HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-077343 ABS/�l/50l RESOLUTION NO.....` 5-773 '-, A REScL[i'%ION AUTHOFIINd'F1E FINANC8 DIRECTOR Y ,. TO RAY W o O00. od TO ANTONIO H. MESA IN Pg SETTLEMENT Off` ALL FENbINO CLAIMS RELATING TO THE GRANTING OF VETERAN'S PREFERENCE AS REOUIRtb BY LAW, SAtb MONIES BEING ALLOCATED FROM THE 8ELF-IN80RANCE AND INSURANCE TRUST �a WHEREAS, ANTONIO H, MESA, through his attorney, Irving s Weinsoff, Esq.► filed a claim against the City of Miami for back n. wages, damages# and other claims and demands resulting from the A alleged wrongful acts of the City of Miami in failing to award Veteran's Preference Points, as required by Chapter 295 of the Florida Statutes, to augment the score achieved by ANTONIO H. MESA on the Civil Service Examination administered on Febru- d t ary 17, 1982, for promotion to the rank of Sergeant of Police, and in failing to promote ANTONIO H. MESA based on his augmented y score; and =, ;r b WHEREAS, the above claims have been investigated by the h Labor Relations Office, the City Attorney's Office, and the ' rc Department of Human Resources, said offices and departments w G having recommended that these claims be settled without the fi admission of liability for the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars .. d( ($10,000.00) 3 yf r t NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY k OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; 1. The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to pay to 'n ANTONIO H. MESA the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($101000.00), si without the admission of liability, in full and complete settle- a4F F ment of all claimsand demands against the City of Miami► upon t , the execution of a release by ANTONIO H. MESA, releasing the City of Miami from 411 claims and demands said monies being hereby R� allocated from the Self -Insurance and Insurance Trust Fund. z PASS&D AND ADOPTED thirp 2�, s ay of jul a Maurice A. Fo' ' � �l 'fit le�taT101 i M ME A. . ERR 1140 of MAYOR r �.sh a_¢c...�.z+ °.c c.<-�.. ..., .. .a -�'x ., .. _ •;Y K> . .. .r..``_ir„ 7, ..�.. .,d .,. �,? u,a — L-PH as ONGIE C ' Y ERR PREPARED AND APPROVED SY: AL•BERTINE B. SMITH k ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY s APPRO U S TO PORM AND CORK CTN558 LU'IA A. DOUCHE Y ,:. CITY ATTORNEY 1 t �~ r k dt T f S5 3 Iy Al?j yy t P4 a 4 f t t t 3 <b ;r h ,C s :>% `. '0 1 tf 6 ` aE jL a I°iA� .f W CITY OF MiA!11, FFLORfbA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and Mtmbera July 5 r 1985 �,f of the Clt-v- C6mttlission Resolution of the CiaiM of .P4 ANTONIO H, mask, police officers for Veteran's Preference Points. Lucia A. 6o"gherty =Er 4 t City Attar ey �(Resolution) (Attachments) Antonio 4, Mesa is a City of Miami Police Officer who was employed in that capacity in 1970. In 1971, Officer Mesa was drafted into the United States Army. In 1973, after an honorable discharge from military service, Officer Mesa was reinstated as a City of Miami Police Officer. On February 17, 1982, Officer Mesa took a civil service examination for promotion to Sergeant of Police. Pursuant to Section 295.09 of the Florida Statutes (copy attached), Officer Mesa was entitled to have 5 veteran's prefer- ence points added to ` his score on the examination. ' The 'Statute provides that preference points shall be given on the first (successful) promotional examination to an employee (such as Antonio Mesa) who interrupts his employment with the City for military service and who, upon honorable discharge, is reinstated to his former position. The law requires further that after a Veteran's score is enhanced by preference points, such Veteran shall be promoted ahead of all other examinees whose scores place them in an equal or lesser position on a promotional register. Preference points were not added to Officer Mesa's score on the 1982 examination. If the points had been added, Officer Mesa's score would have been 93.96 and he would have been promoted to'the 'rank of Sergeant on June 10,-1982. (See attached eligible register.) He also would have received pay as a e Sergeant consistent with the 'promotion.- On September 29, 1983, Officer Mesa filed a lawsuit against t :the City. in which he sought to have the Court order the City to add the preference points to his examination score, to promote him retroactive to June 10, 1982, to award him back pay, and to pay his attorney's fees. Although Officer Mesa's claim clearly had merit, his lawsuit was dismissed because he failed to exhaust all non -judicial remedies before resorting to the courts.` The dismissal was commensurate with the position taken by the City in an earlier and similar case, City of Miami v. Si man,' 448 So.2d 533 (Fla. 3d DCA 1984), which was `essentially—-t at t e' administrative officials of the City were capable of handling r- such claims appropriately without court intervention and would d4, so if given the opportunity. (A copy of the si man opinion is attached.) _ 85% t To,. Aondtable Mayor and�Me�rtbera July 51 1985 < < of the City Cotmisa ion page r Re: ftttclutil6ft re ANTONtO Hs Mt9 p,ollowi+ng the dismissal of his lawsuit, Officet Mesa exhausted his administrative romodies by presenting his claim to the Civil Service board. The Board concluded correctly that Officer Mesa was entitledto preference points On the 1982 eX&Mination. At that point, Officer Mesa's attorney was in a position to file a second lawsuit if 'there was no resolution of the Matter by City offieials, An agreement was reached with Officer Mesa's attorney in which Officer Mesa Mould accept $10#000.00 and a retroactive promotion from June 10, 1082 to settle the claim. The Labor Relations Office, the Human Resources Lepartmentt and the City Attorney's Office participated in the settlement discussions. + At the time the agreement was reached, it was understood that the Labor Relations Office would handle the administrative '> and financial aspects of the agreement. However, since that time, a`different procedure was announced wherein claims such as Officer Mesa's will be treated as torts and will be administered by the City's Risk Management Division. Officer Mesa has no t preference as to the source of the funding, he simply wants to be 3 t paid the $10,000.00 without further delay. Inasmuch as ANTONIO H. MESA was entitled by law to receive Veteran's Preference Points on the 1982 Sergeant's examination,' and to promotion to Sergeant of Police as of June 10P 1982, with h' a concurrent increase in pay, the City Attorneys office recom- b mends adoption of the attached Resolution whereby the City of =r Miami will pay $10,000.00 in full and complete settlement of this_ ^ h claim. t ABS/fl/505 = t: ENCLS. fc (Resolution) de ` G jL ,.�1pp z A j Few 85--773 i i. R b 5 �gf{ittte floc bf al- • � a stet= alitt , Y 9.T- . r t it ..r ,., - �Y�. 11�115�-., ,,.,. LA�i��.lil�ljA�'l�ii� 1V �����rl��: bG.�fL��� Y�V�����1•r�.._.._... .. :,l,il..o p : � ReinY�kta,t¢�eariietll of templo ierit; btitiging a civil action rn afly eduf't of tuffs eterit A. ptoritolion �ttetCte ICY= tisdictitih tat such legal of equitable haslet as *111 et= (1)la► 1t hmn an ernpl(*•e'e of the state of afl1• of its fectuate the `purposes of this act of, in those base§ 0,1itical subdivisions en plattil ifl a position subject pettairiing to s. 29o'.00, ffoti seeltitr9 telief thtaugh of hot subject to a cafeet seat ice sytteto of othet trier- the Uafeet sett, ee C orri iiimidti. 401 it t�'pe 5ystedl, tvt_th t)ie "exct+pti(n of th(lere positions R)91 i1s� g 5,eh 24101. M tt 18.1$. ch s9.1ti6: t. 3. ch. ,, 4$2:i. A. eh. included utidet the pttit 1si(ins rsf § 110,2d5(21 Arid .b �..: t 3 s, eh ,n tgr,, a �• �h WIT o. with the exceptiofl of rotnpatable positions in 'the ;l;�l Law floc applieblp ttis—lrlothiflg coflY state s political subdivisions, }ias served ih the Armed l (stets of the United States and is discharged tit sop- twined in ss. 295.0 '495.12 is intended_to apply to any $1� greats; atated thetefirotn with an honotable dischatge, the position that is exefllpt ufidet s. 110:205(2): seiefltli?it: �. ItitiiifS•.—a 8• ch �{2ni.lso,. t. I.rh. , ;•122. a. M. tt,.'9•i9Mi state Ptcuch Person to thelsatne position that i e MIA a0 exatrri- p orii; tof 1!fl= i 1'. p '2i)�.i;t8 Deserters and otltets;lflilpplicabillr its political prior to such setyice in the armed forces, of to an q. of ehaplet,—The provisions of this chapter shall tt political equivalent position, provided such person returns to not apply to any person who has beer} classified by ;. 29h 0�11) the position within I veal of his date of separation or, any branch of the Artned Forces of the United Mates fed to the in rases of extended active duty, within I year of the as a deserter of who received less than an honorable d d to a date of discharge or separation subsequent to the tx= discharge upon separation of discharge from the soft has ob+ tension. Such person shall also be awarded ptefet- g p B once in ptotnotion and shall be promoted ahead of all Armed Forces. tial tot the others who as well qualified of less qualified for Hiblot •.=a S. ch r;a22. (preference the positio 1'. b.�n.ticarnination for_pforhotloh is. et of list in utilized, suc person shall be awarded preference 20,194 uc State approving agrnr�ies for valet• Etea ratings. � _ � ans education ttrtinin�.—The Division of �etet= Points, as provided in s. 290.08 and shell be promot� tith l"ederal ed ahead of all those who,appeat in an equal of lessee ans Affairs and the designated administrative unit of 11 of techni• 'position on the promotional register, provided he the Department of Education under the authority of 110ity is over first successfully asses the examination for the pro- the respective departments, shall act as the state ap• tns qualified lChotional position proving agencies for purposes of veterans education Whose set, (bt The ptoii ions of paragraph (a) shall also ap- and training, in accordance with 38 U.S.C. s. 1771 and the applicable annual contracts between the,r Visited by the ply to a person who was a veteran when employed by state and he Federal Government. Pent of more the state or its political subdivision and, who waLuo history.—s 1, ch 80-140. tl•iate tegi§ter called to extended active duty in the ArmeMtces of their tespecr the ltnited States and was dischatged or separated '— int prefer- therefrom with an honorable discharge: �95.121i Preference for admission to voca- ats from the _ tional training. (c) ''t�he pto�tisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) shall ion from the apple only to a v'el:eran's first promotion after Lein- (1) It is the intent of the Legislature through en. • actnient of this section to assist returning veterans of 1, later; how, statement or reemployment, without exception, the Southeast Asian conflict to train themselves for a bled veteran (2) For the purposes of this section: t�Ited rating is (a) "Extended active duty" means active duty, civilian future. Although the provisions of this sec- tl•Ye in addition other than for training, beyond the date of honorable lion apply only to state -supported vocation- joints. discharge or separation, due to military require- al•technical facilities and programs, it is the further meats. intent of the Legislature to encourage privately sup- r (b1 "Comparable positions" means officers elect - join vocational technical schools and centers to 'Q prefer, ed by popular vote or persons appointed to fill vacant join with the state in assisting our returning veterans one-, b providing references for them in admission pro. I hpointment or Gies in such offices and the personal secretary of each Y P B P hE to the career such officer, members of boards and commissions, cedures and standards. teems, with the persons paid from other•personal•services appropria- (2) In determining order of admission or accep- dad under s. tions, city managers and county managers, and the ranee for students, every vocational training center, _r bmparable po- heads of departments. vocational -technical school, or vocational program heins, preference History. -a. 3. ch. 24201. 194;; a. i, ch. 77-+22: s. 2, ch. ?8.3�2; a 2, ch. which receives state funding Or support shall give arts be given by 80.370. preference as provided in subsection (3) to a person Ica+ rust to those - who served in the Armed Forces of the United States lea (2), and sec- 295.11 Investigation of reason for not em- at any time during the period August 4,1964, to Jan 295.07(3) and ploying preferred applicant. -The Division of uary 27,1973, and who has been separated therefrom tatlly 1, 1982, or Veterans' Affairs shall, upon the written request of under honorable conditions, if such person's enroll- firi honorable dip• any person specified in s. 295.07, investigate any menu is directly related to his present employment or r, and to those complaint filed by such person when the person has to his securing employment. +'af made application with an state agency or any agen- vho have made Y B Y (3) The name of each person qualified for prefer- TS 5 years of the cy of a political subdivision of the state for a position ence under the provisions of subsection (2) shall be which was awarded to a nonveteran and the person laced on the waiting list for acceptance or admit• deter is later, pro- p B P f feels himself aggrieved under the provisions of this pion, if any, in a position which would reflect the panum quali Ica- Y to the duties in - of The division shall use all of its powers on behalf same order of preference as if he had been placed on of a complainant and shall assist the complainant in the waiting list 36 months previously or on the day he juts 1&372;.. s, ch. all ways, other than legal assistance. Nothing in this entered the Armed Services of the United States, section, however, shall be construed as prohibiting a' whichever is later, veteran aggrieved by a violation of this act from History. -a: i, ch. 74.210; a.1, ch. 77.174; a 1, eh. 77.211• an 1733 85-7 73 TWA f A CITY DP MIAMI v. 916MAN Fla. son tht it"AMId IJA W&.App. A bill.. 10M) ,jrest in such deter= c V.�ticthcasl, g96 hail Louise APPI�LN(11�, now known as CITY 0 INIIAMI; Appellant, suprelue court held flali Louise 1ledllar, Appellant, va kl had standing to v, James P. 910MAN, Appellee, !neat under Chapter tea that he was the ,lbhlr A. APPI�llt1, Jr., Appellee. No, hildren both out of No. 83-967. District Court of Appeal of Flolnd, Third District. Ind that while Chap= s the natural ninth= District Court of Appeal of Florida, March 19, '984. iedy to establish pa, Second District. Rehearing Denied April 90, 1984. + pport rights of the March 9, 1984. ? not purport to pre: , anent action by the Rehearing Denied April 10, 1984, City appealed from order of the Circuit + djudicate paternity Court, Dade County, Sam I. Silver, J., di= t n was necessary to Appeal from Circuit Court, Pinellas resting that police officer, who was denied existing rights or County; Charles M. Phillips, Jr,, Judge, veterans' preference points after success= to an actual contra fully completing promotional examination, ' •they reasoned that N. David Korones, Clearwater, for appel• be promoted to rank of sergeant with retro- on of Chapter 742 lant. active wages and other benefits. The Dis= ther to negate the Joseph R. park of Park 6 Smith, Clear- triet Court of Appeal held that Circuit of her failure, for water, for appellee. Court lacked jurisdiction because officer r Main an adjudication failed to exhaust administrative remedies. LEHAI\' Judge. Reversed and remanded with di- reasons expressed that the child, upon The trial court denied the motion of a rections to dismiss. the e right W bring an honcustodial ex-wife for a temporary re - figment to deter - order to prevent the custodial ex• Municipal Corporations �186(6) right was at least husband from removing children of the husband Because of police officer's failure to u :arf is v. Cruce, 404 marriage from Florida to the ex-husband's exhaust administrative remedies, Circuit 1981), although the new residence in another state. Under the Court lacked jurisdiction to entertait► his he statute of limits• facts of this case we do not find an abuse action against city challenging denial of a> because the plaintiff of discretion b the trial court. See Cana- y' veterans' 'preference points after success - r years after attain• karis v. Canakaris, 382 So.2d 1197 (Fla. fully completing promotional examination. he action. We need 1980). atute of limitations AFFIRMED. Jose R. Garcia -Pedrosa, City-Atty. and cause it is clear that Ronald J. Cohen, and Gisela Cardone, Asst.` -ought less than two Gained her majority. OTT, CJ., and CAMPBELL, J., concur.;. City Attys., for appellant Irving Weinsoff, Miami, for appellee. firmed insofar as it yard, but is reversed Before HENDRY, BASKIN and FERGU- Tammie from main - SON, JJ.� determine paternity. 04E� permit Tammie to PER CURIAM. to bring her claim Appellant, City of Miami, appeals from i. judgment statute, if an order directing that a police officer, who n was denied veterans' preference points af- and REVERSED in ter successfully completing the 1979 pro- motional examination, be promoted to the ;# rank of Police Sergeant with retroactive +WART, JJ., concur. wages and other benefits. 195-773 448 SOUTHERN 11RPIOR'CRR4 2d SEflIgg i The City`s civil Service Rul% set forth Jim Smith, Atty. in Ordjnanee No. 8971, Section 2, provide Patriek 'Thomas LOOM, Appellant, ere; Lai►dry, Asst that veterans, preferencei po)nts shall be iv, appe11et3. given in accordance 'With Florida Statute3., The ordinance also provides it Method for STATE of Florida, Appellee, LERAN, Judge, employees to seek redress for any violation N0 83-1471 of the rules � The question of entitlement $efefidaflt was � to the points teas never presented to city District Court of Appeal of Florida, 806,01(1), Florida B otheiels or the Civil Service board. Second Lis"trio: in the first degree. = The controlling statutes, found in Chap: March 14, 1984. that the trial court press his confessic ter 298, Florida Statutes (1989), have been construed by this court in several cases. Rehearing Denied April i2, 1984. fendatit slid revers+ In even case the question of entitlement to the confession was the statutory preference points was first p i Defendant was convicted in the Circuit stances inconsisten Miranda tf rl�i#art it presented to the Civil Service board pursu, Court, Pinellas County, Gerard O'Brien, 3, 802, 18 ss 1 L.Fd.2 ant ti) its rules, L�$., Yatt#s tt l?eteau, 62 of arson in first degree, and he appealed. j So,2d 796 (F1a,1982); City of Miami tf. The District Court of Appeal, Lehati, J., ; P()IIOW!hg the fir Pafrrrin#ton, 408 So.2d 104.3 (Fla, 3d DCA), held that defendant's confession was ad - in custody pursui� rev, dismissed. 411 So.2d 381 (F1a.1981). duced in violation of his Miranda rights Statutes Florida State W Appellant challenges the jurisdiction of after he had stated that he wished to re lice custody into the court to entertain the action on grounds main silent, and thus, confession should dof incapacitatepersc that the employee failed to exhaust admin• have been suppressed, tion, after having , istrative remedies, citing this court's opine Reversed and remanded. warning, defendan ion in Pushkin V. Lombard, 279 80.2d 79 two olive officers p (Fla. 3d DCA), cert, denied, 284 So.2d 396 wished to remain (1973). We agree that the filing of a law- Criminal Law 517,1(3) officers told defen� suit in the circuit court was premature. See also Miami Where defendant held on suspicion of charged with arson between City o v.`raternal Or- arson, had stated during interrogation that versation der of Police, 378 So.2d 20, 25 (Fla. 3d he wished to remain silent, but officers the officers. In tF DCA 1979), cert. denied, 388 So.2d 1113 conducted further conversation with de- the officer surmise (F1a.1980) (employee is not relieved of obli• fendant in which one officer surmised and fendant as to the gation to engage the administrative pre. commented to defendant as to reasons why started the fire. cess in redressing a grievance by simply defendant started fire, defendant's subse- confessed.u' accepting as unchallengeable an adverse decision of the employer). gnent confession was elicited in violation of Miranda require his Miranda rights and should have been ;n police custody in p y Reversed and remanded with directions suppressed. West s F.S.A. § 806.0111); f remain silent, furtl to dismiss. U.S.C.A. Const.Amend. b. time must cease. S0.2d 639, 640 (Fla. da also is critical o «EI NUNIER SrsrEM Joseph P. McNulty of McNulty, Moritz, tion technique, use F' y, Pecarek, Dickey & Herman, Largo, for ap- case, of suggesting pellant. to the defendant. m 1. Section 40-58. Code of the City of Miami (b) Complaint by employee. 451, 455, 86 S.Ct. a at 711, 712. AS tl ' (1980), which codifies Ordinance No. 8977, Sea lion 2, provides: Any employee who is aggrieved by reason of what he/she. considers a violation of this i � Bowen v. State, 40 ; fterences in ranking candidates —Veterans' article [Civil Service Rules) to his/her detri• DCA 1981), P reference. [11n promotion, preference shall be given ment, or who has a grievance concerning his/her employment under this article, and Once a person [to veterans) in accordance with the state stet- who desires redress, shall notify the executive the right to re utes, as amended. _secretary in writing, stating the nature of ments obtained f ' t Section 40-103(b), Code of the City of Miami (1980) provides In pertinent part: his/her grievance and requesting a hearing by the board [Civil Service Board). 11 The testimony 01 Grievances and abuses generally. established that the the floor of the b„ _ i 85-7 73 s a. Ys.'• i i . yea lot 1"it6!Seto t _ x Type, pen supplemert1 1 Peba o, 198 r@bruagy 17p ►1982 e dst6 tn Date N6. Competing 1 N0. Passed _ 113 No, Faith 4 DNA: _ 1NFU 6 Approves; - : _..- bate Approvt d: Dir t8r 0i Num n Resourcesr i.�. Name, Aar 8 Sex Vets i=�inei Actions Na.. •, Pre1. Grade --0- 90.52- T 176 . �_�:► ly21S -N?. •-16 9 Praltl;-`ah_. -0- �-*-, . 114 i _ eauarae Or-b - a-. 97, 3. 6471 Jar -._ins F A - R .. =7 .yi65 g >.�...., i 33 1 5-1 a a ny •�175 Misr-� ,S f AM. -9-6. 25 $ Q. 96. 7, . ,i - a 0 - �. 74 163 Goodman, Rare-Ula h. AM ,i 216 • s:: .._.., v�_..r.. � 0 .95. 7 . S Flo 6241 R6 '': ✓ 141 M"kf n• Ad-JamP. 0 95. 6 i 130 0 94. 5 103 , 0 94.. 8 �. 221 A -VQnet-H.401� 0 -94. 1 S =�co �S *-�a, V 118 Has�r�r- s t -- - =013 0 9 4 . 4. y tE 109 n"•+i.:'.:•h. I chael D. 0 94. 5 3 3, 272 c 134 Bodden, Ashby A. AM go 0 94. 9 106 Sam�lewcz Richard 'AM If 0 94. 4 .. • 2V 217 Martin, Wm. S. AM 3i -0 93. 2 ' ' ! [ Smith, Wm. J. AM �t ' 0 93. 1 Reed, Robert W. AM ; t 0 93. 0 gf :"" s Morris, Fred AM 1 0 93. 5 263 ilhardt, Rdhald IF. AM 0 93' 6 242 _ +fit;- 0 .. 145 RQschel, George A. A AM, b 93. 7 13573 i ar ee ELIGIBLE adONSTER TOM supplement" ,. Closing Date _" Pe 1905 aifi Date —oril� 17, 1962 4 s i - No, pet'ng 1 3 No, I S - No, Failed _ .. 8 :�. [DNA: 23 ML E - _ i, 6A Approved; Date Approved. ...,. _ R y�q �ycyy ID, Name. Race a 5e Vets Final Actions NO. Prel. trade A59ED: 206 Eoh�elberry, Norman AM 0. 93.1 1-42S �r+e Room—, Lange, Daniel L. MI 0 9 3.l �. q • ,��,;, beoeroe ` Raymond AM 0 93.1 '. 92. 107 Holland, Kevin C.. AM 0 92.6 n. 229 Riggs, David Gray ''AM 0 92.4 201 Racine, Xenneth J. AM 0 92.3 211 Collis, David P. AM 264 dBrenj James: AM 0 92.1 s . 219 Gi.bbs�- A*hold . °' 91. g - -���' ��10 - - i y .254 , J.• 1 I: a. 251 .__ .. 129 Durso, Albert M. AM 0 91. 6 167 143 , r Zirk,' Martin Lee AM 0 /1-9y . 91. 6 h; 207 Kitkendall, Leonard• AM 0 91. 6 265 Lincoln, Charles AM 0 91. 2 268 Griffin', John C. AM 0 90. 5 ` 146 Liotti, Michael C. AM 0 90.131 135-7743 i N crop , '.. d Police Sorg �flt ' Clos ing Dad February ' WM mate Februar 17 , { No. Competing .� � � �_ �_ - No, Pmsed INEU 6 Y - Approved:: Date Approved: . _._ ._. rotor o H� in Reg . ce9 1.6. Neete, Rate 3► Sex Vets Fines Actions No. _- Prcl: Otade - PASSED: 224 Poto ck1, Joseph W • AM 0 90.6 ` 223 119 ONei1, Jahn AM .,� 0 90.6 234 90.5 „� 274 120 Hinson, Stenett L' pp Stewari, Milte AM AM 0 90, 90,4 116 Shepherd, Joseph M AM 0 90.3 LjLL 230 101 Sigman, James P_ AM - 0 90 2 �- 133 Taylor, Ricky LW 3 0 90.2 90.1 231 Swink Bradford A AM 0 89.9' 153 245 Steglich, David R AM 0 89.9 ,.: 260,$ Braun, Bruce W AM 0 89.9 225 7.�q. u 232 Rack,.3ohn - . CAM 0 89.7 142 151 Wa ner, Richard B Fr edrichs', Rita AM 0 0 89.5 89.4 �• 1,3- $ � T° 273 255 Moyyers, Michael E. Ochoa, Diego B AK I 0 0 - 89.4 89.4 -� -W-- - B' . t_ 277 108 Best Robert W. y Tremble John E AM AM 0 0 89.3 89.2 n_ � . 276 Mitchel , Joseph W AM 0 89.1 228 257 Wisner, Mark, W _ Galvez, Angel Luis AM U 0 0 89. 1: 89:0 2� -11 • �% 144 Mesa, Antonio dr 0 88.9 r= _. 85-773 L ?i: :{ f t H` t K 1: