HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-0721f J1 85-561 RESOLU'I'ION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER Tu EXECUTL lNuiViDUAL CONIRACTUAL AGI:L•LEI.1EL4"1.'S Vi L ilf SEVEN (71 NEtG!iWi KHOUD D,20Lv0M_'L .: DEVLLOPMENT ORGAN 1GA'L IONS ICJ S U BSTANT L ALLY THE FUK[1 �T elichl,ll HLRETO, FOR THE AfMOUN'iLi SL'ECiE .LED _ FUR EACH, FUR THL•' L'URPUS E OF IMPLEM] NTiNG A CUiNMERCIAL FACADE: ;L'Iv'i' 1'huGKr.11; h'UNUS ARL: ALLOCA' LD FRUiM ilff' ELLVENTH YEAR COMHUN1'iA L)EVt_:LU1'[111'N1T BLOCI: GRAL4'2 FOR THL FiRST SiX CORPORATIONS S'iA i'ED; FUNDS iiRt, ALLOCATL ED FOR ThL SEVENTH CURPORATiuN STATED FRum T11L SPECIAL PROGIG�MS AN'D 11CCOUNTS CONTINGENT FUND. WHEREAS, this program was appruv(--d in t-he eleveritii year Community Block Grant Application by Resolution No. 85-457; and WHEREAS, the City Cortunission passed Resolution No. 85-721' -authorizing the execution of contract agreements with seven'(7) Community Based Organizations (CBO's); and WHEREAS, funds are allocated from the Eleventh Year Community Duvulopmerit Block Grant Fund for the first six (6) corporations listed below; and WHEREAS, funds are allocated from the Special Programs and it Accounts Contingent account for the seventh (7) corporation listed below; and WHEREAS, the proposed C:ommerclal Facade Treatment Program is a component of a coinpreherisive Citywide Commercial Rehabilitation i Assistance facade treatment projuc.t; and i WHEREAS, the proposed Commercial Facade Treatment Program will be impiemcntecj within the proposed bound ir.ies of tile: target area; aril ---- -_-�. ,— — CITY COMMI'SION 10EETING OF J U L pp18 ,''rr8+-5 �._ WHEREAS, the eligibility for assistunce will be fot those businesses located within the s��ecified target area boundaries. NOW, `i'HERL• FURL, BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE, COMMISSION OF' THE CITY OF MIAMI t FLORIDA! Section 1. One -hundred an(! eighty thousand dollars ($180,000) of eleventh year Community Development Block Grant Funds are hereby allocated to said Community Bas:�d Urgdrilzations, one throug}1 six, ds listed below for the amounts specified for each, for the purpose of assisting in tli� c:ooLklinaLiori and implementation of a comprehensive Commercial Faccide Treatment prog rcAw. Section 2. Thirty -thousand dollars ($30,000) is allocated from the Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund,to the seventh organizdtion listed below, for the purpose of assistiny in the coordination and implementation of a comprehensive Commercial Facade Treatment proyrum. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement, for a period of one year with said Community Eased Organizations as follows: 1) Allapattdh NurQhants Association 2) Haitian Task Force 30,000 3) Little Havana - SBUC 30, UOO 4) Overtown Economic Development Corporation 30,000 5) Martin Luther Icing Economic Devulopment Corporation 30.000 0 64"W m t f t WWI and ZATE Ld 0 Z SUS-E:' Sergio perair City r-'4r-LZSL-PES City A. r a C 0 r, Xr, ccrru-nission Con.:. r -:jc-t ua L a, g r n -j -i ZL Z Z r Gram'' ion r.,soju,:.L.,n -ju:nber 65- tasion Un 16, :-"e C-L':'y jn' s s I Fellab_,__ .: ""W 1. (i a , , - the Cl 04 457 au-:�hori_zir.,g ar.cl h a s s un-ml to ':. Facade Program 74s r,•1 -1 r ear ,-,r, %; In. ,_,cus, Ig ,,-,d Urban _10rmer't f r ni. Y A.. - Block Grant Frunding. .Lvejopm=nt rograr e is :he el-Ve th y(zar ;:OMMunItY l$'30,'400) callocation of one_jturdred--_ghty :.ousand dolars( Facades Rehabilitation. for Commercial roach � to commercial nent Program is a modified app Facade Tredtt.-eatad in a concentrated rehabilitation where only -�he facade Is impact area of commercial use. Ity Based 7n program Qz tae in t, e ccrimerc-lal Organiza,:�ion (CBO) w3.1-'- administer , the contract the target area and provide services as they relate to and within the budget constraints. 8 5 — 7'0..'dI . f F ;1e .Otal budget ar.:oi�n= ;:or ach :.2L 1 3 S ; _:lcusar.�l dollar �; �, ���) uuc.g�== will be 3t dr•=3. 1Cte :rl.,.r,: �- 7j i tang proper-y Owners ank: �r -t . mdtcae �1�-•, ?4; � � r�pert•J _ ,:. _ , be ds r :Zia :31iOCx:v'il �: c:- shall yC ��:�:d= a•'•:1i:.i5L. 3 =.'/e .:03 The ..arget areas whlci, bGe:z selected nor tnla project, lncludi.ng cer ar_a, 3_e ss rolios•s: iundi-ng 31iOC3:lOn _ ALLAPATTAH TARGET AREA - $30,000 4271th C'%' V znL!e bet'Neen _V.r - .;�s.n k .v iV. 3.S�ia J� eat MODEL CITY TARGET AREA - $30,000 1. N.W. 7ti� �.✓enue between 54th & 67th Street Street 'natween .� . 17 th Avenue EDISON/LITTLE RIVER TARGET AREA - $30,000 1. N.E. 2nd Av_nue bet4ee:i �;.E. Smith & N.E. 62nd Street I 2. N.W. 54th Street between N.W. 6�h & N.E. 2nd Avenue WYNWOOD TARGET AREA - $30-000 2;-;d A,ienue bet'aeen N.W. 3yLt1 a :J.ti. 36th 5zrzct and & North Mien, N.W. 36th Street between N.W.6th Avenue Avenue i 2. N.E. 2nd Avenue between N.W. 20th & N.W. 29th Street i 3 gs-721 A bI'i'1"I. HAVA IA TARGET AREA- - $ 30, 000 the ic.. a; _nuC bet.�eer. 'wast F laglar _ V♦ V. rr. i`.a :,.... S.br. dth Street, and S-W- nth Street street and between N.W. l ith & N "4 . 1 i th Avenue OVERTOWN TARGET AREA - $30,000 ath i th Street •• �iltLa contr cam.. r3•J�.. C7 .`.a _ sftal date of A.i =C�:it i`J.: 3i.1. 'N ill __i. ..'• ona FC olAj 37L' i i i i I