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Safety and Technology Equipment
Prepared by City of Miami
for Florida Department of Law Enforcement JAG21 - Countywide
Submitted by Sergeant Alex Rodriguez
Submitted on 02/07/2023 12:41 PM Eastern Standard Time
Opportunity Details
Opportunity Information
JAG21 - Countywide
Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
This opportunity is available to select state agencies who receive annual appropriations under Florida's Justice
Assistance Grant (JAG) Program.
Awarding Agency Name
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance
Agency Contact Name
Agency Contact Phone
Agency Contact Email
Fund Activity Categories
Category Explanation
Opportunity Manager
Krista Sanders
Opportunity Posted Date
Opportunity Archive Date
Announcement Type
Initial Announcement
Funding Opportunity Number
Agency Opportunity Number
Assistance Listings Number
Public Link
Is Published
Funding Information
Total Program Funding
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Funding Sources
Federal Or Federal Pass Through
Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
Funding Source Description
This funding is available under Florida's FY2021 Justice Assistance Grant award (15PBJA-21-GG-00241-MUMU).
Additional information regarding this funding opportunity can be found on the FY2021 JAG - Countywide (JAGC) funding
page: http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Grants/Documents/Funding-Opportunities/JAGC/FY2021.aspx
Award Information
Award Period
10/01 /2021 - 09/30/2024
Award Type
Non Competitive
Capital Grant
Indirect Costs Allowed
Restrictions on Indirect Costs
Matching Requirement
Submission Information
Submission Window
07/18/2022 12:00 AM-11/02/2022 11:59 PM
Submission Timeline Type
One Time
Allow Multiple Applications
Technical Assistance Session
Technical Assistance Session
Eligibility Information
Eligible Applicants
• State Governments
• County Governments
• City or township governments
• Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
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Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
Additional Eligibility Information
Eligible applicants are limited to units of local government. A unit of local government is defined as a city, county, town,
township, borough, parish, village, or other general-purpose political subdivision of the state, including Native American
Tribes who perform law enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior.
Additional Information
Additional Information URL
Additional Information URL Description
This site contains information regarding the various programs, funding opportunities, and forms managed by the Office
of Criminal Justice Grants. Contact information and additional resources can also be found on this site.
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Project Information
Application Information
Application Name
Safety and Technology Equipment
Award Requested
Total Award Budget
Primary Contact Information
Sergeant Alex Rodriguez
Email Address
400 Northwest 2nd Avenue
Miami, FL 33128
Phone Number
Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
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Project Description
JAG Program - Project Overview
Eligible Recipient for JAG Funds
Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
Eligible applicants are limited to units of local government. A unit of local government is defined as a city,
county, town, township, borough, parish, village, or other general-purpose political subdivision of the state,
including Native American Tribes who perform law enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of
the Interior. The eligible recipient cannot be a police department, sheriffs office, or other division of a unit of
local government.
For the purposes of this opportunity, please provide the name of the eligible recipient below:
Eligible Recipient Name:
City of Miami
In which county is the Eligible Recipient located?
What is the Eligible Recipient's SAM Unique ID number?
What is the Eligible Recipient's FEID or FLAIR account number?
Please select your desired reporting frequencyfor submitting payment requests AND performance reporting.
p Monthly
® Quarterly
Project Timeline
Desired Start Date of the Project
1 /1 /2023
Desired End Date of the Project
Key Activities Timeline
Estimated Completion Date
Description of Key Activity
1 Bid for vendors and procurement of equipment.
Obtain and install equipment
Close out project.
QTR 5 (if applicable)
QTR 6 (if applicable)
QTR 7 (if applicable)
QTR 8 (if applicable)
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JAG Program - Project Summary
Problem Identification (PID)
Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
Instructions: The Problem Identification is a key element of any grant application. Responses in this section
should describe the problem(s) to be addressed or solved with the funding in a clear, concise manner.
Applicants may wish to consider and include relevant data (quantitative or qualitative) to support the issue
identified. Applicants are strongly encouraged to use evidence -based practices in solving their identified
problems. To search for evidence -based programs and practices, search https:/Icrimesolutions.ojp.gov/.
PID1: Describe all hazards, risks, or concerns the funding will address.
The MPD's recent move from UCR reporting to the FIBRS and NIBRS data reporting system has made much of the curren
technology hardware incapable of operating the software needed for the upgraded reporting system. The equipment no
longer meets the State and Federal Security and reporting requirements; hence they are no longer usable for crime -fighting.
Additionally, conducting interviews is a core task of law enforcement. MPD's six interview rooms are furnished with old,
dilapidated furniture whose original use was intended for an office, not police interviews. Chairs are not properly secured
and have become a weapon of opportunity for suspects with an intent to harm. Right now, shackles are being used, but MPD
still has had people flee
Therefore, MPD will utilize JAG-C funds to replace outdated laptops with Snew laptops that have the capacity to run the
specific version of Windows operating system that will meet the security requirements that our current and outdated laptops
cannot support; and 6 fabricated steel table and chair sets for use in 6 interview rooms at MPD's Central precinct.
PID2. Describe why this project is a priority for the agency, county, and/or state.
This project is a priority because due to the increase in the City of Miami Police Law Enforcement workforce, having modern
computer equipment is a necessary tool that is mandatory for Officers to perform their daily assignments and assist in the
fight against crime.
The new tables and chairs with floor mounting features and kick guards will increase the safety of detectives conducting
interviews for open cases and reduce the probability of an interviewee/suspect fleeing the interview room. Instances of
suspects fleeing not only endanger law enforcement personnel, but also civilians near the vicinity.
PID3: Describe any existing resources or actions being used to address the problem(s). If it is a new problem, please
identify how you plan to address the issue.
Presentiv. some of the comouters are beine uoeraded but with the change in technology and the addition of new officers
to the force we are in need of additional upgraded laptops.
The setup of the interview rooms has been an issue from inception. since furniture meant for eeneral office use has been
Dart of the design for many years, therefore, properly installed equipped will address the safety issue.
Review the program area definitions attached below:
JAG Program Area definitions.pdf
PID4: Select the appropriate program area for this project.
® 01 - Law Enforcement
0 02 - Crime Lab/Forensics
0 03 -Crime Prevention
0 04 - Prosecution
0 05 - Public Defense
0 06 - Courts
0 07 - Corrections
0 08 - Community Corrections
0 09 - Reentry Services
0 10 -Behavioral Health
0 11 - Assessment/Evaluation
0 12 - Crime Victim/Witness
PID5. Describe how the project aligns with the selected program area.
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Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
This project aligns with Category 1 Law Enforcement Subcategory Equipment because the laptops will be used for crime
reporting and police management activities and the upgraded tables and chairs will enhance the police interview process, a
vital function of the investigative and case -solving process.
Federal/State Priorities
Federal priorities are identified in the program solicitation, and Florida's JAG strategic plan can be accessed
PID6: Does the project align with a federal priority, or a priority identified in Florida's JAG strategic plan?
® Yes
p No
If yes, state which priorty and briefly explain how this project addresses the identified priority.
This project aligns with Priority 6 Technology Upgrades. The JAG funds will be utilized for necessary technological
enhancements which will provide MPD with the data, analysis, planning,and management resources critical to the
success of combatting crime, providing timely response, ensuring public safety, and communication.
It also aligns with Equipment under Priority 1 Law Enforcement because the installation of table and chair sets with safety
features will enhance MPD's ability to use interview/interrogations as a case -solving mechanism by decreasing physical
dangers to police personnel, and civilians that may be near the interview room area. This will improve the ability of
detectives and police personnel to conduct interviews, which are vital to investigations and case -solving.
PIDT Is the proposed project a continuation from the previous year?
O Yes
® No
Scope of Work (SOW)
Instructions: The Scope of Work provides important details on the tasks and activities to be completed under
the grant award. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the OCJG Grant Writing Guide for more
information related to the Scope of Work and project deliverables.
NOTE: Information in this section will be used by OCJG's assigned grant manager to write the contract
deliverables to satisfy state contracting requirements identified in Section 215,971. Florida Statutes. It is
important to provide clear responses to the questions below.
SOW1: Describe all major tasks and activities to be performed under the award.
1. Vendors for the laptops and table & chair sets will be selected via the City of Miami's procurement process.
2. Once vendors have been selected, MPD will place purchase orders for the laptops and table/chair sets.
3. Once received, equipment (laptops, table & chair sets) will be catalogued in inventory.
4. Once entered into the inventory, table/chair sets will be installed in each of the six interview rooms at MPD Central
precinct station.
5. Once entered in inventory, Field Patrol Officers in need of updated laptops will be identified and laptops will be
distributed to them.
SOW2: Describe the expected outcome as a result of the tasks/activities identified in SOW1.
Outcome 1: Nine (9) laptops with FIBRS & NIBRS reporting capabilities will be distributed to Field Patrol Officers for
installation in their police vehicles. The implementation of the laptops will allow Officers to work on their daily
assignments, communicate, disbursement of police reports, crime statistics in response to requests from the public
and city government, maps highlighting criminal activities in the City of Miami and varies other functions.
outcome 2: The 9 laptops with the software required for FIBRS and NIBRS reporting, will bring MPD closer to 100%
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Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
FIBR/NIBRS compliance and allow Officers to complete their daily assignments. This is Phase 2 of a city-wide
initiative for FIBRS and NIBRS compliance.
Outcome 3: Six (6) fabricated steel table and chair sets with safetyfeatures will be installed in six (6) interview rooms at
MPD Central precinct, providing police and public safetyfor officers and civilians withing the vicinity of the interview
outcome 4: Six (6) fabricated steel table and chair sets with safety features will improve the ability of detectives and
police to conduct interviews with detainees, witnesses, and suspects.
SOW3: Describe who will benefit from the tasks, activities, and outcomes identified above.
City of Miami residents and City of Miami Police Department personnel will benefit from the identified tasks, activities, and
outcomes. The new laptops will improve MPD's ability to meet FIBRS & NIBRS reporting requirements. The enhanced accuracy
of this reporting will enable MPD to better manage operations and allocation of resources to serve the public.
The installation of the table and chair sets with safety features in the interview rooms will create a safer environment for
police personnel and civilians within and around the vicinity of the interview rooms.
SOW4: Describe the entity (or entities) responsible for completing activities under this project.
The purchase and implementation of the 9 laptops will be spearheaded by Information Technology Support Section/Special
Projects Management Unit (ITSS/SPMU) within the Administration Division at the City of Miami Police Department.
ITSS/SPMU receives its directives from the Office of the Chief and executes projects that support the agency's strategic plan.
The mission of the unit is to ensure projects with strategic value to the agency which have defined implementation dates and
budgetary impact, are completed on time, within budget, and within the intended scope.
The Criminal Investigation Section (CIS) will be in charge of the procurement, ordering and purchase of the 6 table and chair
sets. To ensure these activities are completed, Lt. Gilbert Gomez from CIS will oversee the activities related to enhancing
the interview rooms. He will coordinate with the Building Maintenance department for installation.
SOW5: Describe and/or provide the location of where project activities will be performed.
All project activities related to the "Safety and Technology Equipment" project will take place at MPD's Central police
precinct, located at 400 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33128.
SOW6: Describe how the performance and completion of EACH identified task/activitywill be verified.
During the implementation of the 9 Laptops, the ITSS/SPMU will purchase, then tag each computer with a barcode, manage
the distribution of the laptops throughout MPD to field patrol officers who are using out-of-date laptops. For all IT -related
devices, the equipment is logged into an asset application that keeps track of distribution. The Computer Support Supervisor
will oversee this process and report tasks and activities to the Commander of the ITSS/SPMU.
Lt. Gilbert Gomez from the Criminal Investigation Section will be in charge of the procurement, purchase and installation of
table and chair sets. Per City of Miami policy, equipment worth more than $1,000 must be tagged with an asset tag/barcode.
The tagging of the table and chair sets falls under the purview of MPD's Budget Unit. The Budget Unit will tag the furniture
with bar codes and send the asset tag information to the Procurement Department for them to log into the system. Lt. Gomez
will report progress of tasks and activities to the CIS Commander.
SOW7: Describe what source documentation will be maintained and provided to OCJG for payment requests for EACH
activity identified above.
All activities discussed in the scope of work or project deliverables are for the equipment to be purchased for this project.
Documentation to be provided to OC1G for payment requests include, but are not limited to procurement records (including
quotes, competitive solicitation/bids, etc.), purchase orders, packing slips, delivery/receivable documents, invoices, and proof
of payment, etc.
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JAG Program - Certifications & Forms
Required Forms/Certifications for All Applicants
Lobbying, Debarment, and Drug Free Workplace
Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
All applicants are required to complete and submit the Lobbying. Debarment and Drug Free
Workplace Certification with each application submission.
Upload the completed certification below.
02-OCJG-Lobbying-Debarment-and-Drug-Free-Certification signed.pdf
Subrecipient Management Questionnaire
All applicants are required to complete and submit the Subrecipient Management Questionnaire (SMQ) form
with their application. This form is used to help evaluate the applicant organization's existing internal controls
related to the management of federal grant funds. FDLE will utilize this form as a "risk assessment" to
determine the appropriate level of monitoring (desk or onsite) for the subaward.
Upload the completed SMQ form below.
SMQ-City of Miami.pdf
Upload additional attachments to accompany your completed SMQ.
City of Miami Procurement Policy.pdf
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Civil Rights Training (*NEW`)
As a condition of the federal JAG award, FDLE requires applicants (and subrecipients) to complete a two part
Civil Rights Training and provide copies of the training certificates upon request. To access the training,
please visit our Civil Rights Training for Grantees webpage. At a minimum, the applicant grant manager must
complete the training.
Have you completed the Civil Rights Training for Grantees modules?
® Yes
Q No (a condition will be added to award)
Upload copy of Civil Rights Training for Grantees certificates.
Grant Manager_OJP Civil Rights Grants Requirements Certificate 10312022.pdf
EEO Certification (EEOC)
All applicants are required to submit an EEO Certification (EEOC) annually.
FDLE strongly recommends the use of the OJP Office for Civil Rights, EEO Reporting Tool to complete this
certification, especially for applicants who are required to prepare an EEO Plan (EEOP), or Utilization Report.
However, in absence of using the EEO Reporting Tool, you may choose to submit the PDF certification with
your application.
Upload completed EEO Certification below.
EEO Certification Form FY2021.pdf
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FDLE Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
Applicants with more than 50 employees who also receive a single award of $25,000 or more in funding from
the U.S. Department of Justice (regardless of if it is passed through FDLE), must complete and submit their
EEO Plan (EEOP), also known as a Utilization Report, to OJP's Office for Civil Rights.
This process must be completed using the EEO Reporting Tool. OJP's Office for Civil Rights has published an
assistance tool to assist applicants with this process.
Does your organization have 50 employees or more?
® Yes
Q No
Does your organization receive a single award of $25,000 or more from any U.S. Department of Justice grant program?
® Yes
O No
Has your agency completed an EEO Plan within the past two years?
® Yes
p No (a condition will be added to the award)
Upload your EEO Plan below.
City of Miami EEO Utilization Report 6-28-2021.pdf
EEOP Approval
Applicants with more than 50 employees who also receive a single award $500,000 or more in funding from
the U.S. Department of Justice (regardless of if it is passed through FDLE), must obtain an EEO Plan
(EEOP) approval letter from OJP's Office for Civil Rights.
This process must be completed using the EEO Reporting Tool. OJP's Office for Civil Rights has published
an assistance tool to assist applicants with this process.
Does your organization receive a single award of $500,000 or more from any U.S. Department of Justice grant program?
® Yes
p No
Has your agency received an EEO Plan Approval Letter dated within the past two years?
® Yes
O No (a condition will be added to the award)
Upload your EEOP Approval Letter below.
21-OCR-0307_Approval Letter (EEOP)_miami approval.pdf
Project Specific Certifications
Ballistic Vest Certification
Applicants proposing to use grant funds to procure ballistic vests must ensure the vests are American -made,
ordered to fit the user, and are compliant with NIJ Ballistic/Stab Standards. In addition, applicants purchasing
routine -duty body armor must complete the Ballistic Vests (Mandatory Wear) Certification with their
Is this application proposing to use grant funds for ballistic vests?
p Yes
® No
Body Worn Camera Certification
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Safety and Technology Equipment
Cityof Miami
Applicants proposing to use grant funds to procure body worn camera equipment and supplies must
complete the Body Worn Camera Policy Certification with their application.
NOTE: Grant funds can only support licensing, storage, and warranties during the grant period. If these costs
extend past the grant period they will be pro -rated from the date of purchase.
Is this application proposing to use grant funds for body cameras?
p Yes
® No
Confidential Funds Certification
Applicants proposing to use their grant to support confidential fund activities must complete the Confidential
Funds Certification with their application. Additionally, applicants must have written policies and procedures
to ensure confidential funds are managed in accordance with federal guidelines. Agencies who do not have a
written policy may consider formalizing and adopting polices based off of our example policy provided on our
Is the applicant proposing to use the grant to support confidential fund activities?
p Yes
® No
Suitability to Work With Minors
Applicants proposing to use grant funds that involve interacting with minors must make a written
determination of each indiviudals suitability to work with minors. For more information on this requirement,
please review our Suitability to Work with Minors training slides.
In order to facilitate compliance with this requirement, FDLE has two forms that must be completed for any
program involving interactions with minors:
• Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors Certification (SWIMC)
• Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors Tracking (SWIMT)
Is the applicant proposing to use grant funds for activities that directly involve working with or interacting with minors?
p Yes
® No
Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services and/or Equipment
Applicants proposing to use grant funds to procure telecommunications and/or video surveillance equipment
and/or services must complete a TV$ certification with their application. For more information on this
requirement, please review the FAQs and the training ning posted to our webpage.
Is the applicant proposing to use grant funds for telecommunications or video surveillance equipment/services?
® Yes
p No
Upload completed TVS Certification below.
TVS Certification-Signed.pdf
Task Force Activities
Applicants proposing to use funds to support any task force activities (personnel, overtime, equipment,
supplies, service agreements, etc.) must provide a task force personnel roster at the time of application. In
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Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
addition, the applicant is responsible for ensuring all task force members complete the required BJA Center
for Task Force Integrity and Leadership online training once every four years. The completion certificates for
each member on the roster must be provided to OCJG.
Note: For any task force members who have not completed the training or have expired training certificates, a
withholding of funds condition will be placed on the award until valid certificates are provided for each
member on the task force roster.
Is the applicant proposing to use grant funds to support task force activities?
Q Yes
® No
Applicants proposing to use funds for "minor renovations", mounting items to the exterior of an existing
building/structure (i.e. surveillance cameras), meth lab clean up activities, and some forensic processing
requires approval from BJA's National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) coordinator. Any applicants
proposing projects that meet the criteria for NEPA approval are required to complete the BJA CATEX
Checklist form and upload it with their grant.
Note: Applicants should not expend any grant funds until NEPA approval is obtained. If BJA denies the
approval, you will not be reimbursed for the NEPA related expenses.
Is the applicant proposing to use grant funds for any NEPA related activities?
p Yes
® No
JAG Pre -Approvals
JAG funds may not be used to pay for any of the following items unless pre -approved by the BJA Director:
1. Vehicles, vessels, and aircraft (excluding police cruisers, police boats, and police helicopters). Note:
Pick-up trucks require BJA approval;
2. Luxury items;
3. Real estate;
4. Construction projects (other than correctional institutions); and/or
5. UAS/UAV/US systems and equipment.
See BJA's JAG FAQs for more information on the approval process. OCJG grant managers will review the
application and seek more information for any items that may require BJA pre -approval.
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FDLE Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
JAG Program - Grant Contact Information
Recipient Grant Manager Contact Information
This individual serves as a primary point -of -contact and is responsible for:
• ensuring the project is progressing on time and promptly notifying their FDLE grant manager of any
• overseeing all programmatic and financial reporting; and
• ensuring overall compliance with the grant agreement.
GM Name (First Last)
Angie Luan
GM Title
Sr. Budget and Financial Support Advisor
GM Address 1
400 NW 2nd Avenue
GM Address 2
4th Floor
GM City
GM State
GM Zip Code+4 (XXXXX-XXXX)
GM Phone Number (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
GM Email Address
Chief Official Contact Information
This individual is the agency head for the eligible recipient.
The eligible recipient for the JAG program is a state agency or unit of local government. Examples of Chief
Officials may include: Chairperson, Mayor, Executive Director, Secretary, Commissioner, etc.
CO Name (First Last)
Francis Suarez
CO Title
CO Address 1
3500 Pan American Drive
CO Address 2
CO City
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CO State
FL 1. .._...,.,,
CO Zip Code+4 (XXXXX-XXXX)
CO Phone Number (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
CO Email Address
Safety and Technology Equipment
Cityof Miami
Will the Chief Official be designating another individual to execute agreements on their behalf?
® Yes
p No
If yes, upload written authorization of signature authority (i.e. letter, ordinance, charter, etc.)
City Manager Resolution & Powers -City of Miami 5-20-21.pdf
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Contact Information
This individual is responsible for the recipient's accounting system, financial management, and certifying claim reports
submitted for payment.
CFO Name (First Last)
Larry Spring
CFO Title
Chief Financial Officer/Assistant City Manager
CFO Address 1
444 SW 2nd Avenue
CFO Address 2
10th Floor
CFO City
CFO State
FL .'.I
CFO Phone Number (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
CFO Email Address
Additional Grant Contact
is there an additional grant point -of -contact (POC) you wish to add to the grant file?
® Yes
p No
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J-416'1 Iq
POC Name (First Last)
Jorge Blanco
POC Title
Budget and Finance Manager
POC Phone Number (XXX-XXX-XXXX)
POC Email Address
Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
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JAG Program - Spending Plan
Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
This category includes paying costs for salaries and overtime. This section should not include any fringe benefits
Will you be using funds to support personnel costs?
p Yes
® No
Fringe Benefits
This category includes costs associated with paying the fringe benefits associated with salaries and overtime costs
above. This may include: FICA, Medicare, Retirement, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Worker's Comp, etc.
This category includes costs associated with travel. NOTE: Registration fees do not go in the Travel Category; they
should be reflected in the "Other Cost" category.
Will you be using grant funds to support travel costs?
Q Yes
® No
This category includes costs for non -consumable items in excess of the organization's capital outlay threshold, or in the
absence of an established threshold $5,000, that has a useful life of more than one year. This may include equipment that
does not meet the preceeding criteria but is inventoried by the recipient organization.
Will you be using grant funds to purchase equipment?
® Yes
p No
If yes, how much grant funding is being allocated to equipment costs?
Briefly describe how each equipment item listed in the budget is necessary for the success of the project.
The 9 new laptops will replace outdated hardware that does not have the capabilityto support the software
requirements to run FIBRS and NIBRS reporting. The new laptops will allow Officers to work on their daily
assignments, communicate, disbursement of police reports, crime statistics in response to requests from the public
and city government, maps highlighting criminal activities in the City of Miami and various other functions.
The current office furniture at MPD's police interview rooms is only meant for general office use. They are not secure
and have been used as weapons of opportunity by detainees and suspects in the past. The 6 tables and chairs with
safety features will reduce instances of the furniture being used as weapons and instances of interviewees fleeing the
interview room.
Briefly describe the procurement method that will be used for each type of equipment listed in the budget.
Per City procurement policy, the lowest bidder will be selected for purchase of equipment. For equipment purchases
ranging from $5,000-$10,000 the Procurement Department must receive three written quotes during the bid process.
Equipment purchases between $10,000 and $25,000 require five quotes. If an equipment purchase is greater than
$25,000 and up to $50,000, that will fall under a competitive sealed bid and also requires City Manager approval. A
purchase of greater than $50,000 would also be a competitive sealed bid and require the approval of the Miami Board
of Commissioners.
Does your organization have a written inventory policy/procedure?
® Yes
p No (a condition may be applied to the award)
Upload your organization's inventory policy.
Inventory Policy_City of Miami.pdf
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Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
This category includes costs for small, consumable project supplies, These typically are below the organization's capital
outlay threshold, have a useful life of less than a year, and/or are not inventoried on a regular schedule.
Will you be using grant funds to purchase supplies?
Q Yes
® No
Contractual Services
This category includes third -party agreements with a vendor, provider, consultant, etc. to assist in
accomplishing the goals and objectives of the project.
There are two types of contractual relationships recognized under federal awards. For a visual flowchart of
the two types and what is required for each, please see our "Understanding Contractual Services under
Federal Awards' resource.
Will you be using funds to support third -party agreements (contractual services)?
Q Yes
® No
Other Costs
This category includes costs that do not fall into any other category. These items may include things such as rental
agreements, utilities, subscriptions, training registrations, etc.
Will you be using grant funds to support other costs?
p Yes
® No
Indirect Costs
Federal recipients may elect to use a portion of funding for indirect costs.
Will you be using grant funds to support indirect costs?
Q Yes
® No
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FDLE Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
JAG Program - Program Income and Budget Review
Program Income (PGI)
Grant -funded activities may generate revenues for the recipient organization. Examples of program income
activities include but are not limited to: asset seizuresfforfeitures, registration/tuition fees, interest earned on
grant funds, membership fees, court -ordered attorney's fees, and fees/fines for failed drug tests. Al program
income must be accounted for, reported, and expended in accordance with Section 3A of the DOJ Grants
Financial Guide.
Will any proposed grant activities generate Program Income?
p Yes
® No
Budget/Procurement Review
Sole Source
The use of noncompetitive procurement methods (i.e. sole source) for grant funded purchases and
procurement contracts is strongly discouraged. However, there are three scenarios in which sole source is
1. The item or service is only available from one source. This does not mean a particular brand name of a
product justifies a sole source, it is the item itself. For example, procuring electronic control devices
cannot be a sole source because these less -lethal devices are available to purchase from Taser
International and various other vendors.
2. A public emergency exists that will result in harmful delays if formal competition is required. This
requires official written declaration of the public emergency by an authorized official (i.e. President,
Governor, Mayor, etc.). The ability to purchase non -competitively under a declaration of public
emergency expires when the written declaration expires.
3. Inadequate competition was noted after soliciting a number of sources. Documentation of the
solicitations from each source must be maintained to support the noncompetitive procurement.
Applicants expecting to purchase grant -funded items non -competitively must complete the OCJG Sole
Source Justification Approval form. If the total procurement, regardless of how much is grant funded, exceeds
the federal simplified acquisition threshold (currently $250,000), the OCJG grant manager must coordinate
federal sole source approval, which may require additional information.
Are any items in the budget being procured noncompetitively?
p Yes
® No
State Term or Alternate Source Contracts
Federal procurement regulations allow for grant funded items to be piggybacked off of other existing
contracts with other entities. This is often referred to as alternate source contracting and is often used by
OCJG recipients when procuring off of a State -Tenn Contract. Applicants proposing to use this method of
procurement are required to describe and provide the contract number they are using for the alternate source
Are any items in the budget being procured from an existing Florida State -Term Contract?
0 Yes
® No
Are any items in the budget being procured from any other Alternate Source Contract?
p Yes
® No
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Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
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Proposed Budget Summary
Expense Budget
Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
Grant Funded
Total Budgeted
D. Equipment
Steel table and chair sets
Total Proposed Cost
Revenue Budget
Grant Funded
Total Budgeted
Grant Funding
Award Requested
Total Proposed Revenue
Proposed Budget Detail
See attached spreadsheet.
Proposed Budget Narrative
D. Equipment
List each NON -EXPENDABLE item to be purchased. Expendable items should be included in the supplies
category. Each line item description MUST detail the calculation (unit price and quantity) used to arrive at the funded
amount. EXAMPLE: 3 PClTablets @ $1,500 each (including associated peripherals such as case, keyboard,
docking station, etc.) _ $4,500.
9 Laptops x $2,461 each = $22,149 Laptops will be adaptable to MPD police cars. Laptops will have the technology
required for FIBRS and NIBRS reporting. At time of purchase, MPD will cover the additional cost over the allocated
Steel table and chair sets
6 steel table and chair sets x $2,100 each = $12,600 Each Table is 30x30x40 inch in 304 stainless steel with
adjustable bolt down legs. Includes kickplate. Chairs are equipped with holes on the chair frame base for securely
mounting to the interview chair to the floor.
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Safety and Technology Equipment
City of Miami
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