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90 PROPOSALS FOR A MAJOR CP THE AtSTDRM TEN MAY CLYMP A DifiLDINC AND BUSMAN CULTURAL 'CENTER, 174 EAST MAWR STREET AND SELEMKO A CERTIFIED PUDLiC ACCURTM FIRM AND APPD NTtND MEMDERS TO A REVIEW C MMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE W—STASET PARKM SCARD ANb THE CITY MANACER 1N'HE4E.45, a compre�rensive produrement procedures ordinance was submitted tb ref 3rersdu eiid passed on NoVelber c, 152i amending the Charters of the City of Miami and, ' #EREAS, the City of Miami `6mmission deter�ined on FebPIJAry i3, 1!9 that for the redevelbpfflent/rehabilitation of the Historic, ten story Olympia auilding and Outrun Cultural Center at 174 East Flagler Street in the center of .the dowhtawn business district it is post advantag4but for the City to procure from; A private person One or tore of the following integrated pAdkages comprising a unified developmeyt project: a Planning and design, construction and lasing; or o Planning and design, construction and management; or o Planning and design, construction, leasing and management; and o Planning and design, leasing and management; and WHEREAS, said Olympia Building shall include professional office space, retail shops and May include restaurants, entertainment facilities and other public purpose facilities; and WHEREAS, said Charter Amendment requires that the City Commission hold a public hearing to consider the contents of the request for unified' development project proposals; and WHEREAS, said Charter Amendment further requires that at the conclusion of the public hearing the City Commission authorize the issuance of a request for proposals, select a certified public accounting firm and appoint the 'members of a review committee from persons recommended by the City . Manager; NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; Section 1. The City Commission authorizes the Off —Street Parking k, Board and the City Manager to issue a request for kt pr• orals in substantially the form attached for the us -.tied redevelopmentand suggested Master Long Term lease to plan, design, lease and, manage' including to restore/ redevelop, sublease and operate as developer the property known as the Olympia Building, 174 East Flagler Street, Miami, Florida, Y Section Z, The City Commission selects the certified public accounting firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Company to evaluate the proposals and report to the Off -Street Parking, Board and the City Manager, Section 3, The City Commission appoints the following to be members of a review Committee to evaluate the proposals and reader „`. a written report to the City Manager of its evaluation of * each proposal including any minority opinions Page I of as CITY COMMISSION z MEMO OF is JUL i 8 H Sri � ' HE.�[)Li114� i i•J 1, FmW-� r COVER UTTER 11, MUM C THE REQUEST FOR rlS��l/�Alis71 t i l i 1 t i 1 i i# i i i t i 1 i i i i i i i i i i 1� iiiiililiiiiiiiti`ili'iiiliiitiliitii .*yi�Fli11i1iililiiitiRequirements., - qAi Proposed*Pormati and Legal Requireme is i, 11 �i l i i i 1:1 i 11:1 ": i 1 i t i 66 }9, i i l i i i i 1 11 t i i t bass i i't i i i l i t so l iii i i i l l i i 89 deft+yes,Ar�ayl�t },as bs �Li�Ipt�ii��ti��¢�i���:'i Method o !'p��.�iiG$��i1.�31igi i i 11 i 1 is i i i i l t i t i i l i i i r i i i i Y l l i i i i bass i i s 610 Ct Evaluation gg FY i7 h@dUfeaa as t.. a i s tit i ii a Y a a a 6 a a a s a. .. h a i r i:. a a t l a n a i i i !' .. -, * y� III{ PHYSICAL PHYSICAL �q pt�ipg�y p�¢ i�i���i PARAMETERS OP. HE r�l�CG2Sliiiiiii iiiii•iiiiilrii•iiiiiilil�. Ai to yy Site Plan and Loeati6n Ci Drawings For Original Conatruetionii.riilrr.araiiiiii�eneiesed) .' IV. FACILITY REQUIREMENTS AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION REOUIREMENTS66160 - �: ty �} and Physical L�V irVl/�e�ti i i i i i l i i i i l i i i i i i i i i i i i i► i 1 �,�1 pA, }Hi�storie Description.}o1 Jiteiifiiiiiiiiliifiiiiiiiiiiii i ii i i t i i i a i i i i i 14 p8. Ci Present Conditions,.a.ioak ii.aa.iiaa666ai.iarriiiaiAiiiill►ai.14 • Di Historio And Tax �n�. �.n tiV e.7i ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i (Y ,...� Ei �Diesigjn�at. pion i►iaiiiiiiiiiai►iirYii i i i r i i i a a i i i i i 6614 _ >- Fr. �Rgedevelopu}ilgent..Voallsiaiya Heritage Conservation Zoningaliiiiiaiiiraiia...iia.iii.riariil6 Go Historic Preservation Requirements,.0i666.6.6666a66a6iia6666615 V. OPERATING REQUIREMENTS ........aa..aa 0 a.... a. i a. i... a i.... a... i i f a 16 A. Manage►enti...ii.,.a,.ia....••a.i.,....al..i..a..aaia.,iiaa .6e 16 1.. B. Advertising and Promotion...a..a..a4a4a...i....a..a.....ia.a016 C, Equal Opportunity, Minority Business Enterprise, Minority Equity Participation ...............�..a..........16 VI. DECLARATION. . . . ............ 6 ... a a a o .6 a a.. a.ai.i.ii..aaa6aaa.ai.*16 ,s VII. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE AND PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION................17 VIII. GENERAL CONTRACT TERMS ......................... a.........:....34-35 IX. REFERENCES ..... a.................................................36 Ai Demographics and Tourism..........'...........................36A pB. Downtown Miami Economic Im act..i............................36B C. Regional and Site Maps.......;....'...........................3bC D. Technical Preservation Services.. o*000*o37D E. Selected References.................1......,.................36E �' F. The Secretary of the Interior's "Standards for Rehabilitation Historic Buildingsl"......................... ...i....;.,...36F ' G, Department of the Interior. "Historic Preservation Certifications Pursuant to the Tax Reform Act of 1978." � r (Redesignated 36 CFR•Part 67 effective l June 198 ).........,36G H, "Historic Preservation Tax Incentives." *.,.9..1 „,..,...1,.136H I, "Summary or Preservation Tax Incentives in the Economic Recovery Tax Act of9Sj,,..,..,....,i,..,.,.,,,�.....,,.i36I J. Department of the Interior's "Rehabilitating Historic Office Buildings Two Projects using Federal Tax Incentives,0999990936F §Notes Proposers should rely on timely information obtained directlyfrom the U.S, Internal Revenue Service and the U,S. q Department of Interior S, FessIbIlity Study L, Ordinance No.:9643; Designation as Historic Site pit APPLIUDU FORMS AND �T �ir ri�e+et,s,:es,s:,:et:tsstt,t„sass,s.t,sse,77 Xit jt it �+ 0819ff A69 18FORMATIONttOtto*****,�est�tess,+,�� : } ° pull 3 of 33 t } � sm7j14 4 t, ` 1 �entietrefl interest in the restoratibniredeveiopm less# �Cusmon 111ank you for your a operation oand a! the Ciyn:pia Fuildingidusman Cultural Center Cempiex, below is the ° Cultural Center i3 Slab available at the Proposers option, Cultural Aroposals which details the pro,�eat goals and Submission C y's Request for current resident and South Florida visitor demographiaSi Downtown raquirements, Miami Eoonomic Impact Study and pertinent legal and other daoureents: Responses to this request for Proposal are due no later than --- to reJect all proposals, The City retains the right l Plepse carefully review all the emelosed documeflt5, It is important that each of the submission detailed in the Request proposer comply with ail requirements For Proposals, All information and material submitted will be carefully { analyzed by the City and will be independently verified, Proposals must present a development program, project definition and design to meet the requirements of concept, financial strategy and bompletibn schedule this Request For Proposals wbich will be the basis for selection by the City. All questions or requests for additional information should addressed in Department of Off-Strr eet Parking, writing to Roger M. Carlton, Director, 190 NE 3rd Street, Miami, Florida, 33132. Any response that could potentially form of an addendum. impact proposals will be furnished to all bidders in the be delivered to 190 NE 3rd Street. Miami, Florida, 33132, by Proposals must and will be publicly opened on that day. 2:00 p.m., lSincerely, I Sergio Pereira City Manager City of Miami S t page 4 or 94 85-7416 .' E gg x� Ira NOM E yy �IdY +�f'ti se�fen* 3! CTT t�AM) 1RDA AND�9EpAk'i1ENT` 'i`it TAEET PARNO REQi)ggT iJNlf` EO..O i1 �a M N"I` P O gAta The City of Miami _ and the Department of Off-Itreet Parking are seeking E deveiaper/lessee proposals for a major restoration/redevelopment of the historid ten story Olympia Biding and Ousman Cultural Center, 1T4 East Flagler gtreet, j Miami, Florida The building interfar<es with the Ousman Cultural Center Theater (formerly the Olympia Theater) and presently indorporates ground floor retail shops, commardiai offices and various City of Miami DepartM@ntal offides. Operation of Ousman Cultural : Center is available to Proposers as an option. Proposal specifications and pertinent background information' will be furnished to prospective bidders upon request, Unified development proposals shall include planning and design, construction, financing, leasing and managoment wider tong Term Agreement with the Department of Off -Street Parking. = The City of Miami Intl the. Department' at` Off -Street -Park reserve. thew tight _to, accept any proposal deemed to be in the beat interest of the `City, to waive any irregularities in any proposal or to reject any or all proposals and to re - advertise for new proposals. Requests should be addressed to: Roger M. Carlton Director p Department of Off -Street Parking 190 NE 'third Street 4. Miami, Florida 33132 '- Qualified proposers are invited to submit proposals no later that 200 p.m.. t° to the Director of the Department of Off -Street Parking. 17 --- - 44 ��. Sy1VOPS�S �` ': Pgt�)CfiT P`Op `PPbPDSA A. SI�ar y The City or Miami, Ftortda, And the Department of btrustreet Parking W@Idome proposals far a unified development and Master tAng*Tepm Lease to restore/redevelop, subieaft o and operate as developer approximately 44, 0qb 11 gross square feet of office and co�nmarcial area comprising the Olympia Wilding. The gross square foatage may be increased by approximately 210060 Square feet through ac4uisitianf lease or other arrangement with the owner of the site immediately West of the Olympia Building, Par additional information adntacts 2 Mr. Natan §6k §8k Enterprises 20 Sg 1st Avenue Miami, Florida 311�1 �77��921 p The City and the Department of Off -Street Parking are seeking redevelopment that will create the most productive use of the building and uhidh may tncorporate restaurants, retail and entertainment as well as professional office space. This solicitation for redevelopment exercises authority provided by Charter Section 53(c), authorizing unified development projects for a lease longer than 30 years, as well as other authority outlined in t thi a document. • The existing building was completed in 1926. The Olympia Office building and the Gusn,an-Cultural Center (formerly the Olympia Theater) are -together. listed in the <National Register of Historic Places. The City of Miami has designated both as a Heritage Conservation Zoning District. the City and the Department of Off -Street Parking require the redevelopment to be appropriate to the historical, architectural and functional attributes of its location contiguous to the Gusman Cultural Center and the City and the Department of Off -Street Parking place great emphasis on the, functional and physical interrelationship between the office building and theater. The successful developer Will ultimately be selected as a result of this request for proposals and negotiations for a lease development contract. , Proposals shall include and will be, evaluated on the proposed redevelopment program, project definition, design concept, financing strategy, - feasibility and potential return to the City and Department of Off -Street ' Parking. The City of Miami owns_ the existing Olympia Building. Tenants of this k: facility operate under lease agreements with the Department of Off -Street, Parking. 4 ; The .City and the Departmentof Off -Street Parking would expect to derive E potential profit from the operation of the redeveloped facilities and the Tease payments derived from a lease agreement with the successful proposer. Proposals are required to state a minimum guarantee and a percentage of gross revenues 83 lease payment. The Review Committee will carefully study the qualifications and past t. performance of the developer, and its architects and other consultants will review and evaluate their past projects to determine their ability to carry out and meet the City/Department of Off -Street Parking's expectations. B. PROPOSAL FORMAT AND LEGAL REQUIREMENTS The City Qf iami Charter was emended by referendum vote on NDvember 29 19829 providing comprehensive procurement procedures. The following portion of Charter Section 53(c) is applicable to the w- Ified development proposals being sought by the City/Department of Off -Street Parking In this ::. request for proposals; �r agef $� ;3 5"w74 7 r ��`ir��rsM 0"ified development projeat shall mean a project mere an interest in real property is owned or is to be w4uircd by the City, and is to be used far the development of improvements, and mere the remission deterfiinea that for the development of said improvement# it is most advantageous to the City that the City produre it»om a private person, as defined in the +Code of the City of Miami # One $r more of the falowl.ng integrated packages: M planning and deeign, donstruotion, and leasing; or (ii) planning and design, leasing, and management or (iii) planning and design, construction, and majnagea►ent; ar (iv) planning and design, construction, leasing and fflanagefentt so long as the person from Which the. city procures one of the above mentioned integrated packages provides all of the functions listed for that paekage, such Person need not provide each listed fundtiofi for the entire unified development Project nor for the same part of the unified development project. i Requttements of` Rem, for Proposals . Requests for proposals for unified development proj*ett shall generally ,dafine, the nature of the uses the city is seeking for the unified development project and the estimated allocations of land for each use, They shall also state the following., (i) 'The specific parcel of land contemplated to be used or the _,- geographic area the city desires to develop pursuant to the t unified development project. (ii) The specific evaluation criteria to be used by the below -mentioned z, certified public accounting firma (iii) The specific evaluation criteria to be used by the —below —mentioned. :.:. review committee 's (iv) The extent of the city's proposed commitment of funds, property, and services. (v) The: definitions of the terms "substantial increase" and "material ` alteration" that Willapply . � to the project pursuant to subsection (e)(iv)hereof. Aft (vi) A reservation of the right to reject all proposals and of the right of terminationreferred to in sub -section (e)(iv), below. ' Issuance of Request for Proposals; Selection of CPA Firm; Appointment of Review Committee " After public notice there shall be a -public hearing at which the Commission shall consider. (0 The contents of the request for proposals 'for the subject unified development project; k (it) The selection of a certified public accounting Mara, which shall Include at least one member with previous experience in the 'type of development in question; { (iii The recommendations of the City Manager for the appointment of persons to iM .. serve on the ;review c;wittee. Wd review comittge oali consist of an appropriate Mu>pber of city offtaisls or =PloyeQs and m equal nuaber plus one Member of the public, 'Whose names shall be submitted by the +city lean aer so foWer than five day# prior to the above••mentioned Public heartng, xPage T of 30 x "F74 a hearing the0610 33 611 1 rdtmr to the At he aortal § a Imanas of a ro"w faft propesall, maloat -8 tortiftL Afld APP81flt the ffi#Mb@F8 8f thf P@VJfW a'6MffiJttO@ aflly froth 0,6fig the per San rommfided by the My 'NAM AR @r Frege, 41PA The proeedure, tar the seloatj,6n of an integrated paemp proposal Shall he As P61 I OWS 4 4 0 All 1POPOSals Shall be MAIY20d by a dertift4d public add6unting firM appointed by the 'e6mmission based only bn the evaluation oriteris Applleable to Said certified public accounting firm antained in the request for proposals& Said certified Public ft%d6UMtin9 firm Shall render a written F@P6Pt of its findings to the City Man agqr, ii) The review committee Shall evaluate each proposal bailed only on the *Valuation criteria Applicable to said review committee U dOh'afted in the request for PPOPOSall. Said r4vio-w tommittee Shall render a written report to the City Manager of its evaluation of each PfOPOSalo including AMY Minority opinions. iii) Taking into consideration the findings of the aforementioned certified public Accounting firm and the evaluations of the aforementioned review committee, the City Manager shall recommend one or more of the proposals for acceptance• by the Commissiong or - alternatively# the City -Manager may recommend that all proposals be rejected. It there are three or more Proposaln and the City Manager recommends only oneo or if he recommends rejection of all proposalso the City Manager shall state in writing the reasons for his recommendation. In transmitting his recommendation or recommend ations to the Commissiono the City Manager shall include the written reports, including any minority opinions, rendered to him by the aforementioned certified accounting firm and review committee. iv) All contracts for unified development projects shall be awarded to the person Whose proposal is most advantageous to the city, as determined by the commission. The Commission may accept any recommendation of the City Manager by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members. In the event the Commission does not accept a proposal recommended by the City Manager or does not reject all proposals,, the COMIni33ion shall seek recommendations directly from the aforementioned review committee. After receiving the direct recommendations of the review committee, the Commission shall by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members: 1) Accept any recommendation of the review committee; or 2) Accept any previous recommendation of the City Manager; or 3) Reject all proposals. xecution of Contracts 'All contracts for unified development projects shall be signed by the City Manager or his designee after approval thereof by the Commission, The provision3 of the Charter motion shall supersede any other Charter or We provision to the agntrwy,f " face a of 30 r &VAL l L#MATILIi I, Twenty M) notas at the Prapa§81 -just- be §Ubmitte-dra"A in roan by— i1..:. inch bond paper, VMVrrittefl. All illustrations Must 'it Meow§nary, be f6lded to no mare than this si2f l Telophanid or tel.egrapnid proposals will flat be eeptea 2. Prep63913 must set forth full, aeaurate, and a8mpleto information ss required by this golieitatian. The proposals may be ranked without discussion at tone prbp6aala redeiv@d; hence prapaser'9 are encouraged to submit their ill itial;pro paSal 9 as comprehensively as posaible. 1he Review Committee and/or City Manager, may Bleat to interview the proposers for a presentation of "he detaila of their proposed approach to the project and to answer any questions the Review e4wittee might have. 4. The City/DepartMent of Oft-gtreet Parking will assure no responsibility for any understandings or misrepresentations concerning comrieMAS Made by any of its Officers or agan .8 prior to the award of the c6ntract, unless these understandings or representatiohs are included in this request or, proposals, the contract reouirements, or related documents, 5. The proposer should give a detailed account and interpretation of its concept, developments and proposed execution of the prO jest -- and of its experiende in comparable efforts. It should conform to all instructions of the Solicitation and follow the fo-rmat-prescribed in Section It. ; The Review - Committee will document evaluation of :-each proposalon standard scare -sheets- . . based upon the criteria set forth in that Section. Deviation from the format will make it more difficult for the Review Committee to review the proposal or, in the extreme, may provide grounds for rejection due to technical inadequacy. 6. Brochures may be included if incorporated logically into the substance and ,orma1.. However, submission of numerous preprinted, generalized brochures may suggest incomplete understanding or indifferent analysis of Solicitation requirements. 7. All design drawings, plans and proposals submitted in response to this Solicitation shall be retained by the City. 8. Provide complete name, title, and telephone number of the person authorized to negotiate and bind your firm contractually. 9. Provide a completed GSA Form 527, Contractor's Qualifications and Financial Information; copy included. Proposers may submit a balance sheet and profit/ loss statement prepared and certified by a certified public accountant or auditor in lieu of submitting Form 527. 10. Provide a completed Certification Regarding Previous Crimes, Debarments, Suspensions and Defaults; copy included. 11. Submit twenty copies of the Proposal in seared packages marked conspicuously with the Olympia name and identified as the Technical Proposal. fie proposal is due as indicated in Section Ii. Proposer's Development Plan ,. M. Describe your plans for redevelopment of the Olympia Building fscilitirrs including the number of tenant spaces and their useag, square footage, height, etc., architectural f'eaturee, methods of construction number of retail entities, restaurant scats. *to, (by development phase, it more then one ,phase is proposed). Special features or attractions and architectural character should be precisely described. Schematic drawings by as architect licensed to practice in the State of Florida illustrating the Proposed redevelopment are required. Specifically* the following are required; project site plans; ,project elev UDAS; Project floor Plana; schedule of project amenities, if any; project implementation schedule. 414 t should fle information an 'how your redevelopr�ent p�sn deserip ion donstruetian will be dontreatedl 1,1e.1 Proposer Acting as :8a Iotar or proposer 8entradting with a general. eantr.aatop or eon struation Imager tr- A general aantraotar or aonatruatiorf manager wi 11 be invalved, then the appliatble Pages of the 'Proposer i s Queatiannaire included in Seatian Vt1 first be domplated by the general aentradtor or aonatruation manager. The city and Department of Off. Street Parking will eiso wglatxne any aoneept plans, ardhitecturai drawings, or model the proposer may wish to submit in addition to its development pion description and the required sehematic drawings. F PROPOW IS METHOD) OP OPERATION AND MANACEMENT PLAN 12, Describe your Operation of the entire proposed complex. The description should include an organi2atian chart; job descriptions at key positions; brief Outline of operating procedures; how and where the complex will be advertised; indication 8f whictl businesses if any, you intend to operate and which businesses you intend to sublease or have operated under a Management contract. Discuss any operational services and uses which you will seek permission to provide. It independent management services are to be involved, then the applicable pages of the PrbposW s Questiomnaire included in Section V-11 of this document must be completed by the management contractor. 11J. As an aptieh, the Proposer may submit a plan for operation of Gasman Cultural Center. It the Proposer does not Irish to operate Gusitan Cultural Center, the Department of Off -Street Parking will continue in that role. Currently, the Center is utilised far approximately 150 events per year. All . , Proposers ;gust submit a plan for coordination of the entertainmeht facilities within the Olympia Bsilding..with_Cusman Cultural Center.. Proposer commitment -to financially supporting the marketing and entertainment programs at Cusman Cultural 'Center will be reviewed favorably by the Selection Committee. D. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING DEVELOPMENT Describe how redevelopment of all aspects of the Olympia Building shall be financed _(include the amount of equity capital, amount of interim financing, amount of permanent financing, source of equity financing, preliminary letters of commitment, etc.). ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS In addition, to be considered complete, proposals must include the following: o Financial disclosure and Professional Information as detailed in Section VII of this document. o A market analysis justifying proposed office space, restaurant, retail and entertainment mix, and including a pro -forma statement of anticipated project income and expenses projected for 10 years. c Coordination and financial support plan for Cusman Cultural Center " activities. o A detailed response including proposed contractual language for all aspects i of the General Contract Terms as detailed in Section VII-of this document including the dollar amounts for minimum annual payments to the };! Department of Off -Street Parking and a schedule of the percentages of gross fr, receipts to be paid to the City and Department of Off -Street Parking over the duration of the proposed lease term. ' o Letters from financial institutions documenting the proposer's ability to finance the proposed development, o Letters indicating the proposer's ability to obtain required bonds and V IW :. insurance 0 Letters documenting the proposer's past experience in related development and ;alamaeement, o 1esupga of key individuale to be involved and documentation of minority participation. y Page 10 of 38 Page 10 of 38 i h Lotter tram tpie State Histapta Proservati8njaffiae stating the, Prapasa meets the aaaratary of - the fnter180tndarda . fer..RahAb tat#an sae Union N40t) s The proposers are expected to rake all disdloaures and doelarations as re4ue9ted and to deliv#P along with the proposal a aashier18 shook for $10,080 which shall be he" -refundable to the sudaessfu propose?, The proposer is ex peated to provide firtanding _ for all building and site iffi§fOveMWits • City owned property is held in public trust and 'aannat be mortgaged or subordinated in any as apart of the lease agrreentent, me city is prrepared # however, to addept the seanndary position for lease payments, a form of Subordination, to the extent determined to be reasonable in the sole' {' opinidh of the City in helping the sucdessful proposer obtain financing, The term of the lease agreement should be reAsoriably related to the finanaimg strategy, All improverfienps upon the site will revert to ownership by the City of Mi.arni at the expiration of the lease term, E. `VAt�UATI N CPtT8AIA Review prooedures and the seleeti6n process are set by City Charter as previously inoluded in this document, r J At a public --hearing -held• on _. the City Commission authorized the -City Manager and the Department of off-5treet Parking to issue this Request for Proposals and at that sane hearing appointed an eleven member review committee from recommendations submitted by the City Manager and further selected a Certified Public Accounting firm both to evaluate submitted proposals and render written reports to the City Manager, The review committee established by the City Commission at the public hearing will make a written report'to the City Manager of its evaluation of each proposers' qualifications and experience, including any minority opinions. Taking into consideration` the findings of the aforementioned certified public` accounting -firms and the evaluation of the review committee, any comments by the €: Off -Street Parking Board the City Manager shall recommend one or more of the rr proposals for acceptance by the City Commission, or alternatively,, the City p` .; Manager may recommend that all y proposals be rejected. The Commission may accept any recommendation of the City Manager. In the event the Commission does not accept a proposal recommended by the City Manager or does not reject all �. proposals, the Commission, shall seek recommendations directly from the review committee which shall make a recommendation or recommendations to the Commission. After receiving the direct recommendations of the review committee, the Commission shall accept any recommendation of the review committee or accept k any previous recommendation of the City Manager, or reject all proposals. . ? The specific evaluation criteria to be used by the Review Committee follows: Fu x. 1, Experience of the development team,' including specific' experience on I, a similar projects ..................................... 30xH. y: ` 2. Financial capability and level of . financial COmtA�tmtrnt•r•.r•..•.r..ss.♦.�..s�,..s.r...r• 10x' K Anticipated financial return to the City and the �, Department of Off -Street Parking,..*.�...„l...,,,... 10% 4, Overall project design ..........................�,.,. 20% 41 5, Project management- plan 20' t 5, Extent of minority parttaipation (Latin/plack? :,.... 14S Page 'i if$ A e�� �� pra�vle�s� �uidence ( following e�valuatie9n�e�tars area illustrs�ive $ Prim tothe-Review Domrni'ttee and propoaff st ER gget cr THE DEVILOPMERT ItAMs INC IN Metric EXPERIENCE '�N EIMILAR �EVE���MEFR •� Assess qualifi ations slid experience of project leaders, team Members and consultants. • Evaluate Specific experience of development team in X. relationship to stork on office buildings, mired use/ activity center type of projects, and properties which 1 include histaric preservation and adaptive use of prominent hiptorie buildings. . FINANCIAL CAPABILITY AND LEVEL OF FINANCIAL COMMITMENT �• Assess the financial capability of the teak, including the equity commitment, financing strategy and access to construction financing 3. ANTICIPATED FINANCIAL RETURN TO THE CITY Assess the proposed return to the City and the be partment of Off -Street Parking, including minimum j guarantees and share of gross sales, etc. 4. OVERALL PROJECT DESIGN Assess the innovative and imaginative use of the faoility. Assess the appr Aopriateness and quality of the design for the architectural and historic integrity of the building. Security, energy efficiency, accessibility"for the handicapped, use of graphics and lighting. 5. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN a Assess the quality and organization of the management team, marketing strategy for space, consumer sales and _ attracting tourists, tenantmix, quality and type of restaurants and entertainment uses propos ed which would " compliment and reinforce evening and weekend an Cultural Center, rationale performances at the CUsm for specific food programs; methods of providing maintenance, food supply handling arrangements, etc. Rl 6. EXTENT OF MINORITY PARTICIPATION (LATIN AND BLACK) x . ; t rfi . Assess the design/development team program for •' participation.' Assess hiring during the construction phase. Asseaa minority..owned business development opportunities and hiring outreach and training opportunities in relation to operation and maintenance of feciliti+e st etc. . fie certified public accounting Firm selected by the City isalon at the St,public hearing Will Specifically evaluate the financial .viability of the proposed development teams and their proposed Financing strategies and will aagesas comparatively the short and long range ecohc0ic and fiscal return to the City and Departttent of �3f.3treet partying, Additionally# they will assess the -x� proposer;af market analysis :and oonealicns regarding scale end six of of#'icef },.. facilities and evaluate the economic' feasibility of the oommercial and public fac _ ropcsed development f k. Ns t ' page 12 of 38 { Mav7 2 46. {k S y The timetable far completion of the proposed construction will be oc�nsidered # well as the proposeris plans and a6mmitment to minimising the impaat of aanstruation on present tenants of the building and ongoing theater activities, All proposed development must be complepec ted within 0 initial sifted time period; or if phased dove optaent is proposed, the proposer must past a bond to insure that additional phases Willi in fact, take place as planned, Proposals mustpresent a definitive development program, projeat definition and design'aoneept, fihanoial strategy and feasibility and a guaranteed time of dompletion schedule that can be realistically evaluated finder the requirements oftha request for proposal: to fore the 'basis for seleetian by the City, F, Sic HE DULE Request for Proposals Available August 1, 1988 pre -proposal Canference September 111 1988 Proposals We�Opened and Made Public October 20s 198 r Interviews with Proposers Meeting walifieations November 13-14, 1989 Review Committee and C.P.A. firm November 22► 198 ► recommendations to City Manager City Manager's recommendation to City ! Commission at regular monthly January, 1986 Commission Meeting Begin Contract negotiations with February, 1986 selected proposer; City Manager submits Contract for City Commission Approval April, 1986 III. PHYSICAL PARAMETERS OF THE PROPERTY { Item Page r: A. Photographs 1. Olympia Theater and Office Building, 1983 III — 2 2. Olympia Theater and Office Building, 1925 III - 3 _3. Olympia Office Building Interiors and public spaces, 1983 III — 4 4. Olympia Office Building Lobby, 1983 III - 8 5. Interior of ?heater. 1983 III — 8 b. , Interior of theater, 1926 III — 10 8. Olympia Office Building and Theater Site plan and location soap III — 11ti; C, Drawings of Original Construction 1, Selected Drawings (Enclosed) IV, FACILITY REQUIREMENTS "AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS , A. Historic and ?hyoioal b%,jro=eflt rr xi P < no Olympia Building and Theaters built in 1926t to an outstanding example of the application of Mediterranean Revival styling to .a ten story commeraial f building. With its elaborate window treatments, terra cctta, wrought iron detailing and mat of brink, the Nymph to unique in Miami, designed by ftesgo E' Architect, John Dermal who -created the concept of the 'Atmospheric" Theaters the 01yelpia to one of only two such structures of this type remaining in norids oa►d is regularly cited as one of the finer_ examples of his worke f age 13 of 38 x t `r1 F 4� �`hp,b�tiidin� is A. ten Story reotAr�"" st""ur�� The theater is �'�n��ir��� in of .he `` � s wing which 61WIdA,,ta.,)he south and is faded with greased bri % insru n $ dildi�, t s steel frame donstrudtian tapped with a fist roof with pgrspet. Large Molded trr g datte beltdourses divide bath the first And sed6n stories A beltdaurae sepsrgtes the second and end the ninth end tenth stogies% smaller Eigbargte terra dattg detailing on the tenth sry supplies the third atarias �ta offide building'g maJOP arnbmentation, g sb6rate terra doffs window surrounds in the "A n feature shaped ped iM§ftts with s cost of eras flank�ns flanked by decorative Pilasters, The arabesques. Windows are cornice, with its dedorated arabesque frieze, i9 broken in the center three bsys An ti6nal decorated an the north facade by s plaque with Fleur de Lis, add iron is ibdeted in the dentlee bay on the secohd window with a wrought grille story on the building's east facade. Many of the building's original windows featuring wooden double hung sash with been replaced with fixed sheet one over one liter remain: 96,Me, howevdr, have first "story S t6ra_fronts have beet d6mPletelY altered, gleeg` in addition, the although the chain entrance remaihs in the center. In contra to the office building, the theater wing is highly ornamental. Flemish scroll pediments rise above the al�.ered first Seven windows with double The end windows feature elaborate terra cotta detailing, story storefronts. and all are fronted with wrought iron grilles. Quatrefoil windows are located if broken by Flemish scroll directly above these windows. The roof line at each end bay. The center pediment projects pediments in the center and outward and is supported by four brackets. B. Description of__Si_te: The Olympia Theater and Office Building is located in the heart of downtown of E, Fla gler Street and S.E. Miami. It is sited on the southwest pcorner directly on the sidewalk. Legal Description: Lot 1 Lot 2 t Avenue and fronts (Less the west 2 inches of the north 65 feet), the south 55 feet of Lot, and Block 121 north, Miami worth, the north 45 feet of Lots 18, 19, and 20, to the Platthereof, as recorded in Plat Book B, at page 41, of the according Public Records of Dade County, Florida. C. Present Condition: The Gusman Cultural Center (Olympia Theater) and Olympia Building are managed Parking Department. The office building a.. - for the City of Miami by the -0ff—Street of extensive interior renovation to upgrade its marketability. The 'F is in need theater is undergoing restoration in phases, the most current of which was a reconstruction of the original ticket booth. ;. D. Historic Designation and Tax Incentives E: The Olympia Theater and Office Building was listed' in the National Register of designated by the City of Miami and Fi HistoricPlaceson March 8, 1984 and was June 159 1983• The official recognition of Out historic' site on historic and architectural significance provided by National Register` listing (See = 4, process make tax incentives available for the successful proposer. be aware cf existing and r ' selected references, Section iX). All proposers should felleral legislation regard g salad tax incentives, However, the pending evaluation of the Proposal will be without consideration of whether or not the reduction in rent or any Proposal takes advantage of such tax benefits and no be entertained on the basis of the non.availability Of such ether benefit shall tax benefits,° s' pment .G E. Redeveloo 1� .:. This solicitation ores not constitute Merely an offer to :ease city property relationship of a 196.1ee (Developer) ?` (although it will produce the contractual (City of 'Miami/Dope partment of off•Streat Parking) . ' Stith a Lessor pro eot whose broad obJ0Gt&v,0§ are to enhance the bpilding's function and the Of the Qosman appwill complement and reinforce use earance in a manner which these with a mtheeCi disruption oart►menttheief�Off- � n ' Cultural tenter, accomplish and tip generate a fair return to +c Cty and the �p tenenta Stroot Perxing! Page 14 0 36 r ..`�+.r. - 1 i 1 3 The i)epartmgnt of S }�'EEt Parking is bAiiing '* eAWIAit a I a flum !r o Darting - spanaa at eit erg t Varl Vado t IP PAridng itrage; At �1Sd 841-s 2nd- gtreat OF Mum tilt pa I CAP Ago No At- iot Ms rs . 1rd °street f6p toM&Ata, 61 Ch nalvd-'y developed Olympia building The possibility exists thAt the fey Wtel site to the south and oast of oisman CU11WPAl dintOP o*uld be Made Available by the present aWnerA. 'his situ oould either be AirnultnneoUsly redeveloped or demolished, if demolition is the al tarnative w the Department of off -Street Parking would eonsider jointly financing a parking Atrueture which would serve the new building on the Ukmay R6tel Site plug the redeveloped Olympia Building, Por Additional infarmetian regarding this possibility eontaot: Mr. Joseph Kati# Reyes Realtors Keyes Realtors 100 Narth Siaeayne boulevard Miami, Florida 12112 1". Mktitage Conservation zoniftg 3 Because the Olympia Theater And Office Building has beef; officially designated by the City at Miami under its Heritage COnservation brdinanoe, all changes to the exterior of the building (north and east facades only) must be approved by the Cityts Heritage Conservation board. Alterations must meet the U.S. z Sedretary of the Interior's Stand arid fOr Rehabilitation, Interior alterations are not.subject-to review by, the. city's Heritage. Conservation Board, except those spaces designated in Ordinance No. 9643 (See Appendix L). s ' G. Historic Preservation Requirements r Boundaries: x. The redevelopment of the Olympia Theater and Office Building is intended to be a quality historic preservation .project in the City of Miami, Each development team, therefore, must include a restoration architect. A historic preservation and adaptive reuse consultant experienced in architectural history is also recommended. All design proposals, as submitted, must substantially meet the Secretary of the=` Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation (Standards). It is recommended that the architect have a complete understanding of the Standards. Design proposals must ,. be reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) prior to submission to determine conformance to the Standards. Each proposal must be accompanied by 1 a letter from the SHPO stating that the proposal meets the Standards. Each Proposer is responsible for contacting the SHPO prior to submissioonn# and early consultation witht he SHPO Is encouraged to avoid delays in review. Proposers' should allow 30 days for concept review by the SHPO. David Ferro State Historic Preservation Office _ Division of Archives. 'History, and Records Management i f Department of State The Capitol Tsllahaaaee, Florida (904) 4ST-2333 .' Proposals will be sent to - the City of Miami Planning Department subsequent to submission for comment, +c ft-se is or 34 The 'bepartment of. Orr -street Par�img is Willing trs bait .a fiUmber at parking . speeas at :either the.-Varld 'I`rade tenter Parking Garage at ,%a 4-to and""gtrea . art Iunidipai i arage No,# 3 at- i95 Hit.:. Ird Street far to Aamta`81 `t=hf nowt-y reft ` developed Olympia Milding Ihe poshibility e21ste that the trey Hbt§l site to the south and west at Oman Cultural Center douid be made available by the present ownepas this site could either be eimultanaouaiy_ redeveloped or domol fished : If demolition is the alternative, the bepartteent of Off -Street Parking would donsider jointly finanding a parking strwdture whidh wbuid serve the new building on the Urmey Hotel Site plus the redeveloped Olympia Building. Pop additional information regarding this Possibility dontadt: Mr. Joseph Rats, Keyes Realtors Reyes Realtors r 100 North Bisdayne Boulevard } Miami, Florida 33132 t F. Fier__ its a C6n3ervat1_6n .lading Because the Olympia Theater and Office Building has been officially designated by the City of Miami under its Heritage Conservation Ordinance, all dhanges to the exterior of the building (north and east fadades only) must be approved by the City's Heritage' Conservation Board. Alterations must Meet the U.S. Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. Interior alterations are not.subject..to review by. the. City's Heritage _Conservation Bbard, except those spaces designated in Ordinance No. 9643(See, Appendix, L). 0. Historic_ preservation Requirements x Boundaries: The redevelopment of the Olympia Theater and Office Building is intended to be a` ' ! quality historic preservation project in the City of Miami, Each development team, therefore, must include a restoration architect. A` historic preservation and adaptive reuse consultant experienced in architectural history is also recommended All design proposals, as submitted, must substantially meet the - Secretary of the �= .:; Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation (Standards). It is recommended that the architect have a complete understanding of the Standards. Design proposals must- fi,. be reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) prior to submission to determine conformance to the Standards. Each proposal must be accompanied by a letter from the SHPO stating that the proposal meets the Standards. Each. Proposer is responsible for contacting the SHPO prior to submission, and early consultation w►itht he SHPO Is encouraged to avoid delays in review. - Proposers should allow 30 days forconceptreview by the SHPO. V, David Ferro State' Historic Preservation Office Division of Archives, History, and Records Management Department of State 'hie Ca pi to i Tallahassee, Florida (904 ) 4874333 Proposals will be sent to the City of Miami Planning Department subsequent to aubmiasion for oo=ent, k .; qq{ Pose is of 38 w s 6 ,a The design inter�'iet� -. .i�x r� �r � � ins 8 eAhe review ;- her.`U& avers design latent s.....<< • a. dammittee evaluation to datermine::What ty.. fihe the aro'riiteatural and historic aharanter at the building I he sensitivity to roview at6mmittee shall consider the 86mments or all reviewing departments, evaluation regarding overall project sgan ies of Consultants in mAkins its 46 design. 0-f Am A. management 1 Lessee will be required to maintain reasonable operating hours and proposals r all ei ficluding taurant , ;.. ? should include a year round scriedule ri lea is oniter `acin with the theater and entertainment facilities; with p be detailed ' activity Schedule. +1h sits �eanagement and staff requirements should of The pity would require records of gross receipts to as apart tng proposal. be kept and reported accompanying regular payment to the city and the Department license feelt and applicable of Offer treet Parking. The lessee will pay all taxea and insurance requiretents . . Advertising and Promotion Advertising and promotion proposals should elaborate plans for advertising and promoting all aspects of the building facilities. promotional resources available to the City - will include the Olympia Euildin } complex as a Miami attraction, C. Equal Opportunity, Minority Employment and business Utili2ation, Minority k Equity participation Requirements Minorities are required to be an integral part of the design/development teas, contracts and jobs, and comprise a a" 9 participate substantially in construction significant part of the permanent management team, businesses and work force in the Project is created by the development. Minority equity participation f required. .,-..., The City .of Miami r.eser_ve& -the right. too. germinate .any, contract or contractual false misleading information as to arrangement entered into on the basis of or minority enterprise. The successfil proposer must agree to the status as a provide a sworn statement of compliance with the provisions of Ordinance 9775. '. VI. DECLARATION' :! The following declaration is required to comply with this section. k' .� Sergio Pereira City Manager City of Miami; z f gg P.Q. Box 330708 Submitted �..e ._— Miami, Florida 33233-0708 4<. Y Declaration�,...of Participation ,,. �e The undersigned, as proposer, declares that the only persons interested in this interest in this a ¢} 5[ is ,4 proposal are named herein, that no other person has any 'Lease to which this proposal PC rtatns, that this proposal is proposal pr in the made without connection or arrangement with any other person and that this andrithQut collusion or In go faith, prnposal is to every respect fair, 8 frauds � 2. Lb She proposer further declares that he gas complied in every respect with all of bee 41 addenda, if any, and that he .,. N� t the instructions to proposers, that he read �iasel€ Mly relative to all matters and Conditions With respect z rR has atisfied the Lease to which the proposal pertainat aeb of 3 F "74 J ' is S � ��'�,•��� r,r,,:.. h i s r a sir 5 g s l t f U ym A a rat �} �e l�le OF806.�6}r Gl�#C�� li ��71D ��[ V�V�O� 13 i7`��C����� �`i ����I�1F+� i3fl tl�c���7pC�l��C yt �c y .(i'this i y��y y�� �p� y�y $ " y_ TC3I1Dfrl1 a rr t :: .. .. y� y� y��p Haasetar i1{JC.�Oa. Cf''g'i;aliBPtli �7Jtiii1[7Fi OFiCJ the . city ef� M�ia!�fi����i�1��(ff�Pf� �#` ���`� r�a� �������� �`�� ���► x m - `. the pj°�p1ssat' . �n n ra uira�ean s + iah this Proposal pertains, Tna prepsar� states that shis` proposal is based Upan the pnapasaiactan+�s ana Addenda, if any, F NAME OF ttK INIVIDUAL OR COMPATICN t WiTNE55 SIGNATURE ;.. k -- - WITNg5S (TITLE) FiNANCIAV DISCLOSURE_ -AND_ PkoPES$tQkAL �INFOR,MA-7 W ., till.- aAl.a PROPOSER'S QUESTIONNAIRE *. A proposal for the redevelopment and management of the 81yn pia Building shall in the enclosed not be considered unless all the information requested is by the proposer. Statements must be complete and . questionnaire provided accurate. Omissions, inaccuracy or misstatement may be cause for rejection of a to each question in this proposal. Statements and answers relating be answered on the page on which the question is found or by X. questionnaire may 8 1/2" x 11" supplemental sheets. Photographs or other'illustrat ve and y. attaching materials should be placed in an envelope identified by the proposer's name of `the questionnaire to which he address and identified by the page number supplemental materials_is:applicable the City By submission of a proposal, the proposer acknowledges and agrees that Parking have the right to make any inquiry F �` ,. of Miami and Department of Off —Street lenient information it deems appropriate to substantiate or supplement �. or investigation ease to the City and contained in this questionnaire, and authorizes the rel ought in such Department of Off -Street Parking of .any and all information inquiry or investigation. If an independent general contractor, construction manager and/or operational this questionnaire manager is to be' involved, then the applicable pages of fi should be completed for each such entity. y + , LE t ji ast of 35 — mm74. w _ i^ t; Addreas for POW" of notioe or other rela 16g to the proposal ¢' r; F,y ?eiephne too. �ship Co is Sole'Proptietot ); t�po anon ( ); Parteterstiip The proposer or Explain: a v } n i o L i Page IS of 36 h » xx 'S �` r��pnAer A partflersNi sr Allawer the aii �ring� ' 3 Date �r-ganaati wi t. aefleral Partnership t i t i - Limited Partnership statement of partnership reoorded? Yes t S No t date �aok Page county Mate 4. Nas the partnership done huainets 'in tno Mate of rlof idai ,. Yves t i NO ) When' E: Where i ` Name, address, and partnership snare Of each general and limited partner& carnpiete the following page for ttf` partnership is a 06rporati6n corparation.) ' General/ .. Addreas Name Share �+ f.imited L, ,. 6. Attach a complete copy of the Partnership Agreement. 1 i page 19 35 y fief s x sr$ sar abrparati6n, answer the f6 lawinA is hen ineOPpbrsW? - yy 2, §t%§ in86rp8rated [ • IS the oororation authored do business in Plarda Ye gym. 411 The dbrWation Is held Publicly ( ) priavbtely ra, If publidly held, how and where is ttie 9t6dk trlid 0d 1 r; 64 List the followin�t Authrid ls�. s.�:,. Outstaridin.g (a) Number of voting shaves: - (b) Number or nonvoting shares ...:� (e) Number of shareholders: (d) Value per share of Common Stock: Oar` Book E Market i 7. Furnish the name, title, address and the number of voting and nonvoting each shareholder shares of stock held by each officer and director and class of stock'. If more than 5% of any class of owning more than 5% of any stock is held by one or more corporations, than each owner -corporation must also complete separate pages and (type corporation name on said pages for required on y ::. identification purposes) and .furnish the financial statement page 21. if an .individual or corporation will be guaranteeing performance of the proposer -corporation, State name here and also complete pages 19 and 20 and if corporation type corporation name on said pages for identification purposes and furnish - r- financial statement required on page 21 for the individual or corporate i L guarantor. _p ta IF 7 L SIC post go of 35 5 a Ill, �`r r} -tzT }t" *' MIA },F 8, 'k 1. 004 boseribe in detail the duration and erttent at your business e'IPOPiehaf With special emphasis upon ezperienae related to darnwdial afrida developmonts restaurants, Adaptive use of prominent nistarla buildings and liistaria Ilk Preservations Also state in detail the names and pertinent irsperienae of the persons who will be direatiy involved in develapma and Management of tree business, List the names and l6-aations Of facilities durrently owned And yaUr pLsraentsge ownership, or aammeraial d@vela+pnsnts aurrently managed deputing s' projeats that will demonstrate your ahililLy to complete a 4uali'ty redevelapment for the Olympia Office tu ilding pra5eet, The name and address should be given far each projeat identified as well as persons familiar with the develapMent who will r@spond to inquiries from the City/DepetMent of Off=ttreet Parking, You ` Should also identify yaUr specific role in each such project, F NAN IAt 'fA TE Xfi proposer, owner -corporations of proposer, and any perSon or business entity guaranteeing the performance of the proposer must attach a complete reports prepared in aeoordanee with generally accepted accounting principles, reflecting current financial condition. The report must include a balaace Sheet and annual income statement, the person or entity covered by the Statement, and must be j prepared to substantiate all information shown. ,1 A 1 P. S I i :Fv. F „3#' ! 7 - .p a Sm •.�by. ... M gV� �[ by dij �{j ur # r$t i¢aft y8 y.0gV perform bef" revi y�Le yyVd� Jsyy 141§ lily S He defaults a dt�rnn ndtAi the Surety or bondingepny, d t � A cunt of default and perfar�naed0. _ Yr �Attach D�fid, ��� €�� air�u�n�t�ne�a su�round�e� said Dn d SU er�tia s wtt Ali you aflttalled eves bi fl d bl r yy`t # yppi i�Ovi Have Of liAbil and amOuht of � eaState dati9$ ebut�t jupisdietdfl, �itlbWht . s. >z< � s kt r pEND1N t�Ii'�GAfiN detailed it�foi�thatic5fl t'eg�fld rig ;)endinglit �tior�, pf'ov ide on attached flh�d 9hs�t involving any Participant ifl the flop i�a . liens, r claims 4 71 M frst t t yyrr..; j i 3[ a 2 r p A # 85m74 �NR lisp. taus Per"I" ar firms wits ern you have eafiduaEel bUEifiRRE Ir011358tiBfiR } during the past three YearAr At least tw5 atthe Wfrafiaes named V@ to hs�e . na a or your debt payffie wt history,i Asa ti its @rafi Must F rinanatal institutions . .' firth: Title ,}n Address. r, 3 4 fieiaphone: Nature and magnitude f purahage, salt, Haan, business, asSbciati6n, K= .x REFERENCE ` Name: x' Finn: Title: ., Address: x k t Telephone: s &' Nature and magnitude of purchase, sale, loan, business, association, etc: " REFERENCE NO. 3 Name: M g a rt Firm: x k Title: ��t Addr�sa Telephone*, " Nature and magnitude of purchase, 3614• loan, buainetsat association' etc, x W 0_ 4 i e jr Me 23 of 35 s x _ i C _ TWO i h t- m�$hin i e bf pu?'Ch;l gait,i n, bn�� i� n� � N�tur� n Y `yy 4' i { ni 61. f Y fi posit of 35 i�,1� IOU xy� ' .' gis� adt�s and tlpan nbr, �r�itr tiff" w k Name „yy ` Stye@t Addfe99 Mailiflg Address r N City Statei Zip Code Telephone tIUMber nine pass and their titles Who will be chiefly responsible for the Names of p design of the Olympia Building redevelopment! X -- Title k, k Name _ Title q Name _ _ Title A Name telephone number of other design consultants who will have � Names, addresses and in designing the Olympia Building. amajor rote Name of Firm Name of Firm _ F_ Address Address Street Mailing Address ` Mailing Address' Telephone Number z Telephone Number a Name of Principal Contact Name of Principal Contact a } v -Yr �esdriba intail eurae an and ax�nt of i�ur arat�itaotural gsparienoe with to obffitneroiai offias develaprnents, spacial emphasis upon a1peti6fide related adaptive use ` nistorio buildings, rostaursn'ta, and adaptive niat rid prasarvatian$ shopping a � r � Also, state in detail: the n�rn�� end pertinent ����r��n�� bi` tat e the prindipals who will be direetly involved in designing the projeats d '( esparienoe of the resortation architect and detail t1 fi Ri and pertinent hist6rid preservation oonaultant Qho will be directly involved in tie pro eot, In addition, please also include photographs or other illustrative material ability to design a 4uality aepioting projedta that will ddm6hstrata your for the Olympia Building, The name and address should be given redevelopment for eeem prof*ct identified as well as persons familiar with fStrelopmer►t who Of=street Parking, will respond to inquiries from the dity and Department of 3 you Should also identify your spetifid role in eadh projedt, a+ i Al t rest Z6 of u i,. N �F# 77-77 s "'lm ?2"; i.'{"g t*.,fi', y�' -{`�c `u•*T — ...;�.. a 9 tom, `7 ONS two •:p@r�ii;,1�f�Y:id#t�d•R.,.ya� sorslPM I'8E;��������•'��n��wg �t�� ��v�• �a�ip�ebed tit Y R`REN01 Ai_ tr 1 Title: Addl'ess: s,. : '' Telepnane: ,., Nature and fftagnitude of business asse3ciatio" 1 i f . y RRFRRRNE_ .a� Name: -- -- b _ Firm: _ - Address: _ { Telephone: Nature and.magnitude of business association:' h;A '£ S' � x p m _ Paso AT of 31 AS GGNX TOR ©R GO,NSTR1 'IIGN MANAGER besdribe in detail the duration and extent of your o6nst14Udtion f9perience with special emphasis upon experience related to aommerdial office developments, historic preservation or adaptive use, of historic buildings; restaurants, and shopping centers. Alsow state in -detail the names and pertinent experience of the principals who will be direaty involved in construction of the Olympia Building project. In addition, please also include photographs or other illustrative material depicting projects that will demonstrate your ability to construct p quality development for the Olympia guildingproject, The name and a address should be given for each pr6jedt identit4ied as well persons familiar with the developmt%t who will respond to inquiry` from the City/Department of Off -Street Parking, Tou should also identify your specific role in each ." )t project, F'1NANEIAL pATA Pd PRbPOUR=! ; G.ONTRAWTOR OR C�N5TRUGTIOfd_MANAGER FINANCIAL _STATEMENT Attach a complete reporto prepared in acoordanoe with generally accepted t:.. accounting principles; reflecting current financial condition. The report must include a balance- sheet and - annual income statement. The person or entity ' 3 covered by the statement must be prepared to substantiate all information shown. 4` s. r 1 s r 7 s 1 } Q .tiµil Has any surety empnny � en . a4u 1.0d tb peri`artn upon your ndng Yes t ) No default?of If attach a statement nwing the surety or bonding coin fa o � afflaunt yea, �aa bond, and the dirdulftstanaas surrounding said default and pe e BANtt IiPTCY_2NFOAMd'fIbN, gave you ever be en deelareo bankrupt's Yes t ) No ( ) It your yes, state date, eourt"juriadietion, amount of iiabfiitiosi and mount as assets'. _t ��Nb�N� f��Tl�AfitON provide on attained sheets detailed information regardirn� pending litigations liens, Of claims in which you are involved. 1 .AM1 ,. �►r�et � N TRU 'T N MANAGES u ne firms for who you have �atnp plated pra�e��e dating sae past ,�- List two rte �r three _years f N ,1��F_EREfii�� Name: Firm. Title: i Addresst _ Telephone: _ m� Nature and-Maghitude of business associatiOn! h . - REFERENCE NO- _ Name: - Firm: Title: Address: z 5_ Telephone: r Nature and magnitude of business association: F i gg .- ;E }fie 4 a' Y LWO ti rt r LA A�d 9MZN„ T—C-0NORA Describe in detail the duretien and extent of your management experience, Alga, state in detail the natees and pertinent f9parienoe of the prinoipalta who will be h directly involved in the management of the Olympia building facilities. in additionw please also include photographs or other illustrative material v depicting projedts that Will demonstrate your ability to Manage a quality development. The name and address should be given for each project identitied as well as persons familiar with the development who will respond to inquiries from the City?pepartment of Off -Street Parking. You should also identify your r, specific role in each project. _ �INAN�tAL_pATA P6R P��PaSER'S M.ANA;EMEN CONRACTON t: R IINANCIAL_STATEMENT Attach a complete report, prepared in accordance with generally accepted �t•.: accounting principles, reflecting current financial condition. The report gust include a' balance sheet and annual income statement, The person or entity covered by the statement must be prepared to substantiate all information shown, i SURETY INFORMATION s Has any surety or bonding company every been required to perform upon your y' default? Yes ( ) No i ) If yes, attach a statement naming the surety or bonding company, date, amount of bond and the circumstances surrounding said default and performance. - BANKRUPTCY INFORMATION Have,you ever been declared bankrupt? Yes C ) No ( ) If yes, state date, court jurisdiction,. -amount. o£. liabilities, .and amount of assets. Of PENDING LITIGATION k Provide on attached sheets detailed information regarding pending litigation, -liens, or claims in which you are involved. 4 ty page 31 of 36 J { ems —MMA-0 W,NL O ZNT RA —CT Describe in detail the duration and. oxtent of your management axperience, Also, state in detail the nMOS and pertinent experience Or the principals who will be E directly frtvoi:Vad in the management of the Olympia Building facilities, In r Gj•. addition, please aisp include photographs or other illustrative materialk depicting projects that will demonstrate your ability to manage a quality development, the name and address should be given for each project identified as well AS persons familiar with the development who will respond to inquiries 1 from the City?Department of Off. -Street parking. You should also identify your specific role in each project, { INANCIAL DATA POR PRM0 ER. $ MANAOEMSNT _CONTRACTOR } ' FINANCIAL STATEMENT '1 Attach a complete report, prepared in accordance with generally accepted .. accounting principles, reflecting current financial condition. The report must fnelude a balance sheet and annual income statement. The person or entity covered by the statement must be prepared to substantiate all information shown. SURETY INFORMATION' ." Has any surety or bonding company every been required to perform upon your j default Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, attach a statement naming the surety or bonding company, date, amount of bond and the circumstances surroundingsaid default and performance. pe, formanc_. BANKRUPTCY INFORMATION Have .You ever been declared bankrupt? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, state date, court jurisdictio.n,__amount._.of. liabilities, .and amount of v assets. £ PENDING LITIGATION Provide on attached sheets detailed information regarding pending litigation, �; `:. liens, or claims in which you are involved. Vz' M IY' h � � at i ............Yr5� �? t� fitAS 5 9» i7e a NSA A MOA. HMOs added and tal�3h611e Cfl$rtibCSi` fBa�lafia11 LPitf adLiT`: Name Sheet Addreas . r �- MA TIM Address eSte ' pity, Code F i Telep;bne NUMbee' i' _. Watnea of principals and their titles who will be chiefly responsible for the :.Y operation of the Olympia Building-redevelOpmeht, f. Name Title Name Title Title Name # UR •. �. a A ti N t _ i # M 5 t , at OWN Y µr' MI11M L. M =9 4}1 5 w� pera�n r firma rar wh6m Y6u �ia're :� nlged prList e Wets during �e pest three years ar have knowledge at you n�t��Aerni� Wain et ` Firm., Title: 3 Address: Tolephonet Nature and magnitude of business association; g 3 Name: Firm: _ Title: Address: s t -IOU Telephone: Telephone: Nature and magnitude of business association: i k "Yo7 Y y t S i Figs 33 of 35 Tp} 95�746 by , VIM UNERAL CONTRAST T€R99 Upon autheritatlnn-at- tho. pity Commmian and the Offestreet Parkin t6APd, the bfi`=treat Parking ftraatar shall h6gatlate all aspeatg of A aantPgat far DaV@lepmfnt and Lease with the suddessful prapasers The aantraat Shall be. subjeat to review and eppreval by the City Manager and the city dammlsslbn. The aantraat shall addresa; but not to limited to the fallowing topiass s l . LEASE TERM p, RENT A guaranteed minimum and a pe?`cehtage of the Cross Sales whichever is greater on the Entire 'Premiaea ar on the Individual Leased marts shall Constitute Rene Definition of Cross Sales, Payment Schedules Right to Audit No Counterclaim or Abatement Subordination of Rents CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS Description of Improvements Developer's Obligation to Construct Improvements Submission of Plans Approval of Plans Scope of Review by City/Offs-Street Parking Department Changes in Plans Submission of Plans for Building Permit Contract(s) for Construction Conditions Precedent to Commencement of Construction Commencement and Completion of Construction of Improvements Progress Reports Payment of Contractors and Suppliers Cancellation or Dischargeof Liens Filed _ Construction Co -Ordination and Cooperation Ownership of Improvement u. PREPARATION OF PREMISES FOR DEVELOPMENT: DEVELOPER ASSURANCE 5. MANAGEMENT OF LEASED PREMISES r. 6. EQUITY CAPITAL AND MORTGAGE FINANCING I^ Sufficient Funds to Construction Improvements Notification of Securing Sufficient Funds Developer to Furnish Name and Address of Mortgage Developer to Notify City/Department of Off -Street Parking of Other Encumbrances Rights and Duties of Mortgage Obligations of Persons Other Than Mortgagee Acquiring Leasehold T. RESTRICTIONS ON USE Authorized Uses Limitation on Retail Sub -Tenants y S. PUBLIC CH-48093 Covenant for Payment of Public Charges Evidence of Payment of Public Charges r ANIL t" MotrICAMN An InvoANCE 3 indernni�`iastien at Developer L " ypaa of Insurance to be Carried by t9e�reiaper Nan�•Dnoiintan clause Certirtafites at insuranne ,.. . Right t a Olt r Depar�treent of O�`#`•SireEt Parting obtain insurance ' NarjaWaiVer of Developer# a Obligations Partial Lass of Damage Not Terminate Rent or tease unusable Extensive Loss or Damage Rendering ImPrevemenlaa Agreement Not To Sus MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT Maintenance and Repair x Reserve for Replacements. Waste 3 ti ' Alterations of Improvements Neighboring Excavation 1 CONDEMNATION AdJuatments of Rent Proration of Condemnation Awards Temporary Taking i Award Taking befinition of Taking DEFAULT - TERMINATION ;. Default by Developer Default by City/Department of Off --Street Parking Obligations, Rights and Remedies Cumulative; Failure to Observe Provisions Hereof ar- - Non-Action or Non -Performance Due to Causes Beyond Control of Parties r` Surrender of Premises Ownership of Equipment and Furnishings on Termination 9 .. = Party in Position of Surety with Respect to Obligations 4 } 13. OPTION TO RENEW fr £ 14. REPRESENTATIONS IIRe a P resentations by City and/or Department of Off -Street Parking Ri Representations by Developer 15. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING �.. 16, Minority Provisions 17. MISCELLANEOUS Right of Inspection .. i Access to Premises Recognition of Mortgagee Requirements Notices Provisions of Law Deemed Included Agreement Affected by Provisions Held invalid How as Construction APPliasb7.e Low R Amendments Gender and Number Award of Contract Mprtga906blo LOS chold =SAX r Certificates Agreement with Nanaga+n¢nt off -Street Parking Authority _ l91O.pisturbanae and Attorraoent Agreements Mmgrnnd;X Of 'LCase 4 Qhanse of Form of Ownership Reasonableness Arbitration ' tod Faith Under Correction or ;Of 9ea0riptions Of 35 �S. 4 ' Itt1RAW UAH I� ORMATION-has 4t 3/1,/84) Wbtiah 6r ��aae Bspitation Annual 80' to A368 8 8-0 ate e t 166 L, `laglet i(1appar' a Women► a Wear 688' 6120/06 001625.56• #y. 168 t: p.agler AnidJAP Jewelry 4661 MOM 22,466,00 176 €. faller Bentley's ten'8 Wear i,068l 6/30/95 40,416.48s 10 It 2nd Ave. T,S. Budd 0ptisal 605 2/31/87 13,204.9P• 20 B8 2nd Ave, Habersin Cameras 752' 6/30/89 21,600,604 Third Flaor area City of Miami (Mgmt, A Budget) 2,140' month-toomonth 11,76§,96 303.307 Dr. Sakoloff 61S 6/26/04 10,040.52 401=405- Dan David, Inc. 5/30/85 31,776.00 408-408 " 411&412 �w 414,&4 0 561 Klapper'g 225' 3/31/89 2,362.44 502-503 City of Miami (Internal Audit) 247' 11/31/85 7,496.04 505-520 City of Miami (Mgrit. A Budget) 3,860' 2/28/86 860094,72 601-602 VACANT 348' 603-606 Jewelry Collateral 467' 6/30/94 7,574.76 607-608 Council for Intl Visitors 504' 11/30/87 4032600 609-610 8otenswaig 367' 3/31/89 3,853.44 619-620` Don David 2065' month -to -month 3,265.92 ` - 701-708 City of Miami 712-720 (Economic bevel.) 39264' 10/31/86 34,329.36 709-711 Southern States Optical SW 9/30/85 6,781.92 803 State Rep. Barry Kutun 439' 10/31/86 5,040.00 ; 801,802405-806 VACANT 613, =` 808 Building Superintendent 326' Office 809-811 City of Miami (Mgmt. & Budget) 575' 4/30/87 6,238.80' $12.818 Bentley's Men's Wear 10555' 5/30/86 18,566.70 819-820 VACANT 360' ti 901-920 City of Miami (Mgt. A Budget) 4075' (included above) 1001-1016 C of M (Public Info) 3,328' 10/31/85 35,118.08 t -' 1017-1020 C of M (Public ,Info) 600' 2/28/86 6,510.00 TOTAL $420,406.62 21 a Does not include percentage rider on retail losses ($25,000 in Fiscal Year ` 85/86 estimated) plus maintenance cost adjustment factor to be adjusted £, annually, No 35 of 36 85'074 fi