HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Analysis and MapsL fy City of Miami * Illall IIAiFI * planning Department ,1 11 ANALYSIS FOR REZONING NOTICE rni. sebmltai neeas m be e�heaeve mr a p�ben hearing in aaorean� wim ammo-. se f.ft m the City m Miami Cotle. Theappllwde „he tlecbkh-makingbotl reWewthe inm'matlon a pubYc earing,o rend— tler e recommentlatlon or a final tleclWon. r PZ-20-6066 11/05/20 ,i[ Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6066 Location 8038 NE 2nd Avenue and 165 NE 80 Terrace, Miami, Flori 33138 Folio Numbers 0131120020010 and 0131120110220 Miami 21 Transect 75-0" Urban Center Zone and T6-8-0 Urban Core Zone MCNP Designation Medium Density Restricted Commercial and Restricted Commercial Commission District District 5 — Keon Hardemon NET District Little Haiti NET Planner Hellena Lahens, hlahens@miamigov.com Property Owner I Qualcon Little River Active Zone Business, LLC Project Representative I Edward Martos, Esquire emartos@wsh-law.com REQUEST Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Article 7, Section, of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21"), as amended, Qualcon Little River Active Zone Business, LLC, (the "Applicant"), is requesting a change to the Zoning Atlas for a portion of the property located at 8038 NE 2nd Avenue from '75-0" Urban Center- Open to '76-8-0" Urban Core- Open and the property located at 165 NE 80th Terrace from '75-0" Urban Center- Open to '76-8-0" Urban Core- Open (collectively, the "Property"). The proposed amendment contains approximately 1.42 Acres. The legal description of the property is attached as Attachment 1 of this report. EXISTING ZONING: T5-0 PROPOSED ZONING: T6-8-0 ■ ■ III ® ON■■ Milli Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 1 of 18 RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to Article 7, Section of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21"), as amen Planning Department recommends Approval of the Miami 21 Atlas amendment NE 2nd Avenue and 165 NE 80th Terrace from 75-0" Urban Center- Open to Core- Open, based upon the facts and findings in this staff report. C. PROJECT DATA Table No.1: Surrounding Uses 411y!arRa NOTICE Th1, eu brnma[n d, b te•ach.&W d for a public hearing in e� nd—whn bm 1— eft in the City & Miami CWe. The appliwde be -n- naXing bWy will re�ewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing t. n,nde, a me &d.,., z final eeciaen. PZ-20-6066 �\ 11/05/20 Aj SURROUNDING USES Miami 21 Zoning MCNP (Density) Existing Use North T-6-8-0 Restricted Commercial (150 Retail Outlet d u/ac) Med. D. Res.Com (65 du/a) / Formerly Office South T5-0-T6-8-0 Restricted Commercial Building, currently (150 du/ac) under construction for mixed use Restricted Commercial (150 Retail Outlet East T6-8-0 d u/ac) Office Educational Private West T5-0 Med. D. Res.Com (65 du/ac) Multifamily 3 or more units BACKGROUND AND PROPOSAL The Property consists of two parcels one located at 8038 NE 2nd Avenue and other located at 165 NE 8011 Terrace. The parcel located at 8038 NE 2nd Avenue is bifurcated by two Transect Zone designations of T5-0 (western portion) and T6-8-0 (eastern portion) with the corresponding split FLU designation of Medium Density Restricted Commercial and Restricted Commercial. While the parcel located at 165 NE 80t" Terrace has a single Transect Zone designation of T5-0 with corresponding FLU designation Medium Density Restricted Commercial. In total, the Property consists of approximately 94,289.48 square feet (2.16 acres). The Property is bounded by NE 82 Street to the north NE 80 Terrace to the south, NE 2 Ave to the east, and NE 1 Ave to the west and immediately north of the Little River Commerce Park in the Little Haiti NET area. The site lies within the Opportunity Zone and the one -quarter mile buffer transit corridor. The intent of the Opportunity Zone which is a designation and investment tool established by Congress in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 to encourage long-term investments in low-income urban and rural communities nationwide. The image below, Figure 1, shows the subject property, outlined in red, and the immediate surrounding context. Currently, the Property contains a telecommunication facility and has operated on the site for approximately 70 year. The Applicant proposes to unify the Property's split zoning designations and to redevelop the Property to provide commercial uses with multifamily housing at various income levels on a unified site per their Letter of Intent. The applicant did not proffer a covenant as part of the application. The general details of the property are summarized in Table 2. Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 2 of 18 Figure 1: Aerial Photo of Subject Site AERIAL EPLAN I D: 20-6066 0 REZONE �1 ADDRESSES: 8038NE2AV&105 NESO TER 0 125 250 500 Feet The subject Property is outlined in red. NOTICE ThIs su bnnidal needs b be scheduiee for a public h—ing In —nbanm whh timelines set forth in the City of Mlarni Code. The appllcade beci-n-making body will reWew the inbnnabon at the public hearing t. n:ntler a recommendation on a final d.dm.n. PZ-20-6066 11/05/20 Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 3 of 18 The photo taken from 2020 Google Street view shows the Property to the right surround by a chain link fence with surface parking right, the building to the left directly abutting the sidewalk, and the infrastructure improvements made to NE 2 Ave such as the repaving of the road, narrow sidewalk, and added bike and bus lane. Image 2: View of Property taken from NE 82 Street The photo taken from 2020 Google Street view shows the northwest corner of the Property to the right abutting multifamily residential uses to the left. Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 4 of 18 Image 3: View of Property taken from NE 80 Terrace The photo taken from 2020 Google Street view shows the southwest corner of the Property to the right abutting a two-story multifamily residential building. Table No. 2: Summary of Property Details 8038 NE 2 AV 86,313 0131120020010 (split zoned with T5-0 and T6-8-0) T5-0 portion to be amended 1.98 165 NE 80 TER 7,976.46 0.18 0131120110220 54,125.54 1.24 T5-0 T6-8-0 And And Medium Density Restricted Commercial Restricted Commercial 7,976.46 0.18 T5-0 T6-8-0 And And Medium Density Restricted Commercial Restricted Commercial Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 5 of 18 411y!arR� NOTICE k mittal needs b te• achetluled b, s public hearing ortlanre wM1h tlrnell11 set forth in the City & ppliwd'declsion-m&'gbwywill at the pubic hearing to re,d,, recem datien or a f,M decidonCONDITIONS UNDER ZONING ORDINANCE 11000 PZ-20-60611/05/20 Under the previous 11000 Zoning Code, the Property had a split zoning "O" Offic western portion and "C-1" on the eastern portion. Both designations allowed 150 dwelling u per acre and unlimited height, see Table No 3 for comparison of previous development criteria. The Office zoning designation allowed structures used as permanent and transitory residential facilities such as hotels and motels, general office uses, clinics and laboratories and limited commercial activities incidental to principal uses, limited services and supporting facilities such as auditoriums, libraries, convention facilities, places of worship, and primary and secondary schools, and mixed residential -office uses. The development criteria allowed for 150 dwelling units per acre with a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet and a FAR of 1.72. The C-1 designation was a commercial category which allowed structures used as any type of residential facility except for rescue missions, any activity included in the office designation, commercial marinas and living quarters on vessels with specific limitations, and mixed -use or commercial activities which generally serve the daily retailing and service needs of the public, typically requiring easy access by pedestrians and private automobiles. This designation is generally located in areas directly served by arterial or collector roadways, or directly accessible via mass transportation system. The development criteria allowed for 150 dwelling units per acre with a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet and a FAR of 1.72. Image 4 below shows a comparison of the 11000 Code development criteria. With the adoption of Miami 21 in 2010, the western portion of the Property zoned "O" Office was rezoned to T5-0 resulting in a lower density of 65 dwelling units per acre. The eastern portion of the Property zoned "C-1" Restricted Commercial, was rezoned to T6-8-0 which maintained the density of 150 dwelling units per acre. The existing Transect boundary between the T5-0 and T6-8-0 follows the original 11000 Zoning designation. According to the Applicant's letter of intent (LOI)dated September 24, 2020, "the Applicant intends to redevelop the site to provide commercial uses together with multifamily housing at multiple income levels." The Applicant did not proffer a covenant as part of the application. Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 6 of 18 Image 4: Comparison of Zoning Designation from 11000 Code to Miami 21 EXCERPT OF ZONING ATLAS FOR ZONING EXCERPT OF ZONING ATL)J CODE 11000* MIAMI 21* .FK 411y!ark� NOTICE mie sebn,inel needs m —hedwed tnr a pbk heeling in —d— .re, ronh in the City of Miami CWe. The applies de tlecl—n-making bWy will rewewtheinbrmadon at the pu bk hearing to render mends ,, or a final d,,iaon. PZ-20-6066 11/05/20 1 NF a TG- * This atlas shows the entire Property. Hence, this Property is shown to be 2.165 acres while this application seeks onlv to rezone 1.42 acres of Property. Table No. 3: Comparison of Development Capacity of the Project under 11000 Zoning Code Development Capacity of Subject Property 11000 Zoning Ordinance Zoning: Office Zoning: C-1 Restricted Commercial Terms of Terms of Development Development Capacity Quantity Unit Capacity Quantity Unit Lot Area 20,000 sf Lot Area 5,000 sf Lot Coverage 0.40 Lot Coverage 0.40 FAR 1.72 FAR 1.72 Density 150 du/ac max Density 150 du/ac max Height unlimited Height unlimited PROPERTY UNDER MIAM121 When Miami 21 was adopted, the zoning for the Property changed from Office to T5-0 and C-1 to T6-8-0 following the previous transect lines. The T5-0 designation has a minimum lot area requirement of 5,000 sf and allows height of 5-stories. Lot coverage is 80 percent of the net lot Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 7 of 18 area. Density is 65 dwelling units per acre. The T6-8-0 designation has a minimum I requirement of 5,000 sf and allows height of 8-stories by right, with the ability to cons bonus stories by utilizing the City's Public Benefits program stories abutting all Trans except T3 and CS. Lot coverage is generally 80 percent of the net lot area,. Density is units per acre. The Floor Lot Ratio (FLR) is 5 with ability of 25-percdnt additional throug of public benefits. The Table No. 4, (below) summarizes the development capacity outlii 21. 411y!arR r NOTICE Th aub ,[...d, b � ach,d,ed br a pubk hearing ceo,d—wM1 tlmellnee eetforth i, the City& Miami CWe.Theappliwde delsio aXi,g bWY will rewewtheInforrnation at the pubc hearing t.r do ,e ,da ,, or a final eecid,, � mePZ-20-6066 \4 11/05/20 Aj Table No. 4: Comparison of Development Capacity of Subject Project under Miami 21 Development Capacity of Subject Property Zoning under Miami 21 Zoning Ordinance Zoning: T5-0 Zoning: T6-8-0 Terms of Terms of Development Development Capacity Quantity Unit Capacity Quantity Unit Lot Area 5,000 sf Lot Area 5,000 sf Lot Coverage 80%max Lot Coverage 80%max FLR N/A FLR 5/25% Density 65 du/ac max Density 150 du/ac max Height 5 stories Height 8 stories A comparison of the land development regulations shown in the tables suggest that the previous adopted development standards were somewhat liberal regarding the density and height. E. DEMOGRAPHICS The Property is located within Census Block Group 120860014021. According to the American Community Survey (ACS), 5-year estimates (2014-2018), the median household income for the block group is $28,214 which is 77 percent lower than the median household income for the City of Miami ($36,638) and 57 percent lower than the median household income for Miami -Dade County $48,982. Approximately 37 percent of the population living in this Census Block Group live below the poverty line. Most of the residents in this Census Block Group also rent the homes in which they live (84.92%). The median gross rent is $883. Table 5 summarizes this Census Block Group information. Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 8 of 18 � `11Y f1p� NOTICE Table No. 5: Summary of Census Data for Subject Block Group: 1208600 This submittal needsm be sche&u d t Collected Census Data cear,7h, ePpk eli, ds i Miami Code.ihe appllcade tlecision wew,ne1 coati°nItthe P,b° datlon os a final Topic Data' PZ-20-606 Population 2,849 11/05/20 Number of Households 842 Number of Housing Units 964 Median Household Income $28,214(City of Miami: $36,638 Percent of Families under the Poverty Line 36.93%(City of Miami: 20.18% Percent of Households that rent 84.92%(City of Miami: 70.25% Median Rent $883 Unemployment Rate 22.98%(City of Miami 6.99% Table 5- Data was retrieved from the U.S. Census Bureau. Data from the Decennial Census and the American Community Survey was compiled for this report F. e. The Rezoning, as proposed, has been analyzed for conformance with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, and Article 7, Section of Ordinance 13114 (the "Miami 21 Code"), as amended. APPLICABILITY In accordance with Article 7, Section of Miami 21, the zoning designation of a property may be changed to the next successional Transect if the change consists of the extension of an abutting transect boundary. The Property, which is split zoned T5-0 and T6-8- O, directly abuts a T6-8-0 Transect Zone to the east. As such, the requested change represents the extension of the existing T6-8-0 Transect boundary to the east along NE 2 Avenue, meeting one of three ways to comply with the minimum requirement to request a change to the Zoning Atlas. MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN Per the Correspondence Table - Zoning and Comprehensive Plan of the adopted Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP), the requested change of zoning from T5-0 to T6-8-0 does not correspond with the property's current future land use (FLU) of Medium Density Restricted Commercial. As a result, the Applicant has submitted a FLUM Amendment which would change the property's FLU to Restricted Commercial (File ID No. PZ-20-5966 LU) which corresponds with the request of a Rezone to T6-8-0 Transect Zone. The image below depicts the existing future land use designation and the proposed designation. The parcel to the south of the Property has a split zone future land use designation of Medium Density Restricted Commercial and Restricted Commercial, whereas the parcels to the west have Medium Density Restricted Commercial, and the parcels east and north have Restricted Commercial. The Medium Density Restricted Commercial and Restricted Commercial designation is intended to allow general office use, clinics and laboratories, auditoriums, libraries, convention facilities, places of worship, primary and secondary schools, and commercial activities that generally serve the daily retailing and service needs of the public. However, the Medium Density Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 9 of 18 mr a public hearing whi,me.ci� o rna king body will hearing t. rend era eedaon 6 Restricted Commercial allows 65 dwelling units per acre, whereas the Restricted allows 150 dwelling units per acre. 411y!arR f NOTICE Thls su bmittal needs b te• ach.&u d br s public hearing In accortla,re wM1h tlmell,es set forth in the City & Miami CWe. Theappliwde decision-r &'g bwy will rewewtheinbrmation at the pubec hearing t, re,d,, recomm d, ., or a ffi,M decide,. PZ-20-6066 y _Ill -1 - Existing Future Land Use Map Proposed Future Land Use Map Table No. 6: Existing Neighborhood Characteristics_ Zoning Future Land Use Designation Subject Property: T5-0/ T6-8-0 "Urban Center Med. D. Res.Com (65 du/a) / Restricted Transect Zone- Open / Urban Core Transect Commercial (150 du/ac) Zone — Open" (65 du/ac /150 du/ac) North: T6-8-0 "Urban Core Transect Zone — Restricted Commercial (150 du/ac) Open" (150 du/ac) East: T6-8-0 "Urban Core Transect Zone — Restricted Commercial (150 du/ac) Open" (150 du/ac) South: T5-0/ T6-8-0 "Urban Center Transect Med. D. Res.Com (65 du/a) / Restricted Zone- Open / Urban Core Transect Zone — Commercial (150 du/ac) Open" (65 du/ac /150 du/ac) West: T5-0 "Urban Center Transect Zone — Med. D. Res.Com (65 du/a) Open" (65 du/ac) Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 10 of 18 MIAMI21 CODE 411y!arR NOTICE This submittal needs b te• achetluled b, s public hearing In accortla,re wM1h tlrnell11 set forth in the City & Miami CWe. The appliwd' declsion-m&'g bwywill rewewihe inbrmation at the public hearing to render e recomm d, ., or a ffi,M decide,. The Property consists of two parcels that have the Zoning designation of "T5-O' PZ-20-6066 Transect Zone- Open on the western portion and "T6-8-0" Urban Core Transect 11/05/20 on the eastern portion. Supported uses under these zoning designations include a • residential, lodging, office, commercial, civic, civic support, and educational as shown Article 4, Table 3 of Miami 21 by Right, Warrant, and Exception as outlined in Article 7 of Miami 21. As stated above, the parcel to the south of the Property has a split zoning of T5-0 and T6-8- 0 and the west abutting parcel has a T5-0 zoning designation. The parcels to the north and east of the Property are zoned T6-8-0 as well as the parcels to the east of NE 2nd Avenue (see Image 2, page 5). The proposed zoning change would unify the Property to a single Transect Zone designation of T6-8-0 and allow the Property to be developed to the same development capacity as the eastern portion of the site. Also, the zoning change will be continuous with the existing development pattern to the west which allowed a higher density and more bulk and dimensional standards under the 11000 Code (see comparison Table No. 3 page 6). Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 11 of 18 Table No. 7: Zoning Comparison NOTICE Thls submittal needs b te• ach.&u d br s public hearing dancewA Emell,es setforth inthe City& cadedads-o aXi,g bWy will al the pubec hearing t. renderecemmentlati., or a final decide,. Transect Development Standards Development Standards Existing Zoning: T5-0 PZ- Proposed N40,OOO BUILDING DISPOSITION 11 Lot Area 5,000 s.f. min/ 40,000 s.f. 5,000 safe mMax max Lot Coverage 80% 80% Frontage at front setback 70% min. 70% min. FLR N/A 5 / 25% additional Public Benefit Density 65 du/ ac max. 150 du/ ac max. SETBACKS Principal Front 10 ft. min. 10 ft. min.; 20 ft. min. above 8th StorySecondary Front 10 ft. min. 10 ft. min.; 20 ft. min. above 8th StorySide 0 ft. min 0 ft. min.; 30 ft. min. above 8th StoryRear 0ft. min 0 ft. min.; 30 ft. min. above 8th StoryHEIGHT Minimum 2 Stories 2 Stories Maximum 5 stories 8 stories Maximum Benefit Height 1 Story Abutting D1 4 Stories Abutting all Transects Zones except T3 GREEN/OPEN SPACE Green/Open Space Min. 10% Lot Area min. 10% Lot Area min. 20-6066 05/20 Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 12 of 18 Image 4: Uses Comparison Chart (Excerpt: Article 4, Table 3 Building Function: Uses; Miami 21) DERI m (UMrrs PER ACRE) RESMXTLAL SINGLE FAVEL, E-°- a� RS T RF; ANCR'.LAR7TWO FAMY FE. 'Eri=E WnTI FAW.Y HO..2^0 5 ccmtwrrcfzy MOLEOFFICE R R 5 R R LIVE - WCiRA R R R LOD04" SE'J a BREAKFAST LEER R E R R ,wy R R R OiFiCE brcy�E R R R R COMMERCIAL aL—}CE.A—EO OOY4EFCIL.- EETAS. Ea"EiTk1�YEY`"E$`A F3••VE`I` IN R R R Eh"ERT&]%WEV-E27A6 •is 1.? -ERVC£ E--AS,7 KVE%7 R R IN R R SE2ERMEUTA0. E E E E R R 64 R R uaRnE CE-A rE-' CCIWLrEIZ": E37AI, W 11V OPEN A.'R R€.•I.L YV PY W F-F:c Or ,s?.SEL+BL+ R R E R R R.E-:FE, '=-NAL ESTg. .FS-7.lENT R R R R CrWF ."-WAJNTY FXJLRY rECREAT101NAL FACkfTY FEL1)CM Fa CLrrY F--3110MIL AICTMI`V Milli E E Ik R R VV R R E R R E R R E C1MR. IMq'}YlRT 1�.'"lAleJfATY' BVP0ICT FACLfTlf rnf _rH. - Y1 'II MWASTRUCTURE AND v Lmn I IN W' Vi '01 'ill W.I., F FArCLPrr w -'. M2 E gv IY E 11 'N FLSJC PARKING FS3CUE MkBr- E ii of E 'I1 Y1 E w Y4 I E I 'rt 1 01 411y!arR� NOTICE Thls su bmmd[ needs b te• ach.&u d br s public hearing In accortla,re wM1h tlmell,es set forth in the City & Miami CWe. The appliwde deck- making bwy will rewewtheinbrmation at the pubec hearing t.render. recomm d, .,or a ffi,M decide,. PZ-20-6066 \\ 11/05/20 As shown in the excerpt, the proposed rezone from T5-0 to T6-8-0 would primarily increase the density while allowing the same uses with the exception of Amusement Ride and Regional Activity Centers, which are allowed by Exception in T6-8-0. Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 13 of 18 CRITERIA FOR REZONING 411y!arR� NOTICE Thls submittal needs b te• ach.&u d b, s public hearing In accortlanre wM1h tlrnell11 set forth in the City & Miami CWe. The appliwd' declsion-m&'g bwywill rewewtheinbrmation at the pubic hearing t, re,d,, recem datien or a f,M decidon. PZ-20-6066 \\ 11/05/20 Aj Miami 21: Article 7, Section - Amendments to Miami 21 Code �-- In accordance with Article 7, Section, a change may be made to a transect zon manner which maintains the goals of Miami 21. The recommendations of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board shall show that the board has considered and studied the application in regard to the following criteria: Criteria 1 Article 7, Section "The relationship of the proposed amendment to the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, with appropriate consideration as to whether the proposed change will further the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; the Miami 21 Code; and other city regulations." Analysis Land Use Policy LU-1.1.7 seeks to establish land development regulations and policies that "will allow for the development and redevelopment of well -designed mixed -use neighborhoods that provide for the full range of residential, office, live/work spaces, neighborhood retail, and community facilities in a walkable area and that are amenable to a variety of transportation modes, including pedestrianism, bicycles, automobiles, and mass transit." The requested change from T5-0 to T6-8-0 is consistent with this policy as it seeks to help advance the ongoing revitalization along the NE 2 Avenue corridor. In 2016, capital improvements were completed on NE 2 Avenue. The corridor was repaved to include the following upgrades: ADA-compliant crossings, narrow sidewalks, lamps, and bike lanes, see image 1 on page 4. This transit corridor which is classified as a County collector primarily consist of commercial, retail, office, and other similar uses. Generally, the existing zoning designation along this corridor zoned T6-8-0 allows for more development capacity for mixed -use, residential, and non-residential uses. Moreover, as illustrated on the existing zoning shown on page 1, the T6-8-0 Transect Zone along NE 2 Avenue serves as a buffer to the T5-0 Transect Zone to the West which primarily consists of high -density residential uses. Although the existing and proposed transect zone permits the same uses by Right, Warrant, or Exception (with the exception of Amusement Ride and Regional Activity Centers), the proposed transect zone of T6-8 permits additional development capacity , height, and density, which will help reinforce the redevelop efforts along the corridor and create an environment that will improve the public realm. The unification of the Property with the T6-8 Transect Zone would allow cohesive development standards across the site which may better serve the surrounding neighborhood with an influx of new housing or Uses. Given the opportunity to rezone the Property, it would be consistent with the development capacity to the west and east. Under the 11000 Zoning Code, this property had a split zone of Office and C-1 which permitted 150 dwelling units per acre. To complete the development on this block, this site would be consistent with the existing development pattern and surrounding context. Staff Analysis ePaan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 14 of 18 - dsy nFX - \ill �AW1 Furthermore, Goal HO-2 seeks to "achieve a livable city center w = NOTICE housing types for persons of all income levels in a walkable, mix tle"�-w�tln,ei"�,�,oh"<heo environment". MiamlCWe.Theappliwdebecbk- 1,gt.oadv renewthe inlcrmatiran at the pubic hearing to n:ntler e -me d° ., ",�fl"[°edaon. PZ-20-6066 This property is located within the Opportunity Zone, which is inten 11/05/20 development in economically distressed areas. According, to the American Community Survey (ACS), 5-year estimates (2014-2018), the median household income for the block group is $28,214 which is 77 percent lower than the median household income for the City of Miami ($36,638) and 57 percent lower than the median household income for Miami -Dade County $48,982. Approximately 37 percent of the population living in this Census Block Group live below the poverty line. Most of the residents in this Census Block Group also rent the homes in which they live (84.92%). Also, the unemployment rate is 22.98% which is three times more than the City, see table 5, page 9. Thus, this Rezone from T5-0 to T6-8-0 may provide a catalyst for additional residential units to be developed, as well as, provide an opportunity for economic development with the ability to create jobs, possibly creating a mixed -use neighborhood with a full range of residential, office, live/work spaces, and neighborhood retail. Finding In accordance with Article 7, Section (f)(1)(a) of Miami 21 Code, the requested Criteria 1 change in zoning is consistent. ,riteria 2 Article 7, Section "The need and justification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions that make the passage of the proposed change necessary." knalysis In recent years, development and redevelopment has occurred in primarily the T6- 'or Criteria 8-0 zoned areas largely due to the development rights. Currently, the abutting property owner to the southeast has interest in amending the zoning designation from a similar split zoned situation to a site that is totally T6-8-0 Transect Zone (plan ID PZ-20-6057). There is an increased demand for mixed -use development projects in the area. As seen to the south of this Property, across NE 80th Terrace, the previous use was office, and it is currently undergoing remodeling to change the program to a mixed - use building with residential and retail tenant spaces. The demand for an agglomeration of uses in a single building has outpaced the need for single uses. Thus, there is a growing trend to have more buildable area for mixed -use projects with residential, commercial, and office which can better serve the surrounding neighborhood. Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 15 of 18 `11Y flpd Y•f1Sav The proposed zoning amendment to T6-8-0 is consistent andt�l­bmNOTICE ittalneedsbte•scheduled br apubliche ,g mixed -use development trends and patterns of the nearby�Cat the public hearing to mode,expansion; receiving advantages of the existing infrastrm�ommend.onp,afi alde�iPZ-20-6066 (roadway network, utilities, county schools, libraries, fire, and 11/05/20 Aj Staff is concerned that the increase in vehicle trips from OWAZOMN redevelopment would create an adverse impact on NE 2nd Ave. and NE 82nd St. intersection and add heavy traffic volume to the already congested NE 2nd Avenue corridor. As stated in the transportation memorandum, at the time of redevelopment, a traffic study will be required. The traffic study should include traffic mitigation if significant impacts to operating levels of service are identified. Onsite circulation is key to the success of the development, and pedestrian accessibility within the site to reduce conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians. Although traffic may be increased; any development proposal would need to ensure that impacts to roadways are mitigated to an acceptable standard. As requested, the amendment to the Zoning Atlas from T5-0 to T6-80 is appropriate for this area. Finding In accordance with Article 7, Section (f)(1)(b) of Miami 21 Code, the Criteria 2 requested change in zoning is consistent. Criteria 3 Article 7, Section "A change may be made only to the next intensity Transect Zone or by a Special Area Plan, and in a manner, which maintains the goals of this Miami 21 Code to preserve Neighborhoods and to provide transitions in intensity and Building Height." Analysis The requested change of zoning from 75-0 Urban Center Transect Zone -Open" to Criteria 3 76-8-0 Urban Core Transect Zone -Open" constitutes a successional rezone to the next higher Transect Zone, as depicted in the referenced table for successional zoning changes of Miami 21 Code, Sec. (a)(3). The Property is part of the parcels designated T6-8-0 that provides a buffer and transition to the western properties designated T5-0 from the potential impact of the intensity of the NE 2 Avenue corridor. The existing zoning pattern of T5-0 currently abuts T6-8-0 allowing for a buffer of higher and lower intensities. Although, introducing the T6-8-0 can possibly create encroachment and trends of increased height and density in this area, this area has existed with similar development pattern of higher residential uses and non- residential uses, especially along NE 2nd Avenue which serves as a collector road. Thus, allowing a higher intensity to tansect would be consistent and compatible with the existing development pattern. Staff Analysis ePaan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 16 of 18 �J vticz nr.a�i NOTICE Pursuant to Article 7, Section of Miami 21 Code, the h�h—n9 [Firnding 3 consistent with the Miami 21 Code. nee&.. ,hedWeJtrapu cco,danc .w h—llnessetionhinthe CityCiteria .7h,n M mlCotle7heapp°easeb,bu, Uie i lion at the pubic hearing go render a "'gtb-," —,nme de ., o,a enM deuson. PZ-20-6066 11/05/20 G. CONCLUSION This Applicant seeks to amend the designation of 1.42 acres from "75-0" Urban Center- Ope to "T6-8-0" Urban Core- Open. Both designations allow intense uses. However, the T6-8-0 Transect Zone allows a significantly higher density in its residential uses and increase height. The Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the MCNP generally incentivize development in neighborhoods within the Opportunity Zone and near transit. The Planning Department recommends Approval of the Miami 21 Atlas amendment (rezone) based upon the facts and findings in this staff report. Digital ly signed by El Iis, Ellis, Jacqueline Jacqueline Date: 2020.11.03 18:50:39-05'00' Jac eline Ellis Chief, Land Development Attachment: Attachment 1: Legal Description Staff Analysis ePlan ID PZ-20-6066 (8038 NE 2 Av) Page 17 of 18 411y!arR� NOTICE This submittal needs b te• achetluled br s public hearing In accortlanre wM1h tlrnell11 set forth in the City & Miami CWe. The appliwd' declsion-m&'g bwywill rewewiheinbrmation at the pubic hearing to rentlere rece—datien or a f,M decidon. PZ-20-6066 \\ 11/05/20 Aj Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-20-6066_8038 NE 2nd Ave — Page 18 `,1 k - I fled " r -- e AWI Exhibit A -Legal Description NOTICE mie needs m te.Ihedwed m, a pbk heeling h�emehneseronm the city & Mmi�pplwd'delonm"g bwywllParcel 1: at the pubec hearing t, re,d,, a recommendation or a final decidon. PZ-20-6066 Tract "A" of "DOBBS BUSINESS CENTER" according to the plat th 11/05/20 recorded in Plat Book 53, Page 73, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade Coun Florida, Less and except the following: Begin at the SE corner of Tract "A"; thence run Northerly along the most Easterly boundary of said Tract "A" (being also the West Right -of -Way boundary of Northeast 2nd Avenue, as shown on said Plat entitled "DOBBS BUSINESS CENTER") a distance of 60 feet to a point; thence run Westerly along a line parallel to the most Southerly boundary of said Tract "A" a distance of 172 feet to a point; thence run Southerly along a line parallel to said most Easterly boundary of said Tract "A" a distance of 111.60 feet to a point of intersection with most Southerly boundary of said Tract "A"; thence run Easterly along the last described line being also along the North Right -of -Way boundary of Northeast 80th Terrace as shown on said Plat entitled "DOBBS BUSINESS CENTER" a distance of 50 feet to a point; thence run Northerly along a line that is an Easterly boundary of said Tract "A" a distance of 51.60 feet to a point; thence run Easterly along a line that is a Southerly boundary of said Tract "A" a distance of 122 feet to the Point of Beginning. -ALSO- Tract "B" of DOBBS BUSINESS CENTER", according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 53, Page 73 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. -ALSO- All of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, Block 7, of "ROYAL PALM GARDENS", according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 71, of the Public Records of Miami - Dade County, Florida, Less and excepting therefrom that certain Strip of land variable width along the North boundary of said Lots 1, 4, and 6 as shown on Right - of -Way Map for Northeast 82nd Street as recorded in Plat Book 71, Page 66, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Commonly known as 8038 NE 2 Avenue and identified for tax purposes by folio number 01-3112-002-0010. Together with Parcel 2: Lot 2 in Block 9, of LITTLE IRVER GARDENS, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 8, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Commonly known as 165 NE 80 Terrace and identified for tax purposes by folio number 01-3112-011-0220. FIAIDDI DEAF EPOF"I E PINN ISLE cR�Nic nu, S U R V E Y I N G 8038 NE 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FL 33138 _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Pe. Ti. vc 65 - — — N E 8 2 n d 5 T R E PFGEFLENUE PB.]= vxHLT aa� �tAt E T — — — — — — — - N45°98'4]'W - ILITTIA --- --- — 2TI.56' ------- 16.28' - FILL A III PE. ]. DO IT (BONEC LALSOou'DA,[,FFB5cnDN vI'l IIlvAlsc ­E111L AT L Tf EunvLEB z'DOB65 A DTDR AA BISNJ�E Ov 6P rvv ELAT LOT FEE LINE — — — NCE DE FEELPODF III P�IAICITEF, PLOTa T, PGTi PB.. OLl PCT3 T� e 3 OL DID 1001DIDD OF P "MAD ID Bos EoSniIDTIAnUCBRse it TIID111 6 J — — — P B. T. vcnIEFR o OF FEET F PFLI .— EnsrERLv aoLBoO OIL "E 'Ill ss Aan c Tre' < POFDA—TTa 111 OF 122 FEET TO TnE 1 CET 'PIFl uuHCLEELT. 2' 45'E ]6.96' E — —9 6— LE R, — L — — IF — — — — — — — — — LOT uuE N89° 54' S3"E 2.DP1. calls OF MIAMBE couuTv. of I -BAT FL I I� li TIAFFFAl AB. 16, 1171 s 0 AM- ZONING'. T5-OI MEDIUM DENSITY RESTRICTED 62,1U2±SQ. ET. o 0 Ia I� I FEET ZONING: T6-8-01 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL 32,187±SQ.FT. a - - - Z LAEMLFA - iTn TnE IMPreovsMErvTs sITUATe LOT I FLOOR I_ Pea PG2 O Ill. ea. PG PSR4OCB a—�Nnv 2is5AcaESz /6blu DF xa3"WT 569°U5 5 1U]2.D6' J Bouua4RV OE 2 ue ue REcoaos OF MIAMI-BADE COODLI, ar+lon 1E1AlN "FCE"FPR AD CEO 1Gi1 W o IF E.E zzB E4STEaLvFEES TRAI; ILATTED - ME u-T OE THE Ill F� — _ � INE —g of TRAIT T of Tani T'R. - - W I EP aFcr r SJ FREE IF eE,Bu N89°54'S3"E 19.98 alGa�lpo i uE E°F, es K 55iO i o IIJO10 L 4 ———— J �uporx�.sRPP�5ap5a � T - A.Pn AY r NE 8DYM1 4T E+RRACE - — _ _ - _ � THE SKETCH SHOM HEREON IS — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NOT ASURVEV Ell " xowx x[a xE Ell IT ATO PAGE 9 OF 9 I' AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-20-6066 REZONE �r "NE a 7 1 M�m IL - Om N 0 125 250 500 Feet 4. f i `11Y flpd NOTICE mis s�eminai neeas m s�nea�i�.e mf a p�ben neahng ina�o�tlan�wim U-d'ds le—x mme cirim MlamiCWe. Theappliwde tledk -ml'gt —de, ,l renewiheinm'mation at the pu fl, hearing, rentlere re�ommenaation o��nnai eeuaon. PZ-20-6066 11/05/20 ,1. 1 qu• 1. �. 1 � r 80TH; -�^�e.:wunwe>.®�ii ■tee ADDRESSES: 8038 NE 2 AV & 165 NE 80 TER MIAMI 21 (EXISTING) EPLAN ID: PZ-20-6066 REZONE NE 82ND TER H U) W z NE 82ND -TER z --N E-79TH-ST N 7- 0 125 250 500 Feet w Q 0 z N W z CS T6-8-O NOTICE Thls submittal needs m be acheaWee mr a p0k h.,i,g hmerm. set font h, the City m mi— CWe. The applude tlsision-making bWy will re�ewihe information at the pubk hearing to nmaer a recommendation or a final aecivon. PZ-20-6066 11/05/20 N E 82 -NE-82ND ST NE 80TH TER 0 z N W T4-L ADDRESSES: 8038 NE 2 AV & 165 NE 80 TER M IAM 121 (PROPOSED) EPLAN ID: PZ-20-6066 REZONE NE 82ND TER H U) W z NE 82ND -TER- z T6-8-O --N E-79TH-ST N 7- 0 125 250 500 Feet W Q 0 z N W z CS T6-8-O NOTICE Thls submittal needs m be acheaWee mr a p0k h.,i,g hmerm. set font h, the City m mi— CWe. The applude tlsision-making bWy will re�ewihe information at the pubk hearing to nmaer a recommendation or a final aecivon. PZ-20-6066 11/05/20 N E 82 -NE-82ND ST NE 80TH TER 0 z N W T4-L ADDRESSES: 8038 NE 2 AV & 165 NE 80 TER �Y or, l H * I N C 0 R P ORATEO 7f l 0 R PLANNING DEPARTMENT Project Fact Sheet, This document is used to provide a summary for Planning Department related pro Project Name: Rezone from T5-0 to T6-8-0 Project Address: 8038 NE 2nd Avenue 165 NE 80 Terrace Miami, Florida 33138 Company Name: Qualcon Little River Active Zone Bi Primary Contact: Edward Martos,Esquire Email: emartos@wsh-law.com Secondary Contact: Email: 1111111 Addresses: 8038 NE 2nd Avenue and 165 NE 80 Terrace Miami, Florida 33138 Folio Numbers: 0131120020010 and 0131120110220 AERIAL EPIAN ID PZ-20-6066 REZONE 1111rrv1111111Ero.EA Lead Staff: Hellena Lahens < N lye NOTICE Th1, aubmi[tal neetls b be sche&u d for a public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth in the City of M Cotle.7he appl d tl i_ king body.11 th intonnati tth pa bkh i gto renders omm da flna I d-inon PZ-20-6066 �\ 11/05/20 Principal Division: Land Development Lail: hlahens@miamigov.com �URI]Ix1rr1]Df.YMNI��[Il►�� Rezoning from T5-0 to T6-8-0 to unify the Property's split zoning designations and to redevelop the Property to provide commercial uses with multifamily housing at various income levels. Webs Link(s): 0 HEPB 0 WDRC 0 PZAB ® City Commission 0 UDRB 0 AIPP Transect Zone(s): T5-0 Commissioner District(s): D-5 NET Office(s): Little Haiti NET Department Director: Francisco Garcia Revision Date: 1/15/2020