HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-0723J--3�)-725 M85-649 (6/20/85) 6 RESOLUTION NO. �7A'!3 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED "']MnPf? FRON SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, IN SUPPORTUL' THE 1985 MIAM1 tiOUL. E'AI k INTL.RNATIONAL TO 13E I(ELU NOVEMBER 4-9, 1985; SAID ALL.00A'PION BE1NG CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCI, YVITH CITY OF MIAM1 A1:-MINISTRAT1VL. P(,L1CY NO. APM I.- 84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. WHEREAS, Miami Book Fair International, requested funds in support of the 1985 [Miami Book Fair International to be held November 4-9, 1985; and WHEREAS, this educational, cultural and entertainment event is expected to attract an estimated 100,000 visitors and residents to the downtown Miami area; and WHEREAS, it is expected that there will be extensive local, national acid international press coverage of the Fair NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. An amount not to exceed sion►BUB is hereby allocated from Special Programs and Accounts, Quality of Life Fund, in support of the 1985 Miami Book Fair. International to be held November 4-9, 1985. Section 2. The herein allocation is hereby conditioned upon substantial compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM 1-84, dated January 24, 1984. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of July ATTEST: CZ— iFALA G. ONGIE, CITY CLZn PRE.PARID AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLA CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY s Maurice A. Ferre MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTEDS : LUC IA A. LOUGIWRTY CITY ATTORNEY CITY COMMISS±C I Y.EUT,. r +L F'i 1,-1,5 4 CItY OF MIAMI. FLORIOA INtftR-OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Fionorable %Iayor and ;Iembers ti the City Commission FROM \ Sergio Perei,a �- City xanager 7ATE au!_ 1 i 'ILE j:E_- .,1-,l;1i �.�- Fair Ir.ter- nationalj Special Fund- ing Request MEFERENCES It is recommended that $50,000 be allocated from Special Progran,Is and Accounts, Quality of Life Fund, in connection with the :Miami Boo{ Fair international to be he-!-:' %er.,ber 4-9, 19„ura_- 2�j, !''1-35, %lotion ` rover] ?Miami Book Fair International, Inc. has requested .a contribution of $100, 000 from the City of Miami in support of the 1985 Miami Zook Fair to be held November 4-9, 1985 at the Miami -Bade Conmunity Cclleae, Wolfson Campus, and the surrounding streets of downtown Miami. At i _s j une 20, 1965 meeting, .he City Ccmnissionl sup porter'. this project in principle and recommended that staff return with a specific recommendation. The Book Fair is a significant project for the City of Miami, created for the purpose of promoting and 'Heightening book awareness in South Florida. The activities w-il'_ include lectures and symposiums by world renowned authors, book demonstrations and exhibitions. It is expected that 250 publishers and booksellers from around the world will participate in this Fair. Additionally, this year Miami Book Fair In=ernational, recognizing the potential of establishing South Florida as an international center for the publishing trade, is also initiating a foreign book exchange conference. Delegations from 25 foreign countries will attend the conference to better develop communications with other countries on foreign book exchange. This is expected to bring thousands of people to the Miami area, thus placing a demand on many hotels, restaurants and other businesses in the Miami area. This organization received a $50,000 grant from 1964 Book Far, whic;z was a tremendously generating positive nedia coverage. the City ::or the successful event, It is anticipated that, in addition to the press extensive publicity generated by this year's event, 100,000 visitors and residents w�.11 be attracted to area during the Fair. coverage and an estimated the downtown 85 _724i . 47 i The Honorable Mayor and 'IeMbers of the City Com-mission Fa4e tho The total budget for the event is a427,000. They have received a $50,000 grant from the Metro -Dade County Council of Arts and Sciences and have also requested a Y15,�u0ti rant from the State cf Florida, which is still pending. The remainder will come from participant fees, Miami -Dade Community College, and corporate sper.s•:;rship . The administration recommends that, in view of budgetary constraints, $50,000 of the requested $100,000 be allocated for the 1965 Book Fair. Monies are available from Special Programs and Accounts, Quality of Life Fund. 13 ttl, The media coverage recei•:•ed by this event will place Miami among the literary meccas of this country, In 1984, `B FI received rage reviews from critics, the media, and the co=ur,ity at large. Over eighty (80) articles were published b• a variet,. of newspapers giving previews, coverage and critiques, all focusing on the success of the event. The Fair is the only activity of its kind in the South Florida area and will help project Miami as more than just a resort area. Through this effort, this city can show the world that it has the p:pulatien, the culture and the funds to back a first-class evert cf this Kind. Miami also has a great potential for becoming the center for pub.:shing trade between the U.S. and other countries. We are initiating this effort through the foreign book exchange conference previously mentioned. Undoubtedly, this will bring thousands of visitors and business people to Miami, and consequently, enhance the image and economic development of this area. Demand will be placed on the manv hotels, restaurants, and other business in this area. 8S-72,3_ . 'r®r 85-'723 . I n SPi C-:AL DING RE;:!JEST APPLIC?' ION J Please complete this form and submit it along with the "requited doc•,n,entation to the Eepar`_nient of Community Development, 1145 N.,- . llth Street, [tia.mi, Florida 33136. If you have any cuestions, call 579-6d53. 1 a. Nam, e of ..•.gent, rr:: ;ect or Frocran. Ciiam' Book. Fair b. Date of ;.•,, ent,�ActI vi _: ';r+, �.T.� t1r ; _ 0 'C-". iviyile of or—aniZaticn: :'il:i?tll'i!C�: ' rnat 1 Inc i'.si' a:ItE' �Qna V . . � � . ? �: �e �_ .... t c3 �. t C_ e : C C n : D rI- l } ' } i • C 7 t.� f :a Y � � rl ie1._L loneCrk. f+ :railing Address: MDCC c/o Miami Book Fair International 300 ;%.E. Second Avenge, Suite 1301, Miami, FL 33132 1I. Brief description cf procram/event and include the number of people expected to participate in or attend program (Attach add tior,a.. s;,eets if necessary): I Zl�. t are t.^,e uene`its to the City (Cuantlfv where ;osslble): S�� IV, S�;w wort Rec.uested; Cash Grant: 101-).000 City Services .Requested (i.e., Police, Fire, Sanitation) 4nd speci_y type of service and a value as determined or est;rmatad oy the prcvlfiinc denart.•nrnt: C t Dec artment 'gone Sar` i ce C Estimated Amount 85-'723 . 0 r c'aeili wy Rental s Hnouht: game of racllitys uat2 (s) and ('lours tc to used: Cit. �fJU.vUJ Total 5 Requested from (ias City provided support in previous 'Year( SO Ye s ti i10 f es, please attach a letter from a certified public accountant erif; rrc t:.e auf=�c.ency of accounting systems and ir.ter:,ai financial ccntro;s during funding period. if you have received S16�-7, 00l Sr-,_- e_, - � � _'7 oz an auGit rem , ectinq zj�e expenditure of t:,Cse' =�.+G5 m'-.stalso be -^..rov--ded. AILSc, specil past City suzcort and dateis) of event or activity. Name of Procram Event Year (s) Funds Granted Anount Miar:i Book Fair International 1954 -500000 .'1 . n.ave 'Cu requested anc/or received f un. ds from other covern.;tental entities: Yes No :.ist all Fundinc Sources Applied Amount (Indicate iz to: received, still pending or rejected): :•le t ro-Dade County Council of Arts 6 Sciences $50,000 Received Florida - State of the Arts S15.000 Pending VI-T. Please i-dicste what measures .:_11 be -.al;en to insu_e adeaua--e Fi:. .:ic;.aI --Cr,t-,Ois an, d acczunt:nC cf .--;:�s: The «cLL ti.1i. f, rm of Grau. Lrrecha. a, � G u t: < F .y, vi i l cont ;^ ue as consultants Ll;, an',' aspect nertni.n.iac t: finances T7nd to cst:;bliOi and monitor financial procedures to be followt!d b,. thir corer,ration. V=:1. Please cescribe orc_ar._�at�cn's cacacil ty to acc-.mpl.sh Droc. am/ aver.;.: See Attached %',! I. 85-'7�,3 . attach the followlnc infot-mat*i0h to this applications ralati.ve to . �out 1) S`ata Char :er ( proof of not f ,r profit Status) 2) *4a.-,es and addresses of co,:Ncration's Bcard of Directors 3) , ictter from certified pl_bl_c accountant verifying ^ Gcc.u„t_:,c s-stems and a eCu6c*Y o.` iinanclai controls to sa:ecuar::- „a: d: =:,c i 1 _; rs . reflecting - -ected i�ne budget refle g e p ro _ -_venues for total ex:.enditures anti coD�o� the line `em ouacet =cec11;:1nC how Ci�y tunas 7, i� be .:se:.. ,�v 3erd ;,ere�r. is true and :-.a�eb,• _ _ �.. that the i :ror-•,a t��,r, cr� �• - ty Will be expended ended accurate and t:,at t:,e fun ds prcvlded by she r P city l:. accordance w_th the co;n,-ni _ments approved by the Y Cc:nrnisslon. : urthe ore, the City will be provided with an accounting of expenditures and receipts within thirty (fr days after the event's conclusion and/or receipt of funds from the City, whicheveris applicable, along with any other docu.-nents or data requested by the City. inc. cr Craig Pollock CORPORATE SEAL :AME OF Pn.F.SILra•: OF ORGANIZATION 85-'723 - i i If. The Miami Book Fair Internationa is an a ucationa , cu tural, and entertainment -oriented event created with a purpose of promoting and heightening an awareness of books in South Florida. Books continue being the most precious source of education available. Through this event we try to demonstrate the unlimited potential for discover; offered by the world of books, co=..unicate the importance of their use, and, finally, encourage all age groups to e::pand their knowledge through reading. Six days filled with activities will include lectures and symposiums by world renowned authors, boor: -related demonstrations, culminating with two full days of exhibitions by local, national, and international publishers and book -sellers. The 1935 Fair will be held :November G through 9 at the Wolfson Campus of ;tiami-Dade Community College and surrounding streets of downtown Miami. An estimated 100,000 residents and visitors will enjoy this exciting, educational, and enriching experience. It is expected that over 250 publishing houses and book -sellers from around the world will participate in this second Fair to exhibit and sell their wares to the public and to network with national book -sellers and interna- tienal publishers. In an effort to expand the international aspects of the Fair, we are in the midst cf planning a foreign book exchange conference where_ relegations frcm an expected 25 foreign countries representing over 1.150 publishers wi?'_ attend to better develoo communicaticns with the U.S. and other countries on foreign book exc:^.ange. A series of symposiums presented by world rencumed authors wi11 fill the schedule during the Fair. Support activities of the Fair's main components, i.e., exhibitors and authors, will include book -related demonstrations such as book binding and book repair, rare bock appraisals, graphic arts displays, paper -making, and entertainment such as jugglers, mimes, dance groups, children story telling, puppet shows, and much Wore. i i Home to an international population and one of the nation's largest book markets, South Florida has ti,e potential to become the largest foreign book market in the nation. These factors combined with Miami's growing role as the crossroads of the Americas assure this area's success as a center for development of publishing trade between the U.S. and other foreign cou- ntries. The annual Fair will bring together national and international publishers, authors and visitors and will, consequently, enhance the econo- mic development of Miami. Its international flavor, achieved by the dynamic combination of exhibitors from different parts of the world and multi -ethnic public, establishes its uniqueness in the United States. i i i b 4 _j Advertisement & Public Relations 35,000e.�s,`, Printing & Reproduction 40,000-7 Author's fees & expenses 126,500 Exhibition booths- construc,tio�n, Y���.'� 67,500�,Vi 10 0 @ $ 6 7 5. 0 0 C {\Q Souad & Audio Visual,Guv- Security 2,000- Postage•► 10,000 Entertainment - 15,000 Book Purchase - s lowlc5 e4jrpn P>�"�'+ 5,000 Office supplies 5,000 Telephone- Long distance calls 2,000 Insurance 1,000 Travel 2,OOG Miscellaneous 15,000 TOTAL EXPENSES $362,000 PROJECTED EXPENSES FOR THE INTER"UTION*AL CO::FERE\it FOR FOREIGN PUBLISHERS (these figures will be updated periodically in the next few »eeks) RENTAL OF THE JAMES 1. KNIGHT CENTER FOR 5-6 DAYS — 5,QUJ ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS TO ORGANIZE THIS F174CTION Z0,00%) (under this category will be telephone, mail, travel, coordinationaaad clerical) POSSIBLE MATCHING FL'ti'DS TO COVER ROOM..!EALS OF DESIRED FOREIGN VISITORS 30,000 TOTAL ESTIXkTED EATENSES 427 QO 85-723 _ .. _i 0 Contracted Scr:ic*s Reveauz $ 50,000 250 exnioitors S200 av� ll C,• (Sale of T-Shirts) pcsters, Docks, authors' fees, vendors fees) 5,000 Corporate support 100,000 Other private support (trustees) 25,000 Dace-Ceunt• Council of Arts and science_ (-�ranz (era^t��l 50,000 Ficrida :. zs '-junci_ 15,000 Total in -Kind Services 82,000 TOTAL PROJECTED RED*EN:15 $427,000 i E (4 f I a 1 i i 85-'723