HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-10021J-85-547 ORDINANCE NO. 1 0 U 2 1. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RESOURCES AND PROPERLY ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF - $19895,825 FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND MONIES RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 9257, ADOPTED APRIL 9, 1981, WHICH CREATED SAID FUND; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature amended section 943.41 through 943.44, the "Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act"; and WHEREAS, the amendments to the "Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act" were designed to aid law enforcement agencies by providing in part for municipal law enforcement agencies to pursue foriture actions at law against seized property; and WHEREAS, the amendments of the "Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act" provided that proceeds of all successful forefeiture actions at law be deposited into a special " Law Enforcement Trust Fund" to be utilized as prescribed by law for law enforcement purposes only; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 9257 adopted April 9, 1981 the City Commission fulfilled the requirements of sections 943.44(3)(9) and 94.3.44(5), Florida Statues (1980), relating to the proceeds from the sale or other aquisition of forfeited property; and WHEREAS, the Director of Finance opened and has been administering an account designated"Law Enforcement Trust Fund" but there has never been formal City legislation adopted which would properly appropriate revenues that have been received and deposited in said "Law Enforcement Trust Fund"; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following resources and appropriations are hereby established for the "Law Enforcement Trust Fund": C Fund title: Law Enforcement Trust Fund Resources. Proceeds of Forfeited Propertyi,95,25 Appropriation: Law Enforcement Trust Fund i,895, 2 Section 2. The establishment of resources and appropriations for the "Law Enforcement trust Fund" properly appropriates revenues that have been received and deposited in said Fund pursuant to Ordinance No. 9257, adopted April 9, 1981 which created said Fund. Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure on the grounds of urgent public need for the preservation of peace, health, safety, and property of the City of Miami and upon the further grounds of the necessity to make the required and necessary payments to its employees and officers, payment of its debts, necessary and required purchases of goods and supplies, and to generally carry on the functions and duties of municipal affaris. Section 5. The requirement of reading this ordinance on two separate days is hereby dispensed with by a vote of not less than four -fifths of the members of the Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of LTujj , 1985. Maurice A. Petre MAURICE A, FME ATTtST: MFH 96 M!ro C T Y C LtiwR K BUDGETARY REVIEW: MANORAR Se SURANA, MJRLGTU-R DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET LEGAL REVIEW: ROBERT F. CLARK,-CHIEF DVPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPRO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 1, Ralph G. Ongie, Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida, hereby c(:1'01'v that oil ,.. day of ..... ......... 'I full, true oll i cor!%:ct coty, of t1w 'till.we A, D. t"). 91� r I I I lilt: �silalil Door 01, 01: Cowt for 11,16'. !i it) tilt; ;I, 11ITNL:36 my hi;ad told lh:'91��ial oI is City Illis .... 4.1 ... 01 . . ...... ...... .. ............... it y Clerk dl'" dr MIAMl, #L6010A INTER-OPPICC MIIMC14ANDUM ta: The Honorable Mayor and Members WE: Jl!�� of the City Co=issiot Mt. SUBJECT: Item for City C0=19811on Action Appropriation ordinance for Sergio Peke era REFERENCES: g - Law Enforcement Trust Fund City Manager / ENCLOSURES: Monies AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISH- ING RESOURCES AND PROPERLY ESTAB- LISHING APPROPRIATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,896,825 FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND MOVIES RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 9257, ADOPTED APRIL 9, 1981, WHICH CREATED SAID FUND; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AIND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. In 1980, the Florida Legislature amended section 943.44, the "Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act". 943.41 through The amendments to the "Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act" were de- signed to aid law enforcement agencies by providing in part for munic- ipal law enforcement agencies to pursue forfeiture actions against seized property. The Director of Finance opened and has been administering an account - designated "Law Enforcement Trust. Fund" but there has never been formal City legislation adopted which would properly appropriate revenues that have been received and deposited in said "Law Enforce- ment Trust Fund." The establishment of resources and appropriations for the "Law En- forcement Trust Fund" properly appropriates revenues that have been received and deposited in said Fund pursuant to Ordinance No. 9257, adopted April 9, 1981 which created said Fund. The amendments of the "Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act" provided that proceeds of all successful forfeiture actions at law be deposit- ed into a special "Law Enforcement Trust Fund" to be utilized as prescribed by law for law enforcement purposes only. Ordinance No. 9257 adopted April 9, 1981 the City Commission fulfilled the requirements of sections 943.44 (3)(9) and 943.44(5), Florida Statues (1980), relating to the proceeds from the sale or other acqui- .sitons of forfeited property. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure on the grounds of urgent public need for the preservation of peace, health, safety, and property of the City of Miami and upon the further grounds of the necessity to make the required and necessary payments to its employees and officers, payment of its debts, necessary and required purchases of goods and supplies, and to generally carry on the func- tions and duties of municipal affairs. CD:tc A_ 1. FY'85 FORFEITURE FUND BUDGET SUMMARY Revenues '1 Account :# Des crip,ti_on S Amount 094 Interest on Invest 215,568 112 Unclaimed Monies 1,681,1 Total $1,896,825 Expenditures Account � Description $ Amount 001 Classified S 47,655 050 Overtime 1,427 053 Holiday Pay 1,990 100 F.I.C.A. 3,329 110 Pension 11,889 130 Group Insurance 2,260 150 Workman's Compensation 3,881 670 Repair and Maint. 33,527 722 Misc. Supplies 975 840 Equipment 11,229 907 Equipment (Encumbrances) 243,160 956 Contrib. to Spec. Rev. 400,000 996 Budget Reserve 1,135,603 Total $1,896,825 F/P9. l is 0 tj -- PY185 FORFEITURE EUNb BUDGET SUMMARY Revenues Account 094 112 Expenditures Account 001 050 053 100 110 130 150 670 722 840 907 956 996 Description Interest on Invest. Unclaimed Monies Total Description Classified Overtime Holiday Pay F.I.C.A. Pension Group Insurance Workman's Compensation Repair and Maint. Misc. Supplies Equipment Equipment (Encumbrances) Contrib. to Spec. Rev. Budget Reserve Total I project #600001 $ Amount $ 215,568 1,6810257 $1,896,825 $ Amount $ 47,555 1,427 1,990 3,329 11,889 2,260 3 881 33,527 975 — 11,229 243,160 400,000 1,135,603 $1,896,825 ale. 0 MIAMI, bat eauNTY,1'>laealbk k, L96AL lcibl'ift MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sonia Halligan, who on oath says that she is the Assistant Supervisor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review and Daily Record, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Res ORDINANCE NO. 10021 Inthe.......X..X..X........................... Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of July 24,1985 Afflant further says that the said Miami Review and Daily Record is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount. rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication In the said newspaper. ' 1111 fl � ............... Syforn to and sudscribed;before me this 24th.. day oC.... : Y.�7.%'.�: CD.18... 85 ry � �r f �i11on 14p. o to b c, S � rida at Large (SEAL) i�9 p • • • • • ' • \� ���� My Commission ezlQ����` �flflt11111t�t� Mfg 1tI5 All Intdtested petboh§ will take notice that on the i8th day bf July, 1985, the City Commis"slot► of Miami. Florida, adopted the foll6wing titled srdih6hC61t): ORDINANCE NO. 1001S AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1 AND 6 OF bRDI- NANCE NO. 9961, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 21, 184, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1985, BY INCREASING THE APPRO- PRIATION FOR GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,545.000 AND BY INCREASING REVENUES IN THE SAME AMOUNT FROM FY'84 DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE FOR THE PURPOSE Or PROVIDING FUNDING TO PAY FOR $1,545,600 OF ADDITIONAL INTEREST PAYMENTS FOR FY'85 AS A RESULT OF THE MOST RECENT'$33,Ot70,OW GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND SALE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 10016 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS i AND 6 OF ORDI- NANCE NO, 9901 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 21. 1984, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEM13EA 30, 1985 AS AMENDED BY INCREAS, ING THE APPROPRIATION IN THE ENTERPRISE FUND, PROP. ERTY AND LEASE MANAGEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $44,207, AND'BY INCREASING REVENUE IN ALIKE AMOUNT FROM ADDITIONAL ENTERPRISE REVENUES, TO COVER DEPRECIATION CHARGES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1985; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABIL- ITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.10017 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.9939, ADOPTED DECEMBER 20, 1984, THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPRO- PRIATIONS ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING FAIRLAWN NORTH SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,2W,000 AND APPROPRIATING SAME AMOUNT FROM 1980 SANITARY SEWER GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS; BY ESTABLISHING WAGNER CREEK RENOVATION PHASE 11 STORM SEWER PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,OD0,000 AND APPROPRIATING SAME AMOUNT FROM 1984 STORM SEWER GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS; AND BY ESTABLISHING CITY-WIDE STORM DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF$350,000 AND APPRO- PRIATING SAME AMOUNT FROM 1984 STORM SEWER GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS; CONTAININGA REPEALER ` PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE'.` ORDINANCE NO. 10018 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED, "SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST, REDEVEL- OPMENT TRUST FUND" APPROPRIATING $44,585. IN .TAX COLLECTIONS FOR FY'85 BASED ON CALENDAR YEAR 1984 TAX ASSESSMENTS THAT WERE GENERATED 'AS A RESULT OF THE TAX INCREMENT.: FINANCING PLAN APPROVED BY DADE COUNTY AND THE. CITY OF; MIAMI FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWNIPARK WEST PROJECT,. AREA; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEV ERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. 10019 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO,9939, ADOPTED DECEMBER 20, 1984, AS AMENDED; THE CAPITAL IMPROVE-`` MENT APPROPRIATIONS'' ORDINANCE, BY DECREASING ' THE SOUTHEAST' OVERTOWNIPARK"WEST REDEVELOP-, MENT-PHASEI PROJECT APPROPRIATIONS IN THE NET` AMOUNT OF $1,035,060; THROUGH THE DELETION OF COM•' MUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK! GRANT' FUNDING=`FOR ADMINISTRATION COST IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,135,000; AND THROUGH THE APPROPRIATION'OF $1,100,0004OF' INTEREST EARNINGS FROM HOUSING'GENERAL OBLIGA= TION BONDS TO PROPERLY ACCOUNT FOR ALL FUNDING i RESOURCES' IN ORDER TO CONFORM WtTH'GENERAL ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PRO- VISION AND'A SEVER,7�BILITY CLAUSE; ORDINANCE NO, 10020 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TEXT OF ORDINANCE NO: 9560, AS AMENDED; THE ZONING ORDINANCE; OF r THE CITY OF :MIAMI FLORIDA, BY AM ENPING'SECTIONS 1520, 1560, AN_ 1569. TO ALLOW TEMPORARY GIVIC`AND POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SIGNS; SUBSECTIONS 2025.1.15'.AND 2025.3.6 TO EXEMPT "'TEMPORARY POLITICAL ANA:GIVlC. CAMPAIGN SIGNS. ON SIGN :VEHICLES;:FROM •.PERMIT VF;RTAIN TEMI'OI4AFlY FPITIGAL CAMPAIGN 5I9NI5 FROM, REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGN P€RMITS'ANPtNEW S4lB�EC TIQN 2026,3 13 PROVIDING: FOR R[,EMf�VAANQ ,* RENUMSERINCi SVOKOIUENT 6015ECTIQNS, FVRTHER,,,. Q1PINAN09 N0,144I9,1 �I1=Af:CA1l+:Y r�►>zrwlrile nla+c'•Cs+reiai dcuinir_' nccr�ki;iurace. ' ,' ..:,. ORDINANCE NO T0020 M H 1J6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING tHF TEXT OF ORDINANCE NO. fl'.00. AS AMFNDtD, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE t,lf Y OF MIAMI, F-WRIDA. FAY AMENDING SECTIONS 1520, 1560, AND 15t19, TO Al I OW TEMPORARY CIVIC AND ('OL111t;AL GAMPAWIN i(>NS, ;LITTSE.C.;TIONS ?U?!i.1 15 AND -to EXEMPT 'It W1011AW POIATIGAt. ANu Civic GAMPAKIN f)I(iNS ON SIGN VLHIC:LES f nOM PERMIT [,rotliRCMFNIT•i, ;URSECTION 2025 3.11 TO CLARIFY LAN OUAtil:` IIEI ATIVr To TF'MT'C)RAFIY CIVIC CAMPAICaN SIGNS ANI) ()TIIF.H otill)(1011 AOVI",WISING SIGNS; RY ADDING fJl W `,tltlSt.(:TIC'lNS ;)on' 3 12CONDITIONALLY EXEMPTING t.F111'AIN i(MII(WARY P01 llIC.AI. 1:AMPAIGN SIGNS FROM 11FC]11IfiFMFNISi I oll SIGN IIFIIMITS AND NFW Sl)F1Su(, TitlFl 2q25;T 1'i P110VIIIIN(i Ffall FAFMOVAL., AND Iil tfuMRhfllff(, 511FTSLt')OFIIT SIIIiSFCTI(]NS FIlR11iEH, 1i'r AMta1111N(.i 114F_. ()FFICIA1 SI_,ItLU11i L OF T}ISTFiIGI TTLI,1(i A'(It'iFl:i 17A(iF.•`i I !=fit/ 2. Tt] ALLOW TEMPORARY ll, )i ITI(:AL ANI) iIIVT(, (',AMPAI(AI SIGNS. S11H.JEC:F TO THE I+Ht -tVi aOTTS OF S%IHSF(,Ilt)FIS 2025 3 11, 2025.3.12, AND I i IN THE HS 1 [AS 1 I HS 2, H(i 1, Ht2 2. FIG 2 1 Filj .! H(i 2 i A1,111 H(i .i t')lSI HI(:'I S. ANI) PAGES 4 ANU 5, it i f11 I (Nki TFMPOHAH'f (:IV1(.; ANO HOi IIit"Al C:AtAPAI(;N I f Tk NH("r'JISIt YNS t..3F 608SEC:TIONS 12 PLAID ?U/.'.: 3 i j HE,',P0,.II`JEL.Y, IN GH flit t.ta t+lbfFTit,IS. t;(IfilAilittil, A HENEALER PROVISION AfjU r, t,l Vt {i:•1311 I1 Y to A11:,1 ORDINANCE NO. 10024 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPE- CIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED:"AECREATI.ON PROGRAMS FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED (10TH YEAR % AND APPRO- PRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF SAME IN THE AMOUNT OF $168,622, CONSISTING OF $158,554 IN'FEb- ERAL' AND STATE FUNDS TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA; DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES AND $10,068 FROM FISCAL YEAR 1984/85 SPECIAL PROpRAM5 AND ACCOUNTS; MATCHING FUNDS FORRA . GNTS; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY AW AGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT. AWARD AND. T.O. ENTER. INTO THE NECESSARY CONTRACT(S) AND/OR°AGREE- MENT(S) FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE'GRANT, " CONTAINING A REPEAL•FR PROVISION AND A SEVERABIL- ITY CLAUSE, ORDINANCE NO. 10025 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SP,E• DIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: `.'ECONQNII¢ STUP,�' Of THE MIAMI RIVER", AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS POR'T.HE OPERATION OF SAME= IN THE. -AMOUNT -OF $75,¢Op; CONSISTING OF A CNANT FR¢M TH, I.INITEp STATES REPARTMENT OF CO.MMERCE: NATIONAft- OCEANIP ANP ATMOSPHERIC AP.MINISTRATION, `A p. $4S1,.ADI. CIO.M Fit CAL YEAR 1.984/85SPECIA6 PRpGRAMS_ 1>RNP. ACCOUNT . PFPgA A (0 1459) v M4. INTS; AVTHCITY GRANT :AW-00 FROM THE .AR oCQNTi$ACG'C{) RrMlli�lli,' �CSPTA>!IFS f� THE GR�►t T,, �RS�viSIQN`ANR RAI-PH G. ONQIE CITY CLf RIC PITY OF MIAMI, RQ�tI�A