HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-1010or J-85-959 RESOLUTION NO. St "" 1010 (14 J'111u a\1,PIW,"IV, .V! VUTL Cat' '111i r;L,Pu,f:tt5 Ue THI' cl;i'f i_'01Olq l:r'T, i� I'ULy AIjV1,K:'it;U'b FULiIIi }�1_A1:1�.(1, f.i•'; if�'Y:ii.l� ii.cI'`' i'lAi4AGi\'S i'1hi1)ItG c)f:' bu)'L .-�UURC:L; '0-,AIViNU THL KLt�lllk� 11a+'1'S "Uh C0h1'11,'`i'i'1'IVF tiE;I1Lt,l1 f3IU5 Aod) APPKOVU G 'flit, P(W,i ASI; o 6EhV1(:L:1:, FUR 7"if, TLN (10) DATAGRAIi COMMIUN ICA'I'lONS CONC'ENW.'ATOk�., UN A CONTRACT BASIS KLI'jLWABLE ANNUALLY FRUN LATAGRAt•1 C:ORI-'GJb%TIUiv, TIIE UNLY 5U1)PilII,h, AT iA PIZOPUSLI) ANNUAL CURT OF 0U. UU; ALLOCATING FUNDS 'T'itt,REFUk ?1-,U`j I'Hl, U1'Et<ATING BUDGET Ur' THL bLPAW11HENT OF COHPUT RS; AUTHORli ING THE CITY HAN,1.ui,R To INSTIWCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PIWC:UREM NT UFFICL;IZ TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORULh FUR THIS SERV1CL, SUBJECT TO ThE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. WHEREAS, proper allu efficient functioning of the existing (10) Datagratn cominuiiicatiuns concentr�itors is vital, as they support the two (2) 56KB data lines for all of the major terminal networF, located at the Police Building; and WHERSAS, the use of this equipment has enabled the Department of Computers to provide the required response time without adding additional lines; and VINEx1:.AS, funds for this service are available in the 1985-86 ot:erating Budget; and '�dLRLAS, these concentrators are the only known products of this kind manufactured specifically for Burroughs large: systems environment and they used specially designed hardware chips and firmware that are the sole property of the Datagram Corporation, requiring periodic software and hardware upgrades which can only be provided by the manufacturer, the Datagram Corporation; and CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF ION No.Sr- JL REMARKS. 2 lvHl.Kh;,'1�, tlli:, :;crvic:e will i;e use,l i,1 the P''t''Irt.ment of l,ortli)(ItE'r s f(-;r the I)IIrI-"nSE' 0f i rlJV itil ll'-j 1. Ptju I;:ir pr ive ilia 1 Iltevli1Ilce pis rleetiekl for thh u!'irlf _�'rrupter3 '1;1ci eff-icierif. o 'e I- -it. i or, of tl1e iillrroLig,IS S -St t. J;.' aIl(I i•lIII:hi;1"6, tII'.' i;,:Sistailt ''Ief I'rvc0rt officer I i i s I iiClE i� wrl.ttt.t'II fi rid iI-I,j thiclt. 1.'c1L.i'}Ial"I L/)r:ilJr itlOii ?.C, the ?I ll? Source of s+; _I;'(�1l - to till' fur this ivhii,RL,AS the Citrr tent tC) {'iiiiF tI1IS 7(Jhe :7I)IICF' purchase has Y-een properly a:lvert i sF?(a aril publicly he, -I rd; a iikl YdiiLRL;AS, the City ;1aiiri_;er anti the i)irector of the liel)artmr:-nt of Conil) uters r.eC0mmF,ri,: t.It'It tilts ris(luire n t fur competit i v e f-Ursiial soal.cii 1")ichs i C! Waived all'-1 that the i.clr Che1SF' from Datagiam i'urpuratiori, as the sole source, !,e �ipproveli; NUN, THEREFORE, Ul-, IT RESOLVED BY Tti); OF THL CITY OF HIAiMI, FLOR11iA: Suction 1. Iry ari all firizwit_ivF� v(-, F Ft-)Ir -F i fth� (4/5ths) ref the members of the City CommisN--after a duly advertises] pui..lic hearin I, the City 114a:lager's written finding that Datagram Corporation is the Sole Source of supl)ly t<u the City for furnishir<<; rnni.ntenririce- sc. 1viceS for - tell (1U) Latayram Conttrlunicatioris Cuiic.t_ntrators on a c'Dil'11ract Lasis, renewal)le alinually, to the Department of Computers, is hereby ratified. Section 2. The repiiremerits for coutpetitivt: sealed bids for furnishing maintenance services on a contract l,asis is hereby waived, and the purchase from Uatagram at a proposed annual cost of $6, 2uu.60 is hereby approved with funds therefor hereby allocated front the 19b5-86 Operating Biidyet of the Department of Commuters. Section 3. The City :Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Assistant Ciiief Procurement r;,fficer to issue a purchase order for this service, subject to availability of funds. 85 -1010 r_, 2 2 i AND AL)OPI'E1) this 26th (_jk.jy of SEPTEMBER I)RLPALED AND APPPOVI-I'D BY: ROBEiKT F. C;LARK UI;PU'rY CITY ATTOWNEY HF'}'ROVLb AS TO FORM LUC,�,K-A. uQuu CITY ATTOi'NLI FA All L) CO-,RECTN ESS : MAURICE A. FERRE i tiUkIC L, A. FERRL t iAYOK ] `1 35. S5-1010 rim 2 CITY OF WAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM .O The Honorable Ma -;or oar: and %1,_,mbers of the City Commission s_s_ FROM 4cFrREwCES Sergio Pereira City Manager V :L05UpF:: S E P 1 8 1985 35 FILE :2acommon.:ation for Resolution. for Procurement of 'jai ntenan.ce Contract for Datagram Equipment The Department of Computers recommends the adoption of the attached resolution waiving the requirements for sealed bids for furnishing maintenance servic_s on tcn (L'J) Datagra:� communications concentrators Located at the Police Buildings, at an annual proposed cost of $8,200, renewable annually; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue the purchase order for these services The Department of Computers is requesting approval for procurement of maintenance services from Datagram Corporation, the manufacturer of communications concentrators procured from the Burroughs Corporation and manufactured by the said corporation. The Datagram concentrators are the only known products of its kind manufactured specially for Burroughs large systems environment. These concentrators are located at the Police Building to support the two 56KB data lines for all of the major terminal network in the building. The use of this equipment has enabled DOC to provide the required response time without adding additional lines. The concentrators use specially designed hardware chips and firmware that are the sole property of the Datagram Corporation. To their knowledge, there are no organi-,ations who can maintain the equipment. additionally, the corcentracora require periodic software and hardware upgrades which can only be provided by rh e m_anufacturer, the �. Datagram Corporation. Funds for the main finance contract is available froiu the department's FY-85 budget. Thank vou. 8 4 1010