HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-86-0013.286-21 0 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF .C-MAN INTERNATIONAL, INC. IN THE PROPOSED JUNT OF $1,095,560.00, BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE II, WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWERS EXTENSIONS IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,095,5601.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. WHEREAS, sealed bids were received December 23, 1985 for CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE II; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of Public Works recommend that the bid received from Ric -Man International, Inc. be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvements Appropriation Ordinance s, .. .;. No. 9939, as amended, was adopted on December 20, 1984, and monies are available for the proposed amount of the contract, rx project expense, incidentals and indirect cost from the account y- entitled "Citywide Sanitary Sewers Extensions Improvement", as set forth under Sec. 5.A. Sanitary Sewers .8 of said ordinance; Y, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY 1 OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The December 23, 1985 bid of Ric -Man k International, Inc. in the proposed amount of $1,095,560.00 for the project entitled CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE II, base bid of the proposal based on F' unit prices, is hereby accepted at the price stated therein. Section 2. The amount of $1,095,560.00 is hereby allocated Yf: . from the "Citywide Sanitary Sewers Extensions Improvements" account to cover the cost of said contract. l` ,f /Y CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF J AN 9 1988 RESOLUTION No."_y REMARKS. i'- Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of The City of Miami with Ric -Man I t tional Inc for CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT n erna PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE II, base bid of the proposal. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th _day of JANUARY _ 1986. ATTEST: PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED A TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: CITY ATTORNEY . ............ 4 - 2 - 86 n VVr�I./r.Oh BID SECURITY jT t•► CITYWIDE SANITARY REPLACEMENT 11101 Nittivtb, PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE II B-5518 .......... ...... `14'FE Ot SECtm7y u REVISED rOPY Bi d tlo. 85-86-26 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for construction of CITYWIDE SANITARY REPLACEMENT PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE II B-5518 will be received by the City Manager and the City Clerk of the City ato of the City Florida t 1 chambers, on the 23 d day ni QgGemb AS first Moor of Florida dalii a33133 tyata which 5001 ePan and American p1 ace theyDrive, wi 1Dinner Key, Miami,1 be publicly opened and read. t f in -inch thru Briefly, the work will consist of 7,250 + linear fee vitrified clayand-ductile iron o pipe sewer with 24-inch extra the deepest strength cut being 8 feet; 3,200 + linearfeet e es from 4and to 8 feet extra heavy cast iron soil pipe replacement laterals; + linear of 1,100 feet of 12-inch in depth; and the and 300 + linear feet of 18-inch ductile iron � u;,�;le ir,or� writer main storm sewer. New requirements will allow the successful low bidder to furnish a performance bond naccordanceaccordance with Resolution Resolution No. 84-8734-423, and a performance bond in on For technical queKa ionPE e9aSewe r the Design Engineerspec at1 (305)i 579-6865se contact James J . y, . All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. The first set of plans and specifications may be obtained free from the office of the Director, Department Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street (4th Floor), Miami, Florida, on or after December 5, 1985. There will be a $20 deposit required for each set. Deposits will be refunded only upon return of plans and specifications, unmarked and in good condition within two (2) weeks after the opening of the bids. `Prospective bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9775 regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are adNiWed7 and Avenue contoSuiteo212, telsephonen754-4903 Development, Inc., 5800 sociation, Inc., 6118 N.W. 7 Avenue, or Allied Black Contractors As ire assistance in preparing their bid telephone 758-4554, if they requ packages. Proposal includes the time damages performance, forfa i 1 u en tospcompliete the work cations aon in provision for liquidated 9 time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City may reject any or all bids, and readvertise. (B-5518, Req. 3616 Sergio Pereira City Manager W 86-14 , d r� LICITACION NO. 85-86-26 AVISO DE LICITACION •'i Puestas selladas para CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER'';Rfj i, ( 1 ME0 ro p PROJECT DOWNTOWN PHASE II B-5518 seran recibida"S`:,Ofl7_e1 'O PROJAdmiECT y el Secretario de la Ciudad de Miami, Fld'tf' s;'ia mas tardar a las 11:00 a.m. el dia 23 de diciembre de iam985 i- 3500 Oficina del Secretario, primer piso, Ayuntamiento de Miami, Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Mia cuya ami, Florida, 33133, hora y el cuyo lugar seran p6blicamente abiertas y leidas. Este proyecto comprende la construcc16n de 7,250 pies lineales de tuberia de 10 a 24 pulgadas de diametro de arcilla vitrificada extra fuerte y de hierro ductil, a una profundidad maxima de 8 pies; 3,200 pies de tuberia de 6 a 8 pulgadas de diametro para laterales de hierro extra denso; 31 registros (manholes) de 4 a ui,u��:au� cl ret+�,piazO u D pica de pr Ofe i , 100 pie3 de iii�ea3 iic ague de hierro ntarillado pluvialaded18 pulgadas+ de diametroi es lineales de alca de hierro ductil. Nuevos requisitos permitiran a los licitadores presenta$4 �n23bony de cumplimiento de acuerdo con la Resoluci6n No. proveer un bono de licitacion de acuerdo a la Resoluc16n No. 84- 873. Para preguntas tecnicas acerca de Jos I lanos ro a de ciDi cac ones llame a James J. Kay, P.E., Alcantarillados, al (305)579-6865. Todas las licitaciones seran sometidas de acuerdo con las Instrucciones a Jos Licitadores y las Especificaciones. Los Juegos de planos y especificaciones podran obtenerse en la Sreet oficina del Director de Obras POblicas, 275 de diciembre2det1985.(4to Se Piso), Miami, Florida, a pa rtir del 5 requerira un dep6sito de $20 por cada Juego. Estos dep6sitos es seran devueltos unicamente si ton y est do dentro las sde can iplazon de son devueltos sin marcas y en bus dos (2) semanas siguientes a la apertura de las licitaciones. s de la Odnanza No. Se avisa a los interesados de las provisiaeecontratosraeminorias. 9775, la cual se refiere a la otorgac16n Aquellos contratistas/pequeffos negociantes de minorias o de zonas objectives que esten interesados en presenter sus propuestas pueden comunicarse con el Contractors Training el6fong and Development, 5elopm nt, Inc., 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, t con Allied Black Contractors As si irequierenon, Inc�asisteneia.Wpara Avenue, telefono' (305)758-4554, preparar sus licitaciones. Las propuestas incluyen el tiempo de ejecuc16n, y Jas eos specificaciones contienen provisos para dacffos liquidadLa incurridos por falta de completar el proyecto a tiempo. Comisi6n de la Ciudad se reserva el,d, y e a dl Admi nistradoraler deila informalidad en cualquier licitaciony e Ciudad puede rechazar cualquiera o todas las propuestas, Y reanunciar (B-5518, Req. 3616). pr 86-JL I: Bid No. 85-86-26 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for construction of CITYWIDE SANITARY REPtLrAeCECE T be receivFdorida PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE II B-5518 Commi ssi orl of the will at 11:00 C1985of Mi athe� Manager and the City the 23rd day of December, at City Commission cDrive, a.m. on chambers, Miami theywill first floor of the 33133 City 1 dwha chi time 50 and place Pan a Dinner Key, Miami, F on be publicly opened and read. Briefly, the work will consist of 7,250 + 24-inch extra strength vitrified 3 clay and - the deepest cut being 8 feet; , extra heavy cast iron soil pipe laterals; in depth; and the replacement of 1,100 ductile iron water main and 300 + linear storm sewer. New requirements performance bond performance bond questions regarding the plans and specifications please J. Kay, P.E., Sewer Design Engineer, at (305) 579-6865. linear feet of 10-inch thru ductile iron pipe sewer with inear feet of 6 and 8-inch 31 manholes from 4 to 8 feet + linear feet of 12-inch feet of 18-inch ductile iron For technical contact James will allow the in accordance in accordance wi successful low with Resolution th Resolution No. bi dder to furni sh a No. 84-423, and a 84-873. h nstr Al I bids shall be submitted in w plans and speci fi�cati ons Bidders and Specifications. The first set of may be obtained free from the office of oo a ,Di rea io, ,FDopada meon or of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street after December 59 1985. There will be a $20 deposit required for each set. Deposits will be refunded only ndit°on within two return of (12) weeks specifications, unmarked and in good co after the opening of the bids. alerted the Prospective bidders are contracts provisions oOrdinance ts to minority ty vendors Those 9775 regarding allocation of co businesses minority or target area contra o contact Contractors' interested d and submitting bids are advised to Suite 212, telephone 754-4903 Development, Inc., 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, tiong Inc. , to N.W. 7 Avenue, or Allied Black Contractors requiAssre aassi stance i n preparing their bid telephone 758-4554, if they packages. Proposal includes the time of perf orm failure to specifications complete lthe work contain provision for liquidated damages f time. The City Commission reserves the rightrejt o anywaive a al inf b ods al and ity in any bid, and the City Manager Y readvertise. (B-5518, Req. 3616 Sergio Pereira City Manager 86-1`.a LICITACION NO. 85-86-26 AVISO DE LICITACION NT Propuestas selladas pa ra CIIYWBD5518ANseran recibidasITARY SEWER PLporMEel PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE I Florida, a Administrador y el Secretario de la Ciudad de Miami, ea la ma's tardar a las 11:00 a.m. el dia 23 de diciembre de 1iam 3500 Oficina del Secretario, primer piso, Ayuntamiento de Miami, Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, 33133, a cuya Nora y el cuyo lugar seran publicamente abiertas y leidas. Este proyecto comprende la construcc16n de 7,250 pies lineales de tuberia de 10 a 24 pulgada ctil d as una ode arcilla profundid d maxima id de de 8 extra fuerte y de hierro du ul adas de diametro Para pies; 3,200 pies de tuberia de 6 1 segistros (manholes) de 4 a laterales de hierro extra denso; 3 el reemplazo de 1,100 pies de lineas de 8 pies de profundidad; aqua de hierro ductil 12 luvila de d18 pulgadase difimetro� de diametroide lineales de alcantarillado p a hierro ductil. Nuevos requisitos permits rdo aeons laicResoluci6nreNont $4 g23bono de cumplimiento de acue proveer un bono de licitacio'n de acuerdo a la Resolution No. 8 873. a de Jos pianos y especifiOciones Para preguntas tecnicas acerc llame a James J . Kay, P.E. Ingeniero de Di , s,� 4:; dp;' Alcantarillados, al (305)579-6865• Todas las licitaciones seran sometidas de acuerdo-,.aPii "'Las � Instrucciones a Jos Licitadores Y las Especif icaco6es. �o9 •. juegos de pianos y especificaciones podran obteiierse er_ 1� oficina del Director de Obras Publicas, 275 N.W. 2 Stree/Gi o it del 5 de diciembre de 19a5. (--, Piso), Miami, Florida, a part Estos de�ostt'os requerira un dep6sito de $20 por cada jUego. las especificaciones sera devueltos unicamente si Jos pianos ydentro de un plazo de son devueltos sin marcas y en buen estado, dos (2) semanas siguientes a la apertura de las licitaciones. Se avisa a los interesados de a las otorgaci6nideecontratosde la raeminorias. anza No. 9775, la cual se refiere a 1 Aquellos contratistas/pequefios negociantes de minorias ode zonas objectivas st ierr sus propuestas pueden comunisarecon el Contractors Trainingand Deelopment, Suite 212, tel6fono (305)754-4903, 0 Inc., 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, iInc., 5535 N.W. 7 con Allieoc d (305)758 4554, sirequieren asistencia Para Avenue, preparar sus licitaciones. Las propuestas in el tiempo de ejecuc16n, y las especificaciones contienen provisos Para da�ios liquidados incurridos por faltseer sera el dere ho el ae descartare cualquier etar Comisibn de la Ciudadel Administrador de la informalidad en cualquier licitaci6n, Y Ciudad puede rechazar cu1quiera o todas las propuestas, Y reanuneiar (B-5518, Req. 3G Sergio Pereira Administrador F ncl)p 7 5-4 MN REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT DEPT'DIV. ACCOUNT CODE DATE PHONE APPROVED BY. This number must appear in the advertisement. PREPARED BY DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT times Publish the attached advertisement (number of t1me5) Type of advertisement' legal _--- classified display (Check One) Starting date Size: First four words of advertisement: Remarks: DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. DATES) OF ADVERTISEMENT INVOICE LINE PUBLICATION 0 A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 E-5 F3 F4 F5 LINE TRANS VOUCHER 11 13 17 18 0 1 2 4 1 V P 1 2 3 4 7 8 V P 1213 5 2 0 0 2 0 1 White — Purchasing AMOUNT F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 DUE DATE Adv. Doc. Reference VENDOR INDEX CODE OBJE PROJECT YY MM DD ?5 34 39 42 45 50 51 56 57 62 63 65 66 71 2 2 0 2 8 7 15 DESCRIPTION 36164 DISCOUNT 69 72 AMOUNT BO Yellow - Finance Pink— Department Approved for Payment 8G-1%1-:.a 101 SUBMIT ~PROPOSALS TO: CIT1(OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Office of the City Clerk Request for Pro oral 3500 Pan American Drive TERM CONTRAC P.O. Box 330708 Proposer AcknovAedgment Miami, Florida 33133 TELEPHONE NUMBER MAILING DATE (City) RFP NO. Page 1 of pages 579-6380 December 2, 1985 85-86-22 Proposals will be opened: RFP TITLE Security System for the Police De artment 2:00 p.m. December 23, 1985 Reason for 'hno proposal" and may not be withdrawn within ninety days after such date and time. this RFghall conform to applicable All awards made as a result of sections of the charter and code of the City of Miami. NAME OF VENDOR A CORPORATION OF THE I AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER I VENDOR NO. I STATE OF' wr fA LING. CITYSTATE•ZIP VENDOR MAILING DATE: CERTIFIED OR CASHIER'S CHECK IS ATl WHEN REQUIRED, IN THE AMOUNT OF S ED, OTE: ALL REFERENCES TO THE TERMS "BID" OR "BIDDER" SHALL BE REDEFINED TO MEAN "PROPOSAL" OR "PROPOSER" AS APPLICABLE. I certify that this bid is mark without prior understanding, agreement. or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a bid for Me AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE IManuai) same materials, supplies• or eampinent, and is in at/ respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I agree to abide bV all conditions of this bid and certifV that I am authorised to sign this bid for the bidder. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (Typed) TITLE GENERAL. CONDITIONS BIDDER: To insure acceptance of the bid, follow these Instructions. SEALED BIDS: All bid sheets and this form must be executed structions pertaining to supplies and services. Failure to dD will be at bidder's risk. shall 50 contain, n addition to tthe above aadddressfaceof the date and time of the bid opening and the bid number. Bids not submitted on attached e) CONDITION AND PACKAGING: It is understood and offered or shipped a result of this bid form may be rejected. All bids are subject to the conditions bid shall be newtem (current productions model at the time of spedfied hereon and on the attached sheep. this bid). All containers shall be suitable for storage or 1. EXECUTION OF BID: Bid must Contain a manual signature shipment, and all prices shall include standard com- nwcial packaging. of an authorized representative in the space provided above. The company name must also appear on d)SAFETY STANDARDS: Unless otherwise stipulated in each page of" bid as required, the bid, all manufactured items and fabricated assemblies ) shall comply with applicable requirements of Oc• evpational Safety and Health Act and any standards 2. NO BID: li not submitting a bid, respond by returning this thereunder. form, it "NO BID", and explain the reason In the marking space provided dbove. Repeated failure to quote without a) INVOICING AND PAYMENT: The contractor shall be ffi sucient justification shall be cause for removal of the upon submission of properly certified invoices to the paid supplier's name from the bid mailing list. NOTE: To quality city of Mlaml at the prices stipulated on the purchase as a respondent, bidder must submit a "NO BI D", and It must order, less deductions if any, as provided, All invoices be received no later than the stated bid opening date and hour. shall bear the purchase order. Invoicing at variance with BID OPENING: Shall be public on the data and at the time this provision may subject the contract to cancellation. 3. specified On the bid form. It is the bidder's responsibility to assure that his bid Is delivered at the proper fime end Place of the bid opening. Bids which for any reason are not so S. MANUFACTURER'S NAMES AND APPROVED Any manufacturers' names, trade names, delivered, will be returned unopened. Offers by telegram -or EQUIVALENTS: telephone are not acceptable. brand names, information or catalog numbers listed in a specification are for Information, not to limit competition. 4. PRICES, TERMS and PAYMENT: Finer► prices shall be The bidder may offer any brand for which he is an authorized typed or printed In Ink and Inclrepresentative, which meets or exceeds the specification for ude all packing, in. quoted; any item(s). If bids are based handling, shipping charges and delivery to any point within on equivalent products, Is requested to offer cash discount for dicate an the bid form the manufacturer's name and number ounty. Bidder bump' Invoice payment, piscount time will be computed and indicate any deviation from the specifications. YOUR LACKING ANY INDICATIONNT Doff (corre�ctyinvoice fromIN ILL romerreeceeipt attthe offilace ce specified, cified, TO QUOTE AN ALTERNRITTATE RECEIVED AND CONSIDERED AS A QUOTATION IN RECEIVEDwhichever is later. COMPLETE COMPLIANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS a) TAXES: Do'not Include State or Federal taxes not ap• AS LISTED ON THE BID FORM. The Division of Purchasing is to be notified of any proposed changes in (a) materials r picable to municipalities. The applicable Tex Exemption number is shown on the Purchase Order. o,rsed, (b) manufacturing process, or (c) a citt unless However, changes shall not be binding upon the city unless b) MISTAKES: Bidders are expected to examine the evidenced by a Change Notice issued and signed by the Purchasing Agent. specifications, delivery schedule, bid prices, and all In. s6-111IL:aa f_. OR E: ALL REFERENCES TO THE TERMS "BID" "PROPOSER" AS APPLICABLE. k INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE: Bidders must furnish all information requested in the spices provided on the bid form Further. as may be specified elsewhere, each bidder must submit w,th h,s proposal cuts, sketches, and descrlpt,ve I.!,.rature and complete specifications coverino the products ofrered Reference to literature submitted with a previous bid w-n not satisfy this provision. Bids which do not comply A-0h these requirements are subject to rejection. 7. INTERPRETATIONS: Any questions concerning conditions and specifications Should be directed in writing to the pur chasing agent for receipt no later than three (3) days prior to the bid opening. Inquiries must reference the date of bid opening and bid number. L CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The award hereunder is subject to all conflict of interest Provisions of the City of Miami, Dade County, and the State of Florida. 9. AWARDS: As the best interest of the city may require, the right is reserved to make award(s) by individual item, group of items, all or none, or a combination thereof, and on a city wide basis with one or more suppliers: to reject any and all bids or waive any minor informality or technicality in bids received. 10. SERVICE AND WARRANTY: Unless otherwise specified, the bidder shall define any warranty service and replacements that will be provided during and subsequent to this contract. Bidders must explain on an attached sheet to what extent warranty and service facilities are provided. 11. SAMPLES- Samples of items, when called for, must be furnished free of expense, and if not destroyed may, upon request, be returned at the bidder's expense. Request for the return of samples must be made within ten (10) days following opening of bids. Each individual sample must be labeled with bidder's name, manufacturer's brand name and number, bid number and item reference. Samples of suc- cessful bidder may remain on file with the Division of Pur- chasing for the term of the contract. 12. NONCONFORMANCE TO CONTRACT CONDITIONS: Items may be tested for compliance with specifications under the direction of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, or by other appropriate testing laboratories. The data derived from any tests for compliance with specifications are public records and open to examination thereto in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, 1971. Items delivered not conforming to specifications may be rejected and returned at vendor's expense. These items and items not delivered as per delivery date in bid or purchase order may result in bidder being found in default in which event any and all reprocurement costs may be charged against the defaulting contractor. Any violation of these stipulations may also result in: a) Supplier's name being removed from the City of Miami's vendor mailing list. 13. INSPECTION, ACCEPTANCE AND TITLE: Inspection and acceptance will be at destination unless otherwise provided. Title and risk of loss or damage 7o all items shall be the responsibility of the contract supplier until accepted by the ordering agency, unless loss or damage results from negligence by the ordering agency. 14. DISPUTES: In caseof any doubt or difference of opinion as to the items to be furnished herunder, the decision of the city manager shall be final and binding on both parties. is. GOVERNMENTAL RESTRICTIONS: In the event any governmental restrictions may be imposed which would AND/OR "BIDDER" SHALL BE REDEFINED TO MEAN "PROPOS nper--ate alteration of the material, qualify. workmanship or performance of the items offered on this proposal prior to thmr delivery, it shall be the responsibility of the successful U-dder to notrfv the purchasing aaent at once. ,ndicat nq in his I­ttor the ;pee f c reoulatron which required an alteration The city reserve% the right to accept any Such alteration, includinu any pace adjustments occasioned thereby, or to cancel thecontrdct itnoexpensetothec,ty 16. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: Federal. State, county, and city laws, ordinance, rules, and regulations that in any manner affect the items covered herein apply. Lack of knowledge by the bidder will in no way be a cause for relief from respon• sibility 17. PATENTS AND ROYALTIES: The bidder, without exception, Shall indemnify and save harmless the city of Miami its employees from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for or on account of any copyrighted, patented, or unpatented invention, process, or article manufactured or used in the performance of the contract, including its use by the city of Miami the bidder uses any design, device. or materials coverts by letters, patent or copyright, it is mutually agreed and understood without exception that the b-d prices shall include all royalties or cost arising from the use of such des;an, device, or mater,als in ary way involved ,n the work. IS. PRICE ADJUSTMENTS: Any price decrease effectuated during the contract period either by reason of market change or on the part of the contractor to other customers shall be passed on to the city of Miami. 19. CANCELLATION: All contract obligations shall prevail for at least 180 days after effective date of the contract. For the protection of both parties, this contract may be cancelled in wholeor in part upon the mutual assent of the parties. 20. EXTENSION: The city of Miami reserves the option to extend the period of this contract, or any portion thereof, for an additional contract period. Extension of the contract period shall be by mutual agreement in writing. 21. ABNORMAL QUANTITIES: While it is not anticipated, should any unusual or abnormal quantity requirements arise, the city reserves the right to call for separate proposals thereon. 22. ADVERTISING: In submitting a proposal, bidder agrees not to use the results therefrom as a part of any commercial acivertisinq. 23. ASSIGNMENT: Any Purchase Order issued pursuant to this bid invitation and the monies which may become due hereunder are not assignable except with the prior written approval of the authorized representative of the city of Miami. 24. SUMMARY OF TOTAL SALES: The bidder agrees to furnish the purchasing agent a summary of sales made under the contract at the end of each quarter, or as stipulated in the attachedspecial conditions. If this requirement cannot be met written justification must be submitted with this bid. 2S. LIABILITY: The supplier shall hold and save the city, its officers, agents, and employees harmless from liability of any kind in the performance of this contract, NOTE: ANY AND ALL SPECIAL CONDITIONS ATTACHED HERETO WHICH VARY FROM THESE GENERAL CON- DITIONS SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE. NOTE: THIS SHEET AND THE ACCOMPANYING BID CONSTITUTE AN OFFER FROM THE BIDDER. IF ANY OR ALL PARTS OF THE BID ARE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI, AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY SHALL AFFIX HIS SIGNATURE HERETO, AND THIS SHALL THEN CONSTITUTE THE WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS FORM BECOME A PART OF THE WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES, AND THE CITY HEREBY RELIES UPON ANY REPRESENTATIONS BY THE BIDDER AS ARE CONTAINED HEREIN. CITY OF MIAMI CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA P.O. Box 330708 i PURCHASING DIVISION Miami, F1 33233-0708 RFP SHEET Telephone: 579-6380 RFP NO. 85-86-22 IMPORTANT: PROPOSAL SHEET AND PROPOSER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MUST BE RETURNED IN DUPLICATE IN ATTACHED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED BY PROPOSAL NUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF PROPOSAL OPENING. Terms: (Include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Additional discount of_% if awarded all items. warranty and/or guarantee. State any variances to specifications (use separate sheet if necessary): Delivery: calendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order. Delivery and Installation Point(s): City of Miami Police Dept 275 N.W. 2nd Street Miami, F1 Installation: calendar days required to complete proposed work after start. In accordance with the Invitation to Proposal, the Specifications, General Conditions, Special Conditions and General Information to Proposers, we agree to furnish the Items) at prices indicated on the attached Proposal sheet(s). MINORITY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE The undersigned proposer acknowledges that it has received a copy of Ordinance No. 9775, the Minority Procurement Ordinance of the City of Miami, and agrees to comply with all applicable substantive and procedural provisions therein, including any amendments thereto. Bidder: company name Signature: Print Name: Indicate if Minority Business: Date: [ ] Black [ ] Hispanic FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY THIS BID. 86-14 , a CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA �. PURCHASING DIVISION RFP SHEET RFP NO. 85-86-22 P.O. Box 330708 Miami, F1 33233-0708 Telephone: 579-6380 IMPORTANT: PROPOSAL SHEET AND PROPOSER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MUST BE RETURNED IN DUPLICATE IN ATTACHED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED BY PROPOSAL NUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF PROPOSAL OPENING. Terms: (Inc lude cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Additional discount of % if awarded all items. Warranty and/or guarantee: State any variances to specifications (use separate sheet if necessary): Delivery: calendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order. Delivery and Installation Point(s): City of Miami Police Dept. 275 N.W. 2nd Street Miami, F1 Installation: calendar days required to complete proposed work after start. In accordance with the Invitation to Proposal, the Specifications, General Conditions, Special Conditions and General Information to Proposers, we agree to furnish the Items) at prices indicated on the attached Proposal sheet(s). MINORITY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE The undersigned proposer acknowledges that it has received a copy of Ordinance No. 9775, the Minority Procurement Ordinance of the City of Miami, and agrees to comply with all applicable substantive and procedural provisions therein, including any amendments thereto. Bidder: Signature: company name Print Name: Indicate if Minority Business: Date: [ ] Black [ ] Hispanic FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY TnIa LViv. 86--i�, d CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA RFP NO. 85-B6-22: PROPOSAL SHEET Failure to provide all information requested may be cause for rejection of proposal. Attach separate sheet if necessary. SYSTEM AND SUB -SYSTEMS AND INSTALLATION AI4D Base Cost: $ Warranty (detail terms and conditions) ITEM 2: MAINTENANCE CONTRACT (to begin after warranty expires) renewable annually at City's option up to three (3) years. Monthly Rate $ Annual Rate Equipment Covered (list) C. Parts & Labor Included (list) D. # of Regular (Non -Emergency Preventative) Service Calls: Response Time (Emergency/Repair Calls): Other Detail: PROPOSER: company name SIGNATURE: FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY THIS BID. 86-1 0 d DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSI014 City of Miami Code Sec. 18-56.4 (a) Authotity and rc-quirenent tc debar and Eiia encl: After reasonable notice to an actual or prospectivc contractual rarty, arcs after reasonable opportunity to such party to be heard, the city manager, after consultation with the chief procurerent officer ar.:l li:'2 city attorney, shall have the authority to debar a contractual [,arty for the causes listed below from consideration for award of city contracts. The debarment shall be for a period of not fewer than three (3) years. The city manager shall also have the authority to suspend a contractor from considerationu for award of city ontractseif there is a probable cause for debarment, pending the debardetermination, the authority to debar and suspend contractors shall be exercised in accordance with regulations which shall be issued by the chief procurement officer after approval by the city manager, the city attorney, and the city commission. (b) Causes for debarment or suspension include the following: 1. Conviction for commission of a criminal offense incident to obtaining or attempting to obtain a public'or private contract or subcontract, or incident to the performance of such contract or subcontract; 2. Conviction under state or federal statutes of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or any other offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty; 3. Conviction under state or federal antitrust statutes arising Out of the submission of bids or proposals; 4. Violation of contract provisions, which is regarded by the chief_ procurement officer to be indicative of nonresponsibility. Such violation may include failure without good cause to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of a contract or to perform within the time limits provided in a contract, provided that failure to perform caused by acts beyond the control of party shall not be considered a basis for debarment or suspension: 5. Debarment or suspension of the contractual Marty by any federal, state or other governmental entity; 6. False certification pursuant to paragraph (c) belor:; or 7. Any other cause judged by the city manager to be so serious and compelling as to affect the responsibility of the contractual party conforming city contracts. (c) Certification: All contracts for goods and services, and leases by the —city shall contain a certification that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations set forth above or debarred or suspended as set forth in paragraph (b)(5). The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations set forth above, or debarred or suspended as scat forth in paragraph (b)5. Company name: Signature: Date: (RETURN WITH BID SHEET) FAILURE TO COMPLE.Er SIGNE AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY THIS BID. of ss-1:.a e i RFP NO. 85-86-22: INFORMATION SHEET MINORITY CLASSIPICATION AND PARTICIPATION 1. Indicate MINORITY CLASSIFICATION of Business Enterprise (BIDDER): LJ BLACK LJ HISPANIC L,J OTHER 2. If OTHER* detail MINORITY PARTICIPATION within your firm, or as it may apply to this bid, if awarded: A. JOINT VENTURE: Provide information regarding Minority firm participating as such, and the extent of participation % of Dollar Firm Name Business Address BID Amount B. SUBCONTRACTORS: Provide information regarding Minority firms that will be subcontractors for this BID, and their extent of�the work of Dollar Firm Name Business Address BID Amount C. SUPPLIERS: Provide detail regarding Minority Firms that will Supply you with goods or services, and the extent % of Dollar Firm Name Business Address BID Amount D. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM if existing, Date Implemented: If planned, Date of Proposed Implementation B I DDER: SIGNATURE: FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISQUALIFY THIS BID. r2 es-i`.a city of MIAM1. FLORIDA 0 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and oATe: ,1 A N• 2 1666 RILE: B- 5 518 To. Members of the City CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER Commission SUBJECT REPLACEMENT PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE II Resolution Awarding a Contract FROM Cesar H. Odio I REFERENCES: (For Commission Meeting 1986) of City Manager i1 January 9, ENCLOSURES: It is recommended a resolution be adopted accepting the low bid of Ric -Man Inc. for the CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE II, received December 23, 1935, in the amount of $1,095,560.00 and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract on behalf of the City. Bids were received December 23, 1985 for CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE 11. of As reflected tabulation os the bids, the responsible bid d for International, the Ric Man total bid of the proposal. Funds have been allocated under the "Citywide Sanitary Sewers Extensions Improvement" account and monies are available for the estimated amount of the contract, for project expense, for such items as advertising, testing laboratories, and postage. Ten contractors picked up plans and specifications (minority contractorscontractorshispanic, 00 ; hispanic, c, 40 contractors subm itted bids bl ack jThe engineer' (minority s estimate was $1,100,000.00- 4t DWC:EMP:bf Resolution attached cc: Alberto Ruder c RECOMMENDED BY: rienne ac e , Minority and Women Business Affairs Procurement Y 44 CITYMIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT - DONNTOMN - PHASE It JOB NO. 8-5518 CONTRACTOR'S FACT SHEET y' I. Ric -Man International, Inc. P.O. Box 10229 Pompano Beach, Florida 33061 Phone: (305) 945-2938 II. Principals: David Mancini, President Scott Wood, Secretary II1. Contractor is properly licensed and insured IV. Subcontractor: None required at this time V. Experience: Kinloch Sanitary Sewer Improvement $ 610,000 East Little Havana Highway Improvement 742,000 Phase I Bid F�� East Little Highway Improvement 394,000 Phase I Bid "B" Edgewater Highway Improvement $1,940,473 Edgewater Sanitary Sewer Improvement 770,000 VI. Not a minority contractor VII. 151 advertisements mailed out by regular mail 10 contractors picked up plans and specifications (minority contractors: I Hispanic 0 Black) 4 contractors submitted bids (minority contractors: 0 Hispanic December 24, 1985 BID AWARD FACT SHEET PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION PROJECT SCOPE CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT - DOWNTOWN PHASE II located in an area bounded by Biscayne Blvd., N.W. 1 Ave., Flagler St., and No. 4 St. The complete replacement of existing inadequate and unsound 60-year-old sanitary sewers in conjunction with a City Highway project. This project also contains partial water main and storm sewer replacement. ENGINEER ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $1,100,000.00 nsTG RTnc RFCFTVED December 23, 1985 NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED NAME OF LOW BIDDER AMOUNT OF LOW BID Project Expense: Incidentals (Est.): Postage Advertising Testing Blue Print & Copy Sub -Total Indirect Cost Total 4 Ric -Man International, Inc. $1,095,560.00 153,378.00 100.00 700.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 $1,253,738.00 6,262.00 $1,254,000.00 LENGTH OF TIME ALLOWED FOR CONSTRUCTION 100 working days SOURCE OF FUNDS C.I. Ord. 9939, as amended, Sec. 5-A. Sanitary Sewers .8 "Citywide Sanitary Sewers Extensions Improvements" Accounts Prepared by: Gene Pelaez 12/24/85 SG-13.A udder Licensed • Ine rN as Per city code a Metre Ord. Did EMI Amount U"sulorltln TABULATION OF BIDS FOR .Ir .� City . Clt Clark ` I � A.M.City Ef K/e "Mat) 1-ni'l Inc. / o ' Trvc ire J.�-G/' ;►�: .i` !' �.3 /r'.9`_ LTo-- PC1n,_ r, .SOr7 / "I /7 - .-,fir .4 / : Sf�n�.• / Thru 5b /'09_'i SbO.i�' / /67 6 33 , `" / 423, ff; fk ea 2, /74, 45.E , .dULJ/ T/VE' pill): Tyr-.. , 59 s0 /o 01D'D ' '0 /o ar, 0. ss � 4 =�• Q4 ,� �v mac % =" IRREGULARITIES LEGEND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC A — M. ftwr-.t-Att«r.r IC WORKS HAS 8 —Ma Affidavit me to capital a surplus of mandine company TNA T rNE LOWF_-1-T" f.�Dl�---- / £ �2 C — corrected tutenlone fie -A,14 4% )-,, � ' .riC/L . 0 —p ropeeai thalp/ or improperly mloned or Me corporate /aal AM(2 -' )1 T OF -Al, 62 A f e—Ci 0 E— F— I— J— J.TW. DETERMINED ./`� l" Nam_