HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-85-0989ORANGE BOWL RUNNING SERIES PE RUNNERS INTERNATIONAL. INC. 12306 S.W. 117 COURT • MIAMI. FLORIDA 33186 • TELEPHONE (365) 232.1816 _ 'iuniKman This iet=er is to _ter Est _:rat -::_ _....�r� _..t�aticn^aT:C.�c�nda J.7 r1e .vl �ltipauoh _ �.-2!77 _�1at '�!?C `1..�1_. �..'1 .'�J �_ _.._ __ =.1.. �=* •._ _. C:.:�•, ..=Clot. .I r._Gt'Z^. ��`. _..tl.� Jli t'ctor ...- 13.^.. f'J vY♦ _ ... _ -...;i �� _.._ _ _. _._ _ -' `� ��� 'v^ usurer 'lei Seri -ran _ ,, .lv. _ _ _ 'J General Counsel - _ z o c_ Bop Crabtree Runners _.. =- t lions that 'r:e nave had 'Ji =Y. �_-� -- _ _ __._', she ..o ntv - sul a - -Com.^ted ?arks and Recreation Deuartment, sxns�rs any _.._ M1 hae' Curry r-or_senta,ti':es from each of the orr� coosed r-:= al of 'tihcm. - _ _ - ` Sponsor Re-at+ons Creeted t-i`]e i,:-ea with rramendcus ent`uslasm and �C lltmenCS - ��enort. val.-v Dikon Sec, ntary Th=_ %1' 3mi games has the to brina rmorld c' asS Punkc ^eat+ons end cam^unit, 3thietes tocetjZer in an arena `ram wnic;- all cf aspects of our city mat' :,e: pro4ec= '. I= is my Jerry Isom sincere wish that through the produc-tior, of _.,- %•iami Winter Race %.anager C• :t;��, t:*ne Citr of I'miami will r "�'� . _ _.._ :'__ �.::� _ t =h� it '` Ora, Bowl tOK „''lon so i-i :hl y J._Sserves . Runners Inter _ _ 3. � r.- _.Ydt the _lty aL __ m4 inv st $ 3�00, 000 and ,-arious _ii s.=r , i � �s �n t::-- et-ent, Thomas Morante ^. : -ant that Can ^e part of ';i -ZT- Coeratlons & Events '1`iank you for vour ;rind att,n_ior:. Roger Skovly RPT WhNelcha+r Division i Co:eman Trave!stead - R�,ce '.',inacer - r;;ng- Bow, .'nranon - _ _ ...'n L.�Tan. P�­:)CUC:RS OF T E .:'Ir.`:11 0PAN GE 20V& Mr"%RATHON 1.5•a5 / 0PANGE BOWL `,OK 2.2.85 L13 I: PRCPCSAL TO THE CITY OF `•;IAMI FOR TiIE :'M I AMI K-1111FER A_MES The first ti3I�.NII t17?MER s�i�' :: Will reach Climax on Febru ' art i s an.. - �c ?n?'E. `::1 .;=mmas :ri11 offer a .^.u!ti- =i-- ��c� •,•a: se- ii e Jo •n ten J !•2'lt aa3.s o_ _ne Games wit.. ye: _c pr„aioe a spores f'_stiGal for tie en__:e c1,� :ni_v with oonortuni-iss =or per;.icipation it aii h-a eis of ahiiizy to provide a ulittering =ports extravac-anza which will foes national and international attention on the rec__�aticnai aspects of the Cit•, anc Co,yntl thereby prcmotina cl:r area as a a=s_ nation .or the action-. + LcT. -c .:-1ami. T l.`.. _-an cuilo cver the nemixt few v e;i_-` -c a -:, c::Bculat f�a: :re of _h_ Col•arlbus ceietoration in 1992 and an 01; ia~.. i LC ianiiunt !.c%-nt'c,.vn Miami s sup=rb : esourc- - e C Ba�•frcrlt - an s -:�nC:1_1uraa_ visitcrs and Miamians to utilize it Over t^e nine years of the Urance Bowl :Marathon and the Miami Orange Bowl ct•.:nnina Series, Runners International has achieved many of these goals through the production of running events. Now spurred by the imagination and enthusiasm of city officials, the successful formula will be expanded to include six 01%mpic sports which will take full ad,,-antacie of the Miami 's s?ectacular outdoor settings. The snorts will be Running, Sailing/Cv-indsurfing Soccer, Rowing and Softball/Baseball. The sports of Swimming, Diving, and boxing are also been investigated as �cssible events COST,/bENETIT The Miss Universe Contest, the Miami Grand . _ _::, the Or nce Bowl football game and the Calle Gchc Festival n• e r:c,_ure✓7 t^e i,,aCi��_ior. of the outside danonstrazing the rich 'T.: i : =:r of t:,= m,�an , ." _. i s of our CC[iFTI'1P.ity. The Winter .Gam,73s, featuring Ol'.'[n_?l =t:pr`�, wil'_ _�:T' an event oT similar s--azure. The 1985 Oranue 3C'.ti'1 r....._:t^ S•� __ �� e _r. _�_"C•1•...�^. �- _1n3nC13i :, fir o: S1,500,000 for the 'r" r; T, '. 1 orb A .tenC' al SE11nes The -,ar:.);:�asis on --articipation will ;r• s_n= cpportunit:• for the fitness enthusiast and the _rn_:ta-_%r. Tire Gams wii l generate local bride and unity as the varioss ___r ns of _-,_ pzr_--ration gain ;rut -_:a! an, carrradeship through the c:-a'. _^^ cf _-Lc t; -:ion. T`:_ ,_ :-_ached a : _ _ i :e .:d ,'t - ^, _ =` a f _r ,z _ -a: ca=_t of S751, OOC . _ '.Y __`nr 11�J �rC �rt_L"...-..L =C'.'.cTL __ _ -rl :.� •-_�._ ..- _ti.�ti1_rl� c gin nnn -r�:r,.-.-,-•.r,-o s far t^= w�tn lesser amounts in st.:cce�ina ,earns rri; me Garres oec�-'mz se__ _us_aininc b the fourth or fifth ,'ear. Bt yJ Si Ais A 1� I- 'Ll! te ised as t�ljch '"Llie da.",-ntax-t, area C-f MI-Larra --4hJ --d"a! _ahecus e" nt- �o craw maxi-7=t, #:-css i b 1 e f c i e G ame s wl-L t n s e ve X- 3 '1 S i mi i 'I e _,j -=Wds on Febrjdrl� 1 and' 2i fo.j and LEA.-n-A-Ak ent­­­n,#-,,en- will Rt3 TIA t C the festival at-McSPhlere, The !.atlee_- Will be S r-iCtlired for Cxt73titic by almmt)ic, naticftal, rt-_:ional anzi week= nd a-hle-e-. The visitor will lnav- a unic'.1e optxortuni-_,Y tt: bart-�=s� athlete -c a� -hlete in the corto-anv oc wc r I d class an'a- ts ct-ner s= s as -3 s*-_=5t= Runninc an-3 wer.: cn-se n, zcz -vertz -i—ir i-rcad a+j-peal. The RunninSerbs wri-,:acs th-� ':ia— nurance Bowl -,z ;L.iIer,at,- r. r i, vza ndeg, to include other r,_Lnnin:: Er :a r; =ration will 'Ce encour3cieed through ze-arr c--n-tests a-P.cnc =­�crati-ns, �-ic I n ant] -,.�unlic services. Imm and ine intention attract a wic;t= vari---y of 61-f-ferent bring their. �-ozet'ier as c-c-Trpet-i-tcr an,_j s,.;�-.�cr :er at a 7r-,1--i-facetted event with the un,:,Mrj%­'n . -an,= cz -na inspir 7 importan': to cur are -.a. ovinJs,_,r:: inc s a ne%C;1 ;r,�ic sport which Was "made" for bisca%-n- Bay. will -1-zo s,-jaA7 0-1 t'.ne Bay with local teams matched against visitors f_Crr, -.he and 0-.jerSe3S. Softball and soccer complete the citjt�oo.- scorts'.which wii'-, jraw corporate, public service sector, and schoal teams and their families -for a fun -filled challenae. VENM Although soiy-- of the sports by natjre cane jt 'ce contained in one area, the majority or will 'c-- Centered on tine East Coast Railway Property. It is here thar- the "East Coast Stadil_zri" will be erected aroundthe 1/3 mile paved "track" that is presently there. As well as playing host. to numerous Festive activitias, this area will be the centre for the running and cycling events as well i as the awards cterernonies. Stadium capacity will bee 30,000. The Runninc makes the most of the L.14-aini area. The Granye Bowl ku Marathon features a "TBaach to Bav" Course rinning throuah -rive cities anci I v '4:tro Dade Counvy, crossing Biscayne bay to the finish and celebration in Coconut Grove. The 10-K race will be r-,n dovn Biscayne Boulevard and through the PC-= area. The r-inning _vents are _,oun,�'ed off 1:%, tWo world class mile r3ces cn Si-s--ayne boulevard; an6i t1he ��c­D_rate, high school an�� public service chall.-ange- races on. zne Ln-st coast Railway Property. The cycling ragas will a1sc ­4�z _)`ace on, EiSca­,,ne Sr-U-%,ar and will c--msist or- a N variety of t., The rcwina ccu-cetitiun will _aka place a: the Ma r4 ne St=-di,.rn and will ccmDrise of --ventS tbezi cwee n various size cre,,,,s. qlhe sailinc campeatition will -atur=-d in ::-,,z- 6a*vfront area and will ccrizain races in a variety of classes. zarrtes will _=ke plac-_= a-_ T=-rdaudi -ark whil_-- -he soft,ca 11 /^-�a E -z -z T:,-, ri_:�c r R, MM !', W Y M 1`11AM1 WINILR GN-1LS -11M! IAiti f IIML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i 1.UIi,1m 10.11lldm 11.00dm 12.00dw 1.00pnt 2,00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pur 6.00pm 7,00pnt 8.001)111 9.001n11 10.001m, I I -----I-------I ---------------------------------------------------------------I--------!--- I Jailj ! 11RLLI� INARY AND QUAI 1'l UNG EVENTS Al VARIOUS IME)E COHNIY VE.NULS I I � ------7---------------- ---------------------------------------'-------------- ----------- -t Opeti i ny Cel-emoni es Bdyrr ont Pc r'k f ! Iligh st.houl, service, cur'pur'dLe ! did IIenye hedtS --------------- r-------i tdsL LudsL Ral >rra rn ert I � ! 'i y 1' per y }--- -------------------------- i Rowiny IleaLs Soccer, Ilay-Offs Qrduye bovil Wk's (CummintiLy w 4l(rld Class) i I Marine Stadium Tauliaiui Pdr•k 1iscayne Blvd. Sailing RdUiS Softball Play -Offs Cycling Rdces Miami miles Bdyfront 11drk Port Area Biscayne Blvd, Biscayne Bl'{d. ___-__.--- — ------ -----------------------r-----_--------_----_------------------------------------------------------1 Soccer• Finals Softball Finals Closing Ceremonies Tamiami Park Port Area IlayfronL Park Rowing Finals Chdllenyc finals Marine Stadium Edst CoasL Rdilvidy 1'rujlerty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) ON", Olp i J�F ,i1 K'i� �:l�. i�i:.i� .1•�'iiA :J'....."�Gi �L�'Ti•L'a�: F l tt v.'1. 1: '.L . E.AR '- N E ♦ 3 1 -ACC. DG0.!iC Servic•'s =u' ,CJ00.0C L`: Gnts rro,_4-.,c-.:.on Si 5 , 000.00 S i �e Da,•el o;�m=r, S 50 , 000.00 L^l.•i�'=e L.��n_.�= c5� �JOG.00 TCDTAI S-=" 600.00 SaG-, '`6C . n, - - -_ , 546. _ , Mete c`es ;ajar Sponsors Sjppor: Sponsors Patrons Grants Concessions So•1v•anirs ,'.dmissior. 0_'AL DI T ICIT,'S_RPLUS S65,000.00 ,._o.v-�h 30: Gro,.vt'r. S195,000.00 $50,000.00 S5,000.00 $40,000.00 S24,000.00 S10,000.00 S60,000.00 $449,000.00 $583,700.00 S756,810.00 $986, 453.0 c$303,600.00) (S21114,160.00! ;$151,836.00) ­$30,274.7 prT -E R HEA 1),Of= --izes, San=�r-=, ren C7, Xerox, Ma I I E'S FEES AND, n 1 5 C f f C a I s 7 13CC'-'f ar.C; ALVERTI S 1 N"Z" i anc inl:� ":�ca c r 3 c-- L' ITI-E VC--=eer, FMCJ of -fie —a' E.1'v I CES -m-ec a ::r2 r ta n c� a;�- s- e rz a in:7Lenl:i s -e s ca na kNT S ST--adJjm set-uu, aC.Tir=1'st':^a, Scaffoldina, ---ile--s, <,JDUCTWN cones, barracades, clo�Ks, fences, police T SITE ranger, audirori,-un, el�c zrician, floodliaht-s, sc'Z)r-;nq vIj park 710 7 7_,()P,*.l and tixinq, pa,- an recistraticn T7ar-erials, tanners, cjps. i Nv Pr LIE Tra -.,e I , f: ood , ent e r a i n t , a cccm-c-da r i or., and ex-,,;--n s e s f o r r�LNSES wcric cl.-=-as athletes in ?ach of the malcr -c-,=-t-s areas. j-1 P I 7 E S -yN, L) GPANTl S: n,2cotiazicns, c:mtrac-z:s k :n C iell 13c1_1': 1n `_r :'a_ic'ial S..;a,.;ec_s -:3'.'v2- nt=. :a' . ites an^.3-- t`l� :as _ �Cw 1 _cr�_t "c-Juce -_-- and _.,., -nce cor.-ractinc c= wcrlc ,._ass a hle_eC, a;a: Gr�i si rg and cronction DrOQram. :.:rchas_ site hardware and services, 15, 1985 Si001001, _n,:r ' a^.•: rtisinc and Lramotion, fZ: _Arta'=- at 11 arc ccrV1C"S, Y_avel _or invit athle -._ ir=rszone1. of athlet= _:.'cts and? * 27, i 486 S1001000 .^.ses, .,T%'•._:.RY .7iStr ii2ution of ur ize money, GICJI C�lOii and tiJrscnnel e •�%ses, continoencies, hifinu c _rtertwi:s,ent, c�t�ai_aticn o: r.�c' 1tS and ^.i=S�rT?inatiCi. c_` awards. .. TL T LkL,S erc_ Int-r:laticr.al, :.._. 'naE 51"?CC l- =^'_ %liam1 rrancE Bow -Inc Jarl.�c 'ir :__ a - lC-1t! _ tl� .,ranee 5cw = i 1� _...-'r'.;�i= �1-i C'� .a}: }:_. - - --= tiR1Ch = Clai.. _ _n sccrts 2-:a_ ; _.;e . c r-_ Ncrt.:. Thy 10- rids in the-.aCrld cyR :rY.ers . _ •+a. in- _i...._ :: :.. ..i _`lc.:c;: .._:r_:--.. S3:azar .:a"t.:r• . aami 's heart by r3=_ C ate'' a p nnaC1= _Ss at- racti—c c2 Cl Lns an 3 Oi-,ir:nic sus. =_errs _ac,-,sands of !znc a'_. Cs-- :err sr -are. 1= ano __u =1�_On O� :a_ S__.ac =c '�L =S :_ =i:3i _ i. �:it �.i _he iiiam' 1'._ '_r S C 16s a _r�' :3a_ c-�__1c a. = .,cl'ar.t.:_'er tcin t'c =area tc our al -"?a - i aCl i l =__S and_am. a5 -ne a :.*.,e n sor. _ l cS=1.^adt? On Oi CaC,ica - 1''n'_ „cr pra'icn is JcverP ed by a .cal Of T r'. -=-.e2s ',,Paler t'-- chairmanship Of CCi•2-n-,an 'gavels--eac and the Cr�sidenc Of :�asil Hcri':anan. _•,= rt'~.:c~<_�C are: l•iiC'la''1 ... '�1rr1, G -fiver, Shell _ C1 _% Lid-iors, Di:' -Hill Bros, Inc.. Easl_ Honik=an, Ph.D. rni,-er_ity cf Md ern: Craic :owe, RP'T Dir•___cr _r: .:abilita_ .,r. _nter _ _st. :athletic "1 ,_ a^.` '1nit,' Col T_rry L✓_:�h:ar Cloerator & -al�r, L-�!lChart .:hevrol-t ^iii'S��3C Law Jack -son ::irJri31 ;ics vital tom.•{ec'� _i :� ?ic= � rasic�nt Charles Viruin, M.G. C'rthcr-- .J i _ .,uraeor. . --am ? ician, M- ami :.'JGC:i— 39 per Sept 17 1 118" Ser�jio Pereira City Manager City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Coconut. Grove, Florida 33133 Dear Sergio: As per our conversation regarding the Great Coconut Grove Waiters Race, I hereby request that this item be placed on the agenda for the Commission meeting on Thursday, September 26. Attached is information that will explain the event and explain what is needed to stage the festival. We will ask for permission from the commission: 1) To close the street on South Bayshore Drive from Peacock Park to S.W. 27th Avenue to be able to run the race as indicated on the attached map. 2) To be issued a permit for the day to sell beer in Peacock Park. 3) To be able to use up to $10,000 in in -kind services from the City of Miami as itemized on the attached list. Thank you for placing this item on the agenda for September 26. I look forward to seeing you at the commission meeting at that time. Sincerely, Marshall D. Steingold MDS:aa cc: Coconut Grove Marketing Members Coconut Grove Waiters Race Committee Md1k(ftI'n;5(305) PO Box 33()(/":�OCocon�_at C-rove, FL 33133 cony rove 2 442-�GU1 r =-lei SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1985 South Bayshore Drive & Peacock Park Coconut Grove 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. ir CIS- 9�1 (N Sept. -), lidn WHAT: The Great Coconut Grove Waiters Race WHERE: South Bayshore Drive (Race course: Peacock Park to Mutiny Hotel). Concert and food festival at Peacock Park. WHO: Coconut Grove's restaurants, Monty Trainer's, Love 94 Radio, University of Miami, Coconut Grove Marketing, City of Miami, and Four -Way Street. WHEN: Sunday, November 24, 1985 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. HOW: Each of the 15 - 20 restaurants enter teams of four waiters/waitresses. Four teams race simultaneously, in costume, down South Bayshore Drive (100 yards) with wine bottles and glasses on trays. Object: complete the course with the fastest time, spilling as little wine as possible. Cash prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. At the sound of the starter's gun, the first relay contestant on each team uncorks a bottle of wine and fills the first wine glass to the labeled mark. The contestant puts the wine glass and opened bottle on a tray and dashes 100 yards toward the judges' table at the far end of the course, hopping the hurdle at the 50 yard mark. The second teammate at the end of the course repeats this process running the other way, as does the third. when the fourth contestant 3 4 Meeting l: gS-g� 1 19 e starts toward the finish flag, he is carrying four wine glasses and four wine bottles. PRIZES: The winning team (restaurant) will receive a cash prize'of $1,000 based on the best time after penalties for spillage are assessed. Cash prizes for 2nd and 3rd place will also be awarded. There will also be a prize for the most interesting theme/costume. CONCERT: After the race, a nationally -known jazz band will perform in Peacock Park. Participating restaurants will sell taste -sized portions of food (as in Taste of the Grove). Beer and soda will also be sold. •ENTRY FEE: The $250 entry fee per team (restaurant) includes four waiters (waitresses) in the race, plus a food booth in Peacock Park after the race (electricity, tent, sign and tables included). WHY: The Great Coconut Waiters Race is an excellent way to promote Coconut Grove, Grove restaurants, sponsors, provide a fun -filled day of entertainment, and begin a scholarship for the University of Miami. 11 F III. ('PLAT C('CUNl"l I. Sunday November 24, ;'I?; J MARY STRE''I•T THF. MUTINY IIOT111, McFARLANE ROAD c7 w � =I ll)(;"e' LI i l I I I I I i I:,ic o C(mr_' 1 i 100 yds. 1' I :ACo�C K _ PARK �n ps`- ty p 11 19 THE Sunday Novumber 1-14 , ; y�1, ; J MARY STREET THE MUTINY IIQT1:1, MCFARLANE ROAD S Z C•� H rTi pry"_ g p 1 Ll Ll) I, IT I Sunday November 24 1 -i McFARLANE ROAD rTi 100 yds. PEACOCK PARK 4j 'A I Jor- 97 4f I - 10 IN -KIND SERVICES THE GREAT COCONUT GROVE WAITERS RACE SERCURITY AND POLICE SIX COMMUNICATORS (WALKIE-TALKIES) SANITATION AND CLEAN-UP (Port-O-Lets & Solid Waste) FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTORS SNOWMOBILE AND CREW ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS CITY ELECTRICIAN ESTIMATE $3,500.00 200.00 2,500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 $8,200.00 rr-9'P?