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0 0 J/85-876(a) 9/3/85 RESOLUTION Not s !'095 A RESOLUTION GRANTING THE APPROVAL C1P ONE OUTDOOR ADVERTiSINO St(3N PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. '9500, AS AMEN080, OFPtC tAL SCHEDULE OP DtATRICT REGULAT'tONS, PAGE 5 OP 6, CO GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, AND SECTION 2026 ENTITLED "SIGNS, 8P8CtPIC LIMITATIONS AND RR0UIREMENTS.", SUBJECT TO THE STANDARDS AND REVIEW PROCEDURES POR SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS AS SET FORTH IN ARTICLE 26 ENTITLED "CLASS D SPECIAL P8RMITS AND SPECIAL EXCEPTIONSt DETAILED REQUIREMENTS." OP SUCH ORDINANCE, TO PERMIT ONE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING :SIGN (O.A.S.) STRUCTURE WITH ONLY TWO (2) 14' X 481 SIGN FACES AT 1544 NORTHWEST 39 STRE8Tt ALSO DESCRIBED AS LOT 54, CEDARHURST (11-18)► AS PER LOCATION PLAN ON FILE, SAID O.A.S. TO BE LOCATED 200' SOUTH OF THE RIGHT -OP -WAY LINE OP STATE ROAD 112, BEING 55' IN HEIGHT FROM GRADE (GRADE AT ELEVATION 10.0' ); ZONED CG-2/7 GENERAL COMMERCIAL; WITH A TIME LIMITATION OF SIX (6) MONTHS IN WHICH A BUILDING PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED. WHEsREAS# on May 23, 1985, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 9993, amending Ordinance No. 950 0, the zoning ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, to provide, among other items, for outdoor advertising signs (O.A.S.) to be viewed from and located within 600 feet of limited access highways, including expressways, with City Commission approval after following the standards and review ;procedures for special exceptions and subject to certain enumerated conditions; and WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board at a special meeting of August 9, 1985, item No. 5, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution 38 107-OS by a 5 to 3 vote, recommending approval of one outdoor advertising sign structure with only two (2) 14' x 48' sign faces as hereinafter set forth; and WHRREAS, the City Commission after careful consideration of this +matter, funds that the proposed outdoor advertising sign structure to be located as hereinafter set forth meets the standards and guidelines not forth in Ordinance No. 9993 and, further, finds that the proposed structure will not adversely a Mat the public health, safetyr comfort, good order, ralc"51=00 QF SIP is tm gar �, • �r appearance, convo-nience, moral or general Welfare of the community'. NOW11 THEREPORE, BE tT RESOLVED By THE: COMMTRAtOR Op THE CtTy Mt9AMt, PLDRtDA t Section 1. The erection of one outdoor advertiaing sign, pursuant to Ordinance No. 9500, as amendedt Mfficial Schedule of District Regulations, Page 5 of 60 Ca General Commercial Districts, and Section 2026 entitled "Signs, Specific Limitations and Requirements.", subject to the standards and review procedures for special exceptions as set forth in Article 26 entitled "Class D Special Parmits and Special Exceptionst Detailed Requirements." of such ordinance, with only two (2) 141 x 48' sign fares at 1544 Northwest 39 Street, also described as Dot 54, Cedarhurst (11- 18), as per location plan on file, said G.A.S. to be located 200' south of the right-of-way line of State Road 1120 being 55' in height from grade (grade at elevation 10.01)t zoned CG-2/7 General Commercial, with a time limitation 1J of six (6) months in which a building permit must be obtained, is hereby approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of E : q'ity dark PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: 0 kW A"41-1 W. R R Assistant City Attorney APPROVED City SEPTEMBER , 1985. MAURICE A. PERRE MAURICE A. FERRE* Mayor FORM AND CORREC'1''11ESS: Pecmit issuance to condition" upon a three -fold increase in the - awunt of landscaping to be furnished at said location by applicant, as approved by the Planning Director. 41" 0R MIAMI. P60PI10A 1NT M41PPICt MlMORANDUM ., The Honorable Mayor and Members DATP SAP 1985 of the City Commission smelts- RESOLUTION - RECOMMEND APPROVAL , ALLOW OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGN AT -dommu fts. 1544 NW 39 STREET tsom Sergio Perei City Manager WeAtNets COMMISSION AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 12, 1985 ENGLOs:d11t5 PLANNING AND ZONING ITEMS f It is recommended by the Zoning Board that the erection of one outdoor advertising sign (O.A.S.) structure with only two (2) 14' x ri 48' sign faces at 15" NW 39 Street be approved. The Zoning Board, at a special meeting on August 9, 1985, Item S. following an 3 advertised hearing, adopted Resolution ZB 107-85 by a S to 3 vote, recommending approval of allowing one outdoor advertising sign (O.A.S.) 6= ' structure with only two (2) 14' x 48' sign faces at 1 S44 NW 39 Street, also described as lot S4, CEDARHURST (11 -18), as per location plan on file, said O.A.S. to be located 200' south of the right-of-way line of State Road 1120 being 55' in height from grade (grade at elevation 10.01) with City Commission approval following the standards and review procedures for Special Exceptions. • The property under consideration is zoned CG-2/7 General Commercial.. The W Zoning Board also recommends that this Special Exception be granted a time is limitation of six (6) months in which a buildingpermit must be obtained. One objection received in the mail. Three proponents present at the meeting. Backup information is included for your review. A RESOLUTION to provide for the above has been prepared by the City Attorney's Office and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. AEPL111 cc Law Oepartment NOTE: Planning Department recommends; DENIAL ZONING FACT SHEET LOCATION/LEGAL 1644 NW 39 Street Lot 54 CEDARNURST (11-18) APPLICANT/OWNER E.A. Hancock Advertising Inc. 475 East Okeechobee Road Mialeahs FL 33010 Phone 0 OV-8206 Ruby C. Brown 1544 NW 39 Street Miami, FL 33142 George Knox (Attorney for Applicant 4790 Biscayne Blvd. and Power of Attorney Suite 970 for Owners) Miami, FL 33137 Phone 0 576-7777 ZONING CG-2/7 Commercial General REQUEST Public Hearing to allow one outdoor advertising sir (O-A.S structure with only two (2) 14' x 8 4 sign faces on above site, as per location plan on file, said O.A.S. to be located 2001 south Of the right-of-way line of State Road 112, being 551 in height from grade (grade at elevation 10-001 with City Commission approval following the standards and review procedures for Special Exceptions. RECOMMENDATIONS PLANNING DEPARTMENT DENIAL. The area where the proposed sign Is going to be located is not doomed appropriate in relation to the surrounding neighborhood and adjacent uses. Even through the area is comrcially zoned, It would impact the existing residential land use as it is located in the front yard of a residence. Furthermore,, a, fifty foot high outdoor advertisement sign would visually intrude upon the one and two-family residential area in Close proximity. There would be also An i4V#Ct upon driver safety at a Speed of 55 40 as the sign is going to be located loss than 650 feet from the toll late of the Airport 5xpressw4y, PUBLIC WM5 No dedication Is rowest". DADS COUN" RAMC # IUMIRTATION 6 ■■ "_ T , t' +;c ZONING BOARD At a special meeting on August 9, 1986, the Zoning Board adopted Resolution Z9 107-86 by a 5 to 3 vote, recommending approval of the above with City Commission approval following the standards and review procedures for Special Exceptions. The Zoning Board also recommends that the Special Exception be granted a time limitation of six M months in which a building permit must be obtained. I ask j4 AMN, AS W. N.W. 41 ST LM I 'R'OLwb . 1 42 1 42 41 sOL 44 14 t wmmm� w -5 T N.W. A 'E,-,AJLLAi 4A. S T.wlr� *t _4 , R"""P. 12ATTAH SCHOOL ifTE PART I Vio so ACKSON SR. Nj()M 4 Scfqc0l. Of MKW WHINNRaw ��o�am MLA� 39 1 1 s T. lb 1 41 tit UA i tx UAWI la N. w sma M_ 3 7 4411towas T. NWO IMP 05 10, of ff go Am Is 0 I ta 841811A 08 -tee V U as aw Item 15" NW 39 Stft" r I f Ul z m t N. W, 40- ST ra EXPRESSWAY P. - 39 ST *low* 76 OM Ilk, 07 4.0* 38 ST. iii v 40 a d" 37 44MONOW 0'.0. am 72 A /Alta As IT its AP N-16 11" Ow WIDOW rim, =Aw 11 I APPLICATION FOR A -CLASS 0 SPECIALPERMITQRSPECIAL -JXCIE Tt- N File Number within the City generally, or within certain toning distrtatst certain stractures, uses and/or oteupanctea Specified in this WtMantO CPO Of 0 nature POWM9 special and intensive review to determine WhAtkor, OP not they should be permitted in specific locations, and it sat the special limitations,, eanditioUs and 3449UMbft which should be applied as reasonably necessary to PrOMOtO the general purposes Of this Zoning Ormnancot and, in particular, to protect adjotaing propentea and the neighborhood from avoidable potentially adverse effects. It is further intended that the experuse, and judgement of the Zoning Board be exercised in making such determinations, in accordance with the mAtst considerations and ttinttations relating to Class D Special Permits and Special Exceptions. (See Article 26.) Formal public notice and hearing is not mandatory for Class D Special Permits, but is mandatory for Special Exceptions. In other respects, these clones of special permits are the some. The Zoning Board shall be solely resmmsible, for determinations an applications for Clan 0 Special Permits and Special Exceptions. All applications in these classes of special permits shall be ref erred to the director of the Department of Planning for his recommendations and the director shall make any further ref arals required by those regulations. j I,Je2rze-Knox hereby apply to the City of Miami Zoning board tar approval at, cnecx one; woommmm Clan 0 Special Permit .S. Special Exception for property located of I R&I. A loth sstall.miami, Fl. Miami. Nature of Proposed Use (at *evvia) i Ixteption for Class C Outdoor Advertising Sig"$* IFOR" I" 4. 0 Pop I of 3 44.1. a I attach the following in support or explanation of this opplication: X 1. Two surveys' of the property prepared by a State of .Florida Registered Lend Surveyor. 2. Four copies oft site plan showing (as required) property boundaries, existing and proposed structureWs parking, landscaping, screening, etc; building elevations (if recuired) with dimensions and Computations of lot area (gross and net), LUl ratios (open soace, floor area, parking, etc.), building spacing and height envelope. See Section 3304.:.1(c). wr...� 3. Affidavit disclosing ownership of property covered by application and disclosure of interest form (Fora( 4-83 and attach to application.J. 1.4. Certified list of owners of realestate within 37S' tedious from the outside boundaries of property covered by this application. (See Form 8.83 and attach to application). At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). d. ether fSpeciI yJ ... 7. Fee of S. 400, oo _ based on following: (a) Class 0 $300.00 W Special Exception $400.00 (c) Surcharge equal to appticebte fee from n3 above not to exceed $400; to u F be refunded if there is no appeal (City tt -61). N Address 4790 Biscavne Boulevard suste VIV City, State, Zip Miami. f 1. 33137 Phone SM ' I Z *17 STATE OF FLORIDA) SS: COUNTY OF DADE above" thor he has read the foregoing answers and that of acting as aWt for owe) that he has authority beholf of the owner, FOM IO*i.1 , bein+p duly sworn, Wit of P+e teal property described the sa m ore true and + omMetes and to a acute this application form an In MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: e."ato ef %-,CA at Lopos �lv lit Gf SOMAD Agerev Notary Publieg State at FIGNIM at LCrqe CPU ran r 0 CIATC Cr Fes' ') 5S, IffOre N, the ursier M@d authority, this day persona: y appearft -_ _-Getnes Knox , who being by rre first duly mm, upon Oath, deps es wd says. - I. That he is the ter, or the leprl representative of the Owner, sLbmi,ttir4 the atea parryl:g application for a public hearL g as required by CrdlMnce Na. 9600 of the Code of the City of Mined, Florw.da, eff scti.r.g the real prZperrry located in the City of Miami, as described and Listed. on the pages attached to this affidavit and !!fade a part thereof. 2. That all owners which he represents, if arri, have given their f• And cc„ rlete pe ..issicn for him, to act in their behalf for the charge of a C:.ass .�`: C3t:c�! or regulation of ; onL-.g as set out .1 3. That. the MeP attavh�ed hereto and .vade a par of this a::.:ati ,t ccr:..a:.1 the ==-Int names, maiZ r a addresses, Phone r=bers and legal desc :.Ptioss for the real property which ne is the cwner or legal represe.=alive. 4. The faCts as represented in the applicaticn and doc•, et :s tted in con,junction wit' this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiart sayeth not. §. t 9 � Y�'L• i 1 _ (Name) Sworn to and Subscribed before me thU sty of I 19 E t i:otW/ Public, State of nor'ida at Lidp �r �a Gaftssi= iress RE of r Gi Its L1l A" '�1i'+ irl. Nis i Owi're'''� '!dill! _._ _ _ 11c�► �.. t'd=1 S rig 14dd'r'eds 1 _ tda�i. � c 'eieawane �uSAber .4sCrtp:ian. iot 5a Oedarhurst (11/18) G►.ner' s WsM! 4111in; Address T612PAone Number :e�a� :eseriptians Owner's �;arne 'elap One Number r� •� r Le:a1 Cescri pti on: Any Other reel estate property owned individually, jointly, or severally (by c r oration, partnership or privately) within 375' of the sut,',ect site is listed as fol 1 ows: Street Address Legal Oescriotion None .—�— Street Address Street Address Legal Rescriotion Legal Oescrictiin 17�yy! A j 1. Lsgas description wd street at5dms of suo:m Taal pnperty: 1944 NW 39 Street Lot 54 CEDARHURST (11.18) 2. awmar(s) of "Ion real Pg rty and porotntage of owneranLe. Natal city of ML&ML Ordinance k4a. ml requires disclosure of all partaes nav ng a financial interest# either direct or indtraet, in the salon matter of a Presentationo request or Petition to the City Coes►isaion. Accordinglyt question o2 requires disclosure of all shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any ocher interested partiest together with their addresses and proportionate interest. E. A. Hancock Advertising, Inc. 475 Okeechobee Road Hialeah, Florida 330010 E. A. Hancock - President E. A. Hancock, Jr. - Vice President Secretary Treasurer Charles P. Hancock - Vice President Address fbr all of the above is 475 Okeechobee Road 3. Local desctiption and street address of owned by any pay.y listed in answer to question 12, 375 feet of the su a3ect real prgerty. ' NONE STA= OF FLORM ) SS s CwUly OF WE ) (E.A. Hancock Advertising Inc. is owned 100% by E. A. Hancock) Hialeah, FL 33010 any coal property (a) WA tb) 1WAtod witnLn Geor- a Knox , beinq duty sWcrn, deposes and says c ne s e corney QrApp cant) of the real property described in answer to cpostion #1, a bovet that he has read the foceq U q answers and that tft son are trio wA ompletet aid (if SMinq as attormy for owner) that he has authority to OXIMtO this Oiselo VIS of 0410aftO fore as behalf of the owner. 1mm% _ tSWDN OW #a OmerCi�sBEp before W4 this day of '9lc -d cis MGM NW43019f fie" at tme ("r) MAW `ti .0 a a George Knox IS wo Ya trio owner of the realplapmy that he has "Id the tecri"W4 a! plete) And that he has the sue strip tam an wall of the wool,, Ware M this day of +1981 . k• ilw r to quesnwe ag Attmrnsy" Of an oil one Ira= that the same are true And DaMm ,ty to execute this Disclosure of Owner• Notary METIC, State of Florida at: Marge (SM) s ph M-1 EW l: t*W description and street iddress of salon real prepanyr Lots , Cedarhurst Ci�'�8) 15" N.W. 39th Street Z. Owner(s) of "left real property and percentage of ownership. Note: City of Miami t Lftaaev Na, S43 regwires diselosure of all parties av ng a financial interest, either direet or indirect, in the SUDI et matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City ComMUsion. Aecordingl)r# question tS requires disclosure of all shareholders of oarporations, beneficiaries of trusts► and/or any other interested parties, together with their addressee and proportionate interest. Rubv C. brown • 10O% 1344 N.W. 39th Street Miami, Florida 33142 3. Lecal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question r20 and (b) located within 375 feet of the suoject real property. Mane SrM tom' FLOPMA SS: COUii�tt'!t Cr ME gvr a Knox . beirq duly stern, deposes and says awt no" Is the ttorney car Owner) of the real property 4esceibied in answer to question #1, abovei that he has read the foregoing answers 4-4 that *0 we an true and omelet*$ anxi (if aCtirq as attorney for owrec) that he has authority to examte this Disclosure of Ownership Toren an behalf of Ow owner. ,X" _ bow 70 AND Ai0i9 begas tris •� . -' day at (SEAL) (0%Yri AL A A that Ruby Brow ha inede, constituted and appointed, and by these Presents do make. constitute end op. point doorge Knox true and lawful attorney for it and in its home, place slid Wad All actions involved withthe approval of expressway billboards on the property at 1544 N.W. 39th Street, Miami) Florid& including, but not limited to, all preparation and signing and filing documents, presentations at -public hearings, and applications for permits. giving aftil 0)-anting, unto said attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises as fully, to all intents and purposes, as might or could do if personally present. with full power of substitution end i-evoration. hereby ratifying and can firm- ing all that George Knox said attorney or substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. III ]OW 'UhUtO(Ruby Brown have hereunto set hand and seal the 25 day of July, 1985 in the year one thousand nine hundred and Sfaled and delivered in'the presence of Rum Brown . . ........ 6� (L. S-) .. ......................... StAtt Of PC It TAM, That an the 25 dell of July one thousand nine hundred and 65 before me. Lynda 0. BeLcher a notary public in and for the Mats of Florida duly commissioned and sworn. dwelling In the county of DWO Pleroonally verve and appeared Ruby Brow to me Personally known. and Anown to ate to be the some person described in and who executed the within power *I aff'offleir, OW she acknoWedpod the within pomp of attorney to be her of and d"A INUff"Of I how hereunto $a MI 4MM OW 44W any WW W office flu 4" OW AW 4kW OV11". .4'.. o't -.1 aft qL I A • AN 6 t "*to 0 dower of �lU'Datey UDW All Rim Hy Thm Prtunts That Ruby grown he made► constituted and appointed, and By these presents do !Haire► constitute and op - point George Knox true and lawful attorney for It and in its name. piece and stead All actions involved withthe approval of expressway billboards on the property at 1544 N.W. 39th Street, Miami, Florida including, but not limited to, all preparation and signing and filing documents, presentations at public hearings, and applications for permits. yiviny anti granting unto said attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every art and thing whatsoever requisite dpd necessary to he done in and about the premises as fully. to all intents and purposes. its might or could do it personally present. with full power of substitution and revo,ration. hereby ratifying and confirm• ing all that George Knox said attorney or substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. Ill 10hM IMMO(Ruby Brown have hereunto set hand and seat the 25 day of July, 1985 , in the year one thousand nine hundred and 1.1 Sgoled and delivered in.t a presence of Rini' Brown St* Of (Olt* 0f Pt It IKIM, That on the 25 day of July ons thswsand nine hundred and 85 , Wore me, Lynda 0• eolchw a notary public in and for the Stale of Florida duly commissioned and sworn, dwelling in the County of Dda personotiy coot +end app dmd Ruby Graism to me personally hnowa, and Awason to ace to bsr the sane person described in and olio asee+sttd the Within power 0 , and she eht W�s+d tdin poWwtr *I otiomy to 68 "r oa s hoao Nsrc"We set +fit and 40AW sap MW 0 Opt skedvewpW Mat 46SW 11OsNt. ,.E+.., (L► 1 �e� W ME .... +� I urwy Se for Outdoor Advertising Stria ct e 5........r.r.., (tiliititii,• Ada,. r. IN w In tefludetatlon of the annual file"111ent of the sum of .,....., ,,.•,,� gable at follows: S. .....1.., on the-41, day it( tacit tnunthiauatteh"ar 6 6.It¢ Hahvuck Adv Inc , of • gRrit, the undettlened 10% net I (Lessee I heteny Elves S A IIanco.l, Adv In; the emiumve trait a11J petlnisslun to use anJ or.upv ► 4 r snit a premises aes theJ a follnw : ApPrt► J I he (City) (County) of I M ..,....,.� ,., Florida, Cur the purpose of constructing and maintanung Outdoor advertising bt or devlcesr ineludtng Ineceasry t uipment. This lease is for a period of itttm ��-�• }' with turthet option to HahtWk Adv, to tentw on like terms from veer ear unless terminated at heats tfttt tilted and upon the lohowine terms (I 1 Lettor herehv warrants that he it the 40wnet) f Letteel of cite shove described premises. (211 That this lease shall not he finally binding ut+un the Lessee but %hall constitute an option to lease until the Lessee notified Lessot that a remit has been issued tut the constru6:1114tin and use Of s structure to he erected hs Lessee tar outdoor advertising )oses. and in the event the permit shah be telusei tit otnerwise be hilt tatthcotning Mitnin a reasonable time this Agreement shall ancelled by the Lessee. (3) It is understood that all displays of equipment placed on the property shall be placed only M Lessee and is at all times their •erty and subject to their remov,l at any time. 14) Should the view of said toace become obttructeJ. or should Lessee emovnient otherwise imoaired in anv way or by any is. the Lessee shell have the tight to cancel this Agreement. and adjustment rttade pro rats rl amounts out or paid S) Lessee hereby aerees to hold the Lesser hatniless against all claims or dalna►es to Person c+r rtorerty hs tessun of &"$dents ling from the nelpgence at willful act% of Lessee's agents. erripiovees or wurKmen in thew cunstructn. maintenance. repair or -vat of its signs. / T 13 MUTUALLY AGREED that time shall be of the essence of this agreement and that Cite ctwenahts nerein contained shall to the benetit run in savor f and be obiiestary ul+On the resoe live heirs le at to resent t At 'a r slat co1l;ai� CA cc ui "V antes hereto * \ ' g I- A +vas. su.ces.ors. 611411 or assigns o r Ptesntare u fir' lScait R I ' i t i DOL Rfl . f►1lAis , t;its � j 1 ; w�rRs .. .-. .. ._.. t 4 led , , • �.� 4 _ 1►la' ir, M�/ �R*r� � ��, ! #', i� +Y� L�0p��1'►t :�{�ar l� 1• . �i� "�iw� ' .. ' I t' _ ,R . !• • -'. r�r{rat7./ �h�i�r4�� ,�R.rIir•VI� All i t � .,i .•� ..� I R r •.J i 1 R Rw• 1 r ... 1 �. • . . . . • .., . / • , .. • , 1 •1 4.0 lot*" 1 1 1 •1 , 1 •J i ,- d i, 444.14, 14 4.1 1 ►'.44i. dal• „; l , i 4 t,1 • •r1� ,� R ..4. •l4; '3d of ,.• ,,, ,� d,,. IId,., isr, 4/1 1Ratr�1 , '4t• ►.•+4 4 i ' A• , r r.AR©LO LONG. dR GEORGE it KNOX GMARLES C MAY$ STEPMAN A LE CLAINCMt LONG KNOX & MAYS ATTARNtYS August 70 1985 Billy Freixas Chairman of the Zoning Board City of Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 OPPIMS AT SAY AOINT SUITE 970 4710 AISOAYNt BOULtV400 MIAMI RLON110A 33 t 37 30'S. S76.7177T Re; Public Hearing Friday, August 9, 1985 Dear Chairman Preixas: This law firm represents E. A. Hancock Advertising Inc. We have been directed to advise you that we will take exception to the Board's consideration of items 6 and 7 on the Agenda. The basis of our objection is that consideration of the applications of Flutie Outdoor, Inc, and Bruno Gustiaeili would be premature at this time, and that such consideration would violate the provisions of Zoning Ordinance e9500 as amended (entitled Signs, Specsfic Limitations and Requir*meats), to wit: We have attachod docents which show that E. A, Hancock Advsrtissaq sac, has roveived vo mits froaa the city of Miami Which p�i� tint app'licatsoas of rlutss ad C Billy Friexas, Chairman Page Two August 7# 1985 Custinelli, we further note that City documents do not appear to reflect the accurate date of our receiving permits for the locations described in the attached application. By this correspondence we are advising the City staff. of the apparent factual error in their records and we trust that you will Consider this matter in your deliberations. Respectfully submitted, F. Knox GFK:sec Enclosures cc: Members of the Zoning Board City Staff City Attorney PIUMIT DAM Joe Clein 1483 N.W. 7th Avenue 1. First Application 13I2 nth Avenue, November 23, 1993 3. First accepted application 1483 %.-W- 7th Avenue. May 7, 198-o 3. R aapplied with double fated plans, June ZSt 4. El Gonquin application PUde Jul. 17. 1964 OP Each time a location was applied for in the City of Miami it was also applied for in the State of Florida Department of Transportation , t 4 is I) too Witt vu 04L♦ Witt*` i fallow •Natetlfw plot a1"► )Jbm 104r, it 1S"f1 i aEpMtt * �' APPLICATION POP MOORING, UAS RENCE, OtMOLITtON AWNING, SION. SNEET METAL t AND MISCELLANEOUS PEAMIT 11 lir naL s ;i tEE ;I eeMotate the 10110 tno +i►miePt sruu iA r t"Cl\ti61M1 eEt �► Akg"tyAvIt AttAtlot 0aim ! �InwNtot_F.�I. �lLt.'IL': U_1 tf�4tpAttCei 5 �tCE!tSE !IOwNEp'S •� AbOpfI:S : ,�.. AA6,- rtr '' ! . v RA CONtp;rGtOp I' CpNtpAGtOp 5 �Cl� i�_i f 1�1ttpE i u ADCAESS,,,,•,�,„"„y0 ...�,�•� ; ►� 20itiE Gpotr *�rf It apG•+ttECt by ,,�. .. t • `= _1�,� "I teN6111tfEp i�t11'� t;tbliAl Lew - Is l%G►,tttECT'Spp ±►► , :�Ee.fCtq,- ij � !I'E•.G"NEEp S r. n � � �1rF�t1"� t"1,i�, �.rr.w . ii wDOpESS �i--�-- .I a4E SE+:•Y :OL W x � � , - AtEt ♦ ,. a. CESGptr►�pti � � � G ... of *00K 1 .. K t I; _. A SCA ; . eta 100T i �—rpttt►•t . 1j •� 1 wwOa►tUwO twat I•••S t0 • ♦ 11 0•wa v0•Mwt• • 1a•w0 a./ 0twa. ('t•ONIa•.tat •.• tw• C.1• n1 wall.a+a .• 1w• �ta•• .• • t/AE tMEt►tl0tdt�,t 1 1 i.OnOa M0 MWa► aw0 ♦oew.atlOwt w• 1w• YI•••0•• ••►•ew ♦r0•.ta0+• .. '1 •1•Mtla t► t00v 9• 40000900 11140% a04 sOfC•••tah • •••uf1 M •PPt a• i Ow•IOMO ►.ta 0•N•wr ti•11Nt►► w1 1wV t,•tw• ♦•. fw•Olw% •♦ n• -6"f a•• twt/ , w. 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S f •: 1± �E1�M� :..;At 1:::•;aly �, i I h �'i cl. 9:Ot?a 'i1-ut j 'ns �Vl . 1 5. 3 ,;• a ��:: .:,td +tit#I1849441.;;•R riotVor tt: to is i ' off:= •• •;,Is �:.•• •./.11 l,y ! t,,. �1: :,1 �•� t • Y i Cam, r'•i: s ii A, �'te�'t�t�t r►+.I o,;Ic� 11'.'o./i J-tlf.. • 1;t.1 n vi icon r A it 4v4, FI•+��s►,+,c +�i 1 =.xi atinq #Is?t,vvljc*d 'i ,tll'ss Fall 3:D• /785 for _, �� ' � .tad :•�t��� � a#:.tape 3 ct}1 a ' - w0'y "of 1pepo 00N tly 401 tNtiatt► tq ftits 1110 •0 Owe 6000000 400 !"► 0♦al�1•r aPtMaLttraav - - 40mo 44a0 /M tIQlR 000 Vow 0tR+tMol1 •W1MIM6 Cl1ME� 1lljf pn 1) " ! So wf T SE 00 andb -- tj "w4ww$ t Eat 4 vt10fC t7+w - II#�EETAAEf� 1 x� PERMIT DATES Juan Suarez 643 N.t'. 27th Street 1. First application accepted *84-0389 on, Nombear 2. Final application Lan revision with double face plans on, June ZS, 1965 Sit io • etaNT #wElEtOING us OEiCp+�*tON OF 1NOAK MO •t# 01#W �±0ONtNtCM at f i+7ro0& 6w0 owls$ 4100 ryyq 10004tO r t:OOV O! #0M Ow44-wO 0-11 to O' R< l0 tq NOVA. M� ii0 ytvMA T4AE OATI PhD to Tula all. "wit cut-sply with Ord. 9b00, Sections 2026. l5.1 .and .2 ,Nnd with .iny ar{ in inccs and/or rasolutiutis }))r- tsininq to vffzita signs Imssad by the City a.i�iR ;'..tf J1t•elis 1,�ir'ii4tti �'�#+.11'+#l1A.Q •i11� Ei�i i��LlJwi�r #i•#�A�ili�t "e,.r►o�lo ,et i #;�:i st i�iy #IV 1.14;i!#:d ;+I fin+. Ca 11 350 - 016 i*or Lola 4f% ! d bwx CAM044 r4oft i0 0 T Tay{ $am +OMlMMa #M 408 400*010 AM KYI�M .NI INiW MOnt+M #M '1N� �!{ft:. O#Mol'�{OM INKt Apr +{N #+� KM CAM Ituupwa! : Abaft" t r�*##v SIZ# s�s� i � ��cr�c►L ��� 4o C M t�fsE�uEHOM �.