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J-86-130 (M-86-19) �6 " 94 (1-9-66) RESOLUT. ON 140 A RESOLUTION FORMALIZING MOTiON NO. 86-19 OF JA14UARY 9, 19861 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 85-1099, ADOPTED OCTOBER 24, 1985, AS hWENDED, Which ALLOCATED AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000 FROM SPLCJ*AL PROGRAMS AND ACCOU14T'S - CONTiNGENT FUND TO COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC. 16 SUPPORT OF THE V.LRRICK GYM YOUTH BOXING PROGRAM; BY AMENDING SECTION 11 1NCREAS)ING THE ALLOCATION TO AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $ j 5 , 000 AND FURTHER AU'2H0R1'LiNG THE LiTY MA14AGER ';G EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE GOVERNING AGREEMENT WITH COCONUT GROVES CARES, 1NL-, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY; 1'URTHER AMEND.NG RESULUTiUN 65-1024, ADOPTED UCTOBER 10, 1985, WHICH ALLOCATED FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 PLR MONTH FOR TWENTY (20) MUNTHS FROM JANUARY 1, 1985 TO SEPTEMBER .,C), 1986, FROM SPECIAL PROGRA-iS AND ACCOUNTS - CuN': iNGENT FUND, iN SUPPORT OF A REDUCTION IN RENTAL FEES AT THE COCONUT GLOVE EX1iIBiT.LU1'4 CENTER FUR COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC.; BY AMENDING SECTION iNCREAS. NG SAID SUPPORT by AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $4o, uoko WHICH MikY BE i%PPL.LED RETROikCTiVELY FROM OCTOBER 1, 1985 '20 SEPTEMBER 30, 1986, WITH SAID ADDI'I'IUNAL, AMOUNT TO BE ALLOCATED FROM CONTRIbUTj.ONS - ENTERPRi5E FUND. WHEREAS, the City Commission, via Resolution 85-1u99, of 5 October 24, 1985, allocated funds in the amount not. to exceed $25,000 to Coconut Grove Cares, Inc., in support of the Youth boxing Program at the Viri ick Gyre►; and t { WHEREAS, the City Commission, via Resolution 85-iU24, of Oc:tobe-i- 10, 1965, allocated a sum not to exce.:ed $2, 00U per month i for twenty (20) months (from January 1, 1965 to Septecnber .30, 198b), in support of a reduction in rellLal fees at thy: coconut Grove Exhibition Center for Coconut Grove Cares, itic. 111 l conjunction with its Antigua and Jewelry Siiows; and } WHEREAS, The City Commission expressed its interest v.La Motion _30.86-19 to increase the support of the Youth Boxing program an additional amount not to exceed $10,000 (front $25,uuij to ) $35,00u), and to increaso the support of runtai fac CITY COMUS� S p an additional amount not to exceed $40, uUu which ma b 4j MMW OF on a per usago basis ratroactively from Uc;tober 1, 5 i; i �s fee 6aptemb2r emu, 1986. LKS. " 94 -� a.w 4 N i Nuva, ` liLREF'ORL:, BE LT kL0'6LVLb by THL C:ON1,1j-6S LON vt' '111L C;iTY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Suctioll 1 . ReSUlutloll No. �5-, i79,-) uuupted uc:tober 24, 1985, as am,:nded, is hereby furttler amended by amending Section 1 thereof as toilows`. "Sec: boll i . An amuuuL not to oxceed rr f} �35, uf)O is lltreby allocated from Special Programs and hccounts - Contingent Fund to Coconut Grove Cures itl support or the Virrick Gyhl Youth Boxing Program for the cost of operacing uxpenses for 1965-�98b - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 11 Section 2. The City Mduagur is hereby authorized to execute all ame'-Idmullt to Llie agreement of Coconut Gl:ovi: �.:ares, 121C:. , in connection with tile funding (jrant as specified in -she afol:Q1nelltion,.'d :ieC ti0I1 i . SO :tlon J . RQsolutio,l 85-iu24, auopted October iu, 1985, is hereby amelided by amending Section 1 thereof as follows 1. "Section 1. Ali aiQount not to oxcoud $2, kJOu per month for twenty (2u ) months fro2n January 1, 1965 Lnrough September jo, 1966, is huroby aliocateCl from Speciui Proyr:Arri and Accounts - Contingent Fund, and an additional amount riot to exceed $4U, 000 which may be applied on a per usage b�isis retroactively from October i, 1965 ttliougn jeptenlbor 30, 19U6, is llQreby aliocated from Contributions - Enturprisu F'unu, in support of a reduction in rental fees at the Coconut Grove Exhivition CenLer for C00011uL Groves C:arc:s, Inc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 11 PASSED AND ALOP'iEll ttlis 13th day of FEBRUARY , 1986. '45;L. oe/- . ;4.41 VIER L. SUARE , MAY R 1- TTES" . Matt Hirai, City Clerk 1 viords and/or figurers stricken through shall be deisted . underscored words and/or figures shall be added. Remaining ,provisions are now in effuct and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate onunitted and unchanged material. %16 - z x U0 , TtiLLREFORE, BE iT RL:30LVLb BY THE C:OMHj-jS.LUtJ ok, THE CiTy OF M1AM1, FLORIDA: Suc:tlolt 1. Resolution No. �;-lt���9, Adupted October 24, 1985, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 1 thereof as toilowsl: "Sec Leon i. An amounL not to oxceed �25,0 0 �35,uOo is hereby ii1ocated from Special Programs and Accounts - Contingent Fund to Coconut Grove: Cares In support of the Virrick Gym Youth Boxing Program for tine cost of operating expenses for 1985-�986. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *If Section 2. The City Mauage:r is hereby authorized to execute an amendment to clte ayreumotit of CoconuL Grovu Cares, 1nc:., Ln connection with tile funding grant as specified in r.he aioretnention%.:d Section 1. Soc:tlon ,. RusoluLioa 85-Lu24, adopted October iG, 19£55, is hereby amended by amending Section 1 thereof as follows 1. "Section 1. An amount not to O-xc�e:d $2, uOo per month for r twenty (2E) months from January 1, 19d5 Lurough September jO, 1966, is hereby allocated from Spec lui Proyr"m and Accounts - Contingent Fund, and an additional amount not Lo exceed $40,000 wlilcl-i may be applied on s per usage basis retroactively from October i, 1965 Llt�ougn Septembor 30, 19UG6, is hereby allocated truth Contributions - Enterprise Fund, in support of a reduction in rental fees at the Coconut Grove Exhibition Center for COQQIIUL Groves Cdros, Inc:. * * * * * * * * * * * If * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PASSED A14D AL'OP12ED this 13th clay of FEBRUARY 198(b. VIER L. SUARE , MAY R ATTEST/: For Hiatt Hirai, City Clerk -J- Words and/or figures strickttt through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. Remaining provisions are now itl effect and remain uncitdtige_d. Asterisks r indicate omtnitted and unchanged material. $6-�- PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: R be, oert 11. c x Chief i-)upuL- CiLy nk-Loi.,noy APPROVED AS TO FURIvI RIND CORRECTNESS: / ® �'©� � /��\/_�� Luc-Lci City Attorney CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIOA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 27 TO. Lucia A. Dougherty DATE: February 6, 1986 FILE: I City Attorney suaJr cT: Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. ATTN: Robert F. Clark Chief Deputy City Attorney FROM: Cesar H • Odic REFERENCES: Agenda Item for City Manager February 13, 1986 ENCLOSURES: COMM ission Meeting j This memorandum acknowledges receipt of an approved Resolution formalizing Motion #86-19 which was adopted at the January 9, 1986 City i Commission Meeting concerning Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. cc: Gorman Daniels, Acting Director Department of Parks and Recreation 86 - 94