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3--85-817(h) g/3/$8 RgAOLOTtom NO. g5"9tr.;fv A RR:SOLUTTON DRNYINO THE APPROVAL OR ONF OUTDOOR At3VERTISTN1 STgN PUR80AVT TO ORDINANCR NO. Wno AS AMRNbEno OPPTCTAL SCHEDULE: OP OISTRtCT RRnULATtMRS ► PAnR 5 OF 6. Ca GENERAL COMM8R0,IAL dtATRtCTS, AND SRCTtON 2026 RNTtTLRD "StCNB, SPECIPtc LIMITATIONS AND R8QUiRRMP-NTB .". S(IAJECT TO THE STANDARDS AND RBVIRW PROCRDURES POR SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS AS SET FORTH IN ARTICLE 26 ENTITLED "CLASS D SPECIAL PERMITS AND SPRCtAL 8XCEPTIONS,, DETAILED REOUtREMENT8." OR SUCH OROtMANCE, TO PERMIT ONE OUTDOOR ADVRRTIStNG SIGN (O.A.S.) STRUCTURE WITH ONLY TWO (2) 14' X 48' SIGN PACPS AT APPROXIMATELY 640 NORTHWEST 26 STREET, ALSO DESCRTAEO AS LOT 4 LESS RtGHT-OP-WAY POR INTERSTATE I-95 AND LOT 5, BLOCK 3, EDGEWOOD (8-10 5) t AS PRR LOCATION PLAN ON PtLE, SAID O.A.S. TO BE LOCATED 50' WEST OP THE RIGHT -OP —WAY LINE OF tNTP.RSTATE I-95, BRING 65.0' IN HEIGHT PROM GRADE; (GRADE AT ELEVATION 13.20' ) ; ZONED 1--1/7 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, WITH A TTME LIMITATION OF SIX (6 ) MONTHS IN WHICH A BUtLDING PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED. WHRRHA,S, on May 23, 1985, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 9993, amendinq Ordinance No. 9500, the zoning ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, to provide, among other items, for outdoor advertising signs (O.A.S.) to be viewed from and located within 600 feet of limited access highways, including expressways, with City Commission approval after following the standards and review procedures for special exceptions and subject to certain enumerated conditions; and WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board at a special meeting of August 9, 1985, Item No. 6, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution ZB 108-85 by a 8 to 0 vote, recommending approval of one outdoor advertising sign structure with only two (2) 14' x 401 sign faces As hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission After careful consideration of L, this matter, finds that the proposed outdoor advertising sign structure if located as hereinafter set forth would fail to meet the standards and guidelines set forth in ordinance No. 4993 And# further, finds that the proposed structure would adversely affect -r the public health, safety, comfort, good order, appsacance, convenience, moral or general welfare of the community. is uu_ NOV. THEWORE, At IT REMOGM BY TR9 WWRA t N Off" TM tt" MiAMt, PLORTOA• Section 1. The approval of the erection of one dutdorn advertising sign► pursuant to Ordinance Na. 9'W# as amend@d► Official Schedule of District Requlatiomns Page 5 of 6, Ca (;eneral Commercial Districts, and Section 2026 entitled "Signs► Specific Limitations and Requirements,"► subject to the standards and review procedures for special exceptions an :set forth in Article 26 entitled "Class D Special Permits and special Exceptions► retailed Requirements." of such ordinance, with only two (2) 14' x 48' siqn faces at approximately 640 Northwest 26 Street, also described as Lot 4 less right-of-way for interstate I-95 and Lot S. Bloch 3. Edgewood (8-105), as per location plan on file. said C .A.S. to be located 50' west of the right-of-way line of Interstate t-95, being 65.0' in height from grad± (grade at elevation 13.201), zoned 2-1/7 Light Lndustrial is hereby denier]. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of SEPTEMBER , 1985. MAURICE A. PERM Ai -RICE A. F RR , ayoc City Clerk PREPAY D D APPROVED BY s G, MI tIAM MAER Assistant City Attorney APPROVED ASoft FORM AND CORRECTNEFRs Assistant ty Attorney ON%/'wpc/pb/8140125 .2►. NOW. :CHEREEORE # At 1T RESt3LM 8Y THR COWSVON OP THE CITY MIAM2# PLORtDA Section 1. The approval of the erection of one outdoor advertising sign# pursuant to Ordinance No. 9500# as amended# Official Schedule of District PpqulAtiona, Page 5 of 6, CG General Commercial Districts# And Section 2026 entitled "Signs# Specific Limitations and Requirements."# subject to the standards and review procedures for special exceptions as set forth in Article 26 entitled "Class D special Permits and Special Exceptions; Detailed Requirements." of such ordinance, with only two (2) 14' x 48' sign faces at approximately 640 Northwest 26 Street, also described as Lot 4 less right--of-way for interstate t-95 and Lot 5, Block 3. Edgewood (8-105), as par location plan on file, said O.A.S. to be located 50' west of the right-of-way line of Interstate I-95, being 65.0' in height from grade (grade at elevation 13.201), zoned 1-1/7 Light Industrial is hereby denied. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of SEPTEMBER , 1985. MAURICE A. FERRE MAURICE A. FERRE, Mayor City Clerk PREPA, D D APPROVED BY: G. MIRIAM MAER Assistant City Attorney APPROVED ASift FORM AND CORRECTNESS: MWW asi A f .Iv ..Fi1.w* i Assistant ty Attorney GNN/wpc/pb/814412S W2, �Tr �z 5 95 �4 w. CIT'S OP MIAMI. P66410A INTER41PRICt MtMOR,AN©UM SEP Oslo t° The Honorable Mayor and Members bAtt of the City Commission RESOLUTION - RECOMMEND APPROVAL , ALLOW OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGN AT APPROX 640 NW 26 STREET �rFoM Sergio Per ra 4�r�a�Nc�e 'City Manag COMMISSION AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 12, 1985 EN-CLdSUPICS PLANNING AND ZONING ITEMS It is recommended by the Zoning Board that the erection of one outdoor advertising sign (O.A.S.) structure with only two (2) 14' x 48' sign faces at a roximately 640 g NW 26 Street be approved. {r, The Zoning Board, at a special meeting on August 9, 1985, Item 69 following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution ZB 108-BS by an 8 to 0 vote recommending approval of allowing one outdoor advertising sign (O.A.S.i structure with only two (2) 14' x 48' sign faces at approximately 640 XW 26 Street, also described as Lot 40 less right-of-way for interstate 1-95 and Lot ' 5, Block 3 EDGEWOOD (8-105). as per location plan on file, said O.A.S. to be located $01 west of the right-of-way line of interstate 1-95, being 65.0' in V. ` c height from grade (grade at elevation 13.20') with City Commission approval gg following the standards and review procedures for Special Exceptions. The property under consideration is zoned 1-1/7 Light industrial. The Zoning r Board also recommends that this Special Exception be granted a time limitation of six (6) months in which a building permit must be obtained. �,u 4 One, reply in favor received in the mail; two proponents present at the ` Y. meeting YL Backup information is included for your review. A RESOLUTION to provide for the above has been prepared by the City Attorney's Office and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. tom` AEPL .111 cc** Law Departmient NOTE; planning Department reeds: APPROVAL - 4 ZONING FACT SHEET LOCATION/LEGAL Approximately 640 NW 26 Street Lot 4, less right-of-way for Interstate 1.95 and Lot 5 Block 3 • EDGEWOOD (8-105) APPLICANT/OWNER Jean McArthur Davis 6851 NE 2 Avenue Miami, FL 33138 Phone # 754-4621 Flutie Outdoor Inc. c/o Steve E. Flutie, (Power of Attorney) 7135 NW 74 Street Miami, F1 33166 Phone # 888-1093 ZONING I-1/7 Light Industrial t REQUEST Public Hearing to allow one outdoor advertising si?n (O.A.S.) structure with only two (2) 14' x 48 sign faces on above site, as per location plan on file, said O.A.S. to be Located fifty *° feet (50.0') west of the right-of-way line of Interstate I-95, being sixty-five feet (55.0') in height from grade (grade at elevation 13.201 with City Commission approval following the standards and review procedures for Special - Exceptions. -a. r RECOMMENDATIONS r- PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL, One of the criteria for a approving `:. an ou_ our advertising sign is that it shall be spaced a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) feet 4 from another similar sign on the same side of t fr,p the expressway. There is a request for sign s h' location on two sites that are spaced less than 1500 feet from each other; this sign is being " Y recommiended. The proposed location is acceptable as there is no substantial impact on any views or vistas of the City, nor any substantial conflicts with other signs. -=_ This is a straight section of the expressway and should have a lesser impact upon a drivor's attention. The area is industrially soned and - utilised with no strong residential nodes. ZONING FACT SWEET LOCATION/LEGAL Approximately 640 NW 26 Street Lot 4s less right-of-way for Interstate 1.95 and Lot 6 Block 3 EDGEWOOD (8-106) APPLICANVOWNER Jean McArthur Davis 6861 NE 2 Avenue Miami, R. 33138 Phone # M-Ml Flutie Outdoor Inc. c/o Steve E. Flutie, (Power of Attorney) 7135 NW 74 Street Miami* Fl 33166 Phone 888-1093 ZONING t-1/7 Light Industrial REQUEST Public Hearing to allow one outdoor advertising Sir (O.A.S.) structure with only two (2) 14' x 4 sign faces on above site, as per location 8 plan on file, said O.A.S. to be located fifty feet (SO-O') west of the right-of-way line of Interstate I.95* being sixty-five feet (65.0') in height from grade (grade at elevation 13.20') with City Commission approval following the standards and review procedures for Special Exceptions. RECOMMENDATIONS PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL. One of the criteria for a approving an ou oor advertising sign is that it shall be spaced a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) feet from another similar sip an the same sib of the expressway. There is a request for sign location on two sites that are spaced less than 1500 feet from each other; this sign is being recommended. The proposed location is acceptable as there is no substantial impact on any views or vistas of the City, nor any Substantial confliCts, with other signs. This is a straight Section of the expressway and should have a lessor impact upon a driver's attention. The are& is industrially zoned and utilized with no strong residential nodolo 9 00 PUBLIC WORKS DADE COUNTY TRAFFIC 6 TRANSPORTATION ZONING BOARD No dedication is requested. No comment. At a special meeting on August 9, 1986. the Zoning Board adopted Resolution ZB 108-86 by an a to 0 vote, recommending approval of the above with City Commission approval following the standards and review procedures for Special Exceptions. The Zoning Board also recommends that the Special Exception be granted a time limitation of six (6) months in which a building permit must be obtained. m A In t 3 � { �! � � � i , 4 i� 13 � iil � �� � i is � � � � * • S' t� I1 # Z ti a A , i • ! i! 1 • � i� i� i! i• H ARMORY-1 •�' doffm a�_wAs w>�wsvx � wlfniE�`i w. �u rrr� Ar:. �c1AAf <. ...fit r e._ :a4e ] "141- a..ke W vwmw� MA t i AAr�Aft �nwrr+a, � 4 4 ALAKSM LIVE MEN Os ®C 1" N. W. • ST. Nw.* 04, V UA 04 io ry • ZI 8/9/35 As V it" S55tvl AP 0-1: Aw"isattly w liw u stiff er AOL--- ST. -APW t I . ow m 04 AP idb '40 JE16. ZI 9/9/85 item # 6 OW95F. AP 0-12 "ftXi#*t#jj 44 NW 1% Str"t Al 0 • t R, ", Cr,, "/ ED Nti i L ji i LICATION FOR A C a oa .V -,. 9 ( file Number OSF. 3-, Within the City generallyo or within certain toning districts, certain structupes, uses, and/or occupancies specifted in this ordinance are of a nature requiring special and Intensive review to determine whettier ar not they should be permitted in specific locations, and if sot the special ttmttatton4 condttion4 and safeguards which should be applied as reasonably necessary to promote the general purposes of this toning Ordinance, and, in particular, to protect 4*oininp properties and the neighborhood from avoidable potentially adverse effects. it isfurther intended that the wMerttse and fudgement of the Zoning Board be surctsed in maidng sash detenmtnaUw% to accordance with the miss, catudderations and limitations relating to Class D Special Permits and Special Bscsptions. (See article 29.) Fermat PUMO notice and hearing to not Mandatory for Class D Special Permitso but is mandatory for Special Ssception& to ether rsspecta, these classes of ipectal permits are the same. The ZWft Board shall be solely retsponstble for determinations on applications for Class 0 Special Permits and Special Sreepttons. ,Alt applications in these Qlewas of special permits shall be rsfwred to the director of the Department of Plarnft for his recommendations and the director shall make any further referrais required by these regulations. it o cn+e= one: „_ Class 0 Special Permit X Special Exception for property located at 640 N.W. 26th Street Misunio hereby ap* to the City of Natures of Prgx*W Use (8s optaiftet) Expressway Billboard to be facing f•95. i Few 1043 Dope 1 of 3 • l attach the following In support or explanation of this oppiicationt 1. Two surveys of the property prepared by a state of .Flarido Registered land X3. Surveyor. Four copies oft site plan thawing (as required) property boundaries, existing and . proposed structure(s), partdng, landscaping, screening, etc; building elevations (if required) with dimensions and computations of lot area (gross and net), LVI ratios (open spoca, floor area, parking, etc.), building spacing and height envelope. See Section 5304.2.001. X 3. Affidavit disclosing ownership of property covered by application and disclosure of " interest farm (Faun 4.83 and attach to application.). X 4. Certified list of owners of realestate within 37S' radlous from the outside boundaries of property covered by this application. (See Form 6-83 and attach to X S. application). . At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). ...r_ 6. Other (Specify) -- - --- ;LL X, 7. Fee of S 400.00 , based on followings (b) Spacial 00 =00 Exception (c) Surcharge equal to applicable fee from (ai or {b) above not to ex $+ to be refunded if there is no appeal fCtty-e Signature L or AutMrJz,6d Agmt Name Steve l:lutte/ Flutie Outdoor Inc. - k Address rt 35 N.W. 74th Street a City, State, Zip Miami , l: La . 33166 = phone (306) 888-1093 STATE OF FLORIDA) SS: COUWTY OF DADE � abort toot he hog read the fon Of aetinfq agent for awtsed bohal# of the owner. Foam 1043 being dtrly sworn'+, dow asand Ow tea► are t ca p1 i nawtrot Qmd et hee authority to an"s (hie 41011cotion fay on . . PGP2Qr3 � � swoRN ! No■� @� d «f �@ »Y COMMISSION £XP|RFEk 14ory foutilic, lee of Florida# Ldrge �s ran =9 ft t�ff'IIN� �ed aAhWity, WU MY PKUMQI Appeared Steve Plane , being b? " rim duly aim , dapm WA U"s 'Is •�waasc he is %*A p or the or ft ftmer, vA tU:% the aae*ffVgWft I I for a pair; hurim as re+*ired by tyrdtlmm 140. 9WO of the Oode of W-A City of Xft, F"loAU effec Ling the real pz"my Imud in the City of Mid 22 darribed and listed m the pages attached to this affidavit wA raft a part thersaf. 2. 'That au awrom ftch he if eft, bans givers; their fiiLl Wd complete sip for ham to act in their b*&U for the change tar mcdi fioata of a classificatim or t tip of awArg as set = in the accOpareia8 ;Otitis. 3. That the pedefft attached hereto ad made a past of this affidavit cuftain the cat r smes, ma3.13m addresses, phone c r►bers and legal descripzioos for the realproperrryr iftch he is the owner or legal • iFe�t�7i• 16. 1he fasts as rsYxrin the appl3eaticrs and dccL-:eats 1lfasbrizted In c=j=nim with this affidavit are tm and correct. ftther Affiaffst sayreth scot. to aad l beibre m thy► A. LAW of w4" # uc, ftn a of Honda at tarps Gf�sioft s r t s.43 ;fir s loft IkQ W4W4 4T4A4NG WO - i rlr:•+ • 1f �w� WSIA 4r� i FUNG "I' C-, Own? 1 Nam U r DA Telephone Legal Description: Late 41 less right-of-way for INTERSTATE t-OS State Road No. 9As as shown on Florida D.O.T, Right-of-way Map (State Road N. 9A) Section 872770-2427 Sheet 2, 'Arid Lot 51 Sloek 3, of "e-DGWOD" Owner's Name Mailing Address Tel#ohane 'Number Legal Description: Owner's Name Mailing Address Telephone Number Legal Description: A other real estate property owned individually, jointly, or severally n'by ( corporation, partnership or privately) within 375I of the subject site is listed as follows: Street Address Legal Description 14SI N.W. 7th Ave, Miami Street Address Street Address I • 9 Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11,12, & All of Rome Milk Tract 73-78. Block 3. Subdivision "EDGEWOOD" TWP 53 RNG 41 SEC 25 BK 'alp PAGE 152 Legal Description Legal L- � 6 R i. torgai description aced street address of >soolef t real property►! Lot 4, less rign-of-way for INTERSTATt 1-43 State Roane was. Us as shown an Florida D.O.T. Right-of-wav Map (State Road No. U ) Section $7270-3437 Sheet 21 and Lot 51 Block 3 of "EDGEWOOD" 640 N.W. 36th Street, Miami, Florida 2. Cwerrert21 of "left meal FIC rty end .petcenta9e of owenerahip. Notes City of Mimi ftdinancs hra. 94S requires disclosure of all MUSS E'a'ving a financial interest, either direct Or inditeft, in the "'IfKt matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City COmmisalon. Accordingly, question 42 requires disclosure of all shareholders of oorporrationst beneficiaries of trusts, MOW any► other interested pettiesp tapther with their addresses and r9=1 ortionato interest. dean McArthur Davis - 1002 6851 N.E. and Ave. Miami, Florida 33138 3. tecal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any panty listed in answer to question #2, and (b) located within 37S feet of the subject real property. Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11,1'?, & All of Home Milk Tract 73-78, Block 3 Subdivision "EDGEWOOD" TWP 53 RNG 41 SEC 35 BK 2 PACE 152. 2451 N.W. 7th Ave. Miami, Florida STATE OF FWRMA ) SS: =11trK OF WE j <,riat. '' . beitwq duly silo w, deposes and says VWt ne ss tne jugowl tAttocney Car Owner) of the seal property desecibfed in answer to question #i, abwas that he has read the foregoing answers and that the same are trove and completes and of eating as attorney for owner) that he has authority to execute this Disclosure of Ownership form an behalf of the owner. 97 tSEA49 5W= SO AND berme we this day of notalc :f Gi1NtiE�+ l: eV" TAU ii 04A66il1/ A a r 1 of VLOM ) st C*M 1w un ). Steve Flutie , 6604 duly ,sun, ftpm and aaha on no y samm awat - of Attorney , the awns of the real prgmny demim In answr to qua on ut amm- that he has raid the goinq ans eery 1 that the sane are true and a m- pl* loam that he d ehas the � the tthority to a ste this biaelaftra of Cwner- .'"' (SUL) Name) MR4 TO AM Dun-MMPM— before this g„_ day of Notary PUD , C i State bL Florida at Lam �m CCK41ssIClNl l~" 011as t r4 ,. Dij y 4 x@ 1. Legal description and street am"" at vuel R nal plapenyt f. gwnsets) of m w4m tail prow.arand• percentage of ownership. Notes City of Miami Ordinance tit*. 6411 requires disclosure of all parties avieq a financial interest, tither direct or indirectt in the suslect Hunter of a presentation, request of petition to the City Camission. Accordinglyt question 42 requires disclosure of all shareholders of c*rpaCations, beneficiaries of trusup and/*r any *that interested parties, together with their addresses and ppeoportionate interest. r.� �'r+c�l� %'r,�'jt%f:i�-� ��� !/ 3� /{✓ 14.i %''''',wl /e'/%r'1'%r'; t��` �l'��� nex w S. Legal description and street address of any real property (a) awned by any party listed in answar to question #7, aid tb1 boated withL. 37S feet of the subject real property. G� a f� :.TE�c'r'_i� a 4 STATE (W tFLflt= ' SS t 3 r Y eloo� �t be.iq dutys�ro►rn, �s and # saytt cast asif a Meter of the Coal pt'Opsity OescvtW in answer to question 11o, aborts he.has Cod the answeq and that the sass we taw and explet+es and ( it amirq as attQCnsy toe owner) that ho has authority to execute this DLIG WJ= of 0Asrship loco on bshalt of the *etas. day 09�"':"i31dS . FdW t SUN 49 rumW at fide 85-9561 tare:: r'. I,w.+*I 11 Powtr " R'ftomq Flom IVI am ]By That Jean McArthur Davis he trade, constituted and appointed, and by these ;presents do make, constitute and ap- point Steven E. Flutie (Flutie Outdoor Inc. true and lawful attorney for it and In its name, place and stead All actions involved Withthe approval of expressway billboards on the property 640 N.W. 26th Street, Miami, Florida including, but not limited to, all preparation and signing and filing documents, presentations at public hearings, and applications for permits, giving and granting unto sold attorney full power, and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises as fulty. to all intents and purposes. as might or could do if personally present. with full power of substitution and revocation. hereby ratifying and confirm- my an that Steven E. Flutie said attorney or substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be dons by virtue hereof. 19 NUM V*trW#Jean McArthur DaV*e hereunto set hand and sent the 26 day of July, 1985 . in the year one thousand nine hundred and Sealed and delivered In the pres a of Jean McArthur Davis / // ,��/C �, tJJ• w . , •..Mt..t».»...�'ftj ... •Jl•y:. ;,.b� ifi. +i+� r ....... 4j•wNww�....r.w»Mw.»•..++».sw+r..w..»+.w+w+.• »».w»»w.+.rnrw r s t ec 1 It 14mw That on the 26 day of July thoasend nine hundred 4uW £+5 , botere am a notary public to aid for the Stale of Florida duly consatWORed +call swam d"ft in '%# County of Dade one J.,monaft am sad oPPWWd Jean McArthur Davis to aw pawns* know& and knows to ms to be the am par sad dsswibsd in and who eamded the aaWA PMW 01 40 ' "°ter Sht NO r'+dood of SNOW, t* be hvg ad • ate a�Mw w. • ; , .: ,. #_ t • ♦ * T +�11ltK• ..fie.. a y.rMnMkY� •�!! or 1y tl� fIA �*�q�q !s 13 PwTIl OUTMONS INN, 71" WIWI 74 ou" mm PL nift twoolou is 2.1 &law W4 IC45 mm "wools wwo OWN tN�MI el AL USS NO 0 ----------- iiw IF w 11t &AWN wwmww� a rum= iOMYw —lwlavWell "Ool we"t wommoloolm m m '&mow" we"" tMW IM 66JM4*4100 WOWIV MN Wd&OIWM 10 wwa"MMO "W~ "N"'n WArdW* wwj boom 1 pamftdw All"i I I loll III ft Lease"" ftmamester ma paM IOWA 00919@Rm"W*apw AM • 6 13 YY LONG KNOX MAYS f' . AtTaRNE►s �� , POAROLD LONG. A ORVIUB AT SAY POINT SWITE 010 CEbRo6 R KNOX 4710 GISCATNE 9Owl tVARp CMARL6S C MAYS MIAMI RLOR10A 33137 OTtOMAN A Lt CLAINGwE August 70 1585 Billy Freixas {i Chairman of the Zoning Board City of Miami City Hall, 1500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 . Yoh i t Re: Public Hearing Friday, August 9, 1985 Dear Chairman Freixas: This law firm represents E. A. Hancock Advertising Inc. We have been directed to advise you that we will take exception, to the Board's consideration of Items 6 and 7 on the Agenda. The basis of our objection is that consideration of the applications of Flutie Outdoor, Inc. and Bruno Gustsneiii would be premature at this time, and that such consideration would violate the provisions of Zoning Ordinance =9500 as amended (entitled Signs, Specific Limitations and Requirements), to wits We have attached documents which show that C. A. Hancock Advertising lsc. has received Vomits from the City of Miami which 9r*dAtQ the applications of Flutio and Billy Friexas, Chairman Page Two August 7# 198S Gustinelli. we further note that City documents do not appear to reflect the accurate date of our receiving permits for the locations described in the attached application. By this correspondence we are advising the City staff of the apparent factual error in their records and we trust that you will consider this matter in your deliberations. Respectfully submitted# ie , w . 7 th Avenue, November 23, 1983 )n 1483 ti.t►'. 7th avenue, Mai 7, 1954 kced plans, June 22, 1%4 ide Jule 17, 199-+ applied for in the C+ty of Miami in the State of Florida Lepartment 0 0 A Joe Clein 1483 N.W. 7th Avenue 1. First Application 1512 ``.». 7th Avenue, November 33, 19S5 :. First accepted application 1•83 :v.W. 7th avenue, may 7, 195» 3. Ede -applied with double faced plans, June 25, 195:. 4. E1 Gonquin application made July 17, 19 » Each tim a location was applied for in the City of Miami it was also applied for in the Mate of Florida bepartinent of transportation .t FA . folk *Wet wit Ohhr skiiv0 fUmI , 0 o ame.IVWetw%gist M•t 1010 W&D' ' 6 I1' It ALICAT1ON FOR *COPING, SLAB FENCE• 11 hWM�fA DEMO ITION ANDMiS E6i.ANEOLIS PERMIT ETAI. II pAt� T�tAb li IttIuEC tEE I L Aeol�e�nt tnatiu tOTDIl1! tn! rrauOwlnq ` AcclaA�•IT.T!ArMc� ,VIQLitliM REE pWNElk �� CbhfAACTnA S �IGEtiiE � Mutt v kDATE GONflkACTOAMAL AA Ag Willi NIhG 1 CONtAACTON'S PIT iil AbbaES3 ...r....�dV� � _'I 20hE �•4t)�' IiAACMITECTOp .�ilh '. CTuaAi lit li ENWNEEa -- -- - - h A* MITECT'i tip PN \ �r� ��) � ( ,� �i►+� . litCCbAEiii..S14 �...� b �I peiSE+�� II r+rILOIhu IJSE i� eEsca,.flQh it OC WbAK �� • YwON�t♦ne tw♦t Iw•! ♦00'•►Ot•I+w •t ♦Yt•.t+ 1Q • h Is 0•n. WO•w♦wN u MO ♦�. ptw.• ofeln♦,•ttt 7M M. t•1• •• M•♦�.. ��. .r fw• ��♦•• �. II ♦apr•p♦ ♦w0 tlYw.t iw0 lto"O*t+Owt w• iwf •w•0•• t ♦•4Aw .00'•t♦O-i y.wpp0 6 t00• O� N0�ON0 •�♦ht Owa 1NC•i•Nh • w•�U M •o�' II W,�i,w! Htt OW,wO prnN.N e� tw. Mite• ►'. �w.p.w• ♦ ^' 'iFN .f+ •YY I' Oct•10 •"s Wow# Ow• O.Ot•OO wo"om*m ♦ 4,p.w00!'tOtedM NS: d a.At �slEq S �► .sue..• %/+ '. / 7 a,,ihATVA£ Mot, 117 .41LLC'rnitAL +Luk•FI'•;. i��►�Mi • � M r �fMiM ♦10M�, i � ii{ .. E 0 t O • _. i I w i�si.J V ay i �..;.� t. :'i.Clli, wilt i t ri♦ 4�000 ����r� i4;R3 Zu?f. . � �•. 1 •9 i�� .2 •: a�� �► :� 4♦.,y t;, ,,;'i + P�rtji, ..,#'cii n,S4411:4•11% 41110./or i vo` +ul t -$I it:y EO %,f ru i Li 3',t#s p..'•',,.ty i,yr I he :2s .;'!� 7 ty► Ct,v; JA1' - �► 1n'n • �.'n1'11ot, �!x t uad 4,0 v& ,1.. �irl�i.♦.. L t�.ia- •A.r:�.w�Y t100i :,,t11ALt1jn i';i4`,n a*'t'.##,,jj 0r ,;Itch Ijff'.iJ#-vt �s.t79►�.iA! R.-move All vxistinq ftnd :•!cL•p t t�:♦�� oct i on. • _ . ..1 OWN i rMi1�E!#ISQ1ii :+ ° wt 14 M PERMIT AX Juan Suarez 643 w.W. 27th Street 1. First application ataepted *84-0389 on, November 2, 1964 2. Final application tan revision with double fate plans on, June 2S, 19SB :r AI-1 applications have been made to the State of Florida Department of Transportation &&& ID a - - v 10%tic w 4110 lk lit rA V1,16ft ft.— OR mom Mom. Q � � MCAutIN o Pat A TotAL =APPIDAVit AlTAC1440 V1616010M Ott CONTRACTon't wettest I ISSUICI ^PpIRGVALS so a v t 46vrpty wi i,h Ord, 4)b40* Sections 2026.I5.1 and .2 and WILh -ifty 41-j%AvLf-sns, ardinisaces, and/cc resclutiviis vi.:r- taining to 4iffatte slIns passed by the Xlidmi City C.-moot 41V40C M.M. *qwq- -md QCr3t&vut -VV- Call 350-01*-6 r--tv 1141112 foe On wm4s 4N—ST 40 LF OOM empowsm ow 40 *men" 41 imm, osva to" Ara#"