERVICES ON APPROXIMATELY 1,000 PROPERTIES WHICH HAVE DELINQUENT SOLID WASTE BILLS SO THAT ALL PARTIES WITH INTEREST IN SUCH PROPERTIES MAY BE NOTIFIED OF IMMINENT LEGAL ACTION TO COLLECT DELINQUENT SOLID WASTE FEES WITH FUNDING THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT'S CURRENT YEAR OPERATING BUDGET, WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE SOLID WASTE AND LAW DEPARTMENTS AND WITH THE COSTS TO BE ADDED TO THE OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT SOLID WASTE FEES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, and adopted by the following vote- a AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. the resolution was passed ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 51. AUTHORIZE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: BORRKLI.I d ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, PLANNERS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELAT® TO DESIGN d CONSTRUCTION OF FIRE GARAGE FIRE STATION 13 Mr. Plummer: Mayor, you might want to put on the record very quickly. The reason I went out of the building was I was told that there was a fire next door and half of the Fire Department is over there and I'm happy to tell you it was nothing more than just a transformer. (BACKGROUND COMMENTS OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferre: We are on Item 58. Mr. Plummer: I move it. Mayor Ferre: Ok. It's been moved by Plummer. All right, is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Plummer: Before you call the roll. Mr. Borrelli. Sir, I'm going to admonish you, air that there are "X" number of dollars to do this project. "X" number of dollars means from the time you are hired today until the dime that the Mayor has the opportunity to cut the fire hose. Now, I want to tell you if you come in at an overrun and I'm going to hold you responsible, because the Chief, I hold responsible all the time. I'm going to remember it in the future. So, every time you put that pencil to that paper I want you to remember this is a total project. That's chairs and filing cabinets and phones and air conditioning and scratch paper. The whole nine yards. Don't come back to me with an overrun. Ok. Mr. Borrelli: I understand.... t Bl 85 July 18, 1985 Mayor Perre: All right, we are... Mr. Dawkins: What we are saying to you is there has been quite a bit of discussion as to award of this bid and if I sit here and allow you to bring in change orders that will push it above what the other low bids was, then I have not been responsive to my constituents. Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Borrelli, I'm not accusing you, sir and let the record so reflect. But we have had too many cases here where we built a building and used all of the money, then we had to go tap other sources to buy furniture. We had to buy other sources to get air conditioning. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, out of fairness to Borrelli and associates. He is the architect, not the builder. Mr. Plummer: But Mr. Mayor, the architect is going to design the building in which ninety per cent of the funds are going to be used. I don't need any monuments to Chief McCullough. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Mr. Borrelli: I think that our track record indicates that we have been responsive to these same directives. Mayor Ferre: Absolutely, and your track record in the City of Miami. Mr. Plummer: Is good. I want to keep it that way. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Anything else. Have we voted on this? Ms. Hirai: No, air. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll please. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-733 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND BORRELLI & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS PLANNERS, P.A. TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE FIRE GARAGE/FIRE STATION #3 MODIFICATION AND EXPANSION PROJECT, USING PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH SERVICES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - i a i 52. AUTHORIZE LEASE AGRKKKENT: DEPT. OF OFF SfR&ET PARKING FOR LEASE OF SPACE IN OLTRPIA BLDG. FOR DEFT. OF RANAGEMKNT AND BUDGET. Mayor Ferre: Take up 59, which authorizes the Manager to execute lease agreement with the Off -Street Parking for the Olympia Building. Frank Cobo where are you. Ok. Mr. Plummer: Who is going in that space? Mr. Roger Carlton: This is a renewal of about six hundred feet that Office of Management and Budget has for two years with a sixty day cancellation, Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion and a second, further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption% RESOLUTION NO. 85-734 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF OFF-STREET PARKING FOR THE LEASE OF CERTAIN SPACE ON THE EIGHTH FLOOR OF THE OLYMPIA BUILDING, 174 EAST FLAGLER STREET, FOR THE USE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET, WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM BUDGETED FUNDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here _ and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 53- APPROVE PARK/ADOPT PROPOSAL REVOKABLE PER![IT - ADOPT A PARK PROGRAM SPONSORED BY gIYANIS CLUB OF AFRO AICAN FOR ROOFS PARK. Mayor Ferre: Take up 60. Mr. Dawkins: Anybody here from the Kiwanis Club? Mayor Ferre: Billy Long's... approving in principle the Adopt -a -Park Program, Why this can't be anything but good. You mean the Kiwanis Club is of Afro American is adopting Moore Park? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Well, you want to move that? gl 87 July 18, 1985 - i i Rf, Dawkins: Move it. Y'r Plummer: I second it. Mayor Ferre: All right, Dawkins moves, Plummer seconds with our gratitude to the Kiwanis Club. What's it called? The "Afro American Kiwanis Club", Mr. Dawkins: Uh huh. Of which our Sanitation Director is a member of the group. Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkinsq who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-735 A RESOLUTION APPROVING, IN PRINCIPLE, THE ADOPT -A -PARK PROGRAM PROPOSED BY THE KIWANIS CLUB OF AFRO-AMERICAN FOR MOORE PARK; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A ONE YEAR REVOKABLE PERMIT TO THE AFRO-AMERICAN KIWANIS CLUB, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY AS TO FORM i AND CORRECTNESS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution Was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo i a 54. AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF R.F.P. - ECONOMIC STUDY OF THE MIAMI RIVER. I i Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 61. I Mr. Plummer: Who is going to pay for that? Mayor Ferre: For what? i Mr. Plummer: Who is going to pay for the economic or the study? Mr. Rodriguez: Ok. This item relates to #27 and we received as explained in i Item 27 a grant of thirty-five thousand dollars from there... i Mr. Plummer: Can we do it for the fifty-five thousand? p Mr. Rodriguez: No. The amount that we need for the whole thing ie aeventy- r five thousand dollars. Mr. Plummer: Where is the other twenty coming from? Mr. Rodriguez: Forty. The other forty thousand we are recommending that it be taken from the 1954/85 general fund, special programs and accounts. Mr. Plummer: Why? Mr. Rodriguez: Because we need to have seventy-five thousand dollars... l gl 88 July 18, 1985 r] Mr. Plummer: We don't control the River. What about this great program in the State of the River restoration? Mr. Rodriguez: Let me go back a little bit. You know that Governor Grah&t established... Mr. Plummer: I move that 61 be deferred until we find out why the teatbf that money is not coming out of the general fund. Mayor Ferre: Continue until the next regular Commission meeting. Mr. Plummer: That's fine. Mayor Ferre: Well, if you have got some other substitution you better speak now. Mr. Plummer: Does this motion here only accept... Well, but you see if I accept that grant then I have got to come up with the difference. Mayor Ferre: How much is the grant? Mr. Plummer: They are giving us thirty-five in the grant. Right? Mr. Rodriguez: Right. Mr. Pereira: Forty thousand. Mr. Plummer: That means I have got to come up with forty. I don't think it's fair that the taxpayers of this community should have to come up with forty. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. Yes, but there is always a positive way of doing things. Say that we accept the grant provided, however, that we conditioned it upon the State and the County sharing in the expense. Mr. Plummer: Well, that's a State grant isn't it? Mayor Ferre: It's a State grant? That the County shares the expenditure. Mr. Plummer: That's fine. I so move. Mayor Ferre: Ok. So, the motion then on 61 is that the State grant be accepted provided that the County share in the remaining expense since it's their River as well as ours. Ok. Mr. Plummer: Right. Ms. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, please also let the record reflect that the title in the body will not reflect that this is in accordance with Section 1852.2. Mayor Ferre: Yes. All right, further discussion as amended, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-736 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT SERVICES NEEDED TO CONDUCT AN ECONOMIC STUDY OF THE MIAMI RIVER WITH THE ANTICIPATED FEE FOR SUCH SERVICES BEING ESTABLISHED AT $75,000. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins g1 M the resolution Was Paeoed JUIY 18, 1985 RRIM Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 10E5: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 55. ALLOCATE $72,000 TO LEASE 12 AUTOMOBILES FOR 16 MONTHS POLICE DEPARTMENT STREET NARCOTICS UNIT SNU-DRUG DEALER APPREHENSION ECT. Mayor Ferre: Now, Department of 62. This allocates an amount not to exceed seventy-two thousand from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to lease twelve automobiles for a period of... Are these the undercover automobiles? Mr. Pereira: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Mr. Plummer: I have no back up material on thise Mayor Ferre: Plummer it's very simple, three hundred fifty-eight bucks a month. Mr. Plummer: No, air. I have no list of bidders on this. I don't know how many people bid. Mr. Pereira: It's an extension of an existing leases is what I'm told. Mr. Plummer: At the same rates and conditions. Mayor Ferre: Three fifty-eight per vehicle per month. Chief Dickson: Yes, it's an extension on an existing contract. Mr. Plummer: How can you extend it without rebidding? Mr. Pereira: Because there are provision of the contract. Mr. Plummer: Huh. Mr. Pereira: It's a provision of the contract. Mr. Plummer: It was in the original contract? Mr. Pereira: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Chief, the question around here has been, how comes Cecil Rolle wears a white cowboy hat and you wear a black cowboy hat. Chief Dickson: Well, he started first. Mr. Plummer: Not only a white cowboy hat, but a white coat. He is the good guy. Chief, look the question I'm asking is if do you feel that if we went out to bidding we could have got a better price? Chief Dickson: No, air. We couldn't have. Mr. Plummer: Fine. I move Item 62. Mayor Ferre: All right there is a motion on Item 62, is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll, of 90 July 18, 1985 0 Mf6 Plummer: Let the record reflect that this is not an extension without a ptovision in the original contract. i The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-737 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SEVENTY TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($72,000.00) FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND TO LEASE TWELVE (12) AUTOMOBILES FOR A PERIOD OF SIXTEEN (16) MONTHS, SUCH AUTOMOBILES TO BE USED BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT'S STREET NARCOTICS UNIT (S.N.U.) IN COMBATTING THE DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF ILLEGAL DRUGS, FOR USE BY THE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION TACTICAL APPREHENSION TEAM (C.I.T.A.T.) IN IDENTIFYING AND APPREHENDING THOSE CRIMINALS WHO DEAL IN STOLEN PROPERTY, DRUGS AND OTHER ITEMS OF CONTRABAND, AND FOR USE BY THE DIRECTED PATROL DETAILS WITHIN THE PATROL SECTION TO IDENTIFY AND COMBAT BURGLARIES, ROBBERIES AND PROSTITUTION RELATED RIMES, UPON SUCH COSTS AND EXPENSES HAVING BEEN APPROVED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution vas;peaeed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. 0 a The following resolution aas introduced by ConlmisaiUner bawkiheo 1i%o mod its adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 85-738 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING FUNDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($44,000,00) FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI LAW ENFOEOEMENT TRUST FUND TO COVER NECESSARY WAGES AND EMPLOYEE BENEFIT EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH THE EMPLOYMENT OF TWO (2) ADDITIONAL PROPERTY SPECIALISTS I TO BE ASSIGNED TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY UNIT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT TO EMPLOY SUCH PERSONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo the resolution was passed 57. ACCEPT PLAT: BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JR. HIGH SUBDIVISION. Mayor Ferre: We now are on 64• Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect that this is an actual public hearing and no one came forth to object. Mayor Ferre: Anybody wish to speak on Item 64 in this public hearing? All right, it's been moved by Plummer, seconded by Dawkins. Mr. Plummer: The other way around. Mayor Ferre: Or the other way around, further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-739 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED BOOKER T• WASHINGTON JR. HIGH A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed d adopted by the following vote- i gl 92 July 18, 1985 AIM Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer; Jr• Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez) Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 58. AWARD BID: SILVER BLUFF STORM SEWER PROJECT. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 65. Silver Bluff Storm Sewer. That's the one we bid this morning? We open this morning at 11. Mr. Pereira: Let me fill in the numbers for you. The proposed attached resolution to accept the bid received July 16, 1985 of Williams Paving Company, Inc., in the amount of eight hundred ninety thousand two hundred twenty-one dollars forty-one cents, Bids "A" and "B" of the proposal accepts the bids received July 16, 1985 of Miri Construction, Inc., in the amount of a hundred twelve thousand five hundred thirty-one dollars seventy-five cents, Bid "C" of the proposal and authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract on behalf of the City with each of the said low bidders. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, that's only a million dollars worth of bids. Is that the total project? Mr. Pereira: Isn't that the total project Don? Mr. Cather: Yes. Silver Bluff. Yes. Mr. Pereira: No, that's not the one that we did this morning. Mr. Plummer: Well, the Mayor asked and somebody said "yes". Maurice this is not the ones we did this morning. I Mr. Dawkins: It's not. Mr. Plummer: That's what he is .telling me now. Mayor Ferre: Well, I don't know, but anything that says Silver Bluff on it I'm just for as a matter of general principle. Mr. Cather: The one you bid this morning was Edgewater Highway Improvement for two million dollars. Mayor Ferre: Silver Bluff is the area ---and I read this stuff--- that is between 22nd and 27th between U.S. 1 and Coral Way. Is that correct? Mr. Cather: Right. And it's the out fall down to the Bay down 22nd Avenue. Mayor Ferre: That's right. And last time it rained you and I went out there and talk about water. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager and Madam City Attorney, is it any way you can insert a clause for penalty. Now, they have torn up Northwest 12th Avenue from 71st Street to forty-six Street for sixteen months. We have complained. We have gone to the County Commission and complained. This Commission has had the County to send a representative down here to complain and the streets are still torn up and I wouldn't want any other neighborhood in Miami to be subjected... Mr. Plummer: Well, Southwest 7th Street is just as bad and has been torn up not quite as long, but it's just as bad. gI 93 July 18, 1985 M7tt4 Dawkins: See, and there this some kind of away... and see I go and the County say they are responsible, but they are not doing anything about it and it looks like the contractor could care less. Mr, Plummer: What's the time days on this one? Mr. Pereira: The penalty that we can assess is directly related to the time that they will sign off and say will complete the project within "X" number of days. If it's not completed then we will begin to assess penalty which goes into the pocket. Mr. Dawkins: Is there any way we can set it up to pay for only the work completed? Mr. Plummer: No, what you really want and I think the difference that the Manager is missing is that you want the fine upped to have some teeth in it. Mr. Dawkins: That's right. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Are we ready to vote? Mr. Cather: We always set a time certain for this project to be completed. I don't have in my records the exact time of the completion. I would estimate it to be, you know, less than a year for this project and in the event that • they do not complete it within that time we assess liquidated damages from any where from two hundred to a thousand dollars a day and you constantly get request from contractors who review that and so forth, but we are very strict on the assessment of liquidated damages. We want you... we hope that you will go along with us. I have increased the amount of liquidated damages just about every contract that comes along because I want to see it done on time. Mayor Ferre: All right, who is going to move 65? Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, Perez seconds, further discussion, call the roll on 65? The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who E moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-740 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF WILLIAMS PAVING CO,, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $890,221.41, BIDS A AND B OF THE PROPOSAL, AND THE BID OF MIRI CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $112,531.75 BID C OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR SILVER BLUFF STORM SEWER PROJECT WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "SILVER BLUFF STORY, SEVERS" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,002,753.16 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH EACH OF SAID FIRMS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. , Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES; None. ASSENT; Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo g1 94 Uly 18, 1985 4 0 in 59. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT: SCHWEBY.E-SHISKIN ASSOCIATES INC, INCREASING MAXIMUM TOTAL COMPENSATION FOR SURVEYING SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH CITY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. Mayor Ferre: 66 execute amendment with Schwebke-Shiskin. Mr. Plummer: Why are we increasing the amount? Mr. Dawkins: And when will we stop increasing the amount? Mr. Cather: We have let three contracts for additional survey work for the City because we have a lot of construction work going on and we need these survey parties to get this information to the designers so that we can complete our storm and sanitary programs and our highway work. Mr. Plummer: How much is this extension? Mr. Cather: Hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Plummer: And you are not going out to competitive bidding. Mr. Cather: We already went out to competitive bidding. Mr. Plummer: On this extension? Mr. Cather: Yes, air. Mr. Plummer: And that was the cheapest you got? Mr. Cather: Yes, sir. We all got standard rates on those. We had three of them if you remember and this one was not passed because Commissioner Dawkins had some questions about it. I think I satisfied his questions. Now, it's coming back to the Commission to be approved like the other two. Mr. Plummer: If he will move it I will second it. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded, further discussion, call the roll on Item 66. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-741 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND SCHWEBKE-SHISKIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC., INCREASING THE MAXIMUM TOTAL COMPENSATION ALLOWED FOR SURVEYING SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH CITY CONTRACTED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE PROJECT EXPENSE FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL PROJECT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed sad adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 95 July 18, 19B5 MS.. None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 60. DISCUSSION OF PURCHASE OF 5 PARCELS OF LAND IN OVERTOWN PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT ARF,A - SEE RES. 85-757 SAME MEETING. Mayor Ferre: We are on 67. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Wait. Mr. Manager, have somebody explain to me what we are doing here. Mayor Ferre: Buying five parcels of land. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, what five parcels are these? Mr. Matthew Schwartz: These are parcels on... four of them are on Park West and one is in Overtown Block 25. Mr. Dawkins: No, way in hell I keep telling you all. Continue it. Defer it. Why you all got... why you all can't buy three on one side and two on one side. No, no, no, go back and bring... and get... when you get ready to buy the land on the other side of the railroad track in Overtown all the money is going to be gone. No, continue it until the next meeting. Mr. Plummer: Well, why don't you continue it until they do it the way that you have said that you will buy no more land on the east of the expressway than they propose on the west. Mr. Bailey: Commissioner, you made your motion, but I would like to have a chance to explain what's happening. We are negotiating these parcels rather than going to condemnation and we can only come before you with a settlement or either an offer to negotiate once the seller has made up his mind to negotiate with the City. It just so happens that the people on the Park West side and some of those on the Overtown side have decided they want to accept the offer and not go through condemnation. There is no way that we can convince some of the people on the Overtown side and these are property owners to settle other than going through condemnation because they have some experience they realize that it doesn't really matter to them, because we have to pay the attorneys anyway and every time we go to condemnation it cost the City much more than it would be if we negotiate. So, we can't, you know, just come here with somebody on the Overtown side because they have decided not to come here and negotiate with you. We can't force that. Mr. Dawkins: In theory that's beautiful. Mr. Bailey: Well, that's the way it actually happened. You just approve... Mr. Dawkins: In theory that's beautiful. Do you remember reading in the paper some days ago that a bank refused to finance a project in the Overtown sector. You know why they refused, because they have a choice of going to Park West, but if there were no choice and the only place to develop was on the Overtown site, I have a feeling that the bank... that's just my personal opinion. Mr. Bailey: That is not true. That developer does not have sites in the Park West side. Mr. Dawkins: No, no, he didn't apply to borrow money for the Park West side, Mr. Bailey: He does not have the right to develop the Park West side. He did not bid on the Park West side. He only bid on the Overtown side. ld 96 July 18, 1985 Mr, Dawkins: Mr. Bailey, you are just like my wife! You hear what you want to hear and shut out the rest of it. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll! Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. Mr. Bailey: Well, can I have a clarification of what you are calling the roll Oil? Mr. Dawkins: On deferring this until you and I can agree on what we are doing. Mr. Bailey: Then it is not until we can get the people on the Overtown side to agree to come here and negotiate. Mr. Plummer: You didn't say that. Mr. Bailey: Well, that is what I am trying to get clear so I can understand what the directions are when we go back. Mr. Plummer: What did he say? He said for you and him to sit down and have an agreement. He didn't put any stipulations on that, don't kid yourself. Don't kid yourself! Mr. Bailey: Just clarification. Mayor Ferre: Now, this a motion to defer. All right, it has been moved and seconded. You got the clear direction now? Call the roll. THEREUPON, on motion duly made by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the Com- mission deferred consideration of the above matter by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: NONE ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo NOTE: LATER PASSED AS RESOLUTION NO. 65-757• 61. ACCEPT HUD LOAN REPAYK&N'1' PROVISION - S5,958,400 LOAN SECTION PROGRAM AND NEGOTIATE NECESSARY CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS. Mayor Ferre: All right, take up Item 68 - a resolution acceptance of HUD loan, repayment provisions, authorizing the Manager to accept $5,958,000. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: the roll. t Moved by Dawkins, second by Plummer. Further discussion? Call 97 July 18, 1985 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins# who Moved its adoption: { 5 RESOLUTION NO. 85-742 i A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A $5,95-5,400 LOAN UNDER THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SECTION 108 LOAN PROGRAM AND NEGOTIATE THE NECESSARY CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS TO IMPLEMENT THE LOAN PROGRAM; FURTHER AUTHORIZING A PROMISSORY NOTE FOR THE REPAYMENT OF SAID LOAN TO SAID AGENCY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution Was passed and adopted by the following vote - MS.. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo ----------------------------------------------------------------- 62. EXPRESS DTEST OF CITY TO PROCEED WITH DEVELOPMEE'P OF A MULTIFAMILY RENAL HOUSING PROJECT - 91 IIMITS MORTGAGE REVEfUE BOEDS BEE IT OF CIRCA/BARXESSS/SAWYER. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 69. Mr. Dawkins: Have a clarification on 69, Mr. Mayor, before we go into this. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. 4 Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Schwartz, can you explain what this is, please? Mr. Matthew Schwartz: This would allow the firm of Circa, Barness, Sawyer, to utilize the approved $65,000,000 mortgage revenue bond for the development of affordable housing in Overtown. They need this inducement letter. It is a letter of intent to allow them to use it if their project is financially feasible. There is no commitment on the City. We need this for the Urban Development Action Grant which we are submitting at the end of this month for the project area. Mr. Plummer: And what is the total amount? Mr. Schwartz: It is for a maximum of $9,000,000 to tap into the $65,000,000 mortgage revenue bond that was by Shearson American Express that was approved. Mr. Plummer: What is 91 into $9,000,000? Mr. Schwartz: It is a little under $100,000. They would be requiring less than that, significantly less than that. Mr. Plummer: Well, but, here again, I don't know that we want to give them that latitude. Mr. Schwartz: We would ... Mr. Plummer: To me, that is an awful lot of money - $100,000 a unit, t' lti 9$ July 180 1985 t A M1 .A Mr6 Schwartz: Their cost is approximately on these units, I think it averages About $60,000. We could cut this amount to $6,000,000 -probably would be more Accurate. Mr. Pereira: What is the reason we have it in high millage? Mr. Schwartz: This is the figure given to us by the developer. Mr. Plummer: Oh, I am sure! In his generosity, he really wanted 12y right? I would go along with not to exceed $6,000,000. Mr. Schwartz: Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Say that again. Mr. Plummer: I changed it from $9,000,000 to $6,0000000 on Item 69. Mr. Pereira: It doesn't mean we are going to give it to the ... Mayor Ferre: From $9,000,000 to $6,000,000. Mr. Plummer: Not to exceed $6,000,000. Mr. Schwartz: We could come back to you. Mr. Pereira: It doesn't mean that ... Mr. Schwartz: This is just a letter of intent. Mr. Plummer: No, no, I understand a letter of intent, but the intent is so that he can get financing. Financing in the City project is that if he does go up to that amount, he could put units in there for $100,000 a piece. Mr. Pereira: No, because the cost is ... Mr. Bailey: Commissioner, the maximum amount of $9,000,000 is an area in which we have to operate. Mr. Plummer: No, he has to operate! Mr. Bailey: No, no, which we have to. They make application to us for the amount that they need for the financing. Those units have already been determined in terms of what the range will be for the development cost. Any money that we don't use for one development, now that we have the bonds sold, can be used over for another developer who is going to have the same requirements. Mr. Plummer: But what is the cost fact on a unit? Mr. Bailey: These are rental units. Mr. Plummer: How much do they cost? Mr. Bailey: Anywhere from $60,000 to $60,000 per unit with rentals running anywhere between $400 and $550 per month. So, any money that we get, you know, that is authorized, not necessarily for that developer, even though this developer is a requesting an amount so we have to include that in the TM O to indicate to HUD that that is an absolute commitment. Any money that it is not used by one developer, we do not have to go back to the bond market and sell those again. We can transfer it over to another one. Mr. Plummer: But, who is going to be repaying the loan? Mr. Bailey: We pay those loans for the for the developer. Mr. Plummer: That is right. Mr. Bailey: But, only for the amount that we are letups then hg►vet got for the amount that we are authorized to sell, Id 99 July 18, 1985 'i Mr. Pereira: You authorize "X" number of dollars. You only let them use what he actually needs. Mr. Plummer: All right. { Mr. Dawkins:Mr. Mayor, but see, just like we are applying for this from the Federal government, is that right? Mr. Bailey: We are applying for a UDAG and we need to have an absolute indication of commitment on the part of the City for the permanent financing on the mortgage for the Federal government to recognize the UDAG. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, then whomever the reader is who reviews this, he is not going to look at this the same way Commissioner Plummer looks at it and divide 91 into $9,000,000 and come up with the same ... Mr. Bailey: No, no, each developer has to make application for us to ask for the amount that they need to borrow to cover their construction cost. We just need to have the latitude and the amount of funds available. Mr. Plummer: I don't like that $3,000,000 to play around with, is my problem! Mr. Bailey: See, the authorization ... Mr. Plummer: Okay, let's just defer it for a week, and you come see me. a Mr. Bailey: Be glad to. Mr. Plummer: You come see me, because you know, at this particular point, I am looking to this named developer who is going to be on the hook for the reobligation of paying the loan. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves that Item 69 be continued until the meeting a week from today, Thursday the 25th of July. Mr. Plummer: If Mr. Bailey has the opportunity to see me. Mayor Ferre: If not, at the next regular meeting - it should be in September. It has been moved and seconded by Dawkins. Further discussion on Number 69. Call the roll. THEREUPON, on motion duly made by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the above item was con- tinued to July 25th Commission Meeting by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 63. APPOINT 2 MEMBERS TO PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL (PIC). (Note: 2 appointments are still pending) Mayor Ferre: Now we are on Item 70, which is the reappointment of members. The four PIC members were Skip Chavez, Alberto Quirantes, Jacquelyn McLaughlin, Alvin Gilford. Now, I think I have ... what does HM, AM, and BM mean? Mr. Plummer: I assume, black male ... 14 100 Ju17 18, 1985 e Mayor Ferre: Okay, I got it. Hispanic male, American, Black male, okay, t remember sponsoring Skip Chavez, so I don't have any problem and whoever sponsored the others can make the motion if they want. I don't have any problem making the motion to reappoint Skip Chavez. Mr. Plummer: Skip should be reappointed. -i 64• AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF UDAG APPLICATION - SE/OYERTOWN PARK WEST PROJECT SUBORDINATE FINANCING OF CONDOMINIUMS - MULTI FAMILY RENTAL UNITS AND COMMERCIAL SPACE. 7} 3 i Mayor Ferre: We are on Item 72, the Miami Waterfront Board. We need four members appointed. Group II, representative of the Yacht Club; Group IIIj representative of environmental groups and Group YI is resident of the City of Miami. Mr. Hugh 0. Patrick: Mr. Mayor ... Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Patrick: I'm Hugh Patrick, Chairman of the City of Miami Waterfront Board. Mayor Ferre: Yea, sir, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Patrick: Do you need any clarification on any of the names that are ... Mayor Ferre: I am fine. I am just looking for the ... I know you are on the + other side now, but ... Mr. Plummer: That is not what I heard! Mayor Ferre: I am still looking for these appointments now. Who are you recommending? We have Dan Kipnis. Mr. Dawkins: Daniel Kipnis. Mayor Ferre: And Michael Chenowith. Mr. Patrick: Michael Chenowith and Theodore Long and ... Mr. Dawkins, your i t Mr. Plummer: Which one are we talking about, four? Mr. Patrick: Four, yes. Mr. Dawkins: Who did I submit? ' Mayor Ferre: Okay, I will tell you what. Let's appoint Kipnis and Chenowith. Chenowith for III, and Kipnis for II. Mr. Patrick: And the gentlemen ... Mayor Ferre: Then that leaves us ... got anybody else you want? Mr. Dawkins: Henry Gibbons? Mr. Patrick: Henry Gibbons, yes. Mr. Dawkins: We need four? Mr. Patrick: Four. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I am going to put Henry Gibbons. Mr. Mayor, I recommend Henry Gibbons. Mayor Ferre: All right, Henry Gibbons, Chenowith and Kipnis. Mr. Dawkins: That is three. We need one more. Mr. Patrick: And Theodore Long. She is a female that is from the Miami Mayor Ferre: We will leave that one for next time. t Id 102 Julp 18, 1985 poor Mr: Perez! 1 have this frame that was recommended by the Real Estate Action ' sir t e Mayor Ferree Ted Slack`? All rights we have a letter here from the heal Estate Action ... Mr. Perez: Real Estate Action Committee of Dade County. Mayor Ferre: ... of Dade County who is recommending that we appoint Ted Slack, Thomson Dickson, or Jerome Bane. Oh, I know Ted Slack. All right, Ted Slack. Now those are the appointments - Gibbons, Slack, Kipnis and Chenowith. Now, let ;a make sure that they ... they have to be in the right categories. If they are not in the right categories, bring them back to us for discussion. All right, it has been moved by Plummer, seconded by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who Moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-744 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE ON THE MIAMI WATERFRONT BOARD. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J PerezJ the resolution was passed r Mayor Ferre: We are now on the appointments to the Miami Heritage Conservation Board. Plummer wants to appoint them all! Mr. Dawkins: I move we defer this until the next time and let some more t people apply and then let Plummer appoint them all. Will that create any problem? Well, we have several good applicants. Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: And we have three vacancies since 10th of July. Some of them are incumbents. Mr. Dawkins: Arthur King is one. Mr. Rodriguez: And Mr. Al Perez is also incumbent. Mayor Ferre: So what you are saying is we should reappoint Albert Perez? He has done a good job. Mr. Rodriguez: Both of them have done a very good job, Mr. King and Mr. Perez. And then you have only one applicant for real estate broker, which is Mr. Jay Hirsch. Mayor Ferre: So then we can go for Jay Hirsch, that is three. Mr. Rodriguez: And that will be it. Id 103 July 1134 1985 i f: F Mayor Ferre: How about Arthur King? Oh, you have got Arthur King, okay. Well then the appointments are Albert Perez, Jay Hirsch and Arthur King+ Anybody have a problem with that? Plummer? All right, is there a motion then? Perez moves. Dawkins seconds ... Plummer seconds, Arthur King, Sr., Jay Hirsch ... and the last one was who? `3 Mr. Rodriguez: Albert Perez. Mayor Ferre: Albert Perez who has done a good job. Mr. Dawkins: The Administration recommended that we reappoint the present members and that is what we did. i Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-745 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo BOTH FOR TEE RECORD: ZONING APPOINTKENT S WERE AGAIN CONTINUED AND APPLICATION PERIOD RE -OPENED. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTMENT WAS CONTINUED AND APPLICATION PERIOD RE -OPEN. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 66. AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF R.F.P.'S - MAJOR RESTORATION AND REDEVELOPMENT OF HISTORIC 10 STORY OLYMPIA BUILDING AND GUSMAN CULTURAL CENTER. Mayor Ferre: Item 76. - authorizing issuance of a request for proposal for a major restoration/redevelopment of the the Olympia Building. All right, Roger, you are on. Mr. Roger Carlton: This is the portion of the process under the City Charter in which you hold the public hearing to clear that building to be available for redevelopment. You appoint the Selection Committee which has fifteen proposed members that we believe are ethnically balanced, representative of the public and staff and you select the accounting firm which will bring back the contract after we negotiate the minority equity portion, which will be 50% and then it allows the process to begin. Mr. Plummer: Where is the R.F.P.? Mr. Carlton: It is in the package with you, It is gy pegoo long. Id 104 July 18, 1985 i i x Mr, Plummer: Who is on the committee? Mayor Ferre: What are we arguing about hePe?1i 'aMt t� tit thas Affirmative Action Board? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS. Mr. Plummer: I move Item 76. Mayor Ferre: Isn't Mr. Frank Cobo ..+ where did Frank Cobo go? Mr. Frank Cobo: Mr. Mayor, this is just the P.y.I'. abd of course we are going to come back with the proposal. Mayor Ferre: So you are okay? Who did you want to talk to se about yesterday? So you are all set on this now? Mr. Cobo: Right. Mayor Ferre: All right, Plummer moves item 76. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would like to amend leaving the possibility of adding two more names to this list. Mayor Ferre: The Manager has to do that. You have got to talk to him. Whisper it in his ear. Mr. Plummer: I don't have any names right now. Mr. Pereira: Well, give it to me and we will add them up. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, under discussion. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir? Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Carlton, are we talking about redoing the building only, or are you talking about redoing the square blocks? Mr. Carlton: The basic project is the building only. The R.F.P. has the i option that if somebody wants to provide that land at their own expense, not at the City's, and add that in somehow at their own expense, that that possibility exists, but it does not make it mandatory and it is very clear that the City will not put a penny into it. Mr. Dawkins: But, there is no way the City is going to turn down a gift like that either, is there? Mr. Carlton: If it is a gift, then we are ready. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, it has been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: Id RESOLUTION NO. 85-746 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR A MAJOR RESTORATION/REDEVELOPMENT OF THE HISTORIC, TEN STORY OLYMPIA BUILDING AND GUSMAN CULTURAL CENTER, 174 EAST FLAGLEE STREET AND SELECTING A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIP.N AND APPOINTING MEMBERS TO A REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD AND THE CITY MANAGER. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 105 July 18, 1985 x Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the tesolutiob W&A passed t abd Adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 4 Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre N09S: None. ASSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 67. CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION: WEST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I - H-4510. Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item 77, confirming ordering resolution 85-587 for the construction of the West Little Havana Improvement. Anybody wish to speak on this? All right, seeing none, is there a motion then? Oh, I am sorry. Yes, Ma'am. Ms. Carol Ladinero: My name is Carol Ladinero, and I live at 2307 S. W. 10th Street in this area that you are proposing the curbways and gutters and sidewalks and in reference to that, I went with one of my Spanish neighbors to find out exactly how some of the other neighbors felt. Now, for one, we received a letter in English, which meant I know I can understand, because I can't speak that much Spanish, but when speaking to the neighbors, they were, maybe about three -fourths, were not cognizant of all the necessary improvements that were needed and I told them, advised them to please call the number of Dan Brenner that you have on here, so in regards to that, plus the time that you had today, half of the neighbors were working; they could not be here, so they asked me in a way to represent them. Now, from 8th Street, going to 9th Street and 10th Street on 23rd Avenue, you have got a restaurant on 8th Street; you have got apartment buildings; you have got on 9th Street a school that has school buses and parking meters. It is so congested to park, Mr. Ferre, that a lot of us believe that when you are making that curbing, you are taking away probably half of our parking that you definitely need at this time and we are very upset about that because what is going to happen is the overflow from the apartment building, the overflow from the school, Lincoln - Marti, which Demetrio Perez has interest, plus a newly acquired house on the corner at 990 S. W. 21rd Avenue, which will probably be offices, I have been told and maybe an extension of the school will be needing further parking. Where is that parking going to go? I will tell you, it is going to go onto 1Oth Street and 11th Street and all the way down. Even neighbors at this point who have five cars in front of their homes, when that curbing comes, are only allowed two parking spaces. They will have to find it on other people's property. There is already friction and fighting. There are some windows broken in cars. There have been ... cats, I don't know what, put into somebody's cars, because the neighbors did not want them there. There is already friction and problems. I want to please ask for some kind of an extension, so the neighbors are cognizant enough that they can come down here and explain how they feel, perhaps toward an evening hour when they are home from work, and can do this. Mr. Plummer: Let me try to help you here, okay? The action before us today is no more, if you read it, than authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids. That is basically one of the first steps. From there, after the bids come in, and the prices are determined, you have the right to come back here at that time. You can contest the prices. You can agree with the prices. Then, a contractor has to be selected after that. What I am saying to you in so many words is, there is a long way to go before a spade is put into the ground. Now, what you are asking is ... I assume what you are asking is to allow the neighbors to come down and to voice their opinion as it relates to this particular item, and I think you have a reasonable request that when this item comes back, Mr. Cather, when this item comes back, that it be intentionally scheduled for the evening session of one of our meetings, allowing the neighbors to come down and speak their piece for or against. i 1 106 July 18, 1985 d Ms. Ladinero: All right, and also, I would like to know if they can also, at that time, assure everyone that they will have ample parking in some area. Mr. Plummer: Well, that could be an argumentive point, okay? And this is a Point that we hear at all times. When you make certain improvements, there are some detriments to improvements. You know, the on -street, off-street Parking is always a problem, but you can make your argument at that time for it. Mayor Ferre: We've got a long way to go on this. This is just the beginning. Mr. Dawkins: And be sure that the neighbors are notified, since she has been talking about this. Mr. Plummer: Well, they have to be by law. Mr. Dawkins: So that they will know to be here. Mayor Ferre: All right, is the record clear on this, Mr. Cather, that it has to be notified - you know, the law requires it anyway, but before we proceed beyond this point, these people have an opportunity to come before the Commission and express their opinions. You have some homework to do. Mr. Don Cather: Yes, that is fine with me, but we have already sent out 439 letters to the property owners. Mayor Ferre: No, sir, you are not following - not today, but for the next step. Mr. Dawkins: All she stated is that it was scheduled in a time that is not convenient for people who work. Mayor Ferre: So next time schedule it after 6:00 P.M. Mr. Dawkins: That's fine. Mr. Plummer: Well, let me go one step further - Mr. Cather, have you had the opportunity to meet with all of these people in the area? Mr. Cather: No, we sent out ... Mr. Plummer: I think it would be a great idea for you to get together with this young lady, schedule a meeting in that particular area. Show them exactly what you propose to do, listen to their thoughts, so that when you come back before the Commission, hopefully, there might be an area of compromise. I just think that if you go out and have a meeting in the neighborhood, okay? ... that you could save this Commission some time and there just might be the possibility of a compromise, so I would make that as a part of the motion that the next time this matter comes before us, Number one, all parties have to be notified again, and Number two ... excuse me? Ms. Ladinero: In Spanish also, because I know 80% are. Mr. Plummer: In English and in Spanish. Number two, that it be scheduled for an evening meeting and Number three, that prior to that coming back before this Commission, that you hold a neighborhood meeting in the area, in the evening, in English and in Spanish so hopefully an area can be understood and a compromise in which I would love to see this young lady stand up at the next meeting and say "I love this program, let's vote on it". Mr. Cather: Fine. Mayor Ferre: With that stipulation. Mr. Plummer: Based on that I move it, Mr. Mayon. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Id 107 July 18, 1985 T t Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Thank you, Mgisrn: Call the roll. A The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plumber; who Moved its adoption: { MOTION NO. 85-747 A MOTION CONTINUING CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION FOR WEST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I (H-4510) STIPULATING THAT: THE ADMINISTRATION SHALL MAKE SURE THAT ALL CONCERNED PARTIES BE NOTIFIED AGAIN IN BOTH ENGLISH AND SPANISH; THAT NEXT TIME THIS ISSUE BE SCHEDULED IN THE EVENING PORTION OF THE AGENDA; AND THAT PRIOR TO THE TIME THIS ISSUE COMES BACK FOR CONSIDERATION, THE ADMINISTRATION SHALL HOLD A NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING IN THE AREA IN ORDER TO BETTER INFORM THE NEIGHBORS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ` Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 1�1�- -- -- -- --- - - - -- -- -- -- ---- -- - --- -- - -- -- --- -- --- --- ---- ------ - - --- -- - - - --- - --- 68. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BID C H-4492• Mr. Plummer: Item 78 is also a public hearing. Mayor Ferre: Does anybody wish to be heard on Item 78? Anybody here in the public wishing to be beard on Item 78? Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect that no one came forward. Mr. Mayor, as such, I then move the item. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves 78. Second by Dawkins? Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-748 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF IRWIN- GREENWELL, INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $268,254.04 FOR OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I (BID "C") - H- 4492; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $329956.65 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- 1d 108 July 18, 1985 MS.. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES., None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 69. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT BID E = SR- 5498. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 79. Mr. Plummer: This is a public hearing. Is there anyone of the public who wishes to come forward and speak on Item 79? Let the record reflect that no one came forward to speak, and as such, then move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-749 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., IN. AT A TOTAL COST OF $196,710.56 FOR CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - EAST LITTLE HAVANA - (BID "E: SR-5498; AND AUTHORIZING F A FINAL PAYMENT OF $19,474.99• (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. l Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo --------------- ------------------ --------------------------------------------- 0 70. CONFIRM PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL: WEST TRAILVIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4447. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 80, which is an estimated to cost totally $145,178.11. Does anybody wish to speak on this? This is West Trailview Highway Improvement District H-4447. Go ahead, Plummer. Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect no one came forth to speak on this issue, and as such, I move for its approval. Mr. Dawkins: Second. 14 109 July 18, 1985 0 9 v Mayor Ferre: It has been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the foil. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner P1umIDetwho moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-750 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WEST TRAILVIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT IN WEST TRAILVIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - H-4447 AND REMOVING ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was _passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 71. CONFIRM PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL: CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSIONS IMPROVEMENT FLAGLER STREET SR-5458-C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Yes, take up 81. Anybody wish to speak on item 81, $168,616.93 at the extension of Flagler Street and Citywide Sanitary Sewer extension district 5458-C, center line sewer. Anybody wish to speak? Mayor Ferre: Let the record reflect that no one came forth to speak on this item.. As such, I move for its approval. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? All right, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-751 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSIONS IMPROVEMENT - FLAGLER STREET IN CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWERS EXTENSIONS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - FLAGLER STREET SR-5458-C (CENTERLINE SEWER) AND REMOVING ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- 14 110 July 18, 1985 0 AS: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre S None. A$SNT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jt. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo - i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72. AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF UDAG APPLICATION - SE/OVERTOWN PARK WEST PROJECT SUBORDINATE FINANCING OF CONDOMINIUMS - MULTI FAMILY RENTAL UNITS AND COMMERCIAL SPACE. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 83. This is a resolution, UDAG application. authorizing the Manager to prepare and submit an application for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, under the urban development action grant program. Mr. Plummer: How much? Mr. Pereira: $11,667,400. Mayor Ferre: You don't want that! Mr. Plummer: What is the money going to be used for? Mr. Matthew Schwartz: The funds will be used to subsidize the construction of 440 units of rental housing, 330 units of for sale housing, 118,200 square feet of commercial space and 928 parking spaces. Three of the blocks are located in Overtown, one in Park West. It is the Phase I development. Mr. Plummer: Do I have a list of all locations? Mr. Schwartz: Yes, it is included on the attached map. Mr. Plummer: Does anyone wish to speak on Item 83? Let the that no one came forth to speak. I then so move for approval. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a second? UDAG application under the Reagan Administration. Mr. Dawkins: I will move it. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion and a second. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner moved its adoption: Id RESOLUTION NO. 85-752 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AND SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR ASSISTANCE TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, UNDER THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT PROGRAM, FOR USE AS SUBORDINATE FINANCING OF CONDOMINIUMS, MULTI -FAMILY RENTAL UNITS, AND COY[M ERCIAL SPACE WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK: WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND FURTHER AUTHORISING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE ACTIONS NECESSARY TO SECURE RECEIPT OF THE GRANT; ANIi FURTHER; UPON APPROVAL OF SAID GRANT BY HUD, TO ACCEPT THE SAME AND NEGOTIATE THE NECESSARY IMPLEMENTING CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS IN COKPLIANCE WITH CITY CODE REQUIREMENTS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) i11 July 18, 1985 d 1 4 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution *At Passed and Adopted by the following.vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre MS.. None. A138ENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo __-=------------------------------------- ----------------------- --------- =-== 73. AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO GRANT APPLICATION: "GRANT PROGRAM FINAL STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 84. This is another grant application for a grant program - final statement of community development objectives and projected use of funds - $10,000,000. This is encumbered but unexpended C.D. funds currently available - float would provide interim financing to assist the City in its economic development activities. Miller wishes to say something? Mr. Plummer: What are you going to use it for? Mr. Dawkins: Okay, not only that, before you get that, Mr. Plummer, may I ask why is it you want $11,000,000 in 1983 and then you are going to come back over here in 1986 and tell me you want ten more million dollars to go in Overtown/Park West. Mayor Ferre: No, we are getting the float. Mr. Pereira: The float. Mr. Dawkins: The what? Mayor Ferre: The same thing. What we are trying to do is get the float, as I understand it. Mr. Dawkins: But, that is $21,000,000. Mayor Ferre: No, no. Mr. Schwartz: Yes. The $11,000,000 are additional funds from the Urban Development Action Grant Program. The $10,000,000 is amending the existing C.D. application of the City of Miami to allow the City to establish a C.D. float program, which allows us to loan out monies to developers at a lower interest rate. There is no cost to the City. It is money that the City is entitled to and brought down at an earlier dateeee. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, no problem. Mayor Ferre: All right, ready? Dawkins moves 84• Plummer, do you second? There is a second. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: ld RESOLUTION NO. 85-753 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE "GRANT PROGRAM FINAL STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS" FROM THE CITY'S 11TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION TO INCLUDE $10,000,000 OF COMMITTED BUT UNEXPENDED FUNDS FOR INTERIM FINANCING TO ASSIST THE CITY IN ITS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES, AND INCREASING PROGRAM INCOME BY THE SAME AMOUNT. 112 July 18, 1985 A 4 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolutioh was passed AM adopted by the following vote - ACES. NOES. - ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. Commissioner Demetrio J. Pere2) Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo J�. iiGL..wr--------------------------------------------------------lriliW.. i.. 11ir Lfi i. in it ice' 74. ESTABLISH GUIDELINES: ALLOCATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FLOAT LOANS $10,000,000 - 11TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. Mayor Ferre: We are on Item 85 now, which is a public hearing hearing continuation - resolution establishing guidelines for allocation of C.D. float funds and this establishes the guidelines for 1984. Do you want to briefly F tell the Commission how the guidelines work? Mr. Matthew Schwartz: The guidelines are for projects that were for removal of slum and blight and for creation of jobs, provision of low and moderate income housing, provision of amenities and public facilities. Basically, those are the four items that the funds could be used for with the Manager to establish the specific guidelines, the detail. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: It is typical the way these guidelines are established nationally in cities. You are not re -inventing the wheel and nothing new or controversial in here? All right, any question? Any further questions? All right, this is 85. 86 is a companion bill. Is there a motion on 85? a Mr. Plummer; I want everybody to remember during budget time that the reason we have no air conditioning is because of Eddie Cox! Mr. Dawkins: I second the motion and I would like for the Administration to understand that I need to be briefed and I need to be in when you identify your target area, and I need to be in agreement with you on your target area. Mr. Plummer: Move 85. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. lid JUTy i8v 1985 s The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plumtef� Who Moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-754 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING GUIDELINES TO BE USED BY THE CITY MANAGER IN ALLOCATING THE $10,000,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FLOAT INCORPORATED WITHIN THE 11TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROVIDED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS AND NEGOTIATE THE NECESSARY CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS TO IMPLEMENT THE LOAN PROGRAM USING SAID COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FLOAT FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution vat passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 75. AUTHORIZE USE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FLOAT FUNDS FOR S.E. OVERTOWN/PARK WEST FUNDS AS INTERIM FINANCING AND AS A POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTE FOR SECTION 108 LOAN. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 86. This is a companion. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Same stipulations. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds with the same stipulation - qualifications to the vote. Call the roll on 86. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-755 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO USE THE $10,000,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FLOAT FUNDS FROM THE CITY'S 11TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION FOR PHASE I DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AS INTERIM FINANCING AND AS A POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTE FOR SECTION 108 LOAN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution Was passed and adopted by the following vote- July 18, 1985 A Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, J1". Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - r - - r - - - - - r i - - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - r - - - - - - 76. DISCUSSION ITEM: PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM GRANTS AND GRANTS FOR DRUG FIGHTING. Mayor Ferre: I just talked to some very informed sources that have given us the information that Congressman Bill Lehman again has done a minor miracle. We have got three miracle workers in Dade County, in Dante Fascell, Claude Pepper and Bill Lehman. It looks like we have now gotten the funding for the ... first of all, $40,000,000 for the engineering work that was needed to be completed for the north and south extension of the people mover system, $180,000,000 for construction, in addition to which we will receive $13,000,000 for the commuter train from Palm Beach to Miami, which is a tremendous achievement, I think, and also a very substantial amounts of money to release from transportation committee for the purpose of drug interdiction and the Federal drug fighting program, so that is $320,000,000 for the Coast Guard, so I think we ought to be very grateful. That is a major achievement for our community, thanks to Congressman Lehman, and I am sure the concurrence of the Reagan Administration. Even though I am a good Democrat and intend to remain a good Democrat, and I am not going to be either a Republican or an Independent, as some people conveniently like to do around here, I do think that we need to recognize that this Administration certainly has been very generous in Dade County and I have got to say it on a bipartisan basis, because the last time I looked, Bill Lehman, like Miller Dawkins, and J. L. Plummer and myself are still Democrats, and so I think this is a major achievement for Bill Lehman and Senator Paula Hawkins and for the Reagan Administration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 77. AUTHORIZE EMPLOYMENT OF OUTSIDE COUNSEL WITH MINORITY PARTICIPATION TO SERVE AS SPECIAL COUNSEL - PRELIMINARY NEGOTIATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI) Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: The Manager explained 36 to me and the maximum amount of money, is $20,000 over two years and that is nothing for the law firm to split, but I am going to move this. Mayor Ferre: item 36? Mr. Dawkins: I am going to move Item 36, but I want you to understand that when you do get over $10,000, that those big law firms must joint venture with a minority firm, or you will have ... Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. Mayor Ferre: All right, with that stipulation, it has been moved seconded. Further discussion of 36 as amended? Call the rollp please. July 18, 19B5 Id 116 July 18v 1985 Nor Mg! Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. i ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo G-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - r r r r - r- - i r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - 78, AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF FIVE PARCELS OF LAND WITHIN SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK ► WEST REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Mr. Herbert Bailey: Commissioner, the discussion we just had on Item 67, I ask to have it for reconsideration, please. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor and fellow Commissioners, Mr. Bailey explained that they had done some tough negotiating and they have bought this land down to where they think is the cheapest price it is going to ever be. • Mayor Ferre: These are these five lots. Mr. Dawkins: These are the five blocks. Mayor Ferre: Are you ready to ... Mr. Dawkins: Reluctantly I move it. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion on=67. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who t moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-757 i A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PURCHASE FIVE PARCELS OF LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT AREA AT APPRAISED VALUES WITH CLOSING BONUSES SET AT THE RATE PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY COMMISSION; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PROCEED TO CLOSE ON THESE PARCELS AFTER EXAMINATION OF THE ABSTRACTS AND CONFIRMATION OF OPINIONS OF TITLE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr, Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Id 117 July 18, 1985 di"""Wrm i .:..-------------------r------------------------------------r-rL ..rr r--rYrr 79• CONTINUE ITEMS - ALL REQUESTS FOR FUNDING IDENTIFIED AS ITEMS 87 THRU 96 i WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO CITY MANAGER REGARDING ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION, SOCIAL VALUES, MONIES, SPONSORSHIP. s i' _------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, just so that I know which way we are going - most all of these festivals that I am looking at here are beyond the first of October. Mayor Ferre: That is right, and you know why they are here. They heard you. Mr. Plummer: Well, I know why they are here and that is why I am going to question that the policy of this Commission in next year's budget is no dollars for festivals. Now, Mr. Mayor, I think it is out of line to hear these people, that we have told everyone that has come up this year. I think it is out of line unless this Commission is ready to change its policy! Mayor Ferre: You mean again - to change the policy again. Mr. Plummer: Well, okay, again! But, I just think it is nothing more than false hope for monies that do not exist, as good or as bad as a festival might be. Mayor Ferre: Well, J. L., you know, everybody has got to speak his own mind. I will tell you where I am at. Mr. Plummer: Well, excuse me. Still, Mr. Mayor, the policy is there. Mayor Ferre: I understand. The majority rules. That the way it is, okay. Now, let me tell you where just one person out of five stands. I think the film festival is a major accomplishment and need in this community. I think that P.A.C.E. is a spectacular achievement we must maintain. I think the Sun Street Festival has more than proven its worth. I think that we have had some ... and I don't see any way that we are going to say no to Calle Ocho. I don't see that there is any way we are going to say no to Goombay Festival after the success that it had this year, so I don't know about you, but realistically speaking, I think we have to stop a lot of festivals that have not yet proven that they have the ability to succeed, but for those things like the Grand Prix, and Calle Ocho and Film Festival and Goombay, that are winners without any ands, ifs, buts - I will tell you, in the Goombay Festival, I couldn't get through that damn Coconut Grove. I parked my car at one end - I wanted to walk to the inaugural at the other, and after five minutes of trying to fight through the crowd, I just gave up and went back. Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, I don't disagree with you. I think they are all great, but there is no money. Now, that is the basis, and I am saying to you, sir, unless there is a policy change, then I think this Commission is wasting their time. As such time as this Commission, as you say, again, and again, changes its mind. Mayor Ferre: See, the problem is that we don't have a full Commission. We've got three members here - okay, we have got four members. I am ready, willing and able to vote, as far as I am concerned. I've got no problems in voting for these things. Now, you know, I am just one voice, here, but I am just putting it out, :There I stand. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager, I am going to tell you so that the Press will know, and everybody sitting out here know it. I will not vote for you to raise the millage one penny to raise taxes. I am not going to vote for you to raise no money through the back door with garbage taxes, or garbages fees. I don't intend to tax the citizens of Miami one more penny any kind of way! So, if you come to your budget hearing and you got money to fund these festivals, I am like the Mayor, I am with you, and I am also like J L. - if there is no money, I am still with you. Mayor Ferre: That is my stipulation. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, so now lie ;07 Is* 11905 Mr. Plummer: Mr. Dawkins, you know, I am really trying to clear the aitf okay? What I am trying to say is, that it was the understanding of the Manager that in his proposed budget which we will have within the next couple of weeks, there is a policy of this Commission, zero dollars! Now, second of all, we can't raise the millage because we are at maximum, okay? Mayor Ferre: We are at the top. Mr. Plummer: So Mr. Manager, for my edification, how much does this City spend on festivals last year? Mr. Pereira: Around 3.2 million dollars. Mr. Plummer: Mr. City Manager, how much ... Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. Does that include Grand Prix and Miss Universe? Mr. Pereira: I believe that includes everything that we have, sir. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Manager, how much did the recent $80.00 increase in tax for the garbage - what does that raise! Mr. Dawkins: 60 ... okay, go ahead. Mr. Pereira: $2,000,000 - over $2,000,000. Mr. Plummer: Okay, so that is what I am saying. We could have afforded the people, the taxpayers of this community no increase in garbage fees, which was very unpopular, had we not, if we don't change the policy, and Mr. Mayor, I sit on all these boards. I am on Hispanic Heritage. Mayor Ferre: And that is real cute but let me tell you something. Why don't you also say along with it that Metropolitan Dade County is increasing their garbage fees to $240 and we still at what? ... $160, $180? $180, and they are going from $200 to $240, so you know, and let's say that that is the cheapest there is in the United States and major cities, but if you go to Cincinnati, or Philadelphia, or Jacksonville, or New Orleans, or Dallas, you have got to pay more. So, you know, it it is easy to say, "Well, we shouldn't raise this and we shouldn't raise that; in the meantime, why don't you also say that Monday night, at Miss Universe, besides you having a big smile, we broke all the records! Why don't you say that there were 140,000,000 people in the United States of America that saw Miami on C.B.S. and it was record - it even broke the Super Bowl record! Okay? Now, how do we gauge what is the value of that? How many hotel rooms are we going to fill in the next 24 months because of people watching what they did in Miss Universe? What is the value of Miami's film festival? How about the Haitian community? What does the Haitian festival do to that community in proportion to what we spend in it? You know, all these things are relative. Now, hey, I am coming up for election in November and I am telling you right here on the record, my opponents can go get the record, or read it in the newspapers if we want to be big league, if we want to be major league, we have got to act major league. You go to Detroit, and you see what happens in Detroit, and you have been there at Hart Plaza, or whatever the name of that place is, in Detroit, Michigan, and you will see 1,200,000 Black and White citizens in African Week celebration over a weekend. How much does that cost? You want to compete with Detroit, then you have got to be first class. You want to have a Grand Prix like Long Beach? We have got to pay the price! They pay the price. Now we have got a better Grand Prix than Long Beach. Mr. Dawkins: But, in Detroit they fund it one time! And the next time you are on your own! Mr. Plummer: And the Grand Prix in Detroit is funded by the private sector. Mayor Ferre: No! Mr. Dawkins: Oh, yes! Well, I don't know about the Grand Prix, but �.. Mayor Ferre: Let me tell you 14 119 July 18, 1985 14 H Mayor r'erre: Lez me zeii you .. Mr. Dawkins: Every ethnic festival was funded one time ... Mayor Ferre: That is what they tell you up front, but you talk to Coleman Young about the hidden expenses and how they subsidize and fund those things. You know, I went to Hong Kong, and I hear all these (with all due respects to you Republicans) all my Republican friends tell me free enterprise and nobody--- you know. You are on your own man, and you have got to make it on your own! Well, in Hong Kong, there 1,300,000 living units that are subsidized by the government of Hong Kong, and that is why there are is peace and stability in Hong Kong, because they provide all that free housing! Don't go telling me about the free enterprise system of Hong Kong, and that is why there is peace and stability in Hong Kong, because they provide all that free housing! Don't go telling me about the free enterprise system of Hong Kong. Yes, I know ... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, in all fairness, okay, I don't think that it is fair of this Commission, even if we do change our policy, and I can read the handwriting on the wall, but I don't think it is fair to all of those people who have told there will be no funding next year, that they don't have the opportunity to be here and speak today. Okay? Now, I think this Commission has to have a policy change if that is going to be the case, Number one. Number two, that all parties, if the change occurs, have the same opportunity to come before this Commission at the same time! That is the only fair way to do it. Mayor Ferre: That is fair. Mr. Plummer: Okay. Mayor Ferre: In other words, what he is saying is, I think Plummer is right, and to the rest of you, there is no way we are going to fund Big Orange, or Miami Festival without giving everybody else an equal crack of coming up and pressuring and pulling and pushing and lobbying and doing what they can to get equal access to us. We can't take people out of order. My preferences are very clear. You know where my preferences are. I think my record is very clear. So, all these items then are to be put off until the Manager comes up with a recommended policy, which I think you are working on now. Is that it? Mr. Pereira: Yes, air. Mayor Ferre: And that will be when, the 25th? Mr. Pereira: It should be back on the 25th. Mayor Ferre: For the policy. Mr. Pereira: Recommendations, air. Mayor Ferre: Recommendations, but the selection ... Now, let me tell you I would hope, Mr. Manager, that in your formula, you have several considerations. Let me tell you what I think they should be. Number one, number of people that either participate in, or watch the events. Number, two, economic return to this community in hotel, tourism, publicity, free publicity, television viewers around the country. Number three, social values, because if just use one and two in the Haitian community, you are not going to be able to get any money because who is going to watch Little Haiti carnival today. We need to balance it with a little bit of social conscience. Can you think of others% Mr. Plummer: Yes, I think that the Manager has to come back to this Commission and say that if you do change your policy, you have a maximum of "X" number of dollars. Mayor Ferre: Okay, maximum. I'll accept that. 14 120 July 18, 1985 Mid► Pereira: Yes, that is part of it. Mr. Plummer: Number five, a committee other than this C6MMissi6n to be appointed to evaluate all proposed. Mayor Ferre: uk- , arl recommend to ... Mr, Plummer: And recommend to the this Commission. Mayor Ferre: And that committee represent the community and that all segments of the community be represented equally. Mr. Dawkins: And Number seven, that once this amount is identified, you tell me where you are going to take it from and cut what services. Mayor Ferre: Or, identify the money. He may have the money. You know, I don't mean to ... Bob Parkins is a good friend and I think one of the best City Managers around, but the other day, after he said he couldn't find no money, he found $2,400,000! And now, poor Rob has got egg on his face, doesn't he? The same Jessup is that found our money that didn't exist. I remember. Anyway, he says he ... Mr. Plummer: Number eight, that Mr. Manager, if the policy is changed, that any City sponsored, or co -sponsored event be given priority. Miss Universe has been co -sponsored by this City. That should have priority. Any event that the City is ... Mayor Ferre: P.A.C.E., did we co-sponsor P.A.C.E.? Mr. Plummer: No, we are not a co-sponsor of P.A.C.E. Mayor Ferre: Sure, we are. Mr. Plummer: We are a financial supporter of P.A.C.E., but I don't think that ... Mayor Ferre: Well, how about the Miami Film Festival? Mr. Plummer: Are we co-sponsor? If we are co-sponsor, they would be privileged. They would be priority. I don't see a thing wrong with that. Mayor Ferre: How about the Haitian Festival? Mr. Plummer: That is up to them. Mayor Ferre: Well, are we co-sponsors or not? Mr. Plummer: That they can answer Mayor Ferre: Okay, J. L., you know, a flick of the tongue will take care of that! Mr. Plummer: I will tell you what that will eliminate, Mr. Mayor - your problem as far as whether or not they give proper credit to this City, okay? Hispanic Heritage, Latin Fiesta By the Bay. Go right on down the line, there is no end to it. Mr. Dawkins: And like, what is that for? Mr. Plummer Caribbean ... Mr. Dawkins: Caribbean Caricom. Mr. Plummer: Well, I think ... Mr. Dawkins: The City or the County and the State did not put a penny. In Fact, the County has yet to contribute their money. The only money they got was from us! And yet, they had all the sponsors on their, and we were the last one, and they didn't get no money from nobody else, Mr. Mayor. ld 121 July 18, 1985 Mayor Ferret. Okay, we have got enough to talk about. I think we have covered an awful lot of ground, so you want to formalize all of those in a motion, Plummer? Mr, Plummer: Well, without having to repeat the eight items to be .., and that doesn't preclude the Manager codii.6 back with more items in his recommendation. Mayor Ferre: Or adding, or from changing them, as far as I am concerned. He has got all of our recommendations. Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-758 A MOTION STIPULATING THE POLICY OF THE CITY COMMISSION IN CONNECTION WITH CITY FESTIVALS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT IF NEXT YEAR'S POLICY NOT TO FUND FESTIVALS IS CHANGED, THAT ALL GROUPS MUST BE AFFORDED ON AN EQUAL BASIS THE OPPORTUNITY TO COME BEFORE THE COMMISSION TO MAKE THEIR PRESENTATION AND MAKE THEIR REQUEST; 2. THAT ALL SUCH GROUPS SHALL BE INVITED AT THE SAME TIME. 3. THAT IF SAID POLICY IS CHANGED, AS ABOVE STATED, ANY CITY -SPONSORED OR EVENTS CO -SPONSORED BY THE CITY SHALL BE GIVEN PRIORITY; AND LASTLY, 4. REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REVIEW THIS ISSUE AND TO COME BACK WITH HIS RECOMMENDATIONS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mr. Plummer: For the record, let me indicate that in all of the great benevolence of the Metropolitan Dade County, I think this year they are spending a maximum of $200,000 - 10% of the cultural money is dedicated to festivals - $200,000 total! Mayor Ferre: Yes, but who has put Miami ... Mr. Plummer: And they are not giving a damn thing, because 40% of that money is raised within the City limits of Miami, but they take credit for it. Mayor Ferre: But J. L., who put Miami on the map? I mean who sponsored Kiss Universe? Mr. Plummer: Miami Vice? Mayor Ferre: Who sponsored Miami Film Festival? Mr. Plummer: We did! Mayor Ferre: Okay, and who sponsored the Grand Prix? You know, one of the winners in the last three or four years, who has put Miami on the map? Mr. Plummer: We have. Maybe this is a way to help them get and help us share the burden. Hialeah benefits. Hialeah does not contribute a single penny to a festival - none. i 12? JOY 18, 1955 04 0 Mayor Ferre: Look, J. L., the other day, Malcolm Fromberg was sitting there next to me - Miss Universe, you know, the Mayor of Miami Beach, Malcolm Fromberg - a great guy, a good friend, a wonderful person. Miami Beach gave nothing! Mr. Plummer: Thc5- gc:t really nothing in return. They didn't get any publicity for the beach. s Mayor Ferre: Yes, well, let me tell you in the C.O.T.A.t&# you remember what happened? Mr. Plummer: 90/10 I know very well. Mayor Ferre: All right, Miami Film Festival, '87, we won't be hearing from you. Thank you for your presence. Theatre ER - Minority Theatre Programs, same thing is true. The Sun Street Festival, Big Orange, P.A.C.E., Community Theatre, Festival of Ethnic Theatre, Dr. Thomas Murphy of St. Thomas University - send a cabbie to college. That is different. Mr. Plummer: That is a different item. That is not a festival. Mayor Ferre: Dr. Serajo, F.I.UY. men's basketball team to travel to Denmark .... that is not a festival either. Alliance Francaise, French National Day. Anybody here from Alliance? Caribbean Rhythm, Jamaica Awareness Day Festival. That is applicable to them, isn't it? Mr. Plummer: If it is a festival, the answer is yes. Mayor Ferre: Yes, so that applies to you just like everybody else. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr. Plummer; No, there will be nothing in August. This Commission does not meet during the month of August. Mayor Ferre: He says his festival is August 4th and he wants to know whether he can get money. Mr. PLummer: Well, you can consider it because it is before October 1st and you can consider it. Mayor Ferre: Okay then, we will hear you. Mr. Plummer: We haven't got any money, but we can consider it! Unidentified Speaker: If you adopt a policy, when when we come back and make our presentation? Mr. Plummer; Sometime during budget hearings in September. 80. ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEM 88 - REQUEST FOR FUNDS - THEATRE ER MINORITY THEATRE PROGRAM - Referred to City Manager. Mayor Ferre: Here is what we are doing. We are asking the Manager to come back with a clear policy that we can discuss on the 25th, which is next Thursday. Subsequent to that, then, we go through a procedure, depending on what we accept then, and then during the budget hearings we will go through the allocations of funds. You will be notified. Mr. Plummer: Well, first of all what you have got to know is whether or not the policy is changing next week. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, Sun Street Festival must be notified. Mr. Plummer: If the policy doesn't change, there is no other further hearings. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) ld 123 July 18, 1985 40 Mayor Ferre: Which one? This is a brand new thing? 1 (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mr. Plummer: Have you been before the administration, sir? Well# l cah tell you at best you are going to get deferred to that administration. S Mayor Ferre: Weil, why don't you make a motion to send it to the administration for consideration and if they think... Mr. Plummer: I move Item 88 to be to the Manager for evaluation and recommendation. Mayor Ferre: And to be brought up neat Thursday, because otherwise it's too late. Ok. Mr. Plummer: I move it. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds, further discussion, call the roll. The request was referred to the City Manager for review. 81. REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR ST. THOYAS UNIVERSITY "SEND A CABBIE TO COLLEGE" PROGRAM) request denied) Mayor Ferre: All right, Dr. Murphy. Mr. Thomas Murphy: Sir, my name is Thomas Murphy. I live at 7... Plummer: Has the administration had the opportunity to look at Villanova's program? Have you explained it to the administration, sir? Mr. Murphy: Yes, I sent them them proposal. Mr. Pereira: Yes, and we have a recommendation. A recommendation, if you want to I will tell you now, is denial. This is an activity that should be funded we believe, through the County Office of Transportation Administration which is mandated to provide this type of training by County Ordinance and I'm extremely familiar with that, because I was in charge of that... Mayor Ferre: Anybody want to override the Manager's recommendation? Thank you, Dr. Murphy. Sorry we took up so much of your time. 82. FUNDING REQUEST - FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY - BASKETBALL TEAM TO TRAVEL TO DENMARK. Possible City contribution if Metro contributes. Mayor Ferre: We are now at F.I.U.'s request, men basketball team travel to Denmark. Mr. Manager, have you had an opportunity to look at this? Mr. Carl Kern: You want me to answer that Mr. Manager? Mr. Pereira: Go ahead, Carl. Mr. Kern: We recommend denial. We would like to be able to do this, but it's a very expensive proposition. I think it should be funded through other sources. It's just a question of not having the money. t 124 July 40# 1 W Mayor Ferret I mean, if we denied Saint Thomas University or Villkhova of Whatever their name is... Mr. Kern: The request was twenty-five thousand. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead coach. Unidentified Person: Well, we have since negotiated with an airlines to reduce that figure substantially and basically, the reason we are coming before the City is that we have two young men from the City, that grew up in the City of Miami and are products of the educational system and I think our basket ball program has been a front runner in pushing basketball in this particular community with the Orange Bowl Basketball Tournament. Mayor Ferre: Coach you saw what just happened to these festivals and we passed a resolution there is going to be no money available. I don't know whether that policy is going to change if at all. There are an awfully lot of people that want money from the City of Miami and we give an awfully lot of money to a lot of cause, but we got... we had a room full of senior citizens wanting money for food this money and we turned them down for now and I'm sure eventually we won't but you know... Unidentified person: Ok. Mayor Ferre: These are tough times. The Manager recommended against this. If the Manager had recommended for you might... The administration finds no reason to support this unless somebody wants to override the administration's position. Yes, sir. Mr. William D. Ward: Mr. Mayor, my name is William D. Ward and I'm an attorney in this area and I'm very familiar with the FIU program. Talking about overriding this thing. I have been on the Orange Bowl Committee for some time. I travel every year with the committee and go places that many of you do. Last year I went to Washington State to watch a football game. The first day they laugh at me because, what are you doing here. No one ever comes from Washington down to Miami. The next questions they ask me is the national guard still guardian to Miami Stadium? And then they wanted to take about Alvarez and then they wanted to talk about McDuffie. That's still the impression that you get in many places. I think this Commission has an opportunity to send some ambassadors here to a foreign country just for a period of time and then next year they are going to come back here. I think it's a tremendous opportunity. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Ward is that in the Orange Bowl? Mr. Ward: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Is that an Orange Bowl... Mr. Ward: It's an Orange Bowl thing. Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Has the Orange Bowl Committee... Mr. Ward: They are being approached. Mayor Ferre: Have they funded any funds? Mr. Ward: We are giving twenty-five tournament for the University of Miami and for a women's tournament. thousand dollars for a basketball in December for the men's tournament Mayor Ferre: The City of Miami has paid for concessions so that the University of Miami and the City of Miami James L. Knight Center. a court and made some major others can play basketball at Mr. Ward: All right, that's somethings that's December. We are talking about in two weeks. $1 125 JWJ7 18, 1985 S Mayor Ferre: Now, the next question that I have is, have you approached..6 this is the City of Miami, little government, you know, represent twenty per cent of the people that live here in Dade... j Mr. Ward: I was born and raised here sir. I know very much. Mayor Ferre: Do you live in the City of Miami now? Mr. Ward: No, air. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Well, those of us that live in the City of Miami are twenty per cent of the total of Metropolitan Dade County. Now, there is a government that represents you and me in Coral Gables and in South Dade and what have you and that's Metropolitan Dade County and we the taxpayers in Miami pay taxes to Metro/Dade and it's not a we and they. It's us. Now, have you asked Metropolitan Dade County for funds and how much have they allocated? Mr. Ward: No, you are the first ones that we have come to. This thing just came this pass week, because you have to get transportation and you have to get approval from the NCAA. You have to get approval from the U.S... or from the U.S. Basketball Association and they have chiseled it down from twenty- five thousand dollars to five thousand for these people to go. Mayor Ferre: I will tell you what. If you can get Metropolitan Dade County to support your forty-five hundred dollar request... Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, before you say that let me say what I have to say. I for one think that education of these players is much more important than travel. Now, if you come down here and ask me for money for scholarships or money to get a tutor or anything to help them with education, you got me. No, no, I'm telling you about me. I'm giving you my personal feelings. Ok. So, everybody will know before the Mayor says what he has got to say where I'm coming from. Ok. Now, if you get your classes, graduate and get a job you can go to Europe. If you become a professional basketball player and make money you can go to Europe. But I don't see... I mean, to me twenty-five thousand dollars dollars is much more beneficial in my eye sight to a scholarship fund than it is going to Europe. And that's my personal belief. That's all. Mr. Ward: It's a five thousand dollar request. It's only a five thousand dollars request and that's just to cover the transportation of food. Second, when I was in high school I was in an organization called Key Club. I approached my Principal one time about going to an international convention and he said no and I couldn't understand why because I was the state treasurer and then finally I had to convince him. I said... and showed him that I learned more in one week at a convention than I did in four years of Civics and when people travel abroad, whether you call them ambassadors or ball players, they still see a Patrick MacDonald. That's the education part. Mayor Ferre: I got no problem with that. I think... my personal point of view is that's terrific, but the point is why is it that everybody always comes to the City of Miami Commission to fund community wide projects and they don't go to Metropolitan Dade County Commission. Why does people always... Mr. Plummer: When the funds are there at the TDC, Bill. Mr. Ward: Well, Commissioner, I'm not saying that we can't go. I don't know what they have done. I know we... I have written twenty letters to the Orange Bowl Committee. Mr. Plummer: The TDC has the resort tax collected just for that purpose. Mayor Ferre: Yes, but answer me Plummer. Why don't they go to Hialeah to ask for money? Mr. Plummer: Because Hialeah has an absolute policy and they don't waste their time. Mayor Ferre: Why don't they go to Coral Gables for money or to Miami Beach? 1 61 1?6 July 18, 1985 I MT. Plummer: Because they have a policy and they stick to it. Mayor Ferre: Why don't they go to the Metropolitan Commission for money. Why { is it always the City of Miami. Mr. Plummer: Because it isn't always election time. Mr. Ward: City of Miami was the first stogy, Mayor Ferre: We are going to Hialeah... Mayor Ferre: Well, I will tell you coach, you got my vote if you get... I think we can pay our fair share. We represent twenty per cent of this community. I would be willing if your need is five thousand dollars...I think this City Commission should pay twenty per cent provided you can get the others to pay the other fair share. You know, so in other words I will make a motion that we pay our twenty per cent provided that you get the other... Metropolitan Dade County to pay their fair share. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Plummer: Any further discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Ferre, Who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-759 _ A MOTION STIPULATING THAT IN CONNECTION WITH THE REQUEST RECEIVED FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF F.I.U. MEN'S BASKETBALL TEAM FOR FUNDING TO ASSIST THEM WITH THEIR PROJECTED TRIP TO DENMARK, THE CITY OF MIAMI SHALL PAY UP TO %20 OF THE REQUESTED MONIES, WHICH IS THEIR FAIR SHARE OF CITY CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE T.D.C. MONIES, IF THIS GROUP CAN GET METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY TO CONTRIBUTE THE BALANCE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre HOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo ----- ------ - - 83. ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEM 94 - ALLIANCE FRANCAISE OF MIAMI - REINBURSEMENT OF COSTS FROM RECENT BALL - referred to City Manager. Mayor Ferre: Ok. We now have Alliance Francaise French National Day Ball. This took place July 14th and gentlemen may I apologize for not being able to be at the ball on Saturday and I understand it was a great party, but unfortunately, I had something called jet lag and still didn't know whether it was day or night or that I was in Hong Kong or Tokyo. All right,... Mr. Terry Chaneau: I'm the President of the Alliance Francaise and we come today to ask you if you could participate in the cost of the police that were provided during the festival. The Alliance has never asked anything to the City of Miami. We will continue to do the festivals on our own. We paid for the tents, beautiful fireworks. There were three thousand people. We just would like to know if you would agree to participate in the City of Miami police that were there to protect the crowd. Mr. Plummer: How much? 17 July 18, 1985 s i Mt, Terry Channeau: It's eight hundred eighty-eight dollars. There were three thousand people. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Somebody ;rant to make that motion? Have you gone to the administration? That's the way to do it here. You got to go... Mr. Plummer: I move that it be evaluated by the Manager since he has nothing else to do. Mayor Ferre: And brought back for recommendation. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Call the roll. The request was referred to the City Manager for review. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 84. FUNDING REQUEST - L'EXPRESS MAGAZINE OF FRANCE Advertising Project. Mayor Ferre: All right, L'Express Magazine. Anybody here representing L'Express? Mr. McCauley. Yes, sir. Let me preface Mr. McCauley by... I don't know what this Commission is going to do, but Miller Dawkins and I went to France two years ago and Commissioner Perez went on an inspection tour a couple of months ago and L' Express is probably one of the...Hey, J. L., this is serious. This is the Time Magazine, Newsweek and all that rolled into one of France and of Europe and it's one of the most important periodicals. Now, they are making a major spread on Miami and we are very grateful and Mr. McCauley don't take any offense. It's hot and there is no air conditioning and he has been working all day, so we are... Mr. Ted McCauley: Mayor Ferre and Commissioners, thank you very much for letting me present this to you. It seems to be the French week here for trying to get money from City of Miami. Nevertheless, I would like to explain very briefly why I'm here. As most of you know the Mayor and several prominent businessmen and the Commissioners made a trip to Nice France several years ago and the City of Nice and also, the City of Miami are now twin cities as a result of that. As a result of all the publicity that Nice and Miami received from the trip that Mayor Ferre took there business has dramatically increased from this trip and also, has coverage in the French press. Hence the reason they sent the publisher for the special sections and special projects myself, Ted McCauley to Miami to investigate the possibilities to do a project on Miami which we have now concretized called "Miami A Dream Destination". This project will be published on October 6th. It's going to be talking about Miami as a investment center for businessmen. It's going to be talking about tourism and it's going to be talking about cruise lines. Mayor Ferre: Mr. McCauley to cut through it let me just say that I have seen the mock up and it started for three pages, you are up to twenty-five pages as I understand. It's a major break through for us in Europe. Mr. Manager, the administration I know has looked at this and it's... I got it because Charlotte and others have... in the community Victor and Ted Hollo and God knows who else have been calling me on this and what's the administration's recommendation? Mr. Pereira: Well, we have evaluated and there is no questions that there is a great value. The problem is we don't have the twelve thousand dollars that it cost, you know, budgeted. If it has to be done, then I will have to just juggle and try to find some money, you know, for it. It has... Mayor Ferre: Well, is it worth it or not sit. I mean, I don't know... Mr. Pereira: Oki, I think it's worth it. There is no question about it. Mayor Ferre: Europe. 0 And this is the Time Magazine of or the whatever, Newsweek of 1?15 July 18, 1985 A V Mfg. Pereira: The value of having the advertisement there is no question about it# that it's of great value.... Mayor Ferre: Well, I understand that the County is also... How much is the County putting up? Mr. McCauley: The County is participating twenty-three thousand dollars approximately. Twenty-four. Mayor Ferre: Well, hey, we always do these things on a fifty fifty basis. They are not asking us for fifty per cent. They are asking us for twelve thousand. Now, if it has your concurrence... Mr. Plummer: Are you sure that's been approved by the County? Mr. McCauley: Yes, I am. Mr. Plummer: I don't remember voting on that. Mayor Ferre: Well, Mr. Manager, does this have the administratibn's.t Mr. Pereira: In terms of the... Mayor Ferre: Of the value. Mr. Pereira: Yes, it's a heck of a value. There is no question about it. Mayor Ferre: I move it. Mr. McCauley: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Motion made. Mr. Dawkins: I second it. Mr. Plummer: And seconded. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Ferre, who moved its adoption: { MOTION NO. 85-760 A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE PLACEMENT OF A ONE -PAGE, FOUR COLOR ADVERTISEMENT IN THE FRENCH MAGAZINE 'V EXPRESS" IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $12,000 WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote AYES: NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo -------------------------------------------------- ------------ 85. DISCUSSION OF STREET CLOSURE - N.W. 7 COURT BETWEEN 15-17 STREETS - later passed - See Resolution 85-784 same meeting. Mayor Ferre: Ok. We are on 97, street closure, Hospital Corporation of America. Robert Kaplan, 1660 Northwest 7th Court. Now, last time I think somebody wanted to go look at it, right. Mr. Whipple, why wasn't we deferred? Didn't we defer this? i Bl 129 July 18, 1985 0 Mt. Whipple: I don't believe so, believe this is the first time the item has come up. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see. Ok. This wasn't the black olive deferment or something like that? Mr. Whipple: No, sir. As a matter of fact this is sort of a relocation as opposed to the closure with the benefit of the... Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager. Mr. Pereira: Yes, air. Mayor Ferre: I would like to make a motion for you air. I just came back from Houston and in Houston one of the things that I saw and Jim Reid, by the way sends you all his best regards. And one of the things that I... Mr. Pereira: Dallas. Mayor Ferre: And one of the things that I... I mean, Dallas. I'm sorry. Now, in Dallas they got the street, see, and this guy by the name of Crow who owns half of the world. His name is. What's his name? Trammel Crow owns half of the world ---owns half of Dallas for sure. Now, he wants to put up this big, big, big building and so he went to the City and he said all right, I want you to close this street. I own both sides of it. The street is closed and you know how much that guy paid for the right of closing that little street ---it was a little street ---five million dollars. Five million dollars. Now, I understand that the difference, Lucia, is that Texas law is different from Florida law and the Florida law says that when you close a street that... and you vacate it it reverts back de facto to the property owners on each side. Is that Florida law or is that Miami law? Ms. Dougherty: That's Florida law. what it is is when someone dedicates a street to the public they retain the fee simple title to the street. So, when you vacate the public's right in the street it automatically reverts back to the title owner which is to the mid line of the street. Mayor Ferre: Ok. So, it's not in our jurisdiction. But I would like to make a motion if Plummer will Chair and accept this ---that we ask the City Attorney to do the legal investigations as to why--- how many states have what Texas obviously has and what the difference is between our system and to see what it would take to change and then bring it back to the Commission for a resolution if necessary to our Legislative Delegation to see if they can institute some changes in the state law. Now, obviously, it won't affect these people, but... Mr. Plummer: Oh, it is going to affect these people. Mayor Ferre: No, it won't because it's never going to happen. _ Mr. Plummer: Indirectly. Mayor Ferre: I mean, you know, it requires legislative action and what have YOU* Mr. Plummer: Well, this man is going to get off easy because he is not going to give black olive trees. It's going to be a playground for Liberty City. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Kaplan, I think without asking you... you know that... Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, may I ask is on the map presently is the yellow where it presently exist? Mr. George Campbell: Yes. Mr. Plummer: And they propose to relocate it and where do they propose to relocate it to? t gl 130 July 18, 1985 Mrr George Campbell: They are relocating to the South. About fifty feet to the South. Mr, Plummer: So, they have got a set back problem? Why are they trying to move it? There has got to be a reason they want to move it. 4 i Mr. John Kaplan: We are planning on building an addition to Highland Park General Hospital. The addition... the site is quite cramped and the only place for the addition is over a previously dedicated alley way and it's mistitled. It's not a street closure. It's an alley closure. Mr. Plummer: Same thing. It's a closure. Mr. Kaplan: Ok. We are closing the alley and relocating it fifty feet to the South. Mr. Plummer: That's fine, sir and... Have you talked to Mr. Whipple about the needs in Liberty City and the playgrounds up there? Mr. Kaplan: We are providing a bond for twelve thousand two hundred dollars worth of street improvements. Mr. Plummer: That's nice. Mayor Ferre: Street improvements. Meaning your immediate street or.. Mr. Kaplan: Excuse me. Mayor Ferre: In your street or in Liberty City or where? Mr. Kaplan: Well, I didn't see a break down for the assessment we just approved the twelve thousand dollars assuming that Mr. Whipple had a bona fide reason for that twelve thousand dollars. Mr. Campbell: That twelve thousand dollars actually comes from the requirements of the Code for the improvements of the streets around the hospital. Mayor Ferre: No, we are talking about your generosity and your client's generosity. Mr. Kaplan: Unfortunately, my client isn't here right now. My client is Hospital Cooperation of America. Mr. Plummer: I think that's a great idea and... Mayor Ferre: May be you better talk to your father and ask him how the City of Miami functions. Mr. Plummer: Yes, I think that we need to defer this until next week. This really is... Mr. Kaplan: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor, the reason we are on an expedited public hearing schedule and you will note that we are on the 25th for final plat approval, is because the certificate of need and for this hospital expires at the end of July and we need to pull a permit for this improvement. Mayor Ferre: Well, I think you better come over and talk to Mr. Whipple. We will do both of these things on the 25th. Ok. All right, so, Plummer moves that Item 97 be continued until the 25th. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds, further discussion, call the roll. THEREUPON THE FOREGOING MOTION was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins was passed and adopted by the following vote; AXES; Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 131 July 18, 1955 A 116 d Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENTS Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez; Jr+ Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo (SEE LATEP. FORMALIZED RESOLUTION NO. 85-784•) rrrr----------------r------------------------rr---rrr---r r--ri�iiiii 86. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMENDMENT "K" TO 9500 POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SIGNS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Plummer: I move Item 98. Mayor Ferre: Is there anybody who wishes to speak on Item 980 which is the zoning text on second reading of Amendment "K". Mr. Plummer: Mr. Manager, we asked you three weeks ago... Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Mr. Plummer: We asked you three weeks ago Mr. Manager, about all of these illegal political signs that are out there existing that you haven't done anything about and you gave me every assurance that you were going to have them removed. Now, Mr. Manager —excuse me. Mr. Pereira: It's being done. Mr. Plummer: You have not seen none. Mr. Pereira: No, it's being done. Mr. Plummer: No, air. I hate to disagree with you. I see many telephone poles that have... Mr. Pereira: Oh, I see them too, but we are getting crews out there and doing it. Mr. Plummer: They have not been done. I need to draw your attention to 17th Avenue. I need to draw your attention to 27th Avenue, 12th Avenue of all of these illegal signs. Mr. Pereira: We will be back at it again, but we have been out there, you know, on a... since you know, you and I spoke... Well, since that Commission meeting that we spoke and obviously, they just come back and keep putting it up and we just have to go back and take them down. 81 132 July 18, 1985 `i AN ORMNANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TEXT OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 1520, 1560, AND 1569, TO ALLOW TEMPORARY CIVIC AND POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SIGNS; SUBSECTIONS 2025.1.15 AND 2025.3.6 TO EXEMPT TEMPORARY POLITICAL AND CIVIC CAI-'AIGN SIGNS ON SIGN VEHICLES FROM PERMIT REQUIREMENTS, SUBSECTION 2025.3.11 TO CLARIFY LANGUAGE RELATIVE TO TEMPORARY CIVIC CAMPAIGN SIGNS AND OTHER OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGNS; BY ADDING NEW SUBSECTIONS 2025.3.12 CONDITIONALLY EXEMPTING CERTAIN TEMPORARY POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SIGNS FROM REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGN PERMITS AND NEW SUBSECTIONS 2025.3.13 PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL, AND RENUMBERING SUBSEQUENT SUBSECTIONS; FURTHER, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS: PAGES 1 AND 2, TO ALLOW TEMPORARY POLITICAL AND CIVIC CAMPAIGN SIGNS, SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SUBSECTIONS 2025.3.11, 2025.3.12, AND 2025.3.13, IN THE RS-1, RS- 1.1, RS-2, RG-1, RG-2, RG-2.1, RG-2.2, RG-2.3, AND RG- 3 DISTRICTS; AND PAGES 4 AND 5, TO ALLOW TEMPORARY CIVIC AND POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SIGNS, SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SUBSECTIONS 2025.3.11, 2025.3.12 AND 2025.3.13, RESPECTIVELY, IN CR AND CG DISTRICTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of June 13, 1985, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10020 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: City Commission Minutes from meetings December 3 & 7, 1984 March 8 and 12, 1985 ; April 18 and May 9, 1985 WERE APPROVED. 87. CONSENT AGENDA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We are now on Items 1 thru 22, which is the Consent Agenda. Any items to be pulled? Mr. Plummer: Item 4. Mayor Ferre: 4. 1 thru 22. Any other items? Mr. Dawkins: 4. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute. 11 and Mr. Mayor, I'm not going to pull 16, 17, 18, but I think we need to talk about the policy in this situation here• t gl 133 July 18, 1985 W` 01 Mayor Ferre: All right, go ahead. Mr. Plummer: I think Mr. Manager, that we are getting into a situation where i all of these permits to sell alcohol are proliferating a lot more than I think we really would like to see and I think that you are going to have to set a policy of some kind to help out what are the rules and regulations, because it is as I understand it now, we give then the permission and they can do anything they really want. And I think you are going to have to set some rules and regulations as to a policy on City property. Especially where it is not being controlled by a concession. Second portion is, I wonder if we shouldn't go to some kind of a concession, because as it stands now the city is getting nothing but possibly the rental of the park and I'm not saying that we have to have a concessionaire that every... that is there every day or in a given park, but we can have a concessionaire on beverage who floats when there is to be an event and the City then would derive revenue. So, I think we need to talk about that a little bit further. Other than that Mr. Mayor, I'm in accord on the Consent. Mayor Ferre: Ok. We pulled 4 and 11. Is there anybody else who wishes to speak on any of these items on the Consent Agenda other than the ones that have been pulled? Hearing none. The vote... We are now ready for a motion. Is there a motion? Mayor or the City Clerk. Before the vote on adopting items including the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who was an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda. Hearing none. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: So, move. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds. Call the roll on the Consent Agenda on all but 4 and 11. The following resolutions were introduced by Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Perez and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 87.1 ACCEPT BID: - QUINTERO CONCRETE CORP. FOR S.W. 7 STREET SIDEWALK PROJECT. RESOLUTION NO 85-761 134 July 18, 1985 I 87&2 ACCEPT BID: - DEBRA TURF AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR MNISHING TWO (2) OLATHE TURF SWEEPERS. RESOLUTION NO. 85-762 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF DEBRA TURF AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR FURK SHING Tii:- (2) OLATHE TURF SWEEPERS TO BE Pi,ACFP IN SERVICE AT THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING ANT, VE'r?ICLF Vd.INTENANCE AT A TOTAL COST OF $23,096.00; ALLO'ATINrs FUNLo THEREFOR FROM THE 1984-85 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER,, TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 870 ACCEPT BID - TOTAL AIR SERVICES, INC. FOR FURNISHING AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE AT THE COMPUTER DEPARTMENT. RESOLUTION NO. 85-763 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF TOTAL AIR SERVICES, INC. FOR FURNISHING AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE AT THE COMPUTER DEPARTMENT ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR RENEWABLE ANNUALLY FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AT A TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $4,620.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1984-85 OPERATING BUDGET; AUTHORIZING THE MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. 87.4 ACCEPT BID - BURROUGHS CORPORATION FOR FURNISHING COMPUTER TAPES ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR. RESOLUTION NO. 85-764 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF BURROUGHS CORPORATION FOR FURNISHING COMPUTER TAPES ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR RENEWABLE ANNUALLY TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTERS AT A TOTAL COST OF $24,293.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1984 -85 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THESE MATERIALS. 87.5 ACCEPT BID - DOWLING FIRE EQUIPMENT FOR FURNISHING HEAVY DUTY HYDRAULIC RESCUE TOOLS. RESOLUTION NO. 85-765 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF DOWLING FIRE EQUIPMENT FOR FURNISHING HEAVY DUTY HYDRAULIC RESCUE TOOLS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AT A TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF $28.913.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE FIRE BOND PROJECT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 87.6 ACCEPT BID - MANOLO HORTA PAINTING FOR FURNISHING PRESSURE CLEANING SERVICES. RESOLUTION NO. 85-766 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF MANOLA HORTA PAINTING FOR FURNISHING PRESSURE CLEANING SERVICES ON A CONTRACT BASIS TO APPROXIMATELY 100 HOMEOWNERS -PARTICIPANTS IN THE GREAT NEIGHBORHOODS RESIDENTIAL EXTERIOR PAINT PROGRAM FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIUNITY DEVELOPMENT AT A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $36,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 11TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. U, lk 87a7 ACCEPT BID - TEMPTROL AIR CONDITIONING FOR FURNISHING AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE AT THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER. RESOLUTION NO. 85-767 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTIN:, TFIF BID OF TEMPTROL AIR CONDITIONING FOR FURNISHING AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE AT THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER ON A CONTRACT BASij FOR ONE (1) YEAR RENEWABLE ANNUALLY FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AT A TOTAL ESTIMATEr COST OF $39,180.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1984-85 OPERATING BUDGET; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. 87.8 ACCEPT BID — DOUGLAS N. HIGGINS, INC. — WINONA SANITARY SEWER PROJECT - PHASE I. RESOLUTION NO. 85-768 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF DOUGLAS N. HIGGINS, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $126,215.00 BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR WINONA SANITARY SEWER PROJECT — PHASE I WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "WINONA SANITARY SEWERS" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $126,215.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. 87.9 ACCEPT BID — JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. — CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT. RESOLUTION NO. 85-769 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $23,000.00 BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT — DOWNTOWN PHASE I WITH MONIES THEREFORE ALLOCATED FROM THE "CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSIONS IMPROVEMENT" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $23,000.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. 87.10 ORDERING RESOLUTION — 4511. COCONUT GROVE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I, H— RESOLUTION NO. 85-770 A RESOLUTION ORDERING COCONUT GROVE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT —PHASE I, H-4511 AND DESIGNATING THE PROPERTY AGAINST WHICH SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE FOR A PORTION OF THE COST THEREOF AS COCONUT GROVE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT —PHASE I, H-4511. 87.11 ORDERING RESOLUTION — DESIGN PLAZA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4505- RESOLUTION NO. 85-771 A RESOLUTION ORDERING DESIGN PLAZA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4509 AND DESIGNATING THE PROPERTY AGAINST WHICH SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE FOR A PORTION OF THE COST THEREOF AS DESIGN PLAZA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT H-4509. 87,12 SETTLEMENT RESOLUTION — FAUSTO ALVAREZ THE SUM OF TWELVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($12,750.00). RESOLUTION NO. 85-772 gl A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO FAUSTO ALVAREZ THE SUM OF TWELVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($12,750.00) WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY IN FULL, AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL PROPERTY DAMAGE CLAIMS, CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI, UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. 136 July 18, 1985 87s13 SETTLEMENT RESOLUTION - ANTONIO H. MESA THE SUM OF TEN THOUSAND IIOLLARS ($10,000.00). RESOLUTION N0. 85=773 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO PAY $10,000,00 TO ANTONIu H. MESA IN SETTLEMENT OF ALL PENDING CLAIMS RELATING TO THE GRANTING OF VETERAN'S PREFERENCE AS A REQUIRED BY LAW, SAID MONIES BEING ALLOCATED FROM THE SELF—INSURANCE AND INSURANCE TRUST FUND. 87.14 RESOLUTION GRANTING THE REQUEST OF SANDRA L. ARDOLINO TO DISPENSE BEER AND WINE AT NO CHARGE FOR A ONE —DAY PERIOD IN CONNECTION WITH A WEDDING RECEPTION ON NOVEM13ER 16, 1985• RESOLUTION NO. 85-774 A RESOLUTION GRANTING THE REQUEST OF SANDRA L. ARDOLINO TO DISPENSE BEER AND WINE AT NO CHARGE FOR A ONE —DAY PERIOD IN CONNECTION WITH A WEDDING RECEPTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 16, 1985 IN WAINWRIGHT PARK; SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY REQUIRED PERMITS BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, DIVISION OF ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO. 87.15 RESOLUTION GRANTING THE REQUEST OF THE DADE HERITAGE TRUST TO DISPENSE BEER AND WINE AT NO CHARGE FOR A ONE —DAY PERIOD IN CONNECTION WITH A WINE AND CHEESE RECEPTION FOR ITS MEMBERSHIP ON OCTOBER 19, 1985. RESOLUTION NO. 85-775 A RESOLUTION GRANTING THE REQUEST OF THE DADE HERITAGE TRUST TO DISPENSE BEER AND WINE AT NO CHARGE FOR A ONE —DAY PERIOD IN CONNECTION WITH A WINE AND CHEESE RECEPTION FOR ITS MEMBERSHIP TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 19, 1985, IN JOSE MARTI PARK; SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY REQUIRED PERMITS BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, DIVISION OF ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO. 87.16 RESOLUTION GRANTING REQUEST — AMIGOS DE MADRID TO SELL BEER AND WINE FOR A ONE —DAY PERIOD IN CONNECTION WITH THE LA PALOMA FESTIVAL ON AUGUST 11, 1985, SUBJECT TO ISSUANCE OF A TEMPORARY PERMIT BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, DIVISION OF ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO. RESOLUTION NO. 85-776 A RESOLUTION GRANTING, SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF A TEMPORARY PERMIT BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, DIVISION OF ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO, THE REQUEST OF AMIGOS DE MADRID TO SELL BEER AND WINE FOR A ONE —DAY PERIOD IN CONNECTION WITH THE LA PALOMA FESTIVAL TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 11, 1985 IN JOSE MARTI PARK; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A ONE —DAY NONEXCLUSIVE CONCESSION AGREEMENT WITH THE ORGANIZATION IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. 87.17 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION — IN —KIND SERVICES AND FEE WAIVER FOR USE OF JOSE MARTI PARK IN CONNECTION WITH THE CELEBRATION OF THE 122ND ANNIVERSARY OF THE "RESTAURACION DE LA REPUBLICA" ON AUGUST 18, 1985. RESOLUTION NO. 85-777 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING IN —KIND SERVICES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 TO BE PROVIDED FROM THE OPERATING BUDGETS OF THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE, PARKS AND RECREATION AND SOLID WASTE, AND A FEE WAIVER FOR THE USE OF JOSE MARTI PARK NOT TO EXCEED $100.00 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, IN CONNECTION WITH THE CELEBRATION OF THE 122ND ANNIVERSARY OF THE "RESTAURACION DE LA REPUBLICA" ON AUGUST 18, 1965; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984; FURTHER ALLOWING THE SALE OF BEER AND WINE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID EVENT, SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ALL STATE PERMITS. gi 137 July 1$, 1935 8708 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION - ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 AS A FEE WAIVER FOR USE OF COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER IN CONNECTION WITH PUERTO RICO DAY ON JULY 28, 1985. RESOLUTION NO 85-778 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, AS A FEE WAIVER FOR THE USE OF THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER IN CONNECTION WITH PUERTO RICO DAY TO BE HELD ON JULY 28, 1985. .87.19 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION - ESTABLISHING A COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER THE MERGER OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE DEPARTMENT OF OFF-STREET PARKING; FURTHER APPOINTING COMMISSIONER J. L. PLUMMER AS CHAIRMAN. RESOLUTION NO. 85-779 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER THE MERGER OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE DEPARTMENT OF OFF- STREET PARKING AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS THEREON TO THE CITY COMMISSION; FURTHER APPOINTING COMMISSIONER J. L. PLUYYER AS CHAIRMAN AND APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF SAID COMMITTEE. 87620 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION - GATES V. CITY OF MIAMI. RESOLUTION NO. 85-780 A RESOLUTION COMMITTING AND BINDING THE CITY OF MIAMI TO INDEMNIFY, JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY, THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF BOTH THE "MIAMI CITY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM" AND THE "MIAMI CITY GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN" AND THEIR LEGAL COUNSEL AS WELL THE ADMINISTRATOR OF SAID SYSTEM AND SAID PLAN AGAINST ALL LOSS, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, AND CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING FROM OR OUT OF THE ACTIONS OF SAID MEMBERS, COUNSEL AND ADMINISTRATOR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO AND APPROVED BY THE COURT ON MAY 23, 1985 IN THE CASE OF GATES V. CITY OF MIAMI, CIRCUIT COURT CASE NO. 77-9491 (23)- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88. AWARD BID: WAGNER CREEK RENOVATION. ------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Mayor Ferre: How about 11. Mr. Plummer: 11. I don't know what it is and that's the reason I deferred it. What is it for? Mayor Ferre: It's a bid by Lanzo Construction. Mr. Plummer: Well, what is that renovation program? Mr. Don Cather: This is to clean up and rebuild Wagner Creek, which is a major drainage structure that flows into the Miami River. Mayor Ferre: Hey, you don't have tell anybody who says Miami knows what Wagner Creek is. Mr. Cather: Well, that's what it is. The construction of seventeen hundred linear feet of a four by eight concrete box Culvert. Mr. Plummer: Ok. So, it's redoing of the creek itself? Mr. Cather; Of the creek itself. Yes, air. el 135 July 18, 19a5 n A I Mr, Plummer: And you ate telling me this is the main source of drainage. M. Cather: It is a main source of drainage. Mr• Plummer: Ok. Then I move Item 11. It just doesn't tell me what the renovation is. Mayor Ferre: Ok. It's been moved by Plummer. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Seconded by Perez, further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who Moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-781 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF LANZO CONSTRUCTION, CO. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $787,320.00, BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR WAGNER CREEK RENOVATION WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "WAGNER CREEK RENOVATION - PHASE II" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $787,320.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 4 was deferred to July 25, 1985- ,ky i i } AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RESOURCES AND PROPERLY ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,896,825 FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND MONIES RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 9257, ADOPTED APRIL 9, 1981, WHICH CREATED SAID FUND; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10021. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 90 MMGENCY ORDINANCE: AUTHORIZE DADE COUNTY TO NEGOTIATE PURCHASE AGREEMENTS OR CONDEMHA?ION PROCEEDINGS FOR PURCHASE OF SITES FOR NAY AND NODERATB INCOME HOUSING PROJECTS Mayor Ferre: Take up item 24. Mr. Dawkins: On 24, before we discuss this, why is it that all federal programs and what have you has a minimum of 20% of the units set aside for low income and you have fifteen here? Mr. Matthew Schwartz: Commissioner Dawkins, it's 15% in community redevelopment areas. That's a federal law. It's 20% in other areas, but it's 15% in community redevelopment areas, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment area is a community redevelopment area. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves 24. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds. Further discussion? ftergeucy,.s read the ordinance. t 14Q ` .July 101 1905 AN WfRANCE ENTITLED= AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1(e) OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 9539, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OR DADE COUNTY TO NEGOTIATE PURCHASE AGREEMENTS OR THE COUNTY TO INITIATE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FOR THE PURCHASE OF SITES FOR LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING PROJECTS WITH THE PROCEEDS OF $11,000,000 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY BONDS, DEDICATING SAID SITES TO THE CITY; AMENDING SECTION 1(g) TO SPECIFY THAT A MINIMUM OF 15% OF ALL HOUSING UNITS IN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS BE RESERVED FOR LOW INCOME RESIDENTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10022. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 01 141 July 18' 1965 0 00 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY ARTWORK" IN THE AMOUNT $9,750 FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPENDING MONIES TO COyy,ISSION SPECIFIC ART WORK FOR THE CUR'^IS PAP,K ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY; REVENUE IN A LIKE AMOUNT IS AVAILABLE FROM PRIVATE SECTOR DONATIONS: CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure requirement of reading same on two separate days, following vote - AYES.. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. seconded by Commissioner and dispensing with the which was agreed to by the ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10023• The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 92 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH SPECIAL REVENUE FUND RECREATION PROGRAMS FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED - 10TH YEAR Mayor Ferre: Tape up item 26. Mr. Dawkins: I move it and then I want to discuss it if I get a second. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion, I'd like to, Mr. Kern, sit down with you and find out, and even with Commissioner Perez, and find out what these recreation and educational programs for the retarded are and see if maybe some of us have some ideas that we can enhance it. Mr. Plummer: That is called orientation for City Commissioners. Mr. Carl Kern: We'll be glad to do that, sir. Mr. Plummer: Read the ordinance. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll, please. P! 14? IN AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "RECREATION PROGRAMS FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED (10TH YEAR)", AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOF. THE OF SAKE IN THE AMOUNT OF $168,622, CONSISTING OF $156,5 4 IN FEDERAL AND STATE FUNDS TO BE RECEIVED FROM, THE STATE OF FLORIDA: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES AND $10,068 FROM FISCAL YEAR MATCHING FUNDS FOR GRANTS; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT AWARD AND TO ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY CONTRACT(S) AND/OR AGREEMENT(S) FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE GRANT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was in+-r ' ced by Commissioner Dawkins and Plummer, for a,,-ption as an emergency measure requirement of reading same on two separate days, following vote - seconded by Commissioner and dispensing with the which was agreed to by the AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. • Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Plummer, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: ABSENT: None. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10024_ ft 4y:.i--=----------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ECONOMIC STUDY OF THE MIAMI RIVER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We h.ve item ?- to do. Mr. Plummer: O.K., move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Dawkins. Further discussion? steed the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "ECONOMIC STUDY OF THE MIAMI RIVER", AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF SAME IN THE AMOUNT OF $75,000, CONSISTING OF A GRANT FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE: NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, AND $40,000 FROM FISCAL YEAR 1984-85 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS; MATCHING FUNDS FOR GRANTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT AWARD FROM THEE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND TO ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY CONTRACT(S) AND/OR AGREEMENT(S) FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE GRANT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure requirement of reading same on two separate days, following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo seconded by Commissioner and dispensing with the which was agreed to by the Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10025. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. t ; 144 July 1$# 905 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 94 APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS TO THE MIAMI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD - Note: 2 appointments are still pending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: ke have item 71. Dr. Daniels, are you ready to recommend members of the Affirmative Action Advisory Board? Ms. Hatty Daniels: Mayor, I'd like to recommend in terms of names L. Kim Porter.... Mayor Ferre: Tell me again. Ms. Daniels: L. Kim Porter, Concepcion Bretos, Mirta Guerra, and Milton Hall. That's it, sir; we need four appointments. Mayor Ferre: If we were to accept Ms. Porter, Ms. Bretos, Mr. Mendoza,.6 is that the other one? Ms. Daniels: The names were Porter, male, Milton Hall, Concepcion Bretos, and Mirta Guerra. Mayor Ferre: Who is the second name you recommended? Mr. Pereira: Mirta Guerra, Kim Porter, Milton Hall, Concepcion Bretos, and Mirta Guerra. Mayor Ferre: Did you say Margaret Porter? Ms. Daniels: No, I didn't; that was Kim Porter. There was another Porter, but no. Mayor Ferre: Kim Porter, Milton Hall, Concepcion Bretos, Mirta Guerra -and who's the fifth? Ms. Daniels: No, there is only four. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you, Kim Porter is Anglo male. Milton Hall is Black male. Bretos is Hispanic female. And Guerra is Hispanic female. We now get two Hispanic females. We presently have how many females? Three Black females and two Hispanic females. Now we're going to have four Hispanic females and you're adding one Black male so now we will have five Black males and three Black females. Hispanic males you're not adding any, so we remain with one Hispanic female and we go up to four Hispanic females and we have no Anglos at all. Ms. Daniels: We would have one. Mayor Ferre: One token Anglo. Mr. Plummer: Woa! How many members on the board? Ms. Daniels: Presently there are ten members; we are asking appointments. It's fourteen members all together. Mr. Plummer: Out of the fourteen, how many are Anglos? Ms. Daniels: It would be one if you make this appointment. Mr. Plummer: You're telling me you're going to have one Anglo out of fourteen. Ms. Daniels: Presently, sir, we have... that would be the make-up. Right now we have none. We're adding one, in terms of who has asked to be on the board. Mr. Plummer: I can't believe that. Of all of the times that this Commission speaks to a balance, what are you balancing against? Ms. Daniels: I agree with you, Commissioner Plummer. What we have in terms of recommendations, names of individuals that have asked to be a part of this, we only have one individual that says that he would like to be on.... 1 sl 145 July 18, 1985 Mayor Ferre: What you have is what you get, so anybody have &by tajbr objections to these nominations? Mr. Plummer: I got a real problem with that. Mayor Ferre: Who is it you want to appoint? Mr. Plummer: I want to defer it, Mr. Mayor. I ask this be deferred. Mayor Ferre: This thing was continued. Mr. Plummer: I think that you need to recommend so more Anglos, hale acid female, for what my colleagues talk of a balance. Mayor Ferre: I think you're right. We need so more Aiiglog: YOU have none in there. Mr. Dawkins: How happy it makes me to hear the White folks say we need balance. Mr. Plummer: No, I just need somebody to tell me what's going on. Ms. Daniels: Commissioner, may I recommend that we make this one appointment, since we do have one... this person has volunteered to be a part of it. In fact, he is here. Mayor Ferre: I move that Kim Porter be appointed. The last time I looked, he's a White man. Mr. Plummer: What does Mr. Porter do for a living? Ms. Daniels: He's an administrator with Miami Dade community college downtown campus* Mr. Perez: What are the other members of the board? Ms. Daniels: The other members of the board presently - would you like names or just breakdown? Mr. Perez: Yes, the names. Ms. Daniels: The names, Charles Cash, black male; Lawrence Crawford, a Black male; Laurastine Pierce, a Black female; Nora Murrell, Hispanic female; Edna Martinez, Hispanic female; Patrick White, Black male. These are appointed members. The union members are Robert Mack, Black male; Nelson Lissabet, Hispanic male; Carolyn Clark, Black female; and Alma Smith, a Black female. Mayor Ferre: We have appointed Porter. Does anybody else want to appoint anybody else? The other three then will have to wait until you come back. Mr. Plummer: Call the question. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-782 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and sdopted by the following vote- 146 J07 10, 4 9$5 MS Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez# Jig. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Rots'. None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I would like to - now I found the name of a person I would like... Conchita Concepcion Bretos. That is one of the recommended names. Mayor Ferre: Perez moves Conchita Concepcion Bretos, Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Female Latin, seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll. THE NAME OF CONCEPCION BRETOS WAS INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE CITED R-85-782 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES% Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: That leaves two openings, Hall and Guerra. ------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------- ----- ------ 95 PERMIT LUIS ALBO, CITY EMPLOYEE TO PARTICIPATE IN HOME RENOVATION AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Now we're on item 82, which is Luis Albo to be permitted to be employed in the Parks Department. Plummer moves item 82. Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Can I ask what we're doing here? Are we waiving senior... is he 65 or what? Mr. Pereira: No, in order for him to take advantage of the housing rehab assistance program, which is administered by Community Development Department, being a City employee, we have to waive... he does qualify. Mr. Dawkins: I move it. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-783 A RESOLUTION WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS AND PROHIBITION CONTAINED IN CITY CODE SECTION 2-302; BY FINDING, AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, THAT IT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY TO PERMIT LUIS ALBO AN EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION, TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HOME RENOVATION F.NI) REHABILITATION PROGRAM ADMINISTERED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT'S HOUSING DIVISION THROUGH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM OF' THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here l and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) al 147 July 18, 1985 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer* the "resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez* Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre �fiOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 96 STREET CLOSURE: 10' ALLEY WEST AND SOUTH OF THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE N.W. 7 CT. BETWEEN N.W. 15 AND 17 STS. AS A CONDITION OF PLAT #1258 "HIGHLAND PARK SUB" Mr. Plummer: Item 97 would like to be heard again. Mayor Ferre: All right, go ahead, Mr. Kaplan. Mr. Robert Kaplan: For the record, my name is Robert Kaplan. I'm an attorney with offices at 1401 Brickell Avenue for Greenberg, Traurig, Askew, et al, Hospital Corporation of America with its fully owned subsidiary health services of Florida would like to voluntarily contribute $5,000.00 for playground equipment to the Moore Park, located in the City of Miami. Mr. Plummer: That's great, and I would accept that, Mr. Mayor, and I would want a plaque put into Moore Park of the gracious donation of this corporation and a receipt thereof sent to them so they would have a tax write off and I move item 97. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, -who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-784 A RESOLUTION CLOSING, VACATING, ABANDONING AND DISCONTINUING THE PUBLIC USE OF THAT PORTION OF THE 10' ALLEY LOCATED WEST AND SOUTH OF THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NORTHWEST 7TH COURT BETWEEN NORTHWEST 15TH AND D17TH STREETS, ALL AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PLAT #1258 "HIGHLAND PARK SUBDIVISION". (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. MENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo �4 July let 1985 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 97 GRANT USE OF PEACOCK PARK AUGUST 4, 1985 FOR FUND RAISING EVENT "CARIBBEAN RHYTHMS" - JAMAICA AWARENESS DAY PROVIDED THEY CLEAN UP AFTERWARDS, ETC. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i Mayor Ferre: Take up item 95, which is Caribbean Rhythms. They are an exception because they come up before whatever it is that the time constraints. Go ahead - Jamaica Awareness Day, you better talk quick or you're not going to make it. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Sir, what we're doing here is we have Jamaica's Independence Day on August 5th, but on August 4th, we want to celebrate; we're having a week long celebrations throughout the City and what we want to do is cap it off with a big festival in the park. We've gotten donations and funds and all of that, but the only cost giving us a problem is the in-service City funds for police and sanitation. We're just asking the City to waive that fee. Mr. Plummer: How much? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Roughly $3,000. Mr. Plummer: Do we have a recommendation from the administration? Mr. Carl Kern: Yes, they requested approximately $3,500; $2,300 for police and $700 for sanitation; $500 for Parks and Rec and the fire permit. We're not recommending that it be funded, but we do recommend that the park be made available and they be given a one -day concession agreement to raise funds. Mayor Ferre: Does anybody want to override that? Mr. Plummer: Well, the only question I have is how do we have assurances that the park will be cleaned up after they leave? If sanitation is not going to be paid for it, the inference is the park is not going to be cleaned up. Are we going to make it as a part of the use of the facility that they have to post a bond? Mr. Kern: We haven't done that in the past. Mr. Plummer: I'm saying how are you going to do it. You have the French Alliance coming here wanting $880 because they can't pay the police. I think that you have to have a bond, Carl. I'm not picking on you, but I think there has to be a bond to assure that those City employees who are working on their off -duty time are going to be compensated; if not, you know what's going to happen. They are going to come down to this Commission and say, "Hey, you authorized the thing; now you pay us." I would say that in any of these instances, you've got to have a bond equal to that which is projected cost for City services to protect our City people. Mr. Mayor, do you need a motion to allow them to use the park? Mr. Kern: For a concession permit and the sale of alcoholic beverages. Mr. Plummer: I move it, subject to their placing of a bond in sufficient amount to cover the City services. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: O.K., air, may I say something? Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute. I made a motion. Let's see if it gets a second. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: O.K., go ahead. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: What we have done, we have transferred from Peacock Park to the Bicentennial Park and we have already posted a bond for the,.,, Mr. Kern: I hadn't heard about this change yet. 01 149 slily 18, 1985 4*4 : Mt: Plummer: If he hasn't heard about it, how can you transfer? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Let me tell you what was happening, air. The two organizations were going to have one in Bicentennial Park on Saturday and one at Peacock Park on Sunday, but we decided.... Mr. Plummer: Sir, excuse me, this man is in charge and he said he doesn't know about it. Who approved your making the change? Mayor Ferre: Are you ready to go? Mr. Plummer: No, I'm saying that at this point, 1 don't think you have approval. Mayor Ferre: You have a motion and a second, so that is that we give them the right to use the park.... Mr. Kern: We can work that out administratively, whichever park it is, Peacock or Bicentennial. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Ready? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer* who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-786 A MOTION GRANTING REQUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF CARIBBEAN RHYTHMS FOR USE OF A CITY PARK IN CONNECTION WITH "JAMAICAN AWARENESS DAY FEST" TO BE HELD AUGUST 4, 1985 SUBJECT TO THEIR POSTING A BOND IN A SUFFICIENT AMOUNT TO COVER FOR THE COST OF ANY CITY SERVICES WHICH MIGHT BE REQUIRED; FURTHER GRANTING THEM A ONE DAY CONCESSION AGREEMENT TO RAISE FUNDS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 98 BOND REQUIRED FOR CITY PERSONNEL REQUIRED ACTIVITIES Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to make a motion at this time that any and all future activities in which there are City personnel required, that the promoters must post a bond or a cash deposit equal to or more than that which is projected. This is a policy. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved. Is there a second? Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll on that motion of intent. N I` The following Motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who 1hoved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-786 A MOTION STIPULATING THE POLICY OF THE CITY COI+MISSION THAT FROM THIS DATE ON, ANY AND ALL FUTURE REQUESTS INVOLVING ACTIVITIES TO BE PERFORMED BY CITY PERSONNEL SHALL REQUIRE OF THE PROMOTERS OF SAID EVENT TO POST A BOND OP CASH DEPOSIT IN AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE ESTIMATED COST OF THE REQUIRED CITY SERVICES. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr6 Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo the motion was passed and ---..-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- r 99 PROVIDE IN -KIND SERVICES FOR BAYFRONT PARK GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONIES Mayor Ferre: The other pocket item is Kitty Roedel Bayfront Park. Is Kitty still around? She's been here all day. She went out and got $15,000. What is it that we need to inaugurate the park? Mr. John Gilchrist: She's had $20,000 donated, plus an additional $10,000 in services like hotel. Mayor Ferre: How much do we need to inaugurate the start of the park? Mr. Gilchrist: She says she needs $15,000 more. Mayor Ferre: How much did she get? Mr. Gilchrist: She got $22,000 donated from various sources. In addition, she has donations of services like hotel rooms, discounted fees. The Corps of Engineers is donating 1,000 invitations. There are a number of things which she says are worth $10,000. Mayor Ferre: We're going to have Pepper here, I assume. Mr. Gilchrist: Pepper, Paula Hawkins, the Governor. Mayor Ferre: Demetrio Perez moves. Mr. Perez, do you want to pull him back in here? Mr. Gilchrist: We need in -kind services, sir. Mayor Ferre: Perez moves; Dawkins seconds. In -kind services of what? Mr. Gilchrist: Police and fire. Mr. Dawkins: For Claude Pepper, yes. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll, Bayfront Park groundbreaking, $15,000. They've raised.... Mr. Gilchrist: They've raised $22,000 in cash. Dade County gave $15,000 by the way, the Arts and Science Council. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. � 9 July 1$$ 1955 _42% i The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-787 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1c,,00:) FROM SPECIAL PROJECTS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENCY FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY, AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE IN -KIND SERVICES AS NECESSARY FOR SAID CEREMONY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Who floVed Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution Vat paased atd adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 100 COMMODORE PROJECT AND FORMER U.S. NAVAL RESERVE TRAINING CENTER - APPRAISALS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: The next thing I want to talk about is Ken Triester. I just want to put this on the record. It's not obviously for a vote today. I've met with him twice and I told him this is- and I just want to put this on the record where I stand. This is just one man's opinion, but so that we can do this legally and I don't violate Sunshine Laws and all that where everybody knows where I'm at. I have not changed my position. I am opposed to the project unless they get access to McFarland. They can't seem to do that. So here is what I'd like to do. I think fair is fair. I told Mr. Parsons, Ms. Janet Cooper and the other opponents who have come to see me on this and I've told the Ken Triester group the same thing, both sides. I would like to, one, have an appraisal made and agree what the price is going to be for the purchase of that property with them, put it on the ballot in November for the City of Miami to raise G.B. obligation bonds and if the people of Miami want to pay for it and buy the land and that's the end of it, it's a park. If that doesn't work, Mr. Triester and Scharlin are willing to go as far as the end of the legislative session or June 1st, whichever is later and we would then hope to get the monies from the state. If after those two attempts we're not able to secure the money either from the City of Miami, the State of Florida, Metropolitan Dade County or what have you on June 2nd, they have to June 1st, June 2nd, that they would know for sure what it is that this Commission would allow them to do. With regards to the usage of that property, I understand what we will be hearing on Thursday and I have not seen it, is a 25% reduction of both the apartments and the commercial property. I told them that as far as I'm concerned, I have an open mind. I'll hear it. I don't know what my position is on that, but the only way I would vote for that or for the other one, which is the one I voted against is, like I said before that they have access to McFarland. Since they cannot get access to St Stephens Episcopal Church, unless they can work that, then I don't mind them having access through the ridge in the park, provided that it is under ground that it is not a tunne-1, but some kind of a landscaped thing where people won't be hurt or anything and it would be a depressed access on a one lane going, one lane coming, no trucks and a safety lane in the middle at their expense. That doesn't require any action. I'm just putting on the record where I'm at. What does require action is a resolution asking the manager to go ahead and get an appraisal of that property. I would like to ask that we do that. Lucia has prepared a resolution authorizing and directing the Manager to secure forthwith two appraisals of value of property known as Commodore Bay 61 152 July 18, 1985 Lo ffom qualified appraisers, further allocating a total amount not to exceed $30,000 from Special Programs to cover the cost of said appraisals. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: Why before next week? Mayor Ferre: J.L., because no matter how you slice this, for us to buy that property.... Mr. Plummer: 1 move it. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded. Further discussion? Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: Just a correction on the record. The item nett creek will not be heard. the item next week is only to establish the dates of the hearings on September 12th and 26th. Mayor Ferre: I'm sorry, I stand corrected. I accept that. All we're basically doing is getting the appraisals under way. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-788 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SECURE FORTHWITH TWO APPRAISALS OF VALUE FROM QUALIFIED APPRAISERS ON THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE "COMMODORE BAY PROJECT" AND ON THE PROPERTY COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS THE "NAVAL RESERVE CENTER"; FURTHER ALLOCATING A TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $60,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUNS, TO COVER THE COST OF SAID APPRAISALS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mr. Plummer: I move at this time that the City Manager be instructed to likewise get an appraisal on the Coast Guard property on Bayshore Drive. Mayor Ferre: I go with that. Mr. Pereira: The Naval Reserve. Mr. Plummer: The Naval Reserve Base. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: You have to be careful how you get that appraisal. You better talk to the Navy or whoever owns the.... Mr. Plummer: He can talk to who he wants, but all we're doing is we're authorizing him to do it. Mayor Ferre: 1 know, J.L., but the problem is will the Navy sell it to us for best use or as is? Fine, that is something for you to determine. There is s motion and a second. Further discussion? Call the roll. a1 153 July 18, 1985 e THIS DIRECTION WAS INCLUDED IN R-85-78L. AND WAS PASSED BY THE POLLOWINd VOTE. AYES. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo =--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------=--- 101 APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS TO COUNTY SHORELINE COMMITTEE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: We need to appoint two people to the Shoreline, and the Manager is recommending Jose Feito, architect, and Gail Baldwin; is that a woman? Mr. Rodriguez: A man, male. Mr. Dawkins: What's the ethnic make-up of this board now? Mr. Rodriguez: The committee, as you know is has been appointed by the County Commission. The Committee of the Shoreline Ordinance has been appointed by the County Commission, and you don't have any say on that. This is two members from the City of Miami that you could appoint in any case where there will be a project. The ones at present, both of them are male. One is a Hispanic and the other one is Anglo. The other person that you recommended before was Ron Frazier and they accepted that person and he's part of the committee. Mr. Dawkins: I don't want to recycle the same folk. Mr. Plummer: I'll agree to that based on one thing. I don't want to lose those two appointments. Mr. Pereira: There is a meeting of this board on the 25th. That's why we're... the 24th, I'm sorry. Mr. Plummer: Miller, I don't want to lose City representation. Mr. Dawkins: Put Ed Wright on there; he's an architect. Mayor Ferre: Ed Wright and Jose Feito. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: i RESOLUTION NO. 85-789 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING TWO ADDITIONAL MEMBERS TO THE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SOLELY FOR PURPOSES OF CONSIDERING DEVELOPMENT ACTIONS AND PLANS WHICH INVOLVE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF MIAN.I, PER CHAPTER 33D OF THE CODE OF METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TC FURNISH CERTIFIED COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE COUNTY MANAGER OF METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and gdppted by the following vote - I sl 154 July 18, 1985 Afg5 Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Demetrio J. Perez, it, Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NoBSi None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo 102. DISCUSSION ITEM: CHARTER AMENDMENT #2 - AUGUST 13 ELECTION DISCUSSION OF REMOVAL FROM BALLOT - CONTINUED TO 7-25-85 FOR FULL COMMIISSION. Mayor Ferre: The only thing I've got for you is, I would hope that we would reconsider this election that we have on August 13th, and I want to reiterate my firm position in opposition to both of these issues, not because I am opposed to strong Mayor. I am in favor of strong Mayor, but I just happen to think that this thing has been kicked around so darned much, it is not going to be a fair judgment and it is too important and issue! And I think this partisan thing is just a total monstrosity. We are going to have a partisan election in one seat and not in the others? And I would like to ... I guess the legal way for me to do this is to ... what? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COI+YENTS) Mayor Ferre: I would like to move a resolution rescinding in its entirety Resolution No. 85-614, adopted June 13, 1985, which calls for a special municipal election on August 13th for the approval or disapproval of Charter Amendment Number 2, which would have provided for the holding of partisan elections in November, 1985 for the office of Mayor in the event a proposal and proposed Executive Mayor Charter Amendment Number 1 were to be approved by the Electorate, and I so move. Mr. Plummer: I am asking for a legal opinion. Can you do such, since you were not on the prevailing side? Mayor Ferre: Yes, because it is a new issue. Mr. Plummer: It is not a new issue! Mayor Ferre: Madam City Attorney? Mrs. Dougherty: It is a new resolution. You are not reconsidering your old resolution. It is a brand new resolution. S Mayor Ferre: I asked that yesterday, because I was under the same impression until I got it corrected, so I can move it. I so move. Mr. Perez: Second. Mr. Plummer: There is a motion made and duly seconded. Is there any discussion? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr. Plummer: Is there any further discussion? Call the roll. MOTION DEFEATED. On motion by Mayor Ferre and seconded by Commissioner Perez, the foregoing motion pertaining to rescinding Resolution 85-614 which calls for special election August 13, 1985 was defeated by the following vote: d July lot 1985 Commissioner Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT:Vice-Mayor .ioe Carollo Mayor Perre: Mr. Plummer: i Now, what did I vote on? You took the strong Mayor and phrti mfi off the ballot. Mr. Dawkins: Hold itl That is tot what f did! Mr. Plummer: No. Mr. Dawkins: I reconsider and I vote no. Mr. Plummer: Motion dies. It is a two - two tie. The motion dies. Mayor Ferre: Now, I would like to make the same resolution, but including the removal of both Charter Amendment one and two. It is a motion of intent rescinding both one and two. Mr. Plummer: Okay, there is a motion made of intent to remove Amendment one and two. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Plummer: It is seconded. Okay, motion of intent means that it will have to be another motion made. Mayor Ferre: Yes, we will have to do one at a time. Mr. Plummer: But, I mean, at a later time. Mrs. Dougherty: We can prepare the resolution right now. Mayor Ferre: Then I am going to go back so that Miller is going to have a clear signal that we are taking both of them off, which I assume is what you want. Mr. Plummer: Okay, there is a motion made of intent to remove Amendment one and Amendment two. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. Let me make sure we don't make any mistakes here now. Now, where does that leave - Monty Trainer's thing and the other one? Mr. Plummer: It is still on the ballot. Mrs. Dougherty: It is still on the ballot. Mayor Ferre: Well, who is going to pay for it? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mayor Ferre: How can we -do this with a full Commission? Can we do this next Thursday? Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I mean, there is only one vote difference. Mr. Plummer: No, no, no. Out of courtesy to Carollo - the only reason I am doing this is because I figured today was the last day we could do it. And you are telling me that we can do it next Thursday? Mrs. Dougherty: You can pass a resolution next Thursday repealing those formal resolutions - taking it off the ballot. Mayor Ferre: And that means there would be no ballot then? el 156 ,duly i 8, 1985 Mrs. Dougherty: There would be no election. Mayor Ferre: All right, so out of courtesy to Carollo; I don't have my problems with that. Mr. Plummer: So then we are withdrawing the motion? Mayor Ferre: I withdraw the motion out of courtesy to Caf6116 wh6 ohV6valy couldn't be here for special reasons. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, is that all you have? Mayor Ferre: Yes, as long as Lucia tells me that next Thursday Mrs. Dougherty: I am going to prepare the resolution and have it on the agenda for next Thursday. Mayor Ferre: Put it on the agenda for a formal vote so that nobody can then invoke the five day rule on that. 103. APPOINT MATTIE HIRAI AS CITY CLERK EFFECTIVE AS OF THE RETIREMENT OF RALPH G. ONGIE. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would like to make a motion at this time that this Commission appoint Mattie as the City Clerk. Mr. Dawkins: I thought the City Manager told me he was going to cut the salary in half. Now, is Mattie going to work for half the salary? Mr. Plummer: That has nothing to do with it. I would like to make a motion appointing Mattie as the City Clerk, effective as of the date of Ralph Ongie's ... which is what, August 1st? Mr. Pereira: September. Mr. Plummer: September 1st? Mayor Ferre: September 1st. Mr. Plummer: Right. Mayor Ferre: All right, it has been moved and seconded ..: Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, excuse me, should we, at this time, include the salary? What is the Clerk making presently? Ms. Hirai: Around $69,000 - $70,000. Mr. Plummer: $70,000? Ms. Hirai: $69,000. Mr. Plummer: And what are you making? Ms. Hirai: $49,000 something. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me? $50,000? Mr. Mayor, I would set that the salary be at $65,000. Mayor Ferre: Okay, that is part of the motion. Do you accept that? Mr. Perez: Yes. The fact that we appoint the City Attorney - bow did we agreein the salary. Was it the same salary as the former City Attorney? Mr. Plummer: Yes. t �d July ip, 1905 ,"N Mayor Ferret Noi not and we heed to talk about that. How long have you been here now? Mrs. Dougherty: August 1st I was here a year. Mayor Ferre: A year? Well, I think ... your salary is what now? Mrs. Dougherty: $87,000, something like that. Mr. Plummer: (Whistle!) Mayor Ferre: And what is the Manager's? Mr. Pereira: $92,000. Mr. Plummer: (Whistle!) My God! And you are Estill smoking cheap cigars? Mayor Ferre: Mine is $5,000. Mr. Pereira: I am waiting for you to give me a box! Mr. Perez: Personally, I think that in this case of Mattie, that we don't have any doubts about the record, the credibility or anything? I think that she deserves the same salary. Mr. Plummer: I give in. I will amend my motion to read that. Mayor Ferre: Okay, the motion then that is before us is for the City Clerk as of September 1st to have the same salary as he currently has. Ms. Hirai: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Very good. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll please, on that motion. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-790 A RESOLUTION ELECTING AND APPOINTING MATTIE HIRAI AS CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF MIAMI,12:O1 A.M., SEPTEMBER 1, 1985, AT AN ANNUAL SALARY OF $68,993.60 TO SERVE THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF RALPH G. ONGIE, WHO IS RETIRING FROM SAID OFFICE, AND SHE SHALL HOLD OFFICE UNTIL THE FIRST MEETING FOLLOWING THE NEXT REGULAR CITY ELECTION AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE CITY CHARTER. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and Mr. Pereira: Yes, sir? Mr. Plummer: That is you, right? Mr. Pereira: So far, yes. Mr. Plummer: All right, what have you done, or What are you doing for the upcoming year in the budget as to impact fees? Mrs. Dougherty! We are having a meeting on that immediately. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me? Mrs. Dougherty: We are having a meeting on the impact fees this week. Mr. Plummer: Are the impact fees going to be effective on October 1st? Mrs. Dougherty: They can be effective as soon as you pass them, yes. Mr. Pereira: We have to come back to you with a recommendation. Mr. Plummer: All right, Mr. Manager, my final conclusion - Mr. Mayor, I want'. all of you to hear. Mayor Ferre: I am listening. I am all ears! Mr. Plummer: You were not here, Mr. Manager, last year, okay? I am telling you now on the 18th day of July, that whatever you are going to do with your budget, do not come before this Commission on the final day of the final hour and tell us that if we don't act, that we, the Commission, are going to be putting the City in jeopardy of $20,000,000 or $22,000,000! Now, whatever you are going to do in the way of budget, I am telling you ... Mr. Pereira: I am talking about it. Mr. Plummer: ... this year, okay, that you better start early, and stay late, because if I am the hanging vote, as I was last year, you are going to die! Mr. Pereira: I don't know what you are talking about, but we will have a budget. Mr. Plummer: Go review the budget of last year and it will be very clear! (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr. Pereira: Hey, you going to pay for it? Mayor Ferre: All right, Marie, anything else we need to do? Carol Anne? Miller, Arthur Teal needed something? All right, we stand adjourned. THSgE BSIRG RO FURT M BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE CITY COMUSSIOt, M MEETING WAS ADJOURM AT 6:45 p•M- x !Maurice A. Ferre n A 1 0 R ATTEST: Ralph G. Ongie CITY CLERK Ratty Hirai ASSISTAYT CITY CLERK 11 M kTED win Lj C�T� f OF !V� I ITEN N0 j DOCUME11T IDENTIFICATION YIN, I I I Hf: I)P I \%1 1,1•:GI. i. I 1 1,11 II•;S OF THE' CITY GOIJ` COURSES, INCIJ - I.)ING, GOI,1• CARTS, 1--OR AN UNLI-MIT'I•:l) I'ERIOh. ALLOCATE $1,820 TO THE MODEL CITY CRIME. PREVENTION SUB -COUNCIL TO SEND 45 CHILDREN AND 7 CHAPERONES TO DISNEY WORLD ON AUGUST 17, 1985 AUTHORIZE' CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE' PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL OP' SOUTH 1'LORIDA/SOUTII I'LORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTION (PIC/SI'ETC) ; ETC... . AUTHORIZE/APPROVE STIPULATION RELATE TO THE PAYMENT OF PENDING CLAIMS I''OR PLAINTIFFS' ATTORNEYS FIRM: EDMOND GONG $50,000; RONALD A. SILVER $50,000; ROBERT D. KLAUNER $26,000; THOMSON ZEDER BOHRF.R, WERTH, ADORNO & RAZOOK $750,000; ETC.... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH TOUCHE ROSS & CO. C.P.A. WITH PARTICIPATION OF MINORITY ACCOUNTING FIRMS OF W.B. KOON & CO. AND SANSON, KLME, JACOMINO & CO., TO PREPARE MARKETING EVALUA- TION FOR ECONOMID FEASIBILITY ON R.J.P.'S I'OR WATSON ISLAND. APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH BAYSHORE PROPERTIES, INC. I'OR THE EXTENSION /COMBINATION/ MODII'TCA- TlON OI' EXISTING LEASE GREEMENTS WITH MONTY TRAINER'S RESTAURANT, MARINA, AND BOATSHED OI'RAT'ION IN ORDER TO SECURE FINANCING I'OR RENOVATION OI' LEASED PROPERTIES. RAT'IF'Y/APPROVE/CONFIRM CITY MANAGER IN EXECU- TE ATTTACHED AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE O1.' 1•'LORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS/DOWN- TOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY/BAYSIDE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND TERM O1-' EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH VINCENT E. GRIMM JR. (AUGUST 1, 1985 THROUGH JULY 31, 1986) FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT SERVICES IN IN CONNECTION WITH WORLD TRACE CENTER PROJECT; ETC.... COMMISSION RETRIEVAL ACTION AND CODE NO. 't dj3."xt$ *AS eT D::L'C T lD_h'TIFICATl©N eU :" 4551GN htIMILVAi. - - `rTTn4 A%n rnv�r N,.)_ AU`I'I10PI/.F CITY MANAGED TO EXECUTE' INDIVI- DUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WI`TI1 SEVEN (7) NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC ORGANIZATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTING A COMMERCIAL FACADE: TREAT- MENT PROGRAM; ETC... ALLOCATE $100,000 IN SUPPORT OF THE 1,985 MIAMI BOOK FAIR INTERNATIONAL (NOVEMBER 4 - 9, 1985); ETC... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CODEC, INC. AND FLORIDA HOUSING COOPERATIVE, INC. FOR FACILI- TATING COOPERATIVE HOUSING OWNERSHIP IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; ETC... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE INTERPRISE FLUNDATION, INC. FOR IMPLEMENTING THE INTER - PRISE FOUNDATION'S, GREATER MIAMI NEIGHBOR- HOOD HOUSING PROGRAM. APPROVE RECOMMENDATION OF CITY MANAGER AND THE ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACLS COMMITTEE TO ENGAGE MICHEL WOLK TO CREATE ORIGINAL, FUNCTIONAL ART EXCLUSIVELY FOR CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY (2251 N.W. NORTH RIVER DRIVE); ETC... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT WITH MIAMI-DADE TRADE AND TOURISM COMMISSION, INC. (MDTTC) (AUGUST 1, 1984 TO JULY 31, 1985); ETC... ALLOCATE $10,000 IN SUPORT OI" THE SECOND "MIAMI CONFERENCE - WOMEN'S ACTION FOR PROGRESS - CARIBBEAN/CENTRAL AMERICA" (OC- TUBER 11 - 13, 1985) BY PARTNERSHIP I.OR PRODUCTIVITY/INTERNATIONAL (PfP/I); ETC... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH DADE COUNTY AVIATION DEPARTMENT FOR LEASE OF 1,049 SQUARE FEET IN 20TH STREET TERMINAL AREA OF THE MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. ��`:i-7 "1 _ . 1)0%PZ:IT IC':N"TlFJCATl0N GN ACTIO %"r) Die NOL., AU'1'1,, CITY MANA(*,i.;P I- FN`I'FJv' INTO AGRI-:1., fin MFNT WITi1 UAPF. COUNTY, GF:NFRAI, SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, FOR 1,EASE SPACE ON 1111F, THIRTIETH FLUOR AT MI-JR0 FADE, CENTER (111 N.- W. FIRST STRFE`I'); FTC... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A 85-731' LEASE AGREEMENT WITH DADE COUNTY, FOR PRO- PERTY LOCATED AT 1060 N.W. 62 STREET IN LIBERTY CITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A POLICE SUBSTATION. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A 85-732 CONTRACT WITH LAWYERS TITTLE INSURANCE. CORPORATION ($27,225) AND PATRICIA MELLERSON, A MINORITY CONTRACTOR, ($22,275) TO PERFORM ABSTRACT SERVICES ON 1,000 PROPERTI I3S WHICH HAVE DELINQUENT SOLID WASTE BILLS; ETC... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY TO 85-733' EXECUTE A NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT WITH BORELLY & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS PLANNERS, P.A. PROVIDING SERVICES RELATED TO THE DESIGN/ CONSTRUCTION OF' FIRE GARAGE/FIRE STATION #3; ETC... AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LEASE 85-734' AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF OFF-STREET PARKING FOR THE LEASE OF CERTAIN SPACE ON THE EIGHTH FLOOR OF OLYMPIA BUILDING, (174 EAST FLAGLER STREET,) FOR THE USE OF DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE, ADOPT -A -PARK PROGRAM 85-735' PROPOSED BY KIWANIS CLUB OF' AFRO-AMERICAN FOR MOORE PARK. AUTHORIZEI/ THE ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR 85-736' PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT SER- VICES TO CONDUCT AN ECONOMIC STUDY OF THE MIAMI RIVER ($75,000). ALLOCATE $72,000. TO LEASE 12 AUTOMOBILES 85,-737 FOR 16 MONTHS TO POLICE DEPARTMENT STREET NARCOTICS UNIT SNU-DRUG DEALER APPREHENSION, ETC... PC D�:LPCKT 11r_rN-TlFlcAll0N ALLOCATE; 1 44,000 To CUVkP WAGFS AN]) I;MI'L�)Yf,1 BENEFIT EXDPENSES I'OR EMPLOYMENT OF A ADDITIONAL PROPERTY SPECIALISTS I ASSIGNED TO THE POLICE DI;PARTMFNT PROPERTY UNIT. ACCEPT PLAT: BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JR. AND ACCL•'PT DEDICATION SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; ETC... ACCEPT BID: WILLIAMS PAVING CO., INC. ($890,221.41) (BID A AND B); AND THE BID OF MIRI CONSTRUCTION, INC. ($112,531.75) (BID C) FOR SILVER BLUFF STORM SEWER PROJECT ALLOCATE $1,002,753.16 FROM "SILVER BLUFF STORM SEWERS" TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMEND- MENT TO AGREEMENT WITH SCHWEBKE-SHISKIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. INCREASING MAXIMUN TOTAL COMPENSATION FOR SURVEYING SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A $5,958,400 LOAN (U.S. DEPT. OF HOUSING AND URBAN DE- VELOPMENT 108 LOAN PROGRAM) AND NEGOTIATE THE NECESSARY CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS TO IMPLE- MENT LOSN PROGRAM. APPOINT: MELVIN (SKIP) CHAVES, PRIVATE SECTOR SEAT; AND ALVIN GUILFORD, PRIVATE SECTOR SEAT; FOR PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL (PIC) OF SOUTH FLORIDA (EXPIRE JUNE 30, 1987); ETC... APPOINT: DANIEL KIPNIS (CITY YACHT CLUBS); MICHAEL CHENOWITH (ENVIRONMEMTAL AND CON- SERVATION GROUPS; HENRY LEE GIBBONS (CITY COMMISSION IN THE FIRST POSITION); TED SLACK (CITY COMMISSION IN THE FOURTH POSI- TION); TO SERVE ON THE MIAMI WATERFRONT BOARD. APPOINT: JAY HIRSCH, ALBERT PEREZ, ARTHUR KING SR. FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD. AUTHORIZE PROPOSALS FOR RESTORATION/ REDEVE- LOPMENT OF HISTORIC, TEN STORY OLYMPIA BUILDING AND GUSMAN CULTURAL CENTER, (174 - EAST FLAGLER STREET) AND SELECT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND APPOINT MEMBERS TO A REVIEW COMMITTEE. Vnl P n „ -738 :"7551ON DJ:LP 'N7 1D_h?1F7CATI0N ACCEPT THE' COMPI.,ETED WORK Oh' I RWIN-GREENWELL, INC. ($263,264.04) I•'OR OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I (BID "C") - 11-4492. ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., IN. ($196,710.56) FOR CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - EAST LITTLE HAVANA - (BID "E") SR-5498. CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WEST TRAILVIEW HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT (DIS- TRICT - H-4447. CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWERS EXTENSIONS IMPROVEMENT (DISTRICT - FLAGLER STREET SR-5458-C CENTERLINE SEWER) AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT APPLICATION FOR SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. SUBORDINATE FINANCING OF CONDOMINIUMS - MULTIFAMILY RENTAL UNITS AND COMMERCIAL SPACE. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND "GRANT PROGRAM FINAL STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTED USE FUNDS", - FROM CITY'S 11TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION. ESTABLISH GUIDELINES: ALLOCATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FLOAT LOANS $10,000,000 - 11TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO USE $10,000,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FLOAT FUNDS FOR SOUTH- EAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST FUNDS AS INTERIM FINANCING AS A POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTE FOR SECTION 108 LOAN. APPROVE EMPLOYMENT OF THE LAW FIRM OF GREEN - BERG, TRAURIG, r.SKEW, HOFFMAN, LIPOFF, ROSEN & QUENTELL TO SERVE AS COUNSEL DURING PRELIMINARY NEGOTIATIONS WITH DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (D,R.I.); ETC..... 85-748 D:w"LPC- qT ID-rNlIFICATION AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PURCHASE, 1.11v F PARCELS OF LAND LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT AREA; ETC.... ACCEPT BID OF QUINTERO CONCRETE CORP. ($148,760) FOR S.W. 7 STREET SIDEWALK PROJECT. AUTHORIZE' CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITII SAID FIRM. ACCEPT BID OF DEBRA TURF AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR FURNISHING TWO (2) OLATHE TURF SWEEPERS PLACED AT DEPARTMENT OF PARK AND RECREATION ($23,096.); ETC... ACCEPT BID OF TOTAL AIR SERVICES,. INC. FOR FURNISHING AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE AT COMPUTER DEPARTMENT ($4,620.) ACCEPT BID OF BURROUGHS CORPORATION FOR FURNISHING COMPUTER TAPES, ($24,293.). ACCEPT BID OF DOWLING FIRE EQUIPMENT FOR FURNISHING HEAVY DUTY HYDRAULIC RESCUE TOOLS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES, ($28,913.). ACCEPT BID OF MANOLO HORTA PAINTING FOR FURNISHING PRESSURE CLEANING SERVICES TO APPROXIMATELY 100 HOMEOWNERS PARTICIPANTS IN THE GREAT NEIGHBORH0ODS RESIDENTIAL EXTERIOR PAINT PROGRAM, ($36,000.). ACCEPT BID OF TEMPTROL AIR CONDITIONING FOR FURNISHING AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE AT COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION, ($39,180.) ACCEPT BID OF DOUGLAS N. HIGGINS, INC. FOR WINONA SANITARY SEWER PROJECT - PHASE I, ($126,215.). ACCEPT BID OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE I, ($23,000.). ORDER COCONUT GROVE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I, H-4511 AND DESIGNATE THE PROPERTY AGAINST WHICH SPECIAL ASSISSMENTS SHALL BE MADE. 85-757 DD:LP - N7 1D_h'TIFICATION ORDER DESIGN PLAZA IIIc3HWAI' IMI'ROVEMEN`I' I1-4509 AND DESIGNATE THE PROPEIRTY AGAINST WHICH SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SHALL BE MADE. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: FAUSTO ALVAREZ. ($12,750.). CLAIM SETTLEMENT: ANTONIO H. MESA. ($10,000.) GRANT REQUEST OF SANDRA L. ARDOLINO TO DISPENSE BEER AND WINE AT WEDDING RECEPTION IN WAINWRIGHT PARK NOVEMBER 16, 1985. GRANT REQEST OF DADE HERITAGE TRUST TO DESPENSE BEER AND WINE AT RECEPTION FOR ITS MEMBERSHIP IN JOSE MARTI PARK, OCTOBER 19, 1985. GRANT REQUEST — AMIGOS DE MADRID TO SELL BEER AND WINE AT LA PALOMA FERTIVAL ON AUGUST 11, 1985, IN JOSE MARTI PARK. AUTHORIZE IN —KIND SERVICES ($5,000), AND FEE WAIVER ($100.), FOR USE OF JOSE MARTI PARK — 122ND ANNIVERSARY OF "RESTAURACION DE LA REPUBLICA" ON AUGUST 18, 1985. ALLOCATE AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT ($5,000) AS A FEE WAIVER FOR THE USE OF THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER IN CONNECTION WITH PUERTO RICO DAY TO BE HELD ON JULY 28, 1985. ESTABLISH COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER THE MERGER OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE DEPARTMENT OF OFF—STREET PARKING; APPOINT COMMISSIONER J. L. PLUMMER AS CHAIRMAN. COMMIT AND BIND THE CITY OF MIAMI TO INDEM— NIFY, MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE "MIAMI CITY EMPLOYEES" RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND PLAN,, THEIR LEGAL COUNSEL AND THE ADMINISTRATOR AGAINST ALL LOSS, CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF GATES V. CITY OF MIAMI. ACCEPT BID OF LANZO CONSTRUCTIONM CO. IN ($787,320.) FOR "WAGNER CREEK RENOVATION PHASE II" TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST. :"]SSIGN htimILVAL. 85-771 85-781 41ft- - DYt1'i- NT ID_h'TIFICATION APPOINT: L, KIM I'UIITE R, ANE, CONC:-;PC1UN T. BRETOS TO THE; CITY OF MIAMI AFF1P1-!.t%I'IVE; ACTION ADVISORY BOARD. PERMIT LUIS ALBO, CITY EMPLOYEE TO PARTICI- PATE IN HOME RENOVATION AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM. COSED/VACATE/ABANDON/DISCONTINUE PUBLIC USE OF 10' ALLEY (WEST AND SOUTH RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE OF NORTHWEST 7TH COURT BETWEEN NORTHWEST 15TII AND 17TH STREETS) AS CONDITION APPROVAL OF PLAT #1258 "HIGHLAND PARK SUB- DIVISION". ALLOCATE $15,000 IN SUPPORT OF THE BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE IN -KIND SERVICES AS NECESSARY FOR SAID CEREMONY. AUTHORIZE/DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO SECURE. FORTHWI`H TWO APPRAISALS OF VALUE, ON THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE "COMMODORE BAY PROJECT" AND OF THE PROPERTY REFERRED TO AS THE "NAVAL RESERVE CENTER". ALLOCATE, S60,000 TO COVER THE COST OF SAID APPAISALS. APPOINT TWO ADDITIONAL MEMBERS TO THE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY SHORELINE DEVELOP- MENT REVIEW COMMITEE: JOSE FEITO AND EDWARD WRIGHT. ELECT AND APPOINT MATTY HIRAI AS CITY CLERK OF THE. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA EFFECTIVE 12:01 A.M., SEPTEMBER 1, 1985, AT AN ANNUAL SALARY 01" $68,993.60 TO SERVE FOR THE UNEXPI- RED TERM OF RALPH G. ONGIE, WHO IS RETIRING FROM SAIL) OFFICE, :V