HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-86-0048r Fy 1 +` J-86-71 1/16/86 I RESOLUTION NO. 8F-ft4E U A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE 13-MEMBER CITY- WIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD, IN ACCORDANCE' WITH RESOLUTION 86-47 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON JANUARY 23, 1986. WHEREAS, by Resolution 86-47 , the City Commission, on January 23, 1986, created a 13-member city-wide Community Development Advisory Board to advise the City Commission on community development and housing needs, and WHEREAS, said Board is comprised of the following members: One representative (resident or property owner) from each of the eight Community Development target areas to be appointed by the City Commission Five representatives of the private sector (business owners or representatives of financial institutions located in the City of Miami) to be appointed by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, there are 13 vacancies on the Board that require an appointment by the City Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following individuals are hereby appointed to the 13-member city-wide Community Development Advisory Board as follows: 1. MARIANO CRUZ , representing the Allapattah Community Development target area. 2. FRANKIE ROLLE , representing the Coconut Grove Community Development target area. 3. JACK KUPER representing the Downtown Community Development target area. 4. SANDY HALL , representing the Edison Little River Community Development target area. 5. JOSE VILLALOBOS , representing the Little Havana Community Development target area. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF I ,,A" 86 4B HESOw11UN ',iiTA'•ttl�,i % 4 1986. CONELIUS ALLEN representing the Model City Community Development target area. 7, DESIGNEE OF THE OVERTOWN ADV.$Drepresenting the Overtown Community Development target area. g, DOROTHY QUINTANA , representing the Wynwood Community Development target area. g, LUIS SABINES , representing the private sector. 10. WILLIE CALHOUN , representing the private sector. 11. CARY DE LEON , representing the private sector. 12. MARIA ELENA TORANO , representing the private sector. 13. HERIBERTO FONSECA , representing the private sector. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of JANUARY ty Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: Chief Deputy City Attorney RM AND CORRECTNESS: City Attorney 140 XaNfier L. Suar , Mayor r Honorable" n.iembros de la Comision de la Ciudad de V-ianrii , 350U Fam American Drive, iami , it - , 331010 iami , i'lci"lda, �nerc 15 de 19g-). Honorables Comisionados: Los abajo firmantes, todos vecinos de la "Iona de Desarrollo Comuni- tario de la Pequena Habana". F'or la presente, venimos a solicitar de ustedes que se reccnsidere la designation que se efectuo el. dia 7 de Lnero de 1986, para recomendar al "Chairperson" de esa zona comu- nitaria. Es de conocirniento publico y de disgusto a su vez que dicha ccnvocatoria no tuviera la divulgacion necessria e indispensable con el fin de que Jos vecinos de esa area pi.:dieran participar de la misma en la forma democratica que estcs actos domandan pees con ello se evi- ta que se hagan designaciones partidistas en favor de algun amigo al que se apoya por razenes personates y no por apreciaciones a Jos meri- tos civicos y comunitarios ccrio demanda tan sensitle cirgo. FOR T/,NTC: hogamcs a ustedes senores comisionados que en procura de hater justicia a la comunidad Coda, se acuerde por esa :.omision, la convocatori.a a una nueva asamblea en e:•ta Iona de Desarrollo, can to- da la divulgacion e inforr_acicn nece.-aria para la mas anplia partici- pacion de todo el vecindario. For una comunidad unida y fuerte en la defensa de sus mas sagrados in- tereses. De ustedes muy respetuosamente. MrPccion: MAYMM �' � C, cl ;;ontin,,.Llc 1 !7 - L n de la j.'eferente a re-oilio de :..iamio :ji J,C, CC ion: cinb re ------------- . S7- 3 I i�uni Eloricial Lnero 15 de 1986. f t` Honorables miembros de la Comisicn i.unicipal de la Ciudad de 1,.iami , 3500 Pam American Drive, i.iami, P1., 331010 1 Honorables Comisionados: Los abajo firmantes, todos vecinos de la "Iona de Desarrollo Comuni- tario de la Pequena Habana". Por la presente, venimos a solicitar de ustedes que se reconsidere la designacicn que se efectuo el-dia 7 de Enero de 19862 para recomendar al "Chairperson" de esa zona comu- nitaria. Es de conocimiento publico y de di:gusto a su vez que dicha convocatoria no tuviera la divulgacion necesaria e indispensable con el fin de que Jos vecinos de esa area pudieran participar de la misma en la forma democratica que estos actos demandan pues con ello se evi- ta que se hagan designaciones partidistas en favor de algun amigo al que se apoya por razcnes personales y no por apreciaciones a Jos meri- tos covicos y comunitarios Como demands tan sensible c4rgo. POR TANTC: Rogamos a ustedes senores comisionados que en procura de hacer justicia a la comunidad toda, se acuerde por esa Comisicn, la convocatoria a una nueva asamblea en esta Zona de Desarrollo, con to- da la divulgacion a informacion necesaria para.la mas amplia partici- pacion de todo el vecindario. Por una comunidad unida y fuerte en la defensa de sus mas sagrados in- i v 1 tereses. De ustedes muy respetuosamente. nirPneion: KOM F77MI 0 M 4;. M', W, OAM M 6 W:M A�_� 6 �ot�Linur ci orr dry la f i rr;ia: ?_a: 'ai:I��i..le`' i s i ciiadc: >. iad de i-J.ami. heferente a 10 reunion de la de la i eaue- i,a Habana". ivombre; i i.recccn: n J Li � - PAYS { ,..iami, Fl(.ri6a, ;:,i;ero 15 de 1986. honorables miembros de la Comision l.uniciT)al de la CiL'-Iad de i-.iami, ' 350o Pam American Drive, ..iami , i''1. , 331010 honorables Gocrisionados: Los abajo firmantes, todos vecinos de la "ZIona de hesarrollo Comuni- tario de la Pequefia Habana". For la presente, venimos a solicitar de ustedes que se reconsidere la designacion que se efectuo el dia 7 de �nero de 1986, Para recomendar al t'Chairperson" de esa zona comu- nitaria. Ls de conocimiento publico y de disgusto a su vez que dicha ccnvocatoria no tuviera la divulgacion necesaria e indispensable con el fin de que Jos vecinos de esa rirea pudieran participar de la misma en la forma democratica que estos actor denandan rues con ello se evi- ta que se pagan designaciones partidistas en favor de algun amigo al que se apoya por razcnes persenales y no per aprecizcior:es a los meri- tos civicos y comunitarios como demanda tali sensible cargo. POR TANTC : Rogamos a ustedes senores corrLisi; nados que en procura de racer justicia a la comunidad toda, se acuerde por esa Comisir;n, la convocatoria a una nueva a--amblea en esta Zona de Desarrollo, con to- da la divulgaca.on e inforrracicn necesaria para la mar amplia partici- 3 pacicn de todo el vecindario. a Por una comunidad unida y fuerte en la defensa de sus mas sagrados in De ustedes muy respetuosamente. tereses. + a• vu+ vi c • - If -2 7,, r a� 86-4E a ±;... 1�Ii�:(�r„':.i de d c, ,.;cntinwlc'O'A' a de la 1'e q uE- _jljj ta ri, de Yismi. a Ja reUTlin'n �ic fia lia , bana (,,rnb re �// � t `' , �.--.»-.�'-•'r"'^""'"'" •..-,..ate---•-'-^.._�...--_ _...r ._�-+-I:.-..._.»-•-------- A, L . .................... rdami, Florida, hnero 15 de 1986. Honorables miembros de la Comision ;.unicipal de la Ciudad de !�-iami , 3500 Pam American Drive, i .ismi , F1. , 33101. Honorables Comisionados: Los abajo firmantes, todos vecinos de 1d� "Zona de Desarrollo Comuni- tario de la Pequeria Habana". Por la presente, venimos a solicitar de ustedes que se reconsidere la designacion que se efectuo el dia 7 de Enero de 19860 pars recomendar al "Chairperson" de esa zona comu- nitaria. Es de conocimiento publico y de disgusto a su vez que dicha convocatoria no tuviera la divulgacion necesaria a indispensable con el fin de que los vecinos de esa area pudieran participar de la misma en la forma democratica que estos actos demandan pues con ello se evi- ta que se hagan designaciones partidistas en favor de algun amigo al que se apoya por razones personales y no por apreciaciones a los meri- tos civicos y comunitarios como demanda tan sensible cargo. POR TANTC: Rogamos a ustedes senores comisionados que en procura de hacer justicia a la comunidad toda, se acuerde por esa Comision, la convocatoria a una nueva asamblea en esta Zona de Desarrollo, con to- da la divulgacion a informacion necesaria para la ma's amplia partici- pacion de todo el vecindario. Por una comunidad unida y fuerte en la defensa de sus mas sagrados in- tereses. De ustedes muy respetuosamente. Nombre : i--,- Irl tip:: Direccio; A(2�4) � aY1"'�iA yam' rA /; /P �3 r 8E-4E t- ap.i.na (2) . Continuation de Ias f'irmas a IOs Her-c>r;AI.Ies, -;r,mi. -:r >s de la Ciuda de =Aami. Heferente a ]a reunion de I ''I.onL t-:ria de, I I eoue- na Habana". Hombre: Uireccion: �!(/ • I _ _! �_,.__ fir ' �1. Al Ile ZLLE " ,� - / CJ - c� (. � > L I ' �% vim- 4 LI v.iemi, Florida, Lnero 15 dE 198tu• }ioncrables mieTlbros de la Comision ;.uniciFal de la Ciudad de i .ia.mi , 3500 Pam American i%rive, F1., 331010 Honorables Comisionados: Los abao firmantes, todos vecinos de la "ona de Desarrollo Comuri- tario de la Pequena Habana". Por la presente, venimos a solicitar de ustedes quo se reconsidere la designaci6n que se efectuo el dia 7 t de Enerc de 1986, par4 recomendar. al "Chairperson" de esa zona Comu- ni.taria. Es de conocir„iento publico y de diEEustc a su vez que dicha la divulgacion nccesaria e indispensable con convocatoria no tuviera el fin de que 16s vecinos de esa area pudieran participar de ]a misma la forma democratica que estos actos demandan nues con ello ne evi- en Kagan designaciones partidistas en favor de ai`tin amigo a1 ta que se se apoya por razcnes persona les y no por arreciaciones a ].os meri- que tos civicos y comunitarios como demanda tan sensible cargo. FOR TrI�TC: Rogar�os a ustedes se�iores com-icicnadc- que en procura de hacer '� usticia a la comunidad toda, se acuerde por esa Comision, la convoca.toria a una nueva asamblea en esta Zona de Uesarrcl'c, coin to- divulgacion e informacion nccesaria ^ara la mas amplia partici- da la p.acion de todo el vecindario. Por comunidad unida y fuerte en la defensa de sus mas sagrados in- una tereses. De ustedes muy respetuosamente. :t a jot ' :'n;:cii:�.E C(�1L1C�dC� ,l de ..12(T) . itE'fAreni.(? 1 c3 I,e1:17o J G^;U"Iit.',2"13 do ?a c.que— tia C C ] ;;�i :'r OIl N ombre : —. / I D S CZ/ i 1' 13 3F3 LL ��_�� zx- — .z C:-^ 19 -- - - Honorable Mayor and ---- JAN 161986 Members of City Commission -;- Creation of Community Deve- lopment Advisory Board and Appointment of Members ;i C s City Manager (Companion to Item 118) s. ,i t It is recommended that the City Commission formalize Motion No. 85-1183 passed on December 19, 1985, creating a 13 member Citywide Advisory Board for the Community Development Block Grant Program and appointing 13 individuals to serve on said Board, per the attached resolutions. On December 19, 1985, by Motion No. 85-1183, the City Commission approved in principle, the creation of a 13 member Citywide advisory Board for the Community Development Block Grant Program to replace the 21- member Community Development Advisory Board. The 13-member Board, comprised of one representative of each of the eight Community Development target areas (residents or property owners) and 5 representatives from the private sector (City of Miami business owners or representatives of financial institutions located in the City), will advise the City Commission on community development and housing priorities with respect to the Community Development Block Grant Program. The attached resolution formalizes this motion and creates the 13 member Advisory Board, rescinding Resolution No. 82-560 which had created the 21- member Community Development Advisory Board. It is recommended that the initial term of membership expire May 1, 1987 and on May 1 of each calendar year for terms thereafter. At the December 19, 1985 meeting, the City Commission requested that the administration hold meetings in each target area to obtain recommendations from each area as to who should be considered by the City Commission to represent that target area on the Board. Meetings were scheduled in each of the eight target areas and resumes were requested from individuals wishing to be considered for appointment to the Board as the target area representative or as a representative of the private sector. Attached is a copy of the advertisement that was placed (Attachment A). Additionally, public service announcements were placed on radios and flyers were distributed in each target area. The printed media also published several articles on the new Board and the meeting schedule. t rl I rt t ) Page 2 RE: Creation of Community Development Advisory Board and Appointment of r Members The following individuals were recommended to represent their target area at the target area meeting: Allapattah: Coconut Grove: Downtown: Edison/Little River: Little Havana: Model City: Overtown: Wynwood: Mariano Cruz (400 votes of 400) Frankie Rolle (10 votes of 10) Jack Kuper (3 votes of 4) Tie Vote - Sandy Hall (4 votes) and Paula L. Campbell- Stone (4 votes) Jose Villalobos (65 votes of 77) Cornelius Allen (4 votes of 10) No Recommendation (see attached summary) Dorothy Quintana (50 votes of 57) In addition to those individuals that were recommended for appointment at the thate theirs names meetings,their be submitted vto athe tCity who have requested Commission for consideration. Also, fifteen (15) individuals have submitted their resumes for consideration by the City Commission as the private sector representatives. Attached (Attachment B) is a summary of the target area meetings and a list of individuals requesting appointment to the Board. Resumes are also attached. It is requested that the City Commission make the appointments at the January 23, 1986 meeting so that we can begin our Community Development planning process in February. Attachments ATTACHMENT A COPY FROM NFWSPAPER ..The_-. _City_-_ of Miami Depart --rent of Community _Dev elcpmen � is soliciting resumes from individuals interested in serving on the -- -Ci y--��de--Ccrr�m_ni-t7-beveYoprtrent-ndv�sor-_r-BoardJ -The­-5cTa TWil1-Le-- -- --responsible for -advising the City Commission' on-- communt_r— development needs and priorities with respect to the City's Ccmmunity Development Block Grant Prccram. A thirteen (13) member Citywide Bcard will be appointed by the Citv Commission, to be comprise of the following repre- sentatives: - One (1) member from each of the eight (8) Cemmunit•_J Development target areas: :.Allapattah, Wvnwcod, Model City, Edison/Little Rive=, Little Havana, Overtcwn, Downtown and Coconut Grove. 'These members mush reside within the ta_ce_ areas or own property in the target areas. The Dcwntcw-n member could be•a business or property owner or the di-ec�or cf a non-profit" institution not receiving City Co,,uni _y Development funds. Five (5) members representing the private sector, business owners-. or officers of a financial institution located in the City of Miami • Staf-f will be holding meetings in the Ccmmunity Development tarcet areas to explain the process, as well as to obtain a recommendation from those present as to who should represent their area on the Board. Please bring proof of residency or property ownership to the meeting. The meeting dates are as follows: January 6, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. . Model City - "Uptown City Hall" 6116 N.W. 7 Avenue F Edison/Little River - Miami Edison Sr. High School Auditorium 6161•N.W. 5 Court January 7, 1986 at 7:00 p-m- Wynwoed-Eucenio Maria de Hostos Neighborhood Elderly Center 2962 N.W. 2*Avenue Little Havana - Manuel Artime Community Center Auditorium goo S.W. 1 Street Allapattah - Allapattah Elderly Meals Facility 2257 N.W. North River.Drive 8s-46 V. t Januar-, 8, 1986 at 7:00 P.m. _ Cvertown - Culmer Over -town Neichberhood Center 1600 N.W. 3 Avenue Coconut' Grove -- Coconut 'rove riuman�tr esourc�s�uilding Di- _e _Highway— — -- — - - -- - - - January 8, 1986 at 5:30 p.m. a Downtown - City Administration Building, First Flcor 275 N.W. 2 Street Individuals interested in ser,ring on the Board are encoit is to attend the meetings in their respective areas although it is not required. The resumes must be received by the Deoart:nent c� i 1145 N.W. 11 • Street, Miami, Flor:ca Communi..v 'Dere_ooment, 9 1086, Resumes must - "anuarr 33136, no later than 9:00 c•m - include, at a minimum, your name, address, occupation, pas`. and current participation in community af`airs, and why you feel you should be appointed to the Board. - The CityCommission will make its appoint-ments to the CCmr,�unit'J Development Advisory Board at its January 23, 1986 meeting. For further information , contact the Department of y C^mmunit Development at 579-6824. ATTACHMENT B SUMMARY OF TARGET AREA MEETINGS AND NAMES OF INDIVIDUALS SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD TARGET AREA: Allapattah Date of meeting: January 7, 1986 Number of people voting: 400 Nominees/votes received: Mariano Cruz 1227 N.W. 26th Street received 400 votes Individuals seeking target area appointment: Geraldine L. Wellman Property owner 1449 N.W. 15 Street Coconut Grove Date of meeting: January 9, 1986 Number of people voting: 10 Nominees/votes received: Reverend Ronald Fox 3464 Oak Avenue no votes Frankie Rolle 3430 William Avenue received 10 votes Individuals seeking target area appointment: Reverend Fox (a resume was not received by the City) is still seeking appointment Phyllis Williams Property owner 3638 Percival Avenue Downtown Date of meeting: Number of people voting: Nominees/votes received: Y'. January 9, 1986 4 Jack Kuper Owner of Forum Men' s Store 121 E. Flagler Street received 3 votes 86-4E- cont. Downtown Angel Rodriguez Owner of McDonalds 100 South Miami Avenue received 1 vote Edison/Little River Date of meeting: January 6, 1986 Number of people voting: 8 Nominees/votes received: Sandy Hall 200 N.E. 45th Street received 4 votes Paula Campbell -Stone 5130 N.W. 5th Avenue received 4 votes Individuals seeking target area appointment: Bette Graham 298 N.W. 48th Street Little Havana Date of meeting: Number of people voting: Nominees/votes received: Individuals seeking target area Page 2 of 5 January 7, 1986 77 Christina De Armas (not present at meeting and we can't confirm if she lives or owns property in area) received 1 vote Hector Lopez 1235 W. Flagler Street received 11 votes Jose Villalobos 130 N.W. 24th Court received 65 votes appointment: Gloria Gyoria 1718 S.W. 17th Avenue Hector Lopez is still seeking appointment Marta Luis Business owner 1231 S.W. 27th Avenue Enrique Vega 1403 N.W. 7th Street 86--48 LA Model City Date of meeting: Number of people voting: Nominees/votes received: January 6, 1986 10 Cornelius Allen 912 N.W. 64th Street received 4 votes Willie Calhoun Owner, King the Taylor 6129 N.W. 7th Avenue received 3 votes James Campbell 1180 N.W. 59th Street received 3 votes Mary W. Johnson 160 N.W. 56th Street no votes Individuals seeking target area appointment: Date of meeting: James Campbell is still seeking appointment Sam Latimore 932 N.W. 55th Street January 9, 1986 We did not receive any resumes from individuals from the Overtown area and no one attended the scheduled meeting. By Resolution 85-399, the City Commission designated the Overtown Advisory Board as the official advisory board for the Overtown Community Development target area, therefore, it is recommended that the Board be allowed to elect the Overtown representative to the citywide board from its membership. Wynwood Date of meeting: Number of people voting: Nominees/votes received: Page 3 of 5 January 7, 1986 57 Sister Ana Luisa Borja 144 N.W. 26th Street received 7 votes Dorothy Quintana 262 N.W. 34th Street received 50 votes -c cont. Wynwood Individuals seeking target area appointment: Sister Borja is still seeking appointment Michael Kosnitzky 1 600 N.E. 36th Street PRIVATE SECTOR NOMINEES: Sue Scharth Alger Owner of T.A.S.C. Technical/Administrative Support Consultants 3051 Lime Ct. Page 4 of 5 Evelio Barriel President of Nice and Easy Warehouse, Inc. 1881 N. W. 20th Street Gladys Brown Owner of Brown Cleaners 2971 N. W. 62nd Street Willie Calhoun Owner of King the Taylor 6129 N. W. 7th Avenue Cary de Leon of Cary de Leon and Associates 1901 Brickell Avenue Suite B908 Edward Duffie Vice President of Miami Capital Bank 6113 N. W. Seventh Avenue Henry George Ferro Attorney -at -Law 8101 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 411 Pedro Gonzalez Vice President and Branch Manager of Sun Bank Riverside Banking Center 100 N. W. 12th Avenue Rolf P. Johnson Owner/Broker Premiere Properties, Inc. 3936 Main Highway Stewart Merkin Merkin and Sacasas Attorneys 1200 New World Tower 100 N. Biscayne Blvd. SG-4E- Cont. PRIVATE SECTOR NOMINEES Ralph H. Mozo Owner/Operator of Allapattah AAAAce U-Stor-It 1450 N. W. 36th Street Maria Elena Torano Pantin President, META 300 Biscayne Blvd. Angel Rodriguez Owner of McDonalds 100 South Miami Avenue Isidoro Rodriguez President of Very Best Foods, Inc. 1959 N. W. 22nd Street Steven Winner Commercial Real Estate Lender for Florida National Bank 169 E. Flagler Street Page 5 of 5 8E-46 RESUMES FOR ALLAPATTAS r January 8, 1986 Mariano J. Cruz 1227 N. W. 26th Street Miami, Florida 33142 occupation: Mail Carrier with the U.S.P.S. Since October 1978 I have been associated with Community Development since 1976 as a membe' the different boards throughout the years. d as the Also as chairman and vice-chairman, lately I serve elected member from Allapattah to the citywide o_ unity Development Advisory Board. In the early 70's, I participated the committees for the route and station selection of Metro Rapid Transit. Served as member of the City of Miami Affirmative Action Board. I believe in citizen participation in government in civic activities. If we are part of the problem, we should also be part of the solution. I am interested in the Allapattah community which has been my home for the last 20 years. And since Z am a taxpayer, I'd like to participate in the process of finding where to spend the tax monies, for the community is entitled. 86-4E 1-0 86-4� •. 1 j« `ti =ate, n X"! _ 4 W t� Rf�Y� i . V RESUMES FOR COCONUT GROVE 8F-46 r Resume of Frankie S. Rolle 3430 William Avenue Miami-,-�Fior-ida 33133- IDUCATION 1942 1946 1960 WORK HISTORY 1946 to 1957 1957 7 INTEREST AMID a=vTT.TATTC NS _--- _'Telephop ... _-(305). 443-7928 -- - - . Graduate of Stanton High School, Jacksonville, Florida B.S., Florida A&M, University, Tallahassee, Florida M.S., Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Graduate Certificate from State of Florida in Health and Physical Education, and Guidance, Rank II Ph sical Education Instructor: Assigned to George Washington Carver Jui.or High School, Miami. Florida. MY duties were to teach physical education and driveion' 1 Grand Avenue Park as a playground supervisor Guidance Counselor: Assigned to George Washington Carves Senior High School. Working with Youth and Can=litY projects. Vice President of American Legion Post 182 Auxi-llarY, Past President of Florida A&M Alumni. Association 1970-72, Inmediate Past Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority-BTZ Chapter, Past Second Vice President Board of Director Greater Girls Club of Miami, Christ Episcopal Church. Member of Usher-s Guild, Saint Theresa's Guild, Past Foundation Representative Fraternity, iimnediate Past for Phi Delta Kappa Chairperson of the CcMm=ty Action Agency, C�u�' -cNjirman for Development Board for Coconut Grove, C the 50th Orange Blossom Classic (Alumni Level) Member of Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority, Member of Coconut Grove Hameowners & Tenants Association, President of the Miami/Bahamas Goanbay Festival in Coconut Grove and Member of the Miami Citywide c=wnity Development Board. 86-4& .J Restune Frankie S. Rolle Page 2 ----- - -- -pE -DAg'A ---—$arz2:--November-25,-1924;-lac-ksonville,-Flor-ida -- _ _ --- Married: William "Billy" Rolle — --- - Three Children: Melodie, Zachary and Billy, Jr_ Carver Junior PRESENT pOSITIC�1 Guidance Chairman: George Washington In Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 High School - 4901 Linco REASON FOR AppOINII`�N'r I would like to continue thePeople have of the Coconut Grove target area becauseto express worked diligently and conscientiously the feelings and.ideas of these people. meet to collectively express their opinionsexand e people see t tha I feel that it would be my duty totry and and see that these ideas and opinions are expressed if possible. 8E-46 0 A --- -- ---- - - - --- - - -- -- January 8, 1986 Department of Community Development 1145 N. W. llth Street Miami, Florida 33133 To Whom It May Concern: - ity I Wouj�, like to be apart of the board that will advise Iham very Commission about how to spend community development money. concerned about the development of Coconut Grove and preserving the best qualities of The Grove. Being a Native of Miami, born in Coconut Grove, that lives in Coconut Grove, and owning property in having a family spent on community development Coconut Grove, I want to be sure that all money sp is for the betterment of the community.. Also, I find that I'm advising my family on issues that concern them the Black area of Coconut Grove. I and others in The Grove...., especially,le in Coconut Grove because I feel I'm sensitive to the needs of the peo P Christ Episcopal); Grove. am a product of Coconut Grove; I attend church there and a great deal of the activities of the community of Coconut I hope my application willibe granted. Thank you. Yours truly, % Phyllis J. Williams •m�.�,� n va � R E S U M E ----- Phyllis J. Williams-,-B. S-:; �I.-S. ----- --- — -- - - -- -4030 -N.477 -187- T¢rrace -- ----- -- -- -- - -- Carol City, Florida 33055 Home Phone: 621-5507 Business Phone: 931-1770. PERSONAL DATA: -- _ Born* October 19,­1942 Marital Status Divorced; -No Dependents Residence: Owns Home - iL=•1 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: :t 1981 - 1982 Teacher-Edu:ation Center, Miami, Florida Courses •in:RSVP Mathematics, Stress Management, Professional Conferences, In- Services in Peer -group Counseling;' -Metrics, Public Relations. 1972 - 1973 Florida International University, Miami, Florida Courses in Vocational Education; Administration, Curriculum; and Supervision. 1972 - 1973 University'of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Courses in Vocational Guidance and Vocational Education. 1972 - 1973 Florida International University, Miami, Florida Courses in Vocational Education; Administration, and Supervision. Completed 32 hours of courses in Vocational Guidance, Administration, Curriculum, and Supervision. 1970 1973 University of Miami, Miami, Florida: Degree Master -of Education. 1966 - 1968 1960 -1964 University of Miami, Miami, Florida - Graduate and Undergraduate courses for Professional Improvement. Florida A. and M. University, Tallahassee, Florida Degree: B."S. in Elementary Education; Honors: Listed in Who's Who Among College and University Students; Young Woman of the Year; and President of Y19CA. -- �..1 ►:7ia.i,r Z. 2 Lit Mr Page Phyllis J. Williams PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND EXPERIENCES: r 1984 ADJUNCT PROFESSOR - Florida Memorial College, Miami, Instructed educational courses in reading, methods, individualized instruction. ,-- r 197 g ' 1984 -- - --- a 1973 - 1979 Florida and -- - - ELEMENTARY -TEACHER -- Ilighland Oaks: Elementary, -Miami; Florida ---Duties-: -Teach basic -Skills, -Career Education_ information,. - and general teaching activities. VOCATIONAL EDUCATOR -JOB ENTRY COORDINATOR,.North Area, Miami, Florida. Duties: Recruit, counsel, interview, recommend, o�iate and place twelfth grade students for employment; and provide leadership for Assistant Principals of Guidance for their personnel in guidance, registration, student records, placement, and adult education. Survey businesses for employment and serve as a liasov. between business and industry, and the public schools. 1973 - 1970 VOCATIONAL EDUCATOR - WORK EXPERIENCE -COORDINATOR, Charles R. Drew Junior High School, Miami, Florida. Duties: Place, studnts on -the- coordinate, and supervise the activities of job; job; coordinate job related requests for p and governmental agencies; corouct Job s to availability surveys; be a resource for the meet with Citizens Advisory groups public schools. 1964 - 1970 a t AFFIhATIONS Florida Education Association, American Vocational AsoA. United Teachers of Dade County, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Florida Alumni Association, University of Miami Alumni Association, and Christ Episcopal Church. RECENT AWARDS ELEMENTARY TEACHER-Olinda and Charles R. Drew Elementary Schools, Miami, Florida. Duties: Team teach second and third grade students; keep student records, roll books, and folders; prepare flexible schedules that would adhere to various activities. Teacher of the Year, Scott Lake Elementary, 1983, Outstanding Service Award from Iota Nu Chapter of Florida A. and M. Alumni Co=unity Service Award. T-- University of Miami AKA Sorority, and Sf -48 RESUMES FOR DOWNTOWN SG-46 ------- --- - - J Flagler Street Jack Kuper or 121 E. 1601 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131 Miami, Florida 33132 (305) 373-8478 Born: Spt. 13, 1944 Havana Cuba. 25 years - Resident of Dade County Married 2 Children y= Education: University of Miami Masters Bus. Adm• Bachelors of Science: University of Florida so _ Loan Assoc . officer s Member Board of rDirectorDowntown Lincoln1Saving5• and Served on Board of s= Board of Directors Omni Merchants Association President the Forum Men s Sto res References: Byron Sparber, Attorney Ron Book, Attorney Jose Bolanos, Attorney to Ohio E. J. De Bartolo Young town owner and Real Estate Investor have Downtown o9envolve As a businessears in Miami after spending the last 25 y with Community Development to be able to input new ideas. w: }f _ r- r, C7Vr^'t� RESTS FOR EDISOK/LITTLE RIVER r SG-46. ctj 86-46 r- R E S U M E 'y ' r nm-rr E J. C--2AHAM Permanent Address: 298 N. W. 48th Street Miami, Florida 33127 Telephone No.: (305) 759-0387 Height: - - 5 t 711 — - --- - - - --- - Weight: 145 lbs. i Education: Norris Brown College - 1960Secx�ndary . - Education, Physical Education, B.A. Science I University of Miami - 1961 15 graduate hours Methods of Teaching Science. Methods of teaching Elementary school Florida A & M University - 1962 18 graduate hours Administration - 12 graduate hours Physical Education 3 graduate hours Psychology z--_•-. Florida International University - 1978-79 ` 3 graduate quarter hours Guidance 3 graduate quarter hours Cam=11ty Resources 3 graduate quarter hours Trends and Issues ' University of South Florida - May 5, 1980 Curriculum Writing EtTloyability Skills 5 ' Nova University - 1983 s M. S. Reading Employmezlt. August 1973 -Present Work ��ience Coordinator ,!/ } Thcras Jefferson Junior High School �. 525 N. W. 147th Street Miami, Florida 33168 (305) 681-7481 J-4,e--f� s �0 August 1968 - August 1973 Physical Education Teacher Riverside Elenent••arY 236 S. W. 12th Avenue Miami, Florida August 1965 - August 1968 Fifth Grade Classroom Teacher Douglas Elementary School 1200 N. W. 12th Street Miami, Florida w +9 a- �E-4L 7 kt i t Ism' _ - �loytrent con t: Augur t 1960 - August 1965 Physical Education Teacher ---- - ---- —Douglas.._Elementar-y --- -- - —-- -- - -- _ 1200 N. W. _ 12th _S_treet- - - Miami, Florida C.A.A. Administering Board, 4 years, Edison - pc lisianents: Little River C=Wnity Deve'OP'ent Advisory a ' son, 1 year► appointed Board, 3 years, C� � ��s elected by by the County Manager ► Vice Cam; rperson Edison -Little River C,rnnitY ► Buena Vistavention program, Block He Fund, Block Captain ofDivesand Captain 48 street Residents ► Chairperson Foundation Conmitt� Shores B.P.W. Club, to tee Chairperson EssaymL Hobbies and Interests: References: Travel, Art, Music, Drama -and Dance Available upon request. 8E-46 _i �i i iI yµL6 ffjj�� f I SANDY HALL 200 N.E. 45 Street Miami, Florida 33137 Ph.: 573-3536/379-9077 Education: (1) East Depot Street High La Grange, Georgia (2) Gammans College School of Theology (3) Lawson General Hospital School of Nursing (4) Boy Scouts School for Adult Leadership U.S. Army City County Hospital Hotel Manager (Imperial Hotel, Miami 1942-1947, Staff/Sgt. 1947-1959 1956-1986 Community Experience Chairman - Area -Wide Crime Prevention Council (Police Dept.) Chairman - Crime and Vandalism Council (Dade County Schools) Member - Deedco Board of Directors (Chairman) Subcommittee, Affirmative Action Committee Past Chairman - Edison Advisory Committee Edison Target Area Past Chairman - Edison Community Development Committee Elder - Westminister Presbyterian Church 4201 N.E. Second Avenue 8f -46 I am interested in the Edison community and, because of MY interest and my experience, I believe I can be of _ service to the City of _Miami as a member of_ the ----- -- -- - Advisory Board.For more than twelve (12) years, I have served on many boards and committees in the Miami area. I am well acquainted with the City government and many of its officials. f. If appointed to the Board, I would do all in my power as a member to work in the interest of both the community and the City of Miami. f �a Sandy Hall 200 N.E. 45 Street Miami, FL 33137 8E-46 a 41 Resume Paula L. Campbell -Stone 5130 N. W. 5th Avenue Miami, Florida 33127 Telephone 754-2114 Position Ob'ective city of Miami commission Advisory Board Member Employment December 1982 - Present Maintenance Administrator Facility Provision Center Southern Bell 8038 NE 2nd Avenue, Room 101 Mr. John M. Cius Miami, Florida 33138 Telephone Number 756-3533 Febuary 1973 - 1983 Service Adviser Traffic Business Services Southern Bell 7750 NW Both street Mrs. Gloria Washington Miami, Florida March 1969 - 1973 Service Representative Residence - Business Custarers Camercial Department Southern Bell 330 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33136 August 1968 - 1969 Directory Assistance Operator Traffic Department Southern Bell 196 Williams Avenue Goldsboro, North Carolina 86 -4E -' - - - -- - - - Decdaber 1966 :- 1968 - - Di-recEory assistance- razor- - - - - — - - - - Traafic-DePai-t Southern Bell 36 NE 2nd Street Miami, Florida 33136 April 1966 December 1966 Salesperson Sears Roebuck & caipanY Miami, Florida 8E-46 Personal Born: August 17, 1949 in Miami, Florida Height: 5' 6" Weight: 175 lbs. Marital Status: Divorced - Two teenage daughters Health: Excellent No Iimitations Education A. A. Business Administration, Miami Dade Camunity College, June 1977 �l organizations der, Saint Agnes Episcopal Church President, Miami Edison Senior High PTA-PTSA Advisory Cannittee Vice President, Miami Edison Senior High Band Patrons Association Chairperson, "I Can Help" Program North/Beach Test Center - Southern Bell Interest Ca=zicating with people. I like to meet people, feeling comfortable in expressing ideas clearly. Hobbies Tennis, Bicycle Riding, Card Playing, Backgamwn► Jazz Music (listening): Golf, Travel, Plants, and Handcraft (crochet) Reference: Will be furnished upon request. Available Date: January 23, 1986 86-46 .4 Pi RESUMES FOR LITTLE HAVANA 86-4E- January 8, 1986 To: Citizen Advisory Board Coxmunity I2evelop ent k _ I -Gloria Gyori reside at 1718 S.W. 17 Avenue fon 20 years. y `--VPhkch is named Little Havana o= so called -now Latin Qua tere ' I as very proud.. to live- in Little- Havana"( City o�.M,iasi ) and - I wish to ba-: a sehbez of the: -Citizen Advisory :.to represent the area* tl a3 -en hyed- at City of idiaai: My worms position •I- ther&,,i'e ;Tc oti it ant.. I have been employed there: for 8 years. i4r a ,'tom. I .hzpez ay fBac}ielors of Arts Degree from Havana and, rev:lidztcd College.. ,.-he re- -i n--Mi axi'',zt+Bi4Vlayne s I would be. such appreciative for file board to consider ae as -nesber;',to.�represent Little Havana area. If you need to contact •3• =nee tfor any'-furcall or write .. - EV 1 Gloria Gyori 1718 S,W. 17 Avenue • N,i a.�i , FL 33145 Ph. 854-3258 Hose j .Woes 579-6357 • 86-4L 86--46 io VOR HECTOR M. LOPEZ Phone: 545-6558_ 1235 W__.Flagler_St.Marital Status• Miami, Florida 33125 - - — ----- - Citizenship: USA EDUCATION: High School Diploma Received Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Special Trade School/Training: Seminars in Marketing and Sales, Miami, Florida EMPLOYMENT: -, 1973-Present:._ Owner/President City Discount Miami, Florida 1966-1972 Manager La Tijera Miami, Florida t _ = Salesman 1961-1966 La Tijera 3 Miami, Florida CIVIC ACTIVITIES: Member. of the Board of Directors, ofUSA,Quarter Association s Member, Latin Chamber of Commerce Member, Ciudamar Yacht Club Member, Miami Tennis Club opportunity Founder Member/Organizer with the Small Business Center of the Flagler Street Citizens Crime Watch REFERENCES: Available upon request 1 86--4& S Gtkr�" Phone: 545-6558_ 1235 W._Flagler_St. _ _— Marital Status• Married Miami, Florida 33125 - -.- - — -- - Citizenship: USA EDUCATION: _ High School Diploma Received Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Special Trade School/Training: Seminars in Marketing and Sales, Miami, Florida EMPLOYMENT: Owner/President 1973-Present:.. City Discount 1966-1972 1961-1966 Miami, Florida Manager La Tijera Miami, Florida Salesman La Tijera Miami, Florida CIVIC ACTIVITIES: Membbr-. of the Board of Directors, ofUSA,Quarter Association Member, Latin Chamber of Commerce Member, Ciudamar Yacht Club Member, Miami Tennis Club opportunity the Small Business Opp Y Founder Member/Organizer with Center of the Flagler Street Citizens Crime Watch REFERENCES: Available upon request . 86-48 0 MARTA LUIS BORN: OCTOBER 20, 1937 - U.S. CITIZEN FIRM: MARTA LUIS REALTOR 1231 S.W. 27th Avenue TELEPHONES:es8 idence: 856-044 R1 EDUCATION: High School:.Institue of Pinar del Rio, Cuba- Graduated Bachelor of Arts- 1951 College: School for Teachers- Havana, Cuba- Teacher's Certificate Graduated- 1954 University of Villonova, Havana, Cuba- Master Degree in Education- 2 years. Maimoothtcolfege, Asbury Park, N.J. Degree in Education- Graduate in 1957 School of Music Arts,iR°Vana ICuba- AceGraduated Forwarders, Inc., Export d Import Training Course- Hialeah, Florida Estate School- Miami, Florida -1969 Course - Arthur E. Wise Real Real Estate License Law University of Florida - Division nCof ContinuingIEducation- 970- Real Estate Principles and Practic 71 Chayt Real Estate School, Miami Beach, Florida- License Law- 1972 Florida International University- Division of Continuing Educa- tion- Recertification of Building and Solar Energy University of Miami- Residential Appraiser DiSouthmDade9Chapter 78 National Society of Real Estate App Holds a designation of R.E. Approisar. Registered Real Estoe Broker Licensed Mortgage Broker Certified as Export -Import Marketing's Teacher by Dade County Public Schools. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Member Miami Board of Realtors Member Florida Association of Realtors Member National Association of Realtors Member Latin Association of Realtors Cont'd......... 86-46 MARTA LUIS Page ## 2 i Cont'd... -ast. President -Latin -Association of -Realtors _1980-_ --P1 _ __ . _ _ -Past-Secretaryy-,- Second, -First Vice Pres. of the Latin Association of Realtors. 1975-to 1980 t Past First Vice -President Miami Board of Realtors 1984=1985 Secretary Miami Board of Realtors- 1985-1986 Director of Florida Association of Realtors Past Recipient of the Realtor of the Year, Post Throphy, and Arthur E. Parrish Awards from the Miami Board of Realtors COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: 199-198 City of Miami: Affirmative Action Adviiu� yaXBAd°vdsory7Board0 Dade County: Dade County Documentary 1984-1985 - REFERENCES: Rafael N Gabriel Florida - Eugenio odarse, M.D.-3201 West Flagler Street, Miami,33125 Diaz-Bergnes, Esq- 3971 S.W. 8th Street, Miami, 33135 Trujillo-1670 S.W. 27th Avenue, Miami, Florida,33145 • C W, 40th Street,Miami, Florida 33155 7th Street, Miami, Florida,3136 86-4F I R E S U M E Name: Mr. Enrique A. Vega Address: .1403 N.W. 7th Street, Apt. #205 Occupation:_ Community Activist e PoliticaLand Economical_Ssiznce Profession Publ-ic-Accountant,--Doctorat's-in Present: Community Involvement United Tenant Council, Inc. ; 1985- President 198L- Acting President 1984- Vice -?resident 1984- Member of the Board J U..2 ,i r'.s Ctor QTAC ber of the five (5) member Executive Committee UTC Representative and Board Member " iiozida Silverhaired Legislature Elected by Caitec -z: ant Council and the C`�airm-n as Ne_ : _srntsci-%e - fnnc Elected b- United Tenant ,._ :r..C. as c re"resentat- e to Tc! "- 198-- Dade County Elderly Services 19S5- Miami Civic League, Inc. ,cS5— Miami Citizens i--=: _..t Crime 86-46 tow is OFFICERS Era Davis Speaker of the House 6303 Sun Eagle Lane Bradenton. FL 33507 (813) 755-4331 . Paul Holmes President of Senate 3283 Sheringharrt+ Road Orlando. FL 32808 (305) 293-3725 Sam Schwimer. House Speaker Pro-Tem :-1061 Qrange Terrace. Apt. 104 Nlraj Beach. FL 33"5 (30S) 472-4634 Jeanne Sklar Senate President Pro -Tern 5<3 Flanders L Delray Beach. FL 33a45 (305) 499-3969 Bob Wattles :. Executive Director P.O. Box 3306 Orlando. FL 32802 (305) 843-6379 r. t To Whom It May Concern: I certify that - On July 1984 Mr. Enrique A. Vega was elected to represent United Tenant Council, Inc. in this organization. That on September 1984 he went to Tallahassee as part of Dade County Delegation as a representative. That -on 1985 he was again elected by his,United Tenant Council, Inc. to represent them in the Florida Silver -Haired Legislature, Inc. That on November 17 to='21 he attended the session in Tallahassee and on the 21st he was elected Treasurer of our Dade County Delegation. Victor Floming, Cha•- n Dade County Delegat o Tel. r (305) 382-197 sf;-4F January 8, 1986 Mr. Frank Castaneday DevelopmentDofether _ Community City of Miami 1100 N.W. 12th Avenue Miami, Florida Dear Mr. Castaneda: �� 1986 I was honored with the In the elections of January oters Development of overwhelming support of the eligaheeCounity f our comminity mm to be nominated as a member of # of Miami" the City accept said It is with great pride and sfor tisthetapproval and selection nomination and look for by the City of Miami Commission. lace all of my enthusiasm in this I assure you that I would place you in the development of task and I would be working our wonderful city - Very truly yours, fLLA A �S 130 N.W• 24th Court Miami,,Florida 33126 i! c .�v - 86-4E a PERSONAL REFERENCE: JOSE A• VILLALOBOS _ 130 N.W• 24th Court Miami, Florida 33126 Tel. (305) 642-9981 (Have leaved at this address — for -the last- 26--years) -- - _ —_ -- - Social Security No.: 264-66-3595 Married - 4 sons Date of Birth:'. -August 27, 1913 anish Language: Fluent English and Sp Citizenship: Unites States of America Place of Birth: Cuba EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Bachelor of Arts and :Sciences from Instituto de la Habana, Cuba. the University of Habana. Five (5) years of medical school at1974 and In 1972 obtained the-- Real•. Estate SBothnain LthensUnited 1States. the Real Estate Brokers License. on Real Estate selling and planning; Have attended numerous seminars on community activities;.and community development. Attend ed University of Miami and Miami Dade Community College on continuation of Real Estate studies. EMPLOYMENT: Arrived in United States of America in 1959. 1959-1960 Employed Gasoline by Yellow Cab Company. _ dealer and service Royal Palm OcO Colony 1960-1961 1961-1963 Employed Realty and by Mecalling promoting invest- the United States p traveling throughout ments to South Florida. custome tailoring Machelino Mens Shop 1963-1970 Merchant and owner of Downtown, Miami, Florida. 1970-1972 Further promotions of investment the Habanaouas Assistant 1972-1982 Employed a by Reyes company, for the Latin American Depae�altAssistant to the 1982-1985 Manager Employed by the City of Miami as Sp th special eenfacies duties Mayor of the City of Miami s thecdevelop- special and affairs and phe hispanic t converns ment of bridges of comm nica ion be weerethnsectors community in Little Habana the Mayor's Office. in addition, seasonal Auditor and Alternative tual hand ier Inspector of Miami fora theai State representing Florida. Wagering Division Employed at Martell & Villalobos, P.A. on a part time basis. 86 -4E s • COMMUNITY SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES:_ of the third largest city (Guanabacoa) Habana, Cuba Elected Mayor for six ( 6 ) consecutive terms:_1940-1959 . — Member of: Rotary Club, Cuba. Knight of Colombus. The Sons of the Veterans of the Spanish American War. President o the Escolopios Alummni Association. Imperial Order Byzatin Constantino the Great 1984. Honorary Fellow of Liceo Club 1972. Former President of Munici.pio de Guanabacoa en el Exilio. s Member of Asamblea P. Habana de Cuba en el Exilio. 86-46 s RESUMES FOR MODEL CITY E 56-4� nSUMES FOR MODEL CITY sE-4� 0 January 8, 1986 Ms. Cathy Leff Assistant Director Community Programs Division 1145 N.W. llth Street Miami, Florida 33136 Dear Cathy: an up -dated copy of my resume for consideration for Attached per your request is appointment on the City-wide Community Development Advisory Board. etro de Based on my past experiences working with I bfeel oth t that, t e f insight MimiaandM handsDaon Community Development Advisory Boards, experience that was obtained will not only benefit the Advisory Board, but the total Model City community. I am currently the Chairman of the hteenMartin l8)Luther years been a member ofEconomic e8elafonte Corporation and have for the past eig (gives Tacolcy Center, Inc. My involvement withthe andtwo econom c organizations development settings. experience of working both in social services If there are any questions or concerns regarding or 5 9i formation contained herin, please don't hesitate to contact me at 754 618. nsicerly, Cornelius E. Allen 86--48 VITA CORNELIUS E. ALLEN - PER50NAL DATA: _ —_- - - - - - ------ -" - — - — - -- - Address: 912-N.W. 64th Street Miami, Florida 33150 Telephone: (305) 754-9695 Marital Status: Single Religion: Episcopal Birthdate: April 25, 1951 I Miami, Florida EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Miami Northwestern Senior High School Miami, Florida - 1969 Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Tallahassee, Florida - B.S. Degree in Political Science, 1973 Pepperdine University - Los Angeles, California - Master of Arts - Public Administration, 1977 OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY: Administrative Assistant April, 1984 - Present Metro -Miami ction an i inating Serves as Assistant to the D e process of odeveloping the p _ and directly supervising from implementing Recommended Actions emanating functions includes ' and the MMAP Process. Principal and supervision of special projects; coordination development of MMAP's contractuaresentse5 the MMAP supervision of staff; and rep out policy direc- in his abhec Director tives as stated by Directorng �4 SM� •� VITA Cornelius E. Allen Page -2- a June, 1979 - April, - 19-8- 4— -Cornnuni t l rDeve-Agency— ---_--- ountomnunityAsti6n a e Serves as Community Organizer and Planner for imple- mentation of CD and citizen participation processes and activities. Principal functions includes assisting in developing a vehicle for advocacy for community participants; identify training needs of and provide training; acts as liaison r the community; between community groups and private, civic and/or public agencies; prepare written and oral reports as required. November, 1977 - Administrative Assistant I (Acting) Dade County Community Action Agency June, 1979 Committee of Served as staff support to the Policy the Community Action Agency's Administering Board. Principal functions includednotices meetings place n and agenda of meetings; for Policy Committee search and source gathering members; montliects reports oSomeo analysis andrkfhnancial s on committee prof rams undertaken. audit of other units and programs September, 1973 - Driver Attendant Supervisor November, 1977-Dade County Community ction Agency Responsible for the scheduling, routing, coordina- ort tion and dispatching d f assengersvehiclesuinsed thetransoverall indigent clients an P Transportation Unit. Duties includodtmaintaining. Served as driver vehicle log and monthly supervisor in the absence of the Transportation Coordinator. June, 1971 - August, 1971 Counselor Dade County Summer Youth Program Summer program for "Action to Rene disadvantaged Environ- ment." Duties included working t and causes of youth in understanding en i ondays of pracmen tical pollution. Duties involved theory and lesson revof land threeesson review.days of field work and implementation A VITA Cornelius E. Allen Page -3- _ June, 1970 - August, 1970 Surve /Intervieweram—_Admintstrative-Office---- - -- -- --Mo Tties- rod Duties included a survey ie a ra nd m sample of various communities in t a. Survey was a census and attitudial response cream residents on the forthcoming pans for Duties included an interview with that sample of community residents assigned. April, 1967 - Youth Counselor September, 1969 P.I. of Greater Miami, Inc. Coordinated recreational activities of the T.A.C.O.L.C.Y. Youth Center. Duties included the scheduling of field trips, counseling of youth on youth problems, hfov to te andstaff Support area, an the Executiveouth inh Directoraof the Center. ORGANIZATIONS Board of Directors - Belafonte.Tacolcy Youth Center, Inc. Board of Directors - Martin Luther King Economic Development Corporation Member - National Forum for Black Public Administrators Member - Crisis Prevention and Response Team (Metro -Dade) R E S U M E James_B__Campb�ll - - --- - - - — -- - - - Personal Data: -. James B. Campbell Address: 1180 N.W. 59},}ti Street Date of .Birth: July 25, 1913 Marital -Status: Married Educated: Clarendon College, Jamaica Central Life -�`~Emulo His - 1979 to Present - Retired District Manager - Insurance Company. + _ District Manager -Field Representative - 1958 to 1979 446 N.W. %tz •- Insurance Company► Central Lit - Avenue'? Avenue, Miami, Florida In the charge of day-to-day operations of hich included supervision InsuranceInsurance agency, w of agents, accountability for all monies collected and banking. Chef Cook - U-S- . Sugar Company _ 1953 to 1957 managment of operations of In charge of all kitchen duties. Volunteer Activities: Neighborhood ACTnitedn Vice-president of Martin Luther Member of People Member of Crime WachforCity Of 14ty (p•U-I'-S'E-) to Lead the Struggle SE-48 a 11 R E S U M E James-B--Campbell - - --- - ----- - - - - Personal Data: James B. Campbell .Address: 1180 N.W. 59th Street Date of July 25, 1913 �;�Marital Status: Married Educated: Jamaica Clarendon College, Emfllovment History: _ Central Life 1979 to Present - Retired District Manager Insurance Company. District Manager -Field Representative - 1958 to 1979 7�z Central Life Insurance Company, qa6 N.W. ..venue, Miami , Florida In charge of day-to-day operations of the Insurance agency, which included supervision of agents, accountability for all monies collected and banking - Chef - f Cook - U.S. Sugar Company 1953 to 1957 _ In charge of managment of operations o all kitchen duties. volunteer Activities: Martin Luther King Neighborhood Association, vice -President of M of Miar;ti, Member of People Member of Crime Wa c for Equality (P•U•L.S.E.) to Lead the Struggle SE-46 f'RUFFSSID��AL E;t^I.�:1F.NCE AND TRAINING OF Samuel H. Latimot'e 932 N.W. 55th Street, Miami, Florida 3312.7 ---t305.� 756-6126-- PERSONAL 1g46 January 25, R Date of Birth: Cuthbert, Georgia Place of Birth: Married Marital Status: _ 5 1 7 - 155. Lbs . Height-Weighf: Satisfattory Health: OBJECTIVE structor in an educational institution or staff To obtain a position as an in development organization. EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor, responsible for Human 1980-Present Skills training for Basic Law Enforcement and Corrections officers. Additionally, instruct in supervisory and management courses. District Intake Counselor 1978-1980 ative casework and Performed investigative counseling services for a juvenile intake unit within the Florida Department of Health an Rehabilitative Services. Detention Superintendent III 1973-1978 Responsible administrative work in directing the activities and operations of a large ReSpon- heajuvenile secure correctional operatic budget, staff bible foeCdevelopment activities and pro9r functions. Detention Child Care Supervisor 1972-1973 supervisory work Responsible sup in the care an custody of youth on an assigned shift in a secure correctional facility. SG-116 Z '..itinn•i II. I .tl.iin�ir�' Cetention Child Care '.;orker ?I (Assistant 1968-1973 Supervisor) Responsible supervisory ,position in the care detention and custody of youth in a secure_ _ -" center. ADD IT I ON —AL WORK EXPERIENCE Restaurant Operations for Champburaer Director of 1971-1972 Fastfood Operation - ations�intAtlantaion and - Responsible position in t0padminist foode supervision of fast Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Georgia, Medical Corpsman - Specialist 4 -"U:S. Army. 1966-1967 r. Major duties included work in several ma�oviding incl.uded,R hospitals in Germany. Duties counseling and medical services to intensive injured soldiers during the Vietnam War. EXPERIENCE IN TEACHING Adjunct Instructor (part-time) - Miami -Dade of 1976-1980 Community College - North Campus Division Responsibilities included Public Service. instruction in the areas of criminal providing and juvenile justice, police -community of relations, human relations, principles illness, and other social human behavior, mental and behavioral courses. Adjunct Instructor (Nova University) 1981 Responsibilities included teaching interpersonal relations and group process. Resource Instructor (part-time) - Florida Responsibilities included 1979 Memorial College. teaching various subjects in the areas of community organization and government, related subjects. sociology, psychology, and J �• i .+' �„�icurl I1. L.itir.,�rC _ 7 EDUCATION Comp`ieting graduate I uirement5 for Ed-D. Present degree in curriculum and' instruction- Received a Master- of Scence __ ne-Collegen_ theiarea_ofgHuman_ _ Biscayi Administration tract. Resources - Received a Bachelor of Science degree in Social International University. 1976 Work from Florida Received a -Bachelor of Science degree in International -- 1975 '— _ -- _ .from Florida Criminal Justice. University. Received an Associate of Arts degree in Miami -Dade Communi-ty.College- '1970 Education from North Campus. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS (1) Urgan League Leadership Fellow Council on Crime and Delinquency (2) Florida s (3) Florida Association of Community gins. and Youth, (4) Florida Center for Children (5) Miami Association of Black Social Workers Law Enforcement Executives 6) National Organization (7) Correction of Black Association American () American Society for Training and Development Criminal Justice Educators (9) Florida Association of INTERESTS__ Graphic Arts Tennis Photography Reading REFERENCES References will be furnished upon request. 41.12 SG-4F i RESUMES FOR OVERTOWN RESUMES FOR WYNWOOD 86--46 - _-- - Miami, Florida, January 6th, 1986 a t t t Dear Sir/ Madam: I am interested in being considered for the Community Development Advisory Board. Enclosed is my resume. I hope to hear from you soom. Sincerely, 179/ �jF;� cc. Sister Ana Lu s Director 86--4E f Sister Ana Luisa Dorja - Miami,- Florida- 33127- - --- - - (3a5) 576-3461 Education Miami. Fla. 1982 B.A. Social Sciences, St. Thomas of Villanova University, 1967, Pianist Quito. Ecuador Conservatorio San Francisco, Professional Experience CCS. San Juan de Puerto Rico Day ( 1970 - present )rend Executive Center. Neighborhood Missionary Worker, St. Robert Bellamine Catholic Church (.1968 - 1970) Miami, Florida 1 Santa Mariana de Jesus High School, Buga, ( i9(�p _ 1968 ) Principal . Colombia, S. A. Teacher: Litterature,-World History Languages: Fluency in English and Spanish Other Interests: Pianist 4E G Y 2 Dorothy Quintana 262 N.W. 34 Street Miami, Fla. 33127 Teleohone: 576-3393 - Personal Data. -- ------Birth`Dwt67--August Z 19Q9 _ _ --- -- --- -- - - Birth Place: Ponce, Puerto Rico - Weight: 125 lbs. Height: 511" Status: married for 39 years ' Occupation: housewife Experience: I have been a resident of the Wynwood area for 30 years. 28 years living at 263 N.W.34 Street and 2 yrs at 2.44 N.W. 32 Street. " Comprehensive Crime Prevention Project member 1980 until present Human Resources Advisory Council 1976 until present Elderly Services 140 West Flagler Areawide Agency on Aging United Way 950 S.W.2 Ave. advisory council member 1980 until present Community Development City of Miami Chairperson 1982 until present Community Action Agency Wynwood Advisory Council member 1974 until present Holy Confort Episcopal Church Social Services 1974 until present Community Activist and leader since 1974. 86--4E- 0 :---- -- .. t: _• Y�i ••;4'•� `i'7 `' c►•• ? "K'�,: C C•�t t'S.t rin" i ti• i •Y��•�.x. aii.'i rt,w •{ U. WO nt :.i}fyt r� 'F:��-��:r,`✓II ri�•�4a,M.r_I;t:.S:`�•�7ty�.''� :�y }t'' :1' .r N'. a;. _ -{ 3- .it _L .r,• ,t .v: Ir •,.� :1'� .rt �.ts.-` i ��i.�Lal�S '�•/ •.t•':'i •�(J••lt'.�,n ��I.��I:•�7�7I�.�i^.I.s.t����•Y.�r'.f •'. •r�'•►l'. �Af.�tF���' :a' • �Tl: 16 is �.•1�{.y,. �t1�.<`=�e it[�t�' tr. ,.(tjst :t•. �...T.,l C'..• 3.:.i `'`}...t'!t'+�,ll,-;�/...: •. 1 r; :i'� .� .} .:•p w'. • i'. r. ,�1��•_r_ �Y�v. .}!�'t• '� T �:.�.:){t'�, 1 .Y ,•. r�. . J�'.: •1., j.C•••'%'s ••,•t::••� i i.'`I ♦.1• ir, l: •� ••.31•'•t, fit/�"r !� .•;F'.. �• { �'� Y J .'t:h� 1;. j y .. �. •'ir ' : �.. �r•t ..1 •� : ;i•-1�; .• -i • I�t �J�y t �� i ' !•t 54��' •.' .'S • t F •�.t �• : \J' tAF •':r • 4 �• /..: /' .,.� CERTIFICATE O>. t ; '.{ : r;,, : • r• rt ' T-•y •ii i, ::�:. r,i' .jam ..t\ .i 1 �'.�. t.�1, ii :' i... ' ii .f•+ h'i�:. '.v 1' .. •.t5° ,.a'{• f`.R rf ' •y �t .. a' ..•�:`:; .. �t ._ •;; t ', � •L� . •�':.�. ..:,'-. 'sir DOROTHY QU I NTANA I Member, Advisory Council, Elderly Services Division Department of M man Resources As Mayor of Metropolitan Dade Counh, I take great pleasure J g in presenting this Certificate of Appreciation to you in recognition of your valuable contribution to our community on this, the 16 t hday of the month of May 19.79 in Metropolitan Dade County. Florida ' Metropolitan Dade County Pr.�?4%,�i�5t�i781r.�Jrat.3�,�_6.1ct�r.�.iaer.�4,e.�....,. •...� � � — �— — --- — - , � qu Illu� I I II II I I I 1 III III III I I I ili IIIIII I��i�l - 11. •�' ,nt";%''!;' •}'• .`s �� • 1`��...•' r+, x: �.�.'� , \�•. ,.f' r••e. . w •, 1� �' < ✓!: \. .� is+.V.:? "Z?: a tls y'•a �""'L 1iJ �'''•t*'�� �,N.j y -T,'''� t.,�� '7r'`F .�� ! �'L -��s i 1%'ram .1 �1!•\• %,,rlJ,.'�'�*`�1.r r ,J a^ll. 1- 1y!,_'SN;�M.C!' •V ."u' Ij�l.far.li"•" W y. .•sta+vr. � J."t •" \..,. •V T, I'V '.\ tom: V� `�.o� !��'{�(�_"a 3•i" a.�:�t j�� +�{t Jj" ��{/.�;yw '�.. > b. r �l ?s :. . •# i1 :� r0 t& ��� i . ti � 1�� ••i a, d a .L . • �s �i w a - 1 •t :: �� •. t a :��.. 1 • a � j i 1913 i SUMMER CAMP ilt.•un/ by I IJ I`lUl^ u U V All.puub � •Tow.*/ ft nn4p Comprehensive Crime Prevention Unit MIAMI FOLIC. OtfARTMINT • ITV ACt� AO.NCY Miami Police Department .o...,,N i; • Concerned Citizens of Auapattah, wynwood & Edison Summer Youth Pro'gram CERTIFICATE I OF APPRECIATION i %r.S. .. TO. ' In Recognition for Outstanding Communit - - -' Service And Contribu CO�RDI •~ ' OER RELATIONS DATE °" ' ..:s: ,''�• :1 J, .!^ . ��,rl r-I�<11�1 �- V: I.l:.�i;Ci7 �' t• •1•r; 'ra• i. •j . t . t T 1 . =frt!LyKX•v' i.�l�i�iSJ►�2a�.�tl71�`.1��'i1l�i/.�filu'li�ACa.wt.�Nal�l.sw�ra..� ....,.....».-- --� ot slytttA-56�4h` - - e, may. _ f fly .- —•'M %r, L? .- takes pleasure in presenting this �� ` ' -a'R ta ,• ��} .y.�.'i •• .. .. ' L ..°. -- ... .•. •- .. ems, i.Y• •': J.,'',,:'J to � .. In recognition of your important contribution to this community, we do hereby convey c gratitude by issuing to you this Certificate.of Appreciation.''" o the month . •--•'.lt• On this, the —day f I: ; • �d�r�F, 1991 in the City of Miami, Florida. (� '. fir' !� • Jib '°`' I• ;1 - .. I••� � • 5�1' �r��•�r�:..,..-a !`:fit'ir: �7�J'C���r. • �'^`•lw� • ilt: r✓ .. ,i' _�i�_yr,�: ,._! tri »� - 4 i � i�ii� a •► -- t •J. ••:11 (. �11. L.•�: :1 ..j/p'�.:.i t•.,•,'r; .•'t ,•• •�. •' .�;.'.'..'a1a �, �° 1 .. .�. t... I .l. � 1•' ' . • ' ' '• 1 __11 '••• 'S il•. .� ts..�L FJ•i •. /•.� �• � :,. t �L ! ' �• .\' , r •• �,•',t" %!..I. fir,%:a.f+i• }4•«•'ti.. ,.., �... ...: c-a..� 1 �t.�.. •,, :4 • .I:'`-�• �'* ( •-1 ,L' ••, •(./ 'I t, l•I.1. ••11. , i(11►., R.,y.'•.(.. :M 1� 7r �.• ''• •; Hispanic Advocate '' a ' Heralded as the opportunity" for Blacks in the late 1800's. Dorothy Qutnana,,an .,•r, j,' r: :t :.•; , for the Elderly _t t Dade County became home for many Blacks from. Georgia, South'''' i ' ' `Carolina and the Bahamas. They parented many of our Black elderly .' ° ► .,I'm like a social worker in this neighborhood,' is the way Dorothy °residents who are among the real pioneers of Dade. Some 15,000. ;1 ; f •_ . _; . ! Quintana describes her life in Miami's downtown WynW�. area..- ,. ' strong, most of Dade's Black elderly have spent the majority of their ., . At 72, Dorothy is still young_ ' ears here. I never thought myself old. Even when I was 65 1 was still working .y The Black elderly are concentrated in these typically low-income• � . And that's why, since 1 was 65, tin helping others.' For starters, areas: Edison -Little River, Model City, West Goulds, Seminole, Dorothy helps her 98 year -old mother and 89 year -old aunt vAo live Washington Heights: and t lrertown. Many elderly Blacks will with her. Her schedule is crammed with bingo, church, and DHR remember the 'Central Negro District; known now as Overtown, Elderly Services Advisory Council meetings. With what huge time is left before the building of Interstate Highway 95 dissected the communi- she makes herself available to neighborhood people whb need help. Of Puerto Rican heritage, Dorothy says keeping the old and young ty• This area, with its integrated nightclubs and Northwest Second Avenue Black -owned businesses, was a central spot decades ago. generations together would improve the lives of the elderly. 'Don't forget that the young will become old. You have to mix them Many elderly still live in the county's second oldest Black community. The majority of Black elderly who still work at self-employed oc- cupations and hug both of them —the children because of ffte future, — maids, janitors, gardeners, handymen — are not covered - and the elderly because they worked for this.' by Social Security. The non -working elderly have histories of lesser- ; skilled and lower paying jobs performed decades ago when employ- t ment options and Social Security were limited. Consequently, Social Security benefits, a financial cushion for the white elderly, are not available to many Black elderly. The Black Elderly — DaMs Pioneers Mrs. B, 6q, proudly straightened the net on her small black hat as she readied herself for her usual Sunday ac- tivity — the morning service at Overtown's Mt. Zion Bap- tist Church.; The radio, which was airing a church ser- vice, announced the time. She lead to hurry: Rehearsal for choir, tier main activi- ty after Mr. Fs;death 13 years ago, was beginning in five minutes. I But two neighbors had been sick this morning and Mrs. B had stopped by for a visit. She worried especially about one elderly neighbor whose sight was fading. Mrs. r B wanted her -to get help but didn't know how to take her to a clinic Mrs. 8 frdwned a moment, bothered by her problem, then brushd ,her hat off and stepped into the warm Sunday moaning. God had given tier another day and she was going to make the best of it. ' I I 111. 1 • l i " I .. I _. d J 10 For the black elderly life has meant the slum, the public aid roll, the second hand store and the empty table. They have lived through six decades of inadequate medical care and have. survived the ravages of discrimination, poor education, slum conditions and unemployment. U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging 1971 Housing is another area which especially hurts Black elderly renters. Requests for rent control and more public housing are h;gh on the local Black elderly needs list. Low income areas where elderly live tend to also be high crime areas. Fear of violence is realistic. 11 taf7 1 Ij Memorial Cope ' It 49 o o O r s r O A CM�•1C:• M•ra 0 �A A 1819 Police / Community Human Relations Workshops Certificate of Appreciation ' Presented to DOROTHY QU 1 NTANA In Recognition of Outstanding Service. and Contribution ' a SEPTEMBER 20, 1985 Chief of Police President `� .�.* « . ♦ 1 +-� ,a �. �� r fop '• I.• �.a ►� '�• 1 l`:}; i•' . ~ •".j,,'���sJ���7 v jr �. r_1 L.t��.► �,.^;rr ' �r hal7�►• ,yam=rri y w� w 4iii• �G ?�r �•3 ?ai�'b. �%�.f` .+Y�� PRECIATIO� M.R. Sforholm. County Manager ..TnTHE METRO-ADE ELDERLY SERVICES !"ADVISORY COUNCIL A Kbkt.dbvfto.vra..y N.,y.7o...rl u.l •A EL 0"t q4Q;Q"- m In Recognition THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA i most gratefully presents this certificate to DOROTHY QUINTANA •ij �t -1 .{fIj } II , M l r t 1�. t ' � . �� / I ► ail i '"�'' - a ^ 'r!"y ;''�`••� r�� 1/ .d' ��f;,',f���,�Ci�����t`�',''""'1�;t'cj�� 1�\Fr ,j'{t i I40 � 9 forlade anallonroe COuntleS . presents to 0r0 t uln.ana _ t .. to of 1�, reciation - tca GRATEFUL RECOGNITION OF OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP IN PROVIDED AS SECRETARY OF. THE ADVISORY COUNCIL TO THE AREA AGENCY .ON AGING r DIRECTOR t• �. !+� .Y ..'.. vy •.��{.;.7�, •'f, i, •• �::t:'i _.� :� •��. .}' a s .' �� _�li.. 'i•:i _' ,'i .,1 = � � i �..`. A # �� + , � ��� :r '� ..r. .� r ! a• .� i� -t�.: �I iw .i rtk•cl�...�•�^.lr�•►•�•w�.1'',�1. � �,�� 'f.•:.),.N•,4.t.'•i. �t�_=fl;.. .F•i1• .•. � ^ ' �• : 'i''. _•.. L � it _ � f 1 ['t.�. �t��, • �' f•Y'1 . tT.• •,"i. yf+^ 3 .. •e'1�� .' '��'' � , • '� T..`' i• 1 Y a •. y2. y •: � ..r. • �ti.l, a®� � �.. •��.1 '�i'il ., tt '• O, ••� f:•: ��• �. 1. !• r t,'a � �}... . .7:�• , i•`;; _•; ._ 1 ^ ,. .. ...'% ..J �'L,t ;. �•x'�r:: w. �. �i. ti�� =�� /• ��.� �.:.. _ it " ra'.l:S ,. :�we.. :. i G,4 i At 1 - - - ---- - - pow D ' AI forlde adfilonroe Counties ppe Presen o 1 1U ut , te oflIpprecialioll , �e . 1 IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION OF OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP PROVIDED AS SECRETARY OF. THE i • ADVISORY COUNCIL TO THE AREA AGENCY ; ON AGING DIRECTOR -, 3 DAT , . ► - IN } •�' tom'. ...� J - •\ .f .•` rvl� �l' iw �•af 1•' t1 :i r. •C '�'1: f "/• �) +�f•..:'�. d` �' .�•,� y, ,,, y� �/�♦.� y �•�, t• .._/ �_ V. y//i. 1►,./tR •1ta.;+,C,•- ,: ► .Sic :�.. ,r� .�•�� �,' j'y' .f �y.f�•,:.?•• t '�.11-.si.v.. •�-,�. i,• � •��:✓1�'. i � j I!.#` �%� '{• 1�1 ��� . P ! rf rr.. i; •'. 'y.. � j!, .E T..y ;•i �.a.'.., 7i�• , i';; _�j .. • ,:• � .. ...•i. s t/,t '.� �• �•�• ...r;., � ._..1 s•�. ..�i.: •.�..,,/,�:`` ' ';tr /y tlr:nt. .i,, •�,�`�`.::, t i• Y• '� � 2� �� "� .�'S .. 7; .� r... a.s• s, ..:• � �� �. �! T c } C.? MICHAEL KOSNITZKY 600 N.E. 36th Street #T-03 Miami, Florida 33137 OCC- Nr_EXPERIENCE- - - -- - -- - SPARBER, SHEVIN, SHAPO, HEILBRONNER April, 1985 & BOOK, Attorneys to Present Miami, Florida Tax and Corporate Lawyer May, 1984 DAVIS POLK AND WARDWELL, Attorneys to April, 1985 New York, New York Tax and Corporate Lawyer January, 1979 ERNST & WHINNEY, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS to December, 1983 Miami, Florida Auditor and Tax Accountant CQRRENT PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Pro bono work for indigent plaintiffs C Extensive assistance to tax-exempt organiza- tions in their formation and maintenance of exempt status EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI LAW SCHOOL Coral Gables, Florida J.D. 1983 Ranked first in class Wesley Alba Sturges Award Recipient, 1983 Cum Laude UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI Miami, Florida H.H.A. in Accounting, 1979 rhi University man, ami Rosson&r Schola Company sAccounting Mallah, Scholarship Magna Cum Laude MIAMI DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE - NORTH CAMPUS Miami, Florida A.A. 1978 Summa Cum Laude Attended UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY at West Point. i - f L AFFILIATIONS pT*gE t INFORMATION REFERENCES f Florida Bar Member New York Bar Member Certified Public Accountant (Florida and New York) American Institute - of Cer-ti-fied - - Public Accountants Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants North Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Former Vice -President of Beta Alpha Psi National Accounting Honor Society • "Working With Prelated actical Corporations" Accountant, August, T and II, h September, 1985 • Florida Institute of Certified Public cturer Award 1982, Accountants Outstanding Le 1983 and 1984 o Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants Lecturer and Discussion Leader• Southeast Bank, N.A. Training Program - Tax Update Lecturer Tax and Secured Transactions Instructor for the University of Miami CPA Review Course U.S. Military Academy Wrestling Team o Appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis Congressman Mario Biaggi Ronald L. Book Bill Gunther Robert L. Shevin Byron L. Sparber January, 1986 06-155-068/3** Sf -46 i 1 i 3 i s Y 4 t' d 1 i j j RESUMES FOR PRIVATE SECTOR c y r ' 0 January 8, 1986 Department of Community Development 1.145 N:W..11th Street_-__-_. Miami, Florida 33.136 3 Re: Community Development Advisory Board Dear Sir or Madam: community evel In response to the notice in Miami med a pcdaoivate sector membee pment Advisory Board, I would like to be considered I live, work and attend church in Coconut Grove, andchildren school on adual degree at at Coconut Grove Elementary School. I m also working the University of Miami: an MBA and Master's in Urban and Regional Planning. My interest in community development is a long-standing one. My husband and I are owners of T.A.S.C., Technical/Administrative support Consultants, nt he is at a private technical and inmanagementAfrican I've lived business; n a variety ofecultural environments, work on a relief project in speak some Spanish, a little French and have ties to the diverse communities of our area. Should you not select me, I would still be available to assist the Board in some other capacity. a good place to live and I would like to help Miami and the Grove have been provide direction for their enhancement. Sincerely, Sue Scharth Alger Name: Sue Scharth Alger Address: 3051 Lime Court - Coconut Grove, Florida 33133-5117 (305) 446-2990 Business:Vice President, T.A.S.C. -- -- ` -- - - --------0gEN -R-0AD; 4NG: - - - __-.3051- Lime Court - - - ---- - Coconut Grove, Florida 33133-5117 Also currently employed as: Office Manager TILDEN TACHI be PALES, ARCHITECTS 2699 South Bayshore Drive, Suite 800 Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 (305) 854-0085 Past and Current Participation in Community Affairs: Friends of Miami Dade Library; member Annual Dinner Committee. Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce; active participant in chamber activities for the community. PTA, Coconut Grove Elementary School; member (special interest: trash clean-up). Bryan Memorial Methodist Church; Administrative Board member, Daycare Advisory Board member, member of Committee on Historic Recognition. Institute for Environmental Ethics of 1-Iiami Dade Community College, Founding Member. Member: National Trust for Historic Preservation Nature Conservancy . American Land Resource Association Past Member: Virginia Coalition on Nutrition Qualifications: Education: University of Nebraska, 1971. B.A. - Geography and Latin American Studies. University of Miami, in progress. RIBA and MURP, dual degree. Planagerial, Administrative, Personnel Development: Extensive experience ranging from national corporations, educational institutions through small service and professional business. Training, Promotional, Seminars: On-the-job employee training, development of training materials, product training, personal care and presentation lectures, teaching in public schools in four states. Sb-46 • .ram F F RESUME 3" Name; Evelio Barriel Home address: 1791 NW 16 Street Miami, FL 33125 _ -- Home phone:-(SOS)S'�'6068 - -- - Office phone: (305)324-7630 Occupation: Businessman EMPLOYMENT PAST' Inspector, Quality Control, General Electric Corp. at 1971-1973: P ' Bridgeport, Connecticut. Home Home in New Jersey. 1974-19 i5 • Salesman, _ - CURRENT EMPLOYMENT 1976-1984: President and Administrator. Nice 6 Easy Warehouse, 1881 NW 20 Street, Miami, F1 33142 (305) 324-7630 Firm on West New York, New Jersey on 1974 and from 1976 to present time in Miami, Florida. EDUCATION Elementary: Escuela Jose Marti, Dos Caminos, Oriente, Cuba. Junior High Oriente, Cuba. • School: Escuela Privada Doble Few, San Luis, High School: Graduated from High School on March I1, 1975, State of Florida. Couty Public School of Building Other: Graduated in Dade ruary-7' 197S. Maintenance on February MEMBERSHIPS Association San Luiseros. 'strito Comercial a Industrial de Las Americas,`Jice-President Asociacion del Di Zne� Director. Allapattah Business Development Authority, SVr�� r T.'L.S k.iG ' pj.,NCIPAL Ms- Gladys J • Brown t...�•� ADDpFSS 1130 N.w. 60th Street JUEFlorida 33127 . ,CITY, DOL'ti'lY STAIS ZIP -Miami � 'TII,r-pHOi� (Area Code) EDUCATION !a ida Hich School - EuclA.d r' College - Bethuner Cookman College Numerous Seminars and workshops _ FLS AND MI F"rSSIONAL �l SS Florida i Present Brown, Cleaner, Miami, Fran 19 74 to 19 _ ... Owner and Operator 6 2 to 19 74 Sears Roebuck - Co . - Seamstress, From 19 wood Florida _ Miami/Manager of Alterations, Holly _. Fromm 19 to Present pC�I�•IRAC-PpR LIMSFS : 3 - 3 _ AGTIVITM Martin Luther Kincz Nei hborhood Association Adviso Board; ^a - Vice -President Martin Luther Kin , ECO. Dev. Corp. .. (Furnished upon request) a bA i •------------------------------------��—��_—�. )i ---------------------------------- --------------- • 1 Attach additic al LdOrmaticn necessary i ��L � j 0 • 6116 N.W. 70 1lvenue*MIami# Florida .33127*Telej)hone:757-7652 January 8, 1986 z Citywide Community Development Advisory Board The City of Miami ' Community Development office 1145 N.W. llth Street Miami, Florida 33136 Gentlemen: . Please be advised that the Executive MCommittee Calhoun�sdresumeeapplicationnto Association has elected to endorse r serve as representative on the Citywide Community Development Advisory Board. We strongly feel that Mr. Calhoun, because of his many years of demonstrated -commitment and involvement in the areat overall. Hprospects fcommaitydevelpmn, ill bestd serve our interest and those of the Y te to the integration of community and economic developmenl,s illrve provideas a theto City Commission with a rare source of insight which wi formulate realistic development policies. Again, our association strongly support and hope that we have your support in the nomination of Mr. Calhoun. Respectfully, Earl Wells, Chairman Executive Committee cc: Mr. Xavier Suarez, Mayor, City of Miami Members of the Miami City Commission - RESUME WILLIAM CALHOUN .� _ter-•-__ .. - __ . logo N.W. 53rd Street_____ --- - —� Miami, Florida 33127. - - has been good to me COMMUNITY SERVICE PHILOSOPHY: "As a merchant my community feel it in by allowing me lls or expertise I have 9 cumbent -to operate a successful business, thereforee,nI as a business - to share whatever knowledge, skiof life. person with my community to help enhance its over quality EDUCATION: Peck High Scholl Haines City, Florida Graduated 1947 San Deigo Jr. College Dade County (Southeast) Police Academy United States Air Force (21 years) CAREER & NAME OF BUSINESS TIME OF EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS: Present King The Taylor 6129 N.W. 7th Avenue Owner, Operator AAW Inc. Present 6127 N.W. 7th Avenue President' All -State Nurses Registery Present 6127 N.W. 7th Avenue Secretary/Treasurer City of Miami Police Retired COMMUNITY SERVIVCE & AFFILIATIONS: Miami -Dade Chamber of Commerce Edison Center Merchants Association Martin Luther King.Economic Development Corporation President's Council on Small Business Belafonte Tacolcy Youth Center Dade -Model City AdvisoryBoard (Past President) Manor Park improvement ion Miami -Northwestern High School PTA REFRENCES WILL BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST SG-4E It R E S U M E WILLIAM CALHOUN 1090 N.W. 53rd Street_-. - _ -- Miami , Florida 33127 _ - - - - --" has been good to me COMMUNITY SERVICE PHILOSOPHY: "As a merchant my ythe eforey I feel it incumbent by allowing me operate a successful business, to share whatever knowledge, skills or,XPtstoverallaquave lityeofalifebusiness- person with my community to help enhance EDUCATION: Peck High Scholl Haines City, Florida Graduated 1947 San Deigo Jr. College Dade County (Southeast) Police Academy United States Air Force (2} years) CAREER & TIME OF EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS: NAME OF BUSINESS King The Taylor Present 6129 N.W. 7th Avenue Owner, Operator AAW Inc. Present 6127 N.W. 7th Avenue President All -State Nurses Registery Present 6127 N.W. 7th Avenue Secretary/Treasurer City of Miami Police Retired COMMUNITY SERVIVCE & AFFILIATIONS: Miami -Dade Chamber of Commerce Edison Center Merchants Association Martin Luther King.Economic Development Corporation President's Council on Small Business Belafonte Tacolcy Youth Center Dade -Model City Advisoryocid (Past President) Manor Park Improvement ion Miami -Northwestern High School PTA REFRENCES WILL BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST t CARY DE LEON AND ASSOCIATES Public Relations Specialist -1-90.1 .Rr_ickell_Avenue,_Sui_te._B 908- --- - (305) 443 -__3 127 -- _ -- -. 44-3 7 3 -- -- --Miami, Florida- -33129— -- Extensive background in Public Relations, Fashion Merchandising, Advertising and Retail Management; numerous media contacts and er's front frequent appearances in magazines and local nePolitical Public page; rapid and effective advertising campaigns; Relations, Community Activist. MAYFAIR IN THE GROVE Coconut Grove, Florida Director of Customer and Public Relations Liaison between management and merchants using my public relations skills in every area regarding people + fashion at Mayfair in the Grove. ess, and Extremely successful in creating wand evidencedabybitsnhigh visibin promoting MAYFAIR-IN-THEROVEas on lity in the Miami-eyelouGtovcreateroe lthisnprofileainclude;scene. Projects which I d Ped * Organized Fund Raising party at REGINEIS. * 1984 and 1985 MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT, Greater Miami Host Committee Co -Chairman, Special Events/Hispanic Division. * Arranged and coordinated activities to entertain Miss Universe contestants and international celebrities into the Miami community. * Hosted, organized and coordinated schedules and Pigeant requirements for contestants shoppingspree dinner at "Faces in the Grove". * Presented HARPER'S BAZAAR and MAYFAIR'S Fashion Show at Mayfair, in conjunction with Harpers Fashion Director, for over 1,200 guests. Coordinated European high fashion cloth- ing and selected professional models and selected Fashion Snow Photographs for display at the Coconut Grove Play- house.el * Organized Children Fashion Show for the "Liga Contra awell Cancer" and selected local children for modeling as the Mayfair Fashions. SG -46 00 L] * Arranged formal dinner at the request of COUNT and COUNTESS MOET CHANDON for a large number of guests greeting visiting celebreties at Latour Restaurant at Mayfair. * Prepared Fashion Show/Fund Raising Party at the Grand Bay Hotel inCoconut Grove, for the benefit_ of ST. ALBAN'S —CHILDREN_ NURSERY SCHOOL.- �* Directed and coordinated the promotional slide present- ation for the January 1985 Pre -Opening of the Mayfair House Hotel, featuring Mayfair and Coconut Grove sites. Actively engaged in: MISS UNIVERSE CORONATION BALL. NIGHT OF THE STARS A SAFARI GALA promoting the record, "Cantard Cantards" (I will Sing You Will sing), to benefit suffering people in Africa, Latin America and other needy countries around the world. FOUNDER OF THE BARRY UNIVERSITY INTERAMERICAN COUNCIL. CANDYLAND LUNCHEON, Children's Home/Society for Abused Children. Fashion Committee of the International Center. companies based in Public Relations Representative for several the Miami and Coral Gables area. AFFILIATIONS Women in Sales Cuban Women's Club Liga Contra el Cancer Mayfair Cultural Advisory Board Salvation Army Campaign Committee Coalition, Hispanic American Women American Red Cross, Hispanic Division Urban League for Hispanic Development Business and Professional Women's Club Dade County Federation of Women's Clubs Miami Film Festival, 1984 Social Division Latin Business and Professional Women's Club Spanish American League Against Discrimination Ladies Auxiliary of the American Cancer Society Young Women's Christian Affiliations, Greater Miami Interamerican Businessmen's Association Pentland Hall Auxiliary The Women's Network Miami is for Me I It MEMBERSHIPS Manatee Bay Club, Grove isle Club, Big Five Club, Tiger Bay C lub, Regine's, Ensign Bitters at Mayfair. and DISTINCTIONS - -- 3 AMERICAN RED CROSS Certificate of Appreciation for coordination of the 1984 fund-raising Fashion Show brought to Omni -Miami The money raised and attended by 900 guests. tripled that o the previous year. Diploma "LIGA CONTRA EL CANCER" (Latin Cancer Association) for fund-raising and other efforts on their behalf. Diploma from the SAINT ALBAN'S SCHOOL in Coconut Grove. Honoring Plaque as founder of the INTERAMERICAN COUNCIL of Barry University. Women's Chamber -of Commerce of South Florida. GREATER MIAMI HOST COMMITTEE/Miss Miss Universe 1985 Trophy from Luncheon. Plaque Latin Business and Professional Womens Club; -Woman of the Year, 1985. -AF.SIJME OF QUALIFICATIONS E,i•.+ard Duffie 1 6113 N.W. 7th Avenue Telephone: (305) 759-4321 Miami, Florida 33127 a EDUCATION' -- "- - Certificate -Banking `fanagement -I9"i7 American Institute of -Banking M mt. M.S. - 1981- Honorary -Banking g Florida Memorial College Diploma - High School SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUNDS: ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ORGANIZATIONS & ACTIVITIES: Vice -President, Miami Capital Bank- operatster.asu supervise adminsitratived manage the banks r operations, p and Support Staff; As chief Adminis- trative responsible for the investmen porfolio and other fiscal matters related to the anks financial stability; to ensure that the banks loan program loans are adequately backed by in collateral atheoabilityldutoals repayearly demonstrate Improve the banks overal valuation of bonds by raising the banks bond ratings form B to AA... Board of Directors - Florida Memorial College - Scott Carver Board of Directors y.M.C.A. _ Martin Luther King Board Directors Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors - Miami Capital Development Corporation REFERENCES WILL BE FURNISHED ON REQUEST 41.7 8(;- 6 HENRY GEORGEFERRO 3� ATTORNEY AT LAW • ^ SUITE All 6 MIAMI MAIIONAL BANK BUILDING 7 - 8101 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD { MIAMI. FLORIDA 33138 305/759.5555 _ January._6_, 1986 _ s- iDepartment of Community Development 1145 Northwest lith Street Miami, Florida 33136 In re: Advisory Board to City Commission on "Community Development Money Dear Sirs: I am writing in response to an appeal issued through The Neighbors section of eThe Miami Herald regarding the above -referenced Advisory Enclosed please find a copy of my resume in support of my application to serve on this board. I have eli ed inchool1 since 1965, having attended Archbishop a member of to the Dade the and the University of Miami. I am presently committee on "Inter -group Relations" advisory presently reside at 1233 No a practicing attorney rtheast County School Board. I P y in Miami. For the 81 Terrace and am past three years I have served Richtsas sineadditionthe toCatholic various League for Religious and Civil_ other civic associations. that I Based upon my background and experience, I bouneVerofessional can be of great thatvalue one mustthis serveoard" as a and assist the development who believes of his community. If I can be of any assistance in explaining any aspect of my credentials, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Thank you for any consideration that may be shown to me regarding this application. Sincerely, �L O Henr eorge Ferro, Esq. HGF/mm Enclosure HENRY GEORGE FERRO ATTORNEY AT LAW SUITE Li • MIAMI NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 8101 BIScAYNE BOULEVARD MIAMI, FLOPioA 33138 305/759.5555 Personal: Place of Birth: Date of Birth: Marital Status: RRIC CUULUM VITAE New York City, New York April 6, 1958 Single Academic: Dayton, Ohio. Juris Doctor, May/1983. Universit of Da ton, December/1978. Coral Universit of Miami, Bachelor of Arts, Gab11 les, Florida. Honors: ed Service Award, Public Interest Law Bank, Dade Distinguish May/1984. Society, County Bar Association, Historical Honorary Member of Phi Alpha Theta, Society, University of Miami. polictical Science Honorary Member of Pi Sigma Alpha, University of Miami. of Miami. Dean's List, University 1976. on American High School Students, Recipient of Clara Abbot Foundation scholarship. Selected to "Who s Who Am Associations: American Bar Association ssociation• American Trial Lawyers Catholic Lawyer's Guild. Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. Dade County Bar Association. ights of Columbus, Council #Ri7 fveerr Chapter. Lion's International, Little Miami Shore's Me's Golf AsScelation• Fraternity. North Dade Chamberal Phi Delta Phi international Association. University of Day 8f —46 ' University of Miami Alumni Association. Work Experience: june¢1983 -to Present—Practicing-Attorneyr-- - - --- - - - -- _ 1981/82T-Dayton Human--Relationsouncil as alegal Enterprisesrin the Duties included assisting Minority Business preparation and submission of Contract Bids ototthe OhioY of Dayton, preparation and review Of pamphlet i Landlord/Tenant Statute, and review and dinance pertaining tosistance Minority1Businessthe ocess of submitting city or Enterprises and Minority City Contracts. Other Items: Member of Advisory Board on Inter -group Relations to the Dade County School Board, 1985 to present. President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, Florida Chapter. July/1983 to present. Vice -President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil -- Rights, Southeast Florida Chapter, 1982-83. Member of the Guardian Ad Litem Program in Dade County, as a Pro - Bono Attorney, 1983 to Present. Chairman of the 17thS3ngressional District Action Committee, August/1982 to May/19to Life, Inc. Member of Advisory Board to Borsar mbernto Life tEducation Center, Treasurer and Board o Inc., 1983-84. Magister of Phi Delta Phi International Legal Fraternity, University of Dayton, Stewart Inn, 1981-82.to the Representative of the University faDathenUniversity ofLaw Indiana 1981 Midwest Conference of (Bloomington, Indiana). Member of the "Health Law Coo itheeFloridalBarvAssociation, 1984- Responsibilities Committee 85. Speak, Read and Write Spanish fluently. References: Upon Request. 8f►_48 w - 't Sun Sank/Miami, N.A. • Brickell Avenue Office John D. Pennekamp, Jr. _ _sroor vw ar.51d«n--. — --- — - - - - - - - — - - i January 8, 1986 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I am pleased to submit the name of Pedro Gonzalez to be considered for appointment to the City of Miami's Citizen Advisory Board for Community Development. Mr. Gonzalez is vice president and branch manager of Sun I Bank's Riverside banking center, 100 N.W. i2th Avenue. feel certain that his experience in the Little Havana com- munity and his involvement in groups such as the Kiwanis Club of Little Havana make him eminently qualified for the advisory position. Additionally, he has an eagerness to serve his community. I recommend him to you without hesitation or reservation. 777 Brickell Avenue/Miami, Florida 33131 /Telephone (305) 579 7242 SE-46 Pedro L. Gonzalez 8305 Menteith Ter. Miami Lakes cation: Miami .D�eeof°A�ts1ty Degreeleg980 Associate -- —-----Suri �anTks o Supervisory -Course and -various -- other professional seminars Professional: Sun Bank/Miami Vice President and Branch Manager Riverside Center, 1982 to present Palmetto Center, 1981 to 1982 Various other supervisory positions, 1976 to 1981 Franklin Finance 1970 to 1976 Office Manager, director Community Involement: Him sanicCHeb of Little Havana, director p Ea Secretary the Havana Cow itv Development Co Secretary member Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Chai man s Club, founding member member CAL (Latin Chamber of Commerce) Leadership Miami, member Born December 17, 1947 Personal: Married, two children Excellent health . Veteran, United States Army t RESUME T Rolf D. Johnson phone (305) 445-5000 3936 Main HighwaY coconut Grove, Florida 33133 _ -- - - of the-Phi.liPPjhes, B.B.A. �ACTIaN _University Business Alistration 1967-1970 PRpFESSIpNAL: State of Florida-catmleted Rea]- Estate course at Miami L•nivessity June 10, 1974 License State of Florida -Real Estate Broker State of Florida -Mortgage Solicitor Licen---e Certified, Residential Broom' EXPERMXE: Bernards Restaurant, Carriage House 1971-1974 4100 Collins Aver Miami Beach' Florida ager Position: Assistant Food and BeVerage Man Reason for leaving: Business Sold. Centry 21 Real Estate 1974-1976 Lakeland, Florida Position: Real Este Associate to South Florida. Reason for liaving: To relocate coconut GroVe Realty Grove Florida 33133 1976-1980 3464 Main Highway, coconut Position; ercial. manager. �m premiere Properties Inc" Realty Florida 33133 1980-PE ESM 3936 Main Highway ► coconut Grove position; owner/Broker DM:Married; Maria Victoria Johnson, �Y 1973. ivate Becc[MnYenter of The Citywide Board e pre �ty�U- ion. CBjECTIVE: sector acting as an advisory carmi. the citizens of Miami for my g� �� To repay h active voluntary civic forture throug It of the crmr participation for the beef muni.ty. F"nJERE PK PEKTIES.INC. 3936 Main Highway Coconut Grove. FL 33133 == W j (305) 445.5000 SG-4k H MERXL.-T & SACASAS ' ♦ ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS 1200 NEW WORLD TOWER 100 NORTH BISCAYNE BOULEVARD MIAMI. FLORIDA 33132 3TEWART A. MtOKIN 11[N[ tACASAS _ _---_- December 30, 1985 i Mr. Frank Castaneda Director Department of Community Development City of Miami 1145 N. W. llth Street Miami, Florida 33136 t Eco11MFyppME�NT -- TELtPMONt 130g1 3S8 • AO32 Re: City of Miami Citywide Community Development Advisory Board Dear Mr. Castaneda: eration I have enclosed a copy of my personal resume fof MiamiCitywide for appointment to the newly reconstituted City Community Development Advisory Board. I have served on the existing Citywide Board since 1982, serving om as Vice Chairman during 1982 anmbe r of nthehDowntowairman n Community 1983 to the present time, and was a me oard prior to that time. In addition o Development Advisory B and working in the City of Miami, I am active in other living affairs. I feel that my experience with the City an Community te for a City and Community would makh position on the new Board,, esentative.er as the 2Downtown table nor aaBusiness e and Financial Community P Very truly yours, Stewart A. Merkin SAM:ecg E nc . sG-4E r T PERSONAL RESUME OF STEWART A. MERKIN Home: 4490 Lake Road Office: Merkin & Sacasas Miami, Florida 33137 Attorneys at Law1200 New World Tower 100 N. Biscayne Blvd. Miami, Florida 33132 PERSONAL DATA Date of Birth: February 16, 1943 Place of Birth: Easton, Pennsylvania Marital Status: Married, Three Children Occupation: Attorney at Law Military Status: Yieu First Lieutenant, United States COMMUNITY AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES cityof Miami Citywide CommuVice Chairmanent19821so198Board, Chairman: 1983 - present, Cityof Miami Bond Advisor Committee, 1984 Miami Ca ital Deve o ment Inc. Boar o Directors an Sxe-cutsAssociation,ve tBoard ofBDirectors BayPoint Property -Owner South Florida Counci Bo Scouts of America, Boar of Directors and Executive Committee Dade Count Bar Association The F on a Bar American Bar Association EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Cornell University, Cornell Law School J. D., 1972 Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration MBA, 1971 Wharton School of Finance and University of Pennsylvania, Commerce B. S. in Economics, 1965 86-44 r.. RALPH H• 1%"I0ZO y; t ' p,N. MDZO - J22� B1FCA33 900 APT E-2 MIAM1. - -- . 16. Commission on Community Developmen Resumae for "Board of Advisors" —to City _ _ -RALP_H HAROLD M020 3224 Biscayne Blvd. Apt. E-2 4 Miami, Fla. 33137 Tel:305/634-7150 Owner and operator for the past 5 years of Allaa2a'"ah A AAAce U-Stor-iT L a mini warehouse,1450 N.W. 36 St.,Mia , laduated Born in Levy Co. Fla. Moved to S.E. Fla. in 1921�gs Band from Redlands High School. Played in the Hollywood eBoy's under 3 esyears. LaMonica. Graduated MB.S. Degrreiami Band ehPsycBhology and Education, Caesar Berry College, Rome, Ga. ts of America. Retired after 32 Graduate training;Boy Scou years of professional service, as a professional, Administrative Executive with 8 years with the Boy Scouts of America National Office, New York, e s traveling to every State in the U.S.A..The f the South final 8 years of Scouting as Boy c Out Council, serving Dade, Broward MonroeeCounties�supervising Florida 11 Staff Members, and 7 office staff. rica in 1966, and became Retired from the Boy now at 1450 N.W. the Real Estate Broker of SoutCommercialRand tlndustrial. 36 St.,Miami, Fla., primarily Now: semi -retired. Physically and mentally able to serve my Community as a volunteer Worker.. I have served as American Red Cross DisasteroRelief 1Worker, e Life Saving, and at present act I served as an in Hurricane preparedness and service.For 8 years, Instructor in Auto OrivPegsons)tyAlso,the as a•former(memberaof the Association of Retired gem cutting Miami Gem & Lapidary , I served as an Instructor in g and lapidary work at the Museum of Science. Dade for the last I have lived and worked in Dade County, 29 years. 86-4E ANGEL R. RODRIGUEZ L, PERSONAL HISTORY AND BUSINESS BACKGROUND Angel R. Rodriguez is 51 years of,age. He is married to Gladys V. Rodriguez, a Registered Pharmacist, who at the present time is not practicing her pro-_ fe_ sion_ since -she -has - joined -her-husband- in -the operation of all the McDonald's -they--own. They have two sons and one daughter, from 20 - 23 years of age. The two sons are Store Managers in his organization. Angel R. Rodriguez has an extensive business background. His first experience dates back to 1959, when he graduated from Havana University as a C. P. A. with a B. S. Degree in kcounting. He also attended Spring Arbor Junior College, y Spring Arbor, Michigan. After 28 years of practicing public accounting with firms such as Hurdman and Cranston, Penny & Co.; and Harris Kerr and Forster, he also practiced for eight years as a sole accounting practitioner in New York City under the name of Rodriguez and Associates. The firm of Rodriguez and Associates had among its clients 14 McDonald's Restaurants, which prompted Mr. Rodriguez decision to sell his accounting practice and investments in New York City to move to Florida to join the McDonald's system. Angel R. Rodriguez has felt success in every avenue of the McDonald's system since he opened his first MCDbnald's in January 1980. He placed the Tamiami Trail store, from the lowest volume of sales of all the Southeast Florida region, above the McDonald's $1,200,000 average sale in less than three years. He has been honored with the most prestigious award in the owners community, known as the Ronald McDonald Award. This award is given for projecting t'�e professional McDonald's image throughout the community, combined with excellence in McDonald's operation. This is the first time in the -history of an owner/operator to win this award in the Ft. Lauderdale Region. In 1983, McDonald's offered Mr. Rodriguez his second store in Downtown Miami. In 1984, he opened his third store in Hialeah and in November 1985 McDonald's offered him his fourth store in the growing area known as Blue Lagoon, next to the Miami International Airport. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the following civic organizations: Kiwanis Club of Little Havana,- Elected second Vice President and is ex -Assistant Treasurer, in the Executive Committee and Committee Co - Chairman in the "Calle Ocho" Open House Festival. Downtown Miami Business Association - Vice President of the Board of Directors. Ronald McDonald House of South Florida, University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital.- Member at Large and ex -Treasurer of the Executive Committee. Cuban National Planning Council -"Member of Executive Committee. _ McDonald's Southeast Florida Owner's Association - Ex -Treasurer of the Executive Committee. Presently running for Secretary. Mr. Rodriguez also is a sponsor of the Dade Partners, which sponsors various ele- mentary schools of the Dade County Public School System. Angel R. Rodriguez and Gladys V. Rodriguez and their family have become outstanding members of the community, and have made McDonald's Restaurant the focal Point the community. n� f005.MtarnAv-<_ �(cDcr)CtIa5- per "Ift- SE-4 V - RESUME k• , Personal Data Isidoro 0. Rodriguez Tel. (305) 324-1124 Address: Bus. 1959 N.W. 22 St. - - - _----- -- - -- - FU--33142 -- -- - - -- Tel. ( 305 ) 221 -9333 Res_--M4ami5�FL� 1233A75� Date of Birth: November 20 1913 Place of Birth: Santiago de Cuba Citizenship: U.S.A. Marital Status: Married, two sons and one daughter Education High School.(Specialized in Business Administration) Business Present: President, Very Best Foods, Inca Miami, FL'- Presidente, Compania Nacional de Alimentos S.A. San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Alimentos Cariari, S.A. San Jose, Costa Rica, Director Experience In U.S.A. President National Food Industries, Inc. President International Trading Co. President Josimar Investment Inc. President Tropical Banana Corp. President National Wholesale Corp. Member of the Board of Directors of International Bank. Other Countries President Porteadora Cubana de Cargdos a. S.A. ( 1950)Papers) President Productos Sen $eguros President Representaciones y President Cadena Nacional, de Combustibles S.A. Community and Civic Organizations In U.S.A. i:Inc. Member Board of Directors of Miami Capital Development Member Miami Citywide Community Development Advisory Board Chairman of the Board of Directors of Allapattah Community Action, Inc. President Asociacion del Distrito Comercial a Industrial de las Americas Santiago de Cuba en el Member of the Board o` Municipio de Exilio, ex -President. SE-4E r r 1 t Member of Big Five Club. c, of the State of Protective Member of Salesman sso American Chamber Florida. of Com- Ex -Director Public Relations Latin - - merce, . Interamerican Businessmen Association. Ex -Director Internacional of_Allapattah. Ex -Director Sunshine Lions Club. r Ex -Member of the Board ofY.M.C.A_ -- Out -of U.S.-A.- - — - - Industriade (Honduras) Member of Camara de Comercio a Industria de la Habana. " Camara de Comercio a = Club de Leones, Havana. Cor�odoro Yatch Club, Havana. dCubaCuba. d Santiagontiago aVice-President. Camara -de Comercio Yatch i Ciudamar Club Nautico, Santiago de Cuba. Santiago de Cuba. vista Alegre Ten nis Club, Action Ciudadana, Director. 86-46 MARIA ELENA TORANO while many factors combined -to enable Maria Elena Torano become one of Florida's foremost business and public affairs consultants, the principal determinant has been her total commitment to work and to the community she lives in. Quick mind and capacity for grasping intricate issues, and their wider national and international implications, are her marks of distinction. More important, her understanding of fellow citizens, the ability to empathize with people, to make them bridge differences and strive for the same cause, are the attributes that helped her to succeed in every professional activityshe has undertaken in the public and private sectors during her career. Mrs. Torano's career had humble beginnings. She was able to advance professionally in what at that time was a limited job market and an ambiance generally unsympathetic to women in most fields of endeavor. Thus her achievements have to be viewed differently than those of others who easily move up the corporate or administrative ladder supported by influential friends and powerful family connections. Mrs. Torano did it all by herself. Today she Hi s among leaders Influentials," a list of the nation's most prominent spanic published annually by the California magazine Hispanic Business. In 1960, when the then 22-year-old mother of an infant son arrived with her husband in Miami, one of many virtually penniless Cuban refugees, who realized that she had to contribute toward the maintenance of her family. That became even more of a necessity 18 months later, when her husband, member of the Bay of Pigs Brigade, was a prisoner in theuba and failed she had another son born while his father participate invasion of the island. 86-4E 4 MARIA ELENA TORARO 1 While many factors combined- to enable Maria Elena Torano become one of Florida's foremost business and public affairs consultants, the principal determinant has been her total commitment to work and to the community she lives in. Quick mind and capacity for grasping intricate issues, and their wider national and international implications, are her marks of distinction. More important, her understanding of fellow citizens, the ability to empathize with people, to make them bridge differences and strive for the same cause, are theattributes that helped her to succeed in every professional activity she has undaken in the public and private sectors during her career. Mrs. ToraMO 's career had humble beginnings. She was able to advance professionally in what at that time was a limitedmarket job eand rn ambiance generally unsympathetic to women in most fields Thus her achievements have to be viewed differently than those of others who easily move up the corporate or administrative ladder supported by influential friends and powerful family connections. Mrs. Torano did it all by herself. Today she is among "100 Influentials," a list of the nation's most prominent Hispanic leaders published annually by the California magazine Hispanic Business. In 1960, when the then 22-year-old mother of an infant son arrived with her husband in Miami, one of many virtually penniless Cuban refugees, who realized that she had to contribute toward themaintenancelaterof her her family. That became even more of a necessity 18 months husband, member of the Bay of Pigs Brigade, was a prisoner in theCuba ailed and she had another son born while his father participated invasion of the island. 86-4E - -- —When - she could not find - a white collar- job desp its 'her New Orleans- - private school and the University of Havana education, Mrs. Torano worked in a bakery and later in a laundry. Only in 1962, her experience as home economics teacher in Havana helped her obtain a similar position in the Dade County School System. Between 1965 and mid 1968, she worked in the State of Florida Department of Public Welfare where she became Supervisor of Family and Children's Services. For the next eight years, she was employed in the private sector both in Miami and in San Juan, Puerto Rico, obtaining experience and discovering her predilection for community and public affairs work. As a public relations representative of Eastern Airlines, she rapidly advanced in the company being responsible for promotion programs in major U.S. cities served by the airline. She did industry analyses and devised programs to increase Eastern's penetration of U.S. Hispanic markets. The strategy she was instrumental in formulating has helped handsomely the company ever since. Mrs. Torano's work as director of -Latin American Affairs at e University of Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital, between lair and lath enlarged her knowledge of the media, both print and o broadcast. She o assisted Jackson Memorial, the largest hospital i S communicate with hundreds of thousands of Hispanics staweekly who use its services. Among other tasks, she produced and educational program on WLTV, Channel 23 in Miami. Her job also called for maintaining ongoing contacts with representatives of all segments of Dade County's population. She began to be sought out as a member of the Miami area's most prestigious organizations, being appointed, among others, to the County's Council of Arts and Sciences. -Because-of -her-atriiity to easily -ingrain into the life of Dade County, _ Mrs. Torano became recognized as a leader in that bi-cultural community. She began to be regarded as a model for Hispanic -American women to follow. She spoke openly about public affairs and politics. Taking active part in these activities, she challenged the traditional Latin concept that women should defer to men in all important matters. That attitude, which she and other Cuban -American professionals pioneered at the time, is now accepted as a natural state of affairs in the Miami area. Her reputation as a civic leader became known nationally and in 1977 she was appointed Associate Director for Public Affairs of the U.S. Community Services Administration, being the highest ranking Cuban American woman in the Federal Government at the time. During her three year stay in Washington, D.C., Mrs. Torano acquired experience at the national level, having dealt with the Federal agencies and their representatives in all regions of the country. That experience was broadened by her work, between 1979'and 1980, as president of the National Association of Spanish Broadcasters, also in the nation's capital. By mid 1980, she was back in Miami deciding to enter the private sector as owner of her own business, META, Inc., of which she has been president since. During the last five years at the helm of META, Mrs. Torano has been a consultant to a large number of corporations, many of them national and international organizations, and to public sector agencies. Her professional activities have taken her to most cities of the United States and to many foreign countries. She has successfully coordinated a number of programs that require close government -business cooperation. In her work, she has developed a solid, practical approach which stands her in good stead in dealing with clients in business and government, both of which she believes must be accessible and responsive to be successful with the public. 86-48 O u 4�L 4 FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK January 3,_ 1986— Department of Community Development 1145 NW 11th St. Miami, FL 33136 Re: Community Development Advisory Board To Whom it may concern: Enclosed please find my resumeeoAdvisoifiBaoaTans in response to the recent drive Board - for new members to serve on the Advisory Estate Please note that I currently am employed as a Commercialaamvery interestedninrservh very _ Florida National Bank of Miami (Phone: 545-3196=ivate sector. In specific, Z ing as one of the 5 members selected from mothe private tunity in meeting with the target would actively participate and enjoy PP area members of our community. community and every effort must be made on This is an essential program to our our part to ensure that optimum nbeachitarget areaved from the Federal Community Development Block Grant Money i I believe that I would bea very acin Co�nerciale and lved RealmEstate financingof this dlican Board and as a banker specializing articular field which might prove to be add a certain level of expertise in my p advantageous. Sincerely, J*q��w X 'Ioom� V 000� Steven Winner Commercial Real Estate Lender SW:xsm Encls.- MIAMI (305) 373-1 l POST OFFICE BOX 524263A/ 169 EAST FLAGLER STREET / ML4MI. FLORIDA 33I52-4263 / 86-48 I r f STEVEN A. WINNER ti RESUME QUALIFICATIONS L 7731 S.W. 100th Street Telephone: (305) 596-1531 Miami, Florida 33156 '- -OBJECTIVE; - A position with a rapidiy eRparnding financial/investment"s institutoon witc oPPotcun�ty - to actively pursue'a career path towards senior management. - - EDUCATION 2 years Academic Studies in Public Relations/Business/University of Florida Executive & Special Programs in Computer Science/University of Miami Real Estate Analvsis/Appraisal/ Broward Communitv College ` Bachelor of Science in English Literature, minor in Public Relations, GPA 3.69, in major 4.0 University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, 1984 EXPERIENCE 1984 — Present Barnett Bank of South Florida, N.A. Commercial Real Estate Lending Officer • Actively manage a collective Commercial Real Estate Loan Portfolio • Responsible for overseeing Commercial Real Estate Loan Production for Barnett Banks South West Broward region (new business) • Involved in underwriting, modifying, extending and monitoring new construction/interim Commercial Real Estate Loans • Present loan request with credit analysis to Execute Loan Committee • Additional experience obtained in Barnett Banks Special Assets/Loan Workout Division 1983 - 84 SAC Construction Company, Miami, Florida Estimators Assistant itions as well as leasing completed properties • Worked with estimators on contract negota • Submitted construction draws to lending institutions • Obtained work permits and CO's from Dade County Building and Zoning • Reviewed bid proposals and coordinated subcontracting schedules 1982 -84 University of Miami. Department of English Assistant to the Chairman offerings to actively assist the Department in increasing • Developed a catalogue of course o enrollment • Supervised the budget for the department 1982 - 83 • Developed alumni campaign contribution drive 1982 - 84 1981 - 82 Cole Realty of Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida Realtor Associate • Represented Realtor in the Gainesville/Ocala area • Specialized in Estate Sales, particularly ranch land • Developed Multi -Media presentations for prospective out of town investors actively marketing commercial property 86-46 HONORS Phi Kappn Phi .(National Honorarv), Golden Key (National Honorary), Scholarship receipiant, College of Arts & Science Alumni Bowman/Ache Merit Scholarship, Deans List 1982 - 84, Graduated with Honors/University of Miami ADDITIONAL Bunk Seminars & Course Work 1984 Barnett Bank INDUSTRY Real Estate Loan Documentation, &_Kni he -- _RELATED EDUCATION _ Leasehold_ financing, Holland Future Advances, Title Insurance, Smith &Mandler-- _' SL SEMINARS Smith & Barnett Bank International Division Letters & Around Wrap Mortgages, Trusts p Reviewing, Modifying & Extending Loans, Smith & Mandler Commercial Loan Policies & Procedures, Barnett Bank UCC article 9, Britton & Cohen The Borrower as an Entity, Barnett Bank Monitoring the Construction Loan, Barnett Bank Financial Analysis, Barnett Bank Credit Policy, Barnett Bank Mortgage Bankers of America Fall Workshop, Miami, Florida • City of Miami, Chamber of Commerce, Motion Picture/Television task force EXTRA CURRICULAR • Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce, West task force ACTIVITIES • Miami Design Preservation League, Patron Chairman, University of Miami Lecture Series of the Lecture Series, contacted agents, reserved concert halls, • Coordinated all aspects directed publicity, oversaw budget. Bacchus (Boosting Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students) Board member. facilitated group seminars that dealt with educating students on the hazards • Organized and of irresponsible drinking United Way Campaign Director Dept. of English, University of Miami, 1982 - 84 Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity, Gainesville, Florida _ LICENSURE Licensed Florida Real Estate Salesman REFERENCES Available upon request 86-46 _._ar-..__.-.