HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-0812-IN ,Is J-85-748 8/1 3 /85 !L 2 1 Rls0L1TTTON NO. ,.. A RESOLUTION OF THF, CITY of MIAMT COMMr.ggTON AMENDING PARAGRAPH 6, F`{'{riiI'P "A," �7F RESOLUTION 75-135 DATED FEBRUARY 12, 1975, AS AMFNDED, RrTNG A DFVF1,t)PMENT OPDFP APPRnVIN(; WITH MODIFICATIONS THF, t'LAUGHTnN TSLAND PROJF;C'P, A DEVEL,()PM!?N1'P OF RFr; TONAL TMPA('T; AUTHORr7TNG 'PRE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND C'ERTAIPI AGREEMENTS RFFERENCE,1) (ri RPq',)L[rTTO``I 75-423 DATED APRIL 22, 1975, REING PARAGRAPH R OF "THE STIPULATION OF AGRFr;MFN'P 'rn CONnTTTON DEVELOPMENT ORDER AND TO DTSMISS APPEAL," AND PARAGRAPHS 1 AND 5 OF AT'T'ACHmENT [I THE MEMORANDUM OF UNnERSTANDTNG [tA'r'FD MAY 14, 1975, TAF'TT,4FEN Ci,AfiGHTON TSLA.ND TNVF;S'I'()RS AND THE CITY OF MIAMI IN REFERFNCE To LOW INICOMF HOUSING, WHTCH AMENDMFNTS A ,r,rm OPTIONS TO CLARIFY TENURE, INCREASE, THE N(TMRER OF UNITS, CHANGE THE Lc)CATION FROM rf,AfIGIiTON ISLAND TO TWO SEPARATE AREAS T41THIN THE CITY OF MTAMT? UPON CITY COMMISSION APPROUAI.; SP CTPYTNG TIME OF COMPLFTTON; FURTHFR, FINDINr, THAT SAID AMENDME1J'T'1q no qnT CONSTI'PUTR SURSTAN'T'IAr, DEVIATIONS FROM THE TPRMS 00 THE; nEVF[,OPMF'NT ORDER, AND DIRPC'PTNC; THF ('T'rY CLERK TO Sf,Nr) COPIES OF TN IS RF;SOLUTTON TO AFPFCTED AGENCTFS AND THE DFVFLOPER. WHEREAS, the Miami Planninq Advisory Roard, at its meeting of July 10, 1985, Item 2, f.oIIowinq an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 43-85, by a 7 to 1 vote recommending that the City Commission find that the proposed amendments to the Clauqhton Island nPvelopment Order, as hereinafter set Forth, Jo not constitute substantial deviations; further, recommending said amendments to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Commission by Resolution 75-135; February 12, 1975, issued a Development Order, approvinq with modifications the Clauqhton island project, a Development of. Regional Tmpact to be located on Clauqhton Island, beinq All of BRICKFLL KEY ON CLAUGHTON ISLAND "SF,CTION ONE" (113-18); All of. BRICKELL KEY ON CLAUGHTON ISLAND "SECTION TWO" (118-47); Al of RRICKFL,L KEY ON CLAUGHTON ISLAND "SECTION THREE" (119-70); and UNPLATTED LAND within the bulkhead line lass that property shown in Official Records 11344 at page 1079-1334, which Development • Order was clarified by Resolution 75-423; April 22, 1975; and CITY COMMISSION t MEETING JUL 25 1985 A. (<E MANhS WHEREAS, the City of Miami Commission has passed a motion of intent, being Motion 85-340; March 28, 1985, expressing their intent of al towing the developer t,) chan(le the Ohl igation regarding location for certain low-income units from Claughton Tsland to the mainland; and WHEREAS, this chan(7e is sufficient tc) warrant an amendment to the neve.lopment Order; and wHERFAS, the City Commission dee-ns it advisahle and in the hest interests of the general welfare of the ritv of Miami to amen-d the Development Order_ as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Development Order for the Claughton island project, approving with modifications the Claughton Island project, a Development of Regional. Impact, being Exhibit "A" of Resolution 75-135 dated February 12, 1975, is hereby amended with respect to paragraph 6, in the followinq particular I: 6. The South Florida Regional planning Council has found a complete lack of medium and moderate income housing units on the Island and, therefore, recommended denial. The developer has offered to furnish 300 units of medium income housing charginq a rental fee that does not include a figure for capitalized land value. The developer represented to the Planninq Advisory Board that the rental for these units would be approximately $300 per month. The Planning Advisory Board found that this figure would he above the low income threshold. The Planninq Advisory Board encourages 1Words and/or figures stricken throuqh shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanges. Asterisks indicated omitted adn unchanged material. - 2- 85-81_2 .. the developer to provide at least inn units For medium -moderate income hr)usinq. The City Commission finds that the developers ;haII a) provic?e low income housing and requires not less than 200 units on the I,1and to he developed and rented in the manner set_ Forth by the-3,,veloper. (with future rents heinq subject to the Consumer Price Index), or b) provide not less than two hundred and twenty-f.ive (225) units of moderate income affordable housing distributed among two separate sites of the City other than the Overtc)wn/Parkwest areas; further, stipulating that the developers shall. select the aFormentioned sites and return to the City Commission prior to commencinq construction, for review anti approval of said site selection, not more than six months from the date of Resolution No. 95-812, or January 25, 1986; further, stipulating that under either option the units shall he completed and ready for occupancy within 18 months. The City will not accept money in lieu of construction. * * * 11 Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to amend the following agreements which were approved by and incorporated in Resolution 75-423 dated April 22, 1975: Amendment: "STIPULATION OP AGREEMENT TO CONDITION DEVELOPMENT ORDER AND TO DISMISS APPEAL * B. The Developer has submitted a Memorandum of Understandinq to be entered into by and between the City of Miami and the Developer which Memorandum is attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Attachment I." The Developer agrees to be bound by the provisions thereof in order to -3- S5`81-Aw 4 6 assure that a) a minimum OF 200 unity of low- ~ income housino as defined therein shall. he provided wi-}h}R 1-f1—yea rs and fq rtv €om- ays, ter by Mareh 29 19A9 as an i.me(jr_al part c)f. the overallveIopmPnt scheme of ('laughton Tslan(I with future rents heinq subject to the Consumer Price Tndex), or b) shall provide not less than two hundred and twenty-five (225) units of moderate income affordahle housing equally distributed among two separate sites of. the -7i.ty other_ than the Over town/Pa rkwest areas; further, stipulating that the developer shall select the aformentioned sites and return to the City Commission prior to commencing construction, for review and approval. of the site selection, not more than six months From the date of Resolution No. 85-812, or January 25, 1986; further, stipulatinq that under either option the units shall. he completed and ready for occupancy by the time certain as required by the Development Order, Amendment: AMENDMENT T "MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWFEN CLA[1GHTON ISLAND INVESTORS AND THE CITY OF MIAMT IN RE LOW INCOME OR MODERATE INCOME AFFORDABLE HOUSING 1. The Investors shall provide a) not less than 200 units of low-income housinq as hereinafter defined. Re later than Pehrruar-• 2,--1Q9!;r Said units may be interspersed throughout the areas of the Clauqhton Island Development designated on the Development Plan for residential units in accordance with the aforesaid Resolution 75-135, and may be provided by the Developer at such I 6 - 4- S5_ 1.a�. s t imps, .and in such numhers an(, in such manner as the Investors desire, consistent with the Development Order.. or h) shall provide not less than two hundred and twenty-five (225) units of moderate income aff-or_dable housinq distrihuted amonq two separate sites of the City other than the Overtown/Parkwest areas; further, stipulatinci that the developer shall select the afor-mentioned sites and return to the City Commission prior to commencing construction, for review and approval of the site selection, not more than six months from the date of Resolution No. 85-812, or January 25, 1986; further-, stinulatin�i that under either option the units shalt he completed and ready for occupancy by the time certain as required by the Development Order, as amended. 5. Nothinq herein shall he construed as restr.ictinq the Investor from developing or constructioq more than the minimum number of units required, nor shall it be construes] as reauirinq any particular schedule for the construction of said units so long as not less than a) 200 or b) 225 of such units, depending on the option selected, are completed and availahle for occupancy by February 12,--19g-s' in a manner consistent with the Development Order, as amended. This Memorandum is R solely for the purpose of clarif_yinq the meaning and intent of the parties as set forth by all parties at the time the aforesaid Resolution No. 3 75-135, as amended, was passed by the City of Miami. Section 3. The City Commission, following a public hearing at which interested parties were given the opportunity to I: -5- h b'5-81. 4 k amend the Stipulation of Agreement and Memorandum of he heard, hereby finds that the amendment to the Development nr.der and the companion authorizations for the City Manager to Under_standinq do not constitute suhstantial devi at ions from the Claughton Island nevelopment nr_ ler. ar)rnroved by the City — Commission by Resolution 75-135 dated Fehruar_v 12, 1g75, as amended. The City Commission also finds that the option of allowinq the developer to build 225 units of housinq on the mainland, rather than Claughton Tsland, achieves the same social objectives without cr_eatinq a reasonable likelihood of additional adverse regional impacts or any other regional impact created by the change not previously reviewed by the regional planning agency. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to immediately send certified conies of this Resolution to: the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of. Local Resource Management, 2571 Executive C«'nter Circle Fast, Tallahassee, Florida 32301, the South Florida Reqional Planning Council, 3340 Hollywood Roulevard, Suite 140, Hollywood, Florida 33021; Fdward Clauqhton, 777 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1130; Charles Juenglinq, Swire Properties, Tnc., 777 Brickell Avenue; and, Charles K. Cheezem, President, Cheezoms Investment Corporation, 777 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1116, all at Miami, Florida 33131. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of July , 1985. TTEST: Maurice A. Feifrg MAURICF FE'RRE Q ZRA�LreG. ONGIE ity Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: (. iJall J EL E. MAXWE ssistant City Attorney APPROVE S TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ,h LUCIA A. DOUCHE City Attorne JEM/wpc/pb/B0 87 85-81_2 _N IN 1 T_ Ir4TF_s: c't rk F Ric; Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk Attn: Sylvia Lowman uty s City Clerk d..axwe Joel1TAssiCity Attorney August 13, 1985 Resolution No. 85-812 City Commission Meeting of July 25th, 1985. Attached hereto is an amended Resolution No. 85-812, which you have been waiting for. This new Resolution carries a date in the left-hand corner of August 13th, 1985. It should be substituted in lieu of the one presently in your possession. Certified copies should be mailed to affected individuals and agencies, as set out on page six. Please send me an executed copy as well for my records so that I may send a copy with explanations to the attorney that picked up a prior copy prior to its being withdrawn. JEM:ia Attachment a 1 1 i 3 r- August 9, 1985 Michael Garretson, Director Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Local Resource Management 2571 Executive Center Circle East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 RE: CLAUGHTON ISLAND PROJECT - LOW INCOME HOUSING Dear Mr. Garretson Enclosed herein please find a certified copy of Reso- lution No. 85-812, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting_ held on July 25, 1985, which is self-explanatory. RGO: smm Enc. a/s Very truly yours, LPH 3. ONGIE City Clerk ■ 50 ^1 August 9, 1985 Barry Peterson, Director South Florida Regional Planning Council 3440 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 140 Hollywood, Florida 33021 RE: CLAUGHTON ISLAND PROJECT - LOW INCOME HOUSING Dear Mr. Peterson: Enclosed herein please find a certified copy of Reso- lution No. 85-812, passed and adopted by the City of Commission at its meeting held on July 25, 1983, which is self-explanatory Very truly yours, Rr►'�LPH G . ONGI E City Clerk RGO:smm Enc. a/s "N August 9, 1985 Mr. Edward Claughton 777 Brickel Avenue, Suite 1130 Miami, Florida 33131 RE: CLAUGHTON ISLAND PROJECT - LOW INCOME HOUSING Dear Mr. Claughton: Enclosed herein please find a certified copy of Reso- lution No. 85-812, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on July 25, 1985, which is self-explanatory. e'er truly yours, ,- G. O..GIE City Clerk RGO.smm Enc. a/s cio 1� August 9, 1985 Mr. Charles Juengling Swire Properties, Inc. 777 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 RE: CLAUGHTON ISLAND PROJECT - LOW INCOME HOUSING Dear Mr. Juengling: Enclosed herein please find a certified copy of Reso- lution No. 85-812, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on Jule 25, 1985, which is self-explanatory. Very truly yours, '='Ve 4t.� RALPH G. ONGIE� City Clerk r August 9, 1985 Charles K. Cheezem, President Cheezems Investment Corporation 777 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1116 Miami, Florida 33131 RE: CLAUGHTON ISLAND PROJECT - LOW INCOME HOUSING Dear Pr. Cheezem: Enclosed herein please find a certified copy of Reso- lution No. 85-812, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on July 25, 1985, which is self-explanatory. Very truly yours, �LP---11 G. ONGIE City Clerk RGO : smm Enc. a/s August 9, 1985 Robert Traurig, Esq. GREENBERG,TRAURIG,ASKEII HOFFMAN,LIPOFF,ROSEN & QUENTEL, P.A. 1401 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 RE: CLAUGHTON ISLAND PROJECT - LOW INCOME HOUSING Dear Mr. Traurig: Enclosed herein please find a certified copy of Reso- lution No. 85-812, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on July 25, 1985, which is self-explanatory. Very truly yours, LPH G. ONGIE City Clerk RGO : smm Enc. a/s MAO -�& 0 M--7� (��q W August 27, 1985 Mr. Charles h. ut,ttaeiu President Cheezems Investment Corporation 777 Brickell Avenue, Ste. 1116 Miami, Florida 33131 RE: CLAUGHTON ISLAND MODIFICATIONS Dear Mr. Cheezem: PA.Pri t. C)tiC,if C CIF'.'o VATTt NIRAI Ate eta'' Cyr, Cit'r1 DEPI Tt CITv CIEP,k5 Ruhert E T�Rt vrOP- 1, r. ;,,, i rnor• Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 85-812, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on July 25, 1985, which is self explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your attention. Ver truly yours, Ra ph G. Ongie City Clerk RGO:sl ENC: a/s I t 1 OFFICE Of TNf CM Clfk►, Crt, Hill 3506 Pn•41"Wrl(ar1 OI$.f- PC) h, s 330'0h kl,otr f1 id., 32:i. 0---� i; r'..,.. ■ N Mq col W---uffE091 August 27, 1985 PA,[11}4 C. 011C!F C:r, C--6 MATT' WRA1I ASS'Sid- C I', C lerk DEPLTI CIT1 CLERKS Robe" E Tin¢ r•, G p n-F, a M L,^_r M %lendoza E,r•.. P!... LONr^,d pvC,P- Mr. Michael Garretson Director Florida Department of Veteran and Community Affairs Division of Local Resource Management 2571 Executive Center Circle East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 RE: CLAUGHTON ISLAND MODIFICATIONS Dear Mr. Garretson: Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 85-812, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on July 25, 1985, which is self explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your attention. r trulypy'ours, 1:1;acr� Q`� . R 1ph G. Ongie City Clerk RGO:sl ENC: a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cil► Hall 3500 Par, gmeric an Kris P 0 H . i30'08 kildmi Florida 33:33-0'0b i305 5"9-f.irt > R 4i m C11,G'F C:rk ti14TH;P,1T� 1 its>s+a^> Cm Cle�l DEPITt CIT1 CLERK5 Robcrr E Trng'r-, Ge:k•c , M L- e E-h F ' . R 51 •eLug~a STeFF�F- August 27, 1985 Mr. Barry Peterson Director South Florida Regional Planning Council 3440 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 140 Hollywood, Florida 33021 RE: CLAUGHTON ISLAND MODIFICATIONS Dear Mr. Peterson: Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 85-812, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on July 25, 1985, which is self explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your attention. V truly yours, R 1ph G. Ongie City Clerk RGO:sl ENC: a/s i OFFICE OF THE CIT1 CLERK Cad Hall 3500 Pan A�•neri<an Drf%v P 0 Hn. 330'C!8 Miami, Flunda 33233.070b J05 5.'9-6,'W,71 1 rnLRUfflut-r, August 27, 1985 Mr. Edward on 777 Brickell Avenue Suite 1130 Miami, Florida 33131 RE: CLAUGHTON ISLAND MODIFICATIONS R Al ro C O .f,!E Cts Ce'k M A4TT� HIR Ai Ass stet Cts Uerk DEPL TV CITt CLERKS Rnh(•' E Ttrs'e� Ceo'Rie M L;t6v Ssls,a ti+ tilend�,7a E,o'•, G, ;n Luvsr+a- STAFF c' r'F''-)FT L I e - D:. loon Dear Mr. Claughton: Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 85-812, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on July 25, 1985, which is self explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your attention. Very truly yours, R 1ph G. Ongie City Clerk RGO:sl ENC: a/s OFFICE Of THE C1T1 CLERK Crh Hale 35Cx7E'a+ 4Mrrirar E)r,.e' PO E3,u 330'u8 Miam. Honda 33233.0'(k i3(-° 5'4-i.r , s 1 CW @0 ff MEMO-, August 27, 1985 P. A., r'H C, (")',C'F ( r, C 4-1, VATT1 HIR�i 1sststarI Cyr. Cle•1 DEPLTY CITY CLERKS Ruben E TmQ(rs Geor¢a M. little Ssi„a 's1 11en�cra E.P`,o kry Lo-%.ran rTA.FF SF PPORT l: a' D,'i—C, r. Mr. Charles Juengling Swire Properties. Tnc. 777 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 RE: CLAUGHTON ISLAND MODIFICATIONS Dear Mr. Juengling: Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 85-812, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on July 25, 1985, which is self explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your attention. Very truly yours, �M�7 R 1ph G. Ongie City Clerk RGO:sl ENC: a/a OFFICE OF THE CITY CEERk Ctrs Hall , 3500 Pan Arnenrar, Dr,.e PO Box 330'1k Miami. Honda 33233-0'0E 1305 5'S hCN; CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK REPORTS MEETING DATE: July 18, 1985 PAGE NO. 3 ION THAT, IN CONNECTION WITH A PROPOSED RESOLUTION PROVIDING CLAUGHTON ISLAND DEVELOPERS WITH OPTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF UNITS IN THE CITY'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS, THE CITY COMMISSION STIPULATES AS FOLLOWS: 1. THE CITY WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY MONEY IN LIEU OF THE HOUSING PROMISED BY R-75-423 AND M-85-340; 2. CLAUGHTON ISLAND DEVELOPERS WILL HAVE THE OPTION OF: a) DEVELOPING 200 UNITS OF PERMANENT LOW RENT HOUSING ON CLAUGHTON ISLAND (WITH RENTS BEING DETERMINED VIA CPI) b) DEVELOPING 225 UNITS OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESTRICTING THE UNITS TO BE DIVIDED BETWEEN THREE AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI; 3. NONE OF THE HOUSING OFF THE ISLAND WILL BE BUILT IN THE OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AREA IN ORDER TO SPREAD AROUND DEVELOPMENTS IN OTHER AREAS OF THE CITY; 4. TIME PARAMETERS FOR COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION TO BE DISCUSSED AT MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR JULY 25, 1985. NOTEFOR THE RECORD: R-85-743 reappointed Skip Chavez and Al Gilford to the Private Industry Council (PIC) of South Florida. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: R-85-744 appointed the following individuals to the Miami Waterfront Board: Daniel Kipnis, Michael Chenoweth, Henry Gibbons, Ted Slack. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: R-85-745 appointed the following individuals to the Heritage Conservation Board: Albert Perez, Jay Hirsch, Arthur King, Sr. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Items 74 and 75 for appointments to the Zoning Board and the Planning Advisory Board were continued to the next meeting. A MOTION CONTINUING CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION FOR WEST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I (H-4510) STIPULATING THAT: THE ADMINISTRATION SHALL MAKE SURE THAT ALL CONCERNED PARTIES BEP40TIFIED AGAIN IN BOTH ENGLISH AND SPANISH; THAT NEXT TIME THIS ISSUE BE SCHEDULED IN THE EVENING PORTION OF THE AGENDA; AND THAT PRIOR TO THE TIME THIS ISSUE COMES BACK FOR CONSIDERATION THE ADMINISTRATION SHALL HOLD A NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING IN THE AREA IN ORDER TO BETTER INFORM THE NEIGHBORS. A MOTION STIPULATING THE POLICY OF THE CITY COMMISSION IN CONNECTION WITH CITY FESTIVALS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT IF NEXT YEAR'S POLICY NOT TO FUND FESTIVALS IS CHANGED, THAT ALL GROUPS MUST BE AFFORDED ON AN EQUAL BASIS THE OPPORTUNITY TO COME BEFORE THE COMMISSION TO MAKE THEIR PRESENTATION AND MAKE THEIR REQUEST; 2. THAT ALL SUCH GROUPS SHALL BE INVITED AT THE SAME TIME; 3. THAT IF SAID POLICY IS CHANGED, AS ABOVE STATED, ANY CITY -SPONSORED OR EVENTS CO -SPONSORED BY THE CITY SHALL BE GIVEN PRIORITY; AND LASTLY 4. REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REVIEW THIS ISSUE AND TO COME BACK WITH HIS RECOMMENDATIONS. A MOTION STIPULATING THAT IN CONNECTION WITH THE REQUEST RECEIVED FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF F.I.U. MEN'S BASKETBALL TEAM FOR FUNDING TO ASSIST THEM WITH THEIR PROJECTED TRIP TO DENMARK, THE CITY OF MIAMI SHALL PAY UP TO 20% OF THE REQUESTED MONIES, WHICH IS THEIR FAIR SHARE OF CITY CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE T.D.C. MONIES, IF THIS GROUP CAN GET METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY TO CONTRIBUTE THE BALANCE. M-85-722 MOVED: Dawkins SECOND: Plummer ABSENT: Carollo & Perez M-85-747 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins ABSENT: Carollo M-85-758 MOVED: Plummer SECOND: Dawkins ABSENT: Carollo M-85-759 MOVED: Ferre SECOND: Dawkins ABSENT: Carollo & Perez v ",5- V o.1-1 J `O CITY OF MIAMI• FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM L TO Jorge Santiago -Ventura DATE June 6, 1985 FILE • Building Official Building b Zoning Division SUBJECT Bri ckel 1 Key on Fire, Rescue 3 Inspection Service Dept. Claughton Island/Claughton Island FROM REFERENCES S o odri guez, Di rector Wing Department ENCLOSURES This memorandum is to advise you of the current status of the Claughton Island Development Order pertaining to low-income housing and to recommend to you that no further building permits be issued until the developers are in substantial compliance with the Development Order. Chapter 380.06 (15) Florida Statutes provides that: "(15) The local government issuing the development order is r primarily responsible for monitoring the development and enforcing the provisions of the development order. Local governments shall not issue any permits or approvals or provide any extensions of services if the developer fails to act in substantial compliance with the development order" The current status of the Development Order pertaining to low-income housing is as follows: 1. The Development Order and attached February 1975 agreements were issued obligating the developer to provide 200 units of low-income housing on the Island in 10 years. 2. Resolution 84-1496 was adopted, extending the December 20, 1984 low-income housing obligation from February 12, 1985 to March 28, 1985. 3. Motion 85-340, a motion of intent, was passed, March 28, 1985 stating that if moderate income or affordable housing units are built on the mainland they are to be built ready for occupancy 18 months from this date, stipulating that the units shall be in 3 separate buildings of 75 units per building in 3 separate areas of the City. 85-812 This Department finds that the developers' obligation to provide low-income housing on Claughton Island was not satisfied by March 28, 1985, and that the developer is not in substantial compliance with the terms of the Development Order and attached agreements. This Department recommends that no further building permits be issued pending further action on the part of the developer to resolve his obligation. Our understanding was that this obligation was to be resolved through discussion and passage of a formal resolution at the City Commission meeting of May 23, 1985. Therefore, this Department rescinds our previous support of your issuance of a foundation permit as explained in the paragraph on the second page of the attached letter to Mr. Anthony J. O'Donnell, Jr. dated May 20, 1985. Reference is also made to this Department's understanding of other developer obligations pertaining to fire and police protection and traffic improvements. SR/JWM/td Attachment cc: Anthony J. O'Donnell, Jr. Greenberg, Traurig, Askew, Hoffman Lipoff, Rosen and Quentel Edward Claughton Claughton Island Company Walter Pierce Asst. City Manager David H. Teems, Deputy Chief Building and Zoning Division Fire, Rescue b Inspection Services Dept. 85-812. - 2 - .14 (I CI-Y OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 10'. -- The Honorable Mayor and Members =ArE July 15, 1985 WILE of the City Commission 5..9:E= RESOLUTION - RECOMMEND APPROVAL CLAUGHTON ISLAND AMENDMENTS TO DEVELOPMENT ORDER Sergio P e r e i -`�`QE� _ E' C i ty Manager �� COMMISSION AGENDA - J ULY 25, 1985 i PLANNING AND ZONING ITEMS It is recommended by the Planning Advisory Board that amendments to paragraph B of the Stipulafif—o—nof Agreement to Condition Development Order and to Dismiss Appeal, Resolution 75-423, April 22, 1975 and paragraphs 1 and 5, Attachment I, Memorandum or Understanding between Claughton Island Investors and the City of Miami, dated May 14, 1975, in reference to Low Income Housing, pertaining to number, location and time of completion of the construction be approved. The Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of July 10, 1985, Item 2, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution PAB 43-85 by a 7 to 1 vote, recommending approval of amendments to paragraph 6, Exhibit "A", Resolution 75-135, February 12, 1975, as amended, being a Development Order, approving with modifications the Claughton Island project, a Development of Regional Impact, amending paragraph B of the Stipulation of Agreement to Condition Development Order and to Dismiss Appeal, Resolution 75-423, April 22, 1975; amending paragraphs 1 and 5, Attachment I, Memorandum of Understanding between Claughton Island Investors and the City of Miami in reference to Low Income Housing, dated May 14, 1975, which amendments provide that, a) if the units are built on Claughton Island, 200 low income units shall be constructed ready for occupancy within eighteen (18) months or b) if the units are built off the Island, 225 moderate income affordable housing units shall be constucted in three buildings of 75 units each, in three separate areas of the City of Miami, subject to the approval of the City Commission, specifying that the units shall be completed, ready for occupancy, within eighteen (18) months; declaring that the City Commission will not accept money in lieu of construction; and further, consideration of a finding of no substantial deviation regarding the above amendments. Two proponents present at the meeting. Backup information is included for your review. 85-812 The Honorable Mayor and Members Page 2 r of the City Commission A RESOLUTION to provide for the above has been prepared by the City Attorney's Office and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. AEPL:III cc: Law Department NOTE: Planning Department recommends: APPROVAL l t 'I i 0 0 2 PLANNING FACT SHEET APPLICANT Swire Biscayne Inc., Cheezem Investment Corporation, Edward IN. Claughton, Jr., and Suzanne C. Matthews January 10, 1985 PETITION 2. CLAUGHTON ISLAND All 0 BRICKELL KEY ON CLAUGHTON ISLAND "SECTION ONE" (113-28) All of BRICKELL KEY ON CLAUGHTON ISLAND "SECTION NO" (118-47) All of BRICKELL KEY ON CLAUGHTON ISLAND "SECTION THREE" (119-70) and UNPLATTED LAND within the bulkhead line less that property shown in Official Records 11344 at page 1079-1334 Per Motion 85-340, March 28, 1985, pertaining to number, location and time of completion of the construction of low income housing, consideration of amendments to paragraph 6, Exhibit "A", Resolution 75-135, February 12, 1975, as amended, being a Development Order, approving with modifications the Claughton Island project, a Development of Regional Impact, amending paragraph B of the Stipulation of Agreement to Condition Development Order and to Dismiss Appeal, Resolution 75-423, April 22, 1975; amending paragraphs 1 and 5, Attachment I, Memorandum of Understanding between Claughton Island Investors and the City of Miami in reference to Low Income Housing, dated May 14, 1975, which amendments provide that, a) if the units are built on Claughton Island, 200 tow income units shall be constructed ready for occupancy within eighteen (18) months or b) if the units are built off the Island-, 225 moderate income affordable housing units shall be constucted in three buildings of 75 units each, in three separate areas of the City of Miami, subject to the approval of the City Commission, specifying that the units shall be completed, PAB 7/10/85 Item 02 Page 1 85-812 _ 0 0 ee ready for occupancy, within eighteen (18) months; declaring that the City Commission will not accept money in lieu of construction; and further, consideration of a finding of no substantial deviation regarding the above amendments. REQUEST To consider certain amendments to the Claughton Island Development Order pertaining to number, tenure, location and time of completion of housing units; and considering a finding of no substantial deviation. BACKGROUND On March 28, 1985, the City Commission considered a 5 month time extension for the developer to construct 200 low income units on Claughton Island. ANALYSIS The Commission passed a motion of intent - Motion 85-340; March 23, 1985 as follows: "A MOTION DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF TIME TO AMEND THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER AND THE APPEAL CONCERNING THE OBLIGATION OF SWIRE BISCAYNE, INC., CHEEZEM INVESTMENT CORP., AND EDWARD N. CLAUGHTON, JR., & SUZANNE C. MATTHEWS TO CONSTRUCT UNITS OF HOUSING BY DECLARING THAT THE CITY COMMISSION WILL ACCEPT NO MONIES FROM DEVELOPER OF CLAUGHTON ISLAND BUT RATHER STIPULATING THAT MODERATE INCOME OR AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS IF BUILT ON THE MAINLAND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND READY FOR OCCUPANCY EIGHTEEN MONTHS FROM THIS DATE; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT THE UNITS SHALL BE DIVIDED IN THREE SEPARATE BUILDINGS OF 75 UNITS PER BUILDING, IN THREE SEPARATE AREAS OF THE CITY TO BE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED AS TO LOCATION AT A LATER DATE." On the advice of the Law Department, these changes are being brought back as proposed amendments to the Claughton Island Development Order. Separately, the Planning Department has prepared a memorandum containing the Planning Departments' understanding of the developers commitments for Claughton Island. (see attachment: Analysis) PAB 7/10/85 Item 42 Page 2 :. 85-812 1 RECOMMENDATIONS PLANNING DEPT. Approval of the attached draft resolution, clarifying tenure, changing location, increasing the number and specifying time of completion of housing PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD At its meeting of July 10, 1985, the Planning Advisory Board adopted Resolution PAB 43-85 by a 1 to 1 vote, recommending approval of the above. t PAB 7/10/85 Item *2 Page 3 i I 4 i i 11 A. .0 tjAl "O� I g�-7r 4d IS5-slolI - S 7. Dn�rr VTR- FFi�'� �EMOR �NOU� k Planning Advisory Board r odriguez, Director Pla-nning Department July 10, 1985 =:LE Analysis of Proposed Amendments: Low or moderate income housing Claughton Island Development Order Analysis The City Commission Motion of intent (Motion 85-340; Parch 28, 1985) stated ~ that if the units were to be built on the Mainland: -- the number of units would be increased from 200 to 225 -- they would be located three separate buildings of 75 units each in three separate areas -- they must be completed in 18 months -- moderate income affordable housing, rather than low-income housing, would be built. The Planning Department finds that there is no substantial deviation and has prepared draft legislation to amend the Development Order to achieve the intent of the motion. The changes would not transfer the units from Claughton Island to the mainland; rather the developers ers could substitute market -rate units, within the 3,07E housing unit cap for the island. This su stitution of market -rate housing, for low income housing, would probably result in slightly 11 higher traffic generation but overall Claughton Island traffic and open space impacts would remain substantially the same. Creation of 225 moderate income housing units on the mainland achieves the same social objectives as the original Development Order as demonstrated by the report "Urban League of Greater Miami Report on Developer Obligations for Low Income Housing in Miami _ and Feasible Alternative Applications of the Obligation of the Claughton Island Development Investors," prepared by the Urban League of Greater Miami Inc. in 1984 (attached). The impact of an additional 225 units of moderate income affordable housing on the mainland would augment the affordable housing market and -make Miami more attractive for moderate income families; the impact of traffic would likely be dispersed. The loss of 200 units of low income housing has a localized impact on this segment of the Miami housing market as little other low income housing is being built locally. However, the Planning Department does not believe that the provision of local low income housing should fall exclusively within the jurisdiction of the City of Miami. None of these proposed changes to the previously approved Development Order create the reasonable likelihood of additional adverse regional impacts, or any other regional impacts which have not been previously reviewed by the regional planning council. pole Page 1 of 2 �i E WRI 0 Planning Advisory Board July 10, 1985 The income levels of occupants to be accommodated in the mainland housing need to be clearly understood as the terms are separate and distinct, as follows: Very low income = less than 50% of median income Low income = 51-800 of median income Moderate = 81-120% of median income Affordable (low income) = rent limited to 30* of gross income for low income families Affordable (moderate) = rent limited to 301 of gross income for moderate income families Note: Median income is $25,150 for a family of four in Rade County. SR/JWM/mv f 10' Page 2 of 2 85-812 f -% -0 planning Advisory Board CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIOA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM GATE July 10, 1985 VILE Additional information: Cl auahton island - Planning Departments Understanding ofDevelopers Commitments ARCM i DEFERE`ICES Planning Department Memorandum: odriguez, Director May 1, 1985 /Planning Department=y�LosuREs Since the preparation of the Planning Department memorandum of May 1, 1985, the following letters have been received: 1. Letter from Anthony J. O'Donnell, Attorney for Swire BiscayneInc.: May ZU. 1985 ' The letter (2nd page, 2nd paragraph) states that: "the Claughton interests would be obligated to pay for 22 percent of their (specific surface street traffic) improvements and the remaining Brickell Key development would be obligated to pay 78 percent. The latest estimate we have for these (specific surface street traffic) improvements is S37,000". (Material in parentheses added by Planning Department: specific street traffic improvements refers only to various median improvements on Brickell Avenue between 7th & 8th Streets.) 2. Letter from Tishman Company: June 1, Speyer Properties/Lincoln Pro The information in the letter can be summarized as follows: 1. The total cost of the surface street traffic improvements on Brickell Avenue, S. E. 8th Street and Sayshore Drive is. . . . . . . $403,008 Page 1 of 2 �..�.--..+.��a..�--ter• a-�,+r.-.�,o.�.r=�r..�.�,x.. # ;�`J��,„'�� �.�iac, esa� _ _ _. _ _ _ __ Planning Advisory Board July 10, 1985 2. 'he original estimate, per Development Orders, including cost escalation over 1983 is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $354,250 3. The Tishman Speyer/Equitable share (1/3 of S354,250) is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S118,083 4. The Lincoln/Nasher share (2/3 of $354,250) is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S236,161 5. The balance to be funded is . . . . . . . . . . S 48,758 It should be emphasized (in line 4 above) that the Lincoln/Nasher share is 2/3 of the original estimate. The City of Miami has no obligation for any part oT the project cost; the two Developments of Regional —Impact are obligated for the original estimate (plus escalation) of S354,250. SR/JM/rj Attachments Page 2 of 2 65-812 1 49 6.AW CrriCES GREEN®ERG, TRAURiG, ASKEW, HOFFMAN, LIPOFr, ROSEN a OUENTEL. C .A 0 _ ':A -C:eD :- •O.ED _ANw/NCt S 300CS4 • _-AE_ _ -.BE-3- NC -A ---CH a 300SC `. e•DCN .'. DC-[DSCN :t3.0 _ _..0t2 T «E-,N N 30CENaENS rt•t_ .,Rea- O ON .OAc�CN -Am.- SDCCNSIA-- OA.E s DCC NE__A 0 :_.0: • AD. N D=et D- _ GROSSMAN N.C-O.AS DCCAWC.. DE_a N S.C. SAD. « _C_O -AD,-% S DCStN _.DC SASS _ADD-_-orr«AN 40NA-3 « wOStNGAD-cN IS --AN . aENICwO •wN-.= « -ArrCe OA. = , DOSS ..AD. e._-`• «AD- N .Ale OAV-O a a0we e_D- eD _-�•, OCOED' A .AD --AN S-t/tN - SAM—AN -.,reCWC A SC ---AN *Coca, . e.D_ NG-:N •_AN a •OS_C�' «•w. SC..W­«Ew A,A% a C-ASE S-E.CN AD- N a S1.ADJ0 S.E - :COS S-tVtN A .ANO- «AD6ENt 4 91IVCDYAN -CNCA,- a :Crre. S-EVt% a _ADIOuS ST.AD- - SINGED «•w. a =A. S ..AN S .EOt DA•AM T'«OT• SN.T« D•f.E_ _ _ AL .♦WDCNCC a .0 V- 0AN.C"«r • Su ..AN A -AN - . Co NCD«AN - _u0rr rCDet D- •• S6.SM'N C-•--ES N tMCAD y SCAM, O . 09ON •O6ANOA 6•[_60N'AOArA 3•D. « CDS-E'N :AWACS t _=u• E- CADC6-4 .. '..O..AS - «AS - CO-C-S ,...AN w _Ou••�[- DCato...-DAVD'G w. —Aa,-„ S SAONE— .±Lea f D".1 «A' NSM. STANLel - WA.SM6AG O•_ a. -Now GDtGOD• A «ART-N BONA --AN - WADNtD _.WDCNCE rC701S•- DCODC • AD••N OAV.O « Wt_.S ._AN S 30.Z ..AN « «.'--E. .6.'t A S W'6�'A«SON _.O,E- A 3c_.-.VAN A6 C • « «ODA.CS �9000Lo • W.S. S-E.EN r .Cu3 NOS -DO S-E�,EN «�,p.Os« -- •NT-ON• .. O OONNt....0 May 20, 1985 HAND DEI,I': ER_rD Joe McManus Assistant Director City of Miami Planning Department Third Floor 275 N.F.. Second Street "-A. 'ari, Florida 33123 Re: Swire Biscayne, Inc. - Brickell Key Police, Fire and Traffice Improvements I Dear Mr. McManus: eD _•E_.--.NC=_DS AC eD ].r-_ A.EN_E «,A«. '�=M =A 33 3 -T_ED-CNES ONCWA00.3C: S23 a -[.ta 9C 3,24 -t,tCCD• 3C5 5'9 C' B 34C C�E..A- S S-ott- WES- 0A6.« OEAC- r_=D OA 33DC .3,S5 1359 03333 WD,-tD S O-OCC- NC 579-0603 Pursuant to our meeting of April 30, 1985, and subsequent telephone discussions, this letter summarizes the position of Swire Biscayne, Inc. with respect to police, fire and traffic improvements related to Brickell Key. 1. Police. The Police Department requirements for an 8 x 10 foo�ice and telephone together with two narking spaces is an obligation which will be met by Swire Biscayne, Inc. on Brickell Key with locations being changed from time to time to accommodate development (subject to Police Department approval of each new location). 2. Fire. The Fire Department requirements for Brickell Key were set forth on the "Fire Access Study Brickell.Key" (last revised on September 11, 1979) which the Fire Department IL r q of .. f ce ",c.!ar. �s gip, 1983 ?a --a Two ac=roved by letter dated September 26, 1979 (see attached). This approved plan expressly provides that "a Fire Denartnent Station on the Island is not required." The other obligations set forth in the plan, including a means of access on the bulkhead and a vehicular access plan approved by the Fire Denar"ment will be provided. 3. Traffic. The specific traffic improvements agreed to by the predecessors in title to Claughton Island are set forth in the attached letter of An_ril 1, 1975, signed by Frates Properties, Inc. and Claughton Island Company, and include various median improve- ments between 7th Street and 8th Street on Brickell Avenue. As we discussed, the Claughton interests would be obligated to pay for 22 percent of these improvements and the remaining Brickell Key development would be obligated to pay 78 percent. The latest esti- mate we have for these improvements is $37,000. We trust that the above summary comports with your understand- i^c of these issues. If you have any questions or need further infor^ation, please feel free to call on me. Thank you again for •:our time and efforts in resolving this Natter. ` Sincerely yours, ANTHONY J . 0' DON:•:ELL , R . AJO:vc Encs . bcc: Mr. Charles Juengling w/Encs. Mr. Stephen Owens w/Encs. Robert H. Traurig, Esq. w/Encs. Matthew B. Gorson, Esq. w/Encs. Clifford A. Schulman, Esq. w/Encs. I :►. Gactmeena, TRAURIG, ASKew, HOrrMAN, LIPOrr. ROSem & OUCNTCL, P A. r 85-812 !; �`,3*�u;c�e �r �icrrri, irirector Cept-:t.', ert of Traffic the Treiraportctioh t,8 5 r girth -est U street suite 201 Clau-Non Wind = Your letter dated March 10., 1075 �' ar S;r, Simm.- , �s letter is to clarity our 1:1tentio-1 to pay for the irt,provef:-.erts te) the rr a 6*f'At: hetween "tt: t-treet eh�i 6th street ,or. 1 ricitell Avenue as o=atlimed by our traffic enginc era, Alan Voorhees and AsLocivtea,,. Lic► in our traffic analysis heretofore furnished to your office, is felt tt it t*eee irrprove-e»ts are a tui.,11v rtq, a to A ort ing V• it'i yioi, 'ar.! your staji to wort: out y; .... 1 ,ct•i1= cone, erninb o::r upcorrirg modifications to our w..aster plan for Claughton Islan9, please be assured that it is very much our intention to work {-it6 you" office in atten- pting to develop the test solution fo::.11 concerned with regar.: to a possible bascule bridge that cotild extend from the rr: airlanrl o. the north to' Clau;hton Island:' r _ Sincerely yours.' j Frates 'rro - M tes, Inc. Claughton Island Company rx, by, NoLert C. Foe by: h. Cla gt.ton " ` RCP: Fti C:brl Viz: "I l t - P F Z ' 3 ; r r k �M 'r f - u I a2w(gemulm September 26, 1979 Mr. Vernon 0. Moorer RTKL Associates, Inc. Village of Cross Keys Baltimore, Maryland 21210 Dear Mr. Moorer: Re: Fire Access at Brickell Key JOSEPH R. CRASSIE Cloy Manager In response to your memo dated 11 September 1979, regarding fire access study with options, all applicable considerations have been reviewed, and are acceptable as interpreted. Please note, however, exact locations of pre -positioned fire -fighting equip- ment, for townhouses must still be determined. If there are further questions regarding the above, advise directly. Very truly yours, 7 �A •. OjFire R.Calpini Departm t Representative 0. H. eems, Fire Marshal Chief of Fire Prevention cc: P. Sweeney J. Genuardi OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION 3342 Pan Mnencan Orive/P.O. 8os 330MMianu, Florida 33133/S794307 r{ E ATKL Associates ix Architecture Ptann.ng•UrOan Design Engineering The vduage Sauare 'village of Ci css Keys 9a timOre Ma 11110 t 301 , a3S600G September 11, 1979 Mr. John Calpini Bureau of Fire Prevention P. 0. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Calpini: Re: Brickell Key/Claughton Island Phase I Please find enclosed "Fire Access Study - Brickell Key Buildings 1-2-3" dated September 11, 1979, which records our understanding of the Fire Department requirements for the initial three (3) phases of the referenced project development. Confirmation is hereby requested of the enclosed document for the initial three (3) phases recognizing that as the planning for the balance of the development becomes more specific, the Fire Access Plan for these future areas will continue to be jointly reviewed with your department to a affect a fully integrated Master Fire Department Access Plan. We appreciate your department's joint effort in the development of the documented plan and look forward to your continued cooperation in the future. Sincerely, RTKL Associ es Inc. rnon D. Moorer, AIA, CS Principal Enclosure cc: Mr. Charles Cheezem Mr. Ken Cheezem •won> Mr. Graham Cook Mr. Charles Lamb Mr. Yui Hay Lee Mr. Charles Juengling r, W TishmanSpeyer June 7, 1985 Certified Mail 7 " ?nCkcq Avenue Qiam, clonW 33131 f305 372 500 co Mr. Joseph W. McManus City of Miami Planning Department 1� 275 Nty 2nd Avenue. _ 0 liami, Florida 33131 — Cn Re: ;Major Special Use Permit Dated July 28, 1983 =:x W 0 for Tishman Speyer/Equitable c Major Special Use Permit Dated Sept. 29, 1983 � for Lincoln Property/hasher Dear Mr. McManus: The undersigned are required to do certain road work on Brickell Avenue, SE 8th Street, and Bayshore Drive as outlined in their Major Special Use Permits referenced above. The undersigned retained K.J. Ross do Company and Barton-Aschman Associates to design the road work, roadway striping, signage, and traffic light signalization consistent with the requirements of the Major Special Use Permits. A complete set of their final plans are enclosed with this letter. During the design process, the engineers met on several occasions with representatives of the City of Miami Public Works Department, Dade County Department of Transportation and State of Florida Department of Transportation. All comments by those various agencies were incorporated into the final drawings. The permit is now ready to be issued. The undersigned put the plans out to bid and the low bidder was Central Paving of Florida for a total price of $347,000, exclusive of design fees totaling $439500 including supervision of construction, and F.P.& L.'s charge for 6 new street lights $12,500, resulting in a total project cost of $403,008. The obligation of the undersigned is to pay one-third each of a total maximum cost of $325,000 in 1983 dollars. Any difference is to be a short term loan to the City of Miami upon terms mutually agreed upon. The undersigned awarded the contract to Central Florida Equipment Rentals, Inc. on June 5, 1985 and work will begin June 14, 1985. It is understood that the City will have other developers or agencies participate in the cost of the road work. To assist in those discussions, the following is a breakdown of the major elements of the project: NEW YORK CHICAGO HOUSTON ATLANTA STAMFORD MIAMI BOCA RATON i 9 't' Mr. Joscph W. McManus I City of ?Miami Planning Department June 7 ,1985 Paoe Two Engineering Design: Plans, specifications, $ 37,500 bid documents (H.J. Ross & Barton-Aschman) —AADD Supervision of construction Total Design Construction Bid: Road Work (Central Florida Equipment Rentals, Inc.) Brickell median - 7th Street to 8th Street 10,000 Balance of roadwork _1124242 Total Road Work _1$24242 Signage and striping __121AM Signalization *7th Street and Brickell Avenue 369481 *8th Street and Brickell Avenue 489817 *S.E. 8th Street and Bayshore Drive __42.40.1 Total Si;nalization y. F.P. & L. Charge for 7 Lights 12,500 Landscaping Total Construction Bid Total Project Cost _492�g4$ Original estimate per Major Special Use Permit - $325,000 Increase over 1983 dollars 9% _2$,2$9 Total revised estimate 354,250 TSP/Equitable share @ 1/3 1179965 Lincoln/hasher share @ 1/3 117,965 Amount to be advanced as a loan to the City of Miami. 117,965 Balance to be funded by other developers or by the City of Miami. $ 480758 We appreciate your assistance in this matter. Please let us know who will handle the documentation of the loan with the City. 41 Sincerely, �v ----------- Tishman Speyer Properties cc: Sergio Rodriguez Richard Whipple George Campbell Lincoln Property Company fi, r-61 _;-.. Or Miami. F! OR'D4 W, 0 .NTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Planning Advisory Board k Ile "c" Sergio Rodriguez, Dirdctor Planning Department May 1, 1985 en_E Claughton Island - Planning Department Understanding of Developers Commitments on Claughton Island w_crOE' -ES As a condition for permitting the developer to construct the required number of low or moderate income housing units off the island, the Planning Department recommends that certain developer commitments be formalized through a proffer from the developers that is acceptable to the City Commission. The E Planning Department's understanding of these commitments are as follows: 1. Park Improvements and Police Facilities By letter of December 31, 1974 (ATTACHMENT A) the developers committed to: -- an 8' x 10' office and two 8' x 20' parking spaces in proximity to the office for use by the City of Miami Police Department; and -- a 3.5 acre park, to be improved in the amount of S1. 5 million, to be publicly accessible by permanent easement and to be maintained in �f perpetuity by the developer. # t� 2. Fire Facility By letter of July 17, 1974, and a page - Section 4 (1) (a) of the Application for Development in accordance with SPD-1 Central Island District requirements for Claughton Island (ATTACHMENT B), the developer committed to a fire facility. 3. Surface Street Improvements: SE 7th/9th Streets and B rickell Avenue This Department has reviewed our files pertaining to the commitment of the developers of Claughton Island for surface street improvements for the intersections of SE 7th Street and SE 8th Street and Brickell Avenue. Our research discloses the following: 1. The Application for Development Approval (January 23, 1974) contained a traffic study prepared by Alan M. Voorhees and Associates Inc. We have traffic studies on file prepared by Alan M. Voorhees and Associates Inc. dated October, 1973; January, 1974; March, 1974; and several letters between the then -Metro Dade County Department of Traffic and Transportation and Alan M. Voorhees and Associates Inc. `�� Page 1 of 2 Planning Advisory Board I May 1, 1985 extending through 1974. An excerpt, (ATTACHMENT ) pages 15-22 of the March 1974 study by Alan M. Voorhees and Associates Inc. is attached so that the level of detail and timing proposed may be appreciated. In summary, the subject was not whether the traffic improvements proposed in Alan M. Voorhees and Associates, Inc. reports were needed and necessary but whether the proposed traffic improvements would accommodate all the projected traffic at acceptable levels of service. 2. By letter of April 2, 1975, (ATTACHMENT D) the then -Metro Dade County Department of Traffic and Transportation assured this Department that the developers of Claughton Island had committed themselves to the street modifications assumed in the traffic studies in 1 (above). 3. Per City Commission Resolution 75-423; April 22, 1975, a Memorandum of Understanding and Stipulation of Agreement to Condition Development Order and to Dismiss Appeal was authorized for execution. An 800 vehicle per peak hour traffic volume cap was instituted to resolve the disagreement in 1 (above). The Stipulation (ATTACHMENT E) provided in paragraphs (4 and 5) that if the developer proposes additional transportation systems to meet the 800 vph cap, the developer will contribute toward the cost of additional transportation systems; provided that the developer would not be obligated `or these additional costs unless the developer proposes development which would exceed the 800 vph cap. A fair reading of the paragraphs shows that the developers' obligation for the improvements 1 (above) is assumed; the term "additional" refers to future proposed improvements which the developers may proffer. 4. Per City Commission Resolution 80-790: October 30, 1980, (since rescinded) (ATTACHMENT F) it was clear that cost participation by the Claughton Island developers in surface street improvements was assumed. Note also that by letter of October 16, 1980, the participation of the Four Ambassadors property in signalization was confirmed. 5. By copies of minutes of a meeting on February 6, 1981, and a letter to Mr. Edward N. Claughton, Jr. dated March 25, 1981, (ATTACHMENT G) the cost participation of the Claughton Island developers in the street improvements was again assumed. In summary, since 1975 this Department has assumed that the developers of Claughton Island are committed for street improvements as shown in the traffic studies conducted by Alan M. Voorhees and Associates Inc.; the provision of these improvements is not conditioned by the 800 vph cap. Cost participation by the affected developers should be equitable; i.e. it is expected that the developers of Lincoln Financial Center, the Tishman Speyer project and Claughton Island will bear a pro -rated share. Four Ambassadors should be contacted to re -affirm their commitment for signalization which would affect the pro -rated share of the other three developers. w Page 2 of 2 0. 85-812 =` ATTACHMENT A s 85-812 1` 1 'Suu EAST SKCLLY DRIVE TULSA. UKLAIIU+IA '1I 3S )IH 011• y�'4 3 6'd'lacea L,r 1974 %ir. David Siripson, Jr., Director k,of .41iarT1i, Departn—le;it of Ac^:inistration Planning & Zoning Ejoards Pail American Drive i.atrli, Fla, 33133 EXPLANATORY tee: uGi;TvU ISLAND APPLiCA i ;GIU =GR GEVELGPiUEiVT GATED Ali �5/74 U : Cir Iv11. i,pson: 1 �tiJ :.oC U,liCli� Will C011rir,ii oN; LJ :.::VVic,2 all v1 x A. tJl liiiie',L .:'.o t3' X 20;)ar,<illg SpaCeS Ill 1}r0iiiliij.y .o �ii` ,:,i�� :Oi' OSO by the CiLy of as 'CCj%dCSLCC ay Lill: CIL" J;t 11 1974. _ a U\\: �.Ijo IGr'{,.,li,y orlCr l0 ;.,.Uv.._{i.,J 11: .IJI Jl1.I,IV \I S1; l.s CI ,uul.iC, 1)l.1 ., �., .♦ . i .1 V,,, �... 5 z.cres of our property on tiiC ':7e5":.,1 )0 :ior, of the is,aru ill coasic,i.,.io,l or " ),oval of our�rprojec1, as 0L;'J1;"Ca in .ilc i,;.:�;;,;tol: lsilliiu Ap,)IicatIoll `o- ,�vc!o,i ii;.;t r1/:5// 4. As a Jait Cf LiIiS '.iC fur,!1cr agi'ca w spenu 4_,500,GGO in inlproving the )I'07crCy,as :1 tro,)Ical iallciscapod area bVit,l �.•'JIi;iI �, sittinlj and other similar P3SsiVe i. C,►iVltl t'S. �il't' ill ,'Liiel' a1J i'Le tO ii�al.t,..i ii :;7,5 iii perpetuity. iie exact 3. 5 acres siiall as s!.ovril oil "ie Filial Developinerit Plaos t :;s iCCjllireQ by Section 4 (30) of cp-? ClC2mr:,i ;Sic:iid uisu'ic:. The I:,LI:iiC .i.:.'i. .150 be aSSLIrcd by our execution of .a Casci,'zit (ill a f01•in approvC.C; X1 Ci.y At1.0 ' i-ney) or other Such doom ailt as Our COU.',Sei r1;Ciair`S. iiC rise of this property shall bo -aSLriCtc:; i:0 :,i;.t of L.oplcal IuiiCiSC:,�)C�• ,:.;(. aSSOCiCLCu ,}�dt'strlan LISC5 and OLhcr SUC;i L.SLS iC: LICS.w :} f tii3 viL y ;1.,�.JVl� I. ,/ us, IF security dictates, we rsetvc :ilc ric�iiz to limit rile use of the purr: ,o 4..yiilj,1� ii0Ur5. , I ^ r i I ,I { 85-812 r r1i ,.Ir. David Simpson, Jr. 1 December 1974 Page 2 it ;)ol;,'Cc! OUt that it Is not ,cquircd t0 Pi'OVIGc? .an11 l)IIWIC Park :di1G Ifi ,).'oj'acc lwitli the exception of tiie 20 MOt to q.,ailf% for uii of ti'a ;onuses stipulated in tre Cci,,Cral lsiurb District. This ocIzr of a �u(i< is an eXtraorainary offer tiiat, we believe, U21ii01)straLes beyond a doUuC t,)O OVeIti meiill; ng public benefit associated V4itil Gle uPpioVal Jf Ol.f PrC,ect as i)2f`witfl submitted. icic 'e�l�'I, C. Poe cc: E. N . C laug,Aon vviJ VOJIE' r k Y ve 1 x x i{{_ • • .{ ✓ Sys, ;L� � .miii .:tyt.i '� IL w wo • ^k n� 3Tb $* "met:• � i -. : ; i . • q,. a; .1�Mwww .w• .. n .1 � �r stir �•' g a, i i ATTACHMENT B 85�812 , 44 _ 3;1-$1a.�.iS At -At Florida' 311 De, It firs ClauMttt0h rdgardg to itetts al'14 .:La ,and #1AS as sed at out ih ee'ci:tg vE,te'tdai', the ie��i Pitt Departftftt hat, ad ee�� �n paste etpanded its setvice! to -ea akpandi..'_ ;.ill continue to do so to -he f��ture. lti►t+ jjl'5L refiucts the report ;tade 3y Captain ::.. in which,tie protects ciceullough, Comander, for an additional Pescue ti ftit with ; he 61,augr.ton the :teed' 'Leland Develophent contributing for one half of t h I t reed. lten 3t14` reflects the report Made by Captain 1. fi+ `��.►'tdet, '.'PC-tt`ie Deputy Fire ,tatshal, in his analysis of the it:patt yy the iroposel: c��•'c1�,�..er.t Fire pr�+ienton C,ureau "caused F of Claughton LsLatd. itetl i'15 reflects the report toads by apta2. :t :t. '. vevita", t'ne problez ;: ter SuPp1Y Officer, -in which lie enumerates duo to the Cla;i,ittis:t _. 3::d to Vire' Suppression Services Development. :hose report, plus otters made by Lieutenant '.':. 'sir, `:re Planninu, and ='eputY Communication 8, Captain C. knderson, r� flect ".lit a rar: Chief H. w, .;rice, Operations, all daily challenge.- that the. +. am Fire �epgrt:-e:nt �-u: t ' : set and find solutions for through training, 3;:pardin_ 1 jd .Zrow' ing with the timca. Sincerely, 7L• A • Hickr.*-an ?ire :'�^�+rLrAnt h� ^^�1{ � "'2?'lt ��"i t:i �.."'E",! .i,^, ••� :I ."n(ilii•:� �E1.. T f IC cur I' O (�'�. a t� r ?r?ce will cr!. X_, e tilth our ,chedulf: rr.' •:cur reeds, r.. y arra: ^ fl-.r -?c,;r cc crt,t_cn d it is a real r, <,_r- * o �� ?+c �^d r.r!vct� cectcru t:ark!n:* n v ,e o :� � �.I('. r �b � ., . tc,-,-ther fcr ll—h :u lic: °ntc.rec:t. F-na; cctftl::;� 1 .Inc 1 -� ,. ►, a r• .^ r , v + n of 85-su This document is submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for Application for Develeiroent in accordance with the SPD-1 Central Island District requirements for Clau;i)ton Isicnu. Novcmbc!r 15, 1974 t 1 I t� �I : Qx �ci�-lorn mar aAL Cm. any. D ocaiwvaA' " o►� '1�,�, i i i • r. 0 I)t(- I IUN ::( I )(a) FrAC!i i L:T I'LJ:C i Cnq P r(�_� If Is in-cricied ro a �IrC station L. SUttiCiPnt SIZQ to nrnio,-t tho end oronerty 'Ii.., `o orc/i.e it to City at no jai`. The o%-,r er wiII have his C:,n see _!rit, fLrce ana 'fl_ cc'st shall :OfnC .:j/ the o%vtier; noviever� `Ile I�."iG^'i police. wi;l I,.-i-:e acc ss to t' e !slanca and tG all crec, ithin the Isl:::id for protection of the f.slc-Iws as clrr. -,staticcs dictGte. Cn-lda.-,d 7nwer ana water facilities are bcIrg crG'Jidcd by Ii1i C'+'+'ll.'.r at no cost to the Clt, . 85-812 2 `/ I I a f- ATTACHMENT C ri ..:e a M'. recor'_ of Janua:. 1074 as well as this revised rencr t in.icate 'n-.r a -!U.._�er -eater .��n ,;te :?,0 :::..enticned in _ne Dc:vn-c- n report can be eificientl accorn.-nodated. This discrenanc occ_ re;. E,ecauSe -.;e Dov.•ntom.•n '.fi7.:i reoor: findings :were case:i _r, ca ;ac.t' anaiv --i - ....in- .ne-?xistinz signalized conditions at S. E. 3t1: S.rQe*, :: Zernas were cased on capacit -v anai• =is in•: o : i.nZ a nev. , : e- :)::anth and S. _. 3t:, Street interconnec:ed signai a .il re,--. tew, :,, o:�'.d be required -o meet an:icicated _r affic Ile—and_z cn . =:e.:.. The increased efficiency obtained by the instai._:ion of c?.v ecuioment becomes quite obvious upon reviewing this report. - t'4in7 the trafi is data obtained in 1973 by NIV and assuming no jro;vth in tintraffic volumes (SIUATS predicts one percent annaul decrease), canacit - anai_: ses show t.".at t::_ two critical intersections shoui.: oaerate Level c: So -ice B in 1975 1 ;uct before the start of ' Claught n o .stand �c •' °'.or :en:�. Bet:.-een 1975 and 19 p, 260,000 square feet of office soacP 1, 500 co::dominium units and 300 hotel rooms are orogrlmmed to be built. trips generated by this new development would have very little impact on traffic operations in the area, however it is recommended that the i operational impro.,ements be imalemented: • Modify pavement .markings to permit three lanes southbound on Brickell Avenue at S. E. 7th Street and taper to t%:•o lanes on the north leg at S. E. 8th Street. Also modify pavement markings to permit double left -turn lane northbound; this change would require coordination between the signals at S. E. 7th and S. E. 8th Streets. • Modify existing signal operations to permit right turn north- bound on S. E, 3th Street to overlao with southbound left turn from Brickell Avenue into S. E. 8th Street. 1 F s 1S ;i i • it 85-8�2 1 !I - Place more ,.:,��is �n carcoollnq rcu?� .,cai: r;:�., :Jr^cra-s (`"i= is in of recent _ . Si. T ranscortation -f:'or-s :o increase car introduction :): a nation:':ide carpocl D(15 ,00l aC::c.^, and ..:(' r�cozed msta:l3t.On -it a c7.....,.t 'ri-"� -._^•�- -` -.'... z[lOu1C • nsure )ceration at Le, -el of Se :ice C. ?n ,'i... cor.• :.�'ed e^.nhasi� excected on er.erg,conservation, t e en:iror.- rnt: -nt cr.d :-:a_S transit i:ncrovew:ents, transit ,,sage should increase to 2--, percent ..:e B:iC'.-e" ,:enue-Clau5:iton 'Island area. This :".'."_ar:s _::at .:ars _,_age in tCl? LBric.:c'__l Avenue area 'Mould, 'ov 1?30, reac:l le.-els h c::r rentiv attained in the Miami CBD. With extensive new develop —lent occurring elsewhere along Brickell avenue, this is a reasonable assumption. _ _..:.ant -_:hour.`, o: a-flc''_ soace (160, )00 square °eet� and residential junits ara nrogra:r med 'or 1.980. To measure the impact of the 1930 develop- -ent, caoacity analyses were performed assuming increased transit usage and auto occupancy. As shown in :appendix B (Figure B-I), both, critical intersections, with 1975-1979 recommended improvement_, should operate at Le.•el of Service C. Since a significant amount of new Ciaughton Island development Mould occur between 1981 and 1383, it .could be appropriate to schedule the 3 following improvements at the critical intersections in this period: 1 16 • T.ie installation of ne:v si=n.al ('Cr-IO'..-eriZed 5. trP ;, 1C.. .^'.._I 1` _-.;n :rr.'Ctr fi-.-e-C):?a.'_e coeratiCr, .-et.,:een 7. `.7 and S. E, '.. • �.. =_� �. _ "'?'..l' �_'nt to _-:e 3rickei. :Pn•�'' ..�`'Ciz:l .�e-:t:?e^. ... _n.: S. Z'. ita Str ee to oern it mcr e J:.ic e.nt '.,lti.iza- i n '1: `. -.e -:av ew:ent-xidt,-. • E:.*enSion of .:le left -urn lane for Southbound .raf.ic aD7roacning ^n tale eaSt lea of S. i. 3tr. Street at Brickei. .y': e^'.:P, east -o �.ne intersection of 5a .='L ore Drive. F i_ r e 5 St rates recommended :.,odifications to the signal chasing. rl. 7 St rates modifications to the .—edian. A.aI-,SiS of :' .._...aC.. -n :arious aperoache5 `.o :lie two critical intersections Sncv:ed ::e critical :r.ovew:ent at f'.11 Claug::`.on island de:•elooment -.vould be z- :curd -raffic turning right from the east apprcach on S. E. 8th Street, and 1 2ft .-)rlto ti. E. To th Street. This movement was critical because of .. craze ca^.acit bet:veen S. E. 7th and S. E. 3th Streets on Brickell .a : er.::e. into rcor.nection and coordination of the two signals proved :iecessa:•:-. The Highwai: Caoacitv 'Manual procedures were used to deter- ..•• en -i::e c•:cle tir: e 1 G. C` recuiremerts for the various rnove- :ents. Aopendi:: B (Figure B-5) identifies the various movements. _appendix B (Table B-1) also shows the G: C requirement .rer sus the G, C ailotMent under the modified phasing. T:;e three iMprovements listed above are really not necessary until M9 insoiar as roadwav capacity is concerned, but would orovide important additional operating efficiency between 1O31 and 1989. Since the improve- ments are so compatible with the computerized signal s,. stem, it seems more appropriate to introduce the changes in 1931 rather than gait until 103!:•. This would permit the benefits derived frorn the improven eats ::rhich involve only a moderate exDenditru: o) to be realized for a greater length of time. 17 4 I t Z i N _T C7 C 7 V � j N 85-su � u ti. A b 10 � 10 SCALE �FFT L S E 3TH S7 • - - - W 1 Y ! , ; 1� 1 FIGURE 6 PROPOSED ROADWAY DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS .A % i r� - e t u t'.t� e e ft 19 o �� 1 � ' 1r r: � $l acid 1��,.., �� 0)_ �6f of�rce �bace, "On riotei c�o,�zsti ? 9 Loftdot�iHium_ and ,A;I, 000 stdUafe feet of ;retail a mace {.'c)uld 7t' d tft to Add- oT �i::Lodate the tn' attIC jjefted b :` iftd- "I ed�ad �zor�rie!it, the f6116V'ingt :iea�t;'A es .t°ould be tieces�a�5 _ Y J itistit'ite staitge."ed Yvork hours for office W6r ke."s, The ef►pct of this action ;would be that aoo. okir:�atel,. 20 oeritetlt Of the ;eat{ h6ur, generated office trib8 :would odour one=:iaif , L r, before' the afternoon peak, 60 deedent -.mould odour dutina :he oeak hour, and ?0 Pendent s-vould de -du fie= !f - o ,.a hour After tiie peak. Continue local orbVAftr ;s to bro vide ince:stives to oar000litia' b�asaooli.�ig to attain a'goal of 1. 6 persons per car, Anui% inn, ear tier• assuw-.ptions to the 1988 generated trios i 1. 6 oersons c�t'r car► 2' pendent transit usage, split :Mork shifts for office workers), : o:)riate capacity analyses were per.'o.r :ed. The results indicated `"t .ith. t'he i4mnm.-e:mz ents to date, is cludins the fire -phase signal ooers- Lion -And ::'edian modification, Level of Service C. would be Achieved at C. itical intersections. (See Figure B-? in Appendix B fOr details.) , 1984- 1986 Bet.%,een 1984 and 1986, 260, 000 square feet of officeand -73 condominiums xould be built. Assuming continued emphasis is placed on mass transit'; and on the proposed rapid transit system, 30 percent transit usage is considered attainable by 1986. This transit usage factor, coupled with a car occupancy rate of 1. 6 persons per car and split work shifts for office workers, would ensure;Level of Service C at botn critical intersections. 20 �3 I IW sa :dd�u26ttal desm-laomnent b wlM, Lute .51A thitt '. tier iad 18 60, 060 „aY=e .eej offcr�e ihind sinih 3 c.;;:anc:° slstit km1`!; s:i :es for of. ide .z°6tj e:.s, And the Widening 6f :;p11 Avenue bridge over the tiat:9i Ri, er 16 si m net do reco .i ;t.fAe" in -Ke t a;�,�nto�aan' Miami renart W6Uld ensure Level of Ser.jica t at .n t,,c.'i4ical intersect�m-, (8 ee Fi res 8-� and -5, Charta =1 R ld :-2. ,l ei i Able 8=1 in At)be,ndix 8 .06e details of capaeit �` analvAis, � C n0*64, °et?I 1� 75 and Iq"tn. the proposed de.seloornent program would rewire ar.l :• ,.Unor ffia enaineerina itftb: bvernents, i is tolerneatation of prolreskve cor:1.puterized signal system, Oft Brickell A%c enue (progra ..med by trade County). is `Ibdification of pavement marking at the intersection of . S.B. nth Street and Briekell :avenue to permit three lanes southbound and,a double left -turn lane northbound. Split signal phasing "should also be instituted. • Modify exist n si nal at the intersection of 5. B. 8th St gg reet _ and 13rickell.L avenue to permit right -turn northbound on S. E. 8th Street to overlao with southbound left -turn from Brickell Avenue into S. E. 8th Street. • In addition. there is reason to belietre that increased emphasis on carpooling /buspooling will begin to significantly effect car, occupancy during this time period. BY 1030„ with more emphasis being placed on greater transit usage and increased federal funding for transit and energy conaers•stipn. transit 21 i i l L _ —. r'nue area D1 C'ai z—on _ mz1�nC :r.crea.ze :. .... �� '. cercent -- .ai -o current --:P` -in '`:e C-D. :n a, i car :cc::oanc%is rcreaze 'o rzons r a.. 7e.^i':._3 .r7 :,'�F' .:ncra_e cCS_.. SiCai .rom a caCaciz' itandcoin. ;n... ;�%-e:::en:_ _nou.d tie i:rclemented bet �: een : ? : and • _.._tai:,ticn o: a fi: e-.. ase .nterccnnected signal a' i. i. i t.^. a::c: :;. L' . S'reets • Redesian )i :e :`.:e111.an Je':t:een S. E. 1.-h and J. E. I"h z'r eets • E:nension o: .e"-nir n :ane on East ai�cr^ac.". of S. E. 3t.", S' "-eet and 1�3'1, the introduction of split work shifts for Claughton 13;and office emoioyees, 35 percent transit usage, and continued emphasis -usoco:i^g and-?nerzy conservation, would ensure an ' e :"ei of ser ice a- .::e .-.vo interSections of corce^r. and 1939, an Increase in transit utiii7at:on .ro: : 25 perce:':t . .0 M ^ercent which is reasonable in view of anticipated transit emphasis). :`:ith pre%"ous improvements. would ensure Level of Service C at the critica: inter -sections. ,n summary, the development of Claughton Island will not pose serious traffic problems which cannot be solved by traffic operational -type ir:prove.ments and continued emphasis on :Hass transit, rapid transit, and shared use of private automobiles. I I ATTACHMENT D lori1 1. 1975 *:r. Cucene L. Simm, Cirectcr Cep_-.t.-. ent of Traffic -nd Trarsportation 8675 : firth Nest 13 street Suite 201 ian, i, Florida 33166 Re: Claubhton Island Yo.;r letter dated March 1S, 1975 Cear !, r. Simm: 7-.is letter is to clarify our intention to pay for the irnprover.-ents to the me !4,in !-:etween '7tr: street and Eth street on Brickell .venue as o•.:tlined by our traffic engineers, Alan Voor"ees and Asacciates,. Inc. in our traffic analysis heretofore furnished to your office. :I: c:- i' is felt t' .t t".ese in-F rove-erts are act'i.:ll:. rt c--t: a -* e .. i;l 1- .. fc.:.ard to +►or�ing v.it', yov and, your staff to work out V-.C. jct .il Coni.err,inn o':r upcorr•i ;g tro-iifications to our master plan for Claughton C Islan j, please be assured that it is very =.uch our intention to work vit!: your office in atten pting to develop the test solution fo:• all concerned with regar.: to a pos�,V;le bascule bridge that could extend f rorn the rr.sinlan,� on the north to Claubhton Island. Sincerely yours, Frztes r roLg_ties. Inc. by: H oUert C. Foe RCP:FtiC:brl Claubhton Island Company by: i. h . Cla gr,ton ?i�; ::►,'-+'-+1i?I�.:�iyi'e s1.., ..' �i...' lox. iunri.�:e Wk r Qtz.Q7 7 .1 x ! Owl 70 1575 Nw 53 5-MEE-. 5- -E 2V DEPARTMENT OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION u AMI. =-::= =A 33'55 --Em"CNE 305 592-0350 April 2, 1975 Mr. George J. Acton, Jr. ._ Director, Planning Department 07 P.O. Box 708 Coconut Grove Station ,tiami, Florida 33133 ' Dear Mr. Acton: Re: Claughton Island Thank you for your informative response to ou17 letter of March 19, 1975 re- garding some clarifications to the Developmen,: Order for Claughton Island. As you know, our letter was written under the misunderstanding that the De- velopment Order had not yet been :issued. In the interim we have discussed the questions we raised in our '.•larch 19th letter with staff of the South Florida Regional Planning Council and repre- sentatives of the developer. We have received written assurance from Messrs. Poe and Claughton representing Frates Properties, Inc., and Claughton Island Company, respectively, of their intention to pay for the minor modifications that may be required to Brickell Avenue between SW 7 and SW 8 Streets that were assumed in the traffic impact analysis of the development. Further, their intentions are clear in working together with you and us in regard to ' a possible bascule bridge location extending from the mainland on the north to Claughton Island. Therefore, the matters we addressed in our letter of :March 19 have been re- solved completely to our satisfaction and are no longer of concern to us. Again, we thank you for your extremely informative letter. Very truly yours, Vim, -�-✓ .. - / • /h^ �..:/ David C. Rhinard Transportation Planning Engineer DC R/ j t cc: Mr. Barry Peterson Mr. Edward Claughton Mr. Robert Poe WpW r ATTACHMENT E ft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Ll C 4/21,'75 Motion 75-349 RESOLUTICN .10. 75-423 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE, MEMORPa DUM OF _ UNDERST RING BETWEEN CLAUGHTON ISLAND DEVELOPERS AND THE CITY OF 14IAI.1I REGARDING LOW INCOME HOUSING, AND THE AGREEMENT TO DISMISS THE APPEAL PRESENTLY PEITDI'L G IN THE FLORIDA LAND AND WATER ALJUDICATORY CO3%'j^ISSION; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAID AGREEMENTS ON _ BEHALF OF THE CITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COi•LMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Memorandum of Understanding between Claughton Island Developers and the City of Miami regarding low income housing, and the agreement to dismiss the appeal presently pending in the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission, be and the same are hereby approved. Section 2. The City Manager and City Clerk`. -.are hereby authorized and directed to sign said Agreements on behalf of the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22 day of APRIL I'I'Y 111,31A111:1► ANP AI. 4MV111 111' : IICIIEL E. ANDERSON ,ssistant City Attorney j ��77OHN S . I.LOYD (City Attorney AND CORRECTNESS: fINIit f C A, I LIML M A Y O R , CITY COMMIS6,,jr• MEETING OE, AP I ".3 2 1975 RESOLUT104 n0.-2,,,�. — i512 ... j4 (2) Any acplicaticn for a building xr.:u.t or othar develcE°nt - which would au.Uh orize any increase beyond. the 8C0 exiting vezicles rraY.i::..r constitutes a sv!�stant-ial daviatien f_a. the revelc-,=ent Cr`aY. Prior to such applicaUcn for building or outer develcpr,ent F'P_'�' tLits which would authorize any increase beyond 800 exit:L.g -,raizi.cles .-axLm.-n the Develo: er must seek and obtain an ;r.rerdmnt to said rev-.loplrent Order in accordance with part A of .-his A� went and pt:rsuant to Sec}.icn 380.06, Florida Statti.~tes . (3) Developer will pre%ide to the Council copies of any and all traffic surveys, traffic stzdies arid, recamwdations (including assarptions upon wfiich such r , ,erdations are based) of the tepazt-,ent of Tra^pCrta- ticn of Dade County relating to Clai.,ghtcn Island ft:_-ni.srec: to the ravelopA. r by the Depart -,ant. of "r arspor tation and shall furnish to the Council. all such infornation provided b'f the Developer to the Depar.� —nt of Zra^sporta- ti cn of Dade County or the City of Miami. (4) in the event the Develc;P-- proxsas to the Ci' .r eddit-oral transportation tem1 iques or facilities vi ich ti:vuld have the effect of assisting in the r airte.^arce of the aforedescr=bed limitaticn on e_.,dti .g traffic, it will notify the Council of such plan within a reascrable tire prior to any City Ca-,miss=cr. heaxizg thereon so that ti:e Coy.^cil ray st:cr- mit to the City Ccmission of the City of L�.ami currents and r ,....nfat=oas thereon prior to stitch hearing. Developer urill at such titre provide to the Council copies of any such. prexsal s:�=.itted to the City anti any reports and r nrtiat.iors provided to the Developer as to such pLms by the City of Tt rPlanning Depart.'^f nt., Dade Ccunt'y Depart:,ent of 1�'3r'zportat_Cn or ot'l.°_'' lord govermnental ager_cy. C_2 ,. 85-812 �� U 4 0 tional transpor'`at"c:1 S%Sters, Lzdess "- e Cetlelcppar proposes develc�:.---^. which could exceed the 800 exiting vnldcle lirutation. - (6) The Ce,mlo=ent Crda- rewires the Cevelo-per to take a provision for a base--' e bridge cc ection at the north end of Clauzht :n Island. The north end of Claughtcn Island sliaLI be so designed ar a developed and the buildings shall he oriented so that in the eti-ent a bas- cule bridge is for the purpose of connectLig the rcr h. end of tie Island to the :-ld.ami r.ai.*iland t -.ere will be space wm-1—lzble for s=h pu:*-pose. r'ot ing in this sec',icn shall be construed- as requiring dedication of any lard for such purpose to the public, e:{cept as pro` idad in part C (S) above. D. In the event the owner/developer has not ocm rced p:-. -ical unrk of the land.-, emczr .3ssed herein, then the Mvalo;re t order w-111 expire tree years from. the date of final action by the Florida Iz--A and Ilater Faju dicatozy Ccrrmssion. E. ALL references herein to Florida Statutes Section 380.06 are intended to refer to said Statute as it is in effect at the ti,-,- of the act or or occurrer= contmplated by this Stipulation. F. That upon execution of this Stipulation by all the pa= , es, i em hearing eMminer is requested to recarrand to the Florida Lard and r Valter Pdjcaica-tory Coc^.Tassion eat e.e Developawt Order be conditioner-' as set forth stove and t-he ap-,-eal di. —missed. Cirl oz t;iami Allan t r• 1lecge Esau ire Attorney for South Florida Regional Plarming Council Cou.^321 for Cevelope_rs, Frates Pre -sties, Inc. Ed::ard N. Cl Ughtcn, Jr. zr:d Sue-- a Ciau:;htcn- Z a lttti:�vS C-3 ATTACHMENT F r. 85"Bli� � 0 RESOLUT_ON N0. S 9- 7 9 0 .non• r1 .• �.T��♦ ^ i�fiJ :J :. .'�. PLAZA PRCjECT► A RESOLD �_�I C .�C�... l:�G .iiE A DEVELCPME'IT OF REGIONAL I'•iPACT LOCATED ON 0-2ICFE'LL A�-'IUE SET''CE'7 APPROXI!IATELY SE /TH AND SE 3TH STREETS, "IAMi, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF A DE��LOP!'c.`I^_ ORDER FCR SAID PROJECT APPROVING SAID PROJECT WITH MCDIFICATIOINS, AFTER CONSIDERING THE REPCRT AND RECOLM".E:'DATIONS OF THE SOUTH FLOR:DA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL AND THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI ORDINA':CY jiSO, AND AFTER CONDUCTING A PUBLIC HEARING = REQUIRED BY SECTION 380.06 FLORIDA STATUTES, SAID APPROVAL AND AUTHCRIZATION SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "B" AND THE APPLICATION FCR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO SEND THE HEREIN RESOLU- TION AND SAID DEVELOPMENT ORDER TO AFFECTED AGENCIES, AND TO THE DEVELOPER. 1H EREAS, Raymond D. dasher Company has submitted a ccm- C plete Application for Development Approval for a Development of Regional Impact to the South Florida Regional Planning Council pursuant to Section 380.06 Florida Statutes, and did receive a favorable recommendation for a proposed develop- ment order, as set forth in the Report and Recommendations of the South Florida Regional Planning Council attached hereto -.s Exhibit "A" and WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting held on July 16, 1980, Item #1, following an ad- vertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 21-80 by a 7 to 0 vote, recommending approval of the Development Order for the Nasher Plaza Project, a Development of Regional Impact, in conformity with the City of Miami Ordinance 8290, as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, a recommendation from the Miami Planning Advisory Board has been forwarded as required by Ordinance 8290; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has conducted a public hearing, considered the Report and Recommendations of the CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF 0CT30 wo no I u South Florida Regional Planning Council, each element required to be considered by Section 380.06(13) Florida Statutes and considered the recommendation of the Planning Advisory Board. WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that all legal requirements of publication at the public hearing for the issuance of the proposed Development Order have been com- plied with, and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it advisable and in the best interests of the general welfare of the Cite • of Miami to issue a Development Order for the Development of Regional Impact, as hereinafter set forth; r NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. A Develcpment Order, attached hereto as Exhibit "B", approving with modifications, the Nasher Plaza Project, a Development of Regional Impact, proposed by the Raymond D. Nasher Company for a tract on Brickell Avenue between SF 7th and SE 8th Streets, be and the same is hereby granted and issued. Section 2. The Application for Development Approval is incorporated herein by reference and relied upon by the parties in discharging their statutory duties under Section 380.06, Florida Statutes. Substantial compliance with the representa- tions contained in the Application for Development Approval is a condition for approval unless waived or modified by agree- ment among the parties. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to send certified copies of this Resolution immediate- ly to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Resource Management, 2571 Executive Center Circle East, Tallahassee, Florida 32301; to the South Florida Regional Planning Council, 1515 MV 167th Street, Suite 429, Miami, Florida; and to Raymond D. Nasher Company, 777 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida 33131. 01 section 4. '.he recitals of fact referre-4 to i. the herein "tv'hereas" clauses are true and correct and ,;jade a part hereof together with Exhibit- "A". PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of oc:03ER 1980. YAURICE A. FEF.RE MAURICE A. FERRE, MAYOR ATTEST: �'' � Cam• `��'�" � C/ � ALPH G. ONGIE , TTY CLERK PREPARED A,40 APPROVED BY: liaj, �• V ^ . RK A. VALENT.:NE AS T. CITY ATT^RNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 0 r I GREENBERG, TRAURIG, HOFGMAI,. _;POUF, CUENTEL- 5, 'NC'-rC-, P A. L :CSAM L. ALVAPEZ r ♦MAGON —V SA PIC NC0.:N J 9ENr�MO Tw -M S P BLA-E P-L - G a000S P09E*T • 9U PLING-OY J CA.. aL, O-^V ALSr*1 - :A-�ANA ALAN a -..AS[ SLE Z=88 -C`.:AL. B ,7rrEr MAMA 9 OAVIS •LAN - C'M'�YO BMI•N r^. MCM V• W LL Au A rMIEDLA40EP MIC-AMC) GAPPE-- .A.-N iC NA6E0 LAMMENCC OOOOr SnT t*L•` S LC wAMV C- A L 0 M Ay MAT --CA# -3 :OS:)-4 -C,-N V GaECVaCOG CA PL N wAP-.E". JP. LAMP- - .0—.4N SC-'• P JOSf PN MAMTIV AALS TIMr•,.-w- E •Is11 BME41 11 KLCIY LIYOA r AOOMOICK STEVEN J AOAVI•. STEVEN a LAPIOUS OCxTCP w LC-"-.CN PAUL • LCSTEY ,; Err ME• • LC"'NE NOO-AN `- _ P-Irr GAMT ^_ P[_V .VAN a •_:)-- r_ PrEM^ A MAa- y STEASSC- rAM,rS ] ar APLMAY aTony J Pf•EaSCV ALBC13 0 111CNTCL TOOO S MCGEL A - P MOG^ O•r10 PCSS Postal M aL BEYS-r•Y CL--OPC A S C-"_'_MAN .An. -, s SwAP CUGC`.E Sw• -M MAPLCNE - SI-CO.AN LAua• P STrM-.C••SON POBEaT -. •P►•_PIG OAv10 .r -MrN:r GLEE •-P1P•_E-- STANLC• w MAAS-LAG JONAT-AN w AAPVEa WILLIAM A, wEBCO ZACNAP- w -OLrr The City Commission City of !Iiaml Ci~v Hall Pan American Drive Miami, rlTrida 33131 P 0 90x '3i2990 u IAM1, r,_3010♦ 33101 'E LCMrCNES u A-. 3--'9 37-•3e 7 TC-Cx 44,2•-2 October 16, 1980 • N Re: 1-asher Plaza - Pro=ose, Develo--ment C.-der Gentlemen: The Nasher Company has filed an Application for Development Approval which, subsequent to review ar.c approval by the South Florida Regional Planning Council and recommendation - for approval by the, Planning Advisory Doard of the Cite of Miami, comes before the City Commission October 30, 1930, for its review and action. In conjunction with said application, this letter confirms an agreer-ent by and iletween the gasper Company and Fctel Inter- continental - Miami regarding the cost allocation :or sicnalization, presignal and controller mechanisms to be installed at or near the intersection of southeast 8th Street and South Bays'nore Drive. T::e ac;reenient was placed into record Serte:,,fiber 25, 1930, at ou::lic hearing on the matter before the City Commission. Ba -8:12 10 TMp City Co2;Lmisslon October 16, 1980 Pace ^wo c The Ao- icant, .:asher, y ti:3t sa_d avreemen to 1.^.ccr—orate:i into an: approved ::evelcr en • Order. Resrectfull,. su'--mitted; A%enue P::-1 Tele 'acne (303) 377-3301 u V . zk-&._o P::.il:) G. B07 s PGS:ctd Encl e GPEENSERG TRA.URIG. H0FF1.AAN. :.IPOFR'. CUENTEl- 6 P A .. 111311 1 p 11 �..:.I� L . JJ {{- Let it be kncwn that pursuant to Secti^_n 380.06, Flcrida S�_Z•1:es :-!-e Cor^issi= of the Cit of �'iar..i, Florida :,us cc„sidered in public ;.earinz held on Senter.ber 15, 1?30, the issuance or a Development Order for Nasher Plaza a Develoc-tent of P.erional Irnact to be located in the City of t'iani, at aoproximately 623-799 Brickell venue, being All of Lots 3 and 4 and a Portion of Lots 5 and 6 Block 103 S nr,-L r:FLL Ai`^ A:'?'LT (E-113) Lot 2 J . Al'STI"I HALL (2-48) Lot 1 J . AUSTI:? HALI. LOT i PLAT (4-69) TP-%CT "A" FLAGSHIP SUBDIVISIO'Ll (108-100) A:M [::;PLATTE"D LA':DS LYl-"G I:ASTFRI,Y OF S . BAYSi:OP.E DRICF. (FXTF:?DFD) and after due ccnsideration of the censistenc;, of this rrcposed development with regulations, and the R.enort and Recommendations of the South Florida Res-ional plannin^ Council, the Commission takes the following action: Approval of Application for Development Approval with the following modifications: ^:':Ji:;GS OF FACT WITH YOPIFICATIO'?S reve lonment 1, 1-velor.ment is limited to a Project containinp, not more than 35,007 square feet of cor.-.nercial space; square feet of office space, 10,000 square feet of nedestrian-oriented retail snace overlook.ina, a Bayfront Walk; and that the combined commercial, retail and office space is limited to 337,507 square feet and that a parking garage is limited to 1,710 spaces. The project, as eronosed,would cor..?rise a floor area ratio of less than the 2.0 allowed for the two acre site. Further, the lot coverage shall not exceed 57'; the enclosed pedestrian open snace at the plaza level is 42,675 and the height of the office tower shall not exceed 15 stories, all as specified by i the Applicant in the Application for bevelonr..ent Approval. as revised, and further limited by arnlicable provisions of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 6781. Traffic access and Circulation 2. The ar- licant and the Cit•-Y of: Piaui (in cooneration with other public agencies) recognize certain mutual responsibilities in resolvinr, and mitiqatinz traffic access and circulation problems in the vicinity. -1- r .esoI hese ^:tole^•s, ..:.ant shall: a) 3-h S,791?t Pay f and _:,.s.ruct a ie: _ tur : lan fro,m the existin, center median on SE Sth Street to allos east o,.nd SE Sth Street traffic to turn e ft (northward) int : the Flays,, c Center prcperty, per City standards and signing. Provide a left turr lane on the east legr of the intersection of Sz Sth Street and SE Bayshore Drive. Lade ry_ct. D—artmer,t of Traffic a Trans-,)o— .aticn that siiznu_:zed traffic controls be installed at the intersection of SE Sth Stre�r an:! SE Ra shore Dri :•e b the Dade C.,L4 ty DCi: : Cen warranted a^d, in ccnrorti:n t;:Apo:lth , shall include as ad•: ante signal ("presignal" ) acnro:;i.;.atel� 90' south of said intersection. Pa7 for ene-hundred Re;uest cost fr= (1 ::) percent of t h-2 - _. - da•; e _ pe:-s cc.. �. _ , .t _. g ~o t cos` of and it steal �- ::e tra_ f: c i. cat• at SC St" V V t.on of a traffic sj_gnal Street and SE Says :ore Dr_ve. and ccntreller ^ech- a::_c... at SE Sth Street and SE Ba::shore Dr,-ve or such lessor percent- age as may be deter- mined through cost participation agreements, developmental condi- tions or offers to contribute by o.rsr future developers. (The cost of purc•lasi^s and installing th advance signal ("pre - south of the intersection is to be borne by the owner of Hotel Intercontinental - Accent a peal: -hour rioht- turn restriction on exit- ing movements from the parking lot access along SE Sth Street if condi- tions warrant. riodify the existing left - turn stacking lane on the east le- of the SE Sth Street/3rickell inter- section. Prc:•ide a. left -turn bav (.striping) on SL• Sth Street to serve the drive-in teller. -1)- 85-812 i I j A , I II I - 11 I Izd I 1 r i� 1j Ir; .I I 1 1 Y • 1 li CLAU ..7:.1 Jf ? TT 1".-T:l7`D I r I AV2A':S.;C:C.;3 W I I�rTc�CCaTIr:StiTAL 1 1 f HC'S TO =c f UNCED E .A 1 C:AI:Ci47''i t .:l.:,t;p CE'/'c=CFE;. r,.01FtC.;T►Crr FE_C''. �,__:� Cv - .r r�;._ "- CE'17=" TF=' I C ;.rr� t.'• _ I - S t TE r. 85-612 VFW Par____Cate and contribute a crc-ra-a Sh'Ire to thJ at_cn Ci=^_._:•�_1 at ^r near Fc:el In _ercor.tinen- a:u,i on 37- StIn Street and the C:a:_ ,t.r. Island 3r_d;e , if warranted. accept a peak -hour left -turn res:. _ction or. exciting -ove- Ments fr^n the parkicg access drive 31_n•_ 3rickeI! A-'en::e if ccnditic;ns ;arrant qec'- --n t') the D.%de 5e• _. s- ,I eed f.. at cr n'? a. _t'? exit of _..e i^ Hots1 in ter_cn__- anta1- .iam_ at SZ °th Street and the C.aucht�a =_ I l `� s ar,d p Jri��n and �., in3:a11 su_ _ salizaticn , if warranted. cost cart i__::a,"ion fr= f1A:,:re de':el f.^ors C:iltri --1 n •� o the tr affic impact at or near the garage exit of Hotel Inter.cnt_nental- Ccmn lete arrangement with the C_auz^:on Island developers to insure that the dual left -turn i-nrc%-eme is of the Brlc'. et t �•:a median bet•.ceen SE 7th and Sth S:ree=s azreei to b• tau t..7 pa ie : . r -:a.ne herein by the ccn_:ticr will be completed as needed• recc...r 71,-4 to the Lade Count': Depart ment of Traffic and Transportation that signal display equipment, ccn- troliers, loop detectors, ar.d poles at the intersections of Brickell Avenue/SB Sth Street and Erickell Avenue/Sr_ 7th Street be modified and reinst_lled per consultant - recc,:::end;Ltions when warranted and as funds are available. If warranted, re -stripe the existine - seuthbound lanes on Brickell Avenue between SE 7th and 8th Streets to permit dual south -to east left turn lanes to eastbound SEE 8th Street and two through lanes. Stud::, in any future development plans submitted for develcpment review on the parcel bounded by SE Ba;•shore Drive, SE Sth Street, Brickell Avenue and Ambassador Drive, the need for a right turn lane on the south leg of the SE Sth Street/Brickell Avenue inter- section. If warranted, the City cr`11 attemnt to secure needed dedications. Study the trunc^tion of the exist- ing center rredian terminus on the SO-th lag of the Brickell Avenue/ Si. Sth Street intersection to allow signal controlled unrestricted west -to -south left turn movements. Request of Da0e Count;: Departrnent of Traffic arc' Transportation, re- stri,^. in; of the inner through lane or the western leg of SE Sth Street :�rta nickel'_ A•:enue to permit an 0^ti.ona1 rigit turn movement from this lane. I 1-' 85-812 0 The Applicant Shay.: T *".,? C I, Z na t e and R,2 C :7 n at s th a r- V-::e a pro r La 0 De7a-,7en- a, t h e C u z t 'D -1 0 f an T.- an zr,� r a 1 crI a act. 7,, a', 2 a z! n a I n,: r " ! �.!7 -- -i r, d s I r, -� e ? ns S I I _..a-Lze=l an -.; r 9 s c S r c 1, t e l I A v e e ccs O—e, de-:e*-,---,e.--3 to 3(DOsouth of SE Sth traff4-C On Street and 300* north betwe,?i 307' -south Of SE Sth Street Of S--- -Ith Street or and 300' north of SEE 7th Street. other similar street on the west side of Brickell Avenue southbound be- %..%-een 300' south of SE t- Sth I h Street and 300' north of SE 7",h Street. c) SE Sa,.-shore Dri,:e T:-,q9,'h-2r with the ov;ner of Hoz,?l jointly prepare a I-e-str'pin; and mar:, -in; plan for SE 2,-"-,sh3: Dr, .hen transmit the plan to the Dade Count,., Department Of Traffic and Trans; orta- t-;cn for approval. It is f—ther understood that the City will not issue a Certificate of Occupancy for Nasher Plaza until the re - striping work has been in- s--e,--te,a and approved by the Ci. ., of Miami Public Works Department. d) S;; --stn Street ISW 4t-h Street Fecuest of the Dade County Depmrt- Ment of Traffic and Trans- ort at'i on the re-stripina- of the center throuch traffic Ar- . I i -,i -,i w • S.•�. .-� �,�. � 5..:. lrn ST. RSae.Q1 7 11 IE the use of t 'cublic transit by c_or...,na,.ing wl t i-'e=ro Transit Author- itv and Dade Coun`.J Clf?ice of Transoor- - Adninistraticn a'. by provi'.:r,a t- necessary amen -:yes shelt3_ s, to encourage bus ridership to and "he Plaza. 12Me Cn the 123Srn �.. i ^n `'-•mot an J t t0 SOU tn 1-. Zr _ lar:_ of t:1e two aC .C3gn lanes to per- mit an optional south- t7-'riC3t anI-turn MC'%v=- rent to Street. Pr-'^.ib-t su`_fic_-_^t or. - street parking, sraces alcnC the blest s"C3 of 4th Avenue frog S'l 7th tersection South t0 s0UthI--c.:nd' ;',C':erC'nts. t;cr:: cl�sel:• wits the oric::ell Asscci-n ion and Aonlicant to Promote mass transit use by office tenants in the 5ric:ell Avenue ccrriJor and to actively encourace the ado^ticn by Brickell Area employees of any and all traffic measures pre- scntca in the South Florida P.egio^.al Planning Council report including voluntar•: ri a -sharing programs, variable Mork hour schedules suc'.: a-s staggered work hours, flex-ti^e -and a 4-day ::•err: week, an"emplc:•er-subsi.._-e_ t=ar.s:_ use, puzlic nromoticn Of transit use and en-str_et Parking prohibition and en- forcement, which are in- tendc:? to maximize the use of available roaduav capacity. Growth 'torsacenent 3. Vie CI' wi11 prepar_, in csn'j ,nct:.on with the iiiami �CC�Ss 1' '~� a : '�C s r.._1: ::h11it" :.t_.CI' , tliChin t::e1VP r.1C^t:':s Of ttis OeVolcnnent rider, a small area cirCath manane! cnt 5t-_ to b_--Ianco th--! C:s:red use Of t;:e Br_c::e11, .13r11 Avenue, and -_^.onz Plaza area as a ma2or business activity n~c: C C � with the (:ut11C infrastructure 1:^ProVer^Cnts neCessar_' to s'•-;-ort suc1.1 use. The stu v rlust result in rescrr.cndea ia:;c use plan and a Pregra:n to suopert the intcnsit�' of azz-vit-v will !:= nar'11 _tcd in t..he st,--dy area. These shall. _:.? .__•ani--i tte!i to Dade Count,_'iOpart- rent Cf ':raffi Tr, the negic. fanning c ar.d �n.�Po. _�ticn an.. nal P - 7 � r, 85-812 Cj•;nc_l fcr retie:. anc' -ent• _c: b; the City. F•.trti,er to er..ent _-.e ado^_e_d ^ia ar.d program of i-7-lovements the fit; :-:ill f_or7.:12-e-c,I-tcry ^rCC2I_:._res to eL'aIuate the ccr-rehensive anc` collect_:e dCt3 Qf deyolonr':en- ;CCurrinz with`n the uriCf.ell� :`.ia i �?': nue. D:;pont Placa %rea. Erv.rcnmental 4. The Anz oiicant gill obtain, a comr.lex source ^ern:it from the Florida Cenartnent cf En•;ironment Pep:ulations. 5: The Acolicant is encourated to use onl,.r native vegetation species in the final project landscape plan, but is not • required to do so. 6. The :applicant will, rrior to the issuance of a ,uilding permit for the project sutn4t a final site and develon- meat nlan, spec:inn, deca_led landscape and desirn treat- ment, for Planning T>erhrtn,ent review' and a*cnroval for a) shade and landscape treat:.ent of the nlaca level and site perimeter; and o) sensitive design treatment Of the parking structure. 7. The Aoalicant shall, nricr, to the issuance of a Cert:.`.sate of Occupancy, a) submit landscape plans for a Ba"front Valk - way for review and aonroval of the PlanninY. and Public T'orks Penartments; h) provide and construct a 'Fa' front T:'aIt.,-•av per a;.nroved n? ans; c) dedicate a tweet- (2rn foot •aide ( public easement imr,.ediately upland of tI:e nean hi-. h water line and d) provide for pernetual maintenance of the Bav- front Walkwav at his oc-,-n ernense, it heing. understood that this paragraph is further conditioned by the Waterfront Charter Amendment as interpreted by the'City Commission as follows: Fifty (59) feet Ba;:front setback and Sixteen (16',:.) percent view corridor. General 3. T:.= Apolicant shall submit a renorc, twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of this Cevelonnent Order and each twelve (12) months thereafter until a certificate of Occupancy is issued, to the South Florida Rerional Planning Council; the State of Florida Deoartment of Coral unity Affairs, Division of Local Resourc! Manage- ment; all affected rermittinr agencies and the Planning Director, City of Miami Planning Penartment. This re- port shall contain, for the nreceeding twelve (12) months: A general descrintion of construction nrooress in terms of construction dollars and emnlovment compared to the schedule in the Apnlicanc's Application for Development Approval. Specific progress in response to paragraphs 2. 4, 5, 6, 7 and9, sneci:ically demonstrating. nrooress on and in compliance with paragraph 10, it being understood that submission of this report is nor_ a substitution for specific reports required by these paragraphs. A cumulative list of all nermits or approvals applied for, approved or denied. A statement as to whether any proposed rroject construction changes in the ensuing twelve . , 0 elopnent Crr ..1 u I i 7 J l..I a n n i n z Directr , C ty o. "I m•I P1an;,ins D^-'1, "7e7t :,it`'it c re'z^_t i7 r^_^-ram 3^^,to c •,---r }n'_ 33 --- -1re c3:"�olianCe wit i t:liS Levelcc..,e:�t Crier 9. l J'-• 1-i Z ant S h a 1 i t e^ iat Un 3d 13711s oi, the 3 t r to receiving, a buillin pe:-mit. 10. The De`:elc^nent Cr er shall be nu:l an� void if su,stant.a1 de`. i .. ent ha- n, t be un in t1,�o (2) years of the reZ. ;7de_d dat'= of t-i.3 De':eI:cn-ant C7•'er. SL:,7stannal de elc::-ent is de.inel herein as the achieve- lent o: the itemns a) Cci.structiOn of b.:ilding fcun(lations for the pro - posed deve1'� ent. b) Ccn- _ruction of inIerin traffic aces: iMr7:)Ve- melts to incI —_: _trr _. ^ a wes_ t--stu.., le`- _•.:r. land on t .- east le; c: t e S:. Sth Stree ,'Sc Ba;:shore Drive intersection. - prc:,ibit_cn of_u:f_c,ent on - -t--eet paring spaces extending southerly along, the west side of St`; 4th Avenue on the south le; of the St•: 1th Avenue/S.� 7th Street intersection to provide unconstrained throuvh movement seuthbound (by the City). on the east leg of the SE 3th Street/Brickell Avenue intersection, construction of a left - turn lane fro^ the existing center median to allow eastbound traffic to turn left into the project (by the Applicant). restriction of peak -hour right -turns for ex- iting m-vements frtm the parkin, lot tc SS Sth .Street and restriction of peal: -hour left -turns 'for exiting movements from the parking lot access drive to Brickell Avenue if conditions warrant. 11. All traffic improvements not subject to Parigraph 10, abc`:e, required of the applicant pursuant to Para;rapli 2 of the Development Order, shall be complete prior to the issuance of the final certificate of occupancy. 1.1. The applicant shall give notice to Richlyd P. Brinker, Clerk Dade County Circuit Court, 73 West Flagler Street, ;•tia:ti, jFlorida 33130 for recording, in the Ofticial Records of Dade Countv, Florida, as fcllous: a. Thit the City Ccmniss_on of the Cit`• 0, ?ti3:^i Florida has issued a Deve:cpment Order for the Na.sher E la=a Pr _c a Dove lormen t of Re ^-n3' Imn :=t located at a; proxi;,,ate1), 6 Z 3 - 79 -1 Br; cke11 } Avenue, being f all of Lots 3 and s and a portion of Lots S and o Block 103 S BRICKFLL ADD .4'4 '..D (3-113) man r, 8S-B1Z A A 0 Lo t J . ?,US T I :: FIAL, ' ) Lit 1 L CT 1 P .'.'7 ( 1 09 T�.,CT "A" Fi.1C7 S':��'l. iS:I?N !iC3-100 A'vu ,:;FI %_I 1 ":D :'3 ._. -..r EASTE-_-L'i OF Jam. JfS'_P DRIVE (=xTi::'i-L)Ez b. That Ra-,and D. :,cs�er Cc - Can", / 7 EricReII Avenue, Miami, Florida 3_131 is L"e— dev•-lcper; c. That the Develccment Crier wit`; any modif Lcations r may be exa^fined in the Cit•: Clerk's Offices, 35nn Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida 33133. d. That the Development Order constitutes a land develcpnent re;-ulation, applicable to the property; it, bein; un derstocd Mat• recording of this notice shall not constitute a lien, cloud or encumbrance on real property, nor actual nor constru:tive notice of any o f the s ame . 13. The applicant will inc�r�orate all or:^,final a':'! a�_Iitionai re- v is:crs to the cr.,:-a1, su'cn_tted Ac^licat.on for de�.elo - p ment Approval into one co,..=lete document and will provide copies within 90 days of the issuance of this Development I Cr.'.e: , to the City Cito: kiiami, the Scu'th Florida Reg4.onal P lann- in; Council and the State Department of Community Affairs. 14. The Ap^lication for Development approval is incorporated here- in by reference and is relied upon by the parties in discharg- ing their statutory duties under Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. Su: :a-t:1 comoliance with the representations contained 4 _:._ r ::;.3tion for Development Ancrc�•al is a condition for approval unless waived or modified by ag-eement among the parties. CM"CLUSIONS OF L?t' .a_a Project, proposed by the Raymond D. Nasher Company complies with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, is consistent with the orderly development and goals of the City of Miami, and complies with local land develop- ment regulations being Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 6871; and The proposed development does not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the City of Miami; and The proposed development is generally consistent with the Report and Recommendations of the South Florida R.ei;ional Planning Council, and does not unreasonably interfere with any of the considerations and objectives set forth in Chapter 380, Florida Statutses. i -10- ., 85-812 5 0. ATTACHMENT G r� F2 f Distribution below February 17, 1941 tteetinzz on Brickell Avenue' SE 8th Street Transnor'tati on Imo_ rovements Jo etih W.McManus, Asst. Director Planning Department A meeting was held at 10:00 a.m. Friday, February 6, 1981, in the Planning Department Conference Room to discuss a) proposed trans- portation improvements in the Brickell Avenue/SE 8th Street/S. Bayshore Drive area: b) an apportionment of costs: and c) a schedule of implementation. hose present were: for Ravmond D. Vasher Co. Phil Boggs for Claughton .,.sland Inc. Ed Claughton Thomas L. Plant Chuc{ Hyatt for Hotel Intercontinental J.A. Gross Jerry Murphy (PBSJ) Laurens Mendlt-son Julio Grabiel (FGSC) Bob Traurig Rudy J. Beres (FGSC) for Caribank Don Castles A.L. Jaffe for Dade County Dept. of Traffic and Transportation David Rhinard Harvey Bernstein Don Brammer for Miami Department of Public Works George V. Campbell Jr. Bill )lackey for Miami Planning Department Joe McManus Sir. N101anus opened with an explanation of the obligations in Devel- opment Orders, resulting from Developments of Regional Impact. per- taining to washer Plaza and Claughton Island. Mr. Campbell followed :with a detailed explanation of the proposed improvements. B5�B1� 0 .06 Page 2 February 17, 1981 The proposed improvements and cost part icioati.n -.;;Pre as follows: C1aughton Island Center median modification on Brickell between 7th and Sth Streets; minor modification to median north of 7th Street and pole adjustment; complete re-siznalization of Brickell inter- sections at 7th and Sth Streets .............8120,000 washer Comnan-: Center median modifications on SE 8th Street between Brickell Bridge and Claughton Island Birdge; east side modi- fication of Brickell Avenue from SE Sth Street north to the First Pres- byterian Church; signalization at SE Sth Street/S. Barshore Drive .............$174,000 (if baybulkheading is included) .............$225,000 It was noted that the pre -signal south of the SE 8th Street/S. Bay - shore Drive intersection; the signal exiting the Hotel Intercon- tinental garage on SE Sth Street, and re -striving of S. Bayshore Drive were not included in the estimates but will be considered fur- ther in the future if conditions warrant. Mr. Campbell then explained that these improvements could be best accomplished by a single entity, that the Miami Public Works Depart- ment proposed to prepare engineering plans, specifications and es- timates, take bids, award the contract, supervise construction, and make progress payments to contractors. The obligation of the affected developers would be due in total, prior to award of contract with any surplus remaining after project completion returned to the developers. Mr. Campbell also explained that the Public Works Department would charge a percentage for their work. The transportation improvements would be completed prior to issueing a Certificate of Occupancy for Nasher Plaza, in approximately two years. There was a general discussion among the participants of the cost apportionment. Mr. Claughton requested a detailed cost breakdown of all items. Mr. Traurig raised the question of the proposed tunner under the Miami River with the south portal north and east of 7th Street/ Brickell and underpassing Brickell to connections with 7th and Sth Streets west of Brickell. Mr. Campbell responded that it was his W` 0 f (( Page 3 February 17, 1981 view that the improvements were still needed even if the t,,innel were built but that he would continue to review the tunnel situation. He again referred to the fact -:hat the schedule of improvements was to be completed in time for the Nasher Plaza opening. There followed a discussion of the future of the Hotel Intercon- tinental parking lot fronting on Brickell Avenue, south of 8th Street. Mr. Campbell referred to the Vasher Plaza Development Order, and cited the City's position that a tapered northbound right turn lane on the south leg of the Brickell/SE 8th Street intersection would be desirable, starting 10' inside the property line at 8th street and tapering south for 300'. !fir. Campbell also stated that that corner should be rounded with a 25' radius and further that in order to provide for turning movements, it would be desirable to widen eastbound lanes of the Past leg of the Brickell/SE 8th Street intersection by 4' with a 150' taper. Mr. '.tendelson responded that any commitment on his part .could be premature at this time, but that as the proposed improvements progressed to the design phase, both he and .,Ir. Gross m1i ht wish to join. The meeting closed with general agreemen, on the proposed course of action among the affected developers 'Raymond D. Vasher Co. and Claughton Island Inc.) Mr. Campbell agreed to forward a) de- tailed cost estimates and cost apportionment; b) management struc- ture proposal by the Public Wo-ks Department and c) a more defini- tive schedule. There was some discussion if the developers were expected to return siened agreements or some form of commitment. which Mr. Campbell would explore further. The meeting closed at 11:45 a.m. Distribution: For Vasher Plaza: For Claughton Island/ Brickell Key For Brickell Key Company For Hotel Intercontinental For Barnett Bank For Caribank For WGBS For Security Trust For First Presbyterian Church For FDOT For Miami Public ;Yorks For DOTT Mr. Bill Morris Mr. Edward N. Claughto .Mr. Charles Cheezum %ir. . Bud Braman Mr. Laurens A `.iendelso Mr. David Weaver Mr. George Childs, Jr. .Mr. Dan Di Loretto Mr. Joseph McMahan Dr. McVittie Mr. John Goodin i glint Mr. Donald W. Cather Mr. Eugene Simm Distribution List for Developers Mr. Bill Morris Ravmond D. dasher Company 777 Brickell Avenue Miami, F1. 33131 `fr. Charles Cheezum American Design and Development Corp. 1901 Brickell Avenue Miami, F1. 33129 Mr. Edward Y. Claughton Jr. Claughton Island Co. 777 Brickell Avenue Miami, F1. 33131 Mr. Laurens A. Mendelson 9300 S. Dadeland Boulevard, Suite 308 Miami, Fl. 33156 `.fr. David Weaver Intercap Douglas Entrance, 800 Douglas Road Coral Gables, Fl. 33134 Mr. George Childs Jr., President Condor Management Corporation 40 Wall Street, Suite 2900 New York, NY 10005 Southeast Mr. Dan Di Loretto. Vice President and General Manager WGBS 710 Brickell Avenue Miami, Fl. 33131 Sir. Joseph Ntc"fahan Cushman and Wakefield 1401 Brickell Ave., Suite 305 Miami, F1. 33133 Mr. Bud Braman Brickell Key Company 777 Brickell Avenue, Suite =1120 Miami, F1. 33131 Dr. McGittie First Presbyterian Church 309 Brickell avenue Miami, F1. 33131 ., Distribution List for Develoners Page 2 Eugene Sirnm. Director _ Dade Count.- Department of Traffic and Transportation 3675 XW 53 Street Miami , F1. :attention: David Rhinard Don Brammer Donald N. Cather, Director Public Works Department :attention: George Campbell John Goodkni-ht District Engineer Florida Department of Transportation 401 V,V 2nd Avenue Miami, F1. _ Attention: Armando Vidal IV 4f .: r3` iaY„ vim' 0 CITY Or MIAMI PCANN(NC OEP1. '0P1 MAR 26 PM 1: 41 FEn.10 ' r,•,. -"..-._FiIE._, -1—ard I. '31au!;hton, Tr. 71au,,hton Island Company 7777 _'ri ckoll !,venue -, 3 ..1Mi, : L _ .car ''r. t:lau?hton: ��{. J.• .1.JL L.\�Vrw J•�.• � r.. .,T1r1IT ..s -►ou reaucsted in th,e TWA Aary 4, 1101- ,eetinc. at the P1,9nning ^^art -gent, we ^pne rr?eared a preli--inary estimate of the coat �'or the '?rice:ell "i", r.ortion of transnortation im rcverents at rickell Avenue and S. 3 Street. 1,.e costs in the attacked r!itina- to Are 4ased on recent bid prices. 'We have applied 12 per- :3nt to cover, inflation from the present to the tine we exaect to :^^ceive ")ids. coct or traffic a1-nalization includes ,^00 f ^r the inter - ^'_.tion of Ager.,ie anI ' Itrept , zrd t9,110 Por :t ,ortion of the +don't at ?rickell Avenue and 7treet. hurt!.;; th e ^ceti. -„ ".:. Ca.'liF.rell, ofstaff, ^r^L+Osed t`:3t the ^itv could act as t`,e coordinating entity for all the inprovements required of 'rickell : ay, '?asher, ani ultimately, the Cross-"Tendelson interests. In order to accomplish construction with the least Its- runtion, the City would prepare contract plans and specifications, advertise, receive bids, award a contract, and supervise construction off' the improverrents. "'tie cost of construction would be raid bq the ,.orcral developers involved. '"he inveloperi woul-I also ray to the 'itv an mount equal to 171 of the bid ;rice to cover costa to the :ity for englneerind, construction inspection, :ontract ad'11n13tration 111d incidentals. -.: .�A .,xk3.,B+,aSYin+iK ^,Viagiiil:.ii+`+2--+a..t�3bw_ _ t - - ��t �'-Y•�1Y ..a_ s�ti� .. 9�� ��. SY iir ia`Ti3 i YiiY��c� � W i3 �t Fai yi�ifi Fi fix{ 4tt�1iT,�t51r T9{`.�%i� i��ui i6 s�ttttr9@,1.1Ci 1i .. f"i C T :3 �':! L it • GIi..9�G:.., w t�t6�.�lrj�+v-r a.��, nc 3tinb7 uiis�:� G t�tJ liQ r A.udeg Ci Y neng e r V deg. f ;G..tT.L. x' a„ ?r" mi r� �F 4~ rY�+ �n u s� �3 S � r 12 �. r .. Spa% 1, : ,g t �# f�y�; �cyy� �1*i� �iy� y ti� �t p� � �gg�� 5� nor 8 t $� �= mfEa Id praposal Lar, the .L�15pol" -0fita Wau{le. �?�� flC ls-li*C�. O� Fit�tq mh Fitt aE�t�t�dIL t� ��!-ah ��'���ag�4ei� Vlfi �!lA$�'l�f :�i�I�tlL��'F1s�I� Alta*ltt 6? t 1d8 3 And prior to W..;3'rd r ftta"Atat, 6Acv aantri�atar -muici rarwar- A to tht , h4 rm11.4g 'mquitrad for his nartiohr 8a n w u1 'p1aa In, &n jaaaufit i`ratrt Wh1 th. 'dontrattar =;auld 5 ai i 4't 'tea aasnplatia a ` n a chftti�aet j anp ' a!'. i"t i``ur WaUlA rottlr�'.A-d p r a rota to Ri1a" �s - The City w6uld quire thata�+��it dual to y'; br the `estimated - artr�atioh hbat be p-i4 to tha' pity "up aftt to c2fVt' `�3t 11� -U "sty d by t!;� C%its 145- to the - Me Of '%@d@#�'�i�i��i � i�ya i �`'i6 rem%ainder u1% tit A I � �i Su.L ilG ;i�+' i �.��i 3 Ja o tl �7 1. t the tatal fee ta the it We1114 be 17.1 at the 1-Ad pride as aZaaifted .��ia a �e ttls �cr oona:rttctio�i will require ConplOtip.v dt the 11101 � iF;fi�v i;t �i a �tZ.I31'- 6e �.'�,�!`1 g1tortly 11'eztdra �hC-- 06t97;�I t.466.1 or A ��t�. �iGi This, :}a:e(1t lt.' 4sLi �� t. '�t Wil� 1uj,� •'��gA%�ri1 a to ontiiriket in,the yi�n� rl �Y �i► y, y�ji tltt�i u0�4 o UU�G�� �• S�Lr�� ����i� ���G.t ��1tai ViiiiiM tit �v� �iV Ua '.�i btgin in iiagus't, 1'1 i city '.till prepare anti submit for, your signature! atreembi is 'bindiri all � sties before we o� oceed 1 * nu wimh tb disco the estlrate, `+��C�zura dr schet`�ule: t ldas,, achtlet 'ir oleor^e '�ar�cbell ay iinc gr,r1� Director .hclosure cc`: !Ar. '.ud Draman 'rickell 'Key con. pany be- Terry ?ercy -°Law Dent. u, ?lanr_inu Dept rMi oco�r construction 'Highways sewers'— "; ^,ertral a;E kk4 k x i 'ti�cll�M�1►ii . }�igii:�G \.i91 y s :SR7�Y'"s. l: Lma•y :l i, �li :mil: s..�l :a'.itu3J .` ., i.l:+ N m:. 1... a r h /� b 4-b & 5ut tui ei- R,-imo-tat *lily LAY" i 0- 12. SC/L.IF. $ 10450. 00 i 'Aedlan C .— b"• tier e:�C ►a $ 87, cc, New New 6" Curb & s.V Ver 6 C J.r.. . � , . 5�0/W . . $ 5,100. I' 0 New :':e'lar. Curb & 0 zt`er 35510 L.F- a $7.50/i..P. $ 20525.00 New Pavement (V Ease, " Surface) 250 S.Y. @ $10.00/S.Y. $ 22500.00 New Pavement (9" Base, 3" Surface) 50 S.Y. @ $:2.00/S.Y. $ 600.00 New Concrete Pavement (9" ) 1010 S.Y. @ $21.00/S.Y. $ 21,210.00 Concrete Pavement Removal 910 S.Y. @ $18.00/S.Y. $ 16s380.00 Surface Removal 90 S.Y. a $Z.00/S. Y. $ 180.0, � � � \`\ � `� . �7Fel -C ] \4 t,�. k !2,§O/�,f, � �����'�� . IV�0.10 A. --j -A 44 } . e.1 t-t At 8 FILL 010 T CT A L LL 9 USV- 16 c 0t00.00 Prepared 0 l A vv•♦r'r. � �.•v rry r. �... .ran in axe 00.,,., Aa-semen ✓ 350 S.I. 1,750.00 ,r re`,e ?avement Rem- al S. "r zq nc ,',ew 7a*:ement 7C:": re-l? ?ase Sc 3",...:^_`'ace) median ^urb and Gutte:\ 250 L,.T. a $7.5C/I.:'. 5 1,?75.00 - Medlan curb and Gutter Removal 26C L.?. a $2.50/..v. 35�50.00 1 T y" \ ! SL_—_ �- ,� $ ' y (� //1 0136 ..,v :11171`TICINT $ 2,^04.CO sUS-'^OTAL $ 23, 369. 00 CV in 11 •1-17; ..14C.� :J A , 3- - '!?-TC7A $ 25 706 - OC $ 3C 075.00 i 1 85'-812 1' ..._._..___.__.._.......__-...__..._-._,.._y.....«.,.........,....,.....�.-..-+... 9 �.�.. ter_ _ I=L L KE A _ _ _ + 2 .. rdCa .slr r :raina;ze $ i • Pavement overlay 350 S.I. 5.0C/S.'_'• $ 1,750.00 _Cncrete ?averent ce^c•:a1 130 New 7a./ p..lA rl ♦. y.:�. v.y ^-�-se 1 lit �::r:'ace 1 4:.0 S.`_'. ,i 325. ;C/S. 10,250.CC Median Curb and Gutter 2150 L.F. a $7.5C/L.F• l,?75.00 J Median Curb and Gutter Removal 260 ,.^. a $2.50/L.F• S 650.00 —iT'� T r1T 12a $ 2, � .CO O Sum-TOTALL $ 23, 369. 00 ,J SL'?-'_', .'AL $ 25 , 706.00 i r 85-812 f' 'Ile, c'_,ewalk ?^z T. a s- Sidewalk Re-cvai New paveme-: - (5" Base 1 1" Surface` (TI BKCKELL A'TENL? Sidewalk Removal 3500 S.F. i $1.001S.F. New 6" Sidewalk 1300 S.F. e $1.75/S.F. New 4" Sidewalk 700 S.F. @ $1.50/S.F. "Monolithic 5" Curb and Gutter 65., L.F. a $8.00/L.?. $ 3,500.00 $ 2,270 $ 1,n5n.00 5,z0^.00 8S-812 74 I 2 1 I. F • J ' .J . f . � � � 1n _ •t i � n n nn New ?a.-ement ..� .. • _ . 2CZ • �. 1.. • _ . ye �r•n �n f S',--7CTA 12', 99 . 10 } . 1'1 ....Iv 7 J , .J 2 .i1 .^�C f Sicna1 at{on S '2,'�72.00 S.E. 8 St. to s.... 7 St. $ 30,076.O0 S.r. 7 St. to S.E. 5 St. S 1� 527.miC TOTAL USE 3120,ClOO.Co0 Prepared by: RAL 3-9-81 85-81.2 —PWW .. .. C '� G M L !f 7 1 :-.:r ., an4- s'.:`. moo., Removal - • N-?w Pavement ^ J i Prepared By: RAL 3-5-°1 12" iNFI 7TrJ^•4. CONT:NG?"JC,=S 1�" ENGI`1EEIZI, dG 1" cr t,ci ��1.00 0 , 85-812 4 S-E 8 ST. T—' m 8 Ic 14 m ri 104 s CD 10 0 m rn BRICKELL'S AMENDED ADDITION --304 1 B - 113) rn 12 R/W REQUIRED FOR BRICKELL AVE.-S-E. 8 ST. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS PREPARED BY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA IR By Rs`-, A 3-25- 81 1 6 0' ins ---c E- !i-,6-; L E % RN-PT2 4 , _ .. .. .. .... .. ..: �..r a^f:�i'T"K.d�yPsi'7Y4-:q`?i?..?' '_'.n C.r.'4�' S����'•�gh .. _.._ ... .... .. _._ •t Li 6 3 9 10 11 1' V 13 14 15 16 l 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'1 28 29 �0 31 22 34 35 OF Fri vIC_•', ..:^'. :' -:; :..� :' :.._� -:.J?- 70 L '. U. I i� • 1, l T' IS112. ::D, LCC:,;:7D I:: _, SC'. J �. O� ' n,^� 1 77 11) t,\`:D CC_vJ 1:.D:: 1_.v _.. OF 'ic:� SCi_-_"i :.�C'"._L7i, ^.:G_..:1:� �r ...:i=. s C ...:CIS A:Z` ':?iE '1Pr-A . L_- UVISC�_ 3(:', �TIa:•�I, s:.���.._ .c _:Ts cc:�_'� L 1J_ '"s s� ':_.� �s-, .�.c=- C,S E S-,-H P-EnS, the lmiami Advisor's 3card, at _its r.._etiny 0.4 December 13, 1974, Item =1, following an advertised hearinc, adc=ted Resolution NO. PAB 54-74 by, a 6 to 0 vote (one member absent) recc;re^:iinc t e issuance of a BevG1o:p- ment Order 'ai th mod i f ica t ions : and ►aRMAS, t:he Cit:✓ commission :.3s considered t^e report of the South Florida regional Planning Council and each element required to be considered by C::apter 3SO.05 of the Florida Statuses; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami, as more specifically set forth in the City Commission Meeting minutes of January 23, 1975, ircorporn ted herein by reference, to issue a development order for the d3velcpment of regional :-pact as hereinafter set forth: NOWT, THEREFORE, BE IT P.ESOLVED 3Y THE OF THE CITY OF :IiA:-II, FLORIDA Section L. The Development Order, attached hereto asE:.il_blt "A"t 3DD`"C'f!^C: tJl�. TiCC 1�3''.�OnS, Development of Regional Impact on the proposed clevelopm nt by Edgard N. Claughton, Jr. and 'Prates Properties 1-Ic.. , for Urpia -.ted Cl aughton Island, lc•ca ted in 3isca, ne Bay at the foot of S.F.. 8th Street, after conducting a _public. --• - OTY COMM15510N 8•i MEETI►�G Q� r 5 a n 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 s5 _L_i. J _:i J� :J_,� ....', ��i1 C':.1�`_�L ?v0 ) Of -'--''S, 1 un_. 5a-5 is n^ rzant c nd issued . PASSZ_J tl:.""., e,u0?TZ� cz�11 O_` fl o . '.;j I l I E ,. . I.. C.... Y.. CT _7- IRN PRE ypW0, i.!.-D APP.RCV-70 B"-: MICHEL A. A'NDSRSOV Assistant City lt=ornev APPROV=- AS TO FOP.:•I A:M CORP.rC.: LSS : UC ity Atto:..ney M A Y 0 R $_2 g 14 ' 1. � �.4leeRaAw.+sm., Ak ILI L wiz �_. .•..%1 of l._c:^_ ��� '� _n to a ..?n tote ra � �� 1 -` �:� is �c::, t��', -^� =n1 1 r.•.:; � �,-- _; nn o 1. The .SO:.th F' or+d3 that a floor area rn.•cio of 3.24 .:i`_`t conu=ss to 3.7L� was e::C'JJ�Yo.?_., �^�r3rt':._ o= r._`�.' O. Miami has race.:...me:-tde4 a na:._-;umm floor area ratio of 2.4 (4,371,751 square fees) which inc'_udas bonuzss for ba.:front eazeme t and de iczcie:: of 3.5 acres for ptfolie park. Th_ Planning Advisory Bead a floor area ratio of 2. 5 which :;ouid : er- it5 5 3, "'17 eq,-,!rc feet of nri •. �C �cl�).;�Y./ Board ::urt'ner that a floor a,:!a ratio i of 3. 2i :rhich would parrit a deve'_o:zm-n:. of 5, 9"5, 0J9 f scuure :cat would be appropriate if the develcpar public on the a st- shor_ of tha Z.;L,�n-ft. C1'iP ti�� �t ., - --. 7.'!1�' G:'.. .::.::;.7 � :iS I. _ t,. t � _... --tl:. it lv!l^, U'. +:I!C ?i•t.7:^7 ..:'1..7C'1 .�0.2''a .`.i'. Ll?i)rl:':,''l_�_. ::or C1aughL-ort ) ;1•in:'. B-3 8 � _ il�.:l.^.'.� fia.Tf, ��'_'..'..� �..:�_'�� -,-�_.:�=. ...., r•�c �:��::t�al ...3.'�.51�ti' :�_ c'. 73. 5 un_ tz, cr ac_•2 or a total of 3, 075 yo: the oral^_a is'".� .,_11 ?ro�_.:f� for reascaabla 3. "nc,iona:. Plan CsL:nc_l a non-residcntiai :.1cor araa o-F 1,400,0C10 Squar-2 fzat for offfiC2 and 2!J0,0C3 -cat- A. Or re:.ai 1 u'ze :^_agicna? Plan. =. _ Cot:n^ ic:ind tii3'"- the request Cant-ral District as a -_ jc: ufban center . Tne dcv010ors t -"--Ore the Manning Advi Ory Board and The City Col. issic:i is for 1,200,CGO sc,.:a:73 peat O- cz icA and 23..1 COO s� .are few t for -eta; use. ` ^? a^n' ::g ..4e DePa:rt.'Rent- has recce anded 400 , 000 SC4:ir'_' �_� for a ca use and 100,000 squgre for retail use. The ?lanning Advisory Board has reccm:iendad a to _al no :-rOsiC._::t_a? er_a ratio of 1,133,477 5� :. 1'_a %eat.. The City Cc:-_ '.s52on i.i: —'s that a total non-r'esi-Len teal fit'.'J'r area o! 1,201,000 be ap,pro �: i to ar C.Iauy h ;:o.i Is 1a.�c1. ! ; (� `''� Q 11. = C-J� Sa. cc REr,-NIL. u SE a-4 S 0 I PE ;kM 1TT40 USES cl Lo : 7c a:i `/t..,:: J.,.li1ar L._..^_:i '?7._ 'oor nrC-i-� u ram.:..a...1R:• •. _:1 _ o. r:i .� ._ ^'� J''� .. .--. � Z.:..• l� - ..�� O:eSSdri•:j n,ts as te or y uses during onlyj :aat or 'te r-n_ � i n r -. i ^-1 tie for , Food, _ - 6. v- • l.. i ..4� r._ r.�v � .. V � 1. i L r S L V- 1J a:•lSri., JLJJ-� i�� —.D1_Vr oil an—! rJ:- _. SE=V_. '^3 :^__•7 =a as a Comic^ of a ^a-', inC facilit_! i - V. - L.1` no 1.....C- r C'!\.. - rs rl• r t 1. 4 e J ... L. = a- .. C.. =u..s 6.J _' he lolloYll=li u.�...�.11.+.e�...ial us as Ca=J=.., rug and 'floor covering Sto=:B; G=iVe-in gal 'ter: ....:::a a'�.�i._�.?^_� S,: r:! and furnLtura store. Council hc. �. :.ri pCo j .. as prr cam.. �.. .'! -ha G Velour woul _ be `Zoo Co:':'atitiva c•I_J '- Ccntt _l BmL_3_.._SS Di�t=iCt. he City C=mmi55_on --in-'s �-ate �.:a US35 a5 reconman6ad ^V -the ?larnin J3^z: ^..ant an-- 8lanni—n AC isory F?oar-I b= '7n;!"IM7 :'O•. Rn I��? deve1a=:,n_-a n,,,. ,;. 5. The South Florida R:! 1ional Planning Council ffoun.3 :ha t th.. r•a J7•S 3.:? b-` C, C ^'':t t i.V : 1r"^• 1^L C•' C•� J • iR.�l�l :._r... 17:1- CJ� Jam•-. ...,.'� ,1•f-:11�� ...... S...... 7Lh and S.;:. 35 1 S rz:c:,:;. Tiw Cof :21.:::a_:l: i:,:'/�: : ' �c �,C._.:_� �i►u w U.�. ��� �n� �y �, ice, 7 .a t1a.: at , Ye 10pr2c'_. r i J :f I - 11 71 ..� r .:'.. _. 1_. _ . , ^.-. r r J �L J-. _.. u._ •�.. r �_ n`, r�..0 peak i�C ,-. rzaia. i�. :.cr a • second at... 7:1-2 i1Ci_t" en_. Or a Isla. -ICI. Sound a cc-plet*a la's.: of hOu,:S - ( davel o. er has o=_ 2_ to furnish .._t3 0_ :".?: _L:.:. _nC0ma �'Ou.`ilI:Cj C:1''.: ..^.C� rental Boa L.^.1`_ COS not i:\C_ :.,.? a for canitalizad land 'value. The dovelo?3: rc r2sa:?ted C'J the P1_nn_, ^•7 Ad-. _Sor;' would. be par -gin=1. 1►le plc::^.::1::y A -sort Board fou: 3 that this f._ ure would he a.= re the low income ta1Xe;^.^P. c13. 1: Pl : ^.::7..^.g i an�3r^. �U•-a-n^�. developer to provide at least 300 units for e`=—••- cca-===e income he s; ng. TheCity y Cc -a ssioz r -. s _h � _cc- ers sha.11. 'r rou-i.C:? 1.C:. i.n(7cm-- 1,0. . inn :.nd r�C".t= than 2.00 units on th2island to -= Cte zIo?ad and rantad i the nannar set forth 5y -ih2 C:evalopar. B-6 v 1.s :1 i f .. r . ilk I C I :.n� • S. AI 1 0tliir portions of t^e ;?v2loa��n; clan as ?r2s_n td ljy :i`.2 e l oiler ire her2v rot'. ._2:: :3n avprovad su0j to the 11,-..tc;_c13 of h2 S'D-1 D.ST^ICT and the a:;:!-_sii n For do:ei..:men- as apprcved by the City Co.:,.mission. 9. The tou ti, Florida R2.= cna l ?; annin;! Ca :nci I s;1a 1 1 rb2 furnished 4i th all prop: sa l s a n j a-j:.' .t2s o • the t _+ application for the de:•elorm2nt of reilonal-•mpact. r Ca►PiLes Of this Qruer are to be 5znt im.meY "ao the Division of Stc1.e Planni-IS , D2o;r,n2r:t of ,;drain:.;r3- tion, 725 S. 3ronau9h, T a I Iah-,ssee, FIcridai to the Scut.. Florida RegicnaI Planning Council, 1515 157 Street Suite 4299 191�;.;i, Ftor, dal to Edward N. C1 uV—,;on, Jr. ► 34 S.E. Second Avenu/e, ilia'1i� Florida; and to Fracas Pro.ertJ. lrc 7 �! 1 �1V. T)iv cs ,.nd 0 H-7 l- - r•. / J _ J i57 f'� I . f I •r 7-5 D1TE CITY ty..:Llx /3S ✓fin I" 1' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 y 35 • 1 r MEA 4/21/75 Motion 75-349 RESOLUTION N0. 75-423 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MEMORJAIMM-t OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CLAUGHTON ISLAND DEVELOPERS AND THE CITY OF MIAMI REGARDING LOW INCOME HOUSING, AND THE AGREEMENT TO DISMISS THE APPEAL PRESENTLY PENDING IN THE FLORIDA LAND AND WATER ADJUDICATORY CC:MISSION; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAID AGREEMENTS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, rLORIDA: Section 1. The Memorandum of Understanding between Claughton Island Developers and the City of Miami regarding low income housing, and the agreement to dismiss the appeal presently pending in the Florida Land and water Adjudicatory Commission, be and the same are hereby approved. Section 2. The City Manager and City Clerk! -are hereby authorized and directed to sign said Agreements on behalf of the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22 day of _ APRIL ( 1975. MURICE A. I-L!,RL _ M A Y O R i E -- # _ , .. p,y nu [ 11FPN 1110;VA1t1•.li ANTI AVI'III)VI•YI IIYi 1 ►: MICHEL E. ANDERSON Assistant City Attorney APPROV;D AS TO ORM AND CORRECTNESS: EOHN S . LLOYD �City Attorney CITY COMMISS+uN MEt-'T"jNG OF APR 2 21975 Y E'WP=:a LAND ANM t= t•= 02" REGM:AL D:RA=L Pic= FOR _ D�-=C-:_7'% i Md T'r.:: CIi: Cc c. . STIPUTATI0,1 OF�- CC:�iTIC'iI 0?.CFR Alm TO DIS S:SS ?= ? AI,- r- E.: -E- • .. � t to a Petition for Appeal, dated r!azch 10, 1975, E filed by t-Ie Sc::th Florida Regional- PPiamndng C imcil to the Flow ' L: d and Watpr rdjuLic atcry Carmissl4n, it is hereby sti=-alated and • acreed that the De relc.mment C=Cerr dated Feb,-L:a.-y 12, 1975, adopted by the Cite of rlialmi, Florida is a_ t-.. a by all parties to this ap-al. the A. The Tr@Ve1CtT.S'1t s''.a11 rot be CCPSiaa-ed as e.*1- �. c�..assi-: a*a change in the � peen L to S Y S proposed d.. relc t c�•i�aich �:zs �.•i'rt:�....s a ` substm_an' ;al deviation f= the tens of tI-.e Develogme t Order, as detenti.red by the City Cw.mssion of the City of Miami, except as ot:=T ;•rise ' provided in part C (2) herrein. P.ry such substa.-atial deviation shall re- E� ca.ire the filing, nevi= i and ap^rcval of a separate application for develcp-- a ent a ,=jai in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Stat•.:tes. r r. B. Tre Developer has su.' uttad a 2,L-_rorard=m of Crders`.cr.dirg r L• to be en`. -a -red into by and between the City of Miant a:^d the Developer w1h ich is attaci!ed hereto and r.;de a part i areof as "Attnc=..nt ' I." The Developer agrees to be brrr"d by the provisions thereof in order to assure ',- imt a run1r= of 200 =%i.ts of rousing as defined L therein sl-ui l be p=�ridad within 10 years as an integ-ral parr` of the oyez- E all develc:zrent sphere of Claughtcn c- C. Regarding t•zansoortation the Develol•zr. nt Order is clarified a.^d cordi tionad as follcws: i; v ' (1) The Dzvelogrent Order of the City of :•liamL reiT res trot c exiting pe_3Ok I-ol-r traffic mast be limited to S00 vehicul= fps per hou:. F' t• it r i P, ._ c• r re ne Le:"a c=-e^.L ,It of o� r,3--Ze count-1 to cc:"....; -n -a"is s-=e,J of any ne,; of Le.� � �:.��^_; :ant G: a:.d. c-d `' ti a c� `ieS =.'"tat t. 3 ty � ti L•...' lsl It},is rer..c�c,-1i= b1 Ci ; o� .ic:.,_ ..ems _. pC::er, riCi?t a--.c Cuty to cease iss('^-ce cf md.C.l: g CeI,—dt5 for ^cs cn Clau,htm Is-1,-::d a� �:,: t.,., a an traffic bV L..l'.e CeGai"u Iit ocor :�a le CC'.:.ity, rlorL2a, L.-at. the foregoing I J\:i^LTl is baing o= w-i T be exceeded by is;z t ia-- a o= the b"sildi :3 pe , 1t. (2) r`u'1y application for a buildi;rig perr..Lit or otr exr pee=it which would authorize ary i.c_-=aase beticrd the 8CO e:dt-n v&-,cles a".:L---'"; =ns-ti.tu`es a sl: st.'_: tial deviG- n f.'ti1 I-*- Czveic;rznt Cr`=r. P;ior to such applica-tion far h-a din, -. ^,its or other develcprent p_=,ti.ts would auti-.cri:.e ary i; zease bevrnd 800 e.•{iL..i.:.g -vehicles the C.?veloper must seed and cbta-Li an Arr: en^ . ent to said i-iCar 1n accordance with part A of this ar4 pti::s =t. to Se-claon 380.06, Florida Statues. (3) Developer v,7411 prcv:de to the Comcil copies of any and all traffic su*veys, traffic studies and recamws!ations (including assz:pl,,.ior.s L:xn w'.iich su--h are base;.) of the of —6---.rsxrta- tion of Dada- Co•.mty relating to CIaL;:^ : ;n Isla-nd f•: :i,s ed, to ti-_ Developer by the Departzment of s"`r''c i5""C`.'.'�wi�.'..Cn ciI`.d sha.1.1. 4-u--r ? sh to the Cc,.:r.0 U all such information provided bRl the to the of Tray-s=zta- tion of Dade Couhty or the City of a'•:iamf. (4) In the event trm De`:elcper proposes to tl-.e Cit,y z�'..�: `._oral r n �,,?tion t2C:r11 es or FZ.:Lties which. �:O`L� d have the -feet f ta..spor` 4`�: �i �:.. e___ o assisting in the maintenance of the a o:edescribed limitattim oa ex-', .g tra::fic, it will notify the Council of ruch plan %,,it`Ln a rerscr3a1e t ^e prior to any City Ccr riss:.cn hearing the -eon so that the Cc=.c 1 ray st o- r:? t to the City Commission of the City of 'MLar, c=rremts and rex-m-e _ datic,.s em-Tech prior to such hearing. Developer uil? at such tixre provide to the Council copies of any such proposal sue-? t`.,.ed to the City and any reports and rarxim.widations provided to the Dzvalcpa as to su.:.h plans by the City oL Mixxi. Planning Department, Dade Ccunt.J Cepae-- mvit of "11-rarspor+,at---.t or other local govex-raental agency. C-2 N C (5) It is u;-'erstCCd th,t i` a,2 :.:tic^.=i tra:.5x �7ticn r Sri SC.E ,s (inciu1i.'1ybut not Z1.;.L`_w to cZ-1 a ra ,..carsit systam, P:.1ry}�h Li a -re re-- ;.i ed L-i to maintain the aforedescr+=Q ef�unq L'ehicul :r `..L'ip ly.:..`..... -1, Ceveloper r--cc j'i:.'.:.es its respcnsib l lt.! to con't-r bute to t+ e oosr 0- such additic:.31 t ansporl.--ticn systers, access to CL:ughton Island.. 17ct_hin r:e.rein b--- c-onst--r ied as re—qairing the Develop wit:out its ccnse t, to the c:,sts of such 8 :.- tional :ra"L-,.Crt3`icn s'1ste-7z, unless the Cevelczer p-roposes cep.e1ca. nt ,which ut)ulld exceed the 800 exiting ti-ehi cL li.zmtation. (6) The DeLe?c: zm t Cr%ar re-=Lres the Developer to make a pro,. isien for a basc.;I.e bridge cc:-_ ec` en at the north end of C_.a,--^t^n Island. 7he north erd of Clauchtcn Island shall be so designed ar3 developer: and the buildings shall be oriented so that in the event -a bas- cule bridge is fo: the pt pose of cmr-ecting the ro:-`h and of the island to the rainla d t-here w- 1 7 be sraCe x.-ai? able for sz:Ch purpose. Nothing in this se--..icn shall be construed as requiring de.,ica*, .cn of any lard for such p>.:rpose to the public, except as prm id d in part C (5) above. D. In the etment t^e c.,rer/deg a cper has rot cc=m ca =h,,s:caI c.•ork of the lards ercc-,-assed herein, then the De-%-Uc=ws t Crdar will a=ire th--ee years f-Cr. the data of fin l action by the Florida ia:d and Water Fdjt. —4 catory Ccr-r scion. E. All references herein to Florida Statates Sec`.icn 380.06 are intended to refer to said Statute as it i.s in effect at the t:,n-- o: the act or occurrenme ocnterplated by this Stipulation. F. That upon execution of th-- s Stipuiaticn by all the --ties, the hearing ey-w-uner- is requested to recwzz a d to the Florida Ia.^d and va te'" ld-4u ,icstory Comm, ssicn test ti-.e cevelor rent order be conditioned as set forth above and the appeal dimissed. City of I•Uzrni c �.�r....,._ \1U.6. c - — Allan nil -ledge, Fsc u rre P.ttorrey for South Florida P.egion :3. Pler_*i.ng Council E&.rard N. Claughtcn, Jr. and Su: me Claughtcn C_3 a" FIRM r ' � Get'• ..� � , <:�� '�• :�•�?r1::CL:1 C? L':;�r.^5'�:��:G ._._.:'.�: r.._.�'-.:.�'Y't: ISu•��� �v'VESITC S T-HE Cam' -Y OF :vim _ t_: ::. Y- ,C' i 7 G�Q< THIS G;iDF.RST,%.:.-DING arri•� ed at `~is day of 17i5 by and bet,een B?.ATES PRCPE:U=0—, I:;C. , =f,;7%D N. �s v1 S �taN NE _ and W C.�AL;�1� :�„-.^ifr:.•S her-eir'.3i ter called ::*. ..•es ors, a:.d u i Cl. CF FLORIDA, hereinafter called "Ci-/ . " W I T N E S S E T : WIMFMAS, the City did cn the 12L.:, day of :'A :r.:arv, 1975 adopt that certain resolution, Resolutie^ ::o. i 5-135, r hiclZ sets for`�h i the regulations for the develc; ent of that c-- -ain : ram, a-t-y )ecwn as ' Clauc::tcn Island, being an Island of 44 aces more or less located in �i Biscayne Bay at the mouth of the miami Rivar in Cade County, Florida, and I WHEREAS, Section 6 of E 1-Libit ". " of said Resolution :ems yes t':e investors to provide not less t:.an 200 •.:-; ts. of 1CW-i:.cc,:e :'dJLSing on Cla;:ghtcn Island as a part of the overall develc;rent, to be developed and rented in t-..e manner set forth by the ir.-ast,rs, and WHEREAS, the City and the Investors are desirous of clarifying the intent of the aforesaid provision and ass•:.ri.-g t,at the Investors will appropriately carry out the Lntent cf said sac`_icn. mw, Tmwr am, the parties =de--smand that the Cevelc•-cmnt order provides as follows: 1. T.he Investors shall prcvi-..e rct less t^3z: 2C0 units .-f low-i.n=me housing as hereinafter defined no later t: an Fe: -rua_-y 12, 1985. Said units Tray be interspersed t-=ug:lout the areas of the Claug:::^.n Island Develcprent designated cn the Z-avelc--men.'.. Plan fcr re- sidential Lmits in accordance with to aforesaid Resolution 75-135, and may be provided by the Developer at such ti.7es,. and :n such r.`^^: ors and in such rran er as the Investors desire, cCra:sra tha Cevelcp:-.ert C_ der. 2. The te--:n "10w-i^c cmz housi.-g" sr.: l+ meaa residential units �,hich are available for rant, lease cr sale ar:3 purc base, at 4 e option of the Investors, at a -rental, lease cr sale price r.eet:ng tits mi-n-i m. standards for low-irccr e housin. as estrous-nec by t e then c—,— ent requirements published by the Depar=.ant of ousi.^g and Urban Develo.-mant of the Federal Gover -ent in the Federal ?;aster. 8SS r/((����{ 1 `A e�Ow ir�CF. DAVIS • LAIthey. ^mamvivs or 6AM. •Hirt ios1 &1sLs,%g Tomem. �a* AisJrrs P*w'. .5": r =.DA 331JI `� i 0 I r -2_ t, 0 3. The low-income units described herein snail c-n y be offered for rental, lease or sale to persons wino ;feet and do rot e.-{cee the criteria for low-income individuals prescribed by the r---.ulations in effect at the time of such rental, lease or sale prescribed -.1- e Depart.rent of Housing and Urban Development and published in the mcst current issue of the Federal Register. 4. The Investors' obligation pursuant to t1',is understanding is to provide the mi;ndrum, number of lc,,r-inar.a :reusing units required herein. However, the Investor is not hereby prevented from participating in or receiving any funds from any local, state or federal gove_ j-,--nt program which seeks to provide or encourage the construction and maintenanoe of low-inocme housing. 5. Nothing :,stein shall be construed as restricting the Investor from develcpimg or constru-gig more than the rurd-mm nu:,ber of units required, nor shall it be construed as requiring ring any pa.••',., calar schedule for the constn:cticn of said units so long as not less t1-= 200 of such units are ccrpleted and available for occupancy by Febrjary 12, 1985. This MemorandL-n is solely for the purpose of clarifying the meaning and intent of the parties as set forth by all patties at .he ti-e the aforesaid Pasolution so. 75-135 was passed by the City of :Iia^.i. FRXTES PROPER--IMS, INC. BY: ' Executive Vice President ATTEST: Assistant Secretary v—pm— 5. CIaGU MN, JR:' v' Utz :S CI'.'.'Y CEF i JAMI t • BY: Zw, om P UL jU,.mRt--%jS, Cit f : an3ger APPROVED AS TO FO AND CORRECT- `� �irr►� w ,. ' J r�wJ[1�CF-:7 4L��fTC��lR+1 `t •�k7M[u,ri` o,l • yG�rw[ TOl+[�. 00 �,ICR. wL ofl�&s�_ v i -3- S= CrOKLAHOMA ' CW,11Y CF TULSA nir:ORE a ::otarf :u:l.:c i..'1 ar.d =�r �� S`.- and vW aforesaid, perscnally appeared K . Wortham ST i th and Jennie j Morgan to me well )=Fom to be the Execurive Vice President and Assistant Secretary of FRATrS PPCp S, i :C. and ac?xzwledged L• C f f ' .7 r tt 1-- i j that they are the aforesaid officers of sa.i.. C..rpc�a,�on, that ...ey executed the foregoing as such officers for the Furposes therein e.=ressed and that said execution was the act and deed of said FATES PRCPE:'.I'IES, RUC. and that they have caused t:!,.e corporate seal to be affixed thereto. N WITNESS WIERECF, I have heremto set ry hand and affixed my official seal this 18th day of Aori I 1975. ricta_-y Public State of Oklahoma } (ti'otazy Seal) it My Ccrnussion Expires: Feb. 4, 1977 ii i. Ij S=• CF FICRInA COUNTY OF DADE I 'I ` BEFORE ME, a rotary Public in and for the State and County i aforesaid, personally appeared r" 7,WD N. CIA:ZI. M, ,TR. , to me well ].own ' • to be the person named in the foregoing Bocarent who a^.?svwledges he executed the same for t:17.e purposes therein expressed. Inl ;', .XSS P,,j-wEOF, I have hereiw to set ry I -and and affixed my official seal, this 30thy of April 1975. Not�Yv Pu=c-State o= Flor-^.a mil) My Ca mission Expires: Sept. 10, 1978 NQLA7'Y N%'C r.��c -7 i C-..Z, ='1 '- .. b'Y CJMM'SS.�M �. S `_Eii. •' A' `�+ 1. !' NIQM. •". Oon♦ ♦ IXiM♦v• AR011Npf ♦T 6^0 •wlr[ tell ♦�*C&r%[ TOw[R. IOa ♦I♦CrrtiL ♦OYLC•&Aa• �# • 3311 ► � BS { -4- r OF �A.Z CiF B CRE ME, a Notary Public in and for the State and Ccu.- tl ZW41 S v2An/it/6 aforesaid, personally appeared C:i UQ*rCN : - S, to me o:ell :'c:c rn to be the person named in the foregoing dccanent wino ac?sna, ledges she executed the same for the purposes therein expressed. Li WITNESS W =CF, I have hereunto set my hard and affixed .^y official seal, this 30th day of Anril 1975. .lotazy Public State of (.:otaiy Seal) ; ::y C 1 1 • ssicn EXPL+'R§fART Pu?fft3.AT1Q)F 41:5 S AT LARCe M7 COMMISSION EXPIRES Sip?. 10, 1414 6GNOED THQU GENERAL INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS S= CF FLORMA CC'"TY OF DADE BEFORE ME, a rotary Public in and for the State and Cou.^ty aforesaid 'AIL -PH G. OINI,!E personalT ly appeared PAUL N. Ar'D'iS , and A S S i S �a r r ,.. , the City Manager and City Clerk of tthe CITY OF :.INUT respectively, who acknowledge that they are the aforesaid persons, that they have been duly authorized by the City Comdssicn of tie City of %li =1 to execute the foregoing document at a regular meeting of said City Cc-,m.ssicn April 10, 1975, and that they executed the foregoing pursuant to said -resolution and in their official capacities and for the pux—poses therein erressed. Ill WI'T:`ESS UITIMOF, I have hereunto set rrl hard and of f i-xed my official seal, this /y day of 7),Iao, 1975. J Notary Public. State of Florida at Large (P;otary Seal) my Cc =.ussi.cn LN=ires: i Notary ►uiiic, State so F 0"s of Largo MP C,eirpisbiso Eapis- Nov. 22, 197111 isndRd bP American Fire 6 Coaualry Co. 1 0444%. STAGR. 046vu 0 L"A"eT. ATTO111hSTS AT LAW. SUM 101I 011C&ra1E TOrRS. 100 0s*r&Th9 tOu1.Sv&9O. w,+101. F►QNID& 33131 49 Ralph C. Ongie ^J T 42 City Clerk Attn: Matty Hirai Deputy City Clerk ,Joel E. Maxwell. Assistant Citv Attorney August 7, 1985 Resolution R-85-81.2 Agenda Item No. 10 - Citv Commission Meeting of .July 25, 1985 An amended Resolution No. 85-812, passed by the City Commission during its meeting of July 25th, 1985, is attached hereto. This amended resolution incorporates certain conditions that the City Commission placed on the developers of Claughton Island re- lative to their development order and certain documents which were incorporated within the development order. The attached new original resolution should he substituted in lieu of the current resolution presently in your possession. The new resolution carries a date in the left hand corner of August 5th, 1985. This reflects the Word Processing date for incorporation of conditions within the document itself. During conversations with Ralph Ongie today I passed on a request from the developer's attorney that certified copies of this item be sent to the affected agencies and individuals specified in Section 4, page 6, of the document by the fastest means possible. He suggested overnight mail delivery. I would also request that these documents be sent "certified return receipt requested." As uEual, you will be sending'copies certified by your office. Than', you very much for your assistance on this matter. If I can be, of any assistance, please give me a call. JEM:ia Attachment cc: Lucia A. Dougherty City Attorney Sergio Rodriguez, Director Planning Department John Leffley Major Projects Coordinator Planning Department Aurelio Perez-Lugones Director Planning & Zoning Boards Administration V