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y _ �•. JOSS-g78(D) RESOLt1TtOi� tom. ..` A RESOLUTION DENYING THE APPROVAL OP ONE OUTDOOR ADVERTISINC3 STON PURSUANT TO a.` 0WHANCE NO. 4500, AS AMENDRD, OPPTCIAL SCHEDULR` OP DISTRICT REGULATtONS, PAGE 5 OF 6 t C13 GENERAL COMMERCIAL t3I STRt CTS r AND SECTION 2026 RNTITLEn "SIGNS, SPErtrtG LIMITATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS,", SUBJECT TO .-. THE STANDARDS AND REVIEW PROCRdURRS FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS AS SET FORTH IN ARTtCLR 26 ENTITLED "CLASS b SPECIAL PERMITS ANn SPECIAL EXCEPTIONSt DETAILED REQUIREMENT96" OF SUCH ORDINANCE, TO PERMIT ONE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGN (O.A.S.) STRUCTURE WITH ONLY TWO (2) 14' X 48' SIGN FACES AT 1512 NORTHWEST 7TH AVENUE, ALSO DESCRIBED AS LOTS 13 AND 14, BLOCK 1, HIGHLAND PARK (2-13), AS PER LOCATION PLAN ON FILEt SAID O.A.S. TO BE LOCATED 1271 NORTH OF THE RIGHT -OP -WAY LINE OF THE EAST -WEST EXPRESSWAY (STATE ROAD 836), BEING 65' IN HEIGHT FROM GRADE (GRADE AT ELEVATION 11.01); ZONED CG-1/7 GENERAL COMMERCIAL; WITH A TIME LIMITATION Ole SIX (6) MONTHS IN WHICH A RUtLDING PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED. i ' WHEREAS, on May 23, 1985, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 9993, amending Ordinance No. 9S00, the zoning ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, to provide, among other items, for outdoor advertising signs (O.A.S.) to be viewed from and located within 600 feet of limited access highways, including expressways, with City Commission approval after following the i _5* standards and review procedures for special exceptions and r subject to certain enumerated conditions; and WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board at a special meeting of August 9, 1985, Item No. 7, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution Ze 109-85 by a 8 to 0 vote, recommending denial of one outdoor advertising sign structure with only two (2) 14' x 48' sign faces as hereinafter set forth; and WHBRRAB, the ,City Commission after careful consideration of this matter, finds that the proposed outdoor advertising sign structure if located as hereinafter set: forth would fail to meet the standards and guidelines set forth in Ordinance Zoo. 9993 and, further, finds that the proposed structure would adversely affect xaexarc or up � &I& ftq%ms the public health, safety, comfort# goad order, appearance, convenience, moral or general welfare at the community. Nowt THERNPORst Be tT RESOLVED BY "R COMMISSION Op THE CITY MtAMI► PLORIDA: Section 1. The approval of the erection of one outdoor advertising sign, pursuant to Ordinance No. 9500, as amended► Official Schedule of nistrict Regulations► page 5 of 6t C9 General Commercial Districts► and Section 2026 entitled "Signs► specific Limitations and Requirements.", subject to the standards and review procedures for special exceptions as set forth in Article 26 entitled "Class D Special Permits and Special Exceptions; Detailed Requirements." of such ordinance► with only two (2) 14' x 48' sign faces at 1512 Northwest 7th Avenue, also described as Lots 13 and 14► Block 1► highland Park (2-13)► as per location plan on filet said O.A.S. to be located 127' north of the right-of-way line of the East-West Expressway (State toad 836)► being 65' in height from grade (grade at elevation 11.01); zoned CG-1/7 General Commercial, is hereby denied. PASSED AND ADOPTED this I2th_ day of SEPTEMBER , 1985. MAURICE A. FERRE ATTE : / MAURICE A. FERRE, Mayor City Tlerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: f . ;.,*. oee 4 e'mn:RIAM R tant City Attorney APPROVED AS .'ARM AND CORRECTNESS t Assistant Cit Attorney GXWvpc%pb►,/14 3 s2- asks 0 CITY OF MIAMI, R461111I0A INTIM-CIPPICE MCM©RANDUM TO The Honorable Mayor and Members CAtILL: SEP O 5 1985 of the City Commission fulattt RESOLUTION - RECOMMEND DENIAL , ALLOW OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGN AT 1512 NW 7 AVENUE ,RAN Sergio Perei a WeRENets City Manage CLOMMISSION AGENDA - STEMSMBER 12, 198S ENC�OfwREf It is recommended by the Zoning Board that the erection of one outdoor advertising sign (O.A.S.) structure with only two (2) 14' x 48' sign faces at 1S12 NW 7 Avenue be denied. The Zoning Board, at a special sleeting on August 9, 1985, Item 7, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution ZB 109-85 by an 8 to 0 vote, recommending denial of allowing one outdoor advertising sign (O.A.S.) structure with only two (2) 14' x 48' sign faces at 1S12 NW ?Avenue, also described as Lots 13 and 14, Block 1, HIGHLAND PARK (2-13)9 as per location plan on file, said O.A.S. to be located 127' north of the right-of-way line of East-West Expressway (State Road 836), being 65.0' in height from grade (grade at elevation 11.01 with city Commission approval following the standards and review procedures for Special Exceptions. The property under consideration is zoned CG-1/7 General Commercial. The Zoning Board also recomelends that this Special Exception be granted a time limitation of six (6) months in which a building permit must be obtained. Two obJections received in the snail. Four proponents present at the sleeting. Backup information is included for your review. A RESOLUTION to provide for the above has been prepared by the City Attorney's Office and submitted for consideration of the City Comission. AEPL:l l l cc: Law Department NOTE: Planning Department reemends: DENIAL Is LOCATION/LEGAL 1519 NW 7 Avenue Lots 13 and 14 Block 1 of "HIGHLAND PARK" According to the plat thereof,AS brded in Plat ok 2 at page of the records of DadeCounty,Florida APPLICANT/OWNER Joseph A. B Esther Camacho 7132 SW 106 Court 'i Miami, FL 33173 324-4345 Bruno Gustinelli (Power of Attorney) 2640 NW 17 Lane Pompano Beach, FL 33064 # (305) 947-0647 FZONING CG•1/7 General commercial REQUEST Public Hearing to allow one outdoor advertising sign (O.A.S.) structure with only two (2) 14' x 48 sign faces on above site, as per location plan on file, said O.A.S. to be located one hundred twenty-seven feet (127') north of the ;right-of-way line of east -west expressway 836- State Road, being sixty five (65.01) in height from grade (grade at elevation 11.01) with city Commission approval following the standards and review procedures for Special Exceptions. RECOMMENDATIONS PLANNING DEPARTMENT DENIAL. One of the criteria for approving an ou r advertising sign is that it shall be spaced a Oiniftmi of fifteen hundred (ISM) feet from another similar sin on the same side of the expressway. There is a request for sign location on three sites within a loco foot spscot and even though there is no �equiro nt that any of the three has to be recoeeended, du* to the fact that one of these is being recon"dedo this would elimh eats the possibility of a recomwendation for On other tiro. This is one of the tiro sites that is being "coeeended against. . t a a The subject location is not appropriate due to the fact that the orientation of the sign is primarily for traffic going from the Interstate to the westbound East-West Expressway. This section of the expressway is on a curve and could provide a distraction impacting driver safety. In addition, the site is within 1500 feet of another sign site that is being recommended. PUBLIC WORKS Request the dedication of the south 5' of Lot 14 and the east E.65' to 4.71' of Lots 13 b 14. DADE COUNTY TRAFFIC b TRANSPORTATION No comment. ZONING BOARD At a special meeting an August 9, 1985, the Zoning Board adopted Resolution Z8 109-85 by an 8 to 0 vote, recommending denial of the above with City Comission approval following the standards and review procedures for Special Exceptions. . elk PUBLIC WORKS DADE GUUNTT TKAtN6 b TRANSPORTATION The subJttt location It not appropriate due to the fact that the orientation of the sign is primarily for traffic going from the Interstate to the westbound East-West Expressway. This section of the expressway is on a curve and could provide a distraction impacting driver safety. In addition, the site is within 1600 feet of another sign site that is being recommended. Request the dedication of the south S' of Lot 14 and the east 2.65' to 4.71' of tots 13 6 14. No comment. i 1 yS^s °I,. • k yr i i L i • � •.• V �I1 aj 1 1 77� AllAIN • sit i 41 Rk Alp may"' - r �, a ems+ � b ! ' a '� :•:�:� ��:�: ' �,,, • ',//. ._ ' - �, � , ,.ter. , ; e ' � • 1 a '..... • ' .�� N: �1N. �17 �, � � F.,r,,,,�,,,, �, � �' fir• . ,,�►''� � i k yri�,� � � � �• ti P ` KSON TflWE IS Sus.' •.r' !. yF TR+B �► .• - xJ i�.r•r�� do 40 43 rid, • _.. .ter•. a � �r s �. • #iS Is.% s i j li �i�ii�r�► t _� Ti�'i � , ���*•; � Ie'1t�••F� e 4 i�Mi/ �i ••fie '� M » 4b 40 w..-• .e 44 ! c F4 '• , I Item AV } _ lilt %W I Apt i ii } • lilt IN I • r ry:= . API., WWI or iY f L I t,R� APO� L N o. "r --- 0'44�, File Number OSE•83-, Within the city generally, or within certain toning districtst certain structures, uses, and/or occuponates specified in this ordinance are of a nature requiring special and intensive review to determine whether or not they should be permitted in specific locations, and if so, the special Umitatioru% conditions, and saf*guards which shoed be applied as reasonably necessary to promote the general purposes of this Zoning Ordinance, and, in particular, to protect adjoining properties and the neighborhood from avoidable potentially adverse effects. It is further intended that the expertise and judgement of the Zoning Board be ererctaed in making such determinationst in accordance with the rules, considerations and limitations relating to Class D Special Permits and Special Lrceptiom (See Article Ze.f Formal public notice and hearing is not mandatory for Class D Special Per mitst but to mandatory for Special Exception& in other respectso these classes of special permits are the same. The Zoning Board shall be solely responsible for determinations on applications for Class D Special Permits and Special Exceptions. AU applications in these classes of special permits shall be referred to the director of the Department of Planning for his recommendations and the director shaU retake any further referrals required by these regulations. h ," hereby apply to the City of am Minrn9 ard for approval o , ones Class © Special Permit „,. Speaial Exception for property located at }A • M '" Miami. N oture of Proposed Use (Be specific) . ,. � ,. � ,.: =ten � t / • .,•�•, i .. •,• i Or" 1"3 41 ftplof3 :ti I attach the following in support or explanation of this applications 1. Two surveys of the property prepared by a State of Ftorlda Registered Land . S 2. Surveyor. ` Four copies oft site plan showing (as required) property boundaries, existing and proposed structure(s), parking, landscaping, screening, etas building elevations (if required) with dimensions and computations of lot area (gross and net), LUI ratios (open space, floor area, parking, etc.), building spacing and height envelope. Ste Section 2304.2.1(c). 3. Affidavit disclosing ownership of property covered by application and disclosure of Interest form (Form 4.83 and attach to application.). 4. Certified list of owners of realestate within 37S' radlous from the outside boundaries of property covered by this application. (See Form 6-83 and attach to - application). S. At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). _..._ 6. ether (Specify) Y i ri 7. Fee of $ 4C C , based on following: j . (a) Class C $300.00 (b) Special Exception $4W.00 n %) Surcharge equal to applicable fee from (a) or (b) above not to 02fcoed $400; to be refunded if there is no appeal (City Code Section 6 1) s' Signature `~ ' -MW Authorizedgent Name Address, c'As a 4-ae � City, State, lip /•'� ri 1+..; . • �3 ..�.y r"L S �c' ft, STATE OF F ORIOA) SS: COUNTY OF OACE ) t' R L to' L Co 1, , e. r 1 Iv(-1. J Ong dWy swop, an sons Owt, ft Is t1% W~) loutnorind agent) of 716 real propsraewd =- ty Ancribed obovet that he has read the foregoing wwwws o� tat hft som. are trus mOetet and (it oath ao want for + WAW) dwt h0 has OUttWity to OXMto thIS application faf+n on bel+olf of the owner. Forre+i 10413 3 of 3 0 SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before `nee this ,� � �.. day of , —A a s MY COMMISSION WIRESt HotAky n,rue STATE Or rLokg) ► Mr Immuliulow tote& Aid is toil? Bohm t*U oftuto uao • s rem Im 1 )1 (SEAL W Notary Publict Rate o orlda ut Large gyl � � � � �• h;. *o.. Before nee, the urldlmleled authority, day WW96 Sy aVML red M •L .a / *0 ball? by MI fLM dillyOMM4 upon oath, d We i 1. That he is the oarW, or the legal rIpresentiative of WO owner, subm3.ttW the accompa Vi r application for a public hearing as required by Ordinance No.'9500 of the Code of the City of MiNd, Florida, sffectiog the real property located in the City of Miacd as described atd listed on the pages attached to this affidavit and nmde a part thereof. 2. That aL1. owners which he represents, if any, gave given their ful3. and complete peftasion for hits to act it their behalf for the clUM or modification of a classifioatim or regulation of zordr4 as set cut its the ac*W par:yiMg petition. 3. That the pages, attach -ad hereto and made a past of this affidavit contain the current tames, mailing addresses, phone m rbars &rA legal desceiptions for the real property which he is the owner or lepl. representative. 4. Zhe facts -as represented is the application at�r dom=v= submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true ad correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Swom to and Subscribed before me this day of NOW7 lie, state of Florida at um icy Ccmtdss SOLM.. .�Rti is way C;:v.v� 3S ':t,1.v 491 Apt I 194? tOAr aNK4 {M6W4 6V t NO* s "MAI . it lip_ a n� i F�auR ''�• i�a. �'°.! cr YID ta'" trE..A_�.. a1�� ��Ii►� t t� r. t } t Aai 1 iRV Address ; + i Te1tPhona Number Legal Description! ryr r►:r{ .., gip, .. _ •, ., .., f Owner's Name Mailing Address Telephone Number Legal Description: Owner's Name Mailing Address . Telephone Number Legal Description: Any other real estate property owned individually, jointly, or severally (by corporation, partnership or privately) within 375' of the subject site is listed as follows: Street Address Legal Description .1/ I /L t t a / Street AddressA, 7 , n. r Street Address f • j Legal Description � 1 j /!J i. i!:'�n►_i� ice%! �'. N .�. 1 � ri . w a ...• .+� Lsea1 Oescriotion• 65,W95�' a; 3fC►naA 1, U9U description snd streat address of suoleet real propertyl` Highland Park 3•13 ilk 1, Late 13 & lk 1312 %,W. 7th Avenua, Mismi, Dade County, Florida a, 04mr(s) of rube real party and percentage of ownership. Motet City of Miami Ordinance ►io, $419 requires disclosure of all parties n"'Tnq a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject matter of a presentation, request or petition to the city comnisiion. Accordinglyt question 52 requires disclosure of all shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested patties, together with their addresses and proportionate interest, NATIONAL ADVERTISING COMPAN'Yt LESSEE . 2840 NW 17th Lane, PBmpano Beach, FL 330641". National Advertising Company is a Delaware Corporation. ' 1002 of stock is owned by 3M Company, St. Paul, MN 3M Company is a publicly held aorporation traded on major stock exchanges. Holdere it excess of 1% are THE ORDWAY TRUST &'THE MC MIGHT TRUST. .11,era are rc shareholders or beneficial owners holding in excess of SAS of the stock of 34, Company. For officers & directors see attached list. 3. Leq.ai description and street address of any real property W owned by any party listed in answer to question 02` and (b) located within 375 feet of the subject real property. ' XON'E NATIONAL ADVERTISING CO.. LESSEE STAYS OF FIARIflA j 55: ! ' =7WZY OF DADS AAY ... i..a. (:... 4.0 *.a .......... my beinq dull► swo=, depow AW ne s e R orney or Owner) of the real. property dots load in answer� to gmtim #l, abwe; that he has road the tocagoiM answers and that the we an true and oampletes and (it acting as at �y tot owner) that he has authority to exomts this Oisclowre of c'twe�ership fogn on b$haif of the owner, TO me SUBSCUM bttovis oe this ,dolt of (SM) ame o. DIMS all hive at Large 4 1 Mau$ 85409599 0"Co era sw eAf mmur - 1 DeLfq duly rO.A nr s ad $afe sir GPINUMM this awf+ 'bf- -this Vidal p mpwq MORM, IF Mawr to 41MIUM Ut dam) that he has raid this fotagoanswerer that the ISMS M truer and .ea- plsts; and that he has 00 WthWity to ONSW +a this DUCIM" Of W*f- ihip fGW OR behalf Of thlawmlt Lessee Corporatiot, Maticnal Advertising Co. SWOM to masvDsc�,tso before me this day Of NOUrYIPUM11C, State 0 Florida at Lame MY GOMM255IQ�tPIAFS t MY�;;,i:.:, MMiH t14Y 1Nr f•M wfrfMti. nit. 1 Y. . a] 'a 1. Legal desst "UM and street address of 1"Im reel papany, Highland Park 1-13 Ilk 1, Late 13 & 14 1512 :TW 'lth Avenue, Miami, 'Dade County, Florida 2, 0wner(s) of soject real property and percentage of ownership. rota: City of Miami Ordinance m, $410 requires disclosure of all parties WAY ng a financial interesto either dlr�ect or indireotf in the svalect matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City Commission. ti Accordingly# question 42 requires disclosure of all shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts# xWor any other interested partiea, togother with their addresses ant proportionate interest. Joseph & Esther Camacho 1�y Ox oioitership of real property. i� 7,13Z SW 105th Ct. Miami, FL�31e7see -- a had Exhibit A National AdvertNing Company. set attached entitled "Lessee's disclosure of Ownership". National Advertising Company -.Lessee Cr 2640 NW 17th Lane Pompano Beach, FL 33064 3. 'dal desetiption and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question #2# wd (b) located within 175 feet of the subject real property. ' Highland Park 2-13 Blk 1, Lot 12 - 1512 N.W. 7th Avenue Blk 1, Lot 1 - 1511 N.W. 7th Court B l k 1, Lot 15 - 7AJ NW l,8th 5�reet all located within ami, ade ounty, Florida `'; 1. ' FOR.OWNBRS PURSUANT TO POWER OF ATTOF1►f'�: tom'. OF�,�1F}L�O1t►= I SS r /�,-�..s /SR/T�A,ZE} ' • fiii.� MS/ R i o i/�MIe �I.L.i!. �'�i: w! ae •: �R My COfanidt:) :X;iir: .► was+ r+c � R r lseinq duly swots, deposes ad }' jM ' says at as is a �wnot ttormty of clWMV) of the teal ptopes�ty described in answer to gtaestias ii, abaove1 that he bw tread the faeping , ' answers and that the same arse tM and sosplaw and (it acting as art € for ;wirer) that he has suthotity to oxmts this Visolosure at *"Cohip tow as behalf of the aanet. F'N, am 10 -- tntat M this day 09 it i7k s ,«��Iti- 4.�,J!a ,- 1 true ot Cam 0 i (Mill #4 1 x At rim= Us mt I*Lrq dgly fil�'f it r fount depem" and of 'a Is wo a wmm�Camacfia the owner of the real dWC-CLM Ln 8nUMV to Wiese on Ut SOMI that he h" told the for"Girq answerej that the GSMO are true and Ono of aped d thAthhas WIS&P-hWAY to execute this OLICIOWn of *M" an malt of tm owners SAIN to AM mmPalm - before me-thLa day of nwtV MY COMISSIM, WIM t My .. Notary Pub Cr btarso of - Florida at Urge, 95C* t � J r° Iris, i NATtONAL ADVIRTtStNG CgMPOY 0Mi IRS_ 01) DIRECTORS 1. 4 Officers K. A. Schoen Chainman of the board J. J. Gibson President 4{„ $ J. A. Iswold Vice President b General ManaSer uy M. R. Marquardt Secretary , Mir ' G. R. Arthur Assistant Secretary `¢ J J fohne Assistant Secretary � M. C. 4riffeth Assistant Secretary J. M. Falco Controller L. J. Schoenwstter Assistant Treasurer =— M. L. 'agarka Assistant Treasurer K. A. Schoen, Ch&Lrnnki J. X. Falco J. J. Gibson -- - J. A. imwoid T. !�. Kindirss = A►ddress of all G!liaers and Oir"tors listed 4"Ves eto M;e�tau�ai A�rtetisln� Co�pany i S"* UNION 4v* w 11,J. A. 12wold, as the Vice President and General Manager of National Advertising Company, t have overall responsibility for the day to day operations of National Advertising Company as gall as overall direction for setting and implementing policy, t authorize, from time to time, various officers and individuals of National Advertising Company to perform acts of the company with the full force and affect as if the act had been performed by the company itself. to this regard, t have authorized both the Controller and Assistant Secretary to grant powers of attorney to employees of National Advertising Company to conduct the affairs of National Advertising Company. At present, the Controller is J. N. Falco and one of the Assistant Secretaries is G. E. Arthur. t as aware of the fact that they have authorized Richard M. Salomone to be an Attorney-ta-Fact for National Advertising Company to execute and deliver any permit applications, instruments, receipts and any and all other documents which may be necessary or desirable in connection with the application of permits for certain outdoor advertising sign locations by National Advertising Company within the City of Miami as in his judgment are acceptable. I was personally aware of this grant of power of attorney and, as Vice President and General Manager* ratify and confirm such grant power of of attorney. You are authorised to deal with Richard M. Salomone �+ y the Attorney-lv-Fact for the purposes set forth in the Power of Attorney executed the 6th day of August. 1985 at Bedford Park, Illinois. . A. tWold, Vice President 6 Gen. M;r. ATTEST: A< Zo . NO fir. Grt - e ' Assistent Secretary STATE OF UUNOKS COUNTY OF COOK I, the ondersigood, a Notary Public, to and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that J. As issrold, personally know to " to be the Vies President and General llanagsr of National Advertistug COMPOW wad pscsomally knon to as to be the sees person erhosr nays is subrartbed to the foregoing toommanS, appeared- before sus this day to person and acknowledged that as suab Vice President wad General Hanager, be stgnsd wad delivered the raid instruosnt as Viol lrsstdent and Gsnsral tfanager of said corporation,: and eaused the corporoto sral of said corporation to be affixed thento, pursuant to authority# given by the board of 9treatorr of said coepo=sSios as his free and voluntary► wet, and the arse and vo untM act and deed of said corporation, for the WAS and purposes tbsrsin set forth. Giv*a east wy how and otfiietal ara this fib dad of Angwto 1l . NY conwioe aviress � F rTi +�►rr. L. NOON eh.w: A. Im"Id, am the Vice President and General Manager of National Advertising Company. I have overall responsibility for the day to day operations of National Advertising Company as wall as overall direction for setting and implementing policy. I authoriae, from time to time, various officers and individuals of National Advertising Company to perform acts of the company with the full force and effect as if the act had been performed by the company itself. In this regard, I have authorized both the Controller and Assistant Secretary to grant powers of attorney to employees of National Advertising Company to conduct the affairs of National Advertising Company. At present, the Controller is J. M. Falco and one of the Assistant Secretaries is G. to Arthur. I as aware of the fact that they have authorized Richard M. 5alomone to he an Attorneyto-Fact for National Advertising Company to execute and deliver any permit applications, instruments, receipts and any and all other documents which may be necessary or desirable in connection with the application of permits for certain outdoor advertising sign locations by National Advertising Company within the City of Miami as in his judgment are acceptable. I was personally aware of this grant of power of attorney and, as Vice President and General Manages, ratify and tonfirm such grant =. of power of attorney. You are authorised to deal with Richard M. Salomone 4. as the Attorney-Ia-Fact for the purposes set forth in the Power of Attorney executed the 6th day of August, 1985 at Bedford Park, Illinois. Vice President k Con. We ATTESTS Xe06r K.-C. Cri a Assistant Secretary STATE OF iL 0015 Coum or COOK I, the undsrstgaed, a Notary Publico is wad for the County and State aforesatdt do hereby Certify that J. A. Iavo149 personally town to as to be the Vice President and General Manager of National Advorttafag Coapaay sad personally known to as to be the asps venom wboso nase is subscribed to the foregoing instruneat, appeared- before ne this edgy to person and acknowledged that as such Vice Freeident wad General Hower, he atp ed and delivered Cho said iastruisest as Vtee President wad Gesseal Manager of said Cosporatton, and Caused the corporate seal of said corporation to be sff ixsd theretoo pursuant to satbority, gives by the Moard of Dlrectore of saki corporation as his free and voluntary net+ and the free and vokotary act and deed of said eorpocations for the uses aid purposas 061611% sit forth. Given under oy band wad otfteial see thus 7tb day of Angwt. Ime =' NY s&" ospteew �f . POWER OF ATTORNEY THE UNDERSIGNED, does hereby appoint Richard M. Salomone, its Attorney -in -Fact for it and in its place and stead to execute Er and deliver any permit applications, instruments, receipts and -.. any and all other documents which may be necessary or desirable in connection with the application of permits for certain outdoor advertising sign locations by NATIONAL ADVERTISING COMPANY with the City of Miami on such terms and conditions as in his judgment are acceptable and to perform all other acts in its behalf and in connection therewith, with like effect as if done by the under- signed in person, hereby ratifying and confirming all that its said Attorney -in -Fact may do. This Power of Attorney shall remain in effect until November A3 15th, 1985, unless sooner revoked in writing by the undersigned. �a dated this ith day of August, 1955 at Bedford Park, Illinois. S NATION ISING COMPANY BY: ' . rt ur# As ,i tans retary � t r ATTEST BY s Controller STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that G.E. Arthur, personally known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of National Advertsinq Company and J.M. Falco, personally known to me to be the Controller of said corporation and personally known to me to be the same per- sons whose names are subscribed to the foregoinq instrument, ap- peared before see this day in person and severally acknowledged that as such Assistant Secretary -and Controller, they signsd and delivered the said instrument as Assistant Secretary and Controller of said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of said corpora- tion to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority, given by the board of Directors of said corporation as their free and voluntary act# and the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein set forth. 1985. Given under my hand and official seal this ith day of August. . Y ran, JOSM C&ACHO and ZSTHZR CAMCHO he ve made, Mwitand and oppedhist 'w by dow P ta ido *A&. ow4baw ww'app"t a BRUNO GUSTINELL1, as representative Of N&ticft&l Ad vVjwUww18M0Y Company our us ad is our ww. ph" #pAaaa to make application !� Jar behalf for a permit for the Congtruction and erection of advertising display billboards and to appear before the City of AamL Co=issi*n and to file all neq*$$& papers :required IlZonifts Board an necessary by the aforesaid authorities for the purpose of obtaLnink the builds ing permits for the property comonly described as 1500 S.W. 7th iAvezue, Xiami, Florida 33136. 6 rideuomq full poww and wAerity tA do and giving and are ww our Per/01-M 49 sow every an "d 1"s WMMMW m4okuke OW Ma wy to 60 d"* is WA about the Promim a /may. to 49 intents and Pawpow 0 we Mki* of ebaw do it 06"MMUY pmr4u, W)jth /an Pwww of MAMwien ead rawwwa% AN* roq0^8 "d takAmifts On AM our aW auwftq w his "WIN" " Sowtouy. do w as to be deco by wMe h&vaj. IN IMMU WHSMP. we &we hwebwo so our kmd—Aww Aw the 29th &Y of July . is do Y~ *so theomd nine handw "d tishty—five* S"w OW AWOOP4 in a* PFAMI.M of #to of 310"ba. 9MUq 13f DADS 3 XwAq dWft. ".a two 29 th 4. A. IV $5. www aw P""way OPPArow Owl) *,v q July J03ZPH CAVACHO Md 95= CAMCKO a awpa "nib, 4"MON OW a"" " Aw to 60 that aaw jw "is dwwaw is and aim ow"wed dw eerie w awry qI susn". OW to aalaeeeWiaefpd dw ww" PON qI 4awaly fe 4w thOLT MOW4" Is rMINONY jww MAIff" my Mw aw #sow or ad #I son dW AW 40d YOW AW AIM W6M 14►Mr.1 4-d TAW OMM QJP Ron Von= 1301 Riomew ftsidle-ale NUN* XAUU I Ct Ss ANDauss i� 1A E A01111 MINT stafto d",es LS�I AaM d� Ar— r +.Oise • ...,..,.�.•.,.,.. NATIONAL ADVERTISING COMPANY isuseffue v of minnom mininle t Ment lethwh4 to.) Marne office eadlote Park. Illinois 6011101 rk TMIS AGAEEMENT. fnogbthis alley Of =�A 1f, a r►. err_ ! ? fig MoroiMattor till 100 tho U121141'. AMC Nattonst Advaftimfig COfftpohy, of 9odfOrd P&?%. IifAll. ha OMjftot Calf ed the LOS&** WITNESSETM: • t ��iLessaft+efoOy,NSNwt latheLNsee it,t]thiLNseihNear NspslreF""ebi!isfsr thewttiihe661{Mi�ehet+hi0b1'tlBhtON6eCvNMflO!!r0'D•':«• tic costhboo Orolw+iN. •at the OutOasas at o►et!t,hq ahb O'hMhh,ttq 61110ft16104 alsoNrs , 0a+hta0 ► ll"tot.too Ophtee. ,tlyft+lhatfli st Ct�ir,�sh •�t .d,�7 •stosiiry stfuetvtN 0ovitN. Cawor allies aha tb«' ltt,ahs CA wj 2 the a►beottr hNelh ONhlseO,s,OCat00 aa0ut �j. /A ✓r C !h •�• ..a ,06 of flouts No SA 7.5C. 1 ' o }s• tl.Cn •euee Wroeenr Ohre Wirt of !ae 6Nse►s at$W't s+t•a'ee " 2 t s o /+� ore,ieunu sC,n !ne Townsh+o of I s 1 A 17 t l:ernh of ` State of !—dtiiA I-DA tllLigilOeiihttltOh,srWu+rse.sN►Ovitgs,0o*Mtlell i346. 7 T40tN'noft%.$wNsmall COMIh►MCoah...,.......�.....+e ...�. inOvn,NstM+�,►iteaNn,M hthe""ihnM�etNnittMlM'On« sNiltt$M•r,ve•e�1M C .mhWtlestwaft+nvliH,r4"'•w!•►stOsrat,•!+'ft-:•••,;,,Ow,hFjretf a«att«siavMtts.h4 `S•s0,s�•Nt"aNhhif<Mfyn00 tMe►Nib�tOsto , anises+ LsF'. •.e NO►oiftN tl�MOstMM�,!'+L+�+r�0ilji.ii�M'►ethreirl0•oit eh!nHitwetN�{ rnble0►hnnite0ii0tihtswMeOrMtinn,• ,r of the offoatwe OWto Or orate" naUCe Of ter►w'•WPOn given 140110" 114101 342tt+ OWi W-et to suet 4140•verNry safety elM01 !P�Los10r8tLOMiO a to tons+evehan Of the two90+r+0 Will the Mutual WOM40 *MMn Contain". One otfW 0000 ine +i1WON CSM,sNsl+Orl iMLlfooee agMisH aatr tie IL S Ad,:�e'+.�d+.� off rara►sueneonwtioft/theun►ees ,ow+► 1ateonnn+ogateeMOMMneer,alsnl++of,nierWRmng�elenarteetttteratew t , C� ai Z W eA>/oMfOrsrCnOM+00o0►hAe"thebsOIWWOIContMheliteOnMeunOo►,stare+**OOolhOn:uCr+ it" +OIItN+WtOtseOW+nireanOOtsWleCt .2 cc too 70 aotr ONatr tOroroCMs+ngl wtn ouOOtoMantary senlstroontsto OO M"eor0+ivot,v wn" trneaevo/t+s,ne status Of tMe,siMaWN+i 0we" WItOn Nmbb* "'"o Oov/r+M11 salt will NOOWato01000NtC+Yowithaft anh:ve►saryoftheethtUreoeteIsentsmall aOoottt"tonavesear *oosentheOI M&IlehwylesU01006"$00 s nOt.fiN LNiso of tt0lareeetot of Oar+rtont t= < < I aOOITtOMALPMOVISIOMti TheorOv,slOnsWORM antnerevNle"root aroM►sov'"Cor00ratooviveMOr#osgift an$co*st•.tea a 0Nt at tn,s agtows", MINA &IriMeM OP LEARN P11t"I:ES e1011TM Size .... /:4.0(.41........... Ft I�1LD Cvr7 O MAGL Ft I. ZEOP .......................... Ft Pots► .. . .................... Ft . MIi��QflPonN ................. fill Weottfln staked ............... fll! � $ : � l�t�oiat► fflClllO .. /�l•t's't. �trr<. ,. ,3 •� o 4 7 r f • f • W 1 u r � a� {• � * f • � i� � ice/ sn � i%�1l+ � : ! , 1 , . „ All i A it w r v f a t $erANMi wi,i�A1E�MEhfi e to the overt of eny tnan4e tft Owhwsnla at the DreOtkty AVOV INfed. the LIMP IffM to matlfy the LNaee DlomdttY Of Such Change. Ind the LNsdt ilia 44tm to 111•e cite ►N1b Owtlw to►tnit written notice Of the a&titehti of this IeHe Ana to deliver a Cady thereof to suCA A" awnw Whits tdecelydarty ita)tW OMetwlsi nettflm. to Los0/►e0►Ntts slid wa►rihts trait ho Is inner Clio t3whN et Me Agent Qf the t�whN of ire OlOpotfy nirein 1IR1:O. an1 that me Mi tali IuMbhh to enter Mo thlb tine ThaL&Mat cavtlnll ilia wattaAts that it the LOW snit) Div the remit AD nweln ateviaed and wko ks" and bMotht me Omer aownime neriltl Hated. the LNseeMill endffley. amiably and Quietly have, hold and Cloy the Moat ten DremHeS heroM dimisedtottneterm at this ism. lubn use to include oeim to the itts over any tends uhawthe tonital of the Lessor 1 'NNther the Lessor %of the LISHOSnill be bound by Inv at)teemtt ot.edresttitian erOrosed sr tt+•ol�ed hattbrialnea herein Tmms IiaNsnill oe0eerhe0 t0 hive deem itClpted and its ;erfhtlftiatf e&C 4 or • ,•ban t"e ACtadt&hCe hereof •.Y ro rose! in the state otowfoot p SiiewmAg such attebtahte it mill thurltotho "twit of end be dlhding trOOn the OiRio hereto &Ad to their ►No&ttevo tenants. molts. auceMots. OotsOn&I te0resttatives. 04Cutafe. admthlitrateM. &nO aMlgne. 4 Ira Cho evtt chit M! boRtafi of tit Llsf6• ! OlOboRv 6tCu0ifid by Cho Lessee s'tilDiays ! to 6e trhDravea by !ceiling i DerminaUtt b►watetDemmerctal or rest• dotal bt•ddmfi g. ulvtoettteb tip a Duitatnq permit foluding removal Of LOON& $ 61101414 the LNsot may terminate tens 6eisi abaft 4wtmr; thoLiseie Mnity 1901 days w►rtteh hbtiCe of tlnfr►tMtteh t"111thet with a MY of the budding pe►mit sit by regtltatea mad tb either the Lisaoe ! MOmet�Mmce er ten �rahlh OfitCo Wiled. and upon the haasQt s retuneihg to the Lowe Me teht OtevlauSly pica tar rho unetpited aaffian of this Le&N beyond the termination deli Dlu& tho total cost of the tbhsttuctlan Ind the removal otLeefeesOisbNyf tout taOtFblluCnCosttateathtuumahtnblthisLeasephbrtatnehOtiCeofti►mtnitian tmolesioii{jtoMtorelr+avottsattptays tAmtMm the Mnefir +i(il1 say Oe►iaa tf tFt LlSibi Oaos nit tbmrmohN the tansttuCttaA wdh•A +ttnefY tg01 aaYf iRM the dtt6tWs hive boift ►omaved. the LissMmay et dt apish +etttstife this Leine by Witten riattte to the Lesser And of Ib temrststea. the Lases► agrm to tommbutsa tno Lou*%lot its reasonable etbihaai in rebleelhg the LeeeNsdlsblaysphthskesaaiibi6fe0elty it Inv bbttmaoatthe arability are motto atutiottotot such btunatng the LOW FlUins bOttantauieth!►elnatnth4pbtttahOn tnessthe forme. tkew that the rent Shill be Nudabot teoutea it the highway view at the albol&y it IOU than what it was betbiratMflgh WAS moved. Thenght atterrhlhetlOA stated hef(ah shall het eutat Ma Cannot be enettim A the bemlSeQ bferriHM shall be CaAQemAed at taken by bower of emenettt ao fish, at if the Otobefty, is tativeyea to ah itthllty Acting as of On Wait Of any public entity whmth has the Dawn of emtheht aamaih 10 it at a" tithe tl•e Alghw&v weer Oft"* Lessee S OtsOISVI is abat►uelod at bOaCuteO• at the "ve"IseAg value of the disolava Is tntbalma Or aimthisheo. Ot the us* or installation of slum alapl&ye is pNvefftad Ol tWhttad by law Or by the Lessee a mnabiltty to obtain any hoolmly Derrnmts at tmCenaN. at if the Loomis unable. tot Any petla0 Of himeh 1bt CaheeCYttve days Dr rha►e to !elute and malntatn a Suitable adve"Ising contract tar the alsoava at it tripe occurs a diversion of traffic from. Ora tflang!'In trio de/eltion of 11aftp on ng"ways lo"lnq OW the Lleai! a flUll a. the LOU" MAY At its WOOn. teNnen&te this IeaN Dy gnnng theLM*tflfteen III) Oaya Written +yHfce.met" LUWaff"st refund to the LOS etherentp►wiouityDatatortheunexol?"DoRlonofthislaue it any of" Conditions ae/tnbedinthis oata• DraphWWI atamybmetaim"lentyittNt.thontl►lLoeglrheY etitaabtion mote" of terminating this ism, be"titled toanstatement ofrent bayable"grounder During the Os►t00 Ali" Ce 10" o►,any of thefts foist she ta'the •!tune bt any tent Died in &average tat the owlto of such aeatoment 1110 411 ottuatYfes, always and tilaterl&Ia 06906 u900 the Ntd PrOOer►v ev rheLOOM are Loom atradefixtures and eautpment. And it"Aa attend tomm" thous!• "*$Dropertit and nlavbeietwou"ev thelosNl at Sri V" o *No►to atwtthth a rNto'Vo,*t-riieanMtFetermination el MIS long o►arty exteAeiofttheml TheLeiaat AVM to allow ten Um" tun "t"S to the WOPWY OC•-a, to by the dleatav$'Ot to DutDDse Of eretting, maintalning. Longing or temoving 1ha diSOIS" N any time. is The ussaw armam to~ ar permet Any Other Carty to woo any sairs"tairfg allots" Or ocher "ve"IsIng matter an any Dromw owned or CotttrONW by thetoupst wYMM s faDt o of we hul ifred ti00) teat of Lent s olaoave. not 1O Derfrtit any other Obstruction to "Mrly or, COmOlateiy am--tothe normal nighwoy view of Bata feiepfatta, and thlLeaeee a nenbv atitnortaea-o'e-Ove &ray suer a:`e•advert•sing a-sray Or other Obstruction at its option. 13 TttN LepM a*reM t0 ietfe the L&NDr hart'' off ' : &nY end &.• &IM9 J'.:e"a`go On account of Nasty injury or onysg* OropM7y demo@& 40441 Y Or resulting trout any rtplt jltrt it wtfinut a0! Of the tie&a!f s t: Y s or ermts::v!!s h :�! C:•sti'60 . A maintenance. tep&Ir. Change or n"Oval of ten LOU" $ elaplari On Me Molt . and SWISS loco". Sit+ta Own Coat and esDMN. as"uate Cuolic INDdtty insurance COW no any Sue" cbnhngmey 80 long pine$ Nan Mot "Motto in erroCl t11si,NeOri{�It)eetoaiv/tneL&eMRormlgatrain shvAna all Ctalmeo►Osmanasan&MuMOt"oily injury ofO"YolcmOra MtydamageCaumOilorMuiting tram any npNgMt w ttvttllyl act Or the ueeaor ppglf/TfQM Q►6�E0 �►t1taAliti iron recOrling purppaaat salad j d0. Curley of f ts.mi�ii.. • dote►# foe, ti?n llaM �� ttarflttMel►le #f Ndtiltll �. ----.Nfw...ai..n.ra,....... enpwttfdfOeferepologwily ++teMM+Ili+IIMlafMls,t'niMlt�lMiffftltNt+IwaMd li►�lofttatN Mot. an"Wap"Viftasm" ILI I fgftiiW#w loMr its 5gaaNf-f' 3� 4 I LO KNOX & MAYS ATTBAhirl� ++ , MARo�c Sawa. rR . ctoact a Rwox C MAYS stt�NAw +tt CLAINCMt August 7, IOSS 3' Billy Freixas Et _ Chairman of the Zoning board e; City of Miami City Hall, 3$00 Pan American Drive 'y Miami, Florida 33133 Oomitts At sAr 00rwt $Witt 6?0 •t'fO 918CArNt 90WAVAR0 MIAMI 960010A 33131 2QS; t9t•739? Ras Public Hearing Friday, August 9, LOBS Dear Chairman Freixas: This law firm represents E. A. Hancock Advertising Inc, we have been directed to advise you that we will take exception to the board's consideration of Items 6 and 7 on the Agenda. Ths basis of our objection is that consideration of the applications of Flutto Outdoor, Inc. and Bruno Oustanelii would be prsmaturs at this t&o*f and that such considera:zon would violate the provisions of Zoning Ordinance 04300 as amended (entitled $3,9m Specific Limitations and Requirements). to Wits We have attached doc=nts which show that t. A. 444cock Adverttais. Inc* hag rtfti►v!d marts crate the City of ae walk tm app ca""s of f lutss Mw 4k 0 silly Friexas, Chairman Page Two August 7p 1985 Guscinelli. we further note that City documents do not appear to reflect the accurate date of our receiving permits for the locations described in the attached application. By this correspondence we are advising the City staff of the apparent factual error in their records and we trust that you will consider this matter in your deliberations. Respectfully submitted. F. Knox GFK:sec Enclosures cc: Members of the Zoning Board City Staff City Attorney m R, E PM.MiT 3oe Clain 1483 N.W. 7th Avenue 1. First AppliratIOn 151 ``.k• 7th Avenua, November 23, 1983 3. First accepted application 1483 N.W. 7th Avenue. May 7, 1454 3. Re -applied with double faced plans, .tuna 28, 1984 .. El Grncuin application made Juiv 17, 195� + Each tuna a location was applied for in the City of >.iar.i �i. it was also applied for in the State of Florida Department of Transportation • 4 , Y W�W Y �✓ ♦ �tAtl{t rtNNttrtM{ Et►'f $OA *Met wit 6N1.• 10 � jtU iDgr weir r � SSrS. r— • APPLICATION FOP ROOFING, EI AS FENCE, 1 NWMAEA r ....ter � OEM06ITION AWNING. SIGN, EMEET META6 `I AND MIML1.ANEOUS PEAMIT firtE rEE A II +SwEC �► ApOhCMt sh�l1 tOR►D+ti! tn! +unOwlnq ,. VIGLAtiom Ott tr if �.ttlbsvltattatt+Eb . i 2 'I OwNEA CQNT11dV01% S 1,►CEMSE + bik'®1NN1, �� �St�Eb Alba— S ! a v L t� ► N i►J L CONTRACTOR ..�..:� ,+ I CON'tAaCfCjA'S � AbbAESb e r t1i:E [lt:r` ILL v #ONE %qOLtblN I .ne►+►tEct 09t ` d• w. __ 1suctus%AL ��,, i �� . 7 • j ENG►NEEp II - _ aAtwITEt7•S 0�+ i�S1 1 ���' �,y� Eti61NEEw'S ��� ��t���l fir• ��� I' .'""�ELEttpl %� I�rr+ 1 ♦bbAESi �.� � - t - ._ 4 ..., It A6.1LOINC. USEOi dA$CAt_ WORK=Ta. w0r I �1 �•olns�'t hr uwON{t1wa Milt iw.t, ♦OO,Kl1•pw •{ 0,r0'str tp r • tto 0•ws Vftl•Mwl• ; iIArNEVENT►QN 11 •w0 1•• tlfl,f• 11rtllrrslrtM '), te! {•tw r•• MNI^' •wt •• M+ !rs'• 11 t,Or." swa olds{ 1w0 rr1WIlrOw{ n• f1r• du•.0a t' +.Hpw sOO••t�b! if b st a !• COOv Of ♦OO•tives Ors•'{ swtl {Ost •r•t •h w'u{t t•1 +MC r a' I+ aw. {,fs Our.w• OtwsrsN w• top +N.,r+ •u �,w0.n• •• M •sMN !r! w4 i Il.stt is too vrow.{.p•t s,0fr0s wwr.wrlw { (.M•'OtlP{shPr 041t: ..r � � �•.!'„fi) sftis•.•SpEC:roE' -._i y , rl ,. y , ELE_TOICaJ. • 1 •i >,IyhST�/PE � � r 0-0%E PLUlk"W4 11 r.A� tN�PE�TInti•8i I •ALf 4►N•..At A,T..f.r,fi(01614y'+ vf3. ti� jr wrr���r n •vr ' � C^v,`E:'►E« �7wiY •PtlYf.y�.}C G; . ••i+{ . _ }.P ; t pop 10 t � rMi 1-4 •MM with 7/V,r,;:.i . G ,:►lt� Midi tJ,i� tatY•i,;i•i+�t:M':15i[ � t•Jl-•;y • t •rz•+ t irly to s,f f s i 3 -ps t.y +1'l ::i ;91 s'i `y c%';J'ri: f:),on. ravw)t p.%Is.nd tj•,•vt 1•II1dd s�ia�...t';•tl...,:w{ar.. rl+y 1r!'M/.+ ,.t+i i1t.I i n �•i •s i,".n �as•.�� :f:ICC ,:llt,t +sf f r �...1 >+; .ti;t+ #.rut+�rc Ail "J'xi"tin"J 410t-101c-d zi;lis. Fall `-4-436 for 141,*1* rond 111:o1jec : i o". I sI<•� w l: t 1 P I #IZ�C! � t�i1L`• �rl�N�f ~• 1ts � t 4 p #fep 0$ MWO 't�l!i 4'00>rs : b M�iIC OfMOSr:10w1 IN►i� M111A 4�t to" ♦Ili +lwtl► lthIs""ka * M111ING c"ST CpA111IMTE ; T+►oE ws�f�w 4 f+�WTt�ld E OCR 000itE wit 6000 S MM r1a11aIt Ittt�lttMtfM►/ - - 1tis JOIN Most I MIA i APPLICATION f04 0100PING, SLAB VINCI, 1 ep�allt i NUMAEII .�.•...,� DEMOLITION AWNING. SIGN, SEIEEt MtrAL 11001M L AND MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT AbOhtiht thatlt Of"8111f th! t�IlOwihO ,! ®at>:in, Aver atT+►cwEb .� WIbL�TION SEE :� C1wwaEA �, cb►.taActh� S LitENSt i LOIL%APPAG1.�iVEb 1 dwNEq'S+ L�.S _ •ocAsss I11 �,%► �Aw/► vAt rb DATE PuP G� CONTRACTORIIL Iu,rrr,o,rn, �1 ^ . CbNTMACTOR'S AODw�ESS _ e I Ilk owl 04114 I6L II apCwlTEtt Ott . tI 1: � IIENGINEEPI111` -�1,1 WZ4 taWiti�t lot At wD0 ESips `�1��_! ����l !'V�• � � �' tEGtA�r '�i��� 1104ESEt�• rtqtt II SwILOINQ WSE i j _ i •►Oi WogKCA I yt6 �I "pTAA' t t� �I � wnOarylin0 tpl 1*•t Ni++tal•t►n q WO•ft+ to • • II anO et"o- Onst$N •11 Ingo C•1• �ia• � st�lE slrEvEwrltla rMtO• .ntOt••V•via-* ,• y•atna.•,0 ••tMab •!t. •• , 0 4+0►600 anb out** ani wa01a0t+oM w•1"41gf if +M+01a i toll• of IOb+ow" O+apt 0.0 ++W1 N•K s ` tl 0001104na • e Mottos ot.►01eN no +fta «•»« ••• ►w•e•n. w f.+ •Oam #to 4. 0 II +art tb Ana o►e.•t•e•t a•o.Iba t.IM 1, �..atl 46e+0e611"410w +It: ,I e' ,, .01 •I � �.f..FA 0{Nti•,•S s4EC:'pEv i) .tt+Al ICI {As —4,„c-w_ • // it • •pit Yt•0+',.4, oft 1T.• trA4 ebUt!'• �f�: �� • u {; i�xf, M� , NI . Cv►LE.wE;: "'f,riH♦P'Yf•vp.ttiPy .oLIE E0 t asa + t*owl c 000404 #4 1 ! ; •iS •;=•�..�ly with gbov* ':t•t;t ic;n$ 4iU7< "'m 1=1'�ri �i l'�i�•�/ t/31�iii.1�4�jr,•tZi •i��t:��� tL.v•��ti� 1r...� :•.r- •+a �Iir• t0 ,.f f.t i ��,I J'I+� Is � l•ji t t'tei�t{1Dt r!�.I {. iS�l'� tJ'.•:,.•i ). II I�• �+� t� • -. `'�J %i�'{I'� :�Itll��sl�;"� �•�''IIfI�1 �'!1'.1i ++:Jlr,'Q •s:1� {�f �°+'i•/ ^� � �t.>tJ A a •it'f, P •a10va Ail r i Ii t nq iNCtli M �� �it��•�t*tts• ;,i•;"'115, r411 3,4. 436 for )itvit • t 1 L& PERMIT DATES Juan► Suam 643 N.W. 27th Street I. First application accepted *84-0389 one November . 1964 2. Final application lan revision with double face plans on, June 2S, 1965 =r All applications have been made to the State of Florida Department of Transportation 01N o1. F n7a � V"m , Ru 0 APPLICATION FOR ROOFING, SLAB, FENCE, DEMOLITION. AWNING, MON• SHEET METAL ANO MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT A►DDF/tiht thNl to Ditto tht Itll10wIM4• 01NNER r CONTRACTOR CaN tm aS tOR'S , aRtr/atECT O>�M EN�itNEER - ..Rc1,+Tscrsop atlt'11,t. I# Ut.t1#SENT 6 i JILOING USE OE>;CRIrT10N oft *omit i C' ,��'r.1r elC 00 yQUR rN to T1413 s►ei iERNilt ` 1,• 1 NuMiER •r.. 0 1slu REEtI SSuE0 =AitIOAVIt ATUCi►EO : VIOLATION PEE a CONMACTOWS LICENSE iv uEb R ING l U C I.ANdstIE '%% of nul �� -SrAtE «pTEt • y*OH!!Ma> tN/ te•{ lOA�K •� H 1y0•Kt 0 1h0 �y.•d,h! tt• wlwai It Mo M• O�Mt O�O�w�wtl. Or .w { h O� M• • �.. n� rw♦ 1�l1• 0f If 1ttRE paimNrtoN ••�r.y • s IIyNI 0 +roM�.•1• w. u' tw. a•�o.p Q•�•.•Ow &V&6%&0•••r •^MNO i00r Ot 10N� M ins 1 •bclNnw. �Wt 0• .•Ot 11�� Sw•O•M ••N oyl6M / 0• t� •W� r •�O�O.Ntyl� +l00� at* Ott fy0 Ott to ho NO..N two i•gi•o *#Ita•n• ! I."dpfv t.•►w MCI X,-. L+' .:ELECTRICAL, GATE w ►/+1 1 iLt/INDING R# !NE►IECTIpM f## •.. VICIOANICAl. w. I # ! out : COLLECTED 11 gT«+EA AM*OVAIs NE{iltilR#0 Z E # C W 3 ►- a 0 • **ui*t vurthty wi t-h Ord. 9SOO# Sections 2026.15.1 and .2 .end wi(.1h .;ny .%i il>imis, ordin.incos %nd/ox resolutions 1)4r- tai.ninq to vffzite si-jns Passad by the Miami, City •11: u i on . C.'s' JIS)t v xtowid f 1' o r *4iqm 2-•� i:rll :%vilstain Villikin cle'll..'sica .md vtf*W.'Vt t-40.31iq* -..• 16.,00VO .111 f.j%3 st i!ly 41tst,kl6;?14:4j u i sm-9. C.S i 1 350 . i 16 ;+,+I< Isola 09WA on *41.13 co"I QI)rtl�iri 1tE111 I'ta iT ..,* �fafct •+Mwflrr� + �#nc�l• w. iliWlA t'apM ,EtMN�Ma COE13f _ _ 13MMMSMhi � st►� � hL