HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1986-01-09 Marked AgendaMAYOR VICE MAYOR COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER CITY MANAGER 1AVIER L SUAREZ MILLER I. DAWKINS IOIE ♦`AROLLO ROSARIO KENNEDY I L fLUMMER. IL WAR H. ODIO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ...-rui^ neT= January 99 i986 9:00 A.M. until adjourned City Hall CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERIGAN uni V Q DISCUSSION ITEMS Items A through G may be heard as announced by the Commission or as time permits. CONSENT AGENDA Items 1 through 15 may be heard as announced ry _the Commission or as time permits. GENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Items 16 through 34 may be heard as announced by the Commission or as time permits. RECEIPT OF BIDS Items 35 and 36 have been advertised to be heard at 11:00 a.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS Items 37 and 38 have been advertised to be heard at 11:05 a.m. PERSONAL APPEARANCES Items 39 through 41 have been scheduled to be heard at 11:15 a.m. 0 In(q) �1 __ C MMISSION AGENDA ITY Cc M ETING DATEJanuary 9 $ 198E PAGE NO 2 9:00 am INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS NON-SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEMS NOTE: Items A through G and items 1 through 34 may be heard as announced by the Commission or as time permits. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Discussion concerning selection of a new Assistant City Clerk. B. Discussion of proposed merging of the Off -Street Parking Authority and the Downtown Development Authority into one unit which would be named the Downtown Facilities Autho- rity. C. Discussion regarding Unified Development Project/Miami Marine Stadium. D. Discussion of status development for the Orange Bowl Facility. E. Discussion on Bond Financing for Sports Arena/Temporary Exhibition Hall. F. Discussion of delays in road construction projects. =rw G. Discussion of status of North ` z and South District Police Substations. DELIVERED SEE SUPPLEMENTAL TAL AGENDA • EDDAYJKINS SECOND: E ED ABSENT: CA• • • DISCUSSION M- 86-15 MOVED: PLUM ER SECOND: DMKINS UNANIMOUS DISCUSSION M- 86-16 MDVID: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO ABSTAIN: i ENNEDY DISCUSSION DISCUSSION N AGENDA CITY COMMISSIDIn Lie% ��'r�°^ MEETING DATE: January 9, 19F6 CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the constituteg ag tems 1 through 15These Consent Agenda. self - resolutions are explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: '...that the Consent Agenda comprised of items 1 through 15 be adopted..." The Mayor or City Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting items included in the isConsent Agenda is taken, re anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." pAG . (CA) 1. RESOLUTION - (SETTLEMENT/ CAW-DEPT.) Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to Elio Tang,_ of Six Thousand Jr. the sum Five Hundred Dollars $ ,500.00 without the admission of liability in full, and complete settlement of all property damage claims, claims and demands against the City of Miami, upon execution of a release releasing the City from all claims and demands. (CA) 2. RESOLUTION - (SETTLEMENT/ LAW DE PT_ Authorizing the City Attorney to enter into a settlement of litigation between the pending city and Lorenzo Cabrera and his wife Ileana Cabrera in CiAc10t `,• Court Case No 3 1-1191 arising out of an accident in renzc City -owned Park where Lorenz] Cabrera suffered injuries, said settlement calling for payment o; $22,735.00 and being conditione4 r., upon the dismissal of th4 lawsuit and the execution o b; such documents as required the Office of the City Attorney • :. • EDDAWKINS SECOND:MiM ABSENT:• •,• • . • EDDAWMS SECOND: KRVEDY ABSENT: CA•.• • CITy COMMISSION E PAGE NO: 4 MEETING DATE: January 9. CONSENT AGENDA CONTID• (CA) 3• RESOLUTION (CORRECTING SCRI- VENER'S ERROR) Correctin a Scrivener's Error in Resolution No. 84-8840 adopted July 31, 19b4. as amended, which had appointed Maude Newbold to the City 's Code Enforcement Board to serve an unexpired term of office, by amending said Resolution to reflect Februar 10. 1986 as the correct expiration date of said unexpired term of Maud Newbold. (CA) 4• RESOLUTION - (CONCURRING WITH STATE -APPROVED ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMIT/CITY PARK) Granting, upon the issuance of a temporary permit by the Florida Department of Business Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, the request of Liga Contra E1 Cancer to sell beer and wine for a three day eriod in connection with its annual festival to be held uary , 19 on Febr7, and 9 Watson Island; subject to the issuance of all permits required by law, and authorizing the City Manager to execute a nonexclusive concession rights agreement, in a form acceptable to the y City Attorney. (CA) 5• RESOLUTION - (ESTABLISHING RE- DUCED GREEN FEES Establishing reduced Greens Fees of 50r of seasonal rates to the participants of the Annual North -South Golf Tournament to be 1 1 -22, 19 • at the Cityarof Miami Country Club in Miami Springs, providing that (1) ;f- electric carts are mandatory, (2) prizes are purchased from the Miami Springs Pro Shop and (3) all tournament proceeds go to the 1986 Miami North -South Golf Scholarship Program. t R- 86-4 MOVED: DMV INS SECOND: KDNMY ABSENT: CAROLLO • :. • E• DAWKINS SECOND: YEi E+• • •,• • MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KRVEDY ABSENT:• •,• • AGENDACITY ion PAGE NCY METING DATE. s January 9, 19? CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D. (CA) 6. RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Accepting the bid of Mir! Construction, Inc., in the ro osed amount of $55 , 1 .91, Bid "A" of the proposal, for Buena Vista Highway Improvement -Phase II B-4506 Bid "A"; with monies therefor allocated from "Buena Vista Street Improvements - Phase II" account in the amount of $556,414.91 to cover the contract cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. (CA) 7. RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Accepting the bid of M. Vila & Associates, Inc., in the proposed amount of 27,975. 9, Bid_ "B" of the proposal, for Buena Vista Highway improvement -Phase II B- 50 Bid "B"; with monies therefor allocated from "Buena Vista Street Improvements - Phase II" account in the amount of.$6279975.89 to cover the contract cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. (CA) 8. RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Accepting the bid of Man-ConL Inc. in the proposed amount of $1 9,777.50, total base bid of the proposal, for Citywide Sanitary Sewer_ Replacement Project - North River Drive; with monies therefor allocated from the "Citywide Sanitary Sewers Extensions Improvement" account in the amount of $1899777.50 to cover the contract cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. (CA) 9. RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Accepting the completed work of Murton Roofing Corp. at a total cost of $20, 33.50 for Coconut Grove Exhibition Center - Mezzanine Roof Replacement;-andauthorizing a final payment of $3,307.35. WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN •MOVED: DAWKINS s •ND: KEN M ABSENT:• •,• • :. . MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KM11M ABsEar:. •.• • C1Ty COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: January o, 1986 PAGE NO6 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D. (CA) 10. RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Accepting the bid of Ric -Man International Inc. in the proposed amount of $1 095 5 0.00 Base Bid of the proposal, for Citywide Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project - Downtown Phase II, with monies therefor allocated from the "Citywide Sanitary Sewers Extensions Improvements" Account in the amount of $190959560.00 to cover the contract cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. (CA) 11. RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Accepting the bid of Miramar Electrical Supply Co. for furnishing street light ixtures and lamp posts on a contract basis for one (1) year renewable annually to the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance at a total proposed first year cost of $21,320.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1985-86 Operating Budget; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Assistant Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for these materials. (CA) 12. RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Accepting the bid of A.J. Parker Inc. for the demolition of one 1 commercial warehouse located at 5 N.W. 9th Street in the Overtown Parkwest Development Area to the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services YF a total pro Used cost o $25,000.00; allocating funds therefor from the Overtown/Parkwest Land Acquisition Program; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Assistant Chief Procurement Officer to J' issue a purchase order for this service. <m b • AM Mo • �•• • 86-7 .. EDDAWKINS • • iDKR•• ABSENT: CAROLL0 MOVED:DAWKINS •• DE N •D ABSENT: CA•,• • s CITY COMMISSION AGENDA U99TING BATE: January 9. i986 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D. (CA) 13• RFSDLUTI EDICATION)ACCEPTING DEEDS O the ro er Authorizin officials o the Cit of Miami to acce t fourteen 14 deeds of dedication for highwa pure and aPP roving the recordin of said deeds in the ublic records of Dade County, Florida. (CA) 14. RESOLUTION - (CONFIRMING CIVIL SERVICE ELECTION RESULTS Confirmin the election of A• ts;:r: Shgrman and Ray Penland to ve a two ear term as members of the Civil Service Board of the City of Miami. (CA) 15. RESOLUTION - (FORMALIZATION) Setting forth the compensation benefits and emoluments to be received by Cesar Odio as City Manager of the City of Miami, Florida. PAGE NO • MOVED: SECOND: 7KENtjE • • • E• DAWKINS SECOND: KR NM• ABSENT:•.• • MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: KENNEDY ABSENT: •R• • 4x; r_iry F.RUMIRRlnM A ENI A MEETING DATE: January 9, 198b ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY 16. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY-(4/STHS VOTE) Creating a new Department to be known as the Department of Communications - prescribing the res onsibilities functions and duties of the De artment• further providingfor the transfer of Qersonnel, records, and equipment, reviousl bud eted in the FY 1965 dui et of the Office of Public Information and the Office of Cable Communications; providing for future reappropriation of budgeted funds for the Office of Public Information; authorizing the expendiLure of funds by the Department of a repealerCommunications; containing provision and a severability clause. 17. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY-(4/5THS VOTE) Amending the Code of the City of Miato mi Florrichan in thenameof rovide f the 'B77111 u din and Vehicle Maintena11 nce Department" ministration to "General Sery es De artmentit and transferrin thereto from the Finance De artment the Div Sion of Purchasin and the Division of ll,Property and Lease Management; and rovidin within said General Services Administration Department an "Office�a`fta ��_c nd Women Business A the which will be created by to Manager; further transferring this newly named department (General Services ll Administration Department), melt records, funds and equip previously budgeted and thethe Divisionion of of Purchasing, a Property and Lease Management; providing that all functions heretofore performed by Purchasing Division and the Property and Lease Management Division be managed and supervised by the Director of the General Services Administration Department and be administered as Divisions within the General Services Administration Department; with the supervisors of said divisions to be appointed by the Director of the General Services Administration Department; more particularly, by repealing Code Sections 2-256 through 2-260 in their entirety and by adding New Sections 2-2619 2-262 and 2-263 to said code; containinj a repealer provision and severability clause. CTU L II4ERGENCY ORD. 10067 MO ED : CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS EMERGENCY ORD. 10068 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: •A UNANUAOUS me col ti1Ej__rKSCd MEETING DATE: January 9 o ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY D- ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY pRD, 069 / 5 T H SCOT E S Department to MOVED: IM Creating a new the Departimcnt_ ofANIMOUS_ SECOND: IDY be known as Public Facilities rovidin _ _ _ _ - - - - Reconsidered by or the a ointment of a Iy_ 86-18 Director by the City Manager;: PLR prescribing the responsi duties SECOPID: DAwxINs bilities functions and dispensing UNAIIE40US _ENCY - - - - - - _ of the Department; requirement f with the reading the same on two ORD. 10069 MOVED. PLUMMER separate days by an of not less SECOND: KENNEDY affirmative vote four -fifths of UNANIMOUS members of the Commission; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. FIRST READING �M�IE FIRST READING ' HOVED : CAROLLO /5THS VOTE Treating a new Depart M,=nt no NOES: SUAREZ�S uc �uv.... -- Internal Audits; rovi n for the a ointme Cit f a Director by the y Manager; prescribing the responsibilities, functions, and duties of the Department; repealing Code Sections 2-233 their through 2-236.3 entirety; containing a repealer provision and severability clause. FIRST READING - ORDINANCE FIRST READING $ £K-y- ' MOVED : CAROLLO 5THS V OT E SECOND: DAWKINS Amending Sections 2-266'A' and UNANIMOUS 2-283 ot- UlvIb"11 .,..----- "Human Resources DePaentitle of Cha ter 2 "AdMiHffE_�ami" of the Cod of , Florida as amended, by changing th name of the Human Resource Department to thePersonnE Department Management repeals containing a provision and a severabilii clause. Q CITy CoMmISSION AGENDA _ MEETING BATE: _Tanuary 9, 1986 PAGE NO: 1 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING 21. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING 22-7 Amending Sections 22-1, and 22-10 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, to prohibit placement of discarded large items of household refuse efrisuch eratorss stovejL urniture inIIIIIIIIIII' the public right_- of way unless arrangements are specifically made with the City or with private waste collection services; and to provide that no such placement be made until the day cement the specially arrtheed pickup; further limiting frequency of such special collection service by the City to a twice establishing yearly basis and a charge for collection of such discarded items in excess of 25 cubic yards per pickup; further defining a category of waste material to be known as and industrial waste - establishing responsibility for its disposal upon the generating person or party gmaterial; such waste a repealer containing provision andThis stitem ilitY was clause. deferred from the December 19, 1985 Commission 22. ORDINANCE - FIRSTREADING of Amendin 7 ado ted 97 Ordinance No. 1 3, which November . established a Special Renpark Fund entitled Develo went Fund", by and estab ishing resources appropriations for said fund in the amount orivateDas the result of a p donatior c Fabulous Diamond: Partnershi for the ur ose of e raying the cost of Parl Development Projects Of local ma Providing re uirem enIs for Federal am State Grants; containing repealer p revision and - severability clause. WITfiDRAWN FIRST READING DEDME+' UNANIMOUS amt-L- imft MATS:- January 99 1986 ORDINANCES- FIRST READING CONT'D• 23. ORDINANCE ^FIRST RfiADINcf the Florida enLiLleU 1• -- ___ Sidewalks" by amendin Section 5 _gyp entitled "Nonstand�he Street Widths", by of addition or deletion certain streets; establishing an effective date; and containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. 24. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING of $75 EstLbli ing a user ee for use of the Emergent ortation Service Medical Trans 7u% and of the Fire Rescgervices Inspection Department; requiring a m the recommended e procedure City Manager fo col lection of approval said user thereof by fee and the City Manager; containing a repealer severability provision, a an effective date. clause and av of ffUCti FIRST READING MOVED: PLUAMER SECOND: KENNEDY UrIANIP'IOUS FIRST READING (AS MENDED) MOVED: PLUMMIER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS S n() C W C07-7, ff � I �15 �, :�d C lidCOMMISSION _. -__ 12 UPPTINGDATE: January 91 1086 PAGE NO: RESOLUTIONS NOTE: These items are c tea gorized by the originating department. Department of Finance 25. RESOLUTION __w(AUTHORIZING EXE- Authorizing the City anage to ne otiate and execute a Professional Services Agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto, •_,_ the firm of E.H. Friend & Company, for expert actuarial assistance in pension matters at a cost not to exce$48ed ,000 with funds therefor allocated from Special Programs and Accounts. 26. RESOLUTION - (ACCEPTING LAND APPRAISAL PROPOSALS Accepting the oposals of pr Hedgpeth and Gallaher, Inc., and J. Mark Quinlivan members of the Amerca in Institute of Real Estate Appraisers MAI , for and fees of $7 000.00 lus $9,500.00 respectively. P ex ert witness fees of $125.00 and $ 5.00 per hour respectively, to appraise for the purpose of establishing fair market value of twelve (12) lots and the improvements thereon located on the East side of NW 2 Avenue between Sth and 9th streetst said property legally described as a portion of Block 36N, including lots 49 59 12913, 209 21 289299 36t 379 44 and 45 in P.W. rrinub of plat Block 36N,ecorded book b at page 34; bounded or the North by NW 9th Street; West by NW 2 Avenue; South bj NW 8th Street; East by NW 1sl Avenue, funds covering thi cost of these appraisals ari provided by 7th Year Communit; Development Funds. R- 86-20 MOVED: PTUMER SECOND: DAWKITTS UNANDIOUS • • all • MR s 4" s CITY COMMISSION AGENDA u r-PTING DATE: January 99 1986 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D• Department of Parks & Recreation G IN 27. RESOLUTION.,^(ApPROTvNaaRK Yt(liv�.irLu �..••• __ - the Approving, in principle, use of City-ownedat Flagami Park located .7121 Southwest Third Street, a by — non- rofit Socral Service Agency, for the purpose of providing socral, recreational educational and/or nutritional authorizing area residents; viewo in the City Manag h particular, etopreliminary proposal of Southwest Social Services Program, or providing such services to the needy elderly from th aforementioned City Park; further providing that actual use of said Park without shall not be final authorized City approval of the Commission. M� C5- rL Uff-0 PAGE NO: 13 28. RESOLUTION - (RATIFYING THSEMER- VOTE) GENCY PURCHASES - 5 and Ratifying, approving confirmin b a y/- affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission the actions of the Cit Mana er in finding certain ark renovation projects to be emer enc ro ects and in autnorizing the issuance of emergence purchase orders for implementation of said gannesaid projects to rmar Landscaping, Inc. in the amount of $107,775.009 Chri: and Tom Waters Sand Company it the amount of $2,130.00, an( Jackie's Parker Sod Company Inc. in the amount 0 $239250.00 for furnishin approximately 750,000 sq. of sod and 29 500 cu- yds on sand and soil, year t contract basis for one y the Department of Parks an Recreation at a total propose cost of . $133 , 155.00 allocating funds therefor frc the 1985-86 Special Prograa and Accounts, Parl Improvement Fund. 3 f a 0 d d m is :s R- 86-21 (AS AIETIDID) MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: iY UNANIMOUS R- 86-22 MOVED: pLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS 5w` 7j\4 9 s, CITV CouuISSION UENBA January , 1966 PAGE NO: MEETING BATE: 14 RESOLUTIONS - CONT'D Department of Planning 29. RESOLUTION - (APPROVING RE- COMMENDATIONS OF CITY MANAGER V V =• . � - _ . Acce tin the recommendations of the City Manager and the Com etitive Se ection Committee of re aration of a Comprehensive Traf is Study o Coconut Grove; approving the names of the most qualified providers in t�) Transport following rank order: Analysis Professionals; 2) David Plummer and Associates; 3) Kimley-Ho n City Associates; Manager authorizing the to enter into contract negotiations pursuant to Section 18-52.3 of the City Code; and further instructing the City Manager to submit the negotiated contract approval to the prior Commission for to execution thereof. 30. RESOLUTION - (APPROVING RE- __..........wTT/'1\,C n� f TTY MANAGER Acce ti Isr the recommendations of the City Manager and the Selection Committee concerning consultant selection for re aration of an "Economic Study of the Miami River"; a rovin the names of the most qualified providers in the followin rank order: 1 Laventhol & Horwath• 2) The Chesapeake Group; 3 Zuche, L Hunter & Assoc. authorizing Manager to enter into the City contract negotiations; and further instructing the City Manager to submit the negotiated contract approval o the prior Commission for to execution thereof. R- 86-23 MOVED: PLUrM ER SECOND: jDAWKINS UNANIMOUS CONTINUED BY M- 86-24 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER NOES: SUAREZ 0 CITy COMMISSION AGENDA � QS o o Q PAGE NO: 15 MEETING DATE: January. { RESOLUTIONS - CONT'D Department of Public Yorks 31. RESOLUTION - (AUTHORIZING EXE- CUTION OF CONTRACT) Approving a negotiated Professional Services Contract between the City of Miami and Diaz Seckinger & Associates, Inc. for a Right of Way Condition Survey and an Annual Street Maintenance Work Program and Budget for the Cites; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract in substantially the form attached hereto on behalf of the City with funds therefor allocated from the Local Option Gas Tax Funds Account. 32. RESOLUTION - (AWARDING A BID) Acce ting the bid of M. Vila and Associates Inc. in the proposed amount of $639,,22.00 total base bid of the proposal. for local drainage project E-55 with' monies therefor allocated from the "Local Drainage Projects" Account in the amount of $639,622.00 to cover the contract cost; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. (This item was deferred Commissioc from the December 199 9 Meeting). BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OINTING 33• RESOLUTION - (APP MEMBERS Appointing three members to the Miami Health Facilities Authority to serve four year r terms thereon. 34. RESOLUTION - (APPOINTING MEMBERS App— ointing certain individual to the City's Code Enforcemen Board to serve designated terms of office. R- 86-25 MOVED: PIUiER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANDIOUS R- 86-26 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: KDVMY UNANIMOUS • 86-27 MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: • •.• • UNANIMXS MOVED: KENNEDY SECOND: CAROLLO ABswr:PLLHER CITy -COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: . January 9, 1986 11:00 AM 11:05 AM RECEIPT OF BIDS 35. Sealed bids for construction of Citywide Sanitary Sewer Extensions Improvement - N.W. 47 Avenue B-5521• 36. Sealed bids of Downtown ment - Phase for construction Highway Improve - I B-4498. PUBLIC HEARINGS (PH) 37• RESOLUTION ORD ERINGRESOLUTIONRMING Confirming orderin Resolution No. 5-1202 and authorizing the City Clerkto advertise for sealed bids for construction of City-wide Highway Improvement -Phase III wide Highway in City-y_ Im rovement District -Phase III- 51 - (PH) 38. RESOLUTION - (WAIVING CODE PROHIBITION - /5THS VOTE Waiving the requirements and prohibition contained in City Code Section 2='Uy finding, after a duly advertised public hearing, that it is in the best interest of the City to permit Fleeta M. Moore, an employee Of the Police Department, to in the Home participate Renovation and Rehabilitation Pro ram administered Department of Commun ty Development's Housing Division through the Community Development Block Grant Program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 4r rY, r on VW (:0 7 ? no- a ni � PAGE NO: 16 r4- 86-17.1 MOVED : PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS M- 86-17.2 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS • 86-30 • E+• DAWKINS )ND: KEN ED ABSENT:PLUMMER CITy COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING BATE: January 9, 1986 PAGE NO: 1 11:15 AM PERSONAL APPEARANCES Michael Simonhoff, to discuss the reinstitution of Resolution #85-1023 pertaining to funding the Coconut Grove Cares Boxing Program. Pat Skubish, Presidentq Residents' esidents' Association, to discussthe following community projects: a) acquisition of proposed Marina/Park site b) Florida Power and Light Company installation of electric lines and- c) plans for establishing a Police Mini -Station. Thomas Bobish, General Sales Manager, Crystal Water Company, to discuss question of parking in Downtown loading zones and possible source of revenue. M- 86-19 MWED : PLUMMER SECOND: KENNFy ABSENT: DAWKINS DISCUSSION DISCUSSION .4 SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting © January 9, 1986 Certificates of Presented to the outgoing members of the Miami City Appreciation: General Employees` Retirement Plan and The Miami City Employees' Retirement System boards, XA