HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1985-12-19 MinutesMIAMI a `I op fit • 1 NCOKN ORATED r 18 R 96 6 !COMMISSION OF MEETING HELD ON December 19, 1985 (REGULAR AND PLANNING & ZONING) ' PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL MATTY HIRAI City Clerk INDEX MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1985 ITEM SUBJECT LEGISLATION PAGE NO. NO. 1 PRSF.NTATIONS, PR0CLAMATI0NS AN I? PRESENTED 1 SPECIAL ITEMS. 1.2/19/85 2. SOCIETY FOR ABUSED CHILDREN - DISCUSSION 2 REQUEST FOR SALE OF TICKETS. 12/19/85 3. BRIEF DISCUSSION ON PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSION 3-5 WITHDRAWN AGENDA ITEM 28 (PROPOSED 12/19/85 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REVENUE NOTES) 4. OPEN SEALED BIDS: CONSTRUCTION OF t-1-85-1178 5-7 BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT 12/19/85 PHASE II - B-4506. 5. DIRECT MANAGER TO PREPARE. (A) M-85-1179 7-9 COMMISSION GUIDELINES FOR POLICY 12/19/85 DECISION; AND (B) APPEAL PROCEDURE REGARDING PERMIT FOR SALE OF ALCHOLIC BEVERAGES IN CITY PARKS. 6. (A) REQUEST ARCHITECTS INVOLVED IN M-85-1180 9-15 DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION OF POLICE 12/19/85 SUBSTATION TO PRESENT TO COMMISSION COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION PACKAGES (B) ACQUIRE PROPERTY LOCATED ON FLAGER AND 22ND AVE. 7. (A) INSTRUCT ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS M-85-1181 15-21 TO BEGIN USING THE MIAMI HERALD FOR R-85-1182 THE PLACEMENT OF ALL REQUIRED CITY 12/19/85 ADS. (B) ADD SPANISH WEEKLIES "LA NACION AND "LA VERDAD" TO THE LIST OF SELECTED NEWSPAPERS FOR PLACEMENT OF CITY ADS. 8. AMEND STRUCTURE. OF CITYWIDE M-85-1183 21.-23 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY 12/19/85 BOARD - REDUCE NUMBER OF MEMBERS, ETC. 9. SCHEDULE DEDICATION CEREMONIES OF M-85-1184 23-24 THE "DESIGN PLAZA ENTRANCE" FOR 12/19/85 JANUARY 23, 1986. 10. (A) DEFER CONSIDERATION OF SITE M-85-1185 25-35 SELECTION FOR LOW/MODERATE INCOME M-85-1186 HOUSING OFF CLAUGHTON ISLAND TO THE 12/19/85 JAN. 23, 1986 MEETING. (B) INSTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO GIVE CITY COMMISSION COMPLETE CONTROL OVER LOW/MODERATE INCOME PROJECT OFF CLAUGHTON ISLAND. 11. CONSENT AGENDA. 35-36 12/19/85 11.1 CLAIM SETTLEMENT - JAMFS c n y R-85-11R7 36 $6,000. 12/19/85 11.2 CLAIM SETTLEMENT - ESTATE OF R-25-1128 37 ANNETTE SEVERE - 036,500. i2/19/85 11 . 3 CLAIM SETTLEMENT - LVI S APED DELI A R - 8 5 - 1 189 3i CALAMA - $60,000. 12/19/85 11.4 CLAIM SETTLEMENT - WA1,TER R-`i5-1190 37 CANTALOW - $12,181.87. 12/19/85 11.5 APPROVE PERMT.T TO DISPENSE BEER AND R-85-1191 37 WINE AT UNIVERSITY ALUMNI PICNICS 12/19/85 IN SEWELL AND JOSE MARTI PARKS. 11.6 STREET CLOSURE - THREE KINGS PARADE 11-85-1192 38 (LOS REYES MAGGS). 12/19/35 11.7 AUTHORIZE SALE OF BEER AND WINE FOR R-85-1193 38 ONE DAY BY THE PERFORMING ARTS FOR 12/19!85 COMMUNITY & EDUCATION (P.A.C.E.) IN CONNECTIONy' WITH THE BIG ORANGE FESTIVAL; CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS AND AUTHORIZE CONCESSION AGREEMENT. 11.8 AUTHORIZE SALE. OF BEER AND WINE. IN R-85-1194 33 PEACOCK PARK - KING MANGO STRUCT 12/19/85 PARADE; CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS. 11.9 AUTHORIZE SALE, OF BEER AND WINE IN R-85-1195 38 CONNECTION WITH FIESTA BY THE BAY 12/19/85 ON FEC PROPERTY SUBJECT TO PERMITS. 11.10 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK OF JOE R-85-1196 39 REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 12/19/85 $18,285.00 FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT - DOWNTOWN PHASE 1. 11.11 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - DOUGLAS N. R-85-1197 39 HIGGINS, INC. - $431.302.74 FOR 12/19/85 WEST FLAGER STREET STORM SEWER MODIFICATIONS-8-5504. 11.12 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK OF P.N.M. R-85-1198 39 CORP. - $52,857.00 - MANOR STORM 12/19/85 SEWER PROJECT (BID "A") - B-5503. 11.13 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - WESTERN R-85-1199 39 WATERPROOFING CO. OF AMERICA - 12/19/85 $19,320.00 FOR FIRE RESCUE TRAINING CENTER - TRAINING POOL REPAIR - B- 2773-A. 11.14 BID ACCEPTANCE - CUSHMAN R-85-1200 39 ELECTRONICS FOR FURNISHING ONE 12/19/85 LEVELMETER TO DEPT. OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE, COMMUNICATION SERVICES DIVISION - $5,495.00. 11.15 BID ACCEPTANCE - MOTOROLA R-85-1201 40 COMMUNICATIONS & ELECTRONICS, INC. 12/19/85 FOR FURNISHING ONE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM ANALYZER TO DEPT. OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE, COMMUNICATION SERVICES DIVISION - $17,z85.00. i .f 11.16 ORDERING RESOLUTION - CITYWIDE R-35-1202 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE ITT H- 12/19/85 4516. i 11.17 AMEND ASSESSMENT ROLL - CTTYWIPE R-85-12103 1981 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT 12/19/85 DISTRICT SR-5476C BY CORRECTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL OF LAND. 11.19 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER & CITY CI.ERK R-35-1204 TO EXECUTE INSTRUMENT CANCELING 12/19/85 AUGUST 27, 1971 COVENANT TO RUN WJITH THE LAND 17XECUTEP BY PIiIL & SYLVIA WURTZEL & LEJEUNE PROPERTIES, TNC. - "LEJEUNE PROPERTIES" (90-31.). 11.19 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER A N P CITY R-85-1205 CLERK TO EXECUTE INSTRUMENT 1'/1.9/85 CANCELLING SEPTEMBER 2, 1971 COVENANT TO RUN 141TH THE LAND EXECUTED BY FRANK L. KLEEBA - 1077 # N.W. 44 AVENUE. 11.20 AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF SEVENTEEN R-85-1206 DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR HIGHWAY 12/19/85 PURPOSES. 11.21 AUTHORIZE RELOCATION OF COCONUT R-85-1207 PALMS FOR BAYFRONT PARK 12/19/85 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. 12. CLOSURE •:)',' STREETS - ALLOW SALE OF R-85-1208 BEER AND WINE AT THE "CALLE OCHO 12/19/85 OPEN HOUSE FESTIVAL". 13. (A) DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED M-85-1209 ACCEPTANCE OF BID FROM M. VILLA AND M-85-1210 ASSOCIATES INC. (LOCAL DRAINAGE 12/19/B5 PROJECT E-55). (B) REQUEST ADMINISTRATION TO DEVISE FORMULA THAT WOULD ALLOW THE CITY TO PENALIZE CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES WHO DO NOT MEET COMPLETION DEADLINES. 14. BID ACCEPTANCE: "PENINSULAR R-85-1211 ELECTRIC COMPANY" FOR BICENTENNIAL 12/19/85 I PARK - PRIMARY ELECTRIC DUCT-1985 ($34,505). 15. BID ACCEPTANCE: "P.N.M. CORP". - R-85-1212 - BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT -PHASE 12/19/85 II ($6,871.000). 16. RESCIND R-85-1040 AUTHORIZING R-85-1213 CONTRACT WITH SUPERIOR SEA14ALL 12/19/85 SERVICE INC. (WAINWRIGHT PARK BULKHEAD REPAIRS- $31,210)-INSTRUCT ADMINISTRATION TO READVERTISE FOR BIDS. 17. AUTHORIZE $50,000 IN SUPPORT OF R-85-1214 FIVE NATIONAL TELECASTS FROM THE 12/19/85 CITY OF MIAMI OF THE PHIL DONAHUE SHOW. 18. REFER BACK TO ADMINISTRATION M-85-1215 PROPOSED PLANS FOR THE CREATION OF 12/19/85 A DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING, ZONING � AND PLANNING. 40 40 40 41 41 41 41-43 43-47 48 48-51 52 52-54 54-59 19. (A) REJECT PROPOSED RECOMMENDATION 1-1-85-1216 60-64 - OF HANK MEYER ASSOCIATES , INC. FOR R-85-1217 SELECTION AS PUBLIC RELATION 12/19/85 MARKETING CONSULTING FIRM (PHASE I SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. (B) SELECT PUBLIC RELATION/MARKETING CONSULTANT FIR14 IN CONNECTION WITH PHASE I - SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ($120,000). 20. DISCUSSION AND TEHPORARY DEFERRAL DISCUSSInN 64-65 OF PROPOSED SECOND READING 12/19/85 ORDINANCE (MINORITY PROCUREMENT PROGRAM)(SEE. LABEL l22). 21. PRSENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, AND PRESENTED 66 SPECIAL ITEMS. 12/19/85 22. SECOND READING oRDINAN�CE: "REPEAL 0R'DINANCE.. 66-6, ORD. 9775, MINORITY PROCUREMENT 10062 — ORDINANCE, AND SUBSTITUTE THEREFOR 12/19/85 - A NEW MINORITY PROCUREMENT PROGRAM. x x — 23. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND SEC. FIRST 68-69 18-104 (RESPONSIBILTITY OF CITY READING .r ATTORNEY...) INCREASE CLAIM 12/19/85 SETTLEMENT AUTHORITY FROM $4,500 TO $25,000. 4 24. EMERGENCY ORD.: AMEND SEC. I OF ORDINANCE 70-71 139 - INCREASE BUDGET FOR PLANNING 10063 AND ZONING BOARDS ADMINISTRATION BY 12/19/85 $30,000. - INCREASE BUDGET FOR CIVIL SERVICE BOARD BY $30,000. FOR FUNDING OF SPECIAL COUNSEL. 25. AMEND CODE SECTION ENTITLED "GREEN ORDINANCE 71-72 FEES" AND "CART FEES" AND SPECIAL 10064 RATES" BY REVISING FEES SCHEDULES 12/19/85 FOR GOLF COURSES; ESTABLISHIHNG MEMBERSHIP FEES, ETC. 26. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH FIRST 72-73 NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND "LAW READING ENFORCEMENT TRAINING TRUST FUND - 12/19/85 REGION 14 - FY 85-86" APPROPRIATE $86,574. RECEIVED AS GRANT AWARD FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA. 27. CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR R-85-1218 73-74 x CONSTRUCTION OF KIRLAND SANITARY 12/19/85 SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (SR- 5478-C). - 28. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: JOE R-85-1219 74 REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 12/19/85 ($14,215.60) FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE II. 29. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - F.R.E. R-85-1220 75-76 CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 12/19/85 ($737,814.51) FOR ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA IMPROVEMENT PHASE BIDS A, B, AND C - ASSESSING LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. �r - '' 30. AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT WITH R-85-1221 76-77 f. Fs F & L CONSTRUCTION INC. FOR 12/19/85 CONSTRUCTION OF CURTIS PARK ELDERLY ;' MEALS FACILITY. 9 ? 31 AUTHORIZE INCREASE" IN CONTRACT R-85-1222 77-78 F.R.E. CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR 12/19/85 <, CONSTRUCTION OF EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT. — PlIASE 1. 32. REFER TO CITY MANAGER REQUEST M-85-1223 78-79 RECEIVED FROM THE BLACK CROSS 12/19/85 LIBERATION MOVEMENT FOR START UP FUNDS FOR THEIR "HOPE AGAINST DOPE" PROGRAM. 33. DISCUSSION REGARDING REQUEST DISCUSSION 79-84 RECEIVED FROM COCONUT GROVE CARES, 12/19/85 INC. FOR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF THEIR BOXING PROGRAM. 34. GRANT REQUEST RECrl.VF..D. FROM THE M-85—i224 85-87 WYNWOOD ELDERLY CENTER — DIRECT THE 12/19/85 ADMINISTRATION TO ALLOCATE FUNDS 0111 A TEMPORARY BASIS. s `6 35. URGE AND SUPPORT PRESIDENT REAGAN S R-85-1225 88-91 FURTHER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE. 12/1.9/85 r FEDERAL GOVERMENT'S CONTAINMENT AND a DENIAL POLICY TOWARDS THE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT OF CUBA. { 36. CONTINUED DISCUSSSION REGARDING DISCUSSION 91-93 SITE SELECTION FOR LOW/MODERATE 12/19/85 INCOME HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OFF CLAUGHTON ISLAND (SEE LABEL #10 ABOVE) 37. FIRST READING ORDINANCE PROHIBIT FIRST 93-95 — TELEPHONE ALARM DIALING DEVICES. READING 12/19/85 38. DEFER PROPOSED FIRST READING ORD. M-85-1226 95-100 PROHIBITING PLACEMENT OF REFUSE IN 12/19/85 PUBLIC RIGHTS — OF WAY. 39. REQUEST CONTRIBUTION FROM THE STATE R-85-1227 100-101 TOWARD CONSTRUCTION OF THE MILDRED 12/19/85 CLAUDE PEPPER FOUNTAIN. 40. EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH DADE COUNTY R-85-1228 101-102 _ AND BAYSIDE CENTER LTD. PARTNERSHIP 12/19/85 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWAGE FACILITY (BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE). 41. EXECUTE MEMORANDUll OF INTENT WITH R-85-1229 102-104 THE KNIGHT FOUNDATION CONFIRMING 12/19/85 GRANT TO THE CITY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TOWER OF LIGHT AND LIGHTING SYSTEM AT BAYFRONT PARK. 42. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH THE U.S. R-85-1230 104 ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CONVEYING A 12/19/85 PORTION OF BAYFRONT PARK FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PROMENADE. 43. EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH MR. AND MRS. R-85-1231 104-106 �f LEE HILLS ACCEPTING THEIR CASH 12/19/85 GRANT TO CONSTRUCT SEVEN SCULPTURES 't. IN BAYFRONT PARK. 44. SUBSTITUTE NAME OF MARK VALENTINE, R-85-1232 106-107 r 1�hrt x ESQ. IN PLACE OF GEORGE KNOX, ESQ., 12/19/85 AS SPECIAL COUNSEL TO THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD. r- ml 45 INSTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO INFORM COUNSEL FOR T14E MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHLNG COMPANY THAT THIS CITY COMMISSION WILL ONLY ABIDE BY LEGAL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING PRODUCTION OF PUBLIC RECORDS. 46. ALLOCATE $300,000 TO THE LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITY AND NUTRITION CENTER OF DADE COUNTY , INC. TO ACQUIRE A BUILDING. 47. EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH RODRIGUEZ, KHULY, QUIROGA ARCHITECTS (DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PLAN - DESIGN PLAN - DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL FOR S.W. LOTH STREET BETWEEN S.14. I AVENUE AND BRICKELL AVENUE) 48. ADOPT IN PRINCTPLF THE N.W. RIVER DRIVE CONCEPT. 49. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH SOUTH FLORIDA PLANNING COUNCIL REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT APPLICATION FOR DOWNTOWN AREA. 50. DIRECT MANAGER TO STUDY ISSUE OF IMPACT FEES. 51. CO -DESIGNATE NO. 62 STREET BETWEEN I-95 AND BISCAYNE BAY AS "DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD." 52. EXPRESS INTENT TO PROCEED WITH MULTIFAMILY RENTAL HOUSING PROJECT AND FINANCING THROUGH ISSUANCE OF MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS. 53. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO CIVIL SERVICE BOARD. 54. APPOINT T. WILLARD FAIR TO GENERAL EMPLOYEES' AND SANITATION EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST BOARD. 55. SELECTION OF INDIVIDUALS APPOINTED TO THE ZONING BOARD. (SEE LABEL # 5 7 ) 56. DISCUSSION OF PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTMENTS: DIRECT CITY CLERK TO READVERTISE FOR MORE APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. 57. (A) - RECONSIDERATION OF PREVIOUSLY PASSED APPOINTMENTS TO THE ZONING BOARD (SEE LABEL #55). (B) APPOINTMENTS TO ZONING BOARD. 58. ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT: FIRE STATION #3 AT APPROXIMATELY 1103-51 N.W. 7 STREET FROM CC-1/7 TO CU. 59. AMEND CODE RE LATIN CHARTER REVIEW BOARD - ALLOWABLE ABSENCES. 60. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT - APPROXIMATELY 2601 S.W. 28 STREET FROM RS-2/2 TO CR-2/7 AND APPLYING THE SPI-3. i-85-12 �3 12/19/85 R-85-1234 12/19/85 R-85-1235 12/19/85 R-85-1236 12/10/85 R-85-1237 12/19/85 M-S5-1238 12/19/85 R-85-1239 12/19/35 R-85-1240 12/19/85 M-85-1241 12/19/85 R-85-1242 12/19/85 DISCUSSION 12/19/85 M-85-1244 12/19/85 M-85-1245 R-85-1246 12/19/85 ORDINANCE 10065 12/19/85 ORDINANCE 10066 12/19/85 FIRST READING 12/19/85 107-110 110-112 112-114 114-115 115-117 118-119 120-121 121-123 123-125 125-126 126-130 130-133 133-135 135-136 136-138 138-141 4 0 61. AHENP LAND USE/ACQUTSITION ELEMENTS R-85-1247 141-142 OF 1982 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARKWEST 12/19/85 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN. 62. ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARINGS DATES FOR R-85-124P 142-148 AMENDMENT TO THE 1.11AMI 12/19/85 COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1976-86 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3471 MAIN HIGHWAY. 63. ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATE: R-85-1249 148-151 CONCERNING AMENDMENTS TO 12/19/85 DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE, MIAMI CENTER I PROJECT - 100 CHOPIN PLAZA. 64. PLAT ACCEPTANCE•': NIVENGO R-85-1250 151-152 PARTNERSHIP TRACT. 12/19/85 65. PLAT ACCEPTANCE: MAJOBI VILLAS. R-85-1251 152-153 12/19/85 66. PLAT ACCEPTANCE: DE GARMO ESTATES. R-85-1252 153-154 12/19/85 67. CONTINUATION OF PROPOSED FIRST M-85-1251 154-156 READING ORDINANCE (AMENDMENT Q) 12/19/85 TEXT AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLE 15, SPI MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE: CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the 19th day of December, 1985, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:04 O'Clock A.M. by Mayor Xavier Suarez with the following members of the Commission found to be present: Commissioner Joe Carollo* Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Commissioner Joe Carollo entered the meeting at 9:08 O'clock A.M. ALSO PRESENT: Cesar Odio, City Manager Lucia Allen Dougherty, City Attorney Matty Hirai, City Clerk An invocation was delivered by Mayor Xavier Suarez who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: The minutes of Special Commission Meetings of September 9 and 10, 1985 were approved. 1. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ITEMS. Commendation: PRESENTED Commendation: PRESENTED Police Officer Oscar Callejas: Outstanding Officer of the Month for November 1985. Police Officer Jose Dominico: Commended for meritorious accomplishments as a member of the HELP Program and for his outstanding contributions to the safety of our community. Presentations to City of Miami Employee's Wish List Campaign: Community Service Presentations of food, clothing and toys were made to Organiza ions: a number of Social Service agencies that were funded PRESENTED by the City of Miami. These items were collected by City of Miami employees as part of the 1985 Holiday Wish List Campaign. Proclamation: PRESENTED gl University of Miami Hurricanes Football Team: In recognition of their outstanding winning record and for having been selected to play at the Sugar Bowl. 1 December 19, 1985 0 2. SOCIETY FOR ABUSED CHILDREN - REQUEST FOR SALE OF TICKETS. Mayor Suarez: Cheryl, you want to make a Statement on that program? Go ahead. Ms. Cheryl Padilla: Ok. Mr. Mayor, Commission, T'm Cher... Mayor Suarez: Get a little closer to the mike. Ms. Padilla: My name is Cheryl Padilla. I'm with Society for Abused Children, Children Home Society. I would like to thank the Commission and yourself as well. I represent "Merry Christmas Miami." They are performing at Gusman... Well, they might be performing at Gusman tomorrow night and the proceeds are to benefit Society for Abused Children. We need to sell four hundred more tickets and we need a twenty-four hour extension to sell those tickets in order to open. We have invested more than fifty thousand dollars into this, that it's for the kids of Miami -for them to see a snow storm on stage, Mr. and Mrs Claus, the Toy Soldiers, the Nutcrackers Suite and they might not have that chance. It's for the Inner City kid, it's for the Little Havana kids, it's for all kids to have a nice piece of Christmas and know what it's all about. I want to thank you for giving us that twenty-four hour extension. I'm going to hit the streets, sell four tiundred tickets. At five hundred dollars you can send a hundred Inner City kids to see Christmas. I want to invite you to be there. These people, if they live through this are going to bring Peter Pan and take all the school children to Gusman to experience it and save Gusman as well as Theatre for the Children. Mayor Suarez: How much are the tickets, Cheryl? Ms. Padilla: Five dollars for children, ten dollars for adults. It's a great experience. Mayor Suarez: You need to sell four hundred more? Ms. Padilla: Yes. Mayor Suarez: Otherwise, the show won't go on. Ms. Padilla: Yes, by tomorrow at 10 O'clock. I want to thank Roger Carlton for giving us twenty-four more hours and Miami has been very good to Society for Abused Children. We raised a hundred... no, we raised a million dollars in two years. We are opening a center for abused infants down by Jackson and I think they will be good to us one more time. Mayor Suarez: I'm sure if you go out in the streets as you've promised to sell those tickets, you will sell them all, but count on the support of our office staff or maybe: call my office and I'm sure the Commissioners will help too in selling them. Ms. Padilla: Ok. Thank you very much. I would like to give you your tickets and invite you to be there. Mayor Suarez: Thank you, Cheryl. Mr. Carollo: Thank you. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda items, 28, 34 and 46 were withdrawn by the Administration for further information. } 4r gl 2 December 19, 1985 �% 0 3. BRIEF DISCUSSION ON PREVIOUSLY WITHDRAWN AGENDA ITEM 28 (Proposed Emergency Ordinance providing for issuance of Special Construction Revenue Notes) Mayor Suarez: We are not going to have problems with the bonds if we postpone 28? Mr. Cesar Odio: Facts are we have to withdraw them at this time, that we are not ready. If you want to, I can have Herb Bailey explain to you why, but I rather... Mayor Suarez: The rates are bad? Is that... Mr. Odio: Yes,...I will have Mr. Bailey... Mayor Suarez: Because they can get worse. Mr. Odio: No, we are better off withdrawing at this time. No. Mayor Suarez: Ok. So noted. I don't know that any of the Commissioners are having any objection to postponing vote on any of those three items. Mr. Dawkins: 28, 34... Mayor Suarez: 46. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Mayor Suarez: Is there anything you can tell us about 28 that would enlighten us as to why? You just said something about the rates, but I don't... Herb? Mr. Herb Bailey: Yes, Mr... Mayor Suarez: We have been announcing that we are going to move forward with this and now all of the sudden we... Mr. Bailey: It's a delay, Mr. Mayor. What has happened is that the rate in the market has dropped to a point that the arbitrage would not permit us to be able to earn the amount of money that we thought we would. We would perhaps be selling into default if we were to sell this month. We are pretty sure that we will be able to revise this next month, provided... Mayor Suarez: But the rate has fallen for the bonds that we are selling. Mr. Bailey: It has fallen for the yield. See, our stream revenue stream here was from the yield. Mayor Suarez: Well, hasn't it fallen on both sides, both for the sale of bonds and for the yield? Mr. Bailey: The sale of bonds has gone up, but the yield for our reinvestment has gone down. Mayor Suarez: How come? How come the market is acting in that strange a fashion? Mr. Bailey: Well, everybody is going to the market this month. We have nationally, a drop in interest rates. Mayor Suarez: Doesn't that mean we should be able to sell our bonds cheaper too? Mr. Bailey: It's not the selling of the bonds, it's the reinvestment of the proceeds from those bonds which we were depending on to... gl 3 December 19, 1985 A�W Mayor Suarez: I understand, but that's the other side of the equation. Doesn't the interest fall about the same rate for the bonds themselves and keep the same arbitrage margin? Mr. Bailey: Well, the spread that we need in order to recover the cost of issuance and the cost of carry is significant and that the one hundred basis points that we would get and in fact, sometimes it's less than one hundred basis points now, would not permit us to earn the type of yields that we need to cover our cost, and we would be in a very dangerous point and probably selling into a default. Mayor Suarez: Is a hundred points equivalent to one per cent? Mr. Bailey: That's one per cent, yes. When we started this... Mayor Suarez: We don't have a one per cent margin right now? Mr. Bailey: It's a little less than that. Mayor Suarez: Is that the marking point that you would say that you would advise that we move forward, when it's over one per cent? Mr. Bailey: At least one hundred seventy-five basis points, which is one point three quarter. 1.75. Mayor Suarez: What if we don't have that next month, we just keep postponing this or what? Mr. Bailey: L. F. Rothschild, Unterberg Tobin, our underwriters are working on an alternate investment strategy with insurance companies for which they perhaps can ensure us at least one and a half basis points, or one and three quarters. We have a letter from our financial advisors who support our r position, that I will pass out to members of the Commission. _ f Mayor Suarez: We couldn't have known about this until this morning, huh? Mr. Odio: We delayed this withdrawing of the item, Mr. Mayor, to see if we could finally get some better numbers out of New York, but since they didn't change and we couldn't take the risk, we decided to withdraw it. Mr. Dawkins: Well, Mr. Bailey, what were these yields to be used for? Mr. Bailey: The bonds were to be sold as short term construction notes for the purpose of doing scatter site housing and housing in Overtown. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. By delaying this, what is it going to do to the Overtown Project per se, Overtown/Park West? Mr. Bailey: It won't delay the project. We feel that... in fact, we have plenty of time. We feel that we would be able to resurrect this next month. Mr. Dawkins: See, but you feel you have plenty of time and I feel that we have run out of time. Mayor Suarez: And the part of the project that is delayed Commissioner, is the part that you and I are particularly interested in, and I think the rest of this Commission, which is the housing part. Mr. Dawkins: That's right. Mr. Bailey: Well, no, I think I... Mayor Suarez: Low cost housing. Mr. Bailey: No, I would like to correct that. These were construction notes. We had... Mr. Dawkins: To construct what? '" Mr. Bailey: To construct housing, g, but it's... gl 4 December 19, 1985 1* 0 Mr. Dawkins: All right, so we are talking about housing, sir. Mr. Bailey: No, but the short term financing notes, Commissioner, is not for the permanent building. They were short term construction notes; that we were going to provide money to the contractors at very low interest rates for the construction financing, not for the permanent financing. All the permanent financing is still in place. That is done through mortgage revenue bonds. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. And this was for the eighty thousand dollar houses? Mr. Bailey: This was for the construction financing for all of the houses, the scatter site and for the home ownership houses in Overtown. Yes. Right. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Thank you. Mayor Suarez: Well, all I can say is if next month we...the next meeting we have the same problem, we are going to have to move forward somehow and find the monies else where, because we cannot keep postponing this. Mr. Bailey: Yes. We are working on an alternative strategy. Mayor Suarez: Ok. 4. OPEN SEALED BIDS: CONSTRUCTION OF BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE II - B-4506. Mayor Suarez: Madam City Clerk, can we now open up the bids? Ms. Hirai: We need a motion, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: So, moved. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Do we need to call the roll oil that? Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: Call the roll please, unless there is any discussion needed. THEREUPON THE FOREGOING MOTION to open sealed bids was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, and was passed by unanimous vote. Mayor Suarez: Just one bid? One item? K Ms. Hirai: No, sir. We are going to proceed to open them up now. This will be for the Buena Vista Highway Improvement Phrase II, Project #B4506. sMayor Suarez: I mean, it's just one proposal right? All we have today. Ms. Hirai: It's one project and we have various bidders. Mayor Suarez: One project? Ms. Hirai: The first one is from Marks Brothers Company, not Inc., total bid $1,382,272.20. (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) I Mr. Plummer: Is there three sections to that bid?' Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir. If you want me to itemize I will. I will be happy to. -a= On this project from Marks Brother Company, the total was $1,382,272.20. Bid "A" $666,563.20. Bid "B" $715,709.00. Next bidder is Ric -Man International, pz 4 ��t gl 5 December 19, 1985 10 0 Inc., total bid $1,502,935.25. Bid "A"$722,597.25. Bid "B" $790,348.00. Next bid is from Lanzo Construction Company, total bid $1,538,112.50. Bid "A" $720,147.50. Bid "B" $817,965.00. Next bidder is M. Vila and Associates, Inc., total bid $1,209,918... Mr. Dawkins: 1-2? Ms. Hirai: $1,209,918.00. Bid "A" $581,067.11. Bid "B" $628,850.89. Next bidder is MIRI Construction, Inc., total bid $1,217,701.30. Bid "A" $556,414.91. Bid "B" $661,286.39. Next bidder is Williams Paving Company, Inc., total bid $1,474.... again, $1.,474,723.30. Bid "A" $676,871.91. Bid "B" $747,851.39. The last bid comes from Alfred Lloyd & Sons, Inc., total bid $2,020,940.00. Bid "A" $981,406.50. Bid "B" $1,039,533.50. Mr. Mayor, those are all the bids. Mayor Suarez: Do you have a lowest bid that you recommend? Mr. Plummer: No. Ms. Hirai: This is just submitted for consideration, sir. Mr. Plummer: I make a motion that the bids be sent to the Finance Department for processing and recommending back to this Commission. Mayor Suarez: We have a motion to send it to the Finance Department for their recommendation. Ms. Hirai: This is not necessary. The one motion will serve the purpose. Mr. Plummer: No, it is necessary, because if we don't do it, there is a possibility that all the bids could be thrown out. Ms. Hirai: As you wish, Mr. Commissioner, but the one... Mr. Plummer: That's always been the case. Ms. Hirai: Yes. The one motion to open... Mr. Plummer: That's a decision by the Commission that we are accepting the bids. Mayor Suarez: Wait a minute, Commissioner. Ms. Hirai: Fine, sir. We can take the roil call again if you want. Mayor Suarez: Ok. Do we have a second for that motion? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1178 A MOTION TO RECEIVE, OPEN, READ AND REFER TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR TABULATION AND REPORT BIDS AUTHORIZED TO BE RECEIVED THIS DATE FOR: BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE II. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: � F r I' Y y� gl 6 December 19, 1985 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. BIDS WERE RECEIVED FROM THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: M. Vila & Assoc. Inc. MIRI Construction Inc. Marks Brothers Co. (not Inc) Williams Paving Co., Inc. Ric -Man International Inc Lanzo Construction Company Alfred Lloyd & Sons, Inc. Mr. Plummer: Under discussion. What was the amount estimated by the department? Mr. Cather: $1,450,000. Mayor Suarez: What the low bid? Mr. Plummer: 102. Mayor Suarez: 102? Mr. Plummer: I'm sorry. $1,209,000 is what I see. Mayor Suarez: $1,209,000? Mr. Plummer: So, it's under. Mayor Suarez: That's all we need to do on that item? Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: At this time. Mayor Suarez: At this time? Mr. Plummer: They will have to award it later. 5. DIRECT MANAGER TO PREPARE (a) COMMISSION GUIDELINES FOR POLICY DECISION; AND (b) APPEAL PROCEDURE REGARDING PERMIT FOR SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN CITY PARKS. Mayor Suarez: The next item fir. City Manager is my item. Basically, it's a proposal to give yourself the authority to approve the one day beer and wine permits under State law. I believe we have an opinion from the Cicy Attorney to the effect that, that will not be an improper delegation of authority. Ms. Dougherty: That's correct, Mayor. Mayor Suarez: And if the Commissioners have any questions of anyone from the staff who wants to... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor? Mayor Suarez: Yes. 81 7 December 19, 1985 7 Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would have to oppose such a motion unless this Commission sets guidelines. There are no guidelines proposed. For example, at the last Commission meeting, I, for the first time made a motion, which passed to deny a sale of beer, because I found out that it was a rock concert and we have an absolute prohibition against that or excuse me, a feeling of ' the Commission against that. I would say Mr. Mayor, that the proper way to do this is to ask the Manager to come back with guidelines that this Commission agrees or disagrees with and also, there is no item in there for an appeal procedure, which is the norm. So, I would suggest... I have no problem with what you are...the intent of what you are trying to accomplish, but without guidelines and without a legal process, I would have to vote against the motion. Mayor Suarez: I guess at this point it was only for discussion, but you are right, I think that we need the guidelines and we need to have it in the form of an ordinance that also, calls for an appeal to the Commission, I would think. If... Mr. Plummer: I don't think it's an ordinance. I think it would be a resolution, because it's setting policy. it doesn't have to be an ordinance. Ms. Lucia Dougherty: We would recommend an ordinance for the delegation. Mr. Plummer: Why? ( BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE). Mr. Plummer: Oh, I understand. I stand corrected, that right now there is an ordinance and this would be a change. So, they would rewrite the ordinance. I have no problem with that. Mayor Suarez: Ok. I don't think we even need to take a vote on that items. Mr. Plummer: Well, excuse me, not a vote, but you should send instructions to the Manager. Mayor Suarez: Let's have a motion to chat effect. Would you move that A Commissioner? Mr. Plummer: I will make a motion that we send to the Manager and ask for his recommendations to formulate guidelines for a policy decision of this Commission, together with an appeal procedure as it relates to the serving of alcoholic beverages in the City parks. Ms. Kennedy: I second. Without... Mayor Suarez: So moved. I'm sorry, o ahead Commissioner. Y Y� g Ms. Kennedy: Without the guidelines we cannot take any action, so I second your motion. Mayor Suarez: It's been seconded, further discussion? The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved ics adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1179 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE GUIDELINES FOR POLICY DECISIONS OF THE CITY COMMISSION TOGETHER WITH AN APPEAL PROCEDURE AS IT RELATES TO PERMITS FOR SERVING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN CITY PARKS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- gl 8 December 19, 1985 0 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 6. (A) REQUEST ARCHITECTS INVOLVED IN DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION OF POLICE SUBSTATION TO PRESENT TO COMMISSION COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION PACKAGES (B) ACQUIRE PROPERTY LOCATED ON FLAGLER AND 22ND AVE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Suarez: The second item is mine also. That will be Item "D" and it's basically a report to the Commission on the progress of our efforts to find sites for mini stations. These will be sites donated to the City without any cost whatsoever. We have a written offer of a...I think a site at a very good location, 27th Avenue and 15th Street. It's commercial district Puerto Fino, is the name of the shopping center there. That's number one. Mr. Nathan Rorg, in downtown, he has I guess, fourteen buildings, has promised two locations, one of which would be located at that new rather beautiful plaza that he has got there, and it would be within his own space, at no cost to the City, and it would be up to this Commission and the city Manager to work out the details, if you felt that the idea was a good one. Jean Whipple, in the Miami Design District, has identified a site. I don't have the exact location. Robert Lamonte in Little Haiti and Roger Biambi, have also identified a site. I believe theirs is in a community center which is not as desirable, I don't think, as a commercial area, but it's a site. Robert King High Towers, the tenants have proposed the empty space in that tower be used for a mini station. We would have to get the approval I'm sure, of Mel Adams. I don't think there will be any problem with that. There is an empty site there. It would be an interesting location. The Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce have proposed that the Glasshouse in Peacock Park, that, that could be used. I have somewhat of a problem with that, because I don't know that there is so much visibility to that site, since that glasshouse is not really that clearly viewed from the street, nor is it a commercial district per se. And we have a group trying to find two more sites, or at least one more in the northeast; Pat Skubish and a couple of other people are working on that. It's basically a report to the Commission. I would like to know, if I could from the Commission, how you feel about the concept. I know that the Chief ... the Police Chief has stated to me that he thinks ic's a good concept. It's good way to get the police to be deployed more effectively, and more visibly throughout the City, and that there would be no new cost to the city, or to the taxpayers from this concept. I believe we can find the furniture, the communications equipment and just about anything else to equip the mini € stations to be donated to Elie City. So, it would be basically a deployment i change that would be required to make them function, and my idea is to leave that totally up to the administration as to how they would man these stations i and how many hours a day someone would be there, and what the frequency of the visits would be to the mini stations, but just so we get some visibility and so people in the neighborhoods begin to get to know policemen and the policemen begin to get to know the neighborhoods. There has been a lot of complaints that officers don't know certain neighborhoods, because they are not called to those neighborhoods as often. I know Belle Meade Island and they complain they can't even find Belle Meade Island sometimes. I can't blame officers for not finding Belle Meade Island, it's quite difficult to find it, but nevertheless, this is an idea that I think the citizens asked for during the campaign that I was involved in, and Commissioners Kennedy and i Dawkins were involved in, and I believe that that's something that we ought to address, and I'm just telling you the progress at this point of finding sites and all these would be donated. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor? Ms. Kennedy: Mr. Mayor? 81 9 December 19, 1985 Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I would like to go on record, stating now, that in no way am I going to vote not to build two substations. Now, we've had a referendum, it was passed. The citizens voted to construct... I mean, to provide money ... a Police Bond Issue. One of the ways we got the Blacks and the Cubans to vote for the bond issue was to assure them that they would get a substation in Little Havana and a substation in Liberty City. This Commission came back, went on record ---if you want to research it, you will see where this Commission earmarked ten million dollars, to be used for nothing but substations. So, now we are on record as a unit to construct the substations. Now, I know people in the northeast are yelling and screaming that they didn't know what they voted for. I have produced, and I will get for the Mayor and any other member of the Commission who want it, the brochure that was mailed out, that said if this bond issue passes, a substation will be built in Little Havana and a substation in Liberty City. "Substation." Mr. Plummer: Full service. Mr. Dawkins: Full service. Now, the people in the northeast, they started screaming saying they want a mini station. Those same individuals came before this Commission and they have gotten us to approve money to build a marina up there in the northeast for them. We've got no problems with it as Commissioners. The citizens spoke. Well, suppose the people in Liberty City and the people in Little Havana say, "Well, we want a mini marina" and everybody in Miami jumps up and say "We want a mini marina." We are going to try to provide everybody in the City who wants a mini marina with a mini marina? No. So, some where along the lines you are going to make some decisions up here that does not sit well with everybody, but that's the nature of the beast. So, I'm going on record now and I'm going to state on record, that we build what we promised the people. Now, if the people in Little Havana or Liberty City come before this Commission and say they no longer want a substation, then it's time to reconsider that. If the people in Little Havana say we don't want the substation, then it's time to reconsider that, but until that time, I want to go on record to say mini stations for the total City of Miami, is a separate and distinct difference from mini stations in the rest of Miami. i Mr. Suarez: I just want to say that I fully agree with you. I think the people of Miami would be betrayed if we went back on something that they have approved, that is to say two substations, fully equipped and complete substations, and I am on record as supporting that view, the fact that that, was all approved before hand, and the only problem with the substations is the timing, Commissioner. I believe the estimate is that they will not be on line _ for another two years. Mr. Dawkins: You are right, Mr. Mayor, but there again, it's our administration. See. We had a Manager who didn't want them, Mr. Howard Gary and he drug his feet. We had a Police Chief who didn't want them, Chief Harms and he put all the road blocks up, then along comes Chief Dickson followed in the tootsteps of everybody else and he didn't want them, but yet and still Elie community wanted them. So, what we need to do, Mr. Mayor, is tell the administration, "dammit get it done!". Mayor Suarez: Yes, I think they are getting the message that we want to remove the police officers from that one downtown structure, into substations as soon as we can get them built, into mini stations and out Into our neighborhoods in general, but those two substations must happen and they must happen as quickly as possible. I ... maybe at this point, Mr. City Manager, can give us an idea of what the progress is. Mr. Dawkins: No, wait, before you do that though Mr. Mayor, I would like to make a motion. I make a motion that this Commission direct the City Manager to have the architect in here- at our next meeting with a full package of ready to construct. If he is not ready to construct, then let's take the contract from him and give it to somebody else who is ready to run with the ball. Mr. Carollo: I second that motion. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Commissioner Kennedy, did you want to... have we preempted what you were going to say? gl 10 December 19, 1985 L, Ms. Kennedy: Yes, more or less. I just thought that there was a change in the policy, because we had approved the substations. We are talking about mini stations and it reads here store front, but anyway it has been preempted. Mayor Suarez: I'm sorry if we did that. Commissioner? Mr. Plummer: I nave further discussion on the item, but not the motion. I will hold until the motion is... Mayor Suarez: The motion has been seconded. Mr. Carollo: Well, I also, have some further discussions. So, when you are done, J. L., if I could say a word or two. Mayor Suarez: Who wants to go first? Mr. Plummer: Under discussion, Mr. Mayor, I think it's commendable what you are trying to do as far as mini stations are concerned, but I want to tell you that this Commission agonized many hours over the fact that mini -stations were not going to be as effective because of the deployment of men and one of the biggest problems that we had to come in under the bond issue, was the staffing when it came to the wording of full service and that is going to be a problem and it is going to be an expense. Now, if you create more mini -stations, you are going to have more personnel. Every mini -station will require and it will cost for every mini -station in excess of a hundred fifty thousand dollars per year. When you take and staff it, you are staffing at twenty-four hour? requires four policemen, four policemen are in excess of a hundred fifty thousand dollars a year just for the salaries. I would hope... Mr. City Manager, there is a gentleman in the audience who sent me a letter that has been his property for the Little Havana substation, has been designated. This gentleman is on the horns of a dilemma because of the fact that he can't lease property with everyone knowing that there is the possibility that the City is going to acquire it and as such I think he has the right of a decision by this Commission. If I'm not mistaking his is the site that was selected and agreed upon by this Commission. Mayor Suarez: Which is the address of that site, if we may? Mr. Plummer; It's Flagler and 22, it's on... in all deference to Commissioner Kennedy, it was Demetrio-s campaign headquarters. But I think that what we need ... Ms. Kennedy: Name dropper! Mr. Plummer: Yes. I think what we need to do Mr. Manager, in fairness to this man is either start the proceedings to acquire or release him so he can have his rent for his building, but I think it's very unfair to keep him under a cloud in which his revenue stream is diminished. Mr. Odio: Mr. Commissioner, I gave orders to Al Armada to proceed with the purchase of the property, because the policy of the Commission has not changed. Mr. Plummer: All right, sir. So, that takes care of that. My comments...I once again, I would ask anyone to.. who proposes mini stations to please go back and read the documents which this Commission wenc through over and over as far as operating cost of the two substations. We know the monies are in place for the substations to build them. The problem is, is staffing. Does anybody recall... Chief, what was just... for example, what was the staffing per substation cost? At one time in full impact it was over five million dollars, six million for two. So, that's just for staffing. That's not the building. So, if you take and you create let's say ten mini stations, you have a built in cost of about a million and a half dollars that would have to detract from this. So, I just. hope we keep that in mind. Commissioner Dawkins, I would hope you would accept in you motion of direction to the administration that this Flagler Street site be acquired as quickly as possible. Mr. Dawkins: I accept the amendment. gl 11 December 19, 1985 Mr. Carollo: I second that amendment. Mayor Suarez: I, in discussion, I certainly hope, sir, that you will be very reasonable with the City now that we have pretty much tied our hands in selecting your site. I guarantee you that if you are not, we will figure out a way to find another site. y (BACKGROUND COM14ENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD). Ms. Kennedy: Thank you. Mayor Suarez: Fine. I just want the price to be right. We have a motion on the floor, any further discussion? Mr. Carollo: I'm sure that if it's not, Demetrio Perez will negotiate for us. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion? Mr. Carollo: Yes. Mayor Suarez: Commissioner? We have a pending motion that has to do with acquiring that particular site and moving on that particular substation. Mr. Carollo: Well, this is further discussion on the same topic, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor, I think that what you are trying to do is commendable, but at the same time that this Commission has had a policy, a policy that went to a referendum and was approved by a majority of the people of having two full service substations. We have to look at the meat of it, not just the sizzle and I have to admit that the sizzle looks great; the concept of mini stations is what I'm calling the sizzle, it looks great for the vast majority of the 3 people that have no or very little knowledge of police work. The problem is, Mr. Mayor, that on one hand you could look at any major city in the United States, any major city in the world, and you are not going to find a single city, at least in the Western World, the free world, chat is going to have some twenty -plus stations or mini stations in a city of this size, at least. New York, Chicago, cities that have populations of twenty -million, ten million, that's a different story. They need precincts. But in a city of approximately four hundred thousand people, it's going to be kind of productive instead of being more productive having twenty mini stations and let me try to explain why, Xavier. The concept looks great, but when you try to implement it is when the problems begin. Number one, let's forget about the two substations for the mean time. Let's say that we have free locations and let's say they are all good locations, throughout the city for twenty mini stations. Well, immediately you are going to run into a problem, not maybe as drastic as Commissioner Plummer has explained. Let's say that they are not going to be full service mini stations, let's just say they are going to be, you know, part usable mini stations, you are going to require at least one police officer and one service aide or two police officers to manage that station. You are immediately looking at forty police personnel individuals manning that station, which means that instead of having forty more additional people patrolling the streets making more contact with the neighborhood people and being more of a presence in deterring crime, you are going to have forty additional people sitting behind a desk doing nothing all day except twiddling with their fingers. In present day society it's not like maybe in the eighteen hundreds that cities were small and when people had to complain some will run to the police station because you didn't nave as many use the phones and so on. In present day society people are going to go to the phone if they have a problem and they are going to call the Police Department. What happens is that all those phone calls are going to be transferred or sent rather to the main Police Department. The main Police Station is going to be doing the same thing with twenty mini stations as they do now and that is transfer that call to a patrol unit out there. So, in essence what I'm saying the use for this mini station is going to be very very minimal, on the other hand you are accomplishing about forty people are going to be tied up, it's going to ` encourage officers that instead of being out patrolling more like they are $s doing now, to then come and socialize with the people at the station. The actual use of citizenship, citizens coming to that station, mini station is going to be very limited. On top of that there will be expenses, not only the expense of those officers that will be taken from the streets, but even if the gl 12 December 19, 1985 4 0 Il 1, mini stations are donated, you are paying for phones, you are paying for lights, you are paying for other materials that have to keep those mini stations going. And last, but not least, I know there are many outstanding citizens and the ones that you have mentioned that are offering these mini stations I think are, you know, are some of the leaders of this community, but we are getting to a very dangerous area in accepting mini stations. The reason is that when somebody offers a store front you are more or less committed then if you accept that offer in having officers there that are going to benefit more the individual that is giving that store front for his protection. At the same time the problem that you are running into not necessarily everyone is going to offer a mini station, a store front free to the City that's going to be an outstanding citizen. You might have some individuals that might be involved in sorae very nasty traits that might be some of the type of people that would offer mini stations so that they can compromise police officers and worse, in the past and you know, this is on the record in the Police Department. We had a location several years ago that was offered and finally when the Police Department started investigating the background of the people that were offering the station, it's my understanding that what they found was quite disturbing. So, I think if we put all this together we will be doing a disservice instead of a better service to this community by going with the concept of mini stations. There use is going to very limited. We are going to be tying additional police officers to be sitting behind desks instead of being out in the struts like they should be and at the same time it's going to be more costly for the City of Miami. I think maybe what we should look into is finding ways that we can show higher visibility with the present patrol force that we have and at the same time, ways that they can have more contact with the public. For instance, one of the ideas, Xavier, that I presented in the past and I think it's something that you can support, is the concept of ... for those police officers that live within the City of Miami limits and we can start a pilot project, maybe with the officers that have been in the department for at least five years and live within the City, give them a patrol vehicle to take home with them and to have with them in their off days. What chat would do is in the long run it is going to be much cheaper for the City of Miami, because it has been proven in other cities that if you give an officer a vehicle to take home, a marked unit, they are going to take care of it longer. Therefore, our police vehicles are going to last longer, at least two years longer than they usually do. That's what has been the experience in other cities, and at the same time, it's going to give a lot more visibility of police presence in the streets of Miami. Mayor Suarez: I fully agree and endorse that concept and I rather suspect that it was probably like that some time ago, that they would take their vehicles home. Wasn't it? Mr. Plummer: Yes, there was an item in budget this year, Mr. Mayor, and Mr. Carollo, that they supposedly were instructed to work on the additional vehicles. First was the fifty for patrol and then an additional, as I recall, thirty or thirty—five for this program that Commissioner Carollo suggested; and I would just hope chat the new administration would be coming back shortly with a response to that, because it was guaranteed at budget time. Mayor Suarez: Now, let me just say about mini stations a couple of comments and maybe we ought to get on to the next item. We have got a lot of things to cover here today. I see them as an extension of substations. I don't see them as in anyway competition. In fact, the substations are really what you refer to in ocher cities as precincts, not the mini stations. The mini stations are...storefront mini stations are very much ... the plan has been implemented in Atlanta, and I will be happy to submit to the Commissioners a detailed description of how it works in Atlanta and how many locations. I'm not sure, Commissioner Carollo, that it would take as many as twenty. It might be that live, in ideally suited parts of the City, to complement substations, would further increase police visibility and accessibility. Accessibility is very important, because a lot of folks, a lot of older people and even younger people never get to talk to a policeman, except when there is an incident and we need to have that communication going' with our Police Department. As far as the capital investment, it takes none. So, it doesn't compete in anyway with the capital expenditure for the substations. As far as the operating expenses, it would be my idea that this proposal would require no additional operational expenses of any sort, and that the police in gl 13 December 19, 1985 conjunction with the City Manager would be able to present us with a plan; a plan of deployment, by which at least some part of the day, the police officer would make a stop and make that part of his general beat, whether it be by automobile or on foot and, of course, we don't have too many walking beats in the City of Miami, so for the most part it wuuld be by him reaching... him or her going there in his automobile. The idea as you know, that we all know, that the police have watering holes in the City of Miami. They have places they stop. They Have places that they spend a little time at, and we would like to try to entice them to use the mini sUItions as their place of hanging around. It's a good place where complaints can be received from citizens that are otherwise, unable to go downtown to that inaccessible station and of course, the idea is to increase your visibility. I'm not worried at all about your one comment that the police officers will be compromised by contact with undesirable elements. Yes, of course, we would screen very carefully the People that would offer these substations. We don't want to have a mini...or these sites rather. We don't want to have a mini station be a front for something that's going behind it, or is going on next to it or adjacent co it. But I will present a more detailed plan to the Commission, and work with the City Manager and the Police Chief to have a more detailed plan. I think that the fact that we have had as many as the number that I have given you of mini station sites offered for free, is an indication that the community backs the concept and hopefully, with more detail I will be able to convince you that it doesn't have any other negative side effects. But I do want to clarify that it's an extension of substations. It's not anything that goes counter to the concept of substations, that I know we should be moving on very quickly. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Suarez: There is no motion on the floor on this item. Mr. Plummer: Yes, there is. Mayor Suarez: Do we have a motion? Mr. Carollo: Yes, there was. There was a motion and a second. Mr. Plummer: Yes, Dawkins made it. Mayor Suarez: What is the motion? Mr. Plummer: To instruct the Manager to get the architectural package in January and to proceed to acquire the property. K Mayor Suarez: That's on the substations, right. Ok. Do we have a second on Y that? z Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Suarez: Ok. Any further discussion on that particular motion? Mr. Plummer: Let me ... yes, just to make sure now. Commissioner Dawkins, in no way does your motion infer the change of policy of no mini stations at this time? Mr. Dawkins: No, sir. Mr. Plummer: Ok. Because chat is the present policy. gl 14 December 19, 1985 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1180 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO HAVE THE ARCHITECTS INVOLVED WITH THE DESIGN FOR THE PROPOSED POLICE SUBSTATIONS PRESENT BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION AT THEIR NEXT MEETING WITH PERTINENT AND COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION PACKAGES; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT IF SAID PACKAGES WERE NOT READY, THE CO2-IISSION WOULD IMMEDIATELY PROCEED TO AWARD SAID CONTRACTS TO SOMEONE ELSE; AND FURTHER DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO PROCEED TO ACQUIRE THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT FLAGLER STREET AND 22ND AVENUE AS THF. SITE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POLICE SUBSTATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 7. (A) INSTRUCT ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS TO BEGIN USING THE MIAMI HERALD FOR THE PLACEMENT OF ALL REQUIRED CITY ADS. (B) ADD SPANISH WEEKLIES "LA NACION" AND "LA VERDAD" TO THE LIST OF SELECTED NEWSPAPERS FOR PLACEMENT OF CITY ADS. Mayor Suarez: The next item is Commissioner Kennedy's item. Do you want to tell us... Ms. Kennedy: Yes, Mr. Mayor, I think that this Commission has in the past rotated the newspapers where it has advertised. I think that because of it's large circulation the Miami Herald, for one, should be included. I don't think it's something that they need, but I think that the City needs that, and I would like also to instruct the City Manager to look into the other Spanish periodicals and come up with a suggestion so that we can also rotate them. Mr. Carollo: Well, what I would like to do Commissioner Kennedy, if we could at this time and I think you will find it appropriate, is to go ahead and make a motion that instead of advertising in the Miami News, as we have basically been doing up to now, that we place the advertising in the Miami Herald beginning now, and at the same time within the scope of the Hispanic weeklies that we have advertised in, that we rotate to some others that were really the next ones in line from past discussions that we have had; and I would make a motion, if you think it would be appropriate at this time, to substitute the Miami News for the Miami Herald and to advertise in the weekly Spanish newspapers of La Nacion and La Verdad. Ms. Kennedy: Why don't we break the motion into two parts. Mayor Suarez: And also, let's clarify that you mean that we want to have the Miami Herald instead of the Miami News. Mr. Carollo: No, I made that clear, I think. Mayor Suarez: Right. It's just ... You said substitute the Miami News for the Miami Herald and that could be misunderstood. So, you wart to break it in two parts? Now, how does the motion read? gl 15 December 19, 1985 Mr. Carollo: Sure. Well, ok. Ms. Kennedy: Why don't we break it... Mr. Carollo: Well, I will make a motion first... Mr. Plummer: May I offer just a comment? Mayor Suarez: The maker of the motion lids a right to amend it. Commissioner, go ahead. Mr. Plummer: No, I didn't make the motion. I... Mayor Suarez: Right. Mr. Carollo: No, go ahead J. L., give your suggestion. Mr. Plummer: My comment is that the Commission has always traditionally in the past in the rotation, we have picked one of the two leading, which you recommended the Herald, one in the Spanish and I would hope you would include the Miami Times, the Black newspaper or one of the Black su that we do cover all three. Mr. Odio: J.L., we need the Miami Review also. Mr. Carollo: Well, those have been included. Those have been included J. L. Mayor Suarez: I believe the motion does not affect in anyway our current relationship with the Miami Times. Is that correct? Mr. Carollo: That's correct. Mr. Plummer: Ok. And one other that we have always without comment is the Miami Review which is the legal paper. Mr. Carollo: They are still in tact. All that we are doing is placing the Miami Herald and withdrawing the Miami News. That would be the first... Ms. Kennedy: Right. The first part of the motion. Mr. Carollo: ...part of the motion and then I will make an addition. Ms. Kennedy: I will second chat. Mr. Carollo: Ok. There is a.... Mayor Suarez: Why don't we have discussion on that motion as a separate motion. Barring discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1181 A MOTION DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO INSTRUCT ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS TO BEGIN PLACING ALL REQUIRED CITY ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE MIAMI HERALD INSTEAD OF THE MIAMI NEWS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- gl 16 December 19, 1985 VW AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mr. Carollo: Ok. In the second motion, I would like. to make the motion that f we include the Spanish weeklies of La Nacion and La Verdad. 4 Mr. Plummer: I second the motion. r Mayor Suarez: Ok., Under discussion, Mr. Manager, do we have any idea of the tabloids or the weekly newspapers, which ones have fulfilled all the requirements of the City's legal publishing responsibilities? Mr. Odio: I would lia,•e to check into that, sir. I don't know at this time. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, there are guidelines and anyone selected would have to meet those guidelines. Mayor Suarez: They have to fill out a form and so on. Ms. Hirai: Yes. Mr. Plummer: No, it's not a form. It's a criterion of so much circulation per week...ah, so much... Mayor Suarez: I believe we do have a form for them. Mr. Plummer: Oh, there is a definite criterion that was set by this Commission. Mayor Suarez: Do we have any idea of which ones have even applied, Mr. City Manager, and filled out the forms and so on? Mr. Odio: I can get the answer for you from the Purchasing Director, but I am not ready at this time. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Plummer: Right. Mayor Suarez: A lot of them were turned down because they don't meet the criterion. Before ... I would suggest that before going into specific newspapers, we get a report back from the City Manager as to which ones meet the criterion and which ones are on line, because the way the resolution is worded as currently drafted and I believe your motion reflects the same idea, 4 we are telling the City to place notices in specific newspapers and you have _ just referred it to... Mr. Carollo: If they meet the criterions that we have established, of course. That's... Mr. Odio: Ok. Here is Mr. Mullins. Mayor Suarez: Yes, Mr. Mullins.? Mr. Art Mullins: Mr. Mayor, the Commission established a list of newspapers by resolution, and at the same time set up qualifications for these newspapers and these qualifications require us to, or Purchasing rather, to have the newspaper that wants to advertise with the City fill in a form attesting to the fact that they have a certain number of newspapers in circulation and that they are within the City of Miami and also, whether or not they meet the criterion for legal notices and this is a requirement that they be accepted as a second class mail matter by the U.S. Postal Service. So, we have done this with all of the weekly newspapers. Y news a P P gl 17 December 19, 1985 4 Mr. Plummer: Well, the policy followed in the past, Art, has been that this Commission makes the selections. They send it to you and then you determine through affidavits whether or not... Mr. Mullins: Exactly. Mr. Plummer: They have to surrender affidavits ---that they have a circulation of 'Y' number, and that they have to provide that affidavit or they are not acceptable, and it comes back and we recommend another one. Mr. Carollo: Sure, exactly. Exactly. Mr. Plummer: It's just that simple. Mayor Suarez: Of the weekly Spanish tabloids do you have any list at this point of ones that qualify? That's the item that I believe we are considering. Mr. Mullins: No, sir, I don't have. Mr. Carollo: Well, it's simple Art, if the ones that we have presented do not give you the proof that this Commission requires... Mr. Plummer: Then come back. Mr. Carollo: ...then you come back to us. Mr. Plummer: That's always been the case. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. If I may, what happened last time, you selected Patria. We checked him out and he qualified and we placed the ads. If he doesn't qualify, we come back to you and say he doesn't qualify, you have to pick another one. Mayor Suarez: Do you have a list of the ones that have applied recently? Spanish Tabloids? Mr. Mullins: Only two, Mr. Mayor. A newspaper by the name of La Prensa Grafica and Libertad Humana. Mayor Suarez: Commissioner, the ones that you proposed have not at this point applied. I happen to know that La... You proposed La Nacion? Mr. Carollo: Excuse me. Mayor Suarez: You proposed La Nacion. I know that La Nacion has always expressed a certain reluctance to participate in the City's notice... Mr. Carollo: Well, Mr. Mayor, if these newspapers do not want to receive City advertising, they can certainly acknowledge that afterwards. Mayor Suarez: You are proposing... Mr. Carollo: All that I'm saying now is that we have picked two newspapers that I believe are very much interested in receiving City advertising, so that certain sectors of the Hispanic community can be apprised of what's going on in the City. Mayor Suarez: But you are picking two that have not even applied. Mr. Carollo: Well, Mr. Mayor.. Mayor Suarez: And one that I know for a fact, does not want it. Mt. Carollo: Well, Mr. Mayor, all that you have to do then is vote against it, frankly. Mayor Suarez: No, sir, I'm suggesting that you might want to amend your motion and include the other ones who have applied and who have, I presume, will be certified as confirming. gl 18 December 19, 1985 Mr. Carollo: No, sir, my motion stands. Mayor Suarez: Let me tell you which ones they are before you vote against them and before you refuse to accept my suggestion. Mr. Carollo: No, sir, let me explain to you that... Mayor Suarez: You are not interested in hearing which ones they are? Mr. Carollo: I have seen a list, sir of all the papers that have applied. Not only that, but even others that have not applied that are interested also, in being considered. Mr. Mayor, I want you to understand... Mayor Suarez: But you specifically, having —being aware of which... Mr. Carollo: I want you to understand that we have gone above that list to make sure that we are apprised of how many weekly newspapers there are and flow many want to be considered. Now, I can't help if there are others that might have just started three weeks ago or four weeks ago or you know, or d month ago, but what I am saying Xavier, is that I'm presenting a motion to select La Nacion and La Verdad and if they don't qualify, if they don't want the ads, then we will come back next Commission meeting and pick two others. There is no problem with that. Mayor Suarez: Well, what I'm telling you is that you are proposing two of which I can tell you that one is not interested, you are leaving out two others that have filed their applications duly. Mr. Carollo: I don't believe that. That they are not interested. I think they are both interested and that is what has been indicated to me. Mayor Suarez: You are telling me they are interested. I'm telling you in one case they are not interested and you are leaving out two that have applied and as far as we know have been certified as conforming and I just want to clarify that for the Commission and on that basis I'm certainly not going to vote for your motion, but I...you know, it's up to the Commission. I would want to include at least four or five of the weeklies. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask a question. Mr. Mayor, you are suggesting the two ... are you suggesting that Libertad Humana. be one of them? Because if I'm not mistaken —Mr. Mullins? Ms. Kennedy: I think the suggestion to include several others... Mr. Plummer: Well, excuse me. Isn't one of the criterions, they must have been in business for at least five years. Mr. Mullins: Exactly. Mr. Plummer: Now, the gentleman from Humana is here. That newspaper has been published for how long, sir? (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mr. Plummer: Where? (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mr. Plummer: Well, but I mean, the Libertad Humana has only been circulated in the City for the last couple of months. (BACKGROUND COMMENTS INAUDIBLE) Mr. Plummer: OK. All right I just wanted to go on the record with that, because see that's where the criterion kicks in. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) gl 19 December 19, 1985 Mr. Plummer: Sir, that doesn't qualify under these guidelines. Under these guidelines it must be an established business for a minimum of five years. That's criterion. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Plummer: Sir, I don't put you down for fighting. Ok. You are trying to do what you think is right, but this guideline say that an established newspaper. Ok. Mr. Mullins: Mr. Commissioner, if I might? Mayor Suarez: Yes, sir, Mr. Mullins. Mr. Mullins: Mr. Mayor, this particular firm, Libertad Humana, they submitted an affidavit that stated that they were in business in 1978 as Defensa Libra Impresista, Incorporated and not Libertad Humana. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Plummer: By design or intent? Mayor Suarez: Or effect? Mr. Plummer: So, that the record would be clear, I would hope the maker of the motion at this time, so that there would be no misunderstanding, would name all of the advertising papers complete. I would hate to see, and especially at this time of the year ... we are ... I guess the biggest time of the year when they publish the liens and the nonpayment of taxes is the biggest thing and I would like to see that the motion would read, with the makers permission, that it would be the Miami Herald, the La Nacion La Verdad, the Miami Times, and the Miami Review, as those papers chosen for circulation. Mr. Carollo: And Diario de Las Americas. Mayor Suarez: Diario, I presume is included, is it not? The Spanish daily. Mr. Odio: Well, you have to do that. Ms. Hirai. Yes. Mayor Suarez: Has it been included up to now? Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir it has been. We have been advertising in Diario, also. Mr. Plummer: Well, but I'm saying that this is to make the motion clear. Mr. Carollo: That's correct. I have no problems with that, J. L. Mayor Suarez: Ok. Do you accept Diario? Is that on the motion? Mr. Carollo: Yes, of course. Mayor Suarez: They have been used up to now, is that correct? Mr. Odio: Yes. Mr. Mullins: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: They are the only Spanish daily that I know of. Others that have expressed interest include La Prensa Grafica and they have a pending application and apparently they are in compliance. Panorama Atenas, La Voz de Miami and Actualidad, and your motion would leave those out of consideration, Commissioner Carollo? Mr. Carollo: That's correct, Mr. Mayor, for this year. Mayor Suarez: Ok. Any further discussion on the motion? Has it been seconded? gl 20 December 19, 1985 3 r Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir. Ms. Kennedy: Yes, it has. Mayor Suarez: Let me make a quick statement in regards to at least one of these newspapers should this Commission vote in favor of this new realignment, that we will hold that particular newspaper to the highest journalistic practices and were they not to fulfill them I will personally work to see that no City advertisement is ever published in that particular newspaper unless they stick to what is stated in their name which is the truth and only the truth, and I will at this point personally warn that newspaper of the s possibility that if they don't stick to the highest journalistic practices, I will do everything in my power to make sure that they never again are used by the City of Miami or by anyone else. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, that doesn't apply to one, it applies to all. 3 Mayor Suarez: That is certainly true that it applies to all. Mr. Carollo: Now and in the future. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1182 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE NAMES OF NEWSPAPERS IN WHICH CITY DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES ARE INSTRUCTED TO PUBLISH PUBLIC NOTICES AFTER JANUARY 1, 1986, ABSENT ANY # LEGAL EMERGENCY REQUIRING PLACEMENT OF SUCH NOTICES - ELSEWHERE; SAID NEWSPAPERS BEING REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES TO MEET CRITERIA ESTABLISHED BY LAW. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NOES: Mayor Xavier L. Suarez ABSENT: None 8. AMEND STRUCTURE OF CITYWIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD - REDUCE NUMBER OF MEMBERS, ETC. Mayor Suarez: Ok. We are on to the next item. This is Item "F". Is this your item Commissioner Carollo? I'm sorry, Community Development. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Yes. Basically, Mayor and Commissioners, we have had a citizen participation system that was created in June 1982. We have had the same board members for the last three years and basically, what we are requesting is to go from a citywide board structure, keep that on, but also, have a neighborhood input process at the beginning of the process and the continue through the citywide process. Basically, we are talking about creating a thirteen member board composed of eight members from each....one member from each target area and five members representing the community —the business community at large. If you concur with this system we would be putting ads in the newspaper requesting resumes from people and we would be requesting that the City Commission appoint members at your next Commission meeting. gl 21 December 19, 1985 i s Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I have a question. 3 Mayor Suarez: Commissioner? Mr. Dawkins: Where is Ms. Gallogly? See, now this is what ... this is what I complained about when Ms. Gallogly came in here with the bright idea to abolish the citizen neighborhood groups and have one central overall group. I _ said at that time it wouldn't work. See, now for two years ... we have wasted ` two years and we are going back to the original neighborhood concept. Mr. Castaneda: No, Commissioner, we are not abolishing any groups. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, but she did though. She did. Oh, yes. 3 Mr. Plummer: Exactly. Mr. Dawkins: See. And we said...or said right up here that without the community input we don't have anything. And she went and structured a board 4 like you are saying is ineffective. So, I'm with you a hundred percent. Mr. Plummer: Well, I think in defense Commissioner Dawkins, we have to - - y remember that at the particular time that recommendation came forward, it was because of the feuding, and fighting and fussing internally of all of those organizations, and we had some pretty knock down drag outs. I think maybe at the time it was worthwhile, and we did it, but now, I think the time has come g that these people have settled down and realized that they have got to work for the community, instead of against each other, and the time has now come where what we thought should have been in the first place, is now to be returned. _ 3 Mr. Dawkins: So, move. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, what is the motion? Ms. Kennedy: No, the motion ---I was going to ask ---is a change in size from twenty-one members, to how many? Mr. Castaneda: To thirteen members. Ms. Kennedy: To thirteen members. Mr. Dawkins: And then have how many members.. and then go into the community and have what? Mr. Castaneda: Each community would have one member appointed by the City Commission, and we will be bringing recommendations at your next meeting. _ Mayor Suarez: How many are there, Frank? Mr. Castaneda: There will be thirteen members, eight ... one from each target area, that's eight members and five from the business community at large, - making thirteen members. Mayor Suarez: And how will they be selected —how will they be elected by... Mr. Plummer: This Commission. Mr. Castaneda: We would put ads... Mayor Suarez: The usual... Mr. Castaneda: We would put ads in the newspapers. We would get resumes from people interested and we will be bringing those names to you for selection of members. We would also, be informing people chat have participated in the past if they would want to continue to participate. x Mr. Dawkins: I would hope and this is only my hope, that each area would +fix. meet, Mr. Mayor, in a group and select whom they want to send as their representative. I would like to see the City encourage that. You go to Liberty City and have some meetings and let them select somebody. 81 22 December 19, 1985 0 a Mayor Suarez: Couldn't we advertise a hearing in each area, and have you attend and have the people who attend be given the opportunity to vote on... Mr. Plummer: As long as this Commission retains the final vote. Mayor Suarez: Right. That would be a recommendation to us. Mr. Castaneda: That would be the recommendation from the target areas to you as a body. Mayor Suarez: All right? Mr. Dawkins: Ok. So,... Yes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Suarez: Ok. It's in the form of a motion and it's been seconded, any further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1183 A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO AMEND THE STRUCTURE OF THE CITY WIDE COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD, AS PRESENTLY CONSTRUCTED BY REDUCING THE NUMBER OF ITS MEMBERS FROM 21 TO 13; FURTHER STIPULATING EACH TARGET AREA WOULD HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS IN ORDER TO NOMINATE THEIR REPRESENTATIVES FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT THE OTHER FIVE MEMBERS WOULD BE SELECTED BY THE COMMISSION FROM AMONG NAMES IN THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE ADMINISTRATION FOR THEIR RECOMMENDATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 9. SCHEDULE DEDICATION CEREMONIES OF THE "DESIGN PLAZA ENTRANCE" FOR JANUARY 23, 1896. Mayor Suarez: The next item is a discussion of the dedication date for design plaza entrance beautification project. We are being asked to consider January 9, 1986, as the date of the opening or January 23, 1986. Is that correct Mr. City Manager. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. They either want January 9th during the recess of the City Commission or January 23rd. Mayor Suarez: Wait, wait, wait, during the City Commission... Mr. Plummer: During the lunch break. Mayor Suarez: We are meeting on... Mr. Odio: Lunch break. gl 23 December 19, 1985 M Mayor Suarez: On which? Mr. Odio: Lunch break. You meet on the 9th and on the 23rd. Mayor Suarez: Wow, you are really going to ruin my law practice. Mr. Odio: Well, I... Mayor Suarez: It's already ruined. Mr. Plummer: No, the Charter does that. Mayor Suarez: Which is your preference, Mr. City Manager? Mr. Odio: It's up to you, Commissioners. Mr. Plummer: May I suggest Mr. Mayor, that we do it on the 23rd because of this... that this particular meeting in January is going to be very heavy. The first one is usually is, and that we put it off until the second one. Mayor Suarez: Ok. Do we need a motion on that? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: So, move. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Ok. We have a second. Mr. Plummer: That, of course, they understand they have to buy us lunch since they are taking us away from lunch. Mayor Suarez: And it's going to be good. Ok. We have a motion on the floor and it's been seconded, any discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1184 A MOTION SCHEDULING THE DEDICATION CEREMONIES OF THE DESIGN PLAZA ENTRANCE FOR JANUARY 23, 1985, AT LUNCHTIME. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. gl 24 December 19, 1985 10. (A) DEFER CONSIDERATION OF SITE SELECTION FOR LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING OFF CLAUGHTON ISLAND TO THE JAN. 23, 1986 MEETING. (B) INSTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE. NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO GIVE CITY COMMISSION COMPLETE CONTROL OVER LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING PROJECT OFF CLAUGHTON ISLAND. Mayor Suarez: On the next item I had a request from Attorney Bob Traurig from the...on behalf of the Squire Development people that we wait until 10:30 on this item and it is 10:27, so we can certainly begin discussion on the assumption that he will show up in the next three minutes. Ms. Kennedy: Mr. Mayor? Mr. Dawkins: No, he said he would appreciate it it we would move it to a later time than 10:30. Mayor Suarez: Oh, he wants it at a later time? Mr. Cliff Shulman: Mr. Mayor? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. According to my letter, that's what he said. Mr. Cliff Shulman: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Suarez: Sir? Mr. Cliff Shulman: My name is Cliff Shulman. I'm one of Bob Traurig's partners. He asked me to appear at this time to indicate his apologies and to ask your indulgence. He is at the County Commission which has been delayed, due to a discussion of the continued existence of the Beacon Council, and he indicates he will get here as soon as tie possibly can, and he has requested that this item be deferred until that time. Mayor Suarez: This is an item of general interest. I believe we have quite a few people here that are on this item. Could we have a show of hands how many people are interested in this item? This would be Item "ti" having to do with the Squire properties. Yes, I see quite a few people. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. I would move that we give a time certain so that they will not walk in here and nobody don't know what's happening that we will hear this, Mr. Mayor, so that these people will know what time to come back. Mayor Suarez: What's a good time, Mr. City Manager? We...you think like 3:00, we can interrupt the Planning and Zoning items at 3:00, if we are on those by that time? Mr. Odio: Will he be here? Mr. Shulman: Yes, I believe he will. Mr. Odio: Ok. 3:00 is fine, sir. Mayor Suarez: Maria Elena? I know you are interested on behalf of the East Little Havana Community Development Board. Ms. Maria Elena Pino: Many of the people who are here today are working people, and they have taken time off from their jobs to be here. Mayor Suarez: Let me say one thing. The typical situation where a developer wants to postpone an item, is one where I'm not disposed at all to grant it, because they have plenty of attorneys and they have plenty of resources. This is one -a typical situation where hopefully, we are going to get something from the developer that we have been wanting to get for the last ten years, and without Mr. Traurig here, I don't know that we can deal with that whole issue adequately, but... gl 25 December 19, 1985 -PMW b r- r Y Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, may I interject? S Mayor Suarez: Yes, Commissioner. i Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, it is my intent at this point, even after the # discussion, that I am going to ask for a deferment, and that deferment will be predicated on the fact that the sites as presented, are not acceptable at this time to me. I would have hoped that they would have presented more sites in which this Commission could pick and choose the sites that we think. So, what I'm saying to you is, that it is my intent that this matter be deferred. I think we have some other things that have to be included; that I will put the developers on notice, that the buildinq of these units which they are obligated to do, that this Commission is going to retain full control, that we will name the developers of the projects, that we will have control of the architects, the financial package and the entire project. It is not my intent to just turn this thing loose and let it run Helter Skelter. I don't feel at this particular time, even though City Attorney has advised me that at this particular meeting the only thing to do was to pick the sites. I am definitely going to make as part of the rule, that this Commission will retain approval or veto over all of the projects, if there is three and they will contain who will be the developers after we have examined the package, who will do construction. I think the minority rules will apply, and I think that this Commission the only way that we can be assured that that is done, is — through complete control with this Commission. So, I'm jest making my y statements at this particular time. I have talked with one of the groups who had a site chosen on Flagler Street. I have recommended that they look at E other sites and I hope that they will and I want to give them the time and the opportunity to do such and in concurrence, of course, with the man who is paying the tab, that's the developer. But I just think that we have to have more accessible things, and we will take it from there. So, I'm just making my points known. a Mr. Dawkins: Madam City Attorney? Ms. Lucia Allen Dougherty: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: When did the clock start to tick on eighteen months? Ms. Dougherty: I will have to go back and look at the resolutions, I don't recall right off hand. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Well, here is the resolution. I mean, on September 25th, we gave Mr. Traurig six months to come back with a site, and in the resolution which I will give to you shortly, it said that these were to be completed and ready in eighteen months. Now, what I need to know legally, does this continuance start the clock still for eighteen months or legally, does it give him an out where, he, the developer, does not have to have the units ready in eighteen months? Ms. Dougherty: The eighteen months provision is still in place. There is a point at which, however, the developer could say that you are so being so unreasonable as to cause the delay, but at this time I don't believe so. Mr. Dawkins: All right, since we just I mean, I will get into this, this .=x afternoon. Ok. The second thing is Mr. Pitts, I have a letter from the merchants from your area. I also have received a message from Claude Pepper, that the site that we were discussing is not available, and the Christian Hospital still has a latch on it. So, I mean, I want... Mr. Otis Pitts: I would just like to respond by saying that they do not have it. Dade County put into their resolution a reverter clause that says that "They did not have health facility bonds by December 4th and stipulated a need that the property automatically revert back to the County," and it's part of r: the County's resolution as of December 4th. F`• fFa-. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. it said the administrative judge in Tallahassee reinstated the Certificate of Need for the Christian Hospital. Mr. Herb Bailey: The administrative judge in Tallahassee simply made a recommendation to the Department of H.R.S. who has to make the final RT 26 December 19, 1985 r recommendation. The recommendation has not been finalized yet, the Department of HRS has not made by the hearing officer, h? simply makes a recommendation. Mr. Dawkins: All right, I mean I just want you to know what the status of it is because as Commissioner Plummer said, the sites are going to be selected by us and they are going to be sites that we can move on in a hurry, so be sure you get access to it so we can move. That's all. Mr. Bailey: Ok. thank you very much. Mayor Suarez: Ok. we should probably not get into a full blown discussion on this item until we decide if we're going to even handle it today and if so, what time of the day. Mr. Dawkins: Well, if Commissioner Plummer is going to defer it, we may as well defer it now, so that these people will know when they come back .... Mayor Suarez: We've got a motion to defer... Mr. Plummer: No, sir, you don't have a motion at this time. I said that I was going to offer a motion. If you want a motion, I'll be happy to ... Mayor Suarez: No, let me say something then if you haven't made it into a motion yet. Mr. Plummer: That's why I wanted everybody to have the right to discuss it. Mayor Suarez: What worries me is that we get into the site selection business here. We've got enough other problems in deciding rather intricate detailed - matters without getting into site selection on a project of this sort. In the event that we do get started with the discussion of this item, I will propose certain parameters and I think the Commission will find will help to resolve the issue, such as selecting the entities that will be doing the development number one; number two, specifying that the entities must be able to find the land, the funds sufficient, so that when we give them the funds that we have - available which at this point are $3,000,000 that we all know of, but maybe we'll get a little more. Mr. Dawkins: Ain't no maybe in it, you will get more. Mayor Suarez: How much more do you think we'll get? Mr. Dawkins: Okay, Mr. Mayor, since you weren't here, let me tell you where we are. The developer had ten years ... r Mayor Suarez: I know all of that, Commissioner, I read that. n3.., =, Mr. Dawkins: Well then tell me, then I'll listen to you. r rw Mayor Suarez: I know the developers had 10 years to come up with 200 units initially and now it is 225 and I know we've been delaying it. I want to tt>�. proceed with all deliberate speed because of your concern on the matter and my concern on the matter that these get done. That's why... Mr. Dawkins: Well, all I'm saying is my orders or resolution and everything to the developer was that he develop and give the City of Miami keys to 225 units. Now what it costs him is not my problem. Mayor Suarez: I understand. x S4 ;. Mr. Dawkins: That's his problem. He has to develop 225 units of housing and give us 225 keys. Don't bring me $3,000,000, don't bring me $4,000,000, don't ray bring me $5,000,000 and tell me go get them done, I'm not going to do that. Mayor Suarez: Don't go too much higher than that because then we are going to be thinking about it. Mr. Dawkins: Well all right then. Who over there is in building? $8,000,000 divided by 225 units gives you what? RT 27 December 19, 1985 Mayor Suarez: A little bit less than $40,000 per unit. Mr. Dawkins: All right, that's $8,000,000. Now, what can you build for $400000? So I mean don't let the developer off the hook. That's all I'm saying. Let's don't let the developer... Now, Mr. Bailey, $8,000,000 divided by 225 gives you what? Mayor Suarez: 37-38,000. Mr. Bailey: A little less than 40. Mr. Dawkins: All right, now, what can you build for $30,000? Mayor Suarez: You can build pretty good units. Mr. Bailey: That is kind of a difficult question, Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: All right, take $40,000, what is the cost of construction? Mr. Bailey: We can build units satisfactory to the community we think for about $33.00 a square foot, exclusive of land. Mr. Dawkins: All right, divide 33 into $40,000... Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, did you hear the last point? That's very important. Mr. Bailey: Exclusive of land. Mr. Dawkins: Well thank you,but I don't even have a problem with that. If Mr. Traurig, if the developer does not come up with the land, then go out his 200 units on land he got. Put the 200 low rent housing over on Claughton Island. All I want in 18 months is 200 units of housing. Mr. Plummer: 225. Mr. Dawkins: 225. Now the City is not going to buy no land for him to put no buildings on ... That is his responsibility to require the land to get the units built. This Commission has voted, and I can say the total Commission voted with me to tell the developer that he had to develop 125 units of housing preferably 100 units in Liberty City and 100 units in Little Havana, preferably. And that's all. Mayor Suarez: Is it the Commission's will at this point procedurally here that we proceed on this item and discuss it? We do have quite a few people who want to speak on it, if we're going to decide to consider it. Mr. Plummer: I'll make you a motion, if you want a motion I'll make it. Mr. Mayor, at this time, I move that this matter be deferred, that the applicant come back to this Commission in January with more sites so that this Commission will have the chance to pick, that the Law Department immediately instigate the action which would give this Commission full power at all time over that development until it is completed. Period, amen. Mr. Shulman: Mr. Mayor, may we speak to that motion for a moment? Mayor Suarez: Yes, the problem is with the motion, it isn't just a motion to defer, you've really got two whole different motions here, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Would you like it in two items? Mayor Suarez: Could you, please? Mr. Plummer: Be happy to. First motion is to defer with the instructions to the applicant to come forth with more sites than those proposed. One of the sites, we're told is not even acceptable at this time. So that is my first motion. Mayor Suarez: Do we have a second for that motion? RT 28 December 19, 1985 Mrs. Kennedy: I'm leaving, Mr. Mayor, I have a conflict on the issue, my husband is a consultant to Swire Properties so I'm leaving right now. Mayor Suarez: I was going to suggest at some point - Mr. Dawkins: I second it. Mayor Suarez: We have a second. Commissioner, on your abstention, is that if we are able to get into the site in the way that I would hope that we could get into it, which is not to site selection,you might not have to abstain, but anyhow, be that as it may, we have a motion to defer which is essentially a procedural question and I don't know that you even have to abstain from that, but if you wish to abstain, so be it. Mrs. Kennedy: I do. Mr. Plummer: Date certain is January 23. Mr. Shulman: Mr. Mayor, may I speak? Mayor Suarez: Yes, sir. We would, on that particular motion, obviously wish today, since we did prepare a presentation, when Mr. Traurig gets here, make presentation to you. We have heard, Commissioner Dawkins, a number of times indicate the need for expeditious handling of the matter. We are ahead of our time schedule as was required by the ordinance, we would like to make at least the initial representation when Mr. Traurig gets here to get your feed back, so that we don't encounter any delays which would not be our responsibility, we believe we have fully met and exceeded our obligations in getting to you in time today and we could possibly do that at some time in the afternoon. Mayor Suarez: Sir, I have a suggestion for you. When you come back in the afternoon with Mr. Traurig, what you might want to do is not argue to this motion, but argue simply to the question of whether the delay of one month until the next Commission Meeting should be charged to you or to us. It seems to me it be the Commission's will at this point to defer the item, we do have an incredible amount of confusion on the sites that are available or not available, the entities that are ready to proceed and I hope - this is addressed to Commissioner Dawkins - that by deferring this item, we're not adding to the problem of the delay. But you'll be able to argue to that point, but not to the motion. The motion is a procedural motion and we're going to go ahead and make a decision on it, because there are a lot of other folks here who if they are informed that this matter will not be decided today, can go home, or back to work, or to whatever they have to do. Mr. Shulman: Mr. Mayor, with the utmost respect, if you pass the motion as phrased by Commissioner Plummer, I won't have the opportunity this afternoon, nor will Mr. Traurig, to discuss who would be charged with the delay. Mr. Plummer: You're absolutely right, sir, because I'm about ready to make the motion to put it back on the island. Will that satisfy you? Mr. Shulman: At some time certain this afternoon, yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: No, sir, that's not what I'm saying. I'm about to withdraw my motion of deferring it to January and insist that you build the 225 units on the island like you're obligated to do. Is that the motion you want? Mr. Shulman: We do not, of course, want that motion, ... Mr. Plummer: Well, that's what you're going to get if you keep talking. Mr. Shulman: Sir, I'm just trying to indicate whether not ... Mr. Plummer: A smart man knows when to quit when he is ahead. Mayor Suarez: You might want to consider what I suggested, to come back in the afternoon and argue only to whether the delay is charged to you or to us, but not on the merits of this particular procedural motion. Mr. Shulman: We have no objection doing that, if you will give us a time certain in the afternoon to come back and argue. RT 29 December 19, 1985 Mayor Suarez: Well, we don't give anybody exactly a time certain, but let us say we'll try to hear you at 3 o'clock. I mean you had a time certain this morning pretty much and he was not here, so... Mr. Plummer: So there is no misunderstanding, the date certain that I gave was January 23rd, not this afternoon. Mayor Suarez: We have a motion, it has been seconded. Any further discussion? You're not withdrawing the motion are you, Commissioner? Any further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1185 A MOTION DEFERRING, CONSIDERATION OF SITE SELECTION FOR THE LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFF CLAUGHTON ISLAND TO THE MEETING OF JANUARY 23, 1986; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE APPLICANT TO COME BACK WITH ALTERNATE SITES FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINING: Commissioner Rosario Kennedy ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Carollo: Well, voting on the item ... Mayor Suarez: Madam City Clerk, you always forget to take my vote. Ms. Hirai: You're last, sir. Mayor Suarez: You're just getting to me now? Mr. Carollo: I haven't voted yet, Xavier. Mayor Suarez: Are we going to have an explanation of the vote here? Mr. Carollo: Yes. Mayor Suarez: Okay, this is outside normal procedure but go ahead, Commissioner. I know it is a traditional procedure... Mr. Carollo: It has always been our policy that we can explain our votes and our feelings, I'm sure you won't object to that. Mayor Suarez: Go ahead, sir. Mr. Carollo: I feel that this is an item that should have been finished a long time ago. My concern in not taking this up today is that we have in excess of three and a half million dollars of low interest loans that some private institutions are willing to give. My concern is that we might lose this if we don't move on this quickly. At the same time, I respect the opinions of the majority of my colleagues here, and it is not going to serve any purpose for me voting against this now and then getting into a discussion, that from what I'm seeing, we're not going to come to any conclusions today, and it might end up being more detrimental, where these institutions are willing to come in with these monies might be so turned off that maybe they won't be back here January 23rd, so i think that under the present situation RT 30 December 19, 1985 that we have, the best route, I guess for me to take, is for me to vote along with the motion for the reasons that I've stated. Ms. Hirai: Continuing roll call, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Suarez: Yes, and I'd also like to state for the reasons stated by Commissioner Carollo, that I'm voting yes to follow the consensus of the Commission, although I wonder if this is a wise thing to do. I know there is a lot of confusion, but I wonder if we shouldn't get it all resolved today. But I gather the Commission's will is to defer and I so vote. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, the second part of that motion is that this Commission instruct the City Attorney to come back at that same time with the necessary documents to give this Commission at all times complete control over those projects. I so move. Mayor Suarez: Any second? J Mr. Carollo: Would you repeat the motion again, Commissioner Plummer? Mr. Plummer: The motion is that the City Attorney come back with the appropriate documents to give this City Commission final approval on all of that developments. As it stands today, it is only that this Commission, the only control we would have is too pick the sites. We have no control over the financing, we have no control over the contractors, we have no control over minorities, all of that has to be spelled out and it is not presently spelled out and that is what I'm trying to protect. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Does the City Attorney and the City Manager understand the import of that motion? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: Are we clear on that? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Well, I would ask either one of them if they have a problem with it. Mr. Odio: I have no problem. Sa Mr. Plummer: If you've got a problem, please state it. I'm trying to protect this City to say that whatever is done, that this Commission will retain control and final approval. Mr. Carollo: Well, J. L., I guess if you really get right down to it, that is always what this Commission has done. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, Joe, the problem is they under the proposal do not come under the normal City bidding procedures, they are not bound by the minority contractors. Mr. Carollo: I realize that. Mr. Plummer: Okay, and that is my concern. Mr. Carollo: I think you're absolutely correct and so is Miller in seconding it. Because of those reasons that you have expressed and others, that probably will be the securest way of handling this for this City. v. �.� Mayor Suarez: Commissioner, are you saying anything other than we should be ready to apply the rules that are applicable? Mr. Plummer: We would ask them that this Commission retain full control over the project. Let me give you an example Mr. Mayor. w ' Mayor Suarez: Beyond the point of which the contractors are chosen and the sites and so on, even after that is what you're saying. RT 31 December 19, 1985 Mr. Plummer: I'm saying that this Commission, whoever is chosen to do the project, would come back to this Commission with a package from a contractor, with a package from the architects, a package for financing. Let me give you exactly what I'm driving to. One of the proposals I have a great disagreement with. Mayor Suarez: We want to supervise it right up to the point of the actual building and the keys being handed to the tenants? Mr. Plummer: Not necessarily supervise, but retain control. Let me tell you where my problem lies, and I'm not speaking against a project, and I won't name it, even though that project is well aware, I have an absolute problem because one of these projects proposed is the ground floor is retail. Okay? Now, it is a good concept maybe, but I don't think that it fits in this Particular proposal. Mayor Suarez: It doesn't sound like it conforms to the initial idea. Mr. Plummer: That's exactly correct. They propose in their proposal of one of these projects, 14,000 square feet of retail. I think that is wrong. And only if this Commission retains control can we say you can or you cannot do it. That is why I want this thing applied. Mr. Shulman: Mr. Mayor, may I ask a question on the motion? Mayor Suarez: Yes, sir. Mr. Shulman: It is my understanding that the motion is to have the City Attorney prepare some documents which will be discussed on January 23rd, as I understood. Would we have the ability at that point in time, Commissioner Plummer, to you through the Mayor, to discuss that issue with you? Mayor Suarez: Absolutely, sir. Mr. Plummer: Sir, any time you come before this Commission you have the right to discuss. Mr. Shulman: In other words the vote being taken today on those issues is not determinative of it, we would have the ability to respond. Mr. Plummer: Sure. Mayor Suarez: Absolutely. Mr. Shulman: Because I want the Commission to be aware we do have some substantial problems with that condition, as to viability of going forward with this project financially, economically and from a time point of view. Mr. Plummer: Not your project. Mr. Shulman: Excuse me. With the requirement that we have to meet - we have to meet - we have some significant economic time constraint problems. On the one hand, Commissioner Dawkins is indicating a turnkey type of project to turn the keys over in 18 months. On the other hand, what you have suggested is a totally different concept, that to a private entity attempting to do a private project, truly for the public benefit, could create significant hardships and problems and inhibit our ability economically, or from a time point of view to do it. We would like to have the ability on January 23rd to discuss that with you more fully. Mr. Plummer: Sir, for the record, tell me exactly what you have to have to proceed with your D.R.I. Mr. Shulman: We need your approval on three sites. Mr. Plummer: That's exactly all you need, we're not speaking to anything else. That's what you've got to have. Mr. Shulman: That's it, and the Commission's power, we believe could be limited to that determination under the D.R.I. We would like to have the ability to discuss that with you on January 23rd. RT 32 December 19, 1985 Mr. Plummer: You'll have that opportunity. Mr. Shulman: Thant you. Mayor Suarez: We have a motion and I believe it has been seconded. Discussion, Commissioner? Mr. Dawkins: No, after the motion I have something to say, sir. Mayor Suarez: Okay, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1186 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO COME BACK AT THE MEETING OF JANUARY 23, 1986 WITH ALL THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO GIVE THE CITY COMMISSION COMPLETE CONTROL AND FINAL APPROVAL AT ALL TIMES OVER THE LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINING: Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I want to inform this attorney to tell his client that I perceive this as a delaying tactic. In this I cannot fault Mr. Traurig for it because that's what he gets paid for. He has skillfully laid out a blueprint here to delay building these units and I've gotten to the place where I am tired of him delaying. As artful and as skillful as he is, it has come down now to the wire where I am no longer going to participate in any more delaying tactics. Now, if you and your developer are really sincere and concerned about this, you will bring me on the 23rd, two sites where you have gotten in touch with two developers, and you have an option on the sites where we know they are available and that you can exercise this option, purchase these sites and go to wort. Now, if you bring me three sites, if you bring me anything other than two sites on the 23rd, I'm going to mate a motion that we stop everything and that you put these 225 units on Claughton Island. Mayor Suarez: Let me tell you what I'll take on the 23rd, just so you know, and maybe the Commission at some point will reach a consensus. I'll take $8,000 000 in a package, which would include our contribution and other � 9 � Y v, monies that can be leveraged or matched or whatever, together with no less than two entities that have experience in this area, that have competent people and whom we could trust, that would be awarded the building of the c- units in question and in a way that insofar as the entities receive money, �' they are supposed to build a proportionate number of the total amount of units that were supposed to be built on the original development order. So if you s bring that back to us on the 23rd, that will be quite acceptable to me. That is based on the Commissioner's figure of $8,000,000 I think there are matching funds available from what I keep hearing. So maybe we can get together a " package and we can start moving on this thing. Mr. Dawkins: What is matching funds when the man deliberately didn't build 200 units in 10 years? What the hell we got to match? You're letting him off the hook. Mayor Suarez: No, sir, I'm increasing what they have to come up with in value for the citizens of Miami. RT 33 December 19, 1985 Mr. Dawkins: No, he's got to build 200 units for the City of Miami, Mr. Mayor. We don't have to subsidize anything. Mayor Suarez: Yes, but I'll always take the money, if I can build it myself, I'll do it as quickly as he would have done it. Mr. Dawkins: Well, I'm so glad you don't have but one vote up here. Mr. Shulman: Mr. Mayor, may I respond ,just briefly for the record? Mayor Suarez: We're going to go on forever on this. If you have anything technical... Mr. Shulman: Technical as well as legal. We disagree most respectfully with Commissioner Dawkins, we tried to get here six weeks ahead of time, we came With three sites instead of the mandated two, we do not believe we are responsible for the delay, if there is any delay in the process.... Mayor Suarez: We're going to argue that this afternoon, counselor. I'm going to give an opportunity this afternoon, if Traurig comes in, to argue .... Mr. Dawkins: I resent the implication that Miller Dawkins is holding up this project. Mr. Shulman: No, sir, I just disagree that we're responsible. Mr. Dawkins: You had 6 months to come before this Commission, all these Commissioners, and say these are the sites we have and what else do we need, so that when we get there on the 19th of December we'll be ready to go, and because you did not do that it is my opinion that you are deliberately delaying this project as long as you can, so that you don't have to ... Mr. Shulman: And we respectfully disagree, obviously. Mr. Carollo: Can I say something for the record? I think this needs to be r cleared up. I think what we might have here is some miscommunications, but at least from what this Commissioner has observed here throughout the time that I've been sitting on this Commission, I don't think there is any intentions by Commissioner Dawkins to purposely stop this, I think what he is doing is being responsible in trying to accomplish the best possible alternatives for the City of Miami. I would like to make that clear. Mr. Shulman: And if I have indicated anything to the contrary, please forgive me. All I'm saying to you, sir, is I don't question the Commission's intentions and their good motivations, all I'm saying is, at least from the developer's point of view we have attempted in the utmost of good faith to come back. Mr. Dawkins: Well, why would you come with three sites when we asked for two? Mr. Shulman: So that in the event that there were any problems with any of the sites there would be a back up. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, we've got a problem. We've got a problem right now with... Okay, I don't have a problem. Mr. Pitts and his group got a problem because, according to this letter that site is not available. That is the only site in Liberty City. Now, I told you that the units had to go in Liberty City and in Little Havana. Now you've only got one site in Liberty City, what is the alternate? Mr. Shulman: At the moment, what we've provided was in excess of 225 units, rfi even if that site were not approved. '+r. Dawkins: No, you told me that you provided three sites so that we could have an alternate. Mr. Shulman: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: What is the alternate to Liberty City, sir? Mr. Shulman: The other two sites which exceed the amount.... RT 34 December 19, 1985 Mr. Dawkins: But they're not located in Liberty City. Mr. Shulman: That's correct. The only direction in the resolution was that they were not to be located in Overtown. Mr. Dawkins: No, sir. Will somebody who was here with me correct him so he l won't think I'm lying? Mr. Carollo: Miller, you're absolutely correct. You're absolutely correct. Mr. Plummer: I've got your answer. We'll put the units on 522, 524 and 526 Brickell Key Drive, three sites. Mr. Shulman: We will be back at 3:00 o'clock, Mr. Mayor.... Mr. Carollo: I think this Commission was quite clear. Xavier, this Commission was quite clear, that half of those units were to go into Liberty City. Mayor Suarez: I think that is the clear consensus of this Commission, if not more than that. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mr. Mayor, I just have a brief question for clarification. Mayor Suarez: Do you want to state your name for the record, please? Ms. Maria Elena Prio: My name is Maria Elena Prio. I just am interested in knowing the scope of discussion that will take place at 3:00, so I understand it to be that the only subject that will be discussed at 3:00 o'clock by Mr. Traurig this afternoon is who the delay will be charged to, either the City or Swire Properties and that the merits of any site will not be discussed so these people can go back to work. Mayor Suarez: The only fair way to do it this afternoon, to allow Mr. Traurig to say anything whatsoever would be to restrict him to the issue of who has delayed this and who is at fault in case he wants to somehow say that they're not which I presume he will try to convince us that they're not. Other than that, we will not discuss the merits of the issue further. Ms. Prio: Thank you very much. Mayor Suarez: Thank you, counselor. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Traurig is too smart for that. Mayor Suarez: I'm sure he'll try. 11. CONSENT AGENDA. Mayor Suarez: We're on the Consent Agenda. I request the Commissioners to tell me which items they'd like to pull out, if any. Mr. Dawkins: Pull 19, 24. Mr. Plummer: I have none to pull. Mr. Carollo: I don't have any problems. Mayor Suarez: Okay. I'd like to pull out, and it will be mostly for informational purposes and to be able to fully understand, Items 17, 18 and 26. Mr. Plummer: I move the Consent Agenda after you read the wording, Mr. Mayor. RT 35 December 19, 1985 4 _# Mayor Suarez: Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda - I've done all that... Hearing only the items that you have specified to be pulled out, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken. Mr. Plummer: I move the motion as presented by the Mayor. Mr. Carollo: What item? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Item 6. Yes, sir, it is just something that came up in the last couple of days. Mr. Carullo: Mr. Mayor, I. think we should give them that right. Mayor Suarez: Okay, Commissioner Carollo would like to tear on this item, sir. Mr. Dawkins: Carollo pulls 6. Mr. Plummer: Okay, that takes care of it. Now, I make a motion to adopt the Consent Agenda. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Suarez: Do you want to add anything, Commissioner Kennedy, before we vote? Mrs. Kennedy: No, I don't have anything I'd like to pull out. Thereupon, the City Commission on motion introduced by Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Carollo adopted the following resolutions by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 11.1 CLAIM SETTLEMENT - JAMES COX $6,000. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1187 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO JAMES COX THE SUM OF SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS ($6,000), WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ANY OF ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES, AND UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE BY EACH AFOREMENTIONED PARTY RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ANY OF ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Herr follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) RT 36 December 19, 1985 11.2 CLAIM SETTLEMENT - ESTATE OF ANNETTE SEVERE - $36,500. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1188 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO EMILE SEVERE, AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF ANNETTE SEVERE, THE SUM OF THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($369500.00), WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL, COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL PROPERTY DAMAGE CLAIMS, AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.3 CLAIM SETTLEMENT - LUIS AND DELIA CALAMA - $609000. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1189 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY LUIS CALAMA AND DELIA CALAMA, HIS WIFE, SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($60,000.00)9 WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL BODILY INJURY, PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION LIENS, WORKERS' COMPENSATION LIENS, CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.4 CLAIM SETTLEMENT - WALTER CANTALOW - $12,181.87. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1190 Y`S A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO WALTER CANTALOW AND OTHERS ON HIS BEHALF, THE SUM OF TWELVE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE DOLLARS AND EIGHTY SEVEN CENTS ($12,181.87), WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL BODILY INJURY, PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION LIENS, WORKERS' COMPENSATION LIENS, CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF -"' MIAMI AND UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE, RELEASING THE CITY " OF MIAMI FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.5 APPROVE PERMIT TO DISPENSE BEER AND WINE AT UNIVERSITY ALUMNI PICNICS IN SEWELL AND JOSE MARTI PARKS. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1191 A RESOLUTION APPROVING, SUBJECT TO ANY APPLICABLE RULES OF THE STATE BEVERAGE DEPARTMENT, A PERMIT TO DISPENSE BEER AND WINE AT NO CHARGE FOR A ONE -DAY PERIOD IN CONNECTION WITH UNIVERSITY ALUMNI PICNICS TO BE HELD JANUARY 1, 1986, ' IN SEWELL AND JOSE MARTI PARKS, IN CONNECTION WITH THE ORANGE BOWL GAME; SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ALL OTHER '< PERMITS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED BY LAW. p (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) RT 37 December 19, 1985 i 4 11.6 STREET CLOSURE - THREE KINGS PARADE (LOS REYES MAGGS). RESOLUTION NO. 85-1192 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE THREE KINGS FESTIVAL AND PARADE WHICH IS TO TAKE PLACE JANUARY 11 AND 12, 1986, CLOSING rc7RTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC DURING SPECIFIED HOURS, SAID STREET CLOSING SUBJECT TO STATE APPROVAL AND THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AND THE DEPARTMENTS OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AND ASSURANCE THAT THE CITY WILL H'_ INSURED AGAINST ANY POTENTIAL LIABILITY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.7 AUTHORIZE SALE OF BEER AND WINE FOR ONE DAY BY THE PERFORMING ARTS FOR COMMUNITY do EDUCATION (P.A.C.E.) IN CONNECTION WITH THE BIG ORANGE 3 FESTIVAL; CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS AND AUTHORIZE CONCESSION AGREEMENT. } RESOLUTION NO. 85-1193 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF BEER AND WINE BY THE PERFORMING ARTS FOR COMMUNITY AND EDUCATION, INC. (P.A.C.E.) IN CONNECTION WITH THE BIG ORANGE FESTIVAL SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 2, 1986, SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ALL STATE PERMITS; AND THE CLOSING OF CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC DURING SPECIFIED DATES AND HOURS SAID STREET CLOSING SUBJECT TO ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AND ASSURANCES THAT THE CITY WILL BE INSURED AGAINST ANY POTENTIAL LIABILITY; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A ONE -DAY NONEXCLUSIVE CONCESSION AGREEMENT WITH THE ORGANIZATION IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.8 AUTHORIZE SALE OF BEER AND WINE IN PEACOCK PARK - KING MANGO STRUT PARADE; CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1194 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF BEER AND WINE IN PEACOCK PARK IN CONNECTION WITH THE KING MANGO STRUT PARADE SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 29, 1985, SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF STATE PERMITS; AND THE CLOSING OF CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC DURING SPECIFIED DATES AND HOURS, SAID STREET CLOSING SUBJECT TO ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AND ASSURANCES THAT THE CITY WILL BE INSURED AGAINST ANY POTENTIAL LIABILITY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.9 AUTHORIZE SALE OF BEER AND WINE IN CONNECTION WITH FIESTA BY THE BAY ON FEC PROPERTY SUBJECT TO PERMITS. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1195 A RESOLUTION GRANTING, UPON THE ISSUANCE OF A TEMPORARY PERMIT BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS REGULATION, DIVISION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO, THE REQUEST OF THE LATIN ORANGE FESTIVAL COUNCIL, INC. TO SELL BEER AND WINE FOR A TWO-DAY PERIOD IN CONNECTION WITH FIESTA BY THE BAY TO BE HELD DECEMBER 31, 1985 AND JANUARY 1, 1986, ON THE F.E.C. PROPERTY; SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ALL PERMITS REQUIRED BY LAW. M 38 December 19, 1985 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.10 ACC EPT COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., INC. $189285.00 FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT - DOWNTOWN PHASE I. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1196 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $18,285.00 FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT - DOWNTOWN PHASE I; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $1,828.50. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.11 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - DOUGLAS N. HIGGINS, INC. - $431,302.74 FOR WEST FLAGLER STREET STORM SEWER MODIFICATIONS - B - 5504. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1197 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF DOUGLAS N. HIGGINS, INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $431,302.74 FOR WEST FLAGLER STREET STORM SEWER MODIFICATIONS - B - 5504; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $70,797.03. x (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.12 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK OF P.N.M. CORP. - $52,857.00 - MANOR STORM SEWER PROJECT (BID "A") - B-5503. 8 RESOLUTION NO. 85-1198 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF P.N.M. CORPORATION AT A TOTAL COST OF $52,857.00 FOR MANOR STORM SEWER PROJECT (BID "A") - B-5503; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $5,285.70. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.13 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - WESTERN WATERPROOFING CO. OF AMERICA - $19,320.00 FOR FIRE RESCUE TRAINING CENTER - TRAINING POOL REPAIR - B-2773-A. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1199 i A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF WESTERN _ WATERPROOFING CO. OF AMERICA AT A TOTAL COST OF $19,320.00 FOR FIRE RESCUE TRAINING CENTER - TRAINING POOL REPAIR - 8-2773-A; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $1,932.00. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.14 BID ACCEPTANCE - CUSHMAN ELECTRONICS FOR FURNISHING ONE LEVELMETER TO DEPT. OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE, COMMUNICATION SERVICES DIVISION - $5,495.00 RESOLUTION NO. 85-1200 a A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF CUSHMAN ELECTRONICS FOR ' FURNISHING ONE (1) LEVELMETER TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE, COMMUNICATION SERVICES DIVISION AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $5,495.00; ALLOCATING <. 4; FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1985-86 OPERATING BUDGET; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR r THIS EQUIPMENT. RT 39 December 19, 1985 0 r� (Here follows body of resolULi011, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.15 BID ACCEPTANCE - MOTOROLA C012-IUNICATIONS & ELECTRONICS, INC. FOR FURNISHING ONE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM ANALYZER TO DEPT. OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE, COMMUNICATION SERVICES DIVISION - $17,825.00. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1201 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS & ELECTRONICS, INC. FOR FURNISHING ONE (1) COPUIUNICATIONS SYSTEM ANALYZER TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE, COMMUNICATION SERVICES DIVISION AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $17,825.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1985-86 OPERATING BUDGET; AUTHORIZING T11E CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE, ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.16 ORDERING RESOLUTION - CITY WIDE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE III 11- 4516. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1202 A RESOLUTION ORDERING CITY WIDE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE III 11-4516 AND DESIC17ATING THE PROPERTY AGAINST WHICH SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE FOR A PORTION OF THE COST THEREOF AS CITY WIDE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - PHASE III 11-4516. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.17 AMEND ASSESSMENT ROLL - CITYWIDE 1981 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5476C BY CORRECTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL OF LAND. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1203 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITYWIDE 1981 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN CITYWIDE 1981 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5476C BY CORRECTING THE LECAL DESCRIPTION OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 11.18 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER & CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE INSTRUMENT CANCELING AUGUST 27, 1971 COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LAND EXECUTED BY PHIL & SYLVIA WURTZEL & LEJEUNE PROPERTIES, INC. - "LEJEUNE PROPERTIES" (90- 31). RESOLUTION NO. 85-1204 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN INSTRUMENT FORMALLY CANCELING THE AUGUST 27, 1971, COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LAND EXECUTED BY PHIL AND SYLVIA WURTZEL AND LEJEUNE PROPERTIES, INC. RELATING TO PERMANENT PAVEMENT AND FILL FOR A SUBDIVISION ENTITLED "LEJEUNE PROPERTIES" (90-31). (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) RT 40 December 19, 1985 11.19 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE INSTRUMENT CANCEL- LING SEPTEMBER 2, 1971. COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LAND EXECUTED BY FRANK L. KLEBBA - 1077 N.W. 44 AVENUE. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1.205 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY RANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN INSTRUMENT FORMALLY CANCEL- LING THE SEPTEMBER 2, 1971, COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LAND EXECUTED BY FRANK L. KLEBBA, RELATING TO A TEMPORARY SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN SERVING THE APARTMENT BUILDING AT 1077 N.W. 44 AVENUE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) II.20 AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF SEVENTEFN DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES. RESOLUTION NO. 95-1206 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PROPER OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI TO ACCEPT SEVENTEEN (17) DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES AND APPROVING THE RECORDING OF SAID DEEDS IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DAPS COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in tnu Office of chu City Clerk.) 11.21 AUTHORIZE RELOCATION OF COCONUT PALMS FOR BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. RESOLUTION NO. 85-1207 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROCEED WITH THE RELOCATION OF THE DESIGNATED ADULT COCONUT PALMS 20 FT. OR OVER IN HEIGHT, AS REQUIRED FOR THE BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 12 CLOSURE OF STREETS - ALLOW SALE OF BEER AND WINE AT THE "CALLE OCHO OPEN HOUSE FESTIVAL". Mayor Suarez: We're on item 6. Mr. Rafael Licea: Thank you, Commissioners. My name is Rafael Licea, I live at 3150 S.W. 18th Street. The only thing is that the resolution that we asked for to be passed in section 6 included the permission for the sale of beer during the Calle Ocho Festival. If it is at all possible, we would like to have something amended there because it reads that the permission to sell beer for a one day period is hereby granted to the Kiwanis Club of Little Havana. What we wanted to do was to add there, "And other civic nonprofit organizations sanctioned by the Kiwanis Club of Little Havana" because other- wise no other nonprofit organization would be able to sell in the festival. Mr. Carollo: Do you take the ultimate responsibility? Mr. Licea: As we have been told by the Alcoholic and Beverage Bureau, the responsibility goes to the licensee which in this case would be the Kiwanis Club for their sites where they sell beer and, ds an example, Liga Contra Cancer, if they pull a permit they would be responsible at their site. The whole thing is an attempt to control the sale of beers within Calle Ocho so that the people that are selling there.... Mr. Plummer: Well, that was for a reason. Okay? That was for a reason. Let me tell you what the problem was, and let me remind the Commission what the problem was. Remember, that the sale of beer is what helps pay for the festival. Okay? Now, the real problem came about, was the lack of control of RT 41 December 19, 1985 many persons who were great enterprise people who took a 30 gallon garbage can, filled it full of beer and ice and indiscriminately walked up and down the street selling beer to minors, to everyone. Now, this was a form of control that said that will not happen in the future. Now, I think that if we allowed you or any other organization to in on the coat tails of the Kiwanis the Kiwanis would rightfully look for us to pick up the tab because that is how they pay for their festival. And I just think that in this particular case I would find it wrong to allow anyone to come in and take proceeds from them which they use to stage the festival. Mr. Carollo: J.L., tie is representing the Kiwanis. Mr. Plummer: What is the argum<nt? What did 1 miss? Mr. Rafael Licea: J.L., I'm sorry, you were not listening at that point. Mr. Odio: J.L., he wants some other people to be able to also sell beer at their own request. Air. Licea: We want to give certain organizations the opportunity to be able to partake of that. We need more spots. Mr. Plummer: But under your proposal when you came before this Commission before, you have that right to allow other organizations under your master license. Air. Licea: That's what we understood. Air. Plummer: But you have to retain the control. Mr. Carollo: That is exactly what I was saying... in the responsibility. Mr. Plummer: Very definitely. Mr. Carollo: See, you're an entity that has proven to be responsible every time we've dealt with you. The Liga Contra el Cancer is. But we don't know some of these other people and we have to make sure that whomever else you give the opportunity to participate under your license is going to be con- trolled and monitored by you. Mr. Licea: All right, then I withdraw what I said before. Air. Carollo: Is that understood now, Mr. Manager? Mr. Odio: Yes. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1208 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE CALLE OCHO OPEN HOUSE 8K RUN AND FESTIVAL WHICH IS TO TAKE PLACE MARCH 7 AND 9, 1986, RESPECTIVELY, CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC DURING SPECIFIED HOURS, SAID STREET CLOSING SUBJECT TO ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE, AND INSPECTION SERVICES AND ASSURANCE THAT THE CITY WILL BE INSURED AGAINST ANY POTENTIAL LIABILITY; ESTABLISHING THE AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS DURING THE PERIOD OF THE EVENT; AND FURTHER ALLOWING THE SALE OF BEER AND WINE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID EVENT, SUBJECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF ALL STATE PERMITS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- RT 42 December 19, 1985 0 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 13 (A) DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ACCEPTANCE OF BID FROM M. VILLA AND ASSOCIATES INC. (LOCAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-55). (B) REQUEST ADMINISTRATION TO DEVISE FORMULA THAT WOULD ALL014 THE CITY TO PENALIZE CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES WHO DO NOT MEET COMPLETION DEADLINES. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I intended to pull 17 instead of 19. Mayor Suarez: I think I asked for that already, so I think... Is that correct, Mr. City Manager? We have 17 pulled out already from the Consent Agenda. Did we not? Mr. Plummer: 17, 18, 19, the Mayor pulled 17 and 18; Dawkins pulled 19, 24; and the Mayor pulled 26. Mayor Suarez: Is there one you didn't intend to pull out then, Commissioner, so we can vote on it real quickly? Mr. Dawkins: No, that's okay, no problem. Mayor Suarez: What is the next one that's pulled out? Mr. Odio: 17, you pulled that out, Mr. Mayor, and 18. Mayor Suarez: My only question is, Mr. City Manager, Mr. Cather, is I know the site now has to do with where the restaurant La Carreta is and I know that gets quite flooded over there. What I'd like to know is how long will this project take. I know there is a provision for how long it is supposed to take, but my question is how will we be sure that they will complete the work in the amount of time given and do we have any penalties in case they don't. Mr. Don Cather: We definitely have penalties in case we don't. There are 150 working days. Martin Vila has shown to have a record of being on time and keeping himself within the construction. Mr. Plummer: What is the penalty? Mayor Suarez: What is the penalty? Thank you, Commissioner. Mr. Cather: I'd have to look at the contract. It's probably $500 a day. Mr. Plummer: Can this Commission increase it? Mr. Cather: Yes, they can, yes. Mr. Dawkins: Good, because Mr. Mayor, I have the same concerns. Mayor Suarez: I think we all have the same concerns. Mr. Dawkins: Every Commissioner up here has the same concerns. They went on 12th Avenue; they took two years, N.W. 12th Avenue. 7th Street has been torn up. Now we're going to come along and disrupt business on S.W. 8th Street. Mr. Plummer: Let me tell you the final insult if you haven't seen. This company.... Mayor Suarez: I'm afraid to hear it. RT 43 December 19, 1985 Mr. Plummer: ....who has insulted this City on S.W. 7th Street has now further insulted this City by not finishing 7th Street and now they've already started tearing up S.W. 8th Street. Who in the hell let them start tearing up a second street before they ever finished for the first one? It's absolutely ludicrous! Mayor Suarez: I'm an affected party there because my building is bordered by 7th and 8th and either way I'm stuck, so I guess I could never vote on this item or something, but I certainly would like clarification as to Commissioner Plummer's question on that issue. What is S.W. 8th Street being torn up at the same time as S.W. 7th Street as they both approach Brickell? Mr. Odio: I'll explain, but you cannot change the penalty now. It was bided this way. Mr. Plummet•: No, no, no, you are absolutely wrong, my Manager. Mr. Odio: That is what my City Attorney is telling me. Mr. Plummer: That's fine, we'll just throw out all the bids. Mr. Odio: Unless.... Mr. Plummer: That's simple. Mr. Dawkins: Ask the City Attorney if that's legal. Mr. Plummer: Sure that's legal. Mr. Odio: You don't have to throw out the bids, because they might agree to changing it. Mayor Suarez: Under that threat, I'm sure they would agree. Mr. Cather: We also might have... we have liquidated damages in there and penalties assessed. All you're saying is you may want to change it from $500 a day to $600. Mr. Dawkins: No, no, no, don't put no words in our mouths. Mr. Cather: I feel that $500 or whatever we have in there is adequate for this size of job. Mr. Dawkins: That's why I have a problem with you. Mr. Plummer: You think it's adequate? Mr. Dawkins: You always think that it is adequate and when the job doesn't get done, then you tell me, well, we're going to assess the damages. So what? There is no way in the world we can compensate the people on S.W. 7th Street, S.W. 8th Street and N.W. 12th Avenue for the business they lost. And the same individuals continue to come in the low bid and we continue to give them the work. Now, some kind of way, just like on that other project, they should put up a ten million dollar bond and they should be assessed every day $5,000 a day taken from the... put up a cash bond. And we take our money from it every day till they finish. Don't wait until they finish and you tell me that we got liquidated damages at $5 a day and the people have been inconvenienced for forty million dollars and you're going to tell me we got $5,000 for it. Mayor Suarez: Just if I might have a suggestion on this, if you take the total amount of the project and divide it by the number of days, you're talking about over $2,000 per day that they're receiving for this project. Maybe we should be looking at d penalty or liquidated damages fee in that vicinity. I shouldn't call it penalties, some court might invalidate. it. But they always have ways around it. If they don't complete it on time and they claim it was an act of God or materials were not available, there was a war, whatever, they always get around it. But we do want to have a little bit bigger stick. Mr. Plummer: The problem on 7th Street and 8th Street, let's remember, is not a City project. It is a D.O.T. RT 44 December 19, 1985 Mr. Odio: D.O.T., and Mr. Mayor.... Mr. Plummer: Let me ask you, Mr. Cather, very quickly, this relates to the discussion. What would be wrong with a formula that says that a penalty for not complying is one tenth of one percent of the total project? In this particular case, it would be about $6,390 a day. I mean it is proportionate and a company who you tell me always completes on time should have no problem with that. Madam City Attorney, is that.... Mayor Suarez: The problem with one percent per day is that if.... Mr. Plummer: I said one tenth of one percent. Mayor Suarez: One tenth of one percent, okay. If they are a thousand days late, they get nothing. Mr. Plummer: That's right, but in this particular case, every day that they are not on time, it's costing them $6,390. What I'm trying to do is establish a formula of fairness. If the project is $100,000, their penalty is less. Mayor Suarez: I think the amount is a lot closer to what this Commission feels, Don, would be a fair liquidated damages amount for each day late that they are. that is not attributable to them, I mean, they'll always come back and try to convince us it is not attributable to them, I'm sure. Mr. Cather: The way I have tried to assess liquidated damages has been to take the value of the project and then say, all right, we've got a project we've invested at this point in time a million dollars in the project at ten percent. That is a hundred thousand dollars we've got tied up in interest alone and then divide that by the number of days and that's the approximate amount of the liquidated damages I feel I can justify in court. Mr. Plummer: Well, we're going to take it out of your hands. Mr. Dawkins: Let me tell you what my concern is. This same individual who holds us up will take the subcontractor and don't pay him and the subcontractor ends up going out of business. How are we going to compensate him with $5,000 liquidated damages? Mr. Plummer: We do that with the ten percent we hold back. That's normal. Mrs. Kennedy: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to find out the legal opinion from Mrs. Dougherty. Mayor Suarez: I think she is going to recommend that we defer the item so we have a little time to negotiate this. Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor, at this time it's in the bid, so if you accepted the bid, then you cannot change liquidated damages without an agreement from the other side. Liquidated damages have to be reasonable, they have to approximate the amount of damages.... Mr. Dawkins: Throw them out and start over. There's enough streets torn up out there anyway, we got a lot of time. Throw them out and start over. Mayor Suarez: The technical way is that we would defer the item to discuss further as opposed to negotiate further. Mrs. Kennedy: I move to defer. Mayor Suarez: We have a motion. Do we have a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: We have a second. Do we have any further discussion? Mr. Plummer: What is the motion? Mayor Suarez: To defer the item with the understanding that the City will further discuss the possibility of a higher liquidated damages fee. sl 45 December 19, 1985 Mr. Dawkins: If not, what are we going to do? We're going to throw them out and start over? Mayor Suarez: I'm sure that if it's not acceptable to us, you can try that avenue, Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you. Mayor Suarez: Call the roll, please. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Kennedy, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1209 A MOTION DEFERRING CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ACCEPTANCE OF BID FROM M. VILA AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR LOCAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-55 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo* Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. * NOTE: Though absent on roll call, Commissioner Carollo requested of the Clerk to shown voting in favor of the motion. Mr. Plummer: I make a motion at this time that the City Administration be charged with coming up with a formula of penalties. My recommendation is not fixed, but flexible, of one tenth of one percent per day of uncompleted work. I'm not hard and fast on that number, but come back and give us something that is going to out some teeth into it and make these people do what they're supposed to do. You come back and recommend one percent, I might not have a problem with that. I so move. Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Call the roll, please. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1210 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO REVIEW AND INCREASE THE PENALTY FEE PRESENTLY ASSESSED AGAINST CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES THAT DO NOT MEET ESTABLISHED DEADLINES FOR COMPLETION OF CITY PROJECTS FURTHER REQUESTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO COME BACK WITH A RECOMMENDATION IN THE AREA OF MOTH OF 1% OF THE TOTAL PROJECT, PER DAY. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- sl 46 December 19, 1985 f; F AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo* Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. *NOTE: Though absent on roll call, Commissioner Carollo requested of the Clerk to show him voting with the motion. Mr. Odio: Mr. Mayor, may I answer your question on 7th and 8th Streets, Commissioner Dawkins? That is a D.O.T., Department of Transportation project. I met with Garcia Allen, who is the contractor on the job site the first day I took over. I demanded that we get an explanation because the City of Miami is getting the blame for it. The businesses are being hurt. He told me that it was the fault of the inspection system that the D.O.T. had placed on that job, that he was being hurt himself because he had crews in place and equipment in place and some days he couldn't work. I met with the Regional District Director of D.O.T. and he is supposed to come to us with a full explanation of what happened in that project and also on Flagler and 47th Avenue. Mr. Plummer: Mr. City Manager, excuse me, doesn't this City issue permits for that work, even though it is a State project? Mr. Don Cather: We don't issue project permits to the State, no. Mr. Plummer: We don't do any inspections or any permits in any way, shape or form? Mr. Cather: No, sir. Mr. Odio: Those are right-of-ways that they own. Mr. Plummer: They can build within this City roads without this City having any approval. Mr. Cather: That is correct. Mr. Plummer: They can move utilities. Mayor Suarez: Is that true of the County too or just the State? Mr. Cather: County and State. Mr. Odio: County and State. It is important that we clarify it to the citizens of Miami what is happening in this situation because the businesses are getting hurt badly and I will ask the Regional Director to come here the next meeting of this Commission to give you a full explanation of what's happened on those jobs. Mayor Suarez: I'm sure in the case of the County, maybe not in the case of the State, but I'm sure in the case of the County, being a coequal jurisdiction with them, we could impose certain restrictions before we approve beginning of work on streets that affect the citizens of Miami and maybe you ought to consider that in the future. Mr. Cather: One thing that I would like to add my earlier statement, in the case of, say, the County on 17th Avenue, they come to us. We discuss the relocation of utility street lights, because that does affect us and we do get involved in that. Mayor Suarez: It would be nice to be able to have cases just to refuse, but that's not before us today. Mr. Plummer: That's true. Mayor Suarez: All right, sir, thank you much. the ability in certain sl 47 December 190 1985 14 BID ACCEPTANCE "PENINSULAR ELECTRIC COMPANY" FOR BICENTENNIAL PARK - PRIMARY ELECTRIC DUCT-1985 ($34,505) Mayor Suarez: The next item that has been pulled out. Mr. Plummer: 18. Mr. Odio: 18, do you have any questions on that item, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Suarez: Well, I just wanted to know what exactly was being done there, but in view of the amount of money involved, I'm going to defer it to the City Manager's discretion and the City staff and not question further the item. Do we have a motion on 18? Mr. Plummer: So move. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1211 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF PENINSULAR ELECTRIC CO., INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $34,505.00, TOTAL BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR BICENTENNIAL PARK - PRIMARY ELECTRIC DUCT - 1985, WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM "SPECIAL PROGRAMS & ACCOUNTS" IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,505.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo* Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. *NOTE: Though absent on roll call, Commissioner Joe Carollo asked of the Clerk to show him voting with the motion. 15 BID ACCEPTANCE: "P.N.M. CORP." - BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT -PHASE II ($6,871,000) Mayor Suarez: Item 19. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, on 19, this is the same contractor that did the tennis courts at Hadley Park and it comes right back to what we said, shabby work and untimely work. And now he has a history of not performing and now we're going to give him $6,8719000. I mean I would hope that some way you would ride herd on this individual and see that the work is done on time and in a timely manner. I so move. sl 48 December 19, 1985 Mr. Plummer: Don't defer it today until this new ordinance comes in as to the penalties. Mr. Odio: Commissioner Dawkins, it's not the same contract. Please let us clarify that. Mr. Dawkins: All right, hold on. In the packet that you sent me it says experience, eight years. Buena Vista Highway Improvement, $1,150,000; Allapattah Mini Park, $630000; Hadley Park tennis courts, $125,000; Citywide Paving Project $391,000; Manor Storm Sewer Project $65,000; Allapattah Industrial Area Highway Improvements $1,177,544; Bayfront Park Development Phase I $750,000. Did he or did he not do Hadley Park? Ms. Juanita Shearer: Commissioner Dawkins, P.N.M. Construction did do, as is listed, the tennis courts on Charles Hadley Park. Mr. Dawkins: That's all I said. Ms. Shearer: But, sir, if you please, the contractor with whom we had the greatest amount of difficulty was not this contractor. It was another contractor, the tennis courts were finished correctly on that project and on time. Mr. Plummer: Where does the buck stop? Mr. Dawkins: Who's the guy who had the overall...? Ms. Shearer: L.G.H. Construction was the problem contractor. Mr. Dawkins: And you have him on a list not to receive any more City contracts? Ms. Shearer: I do not believe that we... just a second. Mr. Don Cather: If L.G.H. has performed poorly, we would certainly question them before we would award them another contract. Mr. Dawkins: That's not what I said, sir. All right, put him on the list. What about the people who did Moore Park? Who did that? Mr. Cather: Ame Construction Company. Mr. Dawkins: Are they on the list not to get any more City work? Mr. Cather: Absolutely. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you, I move 19. Oh, no, I mean I defer 19 until we get that clause in it. Tell me why not. Mr. John Gilchrist: We're under a tight schedule with the UDAG grant. Mr. Dawkins: It's awful funny. Every time you all come up here and when we have a minority contractor.... Mr. Gilchrist: Sir, we have a six million dollar UDAG grant. We do have a minority contractor. Mr. Dawkins: You always tell me about a tight schedule. But when we don't have a minority, a Latin, a Cuban or a Black, we are on no tight schedule. Mr. Gilchrist: We're on a tight schedule to award it to a minority contractor. Mr. Dawkins: That's my problem! Mr. Gilchrist: Because the UDAG grant requirement.... Mr. Dawkins: That's my problem! You always get in a hurry and you don't give it to us till the last time. You should have had enough time where we could negotiate. Now you come here at the last minute and we have to go. Mayor Suarez: What is the urgency, John? sl 49 December 19, 1985 Mr. Gilchrist: The deadline is December 31, 1986 to complete the work. Mr. Dawkins: I move it. Mr. Gilchrist, you say it should be moved. I move it, Mr. Gilchrist. Mayor Suarez: Commissioner, just let me hear what the urgency is, please. Mr. Gilchrist: The UDAG grant requires that we complete the work by December 31, 1986. That's one year from now to complete this $6,700,000 contract. Mayor Suarez: What is the project? What are they doing? This is part of the twenty-one million dollars altogether that's being spent? Mr. Gilchrist: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: What are they doing for the six plus million dollars? Six Point nine. Mr. Gilchrist: It's everything from Flagler Street, we call it the Promenade, the north line is Flagler Street, north to the park to Bayside; I can list out all the items, but it's all everything except the stage and the amphitheater. Mr. Plummer: Would you say the big thing? Would you say how much you had it scheduled for and how much this is under? I think that is very important. Didn't you tell me that your projections were over seven million dollars? Mr. Gilchrist: Yes, $7,055,000 was our projection. Mr. Plummer: And this one came in way under and I think that is very important to remember. Mayor Suarez: Will this take any advantage of that marble that was donated or hopefully will be donated by the Spanish gentleman? Mr. Gilchrist: That is in the Corps of Engineers project, which is another six million dollar project. That is where the Spanish granite goes. Mayor Suarez: I thought the Corps of Engineers was going to be basically doing the seawalk and the baywalk. Mr. Gilchrist: They're doing the seawall, the baywalk and the Pepper Fountain. Mayor Suarez: They are doing the Pepper Fountain. Does this require the removal of the library? Mr. Gilchrist: At this point this does not require the removal of the library. Mayor Suarez: We're going to build around the library at this point. Mr. Gilchrist: We have other items later on the agenda. Mayor Suarez: I understand one of the Commissioners has stated his willingness to have the library torn down and that's a welcome change because that means we can move very quickly on the park. Mr. Gilchrist: Sir, we have a later item on the Commission which would require the library to come down to accept. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. sl 50 December 19, 1985 j • • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1212 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF P.N.M. CORPORATION IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $6,8719000.009 BASE BID OF a THE PROPOSAL, FOR BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT - PHASE II, WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM "BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT" ACCOUNTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,871,000.00 t TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo* Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. *NOTE: Though absent on roll call, Commissioner Joe Carollo requested of the Clerk to be shown voting with the motion. �A ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- '^' 16 RESCIND R-85-1040 AUTHORIZING CONTRACT WITH SUPERIOR SEAWALL SERVICE INC. (WAINWRIGHT PARK BULKHEAD REPAIRS- $31,210)-INSTRUCT ADMINISTRATION TO READVERTISE FOR BIDS. Mayor Suarez: What is the next item we pulled out? Mr. Odio: Item 24. Mr. Plummer: Item 24. Mr. Dawkins: I pulled 24. Didn't we discuss this and wasn't this money appropriated and then we put it back out for bid again? Mayor Suarez: I believe the City Manager wants to withdraw this item. Do you not? Mr. Odio: No. r` Mayor Suarez: I'm sorry. Go ahead. x' Mr. Odio: What happened on contractor that obtained this , the original g' job decided he would lose money on it. He asked to be withdrawn from the job. The second bidder is 50 percent higher than estimates. We decided to rescind this contract and advertise again. Mr. Dawkins: Did you make the first contractor pay a penalty? x, t� Mr. Cather: Yes, we forfeited his bid bond. r1 Mr. Odio: He forfeits, yes. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you. Move 24. Mr. Plummer: Second. sl 51 December 19, 1985 Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1213 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION 85-1040 WHICH i AUTHORIZED THE CITY MANAGER TOO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SUPERIOR SEAWALL SERVICES, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $31,210.00 FOR WAINWRIGHT PARK BULKHEAD REPAIRS; REJECTING ALL BIDS SUBMITTED SEPTEMBER 19, 1985 IN CONNECTION WITH SAID PROJECT; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO READVERTISE FOR NEW BIOS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 17 AUTHORIZE $50,000 IN SUPPORT OF FIVE NATIONAL TELECASTS FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI OF THE PHIL DONAHUE SHOW Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, you pulled 26 in reference to the Donahue Show. Mayor Suarez: I have two questions on this. Exactly, Mr. City Manager, why are we sponsoring the Donahue Show? I mean, is this the consensus of the Commission.... Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: ....that is going to be very desirable and all the other things that we sometimes have refused to consider in funding other special... whatever you call it, activities or events. Mr. Odio: No, sir, the policy of the City Commission in past years has been to fund specifically T.V. originations and also big events. This is one week of television live from Miami. Mr. Plummer: From the Marine Stadium. Mr. Odio: From the Marine Stadium, every morning with ratings of over 30,000,000 people a day, we are buying this program for $50,000. Mr. Carollo: What we're doing, Mr. Mayor, is buying advertisement to promote the City of Miami. That is in essence what we're doing. Mayor Suarez: Do we have any control over what the show content will be? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Not the content of the Phil Donahue Show itself. We have been given 20 seconds for the opening and four spots of ten seconds each which we can tell him what to show. Mr. Plummer: Same as Miss Universe. sl 52 December 19, 1985 • 0 Mr. Odio: We cannot tell him what not to show in their program. Mayor Suarez: Do we have any idea what that show will be about while he's down here? Mr. Odio: He will not tell us, sir. Mr. Carollo: What is the value alone of the spots that we're getting, not including the advertising of Miami, the views of Miami they'll be showing and everything else. Mr. Odio: You're obtaining, I'm going to guess that you're obtaining one minute per show; if you went to buy advertising there, I guess the minimum would be $90,000 per show. Mr. Carollo: And they're going to show five shows from Miami. Mr. Odio: Five live shows from Miami. Mr. Carollo: So it would be at minimum $450,000 that we're getting. Mr. Odio: Minimum. Mr. Carollo: Not including all the other times that they're going to showing downtown Miami and talking about Miami and everything else. Mr. Odio: Well, we're moving the stage, I might as well let you know, the stage at the Marine Stadium is fixed in the center. We're moving it to the side, coming west so that every time the camera focuses on Mr. Donahue what you will see is downtown Miami area every single minute of that program. Mr. Carollo: Can you imagine, Xavier, my colleagues in the Commission, when this show comes on the air, while the rest of most of the UniLad States is going to be freezing cold, other parts snowed in, they're going to be showing sunny Miami. Hopefully it will be sunny those days and all the water oriented activities we have, the new Miami that we're building. I think it's just going to help to bring a tremendous amount of tourists back into the City of Miami. Mayor Suarez: Commissioner, I'm willing to vote for it. I'm ready to vote for it, so if you want to hear it.... Mr. Carollo: I'll make the motion. Mr. Plummer: Just one other, one quick, so you know, Xavier. Our $50,000 I was able to match through the T.D.C. and got the additional $50,000 for a total of $100,000. We were out of that special promotion fund, but it is a total of $100,000. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion? We have a motion. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Suarez: Second? Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: Call the roll. sl 53 December 19, 1985 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1214 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50t000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS IN SUPPORT OF FIVE NATIONAL TELECASTS FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI ON THE PHIL DONAHUE SHOW DURING FEBRUARY, 19869 WITH THE DISBURSEMENT OF SAID SUM BEING AUTHORIZED ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE ATTACHED CITY CONVENTION BUREAU FACT SHEET. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 18 REFER BACK TO ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PLANS FOR THE CREATION OF A DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING, ZONING AND PLANNING Mr. Carollo: If it's the will of this Commission ,can we take up item 37 then? Mayor Suarez: All right. This is my proposal. It basically recognizes that over the last three and a half years the Fire Department was been required or instructed by the City Commission by an ordinance, I believe, to in effect, have within its domain building and zoning functions and probably for good reason three and a half years ago. At the same time it takes into consideration the fact that it is time that Miami have its own Building, Zoning and Planning Department and at the same time we don't create any additional bureaucracy. I therefore have proposed to take all the building and zoning functions currently located at the same building as the Planning Department, place them under the Director of Planning and call it the Department of Building and Zoning and Planning Department. The idea also is to concentrate in as many functions that other jurisdictions have in one person; that is to say zoning director or zoning administrator in the case of our code, department director and building official, in one person, so that we don't have an overabundance of top management people doing different functions that in other jurisdictions done by one person. I think it is incumbent on this City to have a building and zoning division or building and zoning department under a professional planner, professional technician in the field and I think by making this change we would so do and in effect go back to what we had prior to the problems that I know we were undergoing at the time and that probably have been cured. It is my hope that the enforcement of the zoning code and any possible corruption will be just as effectively prevented by the new director of this department as has been in the past by the Fire Department. I believe it would so happen and on that basis, this would be my motion at the appropriate time I will so move and in fact, to make It a little quicker, Vice Mayor, would you take the symbolic presidency of this council and I will make that motion to adopt the ordinance that would effectuate the purposes I've just stated. Mrs. Kennedy: Mr. Mayor, I'm going to side with you. I think it is a matter of common sense to have the building and zoning department administered by a professional. I think that firemen and professionals in their field and we're sl 54 December 19, 1985 '%k 4% very proud of the job they do, not only in putting out fires, but in making sure that buildings meet code requirements. It is for these reasons that I U' believe that the planning and zoning matters are best left to professional planners in the City. - Mr. Plummer: Under discussion. Mr. Carollo: J.L., can I make a quick statement? 3 Mr. Plummer: Sure. Mr. Carollo: Maybe if the City Attorney can read to us... Well, before we get into that, maybe I misunderstood the motion. Is it the intention of the maker of the motion to place the complete responsibility of both zoning, building and planning into the office of the present Director of Planning, Sergio Rodriguez? : Mayor Suarez: We'd be creating a Department of Building, Zoning and Planning; theoretically director does not have to remain the same director as we now have for the Planning Department, theoretically. Not just theoretically, actually, the City Manager can change that individual. Mr. Carollo: You are saying then to remove Sergio Rodriguez as the Director of Planning and place him.... Mayor Suarez: I have my own hope that there be no removal, but I am not trying to instruct, nor am I able to instruct the City Manager on who he should appoint. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, may I interject? Mr. Carollo: J.L., what I'm trying to find out. Mr. Plummer: He cannot stay in that position. He does not qualify under the State Statutes. He would have to be removed. Mr. Carollo: That's what I was trying to find out. Mayor Suarez: Wait wait, the only thing he does not qualify for is to be a building official under the South Florida Building Code. That function is now performed by someone totally different from the Department Director and from the zoning administrator, so we would at least be taking three functions and combining two of them into one person and one other one would still be... probably would be the same individual, although I'm again not telling you, Mr. City Manager, who the building official should be. We do have a building k: official under the South Florida Building Code. Do you know his name? Is it Mr. Ventura? Who qualifies under the code and who would be in that department. Mr. Odio: I'd have to check that. Mayor Suarez: I'm pretty sure it's Mr. Ventura. I'm sure he's a professional architect and qualifies under the South Florida Building Code. Mr. Odio: It is Ventura. .. Mr. Carollo: I think the question that I want an answer from the City Attorney has basically been answered. There are certain requirements that we have to meet with the State law as far as who that individual shall be. It is apparent that while Sergio is a very capable administrator, he does not meet 9 Y these other requirements in the combination of building, zoning together with planning. Mayor Suarez: In fact, you have pointed out something that the City Attorney and City Manager have already pointed out. The ordinance that we have drafted before us reflects in effect that correction, that the building official will be a separate individual in the case that the department r4 director is not qualified to be the building official, which is exactly the way it is now. Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, the way the ordinance is written, presently, it requires the director to serve all three functions: the zoning administrator, sl 55 December 19, 1985 ru the building official, and the planning director. It would take a very very minor change to change it so he appoints the building official, if that is what your desire is to do. Mayor Suarez: I thought you had done that already, but yes, that would be my motion that we make that change. Mr. Plummer: Commissioner Carollo, are you finished? Mr. Carollo: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, it is unfortunate that this is being done or proposed to be done in such a quick manner. I want to tell you that as I have set on this Commission for some - do you have a problem, sir? Well, as soon as I'm finished I'll be glad to give you the floor, sir. Mayor Suarez: No you won't, I'll be glad to give you the floor, sir. Mr. Plummer: Fine, we might overrule that. ... Mr. Dawkins: All, both of you are wrong... Mr. Carollo: Miller has learned a lot in four years, huh? Mayor Suarez: I'm afraid to see what he'll be like in eight years. Mr. Plummer: There were a great deal of reasons why this was instigated as it presently is today, some three -and -a -half or four years ago. I want to tell you that at that particular time we felt it was of such importance that we had a study done, which we knew what would be needed, and we held two public hearings. And I think anything less than that today to change it back, in my estimation, would be irresponsible. Unfortunately, unfortunately it has to be said, that the main reason that this was changed was not only because the Fire Department is the biggest portion of Zoning and Building Safety, it was a natural that this be done. Unfortunately, in the past, there were a great number of people who were fired, terminated, indicted; and that is why that we made a change and that was the convincing argument. More importantly, I think it has to be remembered in the three -and-a-half years of experience in the Fire Department where it presently rests, there has been the biggest construction of this City that has ever taken place - Bayside, Brickell Avenue, all of the rest of the major projects have taken under the direction of the Fire Department. And, Mr. Mayor, there has not been a single finger pointed of honesty and integrity, not a first - no indictments, no termi- nations, no changing of people, not even a hint of scandal has existed, none. If that doesn't speak highly for a situation that is working, I guess I must say don't fix it. But I think for this Commission to take action today without going through the procedures and a new administrator who could make a recommendation to this Commission. He is the professional, we are not. I would hope that this Commission would afford the administration the time to review those reasons, this was instigated, to review and look at those things that have transpired during the tenure of the Fire Department to allow him to come back and say to this Commission, "Commission, I think yes, there is need for some modifications or there is no need for modifications," and finally, with all of that information in hand, fie be provided the opportunity to make an intelligent professional unbiased - recommendation to this Commission. I will ask for a substitute motion at the appropriate time - that this matter be sent to the administration of this City for a period not to exceed 90 days, to study, as I have just outlined, to come back at the end of that period of time, and if there is to be any changes or complete change, that this Commission will immediately instigate two public hearings, in which the entire community will have the time and have their right of input. There is a difference between an ordinance proposed change, as it exists on an agenda, and that as it exists as a public hearing. At this particular time, I think to do any less than have the intelligent thinking of the professional staff would not be proper and in order. I am going to ask at the appropriate time that my substitute motion be considered. Mr. Carollo: Commissioner, I tend to agree with what you said, and I would be happy to second that substitute motion, and then open it up for any further discussion. RT 56 December 19, 1985 Mayor Suarez: We have a second, it is under discussion. I guess both are under discussion at this point. No? Mr. Plummer: I think the substitute takes precedence. Mayor Suarez: The substitute is under discussion. Mr. Dawkins: Any further discussion though? Mayor Suarez: On the second one? Yes. Let me say that, of course ... Mr. Dawkins: Take the substitute motion first. Mayor Suarez: Yes, they're really interrelated. On the second one, assuming k that we go forth with the first motion, we will have, of course, a public hearing at the second reading of this ordinance. I will point out that the last time we made this change when we changed from the existing setup of a ' Building and Zoning Department, eliminated it and put it under the Fire Rescue and Inspection Services Department, we did so in the form of an ordinance, and may or may not have been recommended by the City Manager, and I have no a problems, of course, with the City Manager making a recommendation, and if the City Manager had requested that he be given additional time to consider this, I would so be disposed, but lie has not requested it. This Commission is quite capable of deciding public policy such as the placing of Building and Zoning functions under the Planning Department, which has functions quite similar, and consolidating those to simplify a little bit the City bureaucracy. The confusion that prevails out there is what concerns me the most; to have someone come into the City of Miami, and call information, and ask for Building and Zoning Department, a City which has as much building and zoning i taking place and not be able to get a number because there is no such department, or even one that sounds like it, is something that is highly objectionable to the construction community, and I think indeed to all Miamians. So I don't see what we would accomplish by waiting 90 days. I do, of course, want community input and we would have that at the second hearing on the ordinance being proposed. Therefore, I will vote against the motion to defer. Mr. Carollo: Let me go a little back into time when this change came about. There was a tremendous amount of studying, discussions, planning and thought put into that change, and this is coming from the one vote at the time that voted against that change. I was the sole vote on this Commission that voted against that change, so I have some reservations; some I think that have been expressed here, and at the same time I'd like to say that I feel that the integrity that has been shown in the last three to three —plus years since we made that change, has been integrity unequal to none. But I think that it is appropriate to re —look at this whole situation and I'm very much willing to, but I'm willing to do it in an organized manner where we get input from our professionals, where we get input from the public, and after we do that, well then, let's come to a conclusion that will be the best conclusion for this community. Maybe we need to have a change; maybe the change should be major, maybe it should be minor, maybe no change at all, but let's do it in a moderate pace, making sure chat we don't go about it in such a radical way that instead of accomplishing the positive goals that you and all of us want to accomplish we just do the opposite and create more problems than whac we might have now. Mayor Suarez: So you want to do it more or less the way we select a City Manager. Mr. Carollo: Xavier, you know that is your opinion, I'm just talking about this and not about the City Manager. Mayor Suarez: You did it within two hours after I first started functioning as Mayor of the City of Miami, in a Commission Meeting. Mr. Carollo: Xavier, I'm sorry you feel that way about it. Mayor Suarez: All right, well, you don't have to be sorry about it, that's �- exactly, that's a fair comparison. Mr. Carollo: No, I don't think it is. I'm just sorry that you have hard feelings about chat. rt 57 December 19, 1985 40 Mayor Suarez: I don't have any hard feelings. Mr. Dawkins: I campaigned, and one of my campaign issues was to remove the Zoning and Building from the Fire Department. Since that time, individuals have come to me and said that is the proper way to do it but this is not, and they told me, that this ordinance needed to be studied further to ensure that we do that properly. So the only way we can do that is by having public hearings and allow the same individuals who spoke to me to have some input. So, therefore, I will be voting in favor of the substitute motion to take the 90 days to study it, and bring back what the professionals, and the laborers, and the builders, and what have you tell me that they think will work. Mayor Suarez: I don't think there is any further discussion pending on that second motion. Ms. Hirai: Roll call on the substitute motion: The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1215 A MOTION REFERRING BACK TO THE ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PLANS FOR THE CREATION OF A DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING ZONING AND PLANNING TO FURTHER STUDY SAME BY A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 90 DAYS; FURTHER STATING THAT IF THERE WERE ANY CHANGES RECOMMENDED BY THE ADMINISTRATION BY SAID PERIOD, THE CITY COMMISSION WOULD IMMEDIATELY, AT THAT TIME, HOLD 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS IN ORDER THAT THE COMMUNITY MAY HAVE A CHANCE TO GIVE THE COMMISSION THEIR INPUT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID PROPOSED CHANGES. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NOES: Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Mayor Xavier L. Suarez ABSENT: None. Mayor Suarez: What was the time period that we're going to get that back in? Mr. Dawkins: 90 days. Mayor Suarez: Does it state no later than 90 days? Mr. Plummer: Yes, 90 days and two public hearings. Mr. Dawkins: Now,on the first motion? Mayor Suarez: It's unnecessary. Mr. Dawkins: A gentleman wanted to be heard. Do you want to be heard now, sir? Mayor Suarez: I might, depending on which side you're going to speak, or regardless of which side you're going to speak on; I might caution you that you really ought to reserve comment, maybe for these public hearings. We're going to have 90 days to think about this, come back win two sets of public hearings before we make any such change and it is just a suggestion, sir, but we've got a lot of other items on the agenda and you might be doing your own cause harm. Mr. Carollo: Xavier, we probably aren't going to have time to finish anything else as major.... rt 58 December 19, 1985 Mayor Suarez: Well, I'm just trying to make this Commission function as efficiently as possible. We'll have plenty of time to discuss this item with individual commissioners, at the public hearings and so on. If you nevertheless want to make a statement state your name and your address. Mr. Jose Feradas: Jose Feradas, I'm a registered architect in Miami, a developer, 3520 S. W. 5th Street. I represent a group of investors and professionals in related fields, and we thank the Mayor for taking care of this situation in the Building Department so fast, but we suggest that further study is done. We agree that the Building Department should be moved from the Fire Department, but not integrated with the Planning Department, it should be a separate entity like it used to be. We do have the qualified people there now; we have registered architects, we have registered engineers that can run that place, they don't have the power now to run it. But it should be a separate entity from Planning and we agree that it should be further, time should be taken to study this, that is basically what I want to say right now, we agree with waiting for a period of time to study that. Mayor Suarez: We have a public agenda that we have to get to. Doctor, did you want to say something very briefly, Dr. Alonso? Dr. Leonel Alonso: I am Dr. Leonel Alonso. I am a small builder and investor in the City of Miami, and I have a lot of experience in this field, and for that reason I believe that I am qualified to state what I am planning to say. We certainly think that in the City of ?Miami there is a mess with the problem of the Department of Zoning and Builder under another department, and we cer- tainly believe that the Zoning Board Department must be the only department, not under the supervision of any other department in order to work properly for the City of Miami. We very respectfully ask you, Mayor and Commissioners, to consider creating a Zoning and Building Department alone. We have two wonderful professionals there, two members of minority groups; one is an Indian and one is a Cuban, both are professional and both can be as the director of the Department. I certainly believe that it is mandatory and necessary, and the City of Miami will wurk much better, and we can show at the next meeting that it will not increase any expenses if we have a separate department. Mayor Suarez: Thank you very much, you'll have the opportunity to give us the input over the next 90 days and then at two public hearings. We appreciate your presence. j Mr. Carollo: Dr. Alonso, if I could ask you a question of clarification. What you're saying then is, sir, that while you believe that it is appropriate and it will be for the betterment of the City to move the Zoning Department away from being under the Fire Department, you do not feel it is appropriate to merge it with the Planning Department? I Dr. Alonso: You are correct, sir. Mr. Carollo: You think it should be alone, by itself as before in the past? Dr. Alonso: That's correct, that is very correct and we really like it very much to have the opportunity to discuss with each of you and we have a lot of professionals here that can demonstrate chat with a lot of information. Mr. Carollo: Well, this is the input from people such as yourselves chat we need to have in public hearings in the future, and I think this is the orderly way of going about it because we .... Mayor Suarez: Commissioner, if I may interrupt you, we will have 90 days and two public hearings to consider the orderly way of doing it now that that motion has passed. We appreciate your presence here, Dr. Alonso, but why don't we move on to the public hearing section of our agenda. Mr. Carollo: Xavier, that is fine, but I would hope that we still have an t opportunity on this Commission to ask questions of people that have come here z and spent their time to give their input to this Commission, and that a Commissioner can have the opportunity that we've always had, and that every Commission in this United States has, to express an opinion and to ask a ques- tion. Now, you know, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but you know, ;` please, be a little more humane in that way. I'm not taking that much time. y 5$Y - rt 59 December 19, 1985 4 19(a) REJECT PROPOSED RECOMMENDATION OF HANK MEYER ASSOCIATES,INC. FOR SELECTION AS PUBLIC RELATION MARKETING CONSULTING FIRM (PHASE I - SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. (B) SELECT PUBLIC RELATION/MARKETING CONSULTANT FIRM 1N CONNECTION WITH PHASE I. - SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ($120,000). Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, since we do break at noon and since I am going to move an action on, could I take a special privilege to bring up item 52? Mayor Suarez: Yes, we've got people also here on Item 30, 1 believe and we'd like to get to that, if we could, before lunch. Mr. Dawkins: People here from Mr. Meyer's Office? Yes. Anybody here from Hank Meyer-s Office? Okay. Mr. Mayor and fellow Commissioners, this Commission sits here constantly and says how we intend to help minorities into the main stream. The only thing we sit here and discuss is construction. There are other areas that we also spend money in, advertising, consultants, lawyers, accountants and we don't take that into a concern. Now we have a white firm, Mr. Hank Meyer, who rented a black for 50 percent of this contract, and I wanted to ask the Meyers' company if he was going to be 50 percent of the Meyers company in total, but he only rented him for this purpose, this project only. And after this project then Mr. Meyers would not have a black minority. Then we have another firm that came up and the owner, one of the owners fits all three of our definitions for minorities. She is Hispanic, she's black and she's a woman. So, therefore, this contract should have been given, if we are going to be about the business of our minority whatever we've got, it should have gone to that group. Now, Mr. Manager, I'm making a motion that this comes back to the administration for another recommendation and I want to tell you, sir, you just got here, but this is the second time that this Department under you has done this. See? The first time they did it was they come in with two bids on parcel 47. They bring in a white group and a black group and they gave the most choice plot of land, the 47, to the white group and Mr. Marty Fine said, "I don't know what you're beefing about, you all got two sites, that's enough to say grace over." Okay? So there you made this Commission make a decision where they should have made the decision. Now you come up here with this where we're supposed to be hiring and helping a minority and not only do we have a woman, there's two women in it. You know, it is ridiculous for you to come up here and tell me I've got to make the decision, that's what we pay you for. Mr. Odio: Sir, I would appreciate it if you would reject #1 and would recommend #2 right now. Mr. Plummer: So move. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Which is #2 now? Nicki Bier and Associates, Mr. Odio: No, Gladys Kidd. Mr. Dawkins: Gladys Kidd and Associates. Stand, Ms. Kidd. See what color she is? She is a woman and Hispanic, so she's got three things going for her. Sit down. Mr. Odio: Sir, Mr. Mayor,you have to vote on the rejection and then in selecting #2. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I move that we reject #1. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Suarez: Anyone else wish to speak to that motion or this item? Let me just tell you that I would vote no on #1 and no on #2. The simple reason is that I don't see why we need to spend $120,000 or $60,000 to promote that particular project about which I have a great many doubts, and I think we rt 60 December 19, 1985 could use that money in a lot of different ways more beneficial to the City of Miami, than by giving either $60,000 or $120,000 to a PR firm to promote something that is of doubtful value to the citizens of Miami. D Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I think if you would study you would find that there is a provision mandating there be a marketing group. It is not an elective or fi a plum, it is part of the proposal that a marketing group must be selected. It is mandatory and that is what we're doing, is complying with the mandate of that program. Mayor Suarez: Mandated by what, Commissioner, if 1 may ask? Mr. Plummer: By the Southeast Overtown, and the bonds and also the contracts with the developers. f 5 Mayor Suarez: Okay, I'm going to ask for a legal opinion on that. Commissioner? 7 r, Mr. Carollo: Madam City Attorney, can you look for a legal opinion while I'm talking, please? You know, we're again getting sidetracked with the sizzle instead of looking at the beef, and the beef is that downtown Miami in the next 15 years is going to grow tremendously. What you see out there now is i going to be like nothing 15 years from now. We presently have a workforce in downtown of approximately 90,000 people, more or less. Fifteen years, that workforce is going to double to approximately 180,000 people; which means that if we don't try to locate housing for the average Miamian, those individuals are going to be taking those dollars that they earn in the City of Miami, and go spend them somewhere else, and live outside of the City of Miami. Now, the Overtown/Park West Project in the next 15 years, has the potential of building over 9,000 units for all those additional people that we have working in the City of Miami to live in the City of Miami, to live near their jobs in downtown and to bring downtown Miami into the 20th century, like most other downtowns that are alive at night. It will bring the kind of attraction, the kind of liveliness that we've been talking about for downtown Miami. At the same time, the next 15 years this project in approximately 200 acres that we have, is going to bring over 1,000,000 square feet of retail spaces. So I think, without a shadow of a doubt, that this project is one of the most important projects that this City has gotten involved in, and that is the opinion of this Commissioner. Mayor Suarez: We have a motion, we have a second. Mrs. Kennedy: We have a question under discussion. Mrs. Dougherty, I have to state that I have a company with one of the participants. It is a mortgage company with Frank Cobo, who is involved in the contract and I want to know where I stand on that. Mrs. Dougherty: Commissioner Kennedy, if you wish to abstain, you may do so, if you perceive that you have a conflict of interest in this matter. Mr. Carollo: Did we get a legal opinion from the City Attorney on the t question that was raised? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir, Commissioner Carollo. When the plan was originally done there was a commitment in the plan that we would do marketing studies. Furthermore, we had committed to the various developers orally, although it is not in writing that we would do marketing studies and furthermore, the R.F.P for the nine blocks did say that we would have marketing studies in connection with the plan. Mayor Suarez: What legal consequences would result from the Commission refusing to allocate these monies if any? Mr. Plummer: Breach of contract. Mrs. Dougherty: The City may be found to have not complied with its ,a. commitments. Mayor Suarez: And the people concerned would be the current... .`' s, Mrs. Dougherty: � The developers. �4>s: rt 61 December 19, 1985 • Mr. Plummer: No, excuse me, further than the developers also the bonds. The bonds are very crucial here. Mayor Suarez: Do you think the bond issue would be affected in any way? Are you ready to give an opinion on that? Maybe, you need time. Mrs. Dougherty: Not at this time. Mayor Suarez: Okay. Mr. Carollo: That's one side of the coin. On the other side, it is going to be extremely difficult to accomplish all of this that we have as our goals without having some professional marketing individuals out there putting all the loose ends that we have to in this project. Mr. Mayor, if there is no ... Mayor Suarez: I'm not going to ask for a postponement based on a requirement of a legal opinion, I believe I could under the Code, I'm not going to ask for it, I'm ready to vote. Mr. Plummer: Well, I'd like to make the motion clear. Mayor Suarez: If you want to defer it and wait for a legal opinion you can do so. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, I have a great concern. There are no bonds sold at this time and that is true. But I would hate to see that my people go to New York to sell bonds in which we are in breach of contract with the developers - you'll never sell bonds, no way. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I don't mind deferring this if you want to, I just want to make sure... Mayor Suarez: I'm not asking for it to be deferred, Commissioner, I said that very clearly. Mr. Carollo: I just want to make sure that in no way that would hinder what we're trying to accomplish and particularly in selling the bonds. Mayor Suarez: I'm fairly sure of my answer to my own legal question, if any of the Commissioners would like to have the City Attorney's answer to the legal question posed, you can defer the item. Mr. Carollo: I didn't understand that, Mr. Mayor, are you saying that ... Mayor Suarez: I'm sure of the answer to my own legal question, but if any of the Commissioners would like the item deferred until we get that legal question resolved, having to do with the viability of the bonds, in view of the possibility that the monies would not be appropriated for this public relations effort - marketing effort. You can ask for the item to be deferred if you like. I'm not asking for it to be deferred. Mr. Carollo: Okay, what you're saying, let me see if I understand you, since I'm not an attorney. You're saying that you're sure of your own legal interpretation as an attorney? Mayor Suarez: I have my own legal opinion, yes, sir. And I'm able to vote on this item with my own legal opinion. ti. Mr. Carollo: Since we're not an attorney and we pay an attorney to give us 4, the legal advice, then I have to abide and listen to our City Attorney. f' Mayor Suarez: So you want to defer, is that what you're asking for, Commissioner? Mr. Carollo: No, Mr. Mayor, I'm not asking... Mayor Suarez: Are you ready to vote even though we don't have a legal opinion on that issue? Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I don't need a legal opinion on that issue because I'm not stuck on that particular issue. rt 62 December 19, 1985 • Mayor Suarez: Then let's vote. Mr. Carollo: I have no problems, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Suarez: All right, any further discussion? Mr. Plummer: Repeat the motion. s Ms. Hirai: It is for rejection of 11, the motion on the floor. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1216 A MOTION REJECTING PROPOSED RESOLUTION CONTAINING THE CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION OF THE FIRM OF HANK MEYER ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR SELECTION AS THE PUBLIC RELATIONS MARKETING CONSULTING FIRM FOR PHASE I OF SOUTHEAST f OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. i Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINING: Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Mayor Suarez: We go to #2. Mr. Dawkins: I need a recommendation of the Manager since we rejected #1. Mr. Odio: Sir, I recommend firm #2. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I move that we accept firm #2. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1217 A RESOLUTION SELECTING A PUBLIC RELATIONS/MARKETING CONSULTANT FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE I; ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $60,000 FROM FY 85-86 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT BUDGETED FUNDS TO BE COMBINED WITH THE PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED AMOUNT OF $60,000 FROM FY 84-85 FUNDS FOR A COMBINED TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED $120,000 FOR PROFESSIONAL PUBLIC RELATIONS/MARKETING SERVICES; AND v CONTRACT (STIPULATING CONDITIONS AND A DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES) TO BE SUBMITTED TO CITY COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO EXECUTION THEREOF. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of.the City Clerk.) { I h +� 1 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- rt 63 December 19, 1985 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NOES: Mayor Xavier L. Suarez ABSENT: None. ABSTAINING: Commissioner Rosario Kennedy 20 DISCUSSION AND TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF PROPOSED SECOND READING ORDINANCE (MINORITY PROCUREMENT PROGRAM)(SEE LABEL 0122). Mayor Suarez: Very briefly, let's see if we can take two very non- controversial items. We have a bunch of people waiting here for d second reading of an ordinance that was hammered out, it was not controversial last time around, we could take a quick vote on that, the Minority ordinance. Mrs. Kennedy: That's the one that I would like, I make it. Mr. Carollo: I'll second it. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion? Call the roll. We're going to take a vote on Item 30, are we Ok. on that? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, I just want to point out to the Commission that pages 6 and 7 have been substituted from the one in your package. Mr. Plummer: Whoa, I will invoke the rule. Mayor Suarez: Can we not take Item 30? Mr. Plummer: No, she is telling me that Item 30, pages 6 and 7 have been changed from what is in my package. I have not seen the changes. Now how can you ask me to vote when two pages have been changed? Mr. Carollo: Well, gentlemen, we have a set policy on this Commission that we break no matter what at noon. Mrs. Kennedy: Gentle persons, please. Mr. Plummer: I'm sorry,you can't ask me to vote when two pages have been changed. Mayor Suarez: Right, we've got a host of problems with Item 30 at this point, can they be resolved or not? Mr. Plummer: The rule is the lasr speaker at 12:00.... Ms. Sylvia Unzueta: They are resolved, it is simply an inclusion. Basically all that has been substituted happened to be at the end of page 6 and 7. Mr. Plummer: Sylvia, I love you, but when you make changes if you want me to vote you've got to show them to me. Mr. Carollo: I'll withdraw my second. Mr. Plummer: Please, don't ask me to vote on something that I don't know what it contains. It is unreasonable to ask that of me, or the other Commissioners. Mayor Suarez: Do those changes now reflect precisely a discussion and the passage on First Reading, aren't they changes that reflected our recommendations? rt 64 December 19, 1985 k Mr. Plummer: It's not what is in our packet. Mayor Suarez: But I think it is what we passed on First Reading, isn't it? Ms. Unzueta: No, the County Attorney's Oflice decided that the way to, what they had omitted, inclusion of the information to change the Code to reflect the changes of the ordinance, that is all it is. It simply says that the Code will be amended as per directed by this ordinance. Mrs. Dougherty: Commissioner Plummer, the only change is where this ordinance is going to be codified in the Code. Mayor Suarez: That's the only change? Ms. Unzueta: That's all. Mr. Plummer: Madam City Attorney, when you state for the record that you want it noted that there are different of page 6 and 7 than what is in my packet and the Mayor is trying to push a vote, I'm sorry, you're not going to rush me into doing something that I have not seen. To ask me to do such, or any member of this Commission is absolutely, in my opinion, ridiculous. Now, you want to come show me the changes and you want to come explain the changes, fine, I'm voting with the ordinance. I have done it before. But to sit there and say that the changes are on pages 6 and 7 and not explain them to me - oh come on, please, you insult my intelligence. Ms. Unzueta: I was going to make a presentation. Mrs. Kennedy: Why don't you make the presentation, Sylvia? Mr. Plummer: We'll see you at 2:30. Mayor Suarez: Is it a presentation you can make very quickly, Sylvia, before we quickly lose our quorum here? Ms. Unzueta; I don't think so. Mayor Suarez: Well, what are the changes, if any? Ms. Unzueta: It simply says that whatever changes are necessary in the Code as per this ordinance will be interjected. Mayor Suarez: In other words that any conflicting sections of the Code which is something that would have to happen in any event. Ms. Unzueta: That is correct. Mayor Suarez: Do you have any problems with that, Commissioner? Did we lose him? Commissioner Kennedy, I believe we're without a quorum. We cannot proceed. I'm sorry to tell the citizens of Miami that at this particular point we have to come back at 2:30. Hopefully we'll have a quorum at that point. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, Lucia A. Dougherty, City Attorney, announced on the public record that all public hearings previously announced for 11:30 A.M. would be continued to 2:30 P.M. WHEREUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO A RECESS AT 12:08 P.M., RECONVENING AT 2:30 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION FOUND TO BE PRESENT. Mr. Odio: Okay. Mayor Suarez: That's automatic, because we cannot even take a vote on it. rt 65 December 19, 1985 s E 21. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, AND SPECIAL ITLMS. A. PROCLAIM DECEMBER 19, 1985 AS UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI HURRICANES FOOTBALL TEAM DAY IN RECOGNITION OF THEIR OUTSTANDING WINNING RECORD AND FOR HAVING BEEN SELECTED TO PLAY AT THE SUGAR BOWL. B RECOGNITION OF SUPREME COURT JUDGE. FRED MIGNON FROM THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. 22 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: "REPEAL ORD. 9775, MINORITY PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE, AND SUBSTITUTE THEREFOR A NEW MINORITY PROCUREMENT PROGRAM. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, a point of information, please. Madam City Attorney, do you have the Charter? Will you turn to page 234. Will you interpret 4 for me, and 5? Mrs. Dougherty: Four provides that every resolution and ordinance shall be furnished to members of the City Commission five days prior to every meeting and number five is that all notices of intention to ask questions be given to the City Manager five days prior to every meeting. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, then what Commissioner Plummer invoked, the Rule of 5, that then is a policy set by the Commission or where did that come from? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir, the rule of five meaning that anything that is not on the agenda, any one of you may ask for a deferment and it would be honored by the rest of you. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, Commissioner, I did not in effect invoke the rule if we're speaking to the Woman's Minority... Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Yes, all I asked was that I be afforded a copy of that which we were being asked to vote on which we had been informed was that different than what was provided to us five days prior. Now, I said at that particular point, and I'll say again, that in no way shape or form would I ever expect any Commissioner to sit up here and vote on an item when he is told that two pages of that which he had previously had been changed. The rule is not invoked, I did not intend, I said I would if I had to, but just come explain it to me, that's all I ask. I did not invoke the rule. You can vote on it right now as far as I'm concerned, the City Attorney and Sylvia both have come to me during the lunch hour. Mr. Dawkins: Let's vote on it because I left because I thought you invoked the rule. Mayor Suarez: Okay, this is on Item 30, by the way. Do we have any further explanation from the City on Item 30? One modification I know had to do simply with adding a paragraph that stated that any inconsistent sections of the Code would be repealed and so on, that is standard language. The other modification I think was to insert may instead of shall where it talks about the creation of a new department or a new office or whatever. Wasn't that the ocher change? Ms. Unzueta: On the contrary, it was shall, with the existing resources is the way the language appears: ...shall, with the existing resources. Mayor Suarez: There is the understanding that we're not going to create a whole new bureaucracy to implement this ordinance, right? Ms. Unzueta: Indeed. rt 66 December 19, 1985 Mayor Suarez: That certainly was made clear at the first reading. Mr. Dawkins: Say what, Sylvia? Ms. Unzueta: The way the ordinance was presented includes a negotiated agreement, after we listened to the tapes of the last Commission Meeting, and we inserted after the word shall in Section 3, Item b, we said with existing resources. Mr. Dawkins: What is in it, shall or will? Ms. Unzueta: It is shall. Mr. Dawkins: The word shall. Ms. Unzueta: Indeed. Mr. Dawkins: Well, which one means must? Mayor Suarez: Shall means must. Mr. Plummer: Shall is mandatory. entirely new department? Mrs. Dougherty: No. Are you saying that you're creating an Mr. Plummer: You will not be, this will be incorporated with all the rest of the minority... Ok. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 9775, THE MINORITY PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA BY SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR A NEW MINORITY PROCUREMENT PROGRAM ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AND CITED AS "THE MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS AFFAIRS AND PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA," ESTABLISHING A MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS AFFAIRS PROCUREMENT PROGRAM AND COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION BY THE CITY MANAGER OF AN OFFICE OF MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS AFFAIRS AND PROCUREMENT; FURTHER SETTING FORTH A COAL OF AWARDING AT LEAST 51 PERCENT OF THE CITY'S TOTAL ANNUAL DOLLAR VOLUME OF ALL PROCUREMENT EXPENDITURES TO BUSINESSES OWNED BY BLACKS (17%), HISPANICS (17%), AND WOMEN (17%); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE FOR MINORITY AND WOMEN - OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROCUREMENT SET -ASIDES AND CONTRACT PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROCEDURES, MEASURES AND RESOURCES TO IMPLEMENT SAID PROGRAM, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES; AND CONTAINING A REPEALER AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of November 26, 1985, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10062. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public rcord and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. RT 67 December 19, 1985 23 FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND SEC. 18-104 (RESPONSIBILITY OF CITY ATTORNEY...) INCREASE CLAIM SETTLEMENT AUTHORITY FROM $4,500 TO $25,000. Mayor Suarez: Item 32 is my item. This is a very simple proposal to give the City Attorney more authority; to negotiate settlements in cases of lawsuits against the City from $4,500 to $25,000. I think it reflects pretty much what other cities and municipalities have by way of authority to negotiate, and the idea is to try to avoid lengthy litigation and people realizing that the Commission has got to approve any settlement, and possibly going back on a settlement that they have already agreed to. You always have to pick a point on which you give authority and beyond which you reserve for the Commission authority; to authorize settlement, and I'm simply suggesting the figure of $25,000 as opposed to $4,500. x Mr. Plummer: Question. Mr. Mayor, that figure came about by virtue of the bidding procedures. Mayor Suarez: It is the same as procurement, right. Mr. Plummer: That's correct. Now, is it your proposal that you're going to do the same with the bidding procedure? Mayor Suarez: Well, we need a Charter change for that I believe because that is in the Charter. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I agree with what you said because $4,500 now, Madam City Attorney, when was the $4,500 amount adopted? Mrs. Dougherty: 1977. Mr. Dawkins: So we're talking of approximately 10 years, and I feel that a settlement of $4,500 is pretty low, and if we've got competent professionals whom we are paying to make some decisions, I think we need to give them the flexibility in which to do that, and I have no problems with the $25,000, amount as long as either munthly or quarterly the City Attorney makes us aware of the settlements made, or bring them back to us at that time for approval. Mayor Suarez: At least for information, yes. Mrs. Kennedy: I concur, I think we are all ready to vote. Mayor Suarez: Can we make that an additional request, it would not be an ordinance, but that we be made aware every quarter of settlements that you have reached under $25,000? You have usually informed the Commission of any Mrs. Dougherty: I have been, yes. I would be happy to do that on a quarterly basis. Mayor Suarez: Maintain that procedure so that if we see that the situation is getting out of hand, we'll have the opportunity to redress or reverse that trend. Mr. Carollo: Madam City Attorney, can we have that done on a monthly basis ' instead of a quarterly basis at least for the first Q y , year that we're going to implement this? Mrs. Dougherty: Certainly. Mr. Plummer: Let me only express one concern. Madam City Attorney, I have, I F:= r F guess, a little reservation about the amount but that is flexible. I am concerned in the area in which a settlement could be construed as a policy of r' this Commission. Is there a way that you could assure - for example, let me give you an example. Something happens in the Police Department. Ok.? And it never comes before this Commission, you settle and by your settling it could in effect become the accepted example. I am concerned in those areas which are not a flat settlement, but possibly could overtone and be misconstrued as a policy. Do you understand what I'm saying? --:: RT 68 December 19 1985 3 Mrs. Dougherty: Yes. Mr. Plummer: I would hope, I will vote with this mution. All right? But I would hope that you would be sensitive enough in the future that with this latitude being afforded you by the Commission, in those areas in which you feel that, that settlement could create a policy decision of this Commission, F that you would still bring it here before you settle it. i Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir. f Mr. Plummer: Because I don't want in any way that you have to be placed into i a position of having to settle something that could be construed as to the ultimatum of this Commission. So I will leave it up to your discretion in those areas which could in effect set policy, tnat you will still bring them back here, regardless of the amount and with that I will vote for it. Mayor Suarez: Do we have a motion? x Mr. Dawkins: dove it. Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: This is on first reading. Mayor Suarez: First reading. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18-104, ENTITLED: "RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY ATTORNEY", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY INCREASING THE CLAIM SETTLEMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY ATTORNEY FROM $4,500 TO $25,000 AND BY PROVIDING THAT PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS OF CLAIMS OR SUITS IN EXCESS OF $25,000 SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR ITS APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE CITY'S ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commnissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. RT 69 December 19, 1985 24. EMERGENCY ORD.: AMEND SEC. 1 OF 139 - INCREASE BUDGET FOR PLANNING ANT) ZONING BOARDS ADMINISTRATION BY $30,000 - INCREASE BUDGET FOR CIVIL SERVICE BOARD BY $30,000 FOR FUNDTNC OF SPECIAL COUNSEL. Mayor Suarez: I unfortunately skipped two itetas that we should go back to - Item 29. Mr. City Nanager, do you want to tell us anything on that or do we need to. Does the Commission feel that they are ready to vote on Item 29? Mr. Plummer: I'll move it. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? I presume that this representation was deemed to be necessary by the City and is replacing essentially what George Knox used to do, is that correct? And we cannot do this ... Mrs. Dougherty: No, he did not do this, he declined to represent the City because of possible conflicts of interest. Mrs. Kennedy: Mr. Mayor, doesn't this have a companion item in 43? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Suarez: Yes, do we move both items together? Mr. Plummer: You can't. Mr. Odio: No, you have to moves each one separately. Mayor Suarez: Ok. Now, there is a determination by yourself, Madam City Attorney, that we cannot do this kind of representation in-house? Mrs. Dougherty: No, sir. Mayor Suarez: No meaning we can do it in house? Mrs. Dougherty: We cannot do it in house. The board has to remain unrepresented with respect to those areas which it has been so far and it has asked for representation in these areas. Mayor Suarez: I have no further questions. Does any Commissioner want to ask anything? Otherwise call the roll, please. AN ORDINANCE - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 10039, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 17, 1985, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1986, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDS ADMINISTRATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,000 AND THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,000 AND BY DECREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $60,000, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING SPECIAL COUNSEL FOR TWO CITY BOARDS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Carollo, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote- RT 70 December 19, 1985 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Carollo, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10063.. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 25. AMEND CODE SECTION ENTITLED "GREEN FEES" AND "CART FEES" AND SPECIAL RATES" BY REVISING FEES SCHEDULES FOR GOLF COURSES; ESTABLISHING ME1IBERSHIP FEES, ETC. Mayor Suarez: Item 31 has to do with green fees to be paid. Mr. Odio: We're increasing the greens fees, we need to overcome some deficits we have in the Enterprise Fund so that we can keep it on zero. Mayor Suarez: Do you have a separate Enterprise Fund for each golf course? Mr. Odio: No, both golf courses are under the same fund. Mayor Suarez: We have two under one. Mel Reese is one and which is the other? Mr. Odio: Miami Springs. Mr. Plummer: We own the property. - Mayor Suarez: Are these fees reasonable and in accordance with... Mr. Odio: They are competitive, we have to be competitive with the other golf " 7 courses. Mr. Plummer: I wish we were competitive, they are very low. Mr. Odio: Yes. k„ Mayor Suarez: Is the Commission ready to make a motion on this? t - a RT 71 December 19, 1985 5 AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS (A)(2) AND (B)(1) AND (2) OF SECTION 30-53 ENTITLED "GREEN FEES" AND SUBSECTIONS (A)(1) AND (2) OF SECTION 30-54 ENTITLED "CART FEES" AND SUBSECTION 30-55 ENTITLED "SPECIAL RATES" OF TEE CODE OF T111: CITY OF NI,V-11, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY REVISING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR CITY OF MIAMI GOLF COURSES, AND FURTHER, ESTABLLSHLNG A MONTHLY PREPAID MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $40.00, AN ELECTRIC CART RENTAL OF $9.00 FOR THE THIRD MEMBER OF A THREESOME WHEN TWO CARTS ARE RENTED, MANDATORY RENTAL OF ELECTRIC GOLF CARTS ON SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS, YEAR ROUND FROM OPENING TO 10:00 AM, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO OFFER DISCOUNT COUPONS AND/OR PROMOTIONAL OFFERS IN CONNECTION WITH GOLF COURSE FEES AND CHARGES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of November 26, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins a Mayor Xavier L. Suarez a NOES: None. t ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10064. j The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and j announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 26. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND "LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING TRUST FUND - REGION 14 - FY 85-86" APPROPRIATE $86,574 RECEIVED AS GRANT AWARD FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA. Mayor Suarez: Item 33. Mr. Plummer: Move 33. Mrs. Kennedy: Second 33. Mayor Suarez: It has been woved and seconded. Any discussion? Call the roll, please. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING TRUST FUND "REGION 14 - F.Y. 85-86", APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $86,574.00; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE $86,574.00 GRANT AWARD FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner a Kennedy and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote- RT 72 December 19, 1985 a AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 27. CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF KIRKLAND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (SR-5478-C). Mayor Suarez: Let's go back to Item 57 which was scheduled for 11:30 in the morning. It has to do with sewer improvements on West Flagler and S. W. 8th Street. More sewer improvements on West Flagler? Wow. 32nd Avenue and 37th Avenue. What are we doing when we confirm the assessment roll? Mr. Donald Cather: These are sewers that have been constructed, and we are now prepared to assess the property owners, and this is confirming the roil as being correct and having the proper assessment for each property. Mayor Suarez: These assessments as typically as the case cover 20-25 percent of the actual cost to us? Mr. Cather: That is correct. Mayor Suarez: Does any Commissioner want to move this item? Mr. Plummer: Is there any member of the public wishes to speak on it? Mayor Suarez: Thank you, Commissioner, good point. Is there anyone that wishes to speak on this item? Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect chat no one came forth, so I move the item 57. Mayor Suarez: Thank you for the motion. Any second? Any discussion from the Commission? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1218 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF KIRKLAND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN KIRKLAND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5478-C (CENTERLINE SEWER) AND REMOVING ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- RT 73 December 19, 1985 a 44q t AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 28. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., INC. ($14,215.60) FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA PHASE 5 II. k Mayor Suarez: Item 58 authorizes the final payment on a contract previously awarded, completed and I guess this is a retainage amount, 10 percent? Mr. Cather: Yes, sir, this is the final payment. Mayor Suarez: Do we usually use that 10 percent retainage amount? Because I see in some other cases we don't use 10 percent. Mr. Cather: It all depends, on assessable projects we must use 10%, others we can give them.... Mayor Suarez: We must use 10 percent by what, the City Charter? Mr. Cather: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: Anyone from the public that wishes to be heard on this item? Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect that no one came forth to speak on Item 58, I then move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1219 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $146,215.60 FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - ALLAPATTAH, INDUSTRIAL AREA - PRASE II; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $14,617.06. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. RT 74 December 19, 1985 29. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK - F.R.E. CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. ($737,814.51) FOR ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA IMPROVEMENT PHASE I. - BIDS A, B, AND C - ASSESSING LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. Mayor Suarez: Item 59 is pretty much the same thing, $5,000. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Suarez: Any from the public that wishes to be heard on the item? Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, for the record, would you put in the title? Mayor Suarez: It is a resolution accepting completed work and assessing liquidated damages, authorizing final payment. Mr. Plummer: Listed as item 59 on the agenda. Mayor Suarez: Item 59. Is there anyone that wishes to be heard on this from the general public? Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect that no one came forth, I, therefore, move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Under discussion? Mr. Cather: I'd like to state that you see there we did assess this contractor $500 a day fur being late 10 days. Mr. Dawkins: That is my discussion with you, sir. How many days were he late? Mr. Cather: Ten days. Mr. Dawkins: So out of $737,814 he was late how many days? Mayor Suarez: Ten days. Mr. Dawkins: And we assessed him $5,000. Mr. Cather: If he had been late 20 days it would have been $10,000. Mr. Plummer: Commissioner, under my formula it would be about $73,000. Mr. Dawkins: That's my point, Commissioner Plummer. Thank you, no further... Mayor Suarez: It would be one tenth of one percent or $73,000. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you. No further questions, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Suarez: It would be one tenth of one percent or $73,000. Mr. Plummer: That's just a suggestion, they can play with that any way they want to. Mr. Dawkins: No further questions, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Suarez: It would have been one tenth of one percent per day so in effect 1 percent - $73,000. Wow. All right. Mr. Plummer: I think they would have moved a little quicker. Mr. Cather: That would have been $7,300, not $73,000, Mr. Plummer: It would have been $7,000 a day. $70,000 for ten days. Mayor Suarez: We have a motion and a second. Any further discussion? Call the roll. RT 75 December 19, 1985 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1220 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF FRE CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $737,814.51 i FOR ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I BIDS "A, B, C"; ASSESSING $5,000.00 AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR 10 DAYS OVERRUN OF CONTRACT s TIME; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $84,699.16. i (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) i Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy - Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez J NOES: None. 3 ABSENT: None. 30. AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT WITH F & L CONSTRUCTION INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY. � i r — Mayor Suarez: Item 60, a resolution authorizing increase in the contract amount for a construction done by F & L Construction, Inc. The amount certainly isn't large. Why did we increase the contract amount, if I may ask? Mr. Cather: There were certain landscaping items that had to be done and in order not to delay the completion of the project we ordered the contractor to go ahead and do it. For example, he put in 6 Royal Palms for the 6 provinces of Cuba in front of the place and a few other things like that that added onto the cost and so since this is more than a $10,000 increase which the City Manager could have done, we have come to you for the extra $11,400. Mayor Suarez: Do we have a motion from the Commission? Mr. Plummer: Is there any one of the public ttldt wishes to speak on Item 60? Let the record reflect that no one came forth, I, therefore, move it. Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion from the Commission? Call the roll, please. i R.i 9 t �3 f k x' d tiGi 'ey-"'5;'c13asfi :: gT 76 December 19, 1985 } } The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: a RESOLUTION NO. 85-1221 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $11,481.42 IN THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AND F 7 L CONSTRUCTION, INC. DATED MARCH 15, 1985 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY, SAID FUNDS TO BE PROVIDED FROM FEDERAL JOBS BILL FUNDS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 8TII YEAR CONTINGENCY FUNDS ALREADY ALLOCATED TO THE PROJECT; FURTHER RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S WRITTEN FINDING THAT THE HEREIN INCREASE RESULTED FROM EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF TWO-THIRDS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMIIISSION, AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF THIS RESOLUTION; FURTHER ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF F & L CONSTRUCTION, INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $477,806.42; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $23,139.54. (Here follows body of resolution, omitLed here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 1 e a 31. AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT WITH F.R.E. CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I. Mayor Suarez: Item 61. Mr. Dawkins: What is the emergency? What makes it an emergency, Mr. Cattier? Mr. Cather: I don't see where it is an emergency, sir. Mr. Plummer: That's what it says on the agenda. Mayor Suarez: It requires a 4/5th vote, is that because it is an emergency? Mr. Cather: No, it is because it is an increase in contract. It is like Item 60 is an increase in contract and must have a 4/5 vote. Mr. Plummer: 61. Mr. Cather: I say just like 60, it requires a 4/5th vote because it is an increase in contract. Mayor Suarez: Is that under our Charter or is that under State Law? £: Mr. Cather: That is under our Charter. Mr. Plummer: And it is not an emergency. ti Mayor Suarez: No, it isn't an emergency, it is a regularly scheduled item, it y. just requires a 4/5th vote, otherwise it dies. RT 77 December 19, 1985 a Mr. Plummer: Does anybody want to talk on Item 61? This is the East Little Havana Highway Improvement Phase I, second bidding, bids C and D. Let the record reflect no one came forth to speak on this issue, I therefore, move the item. Mayor Suarez: Any second? Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: Thank you. Any further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1222 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $40,000 IN THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AND FRE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY DATED DECEMBER 18, 1984, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF EAST LITTLE. HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I, SECOND BIDDING, BIDS C AND D, SAID FUNDS TO BE PROVIDED FROM MONEY ALREADY ALLOCATED TO THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT; FURTHER RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S WRITTEN FINDING THAT THE HEREIN INCREASE RESULTED FROM EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF FOUR -FIFTHS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF THIS RESOLUTION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 32. REFER TO CITY MANAGER REQUEST RECEIVED FROM THE BLACK CROSS LIBERATION MOVEMENT FOR START UP FUNDS FOR THEIR "HOPE AGAINST DOPE" PROGRAM. Mayor Suarez: Item 62. Is a representative of the Black Cross Liberation Movement, Inc. "Hope against Dope" to request start up funds for their program. Ms. Clara Rolle: Good afternoon, I'm Clara Roe, window of the late Reverend Jonathan Rolle. Hope Against Dope, and we're requesting $50,000 for seed money to keep our program going - Hope Against Dope. We are staffed and we're working without pay and so we need seed money to help us out. Mr. Plummer: Has this matter been before the Manager? r Mr. Odio: Mr. Mayor, we received this proposal December 17th. We have had no time to evaluate and we needed to bring it back. Mr. Plummer: I move that we transfer it to the Manager for consideration and recommendation back to this administration, the normal procedure. RT 78 December 19, 1985 Mayor Suarez: Do we have a second for the motion? Mrs. Kennedy: I think we should give them a chance to evaluate it and 1"11 second that, yes. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion from the Commission? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1223 A MOTION REFERRING TO THE CITY MANAGER A REQUEST RECEIVED FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF THE. BLACK CROSS LIBERATION MOVEMENT ("HOPE AGAINST DOPE") FOR START-UP FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000; FURTHER REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REVIEW, EVALUATE. AND COME BACK WITH A REC=4ENDATION CONCERNING SUC1T REQUEST FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION. Upon biting seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Suarez: Ma'am, the correct procedure is to take it to the City Manager and work out the details and whether it is the kind of program we get involved in, it certainly sounds like it is a worthy cause, and then it comes back to the Commission with a recommendation and with all kinds of background d information for us to be able to make a decision. Ms. Rolle: Thank you. Mayor Suarez: Thank you. 33. DISCUSSION REGARDING REQUEST RECEIVED FROM COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC. FOR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF THEIR BOXING PROGRAM. Mayor Suarez: Item 63, Coconut Grove Cares. Mrs. Virrick, you waited patiently for half a day. Mrs. Virrick: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, I will have a few words to say, but first, Mr. Collie Coats, Assistant Director of Coconut Grove Cares will give you some background information. Mr. Coats: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, this will be very short. In the last couple of weeks I have been getting the impression that a lot of people in the City are not fully aware of what Coconut Grove Cares... Mayor Suarez: Collie, could you give your name and address? Mr. Collie: Yes, Collie Coats, Assistant Director of Coconut Grove Cares. I live at 10734 S. W. 144 Street. As I was saying, I'm sure that a lot of the people, as I've been checking around the last couple of weeks, are -not familiar with all of the services that Coconut Grove Cares and for some time we have been looked on as just a boxing program. Today I'm going to sit that straight. First of all, in the boxing program, the last fiscal year, the total number of participants was 120. Of that 120, 65 were 18 years of age and under and 91% were from the City of Miami and those, of course, have been turned into the City Parks Department on a weekly basis. Besides the boxing RT 79 December 19, 1985 fi 3 program, Coconut Grove Cares also runs the Ex -offender Program which served 228 clients, placed 73, those people are still on the job in the City of Miami which we're not charging for, those people are on the job 40 hours a week, balance that out to $3.35 an hour, that would come up to income in this community of $508,664. We also serve youth, young people between the ages of 10 to 16. Last year alone was 405, 100% of those clients are from the City of Miami. So I'm saying this one point, is that the boxing program that Mrs. Virrick has been fighting for for the years that I've been here is not the only aspect of the program. The boxing program also feeds their clients into the other agency's operations. Total clients last year for Coconut Grove Cares in the City of Miami was 753 and those records are open to the public any time. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you. Mayor Suarez: Is there any action that you wish for us to take at this point? Do you have any .. . Mr. Coats: I think Mrs. Virrick wanted to do that herself. Mr. Plummer: You know if she is here it is money. Mayor Suarez: The big whip. Mrs. Virrick: Me? Recently our grant for the Boxing Program was reduced to $25,000 from $75,000 and the understanding was that that $50,000 would be replaced and we have come here to ask you to approve the replacement of that $50,000 because the Amateur Boxing Program can no longer exist on $25,000 grant. Mayor Suarez: This is $75,000 that the City previously gave that was reduced? Mrs. Virrick: Previously gave. Mayor Suarez: By the City? Mrs. Virrick: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: Do we have any idea, Mr. City Manager or Commissioner, why we reduced that? # Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, there was a grant of $75,000. There was the need demonstrated before this Commission for two other organizations, this Commission in its wisdom felt that they wanted to divide the money among the three. We did, in fact, make a promise to Mrs. Virrick and she is about 80% right - if additional funds were found we would restore those monies. And unless I know anything to the contrary, I would have to be told by the Manager that those funds have been found. Now, the Manager has been crying poor mouth even though he is only in office 24 hours, but ne has learned well how to cry poor mouth and I hope it continues. Mr. Dawkins: Well, let me give the Mayor and Commissioner Kennedy a little - background. $75,000 was awarded to Coconut Grove Cares for the Boxing Program and at that time we had other agencies down here that needed funding. So it was decided that we would take the $75,000 and give $25,000 to Coconut Grove Cares, $25,000 to Wynwood, to the ASPIRA Program and $25,000 to Tacolcy in the liberty City area and, thereby, we would serve more of the populace in the community with the $75,000 where we would only get one segment with the _ $75,000. It was also as she said, told to her that we would restore the money ?: at this time thinking that there would be money available to do it and as Commissioner Plummer said, we have to hear from the Manager now if he has that money, if so, we can do it. Mr. Plummer: I think another important factor is that both of the programs in Wynwood and Tacolcy were food programs. Mr. Odio: I have to say, Commissioner, that Commissioner Plummer is right, we don't have that kind of money. I have to, and I am in the process of xrti reviewing the whole budget, we're coming out with some measures tonight and tomorrow precisely freezing positions or most of the positions and freezing 4 part of the budgets of each department. It would be unfair of me to say now Y r that I can find $50,000 for this ... RT 80 December 19, 1985 Mayor Suarez: Is there any amount that you could recommend at this particular time? Mr. Odio: No, sir. Mayor Suarez: Mrs. Virrick, rather than risk taking a vote on a motion that has yet to be made by any Commissioner, would you rather simply go back and work it out with the City Manager after he has looked at the budget as he has promised to do and propose certain cuts that lie is proposing to do and see if we can find some money? fir. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, that was the motion of this Commission which is prevailing, that if the Manager finds the money they will be restored. Mrs. Virrick: I am sorry to say, and make myself unpopular, but there is no if in it when it was told to me. Mr. Dawkins: There was an if in it. Mr. Plummer: Elizabeth, we sure can't give you anything we don't have. Mr. Dawkins: We can't because we don't have it. Mrs. Virrick: Well, do you want us to give up the Boxing Program? That is our only alternative. Mr. Dawkins: I have said to you time and time again and I will say it now - I. really think that the Boxing Program should be a part of the Miami Police Boxing Program and that the Police should put people in here as we do Overtown, volunteers or what have you to run it. And I say that now. And if we find that for budgetary reasons you have to give it up rather than see these youngsters not serviced, I would ask that we do it the same way as we do Overtown with the Police. Mrs. Virrick: You know something, this would require quite a long discussion between you and me and I don't think you have the time to do it today with all these people waiting. But the City of Miami and the youth of the City will certainly suffer if we have to give up our program because these are the people whose lives we are turning around. These are the people whom we are taking off the streets. These are the people to whom we are giving a better self-concept, a better vision of what this sort of exercise does for them and makes them respect the other fellow. There are a great man losses the City would suffer among its youth if you do away with this program. Mr. Dawkins: That's why I know the good you're doing and I sympathize with what you're saying. That's why I said I would do all I could within reason with the Police Department to see this is saved. I agree with you but we cannot produce dollars we don't have. Mrs. Virrick: Mr. Dawkins, you told me in the presence of several people that this would be replaced. Mr. Dawkins: If we found the money we would replace it. Mrs. Virrick: There was no if about it. Mr. Dawkins: No, I didn't have to tell you, we already told you. We told everybody in here that if we found - all the people that were cut out were told if we found money we'd give it to them. Mrs. Virrick: Well, how long will it be before we will know whether or not you can replace it? Mr. Dawkins: As soon as the Manager works out the differences with the Police and Fire Department as to what raises they will give we will know what kind of money we've got left and what we have to do with it. Now, we can't even promise you that that money will go to social services. It may have to go for feeding more elderly people, we don't know. And to keep from saying that I told you again that you would get some money, I have to clarify now by saying that if the money is found and this Commission decides to do nothing else with it then you get $50,000. RT 81 December 19, 1985 Mrs. Virrick: Mr. Dawkins, how do we go ahead and pay the salaries? Mayor Suarez: We're not going to get involved in a back and forth argument F here. Unless any other Commissioner wants to express themselves on this topic I'm ready to make a motion. My motion would be, I pass the gavel over to the Vice -Mayor to chair, that we instruct the City Manager to find somewhere $25,000 and I know that he can, I know that he will. Mrs. Virrick: It is $50,000. Mayor Suarez: Well, I'm going for $25,000 right now so that we can at least keep the program going for the next reasonable period of time, whatever it may be and I so move. Mrs. Kennedy: I think it is a great program, Mrs. Virrick, and I also want to help you. I'll second Mayor Suarez's motion. Mrs. Virrick: Thank you. But you see, I have to ask you how long because we have to pay salaries. Mayor Suarez: Well, it would be fore roughly half the period that you need the $50,000 for. You might be mindful of the fact that assuming it passes, and I'm not sure it will, that you're going to have to look in as many places ass you possibly can for other funding. We are having a difficult time ourselves within this City government and structure finding the monies to do the things that we are required by law to do which Commissioner Dawkins has stated including keeping our Fire and Police and other services going. Mr. Dawkins: Any further discussion? Mrs. Virrick: Yes, I want to ask you how we pay salaries in the meantime. Mayor Suarez: Well, if it passes we will be giving you half of the amount that you're seeking, presumably to last half of the time that you expect the $50,000 to be sufficient for. Mr. Dawkins: Further discussion? Bearing none, call the roll. The preceding motion introduced by Mayor Suarez and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy failed to pass by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Mayor Xavier Suarez NOES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to vote yes but I'm going to predicate it on this. Elizabeth, you're not going to get the other $25,000 vote from me. I want to be honest with you. Because I tell you what we're going to need that money for - and it is unfortunate. We're going to need that money to pay unemployment for some employees that are not going to have jobs in the near future. And I'm telling you if you want to take care of some people we take care of our own first. I'm going to go along with the motion today but I'm telling you right now that this is wind down money. It is wind down money. I don't want you to be left in the lurch so I'm voting with you today to get your wind down money but I will not vote for another $25,000. Mrs. Virrick: Tell me what you mean by wind down money. Mr. Plummer: Wind down means that you will not come back here in a panic emergency situation three months from today and say I can't pay my bills. I'm telling you this one vote will not vote to give you any additional moneys this year unless the Manager finds the money and will come forth and volunteer it. So I don't want you to come here panicky banging on the door saying "How am I going to pay bills?" We're telling you today we're going to pay your bills for another three months but I, for one, am putting you on notice that not in RT 82 December 19, 1985 I good faith can I vote for another $25,000. Okay? I want you to understand that. I'm being honest with you. i Mr. Dawkins: I'm voting against the motion and I want all five of us up here to understand that a policy was made that we would not send the Manager to find money. Now, you have just broken that policy. Now, when other people come up here asking to find money, damn it, tell the Manager to go find it. Mr. Plummer: I'm sorry, I've got to change my vote. I'm sorry. I have got to adhere to that policy. I was one of the ones that moved that policy, Mrs. Virrick, I. hate to do this to you but I would be less than good faith to my colleagues who established that policy that moneys would not be made available and I have to uphold that end because I was pdrt of it. And I really hate to do that. Mrs. Virrick: What do you mean money was made available then it was taken away. ? Mr. Plummer: Yes, I understand. Okay? I'm sorry I have to change my vote. I'm sorry. Mr. Carollo: Let me make a statement. Elizabeth, it is nothing personal with the program that you have. The problem is that it has all of a sudden become i very popular but some of us like myself were saying in this Commission for some time and the records are clear on that and that is that we've got to cut back on the raising of taxes in the City. Miami is becoming a City of the very rich, the very poor and we're losing the backbone of the City, the middle class. Now, I don't understand how we're going to cut back on taxes, provide 1 better services and at the same time be funding all the different programs, all the different things, all the carnivals, all the parties that we've had in the past. It is impossible. At least I, for one, am going to try to abide as much as I possibly can with what I have been saying since I arrived to this Commission in 1979, that we have to start cutting back. I'm glad that it has finally become something that is very popular. Mr. Plummer: I can't leave the subject without at least, Mr. Manager, Elizabeth, when are your bills paid to? Elizabeth, when are your bills paid to? I can't leave you in a deficit because you are a City sponsored program. Mr. Coats: Mr. Plummer, right now what happened is that the $25,000 allocated, we haven't received anything of that. We have been making the payment to the staff. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me. As of today... Mr. Dawkins: J. L., he says they have not received the $25,000. Mr. Plummer: I understand that. But as of today, will that $25,000 that you are entitled to, will that pay you up currently? Mr. Coats: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Okay. So then you know that you've got to cut it off tomorrow or find other sources of funding. I didn't want to leave you in the lurch and have you owing money because you are a cosponsor with the City. Okay? Now, you're telling me that the $25,000 when you receive that will make you current, is that correct? Mr. Plummer: Okay, then I feel a lot better. Mr. Odio ... Mrs. Virrick: Just a minute, let me say something. Do you realize how many hundreds of thousands or maybe millions of dollars are being spent to deter and reduce crime and there is no more crime deterrent program than that amateur boxing program. Now, it doesn't seem quite fair that you have a program that takes the young men off the streets, keeps them out of the stores, helps the merchants from having robberies all the time, gives these young men a fair chance, gets them back into school, teaches them respect for authority and for other people land you want to spend thousands of dollars to deter crime and then cut this program off because you're telling us to pay our bills now and then cut the program off. That's what you're saying as I understand it. RT 83 December 19, 1985 Mr. Dawkins: Mrs. Virrick, I agree with you in total and when the citizens against crime came down here yelling and screaming to hire a thousand people you and T were the only ones who said that Representatives Friedman write into the bill for the one cent sales tax that some of this money be used to deter crime and work with juveniles but because you and I were in the minority and citizens against crime was in the minority, the pressure group, they elected to hire a thousand policemen instead of putting money in places like you say. I agree with you, it is time for us to find money to deter crime rather than to treat the crime after it has happened. But we've got to find it some place else other than raising your taxes and my taxes and somebody else's taxes. Mr. Carollo: Miller, in all frankness, we've been telling Mrs. Virrick for some time now that the money is going to start to be cut off. This is not something that we have hit you with all of a sudden and never have made any mention of it before. Mayor Suarez: I'd like to make just one last comment, Mrs. Virrick. And Collie, if you are interested in using my office to whatever extent you'd like to find private sources, I believe we could find some. Couple that with volunteers from the other program such as the one the City Police Department runs on a volunteer basis, police officers, at Gibson Park, I was there on Monday and got my eye scratched, by the way, playing basketball, in any event it was a great program and it is run on a totally volunteer basis, they have some good boxing coaches there and in any event we will look for private funds and I think there are some available. This is a particularly good time of the year to ask our private sector who are doing quite well for some monies and I will so offer my office. 3 Mrs. Virrick: Tell me something, how can the City of Miami give a grant and 1 then take two-thirds of it away in the middle of the stream as it were? Mayor Suarez: I guess we never quite gave it before is what it comes out to. i Mr. Carollo: No, not quite, we didn't give it before. Mayor Suarez: No, apparently we never had decided to grant that money before ,{ to appropriate it, it was a reflection of an intention of the Commission or i something to that effect but it was not an actual resolution to award the monies. Mrs. Virrick: The City was paying us on the basis of that. i Mayor Suarez: It was paying you on the basis that more monies would come and that is somewhat of a change in mid -course, I think most of us acknowledge that. The vote is taken, we appreciate your time and we'll help and I'm sure all the Commissioners will help too to find private financing and volunteers to complete what you need to run that program effectively. It is a very important program, I think we all agree on that. Remember, I promised to do an exhibition for you if you want it if it will help to raise funds. I'll box against you, Collie. Mrs. Virrick: We were wondering if you really meant that. That might put some new life into it. Mayor Suarez: Absolutely. I mean it, yes, as long as it is him or you. I'd be afraid to get in the ring with you. i Mr. Plummer: I-11 bury the loser at half price - bury both at no charge. 3 Mr. Dawkins: Plummer does not bury nothing for free. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Upon agenda item 64 being called by the Mayor for discussion, no one came forth to speak on the issue. Agenda item 65 was withdrawn by the administration. f 34. GRANT REQUEST RECEIVED FROM THE WYNWOGD ELDERLY CENTER - DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO ALLOCATE FUNDS ON A TEMPORARY BASIS. Mayor Suarez: Item 66, a representative of the Wynwood Elderly Center to discuss funding for the Jose Mendez site. Ingrid, state your name and address, please. Ms. Ingrid Grau: Sure. Good afternoon, Mayor and Commissioners, my name is Ingrid Grau. I am the executive director for Wynwood Elderly Center located at 2902 N.W. 2nd Avenue. During the pasta year, I have been requesting for your support to provide 94 meals for the Jose Mendez site which was recently constructed. It is art elderly public housing with 72 units and it is located at 30th Street and N.W. 3rd Avenue. The Jose Mendez site has been in planning 8 consecutive years and finally it has materialized. HUD has been very kind to allow us to use their space of 1,635 square feet which is valued for $65,400 for only $1.00 a year. And also has furnished the whole site so the elderly could use the space. Catholic Service Bureau has provided the meals, the raw food cost and we are asking for you for I don't know how many times, this is going to be the 9th time, $33,000 in order to be able to provide those meals to our needy low income elderly who are actually on our waiting list. Mayor Suarez: Are these Community Development Block Grant monies, Mr. City Manager? Mr. Odio: What happened, they were supposed to have matching funds, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: No, I think you're confused with the issue. Mr. Odio: No, I'm not. Mr. Plummer: This is asking for an outright grant. Mr. Odio: That is right, because they could not get their matching funds. i Mayor Suarez: There are no C.D. monies available, Frank? Mr. Plummer: Not for food programs. Mrs. Kennedy: You were not able to get state funds? Mr. Frank Castaneda: Let me say this. This may be confusing. Basically, what happened, that last June or July, when we had the C.D. public hearings, we approved money for a number of programs. There is a program in the Wynwood area which is called National Puerto Rican Forum, which was awarded $57,000, j with the condition that they would be able to obtain matching state funds. That group has at this time not been able to obtain that match. I believe that they might be here. I don't know it I see them. They have since gone to the County to apply for matching funds and they have an application there, R which is being reviewed and they should have some kind of answer in January. As you are aware, we have awarded all the money from C.D., and you know, and F.R.S. for social programs and we are at the cap. The only way that we can t foot anything else, if you decide that since this program has not been able to obtain the match, and we relinquish our commitment to them, and then you would j open that up. Mr. Dawkins: Let me say this, Mr. Mayor ... Mayor Suarez: Who is the commitment to? I am sorry, Commissioner. Who is the commitment to that we would have to relinquish? Mr. Castaneda: National Puerto Rican Forum. ! Mayor Suarez: They are not here? Ott, they are here! I am sure they will speak ... ' Mr. Dawkins: Ok, let me say something before he speaks. This is another one of the programs that is in the same bind as Mrs. Virrick. This is why I said food. Now, when this organization came before us during the revenue sharing :r¢ RT 85 December 19, 1985 W 2M cut, we said we were feeding people and providing medicine for the aged. We said give them money for the food, but some kind of a way it got lost and nobody picked it up, and therefore, when all the money was appropriated, they did not have the money we thought we appropriated to them, so that is why I said that. I told Mrs. Virrick, and I will say it again, that if we find any money, in my priority, this program has priority over the boxing program for the $25,000. Mr. Plummer: Or any other food program! Mayor Suarez: Can we hear from the person who is supposed to get the funds that you are asking for us to relinquish, or take away? Mr. Sol Werban: My name is Sol Werban, from the National Puerto Rican Forum, located at 4141 North Miami Avenue. We have not been remiss in looking for funds, for matching funds, in the amount of $56,000. Mayor Suarez: $56,000? Mr. Castaneda: $57,000. Mr. Werban: In fact, we have submitted proposal to the County, to Mr. Clarence Uwell to the office of Job Training Coordination, Mr. James Barforth, Director, with special programs division, who came to our office and saw the facility and saw the program we are carrying out there, and ... Mayor Suarez: Which is what? What is your program, essentially? Mr. Werban: Ok, employment and English as a second language, survival skills. Mayor Suarez: Yes, sir. There is no possible way for you to combine with Ms. Grau's program in some way or another? ... cooperate with her? Mr. Werban: Well, in fact, we are requested to have a budget of $113,000. We have been promised $67,000, so I think we are $56,000 short. Mayor Suarez: What happened? Mr. Werban: And that is where we are fighting for now. We have proposals already at these places that we have mentioned and were given to understand that we had a deadline to June, 1986. Mayor Suarez: By whom? Who set the deadline? Mr. Werban: Well, there is a letter to that effect. Mayor Suarez: From whom? From what ... from the other matching funds, or from us? Mr. Werban: Well, from the City Commission. Mr. Castaneda: The contract period would expire June .... Mr. Werban: So I don't see why if the contract period expires and seems to be binding, there would be any petition from other programs to have this money allocated to them, when in fact it has been appropriated. Mr. Plummer: Yes, but you have already gone three months into the year, sir. Mayor Suarez: Are we going to wait until the end of the contract there before Mr. Castaneda: Five months. Mr. Plummer: I am sorry, five months, and that money is in abeyance, is not being used. Mr. Werban: Well, we are fighting to get the matching funds. We are contacting other sources. We are contacting the private sector and the public sector as well. Mr. Plummer: How much have you got a commitment for at this time? ''' RT 86 December 19, 1985 s Mr. Werban: Well, we have no definite commitments. We are in negotiations with Mr. who will give us an answer probably next week. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I make a motion at this time that this organization be given until the 15th of January, as such time, ii the matching grant is not forthcoming, that money be relinquished back to the City for distribution to food programs. I so move. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion on the motion? S Mr. Werban: Can I request that the period be maybe four weeks rather than two? Mr. Plummer: Sir, you said within a week. I gave you three. Mayor Suarez: You have got to be careful with J. L. He is quick on the draw. Mr. Werban: That would be the only source that we are working with. Mrs. Kennedy: With Commissioner Plummer you have to quit while you are ahead. Mr. Werban: I am not appealing to his... Mayor Suarez: About four weeks altogether? That is almost the same thing. Mr. Plummer: I will tell you what. We will stretch a point until the 22nd. Mr. Werban: The 22nd? Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir, and that is ... the next day we meet, because it would take until that action to do something. Mayor Suarez: That is more than four weeks, sir. Mr. Werban: Okay, thank you. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1224 A MOTION DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO GRANT REQUEST RECEIVED FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF THE WYNWOOD ELDERLY CENTER FOR $33,000 UNTIL JANUARY 23RD; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT IF BY SUCH DATE NO MATCHING FUNDS HAVE BEEN FOUND BY THIS ORGANIZATION, THESE MONIES SHALL BE TAKEN BACK AND WILL BE ALLOCATED TO SOCIAL AGENCIES INVOLVED IN FOOD PROGRAMS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote — AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice —Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. RT 87 December 19, 1985 35. ENDORSE POSITION OF FLORIDA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION WHICH URGES AND SUPPORTS PRESIDENT REAGAN'S FURTHER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S CONTAINMENT AND DENIAL POLICY TOWARDD THE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT OF CUBA. Mayor Suarez: Last item on the 11:45 A.M. personal appearances, Gilberto Casanova, general secretary of Accion Cubans, and then Bob, we will get to you. Mr. Gilberto Casanova: Mr. Mayor, the City Manager, and the Commission, everyone inside, very happy Christmas and a happy New Year. My name is Gilberto Casanova, 1100 East 10th Avenue, Hialeah, for 23 years. My organization in the Cuba Accion. My organization for everybody in the United States. 98 people support for my organization Now, may I speak in Spanish? Mr. Casanova: (translated by Cesar Odio) We, with our respect, to all new Commissioners and the Mayor, we are addressing ourselves in a letter in English and also to all the Commissioners since the 25th of December. All of the people of Miami know that we have handed over to the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan 14,000 signatures signed by the people requesting the cancellation of all trips to Cuba, the sending of packages to Cuba and the interests section in Washington, because all of you that are here know, like we do, that we are invaded by one of the largest infiltrations of by Fidel Castro and the Soviet Union. Mayor Suarez: Mr Casanova, let me interrupt you for a second sir. Mr. Casanova: Yes, Sir. Mayor Suarez: Is most of what you are going to tell us today contained in the x letter you sent us dated November 22,1985? i 3 Mr. Casanova: Yes, Sir. Mr. Odio: Comments in Spanish. i i Mayor Suarez: Let me respond to you briefly. Before I do, and I am sure the Commissioners will also want to say something on this issue. Before I do, I want to recognize the presence of the State Representative Alberto Goodman in i the back, and candidate for the Commission, Victor DeYurre, in the past election - good friend of Commissioner Dawkins! Sir, three days after your letter dated November 22, 1985, an imminent congressman from the State of Florida, Claude Pepper, sent the following letter to President Reagan, and it C � was co -signed by people such as Senator Lawton Chiles; Bill Young, member of Congress; Mike Bilirakis, member of Congress; Tom Lewis, Bill Chappell, Andy Ireland, Earl Huttoe, Larry Smith, Bill Nelson, E. Clay Shaw and Sam Givens - most of them from the Florida Delegation. Senator Paula Hawkins, i Buddy McKay, Connie Mack - also congressmen, all of these, Bill McCullum, Don Fuqua and Dan Mica, states as follows, and I believe it will satisfy a lot of what you are asking for. In fact, it is rather more specific and supports things that are more doable. He says, for example on page two, and I won't read the whole thing to you, but if you will take it and consider, maybe it will satisfy what you are trying to accomplish. "The Cuban government, in search for hard currency, exploits the Cuban - American community througn several questionable schemes, carried out by certain travel agencies and companies who send money and packages to Cuba. Perhaps the Justice Department could review the appropriateness of these types of activities. Another way that Castro has been able to circumvent American laws to obtain hard currency is by encouraging the legal use of U. S. credit cards in Cuba." I didn't know that happened. "To date no prosecution have taken place based on this violation. In view of Fidel Castro's campaign, urging non-payment of a foreign debt by Third Worid nations, perhaps you could include U. S. concerns on this matter on every bilateral agenda with western governments. Castro's emphasis to destabilize the western economy should not be viewed as RT 88 December 19, 1985 distinct from his efforts to renegotiate his own debt. Until now, the rescheduling process of has failed to take into consideration Castro's attempt to reap havoc on the western financial community. As well as informing other governments about Castro's duplicity in the debt issue, the United States should make every effort to expose Castro's support for terrorist organizations and narco- trafficking. The Cuban intro -section ..." Here he refers specifically to one of your items. ...in Washington, P.C., freely distributes Cuban government publications to our opinion and decision makers. The United States should actively distribute through our intro -section in Havana, a wide selection of American newspapers and magazines - from time to time it has come to our attention that some of our allies, including governments that receive American aid purchase Cuban sugar and other products, given the great need among our friends in the Caribbean who produce the same commodities, you are in a position to encourage our allies to redirect their trade to our Democratic friends in the region. To this effect, the systematic effort to monitor Cuban exports ought to be implemented." Etcetera, etc. He has a very complete program, very specific program to accomplish a lot of the same things you are talking about -including monitoring Of travel agencies that go Cuba, including the Cuban intersection, and in general, relations with Cuba; and he is a U. S. Congressman with a lot of clout, as you can see from the people who co -signed this letter. I don't mean to tell you that you should redirect your attention to the U. S. Congress. If you have something that you want fur us to vote on, I would suggest that you ask us to vote on a resolution supporting Congressman Pepper's letter to President Reagan dated November 25th. If you would like to have more of an opportunity to look at it and have someone translate It to you - if you don't understand parts of it, you are welcome to take It with you and come back to us at the next Commission meeting, or even this same Commission meeting, so we can get on with the business of running the City of Miami, sir. Mr. Casanova: (translated by Cesar Odio) I will continue speaking in Spanish. All the persons that Dr. Suarez mentioned, are the same persons that we have sent our petitions, to the House of Represntatives in Washington - Congress that is composed ... Mr. Odio: (Comments in Spanish) Mrs. Kennedy: Excuse me ... (Comments in Spanish) Mayor Suarez: Would you stop, Mr. Casanova? Let me finish, sir. What I am proposing with Congressman Pepper is actually stronger and more specific. Mr. Casanova: (translated by Cesar Odio) What the Senator is saying, Claude Pepper, we were the ones chat presented that to Senator Pepper. They have been their motions ... Mayor Suarez: Sir, let me just close at this point by saying, because I think we are far afield of what we are supposed to be doing here today, that the first page of the letter that I have read to you is actually stronger and if Mr. City Manager, Mr. Odio, would be so kind as to just translate very briefly two other short paragraphs, he says Here, the policy options that they are recommending are as foilows: It says: "As you know, Fidel Castro reneged on his promise to allow the return of about 3,000 individuals who were sent here in 1980 in violation of U. S. laws." More than five years after their arrival, we strongly recommend that all Cuban U.S. exchanges, cultural, artistic, sports, etc., be suspended until these individuals may be returned to Cuba." And the final paragraph is very short. "Given the roll of thousands of Cuban troops in remote parts of the world and the increasing bloodshed in Angola, the U.S. ought to seek ways of broadcasting Radio Marti to Castro's armies abroad." Sir, with all due respect, that is a lot stronger and a lot more specific than what you are proposing and I suggest chat you direct your attention to Congressman Pepper. RT 89 December 19, 1985 Mr. Casanova: (translated by Cesar Odio) I need. He brings the Miami Herald with him on the 28th of December with the report on all of the frauds that are going on here with the Cuban companies for Castro, producing all kinds of frauds. We have come here to City Hall, that all of you Commissioners, do the same that the City Hall of Hialeah did, where all of the Commissioners, with no exception approved... Mayor Suarez: Sir, Mr. Casanova, we have heard enough from you. We understand what the other City Commissions have done and you know its up to the Commission to take all the points that they recommended unanimously. Mr. Casanova: One second please, one second. Mayor Suarez: I'm gonna time you on that. Mr. Casanova: Tile Sweetwater City Hall did the same thing. West Miami did the same thing — last night in a meeting, did the same thing . We hope that all of you, that is, the Mayor and the other Commissioners who are Cuban just like he is ... that he requests that you approve what 98 percent of the people are requesting. Thank you. Mayor Suarez: Sir, we appreciate your time. I concede the Chair to Commissioner Dawkins, and move that this Commission endorse the sentiments expressed by Congressman Pepper and these other Senators in his letter dated November 25, 1985. If they want more time to look at it, I will be happy to postpone my motion. Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. i Mr. Dawkins: Further discussion? Mr. Carollo: I would like to ask the maker of the motion if you could include in that motion the sentiment that the editor of the Miami Herald, Jim Hampton, expressed in reference to treason and capital punishment. I think that would satisfy completely Mr. Casanova. 3 Mayor Suarez: My motion stands as made. I don't know what this statement has to do with it, to tell you the truth. Wtiat does it mean, what he is saying? i Mr. Carollo: What are you saying, Xavier? Y A Mayor Suarez: I don't understand what the motion is. Mr. Dawkins: You made the motion. He wants to amend it. 3 a Mayor Suarez: You want to amend my motion to say what? Mrs. Kennedy: What is the amendment that you are proposing? Mayor Suarez: We don't understand your amendment. ' s Mr. Carollo: Well, do you want to translate, Cesar? Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute! I'll translate! Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, we will ... Mayor Suarez: I don't accept your amendment, Commissioner Carollo. My motion stands as read. Mr. Carollo: Oh certainly, Mr. Mayor. Whatever you say! Mr. Dawkins: Any further discussion? Hearing none ... Mr. Carollo: Mr. Casanova, did you understand the motion that is being made? Mr. Plummer: Going once, going twice ... Mr. Carollo: Cesar, would you please explain to him in Spanish what we are doing, because I don't want him to leave here, later on with a false z I impression. �K �` RT 90 December 19, 1985 Mr. Odio: (Comments in Spanish) Mr. Dawkins: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Mayor Suarez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-I225 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE POSITION OF THE FLORIDA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION WHICH URGES AND SUPPORTS PRESIDENT REAGAN'S FURTHER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FEPERAL GOVERNMENT'S CONTALNMENT AND DENIAL POLICY TOWARD THE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT OF CUBA UNDER FIDEL CASTRO AS SET FORTH IN THE ATTACHED NOVEMBER 25, 1985 LETTER TO PRESIDENT REAGAN WRITTEN ON THE LETTERHEAD OF THE SENIOR MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, THE HONORABLE CLAUDE PEPPER, AND SIGNED BY U.S. SENATORS LAWTON CHILES AND PAULA IIAWKINS AS WELL AS OTHER MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Carollo: I'd like to say that this is an item that the Mayor placed on the agenda, and that is for the motion and the resolution that the Mayor put forth. I vote yes. Ms. Kennedy: Yes, I think that one of the great differences between the United States and Cuba is that we don't prohibit our citizens to travel to Cuba. 36. CONTINUED DISCUSSION REGARDING SITE SELECTION FOR LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING DEVELOPMENT OFF CLAUGHTON ISLAND (See Label #10 above) Mayor Suarez: Next item. You are not required to speak, Bob, and it might not even be a good idea, in view of the action we took. I am sure you were advised of what it was. Mr. Robert L. Traurig: I would like the opportunity, recognizing that ... Mr. Plummer: Ah! The honorable Mr. Traurig. Mr. Traurig: Thank you, sir. I would like to say ... Mayor Suarez: You are not running for Mayor, are you? Mr. Traurig: No. Mayor Suarez: Good. Mr. Plummer: Where is your check for $8,000,000 the Mayor asked for? RT 91 December 19, 1985 Mr. Traurig: I wasn't here, so T didn't hear. I want to express my personal apologies to you, Mr. Mayor, and to each member of this Commission, and to all those people who attended the morning session to participate in the discussion regarding Item "H" as it appears on today's agenda. For my failure to be here when the item came up, T would tell you that T was at the metropolitan Dade County Commission, that had an unscheduled item dealing with the occupational license tax, which took an hour and one—half; that it preceded their consideration of items that were on that agenda, and I was item number two, and I just didn"t get through in time, and I appreciate your giving me this opportunity to spend a couple of seconds to number one, say hello, and number two to tell you that I am fully aware that on January 23rd we are to come back to you to discuss sites. 1 think that is a lot more important, that is, the site selection, than the question of whether or not we need additional time. We don't even want to talk about that until the appropriate time. What I would urge this Commission to do, and that the staff do, and that ail of those people who are in the audience and in the real estate community, and this community to do, is to advise us whether or not there are alternatives sites that ought to be considered and presented to you. We thought we were doing a very diligent job of identifying sites that were property located, and which ought to be favorably considered. It is obvious to us that we have to come back to you with a number of additional sites in a number of additional communities and, rather than deal with the specifics of the site selection at this time, I would merely say that we are anxious to solve this problem to the satisfaction of all those who have an interest in the outcome. And I thank you for giving us this opportunity to at least say that we regret that we were unable to make the presentation at 10:30 A.M. this morning and that we that we for giving us the opportunity on January 23rd. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Traurig. Mr. Traurig: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: I think I nuud to tell you that when you come back on the 23rd, I am not interested in no numerous number of sites. Sir, we said put a 100 units — I mean put half the units in Liberty City, put half the units in Little Havana. Now, when you come back with multiple sites, you delay the process, sir, in that you are making me make a selection for you to go back j and act on. When you come in on the 23rd, I would suggest to you, sir, that I } will be looking for you to have two sites selected, for you to have an option on purchasing them, or whatever it takes to acquire them, and that you have identified you a builder to build. If you do not have those things on the a 23rd, sir, I will move ... Madam City Attorney, tell me if I am correct ... I a would like to move at that, time that because the builder has not provided the City with 200 units of low income housing, that it revert back to the original a order, and that put 200 units on Claughton Island immediately, and don't do no other further construction on anything else on Claughton Island until 200 units are completed, and I wish you would tell me how to do that when we come z back on the 23rd. fi Mayor Suarez: Correct. { Mr. Carollo: Miller, if I can make a correction — 225! Mr. Dawkins: 225, ok. Mr. Plummer: No, no. If they go on the island, it is 200. Mr. Dawkins: Off the island it is 225. Mr. Plummer: He has got to pay a penalty off the island. Mayor Suarez: Bob, rather than repeat all the stuff that took place, there was other discussion by each one of the Commissioners, and I expressed what I hoped you would come back with, and it is not exactly that, but you might want -'. to go back to your partner and see what it is that was stated, rather than repeat the whole thing again. There are people waiting on ocher items. Mr. Traurig: Ok. Yes, and I apologize to them, and I thank them for giving me this opportunity. We will visit with each of you so that we can to understand exactly what each person suggests that we do, and I understand Mr. Dawkins' desires. I would only answer it this way, Commissioner Dawkins — that the only reason I said that we would come back with multiple sites is so RT 92 December 19, 1985 that if you reject one site, you may have a second site within that package that might satisfy you, but if ... Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Traurig, I will say again, and I admire your skillfulness as a lawyer, and you are able to put into words just what you want. That is how I got hung up where I am now, okay, so I must tell you now, that I don't want multiple sites. I don't want you to give me a choice. 1 want you to bring me two sites that you are going to build two public units on. Mayor Suarez: That would certainly reflect my own opinion, too, I might add. I don't know about the rest of the Commission. Mr. Traurig: We thank you very much, and we appreciate this time. Mayor Suarez: I11ultiplicity of sites would simply confuse us, and we are really not in the site selection business, to tell you the truth. Mr. Traurig: Thank you. Mayor Suarez: We are making copies of that letter - thank you. 37. FIRST READING ORDINANCE PROHIBIT TELEPHONE ALARM DIALING DEVICES. Mayor Suarez: Item 35. It is an ordinance prohibiting installation and maintenance of automatic telephone alarm dialing devices, which uses public lines. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Suarez: Yes? Mr. Plummer: I brought this up at budget time and I was asked to look in and work with the Fire Department. Mayor Suarez: Do you recommend it, Commissioner? Mr. Plummer: I definitely recommend it, but let me tell you just for the edification of yourself and Commissioner Kennedy - approximately two, three years ago, Mr. Mayor, we were plagued with burglar alarm calls and primarily because of the fact that they were put in by people who were not really understanding now alarms should go in. We ran a time study in the Police Department, which showed in one month that we dedicated 11,000 hours of policemen"s time to answering false alarms. We instigated this ordinance with penalties and after a certain period of time we would not respond, which cannot of course, be with the Fire Department. They must respond, but I am happy to tell you that the latest figures show us that by chat ordinance in the Police Department relating to burglar alarms, they have dropped down to under 3,000 hours for false alarms. Mr. Mayor, this ordinance here is basically the same concept, but I want to stress very clearly that at no time will the Fire Department not respond. This is, for example ... we have three major hospitals in this community, and I will not name them, because I don't want to embarrass them, but in the past - Chief five months? ... was it five months? ... what was the time? Chief McCullough: This year. Mr. Plummer: This year. Chief McCullough: We had one hospital. We had 16-1 false alarms. Mr. Plummer: Ok. in one hospital, we have dedicated two and one-half fire stations to 162 ... go ahead, give me the rest of the figures. Chief McCullough: We had 162 false alarms in one hospitals, 58 in another, 25 in another, and in two major complexes downtown, we have had ovrr 80 false alarms. RT 93 December 19, 1985 5 a Mr. Plummer: Ok. Now, what this is doing is saying to those people, that you had better get your alarms fixed. You had better get them working properly, because if you don't, we are going to ask you to pay for those funds that we are expending by sending needlessly, this equipment to your location. I don't think anybody could have any qualms with that, but once again, I want to ' reiterate at no time, regardless of the circumstances, will the Fire Department not respond. If you don't fix it, it is going to start to get very, very, expensive, ok.? Mr. Mayor, I recommend Item 35. It is something the Commission asked me to work with the Fire Deportment to come up with and if there is not any further questions, I will be happy to move it on first reading. Mrs. Kennedy: And I second. Mayor Suarez: A second to the motion. Do we need check to see if we have anyone from the public that wishes to comment on this, or is this an item we can deal with ourselves? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, always public input is important dnd they will also have the opportunity at second hearing. Mayor Suarez: Ok. on first reading, do we have anyone from the public that wishes to express themselves for or against this particular ordinance? ... Item 35 of the agenda. Hearing none, let the record reflect there was no one from the audience that wanted co have any input on this and Commissioners, any a discussion? Call the roll. a (NOTE: AT THIS POINT, THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE ORDINANCE INTO THE. PUBLIC r RECORD: Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect that, that which we are voting upon is the new 35, which was handed to each member of this Commission - so reflect. J Copies were made and are available to the public. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE INSTALLATION OR MAINTENANCE OF ALL AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE ALARM DIALING DEVICES WHICH TRANSMIT OVER TELEPHONE LINES EXCLUSIVELY BY THE PUBLIC TO REQUEST EMERGENCY SERVICE FROM THE MIAMI FIRE RESCUE INSPECTION SERVICES DEPARTMENT; ESTABLISHING A PROGRESSIVE SCHEDULE OF FINES FOR EXCESSIVE FALSE ALARMS AND PROVIDING FOR APPEALS THEREFROM; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. i Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I want you to know that I am further working on, as requested by the Commission at budget time, two other items. One is in reference to rescue, for false alarms on rescue. We are experiencing today, unfortunately, out of 36,000 calls a year, 40 percent of those calls are needless. We are right now about to tell the Fire Chief we can't have two new rescue trucks because that would represent $1,000,000. Mr. Odio: I already told him. RT 94 December 19, 1985 K Mr. Plummer: ... he has :already been told. What we can do, if we can get efficiency and get these needless calls reduced, then we won't need the additional fire trucks and they will be used devoted to that. The second matter that I am work on, r!r. Mayor, continuing to work oil - is the fact that we are now transporting approximately one-third of the patients or calls that we respond to. This year so far, we have transported just over 10,000, and it is the feeling, and it was the ieeling at budget time that insurance companies will pay for that, as they would an ambulance, and that Medicare will pay for that, and I think it is only right that those monies should be forthcoming to the City, because we are providing a service, so I am continuing to look into those both sources of revenue, as I was instructed to do at budget cime. For the record, Chief, would you come to the microphone - item 35 is with your recommendation of approval? Chief McCullough: Yes sir. Mr. Plummer: Thank you. 38. DEFER PROPOSED FIRST REAPING ORD. PROHIBITING PLACEMENT OF REFUSE IN PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF WAY. Mayor Suarez: Item 36 is my item. It is a proposal to change the system of garbage and trash pickups, such teat large items cannot be disposed of and picked up together with trash and instead, any resident has a right to two appointments a year - did the ordinance reflect that Lucia, two appointments a year? ... large items, such as a refrigerators, mattresses, ail sorts of this sort picked up on a twice a year basis by the City, by appointment, and these 1 things not be allowed to be g put together with the organic materials - leaves, ? trees, cuttings, etc., on the curb, and also, there is a limitation on the large items that the City will pick up and it is a limitation of 25 cubic yards which apparently mirrors the County limitations. i Mr. Plummer: No, the County doesn't pick up at all! The County, you have to I take your stuff to the dump. Mayor Suarez: No, they will pick up twice a year, large items, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Oh, they will? Mr. Odio: At your request, and you get charged for it. k Mayor Suarez: By previous appointment. I just want to say something about the 25 cubic yards. I find chat to be a huge amount and we might want to consider, if we are otherwise disposed to pass this ordinance, making a smaller limitation on chat for large items. 25 cubic yards is ... Mrs. Dougherty: We will pick up larger items. It is just that we will charge $9.00 ... Mayor Suarez: I am sorry. We will charge $9.00 for this. Mrs. Dougherty: ... for every pound over it. Mayor Suarez: 25 cubic yards is a very large item. Mrs. Kennedy: How much does the County charge? Mrs. Dougherty: $9.60. Mayor Suarez: For very large items. Mrs. Dougherty: In excess of 25 ... Mayor Suarez: Right. Other items you get two twice a year pickups for free. Mr. Plummer: Ok, but wait a minute now, because that is the point I am going t to be coming to, Mr. Mayor. I am all in favor of your ordinance, but let's remember that in the County they pay a garbage fee ... where is Mr. Patterson? Mr. Patterson , what is the garbage fee in the County? r rt 95 December 19, 1985 11 Mr. Clarence Patterson: $211. Mr. Odio: $211. Mr. Plummer: $211, as opposed to the City of $160. Mr. Odio: Right. Mr. Plummer: Ok, in the County, you put your garbage once ... Mr. Pierce: $211. We also budget pickup out of our General Fund. The County does not, it is totally fee supported. Mr. Plummer: Yes, excuse me. The County charges $211 a year. We charge $160, ok? In the County, you have to put your garbage out on the curb. In the County, except for these two call ins chat I did not know of, you do not do like you do in the City, that you have a once a week, or once every ten day pickup. You have to take and put it in your car and drive it to a central dump. Is that correct? Mr. Pierce: Mini -dumps, neighborhood mini - dumps. Mr. Plummer: Ok, it is not the idea, it is the convenience. Now, I am all in s favor of this, I think it is great, but where is the money coming trom? + Mr. Dawkins: Not only that, I have a problem with how will you enforce it? t Mr. Plummer: You are not. That is what my problem is and that is why I understand Mr. Pierce has been sent down to do an evaluation of the entire revamping. Mr. Dawkins: Ok, You finish with this I was getting to that coo, but I was 111 coming to that after. Mayor Suarez: On the second observation by Commissioner Dawkins, I know there is always going to be a problem enforcing it. There is a problem enforcing the Code as it now exists, but it is being enforced throughout the County and every other municipality, because people are not allowed to put the junk out there, so if they can do it, we certainly should be able to do as well. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I move that this be deferred until you and I take ride together in the County with a photographer, and I will show you that the County is dirtier than the City. Mayor Suarez: I don't know about that! Mr. Dawkins: All right, let's go. Mayor Suarez: Let me say on the other observation by Commissioner Plummer, this is not supposed to cost anything additional. It is supposed to save us a lot of money, and it really should save us a lot of money because there is no r reason ... if people abide by it, all these large items will not have to be picked up along with the regular trash pickups, and it really should save us a lot of money not to have to make this incredible effort to pick up just about d every item of junk ... Mr. Plummer: If that is the case, then I think it is great, ok? ... but, I second Commission Dawkins motion. - Mrs. Kennedy: Ok, I also have an observation, Mr. Mayor. Yesterday, one of my predecessors, Alice Wainwright pointed out that "how large is large?" Isn't that too vague, Mr. Manager? vy Mayor Suarez: No, it is defined in the Code - typically it is defined as in excess of 50 pounds, at least for cuttings and so on. f Mr. Dawkins: The Mayor is on target in that during the campaign, we all got more complaints about trash than we did about crime and garbage. Now, I have already told the City Manager, and I am going to tell him in public - if something isn't done in that Waste Department to get this City cleaned up, then I am going to see if we can't make a motion to clean him up! Now, there r fir` are ... we have got ... '�_ RT 96 December 19, 1985 Mayor Suarez: Who is "him" now? Mr. Dawkins: "Him" is the Manager, ok? We have $6,000,000 worth of uncollected waste bills over there in the Waste Collection Department. Now, if we had that $6,000,000, the Mayor wouldn't be concerned about us cleaning Up the City. It would get cleaned up! And also, we let the Administration take secretaries and make inspectors out of them, and we still don't have no violations corrected. All of these things ... Mr. Howard Gary sat here and permitted, and T argued against, but I am not going to sit here and argue against them any longer. Mr. Manager, you must, by will of the people, get the streets of Miami clean! Now, to the City Attorney, Madam City Attorney, I want you to draft for me a resolution that will make it unlawful for people who cut grass and trim yards to take one of those blowers and blow the trash in the street, or blow it on somebody else's yard. They are going to have to dispense with the blowers and get some rakes, rake the trash up, and bag it, and take it with them. Mayor Suarez: On this particular item, I would accept from any of the Commissioners a motion that we study the proposal and get back to the Commission, but not within 90 drys on this one, please, on the large items. Let's do it within ... Mrs. Kennedy: 30 ... Mayor Suarez: ... 30 days, if possible. Mr. Carollo: See, the only question I have in this is ... Mayor Suarez: And including the enforcement (I am sorry, Commissioner), j including the enforcement aspects of it, which I think will mirror the enforcement problems that we have throughout the County, and every other municipality, which forbids the putting out of large items out there. Mr. Plummer: I applaud you for trying to do something, but the truth of the matter is, is how you don't have inspectors out after 5:00 o'clock at night, and you have got some guy down the street who runs by and throws the bags out into my front yard and your front yard. This inspector comes by with his little ticket book the next morning and writes me a violation! ! Mayor Suarez: No, I send all of mine to your place. They throw it at your i place! Mr. Plummer: Ok, then I am going to send him over to your house with the ticket book! You know, they have got it to the point now where most of the gardeners, (me included) we can't work at our house on weekends! We cannot, 3 because they pick up my trash on Friday and anything I cut down on the weekend 4 has got to fit in my garage. Mr. Pierce: ... backyard. Mr. Plummer: What do you mean, backyard? I don't have any backyard, ok? And you have just made it impossible. I will tell you how to correct it. You ! take those 10, 12 little guys with the ticket books, and you put them in a pickup truck and you go out and pick up trash, that is what they ought to be doing! Now, you know, they are sitting around, riding around in those puppy little cards with their ticket book, and they are saying we are lord and master! Well, put their butts out there with a pickup truck and 12 trucks and pick up a lot of it, and we will get rid of this problem! Mayor Suarez: Let the record reflect that, Chat was a reference to the rear end! Mr. Dawkins: I make a motion that we come back, all of us - look at this and come back on the 9th. Mr. Carollo: Not only that, Walter, but if you can look specifically to how ` we are going to administer this. For instance, if we decide that we are going =r r to let people have two freebies a year, or maybe one quarterly, that means four a year, where they can put a refrigerator or stove out, or they have to call us, and we will mark that down, and send somebody out. How can we make �+hx sure that we are going to be able to handle that administratively? ... and we _ RT 97 December 19, 1985 'I 5 i are not going to have just complete chaos where then, once that person calls us, we give him the ok and somebody forgets to log it down, or we have no concrete system, and then those people are ticketed, after they follow the intent of the new law? j Mrs. Kennedy: Puppy little cars? + Mr. Plummer: Yes, puppy little cars. i Mr. Pierce: We will take care of those with that, Mr. Commissioner! Mr. Plummer: I want the record to reflect, this is nothing new. We did this up until eight years go, and the reason we dropped it eight years ago because it was unenforceable! F Mr. Carollo: That is what I. am afraid! Then, what I am afraid is ... Mr. Dawkins: All the Mayor is doing is what the people are telling us to do. Mr. Plummer: Fine! I have no problem. Mayor Suarez: We have to figure out a way to enforce it, otherwise our City is always going to look the way it is. Mr. Carollo: Well, that is what we are saying, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Suarez: Yes, Bill, that means there will be more of your men out there enforcing this ordinance some day, if we get it on the books, so [here is j certainly no intent to reduce manpower, by any means, which I know is a concern you usually bring to City Hall. Mr. Bill Smith: I agree with you, Mr. Mayor, that sumeching needs to be done, but you have some people that just refuse to listen, and at the present time, when you are talking about large items - stoves, refrigerators, the County _ dump on 20th Street won't take it. You can't take to 58th Street, Mr. Plummer, so before you start talking about picking up these items - you pick up an item on N.E. 79th Street, you got to run that to Homestead. Mayor Suarez: Where do we take them now, when we pick them up every fifteen days? Mr. Smith: When you take them now, if you take large items now, they will not take it at 20th Street dump. You have got to carry that to Homestead, and you are talking about ... Mayor Suarez: Right, but you do it every fifteen days. We are proposing to do it twice a year. Mr. Smith: What you are talking about, you gave fifteen, twenty trucks running thirty miles! T Mr. Carollo: No, no. r Mr. Smith: I mean, where is the savings for $9.00? Mr. Carollo: Yes, but you see, we are still going to be using the same thing, because we are going to let people do it twice a year, but not everybody is going to have the need at the same time. Mr. Smith: That is it, so you are going to be doing it every day! ,.' Mayor Suarez: Buc, it is by appointment, the way the County does it, so you can plan it. >.. Mr. Smith: See, you hung onto Dade County, and I guess where you live, you _ don't live in Dade County. You know, when the County does things, you know, they go find a site that is freshly built, [here are no trees, grass, there are no shrubbery, and they tell you that is beautiful. I mean, come over there where you got the absentee landlords. Come where you have got trash piled high as the buildings where the grass is already growing through it and you will see that the County is really not clean, but now, when you go down south in the Kendall area where everything is nice and neat, sure, that is -_ RT 98 December 19, 1985 where the cameras go, and that is where everybody else goes. Come where you have all absentee landlords, and you will find that the County is not as clean as you think it is, ok? Mr. Carollo: You are right, Bill. You are absolutely right. Mr. Smith: The City of Miami has a lot of absentee landlords, ok? ... and this is going to create a serious problem on people that really can't do this, and then you are going to have your trucks stretched out from here to Homestead, because you don't even have your own dumping tacility, and if the County refuses to take your trash, then you don't have but one place to do it, is haul it where they send you, and if they send you to Florida City, that is where you have to go. Mayor Suarez: Well, the City is the only municipality in the area, including the County, that instructs and tells people to put this junk out there and of course, we should not be surprised if there is Tnore of it within the City limits. Mr. Smith: But, the County has its own dumps, Mr. Mayor, and the County doesn't send its trucks to Homestead. The County sends the City of Miami trucks to Homestead, not the County trucks. Mayor Suarez: I understand, but if we limit the times that these items will be picked up, I chink there will be savings, and I think people will eventually start following this new ordinance. We do have to get people to ... you know, we have to figure out ways to enforce it. That may mean adding + manpower to your department, I don't know. s Mr. Smith: I am not arguing that. I am just trying to get you to see that i when you start calling in, if I put mine out on Tuesday and Tom puts his out a on Wednesday, and Harry puts it out on Thursday - it is not twice a year thing like you are saying - to do it in June, and we do it in December. Mayor Suarez: Well, we can't assume that the people in the City of Miami have more junk to discard than the people in the County and other municipalities that do it a different way, Bill. We ... i Mr. Smith: We did this before, and it is an every day situation. ! + Mayor Suarez: I dare say Miami had less of this junk nine years ago out there, then. Mr. Plummer: Can I offer you, Mr. Mayor, some considerations, since this item is going to be deferred? The City of Miami Beach has a tremendous program, ok? And what they do is on two days out of the year, you bring it to a central location, and they transport it from that point, and I think that might be feasible, that two given days d year, six months apart, could be feasible. Ok, but I think what you are looking at is if people have the right to call in whenever they want, that is when it is going to be so damn s expensive, you can't afford it. Mayor Suarez: Actually, I see that makes a lot of sense, because I know in Washington, D. C., it was done that way. It was central locations - fairly decentralized. I mean, there were quite a few of them, and you goc a certain number per year, but people had to bring the stuff, and had to lug it at least a few blocks to... Mr. Plummer: The City of Miami Beach has six locations in which they have huge dumpsters and two days out of the year, you can bring anything there you want, and they will discard it! Mayor Suarez: I am sure it will be less expensive... Mr. Plummer: Oh, for God sake's, yes. Mayor Suarez: ...then what we have got now. [ { Y r T� Mr. Peter Joffre: Mr. Mayor, my name is Peter Joffre. One other problem that you had too ... RT 99 December 19, 1985 Mayor Suarez: Peter, why don't we ... I don't mean to interrupt you. We have got a lot of other items and we are going to spend time on this for the next thirty days, considering it; you will be able to tiave a lot of input to me, the Commissioners, the City Manager, the Department, everyone, ok? Thank you, sir. Mr. Dawkins: You have a motion. Mayor Suarez: It has been seconded. Any further discussion? Call the roll, please. Mr. Pierce: 11r. Mayor, may be clear on the date we are to come back - I have heard January 9, I have heard thirty days ... Mr. Dawkins: The 901. Mr. Pierce: January 9? Thank you. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1226 A MOTION DEFERRING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE PLACEMENT OF DISCARDED LARGE ITEMS OF HOUSEHOLD REFUSE IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS UNLESS PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR ITS PICKUP; FURTHER REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REVIEW THIS ISSUE AND TO COME BACK AT THE MEETING OF JANUARY 9 WITH HIS RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE COMMISSION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. WHEREUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO A RECESS AT 4:15 P.M. RECONVENING AT 4:26 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION FOUND TO BE PRESENT. 39. REQUEST CONTRIBUTION FROM THE STATE TOWARD CONSTRUCTION OF THE MILDRED CLAUDE PEPPER FOUNTAIN. Mayor Suarez: We are on Item 38 then. It is a resolution requesting a State appropriation of $1,500,000 as a contribution coward the construction of the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain to be constructed in the City of Miami Bayfront Park. Any discussion from the Commission? Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: Call roll. RT 100 December 19, 1985 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. R5-1227 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING A STATE APPROPRIATION OF $1.5 MILLION AS A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MILDRED AND CLAUDE PEPPER FOUNTAIN TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BAYFRONT PARK; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO SEND A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, THE FLORIDA SECRETARY OF STATE AND THE DADE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. NOTE: Although absent at roll call, Commissioner Carollo later asked of the Clerk to be shown as voting with this motion. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: Love that State money! Yes. Mrs. Kennedy: I don't say no ever to State money, either. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, if I don't have to tear down the library. 40. EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH DADE COUNTY AND BAYSIDE CENTER LTD. PARTNERSHIP FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWAGE FACILITY (BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE) Mayor Suarez: Item 39. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Suarez: Second? Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Call the roll. RT 101 December 19, 1985 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1228 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWAGE FACILITIES, AND FOR THE PROVISION OF WATER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICES FOR BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE BETWEEN THE CITY, DADE COUNTY AND BAYSIDE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER. TO EXECUTE CERTAIN DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN SAID AGREEMENT, ALL OF WHICH ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE WATER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICES FOR THE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. NOTE: Although absent on roll call, Commissioner Carollo later asked of the Clerk to be Shown as voting with this motion. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Under discussion, this is one of those areas, Mr. Manager, where I think we need to try to get the hauling concessions for the City of Miami. We should not allow private ... we should try to keep the private sector from going in there to haul away the garbage, and this would be a way of bringing funds into the General Fund by us collecting the garbage instead of a private concern, for the Bayside project. 41. EXECUTE MEMORANDUM OF INTENT WITH THE KNIGHT FOUNDATION CONFIRMING GRANT TO THE CITY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TOWER OF LIGHT AND LIGHTING SYSTEM AT 9 BAYFRONT PARK. 1 ja M Mr. Plummer: Move item 40. t j Mr. John Gilchrist: Darrey Davis would like to s y peak to that. Mr. Davis? Mayor Suarez: We are accepting a rather large gift from the Knight Foundation and we have here Darrey Davis, Counsel for the Foundation on this item. Mr. Darrey Davis: That is correct, Mr. Mayor. Mayor and Commissioners, I am .:; here as Counsel for the Knight Foundation. Back in February, the City k _ requested of the Foundation that they make a grant of $658,000, to fund the construction cost of the Tower of Light and the laser lighting system. When that request was made, there were a number of conferences with the Downtown Development Authority and particularly, Mr. John Gilchrist and Kitty Roedel provided information, and as a result of that the Knight Foundation has F �= submitted a proposed memorandum of intent, which confirms the Foundation's commitment to make this grant for that purpose. It does provide that the a actual payment of the grant would be made in such time as the City gives reasonable assurance to the Foundation, that the City intends to move forward and complete the Bayfront Park development as planned by the existing plans, RT 102 December 19, 1985 i and secondly, that the City give reasonable assurance that they have funding for the Bayfront Park project. They have reserved the right to waive any of the requirements for particular improvements except certain ones. It is also contemplated that at the time and before the grant is actually made, that there will be an agreement between the City and the Foundation covering the f pertinent matters of the construction and the operation of the Tower of Light, and I am here primarily to answer any questions that might arise in respect to the proposed memorandum of intent. Mr. Plummer: So what we are understanding is this is a grant of intent. Mr. Davis: Yes, I suppose you could call that ... Mayor Suarez: It is an actual grant, but subject to some conditions, I guess. Mr. Davis: Yes, it is a commitment from the Foundation that they are planning, and will make the grant, subject to the conditions that I have outlined. Mr. Plummer: Well, I assume that we are accepting this resolution of intent because as he has fully stated on the record, that prior to the actual giving of the money, there will be an agreement, so I really don't even ... I don't know why it is here other than it ... Mr. Gilchrist: Well, it does represent a commitment on their part for the grant. Mr. Plummer: Well, ok. Mayor Suarez: To thank, to thank the foundation, I would think. Mr. Plummer: Ok, that is fine. I moved it, Mr. Mayor. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: COMMISSIONER CAROLLO ENTERED THE MEETING AT 4:30 P.M. Mayor Suarez: To thank the Foundation. Just out of curiosity, who are the trustees that would have to waive such conditions, if it came to the point that we couldn't meet one of them? Mr. Davis: Well the two local ones that are handling this transaction on behalf of the Foundation are Alvah Chapman and Mr. Lee Hills. Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: Motion has been made and seconded. Any further discussion from the Commission? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1229 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF INTENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE KNIGHT FOUNDATION, CONFIRMING THE KNIGHT FOUNDATION'S INTENT TO GRANT TO THE CITY AN AMOUNT OF $658,171, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TOWER OF LIGHT AND LIGHTING SYSTEM WITHIN BAYFRONT PARK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLANS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote— RT 103 December 19, 1985 M g. 4 '} AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Suarez: Thank you, Mr. Davis, and emphatically thank the Foundation on our behalf. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CONVEYING A PORTION OF BAYFRONT PARK FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PROMENADE. Mayor Suarez: Item 41. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Suarez: Do I hear a second? Mrs. Kennedy: Yes, I just wanced to read it. I second. i Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Call the roll. i r I The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Kennedy, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1230 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CONVEYING A 400 FOOT BY 60 FOOT PORTION OF CITY -OWNED BAYFRONT PARK LYING BETWEEN BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND THE PROPOSED CLAUDE AND MILDRED PEPPER FOUNTAIN, ADJACENT TO BISCAYNE BAY, TO THE UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PROMENADE WITH SAID PROPERTY BEING LEASED BACK TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AT NO COST UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy , the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 43. EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH MR. AND MRS. LEE HILLS ACCEPTING THEIR CASH GRANT TO CONSTRUCT SEVEN SCULPTURES IN BAYFRONT PARK. Mayor Suarez: Item 42, I guess we have Mr. and Mrs. Hills? Mr. Plummer: Are you going to hold for chac? RT 104 December 19, 1985 Mr. Gilchrist: Lee is not here, so Tine suggested that Mrs. Tina Hills: He is on another civic duty, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor, Mr. Commissioners, Madam Commissioner, for the last seven years I have served as Chairperson of the Friends of the Bayfront Park Committee. In that capacity, I have always had faith in the Bayfront Park Redevelopment Project. It gives Miami an unprecedented opportunity to maximize the use of this beautiful waterfront. Now, that the park is substantially under construction, my husband and I are delighted to make a gift to the City of Miami for Bayfront Park. Today, we are presented you with a personal check in the amount of $110,000 to construct the seven glazed sculptures designed by the renowned artist, Izamu Noguchi, for the park. It is important to note that this will be the first time in Bayfront Park's 60 year history, that recreational opportunities for children have been included within the 40 acre park. Why these playground pieces are called sculptures, they are really strictly for kids to use and enjoy. They will help children have fun and stay busy and healthy. Mr. Noguchi had previously designed a children's playground in Atlanta's Piedmont Park, which, if you had visited there, is hugely successful. Our gift is subject only to the condition that the park be rebuilt as planned within a reasonable time, We know that the play sculptures in Miami will make Bayfront Park both more attractive and more active. We are giving this gift to the children of Miami for their future happiness. We feel very strongly that the entire park is a legacy to future generations of Miamians. Lee and I are making this donation at this time to help sustain the momentum on the project and to encourage others in the private sector to donate such a worthy and significant civic undertaking in this great international center that we call Miami. Bayfront Park can be a safe, it can be an active center of community life. Thank you for giving us this great opportunity, and to all of you, Merry Christmas., Mayor Suarez: I believe that response was in lieu of a motion and a second 1 and a vote, because I don't believe we have to, do we, John? Mr. Gilchrist: I believe we do. a Mr. Plummer: We have to accept it. Mayor Suarez: Do I hear a motion? Mrs. Kennedy: I did. i 1 Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, before you vote on it, I would like to make one amendment to the resolution. As it is written presently, it says it is from the Lee and Tina Hills Fund. It is actually from them personally, so the record and the resolution will reflect that. ' The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Kennedy, who moved its adoption: - 1 RESOLUTION NO. 85-12SI i A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE 1 AN AGREEMENT IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MR. & MRS. LEE HILLS, SETTING FORTH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $110,000 FROM LEE AND TINA { HILLS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING SEVEN PLAY SCULPTURES IN BAYFRONT PARK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLANS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed °:. and adopted by the following vote- i; �D s j G r �,... , RT 105 December 19, 1985 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mr. Carollo: Excuse me, Tina - I would like to personally thank you for the time, effort, and the headaches that you have gone through to finally almost come to the end of this dream that we had and is becoming a reality. What I would like to ask you is to maybe, instead of resting a little bit now that it is almost finished, if you could give us the final push to finish the park that we need, and I hate to do this now, particularly after you and your husband have been so kind to come with a contribution of this kind and you certainly have placed your money up front; so has the Knight Foundation and the Miami Herald and many other people that have contributed to this and have come forward, but as I spoke to Roy Kenzie, I think that we can tear down the library, make the fountain and accomplish just about everything else that we need, but we still are going to be short approximately $1,000,000, - and what I would like to see is if possibly you, as chairman of the committee that has spearheaded this drive, maybe in together with Mayor Ferre, that has also worked very closely with this project, and Mr. Noguchi - if maybe you can join forces with many of the other leaders you have worked with and see if we can have one last drive to see if we can reach that $1,000,000 mark that we are short, and I will be more than happy to help in any way that I can and provide my staff and other personnel to try to accomplish this. Maybe we could get together some time after the holidays at your convenience. Thank you so much. 44. SUBSTITUTE NAME OF MARK VALENTINE, ESQ. IN PLACE OF GEORGE KNOX, ESQ., AS SPECIAL COUNSEL TO THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD. Mayor Suarez: Item 43, that is a companion item to something that we voted on already, I believe. Is that correct? Mr. Dawkins: 23. Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, Sir, Mr. Mayor, this is the substitution of Mark Valentine ... Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1232 A RESOLUTION AMENDING SECTION 1 OF RESOLUTION 85-1082 ADOPTED OCTOBER 24, 1985, WHICH AUTHORIZED EMPLOYMENT OF SPECIAL COUNSEL TO EACH OF TWO CITY BOARDS BY SUBSTITUTING THE NAME OF MARK A. VALENTINE, ESQ., IN THE PLACE OF GEORGE F. KNOX, ESQ., AS SPECIAL COUNSEL TO THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- RT 106 December 19, 1985 S h 1 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 45. INSTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO INFORM COUNSEL FOR THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY THAT THIS CITY COMMISSION WILL ONLY ABIDE BY LEGAL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING PRODUCTION OF PUBLIC RECORDS. Mayor Suarez: Agenda item 44 - it is a little bit more complex. It has to do with settlement of the lawsuit filed in U. S. District Court for Judge King by the Miami Herald Publishing Company against Mayor Maurice Ferre, and having to do with public records. Is that correct? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor. This is my item. Essentially, we are asking that the Commission settle the lawsuit. As you know, the Miami Herald sued both Mayor Ferre individually and the City of Miami over some notes that he took in connection with some meetings he had with various civic leaders about the Howard Gary firing. In connection with that, it was the Miami Herald's point of view and contention in the lawsuit that these were in fact public records. It was the City's contention that they were not public records, but merely notes. It is our recommendation that you settle the lawsuit, and the Mayor and my office entered into a stipulation sometime in j September, subject to your approval, of the following: presently the law provides that if you have a public record, you must, within a reasonable time, give it up, whether or not the request is made in writing, or orally. The law also says that if you have a document that you do not believe is a public record, but a request is made in writing, you must retain thac document and not destroy it for 30 days. This stipulation would make a further requirement upon you, not to destroy a record for two days, if you don't believe it is a public record, and an oral request is made. Mr. Plummer: That is not the law. Mrs. Dougherty: That is not the law. That is an additional burden upon you, the public officials and the City. The other part of this negotiated settlement is both parties to go to the Court and ask for attorney's fees based on having won the lawsuit. That is essentially ... Mayor Suarez: There is no agreement that both parties will bear their own actorney's fees; rather, there is an agreement to let the Court decide if anyone is entitled to attorney's fees. Mrs. Dougherty: That is correct. Mr. Plummer: Well, I think there is something more here - a little bit more than just the attorney fees. Mayor Suarez: Well, I have problems with Cho oral aspect of this too, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: T question who is going to make the laws of this land? Now, I don't pick on the Miami Herald, as normal, and I am not going to pick on them now, but who are they to dictate to me as a Commissioner, who abides by all of the legal laws of this country, that I've got to have some other imposition that they want. I don't think that is fair. Now, I am just saying, those two laws which she read are the laws of the land. I fully comply with them and jr have for 16 years, and will as I long as I sit on this Commission, but who has the right to make those laws? ... the legislature, the County and the City. I don't think it is fair to ask of me, and an individual who has lived by the law, to impose upon myself another law at the request of any one other than the legislature, or the County, or this City. I just think that it is very, very unfair chat someone could even request of this Commission that they want is �" RT 107 December 19, 1985 j laws for their own sake. The policy in my office, and l am sure you can ask the Herald reporter - they have a right to go in my office at any time, and go through any papers that are on my desk. I have nothing to hide, but I just don't think that I, as a Commissioner in this City, must bow to the request of laws put forth by other than the elected officials of this land! And as such, I would have to vote against this motion. If this law was instigated by the State Legislature in their wisdom, so be it! I would be the first to abide by it. I just don't think it is fair that someone out of that legislative ability can impose upon this Commission that which will be binding. Amen! Mayor Suarez: That is the point that I wanted to ask her. A question to the City Attorney - to what extent is this going to be binding? To what extent is it res judicata, as to the City and the Miami Herald and the rest of the world and what precedential value does it have? Mrs. Dougherty: It is not binding on anybody but you - the public officials and the City officials. I might point out to you that the reason for this recommendation is, even if the City wins, we lose in terms of the amount of money that we would be spending in terms of litigation and the attorney's fees, both for Mayor Ferre, individually, and this office; and that is the reason for the recommendation. You may want to consider, in light of what your comments are, Commissioner Plummer, a time limit. Mayor Suarez: Is the City a defendant in the case tOo? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Well, it was only by the action, Mr. Mayor. This was in reference to where chore was some shredding of some documents done in reference to Howard Gary. Now, you know, I think there is principle involved, ok? ... and, I chink principle has got to be established, because let's understand that if they had that right to comp forth and ask that of this Commission, then others have the same right and the next thing that you are going to know, that we are going to have one book of a Charter and a Code, and those which are the law; and we are going to have a second book, that which is outside of those that you agreed to. I think there is a principle involved and I think that principle, if it costs us dollars, has to be established; and I think that is very clear in my mind, and in my mind is, I will abide by any j law that is formulated by a constituted body of elected officials. Mayor Suarez: It seems that we are being asked to accept a settlement of a matter that arose when one of the former members of this Commission, presumably disobeyed the law as viewed by the plaintiff. Mr. Plummer: Alleged! Mayor Suarez: As alleged by the plaintiff ... and we don't intend to disobey the law, none of us that are here on this Commission - the newly constituted Commission, so why should we accept a settlement that changes the literal meaning of the law to give precedential value to a lawsuit that is really sort of a moot question. Is there any other way to dispose of it? Can we just refuse to defend the former Mayor, and simply defend the City? ... and say wu stick to the literal meaning of the law? You know, I don't know what consequence it has as to that particular set of facts. Luc the judges decide what consequence it has to that particular sec of facts, and let the former Mayor defend himself! Mrs. Dougherty: Well, I first of all, wouldn't ... Mr. Plummer: Excuse me. I've got to take disagreement with that. Mr. Suarez, if you were outside of this City, and this City agreed to defend you, sir, I would live up to that, when you make an obligation. We made an obligation, ok? ... and if it were you or any other member of this Commission, 3 I think we had to defend that. As to paying the fees, we agreed to it, and I ' think we had to defend that, at chat right. ;. Mrs. Dougherty: Mr. Mayor, the only thing that I want to point to you is that Mayor Suarez: I mean, if he wants to agree to chis settlement himself, there x is no problem wick that and we pay the fees right up to that, RT 108 December 19, 1985 i Mr. Plummer: That is fine. Mr. Carollo: See, but he is not a member of this Commission any longer, so it don't matter if he wants to agree to that portion of it. Mayor Suarez: Sure. Mrs. Dougherty: The only thing I want to point out to you - the only obligation upon you is, if somebody doesn't write on a note piece of paper like this ... Let me have document 'X', and says, "May I have document in oral form instead of writing, and it is not a public record, you will not destroy it for two days. If it is a public record, you don't have a right not to give it to them, even if it is orally. Mr. Plummer: It is the principle! Mrs. Dougherty: I understand. Mr. Carollo: Lucia, but why should we be making special laws for any new media? It is not right! We don't demand of the Herald to things specially for us, or of any other news media. Why should they be demanding this of us? You know, we should have a law for everybody, not a special law for the Herald, for this media, that media, and then a law for the rest of the people. It is not right! Everyone should be equal according to the law, no matter how poor and weak you are, no matter how rich and powerful! Mrs. Dougherty: I understand your point. The only thing I am pointing out to you it is going to be very, very costly for us to continue in this litigation. Mr. Carollo: Well, you know, there are some times in life that you have to pay certain prices, and I think this is one of chose times chat this a Commission is going to have to be prepared to pay whatever price we have to, 3 because if we don't, I think that the persons that are going to be dictating the law and the policies of this Commission are not going co be the voters! It might be any private entity that is powerful enough to demand certain things, otherwise, it is going to be costly for us. Now, I think, if you could meet back with their attorneys and they could meet with their clients, we could probably reach a sensible conclusion to this, where this can be stopped without having to go to an extreme like that! Mayor Suarez: It is almost the implication that the new Commission feels that is has somehow transgressed the law by agreeing to this, plus, there is the question of the oral request, because really, I mean, what constitutes a formal, oral request, as opposed to a newspaper reporter just asking casually to look at something. I mean, there is no area of the law, I don't think, that you have to give a two day cooling off period, based on a verbal request that I know, and as such, and if it exists, it would probably be applicable to some administrative person that is constantly doing this over and over again, and not to a political officer or public official who is really supposedly here on a part time basis! I mean, you could get a phone call or something from a reporter and that would probably satisfy that wording, and that is scary. Mr. Plummer: That is exactly the case on point right now. Mayor Suarez: Yes. I mean, you don't even know if the person from the Miami Herald, or whatever newspaper is the one thac called you, and you are asked co hold off for two days. I'd have a lot less problems if it were just in writing - if the request was in writing at least, to your office or something. 1 a' Mr. Plummer: That is the law now. �a t Mrs. Dougherty: The law now is that if it is in writing, you have co retain r,. the documents for thirty days. Mr. Plummer: That is the law, and I have no problem with that. Mayor Suarez: And I have no problem if we even went on record as saying that in some way or another, maybe there was a transgression or something. I don't ' f* know if there was one, but to change the ... I've got a lot of problems, the same problems that have been expressed by the rest of the Commission. r, RT 109 December 19, 1985 Mrs. Kennedy: Mrs. Dougherty, what were you going to suggest about a time limit? Mrs. Dougherty: The only thing I was going to suggest is that maybe there is no time limit in this stipulation. It may be more palatable, or you may want to consider just putting a time limit in it so that we can dispose of the litigation and not have to pay this tremendous amount of money. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I make a motion that this Commission instruct the City Attorney to go back and let the other party know how the present Commissioners feel, and that we promise them not to disobey, or violate the 7 law, and ask what other considerations can be given so that we can solve this and get it over with. Mayor Suarez: So moved. Do I hear a second? Mr. Plummer: Yes, as I understand the motion is that we are going to live by the law, which we are doing now, and to go back and see if there is some other way that this thing can be settled where it is not going to be expensive to both sides. I agree with that, sure. The lines of communication should always be open. Mayor Suarez: That is exactly the way I understand the import of the motion. Mr. Plummer: Sure, I second the motion. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: 1 MOTION NO. 85-12J3 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO INFORM COUNSEL FOR OPPOSING PARTY IN CASE NO. 84-2918-CIV- KING (Miami Herald Publishing Company et.al.vs. City of Miami et —al.) OF THE CITY OF MIAMI C0MMISSION SENTIMENTS IN NOT ACCEPTING A MORE STRINGENT OBLIGATION THAN THE LEGAL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING PRODUCTION OF PUBLIC RECORDS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Joe Carollo Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 3 ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: Approximately how much advertising does the Herald get a year? Yes, I vote yes. { 46. ALLOCATE $300,000 TO THE LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITY AND NUTRITION CENTER OF DADE COUNTY, INC. TO ACQUIRE A BUILDING. - 3T Mayor Suarez: Item 45. I know people have been waiting have been waiting on this item for a goodly part of the day. Commissioner? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, there is no provision at this present time - as you ?. know, this is from capital improvements. It is proposed that they will get a matching grant from the state. I would want two provisions put into this RT 110 December 19, 1985 a i allocation. One, that the matching grant has to be in the same amount as what we are giving. Mayor Suarez: I am sorry - did you say capital improvements? You meant Community Developments. Mr. Plummer: Well, capital improvements of Community Development, ok? But, it would have to be a matching grant, and I am not going to stipulate from where, but a matching grant; and second of all, that any time that this property is ever sold, that the City would recover its money first. Mr. Carollo: It is money plus reasonable interest. Mr. Plummer: Joe, it is a private organization. They do a good job. I am not going to try to Mr. Carollo: What I am saying, if the property is ever sold ... Mayor Suarez: We will get a proportionate share of the value of the property, proportionate to ... Mr. Carollo: Yes, if they makes some profits. Mr. Plummer: No, no, that is not what I said. Please listen to me. What I said was, that the City get's its money back first. If the property eventually - I don't know of property going down, nowhere. If the property is sold for $400,000, we get our $300,000 back first, ok? Mr. Carollo: Right, but what I am saying is, J. L., is if we gave them j $300,000 today, two years from now they sell it, and they make a $200,000 profit, I want to make sure that we are paid whatever the going interest rates was at the time. y Mr. Plummer: Interest, or 50 percent? ? Mayor Suarez: Proportionate share of the valuation of the property during the time of question. i Mr. Plummer: No less than what the City has involved. Mr. Carollo: I would be satisfied with 15 percent interest, or proportionate y S share. s Mr. Plummer: 50 percent interest! Mr. Carollo: 15 percent. Mrs. Kennedy: Proportionate. Proportionate share, yeah. Mayor Suarez: Well, it would be a proportionate share of the valuation of the property. We have retained an interest in the property to that extent in case it is sold for what amount of time are we doing this? Are we deeding it away altogether? We are just contributing. r Mrs. Kennedy: They want to make a presentation first. Mr. Plummer: I will move it. Mrs. Kennedy: Wait, wait, wait. We are going to hear Willy's presentation. Mr. Plummer: No, no, Willy is smart. Willy knows when he is ahead. Mayor Suarez: We don't need to. Willy is smart. Mr. Dawkins: Willy has been coming here a long time. .t... AV - Mr. Plummer: Willy knows that the more he talks ... Mayor Suarez: You see him walking away! Mr. Plummer: Moved by Commissioner Kennedy, I am sorry! RT ill December 19, 1985 a Mrs. Kennedy: Before I move, Madam City Attorney, I have been serving as the Chairman of the Board of the Little Havana Activity Center for the past three years, approximately. Do I have a conflict? I don't receive any compensation for it. Mr. Carollo: I think she does, all of the headaches she's had for all of her free time she has given. Mrs. Dougherty: No, you don't have a conflict. Mrs. Kennedy: But, I do want to say that I started working on this project while I was elected chairperson a few years bdek, and I saw the needs that the elderly had, not only of having the meeting place to have their meals together, but also to talk and to see one another for many, it was the only time of the day they convened. So, I therefore move this project, with the provisions that the Little Havana Community Center obtain matching funds, and that if the building is sold, then the City recovers its money first. Mr. Carollo: First, with 15 percent interest. Mayor Suarez: Or with a proportionate share of the valuation - of the valuation of the property during that time. Mrs. Kennedy: Well, or the proportionate share of the valuation. Mr. Carollo: Yeah. It's fine. Either one is fine. Mrs. Kennedy: Seconded by Mr. Plummer. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion? Call the roil. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Kennedy, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1234 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $300,000 OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO THE LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITIES AND NUTRITION CENTERS OF DADE COUNTY, INC., FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING A BUILDING LOCATED AT 700 S.W. EIGHT STREET, SAID ALLOCATION CONDITIONED ON SAID AGENCY SECURING A GRANT IN AN EQUAL AMOUNT FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA; FURTHER CONDITIONING SAID ALLOCATION ON SAID AGENCY DEMONSTRATING THE ABILITY TO CONTINUE a OPERATING ITS PROGRAM WITH CURRENT RESOURCES; FURT:.ER 'a AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGRLEMENT WITH THE AFOREMENTIONED AGENCY IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- .' AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez TP .r. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. t,te 47. EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH RODRIGUEZ, KHULY, QUIROGA ARCHITECTS (DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PLAN - DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL FOR S.W. LOTH STREET BETWEEN - S.W. 1 AVENUE AND BRICKELL AVENUE) y RT 112 December 19, 1985 1 i Mayor Suarez: Item 47, Department of Planning. Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: Mr. Chairman, members of the Commission, this is basically the item that approved by resolution September 26th ... Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Rodriguez: Thank you. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Under discussion, why we need a study of that four or five block areas, whatever it is? Mr. Rodriguez: For a long time we have been trying to work on chdt area to try to make sure that when we work with the transit station in that area, all the new development that comes to the area will be in conformance to what we are trying to create, which is like the major center part of the Brickell area and it will be an increase of pedestrian activities. We are afraid that it will be development in the future that will not conform to those guidelines and that we will eventually take advdntage of the possibility of really creating that portion over there with pedestrian , with pedestrian activities, with hotel activities, with the use of the Metro mover and so on. So, we worked on this project for a while. There have been efforts by different developers to go on their own without taking into account the criteria. Mayor Suarez: Will we be looking to making some sort of a zoning change? Mr. Rodriguez: There has been a zoning change already in the area. We will be looking into the design guidelines that would ... Mayor Suarez: How do we enforce design guidelines, if I may ask? t Mr. Rodriguez: The could be made g y part of the Code, like we have done i already, in other portions of the Code. Mayor Suarez: By the zoning code? Mr. Rodriguez: Right. There will be also a recommendation for a management for the mall. It will be a pedestrian mall, and ... s Mayor Suarez: It will be a pedestrian mall? j Mr. Rodriguez: It will be a pedestrian mall, yes. Mr. Plummer: As will be in the next item. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who R moved its adoption: 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. 85-1235 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE s CITY ATTORNEY, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND RODRIGUEZ KHULY QUIROGA ARCHITECTS, TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL 4. Y SERVICES RELATED TO THE DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL FOR SW IOTH STREET, FROM SW IST AVENUE TO BRICKELL AVENUE. Yr (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on r file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- RT 113 December 19, 1985 A I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez None. None. Mayor Suarez: I frankly had not had enough time to study it. I might have questioned you further, and the architects whom I see back there to make sure that this is something that we absolutely truly need and cannot be done in- house. 48. ADOPT IN PRINCIPLE THE N.W. NORTH RIVER DRIVE CONCEPT. Air. Plummer: Move item 48. Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: This one is adopting a concept only, right? Mr. Rodriguez: Right. Mayor Suarez: I can always vote for that - no financial ramifications whatsoever. Mr. Plummer: I move 48. Mrs. Kennedy: And I second it. Mayor Suarez: Moved and seconded. Any discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1236 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING IN PRINCIPLE THE N.W. NORTH RIVER DRIVE DESIGN CONCEPT; ESTABLISHING DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NW NORTH RIVER DRIVE AND THE LUMMUS PARK/PIONEER CLUB WATERFRONT PROPERTIES, AND SETTING FORTH A GENERAL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM FOR THE MARINE ORIENTED ENHANCEMENT OF PUBLICLY OWNED PROPERTIES ALONG THE MIAMI RIVER FROM SW 2ND AVENUE TO NW 5TH STREET. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mr. Rodriguez: If I may, in reference to 48, there have been Mr. Bob Parks and Mrs. Sandra Howard; they have been here all day, just to say a few words to this item. RT 114 December 19, 1985 Mr. Plummer: We won't change them extra. Mr. Parks: I also know when I am ahead! Thank you very much. 49. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT APPLICATION FOR DOWNTOWN AREA. Mayor Suarez: Item 49. Mr. Rodriguez: Item 49 is a very complex item on which we have been working for a long time. Basically, we have a D.R.I,_ Development of Regional Impact Application, that was initiated to fulfill a contract that we have with the Department of Community Affairs in relation to the Bayside Project. We have an obligation to finish this project by June 28, 1986. The D.R.I. will have benefits to the City of Miami in two senses. One, that we will know exactly what public facilities will be required in relation Lo each one of the projects, and second, that we will be able to go for all the major projects downtown without needing to go before the regional Planning Council on a one to one basis, and the City will control the development of those projects as they come before the City. We have been working with the Regional Planning Council for about six or seven months, trying to negotiate this agreement. We feel the agreement is very important that we have, because there have been certain changes in the staffing of the Regional Planning Council that has somewhat predictability as to what will happen in the future. A case in point, after we have been agreeing and we felt that we have only two points of disagreement with them, as of yesterday, last night we received major changes on the proposal to the agreement that we have, which we are going to have to discuss with the Regional Planning Council again. The Regional Planning Council is going to hear this pre -agreement on January 6th. We feel that we will be in a position of strength, if you have support of the agreement and that way we can proceed with the study, knowing exactly where we stand with them. Mayor Suarez: This is like a pre-D.R.I., what we are doing here. f Mr. Rodriguez: Basically, establishing the rules of the game so we don't have any change in the rules after we start. Mayor Suarez: This will help the developers who later come for their D.R.I.'s within our umbrella D.R.I.'s. Mr. Rodriguez: Right, within the Downtown Development Authority District, as - established before. Mayor Suarez: And we are spending substantial resources of our Planning Department to do all of this, or ...? Mr. Rodriguez: Well, you nave approved, or the Commission has approved some resources to do which will be before you on the next meeting of the Commission, and those resources will be reimbursed back to the city, in the way of fees. Mr. Plummer: Well, let me ask you this question - you know, this Commission charged me with the responsibility which we are pursuing, as far as trying to keep D.D.A., and Off -Street Parking Authority together, and we are meeting just after the first of the year again. Is there any possibility, that there is some of this work here that could be done by the D.D.A., and the .fee paid to them? k Mr. Rodriguez: The application is made by D.D.A. They are the only ones that can apply. We are doing the work, based on your motion ... we are doing the k. work. We have hired the consultant, and the D.D.A. staff and the Planning r staff and the consultant working together will prepare the applications. i Mr. Plummer: What I am really asking, I guess, Sergio, is there a way that z'= - we can give D.D.A. a piece of the action to give them more funds for their coming year? Is that possible? RT 115 December 19, 1985 Mr. Rodriguez: Right. I have been told that the funding has been assigned by you already to a technical consultant that we don't have the staff to do, because we don't have those resources. Mr. Plummer: You are not listening to me. Mr. Rodriguez: I am trying to understand. Mr. Plummer: 0k, Sergio, I am trying to save D.P.A., all right? Mr. Rodriguez: Right. Nr. Dawkins: Why? Mr. Plummer: All right? I am saying ... because you guys put me to the task of spending all these hours trying to keep it together. Mayor Suarez: I wasn't here. Mr. Dawkins: No, I didn't. I have been telling you to dissolve D.D.A. ever since I have been here, so I really don't know why you say that. Mr. Plummer: Well, if this Commission makes a motion, I will be glad not to meet you now, I mean, I don't have a problem! ... one less meeting, Now,... It is my pleasure, but let me get back to other point. Air. Rodriguez: If I may, to answer your question. Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mr. Rodriguez: It you were to allocate the money to D.D.A., will not solve your problem, because we have to get the consultants outside anyhow. Mr. Plummer: I tried, ok? I quit. Mayor Suarez: Now, you will be asking us then, for monies for consultants at a later point, but not in this particular item? Mr. Rodriguez: In the meeting in January you will be asked to confirm the contract that you approved before the selection of the consultants and the contract that we are negotiating now to do that part of the study. Air. Plummer: How much? Mr. Rodriguez: We have not finished g yet the negotiations. Mr. Plummer: Approximately. Mr. Rodriguez: $200,000 to $250,000. Air. Plummer: Where is the money coming from? Mr. Rodriguez: It is allocated from Special Programs and Accounts, I think. That will be on the agenda in January. { Mr. Plummer: I ought to make you City Manager. Special Programs and Accounts ` somewhere ... 4_:. ' Mr. Rodriguez: It is not in today's agenda. If you want, I can give you the answer in five minutes if you will give me a chance. The issue, though, is ' that ... Mr. Plummer: No, but you had better be prepared to it in January when you 4_ come asking for it. �Mr. Rodriguez: I will. 3r Mrs. Kennedy: You will have the report, right? ems+ RT 116 December 19, 1985 Mr. Rodriguez: Definitely. I will give information on that issue when we come before you, in relation to the consultant, and I will be willing to meet i with you before that, if you want to, to brief you so you know exactly what we have in mind, even when you have approved it already in principal, if I may! But, again, I want to enforce something though - all of those things that we are talking about, are gonna be recovered completely by the City in the way of fees that we are ... Mayor Suarez: If there is development, if there are additional D.R.I.'s, if someone is able to contribute it back to us, not if the whole downtown stays the same way it is, which we don't know - that might or might not happen. Mr. Rodriguez: That is possible. That is not probable. Mayor Suarez: No problem. Such a careful man! Mr. Rodriguez: Sir, I am trying to give you a good answer. Mayor Suarez: Thank you, sir. Mr. Rodriguez: Thank you. Mayor Suarez: Do we need to take a vote on this? Mr. City Manager, do we need to vote on this? Mr Odio: Sure. Ok. Mr. Plummer: I will move it. We have no choice. Mrs. Kennedy: Sergio, but 1 would like to ask if you could meet with me before. All this is very new to me - before the January meeting. Mr. Plummer: Oh, my God! You will never get him out of your office! Oh, he is such a pest! (LAUGHTER!) Mr. Rodriguez: I heard that before already this morning! Mr. Dawkins: Commissioner Kennedy seconded? Mr. Plummer: I made the motion. Mayor Suarez: Commissioner Kennedy seconded? Mrs. Kennedy: Yes. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1237 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED, WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL DEFINING THE APPROACH AND PROCEDURES FOR UNDERTAKING A DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL FOR THE DOWNTOWN AREA, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 380.06(22) F.S. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- RT 117 December 19, 1985 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 50. DIRECT MANAGER TO STUDY ISSUE OF IMPACT FEES. Mr. Plummer: Sergio, while you are here, let me interject one thing. It is very obvious that this City can no longer play around and talk further. We are at a point today - impact fees! When are we going to have it? We are dying! Mr. Rodriguez: We have been working on this for a while. Mr. Plummer: You have been working on it ever since you have been here and your predecessor and his predecessor, and we are stamping every application subject to impact fees. Now when are we going to approve it? Mr. Rodriguez: At this point, the reason we don't nave it is because we don't have the information to do it. It has to be collected, and we haven't received it. My part of the job is done, and if I get information ... i Mr. Plummer: Then who has dropped the ball? Mr. Rodriguez: The City Manager responsibility. l Mr. Plummer: Who? i Mr. Rodriguez: The Manager. Let me respond to that. Mr. Plummer: A 23 hour Manager! Look, it has got to be done! The developers have got to recognize that they have got to pay impact fees. It will not be to the single family home dweller, but it will be to the developers. This r City can no longer go without impact fees. Now, Mr. Manager ... Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. F Mr. Plummer: Bad Sergio says chat you are the bad guy! Mr. Odio: I have to come back for about a month. Mr. Plummer: Well, I am telling you - I can't speak for the rest of this Commission, but I am going to tell you that on the 23rd day of January, when j we next have our zoning meeting, if there isn't something before this Commission, if not fully approved impact fees, buddy, we are in trouble! We ycannot continue ... these developers who are making all of this money, rightfully so and profit is not a dirty word, have got to share their burden! They are creating the impact. They have got to help address the impact. 1 Mr. Odio: Mr. Commissioner, could you give me ... I don't want to tell you �F;.. now ... -" Mr. Plummer: January 23rd. ,> Mr. Odio: They are telling me they cannot have it ready. I don't want to tell f' you we can. Mr. Plummer: Cesar, they have been telling me that for two years! ., Mr. Odio: But, I haven't been here two years in this thing. RT 118 December 19, 1985 i Mr. Plummer: You are not going to be here two years if you keep it up? Mr. Odio: Commissioner, please give me until the second meeting of February. Mr. Plummer: Sir, you have until January 23rd to put something in front of this Commission. If it is nothing ... Mr. Dawkins: They have got the whole Christmds holidays to work and do it. Mayor Suarez: Wait, wait. We haven't made that in any kind of a formal motion. There are holidays coming up and so on. Let's be as reasonable as we can. We have a new City Manager and a ... Mr. Plummer: I am not saying that he has got to have a final form, okay? But, I am saying that I want something that this Commission can work on the 23rd and send it to you for final Corm for adoption in February. Mr. Rodriguez: You definitely will have something on the 23rd. Mayor Suarez: Yes, we would like to see some progress by the 23rd. Mr. Plummer: I so move. Mr. Kennedy: You've been working on it for the past two years? Mr. Plummer: I so move, Mr. Mayor, that the Manager be mandated to have something in preliminary draft on this agenda of January 23rd, so that we can go to final draft on February 27th. Mr. Odio: You will have a very preliminary draft, sir. Mr. Plummer: I so move. Mrs. Kennedy: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: j MOTION NO. 85-1238 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO HAVE A RECOMMENDATION ON THE ISSUE OF IMPACT FEES ON PRELIMINARY DRAFT FORM FOR DISCUSSION BY THE CITY COMMISSION AT THEIR MEETING OF JANUARY 23RD SO THAT THE ISSUE MAY BE PROPERLY DISCUSSED AND READY FOR FINAL DRAFT BY THE FEBRUARY 27TH MEETING. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: That is not a conflict of interest when 48 developers jump out Of the top of proposed buildings. I vote yes. RT 119 December 19, 1985 51. CO -DESIGNATE NO. 62 STREET BETWEEN 1-95 AND BISCAYNE BAY AS "DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD." Mayor Suarez: Item 50 - Department of Public t•;orks. Mr. Plummer: I second it. Mr. Dawkins: Before we second it, the students at Edison asked that that portion of the street be dedicated as read, "Raider's Road". Now what happened to that request? Mr. Walter Pierce: Mr. Dawkins, we looked at that previously. That part ... as you know, Martin Luther King stops at the west side of I-95. We knew the request was going to one day come in for M.L.K. w be extended ali the way to Biscayne. Red Raider Boulevard would have made a triple designation on a single street, which we think is a very confusing situation. Co -designation is already stretching the point in terms of response and keeping clear signals to people trying to find their way about the City. As an alternative, I would like to suggest the students at Edison that they consider that part of 5th Avenue that runs north -south in front of the school. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, whatever you are going to suggest to them is fine, but I'd like for the Manager to send a letter to the principal of the school explaining what you said that the co -designation is fine, but we wouldn't have enough space on a sign to put three, so therefore we are going with two, okay? Mr. Pierce: Right. We will do that. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, thank you. I i Mr. Pierce: Okay, before there is action on item 50, I'd like to put into a record a clarification. The resolution says North 62nd Street, but to be absolutely clear, 62nd Street will not be M.L.K. when you pass N.E. 2nd Avenue going east. That road then becomes N. E. 61st Street from N. E. 2nd Avenue to Biscayne Bay and I wanted that portion to be clear on the record. s 3 Mayor Suarez: We have a motion on this item? i Mr. Dawkins: Plummer moved. I second. Mayor Suarez: Okay, we have a second. Any further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: This is item 50? Ms. Hirai: Yes, item 50. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1239 A RESOLUTION CO -DESIGNATING NORTH 62ND STREET BETWEEN INTERSTATE HIGHWAY - I-95 AND N.E. 2ND AVENUE, AND N.E. 61ST STREET BETWEEN N.E. 2ND AVENUE AND BISCAYNE BAY AS "DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD"; REQUESTING DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO MAKE AN INSTALL STREET IDENTIFICATION SIGNS BEARING SUCH DUAL i DESIGNATION; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY ! CLERK TO FORWARD THIS RESOLUTION TO AFFECTED AGENCIES. i (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) RT 120 December 19, 1985 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, tht resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 52. EXPRESS INTENT TO PROCEED WITH MULTIFAMILY RENTAL HOUSING PROJECT AND FINANCING THROUGH ISSUANCE OF MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS. Mr. Plummer: Item 51. Whose item is this? Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Herb Bailey's. Go right ahead, sir. Mayor Suarez: Matthew is here. Mr. Matthew Schwartz: This is an inducement resolution for Cruz Development, one of the Phase I developers for S.E. Overtown/Park West. This allows them to tap into the approved mortgage revenue bonds for the City approved three years ago. Only $15,000,000 of those bonds have been induced to the State. This is needed for our UDAG application which was submitted November 30th. 1 Mr. Plummer: Why $24,000,000? Originally it was $6,000,000. Mr. Schwartz: No, this is another developer. i tMr. Plummer: Cruz. Mr. Schwartz: No, the last developer was Circa, Barnett, Sawyer. We induced twice. Cruz this is the first time. Mr. Plummer: $24,000,000 at 415 units is how much money? I Mr. Schwartz: It comes out a little under $60,000 per unit. That was comparable to what the other developers, we induced them for. Their performer is induced as part of this project. Mr. Plummer: What obligation of the City goes to the backing of Lhese bonds? Mr. Schwartz: There is none. Mr. Plummer: No full -faith and credit? Mr. Schwartz: No. Mrs. Kennedy: How about risks? Mr. Schwartz: These are revenue bonds ... 415 unit rental housing for moderate income families. Mr. Plummer: Who will control the designation of this housing? Mr. Schwartz: The housing falls within the S.E. Overtown/Park West. The developer will own it. It will be on land leased by the City. We will guarantee that 15% of the units are reserved for low income families ..0 and moderate. Mr. Plummer: But not for HUD? Mr. Schwartz: No, this has nothing to do with HUD. RT 121 December 19, 1985 Mr. Plummer: If there is no objections, I will move item 51. Mr. Dawkins: I second it for discussion. What happened to parcel 36 that Cruz was awarded and now he is not going to develop? Mr. Schwartz: Cruz has determined that parcel 36, which is the first one he intended to build - this is in the Overtown side. He proposed and was selected to build a condominium at that location. That market conditions for a condominium - he couldn't get the financing for that. Ile feels he can get the financing with this to develop the rental housing. Air. Dawkins: Let me give the new Commissioners some background here. Three parcels were bided on by Air. Cruz. Two parcels were given to Mr. Cruz and the choice parcel was not given to Mr. Cruz. Mr. Bailey's department decided to come in with a co -endorsement of Mr. Cruz and White firm. At that time it was stated that the only way the numbers would work for Mr. Cruz was that Air. Cruz had been given the three parcels. Now, you have a parcel - are the people who we gave the other parcel to going to develop 36, or what are we going to do with 36? Mr. Schwartz: Block 36, he intends to develop, he intends to do that in a year or two from now. Air. Dawkins: Beg pardon? Mr. Schwartz: He intends to develop 36, but not at this time - in a year from now, or a year and one-half from now. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Schwartz, you tell Mr. Bailey that I am at my wits end with the development of affordable housing for people who need it and can afford it, and I am not going to sit by while we continue to promise people that we are going to provide housing and every time I come, you guys tell me "We want $30,000,000 worth of bonds, $50,000,000 worth of bonds", but you never tell me, "Commissioner, we are going to have some houses ready in eight months.' Okay? So that is what we are going to have to have. Now, Mr. Cruz is either going to have to come in and develop this land, or we are going to have to i give it to somebody who can. I mean, it is just that simple, sir. Okay, no tfurther discussion. 1 Mayor Suarez: The cost at $60,000 per unit, I presume that the sale price, if i it is a condominium, will have to be at least in the $80's. 1 Mr. Schwartz: This is a rental project. i Mayor Suarez: It is rental? That is even worse! Mr. Schwartz: This is the standard cost. Air. Dawkins: What would they rent for, Mr. Schwartz? Mrs. Kennedy: Yes, what would be the rent for these? Mr Dawkins: Yes, what would be the rental fee? Mr. Schwartz The proposed rentals - the one bedrooms would rent for low moderate, would be $373; for the moderate market rate, which would $652, one r' bedroom. Mr. Dawkins: One bedroom, $652? .;' Mr. Schwartz: $652, when this is developed. Mr. Dawkins: And a lot of people in Overtown can afford that. Mayor Suarez: We are competing with Brickell! That is what we are doing. Mr. Dawkins: A lot of people in Overtown can afford that. C c?r RT 122 December 19, 1985 r`a Mayor Suarez: There are now all kinds of units on Brickell you can rent for $652 a month - beautiful locations, already built. Mr. Dawkins: In fact, you will be able to get some on Claughton Island in a few days! (LAUGHTER) Mayor Suarez: Do we have a motion and a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. No further discussion, Mr. Mayot. Mrs. Kennedy What was the motion? Mayor Suarez: It is a resolution expressing approval of a housing program and expressing intent of the City of Miami to proceed with the development of the multi -family rental housing project and the financing of 415 units. The total cost of the bonds is $24,000,000. I think the total cost of the building is like $32,000,000. Where is the $8,000,000 coming from? Are they actually putting that in themselves? Mr. Schwartz: There is equity plus they are proposing money from the UDAG grant. It is part of the application, plus money from the surtax for rental. Mayor Suarez: I figured it wasn't their money. We have a motion and a second. This was all hatched before I ever got here, so I am not going to oppose it, buc that is not to say that I wouldn't oppose it in the future, Matthew, as you know. Any further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1240 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE INTENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI (FLORIDA) TO PROCEED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF A MULTIFAMILY RENTAL HOUSING PROJECT AND THE FINANCING OF 415 UNITS THEREOF THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $24,000,000 FOR THE BENEFIT OF A FLORIDA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP TO BE FORMED FOR THIS PURPOSE, WITH CRUG DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ACTING AS GENERAL PARTNER. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 53. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO CIVIL SERVICE BOARD. Mayor Suarez: Item 53 - a vacancy on the Civil Service Board. It's Rosario Kennedy vacancy. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, 53 is my appointment, which is Civil Service Board. Mr Odio: No, it is Kennedy's appointment. RT 123 December 19, 1985 Mr. Plummer: No, it is not Kennedy's appointment. Mrs. Kennedy: No, I was the appointee. Mr. Plummer: She was the appointee. Mr. Odio: Okay, sorry. Mr. Plummer: She was the appointee. I was the appointor. Airs. Kennedy: And I made it very clear that Commissioner Plummer had to tell that appointee that this is not the next step. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I have ... Mr. Carollo: I don't know — I might have a question about whose appointment it is. Air. Plummer: No, that one is mine! Mr. Carollo: It is? Well, wait a minute. Let's try to verity if it is or not. How many appointments does the Commission have there? Air. Plummer: Three. Mr. Carollo: One, two, three, four, five. Mr. Plummer: That is correct! Mr. Carollo: But not necessarily in that order. i Mayor Suarez: We have got a three —fifths compromise coming up here. Mr. Plummer: Correct. I would like to put this off until January, at least. Mr. Carollo: I second the motion. j Mr. Plummer: The Board does not have any more meetings at this time, and the terms are normally up in January, and I would like to reserve my appointment + at that time. Mayor Suarez: Or whoever's appointment. jMr. Plummer: Well, you know, you want to go to war? I'm always ready! (LAUGHTER) `i Mrs. Kennedy: It is like the newspaper advertising ... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would afford you the same opportunity, sir, that I had, and that is the first twelve years on this Commission, I did not have an appointmett to Civil Service. Mr. Dawkins: Are you bragging, or complaining? r 1 Mr. Plummer: And in the great tradition of brotherhood, I would afford the same opportunity to the rest of the members of this Commission. i Mr. Carollo: I second the motion! I'll second the motion! Mayor Suarez: You know, by the sheerest coincidence, I will have any ' appointments for the first twelve months and my fellow newly elected Commissioner, for some reason, has a whole bunch coming up, which does not >= sound totally fair, but so be it. We have got a motion to defer. It has been seconded. Any discussion? Let's call the roll on that. k s �r r� S - RT 124 December 19, 1985 4 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1241 A MOTION DEFERRING CONSIDERATION OF AN APPOINTMENT TO BE MADE BY THE CITY C011MISSION TO FLLL AN UNEXPIRED TERM ON THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD TO THE JANUARY MEETING. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 54. APPOINT T. WILLARD FAIR TO GENERAL EMPLOYEES' AND SANITATION EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST BOARD. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, on 54, the nomination by the Sanitation Employees Association ... Mayor Suarez: To the Board of Trustees of the City of Miami General Employees and Sanitation Employees' Retirement Trust and we had certain candidates proposed to us. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, the Sanitation Workers would like to have T. Willard Fair appointed to that chair. Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. Mr. Carollo: Bill, what expertise does T. Willard have on garbage? (LAUGHTER) Mr. Carollo: No, no, no. You guys took it the wrong way, now. Come on now! See you guys, you always take it wrong. Mayor Suarez: Do we need to vote to close nominations and all of that? Can we just ... Ms. Hirai: No, we can just ... Mayor Suarez: On that particular ... Mr. Carollo: I second the nomination. Mayor Suarez: I think it has been seconded already. We have got two seconds, a third, a fourth and a fifth! Let's call the roll. RT 125 December 19, 1985 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 55-1242 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI GENERAL EMPLOYEE' AND SANITATION EMPLOYEE' RETIREMENT TRUST AS PROVIDED FOR BY CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 10002, (SECTIONS 40-226 AND 40-227) FOR A SPECIFIED TERM OF OFFICE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 55. SELECTION OF INDIVIDUALS APPOINTED TO THE ZONING BOARD. (See label #57) Mayor Suarez: Item 55 - this is for the Zoning Board of the City of Miami. Whose appointment is it? Mrs. Kennedy: That is mine. Mr. Carollo: These are all the people that have applied also? Mrs. Kennedy: And I nominate ... Mr. Plummer: Now, what vacancies are open? Mrs. Kennedy: That is my appointment. Mr. Carollo: One of them is mine. Mr. Dawkins: What are we doing, Planning Board or Zoning Board? Mrs. Kennedy: I hate to tell you, but I have both. Mayor Suarez: We are on the Zoning Board, Item 55. Mr. Plummer: Eladio Armesto is mine, right? Mr. Dawkins: And George L. Sands is mine. Mr. Carollo: Which one are we in now? Zoning or Planning? Mrs. Kennedy: We're in the Zoning right now. Mayor Suarez: Item 55, Zoning Board. Mr. Carollo: Moran is mine. Mr. Plummer: All right, now hold on. Let me remind this Commission of something, okay? I reluctantly, but gracefully, when we pulled out of the hat last year, I took the alternate. It is this, someone else's turn this year, that I get the full time, and somebody else has got to take the alternate, RT 126 December 19, 1985 okay? Now, you want to pull out of the hat, everybody but me, I am not going to go for it this year. Mr. Carollo: J. L., wait a minute. Mr. Plummer: You had the damn hat last year, and I am still questioning that! Okay, now, what I am saying to you is ... Mr. Carollo: You don't think that it was fair, I'll pull names out of a hat. Mr. Plummer: That is what scares me, but you are not putting mine in there this year. That was agreed upon. Mayor Suarez: Commissioner Plummer, I am looking here what we were given, and the Zoning Board, we have got Osvaldo Moran, George Lambert Sands and Elba Morales, and then we have Eladio Armesto as either. Mr. Plummer: Well, no, excuse me. Those are the proposed replacements. I am speaking, Mr. Mayor, to the zoning Board, as you look at the bottom - Victor DeYurre is the alternate ... Mayor Suarez: Right. Mr. Plummer: In a rotating schedule of this Commission, whoever had the alternate last year is eliminated from having to take it and somebody else will appoint the alternate. I get a full time appointment this year. I have one on each board. The point I am making to you is ... excuse me? Mr. Dawkins: You said both alternates? Mr. Plummer: No, I don't want both alternates. 3 Mr. Carollo: Okay, well you get the alternate on the Planning Board. Mr. Plummer: No, no. I have one full time on the Planning and I have one full time on the Zoning. Somebody else leas to appoint and you can work it out jamong yourselves, but that will be the alternate. i i Mayor Suarez: So how many vacancies do we have altogether on the Zoning Board? We have three regular and one alternate? { Mr. Plummer: That is correct. i Mr. Carollo: Mine is Osvaldo Moran. Mrs. Kennedy: Mine is Elba Morales. Mr. Plummer: All right now, between the two of you ... Mr. Carollo: Miller, who do you have? Mr. Dawkins: I've got George Sands. I'm sitting up here waiting to pull the hat. That is all we are going to do, because I don't think any of us is going to give in, so get the hat ready. Mr. Plummer: I am not pulling this year! Mr. Dawkins: Oh, yes! Mr. Plummer: No, no, no. Go back to the record! Mr. Dawkins: Oh, yes, yes! We can't make it even. That is the only way to make it even, Joe. Mr. Plummer: Back to the record, whoever got the alternate ... Mr. Dawkins: Well, let the Mayor make a decision. We will let the Mayor decide. He is the boss. Mr. Carollo: We are going to pick another hat. RT 127 December 19, 1985 A Mr. Plummer: No, no. This Commission decided, and i gracefully accepted last year. Now, you play the game straight! Mrs. Kennedy: Let's create another seat. Mr. Plummer: No, no. Mr. Carollo: The low number, like we did last time, whoever has the lowest number, is the one who gets the alternate, and we will pick ... Mr. Plummer: But, not ... you will only have four numbers. Mr. Carollo: No, we are going to have three, because you are not going to be picking out of the hat this time. Mr. Plummer: All right, that is fine. Then, of the three, one of them will come up with the alternate. Mrs. Kennedy: Right. Mr. Plummer: That is fine. Mr. Dawkins: Hold it, hold it! Joe, now, get it all on the same size paper! Joe has got different sized paper here! Mr. Carollo: The paper don't matter. It is how I number. Mr. Dawkins: Joe has got different sized paper, J. L.! Mr. Plummer: That is what he had last year, damn it! (LAUGHTER) Mr. Carollo: What I am doing is I am putting numbers from one to three ... Mr. Dawkins: With the Mayor you got four! Mr. Plummer: No, you got four, Joe. Mr. Dawkins: You got four with the Mayor. Mr. Plummer: No, will be full time, so it is not. He is right. Mr. Carollo: Wait a minute, now. We need a fourth for the Mayor. He is correct. Mr. Dawkins: The lowest number is out, or the highest number is out? Mr. Carollo: The lowest number is the one who gets the alternate. Mr. Plummer: Rather than full time. Mr. Dawkins: Then somebody is still out because you only got three, so somebody has got to be out! Mr. Kennedy: How many ballots are we going to go on this? Mr. Dawkins: No, no! But you are going to get a full time vacancy. Mr. Plummer: Exactly. Mayor Suarez: Of the other four, only three will have ... Mr. Plummer: Of the three remaining ... of those three, one of them will be an alternate. Mr. Dawkins:, That is right. Mayor Suarez: But of the four Commissioners, three will get to make an appointment. RT 128 December 19, 1985 Aft tL Mr. Dawkins: Only three of them will get to make an appointment. Mr. Plummer: Because one of them is going to be the alternate. Mayor Suarez: We only have a total of four to make - three regular, one alternate. One of the regulars is going to be appointed by yourself, actually, suggested by yourself. The other three left, which includes two regulars and one alternate - there are four Commissioners to choose from. Mr. Dawkins: Well, why is it - I am of the same opinion as Commissioner Kennedy - why can't we have ten instead of nine and an alternate? Mr. Plummer: I think you have to change the Charter, don't you? Mr. Perez-Lugonez: We have to change the City Code too. Mayor Suarez: The Code? We could do that right now. Mr. Plummer: Gentlemen, would you all like to pick first, and me last, or me first and the rest last? Mr. Plummer: I'm not involved! Mr. Carollo: Miller, do you want to pick one? Go ahead. Mr. Dawkins: I don't want to, but I have no choice. How is this going to go? Somebody is left out! Mayor Suarez: Yes, somebody will be left out. Mr. Dawkins: It has got to be. Actually, before we open up, someone is left out. f Mr. Plummer: No, I am left out. I am left out of having to have an alternate this year. Whatever appointment I make will be a full time. i Mayor Suarez: All right, the highest number was obtained by Commissioner Kennedy. She has an appointment, so I will follow her suggestion - her appointment, so we don't have any more problems here. Mr. Dawkins: No, he said the lowest! i # Mr. Plummer: No, the highest. Mrs. Kennedy: The highest. Mr. Plummer: Hers will be the alternate. 3 Mayor Suarez: I've got three anyhow, so the two of you get your appointments. Let's have the nominations? i Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I got George Sands. Mr. Plummer: We are on zoning? Mayor Suarez: Yes, Zoning Board. { Mr. Plummer: Okay, I am going to reserve mine until January. 9 Mr. Carollo: Yes, I got Moran. Mayor Suarez: Are we going to do this collectively in one motion? Mr. Plummer: You can, yes. '. Mr. Carollo: Can you do it that way, or not? ... Madam City Attorney? Can you do it individually, or can you do it collectively in one motion? Mrs. Dougherty: If you have a consensus, you may do it in one motion. RT 129 December 19, 1985 r A04 Mr. Carollo: Ok, I nominate Osvaldo Moran. Now, did he reapply? Mr. Perez-Lugones: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: Yes, he is an applicant. Mr. Dawkins: I will renominate George Sands. Mr. Plummer: Who are you appointing? Mrs. Kennedy: Elba Morales. Mr. Plummer: Who? Mayor Suarez: Elba Morales. She will be the alternate. Mr. Plummer: Yes, that will be the alternate. Mayor Suarez: And one regular is reserved for the next meeting - Commissioner Plummer. Mr. Perez-Lugones: Do you want to throw all of this out and start all over again? Mr. Plummer: No, not at all. Mayor Suarez: No. He is reserving his nomination for next meeting. Are you ready to take a vote on the motion to appoint Osvaldo Moran, George Sands, as regular members of the Zoning Board and Elba Morales as alternate member of the Zoning Board? We have a motion and a second by ... collective motion and second by four of the Commission, I guess. Call the roll. NOTE: AT THIS POINT THE CITY COMMISSION, BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE CONFIRMED ALL THE HEREINABOVE LISTED INDIVIDUALS BY PASSING AND ADOPTING MOTION 85-1243, WHICH WAS LATER RESCINDED BY M-85-1245. SEE R-85-1246. 56. DISCUSSION OF PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTMENTS; DIRECT CITY CLERK TO READVERTISE FOR MORE APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. Mr. Carollo: For the Planning we could do the same thing. If you want, we could have two out of three this time. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, but I have ... my two appointments are not yet down there, so I don't think it is fair. Mayor Suarez: You don't have any coming up. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, I have Don Benjamin and Herbert Lee Simon. Mayor Suarez: But they are still pending? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Suarez: They have terms remaining. Mr. Dawkins: So it would be unfair for me to be in the poll, I think. Mr. Carollo: Do we have the names of the additional people that have applied? Mr. Plummer: Well, Dorothy ... who appointed Dorothy Spohn? Mr. Aurelio Perez-Lugones: The former Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Okay, and Armesto was mine, okay. And who was Diego? Mrs. Kennedy: Asmar is mine. RT 130 December 19, 1985 Mr. Perez-Lugones: Diego was Commissioner Perez'. I am sorry ... yes, Diego was Commissioner Perez'. Mr. Plummer: All right, and Pat Kolski? Iir. Perez-Lugones: Kolski was Commissioner Carollo's. Mr. Plummer: Okay. Mr. Carollo: Yes, and ... Mr. Plummer: So, what we have to do now, is poll for the alternate as to whose appointee will be the alternate. Is that correct? Mr. Perez-Lugones: You don't have to deal with an alternate at this time. You have three regular ... Mayor Suarez: The alternate stays on. Mr. Perez-Lugones: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: The alternate stays on. Mr. Carollo: We will deal with the alternate later on. Mayor Suarez: Right. Mr. Perez-Lugones: Yes, in 1987. Mr. Plummer: But, how do you know who is going to get that? Mayor Suarez: She is still pending. She has a term ... Mr. Carollo: We will worry about that in 1987. Mayor Suarez: Her term expires in December of 1986. Mr. Plummer: Oh, I see what you mean. Mayor Suarez: We have got three regulars for consideration, and who do they belong to, now? Mr. Plummer: One is J. L., one is Rosario, and one is Joe. Mr. Carollo: Can I see the names of all the people that have applied for those positions? Mayor Suarez: They are right up there, Joe. Mr. Plummer: Ray Asmar, Dulee Maria Espinosa, and Pat Kolski, and Eladio. Mr. Carollo: That is all that has applied? Okay, what I would like to do, is open it up for people to apply again. Mr. Perez-Lugones: You want a new period of applications. Shall we keep this? Mr. Carollo: If they want to reappoint some people, I will give them that opportunity. Mr. Plummer: All right, I will go along with that. All right, I will reserve both of my appointments until next month ... Mrs. Kennedy: For how long, Joe? Mr. Carollo: Well, by law, it has got to be how many days we have to advertise for? Mr. Perez-Lugones: 30 days. Mr. Plummer: So it will be on the 23rd of January. RT 131 December 19, 1985 I Mr. Carollo: Yes, the 23rd. Mr. Plummer: We will do it on the 23rd of January. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr. Plummer: No, go ahead and open the list back up. Madam City Attorney, am I not mistaken? ... as I recall, members that are presently sitting are sitting until their replacements have been sworn in? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: So you are still sitting? Mrs. Dougherty: For the Zoning Board, it is. Ms. Hirai: How about people who have applied? They would have to reapply? Mrs. Dougherty: I don't know about the Planning Board. Ms. Hirai: The ones that have applied already would have to reapply. Mr. Plummer: My understanding is that present seated members ... Mayor Suarez: There is no reason for them to reapply. Their application is still pending. Mr. Carollo: What I was saying is ... Mayor Suarez: But we are opening it up for others. I mean it is Mr. Carollo: Well, I don't care - either way, but as long as we are opening it up for others. You know, if you want to keep those pending, I have no problems. Mayor Suarez: Telling people who applied and whose applications are in order and so on, and they have to somehow reapply - it doesn't seem to be ... Mr. Carollo: Yes, that might make it more complicated if you open it up again. Mr. Plummer: No, those are already accepted. We are just opening it up for additional. Mayor Suarez: Exactly. Okay, that is in the form of a motion. So moved. Can we function without them until then? Mayor Plummer Excuse me ... Mr. Perez-Lugones: They stay on until somebody is appointed. Mayor Suarez: So moved. Mr. Plummer: Okay, that is the point. Mayor Suarez: And second. Do we have a second? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Suarez: Do we have a motion and a second? Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: Any further discussion? Call the roll. RT 132 December 19, 1985 9 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1244 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO READVERTISF. EXISTENT VACANCIES IN THE CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ACCEPT APPLICATIONS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mrs. Kennedy: What are we voting on? Ms. Hirai: We are throwing out the present applications and readvertising ... Mrs. Kennedy: We are reopening until the next meeting? Ms. Hirai: Yes. Mrs. Kennedy: Okay. Mayor Suarez: The incumbents will serve. That is just the Planning and Zoning? Mr. Perez-Lugones: May I have a correction? The Zoning Board it stays on until somebody is appointed. On the Planning Advisory Board, they are out at the end of the year. Mayor Suarez: Can we function until next month without them? Mr. Perez-Lugones: We will have a quorum. Mayor Suarez: We have a quorum. Do we have meetings before ... Mr. Perez-Lugones: We have two meetings prior to the 23rd, and... Mayor Suarez: It is tight, isn't it, Aurelio? Mr. Perez-Lugones: Well, we normally have a full attendance. Mayor Suarez - Six, we have six and an alternate. The alternate will probably fill in. Mr. Lugones: ... will fill in and five is quorum. Mayor Suarez: You might want to go out of your way to let them know that we are pretty tight on that quorum. 57. (A) - RECONSIDERATION OF PREVIOUSLY PASSED APPOINTMENTS TO THE ZONING BOARD (See label #55) (B) - APPOIN MffS TO ZONING BOARD. Mrs. Kennedy: Okay, Mr. Mayor, I was talking to my colleague. Before we go on, we have a problem with the appointment. As Commissioner Carollo handed me the box, he said the highest is the one that has the appointment, remember, RT 133 December 19, 1985 N is Joe and I thought you said "yes". I went over and checked it with Matty on the record. This, then I was told was the lowest. Mr. Carollo: Commissioner, if there is any problem, I don't mare - you know, I will take the alternate, I've got no problem with that. Mayor Suarez: I ceded the highest number to you so you would be able to vote on the lowest number. Mrs. Kennedy: Yes, we thought it was, you know, and everybody from my office came over - they had heard it on the radio. Mayor Suarez: He has no problem with making it the alternate. Mr. Carollo: I have no problems with that whatsoever. Mayor Suarez: Okay, we have to redo the vote, then. Mrs. Kennedy: Do you want to redo the vote? Mr. Carollo: How can we correct it in re -doing the vote? Mayor Suarez: We have to first move to vacate the prior vote and then reopen nominations and then this time get it done right, if you are so willing, I mean. Mr. Carollo: It is no problem, then. Go ahead and do it! Mrs. Kennedy: Okay, I appreciate it. Mayor Suarez: Okay, let's move to vacate the appointments of the Zoning Board. Do I hear a motion? Mrs. Kennedy: I so move. Mr. Plummer: No, excuse me - you reconsider the previous motion. Mayor Suarez: Can we reconsider a motion already approved? Mr. Carollo: I think that is the way of doing it - reconsider the motion. Mr. Plummer: Yes, that is what you have got to do. Ms. Hirai: We have done it sometimes in the same motion - we rescinded the prior one and reopened. Mayor Suarez: Let's move to reopen the prior motion. Mrs. Kennedy: I move to reopen the motion. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Suarez: Discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Carollo: We are keeping the same names. We are just switching one for alternate and one permanent. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Kennedy, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-1245 A MOTION RESCINDING MOTION PREVIOUSLY PASSED THIS SAME MEETING, MAKING CERTAIN APPOINTMENTS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI ZONING BOARD. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- RT 134 December 19, 1985 A% AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Suarez: Now, the new motion 1 believe will reflect that Elba Morales will be a regular, Osvaldo Moran will be an alternate and George Sands will be a regular. is that correct? And there is one other one that is pending until next month. Okay, so moved, by whom? Collectively, and seconded collectively, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Kennedy, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1246 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS REGULAR MEMBERS AND ONE INDIVIDUAL TO SERVE AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by Elie following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THEREUPON, THE CHAIR TEMPORARILY ADJOURNED THE REGULAR PORTION OF THE AGENDA AND PROCEED TO TAKE UP ITEMS BELONGING TO THE PLANNING & ZONING PORTION OF THE AGENDA. 58. ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT: FIRE STATION 13 AT APPROXIMATELY 1103-51 N.W. 7 STREET FROM CG-1/7 TO GU. Mayor Suarez: Mr. Rodriguez. Mr. Rodriguez: For the record, my name is Sergio Rodriguez, Planning Department. Item number 1 is second reading with recommendations for approval from the Planning Department, a recommendation for approval from the Planning Advisory Board for a change of zoning from CG-1/7 to GU. At this time the Planning Department again recommends approval. I understand there is a request from the Fire Department to cake advantage of this opportunity to make a presentation to you and Chief McCullough will make a presentation to the actual project. Chief McCullough: This is a refurbishing and an expansion project of the garage. Architect, Mr. Berelli, if he would outline the site here so I can stay at the mike. The site that currently holds the fire garage and the fire station are the two buildings that are in white. The additions are the roof lines that are shown in pink. The roofs will not be pink. Currently, there is a large, vacant, piece of property between the fire station and the garage. We are going to be constructing approximately 20,000 additional feet. The purpose of this will be to house at least seven spare apparatus, to improve RT 135 December 19, 1985 the ability to repair heavy equipment, to relocate our test draft pit, and to locate three divisions, which have similar operations - the rescue divisions, the fire fighting divisions, support divisions, in the same building. The issue at hand today is rezoning the property - the second reading, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to show you. We are in the design development now, and we are about 75% complete with that. Mr. Plummer: Move item 1. Mayor Suarez: Do we have a second? Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF APPROXIMATELY 1103-51 NORTHWEST 7TH STREET, MIAt-1I, FLORIDA (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN), FROM CG- 1/7 GENERAL COMMERCIAL TO GU GOVERNMENTAL USE; MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGE NO. 24 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of November 26,1985 was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10065. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 59. AMEND CODE re LATIN CHARTER REVIEW BOARD - ALLOWABLE ABSENCES. Mr. Rodriguez: Item number 2 is an amendment to the City Code. It is on second reading. Mr. Plummer: Second it. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Carollo: Move item 2. Mr. Dawkins: Seconded by Commissioner Plummer. (AT THIS POINT, CITY'ATTORNEY READS ORDINANCE INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Suarez: Just for clarification here, how many meetings a year do they have typically that they have to go to four unexcused absences as opposed to three? RT 136 December 19, 1985 Mr. Pierce: Is that for the Zoning Board? Mr. Plummer: No, for the Latin Quarter. Mayor Suarez: The Latin Quarter, the item we are on. Mr. Rodriguez: There are 12 meetings in a year, and what we are saying now, that instead of having three absences, they could have four. Mayor Suarez: So now they can miss one-third of the entire year without excuse and still be kept on? Mr. Rodriguez: That is right. Mayor Suarez: Well! Mr. Rodriguez: We have been having problems because the meetings are conducted during the day. These people are not paid anything, and we usually have a quorum. Mr. Plummer: Why don't you hold them at night? Mayor Suarez: Can they not be held at night? Mr. Pierce: We will look at it. Mr. Rodriguez: We could try at that, if you want to. We can look at that. Mrs. Kennedy: Perhaps an alternate meeting - one during the day and the other time at night, and see what works best. Mayor Suarez: If someone has four unexcused absences out of twelve, it difficult to understand how they might know the constant flow of what is happening here. w: - Mr. Rodriguez: If I may, you know, each case that is presented to them is t. � considered on their own merits. Most of these cases are fairly simple, strighc-forward recommendations on the aesthetics of the project. In - other boards that we had before, there were excuses for being sick or for whatever reasons. In order to avoid the confusion of excuses that we formerly allowed, we are making a standard requirement and that way we don't have to deal with that anymore. Mayor Suarez: It has been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 62 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING ARTICLE VIII-LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD, SECTION 62-78, "MEMBERSHIP," BY CHANGING THE PERMISSIBLE NUMBER OF ABSENCES PER ' CALENDAR YEAR FROM THREE (3) UNEXCUSED ABSENCES TO FOUR (4) ABSENCES; SECTION 62-74, "FUNCTIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES, GENERALLY," BY EXCLUDING APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS FOR LESS THAN $10,000 FROM LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD REVIEW, UNLESS REFERRED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR; AND SECTION 62-80, "PROCEEDINGS," k BY REDESIGNATING THE LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD RECORDS CUSTODIAN. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of November 26, 1985, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed Ax and adopted by the following vote- RT 137 December 19, 1985 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 10066. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 60. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT - APPROXIMATELY 2601 S.W. 28 STREET FROM RS-2/2 TO CR-2/7 AND APPLYING THE SPI-3. Mayor Suarez: PZ-3. Mr. Plummer: Just for the record, Mr. Mayor, let me establish on the record, is this the property here at 27ch Avenue? Mr. Olmedillo: Yes, Sir. Mr. Plummer: Okay. On the record, that property was two years ago my campaign headquarters. I have no financial interests, other than the money I poured in it to make it acceptable for a headquarters. Madam City Attorney, do I have any conflict? i Mrs. Dougherty: No sir, Mr. Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Established the record. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Dawkins: Go ahead, Barry Schreiber! Mr. Olmedillo: Mr. Mayor, Commissioners, Guillermo Olmedillo, Planning Department. It is very important to see what is happening in the area. At your request, the Planning Department has prepared a comprehensive study of the 27th Avenue corridor, which included, of course, this property. It was presented before the P.A.B. last night and it was priorly discussed with residents and property owners on two occasions at two neighborhood meetings. Without going in depth into the study, I must say that the existing conditions of the residential area south of Dixie and east of 270 Avenue show a great degree of stability - over 70% of owner occupancy, double that of the City's average. Excellent maintenance of housing stock, long periods of residence in the area and single family zoning. If you looked at the overhead projection, you will find that the subject property is at 28th Street and 26th Avenue, facing residential, both east and west boundaries. The potential problem that exists under CR-2/7, which is the request of the zoning change, is that it allows service establishments which generate traffic and activities. One of the main concerns expressed during the neighborhood meetings was exactly this traffic intrusion into the residential area. Already lots been 5 and 6 in block 2, which is the triangular shaped blocks have converted into offices because of transitional uses contemplated in the code. Mr. Plummer: May I stop you for a minute? Maybe is is a problem with your delivery - you said many of the residents of the area complained about the traffic? Mr. Olmedillo: Traffic intrusion into the residential area. Mr. Plummer: Okay, but I read that there was only one opponent at the meeting. Now, to me, many is two or more! Mr. Olmedillo: I made reference to the neighborhood meetings that we held for the 27 Avenue comprehensive study. RT 138 December 19, 1985 IN Mr. Plummer: Oh, not particular to this item? Mr. Olmedillo: Not to this case in particular, but generally. Mr. Plummer: Well, the inference is that you are speaking, and I would hope that you would speak basically to this item. Mr. Olmedillo: Yes, sir, I made reference to the study, because it was a comprehensive study. Mr. Plummer: The study is not before us. Mr. Olmedillo: No, sir. Mr. Plummer: This item is. Mr. Olmedillo: Yes, sir. The change to the CR-2/7 designation will create additional pressures on the long block marked "2", bounded by 27th Lane, 28th Street, 26th Avenue and 24th Avenue. The proposal of the Planning Department was willing to study the comprehensive study to have RO-1/7 district, which allows a mix of residential and office uses, and which does not allow the transitional uses to extend into the residential areas, and which, at the same time, will enable the property owner to develop this site in a unified manner. They are owners of the site right next to it. In the study that I mentioned before, it is recognized the need to have neighborhood service, commercial activities, but along 27th Avenue, where they don't create any conflict with the residential areas; therefore the Planning Department recommends denial of the change from RS-2/2 to the RG-2/7 district which is proposed. Mr. Plummer: For the record, that is the only residential piece of property on that block. Mr. Olmedillo: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: And that is very much out of character with the commercial. Mr. Olmedillo: Yes. ' Mr. Plummer: It is not compatible. f Mr. Olmedillo: Yes. Mayor Suarez: How could it have been used as a campaign headquarters if it f Mr. Plummer: You run your campaign your way, and I will. run my campaign my way! When you get 74% of the vote ... Mayor Suarez: I mean, there was a lot of traffic going to your campaign, there! Mr. Plummer: That is correct! You bet your bippy there was!!! Mr. Pierce: He was legal, though, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Suarez: There is not going to be any more traffic inthis establishment than there was through the campaign, right? Mr. Plummer: No, I lose it now. x Mrs. Kennedy: How long was your campaign? Mr. Plummer: Just long enough to get 74%. Mr. Olmedillo: As a piece of information, the Zoning Board voted 8 to 0 in favor of the change of zoning. �,_., Mr. Osvaldo Soto: Mr. Mayor, may I be recognized? Mayor Suarez: Yes, Mr. Soto, state your name and address. RT 139 December 19, 1985 IN Mr. Soto: Osvaldo Soto, Attorney at Law, with offices at 1950 S.W. 27 Avenue. I. am here in behalf of Mr. Aaba Melwani, who is a minor, and his father and guardian, Mr. Ram Melwani, who is here today. Mr. Mayor, this is a very simple matter. I, and as all the members of the Commission are very familiar with this area. Actually, I do have lunches there practically 50 of the time, because this is very close to my law office. On this block, only 20% is left as a residential area. 80% of that block today is commercial. Mr. Mayor, all that area, Mr. Commissioners today are totally residential. When the Zoning Board considered this item, it voted R to 0 in favor of the change. It is very clear in that area today we have only commercial property. It would be punishing the property owner to deny this petition here today. There is no ... if there is anything that would really recommend otherwise I think when you have the Zoning Board voting 8 to 0 and you have open this meeting only one person opposing it over an entire neighborhood would tell you that everybody accepts that this area of 27th Avenue is a commercial area. It would be denying the City of Miami public that it really is entitled to, so I do not see how the Planning Board could recommend to the Commission and the Mayor to deny this petition. What it is telling at this point is - tell the owner that all 20 percent or the blocks that he is not entitled to the same rights that the 80% of the rest of the block, which is to me, totally incredible. On this basis, on the basis that this area is totally commercial, I have to petition this Commission to approve the recommendation of the Zoning Board that was 8 to 0. And I would be able ... yes? Mayor Suarez: If I may interrupt you - do we have anyone here that is intending to speak against this application? Mr. Soto: That tells you, Mr. Mayor, and Mr. Commissioners, how people believe that this area is totally commercial. Mayor Suarez: It tells you that, or the people just didn't have the time, but the reason I asked is you might not want to overdo it here as far as making a presentation a little too long. i Mr. Soto: No, I don't want to take your time, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Soto, sir, I want to set the record straight. Sir, under no circumstances can I accept your terminology, which says it is a penalty to the applicant. The applicant bought that property with certain rights and privileges, but we are sitting here today to answer the questions - does it makes good zoning, all right, sir? Now, I happen to agree that it does, but I cannot accept your terminology that it is a penalty to the owner. The owner bought it with certain rights, and he can't be penalized when he bought it with his eyes wide open. I am in favor of changing it, sir. The area ... there is no way that the Planning Department can convince me that that one house structure is compatible with the heavy residential or commercial that exists there. So, I am with you. I just disagree on your terminology. A Mr. Soto: Okay, thanks, Mr. Commissioner. Mrs. Kennedy: Sounds like a fair request I move to recommend. Mr. Soto: Yes, Commissioner. Mayor Suarez: There is a motion to approve. Is it seconded? Mr. Plummer: I second the motion, sir. Mayor Suarez: Further discussion from the Commission? Call the roll. RT 140 December 19, 1985 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF APPROXIMATELY 2601 SOUTHWEST 28TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN) FROM RS- 2/2 ONE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL TO CR-2/7 COPNERCIAL RESIDENTIAL MAKING FINDINGS; AND MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGE NO. 43 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500 BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Plummer and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mayor Suarez: "Yes". I might have very well voted "no" if I had seen someone in the vicinity opposing it, but in the absence of that, "yes% The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 61. AMEND LAND USE/ACQUISITION ELEMENTS OF 1982 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN. Mayor Suarez: Item number 4. Mr. Schwartz: Item number 4 is amendment to the Southeast. Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Plan that was approved in 1982. This is really a housekeeping amendment. This is cleaning up some of the land use changes that already had been approved by the Commission through other actions to be consistent with the Community redevelopment Plan. The major change would be to allow the construction of the arena - the site that the arena is now proposed for between 6th and 8th Street, between N.W 1st Avenue and North Miami is originally designated on the land use plan for a mixture of residential and commercial. We are now designating that as a community facility. Mayor Suarez: Matthew, on the sports arena site, to what extent are we required to this by prior action taken by this Commission? We are pretty much bound to do it at this point, are we not? Mr. Schwartz: The City Commission has elected Tacoma to develop that at that location. That is why this is really a housekeeping ... Mayor Suarez: I mean, it is sort of putting the cart before the horse or the horse before the cart. Mr. Schwartz: It allows us also, we are amending the acquisition plan to Y allow the City to acquire that property - the south block, which has not had the authority before. This also has to be approved by Dade County and it will be on the Dade County Commission agenda on January 21. Nc RT 141 December 19, 1985- -;. 77 A% Mayor Suarez: Of course, we are by no means approving the financial package or anything else having to do with the sports arena. Mr. Schwartz: And even the land acquisition for the south block would [lave to be brought before the City Commission for their approval before we can move upon it. Mayor Suarez: Do we have a motion on this item? Mrs. Kennedy: Move. Mayor Suarez: A second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion from the Commission? Call the roll, please. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Kennedy, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1247 A RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISIONS DATED JULY 7, 1985, TO THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN DATED DECEMBER, 1982 FOR THE AREA BOUNDED BY BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, NORTHEAST/NORTHWEST 5T11 STREET, INTERSTATE 95 AND INTERSTATE 395. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr.. 62. ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATES FOR AMENDMENT TO THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1976-86 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3471 MAIN HIGHWAY. Mayor Suarez: Item 6 has to do with the setting the time for a hearing, I believe, on Commodore Bay. Is there any argument on the time on this hearing? Mr. Rodriguez: This is basically two items. Mayor Suarez: Are we going to have a discussion from proponents and opponents on setting a time? I mean, I see proponents and I see opponents everywhere. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, can I ask a question? ... because I am still ... I've got the legal ruling on this. I am being told that this is a formality, that we have to notify the State, okay? They were not arguing either way. You know, the stupidity of this thing is, we don't even know if the applicant is going co appeal! Is that correct? Mr. Rodriguez: Appeal what? Mr. Pierce: There is nothing to appeal now. Mr. Plummer: Board. Appeal the ruling of the defeat that he cook at the Zoning R RT 142 December 19, 1985 Mr. Rodriguez: The Zoning Board only makes recommendations, so it is going to come before you. Before you can hear this, there is a new requirement by the Florida Statutes by which we have to refer the amendment to a plan that goes with the zoning, to them - and that requires that it goes for 90 day review by them, so the only reason that we have this before you is so that it can go to them, they can make comments, and because of that, we have to waive the time limitations with the zoning ordinance and establish a date. Mr. Plummer: Let me advise my colleagues the thing that I did find out. This is then considered an adjustment to the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Rodriguez: Right. Mr. Plummer: Be aware that under this statute, that you can only amend that plan twice a year. I think this thing is ... when did this thing go into law? Mr. Rodriguez: October 1. Mr. Plummer: That means that what you are really talking about is in the City of Miami, basically, we will only have two major changes in the year. Mr. Rodriguez: In the City of Miami, zoning changes that amend the Comprehensive Plan can only be.... You have made some changes on the zoning that are not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Plummer: That is almost in effect a moratorium. Mr. Rodriguez: It is a way of doing business differently, I. think. Mr. Plummer: How in the hell did the builders and the developers in this town ever let that thing get by without bringing it to our attention? Mr. Rodriguez: I think the one ... Mr. Plummer: It is almost a moratorium! And what is even dumber to me is the fact, even though this application is not before and may not be before us, we have got to notify them that they are going to go through the procedures, just in case we do! Now, are they trying to create jobs in Tallahassee for bureaucracy? What in the hell are they trying to accomplish? I don't know! It would seem legitimate to me if there was a bonafide application before us, that they have the right to look. But, there is no application before us! In other words, let me understand this particular case. Treister does not have, or the propercy here, does not have presently an application before us. Mr. Rodriguez: They do. It is not before you, the Commission, but it is before the City. Mr. Plummer: It was before the Zoning Board? Mr. Rodriguez: And the Planning Advisory Board. Mr. Plummer: And that was denied? Mr. Rodriguez: That was denied. Mr. Plummer: All right! Mr. Pierce: Recommended for denial. Mr. Rodriguez: Recommended for denial. Mr. Plummer: But under normal procedures, the only way that will come to us is on appeal, is that correct? {" Mr. Rodriguez: No, sir. No. Mr. Plummer: It is going to come automatic? y Mr. Pierce: It comes anyhow. Mr. Rodriguez: You have to act on it because the Planning Advisory Board and the Zoning Board on zoning matters, can only ... 143 RT December 19, 1985 4Y i t „ •iw: _.-.. Mr. Plummer: I stand corrected, but still the point that I guess I am upset about is the fact that you will only be able to make two changes a year to that Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Rodriguez: No, no. You can makes changes at least twice a year. Mr. Pierce: On two occassions. Mr. Plummer: Oh, they all will be grouped together? Oh, okay! Mr. Rodriguez: Yes. Mr. Pierce: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Okay - all right! Mrs. Kennedy: Sergio, let me see if I get this right. In other words, this only, like ministerial, do we have an option? Mrs. Dougherty: You don't have an option. Mr. Rodriguez: As I see it, no. I would like the Law Department to answer that. Mrs. Kennedy: All right, I just wanted to understand that. Mr. Rodriguez: The only thing that you are doing is trying to establish the date so it will be a date certain. Mr. Plummer: Can we establish any date chat we want? Mr. Rodriguez: Yes, I am suggestting something, but you can establish something beyond that date. Mr. Plummer: Can we establish like December of 1986? Mr. Pierce: No, I ... Mr. Plummer: I am asking the question now! Mr. Rodriguez: I know it is more than ninety days. That is the only thing I can tell you. Mr. Plummer: Does it say more than 90 days? Mrs. Dougherty: It has to be mover 90 days. Mr. Plummer: Over 90 days! Mr. Rodriguez: Yes. Mr. Plummer: So, December of 1986 is over 90 days! Mr. Rodriguez: Right - I guess so! Mr. Dawkins: You guess so? Mrs. Kennedy: You guess! Mr. Rodriguez: No, what I am saying is I guess so, I know what you are saying. I don't know whether we have any other ordinance or requirement once you waive that. Mr. Plummer: To my colleagues on the Commission, okay, as you are aware, this parcel of land is trying to be assimilated into City ownership for ..... Mr. Carollo: No, I don't think that is quite correct, Commissioner Plummer. Mr. Plummer: You are right, I stand corrected. RT 144 A December 19, 1985 Mr. Carol Io: I think that the realities are that there are some private Individuals out there that have spoken about that, but as far as I am aware, the City has not made any kind of lormal otfer to any of the: ow«�rs about that - whatsoever Again, for the record, I would like to stdte that it is very clear what is happening on this request here tonight, the applicant for the zoning change cannot come in through the front dour, so he want to accomplish through the back door what he has not bean able to do through the front. This is why we have here someone that I am sure is being paid by the applicant to take accurate minutes of this meeting and I. hope they will be accurate, and this is why they are coming back to this Board. I would like to refresh, for the record, and the new members of the Commission that we have here, the history of what has happened with this piece of property. The applicant came to this Commission some months back, asking for a zoninf; change for this property after being warned and given plenty of opportunity to withdraw the item on that day, the applicant insisted that he felt that he trusted that lie had the votes of the Commission. He wanted to go ahead with it. lie insisted on going ahead with it. Well, we went ahead with it, and the applicant dial not receive the votes that tie needed for the zoning change, therefore the word was that he felt that he was not treated fairly at the time. This Commission went out of its way and in the motion that I have made, we broke all rules that I can recollect that we had followed in the past, to give him a second chance before the 18 months that he would normally have to wait before he could come back and address this Commission. He went to the 'Zoning Board again. The Zoning Board again did not vote in his favor. Finally, he is here, knowing very well that he will not have ttie votes of this Commission, as the majority of the members of this Commission have expressed themselves publicly, based on the information that we have had up to now on this property, not because any small group of citizens, or large group of citizens would like to see the State, or the City or the County buy this property, but because the majority of us, 1 think, feel that the zoning requests that are being made there are, at least, as we know up to now, are not proper, are not just for the area there. and I just think that this needed to be said, and made into the record, because whatever is said here today is going to end up in court and the applicant is going to try to use and twist every word that is made here, or has been made, to try to force this Commission to give him the sky is the limit as to whatever tie wants to do with that property. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, a couple of questions. What are we going to send to Tallahassee? Mr. Rodriguez: To Tallahassee we have to send the request from the applicant to amend the plan. Mr. Dawkins: And nothing from the City. Mr. Rodriguez: Nothing from the City. Mr. Dawkins: We don't make any comments, or anything about ttie application? Mr. Rodriguez: They can require from us information if they want to, but the idea is that they can comment on you - they ask for the records if they want to, but basically, we are sending to them the application from the applicant to amend the plan, and they can ask for more information and then we give it to them. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I'd like to go on the record stating that this land has not been rezoned and chat this Commission asked for a appraisal of the land (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENT) Mr. Dawkins: I won't. I will just say, "Let them look at the record." Mayor Suarez: Do we have a motion pending to have a date certain way into the ' future set, or do we leave that up CO the staff? Mr. Dawkins: J. L. said December 6th. °`, Mr. Plummer: Well, excuse me. I am being urged co be reasonable. If we set, let's say, June ... hr4', rt 145 December 19, 1985 - Mayor Suarez: I think it makes more sense to you know ... to get it disposed of. Mr. Plummer: Okay, if we set June 1st, it duesu't mean that we couldn't defer it at that time, does it? Is June 1st agreeable? I -Jr. Rodriguez: For the second hearing. Air. Plummer: We have got to go 90 days. Mr. Al Cardenas: My name, for the record, is At Cardenas, Nr. Chairman and members of the Board, and I represent the applicant. We sincerely feel that the March and April dates, which have been set by the staff, for, recommending those dates to you is very reasonable. Normally, as you know, the only requirement the City has is that we wait approximately 45 days for first reading, and then for there to be a second reading. In this particular case, because the item is being sent to the Department of Community Affairs, you are already doubling the time within which normally applicants have their matters heard. I think there is an inherent due process right to be heard within a reasonable period of time, based on previous conduct of this Commission, and I think that the record will reflect that this Commissiun has always in the past heard matters promptly on Linz, and that this certainly this would be an exception if it did not do so. I certainly don't thins: that you want to place yourselves in a position wt►ere you may be violating the due process rights of an applicant. Mayor Suarez: I would call for Lne most seasonable of all time on this and ask the Commission to be reasonable, because I have a feeling this matter is not going to go very far anyhow, so why don't we dispose of it as soon as possible. Mr. Plummer: No, I am scared you are wrong! Mayor Suarez: Okay. What do we have ❑ow? We have June as proposed? Mr. Plummer: June 1st is reasonable. We are operating with a new law that nobody is familiar with, and It they ask for additional information ... Mr. Rodriguez: It can be the second meeting or the first meeting in June, so that we have a clear ... Mr. Plummer: Make it the last meeting in May, I don't care! Mr. Rodriguez: Okay. Mr. Plummer: As long as we have the right at the time to defer. Air. Rodriguez: Last meeting in May, did you say? Mayor Suarez: Hubert, do you want to be heard on this? Mr. Pierce: That will be May 22nd. Mr. Rodriguez: May 22nd at 5:00 P.M. Mr. Hubert Parsons: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, my name is Hubert Parsons, offices ac 799 Brickell Plaza. I, together with many other people ... there are many people in opposition, as I think the Mayor and Commission well knows of this project. They were all told not co be here today, because this was seen as basically a routine item. I would ofher for your consideration the following comments. I think that the perception, of I would think, the Mayor and every Commissioner is correct. I think that a record is being attempted to be established by the applicant to sue the Cicy. I would suggest that the Mayor and Commissioners accede to the request made by the applicant that this s► matter come up for a hearing on dates suggested by the Planning Department in .: March and April. Don't give them an issue. Don't give them an issue! Bring it on for a vote. I would secondly suggest in keeping with what I sense to be stated by all — the Mayor and Commissioners, chat when this matter is passed tt forward, transmitted to the Department of Community Affairs, chat it be done so expressly with the statement that City is neither recommending approval or denial at this time. It is simply passing this because it is required under the law, that it be passed to D.C.A. If anything should go up, it would be, y rt 146 December 19, 1985 r of course, that the advisory boards to the Commission, i.e the Zoning Board, and the Planning Advisory Board have recommended denial, as has also Metropolitan Dade County, Shoreline Development Review Committee. So, I would say, move the matter forward as suggested for hearings at the respective dates in March and April. The June dates incidentally don't work. There are many people that have families that would be involved in vacations at that time. Don't give them an issue. Pass it forward without recommendation and let the matter come forward for consideration solely on the merits of whether the zoning requested is appropriate under all the tacts and circumstances, and without regard whatsoever to the potential, if there is any, for public acquisition for park land. Thant: you. Mr. Jack Rice, Jr.: My name is Jack R. Rice, Jr., with offices at 2324 N.W. 1st Street, and I represent C. B. McCormick, who owns the property at Royal Road and Main Highway, which is approximately 10 acres. lie has constantly strived to maintain the residential character of the Grove. As to the verbage to be contained in the resolution, I would suggest the following: "Nothing contained in this resolution shall be an endorsement of the proposed amendment to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, 1976-'86, fur property located at 3471 Main Highway, which is the property in controversy." The reason why I say that is the way that State law is written. It says - "The Commission shall send a proposed amendment to the neighborhood plan and I don't want any idea that there is an inducement, or a firm commitment on behalf of the Commission, that they in any way favor this change of the Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Suarez: Aside from the merits and everything else involved in this case, do we have any problem with the idea of proceeding with the recommendations of the staff on the date, in view of the fact that opponents agree with that date for a rather interestingly worded legal reason? Mr. Plummer: So moved. Mayor Suarez: Do we have a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1248 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT FIVE COPIES OF A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1976-1986 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 2471 MAIN HIGHWAY, TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF C0MMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR COMMENT; ESTABLISHING PUBLIC HEARING DATES FOR: A) CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE 'ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM RS-1/1 TO SPI-2 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3471 MAIN HIGHWAY AND B) CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BY CHANGING THE DESIGNATION FROM A COMBINATION OF MIXED -USE AND LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO MIXED -USE; SUCH DATES BEING THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1986, AFTER 5:00 P.M. FOR FIRST READING, AND THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1986, AFTER 5:00 P.M., FOR THE SECOND READING; MAKING FINDINGS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- `�` RT 147 December 19 1985 �.+ ki AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 63. ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATE CONCERNING AMENDMENTS TO DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE MIAMI CENTER I PROJECT - 100 CHOPIN PLAZA. Mayor Suarez: Item 7, another public hearing - date and time question. Does any Commissioner have any problem with the date and time being proposed here? Air. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, are the applicants here? Is this tied in with all of the others? Mr. Ethan Minsky: No, this is an application to ... oh, it is tied in. It is an application to amend the development order as it relates to the southern portion of tract "A", which is the area behind the existing Miami Center property. Air. Plummer: Name and address for the record. Mr. Minsky: My name is Ethan Minsky. I am with the firm of Shea and Gould. I represent Miami Center Joint Venture. Mr. Plummer: All right now, you know, you are asking us to set a date for the public hearing for the development order, right? Mr. Minsky: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Is that correct? Mr. Rodriguez: Right. Mr. Plummer: Now, I think there are some legal pending matters still outstanding. Mr. Pierce: No, sir, Mr. Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir, there sure is. The bifurcation - there is legal matters pertaining to the ... Air. Dawkins: Contribution to the Bayfront Park. Mr. Plummer: Exactly! All of these matters are, you know, outstanding in my estimation, and I just don't see how we can have any kind of a hearing until these matters are cleared up. Mrs. Dougherty: We can't resolve some of them unless you have a hearing. Mr. Plummer: Oh, yes, you can resolve them before a hearing. These are old matters. Mr. Minsky: As I understand it, Mr. Commissioner ...It's all right , Sergio. Mr. Rodriguez: If I may, I would like Mr. Minsky to put on the record who is he representing, because I think ... Mr. Plummer: He said Mr. Could. Mr. Rodriguez: ... we have also, I understand another interested ... Mayor Suarez: Interested party? RT 148 December 19, 1985 Mr. Rodriguez: ... interested party in the whole situation, and we had the Bank of New York. Mr. Plummer: Well, but you sec, all of that ... Mr. Pierce: No, no, Mayor .... Mayor Suarez: Olympia and York? Mr. Plummer: ... all of that stuff is still up in the air, and I don't see how this Commission can take and have a hearing, as you remember the last time that this matter came before this Commission, there was a knock down drag out between Mr. Gould and Olympia York of who had the right to represent to say what, to whom, to why! And then in comes the bank and says "Neither one of them has the right, because we are holding the mortgage!" Now, all I am saying is, before we go in to any kind of development order, I think these matters have all got to be cleared up. I am not a lawyer, but it said - when you come into court, you come with clean hands, and as far as T am concerned, they are asking for their day in court, but their hands are not yet clean. Air. Pierce: Mr. Plummer. Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir? Air. Pierce: Just for the record, may I make an effort to clarify and put this in perspective. Mr. Plummer: Whatever you wish, sir, as wrong as you might be! Mr. Pierce: I am entitled to that opinion, right? Miami Center I is comprised of two phases, phase I being the Pavillon Hotel and the Ed Ball Office Building, which is constructed. Air. Plummer: Yes. Mr. Pierce: Phase II being the va-ant, unimproved parcel to the south of that, between ... 0 Mr. Plummer: Which was proposed for the condominiums. Mr. Pierce: Right. Mr. Plummer: That is correct, sir, but it was all tied in. Mr. Pierce: Well, just a second. Miami Center II was the three other blocks in Dupont Plaza. Mr. Plummer: Exactly! Mr. Pierce: The development order for Miami Center II expired last ... well, early this year. Mr. Plummer: We gave it a natural death. Mr. Pierce: Well, yes. Mr. Plummer: That is correct. Mr. Pierce: And when it died, so did the bifurcated ramp dedication right- of-way requirement. Yes, sir? Mr. Plummer: That is fine, on that parcel! Now, we are talking about another P:• parcel, and the same owner who made the obligations prior, is the same applicant here. "F }f3�` Mrs. Dougherty: J. L., they are asking have a right to have a {r hearing. Mr. Plummer: They have the right to have a hearing. I would not deny them that right. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) TM .._ ? RT 149 December 19, 1985 Mr. Plummer: You go wash your hands, then come and you will have your day in court. Mr. Rodriguez: Couldn't these issues be addressed at the time of the hearing? Mr. Plummer: No, sir! That is why we are in the damn jam we are in today! We don't have the money for the bifurcation. It was these people who said "We were going to put that money in escrow, and we were going to take care of that park, and we are going to take care of that people mover station and we are going to do this" ... and where are we? Zilch! Mr. Rodriguez: Couldn't in our condition for recommendation for approval of the development order be a contribution to that?. Mr. Plummer: They have already made those commitments. Mrs. Dougherty: But, that was on the other one that died. Mr. Pierce: That was another application - a separate piece of land, J. L. Mayor Suarez: We can't take any votes at this point. Mr. Plummer: Let me tell you something! You hooked me once - it is my fault. You hook me a second time, buddy it is going to be your fault! You and all the rest of that high priced help sat down here with Gould and Olympia York and Skippy Sheppard and we spent untold hours on that damn item. You know what happened in the final analysis? Nothing! !sere wear,--, the only people who have lived up to their obligations is Southeast Bank. They are honorable people and did what they said they were going to do, but that doesn't complete that bifurcation and you know who is on the hook? Just as I told you before - this City is on the hook. If that state builds chat thing, we are on the hook! Mayor Suarez: Do we luse anything by proceeding with the public hearing on the date indicated? Mr. Rodriguez: In my opinion, we have a lot to gain by it, because in that way ... Mayor Suarez: And we have got time to apply pressure to get them to come through on every other commitment and potential commitment that we need? Mr. Minsky: May I address the Commission? Although it doesn't seem too many people are here, my understanding is that all we are doing is setting a hearing date at this point, which is provided for in the Florida Statutes ... Mayor Suarez: Yes, I hear you and I think... Mr. Minsky: ... and prior to that hearing date is when we deal with all these issues. Mayor Suarez: It makes sense that we do set a public hearing date and I nave a feeling there will be iireworks there, but at least we will have a public hearing date, because we ... Mr. Plummer: I hope there won't be any fireworks! Mayor Suarez: You are starting the fireworks already. Maybe you will put them out by then, I don't know. Mr. Plummer: No, sir! Mr. Mayor, I ask that this matter be deferred to the next meeting in January. Mayor Suarez: What happens if the Commission does not approve, Madam City Attorney, the motion for deferral? Will the item just simply ... ? ,. Mr. Plummer: No, then the floor is open for another motion. Mrs. Dougherty: That is right - nothing, if the motion is defeated. There is no public hearing set. Ms �y yy RT 150 December 19, 1985 Mr. Minsky: 1 would like to make a point that Commissioner Plummer might find interesting. Should this meeting be deferred and the public hearing date be set in January, there is a good possibility that you will be living with Mr. Gould and Olympia York for a much longer time than you might have the opportunity now. There is presently d contract purchaser for that piece of property. The development amendments that dre being sought here are conditions preceding to closing that contract to purchase. If we miss setting the hearing date ... Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute. I think you might have just talked me into something. Is that true? Mrs. Dougherty: Yes. Mayor Suarez: Yes, we are talking about the Worth project and there is a lot of interdependency ... Mr. Plummer: I move Item 7! Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Plummer: Oh ho, do I move it! Mayor Suarez: And hearing no further discussion, call tiie roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1249 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING 3:30 P.M. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27,. 1986, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING AMENDMENTS TO AN EXISTING DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE MIAMI CENTER I PROJECT; A DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF REGIONAL IMPACT LOCATED AT 100 CHOPIN PLAZA, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO NOTIFY APPROPRIATE AGENCIES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Cdrollo Commissioner Rosario Kennedy 64. PLAT ACCEPTANCE: NIVENCO PARTNERSHIP TRACT. Mayor Suarez: We have got to accept some deeds to the City of Miami. Agenda item number 8. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect that we have no alternative but to approve. It is another one of these things where you can't deny it, but you have got to approve it, right? Mrs. Dougherty: Right. RT 151 December 19, 1985 si`=*vN t Mr. Plummer: If that makes any sense to you, it doesn't to me - I don't know why in hell it is on our agenda. I move item 8. Mayor Suarez: Is there anyone here opposing that? Mr. Pierce: We need to get the State law amended, get the Florida Statutes amended, then we can take them off. Mayor Suarez: I saw someone waving back there. It has been moved and seconded. Hearing no further discussion, let's call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1250 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED NIVENCO PARTNERSHIP TRACT, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo* Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez *NOTE: Although absent on roll call, Commissioner Carollo later asked of the Clerk to be shown as voting with the motion. PLAT ACCEPTANCE: MAJOBI VILLAS. Mr. Plummer: Move agenda item 9. Mr. Dawkins: Mayor Suarez: Hearing no further discussion - it has been moved and seconded. Hearing no one from the public who wants to be heard on this item, call the roll, please. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1251 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED MAJOBI VILLAS, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo* Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez *NOTE: Although absent at roll call, Commissioner Carollo later asked of the Clerk to be shown as voting with the motion. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 66. PLAT ACCEPTANCE: DE GARMO ESTATES. Mr. Plummer: Move agenda item 10. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Plummer: The same thing prevails. Mayor Suarez: Hearing no one from the public that wants to make any objection, let the record reflect there are 'no objectors - we have a motion and a second and hearing no further discussion, please call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 85-1252 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED DE GARMO ESTATES, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AND ACCEPTING THE COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LAND POSTPONING THE IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS UNTIL REQUIRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed t and adopted by the following vote- t8ld � RT 153 December 19 1985 1 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo* Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez *NOTE: Although absent on roll call, Commissioner Carollo later asked of the Clerk to be shown as voting with the motion. NOES: None. ABSENT: Nona. 67. CONTINUATION OF PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE (AMENDMENT Q) TEXT AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLE 15, SPI SPECIAL PUBLIC INTEREST DISTRICTS IN ORD. 9500. Mayor Suarez: Agenda item 11. Mr. Plummer: I move to deny. Mr. Rodriguez: May I say something? Mr. Plummer: No! Mayor Suarez: Mr. Rodriguez, please ... Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mrs. Kennedy: Don't be intimidated, Sergio. Mayor Suarez: ... I know we are all tired, but we do want to ... Mr. Rodriguez: This item covers many definitions that we have to do to correct the ordinance and there is one item which is controversial - which that might the reason why you are upset. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, let me go on record. I know that I have some disagreements with some of my colleagues, but I will state my opinion. I am opposed to this amendment as it stands because of the provisions that allow the parking of boats in single family residences, in the front yard. I don't think that a boat is a necessity. I think where we allow cars to be parked in front yards, it was a necessity because people have to have a car for their livelihood. There are no provisions in this ordinance, for example, that says that if your front yard is five feet, that you can't provide five feet of boat in your front yard. There is nothing that says if your boat is rotten and it is an eyesore, that you have to remove it. I just personally feel that aesthetically it is not a pleasant thing to me to have boats in the front yard. Now, you know, and I am a boater myself and I love to have your boats and there are people who can't afford possibly, to have it somewhere else, but I just think that a boat is a luxury and as such, if you can afford the luxury of the cost of the boat, that you can afford to have someplace to park it other than in the front yard of your house, so ... Mr. Carollo: J. L., I can understand it, but when you are talking about a community like Miami and it is all water oriented, and you are talking a little fifteen and one-half, sixteen foot boat today that is used and only T costs you $2,000, $3,000, if that - you know, we have to start being reasonable. Mr. Plummer: Well, Joe, I guess my problem is, chat is ordinance does not provide for the fourteen or fifteen footers. (y r^} Mr. Carollo: Why don't we defer the ordinance and then bring it back? Mr. Plummer: I will agree to that. RT 154 December 19, 1985 Mayor Suarez: Sounds like a great idea to me. I'd like to study it further myself. Mrs. Kennedy: I need more study also on this. Mr. Plummer: I've got no problems either. Mr. Rodriguez: The whole ordinance, or the section of the ordinance? Mr. Plummer: The whole ordinance. Mayor Suarez: The rest of the ordinance is clean up items, or ...? Mr. Rodriguez: Should be fairly straight -forward, no problems. Mr. Plummer: To be cleaned up in January. Mayor Suarez: Why is there so much hesitation? Do we have any reason why we need to have this before January? Mr. Rodriguez: No, just to keep it moving. Mr. Plummer; Because I didn't really go into the rest of the ordinance. I got to that one and I quit reading. I would move that item 11 be deferred until the January meeting. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mr. Pierce: January 23, continue it. Mr. Plummer: Continued to a date certain. Mayor Suarez: Any discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 85-125? A MOTION CONTINUING TO THE JANUARY MEETING CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE (Amendment Q) CONTAINING VARIOUS TEXT AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 9500 AS WELL AS VARIOUS DEFINITIONS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo — Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Rosario Kennedy Vice -Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mayor Suarez: You will be happy to hear, Sergio, that I am going to vote "yes" on this and that will violate my long standing policy of not wanting any briefings from Planning and 'Zoning, and ask for a briefing on this one. 1�Y Mr. Rodriguez: Glad to see that you have come to the light! NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Mayor Suarez recognized State Representative Luis Morse in the audience. �y ti RT 155 December 19, 1985 110, L I TgERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE CITY C014NISSION9 THE tSEETYNG WAS ADJOURNED AT 6:27 P.M. ATTEST: Matty Hirai CITY CLERK RT Ravier L. Suarez M A Y 0 R • 156 December 19, 1985 IT3V OF Wool m I DOCUMENT MEETING DATE DECEMBER 19, 1985 NDEXV� DOClJ OIT IDENTIFICATION COMMISSION RETRIEYAI ACTION AND CODE NO. SET FORTH THE NAMES OF NEWSPAPERS IN WHICH 85-1182 CITY DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES ARE INSTRUCTED TO PUBLIS14 PUBLIC NOTICES AFTER JANUARY 1, 1985; ETC.... CLAIM SETTLEMENT: JAMES COX. $6,000. 85-1187 CLAIM SETTLEMENT: STATE OF ANNETTE SEVERE. 85-1188 $36, 500. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: LUIS AND DELIA CALAMA. 85-1189 $60,000. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: WALTER CANTALOW. $12,181.87. 85-1190 APPROVE A PERMIT TO DISPENSE BEER/WINE AT 85-1191 NO CHARGE IN CONNCTION WITH UNIVERSITY ALUMNI, PICNICS (JANUARY 1, 1986, IN SEWELL AND JOSE MARTI PARKS) IN CONNECTION WITH THE ORANGE BOWL GAME. CLOSE CERTAIN STREET TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC DURING THE THREE KINGS FESTIVAL AND PARADE TO TAKE PLACE ON JANUARY 11-12, 1986. AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF BEER/WINE (BY PER— FORMING —ARTS FOR COMMUNITY AND EDUCATION INC., P.A.C.E.) IN CONNECTION WITH THE BIG ORANGE FESTIVAL (FEBRUARY 2, 1986). FURTHER THE CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREET TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. AUTHORIZE SALE OF BEER/WINE IN PEACOCK PARK IN CONNECTION WITH KING MANGO STRUCK PARADE (DECEMBER 29, 1985) AND THE CLOSURE OF CER— TAIN STREET TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. GRANT A PERMIT BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS REGULATION, THE REQUEST OF THE LATIN ORANGE FERTIVAL COUNCIL, INC. TO SELL BEER/WINE (FIESTA BY THE BAY, DECEMBER 31, 1985 JANUARY 1, 1986). ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON CO. INC., ($18,285.) FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT — DOWNTOWN PHASE I, ETC.... ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF DOUGLAS N. HIGGINS, INC. ($431,302.74) FOR WEST FLAGLER STREET STORM SEWER MODIFICATIONS — B-5504, ETC.... 85-1192 85-1193 85-1194 85-1195 85-1196 85-1197 ,DOCUMENT I INDEX CONTINUED DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF P.N.M. CORPORA- TION ($52,857.) FOR MANOR STORM SEWER PRO- JECT (BID "A") - B-5503, ETC.... ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF WESTERN WATER- PROOFING CO. OF AMERICA ($19,320.) FOR FIRE RESCUE TRAINING CENTER - TRAINING POOL REPAIR - B-2773 -A, ETC... ACCEPT BID OF CUSHMAN ELECTRONICS TO FURNISH ONE LEVELMETER TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING/ VEHICLE MAINTENANCE COMMUNICATION SERVICES DIVISION ($5,495.00). ACCEPT BID OF MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS, INC. TO FURNISH ONE COMMUNICA- TIONS SYSTEM ANALYZER TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING/VEHICLE MAINTENANCE COMMUNICA- TION SERVICES DIVISION ($17,825.00). ORDER CITY WIDE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - DISTRICT - PHASE III H-4516. AMEND ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITYWIDE 1981 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5476C BY CORRECTING LEGAL DES- CRIPTION OF PARCEL LAND, ETC.... AUTHORIZE/DIRECT TO EXECUTE AN INSTRUMENT FORMALLY CANCELING AUGUST 27, 1971, COVE- NANT TO RUN WITH THE LAND EXECUTED BY PHIL AND SYLVIA WURTZEL AND LE-JEUNE PROPERTIES, INC. (SUBDIVISION "LE JEUNE PROPERTIES" 90-31). AUTHORIZE/DIRECT TO EXECUTE FORMALLY CANCEL- ING SEPTEMBER 2,1971 COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LAND EXECUTED BY FRANK L. KLEBBA, RELA- TING TO A TEMPORARY SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN SERVING AT APARTMENT BUILDING - 1077 N.W. 44 AVENUE. AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF SEVENTEEN DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES . AUTHORIZE THE RELOCATION OF COCONUT ADULT PALMS FOR BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. 85-1198 85-1199 85-1200 85-1201 85-1202 85-1203 85-1204 85-1205 85-1206 85-1207 OCUMENTINDEX CONTINUED DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION ALLOW TO SELL BEER/WINE IN CONNECTION WITH THE CALLE OCHO OPEN HOUSE 8K RUN AND FESTI— VAL, MARCH 7 — 9, 1986 AND THE CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREET TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC; ETC... ACCEPT BID OF PENINSULAR ELECTRIC CO., INC.($34,505.00) FOR BICENTENNIAL PARK — PRIMARY ELECTRIC DUCT — 1985, ETC.... ACCEPT BID OF P.N.M. CORPORATION ($6,871,000.) FOR BAYFRONT PARK REDEVELOPMENT — PHASE II. RESCIND RESOLUTION 85-1040 WHICH AUTHORIZE TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SUPERIOR SEAWALL SERVICES INC. ($31,210.) FOR WAINWRIGHT PARK BULKHEAD REPAIRS; AND AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO READVERTISE FOR NEW BIDS. ALLOCATE $50,000. IN SUPPORT OF FIVE NATIONAL TELECASTS FROM CITY OF MIAMI OF THE PHIL DONAHUE SHOW (FEBRUARY, 1986). SELECT PUBLIC RELATIONS/MARKETING CONSULT— ANT FOR SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVE— LOPMENT PROJECT PHASE I ($60,000.). CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF KIRKLAND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT — DISTRICT — SR-5478C. (CENTERLINE). ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., INC. ($146,215.60) FOR CITY— WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT — ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA — PHASE II, ETC... ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF FRE CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. ($737,814.51) FOR ALLAPATTAH INDUS— TRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT — PHASE I BIDS "A", B, C"; ASSESSING DAYS OVERRUN OF CONTRACT TIME. 85-1208 85-1211 85-1212 85-1213 85-1214 85-1217 85-1218 85-1219 85-1220 a 11DOCUMENTINDEX CONTINUED DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE OF $11,481.42 IN THE CONTRACT WITH F AND L CONSTRUCTION, INC. (MARCH 15, 1985) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY; ETC.. AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE OF $40,000. IN THE CONTRACT WITH FRE CONSTRUCTION CO. (DECEMBER 18, 1984) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT — PHASE I; ETC.... ENDORS POSITION OF FLORIDA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION WICH URGE/SUPPORT PRESIDENT REAGAN'S FURTHER IMPLEMENTATION OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S CONTAINMENT AND DENIAL POLICY TOWARD THE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT OF CUBA UNDER FIDEL CASTRO; ETC.... REQUEST A STATE APPROPRIATION OF $1.5 MILLION AS A CONSTRIBUTION TOWARD THE CONSTRUCTION OF CLAUDE PEPPER FOUNTAIN TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT BAYFRONT PARK. AUTHORIZE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWAGE FACILITIES AND FOR THE PROVISION OF WATER AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICES FOR BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE. AUTHORIZE TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF INTENT WITH THE KNIGHT FOUNDATION CONFIRMING GRANT ($658,171.) FOR THE CITY CONSTRUCTION OF THE TOWER OF LIGHT AND LIGHTING SYSTEM WITHIN BAYFRONT PARK. AUTHORIZE TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CONVEYING A 400 FOOT BY 60 FOOT PORTION OF BAYFRONT PARK. AUTHORIZE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH MR. AND MRS. LEE HILLS, SETTING FORTH THE TERM/CONDITIONS FOR ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT ($110,000. FROM LEE AND TINA HILLS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEVEN PLAY SCULPTURES IN BAYFRONT PARK; ETC... AMEND SECTION I OF RESOLUTION 85-1082 (OCTOBER 24, 1985) WICH AUTHORIZED EMPLOYMENT OF SPECIAL COUNSEL (GEORGE F. KNOX, ESQ.) TO TWO CITY BOARDS BY SUBSTITUTING THE NAME OF MARK A. VALENTIN. 85-1221 85-1222 85-1225 85-1227 85-1228 85-1229 85-1230 85-1231 85-1232 �DOCUNIENTI NDEX CONTINUED DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION I amn r•nr,F ntn_ ALLOCATE $300,000. TO THE LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITIES AND NUTRITION CENTERS OF DADE COUNTY, INC. FOR ACQUIRING A BUILDING LOCATED AT 700 S.W. 8TH STREET; ETC... AUTHORIZE TO EXECUTE THE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT WITH RODRIGUEZ KHULY QUIROGA ARCHITECTS TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PLAN/DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL (S.W. 10TH STREET FROM S.W. 1ST AVENUE TO BRICKELL AVENUE. ADOPT IN PRINCIPLE N.W. SOUTH RIVER DRIVE DESIGN CONCEPT; ESTABLISH GUIDELINES FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF N.W. NORTH RIVER DRIVE AND LUMMUS PARK/PIONEER CLUB WATERFRONT PROPERTIES. AUTHORIZE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL DEFINING THE APPROACH AND PROCEDURES FOR UNDERTAKING A DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL FOR THE DOWNTOWN AREA. CO -DESIGNATE NORTH 62ND STREET BERWEEN INTER- STATE HIGHWAY - I-95 AND N.E. 2ND AVENUE AND BISCAYNE BAY AS "DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD; ETC... EXPRESS THE INTENT TO PROCEED WITH THE DEVE- LOPMENT OF A MULTIFAMILY RENTAL HOUSING PROJECT AND FINANCING OF 415 UNITS THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS ($24,000,000.) APPOINT: T. WILLARD FAIR TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF CITY OF MIAMI GENERAL EMPLOYEES' AND SANITATION EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST. APPOINT ELBA E. MORALES, AND GEORGE LAMBERT SANDS TO SERVE AS REGULAR MEMBERS; AND OSVAL- DO A. MORAN-RIBEAUX TO SERVE AS ALTERNATE MEMBER MEMBER OF THE ZONING BOARD (ENDING DECEMBER 31,1986. 85-1234 85-1235 85-1236 85-1237 85-1239 85-1240 85-1246 0 MEN 11ND X CU T E C INUED ONT COMMISSION RETRIEVAL DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION f.r•.ntn*r a*rn nnnv ern DIRECT CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT FIVE COPIES 85-1248 OF A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE MIAMI COMPRE- HENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1976-1986 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3471 MAIN HIGHWAY TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR COMMENTS; ETC... ESTABLISH 3:30 P.M. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 85-1249 1986, AS THE DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERN- ING AMENDMENTS TO AN EXISTING DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE MIAMI CENTER I PROJECT AT CHOPIN PLAZ, ETC... ACCEPT PLAT OF NIVENCO PARTNERSHIP TRACT 85-1250 p AND THE DEDICATION SHOWN ON SAID PLAT. ACCEPT PLAT OF MAJOBI VILLAS (SUBDIVISION 85-1251 OF CITY OF MIAMI AND THE DEDICATION SHOWN ON SAID PLAT. ACCEPT PLAT OF DE GARMO ESTATES (SUBDIVISION OF CITY OF MIAMI) AND THE DEDICATION SHOWN ON SAID PLAT. 85-1252