HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-1225f It J-85-1236 12/19/85 RESOLUTION NO. S"-1225 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE POSITION OF THE FLORIDA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION WHICH URGES AND SUPPORTS PRESIDENT REAGAN'S FURTHER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S CONTAINMENT AND DENIAL POLICY TOWARD THE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT OF CUBA UNDER FIDEL CASTRO AS SET FORTH IN THE ATTACHED NOVEMBE R 25, 1985 LETTER TO PRESIDENT REAGAN WRITTEN ON THE LETTERHEAD OF THE SENIOR MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, THE HONORABLE CLAUDE PEPPER, AND SIGNED BY U. S. SENATORS LAWTON CHILES AND PAULA HAWKINS AS WELL AS OTHER MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. WHEREAS, on December 19, 1985 the City Commission, at the request of a member of the community, considered the subject of liberty in Nicaragua and Cuba; and WHEREAS, the threat to this hemisphere posed by the communist government of Cuba under Fidel Castro was the subject of a recent positive public statement by members of the U. S. Congress; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate that this Commission express its support for the representatives of this community in Congress; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The position of the Florida Congressional Delegation which urges and supports President Reagan's further implementation of the Federal Government's containment and denial policy toward the communist government of Cuba under Fidel Castro, as set forth in the attached November 25, 1985 letter to President Reagan written on the letterhead of the Senior Member of the House of Representatives, the Honorable Claude Pepper, and signed by U. S. Senators Lawton Chiles and Paula Hawkins as well as other members of the Florida Congressional Delegation is hereby endorsed. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF DEC 19 1916 ON No, ay REMARKS. CLAUDE PEPPEp i tttM btTwit't, R6isD► • toww Tit Ok MJitt eta" toww?m bit M OG tNAAYAM "rawwTTtt bu NMI" AM LDNGnMt+ t AYA Oe T. Conreas -of the united Ostom 11ou t of 1epratntatim November 25, 1985 Dear Mr. President: • w w• r 1ew�w;rlurn+l tstKra+� tilt urbu frt tetftt ttle+u 6 At04 beAtrDl ?m K M to tblanatat tfbw 110i "DIM Mu hbw. Haiti R is t W tos-lto�ttt taaftu %OW LM LA?* 00 tttkTATM For the last seven administrations, including your own, the policy of the United States toward Fidel Castro's Cuba has-been one of containment and denial - containment of Castro's international adventurism and denial of the resources he needs to finance his initiatives. The U.S. embargo of Castro has been effective, but he continues to find ways, through various loopholes in or violations of the law, of circumventing it. In addition, Castro is currently engaged in • numerous subversive and terrorist activities detrimental to U.S. interests. As you have pointed out, the Castro government promotes and sponsors international terrorism and subversion. Havana's links with terrorist groups in Latin America and the Middle East have been well documented. And Fidel Castro has recently been attempting to damage the international financial system by exhorting Latin American govern- ments to default on their debts to the West. In view'of the above -mentioned concerns, we respectfully request that -you give serious consideration to the following- suggested options. The United States could bring to the attention of both inter- national organizations and Western governments the Cuban government's continuing violations of human rights, particularly the internationally recognized rig t to seek, receive and impart information through any media regardless of frontiers". As you know, Fidel Castro reneged on his promise to allow the return of about 3,000 individuals who were sent here in 1980 in violation of U.S. laws. More than five years after their arrival we strongly recommend that all Cuban/U.S. exchange - cultural, artistic, sports, etc. - be suspen ed until these individuals may be returned to Cuba. Given the role of thousands of Cuban troops in remote parts of the world, and the increasing bloodshed in Angola, the U.S. ought to seek ways of broadcasting Radio Marti to Castro's armies abroad. (over) THIS STATMNco" y "' ""emu Dcr'vr•6 rn rooctis 85-1223 85-1225 page two The honorable Ronald W. Reagan The President November 25, 1985 in this context, the recent repeal of the Clark Amendment makes it possible for your Administration to support legislation providing assistance to the Angolan freedom fighters. The U.S. Information Agency is successfully providing television programs via satellite all over the world. Cuban TV signals can be received in the Florida keys. Professor George H. Quester, Chairman of the University of Maryland Political Science Department has recently written about the Feasibility of TV _broadcasts to Cuba "from Rey West (or from a barrage balloon moor��tsov�Key rest The Cuban government, in its search for hard currency, exploits the Cuban -American community through several questionable schemes carried out by certain travel agencies and companies who send money and packages to Cuba. Perhaps the Justice Department could review the appropriateness of these types of activities. Another way that Castro has been able to circumvent American laws to obtain hard currency is by encouraging the illegal use of U.S. credit cards in Cuba. To date no prosecutions have taken place based on this violation. In view of Fidel Castro's campaign urging non-payment of the foreign debt by Third World nations, perhaps you could include U.S. concerns on this matter on every bilateral agenda with Western govern- ments. Castro's efforts to destabilize the Western economy should not viewed as distinct from his efforts to renegotiate his own debt. Until now the rescheduling process at the Club of Paris has failed to take into consideration Castro's attempts to wreak havoc on the Western financial community. As well as informing other governments about Castro's duplicity in the debt issue, the United States should make every effort to expose Castro's support for terrorist organizations and narco-trafficking. The Cuban Interests Section in Washington freely distributes Cuban government publications to our opinion- and decision -makers. The United States should actively distribute through our Interests Section in Havana a wide selection of American newspapers and magazines. From time to time it has come to our attention that some of our allies, including governments who receive American aid, purchase Cuban sugar and other exports. Given the great need among our friends in the Caribbean who produce the same commodities, you are in a position to encourage our allies to redirect their trade toward our democratic friends in the region. To t is effect a systematic effort to monitor Cuban exports ought to be implemented. (over) 85-1225 85-1225 page three 410�.. ,A The Honorable gonald W. ReAgan The president November 25, 1985 in order to obtain more hard currency, Fidel Castro's government has been participating in "joint venture" companies. The establishment of such companies is an obvious effort to circumvent the U.S. trade restrictions by disguising Cuban government participation. The U.S. embargo -should apply to these joint ventures in the same way as it w+ou d apply if the company were solely Cuban government -owned. For granting the loans and trade deals to Havana, on very favorable terms, by countries that benefit from American aid, the U.S. embargo is further and directly diluted. Every effort-s1wuld be made to assure that this American aid is not being transferred, directly or indirect y, to the benefit of Castro. Mr. President, as legislators on Capitol Hill, we are prepared to help the Administration in any way we can to implement the recom- mendations offered herein, or any others you may feel would be useful in restraining the spread of communism from Cuba. Very sincerely, Hon. Lawton Chiles, U.S.S. H M Bi irakis, M.C. rl Hulto, M.C. Hon— ill Nelson, M.C. �L ' Hon. Sam M. bbons, M.C.— (over) 85"1225 24"rable Ronald 1411 aft It. lots i flat Oct In Al, at i s p i+1CC�i� 11�'f� RICO Hon. oa!► Mac* Mac , % on. than M Cat Hon. Dori F1i �r M.C. The Honorable Ronald W. Reagan The President ,The White House -Washington, D.C. 20500 85-�.225 ,. Unites, es Department or State I �^ Nov Assistant Secretary of State for burr -American Affairs Washington, D.C. 20520 November 22, 1985 Mr. Frank Calzon, Esquire Executive Director The Cuban American National Foundation 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W., Suite 601 Washington, D.C. 20007 Dear Frank: I am writing to express appreciation for your support of the Administration's efforts to enforce and strengthen the Cuba embargo. Since Fidel Castro seized power in 1959, Cuba has conducted a hostile policy toward the United States. This policy has included --and continues to utilize --direct military force in third countries, and more commonly, the provision of training, leadership and logistical support to violent revolutionary groups active in third countries. For that reason U.S. presidents from both political parties have deemed it in the national interest to maintain a comprehensive embargo on commercial and financial transactions with Cuba. The embargo cannot force Castro to alter Cuba's hostile policy toward the United States, nor is it likely to lead to his downfall. However, the embargo can and does make it more difficult for Cuba to carry out its ob)ectives. Cuba's ability and potential to earn hard currency --which could be used in support of its hostile foreign policy --is limited by its lack of access to the U.S. commercial and financial markets. The embargo therefore increases the burden on the Soviet Union, which spends more than $4 billion per year to meet Cuba's basic food and energy requirements and to keep the Cuban economy functioning. In recent ears the Department of State with your backing and t at of other Americans of Cuban origin, has sought to _ strengthen the embargo. We have undertaken many initiatives to remove any remaining access of the Castro regime to the United States, its markets or technology, directly or indirectly. We have also sought to limit the benefits Cuba derives from trade with other western countries. Castro himself has complained in recent speeches about U.S. efforts to limit Cuba's transactions with third countries. While I cannot provide details concerning many of our efforts in this regard, the following examples demonstrate the scope of the U.S. Government's efforts: 85--1225 85. IL225 1 =M -- New regulations have been promulgated which have prevented the Cuban Government from developing a tourist industry catering to the U.S. market. -- Agreements have been negotiated with a number of friendly governments which have agreed not to ship to the United States goods containing Cuban nickel. -- A Presidential proclamation makes it difficult, if not impossible, for Cuban officials to travel to the United States for the purpose of acquiring U.S. training or technology. -- Enforcement actions have been undertaken against violators of the Cuban embargo. -- The U.S. government has engaged in ongoing dialogue with other western countries concerning controlling the export of sensitive technology to Cuba. -- Cuba is finding it increasingly difficult to gain new markets and new sources of financing in the west, partly because we are ensuring that Cuba's potential trade and financial partners are learning the true facts about Cuba's desperate economic situation. The Cuba embargo has enjoyed widespread domestic political support since its inception. Nevertheless, some measures to tighten the embargo can be controversial. Our efforts to isolate Castro's dictatorship politically and economically are greatly assisted by the strong support and resolute attitudes of the Cuban American National Foundation and other Americans of Cuban origin. Sincerely, 4dli�io-tt Abrams 85-1225 stir n, e Al The Honorable Charles E Bennett 314 palmetto Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 RE: DENIAL POLICY TOWARD COMMUNIST CUSA Dear Congressman Sennett: j Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 85-1225, passed and adopted bythe City Of iMiamifcommission at its meeting l held on December'19, 985, On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your attention. er truly, yours, city Clerk MH:sl ENC: a/s Avr� _j �RaU I CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIOA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 67 To Sergio Pereira, City Manager DATE, December 10, 1985 FILE: SUBJECT Personal Appearance FROM. Xavier L. Suarez, Mayor f REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES. As per the attached letter, Mr. Gilberto Casanova is requesting a personal appearance on the December 19th Commission meeting. XLS/kds Enclosure cc: Cam. Miller Dawkins Cam. Joe Carollo Cam. Rosario Kennedy Cam. J.L. Plummer 85" '1225 lCOON C.Eft"W'BANk 11bbUST 18tWON WAtiIA111,ILIONDA�ap1b nt 1985 rworablib Xavier SuaM Mayor of Mismi. � Ommissioners of the City of Miami Muni. Fla. airs: ""ion COubana reap beully encloses a letter which det is aerta3si issues that it beliffirm of great iMortance• t 1�anan► the phi Cana has distributed the enclosed letter to dies. the Florida i egislaturer a other Goverw en hope that you see fit to sletter s been endorsed by thousands of people.this letter in the form of a include the et tVa anent oof You oamdzsithe bmes raised ioon meting- resolution in the agenda . We hopethat the resolution be apprueed for the good of the efforts being made towards the LibexW of Cuba- Very truly Yours, Gilberto casantm - gt/.0007 General secretary (2 - ,y/L3 %U no visit the oppressor's house is to sanction the oppressian " Jose Marti, 1887 Q. LIBERTAD, JUSTICIA Y HONRADEt ACCON CUBA 1, 1100 EAST 10th AVENUE • HIALEAH. FLORIDA 33010 November 22, 1985 The Honorable Ronald W. Reagan The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear President Reagan: We have constantly prayed for your full recovery from your recent operation and God has listened. May God bless you and your family. Accion Cubana and the citizens of the community constantly backed your policy towards Central America in 1984. We collected 10,025 signatures in support of those policies. Our main concern is the liberty of Cuba and also Nicaragua. We are helping Nicaragua because our enemy is the international communism. Accion Cubana has requested from your administration certain things regarding abolishing forever the communist infiltration in the United States from Cuba and Nicaragua. We have not received any news regarding our previous suggestions and therefore we reiterate the measures that will stop the infiltration: 1. Close the Cuban Interest Commission in Washington and in Cuba. 2. Close all travel and assistance to Cuba of the so-called Cubans which are giving Castro one U.S. Dollar for the worthless 70t Cuban currency. 3. Close all offices that negotiate with Cuba sending packages to Cuba. We await your answer to this urgent request. Sincerely yours, Gilberto Casanova General Secretary Accion Cubana "To visit the oppressor's house is to sanction the oppression." Jose Marti, 1887. 85-122S i C y . LIDERTAD, JUSTICIA Y HONRADEZ ACCION CUBANK 1100 FAST 10th AVENUE • I41ALE•AH. FLORIDA 33010 March 13, 1985 The Honorable Alan C. Nelson y General Director of Immigration 2 A Street, N.W. Washington D.C. 20536 Your Honor: To negotiate with the enemy is to bury the liberty of Cuba and Nicaragua with twenty -sic additional years of Communism in the slave island of Cuba. Please note that there are several Cubans, that say that they are Cubans, residents of the United States that have breached the sworn statements filed with the Immigration Department when they applied for the Residency and stated that their lives were in danger due to the persecution by the Cuban Government. What is the reason th-,y give now, that while having the same Communist system in Cuba, this so called Cubans travel to Cuba as tourists several times during a year and pay $1,200.00 for airfare each tirne. They are giving Castro the U.S. Dollar for 70 cents of worthless Cuban currency. Ur. Nelson, in the name of the liberty of Cuba we request that the Immigration laws 5e enforced against the Companies that are sending packages to Cuba and negotiating with the enemy. This treason like activities is a grave crime in the United States. Regarding the tourists we request the suspension of travel to Cuba and the immediate suspension of the Residency privileges of the Cuban tourists. The same penalty should be levied as the one imposed on Bill Carter for negotiating with 1lurnmar Qaddafi, that is lost of citizenship and $10,000.00 fine. Vert; truly yours, Gilberto Casanova General Secretary, Accion Cubana ti a Tr.S: Nit T { ss-1225 1 Aft 0al.LIDERTAD, 1USTICIA Y HONRAbEZ ACCION CUBANK 1100 EAST IOrh AVENUE • It[ALLAH. FLORIDA 33010 1larch 13, 19S5 The Honorable .flan C. Nelson C nr ral Director of Immigration '+25"A Street, N.W. W,ishington D.C. 20536 Your Honor: To negotiate with the enerny is to bury the liberty of Cuba and Nicaragua with tu•c-nty -si c additionai years of Communism in the slave island of Cuba. Plc•a-,e note that there are several Cubans, that say that they are Cubans, residents of ie United States that have breached the sworn statements filed with the Immigration Department when they applied for the Residency and stated that their li-✓es were in danger due to the persecution by the Cuban Government. What is the reason th-y give now, that while having the same Communist system in Cuba, this so called Cubans travel to Cuba as tourists several times during a year and pay $1,200.00 for airfare each tirne. They are giving Castro the U.S. Dollar for 70 cents of worthless Cuban currency. Mr. Nelson, in the name of the liberty of Cuba we request that the Immigration laws `)e cnforced against the Companies that are sending packages to Cuba and negotiating with the enemy. This treason like activities is a grave crime in the United States. Regarding the tourists we request the suspension of travel to Cuba and the immediate suspension of the Residency privileges of the Cuban tourists. T ne Larne penalty should be levied as the one imposed on ©ill Carter for negotiating with '%1LJ1 trnar Qaddafi, that is lost of citizenship and $10,000.00 fine. e'er., truly yours, -71 a Gilberto Casanova General Secretary, Accian Cubana k - ' P�AC LIBERTAD, 1USTICIA Y HONRADEZ ICON CUP011"1%NK 1100 EAST 101h AVENUE • HIALEAH. FLORIDA 33010 November 22. 1995 The lionoraWe Ronald t%- Reagan The Mute house Washington. D.C. 20500 Dear President Meagan: ►tie have constantly prayed for your full recovery from your recent operation and God has listened. May God bless you and your family. Accion Cubana and the citizens of the community constantly backed your policy towards Central America in 1984. he collected 10,025 signatures in support of those policies. Our main concern is the liberty of tuba and also Nicaragua. 11 e are helping Nicaragua because our enemy is the international communism. Accion Cubana has requested from your administration certain things regarding abolishing forever the communist infiltration in t11e united States from Cuba and Nicaragua. the have not received any news regarding our previous suggestions and therefore we reiterate the measures that will stop the infiltration: 1. Close the Cuban Interest Commission in Washington and in Cuba. 2. Close all travel and assistance to Cuba of the so-called Cubans which are giving Castro one U.S. Dollar for the worthless 700 Cuban currency. 3. Close all offices that negotiate with Cuba sending packages to Cuba. We await your answer to this urgent request. Sincerely yours, \,. t L( c l j C. C L 1,'A` Gilberto Casanovd - General Secretary Accion Cubana "To visit the oppressor's house is to sanction the oppression." Jose Marti, 1887. )P6AC- C1 0-- N CUBANK LIBERTAD, JUSTICIA Y HONRADEZ 1100 EAST 10th AVENUE - HIALEAH, FLORIDA 33010 Miami, Noveriber 21, 1985 The Honorable Xavier Suarez Mayor of Miami, The Oannissioners of the City of Miami, Miami, Fla. Sirs: r Accion Cubans respecfully encloses a letter which details certain issues that it believes of great importance. Accion Cabana has distributed the enclosed letter to President Reagan, the Congress, the Florida Legislature, and other Governmental agencies. The letter has been endorsed by thousands of people. We hope that you see fit to include the endorsement of the issues raised by this letter in the form of a resolution in the agenda of your next cam-ission meeting. We hope that the resolution be approved for the good of the efforts being made towards the Liberty of Cuba. Very truly Yours, Gilberto Casanova Oral Secretary "To visit the oppressor's house is to sanction the oppression." Jose Marti, 1887 REL- ' UTION NO. 85-1,02 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HIALEAH, FLORMA, STRONG- LY URGING PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN AND THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO RECOGNIZE THE EFFORTS OF ACCION CUBANA TO ABOLISH THE INFILTRA- TION OF COMMUNISTS INTO -THE UNITED STATES OF •AMERICA FROM CUBA AND NICARAGUA. WHEREAS, Accion Cubana is an organization dedicated to the abolishment of communist infiltration into the United States of America from Cuba and Nicaragua; and WHEREAS, Accion Cubana, through its designated repre- sentative, appeared before the City Council of the City of Hialeah, Florida, and recommended certain action be taken by the Government of the United States of America in order to abolish communist infiltration into the United States of America from Cuba and Nicaragua. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HIALEAH, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Government of the United States of America, in order to abolish communist infiltration from Cuba and Nicaragua into the United States of America, takes the following action immediately: A. Close the Cuban Interest Commission in Washington, D.C., and in Cuba. B. Immediately halt all travel to Cuba there- by prohibiting the expending of American dollars in Cuba for the benefit of the Cuban Government. C. Close all offices or businesses that negotiate with Cuba for the sending of packages and goods to Cuba.. PASSED and ADOPTED this 10th ATTEST: City Cler APPROVED AS TO LEGAL ? FORM AND SUFFICIENCY (RESOS/05-COMMUNISM) Law enartment APPROVED: da of December , 1985. CouncJl President Mayor RESOLUTON was adopted by a unanimous vote with Councilmen Cardoso, Dorrego, Echevarria, J. Martinez, Mejides, Nunez and Robinson voting "Yes". 0�- /a as_ t Y RESOLUTION NO. — A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SWEETWATER REQUESTING PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN AND HIS ADMINISTRATION TO PREVENT IN- FILTRATION OF THE UNITED STATES BY INTERNA- TIONAL COMMUNISM. WHEREAS, ACCION CUBANA has requested the support of the City of Sweetwater in obtaining liberty for Cuba and opposing the spread 4 of international communism; and, { WHEREAS, ACCION CUBANA has proposed a three (3) part program to stop the infiltration of international communism; and, WHEREAS, ACCION CUBANA has collected 10,025 signatures in support of the policies of the Reagan Administration: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SWEETWATER, FLORIDA as follows: SECTION 1. The City of Sweetwater fully support ACCION CUBANA in its program to stop communist infiltration. SECTION 2. That the City of Sweetwater requests President Ronald Reagan and his administration give serious consideration to adopting the three (3) point program advocated by ACCION CUBANA, which is: 1. Close the Cuban Interest Commission in Washington and in Cuba. 2. Close all travel and assistance to Cuba of the so-called Cubans which are giving Castro one U.S. Dollar for the worthless .70C Cuban currency. 3. Close all offices that negotiate with Cuba sending packages to Cuba. SECTION 3. That the City Clerk deliver a certified copy of this Resolution to Gilberto Casanova.,✓ General Secretary of ACCION CUBANA. PASSED AND ADOPTED this,:;?,. �=` day of Dece r, 1985. ATTEST: t MARIE 0. SCHMIDT, CITY CLERK . PENEDO, MAYOR rA JOSIr MERIDA, COUNCIL PRESIDENT W. ILI E. CLAY SHAW I STu DIST.ICT. FL 011DA 322 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON. OC 20SIS 12021 225-3026 DISTRICT OFFICE BROWARD FEDERAL BUILDING 299 EAST BROWARD BOULEVARD -' FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33301 13051522-1800 .'n"1tj : k COMYRTEtl. JUDICIARY PUBLIC WORKS AND (tan ren of the united 0tates TRANSPORTATION SELECT COMMITTEE ON NARCOTICS ABUSE AND CONTROL boast of Rquotntat an gaMington, VE 20515 January 21, 1986 Matty Hirai City Clerk City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive P.O. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 Dear Matty, Thanks for sending me a copy of the City Commission's December resolution concerning the federal government's efforts to contain the communist regime in Cuba. As you know, I was one of the signatories on the letter we sent to the President in November. I was pleased with the bipartisan and united effort of the Florida delegation. Please continue to forward City Commission resolutions which you feel would be of interest to this office. It is vitally important that we work together to serve the interests of the people of Florida. SincoreX&e, V � E. S aTO,Jr. Member of Cress ECS:ds O