HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-08273 s 85-710 /2 5/85 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF E.V.F., INC. FOR THE REFURBISHMENT OF FIVE (5) EXISTING RESCUE AMBULANCES COMPLETE WITH EQUIPMENT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AT A TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF $262,002; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1981 FIRE BOND PROJECTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR SAID REFURBISHMENT. WHEREAS, pursuant to Public notice, sealed bids were received June 12, 1985 for the refurbishment of five (5) existing rescue ambulances complete with equipment to the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to 19 potential supplies and 1 bid was received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available in the 1981 Fire Bond Project; and WHEREAS, this equipment will be used by the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services for the purpose of updating and modernizing the existing fleet; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services for the purpose of updating and modernizing the existing fleet; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services recommend that the bid received from E.V.F., Inc. be accepted as the only responsible and responsive bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The June 12, 1985 bid of E.V.F., Inc. for the refurbishment of five (5) existing rescue ambulances complete with equipment to the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services at a total estimated cost of $262,002 is hereby accepted with funds therefor hereby allocated from the 1981 Fire Bond Projects. CITy COMMISSION MEETING 0I' auL 2'7 f Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Assistant Chief Procurement Officer to issue Purchase Orders for said refurbishment. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of ___ JULY_ _, 1985. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR WEST • �� RALVH G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APP ©VE'D BY: i qp" RT T. CLARK CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNLY APPROVED �7TO FOR'9 AND CORRECTNESS: LUC I A. tMGHERIrY CITY ATTORNEY RFC/rr/135 rp t i gID SECURITY N New Rescue Ambulance Vehicles .and 1985 2:00 m ��" Ott tt0i REtEtvt� June 12, p Refurbishing 5 existing Rescue Ambulance 84-85-77 TYPE OF SECURITY �ib0E1► TOTAL AMDUN I E.V.F., Inc 7555 Garden Road Broken down by items NO BID Star -Line Enterprises, Inc. First Response 90(vibeti checks tbiof �L..... two ♦R'IAM!'�IR OIb1LOM LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT BID NO. 84-85-77 Sealed bids will be received by the City Manac,r-_and City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida not later than •00 P.M. June 12,, 198 for furnishing Approximately Three (3) New Rescue m u ance Vehicles and the Refurbishing of Five (5) Existing Rescue Ambulance Vehicles to the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services. Ordinance No. 9775 established a goal of Awarding 50% of the City's total dollar volume of all expenditures for All Goods and Services to Black and hispanic Minority Business Enterprises on an equal basis. Minority Vendors who are interested in submitting bids and who are not registered with the City as minority vendors are advised to contact the City Purchasing Office. 1145 N.W. llth Street, Room 126, Telephone 579-6380. Detailed specifications for the bid are available upon request at the City Purchasing Office. The City Manager may reject all bids and readvertise. (Ad No. 3025) C Sergio Pereira City Manager WI` O s nnip REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT This number must appear ,n the advertisement. DEPT DIV. ACCOUNT CODE DATE .._ PHONE __ APPROVED BY. PREPARED BY DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT Publish the attached advertisement times Type of advertisement legal classified _.- display (Check One) Size. Starting date First four words of advertisement. Remarks: DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. LINE PUBLICATION DATE(S) OF ADVERTISEMENT INVOICE AMOUNT 0 A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 E-5 F3 F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LINE TRANS VOUCHER DUE DATE YV MM DD Adv. Doc. Reference VENDOR INDEX CODE OBJE PROJECT 11 13 1 17 18 1 125.34 39,42 45 50 51 56 57 62 63 65 66 71 0 1 2 4 1 V P 2 1012 2 8 7 1 2 3 4 7 8 V P 12 13114115 DESCRIPTION 36 64 DISCOUNT691 2 AMOUNT 80 5 2 010121011 V White — Purchasing Approved for Payment Yellow - Finance Pink -- Department U C;7Y OF MIAM1, FLORICA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorabb-le Ma; -or and :-fembers Jf-L s -)i the CiL-, .,: Mission :?azommencation for Resolution and Award of Bid No. 84-85-77 ---�. Rescue ambulance Vehicles - _eraio Pereira y.� q r'Rc Vi_ES Cite `ianaeer It is reco=ended that an ?,ward of Bid be made and a Resolution be gassed accenting 3id from E. V. F , (E-1ergenc,, Ven_cle Fac•ricators) Of Riviera 3each, Floriia as _ae ')nly respcnsive, responsible Bidder .or three (3) new Rescue ambulances con- oLete with eauipment, an option to purchase a fourth new Rescue ambulance complete with equipment, the refurbishment of five (3) ex- istinc_ Rescue ambulances to include equip- ment, a complete complement of spare vehicle parts and accessories, and four (4) vehicle assembly inspection tri-s at a one-time pur- chase price of S633,622.00. The purchase price quoted above is a net price after exercising trade-in options and discounts for paying for chassis as they are delivered to 7". V. F. The total aid Price without trace -ins and discounts is $643,496. W The three new :fescue ambulances will be utilized to update and modernize the ex- isting fleet. Older existing units would be re -assigned as spares to increase our back-up capability. First -line vehicle down -time has been increasing due to in- crease in overall alarms, increase of vehicle accidents (Rescue 5 has been out of se nice since 7ebruary of this year sue to a severe acr_idtnt requiring complete chassis replacement), and the increased necessity to have vehicles available for SWAT missions, TV and movie production, and in-service State required emergency vehicle operator training. r 85-827 C',TY OF MIAMI. FLORICA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 43 The Honorable Mayor and Vembers j - - f the Cyt J c';-=i5sion aecommendation for Resolution. and Award of Bid No. 84-85-77 Rescue :-nbulance Vehicles ^�er?io Perai-.a q_=eP_v_Es City Mana;er =t is recommended that an Award of Bid be made and a Resolution be passed accepting the 3ij from E. V. F., (cmergencr Vehicle Fac•ricators) of Riviera 3each, Florida as _he respcnsive, responsible 6iCder fcr three (3) new Rescue ambulances oiete with equipment, an option to purchase a fourth new Rescue ambulance complete with equipment, the refurbishment of five (5) ex- istine Rescue ambulances to include equip- ment, a complete complement of snare vehicle parts and accessories, and four(4) vehicle assembly inspection trips at a one-time pur- chase price of S633,622.00. The purchase price quoted above is a net price after exercising trade-in options and discounts for paying for chassis as they are delivered to F.. V. F. The total Bid Price without trade-ins and discounts is S643,496. The three new :fescue ambulances will be utilized to update and modernize the ex- isting fleet. Older existing units would be re -assigned as spares to increase our back-up capability. First -line vehicle down -time has been increasing due to in- crease in overall alarms, increase of vehicle accidents (Rescue S has been out of service since February of this year due to a severe accident requiring complete chassis replacement), and the increased necessity to have vehicles available for SWAT missions, TV and movie production, and in-service State required emergency vehicle operator training. 85-827 0 r The Honorable Mayor and `!embers 2 of the :ic. Commission 4 T::e ooticn to -purchase the fourth new vehicle wculd be exercised on!. if one cf our c.irrent units was damaged beyond re?air or if sos,e unforeseen situation arose reauirine an additional unit. Therefore, the initial capital outlay would oe S5LL0,717.00. Four of zhe units to be refurbished are i381 model :ear units with an average of 68,000 miles per unit. The fifth unit to be refurbished is a 1976 model year unit with 112,000 miles. Since we will only be able to send one vehicle at a time for refurbishment it is projected that an additional 1,000 miles will accumulate per month per vehicle until each is refurbished placing the mileage of some units over the 75,000 mile mars.. We have successfully refurbished this type of unit previous- 1v resulting in an approximate savings of S25,000 per unit over a complete new unit. Funds for this purchase are available from 1981 Fire 3ond 'Projects Nos. 313217- 189401-84,0 entitled Rescue Service apparatus and Equipment and 313219-289901-670/ _89-01-840 entitled Fire Ap?aratus acquisition, Replacame^.c and Modification. KMM / 85-827 AWARD OF BID Bid vo.34-35-77 ITEM: Rescue Ambulance Vehicles DEPARTMENT: Fire, Rescue and _nspection Services TYPE OF PURCHASE: Short -Terra Contract REAS: 'Upolat inn a.^. :Ioder:Zization of existing fleet. ?O'"ENTIAL BIDDERS: 1 a SIDS RECEIVED: T 1 t] r T T 1 r*! ,T . ki .fittached ,L'tiDS: _? �1 Fire 3or.3 Proiect MINORITY PARTICIPATION: Invitations to Bid were sent to one 1 Black and two 2 Hispanic firms engaged in Rescue Ambulance Vehicles business, as located in these sources: 1. Metropolitan Dade County Minority Vendor Directory. 1. Bidder applications on file in Purchasing 3. Previous bids for similar service :Minority responses consisted of two (2) "no bi.3" from iJspanic Fi:z-as. BID EVALUATION: A11 bids meet the specifications. Category Prior 3idders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority New Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority Courtesv Notifications "No Bids" Late Bids Totals Following is an analysis of the Invitation to Bid: Number of aid .lumber of Invitations Mailed Responses 0 0 3 1 2 13 a 0 0 1 • 0 10 0 11 0 Page 1 of 2 85-827 Reasons for "No Bid" were as follows: I. Magen Corporation. "Owner is out of country."(3ispar_ic business). 3. Protect, I:c. "Company does not handle type equipment any longer." (Hispanic business). 3. Aero Products, Inc. "Company overlooked new vehicles on bid." 4. American LaFrance Sales & Service, Inc. "Company not interested in refurbish work." 3. Southern Ambulance Builiers. "No reason for no bid." 6. American Ambulance. "Company now only does exporting." 7. IMEC-Vina Medical Coach. " Company e:taortinc only. " S. Florida Coach Sales & Serv. "Company has dealer license to sell its used ambulances only." ?. Law Enforcement Equip. Co. "Company no longer handles emergency vehicles." 1;"I. Star -Line. "No comment." RECOWMENDATION: The Minority Procurement recommendation. I T IS RE1--)[AM EIIDED THAT THE iA:?D BE MADE TO E . V . : NC . I:�i '"HE TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF S633,622.00. Asses ant shier Procurement Of;.icer ' Date Officer concurs with the above O ricer Date Page 2 of 2 es--ez�7 Reasons for "No aid" were as follows: 1. Magen Corporation. "Owner is out of country."(Hispanic business). 2. Protect, i.c. "Company does not handle type equipment any longer." (Hispanic business). 3. Aero Products, Inc. "Company overlooked new vehicles on bid." 4. American LaFrance Sales & Service, inc. "Company not interested in refurbish work." 3. Southern Ambulance Bui13ers. "No reason for no bid." 6.American ambulance. "Company now only does exporting." 1. I:MEC-Viva Medical Coach. " Company e:;portinc only." 9. Florida Coach Sales & Serv. "Company has dealer license to sell its used ambulances only." ?. Law Enforcement Equip. Co. "Company no longer handles emergency vehicles." 10. Star -Line. "No comment." :RECOyL'MENDATION: The :Minority Procurement recommendation. IT IS RE1—".>14-E.NDEL THAT THE :L ARD BE .'LADE TO i.V. :VC. IN THE TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF S633,622.00. Assistant Chief Procurement Officer ' Date Officer concurs with the above �-- i Officer -S S Date ?age 2 of 2 85•-8217 3 1.��.. G.V.I. tnc . _ -consed s leswea as Few C6t; E_j4 (t Ycua ML I tr avid «,t, as it.e to DESCRIPTION 1. Rescue Ambulance Vehicle 2. I if o, it .3. t is of is 4. 1 Is it r 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 14. 15. 16. TA13ULATION OF 810!5 FOR BID # 84-85-71 City Yes.spat, City Clan A U. Racas.d by too City C 'r-w.ssiaw, City CIat6, City of Mani. Fla las at___`P. U. 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 1/. LI lttbar, 5,edl:et, siren l LR dt GUl !R!j!KS I1-E 5E►40. A -'moo Pe,-w • of. Atto.nat 1 _ Na Aff.wv-v as to Cov.44 16 1..yo,.s at SQ�J.wy camparry i C Cat•K11i Enter•f.aws Q PnsPaaat Uwai�wd at ienp.o;ar 1 S•yns! of Na Ca•pweo sej FI - tst"nd 64 t•w,a. •yt I'll rrurs Heavy I,uty Starter Front. Brake Pa416 _ Fruit Brake Hutur & Ilubs Heariirake brows d Ilubs !tear Brake Sh„es Tail lAght Assembly____ &jQjjfier Kit Altern�+t��r Bear Strube I.itbts Front Strube Lights Strube fewer I'acl:s Un.t Peace T.tal I Lem 93,691. 1-9. 93,691. 20. _ 93,691. 21. • 22. 96.00 135.00 1921 405. 23. 24. 69.00 178. 25. 100.00 600. 26. 21_'.00 424. 27. 78. 00 156.l( 28. 112j00 62 (l 29. i24.00 648.0 30. 68.00 272.0 31. 43.00. 172.0 32. 162.00 648.01 33. 806,1001 806.0 34. 4.00 04.0011 128.0( IT IS RECOMMENCED THAT l)l:Sl:k1I''I'!t►PJ (2'I'Y. (In i t ht•ice 'I OTA1. Flyu(11 i hts 2 1)9.00 118.00 - - - ---� -- -- ^- - ----- Air II„ri Kit 1 56 i . (,O -! 564 . U(► "1M.(,I) 7�'.I)1► BaLtery Charger ! 1S.00 -- `- - liu,ker ype Switc t l2 6.(,0 Master I aLtery S itch 2 ' i.00 Master ( )ntrul S itch _' _ -6.00 _4n.(10 12.00 Back Ilp AIarin 3 I 1 4.6b 342.00 --_ - H i gh I'rt , . Air He ,e 1 126.00 120. 00 Ai r kvgt later 1 190.00 190.06- - kadialut 2 11/8.(10 9,)b.(,I) _tf'11r1►1 _ - - _-- -- ---- - C`(�rn_1.anc --_ -I,000.0 I'O'fr11. Volt Ic(c #1 _' ! --_- 51696.0O 511696.00 yell i r I e if 5 _ 1` 52996.00 '1111 Ut _ -- - `12196. 0(; Vehicle Sri i 5:_196.t,(, I,iM0.(it :,1196.00 Vehicle 1110 1 _ -- - 51990. (,0 I�u�,O: n� )0996. U Vehicle li21 I -- - 5l1'1_8.06 `,tll,.O( -- - - 10 428.Q I're-0e I i cry - 4- insl,e,:t i- �6 - - - lxs6 I're I':iyntent uf Ch.,ss IS-- -- --- - -- --- --`- P l us Ford Chassis 900.00 _ 11310 ,0s y