HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #37 - Discussion ItemCITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA 40 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM I TO. Cesar Odio, City Manager DATE: December 30, 1985 FILE: SUBJECT: Personal Appearance Xavier L. Suarez, Mayor 1 FROM: REFERENCES: i ENCLOSURES: Please schedule a personal appearance before the Commission meeting on January 9, 1986 for Pat Skubish. !i i XLS/kds It IE W 1. 0 r: BAYSIDE RESIDE So ASSOCIATION 741 N. E. 71 Street Miami, Florida 33133 7S y-'7/O / Cesar Odio City Manager 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Odio: December 9, 1985 On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Bayside Residents' Association, I am requesting a Personal Appearance before the Miami City Commission on January 9, 1986 to discuss the Associ- ations'concerns on the following items: 1. The progress being made by the City administration in the acquisition of the two acre vacant parcel of land at N. E. 70th Street and Biscayne Bay for the development of a mini- park/marina - Re: Resolution No. 85-919. 2. The progress being made by the City administration in re- quiring, as per the City Commission motion of October 24th, Florida Power & Light Company to underground the electric D� utility service installed by FP&L in the 900 and 1000 blocks of N. E. 71st Street. 3. The plans for establishing a police mini -station in the vi- cinity of the Bayside neighborhood. I would appreciate receiving a written confirmation of the time scheduled for this personal appearance as many Bayside residents are planning to attend the Commission meeting. Sincerelv Pat Skubish President cc: City Clerk Agenda Coordinator Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Mr. Robert Traurig k -t a r rk:-' C _ ! � ' =.1_) BAYSIDE RESIDENTS# ASSOCIATION 1,41 N. E. 71 Street :iami, Florida 33133 December 9, 1985 Cesar Odio City Manager 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Odio: On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Bayside Residents' Association, I am requesting a Personal Anpearance before the Miami City Commission on January 9, 1986 to discuss the Associ- ations'concerns on the following items: 1. The progress being made by the City administration in the acquisition of the two acre vacant -parcel of land at N. E. 70th Street and Biscayne Bay for the development of a mini- park/marina - Re: Resolution No. 85-919. 2. The progress being made by the City administration in re- quiring, as per the City Commission motion of October 24th, Florida Power & Light Company to underground the electric utility service installed by FP&L in the 900 and 1000 blocks of N. E. 71st Street. 3. The plans for establishing a police mini -station in the vi- cinity of the Bayside neighborhood. I would appreciate receiving_ a written confirmation of the time scheduled for this personal appearance as many Bayside residents are planning to attend the Commission meeting. Si nc rely Pat Skubish President cc: City Clerk Agenda Coordinator Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Mr. Robert Traurig J-85-914 9/4/85 M85-347 (3/28/85) RESOLUTION NO. 85 -91.,, A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN OFFER OF 9725,000 PER APPRAISAL FOR THE ACQUISITION OF 81,283 SQUARE FEET OF UPLAND, PLUS 372,046 SQUARE FEET OF SUBMERGED LAND GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN NE 69TH AND 71ST STREETS AND BISCAYNE BAY, MIAMI, FLORIDA (LEGAL DESCRIPTION AS ATTACHED) WHICH ACQUISITION IS BEING SOUGHT FOR A PROPOSED SMALL PASSIVE PARK AND/OR PUBLIC MARINA, WITH FUNDS THEREFOR AVAILABLE FROM THE MARINAS ENTERPRISE FUND, SUBJECT TO THE ADOPTION OF AN APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION. WHEREAS, Motion 85-347, was adopted March 28, 1985 by the City Commission called for the immediate process of appraisals of a vacant parcel of property fronting on Biscayne Bay between NE 69th and 71st Streets for the purpose of purchasing said property for use as a small passive park and/or public marina; and WHEREAS, invitations to bid were sent to 22 MAI Appraisers domiciled in Dade County, all of whom are members of the American! i Institute of Real Estate Appraisers; and / WHEREAS, three responses were received from the invitations to bid; and WHEREAS, the proposals of Hedg-peth and Gallaher, Inc., and Property Consultants, Inc. were the most advantageous to the City in fee and time to complete; and WHEREAS, based on the appraisals, $9.00 per square foot for waterfront land and $4.50 per square foot for dry land is deemed a reasonable offer; and WHEREAS, funds for the acquisition of this property are currently available from the Marinas Enterprise Fund, subject to the adoption of an Appropriations Ordinance by the City Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: �!E£T1�G bF Section 1. An offer of $725#000 per appraisal for the acquisition of 810283 square feet of upland, plus 372,046 square feet of submerged land generally located betw-en NF 69th and 71st Streets and Biscayne Bay, Miami, Florida (legal description as attached), which acquisition is being sought for a proposed small passive park and/or public marina, is hereby approved, with funds therefor available from the Marinas Enterprise Funds subject to the adoption of an Appropriations Ordinance by the City Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of SEPTEMBER , 1985. MAURICE A. FERRE PREP" ED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK CHIEF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED T FORM AND CORRECTNESS: LUCIA A. DOUGHE7TY CITY ATTORNEY RFC/rr/157 MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR 85-91`- IT 4' OF Mi MI CITY CLERK REPORTS MEETING DATE: October 24, 1985 CITY HALL -DINNER KEY A RESOLUTION A OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, EXPRESSING ITS SYMPATHY TO THE PEOPLE OF PUERTO RICO, FOR THE HUNDREDS OF LIVES LOST DUE TO THE DEVASTATING FLOODS AND MUDSLIDES IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF PUERTO RICO, MAINLY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF LOS MAMEYES AND DECLARING THREE DAYS OF MOURNING. A MOTION APPOINTING A COMMITTEE OF TWO FORMED BY COMMISSIONER J.L. PLUMMER AND CITY MANAGER SERGIO PEREIRA IN ORDER THAT THEY NEGOTIATE ON BEHALF OF THE CITY AND BRING BACK THEIR RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13TH IN CONNECTION WITH THE WATER AND SEWER LAWSUIT. A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE THE NECESSARY MONIES IN CONNECTION WITH A TRIP TO BE MADE BY THE CITY MANAGER, ONE ASSISTANT, AND COMMISSIONER J.L. PLUMMER TO ST. PETERSBURG IN ORDER TO ATTEND THE GRAND PRIX RACE. A MOTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE REQUEST RECEIVED FROM DAVID WEAVER SEEKING CITY OF MIAMI CONTRIBUTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,000 IN ORDER THAT DAVID KENNEDY PARK MAY BE IMPROVED IN ORDER THAT IT MAY BE USED AS TRAINING SITE FOR THE AMERICAN OLYMPIC TEAM; FURTHER APPOINTING COMMISSIONER J.L. PLUMMER AS A COMMITTEE OF ONE, WHO SHALL ASSIST THE ADMINISTRATION IN APPROPRIATE NEGOTIATIONS FOR THIS PROPOSAL. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING FIRM OF KUNDE, SPRECHER, YASKIN AND ASSOCIATES TO MAKE A DETAILED INSPECTION AND REPORT OF FINDINGS ON ALL CONCRETE DECKING OF THE UPPER STANDS OF THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM ON THE BASIS OF A PUBLIC EMERGENCY; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM FOR A FEE NOT TO EXCEED $10,000 ALLOCATED FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 ORANGE BOWL STADIUM OPERATING BUDGET. A MOTION COMMENDING COMMISSIONER J.L. PLUMMER, CESAR ODIO AND THE CITY'S ADMINISTRATION FOR THE SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATIONS WHICH HAVE JUST BEEN COMPLETED TO BRING THE PHIL DONAHUE SHOW TO THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR FIVE NATIONALLY TELEVISED PROGRAMS; FURTHER AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ALLOCATE THE AMOUNT OF $50,000 WHICH WILL BE NEEDED IN CONNECTION WITH STAGING OF SAID SHOWS DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1986. R-85-1070 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO & DAWKINS M-85-1071 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT:CAROLLO & DAWKINS M-85-1072 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT:CAROLLO & DAWKINS M-85-1073 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT:CAROLLO & DAWKINS R-85-1074 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT:CAROLLO & DAWKINS M-85-1075 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT:CAROLLO & DAWKINS 1'1 CITY OP MIAMI CITY CLERK REPORTS MEETING GATE. nct.oLer 24, 1.985 PAGE NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSIONI ON BEHALF OF THE CITIZENS OF MIAMI, FLORIDA EXTENDING CONGRATULATIONS AND APPRECIATION TO MR. RONALD FINE FOR HIS WONDERFUL AND CREATIVELY POSITIVE EFFORTS IN MOVING THIS COMMUNITY FORWARD BY SECURING MAJOR FUNDING FOR NATIONALLY TELEVISED MIAMI ORIGINATED TELEVISION PROGRAMS. A MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE VARIOUS REQUESTS OUTLINED BY REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE MIAMI DESIGN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION ON THIS DATE, FURTHER AUTHORIZING AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY ADMINISTRATION TO LOOK INTO ALL THESE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE MERCHANTS IN THE MIAMI DESIGN PLAZA AREA AND TO COME BACK WITH A REPORT AND SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS AS TO WHAT CAN BE DONE BY THIS CITY TO FURTHER ASSIST THIS GROUP. A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $22,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE 1986 THREE KINGS FESTIVAL PARADE TO BE HELD JANUARY 11-12, 1986; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON THE CITY OF MIAMI BEING NAMED SPONSOR AND MAKING ALL FINAL DECISIONS; SAID ALLOCATION BEING FURTHER CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 249 1984. A MOTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION URGING FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT TO ADHERE TO CITY OF MIAMI CHARTER REQUIREMENTS AND THAT IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS SUCH AS BAYSIDE, THAT THEY IMMEDIATELY REMOVE THE POLES WHICH HAVE BEEN PLACED AND THAT LINES BE INSTALLED UNDERGROUND IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY LAW. A MOTION CONTINUING CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE REGARDING MINORITY PROCUREMENT TO THE COMMISSION MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 26TH. A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING FROM GENERAL FUND: SPECIAL PROGRAM AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000 TO PARTLY UNDERWRITE "THE 16TH ANNUAL BUDWEISER UNLIMITED HYDROPLANE REGATTA" AND AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT OF $25,000 AS A GRANT IN SUPPORT OF THE SAID REGATTA, SAID ADDITIONAL AMOUNT BEING ALLOCATED IN CONSIDERATION OF ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS PROGRAMMING NETWORK (ESPN) TELEVISION COVERAGE OF THE EVENT WHICH ENABLES THE REGATTA TO BE SEEN ON CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION; FURTHER CONDITIONING SAID ALLOCATIONS UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED, JANUARY 24, 1984. A MOTION REFERRING PROPOSED ACCEPTANCE OF BID RECEIVED FROM "ALL STAR SECURITY" (CROWD CONTROL AT ORANGE BOWL STADIUM) TO THE CITY MANAGER AND TO VICE MAYOR JOE CAROLLO IN ORDER THAT THEY MAY RESOLVE THIS ISSUE AND COME BACK TO THIS COMMISSION WITH A FORMAL RECOMMENDATION. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: R-85-1093 appointed Arsenio Milian as a member of the City Zoning Board to serve a regular term expiring December 31, 1987 (Vice Mayor Carollo's appointment). R-85-1076 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO & DAWKINS M-85-1077 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO R-85-1078 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO M-85-1060 MOVED: FERRE SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO M-85-1081 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: PEREZ R-85-1087 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO & PEREZ M-85-1092 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: CITY OF MIAMI CITY CURK RIPORTS October 24, 1965 PAGE NU. A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 83-1054 IN ITS ENTIRETY AND FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC NEED AND NECESSITY FOR ACQUIRING THE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO CERTAIN PROPERTIES DESCRIBED IN RESOLUTION NO. 83-1054 NO LONGER EXIST DUE TO CHANGED CONDITIONS; FURTHER, FINDING THAT THE CITY NO LONGER NEEDS SAID LAND FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSES INVOLVING THE EXTENSION OF SOUTHEAST MIAMI AVENUE ROAD (BRICKELL PLAZA) FROM SOUTHEAST 8TH STREET TO SOUTHEAST 6TH STREET. A MOTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION STATING THAT THEY HAVE HEARD THE ALLEGATIONS MADE BY MR. NICHOLAS SAKHNOVSKY (CANDIDATE IN GROUP V) REGARDING LEGAL RESIDENCY OF VICTOR DE YURRE (CANDIDATE IN GROUP V) AND FIND NO VALIDITY IN SAID ALLEGATIONS AT THIS TIME; FURTHER STATING THAT THEY WILL AGAIN LOOK AT ANY EVIDENCE THAT MAY BE PRESENTED TO THIS COMMISSION AT THEIR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 139 1985. A MOTION REFERRING TO THE CITY MANAGER REQUEST RECEIVED FROM DR. PRESTON MARSHALL, PRESIDENT OF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. COMMEMORATIVE COMMITTEE, SEEKING THE CITY SUPPORT FOR THE STAGING OF THE DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BIRTHDAY COMMEMORATIVE, AND FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO LOOK FOR OFFICE SPACE ANYWHERE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, NOT SPECIFYING AN AREA; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH THIS GROUP TO MAKE THIS EVENT A CITY -SPONSORED EVENT AND REPORT BACK TO THE COMMISSION BY THE NOVEMBER 26TH MEETING. A RESOLUTION RESCINDING IN ITS ENTIRETY RESOLUTION NO. 85-1041, ADOPTED OCTOBER 10, 1985, WHICH HAD APPROVED ACCEPTANCE OF A BID FROM ALL STAR SECURITY FOR FURNISHING CROWD CONTROL SERVICES AT THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REVIEW THIS MATTER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON NOVEMBER 26, 1985• A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 85-1023, ADOPTED OCTOBER 10, 1985, WHICH ALLOCATED AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $75,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, TO COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC. IN SUPPORT OF THE VIRRICK GYM YOUTH BOXING PROGRAM; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC.; BY AMENDING SECTION 1, REDUCING THE ALLOCATION TO AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000. A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND: $25,000 TO ASPIRA OF FLORIDA, INC. AND $25,000 TO BELAFONTE TACOLCY CENTER, INC.; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. A RESOLUTION RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING AN ALLOCATION OF MONIES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $40,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, TO THE FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, INC., IN CONNECTION WITH THE 1985 ORANGE BLOSSOM CLASSIC, SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-841 DATED JANUARY 24, 1984 AND UPON SAID EVENT BEING DESIGNATED AS A CITY -SPONSORED EVENT. R-85-1094 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ & DAWKINS M-85-1096 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO ABSTAIN:DAWKINS M-85-1097 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-85-1098 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-85-1099 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO R-85-1100 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO R-85-1101 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO CITY OF MIAMI CITY CIERK REPORTS MEETING GATE: October 24, 1 9F 5 PAGE NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE IMMEDIATE PURCHASE OF APPROXIMATELY 95 PIECES OF LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT FROM FIVE (5) SUPPLIERS UNDER A CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT AS HEREIN LISTED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AT A TOTAL COST OF $97,840.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1985-86 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS - PARKS IMPROVEMENT FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE ASSISTANT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO REINSTATE A $1009000.00 ALLOCATION FOR PURPOSES OF IMPROVING AND BRINGING UP TO PAR THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM WHICH IS SCHEDULED TO BE THE STAGING SITE FOR THE FIVE NATIONALLY TELEVISED MIAMI-ORIGINATED PHIL DONAHUE SHOWS IN FEBRUARY 1986. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO ORLANDO MARTINEZ, A SUM SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE CERTAIN LUMP SUM AND PERIODIC PAYMENTS AT A TOTAL COST OF FORTY ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED ($41,400) DOLLARS,- WITHOUT ANY ADMISSION OF LIABILITY IN FULL AND AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI, HOWARD V. GARY, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AND HERBERT BRESLOW, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS PUTATIVE CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT UPON THE EXECUTION OF A RELEASE AS TO ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. APPROVED: MATTY,HIRAI, C TY CLERK R-85-1102 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO M-85-1103 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-85-1104 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: DAWKINS * I\ jo: 180. SPORTS ARENA. Mayor Suarez: Item "E", do we hear on bond financing on this or are we going to hear also about a specific uro.iect for an exhibition hall? Mr. Larry Turner: Mr. Mayor, my name is Larry Turner. I live at 1626 Micanopy Avenue in Coconut Grove. I'm Chairman of the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority. I here this morning to give a report on the bond financing. I do understand there are some gentlemen here this morning that would like to discuss the issue of the temporary/permanent exhibition hall. On the bond financing, in New York on December 26th and 27th we closed on the thirty-eight million dollar bond issue to finance the construction of phase I of our projects, phase I being the arena. A few days prior to that we also closed on a ten million dollar subordinate bond issue funded by Sun Bank locally. In accordance with the resolutions that were adopted by the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority on December 16th, the details of the arena will be presented to this Commission for its concurrence prior to the expenditure of any construction funds for that project and also, the ten million dollars that was raised through the subordinate note issue will be disbursed to the City upon receipt by the Authority of a request for those funds in a specified plan for the use of the funds. So, that's where we stand on the thirty-eight million dollars for the bond issue for the arena and the ten million dollar subordinate note issue which will be used for the temporary/permanent exhibition hall. I will be happy to answer any questions on the bond financing. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, for your ed want to make one thing clear. I got how, but definitely got involved becaL the record that under the State law tP a lot of power much beyond any other exist within the City of Miami. For domain. They have the right of bondi committee that I have ever heard of without this City Commission's appro, want you to know that we are not ca time, because they have agreed to allc any of these monies to be expended. not signed. They have an agreement. the contract itself with Decoma has n( of the discussion here this morning interim facility that would be propo: real reason that I got involved. Th and unfortunately, for a number of re as projected in the financial project fourth year and starting to make mon( that point and we are subsidizing the five million dollars a year. That's of this City for just keeping the d everybody has their opinion as to why, reasnn that we are not attracting m Lfication and that of the Commission, I nvolved in this and I really don't know se I was concerned. I want it to be for at created this authority, it gives them so-called committee that I know of that example, they have the right of eminent ng and I don't think there is any other ,hat has those kinds of rights to do it al. In spite of that, first of all I ight in a time bind at this particular w this Commission to have concurrence on ?or example, the contract with Decoma is They have reached an understanding, but t been signed. I would assume that most Could center around that proposal of an ed in the Downtown area and this is the City of Miami has a convention center isons that convention center rather than ions done of breaking about even on the y on the fifth year. We are now beyond t facility to the tune of approximately subsidy. That's money that's going out )ors open. There are many reasons and but everyone is in concurrence that the )re conventions. is because we do not within those facilities have exhibition space. For any of you that's ever been involved in conventions know that the exhibitors pay the freight of a convention, that if you don't make it through the exhibitors, then you have to charge it in registration, if you have a high registration people don't attend. Now, the reason this third cent of bed tax was imposed was through the initial efforts of this City to go to the legislature and get it increased from two cents to three That was passed. We fought like crazy to get it split between Miami Beach and Miami and we lost. Two thirds of that one penny went to Miami Beach and one third came to this City with a proviso that this kind of an authority had to be started and would control. The reason I got involved was that this City has got to have and got to have now an exhibition center. We will continue to pour more subsidy into the Knight Center if in fact we don't do something to address the problem. The proposal that was gl 1 January 9, 1986