HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-0801W J --RT 5)-1302 `-i /2 I7 RF�,nf,11TTON NO, A IRrSnLtl'rION APPROVIN(, Tv I3RTNCrPI,h,, CFR'r.ATN ,FJANIG1?<-; rn mr FX Tti rTN(: A,,,PPI,MFNJ r RF r14rF?N 'THF CTTY OF M[AMr ANT) MTAMI MnTORF,P()WPq, TNC ( "LTCFNFrr" ) ANn AITTHORT? r'vr, 'rFlh• (,F rY MAN IV:F,, � TO NEGOT TArF A"IFNnMF,N`PS TO 'ri*, F X r "TT NC; A(7,R.FFMFNT TO PHQVT1)F RY :;Ari) AMF'vIr)MF'NT`; TOR THE, RR,T,nCATTON "Y; r[ir GRANn PRIX COITR',F; rROM 13AYrRONT DARK TT) RT(7rNIT I'NJiNTAII PAP.K TNI A MANNER C0MP417TRC,N; WTTH 7\NI1) R(7R,TFCT 'T'O TIT►? FOT,TjCHTN,- ( A ) (70N"'TNITFI) i1gAi;'' qF 'F'4I.' 14 T C F NT FN N T A T, PARK RY 11TAMT DAnP, (-0MMITNITY R) THF? FIITHRE, A!,Tn (iFr? OF THE r.r.C. PROPERTY BY THF CITY Or MIAMT, (()) TL4P FIITITRF OqF (-)W rFTh, r,.N;.('. PRnPPI)'rY TN ACCORDANCF WTTFI PLANS 'Pn RF; PROPOSFn 13Y THF, ADMTRAL(; nr 'rijF, 1.►,F,FT nr rr,1)RT11A; AND Tn FLIRTHF.R PROVTnF 9Y tiTiCii AMFNDMFN'r� FO�� THF CTTY Or MIAMT 'rO PAY ^,)N TLIr' CnrIF'i„RU["rfl)N OF TIJR COURqF THROUGH RTCENT ENNTAL, PARK TN Ard AMOUNT NOT Tn EXC` Pn wr`l HtTNT)RF') 'r(jn(T�,ANIn nor,T,ARS ([-500,000), THE CTTY TO RP, RRTMRURSFn 1'OR SATn h;XPh;N4!, ��Y MT,�MT '1')'r0Rr;PI)R';";, rr\i,-.,, AT '71;F, RATP !)F TWFN'T'Y QT VF, TFTO[TgAN1n n,)r,[,AR", ( �2S,000) PF 1R YrAR F'�f2 t) VT?.aR', rN Anr)T'rr')NI TO OT1iFR AI)•1'1;;TMFN'rS TO RE, MADE. TO PAYMENTS OWEn RY THF' ('T'rY OF MTAMT TO MIAMT MOTORSPORTS, TNC. UN1)FR nir F,X [S'PTNr, AGREEMENT, AND TO FURIP HFR PROVTnF RY S I I C H AMENDMENTS THAT MIAMT MOTORSPORTS, INC. MAY USE, THF RPSTAURANT F.ACTI,T'T'Y r,nCATFT) TN THl, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 910ENTRNNTAT, PARK DLIRING THE STAGTNG OF THE RACF,(ti) AT A RFASONAR[,F COMMERCIAL BASTS AND AT No COST TO ANY PROPRIFTOR OR LRSSE , OF THF Rh`STAHRANT. WHFRFAS, in neceinher., 1994, the City Commission anprovoil an amendment to th(�-xistino agrI�(-mont hetwoon the City of Mi91ni and thr, Miami motc)rSDorti, Tn(,. ("Lic?n!:,o ") tc) provide For the running of the Irani Prix race throuUh Rayf_ront P-irk in a manner comoatihle with thn oper;-itinn nF tho R,-lv:si,i- Sp(-cialty Center - anti WHEREAS, the amenAment to the ayr.,�•ament also pr_%rvi(led for various payments to ho made by the City :)f mi.ami t,) I,ict�nseta to co)inpon-sate Licensoo for any potentially impacts which may he caused to the Licensee by the operation )f thA Raysid Specialty Center: and WHRRFAS, Licensr?e has now requested approval from the City Commission to relocate the Irani Prix course from Rayfront Park to Bicentennial Park: and CITY COMMISSION Mi:ET1NG OF JUL 25 1985 'Q4{[.`!)!'%;�� U('Il t nj')(�•l�' 1On Wc-) ]t3� C(?rt3i-tl suh^:t.dntlal strm1)r- —,j *lennniV fOr (ln(lr tho am1,n-lm�nt t , t.h� ac,t ,�,„n.,-I an,� WHFRFAS, the City (:acornin,i.:in h:j in -I th.9r. !hran(I Prix i-s •9 t;rr?mo(1(l0(.1`,, h-noFit (c)r th,' c-rmmiln1`J• 11,1 WtiFRFAS, th- (7Ommi7a i(-) :1- , i.r- , }'.-) al 1 h- rf) i r)c3t iOn n f the cnur:,,, fr-(nn Ra'JFr-')nt- P.3r}: nV-onni-3ct tc) — certain condition`; sf-t f()rth h-rc'irl 1 )ul an(1 to a ii.St T,ic,,n:)(,�' lrl the rr'loCatiOn of t h -- r3(,7p c,-)ur-;o hV 3'1''-in(`in'1 t ) T,nl,or? t)Io cost of conzit:ructi.nq th? ract, c t)tir ,=? thr•)(-1 lh Ri(-,,nt"nnlal P:�rk: VnW, TgERRFORP, RF TIT' RV Tqt? ('(-)MMI:;0,TONI OF 1!114F' (-T'PY - 7F MIAMT, F[.ORTDA : Sect. ion 1 Th(- r`- 1locat:)-()n )r Fho ;�r-i-jf1Prix ra(-c, c')(1rso fr-nm Rayfr-nnt park t,-) Riretonnial p-ir'c i `l.,t ,\• 9pDr)\•'cad in r- pr-incipl.f. Section 2. The t'i.ty Manao,- i:; lierr7hv 71uthOr i neg)ti•)te am(�n(9mentti t() th(� ,-xistino a-iroo-nont h,:�tw,�on th- City )f- Miami and T,i.censc- o tf-) nr()vi(I!) !)v a•3H amendment: F,)r the relocation of thin (,rangy Pr. ix cc) ur: from Ravfr.:-)nt Park to Bicentennial park in a mannor c3mpatihle with and quhi(-ct to the following: (A) Continup(I us•a(10 of the Ric•�nt-annial park by Miami Dade Community College, (B) The Future development .3n-1 use or thy, F.F.C. property by the City of Miami C) The future use of- the F.R.C. property in accordance with plans to ho proposed by the Admirals of the Fleet of Florida. Section 3. The City Mana(7er is fur. they author- iz(-d to negotiate amendments to the existing agreement between the City and Licensee to provide for the N tv to t)av for the construct ion of the course through Ricentennial park in an amount n,,)t tc) exceed Five Hundred Thousani Dollars (5500,000,000), the City to be reimbursed for said expense by Miami MotorSports, Tnc., at the rate of Twenty Five Thousanl Dollars (S25,000.00) per year for ten years in addition to other adjustments to be made to payments 2 ")Wr'cl by t'i -, �7i. tv t'1 Li crinc;r— lin(lor t:hv, (?Xi:;- i n'i Spctic)n 4. Th? (7ity M na:a�r i-; Fur'tFi1-r ,Llth.)ri.•7P11 t0 amend thr' hetwopri thr- City ml T,ir-n`7,0r? t-) W70vi,l- that Licr-,nsee shall he p-rmi.tt—1 t_n Ij-,o ths, r-,;talirant Faci1itV lncatod in the snU'-.h-a:;t (,,-)rnor c)f: ?licAntPnni.a1 nark: lUrin-.t thl 'italli-nq Of th;,� races at_ a r,,asnn,ahlo co inm-rcial hasi.:; an-1 -it nc) cost t,-) anv nr,)or-iotor- rir !-)F the PASSED AND ADOPTFO this 25th Iiv of July 1985. ,STED: RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED RY: G. MIRIAM MAER ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED S FORM AND CORRECTNESS: LI A. DOUGH ,RTY CITY ATTORNEY 8012/GMM/bj r Maurice A. Ferre MAURTCF A. PERRE MAYOR k, 85-5�1 f i CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Z TO �` 'J�) Per Feir DATE FILE. ;y ?anaier FROM . L. r lumme r, J r REFERENCES ;iCommissioner ENCLOSURES Piaa.se include in the City Commission meeting of July 25, 1985 an item entitled: "Grand Prix 1986". i