HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-1003J-85-957 i RLSo1,1JT 1 ON 'No. 8" ""100.3 A RESOE,UTION ACCV PTIM THE, 010 OF C.P.T. OF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC. FOR FURNIS'UNG ONE, (1 ) AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT READER I)E,ST 1101)E, , 212 WORKLESS STAT ION TO THE 1)1�PA16'i 1FNT (JF COMPUTERS AT A 'TOTAL COST OF $1 2 , 05 6. 40 ; ALI,OCA`I'ING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THL 1965-60 U1)LRAT ING BUDGET oF THAT DE, PARTME NT; AUTHORI:;ING THE CITY tIAHAGEk TO INS kUCT THE ASSISTANIT CEi.111`1' PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUL A PURCHASt•; ()K1•I:R FOR 'PHIS I,QEJIP,-iI;NT. WHEREAS, j)ursu.int t(-) 1)ir,:1.ic notice, seale,: bids were received September 4, 1985 for t'rie f7rrrris1hing of one (1 ) Automatic Document Reader best 11odel 212 Vorkless .station t_o the Department of Computers; ana WHEREAS, invitations were i<<a i l,:?d to 19 otc�nt ial supliliers and 1 hid was received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available in the 1985-80 Operating Budget, and WHLkEAS, this e:.Iuipment will be used by the Department of Computers for the 1)urpose of assisting the City's Clerks Office and the Law Department in transferring legal documents from the printed Rage to the Word Processor so that these documents can be edited/Revised without costly, time consuming Keyboard entry of the documents; and WHhREAS, the City Manager .and the Director of the Department of Computers recommend that the bid received from C.P.T. of South Plorida, Inc., be accepted as the only responsible and responsive bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE, IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE _ CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: i Section 1. The September 4, 1985 bid of C.P.T. of South Florida for furnishing one (1) Automatic Document Reader Model 212 Workless Station to the Department of Computers at a a ! total cost of �12,656.40 is hereby accepted with funds therefor hereby allocated from the 1985-66 Operating Budget of that L Department. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF SEP 26 1985 RESOLUJIoN No.SVLP ..100 REMARKS. Section 2. T)iat. the City "]ati�3Lj(?r is 1101-(31)y jut.h,)ri�ed to instruct- the Assistant Chief I'r(JcUrer.lent Of.f.icer to i,sUe a PUrchaso Ort:er Eur this (2,3Uipment. AND ADOPTED thi.9 26th dill. :)f SEPTEMBER 19b5. PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. C:LARK, CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED I-A)SM APJU CORRLCTNESS: LV�. LL1 L7• LV CITY ATTORN MAURICE A. FERRE MAURICE A. N'L:RRE MAYOR 8" -1003 17 TO The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM Sergio Pereira City Manager CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE SEP 1 8 1985 FILE 23 SUBJECT Recommendation for Resolution and Award of Bid #84-85--109 REFERENCES ENCLOSURES It is recommended that an award be made and a resolution be passed authorizing the purchase of an Automatic Document Rea er-Dest s Model 1 Workless Station for the Department of Computers; accepting the lowest responsible and responsive bid as received from CPT of South Florida, Inc., authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Assistant Chief Procurement officer to issue the purchase order for said equipment and service contract in the total proposed amount of $12,656.40. The Department of Computers is requesting emergency approval for the purchase of the above stated equipment primarily to assist the City Clerk's Office and the Law Department in transferring legal documents, including the City Charter from the printed page to the word processor so that these documents can be edited/revised without costly, time-consuming keyboard entry of the documents. This device will ultimately benefit not only the City Clerk's Office and the Law Department but the entire City. Pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received September 4, 1985 from only one (1) potential supplier, CPT of South Florida, Inc. We recommend that the award be made accepting the lowest responsible and responsive bid as received from CPT of South Florida, Inc., to provide the equipment and a maintenance service contract for one (1) year after the 90 day warranty expires. In addition, we request the option to extend the service contract for an additional period by mutual written consent. Funds are available in the departmental FY '85 operating budget. S" -1003 a AWARD OF DID Laid Nc). B4-d5-1 i19 ITLIM: i-%utomat_r_ Docurlent Rea, Icr LEPARTIME,-.T: Def;art-ment �f TYPE OF PURCHAS: sin .Ie Ptirc„-Isle RLASWIJ : POTENTIAL BIDDERS: BIDS RECEIVED: Tii:3 L' L AT I O N : Off 'ce and th-a Law DePartr:ent in transferring IeC1 documents, incIuding the City Charter from t}:e 9rinta,1 nag:_ to Worrl Processor so that these documents can ire edited 'Revisc,I without costly, time-consuminci keybaarJ entry of the documents. Tilis will Ultimately 'benefit not only tine City Clerk's Office 3r.1 '.he Law Department but the entire Cite. 19 1 t�ttach-�d 13 5 - e:C,ti•-L; ii.. MINORITY PARTICIPATION: No :�inorities were- Listed for this type of equipment. Courtesy bias were sent to ten (10) Minority Organizations. BID EVALUATION: The bid meets the specifications. Category Prior Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority New Bidders Black American Hispanic American Ion -Minority Courtesv Notifications "No Bids" Late Bids Totals Following is an analysis of the Invitation to bid: Number of Bid Number of In citations tMailed Responses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 1 10 0 5 0 29 6 Reason for "No Bid" was as follows: 1. Burroughs Corp. "Does not mace sucii a device." 2. Xerox Corporation. "'No comments . " 3. Phillip Morris Office i.tactiines." Jlet a!l_cr equipment required." 4. Information Processing Systems, Inc. "No comment." 5. American Commuter. "No comment." Page 1 of 2 SS -1003 RECOMMENDATION: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD BE MADE TO C.P.T. OF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC. FOR A TOTAL ESTI,-lATED AMOUNT O $12,656.40. As , stint Chief Procurement Ot f icer te The Minority Procurement Office concurs with the above recommendation. r � Officer Date 00 I Page 2 of 2 SU --100:3